#choose a fight and i'll maybe write it???
indestinatus · 2 years
question: does anyone have requests for tiva fics
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Part 3 of Shadow au, Syns making progress! I think! He thinks! We don't know! Also added some extra stuff to this one because I was inspired by the height chart art using Darkness' extra sharp design so woo! Enjoy your boy @seasidemew! This part was actually meant to be bit heavier but lmao I've changed the order of my canon it's fine lmao so you get another relaxing one
Conversations and Progress
The dark hued two delicately landed in the middle of the makeshift camp, the grass was soft and cool under her feet as she glanced wearily to the side, her pink toned brother snuffled in his sleep stretching wiggling made a mrrp and rolling over with an exhale returning to lightly snoring as she let out a faint sigh of relief. He didn't actually know her yet, they'd never met and frankly after what happened she intended to keep it that way.
The orange hued two lifted her head from where she sat leaning against a tree looking at her sister with dark bags forming under her eyes. She stood slowly motioning with her head and stepped out of the campsite walking a small distance before stopping and waiting for her taller sister.
"What has he asked then?" May hugged herself as she asked the question, thumbs rubbing her arms softly in self soothing motions as she turned her head to glance at her sibling.
"This and that, he still wonders how and why we know each other and he's suggested his own theories he thinks we have a truce or blackmail on each other. And he's been asking what we've been saying about him naturally."
The orange one hummed uncomfortably squeezing her own arms, "and are you still being safe? He's not threatened you or followed you back to your nest?"
"No, not yet, he's moved as if to join me on the flight home but I told him I needed my beauty sleep and my privacy and I didn't like a man that disrespected either of those." She shrugged casually, "it seemed to work."
"Citrine… you really must be more careful..if he, I don't know he might turn if he thinks you're just screwing with him or get real nasty if he gets bored of the games."
"I know.." Her tail swayed, "I know. I'm being careful don't worry so much May, you should be thinking of yourself more I mean look at those bags. Are they designer? You could steal a purse with them when did you last get a proper nights' sleep?"
May looked away squeezing herself, "not since I thought I saw him that night… not properly since finding out I was right.." She shook her head looking back at her sister, "But it's my JOB to worry about you and to worry about Matt. I'm the oldest, you're my baby sister and he's my baby brother. I can't just sleep peacefully knowing he might lurk into camp and slaughter either of you."
Darkness grimaced to herself "May.." She felt Mays hands grab her face reaching up with some difficulty for the height difference.
"No, don't you May me, you're family okay? And I care about you a lot so I'm gonna worry."
She sighed, moving to take her sisters' wrists, planning to move her hands off her face, "you're too forgiving all things considering with me you know."
"You've grown and you've changed, I know you feel bad over what happened because you push away any kindness thinking you don't deserve it, but you do. I mean you keep checking in on us and watching that, that guy for us even though he could be a threat to you. AND hush hush ehp not finished close your mouth, and you're trying to change your identity claiming a new name moving on from being Darkness, and I'm really proud of you for it. Maybe I am too forgiving but I think you've earned the forgiveness."
Darkness hummed awkwardly looking away with her eyes, "I mean the whole experimental new names thing is personal because the name was dumb not some, spiritual metaphor." She moved Mays hands to emphasis the denial of self flinching and pulling her hands away when May winced.
"Ah-!" May looked at the bloody little marks on her wrist and frowned before grabbing one of her sisters hands who tried to retract them pulling it close to examine, she squeezed one of her fingers hearing her hiss in discomfort as a jagged crystal protruded from her paw like a claw.
"What did you do…" her voice was soft and deeply concerned as she examined Darkness' hand noticing the spikes protruding from her wrist also, "Citrine…"
"Dont…that names too nice for me.." She sighed softly, "I saw him. During the day fighting a Mega evolved Aggron. It didnt stand a chance… I got, scared, and panicked so I added more to myself to be stronger so if he turns nasty, if I have to fight him it'll give me the edge and extra strength."
"That must hurt.."
"It's not so bad, rather ache now and win then avoid needed pain and lose."
"I don't agree with you doing this to yourself, but it's done now.. If it comes to it you know I'd fight by your side against him."
"You're such a mother sometimes." Darkness chuckled softly, "I suppose I like the sound of those odds." May gently released her hand.
"Just please don't do anything else like this to yourself okay? Cause I don't want it turning into a self punishment thing. I know you because you're like me, you're from me, I am your mother." Though her tone was stern it did end in a playful way as she offered her sister a comforting smile.
"Hm, fine sure whatever mom," Darkness laughed softly, "I should go entertain him then for a bit, don't want him getting too bored or jealous." Moving to step away.
"Please stay." She paused at Mays request, "I, want Matt to meet you and I just, I have a bad feeling tonight. I don't know I feel bad letting you leave to go to him. I worry you won't come back. So, stay? You can have my bed." Darkness swished her tail smiling softly to her sister, usually she'd argue about having to go but to some degree she'd been wanting to meet her little brother too even if she was anxious with his initial negative experience with shadow mewtwo. "and I might actually sleep better tonight with you both nearby and safe!"
"aah fine I guess you've convinced me," smiling casually she watched Mays shoulders drop in relief as they moved to walk back to the camp.
"I think Matt will love you once he gets to know you realize who you are...and I think you're wrong Citrine is a nice name for you you deserve a good name and I think you should get a name that's pretty. Like Crystal or Jewel or uh Diamond or Moonstone." Darkness snorted softly.
"I'm noticing a theme here," smirking as May floundered.
"Well you said Citrine was a gem so like eehh was trying to think of other gem things I thought you liked it for that?"
"Well, it's like a yellow gem and it's kinda pretty..though it was his suggestion before he swapped to Citrus cause I got the two confused."
"Ah yes orange scented," May lightly bumped into her sister playful as they walked into camp, "I mean you're a pretty gem, it's up to you what you choose."
Darkness hesitated for a moment, "I, was thinking of maybe looking at M starting names…since like you and Matt..but that's probably intruding.."
May smiled at her comfortingly, "Hey that'd be nice, or if you pick an A starting name we could become M A M." Darkness lightly hit her face shoving her away as she laughed.
"Never mind I'm never taking suggestions from you ever," but she laughed fondly as May chuckled in mischievous motioning for Darkness to take her bed, a few leaves carefully arranged on the ground for padding against the dirt just as cushioning the best they could do considering they were out in the wilds with no equipment.
Darkness moved to sit but pointed at her in play threat, "you better sleep." With May putting her hands up in surrender before moving to find a spot to sit to sleep as Darkness awkwardly tried to get comfortable. She missed her cot back at her nest but she appreciated the gesture and that her sister wanted her there. She stretched out and then curled up using the middle of her tail as a cushion. May found a tree trunk to lean against, she looked up past the treeline scanning the sky for a moment before taking off her glasses carefully placing them down on the grass besides her before as she brought her knees to her chin crossing her arms over her knees and nuzzling her cheek into her arm crook to sleep.
From far away higher up, Syns tail swayed and thumped aggressively into the tree trunk of the branch he was sitting on. He scanned over the area where the pair had made camp watching the other shadow pokemon join them as his brows furrowed in frustration and confusion, why was she staying there?? What about their chats? His tail thumped the tree trunk in frustration again.
He moved to stand and stepped casually from the branch he was stood on to fly over, if she wasn't going to come see him he'd go see her. He felt the air shifting as he grew closer, a subtle but tangible building of energy as he approached causing him to slow but not stop. The air shimmered and he stopped before he flew right into the shining white dome that materialized feeling the sharp gust caused by its sudden creation. He watched it glisten a shine of white before fading and wondered what that was, he reached a hand out with practiced caution feeling his fingers collide with something solid the white shimmer reappearing where his fingers made impact.
"A protect huh…" He pulled his hand back and the glow faded but as he observed where the dome had originally formed there was a slight haze to indicate it's existence that it wasn't gone just simply blending into its surroundings. He started to wonder how a protect this large and powerful could form as his eyes glanced to the campsite, Mays whited over eyes stared forward without seeing glowing with psychic energy. He should've guessed.
Judging by the size and strength of the protect, he theoretically COULD smash his way through it if he really went for it but watching her eyes roll back and her body slump to the ground gave him the impression it was a subconscious move and breaking it might actually wake her. Besides, there's no way it'd last forever. He'd wager by morning it would've weakened or faded. Sighing just a little annoyed he moved to go find a new perch to watch them more closely he supposed.
Syn grumbled as rays of light beamed offendingly right into his face, he squinted at the sun with a faint growl lazily moving his hand to shove a cloud over it for five more minutes as he wiggled his shoulders to readjust himself against his tree trunk. As he tried to return to his sleep his brain became aware of the lack of psychic tension that had been present the night before practically dragging his thoughts around to force him into an awake state to which he groaned softly squinting to the side of camp, he blinked his tired eye momentarily mistaking glistening droplets of water as the haze around the protect before realizing it was in fact gone.
Slightly unhappily he sat up to properly peer at the campsite, it was early first light and they were all still asleep. He could've easily approached but also he didn't want to trigger another protect, he'd wait till May was at least conscious deducing she'd be less likely to do anything spontaneously powerful with an awake brain.
The Pinky one, Matt or something had managed to roll off of his makeshift leaf bed in the night and had contorted himself into an obscure position with his head touching his lower back nearly, legs stretched backwards and tail wrapping around the tip resting near his chest. Citrine meanwhile had curled herself up quite small into a ball much like other feline creatures. And May was still flopped out on the floor, chin in the grass body twisted so her legs were still up as she was sat which would probably put an ache on her spine.
The sun won its battle against Syns block cloud and the sunlight gently warmed the leaves and grace dancing over the sleeping lot in the campsite with only May grumbling her legs finally falling in a flop as she rolled over to hide her face from the sun before clumsily sitting up and promptly bashing the side of her head into the tree trunk she'd originally been leant again with clearly no spacial awareness. Syn did a mock flinch to himself quietly chuckling as she quietly groaned rubbing the side of her head with a soft "ow" as she slowly got to her feet grabbing her glasses and waddling off to the side.
Syn contemplated walking into the camp with her gone, maybe he could grab her brother as a bargaining chip or drag Citrus away to find out why she abandoned their usual talks but he knew that wouldn't really help him get closer to his goal. He couldn't force May or Citrus to reveal their secrets, couldn't intimidate or threaten them into wanting to join him because they could attack him and would likely reject him. He had to play it calm and he had to be approachable, he was a charming guy he just had to let May see that like how Citrus did.
He sighed softly collecting himself with an inhale and exhale running a hand past his eye to clear away any sleep and smoothly feeling up his horn, he was quite the specimen after all he's sure they could both see that. He moved casually to glide along to see where May went, he didn't want Citrus mad that he ruined her beauty sleep after all.
He was glad by the lack of energy in the air it meant his theory was correct and it was subconscious otherwise another barrier would have appeared as he passed her siblings. He found her knelt by a small stream, her glasses carefully placed down beside her, her head was currently under the water and making bubbles with her head slightly shaking before she sat up and breathed and shook her head again to shake the water off. She squinted past the water on her eyelashes making opening her eyes and seeing kind of difficult. In her side vision she could make out a darker colored shape before she brought her hands up to rub her eyes to clean the sleep away and to clean her face from the grass and mud stuck under her chin.
"G'morning sis," She yawned past her hands cleaning her face, "sleep well?"
"Oh," the male voice that reached her ears caused her to stiffen in terror, "so she's your sister?" Mays head whipped around as she shoved herself quickly against the floor to half stumble and half throw herself backwards scrambling away from Syn as he drank water collected in his hand from the stream. He turned to look at her as she fell into a sit at a distance from him, he could see her eyes were wide and breathing rapidly.
He couldn't deny feeling a bit disappointed at the reaction, the fight had been a while ago surely she would've gotten over it by now and besides he knows Citrus and her have been talking so he didn't get what the reaction was for. He moved his hand to pick up her forgotten glasses holding them out to her.
"I think you need these, right?" Her eyes were trained on him watching his every move down to the flick of his tail. "Look I don't want to fight, I'm not here to hurt you I just wanna talk." He offered one of his dashing smiles and the sight of his sharp teeth sent a feeling of dread through her.
He could see she was thinking locked in place unable to decide what to do, he in this moment kind of held the glasses over her because she needed them so she couldn't flee safely without them but he could see she didn't feel comfortable staying either. It was frustrating he was hoping for a warmer reception but he kept his face steady letting his brows fall in a sad kind of way rather than displaying frustration, acting sad instead of showing his real emotions.
"I'm sorry, I must have really hurt you huh?" He copied the tone of someone genuinely apologetic quite well, he didn't necessarily feel bad about the fight or aftermath. She was a rival, a meal at the time. How was he to know she was interesting? He lifted the glasses with his purple psychic energy and moved them over to her as a peace offering.
She hesitated before slowly taking them and he watched her at least pause to put them on as she looked at him again rather than immediately bolting. He kept the sad look on his face lowering his head as if ducking in apology or embarrassment as she watched him uncertainly.
She didn't move for a moment watching him as he moved to look at the water as if he was unable to bear looking at her, internally impressed with his acting skills. He heard her quietly shifting but it didn't sound like she was standing, she adjusted from her terrified position into a slightly more comfortable sit making sure it was a position she could easily move from. She watched him blinking a bit in confusion as she observed him.
Darkness had said he was much more civilized when she spoke with him, flirty even but not looking for a fight and not aggressive. She'd assumed he only acted that way because Darkness had a crystal too, but he was acting kind of normal now.
"Uhm," May uncertainly coughed into her hand to clear her throat, "I'm, gonna, go…" She moved to awkwardly stand saying, "enjoy the, water?" then cringing to herself as she turned to return to camp awkwardly. He turned his head to look at her watching her go, part of him having wanted her to stay to be fascinated by his good behavior to want to know all she could and he was a bit annoyed she didn't seem to care. He did also know it was to some degree a win, had she attacked him it meant she still saw him as a threat so clearly she must be somewhat intrigued by him.
