#chloe is a close second tho
What I wanted to happen before the girls went back to their time. Part 2
(For little context part 1 here)
Red was anxious.
Something was up with Bridget.
She doesn't want to bring it up. Chloe would normally do that. At least she nudges her to say it.
But Chloe is having the time of her life looking through Bridget's closet. Not noticing that Bridget's normally bright smile- which creeped Red out at first but she's grown used to it -wasn't reaching her eyes.
Red normally wouldn't notice stuff like that. I mean she always watches her mother's reaction and mood and expression. But her mother is hard to read. Chloe on the other hand was easier to read, also easy to know which buttons you can push.
Red chuckles to herself. Not now.
But with Bridget? It may be the fact that Red got creeped out by the- apparently -genuine smile, that it haunted her. So she immediately noticed the difference. But who knows..
Something is wrong with Bridget and it needs to be talked about...
"Um.. Br-" her voice definitely didn't crack. She clears her throat. "Bridget?" She tried to say it as quiet as possible so Chloe wouldn't hear..why doesn't she want Chloe to know? She doesn't know.
Bridget looks up, a smile gracing her face, again. But not reaching the eyes, again.
"Yes, sweeti- I mean Red" she giggles at her own slip up. Bridget loves to give petnames to her friends, but she noticed Red got uncomfortable by it, so she tries not to with her.
"What's up?" She locks eyes with Red, curious about what Red wants to say.
Red opens her mouth and closes it again "I-.." she stops and sighs "Are-" she stops and sighs "Did-.." she stops again and growls in frustration. "Why is it so difficult" she mutters to herself angrily. "I wish Chloe were here. She'd be so much better at this" she sighs quietly.
Chloe was still in the walk in closet. She's surprised a school dorm room has this.
But wow. Brigdet got so many beautiful dresses and even suits! Most are sadly pink or red, which aren't really Chloe's colors.
However, Bridget did tell her she had something that fit her perfectly and Chloe believes her.
Chloe was stunned by what she found. Hidden behind the Red and Pink were Blue clothes. Well more specifically a blue dress AND a blue suit.
It didn't really surprise her that Bridget had blue clothes. even tho it kinda did lol.
But what surprised her more was when she walked closer.
Her eyes scanning over the suit
It was perfect.
(I'll just say the colors. Can be changed tho. Imagine yourself again.)
It was a deep blue, with one sleeve of the jacket fading from blue to purple to red. A dark red wine color.
(that's it lol. Idk)
Chloe normally would wear a lighter blue dress or suit. And if she would have gone shopping she probably would have bought a light blue suit.
But this was the best she could get right now and it's amazing.
She thinks about just taking it and shoving Bridget and Red. But she hesitates and thinks. Then a blush comes creeping on her cheeks at the same time with a cheeky yet nervous smile.
She wants to surprise Red with it. So she can't see the suit before.. maybe Red would think she'd be in a dress? And then boom. Charmed.
Chloe shakes her head.
What the fuck?
What the fuck.
She sighs, after she went through all the 5 stages in 5 seconds.
She thinks about all the times she checked Red out or looked at her lips, as she comes out of the closet (;3) with a burning red face and a natural expression.
She tries to calm her nerves before she talks to Bridget..or Red...
But suddenly she feels a hand on both her shoulders and she comes to a stop, face panicked as she looks up and the panicking almost gets worse when she sees it's Red that's standing in front of her, with a goddamn smile. A smile!?
"Chloe! Great! I really need you right now! Perfect timing!" Red was acting weird. But before Chloe can ask, Red suddenly leans closer to her and Chloe thought she died right there and went to heaven.
'stoop. I'm not that far gone' Chloe thinks to herself.
Tho, it really feels like it when she hears Red's whispers in her ear. "Something is up with Bridget and I need you to ask her about it."
Red went straight to the point and that was like a well needed cold shower for Chloe, once she progressed what was said.
Red's expression shows concern and impatience, as she moves next to Chloe and nudges her to Bridget.
Bridget was confused, about why they are whispering. And amused, about their closeness.
She gave them a curious mischievous grin and she raises one eyebrow as they both turn to her and Red nudges Chloe.
She's happy she met those two. They are a helpful distraction. But also just fun company, if weird sometimes. But hey! Who isn't weird?
Why is Red so anxious? What is going on with Bridget? Is Chloe really so far gone?
Two of them are actually already answered I think.
Some things were maybe too much and or don't make sense.
I'm not in the mood to read over it and check if things are ok. Maybe some day lol.
Hope you liked it tho!
To @corgiplays
Hello again Amore.
Me has once more question.
If you have the time and motivation to do it. I'd adore if your beautiful creative mind for fashion would help again. If not, that's okay! I adore you either way <3 Love you 😙
Your loving idiot
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pov: you’re addicted to the “if-onlys” (or me when I’m over-analyzing Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus)
Yes, I’m gonna analyze the entire song. No, I don’t need an introduction. Yes, let’s dive into it.
Let’s start with the very interesting use of the word "hologram".
