#cinder: the sin eater
blackparaderunner · 1 year
How long had he been doing this now? Centuries? Millenia? For some reason the same L always showed up at his side after he died and it was getting tiring finding new worlds to try and settle him on. The last one had lasted mere moments before he'd shown up again looking bored and slurping a slushie. Hanging his head a bit he sighed. "L? Come on dude. You were there a total of 5 minutes. What the hell happened?"
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thedemonicpunks · 3 years
Bloody Bee sat among the small army of children, her eyes glued to the screen “ Wait… this is Disney?” She asked softly as that iconic castle came up on the screen.
One of the babies made a grumpy face and shushed Bee before quietly calling her rude for making noise during the show.
Cinder peeked in from the doorway, after getting cleaned up so as to not scare the kids, and smiled. Sneaking around the mass of tiny fluffy bodies he sat down as close as he could get. "What are we watching?" He spoke quietly and made a face at his niece who called him rude.
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jokerfan99 · 4 years
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My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villainesses by DarkChild316
Evil has never looked this good! Hello everyone and welcome to my list of my FAVORITE, not the best, but my favorite anime villainesses of all-time. So, I've had the luxury of watching and revisiting a lot of anime recently with everything that's been going on, and there’s been quite a few villainous ladies that have caught my eye, so I figured I should give it a go and do a list of My Favorite Anime Villainesses. So, with that said, here's my list:
#10. Diva (Blood+): This was one of the first anime I remember watching as a young kid, and this lovely lady easily caught my eye more than anyone else in the entire show. I can honestly say that I felt that Diva was more relatable than her sister Saya was (my opinion people, just saying) mostly due to her backstory and how she was kept locked away for most of her life while Saya was treated like a princess. I will admit that her rape and murder of Riku was shocking and it did piss me off a bit, but she ultimately won me over again with her treatment of her unborn children at the end when I got to see the caring side of her that I hadn't seen from her towards anyone else, including her own Chevaliers. Ultimately, Diva is one of my favorite tragic villains of all-time.
#9. Mugino Shizuri (A Certain Magical Index):  Don't let the beautiful supermodel looks and gorgeous frame of this buxom beauty fool you. Mugino Shizuri is a woman who's looks are only matched by her ability to physically melt people's heads off. Add to that the fact that she's a total basket case who slowly devolved into a cold-blooded murderer who was willing to kill her own ITEM teammates for even the slightest betrayal, and you my friend have a recipe for a..."beautiful disaster" (that is an excellent pun, sit down somewhere!)
#8. Annie Leonhardt (Attack on Titan): Attack on Titan is a show I've recently started getting into and it's cast of characters really capture my imagination. One of the characters that really stands out to me is Annie, not just because she uses one of my favorite fighting styles in Muay Thai kickboxing (which she uses to devastating effect), but also in her introverted and isolated personality which serves as almost a dark mirror of Mikasa Ackerman. In a world full of terrifying monsters in human form, Annie sticks out as the most unsettling because of how coldly apathetic she remains to her individual actions as a double agent sent to wipe out humanity, and one can never truly tell if she might shake your hand or snap your neck.
#7. Rize Kamishiro (Tokyo Ghoul): Poor Kaneki, it really looked like he'd found the girl of his dreams when he met Rize Kamishiro. She was stunningly beautiful, mature, well-read, and seemed to be genuinely interested in him. Alas, he was soon to learn the harsh reality behind this beautiful face, as she lured him in, only to literally take a bite out of his heart (or neck, depending on how you want to look at it). As it turned out, Kaneki's 'dream girl' is actually a nightmarish ghoul with a ravenous taste for human flesh, and poor Kaneki was on the menu. If not for some steel beams falling on top of her, there likely wouldn't have been anything left of the poor guy.
#6. Raynare (Highschool DXD): Now take everything I just described about Rize and add just a touch of sadism, and you get this fallen angel beauty. Honestly, that's how I've always viewed Raynare's character, as a far more sadistic version of Rize Kamishiro, and when you look at then two, it's not hard to see the similarities between the two: Both manipulated and betrayed the respective male leads of their respective anime by posing as sweet, gentle, kind and shy young women; both are incredibly sadistic, manipulative, and ruthless, and most of all, both continued to haunt Kanenki and Issei even after their deaths due to their betrayals. Although I'd say that Raynare is just a bit more psychotic and sadistic than Rize is, which puts her slightly higher on my list. Also, major bonus points for Rayare's light-based abilities that serve as a great foil to her sinister personality.
#5. Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa): OH I FUCKING LOVE THIS WOMAN! If ever there was a title for "craziest bitch on the block", Junko would take that title and then laugh about it in your face. What other woman would be crazy enough to set up a series of sadistic killing games that would make Jigsaw stand up in appreciation under the guise of a sadistic teddy bear, murder their own twin sister, and even axe off THEMSELVES when their plans go awry! Yeah, Junko is crazier than your average bird, but damn if that doesn't make her all the more appealing, doesn't hurt that she's hot as hell either!
#4. Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood): Well it's really all right there in her name isn't it! One of the Seven Homunculi, an artificially-created human being infused with a Philosopher's Stone, Lust encapsulates everything that is both alluring and dangerous about her given Sin. Her sensual voice, body, and nature can bring any man to their knees, traits she's more than willing to use to further Father and the Homunculus's goals. And when her target's usefulness is done, they usually find themselves on the receiving end of one of Lust's razor-sharp nails. Unfortunately for her, as hot as she may be, Roy Mustang's flames were even hotter!!!
#3. Cinder Fall (RWBY): When I first started watching RWBY, Cinder was one of the characters that caught my attention almost immediately. The way she played the role of being the ruthless master manipulator just enthralled me like I'd never seen before. I'd seen great manipulators in anime before, but Cinder had the feel of almost an expert chess player, manipulating the pieces around her, and always staying two steps ahead of everyone else in her attempts to checkmate the King. But wat truly sold me on Cinder as a detestable villain, was two incidents in particular, and I think every RWBY fan knows what I'm talking about: Her murder of Pyrrha Nikos, and her attempted murder of Weiss Schnee. Those two incidents to me added a touch of sadism to her character and put her over the top as a truly great villain in my eyes. Oh, and it also helps that she's a total pyromaniac with Fall Maiden powers that can roast you like a Thanksgiving turkey. Yeah, definitely NOT the kind of woman you want to get on her bad side.
#2. Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater): Ah yes, Medusa! The only woman who could make Orochimaru lust for her (and I'll fight anyone who disagrees with that statement!) But in all seriousness, I can see why people often compare Medusa to Orochimaru as the similarities between the two are incredibly stunning: Both have an affinity for snakes; both are genius scientists with a total lack of care for human life; Both have shown an ability to jump from one body to another, like a snake shedding its skin; and both have shown the ability to manipulate almost anyone to their cause. What makes Medusa even more unique however is her treatment of her own child Crona, treating Crona as a mindless killer and never showing any real form of love or emotion towards her own child except when that child can help further her own twisted desires. Yeah, Medusa definitely won't be winning any "Parent of the Year" awards.
