#comfortable around you and if we’re ‘friends’ yet? stage
galaxywhale · 1 year
friend organised plans for today on the 16th of march
we’ve talked about the plans at least once since then
we talked about the plans last Thursday
we talked about the plans this Thursday (though one friend wasn’t there tbf)
friend send reminder about plans yesterday
friend sent another message this morning with suggestion for dinner
two friends pulled out today at 5 hours then 4 hours before
and idk I know people are allowed to pull out at short notice if they need to but this continues an ongoing pattern with no apparent good reason and I’m just. tired. Especially when these are some of my only (basically are my only) irl friends
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strohller27 · 5 months
#I’m just gonna use this blog as a diary because. y’know. I already do. anyway#I don’t know what’s gotten into me recently but I just feel like. like I’m supposed to be ‘further along’ in my life than I am now?#and like. I know it’s bullshit because. the milestones I was told I would hit as I grew older have definitely not been predictable#they tell you you’ll get a job and a car and a significant other and you’ll get married and buy a house and have kids and grow old and die#and it’s like. that’s all we’re given to measure our lives by; these big milestones.. people are supposed to feel accomplished when they hit#but those things are just titles to chapters like. nobody tells us that there’s all this other plot happening between those pages#and so yeah I mean. it feels like I’m not on the right chapter and I really want to skip ahead but like#the truth is. I’m not even to the climax yet. I’m still in the lore-dump stage of ny story#and that’s been so hard for me to accept recently. I’m yearning to be in the chapter where I fall in love and get married#but that’s just it like. that chapter comes earlier in other people’s stories than it seems to be in mine#although I’ve fallen in love many times. I’m not at the ‘get married’ chapter. because it’s not the right part of the story yet#and sometimes I wish I could just find the author of my story and tell them HEY GET ON WITH IT ALREADY because things seem to be moving so#so slowly. and yet they’re moving so fast I simultaneously feel like I’m running out of time#like. why do some people deserve to have co-stars in their stories from almost the very beginning who stick by those protagonists and grow#together? What did I do in my last story to deserve such a lonely one this time around?#Why am I so unlucky that I have good close friends that stick by me and all I know how to do is hold them at arms length because I don’t#think our relationships are quite as deep as I feel that I need out of a relationship?#why is my story about desparately trying to find a place where I feel comfortable enough to belong and share myself with others#and hey. why am I not at that part of my story either?#and maybe it’s that I don’t do enough. as a protagonist my toxic trait is that I’m pathologically suspicious of others#if someone shows interest in me I’m suspicious of why. what are they trying to get from me. because in the past people have taken from me#without giving much back. and if someone wants to date me I’m immediately suspicious of their intentions.#because I’ve realised that there’s much more to being in a relationship than ‘you’re hot let’s fuck’. and I know that’s not what I want#I want to be at the part of my story where I can share myself with someone without worrying that they’re going to take more than I can give.#I want to be at the part of my story where I can trust someone with myself when I’m fragile and they can trust me with themselves as well#I want to be at the part of my story where my life slots together well with someone else’s; so well it just feels normal and right.#I want to be at the part of my story where…I know I could live without this person because we can both take care of ourselves but.#it’s just preferable to spend time and solve problems and exist *together*#and you’ll have to forgive me for saying so but I’ll need physical affection from that person whoever they may be#I feel like certain things are falling into place. I like where I am. now I want to set down roots. and I can’t. I’m not at that page yet.
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Marry you
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: During an interview, someone asks you to marry them and your girlfriend isn't happy about it
Disclaimer: English is not my first language.
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“My next question is for Y\N.”
Hearing your name being said from somewhere in the crowd in front of the stage, you looked up and quickly finished drinking your water to put the bottle back on the small stool they placed between your and Evan’s chairs. That was the first question directed at you since everyone else who got a chance to ask a question to the Marvel actors seemed more interested in asking things to the people who had been a part of that universe for longer. You couldn’t blame them because that was your second year being a part of that large cast and that was your first ComicCon, not to mention that your colleagues and friends were very entertaining to watch answering the fans' questions.
Now, however, someone was about to ask you something and you got excited very fast. You had prepared to be asked a number of questions about your character, who had featured in two different movies in the MCU and was about to get a movie with her very own name after making success among the fans. You took the microphone that Scarlett elegantly gave to you from where she was sitting in front of you and waited to hear the question. Your eyes scanned the large crowd to find who was about to talk to you, finding someone standing with the microphone in hand after a few seconds.
“Yes?” You prompted the man to talk and also to let him know you were paying attention to what he was about to say.
“Will you marry me?”
There was a beat of stunned silence before the theater erupted in laughs. You were so surprised by his words - and fairly disappointed for having to hear that type of question when all the men got asked very deep questions before - that it took you a moment to go back to the present. You pressed your lips in a thin line and looked around while you thought about your answer. You didn’t want to be rude, but you also didn’t want to let this guy think he was so amazing for asking that type of thing.
Most of your cast mates were laughing around you, but you saw the way Scarlett turned around to throw you a sympathetic smile, which certainly brought you some comfort at least. Brie was also one of the few who didn’t think it was funny, and you thought you may have seen Holland grimacing a bit. There was another roll of chairs behind you and you couldn’t see the reaction of anyone sitting there. You couldn’t see if your girlfriend, Elizabeth Olsen, was sharing an awkward laugh with everybody or if she was as stunned as you.
You had been dating for quite some time now and, although you didn’t make any effort to keep it a secret, the public hadn’t connected the dots yet - which was a first. You liked to think you knew Elizabeth enough to know she didn’t find that question to be funny, though. Not because she would go jealous or anything, but because she could see it was a sexist joke to make every man in the room laugh. The guy himself was accepting the catcalls his friends were throwing his way like he was the most amazing man on Earth, and that’s what made you decide to shoot back instead of going for a simple answer.
“Really?” You asked on the microphone. “You have the right to make one question, and that’s the question you’re going to make?” You added incredulity in your voice and more laughs filled the room, then you shifted to sarcasm - your greatest weapon. “I mean, we’re not going back to you. You know that, right? You have one question, you make it, and that’s it. You can’t make another one.” You could see Scarlett laughing honestly at you, her eyes shining with mirth, and then Elizabeth’s chuckles reached your ears as well. Before the guy could say anything else, you kept talking, dragging him without remorse. “I will give you two seconds to think if that’s what you want to ask.”
For dramatization, you raised your hand, slowly taking two fingers down while everyone else seemed to have fun with your actions. Even the guy who made the question was laughing, although you doubted he realized you were making fun of him.
“Fine, you can ask your question now,” you joked, pointing at him and reclining against your chair. You crossed your legs, placed an arm on the back of the chair, and turned your body to the side a bit to look directly at him.
And then, the question got asked again: “Will you marry me?”
Of course, laughs sounded all around one more time, even louder, and you bit the inside of your cheek while swinging the microphone in front of your mouth for a few seconds. Then, when the laugh died a bit, you crossed your arms. “Give me a reason to do it. Come on.”
“I have money!” The guy shouted since the person mediating the questions had already removed the microphone from his hand to move on to find someone else who wanted to participate.
“So do I, my dude!” You shouted back before remembering you didn’t have to.
However, as you realized everyone else was laughing again, you knew it was a nice reaction to have for the public. Brie, sitting a few chairs from you, had thrown her head back to laugh, and Scarlett placed a hand on your knee as if to show you support. You risked throwing a glance behind you and caught the way Elizabeth was smiling at you and that’s all you needed to keep going on with that crazy conversation.
“Really, I have money. So, unless you’re an Arabian Prince or something, I don’t think I will be too impressed with your bank account,” you provoked and then leaned over to point at him with your free hand. “I mean, if you are an Arabian Prince, you wouldn’t want to marry me to start with because, you know, I’m not a virgin. That ship has sailed, my friend.” More laughs. “Are you a prince of some sort?” You watched as the man shook his head and started sitting down, laughing so hard you were a bit worried he would stop breathing soon. Well, at least he wasn’t offended by your reaction, but you kind of wished he was. “There we go. So you’re not a prince. And I have money, so I’m not interested in that. I’m not saying I’m richer than you, but I would only get impressed if you were a prince, sorry.”
“Someone is going to have nightmares lost in the desert tonight,” Robert joked over his own microphone, causing some more laughs.
“No, really,” you kept talking, looking at him now. “He had one question and that’s the one he chose. I even gave him a chance to make up his case because I totally ignored the biggest reason why I wouldn’t marry him. I’m gay! Everyone knows it.”
Now you were just drawing the moment because you couldn’t help yourself. People were laughing and they were having fun, and you wished to keep it like that. Also, it was a way of letting everyone know you wouldn’t put up with stupid shit like that. It could’ve been much worse, you knew that. You had seen the amount of sexist questions Scarlett got asked through the years, so you should be glad that it was a minor thing. Harmless, even, albeit very annoying. Even so, you wouldn’t let people think it was okay to brush your work to the side to ask those types of things.
“By the way,” you said, looking back to the crowd even if you couldn’t find the guy anymore, “thank you for ruining my first proposal.”
“No one ever asked you to marry them?” Holland asked in his overly excited manner.
“Nope.” You shook your head. “It just got ruined for me now. My first proposal and it happened like that.” Then, you pretended to be sad, pouting and everything.
“Oh, no,” Scarlett joined in the joke after stealing Robert’s microphone. “I hope the second one goes better.”
“Not as special as the first one.” You shrugged and that put an end to the subject, finally.
Everyone shared another laugh and the panel moved on after that. It was filled with more funny moments and you got asked some good questions after that, so, once it was over, everyone was in a good mood. Some of the cast had to attend another panel starting soon, but some of you decided to enjoy the mood to have a little celebration at the hotel bar. Once you all got there and got your drinks, your friends started talking about the things that happened during the panel, obviously addressing one of the most memorable moments.
“You dragged him!” Brie exclaimed with a laugh. “The guy has no idea what hit him!”
“He has no idea because he didn’t even realize he was wrong,” Scarlett pointed out gently, although she reached out to squeeze your shoulder. “But, damn, that was awesome.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. “If they don’t fire me now, I think I’m safe for another ten years or so.”
While everyone else chuckled and started talking among themselves, you noticed that Elizabeth was quiet beside you. She was sitting on the chair by your side, nursing a fancy drink that she had only taken a sip from, and looking from face to face without paying attention to what was being said. You couldn’t ignore it, of course, and quietly moved your chair a bit to get closer to her so you could lean over to whisper against her ear, masking your actions by pretending you were only getting closer to kiss her cheek.
“You okay?”
You pulled away a bit, but kept close by leaning your elbow on her armrest. Elizabeth glanced at you with wide eyes and surprise written all over her features, and you watched as she opened and closed her mouth a few times. Her pale cheeks acquired a pinky shade and, even if you worried with her, you also couldn’t help but think she was the cutest person on the planet.
“Yes, I am. Why do you ask?”
“You’re very quiet,” you pointed out gently.
“I’m always quiet, sweetie,” Elizabeth declared with a chuckle.
It was an earnest chuckle, not forced or faked, and it made you relax almost immediately. You rolled your eyes fondly now and leaned closer to kiss her cheek again “Not always,” you whispered before pulling away with one eyebrow arched, giving her a very meaningful look.
Elizabeth picked up the meaning behind your words and blushed a deep shade of red, which caused you to laugh loudly, bringing the attention of everyone back to you. Everyone there knew you two were dating and they quickly jumped in to tease both you and Elizabeth, much to your amusement and her distress.
The night was amazing despite that - or maybe because of that - but you all said your goodbyes before you got too excited with the drinks. Everyone needed to get up early the next day to be a part of more panels and other interviews, not to mention that having half of the Marvel cast getting drunk in a hotel bar was a very bad idea, so you all decided to call it a night.
You and Elizabeth kept company to Scarlett, walking her back to her room so she wouldn’t be alone, and then took the elevator again to go to the room you were sharing. As soon as you stepped inside, you kicked off your shoes and started taking off the vest you were wearing on top of a long-sleeved shirt. Elizabeth stepped in behind you, being much more pragmatic in her actions. She took her high heels and placed them neatly beside her empty luggage, then she started taking off her earrings while walking towards the safe deposit box where she had placed everything valuable. Meanwhile, you threw the vest away and lay on the bed with a deep sigh, arms and legs stretched out like a starfish.
“Oh, I wish I could sleep all day tomorrow,” you groaned, feeling the ache in your body make its presence known.
