#cleared the inbox as well!!
Who is your favorite out of all the Bonnie's? Mine are Toy and withered :)
oh... i'm not sure...
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og bonnie, probably.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Sorry I really didn’t mean I’m attacking you or your ship. I also don’t think it’s a red flag, most gay men I saw don’t really like shuggy either. I mean, probably the entire world prefers any other shanks ships? On almost every site, con or store there’s always tons of mishanks and Bennshanks and never shuggy. I get it’s also about dynamic and connection those two pairs have, like with the parallels to other ships the base for them is extremely strong. But the minimal shuggy does speak volumes. I genuinely wonder about this. Shuggy is unpopular and again while I do agree there’s strong connection between “rival ships” I don’t think that’s the only reason… and like…. Buggy is ugly, isn’t he? He doesn’t have cool style, doesn’t look cool, makes ugly faces all the time, also is a coward. I like him as comedy character and shanks brother though!
I understand where you're coming from when you say Shuggy is unpopular amongst some people (actually, before anyone says anything. It IS an extremely popular ship in Japan but I have seen A LOT of hatred towards it in this side of the fandom, so that's what I'm talking about when I say it's unpopular). I have talked about this before. And I have said a lot of times that the reason why is often because people only focus on looks and Buggy is not conventionally attractive for the fangirly twinkified sexualized gaze numerous sides of the fandom and the general audience seek. Like, I am not forcing people to ship them, but I have had people admitting the only reason they don't is because of the looks, and I personally believe that is a very (despite valid, of course) dull way of seeing ships. And respectfully, I don't care that other gay dudes or all the people in the world agree with you. It's not a red flag to not like Shuggy, what it is a red flag, though, is to come into people's inboxes to do what you're doing!
I know you don't mean to attack me or anybody who ships them but your tone does wonders showing otherwise. Your perception of shipping is just based on looks and the fact that you came here, to a blog that explicitly ships these characters and is fond of Buggy, talking shit about one of the characters' looks... Is just straight-up mean and not following the social etiquette this site should follow, which is "let people do whatever the fuck they want".
So with all due respect, what makes you think I won't find your questions offensive in any way? Because you keep talking bad about a character I like in my inbox for literally no reason. Do you expect me to admit that the ship is unpopular because Buggy is ugly and boring? Well, I do admit people view him as ugly and only a comedy relief, but I don't. Expecting others to find beautiful and interesting the same things you do is having a very close-minded vision that One Piece's plot itself is against.
By the way, you're showing that you clearly don't like Buggy in the slightest because you're only talking about the traits that you find negative about him. But of course, you like him as comedy relief. Of course, you like him as a character in Shanks' story and not as a character himself. Despite Buggy having lots of depth. Your perception of these characters seems, in my opinion, extremely empty and, as I said, only based on looks. And you're free of shipping whatever you want however you want! But please, please, don't do this anymore. This is just petty high school mean girl behavior. Even Regina George would word this in a more polite way.
So, as a little advice for you, let people ship whatever they want without questioning their favorite characters! I am sure you will live a more peaceful life!
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The whumpee couldn’t show much emotion because of their situation. They had escaped a whumper that would hurt them whenever the whumpee made a noise or showed signs of pain, and when they were rescued everyone took the whumpee as someone who had always been that cold. Whenever the whumpee tries to show emotion everyone is surprised, and the reactions always shove the whumpee back into their shell.
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columboscreens · 10 months
for real half the fun of this blog is reading the tags. I go through this blog with the same joy as the elderly doing a crossword
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gosh thanks, folks. not to get maudlin, but knowing i'm making people smile truly makes my day. please continue to enjoy my dumb little quips.
as for leaving jokes in the tags, since i fire off 7 posts a day and go with the shotgun approach, i usually let the populace judge which are funny. people will point to a tag by "prev"ing, or even attach my tags to the post if they like them enough. it's a big part of tumblr's culture; i'm both used to and quite fond of the wink-and-nod nature of the tagging system.
to that end, some jokes i think are clever/spend time crafting don't make much of a splash, while things i come up with lying in my bed half asleep at 6am get tons of people laughing. since my posts are primarily image-based, i typically don't want to "taint" them with my silly gags--if they're funny enough, my followers do it for me.
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ask-big-eyed3 · 25 days
[look who arrives! belated]
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Desti: You took your sweet time to get here
Axol: I hurried as much as I could! Besides it doesn't look like you're actively dying
Desti: Oh no, I didn't call you because of that
Axol: I said not to waste flares-
Desti: This place has wifi, dude
Axol: Oh- Okay, I understand everything now
Desti: And we also have SMG3
Axol: SMG3???? HERE????