"May?" She froze a bit at him knowing her name it felt so strange coming from his mouth uncertainly turning her head to look at him, "I am genuinely sorry for what I did, I'm trying to do better with this," he touched his shoulder around the crystal feigning pain and sorrow, "so I hope I can make it up to you and your brother someday." He gave her a smile that seemed genuine and she almost found herself fully believing him. With a shy smile she nodded unsure how to answer that at all and walked away to camp.
When her back turned Syns smile fell into a disappointed scowl, he put his head in his hand and he wrinkled his nose in frustration knowing no more than he did for trying this. He only hoped that he'd planted the seeds and he'd be able to reap the harvest later, if she did believe him then he could start to worm his way in. If her and Citrus were sisters and had a rocky past he's sure he could work it out with her too.
May walked back to camp feeling confused and anxious, her heart was still thumping despite nothing having happened but she knows it could've. And yet he seemed quite sad… She couldn't deny she did in fact feel a bit bad just abandoning him there on his own lonesome but what could she even say to him? And how could she justify just sitting being friendly with the Pokemon who tried to murder her brother? She sighed a bit to herself and stopped, she should've maybe at least asked his name. Should she go back? Would it be weird to? If he was sorry and did want to fix it wouldn't it be polite to be able to address him by name? Mutually extend the opportunity of healing? If he's just 'that Mewtwo who tried to kill Matt' in her mind isn't that a bit cruel?
She groaned to herself debating and awkwardly walking back, he was still sat by the water and he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, after some more mental debating she cleared her throat making him quickly look towards her, seeming a bit startled which in turn startled her.
"I, uh, sorry, I… never got your name?" She felt awkward just saying it she should've just kept walking. He looked at her and she could only imagine how much he was judging her, meanwhile Syn had to hide the want to break into a victorious smirk, she wanted to know his name and there's no way she'd want to know that if she wasn't thinking about him.
"Syn, you can call me Syn." He smiled at her giving another dashing smile and it weirdly didn't fill her with dread this time, she smiled a bit nodding at him in understanding.
"Syn..well, um nice to officially meet you, you already know my name but uh I'm May." She felt awkward as he looked at her smiling, but it felt a bit weird not introducing herself back. She thought about what to say next until she heard Matt yelling in the distance.
She flinched a bit at the volume with an oof, "I gotta go do uh damage control, bye!" She moved to run back to camp, stopping to lean back into view, "Syn." giving a wave before sprinting back to explain everything.
Syns' tail swayed up and down, content with the turn of events. He grinned satisfied to himself as he stood up thinking that May was indeed very interested in him. He'd be back later though it seemed like the pair was becoming a trio and the change in chemistry may cause difficulties. But, he counted this as a win overall. Maybe Citrus had put in a good word for him.
#My writing#@seasidemew oc#@seasidemew syn#I don't think this needs any tags for once holy moly#But like if you feel it needs any let me know obviously#Darkness choose a name challenge 2023 XD#She's experimenting lmao I'll let her be actually but I think I'm funny that when he's thinking of her he calls her Citrus#Also sibling moments she loves her sis a lot#And Darkness just there like secretly terrified of Syn#Also lmao Syn is so grumpy in my writing. Mad Citrus doesn't do their usual talks mad at sun mad May isn't infatuated with him#Life is SO unfair for Syn XD#He's just here like um excuse me I'm being a sad little meow meow here you're meant to forgive me and be interested in me now#Like what do you MEAN you're still negatively affected by that fight we had that was like 4 months ago why aren't u over it XD#Syn wants her to be interested in him so bad XD like hello??? I'm interesting?? Be interested!!#But also what a manipulative lying lil fucker just oh :( oh Yea I feel awful :(#May: *asks for Syns name because she wants to extend an olive branch believing his acting*#Syn: god I just can't keep the woman off of me#This is also important like building blocks for the next fic lmao because now the idea of Syn actually being a good boy has been planted m#And since she was just earlier talking about how darkness has redeemed herself she'll be thinking huh maybe he can be redeemed too#Spoilers he cannot probably who knows but he lie and fib and May unfortunately sees the best in people#Tw blood mention#Dangit XD
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reshinless · 4 days
Can you write kinich x reader smut
──── i w'na ride?!
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𝜗𝜚 synopsis. whatever position he wants >_o
𝜗𝜚 pairings. kinich x gn!afab!reader(?) see this however u want cuz in som of the bullets i use boobs or discreetly mention chests (kinich is also a lowk perv)
𝜗𝜚 director's notice. i'll explain why he'd like this trust me, !!nsfw content ahead!!
inspired by the moments where he kept hitting the pose where his hands behind his head plus the one scene where he sat in a tree with his hands behind his back (or maybe i'm imagining things.)
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kinich who reluctantly visits the beach(es) plus hot springs in the toyac springs region because mualani says you both need it, seeing as how much you both work beside each other, you'll definitely need a nice bath! especially the rumors of the heated conditions the springs seem to excrete.
kinich who no matter how long you and him have met each other, he'll never get used to seeing you in a bathing suit. even when you both were still kids fooling around on the beach with mualani. the atmosphere back then has almost never changed, walking along the sandy coast, feeling each little particle fall over your toes, the sun roughly about to set, the scenery was a sight to behold!
now that you both were older.. he would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to you, your way of fighting, your appearance, how well you compliment him, it was almost like a corrupt addiction. even ajaw mentions how cheesy it is each time he sees kinich looking at you, whether it be lust or love in his green eyes.
mualani was overjoyed to hear that you've never gone out to swim, especially in the temperature she's usually in. kinich decides to tag along, totally not because he definitely wouldn't mind seeing you in different swimsuits/trunks.
kinich who you didn't mind letting him stay outside the changing room while you put on different suits while mualani actually help you choose (unlike someone who just kept ogling his eyes at you)
mualani who chose something that revealed more than appropriate portion of your skin (which was a lot, and imagine this similar to the one lumine wore!!), kinich who couldn't stop eyeing you up and down, ajaw teasing with digital sunglasses over his face; "y'know sunglasses help cover up what you're tryna look at!"
cue kinich smacking bro away again :pray:
you only got more attractive in his eyes. watching how you walk up to him, holding out a bottle of sunscreen to him, asking if he'd put some on your back before you'd go surfing on mualani's shark.
kinich didn't wanna admit but he was a little more than just turned on while spreading the lotion over your shoulders and back down to your back, his calloused hands feeling you up and down..
kinich who felt a little guilty but couldn't help but always slowly let his view dip down to your ass. shit he could already imagine what it'd look like without that last piece of clothing. too bad he can't rip it off you right here and now.
kinich who ran his hands around your chest, your sides, every curve that you wouldn't suspect him from.. he could already feel the tent in his pants rise.
kinich who couldn't resist looking at your pretty body through the blurriness of the water, almost forgetting to swim back up from being a little more than distracted. only coming back up after mualani mentions he's the winner of holding their breath underwater challenge.
a sigh of relief.. or maybe pleasure rather remembering yesterday on how close he got to be to you, palming his erection with hurriedness, thinking of how soft you felt under his fingers, only a thin layer of sunscreen that wouldn't make it weird between you both, kinich catches himself moan your name quietly in the changing room before he goes back out to you and mualani for day two of your summer break of 5 days in total.
sitting under the comfortable shade of an umbrella he brought, putting sunglasses on to rest for a bit before going in the water, or at least that is what it looks like. in all real reality, he was taking sneaky glances at you from less than appropriate angles, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it.
kinich could barely hold himself back for the next 2 days, wherein you all toured around mualani's hometown (for the sixtieth time, but then again it never gets old seeing a different culture every now and then!)
on the last day of your adventures with mualani, she offers for you both to finally bask in the warmth of the hot springs! the natural wonder of her home! kinich was reluctant at first, but agreed seeing how you were just oh-so happy to oblige.
this time, mualani got you a different swimsuit, one muuuuuchhh more revealing this time. it's clear now that she knows kinich's little crush on you, and now she knew that you liked him back.
mualani who coincidentally forgot the milk, and silly snacks she baked earlier that morning, oh would you look at the time! i guess she has to go get them... kinich who lowkey panicks, he already is a little flustered from your new look (but manages to quickly cool himself down)
kinich who is gentle while letting you slowly dip your feet into the water, this wasn't his first time here but he knew it was yours, stepping into the water first while holding your palms softly.
you two finally both sit in the springs comfortably, right in front of him, talking about whatever you and mualani did while he sunbathed (under an umbrella). building sandcastles and such.
"ahhh... kinichhhh! you should've been there. i would've wanted you there at least, dunno about mualani-" it felt like almost immediately his trunks tightened.. maybe he got the wrong size?
oh but the sound of you verbally saying you needed him definitely is a huge turn on. well you didn't necessarily say 'need' but you definitely wanted him there, good enough.
kinich who already has you straddled on top of him, directly on his boner, fuck he could feel it already. his hands are already on your hips letting you grind over his erection, this felt better than he could've ever fantasized of!
kinich who lets you ride him, the water you both were already surrounded only made it sound all the more dirtier. it didn't help that the sly little smile on your face, all he could do was bury his face into an arm of his own, looking away from you.
kinich whose hands were in his hair, intertwining with every little strand, the flush on his face only worsened each time you bounced on it, he could barely make eye contact with you, not because he didn't want you.. ohh it was because he thinks if he did he'd come immediately!!
kinich who holds you close as his climax comes closer as well, holding you tight in his embrace, he could feel your warmth, your skin, your everything, all he could was quickly drift his calloused palms back down to your hips, making sure no drop of cum was waaaasssttteeedddd
you could see how good you made him feel, even with just a sneaky, yet lustful glance, yet plop plop plop is all you can hear echoing throughout the cave, your hands propped up on the wall as kinich pushed against your back, his grunts only getting louder, eager to please you. seeing how your eyebrows knotted
kinich who felt intoxicated as hell in your scent, almost breathless as his head fits into the empty slot right beside your collar, fire pooled down inside your abdomen as you slowly reached your peak, watching how beautifully your eyes rolled back, feeling warm semen shoot up in your stomach. holy shit were you a beauty to see.
the musky scent of sweat mixed with the warm water below you both, kinich could still feel you clench harshly on his cock, even after release, fixed & still processing what you both had just done.
kinich who brings you out the bath, wrapped in a towel, bridal style and all, before mualani can come back with the milk and snacks- "hey what is that white stuff mixed in the water- what did you two do?!"
kinich who holds your hand while you both stroll throughout the shops opened up at nighttime, the constellations in the sky connected like it was used to it, the fresh scent of grilled fish was clear in the air's aroma, filling everyone's noses, mualani couldn't just give all this fish just to you two anyway!
kinich who fully confessed his feelings to you, no sex no lust, just him wanting you to sense how much he's been longing for you, in hopes you'd reciprocate it. in which you did with open arms!
m: "aha! i knew it! you both finally told each other you like each other didn't you!!", k: "no need to shout.", y/n: "i suppose!"
mualani will stop teasing for now, and let you two be, just with each other as the stars reflect off the light you've shone into his life.
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kinda cringe might delete :100:
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miniimight · 10 months
Hiiii idk if you’re doing requests rn but I just ADORE how you write Izuku and katsuki like omg-
Anyways- my meds are causing me some crazy nightmares lately and I was wondering how they would handle you waking up from a nightmare???
If you don’t take requests then forget this ever happened :’)
Have a nice day byeeeeee!!!
NIGHTMARES you wake up in a start and wake them up in the process
with izuku & katsuki
notes guys i know ive been away for way too long im so sorry!!! :( i'm in the process of moving so it's stressful T-T thanks for the request, anon, hope those nightmares got/get better :( <3
it was so vivid. your mind sunk into an alternate reality that captured all your senses. you felt yourself spiraling deeper and deeper, faster and faster—
your body jolted upright with a breathless yell and a sharp gasp, the world stilling for a mere second...
and then you leaned over your knees, your lungs racing to catch up with your need for oxygen. your chest felt tight and you squeezed your eyes, remembering that your boyfriend was laying peacefully beside you.
you peeked to your side and found him staring right back—wide, bright eyes piercing into your own—sending a shock through your body.
"god, izuku, you scared me—" you sighed, your hand pressing on your stomach as if that would make the uneasy feeling disappear.
"i scared you?" he sat up further, scooching closer to your side. "you scared me, angel. are you okay? you're out of breath, honey. let's do it together, okay?"
you whimpered softly as you tried to follow his guide. izuku could tell you were in distress and it took everything to stop himself from overwhelming you with questions. he just laced his fingers with yours and squeezed.
"good job, honey." izuku praised you ever-so-softly, rubbing your back soothingly. "feeling a bit better?"
you nodded, frowning. "m'sorry for waking you—"
"angel." he whined, letting his eyes do all the talking. "don't do that! please, don't do that." he actually sounded offended.
you looked away from him, your throat hurting from holding back tears. "it's been happening all the time, though, and you need your rest. maybe i should take the guest room?" you were more talking to yourself than anything, but izuku refused to let you entertain such an idea.
izuku's shoulders slumped, the shock fading as drowsiness began to overtake him. he smiled lazily, fighting a yawn. "y/n, even if i knew you would wake me up every night for the rest of time, i'd still choose to be here beside you."
you turned to face him, the horror of your nightmare slowly fading to the back of your mind. "really?"
"really." he confirmed.
you smiled, letting your head rest on your knees as you stared at him lovingly.
the rustle of sheets and whistle of wind reminded the both of you that it was indeed the middle of the night. izuku tugged you closer by your waist, pulling you back onto the bed. he groaned softly, stretching a little before he relaxed against you. "did you wanna talk about it?"
you pursed your lips. curling into his embrace, you immediately felt warmer. "...not right now."
he kissed your forehead. "don't worry, i'll always be right here to protect you from anything your head throws at you. you just tell me and let me at 'em." he kissed you again before wrapping both arms around you.
his steady breathing and soft snores brought a fond smile to your face. you found yourself falling asleep despite the night's events.
you both stared at each other for a good few seconds before you spoke up.