#1. Esdeath (Akame ga Kill): Admit it! You KNEW it was gonna be this woman didn't you, c'mon now! Anyone doing a list of their favorite anime villainesses that DOESN'T make Esdeath #1 is just wrong! She's got everything you could ever want from a great villainess: She's a total sadist with a Social Darwinist personality and a total lack of empathy for humankind. She's incredibly powerful with her mastery over ice thanks to her Teigu "Demon's Extract"; Plus she's a woman who lives for her love of conflict, and her love of Tatsumi (lucky bastard!) Add to that the fact that she registers a perfect 10 in sexiness, and you've got a recipe for my favorite female anime villain!
So that's my list, what did you guys think about it? Love it, hated it? Go on and tell me what you think and let me know who your favorite anime villains are. See you soon!
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darkchild316
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enddaysengine · 4 years
The Urged (Chronicles of Darkness)
Ephemeral entities mess with mortals (and supernaturals!) in lots of funky ways. The simplest method can be hiding inside a meat-puppet and Urging them. This involves an entity slithering into a person’s body and chaining themselves to the flesh with a spiritual fetter. There are benefits to doing this, it stops the entity from bleeding Essence in the material world and it turns the mortal into a hiding place where the entity is tough to detect. Just as importantly, the entity can read their host’s mind and push them towards following the entity’s plans. This isn’t straight-up possession, just pressure in the back of a mortal’s skull, a nagging desire they don’t understand. If played right, it’s plenty spooky.
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Art from Pixabay
The Urged work well when filling the niches of manipulators and spies. While the entity can only target the host with their powers, they can influence their behaviours subtly enough to throw werewolves, sin-eaters, and demons off their tracks. One well placed and manipulative spirit, ghost, or angel can inflict incredible damage if they are effective at Urging their host. On the flip side, if all the Urging entity has to do is passively watch and collect information, they are even less likely to be detected. Depending on the host, they may get incredible amounts of information. It’s an excellent niche for low-rank angels who can’t go toe-to-toe with the Unchained in combat yet still make their lives difficult.
If there is an upside to the Urged, it’s that of all the ways ephemeral entities mess with mortals, this is the easiest one to deal with. Banishing rites can kick a fettered angel back into Twilight. Helping a grieving man deal with losing his husband prevents a despair spirit from Urging him. Alternatively, if you have a way to talk to the Urging entity, some well-placed negotiation or bribes may convince them to leave of their own volition.
Demons’ constant paranoia about angels is well placed when it comes to observer angels. The most potent observers investigate demonic Covers, slowly flaying away an Unchained’s protective covering over the days and weeks. The weakest are surprisingly dangerous, though,   Fettering to mortal pawns, Urging them to eavesdrop on nearby conversations and investigate occult happenings. Even if an individual angel rarely uncovers a Demon, they are infinitely patient and act as passive intelligence siphons.
Oak spirits are bastards. There are no two ways about it. They spend most of their time sleeping, but they are conniving arses who feel no qualms about using their foresight to manipulate and take advantage of people when they wake up. Mortal occultists with more ambition than sense offer animal sacrifices to the oaks, hoping to receive the spirits’ divinatory power as part of the fetter in return. Few realize they will pay a higher cost by indulging the oak’s strange and gruesome urges.
No one described Vernon as any angry man at his funeral, but dying in a freak fire and leaving behind a ghost corrodes one’s restraint. His ephemeral echo is quick to blame those he thinks had wronged him, whether or not Vernon would have agreed when he was alive. He can start and control fires, but his preferred tactic is to Fetter himself to his target and urge them into increasingly dangerous situations. Local Hunters have noticed the string of unusual behaviours leading to fatalities, but that’s not the whole story. They haven’t connected the ghost to the seemingly unrelated instances of spontaneous combustion, which occurred when Vernon burnt his vessels to cinders in order to escape from Reapers.
Note: Want to see posts earlier, as well as get access to stats, campaign planners, and player options for Pathfinder and Chronicles of Darkness? Come join me over on Patreon!
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boneandfur · 5 years
Incantations [1]
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And whosoever of them ate of the honey-sweet fruit of the lotus, had no longer any wish to bring back word or to return, but there they were fain to abide among the Lotus-eaters, feeding on the lotus, and forgetful of their homeward way. (Homer, Odyssey)
WARNINGS: contains potentially triggering content. Rated Explicit 18+. Tagging will be in comments as i’m in a bit of a rush today. Words: 2840 // Summary: No one ever tells what becomes of common girls, after they ascend. An alternate universe that explores the links that myth and magic have to present day Cordonia. A/N: love you guys!! Thank you for being so supportive, especially @lizeboredom and @ritachacha​ and @darley1101​ and @breaumonts​
"The Queen is not pregnant." The doctor delivers his verdict in the clipped, sterile tones that Riley has begun to dread and expect in equal measure. He strips the gloves from his hands, wiping them off briskly and vigorously, and she tries not to think about his fingers pushing into her, probing her aging ovaries cynically as her ankles dangle in the stirrups, laid bare for her king -- her husband, yes, but first and foremost her king -- to witness. 
As if she were being punished. 
As if what happened -- what has repeatedly happened -- is her fault alone to bear. 
Maxwell would never -- But Riley tries not to think of him.
(Not anymore. Not for a long time. Not since the last time she saw him, a thousand and one things unsaid between them.) 
"...instruct her to lie with her legs up after the act of coitus, and no sinful positions. There is only one way that the heir to our blessed country should be conceived..."
Riley thinks of the doctor's words when her thighs are spread so wide they ache and her lover is plowing her deep, cursing and grunting, the sound of their sweaty flesh slapping together in the thick darkness of the room. 
To conceive a child, you must cease your sinful ways. The queen shall lie on her back, and think of Cordonia. The king shall lift the hem of her nightdress, inserting his little king into her throne room. The subjects shall be blessed. 
The summer heat presses behind the curtains, if it comes into this room, it will blind them, their sins laid bare before all the court to see. 
All Riley can think of is how close she is, dipping a finger between her slick thighs, the bud of her clit swollen and engorged. She fists the bedsheets in one hand as his hand cups one breast, the pads of his fingertips creating a delicious friction on her nipple. She twists wildly under him, movement becoming frantic, jerky. 
"Not yet." His accent gets thick when they are abed together, it becomes something out of legend and myth, honey and myrrh, stirring the embers into a blaze that will burn down civilizations, and make a new age of men. 
"Who is that absolute oaf making a mess of the canapés?" 
Lady Adelaide must be getting old, Riley thinks. She would know those broad shoulders and muscled thighs anywhere. The memory of his stubble against her breasts makes Riley dig the tips of her nails into her palm, but only for a moment. 
"There's no need to signal the staff. I will take care of it." She touches Adelaide's shoulder, brief, light, like the fanning of the death’s head moth against the cheek, and the older woman nods vaguely, already turned back to her glass of wine and Lord Rashad's slow, deliberate eye fuck. 
Riley scans the grounds for her king, out of pure habit if nothing else. Three years after the fact has made Liam a stranger, and she sees him lay two fingers on the shoulder of Kiara of Castlerellian as she laughs prettily with the ambassador of Auvernal, showing her neck. It means: She is mine. She belongs to me. 
