#clone wars oneshots
ersatz-ostrich · 1 month
Fox x gn!Senator!Reader: Partners in Crime
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[A/N]: Another old work from Quotev. I've changed the name of this chapter so many times that it's getting to me.
Summary: A Separatist attack group detonates a bomb in Coruscant's massive Senate Building, causing a frenzy among senators and staff. Not long after the bomb explodes, the Separatists manage to breach the building's security barriers and invade the government building. Commander Fox is tasked with protecting the Chancellor alongside the rest of the Coruscant Guard, but when he is separated from his squad and the Chancellor, he collaborates with the clever Senator L/N to devise a plan to drive the Seppies out of the building for good.
Warnings: None, canon-typical violence
read it here on ao3!
"Senator L/N, this is your last warning! Evacuate the building!" A clone shouted through your commlink, which lay on your desk by an overwhelming stack of datapads and reports.
"I'm on my way!" You called out. You snatched up the commlink, taking the blaster from its hiding place in your office—you’d learned the hard way that Senators like yourself had to resign to quietly arming yourselves in times of espionage, civil unrest, and Senate infighting. You were rushing out the doors of your office as another explosion shook the Senate Building. Finding no one there to either kill you or escort you to safety, you dashed down the corridor with no apparent destination but the exit. The deadly silence prodded at your rationality, urging you to lose your calm. Fear threatened to render you helpless when the sound of marching droids met your ears, so you dove into the nearest office—which just so happened to be Chancellor Palpatine's. 
"Senator L/N! Are you unhurt?" Palpatine began from behind his desk, voice laced with worry. He was flanked with at least a dozen of the Coruscant Guard's finest shock troopers.
"I’m unharmed, but I heard droids in the hallways. We can't stay long." You replied. 
"Well then, we must not tarry." The guards followed Palpatine out of his spacious office, only to be met by a flurry of blaster bolts. Headed by a bounty hunter, what appeared to be an entire platoon of droids trained their blasters on the Chancellor. Each of the guards returned fire, as did you, and ushered you and Palpatine towards the nearest elevator that would hopefully lower you to safety.
"Get the Chancellor!" Commander Fox commanded, hammering the elevator's down button. Beside him, you knocked down a few droids with your blaster. Finally, the doors opened, and the Chancellor toppled in, followed by the rest of the present Coruscant Guard. Fox hammered the close button with vigor, gesturing wildly for you to get in as well—but you were still under fire and were unable to make it into the elevator when the doors slammed shut.
"Senator!" Palpatine exclaimed, disappearing down into the floor below. With only you and Fox left behind, you decided that it was worth a shot to escape.
"Run for it, Fox!" You cried, evading blaster fire as best as you could while dashing down the corridor. Fox matched your pace, and you took refuge in a deserted office once again. Panting quietly, you shut the doors and barricaded them with what you could find. 
"They'll be back soon." Fox mused, beginning to search the office for anything to use in defense against the number of droids and bounty hunters milling through the Senate Building.
"It's even more serious this time. The Separatists didn't just bring bounty hunters, they brought droids and even more explosives." You remarked, also searching through the office. After a long pause, you slid behind the desk and began to examine its contents. "Why don't we do something? I don't think we can just wait out the droids in this office."
"What do you think we should do, Senator? We've been separated from the Chancellor and the rest of the Coruscant Guard. This entire floor's crawling with clankers, too." Fox replied. Continuing to rummage through the desk and finding a spare commlink, an idea popped into your head.
"How about we set a trap?"
A few scrapped ideas later, you and Fox came up with a plan. The sound of muffled blaster fire continued, and time was running out.
"I think this will do fine...so, I'll comm Senators Amidala and Chuchi. I might be able to reach Mothma, too. They'll contact the rest of the Senators we can connect without showing up on the droid's channels. We'll meet at this rendezvous point—" You pointed to a room tucked away from public view in a holographic map of the Senate Building. "—Senators Amidala and Mothma will likely be armed, but we'll be outgunned. Still, we can hold our own until we can herd the droids into this plaza area, where detonators and EMPs will be rigged." Fox nodded, deep in thought. 
"With all due respect, Senator—this plan seems to be a bit too daring for the likes of you. Are you sure you can contact the senators without revealing your connection to the droids?" Fox sassed. You flashed him a knowing smile.
"There's a lot you don't know about us senators, Fox." You teased with a wink. "I know I can reach Senator Amidala just fine." 
"Well then, what about the detonators? I've got a few charges, but not nearly enough to wreck however many droids are in the Senate Building right now." 
"We can blast our way through the armory and lay the trap."
"Why haven't the Jedi arrived yet?"
"Senator Amidala, come in! I repeat, Senator Amidala! Is anyone there?" You barked into the comm, punching Padmé's comm address again, hoping to get a response. Finally, a crackling noise was heard, piquing Fox's attention from across the room where he was scrubbing away at his twin DC-17 blasters. 
"This is Senator Padmé Amidala. Senator Y/N L/N, is that you?"
"I hear you loud and clear, Senator. Where are you?" You asked.
"I was on the second floor of the Senate Building when the firefight broke out. I'm...hiding in a storage closet on the second floor." Padmé hissed. "I heard a couple squads of droids pass by, but none of them noticed me.
"Do you know if the Jedi are aware of the attack?"
"I can't say. However, it doesn't appear to be so." The senator paused. "Do you know where Riyo and Mon are?" She inquired.
"I haven't got the slightest idea. I intend to comm them soon, though." You replied. "How close are you to the southernmost entrance?"
"A few corridors away."
"Each of us are going to grab all the senators we can reach and gather them there. Fox and I can acquire some charges here in the lower-level armories. We're going to rig the meeting area, where we will leave our comms on the droids' scramble setting. They won't find any of us there, just a few comms and some droid-poppers."
"Sounds like a plan Ani would come up with." Padmé replied with a giggle. "All right, I'll meet you there. I'll also try to get in touch with the other senators. Stay safe, Y/N." Padmé bid you goodbye, the commlink going dark. Stepping forward, Fox extended a gloved hand in invitation.
"Shall we?" You lugged away the heavy chaise from in front of the office doors. 
"Let's go."
Upon exiting the office, you and Fox were met with little resistance—you assumed that the droids had finished sweeping the floor you were on. Checking a chrono on the corridor wall, you'd realized you'd spent upwards of ten minutes pondering in the barricaded office. Reaching the end of the deserted hallway, you and your partner in crime headed for the elevator. Unluckily for you, though, the doors hissed open to reveal an entire gaggle of B1s, headed by a Commando droid.
"Well, this complicates things..." You tsked. Blaster bolts soon began flying to and fro. Thankfully, Fox was able to down the Commando; as for you, the rest of the unlucky B1s became your prey, thus securing the elevator compartment for both of you. Beginning the next phase of your tricky operation, you tried to comm Senator Chuchi from the elevator on the network you'd called Senator Amidala with. 
"Riyo, come in!" Nothing. "Riyo, I swear! This isn't about Bly and Aayla!" This time, the senator responded almost immediately. 
"This is Senator Chuchi. Identify yourself!"
"This is Y/N speaking, and it should be obvious that we've got an emergency!" You repeated the plan once again, and Riyo pitched in her thoughts as well. 
"I'll grab a few humanoid droids. That'll throw off the Separatists." A great clattering and clamoring of droid-speak was heard on the commlink. 
"Fox, why don't we stop here and check on Senate communications? We might be able to alert the Jedi." You suggested as the doors of the elevator slid open. 
He nodded in confirmation, so you continued down the corridor, blaster at the ready. You dashed into the nearest room, which was pitch-black save for an abandoned desk lamp. Whichever senator had occupied said quarters was long gone—inching closer to the desk, you noticed a slumped form on the floor—the senator had already been killed. 
Backing out of the office, Fox waved you into a meeting room where you could make an attempt to contact the Jedi Temple. Both of you fiddled away at controls for a moment, messing with holos and constantly switching communications channels. It wasn't long until the sound of marching came about, though—so you had to think fast.
"Y/N!" Fox hissed, knocking you to the ground. Lying on the floor underneath the conference table, you heard a couple of droids enter the room. With Fox lying on top of you, half-straddling your hips, you prayed to the Force that they wouldn't grow suspicious of the glowing blue holos still powered on in the conference room, set to Jedi frequencies. 
Fox’s body heat, radiating from his gloves and the exposed segments in his armor, bloomed over your skin as the silence dragged on, sending chills down your spine. Finally, the droids stepped out, not even bothering to check under the table or further in the conference room. You hoped Fox couldn't see your trembling and blushing from underneath that bucket of his. Thankfully, he was quick to leap off of the ground, trying to conceal his own flushed face and stuttering pulse from underneath his helmet. You quickly returned to work, trying to figure out what was going on with the Jedi communications networks. 
"The droids have been doing something, probably overloading or jamming our communications. The Jedi haven't realized a single thing!" You exclaimed, hunched over rows upon rows of glowing blue Aurebesh. 
"Can you contact them with your private networks?" Fox asked, raising an eyebrow from beneath his bucket. 
"Sorry, but those chats are for senators only." You answered, already on your way out of the meeting room. "Come on! We've got more Senators to rescue."
After a couple of floors' worth of sweeping, you picked up Onaconda Farr, Orn Free Taa, and dozens more prominent senators. Even Mon Mothma found her own escape party of about fourteen using secret comm channels, which, once upon a time, were used for both gossip and long-distance communication over the cavernous Senate chamber. 
You finally found Riyo Chuchi and Padmé Amidala waiting at the rendezvous point, and you'd also stopped by the armories while Riyo and Padmé had managed to rescue their own groups of senators. 
In total, there were over one hundred senators crowded into the huge atrium and dozens more staff in the cavernous room. With the rest of the massive Senate dead, escaping, or off-world, you and Fox had done everything in your power to covertly gather the surviving senators and staff into the atrium. Everything was going all according to plan, save for the amount of senators you'd managed to rescue—it seemed to be that the reach of said secret comm channels were not as far as you had expected. Following the projected destruction of nearly all of the patrolling droids and the south atrium, there was a possibility that you and Fox would have to conduct even more rescue missions.
"Deposit your commlinks here, please." You instructed, activating your own commlink. You tried to contact the droids and bounty hunters stationed around the building. After a few tries, a Weequay bounty hunter answered the commlink.
"What do you want, senator?" The hunter spat. 
"This is Senator Y/N L/N. I've gathered myself and the rest of the available senators in the southern atrium. We want to negotiate." The bounty hunter paused, then sighed.
"Do you have any guidelines for...say, a surrender of the Senate building? I would be more than happy to patch Count Dooku in..."
"Nonsense. We will settle this right here, right now, with Dooku or without." You answered sternly, shaking your head. 
"Fine, then. I'll meet you there." The bounty hunter waved along his droid troops, and the final phase of the plan was set into motion.
"Y/N!" A voice called out. Appearing in the southern entrance was Chancellor Palpatine, still flanked by the Coruscant Guard  as the crowd of senators and staff parted for their Supreme Chancellor. The Guard seemed to be missing a few troopers, but other than that, Palpatine appeared to be unharmed.
"Chancellor!" Padmé exclaimed. "Thank goodness you're alright." Fox immediately regrouped with his squad, waving signals frantically. The remaining troopers marched to the entrances to the southern atrium and stood guard. 
"There were so many droids..." Palpatine lamented. "I'm afraid we were unable to call for reinforcements." 
"Don't worry! I've got a plan, Chancellor. We've got some EMPs and charges here, along with our comms and some humanoid droids to lure the Separatists here." Fox and his comrades produced what was left of their thermal detonators and EMPs, also setting them about the plaza. "We'll be gone by then." 
"But what about the droids stationed outside?" Palpatine asked. You shared a look of askance with Fox. Other droids? How did he even know that there were more outside!? The Chancellor awkwardly cleared his throat. "I saw some B1s patrolling through the window. I'm worried we won't get past them alive."
"Sir, that's what we're here for." Stone cleared his throat, gesturing towards his brothers. "We'll make sure that you get out of here alive." Fox nodded, cocking his DC-17. 
"Turn on the comms, Y/N. It's time to move out." You nodded and quickly powered on all of the commlinks piled up on the plaza's floor with. Falling silent, Fox and the rest of the guard soon burst out of the Senate building, immediately attracting Separatist blaster fire. Thankfully, there were little more than B1s and a couple of B2 Supers on border patrol, leading you to the docking area where senators could be ferried to wherever they needed to go. 
Casting one last look at the Senate Building, you surveyed the damage it had sustained—the droids' heavy weapons and explosives had scorched spots of the large dome, and the interior that was once elegantly and sleekly decorated was now pockmarked with blemishes made by blaster fire and scorch marks. Nearly all of its staff had been evacuated, and more were dead. You couldn't think of how many lives that had been lost at the hands of a super's wrist gun or a pirate's rifle. However, you were snapped out of your reverie when you saw a massive group of droids approach your carefully-set up trap through the towering glass doors of the Senate entrance. You grinned mischievously. 
"Time to detonate the charges!" You sang, pressing the button rigged to all of the explosives, waiting for your sweet revenge.
Meanwhile, the majority of the perpetrators and droids gathered round the southern entrance, searching for where the senator's transmission had originated. 
"Huh? Where are the senators?" One droid asked, looking around with confusion. Only a few moments later, the Separatists' attention was directed to the comms sitting in a heap on the atrium floor, still on and tracking the Separatist frequency.
“Oh, n—” Scattered around the room and piled near the comms were dozens upon dozens of EMPs and thermal charges, each of them bidding the Separatist perpetrators a swift but painful death by combustion or permanent deactivation. From outside the Senate Building, you locked eyes with Fox as an explosion shook the gargantuan durasteel structure. Blood-orange flames and tendrils of electricity from the remaining EMPs licked at the busted-open doors of the Senate Building, nearly all of the droids up in thick smoke and the majority of the senators evacuated. 
"We did good today, right?" You beamed brightly at Fox, who in turn removed his bucket and smiled tiredly.
"Yes. Better than I had expected, Senator." Clasping his gloved hand and leaning into his shoulder, you watched on as the southern atrium burned, the Separatists left to die. The day had been won, but not without casualties. 
"I couldn't have asked for a better partner in crime, Fox." You replied. He chuckled, pulling you closer. 
"Me neither, Senator. Me neither.”
Fun fact: This oneshot was initially labeled as platonic when I first published it (years ago). I’m not sure what I was thinking when I said this was platonic. Must be the sleep deprivation talking.
Want to be on my general or Star Wars taglist? Let me know! Until next time x
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stealthetrees · 2 months
Coming soon to ao3 near you,
Fox’s batch finds out what’s wrong with him, except “what’s wrong with him” is that Fox was dropped on his head as a child and terrorizes his (unknown to him) evil wizard boss with just his personality alone until he gets electrocuted. Spoiler alert: telepathic torture does not discourage him.
406 notes · View notes
decembermidnight · 6 months
Don't lose your focus
Summary: As a Jedi Padawan fighting during the Clone Wars, you and your Master are used to teaming up with Clones. But none are as intriguing as Clone Force 99 and their leader, Sergeant Hunter. Sparks fly immediately and it's difficult to keep your focus. With the mission complete, perhaps the two of you will finally give in and indulge in your desires...
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!fem!reader
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, Dom!Hunter, use of pet names (sweetheart), shameless flirting, mentions of alcohol consumption, masculinity kink, voice kink, light choking, hand kink, body worship, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, orgasm delay, creampie
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A/N: This is the result of me watching The Bad Batch while ovulating. This is (probably) not how the Force works but your honour I was horny. Thank you to my dear @thefrogdalorian for the immense help and support! I love you so much! Amazing divider by @saradika-graphics At the end of the fic you'll find the links to some amazing Hunter fanarts I found here on Tumblr! These were such an inspiration when writing and I wanted to thank and credit the artists for creating such amazing pieces!
Masterlist - Read on Ao3 - Read Part 2 here!
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Another day, another dangerous mission in the Outer Rim.
Nothing new for you and your Master who are used to leading these missions successfully. The only difference is that this time you'll be assisted by Experimental Unit Clone Force 99. It’s the first time you even heard about them, but your superiors assured you they’re best suited for this job. A highly-skilled squad of defective clones with desirable mutations? Sounds interesting.
Apparently, The Bad Batch, as they call themselves, despise rules and protocol and adopt unusual methods to get the job done… Much like you and your Master.
Their ship has just made a bumpy landing on the field, causing a fuss. You watch curiously as the squad descends the ramp. There are four of them, and they undoubtedly look badass in their black armour.
The first one – their leader, you assume – removes his helmet and... damn. Damn. He's hot, with a confident look in his deep brown eyes. He also has long, wavy, dark hair; a feature which has always been a weakness of yours. His face is half covered in a tattoo that resembles a skeleton. He's undoubtedly the most charming of the Batch, and also the most attractive clone you’ve ever come across.
“I’m Sergeant Hunter,” he rasps as he greets you and your Master. His voice is deep and husky, very different from those of all the other clones you’ve met so far.
After introducing himself, Hunter moves to quickly describe the peculiarities that make each of the members of the team unique. As you stand back to observe them, you can’t help thinking just how much fun they are. Wrecker (the strong one) is getting reluctantly lectured by Tech (the smart one) while Crosshair (the laconic and lethal sniper) stands there in silence. He reminds you of your Master so much.
As much as you enjoy observing the rest of the squad, you find your gaze returns to Hunter, the clone with enhanced senses. You are unable to tear your eyes away from him. You know you have to keep it together, but you can’t help eating him with your eyes. Your gaze lingers on his body, on the way his pauldrons make his shoulders even broader, how much the black colour of his armour suits him. 
You have just begun fantasising about the way his strong body would look without the armour when you notice Hunter staring directly at you. Busted. You lock eyes for a few seconds and you just know that he understands the nature of the thoughts you’re having about him. Then, your pounding heart skips a beat when Hunter winks at you. It is a split-second gesture that is over so quickly amidst the chaos of the conversation, a little secret between the two of you. You smile flirtatiously at him in response.
The whole group begins heading towards their ship, The Marauder. While the rest of the Batch and your Master head up the ramp towards the ship that will take you to the rendezvous point, you and Hunter pause at the bottom.
“I’m afraid I haven’t caught your name, sweetheart?” Hunter asks, breaking the silence with his deep, raspy voice.
"I am a Jedi, not a sweetheart," you point out teasingly and look at him with crossed arms, trying to sound tough.
"A Padawan," he reminds you with a smirk on his face.
You watch curiously as Hunter takes your braid – the unmistakable sign of your rank as an apprentice – between his fingers. He gently rolls it between his gloved finger and thumb contemplatively as his brown eyes meet your gaze once again. 
"I technically outrank you, Sergeant," you say, challenging him.
"You do, Commander," Hunter nods, but makes no effort to move his hand away from your braid, or to interrupt eye contact.
Hunter can tell that you don’t mind the gesture. As if to push the boundaries further, he moves his hand from your braid to gently place it on your cheek. The leather of his glove feels soft against your face. You are stunned that a seasoned soldier such as him can actually be so gentle in the way he touches you.  
You can feel the tension coming from the two of you, a simmering fire somewhere deep within. It's only a matter of time before it boils over. You look at each other straight in the eyes, neither one of you daring to look away.
Just as you're about to tease him with yet another witty reply, you hear the sound of footsteps at the top of the ramp.
"Hey, Hunter, are you gonna come with us or what?!" Wrecker shouts, abruptly interrupting your shameless flirting.
"On my way," Hunter replies, without breaking eye contact with you.
His intense gaze lingers on you for a few more seconds before he looks at you apologetically and turns to head up to the ramp and onto the Marauder.
As soon as Hunter turns away from you, you realise just how hard your heart is thundering in your chest. His gaze was so intense that it made you forget to breathe properly. So much for the Jedi breathing techniques. It turns out if there is a handsome man with dark eyes flirting with you, they lose all effectiveness. You take a deep breath, filling your burning lungs with oxygen. 
When you enter the ship, you are still trembling. As you take a seat next to your Master, you try to ignore his accusatory glare. You feel his eyes burning into your soul as the guilt threatens to overwhelm you, even though nothing too scandalous happened.
As the Marauder enters hyperspace, your Master takes a seat on the cold metallic floor in an isolated area of the ship. Meditating before battle is a ritual he always follows and you immediately join him. It can help you shift your focus back to where it should be – on the mission. Only, you can't focus. 
Instead of your mind becoming one with the Force, you're highly attuned to the actions of the members of the squad. It is as though you can see them as if you were standing before them: Tech studying the holo-maps, Crosshair cleaning his sniper rifle, Wrecker taking a nap, and of course, Hunter. He is mindlessly playing with his vibroknife as he slouches on a crate. 
You are entranced by the way his fingers move across the handle and the blade. Maker, the movement of his hand and fingers – you can't focus on anything else as he makes the knife masterfully swirl between them. There's something so erotic about the way he plays with it. Your mind wanders to think about his hands roaming on your body, slipping between your thighs, skillfully rubbing your clit. You fantasise about how quickly Hunter would make you come, how hard your orgasm would be as it tore through you, leaving you a trembling wreck.
Your focus then goes to his muscular thighs. Hunter’s legs are spread wide and he looks so effortlessly masculine. The aura of confidence he radiates as he comfortably sits there, taking up the entire crate as he lounges on top of it, gives you even more thoughts that are unbecoming of a Padawan. It makes you almost dizzy with want as you think about how much you want to straddle him and ride him into ecstasy.
“Are you done?” your Master’s cold voice interrupts your filthy train of thought with a brief and concise message through the Force.
He heard your thoughts. Each and every single one. Your Master caught you red-handed. How embarrassing.
You are too mortified to even mumble an apology, through the Force or otherwise. Instead, you sit there wishing you could be anywhere else in the galaxy as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks and pull your hood up to hide your flustered face in your cape.
Luckily, before the awkward moment can continue for any longer, Tech announces the imminent jump out of hyperspace. You still cannot bear to make eye contact with your Master, shrinking into your blessedly baggy cape as you begin the descent into the planet’s atmosphere...
The mission was a success – you and your Master worked your magic with the precious support of Clone Force 99. What seemed like a desperate operation, turned out to be an extremely important victory for the Republic. Training with your Master has been so hard, but damn did that pay off. You slayed all your enemies elegantly and effortlessly, just like he taught you. The whole Bad Batch congratulated you two. Wrecker was especially impressed, electing the two of you as his favourite Jedi. What an honour. Hunter also invited you and your Master to celebrate the victory by having a drink all together in a cantina.
Just as you’re about to enter the cantina and join the Bad Batch, your Master calls your name. You stop in your tracks, scared that he might reprimand you for the way you acted today. You begin panicking and thinking back to what happened in guilt…
When you and your Master had taken off your heavy capes before engaging in battle, you noticed Hunter couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were wearing a skin-tight dark suit, after all.
It was a fact you decided to exploit after Hunter had given his squad their orders for the mission. You walked away swaying your hips, making sure you gave him a great opportunity to look at your ass. You remember how you could feel his eyes glued to it. You could also feel his desire for you. It was impossible for him to hide; it permeated him, radiated from him. Maker, you love making him crumble.
You think back to the way Crosshair rasped, "Hunter, don't lose your focus.”  You are certain that is what your Master is about to scold you for.
Instead, you watch in shock as a half smile appears on your Master’s face, something you don't see very often.
“You did good today. I’m proud of you,” he nods.
Since when does your Master pay you compliments like this?
“Th-Thank you,” you stammer, caught off-guard by how unexpected his praise is.
“You fulfilled your duties as a Jedi. Now, go and have your fun.”
You don’t have time to respond before he turns on his heel and walks away, cape billowing in the breeze. You know your Master doesn’t often like to stick around after missions, often needing some quiet time to himself to decompress and meditate. You let him go, knowing that he will find his way back to the Marauder before it departs, as he always does.
As you step into the Cantina, a smile spreads on your face when you notice the Bad Batch sitting at a table with a full flagon of booze and an empty seat for you to toast your success. You and Hunter lock eyes again as he invites you to sit in that spot close to him.
Hunter loses no time in placing his arm around your shoulders while smiling at you. You lean into his embrace, feeling comforted and protected.  The warm presence of his arm around you makes you smile contentedly. It feels so good to let the guard down for once, especially if you're in the arms of a handsome, strong and charming man such as Hunter.
As the night goes on, the three other members of The Bad Batch keep conversing with each other, giving you and Hunter the opportunity to speak privately. It’s as though the background noise fades out. You don't even bother focusing on the discourse the others are having. It’s just you and Hunter flirting shamelessly now.
“You know, I've never seen a ship like yours. I wish I had time to properly explore it... Thoroughly," you flirt with him while draining the last few dregs in your flagon.
"Want me to give you a tour, sweetheart?" he says with a smile on his face, perfectly understanding your intentions.
"Would be cool, yeah," you reply.
Hunter offers you his hand and you gladly accept it with a mischievous smile.
Just as you stand, you feel the alcohol has definitely kicked in. You’re not drunk though, just a little bit tipsy, enough to make you brave and go get exactly what you want.
As soon as you and Hunter get out of the cantina and find yourselves alone in the dark alley, you both give into the instincts you tried to suppress all day long. Hunter pins you to the wall as you pull him closer at the same time, until you join in a passionate, longing kiss.
You welcome his tongue in your mouth as his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His touch and the way he kisses you are so confident that you clench around nothing, holding him tighter as you moan in his mouth. Maker, you want him. His whole body jolts when he feels that, pinning you harder against the wall, mentally cursing the armour that is preventing him from feeling the softness of your body against his. 
He stops kissing you just so he can look at how stunning you are under the moonlight, hot and flustered after that first, heavy session of making out.
"Look at you. So beautiful," he whispers as he cups your face with his hand, the other one still lingering around your waist. Hunter is treating you like the most precious thing in the galaxy now that he can finally have you all for himself. You lean into his gentle touch as he takes in all the features of your face, especially the way your eyes glimmer with admiration and arousal for him.
You look at his deep, dark and expressive brown eyes and the strong, masculine features of his face that make you throb with need. Your hand caresses his cheek, following the lines of his skeleton tattoo and the contour of his chiseled jaw. He observes you as a sweet smile appears on your face, making you look irresistible and drawing his lips closer to yours once again…
"Hey! Where's Hunter?!" you hear Wrecker shout from inside of the tavern, just as your lips are mere inches apart.
You and Hunter both laugh as you resume the kissing. It's like the whole galaxy stops existing. For a soldier who has seen nothing but war, his kisses are to die for. Your tongues twirl in each other's mouths and it's like his greedy lips can't ever get enough of yours. His mouth is hot like a damn furnace as he takes all the time in the galaxy to worship you with his lips, letting his hands wander throughout your body. You're getting soaked already, feeling your arousal slowly dripping down your legs as a throbbing need pulsates between your thighs. You moan in his mouth as you dig your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss is getting deeper and more passionate as you go on. 
Hunter's lips start to trail down to your neck, making you sigh deeply as he covers it in kisses. Your scent drives him wild. He can smell your pheromones, feeling you're unmistakably full of desire. He can't resist and just gives a swift lick from the base of your neck to your ear that makes you sharply stifle a gasp, arching your back and tightening your grip on his hair.
"Let's go to the Marauder, shall we?" he rasps in your ear, a voice full of lust that gives you goosebumps.
"Y-yes…" you stutter, feeling light-headed with arousal and being incapable of hiding it.
