lovemyheadphones · 2 years
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angelscometrue · 11 days
Charles finally accepting his death and saying to Edwin: "you know, i used to think dying was the worst thing that ever happened to me but it was not. I finally realized without it I wouldnt meet the best person I know, the person I am in love with"
ok thats it, i decided this is how the show ended for me.
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hauntingblue · 4 months
Why is this flashback happening now... whi is it centered on mista.... do not kill him too please..... I do not care that much about him but Jesus christ....
#is this an alrernate world where fugo takes care of giorno and only mista and giorno die??? like the complete opposite... oh well trish too#WHY#OH MEVERMIND THIS IS MORE FUCKED UP#MISTA TRIES TO STOP BUCCIARATI FROM DYING AND SHOOTS AT THE ROCK TO CHANGE HIA DESTINY#BUT HE ENDS UP SHOOTING BUCCIARATIS BODY ON THE COLISSEUM!!! AND HE DIES THERE!!!#(kinda by his hand)#talked too soon maybe bc it got destroyed by the crashing on the floor but still.... it started to change there#trish and the turtle scared me so much omg... enough...#trish and mista no......#nvm relationship scare they are just fucking around#THATS IT????#the flowers for abacchio and narancia and the zipper for bucciarati... omg#how mad are these grown men swearing loyalty to a 15 yo boy#i need more clousure..... mista reacting to bucciarati dying too... swearing loyalty to giorno too???#also this was the best jojo season simply bc of the writing#like there is a plot and themes relevant to it and even if they are superficial and there are still incongruences in fights (jojo constant)#the characters have some depth and the relationships are meaningful#like jotaro was cool just bc of the characters but this one is good bc of the writing too.... i dont rmember the first 2 lmao#but josuke was missing the two seems like#anywaya that is my opinion#also the classic jojo style consolidated here#also we need to stop the killing of the better secondary characters bc they have the meaningful relationship with the main one#and it has more meaning if they die.... we cannot end another season without the main characters best friend just bc their death hits better#kakyoin caesar bucciarati...... i mean bucciarati makes sense but still narancia could fill the role#and like giorno needs to appear again him becoming a gang star seems like a beggining......#josuke is out there too.... and idk about jolyne yet so sshhh#talking tag#watching jojo
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voidju1cebox · 10 months
sometimes you read something and you go ":,)"
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otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
I would ask what in fresh hell Rayan is wearing if I didn't feel so happy to see him, my beloved.
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nalayaktha · 2 years
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rebeltigera · 3 months
I don't blame Wukong for crying when Macaque ask him stay, imagine you always leave and never realize your ex best friend and lover thought they been abandoned.
Wukong knows Macaque would never say this when not sick anymore so this is his only moment to know how Macaque truly felt.
Mac in such state don't look at him like he's the worst thing on earth Wukong is guilty and regretting so many of his choices , and he shouldnt be seeing Mac so vulnerable now . He has no right to be there , and yet mac crave this clousure And his heart is weak. He couldn't leave until he was sure everything's ok
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Can you do with family and friends on with gavi broke things off w reader because it was too much and he loved her so much but got scared of love and broke up with her but reader was having a fashion show and Barca got tickets and when gavi found out he wanted to go and beg for you and everyone went to go get you back because they know how much he needed you but you were kinda hesitant to except returning back with him
Loved this request! I got kinda confused at the end, because of the mixed words but I got it after reading it a few times🥴🤭
Work For It -P.G
Summary: He left and now he wants to be back...
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Being a famous influencer had it's pros and it's cons. You try to always keep up with positive mind and change the negativity to positivity. And sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't.
One of the cons, is that you're always on the spotlight. You can't go out because you have a camera up to your face or fans screaming your name walking besides you trying to get their phones, markers and pictures into you. You basically have to create ways and manage yourself to have a private life.
The other of many cons, is that you almost never have time free. You're always doing something but you kinda like that because it keeps you active, so... Why not?
But being a huge influencer in Barcelona and you being a die-hard Barcelona fan means that the FC Barcelona wanted you to, kind of, promote them, use their newest jerseys, go to the matches and met the players.
Meanwhile that was the greatest thing for you because you are a fan, it was also one of the worst because you fell in love with one of them and two years later, broke up.
But how could you have been stupid enough to fall for the Golden Boy, Pablo Gavi?
