#climbing milestone mountain
statiifilia · 2 years
Climbing Milestone Mountain, August 22, 1937 BY KENNETH REXROTH
For a month now, wandering over the Sierras,   A poem had been gathering in my mind,   Details of significance and rhythm, The way poems do, but still lacking a focus.   Last night I remembered the date and it all   Began to grow together and take on purpose.   We sat up late while Deneb moved over the zenith   And I told Marie all about Boston, how it looked   That last terrible week, how hundreds stood weeping   Impotent in the streets that last midnight. I told her how those hours changed the lives of thousands, How America was forever a different place   Afterwards for many.                              In the morning We swam in the cold transparent lake, the blue   Damsel flies on all the reeds like millions   Of narrow metallic flowers, and I thought   Of you behind the grille in Dedham, Vanzetti, Saying, “Who would ever have thought we would make this history?” Crossing the brilliant mile-square meadow   Illuminated with asters and cyclamen,   The pollen of the lodgepole pines drifting   With the shifting wind over it and the blue   And sulphur butterflies drifting with the wind,   I saw you in the sour prison light, saying,   “Goodbye comrade.”                           In the basin under the crest Where the pines end and the Sierra primrose begins,   A party of lawyers was shooting at a whiskey bottle.   The bottle stayed on its rock, nobody could hit it. Looking back over the peaks and canyons from the last lake,   The pattern of human beings seemed simpler   Than the diagonals of water and stone.   Climbing the chute, up the melting snow and broken rock, I remembered what you said about Sacco, How it slipped your mind and you demanded it be read into the record. Traversing below the ragged arête, One cheek pressed against the rock The wind slapping the other, I saw you both marching in an army You with the red and black flag, Sacco with the rattlesnake banner. I kicked steps up the last snow bank and came   To the indescribably blue and fragrant Polemonium and the dead sky and the sterile Crystalline granite and final monolith of the summit.   These are the things that will last a long time, Vanzetti, I am glad that once on your day I have stood among them.   Some day mountains will be named after you and Sacco.   They will be here and your name with them, “When these days are but a dim remembering of the time   When man was wolf to man.” I think men will be remembering you a long time   Standing on the mountains Many men, a long time, comrade.
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animatedgifcards · 5 months
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exploretreks · 2 years
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pudgedork · 17 days
there are so many enjoyable milestones in a feedee’s weight gain journey. of course, there are the numbers and stats: 300 pounds, 400 pounds, 500 pounds, the day you weigh twice as much as someone your height should, or three times, or four…
but there’s something special about the tangible signs of just quite how far you’ve let yourself go. of all of these, the greatest is the day you realise you’re too fat to touch yourself. the moment it dawns on you that you’ve packed so much fat onto your frame, you need to rely on someone else to get you off. so far off the deep end of your kink that you can’t even properly enjoy it independently.
other achievements are great; becoming too heavy for your first scale, outgrowing seatbelts and requiring an extender, or reaching the point where you can’t tie your own shoe laces due to all that squishy belly in the way.
if you squint a bit though - and you’re deep enough in denial - you can convince yourself that these aren’t really your fault. you aren’t that fat, not really. the scale was cheap; they probably cut costs and that’s why the limit's so low. seatbelts are designed for skinny people, so even if you are a little pudgy now it’s clearly an oversight in the design. shoes shouldn’t even have laces actually; we’ve come up with better designs at this point. it’s unreasonable of them to assume everyone has the flexibility to reach down like that!
but getting so fat that you can’t pleasure yourself; there’s no way to spin that. you can’t blame a company for that. you can’t blame cost-cutting. you can’t ignore it. it's all on you. you’ve overindulged so excessively - and so relentlessly - that your gut has swollen to a size that evolution itself didn’t anticipate. how could it? in what scenario would a person ever have such an abundant supply of food – and lack of self-control – for this to become a problem?
yet, here you are. stuffed full of thousands of calories of junk once again, you try to reach over your rolls like normal to give yourself the release you crave; but they seem just a little bigger than last time. it’s fine, you planned ahead for this. your toy can reach the last little part of the way. except this time, it doesn’t. you wiggle it helplessly, but it’s not happening.
you shuffle your mass around on the couch, trying to contort yourself to an angle where you can reach with a pudgy fingertip. every movement makes you more breathless, and the sweat is pouring off you. this is the most exercise you’ve done in who knows how long, and it’s all in an attempt to simply get yourself off.
exhausted, you flop back and give in. you feel defeated. humiliated. what the fuck have you done to yourself? a rare moment of clarity. this was never supposed to get this out of hand. you don’t even know how heavy you are, since you couldn’t be bothered buying another replacement scale after the last one caved in on itself. it’s been months since you left the house; even if you wanted to, you're not convinced anybody manufactures clothes that could contain you.