"sorry for waking you," you mumbled, still having trouble managing your breathing. you turned away from him, pressing your palms into your eyes.
"no," he whispered with a softness reserved for you only. "you didn't wake me."
you stared at him through the darkness and could see him so clearly. "katsuki—"
"shh, it's okay, baby." he gave you a soft smile, once again reassuring you. "come 'ere."
you sniffed as you inched closer. katsuki gently took your arm and pulled you the rest of the way right into his arms. his hand fell to your waist, tracing little shapes and lines as he allowed you time.
"wanna talk about it?" he asked.
you shook your head.
"okay." he squeezed your shoulder, kissing your cheek. he figured you'd tell him when you were ready—the last thing he wanted to do was stress you out even more. it was hard, not to get all the answers on what was bothering was you... it was in his nature to want to make all your problems go away. "what do you need?"
you hand wound around his torso, hugging him back. "um..." you shuddered as you breathed in. "just you."
he smiled against your skin. "yeah? promise you're not holding back on me?"
you giggled. "yes."
"cuz you know i'd do literally anything—"
you sat up slightly, turning to face him with a swat to his chest. your face burned and it was a struggle to recall the images of your nightmare. "katsuki! oh my god."
"what?" he scrunched his nose. his eyes never left you. "it's true."
you returned to your spot between his arm. "just you."
"whatever you say." he pressed his lips to your temple before he got comfy. he sighed. "goodnight, pretty. wake me when those stupid nightmares bug you again, okay?"
your heart fluttered and your smile grew out of your control. "okay."
© miniimight ! thanks for reading <3
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dduane · 2 months
Hi Diane!!
You answered an ask just recently wherein you talked about how the Writer Brain often is continually working "behind the scenes" in ways that don't necessarily manifest as words on a page. As someone in the midst of two year (and counting) writing hiatus, this was such a helpful reminder. I'm becoming a mature enough writer to recognize when I'm simply too exhausted to enjoy the the fun parts of writing, and to trust that the magic will come back when I'm ready for it.
The very next day, because OF COURSE it was the very next day, you won't be surprised to hear I had a revelation. I was playing a video game that has nothing to do with anything in my writing world, when a full and complete fix to a plot problem I *hadn't even realized I'd been having* hit me like a truck.
It was a beautiful moment. The whole third act outline changed into something emotionally coherent. And my guess, based on paying attention to your writing advice for some time now, is that my brain was secretly working on this plan the whole time. Even without going near a keyboard for ages. Maybe even while I was at work, or parenting, or sleeping.
That it happened during a moment of relaxation can't be a coincidence. I'm still not ready to return to writing, but when I am I'll have a reliable outline to work with, as well as a good deal of renewed excitement.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us so freely! We are so lucky to count you as a member of our community on this hellsite (affectionate). Thanks for being here :)
For whatever help I may have been—because you and your brain are plainly managing this perfectly well—you're absolutely more than welcome. :)
A continuing difficulty for a lot of writers these days, old or new, is that many of us are embedded in cultural matrices that insist that if something's not working, you should immediately do something about it to fix it. The pressure to Do Something about whatever's not functioning is incessant. (Just look around, for examples close to home, at all the advice on dealing with writer's block. Do this! Do that! Don't do this, do something else!... ad infinitum.) There's not a lot of acceptance of or even interest in advice that centers the idea of not doing anything: of, in fact, consciously and deliberately, doing nothing.
It's a problem, because such cultural mindsets too routinely come to equate any form of "doing nothing"—even simply resting, ffs—as a form of failure. You gave up, you stopped fighting back, you surrendered, you're a loser! ...And people stuck in this way of thinking, even if they briefly try relaxing and letting go, tend to abandon it too quickly, well before it has a chance to work. Then they wander off muttering about how relaxation is a waste of time, they just need to work harder, fight more, keep banging their head into that wall until the wall gives...!
(sigh) It's frustrating to watch... and to be caught in. Don't think I don't occasionally stumble over/into this old calcified mindset myself, and have to remind myself to step back, sit still, be quiet and wait. Or to just go do something else, something as non-writing-adjacent as possible, for short periods. (It would profoundly embarrass me to have to admit how many useful realizations I've had while standing over the sink and doing the dishes. It's a lot more congenial when these insights arrive while cooking: but you don't get to pick and choose.) :)
Also: the realization that this solution happened for you while doing something recreational is extremely useful. Because the word can sometimes mean re-creation literally, as a refreshment or restoration of a malfunctioning, injured, worn-down or dog-tired mental or creative state. Which is why we need play... and the older and more "adult" we get, the more we need it. We need, literally, to recreate ourselves.
So just keep doing what you're doing. Or not-doing what you're not-doing. (snicker: this is veering toward the somewhat Zen.) Whatever: keep it up. :)
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froggiewrites · 6 days
i love your writing so much and im so glad you opened requests!! :) i would love if you wrote a fic about zoro being dominant (maybe some spanking/spitting?) him having a dirty mouth, and perhaps some edging? i have another idea that i'll send in a diff message too! even if you dont choose this one i look forward to reading the others <3
I've never written anything with a lot of dirty talk or dominance before, but I tried my best, and I hope I did it justice! 😊
Playing Rough
Pairing: Zoro x Reader
Summary: You're being terribly stubborn, insisting on fighting battles you can't handle. Zoro decides to put you in your place. Warnings: Smut, Dom Zoro, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Slight Edging, Begging Word Count: 2.4k
It was a stupid argument, one that shouldn’t have happened.
The battle you had been through was rough, sure, but you didn’t take any damage that wouldn’t heal. Zoro had insisted you not fight on your own, not take on any challenge you couldn’t handle, and you had insisted that you were more than capable of handling it. And you were. You came home, didn’t you? And the bruises might be nasty and the stitches weren’t terribly fun either, but you were in one piece. You had managed to hobble your way back to the ship on your own, and you didn’t even collapse before making it into Zoro’s arms.
You were too out of it to comprehend the words he said, though you understood the panic and fear in his tone well enough. And you certainly understood the words he spoke when you first woke up.
“Are you stupid?”
“Excuse me?”
Before you could truly get angry, his arms were around you, crushing you against his chest. You can feel a slight tremor as he takes a deep breath, nose buried in your hair, taking in your scent, your warmth, any evidence that you are here with him and alive. He takes a shuddering inhale, the closest thing to weakness you’ve ever heard from him, before his voice comes back again, rough and absolutely furious. “You almost died.”
“I didn’t almost die.” You try to say it sweetly, soothingly, but his fingers tighten in a way that is less than kind.
“You almost died. You went even though you knew you shouldn’t, and you almost died. I almost lost you.” His voice isn’t shaking, not quite, but you swear you feel the tremor anyway. Zoro is not a man easily rattled, yet somehow you have shaken him to his very foundation.
“You could never lose me, Zoro. I knew what I was doing, I promise.”
“You knew the risk you were taking?”
“Yes. But I had to do it.” You bring a hand up to run through his hair. “I knew I would come back. I knew what I was doing, and I knew I was strong enough. I promise.”
You’re suddenly devoid of his warmth as he pulls away, glaring at you. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. Chopper said if you got back even a few minutes later…” He trails off, clenching his teeth.
“But I didn’t,” you insist. “Everything turned out fine, Zoro.”
“Do you think that’s all that matters?”
“Kind of!”
He huffs. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He stalks out of the room, slamming the door as he leaves. You throw yourself back onto the bed, wincing as you realize your ribs are very much broken. Every inch of you is bruised, and it hurts to breathe. But it was worth it. He would understand that eventually. Not every fight has a pretty ending, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t finish them.
He did not understand, as it turns out.
He still helped you as you healed, your dear protector always carrying you so gently, so purposefully. But you could feel the distance, the tension. Neither of you acknowledged it, focusing on your health first and foremost, but it haunted every moment you two were together. Touches were fleeting, conversation was sparse. But finally, finally, today you have been officially given a clean bill of health by Chopper.
“You’re cleared for everyday activity, but I still want you to stay out of fights for a while. And don’t do anything that reckless again!” Chopper’s words are law when it comes to your health, so you’ll do your best, but you can’t help but think of how no one else on this ship would follow such instructions.
“I’ll try.” No promises you can’t keep, and Chopper purses his lips a little when he realizes, but after a moment he simply nods. He’s used to patients even more stubborn than you, of course.
As you leave the office, ready to get back to your regular life, you’re instantly met by Zoro’s broad chest as he pulls you into him.
“You’re fine now?” There’s a tension to his voice you don’t fully understand.
“I–yeah? I guess?”
“Good.” He throws you over his shoulder, not exactly gently, now that he knows being rough with you won’t open your stitches.
“What are you doing?” You try to pull yourself up to see where he’s taking you, but he gives you a quick swat on the ass that makes you squeak as you fall limp again.
“You’ll see.” He jogs down a hallway you only recognize right before you reach your destination: his room. When the door slams shut behind you, enclosing you in darkness, it almost sounds like a death knell.
He throws you onto the bed carelessly, pushing a hand onto your stomach to keep you from bouncing. His other hand makes quick work of your pants as you squirm, not out of fear but out of pure confusion.
“Zoro? What’s going on?”
“We have a conversation to finish.” His voice is flat. You don’t need to ask him which conversation. You know damn well which one. He’s finally rid you of your pants, throwing them carelessly to the floor, and he begins to work on the buttons of your shirt.
“Is that what this is going to be? A conversation?”
He hums. “No, I guess not.” His callused hands are rough against your bare skin as he unhooks your bra and grabs your breasts. “You aren’t going to be doing much talking, today. It’s finally time for you to listen.” He kneads your chest for a moment, pinching harshly, before he moves to slide off your panties.
“Listen?” Your voice is a little strained as you feel his fingers slide against your bare skin for the first time in weeks.
“Yeah, listen. You weren’t willing before, so I have to try something else.” He flips you over before pulling you onto his lap, ass in the air. “Make you remember our roles here.”
“Our roles?”
“Yeah. I’m the protector of the ship, of our crew. That’s my job.”
“Oh? And what’s mine?”
“In general? To survive. Right now? To take what I give you.”
“And what are you giving me?”
“Do you think you’re in a position to interrogate me right now?” His hand grabs one of your ass cheeks, an attempt to remind you exactly who’s in charge. And you know, of course, who’s in charge here. But that doesn’t mean you can’t push him.
“You’ve been answering, haven’t you?” You can’t keep the mischief out of your voice.
He chuckles in spite of himself. “Yeah, I have. I’m being too nice, aren’t I?” His voice gets a little deeper, an intensity creeping in. “I’ll give you one more, as a treat. I’m giving you exactly what you’ve earned, for acting so fucking recklessly. And then, if you’re good? I’ll give you my cock. I’m sure you want it, hm? All cooped up in the infirmary for weeks, thinking about it, knowing you can’t have it. I bet it’s been driving you insane.”
With that, you feel the sharp sting of his hand as he brings it down. It makes you cry out as it connects with your soft flesh, but you know he isn’t using even half of his strength, holding back, somehow taking care of you even now. You feel him harden when he does it, though you can’t tell if it’s from the sound you make or from the action itself. Maybe both. His hand gently caresses the growing handprint, a moment of tenderness, before he raises his hand again and you tense.
“Just relax, sweetheart. It can’t be any worse than what you put us through.” Another smack, this one on the other cheek, and another, and another, alternating each time. You can’t help the small squeaks and whines you let out, and Zoro can’t hide the effect they have on him, breathing growing heavier and smacks becoming more intense as you both lose yourselves.
“That’s it. One more. You can take one more.”
“That’s right. Another. You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? You’re practically dripping.” You clench your thighs together, trying to hide the fact that he’s right, about this, about the fight, about everything here. When you try, he tuts, bringing his hand down yet again, making you jolt. “Don’t go hiding yourself from me, pretty thing. You’re mine, every inch of you. You can’t hide a thing from me. Can you say it for me, sweet thing? Admit that you’re mine?”
“I’m yours, Zoro!”
“And that I was right?”
“You were—ah!” His hand comes down again, but you force your way through. “You were right, Zoro!”
“There we go.” His hands finally stop, coming to rest on your red and stinging ass. “Was that so hard to admit?”
You keep silent, your stubbornness still carrying you through.
He laughs at you. “You know, I could add a bit to your punishment for not answering. But,” his fingers find your entrance, wet and waiting, “I think you’d probably like that, huh?”
You hum, pushing your face into the bed, trying to hide your red face and ears. He lifts you up, pulling you up into a sitting position, holding your chin and forcing you to look him in the eyes. “Hiding again? You really liked your punishment, didn’t you? As much as I’d love to continue, that’s not all I had in store. So eyes on me.”
He quickly strips off his shirt before easily lifting you with one arm so he can slide off his pants. As he does, you can see a wet spot where you were resting. It’s a little mortifying, realizing how easily he can turn you to putty in his hands, literally dripping wet for him. Your embarrassment quickly subsides when he frees his cock, red and twitching, and you realize you hold just as much sway over him as he does over you. He lines himself up with your entrance, ready to give you exactly what you want.
As he slowly slides you down on his cock, you let out a moan, and he groans in response. His eyes are locked onto where your bodies meet, taking in the sight of you stretching around him. “Fuck, you take me so perfectly. Like you were made for me.”
Once he’s fully sheathed in you, you both take a moment to breathe in, enjoying the feeling of this first sweet stretch. The second you breathe out, he begins to bounce you roughly, making you squeak. “Oh, you thought I was going to go easy on you now?” He laughs, continuing his fast pace, fingertips digging into your hips. “Fuck, you feel so good, pretty thing. Bouncing on my cock just like that.”
