#civil righs
palatinewolfsblog · 1 year
"Justice too long delayed is justice denied."
Martin Luther King.
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Star Wars Incorrect Quotes as things my husband and I say to each other. (Other people thrown in)
Anakin, working on a speeder- Hand me the drill
Padme- Is that the one that looks like a blaster, and spins, or is that the stick that you twist?
Anakin, in disappointed shock- Didn’t your father own a construction business?
Obi-Wan- I can never find my name on any of the gift store keychains
Cody- Yeah, that’s because your mom wanted to be “different” before it was cool
Rex- Is this the reason you didn’t want to go see the Barbie movie with me?
Anakin, on the other side of the comm with Padmé talking about seeing Oppenheimer together- No, Rex to be honest that was a completely different reason
Quinlan- You know what I think that may have been my fault
Obi-Wan - Oh is someone finally realizing actions have consequences?
Quinlan, deadpan- Don’t you have an illegitimate child?
(We have yet to confirm or deny if this guy is or is not the father but honey physical genetics are hard to deny)
*Loud fart noise coming from Anakin’s side of the comm call* Anakin- Sorry I moved the mic too close to my clothes must’ve made a noise
Rex, used to it- I didn’t know cotton could shit itself
Anakin- My friend once cooked a space raccoon he found on the side of the road. It was pretty kriffen good
Obi-Wan, appalled- What kind of people did your mother let you spend time with?
Anakin- Yea well she didn’t know about this friend
Padme- You can’t cause any fights I know you don’t like him but it’s the kids birthday. Just keep things civil
Sabe- sure but I can promise you the mug will be meaning
Anakin- You know I think you could take one thing from this moment
Obi-Wan- That you’re dumber than you look?
Anakin- Okay correction, you can take two things from this moment
Anakin, madder’n hell- ion know whotha fuck ya think ya are but I’ll tell ya righ nowh I’ll beat yer ass back to Jesus if I’m needin ta
Rex, under his breath- Darn Tootin
Obi-Wan- None of my relationships have been healthy
Anakin- yeah the older I get the more I realize I’m a victim
Ahsoka helping Obi-Wan clean Anakin’s room- Shouldn’t we ask him before we do this?
Obi-Wan, full body laughing- Grab the trash bag roll
Anakin- Would you give me a kidney?
Rex- No I have high-blood pressure because of you.
Anakin- *looking up if that’s a symptom of kidney failure* Yea well you make me sad
Cody, after Anakin nearly crashed a speeder- You’d think after all these years you’d learn no to get in any type of vehicle with him.
Obi-Wan- I like the thrill of a light pole coming straight for me at breakneck speeds
Anakin- They pop out of nowhere I tell ya
C3P0- You could be a little supportive
R2-D2- And you could let that get to your head
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queen-shiba · 9 months
Greetings, my queen,i bow down to thee. Might I request leona with a desi reader who's selfconscious about her skin tone (cause s such a prevalent problem here ya know)? Feel free to ignore this!
I can't ignore my fellow dark skins feeling insecure! D:<
The darker berries are the sweeter ones. Take that to heart, and keep it with you. Keep your skin vibrant, luv. It's a flex 💅🏾✨️
And as someone who's faced and seen a lot of colorism, I'll tell you, their opinions mean jack shit. You're gorgeous. Get some sun. Keeps your skin healthy. You won't burn like the beauty standard. Your skin is more fit for authentic gold than any.
Colorism is maddening to me. It's funny how the skin that came in and colonized everything, and fucked so many civilizations in the ass is getting glorified like they didn't invade. Make no damn sense.
The Sweetest Berry
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It was one of those days...
Just walking about the school, minding your own business.
Truly, you weren't expecting to have to deal with colorism in Twisted Wonderland, but it seems you were dead wrong.
Light skin was glorified here about as much as it is on Earth.
It's viewed as disgusting... unsightly...
Why was it this way anywhere but on Earth?
You wouldn't know.
Maybe those with zero to no complexion were doing a lot of colonizing just as they did on Earth.
Didn't seem to be too farfetched.
Truly, it was annoying to hear about it all day.
"You'd look better if your skin was lighter." Or, "Darker skin just isn't as pretty."
Whatever their reasoning was for disliking it, you didn't care. That didn't make it any less of an insecurity for you.
Now you were sitting alone in the botanical gardens in the shade.
You wouldn't wanna get darker than you already are...
Wait for Leona. That's what you usually did if he wasn't already there.
"Staying in the shade again?"
You look up to meet Leona's gaze, him standing in all his glory, skin illuminated by the sun.
Like he was made for it...
He never made fun of your complexion. In fact, he seemed to admire it.
Looking at you, he could tell you were feeling off...
It had just rained recently. Even you wouldn't sit where the mud is if it meant keeping your jacket clean.