(Once, it was Riley who was the mistress. Once, she was the one who belonged to the king, not to all Cordonia. Once, she had the world at her feet, and the love of few good men…  And now, nothing.) 
Even from this distance, Riley can see the ambassador swallow, taking a step back. His eyes avoid her direction, but she knows she will have to patch this up later, and can already feel a migraine coming on. Diplomacy was never her strong forte, even if she played the part back when she was still an imposter, a waitress who dreamed of being a queen. 
Arin, The First Courtesan of Rome. Valentina, The Sell Sword. Penelophon, The Beggar Queen. 
(No one ever tells what happens to the common girls, after they ascend.) 
"Excuse me, sir, guests must use a fork, and not their fingers. We are not all wild animals here." Riley taps the oaf on the shoulder, and squeaks in mock alarm as he drops his plate. He issues forth a roar of laughter, wrapping her in a bear hug and lifting her off her feet. 
He smells of the Aegean, blue and green and bronze as the brine in his hair. 
(Salt, and sun, and sin.) 
She sneaks a glance in Liam's direction. If he has noticed their proximity, he gives no sign. But why would he care? This man is to be trusted. 
The petals of the lotus quiver in the breeze, and sleepy dusk grows thick with the sickly sweet fragrance of the blossoms. 
“I need my lips on yours when you come for me.” His voice is ragged and thick with lust, and she does not protest as he flips her over, pulling her to the edge of the bed. His cock impales her to the mattress, plunging deep inside of her, and Riley makes a strangled noise in her throat as her lover begins to thrust, her teeth pressing against his shoulder, nearly breaking the skin. 
She tastes sun and sea and salt and sin, and when she closes her eyes she hears the sonorous peal of the bells from the last time they were together, three years gone: the household draped in black, her orgasm tasting of hot copper where she'd bitten her lip to keep silent, for a queen must never, ever cry. 
(You must bear an heir of royal blood. It is for the good of the country, for we have enemies on all sides. If you cannot conceive, what good are you, except as a figurehead?) 
“You are crying.” His voice is as resonant as the caverns under the palace, where before time was time, princes and pythias alike would speak the language of the house snake, and feed it milk and honey to ensure good oracles for the reign to come. “Ah, my queen.” He pulls out, and his breathing is thick, labored: the scent of wormwood is pungent in the small room. The sides of the mattress beside her thighs sinks down as he braces his hands upon it, and he cups her by the chin to gently kiss her forehead, a mark of obeisance. 
(But she is not his sovereign. His star had already fallen before hers ever shot across the sky. Their constellations were never meant to align.) 
“It is nothing. I thought you wanted us to come like an incantation between our lips.” She feels him tense under her fingertips, stroking down the rippling abdomen, the fuzz is fair and fine from his navel to his cock, and he moans when she takes him in her mouth. 
(Sin, salt, sea, sun.) 
An incantation. 
A ritual tattoo. 
The black sails that returned the ships to the harbor after the battle had done, bearing the byre of the regent’s only heir. 
“Fuck. Fuck.” His hands fumble, they grip the bedposts. His cock quivers in her mouth, she runs the tip of her tongue up the vein in the center, then deep throats him, hard. His muscles tense, the only sound in the room is that of the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat and his rasping groans. When he comes, his fist gripping her hair, the deluge floods into her mouth like the waters of the Nile. 
Riley licks up every salty drop, the great man dropping to his knees before her with a thud that would bring the guards running if they were not all sequestered in their quarters to escape the heat of the midday sun. 
(Except Mara. But Mara will never tell. After all, it is Mara who knows her secret sins, loyal unto death like a handmaiden of old.) 
“Duchess, are you always this bored at state functions, or did I arrive at a bad time?" Leo lays a finger on the side of his nose, tapping it with a wink. He is bronzed from the sun, and under his ceremonial suit his muscles bunch and ripple, the seams stretching at the shoulders. He pops a canapé into his mouth, following it with a shot of ouzo from a nearby waiter's tray. 
"It's always a time." Riley frowns as Leo passes her a shot of ouzo, clinking their glasses together. “I shouldn't be drinking --” but after a long, measured moment, she does. 
Blue eyes search her face, and her stomach roils with guilt. “I'm not.” The memory makes her head swim, and the ouzo tastes like poppy syrup, oozing down the back of her throat. 
(Only three years gone, bloody handprints on the wall, the dogs setting up a cacophony of howls for days on end, and all the things that smelled of them, of her, carted away and burnt to cinders.) 
What good are you, except as a figurehead? 
“That is very fine, especially when you think about what the two of us will get up to later.” Leo’s breath tickles her earlobe when he leans in, and the proximity of his body makes something kindle in her loins, desires she'd thought long dead and buried beyond the garden walls. “I have half a mind to snort a line of blow right off that tight little arse, right here on the lawns, but I think Regina would perish on the spot.” 
“Let us consider it done, then.” Riley smiles against Leo’s neck, so he can feel her lips move, and then takes a graceful step back. He grunts, shielding his erection with a carefully angled bottle of champagne, dripping with condensation. 
“Your Majesty, the king bids you join him for the closing address.” A servant bows before her, and she thinks she may never get used to this -- the linen dresses with finely beaded necklines, intricate enough to put an Egyptian queen to shame, the way the crowds part for her as she walks in mincing steps through the waving grass, the sudden sharp memory of a small, tiled room, painted with cracked frescoes, the oldest room in the palace. 
(There was a lemon tree, and a girl with wide eyes, bangles on her wrists and shackles on her wings. Her wings? But that can't be right.) 
Lady Riley Brooks…
The Duchess…
A figurehead…
She closes out the whispers with a Lady Di smile plastered on her face, bright as anything. Liam’s fingertips dig into her wrist, just enough. He knows. The sinking cold dread settles in her bones, and she covers it with her most brilliant, diplomatic smile. 
“Darlings, thank you for joining us.” Her kisses on the cheeks of the Auvernese and Panrian ambassadors are sweet as poppy syrup, false as plasticine. When they smile, it is at Kiara, awkward and unsure. 
“Your Highness!” One of the reporters for a local vlog, The Golden Apple, jumps up and down frantically, waving to get her attention. Riley picks her out of the crowd, a girl with short pink hair and a leather mini-dress far too on-trend for the noveau riche set. The press badge reads Eris. 
Riley mentally steels herself for the same tired question, but is unable to mask her expression for what comes instead. 
“Duchess Riley, how is the royal family handling the news about Lord Maxwell Beaumont?” 
Maxwell Percival Beaumont. 
The hallway is endless. 
Riley carries her kaboodle, and Maxwell drags the vintage steamer trunk with seemingly little effort behind him. His designer trainers set up little clouds of dust off the threadbare carpet, an Aubusson which has never seen a carpet sweeper more modern than anything from 1902 (according to the girl upstairs, socialite Fenny Vandervliet, this is an actual historical fact). 
She can feel the ghosts of the pre-war building at her back, watching her leave. I'll be home soon. The words are on her tongue, but she does not dare speak what she already fears to be a lie. 
She thinks, instead, of Maxwell’s scent on the bed sheets when they woke in the morning, still tangled together. 
Bronze, parchment, and the expectations of the ancestors. 
