#coach stiles stilinski
elisela · 1 year
follow through sterek, ~600, college au, professor/coach, established relationship day 4: bright red also on ao3
The force with which Stiles slams the paper down on the desk causes a coffee cup to rattle on its coaster, and he takes a moment to despair that he’s in love with an idiot who insists on using coasters despite the desk being treated like garbage by every professor who had used it for the past thirty years.
Not right now, though. Right now, he’s decidedly not in love, and most definitely pissed.
“My star attacker, Derek,” he says, gesturing to the paper angrily and keeping his eyes strictly above Derek’s neckline. He will not look below, because Derek is choosing to torture him with a tight navy blue t-shirt that shows off his pecs and biceps indecently, and if he looks he’ll get all dopey-eyed and it’ll ruin the effect. “Explain yourself.”
Derek hardly glances over at the paper, the bright red zero bold above a scribbled see me. “That note wasn’t meant for you. Send Theo in and I’ll explain myself to him.”
“I will withhold blow jobs for a month,” Stiles swears, despite knowing he will absolutely cave the moment they get in bed. Or in the kitchen. Or, if Derek lets him, right here at his desk.
Derek knows it too by the way he huffs out a breath of laughter. “Sure.”
“No sex at all.”
He casts around for a threat he’ll actually follow through on and grins triumphantly. “I’ll tell Laura you’d love to spend spring break helping her move from her ninth floor walk-up.”
Derek makes a face. “It’s not his paper. It’s the same as a student’s from another section, word for word.”
Stiles groans. “Idiot,” he says. “He didn’t even change a few words?”
“Not the point,” Derek says, frowning.
“Unless he accidentally—maybe they’re in the same frat, maybe he just, just—picked up the wrong—”
“Maybe that kid took—” he gives up before he even finishes. “Alright, big guy, how can I get you to give him another chance? I’ll make him write the paper in front of me if that will help.”
“You’d just end up writing it for him,” Derek says. “Be glad I didn’t report it. If he does it again, I’m taking it to the dean.”
“I’ll blow you.”
“You really need to stop trying to use that as a selling point,” Derek says, but he’s starting to grin.
“I’ll tell Laura you’re really too busy to help her move.”
“I’m telling her that anyway,” Derek says, picking up the pen he’d set down when Stiles came in and returning to the paper in front of him.
Stiles takes a deep breath and pulls out his best offer—the one he was hoping to save for when he really fucked something up, but losing his best player to academic ineligibility weeks before the championship is something he can’t allow to happen. “Practice is over at six, the team clears out by seven,” he says, putting his hands down on either side of the paper Derek’s correcting and leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Why don’t you come by then and we can run a few drills, maybe you can see what it takes to convince me to put you on first line?”
He’d feel slightly guilty about using Derek’s fantasies to his advantage if it weren’t for the way Derek’s breath caught in his throat slightly before the pen in his hand snapped right in half. 
“Bring your old jersey, Hale,” he breathes out, and straightens up, clearing his throat as he backs away from the desk. “I’ll have Theo turn in a new paper by Friday.”
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anonazure · 2 months
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Made a comic based on this prompt:
thanks so much @salemsvlog
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salemsvlog · 8 months
This is how I pictured Coach meeting Eli whe he applied for the lacrosse team
Coach: Next, Elias Hale Eli: Hi- Coach: I said Hale, go back in line Stilinski Eli: I- Coach: Can't you heard Stilinski? I said back in line! Eli: But I'm not- Coach: You know what? Alright, your in. If I saw potential in your dad I guess I can work with you. Eli: Sr. I thi- wait… are you really gonna give me the position?! I haven't even played? Coach: So? Eli: … Eli: Nothing, thanks for the oportunity.
Later that day:
Derek: So… how was practice? did you get in? Eli: Actually, I did. Derek: Awesome, I'm so excited to go cheer you up. Eli: That's great dad, but just remember: You must sit besides the Sheriff and follow the player with the Stilinski lastname. Derek: … Eli: … *Stiles astral proyecting himself since cuantico to the living room*: WhY diD I Just ReceIVed a mAil fROM Coach to CheCk thAT "My SoN" Can PLAy in THE NExt game? Eli *running up the stairs*: Maybe I should go to my room to do my homework. Please Stiles, I need the form signed for thursday. I love ya, bye. Stiles: Did he just- Derek: Idk, it's your kid. Stiles: But- Derek: ALL YOURS.