He offers you his hand as you enter the ship. The two of you cut a clumsy path through the Marauder towards Hunter’s bunk, frequently taking breaks where Hunter desperately pushes you against the cool steel walls of the ship, your arms clinging tight to his shoulders and his face buried in your neck.
"Maker... Take off your armour," you plead as his teeth dig into your delicate skin like a feral beast would do with his prey.
He does, letting each piece fall to the ground as you go on kissing each other, leaving a trail of armour pieces on the floor as you slowly make your way towards his bunk. He looks stunning with just his tight black suit on. You take in the broadness of his shoulders, the way his pectorals stand out, highlighted by the tightness of the suit and grope the strong muscles of his biceps. Oh, fuck. How much do you love a man. Tall, muscular, strong, confident, with dark eyes and a head full of long, wavy hair. A Man. 
You moan in his mouth when you feel his thick biceps flexing under your touch. A smile forms on his lips as he feels how much you like this. As his arms wrap around your body, yours go in his hair. Maker, how safe do you feel in his arms. It's such an innate instinct – wanting to be held in the arms of a strong man, surrendering and trusting him, something that usually you would never be permitted to do in your life as a Jedi.
You can feel his erection against your lower belly, straining against his extremely thin black suit. His fingers hook in the hem of your pants, yanking them down over your ass, exposing your drenched cunt as he sits you down in his bunk.
He kneels before you, taking your boots and pants off and spreads your legs, his dark eyes looking into yours as a smirk appears on his face.
"Hunter–" you sigh.
"Wanna get you nice and ready for me, sweetheart," he coos as he starts to kiss your inner thigh.
The vision makes you tremble with lust and your hands helplessly clench into fists in a desperate attempt to grab the material under you to keep you steady. Your legs shake but he keeps them steady in his strong arms. He goes on trailing kisses on your inner thighs without ever stopping looking at you. He's taking his time with it, wanting to enjoy the way your whole body is throbbing with need. Your breathing gets more and more shallow as his mouth gets closer to where you want him the most. 
You lift your gaze from Hunter’s dark brown eyes, shutting your eyes for a mere fraction of a second, trying to alleviate the aching need you feel. Hunter chooses that moment to finally give you what you need. With a quick lick to your clit, your whole body jerks into his touch and a whimper escapes from your lips.
Hunter smirks up at you, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards in a smug, satisfied look. Then, he proceeds to bury his face between your legs and masterfully lick your swollen clit. His tongue brings you so much pleasure that your back arches involuntarily, pushing yourself further into his mouth. You moan his name and grab a handful of his long, thick hair. He purrs in your cunt when you entangle your fingers in his hair and you notice how his grip on your legs becomes tighter.
"Oh... Oh fuck!" you exclaim in ecstasy, barely able to form words.
One of his hands releases its grasp on your legs, which he has been using to keep you spread open for him. You throw your head back gasping as he slowly slides two of his thick fingers inside you. 
"So tight," he growls with a smirk on his face.
Hunter pumps his fingers inside of you, slowly increasing the rhythm, ensuring that you’re stretched out for him. It is a motion that brings you so much pleasure you wonder how it could possibly get better. Your whole body jerks in pure bliss under his touch. He enjoys looking at you like this, you can see it from how darkened his eyes are with lust.
For a brief second, his fingers and mouth leave your cunt, leaving you devastatingly empty. You watch in awe as Hunter sticks them in his mouth, without breaking eye contact with you. He sucks on his fingers, humming while closing his eyes to savor your taste from places where his tongue can’t reach.
"You taste so good, sweetheart," he rasps as he resumes fucking you with his fingers.
He watches you contort under him, moaning and begging for him to return his skillful mouth between your thighs. Your hips thrust up and down right in front of his face. You are shamelessly fucking yourself on his fingers, inviting him to bury his face back in your folds. You desperately bury your hands in his hair in an attempt to pull him closer.
"Damn, you're so beautiful like this," he says before his mouth goes back exactly where you wanted.
Then, Hunter does something absolutely devastating. While he continues licking your clit, he starts sucking it gently, all as he continues pumping his thick fingers inside of you. Hunter wants to draw an orgasm from you, his actions becoming more and more frantic as you grow closer to your climax. He can feel by the irregular way you breathe and shake that you're close. 
"Yes. Yes. Like this. Let go, sweetheart," he encourages you.
It's only a matter of seconds before you come, writhing under him. Your legs are wrapped around his head, squishing it. You scream his name so loud it echoes in the Marauder. Hunter is pleased as he looks at your blissed-out expression and feels your cunt clamping around his fingers. Your back arches as you ride your orgasm, pushing yourself further into his tongue so you can feel him licking you through your orgasm. Hunter purrs into your cunt, loving the way you let go around him. He loves how his face is getting soaked in your arousal, so addicted to the way you taste.
Hunter holds you steady as your orgasm fades out. When you regain your senses, you slowly release your grip on his hair. Only then he props himself up and slowly unzips his suit, showing you the beautiful golden skin underneath. A warm contrast under the black, tight layer.
The dark hairs on his chest are perfectly trimmed, accentuating each of his toned muscles and the tattoos which decorate his thick, masculine body. Your gaze is locked on his hand trailing down his abdomen, his muscles rippling as he approaches the hem of his pants. 
You shamelessly look at the bulge in his dark suit, a sight that makes your mouth water. Hunter’s lips curve into a smirk once again, noticing that you like what you see. The smug look on his face makes you throb with need once again, despite the fact that he just gave you an intense orgasm.
He hooks his thumb in the hem of his pants, watching intently for your reaction as he slowly pulls the material down to reveal the trimmed, dark hairs around the base of his thick cock.
Hunter notices the intense way you look at it and hears the whimper you just tried to suppress in your throat. He can feel your heart rate going up. It makes him smirk confidently as he goes on, finally freeing his hard, thick cock. You gulp while looking at it, as he uses the same fingers he had buried in you to cover it in your arousal. He gives it a few, firm strokes to ensure it’s nice and wet for you. The mere vision of it makes you bite your lip to muffle another impatient whimper.
Then he is on you, peeling your shirt away from your quivering body, rejoicing when he can finally touch it and worship it with his mouth. Hunter trails kisses across your collarbones and down towards your breasts. He swirls his tongue around the sensitive flesh there, before softly biting your nipples. You gasp when you feel his erection hard against your cunt. He starts to thrust his hips against yours so his cock can rub against your drenched core, getting it soaked in your juices. Your mind turns completely blank at that, heart thundering in your chest as his hands roam across your body. 
Hunter aligns himself to your entrance, groaning as his cock slowly makes its way inside of you. You admire his restraint. You know how much he probably wants to take you with one thrust, but instead he is being so gentle and careful with you, making sure that you are well-adjusted to his size.
He takes your jaw in his hand, looking deep inside your eyes as his thick cock stretches you open. You struggle to keep eye contact with him, unlike earlier when you were flirting with him. Now, your eyes only want to roll backwards. The pleasure you feel as he splits you open is overwhelming your body and senses.
You pathetically try to mumble some incoherencies, but he's quick to shut you up with a kiss. Hunter growls low in his throat when he feels your walls desperately clenching around him, as he buries himself into you to the hilt.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so good," he rasps, almost desperately before giving you another wet kiss. Then, he raises his hips only to bury his cock deep inside you, making you moan into his mouth.
"How – how can you feel so fucking good?" he whimpers.
Hunter’s large hands gently cup your face, as he continues placing passionate kisses against your lips while thrusting into you. You notice his kisses become more desperate as he slowly increases the rhythm. As Hunter picks up the pace, he buries his face in your neck, panting low in your ear. 
You are certain that he can’t go any faster, before he proves you wrong. He increases the pace to a brutal rhythm, fucking you so hard you start screaming.
"So loud,” he rasps, “They're gonna hear us in the Cantina." 
"Then make me shut up," you whisper daringly.
A blaze of lust glimmers in his eyes as you lay down that challenge. Something shifts inside of him as he gives you a feral, animalistic look. Hunter quickly covers your mouth with his hand, showing you his more dominant, commanding side which makes you clamp tightly around his cock.
"Oh, you like this," he smirks, satisfied that this is precisely what you wanted all along.
You nod frantically. There is no use hiding how much this turns you on. Despite how much Hunter shows care towards you, you suspect there is something darker which lingers below the surface. You want to draw it out of him. 
"What else do you like, hm?" he coos as he wraps his other hand around your throat, lightly choking you, his thumb rubbing your throat possessively.
The sight of you, looking so vulnerable under him as he can finally dominate you makes him frantic with lust. Gone are the measured thrusts and even rhythm of before. Something feral has overtaken Hunter, a desperate need to claim you. He continues silencing your moans with one hand around your throat and one across your mouth, muffling your gasps as he wrecks you with his cock. 
Having Hunter's hand muffling your own moans gives you the opportunity to hear his desperate grunts and pants as they mix with the obscene, squelching sound his cock makes each time he thrusts into you. You close your eyes in bliss, enjoying this moment of pure pleasure. 
"Can't keep your eyes open for me, sweetheart? Look at me with those pretty fucking eyes," he growls.
You can't help but whimper at that, at how authoritative he sounds. The Sergeant of The Bad Batch is dominating the fuck out of you. You are a moaning, gasping mess beneath him, unable to think about anything other than how good being furiously pounded by him feels. 
"I didn't catch that,” Hunter rasps as he slowly lifts his hand from your mouth. He leans down to put his ear against your mouth “What were you saying, sweetheart?"
"L-let me – fuck!” you gasp, too blissed out to form words.
“Use your words,” Hunter commands, slowing his thrusts down so you can finally speak.
“Let me touch you!" you beg, unable to care about how desperate and pathetic you sound. All you can think about is roaming your hands around the warm, firm expanse of his body.
Hunter smirks, intrigued by your request, only too happy to oblige you. He grabs your hand roughly by the wrist and positions it over his abdomen. You can feel his muscles flexing and contracting under your touch as he thrusts into you. His body is as hard as iron and on fire like a damn furnace, burning with lust.
"Maker…" you whisper.
You let your hand trail up to his firm chest. You grope his pectorals, appreciating the firmness of his muscles. Your cunt clenches around his cock at the sight of your hand against his golden skin. A smirk appears on his face, enjoying what he does to you.
Your hand goes up to his broad shoulder, rubbing over it before you move your hand towards his back. You feel how his muscles strain there with each thrust as he continues pounding into you at a relentless pace. Both of your hands are now caressing his back, feeling every single dimple under your fingertips. Just as you try pulling him close, he starts to give it to you even harder. You scratch your fingernails along his back. You watch in awe as Hunter moans in your mouth at that. 
"Could–could fucking smell how much you wanted me earlier. You distracted me the whole time. Couldn't think of anything else besides how good you'd look with my cock inside of you,” he rasps in your neck before biting you, growling wildly as he does. “I was so fucking hard for you, sweetheart," Hunter grunts. 
He's so feral for you, fucking you so hard. You can't even mumble a response.
"Smell so good – so fucking good–" he whispers in your ear.
"D-don't s–stop," you mumble in your cockdrunk delirium.
"I can't, sweetheart. This cunt's all I ever wanted,” he growls, “Gonna make you mine. Mine." 
"Oh, fuck… Yes," you pant as he props himself up, kneeling in front of you without stopping that devastating rhythm for even half a second.
He looks at your body, at the way your boobs bounce with each thrust as he gives it go you even harder, holding on tight to your legs, using them as leverage to bury himself even deeper inside of you. Seeing him like this makes you remember just how badly you wanted to ride his cock earlier.
"Hunter. Hunter. I want to ride you," you whimper.
"Is that an order, Commander?"
"Y–yes. Yes. Order. S–s-sergeant," you mindlessly go on as he keeps thrusting his cock inside of you.
The thought of you bouncing on his cock makes him throb. In an instant, Hunter lifts you in his arms as if you were weightless and makes you straddle him. He sits with his back against the wall of the bunk. His hands are on your waist and you immediately start rocking your hips up and down, giving into your fantasy from earlier.
"Such a good soldier… So good at following orders," you whisper against his lips.
"Yeah… Sometimes," he smirks before gripping your hair and stealing another wet, hot kiss that makes you melt into him even further.
Your head rolls back in pleasure at the way his cock feels from this position. It's devastating, hitting something deep within you. You almost lose yourself in that feeling, but Hunter won’t allow you to. Even though you are on top of him, Hunter is quick to remind you who’s in charge as he takes your jaw in his hand.
"Eyes on me," he orders firmly.
"Yes, Sergeant," you moan. 
You swear you feel him throbbing and choke a grunt when he hears the sensual way you pronounce his title. Clearly, using his rank in this context has done something to Hunter. He moves his thumb between your lips and you suck it provocatively, never stopping yourself from meeting his gaze. Hunter’s pupils widen at the sinful way your lips envelop his finger and your tongue gently touches it. His eyes take into your sensual, precious beauty, before bringing you to him and kissing you again.
Your bodies are damp in sweat and rubbing against one another. Your nipples deliciously catch against his hairy, broad chest. You continue moaning into each other's mouths; your tongues never stop touching.
"Hunter, I'm gonna come–" you whimper.
"Hold it for me, sweetheart," he rasps in a sweet, yet dark voice, having the opposite effect from what he intended.
"Please, I want to come on your cock," you plead desperately.
"Not yet," he smirks.
Hunter grabs your hips and guides your movements so that your clit starts to rub against his pelvis. You let out a loud moan as you hold on to him tighter, digging your nails in his shoulders.
"I can't hold it!" you scream with your eyes shut.
He grabs your chin in his hand, clearly uninterested in your desperate appeals.
"Look at me," he says firmly as you open your eyes. Your vision is too blurry to focus on him but you try nonetheless.
"Now come for me, sweetheart," he rasps darkly.
You obey his order and come hard around his cock. An overwhelming, intense wave of pleasure starts at your core and completely takes over your body. You’re wrecked by uncontrollable shakes as Hunter holds you in his strong arms. You scream and pant as you ride your high. Your eyes roll backwards while Hunter focuses on how beautiful you look when you lose control. Especially when he is the one responsible for it.
Hunter feels your heart running in your chest and every single contraction of your muscles around his cock. The unmistakable, heady scent of sex that fills the Marauder drives him insane, making him burst inside of you. He grunts loudly as he fills you up with his load, holding you tight in his grasp.
You moan in each other's mouths, your forehead leaning on his as you look into each other’s eyes. You never leave each other’s gaze as you both give into the highest of pleasure.
As you come down from your high, your rhythm slows down until it stops completely. Your bodies are intertwined like vines, naked and sweaty as you catch breath in each other’s embrace.
You really do make a great team, after all.
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Fanarts: Hunter's back + Shirtless Hunter by @mesvi Hello handsome by @corukant Wet Hunter by @iszapizza Hunter under the shower by @shakall Hunter and his vibroknife by @ve-ti-ver Hunter under the shower by @cloned-eyes Hunter taking off his shirt + Tech by @constant-brain-fog Hunter taking a shower by kaijurave (on twitter/x)
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webslinger-holland · 5 months
Nearly Drowned | Hunter from The Bad Batch
Summary: Going down with the cruiser, Hunter saves you from nearly drowning.
Warning: spoilers from episode eleven, the title gives you a pretty straightforward warning, mentions of reader not having a pulse/heartbeat, our sergeant performs CPR to save a life, also...mutual pining and kissing
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader
Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1.3k words
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It was a mistake to think you could make it into the cockpit before the cruiser crashed into the water. You had held on just a moment longer than anticipated, but once your grasp slipped, your body fell into the state of free fall.
The exact moment your body struck the water, all the air was knocked out of your lungs and replaced was frigid water. The waves quickly engulfed your entire body, roughly dragging you deeper with a force that couldn't be fought. You tried to resist the initial pull with arms failing desperately to bring yourself to the surface. But the fall also managed to steal a lot of your energy and you fought weakly against the water.
All that remained was a spike of fear; more water began filling your lungs until you couldn't breathe anymore. You felt yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean, surrounded by the water's darkness.
At some point, your body stopped fighting against itself. You grew too weak to move your arms and legs. The soothing movement of the water lured your mind into the state of unconsciousness without your willingness. Your eyes grew heavy as you drifted deeper; your mind succumbing to the darkness just as your body was.
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A mysterious arm had wrapped around her waistline and began tugging the body towards the surface of the water. The sergeant fought bravely against the water's clutches, straining to hold his breath for just a little longer. He needed to save her even if it was the last thing he did.
Just as Hunter broke through the surface of the water, the sergeant desperately began gasping for the oxygen to refill his lungs. He sputtered slightly as the waves lapped against him. He held her body tightly against his own, double checking to make sure her head was above the water. He treaded water with her in his arms.
It was an incredibly long swim back to the shoreline, especially when guiding an unconscious body alongside him. He had to have been at least half a mile out from the shore when the cruiser went down. He swam to the best of his ability.
Once Hunter's feet found the solid purchase of smooth sand, he quickly readjusted her body in his grasp. He held her up with both hands as the water line sank lower with each step. The waves helped encourage him to draw closer to the shore until he was basically crawling out of the water.
With great caution, Hunter lay the unconscious body onto the top of the sand. He hadn't even bothered to pull the both of them out of the water all of the way; the waves coming to gather around her shins, but never traveling past that point. He quickly turned her over until she lay on her backside.
After mindlessly ditching his helmet into the sand, Hunter quickly began undoing the vest that clung to her chest. He needed clear access to her chest if he was going to save her. Any regular person would have leaned down to press their ear against the unconscious person's chest to see if they were breathing or if their heart was beating. But Hunter didn't need to do that.
Hunter knew she wasn't breathing. It pained him even more when he couldn't hear her heartbeat.
Without thinking, Hunter went to open her mouth wide with two fingers. He pinched her nose shut and leaned down to press his mouth against hers. He breathed two puffs of air into her mouth, pulling away just a moment later.
With shaky hands, Hunter intertwined his hands together and centered them on her sternum. He began to administer chest compressions, counting them in his mind. He briefly glanced at her face with the hopes that she'd come back to him, but he only cursed under his breath at her motionless form.
After a number of compressions, Hunter had to give her more breaths of air. As his lips pressed against hers again, he tried to ignore how cold they felt. He breathed into her with a silent plea.
Drawing away, Hunter returned back o his spot beside her. His hands came to the center of her chest, continuing to do chest compressions with rough presses. He silently wondered if the skin beneath his hands would bruise.
"Come on. Come on," Hunter whispered more to himself than anything. He fought against the tears that threatened to fall from the corners of his eyes. "Come on, mesh'la. Don't leave me now," Hunter begged.
His hands moved skillfully with each compression; his lips molded against hers to introduce air back into her lungs. He squeezed his eyes shut to block out his own pain, pleading now more than ever for her to come back to him. His desperation grew with each passing second until...
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A strong joint forced your body back into a conscious state of mind. You began coughing up water, which flowed out of your mouth freely. You weren't able to register the hands that grabbed you. and rolled you onto your side in order to help you expel the water from your throat. Those same hands began to brush the wet strands of hair from your face.
After coughing up the water in your lungs, you were slow to roll onto your back once again. Your throat burned badly and your chest was incredibly sore, which you imagined was from breathing in so much water. Once you were able to regain your composure, your eyes fluttered open and weakly took in some of your surroundings.
Carefully, you eased yourself into a sitting position with the help of those mysterious hands. You winced at the soreness you felt throughout your body. But all your worries disappeared as your eyes landed on the person who had saved you from the water's deadly clutches.
"H--Hunter?" Your words came out raspy and dry. You furrowed your eyebrows in slight confusion. "I--Is that you?"
He was certainly a sight to behold.
His hair was drenched from the waves with strands of hair clinging to his face. A few stay beads of water rolled down the length of his nose, dripping over the edge consistently. His chest heaved under his armor from the adrenaline that spiked through his veins.
All of the sudden, Hunter took your face into his hands and held you there tightly. He looked ever so deeply into your eyes, searching for any signs of pain or misery. But all he found was the exhaustion from nearly drowning.
"I--I'm fine," you tried to reassure him breathlessly. You gave a wave of the hand to dismiss his worry; your hands moving up to clasp his wrists with the intent of pulling them away from your face. But he didn't budge.
His lips didn't hesitate to capture yours in a needy manner. He stole your breath away, which was the second time that happened tonight. With bodies pressed together heatedly and lips moving a sync, the both of you breathed heavily against one another. His hands moving to circle around your waist and draw you into closer to him.
His mouth moved with such feverish desperation, claiming dominance over you. His tongue pressed between your parted lips, searching and exploring whatever he could reach. You moaned against him, which prompted him to pull away from you so that you were able to catch your breath.
Panting heavily to regain your stolen breath, you searched his eyes for some type of explanation to his sudden expression of love. His dark and heavy eyes eventually met yours; his shoulders heaving dramatically with his own breaths. He held your body close to his as if he was threatening the world to try to take you from him again. Because the world won't succeed.
"Don't...you...ever," Hunter pronounced each word carefully so that you'd hear him clearly. "Scare...me...like that...again."
The deepness from his voice and the threatening look in his eyes made you agree to his demand. You didn’t even want to think what would happen if you dare oppose him.
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oceansssblue · 5 months
"Would love to see a Wolffe x reader fic where the AFAB reader is injured in battle, Comms him and then their Comms get jammed and he's just freaking the hell out. Love some angst of him carrying her back to a ship and losing his mind over it"
Some minor alterations but I'm SO HAPPY with how this one came out! I love wolffe and there aren't that many fics about him. Do recommend your favourites! Xx, sky.
Halsakaa is a nightmare. The Republic hasn't been able to redirect more forces to the Outer Rim planet to help you; and your troops are struggling to keep the droids battalions at bay. It honestly feels as though the Republic –and the Jedi– have abandoned you to your wrath; no-one coming to this remote location in the galaxy to save you. The destine of your own life, and the lifes of your soldiers, are solely in your hands. And you'd give everything for them, even sacrifice yourself if you have to. After so many experiences together, for almost three years straight now, they have becomed such an important part of you it feels as if you have ingrained every single one of them in your soul. You know you should'nt be so attached to them; Master Ploo quietly reminds you from time to time –though you know he's not exactly indifferent either–. The wolfpack is his own just as they are yours. Yours. Growing up as Jedi you haven't had this kind of... ownership over anything but your saber. Obviously, you don't see the clones as something you can posses, use; but they do belong to you in some sense, and in that way, it's your responsability to command them, to take care of them. And you... love them. It's a dangerous word for a Jedi. But it's the truth. It is the reason why, right now, your soul aches. Each death is a strike right to your heart. But how can you see them any different, when they are such loyal friends? Such fierce soldiers, who fight and die selflessly for the freedom of other citizens in the galaxy, a freedom that hadn't been given to themselves?
Your dark emerald green lightsaber flies in your hands, deflecting one bolt after the other one. Sweat makes your usually comfortable jedi robes stick to your body; minor scratches and wounds tingling painfully at the friction of the fabric. It doesn't make you move any slower, though; you feel unstopable jumping from a cluster of droids to another, the hum of your saber following you around while you slash through your enemies with persistent focus and skill. General Ploo is doing his own thing on the other side of the battlefield; your clone troops split in half to defend both sides of Halsakaa's capital.
You don't know how much longer you can hold this off. All of you have been trained for this, and you're used to drawing strength from the Force, increasing your usual endurance; but even you are feeling exhausted, muscles straining like painful cords, and the thing about the droids is that they never tire out. You know this has to end eventually. Right now, Master Ploo's orders are to hold on til some other battalion can come to your rescue –the other option abandoning Halsakaa to the separatists, which would cause a disastrous impact on the Republic–; though you don't know when that will be. It may be days, or weeks. A month, maybe two. Even with the system of rest-and-takeover you've got established with the clones you're afraid you're going to lose.
The night falls, and some troopers fall back into the delicate safety of the makeshift camp, a decent distant away from the battlefield; they'll try to shut the eye for some hours before replacing other brothers positions again. You keep fighting, completely exhausted but knowing perfectly well that your presence in the battlefield equals the force of ten clones; pushing through your energy limits and fiercely holding your own.
Hours pass, and the two suns of Halsaaka rises again; your tired eyes getting used to the new light while you keep slashing droids with your saber.
"We're pushing them further away from the South Door" Master Ploo's calm voice picks up through your coms. "I have been informed that the 442th have been dispatched in our way. They will join us in two sunrises".
You can't help but give a relieved sigh. The 104th have worked with the 442th more than once in the past. They are heavy infantry; and you wouldn't say no to some of that now. Any fresh soldier would be a welcomed addition. You can see the strain on your troopers; though none of them would dare say a word out loud.
"Copy that" you answer through your channel with your Master and the 104th's commander and sergeant. "I'll feel as happy as a kid with a popsicle when I see that green stripped armour along our light gray one".
You dodge a shot and use the Force to push a wave of droids to the side; your troopers quickly using the oportunity to blast them down.
Wolffe's deep husky voice pipes up in a tiny, well-humoured comment.
"Still a kid yourself, General" he teases you, voice still firm and contradictionally serious.
Your lips pull up on a tiny smirk.
"We can't all age in a blink of an eye, my dear Commander" you chirp back.
The coms pick up his raspy chuckle before the frequency goes back to silence.
The droids make way for something bigger and you groan under your breath. The first bolts make the earth beneath your feet shake slightly; orders and screams shouted all around you.
"Bad news, boys" you open the general coms this time so everyone gets updated in this very unwelcomed surprise. "We've got some spiders".
You focus yourself on them; flying through the battlefield and jumping on one droid after the other one, sinking your saber into their red sensors or cutting off their laser canions. Then, when you're in the middle of jumping off of one, a surprisingly well aimed bolt crosses the air and hits you; and you fall down with blood quickly soaking your side, staining the fabric of your Jedi clothes.
"Fuck" you mutter out loud, jaw clenching til your teeth hurt while you stand up quickly and deflect another bold with your saber, trying to cope with the pain. You open your private frequency with Sinker and quickly inform of your state.
"Sinker, I've been hit" you grit between your teeth while you kill the droid responsible for your wound and step back between your troopers to cover yourself momentarily.
You pull your clothes up and quickly glance down at the wound. Usually the bolts inmediately cauterizes the wounds; but this hadn't been a normal droid, but a combat-J1, with it's weapon specifically designed to make the most damage to human's skin without it's predecessors side-efects. The apparently less dangerous bolts are quite the opposite; dividing into smalller ones that diverts into different directions when hitting a surface with enough resistance. Right now, there's only one entrance wound on your right side; but you know they may have carved more than one path inside of you, making it a life or death situation depending on how lucky you are.
"How bad is it?" He asks, slowly but effectively advancing through the droid lines towards you, an easy person to locate with the shine of your emerald saber.
You grunt in pain, hand soaked in dark scarlet blood, and take a deep breath in, knowing what you need to do for now.
"Bad" you just answer, carefully lowering your own saber towards the wound "It's a shot from a J1. I'm going to cauterise the wound for now, but I might go into shock in the next hour. Just a heads up."
You chuckle weakly, and then carefully graze your lightsaber against the wound. The skin quickly hardens and clots; the smell of the burn quickly reaching your nose. Your knees buckle while you swallow your scream of pain; legs shaking weakly and tears springing to your eyes while you finish putting a momentarily solution to your wound. At least you won't die from blood loss for now.
"Maker, General" Sinker is suddenly there, taking a strong hold of your opposite hip to stabilize you. "That really doesn't look good. You should go back to camp, Sir".