After the nightclub, she begs a headache, and Maxwell offers to share a taxi. Liam seems pretty taken with you, you know…
But when he brushes a strand of hair back from her face, she doesn't pull away. And when she offers him a nightcap, he doesn't refuse. When he lifts her hair from the back of her neck to press a kiss at the nape, all the birds in the apartment, hearing her soft sigh, begin to sing. 
He unclasps the first button on the dark green dress (abalone and gleaming pearl, borrowed from the girl who lives upstairs, the socialite with enough Old Money to buy all of New Amsterdam), and the silk rustles like the petticoats of the girl who ran away to sea with a pirate she met on the King's Highway in 1612, rapier wit and gold teeth, a pair of blackbirds the two of them. 
(But her soul whispers that this man is not the pirate, that man was another path, another chance, and he sits drowning his sorrows even now at a dive bar somewhere south of hell.)
His fingertips are warm against the bones of her spine, and his lips follow, each kiss making her gasp and grip the kitchen sink for stability, as though she might fall apart without him there to keep her steady. Years later, this memory will blacken around the edges like a beaten bronze mirror found at an archaeological dig in the Aegean, back in 1899, just as the old age began to fall into the new. She will take it out and examine it, trying to reconcile the girl she once was with the queen she has become. 
(Ah. But that is what will come, and this is now.) 
Now is this: a tangle of images and sensation. Maxwell’s fingers lacing through hers as the dress slides to the floor, his tongue in her mouth, she bites his lower lip and drags it between her teeth. The shelves rock against the wall, the train is coming through. The scent of cardamom is in the air, her hands are in his hair and his stubble scrapes against her neck. 
Maxwell’s hands move up her thighs, they both fumble with each other’s garments: her moan of dismay as she tries to maneuver his belt, his low groan as he struggles with the clasps of her bra. 
Don't bother. She stays his hands and pulls the straps down, her breasts still firm and high and tipped with dusky rose. She feels his cock hard and firm between her legs, he's lifted her up on the counter and stepped in between her thighs, pulling her forward and nudging them apart as he dips his head to take one nipple into his mouth, her cries drowned out by the sound of the train again. Somewhere, a harp is playing, somewhere, somewhere, over the rainbow.
But here and now there is only the two of them: Maxwell's fingers push aside the sodden cloth of her underthings, and she sobs his name as he plunges his fingers into her, in and out, in and out, over her clit and back inside of her until she knows she will go mad with wanting him. 
Condoms are in the bathroom, she manages to gasp out, and when he dashes off, she has a moment to study her reflection in the windowpane: a stranger is there, with red lips and tousled hair, and a face to launch a thousand ships. 
Riley. His lips brush the nape of her neck and if she kept scrying into the glass for one single second more, she might have seen his doppelgänger there, with a breastplate of beaten bronze, on his knees before his queen in a bedchamber of a palace in some place long forgot to human memory. 
They fall into the bed, his hands are on her hips as she sinks against him, their moans and sighs an incantation. 
Come back. Come back to me. 
Throw the centuries off like the dust on a handful of faience beads. Dance in his arms on a ship's deck lit by Greek Fire, roaring across a wine dark sea. Scream your lover’s name as the blood pools under the locked door that will become your tomb. 
Come to me. Come back to me. 
A funerary rite. 
A hymn to the living. 
An incantation. 
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essays on empathy
attentat 1942
starlight shores
neverwinter nights: enhanced edition
good lookin home cookin
life after magic
when we first met
the sims medieval
persona 3 reload
don’t starve
life after magic
pumpkin eater
lofi hip hop worlds to study in
where the snow settles
va11 hall-a
katamari damacy (ps2)
lego island
hatsune miku project diva megamix
fallout 3
mass effect: andromeda
the church in the darkness
we <3 katamari
long live the queen
good morning hon
summer gems
pebble witch
final fantasy: crystal chronicles (remaster)
a good snowman is hard to build
this world unknown
neon genesis evangelion: kotetsu no girlfriend
a new life
cardinal cross
the banner saga 3
planescape: torment
kingdom hearts II
harvest festival 64
the change architect
grumpy librarian
lovingly evil
to the moon
bury me, my love
spec ops: the line
MANOS: the hands of fate - director's cut
the last of us: left behind
dominique pamplemousse and dominique pamplemousse in: combinatorial explosion
orcs must die 3
disney dreamlight valley
orwell: keeping an eye on you
the awesome adventures of captain spirit
orion trail
monstrata fracture
safari zone
detroit: become human
secret of mana
danger crew
one night stand
fable anniversary
spirit swap
baldur’s gate II: enhanced edition
brushwood buddies
octopath traveler
soft underbelly
pillars on poppy hills
unfair jousting fair
sonic forces
the sims 4
fallout 4
ftl: faster than light
wintermoor tactics club
surgeon simulator
elder scrolls v: skyrim
baldur’s gate: dark alliance
dragon age: inquisition
mass effect: legendary edition
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You tell that alessa who's boss. Cinder is a wonderful boy.
No no. No telling anyone who’s boss. Right now I don’t think she’s deserving of anger. I just think she’s making assumptions based on valid observations. Cinder eats humans, she is a human. She has the right to be weirded out by that, but I think if I talked to her and maybe had Cinder tell her about sin eaters she wouldn’t find it as unnerving because Cinder really does the best he can. I’m gonna be nice, maybe invite her for tea. If someone believes bears are dangerous but you don’t, the way to make them feel safe is not by telling them their opinions are terrible and that they’re a bad person, it’s by telling them why bears aren’t dangerous.
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So Cinder is a sin eater? Have you guys seen him eat anyone? Does it scare you to think about it?
No, I haven’t seen him eat anyone.... and it doesn’t scare us at all. He wouldn’t eat anyone who didn’t deserve it. I’m not actually sure that he even DOES eat people.
@blackparaderunner .....no judgement, I love you, if they’re mean to you I will kill them but.... I don’t know how to answer all these questions about whether or not you have eaten a person
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thegeminisage · 5 years
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The Elite
Bruises on your knuckles, blood on your teeth, rain in your eyes, and it's all you can do to stay on your feet. Out of ammo, out of magic, out of time, out of luck. Backed into a corner by thunder and fire, there's no way out but through: you win or you die. From high-energy no-holds-barred beatdowns that get your blood pumping, to tragic last-resort fights against friends that break your heart, to deadly final battles so chilling they steal your breath away...this is a mix for the video game villains.
Spit the blood out of your mouth and get back on your feet: it's time to fight!