"Your hologram stumbled into my apartment"
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We’ve seen Taylor use "phantom" and "ghost" to talk about past relationships in other songs (for example: loml), but we’ve never seen her use "hologram." Why? Well, this suggests she might be talking about something more present, as if the relationship had become so worn out that he stopped being a real person to her and turned into a hologram—something close yet untouchable.
But, this line, followed by “hands in the hair of somebody in darkness” paints a picture of someone cheating. So, even if Taylor intended this, the ambiguous nature of the verse means it’s necessary to approach it from a different angle too.
Yes, the idea of her coming into her apartment and being followed by the presence of the person she loved, does resembles the idea of a ghost. But the use of "hologram" indicates something different this time, she’s talking about the person’s current actions, and given Taylor’s past relationships with famous people, it makes sense that she would know when they started seeing someone new.
So, what does this mean? With these lines Taylor is bringing a completely different emotion to the song, one that permeates throughout: The rarely discussed how, when someone you loved starts moving on, you’re left wondering, "Why am I staying behind?" and "Why does it still hurt?"; and how this can lead to drowning in "what ifs" and trying to remember why it didn’t work out.
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"As the decade would play us for fools And you saw my bones out with somebody new Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school"
In the same note, this part of the verse mirrors Taylor's narrative but from the guy’s point of view. She’s now saying the same thing happened to him.
There’s something common in both perspectives tho, Taylor is not just saying “you’re with someone else”, she’s saying “you’re with someone else and that makes me angry”. In the first lines, the mention of names like "Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus" emphasizes her anger and condescension, showing that she doesn’t care about the specifics of who he’s with, just that it’s not her. Paralleling this, the line “who seemed like he would’ve bullied you in school” suggests she’s trying to provoke her ex by mentioning something that would bother him, not because the new partner is a bully (obviously), but because it’s a sore spot for her ex.
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"And I just watched it happen" "And you just watched it happen"
Here, we are already introduced to one of the key elements of the song: the act of watching. Throughout all the song, Taylor will resort to this bit to depict a sense of helplessness.
In the first verse, it is used to portray how both parts of the relationship watched each other drift apart without trying to reconcile.
“And I couldn't watch it happen” “And you just watched it”
In the second verse, she couldn’t bear to watch, indicating she took action to stay away from him; which was also possible because the guy didn’t do anything to stop her.
“Like it never happened?” “It just didn't happen”
By the third verse, she dropped this act of watching, now she’s stating facts and contemplating whether pretending it never happened is a viable way to move on.
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Now, we’ll move to the chorus.
To start, we need to discuss the double meaning behind the line “I loved you the way that you were”: Did he love her for who she was without needing to change, or did he only love a past version of her? Both interpretations are equally devastating.
“If you wanna tear my world apart Just say you've always wondered”
Then we are presented to the most heart-wrenching part of the song. Taylor is already wondering, and it would destroy her to know she’s not alone in this. This could mean either she’s hoping to get back together, or she fears she’ll never move on. Imagining a scenario where they meet years later and he admits he’s always wondered about their potential could terrify her, showing how significant this person was to her.
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*Part 2 in a few days!!! I'll be discussing some metaphors and some alternative interpretations (because I'm me and I love to complicate things)*
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Also gosh had musings on the various "Gabriel is attacked" episodes and at first I was like:
"Oh in Bubbler they go and trash Gabriel's stuff!"
But then I realized Nino as Marinette's friend and having a crush on her likely does not get as close to Adrien as canon. Adrien after all is not actively distancing himself from Chloe but actively hanging out with her & maybe even sitting around her depending on how that shakes out. He's not antagonistic or super suspicious they just aren't super tight. Plus Adrien & Chloe likely decided to just have him sneak out for a party instead and don't bother bring Gabriel up at all.
Simon Says would likely still happen, but its possible Adrien's not at the studio or is even at home in which case its more like. "God dammit dad, you had your first conversation with another human in weeks and you Alumatized them in under thirty seconds!"
If he was at the studio I imagine it'd be more like:
"You can't risk going back to save your father!" "... I..." "He wasn't planning to actually, we're going to get bobba tea!" "What?" "Yeah, he's a grown man, he can take care of himself."
Style Queen:
Style Queen: Where is Gabriel Agreste!?" Adrien: (Again with this?) I will happily show you to my father. Style Queen: What? Hawk Moth: What? Chloe: Ahahaha!
I mean Nino did decide to befriend Adrien immediately so they could still be friends! He sees that Adrien is pretty nice and did call out some of Chloé's actions so he's more in the 'okay you're cool let's get you some better friends!'. (might pave the way for Adrien to have him and Chloé learn to get along).
Rip to the Simon Says incident tho hahaha.
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silverloreley · 2 months
Although I don't think this is the direction Rise of Red 2 is going towards, let's imagine the spell on the Cookbook was permanent, aka Ulyana's crew never got rid of it.
This means that Hook never became the menace of the seas nor Pan's enemy, and not even a Villain on his own, but also Harriet, Harry and CJ were never born!
Which leads to another huge absence: Mal. Because if both her parents didn't get out of the spell, they couldn't have her.
