#comes up to me like ‘look it - this girl posted her newborn’ there’s a silence and he burst out laughing then he goes
osakunt · 2 years
Atsumu is definitely the mf who would go around town with me pointing out which babies are ugly 😭😭
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yutaleks · 3 months
let me out, I'm starving
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yuuta x female reader, length: 4.0K CWs: yandere // reader and Nobara are eating food // explicit sex // allusions to rough sex/roleplay A/N: This is a repost but I have combined it with another post and edited it so this is much longer than the original post I made on my old blog. banner by @/cafekitsune.
Part of Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing series
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“He what?”
You wince as you’re met with Nobara’s screech right beside you, and choose to ignore her outcry coupled with the clattering of dropped chopsticks. You punctuate your willful silence with another mouthful of noodles, and Nobara continues to gape at you with an accusatory stare.
It’s “girls night” as she so eloquently (forcefully) declared naught but a few minutes ago, showing up to your shared apartment with takeout and a mission. 
Said mission? 
Getting you to quit seeing that situationship of yours, Yuuta Okkotsu.
It’s not that he is a bad guy per se; he’s incredibly polite, with a voice and countenance so sweet and timid anyone would find him charming. But he gives Nobara the creeps. She swears if you ever turned up missing, his basement would be the first place to check. 
(The second time she said that to you, your first thought was to wonder if his basement wasn’t so bad a place to be).
You don’t have it in you to confront the fact that she’s right: Yuuta is weird. 
Outwardly, there wasn't actually anything weird about him when you first met. He's handsome—not 'People Magazine's Top 100 Sexiest Men' handsome, but handsome enough to get your attention. He dressed inconspicuously, stuck to the back of classrooms, and kept mostly to himself. But he had friends, that much you knew from the times you'd seen him around. And he was always kind: opening doors for you, offering you a smile, and later sticking around and chatting with you as acquaintances would, once you got more friendly. He wasn't exactly serial killer material; not to the exaggerated level that Nobara had placed him in the very first time you ever mentioned an interest in him. Sure he was a bit of a loner, but that wasn't a crime.
It took a few more intimate encounters for you to find that Nobara's intuition wasn't far off. Despite her disinterest in them, she's never wrong about men, it seems.
It’s the eyes. 
He has this stare that roots you in place, that makes the bones beneath your skin feel like the layers around them aren’t thick enough to hide away from him. You wonder if he can see the reds and yellows of your bone marrow beneath the layers of compacted calcium. 
Just that deep, endless blue looking down at you makes your knees too weak to stand. As confident a person as you are, you're reduced to a newborn fawn, struck down to the earth with no strength in its feet. Those first few moments where you're bare beneath him it's like you've never taken a step and are too afraid to. But the fear has never pushed you away—in fact, it’s only drawn you nearer to him, your body a willing addict as it asks for more, more, more. 
It's like a person who's afraid of heights becoming addicted to skydiving. The fear is there, it's heavy on your chest when you look down and out of the plane. But you come back and make the jump—over and over, the adrenaline and fear a nitrous; an incredible blood rush.
Perhaps any other prey animal would feel skittish in the presence of a predator such as him, even if he's tamed. But it doesn’t work on you, not entirely. He makes your skin crawl but your heart race, like watching a horror movie from the comforts of the sticky, dirty seats of a cheap movie theater. The seats aren’t remotely comfortable but the movie’s too good to tear your eyes away.
Besides, you wouldn't get up and dash out of a movie theater for being scared. The threat is contained. The movie isn't real, no matter how much adrenaline rushes through your veins—at least, your mind is convinced that it can't hurt you. Because the serial killer or the scary zombie in the screen can't jump out at you, can't actually harm you... can it?
Anyway, that’s what it feels like to be with Okkotsu Yuuta. 
Everything he does seems to be both gentle and intense, purposeful and impertinent, yet mindful and considerate. Like he's apologetic for taking up space, for existing, but not so for feeling. He's unapologetically a bleeding heart, and he offers it to you. It makes for a dangerous combination—a man with no self-preservation, but the most intense hunger imaginable. More than once had he compared his desire for you to starving. And you believe him, having felt the intensity of his feelings in the strength of his grip and the bite of his teeth.
He’s never done anything to truly make you fear for your life—but you don’t doubt that he could.
“He asked me to marry him,” you repeat the words after you swallow your noodles. The phrase feels like a foreign language on your tongue, sounds like your speaking through the bottom of a glass bottle. It doesn’t feel real when you say it aloud, not like it felt when he whispered them to you this morning over your shoulder.
“He’s fucking insane,” Nobara guffaws, incredulous. Like it’s the most ridiculous thing she’s ever heard. “You’re not even dating him.”
“I don’t think he cares,” you reply. There’s this weird grin on your face, to Nobara’s horror. Are you even entertaining something so—
“He should. He should ask you to date him—”
“Well we—”
“—do normal shit like going out to dinner or something—”
“But he does take me out—”
“—get down on one knee—no, both his knees—”
“—first he needs to beg you for forgiveness for all those fucking bruises—”
“But I—”
“—Then, he needs to promise to stay a hundred feet away from you for at least a year—”
“Nobara, that’s ridiculous. I—”
She holds up a finger. “I’m not done.”
Your shoulders sag as she continues:
“You need at least a year of dating normal guys to remember what normal, not potential serial killer men are like. And then maybe I’ll allow him to breathe the same air as you again. Maybe.”
"He's harmless."
She quirks a brow in silence.
"Okay maybe not harmless, but he never did anything I didn't agree to."
That’s a bit of a lie, but Nobara doesn’t need to know that.
"You know," she starts, as she picks up her chopsticks and starts picking up another pinch of noodles, "You were so innocent before you ever let crazy stick itself between your legs. Normal."
"I resent that."
"It's true!" She stuffs the noodles into her mouth, but continues talking. You've seen each other at rock bottom, so she's way past something as small as talking with her mouth full. "Before Okkotsu you hadn't even shown a guy your tits before. You were a virgin when you met him! Now he's got your wrists tied to his bed and got you calling him nii-san—"
You flush, "That was one time!"
"He's fucking weird! The hickeys you come home with are nasty, dude. What if he's a fucking vampire?"
"That'd be kind of hot."
"You're beyond saving," she sighs into her noodle carton. "No man's dick is that good." When you're silent for more than a beat, she groans. "Okay, even if it is, he's, like, two steps away from chaining you to a radiator or something. Some Ted Bundy shit,"
"That would never happen," you shrug, digging into your noodles once more, "Why would he wanna date me so bad if he just wanted to do some shit like that?"
"He'll Stockholm syndrome you into it. Don't call me when he's got you tied to a toilet."
You chuckle. "You don't know him, okay? He can be a little intense but he's harmless. Devoted, even."
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, spare me the story about him eating you out the entire night on the first date, okay. I refuse to be jealous of you and him."
"It was amazing though," you grin like a fool. "I think he's more into eating pussy than sex."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Okkotsu supposedly being the world's number one munch aside—" she ignores your chuckling, "—what did you tell him when he said that?"
"What, the marriage thing?" She nods, and there's a snap and fizzing sound as she opens a can of beer. "He was literally balls deep in me, what was I supposed to say?"
"Uh, push him off and run the fuck home, maybe? Anyone with sense would," she retorts as she takes a sip of her beer. 
"But I like him."
That has her spitting out her beer dramatically. She is one for theatrics sometimes. "I thought you said you'd never date him."
"I've always liked him! He's just... intense, you know? It put me off before but..."
Your thoughts fall back to the early hours of this morning, right before the whole 'marry me' sex thing, when you'd woken up first and got a glimpse of his sleeping face. His lips parted just a little, locks of black strewn across his forehead, an innocence about him that made all those intense, scary moments feel trivial. An unconscious arm around your waist as you cuddled up to his chest, prey safe in the arms of its captor. He'd never hurt you, he'd keep you safe—a feeling as soothing as it is addicting.
You find yourself just as wanting of moments like those as you are of the thrill. Is there ever a moment that you haven't wanted to be in Yuuta's grasp?
As soon as his body began to twitch awake, eyes slowly blinking the sleep away, you had turned over and faced away from him, embarrassed at the way your stomach felt like worms when he stirred to life. The arm around your waist tightened, pulling you closer.
"You stayed."
His voice was thick with sleep, his warm breath fanning against the nape of your neck. Judging by the still dark sky beyond the windows, you'd maybe only fallen asleep for an hour or two. Your eyes widened at the realization that, despite sleeping together for several months, this was indeed the first time you'd slept in his bed after sex. It was what later prompted Nobara's 'intervention' of sorts: her fears that whatever you were doing with Yuuta had reached a point of no return.
"Is that," you paused to clear the sleep from your throat, "Is it okay that I stayed?"
"I always ask you to," he rubbed his palm up the curve of your side. "You can stay in my bed forever," he muttered as he kissed the bruise on your neck, a bite he'd left just a little while ago turning dark as the blood under the skin pooled. "You know I wouldn't mind."
"Yuuta." you angled your head as he continued to mouth at your neck. The way you said his name felt like a warning. Perhaps 'Down dog' would've had the same effect.
"I know," he leaned closer to your back, shameless as his length, hardened, pressed against the back of your thighs. "I'm a little stubborn though... and patient. For you, at least. I'll wait until you say yes."
He always said it like it was inevitable. The question of you agreeing to be with him, for more than just sex, was never a matter of if, but when.
And when he soon after pushed you down gently, propped your hips on one of his pillows, and fucked you lazily from behind as you hid your flustered face into your arms, he wondered if he'd finally had you. Because if he was stubborn you were downright impossible, always immediately rebuking his advances with an 'I'm not ready for a relationship right now' or some similar excuse. To which he'd tuck his tail between his legs and brush off the rejection, man up, and fuck you like he owed you the best night of your life—every fucking time.
But today no such rejection came. He said he'd wait until you'd say yes and you didn't say no. When he soon after had caged in your body with his, his body entirely surrounding yours as he pressed you into his bed, he'd gotten carried away, spurred on by your first lack of rejection in months.
"I wanna marry you," he'd told you as he grinded his hips into your backside. The angle in this position was incredible, you had to bite down on your arm to stop from moaning awfully loud. Yuuta wished you would. "I can't stand the thought of anyone else doing this with you. I think I'd kill them."
"Yuuta," you moan his name into his mouth, and it always sets him off to hear you say it. "D-don't joke around like-like that."
Despite your words, you didn't think he was kidding.
And, you realized, you didn’t think you minded if he wasn’t.
A sound, something like a laugh, or maybe a breath of relief, tumbled out of his throat when you squeezed down on him in response. He'd angled your head to the side, to kiss you roughly, full of bite. You returned his kiss as his words made you a combination of afraid and excited. Would you ever get tired of the feeling?
Yuuta was like a rabid dog collared, restrained only by your previous rejections, and for a moment you wanted to know what all of him felt like. What would a Yuuta Okkotsu be like if he were set free, if he were given the ability to satiate this hunger? Would he finally consume you whole, or would he stop baring his raw, beating heart so desperately and relent?
"I'm not joking," he pulled back a little, just to rest his head against your nape. Every word felt hot as his breath warmed the skin between your shoulder blades. "Wanna be with you—marry you and everything. Whatever you want, I'll do. I don't care how it sounds, I just—"
"It sounds crazy," you replied, not a hint of malice in your words.
"I know, I—"
“I like you, Yuuta.” You interrupted what was sure to be another round of ramblings from him about how badly he wants to be with you. You’d heard it so many times, and slowly but surely each attempt had helped his feelings worm themselves deeper and deeper into your guarded heart.
He, who had you pinned down to the bed under him as he fucked you from behind, tensed up at your confession.
"Just... slow down a little, okay? Dating comes first. Do it properly, yeah?”
“What?” He completely stopped everything, pulling out and sitting on his knees absolutely star-struck.
You turned around underneath him and matched his posture, finding yourself breaking out into a smile at his look of surprise. Of all the things, this was what broke him?
"I like you… I think about you doing this with someone else and get jealous too… you scare me a little, but I like you. But we should date first, I think." 
His lips started to turn up into an incredulous smile. "Can I... be your boyfriend, then?”
In a voice that’s a little too playful to be considered scolding, you replied, ”Will you stop talking about killing people if I say yes?”
Among all the things he’s said to you, about how badly he wants to marry you or how many kids he’d give you, what stood out in your mind was the way he said he’ll kill anyone who stood in his way. But could someone who blushes as hard as he was blushing at that moment, possibly take a life with his bare hands?
He nodded, suddenly feeling sheepish. You’d turned him into a whole different person, practically.
“Then yes… I want you to be my boyfriend. And you can’t be my boyfriend from prison if you kill people.”
He laughed—god, of all things, he couldn’t stop laughing. His arms reached out to you and he cradled your jaw in his big palms. He leaned into you, and even when he kissed you he was laughing, giggling like a fool. Disbelief surrounded the love that made his heart ram against his ribs, and the feeling left him so incredulous he could only laugh.
“I can, as long” kiss “as I” kiss “don’t get caught.” kiss 
He could barely keep his lips off of yours, and as his kisses became deeper, you found yourself being pushed back down into his bed, facing him this time. You wrapped your arms around his neck and let him slot himself between your legs. He held himself up by the forearms, and as his nose brushed against yours, the ends of his hair falling across your cheeks, his eyes found yours again. They were still as captivating as ever.
“Do you really mean it? You have feelings for me?”
His stare was intense, like he was searching for any sign of deception in yours. He found none.
“Yes, I mean it, Yuuta… I really do.”
It’s impossible to explain, even to yourself. How his obsessive feelings somehow had fueled your own—how you spent the days leading up to this seeping in jealousy at the mere thought of anyone else being in the position that you were in now. It made no sense, falling for someone like Yuuta—who’d stalked you, hurt others around you—but somehow it made all the sense in the world.
He slotted his lips against yours again, in a kiss that was absolutely smoldering. He was intense, as always, but it felt different too. An arm hooked around your thigh, hiking it up to his waist, and without even breaking the kiss he quite easily slid his cock back into you, picking up where you’d left off moments before your confession. You moaned against his lips as you lifted your other leg, hooking it around his other side, and felt yourself being pushed up as he carved himself into you once again. Could anyone else mold themselves into you so perfectly the way he does? Would anyone else even be given the chance to try?
“I love you,” he said, forehead pressed against your own. It was not the first time he had said it, nor will it be the last, but certainly it was the first time you’d ever accepted it wholly into your heart. “Please—tell me you love me,” he begged against the throbbing pulse of your throat. He sounded like he would fall apart if you didn’t say it, his soul so weakly held together by his feelings for you.
You’ve come to accept it as a part of him: that as long as Yuuta Okkotsu loves you, you are his entire world.
And right at that moment caged under his arms and pinned down by his gaze, it felt like he was your entire world, too.
“I love y—oh,” you were cut off by your own gasp as every ounce of his strength was suddenly hooked under your knees, pushing your thighs flat to your chest, weighing you down and robbing you of your breath. A whine, like a dying animal, escaped your lips as your body was kneaded and contorted in his heavy palms, pliable like dough. The way he touched you, fucked you—it was so different from before. He’d always done it with a desperation to please you, to convince you that he’s worthy of your love. But now that he had it, he wanted every last drop, and planned to pry it out of you himself.
“Again,” you crossed your ankles at his nape, toes curling as his pelvis made contact with your body. “Say it again—pleaseplease—“
“I love you,” you told him—though it’s less spoken word and more an exhale, your lungs were barely able to take in a breath with the weight that lay on your chest. “S-so don’t—don’t hurt anyone,” you gasped. “I’m right here, Y-Yuuta,” you implored him, eyes wet with unshed tears.
“Thank you,” he breathed into your mouth—for what you were doing was less kissing, and more trading breaths. Your nails dug into the meat of his shoulders, nails like grappling hooks as you hung on for your life. You squeezed down on him, enamored with the beautiful, pitiful strain in his voice, and he smiled. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
You’d never felt closer to God in your life.
“I’ve loved you for so long,” he started to mumble, the words barely perceptible to you. His thrusts onto your body didn’t stop, in fact, they only got messier, needier. “So many times I thought you’d let someone else in—someone who wasn’t me—“ he pried your fingers off his shoulders, the bloodied crescents marking his skin. He pinned your hands down to the bed, his fingers slotting perfectly in-between, and squeezed hard enough to tempt your digits to bursting, leaving nothing but bone. “But it had to be me—who else can love you like I do?”
He paused long enough for you to open your eyes, to look into his, so glazed over with lust and devotion that there was no other answer to give. “N-No one—ah—No—“
“I know,” he pressed his forehead to yours as your legs fell to his sides, his eyes closing in rapture. “No one else.”
Was that the side of him that you always refused to see? The rabid animal that keeps itself trained, claws at bay; the raw, unfiltered strength that lies in every inch of his body masked by the tenderness he holds for you. You love it, despite how much you shouldn’t; you love every single fucking moment that this man is turned into an absolute lunatic over you. Perhaps you are just as bad as he is, for reveling in it and allowing him his moments of heresy.
Your brows drew together as you reeled in what could only be described as a whole-body experience: an orgasm that felt like every organ beneath your skin had been squeezed of its juices, pulp rendered and offered to him as you wailed into his mouth. He accepted it with an offering of his own, spilling himself into you when you kissed him. He kept his body as close to you as he could while he trembled, throbbed. His chest heaved against your own; and he kissed you so many times across your face you lost count, the waves and aftershocks of orgasm claiming you both until there was nothing but soft panting and the slightly awkward stare from his blushing, sweaty face.
Your stomach lurched at the sight. If only you could tell the you from a few months ago, the one who was so afraid of being with him, that the only thing to be afraid of is the thought of doing without such devoutness. 
To those who’d ask why you’d kept crawling back to Yuuta’s bedsheets, even after you’d learned the depth of his devotion: once you’ve had a taste of such fervent piety, it’s impossible to imagine a moment without it. 
Color pools over your cheeks as you sift through that memory, much later now, over noodles in front of your best friend Nobara.
"Yeah he's intense but I think it makes my boyfriend even cuter," you smile bashfully. “I don’t want him to feel like that for anyone else… I like that he’s crazy about me… is that weird?”
"Did you just say boyfriend?"
When you nod she shakes her head and groans.
"Fuck, you're just as insane as he is."
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kimi240302 · 5 months
Come back to me Part 2
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
A/N2.0; I have to confess, this part was finished yesterday, but I couldn't translate it into English because I had to cry for the first time with my own story.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Come back to me Masterlist
It all fell, it all fell down, it all fell down, eh It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down And all I gave you is gone it all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up - Dynasty/ MIIA
Coldness Darkness Numbness
These were the first feelings that crept into Y/N's mind. She had the feeling that something was lying on her chest.
Something that prevented her from breathing.
Something that stopped her from opening her eyes.
Y/N tried to move her arms, to move anything, but the numbness inside her hindered her.
Voices around her grew louder, but she couldn't understand or recognize them.
Y/N tried to shout at them, to ask for help or simply to silence them, but she could do nothing.
Total helplessness spread through her, giving the darkness more power. The young girl tried harder and harder to fight the numbness, the darkness and the cold, but it didn't work.
She didn't know how long this feeling lasted, but she managed to open her eyes. She needed to blink several times to get used to the bright light. Groaning, she turned her head, paused and tried to move her hand to her throat.
A hand closed gently around her wrist. Startled, she flinched at the coldness of this hand. Her eyes drifted to the owner. He looked at her happily, which confused Y/N.
Carefully and thoughtfully, she let her gaze glide through the unfamiliar room. Y/N looked at each face individually, some familiar, others unfamiliar.
Her gaze returned to the man standing next to her. She looked at him closely. His black hair, his almost white shimmering skin, his red eyes that looked at her with so much hope.
Y/N released her wrist from his grip and opened her mouth,
"Who are you?"
Alec didn't know exactly what he should be feeling right now. All he knew was that he had stumbled, or rather been thrown, from one nightmare into the the next.