Koji Kondo - Ganondorf Battle     The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Link vs. Ganondorf
Nobuo Uematsu - Otherworld     Final Fantasy X - Party vs. Sin
Toby Fox - Megalovania     UNDERTALE - You vs. Sans
Yasunori Mitsuda - Decisive Battle With Magus      Chrono Trigger - Party vs. Magus
Koji Kondo - King Dedede     Kirby's Dreamland - Kirby vs. King Dedede
Everett Bradley - Supporting Me     Sonic Adventure 2 - Shadow vs. Biolizard
Nobuo Uematsu - One-Winged Angel     Final Fantasy VII - Party vs. Sephiroth
Marty O'Donnell - Warthog Run     Halo 3 - Master Chief escapes the Halo
Junichi Masuda - Battle! (Team Skull Boss) [feat. KYOtaro]     Pokémon Sun & Moon - Trainer vs. Guzma
Nobuo Uematsu - Clash on the Big Bridge     Final Fantasy V - Party vs. Gilgamesh
Koji Kondo - Koopa     Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Yoshi vs. Baby Bowser
Nobuo Uematsu - Battle With The Four Fiends     Final Fantasy IV - Party vs. Four Fiends
Toby Fox - Vs. Susie     DELTARUNE - Lancer vs. Susie
Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Masami Ueda - Ushiwaka's Dance     Okami - Amaterasu vs. Waka
ZUN - Final Savage Sister Flandre Scarlet     Touhou 6: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil - Player vs. Flandre Scarlet
Jamie Christopherson - It Has To Be This Way     Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Raiden vs. Senator Armstrong
Masashi Hamauzu - Eternal Fight     Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Lightning Farron vs. Caius Ballad
Yasunori Mitsuda - Dark Pit's Theme     Kid Icarus: Uprising - Pit vs. Dark Pit
Meat Beat Manifesto - The Dark Messenger     Final Fantasy IX - Party vs. Trance!Kuja
Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai - The Helmaroc King     The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Link vs. The Helmaroc King
Gareth Coker - Fleeing Kuro     Ori and the Blind Forest - Ori & Sein escape Kuro
Nobuo Uematsu - Dancing Mad     Final Fantasy VI - Party vs. Kefka Palazzo
Ko Otani - Revived Power     Shadow of the Colossus - Wanderer vs. Colossus
Yasunori Mitsuda - Dragon God     Chrono Cross - Party vs. Dragon God
Nobuo Uematsu - Maybe I'm A Lion     Final Fantasy VIII - Party vs. Ultimecia-Griever
Naoshi Mizuta - Ragnarok     Final Fantasy XI - Players vs. Alexander
Motoo Fujiwara - Meaning of Birth      Tales of the Abyss - Luke vs. Asch
Koji Kondo - Theme of Star Wolf     Star Fox Assault - Team Star Fox vs. Team Star Wolf
Toby Fox - ASGORE     UNDERTALE - You vs. Asgore
Cynthia Harrell - Snake Eater     Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Naked Snake vs. The Boss
Motoi Sakuraba - Gwyn, Lord of Cinder     Dark Souls - The Chosen Undead vs. Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Yoko Shimomura - Vector to the Heavens     Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - Roxas vs. Xion
Masashi Hamauzu - Promised to Chaos      Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Serah Farron & Noel Kreiss vs. Caius Ballad
Trevor Morris - Trespasser - Dark Solas Theme     Dragon Age: Inquisition - The Inquisition vs. Saarath
Yoko Shimomura - Darkness of the Unknown     Kingdom Hearts II - Sora & Riku vs. Xemnas
Koji Kondo - The Last Battle     The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Link vs. Ganon
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plcyersandpieces · 6 years
RWBY Character Image Song List 2019
Heyo folks!  It’s the hiatus, so you know what that means--MUSIC TIME!
After a volume ends, I try go through an extensive list of characters in RWBY and pick out various musical themes from my collection for each character as a sort of “image song.”  These are primarily instrumental pieces, and my collection consists of largely anime and videogame soundtracks that I’ve picked up over the years.  The characters are those who were named and appeared in the show, with a couple of unnamed exceptions like Pilot Boi and the Shopkeep, or had a recurrent role in the overarching story like Summer.
Of course, these choices are subjective.  Some may not agree with my choices for certain characters.  However, my selections were based on what’s presented in canon, not any kind of headcanon.  I take into account the character’s history and personality, as well as their personal growth.  If they only appear in one episode, I try to take into account the context of their appearance as well as the small amount of personality presented.
So, without further ado--here’s the list!  Characters are ordered in the volume in which they were introduced.  Links to the songs are provided, and checked to be up-to-date.  They are primarily YouTube links with the occasional Soundcloud or KHInsider link where I was unable to find anything on YouTube or the song wasn’t complete.
Volume 1
Ruby Rose: Hopes and Dreams/SAVE the World/Last Goodbye - Undertale
Weiss Schnee: Primavera - Ludovico Einaudi
Blake Belladonna: The Wandering Isle - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Yang Xiao Long: To the End of the Wilderness ver. Detonator - Wild ARMs 4/Music the Best: Rocking Heart
Jaune Arc: Revived Power ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus
Nora Valkyrie: Another Winter - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Pyrrha Nikos: Aloy’s Theme - Horizon Zero Dawn
Lie Ren: Yasuo, the Unforgiven - League of Legends
Cardin Winchester: Those Without the Will to Live - Chrono Trigger
Russel Thrush: Village of the Barbarois - Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Dove Bronzewing: Neko-ou - Neko no Ongaeshi
Sky Lark: Under Her Control - Final Fantasy VIII
Beacon Staff
Professor Ozpin: Treize Khushrenada: The Person who Makes History - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Glynda Goodwitch: The Silent Light - Chrono Trigger, arr. Rebecca E. Tripp
Professor Peter Port: Flying Boatmen/Serbia March - Porco Rosso
Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck: The Hunt: Going Green - Twister
Friends & Family
Summer Rose: Undertale - Undertale
Penny Polendina: Osanpo Desu - Azumanga Daioh
Sun Wukong: Zidane’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Adam Taurus: Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Wild ARMs 3
Hei “Junior” Xiong: DJ Sona - Kinetic - League of Legends
Melanie and Miltiades “Miltia” Malachite: Winter Fashion - Richard Neale
Roman Torchwick: Inkwell Isle Three - Cuphead
Cinder Fall: Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace - League of Legends
Shopkeep-chan: Sore wa Himitsu Desu - Slayers Next Sound Bible II
Cyril Ian: Live Report - Undertale
Lisa Lavender: Death Report - Undertale
Volume 2
Coco Adel: Chambermaid Swing - Parov Stelar
Fox Alistair: Silence ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus
Velvet Scarlatina: There’s Only One Family Named Schrodinger - Wild ARMs 3
Yatsuhashi Daichi: Demon Lord Ninetails - Okami
Atlas Staff
General James Ironwood: Demacia Rising - League of Legends
Friends & Family
Neptune Vasilias: Super Galaxy Rumble - League of Legends
Zwei: Dogsong - Undertale
Emerald Sustrai: Medicine Eater - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Mercury Black: Violator - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Neopolitan: Lutece - Bioshock Infinite
Raven Branwen: Wars of the Last Wolves - Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen
The White Fang
Tukson: Galka - Final Fantasy XI
The Lieutenant: Materia - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Perry: Battle and Pleasure - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Deery: Wingly Forest - Legend of Dragoon
Grimm Eclipse (post-V2)
Dr. Merlot: Mad Poet - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Volume 3
Arslan Altan: Path of the Huojin - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Bolin Hori: Northern Country Kamui - Okami
Reese Chloris: Skate or Live - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Nadir Shiko: Johnny of the Robo Gang - Chrono Trigger, arr. hashel05