sure, you wanted to get fat. you loved it. the thrill of watching the number on the scale climb, bursting out of clothes, every inch of your body coated in an ever deepening layer of supple flab. but this… this was too much now. you’d ignored all the signs so far, but this one wasn’t going unheeded. your loved ones were embarrassed enough already by what you’d become, but they hadn’t seen you in at least a year. what the hell would they say now? all that potential squandered for a life of obscene gluttony, entirely committed to hedonism.
the thought's cut short by a deep rumble from your belly. you’ve gone half an hour without shovelling calories down your throat, and it wants to know what the hold up is. you hear a car pull into the drive. your partner’s home from work. the front door opens, and within seconds they’re sinking their hands into your mountainous belly and greeting you with a passionate kiss.
they’re obsessed with you, as you are with them. they always dreamed of enabling a whale to live out their fantasies. you’ve been more than happy to do just that. before you have a chance to air your worries, they jump in first to tell you they picked up food on the way home. family-sized orders from each of your favourite fast food places, plus enough snacks to last an average person a month.
well, maybe you could reconsider. they're already used to helping you with things you can't do at your size, after all. maybe you could get a little bigger, just for them.
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stargirlfeyre · 3 months
Acting like Feyre is closer to Lucien than she is to Azriel and Cassian is actual insanity.
Out of these three men only one of them has yet to hold her child (Lucien), out of these three men only one of them was left out when it was time to announce her pregnancy (Lucien), out of these three men only one of them curses out her in defense of her abuser and still wants to be friends with him (Lucien).
Azriel was one of the first people to hold Nyx, before Rhys even did mind you. He’s described as being super protective of him almost to the extent of his parents and he was there for all of it. The pregnancy announcement, the gender reveal, and the birth. Don’t mistake Feyre and him having a quiet relationship as them having a nonexistent one. When Rhys couldn’t get Azriel off of Eris at the High Lord’s meeting it was Feyre who he listened to, when Nesta hurt Feyre by throwing the death of her child in her face Azriel purposely overpacked her bag while knowing that she, who is suicidal, would be climbing a mountain.
When Azriel got upset with Feyre and disagreed with her orders they actually had a private conversation about it after instead of just ignoring each-other’s feelings, when Feyre was doubting where she belonged in the world it was Azriel, who is usually emotionally closed off towards even his friends of centuries, who opened up and connected with her about being confused on where he also belongs. When Feyre was insulted at the High Lord’s meeting, it was Azriel who threatened a High Lord over her before even her mate could say anything.
It’s him who’s flying all the way to the continent to get her rare paints for her birthday and it’s Lucien who’s trying to get in her face in the name of defending her abuser on her birthday.
And Cassian? Come on now. Not counting Rhys, Cassian is probably the closest person to Feyre along with Mor. Like do I need to bring up his monologue about how much he admires her? Do I need to bring up how he’ll just go to her studio to watch her paint? Do I need to bring up their entire Solstice scene in Acofas? How he got an attitude with her because she didn’t think she was as valuable as the rest of the Inner Circle members? How he said that she was his? How he said that in the weeks that she was in Spring, he felt the same way that he did when Rhys was stuck UTM? How he made his suicidal mate climb a mountain for hurting her?
Cassian is Feysand’s first child even even they know it.
Saying that Feyre has a deeper relationship with Cassian and Azriel isn’t really a diss because it’s true. Lucien isn’t going to be super important to everyone and that’s okay. Those two have been there for important milestones in her life the way Lucien has not. They’ve been there for her emotionally and physically (not like that) in ways Lucien has not. Probably because he was too busy being an emotional crutch for her abuser.
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Do you have any tips for ADHD writers, especially for motivation and getting WIPs done?
Outlines don't work for me like 99% of the time, so outside of some worldbuilding/character notes and such, I just pants my way through my stories for the most part.
Tips for Writers with ADHD: How to Stay Motivated and Outline Stories
I actually am a writer with ADHD myself, so I completely understand. I tried my best to give you good insight on how you can write a story with ADHD (also tried to make it sound as professional as possible.)
Writing can be a challenging task for anyone, but for those of us with ADHD, it can feel like an insurmountable mountain to climb. Staying focused, motivated, and organized can be a constant struggle. However, being a writer with ADHD also comes with its own unique set of strengths. In this blog post, I'll help you explore some practical tips and strategies to help ADHD writers stay motivated, outline their stories, and unleash their creative potential.
