#clearly since my dumbass started talking to them again bc i felt bad
allofuswantgwinam · 2 years
i made the mistake of telling my psycho extremely right aunt that I have covid and now she’s trying to be my doctor and figure out if I just have the flu or covid. BITCH I HAVE COVID I DONT NEED YOU TO INTERROGATE ME WHILE I AM DYING JUST TELL ME YOU HOPE I GET BETTER WTF WOMAN
just wanna add that i just realized that she spelled “symptoms” as “simtens”. don’t think i need her advice:))))))))) just wish me mf well
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wheeier · 3 years
trust me
summary: steve coming out to you as bisexual :)
warnings: fluff !! nervous steve, maybe emotional reader bc that would be me
i got teary-eyes writing this but yeah anyways
bisexual!steve harrington x fem!reader
steve had been thinking about it for three months now. at first he didn't believe it – thinking it's not real and he's just insane, because all he know is boys like girls, and girls like boys. poor boy doesn't even know that the word bisexual actually exists. but after robin came out to him as lesbian almost a year ago, maybe the feeling he has was right this entire time. he isn't crazy as he think he is.
steve decided to talk to robin about the situation, since she knows better about this than anyone else.
"i just don't know why you won't tell her," robin says as she puts phoebe cates' standee in place, scrunching her face at her friend, who was visibly stressed out about the current situation. "(y/n) obviously loves you and will accept you no matter what. hell, she's like, head over heels for you. anyone can tell if they see you two together." she finishes as she walks near the boy.
steve lets out a huff, "i know she loves me, i do too. but i'm still scared." he says quietly, thinking anyone would hear, although they were about to close the store and no one was around except them two.
"that's fine. you know, i was so afraid to tell you about me, too. but you've gained my trust, dingus. and you're stuck with me for life." robin pats his shoulder as a way of her saying that his feeling is totally valid and also a way of her saying thank you.
trust. it's a big word for steve. he had trusted so many people in his life, but most of them betrayed and hurt him. he already lost the person he once truly loved and trust, nancy wheeler. it hurt him so much, like someone took his glass heart and dropped it, stomped on it, destroyed it in a thousand pieces.
he doesn't know if he can handle it if he loses you too.
"i'm just- what if she gets upset? what if she runs away?" steve turned his head to robin with a terrified face. "then it's her loss. you're an amazing person, steve. although you're a dumbass most of the time." steve lightly punched her shoulder, making her laugh.
"in all seriousness, just tell (y/n) what you feel when you're ready. i'm sure she won't do anything that would hurt you. i'm telling you she loves you more than anything you could ever think of."
a week after that conversation with robin, he was finally sure about what he is and what he likes.
the phone ringing from the living room caught your attention right after you put the pancakes on the plate. "it's just 7 in the morning, who the hell calls this early?" you muttered to yourself.
he immediately felt bad when he heard your frustrated 'hello' on the other line. "babe, hey. good morning, i'm sorry if i interrupted you or anything." you smiled upon hearing his voice. "hey, it's fine, don't worry about it. what made you call this early?" you asked as you sat on the floor. "i..i need to tell you something, but not here on the phone. i wanna tell it in person." you could tell that his voice was mixed with seriousness and anxiousness, which made you assume the worst.
"oh, okay. um.. are you gonna come here? i just made pancakes, i know you love those." you suggested, glancing back at the table as the smell of the pancake filled the house.
steve agreed and told you he would be there in a few minutes so you prepared breakfast for him and prepared some orange juice.
as expected, steve came ringing the doorbell and you fixed your hair a bit before opening the door. you half-expected him to look smiley and happy, but it was different. you stepped aside to let him in and shut the door.
"what is it that you wanted to tell me?" you said calmly, almost comforting that made steve melt. you brushed a strand of his hair away from his face and rest your hand on his cheek. "can we..sit?" he mutters quietly and you nodded.
you intertwined your fingers with his and dragged him to the kitchen where his favorite breakfast lays. he sat beside you, not saying any words. his heart was beating so fast and he's sure that you can practically hear it.
"everything okay?" you asked after putting the pancakes on your plate. you were starting to get nervous, thinking it's really that serious. "how..where do i even begin with this.. uh.." steve started mumbling to himself, you placed your hand on his forearm, letting him know that he can trust you.
steve let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. "you know you can tell me anything, right? whatever that is, you can trust me." he stared into your eyes, searching for any hint of lie – but there weren't any.
he slightly nodded before looking around but you. "i like you, i mean, of course i do, you're my girlfriend. jesus, uh.. you know i love you, right?"
"yeah," your voice was quiet, unable to speak clearly because of the loud beating of your heart, but at least he admitted that he actually loves you. "yeah. of course."
steve took a deep breath, having the courage to look at your eyes. "before i say it, if you get mad i totally get it, but i hope you won't be. i just, don't wanna lose y-"
"just get to the point, please. i promise i won't be mad." you gave him a reassuring smile, and he returened you one.
there was a few seconds of silence before he speaks again. "..i like girls. and.." he started, and you made a confused face. "and..i'm pretty sure i'm attracted to..guys, too." his voice trails off but you were able to catch it. he started to panic when you didn't say anything.
he looks down on his palm, picking his nails like he used to when he's anxious. "robin said it's called bisexual, at first i didn't know what it means but now i'm sure that i am that. and i've been thinking about that in the last three months but i didn't know how to tell you, because.. i was scared that you will leave me," his voice almost broke and when he had the courage, he looked back into your eyes. "but just know that i love you so much and if you don't love me anym–" he was interrupted with your hug, slowly letting out a sob which made him worry.
"(y/n)?" he was relieved when you looked up with a smile, sniffing as you let go of him. "sorry, this should be your moment, i just got carried away." you slightly laughed as you wiped your tears. he didn't say anything, he just looked at you, waiting for an answer.
"steve harrington, what made you think that i would ever leave you?" you held his hands with yours, drawing circles using your thumb to help him relax.
"you're not-"
"mad? no, of course not." you shook your head in disagreement. "why would i be mad at you? in fact, i am so so proud of you," you rest your hands on either side of his cheeks, his eyes still wide. "i know it's hard for you to do this but you did it, you're brave, and.. that's one of the things why i love you too." the tears went back to your eyes, "and i am glad that you did this, it means so much to me because i know that you trust me."
you sniffed, then let out a shaky breath. "i have no reason to be mad at you, steve. there's literally no reason. nothing will change. i'm still (y/n), your girlfriend and you're still steve, the love of my life and the one i would marry someday." steve smiled at your words and was about to make a joke about it, but stopped himself because he doesn't wanna ruin the moment.
"you became true to yourself and accepted it. there's nothing wrong with that." at this point you didn't care about the tears in your eyes, because he was crying too.
when he didn't say anything you just wiped his warm tears and pulled him for a hug, which he returned this time. "i love you so much, steve. more than anything you could ever think of."
his mind recalls the time when he talked to robin — when she said the same exact thing, and she was right.
"me too. i love you."
you were the first one to pull away from the hug that seemed like hours. "hey, stop crying now because i'll cry even more. i'm an emotional mess, remember?" you both laughed at your comment as he wiped your tear-stained cheek. you were glad to hear his laugh again, that laugh that you always admired. "okay." he chuckles as he nods, wiping his own tears too.
he turned to the table, ready to eat the now-cold pancakes you made. you remembered he even said that it doesn't taste the same if it wasn't you who cooked it.
once you both finished eating breakfast and cleaned the table, you headed back to the living room, prepared the movie ferris bueller's day off and he sits beside you, lower than usual so that your chin reaches the top of his head. you notice him look up at you, so you tilted your head down to see. "what?" you grin.
steve quirked an eyebrow, remembering your words from earlier. "so you're gonna marry me someday, huh?" he teased, but he knows you were serious. "no, actually. that was just for show." you rolled your eyes jokingly while a smile was visibly showing on your lips. "of course, dummy. there's no other person in the world that i would want to marry but you." when he smiled, you planted a kiss on his forehead before continuing to watch the movie.
you wrap your arm around his shoulder as you brush his hair with your other hand and not even an hour yet, he was already sound asleep in your arms.
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omegawolverine · 4 years
I love it when people talk about things they're passionate about, tell me something cool!! Anything you want, just something you find interesting or want to talk about :D
hello anon my beloved, I am in a bad mood so you will be receiving a passionate, yet lowkey of pissy rant about why villainizing bakugou makes me wanna vomit and its NOT just because I'm a dumbass kinnie :)
tws: child abuse (emotional and physical), near death expierences, bullying, kidnapping, suffocation, lots of trauma in general tbh. if you've seen bnha then basically just keep all the general triggering plot stuff in mind incase i missed any warnings
also, note: I havent caught up on bnha in a minute, I'm at like the start of the war arc but I barely remember shit there tbh so like. probs missing new stuff. also bnha spoiler warnings lol
so, for starters, the homie bakugou has like,, a good handful of issues that come from his childhood that explain why he's an ass. he was always praised and never actually reprimanded for being a twat which led to him having a huge ego that ended up fucking him over majorly. this ego was something that his mother acknowledged him having, but literally didnt try to fix it with anything other than violence. see here:
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like, instead of trying to help him, she hits and insults him, which is probably what led to his weird inferiority/superiority complex. being constantly told by others that you're outstanding and one day you'll be a top hero because you're rude and aggressive and then going home and being hit by your mother for those exact same behaviors is bound to fucking confuse a child.
so like, now that we've established that its definetly canon that his mother (parents? I think he said parents at some point but masaru doesn't seem like the type so 🤷) hits him though we don't know how much or how often (though if bakugou was as much of a little shit back then ((which as far as we've seen- he was)) then it was probably often), lets talk about how regardless of all that 1) hitting your kids as "discipline" not only doesn't work but is abusive lol like idc if it's spanking/popping them on the mouth for talking shit, slapping them across the face "on occasion", etc. shits not okay 2) hitting your kids!!!! does not work!!!!!!!! it is literally PROVEN not to work!!!!!!!! hitting a child who has done something wrong doesnt teach them to stop doing something it teaches them to be scared of you, which will cause the child to withdraw, removing part of their support system (assuming said abusive parents would even offer that up) and will most likely lead to them thinking they're a bad person, not that their actions were bad, which are two different things. so, ya know, that would clearly have an effect on a kid. like, as someone with a mother who reminds me all too much of mitsuki: I have acted like a complete shitbag and taken my anger out on people to feel better in the past because of the way my mother treated me. though it was nowhere near what bakugou did, I still know first fucking hand what a mother hitting and insulting her child will do, especially if they have no proper outlet for that (friends, a safe place to vent) which bakugou never fucking had.
theres also the fact that just talking to your kid the way mitsuki does (saying it's his fault he was kidnapped because he's weak, all while hitting him) is not??? okay?????? ive seen people arguing that this was just a joke in poor taste but like her son was KIDNAPPED and even if it was a "joke" there's literally NO WAY that would EVER?? BE FUNNY??????? she just sounds like the kind of parent who at the very least says shit without thinking that would traumatize bakugou (because being told right after being kidnapped it's your fucking fault by your mother is absolutely traumatizing) but it comes across as her being emotionally abusive.
mitsukis character as a whole comes across as a shitty mom who doesn't realize she's a shitty mom and thinks bakugou being an ass isn't at least partially her fault even though she's admitted to realizing he has always had an ego problem and doing nothing to fix it except for hitting and yelling which obviously did nothing but make him just as loud and violent as she is.
this is obviously not the entire reason why he's a dick but he was never properly taught that the shit he was doing wasn't okay and people not stopping it and/or praising him endlessly even tho he was a bully is basically the same as encouraging it, thank you very much.
moving on from that, let's talk about bakugous other traumas and how he naturally responds to them. hint: it's with either full blown panic or a fight response (verbal or physical, though usually physical. also sometimes it's the panic followed by the fight response.)
so far in bnha (keep in mind that I am not caught up, I've only read up to the beginning of the war arc and i barely remember those bits so) bakugou has...
nearly died via sludge villain (he was unable to move and was being suffocated to death- keep this in mind)
lost for the first time ever and against deku of all people (this nearly sent him into a full blown panic attack, likely because of that sexy little inferiority/superiority complex combo. think of this as like. gifted kid burnout lite. he has always been the best of the best and now suddenly he is being beaten by somebody who has always been weaker than him, which immediately makes him start thinking he was never actually that good, he's actually a fucking failure, a goddamn fraud)
won the sports festival by default (bakugou counts this as yet another failure because todoroki didnt try his best. had bakugou lost to todoroki full strength, he would've taken 2nd place with a bit of bitching, but he still wouldve taken it rather than refuse the medal as it would be a reminder that he failed. instead of accepting that like UA shouldve, the staff chained and muzzled him on live television and then had all might, his fucking idol, force the medal into his mouth. remember the sludge villain incident and how he couldnt move and was suffocating to death? yeah.)
been kidnapped because of the way he reacted to winning during the sports festival (he was aggressive and tried to refuse the medal because he felt he didnt deserve it and was then retraumatized by being chained up and muzzled. his "villainous attitude" was a fucking trauma response, do not tell me otherwise)
was then chained up once again by the LOV after being kidnapped,,, do we see the "retraumatize bkg" theme yet?
"ended all might" (he literally blames himself for all mights retirement because had he just not have been weak, all might wouldve had more time, right?)
my point with all of these is that bakugou has been severely traumatized and has then had his trauma responses (aggression, fight) used to further demonize him. not all people with trauma react the fucking same and the way the fandom just refuses to acknowledge anger as a valid form of trauma response is gross as hell.
moving away from that topic, bakugou has literally never had any actual friends, they all just used him and didn't care about him which absolutely will fuck up a kid, especially one who already has all that other shit going on. bakugou deadass never had a support system or people to help him grow as a person, let alone properly work through his fucking emotions so it's not surprising that he would take out his bullshit on the one person who tried to help him especially considering he saw dekus actions as him thinking he was weak. bakugou was raised to not seek help, he thought somebody strong shouldnt ever need it, so for somebody like deku (who bakugou percieved as weak and helpless already) to offer up help? deku must obviously think bakugou is even weaker than him, what other explanation could their possibly be!
speaking of which, there's his heaps of insecurities that he basically hid by being a twat and bullying others for most of his life. kid was so insecure he bullied deku for fucking years cause he thought deku looked down on him, thought he was better than him, etc. and that only got worse bc his idol then decided to take deku in, train him and even give him his quirk. there's probably some shit im missing but still he's got issues and always has had issues. that being said, he's actually improving and working them out now which is what makes him a really good, interesting character. it's also nice to see a character who is a dick without some tragic backstory (like his backstory is sad but its not the classic "my family was fucking slaughtered and i turned into a raging bitch who murders people" type shit) bc that rarely happens and it's like most assholes don't actually have a story like that they're just assholes lol
now lets talk improvement! lil bitch has been getting better since he got into UA and im so happy abt it!! he had a rough start what with deku suddenly having a quirk and all but like he is really improving now and it highkey shows that bakugou just mostly needed people who 1) didn't constantly praise him and actually criticized him instead 2) actually fucking punished him doing stupid shit and 3) some motherfucking friends
Since going to UA he's gotten actually feedback from teachers about his weaknesses and how to get stronger, he's lost against others, hes been told he has a shit attitude and is a dick, told he should be nicer and leave deku alone, etc etc. He hasn't gotten in trouble too much with teachers but others give him shit for what he does and aizawa has punished him too, while still acknowledging that bakugou is an amazing and dedicated student, something which no one else had done up til that point. and uh???? homie actually has friends who like,,, don't use him and also call him out when he's a dick. like specifically kirishima has done this shit and him and bakugous relationship is clearly very healthy and beneficial for the both of them. makes me feel all happy n shit, ya know
bottom line is: while it is absolutely valid to dislike or even hate bakugou because he is a massively flawed person who has been very cruel to others, villainizing him for the way he acts which in large part seems to be from a lack of guidance, a shitty mother and heavy amounts of trauma, is fucking awful. his actions cannot be fucking excused, he needs to apologize and continue to grow, but he is also a fucking teenager, who is just now being told that the way he acts is unacceptable by people who dont fucking abuse him (and I swear to god if any people who think mitsuki isnt abusive interact with this fucking post I will fullstop hardblock you, I do not fucking care) and actually treat him like a normal person instead of some prodigy child or someone who needs to be fixed.
people are free to debate my points or whatever bc I know some of this stuff is up to interpretation but like. dni if you're just here to say you hate bakugou for xyz reason or that he's irredeemable. also especially dni if you compare him to fucking endeavor yall bitches make me gag.
anyways thxs for the ask anon <33 sorry this is a kinda messy info dump lol
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violetnotez · 4 years
hello!! how are u today? i hope youre well💖 may i request a baku crushing on a girl who is native eng speaker, but has never heard her speak. however one day the whole class is watching some eng movie n y/n starts dissing the movie in eng bc its so bad n the whole class is sHOCKED BC HER VOICE IS SO FLUENT N SM DEEPER IN ENG. bakubabe is just there like damn thats hot.