"She can't remember anything?" Alec looked at Carlisle, who was standing in front of him. "Y/N recognized everyone just…" Bella interrupted him, "Except for you and your sister." She shrugged her shoulders. "That should be your cue to leave."
Jane stepped out from behind her brother, "Choose your next words wisely newborn or your eternity was only seconds after all!" Alec ignored them both and looked at the Cullen Doctor more sharply. "Y/N has been awake for less than 24 hours, I can't say with any accuracy what's going on yet." "Then make a guess." Alec looked at the blond vampire demandingly.
"It would appear that Y/N has lost part of her memory." Alec turned his head to the side and watched his mate, who had fallen back into a deep sleep. A window separated them, but Alec had the feeling that it wasn't just this window that separated him from Y/N, rather an entire universe.
"How could this happen, how could…" Alec had to collect himself for a moment and looked back at Carlisle, "You said there were no injuries that could have caused any major trauma, so what happened?" The man shook his head. "It could have been anything, the shock, the cold. I can't tell you. I'm sorry Alec." " Could her memories come back?" Alec looked at him hopefully. "I honestly can't say." Jane snorted, "Can you say anything at all about Y/N's condition?"
Bella stepped forward before Edward could stop her. "I'd show a little more respect if I were you. After all, it was Carlisle who saved her!" Jane looked at her angrily, "Careful…" Bella interrupted her, "Forget it. My sister was dying just a few hours ago and if I had to guess, I'd even say it was your fault." She turned to Alec, "Yours, to be exact." "How could it have been my fault?" Alec looked at her undefined. Bella shrugged her shoulders. "No one can explain what happened, why Y/N went off the road." Alec's eyes literally began to burn. "I would never…" "I'm not saying you did it, but you and the rest of your Volturi gang have enough enemies that were just looking for an opportunity to get their hands on Y/N alone."
Silence fell as Bella eyed Alec angrily. "You've never made a secret about her. Never hidden the fact that she is the 'sunshine of the Volturi'. But she was also never alone without one of you. This time she was."
"Enough Bella…" Carlisle raised a hand, but it didn't silence her. "Remember what I told her and you back then. Loving you will be the death of her and look where we've ended up. Look at my sister Alec, she barely escaped death." Bella took a few steps towards the black haired man. "I pray that Y/N won't remember you, because this way I can protect her from this world, this way I can protect her from your enemies." Bella turned and walked back to Edward, but paused once more, "If you truly love her Alec and want her safe, let her go. Let me take her away to where neither you nor any other can find her."
"Alec?" Jane looked at him questioningly as she re-entered the hospital room. He was once again standing by Y/N's Bedside. " You would think, the way she's sleeping so soundly, that she's fallen back into a coma." He carefully stroked his hand through her hair.
"Are we just going to ignore what Bella said?" Jane looked more closely at her brother. Alec simply ignored her and gave Y/N his full attention. Jane snorted. "How about we just take Y/N with us. We can sort everything else out in Volterra and then…" Alec stopped running his fingers through Y/N's hair.
"She can't remember anything. No more of our time, no more of our world. That means Y/N is a normal woman again." Jane tilted her head. Alec gave her an annoyed look. "She can have everything I could never give her." Jane stood up straight again. "That would be?" "Children? Growing old? A life in the daylight!" Jane's expression changed to one of bewilderment. "If Y/N really wanted that, she would never have agreed to be changed." Alec looked at his sister. "Love blinds you to the things you've always wanted." Jane shook her head, "Alec…"
Alec lowered his gaze, leaned down to Y/N and placed a long kiss on her forehead. He separated his lips, remaining a few inches above her forehead. "I've waited so long for you, that I'm ready to let you go." The vampire stood back up, running his hand over his lover's cheek once more, "Find me in another life. In one where I get more time with you, in one where I can love you longer."
He turned away from the bed and tried to walk towards the exit, but Jane blocked his way. "If you do that, if you leave now, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." "And if I stay Jane? Then what?" Alec looked at Y/N again, "She got lucky this time. What if she's not lucky next time? I ignored it, for so long. But her life got more and more dangerous the closer I got to her." Jane shook her head, "Don't let Bella win. She's been trying to break you two apart since you got together." Alec looked down at his sister, "It's not about winning, it's about Y/N safety Jane. She's not safe with me or anywhere near her, no one is."
"What if Y/N wakes up one morning and can remember? She'll think you don't love her, she'll think you abandoned her!" Alec looked at his sister. "Jane…" "No!" the blonde vampire raised her voice, but Alec cut her off. "We're leaving Jane, my decision is final!"
"Alec, it's been a long time since we've seen you in Volterra." Aro closed the book he had just opened and placed it on the table. Caius turned to the twins. "Is everything okay with Y/N?"
Demetri, Felix, Santiago, Afton and Chelsea looked back and forth between Jane and Alec. An awkward silence stretched out. Alec looked at his kings, "Y/N is awake."
No one said anything, they just watched the twins. Everyone realized that all joy was missing from Alec. He looked lost and Jane couldn't look at anyone. Her eyes were fixed on the ground, which was never the case.
"What happened?" Aro took a few steps towards Alec, but didn't want to touch him yet, he wanted to listen to his words first. "Y/N is no longer part of our world, she is no longer part of our lives. She can't remember anything from the last year." Alec looked Aro in the eye. "My mate woke up, but she woke up in a world I'm not a part of."
Caius stood up, "How?" Alec's gaze lowered to the floor. His voice broke, "Carlisle doesn't know." "Then we must bring her to us…" Caius wanted to continue, Aro silenced him with a raised hand. "May I see?" Aro held out a hand to Alec. The black-haired man immediately placed his hand in his king's.
After a minute, Aro let go of Alec's hand. "Is this the path you really want to take?" Alec looked back down at the ground. "You know she wanted to become one of us." Alec nodded and looked up. "She'd never be safe." "I know."
Aro turned and walked back to the table.
"Spread the word that Y/N is dead."
"What!" All the vampires in the room, excluding Jane, Alec and Aro shouted this at the same time.
"Our young friend has decided to give his mate, our sunshine, a mortal life. A life without the knowledge of the supernatural and away from our enemies. I support him and so do the rest of you."
Demetri shook his head and walked towards Alec. "You can't do this to us. Alec…" Alec looked at him blankly, "This isn't your decision to make." "How can you just let her go, how can you…"
Alec took a step towards Demetri, "Do you think this decision was easy? Do you think it's not tearing me apart? I love this woman with everything in my being, she's the other fucking half of my soul. Do you think the decision to let her go and know that she won't be in this world in eighty or ninety years was easy?" His voice broke and he shook his head. "Then you're an idiot, it's been the hardest decision of my life and I'll definitely regret it."
"Then why?" Felix looked at him questioningly, while others were shocked. No one had ever seen Alec get so emotional.
Jane gave a humorless laugh and drew attention to herself. "Because Bella managed to get inside his head." Confused, everyone looked back at Alec. He remained silent, but Jane continued, "She thinks that Y/N's car went off the road because one of our enemies made it do it."
"This is ridiculous!" Demetri tried to grab Alec's shoulder, but he slapped the blond vampire's hands away. "Really? We, the Volturi, have more than enough enemies. Everyone we care about has been killed. Think of the secretary who loved you Demetri and was killed because of it. The woman you loved Felix? Chelsea, why is Afton a vampire now? Why don't you ever let him go somewhere without you?"
Everyone looked at the floor.
"I thought so. Loving any of us Volturi is like a death sentence. I'm not willing to do that to Y/N when she's been given a second chance."
A/N3.0: I'm currently writing a one shot for Paul Lahote, if you would like to be tagged there or would like to be on my tag list in general write it in the commis
Tag list: @alecvolturiswifeforever @rosedpetal @bofadeezs @xcharlottemikaelsonx @urgirlmoon @julesofvolterra @itsmytimetoodream @smiling2204 @demogorgon-master1
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jokeringcutio · 5 months
Reader x Stepdad William Afton (Drabble)
AN: You got me there, ANON. All right, here's a very QUICK drabble for you, because I COULDN'T RESIST. MATURE THEMES/NO EXPLICIT SMUT. Just a happy family dinner (well....)
Also, I am overwhelmed with prompt requests and I love them, so do keep 'em coming. But if you want to help me out for reaching my goal to save up to commission a celebratory piece of artwork for this tumblr (as we've almost reached 1000 mutuals following this account :3 ) please feel free to donate me a little something on Ko-fi ♡ ︎.
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based on this in my inbox: [ See Reaction to the post here x ]
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The clink of silverware against porcelain punctuated the silence, a staccato rhythm that seemed to echo in the cavern of your chest. Across from you, William’s hands were steady as he cut into his steak, but there was something about the tightness in his jaw, the way his blue eyes didn't quite meet yours, that whispered secrets.
"Sweetheart," your mother's voice sliced through the tension like the knife in William's hand through meat, "it's time we talked about a paternity test."
Your heart stuttered in your chest, a wild, frantic thing eager to escape. You swallowed hard, the mashed potatoes on your tongue now tasting like ash.
"Whoever the father is... he deserves to know," she continued, oblivious to the undercurrents swirling beneath her words.
"Of course," you agreed, the word brittle on your lips. Your gaze flickered unintentionally to William, then quickly away, fearing what might be revealed in a single glance.
He cleared his throat, a sound that rumbled deep and low, a prelude to the storm you knew brewed within him.
"It's only fair," he said, but his voice was a masterclass in control, every syllable measured, every intonation practiced.
"You can ring up the boys... see if they're willing." She was all practicality, all motherly concern, not an inkling of suspicion clouding her features. If only she knew…
"Right," you breathed out, the lie sour and heavy in your mouth.
In your bedroom, Evan's chest rose and fell with the innocent trust of sleep. Unaware. Untouched by the deceit that hung thick in the air. The door ajar, otherwise he wouldn’t sleep if he didn’t hear that you were near. As if somehow, your tiny son was aware that he had been born in a house full of dark secrets and possible danger.
Your fingers curled around your glass, the cool surface grounding you. Water, while your parents were drinking wine. Wasn’t your mom still trying for a baby? Had she finally given up now that she saw how it was to be between diapers and the soreness of giving milk?
William's gaze flitted toward the open door where your son lay oblivious to the grown-up games played at his expense.
"Will do it tomorrow," you promised, your voice a whisper of determination laced with dread.
"Good girl," your mother smiled, contentment lighting up her face. But in William's eyes, the reflection of a different kind of pride—a dark, devouring satisfaction—flickered and then died.
You pushed your plate away, appetite lost. While inside your thoughts careened like a runaway train, you tried to remain your compose. Look and act normal. But what would happen when the truth came out? What would happen when the masks fell away?
What would William do?
Because in all honesty, it wasn’t your mom and her feelings you were worried about the most any longer. She had proven time after time again to be there for you, no matter what lies had been told about you. Her two-goody-shoes daughter, suddenly a wild partying animal who had gone and get laid whilst drunk – even if she bought it she faithfully helped take care of you and your newborn son. She was so – so darn sweet! Like an angel sent from the blessed sky. If she’d forgiven you this, then you wouldn’t doubt she would forgive you the truth.
Could you bear her disappointment? Right now? Could you see her so crestfallen and betrayed? Did you want to break that dam and wait whilst pain raked through you both – a pain that only time could mend?
Beside you, William scraped his throat, his thick fingers scraping past your thigh underneath the table. The horny beast. Even now he couldn’t stop touching you.
Shouldn’t he be working on one of his new robot animals? Like that yellow bunny suit he was making to resemble your favorite plushie? With the only difference that it was ten times bigger and build for him to wear?
You tried not to glance at your stepfather, not even when his fingers reassuringly squeezed your already bruised thigh. You gritted your teeth at the soreness – thanks to his latest bout of fucking, of course. The man took his chances whenever he could.
No, the real problem here was your stepfather. William was a tall, strong and dangerous man. His mind worked in ways that only left you guessing. And you had no doubt that he had hurt others in the past before to get exactly what he wanted.
If you wanted to play this game, you had to play it right.
Silently, you vowed to protect Evan from the shadows that lurked behind William's aviator glasses, from the manipulations that twisted beneath his agreeable facade. You would stand between your son and the man who wore danger like a second skin.
"Let's finish up here," your mother suggested, unaware of the battle lines being drawn right before her eyes.
"Indeed," William agreed, and his smile was a predator's grin, hidden in plain sight.
The baby slept on, his dreams untainted by the turmoil that swirled just beyond his reach.
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no-i-cant-decide · 9 months
Someday (ao3 link)
Rating: General Audiences
Word count: 856
Tags: Fluff, Parenthood, Hope
Requested by @leximitchells 💜
"What are you smiling at?"
Callum glanced up from his phone, still grinning from ear to ear as he showed Ben what was on the screen.
"Stacey brought Lily and little Charli home earlier today," he said. The photo showed the newborn sprawled out in a bassinet while she slept, her dark hair sticking up at wild angles and her tiny hand clutching one of Stacey's fingers.
"As if it ain't noisy enough over there, now we get to hear her crying at all hours as well," Ben complained, though his soft expression didn't match his annoyed tone. "Better kiss your beauty sleep goodbye, babe."
"Nah, I bet she's an angel."
"She's a Slater, Cal. Every Slater woman who's ever lived is part banshee, and that little baby ain't gonna be any different."
Callum hummed in response, swiping through the other photos Stacey had posted, still with that big smile on his face.
"Are you alright?" Ben asked, giving him a funny look. "Anyone would think you've never seen a baby before."
"I just think she's cute, that's all." Callum clicked the screen off and set his phone down on the side table, wrapping his arm around Ben's shoulders as he brought his attention back to the telly.
"It's weird though, innit?" Ben said after a few moments of quiet, snuggling in closer to Callum's chest. "Having a baby at that age. Lily and Ricky are barely a few years older than Lex. Just don't seem right."
"Yeah, I'm with you there. But at least that little girl's got a huge, loving family to help take care of her, eh? It's better than what I had growing up."
Ben smiled up at Callum sympathetically, grabbing the hand wrapped around him and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. "I ‘spose you're right; there's worse things than having Stacey as a nan. She's done alright with the rest of her lot if you disregard the pregnant twelve year old."
Callum tutted at him, though he didn't argue. A comfortable silence fell over them again as they passively watched the movie playing on the telly. It was one they'd both seen plenty of times, but it was a favourite of theirs. And they loved any excuse to be together, curled up close on the sofa tracing idle patterns across an arm or a leg.
"Do you ever think about it?" Callum asked quietly as he ran his fingers through Ben's hair.
"What, having a pregnant twelve year old?" Ben responded, horrified.
"No, god no! What a nightmare!" He chuckled and scratched gently at Ben's scalp until he felt him relax back against him. "What I meant was, do you ever think about having a baby?"
Ben turned to look at him, a soft smile starting to spread on his face. "Like, us having a baby? You and me?"
"Well, yeah," Callum admitted, feeling his face flush.
It was something that had been on his mind a lot the last few days. Well, not just the last few days. But Callum realised in all the time they'd been married, neither of them had ever brought it up. Not that they'd had enough time to bring it up between every crazy, screwed up thing they had been through in the last four years of their lives. The more time went on, the more Callum wondered if that could ever be in the cards for them.
"I know we haven't really talked about it before, like at all. And I'm not saying I don't like how things are. You and Lexi mean the world to me, our little family is like a dream come true for me. I never in a million years thought I'd be lucky enough to have what we have–"
"Babe, it's alright," Ben soothed, cutting off Callum's rambling by reaching up a hand to cup his jaw. "I know what you meant. It's just- it's bad timing, innit? I've got to make sure Lexi's my focus right now."
"No, I know. That makes total sense." Callum smiled sadly, but tried to hide it by kissing Ben's forehead.
"But that don't mean I haven't thought about it," Ben continued, much to Callum's surprise, "because I have. And I do. Want to. Someday."
"Yeah. Just, y'know, when things are more stable with Lex. And with me."
"'Course. I weren't talking right away."
"How could I say no to a little rugrat with your dimples and adorable ears?" Ben said, the fondness in his voice clear as day.
"A baby brother or sister for Lexi to boss around," Callum added with a laugh.
"Oh, she'd love that! She'd absolutely adore them."
They looked into each other's eyes for a moment; looks filled with love and an excitement for the future, something that had become rare for them this last year or so. Callum then leaned down to connect their lips in a chaste kiss. They only broke apart because the giddiness bubbling inside both their chests made their smiles too broad, making it impossible for their lips to keep touching.
"Someday, yeah?" Callum's eyes were shining.
"Yeah," Ben agreed, "someday."
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itsnothappening · 2 years
overprotective | daminette
Word Count: +1k
summary: clark, jason and tim get more than a little protective over marinette. especially when she starts dating damian.
ao3 | wattpad | masterlist | prompts
a/n: me being the idiot i am, forgot to upload this. anyway, here it is now!!
Clark smiled down at the baby girl in his arms.
Her wide bluebell eyes gazed up at him, matching the blue blanket she was wrapped up in and the dark blue tuft of hair growing.
"Hello, Marinette," he whispered gently.
She giggled, eyes sparkling with laughter.
Turning her head to Sabine, Marinette made grabby hands at her.
Clark grinned and passed the newborn baby to Sabine and resisted the urge to coo at her.
He didn't know he would be forced to let her go because of his enemies.
Sabine stifled her sigh as it began to rain.
"Typical Gotham," she muttered, shifting Marinette's 5-year-old sleeping body so that it was more comfortable to walk.
A limousine pulled up to the curb that she was standing on.
The windows rolled down and Bruce Wayne's kind face peered at her. "You didn't get wet, did you?"
Sabine forced a tired chuckle and shook her head. "Nope. May I come in?"
As an answer, the doors to the limousine opened smoothly.
Trying to avoid getting her or Marinette wet, Sabine slipped into the backseat, greeting Alfred politely.
As she manoeuvred Marinette into a more comfortable sleeping position, Bruce asked, "Did anyone follow you on the way?"
Sabine only answered when Marinette's head was on her lap. "I don't think so, but I can't be sure."
They fell silent again.
A few minutes later, Sabine was the one to break the silence. "Thank you, by the way. You don't have to do this."
Bruce gave her a small smile. "It's my pleasure. I'm sure Dick, Jason and Tim will love Marinette."
And they did.
10-year-old Marinette stifled her giggle as Jason wandered around, looking for her and Tim.
This was the fourth time she and Maman had been staying at the Waynes' mansion in the last past five years.
Each time they moved to a new place in or near Gotham, one of her biological father's enemies found them.
The last time that happened, the two of them only just escaped.
Marinette, perceptive for a 10-year-old, had a sinking feeling that they weren't going to be living anywhere near Gotham when they left again.
It was why she was pushing herself to spend as much time as possible with her 'brother' Jason and her best friend Tim.
Jason, although, not her real brother, was like one in every sense of the word. He played with her, entertained her and teased her.
Marinette couldn't have been more thankful to have him because she knew whenever she needed help Jason was the one to come to.
Tim was her best friend. Being an insomniac just like her, the two of them would spend nights arguing about the latest coffee flavours while sipping their respective flavour.
She could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge her for it.
Marinette squealed loudly as Jason grabbed onto her yelling, "I found you!"
"Oh my god," Alya squealed as she saw Marinette walking towards her. "Marinette! Did you hear? There's a new guy in school and he's supposed to be really hot!"
Marinette shot her an amused grin, used to her enthusiasm. "That's nice."
"Nice?" Alya asked, scandalised. "That's all you have to say? Marinette-"
Said girl sighed, knowing what was coming next. "Alya-"
Alya barrelled on. "You haven't dated anyone in months ever since Adrien and that witch."
Marinette resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Alya, since she spent months posting and believing the 'witch' but clearly that didn't matter anymore.
Oblivous to her annoyance, Alya continued. "And I think it's time you started-"
"Well I think it's a good thing she doesn't need to do what you think, don't you?" Chloe's snarky voice interrupted Alya.
