#college prank
viv-url · 1 year
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
I was talking to my friend from high school. We were talking about graduating college and future plans and the funny prank she pulled in 9th grade where pretended to die. Upon waking up, I remembered that it wasn’t a prank.
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luna-lovegreat · 11 months
Twilight and Legends relationship
...I love it
**in this post there's a lot of stuff I didn't notice before. I'm gonna resist the urge to write an essay on each point, and attempt to leave most of it up to the reader's interpretation**
Ok ok there's a ton of stuff here, starting with early character scenes
They're like the rest of the chain: They fight together and talk. Legend is close to Hyrule, and Twilight to Wild and Time.
We see some things Twilight and Legend have in common. One is their dislike of Hyrule knights, and-
As seen in the Gerudo clothes scene, both Twi and Leg like to mess around with pranks and have a lot of snark... wonder what would happen if they worked together
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But there's something really important about how Twilight views Legend:
I wasn't aware this was before looking closely at their interactions but... Twilight didn't originally like Legend. This is shown a lot later on- in his facial expressions and words towards Legend. But from the start he didn't like him much, and here's why:
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From the start, Jojo says this- Twilight judges Legend's actions as too harsh since his mannerisms come across as picking on someone. (Also Sky you are so so pure and cute 10/10 most huggable Link)
Legend is abrasive because he's had so many adventures- he's hardened to the point of being sharp. But it's wonderful that that character can still be so loved- his heart is good (hero duh)
Twilight has always been a big brother. It makes him well loved (rightly so). Jojo says he knows people can change- for good or bad. But because of his past Twilight doesn't like people picking on others "not even a little". It's complicated- we see it affect Twilight's attitude towards Legend a lot.
Anywho moving on to the plot
Wolfie, Aka twilight
Dark mirror stuff happens, and Legend finds out Twi's Wolfie- as we all know. But he can't just. Acknowledge it of course. He's gotta probe and tease, asking pointed questions (snark snark snark)
And in his attempts to be certain about the Wolf stuff, we were blessed with:
Bunny Legend
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Welp. That investigation did not go as planned.
Animal forms:
Bunnies are soft, but Legends actions are not. He is guarded and sharp yet his form shows how sweet his true heart is
Wolves will love/protect their family yet are fierce, they have fangs and will fight. The root of who Twilight is is his kindness and family
Also (sarcastic) good job to Four and Wild for being SO SUBTLE with their emotions when Legend's asking questions hinting he knows Twi's secret
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Legend: asking questions about the secret shhh
Four and Wild: Are having a freaking heart attack about it
Twilight: starts ranting about goats
Once Twilight gets over the shock of Legend like. Absorbing his crystal. He... well, looking at the harshness in his face and words, this is where Legend's attitude and his past with Colin being bullied biased him against Legend.
Look at his face in each panel through the progression- Twilight is more and more confused thinking legend is not who he thought he was...
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And Twilight certainly sympathizes/relates to being hurt by losing someone he loved (in whatever form the relationship took)
And WHY is it always girlfriend trauma with these boys of COURSE it's girlfriend trauma that brings them together NOT SHARING A SPIRIT AND LOVE OF SWINGING GLORIFIED METAL NO THEY HAVE TO BOND OVER RELATIONSHIPS GONE WRONG
Twilight then thinks well that's a good reason to be pretty changed because from the start Jojo said he'll always understand people changing...
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So they go, and make legend human again (with pink hair) and Legend is... surprised. And grateful...
Another few defining moments:
Legend's dialogue thanking him is the real start of them connecting like in Leg's original character description "the most reliable, you want him on your team"
And again Twi's face, Twilight is looking at Leg differently throughout this- contemplating to be honest. Considering...
And remember when I said these two both like to prank? Well the second they have a shared experience and get back to camp they immediately team up and start barraging Warriors with snark
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Heaven help the chain when these two are on the same side
Legend has never been close to people outside of the few he's accepted as his (love him and hyrule's bond). After this? Twilight's one of his people. There's much more expression of caring and closeness towards Twilight- something we don't see with many.
And then, well, Twilight nearly dies. And Legend, he cares
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Bunny boys puppy dog eyes are gonna kill me someday
Twilights pretty injured, he really doesn't see/remember all these moments showing how much Legend wants to help
And then we have this moment
this moment
Matters so so much
Look at Twi's face. Look at his surprise, realization, and acceptance- this is when he realizes- when he sees how much Legend cares for him
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Twi woke from his deathbed for his family
and then in the next few updates it's really cute- he just is barely recovering and legend is just... beside him. Staying by his side
Animal forms later development:
Legend's bunny form is soft- but he is still not totally soft. Looking at Legends actions and facial expressions towards the others, while he's definitely closer to Twi now, he's still the snarky boy we know and love.
Twilight's Wolf form is loyal and loves family: Once he knows legends heart? Full on pack love.