Living with ADHD means that our minds are constantly buzzing with ideas, making it challenging to stay on track and follow through on our writing goals. However, with the right tools and mindset, we can harness our creative energy and turn it into a powerful force for storytelling. So, let's dive in and discover how we can thrive as ADHD writers.
Disclaimer: Remember that everyone's experience with ADHD is unique, and not all strategies may work for everyone. It's essential to find what works best for you and adapt these tips to fit your individual needs.
Embracing Your ADHD Superpowers
Living with ADHD is often seen as a disadvantage, but it's crucial to reframe our perspective and recognize the unique strengths that come with it. As ADHD writers, we possess a natural ability to think outside the box, make connections others might miss, and generate innovative ideas. Embracing these superpowers can fuel our creativity and make our writing stand out.
One of the most significant strengths of ADHD writers is our hyperfocus. While it may be challenging to concentrate on mundane tasks, when something truly captivates our interest, we can enter a state of hyperfocus where time seems to vanish. Use this to your advantage by creating a writing environment that sparks your curiosity and allows you to immerse yourself in your story.
Another superpower we possess is our ability to think quickly and make connections. Our minds are constantly jumping from one idea to another, which can be overwhelming at times. However, this unique thought process can be a goldmine for storytelling. Use it to your advantage by allowing your thoughts to flow freely during the outlining process. Don't be afraid to explore different angles and possibilities.
Lastly, ADHD writers often have a heightened sense of empathy and emotional intelligence. We are incredibly perceptive when it comes to understanding complex emotions and human behavior. This can be a powerful tool when crafting realistic and relatable characters. Draw on your own experiences and observations to breathe life into your fictional creations.
Cultivating Motivation and Consistency
ADHD writers often struggle with maintaining motivation and consistency in their writing practice. We may start projects with great enthusiasm, only to lose interest or become overwhelmed as time goes on. However, there are several techniques we can employ to cultivate motivation and stay on track.
Set small, achievable goals to create a sense of accomplishment. Break down your writing tasks into manageable chunks, whether it's writing a certain number of words each day or completing a specific scene. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, and use it as fuel to keep going.
Create a structured writing routine to establish a sense of consistency. Our ADHD brains thrive on routine and predictability. Designate a specific time and place for writing, and make it a non-negotiable part of your daily life. Over time, your brain will associate this routine with creativity and focus, making it easier to get into the writing mindset.
Find an accountability partner or join a writing group. Sharing your progress with others can provide an extra layer of motivation and support. Whether it's a writing buddy who checks in with you regularly or a critique group that offers feedback, the sense of community can keep you motivated and inspired.
Outlining Strategies for ADHD Writers
ADHD writers often struggle with organizing their thoughts and creating a coherent structure for their stories. However, outlining can be a powerful tool to bring order to the creative chaos and provide a roadmap for your writing journey.
Start with a brainstorming session. Let your ideas flow freely without judgment. Write down every thought, character, and plot point that comes to mind. Don't worry about organizing them just yet - the goal is to capture the essence of your story.
Once you have a wealth of ideas, it's time to categorize and organize them. Create a visual representation of your story using tools like mind maps or index cards. This allows you to see the connections between different elements and identify any gaps or inconsistencies.
Use a flexible outlining approach that suits your ADHD brain. Traditional linear outlines may not work for everyone. Consider using non-linear methods like the "snowflake method" or the "puzzle piece method." These approaches allow you to work on different sections of your story simultaneously, keeping your mind engaged and preventing boredom.
Being a writer with ADHD certainly presents its challenges, but it also brings a unique set of strengths and talents. By embracing our superpowers, cultivating motivation and consistency, and employing effective outlining strategies, we can overcome the obstacles and unleash our full creative potential. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. With perseverance and a little bit of creativity, you can become a successful writer, ADHD and all.
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Embrace New Beginnings
Hey Ladies and gentlemen,
Starting something new can feel like staring up at a towering mountain, its peak obscured by clouds. The path ahead seems daunting, and doubts creep in. But remember this: you're not alone on this journey. We all face those initial moments of uncertainty.
Let's break down the climb: Understanding Before we conquer any mountain, we must understand why it appears so difficult. It's like deciphering a complex puzzle. Once we grasp the intricacies, the path becomes clearer.
The Curve Every new venture has its learning curve—a steep ascent where we stumble, falter, and sometimes even slide back. But this curve is our teacher. It shows us the way forward, step by step.
Practice Makes Perfect Just as a mountaineer practices climbing techniques, we too must practice relentlessly. Whether it's mastering a musical instrument, learning a language, or perfecting a recipe, repetition leads to mastery.
Adventures Speaking of recipes, let's explore culinary adventures. Remember the first time you attempted a complex dish? It felt like scaling Everest. But with each attempt, flavors harmonized, techniques improved, and soon, you were creating magic in the kitchen.