And Maleficent wouldn't have become the Mistress of all Evil, so half the foundation of the lore as we rebuilt it (reminder that the guidebook speaks explicitly of "Maleficent's takeover"!) wouldn't have happened!
Now, two main consequences:
If the Villains didn't unite under Maleficent, the Heroes wouldn't have either, hence there would be no Auradon to begin with (and also Aurora wouldn't have been cursed and all...)
The Villains did unite, but under someone else (Ursula? Evil Queen? idk), so Auradon and the Isle of the Lost were made all the same.
Judging by the finale, Auradon does exist, so the second theory is more likely.
That said, Uma was the de-facto leader of the Isle (but without Harry by her side. Perhaps Jay filled the spot?), or Evie was, since she wasn't banned. It matters little.
We know (first book) that Ben had the idea to look into the matters of the Isle of the Lost because he had dreams about Mal, who is implied to be his soulmate. No soulmate, no dream, no inspiration. Ben never tried to free the Isle kids.
Or he did, but things may have happened very differently without Mal. Uma would have been invited and her methods (and goals) would have been different. I tend to think Uma, without the added anger about Mal turning her back to the Isle, would have been able to make Ben change a few things and bring out VKs quicker. She and Evie would have become the Crown's advisors regarding the Isle matters, hence the nomination of Uma as the new Headmistress of Auradon Prep.
Now, when Red and Chloe return from their time trip, they see nothing changed but the Queen of Hearts, but maybe Auradon itself was different. Ben has no queen so far (his relationship with Audrey wouldn't have worked anyway, it's very clear from the book) or the queen is Evie? (this would be a political marriage, tho)
Or, simply, Ben isn't the High King.
Now, follow me here, it's going to be fun (I hope).
Ben didn't try to change the situation about the Isle, his first decree is about sidekicks or something. Magic folks are unhappy, they hoped things could change with a new High King, that the anti-magic laws could be lifted. They call for elections instead of letting natural succession be.
Another is chosen as High King/Queen, a more liberal one, one who likes magic and allows its use. While in contact with magicians, they expose the truth behind the Barrier and Isle of the Lost, the new ruler is horrified, but instead of inviting four random kids, they go there to see for themselves.
In this, they end up negotiating with Uma about living conditions and, as Uma is her mother's daughter, they get a contract in which they specify all the changes to be expected: freedom for the kids, new trials for Villains, policies to make the Isle more liveable, and so forth. It takes a while, but the new ruler and Uma get close enough that, by the time things settle, Uma is trusted enough to become headmistress of Auradon Prep.
Unrelated to this all, Ulyana is still out there, frozen in time, unless Ursula led the takeover specifically for her (doubtful) so she planned revenge over Bridget and also Chloe and Red, for decades.
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ch3rrywond3rland · 2 years
hiiii. i saw you write for lucifer (netflix) and i was wondering if you could write some lucifer x reader angst. like something where maybe reader is one of chloe's collegues and lucifer takes great interest in her but she thinks he hates her because he tries not to show his interest. something like she ends up getting taken as a hostage on a bust when they had to split up and lucifer like gets her and they have the whole "i thought you hate me" "oh darling, i could never hate you" thing? i hope this isnt too picky.. thank you so much!! 🧃
III LOVE YOUU. thanks for requesting for my unproblematic devil, i love this!!! not too picky at all darling, let your mind flow!!! here u got 💌
(I changed it only a teeny tiny bit, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. I also made Y/N the forensic scientist, sorry Ella, ily!!!!!)
Not what it seems
"So, what have you got, Y/N?" Chloe says as her and Lucifer walk into the lab.
"Not much," I glare at Lucifer, who's messing with the evidence, and he stops. "there are traces of cocaine on the victim's jacket, tho."
"Well, someone liked sniffing around." Chloe and I both ignore the joke.
"Yet, he had none in his system. And no history with drugs, either."
"Right, so, maybe someone who messes with them is guilty." Chloe nods at his observation and starts walking away.
"I'm going to look more into it, see if I find people in that business that were connected to him." She exits, closing the door behind her.
I go back to work, until I notice Lucifer lingering over me as I go over evidence for the fifth time today.
I turn to look at him. "Everything alright, Lucifer?"
"Me? Of course."
"... Alright then. I'm going back to the crime scene, see if I find anything else."
As I start to walk towards the door, his hand catches my wrist, making me turn to him.
"Um, I...just be careful, alright?"
I don't know what to say, instead, I just furrow my brows and part my mouth.
"It's just, the detective wouldn't like anything to happen to you."
I nod, now understanding what this is actually about.
"...Right. Yeah, I'll be okay."
I release myself from his grip and make my way towards my car.
After a short drive I arrive to the victim's house, seeing the yellow tape wrapped around the area. I leave the vehicle and start walking to the entryway when I feel a pair of gloved hands hold a cloth against my nose.
My head feels light and my mouth dry as I slowly peel my eyes. There is no light and I have no idea for how much time I've been out.
"You shouldn't have gone back."
