#chr: cores
half-life-collide · 2 years
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loveinhawkins · 5 months
Steve hears Eddie’s voice in The Upside Down.
It starts when they reach the vine infested attic of the Creel House, after they’ve lured the bats into the woods with a trail of fire, made them drowsy and stupid before setting them all ablaze; like a fucked up fairy ring, Steve had thought, and it had felt like exactly the kind of thing Eddie would think, and Steve’s trying to hold onto the words so he can remember to tell Eddie later; he wants to tell him—
He’s halfway up the stairs, stepping over a vine when he hears it.
“Shit. Oh, shit,” Eddie breathes.
He sounds so close, like he’s whispering in Steve’s ear.
And then he’s gone, and Steve’s turning to see Nancy and Robin just a step behind him—they haven’t heard anything, he can tell, but they both freeze for a moment, like they can read the fear on his face, something’s wrong, something’s really wrong.
But they all keep going, one step then another, and Steve thinks of history class, of soldiers going over the top.
He prays. Please, please…
More stairs. The door to the attic. Steve opens it.
Eddie’s voice again, high pitched and frightened. “H-hey, listen, man, you don’t—”
The sound is cut off abruptly; Steve feels a touch to the back of his hand. Robin.
He hands her the lighter, but he can see her hesitate out the corner of his eye, are you okay?
He shakes his head once, no time, and he smells a rag soaked with fuel when the voice comes again, still so desperately afraid, but hardening at the edges, “Oh, Jesus Chr—stop!”
“Steve.” Nancy next to him, eyebrows drawn.
There’s a Molotov cocktail in his hand that he can’t remember lighting.
Steve throws it.
He doesn’t even look to see if his aim is true, because Eddie is back, and his voice still shakes but there’s steel in its core, and Steve knows that all too well, knows the exact place it comes from: thinks of standing his ground in ‘84, knowing deep in his bones that it was down to him, that he’d do anything so long as the kids—
“Get away from them. I’m not—I’m not fucking messing around here, get away—”
Robin throws a bottle of her own; the flames soar, and Steve hears a new voice, dark and commanding—one he’s heard across the basketball court, but never quite like this.
“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone—”
Nancy aims the gun.
“—where the beast and the false prophet are—”
“—and shall be tormented day and night—”
“—forever and ever.”
Nancy steps forward, takes aim once more.
And Steve hears another pair of footsteps, someone running; he turns towards the sound, towards the door, and for a moment it’s almost as if he can feel Eddie rush past him like a ghost—wants to reach out, to grab his hand, but the sensation slips away like smoke; he’s too far away, he’s too…
Nancy takes the final shot. Henry Creel’s body shifts from something monstrous to something that’s smaller and human, but no less terrible for it.
Steve doesn’t watch. Can’t rid the feeling that it all rings false.
He can’t hear Eddie anymore. Can’t hear anything apart from the frantic thud of his own heartbeat, but that’s good, that’s good, he can work with that—lets it drive him forward, lets pure instinct take over so he’s grabbing the axe without a thought, swinging so it hits the vines still tangled on the wall, dormant, dead.
They break easily. Steve keeps going; there’s the barest hint of resistance, but all it tells him is that he’s on the right path, and then something gives, parts…
“Nance,” Steve says.
She’s right by him; he feels her hand around his wrist. From the way she squeezes tightly, knows that she’s already understood.
“Okay,” she says, fragile, “okay, okay.” A shuddering breath. “Steve, I can’t just—I have to—”
“I know,” Steve says softly, because he feels it, too: the awful thought that it’s all over too quickly. Senses Nancy’s anxiety as if it was his own, the desperate need to check, to stand vigil. Then—and only then—will she declare it over to herself.
He holds her hand, squeezes back. Lets go.
There’s movement to the left of him. Robin, her hair in her eyes, and that’s gonna bug her eventually, so Steve fixes it for her, tries to smile, to make this easy.
“Five minutes, okay?” he says—thinks of the elevator in Starcourt, how she counted the seconds passing with freakish accuracy. “No more.”
She opens her mouth, but Steve keeps talking before she can. “Promise me.”
She goes to shake her head.
“Robin, please,” he says, voice breaking.
Years ago, his mom got a phone call about the fatal car crash his uncle had been in. She’d picked up somewhere in between the second ring and the third, and then she’d screamed, and Steve had overheard without understanding—had still felt the echo of her grief.
He’s never told anyone that. But he wonders if Robin can see something of it on his face—that he’s stuck: still in between rings, the split second before the scream—because she’s nodding suddenly, close to tears, but so serious.
“I—I promise, Steve.”
He slips through the Gate in the wall, leaves them both behind—all he has to soothe him is a gut feeling, as the heat of Nancy setting the vines alight fades away: that The Upside Down is just a graveyard now. That there’s no danger to be found—not anymore.
Not in there.
He steps into the attic, where the floorboards are bare. Looks around sharply—Lucas and Max, huddled in the corner, and he can’t tell, he can’t tell if—
As Steve runs to them, a soft click filters through. Max, rewinding her tape; she’s not even looking at her Walkman, like she’s not even aware that she’s doing it. The headphones lie around her neck.
“Oh, thank God,” Steve finds himself whispering, gets one hand on Max, the other on Lucas, “thank God, thank God.”
They shake under his touch. Steve wants to shield them from every horror in existence, wants to swear to them that it’s over now, that they don’t have to do it anymore, but he has to—
“Where’s Eddie?”
It’s not a surprise when Max’s eyes dart to the door. Steve’s stomach drops anyway.
Lucas speaks, voice ragged, “Jason, he…”
And as Steve looks at him, the kid’s thirteen again, eyes wide with fear in the face of Billy Hargrove. You’re dead, Sinclair.
Steve pushes back a hot swell of anger. Hugs Lucas roughly, then Max, murmurs, “Okay, it’s okay. Stay right here. Nancy and Robin are coming, I promise.”
“Steve,” Max whispers when he’s at the door.
He turns back.
But it’s like she’s run out of words, shivering in Lucas’s arms. Still rewinding the tape, but her fingers are slipping now.
Lucas speaks for her—eyes off to the side, like he’s seeing something more than a Gate in the wall. “He had a gun.”
Steve checks a couple rooms, floorboards creaking no matter how quiet he tries to be. His heart’s still racing. It leads him to the staircase.
And Eddie’s right there, just a few steps down.
There’s the faint screech of a car driving away.
Eddie looks up at him. He’s standing obliquely, clinging to the bannister. His eyes shine in the dark, and Steve can just barely make out the evidence of bruises and cuts all across his face.
“He’s gone,” Eddie says with such relief.
I’ll kill him, Steve thinks numbly.
”I, um. I had to run,” Eddie continues, almost like he’s defending himself. “He—he wouldn’t listen, man. The kids, I… I couldn’t let him—”
“They’re fine,” Steve says, talks right over Eddie’s answering sigh, “we should go back up. Check on them.”
A pause.
“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Sure. Think I—think I just need a second.”
Eddie smiles. It’s the worst thing Steve has ever seen.
“Did it work?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, his throat tight. The word is ash on his tongue. “Yeah, it worked. It’s finished.”
“Good.” Eddie inhales. “And you’ll—you’ll tell my uncle, right? Tell him I didn’t kill Chrissy.”
“Tell him yourself,” Steve snaps.
But Eddie’s shaking his head. Steve can visibly see the adrenaline draining from him: his arms shaking as his grip on the bannister falters.
“Nah, man,” Eddie says, his voice thick and wet with tears.