You find solace in his strength for a minute before rightening yourself again and getting ready to move. You close your eyes and center yourself with the Force. You're hurt, but you're still in the middle of open fire; you need to swallow the pain and dizziness down and hold on.
You give Sinker a firm nod.
"I'm letting this side of the battlefield on your hands, then" you tell him, his own back inmediately straightening too under such responsability. "Just one more night and we'll have reinforcements with us tomorrow".
Sinker nods in understanding, appreciating your words of encouragement. He quickly orders Comet to help you get safely back to camp; while he inmediately takes the role of leader and commands your part of the 104th clone troops. You need to protect the North Door of Halsaaka while Master Ploo and Wolffe take care of the South.
One arm around Comet's shoulders and finding strength in the Force, you quickly start your dangerous way back to safety. Even though Comet's alert with his own blaster and you're still deflecting bolts with your saber, you're vulnerable now. You just hope you're both able to make it.
You open your coms to inform of the new situation.
"I've been hit with a J1" you warn Master Ploo and Wolffe. You don't like how weak your voice sounds. "Wolffe, I..."
There's a small explosion right beside you; and the force of it pushes both you and Comet to the ground. You whimper in pain, but quickly grab him and push the two of you back up, resume walking –more like stumbling forward–. You try the coms again, wanting to tell Wolffe you've left Sinker with command before retiring for the night; you grumble in irritation when you see your com device has detached from your forearm and has been left abandoned behind.
"Do you have your com?" You ask Comet.
His voice is barely audible under the protection of his helmet.
"My audio appears to be broken after that last fall, General."
You sigh, tired. There's nothing you can do about it now. Sinker will communicate with them sooner or later.
"Let's just make it back to safety then" you say, and Comet nods diligently.
You'll just focus on not collapsing to the ground before reaching camp.
Wolffe's heart stutters inside his chest when he hears your voice in the coms. You're always strong, always fierce; something he had admired from the very first time he had had the chance to work under your command. He had been cold towards you back then; not purposedly harsh against you, but not friendly either. You hadn't cared. When one of his men had pointed out to you it wasn't personal, but just Wolffe's reserved, unpolished personality, you had answered unbothered and completely understanding. He could still hear those words in his head; "I get it. I'm a stranger that holds the lifes of his brothers in her hands. None of you know me yet; trust is earned. I hope I will with time. I'd like us all to be comfortable with each othef. But if not, it doesn't matter. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to fight. I'm here to protect people; and I'm here to direct my assigned troops as best as I can in order to achieve the best results with the minor number of casualties. If Commander Wolffe opens up to me I'd be honored. If not, I'm sure we could still be good comrades in this war". He still remembers the way you had tilted your chin upwards; staring defiantly at the clones in front of her, completely unaware of him standing not so far away at her back. "Now, I believe there's still some preparations needed for Jaal; and we're taking off in an hour". With that not-so-subtle signal that the conversation had ended, the troopers around you had quickly fell back to place; and Wolffe had silently followed Master Ploo Koo towards you. "Look at you, little warrior" the older Jedi had told you, a pleasant smile wrinkling the corner of his covered eyes. "Already displaying such good lidership traits". You had turned around in surprise; so many life presences around you, and experiencing a rush of your own emotions, you hadn't been aware of both of their presence. Your cheeks had flushed slightly; though that same defiant glint hadn't left your eyes. "Master" you had slightly bowed towards him. "You see me with good eyes" you had smiled softly at him, in a clearly opened affectionate way Wolffe wasn't used to seing in other Jedi. "Just having a chat with the troops". Master Ploo had chuckled quietly and pointed at him with a hand gesture; Wolffe quickly taking a step forwards towards them. "I have just had a quick meeting with the Council. Commander Wolffe will update you on my behalf, as I need to go have a word with the pilots" Master Ploo had glanced back at him pointedly. "If he'd be kind enough...". Wolffe had inmediately nodded, firmly. He had high respect towards that specifical Jedi; and he didn't usually hold others in such high regards. "Of course, sir" he had then turned towards you. "General, if you can follow me to the strategy room...". You had firmly hold his stare for a few seconds; and the quiet inquisitive gaze had felt as if the young Jedi Warrior had scanned his own very soul. Wolffe had had his first tingle of that uncomfortable but curious feeling back then; a feeling that had only increased with the following years. Nowadays, he...
Wolffe cleared his thoughts and focused on battle. Your voice had sound weak and tired, but you were perfectly capable of holding yourself, and this wasn't the first time you had been hurt before. He had actually patched you more than once in the past and... And then you mentioned a J1, and whispered his name, and there was a loud ringing sound through the coms that sounded too close to an explosion for his comfort and... And the sounds died, leaving nothing more than radio silence. And Wolffe, going against everything he had learnt and was trained for, pannicked.
"General?" His frantic, afraid voice was enough for Master Ploo to focus his attention on him, a graze at his Force life enough to make him understand his commander's feelings. "General. Come on. Com in, kid..."
There was only static.
Wolffe's heart pumped faster, adrenaline shooting through his veins. His hands trembled. A knot formed in his throat, slowly chocking his voice. He never broke down. He never broke down, but...
"Cyar'ika" he begged in a whisper. "Please, please answer and tell me you're okay".
He still got no answer back from you, and he felt his soul hurt.
Master Plo's hand suddenly renched him back into reality; a comforting wave of what could only be his Force washing over him. Wolffe turned his face towards him. The Jedi watched him in understanding.
"I can feel your turmoil. It is such it's difficult for me to focus on anything else. You are in no state to stay in the battlefield" he told him, cautiously gentle. "If my padawan has been gravely injured someone has probably helped her return to camp. You must go and make sure she's okay".
Even if Wolffe wanted nothing more than to start of a run and find her, he still hesitated in front of his General. He was a soldier. A commander. He couldn't leave his place just because he had stupidly, oh so fucking stupidly, fallen in love with her...
Master Plo squeezed his shoulders once. He knew him so well.
"Go" he insisted. "That's an order".
Wolffe quickly wrenched the flimsi excuse of a door of the tent open. He had gone to the makeshift infirmary first; his doctor quickly informing him of the state of his Jedi, and where he could find her resting at the moment. "A dangerous wound, but surprisingly stable" he had told him while he took care of the wound of a fellow brother. "She's a tough one, our General. It was a good idea to use her own lightsaber as a cauterizer. She wouldn't have probably made it all the way back here otherwise". That probability had made Wolffe tremble.
His own eyes quickly scanned the Jedi's state now. She was laying down on a rucksack, unusually clad in just a sport top and his Jedi pant's; outer robes discarded and clean bandages effectively wrapping around her lower torso, with just a small amout of blood transpairing on her side. Her lightsaber had been carefully placed at her side. Her hair was untied and a mess; some sticking to her dirtied face and some falling around freely behind her. Despite her evident exhaustion, Wolffe hand't ever been so happy to see her.
"Commander?" You asked in a surprised voice, slowly and carefully propelling some of your weight in your elbows in order to see him better. "Shouldn't you be back on the battlefield?"
Your face quickly changes into a deep, worried frown as you scan him up and down quickly.
"Are you hurt too, Wolffe?"
His heart clenches again. He steps inside the tent, slowly falling down on his knees besides you, and closes the door.
"No" he simply answers, observing you quietly.
You're completely lost. He's looking at you in a different way. He... Feels different, in the Force. Usually he feels much more reserved, almost as if he had learnt how to shield his emotions from a Jedi; however this... This felt raw.
"I'm afraid I don't understand" you chuckle and then wince at the way the movement tugs at your wound, a bit nervously now. You pointedly look at him. "You wouldn't be here just because you got worried, right?"
Wolffe's expression doesn't change.
"You went radio silent" he answers, quietly.
You arch an eyebrow.
"Our coms died" you explain, still confused about his attitude.
Wolffe can't help himself. He reaches forward and carefully grasps your chin in his right hand; eyes boring into yours. You gasp in surprise and can't do anything else but stare at his breathetaking mismatched eyes in response; emotions inside of you swirling dangerously with his move.
"You were hurt" he enfasises, almost as if he's trying to tell you something else, something you're not quite understanding. "You were hurt, and you went radio silent".
Oh. Oh. He thought you might be... You might have...
"Oh, Wolffe" his name is an understanding, affectionate sigh on your tempting lips. "I'm okay".
He doesn't want empathy. Doesn't want that almost condescending type of comfort. He needs to make sure you're still here; with him. He needs to exteriorize all this raw, painful emotions he has been keeping hidden for so fucking long, and he wants you so fucking bad it makes his mind and soul burn...
He bends down over you, holding himself against one hand proped against the floor while the other one tugs your neck forward, and then he's kissing you –fiercely, dominantly, real–; he kisses the same way he fights and a surprised but delighted whimper of a moan can't help but escape from your lips, hands quickly clinging onto his shoulders desperately.
You... You hadn't thought you'd end up having this. With you being a Jedi and him being such a perfect, respected clone Commander, you had always brushed your wants aside and...
"Wolffe" you whisper, trembling inevitably when his plush warm mouth moves from your lips to the side of your neck, biting gently. "Wolffe, I...".
He breathes and looks up at your face again; cupping your cheek with his right hand and observing your reaction with his eyes shimmering in needs and desire.
His Force signature blasts. He loves you. He loves you, and you...
"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum" you whisper, risking it all and giving your heart to him.
Tears blur your sight. They're not sad tears; they're not happy either. They're a mix of emotions that make you feel like a mess and...
Wolffe sighs. You love him. You love him, and the fact that you've told him in Mando'a...
He closes his eyes and gently presses his forehead against yours; finding solace and peace in your embrace, in this Keldabe. His eyes then flutter open, and he holds your face in both of his hands, slowly joining your lips in a kiss much more sweet and unhurried than those from before. You hum, surrendering in complete bliss.
He caresses your smuged cheek with his thumb, taking some of the dirt and exhaustion of the battlefield away.
His voice is a secret whisper as well.
"Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, cyare".
Your fingers tug at the hair at the back of his neck, and you crash your lips onto his.
You imprint those five mandalorian words in your soul.
This one was a blast to write! Felt the emotions so raw myself tooo bfbfbsfb this two are so cute. I hope I get to write more of Wolffe in the future, I really like the guy.
Did some minor alterations –like him not been the one to actually carry you back to safety– but it kinda wrote itself and I'm happy with how it came out. Hope you liked it as well!
Also, dear friends, if you ever want to request something longer than a one-shot, you're able to do so as well (if the plot goes accordingly or I find it expandable). I'm not writing whole stories, but a short one of maybe 2-5 chapters max would be okay.
Stay tunned for the next one yall. It will be a little angsty one with Echo, and then we'll have a flirty fun one with Crosshair.
Back to main masterlist here!
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toastyrobos · 6 months
Never again (Rex X female reader one shot)
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Word count: 2478
((You and Rex met early during the clone wars. Soon things turned romantic between the two of you. You were off world when order 66 happened. Panicking to find Rex, clone force 99 finds you, and having grown close to Echo, you went with them. When Rex unexpectedly shows up at Cid bar you nearly break at seeing him))
   "Twenty cases of those mantell mix things?! How long have those two been doing that?" Echo's loud voice carried as the four of us filed out of Cid's office into the narrow hall way.
   "I have surmised they have been partaking in this recreational activity for several rotations now". Tech configured, eyes never leaving his datapad.
You shrugged. "It's become a thing they do together after every mission".
Echo grumbled. "A costly one". He did have a point. Hunter wasn't too happy about it either from his narrowed brows and slightly clenched jaw. It was bad enough we owed Cid for basic rations, but now we owed her for this? You sighed.
Wrecker was just treating Omega to a harmless and delicious treat, but unfortunately that treat was racking up credits on your tab. That was exactly what you were trying to avoid.
Hunter let out a deep sigh. "I'll talk to them".
You knew how much he didn't enjoy seeing Omega upset, but maybe he could compromise with her. A way for her to still have the after mission snack while owing Cid a bit less. Frankly though, would you ever owe Cid less?
At this rate, it was doubtful.
Sounds of blaster fire and some sort of crash coming from the bar had your immediate attention. Hunter was the first of you to race ahead to the noises. You and Echo were not far behind, riding his heels. Reaching the bar all of you watched as the remaining species fled from the scene. Only individual left was a hooded figure, gripping on tightly to a singular blaster. The source of said blaster shots.
Something about his demeanor and cloaked face felt known to you. But you couldn't place it. Until your scanning gaze fell to his forearm armor.
White and and blue.
Your breathing paused. Unable to register what you were truly seeing.
It couldn't be.
It was not possible.
But it all became real when the hidden figure reached up and pulled back his hood. Revealing his familiar face to you.
You were stunned at the sight before you. At the person standing mere feet from you.
    "Rex". Hunter said surprised. He was just as shocked to see him here as the rest of you were.
You on the other hand forgot how to breath. Your eyes froze on his figure. Eyes roaming him up and down repeatedly to make sure that he was not a hallucination. A well of emotions came rushing into you. Like someone had punched you in the gut.
He was alive.
Rex was actually alive. Tears were beginning to swell in the corners of your eyes as you racked your brain for anything. But nothing.
Everything had left your head at just seeing him standing here. At the way he was looking at you. Surprised was not how he felt. No. If anything he was beyond thrilled to see you.
The second your name and where to find you left the sisters lips he plotted his course. He had to see you. Take you in his arms and never let you go. His chest rose and fell in rapidly succession at your presence.
It was as if everything and everyone around you two had faded into the backyard and you were the only two in existence. Just you and Rex. Your beating heart picked up speed the longer you stared at one another. The way he was looking at you. That smile painted across his lips, maker that smile. If not for the shock, you were certain your knees would buckle and give out from under you.
Even the way his essence was calling out to you. Beckoning you towards him.
You were hesitant, however.
Tech's earlier statements about the inhibitor chips coming to the front of your thoughts. Bracing yourself and taking a deep breath you pushed past Hunter.
Inch by inch you moved closer. Searching his face for proof that he wasn't here to hurt you, any of you. For any indication that he hadn't turned. All the while he continued to stare at you with that look that made your heart flutter and ache so desperately.
Being this close to him, even on edge, force, was he still himself. Still your Rex.
   "Starglow". The unshed tears filling your eyes, broke open. You instantly knew.
This was him.
Your Rex.
He wasn't going to hurt you. Not now. Not ever. Because of this you leapt into his awaiting arms. Crashing your body against his and tightly securing your arms around his neck. His arms found your waist and pulled you close. Orange blossoms. Oh how he had missed that smell of yours. How he had missed the feel of you.
    "Rex". Your voice cracked as you spoke his name for the first time out loud, in several rotations. "Y-your here".
   "I am mesh'la". He choked back his own sob. "And maker I've missed you". So had you. So much that it had ached like a festering wound. Neither of you dared nor wanted to pull away, but you did, reluctantly so.
You grasped his face between your hands, studying it closely. His piercing brown eyes staring into your green ones. How the came alive underneath the dim gray and blue lights of the bar.
The texture of his dirty blonde stubble underneath your fingers. The scratchy nature of how it felt. The barely visuals scars etched into his skin. The way his lips framed his face so beautifully. You had missed him. And you didn't know just how much until he was mere inches from your face. From your lips.
Both of you were aware of it. How you both longed to touch one another. Close the distance the feel the warmth of the others lips. Rex's eyes were the ones to make the first move. Gliding over how lush they appeared. Parted just so. And with the simple action of your tongue running over them in anticipation that's all it took for him to break.
Lips collided with yours in a desperate plea. Fighting to feel, to touch the other after thinking one another dead. The mere sensation of his lips molding into yours sent your body into overdrive. You always lost yourself in his kiss. In his embrace. No one else made you feel as alive as Rex did.
That smile of his, you knew the one, that gave you butterflies. And when it would change into a smirk, may the force have mercy on you. You heart couldn't take it. His infectious laughter that would echo off the walls of whatever environment he was in. Usually caused by one of his fellow 501st members telling a dreadful joke. Who would have thought you'd lose all of that in the blink of an eye. Only for it turn up weeks later. Safe and sound.
Thankful you were that those memories didn't have to become mournful ones. Instead they could continue to exist as they were. Ones that held promises for the future.
It had been a grueling time not knowing. Waiting and waiting for any signs, but now it was over.
You Practically slumped into his chest as he just held you close to his heart. The steady beating of it the only sound that could kept you grounded in this instant. The cold surface of his armored platting on your cheek was a welcomed sensation.
You needed this. To feel his heartbeat. To know that he was real. That he was right here, in this moment. Nearly losing him almost destroyed you.
You let out a shaky breath. "I though I lost you, Rex". Tears slid down your cheeks. "I though my —you—" you couldn't even finish that sentence. Rex knowing the pain you went through, as it was the same pain he experienced. He tightened his arms around you, nestling his head in the crock of your neck.
Feeling his arms around you, like a warm protective blanket you started to relax. The muscles in your body becoming less tense, Knowing that he was safe. That he was right in front of you.
His own muscles started to calm. Like a fleeting flame. He didn't have to worry or fret over searching for you anymore. He had found you.
As crazy as it sounded he would have gotten on his knees and physically thanked the force, to the stars and back again that he had you back.
He let out his own unsteady exhale. "I know".
He did not want to pull away from you, but like you he had the overwhelming urge to see your face. See all the marks and impressions he hadn't seen it what felt like a lifetime.
Needing something to anchor him, he sought out the one thing that could. You.
It was always you.
Bringing you closer, he touched his forehead to yours. Kissing you was so very intimate, but this. This was too. At least between the two of you.
"I'm here now, riduuar and I don't plan on going anywhere". He promised.
You shook your head, confused. "I don't understand. How—wh-what happened?"
Thousands of questions twisted around inside your head. How did this all happen? Why did it happen? Could no one have seen what had transpired? It was encompassing. Paired with Rex bring here. By the maker you were finally feeling the affects of todays mission catching up with you.
"I'll explain everything". He promised, seeing how exhausted you were becoming. "But right now, I just want to hold you". You simple nodded.
You wanted answers and you were certain that he'd tell you everything later, but right now his request, you could and would fulfill-it. As easy as breathing.
"Thank the f-force your safe". You whispered against his chest plate.
He ran his gloved fingers through your hair. Committing every moment he'd done this before to memory.
Kissing you was absolutely his favorite thing, without a doubt. But this. This was a close second. Something about it soothed him. Made any tense or stressful situation better.
Too engrossed in one another aura's, basking in it, you had forgotten that you had an audience. An audience that was rendered speechless by the affections exchanged between you and the now ex captain of the 501st Battalion.
All expect the ex arc trooper standing off to the side. Who had known the full extent and lengths of Rex's and yours relationship. He was present there that day. One of only a few who were witnesses to the pledge you both proclaimed.
It was undeniable, the love you two shared with each other. No doubt in Echo's mind that the both of you were meant to be together.
Wrecker was the first of the group to speak. "W-what...did I miss something?!"
Tech was the next one to speak, offering up an explanation, "Technically no. By my calculations Rex and Y/N have been in a committed romantic relationship for a standard 368 days".
His much larger brother simply stared at him in confusion.
"A standard year, Wrecker". Echo quickly explained. Understanding he formed an 'O' shape with his lips.
You and Rex both shook your heads. "Longer". Tech blinked. "It's actually been 2 standard years since we told one another how we felt". You locked eyes with Rex, your continued smile everything to him in that moment.
The Captain nodded. "It's been one since we said I do". That had their full attention.
Hunter took a step towards you. "Y-your married?"
You nodded. "Yes. Off record though. Only a few were able to know". You gestured to the former arc trooper. "Echo being one of them".
The Sergeant turned his eyes to the newest member of the group. "You were there?"
"Me and a few others were the only ones". He replied to which Hunter nodded. Satisfied. Knowing the full extent of the reprimand the Captain would receive if the Council found out the truth. That he was married to a princess.
The consequences for such an act could have cost him his position. Or worse. His life. Thus a secret their relationship needed to be. Unfortunately.
"Well then uhh congratulations to you both". Hunter replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
You nodded in acknowledgment to Hunter. When you thought you had lost Rex, he was the one to step up and comfort you. Reassuring you that you'd be okay. Even if in that moment you didn't feel as though you would.
All of them really made you feel welcomed. After all they were the ones who stumbled across you. Ushering you to come with them. Saying that they could protect you and guarantee your safety. You accepted. Thank the maker you had. If not, then maybe you would have never seen Rex again. And that left a bitter taste on your tongue.
"Thank you". You said at the same time as Rex slipped his hand into yours.
Love was a concept that Rex never thought was possible for him. He never dreamed of having it because it was instilled in him early on that clones were bred with one singular purpose. To fight for the Galactic Army of the Republic. Never had the thought nor idea of finding someone, in that regard, crossed his mind.
Until you came into his life. Changing everything for the better.
"Your here". You whispered into him. You were still in disbelief. Tears streaming down your cheeks like an endless river. Rex lifted his gloved fingers to swipe away your tears, that affectionate grin warming your body. "Your really here".
He was real, yet you still couldn't wrap your head around it, but that wasn't important. All that mattered was him. What this meant for you. For the life you promised to build together that day overlooking the lake when you swore an oath through vows. When you both said 'I do'.
"I am". He replied again. This time the power in which he uttered it, caused your body to shake. The weight those two words held. What they signified.
"I love you". Was your quick response. Even if Rex knew it deep down in his soul, to hear it again from your lips made him so beyond happy.
Another kiss found it's way to your lips. "I love you too".
Smiling, you pressed in closer to his chest. Wanting to be close to him for as long as physically possible. Rex was your everything. Your best friend. Your lifeline. To him, you were his entire world. All roads led you back to one another.
Determined he was that the force weld it so. And as far as the Captain was certain he wouldn't allow you to be parted from him ever again. Not while there was still blood flowing through his veins.
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aniharas · 8 months
𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯
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pairing: anakin skywalker x padawan!fem!reader
summary: a flirtatious training session left anakin and his new student frazzled. but he knew that if she called, he'd drop everything and answer.
warnings: master/padawan relationship, sexual content, exhibitionism (if you squint)
wc: 7k+ oneshot
a/n: took some lyrics from agora hills and really ran with it. inbox is open for any suggestions! enjoy!
Their intentions were pure. She had caught Anakin on his way to his dormitory, begging him to train with her secretly. She and her master were being sent on their first mission together, and she insisted that she would meet her end if Anakin didn’t take her under his wing. “Please, Master Skywalker,” she had pleaded.
And how could he refuse? The poor girl was on her knees, tears pooling and threatening to stream down her innocent face. He agreed, only admitting that her master was indeed an atrocious teacher and that his own Padawan already knew everything he knew.
When their training started, she immediately realized that Anakin was an upgrade. He chose different approaches, not by the book. He pushed her harder, trained longer, and didn’t let her retire to her dormitory until her technique seemed flawless. Which is why on one particular day, Anakin had nearly torn out his hair in frustration. The moon was already high in the sky, seeming to taunt them as it loomed over the Temple’s garden. He couldn’t pinpoint exactly why this simple lesson was driving them up the wall. To him, it was simple: to transition from lightsaber combat to parrying blaster shots. But to teach her was like teaching a womp rat to tango.
It didn’t help that they both grew irritable with each passing minute, and it was inevitable with how stubborn they both seemed to be. A subtle roll of the eyes or a scoff would set each other off. Their patience waned, evident through the hits they traded with their practice lightsabers becoming more personal, ending with both on dust-ridden ground, beat-up and breathless.
“Okay, okay, let’s just…relax,” Anakin instructed with a stressed exhale, his face twisted from exasperation. Wordlessly, he motioned for her to do the same, to which she reluctantly followed.
“Don’t act like you didn’t start it,” she hissed, wiping sweat from her forehead for what seemed like the twentieth time. “I don’t get it. It all happens too fast, I basically have to react before it even happens. It’s not fair,” she whined, almost childishly.
“That’s precisely it,” Anakin cut in as he dusted off his pants, rising to his feet. “You wanna stay alive out there? Feel it before it happens,” he repeated, holding his hand out for her to take.
When she was back on her feet, Anakin quickly took her practice saber from her hands. “Hey, what are you-” “Close your eyes,” he said, his voice low and soft, much different from the annoyed tone he had moments before.
It was humiliating how quickly she obeyed him, her attempts to ignore the heat that seemed to ignite her skin. The courtyard was eerily quiet, or at least as quiet as Coruscant could get, only adding to the growing awkwardness between them. It was only when she was about to complain once more that she felt an unmistakable energy emanating from a certain direction behind her. “Do you feel it?” he questioned, his voice low to not break her concentration.
A beat passed before she answered him. “Yes,” she breathed, anticipation seeming to tingle in her voice.
“Feel my presence,” Anakin urged, his voice gentle yet commanding. “Sense where I am without seeing.” He began to circle her silently, holding his breath so he wouldn’t compromise his position physically. 
At first, she tried to sense him with mere sounds, a vibration from the ground, but it proved futile. The wind that chilled her to her bones helped to camouflage any breath or sound that would betray him, and she knew that he always seemed to carry himself as if he weighed like a feather. How could someone so tall and broad move like a lothcat? When she actually began to try, the air seemed to carry faint whispers, brief waltzes of energy that danced around in her mind that just so slightly guided her senses. “You’re there,” she said unsurely, pointing in his general direction. A barely audible sound of approval resonated in Anakin’s throat, a low grunt, confirming her guess. “Good. Take it a step further,” he suggested. “Focus on how it takes shape in your head. Feel my intention,” he instructed under his breath. His whispers somehow seemed to echo off the walls of the temple. “Tell me where my focus lies.”
Initially, it was a bit hard to center her thoughts. None of this was anything like what her master taught her. It was oddly…intimate. But there wasn’t a chance she would let nerves stop her now, she had already gone all this way. With each (notably loud) heartbeat,  she sought out the rhythm of his focus. She tried to envision it like a beacon in the darkness behind her eyelids, beckoning her, calling her like a distant star. Something began to flutter around in her mind–a fiery sensation that seemed to extend its grasp from the darkness towards her. A tingling feeling began to nip at her right hand. That was it.
“My hand. You’re looking at my right hand,” she said with certainty.
“Close, but not quite. Be more accurate.”
Really? Will it really come down to knowing what finger my enemy is looking at? After taking a moment to think, she answered him again. “My pointer finger.” Unbeknownst to her, Anakin’s lips curved into a faint smile. “Good. Keep ‘em closed, let’s do it again. And put it together.”
She continued to list off different parts of her body where she could feel his focus linger from where he was. Her right shoulder, to her right. Her left knee, behind her. All reasonable places to strike in combat. He then trained her to sense where his gaze would relocate to. From her shins to her midsection. From her wrists to her foot. Perfect for sensing how quick an enemy can strike. It was becoming easy. From her neck to her chest.
She froze as the words left her lips, her heart quickening. Her chest, he was looking at her chest. Why was he looking at her chest? As if nature was asking her to relax, a gust of wind rattled the branches of the Great Tree that loomed over them, its yellow leaves seeming to shiver with her. The cold contrasted with the feeling in her cheeks as if urging her to think more rationally. Of course, how could she get ahead of herself? It wasn’t exactly the chest, it was the heart. It was a common place to attack in the heat of a battle, especially when aiming to kill. The Jedi try their best to not strike the chest, but many foes do attempt to go for theirs. It was crucial to sense, and Anakin was only helping her, right?