Desti: With an askblog as well, be nice as you are currently on here as well!
Axol: Sounds like... a lot happened, huh?
[Axol is open for asks now as well! Be nice to him please, he just got here]
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alright, i'm done dealing with this bullshit.
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i didn’t want to address this any further but since these people seem utterly obsessed with me & and have now gone on to harass my friends, i have had enough.
first things first, and i can't believe i even need to say this, but aang is a fictional character. he is not tibetan, because there is no tibet in the world of avatar: the last airbender. aang - and the air nomads in general - are the products of two white men's (and a predominantly white writing team's) interpretations of buddhism, hinduism and tibetan culture, interpretations that have themselves been criticized by actual tibetan people.
criticizing, mocking, or even making fun of aang does not make me racist towards tibetan people, just like criticizing zuko wouldn't make me racist towards japanese people, or criticizing toph wouldn't make me racist towards chinese people, because none of these characters are actual depictions of real life groups or cultures. they can't be, because those groups and cultures do not exist in the world of atla. (xiran jay zhao discusses this very topic, and the show's "representation" of asian and indigenous cultures, better than i can in their video essays, if anyone is interested in hearing more about atla from an east asian perspective.)
additionally, even if aang were somehow an actual tibetan monk, i cannot recall a single instance in which i said anything derogatory regarding his cultural practices or beliefs (which, again, stem from bryan konietzko and mike dimartino's understanding of tibetan monks). when i criticize aang (and once again i can't believe i need to say this), i am criticizing the writing of his character and the worldbuilding of his culture and people. not, you know, an actual person and their actual heritage.
i have no problem with aang being a pacifist, or a vegetarian, or shaving his head, or wearing robes. what i do have a problem with is his entire dilemma about killing being brought up in the last four episodes of the show, only to be resolved by a magic rock and a lion turtle instead of character growth and agency. what i do have a problem with is his treatment of katara, and his disrespect towards her cultural beliefs in favour of pushing his own on her. aang is entitled to believe in non-violence and the sanctity of all life; he is not entitled to make that choice for katara, as he tried to in the southern raiders. each of them has a right to their own beliefs, and neither should use their individual beliefs to impose upon the other, or dictate what they should do.
the really ironic thing about all of this is that i love aang. i have said over and over that i believe kat.aang could have worked, that i thought they were cute in book 1, that aang is a great protagonist who had potential for an amazing arc, if only it had been followed through on in book 3. my criticisms of aang's character come from my love for him, because he deserved better than the writers who turned him into their own self-insert fantasy.
so whoever you are that's been endlessly hounding my inbox, and now my close friends', calling me racist because of my opinions on a fictional character: for your own sake, just block me and go on with your life. your social justice crusade against a singular stranger on the internet isn't helping anyone, let alone actual tibetan people.
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peaches2217 · 8 months
I'm slowly but surely easing back into writing now that I'm acclimating to my new job! I can't say for certain when I'll have my next completed piece up, so in the meantime, please have the first page and a half of one of my longer WIPs, because if I don't post something I am going to gnaw my arm off like an understimulated animal. So please accept this gift which I'm presently calling...
Musings on a Motivation (WIP, also still looking for a less cringy title 😅)
“Did you truly want to marry me? Or did you just want to take Bowser’s victory for your own?”
Peach presented Mario with this question in the Snow Kingdom, huddled across from him in the corner of some Shiverian cafe. Her quiet voice was resolute, yet she couldn’t tear her eyes from the mug of hot chocolate in her hands.
For the first time in two days, Mario felt cold. She had warned him, told him she was going to bring it up again, but he didn’t feel any more prepared in spite of the advance alert.
“There’s no wrong answer,” she assured him, and though her smile was sad, it was equally sincere. “No matter what you tell me, I won’t think any differently of you. I just… I want to know.”
He nodded, though his head felt heavy and disconnected from his shoulders. Right. He supposed he did owe her an answer.
This wasn’t the first time they were discussing the incident on the moon. He knew for a fact it wouldn't be the last, either.
Half an hour after the offending event, Mario had broken the silence of the trip back home with an apology, face flushing redder and redder with shame the more he dwelled on it. His princess, l’amore della sua vita, the one he would travel to the ends of the earth and beyond for, had almost been forced into a marriage with the Koopa King Bowser, the very creature who caused her constant torment.
And what had Mario done after saving her from a marriage she hadn't asked for? Tried cornering her into another one. Proposed to her, a proposal that was quickly challenged by Bowser himself. Gotten into a squabble over her hand with the aforementioned creature like two boys fighting over a plastic toy. All of this minutes after rescuing her.