“Stop fucking crying,” Steve says, instantly ashamed as the words slip out—fear rendering him sharp and mean; Eddie’s hand slips, and he turns, “Oh my God,” Steve says uselessly, “Oh my God, Eddie,” because it’s not a dawning horror really, more a realisation that they’ve both been putting off.
Maybe Steve has known all along.
He gets hold of Eddie before he can fall, mutters, “Here, I’ve got—Jesus, just lie down.”
“No, I don’t—” Eddie kicks out aimlessly, panicking, “I don’t wanna lie down, I don’t wanna lie down.”
Steve ignores him. Presses down on Eddie’s abdomen, hands already slick with blood.
Eddie is hyperventilating. He keeps saying it, “I don’t wanna lie down,” until it devolves into just, “Steve, Steve, I don’t want to,” until it doesn’t sound like he’s talking about lying down at all.
“You won’t,” Steve says, “you won’t, Eddie, just—push down, okay? You’ve got to—here, here, just push—”
Eddie’s hands are slack in his, and as Steve pushes against him, harder, harder, he cries out, breathing so shallow, so quick, too quick, “I’m sorry,” Steve whispers, “I’m sorry, Eddie, I’m so sorry.”
He thinks Eddie must be in too much pain to understand—his body still spasming, still weakly fighting against Steve’s pressure.
But then he feels Eddie’s hand move, loosely clasp around his wrist.
“It’s okay,” Eddie says, still crying, but Steve can hear him smiling somehow, fuck, how can he even—?, “hey, S-Steve, it’s okay. Just—just want to go home.” He’s rambling, almost incoherent, “It’s not that far, it’s—take me home, please, please, can you take me home, just—”
“I will,” Steve lies. “We need to fix this first, okay? Eddie, are you listening? Then we can…”
He trails off at the sight of Eddie looking up at him, his eyes so big, so full of life, and Steve doesn’t understand the expression on his face, doesn’t think he’s ever seen him look like this; and he wants Eddie to explain it to him, just wants him to talk, wants to…
I want to tell him, Steve thinks nonsensically.
“Steve Harrington,” Eddie murmurs, like he’s savouring Steve’s name. “You’re so…”
But Steve will never find out what he is, the rest of the sentence lost to a pained gasp.
“Don’t talk,” Steve says. Hates how harsh he sounds. “Eddie, just. Stay.”
Eddie smiles through blood. “I think I could’ve loved you.”
Steve hears movement from way above, a door slamming open, Robin and Nancy’s voices filtering down, still too far away to understand.
He could keep talking. Keep talking to Eddie.
But he knows.
The front door opens. Erica tears through it, screaming Lucas’s name, and then she stops in her tracks.
Dustin nearly collides with her from behind. Pulls her back, face slack with horror.
Steve leans over Eddie, desperately trying to shield him from them.
Dustin’s eyes meet Steve’s, over bright with fear; Steve thinks of him freezing in the graveyard, his own panicked shout, call Nancy and Robin!
He doesn’t want it to be too late.
“Call an ambulance,” Steve says, and Dustin’s eyes widen. He doesn’t sound remotely like himself, Steve knows, but he can barely even… Can only say it again, voice breaking horribly, “Call an ambulance!”
Dustin tugs Erica back. They run.
Steve stays right where he is. Looks down, and keeps looking—doesn’t turn away, not for anything, not even when it’s obvious that Eddie’s eyes are fixed and glassy.
He will bear witness to this.
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
Somebody To Love - Part 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 AO3
*Professor Farnsworth voice* Good news everyone! It is finished! There'll be one more part after this, I didn't need as many parts/chapters as I originally thought becasue I figured why can't I just have a high word count here? 😅 I should be able to have the final part out soon once I've completed the edits. 🥳🖤
Some tw's for this part: addict thoughts, talks of dieting, addiction recovery.
The delicacy with which Dustin and Max were handling him made Eddie feel like he’d been thrown into an alternate reality. They had the kid gloves on, treating him with so much care, like he was a temperamental ornament ready to shatter at any moment and honestly, he kind of appreciated it. 
People often took one look at him and just assumed he was a tough as nails metalhead drug addict that would spit at them sooner than look at them and like… sometimes they weren’t that far off. 
But he was still human with an infuriatingly soft core and that core was feeling very bruised right now.
He didn’t know exactly what they knew of everything, they were obviously much closer to Steve than they were to him, but he wasn’t really sure how close.
Still, it was nice that they weren’t automatically treating him like dirt for breaking Steve’s heart and then clumsily attempting to sellotape it back together with promises of proving it to him. Maybe that was Steve’s doing. Or maybe they were just more emotionally intelligent than he’d given them credit for.
Chrissy, however, had no such compunctions.
She waltzed into his house at ass o’clock in the morning and shoved a to-go coffee into his hands, knowing well he hadn’t slept a wink, she had been the one up with him on the phone for half the night after all.
“C’mon, Twinkie!” She slapped his ass hard. Way harder than was necessary, in his opinion. “Now’s not a time for moping, now’s a time for action!”
Eddie scowled at her and took a sip before coughing it up and shooting coffee straight out of his nose.
“Jesus fuck!” He gulped back air, barely able to get the words out through the scratching at his throat. “How many espresso shots are in this?!”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.” Chrissy dismissed with a wave of her hand.
He had barely managed to get his breath back, standing in the middle of his house in just his ratty old Dragon Ball Z boxers with coffee dripping down his chest when his front door was thrown open with a bang and more people descended on him.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?”
The Corroded Coffin boys strolled through his house, immediately descending on his kitchen and raiding his cabinets for whatever food Steve constantly kept his house stocked with.
“We heard you finally got your head out of your ass.” Jeff replied, through a mouthful of Honeycombs.
“Hey! Those are mine- Wait. You knew?”
“Dude, everyone knew.” Grant had commandeered his chocolate Yoo-Hoo, cracking the lid off easily.
Eddie felt his stomach drop. “Everyone?”
“Everyone.” Gareth emphasised, knowing exactly whose wrath Eddie was now fearing.
“Shit. Does he know? What happened yesterday?”
Chrissy nodded. “I called him. He’s in the air.”
“You fucking traitor!” He shouted, pointing his finger at her. “He’s going to kill me!”
She just waved her hand at him. “Go get dressed. We’ve got work to do.”
Eddie mumbled and grumbled but did as he was told, knocking back the rest of the poisonous coffee she had provided him. When he arrived back downstairs it was like walking into the middle of an intervention, even though he had started the process himself.
He was going to get off the drugs, he was going to stop drinking. He was no longer going to be sleeping around, obviously, but he was also going to go to a private medical clinic for a number of tests. Just to make sure he hadn’t picked anything up in between previous testing. He was going to keep smoking, because god-damn it he needed something.
The rest of that day was spent with Dustin, Chrissy and the Corroded Coffin boys scraping through every square inch of his house, searching for his various stashes of drugs and alcohol while Max watched him like a hawk.
Chrissy pulled away some pills taped to the bottom of a decorative pot that sat on top of one of his upper cabinets and Eddie was pretty sure he’d never seen that pot in his life before. Never even looked at it, let alone hid shit using it. It was the ugliest fucking pot he’d ever seen, why was it in his house? Honestly he’d forgotten half the places they pulled a handle of vodka or a baggie of powder out of. 
He wasn’t an addict, he didn’t consider himself an addict but he just used them more as an aid to get him through the day. He wasn’t an addict. 
He used them because he wanted to, not because he needed to.
Except now that he was faced with the reality that there’d be none of it left in the house, and he’d be monitored very closely by all of them so he couldn’t break and go out and get a fix… it had his anxiety skyrocketing through the roof and he almost asked them to stop multiple times. 
