#collection of short stories
sky-ellington · 2 years
TYSM for any and all support! 🙇‍♂️
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in-dire-read · 2 months
Kiss And Make Love (ARC Review)
Rating: 5/5 stars
Author: Luna Day
Genre: Adult Romance
Features ten sizzling stories take you from lustful encounters to romantic relationships, inviting you to embrace the thrill of desire and discover love in surprising ways.
A college student and her professor embark on a forbidden fling that evolves into a secret femdom relationship. Two rival rugby players clash both on and off the field, their rivalry intensifying with a passionate twist. Meanwhile, a shy writer harbors naughty fantasies about her favorite breadmaker, yearning to be seen as more than just a regular customer at the neighborhood bakery.
Immerse yourself in a blaze of passion with "Kiss and Make Love" and explore these captivating stories and more.
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Luna Day's latest collection presents readers with a captivating series of short stories centered around themes of lust, love, and attraction. The narrative depth and emotional complexity in each story make this anthology a standout. Among the array of compelling tales, "The Professor" and "The Same Train of Thought" are particularly memorable.
"The Professor" delves into the intense and forbidden attraction between a student and her enigmatic professor. The story is rich with tension, exploring the fine line between professional boundaries and undeniable desire. Day masterfully captures the exhilaration and trepidation of this illicit romance, making it a thrilling read from start to finish.
In "The Same Train of Thought," two strangers find an unexpected connection during their daily commute. The story beautifully illustrates how mundane routines can spark profound and life-changing encounters. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, and the narrative's progression from casual glances to intimate moments is handled with finesse.
Luna Day strikes a perfect balance between erotic moments and the deeper emotional currents of lust and love. Each story in this collection offers a unique perspective on human desire, weaving together passion, vulnerability, and empowerment. The pacing is brisk, ensuring that readers remain engaged throughout.
This book is a quick yet impactful read, ideal for fans of fast-paced romance and sexual empowerment. Luna Day’s ability to create vivid, emotionally charged scenes makes this collection a must-read for those who appreciate nuanced and thrilling love stories. Highly recommended!
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qrowscant · 1 year
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People die, and sometimes they come back. Your brother is one of those. Even as his body rots and his mind unravels, he still has control over you— just like when you were kids.
A short, interactive story about a corpse, a complicated sibling relationship, and the things we forget. Made in Twine. Written, illustrated, and coded in about three weeks for the IFComp.
Content warnings included on the itch.io page and in the story itself.
|| PLAY HERE! ||
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zivazivc · 4 months
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my brainrot about these two can be measured in liters
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aishangotome · 3 months
Chevalier Michel: Even If You Die
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
Thank you @dark-frosted-heart for providing the SE video!
All was dyed crimson in the evening–
???: ...Excuse me.
The setting sun mercilessly illuminated the figure that entered the room soundlessly.
It was the secret agent who was always assigned to guard Emma.
Lucien: Lady Emma has returned.
Chevalier: ...You may leave.
Lucien: Yes, sir.
The secret agent bowed and left the room.
Chevalier: .............
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With a light sigh, he gathered the documents he had spread out on his desk and stood up.
Emma: Prince Chevalier...!
As soon as she entered the room, Emma opened her eyes wide, which she had been wiping with linen.
Emma was dressed in black - mourning clothes.
Emma: I'll make tea now.
Emma, with her tear-stained eyes, put on her usual smile.
(It's not a situation where you can force a smile.)
Chevalier: There's no need.
Emma: But... ah.
I grabbed Emma's arm and pulled her to sit on the sofa.
I sat next to her and embraced her shoulders, and Emma quietly leaned against me.
Emma: ...I apologize for my unsightly appearance.
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Chevalier: Did someone say you looked unsightly?
Emma: No, no one...
Chevalier: Then there is no need to worry.
(Those tears are not the kind that should be forcibly stopped.)
Emma: ...Y-yes...
Her small shoulders trembled with a sniffle.
(It's been a while since I've seen Emma cry this much.)
(You cry like this even for the death of someone who isn't even your family.)
Today, Emma attended a funeral.
The deceased was an elderly man in town who Emma had known since she was a child.
When attending the funerals of nobles and knights as the next queen, Emma maintains a resolute demeanor, but it seems she cannot do so at the funerals of old acquaintances.
(In the past, I would have dismissed it as trivial...)
Suddenly, a memory from the past flashed through my mind.
Clavis: Chev, if you're heartbroken, shall I offer you a word of comfort?
Clavis: The death of your mother must have affected even you.
Chevalier: ...No?
Chevalier: I have knowledge of human emotions from books. I thought I might feel something...
Chevalier: I feel "nothing."
*flashback over*
(I still feel nothing about that woman's death.)
(But... if you were to die before me...)