Brawnz Ni: Under the Progress - Parasite Eve
Roy Stallion: Maki Ya - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Nolan Porfirio: Boss Battle 2 - Legend of Dragoon
May Zedong: Pretty Pounding - Michael Clark
Scarlet David: Pride of the Seas - World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Sage Ayana: Tides of War - World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
Nebula Violette: Look to the Skies - Angela Little and Lee Groves
Dew Gayl: Oklahoma - Downdraft - Twister
Gwen Darcy: The Cello Song (Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1: Prelude) - J.S. Bach, arr. Steven Sharp Nelson
Octavia Ember: Taliyah, the Stoneweaver - League of Legends
Atlas Contestents
Ciel Soliel: Thunder Plains - Final Fantasy X (HD Remaster)
Flynt Coal: Tank! - Cowboy Bebop
Neon Katt: Bit Rush: Arcade Ahri - League of Legends
Friends & Family
Qrow Branwen: Curse of the Worgen - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Winter Schnee: Freya’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Taiyang Xiao Long: Totems of the Grizzlemaw - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Amber: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Techno - Vanessa Mae
Salem: Ley Lines - World of Warcraft: Legion
Volume 4
Oscar Pine: Farm Boy - Final Fantasy VII (HD Remaster)
Li Ren: Eight Dog Warriors’ Theme - Okami
An Ren: Prologue - Okami
Jacques Schnee: Shinra, Inc. - Final Fantasy VII
Whitley Schnee: Machiavellian Bach - Portal 2
Klein Seben: A Mole Man - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Henry Marigold: The Grand Duchy of Jeuno - Final Fantasy XI
Pilot Boi: Sky Dance - Pyre
Ghira Belladonna: Valley of the Four Winds - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Kali Belladonna: Queen Fury - Legend of Dragoon
Corsac and Fennec Albain: Shadow of Doubt - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Ilia Amitola: Neeko, the Curious Chameleon - League of Legends
Arthur Watts: Karazhan Opera House - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Tyrian Callows: Darkmoon Faire Carousel - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Hazel Rainart: Spirit Guard Udyr - League of Legends
Volume 5
Friends & Family
Mata: Stone Hill - Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Saber Rodentia: Night Howlers - Pyre
The White Fang
Sienna Khan: The Proving - Horizon Zero Dawn
Yuma: Revival of Alseides - Tenkuu no Escaflowne: The Movie
Trifa: Elise, the Spider Queen - League of Legends
The Branwen Tribe: Talon Sheath - Pyre
Vernal: Drawn to Strife - Horizon Zero Dawn
Professor Leonardo Lionheart: Sadness-colored Sandglass - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Volume 6
The Legends Lost to Time
God of Light: Okami White Light - Okami
God of Darkness: Emperor of Eternal Darkness - Okami
Jinn: Meridian, Shining - Horizon Zero Dawn
Ozma: Stormwind - World of Warcraft
Young Salem: Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite
Friends & Family
Maria Calavera: Vamo’alla Flamenco - Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy
Saphron Cotta-Arc: Adlehyde Castle Town - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Terra Cotta-Arc: Totally Busy - Wild ARMs 4/Music the Best - Feeling Wind
Adrian Cotta-Arc: Minako’s Ambition - Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Sailor Stars
Red-headed Woman: Canticle of Sacrifice - World of Warcraft: Legion
Dee & Dudley: Shingakki 3 - Azumanga Daioh
Lil’ Miss Malachite: Tarren Mill - World of Warcraft: Taverns of Azeroth
Tock: Thrash Pack - Pyre
Caroline Cordovin: Ancient Civilization Exhibition - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
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hypeathon · 6 years
RWBY & Cinematography, Part 1 - Establishing Techniques
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Animation has for a long time now struggled to crawl out of the stigma of appealing only to a younger audience. Combine that with internet animation in particular being very young compared to other film-making mediums, and you have projects within the platform that need to go through much trouble to make a name for themselves. RWBY is no exception to this, as from the beginning it has faced a lot of harsh ridicule by critics who are fans of anime, the very medium the web-series takes direct inspiration from. And despite having a growing fanbase and the production having come a long way in just five years, there are some aspects of the show that even much of its fans have neglected to refer to. If there’s one growing part of RWBY’s presentation that especially deserves mention. it would be the cinematography.
As stated previously, RWBY has always been inspired by and even aimed to emulate anime. As a cultural medium of entertainment, anime has been the pigeon-holed for its various tropes. The tsundere archetype, beach and hot spring scenes, shonen training arcs, transfer student character introductions, etc. And while the dismissal of seeing some the same tropes in many titles every season, every year is understandable, anime as a visual-storytelling medium has been cultivating itself for the past 60 years. With that much time, many names who have taken the positions of directors and storyboard artists in their careers alone have developed recognizable cinematic techniques. One example is Osamu Dezaki. Most may not have even heard of him due to his passing in 2011 or his works due to how old they are. But one may faintly recognize his techniques he pioneered that are casually sprinkled in many anime. Take the “postcard memories” technique for instance, a way of freeze-framing a shot into a hyper-detailed, sketchy still. It’s something meant to make the subject of such shots feel especially tense, mesmerizing or impactful and it can be seen in various works that some fans today have been exposed to like Sailor Moon, Kill la Kill, & One Piece.
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And Dezaki is just one name that uses certain techniques to create a vision in anime titles. There are many others who have gone to either provide storyboards for or direct some shows and films well-known within anime fandom to this day. With Takuya Igarashi, the director of Ouran High School Host Club, Soul Eater, Star Driver, Captain Earth and Bungo Stray Dogs, his works commonly have vivid colors and lighting through windows and characters on symmetrically-opposed sides to convey the contextual mood. Then there’s Shigeru Yamauchi, the director of Casshern Sins, Dream Eater Merry, A Town Where You Live, the 8th, 10th, & 12th Dragon Ball Z films, Digimon: The Golden Digimentals, and a storyboard artist of episodes of many, many anime. Yamauchi is especially known for having whole scenes depict close-up shots of a character’s face or showing half of their bodies and having settings be done in a specific, sometimes monochromatic color schemes that feels like something out of a painting. There’s also Naoko Yamada, a name from studio Kyoto Animation who has developed a resume of directing shows and films like K-ON, Tamako Market & A Silent Voice that, despite them mostly having a moe vibe through the character designs, are deceptively-enriched in scenes shifting from bright, pastel colors to more dull colors to provide atmospheric moods and having characters express themselves not through their faces but other ways such as their legs.
There are far too many names to point to, but even ones who have yet to direct a whole anime, manage to apply their cinematic ideas into episodes of anime. Even something like Dragon Ball Super, a recent installment of a popular shonen franchise that’s often dismissed for having characters mindlessly flying and throwing beam blasts and fists, can be known for having episodes with competent stage direction depending on who is working on it.    