But each time he did, he remembered the defeat and heartbreak on Steve’s face and he… he just had to keep pushing forward. 
As they went from room to room, Max seemed to have some kind of sixth sense. Sitting there in her tailored business suit, red hair in a high pony, leaning over towards him with her elbows on her knees. Whenever he knew where something was stashed and the guys skimmed over it or missed it, she called out to them, telling them to look again without taking her eyes off him.
“How the hell are you doing that?” He asked.
“I had a troubled upbringing.” Max replied with a flat tone of voice.
They’d been at it for hours by the time he called for a fucking breather. All of this was exhausting. The stress was eating at his stomach. Eddie was in his back garden, trying to chill the fuck out with a cigarette when he heard the door open behind him.
“Boy.” The voice that came from behind him was heavy and stern, like Eddie’s own personal Kratos had descended and Eddie froze like a rabbit caught in a trap.
He turned slowly, hoping that someone else, anyone else was around to help take the pressure off but they all seemed to have scattered, the cowards.
“Wayne!” He tried to inject as much joy and lightness into his voice as he got to his feet but the man just continued to stare down at him with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed, towering over him like a monument of parental disappointment.
Quick as a flash Wayne’s hand shot out and slapped him over the back of the head, not too hard, but hard enough to let Eddie know he wasn’t happy, as if that had ever been in doubt. “What did you do to that young man?”
“You can’t hit me! I’m in recovery!”
Wayne slapped him again.
“I’m fixing it!”
“You better be. I like that Steve kid. He’s good for you.”
Eddie slumped, dropping his cigarette butt on the ground and trudging over to his uncle, pressing his forehead into his collarbone. “I know.”
Wayne nodded and pulled him in close for a hug.
“I’m fixing it.” Eddie said again, quieter this time. 
“Good.” Wayne rubbed his hand up and down Eddie back before pulling away. “We’ll get this sorted.” He placed his hands on either side of Eddie’s face and gave him a light squeeze. “Now pick up that butt, I didn’t teach you to litter.”
For all his whining and grumbling and absolute terror of the man, it was a big help having Wayne around. Of course it was, how could it not be. Though he’d never doubted Wayne for a second, facing up to the consequences of his actions had never been something Eddie was particularly eager to do.
Case in point, involving Chrissy was maybe a mistake. 
Because she was, like, sporty and shit. And she kept dragging him out of bed in the early hours of the morning once the worst of everything was out of his system. 
She’d force him into the gym room that came with the house and Eddie was pretty sure he’d never set foot in it before. But all the stuff there had clear signs of being used regularly and it was with a strange mix of sadness and glee that he figured Steve had probably been the one using it all along.
“Why am I here?”
“To get some endorphins into you without using drugs.”
Soulmate his fucking ass. 
Chrissy was no less than a drill sergeant and no amount of whining and bitching would stop her from making him do stretches and get on the treadmill and god he fucking hated it. Any one who enjoyed exercising was now solidly listed under ‘psychopath’ in his brain. 
Chrissy had even convinced Max to get her husband, some kind of sports health something or other, to put together a meal plan for him that had him eating shit like broccoli and apples and brown fucking rice.
Eddie did not throw a temper tantrum by day five of that diet, about a week and a half into this whole ‘getting his shit together so he could prove to Steve he was a competent human’ thing. Definitely not, even though his muscles ached and he wanted to stuff an entire Dunkin worth of Donuts into his mouth and get stupidly ridiculously high.
“Fuck off and leave me alone, Chrissy.” He snapped one morning from underneath his bedsheets. He was fucking tired, he was fucking sore and last he checked sugar wasn’t one of the addictions he was supposed to be giving up so why the fuck wasn’t he allowed to have any?
Chrissy crossed her arms. “No.”
“What’s even the point of this anyway? How the hell is the fucking broccoli and the fucking treadmill proving to Steve that I’m gonna stick around?”
“Because you’re improving yourself, taking care of yourself. Staying away from the drugs and alcohol and sex orgies and showing him you’re trying.” She sighed, softening her voice. “Didn’t you tell him you’d try every day for him?”
“Whatever.” Eddie grumbled, pulling the covers up over his head. “It’s a bed day. I’m staying in bed. Don’t try to drag me out, I will bite you.”
He could hear Chrissy leave and he knew the attitude was unnecessary, she was his rock in all of this, but he just wasn’t in the fucking mood to do anything apart from wallow.
He had dozed back off to sleep until he was awoken by someone coming up the stairs. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw a tall handsome man with fantastic shoulders standing in his doorway with a box of fucking donuts in his hand.
What kind of sugar-craving wet dream was this?
The guy lifted his hand with a pleasant smile. “Hey-”
“Sorry, man. I’m off the market.” Eddie slurred in some kind of delirious half-asleep haze before his brain finally caught up with him and he realised that’s probably not what was happening right now.
The guy burst out in a short laugh. “Yeah, me too. I’m Max’s husband, Lucas.”
Eddie’s entire face went scarlet. “Oh fuck, don’t tell her I said that. She’ll cut my balls off.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said with an easy smile as he held the box out and shook it slightly. “I brought these for you.”
Lucas handed the donuts to him and even though Eddie should be wary of the quite literal candy from a stranger (although, was candy really the correct term?), the allure of fried sugar was too much.
“Aren’t you supposed to be having me eat healthy?” Eddie asked, practically diving face first into the box and stuffing as much as he could into his mouth at once. “Minoththuppothsbeowmaheawthmfifthnssjurmy?” 
Lucas blinked at him and Eddie forced himself to swallow the large lump of fried dough, but not without sucking on his fingers first. “Am I not supposed to be on a health and fitness journey? Or whatever you,” he wiggled his fingers at him, “active types call it.”
"Don’t get me wrong, you still need to eat right and exercise but the meal plans I write up are usually for athletes at the top of their game. So the fact that sugar and some fats never made it in just never occurred to me. And no offence to you dude, but you are no athlete.” He smiled and tapped the box. “Everything in moderation, right?”
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Things began to even out after that. The boys started to travel between Eddie’s house and their own homes, checking in on him less and less the better he got. Finally getting to spend some well deserved time with their families rather than babysitting their problematic frontman. 
Wayne still stuck around. Eddie’s literal rock in everything he’d ever done in his life ever and Chrissy was no longer riding him so hard about getting the endorphins pumping. 
Honestly video games could do the same thing for him but she refused to accept that.
When Steve walked back through his front door some two weeks after he’d left for a second time, he took Eddie by surprise all over again, manifesting behind him like some kind of ghost and scaring the ever loving shit out of him.
But he didn’t throw himself at Steve this time. 
He didn’t have that right anymore. 
The ball was in Steve’s court and he would be the one that would decide just how fast they moved from now on.
He noticed the difference in Eddie almost immediately because of course he did. Telling him off hand that he looked good, healthy. That he hadn’t looked like that since their second studio album blew up, which caused Eddie to blush furiously and hide his face behind his hair like a fucking schoolgirl and not someone who had appeared in fucking ‘Playgirl’, which he had.
Usually in his down time he would have been spending it hanging out with Steve and his weird little found family. And with Wayne, flying in between LA and Indiana and getting to remember what it felt like to just be a normal person again. 
But it had also been the time Eddie would let loose and go hard into everything could. The kinds of things he couldn’t manage when on tour. 
Days long sex parties, kink clubs, high quality drug dens, week long getaways to someone’s private island or luxury yacht that probably collectively took ten years off his life every time he went.
But they were a thing of the past now.