Peach had tiredly forgiven him, but asked to discuss it further once they were home and rested. Three days later, she reaffirmed her pardon over cake and tea, but held none of her own feelings on the matter back: how childishly he’d painted himself in her eyes, how she felt like nothing more than a trophy, some grand prize that would go to whoever shoved flowers in her face the hardest, how little she worried he valued her affections if he actually thought Bowser, of all people, was competition. The timing was bad, the execution was infinitely worse, and she felt both affronted and humiliated by the last man she ever expected to cause her such distress. 
Mario, for his part, was grateful. If she could feel all of those things — if he could cause her to feel all of those things — but she could still forgive him, then perhaps she still trusted him. 
But it stung no less to hear, and it certainly didn’t soften the blow when she asked for a break. 
“I need a vacation,” she had sighed. “We both… we need space. Some time apart.” Mario had numbly agreed.
In parting, he had taken her hand and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles, wishing her safety and happiness on whatever ventures she had planned; she had excused herself quickly, but not quickly enough to hide the first of her tears. That image routinely kept Mario awake into the early hours of the morning.
Glancing at the untouched slice of cake lying before him, he gulped. That had been a month ago. Peach had parted from the kingdom the following afternoon, and after a few lethargic days hiding beneath his blankets, Mario heeded the pleas of his brother and his newest friend and decided a vacation didn’t sound half bad. 
Luigi elected to stay home and tend to some sort of balloon-adjacent business, yet even without his twin, Mario found himself mercifully distracted. It began as a week-long expedition to both the major landmarks and best hidden alcoves of Cappy’s home nation. But somewhere between Big Beanie and Bucket-Hat Palace, their sightseeing stint segued into another hunt for Power Moons, fueled this time by adventure and pure entertainment rather than necessity, and Mario came to discover that an international game of hide-and-seek is an excellent way to distract oneself from heartbreak. 
So that was what he threw himself into, and the less excitable but every bit as goal-oriented Cappy was more than happy to assist. Yesterday was Day 35 of their adventure, and having spent the previous week roughing it in the choking heat of the Forgotten Isle, they’d agreed easily that a cooler change in scenery would do them both good. They arrived in the Snow Kingdom that morning and planned to spend the day acclimating in the (relative) warmth of Shiveria, then soldier on in their quest with no end goal. 
But just barely within the walls of the town, a black beret and a halo of golden hair stopped Mario in his tracks. 
Peach’s face was flush from the cold, but her eyes shined brighter and bluer than the carbonated sea of Bubblaine, and she called his name with all the warmth of a stroll along its sunny shores, and how his legs didn’t give out on the spot he wasn’t entirely sure. Suddenly the month that had flown by without her felt like an eternity. 
If y’all have any feedback thus far I would appreciate it most sincerely, I wanna make sure it’s at least somewhat coherent so far!!
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
I'll follow you into the dark - death cab for cutie
This is such a "then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone" song I'm losing my mind. It's exactly what I imagine Jonathan saying either to Mina or thinking to himself when he was considering things could take a turn for the worst.
"If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied, Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs; If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, then I'll follow you into the dark"
The whole song is good and a mood for them but the chorus really is the highlight of "wtf do you mean this wasn't written about them"
A classic... I remember listening to this when I was younger and saying it was romantic, and my mom giving me a Look about the implied suicide after the death of a loved one being romantic. I had to clarify not in a 'emulate this' kind of way or anything. And certainly that same 'would they want that for you? no' element is going on with Mina's perspective. But that's not directly in the song either way.
Of course obviously no doubt the chorus/general premise of 'I'll follow you into the dark' is 100% Jonathan's thoughts on Mina turning. That first verse is excellent for his vow to himself. I love the emphasis on "our hands clasped so tight" because again I go wild over the handholding in this book. And yeah, the chorus just repeatedly reaffirming his choice...
The second and third verses are lyrically way less fitting, naturally. If I'm trying to look for it, I can find a comparison in the second verse to Jonathan's time in Castle Dracula. The Dracula as conqueror thing = "as vicious as Roman rule" and the lady in black telling him "fear is the heart of love" while he holds his tongue... Well, like I said if I'm looking I could compare that to the vampire ladies' and Dracula's ideas of 'kisses' and love, and Jonathan have to keep quiet about his true feelings during almost his entire stay.
As for the third verse, again less fitting but it comes closest to Jonathan sticking true to this choice later on. They've traveled together, which they always dreamed of doing, and even if this journey doesn't end the way they hope, then it's okay. He'll stay with her. No matter what, no matter where. But the main star is naturally the chorus.