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( ............ )
An indescribable discomfort ran through my chest, and I pushed away any further thoughts.
Chevalier: ––Speak.
Emma: Huh...?
Chevalier: About the deceased.
Chevalier: He must have been someone you cared deeply about, to make you cry so much?
Emma looked at me with a slightly surprised expression, then awkwardly smiled and began to speak haltingly.
Emma: ...He was a lively old man who everyone in town knew.
Emma: He was baking sweets until just before he passed away, and took his last breath surrounded by his family.
Emma: He woke up at 4 a.m. every morning to bake sweets, and if you went early in the morning, he would always give you extra.
Emma: The other day, I went to buy some secretly, and he remembered me and said, "I'm glad..."
Instead of words, large tears fell from her reddened eyes.
Emma: I'm sorry...
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Chevalier: There is no need to apologize.
Emma: But... even though Prince Chevalier is by my side, I'm showing you such a pathetic sight...
I lifted her chin as she tried to look down.
No matter how much she wiped them away, tears kept spilling from her wet eyes.
Chevalier: I do not think your current appearance is pathetic.
Emma: ...
I placed my hand on her cheek, and Emma placed her hand on top of mine.
The sight of Emma, her eyes closed as if feeling the warmth, seemed incredibly endearing.
Emma: Being pampered by Prince Chevalier makes me happy and cry even more.
Emma: But please, just for today, let me indulge in your kindness.
Emma: If I keep being sad, the old man in heaven will worry.
(Heaven, huh?)
(Prayers for the deceased are usually a waste of time. No matter how much you pray, that person is no longer in this world.)
(It would be far more rational to carry on the will of the deceased and move towards the future, rather than wasting time praying.)
(But... if it were you, I would also dwell on my thoughts.)
(It may be meaningless, but I don't think it's worthless.)
(Because you taught me that loving someone, like being loved, has meaning.)
Chevalier: Emma.
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(Even if you die, I probably won't shed any tears.)
(But... I swear I will continue to love you for the rest of my life.)
Emma: Mmm...
I kissed her tear-stained lips.
As if to envelop her heart, shaken by loneliness, I continued to hold Emma until the curtain of night fell.
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thcscus · 4 months
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Hello, everyone! I am so psyched to announce that my short story collection, GOD AND OTHER VILLAINS, will be released this MAY 25, 2024. It will be made available for free on my ko-fi!
Thank you all so, so much for your support over the years. This one's for you <3
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princeloww · 7 months
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I am certain no one has seen Aziraphale before Crowley.
The archangels look at him, but their vaguely-disgusted sneers and veneer smiles were already affixed as firmly as their hands are clasped together. They look at him, but they don't see him.
I'm certain that when Crowley looks at him curiously, it doesn't make him feel bothered, it makes him feel SEEN.
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sunsetsentiments · 3 months
weird we've never seen percy, annabeth, jason, piper, leo, and nico at camp half-blood at the same time lmao
ik the timeline of events makes it hard for that to happen,, especially including leo,, but why haven't we heard more of all the fun stuff that happens when most of these kids are at camp together lol
like the whole camp eating popcorn as they watch percy and jason have their daily competitions,, annabeth and piper having secret sleepovers,, jason forcing nico to socialize,, etc. etc.
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zoestormwriting · 3 days
New book announcement!
My next book, Dress Code and Other Story, is out as an e-book on December 24th, just in time for the holiday season!
It's a collection of seven trans-themed short stories, set in school (and beyond); it's now available for preorder on itch...
...as well as other online stores.
It will also be available as a paperback from Amazon a week earlier (to account for shipping time), but I can't set up preorders for that, sadly. I'll be sure to let you know when it's out, though!
Thank you for your attention, I hope you enjoy my new book, and I also hope you have an excellent day ❤️
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flameswallower · 1 month
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Did you know??? My FIRST FULL LENGTH SHORT STORY COLLECTION is coming in January! You can pre-order it today! (Or do it here, or here, or here, or here.)
The cover art is by Sadia Bies. They also did the cover art for The False Sister!
Anyway, I got so excited about the release of Lupus In Fabula that I made a playlist. Listen for a glimpse into the mood, tone, and thematic content you can expect to discover within these stories!
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aishangotome · 3 months
Gilbert von Obsidian: Even If You Were To Hate Me
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
Thank you @dark-frosted-heart for providing the SE video!
On a quiet night, even the candle flames hesitated to flicker.
Upon returning to my room, Emma's face bloomed into a smile.
Emma: Gil...!
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Gilbert: Heh, you look very happy. Did you miss me?
Emma: Yes, I always long for you–
Suddenly, Emma's face clouded over.
(Did she notice? I thought I had washed it all away.)
Gilbert: Little rabbit, what's wrong?