Now you had it set under your but, right in that wet dirt.
There was only one reason you'd ever do such a thing...
He approached you and took you in his arms, bringing you out into the sunlight.
"Wait- what are you-"
He silenced you with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Leona was only so tender with you when you were alone with him... and when he knew you needed it.
You needed someone to be gentle with you now.
The lion settled down in the sunniest area of the garden, hidden by plant life so neither of you could be seen.
"Can we go back in the shade..?" You asked, even though your tone was more... begging in a way.
"You need some sun." Leona spoke plainly.
"Ah, but it's hot-"
"Why do you keep listening to what they have to say about you?"
There it was...
He really knew you too well... Or he was very observant.
Leona never did claim to know you like the back of his hand, but he certainly paid attention.
When he saw you cringe at the boys telling you your skin was unsightly, he sneered.
Who the hell were they, huh?
Even those with the same complexion as you would say it.
Leona hoped you'd defend yourself one day.
Back in his homeland, dark skin was viewed the same way... a lot of people would bleach their skin. Truly, he didn't understand why darker skin was viewed as something lesser, but he certainly didn't care. It was stupid...
"I... I don't know... I just... They're so bothering! And it's what the whole world thinks! Here and back home!"
Leona snorted, barking out a hearty laugh.
"Herbivore... Haven't you heard?"
You furrowed your brows, "Heard what...?"
"The darker the berry is, the sweeter it's juice."
Oh... You hadn't thought about it like that...
It was true. The sweeter berries were the darker ones.
"I suppose you're right..." You leaned against him, "I didn't really look at it from that perspective.."
Leona put an arm around you, keeping you close, "I know this won't fix your insecurity, but it's something for you to think about whenever you do feel this way." He mused, "And don't listen to what those idiots have to say. They're not worth the energy."
That only made you chuckle, "Right."
The End!
Hope this helped! Don't feel ashamed of your skin! Just remember it wouldn't look right if you were any lighter.
The rest of you! This anon is my newly adopted child!
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warningsine · 7 months
In October 11 2021, the Supreme Court of Norway ruled that Norway violated the rights of the Sámi people by permitting the construction of wind farms in Fovsen Njaarke, the Storheia wind farm and the Roan wind farm.
At the time of the ruling, the wind turbines had already been put into operation. The Norwegian government had previously granted the licence and the operators had built the wind power plant, although the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination had urged them to stop construction in 2018 and the Saami council had warned that the of the power plant would have detrimental effects on the Sami reindeer herding communities. The reindeer herders argued the sight and sound of wind turbines frighten animals grazing nearby and thus jeopardise age-old traditions, and that land should not be expropriated for such projects.
In the unanimous decision, the court argued that making it impossible or extremely difficult for the Sámi to live their traditional life as reindeer herders is a violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 27 of which stipulates comprehensive protection of the culture of ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities. The violation could also not be justified with reference to the green energy transition: Wind turbines should be built where they do not violate the rights of indigenous peoples. Thus, the license decisions were found to be invalid. The court did not say what should happen next to the farms and the owners are still operating them.
Sámi activists and climate activists continue to protest against the wind turbines. In February 2023, they blocked the entrances to Norway's energy ministry and in May 2023, 600 days after the courts decision, activists held protests in Oslo.
Roan Vind stated that they trusted that the ministry will find good solutions allowing them to continue the production of renewable energy while maintaining the rights of the reindeer owners. Fosen Vind stated that "the ministry is working on which precautionary measures are needed to sustain reindeer herding and its cultural practice."
We invited the owners of the wind farms to respond to an article reporting on the protests. Aneo, BKW, Energy Infrastructure Partners, Stadtwerke München and Statkraft responded.
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libero-de-mente · 1 day
Che si fottano tutti. Gli oracoli su TikTok e i nuovi profeti di Instagram.
Non voglio farmi turlupinare dai responsi su Fb della nuova generazione di filosofi del web, o dai nuovi vate su X.
Che possano affogare nella loro stessa tracotanza, nella melma di odio e astio che divulgano. Con i loro seguaci del diritto d’opinione a tutti i costi e comunque sacra. Alla faccia della libertà. Non si è liberi di distruggere o demolire senza rispetto, solo per ego, ma diventa una dittatura verbale senza un confronto civile. Io penso, io dico quindi io sono e voi muti.
La verità è che molti sono incattiviti, sopraffatti dall’ego smisurato che ha come metro di misura il numero di follower. La mia paura è quella di essermi incattivito anche io, nonostante io cerchi di mantenere un equilibrio sempre più precario. Vorrei scegliere la vita, ma la vita è piena di invidia e competizione.