And WHY were they so very intent on petting each other
Legend: I'm gonna go try and pet the wolf since I think he's my dude yes good plan
Here's a few random parallels of them to chew on because I love parallels (them snarky snarking each other, then some brother love parallels)
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The thing with these two is their character bonding and whatever is not all sweet and lovey like some of the others. They have some REALLY sweet caring moments with each other. But snark plus snark equals double snark, meaning them together is the weirdest mix of kindness and teasing you've ever seen
And although at the beginning they were pretty harsh towards each other, it makes their getting closer and learning their similarities all the better.
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iwachomen · 3 months
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Anyone whos worked in a warehouse knows... its fun to trap your friends.
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eydi-andrius · 1 month
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No because if you see otome games banning BL and what not, you should respect that. You all forgot that these games were created as FEMALE ORIENTED GAMES. A SAFE SPACE for all the girlies.
There are tons of other dating games which accept LGBTQ+. Play that and stop making an issue that doesn't even exist in the first place.
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dootdootskelle · 4 months
Wait I just watched a trailer for "the winchesters" and I can't tell if this is a real show or not???? Like is this a prank? Am I being punked? Why was it lowkey so bad. Like it could have been a good show if it was about the men of letters bc lowkey that was a wild plot point.
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thornbushrose · 7 months
Headcanon: College!Matt pranks College!Foggy
We hear about Foggy pranking Matt in college, but you know Matt pranked him back.
So one evening they're heading back to their dorm when Matt suddenly "remembers" he needs to go to the library. He leaves Foggy at a casual pace and Foggy continues home to their room.
Where he finds Matt already there, sprawled on his bed with an earbud in his ear.
"Hey," Foggy says, looking confused. "I thought you were going to the library?"
"I did." Matt holds up the box of the audiobook he checked out this morning when Foggy wasn't around.
"But, how did you get back so fast?"
"I had already ordered it. I was just picking it up."
"But. Still. You would have had to pass me on the sidewalk."
Matt shrugs and waves at his dark glasses. "I kinda rely on you to say something when that happens, buddy."
"But that's just it. I didn't see you."
"You were obviously distracted. Did you run into Marci or Sonia or someone?"
"No. I came straight here."
Matt frowns. "You must have been walking pretty slowly."
"Why?" Foggy glances at his alarm clock, which Matt has set ahead by an hour and a half, and sputters. "What the hell? Nine o'clock???" He turns to the wall clock, which Matt has also altered. "Nine o'clock????"
"I keep telling you, you need to wear a watch," Matt says, putting his earbud back in and rolling over. "You get distracted sometimes."
Foggy stands there for a minute, staring blankly. Finally he says, "Next term, I'm not taking this many classes. It's messing with my brain."
Matt hopes Foggy won't notice his shoulders shaking in laughter.
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messingwithjocks · 1 year
gross wet willy on his buddy
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ace-and-ranty · 28 days
I love when people say, "Well, you know, you're eighteen you think you can do everything".
Is that the mindset of the average teenager?? Hell if I know, at eighteen I was sunk into the worst anxiety episode of my life and was too busy being terrified I would never be competent enough to get a job.
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there's a table in the lobby of my dorm where people have started putting food that isn't worth taking home but they don't want to waste. I just scored half a bag of cool ranch dorritos and I'm very happy
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ssomagni · 1 year
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Image source: Superman Earth one
Prompts: @yearoftheotpevent April: pranks | canon divergence | (seemingly) unrequited love | "no, i'm not dating your brother" | peace | university au (tried to fit them all in there to varying degrees of success)
Pairing: Superbat
C/W: Bullying
Summary: There is a prank war afoot on the campus of Gotham university. Bruce wants to take it a new level, something memorable, something with a moral. He also is willing to pay Clark Kent a pretty penny to play his college student that goes bump in the night.
Story Link: Horror for hire
Requests open: Yes
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moonfromearth · 11 months
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- You can't take these kinds of things lightly. Believe me. I've seen it all before.
Day 10 - The Detective "Thinks they know best, and the main cast hates them for this. They’re always poking around, checking things out. Typically they’re a blessing to The Final Girl, helping best the killer, or a curse, in which you’re happy to see them die."
from @windbrook's Slashed Challenge.
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cyandocs · 6 months
The simultaneous marriage and bastardization of multiple cultural food at once to create it's own thing:
Pepperoni White-Trash Quesadilla.
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Stir fried ramen noodles, cheese, tortilla and, in this variant, obviously pepperoni.
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soccerpunching · 1 year
Desperately need the og ie cast in widely different "this could have been an email" scenario (im projecting)
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dubjtodd · 7 months
Where do I get a vigilante uniform from? Cause I used to steal Dick's uniform until Bruce gave me one, and now I want one, but Bruce says no.
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proseandpeonies · 11 months
intro courses will be putting students through actual living hell just to eke out a B and then you get to senior level classes and the profs will take a paper that's a week late, give you an A, and offer to write you a letter of rec on day one of class
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