Elizabeth had her back turned at you, but you heard her chuckling softly at your words. “You should go take a shower before you pass out on the bed.”
You whined but you knew she was right. Elizabeth knew you better than anyone and she knew you could fall asleep in a minute without even realizing it. You were a bit sweaty and you also needed to remove the make-up you applied earlier that day, no matter how tired you were. Making loud noises just for drama effect, you got up and made your way to stand behind Elizabeth. She was slightly higher than you, something she liked to tease you about. You kissed Elizabeth’s shoulder gently and hummed when she leaned back against you. Your arms wrapped around her waist and you smiled when she rocked her body from one side to the other with you.
You stayed like that for a moment, just enjoying her presence and the silence in the room after a day filled with attending crowds and making interviews. After a while, Elizabeth turned around in your arms with a loving smile that made your heart a bit warmer. She pecked your lips before her hands moved to start undoing the buttons of your shirt, slowly revealing your bra beneath it. It wasn’t a sexual gesture at that moment, just something she decided to do for you to keep you close to her for another minute.
“Go take a shower,” she told you again. “You’re smelling like Evans.”
“He hugged me like a thousand times,” you complained, earning a kiss from her and an amused laugh.
You eventually managed to take the said shower, taking your precious time under the warm water to lose up some of your tense muscles. You would have to wake up extra early to wash your hair to have enough time to get to your first interview, and you wished you could stay in bed with your girlfriend all day. After getting out of the shower, you went through your skincare routine - the one that Scarlett forced on you until you put it in your daily agenda - brushed your teeth, and finally left the bathroom ready to jump in bed and go to sleep.
As soon as you stepped outside, though, you realized something was different. Well, it wouldn’t take a genius to notice that the lights around the room were almost all dim or the soft music playing in the background, but it surprised you enough that you stopped short in your tracks as you looked around. You opened your mouth to call out for Elizabeth when you spotted your girlfriend standing by one of the corners where a champagne bottle was left at some point when you were taking your shower.
You arched your eyebrow at her, but Elizabeth didn’t say anything as she walked towards you holding two glasses and smiling at you. She was still wearing her beautiful black dress, feet bare, and cheeks just a bit red, and you found yourself being rooted on the spot, hypnotized by her. You took one of the glasses when she got close enough and saw your girlfriend reach out to close the bathroom door behind you.
“What’s going on?” You asked when she took your free hand gently to pull you to the middle of the room. Elizabeth didn’t reply and you couldn’t help but keep talking out of nervousness. “I feel underdressed now. I already put my pajamas on, didn’t know we would be celebrating tonight. What are we celebrating, by the way?”
Elizabeth smiled throughout your rambling, eventually stopping you by squeezing your hand once. “There’s something I need to tell you,” she said.
“Okay,” you mumbled, suddenly much more nervous than before. The mood wasn’t somber, so you didn’t think it would be something bad, but you could never know.
“I had a plan,” Elizabeth started to explain. “I was going to wait for our anniversary, take you to ski or something equally dangerous because you enjoy this type of thing,” she chuckled fondly at that. “I would have more time to prepare a speech and there was going to be roses. I was still debating if I would do it before or after dinner.”
You had no idea what Elizabeth was talking about, so you didn’t try to stop her. Your heart was beating so fast inside your chest that you were afraid she might be hearing that, though she just looked utterly content looking at you.
“I got the champagne, at least, but the hotel couldn’t provide me the roses this late at night with such short notice. And we don’t have snow. It’s actually very, very, hot outside, and our dinner was old peanuts from the bar downstairs,” Elizabeth kept talking, her hand still holding yours and your glasses were dangerously forgotten. “You’re already in your pajamas and I’m not wearing the very cute dress I was thinking about wearing when I did this, but…” She paused, took a deep breath and let her eyes fall to your joined hands for a moment. “But I don’t think all of that would have made it any more special.”
“Lizzie,” you whispered, making her eyes snap back to yours. “I’m lost.”
Elizabeth laughed lowly and nodded. “Right, sorry.” She blinked at you. “I’m sorry someone ruined the first time you got proposed to and I can’t let you go with that lame proposal as your only proposal for longer.”
Okay, now you had a very clear idea where that was going and you felt your eyes widening immediately. Your racing heart started going even faster when Elizabeth let go of your hand to pull out a small blue box from somewhere between the folds of her dress. You had no idea how she hid that there, but you also didn’t care. Not right now. Elizabeth gently opened the box, with the inside turned at her yet, and smiled when she saw what was inside. Then, she held the box with the same hand that was holding her glass and reached out to take your hand again.
And then, because life wasn’t already crazy enough at that moment, Elizabeth got down on one knee in front of you.
“Y/N, will you marry me?”
She showed you the ring finally, but you honestly didn’t even mind what it looked like. What mattered was the woman in front of you asking you to spend the rest of your life with her. You loved Elizabeth and had known for a while that she was the one you wanted to share your life with, but you had never imagined she would be proposing to you. It surprised you enough to delay your reply for a couple of seconds, even if you had no doubt what your answer would be.
“Yes! Of course! Yes!”
Your voice was way higher than it had to be, but neither of you cared.
Still ignoring the box between you two, you leaned over to kiss her, bringing your hands to cradle her face. You forgot about the glass in your hand though and your kiss got interrupted by a yelp when Elizabeth felt the cold drink falling down her shoulder and ruining her dress. You parted and shared a look before bursting into a fit of laughter. You helped her go back to her feet, still holding her face - more carefully now - and you shared another kiss before she slid the ring on your finger.
Turns out you were wrong. Second time was even more special.
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nohoney · 8 days
just a lil something that’s inspired from a lil something i did while at edc ☆ ~('▽^人)
warnings: rave bf! bakugou, lil bit of drug use (acid tripping and rolling -> taking ecstasy), exhibitionism (sorta), petting
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bakugou looks around, inhaling deeply as he subtly adjusts the boner he has. he’s pretty certain that no one has noticed. there’s hundreds if not thousands of people walking the festival grounds with too many spectacles that he’s sure are grabbing their attention instead. fireworks from one spot, laser shows emitting from adjacent stages, the statues that spit fire—so so many things to look at.
and yet his eyes keep drawing to the strappy fit you’ve chosen to wear.
he’d never known about microkinis before until you held up the tiny top and panty before him. the patch of fabric meant to cover you is small, just enough to cover your nipples and show off the tasty bit of skin underneath your tits. he helped tie the straps into place for you at the hotel, feeling you up and hoping that he could convince you to have a quickie.
instead you guys had to rush out the hotel to start lining up for the shuttles.
it’s four in the morning and you’re now taking a break from the back to back sets from the artists you wanted to see for the night. you and bakugou relax in an area of light up trees and light up structures. when he looks into your eyes, he can see your pupils still a bit dilated wider than they’re supposed to be but your trip is pretty much easing off.
he’s sure that his eyes are the same too.
good thing you and him only took small hits of what mina offered; the two of you only wanted to trip a little on the acid she offered that was rolled up into the joint. it was fun to see you all woozy and dreamy as you watched your favorite artists at the stage they performed at or how in awe you were earlier when the fireworks show had gone off earlier in the night.
you and bakugou took it easy though to save enough reserves for tomorrow night, the very last day. you’ve got the little dime bag that has the pills and at one point you were tempted to take one to further enhance the night. luckily bakugou was able to convince you to hold off.
“for tomorrow, okay baby? remember who we’re seeing tomorrow.”
“mmkay, you’re right.”
you and him sit against a light up structure, other people relaxing in the area as well. bakugou takes off his hydropack so that he can sit back comfortably. he unzips the storage compartment and brings out your pashmina to cover you up. you cozy up, laying back against him and not having any comments when bakugou lays the pashmina over your lap.
“this was soooo fun katsuki… i think it was the right idea for us to take it easy tonight.” you comment, sliding his hands underneath the pashmina so that they rested on your tummy, “you look out for me.”
“of course i do, didn’t want you to run yourself raggedy before you even got to see your favorite.” bakugou hums, drumming his fingers a little against your stomach and seeing the movement beneath the pashmina. he’s still tripping a little because the sight of it looks funny.
you nod your head against him, sighing quietly and relaxing against him.
bakugou doesn’t shut his eyes, only just idly looking over the sights in front of him like the crowds that still walk or the light shows that can be seen from where he’s sitting at. there are other people in the area that resting, getting massages from their friends, and just relishing in whatever mood they seem to be in.
his hands are warm on your stomach, his thumb brushing over your belly button and making you giggle. you pull your legs up a little closer to you so that you can cover the pashmina over your knees as well before relaxing against bakugou again. your lower half is completely covered from the pashmina as you cozy up and relax. his fingers pluck a little at the red straps that he helped cross around your body. out of all the rave outfits you’ve worn in front of him, this one is his all time favorite.
he’s been so painfully hard the entire night because of your fit, needing to adjust discretely every so often.
and you fucking knew that he liked it too because occasionally when you were sure no one was looking, you’d ghost your palm over his erection. he’d look at you and you’d flash him a coy smile, you looking extra doe eyed with the acid in your system and just a bit more giggly. worst was when he stood behind you for one set with kirishima and mina, you sung your little heart out with them and they were none the wiser to one of your hands discreetly rubbing over his boner.
if he had less control, bakugou would have cum in his shorts from the dirty secret that your friends were too fucked up to notice.
so he decides to return the favor.
your body tenses when you feel bakugou’s hands slide lower beneath the pashmina, his fingers skimming past the edge of the tiny bikini bottom and the pad of his fingers pressing right where your clit is. he leans down to your ear and hums a little before muttering, “i like this one, it’s my favorite.”
“i know, chose it ‘cause i knew you’d love it.” you mutter back before your eyes look over the people that are relaxing in the area. other people’s eyes are glossing over as well but no eyes are staring at you in particular.
still, you can’t help but feel that there must be someone that knows that your boyfriend’s fingers are touching you beneath the pashmina.
bakugou is good with his hands, he’s shown it by making you cum from just playing with your clit alone. he applies the right pressure, petting you and kissing your temple that makes you want to whimper. your boyfriend is the best at rough sex but when he’s actually gentle and endearing, it stirs you up more than usual.
your pussy reacts to his touch, the remaining acid in your body still making you a touch more sensitive, and you’re a bit shamed that a wet patch is forming in between your legs. “made me so fuckin’ happy to see you enjoy yourself. you know how pretty you looked when the fireworks were going off earlier?” bakugou mutters against your temple, “you make me so goddamn happy.”
his words are sweet but his touch is making you come undone. you breathe deeply to try to maintain some composure, your mouth dropping occasionally and you let out a quiet sigh. again, you look over to see if anyone has caught on to what the two of you are doing but no one has paid any mind.
they’re all off in their own world.
“so fuckin’ pretty, my baby is so pretty.” bakugou tells you more, his voice dripping with a sentiment that you hear only inside the bedroom. images of your last lovemaking flash in your head, making your mind swim in a euphoric sea of love. you love how he sounds when you’re sucking him off leisurely, how he seems to be weaker for your blowjobs when the two of you take your time and take it slow. all the fucks you and bakugou during the trip were all done in desperation and haste, enough to get it out your system and be presentable enough in front of your friends.
you’re dying for a passionate, slow fuck with your boyfriend.
you hastily grab onto his hand and press it against your stomach, whimpering slightly and hoping that you’re maintaining a straight face. bakugou presses a kiss to your cheek and whispers in your ear, “did i make you cum?”
he’s answered with a stiff nod.
bakugou’s eyes briefly glance up to the sky, recognizing the light orange coming from the hills. the sun is about to rise and now there’s only one more day to attend. one more outfit to help you into, two more pills to take for when both of your favorite artist plays for the final day of the festival, and then one plane ride home to collapse and have a proper rest after the most sleep deprived weekend you’ve ever had.
“c’mon, let’s get back to the shuttles and back to our room.”
bakugou gives you the hydro pack to wear on your back instead, opting to piggy you back across the festival grounds and to the shuttle pick up. you tied the pashmina around your waist for some modesty before hopping onto his back, clinging onto him like a sloth and whimpering small sounds as he made the trek across the festival grounds.
“you’re so bad katsuki.” you whisper in his ear, “how dare you.”
he only chuckles, hoisting you up a little to readjust you on his back for better leverage and continues on, seeing kirishima and mina waiting for them by the shuttle pick up.
“one more day baby, alright? that’s when we can go all out.”
“mm-hmm, ‘m excited.” you yawn, smiling over the hidden pills you and your boyfriend will consume in another fifteen hours when you return for the very last day of the festival.