With all of that said, it’s worth bearing in mind that RWBY, like the many anime it takes inspiration from, could also be credible for having and applying cinematic techniques. But this wasn’t always the case. Back in volumes 1 & 2, the process for storyboards would be led by Patrick Rodriguez, who is known for designing various characters in the show like Ironwood, Amber, & Tyrian, with the rest of the team consisting on Miles Luna & Kerry Shawcross, the writer and director of the show respectively and the animators. The problem however was that even with the storyboard team set up this way, scheduling was very tight, to the point where there was either little time or no time to make the boards for the show. Although the first two volumes were not entirely void of enticing shots, this led to needing to resort to basic camera shots and on few occasions, incomprehensible ones. By volume 3 however, this process changed. Among the many changes in the production pipeline, one of them was the overhaul of the storyboard team to be led by Joe MacDonald, an animator during volume 2 who had nearly 30 years of experience in the creative entertainment industry, with a newly established team consisting specifically of storyboard artist. The second was introducing a complimentary camera & layout team, also led by Joe MacDonald with some of the storyboard artists overlapping. Finally, the third was creating a camera bible. To quote from one of the storyboard and layout artist, Rachel Doda, in the volume 3 audio commentary:
“It was mentioned earlier too in some other commentary, but we originally created like a camera bible or at least tried to create like, stage direction in terms of just… hey! Ya know, If it’s a shot of Ozpin, it has to be kind of stagnant because he’s the most level-headed. And if it’s a shot of Ironwood, usually, they just, ya know, it has to be like he’s in power. So the camera has to be low to the ground. Then, ya know, just like all the characters themselves. Qrow has a little hitch to stuff.”  
Since volume 3, the camera served as was a big way to help express the position or mindset of various characters. Take the character, James Ironwood as referred to earlier. Compare most of his shots in volume 2 to his shots in volume 3 & 4, and the differences in his scenes will feel more apparent. Camera manages to communicate when he feels it’s important to be authoritative and when to be more reasonably submissive. And that’s the key word: “communicate.” If Rachel Doda’s words as quoted are of any indication, then multiple elements in cinematography such as lighting, color, transitions, framing, staging, & character posture could be at play to sell and help deeply interpret meaning behind character’s thoughts and intentions.
In the case of volume 3 where this major shift in the show’s direction began, there are several scenes that became very striking to this day. One of the biggest examples is this shot of Pyrrha witnessing the Fall Maiden, Amber in a comatose state in chapter 6. When watching it the first time, one may think that match-cutting from Pyrrha turning away to showing Cinder at the stadium is simply meant to indicate that Cinder is Amber’s assailant. But there’s also a matter of Pyrrha feeling bound to take a risk of having her destiny be Amber’s and not hers compared to Cinder who wants nothing more than to become the very thing the former hesitates to be. Pyrrha feels she can’t avoid any of this and is thus overwhelmed as shown in chapter 8 when she can no longer even attain peace of mind from a simple leaf falling towards her in a burning sunset, all of which from that point on referred to the Fall Maiden in her mind.  
Though as much as volume 3 had its strong sense of visual direction, RWBY’s fourth volume arguably pushed the direction further through a variety of ways. While it has been criticized for spreading its story too thin by jumping between multiple plot points, some scenes in plot points tied to certain characters can contain some strong cinematography. Take for instance Cinder’s training scene in chapter 11, which by itself doesn’t seem to say much. But think about the Grimm she fought. They were a bunch of Beowulves and a Beringel, which are the same creatures of Grimm that Ruby Rose fought in the character short. Although Ruby takes longer to defeat her foes than Cinder, the former is shot to end her fight triumphantly while the latter is shown exhausted and has to catch her breath after her bout. All of this can be interpreted as an inadvertent way of presenting how even more salt is poured to Cinder’s wounds.
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Another example in volume 4 are scenes of Weiss in the Schnee mansion in chapters 2 & 11. When comparing side-by-side, the shots themselves are practically the same but with three key differences. The first is the lighting, the second is Weiss’s facial expressions and body language, and the third is the fact Klein is accompanying her in the same shots in chapter 11. These shots show very effectively-opposite meanings with Weiss’s character who is first seen feeling lonely and submissive despite being in a fancy, spacious, brightly-lit home only to be feeling more defiant and at-ease when she has Klein to help her escape the home we learn she hates.
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It’s this use to linking shots in different episodes that also sheds light to the context of the song “Mirror, Mirror”, which frankly never made much contextual sense up until this point. How can someone who carries pride in her family name be the loneliest of them all as the lyrics go? Well, this visual direction sums up why. Her father and his business-oriented ambitions created a growing rift in her family and she needs someone she can trust to be empathetic towards what she’s feeling. This is also why she felt hurt when she found out Whitley never really intended to look out for her. Combine these moments with shots of her witnessing the Atlas ships passing by her window in chapters 1 & 7, only to finally manage to leave in one by chapter 12, and you have a phase of Weiss’s character story packed with meaning.
There’s also quite a few cinematic techniques regarding Qrow in volume 4. One of the biggest cases is the use of a low light by his side with whoever he talks to about Salem. In times where connection to other Kingdoms in the World of Remnant are cut-off, Qrow welcomes or advises cooperation with other characters out of necessity. Warm lights such as lamps and campfires help illustrate this. With Qrow and Raven in chapter 4, the lamp on the table is closer to the former than the latter who only wants specific information and will otherwise walk away (or make a portal in her case) towards the darker side of the Tavern. And then there’s chapter 8, where Qrow informs team RNJR with as much information about everything to do with Salem and the fall of Beacon as possible, leading to well-presented shots of Jaune stepping briefly outside of the campfire due to his anger and wavering trust. Even this shot where he bluntly referred to Qrow’s motives as using his teammates as bait is framed to show his stance on who he was looking out for and who he wasn’t. Most interestingly though, is this shot here of Qrow framed to be surrounded by the campfire as he describes his semblance. While the cinematic techniques in some scenes can be admittedly up for debate, this shot was actually confirmed by Kerry Shawcross in the volume 4 director’s audio commentary to have been drawn by Rachel Doda and was highly approved after going through every department in the production.
“We uh, the shot inside the fire, was definitely one of the shots that we had uh, Rachel had the idea to do while we were boarding, Rachel Doda. And uh, I told her, “absolutely draw that! I make no promises that’s going to make it all the way through. But every next department after that I explained the shot and it was like, “no, we should do that!” Um, so yeah, it was one of those things where it was like, it was just such a beautiful shot that everyone wanted to make it happen and everyone went out of their way to make it happen.”
One of strongest cases of visual techniques applied though was in the forest scene in chapter 2. Here, we see Jaune, an often talkative character in previous volumes, be unusually silent and uttering only shouts and out-of-breath exhales as he trains through Pyrrha’s recording. He is mostly alone in the dark forest with shades of dark blue and green and bright, blueish lights illuminating his armor. Most fans who see this scene are struck by the music and Pyrrha’s words and Jaune’s determined, yet saddened facial expressions. Alone, those aspects are effective at the scene being a tearjerker. But there’s one other element, a visual one that can add a whole level of meaning: the fireflies.
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In Japan, fireflies are theoretically that of Hitodama or “human souls” drifting in the night when away from their bodies. If we were to apply this motion to the forest scene in chapter 2, then the fireflies could be visually representative of the lives lost in Shion village. Thus what Jaune could’ve felt was not sadness for not being able to stop Pyrrha, but for being unable to do anything about tragedy of the villagers. Now to some, such an interpretation may be considered reading a little too much. While that response is fair, bear in mind that the villages seen in volume 4, Shion, Higanbana, Oniyuri and Kuroyuri are all named after flowers with specific meanings in Japanese, the matter of fireflies being that of human souls may not be that unlikely.