One hand leaves your hips, moving up your body, finding its place at your chest. He pinches your nipples, making you squeal, before he leans forward, breathing heavily in your ear. “God, when you squeeze around me like that…” he squeezes your chest again, moaning. “You kill me, sweetheart.”
His hips continue to snap harshly into yours, pounding relentlessly as the sounds of slapping skin fill the room. His lips latch onto your neck, sucking and leaving a mark that clearly defines you as his. You can feel the heat rising as your orgasm builds, your sounds growing more wanton and desperate as Zoro begins to pound into you even faster, and faster.
And then it stops.
You can feel the rumble of his chest against your back as he laughs. “Oh, did you think I was going to just give it to you?”
“I–But–I was good,” you say petulantly. Your voice is still a half whine as you try to ground yourself, the tension in your body slowly unraveling and leaving nothing but a cold dissatisfaction.
“Hm.” He presses his cheek to your shoulder, humming as though he’s thinking. “Well. Maybe if you beg you can cum on my cock. If you’re real sweet about it.”
It’s embarrassing how quickly the frantic cry leaves your mouth. “Please, please, please Zoro can I cum? Please?”
“Hm. I think you can do better.”
“Please, can I cum on your cock, Zoro! Please, I need you, please!”
“Alright. Since you asked so nicely.”
His fingers find your clit, rubbing circles around it. He enters you again, pace slower this time, but strokes deep and deliberate. You can feel every inch of him as he pulls in and out, feel the heat of his breath on your ear, hear his quiet moans as you clench around him. He will give you your release, but not as quickly as you want it. You’ll get it on his terms.
Even still, you reach your precipice quickly, and he whispers huskily in your ear. “Are you ready?”
You’re beyond all practical thought at this point, but you still manage two simple words. “Yes! Please.”
“Alright then, pretty thing. Cum for me.” With one final thrust, one final movement of his fingers, you do, gushing around him as the world shatters. You’re panting, desperate for breath, but you can’t seem to make your lungs listen to you over the symphony of pleasure you’re drowning in. Right as you manage to regain some control of yourself, you can feel Zoro go tense beneath you before you feel him spill inside of you, filling you to the brim as he quietly moans out your name. 
You both sit together a moment, you limp in Zoro’s arms as he falls back onto the bed, before he speaks up.
“Promise me you’ll never do anything like that again. Really.” His arms wrap around you a little tighter. “I…I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you.”
“I won’t do it again, Zoro, I promise.” Your voice is weak, but you look up to see a sincere smile creep onto his face and you know he heard you. “...Are there other things that might get me punished like this? Less deadly things?”
He laughs. “Oh, there are plenty. And I’m sure you’ll do them all.” His hand runs through your hair affectionately. “But I’ll find more excuses to spank you later. I think you need some rest.”
With that, you two simply lay together, the only sound in the room your quiet breaths and the sound of Zoro’s heartbeat, growing slower and slower as you both drift off.
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houseoflibra-if · 8 months
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"House of Libra? It's best not to talk about them, lest you wish to end up silenced like how they once were."
House of Libra.
Once the peacekeepers of the kingdom, now reduced to nothing but a lost tale. They were well respected by many for maintaining the balance of the lands, yet betrayed by those who wished for too much.
However, without House Libra keeping the balance alive, the world succumbs to the ire of the Zodiac Aura. A powerful dose of magic pulses through the lands, mutating anyone without protection. But protection can only last so long, and it's only a matter of time before the Aura consumes the lands whole.
Your family remains as one of the only branches of House Libra left alive. Due to the natural essence of your house, your family is less affected by the Zodiac Aura. No matter, as House Libra grows smaller, the world continues to eat itself alive.
It's up to you to restore the peace in the lands, for you were born under the Equinox sky.
"Never forget my words, little star. This House may have fallen, yes, but we will rise again."
House of Libra: Resurgemus is an upcoming interactive fiction inspired by the zodiac signs. You will have the freedom to explore the story and its characters with depth, so questions and various asks are greatly encouraged! This series will be 16+ (TBC), on Twine.
Play as a male, female or non-binary person. Have the freedom to choose your appearance based on what you like.(Please take note that I am a new writer, as such I do not have much experience with writing non-binary characters/pronouns. Please bear with me!)
Shape your character and personality, should you be kind, cold or a sassy boss, the choice is yours.
Build relationships- or break them if you wish. The choice is yours, but your actions will have consequences.
Have a say in the way your back story is woven. Choose your desired trauma that will affect certain plots of the story.
Choices matter. Your actions and words will influence the ending you achieve, so be wise with how you wish to shape your story.
Romance ranges between the 4 given options, shower them with your own type of affection for they will adore you nonetheless. Or you could lead them to their deaths. Woopsie.
Choose your relationship with your family. Are you a loving family? Or do you constantly need family therapy? Choose their fates as well (but don't kill all of them, that's kinda mean.)
Gain new skills and various powers that will aid you in your journey. But be warned, will they great power comes great responsibility. And a greater chance of messing things up.
Various endings will (hopefully) be available based on your choices.
This IF will be more focused on interactions and choices compared to stats. I don't think I plan on having stats. Maybe a sanity bar, but I'll see how well the coding goes.
Romance Options
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Avira/Aurelius Lozenges, [RO]
Age: 26
The eldest child of House Leo, Avira/Aurelius is the epitome of the zodiac's charms. Charismatic, ambitious and loyal to a fault, there's no wonder why they're called by the admirable title of House Leo's Golden Lion. They are expected to take over the ruling throne once their father retires.
Although, with every envied perfect child comes a chamber of secrets, and they are no different. Guarded eye(s) and tense shoulders, they seem constantly restless under judgmental gazes of everyone in the kingdom.
Perhaps, you may be able to give them the freedom they long for. After all, a lion in a castle is still a caged lion.
Romance trope:
Love at first fight
Tame a wounded beast
Cocky/Arrogant -> Soft/Sweet
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Castora/Castor Dioscuri, [RO]
Age: 24
The renowned child of House Gemini, they are known for their sharp mouth and playful personality. Castora/Castor remains as the number one It Girl/Guy of the kingdom as they're not only captivating in nature, but they too posses a brilliant mind like no other. Having them on your side would be quite advantageous, no?
There's something off putting about them though, as the House of Gemini have always borne children that are twins no matter how different. Yet, Castora/Castor remains as the only member of House Gemini to be born alone.
Will you dig deeper into their depths? Or will you drown in their eyes, just like everyone else? With them, you are never alone.
Romance tropes:
Slow burn
Frenemies -> lovers
Closed off heart that's waiting to be loved
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Esme/Esmeray von Aquaria, [RO]
Age: 28
Some people call them cursed.
And to others, they were simply unlucky as a child for straying too far.
Esme/Esmeray is a child of House Aquarius, yet they couldn't despise it enough. Known for being one if the most influential houses due to their unyielding intelligence, a child of House Aquarius must be perfect in the eyes of others.
Yet Esme/Esmeray is the exact opposite of that. Cursed by the effects of Zodiac Aura when they were younger, they carry the mark of the Waxing Moon. This affected their life despite protection given, and they will not rest until they slay the beast that hurt them so.
They have a cold and distant personality, paired with one of the brightest minds in the kingdom only to be rivaled by the child of House Gemini. Will you be the one to thaw this icy heart? Or will you suffocate in the depths of Aquaria?
Romance trope:
Cold -> absolute simp
Heated arguments and soft confessions
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Nyoka Constello, [RO]
Age: same as player character
The forgotten children of the banished zodiac. Nobody remembers how this House used to flourish as they are now called the Followers of Ophiuchus. Scorned by the lands and cursed by the stars, the last surviving followers live in hiding. Now, they are nothing but tales woven in time.
Well, that's for everyone else. Nyoka just so happens to be your childhood friend, having been born under the same moon and stars aligned. They used to be docile and caring, but times have changed and so have they. Don't fret, little star, for they still have a soft spot for you.
They have an unusual appearance, with a long and sturdy sea-snake tail paired with sharp semi-curved horns. Their dark eyes seem to pull you in, rivaling the stars above.
But the mutation is spreading, and they've no clue how much time they have left. Save them, if you must. Or watch the one you once loved die.
Romance trope:
Angst. Just angst. And maybe fluff.
Childhood friends -> strangers -> lovers
"Perhaps we were soulmates in another life."
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Here are some things you need to know:
I am a new writer (this is my first interactive fiction project.) so not everything will be smooth sailing.
I estimate the demo to come out mid this year, but personal matters may change some things.
This is my passion project. Please don't expect me to dedicate all my time onto this as I have a life as well.
I'm very new to coding, so learning twine will take a while. I'll have to do a few test runs before releasing the demo.
I adore feedback and asks about the game. It helps me improve as a writer while getting to build my characters more.
I want to have fun with everyone, so hateful criticism will not be tolerated. Treat me with respect and I will return the gesture.
That's all for now (I think). Have fun reading!
Demo (TBA) || Character Post (TBA) || World building (TBA)
Credits to Doshiart on picrew for the character portraits!
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You look like a fun place to sit.
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Gif credits
Pairing: Neighbor!Frankie Morales x f!reader
Words count: 2667
Rating: + 18, MDNI
Summary: You decide to enjoy a night at the movies, your neighbor Frankie ruins it all. Or maybe not?
Tags: pov second person, no use of y/n, fluff, sort of romcom vibes (?), smut, enemies to lovers, age unspecified but they are both full grown adults, Frankie is annoying but also cute and lovely and fucking gorgeous, reader has hair, breasts and vagina, other than that no other description of her is given, fingering (f receiving), sexual acts in public places (again? Again. I'm not even particularly interested in doing that irl I don't know what to say to you, please forgive me), pet names (honey, baby, princess), arguing, kissing, no use of Spanish because I terribly suck at it and I don't want to butcher another language LOL. If by chance I realize I forgot something I'll add it right away.
It’s my first Frankie ff and I’m so incredibly nervous to post it you all! I really hope it doesn’t sucks because I had so much fun writing it today in one sitting ‘cause I’m just an impulsive impatient mess. (Leo sun and Aries moon, what do you expect from me if not chaos? I had nothing a few hours ago, I even skipped WIP Wednesday and btw thanks for the tag @almostempty 🩷)
Title comes from a gif of Karen Walker from Will and Grace that I saw last night, it made me laugh a lot and this thing was born LOL
As usual, English is not my first language so please be gentle, no beta and no proofreading, it’s tiny and it’s all my fault, I’m sorry 💀 Thanks to anyone who will read this!
“Excuse me, you should stand up, that’s my seat” 
Frankie turns, looking at you with a surprised expression “I don’t think so, you’re wrong” he replies. 
Ugh, your neighbor.
Frankie lives two houses away from you. Last winter you had a fight at a neighborhood meeting because you pointed out that he keeps forgetting to put the recycling bins back in, and he told you to mind your own business and called you an hysterical witch.
A stupid fight that ended up with you not saying hello to each other and various other arguments about your flashy Christmas lights or his overgrown yard. You and Frankie fight constantly, about everything. And now he's here.
You glare at him “I’m not wrong at all, look” and you wave your ticket under his nose “P10, see? It’s my seat and you’re rude”. 
A grin spreads across his face “listen, honey, I don’t know where you got this ticket, you probably made it yourself, I bought it a moment ago and it’s the same seat” 
He takes a card out of his pocket and hands it to you, remaining comfortably seated with a large popcorn box. 
You look at the ticket, him again, the ticket again “how the hell is that possible?! I booked it on their website a week ago” 
He sneers “I told you! It must be a system error, I don’t know, I’m not getting up from here”
You are furious. The theater is filling up and you absolutely don’t want to leave, you have been waiting for this movie for months and you have inspected the theater map choosing a seat that would guarantee you the very best view.
“I bought it first, so I have more right to be here than you do,” you say firmly and Frankie laughs. 
“Where are we, elementary school? Listen, honey, go buy yourself another ticket and leave me alone.” He replies crunching on popcorn.
The way he calls you “honey” irritates you deeply, it sounds like an insult.
“I’m not going anywhere, YOU get the fuck out of here” you hiss. 
“No” he simply replies and then he turns back at the screen pretending you’re not there. 
“Truly a gentleman, as usual. I have no words.” you roll your eyes and search for an usher to ask for help. No one is there. 
The movie starts in 5 minutes and you don’t want to miss anything you paid for. If you went to the box office right now to complain it would take forever to get back in. 
“Fuck” you exclaim and sit down next to him huffing. You are sure that someone will make you get up very early and it pisses you off.
Frankie continues to nibble on his popcorn and looks at you with an extremely amused expression, it seems like the show has become you.
“Why do you care so much about this movie anyway?” he asks you. “Does any of your relatives happen to be in it?“ 
You’re fuming. 
His teasing tone, his vaguely Spanish accent, his smirk, the sound of him chewing, everything bothers you.
“No. Shut the fuck up” you tell him with a death stare. 
You won’t tell him that your favorite actor stars in it, that you have every photo from the set of this movie saved on your phone, that you’ve read every article about it, and that you couldn’t wait to enjoy it on the first day of screening.
You can already hear his raucous laughter. No, you would never tell Frankie anything like that.
“You're not one of that guy's crazy fans, are you?” 
“What guy?” you ask him, pretending not to know what he's talking about. “Gladiator is one of my favorite movies, that's all. I just wanted to watch the sequel in peace. Someone is stopping me, though” 
“That guy, I bet you like him, what’s his name? Paul Pascal?” he stares at you searching for every little involuntary movement on your face that might give you away. 
“Oh for God’s sake, what are you doing here anyway? Do you even know what you're about to see? They are Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal, two different people, you uncultered swine.” You yell. This guy is impossible.