A volte penso che una vita fatta di famiglia, mutuo, lavoro, polizza, ristorante una volta a settimana, cinema, divano super confortevole, televisore con tanti canali a pagamento, abiti firmati, sushi all you can eat, il Natale tutti insieme, nulla a cui pensare o di cui preoccuparsi fino alla fine dei propri giorni, sia il desiderio di tantissime persone.
Io è da molto che non ho più questi desideri. Dovrei essere tanto arrabbiato per quello che mi è successo e che ho subito in passato, ma è difficile restare rancorosi quando impari a stare sulle punte dei piedi e guardare al di là dello steccato della quotidianità indotta. Quando scopri che esiste tanta bellezza nel mondo, perché esiste in alcune persone.
Quando ho la fortuna di incontrarne una provo un enorme senso di gratitudine verso il destino, ringraziandolo per ogni singolo momento che mi sarà concesso di condividere con queste persone nella mia piccola vita. Anche un messaggio, un caffè condiviso, una telefonata rubata ai mille impegni quotidiani. Soprattutto anche quando queste persone non capiscono l’importanza che hanno per me, temendo l’ennesimo “caso umano”.
Ho potuto toccare con mano degli orrori, orrori che stanno nella vita di alcune persone. Dolori e ingiustizie subite, spesso come fossero delle torture. Non esistono parole per descrivere quello che ho ascoltato, in parole che erano come un grido di aiuto, a coloro che non sanno cosa significhi l’orrore. Ho percepito cose che molti esseri umani non s’immaginano, ho visto cuori distrutti di una bellezza inaudita.
L’orrore molte volte è creato e nutrito da chi l’orrore non lo conosce, non avendolo mai subito ma facendone parte. Senza remore o colpe molte persone sono parte dell’orrore di altri esseri viventi. Ma sorridono e stringono mani come se fossero persone a modo. Non accettano giudizi, i giudizi indeboliscono la loro convinzione di essere i migliori.
Tutta quella bellezza. In alcune anime non riesco a vederne la fine. Ci si potrebbe navigare per una vita intera, spesso certe menti le trovo troppo grandi per me. Rimango ad ammirarle come un neonato di fronte alla bellezza del seno materno. A bocca aperta, ma in silenzio per non disturbare. Darei l’anima per poter essere degno di una piccolissima attenzione da parte loro.
Mi dispiace, ma io non voglio fare il saccente, non voglio avere ragione. Se do questa impressione me ne dispiaccio, non era nelle mie intenzioni. Vorrei aiutare tutti, se possibile chiunque.
Tutti noi esseri umani dovremmo aiutarci sempre, dovremmo trarre pace e soddisfazione dalla felicità del prossimo, credetemi io l’ho fatto e mi sono trovato meglio che a godere dei miei successi in solitudine.
Non guardiamo troppo al passato, non scervelliamoci sul futuro, viviamo appieno il presente. Se lo faremo sarà un buon passato da ricordare, ogni tanto, e la base per un radioso futuro.
E in maniera che oggi non riusciamo manco a immaginare, perché potrebbe davvero sorprenderci.
Non sapevo cosa scrivere, senza diventare troppo prolisso. Qui funziona così, poche righe altrimenti sei illeggibile, da passare oltre. Ma se tu stai leggendomi a questo punto, vuol dire che un po’ di attenzione te l’ho presa.
Siamo nell’inferno dell’egoismo oggi, ma chi crede nell’altruismo o fa squadra o affonderà nella melma dell’individualismo.
Credetemi. Sarà una vita fatta di schiaffi e senza luce.
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aitan · 9 months
Quelli che quelli che
[Selezione da Fenomenologia della vita civile - Parte prima]
Quelli che imprecano contro il traffico dall’interno dell’ingorgo che hanno creato.
Quelli che lo dicevano anche in passato che in passato si viveva meglio.
Quelli che mormorano che la gente mormora.
Quelli che ti urlano in faccia di abbassare la voce.
Quelli che “cafone a ‘mme? Ma mo te sputo ‘nfaccia!”.
Quelli che trovano un problema per ogni soluzione.
Quelli che lasciano le mogli a casa a badare ai propri figli per andare a parlare in giro della parità dei sessi.
Quelli che lei non-sa-chi-sono-io.
Quelli che non-sono-razzista, ma-gli-zigari-però.
Quelli che pisciano alla fonte e bevono alla foce.
Quelli che fanno la guerra per trovare pace.
Quelli che si sbracciano molto per far notare quanto si sbracciano quelli che si sbracciano per farsi notare.
Quelli che ti intimidiscono con il loro strapotere e invocano per se stessi le regole della democrazia.
Quelli che il popolo ha sempre ragione finché ragiona come ragiono io.
Quelli che riempiono la rete di ragionamenti sulla dannosità o l’inutilità della rete.
Quelli che fin qui non arriveranno mai, perché non leggono più di tre righe.