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ash5monster01 · 8 months
Not Just The Books
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, no use of Y/N, smut, nudity, language, fluff, friends to lovers, minors DNI.
Summary: Steve catches you reading a smutty book and before the embarrassment can settle in you realize he is more interested in doing the stuff in the book with you.
word count: 3.5k
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It was not uncommon for you and Steve to be able to sit in silence comfortably. Sometimes having the presence of a friend while you did different things was so much better than being alone. So you both sat comfortably in his living room, you in the easy chair, lamp on to illuminate your book, and him in the center of the couch, slumped down, as he watched whatever was on TV. The sound didn’t bother you as you read, you normally were in another world, not noticing the things around you. So even though Steve had the TV blaring with the hearing of a Grandpa, you didn’t even mind, the TV could explode and you wouldn’t notice. Thing was Steve always noticed you, even if his favorite movie was on TV.
So when he spotted you uncrossing your legs it peaked his interest. You still hadn’t torn your eyes from the book to see he had noticed your movement. Steve had almost turned away until he saw you had pressed your legs together, your teeth capturing your bottom lip. His heart accelerated slightly because he knew that kind of movement. He had caused many of girls that kind of movement, so when you started to shift in your seat, your breaths coming out in smaller pants he realized there was something more to the book you had tightly gripped in your hands. You still didn’t even flinch as Steve stood and walked over to you, in fact you couldn’t even tear your eyes from the page as he quite literally did it for you.
“Steve!” you screeched and he quickly noticed how dilated your eyes were, how fast your chest rose with each breath. You looked like a woman starved.
“Since when do books make you act like that” Steve teased, eyebrows raised highly and you felt the embarrassment burn through you.
“Please give me my book back” you begged, hand out, waiting for him to hand it over.
“You know, normally I would” and the panic started to set in as he turned the book towards himself. Steve never attempted to read your books. Why now?
“Please Steve!” you we’re quick, lunging towards him, but he was quicker. Your voice was rough, all worked up, and no one had even touched you.
“It’s always Steve you need to read more, when was the last time you opened a book, and now you don’t want me too?” he knew he was getting under your skin and you just prayed he woundn't read the page you were on. If there was some higher power out there they would keep him from reading that page right now.
“Just not that book, I was enjoying it” even Steve could hear how uncomfortable you sounded as you said it. It was as if you were trying to get him to cough it up without knowing what was so interesting about it.
“Well, I want to see what’s so good” and just like that his eyes dipped down and you launched for him. Yet Steve escaped your grasp, running across the room, and leaping onto the couch where he stood. Book now face open and you got to watch him read it in real time, like he was on a stage.
Claire panted out heavy breaths, skin on fire everywhere he left a wet love bite and blew on it. She tried to steady her breathing but as his wet kisses trailed down her stomach, finishing on the waist band of her shorts, she couldn’t quite seem to stop the breaths that came out.
Slowly his fingers curled into her waistband and she lifted her hips to make it easier, a silent conformation that what he was doing was okay. As the cool air of the bedroom hit her dripping core she couldn’t help but whimper over the thought of him burying himself between her folds.
“So perfect” he spoke, his tongue darting out to take a small taste. “And sweet”
Then just like that he was devouring her completely. So fast her back arched without her knowledge, pressing into him as he deliciously lapped up everything he could. Eating her out better than anyone ever had, and as his nose nudged against her clit she couldn’t help but begin to feel the coil tighten in her stomach. He had barely done anything and she was already ready to cum.
“Holy shit” Steve muttered, dropping his arms that held the book as he looked down at you from the couch. Very much unable to meet his eyes as he realized exactly what you were reading.
“Can I have my book back now?” you nervously asked, arm rubbing up and down your other one. Steve jumped back down to the ground. Trying to regain your gaze.
“Want to explain this to me?” he asked, holding it over and you quickly snatched it back.
“Not particularly” you now hyper aware of exactly how alone the two of you were right now.
“You like to read dirty books” he chuckled like a little kid and finally you dared to glance up at him only to see a smug look on his face, like he obtained information he was going to hold over your head for years to come.
“Most girls do Steve” you hissed attempting to hit him with the book but he quickly stopped you, his head coming to a shake.
“Whatever you say, it just looked like you were really enjoying it. I’d never seen you so…” he paused, trying to think of a word, and your heart accelerated. Thumping quickly against your ribs and you prayed he couldn’t hear it. “Worked up”
You sucked in a sharp breath as he said it and the air around you turned heavy. This had gone from embarrassing to mortifying because not only did you get caught reading about sex but you got caught for it turning you on. Steve had noticed you were turned on and now you wished he didn’t notice you even existed. “Can we not talk about this, I was acting like I always do”
“That’s a lie, you wouldn’t move while reading even if a tornado came through here but you couldn’t even sit still. You were needy and I know it because I’ve seen it a hundred times” now you were red as a fire truck and Steve was enjoying this way too much. Yet he was also getting turned on which he shouldn’t have because it’s you. His longest and oldest friend, the one he can be completely comfortable with but now he wanted to know exactly how wet you were from that stupid book and he wanted to see if he could get you wetter.
“Ah yes, King Steve, ruler of sex. Can’t take a hint but knows when a girl is turned on” you told him sarcastically, annoyed he insisted on embarrassing you further.
“So you admit to being turned on?” he said with a smirk and you rolled your eyes with a groan.
“My God give it a break, yes I was turned on, is that what you want to hear?” you asked him and as you let out heavy breaths and waited for him to give a sarcastic answer it never came. Instead he stared you down, like you admitting this suddenly made you a four course meal. Steve had never looked at you like this and now you were nervous all over again but about an entirely different thing.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you nervously asked, attempting to back away from him because now the foot and half between you two was way too close.
“I’m not doing anything” he told you, stepping towards you to shorten the distance again and you wished he hadn’t of done it because now Steve was replacing the guy in the book for you.
“Yes you are, you’re looking at me like you want to kiss me” you said, trying to make it sound like a joke but even to you is sounded nervous. Steve just tilted his head, eyeing you up and down completely.
“It looks like that because I do want to kiss you” how was he so comfortable talking to you like this? You had never crossed this line before and now you wanted him to touch you and stay away all at the same time. “So can I kiss you?”
“I uh, I I..-“ you stammered, unsure how you went from peacefully ignoring each other to the edge of the line. If you say yes you would give him a reason to cross it and that was a lot of responsibility for a person.
“I need an answer sweetheart, because I really really want to kiss you” he spoke slowly and you swallowed hard, still turned on from the book and now a little turned on by him.
“Uh yeah, I-I guess” you told him and a grin cracked across his face and before you could say anything more his hands were on your face and drawing your lips near his own. He waited a minute before pressing them to yours, whether is was hesitant or savory you weren’t sure. But after a steady breath he pressed against you, mouth hot and slotting between your own lips perfectly. He was a good kisser but you already knew that.
It took only seconds for it to get heated, his hands tugging lightly at your hair and tongue grazing your lip. You parted in an instant, letting his tongue tangle with your own and then it was over. He had you backing up all the way to wall, your back thumping against it, and his knee wedging between your legs. Against your better judgement you started to grind against it, unable to stop your self considering how worked up you had been. “Getting yourself so turned on without any release, seems like torture sweetheart”
“There was going to be release, later, when I was alone” and your response had Steve’s head tipping back as he let out a groan.
“Still unfair, why don’t you let me take care of you?” Steve coaxed and you involuntarily ground down on his leg, knowing release was right around the corner if you just let him. Was it worth it though? To cross this line just for some sweet release? For a touch that could unwind you more than your own hands could? You knew Steve was a good lay, had been legend among the Hawkins High halls because of it. Should you even find out for yourself with risk of ruining the friendship? Fuck it.
You didn’t even have to answer based on the way your lips smashed back into his own. He met your pace in the blink of an eye and you couldn’t keep yourself from pulling at the hem of his shirt, trying to lift it above his head. Even needier at the sight of his bare torso you began to ride his leg like your life depended on it. A deep chuckle left his throat as his hands dug in the doughy flesh of your hips, slowing your movements against him. He wanted to take his sweet time with you and if he went any slower you were going to be a whining mess.
“What do you need baby?” he asked against your neck, sucking hard on the sensitive spot there and you were in no position to care that he probably gave you a crimson hickey.
“Take off my shirt” you told him with a groan, keening as he licked the sore spot of your neck. He obeyed, removing the baggy T-shirt you had worn over here just to be met with the sight that you had forgone a bra. You watched as his eyes turned almost black at the sight of you, swallowing thickly before cupping his hands around both your breasts. The minute he began to knead the flesh your head was hitting back against the wall, fighting from grinding on his leg again. Something about Steve needily groping your chest ignited a fire within you and you had been doing good until your nipple was sucked into his warm mouth and involuntarily you bucked your hips on his leg so hard you felt your hips bones hit his own.
"Such a needy girl" he teased before moving to suck on your other breast. As much as his words turned you on you still found yourself needing to feel more in control. Steve would be too cocky knowing he got you to so desperately fall apart like this. So in a moment of courage you took some intiative. With his eyes still closed, mouth littering your breast with hickeys, you dropped your hand down and grasped his hard on through his sweats. You felt the squeak from his throat on your breast as you began to stroke him through his pants and just as the girls had said in highschol, Steve was intimidatingly big.
“Looks like the book turned more than just me on” you teased, a sly smile on your face and Steve removed his mouth from your breast, tongue grazing up the skin of you neck till he was face to face.
“That’s not the book, that’s you” he told you and these words gave you the rush of confidence you needed for your fingers to slip below his waist band and grasp his cock right at the base. He hissed at the feeling of your cool fingers and the attention you were giving him.
“Stevie is needy too, what does he need?” you hummed, eyes wide and innocently looking up at him. He squeezed his own eyes shut as you slowly stroked him, prepared to ease him out of his pants.
“Baby this is about you” he told you, trying his best to back away but you had a grip on him that he was enjoying way too much.
“I know, that’s why I want to do this” and you were spinning both of you around, pressing him against the wall he previously had you caged in. He groaned as you dropped to your knees, breasts swinging as you finally pulled his sweat pants down. His length stared you down but he looked delicious as ever. If someone had ever suggested you’d be sucking your best friends cock tonight you would’ve told them they were lying but now here you were, taking him into your mouth. You hummed at the saltiness of his skin, tongue swirling around his swollen tip. He grabbed your hair without even realizing, trying to ease you to take more of him. Slacking your jaw you allowed him to glide in and out of your warm mouth, letting him hit the back of your throat, humming against him which made him writhe against the wall.
“Okay, stop I’m going to cum” he pulled you off of him, arms easing under your own and lifting you to your feet as if you weighed nothing. You smiled deviously at him, chin slick with spit and he didn’t waste two seconds before pulling you into a deep kiss. “It’s my turn to get a taste now”
He was mumbling against your lips, arms wrapped around you as he carried you over to the couch he had been watching TV on. Once he had you laid gently across it he was removing his own pants and dropping to his knees to remove yours. He made sure to take his sweet time, pulling the soft material down your legs, memorizing the cream color of the lace panties that had been soaked against your mound. You tried not to whine out as he touched you everywhere but there. You were on the verge of begging until he finally moved to pull the cream fabric off of you. You went to close your legs but his arm stopped you, keeping you wide open for him.
“So perfect” he said and you groaned out.
“Don’t tease” and Steve knew you meant both about the book and about how he was taking care of you. So he just grinned before dipping down and licking a long stripe through your folds.
“And sweet” and you didn’t have any time to yell at him because he was devouring you whole. Your stomach jumped as he sucked harshly at your clit, back arching and pressing your pussy straight into his face. His hands gripped the back of your thighs, more than likely leaving bruised finger prints but you hoped they did. You wanted to remember the mind numbing head Steve Harrington gave you. You almost didn’t expect him to be so good at eating you out. You should’ve thought because your heels were digging into his back, hands tugging harshly as his curls, and you were moaning unapologetically because he was just that good. You could feel the coil begin to tighten in your stomach and you were grinding against his tongue, movements getting faster indicating you were right there. It wasn’t until his lips wrapped around your clit did you find yourself begin to snap, shaking as your body seemed to leave earth and come back to you all at once.
“Hope you’ve got another one in you baby” he cooed, kissing up your stomach and breasts. He finally met your mouth and even though you were already half worn out you found yourself gripping his cock in your hand again. He winced due to holding his own orgasm off and your thumb gently rolled over his tip.