Anakin’s abrupt cough sliced through the silence culminating between them, causing her to wince at the abrasive sound. “Sorry– ahem, it’s just the cold. Making the air pretty dry,” he muttered in between the grunts that cleared his throat. He tossed her makeshift saber back to her, hiding the fact that the sound of blood rushing in his ears was deafening. “That was good. I think you’re good to take a break for now.” The sigh of relief that escaped her mouth as she caught the stick was nearly involuntary with how tense she felt. She could only hope that he saw it as relief from relentless training instead of relief from how nervous she felt under his gaze. 
Despite this, she felt saddened as she watched him trudge off to the opposite end of the space. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him as he began to twirl the stick that was his makeshift saber around him in what looked like a flashy dance, something that she just knew he did regularly from how natural the movement was.
Unknown to her, Anakin’s thoughts were growing rather reckless. Physically, he was always in control of himself. Not one misstep, not one mistake. He could give the galaxy a thousand reasons, if not more, to respect him. But him controlling his mind? Anyone close to him knew this was one of his shortcomings. One of his only responses was to grow stronger, to grow more powerful to make up for that failure. Another was lightsaber training. He seemed to find solace in the hypnotic spin of the stick, the very image cutting through the stillness of Coruscant’s night. His face, usually one would describe as a representative of determination, was now etched with a more lost expression. 
And she was amazed, how could she not be? To do such a complicated maneuver while his mind was elsewhere was something she could never hope to replicate. But that didn’t stop the urge to take it as a challenge, to attempt to mimic his fluid motions. She attempted the intricate moves, stumbling and dropping her weapon every so often, but that didn’t stop her either. It didn’t seem like anything could.
It was then that she felt it – that prickly, warm feeling, expanding over the dip of her waist. It slowly inched its way down and over the curve of her hips.
Anakin truly hadn’t meant for his attention to slip so carelessly. But how could he deny the way that she so adorably tried to replicate his signature move? The pleasure that was the curves of her silhouette against the city lights? Had he been so incredibly naive? Of course, she could sense his intention; Obi-Wan had told him that anyone from Coruscant to Tattooine could. A growing hunger for the silly girl stumbling over herself across the courtyard.
She quickly shifted her stance so he couldn’t see the petrified look that adorned her face, pretending to be too absorbed in securing her hair with a spare ribbon to notice. She felt winded from the mere thought of him looking at her; why did that bother her so greatly? Once again, she tried to rationalize this feeling. Maybe he was just observing her technique. Maybe he was testing her. Maybe it was someone else. But that it was so distinctly Anakin, so spine-shudderingly Anakin, she felt it down to her bones. And even if he was just observing, he wouldn’t need to be looking there. The sensation was also different; it was slightly more passionate. If his focus before could be compared to a poke, this feeling was more of a gentle caress. It seemed to pulse with more and more of that passion the longer it lingered in an area for too long. So if he was testing her, what was he looking for? So maybe, she wasn’t overthinking his gaze on her chest earlier. She definitely knew she wasn’t overthinking as she felt the sultry, unwavering feeling rake over her chest. The subtle warmth that filled her cheeks earlier was now raging, slowly inching its way down her body, like she had set her own skin on fire.
“Well!” She sputtered out, her Padawan braid almost smacking her in the face with how fast she whipped her head around. “I– uh, think we should start again. Maybe sparring?” she suggested, too hurriedly for her liking. She swiped a few strands of stray hair from her forehead in a desperate attempt to look nonchalant. The feeling was too much to bear, and she feared that if it didn’t stop, her thoughts would descend to something less appropriate.
Her sudden exclamation seemed to startle Anakin, ceasing his movements. His breath hitched as his eyes refocused to meet hers. The pensive expression was wiped immediately, replaced with the friendly smile and the crinkle of his eyes that she had grown accustomed to. “Of course,” he obliged, motioning for her to come close. “Let’s get your stances down first.”
She thought that by continuing with sparring, she could distract herself from that forbidden feeling. There was nothing more relieving than whacking down the very man that made evoking a physical response from her seem so simple. However, Anakin only continued to tantalize her. Get your stances down first, he said. You’re not doing it right, he said. It almost seemed like it was an excuse to close the distance between them, and she questioned if there truly was a smirk on his face as she froze up once more.
His cold, cybernetic hand made contact with her arm, just above her elbow, raising it delicately. “Could you keep it right there for me?”
“Yeah,” she answered breathlessly, holding her arm as steady as she could, trying to ignore what it would feel like if his hands were anywhere else.
“Could you focus while you’re at it?” Anakin chastised as he placed his hands on her midsection and the small of her back, straightening her out. She could’ve sworn his tone was challenging her, teasing her.
True to her hard-headed nature, she quickly slouched over again, undoing his previous work. “Could you be nicer?”
The curve of his lips was unmistakable now, his head tilting as he stared down at her in what seemed an endearing manner. “You seem to be fond of pushing my buttons tonight,” he remarked, though without a single hint of malice in his voice. His hand roughly pushed at her lower back once more, forcing a perfect posture from her. It took every ounce of self-control she could muster to stop herself from prodding further. And what if I pushed some more? She knew she would’ve had him. It was a dangerous game to be playing, but she knew that as well.
Even though she had bit her tongue, the mischievous glint in her eyes told Anakin nearly everything. Was it his turn to be tested? He could feel himself teetering on the edge of that forbidden, yet savory feeling that he had been trying his hardest to keep in check. But how could he as he was touching her like this, angling her body exactly how he wanted it to be? He began to adjust her upper body, yet his hands lingered, fingertips gently tracing down her shoulder blades. The heat was starting to creep back into her body. Yet, it was different this time, and it was an unusual feeling. She anticipated the rush to her cheeks, but this time, it seemed to travel much farther down. Though she hated to admit it, she couldn’t help but feel like it would be nice to succumb to it as a pleasant shiver slithered down her spine. At that moment, she would’ve given anything to know what he was feeling. “Can you sense where I’m looking?” Anakin asked in a low voice. It always seemed like he could read her mind. But if he were to continue, all he would see was a frenzied, jumbled mess as she tried to recollect herself. “N-no?” she murmured truthfully, keeping her voice as level as she could. Bur it wasn’t hard to tell where he was looking. His gaze was like a warm fire, so intense that it seemed to envelop her whole body. Anakin laughed softly, reveling in the way that she was reacting so strongly to him. As to when this happened, he wasn’t so sure, but he wasn’t one to complain either. He moved slowly to position himself behind her, then leaned in to delicately whisper in her ear. “Can I show you?” “Yes,” she said in a voice that barely escaped her lips, almost involuntarily. It wasn’t just the enigma of his movements, a mere dance of shadows that still captivated her. Nor was it just the velvety nature of his whisper, so tender yet so affirming that it seemed to electrify her nerves. Regardless, she could feel herself melting away. To her, it was as if the very air she was breathing was thickening, transforming the tingling feeling in her chest into a desperate, all-compassing ache. Her resolve was reduced to a mere candle in the wind. Despite this, she was determined to get even with him. An intense desire grew within her, a desire to make him crack and crumble, to turn his limbs into Andorian jelly, to have him begging for her the way she desperately wanted to beg for him. She would knock that arrogant, yet pretty smirk off his face. But he had rendered her so helpless under his teasing ministrations, it wasn’t fair to her. He overwhelmed her. Just when the weight of the tension between them seemed at its heaviest, she abruptly pulled away, ignoring the immediate embarrassment that chilled her bones. Avoiding what she knew would be his intense eyes, she began to mumble, her speech slightly jumbled from how frazzled she felt. “Uh- I was asked to report to my master early tomorrow morning,” she stammered, hastily smoothing out her robes. She hated how easily her voice seemed to betray her lie, so she turned and hurried away without waiting for a response. Her steps began to echo as she ran inside, ominously leaving the famed Jedi alone in the courtyard. As she disappeared into the shadows of the Temple, Anakin barely had the chance to utter a single word, watching with a troubled expression as an uncomfortable silence fell over the courtyard. Every moment that led up to then began to swirl in his mind; all the subtle contact and the teasing words began to replay in his mind at once. The thought of himself crossing the line with her gripped his very heart, aching the longer he stared after her. It had seemed like every time he allowed himself to indulge in the impulsive nature of his passion, he ended up pushing everyone he held dear away. Is that what it is he considered her to be? “Dear”? Whether that was true or not, Anakin couldn’t deny the sense of loss that had begun to gnaw at him the longer he was without her.
But who was he kidding? He would be lying to himself if he said that was a first-time occurrence. For the past few meetings, he found himself dreading the end of their secret training sessions more and more. His desperation to keep her in his presence was under the guise of excuses. “You’re not leaving until you get this down”, or “Meditate with me until you feel one with the Force”. All things that a perfect Jedi master would say, all by the Code. The teachings of the Code that had been drilled into Anakin's mind seemed to taunt him about his feelings, remembering Obi-Wan’s and Yoda’s cautioning against attachments, and yet, the Force seemed to unpredictably guide him to this very moment, yet remained elusive in offering guidance once he got there. Teaching a girl the ways of the Jedi had made him long for her; a sad smirk played on his lips as he pondered the irony of that sentiment. He sighed, the weight of the situation beginning to settle on his shoulders. His gaze fixed on the floor beneath him, inscribing lines and meaningless shapes in the dirt with his stick as he pondered over what to do. Maybe he could explain himself to her, tell her the truth. Was there still a chance to fix things? Would she feel the same way? Then, as if the Force finally answered somehow, a chilly breeze rushed past Anakin, scattering the drawings that he had been working on. He scoffed, almost having a mind to curse out at the wind. But he relented, admitting defeat silently. Perhaps it was best to leave her alone. He had gone too far.
She had tried her hardest to focus on her upcoming mission, but her blooming emotions seemed to overshadow all else. She craved answers, using her alone time to plan out her words, words she needed to breach the unspoken feelings between them. The alone time would include pacing around in her room, attempting to gossip with Ahsoka, or using her pillow as a stand-in for Anakin as she recited her speech. With all this effort she had put in, it only added to the sting of disappointment as she noticed Anakin’s evasiveness. A palpable tension hung in the air when their paths inevitably crossed in the hallowed hallways, and when his eyes always seemed to land anywhere but on her, her heart panged. His excuses to leave every time she entered the refectory felt infinitely worse. Of course, she knew things would have been awkward after she had left so abruptly, but she didn’t anticipate it would escalate that far. Had he taken offense to it? It was common knowledge that Anakin was extremely volatile with his emotions, and even more widely known that he lacked the discipline to control them. Fear of facing her again clashed with the guilt of abandoning their training, and it wore him down each time he saw her walk by. His chest would grow tight, his jaw would tense. It would be the easy way out to continue to keep his distance, to tell himself that he was living the Jedi way. But once the day of her mission finally arrived, he couldn’t help but think that the Jedi way was bullshit.
As the dawn of her expedition arrived, she stepped into a craft hangar of organized chaos. The hum of the ships, the mechanical voices of equipment, and the stampede of footsteps only added to the dizziness from all the nerves that she had built up inside of her. She stationed herself at the entrance to her transport ship as she awaited departure, her fingers tightly gripping the hilt of her lightsaber in an attempt to quell the nervous flutters in her stomach.
But it was no use as the doubts began to fester in her mind. What if she wasn’t quick enough with her parries? What if she couldn’t sense an enemy attack before it was too late? Her own master hadn’t even told her anything about where they were going, explaining that it was a “good learning experience to face the unknown”. She swore if she could ditch her master, she would in a heartbeat. On top of everything, the unspoken tension between her and Anakin was what seemed to distract her the most. Even if she did leave abruptly, she definitely did not deserve the silent treatment from him.
She was about to escape the distracting noise of the hangar, trudging up the ramp to her ship until a strong grip on her shoulder nearly made her stumble backward. She jerked her head around to see the idiot who had nearly ailed her.
“What the-"
Anakin stood there breathlessly, panting as a sheen of sweat decorated his skin. “Shut up. Take this,” he said as he extended a small device towards her. A personal comlink, with an extra modem attached. When he was met with a hard, confused look, he huffed in annoyance before speaking up again.
“It links to me,” he explained, gesturing to his own comlink that was securely attached to his belt. “I’ve rigged it so you can contact me as long as you’re near a Republic satellite.”
She eyed the device warily. “Why now, Master Skywalker? You’ve been gone,” she whispered, a mix of frustration and suspicion in her voice as she replied.
Anakin sighed in disappointment at his own actions, nodding once to agree with her. “Which is why I’m giving this to you,” he elaborated, his brow furrowing. He then took her hand and closed her fingers over the metal, tube-like device. “Please,” he begged as he held her hand in both of his, the tone becoming more desperate as he finally met her gaze for the first time in a while. “Just…use it. Whenever you need me, swear to me you’ll use it. I’ll help you.”
As much as she wanted to fight it, the sincerity in his words was unmistakable, and it slowly began to chip away at her defense once again. With all the questions she wanted to ask on the tip of her tongue, she nodded once, allowing Anakin to attach the commlink to her belt. It was noticeable how they both seemed to hold their breaths in anticipation, at the proximity of their bodies. 
Once he had pulled back, he found himself desperately missing the warmth of her body. And with what was at stake, he couldn’t afford to miss another opportunity to act on this feeling. Wordlessly, he roughly yanked her towards him, the urgency of the action contrasting deeply with the tender touch that followed. He held her close, his body pressed tightly against hers and his embrace firm, almost as if she would disappear if his grip faltered for just a moment.
Despite initially stiffening up, she didn’t want to dissect the swirl of emotions that surrounded them as the hangar’s intercom announced the departure of her ship. She glanced up at Anakin, her eyes blown wide and afraid. “What if I-”
“No what if’s, okay?” he quickly interjected, giving her a reaffirming squeeze before pulling back to see her more clearly. She looked natural in a Jedi mission uniform, she looked pretty. He caught his eyes wandering towards her lips, refocusing shortly after. 
“You’ve got this. I trust you, just trust yourself now.” Reluctantly, he gave her a gentle push up the ramp, gesturing for her to continue. 
Her eyes lingered on his face anxiously before making her way up the ramp. Once she was inside, she idly stood at the ship’s opening once the ramp began to eerily close, obscuring her view of him little by little. It was only then that she realized that she had to say goodbye. She could only muster a small, shy wave as the engine hummed to life, ignoring the calls of her master to accompany her as a co-pilot from the front of the ship.
"Make it back in one piece,” Anakin called out in response, giving a reassuring smile. “May the Force be with you.”
As the ramp fully closed and the ship began to ascend, she pressed her palms against the ramp door, almost wishing she could push it back open and he would still be there. Soon enough, the atmosphere of Coruscant began to slowly fade into a symphony of stars through the ship’s windows. She stared down at the comlink attached securely to her belt. Anakin’s lifeline to her. It shed a bit of light on how he felt, but now she was determined to make it back home, so she could uncover the whole truth.
The mission had been a success, unfolding with an outstanding performance from the Jedi girl. She anticipated every attack, adapted to the battle and terrain, and even helped devise strategies with the commanding clone of her unit. It left her master astonished, wondering as to when she had improved so much.
However, it didn’t go without casualties. She tried to warn her master about the disturbances she felt ripple behind her, hinting at danger. The warnings fell on deaf ears. As expected, the ambush of bounty hunters emerged from behind their ranks, resulting in a few clone deaths and an injured master. Luckily, she and her Clone unit helped escort him to safety.
She was more than overjoyed to return home from a mission success, unfortunately slightly marred by the recklessness of her mentor. She took pride in the fact that she was able to achieve the feat on her own, without having to cry for help. It made her itch for another mission, the nerves have turned into an addictive thrill. Upon their return to Coruscant, her master was promptly confined to strict bed rest, in turn, leaving her with nothing to do other than train and retire to her quarters, much to her dismay. The soft embrace of her duvet was enough to keep her captive in her dormitory for a while, a definitive upgrade from the stiff cushions of their transport ship. The drone of city life outside the Temple was slowly winding down to a hush, the occasional whir of a speeder zooming by. Staring up at her sky window, she glared at the stars in frustration. It’s not like she wanted to lie down doing nothing, but there was nothing she could do to help it. Yet another reason to despise her insipid mentor.
Besides, she found a better one.
Anakin. Anakin had crossed her mind for the first time since the mission, and she was unable to suppress the heat that flooded her cheeks upon the mere thought of him. He made her feel sane in the unhinged antics that came with their duties. The heat seemed to travel elsewhere when she remembered where their relationship had gotten to. She so desperately wanted to talk to him, to tell him everything that she experienced and more, but she didn’t have a clue as to where to find him.
It was then that she remembered something very important. The comlink. Her eyes darted to her laundry basket in the corner of her dormitory. She flung the blanket off of her body, scrambling out of bed and towards her laundry basket. She was glad no one was there to witness her digging like a feral animal for her Jedi uniform that she had discarded for nightwear. Eventually, she unclasped the metal device from the belt, cradling it in her hand.
Rushing back to the edge of her bed, she sat eagerly and fidgeted with the power switch. Then, a soft hum emanated from the comlink, and a sudden wave of nervousness washed over her body. Uncertainty colored her expression as she brought the mic up to her lips, contemplating the words she wanted to say. 
Once again, she couldn’t convey much. “Anakin?” she began in a hush, glancing around nervously as if she was afraid about getting caught. She held her breath, wondering if he had even heard her. Her gaze was fixed on the comlink, unblinking. Impatient and as stubborn as she was, she began to grow tired of simply sitting there and waiting. With a frustrated huff, she began to put the comlink down until a static-like crackle sounded from it. Hurriedly bringing it back in front of her again, her heartbeat accelerating with each second that passed.
“I was wondering when you would decide to say anything,” his voice rang out, a subtle tone of amusement lingering. The moment she heard his voice, the air in the room seemed to shift, filling the space with relief and exhilaration simultaneously. She didn’t even notice her wide grin and a rose-like color filling the apples of her cheeks as she eagerly listened for him. “Congrats on your mission, by the way,” he continued, shifting to a more formal note, yet his pride for her was evident in his words. “Handled it even better than…well, that’s not the point, is it?”
The small jab at her master was enough to make a giggle escape her lips, covering her mouth in an attempt to hide it. After she composed herself, she brought the comlink to her lips again. “Thank you. I hope I didn’t worry you,” she hummed as she swung her feet off the edge of her bed.
She heard a scoff from his end. “Had me a bit worried since you didn’t reach out. An ‘I’m alive” would’ve been nice,” he playfully scolded, though she could recognize that the sentiment was very much real. “Well, is that all you wanted to tell me?” She hesitated, the words choked up in her throat. Truthfully, she had wanted to tell him everything – the rush of the battling droids, the ambush from the bounty hunters. She so desperately wanted a normal conversation where he was just her mentor. It was never as simple as that. He never was just her new mentor. The only thought that came to the forefront of her mind was the persistent heat that she felt whenever he talked to her. But how could she put that into words without sounding like an idiot? Suddenly, his words from before popped into her head. “You said- uh, to use this if I needed you, right?” she said daringly, though her voice barely audible to her ears. An unbearably long second passed until his voice returned. “Of course. You’ve got the floor,” he replied kindly, though his tone was a bit wary. 
Taking a deep breath with her heart pounding in her ears, she decided to go for all the marbles.
“Anakin, it’s so lonely here,” she whined breathlessly, nearly regretting the words as soon as they left her lips.
“Lonely where?” he immediately interjected, an obvious strain in the way he spoke. “In my room.” She was immediately met with a long bout of silence, and it mortified her. Then, the brief sound of static followed by his voice once again. “Hold on,” Anakin said, sounding strangely distant. The line went dead, and she felt her heart fall to the pit of her stomach. She had ruined everything hadn’t she? Of course, Anakin was too nice to straight up reject her, but she would’ve rather him do that than leave her in such a panic. As she paced her room, chewing on her nails nervously, a tidal wave of overthinking crashed over her. Had she gone too far? Had he already gotten over her while she was gone? Was she too forward? Anxiety from potentially ruining what she had with Anakin clawed at her, each passing moment with the silent comlink gripped in her hand amplifying the feeling tenfold. Minutes later, a rapid series of knocks reverberated throughout her dorm. Startled, she nearly dropped the device from her hand as her eyes darted towards the door. The knocks grew in frequency and volume the longer she took to answer. They were urgent, almost frantic.
Scurrying over to the door, she was met with the sight of the man that she was tearing herself down over moments before. Her worry-ridden thoughts were quickly replaced with ones of concern. Anakin stood in front of her in his Jedi robes, panting like a madman, skin slightly sweaty with his hair disheveled. He had to take a moment to place his hands on his knees, using himself for support he attempted to rest himself. To say she was surprised was an understatement. She had asked him to come to her, and he did, evidently as fast as he could. “Anakin, you didn’t have to do that.” Anakin struggled to catch his breath as he took a step inside and shut the door behind him, yet his eyes shined with something that told a different story from the rest of his body. “Couldn’t …couldn’t stay on the comlink,” he admitted between breaths, his eyes unabashedly landing on her lips once again. “Not when you sounded like that.” Any doubt she had about his feelings immediately dissipated. She blinked slowly at him, her eyes blown wide, unsure of what to do. Maybe it was the way that her eyes resembled a lothcat’s or the way her lashes fluttered that seemed to spur Anakin into motion. Before she could even register it, her face was being desperately cradled in his hands, the contrast of the warm, calloused skin with the cold metal sending her mind into a frenzy.
In that instant, she was dragged into a heated kiss, the passion oddly feeling tender. The movement of his arms coming up to wrap around his neck only seemed natural as she returned his kiss, the whine that had been sitting in her throat finally escaping. She felt his teeth graze against her lips, nipping at them playfully. When on earth did a Jedi Knight learn to kiss like that? Was he smiling? And why was she suddenly being hoisted up into the air?
Her legs instinctively around Anakin’s waist to prevent herself from falling, relocating and tightening her grasp atop his broad shoulders. Turning them around, he pressed her back against her front door, the very action resulting in a small “thud”. The sound should’ve concerned both of them, but neither seemed to care in the slightest. His lips gravitated to her neck, the tender skin serving as the perfect way to mask his pent-up grunts that were now leaving his throat. It rippled vibrations across her sensitive skin, eliciting little sounds from her that rang like bells in his ears. Once he had learned that each kiss to her neck brought about a different sound, each one progressively grew more sloppy, more languid, more carnal.
Though she never had been kissed in such a manner before, she knew that no one else could rival Anakin. He was patient, testing and prodding at different parts of the skin on her neck to see what she would react to the most. She was already writhing at the mere feeling of his swollen lips dragging across her skin, his teeth coming in to decorate her fragile skin with a bruise or two. 
She had a mind to stop him from leaving marks, to tell him that they would be caught otherwise. However, the thought of a bruise, born out of passion, displayed on her skin for the whole world seemed appealing. The thought of people knowing that he left it there seemed to rub her in all the right ways.
Her reverie was interrupted by the feeling of being dropped gently onto the floor. She looked up at him with a frustrated look. “Why’d you stop?” “Turn around,” Anakin grunted, shrugging the useless garments that were his Jedi uniform off his body. She followed suit and heeded his word almost immediately, but to him, it wasn't fast enough. His hands, large in comparison to her body, grasped her frame and twirled her around, her backside exposed to him. He admired the view in front of him, accompanied by the sight of her hands pressed up against her own front door.
"Anakin?" she called out softly, her head turned just enough just to catch sight of him.
"Hm?" Anakin asked in an equally gentle manner, differing from the low grunts that had just escaped his lips prior. He leaned forward, hovering over her to whisper back to her. "What is it, pretty girl?"
Shuddering at the sickly sweet nickname he had donned her with, her eyes locked with his. "Won't everyone hear if we're right here?" she asked. Yet the way she asked that very question didn't seem like it concerned her very much; it much rather seemed like a courtesy, if anything.
A dry laugh left Anakin's lips, his hands moving to adjust her body to his liking, a feeling that he knew she wasn't unfamiliar with. But now, all it took was for her to bend over ever so slightly, her legs parted just enough. "They can watch if they'd like."
It was all too much to register all at once. He was on top of her, all over her, inside of her. He gripped at her even tighter in a desperate attempt to bring her even closer than they already were before he even thought to start moving. Again, his lips traveled to wherever they could across her bare skin. Her skin was slick, glazing her skin in such an appealing way that made him eager to welcome the salty fluid onto his tongue. Not too long after he eventually started moving, she cried out as he seemed to repeatedly brush against a sensitive spot, and so he upped his pace. 
He was certain if anybody had been walking in the Billet's hallway at that moment, they would've heard her. Judging from the look in her pleasure-ridden, tear-filled eyes, she seemed to understand this as well, and she only grew louder from that point forward.
It didn't take too long until the harmony of their groans and whines began to stagger, Anakin unfortunately growing aware of his approaching limit. His movements faltering, his body hunched over her, his grip growing so tight that he was certain he'd leave more bruises than just her neck. But he was determined, so determined to hold out for her, to give her precisely what she needed. Tangling his hand into her hair, he yanked her head backward so it lay against his shoulder.
"Tell me what you need," he hissed, this voice barely audible over all the obscene noises that their bodies were creating, noises he knew were easily escaping through the door. When met with no response, he yanked at her hair harder, resulting in a deliciously overwhelmed yelp. "Please, pleaseplease-" Countless begs escaped her plumped lips, her body beginning to shake as her hands helplessly clawed at the cold, hard surface of the door she was pressed against. That alone was nearly enough to send him over the edge, his breath held and his chest tightening in anticipation of it.
She turned to face him again, her head pulled back enough to display his artwork of red-purple bruises surrounding her jugular. "Please, 'nakin," she begged, her eyes nearly rolling back into her head. "Keep going-"
He suddenly felt a hot, squeezing feeling around him accompanied by a cry out for his name. She was undone, and he shortly followed, retracting himself in time for their mess to spill all over the floor below them.
The intoxicating feeling that consumed their bodies shortly afterward sent them into a daze. One moment, she turned around to pull him into a wet, messy kiss, the next, their limbs were tangled with each other in the velvety embrace of her blankets. She knew that eventually, they would face repercussions for the sounds that they had subjected everyone to in the dead of night, but those repercussions seemed distant, inconsequential to the way she had begun to feel about the Chosen One.
And she was certain, from the way he stroked her hair to the slow and soft kiss that was pressed to her lips, that she wasn't alone in feeling that way.
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a/n: originally posted on ao3! first ani fic on this site and more to come. likes n reblogs are appreciated and inbox is open for suggestions or prompts!
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kateii · 3 months
somebody is still writing plo koon fanfictions?:(
i miss him so much and i feel like we forget about him
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73 notes · View notes
knightprincess · 5 months
No Matter What (Crosshair x Reader) - Platonic
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Words: 1.3k Warning: Fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort. Synopsis: After settling on Pabu with Clone Force 99, (Y/N) goes on a self-given mission with Crosshair to bring their lost brother home. Standalone Sequel: Silence
After the assault on Mount Tantis and the death of Hemlock, things had been different for Clone Force 99. Echo had refocused his efforts on helping the build Clone Rebellion, taking with him Emerie and some of the clones rescued from the Advanced Science Division, among them Comet. Omega had seamlessly adjusted to life on Pabu once more, happy to be just another kid, growing up peacefully until she was ready to join the fight once more if she did.
Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair would take care of Jax, Bayrn, Eva, and Sami until they could be returned to their families. Each had decided it was time to retire, to discover who they were outside of being soldiers, and to find out what adventures life had in store for them now. However, they’d always be on call if Echo ever needed them.