Quelli che criticano a prescindere.
Quelli che scriviamo in internet le cose che si dovrebbero dire per strada.
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mrschwartz · 1 year
Super random: Do you think Al actually listens to beyonce?? What he said on vogue aus has to be a jovem righ lol (i just cant imagine)
i mean hskaksjdjd i think he might mean it fr lol
he's brought up beyoncé a few times throughout his career, more bc i think she might be one of the clearest current mainstream pop star references in his mind. there's that famous quote where he says the only superstars are her and miles lol. and during humbug he also went to one of her concerts. i think he really appreciates her artistry, at least
it's funny you should say that now, only a few days ago i was thinking about an interview where the person talked to him about something along the lines of him being a rock person but still publicly liking beyoncé and lady gaga and i'm Pretty sure he made a point of saying he didn't like lady gaga lol i don't remember what interview, i don't even remember the era, but i'm 87% sure i didn't dream that and that was a real interview lol i'd love to find it again! it's so rare that's he's gratuitously anti someone, he usually tries to be civil lol
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saltwukong · 1 year
Anon's descriptions of Blake and Yang are fairly accurate. Though it comes with a bitter tone tbh. But they're wrong about them having no purpose. There's a chance the faunus issue comes back and Blake has her input. Yang finally acting like a sister to Ruby after reuniting on the island. The Raven situation isn't fully resolved yet. I don't know what possessive insecurity is?
Re: This,
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And followed up with this:
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Let's go back over that first one again.
Blake isn't passionless. When an opportunity for an author tract comes up about meanie old Faunus Lives Matter and their unacceptable lashing out against a racist world, she's got quite a bit to say. Oh, wait, that's worse. Nevermind.
None of those traits are necessarily "side character" traits. Just ones with limited potential.
I agree re: possessiveness and insecurity. Maybe I just haven't been keeping up with my reading of side material, but I'm lost as to how Yang has ever displayed either of those traits, in regards to Blake or otherwise. It isn't really fair to twist abandonment issues (however poorly they're written) into those traits.
And that just leaves anger, which is a trait pretty integral to Yang. She has a lot to be angry about, though. Navigating that anger (again, however poorly it's shown) is indeed part of her character arc.
Second of all,
There's a chance the faunus issue comes back and Blake has her input.
Girl how??? They literally crashed Atlas, and that was where the last remnants of that faunus civil righs subplot was sleeping. The mines, the slave wages, the prejucide--it all got thrown in the trash along with the actual landmass.
Ain't a chance in hell of that shit actually mattering now.
Yang finally acting like a sister to Ruby after reuniting on the island.
The problem with that is that it can't be fully realized until they stop baiting Bumbleby to death, because a lot of the damage with Yang's character is coming at the cost of that ship. They can "build" that relationship on their own time, but when something crazy happens and Yang's first priority isn't immediately Ruby, she's already out of character.
When Blake and Yang are alone with Adam bearing down on them, they're not out of character for screaming in fear for one another. When RWBY as a whole are in a dangerous situation, and Yang still thinks of Blake first and foremost, that's bad. Even in Volume 8, where they finally remembered Summer is Yang's mom and Ruby her sister, they still kept fumbling it.
The Raven situation isn't fully resolved yet.
Raven is keeping Neo's spot in the character void warm and let's be honest, she's safer there.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 26 June 1840
7 ½
11 25/..