“Show me what you’ve got Harrington” you were telling him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before sucking on his neck. Steve hoped you were leaving your mark and soon enough you were lining him up between your legs. You shuttered as he ran himself through your slick.
He couldn’t wait any longer and finally he was pushing himself in you, bottoming out in seconds as you fully sucked him in. He knew not to move as your mouth froze against his neck and he moved to kiss your lips, an apology and promise that it would stop hurting soon. He was in his own pain of needed relief until your hand was grazing down his bare back.
“Please move, I’m begging you” and he didn’t need to be told twice as he pulled back and slammed into you again. You moaned loudly and he quickly found his pace, moving in and out of you as best he could. Swiftly you grabbed his hands, placing them on your breasts which he didn’t hesitate to grip. He used them for balance as he slammed in and out you, massaging them and loving them as best he could. The way you were reacting made him realize this was what turned you on most, attention to your breasts. Needing to have his release soon he dipped down, removing one hand to suck at your nipple as hard as he could, hips still slamming into you. The wet heat of his mouth had you keening in seconds and you gasped out, trying your best not to yell.
“I’m coming Steve, fuck cum in me please” you begged and he almost came right there as he heard those words. In moments you were pulsating around him, clenching tightly and milking him for all he was worth. The tightness of you made him follow right after, thick ropes shooting into you. You panted heavily as you gripped his shoulders, indicating him not to move.
“I want you inside of me a little longer” you told him and he slowly eased down onto you, trying his best not to move and overstimulate you.
“Where the fuck did this behavior come from?” he asked, pressing gentle kisses to the hickeys he had littered your breasts with. He was trying his best not to get hard over the fact he was still inside of you.
“I’ve always been like this Steve” you told him, feeling him twitch inside you.
“This dirty, why haven’t we been fucking sooner?” he chuckled, mouth kissing your chin and you rolled your eyes.
“Because I don’t fuck around Steve, and I always told myself that if we did this it had to be real” and the weight of your words hit him with surprise. Yet it wasn’t the kind of surprise you had expected.
“You mean to tell me you liked me this whole time too? Then what the fuck have we been waiting for?” he groaned out and your eyes widened as you reached for him.
“You like me too?” you hopefully asked and he smiled, lifting to press his mouth to your own. You winced as he slipped out of you, no doubt a mess all over the couch that now had to be cleaned.
“Hell I love you, I’ve always loved you” he told you after a beat and you smiled up at him, realizing you should’ve read dirty books around him sooner.
“We’ll in that case, let’s do this again”
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For you to enjoy <3: @jjmaybankswifes-blog @halflifejess
525 notes · View notes
“Love is a rebellious bird that none can tame”
After everything she’s been through, falling in love was the last thing she thought she’d ever achieve. And yet, even though she thought herself completely undeserving of anyone’s feelings, she still yearned for it… Maybe you’ll be the one to grant her wish.
characters: Furina x gn!reader
words: ~6360
warnings: spoilers for the 4.2 Archon Quest and Furina’s Story Quest
a/n: So I thought “let’s write something short for Furina, probably won't take too long”, and here I am now, writing this since thursday and with a total of 12 or so pages...
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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There were many things that had changed in the life of the human once known as Fontaine’s beloved archon after the waters swept through Fontaine, engulfing the entire nation as prophesied and leaving her crying on the same chair she had sat down almost an hour before, still devastated from everything that had happened, only for the water to recede once more, leaving the city destroyed but its residents unharmed…
In those moments, Furina couldn’t imagine any of her past subjects being willing to ever look her in the eyes with anything but scorn again, considering how she had lied to them all for hundreds of years, pretending to be their Archon when she was nothing more than a normal human girl drawing nearer and nearer to unavoidable doom… She couldn’t imagine things to turn better in her personal life at all either, having been sentenced to death in front of everyone not too long ago… and yet here she was, reading through the script passed to her by the director, being asked for her opinion and recommendations the same way as when she was still putting on that horrible masquerade.
“My eyes can’t spot any glaring sins in writing in this dialogue… in other words, it’s good, as expected from someone as talented as you, director”, Furina responded once her eyes finally separated from the sheets of paper, catching herself falling back into those theatrical speech patterns she had grown so accustomed to, her lips curling into a polite smile as the director thanked her before quickly moving on to talk to another person.
It had taken Furina quite some time to return to the world of acting, and even after her appearance in the little Oceanid she tried restraining herself from diving head-first into the show-biz again and while there was barely a week she didn’t receive an invitation for a role for the next up-and-coming show, not even being asked for an interview first, acting played the second fiddle when compared to trying to get some time for herself. For centuries her every move was intensely watched, with the only hours she was truly alone being when she was asleep, so getting some time where she was free to try her hands at things in the comfort of her new home was a nice change of pace… especially since her cooking might have required some more refining.
But while Furina was finally free to live the life she always wanted… there still weren’t that many people she could call her friends. The traveler and their companion always on all sorts of adventures, while she still hesitated to reach out to her past colleagues, doubting if they even still wanted her around in the first place.
“Mhm, how could I forget I was dealing with the greatest of actors in all of Teyvat, just remember to look at the stairs the next time we’re on stage, we don’t want a repeat of last time, don’t we?”, the voice of one of her fellow actors rang out, causing Furina to look at the source of the sound, only to see a small group of her coworkers huddled around each other, joking and teasing around while rehearsing their lines and laughing at all kinds of stories of their past and inside jokes… both things still seemingly far out of reach for herself, at least for now. She didn’t like to admit it, but she felt a bit jealous.
Suddenly feeling out of place, Furina forced her eyes back onto the papers in her head, trying to read through her scenes once again, only to find her mind filled with all kinds of different thoughts.
Which sauce should I be trying today? Bolognese? Alfredo? Something new might be nice… but do I really feel like experimenting today? Maybe I should just go out to eat once in a while. It felt like a lifetime since I last visited that bakery near the city center… oh yeah, they shut down a generation ago.
Before she knew it, she sunk further and further into her thoughts, only to suddenly be startled when she felt a hand touch her shoulder, causing the culprit to follow suit.
“Oh, sorry! I was just trying to tell you that today’s rehearsal was over, but you seemed spaced out, so I thought…”, you apologized after quickly pulling your hand away, a look of slight embarrassment on your face before it quickly disappeared again, replaced by a smile that made her heart stop. For a split-second, Furina was about to refute your claim of her spacing out in public, her mouth still working on her centuries old autopilot, only for her to stop herself before a tone could come out, giving you a silent nod of her head.
But while this had ought to be it with your conversation for the day, Furina’s mouth refused to close, the realization that if she didn’t do anything about it, she was just going to go home, do the same thing she always did, eat the same meal she had… admittedly grown a bit sick off, even though she’d rather walk through hell and back before admitting to that flying companion of the traveler that they may have been somewhat right to judge her cooking skills, and get not a single step closer to finally using the chance at living the human life she had always wanted, instead just wasting her days with no meaningful connections until her time would run out quickly dawning on her. 
And so, before any of her anxieties could stop her words were pouring out of her mouth once again. 
“Do you have some spare time to rehearse our dialogues? I didn’t have the chance to see you in action yet, and I’d like to see if you’re worthy of acting alongside me.”
If it wasn’t for her self-control returning to her body at that exact moment, she would have facepalmed herself with enough force to leave an imprint, the cocky remark at the end a textbook example of the bad habits she still struggled getting rid off.
Surprisingly enough however, you didn’t seem insulted, nor disgusted by someone like her, who could not even do anything but watch in her nation's biggest crises, having the galls to look down on someone else. A grin that stretched from ear to ear finding itself on your face instead, your hand reaching out almost instantly as you offered her a handshake. 
“Sure, Miss Furina, let me show you what I’m made of.”
Before she could think things over however, her hand had already grown a mind of its own, shaking yours as she spouted out another confident boast.
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“Are you out of your mind?! What good does it do to anyone if you go and throw your life away in a pointless duel? You could have at least asked me for my opinion before challenging him out of nowhere!”, you snapped, a mixture of anger and desperation seeping through your voice as you took a step towards Furina, leaning slightly forward, only to jerk back when she did the same, almost making your foreheads collide.
“I don’t belong to you, I don’t have to ask you for permission for anything. Challenging him might not have been the right course of action, I admit that, but at least it is an action. You hear the townsfolk weep whenever he and his band of mercenaries march into the townsquare and extort them for all their worth. So I’m not going to apologize for trying to help instead of just watching from the sidelines as you love to do”, before you could manage to say another word, Furina had turned around and stamped away, completely ignoring you calling out her name before you were all one… once again.
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“Well, you are quite talented, I have to admit. I can see why you were hired to play alongside me. Although you still have a long way ahead of you if you wish to get as good as me”, Furina spoke half-jokingly, she never doubted your acting skills in the first place, she had heard of how talented you were after all, but given her excuse earlier, that wasn’t exactly something she could admit.
“Thanks Miss Furina, it’s an honor to hear someone like you say that. I hope I’ll be able to improve my acting while working alongside you”, you were quick to respond, putting your hand on your chest before giving her a small bow, leaving the actress stumped by your sudden modesty.
What’s this? Where are the competitive remarks you had been spewing out during the entirety of your private rehearsal? Why are you so… modest now?
Furina’s expression must have done a great job at revealing her inner monologue as you were quick to respond.
“Is something the matter, Miss Furina?”, you asked in the same calm tone, only for her to quickly turn her head away, as she realized she had been staring.
“N-nothing”, Furina responded in a subdued manner, looking out of the window and watching the streets grow less and less populated as the sun started to set, painting the skies in colors that made her want to whip out her camera and snap a picture or two.
As the silence stretched longer however, and the colors faded from the skies, Furina was teleported back into reality when your footsteps echoed through the room, approaching the front door one step at a time, causing her to turn around to face you once again.
“Thanks a lot, Miss Furina. I’ve learned a lot today”, you stated with a small smile, your hand already touching the doorknob when Furina interrupted your exit.
“Let’s go home together, I’m not too fond of the city's alleyways once they get covered in darkness”, she suggested. The phrase “not too fond” being a bit of an understatement considering her run-in with near death all those moons ago. And yet, Furina couldn’t help but feel a bit silly for asking you to accompany her, she was an adult after all, one that didn’t have that much of a chance to live life yet, but one nonetheless. But before she had the chance to open her mouth and spout an excuse you were already holding the door open for her, gesturing her to step out first.
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“And we’ve arrived”, Furina announced, stopping in her tracks so suddenly that it took you a few steps to realize she was no longer by your side, quickly turning around and seeing her proudly point at the building in front of you. It was a lot smaller than you expected, considering she was the previous Archon and still widely appreciated as an actor. The burning lights in one of its windows made it pretty clear that her apartment wasn’t the only one in the building. But it was far from shabby. It had a nice exterior, was located near the city center and only a few steps away from some major shops, a nice house all in all.
“What? Left speechless by my abode? You flatter me”, she asked theatrically once the silence grew a bit too long to be considered anything but awkward, her voice hiding the faintest hint of nervousness.
“It’s pretty, I wish I’d have a place from which everything was as quickly reachable as from here”, you responded, a polite smile making its way onto your face as Furina’s head tilted by a bit. 
“Don’t you live somewhere near here?”
A shake of your head was enough to make her eyes widen, but once your response left your mouth, you saw her jaw hit the ground. “I live on the other side of the city, so it’s always a bit of a footmarch to get here.”
“I’m sorry. I wouldn’t have asked you to accompany me if I knew you’d have to march all across the city to get home afterwards”, apologies quickly started flooding out of her mouth, obviously feeling bad about her previous request, but when you simply waved her worries off, she grew silent once again.
“It’s no problem. I look forward to our next rehearsal”, you said your goodbyes, only for Furina’s voice to once again stop you in your tracks. 
“Next rehearsal?”
At that exact moment, something in your brain clicked. Today was a one off thing, you had proven your worth as an acting colleague after all, so there was no reason for this to continue. The realization hit like a rock, you had enjoyed it after all, even if you had once again fallen into your old habits of becoming too boastful and competitive once your rehearsal’s started to get into motion.
“Sure, see you tomorrow!”, just as you were starting to think about breaking the silence by apologizing, her voice rang out to snap you out of it, a small smile on her face once you dared to look back up at her.
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“Good work as always, Miss Furina. It really felt like I was talking to another person just now”, words of praise left your mouth in place of the line you were actually supposed to say, catching her completely off guard to the point her cheeks started to blush a bit. 