He had swept you off of your feet with his charming smile, his sassy and messy attitude, joking around until he at least got one smile from you and then he just left you claiming that "It was too much", "I love you but I can't do this. Not to me and mostly not to you", "You deserve better" and simply just disappeared from your house, from your view and from your life.
So, seeing him, after almost a whole year in the fashion show you were in, along with the guys and a few WAGS, your whole stomach and body turned upside down
"What is he doing here?" You asked to your assistant and best friend, Michelle
"Do you forget that you and the Barcelona team are still connected? I believe the team gave them some tickets for the event" She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
"You would've known that"
"Mikky was also invited, she could've been the one giving them the tickets" She said shrugging her shoulders "I know you don't want him around you, I'll make sure of that but you can't avoid him forever. It's time for you to pass the page and move on"
"That's the thing, Elle" You sighed "I can't seem to"
Yeah, you were still head over heels for the guy that left you without a good reason. You hated it, you hated yourself for that because as much as you wanted to, you couldn't erase those brown eyes and that sweet smile that once was directed to you with warmth, love and care.
"Maybe" She began "This is the clousure you need to keep on with your life and let him be just a nice part of your past" She shrugged her shoulders once more "C'mon, cariño. You gotta pose for the cameras and look pretty"
You smiled a bit at her words and made your way to the carpet, you soothed once more your outfit and plastered a smile, everything was going great until you felt someone tap your shoulder and when you turn around you find no one other than Pedri and Ansu.
"Hola" You said hugging him quickly
"Hola. It's nice to see you after so long" You nod at Ansu
"Bueno..." You shrugg your shoulders a little "What can I say?" The three of you laughed
"You look nice"
"Thanks, Pedri. You do too" He blushes
"Mind if we take some pics together? I miss my friend" You sighed, when Gavi cut all connections with you, you made sure to cut connections with all of them too, barely talking to the WAGs but other than that, no one else from their group.
"Sorry. It's not that easy" You said passing an arm around each boy's waist and pull them for pics
"I bet it isn't... It wasn't easy for him either" Ansu said
"Oh my god!! You're here!!" You heard a femenine voice call and soon a body collide with yours. Mikky. The four of you got out of the carpet and you smiled returning her hug "You're looking absolutely beautiful, I was waiting to see you! I missed you so much!!"
"You were also invited?"
"Of course I was" She pushed her hair back and you both laughed
"I missed you too, Miks" You hug her once more and from behind her you saw Alejandro, Torre, Ferran, Frenkie, Ousmane, Ter Stegen, Robert, Raphina, their wives/girlfriends and lastly Pablo. "And you managed to get almost Barca's whole squad tickets? I need you to tell me that secret because I can barely ask for a plus one" She laughed
"I told them about the show and I think it was Gavi who asked for the tickets, he was so desperate to get them" You raise your eyebrows as Pedri coughs
"Was he?" You turn to Pedri and Ansu, who simply nodded
"Look, babes... I know you two broke it off-"
"He was the one who broke it off, it wasn't me" You said shaking your head at Mikky
"He hasn't been the same without you, Y/N" Pedri said "It still affects him"
"Then if it does, why he did it?"
"He was scared" Ansu said as you laugh
"Scared?" You shook your head "I was scared too but you didn't see me breaking things up, I loved him Ansu and it completely hurted me when he just throw us to the dead line"
"Please, just listen-"
"If you guys came here for me to go back with him, you are in the wrong" You shook your head "You're welcomed to be with me if we don't talk about him, but if you're going to do that then I'll make my exit and wish all of you the best" You said as the rest of the guys approached
"Something's wrong?" Robert asked
You shook your head, smiling softly "I was just leaving" You waved at them and left in the opposite direction
You heard footsteps behind you and you could guess who was the one but still you didn't turned around until you were heading towards the bathrooms inside of the venue
"Can you stop speed walking?" He asked and you shook your head "We need to talk"
"I have nothing to talk to you, Gavi" You said and seconds later saw him standing in front of you blocking your way "Move"
"Please, move"
"We need to talk"
"You said everything you wanted to say a year ago, I'm done with that"
"But I'm not, Y/N. I'm serious"
"So am I..." For the first time in the night you looked at him in the eyes and sighed looking away before falling into its beauty once more "It was nice seeing you again, Pablo. But I think it's time to let it go, we're just nice strangers with nice memories in common" You moved around him and sending him a one last smile you started walking off
"I don't want to be a simple stranger for you" You managed to hear and you sighed
Neither you wanted him to be but that's what he had decided.