Eddie found he was kind of enjoying the slower summer getting clean afforded him. He’d started to enjoy the things he used to love so much, but lost over time. 
Reading, losing himself in a writing haze, feeling the frantic passion of ideas and creativity overtaking him, and all with a clear head this time. 
Days spent in his basement studio no longer fueled by cocaine and other stimulants, now only fueled by caffeine. 
Before, he’d be able to go a couple of days awake in his writing haze but caffeine was no substitute for coke. 
As a result of that, being under the influence of only caffeine, sugar and nicotine he usually ended up crashing on the couch down there before he even realised he was falling asleep. Sometimes he’d wake up with handwritten pages stuck to his cheek or forehead, sometimes he’d wake up with the mother of all back aches and stiff fingers. But sometimes he’d wake up with a blanket thrown over him, the ghost of a hand in his hair and a strawberry frappuccino waiting for him on the coffee table.
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The downside of being lucid and sober was that Eddie was now painfully aware of his shithead behaviour over the last number of years and it constantly threatened to push him back into a spiral again. 
He was actually mentally present for the first time in he didn’t know how long for a meeting with the label executives to discuss a timeline for the next album and tour. He had no idea just how much Steve had been doing for him, especially when it came to this. 
Making decisions on his behalf that always benefited him far more than anything he’d have been able to negotiate himself, making excuses for why he was so out of it all the time that everyone could see through. But the execs always let it go because Corroded Coffin were one of the labels biggest bands, on of their biggest money earners and continued to be, no matter how fucked up Eddie was.
And it wasn't just meetings with execs he now had to deal with. The people refused to get the god-damn memo. The invites to all the debauched shit he usually took part in just kept coming and people actually started getting defensive whenever he refused.
No matter what he told them. 
He told them he didn’t want to go. He was healing. He was off the shit that would be shared around like pass the parcel. They were down right offended to hear it. Like Eddie was somehow telling them all he was better than them by holding up a mirror towards their own actions which… maybe, yeah actually.
The only invite he had accepted was a charity fundraiser for queer homeless youth. But only with a firm stance that he would not be going to any kind of after party, so don’t even bother asking.
But it would be fine. 
There’d be alcohol and probably some drugs and probably some people trying to get into his pants there but Chrissy and Steve would also be there, all but chained to his side. Gareth, Jeff and Grant would be taking up the mantle of schmoozing so it would be fine.
Plus, he was close to hitting his ninety days so he was definitely stronger than he had been at the start, right?
Either way, the alcohol, the drugs, the horny people… it would be the kind of shit that would be unavoidable in his line of work. So he’d have to get used to temptation being thrown in his face regardless and this would be a nice entry level experiment.
“You sure you want to do this?” Steve asked him, with an arm around his shoulder. 
The return to normal touch had been gradual, happening over the last few months and it was doing wonderful things for his nerves right now. The three of them were sitting in the back of the big fancy car, stalling.
Steve flashed him a cheeky grin. “We can leave and head to the McDonalds drive-thru right now if you want.”
Eddie smiled and stopped twisting his rings around his fingers. This was an overly fancy event, probably requiring white gloves as part of the dress code but Eddie wasn’t going to start worrying about expectations like that now. 
They knew who they’d invited. 
“I’m fine. It’s fine.” He tipped his head over until he was leaning against Steve’s shoulder and laced his fingers with Chrissy’s gloved hand. “Let’s just get this over with. Maybe we can leave before I turn back into a pumpkin, though?”
Steve smiled. “Sure thing.” He pressed a quick kiss to the top of Eddie’s head and smoothly exited the car. 
It was definitely not the most intimate thing they’d ever done together in their decade long friendship but definitely the most intimate thing that they’d done in the last three months and Eddie’s stomach exploded with butterflies.
“Cinderella doesn’t turn back into a pumpkin at midnight.” Chrissy said, shaking out her large pale pink dress as she stepped out of the car after Eddie. “Are you calling yourself the carriage?”
“Yeah.” He offered her his elbow. “I have plenty of carriage.”
“Twinkie,” she shook her head, “you have no carriage. It’s a tiny little fuzzy peach butt.”
“Excuse you, it’s a pumpkin!”
She rolled her eyes and gave his ass a little pinch out of view of anyone. “It is not.”
“It’s really not, Eds.” Steve put in with a not so subtle up-and-down look.
“This is a betrayal of the highest order,” he pointed at them, “and the both of you are terrible people.”
Overall, things went pretty well. 
He didn’t really have to talk to anyone, the Corroded Coffin boys as previously discussed between them, were dealing with the majority of boring ass rich people conversation and Steve had enough experience from his upbringing with his parents to deflect the most persistent of wannabe schmoozers. Eddie had been sticking only to mocktails (his favourite would always be a Shirley Temple but they had some strawberry thing which was essentially just strawberry limeade but it was fucking delicious so who gave a fuck) and some really nice non-alcoholic champagne that honestly tasted better than the regular champagne without the tang of alcohol in it.
Steve had to lead someone away, almost with a hand at their elbow when they just kept pushing for conversation. Chrissy was in a gentle discussion with a new young artist who looked like she was about to vibrate out of her skin from fear. And Eddie felt a shadow descend into the chair next to him.
He turned, still trying to suck the last dregs of his Shirley Temple out of the bottom of his glass.
The guy who sat down looked vaguely familiar, in that kind of memory signal way. His subconscious definitely knew they’d crossed paths before but that could mean anything. Maybe he’d collaborated with him in the past? Maybe he was an old supplier? Maybe he’d slept with him, who knew?
“Hi!” The guy said with a smile and dark bedroom eyes.
Well, okay.
He slid a drink towards him, cold and beading with condensation and the most beautiful amber colour.
Eddie swallowed, unable to take his eyes off of it. He picked up the edge of the white tablecloth, using it to push the drink away. He didn’t even want to risk touching it.
“I’m clean.” Eddie pretty firmly kept the now empty Shirley Temple glass up, still sucking the straw around the bottom, trying to keep a barrier between them because no thank you. Not tonight. Not ever, anymore, if life worked out the way he wanted.
The guy nodded and smiled again, a little condescending, as though Eddie’s attempt to stay sober was cute. “I've been watching you. Trying to find an opportunity to say hi.” He scoffed lightly with a raised eyebrow. An attempt at an inside joke only one of them was in on. “Your bodyguard’s got a pretty tight grip on you though. Glad he finally gave you a chance to breathe.”
“Steve’s not my bodyguard.”
Even though he could be. Has definitely had to act like it before. More than once. 
God, Eddie was a shit.
“No? He’s certainly acting like it. Won’t let anyone near you. Seems a little possessive if you ask me.” The guy scooted a little further forward and started brushing his leg up and down Eddie’s calf and Eddie retracted almost immediately.
“That’s going to be a solid no from me. I’m off the market for the foreseeable future.”
The guy couldn’t hide his surprise quickly enough. “Seriously? Someone get in your head about it?” The corner of his mouth tilted up in a smug grin. “Couldn’t stop thinking of a particular night? I couldn’t stop thinking of it either. I heard you stopped making the rounds after.”
Eddie could do nothing but blink at the absolute balls on this guy. But apparently this was a one sided conversation because the guy was still talking.
“I was hoping you’d call me again.” He attempted to nudge Eddie’s knee with his hand but Eddie pulled back again with a hard glare. The guy scoffed again. “Unless, of course, your phone privileges have been taken away by the help.” He laughed at his own pathetic, mean excuse for a joke. “I think we could be quite good together, Eddie.”
“I don’t fucking think so.”