"T-Thanks? Did you forget your line all of a sudden or did the script change?”, she shot back with a tease, hoping it would be enough to serve as a distraction from her face. Instead of making your eyes look away however, your stare grew more intense, to the point she was fearing she might have said something very insensitive.
“I don’t forget my lines, Miss Furina, that’s not something that happens. Scratch that, I don’t forget lines at all, I’m pretty sure I could recite your part from memory at this point”, you shot back with a big grin on your face, your competitive spirit seemingly having been reawakened.
While Furina herself liked to indulge herself in boasting about her skills from time to time, she learned that there came a time when words alone were no longer satisfactory and had to be backed up by actions, so when she heard your remark she didn’t hesitate for even a second to take you up on it, laughter escaping her mouth as she struck a confident pose.
“Heh, well then, bless me with your performance, oh great and mighty one.”
What followed was silence, as you seemed to get lost in thought, your ear-to-ear grin slowly vanishing as your face returned to normal, but once the actress was finally about to offer you a chance out, you started your monologue. One, which while only seeming slightly familiar to her at first, quickly crystallized itself as none other than her character’s from the little oceanid. And while Furina had to admit to herself that you did a pretty good job remembering it, not only knowing what to say, but also when to pause, making it appear as easy as reading it from a script, the way you tried to imitate her voice even if yours was so different from hers made the corners of her lips curl into a smile. Whether it was out of admiration or meant as a parody of her she didn’t know, what she did know however, was that she couldn’t be angry at you even if you were trying to make fun of her, simply finding herself smiling at the thought.
“So you’re either so obsessed with the idea of impressing me that you learned every single one of my lines from heart, or you’re secretly my biggest fan”, Furina joked, only to find you shooting her a smile.
“I couldn’t help it, the little oceanid was just too good for me not to watch it more than once”, you refuted her accusation, finishing the graceful bow you had tried performing before being interrupted by the person in front of you.
“Well, Miss Furina. You’ve heard my rendition of your lines, so make sure to do your homework and read some of mine. Or are you scared you wouldn’t manage it as stunningly as me”, you challenged her before quickly putting on your jacket, opening the door and holding it open until the two of you had stepped outside.
There was no rational reason for her to accept. Taking on extra work when she already had to study enough lines for the play for no other reason than to fuel your urge for competition? That sounded a bit too absurd, even for her. Especially for her.
“Well, let yourself be amazed. Just don’t come crawling to me afterwards begging me to stop humiliating you so thoroughly.”
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As Furina silently watched you chop together whatever ingredients she found at home from the dinner table, she couldn’t help but think about how wrong what was supposed to be nothing but another one of your private rehearsals had turned out…
“Bravo! It almost felt like looking into a mirror”, you exclaimed while clapping once Furina had finished reciting your lines perfectly, striking a pose that practically screamed at you to praise her more, a request you were all too willing to indulge her in.
“I’m starting to worry for every actor’s career, considering how you seem to be able to play every role you can get your hands on, Miss Furina”, you continued, only for her face to get happier with each passing word, before eventually raising her hand.
“This should suffice. Do not fret for your career, I’ll make sure to secure you a role alongside me if you ever find your pool of possibilities to suffer from a drought.”
You had a fully prepared response ready, but when you noticed the dark clouds covering the usually colorful sky, you quickly sidelined your current thoughts, choosing to focus on what seemed important.
“It might not be a bad idea to finish for today. It seems like it’s going to rain… and quite a lot at that”, you stated before pointing out of the window, causing Furina’s eyes to wander to where you’d been pointing, only for her to let out a deep groan.
“Rain? Why now? Couldn’t it have rained at night?” She complained to no one in particular, turning around and grabbing her jacket, giving you a small smile as you held the door open once again before speaking up.
“You should head straight home, or else you might not make it before the rain starts.”
“Heh, I’m not made out of sugar. I’ll be fine”, you joked in a confident tone, almost as if challenging the sky to try and wash you away with a flood, ignoring her attempts at playing the voice of reason…
“How’s the rain?”, you asked from the other room, trying your hardest to multitask everything from holding a conversation, walking around the kitchen, peeling some potatoes, cutting a carrot or two and not starting a house fire by accidentally leaving the stove on for a little too long.
“Not great, it seems to have gotten worse”, Furina responded in a meek voice, continuing to stare out of the window, refusing to look in your general direction, too scared of what sort of look she might find on your face.
“Something wrong? You’re unusually quiet”, you asked, only to get a semi-attentive hum as a response. 
If only you had agreed to go home on your own instead of accompanying her, maybe then you wouldn’t have to see the inside of her apartment. Sure, she wasn’t as depressed as she was before rekindling her passion for acting, leaving her home far more often and for different reasons than just to buy macaroni, but that still didn’t mean her home looked too much different from back then. 
With how little time she spent in it during the day, going to your private rehearsing sessions whenever she found the time… which she admittedly did have a lot of, and how tired she was when returning home, only wishing to grab a bowl of pasta and sauce before falling asleep almost instantly, there wasn’t exactly that much time she had for cleaning. But it was fine, she was eventually going to get around to do it, tomorrow maybe, she was tired already after all. Unfortunately for her however, the rain came before “tomorrow” could finally make its appearance. Now forced with the choice of either letting you see this rather pathetic side of her or forcing you to go home in this horrible storm, Furina couldn’t stomach the thought of shutting her door in front of you, and so… this happened.
“Here, it’s a recipe my father always used to make whenever there wasn’t much around. It requires little ingredients and tastes pretty good for how little time it takes”, you stated before setting down a plate in front of her, meeting her glance upwards with a smile you hoped would cheer her up somehow.
“Now that I think about it, you would have loved that old man. He had a lot of stories to tell, enough for him to write a small book about them. Apparently they found some popularity abroad for a few years, it would surprise you how much it netted him. Enough to take us on a small holiday abroad”, you talked to fill the silence, sitting down on the opposite chair from her, digging into your meal almost instantly.
“Was your father an adventurer?”, Furina eventually asked, catching you by surprise as you struggled to gulp down the last bite as quickly as possible, not wanting to leave her waiting for a response. 
“No, a clerk. Quite a boring job, but what his life missed in adventures, his imagination made up for”, you responded before just as quickly continuing, “My mother however was one, quite a passionate one at that. We couldn’t exactly see her too often because of that, but whenever we did, she returned with all kinds of treasures.”
“I’m sorry”, came the words from Furina’s mouth, almost silent enough for you to miss them, confusing you for a split second, but just as you were about to reassure her that it was fine and she had no need to feel bad for asking about your parents, her voice rang through the room once again. “I should have cleaned up, it’s just that I didn’t know you were going to come over today and… things have been a bit difficult.”
Only at that moment did you look around the room, trying to understand what she was talking about, and sure enough, there were quite a few things one could point out as not exactly being tidy, but considering how much worse apartments you had witnessed over the years, it was nothing too bad. No matter how much she talked herself down, Furina still made sure her home had a certain level of tidiness, after all.
“No need to apologize, it’s really not that bad, especially considering you probably weren’t too used to living alone before. If you need help with anything however, just tell me and I’ll lend you a hand. The only thing I’m judging you for are your acting skills after all”, you responded half-jokingly and while it didn’t seem to have too much of an effect at first, you did notice Furina gradually returning to her usual self during the course of your meal.
Eventually however, the storm finally subsided, leaving you free to finally return home. “Thanks a lot for today’s rehearsal and for letting me stay here instead of walking through the rain. Until next time, Furina”, you said your goodbyes only for Furina to quickly step forward and open the door for you, gesturing you to step through the door with a smile once again adorning her lips.
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The following weeks brought surprisingly little changes to Furina’s schedule, something that would have usually meant a lot of discontent from her side, considering how she liked to spice things up every now and again, detesting the idea of living through the same cycle day in and day out. And yet, she found herself rather content with it all. And although your private rehearsals still continued outside of your normal one’s, they strayed further and further from their original goal as time went on, both of you starting to simply use it as a convenient excuse to hang out instead of solely using it to rehearse.
And so, after you had managed to rehearse the few remaining lines until you knew them from both heart and memory, the two of you still found yourself with a lot of time left, the sun still far from setting as it illuminated even the least accessible corners of Fontaine. Furina had nearly suggested parting for the day, when you had come up with a different idea, one she found herself easily getting on board with.
“Would you like to go eat somewhere? I feel like I’m starving”, if it hadn’t been for the sound of your stomach rumbling, Furina could have caught herself thinking you were simply too shy to ask her to spend a bit more time together, and while your face was as red as she imagined her own would be when asking you out on a date, it was a safe bet to say you blushing probably had a lot more to do with the previously mentioned reason than with anything romantic.
And here you were now, sitting at a table for two in a cafe she had always wanted to visit but didn’t find the time to, Furina already having placed her order while you still struggled with choosing what you’d like to eat, intensely staring at the menu in your hand while subconsciously making a… rather cute face. It had taken her quite a bit of convincing to make the cafe owner accept money from her, arguing that there was no reason to treat her any differently from the other citizens since she wasn’t their Archon any more, but even then the two of them could only agree on a discount, and yet all the conflicted feelings the undeserved, preferential treatment made her feel, vanished into thin air while she observed you, a small smile making its way onto her face when your eyes widened the moment they skimmed over the parfait section.
“Looks like you made your decision”, she joked as you got startled by the sound of her voice, your face turning red as you avoided eye-contact.
“No, I was just wondering why they were selling parfaits in a cafe like this. I doubt there’s any children visiting this place”, you argued back, only for the blue-haired girl's smile to get ever so slightly bigger.
Oh my, what happened to your usual self? Was all it took for you to get self-conscious to be surrounded by strangers in a public place? If so, she was surprised you could walk onto the stage as easily as you did, never so much as showing the slightest hint of nervousness while acting.
“Excuse me, could I have two parfaits please”, she asked the server passing by, only to receive a nod of acknowledgement before they wrote something down.
“Didn’t you already order something?”, was all you had to ask, the slightest hint of teasing in your voice, only for Furina to give you a small smile in return.
“Just demonstrating how easy it can be to pick something. Did it help?”
When she saw you struggle not to smile at her comment, she couldn’t help but congratulate herself by taking a sip of her drink and before she knew it, you had finally managed to order a drink, only for her second order to arrive merely moments after you had done so. Without saying a word, she slid one of the two desserts over to you before quickly making up an excuse to appease your mind.
“I may have ordered a bit too much for myself, would you mind sharing?”
When you finally finished your act of reluctantly accepting the food and took your first bite, only to throw any semblance of ego out of the window as you practically began melting in front of her the second your spoon made contact with the inside of your mouth. It was then that Furina caught herself shamelessly staring at you, ignoring her own food entirely as her stomach was filled with butterflies at the sight of how happy you were. It was cute, there was no use in calling it anything else anymore, and the thought that you were this happy just because of her filled her with an indescribable feeling. Sure, there had been many times she inspired positive feelings in others, but never before in her entire life was it anyone she considered close, so knowing she could make your days a little brighter with small deeds like these gave her hopes that she wasn’t completely without a purpose in life.
She hadn’t even noticed her mouth slightly opening before your voice had brought her back to reality, instantly causing her to turn away as her face heated up. 
“Do I have something on my face?”, you asked, only for Furina to try her best at playing it off, nervously piecing her response together word for word until she had found something workable, something that allowed the day to continue for a little bit longer before you eventually had to part ways.
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As time went on, both of you began to care less and less about the big show on your doorstep, you had spent more time than anyone reciting your lines, learning them until you knew them better than their author, studied your choreography until you were certain you would be able to seamlessly perform your roles even in pitch-black darkness and were instead spending most of your time together doing what you wanted, already having practiced everything there was...
Well, there was one more scene left for the two of you to rehearse. One you two had procrastinated on for weeks. Was it because it was the final scene in the play or because the longer Furina got to know you, the more nervous she became whenever it got closer. You had miraculously avoided having to rehearse it with the others around, Furina bluffing her way out of it by telling the director doing so was just a waste of time, since it only required the two of you and you had practiced it often enough in private for there to be any need. The whole discussion was embarrassing, but far less mentally scarring than it would have been if she hadn’t said anything. 
That being said, today was the last chance to rehearse it, and while neither of you had any problems with anything up until now, you could see her grow more and more tense with every word you spoke.