R15 ½° and F65 ½° at 9 a.m. A- back from sketching at 9 10/..   Busy mending my socks etc. etc. till dressed and breakfast at 10 5/.. to 11 – then till now 11 ¾ wrote and sent civil note to count Oppermann vid. other end of book – thanks etc. had sent cards for Madame O- etc. but they had been taken to the maître de police – had the maitre de police about the horses of yesterday I calculated 10v. there and 10 back = 20 which he reckoned at ./2 silver per horse per verst posting price – had just had the Cossack to be paid for the horses of Wednesday (not ordered by count O- or the maitre the police) and the man charged 1/. silver each! – too much as I told George by ½ - nothing to pay for the apartment – but I had offered a 25/. note understanding that he said 6 roubles for the horses and that this must be silver he said the note was too much – he himself well paid by government and would not take anything but as I had said give the rest to the master of the house if I paid him la ville would have nothing to pay him! I took the note back – gave 2/. silver for the horses, and then he said if I paid at all I had better give a 10/. bill which i did saying however that it was too much for 1 table 2 chairs and 3 planks literally all our furniture – I knew the house was already let to government André could expect nothing – I should be satisfied if the money was given in charity – then wrote all but the first 5 lines of the last page and so far of this till now near 1 when count
Monday 29 June   Oppermann called and sat at least ½ hour – his wife returned from Tiflis last night – compliments and regrets de ne pas avoir fait notre connaissances – It does not seem that government has any thought of repairing the church of St. Sion – Countess O- made our attempt to go to Aténi, but her horse fell in crossing the Kour and she was so frightened she has never [?] to go again only lately that they have had the boats – Madame O-‘s view of Gori taken from the cemetery on the road to Ouploss, 1/2v. from Gori – the new administration will benefit the country ultimately but cannot do much immediately – only 2 saws at the Scierie here as well as near Aténi
Leave Gori   Off from Gori at 1 48/.. – just out of the town had the 5 or 6 streams of the Medjouda to cross – ½ dozen men waded thro’ with us alongside the kibitka and teleaga up to the pelvis or thereabouts in the deepest part – no danger nor difficulty now – the waters low now, said count O-, but when high difficult and dangerous to pass – the worst river waters to pass between Tiflis and Koutaïs, must be these – for the bridge at Mtzkétha and that at Muchran (vid. line 6p. 221) will of course be repaired as soon as possible – It took us ¼ hour to get thro’ all these streams – fine valley – at 2 55/.. 8 pair oxen at one plough – good loamy soil, i.e. rather terre glaize jaunatre – at 3 10/.. little old stone church (2 gable-ends) and a couple of hundred yards farther village and round tower and another little old Church (as before) on the hill at a little distance (left) and vines and trees, mulberry trees lopped – in 10 minutes more modern Church in fortress i.e. old square fort or castle – and again in 10 minutes more another village and round tower and at 3 50/.. stream and on this side neat white church and on the other side village and picturesque old castle – at 4 3/.. at Gargarebskaia nice good station on high gradin above the green bushy bottom along which flows the Kour – left (in front of station house) high range of
wooded mountain and righ,t back of house, high range of wooded mountain much farther distant – and a stones [castle] from front house a saddle-backed mound-like hill as if artificial sloping down to the Kour – scrambled up the steep grassy slipper side – fine view mountains right (north streaked with snow) the opposite side the river, 2 or 3v. off? old castle on point of hill and village at its foot – several of the little oblong 2 gable-ended old stone churches – these old churches small and simple remind me of the very old one about same size and shape at the back of the Isle of Wright  vid. line 7 from bottom of last p. – fine valley of one or more gradins – our road along the gradin above the Kour – the valley from high ridge to high ridge some miles wide – 6 or 8? – a few soldiers and baggage waggons stopping at this station – pother about changing our teleaga – when one was packed the maître de post came and ordered another – Did not the servants dine? arrived at 4 3/.. – not off till 5 from Gargarebskaia at 5 ½ rain more or less for an hour, and shrubby Parky ground with oaks, immense aspens, Elms, etc. sprinkled up and down on each side of us – fine broken comby thickly wooded mountains nearish on our left – see 2 or 3 the little old churches – pass thro’ village of loghuts with sort of old ruined low  3 round towered castle – and at the neat white good isolated station of Suramskaia at 7 and wattle huts or sheds – observed the large wicker baskets /from 2 to 3 yards long and from 1 to 1 ½+ yards wide?) 1st time yesterday at the village d’Aténi – mounted on 4 tall posts – our Georgian said these baskets were to put the Indian corn (the maize) in – ordered the samovar as usual and white it boiled, walked out – out from 7 ½ to 8 ½ - meant to have gone to the village (line 7 from this) – passed thro’ a small hamlet of deserted fast decaying Russian like log and board-thatched houses and turned right towards the village and with ¼ m. of it when intercepted by a little river – stood a few moments watching a man wading and fishing? dragging a a conical (salt-basket like) basket along the bottom under the salley bushes but threw out one little fish and we could not understand what he emptied his basket for each time into the water – a soldier was coming to meet us? – but on seeing us near went back – on our return a drunken pole saying he was of a good a family came in to our room and begged importunately as these fellows have 2 or 3 times done before (à la Polonnaise?) – obliged to desire that the Cossack would not let him come in again – gave him nothing – tea at 10, and had Domna – fine day till 5 ½ then an hours’ gentle rain – very fine cool pleasant evening R16° and F68° now at 10 50/.. p.m. – to be off at 5 a.m. tomorrow and breakfast in the kibitka –
tea not good tonight – tried the water – clear, but tasting as if it ran thro’ the stables – no! it is from a spring – the people accustomed to it – but all strangers complain – it tastes strongly of a dunghill – surely the water in the little river we were at tonight was good –
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leaarong · 2 years
Surprise History of KKK Comparison 2 Black Lives Matter Black Civil Righ...
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jennbarrigar · 26 days
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luxurybestlz · 2 months
Bag/Louis Vuitton
Remembering the Massively Popular Louis Vuitton Tivoli Bag
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The Louis Vuitton monogram.