I try to search for the source of the voice, but I can't see anything and I can't tell wether it's the darkness or the state of dizziness I'm in.
"What do you want with me?" My voice is hoarse and barely hearable, but I receive an answer anyways.
"With you? I want nothing with you. I just wish you hadn't been so curious, then I wouldn't have to do with you what I have to do now."
Just as I see a masked figure walking towards me from the dark, I hear two gunshots. The man walks away to look for the source of them, and then I hear Chloe's voice.
"You get Y/N and I'll get the killer." She shouts to another person, which I'm assuming is Dan.
I remain seated with my legs tied to the chair and my arms behind my back. I hear running steps, and once I see their owner, I can't help but feel a little safer.
"Y/N!" He releases a breath I didn't know he was holding, and, by the look on his face, I assume he didn't know either.
His loolk lingers on my face for a second too much, but he is quick to start untying me. Once I'm free, he helps me up to my feet.
His hug catches me by surprise. "Are you okay?"
"I-im fine." I find myself leaning against his touch and releasing tension I also didn't know I was holding in.
"Lucifer, did you find her?" We hear Chloe's voice echo.
'Y-yes, I found her, detective."
"Okay, leave!"
"What?" I ask this time.
"Just leave, get her somewhere safe."
Lucifer's hand meets mine and we rush out the door. Once we meet the moonlight, we are breathless from running.
"You should probably get some food and water. Lux is only a few blocks away, do you mind walking?"
"I can just get a cab home, it's fi-"
He cuts me off and repeats his question, pausing after every word. "Do you mind walking?"
He nods. The walk to his penthouse is quiet and calm, as the ride on the elevator. I sit on the couch as he takes off his jacket as throws it on top the piano. He makes his way behind the bar and pours two glasses of whiskey.
"You should probably have some water, too."
"It's fine. I'm fine, Lucifer. I don't need anything"
"Well, of course you do, love."
My stomach flips at the casually thrown nickname, but I make sure not to show it nor look his way.
"Is everything truly fine, Y/N?"
"Yes, it's fine. So fine I should get going."
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"Is there something you're not telling me?"
"I-" I can see his mind debating whether or not he should actually tell me anything he's thinking about. "Are you really that clueless?"
He walks towards me, shortening the space between us. He is so close to me I can see the glint in his eyes and the way his lips open and close as he breathes.
"W-what?" My chest rises up and down, nervous about our proximity.
His eyes linger on my lips and search for an answer in my eyes. An answer to what, that I don't know. I try to take in all of him, knowing this is as close as Lucifer will ever get to being as vulnerable as he is right now. Both physically and emotionally.
After a few seconds, we both can't take it any longer. I crash my lips against his'. They move in syntony, like it was a habit. Not even a minute goes by and we have to pull back to catch our breaths. Our chests rise and fall together and I can hear his beating heart.
"I have been waiting ages to do that."
"What?" I open my eyes to see him already looking at me, with a surprisingly adoring look on his eyes.
"I have been waiting ages to do that. To kiss you, feel you."
"I...thought you hated me."
"Oh, darling," the back of his hand meets my face, pushing away a few strands of hair and tucking them to my ear. "I could never hate you."
His lips meet mine once again, both of his hands grabbing the back of my neck. He starts walking backwards and I follow, not breaking the kiss.
Suddenly, the moment is broken by a ringing phone.
We break the kiss, once again, and he fishes his phone out of his pocket, answering the call.
I can hear a voice on the other side, frantically speaking.
"Yes, yes, she is fine, detective." He smiles at me. "Alright, we'll be there in five."
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justabunnyuwu · 2 months
ok disney's descendants pissed me off, bc the first movie was a BANGER like a little cringe, a little bad, but over all a great movie that I loved. But then we got the second where the whole plot was that... the person with no political experience/training is failing and that's her fault? so bad message, not great movie, but ok. I can live with it. AND then! we get to the THIRD movie and mal just completely forgets about her past and throws the fucking isle under the bus, when there's another threat. And then she just... doesnt even think twice about closing the border for good. Banger songs tho, but really weird plot. not great. and then we get rise of red, and they hang the whole "changing the past will change the future. And not always for the better" thing and they just... dont utilize it?? at all?? and when red and chloe go into the past, they dont ACTUALLY change anything, except for getting Cinderella grounded. The VKs would have gotten frozen anyway! All they did was.. remove the cookbook from the very secure place it was in? Sounds very UNSAFE to me, and like it would make sense IF they brought this up AT ALL. But no. "We fixed it! Nothing bad will happen bc uhhh... Plot!"
The entire plot doesn't make sense, and dont even get me started on the whole merlin academy thing, because none of that shit fits in the timeline AT ALL
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iamamikcals · 8 months
Helloooo girliesss 🩷🫶🏾 ! It's time for my weight loss and day update (it's almost 10pm) 😚.