Hey babes! I’m doing well thank you, just doing some stuffs for my art blog! I hope youre doing well 💕💕also thank you to @gallickingun for the mangacap, it saved me so much time and I was actually able to color it! 😍
Also: IM ALIVE!!!! I LITERALLY WROTE THIS TODAY AND OMG I MISS WIRITNG! I’ll start on that Dabi x reader fic I mentioned in a little bit, just wanted to post this! Hopefully it’s good lmao
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⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2020
⤷ Warnings: cursing its bakubabe
⤷ Synopsis: Bakugo won’t admit it to himself, but he’s conflicted: he knows he has a crush on you, but his dumbass won’t admit it-well, until he hears your sexy American voice.
Song Recs: ⤷If I Cant Have You-Shawn Mendes⤷Thinking About You-Calvin Harris ⤷Rather Be-Clean Bandit
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This was so stupid. Completely dumb and a waste of his time.
Bakugo slumped in his seat a little more, a grumble escaping his lips as he tried to focus on the screen in front of him, his broad shoulders crossed in front of him.
He should be sleeping right now, not sitting and watching this dumbass romantic American movie, especially when you were by his side.
There was no reason why his cheeks should feel hotter when you laughed at the movie, or his hands feel clammy with his sweat everytime you shifted your body closer to him.
It was pissing him off, because no matter how much he tried to ignore the pent up emotions in his chest, he had to admit it to himself-he had a goddamn crush.
On you, the goddamn exchange student.
Fucking great.
His lips pouted as he sulked in his seat on the couch, trying his best to glue his eyes to the screen instead of sneaking a glance at your profile.
The TV showed one of the most sickly sweet and horrific scenes he had ever witnessed: the main couple on screen were finally declaring their love to each other, their voices getting louder and more desperate as they tried to one up each other, almost as if battling to see who could last the longest.
“I love you to the moon!”
“I love you to the moon and back!”
“I love you to the moon and all the stars in the sky!”
“And I love you to-“
A laugh erupted next to him, Bakugo swiveling his head over to see you giggling in your seat, your pretty lips parted as those sweet sounds came from your mouth.
“God, this is terrible!” You chuckled, shaking your head as you said it.
Bakugo’s face reddened, his eyes widening from the sounds coming from your mouth.
Your sentence wasn’t in Japanese: it was foreign and new, American sounding.
Bakugo was used to your voice sounding light and airy when you talked in Japanese, like a leaf on a autumn breeze as it floated into his ears and danced in his mind whenever you spoke his native language. Sometimes you would fumble over the words, trying to piece the meanings together as a blush formed on your cheeks and your eyes turned up from embarrassment. He always made fun of you from it, usually telling you to “Spit it out Baka, I don’t got all day”, but really-he absolutely loved it. You sounded so sweet, so innocent and endearing: he just wanted to wrap you in a hug and envelope himself in your sugar sweet voice.
But right now, your voice was somehow the opposite-it was deeper and richer, like warm,auburn honey on a summer evening. It coated his mind in its thick numbness, the only thing he could think of was how deep and sultry, and well, sexy, it sounded coming from your lips.
He squirmed in his seat, hating how much that little change in your tone affected him so much as you continued to giggle at the wreck of a movie in front of you.
Your class turned to look at you, their faces clearly as shocked as Bakugo’s-they had never actually heard your voice when you spoke English, and they weren’t quite used to it.
You looked at your classmates, your face twisted in innocent confusion.
“What? What did I say?” You asked again in that sultry American voice, making Bakugo shift in his seat, his face looking away from you as he covered his mouth with his hand.
Damn you needed to get that voice under control-he felt like you were controlling his emotions when you spoke like that.
“Whoa y/n you know English!” Kamianri propped himself up, his face clearly in awe as he yelled it out the words.
Sero, who was sitting beside him, chuckled at his air headed friend, giving him a judging look.
“Uh, you do realize she’s from America, right?” Sero snickered, Kamianri looking sheepish as he realized his forgetfulness.
“Oops, Sorry!” He yelled out again, earning a laugh from you and the rest of your classmates.
Jealousy bubbled inside Bakugo like a volcanic eruption, the dangerous emotion barely being contained inside him as his fists clenched.
He hated when others made you laugh, especially his freinds, who unfortunately figured out the crush he had on you a few weeks back. Hearing you giggle at his idiot friends made him want to yell out in possession, declaring that they should know that you were his-well would be his- and they should lay off. But you didn’t suspect a thing about his feelings, and he really didn’t feel like looking like a possessive freak in front of you.
He felt your body shift next to his, his heart beating faster as your finger tapped his shoulder.
“Hey, Uh, Bakugo?” You whispered, the sweet tone of your Japanese voice making him shudder pleasantly, as well as long for your deeper American voice.
He grunted in response, his arms still slung across his broad chest.
“Did I talk in my American voice?”
He scoffed, his eyes rolling in his sockets at how adorably oblivious you could be sometimes. He sent you a shit eating smirk, his vermillion eyes dark like wine.
“What do you think?” He stated, but he didn’t say it in his language, no-he said it English.
He watched your face instantly light up, your eyes bright with excitement and awe as you gasped.
“Wait-you know English?!” You yelled out in awe, a smile erupting on your face. That smile seemed to shake his world, his mind eternally thanking that the room was so dark as his cheeks flushed.
“Of course I know English,” he scoffed, “what idiot doesnt.”
You giggled at his comment, your body shifting closer to his.
Damn it, his cheeks were getting hotter-he could feel your shoulder a mere centimeters away from his, your skin radiating a coolness that felt so soothing being near his permanently hot flesh.
You leaned in closer, your eyes watching his face with sweetness. “How long have you been speaking it?” you asked, but in that hot ass American voice-he was about to combust right then and there.
Shit-he would never admit it, but he hadn’t been exactly practicing his second language. He had learned it back in middle school, when it was a required class, and he had passed it with flying colors of course. Over the years though, he began to forget it, and he was pretty rusty now, now only remembering a few phrases (‘What do you think?’ being one of them)
“Ahh-“ he grumbled out, feeling stupid for not even understanding what you had said. He felt those pretty eyes of yours continue to stare at him, making him feel almost guilty for leading you on as you face fell slightly.
“You didn’t understand what I said, did you?” You asked sadly, back to using your airy Japanese voice. He hated seeing you look so disappointed, as if he let you down in some way.
“Of course I do, dumbass, I just-“
“It’s been awhile since you spoken it?”
He grunted in reply, your mind already translating that to a “Yes.”
Your face somehow light up again, your body even closer to his as you shimmied yourself near him.
“Then I’ll reteach you it!”
“Huh?” He looked at you, his eyes slanted as you peered at you with an almost judging look. What the hell were you playing at?
You nodded again, your lips letting out a slight hum.
“Yeah, I’ll teach you a phrase in English! To be honest, I miss having someone to talk to in my language…” you chuckled at your revelation, your eyes coated in embarrassment.
Well shit-if you needed someone to talk to in English, he was going to be the one to do it. With his damn luck Icy Hot and damn Deku would jump in and be your little English buddy. His skin crawled at the idea of you getting all cozy with one of those two bastards, his insides light up like a fire.
“Fine,” he huffed out, pretending like he was giving in, “but I’m not sitting through a whole damn lesson.”
You chuckled slightly, brushing a piece of hair behind your ears.
“Don’t worry, I’ll start off easy,” you smiled up at him, looking up slightly as if in thought.
“We’ll start with a something easy,” you instructed.
“I’ll teach you-“your sweet Japanese voice suddenly turned rich like syrup as it switched to American. ‘Hi my name is Bakugo”,
“Easy enough?” You asked, switching back to Japanese.
“Fucking elementary,” he scoffed, “yeah I can do it.”
“Cool!” You exclaimed quietly, still mindful of your classmates watching the crappy movie. You shimmied again, your face squarely staring at his as you waited for him to start speaking, your eyes expecting and wide with anticipation.
Shit he was supposed to be paying attention?
Bakugo cursed himself in his mind, as he was too preoccupied listening to your hot as hell American accent.
Damn, he was going to have a hard time talking to you in English, especially if you said his name like that. He hadn't realized how mezmorized he was by the way you spoke his name, your voice low and sultry as if you were telling him a secret, something he was only able to hear. His spine tingled and his hands clammed up again, making his mouth feel dry.
Shit, you’d be the end of him.
He opened his mouth, feeling uncharacteristically nervous as he tried to speak the words you had spoken. He could barely remember how you had said them though, the syllables coming out his mouth feeling cracked and awkward.
“H-hi my n-ame is...shit!” He cursed at himself, hating the way the words felt in his mouth. He couldn't say them right, knowing full well he looked like an idiot as his cheeks began to redden.
He heard you giggle next to him, the voice sounding sweet and kind against his ear.
“It okay,” you reassured him, “your just opening your mouth a little too wide...here-“
Before he could register what was even going on, your hand had wrapped delicately around his jaw, the floral scent of your perfume swarming his mind and making him unable to think straight. Your digits were pressing against his hot cheeks, forcing his lips to pout out slightly.
Damn, if he thought he was blushing, it was nothing compared to this-it felt like his cheeks were on fire.
You laughed at his clearly shocked face, his vermillion eyes wide and filled with confusion.
“Don’t worry, Bakugo, I’m just helping you,” you reassured him, your voice feathery as you whispered close to his ear.
Why the hell did that sound so hot?
You sent him another smile, speaking again in Japanese and then back to English, “Just say- ‘Hi my name is Bakugo’,”
he continued to star at you, actually beginning to like the feel your digits pressed against his mouth.
He swallowed, trying to coat his dry mouth with saliva.
“Hi-my name-is-Bakugo,” he stuttered out.
He wouldn’t ever say it out loud, but he had to admit it-his English voice did sound much better with your fingers pressed against his cheeks like that.
You clearly noticed it as well, your face triumphant and proud. “There ya go, that sounded so much better!” You congratulated him, your fingers retracting from his skin.
He already missed the feeling of your cold skin against his hot flesh, his cheeks feeling empty without your digits pressing against them.
He sucked the flesh of his cheeks into his mouth, moving his jaw.
“Shitty woman-need to give me a warning-“ he scolded you, his hands feeling clammy with the sudden change in events.
You rolled your eyes, lying yourself against the couch cushions and returning your gaze to the TV.
“Well, your going to have to get used to it if I’m going to teach you more-“
“Teach me more?!?” He practically yelled out, gaining a few confusing looks from his classmates.
“Of course!” you smiled as if it was obvious, “need to make sure your fluent enough for a conversation dumbie!”
“It’s also fun seeing you blush like that Bakugo,” you playfully nudged his ribcage, sending him a wink as you turned your gaze to the movie, unaware of how flustered you just made him.
Well shit-he thought numbly, a small grin playing against his mouth-you were something else.
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@weebartistinc​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​ @bakarinnie​
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Stuck with U (Peter Hale x Reader)
[Teen Wolf-Masterlist]
Summary: The only thing the pack wanted to do was to find the hunters that kept hurting the innocent. A plan was a good start but what if they managed to kidnap you anyway? And if that was not enough...with Peter out of everyone. To say you guys despised one another would be an understatement. Still, the most important thing now was to keep a clear head & to work on a solution. Together.
Words: 3,482
Warnings: language, Peter & Reader being sarcastic assholes, age gap (Reader is of legal age), kidnapping, angst (so much angst), fluff (bc let´s be honest...Peter is a big ol´ softie)
Inspired by: “Stuck with U” by Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber 
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Mmm Hey, yeah (That's just for fun) (What?) Ah, yeah
You were in your senior year of high school & even though you loved your friends endlessly, you were eager to graduate & leave Beacon High behind you. There were just way too many bad experiences you associated with that place. But, on a lighter note, if you had not started at this high school, you would have never met the pack. At first, it scared the shit out of you. The monsters you had dreamed about as a small child were reality. They were somewhere out there, in the dark corners of the country.
Lately, you guys had a little, well actually not so little, problem with a few hunters who wanted to see your pack dead, you included. Why? You were not sure. It was not like you were a werewolf or a banshee. Just a simple teenager who got thrown into this mess. But you did not want to have it any other way. Yeah, the days as an average human surrounded by powerful supernatural beings were hard but you knew how much you were needed.
You were all located at Derek´s loft, figuring out a way to stop the hunters. Now, not all hunters were bad. Chris Argent, for example, was eager to help you guys to put the killers to a stop just as much as you did. The thing was that it always seemed they were a step ahead of you. Even some of Stiles´ plans had previously failed, much to your dismay.
“Maybe we should just go into groups of two & trick them into thinking we´re not all planning on hunting them down?” Peter sighed with a roll of his eyes.
“Sure, because that always works in the movies, right?” it was you who shot him a glance, making the rest of the pack grow quiet.
Peter & you hated each other. Ever since you guys first met. You were fed up with his constant sarcasm & how he could not see the real danger & had to make fun of everything. He immediately caught up to your negative feelings toward him, thanks to his werewolf senses. And neither of you were sure why you hated each other so much, you simply kept rolling with it. The others were at a point where they did not even pay much attention to your bickering anymore. You had better things to do for fuck´s sake.
You were not really paying attention to what the others were saying, too lost in your own thoughts. Graduation was way sooner than you anticipated & you had not really spent a lot of time studying, due to those fucking hunters. What was even worse...you had to deal with a big ass crush. It was not like you wanted to catch feelings, it just sort of...happened. With so many amazing, kind & attractive guys in your pack...you had to pick the one you “hated” most: Peter Hale. Maybe that was another reason why you always fought with him. To keep your feelings at bay. First of all, he was too old for you, clearly he would not have any interest in such a young person. Second of all, he hated you with his guts, you were sure & everyone else could feel it too. So you hid your feelings, acting as if nothing bothered you whatsoever. By the time you started focusing on the conversation the pack held, the plan was already settled. And by your surprise, Peter´s plan was about to happen. Stiles said if you were able to circle them & two of you being baits, you actually had a chance of stopping them. The pack decided to set out at night so less people would be able to see you.