Much has been said about it, more has been written about it, and many continue to don it on their persons well into the modern day. We’ve seen it printed on canvas, embossed in leather, sewn onto denim, defiled with graffiti, rendered blindingly atop eye-watering exotics, and furnished otherwise upon every surface conceivable.
Nevertheless, today’s designers must continue to reinvent, reimagine, or regurgitate the logo by any means possible, coming every new season, style, trend, or micro-trend. Well into the 128th year of its existence, Georges Vuitton’s envisioning of his father’s initials remains alive and kicking.
Yet, there’s some quaint, old-worldly charm to the monogram in its most original (though far from pristine) form, in chocolate canvas with honey Vachetta, living its best life alongside its carrier busy living theirs.That’s precisely what drew me towards a certain elegant lady in the wild the other day, an artfully battered (but not immediately identifiable) Vuitton piece nestled into the crook of her arm; its zipped top left consciously unfastened, and a little gold medallion dangling off of the end.
A quick bout of obsessive Googling revealed it to be the Tivoli satchel, leaving me wondering why the noughties’ fashionista-favorite, discontinued for nearly a decade now, was axed in the first place. Let us, therefore, revel yet again in the wonderful world of the Louis Vuitton Monogram and fondly reminisce about the Tivoli.
In True Y2K Fashion
At the very cusp of human civilization, when the Twilight franchise and the Sex and the City movie had both just premièred – scarring fans forever in the process – and the frenzied hyperabundance of the Y2K was swiftly giving way to an impending sense of post-recessionary gloom, the Tivoli quietly made its debut.
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In fact, named after the scenic town in the Italian countryside, its launch as a part of the wider Louis Vuitton Fall 2008 collection lacked much of the obligatory fanfare that generally goes into making an it-bag. Similarly sterile was the lookbook for the lineup, the Tivoli discreetly tucked away into the arms of Scarlett Johansson and Laetitia Casta (shot by Annie Leibovitz), with Paris’ Pont Neuf in the backdrop.
But occasionally, a bag rises from the ranks of the ordinary, and that’s precisely what the Tivoli did. Only ever manufactured in the classic monogram canvas, what made it distinctive was the inverted pleating and curved top – an homage to the architectural feats of its namesake town steeped in history – the engraved gold-tone Medallion zipper-pull the final finishing touch!
Rise of Function, Death of Fashion?
Now that I think about it, it appears that the Tivoli was to Louis Vuitton what the Medallion Tote was to Chanel (in that both featured the ornamental charm and were released and discontinued roughly around the same timeframe).
But while the Medallion certainly received its fair share of reality TV airtime (on the arms of Lauren Conrad in The Hills, specifically), the Tivoli mostly remained obscure among celebrity circles. Did that stop it from being sold out in stores? Not really, with buyer waitlists known to stretch for months!
The Tivoli highlighted, perhaps for the first time in the decade, a marked shift in the Y2K aesthetic: from the excessively ornamented to a more streamlined, practical silhouette targeted to the everyday user.
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Of course, this is Louis Vuitton we speak of; we wouldn’t expect the house to do away with flashy logos just yet. But perhaps, with the two different sizing options PM (handheld) and the GM (with adjustable handles), secure zip-top, and spacious interior, it paved the way for the Proenza PS1s and Céline Luggages of the future.
Nevertheless, in a world still dominated by the hefty Chloé Paddington and Marc Jacobs’ sizeable Stam bag, the Tivoli, despite being a success story in its own right, clearly didn’t stand a chance of permanence.
And that’s exactly what happened.
Too Soon to Say Goodbye?
By the time the 2010s had rolled in, the it-bags of the yesteryears had already begun their downward trajectory, with the discontinuation of the Paddington in 2010, the Fendi Spy in 2012, and finally the Stam in 2013. Therefore, the fact that the Tivoli even made it into 2014, six years since its launch, was astonishing.
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In handbag terms, after all, six years is quite the episode, especially when you’ve got a barrage of similarly monogrammed styles (that are heavier on function than fashion) populating the brand’s stores. And that’s exactly what the state of Louis Vuitton was like when Jacobs departed as the brand’s creative lead in 2014.
In the major shake-up that followed with the appointment of Nicolas Ghesquière, not only the Tivoli but the Palermo, the Trevi, and a whole bunch of closely resembling canvas pieces – all with varying degrees of pleating and/or zipped construction – were put under the chopping block, much to the dismay of buyers (ironically enough – the brand went onto to introduce yet another pleated zip-top style, the Turenne, later that year, which too was subsequently discontinued).
The Trevi was a popular alternative to the Tivoli at the time.
All this to say, in the race to continue and discontinue, where does that leave the average buyer such as ourselves? Perhaps the production halts of these much-beloved older designs marked the first step in what many have harked as the demise of the monogram canvas. Or perhaps it was really a move to popularize its permanent collections – the Speedy, the Neverfull, and the Alma.