Confidence Grows: As we persist, our confidence grows. We realize that those mountains—once insurmountable—are now familiar hills. Our skills expand, and we stand taller, ready for the next challenge. Finally, let's address problems. They're not stop signs; they're milestones. Each obstacle we encounter is a checkpoint on life's journey. Embrace them, learn from them, and keep moving forward.
So, my friends, keep practicing, keep climbing, and soon those towering peaks will transform into gentle slopes. Remember, the journey matters more than the destination. Happy trails!
©Himanshi Dargas
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p-h03n1-x · 17 days
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Yibo Official Weibo update 9.8.2024 part 2 of 2
Mountains and rivers, the journey is long. In the pure land of snow mountains, converse with the soul, complete a spiritual journey "between peaks and valleys." Wang Yibo in fearless climbing, unlock more life milestones, and feel the ultimate passion!
And their hashtag:
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news24-7live · 1 month
Tomiko Itooka: The World’s Oldest Person at 116 Age
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Tomiko Itooka, a 116-year-old Japanese woman has been officially recognized as the world's oldest living person following the passing of 117-year-old Maria Branyas Morera. https://twitter.com/PopCrave/status/1825979850886086722
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Also Read: Research Links Red Meat Consumption with Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Tomiko Itooka was born on May 23, 1908 in Osaka, Japan. This was the same year that the Eiffel Tower transmitted its first radio message and when the Wright Brothers made their public flights in Europe and America. Raised in Osaka, Itooka grew up alongside her siblings and attended both elementary and high school in the city. At the age of 20, she married and eventually had four children. Tomiko Itooka worked as a manager in her husband’s textile factory, which was located in South Korea during World War II. This role would have required responsibility during such a period. Tomiko Itooka’s husband passed away in 1979. During World War II, Tomiko managed the office of her husband’s textile factory. This responsibility showcased her ability to go through one of the challenging periods in modern history. The war had effects on her and her family, but her resilience helped them to recover in the post-war era. Tomiko’s love for physical activities, particularly mountain climbing is one of the extraordinary aspects of her life. She scaled Japan’s 3,067-meter Mount Ontake twice. She climbed the mountain in sneakers instead of hiking boots. Even into her 70s, Tomiko continued her passion for climbing. Her dedication to staying active extended beyond mountain climbing, she completed the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage twice in her 80s. This involves visiting 33 Buddhist temples across the Kansai region. At 100 years old, Tomiko Itooka continued to defy expectations by walking up the lengthy stone steps of Ashiya Shrine without the aid of a cane. This ability to remain physically active at such an advanced age is considered one of the factors contributing to her longevity. Tomiko Itooka’s extraordinary life gained international recognition when she was named the world’s oldest living person at the age of 116. This title came following the death of Spain’s Maria Branyas Morera, who passed away at the age of 117. The Gerontology Research Group known for validating the ages of supercentenarians confirmed her birthdate and age, placing her at the top of their World Supercentenarian Rankings List. https://twitter.com/ThePopFlop/status/1825869923064619506 Also Read: The Hidden Dangers of Stealthy Saturated Fats and Sugars Since 2019 Tomiko Itooka has resided in a nursing home in Ashiya, Hyogo Prefecture. Despite her advanced age she remains mentally sharp and communicates clearly, though she has become hard of hearing. Every morning, Tomiko Itooka starts her day with a popular yogurt-flavored drink called Calpis. Her favorite food is bananas, which she enjoys regularly. This simple diet combined with her active lifestyle may have contributed to her longevity. Tomiko Itooka celebrated her 116th birthday three months before being recognized as the world’s oldest person. The celebration included receiving flowers, a cake and a card from the city’s mayor. At the age of 100, Itooka demonstrated her enduring physical strength and independence by walking up the lengthy stone steps of the Ashiya Shrine without the aid of a walking stick. This feat underscores her physical vitality and determination to remain active well into her centenarian years. Itooka reached the milestone age of 110 in May 2018 she earned the title of supercentenarian. The Gerontology Research Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to researching human longevity. Following the death of Maria Branyas Morera at the age of 117, Tomiko Itooka has been officially declared the world’s oldest living person by Guinness World Records. While Tomiko Itooka is the current oldest living person, she joins a list of supercentenarians who have been recognized by Guinness World Records. The previous titleholder, Maria Branyas Morera lived through the 1918 flu pandemic, two world wars and the Spanish Civil War. The oldest verified person in history, Jeanne Louise Calment of France lived to be 122 years and 164 days old, passing away in 1997. https://twitter.com/shanghaidaily/status/1826074107492127115 Also Read: Cholera Outbreak in Sudan has Killed At Least 22 People