~time skip~
Another one of Stiles´ plans (well, actually Peter´s plan) failed. At first, everything looked optimistic. You all got into groups of two & Scott said it was better for you to be a bait. Of course you understood why, you did not have “superpowers” like the rest but you were not that bad when it came to fighting, you had to give that to yourself.
“Okay, fine. Does that mean Stiles & I are a group?” you gave up & asked the obvious.
“Um, actually...(Y/N), I need Stiles next to me & we thought it was the best if Peter & you teamed up” Scott hesitated & scratched the back of his neck, knowing you were not okay with the pack´s decision. His words made you snap up. You could not believe what you just heard. You & Peter? It was bad enough that you guys always argued but it was even worse because you knew you could not keep focus with him next to you. Stupid crush…
“I think the fuck not.” Peter growled, throwing a disgusted look at you. Very nice of him. You would lie if you said you were not hurt by his words.
“Peter, you are the last one to decide in this group. So if we say you & (Y/N) are the baits then you don´t argue with us, understood?” this time it was Derek who tried to talk some sense into Peter. It seemed to work because after that, Peter made his way over to the couch & sat down, leaving the rest of you in the kitchen.
“Good luck with him, sweetie. If you need help, you know what to do.” Lydia winked at you, then her face showed a sympathetic look. I'm not one to stick around One strike and you're out, baby Don't care if I sound crazy But you never let me down, no, no That's why when the sun's up, I'm stayin' Still layin' in your bed, sayin'
It was dark & Peter & you were already on position. It was an abandoned alleyway and you would have lied if you claimed you were not scared. Peter seemed to sense your anxiety & tried to calm you down, at least a bit. 
“We have so many badass people on our side, they won´t let anything happen to you. Besides, you still got me.” with that, he shot you a wink to which you started blushing. Your eyes focused on the floor so Peter would  not notice you cheeks heating up. Due to your reaction, he assumed you were but he did not comment on it. He simply smiled. A smile you could not see because your own shoes seemed to peek your interest more.
“(Y/N)! Watch out!” Peter´s scream was the last thing you heard before passing out.
Here you were. Tied up in a room that seemed to have no doors. This fact alone let your anxiety rise up the moment you opened your eyes. Looking around, your eyes settled on Peter who was just a few feet away from you, still unconscious.
“Peter! Peter, wake up!” after a few more tries you heard him groaning out. His wrists were bruised, just like yours, from being tied up. If you had not known better, you would have guessed you two had been held hostage for a long time.
“You alright?” were Peter´s first words, directed at you. You were confused, since when did he care about your well-being? Nevermind, you had bigger issues at the moment.
“I´m fine, how about you?” you lied. To be completely honest, you were a wreck. Your heart was racing, your throat was dry, your wrists were bleeding so bad, they were numb.
“Cut the bullshit, (Y/N)! I´m a werewolf...not a dumbass.” he stated matter of factly. That made you tense up even more. You really were not in the mood for dealing with his hatred.
“Look, Peter, just for as long as we´re here, can we stop the arguing? It´s not helpful.” your voice sounded exhausted. At first, Peter wanted to come at you with a snarky remark but when he looked over to you, he saw nothing but fear so he decided against it.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Got all this time on my hands
Might as well cancel our plans, yeah
I could stay here for a lifetime
Neither of you said much but you both knew you had been locked up for a couple of hours by now. While you were way too tired to think of an escape plan, Peter had spent most of the time using his claws to free himself of the rope wrapped around his wrists. You had told him a while ago that his attempts were useless but he had just growled at you & kept going. Not wanting to argue any further, you let him do whatever & just stayed silent, trying to calm yourself.
Suddenly, you felt someone grabbing your hands, making you shriek. You thought it was one of the guys who had kidnapped you but were surprised when Peter crouched down in front of you.
“Shh, it´s just me, you´re alright.” his voice had a soothing tone to it, something you had not heard from him before. A look at his wrists made you wince. You were sure yours did not look any better. Peter used his claws again, this time working faster because he had two hands he could use. When you were finally freed, your arms fell to your sides, not being strong enough to take a closer look at your wrists.
“We need to bandage your wrists up, otherwise they get infected. Yours are way worse than mine.” his voice was barely above a whisper &, to your surprise, it managed to calm you down a lot better than you thought it would.
“Why?” was all you could say. His eyes searched your (E/C) ones, his face showed a pure look of confusion.
“I just told you, so they don´t get infected. Maybe you should actually listen to what I say.” Peter chuckled as he ripped two pieces off his shirt to wrap around your wrists.
“No, I mean...why are you helping me?” you kept your voice low, somehow embarrassed that you were in need of his help. Usually, you would try everything to handle such things on your own but your exhaustion made it a bit hard for you.
“Because your wrists look, sorry for my language, disgusting & we´re the only ones here right now. If we wanna get out, we need to help each other. Now, would you please shut up & let me treat your wounds?” Peter made sure that the usual bitterness of his voice was gone. He did not want you to freak out even more. If he were honest, he hated seeing you like this, completely worn out & filled with anxiety. He should not have these feelings right now. The only thing that mattered was getting out alive. Why was he thinking about his crush on you? Peter had always felt drawn to you from the moment you first met. Obviously, he was aware of the age gap & that you somehow seemed to hate him. So, to keep things even, he matched your attitude but in a more playful manner. Deep down, every time you guys argued, his crush on you got slightly bigger.
“Thank you.” you breathed out & looked at Peter as he finished bandaging you up. He sent you a small smile which you reciprocated.
“Anytime, darling.” Peter winked at you & yet again caused you to look at the floor & try to hide the blush that crept on your cheeks.
So, lock the door and throw out the key
Can't fight this no more, it's just you and me And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you So, go ahead and drive me insane Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you, baby
“Peter?” you asked after a while of comfortable silence. Both of you had tried everything possible to find an escape but escaping a room without any windows or doors was hard.
“Hmm?” he looked up at you to find you fiddling with your hands in your lap.
“What if we die in here? What if Scott & the rest won´t find us? What if-” but Peter cut your rambling off.
“(Y/N)...Try to breathe, okay? In...and out. In and out. There you go.” he went over to you & sat himself right beside you, his thigh next to yours, slightly touching. He waited until he spoke up again.
“Look, first of all, & I told you this earlier, Scott & the rest are freaking badass & they will do everything to find us & get us out, okay?” as you nodded he continued. “And IF it really comes to the outcome of us dying in here, & the possibility of doing so is incredibly small, then we should set some things clear, don´t you think?” he smirked at your confusion.
“What´re you saying?”
“I don´t know...Getting to know each other better, I guess. The only thing I really know about you is that you have an attitude & you seem to use sarcasm as a defense mechanism.” you playfully hit him as he said the last part. “Okay, okay. Let´s start simple then. Hmm, let me think, oh, I got one: Why do you hate me so much?” & with that question of his, you guys started talking, actually talking, not arguing, for the first time ever.
There's nowhere we need to be, no, no, no I'ma get to know you better Kinda hope we're here forever There's nobody on these streets If you told me that the world's endin' Ain't no other way that I can spend it
After what felt like hours, Peter & you found out that your hatred for one another was based off a big misunderstanding. This was just one of the many facts you learned about him. He was right, if you were about to die in this room, then at least with clearing things up. By the time, you were both too exhausted, too tired to talk any more. You did not recall how it happened but your head was laying on Peter´s chest, right above his heart, calming you down. Before you knew it, the both of you were fast asleep.
Oh, oh, oh, oh (ooh) Got all this time in my hands Might as well cancel our plans (yeah, yeah) I could stay here forever
Peter & you were shaken awake by bashing on one of the walls. Peter motioned for you to stay behind him, just in case. Yeah, you were skilled in fighting but he was still way stronger than you. Perks of being a werewolf. From behind, you could see his sharp claws, ready to attack. It almost sounded like a faint voice calling your names. Was this Scott? Maybe you were starting to hallucinate due to the lack of water, food etc. The wall came crashing down but before Peter could jump into action, you screamed “Scott?”
“Oh, thank god..” said Lydia who was right behind Scott. Stiles came rushing forward towards you, kind of ignoring Peter (they did not really get along, surprisingly).
“Are you okay?” Stiles grabbed you by your shoulders & just as you wanted to answer him, the world around you became pitch black.
So, lock the door and throw out the key Can't fight this no more, It's just you and me And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you So, go ahead and drive me insane Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
You could muster some voices in the distance, they sounded far away & you wanted nothing more than to open your eyes & scream for them to get you. But your eyelids felt way too heavy, giving you a hard time to open them. Then, you felt someone taking your hand, the touch felt familiar, warm but you could not quite make out who it was.
“Come on, (Y/N). Wake up. You can´t just open up to me like that & then...disappear. What would I do without your sarcastic comments? Stiles´ comments don´t count, he´s a douchebag. What would I do without your attitude? (Y/N), what would I do without...you?” Peter whispered, not wanting anyone to hear what he just...confessed. Little did he know you actually heard every bit of his confession & you hated your body for not reacting the way you wanted. Peter did not leave your side, though, wanting to be there when you woke up.
Woah Baby, come take all my time Go on, make me lose my mind We got all that we need here tonight
“It´s been days, Peter. You heard what Melissa said. The stress, the anxiety mixed with the exhaustion you both endured, was a lot for her. It will take a while until she wakes up & even if she does...it will most likely take a while until she´s back to her old self.” Derek informed Peter once more about your current condition. He was aware of that, of course, it still did not sink in. He needed you & it took the both of you almost dying for him to realize it.
“I know...It´s just, ugh, I hate myself for not noticing sooner.” Peter sighed, sadness written all over his features.
“Noticing what exactly?” Derek furrowed his brows, waiting for Peter to continue. After that, Peter told Derek everything that had happened between the two of you from the moment on you were kidnapped. This story made Derek realize. Peter had a huge ass crush on you & still had not had the chance to tell you.
“She´ll wake up” Derek tried reasoning. He went over to Peter & gave him a pet on his shoulder.
I lock the door (lock the door) and throw out the key Can't fight this no more (can't fight this no more), it's just you and me And there's nothin' I, nothin' I'd rather do I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you So, go ahead and drive me insane Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change All this lovin' you, hatin' you, wantin' you I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with You, oh, oh
“Hey (Y/N), I brought you coffee, figured you would need it after waking up from such a long nap.” Peter slightly chuckled as he moved closer to the bed you were currently laying in. He placed your cup on the bedside cabinet & took a sip of the one in his hand. His free hand found its way to yours, he interwinted your hands, bringing it up to his lips to give it a small kiss.
“Didn´t know you were such a softie.” you croaked out. As soon as you chuckled you felt how dry your throat was & started coughing. Peter´s eyes widened at your words. You were awake, finally! He grabbed a class of water, helped you sit up & handed it to you. You downed it entirely, the liquid soothing your throat.
“How...How are you feeling? No lies this time!” Peter once again took your hand into his, enjoying the contact & you did not mind either.
“Not gonna lie, I´ve been better. But I´ve been worse too, sooo…I´ll live.” you made sure to send a smile towards Peter in order not to scare him. You were exhausted, yeah, but you would be okay.
“You scared me there for a bit.”
“Because I looked...how did you put it? Disgusting?” your exaggerated voice made him laugh & you joined him.
“On a more serious note...(Y/N), um, I wanted to tell you-”
“I heard you the other day. When you confessed, I heard you but I couldn´t open my damn eyes. I just couldn´t. So, to ease your mind, I was thinking the exact same thing, Peter.” you took his face into your hands & pushed him towards you, your lips colliding, moving in sync. Finally, after many doubts & many arguments, you were kissing him. The Peter Hale. And it was even better than you had ever imagined. After a while, you two pulled away.
“This doesn´t mean I´ll stop dropping my sarcastic comments, just so you know.”
“I wouldn´t want it any differently.” Peter leaned in once again for another kiss. He made sure to put every bit of emotion in it, wanting you to know how he felt for you.
“Guess that means I´m stuck with you then?”
“I guess so.”
Stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
Published (06/29/2020) by Cathy
Tags: @exceptionallytiredzombie , @theloveshow , @theycallmequeenie , @letsgotothecityandfallinlove , @marvel-gives-me-feels , @blog-lady-vi , @kissingvalentino , @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen , @iclosetgeek , @captainoffantasy [love to everyone tagged <3, let me know if you want a part 2]
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Can we have Giyuu starting a family? He has a sweet waifu and a baby, he's super happy with them and there's lots of love. Plz he needs it.
Ahhh hello, bby! My friend also requested this, so I hope both of you like it. UwU It’s not entirely complete bc I feel like I need to think more on how Giyuu will be with an actual baby. So there might be a part two??? But I hope this is fine for now. :D
Redemption week. Redemption week. I will write nothing but happiness for Giyuu this streak. Ahaha.
Also, another note: Two hundred yen in the Taishō era was worth alot of money. Just to avoid confusion.  Okay, that’s it. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Ahaha. 💖
Giyuu x F!Reader: Accidental Pregnancy (SFW Scenario):
“Alright, place your bets, everyone,” Shinobu chimed excitedly as she dropped a few bills and coins inside a box Mitsuri had found within Headquarters.
Readily, all the Hashira present— save for Gyōmei and Muichiro— dug into their pockets and counted out ample amounts of bills, before dropping them in with Shinobu’s bet. Then, deftly, the Insect Hashira quickly counted through the money.
“We have two-hundred Yen here, whoever guesses correctly gets all the money. If more than one person guesses correctly, then they have to share,” Shinobu explained patiently, all while some of her comrades eyed the reward money in her hands hotly. Two-hundred Yen was already a lot of money; it could get them two-hundred dozen eggs, and maybe a a hundred pounds of cured meat.
So, suffice to say that all of them wanted it.
“Does everyone still have the same bets? Or would anyone like to change their prior bet?” At the prompt, Uzui sniffed haughtily as he crossed his arms over his chest.
And then, the Sound Hashira said, “It might not be flamboyant, but I’m betting that Tomioka will get (L/n) pregnant. That’s how those two will admit their feelings for each other.”
Shinobu nodded in complete agreement, while the others— namely: Rengoku, Shinazugawa, and Iguro— shook their heads. Kanroji, in typical fashion, looked to be a little lost— as she was the only one who had an entirely different opinion.
“Tomioka won’t do it. He’s not brave enough to confess to (Y/n),” The Flame Hashira announced with a laugh, which his cohorts agreed to with noncommittal hums.
“They might think they’re being sly by fucking behind our backs, but when someone says something about it they’re going to stop,” Sanemi added with a scoff, before looking right at Uzui— as if to directly oppose his opinion.
Iguro let his eyes flit over all of his comrades— lingering on Kanroji for a while— before landing right on Shinobu. “That’s most likely the reason why Oyakata-sama is talking to them right now.”
A collective silence hung over all the Hashira, as all of them contemplated their own opinions— which Kanroji took as her chance to air out her thoughts.
“Well, I think that Tomioka-san will take (Y/n)-chan out to a candlelit dinner, and he’ll confess to her there.”
All eyes landed on the Love Hashira, and all of them looked at her as if she had sprouted a new head. Her opinion was outlandish at best, but no one dared to say anything about it.
After all, she was entitled to live in her own fantasy world— no matter how inaccurate her portrayal of the Water Hashira was.
“I still don’t think this is right. Gambling is an unskillful activity. As Buddha once said, ‘In winning one begets hatred; in losing one mourns the loss of one’s wealth,’” Himejima uttered in that solemn tone of his, and it made his comrades all second-guess their decision.