I'm proud of myself because even tho I was THIS 🤏🏾 CLOSE to be over my cals limit I stopped myself before doing so and I also stopped my binge urges by listening to my cravings (I ate a little bit of ice cream) and went on a walk to do my groceries (but couldn't do a lot of steps because it was getting dark 😒😒😒). I bought a lot of fruits because there were NONE and it is very bad since I'm still trying to prevent my binge urges and eating fruits is the best thing for me. Now that my safe foods are at home I can binge on them without even feeling disgusting FINALLY 😩🙏🏾🙏🏾. Btw I saw HALO TOPs when I went outside BUT THEY ARE TOO EXPENSIVE DAMN. I'm gonna beg my mom to buy them the second we have more money I HAVE to get these that's a NEED 😞🙌🏾.
Limit : 655 cals
Breakfast: 2 slices of bread (108 cals) and applesauce (67cals)
Lunch : Omelette (95cals), french fries (91cals), spinach (18cals) and Pepsi 0 cherry flavoured (0cals 😩🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾)
Diner : raviolis (119cals) and cheese (56cals)
Snacks: ice cream (65cals)
Ate : 620cals
Workouts: walking 8 201 steps (-330cals), 3 Chloe Ting's workouts (≈-115cals).
Burned : 445cals
Total: 165/655
Chloe Ting's workouts that I did:
Day 3 : ✅✅✅
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I DEFINITELY recommend these workouts guys it burns I LOT.
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Day three is done, I know that I could've done better but I didn't binge so it is still a win 🤷🏾. Btw I think I'm gonna do a liquid fast on day 7 because day 8 is my birthday so I don't know if I'll be able to only eat 540cals (I totally forgot about it when I was doing this diet 😭😭). See y'all tomorrow for my weight update, kiss kiss from France pookies 😚🫶🏾🩷🩷🩷.
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Heya! In which chapter are you oand who is your favorite boy/girl?
Full Review of The Boys Below:
I ended up marrying Diamant first,,, very good choice,,,
And I'm currently going through all the S rank conversations with the pact ring so I can see them all.
Alcryst, Seadall and Kagetsu are my very close second favorites. Bunet is a breakout hit, as is the Party Priest and goth girl Zelkov
I love Vander because he's literally Frederick in like thirty years; but I don't want to marry him bc Alear will get to be with him for maybe 20 years and then he's gone LOL,,, it's so cruel (and also she has the appearance of a much younger adult than he is, so that makes me feel weird)
Fogado stole my heart bc he wants to earn dinner with Alear,,,like baby no u already have it the second we met i wanted to have dinner with you ;; 3 ;;
Boucheron I can't really get a read on, but I think he's ok! He's kinda bland imo, but I do like how he's so emotional (in like a good way lol).
Louis??? My big strong Stahl with weirdly broad arms and likes to take strolls in the garden??? I love Mr. Bedhead,,, he's literally what happens if you take Stahl and Azama together so he's got a soft spot for me kskskdfdskjsdf
Amber is,,,interesting,,,I want to love him bc his design is so HANDSOME, but then he SPOKE jSLDSKFJSKLDFJSFjdkf I like how much he loves animals, especially alpacas, but his behavior is just so,,,cringey LOL,,,I think he's my least favorite male character, but I know for a fact that as I start writing stories for him, he'll really grow on me (it happened with so many happy-go-lucky characters in the past. Vaike was one of them!!! )
MAUVIER,,, MY DISCOUNT FREDERICK,,, He's so valiant and so worried abt Veyle,,, he's such a good boy and I love his handsome lil beard ;;;
Alfred is interesting bc he's so devoted in everything he does, but also I felt bad abt not choosing him at first because his epilogue is so unnecessary (i won't spoil it but if you've beaten the game then U KNOW)
Jean,,, I don't,,, I don't think he's a marriage candidate, but if he is, uhhhh,, NO. Not only bc he's clearly like, 10 years old, but when I heard the worst British accent ever come out of that boy's mouth, and the FIRST THING HE SAYS IS "What the Devil!?" I almost-- almost-- threw the whole switch in the trash,,, he's a sweet kid but his voice is the worst SDLFKJSLDFJKSDF
Rosado,,, really grew on me, I love his design, I love his character, and his voice actor did such a good job,, he's like, so sassy but also so genuine, and Nintendo really did say femboy rights LOL
Clanne is fine- he is a sweetie like ricken but the whole "i'm ur biggest fan" thing that he and framme do just kinda turns me off bc it makes me think any relationship they'd have would be like,,, really unbalanced sjFKSDJFksdf
Griss,, I wanted to fix him U 3 U,,,again no spoilers but if u kno u kno and if u kno then u kno that my heart is broken ;;;;
Bonus Ladies Review: I didn't focus too much on the ladies,,,there were so many handsome boys HAHA
but i will say that i loved a lot of the girl's designs. Celine I was a little tentative abt, but she ended up being a sweetie and i love her,,, Chloe I think I have the biggest crush on tho??? like i wanted to date her right away LASDFJDSKLFSDFJ
Veyle,,, eh. She's fine, but her design and her character didn't do a whole lot for me,,, I thought her friendship and relationship with Alear was sweet tho, but it needed more development,,,