(Y/N) on the other hand, would use her skills as a bounty hunter to help provide for the people of Pabu and help clones across the galaxy find their way once they were freed from the empire. Although she loved the peace Pabu offered and the small family unit she had gained with Clone Force 99, she wasn’t ready to settle down completely. Not when she still had questions that needed answering. Not when she still needed to find closure.
“I miss him too,” said Crosshair, picking up Tech’s broken goggles from the dashboard of (Y/N)’s ship. Seconds later, a sigh escaped him, hidden within it, regret and grief. The last time he’d spoken to Tech was on Kamino; once again, they’d gone their separate ways. If only he’d chosen differently. “You have to let him go (Y/N). He wouldn’t want you to hold on like this.”
“I can’t,” whispered (Y/N), stopping what she was doing and allowing Crosshair’s words to sink in. “I have to bring him home, even if I have to say goodbye one last time,” she added, admitting she knew there was a chance Tech was truly gone, but she couldn’t allow herself to believe it, not until she found him. “He never gave up on me when I was lost. Neither of you did. I won't give up on him now until he’s home.”
“Then I’m going with you,” said Crosshair, putting the broken goggles back on the dashboard, moving to sleeping racks, and setting another up, if only to make his point clear.
“Omega and the kiddos need you here,” commented (Y/N), attempting to protest. Although she already knew it was pointless. Crosshair was one of the most stubborn people she knew. Once he made up his mind, there was little that could change it.
“Hunter and Wrecker can handle things here until we get back,” declared Crosshair, turning to face (Y/N) before crossing his arms over his chest. “Right now, you need me more,” he added, although he did not admit he’d thought about going out there to look for his brother. Something didn’t sit right with him, leaving Tech out there.
“I’m not going to win, am I?” asked (Y/N), sighing as she walked the length of her ship. Filled with memories of the past, her life as a Jedi Knight that felt like a lifetime ago, and her new life as a bounty hunter and protector.
“Nope,” simply responded Crosshair, “You’re stuck with me this time Shortfire.”
The moment Crosshair entered the cockpit, he pushed the red button, activating the com channel. He spoke to Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega there, informing them of his impromptu decision to join (Y/N) on her journey. Framing it to make sure she had backup and would come home again.
“It wasn’t your fault (Y/N),” said Crosshair when (Y/N) entered the cockpit, following the routine she’d once taught Tech, checking over all the systems. There’s nothing either of us could have done to stop him from using Plan 99.”
“If I was there, I could have stopped him from falling,” admitted (Y/N), finally opening up about the guilt haunting her. When her family needed her most on Eriadu, she was across the galaxy, hiding from her past and the Jedi Hunters that had seemingly appeared overnight.
“You were protecting them. No one could have predicted Saw being on Eriadu, and no one could have predicted Tech sacrificing himself. Blaming ourselves won’t change the past (Y/N). It will only prevent you from finding peace and happiness, whatever that looks like.”
“For what it’s worth, Fortune Cookie, I’m glad you’re coming with me,” admitted (Y/N), bestowing Crosshair with a new nickname, replacing the old one of Snarky Sniper. “I don’t think I could do this alone.”
“We’re family until the end,” Crosshair replied, pulling (Y/N) into himself and wrapping her in a warm embrace that seemed foreign but familiar to them both. “Where do we start?”
“Where our fight ended,” responded (Y/N) with a shakey voice, recalling when she’d gone to Eriadu, risking everything to follow the monorail track in search of Tech. She’d found the car's wreckage but no sign of Tech. If there was any blood, the rain had long since washed it away; there was no body to be found or any trace that he was even there, just what remained of the car.
“Tantis?” questioned Crosshair, confusion evident in his quiet voice as he took up the co-pilot’s seat.
“Hunter said Hemlock was the one to return Tech’s goggles; there’s got to be some trace, a lead to follow somewhere,” replied (Y/N), a slither of hope present in her otherwise whispered voice. She dared not speak louder in case her fears grew stronger and became her cruel reality.
“Setting course for Tantis,” worded Crosshair as (Y/N) piloted the ship safely away from the small island. As per tradition, the people waved goodbye, Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega among them.
“Take good care of them, Gonky,” spoke Omega through her com, receiving a simple gonk! in confirmation.
“We’ll see when you come home,” added Hunter, his voice filled with acceptance as if he knew the day would come when (Y/N) went in search of answers. As if he knew one day she’d go on the self-given mission to bring Tech home. “Stay safe out there.”
“You got it, Havoc #1,” replied (Y/N).
“I’ll make sure she comes home in one piece,” declared Crosshair, resting the stump of his wrist on his lap, grabbing onto the handle beneath his seat as he prepared for the rough climb out of Pabu’s atmosphere, “Our family’s been through enough. None of us can handle another loss.”
“We’re not losing anyone this time. We’re bringing our lost brother home,” replied (Y/N), determination alight in her voice. One way or another, the small family unit was going to be reunited again, no matter how long it took.
“Remind me again,” started Crosshair, fiddling with Tech’s broken goggles; now they’d left Pabu’s atmosphere. A smirk appeared across his lips as he remembered Tech’s hobby of recording everything—even the little things. “What you told us before we went into our first battle.”
“No matter what, I’ve got your back. I’d take a bullet for you if it comes to that. In the bitter end, we’re gonna be the last one standing.”
The holoclip appeared before the two, glowing blue and fuzzy. Of course, Tech had recorded it. They were so young back then, naive to what would happen when the war ended, unprepared for the cruel galaxy they lived in.
“Looks like Tech knew you were going to ask,” commented (Y/N); the smallest of grins appeared across her lips as she launched them into hyperspace. “Do you think Omega knows it?” she asked, curious if the boys would have shared the almost promise with Omega, the brave little girl growing up far too quickly, growing up to be a fighter no less—the best of all of them.
“She knows. Hunter would have made sure of it,” replied Crosshair, hope flooding his voice despite the uncertainty they both faced. “No matter what, Shortfire, I’ve got your back until the end.”
KnightPrincess Masterlist
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kaminokatie · 10 months
Horns || Darth Maul
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Synopsis - You wash Maul's horns in the shower.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 1.8k
[Caffeinate Me]
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It was night by the time he finally came to visit you. The hinges of your door creaked ever so faintly as Maul slowly pushed it open, revealing your sleeping form on the couch. Your holopad lay screen side down on your chest indicating to him that you had been reading before eventually falling asleep. Quietly Maul made his way over to your unconscious body, admiring you as he did. He was as careful as he could be in an attempt to not wake you, but unfortunately he wasn’t quiet enough. His foot stepped on a floorboard that happened to creak particularly loudly, forcing you to shoot up from your lying position now sitting up. The Sith was as still as he could be as your head snapped towards him, but he just grinned at you. After a few seconds of pure panic that someone had broken into your home, you jumped off the couch and ran over to him. “Maul!” You gasped, throwing your body against his and wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Y/N,” he whispered, reciprocating the hug. His own arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” you replied, pulling away from the hug and separating your bodies. When your touching reunion had ended, you slapped him across the face. “That was for scaring me! I thought someone broke into my apartment! You should have knocked!” 
“I thought you left it open for me,” he shrugged, pulling you back against him. Maul couldn’t help but grin down at you as you rested your head against his chest, listening to the way his heart beat against his ribcage. 
“I missed you,” you whispered again. Maul replied by tilting your head up to look at him and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He might have been the big bad Sith, Darth Maul, but to you he was just a sweetheart. He bit your bottom lip playfully as you pulled away, gazing into his yellow eyes. “I need to shower,” you said suddenly, stepping away from him once more. “Care to join me?” 
“How could one resist such a tempting invitation,” Maul grinned teasingly, following as you made your way to the bathroom. 
You stepped into the cool bathroom and immediately turned the water on, the cold water that was spewing from the shower head heated up almost instantaneously. You stripped off your clothing and stepped under the hot water, allowing it to fall all over your skin. You welcomed the heat, especially since the weather outside was so cold, and welcomed the man behind you even more. Maul himself was now naked and stepping into the shower behind you, wrapping his arms around your hips. He continued to press his body close to yours in an attempt to have some of the hot water trickle down his tattooed body. 
Maul leaned to the side to pick up the scented body wash you loved so much and began to lather up his hands before placing them on your hips once more. His hands absentmindedly began to wash your body, trailing up your hips and to your breasts as he massaged them softly. You couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as his fingers tweaked your nipples, rubbing the sensitive nubs between his fingertips. “Do you like that princess?” Maul asked huskily in your ear, his fingers still toying with your nipples. You nodded your head, mouth hung open slightly and head thrown back. Then Maul moved his hands to your shoulders, lathering the rest of your body in the sweet smelling soap. Letting out a content sigh, you smiled as Maul continued to massage your shoulders, letting the stress of the day be washed away. 
“I needed that,” you mumbled as Maul finished washing your body. You turned to him and grabbed the soap, a wide smile on your face. “Your turn!” Maul just grunted in approval as you began to wash his legs, hands then tracing the tattoos on his stomach before leaning up to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “Have you had a good day?” You asked him as you washed his back. 
“Would have been better if you were there,” he replied with a shrug. “But you’re here now.” You moved your hands to the top of his head and began to wash his horns, earning a gasp from the Zabrak in front of you. “What are you doing?” 
“Washing your horns,” you said. “They’re in desperate need of a wash.” 
You knew his horns were a soft spot for him so you were being as gentle as you possibly could be. Your fingers glided across the roughness, making their way to the base and massaging the soap around them. Maul let out a soft moan as you continued moving your fingers around his horns softly. Despite being as careful as you could, you felt his cock hardening against your stomach which caused you to let out a satisfactory laugh. 
“Are you getting excited there?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Mhm,” he hummed, a low growl emitted from his throat. 
In an instant, Maul moved you from the water stream and dunked his head under, rinsing off the remaining soap on his head before scooping you up as if you weighed nothing and carrying you to the bedroom. “Maul! We’re both soaked!” You shrieked, giggling slightly as he threw you down onto the bed. 
“Yes you are,” he grinned as he positioned himself between your thighs, staring at your glistening cunt. Within a second, Maul had already licked a stripe up your folds forcing you to shiver at the coolness of his tongue against your heat. His tongue circled your clit before returning back to your tight little hole, his nose bumping against your sensitive bundle of nerves with each thrust of his tongue inside of you. You let out a loud moan as your hands went to grasp at his horns in a desperate attempt to keep his mouth on you. As soon as your hands grasped around two of his horns, Maul let out an animalistic growl, surprising you. 
“I’m sorry!” You cried out, throwing your head back against the pillows. 
“Don’t be,” he groaned, mouth still on your pussy. He was lapping and slurping greedily at everything he could get his mouth on, like a man starved for generations. Maul’s teeth nibbled at your clit, earning a gasp of surprise to fall from your mouth. 
“Stars, Maul. I’m going to cum if you keep doing that,” came your whimpered voice, shaky from the pleasure he was giving you. 
“Cum for me, my star,” he ordered, voice gruff against your cunt, sending vibrations up your body. You tightened your legs around his head, ignoring the searing pain of his sharp horns digging into your thighs and cutting them as you came over his tongue. Blood trickled down his horns and Maul immediately trailed his tongue up to the cuts, licking up the blood. “Every part of you tastes absolutely divine.” 
“Don’t say that,” you whispered breathlessly, body going limp as he climbed on top of you, positioning his cock against your hole. With one swift movement, Maul slammed himself inside of you. Your walls fluttered around his cock, ridges stretching you open just for him. A loud moan left both of your lips as you adjusted to the length now inside of you. Eventually, you tapped Maul on the shoulder and whimpered, “I’m ready.”
Maul wasted no time, immediately pulling out of you before spearing you back onto him viciously. He loved you, yes, but he wasn’t gentle with you. Not when you teased him in the shower the way you did, even if you didn’t mean to. Your legs wrapped around Maul’s waist, pulling his bottom half flush against you as his hips continued to smash against your own. His head dipped to your neck, teeth biting at your throat without mercy. “You feel so good,” he groaned shamelessly against your neck. “Only you can make me feel like this, my star.” 
“Maul please,” you begged. You wanted more. Anything. Just more of him. 
“Please what?” He asked, a grin covering his lips. 
“I need more!” You cried out, nails raking down his back. 
“Of course, anything for you,” he whispered, his hips moving as fast as he possibly could. 
Sounds of skin-slapping-skin filled the room followed by both of your pants and moans of pleasure. It was like something out of those erotic holo-movies you watched when Maul wasn’t around. Just as you were about to cum, Maul pulled out of you. Before you could protest and whine, he flipped you over onto all fours and slammed himself back inside of you. Maul’s hands gripped your wet hair, pulling your head back so you could look at him and exposing your neck to him so he could once again bite down on your sensitive flesh. Your hands grasped at the sheets below as you held on for dear life and let out a silent scream as Maul bit your neck, drawing slight drops of blood. “Oh kriff Maul please don’t stop I’m going to cum again,” you managed to gasp out. 
With a grunt and a nod of his head, Maul let go of your hair and pushed your head down so you were squished against the covers, his hands forcefully grabbing at your hips as he continued to pound against you relentlessly. “Going to fill you up my star,” he growled as he reached his own peak.  Poetically, you both came together and a mixture of your moans and Maul’s growls echoed across the room. He fucked his cum deep inside of you as your body spasmed below, not bothering to stop until he was satisfied that it had fully penetrated you. Then, he rolled off of you, breathing heavily as he stared up at the ceiling. 
“That was…”
“Incredible? Amazing? Mind blowing?” Maul asked, a smile on his lips. 
“All of the above,” you giggled breathlessly. “I love you, Maul.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” he replied, pressing a surprisingly gentle kiss to your cheek as you settled down next to him. 
You curled your body up, knees pressing against your chest as you settled down for the night. You knew you’d probably have to shower again in the morning, washing the sweat and dried blood from your body, but that was something that could wait. For now, you were content in Maul’s arms as he wrapped them around you bringing you as close to him as you possibly could be without laying on top of him. Darth Maul might have been a scary Sith, but to you, he was everything you could ever ask for.
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ersatz-ostrich · 11 months
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader: Droid-Crusher
This is the first chapter of my oneshot book, which was originally posted on Quotev. You can also find it here on AO3.
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[A/N]: Here we are with our first oneshot—starring the one and only Captain Rex! I hope it isn't too bad for my first oneshot in this book. The next oneshots will get better as I go, I promise!
Summary: You are a Jedi Knight battling droids on the field with Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker, his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and the rest of the lauded Torrent Company. Unfortunately, during a skirmish against some B1s and Commando droids, you lose your lightsaber. The circumstances don’t leave much room for you to comb the battlefield for your lightsaber, so you decide to get creative.
       Warnings: None, canon-typical violence.
The chaos poured from all sides of the battlefield. You were utterly surrounded by the cacophony of blaster fire punctuated by deafening explosions and the sounds of blaster bolts hitting their targets. Before you was a sea of battledroids, waiting to be turned into shrapnel. 
Grinning at the army before you, you ignited your lightsaber and dove at the wall of Separatist droids. 
The battle reaches a deadlock. Clones from one side battled droids from the other, but neither could gain much ground.
“General, we can’t afford to lose men in the opening phase of the attack! I need you to take out that cannon on the ledge.” The voice of Captain Rex, commanding and sure, crackled onto your comm. 
“Copy that, captain. I’m on it.” You start towards the ledge, rending a path of molten metal on the way. The ledge was a small piece of work—you had to figure out how to get up while being shot at. Eyes darting around, you found that your best bet was to hoist yourself up a lower ledge, clear the gap between the two pieces of rock jutting out between that ledge and your destination, and leap on over, using a little bit of elbow grease and the Force. 
Your robes were a blur as you scaled the shorter ledge, leapt from one shelf of rock to the other between the adjacent ledges, and landed with a whoosh at the top of the highest ledge, where the cannon was releasing a barrage of fire down onto the roiling battlefield. 
Blood pounded in your ears as you dashed towards the mountain of metal that was the cannon. You readied your lightsaber for the strike that would end the torment from above for your troops. Like those of a predator, your eyes were fixated on your target—perhaps too fixated, for you failed to notice the shout of a B1 from your peripheral and the charge that was flung your way. The charge’s beeps tore you away from your objective, forcing you to think fast. 
Years of training kicked in; you harnessed the Force to redirect the charge’s path from straight at you to the cannon before you. There was one small problem, though—you had been standing too close to the cannon when the charge detonated. 
“Oh n—” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before your reflexes fired. You leapt back from the radius of the explosion and the flying shrapnel that would surely turn you to ribbons without your Jedi training, but the impact still knocked the wind from your lungs and sent you plummeting over the edge of the outcrop and back into the battle below. 
You scrambled to save yourself, cushioning your fall with the Force and tumbling to a stop among numerous bewildered battle droids. 
“Wow, a Jedi!” Exclaimed one B1 with as much interest as a droid could express. “Wait, a Jedi?!” That interest didn’t last. You found their blasters aimed at you, which was not an unusual sight at this point. Your hands searched for the lightsaber you had been holding moments earlier, but you only found air. Without time to search for your lightsaber, you had barely a second to act before you were turned into a charred mess. 
It was at that moment that you spotted it. 
“Blast ‘em!” One droid shouted, and the blaster fire began. But you were gone in an instant, leaving them to shoot at the scorched earth where you had just stood. “Huh?” The droids were puzzled. They looked around amongst themselves, wondering where their target had gone off to. The coast seemed clear, but—
The droid fell like a tree, head disconnected from its durasteel body. You stood behind the droid, chest heaving, with a heavy rifle—taken off a fallen clone trooper, no doubt—held aloft. You swung around the rifle as hard and fast as you could muster, the hefty barrel connecting with your next victim's durasteel face. 
"Whoaaaa!" The droid cried in nasally but emotionless droid-speak while its head spun around rapidly. Unable to spare another second in the midst of fighting, you kicked the addled droid to the ground and unceremoniously ripped its head off, thus putting the clanker out of commission��permanently. You grabbed the fallen droid's abandoned blaster and continued to shoot, knocking out droid after droid until an unlucky shot from a Commando droid knocked your pilfered rifle from your gloved hands. Cursing under your breath, you charged into the crowd of droids while the rest of the Torrent Company provided cover fire from behind you, slack-jawed.
"What are you doing, Y/N!? That's suicide!" A familiar voice crackled over your commlink. Captain Rex shook his head in disapproval as he spoke into his commlink, watching from the opposite side of the charred battlefield while he blasted his way through the oncoming droids. 
"Don't mind me, Rex. I'll be fine!" You replied enthusiastically, blasting a droid with its own weapon. "I'll be done with this mob in no time—" 
You grunted, dodging a Commando droid's vibroblade, whirling around and repeatedly beating it with some poor B1's durasteel arm. Unable to process the given circumstances, the Commando shot blindly, blaster bolts flying everywhere. Continuing to beat the clanker, you gripped the Commando's free arm, which was still clutching a blaster and firing uncontrollably, and twisted it with all your might. The sickening screech of motors and metal resisting your strength grated at your ears until finally, the arm finally snapped off, sparks of electricity flying everywhere. 
"Die!" You yelled, firing a blaster bolt through the droid's chest using its own rifle. Satisfied with your painstaking handiwork, you rose to your full height with a satisfied exhale. "That should do it." Without further pondering, you continued to dodge blaster bolts, tackling B1s and dismantling Commandos limb by limb until they fell to the ground in fragmented robot parts, fizzing with electricity. Suddenly, as you made your way through the droid battalion, a stray blaster bolt whizzed past your arm, barely missing the sleeve of your sand-colored robe. Another shot from a lucky droid hit you in the shoulder blade, striking you down. Just as you rolled over with a groan, you were met by another vibroblade to the face. You barely avoided having your face cleaved in half by rolling to the side, but unfortunately, the hilt of the clanker's sword hammered into your head. The hit made you feel dazed, and before you knew it, the droid had closed in for the final blow…
You awoke on a stretcher, floating you towards an awaiting medbay. The bright sun intensified your pounding headache and the memories of the battle that had just subsided were just beginning to flood back.
"Y/N!" Rex appeared in your field of vision beside a medic—Kix, of the 501st—as your stretcher approached the medbay. "Thank the Force you're alright." You flashed him a weak smile.
"See, Rex? I'm just fine."  You tried to sit up, but your spinning head forced you back down onto the stretcher. Your mouth felt dry, like you had also taken a mouthful of sand when you fell. “Correction—” Rex watched on as Kix examined your wounds, clucking over the bruises that bloomed over your face and torso while patching up your few gashes and grazes with bacta. Kix put you on bed rest for your concussion and severe bruising, shooing away any curious troopers who had seen a bruised-up Jedi Knight being transported to the medbay, and promptly leaving to treat the dozens upon dozens of wounded clones waiting for his arrival. After Kix had disappeared, Rex peeked into the medbay once again, spotting you pensively sipping water and cradling your head. He made a move to enter the crowded ward, but his brothers beat him to it—the rest of the Torrent Company came rushing in, knocking him through the wide doorway of the medbay.
"Y/N! You're okay!" Tup exclaimed as the clones surrounded your bed. 
"Still fully operational here." You groaned and grinned tiredly. "This headache is killing me, though."
"We saw you beat up those droids with your bare hands!" Hardcase gushed.
"Did you see Y/N beat that Commando with a B1's arm?" Fives asked.
"And then shoot it with its own rifle?" Echo added.
"Wizard!" The clones declared in unison, their laughs and cheers filling the silence of the medbay. 
"Now then, boys. Why don't we give our Droid-Crusher here some space and let her rest?" Rex cleared his throat and approached your bed. You swore you could hear some of the clones snigger. 
"We'll be outside." The group saluted and exited the medbay. Finally alone, Rex turned to you and sighed, collapsing into the chair by your bed.
"So...Droid-Crusher?" You ask with a lopsided smile. Rex shrugs.
"Cody will be so jealous when he hears you took down more droids with your bare hands than he did." He remarked with a chuckle. "I'm sure he'd agree that you are a real droid-crusher, though. Didn't you see the trail of broken droid parts and weapons you left on the battlefield? The boys were terrified, even Commander Tano and General Skywalker."  The way Rex described your rampage with a twinkle in his amber eyes and a small smile on his face captivated you. “I’m glad one of the boys was able to blast that droid before it put you out of commission for good.”
"As am I, captain." You paused. "What did I miss?" 
"Nothing much. We took the Trade Federation fortress at the cost of a couple of men." You frowned bitterly at the news.
“So I missed all of the action?"
“I’m afraid so, General.” Your face fell.
"Now I'll be on bed rest for who knows when. I'll be so…useless.” The realization hit you, and your hand flew to your aching head. “I lost my lightsaber, too…" Rex, however, was quick to disagree.
"You're not useless, Y/N. Next to Generals Skywalker and Kenobi, you're the most resourceful Jedi I've ever met. That's why you're a Jedi Knight, Y/N. You earned your title 'cause you've got that fighting spirit. It's great that you wanna be out on the battlefield, but it'll have to wait." He reassured, resting his hand on yours. You fixed your gaze on him. "You did good out there, Y/N. You made us all seriously proud—especially me." 
“Thank you, Rex. That…means a lot to me.” You replied, feeling unusually…nervous. Your face was hot, your eyes darted everywhere, and suddenly, you were aware of every breath you took.
You knew you were stepping out of your comfort zone, if not outside the Jedi principles you were raised on.
He inched a little closer and you felt yourself gravitating towards him, bringing your hands to his face and inching ever nearer until your lips brushed against his cheek and a rosy blush began to bloom on Rex's face. 
Following the brief kiss, muffled cheering was from the medbay's entrance, accompanied by the thump of plastoid armor hitting the steel floor. Appearing from behind the curtain was Cody, grinning widely, and the rest of the Torrent boys, who had been eavesdropping from behind the medbay doors. Fives clapped a flustered Rex on the back while Echo rushed to tell Anakin and Ahsoka.  Hardcase, Jesse, and Tup cheered from the other side of your bed, ecstatic to have witnessed you coming through with your feelings. And Cody, having finally met the great Droid-Crusher, watched on with amusement. 
"I heard there was a new Droid-Crusher in the GAR, so I got here as fast as I could..." Cody began. "...but I see that Rex ol' boy is a bit preoccupied with her here." Rex hid his goofy grin behind his embarrassed grimace. Standing up swiftly from where he was positioned at your bed, he patted your hand and slipped something from under his kama beneath your pliant fingers. You felt every scuff, the cool metal, the switch–
Speechless, you stared at the lightsaber in your hand, then at him, then at the lightsaber, then him again.
“Let’s just say I found it in the rubble...but I don’t think you’ll be needing it that much, eh, Droid-Crusher?”
Congratulations! You made it to the end of my first ever Star Wars oneshot. Hope you enjoyed it and that you rebagel if you did :)
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mnnulat · 3 months
Room for More
TBB x fem!reader (platonic)
Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Summary: A Jedi padawan of Master Plo Koon, you'd been on the run since Order 66 was executed after the Wolfpack betrayed your master. Mostly hiding out in Ord Mantell, you soon encountered Clone Force 99. After helping out with some of their missions for Cid (and always hanging out with Omega), the Batch welcomed you under their wing. However, you don't talk to them that much if it isn't mission-related. A certain mishap may change that.
Warnings: mentions of death, minor angst, metions of Order 66, mentions and description of vomit and GERD (PLS DO NOT READ IF THAT BOTHERS YOU)
A/N: Not proofread or edited. Reader should be around 20 years old. Also, reader's experience with GERD is based on my experience with it (I'm no medical professional so disclaimer!!)
The journey on the way back to Ord Mantell is not always vibrant, but this time, it is. Blue streaks decorate the blackness of space as the Havoc Marauder travels back to Ord Mantell. The energy in the ship is unusually jolly after a mission; you could feel everyone's energy.
Cid's client this time was a sheriff. He hired you and the Batch to act as temporary bodyguards to drive away mercenaries from his town on a tropical planet. While you were there, you and the Batch befriended the local villagers. As a thank you gift, they gave you tons of food—enough for a real meal for the five of you—for the journey back to Cid's.
It seems they packed you some sort of noodles. It's incredibly saucy—almost a vibrant red—not that you mind. The smell is delicious, mild enough for Hunter to enjoy it properly, but enough that you can smell the blend of several different spices. Chopped out pieces of vegetables and meat are mixed into it, as well.
You sit on your bunk, quietly observing the Batch as you heartily eat the noodles. Wrecker, who practically wolfed down his big portion of the food, is now playing dejarik with Omega, who is multitasking between eating dinner and playing the game. The girl giggles as she continues to beat the gentle giant.
Tech and Echo are both seated by the ship's console. You could sense that they're relaxed and satisfied, as opposed to their usual tired state after a mission. They both eat the food while chatting with each other, a smile on each of their faces.
Your glance finally lands on Sergeant Hunter. With his food in hand, he leans on the wall as he watches over his crew. Looking at him, you can feel warmth radiate through your body, and you know that feeling to be Hunter's; it's just the Force's way of telling you how happy he is for the time being.
You smile to yourself, it's not every time that the Batch could enjoy like this. Your heart feels light just by watching them. They reminded you of the Wolfpack.
Your heart turns heavy. You're quite past being angry with them: about turning their backs against the Jedi Order; about betraying the cause they fought for; and about killing Master Plo.