The tone of the music and the song is so interesting in this context because on the one hand, it's way more resigned sounding than Jonathan ever is. He's burning up with a fierce, volcanic desire to make sure this never happens, and no way does the song get that across. But it is still an if/then and just very clear/firm on what the then will be, which does fit him. Again, it sounds so gentle, like he's reassuring Mina... except if he said this out loud to her she'd feel the need to argue against it, so it could only ever be reassuring to a point I guess. But a great song for them for sure.
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medi-bee · 2 years
I would LOVE more of the little neuron eater man!
Also, a second question, why do you have a tail installed? It seems too big to pick things up. Though it looks very nice!!
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Please don't encourage Nips. She can understand you.
My tail? It's there to function as a counterweight, so that I can balance properly. If needed, it also functions as a close-ranged weapon.
... Occasionally it's even turned into a plaything.
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courtofjustice · 2 months
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hi guys . . . its been a brief while since thy has last been on here( it feels like its been a whole year . . 😞 )but thy did wanna say,thank you so much all for 700+ . thy could not believe thy would ever make it to 100 yet here thy am with 700. thy isn’t quite sure if thy will return but for now thy will be posting self - indulgents and some old requests that thy has finish but have not posted. once again thy is extremely grateful for every single one of you <3
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doubledyke · 3 months
By the way, how do you imagine it would be if Edd was the leader of the Eds? Like, what kind of activities do you think he would engage them?
at first i was gonna say the show would be really boring if edd was the leader because all he'd wanna do would be science experiments and archaeology digs. but considering how often his experiments and inventions fail, i suppose there could be some entertainment value in that.
eddy is a good leader because he's kind of a middle ground between ed and edd in a lot of ways. and he's got the confidence and charisma that edd lacks. i don't think edd would want to be leader, too much pressure. and he already serves the important role of keeping eddy grounded in reality (or at least trying to).
most importantly, i don't see eddy allowing anyone else to be head honcho. he's a megalomaniac. plus, if eddy wasn't the leader there wouldn't really be anything to lead, if that makes sense? like i doubt they'd be doing scams since edd claims to be so morally opposed to them. i guess they could go back to dumpster diving for glass bottles?? kills two birds with one stone for him; recycling and making money. but again you don't really need a leader for that. i dunno i never really gave it much thought. basically though i'm so glad eddy is the main character and the leader. he's the best fit for that role.
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blagueofchaos · 11 months
trick or treaaatt<3
You get this mysterious and slightly unsettling Facebook marketplace listing I screenshotted the other day labeled cryptically as "pets", which shows only a variety of seemingly empty boxes!
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Are they invisible pets? Are they small insects? Did the pets they intended to sell in them escape, leaving them to sell only empty boxes? Are they boxes that one leaves out to attract a pet? Are they portals to a secret realm of pets? The world may never know because I am not spending $5 on that! But I guess metaphorically I am stealing one and handing it to you, so you get to find out!
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mothcpu · 2 years
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a new year is once again upon us. welcome to the fourth annual mothcomputer review post!
top ten - P03, leshy, trans V1, iron lung, green mage, halloween ultkl, sentries, P03 (again), raiden, and mirage.
more talk under cut:
with any luck, this year I will complete my degree, with everything else that entails. work on OVERTIME with my co-writer (& fiance) @catboycephalopod will also resume! my goal art-wise is to do a bit more more OC work, including but not limited to comic work. as of writing I'm coding an about page for my general characters (the next step will be putting together 10+ up-to-date refs); OT will get TLC in every plot-related department and maybe some new promo images... but for now, you can just check out its webpage on my site my stretch goal is the same as last year; to make some form of animation or animatic, just to keep in practice. other than that, the same robotposting will keep on happening :thumbsup:
hands down my favorite thing to work on this year was DECT, which gave me the confidence (and motivation) to keep working on my other large projects, and helped break the ice for bearing my heart a little more in my art. despite still finding ways to nitpick it, it means a lot to me. (...here is a shameless shill, and a direct link).
happy new year! stay safe, drink responsibly, maybe play a video game or two. thank you all for being here :) - S
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a-world-in-grey · 18 days
Due to an influx of unwanted solicitations, despite the clear “No Solicitations” label on said askbox, I have decided to enforce my personal boundaries by closing my askbox until further notice.
Those who follow this blog for my fics can also find all of my work crossposted onto my writing sideblog, under the same name as my AO3 handle. As I do not wish for that blog to get solicitations, I will not list the name of the blog in this post, but those with genuine asks relevant to that blog may continue to submit asks there.
