#chronically awesome
shallowseeker · 1 month
I have been without my heart meds for a week, and today I woke up like GASP I AM NOT AS DUMB AS I THOUGHT
it gets me every time
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adamslilith-msart · 1 year
ARTIST with and despite Multiple Sclerosis.
Watch my latest YT video to find out how I manage to keep pursuing my dreams even though I've wanted to quit many times.
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cayliecoltrane · 6 months
quick lil ETHOwO redraw
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liminalspacebar · 2 years
Had my new patient visit at my GP today, met the resident and the DO overseeing my care and i couldn’t be happier with who i got because i felt listened to and cared for.
For instance: my intake BP was ridic high for me (130/80 which lololol never unless many exceptions) and my DO was immediately concerned because of the risks that my many conditions carry for my cardiovascular system. (When he took it later it was down to my normal so it was all good).
Also: my resident is amazing 😍😍 she listened and was so empathic and compassionate. She took notes and took the time to go over everything with me to get a well rounded picture of me as a patient and where i am in terms of my care & my own role on my care team.
Also also: they were both like “wow you’re doing such a great job at being proactive with yr health! Yr taking care of all the things you need to take care of, that’s impressive, keep it up.”
Thanks, it’s my OCD 🥰
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And then my DO told me that he can take care of my recertification for the MMJ program and 🥹🥹🥹 yes this was a great pairing, idk who matched us all up but they are now forever blessed.
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 month
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have some shitty tf2 draw-overs of cat memes while I recover from The Sickness
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theatrekidenergy · 15 days
* = check tags for explanation
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lesbiantvfish · 8 months
gamer moment for @av3rie :] tried coloring this but it ended up looking messy, hope it isn’t too bad lol
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(( game is up to interpretation, also Al-An is his own controller. He could be his own gaming system too if he really wanted to be ))
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italiansteebie · 1 year
As someone who is disabled, I am obsessed with the idea of Steve Harrington in a wheelchair or using mobility aids. Maybe hurt/comfort with Steve feeling stuck? like out in public people will treat him like a baby and dote on him like he cant do anything at all. Also established steddie?? ->
ignore me if u dont like this prompt hshs
excuse you, this was an amazing prompt and I love it.
and I am a sucker for projecting onto Steve, so lets go.
Steve was always in pain nowadays.
In fact, it only got worse after the bats, and he figures the exertion after the fact didn't help. Before, he could always push through, hobble along and ice his aching joints when he got home.
Though, he couldn't ignore it after his legs would only stay strong for about ask hour before they collapsed under him. He remembers the first day it happened. He'd been at the grocery store, picking up dinner for his date with Eddie. (It was fairly new, but it was strong). He'd felt a bit weak before leaving, but as always he pushed through, ignoring the dizziness and pain.
It had only gotten worse as he walked through the grocery store, and all of a sudden, he was on the ground, and the grocery store patrons were staring at him, whispering things about the Harrington name and image. The store manager ended up having to call Eddie to come help him.
"Oh, Stevie..." He sighed. He'd been bugging Steve about seeing a doctor for months in fact ever since he was healed himself, he'd been pestering Steve to go to Owens and explain to him what was going on. But he hadn't, and now here they were, Eddie helping Steve into a wheelchair in front of a crowd of Hawkins shoppers.
Steve had been covering his face, and Eddie could almost feel the shame he was experiencing. He wanted to tell their audience off, to go away, to mind their business. But he knew that would only make it worse. So he stayed quiet, and so did Steve.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
So they didn't.
And they didn't after Steve saw Owens.
And they didn't after Steve was fitted for a wheelchair.
They just... Didn't.
Until Steve had fallen again.
At Mike's house, with just the kids, who weren't strong enough to help him back into his chair, with no help from his wobbling legs. So they called Eddie, and hid in the basement after Steve had yelled at them to go away, hot tears of embarrassment rolling down his face.
They were home now, and again, Steve was quiet. Eddie helped him get situated on the couch, legs still too wobbly to do it unassisted.
"Steve... Lets talk about it,"
Steves head snapped up, eyes shining, "You wanna talk about it? Fine! I'm fucking useless, my legs don't work and I can't fucking do anything by myself anymore! The kids barely look at me, Robs hasn't been able to hang out in weeks, and the rest of Hawkins thinks I'm a fucking charity case! Every time I leave the house it's like I'm a fucking zoo animal. I wish this had never fucking happened! I wish I wasn't-"
"Don't say that, Steve."
"It's true isn't it? Don't you hate having to come help me? God... I just- I'm so..." The sobs crawl their way out of his throat, and he can't stop them once they start.
"Steve..." Eddie rubs a comforting hand up and down Steve's back, pulling him closer to cradle him in his arms. Steve tucked his head into Eddie's neck, letting the tears roll freely down his face. "Steve, you have every right to feel that way but... I hope you know it's not true. The kids... It's just a different dynamic and I'm not supposed to tell you this but Robin has been working on a design of the back of your wheelchair, she wanted it to be a surprise and she was worried she spoil it." He hears Steve sniffle a sort of laugh. "And baby, you cared for me every single day for months while I was healing, what makes you think I hate helping you? I'm so glad I can finally make it up to you."
Steve lifts his head, looking Eddie in the eyes, "Really?"