No. You just miss them. You miss how things were. You miss the warmth they brought with their presence. You crave for Master Plo's fatherly advice and care. You want to feel Wolffe's comforting hug after a failed campaign. You want to hear Sinker's and Boost's corny jokes that would distract you from the horrors of the war.
You just want them back—just like the old times.
Breaking out of your thoughts, you feel a lingering sensation. Looking up, you find Hunter looking at you with worry. It still surprises you, that after months of being with them, you still can't quite figure out how his enhanced senses work.
Regardless, you send him your signature tight-lipped smile. That awkward smile that graced your features upon your introduction to your new master. The one you gave the 104th battalion at your first campaign as their Commander. The one—
You huff, internally berating yourself for going there again. You really should control your thoughts better.
You quickly finish your food, before properly disposing of the container and utensils. Quickly, you head to the fresher to brush your teeth. Once you're done, you feel something in your stomach, as if you're still hungry, as if something is bubbling inside. You ignore it, just wanting to sleep so that your mind won't be plagued by unwanted thoughts. It's hard at night, the dark thoughts always seem to get worse then.
Heading to your bunk, you collapse on it; everything you and the Batch did the past few days finally catching up to you as your adrenaline drops. It doesn't take long before you're curled up on your bunk, asleep.
You don't even know how long it's been, but suddenly you sit upright and swing your legs over your bunk. Without thinking, you walk briskly to the fresher, slamming the door shut before hunching over the toilet and immediately expelling your dinner.
You groan, slumping down on the fresher floor. You could feel something bubbling in your stomach again, forcing it's way up, along with a strong pinch in your abdomen. The aftermath of your vomit tastes like dinner and something sour.
Just then, a knock is heard. "Are you okay?" Hunter's gruff but calming voice calls out.
Shakily, you stand and flush the toilet before washing your hands.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply calmly, masking the pain that you're feeling.
Hunter suddenly opens the fresher door, making you jump. He looks at you worriedly.
"I can hear your stomach, doesn't sound good."
You walk past him into the direction of your bunk. You feel Echo's and Tech's eyes on you as well, but you just want to go back to sleep.
"I think I just ate too fast. Don't worry about it," you mumble tiredly as you resume your slumber.
Echo, Tech, and Hunter all look at your sleeping form but decided that perhaps it's best you get some rest.
The peace continues for around half an hour. You wake up again, hurriedly walking to the bathroom. You don't even notice the worried glance Tech gives, or even the fresher door that you left open before throwing up in the toilet again.
You groan, slumping on the fresher floor.
Someone pulls you up gently by your arm.
"It's alright, I got you," you hear Hunter say as you see Tech flushing the toilet.
You sigh as he brings you back to your bunk, laying you down on it.
"Sorry, Hunter. Did I wake you?" You ask.
He just chuckles. "Yeah, but don't worry. How're you feeling?"
You slump back on my pillows. "Tired."
Just then, Tech suddenly appears, typing away at his datapad. He looks at you before talking.
"It seems that the contents that you expelled included acid, aside from the food you ate for dinner," he then looks at Hunter, "you said you could hear her stomach?"
"Yeah, it sounded like something was bubbling upwards."
Tech nods, seemingly satisfied. "Figured as much," comes his robotic-like voice. He looks at you again, with one eyebrow raised. "I had a theory, so I looked for your medical files from the GAR. You have gastroesopheagal reflux disease. It is most likely that the noodles that we ate triggered it."
"Yeah, kinda figured that out after I threw up the first time," you mumble. You bring the blankets up to your chin, wishing that you could disappear from their scrutinizing gaze.
"I've also checked our medpacks—we do not have any antacid at hand. We'd have to wait till we arrive at Ord Mantell to restock."
Hunter frowns. "Do you need anything?" He asks you.
Your gaze lingers a bit longer on him than you would've liked. His eyebrow are arched upwards, causing lines to appear on his forehead. While crouched, you could still tell that his torso is slightly leaning forwards towards you. He keeps one hand on your bunk, too. For a brief moment, you see a man with a GAR-standard haircut, a cybernetic eye, a scar over it, and white and grey armor. But it's as if your vision shifts, and you see the man with long hair, face tattoo, a red bandana, and colorful armor.
"No, nothing. I'm fine," you reply dryly.
"No, you are not," Tech bluntly points out.
"I'll sleep it off," you mumble, rolling over to your side as your eyes begin to droop once again from exhaustion.
Hunter and Tech both sigh as you quite literally turn your backs on them. At this point, they're quite used to you being closed off, but this is the first time they've seen how you're like when your sick. You're more distant than you usually are.
After some time you feel the familiar pinch in your stomach and your labored breathing. The acid quickly rises in you, and it feels as if it were knawing through its pathway.
You quickly turn to the other side of your bunk in hopes to reach the fresher again. Instead, your eyes meet a metal bucket beside your bunk. Unable to hold everything in, you expel the acid in the bucket.
You cry out in pain; the muscles of your abdoment working overtime to push the acid out of you. Your hair drapes around your face as you throw up, getting in the way of the vomit that not only comes out of your mouth, but also some through the nose.
You vaguely feel a hand gathering your hair and holding it away from your face, and another hand gently rubbing your back.
"Hey, it's okay. I got you," it says soothingly.
Warm tears stream down from your eyes, to your cheeks, and pour down to the bucket.
You lie back down, breathing heavily. The bitter-sour aftertaste of the acid makes you cringe. Your eyelids flutter heavily, and you drift in and out of sleep. You don't even notice that Hunter disappeared until you hear the fresher door open and the bucket being settled down beside your bunk again.
"I could've done that myself," You mutter tiredly.
Hunter crosses his arms over his chest, a big frown on his face. "No, you need to rest. Let me help you."
"It's my problem. I'm the one who's sick."
"Uh-huh," Hunter grunts, looking very unimpressed. "C'mon, ad'ika. Let me help."
As he says that, you could hear Wolffe's voice. Your eyes dart around the room, trying to find him. But the only other person you see is a concerned Hunter looking down at you.
Logically, you knew you needed someone to help you with the bucket, and other things that may come up. Your heart clenches at how you wished it was Wolffe, or Boost, or Sinker, or Comet, or Master Plo. But deep inside you, you know that if you try to do this all by yourself, you may end up vomiting on the floor or elsewhere where you shouldn't be. You wouldn't want that.
"Fine," you concede. Your voice no longer holding the fight it had previously.
Hunter flashes you a faint smile as he leaves. Your head lolls on the pillow as your eyelids close on their own and your mind becomes blank.
You wake up once again to someone tapping your shoulder. In your hazy vision, you see Hunter holding out a bottle of water to you. Sitting up, you take it gratefully, taking a few sips. You hand it back to him before resuming your slumber.
And so under the lights of hyperspace, the cycle continued until you reached Ord Mantell. Every thirty minutes or so, Hunter would wake up after you throw up in the bucket; he would flush it before returning it to you clean. Occassionally, he would refill the bottle with water, as well.
In your delurious state, sometimes you would see Wolffe instead of Hunter moving about. And it would seep into your dreams, too. You would see the blur of grey and white armor of the Wolfpack instead of the colorful armor of the Batch. You would hear Wolffe's voice—gruff and strict—telling you to take it easy.
But as the hours tick by, you no longer see or hear anyone from the Wolfpack, whether it be in your dreams or reality. You don't see the grey and white. Instead, you see flashes of color; you see flashes of grey mixed with yellow, red, cyan, and orange. You don't hear Wolffe's strict voice, Boost and Sinker's jokes, or Master Plo's comforting advice. You hear Hunter's gruff but caring remarks, Wrecker's booming laughter, Echo's gentle reminders, Tech's steady comments, and Omega's soft greetings.
And as you arrive at Ord Mantell, you accept their assistance without protest as you disembark from the Marauder. You know that Master Plo and the 104th would always have a place in your heart, but you know now that there's room for five more colorful people.
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decembermidnight · 3 months
Ner Mesh'la Jetii
Summary: After you've been assigned to your first ever mission alone as a Padawan with Clone Force 99, you explore your "secret" relationship with Hunter, completely oblivious to the fact that everyone around you knows the two of you share a special bond.
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!fem!reader
Word count: 8.7k
Warnings: a LOT of smut, 18+ MDNI, shameless flirting, use of pet names (sweetheart), heavy making out, voice kink, authority and competency kink, masculinity kink, oral (m and f receiving), Dom!Hunter, dirty talk, body worship, hair pulling, biting, nipple play, glove kink, praise kink, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, a hint of overstimulation, creampie, Hunter being so in love it's almost pathetic
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A/N: This is a sequel to Don't lose your focus! I highly suggest you go read it if you haven't already. I loved the idea of bringing these two back! This is like 85% smut it's insane I know but I'm a horny bitch what can I say As always, a massive thank you to @thefrogdalorian for being my beta and editor! I love you so much! Divider by @saradika-graphics Comments are reblogs are so appreciated! I hope you enjoy!
Masterlist - Read on Ao3
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You’ve been looking forward to the moment you’d be reunited with him far more than you’d be proud to admit. In the aftermath of the unforgettable night you spent with Sergeant Hunter, you didn’t feel as guilty as perhaps would be expected for a Jedi. The guilt comes more from the fact that you’ve been craving his touch and fantasising about all the things you want to do to him... Oh, yes, your mind has wandered down a sinful path.
No matter how much meditation and training you had during the day, you’d always end up in the same place: splayed out on your bunk late at night in the solitude of your room, fingers busy giving yourself pleasure, remembering the words Hunter whispered in your ear as he held you tight in his arms.
Seeing him again as he climbed down the Marauder’s steps, fully dressed in his armour, awoke all the feelings you desperately tried to bury, especially in front of your Master. You had been worried that things would feel different, that time and space may have lessened his feelings towards you. 
That was until he took off his helmet and you saw his brown eyes lighten up when your gazes met. You knew immediately that he still felt the same about you.
You were standing there alone, your Master was busy having a restricted meeting with the Jedi Council in the briefing room. Hunter greeted you by taking your hand in his, looking at you adoringly, with a hinted smile on his face. The tension between the two of you was palpable, the lust in your gazes unmistakable. Your hand lingered in his far more than it would have been appropriate for a friendly reunion.
Stars above, the quizzical looks on the faces of the other members of the Bad Batch should have told something to you, but you both didn't care.
Hunter lost no time in luring you to the barracks with an excuse – an urgent matter to discuss with you… privately.
You wanted – no, you needed to be alone; to celebrate your reunion and the feelings you still bear for one another…
The mere thought of being alone with him after so much time fantasising about it makes your heart thunder in your chest. Hunter can sense how fast your heart is beating, and you can feel the burning desire radiating from him.
The tension keeps building as the two of you walk across the barracks side by side. The thrill of having to appear nonchalant as you meet the soldiers you fight alongside everyday, who know you so well, makes it even more exciting. Hunter looks as handsome and confident as ever on the outside, but you can feel how impatient he is for the two of you to be finally alone. You know his enhanced senses are highly attuned to every single imperceptible signal of your body that would betray your arousal. His aura is permeated with lust and desire for you, and merely feeling it is making you throb with need.
You barely have time to enter your quarters before Hunter's large, gloved hands are already cupping your face. He is so desperate to kiss you, that he cannot even wait for the door to fully close behind you.
You immediately melt into him when you finally feel his lips on yours once again. The hunger behind each frenzied kiss is apparent as your lips meet over and over. Hunter is desperate to show you how much he missed you, how much he needs you. You smile contentedly at how frantic it is, so unlike the composure you both showed until a few moments ago. 
Now that you’re passionately kissing in the secrecy of the barracks, the immense guilt you were feeling is gone. There’s only him. Him and his lips, lavishing you with the attention you desperately craved all this time.
Your arms instinctively wrap around his broad shoulders as he pushes you against the wall. You desperately want to make up for all the time you spent apart from each other.
Hunter covers your neck in kisses as his hands roam across your body, before they eventually come to a halt around your waist, caging you firmly in his embrace. He kisses you with such passion and sweetness that you are powerless to help the breathy moan that escapes from your lips.
"Oh, you have no idea how much I missed you, sweetheart," he rasps in your neck, "You have no idea."
"Missed you too, Hunter," you sigh, tone belying your arousal as your hands tangle in his hair.
When he hears those words and the sensual way you pronounce his name, Hunter presses his lips on yours with renewed desire. His mouth is a hot furnace enveloping you with its heat, and you swear your mind goes blank when his lips slowly part so that his tongue can make its way into your mouth.
It's this. This is the moment you have been yearning for. This thrill, this perfect stolen moment when you are reunited at last after so much time spent apart from each other.
He stops only so that he can look at you, at how beautiful you are. His hand goes on the small of your back, pulling you closer to him as the other cups your cheek delicately, in a gesture so soft and devoted that explains far more than words ever could. His piercing brown eyes roam between your eyes and mouth, before he captures your lips with his once more.
Hunter’s greedy hands roam across your body, trailing a path underneath your cape, and eventually under your clothes, too. It is as though he is desperate to remember the way your soft body feels under his touch. You feel shivers wherever his hands and lips roam on your naked skin.
You missed his strong hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him, the warmth of his body, the way his lips could never get enough of yours, but most of all, you missed how safe you felt in his arms.
You hear a rapping against the door which starts off gently at first. You know it’s the other members of The Bad Batch letting you know that your Master has come out of the briefing room.
You reluctantly place your hands on Hunter’s chest in a rather unconvincing attempt to push him away, certain that he must have heard the noise too. It seems like Hunter is ignoring it, though. He’s entirely focused on lavishing your neck with attention. 
"We have to go… W–we have to go… we have t–to…" you repeat mindlessly, more to yourself than to him, as he keeps kissing your neck while inhaling your intoxicating scent that he missed so much.
Hunter shushes you by kissing you on the lips again. You feel yourself clenching around nothing, a sensation that makes you groan against his lips. You grip handfuls of his thick hair, fingers digging into his dark locks. Your tongues explore each other's mouths and you pull him closer to you, wanting to feel his strong, armoured body against yours.
"You're so beautiful, sweetheart," he rasps before your lips immediately meet again.
Even though there is a nagging voice deep down reminding you both that you have to leave, you are unable to tear yourselves away from each other. 
Hunter’s adoring lips go on worshipping the delicate skin of your throat, covering it in kisses trailing down to your collarbones.
“Your skin is so soft…” he murmurs against your chest as he goes on covering it in sweet kisses.
His fingers are gently pulling the fabric of your top down, until his gloved hand brushes against one of your hardened nipples. The sudden contact of leather with your sensitive bud elicits a small moan out of you.
Hunter does not miss your reaction, humming low in his throat at the realisation, and starts drawing circles on it with his gloved finger.
You are getting lost in his touch, so affectionate yet erotic at the same time. It’s driving you aflame with lust, turning you into a desperate mess under his feather-like touch. You sigh deeply as you throw your head back and push your chest forward to offer yourself to him even more.
“Mmmh? You like this, sweetheart?” he coos as he keeps playing with your nipple, pleased at the way your body reacts to his gloved touch, eager for more.
“Oh, you do. Your heart is racing,” he answers himself, smirking against your skin as his lips trail up your neck to kiss your pulse point. 
“Maker above, Hunter…” you whimper, heavily aroused.
Hunter lifts his head up to look at you. His brown eyes are darkened by lust at the sight of you writhing under his touch. His lips are mere inches apart from yours, curved up in a pleased smirk. He's not making an effort to come closer just yet, no. He wants to tease you and enjoy the way you're looking at him, adoring and begging for more.
That perfect moment of tension is interrupted by the return of the knocking against the door, this time more insistent than earlier.
You take advantage of Hunter’s split-second distraction to launch yourself back into kissing him with renewed fervour, completely ignoring it. He hums low in his throat, pleased by the lust that compelled your body forward, and welcomes you in his arms once again.
Your bodies grind against one another as your tongues greedily search each other’s mouths. Feeling Hunter’s body against yours sets you aflame with lust. Your throbbing, drenched pussy is desperate for relief. You are sure Hunter can smell how aroused you are and that your scent is driving him insane. You can feel it in the way his kisses grow more and more eager. You bite Hunter’s lip in a frenzied gesture of your desire which draws a low growl from his throat and causes him to further push you against the wall.
At this point, the banging on the door becomes so loud that it becomes impossible to ignore.
Hunter grunts in disappointment when you have to reluctantly end the kiss. He presses his forehead against yours, as his hands cup your face. You permit yourselves a few moments to regain your composure. He gives you one last regretful look before he pulls away. You know it’s a difficult step for Hunter, given the way your eyes are aflame for him; lips swollen and parted as your chest heaves after making out so intensely. 
Hunter takes your hand in his and you head towards the exit together. You open the door to see a rather annoyed Crosshair, who nods toward your Master. Tech and Wrecker are not far behind.
You see your Master instructing other clone soldiers outside the briefing room, not too far from where you are. You immediately head towards him, not paying attention to the way the other members of the Bad Batch are looking at Hunter.
Crosshair catches the unmistakable adoration in Hunter’s eyes as he looks at you walking away.
“Discussing…” he hisses, taunting his brother before following you.
Wrecker follows him next, pushing Hunter with his shoulder, letting out a scoff.
"Wait – you know about us?" Hunter then asks Tech.
"Of course we do, Hunter. You're not exactly subtle with that," Tech spits, evidently annoyed at how little faith Hunter has in his brothers’ ability to read such an obvious situation.
Hunter lets out a defeated sigh, then follows you and the others towards the General. So much for discretion. He always prides himself on being a cool and collected leader, completing his objective in cold blood, being meticulous and precise. Seeing you again, though, caused him to falter. He can’t help it when it comes to you, especially after he hasn’t seen you in a while. 
You take a deep, calming breath, hoping it hides the toll that the brief, yet intense, encounter has had on your body. With your nerves steadied and an apparently confident strut, you go to greet your Master, accompanied by all the members of The Bad Batch right behind you.
"Clone Force 99, it’s a pleasure to see you again," your Master says as his eyes roam across all the members of the squad.
"General, we're glad to be working with you once again," Hunter says confidently, having regained all of his martial composure. "What kind of mission do you have for us this time?" 
Stars above, the way his voice becomes even deeper when he switches to Sergeant mode causes you to feel a tingle between your legs every time.
Regretfully, now is not the time for this. You have to focus on your Master, on the mission, and absolutely not on the handsome man you’ve just passionately made out with. You can’t mess this up, not when your Master encourages you to think of a plan and he’s listening to you carefully. After all this time following him, battle after battle, he is starting to give you more independence, to hear your voice and trust your judgement. 
It is difficult to focus after you notice the way Hunter is looking at you, though. He is entranced by how secure and confident you look as you draw up a strategy.
You decide to act on his desire for you, to render him a desperate, flustered mess.
So, with a quick, casual gesture of your hand, you flip your hair behind your shoulder to offer him a better view of your neck. The small movement causes a hint of your scent to waft over to him. You catch out the corner of your eye as he closes his eyes for a fraction of a second when he inhales it. He clenches his hands into fists, longing for the moment when he will bury his face in your neck again. Maker above, he wants you.
You wish you could send him a fleeting, mischievous look, but your gaze is focused on your Master's observant eyes. You figure that ignoring Hunter as he's struggling with his desire for you would make you even more irresistible. You feel an immense power at the realisation. You, a Jedi, can cause this man to crumble in front of your eyes, all while you are merely conversing with your Master. He is watching you do something so simple, yet he would drop to his knees to worship the literal ground you walk on, should you only give the order…
Once the plan is all set and you’re about to climb the steps of the Marauder, ready to take off for this new exciting mission with The Bad Batch, your Master calls your name and you stop in your tracks.
“Yes?” you turn around to face him.
“A word?”
“Of course, Master.” 
"The Council wants me to go on a diplomatic mission," he confesses as he crosses his arms looking at you.
"A diplomatic mission? Was that the reason for your meeting earlier? When are we leaving?"
"I’ll be going alone. You're not coming with me this time. It’s a very delicate negotiation," he explains in a cold voice.
You're conflicted. On one hand, there's your duty as a Jedi, to insist and follow your Master. On the other, you'd be disappointed to leave just now that you've reunited with Hunter. The perspective of having another mission together was incredibly exciting, and the thought of having just another moment alone with him, was fueling you with fire.
In the end, though, you decide to do the right thing. Your Jedi duties come before anything else.
"What?! I’m your Padawan, I should be by your side. What if you need me? What if I need you?"
"You will go with Clone Force 99. No further discussion,” he replies, ignoring your protests.
You sigh deeply as you try to think of an answer. He can sense the turmoil in you and decides to reassure you.
“That plan you drew up is good,” he says, and then pauses briefly to look into your eyes. “I trust you."
He is not exactly what you would define as a talkative person, so you know every word counts. You certainly cannot refuse after he just told you he trusts you so much he has assigned you to your first mission alone. No, not now that your Master thinks you’re ready, not now that he said those words to you.
“Thank you, Master. I will make you proud,” you smile back at him, sincerely comforted by his words.
"Come on, let's go now. If you succeed, you'll have plenty of time to celebrate with your Sergeant," he teases you as he turns around to get back on the ship.
"Master?!" you can only reply.
He briefly turns around and you see him stifle a laugh at your reaction. That’s unusual of him.
He knows. He knows, you're sure. No matter how much you try to hide it – at least when you're in front of him – you feel like there's nothing you can ever hide from your Master. He can read you like a book, after all these years spent together. Maybe it's because he, too, had experienced a forbidden attachment like this, many years ago, before taking you as a Padawan, before becoming a Jedi knight…
As the adrenaline slowly wears out after your first, successful battle without your Master’s supervision, you can’t help but think how different the Bad Batch's approach is from your battalion. You worked as a team and it was a pleasure to assist in the flawless, coordinated way they eliminated an entire battalion of droids before your eyes. Hunter gave the orders and effortlessly slayed droids with his vibroknife. He knew he looked incredibly attractive while doing so. He played along with his blade, making it dramatically twirl in his hands way more than necessary. It was so obvious that he wanted to act cool in front of your eyes. You decided to do the same and to look elegant and precise while using your lightsabers. You felt his gaze locked on you, and you hoped he was enjoying it and smiling underneath his helmet.
As you walk back toward the Marauder, you hear Wrecker bragging to Crosshair about how many droids he had eliminated. He groans loudly in defeat when he hears that his brother surpassed him, again. He groans even louder when he hears you’ve slayed more than double his total.
You let out a small laugh at his reaction as you walk with Hunter by your side.
“It’s hard to compete with a Jedi,” his voice sounds even deeper and huskier when it’s distorted by the modulator in his helmet.
You turn and face him, the both of you stopping in your tracks. Hunter places a hand on your cheek and caresses your face tenderly, looking at you leaning into his touch so sweetly. You feel his gaze trained on you from behind the dark visor. His helmet tilts slightly, taking in your beauty. Grateful for the gift of an unexpected, fleeting moment alone.
You shyly trail your hands up his armoured chest to try and reach the sides of his helmet to lift it from his face. You want nothing more than to see his deep, brown eyes looking at you. Just as your fingers make contact with his helmet, a distant sound interrupts you.
“Get a room!” Wrecker impatiently yells at the two of you from the Marauder’s ramp.
You can’t help the laugh that escapes from your lips.
Hunter looks at the big grin that spreads on your face, at you being so genuinely happy in this perfect moment. He’s grateful to the helmet he’s still wearing, so that you can’t witness how lovestruck he looks at the sight of you smiling.
He gives you an apologetic shrug of his shoulders and you follow the others up the Marauder’s ramp.
Armours and weapons now long discarded, you have an amazing time with The Bad Batch on your way back. Journeying through hyperspace is a quiet time dedicated to silence and meditation when you travel with your quiet, reserved Master. This time, however, you spend quite a few hours conversing and laughing with the squad, all while sending mischievous looks to Hunter from time to time. Hunter can't take his eyes off you. You feel them shamelessly roaming across the feminine curves of your body, this time not hidden by the baggy Jedi cape. The carnal desire in his eyes is a silent promise to pick up where you left off earlier.
When all the other members of the Bad Batch are finally asleep after all those hours spent drinking and joking, you finally sneak away, locking yourselves alone in the cockpit. Hunter loses no time in pushing you against the door behind you with his strong, masculine body. He immediately starts to kiss your neck and to inhale your intoxicating scent.
“You’ve been incredible today, Sergeant.” you whisper in his hair.
Hunter lifts his head to meet his gaze with yours. He takes in your beauty, the way your eyes glimmer in admiration for him. He then joins your lips in a passionate kiss that makes your knees tremble.
“Have I, Commander?” he rasps against your lips, before grazing your neck with his teeth and placing tender kisses along your delicate skin.
Maker, he loves your neck. He knows all the sweet spots where to concentrate his ministrations to elicit the prettiest whimpers out of you. You gasp as you tangle your hand in his hair.
“Y-yes. Absolutely. Oh, Stars, Hunter…” you can barely whisper before your vision gets blurry, your head swimming in pleasure.
Hunter buries his face in your neck and in your hair, wishing to be as close as possible to you. He is addicted to your scent.
He starts to undress you with care and devotion, touching you like the most precious thing in the galaxy. You sigh when you feel his warm hands roaming under your shirt, touching your soft, naked skin as he slowly peels your clothes away from your body. His adoring gaze is fixed between your feminine body and your eyes, glimmering for him. He caresses your body, worshipping every single inch of your skin. His mouth starts planting kisses across your collarbones and chest, leaving marks here and there, kissing the gentle curve of your shoulder. 
You can feel his erection brushing against your lower belly. He’s insanely hard, still encased in his thin, black suit. His cock is throbbing for you already, and the mere idea of having that effect on him makes you dizzy with want. You pull him closer, the kisses becoming even more passionate as you look for friction. You desperately try to keep your moans low, muffling them in each other's mouths.
You hold on tight to his strong, muscular biceps before pushing him to sit on the pilot chair. You immediately kneel in front of him, your eyes darkened by lust at the sight before your eyes. You can clearly see the outline of his thick cock and it’s making you dizzy with want. You’re impatient to feel it inside of you, thinking how pleasurable it will be. Before that, though, you want to please him. You want him to know how much you missed him, how much you worship him, to give him something to dream of in his lonely nights.
“What are you doing, eh?” he asks, smirking when he sees you acting like that.
“Hunter, I want you to enjoy my mouth,” you smile provocatively, feeling brazen now that you can finally give into one of your many late-night fantasies.
He watches in awe as you kiss his erection from outside his thin suit, choking a moan at the sight of you down there, so eager to give him pleasure.
“Mesh’la…” he murmurs. It’s a word coming from a language you’ve never heard, but you love the sound of it coming from his lips. 
You start to slowly undo his pants, careful not to inadvertently brush your hands against his cock. You only want him to feel the warmth and softness of your loving mouth.
Once you free his rock-hard, throbbing length, you look back at Hunter with a mischievous grin on your face. You slowly trail your tongue from the base to the tip while keeping eye contact. Hunter’s whole body goes rigid at that, and you hear him suppressing a moan in his throat. His fingers are digging into the armrest of the pilot chair, the veins in his hands popping out.
You have barely started, but Hunter is already a mess beneath you. The touch of your velvety, hot tongue is driving him insane and he can already tell he’ll be addicted to your beautiful mouth.
You decide to let him slowly simmer, building up pleasure until he’ll be crying out your name in a strangled moan. The mere idea sets you aflame with lust.
You start by giving small, kitten licks to the head of his cock. Hunter throws his head back, offering you a sinful view of his throat as he exhales in ecstasy.