Top Sources Related to Tomiko Itooka: The World’s Oldest Person at 116 Age (For R&D)
Guinness World Records: 116-year-old Japanese woman confirmed as world’s oldest living personTomiko Itooka is now the world’s oldest living person, following the death of 117-year-old Maria Branyas Morera. Euronews:
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Meet Tomiko Itooka: The world’s oldest person at 116Born in the same year that saw the Wright Brothers’ initial public flights, Tomiko Itooka has a life as remarkable as her age. AL Jazeera: At 116, Japanese woman set to be named world’s oldest person | Health News | Al JazeeraWe use cookies and other tracking technologies to deliver and personalize content and ads, enable features, measure site performance, and enable social media sharing. You can choose to customize your preferences.Learn more about our Cookie Policy. USA Today:
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Japanese woman, 116, set to take title of oldest person the worldTomiko Itooka, 116, is now the oldest person in the world, Guinness World Records says, following the death of a woman who was 117. She loves bananas. AP News: A Japanese woman who loves bananas is now the world’s oldest personTomiko Itooka is now the world’s oldest living person at age 116. Guinness World Records confirmed the Japanese woman’s status Thursday, following the death of 117-year-old Maria Branyas. The Straits Times:
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Japanese woman, 116, to be named world’s oldest personMs Tomiko Itooka, who was born in 1908, used to be a mountaineer. Read more at straitstimes.com. Read the full article
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thelooniemoonie · 3 months
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Look at how far we've come (Happy 25th birthday to me!)
I'm gonna put some of my thoughts under the cut here, so if you wanna hear me reflect or get personal for a second feel free to scroll past. (CW: mentions of suicide, and other dark topics)
I'm writing this the day or so before queuing this so by the time you read it it will be my birthday but I'm writing this on like. Wednesday
And...well? I guess I'm turning 25? I know it's technically a big milestone because it's like 25% through your life or whatever, but it feels....kinda weird? Like, "oh, I guess I'm turning 25."
I don't quite know how to explain how I'm feeling. It's not necessarily bad? I know we live in a world that puts a lot of unnecessary pressure on age and getting older, but i don't really care about that kinda stuff like getting grey hairs or wrinkles. But this is a new feeling.
It's more like....the feeling of realization once you reflect a bit. A lot of stuff has happened over the past few years, but once you actually turn and look back all of the events you lived through, you kinda realize how much you've grown. Going step by step, day by day, and only realizing once you turn around that you've climbed an entire mountain.
Back when I was 12 years old, I attempted to kill myself.
At the time, the future felt like a dark fog with nothing ahead in sight. I was living in dangerous abusive conditions with my father, severely depressed, and actively spiralling with my own identity, let alone my place in the world. The future was nonexistent.
Now...when I reflect back on that period of my life, it feels like worlds away now.
(Also don't worry if you're reading this and feel concern for me, I haven't felt any suicidal feelings in practically a decade now. I'm sure as hard things may seem sometimes, I genuinely am miles away from that headspace and do not intend to hurt myself in any way.)
It's kinda weird knowing back when I was younger (which isn't that long ago, to be fair) that I already felt like my life was over. Like I just wasn't gonna get into university, I was gonna drop out, I'm gonna have to navigate the entire trajectory of my life in that deep fog.....
.....and now realizing where I am? It's weird. Like I didn't plan for any of this. I should be dead. I'm just winging this entire thing.
But.... it's also realizing that I'm gonna be fine.
To be perfectly honest, this year has been kinda rough for me. While I don't talk about my personal life too much on here I was pretty miserable the first 4 months due to getting screwed over during the start of my Masters, plus not seeing my irl friends for a while hasn't been ideal either. (I also feel kinda shitty complaining about these things in general, as I'm well aware these kinds of opportunities are things not everyone is able to get, and I know there's friends and others that have it worse off than me, so I just kinda keep that shit to myself)
But I've also come a long way haven't I? I've managed to graduate in the middle of a pandemic, managed to land a job helping the covid pandemic in my province, got my drivers licence, made memories with the ones I love and meeting new people, slowly becoming more independent and now doing climate change research for my Masters degree? It's...something.
It's kinda the feeling of your world being very small, like a tiny space where the fog obscures anything outside your view, and slowly it fading away and your world getting bigger. Like sure I can't 100% see the future, but it's important to reflect on knowing what that world was like before.