Marinette knew it wasn't fair to Alya, but she had never been so relieved to see Chloe in her entire life.
Okay, so that was a bit of an exaggeration, but the last thing Marinette needed was Alya pushing her to some 'hot' guy who she didn't even know.
Adrien was bad enough, and now a new guy she had no interest in?
No, thanks.
Marinette cringed as she heard Alya squeal loudly.
"I told you!" she was repeating over and over again.
Chloe rolled her eyes. "Honestly Cesaire, do you really need to repeat that same phrase over and over again?"
Alya immediately stopped and glared at her. "Seriously? Do you always have to spoil my fun?"
Seeing that things were escalating, Marinette intervened. "So, Damian said he's taking me to meet his best friend, Jon."
"Oh my god." Alya punctuated each word with a pause. "That's amazing!"
For once, Chloe agreed with her. "That's really good, Mari."
Marinette shot them both a disbelieving look. "No, it's not because I have no clue what to say!"
Both, Alya and Chloe exchanged looks and Marinette had the sudden feeling that this was not going to end well.
"What do you mean your brothers are also going to be there?" Marinette asked, eyes comically wide.
Damian shrugged casually. "Only Todd and Drake. And Kent's family."
Marinette groaned and dropped her head on Damian's shoulder. "I'm not ready for this."
"Relax," Damian patted her gently on the back. "They'll absolutely love you."
When Damian said they'd love Marinette, this was not what he had in mind.
Right now, Clark, Jason and Tim were all staring at him with more-than-a-little hostility in their eyes and as skilled as Damian was, he wouldn't be able to take all three of them.
"Now remember," Clark said condescendingly. "Hurt Marinette-"
"And we'll hurt you in every way possible." Jason finished.
Tim waved his phone. "Better be careful, Damian."
The three of them shot him threatening smiles before trooping out, offering each other congratulatory smiles.
Damian let out a breath he hadn't even noticed he was holding.
For once, they actually managed to catch him off-guard.
Clark, Jason and Tim all glared at Damian as he kissed Marinette.
Jon rolled his eyes and took pity on Damian. "Give the poor boy a break. Let him enjoy."
He ignored the three glares that were now trained on him.
Damian seriously owed him.
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andreafmn · 3 years
Collision - Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3,434
Characters: Female Reader Uley Character, Sam Uley, Allison Uley, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Seth Clearwater, Billy Black, Jacob Black, Emily Young, Paul Lahote, Harry and Sue Clearwater, Leah Clearwater
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life at it’s first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same. 
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Twilight, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Stephanie Meyer and Summit Entertainment. The only thing I own is Uley Reader insert, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 1/?
A/N: There’s no Cullen’s in the first chapter, we’ll see them soon though. Also, Esme is in the story but her and Carlisle are not together romantically. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
Chapter 1
Going back home felt bizarre for (Y/N). It had been 4 years since she had moved away from the La Push Reservation on a scholarship to a prep boarding school in Seattle. Although students were expected to go back home during summer break, she spent her time in summer taking college classes or attending internships in the area, so going back didn’t fit into her plans.
But she had just graduated from high school and decided that taking a gap year could not hurt. Seeing her family wouldn’t be that bad either.
(Y/N) Uley had not reunited physically with Sam and Allison Uley since she left for school, only calling occasionally but always being to busy for anything else. The mother and son duo had grown accustomed to the short phone calls and vague emails they would receive from their studious family member. The Uley siblings used to be a very close pair, being only a year apart helped their bond. But since (Y/N) had invested all her energy into her high school career, their relationship rapidly dissipated; replaced by untold secrets and life-changing details.
The Uley girl had no idea what was in store when she went back home. She had left when she was 14 and was coming back an 18-year-old with a high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree. (Y/N) had always been an over achiever and applying to the school she had and taking dual enrollment was no surprise to her mother and brother.
The bus ride from Seattle to La Push lasted almost eight hours, so (Y/N) equipped herself with two books, plenty of snacks, and a fully charged iPod to handle the ride. She had gotten the earliest ride available always enjoying the intriguing mystery that 3 am travels brought. Her brown eyes surveyed the curious characters that voyaged alongside her a young woman sat with a sleeping baby in her arms, the dark circles under her eyes signaled the baby was still a newborn getting adapted to a sleep schedule; there was a middle-aged man, his eyes attached to a computer and a briefcase tight to his side; there were two teenagers, backpacks at their feet and shared headphones in between them. They were wearing light blue polo shirt and her school insignia embroidered on the left side of their shirt. She had seen them in passing, two freshmen still energetic and excited for their school life. She looked at them and smiled, remembering being in their shoes four years ago.
Four hours in, (Y/N) had finished one book, and the bus made its first stop in Port Angeles, the place where everyone that traveled with her got off. It wasn’t surprising to see from the top of her book as everyone got off, she didn’t recognize any of them from the reservation so it would have been surprising if any of them had stayed in the bus. For the next four hours, (Y/N) continued to read her second book surrounded by a comforting silence. The sun had risen about an hour ago and a nice warmth was streaming from the bus window and (Y/N) felt herself drift in bliss.
Her eyes fluttered open once again when she felt the bus finally rolling to a stop. She blinked a few times as she adjusted her vision to the bright midday sun and her brain restarted normal functions. The brunette gathered the bag with her travel companions and got up from the chair she had been glued to for eight hours.
“Have a good day,” the driver chimed as (Y/N) was walking down the bus.
“You too, drive safe!” The girl smiled and got her two suitcases out of the side of the bus.
(Y/N) got startled as she felt two arms wrap around her midriff and quickly swung her elbow back.
“Woah, woah, careful with those arms, (Y/N). It’s just me,” the girl turned around, a gleaming grin adorning her face.
“Sam!” She jumped onto the open arms of her older brother, seeing the years that had passed on his tired face.
“Look at you, darling. All grown up,” Allison Uley smiled, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
“Mom, I’ve missed you.” (Y/N) hugged her mother tightly, noticing the difference in heights of her and her mother. Another thing she noticed was the strain between her mother and her brother. Before she left, they all had a very close relationship but now it felt like so many things had interlaced into their bond. “Let’s go home yeah?”
“I’m, actually I gotta go to my house,” Sam scratched the back of his neck.
“What house?” (Y/N) chuckled.
“I moved out, but I’ll come over for your welcome dinner.”
“Sam, she just came back. Don’t you wanna spend time with your sister?” Allison begged, wanting to have both of her children under the same roof again.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I just can’t, mom. Leave it.” Sam sighed. “I’ll see you at dinner, (Y/N).”
He kissed the top of his sister’s head and left. He wanted to tell them the whole truth, but he knew he couldn’t. Knowing that information would put them in a level of danger that he didn’t want them to be aware of.
(Y/N) stared at the retreating figure of his brother as he ran down the street, leaving her and their mother.
“What’s up with him?”
“Oh darling, if only I knew.” Allison sighed grabbing one of the suitcases her daughter had brought. “Let’s just head to the house so you can rest.”
“Yeah, let’s.” (Y/N) gave Allison a comforting smile and wheeled the second suitcase towards the truck.
The drive home was as short as she remembered, and the house hadn’t changed a bit. She walked up the steps to the porch and opened the old wooden door; it still made the same creaking sound. The house still smelled of seawater and pine, an odd mix but a comforting scent. (Y/N) regretted all the summers she missed here and all the days she spent away from her family.
She made her way up the stairs and entered the first door to the right. She ran her fingers through the stickers she had pasted on there when she was 13: a wolf, a rainbow, a heart, and a picture of her family. Her name still carved at the highest point of the door and she smiled at the memory of that. She sat atop Sam’s shoulder when she was just 12 years old, a trembling hand holding a pick as she carved as best as she could the name “(Y/N)”.
The doorknob as it was turned let out a squeaky groan and the door needed an extra push to open. The room had not changed at all. The walls were still painted a light green, the light switch still had the pink princess cover, the bedding had the little purple butterflies embroidered on them, and the pillows were all pink and purple. In a corner rested the five boxes (Y/N) had sent to the house from her dorm room.
“It hasn’t changed a bit,” (Y/N) commented as she felt her mother’s presence behind her.
“I didn’t want to change it until you came back,” Allison smiled. “But I’m sure you’d like to give this place a bit of a makeover.”
“Definitely,” she laughed. “I think I’ll go to Port Angeles this weekend, doing some shopping can’t hurt.”
“That’s true.” Allison side hugged her daughter as she laughed. She headed towards the door but stopped when she was called upon by her daughter.
“Hey, mom?”
“Yes, darling?”
“By any chance, do you know where Sam’s living?” Allison’s body stiffened but shared the information with her daughter. Maybe she could figure out why he’d just disappeared.
(Y/N) was surprised to hear he was living with a girl she barely knew. She knew of Emily Young through Leah Clearwater, but not much after that. Last thing she had heard Leah and Sam had been dating. She certainly had missed some very important pivotal points in her brother’s life.
The house wasn’t far, so she decided to walk there. Upon arrival she could feel the warm and inviting aura that the quaint house emanated. The blue door called to her as she knocked on it. It finally opened and revealed her brother.
“(Y/N), what’re you doing here?”
“I’m here to see my big brother. Is that such a crime?” She laughed.
“No, of course. Come in,” he smiled begrudgingly. “I don’t have much time so we gotta make this quick.”
“Wow, feeling the love there,” she chuckled passing through the doorframe.
“There’s just some things that I have to do before dinner tonight.”
“It’s okay, I get it. I just wanted to ask if you could help me on the weekend with my room. I’m bringing it four years into the present, gotta make sure it looks like an 18-year-old sleeps there.”
“Yeah, I’ll come over Sunday afternoon and help you then. Anything else you need?”
“Well, not exactly, but it wouldn’t help to catch up. You know make up for four years of chit chat conversations and get me up to date with at the happenings in your life.”
“There’s not much to say other than I moved out and I’m engaged.” He said nonchalantly.
“Excuse me?! You’re engaged and failed to mention that to me?”
“It’s not that big of a deal, (Y/N).”
“Yes, it is, Sam! You’re getting married and this is the first I’m ever hearing of this or the fact that you moved out or the fact that you’re engaged to your ex-girlfriend’s cousin. I think it is a big deal.”
“Okay, yeah. Kind of a long story on that one.”
“Enough time to tell it to me?” Sam hesitated. He could hear Emily’s truck approaching and two male voices coming back from patrol. He needed to get (Y/N) out of the house before they got here.
“Maybe another time. I’ll call you on Sunday, yeah?” Sam asked as he nudged his sister out of his house.
“I guess.” (Y/N) mumbled as she was pushed out the front door. “Bye.”
“See ya.” Sam kissed the side of her head and closed the door.
(Y/N) left the house with more questions about her brother that she had begun with but didn’t want to press on. There was no use if he wasn’t going to talk, so she walked back home.
Her mother had gone out, possibly grocery shopping for tonight’s dinner, giving (Y/N) time to catch up on some much-needed sleep. She walked up the stairs and into her room, plopping down on the bed not caring how she landed. All she wanted was to close her eyes and rest.
By six in the afternoon her eyes fluttered open once again. She could smell the dinner her mother had been cooking. The room had darkened as the sun was going down and thankfully her mother had turned on a lamp for (Y/N) to have some vision. The girl got up from bed and grabbed some clothes from her suitcase to take a quick shower before dinner. She stripped all her clothes off and let the water wash away all the hours of the day. As soon as the water started turning cold, she shut it off and got out.
For a second, (Y/N) stopped and stared at herself in the mirror above the sink. She barely recognized the girl staring back. The bags under her eyes were deeper than the last time she had seen herself in this specific mirror, her cheekbones were more defined than before, her skin paler than usual since she hadn’t really seen the sun in a while.
It didn’t take her long to change into some new clothes and head downstairs, where she saw her mother on the phone. Disappointment evident in her eyes.
“Sam, it’s your sister… please… ok, fine. Just don’t flake on her on Sunday,” Allison sighed, turning off her phone and slamming it on the counter.
“Everything okay, mom?”
“Oh, yeah, darling. Your brother won’t be able to join us, but Billy and Jacob, and the Clearwaters are on their way, and I also invited Charlie and Bella Swan. I hope you don’t mind that they join in.”
“No, I don’t mind. What about Paul?”
“You know I’ve never liked that boy, honey.” (Y/N) stared at her mother. Refusing to continue the conversation until Allison answered the question. “I did invite him, but he couldn’t come.”
“I love seeing you make an effort,” (Y/N) laughed and kissed her mother on the cheek. “I’ll set the table.”
“Thank you, darling.”
(Y/N) grabbed the 10 plates needed for the night and the respective cutlery. She still remembered how her mother liked the table arranged and set it as such. She set the vase filled with fresh flowers in the middle of the table, leaving space on the sides for the dinner platters. The arrival of the guests was soon after. (Y/N) had grown alongside Jacob and Leah, and on the summers, she would spend her times with the Swan girl. Once Seth was born, he became very close with the Uley girl.
“My oh my, (Y/N), how you’ve grown.” Billy Black grabbed Uley’s hand and smiled up at her, with the warmness that summer brought.
“Indeed, I have, and you haven’t aged a day in four years. What’s your secret?”
“It’s in the genes,” he laughed alongside the young girl. She’d always been a charmer, he thought “You remember my boy, Jacob, right?”
“How could I ever forget? Hey, Jake!”
“How you’ve been, (Y/N)?” Jacob approached his friend and wrapped her in a hug. “Been an awful long time.”
“Four years, that’s not much,” she smiled. “Come in.”
The father and son duo entered the house, and next came the Clearwaters. Harry, Sue, and Seth. No Leah. They had always been close to the Uleys, a bit of divide coming after the rupture between the eldest offspring of each family.
“Oh, wow, where has the time gone?” Sue commented, greeting the girl with a tight hug.
“4 years really do go by quick, don’t they?”
“They sure do, Harry.” (Y/N) smiled, motioning the couple in.
Finally, Seth walked in and engulfed (Y/N) in a tight hug. The girl was 5 years his elder, but he considered her one of his best friends. Seth and Paul were the only two people (Y/N) kept in close contact other than her family. For some time, Paul and (Y/N) had drifted apart but Seth always sent his monthly excited letters, updating her on what he had been up to.
“I missed you, (Y/N)!” Little Seth spoke into a bundle of brunette hair.
“I missed you too, Seth.” She smiled as he walked past her, joining his parents.
The last to enter were Sheriff Swan and Bella. The cop smiled at the girl and gave her a quick hug, commenting on how much she had grown, a low chuckle leaving his throat. Bella entered with hunched shoulders, possibly not wanting to be there but she still smiled at her old friend. Vague memories filled the girls’ heads of summer play dates and days at the beach.
“It’s been quite some time, huh?” Bella muttered.
“It sure has. It’s great to see you again,” (Y/N) smiled. “How have you liked Forks now that you’re back full time. Still hating cold weather?”
“Yeah,” the pale girl chuckled. “But it has its better days.”
The girls joined in a quick giggled before joining the rest of the group at the dinner table. Allison had already set the table and had said her hellos to the group.
The three males had engaged in sports conversations and the teens were all huddled in the kitchen munching on cheese and crackers and engaging in small chit chat.
“So, (Y/N), 18 and already a degree, how does that feel?” Jacob asked, stuffing his mouth with cheese and ham.
“Well, as good as it can be. Don’t know exactly what I’m gonna do now. All I know is that I’m taking a year off and taking a breather for the first time.” (Y/N) chuckled.
“I just can’t believe you’d spend all this time going to school, twice as much. I don’t like school at all,” Seth chimed in, picking apart the cheese and filling his mouth.
“So, you spent these past four years studying, including your summers?” Bella added.
“That’s correct,” (Y/N) smiled. “And now I have a degree and nothing to do with it.”
The group chuckled and moved towards the adults as they were being called to dinner. In the center of the table was a big platter of spaghetti and meatballs, (Y/N)’s favorite food, a tray of toasted garlic bread, and a bowl of a colorful mix of spring salad.
(Y/N) always enjoyed her mother’s cooking. Even on her saddest days, Allison’s cooking could warm her heart at any time. She and her mother had a very close relationship, even after four years of distance. Since her father left early in her life, her mother had always tried her hardest to make sure both her children were loved and cared for. And she stayed wondering where she had gone wrong with Sam and hoping (Y/N) didn’t stray away as her eldest had.
The dinner group had all taken their seats at the dinner table and were passing around the various platters, serving themselves their desired portions. Jacob and Seth were overfilling their plates, receiving a laugh from their respective parents. Charlie, Harry, and Billy were filling their plates with more protein than carbohydrates and the moms at the table smiled at the males engulfing the meatballs. (Y/N) looked around the table and smiled. It had been a long time since she had sat down with the important people in her life and was relaxed, even if two of them were missing.
After everyone was served, everything went almost quiet. Some background music could be heard from the living room and the sound of forks hitting plates and mouths chewing filled the environment. Everyone was comfortable with the silence, but there was still one question in everyone’s mind.
“Where’s Sam?” Seth spoke up, voicing everyone’s question. The whole table paused in action and Seth felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Sue softly elbowed her son. “What?”
“It’s okay, Sue,” (Y/N) smiled. “He couldn’t be here, bud.”
“Maybe he was feeling bad, like Leah.” He added earning a burning stare from both his parents.
“Maybe, Seth.”
“I just wanna apologize for our daughter missing this dinner. I know she really wanted to see you, (Y/N).”
“Oh, Harry, it’s really no problem. I’m sure I’ll catch up with her soon enough.” (Y/N) smiled trying to ease the tension felt in the room. She could see her mother gripping her fork tightly as she kept her head down. “But I would also like to apologize on behalf of Sam, I know he wanted to be here.”
Everyone simply nodded and went back to their plates. The rest of the evening was enjoyable. No one mentioned the pair that was missing, and (Y/N)’s past four years were questioned in depth. She had an answer for everything except “What are you gonna do now?”
She didn’t know and that’s what she answered. She mentioned she wanted to study medicine, having finished a degree in biology and always loved taking care of other people. Sue was excited, being a nurse herself. But (Y/N) had landed at a standstill in terms of her life and career. A vast portion of her life had been defined as a student and now that this part was over, she didn’t know who she was.  
The dinner festivities were over soon thereafter, leaving Allison and (Y/N) to clean up after the group. The Uley pair put everything away in silence, exhausted from the eventful day. (Y/N) could see as her mother wiped away a few stray tears, sniffling behind her hair. The girl knew better than to bring the topic back up and left her mother with a kiss on the temple and a good night.
Upstairs, (Y/N) prepared herself for bed. The event had drained nay energy still left in her and she plopped down on the bed with a small thud. She had prepared her clothes for the next day, knowing her energy would also be drained but still excited to have this change. Her eyes fluttered close as she heard in the distance her mother’s quiet footsteps on the staircase, darkness overtaking her.
A/N: if you wish to be tagged for the next parts, please let me know. I’d be happy to. <3
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Fortunate Disaster
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Warnings: I haven't written it yet but umm, all of the warnings in the world
Request: Not quite but thank you @victoriadeangeliswifey for your lovely comment on @bimbadiethantorchio 's post.
Word Count: 2.4K
Pairing: F!Reader X Vic
Y/n had been walking around in the rain for hours on end. She was tired, sore and irritated at her circumstance. Only a few hours ago, she was happily jogging around town, enjoying the warm, pleasant weather. A sudden burst of energy had hit her, and she ended up crossing the small area of trees between her village and the next, exploring all the new terrain. Unfortunately, as soon as she crossed, a thundering storm took over the sky and the forest became a no-go.
To make her situation better, the battery of her phone had run out and she was now wandering on an empty street, seemingly leading nowhere.
Y/n walked for a while longer, until a large building started shaping into the horizon. Perhaps it must have been her delirious state, or her rain-soaked lashes, but she swore a dark presence flew around her, sending shivers all throughout her spine.