But when they saw the box of prize money still in Shinobu’s hands, the Stone Hashira’s words practically floated away.
“Be careful, (Y/n).” All the Hashira looked up at Giyuu’s familiar tone, only to sport differing reactions when they saw the Water Hashira and the Snow Hashira round the corner with their hands intertwined.
At the sight, Uzui and Shinobu traded knowing looks, while the three who’d opposed their opinion furrowed their eyebrows in mild frustration. Meanwhile, Kanroji almost clapped her hands in joy at the sweet sight.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes at her lover’s overly worried words, as it was all she could do so as not to swoon at how attentive he was being. Ever since she’d told him about the news, he had made a more conscious effort to be around her— and she would be damned if she didn’t admit that it was making her fall even harder for him.
Not that she would ever say it out loud. She was fine with keeping her feelings to herself, thank you very much.
Unless Giyuu confessed first; only then would she admit to feeling the same way.
“Oh? All of you are still here?” (Y/n) asked in mild surprise when she caught sight of the huddled forms of her comrades. “I guess it makes it easier for-”
However, the Snow Hashira had to pause when she caught sight of the box filled with money in Shinobu’s hands. She immediately narrowed her eyes at the Insect Hashira, before stating flatly, “You were betting on this? Why am I not surprised?”
“How long have all of you known about us?” Giyuu asked in his usual tone, which had everyone— save for (Y/n)— looking at him much like they had at Kanroji.
“Everyone had always known, dumbass. You two weren’t exactly discrete about it,” Sanemi practically spat at Giyuu, which made Giyuu frown. He simply didn’t understand why the Wind Hashira was so rude to him.
As if sensing the upcoming squabble, Rengoku stepped in and quelled it before it could even take root in anyone’s mind. “So, would you mind telling us why Oyakata-sama asked both of you to stay?”
“Ah… that…” (Y/n)’s voice rose in pitch, as a blush made its way onto her cheeks. And, reflexively, her free hand moved to cradle her very faint baby bump.
All eyes zeroed in on that minute movement, and she had to quirk an eyebrow at Sanemi and Obanai who had cursed irately before crossing their arms over their respective chests.
“(Y/n)’s three months pregnant,” Giyuu announced, as the faintest of smiles graced his lips. He then looked down at where his lover’s hand pressed against her belly, and he couldn’t help but feel his own gaze soften at the tiny bump. “It’s mine.”
It all felt surreal when (Y/n) had first told him a month ago, but he wasn’t mad. He had never told anyone, but he’d always wanted to have a wife and children.
He had half of that solved, he just had to work on the other half. Hopefully, she wouldn’t make it him work too hard for her hand in marriage.
“Who else’s would it be, Tomioka-san?” Shinobu chimed in with a giggle, as she quickly counted half of the prize money and gave it to Uzui.
And with a smug smirk, the Sound Hashira fanned out the paper bills in his right hand, before using it to fan himself. “Thank you for making me a hundred Yen richer.”
“Yes, thank you. Let’s do this again sometime.” Shinobu laughed once more, before carefully pocketing her prize.
“All of you are insufferable. Come on, Giyuu. Let’s go.” With that, (Y/n) tugged at her lover’s hand to get both of them out of there.
So came the days when Giyuu was required to change from a stoic, single man, to a doting, and very-much-in love father-to-be.
He didn’t have a single complaint about his predicament. Not once did he think ill of (Y/n), nor did he resent her for getting pregnant. After all, it took two to make a baby. Besides, he was simply ecstatic at the thought of having a mini version of him and (Y/n) around the house.
Giyuu couldn’t wait to add more babies to their family.
However, the one thing that always got him down was (Y/n)’s lack of response to his feelings. He tried to convey his love for her through all of his gestures, and she was grateful towards him, but it seemed that she was still hiding part of herself from him.
It wasn’t a secret that he was bad at verbalizing his affections— or verbalizing anything, really— but he just wanted some confirmation that she felt the same way towards him.
Gratefulness was one thing, but genuine feelings were another thing entirely. He craved to let her know just how much he loved her, yet he was always hindered from doing so because of the unclear boundaries between them.
“Giyuu…” (Y/n) whispered in the dead of the night, as she propped herself up against her right elbow and gently rubbed her lover’s chest to wake him up. “Giyuu, wake up. Giyuu.”
Reluctantly, the Water Hashira opened his eyes, only to snap them wide open when he realized that (Y/n) was close to his face. He then bolted upright and turned to her, with worry shining in his eyes. “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is it time?”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened at that, before she offered him a sheepish grin. It was so adorable that it calmed Giyuu’s racing heart. “I’m sorry for startling you, but… I want to eat something sweet and tart. Like sakura no mi, or yama ichigo. Please?”
He’d been woken up to go berry picking, which was already trivial enough; but to make matters worse, the sun wasn’t even up yet. If he checked his pocket watch, he would probably see that it was only half past two in the morning.
Still, Giyuu didn’t mind. Because he loved (Y/n), and that was the least he could do for her.
So, he slowly got up and out of their shared futon, then pressed a lazy kiss to the top of her head, before getting dressed to go foraging.
It didn’t take long for him to fill a small basket up with the berries she’d requested— as they were in season, and Giyuu knew the area like the back of his hand.
So he was surprised when he came back home, only to find (Y/n) already bustling around in the kitchen. From what he could smell, she was making okayu from what they had in the kitchen.
“(Y/n)? What are you doing out of bed?” The Hashira asked, clearly confused as to why she would be cooking at such an early hour— when she preferred to start her mornings a little later than him.
“I…” She began hesitantly, while she kept her head down to hide the blush on her cheeks.
Normally, her cravings were something easy to make, or something ready to eat in the kitchen, but it was the first time that she’d sent Giyuu out on an errand and she felt bad about it. So she decided to make it worth his while by making something for him.
She just didn’t think that he would be back so soon.
“I felt bad about sending you out this early… so I thought-” (Y/n) answered softly— but was cut off when Giyuu marched up to her, turned her around, then pressed his lips to hers.
The action served to make her eyes widen, as a blush warmed her entire body— from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.
She didn’t know why, but she was always reduced to a flustered mess whenever Giyuu did something remotely sweet.
Who was she kidding though? She knew exactly why she acted that way around Giyuu; it was because she loved him— immensely. She just couldn’t admit it out loud to him, at the risk of ruining whatever unspoken agreement they had.
“Here. Your berries,” He announced in his usual cool tone— even though he felt so lightheaded from what he’d done that he just wanted to lay down.
In her excitement, (Y/n) as good as forgot her jumbled emotions; so she reached out and grasped the basket with both hands. All the while, she eyed the plump wild berries so covetously that Giyuu felt he was intruding on something private. “Ah! Thank you, Giyuu! I love you even more for this.”
Giyuu, in his surprise, choked on air as his eyes widened at the casually-thrown surprise. He immediately turned away from (Y/n)— more to hide his completely red face than anything else— and began to walk away from her.
He wanted to ask her about her words, and the war he waged with himself was long and bloody, but he eventually relented. So, with his back still to her, and his hand still covering the lower half of his face, he asked, “Did you mean it?”
“Did I mean what?” The young woman asked happily as she popped the first yama ichigo into her mouth. All of her thoughts and trepidations from their earlier exchange had clearly been pushed aside to savor the taste of her berries.
“That you love me?”
That brought pause to (Y/n)’s actions, and she swallowed what was in her mouth before worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. It was now or never, really.
“Of course. I always have, Giyuu. I wouldn’t have been with you in the first place if I didn’t.” Her hands deftly fussed with the sides of the wicker basket— running the pads of her fingers over the rough grooves and indentations of the pattern— to ease her nerves.
“I… I love you, too. You and the baby. I always have, as well.” He was about to continue, when he felt his lover’s warm body press against his back, as her arms wrapped tightly around his middle.
“Good. Because you’re stuck with us now, anata.”
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skinks · 5 years
Please Please talk to me about Maggie Tozier and what she’s like and looks like and what Dilfworth Tozier loves about her and made him put a ring on it and in general how much her two boys love her and how she loves them.
[cracks knuckles] here we go
I was looking through my copy of the book yesterday to answer this ask but then I figured, y’know what? Canon can suck it. I tend to beat myself up over accurate characterisation for Richie and Eddie, but they’re main characters, Maggie and Went are not, so the details are inconsequential. Their ages in the Dilfworth fic mean that they’d have a pretty different life experience from their book versions, what with growing up in the 60s/70s, but imo all that matters is that they love Richie and are good parents. Canon is ours now!!!
- my no.1 headcanon rn is that Maggie sings like an angel, and sings all the time. In the car, in the shower, gardening, housework, cooking. She and Went have a pretty good record collection, but if Went is listening to something and hears Maggie singing to herself in another room of the house he shuts that shit off quick so he can hear her.
- I wrote in ithots that Richie busts out into song at the drop of a hat, right? well, where Richie gets encouragement with his Voices through Went participating, Richie gets his incessant singing from Maggie, because he grew up in a household where that was welcomed.
- Maggie doesn’t even notice she’s doing it until Richie joins in, or she turns around and sees Went gazing at her all dopey, and she gets self-conscious
- until Went is like “I don’t know why. You know I think you’re a songbird” and then grins and calls her Magpie. She says stop. He says, Maggie-pie? She throws a dishcloth at him but secretly loves it because she fell in love with how frank and practical he is most of the time, but also how silly he is only when it comes to her and Richie.
- he only calls her that when they’ve had one too many anyway, otherwise it’s all sweetheart, honey, darling, Mags. Marguerite, in Richie’s stupid French Waiter Voice. “Yes ma’am” for when he’s rearranging her guts. Maggie’s the one to call him “my love” the first time, but she said it kinda exaggerated and jokey, and Maggie just doesn’t joke the way Went and Richie do so Richie noticed the way his dad just cracked tf up and was like wow, Mom must be really, really funny
- so y’know how Richie calls Eddie “my love” in the book, and is generally quite physically affectionate? He picks all that up from his parents, watching their example. Wants to make Eddie laugh like that
- for some reason I always imagine she speaks like, French or Italian fluently. I’m stealing @honeyreynolds hc that her maiden name is Avery for Tex Avery, but maybe her own mother was European. She tries to speak French with Richie as a baby/toddler so that he’ll be bilingual, and she’s so proud/frustrated because he’s clearly smart and has a knack for linguistic imitation, but his attention span is just. Non existent
- still makes lil kid Richie giggle by doing exaggerated Italian and making him guess what she’s saying
- I think she’s pretty elegant and reserved and almost shy on the surface with a rly wry sense of humour, so people tend to think she’s snooty, but she’s just... so concerned with keeping the peace and not saying anything bad about someone. Tries to see the best in people. This can lead to a lot of embarrassment when Went is so upfront and medical-frank about stuff or if Richie’s being a dumbass in public, but really she just envies their typically masculine lack of inhibition
- this is because she’s got this killer wicked streak. Maggie’s got a hidden well of scathing diatribes and Went knows it because
- they met on a plane in 1971 when Maggie was flying back to college for her final semester of senior year, and the man in the seat next to her started having an attack of some kind. The stewardesses appeal desperately for any doctors on board, nobody answers. Anyone at all? We’ll have to land the plane! Maggie’s trying to slowly shift away from this man and his spasms without seeming rude when she hears a deep sigh in the seat behind her and someone saying “I’m ethically bound to admit I have a licence in dentistry,” in a voice like he’s in on some joke nobody else knows.
- this guy unfolds the longest legs she’s ever seen and comes to squat right next to her and her apparently dying seat partner, she notices he’s nice looking and keeps glancing at her, there’s banter. Eventually he shrugs and is like “imo this man has a bad case of wind.” And Maggie just TEARS Went a new one like oh nice diagnosis DOCTOR DENTIST where’s your seatside manner?!?! what kind of name is WENTWORTH anyway! and Went’s like 👀😳😍 and then the dying man lets out a giant fart and Maggie recoils, all her pretty poise and indignation turning to base disgust and Went bursts out laughing and offers her the seat next to him
- turns out his first residency is in the next town from Maggie’s college. She’s only dated preppy meatheads before who only ever tried to flatter her and stopped listening when she talked about her music theory degree or the books she likes. But Went always grins and side-eyes her and cranks the volume whenever Maggie May comes on the hits station, because then she’ll whack him with a book. She’s so SWEET he loves goading her into releasing some more of that plane rage, like one day she’s prowling on the edge of a rant about her TA and trying to be reasonable. Went’s like, do it. You’ll feel better. So she fuckin rants her head off for ten minutes until her hair’s all dark and wild like an Arthurian queen and she looks over at Went reclining all impressed on her dorm bed and he’s like. I have never been more in love in my life. Can you sit on my face and make fun of my name again
- so yeah they’re both like, quietly distinguished and outwardly calm model citizens of Derry but in private Went is the fuckin roastmaster and is Maggie’s outlet for frustration whenever housewife suburbia gets too much
- I always picture her as having dark and quite curled hair, sort of Lauren Bacall eyes, and she’s probably tall too. Like 5’8 to Went’s 6’0 or 6’1 which is why Richie turns out to be 6’2 lmao. A family of giants. Honestly the whole time I was writing the Dilfworth fic I was imagining Mary Elizabeth Winstead, that’s my early-30s Maggie that Went is so excited to come home he’s stocking up on condoms. God I bet she’s got some of those single dark beauty mark freckles on her stomach 🥵 Wears hats with big brims. Sundresses. Secretly likes to pretend she’s on a mysterious trip to Rome as she sits in the park watching Richie catch dragonflies. Maybe when she’s older and Richie’s a teenager she looks kinda like Olivia Williams, bc I’ve had a big milfy thing for her ever since she was the mother in the 2003 Peter Pan.
- most kids in Derry have a crush on either Richie’s mom or dad or both and this is unfortunately quite damaging to his self esteem, even though Maggie INSISTS he’s just so handsome. She hates seeing him so insecure
- she tried pot once in college and hated it. The only times she comes close to getting hammered is on book club wine because it’s the only way she can get through them asserting the female orgasm doesn’t exist, then she comes home mildly tipsy and joins in on Went and Richie’s raucous game of cards
- felt a bit left out when Richie was small, with how well Went was able to go along with the silliness. Went sees this and gets Richie to make up a game where she’s Queen Margaret of the Tozier Court and made Richie a knight. They all spoke in bad Medieval Voices all afternoon, and it becomes one of those super long-running family jokes, and Maggie still feels all happy inside whenever Queen Margaret comes up
- ruthless decision maker!!! She had to be, because Went’s so laidback he’s horizontal and is always like “idc what we do as long as you guys are chill” and Richie can’t concentrate long enough to pick what colour gumball he wants, so she has to be staff sargeant. They go to Disneyland and she’s like C’MON BOYS HUP HUP HUP and Went’s like “oh cripes son we’re being hustled!!” but they love it as much as she loves them doing what she says
- great cook because of her indeterminidely Mediterranean mother.
- she genuinely wants to understand Richie’s strangeness but is also stumped as to what to do to bond with him, since she can only think of things she’d do with a daughter. She WANTS to brush Richie’s curls and bake with him but she thinks he wouldn’t like it, so they stick with singing. Is delighted when Eddie very politely and very intensely asks for her help making Richie a birthday cake. She sees how different they are together, and remembers Richie coming home at 5 years old declaring he was gonna marry Eddie Kaspbrak when he grows up, and she thinks... well, if I must have a son-in-law, I would love this one as much as I love my son.