The guy pushed out his bottom lip and batted his big eyelashes at him, like Eddie’s rejection was performative, like he was playing hard to get. “Awh. That’s too bad. You marked me up so good last time.”
It was only then that it finally clicked for him. “You’re the guy from the ‘Sucker’ video.”
The guy's bravado faltered, clearly not expecting to be forgotten so easily.
“Obviously.” He bit out.
He was the last guy Eddie had slept with before everything had happened.
Steve had shown him out and left on his vacation almost immediately after.
He’d been so upset.
“What the fuck did you say to him?” Eddie hissed, finally setting his glass down.
The guy blinked with a curl at his lip. “Who?”
“Oh, him?” The guy laughed, short and sharp and mean. “Not my fault if he wasn’t ready to hear some harsh truths.” He shrugged. “I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t deserve to hear. Practically did you a favour, by the way.” The guy rolled his eyes. “Just had to get it in his head that he didn’t have a shot, shooting above his pay grade and if he couldn’t handle it he should take a long walk off a short pier. Even if you did let him weasel his way back in-”
There was something shoved hard into Eddie’s chest and he only had a second to register what was happening before he had to catch Chrissy around the waist and pull her back to stop her clawing this guy's eyes out. 
The purse she’d pushed at him fell to the floor as Eddie was jerked forward, using his all of his weak as shit strength to keep a firm grip on Chrissy who was always so strong with her hidden jock prowess.
“Jesus Christ, put a leash on her, would you?” The guy had fired himself backwards, nearly toppling himself out of his seat.
“You motherf-! Edward, let me go!” Chrissy was swiping at the guy with one arm while the other dug into Eddie’s arm, trying to loosen his grip. 
Before he could consider whether the spectacle of Chrissy Cunningham in her pink meringue dress absolutely wrecking this guys shit would be worth the entertainment enough to let her free, a wall of bodies planted themselves firmly in her way.
“I think it’s time we head out, don’t you?” Jeff asked leaning back, trying to avoid Chrissy’s hands.
“Yeah,” Eddie huffed. Jesus this girl was strong. “Yeah, maybe!”
The four of them were able to manhandle Chrissy, who was still spitting and cursing, shooing her out of the front door. Eddie glanced back and saw Steve leaning down towards the guy with the sharpest smile he’d ever seen, muttering into his ear ‘He doesn’t even remember your name’ before turning and following the five of them out.
There was silence between the six of them outside, save for the sound of Chrissy’s heavy breathing, as they waited for the car to come around.
They all bundled themselves inside and once the door slammed shut Eddie exploded.
“Okay, what the hell?” 
The boys were looking at him with wary expressions, Chrissy was wide eyed and a little flushed and Steve just cocked an eyebrow, well used to Eddie’s tantrums after so long. But that wasn’t what this was.
“Him? Him? I slept with him? He’s not even cute, why the hell didn’t anyone stop me?!” He pointed at each of them in turn, not even bothering to skip out Steve, the fucker would only tease him about it later.
The car started moving and Eddie took a second to send a silent apology to the very nice chauffeur, Marlon, who really shouldn’t have to be dealing with their nonsense.
“Twinkie,” Chrissy huffed, ripping her white opera gloves off, “the amount of times I have tried to slap the dick out of your hand and get you to listen to me-”
Eddie squealed, high and outraged. But he couldn’t even stay mad because Steve was doubled over cackling like a witch on her broomstick and the boys were poking fun at him while literally poking him in the sides and all he could do was slump down in his seat and pout at them with crossed arms.
They did end up going through the McDonalds drive-thru after all.
So... y'all wanna see Eddie's Playgirl cover? 👀 (minors dni)
That magnificent artwork was done by the supremely talented @sporelium and I am in fucking awe of him, like holy shit. I saw it when it was originally posted and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Thank you so much for letting me reference it here. 😘🖤
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 AO3
@lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring, @child-of-cthulhu, @sweetwaterangel, @anaibis, @katytheinspiredworkaholic, @littlewildflowerkitten, @hallucinatedjosten, @estrellami-1, @gregre369, @stxrcrossed186, @novelnovella, @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme, @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere, @thesuninyaface, @messrs-weasley
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barclaysangel · 9 months
Chucky Core 4 as My Babysitter’s a Vampire Core 4
Here it is! Requested by the awesome @austin-chr-2-0 . It as originally gonna be kinda a gif mood board, the background was moving. Buuuuut Tumblr couldn’t handle the file size and when I resized it to fit, it was coming out too blurry. So I just changed the background. But I hope you like it because this crossover AU is super cool!
Oh, and Merry Christmas :)
Devon Evans as Sarah Fox
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Jake Wheeler as Ethan Morgan
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Junior Wheeler as Benny Weir
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Lexy Cross as Erica Jones
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cloudymistedskies · 11 months
Mari accidentally fucks up and sends the roblox giftcard to the mist mansion
(Feat. @theyluvsmilo)
I was rereading “Muichiro’s mansion” by @theyslaydemons and i just felt the sudden need to make this AHAHAHAJW
I might’ve fucked up the chrs but in my defense, Im stupid.
Heres some of my fav parts that i drew
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Mari is so O_O core
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 month
Practitioners who are unfamiliar with dissociative disorders or to working with DID may prefer to start with texts that are based on their core models or familiar ways of working. Survivors can also expect to come across and be offered a variety of theoretical approaches, summarised below, although none have the monopoly on healing. It is more important that professional help is trauma-informed and based on a collaborative and companionable approach to finding what is best for each individual’s journey.
Attachment-based Psychotherapy – focuses on relationships and bonds between people. It emphasises the developing child’s need to form a healthy emotional bond with at least one primary caregiver for positive social and emotional development.
Doing Psychotherapy: A Trauma and Attachment-Informed Approach, (2020) by Robin Shapiro
Nurturing Children: From Trauma to Growth Using Attachment Theory, Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology, (2019), by Graham Music (See description in Working With children & Adolescents)
Trauma and the Avoidant Client: Attachment-Based Strategies for Healing, (2010), & Trauma and the Struggle to Open Up, (2019) by Robert Muller
Working with the Developmental Trauma of Childhood Neglect, (2022), by Ruth Cohn
Cognitive & Behavioural – theories and therapies elaborate the interplay between mind, thought, behaviour and action, and demonstrate how they can provoke emotions and contribute towards the maintenance of problems or towards recovery.
Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Dissociation, (2013) edited by Fiona Kennedy, Helen Kennerley & David Pearson
DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition, (2014) by Marsha Linehan
Reinventing Your Life, (Schema Therapy-updated 2019) by Jeffrey Young & Janet Klosko
The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Recovering from Trauma and PTSD: Using Compassion-Focused Therapy to Overcome Flashbacks, Shame, Guilt, and Fear, (2013), by Deborah Lee & Sophie James
Trauma-Focused ACT: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working with Mind, Body, and Emotion Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, (2021), by Russ Harris
Creative Therapies – use arts-based models and interventions, including music, drama, movement, art or play, with support from a trained professional. Individuals of all ages may find them helpful because they address issues and support expression without the need to talk or focus on the physical self.
A Therapeutic Treasure Box for Working with Children and Adolescents with Developmental Trauma, (2017), by Karen Treisman
Trauma and Expressive Arts Therapy, (2020), by Cathy Malchiodi
Integrative Therapy – affirms and blends different models of therapy with consideration given to what works and why.
Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders, (2009), by Paul Dell & John O’Neil (Eds)
Mindsight: Transform Your Brain with the New Science of Kindness, (2011) by Daniel Siegel
Neurobiology and Treatment of Traumatic Dissociation: Towards an Embodied Self, (2008) by Ulrich Lanius, Sandra Paulsen & Frank Corrigan
Working with Voices and Dissociative Parts – A Trauma-informed approach, (2019) by Dolores Mosquera. (See description in Treatment Books)
Internal Family Systems Therapy – elaborates the relationships between parts of self or psyche and demonstrates how separation or division between parts can cause suffering.
Internal Family Systems Skills Training Manual: Trauma-Informed Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, PTSD & Substance Abuse, (2017) by Frank Anderson, Richard Schwartz & Martha Sweezy
Internal Family Systems Therapy, 2nd Edition, (2019) by Richard Schwarz & Martha Sweezy
Mindfulness – a meditative practice that reconnects individuals to the present moment; purposefully drawing attention and focus to moment-by-moment, internal and/or external awareness.
Dissociation, Mindfulness, and Creative Meditations: Trauma-Informed Practices to Facilitate Growth, (2017), by Christine Forner
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing, (2018), by David Treleaven & Willoughby Britton
Polyvagal Theory – explains the importance and value of interpersonal neurobiology in recovery from trauma, and the effect of trauma on the body and the brain. The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation, (2011) by Stephen Porges The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, (2018) by Deb Dana
Psychoanalytic – theories and therapies that aim to treat mental disorders and distress by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious mind.
The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis: Understanding and Working with Trauma, (2016), by Elizabeth Howell & Sheldon Itzkowitz
Trauma, Dissociation and Multiplicity: Working on Identity and Selves, (2010) edited by Valerie Sinason
Psychodynamic – based on the theories and principles of psychoanalysis, but with an increased emphasis on an individual’s relationship with their external world; seeks to understand conscious and unconscious processes that influence emotions, thoughts and behaviour patterns.
Easy Ego State Interventions: Strategies for Working with Parts, (2016) by Robin Shapiro
Somatic (Body-Oriented) Resources – recognise that trauma and its effects are stored within the body, and cause dysregulation and restriction to movement and/or emotion.
EMDR Eye Movement, Desensitisation & Reprocessing – a psychotherapeutic approach that uses visual, auditory or tactile stimuli bilaterally, (from side-to-side of the body), in a rhythmical pattern, to enable reprocessing of memory and its effects. Care needs to be exercised with RAMCOA survivors, since similar techniques have been used in some survivors’ abuse, and EMDR may prove triggering or breach the therapeutic relationship.
EMDR and Dissociation: The Progressive Approach, (2012) by Anabel Gonzalez & Dolores Mosquera
EMDR Toolbox: Theory and Treatment of Complex PTSD and Dissociation, 2nd Edn, (2018), by James Knipe
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy – an evolving “body-oriented talking therapy”, helps individuals stabilise, discharge and resolve physiological symptoms of trauma and adverse experiences.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment, (2015) by Pat Ogden & Janina Fisher
Trauma and the Body, (2006) by Pat Ogden, Kekuni Minton & Clare Pain
Additionally: The Body Remembers Volume 2, (2017) by Babette Rothschild 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery, (2010) by Babette Rothschild
Somatic Experiencing – focuses on the body and perceived body sensations, to express and relieve mental and physical traumatic stress-related conditions.
In an Unspoken Voice, (2010) by Peter Levine
Waking the Tiger, (1997) by Peter Levine
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thdramas2 · 5 months
Alternatives for backing up your files and characters:
Google Photos/Drive (I use this for both images and coding files, and you can upgrade. You start out with 15GB free, 100 GB for $1.99 a month, and 2TB for $9.99 a month)
ImgBB (You can create different albums for each character and make them private for free)
Deviant Art Sta.sh (I suggest this as a temporary solution for those who do not have a lot of files to backup. You get 2GB free and can get up to 50GB for Core/Premium members, but don't give your money to this hell site that supports AI.)
icloud (You get 5GB free, 50GB for $0.99 a month, 200GB for $2.99 a month, 2TB for $9.99 a month, 6TB for $29.99 a month, and 12TB $59.99 a month)
A lot of these are pretty affordable, especially if you have subscriptions for like Hulu or Discord. Get your characters, stories, and coding backed up, folks!
yes but we meant more for downloading the chrs n such without having to do it ourself like that program did
but this is still helpful
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dustjacketmusings · 1 year
Bookclub thoughts: two for one
Cold-Hearted Rake and Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas
I wasn't going to do a bookclub thoughts for Cold-Hearted Rake (CHR because I'm lazy) because I just enjoyed it and had nothing much to say. I have a lot to say about Marrying Winterborne (MW) though, and these books are almost impossible to separate. Which is my first major criticism, I don't think these books are fully enjoyable by themselves. CHR spends a lot of time in the second half setting up Helen and Winterborne, at the expense of the main pairing, and Winterborne is such an ass in the start of MW so i dont know how he's likeable without the previous book.
The family dynamic is easily the best part of both books, with the romance complexity suffering by comparison. I didn't mind this in CHR because setting up the family dynamic was so core to Devon and Kathleen's personal arcs, whereas Helen has an arc outside of her family dynamic.
As I said previously, I enjoyed CHR immensely. They are both such angry bitches who fight over nothing 😂. It truly is an excellent rivals to lovers. But I also appreciated that it takes place at a family home, with no balls or socialization. This is a side of historicals that I see less and it was interesting. Kleypas also flexes her researching chops with all of the widow details and mourning requirements. It kept the plot from being repetitive by introducing something new. In this sense, Devon starting an affair with his cousins widow was a different relationship dynamic. They get married eventually, but it's nice that Kathleen was in a position where she could have an affair without risking her livelihood.
And I do think that the various aspects of female independence were important for my enjoyment or dislike of either book. Kleypas takes a fairly unflinching view of the ways historical society was harsh on women, but she doesn't always make efforts to combat it. Or care to. It's a very different book to identify the double standards between men and women and have the FMC demand her due, as a modern woman might. There are people writing those books but Kleypas doesn't. She does keep her FMC's in character for the time, which I usually appreciate, but sometimes puts them at the mercy of the patriarcy, which I don't appreciate.
CHR focused extensively on the ways Kathleen was bound by the rules of widowhood; she would be forced to mourn a man she'd been married to for three days, she lost portions of her property to the estate, and her fortune now rested in the hands of the unknown cousin. For all that she might be allowed a discreet affair, she lost more than she gained. And Devon, for his part, acknowledged this and was as kind as he could be given the situation. Specifically, he couldn't give her back her horse since the estate had no money and it wasn't done, but he deferred to Kathleen on his training prior to sale.
By comparison, MW highlights the vulnerability of young women in society and then has it be a test of affection. Helen approaches Winterborne privately, which risks her reputation, and then agrees to sleep with him, which ruins her reputation without question. I'll give this scene credit in that it's a bold inciting incident, but it puts a bad taste in my mouth. Kleypas makes it clear that Helen is at a disadvantage just existing in the same room as Winterborne, yet he still demands she sleep with him "so that she could never leave". And she agrees, making a leap of faith because she trusts him (or is too naive to be suspicious) and it pays off. I don't dislike romance characters making grand gestures or trusting their partners, but it's disappointing that Kleypas has her heroines do it in a more detrimental way than she ever makes her men. It's true, Helen can't ever leave winterborne now, but it's fine because romance. This isn't fundamentally the same as winterborne's grand gesture of writing Helen into his will, because he isn't actually at risk for this, it's just his empire.