“I’m just tired of losing everything.” - Jaune Arc
If there’s any set of scenes that are arguably as striking in visual direction as in chapter 2, if not more-so, it would be in scenes of Ren and Nora in chapters 10 & 12. There’s the matter of how the reveal of Ren’s semblance after cutting from the shot of the lotus flower is representative of how a real lotus flower can bloom after being submerged in mud. There’s also the shots of Nora desperately holding on to Ren’s hand, one of which is out of fear of being left alone when they were kids while the other is to prevent Ren from risking being killed due to anger and reckless abandon. But probably the most powerful moment of stage direction is of this moment here.
That there concisely explains what Nora means to Ren. Bear in mind, Ren is a very quiet, calm & collected character. He’s the opposite of Nora in that regard, who wears her enthusiasm on her sleeve and openly express how much she enjoys Ren’s company. But up until this point, we hardly seen Ren’s perspective about Nora other than the occasional subtle smile at her antics. It’s not until the scene underneath the house in chapter 12 that we see what Ren sees when Nora is deeply saddened to the point of being in tears, something viewers have never seen her current express before. In his mind, Ren briefly sees the same frightened girl who he first met and swore that they would keep each other safe. He is all Nora has and if he realizes that if he gets himself recklessly killed, then she’ll be alone all over again. And that’s the last thing Ren wants to happen.  
Even after all of this is said and done, there’s still more examples of scenes with visual direction to be unpacked and interpreted in volume 4 alone. But those can be talked more depth another time as they help compliment scenes in the focus of the next subject to be talked about in part 2.
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blackparaderunner · 8 months
Cinder sighed watching the god of the underworld complain about yet another flat monster as he worked. Lighting up a cig it made all the purple flames turn golden for a moment before turning back to normal. "You know at this rate you're going to go fucking insane. You need to find a partner and get laid."
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thedemonicpunks · 3 years
Bloody Bee was in the castle’s kitchen, some cooks helping her. Pastries and goodies lined one counter. Hydra had whip cream on his face and was in a sugar crash but happy. Bee had made cookies, brownies, and like 3 different versions of pineapple upside down cake. She had flour on her face as Cinder would walk in “I haven’t slept in 3 days, I feel like I drank every strong coffee in the world, and I built a green house by hand outside… I think I need help”
Cinder walked into what looked like pure chaos. The sinks were full of mounds of dishes and there were pastries everywhere. He wasn't sure where to even begin until Bee spoke sounding both exhausted and stubbornly energized.
"Three days? Do you need help getting lulled to sleep?" Shaking his head he walked over to her worried that she may crash at any moment. "What's got you so worked up?"
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gins-potter · 7 years
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Read in 2018 - The Sin Eater’s Daughter
Author - Melinda Salisbury
Genre - High Fantasy
Stars - 3.5
Positives -
Nice twist to the whole posionous touch thing, played it as both a blessing and a curse
Great world-building
Great twist at the end
Kinda gave me some Cinder and Graceling vibes, two books that I loved
Nice exploration of religion
Negatives -
Main character, Twylla could be a bit useless at times
Merek was a bit odd and annoying
Dragged on a little bit at times
Recommendation - Worth at least one read, but borrow it from your local library.  I’ll probably finish the series but only because I hate loose ends.
Quote - 
“That's the problem with fairy tales, they change with the telling.” 
“A person can say a lot without speaking.”
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highladyetc · 8 years
Can u recommend any series that are as good as tog and ACOTAR?? I've finished both of those now and I don't know what to do with myself now😭
If you want to read more books that are similar to SJM’s godly books, YA fantasy recommendations are:
(Assassins Blade by Sarah J Maas, if you haven’t read that one yet)
The Lunar Chronicles (Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter) by Marissa Meyer
Red Queen Series (Red Queen, Glass Sword, and King’s Cage) by Victoria Aveyard
Young Elites Series (The Young Elites, Rose Society, and Midnight Star) by Marie Lu
The Selection Series by Kiera Cass
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury
Half Bad Series by Sally Green
BUT If you have major book hangover from TOG, ACOTAR or any other fantasy books then you should try a complete genre switch, otherwise you’ll find yourself comparing all the fantasy you read to the fantasy book you’re hung over, so some amazing books of the contemporary non-fantasy genre recommendations are: 
WE WERE LIARS by E. Lockhart
I’ll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson
Looking For JJ by Anne Cassidy
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Hope this helps, lovely anon!!! 😊
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Final Fantasy XIV’s Patch 5.2 Brings on New Main Quests, Raids, and Dungeons
February 2, 2020 10:00 AM EST
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers will be getting a new update that introduces new main quests, new raid dungeon, new general dungeons, and more.
The latest patch for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers titled Echoes of a Fallen Star will introduce tons of new content to the MMORPG. Patch 5.2, releasing in mid-February of this year, will bring with it new main story quests, a new raid dungeon, and new dungeons in general. The new content is listed just below:
Main Scenario Quests
Eden’s Verse Raids
Chronicles of a New Era – The Sorrow of Werlyt
New Dungeon – Anamnesis Anyder
Trial – Cinder Drift
Beast Tribe Quests – Qitari
Resistance Weapon Quests
Ishgardian Restoration Updates
Crafting and Gathering Overhaul
Ocean Fishing
New Game+ Updates
And here’s a more detailed look at the new story and boss battle based content, along with some brand new screenshots:
Main Scenario Quests, Echoes of a Fallen Star
“With Eulmore on the path to a brighter tomorrow, the Scions await such time as the Exarch might return them home. Not in idleness, however — for when has any world been content to grant its heroes respite?”
Raid Dungeon, Eden’s Verse:
“Having taken control of the gargantuan sin eater known as Eden, Ryne continues her quest to restore the dormant elements of the Empty, with Urianger, Thancred, and the Warrior of Darkness by her side every step of the way─yet the awakening of an enigmatic young woman may put the mission in jeopardy. Will this erstwhile foe continue to pose a threat, or is there more to her heart than darkness?”
New Dungeon, Anamnesis Anyder:
Chronicles of a New Era, The Sorrow of Werlyt:
“The Garlean Empire seeks to break the stalemate with Eorzean forces by unleashing the culmination of its twisted experimentation─a brutal warmachina that exists only to destroy. On both sides of the battlefield, shadows of the past loom large as the decisive clash draws ever closer.”
The previous Shadowbringers update, titled 5.1 “Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty,” introduced a brand new NieR Automata-themed patch featuring new gear, a new dungeon, new game+, and the Fellowship.
Announced by Square and Producer/Director Naoki Yoshida via a press release, Final Fantasy XIV has now surpassed 18 million registered players in total. This number is comprised of players across all of the game’s platforms which include PS4, PC, Mac, and even the PS3.
Meanwhile, be sure to check out our official review of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers here, as well as our E3 2019 interview with Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida here. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is available now for PS4 and PC.
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February 2, 2020 10:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/02/final-fantasy-xivs-patch-5-2-brings-on-new-main-quests-raids-and-dungeons/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=final-fantasy-xivs-patch-5-2-brings-on-new-main-quests-raids-and-dungeons
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