Two hours had passed from that little encounter you had with him and haven't seen him since that moment again, you were sat with your manager and Michelle, your best friend and assistant when she sighed
"What's wrong?" You ask
"Pedri, Ansu and Alejandro are coming" She said "Want me to back them off?" You roll your eyes turning around
You were about to open your mouth when Ansu beat you to it
"Look, I know you probably don't want to see us and you don't want us to talk about him" His strong response had you shocked "and we obviously aren't him to say what exactly went through his mind at the moment of breaking up with you"
"But what we do know is the fact he has been a completely mess because of it" Alejandro said "He's shit at practice and shit out of it. We thought that with time he would get over it, but it's been a year and you're still on his mind and nothing has changed, he still has your birthday picture as his lockscreen and he tries to hide the fact that he goes through your messages, sometimes I find him crying in the shower and other times he's sadly looking at pictures of you two. We can't see him like that anymore and we bet you are exactly the same when no one's around"
"We certainly don't know what he said to fuck what you guys had but he's definitely regretting it. That night of your break up, he came straight to my apartment to cry and kept on asking: "Why did I did that?" over and over again. I never understood what he meant by that until he finally told me that he didn't felt worthy of your love, that he was scared, there was so much going on for him, you knew it and you acted on it but he didn't wanted to feel like he was a burden, he didn't wanted to put any more preassure on your shoulders, his fans were hating on you and he couldn't bear to see you sad because of it. A lot of external facts were the ones who pushed him to make that decision" Pedri said
"But he still checks his phone for you everyday, he sometimes says: "She'll be doing this" or "she'd love this". He doesn't go out with his friends anymore, he basically stopped being that little ray that fucked us up with his moody attitude sometimes" Ansu said making the four of you laugh "We don't say you have to forgive him, we are just asking, for a friend's well being, for you to clear things up and be on the right side"
"You can still be friends, you can go back to what you guys had or simply just not be anything... And that's okay. We just want, for both of you, because you are our friend as well, the best in everysingle aspect possible"
Your eyes danced in between the three youngmen
"Where is he?" You ask whispering, feeling a knot in your throat
"He left"
You nodded, turning around you grabbed your purse and smiled at them "Thank you" They smiled and you hugged them, walking off.
You went into the car that brought you here and told them Pablo's direction. You started biting your nails nervous, why didn't he had said anything from that to you? Were you really still on his phone lockscreen? Does he still loves you, just like you love him after all this time?
You quickly thanked the man and left the car, you pushed your thumb into the gates and it opened, you going straight to his door which you banged over and over again until he opened
"Gimme your phone, please"
"What? Why?" You shook your head
"Please, gimme your phone, I need to check something" He shook his head as you quickly took it from his hands and saw the lockscreen.
It was both of you, on your 19th birthday party, you smiled before feeling the phone being grabbed away by an angry Pablo
"Why have you done that?"
"Why you still have that pic as a lockscreen?"
"You don't care about it"
"If I'm asking you is because I do"
Silence flowed in between the two of you
"Gimme the real reason why you broke up with me" You shook your head feeling the tears coming up "I don't buy the half assed bullshit, I want the complete thing"
He stood in silence
"How do you know?"
"Why? We were so good, so in love"
"I had a lot of things coming on me, I was stressed, I wasn't playing great, I didn't wanted to transfer my worries and my problems to you, because you had a lot of those for yourself. I kept pushing you away without wanting to, I was and am so in love with you it fucking hurts! My fans were sending you hate, all of that combined made me think I wasn't good for you, fuck, I was so scared of fucking it up but I still did it!" He looked up to the sky, his voice was trembling and his shoulders were shaking. He was crying. "And I hate me for it, all this time we could've been together and we aren't because I let my insecurities get the best of me"
"But we can work on them, we can work on this, on us" You said "I'm not willing to let you go, Pablo. I want us. But you need to work for it because I'm not ready to go through another heartbreak"
"I will, mi amor" You hugged his waist and he pulled you closer to him, kissing your hairline "I will make us work"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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lilisouless · 7 months
Okay, if Leigh´s new novella is about the grishaverse, and she will kill of another character, i have only two guesses and one maybe
First, i think Leigh is self aware enought to realize that the grishaverse books already peaked. Its been enought time after KoS duology to add one more book to the series as an organic continuation. Therefore any adition would be an expanded story, an epylogue, etc. The only way it could peak again is with new characters entirely.