“Is anybody there?” She called out, the only answer Y/n received being her own echo and a deafening thunder.
She flinched at the sound and continued walking. She could swear that every step she took, every breath she inhaled and every shiver was closely observed by someone. She just didn’t know who.
Getting closer to the cloudy structure, she realized that it was in fact a house, but one that looked straight out of a horror movie. It was tall and painted in dark colors, small windows here and there, as a large metal fence surrounded it.
Y/n had seen creepy movies before, and she knew better than to approach such mansions, but she was desperate, cold and hungry. It’s not like she had a better choice.
Finally having reached the entrance, she scanned around for a bell only to be surprised by the door opening on it’s own. She was definitely not getting out of here.
With a deep breath, she did her best to calm down her wrecking nerves and stepped forwards.
The garden of the castle was truly mesmerising, roses and well-kept bushes everywhere, as a stone alley extended into a labyrinth of trees. She was sure this place would look like a dream during a more pleasant day, but for now, she only focused on moving forward, and hopefully getting some shelter.
She was standing in front of the large ebony door, regretting all the choices that led her to this moment. She closed her eyes and sighed in exasperation, as she grabbed the golden handle and knocked three times.
The entryway opened almost instantly, and she was met with a short, petite girl, looking at her with the most captivating, bright blue eyes.
“Hi! I’m Victoria! Please! Come in!” She introduced herself while simultaneously ushering Y/n inside.
“I’m Y/n, umm, thanks for-for letting me in.” She tried to let out, still frightened by the whole situation.
“Of course! We couldn’t let such beautiful people walk around in that terrible weather.” She chuckled, sending Y/n a smirk.
Y/n frowned slightly, before she spoke up again. “Oh, you have roommates?”
“Oh of course! Three others. But only Ethan is at home.” She smiled, handing Y/n a towel.
“Oh, um, thank you.” The shivering girl mumbled, wrapping the cloth around herself tightly.
“My pleasure! What kind of hosts would we be If we didn’t take proper care of you.” She chuckled, placing a hand on the small of Y/n’s back and leading her towards the staircase. “Come upstairs, you might want to take a warm bath.”
Well, the blonde wasn’t wrong about that. Y/n nodded and let Victoria lead her to the bathroom. As they walked down a dimly lit hallway, Y/n noticed several paintings of people from different eras, however she couldn’t help but note that it looked like four faces kept reappearing over and over again.
She brushed the thought away when Victoria opened a door for her, softly pushing her forward into the bathroom.
“Oh, thank you so much! I really don’t know what I would have done If I hadn’t ended up here.”
“Oh no problem, darling. I left some clothes on the table and you can light some candles if you wish to.” She encouraged her, closely examining her face as it lit up at her words.
Y/n had always been fascinated by candles, always wanting to smell every single scent on this earth, and see the wax melt onto paper, tables, and any other surfaces.
As If on cue, Y/n heard Victoria snap her fingers and all of them were now lit. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as her shoulders lifted up, her eyes widening.
She turned around quickly only to catch a glimpse of Victoria’s rascally smirk, before she shut the door and Y/n was left trembling alone, in a stranger’s bathroom. Perhaps the thought had crossed her mind before, but she had dismissed it until now. There was unquestionably something inhuman about the girl. She didn’t even dare think about her roommates.
A million thoughts ran through her mind as she did her best to deal with each wave of panic. Taking a deeper breath than any before, she imagined all her worries fade away once she exhaled, and continued to blame her creative mind for the thing she’d seen.
She took off all the wet clothes that clung to her body like a newborn to his mother, and got in the hot water.
The warmth enveloped her body at once, and she let out a pleasured sigh as she relaxed further into the bathtub.
She rested there for half an hour, before a loud growl erupted from her stomach. She was starving, there was no denying it, but she was also desperate to cling to the safety she felt in the bathroom. Eventually, deciding that enough was enough, she pushed herself out and grabbed the towel once more, patting herself dry.
Glancing towards the table, she noticed that the only clothes to her disposition were a pair of fuzzy socks, a deep red silk nightgown and a fluffy sweatshirt. Y/n grabbed the clothes and slowly started dressing herself again.
Faced once again with the door, she beat herself up internally and reluctantly opened it, peeking at the hallway to see if anyone was there. Luckily for her, she was all alone. She trailed her steps back to the staircase and descended it timidly, hearing the voice of two people chattering in the living room.
“Ah, there you are!” Victoria’s husky voice filled the room once she noticed Y/n peaking around the corner. “Come here. This is Ethan, my best friend, and Chili, my dog.” She smiled while holding a fuzzy little puppy, who yapped excitedly at Y/n.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Ethan’s modulated voice reached her ears, as he approached her and extended a hand. Y/n brought her own one up to shake his, but instead he brought it to his lips and left a soft kiss on her knuckles.
“The pleasure is all mine.” Y/n smiled, trying to be polite, despite having seen Ethan’s eyes glow red for a split second.
“So, puppy, do you wanna eat something?” Victoria spoke again, an evident smirk on her face as she took in Y/n’s blushed face.
“Yes! I’m starving” The girl chuckled and took a seat across from Victoria, noticing Ethan bringing her a plate of food.
They all stood in relative silence while Y/n ate, too hungry to notice that she was the only one. Having finally finished, she pushed the plate away and wiped her mouth with a napkin, looking up at the people around her.
A wave of embarrassment hit her upon noticing that she was being stared at, practically shrinking into the seat as Victoria got up with a sly grin on her face.
“The rain still hasn’t stopped, and by the looks of it, it could go for hours to come. You wouldn’t mind sleeping here, would you, puppy?” She whispered into her ear, causing Y/n to cross her legs tightly and squeeze her hands in a failed attempt to not shiver.
Victoria only chuckled at her reaction and brushed a wet strand of hair behind her ear, before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
“You definitely strike me as a smart girl. You must have guessed we’re not quite human, hm?” The blonde breathed into her ear once more, directing her attention to Ethan, who was biting his lip, a long, white fang pressing into the soft skin.
“Vampires…” Y/n shuddered, recoiling into Vic’s embrace.
“That’s a good girl. So, would you like the guest room or mine. Or perhaps Ethan’s”
At that, a loud laugh erupted from the man in front of us. “Right. I have a book to finish. If you need me, shout out my name.” With those final words, he picked up Chili and left the room.
A deafening silence enveloped the lounge, only broken by the rain drops smashing against the windows.
“You must be tired, princess. How about you answer that question I asked earlier.”
Y/n couldn’t believe that her brain’s instinct was to go with her. The realization that she was in a house with actual vampires perhaps did not yet settle in, because every single nerve of her body was seemingly drawn to the attractive girl who sat right behind her.
“Will you kill me?” Y/n croaked, scratching her own palm so hard she could feel an upcoming bruise forming.
“Of course not. I really hate how the media portrays us these days. We only drink the blood of animals. Humans aren’t nearly as nutritious.” She scoffed, turning Y/n around so they could be face to face.
“Drinking human blood is strictly for pleasurable reasons.” She hummed, looking at Y/n’s lips, while she rested her hands on her legs.
Y/n’s brain completely shut off. All she could focus on was the girl’s cold fingertips touching the insides of her thighs, and her lusty gaze falling right onto her lips.
“I’ll tell you one more thing, though. If you don’t answer my question, again, I’ll have to find other methods to make you speak.” She sneered against Y/n’s neck, her teeth slightly grazing the soft skin.
Y/n shuddered and closed her eyes, turning her face away and enveloping herself with her arms. “Yours.” She mumbled, her jaw being met by Victoria’s lips as soon as the words left her mouth.
Y/n gasped loudly and grabbed Vic’s shoulder, holding onto her as she kept sucking on her skin.
“Good girl.” Victoria croaked, pulling away.
She started walking down the hallway, and Y/n had no better idea than to follow the blonde. Her gaze fell upon her golden hair, illuminated by the chandeliers hung on the ceiling. Two large, golden crosses were hanging on her ears and her slim body was covered with a skimpy, black gown, extending all the way to the velvety floors.
Y/n would be lying if she said Victoria didn’t look celestial. She could stare at her for hours on end if given the chance.
The blonde finally stopped and Y/n bumped into her, lost in her own thoughts. A small chuckle escaped Vic and she turned around, pulling Y/n closer to her.
“You weren’t paying attention, were you?” She quizzed the dumbfounded girl.
“Yes I was.” Y/n responded, averting her gaze to the door in front of them.
“Of course you were…” Vic mumbled, amused, and led Y/n into the room.
It was spacious and dimly lit, a large bed occupying the center of the bedroom, and a million dressers on the sides. Right across from the bed was an even larger mirror, decorated with golden ornaments on the edges.
“Right side or left?” The blonde asked her, turning off the lights in the room.
Before Y/n could answer, she was pushed right on the middle of the bed, Vic standing right on top of her.
“I think this is the middle.” Y/n stammered, inhaling a sharp breath.
“That’s not what I was referring to.” Vic whispered against her skin, lowering her head to be right between her breasts.
Oh. Y/n’s mind was already moving with the speed of light, and perhaps at this point it had completely abandoned her. Unfortunately, Vic was waiting for her response and kept hovering over her skin, no matter how long Y/n waited.
“Right.” The girl finally spoke up, and Vic gave her a satisfied wink.
One of the blonde’s hands slipped off the gown Y/n was wearing, while the other softly cupped her breast. Once the cold air of the room hit Y/n’s bare chest, she shivered and pulled Vic down, so she would be laying on top of her.
It was the last push Vic needed before her mouth was on Y/n, circling her tongue around her nipple. With every sigh and whimper coming from the girl below her, Vic would bite softly into the silky skin, kissing the area afterwards.
“Vic- Fuck!” Y/n moaned when she felt the tip of Vic’s fang pressing into her skin, sending delicious shivers throughout her body.
The blonde continued to explore every inch of her body, pressing sloppy kisses to her skin, soft bites and licks wherever she could, while Y/n grew more and more desperate.
“Please!” She moaned out, spreading her legs, while Victoria grabbed them and held them in place.
Finally descending to her center, Victoria thrusted a finger inside the moaning girl and kept repeating her actions while her tongue circled Y/n’s clit.
“You’re so fucking wet, puppy.” The blonde whispered against her, making Y/n whimper at the vibrations, and added another finger.
It didn’t take long for Y/n to come undone, a soft bite to her thighs being the last push she needed. She came loud and forcefully, her whole body trembling with pleasure, while Victoria stared at her, her dark eyes taking in her delicate features.
“Ethan!” Y/n heard Victoria call out, before the man suddenly appeared in the room, his long hair flying around.
“You think you can take a few more rounds, puppy?” Victoria asked Y/n, caressing her cheek.
The girl did nothing but nod eagerly as her whole body was filled with excitement for what was to come. It’s safe to say, wandering into that house was very far from a bad idea.
Taglist: @fuckim-so-gay @ginny-lily @messyhairday-me @cheese-toastie-11 @wannabemarlenabutiscoraline @simp-per-ethan
@maneskinrollercoaster @juststalking @superchrystaldrug @immrbrightsideeee @shehaddreamstoo @tiaamberxx @victoriadeangeliswifey
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all three heartbeats
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bakugou katsuki / f.reader
genre: married au (husband/wife), angst, hurt/comfort?, fluff, katsuki being a sap in lowercase
synposis: katsuki works full time as a prohero, but his time working to ensure the publics safety kept him busy- far too busy at times.  he seeks comfort in you and his newborn little girl because the both of you keep him grounded and keep him fighting. he just wishes he could find a way to feel like a better father and husband. 
w.count: 3.6k
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a/n: hi hello i aint never written for bnha before and i thought i would never write anime fics again but here we are years after (it has been actual years, someone save me LOL). what better way than to start back out with blasty amiright? 
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It was one of those nights.  Katsuki had just walked into his home at an ungodly hour and as he shut the door behind him, he leaned his back against it, He flicked all three locks of the front door shut and dropped his duffle bag at his feet before he tipped his head back to rest on the wood.  He closed his eyes, sighing as he had the urge to just sink to the floor of the entryway landing and power nap. 
Lord knows when his phone would buzz or ring again- his seemingly never ending work calling him to clock in again. It seemed like recently he never clocked out of his job- always working, patrolling, fighting petty villains trying to commit petty crimes and occasionally stopping more dangerous situations that kept him on edge and busy for hours to days on end.  
The duffle he dropped at his feet was full with his gear and his hero suit that was in desperate need of washing and minor repairs- things that if he even muttered to himself about, you would happily offer your aid. 
His closed eyes opened and his chin dropped back down, the back of his head coming off the door as he pushed the rest of his body off it as well.  He heeled off his shoes and ruffled his hair as he finally walked into his home, leaving his duffle at the door as he made his way to the bathroom.  
In all honesty, Katsuki wanted to go immediately to the room he shared with you where he knew you were asleep. He desperately needed a shower though, and he wasn’t planning on crawling into bed to hold you smelling like sweat, smoke and hero work.  
You told him before you didn’t mind his post-work scent, in fact you told him it was charming in it’s own way since it was proof that Pro Hero: Dynamight worked harder than anyone else to one day be the No.1 Hero he’d been dreaming of his entire life. 
Katsuki never told you, but he’d think about that almost everyday and it always made him smile when he did. 
The shower he took was brisk and quick because all he wanted to do was go to bed.  He couldn’t remember the last time he wasn’t just taking power naps on the couch at the agency. He couldn’t remember the last time he got to go to sleep in his own bed. Katsuki couldn’t remember the last time he got to hold you and it was starting to really piss him off.  
Since graduating UA, getting engaged, married and then having a child with you, is tempter had considerably settled.  He wasn’t entirely tame by any means, he was still a quick fire with insults, refused to use people’s names and stuck to stupid nicknames he thought of, cursed like a sailor and exploded when something mildly frustrating ticked him off- but he wasn’t like he was before.  
When Katsuki can stand to be in the same room as Todoroki and Midoriya and not blow a giant fuse within the first sentence exchange, anyone would call that progress.  
It was no shock that you were a large factor in his settled image- he had to start leaning self control and how to manager his attitude.  The one extremely rocky point in your relationship with Katsuki back when you both were third years and you threatened to leave him if he didn’t shape up made him change.  It wasn’t easy, but the arguments and fights you both had back then serve as a reminder of how far he had come according to you. 
When Katsuki stepped out of the bathroom, he sighed- feeling refreshed- as he walked to the bedroom with a towel around his waist and another over his head drying his hair.  It was way too late to be running the hairdryer, he’d risk waking up his child that he knew was otherwise dead to the world in their crib.
Twisting the doorknob as quietly as he could, Katsuki stepped into the bedroom and his eyes immediately looked to the bed, seeing your body’s shape beneath the comforter of the giant, Alaskan king bed you insisted you absolutely needed.  
He felt his lips twitch as he left the door cracked to let in a small amount of light from the hall without stirring you.  He went to his dresser and snatched a pair of shorts and a tank top and threw them on before he left the room as quietly as he had come in. 
Katsuki went back to the front door and picked up his duffle bag, moving it into the living room and setting it on the couch to fiddle with it in the morning. He grabbed his phone from the side pouch of the duffle and began to shut the lights off and retreated back down the hall.  
Before he went back to the room you slept in to join you, he stopped first in the room that was directly across the hall from his and yours and as quiet as a mouse crept in.  
The nursey was painted in a pale yellow with sunflowers painted on the walls (curtesy of the bakusquad who insisted they were in charge of nursery decorations). Against the wall was a shelved cubby for toys and items for the baby and beside that was a changing table.  Across the room was a tall dresser filled with way too many baby onesies and outfits for the future. 
Katsuki walked to the white, wooden crib at the back of the room as the room itself was glowing in the soft, blue light of the baby’s nightlight.  He leaned over the crib side and looked down to see his child sleeping just as quiet as can be.  
He smiled as he reached down and stroked her chubby cheeks with the back of his knuckles.  She was warm and soft. 
“Hey there, Girlie,” he whispered, barely audible. Just watching his little girl sleep so soundly made his chest warm. God, he loved her so much.  He frowned as he thought about how tough it might be on you while he’s away looking after her by yourself.  She was barely a few months old and he hasn’t even had a weekend with you two yet.  
Katsuki bit his lip to keep from letting the disappointment he felt in himself slip out in the form of growls. 
He stuck around in the nursey for a few more minutes, just petting and admiring his child before he snuck back out and finally, finally went back to his room and as carefully as possible slid into bed.  
You slept in the center of the bed that could easily fit four sleeping bodies, and Katsuki shuffled in further towards you before he was right behind you.  He stared at your back in the dark room, his eyes adjusting more and more as the minutes pass.  
Katsuki lightly grabbed your shoulder before he was pulling you to your back and then reaching over you to lay on your chest.  On an ordinary day, Katsuki would be happy just holding you, but he felt especially worn out and drained. So, for once, even if you were sleeping, he just wanted to be held instead. 
His cheek pushed into your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat beneath his ear. His right arm stretched over your shoulder to rest by your head and his left stayed beside his own body, his right leg hiked over your waist to be as close to you as he could get. 
He felt his eyes roll before he shut them, finally feeling comfortable and warm and safe for the first time in days.  He was finally breathing easy and all he wanted to do was stay here, in your arms, for the rest of his life. 
As he started to finally doze off, his eyes fluttered open at the feeling of something carding through his hair. 
He heard you take a deep breath before you were shifting just a bit to curl around him more and he felt your chin push against the top of his head. 
“Go back to sleep,” he muttered, feeling your sleepy gaze on the top of his head.  The small, sleepy chuckle that left your chest hummed against his cheek. 
“Welcome home,” you whispered, sleep laced heavily in your voice as he felt your lips push against his scalp.  “How was work?” You ask so innocently, but the question only made Katsuki burrow his face into your chest further. He doesn’t answer you, so you prompt him further. “Katsuki?” 
“Don’t wanna talk about it,” he muttered, lifting his face just enough to speak clearly then pushing it back down again.  
You say nothing at that and instead return to just carding your fingers through his semi-damp hair as you bask in each other and the silence of the house.  You glance over to the alarm clock, seeing the time 4:03 am in orange, glowing numbers. 
You feel like you have loads you want to talk about with Katsuki, things you want to share with him that had happened and things you want to have him tell you that’s happened, but it’s too quiet and too peaceful to bring them up.  They’d have to wait. 
“’m sorry,” he suddenly spoke from where he lay on your chest.  Your fingers stop their mindless fiddling in his hair and he grips onto you tighter. 
“What for?” 
“Not being here.” 
You felt your heart crack at the tone of his voice.  He’s always been more open and mushy around you- as much as he denies it and he only get’s more open and more mushy when he was sleep deprived and just plain exhausted.  
“I’m always working, always gone, always away doing fuck-knows-what out there and not here.  I’m not home and that’s gotta really fucking suck.”  He’s silent for a moment but you dare not speak. You feel like he’s been holding a lot in recently and if he’s choosing now to let it all out, you would silently encourage him to do that.  
“I mean-” he scoffs at himself, “we’re married for fucks sake.  We have a baby and I’m basically leaving you home alone day after day to raise her by yourself.” 
“What?” Your shocked to think that’s how he feels.  “Katsuki, that’s not-”
“It feels true,” he whimpers. “I feel like if I keep doing this, keep leaving you and Misuzu alone,” his voice cracks at the sound of his daughter’s name leaving his lips, “then you’ll both just disappear and I won’t even have the balls to go after you two.” You think you feel something wet seep through your sleep shirt, but you don’t say a thing about it.  “I don’t feel like a husband and I don’t feel like a father. How can I feel like a hero if I can’t even spare the time to be with my god damn family?” 
“Well,” you start.  In truth, all you want to do is console him, but for all you know that could make him feel worse. You had to figure out what he wanted first. “What do you want to do then?” 
He took a deep breath before he let it out again. 