–cited from This article is cited from the purse blog.
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anarchytecture · 3 months
Anarchist Literature Sample Text Search
' Indeed, the racial segregation of humanity emerged to buttress an already existing system of colonization structured by the identification of enlightened humanity with the reasoning mind, the indubitable value assigned to formal education, along with the veneration of the intellect, civility, and citizen spirit.'
'"’ ‘Bookchin would favour making space for new knowledges. He would surely also back new ways of communicating such knowledges.'
' Your mandatories having to legislate on everything, from lucifer matches to ships of war, from clearing off caterpillars from trees to the extermination of peoples, red or black, it must seem to you that their intelligence will enlarge the virtue of the immensity of the task" (Freedom 249, January 1910, 4).'righ
' As shown by the allowance of this federal interference—as well as the greater federal control one could find in northern Mexico at the time—the state was certainly a part of revolutionary Mexican land reform.'
' Yea further, the pride and ambition of the prelates being boundless, unwilling to be subject either to man or laws, they claim their office and jurisdiction to be Jure Divino, exercise ecclesiastical authority in their own names and rights, and under their own seals, and take upon them temporal dignities, places and offices in the commonwealth, that they may sway both swords.'
' Like how I treat individuals like John Africa, John Moore, John Muir (yes 3 Johns), Henry David Thoreau and Edward Carpenter as individuals that I am impressed by and respect a great deal of what they did, while not considering them to be authorities on anything or providers of “the path”, my relationship towards Krishnamurti is more one of heroic appreciation, than of a follower adoring or venerating a teacher.'
' This would lead to similar exchanges emerging in several other provincial cities.[3] [4]The Bostonian anarchist Josiah Warren participated in several communistic Owenite communities in the United States and also left with the belief that a means of market exchange based on the LTV was a key part of a liberatory economic project.'
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theway-itwas · 4 months
so here it is: the first post of the year.
i am confused. beyond confused and spiraling deeper and deeper into a void that will be impossible to claw my way out of. i am being pulled in different directions, constantly. it is killing me.
i am at no point of "i don't know how much more i can take". i'm at the point of needing to choose which path to follow. but how could i choose? i have already let this get too out of hand. i have already succumbed and allowed myself to get myself into this situation. on the one hand, i am way too deep into it that i don't think it would be possible to get out. on the other, might as well do it now, right? cleanly break it off, though it would be painful. there would be splinters, but nothing was ever set in stone anyway. it would just be a couple lies.
i'm starting to feel like i've been lying my whole life. to myself, to others, to inanimate objects and figments of my imagination. i lie in rooms alone, to the walls and the ceiling and the floor. i lie when no one is there to watch nor listen.
i can't decide. i am being torn apart and it is killing me. slowly, it is killing me. i am in a constant state of suffering. i have grown so used to it that the pain has become bearable. but there is no longer a happy ending to this story. if i go down the path that tempts me, i still see myself suffering. i still see myself having to rebuild entire empires that i will have destroyed. but if i go down the path that is ahead of me, it will be no different. i will still suffer. i will mourn the civilizations i could have built--ones that may have challenged rome. glorious empires that could have flourished will haunt my dreams, as they have for the past two years.
i can't choose. how could i possibly choose? do i stay because i want to? or do i stay because it's easy? do i stay because it's more comfortable to do so, and i feel more secure here than if i were to travel to a land i've never been to? or do i stay because i want to, and i love where i am and who i'm with.
if i left desi, it would be catastrophic. i fear my friends would see me differently. i fear i'd be losing my best friend, someone i have built a genuine connection with. a strong, loving, and safe connection. i don't feel so safe. maybe i never did. what would i tell cass? my parents? what would they tell their family? their brothers? their friends? they speak of me so highly, i couldn't bear the thought of the family i have acquired viewing me as a monster. i'm not a bad person. at least, i don't think so. maybe they'd finally be seeing me how i truly am.
some days are easier than others. it feels almost comfortable to think of them as a boy. it feels almost normal to call them my boyfriend, to imagine them as my husband. to imagine them starting testosterone and helping them do their shots. to see them transform into a man, slowly. i think it would kill me. some days, it feels almost okay. almost. always almost. it has never been fully there. i don't think it will ever fully be there. i don't think i will ever be okay with it, completely. maybe i would get used to it, sure, but i would never reach the point of complete acceptance or compliance. if i stay with them, and watch them transform into a completely different person, i think i will spend the rest of my life mourning the loss of the life i could have had. the wife, the woman, the beauty. the thing i always dreamed of, just out of reach. the one thing i felt i've deserved, that i have been owed for years, once again stolen from me at the hands of a man. it really is always an angel, never a god.