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sweets-r-cool · 4 years
Bakugo & little sister! reader
This is NOT ROMANTIC bc I don’t write incest
In which Bakugo’s little sister is a little bit more than fed up...
Today was normal. Well, as normal as a day in the Bakugo household could get.
In the morning, you woke up to your Mom’s screaming about how you two would be late if you weren’t awake by then. You quickly changed and went to the bathroom you shared with your brother to find him brushing his teeth, muttering his usual, “DIE, GERMS!”
As seemingly weird and maybe negative that was, it was completely normal. Your house was seemingly never quiet, and if it was, then you’d be thrown off your usual calm demeanor. It funny really, your mom and older brother were so loud and aggressive you felt like being more calm was the only way to balance things out.
That didn’t mean you couldn’t speak up for yourself, unlike your poor father...
After you both got ready, you went down for breakfast and then to school.
Katsuki was currently a second year, and you were a first year at UA. Once you reached the gate, Katsuki met with his friends and you met with yours. 
One of them, the blonde one who’s name you were pretty sure was Kaminari, clicked his tongue with a wink set your way.
You shook your head with a slight smile, you spoke up, “I have a boyfriend, dunce face!” you remarked. You were never 100% sure on any of his friends’ real names, but you did know the names Katsuki had for them. 
The poor electric blonde looked hurt, “Bakugo,” he whined, “You told her to call me that?!”
Katsuki smirked, “Hell, no. Even that brat just knows that’s what you are,” he explained, not waiting for any of his friends as they ran after him. Katsuki’s look darkened once he was far enough from you. When did you get a boyfriend?!
He definitely did not give a shit about his little sister’s life, let alone love life. So when something in him felt more fiery than usual, he assumed it was because of Kaminari’s griping. “Shut up, Dunce face, maybe you should focus on studying more, and maybe she’ll learn your name.”
Kaminari’s eyes lit up, “Does that mean you’ll call me by name if I pass the next test?!”
Katsuki rolled his eyes, “As if I’d even care to learn you extra’s name,” the ash blond said, sliding into his chair.
Later, when Katsuki came home, he went straight to his room to homework. 
He pulled out his materials and a pencil and began, only when he tried writing, his pencil ran out of led. 
Katsuki groaned out of annoyance, pushing his chair out to stomp over to your room. Without knocking, he swung the door open to find your room dark and empty. 
What the fuck? You were always home, it wasn’t like you had anything better to do, Katsuki was sure. You barely even had friends in junior high, what would you be doing right now?
The explosive blond turned and yelled, “Where the fuck is Y/n?!” to his mom.
“Katsuki, don’t talk to me like that, you little shit! Watch your language, and she’s with her boyfriend! Didn’t she tell you?!” Mitsuki yelled back.
Katsuki rolled his eyes again, “Whatever, old hag!” He’d just have to dig around for some spare led.
It’d probably been two months that day, and at the moment, Kirishima was hanging out with Katsuki on a Friday, even though the latter ‘just wanted to be left alone and study.’
The two moved downstairs for a while when the front door opened to reveal you, your clothes ruffled and you were out of breath yet you still ran upstairs to your room slamming the door loudly behind you. 
The two shrugged it off, but when you came back downstairs clad in an oversized sweater that covered the short comfy shorts you were wearing underneath heading for the front door again, Katsuki spoke up.
“Where are you going, brat?” he asked, barely caring to look up from what he was doing. 
“Does it matter to you?” you scoffed, attitude embedded in your words like poison.
“Don’t have to be a little bitch about it,” Katsuki responded, this time looking up at you with a scowl.
You scoffed again, “Really, Katsuki? Because I’m pretty sure you’re not the one who’s older brother has never cared before until the one time you didn’t want him to.”
Katsuki’s scowl deepened, “What the fuck is wrong with-”
“Everything,” you interrupted, your voice cracking. Suddenly Katsuki noticed your face was slightly reddened and your eyes watering. “Every-fucking-thing, you asshole. I’m so sick of being compared to you.” Something in you finally cracked.
Kirishima paled slightly, he probably shouldn’t be here right now. He tried speaking up, “H-Hey-” but his voice didn’t make it past the two Bakugo siblings tension, which made both of you only see red.
You continued, “I’m so sick of being consoled, all because I got number two or one wrong on a test, because I’m your little sister. Nothing is good enough for anyone. If I’m not number one they think I’m stupid, that I’m so much less than you are,” your voice cracked once more when a few tears spilled out. “I don’t have a single real friend because they all either think I’m stuck up, like you, or they want to get closer to you.”
Katsuki’s glare was unwavering, “Well, maybe if you’d stop going to your boyfriend’s house so often and studied more, you wouldn’t be number two.”
That was really it.
“Okay, you fucking imbecile. You don’t even know his fucking name. You don’t know the first fucking thing about me,” you scoffed again, “You didn’t even meet him when I asked you to months ago, and that’s not even that bad. I don’t even care about that. You know what does kind of really suck? once I got a B on a quiz and every single fucking person in my class couldn’t take their eyes off me in the worst possible way. They said, ‘Maybe you could ask your brother for help.’ I didn’t look at you, or speak to you once that whole ass week, because I couldn’t bring myself to. You didn’t even mind, and I thought we were supposed to be family.”
You panted slightly in an attempt to catch your breath, “So I just don’t think I have to tell you where I’m going, but it’s not my boyfriend’s house,” you angrily wiped your tears and turned away, “Anyways, it’s my birthday, but thanks for caring.” With that, you opened the door and left before Katsuki got the chance to say anymore.
Katsuki turned back to Kirishima who had a frown on his face as he awkwardly sat where he was.
“It’s not her fucking birthday,” Katsuki scoffed. He knew that...right?
Soon enough, the sky began to get darker, both because the sun was going down and it was beginning to rain. Kirishima decided to leave a while ago and you still weren’t home, nor were you answering your phone to Katsuki’s dismay.
Yours and Katsuki’s parents were out of town on business, meaning that you had no fear for Mitsuki whooping you if you stayed at your shitty boyfriend’s house. Katsuki scoffed.
How could you yell at him like that? That was just the way things were for you both, and that was fine, right?
It must’ve been longer than Katsuki thought, because Kirishima sent him a text letting him know he passed by the park. The park he used to spend a hell of a lot of time at as a smaller child. 
The blonde sighed, grabbing two umbrellas, and went out the front door.
You really wondered what time it was. You weren’t sure, time sure flew by when you were crying the whole time. The sun was nowhere in sight and it had started to rain.
You slid down further. At the moment, you were kind of really over men. Men weren’t shit. It didn’t matter who they were, or how your relationship with them was, you had your parents and that was about it. 
After all, today you learned your friends-
You looked to your right, lo and behold there was your asshole brother. “What?” you deadpanned.
“You know today isn’t your birthday, right?” Katsuki retorted.
“Wow, so you do know one thing about me,” you spat with sarcasm. 
He scoffed, motioning for you to move over.
Currently, you were at the park. It was just where your legs brought you, and you ended up hiding yourself away in one of the tubes since all the parents were giving you dirty looks for sobbing your eyes out in front of their children. What were you supposed to do? Save your mental break down for some other time because Timmy was definitely paying attention to you and not shoving sand into every place it shouldn’t be?
“Moron,” Katsuki began, averting his eyes from your clearly still mad ones. It was weird to you, Katsuki didn’t do that. He’d just stare right back, but not today apparently. “You still suck at hiding, you always hide here and it’s stupid. It’s like you want me to find your dumbass.”
You slid even further down, your hair was going crazy with the static electricity. You pouted, “We’re family, I’d have to forgive you at some point. That’s why I said it was my birthday, because if you believed me you’d feel worse.” Katsuki deadpanned at your words. When he did, you decided to keep the part that you thought you could also get some free cookies as a ‘birthday gift’ from him a secret. 
You both sighed at the same time, which made you look at each other weird. 
Katsuki grumbled something under his breath. “What?” you asked, silently telling yourself you were allowed to hit him if it was something mean.
“I guess I’m sorry or whatever,” he rolled his eyes.
You smirked, even if it didn’t sound or look like it, he meant it, “It’s fine, I don’t think I would mind all that much about all of it if I had a better day today. Things just kind of suck sometimes, ya’ know?” you laughed lightly. “I think I might’ve overreacted, just a little bit...”
When Katsuki moved to leave the cramped space that was the tube, you followed after. He shoved an umbrella in your hands and you both began to walk home.
“I guess next time, I can meet your boyfriend or whatever, I’ll try being nice but if he says anything stupid I-” Katsuki began, but you cut him off. 
“It’s fine,” you sighed, “He cheated on me so-”
“What the fuck?! Shitty fucking asshole, I’ll fucking-”
“It’s fine!” you shouted, smiling a little.
“No, it’s fucking not-” Katsuki was basically growling at this point.
“I’m a little bit more sad about my friends, though,” you explained, “I only said yes to him because they told me I should ‘live a little.’ I didn’t actually love him, like he was cool and all, but there are cooler people I see everyday... even if I don’t talk to him all the time.” 
You looked at Katsuki as you walked, his face wasn’t in it’s usual scowl.
“Like Todoroki-senpai for example!” you added, successfully sending Katsuki’s face back to normal, if not more angry.
“Die!” he shouted, pushing you further away from him. 
Your umbrella tilted, as some rain hit you, “Hey, you ass! I’m already cold with my house clothes on, you don’t have to make me colder!”
“You should’ve thought of that before you left, Moron!”
On Monday, things began normal. It was when you actually reached school, did you get nervous.
You friend stood in their clique, whispering and pointing at you, and you suddenly realized they were a lot more shallow than you thought.
Katsuki didn’t split off from you like normal today, instead he stayed. His friend walked over to the two of you.
“Yo, Bakugo,” Kaminari chimed, noticing you, “Bakugo’s little sister!”
The pink girl smacked him on the back of the head, “Kaminari, she has a name! It’s Y/n!”
Suddenly, you didn’t feel nervous for the same reason. You felt less nervous about your friends, and more about his. You looked to Katsuki, but his gaze was  trained elsewhere.
“Talk to or about my sister and you’re dead.”
Don’t get Katsuki wrong, he didn’t give a shit about his little sister’s social life, let alone her love life. You were resilient, strong, and could stand up for yourself after all, you were a Bakugo; however, if you were having a hard time, he supposed he might have cared, just a little bit.
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“What are your dreams like, Matt?”
Last night I was baby-Matt (around 5/6 years old) and I had an ability to unwittingly hop through dimensions, and had accidentally created a rip in multiple dimensional overlaps, unleashing terrifying monsters on the world.
My folks were hopping around the planet with me, taking me to safe house after safe house, ally after ally, trying to teach me how to control my powers while also keeping me safe from the: 1) humans who wanted to do experiments on me or straight-up kill me, 2) terrifying vicious monsters from other worlds that felt attached to me for no reason they could understand so they were just trying to kill me in particular, and 3) humans who had been influenced by either energy from an alien world or been taken over by an alien creature/parasite and were also trying to kill me, they were doubly dangerous bc they had human intelligence but a monster’s ferocity.
Anyway my folks and I got separated because my dumbass baby self hopped another portal and ended up in a world that was (thankfully) a mirror of ours, but with many key differences.
I was found by a young-ish brother and sister who were apparently the allies of baby-Me in that world (but Baby-Me had died over there so they saw this as a chance to redeem themselves.) They took me to a safe house I had definitely been in before. My parents had given me a journal with lists of the safe-houses in case we got separated (which is kinda dumb.... but then again, dream logic), but the script and language was actually very different from the siblings’ world, and since I couldn’t really read that well (and we didn’t know whether the safe houses even existed in that world) it took a while to find one that the brother kind of recognized.
(Also it was weird because I had actual memories of all the safe houses and people/allies that lived in them and helped us but I cant remember if I actually did dream about them like this dream was just really really long, OR if I just had the memories of them already in the dream, if that makes sense? It didn’t really matter because I was a little kid and I couldn’t remember them super clearly anyway, it was kinda like I had amnesia?? anyway)
The siblings decided to start preparations to leave, gathering rations and plotting routes and such, but I started getting a really bad feeling. I kept telling them we gotta go we gotta go now, but they didn’t listen to me because I was a dumb BABY who couldn’t TALK PROPERLY AAAAAA
Anyway the brother ended up dragging me out of the house because some Bad Humans had found us, they shot the sister in the chest and then stabbed her in the gut and shoved this weird slug creature into the wound and I was watching through the window and couldn’t do anything to help her. I’m sure that wasn’t traumatic for baby-Matt to witness.
By now you’re probably wondering, “Matt, who was the ally in the safe house you’re planning on going to?” WELL. GLAD YOU ASKED BECAUSE HE’S THE COOLEST CHARACTER MY UNCONSCIOUS MIND HAS EVER COME UP WITH. You remember those humans that got taken over by the inter-dimensional energies/monsters and turned into a kind of hybrid between the two??? He was one of those, but the monster that took him over was just smart enough to not want to kill me and instead be curious about its bond to me, and the man it took over was actually an old family friend that had known me my whole life, so the two kind of. co-existed. He did still look horrifying though, like a giant, semi-furred bat with wings and just. the ugliest features you’ve ever seen. I remember him having an actually really freaking cool name in my dream, but now I can’t remember it, bc all I can remember is the name my dumb little kid self gave this terrifying kinda-fluffy monster and that’s Hamster. I named him Hamster. HAMSTER. (But when I was telling my dad about this dream he named him Batman or Bruce Ward so that’s. something too.) He also lived in this weird fortress-y freaking port city in an abandoned LIGHTHOUSE on the outskirts so. YEAH. COOL GUY.
The brother and I arrived at the city, but for whatever reason we got discovered (I thhhink a monster sniffed us out?) and we were running around the city fleeing from humans and monsters and every whack job in between and I kept calling for Mr Hamster so he could lift us over the city walls since all the gates had come down over the entrances and we couldn’t get out, he hadn’t shown up yet but I still had hope.
And then I woke up.
Shit was wild.