“I think I’m going to take some time off,” he concluded.  It had been on his mind recently and now was as good a time as any.  He just wanted to be home. “Maybe a week or two.” 
“If that’s what you really want to do, then I think that’s a great idea. Just don’t forget to tell Eijirou or else he’ll blow a fuse if he just think’s your late because the great Dynamight is always punctual.” 
You got a hearty puff of air and smile out of him for that little line.  it was no shock that when all came down to it, Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugou Katsuki ended up working in the same agency. 
“I’ll just text the bastard.” 
“You need to tell the agency too, you dolt,” you lightly whacked him on the bed as he groaned.  Getting time off wasn’t going to be hard for him considering the god awful hours he’s been forced into the past however long.  Just going into the office to get that time off is annoying and a process he wish he could get someone else do to for him. “Just head out in the morning and let both your partner and your agency know. It won’t be so bad.” 
“Whatever,” he huffed.  “Just, go back to sleep.” 
You glanced back at the clock to see that only about half and hour had passed.  You sighed as you closed your eyes happily ready to return to sleep before Misuzu woke up. 
You swore Katsuki was out before you. 
You woke up three hours later, just after 7 am to the sounds of your daughter’s crying from her nursey. When you opened your eyes and sat up, your husband was no where to be seen.  
You frowned, knowing that he was awake somewhere and he had only slept a few hours. Shaking your head, you got up and went to Misuzu’s room to get her from her crib and bring her into your arms.  
You shushed the infant in your arms as you left the nursey and walked around the house.  Katsuki was no where to be found and his everyday shoes were gone from the shoe rack next to the door.  He must’ve went out already. 
Not thinking much of it, you moved to the kitchen to grab one of Mizusu’s bottles from the fridge.  One plus of pumping was getting bottles for the future- but that was one of the only pros among a number of cons.  
With Misuzu being still so young, she didn’t do much beside nursing, napping and diaper calls.  She would coo and whine and clutch onto your fingers and clothes and hair, but her energy was never prolonged.  
After nursing, burping and playing with her she was yawning again. You left to place her back in her crib in her room as you let he sleep a little while longer. Flipping on the baby monitor, you left the room and went to the kitchen.  Your daughter had breakfast, it was only fair that you got something to eat too. 
As you scrambled the last eggs in your fridge, enough for Katsuki just in case you saw him this morning, you heard the front door open and shut again.  You smiled as you heard footsteps come treading into the kitchen and you looked over your shoulder to see your husband.  
You smiled at him as he rubbed the back of his head. Dressed in jeans that tore just slightly in the thighs and a t-shirt, Wwhen he saw you, he immediately started going towards you. 
“Good morning,” you told him as he was at your side looking over your shoulder. “Welcome home.” 
“Mmn,” he hummed at you. 
“Where’d you go so early in the morning?” 
“You should’ve slept in a little bit more.  You didn’t sleep long.”  
“I didn’t want to wait any more to just be able to stay home.” 
You smiled at his answer.  You brought one hand up to pat his cheek as he leaned into your touch.  
“Why don’t you go get comfortable if you’re staying home then?” 
He hummed at you again, nodding before he kissed your shoulder and sauntered back into your shared room. He took his time getting changed and getting into more homey clothes, because when he came back into the kitchen you were placing your food on plates for the both of you. 
This time, when he came to you, instead of standing beside you, he latched onto you from behind as he buried his face into your neck.  You could tell from the feeling of his eyelashes tickling your skin that he was still tired. You had half a mind to tell him to just go back to bed and he could really wake up and eat later. 
The way he tightened his grip on your waist and started to sway ever so gently back and forth in the kitchen made you stay silent though.  It was a serene moment between you two and you just closed your eyes and basked in it.  It had been so long since you just got to bask in him and him in you. 
“You hungry?” You asked as softly as you could muster. He nodded but made no effort to try and move away from you.  “Do you expect to eat with your face hidden?” You teased. 
“Just a little longer,” he muffled, his breath making your skin rise with gooseflesh as it tickled.  
Half and hour later, you were taking his plate from him as he cleaned it of food and went to put them in the sink.  He jumped from his chair at the table before he was gently moving you away from the metal hole in the counter where you were about to wash the dishes you had dirtied this morning. 
“I’ll wash them,” he insisted. 
“I don’t mind doing it.” 
“Don’t be so damned stubborn.  You cooked, so it’s fair.” 
You shrugged as you relented. “If you really insist. Thank you, Katsuki.” You placed a small, short kiss on his cheek before you moved back to the table to sit.  
As he cleaned up the dishes, you sat at the table and fiddled with your phone, scrolling through apps to see what you missed and then flicking occasionally to watch Katsuki’s back.  
“I feel you fuckin’ staring,” he spoke as he shut the water off, shaking his hands before he dried them on a towel.  The dishes all sat in a plastic draining rack as he turned around and leaned against the counter.  You placed your chin in your palm as you laughed at him. 
“Yeah? Got a problem with it?” 
“Not necessarily.” 
You both jumped when a small whine was heard over the speaker of the baby monitor you had sitting on the center of the table.  You pushed your chair out, but before you could even stand up, Katsuki was up and down the hall to check on Misuzu. 
When you made it to her door, he had already lifted her out of her crib.  She had reached up and snagged a tiny handful of her father’s hair as he hissed. 
“Listen you little brat, just because your my baby doesn’t mean you can yank on my hair.” Her small fist only yanked down on his hair more as if to say ‘I can and will’.  You chuckled as you walked into the nursey and started to detangle her hand from his blond hair.  
Katsuki watched as her fingers released his hair and instead wrapped around your finger as you bounced it slightly. Her tiny arm moved in tandem with your finger bounces. 
“Hey,” your soft voice calling him suddenly brought him out of his own mind. You gently pulled Misuzu’s fingers off you as you pushed your palm against Katsuki’s cheek. “Why are you crying?” 
Was he? God, he hated crying- especially in front of you.  He clicked his tongue, whipping his head to face away from you as he used one of his hands to quickly swipe under his eyes. 
“I’m not.” 
You smiled at him, holding back a laugh as you pushed your husband into the living room to let Misuzu play on the floor.  Katsuki sat on the living room floor cross legged as you watched him play with her as she lay on her back.  
Occasionally he would glance at the time and remind you to pump, as if your tender chest wasn’t a constant reminder anyway.  You always just nodded and told him you would when you needed to. 
The three of you spent the morning in the living room until the infant began to yawn back to back and rub at her eyes clumsily.  You let Katsuki put her down for her nap in the afternoon since he never really had the opportunity to.  Through the baby monitor you could hear him mutter and coo at her to go to sleep. 
When she was down, Katsuki came back into the living room and sat himself beside you on the couch.  He sighed, throwing his head back against the couch and closing his eyes, obviously ready for a nap himself.  
“Why not try and sleep while she’s down?” You had planned on getting him to rest while you start to go through the duffle bag you had relocated to the corner of the room a while ago to see what all he needed done with his hero equipment.  
He opened one of his eyes, seeing you eyeing towards his bag and he frowned.  He shifted his body, snatched your waist and threw himself back to lay on the cushions, you following in tow to lay on top of him. 
“Katsuki!” You scolded in a hushed tone as to not wake up your daughter who just went to sleep.  
“I’ll nap here and you will too. No objections.” He brought one of his hands up to start stroking your head. “Just let me take care of my god damn wife for once.” You just shook your head and pushed your cheek further against his chest to get comfortable.  When he says it like that, you can’t really bring yourself to oppose him.  
“Hey,” you whispered. You felt him hum in response to you. “I love you.” 
His legs shifted and his arms wrapped around you tighter, getting more comfortable. He let out a deep, comfortable breath as you felt him push his cheek into the top of your head. 
“‘Fuckin’ love you too.” 
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op-imaginesandmore · 3 years
How would Issho/Fujitora, Doflamingo, Smoker, Arlong, and Gin react to their s/o dying in their arms? (human s/o for all of them including Arlong) Sorry there are so many the posts you've made so far I've enjoyed immensely. I love your style of writing! (:
I know it’s been *checks notes* actual years since I have touched this blog, but I kinda wanted to try my hand at a few of the asks I have in my inbox. I’m going to do just Smoker, and with each of the asks with multiple characters I will pick the one I am most comfortable with writing and go from there. I hope you like it! And also, to anyone who reads this and likes it, thank you! But my ask box will remain closed until…idk, probably a long time. I don’t want to get any one’s hopes about about anything.
Pairing: Smoker x GN!reader
Warnings: Angst, character death (you asked for it), mild descriptions of injury, mentions of blood, implied smut (mildest of spice), unbeta’d if that is a warning
The OP was supposed to be a simple one. Get in, do reconnaissance, stay under the radar, come back with what info they needed on the pirate crew, get out.
No one thought Big Mom herself was going to recognize Y/N, because you were good at your job. You had been spying for the government for years, you’d worked with Smoker as one of his subordinates, had infiltrated countless pirate crews, revolutionary bases, treasonous scum that thought they could get away with anything, and had always succeeded in your job.
Lay low, go unnoticed, get the info, come back to him. It was a perfectly organized system that was like clock work, each gear turning for the purpose of civilian protection, and justice.
Until now.
Blood soaked the beach he was kneeling on, who’s it was, he had no idea. Could be his, was probably the pirates’ that were scattered around the Vice-Admiral like debris after a storm, but what infuriated him most was it was most definitely yours.
Wheezes, broken and wet, escaped from your lips, swollen eyes looking up into stoic grey that was like looking into twin hurricanes. Anger, righteous and intense, swirled around with frustration, concern, grief, and an emotion you knew from your quiet moments between soft sheets and the hard planes of his body.
So gentle you barely felt it, he lifted you from the sand like something precious, your blood dripping down his arms and pooling beneath your broken body. Your eyes, swollen and bruised, squinted up at him and a soft smile cracked painfully across your lips.
“Hey handsome” you rasped, a cough that was soaked with blood spurting out. Smoker put a large hand through your matted hair, jaw clenching as he tightened his hold on you.
“I’m gonna get you to the ship’s infirmary” he seethed through his teeth, the usual multiple cigars he kept there like pacifiers long gone. He made to get up, but the cry that came from your lips was shrill and heartbreaking. He immediately stopped, holding you to his chest in a hold soft enough for a newborn.
“I know it hurts, but you need-“
“Do you remember Alabasta?”
Smoker stopped, looking down at your broken body that had the audacity to be giving him the smile that always managed to make his heart flutter in his chest like a crushing school girl’s. He swallowed thickly, not trusting his voice and opting for a nod.
“You were such a baby about Strawhat, I thought you were going to implode when he had his crew mate save your life.” You reached a trembling hand to his face, stroking the rough stubble of his jaw. Almost involuntarily, Smoker leaned into the soft touch, turning his head to kiss your palm as memories of their time on the desert island came to mind.
It had been the first time you had ever yelled at him, calling him reckless and blind. Telling him you were thankful for Strawhat, grateful he had saved his “stupid, sorry, ass” so you had the chance to give him a piece of your mind. He had retaliated with a practiced speech about being your superior, about how you should worry more about your job than what he was doing, how you shouldn’t talk to him like that.
Then you had the nerve to yell at him that you didn’t have a choice but to worry about him. When he yelled at you back about the why, instead of answering him you kissed him square on the mouth.
Their first kiss was in the moment, it was all teeth clacking and sudden and Smoker had been blindsided, but also hadn’t been. The two of you had been flirting with the line between officer and government agent for months at that point, subtle glances and bold, shameless flirting on your part had morphed into soft and subtle touches and hours of listening to you talk about everything and anything.
When the shock of it had worn off a second after you started kissing him, he hadn’t expected for himself to kiss you back. He had adjusted your chin, softened the kiss, and wrapped his arms possessively around your waist and lifted you, your legs wrapping around his own waist in a way that sent chills down his spine as he carried you to his desk. He set you down upon it, gentle as can be, but your legs stayed around his waist, his hips grinding into yours in a way that had him growling. Your lips had been like soft, plush, velvet on his own chapped ones, tongue sinful in its exploration, running against his to beg for entrance.
The two of you broke apart, you were panting, your face flush as you put your head on his chest and listened to the quick thumping of his heart. He smelled like a cigar, a hint of sweet fruit in a haze of earth and smoke that always managed to make your head spin. A smile tugged at the corners of your mouth as you licked the taste of him from them.
“I worry about you because I care about you Smoker” you looked up at him, your eyes twinkling in the soft glow of the sunlight coming in through the porthole of his cabin “probably more than what’s appropriate for a working relationship, but I don’t want to hide it anymore.” You put your hand on his face, stroking the apple of his cheek in a way no one had ever dared touch him before “if you don’t want this though, we can stop right now and never talk about it a-“
Smoker was kissing you again, softer but with a passion that turned your whole body into jelly that molded into his. It was brief, too brief for your liking but he was looking at you with a smoldering gaze that promised more.
“We do this, we tell no one.” He said with conviction “I can’t have my subordinates thinking I have favorites, and fraternizing could get me and you in a lot of trouble.”
You nodded, understanding alighted in your eyes as you coyly bit your kiss swollen bottom lip.
“If that means I get to see your smoke powers at work in the bedroom, I’ll take an oath of silence”
He felt his body react, his hardened length against your thigh making you squeeze your legs together, bringing him impossibly closer.
Smoker’s chest tightened at the memory.
“I’m glad” you said, swollen gaze growing distant “that it all happened the way it did. The last year and a half has been the best of my life” another cough, violent and cracking in its intensity that it had you whimpering into Smokers chest, and his eyes were burning with the tears that were inevitable now.
“Y/N-“ Smoker started, the deep rumble of his voice cracking “baby, you’re gonna be fine, let’s just-“ he took a breath, steeling himself to try and lift you up again, but your head falling limp against his chest stopped him, made the breath leave his lungs and, for the first time in a very long time, Smoker felt true terror grip his careful self control.
“Y/N?” His voice, so unlike the commanding bass it usually was, soft and broken as the body he held “Y/N? Sweetheart c’mon, wake up” he shook you, your head lolling to one side and then the next awkwardly, before it rested back on his chest and Smoker realized your uneven breathing had stopped, the rasping, painful breaths gone quiet and the only sounds to be heard on the bloodied beach were Smoker’s own uneven hyperventilating “Y/N please! You-you can’t do this! Baby, c’mon-open those pretty eyes, please! Y/N? Y/N!”
He held on tight to your body as he slowly broke down, the tears running rivers down his face that had smudges of your blood on it from holding your body up to it, his face buried into your hair as if he could revive you if he held on a little tighter, begged a little harder to whatever god or devil would listen. His cries broke through the silence, their only companion the lapping of water against the sand and gore. He rocked back and forth, clinging to your lifeless body like it was the only thing keeping him tethered to the earth.
That was how Tashigi found her Vice-Admiral, sobbing into your hair as he begged you to wake up. Her heart shattered into a million pieces, but she had to keep him moving, had to remind him of the duty he still held.
“Vice-Admiral Smoker?” She breathed, caution in her tone, heartbreak threatening to pull her under when his breath caught. He looked up at Tashigi with a tsunami of emotions that she had never seen him display. Heartbreak and grief worked in tandem to make the ever stoic and statuesque officer crumble to his knees.
“I’ve gathered the survivors of our platoon, we’re awaiting your orders, sir”
There was a pregnant pause that seemed to stretch for an eternity, Smoker looking down at his dead lover, the emotions that had been raging across his face draining from his being, and was replaced once again with the careful stoicism that his position required of him.
He got up slowly, you still cradled against his chest as he looked out at the horizon. It was another long moment before he spoke.
“We bury our dead, then we take the fight to the one who started this.” There was a fury in his words that struck fear into Tashigi, a fear for how reckless her Vice-Admiral was about to be against a Yonko.
“But Smo-“
“Did I fucking stutter?” He whipped his head around, the grey of his eyes burning with an unbridled rage that seemed barely contained “I’m not gonna rest until every last piece of filth that carries the name of Charlotte are wiped from every ocean from the East Blue to Raftel.” He glanced down at the body in his arms, a soft, broken look before the rage hit again.
“They’re gonna pay for what they’ve taken, I’ll make sure of it personally.”
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vneuns · 4 years
That’s what I said (Corpse x Reader)
Summary: It’s the first time since you’ve given birth to your daughter that you’ve left her alone with her father and when you get home it warms your heart to hear them in bed together having a “conversation”
A/n: Everyone seemed to love my first corpse with a kid fic so here we are. I’d love if you guys dropped a follow or a comment on what you think
Pairing: Corpse x Wife!Reader
Trigger warnings: postpartum depression? i don’t really know if that’s a tw but just in case
Word count: 0.4k
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“We’ll be fine.” Corpse told you as he bounced the newborn that had just woken up from a nap who was rubbing her eyes and snuggling into his chest. You pouted looking between the identical daddy daughter duo. “Don’t make me go.” You scrunched your nose up faking a tantrum. 
After delivering your daughter she never left your side. For a whole week you didn’t shower not wanting to be apart from her, until your husband practically forced you into the bathroom. 
He understood where you were coming from. You were a new mom who spent 18 hours in delivery. It was normal. But he had also done his research and knew in exactly a week the post partum depression would kick in. 
Recently you had stopped eating at least 3 meals a day and you started getting out of bed around 2. 
“You haven’t seen any of your friends since you gave birth.” It hurt to admit how right he was. You avoided his gaze sighing. “You’ll be fine and so will we. Now go have fun while we watch peppa pig.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle before kissing the top of Y/d/ns’ head and then pressing a kiss to your husbands lips.
After unlocking the door to your apartment you were met with silence. An unsettling one at that. Corpse hadn’t told you he’d be going out. And it was only 7 they shouldn’t be sleeping. 
Being as that the two of you were trying to get her on a sleep schedule going to sleep so early wouldn’t help. 
You closed the door and locked it placing your bag on the hook before moving down the hall towards your room. Just as you were about to open the door your husbands voice carried out into the hallway. 
“You know you look just like your mother?” Y/d/n gurgled causing her dad to laugh. “Exactly like her. How am I suppose to say no to you if I can’t say no to her and you look just like her.” A smile crept it’s way onto your face as you pressed you ear to the door. 
“You’re going to be spoiled rotten and your mom’s gonna be on my ass about that, but who am I to say no to you?” 
The little girl on the opposite side of the door babbled something which seemed like the funniest thing to Corpse. “That’s what I said!”
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wicked-hg · 3 years
Empire || o.w.
This is a part of @iliveiloveiwrite​ song fic challenge.
Oliver Wood x reader
Song prompt: Empire by Elle Henderson
Summary: Oliver has an interview with a quidditch reporter who wants to know more about the “quidditch empire” he has built. Oliver reflects on the life he has built with Y/N.
WC: 3.9k
A/N: I am so excited to finally post this! I’ve been working on it for a while and it went longer than I thought it would, but that’s okay. I hope you all enjoy it. Please please please check out the song! I tried to keep it in mind writing this, but overall it is just a fantastic song and one of my favorites. I found the below image when looking for an Oliver Wood gif, and this was so cute!!!! Plus it goes with the story. Italics are the interview.
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“Mr. Wood, thank you for sitting down with us,” the reporter greeted. “I know many people are dying to know more about you and your growing quidditch empire.”
“Empire?” Oliver chuckled. “I wouldn’t call what I ‘ave an empire.”
“What would you call it then? You are a renowned quidditch player and now a coach for Puddlemere United. Your wife was a former strategist for the Pride of Portree and is the granddaughter of Kennilworthy Wisp and Devlin Whitehorn. You also have seven children. If that isn’t a quidditch empire, then what is it.”
“Me family,” Oliver answered. “Aye, me wife comes from two great lineages and aye quidditch did bring us together, but I love her for so much more than that. Quidditch was only an excuse to talk to her. It isn’t our relationship.”