“I have many regrets in my life, whether one of my many mistakes and shortcomings, or moments in which I stood and watched while I should have acted. I chose to follow you, even though it meant I’d see many of those I treasured the most leave without saying their goodbyes. I fought with you at least as often as I fought by your side, often facing death head on, and still I wear more scars on my heart than on my body”, you spoke with an aura of certainty, one that forced people to listen whether they wanted to or not, your voice was strict as if lecturing someone yet still carried a hint of gratitude, one getting more noticeable once your face softened, “And yet, if I were given the chance to go back in time and change things, I wouldn’t. Because no matter how much misery this path I took led me to, it also allowed me to stay by your side, something I wouldn’t trade for anything this world has to offer.”
“Why?”, Furina asked in a tone that was as soft as it was confused, only for you to smile in response, one, while amused in nature, still shined as radiantly as a stagelight.
“Because I love you.”
Furina was a masterful actress, being able to come up with suitable responses on the go and, with the exception of a few cases, never breaking character. And yet, even though she knew fully well what the script intended for you to do, when you started to slowly lean in, she just couldn’t do it, shutting her eyes in embarrassment as her face turned red enough to match a tomato.
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t!”, she practically screamed in your face, only to immediately apologize, feeling herself shrinking as she wished for nothing more than to sink through the floor. And yet, her wish wasn’t granted, and instead she found herself still standing in front of you the next time she opened her eyes, just in a far more pathetic manner than previously.
When Furina looked up at your face however, the shocked look on your face spoke more than a million words, your questions being so clearly on display that they might as well just be written all over your forehead.
“No problem, I’m sure it must be awkward to do this with a friend, even if it’s just for show… Ah, just imagine someone else, like a-... celebrity you had a crush on… or a cardboard cut-out of yourself”, you tried to lift the mood with a small joke, barely managing to raise the corners of your lips yourself when you saw her still worried face.
“I-... never did this before”, Furina murmured out, barely loud enough for it to be intelligible, and yet, you picked up on it, immediately raising your eyebrows.
“Kiss someone for a play?”, you asked, only for the former Archon to shake her head, her face turning a deep red as you saw her struggle to speak.
“Kiss… someone.” It shouldn’t be such a big deal, she spent the last 500 years playing the role of the Archon of Fontaine, never as much as making a single meaningful human connection, so her not having a slither of romantic experience was nothing surprising. Kissing anyone else for a play also wouldn’t have been that difficult, since Furina was sure she’d be able to enter her professional mode and just see it as a normal part of her career, and yet, with you, she found the task almost insurmountable, her heart beating with such ferocity and pace that it was a wonder you couldn’t hear it while she grew so nervous that it became difficult to breathe whenever you said or did anything romantic… even if it was clearly just part of the script. 
“Oh”, was all you managed to say, a downcast expression setting on your face for a split second before it quickly vanished, replaced with an apologetic smile. “I’m very sorry I have to be your first, I’m sure you’d want to save it for someone special, but considering we don’t have any rehearsals until the show anymore we have to practice the scene today”, you stated only for worry to once again fill your mind when Furina didn’t seem to react at all, simply having shut her eyes while taking deep breaths, only to suddenly spring in action the moment you opened your mouth to say something once again, pressing her lips against yours with such determination that it took you completely off-guard, before eventually pulling away.
“There’s no one else I’d want to give my first kiss to more than you”, Furina spoke, having summoned enough courage to finally speak again, although her voice was still somewhat shaky. It took you a few moments to finally comprehend what was happening, although by the time you did, she had already started her next sentence.
“I love you. I don’t know for how long, but I know why. I love to make you smile, I love to hear your laugh. I love that you didn’t judge me no matter how arrogant and overly brazen I can be from time to time or no matter what a mess I am outside of acting. Without you my only interactions would either be for work or with the shop owner. I’ve learned and experienced so much these past few months, and I know it wouldn’t have been possible on my own. You confide in me so much, and I wish for nothing more than to finally start doing the same, but I still can’t bring myself to do it when there’s just the smallest possibility of us not seeing each other again once this play is done. So will you please tell me how you feel so I can put either my wishes or fears to rest?”
Now that Furina voiced her feelings, she felt herself deflate like a balloon, all of her summoned courage leaving her body as she started to squirm at how cheesy she sounded, but before she could fall into old habits and start looking for an escape, she was brought back to reality by the feeling of her hands being taken into yours, causing her to look up for a split-second, one long enough for you to give her your answer by placing your lips on her’s.
“Was that enough to get my feelings across, Furina?” The moment the words left your mouth, Furina embraced you in a hug, holding onto you as if her life depended on it before you quickly put your arms around her as well, only for the sound of her sobbing to cause a mixture of worry and confusion to flare up inside of you. Just as you were about to comfort her however, you were interrupted by a giggle, faint at first but growing louder until Furina was laughing to herself in between her tears, her lips curled into a genuine smile as she pulled back and looked you in the eyes, her own slightly puffy.
“We can celebrate later, we still have a scene to practice.”
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hugmekenobi · 11 days
S3: The Bad Batch (9)
Chapter Nine: The Harbinger
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Gif by @barissoffee
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: As you're all awaiting word from Fennec, an unwelcome but familiar face comes to your aid
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, swearing, angst (reader and Omega fall out), fluff, limited (y/n), Ventress and reader get into it a bit, brief mention of blood, emotional hurt/comfort, nickname (sweetheart), reader being described as strong cause Hunter can't get enough of that lol, kissing
Word Count: 9K
Author's notes: Yet another chapter that gave me more trouble than I would've liked but I think it came out alright! Yet again @burningfieldof-clover came to my aid and I appreciate it sm! Hope you reader enjoy!
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It was an unusually gloomy day by Pabu standards. Fog and dark clouds cast a shadow over the island but that didn’t stop the people from going about their jobs.
“Well, that’s the last of it.” Wrecker said as he lowered the crate for Crosshair to finish transporting into the sailboat. “Go catch something big to eat!” He tossed the fishing line to the fisherwoman.
“You got it, Wrecker.” She replied cheerily. “Thanks for the help, Crosshair.”
Crosshair only acknowledged the thanks with a grunt and toss of his head as he walked off.
Wrecker gave Crosshair’s shoulder a playful slap. “Aw, look at that. You made a new friend.”
“We checked the ship’s comms. Still no word from Fennec.” You said as you and Hunter came down the stairs to join the other two at the docks.
“Since when do we wait around for intel?” Crosshair queried.
You suddenly had one too many horrible flashbacks to your time with Cid.
“Well, she’s the only lead we have. If her contact can tell us what an M-count is besides what we already roughly know, we might figure out why the Empire’s targeting both Omega and you.” Hunter explained with a glance in your direction.
“We already know why they’d be after me. It’s Omega…” You trailed off as you saw the look Hunter was giving you. The two of had gone round and round in this debate since Teth when you’d also appeared on that target register. You maintained the position that you were unrelated to Omega and Hemlock so you shouldn’t be a priority, but Hunter thought that it was too risky to assume that now and so you both needed to be careful.
“Besides, does it matter? We’re not handing them over.” Crosshair said resolutely.
You inclined your head in both thanks and agreement at the sentiment.
“Can’t be prepared if we don’t know what we’re dealing with.” Hunter said before the four of you set off to go find Omega.
“Batcher, wait!” Omega called after the hound as she ran off down the beach, but the dog paid her words no attention.
Omega jogged after her to see her come to a sudden stop and her whines were filled with anxiety. “Batcher? What is it? What’s wrong?” She asked as she gave Batcher some reassuring pats.
Batcher turned towards the dark cave and let out a low growl.
Omega brought out her torch and examined it. “It’s just the cavern. We’ve been in there plenty of times.” But the dog seemed insistent that something was amiss. “Okay, okay, I’ll check it out.”
Omega wandered further into the cavern, and it was then that she came across something very peculiar. “Where did that come from?” She thought aloud as she stared at the unfamiliar ship in the cave. She ran up to give it a closer inspection, but Batcher’s retreating whines made her turn around. “Batcher? Where are you going?” She hissed but a chill ran down her spine as she turned and shone her light on the stranger that appeared.
“Hunter.” Crosshair pointed in the direction of Batcher who came running out in the distance, barking urgently in your direction.
“Where’s Omega?” You voiced worriedly.
The four of you didn’t wait to come up with an answer, instead you ran to meet up with Batcher and you came to a pause as you saw a strange woman dragging Omega out of the cavern.
“I wasn’t doing anything!” Omega grunted as she tried to loosen the stranger’s grip on her. “Let me go!”
“Hey! Let her go!” Wrecker ordered as you all made your way down to the cavern entrance.
“You heard her. Let her go.” Hunter repeated, his voice a low threat.
But you weren’t paying attention to the hold the woman had on Omega.
Instead, you took in her face as she stepped into the light and your heart stopped as you stared at the figure. She may have grown her hair out but there was no mistaking what you saw.
There was no mistaking the disturbance you sensed in the Force.
You recognised that face.
You recognised that raspy, sultry voice.
But what you couldn’t comprehend was the fact that she was actually standing in front of you.
You’d heard word that she’d died.
It may have been a futile gesture because if you could recognise her, she probably recognised you, but you moved your lightsaber out of sight anyway. You didn’t want to give her the temptation and you didn’t want to endanger the others with the confrontation that could unleash.
The figure subtly flicked her eyes over to you but said nothing. It wasn’t the right time yet. Instead, she responded to the clone’s demands. “Gladly.” She released her hold on the child.
Omega dashed over to the four of you.
“You know, for a rogue squad who are trying to lay low, you’re failing spectacularly.” She commented, unimpressed with the group in front of her. “Especially that one.” She looked down at the kid.
“And who are you?” Crosshair asked guardedly.
“Fennec sent me.”
“We never gave her our coordinates. How’d you find us?” Hunter questioned.
“I have my ways. I hear you’ve been asking questions about M-count.” She came closer to you all and crossed her arms. “Very reckless to inquire about such things. It attracts the wrong kind of attention.”
“And why is that?”
“That’s the real question, isn’t it?” She shot back. “First, tell me why you want this information.” But she was met with a firm silence. “Consider it my payment.”
“We already paid Fennec for the intel.” Hunter said.
“Not my problem. Either talk or I go.”
No one talk, no one talk. You begged internally as the others all crossed their arms and stayed quiet.
“It’s for a friend.” Omega said hastily.
It took a lot of willpower to hold back the expletives than ran through your head.
“The Empire’s after her, and she thinks it’s because of some M-count experiment they’re doing.” Omega continued, stumbling slightly over the words. “But we don’t know what that means.” She didn’t divulge what you’d already theorised and dismissed because that could endanger you.
You loved Omega, but fuck did you wish she could be a little better at lying. You then noticed the icy blue ices flit towards you again, but it was so quick, you knew the others hadn’t picked up on it.
“It’s something in the blood. Everyone has it, but at varying levels. Those with a high count, were believed to be more capable of wielding the Force.”
“The Force? You mean Jedi.” Hunter realised. He and Crosshair closed ranks whilst Wrecker put his hands protectively on Omega’s shoulders.
You stayed rooted to the spot, but felt the confused glances being sent your way and no wonder- that had been the one thing you’d ruled out instantly and now it was being suggested again. There was no way you’d been that blind… you couldn’t have been that blind to something like this, could you?
“You’re saying I’m a Jedi?” Omega gasped excitedly before she realised that she’d already given the lie away. Then another type of realisation hit her. She looked over at you only to find you frozen where you were, the only sign of life being the look of alarm on your face. “Wait-”
“Of course not. Your blood doesn’t make you a Jedi. You’d have to be trained for that. And I’ve never known a clone to be Force-sensitive. But clearly, none of you are normal.”
Okay, that was supporting what you’d already said at least.
“You got that right.” Wrecker said proudly.
“The Kaminoans did make millions of you. So I suppose it’s possible. But if you do have a high M-count, consider yourself warned. The Empire will hunt you down.”
Again, those eyes darted between you and Omega.
“There’s your intel.” She finished and turned to walk away.
Omega shrugged out of Wrecker’s hold and darted in front of her. “Wait!”
“Move, child.”
“So is that why the Empire’s been after me?”
“I can’t determine your midi-chlorian levels without testing you.”
“Then test me. I can handle it.” Omega insisted.
Your stomach dropped to your feet and your blood ran cold as you heard those words. “No.” You blurted out.
The others all looked at you in surprise since that was the first time you’d spoken or moved since arriving.
“No. You’re not testing her.” You said again, more forcefully this time and you walked closer to the two of them and placed yourself between her and Omega.
“(Y/N), stop.” Omega tried to get you to move but you weren’t budging.