Its important to mention it, because i think that most people know that killing off important characters after your peak its a terrible idea that instead of sadness like you want to evoke what you get is frustration, eye rolling or people to see it as desesperate (No i am not saying narickriordanames)
If you haven't read all the books, beware of the spoilers
Even without this in consideration, some characters being killed just brings more trouble than a clousure. Meaning: Zoya,Nina and Hanne have inmunity. The onyl way it would work its a novella that takes place centuries ahead with another protagonists, and them being old already.
Here´s the thing: i believe Leigh can't go higher than Matthias (being the closest to a main character death) or David (being there from the start) , i seriously doubt she would step up of that, if she were she would have done it at the grishaverse peak, which like i said, its over.
Ohter thing is that its not very on brand for Leigh to kill of women that went trought a lot, otherwise she would have killed off Alina, so Inej and Genya are safe too. In fact, she hardly kills female characters at all, that aren't antagonists or very minor, i can only think on one female character that can be killed.
Kaz and Nikolai are too popular to die, lets get real. Even if Kaz is the crow most likely to die(so you can figure out Wesper are safe) ...he is still very unlikely to die.
I don't know how to explain this, but i think if she would kill Tolya or Kuwei she would have done it already, or kill of Tolya instead of David in RoW
Now, there´s the danger zone:
I think Adrik or Mal would be decent candidates if it weren't for
-Unlike Genya, Alina doesn't have her friends around all the time. While of course she could eventually heal, i think it would be unsatisfying if the least we see of Alina is grieving, considering Mal was brought back to life in order to be with her. So, for this reason only i think Mal is safe
-Now, Adrik would be surely the next target, after all there´s a remaining etherealki (Nadia) to fill up , but i think if we could notice that killing off another member of the triumvirate would seem repetitive, so would Leigh.
To finish up, this doesn't mean this characters are certainly going to die, just that this are the mot likely options : Colm and Misha
Maybe, just maybe Marya, but given that Wylan´s arc was more closed that Jesper´s its less likely than the previous ones
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sophsicle · 7 months
My favorite character is Regulus and one of the things I like the most about him is his relationship with Sirius. I was rereading ch34 of Choices and damn… it really hurts so much how Walburga managed to put them against each other (stealing the letters) Now Chosen is the only way for them to get some kind of clousure ig/to Sirius understand more of Reg
Just wanna say that your writing is beautiful I'm excited for the next chapters of Chosen
the black brothers' sibling relationship is absolutely delicious! like their deep love for one another but also fundamental dislike of each other is a) very fun to play with and b) very relatable to me as someone with siblings
they are so hard to write in canon though because all you want them to do is have one goddamn conversation but in order for canon to be canon-ing that simply cannot happen
THANK YOU SO MUCH THO!!! I am also excited for the next chapter of chosen because we're gonna get Remus meeting Harry and it will be *devastating*
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dnfnoodles · 6 months
silently hoping that maybe him saying that he’s apologized privately means there’s been more conversations between everyone behind the scenes
…just like what should’ve happened from the start
I hope so, even if only so they get clousure
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thechampagneisdead · 8 months
I just wanted to tell you that your work (crossing lines + epilogue) has giving me clousure. I hated the way the show ended, the queerbaiting, the way Castiel was treated, Dean's ending... Everything was just awfull. And I've been, kid you not, in a supernatural rewatch insane party since the show ended because I simple couldn't move on. And after years of being crazy, your fic has finally set me free, and I can finally close this chapter of my life and start living again.
Thank you for this message, anon. I, too, was locked in a state of feeling crazy about the show (it tends to do that to people). And obviously, at the time I wrote Crossing Lines I was just massively leaning into it as a coping mechanism for the state of the world at the time. Sometimes writing is just you locked in a room giving yourself therapy...
Thank you for reading, I'm glad if it was even a little bit helpful.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Do you know what version of Bruce Wayne should have all the kids? Unburied Bruce.