To my followers, I sincerely apologize for and regret the inconvenience, as I do enjoy interacting with you all, and those who have interacted with me have been respectful and a joy.
To everyone else, I will not apologize for nor regret enforcing my boundaries. I will not name names. I understand the financial desperation people are going through. But I will not allow that understanding to violate my own boundaries, so I am removing the possibility altogether.
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rosyjuly · 2 years
If you’re still taking asks: Sebastian/Lewis and Jealousy?? Thank you!!
After the interview is finally over, Nico catches his elbow in an unexpectedly firm grip, his thumb pressing into Sebastian's bicep. Sebastian stays motionless, tries to school his face into something at least bordering on friendly. 
“He’s not going to fuck you, you know,” Nico says, tilting his head. On his lips, there’s a small smile declaring the axiom Nico has always held self-evident: I’m better, I know better.   
Sebastian looks around the corridor to check if there’s anyone that could overhear the conversation. There isn’t, thank God; it’s just miles of white walls. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he replies. He doesn’t pull his arm away, doesn’t want to give Nico the satisfaction of it.
Nico laughs, high and pleased with himself. The perfect pearls of teeth gleam under the fluorescent lights.
“Of course you do," he grins. "Lewis. He’s never going to fuck you, Seb.”
He already did, Sebastian wants to say. Twice.
He also doesn’t actually want to share that with anyone, least of all Nico. It’s something he’s tucked away deep within himself. 
“Lewis is my friend,” he says instead. “I don’t understand why you’re so jealous about us spending time together.”
Nico laughs at him again, throwing his head back, the tendons in his neck shifting.
“Jealous? I don’t have to be jealous, Sebastian. He would never go for you. Look at yourself,” he makes a show of looking Sebastian up and down.
“Not everyone is attracted to an entire tube of hair gel,” Sebastian says mildly. His mouth feels dry all of a sudden.
“Please,” Nico snorts. “If he was into the whole boy next door thing, he could have a Hemsworth. He has better taste than that, though.”
Sebastian snorts. “Better taste, as in you?”
Nico’s smile is, once again, self-evident. 
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softpine · 9 months
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lmaoo i actually saw a post about how to properly censor images; because AI can just remove black bars now and read what's underneath, you have to actually delete the part you're trying to hide and THEN add the black bars on top just to denote that you removed something. i obviously don't care about confidentiality when it comes to something as silly as my sims story, but it's good to know for anyone who works with important web documents!! soooo you're gonna need more than x ray vision because those words are not on the photo anymore :P
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mmmm cornbread and mac & cheese sounds so good, i would love to try baking it on top to make kind of a crispy casserole texture. i love to crush up potato chips and put them on top of avocado toast :D ohhh and i love dipping french fries in vanilla milkshakes
ANYWAY MY CHARACTERS (can you tell i'm hungry fjskjds) i think stevie has a remarkable ability to eat really nasty things just to make people laugh but otherwise she eats normally. elaine will try any of those novelty desserts like bacon dipped in chocolate or fried oreos because she has a sweet tooth. asa & beth being vegans can put together a meal from the most random forgotten food at the back of the cupboard. oh and casper will eat THE weirdest food when he's bulking up lmao because he's naturally skinny so his goal is just to pack in as many calories as possible; drown a ham roast in mayo, add shots of olive oil & eggs to protein shakes, cover salmon with peanut butter, etc etc. nasty stuff lol
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@morrigan-sims lmaoo i believe your word, don't worry ;-; i love that you have such solid memories because i do the same thing with the media i love (like the day i started watching supernatural with my friend because our school had a half day due to a big snow storm in 2012 fjskjd) so i'll take it as a huge compliment that you remember where you were when you started reading frozen pines! thank you so much for all your kind words 💖 i've just been feeling insecure for reasons that have nothing to do with any of the lovely people who read my story, but the love i got in response to that post made me so happy anyway!! i can't say thank you enough, especially to you in particular because you've always been SO kind to me and i appreciate everything you've done for me 💗💗 i hope you have a wonderful day morri!!!
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my bad i didn't see this until thursday fjksjds 🐪
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i'm so sorry if i forgot to answer this or if i did answer it and i just can't remember, my memory has been BAD bad lately but this made me so happy to read!! thank you so much for spending your time with my story 🥺 i really appreciate it 💖💖
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i'm also sorry if i forgot to answer this ahhhhh :( but that's a good question!! most other ghosts we've seen don't have enough consciousness to even realize that finn is different from them, let alone be jealous of him. they're trapped in their own little worlds with no awareness of their surroundings. it's really bleak :(
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