“You should listen to her, child. The truth is rarely comforting.” The woman stalked off and waited further inside the cave. She already knew the outcome of what was to come.
“Why can’t I get tested?” Omega demanded, her brow furrowing in anger as she looked at you.
“Because she’s dangerous!”
“But she wants to help me!”
“She’s not just anyone, Omega. That’s Asajj Ventress and you’re not going near her!” You said protectively.
The name meant nothing to her, and Omega just shook her head. “Or is it because you don’t want me to be like you too?”
In a way you didn’t because you knew the added danger that would put her in, but you knew that wasn’t what she was implying with those words. You took a step back in shock, “No, Omega, I swear I-”
“You never told me about these tests. I need answers and she’s the only one prepared to give them to me! You could have but didn’t!”
And that very fact was going to haunt you. You looked at her imploringly. “Omega, please-”
“I need to know what I am, and you were never going to let me find out.”
Your throat closed up as you heard the betrayal in her voice. “Omega-” You breathed as you attempted to reach for her, but she stepped away from you.
“No. You had your chance.” With that, Omega and went to stand in front of the woman she now knew as Ventress.
“Just remember, you asked for this.” Ventress said to the young clone.
Hunter tried to catch your shoulder, but you just powered past him.
Stay with Omega and do not let her out of your sight. You said to him as you shoved through the rest of them.
Hunter still found himself torn as he watched you leave. He took a half step in your direction before he paused and turned in the direction of Omega and Ventress.
“I’ll go.” Crosshair offered. “We need to check Tech’s files to see if she’s right and you two should stay here first.”
Hunter nodded his thanks before he and Wrecker followed Omega and Ventress into the cavern.
You anxiously paced up and down the corridor of the Marauder. How had you messed up this badly? The answer had been staring you in the face! But instead of covering all your bases, you just rejected it without thinking! In your urge to keep Omega safe, you had done the very opposite and you’d hurt her. The one thing you’d never thought yourself capable of doing and you’d done it. And now you had pushed her in the direction of a Sith assassin! “Fucking dammit!” You shouted as you punched the wall, the emotional turmoil you were experiencing in the Force meant the area you had hit caved in on itself.
“Oh, good. I never liked that wall.” Crosshair drawled as he stepped on board.
You heaved an irritated sigh as you rectified the dented metal. “Why are you here? You need to be back at the cavern.”
“You dropped a pretty big name. We need to make sure you’re right. I mean, we can’t just take your word for it anymore- in case you’ve forgotten why we’re now in this mess.” He added pointedly.  
You turned your head to sharply in his direction, “I’m very fucking aware.” You snarled as you retreated to the cockpit and started pacing again.
“So, you got something wrong, it happens.” Crosshair said nonchalantly as he pulled out Tech’s datapad and brought up his old files.
“This is a pretty big something, Crosshair.” You snapped as you collapsed into a seat in the cockpit, but your leg continued to bounce restlessly. “But it’s definitely Ventress and she shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Omega.”
“Or you.” Crosshair reminded you as he continued to scroll through the files.
“I don’t fucking matter right now.” You said angrily as you stared at the floor.
“There are four people that would disagree.” Crosshair replied before he went still as he found the correct file. “Well, you can at least say you were right about this.” Crosshair showed you the older image of Ventress but there was no mistaking the similarities. His body language and voice were more serious now.
“Get Omega out of there but do not engage Ventress.” You wished you could go with him, but if you went back in your current emotional state, there was no telling what might happen.
“This is the test?” Omega asked as she struggled to maintain her balance. She had done as Ventress had instructed and stood with her arms out and one legs raised whilst the other foot stood on the wet rock. She was supposed to balance like this and keep the fruit on top of her head, but she kept sliding.
“One of them.” Ventress replied as she stood behind her.
“But the rock is…” Omega grunted as she had to catch her balance again. “…slippery. Can we go someplace else?” But Ventress didn’t answer so she asked another question, “How does standing on one-leg have anything to do with M-count?”
“You’re focused on the wrong things. Stop trying to have balance. Let go of your conscious mind.”
“ ‘Conscious mind’?” Omega repeated. “I don’t even know what that means.”
Ventress merely sighed and caught the fruit mid air as Omega fell forward. “Try again.” She tossed the fruit back to her.
“Come on, Omega! You can do it!” Wrecker cheered supportively as he and Hunter stood further back in the cave.
“Why don’t you two make yourselves scarce?” Ventress requested as she looked at them.
“She doesn’t leave our sight. And neither do you.” Hunter replied coldly.
“How fun for me.” Ventress said dryly as she kept her eyes on them but caught the fruit as Omega fell over. “Again.” She brought her focus back to the kid and gave her the fruit back.
Omega did find herself curious as to how you already knew Ventress and how she was aware of these tests. “Since you know about these tests, you must be a Jedi, right?” She placed the fruit back on her head.
“No, but I know some of their ways.”
Omega’s brow furrowed in confusion. “But how do you-”
Ventress gripped Omega’s jaw and covered her mouth. “Enough questions. Concentrate.”
Omega inhaled and exhaled deeply and worked on grounding herself in the current moment.
Hunter and Wrecker kept their eyes on the two of them as they wandered over to meet Crosshair who had re-entered the cave.
“I checked Tech’s files from the Republic archives. She was right.” He showed the others the screen. “Asajj Ventress.”
Hunter took that in before he got ready with his next question, “And how’s-”
“As you’d expect.” Crosshair responded. “But she’ll be fine once we deal with this.” He said as he jutted his chin over to Ventress.
“Why would a Separatist assassin be helping us?” Wrecker wondered.
“Who says that’s what she’s doing?” Crosshair countered.
The distrust that Ventress had already been sensing from them was now coming to a point and she readied herself for what was about to happen. But first, she needed the kid out of here. “Well? What happened?” She asked as she heard the child fall over yet again.
Omega sighed, “I told you. It’s too slippery.” She gratefully took Ventress’ outstretched hand. “I’ll start over.”
Ventress saw out of the corner of her eye that the three clones had advanced towards her. “No need. We’re moving on to the next test. There’s a weeping maya tree up in the colonnade. Retrieve one of its white blossoms and return before the sun sets.”
“It’s too far away.” Omega protested. “And- well the sun’s already started s-” The look Ventress gave her silenced any further arguments so all that was left to do was start running.
Ventress kept her back to the clones. “Now that she’s gone, let me give you some advice. Whatever you’re planning on doing won’t end well for you. The one that could actually challenge me is no longer with you.” She turned and felt into the Force around them, and the words got reaction she expected, but there was a different type of intensity from the clone with the skull tattoo and that intrigued her. She walked a few paces. “Think carefully. How do you want this to go?” She studied the unfriendly faces. “You asked for my help. Remember?”
“That’s before we realised who you are.” Hunter said. “Now leave.”
“You know, she knew very well who I was, and if she’d done her job right, I wouldn’t need to be here.” Ventress goaded.
“Leave.” Hunter repeated firmly, doing his best to keep his reactions steady.
But he couldn’t control the ripple in the Force around him that Ventress picked up on and she grew even more curious as to the relationship between the two of you. “I’ll consider it, once I’ve finished testing Omega’s abilities.” She saw the shared looks between them and decided it was time to test how far their protectiveness extended. “Or maybe I’ll stick around here a bit longer.”
“Wrong. Get in your ship and go. Before we make you.” Wrecker threatened.
“You can try.” She crooned.
“We’ve taken down worse.” Crosshair retorted.
“So have I.” She summoned the Force and took their blasters from them. “No cheating.” She said in a sing-song voice before she welcomed their attack.
You were feeling more level-headed now and decided to head to the cave since there was no sign of the others yet and if there was anything you could do to help with the process, that’s what you were going to do.
You stepped out of the Marauder and lightly jogged down the winding levels of Pabu, but a figure bumped into you just as you came down one of the staircases, panting hard. “Omega? What are you doing here?”
“Can’t talk. Need… to find Batcher.” Omega said breathlessly as she tried to dart past you.
“Hold on.” You caught her upper arm. “Why? Where are the others?”
“They’re… back… at the… cave.” Omega managed to get her breathing under control. “Ventress told me to go. It’s the second test and I’ve got to get to the maya tree and back before sunset!”
“Ventress sent you out?” Alarm bells started ringing in your head. “And the others are still there?” You double checked, your panic growing by the second.
“I just said that! Now I’ve got to go!”
But you’d already released her and had started to sprint in the direction of the cave.
Omega watched you go in confusion. That hadn’t been the reaction she’d expected- you had looked… worried? She didn’t have time to linger over it. She whistled for Batcher as she heard the familiar bark. “Hey, girl. I’m gonna need some help. I need to get to the Archium, and fast.” She hopped on Batcher’s back.
The sight of the three of them at her mercy sent a stab of cold fear through your heart. Crosshair was hunched over and holding his ribs in agony but what terrified you more was the fact that Ventress had Wrecker in a Force-choke whilst her blade was pointed at Hunter who was sprawled on the cave floor.
And while your mind may have jumped to slightly more ill-timed and inappropriate scenarios upon seeing Hunter’s legs spread like that, you quickly brought your concentration back to the issue at hand.
You called on the Force and pushed Ventress into the cave wall. You then heard Wrecker’s coughs and gasps for air, and you saw in your peripheral the way Hunter attempted to stand up. Stay down. You told him as you kept your eyes fixed on Ventress.
Ventress pushed herself up off the floor and wiped away the blood that dripped from a fresh cut on her mouth. “I was wondering when the Jedi would come out to play.” She sneered as she reignited her lightsaber.
She advanced towards you once more. “I wonder if you’ll even provide me with more of a challenge than that lot- not a very impressive bunch. I could do you a favour by ridding you of them, particularly that one.” She scorned as she looked to the clone with the skull tattoo. She sniggered at you as she sensed swell of emotions in the Force around you that proved her suspicions.
You glared at her and clenched your jaw but said nothing, you only unclipped your lightsaber and ignited it. The blue blade came thrumming to life as you let the connection between you and the weapon flow through you.
Ventress swung her lightsaber towards the centre of your chest.
You blocked her move and the fight between you got underway.
The others could only watch the two of you in quiet awe. Yellow and blue blades clashed against each other in well-timed and well-placed strikes. Both of your movements were so fluid, it looked like the two of you were engaged in a coordinated dance- only the stakes were much greater in this. And it was far more tense to just watch.
You were on the back-foot, there was no denying that fact, Ventress had a higher skillset, and you were out of practice. You’d only really been able to work on deflecting blaster fire and going over the different stances and fight positions could only get you so far.
But what did give you an edge was that you were fighting for your family and the people you loved and that gave you a different type of strength which kept you in with a shot.
Ventress continued her aggressive assault, but you were blocking her strikes with a degree of finesse she hadn’t been expecting. You weren’t backing down as easily as she thought you might. She had thought the argument with the child and seeing the clones in danger would unbalance you, but it seemed to fire you up and there was no loss of control. Clearly emotions didn’t distract you like they used to do with your fellow Jedi, so she had to push them in a different direction, “Falling for a clone? What would your precious Jedi Council say?” Ventress provoked again as she swung her blade around for another strike.
“Well, lucky for me they’re all dead.” You snarked back as you redirected the next jab of her lightsaber into the cave floor before you flipped over her head. But you didn’t turn in time, and she was able to land a harsh kick to your side that sent you stumbling to your knees.
You barely had time to stand up before she was on you again. You angled your blade up as she brought her blade down towards you. Your front left leg bent forwards whilst your other leg was in a lunge behind you, your knee down towards the ground and your back arched as she pushed yours closer to your face.
“I remember you. Your master died on Felucia didn’t he? During a recon mission.” Ventress said cruelly as she held her blade on top of yours.
You felt your foot slide behind you as she pressed her blade against yours, but you weren’t going to let her words unravel you- she wouldn’t win that particular fight with you. “I’d rather that than know he got bored and just left me for dead.” You smirked as you saw the words had the intended effect. You felt the wave of emotion that surged around her, and you felt the pressure against your blade drop which meant you were able to push back against her.
You pulled your blade away from hers and landed a sharp kick to her stomach to create some distance between you both. “What’s the matter, Ventress? Still not over Dooku dropping you without a second thought?” You mocked.
Ventress snarled and lunged for you again.
Her moves were becoming more undisciplined, so they were easier to block and gain the upper hand. “I don’t know how you still showed your face after that, if my master pulled something like that, I’d be pretty fucking humiliated.” You continued to press as she now became the one who had to block your strikes.