I wish I had something poetic here or a message or life lesson to articulate my thoughts. But that doesn't really work here. (I'm also being careful to focus on positive aspects of my life here, as it wouldn't really be great to focus on the more negative aspects, like that time I almost died again (this time not on purpose, I promise) in a car crash in 2020 or a really bad breakup I had with a group of friends. But I suppose that's just life, isn't it? You really get a wide variety of experiences, good or bad)
I can't really say my life is 100% improved at this point either, things still aren't perfect as I'm still living with my mom, a closeted queer, and I'm sure there's a lot that I still need to learn and considering, the uh, well (vaguely gestures at all the current events going on right now) stuff....going on........there's still a lot of work to be done.
Dandelions in the spring. A shining moon on a dark night. The first seedling after a forest fire. Fading scars. Light from a birthday candle held in your hands, carrying wishes in the wind long after they burn out.
Hope, I guess.
Anyway if you read this far here's my official adult™ tips from my experience:
If you wear jewellery that tarnishes quickly line a bowl with tinfoil shiny side up, place jewellery in the bowl with equal parts baking soda and salt, and pour boiling water over everything and leave for 5 minutes
Invest in a cushion that supports your tailbone. You have no idea how many office chairs have shit ergonomic design.
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animatedgifcards · 5 months
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zodiactalks · 6 months
AMBITIOUS Zodiac Signs Ranked
Not everyone has the focus, energy, and patience to make their dreams come true and become the best version of themselves.
These people are known as ambitious because they can set a lofty goal and endure all obstacles until they achieve it. These individuals know that they are here to leave a mark on the world and will not tire until they do.
Read on and find out which zodiac signs are the most ambitious and which ones are not so concerned about improving their lifestyle.
#1. Capricorn
Capricorn knows from a very young age what they want for their life. These individuals are goal-oriented and are willing to start from scratch to achieve success in life without asking for help from others.
And indeed, they can do it, as they are patient, strong, and don't require too many luxuries to be satisfied. Capricorns can climb a massive mountain with no more than their clothes and some food in their pockets and get to the top before anyone else.
#2. Aries
Aries is also one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac because they love to compete and come out on top. Their energetic, enthusiastic, and outgoing personalities allow them to achieve their goals in record time and set new milestones quickly.
Aries' motivation is maintained as long as they accomplish their projects quickly, which helps them achieve success much sooner than others would expect.
#3. Scorpio
Similar to Aries, Scorpio is a power-driven sign, and their ambition to get everything they want knows no bounds. Scorpios like to be in charge of their lives, controlling every single detail, so they aspire to high and demanding roles.
But Scorpios are not afraid of challenges. These individuals are capable of working day and night and putting aside their free time and relationships in order to achieve their desired goals. There is no denying that their passion for what they want is admirable, and that is why Scorpios reach everything they set out to do.
#4. Leo
The least Leo wants for their life is to become the best version of themselves. They know they have a unique talent to share with the world, so they focus their energies on fulfilling their dreams.
These signs are confident and passionate, so they set clear goals to get what they want and won't take no for an answer. Leo can fall a thousand times and get up again with as much enthusiasm since they know they are one of a kind and have everything it takes to succeed.
#5. Virgo
Virgo is not as ambitious as the signs mentioned above as they are more humble and focus on helping others rather than succeeding.
However, Virgo's dedication and commitment are unmatched, and if they are asked to accomplish a goal, especially in their work, they will finish it in record time, and no matter how hard they try, no one will find fault with the results.
So, Virgo is ambitious because they strive for perfection in everything they do and take their commitments very seriously, especially if they involve helping others.
#6. Sagittarius
Sagittarians are more spontaneous and free-spirited, so they are not as concerned about becoming powerful or successful in their lives.
However, when they have a dream, whether to travel the world or immerse themselves in their spiritual journey, they will pursue it effortlessly, as their passion motivates their every action, and their enthusiasm fills their engines.
Thanks to their positive and friendly spirit, these individuals can leave their homes with a few bills in their pockets and travel the world without going through any hardship.
#7. Aquarius
Aquarius is one of those who make fun of people who only care about money or success. These individuals are rebellious and often go against the system, so it is natural to stray from traditional paths and live life against the mainstream.
However, they are passionate about humanitarian and political concerns and show dedication and ambition when fighting for a worthy cause. Aquarians fight to make the world more inclusive of different people and to break with the status quo.
#8. Libra
Libra is a gentle air sign that seeks harmony and balance in all its interactions. Libra is interested in justice and feels responsible for taking action when they witness any unfair treatment.
So, they are not so ambitious unless the harmony of their environment is at stake. That is where Librans will take the role of mediator seriously until everything is restored to its original order.
They can also be ambitious when organizing social events, as they are keen to make other people feel welcome and put on a good show for others. They love to host large cultural meetings that pleasantly surprise all of the guests.