You had friends at Hogwarts. There were people who enjoyed your company. They were always there to talk quidditch to you, but that was about it. Once you tried switching the subject they suddenly had to go work on homework that had already been turned in. You knew though captains of quidditch teams didn’t lie that they wanted to be your friend. They were straightforward that they wanted your analysis of their team, and the other teams, and what strategies they should use to be successful. Each one came on the same day at the same time like clockwork. Today was Wednesday. That meant Oliver Wood would find her around 6:55. Oliver was the one captain who would seek you out no matter where you were in the castle. You had to always be in the same place for the others. 
The clock chimed 7:00 when Oliver found you today. “You’re five minutes later than normal, Wood,” you commented. 
Oliver shrugged as he sat next to you. “I knew you’d be here, but I wasn’t sure how loud it would be,” Today’s spot was the clock tower. “So I wanted to wait until after the clock rang.”
You sat in silence. Usually you jumped quickly into the quidditch talk, but Oliver sat silently. “You alright, Wood? You’re quiet today. You play Hufflepuff next week if I recall. I wouldn’t really worry about them. They’ve had a devastating losing streak so far. Their beaters aren’t doing well. They’ve been on injury rotation. Fleet also doesn’t have your skills.”
Oliver smiled. “Me skills? You notice I’m quite skilled, Y/N?”
You tried to keep yourself from blushing. Something was different about how he said this. “Of course I do, Wood. I’m Hogwarts residential quidditch analyst.”
��Oliver,” he said. You glanced at him, confused. “Call me Oliver. Not Wood.”
You nodded. “Okay then...Oliver.” Silence washed back over the two of you. “Do you have any other questions? Or do you want info about the new Nimbus? The rest have wanted that.”
Oliver shook his head. “Why don’t you play? Every house goes to you for advice, yet you don’t even play for your own. Why is that?”
No one had ever asked you that. In fact, no one had ever asked any questions about you yourself. “I used to when I was younger with my siblings. I have six older ones.”
“Me too,” Oliver said. “Poppy, Daisy, Juniper, Ivy, Violet, and Flora. They thought I was gon’ be a girl. When it turned out I was a boy, I was named Oliver instead of Olive. That way all they had to do was add an ‘r’ to everything. Sorry for interrupting you. The Weasleys are the only other ones I know with a family of seven siblings.”
You smiled. “It’s alright. Sounds like your family went for a theme.” Oliver nodded. “I think that’s cool. My parents didn’t. I’m the youngest. I have four brothers—Dorian, Finnigan, Simon, and Leon—and two sisters—Evangeline and Benjamina.”
“So you played quidditch with them. Why not anymore?”
“I got hit in the head with a bludger,” you told him. I know that happens a lot to players, but I was about five. Gramps and PopPop were fighting again. They don’t get along at all, and my parents were out celebrating their anniversary. I don’t know why they had those two watching us instead of just picking one. Granny and Nan were trying to calm them down. We were playing quidditch on PopPop’s prototype of the Nimbus 1650.”
“Nimbus 1650? I’ve never heard of that one.”
“That’s because it was never released to the public. It had too many flaws. Anyway, I played seeker. It’s how I learned to analyze patterns besides listening to Gramps. The bludger hit me upside the head and as I fell it hit me again in the jaw. Honestly though, it felt like two hits to the head because my head was the size of a bludger back then. I couldn’t get on a broom after that. I tried. I tried so many times. I just was never able to fly. The brooms wouldn’t listen. Besides, the healer says one more bludger to the head will kill me.”
“We can’t have that then. I’ll get ya on a broom, but I’m not letting ya anywhere near a bludger.” You grinned at his comment. “You belong in the air though. Every time I find you, you're usually high up. The wind will be blowing through your hair soon enough. I promise.”
“You can’t make promises like that, Oliver.”
Oliver shushed you. “Tomorrow. We start tomorrow at this time on the pitch. You’re not meant to be caged, Y/N. Let me help you fly free.”
“What makes you think that you will be the one to do so?” You asked him, trying not to gain any hope from Oliver’s promise. Your family had done everything they could. How could Oliver be successful?
He smiled and grabbed your hand. “I won’t let you fall. I’ll catch you. Do you trust me?”
There was a fire in his eyes now. He had hope he could do this, and you did too. “Absolutely.”
“And what about having seven children? A quidditch team is made up of seven players. One could assume you are breeding your own quidditch team.”
“Well, one can assume all they want. The truth is, life just happened this way. Y/N and I both came from large families; both of us are the youngest of seven. We were fine having that many kids. Just know though there aren’t any more Wood children coming,” Oliver grinned. “And don’t believe that rumor that all of our kids are named after types of wood unknowingly or fun. It was the result of losing a series of bets.”
The reporter paused in thought. “Oh my Merlin. Your children are all named after types of wood. You did that on purpose? Because of bets?”
Oliver blinked. “No…”
“But you just said—” Oliver stared at the reporter, daring him to continue. “So when did people pick up on it?”
He was so small. Granted, Rowan and Willow had been too. Perhaps he was bigger than them though. He was definitely louder. “He’s got quite the lungs to him,” you murmured to Oliver as you handed him your new son. “Rowan and Willow were quiet and pensive. He’s loud and ready to fight. Has been since the womb. Hopefully the bruises will go away now.”
This third babe had been a handful—constantly moving and kicking the bruises actually began to appear on your abdomen. “Reckon he’ll be a beater if he plays some day,” You chuckled in agreement with your husband. “Hello there, Al. Glad you’re finally here. Your brother and sister are so excited to meet you.”
“Al,” you sighed lovingly, “I like it. Al Wood. Is it short for anything?”
“Alder. That’s nice,” Silence washed over the room until your eyes flew open. “Alder? Did you just say Alder? As in the tree? Oliver, is our son named Alder Wood?”
“Rowan and Willow are going to ma—” Realization hit you. “Rowan and Willow. Rowan Wood. Willow Wood. Oliver Wood, are our children named after types of trees? Have you named our children after types of trees when I am in a state of fatigue after birthing them?”
“Yes and no,” he replied. He carefully held the newborn close to his chest. “All of these names I suggested to you when we discussed it, and you liked them. I just suggested them in a different light. Rowan is a good Scottish name, and Willow is an old English name and a well respected magical tree. Alder...I don’t think I ever did mention Alder to you. I was hoping to get away with that one.”
You reached for your son. Looking down at him, you couldn’t imagine him being named anything else. “I can’t imagine him being anything else now. If we have more children, we will discuss this first. I just didn’t realize you so desperately wanted a theme. I thought you hated the name theming after your parents have done it to you and your sisters.”
“I do!” Oliver argued. 
“Then why name our children after types of wood and trees?”
Oliver sighed. He knew there was no lying to you anymore. “I lost a bet back in Hogwarts to Weasley.”
You sighed. “I’m gonna yell at George when I get out of here. I can’t imagine our children being named anything different now, but still. I don’t care if it was his or Fred’s fault.”
“Actually it was Percy.”
“You were married right before hell broke loose in the Second Great Wizarding War, and if I recall you even participated in it.”
“Aye. I did. Many witches and wizards in the league did once it got shut down in ‘97.”“Did this affect you and your wife?”
“Of course it did. It affected everyone. Plus we were still young and so was Rowan.”
“Me eldest boy. How did you not know that? I would’ve thought you’d know the names of me kids the way you’ve been going on.”
The reporter shrugged as he jotted this all down in his notebook. 
Oliver had done what he could to help the light in the war, but his priority was his family. He had a wife and a son now. His wife was also expecting their second child. He laid down next to his wife. “Rowan’s fast asleep,” he whispered. “He went down quickly tonight.”
You smiled as you snuggled into him. “She’s being quiet tonight too.”
He smiled and glanced down at your protruding belly. “How do you know it’s a she?”
“I just do,” You were quiet for a moment before asking, “Oliver, do you ever regret how we did things?”
Everything was on track for you and Oliver when you graduated. You had both taken big jobs in the world of quidditch. You were young and everyone knew your names. Then in the late spring of 1995 you found out a baby was on the way. Rowan was born that December. A year and a half later you two finally got married in the early summer of 1997. Now in May of 1998 you were almost 8 months pregnant with the second baby Wood.
“I will never ever regret us or our kids,” he told you. “This is I guess just how it was meant to be. Do I wish that the world was safer for them? Absolutely. I wish we would’ve had more time to fight to give them a better world. I will do anything to make sure they don’t live under these conditions. I hope every day that Rowan doesn’t remember living in a time of such fear and chaos.”
“I am terrified, Olli,” you admitted.
“Me too,” he agreed, “But I will always be here to protect you. No one will destroy what we have created.” 
Hours later he was summoned to Hogwarts for one last battle. You waited for him to return. When Rowan woke, you acted as if everything was normal. “Daddy just had to go take care of some business,” you told Rowan when he asked about Oliver. An owl from St Mungo’s arrived close to bedtime. You flooed your mother to stay with your son as you rush to the hospital. Oliver, with his confunded eye, grinned at you. He had a gash on his forehead and was covered in dirt, yet he smiled because they had won.
“So did helping in the war aid your career at all?”
“That’s a stupid question.”
“I just didn’t know if it helped your skills.”
“My skills are and were fine both prior and after the war.”
“Sweetheart, I think you need to get your sight checked out,” You told Oliver one morning before he headed off to practice. “You’re missing more shots on your right, even though you’re right handed. People are starting to pick up on that.”
“I still catch the quaffle,” Oliver muttered. “That’s what matters.”
“I didn’t say you didn’t. I’m just saying your reaction time is slower and more have been slipping through. You know, as an analyst for an opposing team I shouldn’t even be telling you this.”
Oliver sighed. “That’s the eye.”
Your eyes widened. “Oh. I forgot it was the right one. I thought you got it healed?”
During the Battle of Hogwarts, Oliver had taken a confundus charm to the eye. For a while his eye was completely confounded and unable to focus. Eventually the healers were able to resituate it back to normal; however, Oliver’s vision had not quite yet returned back to normal.
“It can still get a bit blurry and spinny.”
“You need to talk to the coaches, Oliver. That can be a danger for you,” you said. You wrapped your arms around him. “I don’t want you to get hurt. I know you will overcome this and learn to play with it, but I need you safe. You have a family to come home to.”
Oliver nodded and hugged you. “I promise, leannan. I promise.”
“Was there ever tension or conflict when you played the Pride?”
Oliver shrugged. “Y/N and I had a deal. We would note interfere between Puddlemere and the Pride of Portree. Teams have multiple strategists, and while, aye, she was their main one there were others to take care of handling strategies against Puddlemere. As for me, in my entire career, I never played a game against them—even after she retired and took over the broom business. The main keeper during my early years and reserve in my later years always played.”
“Seriously? Not even after she retired? You could’ve. It would’ve just furthered your career.”
“Perhaps, but I also knew that if I did it would make me wife choose between her husband and the team she grew to love. I couldn’t do that to her. Plus it kept me in shape.”
You saw Oliver walk down the stairs carrying your newborn girls and Al clinging to his back. “I thought you had a game today,” you asked as he set Al down and tried to put Holly and Hazel into the highchairs. Rowan and Willow followed behind them.
“”Play quidditch, daddy?” Willow asked. “We go watch a game?”
“Puddlemere plays Portree today. I never play against them.” Oliver sat down and started to feed the twins breakfast.
“But, Oliver,” you said confused, “That was when I worked for them. I don’t work for them anymore. You can play if you want to.”
He shook his head. “Today is for us.”
“Us? Like you and mum or the whole family?” Rowan asked.“
The whole family,” Oliver answered. “I’ve gone this long not playing Portree. No reason to start now. Besides, the team means so much to you, Y/N. I can’t put you between them and me. It’ll be a good day for us all to hang out too. Be a proper family.”
You smiled as you set the rest of breakfast in front of your children and helped Al get his food while WIllow and Rowan snatched theirs up. “That actually sounds amazing. Thank you, Oliver. Anything in mind for us to do today?”
“Perhaps the beach? The sun is out for once.”
“You just want to even out your tan line,” Rowan chuckled. Oliver glared at his son, knowing he was absolutely correct.
“You could’ve had another few years to your career. Why did you retire? Your retirement came before your predecessor’s exit.”
Oliver thought for a moment, wondering if he should tell the whole truth. “I was a father to six. I had just found out Reed was going to be born—“
“Is Reed your sixth kid?”
“No he’s the seventh and final.”
“Can you tell me who all your kids are. I’m getting them confused.”
Oliver huffed. “In order there is: Rowan, Willow, Alder, we call him Al, the twins, Holly and Hazel, followed by Ash, and ending with Reed.”
“One more time.”
Oliver sighed. He couldn’t take much more of this. “Rowan, Willow, Alder, Holly, Hazel, Ash, and Reed.”
The reporter finished writing those down. “Got it.”
“As I was saying, I had just found out my youngest child was on the way and I had also found out some other news.”
You nodded. “I know we hadn’t planned this. It’s kid number seven,” You sat down next to him. “Oh Merlin, it’ll be our seventh child. We’re going to have a full team, Oliver. Al starts Hogwarts next year. Willow is starting her second year this year. Rowan takes his OWLS this year! The twins just started nursery school. Ash is finally no longer scared of the loo.”
“I’m going to retire,” Oliver said suddenly.
“What?” you gasped. “Oliver, darling, you don’t need to do that. Dorian and I run PopPop’s business just fine. You don’t need to give up your career. We support you. I support you.”
Oliver kissed your cheek and rested his hand against your stomach. “I’m almost 40, Y/N. I’ve been missing goals at practice for a while. Coach sent me to a healer during practice. There’s no more quidditch for me. Too many bludgers to the head. We make quite the pair. They found that part of my brain is swollen. I have to have treatment for a few more weeks and I’ll be good as new.”
You threw your arms around him and held him close. “Oh Oliver. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Didn’t want you to worry. I didn’t want you to act differently in front of the kids. I found out all the details today though. I’m telling Coach tomorrow.”
“I can’t believe you have to do this, Oliver.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead. “I’m getting old anyway. This was going to happen eventually. I missed parts of my kids' lives because of quidditch. No more of that.”
“They’ll be heartbroken, you know.”
Oliver nodded. “What about you?”
“I just want you safe and happy. I will always support your choice. I can’t lose you, Oliver. You’re silly to think I’d ever let you near a bludger again now.”
Oliver chuckled remembering his promise to you all those years ago. “Poor Al. No more bludgers for the Woods. We’re gonna need to find a place to send him.”
“I ran into an old classmate of ours. She’s married to Marcus Fli—”
“I’m not sending me son to play with a bludger at Marcus Flint’s place! I’d rather take him to Weasley!”
Oliver watched the reporter go with a smile on his face. That was the last one. He couldn’t handle continuously doing those. His agent was right; he just needed to write a damn book. 
“Is the reporter done?”
Oliver turned and his smile became a grin as he kissed you. “Aye. Thank Merlin too. That was an imbecile. I’m gonna have to write that book so I don’t have to deal with any more of them.”
You grinned and hugged him. “I told you so. Come on now, sweetheart. They’re all waiting for you.”
“Can you believe Al is off to Hogwarts tomorrow?”
You shook your head as you snuggled into him. “That leaves us with four though. We’re not quite at an empty nest, Oliver.”
“I know. It’s just,” Oliver paused. “As I answered questions I just thought back to different moments in our life. Did you ever think we’d get here? That we’d build this...this...this empire of ours?”
You smiled. “I always hoped. I couldn’t imagine living my life with anyone else. Though our life is full of quidditch, in so, so many ways, you still made sure it was about so much more than that. Now come Oliver. Our little empire is ready to eat dinner.”
“Are we almost there?” You asked Oliver. “I feel like we’ve been walking forever. Why couldn’t we have just apparated?”
Oliver chuckled as he gripped your hand tighter to make sure he didn’t lose you as you climbed higher on the hill. “That would ruin the magic of it all, leannan.”
“Can you give me any clues, Oliver? Besides the fact it must be a decent spot for a picnic,” You glanced down at the picnic basket in your hand. When Oliver had invited you to his home, you were excited. Never before had you been to his family home in the highlands. You had met his family at his sisters’ homes. “You know the only thing I know about the highlands is that you are from here, and you don’t even live here anymore!”
“We’re almost there anyway,” he answered. “This is a place me dad took me mum when they were like us. When I told them about you, he brought me in case you were my gu bràth. We’re in the midst of Loch Katrine. It can be a popular place for muggle photographers to come take photos but they’re quite intimidated by this mountain, thanks to magic.”
Oliver helped you climb up a few more meters. You saw the giant grin on his face. This must be someplace special. He was just as excited as if they were about to jump right into a game of quidditch. You set the basket down and felt his hand squeeze yours. “Look at it, leannan. It’s beautiful.”
Finally you turned to join him, and he wasn’t wrong The area of Loch Katrine was gorgeous as the leaves had started to change. “This is beautiful, Oliver. It is absolutely gorgeous here.”
His smile grew and he pulled you closer. Your head rested on his chest and listened to the sound of his beating heart. Afterwhile he whispered, “I have found strength in your arms. We have built the foundation for an amazing love, and you will always rule my heart. Nobody can or will ever destroy what we have.”
You burrowed closer into his chest and felt his arms wrap around you more. Oliver had always been a ray of hope, and you knew he would continue to be one for you. You knew, you could feel your relationship growing in many ways at that moment. You hoped to Merlin, as you looked across the Scottish highlands in the arms of the man you loved, that someday you would build an indestructible empire with him. It is what you both deserved.
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darkurgediary · 3 years
Rules of the Fae: Chapter One
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Summary: Sarah has always looked to fantasy stories for safety and guidance, what happens when an entity from one of her stories answers her call?
Warning(s): Mentions of bullying, other than that I don't think there's any!
Author Note: I know it's been a year and a day but I finally got around to writing the first chapter of this story, inspired by @escher-room-with-a-view 's post here. I hope you enjoy it!
Here below there be a certain code which one must never break. For if it does thy fate will lay with the Fae:
} ○ {
Rule #1: Don’t tell them your real name
Rule #2: Don't accept any gifts 
Rule #3: Don't partake in their food or drink
Rule #4: Don't follow music and step in a fairy ring 
Rule #5: Don't mention a newborn baby
Rule #6: Never say thank you
} ○ {
Sarah knew herself to be a capable girl, able to handle whatever the world dared to throw at her, and yet she crumbled. The cruel words of her classmates twisted a knife so deep in her chest she couldn’t pull it free. Sarah held her tongue about the matter, especially at home.
No good would come if she did say anything, her school bully might even call her a tattle-tail. So Sarah chose to suffer in silence instead. Rather than seek out comfort from her parents, she found her refuge in books. In stories of the fairest princesses and most noble knights. Hoping to perhaps gain an ounce of their courage, to stand up to her bully the same way Dorothy stood up to the Wicked Witch.
It was her love of fiction and fantasy that made her believe even the craziest things to be possible, like that one night she'd be on her bedroom floor with a little red book clutched to her chest calling out to an imaginary being. "Goblin King, Goblin King…" she began.
A clap of thunder shot a jolt up her spine, could it be a sign? Sarah tried not to get her hopes up, she honestly felt a bit silly. Though her stories had never failed her before so she continued to have faith in them. Clearing her throat, Sarah started again. With both eyes closed she began to visualize every written aspect of The Goblin King, right down to the point of his leather boots.
Almost like silk, the summoning fell from her tongue with ease, "Goblin King, Goblin King wherever you may be, come and take this person far away from me."
Sarah didn't know what to expect after she uttered the words. Would it be just like the story where goblins filled every corner of the room? Their beady eyes like tracers in the night, waiting to snatch her up.
When nothing happened, disappointment festered in her belly. So much she thought she'd vomit. Twin tears slipped down her cheeks and in a broken voice, barely above a whisper, she asked, "won't someone take me away from this awful place?" 
Clutching the red book a tad tighter, she managed to lift herself off her defeated position on the floor. Out of desperation Sarah grasped at straws, maybe she hadn't gotten it right! Slim fingers skimmed page to page till she found the passage where her fingertip trailed along with the words, was this it?