“Eyes on me, Sergeant,” you point out teasingly, pleased at the way you’re reducing him.
As soon as Hunter looks back at you, you sensually lick your lips to dampen them before enveloping them around the head of his cock. Hunter is mesmerised by the view and feeling of something so warm and beautiful, all for him to enjoy. 
Your tongue twirls around the head of his cock as you go down, massaging his shaft with your lips. Hunter clenches his jaw to suppress a moan when you let his cock glide into your throat.
You start to bob your head up and down his shaft and that’s when he loses it completely. He stifles a desperate laugh at how good it feels.
“Oh, sweetheart. Doing so good for me…” he praises you. 
You love reducing him to this. You’re so damn wet and turned on, but you don't want to touch yourself just yet, no. This is all about him. You only want to focus on him, on his cock and the way his body reacts to your mouth.
"Oh, fuck…" he whimpers, trying his best not to come in your mouth as you look so provocative and sensual for him only.
Hunter looks stunning as he slouches into the pilot chair in just his black suit, trying to muffle his own moans of pleasure. The only source of light comes from the windshield of the Marauder in hyperspace. The blue hues highlight the muscles of his broad chest as it heaves up and down. His lips are curved up in a pleased smirk as his gaze is locked on you, completely entranced by the way your lips wrap around his cock. 
You feel your arousal starting to drip down your inner thighs at that sight. Your clit is swollen and needy, begging for relief as you drive Hunter insane with your sweet mouth.
You can tell he’s getting dangerously close to the edge by the way his breathing becomes more shallow and frantic, the muscles of his strong body tensing up in preparation. That blissful sight of him, a cool and collected soldier desperately trying to keep it all under control, makes you want to push it even further.
“M-mesh’la, stop. S-stop. You’re gonna make me—an–and I want to fuck you. I want to fuck you, mesh’la. I want to fu–fuck y–” 
"Come in my mouth, Hunter. I want to taste you," you interrupt him by sending a message through the Force, not wanting to stop just now that he's right on the edge.
Hunter can’t do anything but surrender when he sees the sheer lust in your eyes, the desire to taste him. The mere vision of you, the object of his desires ever since he laid eyes upon you, acting so filthy for him, sends him over the edge. His whole body tenses up even more until you feel his cock spurting his cum in your mouth, filling it with his delicious release. You swallow it as you go, savouring the salty, slightly bitter taste of his release. He can’t help the way his hips thrust to push his cock further into your throat, while simultaneously clenching his jaw to avoid moaning your name out loud and waking up the rest of the Batch.
Hunter is in a state of unadulterated bliss as he catches his breath. There's a grin on his face as he looks down at you between his legs, his spent cock still in your mouth. 
You let it out in a loud pop and lick your lips provocatively. Hunter grabs your jaw in his hand, bringing you closer to him and kisses you passionately, tasting himself on your tongue. He's ravenous like a hungry beast. He moans in your mouth and you think you can't be any more turned on, but then Hunter surprises you again.
His strong arms lift you up as he kisses you, walking until the back of your thighs hit the command panel.
"My turn now," he smirks.
He kneels in front of you and spreads your legs, taking your drenched panties off.
Hunter takes in the heavenly view of your glistening core just right before his eyes. You're so eager for his touch, you bury your hands in his hair in an attempt to pull him closer.
Despite how tempting and luscious you look, Hunter does not give in just yet. He starts to kiss your inner thighs, licking all the drops of arousal coating them, making you shudder with need.
"Hunter…" you plead, your legs are already shaking but his strong grip keeps them spread open for him.
“Look at you. You were so hot on your knees, with my cock in your mouth, but this… This is even better. I love hearing you beg for me, sweetheart.”
This man can make you lose your Jedi composure, especially when his mouth is so close to your pussy and you can feel his hot breath on it as he whispers those words.
“Oh, Hunter, please…” you beg for him once again, your grip on his hair tightens and you wish you could just push your cunt into his mouth. His strong arms are keeping you still as you’re pathetically grinding your hips in front of his face, without the possibility of reaching it unless he allows it.
Hunter smirks at how desperate you are for relief. The sweet, intoxicating scent of your arousal is the most addicting thing he’s ever smelled. Despite how much he loves seeing you like this and how beautiful you look, he cannot wait any longer, he has to bury his tongue in your folds and taste you. It’s been so long, he missed it so much.
He digs his face between your legs and his tongue starts to run along your folds. He savours you, humming contendently when your sweet taste fills his mouth. You arch your back and sigh deeply as Hunter’s tongue masterfully licks your clit, committed to offering you the highest pleasure.
“You taste so fucking good, damn,” he pants as he briefly gasps for breath, before returning to where you want him the most.
“All for you,” you manage to whisper while looking at the sight below you, at the Sergeant that just a few hours ago was so authoritative and killed his enemies mercilessly, but now he is on his knees, worshipping you with his mouth and every inch of his body.
You clench at the sight below you, tugging on his hair harder as you start to grind your hips, rubbing your cunt in his face.
You can feel Hunter’s fingers digging harder into the flesh of your thighs, a low hum coming from his throat. 
"That’s it. Ride my fucking face, mesh'la," he rasps authoritatively.
He’s loving it. He loves it when you use his body for your pleasure. He loves hearing your sweet moans for him and looking at your blissed-out face.
"Yes, Sergeant," you moan as you obey his order.
Your hips keep grinding to rub your cunt on his face, the pleasure quickly building up. You tug on his hair, riding his face in chase of your own orgasm.
“Hunter, Hunter, I’m–” you pant.
Hunter purrs into your cunt and his tongue licks your clit even faster, pushing you over the edge.
You thread your fingers through his soft brown curls and tug on them as a white-hot wave of pure bliss traverses your body. As you come, Hunter’s tongue keeps that devastating rhythm that makes your eyes roll backwards and your jaw drop open. You strangle the moan in your throat, preventing you from screaming his name and making everyone in the Marauder aware of what is happening in the cockpit.
Hunter keeps masterfully licking and sucking your clit until you come down from your high. He only stops once you finally release your tight grip on his hair.
“Could go on like this for hours, sweetheart. You taste so good, I can’t ever get enough of you,” he murmurs in between kisses to your inner thighs.
“Oh, Hunter, you have no idea how much I would adore that,” you say with a blissful smile on your face, thinking of how many orgasms he could draw out of you before turning you into a writhing, desperate mess. The mere thought sparks another fire of lust within you.
“Come here, Sergeant,” you call him with an urge to feel his body against yours once again.
Hunter is more than pleased to oblige. As he stands up in front of you, you are struck by how tall and handsome he is. You take a look at his face, still glistening in your arousal. You tug on his hair and trail your tongue along his lips, tasting the faint salty taste of your orgasm. He cups your face in his hands and kisses you on your mouth passionately. Your tongues taste each other’s pleasure, an addictive, lustful blend.
"We taste so good together, Hunter," you pant once your lips part.
“We do, sweetheart,” he growls as he pulls you to sit back down in the chair, making you straddle him. A proud smirk forms on his face when you notice he's hard and ready for you, again.
You immediately start grinding your wet, hot cunt all over the length of his thick cock, getting yourself off, drenching his cock and moaning softly in his ear. You trail your tongue along his neck, tasting his masculine scent, before softly biting on his earlobe. 
“Take it off,” you whisper sensually in his ear, letting your hand roam down his abdomen, hinting at his tight, black shirt.
Hunter's whole body jerks under your touch as he suppresses a whimper. You can't believe you've reduced this fierce man into this whimpering mess; begging for you to ride his dick. The mere thought sends you another spark of desire between your legs.
Hunter obeys and strips immediately, offering you the tempting view of his strong, masculine body. His golden skin is hot to the touch, muscles rippling wherever your hand roams. You follow the contours of his chest tattoo - half rib cage that matches the half-skull tattooed on his face. The touch of your fingers is feather-like as you trace the ink decorating that stunning body. Hunter looks at you carefully, at the pleased expression on your face as your hand slowly trails down his abdomen. A mischievous smile forms on your lips as you align his cock to your entrance. You let the head slip inside of you and stop to look at his eyes. He has such a desperate expression on his face that makes you want to tease him even further.
"Mesh'la…" the way he says it, low in his throat, needy and firm at the same time, makes you clench around him.
"Quiet, Sergeant," you whisper against his lips, your hands cupping his face, fingers gently tracing the contours of his half-skull tattoo, before kissing him on his lips.
As your tongues explore each other's mouths, you slowly sink down on him, enjoying every single ridge and vein of his throbbing erection as he splits you open. He moans in your mouth and you swallow it greedily, kissing him with even more passion. You look at his deep, brown eyes as you keep going. His brow furrows slightly, overwhelmed by the feeling of your tight, wet cunt around his cock.
You have seen his fierce eyes, how tough he looks when he's in charge, when he has to be a soldier and slay his enemies, but this... This is different. He's looking at you with nothing but reverence and desperation. You have reduced Sergeant Hunter to this needy man panting beneath you. The power surge you feel at the sight below you is making you bold and confident. You feel like the most beautiful woman in the galaxy as you look at him staring at you, at his worshipful brown eyes. The thought drives you insane with lust.
Just as you bury his cock inside of you to the hilt, you stop. You feel each other clenching and throbbing in turns, getting used to the pleasurable sensation when your bodies join together as one.
You're both out of breath. Your fingers dig into his thick, wavy hair while his hands wrap around your waist. His touch is delicate and reverential. You're nothing like he's used to. He's used to battle and weapons, not the warm softness of your body. He's looking at you like you're the most precious thing he's ever laid eyes upon. His hands are callous after so many battles, and he rejoices in feeling how your skin is soft in contrast.
You lift your hips slowly, your tight cunt gripping his length in its grasp as it leaves your warmth, soaking wet already. You leave just the tip in, enjoying the desperate expression on his face. His brown eyes are filled with lust as he silently begs for you to resume your movement.
You sink back down on it slowly, wanting to enjoy every single inch of his length. You both moan and sigh in turns, until you have his cock buried to the hilt inside of you once again.
“I missed you so much…” you whisper against his lips as you start riding him sensually.
“You have no idea. Every – every f–fucking day I thought about you," he whimpers "thought of this," he adds as his arms wrap around your body, pulling you closer to him.
You know it should feel wrong to be so attached to a man, to smile at the tender words he says while you’re making love. This is not the Jedi way, after all. But how can it be wrong when looking into his eyes feels so perfect?
A wide grin forms on your face as you look at the man below you, worshipping you like a goddess.
Hunter is mesmerised by the view of your breasts bouncing right in front of his face. He can’t resist and just starts to kiss one of them, sucking on the soft skin. He then takes your nipple between his lips, making his tongue twirl around it, eliciting a pleased moan out of you. His thumb rubs your lips possessively and you welcome it into your mouth, sucking it provocatively, turning him on even more. 
"How in the galaxy do I fucking deserve this? How do I fucking deserve you?" he whimpers as he looks at you being so sensually beautiful.
You capture his lips in yet another passionate kiss, as if you were unable to have your lips parted from one another. Hunter's fingers then dig into your hair and gently pull your head to the side so that he can cover your neck in kisses as he gets lost in your scent.
He breathes you in as if your scent was oxygen. He's addicted to it – soft, feminine, comforting yet so sensual it drives him insane and can barely restrain himself from fucking you every time he catches it.
Your scent lingered in his bunk after you spent your first night together. The days following your encounter, any time he went to rest, he smelled you and a bittersweet smile appeared on his face. Hunter was nostalgic of that night you spent together, and was determined not to let you slip away from him another time, if he ever met you again.
"Your scent drives me insane, mesh'la," he confesses, his hot breath washing against your skin.
That word, again.
Your hands cup the sides of his neck as your thumbs rub his throat possessively. He lifts his chin to face you, looking at you with his adoring brown eyes. 
"Hunter," you let out in an aroused sigh "W–what does mesh'la mean?"
He cups your face in his hands and tilts it towards him so you can look in his eyes – deep, sincere, devoted.
"Beautiful. You're beautiful, sweetheart," he says before stealing another passionate kiss that makes you flutter around him.
Hunter hums in his throat and deepens the kiss even further, tangling his fingers in your hair, caressing you as if you were the most fragile and precious thing he's ever touched.
“Ner mesh'la jetii," he whispers in your ear sweetly. "My beautiful, beautiful Jedi. You looked so good – brave, strong, powerful, fighting with your lightsabers. I couldn’t take my eyes off you, sweetheart,” he says before his lips are back on your neck, lavishing it in sweet kisses.
Hunter can’t resist biting the soft flesh of your neck, yet he is careful to only leave marks on your skin where he knows your body will be covered by clothes. He is so attentive and careful even when he's possessed by lust. He wouldn't want anything more than to mark your neck, so that you could show everyone who you belong to, but he understands – you're a Jedi, he's a Clone Trooper. He wouldn't want to jeopardise the brilliant future you have ahead due to his own selfishness. It's a silent agreement you respect and understand, too.
His lips keep adoringly tracing the sensual curve of your shoulder as you keep riding him, as you gradually increase your rhythm to grant the highest pleasure for you both, your panting hot against his neck. Your clit is pleasurably rubbing against his shaft, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
Your body starts trembling, your breathing gets shallower and you can’t help letting out whimpers. Hunter grabs your hair and pulls so that he can look at you getting off on his dick. He can feel you're close, his senses are highly attuned to every signal your body gives out.
"Use your words," he orders.
"I'm coming, Hunter," you say in a desperate, pleading voice.
"Don't you love coming on my cock, sweetheart?" his voice is dark and lustful, giving you goosebumps all over your body.
You smile and nod in response, but that's when he grabs your throat to force you to look at him, and you see that flame in his eyes again.
"Answer me," he rasps authoritatively, drawing you even closer to your orgasm.
"Y–yes, I–I do," your voice is shaky, jaw trembling in his hand and breathing getting even more shallow. 
"Say it." 
"I – oh, fuck – I love coming on your cock, Hunter," your voice sounds so sweet and shaky when you pronounce those words. You can clearly feel his cock throbbing and hear a low, pleased growl in his throat.
"Then come on my fucking cock, Commander," he orders.
You finally let go as soon as you hear his order and just as your eyes roll backwards. Your lips part in ecstasy and he's quick to capture them in a kiss to muffle your moans. Hunter grunts low in his throat as he feels your cunt clamping erratically around his cock, his hand keeping your jaw in place for him as he sticks his tongue inside your mouth. He swallows every single moan of yours as he rides you through your high.
As the orgasm slowly fades out, you find yourself panting against his mouth, your foreheads are touching and notice his brown eyes are still looking at you adoringly. You're blissfully smiling, being reminded just how much pleasure Sergeant Hunter can bring you. A pleasure you can't reach late at night, alone in your bed with your fingers only.
Hunter lets you catch your breath like that, cradled by his strong arms as he keeps shallowly thrusting into your sensitive cunt.
"I want to fuck you, sweetheart," he whispers, his nose brushing against your hairline.
"You are," you giggle.
"No, sweetheart, I want to fuck you," he articulates, the grip of his hands on the back of your thighs turning to steel, lifting you as he stands up from the pilot chair. 
You barely have time to register what’s happening, when his cock slips out of you and your back suddenly feels the coldness of the floor against its flustered skin, making you gasp. Hunter’s hands cradle your head and the small of your back, to shield you.
“I got you,” he smiles reassuringly before he enters back into you in one thrust. The combination of those actions makes you clamp around his cock, and a small whimper escapes your lips.
Hunter immediately covers your mouth with his to muffle your desperate moans as you feel his cock stretching your sensitive cunt even further.
And there you are, giving into your animalistic desire for each other on the cold, metallic floor of the cockpit.
Oh, it's so good. You love riding him, but having him on top of you, pumping his hard cock inside of you is even better. Hunter's grip on your body tightens as he feels how hard your walls clench around his cock when he acts so dominant. Your eyes roll backwards each time he hits that spot inside of you, making you see stars. 
"S–so good, so, so fucking g–good," he whimpers as he keeps thrusting into you pleasurably slowly. He wants to enjoy every single inch of your hot, wet cunt.
His voice is so low and desperate that your walls clench hard around him. The sensation is so pleasurable that he has to stop abruptly, a grunt escaping from his lips. He doesn't want to come inside of you just yet.
"Damn, sweetheart, you're killing me," he pants in your ear.
He takes your lobe between his teeth and softly bites it, growling like a rabid, hungry beast. You let out a whimper at that.
"Oh, I know, I know," he purrs. "I know you can take it. You're such a good girl for me."
You swear his voice alone could make you come.
Your eyes shut in bliss, getting lost in the feeling of being so full of him once again.
"Look at me, mesh'la," he whispers softly, yet authoritatively.
When you open your eyes for him again, a smug smirk forms on his lips.
"Yes, like this. Damn, you're so fucking pretty," he growls in between violent thrusts that make you see stars.
"Been wanting to bury my dick inside of you since we were in your barracks earlier.  If they didn't stop us, I'd–" he pauses. The hand covering your mouth goes into your hair, delicately caressing it. "Damn, sweetheart, I'm losing my mind. Missed fucking you so much," he whispers against your neck and you feel his hot breath against your already flustered skin.
“Me too, Hunter, me too,” you can barely mumble, a blissful smile on your face as his cock keeps hitting that perfect spot inside of you.
But Hunter doesn’t stop there, no. He continues worshipping you with his mouth, with his hands and with his body as he thrusts into you.
You grab a handful of his hair and pull it, so you can have access to his neck to sensually trail your tongue along it and then bite it. Hunter moans in surprise, heavily aroused by your gesture, and buries his cock inside of you to the hilt, then stops and grunts in your neck.
"Fuck. Fuck, sweetheart. It's a dangerous game you're playing," he growls.
You giggle in his neck before biting him even harder.
"Not gonna last if you – if you–" his dark voice betrays a hint of desperation which turns you on even more.
Hunter grabs a handful of your hair in response, planting his elbow on the floor and covers your mouth with his other hand before starting to thrust into you so hard you can't help rolling your eyes.
The way he's giving it to you is so raw and feral, it's driving you insane as you drag your nails across his muscular back. Hunter bites back into your neck and growls wildly, determined to give it to you until he fucks every trace of sanity away from your body.
"Oh, is this what you wanted, sweetheart?" he grits darkly against your neck. "You like it rough, mh? Stars, I can feel how much you like this," he smirks.
Hunter's hand leaves the back of your head and goes between your legs, his thumb starting to rub your clit. A whimper escapes from your throat.
"Quiet. Quiet, pretty girl, or they're gonna hear us," he whispers in your ear.
You clench hard at that, making Hunter choke a grunt in his throat in response.
"Give me one more. One more, sweetheart," he murmurs softly, yet with an air of authoritativeness.
You love it when his more dominant side comes out when he fucks you, giving you orders like the natural born leader he is. It’s a role that fits him perfectly. You gladly follow his lead as he tames your fiery personality in a way no one ever did.
His thick fingers are rubbing your swollen clit in the most delicious, yet devastating way. His touch drives you towards another orgasm, embarrassingly soon after he ripped the previous one from your weary body. Hunter can sense your heart thundering in your chest, the irregular way you're breathing, your body tensing in preparation.
"Yeah. Let me see how beautiful you are when you come on my cock," he says in his deep, husky voice, encouraging you to let go.
His words give you the final push and you come hard around him. It's an overwhelming hot blaze of bliss starting at your core and ripping your whole body and soul apart. Hunter's large hand muffles the desperate moans that shouldn't escape your mouth.
"Yes, yes, there it is. Good girl. You're my good girl," he encourages you as he keeps rubbing circles on your swollen clit, your walls fluttering around his thick cock as he keeps thrusting into you.
Your eyes roll backwards, unable to stay focused on his gaze. Seeing the way you're enjoying this, the immense pleasure you're feeling, drives Hunter close to the edge too.
"You're so fucking beautiful. Oh, I'm gonna come inside of you. You belong to me. To me. You are mine," he growls.
His thrusts lose that merciless rhythm and grow slower and deeper. He eventually comes with a ragged groan in your ear, making you clench even harder around him when you hear that desperate sound. He tightens his grip around your waist, as if he was afraid you might slip away from him again. Hunter buries his cock deep in your cunt as the warmth of his release spreads inside of you. He kisses you desperately, like he never wants this to end. You’re enveloped in the warm embrace of his strong, masculine body. His warm breath washes across your skin as he whispers tender words about how much he missed you and how perfect you are. Your hands are tenderly cupping the sides of his face as you reciprocate his kisses, smiling against his lips as his thrusts slowly come to an end.
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Taglist: @sonicrainbooms
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webslinger-holland · 7 months
Best Pilot in the Galaxy | Tech from The Bad Batch
Summary: During a mission, Tech has a hard time allowing his ship to be driven by someone else.
Warning: slight angst and argument
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader Pilot
Type: Oneshot
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The Marauder was sitting on a world in the Outer Rim called Cassander. It was a lush, green planet with a few major bodies of water. However, most notably, the planet was growing in population and had recently become Ord Mantell's most competitive trading rival.
The ship was nearly empty, except for a singular pilot sitting in the cockpit. She was not the rightful owner of the ship, but had been assigned this mission with the group of rouge clones that did own the ship. The squad was located somewhere in the capital city nearby, attempting to steal the package in which they had come for. The pilot waited patiently for the pickup call.
Now, the pilot had been waiting for nearly two hours for the call to come through the comms. She did everything she could think of to pass the time, which included rummaging through the squad's belongings. Though she didn't find anything of value.
The gonk droid made a noise as he waddled into the cockpit. The pilot went through the ship's log, seeing all the planets the squad had recently visited. Their last stop happened to be Ord Mantell where they were assigned this mission in particular.
"Y/n! Come in," Hunter's voice sounded desperate over the comms. She quickly jolted forward in her seat, pressing the button to relay a message back.
"Read you loud and clear," Y/n responded. She began clicking buttons on the control panel, preparing the ship for liftoff.
"We need a pick up. We've been compromised," Hunter explained. He was panting on the other end of the line, which probably meant they were running.
"What part of stealth mission is so hard to understand?"
"Just hurry. We don't have a lot of time. They're sending air support," Hunter warned her.
"Oh great," Y/n scoffed sarcastically.
"I'm sending you our coordinates," Tech interjected over the communications.
As the Marauder departed off the ground, the landing gear retracted back into the ship. The wings moved downwards as the ship was angled towards the sky. The engine roared to life; the ship began flying towards the rendezvous location.
The workers from the trading post were shooting their blasters at the criminals running away from them. They tried to keep up with them, firing relentlessly as they got away with some of their own goods.
It was Wrecker, Hunter, and Tech who were carrying the heavy cargo in the form of a shipping container. Normally, it would take four guys to carry the cargo, but since Wrecker was so strong, he was able to carry the left side without help. Behind them, Echo and Omega fired shots back at the workers. They covered them as the rest ran as fast as they could.
"Whatever is in here, it better be worth it." Wrecker grunted, dodging the blaster fire.
"As long as we get paid," Hunter responded.
The small squad continued running through the vast forest, maneuvering around trees in hopes of using its coverage to their advantage. They came into a clearing with the workers getting closer each second. All of the sudden, a cliff came into their view which caused them to halt in their place.
"Where's our ride?" Echo asked desperately. He peered around his shoulder with his gun still raised.
"There!" Omega pointed into the sky.
The Marauder rounded the corner of the mountain, coming into their line of view. It flew over to the edge of the cliff to meet them. The ramp lowered to hover right by the cliff, allowing the squad to climb aboard the vessel.
The blaster fire was beginning to hit the sides of the ship. The squad fired back, striking a few of the workers down. Once everyone was aboard, Hunter slammed the button on the side of the wall so the ramp was lifted.
"That's everyone," Hunter shouted. "Get us out of here!"
"Roger that," Y/n said.
Pulling a lever, the thrusters sent a powerful volt back which propelled the ship forward rapidly. By steering the ship, Y/n directed the ship back into the mountain range. She could hear the air support coming up behind them. She took a sharp turn to deter them.
The sharp turn caused each member of the squad to loose their footing and grab something nearby to steady themselves. Carefully, Tech quickly made his way into the cockpit. He leaned over the back of the pilot's seat, resting his hand on the panel for support. He hadn't taken the time to remove his helmet.
"That is sufficient," Tech announced to the pilot. "I'll take it from here."
"A little busy here," Y/n stated instead. She turned the wheel to the left, taking another sharp turn which made everything in the ship turn that way. And Tech ended up leaning a little into her.
"Wrecker," Tech ordered. He moved to sit in the co-pilot seat which was where Echo usually sat. "Get to the tail gun."
There were at least six smaller ships following them at this point, firing as many rounds as possible. The Marauder swayed to the left and right, expertly dodging each blast aimed at them. In the tail gun, Wrecker got into position before firing back at the ships. He managed to hit one of them, but it wasn't enough to bring the ship down.
Back in the cockpit, Tech began pressing a few buttons on the control panel. The pilot glared at him through the corner of her eye, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. She maintained her grip on the sides of the wheel.
"Transitioning controls back to co-pilot," Tech announced. He went to press the final red button, but she swatted his hand away. "What are you doing?" Tech demanded an explanation.
"I know how to fly," Y/n said through gritted teeth. Her eyes were still facing forward as she focused on the task at hand.
"I never said you didn't," Tech informed her. "I am simply stating that I am ready to transition controls back to me as I am more capable of flying this vessel than you. It is my ship after all," Tech said as a matter of factly.
Hunter rolled his eyes in the background. He knew it was pointless to argue over the comment.
"You weren't hired to be the pilot for this mission," Y/n argued back. "I can get us out of this."
With that comment, one of the blaster fires struck the right wing which caused it to catch on fire. The two of them peered out the window, spotting the trail of black smoke falling behind the hit.
"You were saying?" Tech replied. He gestured to the damage done to his ship. She rolled her eyes at him.
A few more ships began trailing behind them. They began firing more shots towards them. There was no way one ship could take the whole fleet down.
"Uh guys," Wrecker announced from the tail gun. "We've got more incoming."
Ignoring the comment, Tech quickly transitioned controls back to his wheel before the other pilot could protest. He gripped the wheel harshly, moving the wheel to take a sharp left hand turn. The ship was forced to swerve around the side of the mountain; a few of the enemy ships crashed into the sides as a result. She switched controls back to her wheel, taking a right hand turn. The ship weaved around another mountainside.
Behind the googles of his helmet, Tech squinted his eyes in slight irritation. He changed controls once again. He quickly grabbed onto the lever, pulling it backwards so the thrusters gave another jolt of energy. Now they were flying a little faster.
Nevertheless, another blaster hit managed to strike the back of the ship. The Marauder jolted forward from the force of the blast. The two pilots lurched forward in their seats. The others continued to hold onto things for support.
"You aren't doing much better," Y/n replied snakily. She reached forward to press the button once more. She turned the wheel as far as she could, which caused the ship to completely turn around. She pulled the lever for the extra push.
"What are you doing?" Tech exclaimed. "Are you trying to get us killed?"
Down in the tail gun, Wrecker began firing at the ships flying directly in front of them. With his expertise, he struck down three ships. Those ships exploded into a million pieces, fierce flames erupting around them. The Marauder flew through the fire without taking damage.
The enemy ships needed to turn around before continuing their chase. They quickly swerved their ships. Once the ships were facing the right way, the thrusters kicked in for that extra power. And the enemy continued their pursuit.