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theking-mustdie · 2 months
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how it feels to be a teen wolf fan in the year of our lord 2024
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bestialitybestiary · 4 months
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Coach: Harris! Why do you have one of my players in detention when he should be at lacrosse training?
Harris: Mr Stilinski earned himself detention for disrespectful and disruptive behaviour.
Coach: Stilinski, explain yourself.
Stiles: Well, Coach, Mr Harris thought I was too slow in answering a question so he pointed a ruler at me and said “At the end of this ruler is an idiot”. I asked him, “Which end?”
Coach: *laughing* Go get changed and get your butt on the field, Stilinski.
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raybyanothername · 1 year
Headcanons Inspired by the Teen Wolf movie:
Eli is not just a Sterek child, I would bet money that he was conceived thanks to or at the Nemeton. Possibly both, depending on the AU. (Lowkey, I have *thoughts* about the Nemeton just spontaneously creating Eli all on its own because it has access to both Stiles and Derek DNA and is the original agent of chaos in the TW universe.)
While Eli was busy freaking out about being a werewolf and subconsciously stopping his own transformation, the Nemeton was drawing his spark closer. Thus the sleepwalking. Which, if we must accept the horror of canon, would probably grow more frequent when he moves to LA. That child is bringing Derek back to life before he can legally own a license and the Nemeton is his wingman.
Coach refuses to acknowledge who Derek is (he totally knows him/remembers him) because 'that jerk refused to try out for lacross!' and he 'is too busy to entertain basketball players or their delusions of grandeur!'
An alpha is only as strong as his pack bonds and Scott letting them all go dormant is why he didn't have the strength to hold down the nogistune/stop Derek. That the Hales remain close even when apart is why Derek did.
Stiles left the jeep purely because he *knew* toddler Eli was obsessed with it and it would drive Derek crazy for at least a decade. It's his way of flirting from a distance.
Eli knows who Stiles is (possibly very well). He did not put the pieces together with the jeep being his because it was too obvious and his brain flew right over that connection.
Eli's earliest memories are of 'helping' his dad fix the jeep, which is one of the reasons he's attached to it.
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theshadowfox254 · 11 months
Stiles and Derek sitting down in coaches office for Eli’s Parent/Teacher Interviews:
Coach: Bilinski!....What are you...
Coach: Who’s parent are you?
Stiles and Derek share a look while coach checks the schedual:
Coach: mhm....mhm....
Coach sees Eli Stilinski-Hale under 6:45pm: 
Coah: yeeeeaaaah....that checks out
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kvtnisseverdeen · 11 months
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cheymonster · 3 months
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alissa3000 · 1 month
Funny silly head canon that Greenberg is actually just coach Finstock’s nephew or something 💀💀
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Eli Inherited Stiles' Lacrosse Skills Coach: So which one's your Kid? Derek: *Pointing at Eli* That One. *Eli Fumbling with Lacrosse Sticks* Coach: *Stiles induced Flashbacks* Stilinski!? Eli: Yeah Coach?
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swiftiestiles · 2 years
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Can anybody tell me where the hell Jackson is, and why he missed morning practice?
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fuji09 · 2 months
I'll never get over how Coach treated Meredith when she appeared in his class. He spoke to her so gently and when she spoke about hearing the voices, he responded to her as if he truly believed her. Not pretending like Stiles and Isaac did, Coach looked at her like he knew she was telling the truth and she wasn't mentally ill.
And he even tried to use better terminology when Danny corrected him, yeah, he still said the wrong term but he was actually trying and didn't get upset with Danny.
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anakinskywalkerisfave · 7 months
Coach Finstock: I value all my players. McCall, Whittemore, and *looks at smudged writing on hand* Bilinski.
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iveneverreadtheiliad · 8 months
coach hedge (pjo) and coach finstock (teen wolf) are the same characters in different universes.
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