Sarah read the chant aloud, "the shadows on the wall like to eat you when you're small, a baby doesn't stand a chance when the Goblins start their dance." 
The lights went out and Sarah dropped her book. 
Pale-green eyes locked on the floor, a shadow engulfed her own. Raven locks swung in a frenzy as she spun to face the intruder. A man, or something that certainly looked like one. The full moon encased his mane of dirty-blonde hair almost like a halo and gave his skin an almost glittery appearance.
Sarah recognized him in an instant, "You're-"
"The Goblin King, yes," he interrupted. "Might I have the name of the one who summoned me?"
A sense of warning straightened her spine, pale-green eyes watched him more warily. Some of her fairytales mentioned a certain code that came with mystical creatures. One of which said never to give your full name to a faerie. But the Goblin King wasn't a faerie, was he? The being before her had no wings nor flower-colored skin, in fact he seemed eerily human. Sarah felt it particularly rude to lie to him also, she had called upon him after all. It seemed only fair and proper to give her name.
"Only if I may have yours in return," Sarah made sure to sound polite in her request. As an added measure, she dipped into a courtesy, "my name is Sarah."
An amused expression befell sharp, angled features while a thin brow raised ever so slightly. The Goblin King chuckled, but did lower himself into a bow, "Jareth."
"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would actually appear. I...thought it was just a silly story," nervousness puppeted her hand to smooth strands of raven hair behind her ear. "There isn't anyone I want to wish away so, maybe instead you could stay for tea, if you'd like?"
The Goblin King's amusement shifted, as did his looming stance in front of the window. He studied the girl with great curiosity. In all the men, women, and children he'd spirited away, none ever invited him in. Most cursed his name and dropped to their knees begging that he not do what he'd been summoned for. Though Jareth did make note of the lie, she claimed to have no one to wish away, and yet he sensed otherwise.
Too preoccupied with her peculiar invitation, he set the matter aside. Temporarily at least. Leather-clad arms crossed over his chest, a single gloved finger tapped his chin, and thin lips pursed in consideration. It wasn't like he had anything better to do. In all honesty an evening away from the Goblins appealed to him greatly.
"Very well," his mane of dirty-blonde swayed with a nod, "I shall agree to be your guest."
Sarah’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, a wide smile stretched her face as she happily rushed out the room, "wait there a moment while I make some tea!"
Discolored eyes followed her every step till she left his sight, no one had been that happy to see him in years. Jareth leaned against the window, looking out into the night sky. He'd play the game till he got bored, so far it posed itself to be interesting. She'd already broken one of the rules, Jareth wondered how quick she'd break the rest. "This will be fun indeed," he muttered to himself.
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Folklore [song series]
my tears ricochet
Modern Day AU! Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff; Steve Rogers x OC!Reader
Plot: Inspired by Taylor Swift’s new album Folklore. The story follows the timeline of Bucky and Elizabeth’s life throughout the years
[warnings: death, and funeral]
word count: 4829
[a/n: sorry for such a long wait. I've been busy. I thought once I was done for the semester I would have a lot more time to work on my stories, but if anything my summer break has been more hectic. Just because I haven't been posting, doesn't mean I haven't been working on them. Just know that I am working on the new chapters for this and for TKWBA, just need a bit of patience from you all. Also thank-you for the continue love and support on all my work]
Series Masterlist
Tag list info here [if you want to be tagged please read this]
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Age: 21
Year: Sep. 2015
Location: Brooklyn, NY & Stanford, CA
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Elizabeth was sat at her desk doing her homework. She was anxiously waiting for Steve's call about the baby arriving. He had called her two hours prior to let her know that Natasha had gone into labor, and they were at the hospital. Steve told her that he'd call her as soon as he heard the news. She tried her hardest to focus on her homework, but she found herself constantly checking her phone for any updates.
Suddenly her phone started going off. She instantly picked it up and answered the call.
"Is the baby here?" She immediately asked.
"Liz," Steve choked out.
"Steve, what's wrong?" She could hear the distress in his voice.
"Natasha, she," he tried to say but the words got caught in his throat, and she could hear the soft cries.
"Steve, breathe," she tries to calm him down the best she could without actually physically being with him.
Elizabeth was simultaneously trying to keep herself calm, and not rush into any assumptions.
"She died," he said after calming himself down enough to tell her what happened.
"She died?"
"I guess there were complications, he tells her, still unsure of what exactly happened.
Steve hadn't thought to ask further into what exactly happened when Bucky's mom called to tell him the devastating news. He couldn't wrap his head around what she was telling him. He just never imagined that this would be the outcome of his best friend welcoming his first child into the world.
Steve clears his throat trying to force the lump back down.
"I'm catching the next flight out to New York," he tells Elizabeth, "I just gotta be there for Bucky."
"Yeah, of course," she says, completely understanding.
"I know you can't exactly fly out now, without letting your professors know, so as soon as I find out all the funeral," his throat catches at the word, he takes a small breath, "all the funeral information I'll let you know."
"Okay that works," she agrees.
"Okay. I haven't to pack real quick and get to the airport within the next hour," he tells her.
"Okay, I'll let you go."
"Wait, Steve," she calls out before he could hang up.
"I love you," she says with a shaky voice.
"I love you too, so much," he says, "I'll text you when I board the plane."
After one final goodbye, Steve hangs up the phone.
The flight seemed like Steve's longest one he's ever been on. As soon as he landed he quickly grabbed his carry on, the only thing aside from his backpack that he brought with him. Elizabeth had messaged him letting him know that she could bring more of his stuff once she flies out.
Steve made his way out of the airport to find his mom waiting for him by her car. He quickly made his way towards her and wrapping his arms around her.
On the drive to Bucky's apartment Steve sent Liz a text letting her know he landed. He then called Bucky's mom to let her know he was on the way.
"Thank-you for coming out Steve," Winnie thanks him, "The baby is just about to get discharged, we should be at the apartment before you get there."
"Of course, I'll see you guys soon," he says hanging up the phone.
Steve then sends a quick email to his boss and professors explains his absence and why he'll most likely be gone for a couple of weeks.
An hour later Steve's mom was stopping outside of Bucky's building.
"Let them know I'm here if they need anything," his mom tells him before he exists the car, "I'll come back at noon with lunch for everyone."
"Thanks Mom," he says leaning over to kiss her cheek.
Steve exists the car leaving his bags with his mom. He takes one final breath before walking to the front doors. Steve presses the call button for Bucky's apartment and was immediately buzzed in.
As soon as he reaches Bucky's door, he knocks quietly. The door opens and he's welcomed by Rebecca. He takes in the sullen face on the teenage girl.
"Hey Bec," he says.
"Hi," she quietly says, as they hug each other in the door way.
When they pull apart she steps aside letting him inside.
"It's just my parents and I here. Bucky didn't want to deal with a lot of people right now," she explains to Steve.
"Steve," he hears from his left, Keith, Bucky's stepdad makes his way out of the small kitchenette over to him, and embracing him, "Thank-you so much for coming. We know you're a very busy person."
Before Steve could respond Bucky's mom Winnie walks into the living room.
"Oh Steve," she immediately wraps her arms around him.
"Thank-you so much for coming on such a short notice," she says. Steve could hear the shakiness in her voice. He could tell she was trying to keep it together. No doubt the last 12 hours being the most stressful and emotional she's ever been.
"There's no need to thank me. This is where I need to be," he tells them.
"Let us at least pay you back for the flight," Keith says.
"No, don't worry about that," Steve waves him off, "I had a lot of miles that needed to be used."
"Well, thank-you again," Keith nods his head, understanding where Steve was coming from.
"You can go on ahead Steve. Bucky is waiting for you in the nursery," Winnie tells him, giving him an assuring nod, he nods back making his way towards the nursery.
The short walk seemed like it was much longer. Steve has never felt so nervous in his life. When he approaches the closed door, he softly knocks on it.
"Come in," Bucky calls from inside.
Steve walks in, closing the door behind him. He's immediately greeted by Bucky sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room, feeding his newborn daughter.
"Hey," Steve softly says, not sure what to say.
"Hey," Bucky greeted Steve with a sad smile.
It had been 12 hours later and it still didn't feel real to Bucky. The hospital had even offered the chance for him and Poppy to stay a couple of days, but all Bucky wanted to do was to go home and get away from the hospital. But now being back in the apartment without Natasha was surreal. He was trying his best to keep it all in, at least while the baby is awake and needs him.
He was determined in being the one that cared for her, even when his mom offered to take care of her for a few hours while he gets some rest. He assured her that he needed to do this. He had to do it alone, because he knew that soon enough it would just be him and Poppy.
Bucky was very grateful when he heard Steve was flying out. He felt like Steve was the only one he could really talk to about everything going on.
Steve was still standing by the door, just watching his best friend be a dad for the first time. He had no idea what to say in this kind of situation. The words were caught in his throat the moment he actually saw Bucky.
"Thanks for coming," Bucky says breaking the silence. Steve immediately looks away from the baby to meet Bucky's eyes.
"You would've done the same thing," Steve says, "And like I've said before, I'll always be here for you."
"I don't care how far, I'll always be on that first flight to you," Steve continues, he glances down at the now sleepy baby, "You're my brother Buck."
There was a moment of silence between the young men. Both understanding what the other one means with such few words.
Steve watched as Bucky gently placed the sleepy baby on his shoulder to burp her.
"It suits you," Steve quietly remarks.
"What?" Bucky looked up at him confused.
"Fatherhood, it suits you," Steve says again, stepping closer to his friend.
"You think?" Bucky looks back down at the now sleeping baby.
"Yeah. I know it's only been less than a day, but you look natural. Make it look easy."
"Thanks," Bucky smiled, getting up for the he chair and walking over to the crib to gently place Poppy in.
Steve walked over, standing next to Bucky, watching the little one sleep peacefully.
"What's her name?" Steve whispered, realizing that he hadn't found out what the name of the baby was.
"Poppy James Barnes," Bucky proudly says.
"That's cute," Steve commented, he placed his right hand on Bucky's left shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
Bucky looked over at Steve and they both nodded their heads in agreement, before falling into an embrace.
"I am so sorry," Steve quietly says.
"It happened so quick, she barely even got to see the baby," Bucky quietly cried into Steve's shoulder, "I never even thought of this would be the outcome. I never imagined I'd be coming home solo with the baby."
Steve tightened his embrace on Bucky, just listening to his friend.
"I don't know how I'm going to do this Steve. I don't know how I'm going to raise her without her mom. I'm trying to keep it together to not worry my mom, but fuck Steve, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm scared I'll screw this all up. I'm scared I'll screw her up.
"I'm so scared Steve," Bucky cries.
"It's okay to be scared," Steve tries his best to comfort Bucky, "I'd be more concerned if you weren't scared. This is entirely new territory for you. You're raising a child, a child who unfortunately no longer has her mother. That alone is a fucking terrifying thing to go through.
"It's not going to be easy. There's no point in lying to you, and saying it will. You and I both that won't be the truth. But if there's anyone I know who could do this, it's you Buck. You're the strongest person I know. Whatever has happened before this doesn't matter. The only thing that matters now is that little girl. And I know damn well you're going to give her the best life she will ever have," Steve pulls away from Bucky and holds onto his shoulders.
"And you're not alone in this. You have a lot of people who care about you, and now Poppy. You will never be alone. You'll always have someone to call, someone to help you. You're crazy to think we would ever leave you to do this alone. We're here, and we're not going anywhere. You and Poppy will never have to be alone. She might not have her mom, but she's got you, and I know damn well you won't ever let her wonder what being without one parent truly feels like.
"You've got this Buck," Steve assures him, "And we're here every step of the way."
"Thanks Steve," Bucky sniffles, wiping the tears away.
"No need to thank me," Steve smiles, "Now why don't you go take a nap. Get some rest. We're here if Poppy wakes up."
"Yeah I could use some sleep," Bucky yawns, his adrenaline from the last 12 hours fading away.
Steve walks Bucky to his bedroom and watches as he gets into his bed, and quickly falls asleep. He quietly closes the door behind him, with the baby monitor in one hand checking to make sure Poppy is still asleep.
He walks back into the living room, placing the monitor by the tv for everyone to see and hear.
"They're both asleep," Steve announces to the room.
"Oh thank goodness," Winnie sighs, "James hasn't taken a moment to rest since everything happened."
"Knowing Bucky, we'll probably have to be forcing him to rest for the next couple of weeks," Steve says.
"I just got off of the phone with Natasha's father," Keith said walking back inside the apartment.
"What did he say?" Winnie asked.
"He said that the funeral is all up to us," Keith sighs, "Something about how Natasha made her own path with getting pregnant, and that once she left she was no longer his responsibility."
"He really said that?" Winnie asked mortified.
"I'm afraid so," Keith sighed, "I tried reasoning with him saying we would handle everything financially and he can come to the funeral but he said no."
"What kind of father doesn't show up to his own daughter's funeral," Winnie shakes her head in complete disbelief.
"Explains why Natasha was the way she was," Rebecca whispered, so that only Steve could hear her.
He reluctantly agrees.
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Two weeks later
Elizabeth was helping Steve with his tie in his childhood bedroom. She had flown in yesterday for today's funeral services. Elizabeth had gotten in late last night, so she still hasn't seen Bucky or Poppy yet. She was a let to get a week off of work and her professors gave her an extension on her assignments when she explained to them what happened.
"I still can't believe Natasha's dad isn't going," she says as she straightens out Steve's tie.
"Bucky's mom is still holding out hope that he shows up," Steve says.
"What does Bucky think of it all?" Elizabeth asks.
"He's not worrying about it," Steve explains, looking over himself in the mirror, "His only concern right now is Poppy and only Poppy. If Nat's dad shows up then he does. But as of now Bucky has made the decision that he will not be in Poppy's life. Not until he proves himself."
"That's very mature," she says grabbing her purse.
"This Buck is like a whole new one you've never seen before. Fatherhood has made him a thousand times more grown up these last couple of weeks."
"That's good."
"Ready to go?" Steve asked her, grabbing the keys to his mom's car.
"Yup," Elizabeth says following Steve out.
Bucky had asked Steve to pick him and Poppy up, and Steve had of course agreed.
They arrived to Bucky's apartment in fifteen minutes. Walking up to Bucky's door they could hear a lot of commotion coming from inside. Steve used the key Bucky gave him to let himself and Elizabeth in.
As soon as they walked in they were greeted by the sounds of a baby crying.
"Buck?" Steve called out.
"We're in here," he calls from the nursery.
They go to the nursery to find Bucky looking frazzled while trying to change Poppy's diaper.
"I'm so sorry. I'm running so behind," Bucky tells them, glancing over his shoulder quickly,
"Poppy didn't sleep well last night. And nothing I've tried has been working."
"It's okay Buck, just take your time," Steve calmly says.
"I still need to shower, shave, and get dressed," Bucky rambles, "She's going to need another change of clothes because she spat all over herself, and my mom only bought this one outfit for today."
"Hey Bucky, calm down," Elizabeth calmly spoke up, placing her hand on his back, "Take a breath."
Bucky felt the warmth and comfort from Liz's touch. He listens to what she says and takes a deep breath.
"Okay good," she says, "now you go get ready. Steve and I got this."
"Okay," he nods his head, handing the baby over to Elizabeth, "thank-you."
"Of course," she softly smiles at him, "now go get ready."
Bucky quickly makes his way out of the room and into his own to get ready.
Elizabeth looks down at the small baby in her arms. She could see so much of Bucky in the baby with hints of Natasha. It was a little strange for her to be holding Bucky's baby and it not being her baby as well. Not that she ever wanted to get back together with Bucky, because she didn't. There was just a little voice in her head, that of her teenage self, saying how it was supposed to be them, doing this together.
She quickly shut the voice down.
Elizabeth was incredibly sympathetic of Bucky's situation. All she wanted to do was be there for him, as a friend. She wanted Bucky to succeed as a father, and she would do what she could to make that happen.
Steve silently watched Elizabeth watching Poppy. He couldn't really read her expression. He hates to admit it to himself, especially with everything going on, but he was slightly worried about how Liz would react to all of this. He had faith in their relationship, of course he trusted her immensely. But he still couldn't help but feel like she might decide to leave him for Bucky. Elizabeth turned around to see Steve looking at her with a distant look in his eyes.
"You good?" She gently asked, breaking him from his self-destructive thoughts.
"Yeah. You?"
"Yeah," she nods her head, handing the baby over to him, "I'm going to try and find her a new outfit.
"Okay," Steve says sitting down with the baby.
"I love you," Liz quietly says to Steve, knowing what could possibly going through his mind, if hers was also wandering.
"I love you," Steve replies back, finding himself relaxing at just hearing those three words, any doubt slipping away.
30 minutes later Bucky was ready to go. He walked out to the living room where he found Steve and Elizabeth sitting with each other holding the baby. He paused for a moment taking in the scene in front of him. He felt a sense of warmth and low flow through him as his closest friends admire his daughter. In that moment he knew he had made the right decision in what he would tell them next.
Steve glanced up to see Bucky leaning against the frame of the hallway.
"Ready?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, but I actually wanted to ask you two something before we go," Bucky says walking over and sitting on a chair next to the couch.
"Sure, what's up?" Steve leans forward, leaning on his knees, giving Bucky his full attention.
Elizabeth tears her eyes away from Poppy to also give Bucky her full attention. She smiles at him, letting him know he could continue on.
"I first and foremost just want to thank you Steve, for what probably is the hundredth time," Bucky says, "I know you have a lot going on with work and school. So I really appreciate everything you've done for me and for Poppy. And you too Elizabeth, I know you're incredibly busy especially with law school prep. And with everything that's happened between-"
"Don't," she stopped him, "What's past is past."
"Well anyways, thank-you," Bucky says, "Now here comes what I wanted to ask you two. There's no other two people I wouldn't trust more with Poppy. So I wanted to ask if you would be her godparents?"
"Really?" Elizabeth asked taken back by Bucky's request.
"Yes," he nods his head, "There's no one else I wouldn't trust with her if anything happens. It'll help me sleep better knowing she'll have two people who'll love her like I would. Two people who have so much love between them, that I know will always be together."
Both Steve and Elizabeth were taken back by Bucky's last statement. They knew Bucky had accepted their relationship, but to actually have him not only say it out loud but to practically give them his blessing, it meant the world to the couple.
Steve and Elizabeth both share a look with tears glistening in their eyes. Elizabeth nods her head.
Steve turns back to Bucky, "We'd be honored to be Poppy's godparents."
Elizabeth and Steve stood up to hug Bucky. All filled with a wide range of emotions. Bucky felt a huge sense of comfort after asking Liz and Steve to be Poppy's godparents. He knew he made the right decision, and he knew he could now sleep better at night knowing his daughter would be taken care of. And by two people he knows can love her the way he does.
After what happened with Natasha, Bucky just wanted to make sure Poppy would be taken care of. If she couldn't have her parents, then she would have the closest thing to having parents. And Bucky knows Steve and Elizabeth would be amazing parents.
That alone allowed him to be at peace for whatever may happen.
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Arriving to the funeral location Bucky felt his nerves start to spike. He sat in the backseat looking out the window at the familiar faces walking into the chapel.
"You okay?" Elizabeth asked turning in her seat, after Steve parked the car.
"I don't know if I can do this," he mutters, glancing towards the sleeping baby in the car seat next to him.
"We'll be right next to you along the entire way," Liz calmly says.
"If you feel too overwhelmed we'll leave whenever you want," Steve tells him, "We won't stay if you absolutely can't handle it. No one will hold it against you."
"Okay," Bucky takes a deep breath.
"Stay here, I'll get the stroller out," Steve says, getting out of the car.
"No one is expecting you to be brave, Buck," Elizabeth says, "You're allowed to be vulnerable. You're allowed to show emotions."
He nods his head, taking in what she's telling him.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small necklace. Clutching onto it as if his life depended on it.