AND ALSO. THE WILL THING NEVER COMES UP AGAIN. After the indecent proposal, Winterborne realizes he's put Helen unnecessarily at risk (no shit?), and decides to write her as his sole benefactor immediately. It's a boss move, I'm not gonna lie, but it made the previous scene even more confusing. At one point Winterborne goes "I have no idea why I insisted we bed" and I'm like dude I super don't know either. It's almost like kleypas wanted the initial scene to be exciting and then literally bashed him over the head so the reader would like him again. And then he never tells her that she has the best life insurance policy on the planet, which ruins the gesture.
Helen purposefully ruining her respectability is a theme of the book, I'll give Kleypas that much. For as much as I don't like the initial scene, it rounds out her arc very nicely... but not in a way that makes their romance look good. She starts out by deciding she wants to marry winterborne for honestly very flimsy reasons. She's never met another man, she just thinks marrying him will be exciting and fulfilling. There are a few points early on where Helen notes how strongly she feels for him that distinctly reads like a teenagers first crush. I don't find their relationship very compelling in the first half because it mostly reads as two characters in love with love but not each other. They have bonding moments and real connection they just act super infatuated rather than recall any moments of depth. All of this makes Helen seem way younger than she needs to be. And then the actual book plot kicks off and Winterborne is at most an accessory for Helen throwing away her reputation because it's the right thing to do. She truly grows by the end of this book but I don't feel like they grow romantically.
Winterborne, by contrast, gets no arc. After hitting his head and deciding his will, he mostly exists to provide Helen with gifts and dick her down. He hates this one guy, of course, but it's just there for helens plot and not something he needs. The biggest growth for him is that he's no longer dreaming of the blue blooded babies Helen will give him (ew) which he only thinks about for a second when he's being an asshole. In fact, that whole plot point is pretty much dropped only to come back in his big speech. There's set up in CHR that he wants upward mobility and his engagement to Helen, but he spends no other time wooing aristocrats, and almost all of his screen time is championing equal rights for workers, donating to charity, and rescuing orphans. Dude clearly does not care what the aristocracy think of him so it loses impact.
I will say that premarital sex is handled differently between the books and its odd. CHR utilizes the pull out method and a no strings attached affair to establish spice in a historical setting. It works well enough, until Kathleen rides Devon and he climaxes inside her. And doesn't blame her for it (ha ha bridgerton). The threat of a baby from this one event is enough for them to eventually get married. Meanwhile, MW thinks about babies... sometimes. It's a bit of a dropped ball in a book about illegitimacy, not gonna lie. There is the initial sex, and Winterborne thinks of Helen possibly becoming pregnant from that when he does the will thing. Helen, meanwhile, wants to wait to get married until she's out of mourning, and when confronted with possible children adopts a "we'll cross that bridge if we get to it". Considering they continue to use no birth control, the "if" feels more like a "when" that never gets addressed. Not even when Helen decides to leave on her own. She just never thinks about her possible pregnancy, even when it's referenced as a way she might trap Winterborne into marriage. It was an odd missing plot point in a book that's kind of full of them.
For all of my bitching, MW has an excellent final speech. It's something sorely missing from CHR, but alas. Can't have everything
Edit: CW the word g*psy is used once in MW. It's probably period accurate but serves no purpose
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shewhotellsstories · 1 year
I don��t really get how many times Chr*s Br*wn is going to have to show the world that at his core he’s a fundamentally violent person before the world believes him.
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half-life-collide · 2 years
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kenphobia · 1 year
Some plans about my WIPS since I need to like, jot things down so I can finish it all quickly:
✦ Spiralling Shapes (Human!welcome home x reader x TMA)
Basically the puppet cast of welcome home are human and lives in a little town called Mason (to avoid weird and repetitive wording, so i named the town), but the entire town is under the influence of the dreaded fears from The Magnus Archives.
It's going to be a psychological horror series with slight romance. It's a various x reader, but It's either Poppy or Wally the main "love interest". I'm rewriting the chapters (about 3 chapters in now) since it was originally yandere series, but I figured to make not that and made it purely horro with a bit for fluffy romance for you raccoons <33
✦ Rewriting the yandere fics (self-explanatory at this point)
✦ Headcanons / Drabbles for other fandoms
I still want to produce more writing for this blog, but I'm taking a break from WH at the point and TMA is my other hyperfixation... you get the deal. I'll also be doing some for the owl house, twisted wonderland and etc.
I'll be removing cookie run from my fandom list since I got over it so quickly <//3
✦ Adding new fandoms to the list
I'm currently watching Trigun and Higurashi, so I might add them to my list soon! I'm also rereading black butler, so that's also another one (but honestly, i'll only be writing forthe clumsy maid whose name i forgot, grell and madam red since they're the only chrs i care about).
DHMIS also might as well but I haven't watched the new show, only the old one, so yeah. I wanna write for shringold or however you spell his name is :')) idk if the puppets have canon names but the series is so the stranger and the spiral core, so probably not.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Cillian Murphy, the Irish actor with a striking gaze and immense talent, is finally getting his due thanks to his casting as the lead of Christopher Nolan's recently released Oppenheimer, which is already on its way to becoming a worldwide blockbuster. The film stars Murphy in the titular role of J Robert Oppenheimer, remembered as the father of the atomic bomb for his role in the Manhattan Project. Murphy's performance is being singled out for praise by critics. But Murphy has been a phenomenal actor for a couple of decades. He has just been a little under the radar for most of his career.
Anyway, here are the five best performances of Murphy, starting with Oppenheimer.
Oppenheimer (2023)
Cillian Murphy, in a career-defining performance in his latest film, brings the mysterious and tormented Oppenheimer to life with an almost otherworldly intensity. The portrayal captures the essence of a man torn between his insatiable hunger for discovery and the haunting spectre of the destruction he helps orchestrate. The performance unerringly embodies Oppenheimer as a scientific prodigy haunted by the terrible consequences of his own brilliance — a dichotomy that lays the groundwork for the film's emotional core.
Breakfast on Pluto (2005)
This whimsical and poignant film, directed by Neil Jordan, sees Murphy in the role of Patrick "Kitten" Braden, a transgender woman searching for her true identity in 1970s Ireland and London. With a delicate balance of vulnerability and resilience, Murphy's performance as Kitten is a triumph of empathy and nuance. He effortlessly navigates through the complexities of gender identity and societal acceptance, creating a character that is both enigmatic and endearing. Murphy's ability to infuse Kitten with a profound sense of humanity makes Breakfast on Pluto an emotional and enlightening cinematic gem.
Red Eye (2005)
In this gripping and intense thriller directed by Wes Craven, Cillian Murphy portrays Jackson Rippner, a charming yet sinister hitman. The film follows Lisa Reisert (Rachel McAdams), a hotel manager who finds herself trapped on a red-eye flight with Murphy's character after he reveals his sinister intentions. Red Eye showcases Murphy's ability to portray a chilling antagonist with a magnetic presence. His character's calm demeanor and calculated manipulation create unnerving tension throughout the film. Murphy's performance adds an extra layer of complexity to the psychological cat-and-mouse game, making Red Eye a heart-pounding and memorable cinematic experience.
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
In this powerful historical drama directed by Ken Loach, Murphy embodies the role of Damien, a young doctor who becomes entangled in the Irish War of Independence against British rule. Set in the early 1920s, the film delves into the tumultuous period of Ireland's struggle for independence and the ensuing Irish Civil War. Murphy's performance is a masterclass in portraying the moral dilemmas faced by a man torn between his duty to his family and his allegiance to his country. With grace and intensity, Murphy delivers a performance that resonates deeply with the audience, breathing life into a pivotal chapter of Irish history.