“Yeah, whatever, so which one do you fancy?”
“Fucking nobody” you lie “I just want to watch a movie after a horrible week at work, okay?” You try to play on his guilt. If he has one, you think.
“Well, I've had a rough week too, okay?” he shrugs without stopping to give you that annoying little smile. “And it's not my fault that this theater is having problems with its computer system.”
You glance at him, wondering if he's telling the truth, it's impossible to guess from his face.
People keep sitting in the front rows and you start hoping that luck will be on your side and that no one will make you get up.
“Okay, look, now we're going to watch this movie and then we'll go our separate ways, please don't bother me anymore"
“As you wish, princess” he replies ironically.
You don't even answer him, you're too busy checking that no other people come in.
Finally the opening credits start to roll and the doors close with a dull thud.
You made it, despite this unbearable guy, you feel victorious.
You begin to relax in your chair and you don't know why you turn to look at him, lingering on his face for the first time in months.
His eyes are fixed on the screen. In the dim light you observe his raven curly hair tucked under his baseball cap, his dark eyes, the line of his prominent nose, his scruffy beard, his mustache, just above a pair of lips that seem made for kissing.
Really, truly, gorgeous.
You're so busy arguing with him all the time that you never realized how handsome he is.
He's wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans, you can’t help but admire the way the fabrics hug his body so deliciously. 
He’s just your type, built up in all the right ways, you find yourself unable to take your eyes off him until the last second. Then the movie starts and you look away.
He’s still your number one enemy, what the hell were you thinking?
When Pedro first appears, you shift in your seat, crossing your legs.
“FUCK” you scream internally “here we go”
Unbelievably stunning in his armor, you’re basically drooling. 
You try to stay as composed as possible but Frankie is next to you and notices.
He comes closer to you and whispers in your ear “So it was all about this guy… the fuss before” You feel one of his large hand brushing your arm that is resting on the armchair and you try with all your strength to remain still even if he causes a storm inside you and especially in your panties. 
“Shut. Up.” You hiss, without moving your gaze. You feel his breath on your skin and it’s intoxicating. 
He chuckles “Yeah, that was I was thinking” and throws another popcorn into his mouth.
Your cheeks burn and you're thankful you're in the cinema, in the dark.
“What’s so special about this guy?” Frankie approaches again “is his penis platinum by any chance? All my female colleagues at work are crazy about him”
You turn to look at him with the desire to slap him “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” 
“Okay, okay, I was just asking”
You hate people talking at the movies. You wonder if you could have a more annoying guy than Frankie next to you. Probably. 
Hotter? Probably not.
This dude hits on your last nerve but he makes you horny at the same time. 
Terrible combination. 
Frankie settles back into his seat and resumes watching the film.
You can't help but look at him from time to time and your desire grows. even if you're offended that he didn't even offer you his popcorn. Rude. 
His mouth pouted and his eyebrows furrowed as he seems all focused on the movie makes you want to cup his face and kiss him.
You can still feel the warmth of his hand on your arm and his breath on your neck.
Concentrate, you tell yourself, it's the neighbor you hate, the neighbor you hate, the neighbor you hate. Fuck. You want him so bad. This revelation drives you crazier than Pedro half naked on screen.
At a particularly bloody scene you involuntarily turn around and hide your face on his shoulder.
You feel his arm around you “hey, it’s okay. I’ll tell you when it’s over” and he holds you tight the whole time.
He smells clean and fresh, like citrus and sage with a light hint of cigarette that you assume he smoked right before entering. 
Your mind goes fuzzy and your pulse races at an impossibly high rate. 
“You can look now” and it takes you a few seconds too long to register his words. 
“Th-Thanks” you mutter, shifting back to your place. 
Halfway through the movie the lights come back on and Frankie bursts out laughing looking at you. “What?” you ask him with wide eyes “what is it that makes you laugh so much?”
“Your face” he grins “it's clearly painted on it how much you want that guy. He turns you on, huh?”
You roll your eyes “Oh my God! Can't you go sit somewhere else? Two rows down, look how many free seats there are”
“I like it better here” 
You cuss, there’s no way to get rid of him.
He has something magnetic that destabilizes you, your eyes fall involuntarily on his neck, slide along his broad chest and stop at the crotch of his pants. From the way he sits you can clearly see that he is quite big.
“What are you looking at?” he asks you amusedly. 
You immediately look up. “Nothing” 
“Nothing my ass. Did you like what you saw?” 
Fuck. He noticed. You're done for. You hate to make him understand that after all, yes, you like what you saw. He seems pleased, proud, you would so much like to wipe that little smile off his face. As much as you struggle to admit it to yourself, you like him.
“Well, maybe…after all, you look like a fun place to sit” 
You can't believe you actually said that.
Frankie's response is not long in coming, his eyes immediately darken and his smile twists in a mischievous way.
The lights go out again and you feel him tug gently on your arm “come here, pretty”
He sits you down on his lap and as the movie starts again he whispers “was that what you wanted the whole time? Were you offended that I didn’t invite you?” you can clearly feel his smile spread across your skin just before he places his lips on your neck.
You would like to say something back but his closeness makes you confused and excited.
He sucks your skin like he's hungry and you moan in the dark "shh baby you gotta stay quiet while I give you what you want”
You don't know how but you find the strength to reply, "God, you're so arrogant.”
He tightens his hands on your hips, pulling you towards him, now you are practically sitting on his cock. You feel it pressing against your ass, trapped in his pants.
A rush of pleasure wets your pussy and you bite your lips to hold back another moan, you hear his hoarse voice in your ear “Maybe. You like it though” You hate to admit that he is right. 
The heat of his body envelops you pleasantly, he raises a hand to one of your breasts and squeezes it over your shirt. You like his hands. They are big, expert and eager to touch you, they make your head spin. 
You completely forgot about the movie, which seemed impossible to you, if they had told you you would have laughed in their face. In no universe would you have expected this.
“God” you whine “oh my God” His hand slides under your shirt and reveals your breast pulling down your bra, it is still covered but now you can feel his skin against yours. His fingers gently grasp one of your nipples, pulling and twisting it.
“Open your eyes, baby. Watch the movie like a good girl” his voice sounds authoritative, it irritates you and another rush of pleasure floods you at the same time.
“It’s not that easy” you mutter between your teeth as you feel his other hand dangerously approaching the hem of your skirt. He slowly goes up, as you try to hold back and make sure no one notices what he’s doing to you. Luckily, everyone seems enthralled by the film.
At this moment you don't even know why you started arguing so fiercely, if you had known before you would have tried to smooth things over a long time ago.
His fingers reach your panties, you feel them barely touching you and you already feel yourself burning with anticipation.
They move under your skirt, pushing your panties aside, grazing at your outer lips and then dipping inside you “Fuck, you’re soaking” 
He moves them up and down between your folds, gathering your wetness towards your clit.
You feel his heavy breathing on your neck, his tongue running over your skin and his teeth nibbling on you.
“Fuck, Frankie” you cry 
“Eyes to the movie”
You want to turn around and straddle him but there isn't enough room and Frankie holds you firmly anyway.
He applies pressure on your clit just right, starting to move two of his thick fingers in circle over it, the motion of his hand is partially hidden by the fabric of your skirt and your moans die in your throat one after the other. Frankie is rubbing away your sanity, you feel possessed and delirious under his touch.
Your last shred of control is torn by his fingers entering inside you, claiming your cunt as his, curling and scratching at your spongy spot.
Your eyes are still fixed on the screen but your vision is totally blurred, you see nothing, you understand nothing, you only feel Frankie pumping incessantly inside you while continuing to rub your clit with his thumb.
You feel the soft reverberation of his voice behind you, close to your ear “good girl, you're taking me so well”
The subtle Spanish accent in his voice now seems to you the most erotic sound in the world, sweet, melodious, addictive.
He takes you to the edge, you throw your head on his shoulder, shutting your eyes so everything goes black and you only feel him, until even biting your lips doesn't help anymore. He covers your mouth with his hand as you explode in a devastating orgasm, you moan against his skin, between his thick fingers that have just left your breast and you already miss them, feeling full and satiated by him.
He uncovers your mouth and kisses your neck, pressing his hand to your hip to keep you from slipping off his lap as your body trembles against his.
“Shit” you mutter “Frankie…oh my god”
“Do you think we can stop arguing all the time now?” He playfully says as he nuzzles at your hair.
“I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked, you know, I’m just like that” you reply, grinning and turning around to finally fix your eyes on his. 
“I noticed it”
You take off his cap laughing and put it on backwards and before he starts to protest you kiss him deeply, licking into his mouth, tasting butter and salt on his tongue.
“Take me home”
“The movie isn't over yet,” Frankie observes, and you reply, “that means you'll have to take me to see it again and you’ll pay”
“Fine to me, princess” 
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pamsimmer · 8 months
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My very first challenge and I'm excited? haha
When I was looking for occults challenge to play I found a lot of witches and vampire type of things, but I don't quite remember seeing a werewolf one.
These three occults are my favorites (unfortunately I kind of ignore the others because you know... meh, not as fun to play with them. But maybe one day I'll try to make a mermaid challenge)
Down here you're gonna find the rules and guidelines for each gen. You don't have to follow strictly the rules if you don't want to, I know it can be annoying sometimes. And also I made it short for those who prefer shorter challenges (like me).
I just hope you have fun!
[edit: a friend made the graphic rules and it looks amazing. if you prefer it like this: HERE]
You must reside only in the occults’s worlds, but preferably in Moonwood Mill (You can always kick your family out and pretend you’re living in another place hehe)
Start as YA, any gender
You can use cheats if you want.
Heir must be a werewolf
Normal or Long Lifespan
You don’t have to max all these skills, but it would be nice if you at least worked on them all your sims lives
When I put ( / ) is because you can choose what you prefer or if you don’t have said pack you can choose the base game one.
Requirements: Werewolves, Snowy Scape, Get Together, Get To Work
GENERATION 1: Waxing Crescent
You grew up close to the Moonwood Collective, they are basically your family and you learned how to be a good sim and not hurt others. You prefer to lock yourself up than to behave like an animal in front of others. You always loved art/writing and your hobby is to play piano. You don’t like the spotlight because of your werewolf tendencies, so you chose a more “reclusive” career.
Traits: Proper/Snob, Bookworm, Good
Aspiration: The Emissary of the Collective
Skills: Charisma, Piano/Painting, Writing
Career: Painter or Writer (It can be the freelance career if you prefer)
Volunteer with family (or alone) at least once a week
Your partner can be any gender, can be human or even another type of occult, as long as the heir is a werewof.
Get married to your partner and never divorce. You two were made for each other
GENERATION 2: Waning Gibbous
Your parents wanted you to be as perfect as they are, but you’re not them. You have your own personality and your own desires. You’re a rebel. You love being a werewolf and you feel powerful when you show others who you are. The only thing you got from your parent was the love for music, but you are more of a guitar type of sim. And you want to be the leader of your own pack.
Traits: Mean, Active, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Wildfang Renegade
Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Guitar
Career: Criminal or perform only odd jobs and have a part time job
Meet your friends at the bar every weekend
Have a “fight club” club
Get pregnant/get your girlfriend pregnant as a teen (if your sim is a boy: don’t assume the responsability / if your sim is a girl: give the baby to someone else. you can keep the child close to you if you want to play with them later, in case it’s a werewolf)
Get married as a Young Adult and divorce before become an Adult. You can find love again, but if you don’t, that’s okay. (preferably die alone :)
One day your sims is gonna teach their teen kid (the heir) how to fight. You’re take them to Greg and let them fight Greg… alone.
You never got along with your parent. You actually hate them. You prefer to be alone, you’re like a hurt puppy that attacks others who tries to come closer to you. But you’re very sweet on the inside. And finally one day you find the love of your life and you have a beautiful family together.
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Lone Wolf
Skills: Gardening, Handiness, Fishing
Career: Gardner or Fisherman (and perform odd jobs)
If you chose gardner: go fishing every weekend, if you chose fisherman: have a garden
Live off the grid, at least until you get married (after that you can go back to society again if you want to. But it’s not mandatory)
Have at least two kids
You grew up in a loving family. You have so many plans for your life, but you don’t want to be a werewolf forever. You spent your teenager years reading werewolf books and you got the Lunar Epiphany and learned how to make the cure. Maybe you’re the one who breaks the family’s curse, right? and you want to be a super parent because your own parent inspired you.
Traits: Genius, Family-Oriented, Loyal
Aspiration: Cure Seeker
Skills: Logic, Parenting, Baking/Gourmet Cooking
Career: Doctor/Astrounaut
Find love when you are already a human and be the best parent you can be!
Go out on dates at least once a week with your partner, and when you have a child go out at least once a week with your family.
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beetlejuicyy · 11 months
Bruises | Bada Lee x reader
Bebe Gang AU
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Pairing: gang member! Bada x reader
Synopsis: you take care of Bada after a fight. things get steamy (literally) by the end
Warnings: none i guess it's mostly fluff
Note: i had this idea for days in my head and had to write it down. at some point i even thought about a backstory about the first date to this but i was getting too messy and confusing. maybe i'll write it separately. hope you enjoy~
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It was on your third date when Bada blurted out that she was part of a gang. It was a very much needed refreshing summer night after a scorching day that you spent at work. Bada texted you unexpectedly, saying she happened to be around you neighborhood. You were both in front of the convenience store close to your apartment, munching on some ice cream. Her treat, she said. She was sitting on the plastic chair, her hair braided loosely falling over her shoulder. You were standing up, leaning against the table. You had been sitting on a chair all day, you told her when she asked you to sit next to her. And it wasn’t a lie. But more than that you loved the few moments you could see her from above and from afar, admire her lean and athletic figure as a whole. You were focused on her lips, though. She was wearing a white cap that covered her eyes, but you could clearly see her freezing and glistening lips in the streetlight as she was taking another bite. You had been stealing glances now and then, thankful for her cap otherwise she would have seen that ever since you met your mind was clouded with fantasies about her. And you hadn’t even kissed yet.