Elizabeth catches the small 'N' on it, realizing that that was the necklace Natasha wore everyday since she was 13.
Bucky takes one final deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.
"Okay, I'm ready," he tells her.
"Okay, let's do this."
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Bucky was grateful that they arrived only minutes before the service started. Everyone was already seated in the pews.
He slowly walked down the aisle pushing the stroller, Steve and Elizabeth walking right behind him.
Bucky tried his best to avoid any eye contact with everyone. He couldn't bare to look at the pity in their eyes.
He caught sight of his family siting in the second row. He also noticed a man sitting alone in the first row.
He instantly knew who it was.
Once Bucky reached the first row, the man made to movement to greet Bucky.
Bucky cleared his throat, "Mr. Romanoff."
The older man looked over at Bucky, then at the stroller.
"James," he stiffly said, turning his attention back to the front.
Bucky awkwardly sat down placing the stroller next to his legs, away from Natasha's father, while Steve and Elizabeth sat next to Bucky.
The service was going smoothly up until the priest announced that Natasha's father would be making a speech, catching everyone off guard.
Bucky looked at the older man as he walked up to the stand. He turned around to face his mom, "Did you know this?" he whispered.
"No I didn't," she shook her head.
Right as Mr. Romanoff was about to start speaking, Poppy began to cry. Bucky quickly went to get her out of the stroller, while Steve quickly went to grab a bottle to help him out.
As soon as the baby calmed down Mr. Romanoff began to speak.
"First and foremost, I want to thank everyone for coming," he begins, "I really appreciate it. Natasha would be eternally grateful for all of you."
Bucky started to get annoyed by the beginning of Mr. Romanoff's speech. As if the man didn't turn down the invitation for the last two weeks. Now he's trying to act like the perfect father, as if he didn't kick her out and cut off his pregnant daughter.
"Natasha was a kind hearted person. Only wanting the best for those closest to her. She was the most selfless person you would have ever met," he continued on with his speech.
Elizabeth couldn't help but be confused by Mr. Romanoff's speech. She hated thinking ill of the dead, but that man had no idea who his daughter truly was.
"Natasha was so smart, earning her way into Yale. She was only months away from graduating. I was so incredibly proud of her. If only we would've gotten the opportunity to watch her walk across the stage.
"Other than leaving an everlasting impression on all of us, she also left behind a part of her. Her last moments on Earth was spent bringing in another Romanoff," he says.
Bucky's head snapped up to Mr. Romanoff, then towards Steve.
"Romanoff?" Bucky whispered, "This man has the fucking nerve."
"Ignore him," Steve whispered back, trying to calm Bucky down, "He's just saying all of this to make himself look good."
"Natasha brought her daughter into the world," Mr. Romanoff continued, forcing fake tears to fall, "I remember being by her side as she was in labor."
Bucky clenched his jaw, forcing himself not to call Mr. Romanoff out on his lies.
"As she was dying," Mr. Romanoff paused for dramatic effect, "Her only request was to name her daughter after her."
Steve paled his hand on Bucky's shoulder, trying his best to calm him down. It was too late, Bucky was already placing Poppy in Steve's arms.
"What a fucking lie," Bucky stood up shouting at Mr. Romanoff, causing everyone to gasp.
"James," Mr. Romanoff said through gritted teeth, as a warning.
"How could you just lie to all these people?" Bucky shouted, "How could you lie as if you didn't disown Natasha months prior when she told you she was pregnant. Or when my parents kept inviting you to the funeral, you kept saying no and how Natasha's decisions led to their death. How dare you say you were in the delivery room. As if you didn't have her number blocked.  My mom and I were there when things took a horrible turn. We were there when the doctor walked out and told us Natasha didn't make it. Not you! Us!
"Then you go on to make some shitty story about Nat's last words. Which is completely false. Natasha never wanted to name the baby after herself, you'd actually know that if you were actually present in her life. But you weren't. And you sure as hell will never be a part of your granddaughter's life."
Bucky turned to Steve and Liz, "Let's go."
They nodded their heads and helped put Poppy in the stroller. They followed Bucky as he walked out of the chapel.
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After leaving the funeral services, Steve was able to calm Bucky down. Winnie had called Elizabeth to let her know that the burial services the next day were officially going to be private. Liz agreed that that'd be best for everyone involved. Especially with what happened during the funeral services.
The burial service was only attended by Bucky, and his family, along with Elizabeth and Steve.
Everything went along smoothly. Everyone giving Bucky the safe space to grieve.
After the burial, everyone gave Bucky a few moments alone at the grave site so he can say his final goodbyes.
"Hey Nat," he pauses taking a deep breath, "these last two weeks haven't been the easiest. But boy have they been amazing. I may be more exhausted than I've ever been, but boy is she worth it.
"She may only be two weeks but I can already tell she's going to be the most amazing person ever," he softly cries, "You would've loved her so much. But like I promised back at the hospital, she'll never not know who her mother was. I will always make sure she knows who you were. Always."
"Goodbye Natasha," he whispered, before walking away to join his family waiting.
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Age: 26
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Year: 2020
"Daddy, what's this?" Poppy calls out to her father from his bedroom.
"What's what petal?" He asked walking into the room, finding her surrounded by boxes, as they prep for their move uptown.
"This," she holds up the small necklace with the 'N'.
Bucky kept that necklace in a small box in his nightstand. He kept it at the bottom of his nightstand for safe keepings. Planning on one day to give it to his daughter. He always planned to wait until she was 16, but he figures now is as good as ever.
"That was your mommy Natasha's," he said walking over to her, and sitting next to her on his bed, "She got it when she was 13, and wore it every day up until when she died."
"It's pretty," she says admiring it in her hands.
"It is isn't it," he smiles at his little girl, "It's now yours."
He grabs the necklace from her little hands. He unclasps it, then gently moves her dirty blonde hair to the side. He places the necklace around her neck, and clasps it shut.
"Thank-you daddy," she smiles brightly at her father, admiring the necklace that now lay on her chest.
Bucky smiled at his daughter, watching as she kept admiring the necklace. It was a little big on her, but he knew she would grow into it.
"Anything for you baby," he kisses the top of her head, "Anything."
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toms-cherry-trees · 4 years
For Her || Victoria Shelby
Summary: Everyone knew this day would come. They just didn’t think I’d be so soon
Word Count: 1476
Warnings: None
Author’s note: So the other day I wrote this drabble instead of paying attention to class. I wasn’t sure if it was worthy of posting but I’m working on coming to terms with the fact that not everything I post has to be a 4k masterpiece so here we are
Taglist: @caelys​ @carryonmyhomoson​
Let me know if you wanna be in my taglist ​
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The silence that had taken over the household was absolute, only broken by the creaking of the fire and the wind sneaking in through a crooked window pane that they couldn’t afford to fix. Three young men, their faces pale and full of worry, occupied the dimly lit room, the second eldest looking over a bassinet where a bundle of blankets laid peacefully asleep; his hand protectively placed over her tummy to check her breathing. The baby’s tiny fist clutched the ragged covers and her tongue was adorably trapped between her lips, features angelical and clear from distress. Blissfully unaware of the blow the family had received.
Arthur Shelby Sr. had never distinguished himself for being a decent father, nor even a decent man for that matter. He could hardly be categorized as a parent at all, for none of his children could even recall one memory of him being loving, or caring, or fatherly towards them. The Shelby kids had grown up having only each other and their mother for support. But those feeble foundations of their existences crumbled like a house of cards when she left, merely a month after birthing her youngest daughter, plagued by demons only she could see.
Suddenly it was one deadbeat father as head of a family of seven, including a toddler and a newborn. Shelby senior was quick for once to solve a problem, placing another woman in the household to look after everything his wife used to do and couldn’t be bothered to do so himself. That way he could dedicate his time to his own devices, leaving the task of feeding the family upon the shoulders of his eldest sons. But it seemed that even that snub wasn’t enough in his cruel heart.
Polly knew something was up that morning when Arthur Sr. picked up Victoria from her crib, thing he hadn’t done since the day she was born. For a moment all he did was stare, slightly rocking the baby in his hands; weighing Vicky as if he was measuring her worth, like a piglet in the fair. His gaze was fogged by the smoke coming from his cigarette, forcing him to squint his eyes as he placed his last child in Polly’s arms and blurted out a rather odd and suspicious sentence “She’s just like her mother. Too much of that and the world will step on her” The already cold gaze seemed to harden, jaw clenched as he picked his coat from the hook and walked out the door
That was the last time they saw him.
No one suspected a thing, the family having grown accustomed to his unannounced departures and long absences. But Polly Shelby knew better than the devil himself, and just one look into those malicious eyes had told her the heartless man’s true plans, and she had every intention to step right on his way and not give him the easy way out. As soon as everyone was home that night she shoved the kids into Arthur’s care and fled, clutching her coat tightly around her frame, clothes billowing into the howling wind of a cold March night.
The hours had ticked by slowly, minutes dripping away in a stream of worries. Having to put Ada and Finn to bed was an straining task to say the least, and the fight Victoria put up to fall asleep had been so great that the brothers resorted to leave her in her bassinet in the kitchen, not daring to move the girl an inch and disturb her frail slumber. Right now the soft puffing of her breathing was the sweetest sound in the world.
The hands of the clock had just struck midnight when the front door opened with a loud thump, and the three boys flinched, bracing themselves for the crying and wailing to come, yet not a peep came from the baby. They released their held breaths, but their relief was short lived. Polly stormed into the kitchen, hair in disarray from the wind and a fiery expression twisting her features. You could almost see the smoke emanating from her ears as she rummaged through the cabinets to find a bottle of whiskey and a glass.
“Well, he’s done it. He’s finally done it. Just like every man of his kind, he put himself and his cock ahead of his family” The first glass was downed in one gulp, and soon a second followed “Can’t say I didn’t see it coming. I’m surprised he stuck around for so long. But now he’s off to chase a skirt. Or running from a badge, I couldn’t care less”
Polly dropped in the table a handful of crumpled bills and a few coins. It wasn’t a fortune, but it was probably more than all of them together owned at the moment “I stole this from his pocket when I asked for a farewell hug. That dumbass. I’ll stretch it as much as I can but I don’t do miracles” A heavy sigh escaped her parted lips, the stress from the day adding years on her still young and attractive features “From now on, everything that happens to this family depends on us”
Her words weighed on the brothers with a burden greater than the world itself, everyone reacting differently to the load put on their shoulders. John looked dumbstruck, his still lingering youth keeping him from truly understanding the meaning of those words, but catching enough to understand that they were fucked, completely and utterly fucked, his boyish face draining from colour at the idea. Arthur’s disappointment was obvious in his face, finding it hard to believe that the man whom he had looked up to his whole life could do such despicable thing. Only the walls of his room would ever know that in days to come he’d spend every free moment by the window hoping to see his father walk down the muddy streets of Watery Lane, with his old bowler hat and dusty black coat.
And Tommy? He looked like a boiler about to explode, hands balled into fists so tight his knuckles were slowly turning white and his nails left indents in his palms.
How could he just easily leave behind his children? Less than two months had passed since his wife’s death, and he still had two children to raise, one still too young to even recognize him as a dad. But perhaps the little ones were better that way. A man like that was no role model, and they were the living proof of that. But now fate had given the Shelbys a chance to do things better, to give their youngest the chances they never had. Finn and Victoria wouldn’t even know his name, and they would surely grow up to be better people than any of the other siblings ever could.
With this conviction placating his fury, Tommy stood up and grabbed his baby sister in his arms, rocking her gently from side to side to soothe her. Her chubby hands grabbed fistfuls of his shirt; face snuggled into the warmth of her brother’s chest. She was so small, so innocent, definitely taking after her mother; for there was no way this angel could be in any way or form similar to the man they once called father, but now he was just a bastard, a stain in their past filled with nothing good. But this darling girl, who had stolen her brothers’ hearts the moment she opened her eyes, this was the best thing to ever come from Arthur Shelby Sr. and Tommy knew he’d be willing to tear the world down to pieces and build it back up for her.
“Don’t fret Polly. We’ll be okay. I’ll make sure of that” Thomas sat by his brothers, with Victoria peacefully nestled in his lap. Arthur reached to touch her, her fingers immediately wrapping around his much larger index. Just staring at her had a soothing effect on him; made him feel at peace. He didn’t have children of his own yet and knew little to nothing about kids, but he’d be damned if he didn’t try to be a father for his baby siblings.
The stillness of the scene was broken by a little coo coming from the bundle of blankets. Vicky was awake, batting her long eyelashes and staring up at her brothers with the innocence and curiosity only housed in children’s eyes. Tommy’s eyes had glassed with tears as he lifted the child and placed a kiss on her forehead, lips lingering in the touch to keep them from trembling.
He couldn’t know what future held for his family, but whatever it was, he’d make it right. Right for Ada, for Finn. But especially for Victoria. From now own, everything he did, good or bad, was for her.
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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juliaswinterwriting challenge, pt. 1
20. “Remember sleeping? Sleeping was nice.” with Tyler Seguin
a/n: here we go! my first of two submissions for @wondershawns challenge. hope you enjoy! (the next one will be longer and will be with Barzy.)
summary: a short fluffball about Tyler Seguin and his wife being sleep-deprived by their newborn daughter.
warnings: swearing, joke about a daddy kink, and dad Seggy, which deserves a warning. total fluff.
You were pulled from sleep for the fifth time that night by your baby girl’s cries.
You moaned, your arm thrown across your face in an attempt to shield your eyes from the moonlight streaming in through the bay window in your master suite. Tyler inhaled sharply as he, too, awoke, hearing his little daughter’s sad sounds. He sighed, propping himself up on his elbows.
“Mmm, remember sleeping?” Tyler inquired in a groggy voice.
You rubbed your eyes and sat up, too, zombie-like.
“Sleeping was nice,” you mused dreamily. “I’ll go get her,” you said as you moved to swing your legs off the bed.
In a flash, Tyler reached his long arms out and easily pulled your feet back onto the mattress. You had formed a bad habit of rushing to the nursery anytime your baby made even the smallest peep, and Tyler was trying his damnedest to break you of it.
“Mmm, nope. Nooo, you don’t,” he warned. “I’ll get her. You get back in bed,” he ordered, pointing at you.
You dropped your head back to the pillow and appreciatively took in your handsome husband, dressed only in his boxers, stretching his arms high above his head before sliding out of your bed. He’d always been unsettlingly handsome, but you’d recently found that he was even more attractive to you when caring for your baby girl. He was already wrapped around her little finger.
“‘Kay, deal” you breathed, a half-smile on your lips. “Thanks, baby. She probably just needs changed.”
He nodded, yawning, as the baby’s cries intensified. “I’m coming, Mia girl,” he called as he pushed his long curls back and walked down the hall.
Tyler turned the corner into the nursery and approached the crib where your two-month-old lay — all chestnut brown curls like him and big blue eyes like you. As he reached for her, he was struck, as he was each time he laid eyes on her, by how goddamn lucky he was.
“Hi, tiny girl,” Tyler sang, bringing Mia’s little head to his lips and kissing her dark, feathery soft hair before snuggling her against his bare chest. “Hi,” he repeated softly as she let out only small noises of discontent, her loud cries having subsided the moment she was gathered into her father’s arms. “You okay, little one? Yeah, you’re okay, huh?”
Little did Tyler know that you had blatantly ignored his instruction to stay in bed, unable to resist watching him tend to Mia, even as tired as you were. You stood in the doorway, leaning against the post with arms crossed, a soft smile on your face.
You stayed quiet as he changed Mia’s diaper and casually talked to her throughout the process as if she were his best friend — which, you suddenly realized, she truly was. Sorry, Jamie, you thought, though in reality the little girl’s godfather was just about as much of a sucker for her as her own father was.
As he buttoned her pajamas back up, you smirked at Tyler and asked quietly, “Is she being good for Dada?”
Tyler raised his eyebrows as he looked your way, lifting Mia from the changing table and kissing her forehead as he chuckled at you.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away,” Tyler accused. “You can’t say I didn’t try.” You met him on the fluffy pink rug in front of the crib and wrapped your arms around his waist, inhaling Mia’s sweet scent as you pressed your lips to her chubby cheek.
“You’re right,” you admitted, smoothing Mia’s hair as you watched her doze off in Tyler’s arms. “I can’t say that. But I couldn’t help it. I just like watching you be a daddy.”
“What do you mean?” Tyler scoffed haughtily. “You’ve been watching me be a daddy for years,” he added with a wink, making you roll your eyes and shove at his arm.
“Stop, you weirdo. Not in front of the baby,” you laughed as Tyler leaned Mia toward you, and you kissed the top of her head before he laid her back in her crib. Your heart ached at how sweet she looked, eyes already fluttering closed as she drifted back to sleep, and you groaned.
“I love her,” you whined, wrapping your hands around Tyler’s bicep and leaning your head against his arm. He chuckled as he kissed the crown of your head.
“I do, too,” Tyler agreed solemnly before his tone turned jovial. “Shoutout to you for making her, honestly.”
You giggled, turning into his chest as he enveloped you in his arms. “You helped,” you pointed out. Tyler pursed his lips as he considered that thought.
“True. That was fun,” he concurred. “You wanna go back to bed, my love?”
You turned back to the crib, putting your hand on the rail and gazing down at your infant. “Can we just watch her for a minute?” you asked quietly. Tyler hummed in agreement.
“We can do whatever you want — she’s ours,” Tyler said proudly. A smile spread across your face, and the two of you stood together in comfortable silence for a moment, wrapped in each other’s embrace.
“She looks so peaceful like this,” you murmured, breaking the quiet. “She’s been anything but peaceful the last couple of weeks.”
You felt Tyler tense in your grasp as you sighed, and he looked down at you carefully as you gazed at Mia. He knew you so well that he could see — practically feel — you blaming yourself for your baby’s recent and inconsolable discontent.
“You know what my mom told me after you got pregnant?” Tyler asked as he affectionately raked his fingers through your thick hair. Forever soothed by that gesture, you inhaled a deep breath and exhaled a yawn. “Hmm?” was all you could manage.
“She said, ‘The days are long, but the years are short,’” he told you, his chest vibrating with each word.
“And what did she mean by that?” you asked, your cheek still pressed against his skin.
“She meant that, someday, Mia’s gonna be on her own, and she’s not gonna need us to wake up and comfort her in the middle of the night anymore,” Tyler said, the emotion in his voice palpable. Your own throat tightened at that realization.
“And so,” he continued, kissing your hair once more. “Even though we’re tired, we should try and enjoy these moments. Because the years will fly by.”
You looked up at him, resting your chin just beneath his collarbone.
“Or we could just keep having babies so we never have an empty house,” you suggested, only half-joking. Tyler raised his brows at you and a smirk danced on his lips.
“That actually sounds great to me,” he teased, pressing a kiss to your nose.
“I’m kidding... sort of,” you conceded. “But your mom’s right. That Jackie Seguin,” you spoke, eyes closing in exhaustion. “She really knows what she’s talking about.”
Tyler breathed a chuckle, caressing his knuckles across your cheek. “That she does,” he concurred. “Hey... look at me.” At his gentle request, your eyes opened and you were met with his adoring gaze.
“You’re a good mama. You know that?” he asked, but it wasn’t so much a question as it was an assertion. You nodded slowly as he cupped your cheek in his hand.
Tears pricked your eyes at his encouraging words and Tyler whispered, “Come here,” before gathering his arms around your shoulders and pulling you tighter to himself.
“I love you, Ty,” you whispered, kissing his sternum. “You’re the best dad.”
“I love you. You make it easy,” Tyler said, squeezing you before playfully smacking your ass, making you press your hand over your mouth to prevent a yelp from escaping.
“Now come back to bed,” your husband demanded. “We can sleep. Or, better yet, we can start working on keeping the house full of babies,” Tyler added with a wink, tugging your hand behind him as he headed for the door. “And then sleep.”
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