"Really, Stevie."
He watches Steve smile, for what seemed like the first time since coming home from that doctors appointment. "Also, with all the extra arm work, your biceps look," He pauses to do a chefs kiss, "Fantastico! That's how you guys say it in Italy, right?" He smirks, and Steve bursts into a fit of giggles, tears drying on his cheeks as he shakes his head. "I love you, Eds."
They lean in for a soft kiss, it's slow and sweet, "I love you too, Steve."
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ask-jiro-kirisaki · 15 days
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((The one thing that drew mun to Jiro is chronic illness. It's nice to be able to play a character that deals with similar issues, rather than trying to muster up energy she doesn't have most of the time. Sometimes she worries responses come off as cold and unnecessarily negative, but that's the reality people dealing with chronic conditions face.
They have a wide variety of limitations and they need to set firm boundaries in order to keep from worsening symptoms. It's not fun for their friends and family, but know they're not enjoying it either.
She lowkey feels bad for having to refuse such nice offers, so it's nothing personal. She needs to keep Jiro's many limitations in mind with responses, keeping with any confirmed information found in-game or online.
Thank you all for your patience. This has been a lot of fun and mun hopes to interact more in the future!))
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silverskye13 · 5 months
Watched Gem's first vod of playing Dredge and decided I wanted to play it, got hooked [hah!] last night and decided I wanted to watch a lets play of it at work. One of the top videos is Jacksepticeye, who I used to watch all the time in highschool and college, so I went ahead and clicked his.
The old intro absolutely floored me with nostalgia like jeezums. I can smell the art rooms and feel the barely-functioning sleep deprived fizzle.
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letterlifter · 11 months
hi! im curious on any fun design details for deep diver!! idk how to ask this. like.. fun facts regarding her? i dunno im curious on how u went about it!
i cant remember if i talked about her before, so here is what i do remember.... she was fairly straightforward for me to design, pretty much just a cartoon take on old diving suits, but my most awesome fact about her are the other things i was inspired by for her design
beyond the obvious, i remember being inspired by dennis from spongebob… maaaybe it comes off in personality..? (when i say personality, i mean visual personality which is different from how she may be written, i didnt do anything for her on the writing side)
the other inspirations were treasure knight from shovel knight, anglerfish, and…marvin the martian… yes...i only remember this because i pulled up the pureref sheet/moodboard i made when i was designing her
in terms of process, deep diver is one of the few cogs i designed without much prior sketching, i used a lasso fill tool and blocked in shapes and colors fairly quickly 🐟⚓️
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keep fandom shit out of disability tags
i’m glad that you find my illness to be fun and entertaining, but i do not.
when i’m in a disability tag, i’m looking for content about that disability, not to see someone using my illness as a quirky character trait for fanfiction. it’s tactless and disrespectful to people genuinely suffering.
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chalkeater · 1 year
ur art is crunchy /pos !!! how do you have the confidence to use stuff that isnt pencil and cant rlly be erased if mistakes are made?
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make more mistakes
ACTUAL ANSWER BELOW because it got too long. oops lol
anyway. i wrote “DO IT ON PURPOSE” because when it comes to doing a whole drawing with ONLY a pen- you gotta force your brain get creative- at least practice. in other words- work with what you have. it’s basically like solving a problem every few seconds-
because sometimes my hand eye coordination glitches for a split second. or maybe my hand shook or maybe the line is actually shit looking. but instead of scrapping the thing entirely i gotta to try and make it work. ok so if my line looks like crap here maybe i can make it a Part of the drawing by making everything look messier. OR maybe i can even just. hide it!! by coloring a thicker line along it too!!
you can actually HIDE a LOT of mistakes with a pen without erasing anything. and sometimes the mistakes are part of the art- like when i see the most beautiful art online and i see an uncolored pixel. what matters is your final output not the things you cant change now or mean nothing in the big picture
honestly going from sketch to lines and rendering with a pen is about weight control (like with a pencil- sketching yk) and not beating yourself up. in order to gain the “confidence” you gotta absolutely ANNIHILATE the need for 200% perfection. because theres beauty in a mess.
anyway so. when you get the basic stuff down like “in order to to make less mistakes with pen stuff- make sure youre used to what youre drawing already!!!” or “draw/doodle stupid shit with your pen and make it (pen) a PART of you and not some scary beast (pen)
i think it all stems down to forgiving yourself and just having fun. having fun is always my motto. if you ever go “oh no i made a mistake!!!” imagine me yelling “WHO CAAARRESSS!!!!!!!! (#love #positive)” in your EAR
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hylianengineer · 21 days
God bless writers of academic papers everywhere, especially those whose papers are accessible to people outside their fields. God bless plain language summaries that manage to avoid the 'the average person only knows the formulas for olivine and one or two feldspars' problem. God bless the internet and open source research and interlibrary loan for giving me access to these papers.
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actually if you give kinny chronic pain (or similars) and you don't send it to me so i can scream about it for hours and think about it every time i go to sleep, thats so evil of you i wanna see people fucking up my kid :(
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jerksbitch · 1 day
hyperfixating on supernatural is fun as fuck. i get to watch sam & dean suffer and say “thank god this isn’t real!” instead of thinking about my own suffering in real life
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