“Do you mind?” She asked. It was obvious she hadn’t planned it. She later confessed that the thought of you hating her because of it was too agonizing to keep on hiding.
“I... don’t mind.” You mumbled, embarrassed by the thought of being caught almost drooling over her. The shock of the new information wiped that feeling away quickly. “I really don’t.” You said again after getting hold of yourself. The distant city lights were pretty but not pretty enough to take your eyes off Bada.
��You might.” She said with a half smile, a mixture of both worry about the future and relief about the present.  A smile that always made your heart shrink and almost explode into a million pieces.
And she was right. You knew it even in that moment that it was something you should put more thought into. Some would even call it a red flag, maybe a deal breaker. But it was too late for you by then. Anytime would have been too late. You thought about it on many nights like these, when she was late and you were waiting for her full of worry. The third date was actually a pretty decent moment to choose. The first date would have been too early, it would have ruined the mood. By the second date you were still trying to figure out if you could be a match, talking things like movies and childhood stories. Thinking about it, that night didn’t even qualify as a date, though every occasion you had to meet was a date to both of you.
You had had a crush on Bada for a long time before. She was the friend of a friend you happened to run into a couple of times. You never exchanged more than the usual greetings and small talk, but you couldn’t get her out of your mind since seeing her for the first time. It was a silly little crush that you were not going to do anything about, even though you felt butterflies in your lower stomach at the mention of her name.
We have to cancel tonight. I’ll be late.
She was already half an hour late when you got the text. Tonight was supposed to be a chill date at her place after a long time of both of you being busy and unable to see each other. Having a spare key, you got there earlier anyway, excited to see her.
I’m here already. See you later.
You knew it had to be something dangerous when she didn’t even say sorry for cancelling plans. She was always a baby, sulking and apologizing countless times when she wasn’t able to make it. That’s when you started to worry.
You looked for a movie to keep your mind busy while you waited for your girlfriend to come home. However, it was only a background noise in the empty apartment. All you could pay attention to was the ringing ambulance or the barking of a dog outside. Every notification you got on your phone you hoped it was another message from her. Your heart was beating faster full of worry, mind running to all the bad things that could happen.
I don’t mind. You told her that night but she knew you would. It was unfair to keep you waiting like this, have you worry every time she was late in case someone ganged up on her or she got into a conflict for her friends.
I know how to fight. Bada had tried to comfort you when you would inspect her bruises.
That’s the problem. You said. If you know how to fight you get into fights. She only half smiled like she did that night in front of the convenience store. That coy smile with only one corner of her mouth curled up that you found so attractive yet so annoying sometimes. You wanted to hit her too.
Yet, you never complained about it. You liked her too much.
After about an hour you heard the familiar beep of the front door being unlocked. You jumped from the bed where you had been scooping under a fluffy blanket, the cold air hitting your bare legs. You were wearing one of her oversized T-shirts.
Bada just got in by the time you stopped by the door in the hallway. She was taking her sneakers off and, as she leaned over to get her slippers she winced in pain, standing back up slower than usual. That’s when she saw you waiting for her. She smiled gently, opening her arms and gesturing for you to come closer. You rushed in her arms, holding her tightly. The T-shirt you had been wearing had only a faint memory of her scent but now you could feel it clearly. She winced once again when you hugged her and you wanted to pull away, scared that she is in pain. She only held you tighter, slender fingers brushing through your hair.
“Sorry I’m late.” She said in a low voice.
“Are you hurt?” You asked when she finally allowed you to pull away and have a look at her face. Even though she wanted to brush off the question, you noticed the scratch on her cheek and frowned.
“I’m fine.” She took off her jacket. That’s when you noticed it was way dirtier than when she left. “Are you mad at me?” Bada asked as you grabbed the jacket from her hands and looked at her with rather cold eyes.
“Of course I am.” Bada raised her eyebrows in surprise. “Look what you did to your pretty face! Do you know how much money I’ll have to spend on skincare to fix it?” She started giggling and touched her cheek carefully. It did sting. The more you looked at her entire body the more you started noticing details that you didn’t see at first. Bruises here and there, dirt and even some dark red on her T-shirt and chest. Your brain immediately realized it’s dried blood and your expression changed, feeling nauseous.
“It’s not mine.” She sighed, noticing your distress. You took a deep breath and turned around on your heels, feeling the need of fresh air.
“I’ll run you a bath. You get rid of these dirty clothes.” You said as you made your way to the bathroom.
“You’re so wifey today.” Bada teased as she followed you around the apartment. She stopped by the bathroom door, taking her clothes off as you instructed, leaving them in a pile next to the washing machine.
“Even I could beat you up in this state miss Bada Lee.” You rolled your eyes as you checked the temperature of the water and tossed in some scented liquid for bubbles.
“Really?” She asked. She took off her T-shirt and cargo pants, only her underwear left on. You didn’t hear her coming in the bathroom right behind you because of the running water. As you sat up and turned around, ready to say another sassy comeback to her teasing, you stopped and almost chocked on air. She was right in front of you, inches away, towering over your smaller figure. The top of your head barely reached past her shoulders and you looked up and down her body, not daring to look up in her eyes. Dried blood was staining her skin too, on her tummy and up her neck. Your eyes followed the lines of her tall and toned body, barely covered. You felt blood rush through your veins and you knew your face was undeniably red. Bada grinned, knowing how easily intimidated you were whenever she took advantage of the difference in height between the two of you. After a few moments that felt like an eternity you finally mustered up the courage to move away.
“I’ll get something for your face.” You mumbled, trying not to show how flustered you were. Bada’s tongue pushed against the inside of her cheek as she let you leave the bathroom quietly. After you closed the door rather loudly behind you she let out a giggle that she had been holding inside for your sake. You were so cute when you were all worked up like that. Because, as much as it was dangerous, Bada knew few things turned you on more than seeing her roughed up a bit. Maybe you had a savior complex. Or you were simply horny.
Nonetheless, as she waited for the bath to fill up, Bada inspected her body in the mirror. It was nothing serious, she had been through worse. Ignoring the dirt she guessed she would look perfectly fine after the much needed bath, leave two or three bruises that would only show their purple color the next morning. The wound on her face was indeed nasty, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed.
You came back after a while, after her body was warmed up and soaked in the vanilla scented water you had prepared for her.
“Thought you forgot about me.” She said, not bothering to open her eyes. Her hair was up in a messy bun so it wouldn’t get wet. Only her bangs were sticking to her forehead as her head was leaned back against the edge of the tub.
“I had to go buy some stuff we ran out of last time.” You said as you crouched next to her on the floor.
“It’s not that bad anyway. If I just wash my face a bit more carefully it’ll go away in no time.” Bada lazily opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. The bubbles in the water were covering up to her collarbone. “Why don’t you get in with me?”
“In your dirty water? No thanks.” You grinned and reached for the hair roller. Leaning over the bath tub you gently brushed her bangs before rolling them up so you could clean her face. “You should have washed your hair too.” You hummed.
“Wash it for me?” She asked, standing still like a doll letting you do your thing. A very pretty doll, you thought.
“Tomorrow.” You sighed and she smiled.
You gently wiped her face clean and disinfected the wound. She would hiss in pain at times but nonetheless it was a minor thing. You’ve seen her through worse. All while you took care of her Bada had her eyes closed, enjoying the pampering. Her body had relaxed completely and her muscles felt like jelly. She didn’t want to get out anytime soon, although the water was getting cold and was indeed dirty.
You didn’t want to admit it but she was right about her face. It wasn’t something that needed extra care and she could have handled on her own, washing around the scratch and covering it with a band aid. But you loved to take care of her. You loved to treat her gently, run your fingers over the curve of her jaw, observe every detail of her face. You watched as her lips moved and curled as you touched sensitive spots and her brows furrowed then straightened back in a calm expression. After you were done with the skincare and the products were well absorbed into her skin you took the roller out of her bangs and gently arranged the strands of hair on her forehead. Your eyes traveled lower, to her neck down her collarbones and her chest that was lost in bubbles. You didn’t notice when she peeped at you through her lashes, a bright gummy smile plastering all over her face.
“You’re so in love with me.” Bada said.
“Mhm.” You only agreed to her teasing, placing your forearms on the edge of the tub and resting your head on top of them. You weren’t even going to deny it or mind that your eyes were an open book for her. One of her hands made its way out of the water to touch your face gently. Foam and water was running down her fingers over the bruised up knuckles. “Does it hurt?” You asked and she moved her hand away to inspect it from afar. She tried to clench her fist then release, feeling the stinging sensation of bare flesh. You extended your arm too so you could reach her hand and carefully intertwine your fingers with hers.
“Hmm… My hand is bigger than yours.” She said and you chuckled.
“Fuckboy 101. Any other pickup lines from the streets?” You said sarcastically but a part of you was excited by all of these gentle touches between the two of you. So excited that, if you would let your intrusive thoughts win, you’d take her hand and place it around your throat-
“Only that you’re so pretty.” Something about the way she emphasized the last words only contributed to your excitement. It wasn’t the usual affectionate tone when she complimented your makeup, your outfit or simply your features out of pure love. It was something deeper and darker than that, almost like when she would call you pretty in bed when you’d be on top of her-
“Whatever gang fight you got into must have messed with your adrenaline levels and got you horny instead.” You tried to hide the fact that your mind had started to create fantasies in real time.
“Me?” Bada asked sheepishly as she pulled your hand closer and pressed her lips gently against it. You felt a very familiar sensation in your lower stomach. It was very entertaining to her, seeing you fight to hide what was obviously hiding behind your eyes when you would stare blankly at her. Maybe you were right about it and adrenaline really was to blame. Or maybe seeing you wearing her clothes did something to her.
Bada leaned forward, shivering when the colder air hit her bared back. She was about to get out of the water.
“This is going to be all green and purple tomorrow.” You said, the tip of your finger barely touching a spot on her back. She instinctively moved away from your touch. You were right, it really hurt. “You’re so sensitive I can’t even ride you properly yet you’re teasing me.” You teased back.
It was her time to blush. At least she could blame it on the hot water.
“So you have been thinking about it. Pervert.” You rolled your eyes at her. This bickering and teasing was something usual in your relationship. You sat up to grab the towel for her. When you turned back you froze in front of her for the second time that night. She had stood up, this time completely naked in front of you, water dripping down her body. It took all the strength inside you to simply swallow. You could feel the heat coming out of her body but there was another kind of heat coming from within you. As if you weren’t flustered enough, her fingers gently grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up this time. Her touch was warm and wet and arousing. “I’m cold.” She said as if she didn’t notice, as if she didn’t intend to make you feel like this. You knew and she must have known too that you were getting wet just because she barely touched you. “My towel?”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You let the towel fall on the floor and placed your hands on her waist, pulling her closer. The water on her body wetted your T-shirt too but it didn’t matter. Standing on you tippy toes to reach her, you pressed your lips against hers, finally getting what you wanted since she got home. Her lips moved along with yours as your fingers dug into her skin, hungry to posses as much of her as possible. Her hands cupped both your cheeks as she took control of the kiss. Your fingers glided softly all over her skin from her hips to her waist to her breasts and-
“Ouch.” She breathed against your lips when you pressed against a bruise.
“Sorry.” You mumbled. She brushed her lips lightly against yours.
“Let’s take this out of here.” Bada said and you grabbed her hand in excitement, rushing her to the bedroom.
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fluffytriceratops · 1 year
Hi, I’m not sure if you’re still doing requests or not but if it’s okay, could I request a headcanon of maybe 2k12 and Rise!Leo x reader having a cuddle time? I don’t mind you choosing one of them, I totally understand. I love Leo so much he’s such a dork and needs to be protected at all costs 🥰 Thanks!
𝐆𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 & 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞]
notes: yes, of course! i would love to write this for you!! i'll do them both since you asked so nicely hehe, but this is my first time doing a headcannon of rise leo so i apologize if it's a little ooc. ^^ i hope you enjoy! <3 [also photo is not mine fyi-] 
warnings: mature language/swearing, tooth rotting fluff,
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1
(if you would like to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to let me know and i'll happily add you!)
i love you all sm! i'm sending all the virtual hugs and well wishes to you!! <33
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2012 Leonardo:
- as a cuddle bug, you love a good cuddle session. and honestly, leo wont oppose to this as he too loves to cuddle with you. 
- plus how can he say no when you waddle up to him with a cute pout on your face? wondering why he had left you in the bed all alone?? 
- "you fell asleep and i wanted to make myself a cup of tea." he hummed, extending an arm and watching with a warm smile as you curled into his side and nuzzled against him. 
- "and? i don't see your point in leaving me. is tea more important than your beloved?" 
- leo fights the urge to roll his eyes and bites back a grin. "well..." 
- he lets out a laugh when you scowl and pull away from him, he catches you by the waist before you get too far. 
- "i'm kidding, nothing is more important than you." he hums, planting a sweet kiss to your temple. 
- you huff, puffing out your cheeks in agitation. "doesn't feel like it, leonardo." 
-  leo winces. "pulling out the full name, huh? that's a low blow, baby." 
- "you shouldn't of left me for a sack of crusty leaves, dickhole." 
- leo chuckles at this, shaking his head to himself. "i'll make it up to you, promise. shall we go back to cuddling?" 
- you glance up at him, taking in the way he gazes at you adoringly. his ocean eyes are so full of love it makes your heart ache. 
- with a soft smile and a nod of your head, you wait for him to grab his tea before making your way back to his bedroom. 
- he places his mug on his bedside table before climbing into his bed. you wait for him to get comfy before climbing in as well. planting yourself on top of his chest. 