Etie, Lapis, Citrinne and Jade are all fine,,, didn't spend much time with them in-game, but i did like how sweet the retainer ladies were with alcryst and dia U V U but Saphir ended up coming into the final battles with me and she was the powerhouse i didn't kno i needed,, she was kind of a fill-in for the last slot at first but she really ended up being important in the last fight haha
Timerra has such a cute design and a lovely voice actress; but if i have to hear her say "THANKS FOR SHOPPING!!!!" one more time, I will, again, throw my switch in the trash-- I just need to buy 10 things from the flea market, why can't i buy them all at once ;;;____ ;; my sibling was in the other room and was getting pissed bc she kept saying the line over and over and thought the game was broken LOL
Panette, Merrin, Framme, Hortensia, Ivy, Anna and Goldmary,, all fine ladies who i enjoyed having, but didn't do much with at all sdkjfJSDFJ
lumera i just,,, i felt so bad bc they were fighting so hard to make her a character i needed to care abt but when u take her out of the game so fast, i could not be brought in to care even at the end of teh game,,, thanks for being a good mommy but also damn girl i just,,, did not care ;;; A ;;;
Also RIP Marni bc I also felt nothing for her LOL,,,i did like her armor tho,,, but also how u gonna keep pushing away my boy mauv, let him into your heart girl damn
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unikittythings · 1 year
This is going to be slightly out of order because the episodes released later than a few I've already written about? 🤷‍♀️🤔
MLB season 5 Migration:
Love that my boy Luka is in the thumbnail
You better pay Luka for the therapy sessions he gives you guys🤦‍♀️
Luka is the single person who keeps everything and everyone together
I did scream at the screen, that they should read the contract and I was right
I guess Luka can't keep the secret for long anymore
He's so fed up with them not getting a hint
So no more Luka😢 (he does deserve a break tho)
Someone's going to have a breakdown
REALLY?!! Wrong time Gabe!
Omg, Chloe is even more evil than I thought. I didn't think that was a possibility
Omg she had a crush on Kim
This actually explains soo much about Marinette
Sooo close
Natalie, don't help him. I thought we made progress
Actually it makes sense that he tried using Second Chance multiple times and we didn't notice
Natalie: make arrangements and spend time with your son
Gabriel: How about I plan a new scheme to get the miraculous
(Alternatively) Gabriel: How about I speedrun declining physical health
Wtf? Is this what happens when you somehow program emotions into an AI?
Is ZAG trying to tell us something about AI?
As we can see here again Second Chance is very difficult to get right
Poor Natalie, she had to drag is stupid ass upstairs
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
oh i finished the entire scholomance trilogy in the past three days and here are my thoughts (below cut for spoilers)
el. el. el. el. i love you el. el. baby girl. my favorite type of character. i love you
me when a girl is angry and trying and intrinsically Not Good and yet Doing Good Anwyas and also so so so fucking angry: h
i liked orion most in the first book i wont lie to you. i thought thats where he and el were most compelling as a duo wwwww i wish they'd gotten more focus? dev? in the second it wouldve sold me harder on [redacted] at the end u kno
honestly there was more htan one moment where id be reading and the flow was soooo astol/at which. u kno. makes sense. but id be like. oh yeah ive definitely read your got fic before u kno GLKSHDGKSHGD
most noticeable during most of hte orion/el stuff for me wwwww
everything abt the maw mouths was so fucked up and so good and all the concepts in this story were so sexy. a school that kills 75% of kids so that it doesnt have to be 90%. so so good so fun.
i really liked in general the stuff abt balance + the lesser evil discussion and i LOVED the magic system. so fun. intention + flow + balance + belief all coming together like that to make things Real is so good
ok i made it this far w/o doing a bullet point abt it but i think el/liesel. i. i dont have anything else to say but when they were sleeping together in the third book i was like. oh my god
of course i like liesel i like ruthless girls willign to do Anythign. sooooo tasty (chef finger kiss)
my ideal post book 3 fic is 'el on her journey around the world and she and orion are like semi-open rship and she bumps into liesel and accidentaly (lol) sleeps w/her again only they do have some feelings there and somehow it snowballs and then somehow liesel ends up tagging along during the summer w/her and orion and they fall into a weird hinge poly sort of but not quite situation esp bc she's also still definitely fucking alfie too' u kno. this is my ideal
ok i got that out of my system. i like liu a lot too the whole thing w/her in book 3 i was just like. h. liu.......... liu...........
honestly all the charas were really good...... all the main cast was very (chef finger kiss) i liked chloe and liu and aadhya all a lot obvs. girls. liesel...........