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snez · 5 years
gonna go ahead and address what’s going on bc i’m being accused of being a rapist lol now. under the cut
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this accusation in and of itself would be fairly funny if not for its seriousness tbh. a couple of things: 1. nobody ‘lured’ anybody, this was a group of friends who had all known each other for years (as anybody who knew any one of us could attest to). the meetup was planned like a year in advance.  2. nobody in this group of friends was sexually involved with anybody else. that was never and still isn’t the nature of any of our friendships. (i AM now dating someone who was present for part of that meetup, but who was not present for the illness stage, for clarity’s sake.) 3. if i’m so nefarious and tricksy and evil, pretty stupid of me to ~deliberately~ get people sick right as the trip was ending and everybody was going home, yeah? if that was something within my control why wouldn’t i have done it at the start of the trip so i could (apparently) jack off over it? 4. i gotta address the biological reality of this. if i did this on purpose, how the fuck would i have procured cold viruses in order to pull this off? plus i sure as hell wouldn’t have gotten sick on purpose because i have asthma and my immune system is hot garbage and at least 50% of the time when i catch a cold it turns into bronchitis. not worth being that sick to get my sexual kicks. (also i wasn’t even the first person who got sick, so, lmao). like what even are the logistics of this scenario. you can’t get sick on command, how would i have engineered a situation in which i conveniently was sick at the exact same time people were planning to visit? i’m not like that weirdo on the forum with a 90-page thread detailing all of her doorknob-licking escapades  5. tbh, this part is just funny, but im pretty sure I WAS LITERALLY THE ONLY ONE WHO SNEEZED THE ENTIRE TIME ANYBODY WAS VISITING US, LMFAOOOOOOO
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i’m pissed off that i got roped into responding to this bc of how stupid it is tbh, but again, that... literally didn’t happen. here’s a screenshot from my blog about what happened, taken at the time (link to screenshot, link to post for those of you i haven’t blocked lmao). people didn’t say anything about it while we were all here bc again, none of us have sexual relationships with each other and it felt awkward to address? we don’t discuss our own sneezing/illness/allergies with each other except in a very clinical and detached way. maybe youre trying to fuck all of your friends (if you have any, which i doubt) all the time (which i’m sure you would if you had any) but the rest of us are like. capable of having relationships with other people with the fetish that aren’t inherently sexually charged. you’re probably not, so i guess your projection here makes sense from your perspective, but it’s fucking moronic from everybody else’s.
and WTF do you mean “that’s 100% false”? the fact that i knew them for years, the fact that they’re my friends? it wasn’t a “bunch of sneezing fetish community people,” it was friends i’ve known for forever. are you genuinely disputing this? and if so, what is your proof that i convinced a bunch of relative strangers to travel to me (on their own dime) and then groomed them into performing sex acts for me? like... you’re literally just making shit up
also, you didn’t call SHIT out you fucking idiot, the post you made was clearly made in wistful jealousy? if you were actually trying to “call me out” and point out how morally grey my supposed actions were then why the fuck didn’t you make that clear with the post? either you’re lying (this is the case, obviously) or you suck shit at addressing community concerns
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i thought your chosen name was public knowledge, tbh. you used it in the discord and for some reason i thought you used it on tumblr in general. that’s my bad, i apologize. i also found it odd that someone signed that message with their name, but like... figured i couldn’t blame anybody who wanted to put as much distance between you and them as possible. seems pretty reasonable to me.
plus that’s not what doxxing is. maybe google it.
also, sorry to say, but i didn’t claim you were guilty of misgendering. you just straight up are.
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this was right after i banned you from the discord. i have not used she pronouns for as long as i’ve been on sneeze tumblr. nice try, though.
speaking of that, actually, why were you so sad about being removed from the discord, anyway? since it was after you’d discovered me to be a dangerous sexual predator?
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hmm. really perplexing. let’s move on.
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honestly the only reason im including this screenshot is bc it’s funny. none of the people i’ve supposedly victimized are even following you (because everybody with a brain on sneeze tumblr thinks youre creepy) so how would they ever see this post unless they were following me? dumbass
also, if the intent of this post was to call me out for being a rapist, why say that “a bunch of people” were “teasing” the discord about it? if it was so non-consensual and as traumatizing as you’ve implied in your post why did people talk about it at all after the fact, let alone joke about it? 
anyway, here’s (link) another screenshot from my blog talking about the insanely creepy and jealous posts you made about our meetup. i don’t have links to those handy (wouldn’t be surprised if you deleted them in light of all of this tbh), but like... this post was 100000% about you.
and hey, just for a little flavor, i made a little collage about you, with screenshots taken from multiple discord servers:
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this is like, barely scraping the surface of shit people think about you. (and there are ten separate people in these screenshots.)
when you accuse someone of something as serious as rape the onus is on you to actually prove it. you have proven literally nothing. the only ‘evidence’ you have is that people got sick when we had a meetup a couple of years ago and talked about it on tumblr briefly. like what the fuck is wrong with you lol.
one last thing (i think?) that i want to address:
normally i’m extremely hesitant to refer to a trans woman as a freak or accuse them of being a sexual predator, for obvious reasons, but your behavior (behavior i haven’t actually addressed here bc i don’t have the energy -- hitting on snezblr people, interacting inappropriately with vanilla posts) really confirms it, tbh. it’s very obvious that i struck a nerve when i speculated that the reason you won’t share who you were on the blue forum is because you’re a sexual predator -- with that context it makes perfect sense that you’d flip that on its head and accuse me of being a rapist. that’s actually a classical abuse tactic (one i’ve had used against me in other contexts), and in this case is extremely transparent.
this shit is just beyond parody. anyway, like... burn in hell or something, i guess
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sun-shine-slut · 5 years
Your stupid
((Kryozgaming x reader, something simple to start off this account I guess XD this is also on my wattpad so if you see it there now you know why))
I smiled warmly as I walked down the street, It was a nice and calm Friday afternoon, Mini to my left as we walked. I was visiting him and the guys for the week, laughing I smiled as we ate the icecream Craig was generous enough to buy us both icecream. Hearing foot steps behind us I ignored them, hearing their laughter I got curious and started listening to what they said as Craig continued to talk about that happened on his latest meme stream. [that I watched fully bc they are funny as balls] "It's bad enough that he's fat and even eating icecream come on?" I internally froze as I realized that they was shit talking Criag who was next to me.
      "Nah the cow next to him is worse, bet she doesn't even know what diet means." They cackled, stopping Craig I turned to the both of them not caring for the questioning look Craig gave me. "Would you two boys like to repeat that to our faces." I glared hissing out the word boys, the taller one had little to nothing to him, the other one a bit more stalky but nothing I couldn't handle. "Yeah, you two fat cows should learn what a diet is." The taller one sneered at us crossing his arms.
      "Craig, hold my icecream." I hissed watching Craig open his mouth before shutting taking it from me too shocked to really stop whatever I was about to do. "Fat? Oh no dear it's power." (If you get that reference, bless-) I glared as they both laughed at me untill I swung at them, that knocked the smile off there face as they both squared up to me. "Craig, don't get involved." I chuckled as I dodged a punch from the shorter of the two, they both seemed glad for a fight, I can't wait to make them regret who they chose.
       Holding my nose closed I followed Criag as he fastly rushed me to John's house since it was closer than his. I of course won the fight, but man did that smaller boy have a had a hard hit, they both were definitely in worse shape than I was but in the end we both fought the only difference was that I won. "You are so amazingly stupid! God you care too much about what people say, what am I going to do with you? God help me, One of these days your gonna get us in big trouble." Craig ranted like a worried mother hen as he used the spare key for John's house as he ran upstairs to go find John, knowing the other guys where out doing something today, probably vlogging.
       Walking into the kitchen I met eyes with the man in question, John looked at me in disbelief. "In a few seconds Craig is going to come in here and your going to tell him that your going to help me, I do not want to listen to Craig yell at me, or I just might jump off the roof." I hoarsely explained as I started to feel pain slowly seeping into my body, John slowly nodded confused as balls. "CRAIG! John's in the kitchen!" I yelled before holding my jaw in pain, the tall kid looked like a strong breeze could blow him away but man did that first hit from him hurt like fucking balls.
       Listening to Craig and John talk in fast but quiet voices, jumping up ontop of the kitchen's island I pulled out a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket. Sitting one to my lips I light it hearing the voices stop, "I thought you said you stopped." John asked as I took a deep inhale, "for the most part, only when I'm stressed and I did just fight two teenagers." I laughed before groaning in pain feeling my jaw throbbing in pain. "Can someone grab me an ice pack? Or like maybe help me?" I whined as the rush of the fight wore off, now I was in pain and pissy. Moving my hand away from my nose I didn't care if blood got on this shirt I'll just buy and new one.
     John locked eyes with Craig and he sighed ans nodded rubbing his forehead, "fine John, I trust you, (Y/n) I'll be back with a new shirt since that one is clearly ruined." Craig sighed as he walked over to me, "thank you, fucking dumbass." Craig finally broke down and gave me a small smile as he turned to leave with one last strong look to John. I watch John look for a ice pack. Wiping the blood from my nose away (more like smearing it across my check and getting it all over  my hands) I looked at John turn around and chuckle lowly, "it looks like you ate a bitch out and she got too into it and she hit your face." John joked as he gave me the ice pack rapped in a washcloth walking out of the room to probably go grab the first aid kit out of the bathroom.
      Gently resting the covered ice pack against my jaw I finish my cigarette, watching John come back in as he started to set up the first aid. "Your actually pretty calm, I thought this would brake your chill." I joked watching John give me an unamused smile. "No, but seeing your shit recked is not a great sight either." John snarky replied hiding his concern as he walked over to the skin and wetting a washcloth. "They were shit talking me and Craig's weight, you know how hard he's been working out, and staying on track! And I've even started working out at least twice a week, I've been trying, you gotta give me some kind of credit." I explained defining myself the best I could with out hurting my already bruising face.
     John, sighed knowing how much my friends ment to me, "Fine, now this is gonna hurt, so relax and trust me." John huffed as he gently started to wipe away the blood on my cheek, and under my nose. I watched John's focused face, I relaxed my body, I didn't even realize I was tensed. "Take a picture It'd last longer." John smiled, and he moved up to above my eyebrow were a nasty cut was, the taller boy had a nails that cut.
     I chuckled at John's remark before clinching my fists in pain. "Sorry." John whispered, feeling his warm breath tickle my face smelling his breath, mint of course that was the only flavor he vaped. I stayed still and quite as John gently placed an bandaid on my cut. Looking my face over one last time to see if he missed any cuts, but only seeing bruises which he couldn't do anything about the bruises, "(Y/n) I-" I cut John off when I grabbed his face pulling him into me kissing him. As I was about to pull away I felt John's hands grab the back of my head pushing back into the kiss, with a quiet humm of happiness.
      Finally I slowly pulled away, "sorry, for no warning, but I love you so much, more than I can really say." I blushed at John's small smirk. "Actually I was about to do the same but first." John paused, flicking my forehead "that's for being so retarded," I gave John a pout rubbing my forehead. Grabbing my face gently cupping my cheeks making sure to not push on them, he pulled me into another sweet kiss. Moving my head to the side I deepened the kiss, "Should I come back later?" I heard Craig remarked behind us at the opening of the kitchen.
   Pulling away I started laughing at Craig's teasing look he sent us, "About time you two, I thought you guy's would never get together." Craig joked as he walked over to us handing me my Shirt, "I'll be on my way and leave you two alone." Craig laughed winking as he left. "(Y/n)?" John asked, I turned to him with a smile as I ran my fingers through his long bleached hair, probably getting some blood in it from my hands. "Yes?" I simply replied feeling like I was on cloud nine. "I love you too, more than I love anything else." John whispered against my lips before kissing me again, keeping his touchs light and soft not wanting to hurt me.
   Who knew that fighting two teenagers would get you together with your crush?
((Hope you guys enjoyed! You can send in asks about me or requests! From anyone from banana bus squad or the misfits!))
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juliette-hastings · 4 years
Beer Pong  - Juliette x Stevie
Juliette: Juliette grabbed Stevie, "Teach me how to play beer pong" she said pulling the girl to the table. "Just for pract-ice" she said hiccupping from drinking. Juliette needed any excuse she could get to spend time with Stevie again.
Stevie: Stevie let out a laugh as Juliette brought her to the beer pong table. "Okay. My aim is absolute shit so you might just end up whooping my ass when you get the hang of it." she said sweetly to the girl. She felt like she could hang out with Juliette for hours and never get bored. "It's really just about tossing your ball into one of their cups." she said, setting up the cups as practice.
Juliette: "How about this, every time one of us gets one in. We get to ask a question and the other one has to answer it ... or they have to chug the beer" said Juliette. She was ready for this, she had practiced with her brother before. Ready to absolutely rig this.
Stevie: "Alright you're on." Stevie agreed instantly even though she was terrible at the game. But how much better can Juliette be if she's never played before? She didn't mind answering questions though, unless it got to some personal topics, but she can always drink to avoid those.
Juliette: Juliette missed the cup, “wait cmere” she said a little drunk. “How do you keep your elbow tucked?” she asked, hoping Stevie would guide her arm and stand behind her.
Stevie: Oh Juliette, you sweet sweet girl. Stevie thought to herself. "Okay so you just gotta..." she stopped talking as she walked behind the girl and held her by the waist with one hand. "Here's the ball." she gave Juliette the little white ball, before positioning her arm the right way. Stevie slid her hand up Juliette's arm to the back of her hand to help her toss the ball. "Just like that." she said, turning her attention to Juliette as she stood behind her.
Juliette: Stevie’s hand on her waist made Juliette smile. She tossed the ball and got it in a cup. Juliette jumped up and down and clapped her hands before jumping up and hugging Stevie. “I did it, I won!” said Juliette pretending to be a little drunker than she was to explain her behavior.
Stevie: Stevie flashed her teeth as she smiled widely at Juliette. She hugged Juliette back, lifting her off the ground for a short moment, bc tall lady. "A pro already, I'm nervous for this game. You might just kick my ass."
Juliette: "Maybe I will" said Juliette scrunching her nose. "Let's do this" she said flashing a smile. Juliette rolled the other ball to Stevie's side. "You can go first, since I'm a pro now".
Stevie: " Oh wow, someone's confident. Now I'm actually a little nervous, so thanks for that." Stevie smiled at her and focussed on just landing the ball in one of the cups. "Don't laugh if I'm terrible." she said, throwing the ball into one of the cups. Thank god. "Would you look at that. Maybe I'm the pro here." she joked. "So question or beer?"
Juliette: Juliette watched the cup sink into her cup. She moved it to the side. "Oh that's no fair, I want to know the question first" said Juliette with a giggle, "But question".
Stevie: "Oh no way. The surprise is the best part." Stevie waved her hand side to side. Are you perchancetodream? was obviously the first thing that came to mind, but she couldn't ask that. Juliette still had her pretty confused though. "You got any pets?" was what she went with. To anybody else, that would be a stupid question, but Stevie thought it would help clear things up. Maybe Juliette would be specific about what kind of pet she had if she did have one.
Juliette: "I have my cat, but my dad just brought home another one as a sorry i have a mistress gift" said Juliette. She landed the ball in the cup, making sure her aim and form was perfect. The bottom of her bra showing under her crop top as she moved her arm to sink the landing. "Did you have fun with Riley?" she asked.
Stevie: Stevie nodded her head at the answer "Ah, right." Not exactly matching perchanetodream but it could. Maybe she just hadn't told Stevie that she got a new cat over discord. She thought, before remembering Juliette is literally talking to some guy. She wasn't sure why she was trying to figure out if Juliette was her when she already knew the answer. Maybe some part of her had kind of hoped it was. She just felt such a strong connection the moment Stevie started talking to her. There's no way she'd let herself crush on a straight girl though. Not again. Stevie looked down Juliette's body as her bra caught her attention and quickly snapped out of it. Don't crush on the straight girl. "Woah woah woah. I didn't get to choose whether I'd take the question or not... just fuckin' with you. I'm sure you're dying to know more about me." she teased the girl. "Oh yeah, she's super hot." she nodded, realizing how shitty she must have sounded since Juliette knows she's talking to someone.
Juliette: Juliette wished she had suggested they played against someone else, that way they could stand next to each other. She also wished she hadn't lied about talking to a boy, but she was scared of the truth. Juliette felt this tether to Stevie, especially now that it was her. They were getting along exactly how they were online. Juliette flashed a smile, "Your turn" she said taking a sip of the beer of the cup she discarded a few moments ago.
Stevie: Stevie somehow managed to get the ball in another cup. Second time in a row? She was on a roll. "Holy shit." she said in pure shock. "Fuck yeah." she smiled wide. "Alright..." she paused to think of a question. "I know you're a pre-hoe, but have you ever been with a girl before?"
Juliette: "Never" said Juliette, it was a half truth. She'd kissed girls before, "I was saving that for my mayors daugher goes wild debut" she teased. Juliette missed the next cup, she had wanted to ask Stevie if she wanted to kiss her.