- leo runs his hand up and down your back in a comforting manner. watching as you trace invisible patterns into his skin with your index finger. 
- he loves laying with you like this. the rest of world falls silent when the two of you get to cuddle. 
- it's like the only person in the world is you. you're all that matters. 
- leo see's you getting sleepy again, eyelids falling heavy. he lets out a breath of content when you nuzzle yourself further into him. pressing your face in the crook of his neck. 
- "i love you." you mumble, breath tickling him. 
- "i love you, too." he whispers, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. 
- cuddle sessions with you were the best. there was no place he'd rather be than here. with you safe in his arms. 
2018/Rise Leonardo:
- leo's a clingy mother fucker. he loves a good cuddle. and honestly, he can be a tad clingy.
- but you can't complain, because you love cuddles too. and leo's good at cuddling. 
- sometimes, however, it can catch you off guard. 
- you're laying on the couch, scrolling through random tiktoks on your phone when out of nowhere a body practically launches itself on top of yours. 
- your breath leaves you and you grunt at the sudden weight. "holy fucking shit-" 
- you can't see leo's face, it's buried in your chest and your face heats at the sight. "what the fuck are you on?" 
- "cocaine." comes his muffled reply and it makes you snort and roll your eyes. 
- he tilts his head up, resting his chin against you as he stares up at you cheekily. 
- "you're such a shit." 
- "but i'm your shit. and you love me." he purrs, smirking at the way your face heats even more. 
- "shut up. you didn't have to launch yourself onto me like that. if you wanted cuddles so damn bad you could have asked, asshole." 
- your hand finds his shell and you begin to trace the grooves, knowing how much he likes it. leonardo practically melts in your arms. 
- "you would've said no-" 
- "that's a fat fucking lie and you know it." 
- leo pouts dramatically. "you've got such a potty mouth today." 
- "that's what happens whenever you're around." 
- it's leo's turn to roll his eyes. "not my fault i take your breath away~" 
- "only when you yeet your entire body mass onto mine without warning-" 
- "don't be so dramatic." he nuzzles further into you, wiggling to try and get more comfortable. 
- you sigh, "you're lucky i love you." 
- he beams at this. "see, what did i say-" 
- "i will throw your ass onto the floor." 
- leo shuts up at that. but you don't miss the massive shit eating smirk on his face. the sight makes you smile. 
- "i love you too." he says after a moment, pressing his face into the crook of your neck to plant a few tender kisses to your skin. 
- it's your turn to melt against him. "you better.." 
- tossing your phone onto the floor, you wrap your arms around him to the best of your ability. your legs are tangled together and your breathing evens out. hearts beating in perfect sync. 
- cuddling with leo felt like heaven. and while you'd never say it out loud, cuz he'd never let you live it down, you honestly adored every second of it. 
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Oooh please relationship headcanons (nsfw & sfw) for gojo, chuuya and fyodor (or whichever one they choose)... including what they would be like as a partner and what they would go for in a partner?
Oooh!! Nonnie, I'd love to. I don't write for Fyodor YET, but I do write for Chuuya and Gojo.
I'll do Chuuya today and Gojo tomorrow ☆☆☆
Chuuya Nakahara:
Sfw headcanons.
♡ He is the sweetest thing, and nobody can change my mind about that. He's the type to just stare at you, and when you ask him about it, he's just like, "I can't help it. You're just too pretty."
♡ He loves it when you wear his clothes, even better if you're (somehow) shorter than him. Sometimes, he'll take off his hat and put it on you, kissing your cheek as he looks at you. He's a hopeless romantic.
♡ I can see him being like, "I don't have a type." before he got a girlfriend, now that he has one, if anybody asks—he's just like, "My type is my girlfriend."
♡ The second you and him made it official, he RAN to his phone and called Dazai. "GUESS WHAT YOU SON OF A BITCH, I GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" "Good job, Chuuya. It only took you twenty years." He got mad and hung up.
♡ He's so scared of losing you, so he just never let's you go. Hugging you from behind, holding your hand, hand on your thigh while driving, any sort of physical contact makes him feel comforted.
♡ He's so protective over you. He LOVES YOU SO MUCH, and he just doesn't ever wanna lose you. If you're in the PM with him, he'll try not to let you fight much and just shield you and did that even before you got into a relationship. You found it kinda weird how he would go out of his way to protect you and nobody else, and when you brought it up, he just mumbled "shut up" and walked away like a gremlin.
♡ He loves it when you play with his hair. He has never felt such a soft touch, and it makes him feel so fuzzy and warm when you softly run your fingers through it. It's long and pretty, and you both love it. When you're making out with him and gently grip the back of his hair? That leads to something more.
♡ He gets really confused if you try internet couple trends on him. "W-what are you saying?? I'm a grown man, I'm not a baby girl!!"
♡ You gets mad really easily, but with you, it's not anger. It's just flusteredness and cute blushies. He literally can't get mad at you, no matter what, he just loves you.
☆ He's a dom. Sometimes he's rough, sometimes he's gentle. If you tease him too much, he'll be a bitch and tease you until you're begging. "Awe, what's wrong, doll? Can't take it? Then behave like a good girl."
☆ His voice??? HELLO??? Why does nobody talk about it??? His dub voice is just-... Hearing his accent makes you wet. And he takes full advantage of it. He'll lean real close to you and lick your ear, smirking into your skin, "Baaaabbbbyyyy... You look so pretty tonight... Do you even know what you do to me? Let me show you."
♡ About the hand on your thigh while driving? Yeah, that's how car sex happens. It's just the way he looks driving one-handed, the feeling of a gloved hand on your thigh, how he only "Hms" in his groggy voice to everything you say.
♡ His biggest kinks are probably dry humping. He loves it when you sit on his lap happily while watching a movie, especially if it's a romantic movie. A sex scene suddenly pops up? He'll grab your hips and slowly grind you against his boner, moaning and whining into your ear softly. (Maybe a mommy kink too but I don't wanna talk about it)
♡ If you're BOTH a part of the Mafia, like I said— he'll be protective. But sometimes, when he sees you fighting another man? He'll get jealous. So, what does he do? He fuckd you in front of them. He's gonna kill the man anyway, he's just gonna die with cum on his face.
♡ His hands. There shouldn't be any other words, but I'm saying more anyway. They're long and skinny, and they can curl inside of you so EASILY. He's skilled with them. He'll delicately flick your soft nipple and make it hard on a sweet day, or roughly grab and pinch them on a bad day. He loves when you suck on them, sometimes not even sexually, you'll just be sitting or walking and he'll put his finger in your mouth.
♡ He's the definition of Short King Anthem. I'm not gonna say anything else.
♡ He does this thing where he'll grind his hips in circles, and when I tell you, you've never felt more pleasure in one night. Ever. He KNOWS how good it feels, well, at least judging by the way you scream for him.
♡ You've made him cry during sex. A lot. And it's only because he adores feeling you, hearing your breath, hearing you moan for him and only him. He never thought he'd feel so loved, and he wants more of it. The crying only got into an emotional breakdown ONCE, and it was the first time you had sex. You didn't mind, which made him cry more.
♡ He's a big softie at heart and just wants to be touched. Aftercare with him is godly. He makes sure he didn't hurt you, makes sure you're okay and everything. He'll pick you up and take you to the bathroom to get cleaned up and does all the work. After that, he cuddles with you all night, pressed as close as physically possible to you.
He's a lover boy, change my mind.
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luveline · 11 months
hiiii jade! i absolutely adore your writing, and when i saw you might be taking blurb requests i had to jump on it lol
can i request maybe a little blurb where reader goes to pick up her bf remus at the airport after a long time apart/being long distance for several months?
i hope thats not too specific, and please feel free to ignore it if it doesn't inspire you!
thanks gorgeous!
You might have worried that a long separation would make things fall apart. Remus would want things you couldn't offer over the phone, or he'd find someone at his university that was more interesting, but one conversation kept you going, one confession. 
If you can't do it, I won't go, he'd said. 
You hadn't known what he meant at first, still mulling over the idea of his being away for so long. What?
It wasn't fathomable. It was everything he'd ever worked toward, the peak of his career, the culmination of all his successes. You honestly thought before he said it that you wouldn't have a choice. Either you had to make it work for you or he'd leave you to live his life. 
But no. If it means we won't last, I won't go, he'd clarified, looking you in the eye, his lips hooked into one of his fond smiles. You're more to me than any of it. If we can't stretch the distance, I'll stay home. I'm happy to stay home. 
Obviously, he had to go. But it's a lot to know you're loved like that, so deeply he'd give up everything he worked for just to keep you. You'd never make him choose, and hence began the longest, most heart-breaking five months of your life. Every time you were supposed to visit him plans fell through. Each time he tried to come back there were things to do. But you know he got on his plane home, and you're pretty sure you know which escalator he's going to come down. You wait at the bottom of it, waiting, waiting. You start to worry he's somewhere else. 
"You come here often?" a warm voice asks from beside you. 
You flinch. "That's not funny!" you hiss, but then you get a good look at him and have to fight to stave off tears. Remus stands next to you, suitcase to his left, backpack weighing down his shoulders. He looks tired, but excitement lightens his eyes. 
Five months you will never, ever get back, and Remus is still so handsome. 
"Dove," he says. You almost forgot how he says it, like it's yours alone to be called. "Lovely, come here." 
You step into his arms: too much, too rough, almost chinning him as he grabs you. "Remus," you say in a gasp, startled as he bends back under your weight and your heels rise off of the floor. "Don't! Don't do that, I'm gonna crush you." 
He sets you back down carefully, but he doesn't say much, and he certainly doesn't let you go. You don't notice his quiet at first. You're too busy being selfish, soaking in the realness of his arms, the rigidity of his biceps and his forearms wrapped around you. 
"Was your flight okay?" you ask, tipping your head back. 
"It was fine." A silver shine of tears nestles between his soft lashes. "It felt long." 
"Don't cry," you say, again startled. "Remus, don't be upset. I'll start crying too and then we'll be that couple who cries on each other at the airport." 
He smiles and a tear rolls down his cheek. "I missed you. What was I thinking? What was I," —he scrubs at his eyes roughly— "thinking, I could be away from you that long?" 
You wipe his eyes much more gently. "I love you." 
"I love you too," he says, leaning down for a kiss. 
Your first kiss in five months has a lot to live upto. You'd been the one crying as you said goodbye at the airport, and Remus had left you with a kiss to remember, firm and sweet with his hands on either side of your face, as if to say, everything will be alright. 
You have to do the reassuring now. You weave your fingers into the soft mop of his sandy brown hair, his gentle curls, brushing them away from his cheek as you kiss him. It's definitely too open of a kiss for a public place and you're both prone to shyness, so after a few stolen seconds of heat you break the kiss to hide your face in his collar. 
"Please don't go away again." 
Remus laughs and sniffles. "No. I don't think I'd survive it." 
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demonpiratehuntress · 11 months
OPLA!Zoro x F!Reader
Summary - Your knees often turn to jelly at the worst times, and after the third time Zoro witnesses it he decides to confront you about it.
A/N: This is a problem with I struggle with everyday, so I thought I might write about it. If anyone knows what I can do to stop this feeling, please let me know. I've tried everything at this point. I also have a variation of this one-shot I wrote on Quotev, so if anyone wants to read that one too let me know :)
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Maybe this had been a bad idea. Choosing to explore the new island with the others instead of listening to your body and staying on the ship. You had regrets. So many regrets. But there was nothing you could do now except push on and pretend nothing was wrong.
Your forehead glistened with sweat underneath the cheerful gaze of the sun, not from the heat but from the sheer effort of keeping your body upright and your legs from knocking together. The weakness in your knees was growing by the second, the jelly-like feeling you had grown accustomed to returning and worsening by the second. Any longer and you might actually fall over.
"You guys can go on," you told the others, finding it difficult to even speak. "I'm just gonna...take a break."
"Are you okay?"
You looked up at your green-haired boyfriend, concern prevalent in his chocolate eyes. You slowly nodded and forced a smile, not wanting to worry him with this.
"I'm fine."
Zoro knew better than to press, because although he was concerned for your safety he knew you wouldn't tell him out of the fear of ruining the crew's trip. He would have to ask later on, when you would be more willing to confide in him.
"I'll stay with you."
"No, it's okay-" You started, but he just leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. He wasn't going anywhere.
You sighed. Trying to keep your facade up a little longer was going to be extremely difficult. Your knees were already moving towards each other, the impending knocking making your nausea worsen. You felt sick to your stomach, weak and frail and delicate, but there was nothing you could do about it. And this wasn't the first time it had happened either. There had been many other times where you'd felt this way, and then eventually blacked out. But all of those times had fortunately been away from the eyes of your crewmates and your boyfriend.
"What's wrong?"
Your knees buckled, knocking against each other twice before you fell to your knees, the weakness overwhelming your body. You blinked slowly, your breathing already growing fast and heavy, increased nausea threatening to propel your lunch from your stomach.
The alarmed swordsman kneeled beside you, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder. He tried to get you to look at him, but you were fighting his grip on your chin because you didn't want him to see your eyes - glossed over with tears. Some had already fallen, the strain of trying to control your breathing taking your attention away from trying to stop yourself from crying. It was too much.
"Zoro..." You mumbled, your body slackening even more. You tumbled sideways, but were fortunate enough to fall right into Zoro's arms.
"This is not nothing," he spoke lowly, but you could hear the worry in his voice. "What is it? Are you sick?" He placed a hand on your forehead, but you didn't have a fever. "Are you hurt? Damn it, I should have asked sooner."
Your eyes widened when he said that. You hadn't realised he had witnessed your earlier episodes. You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could he stood up and lifted you right up into his arms, bridal-style. You rested your head on his shoulder, dizziness blurring your vision.
That was the first time Zoro realised you weren't telling them everything.