orion in general is such a fun character lol. i do wonder if h'ell just be functionally immortal tho u kno. or if not what happens when he dies. you kno
el + her mom were also so good duo. i really liked el+ her fam in general tbh but her mom's everything coming from her constant refusal to put any darkness into the world. soooo good so so good. so fun
book 1 was probably my favorite just bc it was a lot more of the rship dev i really liked if that makes sense. i like when characters are close and can rely on each other obvs but i do like seeing them get there and thats what book 1's focus was on the most so i enjoyed it a lot wwwww idk if i can rank them tho i enjoyed all of them. probably its like 1 > 2=3 for me wwwww
overall just tasty tasty books i looooved el sm shes so good. gorl
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HI BELOVED!!! imma give you an angsty but heartwarming mlb fic idea that i'll never finish and hate a lot of but also love with my entire heart and refuse to delete <3
so, it's called "road to recovery" right now... hate the name, tbh. anyways, it's a miraculous chat fic except... okay so like, being akumatized is so traumatizing??? like, alix basically killed all her friends, ivan almost destroyed the city, nino basically attempted to murder all the adults in paris, rose took control of people's minds and manipulated them, kim almost got chat noir to kill ladybug and he was close to doing it, alya almost unmasked her hero and put her in danger, etc...
anyways, they're all traumatized. ivan is also canonically the first person to get akumatized. he's like. fourteen. please that has to have been so traumatic. so, nino is the second one in the class to get akumatized and he really struggles with it and texts ivan asking for help because he doesn't know how to cope. anyways, this causes them to become good friends, and they hang out a lot and talk a lot and rant a lot and just overall try to cope together. they thought it would just be them, but little did they know...
so, then alya gets akumatized and doesn't really take it well (understandably), so after awhile, nino texts ivan and is like "yo alya isn't okay... do we want to make a chat and add her?" so ivan makes a chat and adds alya. then alix gets akumatized, they add alix.
eventually, it's a chat for the classmates who've been akumatized and once it happens to someone, they get added. well, ivan or nino (since they started it) reach out and ask if they want to be added because they aren't going to just Add them without asking.
i'm like... really into the classmates as characters and i love their friendship because they are friends!!! so many people write them all as these big jerks because of freaking lila episodes that mischaracterized them all so people make them like. harass mari and i'm??? i hate it??? they deserve better??? and like nino is my favorite character, so getting to explore his character and interactions with others is SO FUN FOR ME!!! and kim is another favorite! and rose! and i've gotten to really explore sabrina and i have So Many headcanons about their families (and everyone can pry my headcanons about kim's family from my cold dead hands i Know Him and His Family)
anyways, it includes: learning that it's okay to ask for help, friendships being made / becoming stronger, alya correcting nino's typos, chloe redemption, the kids coping with ptsd, occasional fun jokes, nightmares, trying to be stronger for each other... etc :) oh and mari and adrien aren't in it so it's the classmates minus them not that i don't love them but a lot of the time, their characters are used to advance the main two's characters and also they've never been akumatized sooooo they do get cameos, tho, and i did plan on adding them after everyone in the class was in it (sometime around s2) because everyone was like "they've been through enough trauma due to akumas tbh also it feels mean to basically have a whole class chat without them lol"
anyways i really love the classmates as characters and wish they got more love and less hate and got more opportunities to be friends like ik they are and okay so this is Technically a wip, but it's something i don't think i'll ever finish, so it counts <3
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s1ep22 and ep23 ladybug and cat noir & stoneheart, origins pt1 and 2
what a choice for netflix/the u.s. to release these episodes in the middle of the season. but what an even wilder choice for the "as close to canon from the word of god" to release these episodes three episodes away from the end of the first season. from the u.s. standpoint i can kinda understand since the seasons are always broken into two parts, and since a lot of 24 episode anime is often broken into two parts, it seems pretty normal. but three episodes away from the end of the season? why not just at the end of the first season???
i don't have much here to say other than the fact that these poor voice actors have to talk as two times the speed just to say their long-ass lines in the incredibly short amount of time they're given to say them. which is why the episodes feel so sped up. like, these actually felt okayish pacing wise. but whenever they had to say like 3 sentences in 30 seconds, i winced.
smth smth the whole hawkmoth premise/set-up doesn't really make sense to me. i wish i could put my finger on it bc then i could properly describe it and critique it. but the vibes are just off man. maybe it'll make more sense as i learn more about the miraculous and all the loose threads these two episodes set up and never answer (i assume. i'll give it the benefit of the doubt, but since it stopped airing at s5 and i got no inclination we actually got any answers from what i did see after i stopped watching, i'm not hopeful).
i will say tho, chloe as a character hits my every last nerve. and also demonstrates once again the issue with the writers treating the show like it's serialized but writing it like it's episodic. chloe never learns anything and every time the episode is reset, she's just as bratty, mean, and racist as she was in the past. and yknow, it does get old after a while. like there's nothing wrong with having her character archetype in a show about teens in high school, but i do wish the writers would like. maybe at least show the kids watching that what she's doing is bad, at the very least. that her racism and bullying is only deserving of admonishment. or they're going to take away the wrong message.
the fact that she gets a miraculous for it? she's rewarded for her vile behavior? insane.
god i just remembered lila. it's only gonna guess worse from here. and we're already in hell.
these white ppl need to be stopped.