Stevie: Stevie chuckled at Juliette's answer, "Can't wait to witness that." She took the ball in her hand and missed also. "I'm gonna blame you on that one. Your bad luck passed through me." she joked, shaking her head as if she was disappointed.
Juliette: Juliette ran after the ball and bent over slowly to pick it up, knowing her skirt was too short. "How about this, next person who gets one in gets to dare the other person?" said Juliette with a little giggle. She missed on purpose.
Stevie: Stevie watched as Juliette bent over, quickly looking away afterwards. Stop being such a perv, you dumbass. she thought. "Sounds fun." she watched as the girl didn't make it in. Stevie picked up the ball and concentrated real hard this time. She tossed the ball and saw it land in a cup. "Look at that." she said, placing her hands on the table and leaning forward a bit. Stevie knew right away what she wanted. "I dare you to kiss me. That cool with you?" she asked with a smile.
Juliette: Oh my god, it's happening. Juliette was about to kiss the girl of her dreams, the girl she spent every day talking to for almost two years. Juliette blushed, "I'll try anything once, but just a quick peck" said the girl moving over and hopping up to sit on the balcony so she was a little taller. "C'mere" she said, "ready for a sample of mayor's daughter gone wild?" the girl drunkenly coaxed.
Stevie: "That's fine with me." Stevie smiled big as Juliette accepted. She felt bad for being so excited this, but she pushed those guilty thoughts away, just for a moment. Stevie wanted to take this in, it's not like she was ever going to get this opportunity again. "Always ready, babe." Stevie bent down a little and leaned forward with a small smile on her face as she gently grabbed Juliette's face and kissed her softly.
Juliette: Juliette giggled when Stevie called her babe. The kiss was soft and short, them both pulling away. Juliette couldn't stand her own terms of the kiss. Juliette pulled Stevie back in and kissed her more deeply, moving her tongue slowly into her mouth.  She parted her legs and wrapped them around Stevie from where she was sitting, not letting her go. Wanting this to never end.
Stevie: Stevie pulled back and smiled at Juliette before being met with her lips once again. It was a shock but she immediately moved in forward as her eyes closed. She brought one hand to Juliette's lower back as she closed the space between them. As Stevie felt Juliette's tongue against hers, she placed her other hand on the girl's thighs, holding her legs up. It didn't take long for Stevie to slowly slide her hand down to Juliette's inner thigh.
Juliette: As they kissed, Juliette felt Stevie's hand touch her inner thigh and she let out a squeal in excitement. She moved her lips to the girls neck, kissing up it and then nibbling on her earlobe. Juliette had fully lost control of herself.
Stevie: Stevie smiled to herself as she heard Juliette, clearly she was a lot more into this than Stevie was expecting. Stevie was down for most things but she hadn't done anything too wild in a while. All she could think of was laying Juliette down on this table and fucking her right there, but she couldn't do that. They were out in public and she wasn't going to get the mayor's daughter in trouble, or at least in that much trouble. Stevie let out a soft moan as she felt the girl's lips travel up her neck. She moved her hand right in between Juliette's legs, letting her fingers slowly move against the fabric. "Should we take this somewhere else?" she asked quietly.
Juliette: Juliette had completely lost herself when she heard Jeremy out on the lawn below them yelling “wherefore art thou Juliette” she snapped back to reality, “I gotta go” she said quickly jumping down from the balcony onto the patio.
0 notes
imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Kang Dongho Mafia AU
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you work at a flower shop across the street from a tattoo shop
it’s the oldest cliche in the book, but to be fair, when your aunt opened up the shop, the tattoo place hadn’t been there
you’re only working there to help out your aunt, but you find that the flower shop is a really nice place to work
you enjoy the lush feeling of the damp air, and how relaxing and calming it is to water the flowers and care for the various potted plants
you’ve noticed that a lot of people seem to come to the tattoo shop
and there’s always this one guy who goes with them
he’s pretty tall, muscular, with dark brown hair gelled up
one time, you point him out to your aunt and she clicks her tongue
“ah, those punks almost made me want to move my shop” she sighed “dear, don’t get mixed up with them. they’re the mafia”
you were never one to listen to adult figures lol
one time, you were casually watering some tulips when you heard someone cough awkwardly
(you were in the shop by yourself, since your aunt was out running errands)
you turned around to see the guy standing there, eyebrows raised
“hi, welcome to ivy and rose, how can i help you?” you parroted, rushing forward to stand at the counter
“um, my friend wanted to buy a plant for someone,” he explained
you nodded, walking over to where the potted plants were kept
“what type of plant were you thinking?” you asked “we have different types of flowers, succulents, shrubs.”
he stares at you blankly
“i was thinking... something green?”
you laughed, “how familiar is this person with caring for plants?”
“to be honest, i’m not really sure,” he confessed, growing slightly embarrassed, “i’m not the one giving the gift”
“why don’t you go with a simple succulent, then,” you suggested, lifting a small pot of tiger tooth aloe “they’re easy to care for, water maybe one every few days, direct sunlight”
he nodded, picking the little plant up
after paying for it, he heads out, and you resume watering the tulips
he pauses at the door and glances at you
“hey, what did you say your name was again?”
you look up from the tulips
“i didn’t, actually.”
a couple days later, he’s back?
this time, he looks around the flowers and picks a random bunch and pays
he was wearing a tank top and you could clearly see the tattoos that decorated his arms and chest
“so, can i ask for your name?” he asked with a small smile, looking up at you as he pulled his wallet out to pay, the glance making your heart race
“(y/n),” you responded, giving him a smile
dongho stopping by the flower shop becomes a regular thing
he’ll buy a small potted flower plant or a boquet, always asking you how you’re doing
one day, you came back from running errands and dongho and your aunt were sitting at the cash register sipping tea
when he leaves, you’re like
“auntie, didn’t you say he was bad news?”
“ah, that’s before i learned what a gentleman he was!”
that night, an unknown number texted you
it was dongho?
apparently, your aunt gave him your phone number,,,
“you need to put yourself out there, (y/n),” your aunt advised wisely, watching you sweep up fallen petals and dead leaves
sometimes you had to stay at the shop really late and close up, since your aunt took care of your grandmother on friday nights over in the next town
the shop closed at 10pm, and you’d usually get out of there by eleven
it became a habit for dongho to call you and keep you company while you were cleaning up the shop
one night, you were in the back room, checking to make sure that the fridges that held cut flowers was on when you heard someone come into the shop
“sorry dongho, i gotta go, someone just came in,” you said to dongho on the other line
“the shop is closed currently,” you shouted to the front, putting down the roses in your hand and hurrying to the front of the store and shoving your phone into your back pocket
a group of guys, maybe five or six of them, stood there, dressed in all black and heavily tattooed
“gentlemen, the shop is closed for the night, we open again tomorrow at 9 am.”
“we’re not here for flowers, sweetheart,” one of them growled, and another leaned over to pull the shades to the shop closed
three of the guys pulled out guns, pointing them at you, and you felt like passing out, shakily raising your hands
“w-what’s going on?” you asked, heart racing, “why are there guns, do you need anything?”
“don’t play stupid,” one of them growled, “you know where the flashdrive is, tell us”
“i don’t know any flashdrive,” you said, panicked. you felt tears starting to stream down your face, scared by the situation
“like hell you don’t,” another guy hissed, “you really think we’d believe that baekho’s girlfriend doesn’t know where the fucking flashdrive is?”
“i don’t know a baekho,” you sobbed, tears clouding up your vision, “and i don’t have a boyfriend, i swear, you have the wrong person”
one of them growled again, kicking over a bucket of daisies that had been sitting in water. you whimpered as the flowers and water rushed all over the floor
“maybe it’s somewhere in here,” one of them commented dryly, knocking over three or four more buckets of flowers
“dumbass, they wouldn’t be there,” his companion groaned, “it’s fucking hardware, you can’t put that in water”
“why don’t you just call up your little boytoy baekho and this whole thing will be over for you,” the guy who had done the most talking said, waving his gun to where your phone was
behind you, you heard a gun click
“i don’t think that’ll be necessary,” you heard dongho snarl, before someone grabbed you by the back of your shirt, pulling you down
gunfire started almost immediately, and you were yanked behind the counter where the cash register was by dongho
above you, one of dongho’s friends squeezed the trigger of his gun, released a round of bullets
you whimpered, trying to cover your ears, the loud noise of the gunfire almost deafening
dongho pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you and firmly pressing his hands over your ears so that you couldn’t hear the noise
“are you okay?” he mouthed, quickly checking to make sure you weren’t injured anywhere
you nodded mutely, starting to cry again
he pulled you closer to him, engulfing you in a huge hug, and you closed your eyes, sniffling into his black collared shirt
slowly, the gunfire tapered off, and dongho grunted slightly as he got up, pulling you with him
the guys who had come into the shop were sitting on the ground in a circle, hands tied behind their backs with the twine you used to tie bouquets up
the rest of the night was kind of a blur for you-- dongho brought you out to his car and buckled you into the passenger seat, covering your shoulders with a heavy, worn out leather jacket
he drove you to your aunt’s house where you were staying, carefully walking you inside
as you numbly brushed your teeth, you heard dongho talking to your aunt in a soft voice, explaining what had happened that night
your aunt made sure to check in with you, and stayed with you that night to make sure you were okay, insisting that you take a couple days off to rest
finally, after three days, you decided to return to work, and were surprised to find dongho carrying huge bags of mulch into the store
“good morning, dear,” your aunt greeted you cheerfully, “dongho here has been helping me around the shop, him and his little gang--”
“auntie, we’re not a little gang,” dongho sighed, obviously embarrased
“--have been helping me!”
you laughed at how excited she looked, a frail old lady patting dongho’s muscular shoulder
“dear, why don’t you go in the back and help dongho out with that mulch, yeah?”
you followed her into the back room, clearing a space to put the bags of mulch
when dongho had done so, you headed back to the front room, struggling to tie your green apron on
you felt dongho carefully take the strings from you, tying a bow with the apron strings
“(y/n), i’m sorry,” he said quietly, making you turn around to face him, “i feel really bad for getting you into this whole situation.”
“what are you talking about?” you frowned at him, “it wasn’t your fault, it was a mix-up.”
he sighed, taking a seat at the table, placed there for when you or your aunt took your lunch break
you sat as well, confused
“it,,, it wasn’t a mix-up.”
“but they were talking about a baekho,” you replied, confused, “you’re not baekho.”
“yeah, i am,” dongho replied, eyes never leaving your face, “that’s what people in 101 know me as, what people in the underground know me as. the flashdrive had some major extortion material on a high-up prosecutor, and svt needs that information as much as we do.”
you rubbed your face, still confused, “but i still don’t understand why they would think i was dating you.”
dongho smiled that same grin that never failed to make your heart pound
“well, i guess they mistook one person being in love for two people being in love.”
you stared at him in absolute horror, feeling your cheeks heat up, “did... did auntie tell you? that i like you?”
“what? no,” dongho started laughing, “(y/n), i was talking about myself.”
“wait, what?” you gaped at dongho, thoroughly confused. “you like me?”
“you like me,” dongho retorted, smirking at you
“you both like each other,” your aunt sighed, standing in the doorway to the back room with her arms cross, “and i won’t like you if you two keep dilly-dallying to avoid work.”
you traded an amused look with dongho, getting to your feet
as the two of you hurried to follow your aunt to the front of the store, you grabbed dongho’s hand and leaned up, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek
(auntie took a picture, cackling loudly)
(and it’s dongho’s lockscreen and wallpaper on literally any electronic device he uses)
yells “yes!” like mark from nct when he finally sneezed after 218948234 years bc suck it tumblr, i finished this scenario for the second time
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survivor-kalymnos · 4 years
Ep. 9 - “im running on borrowed time”- Franco
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I would love to see a full list of who everyone voted for. Its VERY fishy and a complete blindside. Makes me feel worse about disadvantage next round
Right when cranjes becomes my ally, they get kicked off. lol. what is happening in this tribe rn? I want to get to the bottom of it.
ive never felt more alone in this game. people clearly lied to me.
according to dusty, Franco and Eliza flipped for the split vote. yuck! what to do now? I don't know. I think if I have any chance of getting Eliza or Michele out, I have to make a new alliance. 
Dusty just said that her franco rain and worm were the ones to flip and that makes me very anxious and I don't know if I can trust rain fully :/ that makes me sad. I really hope I can. 
so michele and I are talking which is v heartwarming. I apologized for being cold towards her. I hope we can work together. 
Well that was messed up LMAO That’s the second time Eliza has flipped on me and taken out my closest ally...anyway I will not be working with her anymore. But I’m gonna make her believe it. And thank you to my amazing acting skills she gave me her half of the super idol..........ma’am. I’m so sorry. She expects me to give it back to her after this round but Idk if I can do that if she isn’t in the game anymore! She also told me that it was her and Franco that flipped with rain and worm. So now I’m trying to work with Lenny and Michele who seem to be on board, and it seems like I’ll also have to working with frank and Sasha. And with this blind round there’s a fear of voting for someone that won immunity buuut at least I have a 10% advantage to help me out :) Wish me luck!
kinda blew up a little so gonna lay low for strategy. i also sometimes take things too personally which is why i only do like 1 org a year so that last tribal got to me a lot. franco messaged me saying he doesnt trust me and even tho his instincts are completely correct idk it just feels weird. i think i just hate general confrontation 
So I’m shocked Cranjes left but I’m quite happy about it. He was leading a lot of things so to have him go is wonderful. After tribal, Michele approached me about getting out Eliza or Franco, so we stan that. Once one of them is gone though the other needs to be taken out as well since they’re both strong and we don’t need one of the having a story of, oh my partner got out but I still made it through so much. After that get rid of Dusty and then Lenny at some point bc who. I’m fairly quiet but Lenny is practically a ghost. Right now the only person I actually trust though is Sasha, which is not something I thought I would say but here we are.
Blind rounds are so SCARY. Mainly the part about no one knowing who wins immunity. Like, we got out 2 idols last round by blindsiding Cranjes and flushing Frank's, but theres still more out there. And no one is going to know how tribal is going to play out Michele was kinda pissed at us for leaving her out of the vote. But? Sis left us out of her alliance with og Plati, and didnt give us ANY information last round despite knowing I was a target. Eliza is also.... Kinda not smart. She gave her half of the idol to Dusty because she wanted to reconcile. Which is nice and all! But thats a direct chance for him to get back at us and take a shot at us. Keeping the idol separate was best for everyone. So I just gotta pray Eliza knows Dusty as well as she says she does!! I dont expect to win this challenge. Im gonna chat around, but I think Im going to have to play my idol this round to save my skin. My name has been thrown around 2 rounds in a row, im running on borrowed time. We'll see how today goes!
So Franco messaged me about if I’m gonna vote him this round and that he doesn’t understand why I’m going after him. So I did the kind thing and explained it and said that I don’t want to work with him because he’s working with everyone and that I don’t see that as being beneficial to my game. So Franco is my target again and michele messaged me last night to get rid of him so we stan. I’m probably gonna get votes but who could be shocked by that.
surprise!! my name is going around AGAIN!! i'm so. not shocked. Frank has it out for my for some reason?? I confronted him this morning, let him know his """allies""" are throwing him under the bus and offered to exchange information or work together in some capacity but he literally turned it down. first rule of survivor is never shut down lines of communication like that!! he is denying any chance of game relationship we could have and thats such bad gameplay. I bombed the challenge because I'm dumb. And now that I know my name is circulating I'm going to have to play my idol. I just have to hope that whatever happens is good for my game. It's so hard to orchestrate votes during an invisible round, everyone is playing strictly for themselves because there's no reason not to. I really really finally want Frank gone. This is the THIRD ROUND in a row I've said that. but seriously I'm over him. he's gotta GO.