The second episode he witnessed happened when you two were running away from Marines. You and Zoro had been assigned to grocery shopping for the ship, while the others were shopping for other necessary things. But unfortunately someone recognised Zoro, and called Marines stationed in that town.
Zoro only realised you were starting to get weak and dizzy again when you slowed down, not being able to run any further because your knees were knocking together again. His eyes widened and he turned back around to quickly deal with the Marines - something he had originally suggested since it was only about four of them.
You collapsed to your knees a few feet away and started sobbing, which made Zoro angry. He thought maybe the Marines had caused it by stressing you out - and he might not actually be that far off.
When they were dealt with, he scooped you up again and all but ran back to the Going Merry with you in his arms, yelling for Nami to come help him.
The third time it happened, he decided to confront you about it.
You were on another island, this time celebrating the defeat of a corrupt Marine official that was terrorising the town. The townspeople had insisted that you guys stay and celebrate, and once they'd mentioned food Luffy was sold.
So here you were, dancing with a few of the local children while Zoro watched fondly from where he sat holding a large pint - his third one for the night, if you were keeping track correctly.
The nausea hit first. You suddenly stumbled, but tried to angle yourself away from the kids. Zoro was up in an instant and a few seconds later caught you from behind, just as you were about to completely fall over from avoiding collision with the children. You immediately turned around and leaned against him, burying your face in his neck as you fisted his shirt and tried to focus on how good he smelled instead of how badly your knees were shaking.
The panic returned. His arms encircled your waist to support you, but his grip was tightening by the second. Almost to the point of it being painful. Almost. Zoro had never been scared in his life, but watching this happen to you over and over and you just brushing it off as exhaustion terrified him.
"Let's go."
He didn't even wait for your reply, and he didn't bother to tell the others you were leaving. He even left his drink half finished, a testament to his extreme concern.
"Okay, what is going on with you?"
Despite his flat tone, you knew he was worried. And you knew you had been worrying him too much lately. He had given you time to relax and breathe, even helped with that by cuddling you and getting you anything you asked for, but now he wanted answers. And you couldn't back out of this one.
You sighed, "I have a tendency to faint. My knees get weak, I get nauseous, and I feel dizzy. It happens a lot, and I can't control it. I originally thought it was because of my body lacking sugar, but I'm starting to think it's stress-related too." You couldn't meet his gaze.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to worry you," you mumbled, "I thought it would at least happen when I wasn't around you guys."
He sighed, making a sound of disapproval before his arms enveloped you again, pulling you right against his chest.
"You scared me," he admitted, but the words didn't come easy and you could see that. "I was scared I was going to lose you. That this was some kind of fatal disease, or something."
You looked up at him and saw how panicked he looked, and your expression softened, "You won't lose me."
He met your gaze, "You're the best damn thing that's ever happened to me, and I...I don't think I can live with myself if something were to happen to you." Despite his struggle, you could see he was being genuine. "I need you to tell me these things, (Name). I know I'm not good at showing it, but I..." He breathed in sharply. "I love..."
"You don't have to say-"
"I love you."
He cut you off by saying the full thing, knowing he was more certain of that one fact than anything else in his life. He loved you.
You smiled, "I love you too."
He breathed a sigh of relief, worried you wouldn't say it back even though he knew you felt that way. His grip on you tightened, and he buried his face in your hair.
"What can I do to help?" He asked softly. "I don't want you feeling like this."
"You already help enough," you ran your hand through his hair, enjoying the feeling. "But if you insist, you can kiss me."
He let out a laugh when you said that, your teasing tone managing to pull that sound that you loved from him. He rarely laughed like this, but he was so happy you loved him, he was so happy your fainting wasn't because of any terminal illness that would take you away from him, that he couldn't stop himself.
Then he leaned in and kissed you, just like you asked.
Right. You forgot to tell the rest of the crew. Now Nami was screaming at the boys, Luffy was yelling at everyone to take you back to the ship, and Usopp was crying. Sanji was attempting to carry you, only to be swatted away by Zoro.
"It's okay, she's fine," he assured the others.
"Fine?!" Usopp protested.
"Are we seeing the same thing, mosshead?" Sanji glowered. "She's not fine!"
Zoro rolled his eyes, "Let me worry about my girlfriend, cook. You just worry about dinner."
You tried to speak, to stop everyone from fighting and screaming at each other, but you ended up hiding in Zoro's neck.
Explanations could come later.
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loviingpedri · 9 months
can you write a Jobe fic where after he wins a match, he and the reader celebrate with each other? Maybe they watch a movie at home or get dinner?
winner, winner, chicken dinner - jobe bellingham
prompt: request ^
warnings: grammar issues
credits to owners for all images.
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time was ticking as it reached the 88th minute. the score was currently 1-1 and the opposing team had strong defense. you were shaking your leg as your nerves were going crazy.
after many passes, jobe finally got hold of the ball. it was the 89th minute and the whistle was going to sound any second.
3, 2, 1
jobe scored at the last second.
it took you awhile to process it with how fast it was. running to the camera, he formed a heart with his hands and blew a kiss. the celebration dedicated to you. you were jumping up and down with your arms waving back and forth. nothing could describe how happy you were.
finally making it down the stadium, you were instantly met with jobe as he hugged you.
“definitely going into my highlight.” kissing him on his cheek, you both were so proud of him.
“goal of the season?”
“not yet, so much more to accomplish.” as you were hugging him, he suddenly pulled back. you were confused since it was random, and he kept the straightest face.
“y/n, do you know what this means?”
“what?” the switch-up of emotions was really weird.
“we finally get to have chinese take-out.”
you almost did a face palm. it has always been a tradition to get chinese take-out after a win. he didn’t skip a victory without at least one egg roll in his hand. he has been waiting for this moment for awhile now.
“of course we do. wouldn’t miss one celebratory dinner with you.”
jobe couldn’t wait. as soon as he got into the car, he called his favorite restaurant to place an order immediately. ordering his favorite goods, dinner was in good hands. changing out his jersey and trying to hide his face, he immediately opened the door. he opened the door for you, but man, he could not wait. the aroma of sweet sauce and fried foods were met with your nose. your stomach was happy.
within seconds, jobe came out with the giant bag of food. you could easily see his smile through his mask based on his eyes. going home, he was fighting an urge just to sneak a little bite of noodles.
let's be real, a way to a man's heart is food.
arriving home, he immediately pushed his sport bag away and changed to comfy clothes. your loose t-shirt with sweatpants and his grey sweats with a fitted shirt. sitting down in front of the tv while you were choosing a movie, he was busy displaying the food to the best of his abilities.
“i’ll never be happier except with the love of my life, and the other love my life."
"not even on our wedding day?"
"yeah, i'll be married to the love of my life, but then the other love of life will be just sitting next to me." he was joking, but he really loves his food more than anything. finding the perfect movie, he was finally able to dig in. eating like a real champion, it was definitely a relaxing night.
finishing the night with cuddles, you were proud to be with your winner.
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infamous-if · 1 year
There's been some discussion recently about MC that caught my attention because I agree. MC feels like a loser when you think about all of the other characters. When I play an MC who did nothing wrong to Seven it just feels like Seven is angry for no reason. Seven is allowed to act like a child while MC has to take it? Doesn't seem fair.
Everyone has something going for them and what about MC? No one likes them and everyone hates their guts. Aren't they supposed to be the main character? Why does everyone hate them? Why aren't they considered more talented? It just feels like MC is a doormat while Seven and the other ROs are these talented superstars.
I don't want this to come off any way but I feel like the story would be stronger if you made MC a bit meaner or at least made people acknowledge MC as a better singer.
I don't want to sound rude but I'm very much exhausted by this topic. I've probably explained this 5+ times but I'll try to break it down one last time just so people can understand what I'm trying to do.
First, to get it out of the way, we are only on Chapter 2. I just want to reiterate that. The story just started.
It just feels like MC is a doormat while Seven and the other ROs are these talented superstars.
Secondly, MC is a character I try to give as much customization to, both personality and appearance wise. There's a variety of ways you can approach everything, or I at least try to in a way that doesn't sacrifice what I want to write for the plot, but I think people are under the impression MC is 100% a blank slate character when it's not true.
MC is still dependent on the plot and I always strived for MC to have their own narrative arc. The same way the ROs have their own character arcs, MC will have their own, because they are a character in their own right and going through some that fundamentally changes their life. That means the MC from Chapter 1 will not be the MC at Chapter 20. They will be different. That's what a character arc is. Character development is expected. How can you expect a slew of ROs to grow and change and MC remaining stagnant? Doesn't make sense narratively and it seems unfair to MC.
The MC is not a completely blank slate, and that's where people are getting it confused. In the beginning, MC is going through such a change with BOTB, without their family, and on the heels of a band breakup that's still impacting them today. MC is a little down, maybe even depressed if that's how you read it, and they're getting pushed to be leader by their manager. They are not really okay right now. They have to be professional and put on a brave face for the sake of their band, who, if you paid attention to what Rowan said in Chapter 2, are all depending on this. This is what they worked for since high school. MC is not going to flip a damn table on Day 1 just because you want them to. MC can fight, if you choose, against UWB. That's not supposed to be a smart choice, but emotions get the best of all of us.
They are only just navigating a worldwide globally famous show with a cheating allegation hanging over their heads, and a manager who wants them to be leader when, up until now, they haven't been. They've just been friends making music and miraculously having a fanbase. Now they're really in it. They have been thrust head first into the industry in a way that is so big that MC has to go from singer playing with their friends to a leader of a band who may just become globally famous in a few months if they play their cards right.
A lot of their actions are influenced by the fact that their band almost broke up and it's a thing that hangs over their head. Their past influences them. That's...how people work.
Now, if we're at Chapter 20 and MC is still acting like a scared bunny who doesn't know what they're doing, then be my guest. Scream in my inbox, I'd understand. That would be terrible writing, but we're not. The tour just started.
I play an MC who did nothing wrong to Seven it just feels like Seven is angry for no reason. Seven is allowed to act like a child while MC has to take it? Doesn't seem fair.
MC doesn't have to take it lol. I've always given an option to be rude to Seven/try to put them in their place.
People think I favor Seven when that's not true. (Seven isn't even my favorite RO)(That title goes to August lol). Seven acts the way they act because they are not in a healthy headspace. Their actions are not meant to be understood, because they are not entirely justified. Seven has a lot of growing up to do, but I have never sat here and advertised Seven's emotions as correct. Everyone knows Seven is childish, everyone knows Seven is handling everything terribly. People in the story have mentioned it. Their abandonment issues GREATLY influence their characterization and actions. MC has abandonment issues as well, of course, but MC is not as emotionally unstable as Seven. That's canon. It is what it is. Seven has a whole subplot about it.
As do other ROs. The only difference is that they're not so open about their struggles. Seven just doesn't care. Their emotions guide them. They can't control it. That's who they are. I have also said that many times.
I don't know why you think Seven can get away with everything when 1) it's only been 2 chapters and 2) no one knows how anyone feels about Sev because it's in MC's POV. Seven goes through their own trial by fire. As every RO does......thats a narrative arc.
Seven was always going to be a plot point, whether they were an RO or not. They were always going to be MC's former best friend.
Everyone has something going for them and what about MC? No one likes them and everyone hates their guts. Aren't they supposed to be the main character? Why does everyone hate them? Why aren't they considered more talented? It just feels like MC is a doormat while Seven and the other ROs are these talented superstars.
This one bothers me the most, mostly because I don't know where this came from. "No one likes them" Jenna and The Jewels does. Slow Crawl does. Their fans do. We haven't even properly met the other bands. Of course there will be bands who don't like MC: they're competitors. They're not friends. They don't know MC, why would they be biased towards them? Because they're the main character? They don't care about that?? It's how fiction works.
Maya is following the band around because of how much she admires MC.
Orion quit his job because MC's singing inspired him that much.
G listened to MC and saw something in them. Literally calls them the 'Chosen One'
Fans of the old band preferred MC over Seven. They liked the songs where MC sang solo. MC was better for their future over Seven. Hence why it was Seven getting demoted, not MC. I've said this. It's in the story.
I don't see how being the lead singer of a band on a global show at 26 makes anyone an actual loser but I digress.
Literally in Part 2 MC is acknowledged so maybe it'd be better if we waited? Say a good few chapters...?
If you wanted a story where MC is Queen level famous right out the gate and the #1 draft pick for BOTB and has no problems and better than everyone, then I'd advise you to look elsewhere. I don't like that. I like giving MC obstacles because conflict creates story. I like MC having to fight for their spot. It's more realistic, and this has never been a story of fame. It's been a story of their journey to fame.
That's their narrative arc. They grow into it.
You are allowed to hate/dislike Seven. I encourage it. I have given MC the option to hate Seven, because I'm aware that what Seven is doing is unfair. I am not punishing you for hating Seven. And this goes for all the ROs. It does not bother me if you dislike my characters. It means I haven't made them squeaky clean and have made them realistic enough to have people both dislike and like them, much like real life. I get it.
I've always advertised Infamous as a messy, angsty and dramatic story. I've used the term 'melodrama' for it often. I've always said the ROs--especially Seven--are flawed. Some more than others. I've said, verbatim, they are not wholly good people. I don't know why people act so shocked when they act some type of way. Like...I've always stayed true to what the story is. Half the dynamics aren't healthy right now...but that's the 'growing up part' of the story we haven't even gotten to yet?
If that doesn't interest you, then that's perfectly okay! If you don't like the narrative arc I have planned for MC, that's fine too! It just becomes a bit disheartening when people ignore the narrative.
I will try harder to write in a way that specifies my intentions. I always believe that if more than a handful of readers have the same complaint, then it's on the writer to fix it.
I hope my tone didn't come off rude, I'm just really really tired of this. I've had to deal with this since even before the demo dropped :) but your critiques are valid and everyone is always free to express themselves however they want. <3
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