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jstlikemagic · 4 years
Who’s ur fav from dance moms 👀
omg nia all the way
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daswarschonkaputt · 4 years
I cannot believe that in the year of our lord 2020 i am here writing smallville fic
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mobbu-min · 2 years
So we know that we can take care of the housewardens as kittens but will they take care of us if we are kittens?
good question, excellent question really and its definitely... depends on the housewarden. okay but before I answer this, I got a request (and working on said request) of this exact scenario, but idk when that will be posted, so here are my thoughts and personal opinions. sorry for the bad grammar and inconsistent thoughts, im literally so stressed rn lol
but to anyone that might stumble across this and wonder 'what the hell am I reading' then let me introduce you to the 'twst kitty accident' (name still pending): one, two, three
im going to say it, but the best housewarden and dorm to be looked after is pomfiore. kitty!mc would literally be treated like royalty. vil would take excellent care of you and would pamper the shit out of you. he's constantly making sure you look your best and will make you little hats and bows to wears (the two of you have coordinating fits) might even carry you around in a little handbag like chloe from beverly hills chihuahua no joke
second is riddle, he's responsible and constantly keeping a watchful eye on you. tho, he's never had a pet before so he's kinda clueless. but treys there to watch you when riddle can't and the adeuce (which is no doubt the cause of your transformation) would be extra gentle with you. cater makes a fan page of kitty!mc tho :/
at first kalim and malleus was a tie for third, but kalim gets the one up bc of Jamil. nothing against diasomnia but jamil will make edible food. kalim is a little rough not that he means to (he's a little oblivious) but he's always carrying you around and getting you the softest pillows. gives you little kissies on the head before he goes mimi ni-night
malleus has probably had one pet in the past probably like a crow or something, but that was eons ago. so he's a little dense but learns fast and takes really good care of kitty!mc, hold yous in his arms like a baby(me next plz), shows you magic tricks, let's you sit on his head so you can get a closer look of the gargoyles, will read you bedtime stories, probs had Lilia make t-shirt for all of diasomnia with your face on it(kitty obvi), he gets cat ears to match with you. its really hard to tell, who the one enjoying it. he makes sure to keep you away from the kitchen anytime Lilia's up to mischief ahem, creative endeavours.
I kinda forgot about Azul (sorry sweetie) but! i am content with his placement. will def try to market off of your cuteness and will probably forget that you're there, which has led to him closing up monstro lounge and leaving you there in the dark until he wakes up in cold sweat and runs to get you in his matching silk pajamas, octopus slippers and little night cap. but if you can look over that, Azul isn't the worst. he'll play with you, feed you the best food, let you lay on his lap(let me lay on his lap instead) and just generally is a lot more open about his gentleness? kindness? emotions?
he gets points docked down bc of floyd and the jade (they know what they've done)
for last place, Leona and Idia are tied. I can't make up my mind
on one hand, Leona treats you more like a neck pillow then anything (also considering your a whole ass kitten in a predator den is kinda really terrifying) he purposely forgets about you and will carry you around but your scruff. will give you to ruggie at some point who just might(will) hand you to jack bc 'you're friends!' but on the flip side, he's also a cat. and will take all the cat naps you want with you. tends to groom you and vice versa, it's a little weird but Leona's really warm and his purrs are comforting, so who are you to object (let me lay on your chest Leona, plz just one chance)
idia doesn't even take care of himself, what makes you think he can take care of another living being??? Ortho is your literal guardian angel (bless that child) the only pro I can think of is that idia doesn't leave his room, so you can always nap on his lap and he doesn't really mind (at first he was a fuckin statue) his hands are cold but fingers are really long, so it feels live when he runs his fingers through your fur. also tried to dress you up in cosplays, so if you're into that, cool, if not, I'm sorry? (me personally, I would not let that slide)
so these are my thoughts, I had a lot of fun writing it bc I have too many thoughts and but no will power to write it unless asked so... yeah. hope this answers your question :)
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queerpuff · 2 years
you know what sucks? is knowing that bend studios were working on the lost legacy sequel but they pulled out of the project and it got shelved. like, it hurts so badly to know we could've gotten it after all.
i know it's what they were working on -- due to 2 factors (i could be wrong but hear me out). they mentioned in an article that it was an uncharted spin-off/franchise reboot game but that it was intended to be big (expected to take 5 years to develop, can't find the source anymore tho sorry) so i imagine they may have wanted to incorporate a more open-world aspect to it (which sounds sick, imagine getting to pick where to treasure hunt).
second point of evidence is me reaching a bit but it seemed a bit too coincidental - the official lost legacy playlist got 5 new songs updated to it in march 2020 (image shows example of 2/5 of the new songs) which were added in specific parts of the playlist - bearing in mind none of the uncharted playlists have been updated since their initial release (apart from sam's due to his appearance in TLL)
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seemed a bit too coincidental to me - but in the end of march 2020, bend pulled out from the project so it was shelved and likely to be cancelled.
to know we were so damn close to getting a sequel makes me so sad - i think ND wanted to delegate it to another studio so they could focus on their new IP/multiplayer, but i have a feeling unless another studio jumps in to help, we won't see it for at least 7-10+ years which fucking sucks.
i just pray that nd keep chloe and nadine's dynamic alive somehow, even if just via comics or a book or anything, really. it's been 5 years and i miss them a lot.
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