but everything i've ever wanted is still possible. it's still here, right in front of me, more obvious and more tempting than it ever has been before. carmen, the prettiest girl i've ever seen. interesting on all fronts. captivating, kind, funny, and genuine. the girl of my dreams, quite literally. the invisible string. the one thing i have always wanted and still want, right in front of me, that i am forced to leave behind for a life of longing. i fear if i stay with desi, i will spend the rest of my life longing for her. longing for the chance to come back, where i could have left easily. if two people can't stay away from each other, maybe they were never meant to be apart. it kills me to think that i could have everything, that it's just out of reach, but i could get there. it's not impossible. and yet, i'm still forbidden. i'm still held back.
in all my dreams, they are always portrayed the same. my dreams of desi are haunting, are hurtful. they do not end well. they are nightmares, where i am consumed by regret and pain. but my dreams of carmen are sweet. they are dripping with honey, every single time, without fail. they are dreams where i find her, and she finds me. we always find our way back to each other. they are only painful when we are torn apart. my dreams of her are of us finally getting to experience the beginning of something beautiful, and there are always the means to an end.
it's like all the signs are pointing in the right direction, but i still can't go there. something is holding me back, constantly. something is always pulling me away. it's like i'm not ready for it yet. i am so afraid that i'm running out of time. every passing day is a day where my window is closing. she will find someone for her, and it will kill me. i want it to be me.
i can imagine a life with her. i can imagine wanting children, wanting to grow old. i can imagine being her biggest fan and strongest supporter. i can imagine going to her art galleries with flowers. dressing up together. cheering her on and wanting, genuinely, to see her succeed. i can imagine being her muse. the thought of it being someone else is unbearable. i can see her dressed up, as beautiful as ever, and kissing her after telling her that she's the prettiest thing to ever walk this earth. i want it to be real. i can see it, physically, and tangible.
when i imagine a future with desi, it is regretful. resentful. angry and sad. miserable. i can imagine us living comfortable, but never fully being happy. the days will still end in arguments. i will still never be able to convey my sadness without having to comfort them. i will still have to learn to love the things they love, and not resent them. i will still have to convince myself not to loathe them when they do something i don't like.
i will still have to watch them turn into something i am incapable of loving.
maybe that's the missing piece. maybe all they lack is gender. maybe carmen seems so fulfilling because she fits into my perception of myself and the world. maybe i just want a wife.
maybe i'm a sick narcissist with a god complex, yet the most crippling self hatred possible.
i still feel guilty. i still feel horrible for letting myself think about anyone else that way at all. but i just want to be happy.
is that a crime? wanting to put myself first and allow myself to be happy, even if that means inconveniencing others in the process? is selflessness always kind? is it unwavering? or is there an acceptable level of selfishness?
what is right, truly? what should i choose? how could i ever possibly decide?
i have built a life for myself that i have convinced myself is set in stone. i am still young. i am so terrified that if i don't take shots now, and if i don't set strong foundations for myself now, that i will end up killing myself down the line.
is my happiness truly the most important thing in my life? or could i sacrifice that for the wellbeing of those i care about?
i wish things weren't so absolute. i wish i could ask them to just let me try it out--while i'm still young and confused. i do love them, i have so much love for them that sometimes it's overwhelming. but i fear that if i don't allow myself the chance to experience what i've always wanted, that i never will. and i don't want to live the rest of my life wishing things could have been different.
it's so scary wanting to choose carmen because i already have my life with desi. if i stay with desi, it is guaranteed to last a lifetime. i am secure in this spot and i will guarantee no heartbreak. at least not romantically, i will probably break my own heart waking up next to them every day. but at least i won't be waking up alone. if i chose carmen, it isn't even guaranteed to go anywhere at all. it isn't guaranteed to last. what if i choose her, and we break up? what if i never find anyone else after that? i would have thrown away the life that was cemented, on a whim, for someone who didn't stay with me. i would be throwing away an entire life for a short, fulfilling portion of it.
i'm afraid of what leaving would cost me. i have found someone so close to perfect for me, but not quite there. we are so similar, have similar interests and views and morals. we are so alike it's like we were almost made for each other. almost. always almost. never quite there yet. maybe we were never meant to be with someone so similar. i'd have to change a lot if i chose to be with carmen, assuming that she would even want to at all. assuming that she still feels how she once did.
she once did.
i almost had her. almost had just enough time to figure things out.
but never got the chance to.
these thoughts have plagued me for almost two years. always the same battles. always the same dilemma.
i have no idea what to do. i don't know what's right. i wish i could be given a sign, anything to confirm the path i should follow. i don't believe in god, but maybe that would be easier. i truly think there's nothing. no meaning to any of it all. whatever i choose will have to be my decision and my decision alone.
and i still can't decide.
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