Dear diary... Literally can’t believe we pulled that blindside off! I had to do some damage control with dusty and because I know what kind of player he is I gave him my half of the super idol. I told him I’d give it to him for this round to prove that the cranjes vote had nothing to do with him and that he is still someone I want to work with. He seemed shocked but obviously took the security and I think I have at least some of his trust back, I mean this IS the second time I blindsided him and voted out his closest ally. Now I know you’re probably thinking, ellie you’re a dumbass, and that I am but I know how dusty works at this point in the game and it’s gonna take a bold move like that one to get ANY of his trust back. Franco didn’t think it was the best move but I can’t just play according to Franco’s standards. The invisible round is absolutely terrifying, everyone agrees that it’s frank but we all know that he could 100% win this challenge. Obviously everyone with a brain wants to split but some of these people won’t wanna split again after they got out smarted, Franco might be playing his idol because we all know frank wants him out but frank has also said I need to go and I have absolutely no security rn so yeah, I’m fucking scared. Let’s see what happens!
So... I haven’t been around much today. I abstained from immunity. My depression is kicking in and even tho I’m doing well in the game, I can’t be bothered to get into it, as much as I want to. So I’ll ride Franco and Eliza’s coattails until either I pull out of this funk or I get voted out. The move tonight is to try to get frank. Except he’s kinda good at challenges (although, tbh, hasn’t been that great since returning - maybe the idol was holding him back?) so we think he may get immunity. I think voting Sasha would be better - like come on, I don’t even think he’s trying (is that hypocritical to say?) and he only talks to his allies. The other side (oh is it just dusty, Sasha, and frank now? Fuckin sweet) doesn’t even attempt to socialize with me. Dusty to some extent, but talking to Sasha and frank is like talking to a fucking wall. I’ll be happy if either of them go. But tbh at this point I’m ready to join the jury. I’m going to keep playing and keep trying because that’s what jay and the people I’ve voted out deserve to see, but whenever I go home, I know I played a good game for my first game in over a year. 
not feeling confident about this challenge or good in general. Rain is most likely working with franco and eliza. I hope I can trust dusty. oof
So last round seemed to have back fired. I think I have alienated myself even more but I'm not sure if saying people not talking to me is showing that. They weren't talking to me before anyway so I guess nothing really changed then lol They goal this round is to target Frank which is okay with me cause I think people will start going after bigger targets next round like Eliza and Franco. Michele seems really mad at me which i can't fault her for so my goal if I survive this round is to talk to her and get her back on my side. Maybe reuniting the alliance of dusty, her, and I could make a huge impact. This challenge is really difficult so I don't think I had any chance of winning. I kinda hope I do for just in case reasons. If I being told the truth and everyone is targeting Frank then it should happen pretty easily. His idol got flushed last round so it should be simple to get rid of him. But until those votes are read I do believe that I will be the one going home.
Watch Franco have an idol and I go home. That would be funny, tbh I guess it just would be. But oh boy I am gonna get myself a nice snack if Franco goes...although let's be real I'm gonna have a nice snack no matter what. But I just want to stay and have Franco or Eliza leave since that would benefit my game to an extreme since they KEEP TRYING TO VOTE ME OUT. Or at least saying my name which is enough for me. Like if you say my name, get out!
Tribal is in a few minutes, and I’ve just had an emotional chat with Franco He is truly an incredible ally and I really look forward to being in the reunion w him and finding out who he is irl (although I have a guess) Anyway, I just wanted to give him some positive edit, because I’m sure he’s very N as the villain of the game :P 
This is crazy idek if I won immunity or what’s happening I changed my vote like 3 times LMAO i voted for Eliza I don’t know what’s happening i think I’m freaking out for no reason. My only fear is michele being very quiet. 
being quiet worked i guess. wasnt really a game move but i didnt get voted out so yay
I really just gave up on trying to have my own strategy/game and just voted how people told me to huh
Dear diary... It was a tie between me and frank, this might be the last time I write in confessions but hopefully I was able to make some sort of impact in the game. Wow this sucks
jflkdsaiof okay a tie well michele being quiet all day meant that she didnt get the chance to know the vote was for eliza... which just made me think someone decided to not flip against eliza/franco so in the revote i reached out to worm and rain to try and get them to flip which they both denied. ugh im so stupid, they would know regardless that i flipped, but now it seems like i was soooo adamant about her going... oh well. Franco is going to be pissed anyway
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Episode 9 Confessionals
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dammit i aligned with the one person everyone wanted out in the merge first.. why is jordan pines still here? well im using my power and bouncing the fuck out next round--- see ya suckers!
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i hate blindsides. like people are always like "omg BLINDSIDE haha this is so fun!!" no. theyre not fun. do u rlly like having to own up to everything after tribal to people u just betrayed and u cant tell them EVERYTHING that happened but u have to tell em something and tey always feel betrayed. not fun, and katies obv pretty hurt while bryce is hiding it. like im not gonna blindside if its always this unfun. i dont wanna spill my guts and be all weird bc i dont like doing it :/ but telling people who im voting isnt fun either idek
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So the vote didn't go my way. Someone is working with jordan and luke. i think the way the votes fell it was me and chris on jordan, katie on luke, willow on me, and charlotte, luke, jordan, carson, zach on chris. everyone is saying that it was last minute and just wanted to go with the majority. but that doesnt add up. i was told that i wasnt clued in because they didnt know if i was close with chris or not. and that they wanted to flush the idol that jordan has. but if you all vote with him he obviously wont play it?? also i wasnt told because chris chose me to go on the wishing well im  pretty sure which is lame. we werent even close and i would be fine voting him even if i think its the wrong move seeing as how luke and jordan need to go sooner or later. im most betrayed by carson because i told him hes my number 1 and he said the same but he doesnt let me know saying it was last minute. but he talked to me right before the vote and said it was jordan so clearly it wasnt too last minute. willow voting me is so random but i need to make sure i get her back with me b/c i think i can use her. this vote has brought me and katie closer i think which is good, she really seems to think that charlotte was the mastermind of the vote and i kind of agree. i just dont get why charlotte wanted us to split and then do this. she convinced chris to split too i believe which is sad for him. but like why would she make a split if she already had 5 votes. so i think its maybe not her, or she was doing that for extra caution. anyway people still have these advantages from the auction so im wary and just want to win the immunity to secure myself. i need to work on my relationship with luke and willow i think b/c i think that can be beneficial moving forward.
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katie used her power.. like why?? i love katie but like.. that was dumb. after me incessantly telling her, youre fine, youre safe. but whatever. (but i get her point of view too because i wouldnt trust me after telling her i was voting jordan then helping her split votes on luke then voting chris out lmao) hopefully the plan of getting jordan out can work this round even though katie using her power semi? nto really complicates the plan. patience sucks by the way
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Jordan won immunity which is PERFECt because it means he can't be voted out but now I'm just worrying about me. I know we managed to get the numbers last round but I'm nervous about whether or not people will vote me off this round or not, especially since I'm the only vulnerable Copa at tribal council. That being said I /do/ have 2 idols in my pocket so I could just pull one of those but I wanna try and wait as long as I can before I have to use those. Ideally I want Willow out this round, I don't really talk to her and I don't think she trusts me especially after we played Dead Sea together and I had a hand in exposing the idol that she played incorrectly (oops?)! Zach didn't really like the idea of getting Willow out but Jordan wants to so I'm gonna see what I can do. It ain't over yet
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*play like jenna.. play like jenna... play like jenna... PLAY LIKE JENNA*
I hope to be a swing vote next round 
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Carson: What do you want to do about tribal? Me, probably: Blindside Zach. 
So we're talking about voting out Willow this round.
She's nice, but there are no real allegiances (as far as I know) that she has in this game. Her vote was wild last round for Bryce, so it should be easy to get him on board to vote for her too. Jordan and Zach both need to go at some point but right now they, and Carson, are the only people I enjoy talking to so ... maybe I'll play this out and just bring a bunch of threats to the end with me. Why not? Can you imagine a final three filled with people who actually played decent games? It'd be a blood bath to see who wins and I am SO here for that.
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this vote is a little intricate. but before I get into that, I want to explain other stuff. I was so close to copying Jordan's score because I knew from a past game he got perfect, so I would only assume he'd get it again. That being said, I would've felt really shitty and it may have potentially fractured my relationships with some of them. anyway the five person alliance type thing of char/luke/jordan/carson/myself aint going to stick much longer because..... everyone wants me out. I wanted Bryce out and i got it going but unfortunately people are doing willow. 
Willow leaving is kind of bad for my game, but nonetheless it's the decision and I can't resist it much. I plan on telling her the truth, and getting her to use her golden fan so that I can maybe get a new power because my rope fucking sucks (well, sometimes it can, but its a tiebreaker rip) I think if she didnt use it, she'd give it to me? and i think thatd be fine but i dont want to use it because luke would be mad, so if she's leaving, then why not just let it be her since  she's leaving anyway? I love Willow to death though so her leaving is going to be sad :( I think ideally the next person i'd want out is Jordan. One of the trio of L/C/J have to leave, and i'm least closest with Jordan and despite Char being like... opened about wanting me out because i can go on a comp streak, i don't want her out bryce can leave too. i dont talk to him much, but he's a nice guy! the game's the game, and it sucks though. Also it's fucking crazy how already its final 8 like?? it feels like the game started lowkey like 2 days ago and .... we're almost half way done.. wait we are DSMGODSMGDS okay done
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"honestly i love how in this game votes are determined like ~6 hours before the vote and its settleede easily for the most part" zach even tho we've only had three votes including this one and the last one he said he was" told last minute" so what the truth!!! I think we're voting willow here everyone seems to be on board but i was blindsided last time and theres no saying I wont be blindsided again. I really wanted to win immunity but i flopped big time but maybe itll make people think im not a threat. Im gonna try to bring me carson zach charlotte back together and hope for the best because it would be 4-3. but also i want to remain close with katie even tho she ditched me... iconic queen. She told carson before hand but not me so thats interesting i guess!
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willow targeted charlotte and spread her name, and charlotte acc does have some power so... ppl (bryce) ratted to charlotte and now willow's on the chopping block. sigh. im fine with willow going i guess ill just need a new final 3 person for me and zach?? whatevs. also willow has a golden fan apparently that mixes up the golden fan so me + zach r gonna try and get her to use it before tribal so we can possibly get some items. also.. at the start of this tribal EVERY name was tossed out besides me and zach. this could be because people know we're close or maybe we actually are in a good position. i think its the former but who knows. hoping this vote can be pulled off easily and i won't be the blindsidee tonight.
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Currently trying to get the votes to get Willow out. So far I think I have me, Jordan, Charlotte and Bryce and with Katie gone that's majority for this vote. Zach still doesn't want to do it but I may just have to go behind his back on this vote and not do what he wants but that's the game. Hoping this works because I have a really weird feeling about tonight. 
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Okay so as of currently I think Carson, Zachary and Charlotte are the biggest threat and I want Charlotte gone lowkey 
But I'm at my friends house so I don't have lots of time as usual ugh, also I'm a dumbass who got the challenge time wrong also Bryce suspected it was me who voted for him last round rip 
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I've been being jewish all day so im just here now, so first confessional - hooray jordan finally won a fucking immunity challenge, it took way too long rtp. like seriously wtf
Anyways splitting this confessional up into 2 cause tribal is soon and i got nothing to talk about, but like bye willow, you were cool i guess, we didnt talk. sorry hon
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Okay so like its definitely gonna be me tonight and I sorta tried but I think it's gonna be a unanimous vote and I just wanted to say I love Zach and Carson and I hope they do well in this game and I'm excited to use my fan and stir shit up right before I leave and continue only ever getting 8th in side seasons  
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i gave zach my idol bc im a paranoid bitch and have a bad feeling about this vote. also FUCK everyone for wanting (or faking) to vote out literal ANGEL Willow. i just like told her im voting her and love her and wanna be friends after :// Also idk. i have a weird feeling. if i am blindsided, then good game bitches.
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putainamant · 7 years
Okay so something happened last night. Well okay, to start off this whole week was hazardous and I'm surprised I'm still in a good mood lmao. After weeks and hours spent searching for a prom dress I finally buy one on Tuesday. Cool right? It only took like 8 hours of walking!! Lolz I h8 me for being so picky. Anyways, next day my friend, who I went to go look for prom dresses with, looks exhausted. Okay turns out she was more than exhausted and I basically mutha fuckin triggered her and she began to cry, so of course I felt horrible this whole week. I don't know how to be friends anymore. I don't know how to continue on caring so much. There are times where I really do question why I'm friends with certain people because I don't even know them or am fond of the energy/vibe that they carry along with them. Back to it leading to Thursday confirming it to be an incredibly horrible week-- there was an award ceremony for Bishop and my poor boos were in melancholic moods and Sam and I forced Becky to go. She almost cried and she never cries so I was like "oh fak." Still though I did my best to carry an optimistic mind and support my boos. Ah man okay let me rewind a bit. It's after school and the group decided to go eat and justino was going to pick me up from school. Okay so all of a sudden his puto ass forgot that he had a hair appointment so plans canceled. I decide to go home and change. Guess who I c? I see Maria and it was so strange to how it felt like I just talked to her yesterday. We haven't seen each other in like 2 years bro. So shocker on that. Back to the ceremony. It ends and Justin ends up picking us up to go and eat. Clearly we're such an indecisive group and it takes us a while to choose where to dine, but we end up in Tatsu Ramen. THE CAR WAS HELLA PACKED, so I've been the one to lay down bc I'm a small s.o.b. It hurt my neck so bad, so I wasn't in a hurry to get back in. He was moving the car yes I noticed that, but he stopped moving the car so I decide to open the door of his car. HE BEGINS TO MOVE AGAIN. ME BEING IN SHOCK DOESNT ALLOW ME TO SCREAM. But he ran over my mother fucking foot and I was laughing hysterically, so mis amigos thought I was joking when I said he ran over my foot, but then tears started streaming down my face and they noticed I wasn't lyin. Also, my friend had been worried all day because she thought she might have been pregnant, so I decide to use the excuse that I need to go to CVS to get an ice pack. Surprisingly my foot is in perfect condition, so I'm just trippin on finding a pregnancy test for her. Oh fuck wait, okay so before we go in to the store Justin gets out of the car and kneels down and tells me to slap him. I kept denying him, but he looked so nervous and he said it'd make him feel better. Tbh i began to think I had a chance to finally slap him like I've been wanting to slap him ever since he fucked me over u know. So I just did it, BUT MY DUMBASS HAS BAD AIM BLAH. Oh well. After cvs, we take everyone back home (including me). I'm okay and I reassure Justin as much as I can. So my friend calls me the next day and tells me how Justin needs space from the group like he's traumatized. I felt so bad, but after talking to some people about this I realize how selfish he's being. Not one text did I receive if my foot was okay. I texted him and no response. You know what I hate about him? He doesn't look at me. Never straight in the eye. He doesn't know me like I know him. I listen and he doesn't. God idk why I want him in my life. I love him. As a friend. I cared for him this whole year. Yet, I question if he even knows who I am. If he's even curious to know. Oh well. I did all i could and I know it. I give up. Moral of the story: FUCK FAKE BITCHES Also my beautiful friend isn't pregnant so that's good news!
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