He is ready. He confronted his trauma and adressed his survivor guilt. He told Alfred he loved him and even if slowly decided to try to not keep punishing himself by self-isolation. He isn't Batman merely by duty and trauma, he enjoys it and he promissed his parents ghosts that he wouldn't let the mission consume his life, that he would actually take a time to be Bruce Wayne. Not the persona, the real soft guy, he is underneath it all.
He showed to emphatize with his villains since the beggining but with Unburied he starts to try to understand them, to actually progress towards real rehabilitation.
He has Alfred of course, but his only support system isn't Alfred, loving and caring but also an enbler but Barbara, she is finally back in his life and she won't tolerate his b.s. They definitivaly are the type to be rigid and stop the other to falling into old habits. And even in sense if they comversation in Egipt and the fact Hasam is in season 2, he has Eddie who can read him and sees no problem in being honest and who by showing sings of rehabilitation is exactally what Bruce is figthing for.
I love Batman. But Unburied Bruce is the first time in a long time I felt like he could actually improve Gotham, that while stopping all crime is impossible, his mission isn't as never ending as he thinks, because he is actually taking the right steps for the right reasons (and not making the wrong things or having shitty reasons or both but DC still trying to gasslight us that he is right).
He isn't a perfect person and he will stil commit mistakes, he is still too headstrong and not the best listener, he still has problems opening up and even more admiting his feelings and he will still fall to his self-destructive path but he knows it and he is trying and he is getting better. He will never be perfect but he is good and caring and trying his darm best all the time. He is the best Batman and he would be a good dad.
Not only that but he had his clousure somewhat, he adressed his trauma, he is in a better state to actually be abble to truly guide Dick through his (wich is not somthing he suceeds in doing most of the time), he is learning to be more vuneralble and present (so no neglect and emotional abuse) and he promissed to be just Bruce sometimes not only Brucie and Batman and Dick would be a good reminder of this promisse because now Bruce needs to do it for more than himself and this version of him flourishes in caring for someone else (he broke up with Vicky because of his survivor guilty and wanted to self isolate but he still visited and was a friend and even sleept in her couch to help her, he cared for Kel, he cared for Pam as well, and for Tut and Eddie and for the victims). He would make mistakes but he would be open to learn and this Bruce isn't bound by the status quo either. So he would be a good dad with the right amount of actual constant characther development resultant of that.
So it's not that I think Unburied needs a Robin (I do think all shows need a Robin, but since Babs is there I can give them a pass) but that if it has one, Bruce is ready and this time he will be a good dad in a non-fluffy based story.
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futurefoodie · 4 months
Catch this sweet treat while you can. This s'mores themed treat is located at Restaurantosaurus in Disney's Animal Kingdom, but hurry! With the pending clousure of Dinosaur, Dinoland USA days are numbered.
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streets-in-paradise · 11 months
I just got finish watching the first two episodes of Chucky season three and I keep looking back at the teaser for the next episode and I swear to god if they kill Andy I just might quit the series altogether!
Absolutely, that's the same mindset i'm in.
I said it before, if they brought Andy back only to kill him in a stupid and anti climatic way after that pseudo clousure they gave him at the end of season 2 I would proceed the same way me ( and many others) with the walking dead after the death of Carl.
Abandon the show into irrelevance.
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Hi Kat! I just wanted to ask u something. I recently decided to cut off a friendship that was triggering my brain and putting me in some kind of defensive survival mood (brain looking for the menace). I've been pretty good about it, cause i'm stable now. But I do miss her sometimes u know, the little things. My problem is, in this reality im good. BUT WHEN IM FUCKING DREAMING I SEE HER, AND WHY IS MY BRAIN CREATING CONVERSATIONS THAT FEEL SO REAL IM TIRED. I know its weird, but I developed some control in places in my dreams. And I do sometimes talk with dead relatives. And im pissed off cause, I kicked her out of my life and YET she sneaks out into another fucking reality = my dreams😂 My question is, do u have some ideas to get clousure with her on my dreams? I tried to talk to her, listen to her, not talking to her, asking... nothing works, but I think I can do something, cause in previous recurrent nightmares I have been able to find a solution and change the situation that annoyed me in the actual nightmare. Im always trying, but I need more Ideas lol. Thank u for reading, if u do.
I cannot control my dreams at all, so I can't advice you on how to effectively do that. But it's not uncommon to need to process shit subconsciously through dreams, so maybe just give it a couple weeks and see if it doesn't resolve itself within that time frame?
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