Peacock (2010)
This lesser-known gem in Cillian Murphy's filmography is a testament to his ability to take on challenging and unconventional roles. Directed by Michael Lander, Peacock revolves around the enigmatic character of John Skillpa, a man leading a double life as both himself and a woman named Emma. Murphy's portrayal of this complex character is a tour de force, capturing the intricacies of John's split personality with astonishing finesse. His ability to convey vulnerability and internal conflict makes Peacock an intriguing and thought-provoking exploration of identity and human nature.'
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irunevenus · 18 days
Christianity: From Ancient Palestine to the Modern World – The Rise of a Global Faith
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Christianity, the world’s largest religion with over two billion followers, has deep roots in first-century AD Palestine. Founded on the lessons, life, and death of Jesus of Nazareth, Christianity has not only shaped Western history but has also influenced cultures, governments, and millions of lives around the world. This article explores the origins of Christianity, its core beliefs and doctrines, its global expansion, and its lasting impact on modern society.
Origins of Christianity: Jesus of Nazareth and the New Testament Christianity was born within Judaism during a time of intense political and social turmoil in ancient Palestine, then under the rule of the Roman Empire. A charismatic and controversial figure, Jesus of Nazareth began preaching in his early 30s, attracting followers with his messages of love, forgiveness, and the coming of the “Kingdom of God.” His actions challenged the religious and social norms of the time, and he was quickly seen as a threat by both the Jewish religious authorities and the Roman government.
The Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), are the primary sources for the life and teachings of Jesus. These texts chronicle his miracles, parables, and his deep commitment to reforming the Jewish spiritualism of the time. The crucifixion of Jesus in Jerusalem, ordered by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, was a turning point that gave rise to the central belief of Christianity: that Jesus would be resurrected three days after his death, an event that symbolizes the victory over sin and death.
The Spread of Christianity: From Jewish Sect to Universal Religion After Jesus’ death, his followers, led by the apostles Peter, John, and Paul, began to spread his message throughout the Mediterranean. Initially seen as a Jewish sect, Christianity began to attract non-Jews (Gentiles) thanks to the missionary efforts of Paul of Tarsus. Paul traveled extensively, founding churches in cities such as Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome, and wrote letters that now make up much of the New Testament.
At first, Christians faced intense persecution from the Roman Empire, which saw this new faith as a threat to public order. However, Christianity quickly spread, attracting a growing number of converts, in part because of its inclusive message of hope, eternal life, and salvation for all, regardless of social class or ethnicity.
The turning point came in the fourth century, when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and subsequently, in 313 AD, issued the Edict of Milan, which legalized the practice of the Christian faith throughout the empire. By 380 AD, Christianity had become the official religion of the Roman Empire, and the Church began to establish itself as a powerful political and spiritual institution.
Fundamental Doctrines and Beliefs of Christianity Christianity is centered around the belief in one God, the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and the figure of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Savior of humanity. The main doctrines of Christianity include:
The Trinity: The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that God is one, but exists in three distinct persons: the Father (creator of the universe), the Son (Jesus Christ, the savior), and the Holy Spirit (God's presence in the world).
Salvation through Faith in Christ: Salvation, that is, redemption from sin and the promise of eternal life, is achieved through faith in Jesus Christ. This belief is central to all Christian denominations, although there are differences in how salvation is understood and achieved.
The Resurrection of Christ: The resurrection of Jesus is the most significant event in Christianity, symbolizing the victory over death and sin. It is celebrated annually on Easter, the main Christian holiday.
Love for Neighbor: Jesus taught that love for God and neighbor are the greatest commandments. Christian ethics are therefore deeply rooted in compassion, forgiveness, and the pursuit of social justice.
The New Testament and the Holy Scriptures: The Bible, composed of the Old Testament (Jewish texts) and the New Testament (Christian writings), is considered the inspired word of God. The Scriptures guide Christian faith and practices.
The Role of the Church: Divisions and Expansion Over the centuries, Christianity has undergone divisions that have led to the emergence of various denominations. In 1054, the Great Schism divided the Church between the East (Orthodox) and the West (Roman Catholic). In the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation, led by figures such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, challenged the authority of the Catholic Church, resulting in the creation of new Christian traditions such as Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism.
Christianity also spread to the New World through missions and European colonialism. Catholic and Protestant missionaries played a key role in spreading the faith in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, leaving a legacy of churches, schools, and hospitals that still influence these societies today.
Christianity in the Modern Era: Challenges and Relevance In the contemporary era, Christianity faces challenges such as secularism, increasing religious diversity, and internal questions about modern morality, including the role of women, sexuality, and human rights. Despite this, Christianity continues to be a vital force in the lives of many, inspiring charitable acts, social justice movements, and interfaith dialogue.
Many churches have adapted to modern times through the use of technology, social media, and innovative forms of worship that appeal to new generations. Christian spirituality has also diversified, with evangelical, Pentecostal, and charismatic movements growing rapidly, especially in parts of Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
The Enduring Legacy of Christianity Christianity’s impact on world history is immense. From Renaissance art inspired by biblical themes to the founding of charities and hospitals, Christian influence has shaped Western civilization in profound and indelible ways. Christianity, with its many traditions and interpretations, continues to be a source of spiritual comfort, ethics, and purpose for millions of people.
In addition, the Christian message of love, forgiveness, and redemption continues to resonate in an often divided and troubled world. Although the Christian faith has undergone numerous transformations over the centuries, its essence remains the same: the search for a personal relationship with God and the hope of a redeemed world.
Christianity, with its roots in first-century Palestine, has grown from a small Jewish sect into a global faith that transcends borders, cultures, and eras. In its ability to adapt, inspire, and transform lives, Christianity holds a unique place in the spiritual tapestry of humanity.
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nihannx · 24 days
Global Bacillus Coagulans Market Report 2024 - By Size, Demand, Report, Industry Trends, Forecast To 2034
The Bacillus Coagulans market report offered by Reports Intellect is meant to serve as a helpful means to evaluate the market together with an exhaustive scrutiny and crystal-clear statistics linked to this market. The report consists of the drivers and restraints of the Bacillus Coagulans Market accompanied by their impact on the demand over the forecast period. Additionally, the report includes the study of prospects available in the market on a global level.
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Key players offered in the market: Kerry Sabinsa Mitsubishi Chr. Hansen Synbiotech Inc. WECARE-PROBIOTICS
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Scope and Segmentation of the Bacillus Coagulans Market
The estimates for all segments including type and application/end-user have been provided on a regional basis for the forecast period from 2024 to 2034. We have applied a mix of bottom-up and top-down methods for market estimation, analyzing the crucial regional markets, dynamics, and trends for numerous applications. Moreover, the fastest & slowest growing market segments are pointed out in the study to give out significant insights into each core element of the market.
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wishful-fishful · 3 months
Tumblr media
10th playlist! ohh boy this one was a very long process . So i kind of have a history with tryna start with this discography playlist but ill make a separate post about that later . there was a lot of technical things with renard like the uncertain broken core release and all the reappearing songs . the cover is the old trauma cover and i really like it even if its a little Blurrier than id like , in both this and the ambient/early works free version i put a reference in the tags to renards chr sheet where it says his personality is "psychotic, caring" lololol
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radiojinglespro · 3 months
Noise Fusion announces new imaging effects library - ULTRA
London, UK audio branding specialists Noise Fusion has announced a new CHR imaging effects and music library called Ultra. Created by Radio Academy Award-winning producer Ben Neidle, Ultra began as a custom FX package for Capital, with the library at the core of their imaging for over five years. The package has since evolved to become a large and diverse 4000 cut production toolkit and it…
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