"I will only say this one more time," Tech's modulated voice spoke through his helmet. He turned to face her in his seat. His eyes looked angry behind his googles. "Relinquish controls now."
"Over my dead body," Y/n challenged him. She didn't take her eyes off him.
In the background, Hunter and Echo seemed to raise their eyebrows at the two pilots. They looked between them, half expecting one of them to cave in and go back to flying the ship. But neither of them faltered.
"Uh guys," Omega interrupted them.
Both of them directed their line of attention back towards flying the ship. With a quick maneuver, they managed to dodge the mountain they were heading straight for at the last second. A few more ships crashed into it.
"You're both going to get us all killed if you don't figure something out," Hunter shouted behind them.
Reaching forward, Y/n went to press a few more buttons, but Tech swatted her hand away this time. He went ahead and pressed his own buttons. He was punching in the coordinates for their destination.
"You are not the best pilot in the galaxy," Y/n claimed. She glanced at him through the corner of her eye. He kept putting in the coordinates.
"Hardly a measurable cause," Tech said with a roll of his eyes in annoyance.
"You haven't made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs," Y/n added. It was like she was insisting that it could be measurable.
"I have a theory that it can be done in twelve," Tech stated as a matter of factly.
"I highly doubt that," Y/n chuckled at the comment.
Suddenly, Y/n pressed the wheel forward with all of her might. The ship began to descend down at a rapid pace, shifting into a nose dive position. The ground was growing closer and closer with each second. The enemy ships following right behind them, firing non-stop.
Both Hunter and Echo were holding onto panels behind them. The force of falling forwards was pushing them back. They were unable to move.
"You have to pull up--" Tech ordered in a slight panic.
"Oh for the last time," Y/n shouted over him. "I know what I'm doing!"
At the last possible second, the wonderfully skilled pilot pulled the wheel into her chest so that the ship was pulled up. It was so close to touching the ground, but it missed it by a hair. The last two ships crashed into the ground, exploding suddenly and sending debris flying.
Now that the threat of the chase was finally over, Y/n could relax in her seat a little. The rest of the squad was completely silent, realizing that she had managed to get them out of the situation with little damage in the end. Beside her, Tech kept his eye on her since he was still angry with her.
The Marauder started to climb in altitude, shifting towards the edge of the planet's atmosphere. It finally passed through the atmosphere, flying through space. The stars throughout the galaxy sparkled as the planet grew small and smaller. It was now all behind them.
"Are the coordinates to Ord Mantell in?" Y/n wondered. Her voice was so much calmer now. Her shoulders slumped at her sides. But she refused to make eye contact.
"Yes. They are in," Tech informed her softly. His eyes softened behind his helmet. He studied her carefully, trying to figure out what she was thinking in that brain of hers. He quickly shook it off, directing his attention back towards the void of space in front of them.
Without thinking, Tech and Y/n went to reach for the lever to send them into hyperspace. Their hands grazed each other's with neither of them being any closer to the lever than the other. They both awkwardly pulled their hands away upon contact.
"I'm sorry," Y/n muttered under her breath.
He wasn't sure if she was apologizing for the situation they just came out of or the situation that just occurred with the lever. Nevertheless, she reached for the lever once again, pulling it back to send the ship into hyperspace.
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Back at Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch went back to Cid's Parlor. They stood on the other side of her desk, having just delivered the cargo that she paid them to retrieve. She peered into the package, checking to make sure everything was there.
Behind the group, Y/n stood there in total silence. Her eyes were trained on the floor as she shifted in her place awkwardly. She waited for their boss to address them.
Beside her, Tech stood about an arm's length away. He glanced at her through the corner of his eye, taking note of her odd demeanor. He raised his finger and opened his mouth to say something to her, but he was rudely cut off.
"Looks like everything is here," Cid announced. She closed the cargo container. She began rummaging through her drawers, collecting the correct amount of credits to pay both parties.
Now Y/n went to take a few steps forward and made her way through the members of the squad. She stood in front of the desk. Her boss went ahead and placed a handful of credits in her hand.
"That is your cut," Cid told her. She handed the rest of the credits to Hunter. "And here is your cut. I'll call you when I have another job," Cid claimed.
There was a brief moment of silence in the room. Cid went to cross her arms over her chest. She narrowed her eyes at the company of six standing in front of her.
"You guys work well together," Cid said honestly. "You should work together more often."
In response, Y/n breathed a scoff under her breath. The boys turned their heads to look at her, slightly surprised at her reaction. She shook her head in denial.
"Yeah. Like that's ever going to happen," Y/n rolled her eyes at the notion.
Without hesitation, she spun around on the heels of her feet in order to head towards the door. She purposely bumped into Tech's shoulder a little too harshly. She left the room with the door closing behind her.
"What's wrong with her?" Cid scoffed. She looked at the rest of the squad for some form of explanation, but none of them said anything. "Fine! Be all quiet and mysterious. See if I care," Cid said.
By the time the Bad Batch left Cid's office, Y/n was nowhere to be found in the bar. They went to sit down at the bar so they could order drinks to celebrate another successful mission. They sat in complete silence, thinking about what transpired during the mission.
"Where do you think she's gone?" Echo wondered.
Though they never pulled missions together, the Bad Batch knew that the pilot worked for Cid and was stationed at Ord Mantell. They had seen her quite often over the past few months. They had grown familiar of her. And now they worried about her.
"The odds are that she returned to her flat," Tech explained. He pushed the bridge of his googles up to be more secure on his face. He kept his focus on his data pad.
"Probably," Hunter shrugged his shoulders. "But it's late. Which means it's dark out."
"Astute observation," Tech claimed sarcastically. He gave a single nod, but didn't take his eyes off his data pad.
"And she's walking back to her flat...at the edge of town...late at night," Hunter further explained.
"She will be fine," Tech stated. He knew where he was going with this. "She is always saying how she can take care of herself and doesn't need our help. Why would that change now?"
The other members remained silent. They turned their heads to take quick glances at one another. With a silent agreement, Hunter rose to his feet and went to stand by Tech. He roughly grabbed his shoulders and hoisted him out of his seat, much to his dismay.
"Go find her. Make sure she gets home safe. And apologize to her," Hunter ordered.
"I do not see why I have to be the one to apologize when I did noth--" Tech began. He was quickly cut off.
"Tech," Hunter said in a warning tone of voice. He crossed his arms over his chest, showing that he meant business.
"Fine," Tech said in defeat. "I will apologize."
With some hesitation, Tech grabbed his helmet and fitted it over his head. He began making his way towards the door of the parlor, leaving the rest of his crew behind. He walked through the deserted streets of Ord Mantell, passing a few shady people in the process.
Now Tech knew that she lived near the edge of town because she had once mentioned it during a conversation. Besides that, Tech really didn't know where to look and simply hoped he'd bump into her before she got home so he'd know she was safe. He passed by a few alleys, peeking through each one briefly.
The Marauder was parked in a hanger bay only a few blocks away from the parlor. Just as Tech passed by the hanger, he heard a familiar voice coming from his very own ship. He backtracked by taking two steps backwards. He peered into the hangar bay to glance at his ship.
Stepping into the bay, Tech tilted his head to the side in slight curiosity. The right wing of the ship began to move downwards until it lay completely horizontal. A few seconds later, Y/n began descending down the ramp with a toolbox in hand. She walked over to the wing of the ship.
Upon seeing her, Tech sharply inhaled. He felt the back of his throat close up and his shoulders tensed at his sides. He hesitantly took a few steps forward, fiddling with his fingers nervously.
Reaching upwards, Y/n placed the single toolbox onto the flat surface of the ship's wing. She proceeded to grab onto the wing before hoisting herself up onto it. She climbed to the center of the wing to assess the damage inflicted in the crossfire.
At this point, Y/n had no idea that he was also in the hanger bay with her. She opened the toolbox, rummaging through to find the right tool. The damage done to the right wing was a massive gaping hole with burnt edges from the fire. It would eventually need a panel welded to cover it up again. But for now, she focused on the internal repairs.
Thankfully, from the assessment, nothing major had been hit. A few bolts had gotten loose and a few parts needed to be replaced. She focused on that for now.
After grabbing a socket spanner, Y/n leaned down to place her arm into the gaping hole of the wing. It went so far down that her chest was practically pressed against the surface of the wing. She used the spanner to tighten some bolts.
"What...are you doing?" Tech decided to finally announce his presence. He stepped forward until he stood in the light coming from the opening of the hanger bay.
Upon hearing that familiar voice, Y/n only rolled her eyes to herself. She continued her work as she preferred to focus on repairs rather than on him. She grunted softly, making sure that first bolt was nice and tight.
"What do you want Tech?" Y/n wondered. She pulled her arm out of the hole to assess her work. She didn't even bother to glance towards him, knowing he would have sent her a look of disapproval for working on his ship.
Slowly, Tech began to lower his gaze to the floor. He contemplated his next words carefully, fighting the urge to lash out at her for meddling with his ship. He liked things to be a certain way and would have much preferred if he did the actual repairs. Now Tech didn't want to fight with her so he changed his approach.
"I analyzed that you left the parlor on your own and thought it would be better if I accompany you back home," Tech explained. She huffed at his answer.
"I've told you before," Y/n began. "I can--"
"Take care of yourself," Tech finished. He adjusted the lenses of his goggles though he still wore his helmet. He noticed how she fell silent. "Yes, I've gathered that much."
"Why are you really out here?" Y/n wondered. She went to lean down again in order to tighten more bolts.
"I...could ask you the same," Tech replied slowly. He honestly felt like this was the first civil conversation they had ever had.
"I wanted to make some repairs on your precious ship since it was apparently my fault," Y/n claimed. Her tone sounding a little harsher now. She tightened two more bolts in the process.
"That is not what I meant," Tech interjected. He took a step forward. He gazed up at her figure perched on the wing, attempting to reason with her. "I was...caught up in the moment. Shouldn't have said those things," Tech confessed quietly.
"Well, don't worry. As soon as I finish up these repairs, I'll leave and you'll never have to see me again," Y/n responded.
For some reason, Tech couldn't combat a response to her comment. He simply nodded his head understandingly. He lowered his gaze to stare down at the ground and allowed her to finish her repairs in silence. He thought for some time how he could fix this relationship since it wasn't his strong suit. Fixing things was more his style.
"Blast," Y/n's voice pulled him out of his train of thought. He glanced up at her.
The sleeve of her blue flight suit had gotten in the way of her repairs. She had rolled her sleeves up to keep the material out of her way, but the sleeves continued to fall back down to her wrists every time she placed her arm in the hole. She pulled back and rose to her feet.
Without hesitation, Y/n's hands flew to the top button of her flight suit. She began to undue the buttons in which she revealed the black tank top underneath. All the while, Tech studied her carefully as her nimble fingers worked steadily. His pupils dilated behind those goggles of his.
Upon reaching her waistline, Y/n had stopped unbuttoning and shrugged the suit off her shoulders. She tied the sleeves around her waist. She dropped to her knees to continue working without the distraction of her clothes getting in the way.
Slowly, Tech raised his hand to the side of his head and clicked the bottom to save the recording to the drive. He records everything and he was certainly glad he recorded that. He wanted to revisit the recording later for his own 'research' purposes.
"There," Y/n sighed. She sat back on her knees, wiping her dirty hands on the pants of her flight suit. "Repairs are finished."
Naturally, Y/n began to pack away the tools she used and placed them back into the box. She closed the lid of the toolbox, tossing it over the edge of the wing for it to land on the ground with a thump. She then proceeded to jump down off the wing of the ship, landing a little hard so her knees buckled slightly.
Just like she promised, Y/n had every intention of leaving the hanger bay so that they'd never have to see her again. She went to walk away, but just as she passed beside him, Tech reached out and grabbed her forearm. She halted in her steps.
Neither of them could look at each other. She felt his gloved fingers digging into her bare skin, but not hard enough that it would leave marks. She slowly turned to look at him, but he kept his head down.
"I...really came here to apologize," Tech confessed. When Tech lifted his gaze to meet her face, he saw how her eyebrows went up in slight surprise. It definitely caught her off guard.
"I see," Y/n thought about his words carefully. She shifted her balance from one foot to the other. "So all those things you said back on Cassander where just...what?"
He closed his eyes, seriously regretting everything he said. "Like I said earlier, in the moment, I was incredibly frustrated with you."
"Because I wouldn't give up the controls?" Y/n said flatly.
"No, because I recognize that my levels of dopamine are elevated when I'm around you and I distance myself from you in order to prevent that from happening,” Tech confessed before he could even stop himself.
But now, hearing what he just said, Tech quickly averted his gaze away from her. He was thankful to be wearing his helmet so she wouldn't see how bright his cheeks had gotten. He released his grip on her arm, letting it fall back down to his side.
For once, Y/n actually understood what he said. Her eyebrows rose in surprise at this sudden confession. She definitely did not expect him to blurt out his emotions that night, especially after their fight on the ship. She knew better than to tease him at a time like this.
"I-I don't understand why," Tech said rather sadly. That was the first time that he'd spoken those words out loud.
What broke her heart was the tone of defeat laced with his words. It told her that he'd been wrestling with these foreign emotions and thoughts for some time. He didn't know how to react around her and so he acted with defense. He pushed those feeling away, fighting against it.
Hesitantly, Y/n lifted her hands to the sides of his helmet. She went to remove his helmet slowly, revealing his face to her for the first time today. She tossed the helmet to the side without a care in the world, but he still refused to meet her gaze.
"You are probably repulsed by me," Tech began. "From the way I treated you and the words I said to--"
But Tech wasn't able to finish that sentence. Because Y/n had taken his face in her hands and leaned upwards to press her lips against his own. He froze in his place.
His eyes were wide open in surprise. His hands were elevated on either side of him because he didn't know what to do with them. He could feel the softness of her lips still against his own. Before Tech had the chance to process what was happening, Y/n pulled away from him.
The two of them were standing so close together; the chests being pressed against one another's. Their breath mingled as their noses bumped together once or twice. He glanced down at her lips because he wanted nothing more than to taste them once more.
His hands found their way down to her hips with one hand sneaking around her lower back. He pressed that hand into her back which brought her body even closer to his. She released a small gasp.
"Apology accepted," Y/n whispered to him. She played with the edge of the plastoid armor on his chest. "And I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you."
"Why cyare?" Tech wondered. He raised his hand to the side of her face, tucking a single strand of hair behind her ear. He held his hand against her cheek.
"I should have given up the controls. You are the better pilot and it is your ship," Y/n explained with a shake of the head.
"I am not the better pilot," Tech stated firmly.
There was a moment of silence between them. "I can't make split second decisions and calculations like you do when you're flying."
"Well, I've never done the Kessel Run." Tech argued back playfully. He smiled down at her. "At least, not in twelve parsecs."
"Fourteen," Y/n corrected him. "I did it in fourteen."
"Fine. Fourteen," Tech caved in.
Slowly, Tech tilted his head to the side and began to lean down with every intention of kissing her again. But the two of them were interrupted when someone cleared their throat over by the entrance of the hanger bay. The two of them quickly pulled apart and turned to face whoever had interrupted them.
The other members of the Bad Batch stood looking at them near the entrance of the hanger. It was initially Hunter who had cleared his throat to garner their attention; he stood with his arms folded across his chest just as a disapproving father would. Beside him, Wrecker and Omega were practically squealing with each other. They couldn't contain their excitement. And Echo averted his gaze in an awkward manner.
"Care to explain yourselves?" Hunter hinted. He glanced between the two of them with a playful smirk on his face.
"I think they finally confessed that they like each other," Wrecker interrupted. His words coming out louder than anticipated. He nudged Echo who stood beside him.
"You think?" Echo glanced at him.
"It's exciting, isn't it?" Omega smiled at them.
Meanwhile, Tech quickly collected his helmet off the ground and placed it over his head once again. He hoped it would cover the blush creeping up his neck to his face. He knew he wouldn't hear the end of the taunting from his brothers anytime soon.
"Well boys. It looks like we got another member on our crew," Hunter said slowly. "Welcome to the Bad Batch."
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oceansssblue · 5 months
Hunter not being able to have the time or place to relieve himself pls ☺️
One explicit&short sexy Hunter smut coming right up!
Hunter was a responsible man. He had been taught to be like that; always taking care of his men, his squad. He worked towards his objectives with his brothers on his mind; always trying to secure their safety no matter how dangerous the situations they found themselves in were. Now, though... Now Hunter only wanted to take care of one thing; himself.
It felt like ages since he had had the time to relieve himself. They had been busy, that wasn't a doubt; first taking care of Tech's precarious health after Eriadu, then reuniting with Omega and Crosshair... And now even Echo was back on the Marauder. It was as crampt as it had ever been; and though Hunter loved his family with all his heart, he just wanted ten minutes of privacy for himself.
Those ten minutes of peace had been impossible to find. Every time he thought he finally had them, someone would return to the ship or com him; and his free time would be tragically interrupted. On one time Tech had urgently asked for his help with some repairs; on another, Crosshair had found a reason to fight with a bunch of locals and –though Wrecker had assured him he had it under control– Hunter just had to intervene. On a third ocasion, Echo had asked his opinion on an alternative strategy for their next mission; and even Omega had been unusually affectionate lately, shadowing his every step as if she were afraid to get separated again.
His frustration only continued to grow when days kept passing by. It wasn't just because he wanted to; masturbating was more of a need, now. He felt tense and irritated, snapping at every minor thing. His headaches were only getting worse, nights without rest more common than not. It was only a matter of time before he bursted and said hurtful things; and he didn't want to hurt anyone.
Finally, luckily, his brothers seemed to catch on. It's Echo who suggests going out for a walk, and he manages to convince everyone with the promise of a pretty sunset on Pabu, pointing out that Hunter's migraines are only getting worse and he needs some silence and space to himself. They accept with various degrees of excitement; but they do, and they leave, and Hunter finds himself suddenly on his own.
He doesn't even bother to get fully naked; he doesn't have the patience. He sits on his bunk and tugs his pants down; already hard cock inmediately falling to rest on his stomach when freed. It's warm in the room, so he does take his shirt of and throws it carelessly somewhere on the floor. He doesn't waste any more time and sighs in relief, closing his hand around his cock. Privacy at least.
You hadn't met the boys until their fourth month on Pabu. Their arrival had been the talk of the island for quite some time; not only because rumours said they were a surprising set of clones, but because Pabu suddenly had five handsome elegible bachelors to pick from. Wrecker made you feel small and cute, his energy as radiant as the sun; Echo was the gentleman of any girl's dream. You'd never grow bored with Tech, he was an interesting person to chat with; and Crosshair was all quiet and mysterious, tempting you to find his secrets. Objectively, you could see all of this attributes in the Batch; you could understand the hype. Personally, though... Personally, Hunter had the 100% of your attention.
He was so handsome. Your eyes had inmediatelly locked onto his figure the first time you had had the chance to see him; this firm but kind soldier helping a blonde teenager –you later learned their sister was called Omega– practice what seemed to be defence moves in front of their ship. The second time you had seen Hunter had been one morning on the beach. You had woken up early to be able to swim through Pabu's clean waters without anyone else disturbing the sea's wildlife; diving goggles and swimming fins in hand. After a quiet relaxing swim in the sea, you had sat down in the sand for a bit; and your distracted gaze had followed Hunter's attractive figure in his morning run through the beach.
One thing you had learned about, was that Hunter was always aware of what was happening around him. Weeks later, he had explained to you it was part of his special set of abilities. His mutations. In that second meet up, you had been embarassedly shocked to be caught gawking at him; though it had quickly turned to a pleased shyness when fifteen minutes later Hunter had returned to the same spot to talk to you. He had first greeted you with a sexy little smile; asking to sit besides you if you didn't mind the smell of his built up sweat. He had made you feel comfortable and safe since that very first time; and all those that followed.
It's not that you have consciously started to date him or anything. Hell, you've never even kissed yet. It's just all casual meet ups that ends with the two of you having the best time together. You might be doing groceries and Hunter making his way to their apartment after their latest arrival; and so he will offer you to help with the bags, and you'll accept, and once everything is properly placed in your home, one of you would suggest having a walk together and catch up with your respectives lifes. It feels like a date, most of the times; but none are planned, adressed as such, and Hunter has so many suitors –and is so genuinely kind– you wonder if you're seing things that are not really there.
You've heard the Batch is back on Pabu after three whole weeks travelling the galaxy, though, and you had seen everyone but Hunter in the beach some minutes ago; you know it means he's staying back and resting in the Marauder. You want to see him, so –even though you don't really know if it's your place or not– you make your way down to their ship. You'll just say hi and leave him be.
The Marauder's ramp is still opened, so you jump up and enter the ship. The cockpit's empty; you guess Hunter's somewhere inside. You call him softly, not wanting to wake him up in case he's using the time to catch up on some sleep; but you receive no answer, so you continue walking through the corridor, innocently.
There's a low muttering coming from a room, so you redirect your steps there; and you come to a stop completely frozen in front of the opened door. H-Hunter... Hunter's lounging on one of the bunks, with the back of his head resting against the wall; eyes closed and face relaxed in upmost pleasure. Small words and what you now clearly identify as whimpers and moans escape his parted lips ocasionally; shirt abandoned to the floor and abdominal muscles twitching with each particular rush of pleasure, sweat dripping down his chest and shimmering on his tanned skin. His pants are just low enough so that he can have access at his cock; one hand firmly wrapped around it and stroking up and down while the other clenches on his thigh. And his cock... Fuck, it looks good, dripping precum and flushed almost red by now; Hunter must be reaching his end any minute now.
Hunter... Is a sin, and though your shock is big enough to erase any coherent word from your mind, you aren't made of stone; and your breathing pattern grows heavier with desire while your heart speeds up, and even lost in his own pleasure, Hunter hears that.
His eyes snap open, his face turning slightly to the left to take a glance at the door. Your eyes lock and Hunter gasps out loud, something that sounds like a mix of utter shock and pleasure yet; his hand reluctantly stopping and resting around the base of his cock. Hunter's wide eyes and redenning cheeks show his embarassment at being caught like this; but to your surprise, he doesn't run to pull his pants back up, or hide his raging boner. He just waits, perhaps deciding on what to say or do.
"Mesh'la..." he suddenly and almost hesitantly calls you by that nickname he had started to use for you a month back.
You don't know what it means, though when asking his brothers, Tech had pointed out it was in their language, Mando'a.
Hunter calling you reminds you that you're still staring; staring at Hunter and his half naked body, cock exposed, and invading a clearly very private moment you have no right to stand by.
"O-oh, I'm sorry, Hunter" you quickly blurt out, eyes flying down and focusing on a spot on the floor in front of your feet. "I just saw your family at the beach, thought I'd come and said hi, and then I heard a noise and... Uh... I didn't know... You were..."
You inevitably take a glance upwards, and to your shock, Hunter's cock twitches in his frozen hand and he lets out a small moan.
He doesn't look particularly bothered by your interruption. By the situation. It seems he's just more impatient to carry on, so maybe you should just turn around and leave and...
"Mesh'la... Touch me" he answers, voice deep sending tingles down your spine.
You can't help but stutter as you fix your eyes on his.
"S-s-sorry?" It's what comes out of your mouth, stunned.
You must have heard wrong. There's no chance he just asked that.
"Please" Hunter suddenly whines, words turning him into a bothered mess. "Please, mesh'la, been wanting to masturbate for so long, but it has been impossible here, and now that I finally had the space to do so I tried and I, I... I'm subsconsciously stressed they're going to come back and interrupt me any time now, and I can't also stop thinking about last mission and..."
You're still shocked looking at Hunter; though his words are starting to slowly sink in, and he reads it in your wide eyes. You're so close to him and...
"Please" he begs, quietly but desperately. "Please help me cum".
You need ten more seconds before you finally find the way to reboot your mind again and you're able to nod. Hunter whimpers in relief and inevitably strokes his cock up and down once; stopping afterwards and leaving both of his hands on ech respective thigh; widening them so you have plenty of space to comfortably work with him. You gulp your nervousness down and slowly approach him.
Hunter's dark gaze doesn't leave your eyes as you sink down on your knees between his legs impossibly slowly. Your eyes swipe down over his perfectly trained body, and his cock twitches again against his stomach. The sight makes you bite your lip in a mix of desire, nerves and shyness; and Hunter groans torturedly.
"Mesh'la..." he calls you again, needy, and you breathe in and glance up at his face before setting your resolve.
Your left hand caresses up Hunter's left thigh, thumb squeezing once on the dip between his pelvis and leg; while your right teases down Hunter's abs to finally close around his length. Hunter's impossibly hard. You start with your first movement up and down his cock; and Hunter moans.
"Y-yeah... Yeah, cyare, thank you, yes..." he stutters in half whimpers, half relieved moans, and you have to contain one of yours.
He looks so good like this, so needy, so lost. So desperate.
"You look hot as fuck, Hunter" you tell him, voice barely more than a whisper.
Hunter moans needily and his hips cant forward towards your hand.
"M-mesh'la... M-m sorry for springing this on you so suddenly, just... Just wanted to cum and... Wanted you for weeks too, mesh'la, so pretty, fuck..."
Okay. Okay. Breathe. Hunter's a talker during sex, the kind of person that just looses himself in it and talks his mind of, and that's perfectly fine. You aren't gonna pass out. You are going to cope with the fact that he's gonna ruin yourself for everyone else and help him out.
"It's okay, Hunter" you soothe him, right hand moving upwards and twisting gently towards the end, another tiny involuntary buckle of his hips following you. "Just breathe and relax. I got you, okay?"
Hunter sighs and slides lower on the bed, though still proped up. He closes his eyes momentarily before focusing on you again, then staring at your hand working him up.
It doesn't take too long for him to cum. He's obviously being holding himself back; and finally in a safe place, with you as an additional stimuli, his mind locks on the growing pleasure and his hard cock twitches when he reaches his orgasm. Part of it lands on his stomach; some stays on your hand, and the rest pools on his pelvic, dripping down to a slow. His chest moves up and down with his heavy breathing; his eyes closed shut and head tilted back, neck exposed, muscles showing. And his sounds are music to your ears; raspy, broken. Relieved.
When he opens his eyes again, and Hunter looks at you, he seems more like himself; like this desperate lost version has been pushed back again under the surface. You read shame and guiltiness mixed in his expresion; and smile to soothe him.
"Don't even bother with excuses" you chuckle, using his discarded shirt to clean your hand and passing it to him next. "You were enjoying your privacy and I surprised you, and neither of us did what we should have done, and here we are. We're just gonna move forward and you're gonna invite me to a date".
Hunter gives you a tiny happy smile. It quickly turns onto a smirk.
"Okay. Tomorrow afternoon, then. I'll be sure to take care of everything this time".
You know what that means, and you smirk too, though flushing slightly. Yes, please.
Taraa! Decided not to write it too long, hope you've liked it!
remind you that im still working in some other requests. I'm considering not writing every single one though, just those with whom I feel inspired... Dont want any of you to have a go at me though lol. Idk what I'll end up doing honestly, I might just write those with which I feel more inspired forst and then move down the line. We'll see!
Stay tunned for more,
Back to my general masterlist here:
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queenie-official · 1 year
This is me sending in my Formal request for Modern Au Anakin fics 🙏🙏 i have absolutely no specific scenarios i want, i just need Modern Ani frfr- if you guys can send some my way or tag me in them i would be very appreciative 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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i need him biblically 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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