Emma: No... I always long for you, Gil.
She tried to hide her emotions with a smile as she prepared tea, but her trembling fingertips betrayed her.
(You're good at noticing things, but bad at hiding them, aren't you, little rabbit?)
(You were just told something like that, so you might catch a cold from the temperature difference.)
(... If I said that, Emma would worry even more.)
As Emma suspected, I had just executed a man.
The man seemed to have harbored a considerable grudge, glaring at me until the very end and declaring, "Don't think this is over. I'll tear you to pieces in hell."
(I've been hated many times before, but it's been a while since I've felt such sharp hatred.)
(He must have lived only to hate and kill me.)
(In that sense, he's the complete opposite of Emma.)
Emma: Gil? Is something wrong?
Gilbert: It's nothing. Could you wait a moment?
After changing out of my blood-soaked clothes and taking a seat, Emma gently offered me a cup of tea.
Her expression was still worried, but it seemed to have softened somewhat compared to before.
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Gilbert: ...Little rabbit, you love me, don't you?
Emma: Of course.
Gilbert: How much?
Emma: I can't put it into words, but my love is enormous.
Emma: Much more than you can imagine, Gil.
Gilbert: Then what would happen if that love were to turn upside down?
Emma: Turn upside down?
Gilbert: Yes. If your incredibly large love were to completely reverse itself.
Gilbert: In other words, if you came to hate me... what would happen to you, little rabbit?
I grabbed her outstretched hand and pulled her closer.
Emma's face drew near as well, and I could clearly see her eyes filled with confusion.
Gilbert: Imagine it. What if I were to take away everyone around you, Emma?
Emma: You are a jealous demon, but... you respect me.
Gilbert: What if I destroyed everything you hold dear?
Emma: I would be angry, but you wouldn't do such a thing without reason.
(She's tough.)
I pulled her hand closer and placed it on my heart.
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Gilbert: Then... what if I killed someone you loved?
Emma: ...!
Emma's hand on his chest trembled for a moment.
Emma: I will never forgive you. That much... I will never forgive you, no matter what.
Her gaze pierced me with clear anger.
(What a scary face. But, the depths of your eyes still hold love, don't they?)
(I'm used to being hated and it doesn't bother me anymore.)
(But it's strange how much better it feels when it's just love.)
(No... it's not the difference between hate and love, it's probably because of your feelings.)
Gilbert: ... Heh, I made you angry.
I let go of her wrist.
Gilbert: As an apology, you can do whatever you want with me.
I spread my arms out as if offering my body, and Emma, blushing, snuggled up to me.
Emma: Then...
She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and pulled away.
Gilbert: That's all? You can be greedier, since it's a rare opportunity.
Emma: If you say that, I'll want to do something I shouldn't.
Gilbert: Go ahead.
This time, Emma pulled my hand towards her and lightly bit my finger.
Lightly, but with more force than usual.
(I thought she was angry because I said, 'What if I killed someone you loved.')
(Could it be that there's also this reason?)
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Gilbert: Little rabbit, are you jealous?
Emma: Why do you think that?
Gilbert: Because you have the same look in your eyes as I do.
Emma looked down, as if accepting the truth.
Emma: If love and hate are two sides of the same coin, then the people who hate Gil must also have strong feelings.
Emma: I love Gil more than anyone else in the world.
Emma: My love is much, much bigger than all the hate directed at you.
Emma: So please, look only at me.
Gilbert: ...
Gilbert: Ahaha. More than all the hate, huh? That's really big. It might be bigger than a continent.
(If such a great love were to reverse, it would surely be a terrible thing.)
(Even if you were to hate me, I swear I would continue to love you.)
(So keep directing those feelings at me, so much that I might drown in them.)
Gilbert: My turn.
Emma: Nn...
I bit her neck, and a sound mixed with pain and sweetness escaped Emma's lips.
Emma: You said I could be greedy, right?
Gilbert: Yes.
Emma: Can I... bite you too?
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Gilbert: Hehe, yes. For every mark you leave on me, I'll leave one on you too. As proof that you're mine forever.
And so, while carefully carving our love into each other, we drowned together in the deep darkness of the night, enveloped by each other's warmth.
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gaybravado · 6 months
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elf misery
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whistle-whisper · 8 months
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iamnotthenewwriter · 8 days
Sirius Black is just average height
Remus Lupin is really tall
Sirius Black is slim
Remus Lupin is muscular
Sirius Black has delicate features
Remus Lupin has strong features
Sirius Black wears clothes that make him look bigger
Remus Lupin wear clothes that make him look softer
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screamofdespair · 9 days
[Gosho Aoyama's Collection of Short Stories #2]
The Wandering Red Butterfly - 1999
工藤 優作 Kudō Yūsaku
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