#9. Taurus
Taurus becomes too stubborn when it comes to their life goals. These individuals don't mind working hard to have a comfortable and stable lifestyle.
Taureans need to be safeguarded with strong homes and good savings in the bank, so they make sure they do things right to keep their job. Now, as soon as they are comfortable, they can stick with it all their lives, without pursuing any other goals.
#10. Gemini
Geminis are decisive and know their way around any type of situation. That is why they are not considered ambitious, since they move at the pace of life and focus more on having a good time than on striving to accomplish challenging goals.
These signs are social and seek to live all the experiences that come into their lives to the fullest. They are anchored in the present and do not worry about what comes next, preferring to be a surprise.
#11. Cancer
Although Cancer is committed and hardworking, their aspirations are more tied to keeping their loved ones safe and happy. These individuals are domesticated and enjoy sharing with the people they love in the comfort of their homes.
So, as long as their bank accounts have enough savings and they are comfortable in their workplace, they can stick with the same lifestyle forever without needing any more than the warmth of their family.
#12. Pisces
Pisces is not interested in the earthly pursuits that other signs seem to seek at all costs. These individuals are more spiritual and aim to use their talents to help others overcome the limitations of their ego.
That is why they can have a frugal lifestyle as long as they can display their artistic and esoteric talents and thus share their love with the rest of the world. Their ambitions are linked to transcend their mind and specialize in a profession that allows them to assist those suffering, whether they are humans, animals, plants, or any type of sentient being.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
So You Didn’t Hit Your Word Count… Did You Have Fun?
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Sometimes we don’t reach our word count goal. And that’s okay! Longtime NaNo participant Michael Chatfield has a few words of advice on how the most important part of writing is the journey itself. There’s a regular responses to missing your word count— “I’ll just increase how much I write tomorrow, I’ll spread it over the remaining days!”
If that works for you— go for it!
If that doesn’t and you’re starting to beat yourself up about not hitting those numerical milestones and your obstacles are starting to look like blockades, this might be for you. My limited nuggets of wisdom I can give you on the all fearing word count.
I’m going to talk a little about passion, some about joy and a lot about how while numbers are great— they are not the be all-end all of writing. Showing up, getting lost inyour world, exploring it everyday and putting in the time is the win. Sometimes that results in words, we hope, but sometimes that means we don’t hit the numbers we want to.
Many times when we don’t hit that all important word count, there comes a sinking feeling. You may say to yourself something like — “I’m slipping”, “I’m behind”, “It’s going to be so hard to catch up”, “I’m failing!”. These are all a variation of “I didn’t get x words today so I’m losing”.
Woah— wait, you’re losing? You’re falling behind? Let me steal some words and heavily paraphrase what I heard fellow writer Elana Johnson say. Writing is like climbing a mountain, we’re each going up it on our own path in our own way. When we take a pause we feel like we’re slipping down the mountain. That’s just plain ridiculous, you climbed up to this point.
You’re HERE!
Take a look around. Your love for an idea, for a group of characters has led to this point. Draw from the excitement, that passion that got you here.
Get excited by that next scene that’s bursting to come forward, that next juicy tidbit you see ahead that opens a pit in your stomach, or fills it with butterflies!
Are you chasing numbers, or are you chasing those feelings, those scenes and parts that send a thrill through your mind and out into the world?
Ground yourself in where you are, just like a trek up a mountain, rarely do you do it in one damn bound.
You walk, take a break, take in the view, study the path behind, the path ahead. Maybe you want to be at a higher place than where you are right now.
Okay, totally fine, hell maybe you want to charge all the way up to that next lookout perch. Or maybe you didn’t move at all, you just took in the view.
That’s totally fine too, you didn’t start falling off it (base jumping is a whole different exercise).
Here’s a couple of thoughts/rut busters to think of:
If you’re stuck on something you need to do but having such a damn hell of a time doing it: Write a note. Dump all the information you have on this part. Now move onto the next thing after this.
When you have momentum use it, when you start seeing a scene coming together, start writing on it.
Write how you want to write. Some go from beginning to end, some write in chunks and fill it in, some use pen, keyboard or speech. Others hangout with friends, discuss a topic and write it all down. How do you want to record your stories? Do that. If you don’t know, then explore! Try out the most romantically writerly things you can think of like writing in calligraphy, on a typewriter, or with a cup of something. Picture how you think an author writes, try it out.
Writing your thoughts out can be a great help and allow you to go from writing out where the story is going to putting down the words that will get it there. Give thinking and thoughts space too. We often think it a waste of time or “doing nothing”.
I heard this from Neil Gaiman first and several other writers since. When writing, I can write or do nothing. Give writing the time it deserves and fully devote yourself to enjoying that time. Sometimes doing nothing is amazing. It’s known to cause thinking and boredom, which has been linked to increased creativity and energy.
You decide if you win or lose. If you show up, write, think, and be bored, you’ll honestly be surprised with the results. You win by living in your passion, you win by having fun. Don’t try to define failure, recognize when you’re having fun instead.
After all, writing is the author’s adventure.
Have fun, Michael Chatfield (Like all advice, it is only as useful as you find it. If this doesn’t gel with you, don’t worry, this wasn’t for you, there might be other advice that helps! Writing is your journey, find the information that works for you.)
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Michael Chatfield is an international bestseller who likes to create character-driven stories set in fact-paced worlds. His main genres are Fantasy, Science Fiction, and LitRPG, but he enjoys adding enough realism to make the stories leap off the page. His book, Connection Unknown, can be found here.
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
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Descendants of runaway slave communities still struggle for equality in Brazil
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Down a rickety staircase into a basement workshop lined with pottery objects, Irinéia Rosa Nunes da Silva shows off a sculpture inspired by a dramatic episode for her people. 
A dozen clay figures cling to trunks or branches, one with a bird in its arms. On a sweltering tropical afternoon, the septuagenarian artisan describes how this depicts the floods of 2010, when 50 residents from her village of Muquém, in the hilly and verdant countryside of northeastern Brazil, climbed up a pair of jackfruit trees and stayed there overnight to survive the rising waters.
The ceramic work is an apt memorial to the centuries of resistance by traditional rural communities known as quilombos which are scattered throughout the vast country. Descended from settlements originally founded by escaped slaves during colonial times, they have long been a symbol of struggle against oppression and hold an important place in Afro-Brazilian heritage.
Now, for the first time, a census has recorded the number of citizens who belong to these socio-ethnic groups. Quilombolas, as they are called, numbered 1.3mn in 2022, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. At 0.7 per cent of the overall population, they are not far behind the 1.7mn indigenous Brazilians. “Before we didn’t have this identification of our ethnicity or culture,” says Dorinha Calvacanti, the head of a residents association in Muquém. “It was a very important milestone.”
The community of 800 quilombolas in the state of Alagoas traces its origins back to the largest and most famous quilombo, Palmares. During the 17th century, Palmares grew into an autonomous confederation of settlements over mountains and forest. At its peak, there were an estimated 20,000 inhabitants, including runaway slaves, native people and white Europeans. Its last ruler, Zumbi, repelled numerous attacks by Portuguese forces before the kingdom’s capital fell in 1694, and was killed a year later. Following the abolition of slavery in 1888, the warrior king became a hero of the 20th century Afro-Brazilian political movement. The date of his execution — November 20 — is celebrated as Brazil’s Black Consciousness Day. 
Despite their belated recognition in today’s records, just under 3,600 self-declared quilombos continue to be afflicted by poverty, unemployment, discrimination and poor access to public services. Historically marginalised, few possess land titles. Even if the census data helps deliver better public policies, the long wait for inclusion is “a symptom of the structural and institutional racism of the Brazilian state”, argues professor Vagner Gomes Bijagó at the Federal University of Alagoas. “These challenges greatly impact the preservation of quilombola culture.” 
Continue reading.
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divinationtools · 9 months
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Mars enter Capricorn
Thursday 4th January 2024
Ambitions rise as Mars enters Capricorn, urging you to embrace disciplined action towards goals. Advice: Focus on long-term strategies, leadership, and perseverance. Activities: Initiate a project, set career milestones, or organize and structure your plans for success.
Yoga: The Mountain Pose (Tadasana) mirrors Capricorn's ambitious climb. Stand tall, grounding feet firmly. Reach upward, engaging core muscles, embodying perseverance and strength, symbolizing Mars' assertive entry into Capricorn's terrain, encouraging resilience and determination.
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imaginariumgeographica · 10 months
Happy 6th Martian landiversary, Curiosity!
It's been 6 Mars Years tosol since Curiosity touched down in Gale Crater at the tail end of the cloudy season of Mars Year 31.
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This image was taken shortly after landing, 6 Mars years (and over 11 earth years) ago. Now we've made it to the base of that mountain - the 5 km tall Mount Sharp - and have been climbing steadily up it
Curiosity recently celebrated another huge milestone - 4000 sols (martian days) exploring Gale. This shortly after drilling its 39th drill hole to analyse the mineralogy around us.
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Currently, Curiosity is biding its time at the Sequoia drill area while Mars is behind the sun. During this time (called solar conjunction), we can't talk to Curiosity and it can't talk to us. That means that the rover does very minimal observations - mostly environmental - and doesn't move at all. A nice landiversary vacation for a hardworking rover!
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