Ventress backed off for a moment to regain the composure she was surprised to find she’d so quickly lost. She’d underestimated your emotional control and you’d managed to turn things around rather rapidly. If she wasn’t careful, the outcome of this would not be favourably for her.
You didn’t give her much time to recover. “And since you want to talk about falling for people, why don’t we talk about Quinlan?” When you’d first heard rumours of her death, that had been a familiar name to go along with it, so it had been a gamble to use it, but it worked. It had been the breaking point you needed to hit.
Ventress released an enraged shout and lunged forwards.
You ducked under her uncoordinated swing, but it was a move that also left you vulnerable and she gathered herself quicker than you’d anticipated.
As you rose and jutted your blade out, it stopped by the side of her neck just as hers stopped by yours. You could feel the heat from the blade as it hummed against your skin, but you did not flinch.
You did not falter.
You held her stare.
And waited.
“I’ve got the white blossom! Wh- what’s going on? Stop!” Omega shouted as she re-entered the cavern and saw the way her lying on the rocks, brothers were beaten and sore, and how you and Ventress were standing off– your blades at each other’s throats.
“She’s been lying to you, Omega. She’s a war criminal.” You said you did not yield to Ventress yet.
“Times have changed. Something you all should be familiar with.” Ventress replied.
“We are not the same.” You growled.
“No? Clones and Jedi were pawns in the same war as was I. And we all lost.” She disengaged her lightsaber first and stared you down. “The Empire is more dangerous than you could possibly fathom. I’m many things but I am not your enemy. Not anymore.”
You breathed heavily as you looked at her, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, not when she could’ve killed them and decided not to. For that reason, you found part of yourself believing what she said. You deactivated your blade and watched her go to her ship.
Omega dashed over to the others to make sure they were fine.
You reattached your lightsaber and placed your hands on your hips as they all got to their feet. “Everyone alright?” When they nodded, you spoke more sternly and more seriously than you ever had with them before. “Good. All of you get to the Marauder right now.” You turned on your heels and made your way out the cave.
“Uh… are we in trouble?” Wrecker asked Hunter apprehensively, his throat still slightly sore from experiencing what he just had.
Hunter let out a knowing sigh as he watched you go. “Yeah, we’re in trouble.”
The others could only watch and listen from their seats as you strode up and down the cockpit- each step punctuated by a new reprimand.
“Of all the irresponsible…”
“And downright stupid plans that you could come up with… that was by far the worst one!” You stopped mid stride and faced them all. “You do not go up against a Sith assassin with just three people and blasters! That was a fight you were never going to win!”
“Hey, we were just getting warmed up.” Wrecker protested but your answering glare had him looking down at the floor sheepishly.
“And you! Exactly what part of ‘do not engage’ was unclear?!” You said heatedly in Crosshair’s direction who just shrugged and continued to chew his toothpick, but you saw a flash of regret behind his eyes. “She could’ve killed you guys; do you understand that?!”
“No!” You shook your head at Hunter to stop him before you continued, “She could’ve killed you all if I hadn’t shown up in time!”
“You did.” Hunter reminded you gently.
“But I didn’t!” You tossed your hands in the air and then gestured to each of them, starting with Hunter. “She had a lightsaber pointed at your neck!”
You then focused on Wrecker. “She was choking the life out of you!”
Then you shifted to Crosshair. “And you were out for the count keeled over in pain, and it wouldn’t have taken much for her to finish you off!”
You addressed them all as a group again, “I don’t know why she didn’t follow through, but she could’ve ended everything right then and there, and I wouldn’t have arrived in time to stop it.” The thought took the wind right out of you, and you inhaled sharply and braced your hands on your knees. “You are all I have left. I can’t lose-” You straightened up. “I can’t lose any of you.” You repeated softly. “Not like that.”
Hunter slowly got to his feet and walked over to you. He put his hands on your shoulders to reassure you, “We’re okay.” He said, his voice a quiet murmur as he looked at you. “We’re okay.” He whispered again as he brushed the back of his fingers against your cheek.
You felt some of the stress and upset evaporate under his touch, “Do you have any idea what it’s like to have to owe someone like that something?”
“Can’t imagine it feels great.” Hunter acknowledged, a half-smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You managed a small smile of your own before you pulled away and looked over at Omega. “You’re done. No more tests.”
Omega frowned at you. “No way! I passed one of them and she still has more she can show me!”
“Omega, I’m telling you she can’t be trusted. You don’t know the things she did during the war. All of us do.” You replied, doing a broad sweep of the space to the rest of the squad.
“Okay, but it’s like you said, she didn’t kill them when she had the chance. She can’t really be as bad as you say.” Omega rebuked.
You hung your head with a sigh, “Omega…”
“I don’t know much about the war, but things are different now. People can change.”
“You’re being naïve.” Crosshair chimed in.
“I never gave up on you, did I?” Omega pointed out.
That made Crosshair pause and reflect more on the situation than he would’ve initially liked.
“I say we give her a chance.” She then looked glumly down at the floor, “Besides, Ventress hasn’t held anything back from me.”  
Your breath caught in your throat and suddenly the ship began to feel incredibly small. You hurried outside.
Hunter immediately got up to follow you out, but he stopped and glanced down at Omega. He knew how badly she needed to know the truth of her situation and it outweighed the concerns the rest of them had. “I trust you. We won’t interfere but at the first sign of trouble, it stops. Understand?”
Omega nodded gratefully.
“But you need to ease up on her. She knows she messed up, but she cares about you, Omega, don’t forget that.” Hunter said before he walked out the Marauder and over to the maya tree where you were now sitting.
“She’s right. She’s completely right.” You said as Hunter approached and sat down next to you.
“You need to imagine how Omega feels. To her, it seems like you deliberately kept something from her that could give her more common ground with you. She looks up to you, if she knew there was a chance of something that could bring you and her closer, of course she would want to latch onto it. You can’t blame her for wanting to know.” He said honestly as he squeezed your thigh in comfort.
You brought your head back against the tree trunk and stared up at the night sky, “And that’s what kills me. I should’ve been the one to help her find out the truth, instead I just kept her in the dark and thought I knew best.”
“You’re putting too much blame on yourself. You’re human and you made a mistake. It doesn’t-”
Your frustration got the better of you and you got to your feet. “Who else am I supposed to blame, Hunter?! This is on me! I hurt Omega! I let her down!” You blinked back the angry tears that threatened to spill from your eyes.
Hunter stood up and tentatively reached for you. His eyes softened in concern as he saw the anguish written across your face and it pained him to see you so affected by this. “Sweetheart-”
You began your distressed pacing again, “I could’ve tested her; I know how to, and I didn’t! If I hadn’t just rejected the possibility of her being like me and actually done the tests, Ventress wouldn’t have stayed, and we’d be no worse off than we are now! Instead, Imight as well have guided Omega to her! And I endangered the rest of you in the process! All of you could be dead because I couldn’t do one simple thing!”
“Stop.” Hunter caught your wrist and stepped in front of you, but you averted your eyes from his. “Look at me.” But you ignored him. “Please, look at me.” He said soothingly as he delicately tilted your chin up.
Your throat bobbed with the effort of keeping the tears at bay.
Hunter stroked a hand through your hair, “Everything is going to be okay. Omega’s a good kid, she’s just hurting right now. Give it time and you two will be alright.” He pulled you to his chest and held you close. “She’s still a clone, still one of us. Loyalty runs in her blood. She’ll come around.”
It was automatic the way you relaxed into his hold and wrapped your arms around his back. She’s doing another test tomorrow, isn’t she? You asked as you rested your head in the crook of his neck.
“We can watch from a far but we’re not interfering unless we have to.” Hunter murmured as he pressed his lips to your temple.
You heaved a deep breath but accepted that that was to be the course of action.
“Come on, we should get some rest.” Hunter released his hold on you and intertwined his hand in yours as he led you back to the ship.
“No chaperones today?” Ventress observed as the young clone came to stand next to her as she waited by the docks.
“Nope. You said, ‘no distractions.’”
Ventress only glanced down at the hound that remained by the girl’s side. “I’m surprised you came to find me. I can’t imagine your Jedi friend is particularly pleased about this. They all must have told you about the things I’ve done.”
“They did.” Omega said animatedly. “But you also stuck around instead of leaving, so I think you’re trying to help me. And you may have history with (Y/N) but you like us. I can tell.” She added victoriously.
“You’re an odd little clone.”
“Thanks.” Omega replied cheerily. “So what did the tests tell you?”
“You failed the first one.” Ventress said as she passed her by and headed for the boat.
“But I passed the second. That has to mean something, right?” Omega reminded her optimistically.
“Hmm. We’ll see.” Ventress boarded the ship. “Get in. Time for your final test.”
Omega bid Batcher farewell before she too stepped aboard and offered Ventress a warm and sincere smile.
“Stop smiling. It’s unsettling.” Ventress griped as she clicked the controls that would set the boat in the direction of the open sea.
“Should we be out this far?” Omega asked. She could barely see Pabu anymore; the clouds had grown darker and there was more of a fog out here.
“It’ll be easier to concentrate.”
“On what, exactly?”
“Many who wield the Force have an affinity for nature. They connect with things that respond to their energy.”
“Oh! I know about that! (Y/N) has done it a bunch of times!”
“And yet she never thought to show you.”
Omega glanced away to mask her reaction to the comment.
Ventress rolled her eyes. The attachments between you all were so glaringly obvious, it was no wonder the child had not been exposed to the potential of a Jedi way of life. You undoubtedly didn’t want to risk her safety any more than what was at play already. “Now’s your chance to give it a try.” She brought one of the rudders up to the surface for Omega to stand on.
Omega stepped onto it and awaited further instructions.
“Close your eyes and reach out.”
“For what?” Omega queried uncertainly.
Omega took the cryptic advice and began.
Wrecker lowered his macrobinoculars. “I don’t like this. We should be out there with her.” Wrecker said with an uneasy sigh.
“We gave Omega our word we wouldn’t intervene.” Hunter reminded him, taking his sights away from his own binoculars.
“You did.” Crosshair interjected.
“Besides, Ventress won’t do anything right now. She’ll know you’re watching.” You said unhappily as you leaned against the stone column, one foot braced behind you, arms crossed.
Wrecker raised his binoculars again. “We’re so far away, there’s no chance…” He trailed off with a shocked gasp as he saw Ventress looking directly in his line of vision. “How’d she know we’re watching?!”
“Same way I’d know.” You grumbled.
Omega released a frustrated grunt and opened her eyes. “Forget it.”
“Giving up so soon?”
“This isn’t working. I don’t feel anything. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be doing.” Omega replied, her voice rising in aggravation. “This is a waste of time.”
“I blame those four overprotective shadows for your lack of training and discipline.” Ventress said critically.
Omega turned to her and rested her hands on her hips indignantly. “I am trained.”
Ventress got to her feet. “This is different than being a soldier, something you’d know had the Jedi told you of your possibilities. Even if you have Force potential, they can’t show you how to tap into it and she certainly won’t- she’s too worried about what other danger that could put you in to allow you to explore that.”
Omega lifelessly jumped back into the boat, sat down, and crossed her arms. Even if Ventress was right, you were all still her family and she couldn’t just dismiss that.
“Since you seem content with that, perhaps this is a waste of time.” Ventress mused.
“I bet you don’t understand any of this either. (Y/N) even struggles to explain it sometimes.” Omega argued. “So, why should I listen to you?”
Ventress simply glided to the edge of the boat enacted the instructions she had told Omega before. She listened to the wind around her, the sounds of the waves lapping against the boat and felt beneath the water for the thriving life that lived there.
Omega watched in awe as schools of luminous green fish appeared from the deep. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, you both may not be able to always coherently explain how it worked but what you did say clearly meant something.
“I’m not the one holding back.” Ventress said, exhaling deeply and letting go of the connection.
But then something shifted, there was a low bellowing sound coming from the deep and both of them watched in confusion as the fish hurriedly swam away.
“What happened? Why’d they go?” Omega asked.
Her question was soon answered as a giant sea creature crashed beneath the bottom of their boat, making is spin out of control.
“Did you summon that?” Omega asked as she stared at the creature as it broke to the surface with a piercing screech, yellow algae dripping from its mouth.
“Not intentionally.” Ventress programmed the boat to head back to the docks.
You pushed off the column as you felt a creeping disturbance settling in your veins and Crosshair’s words confirmed it.
“Well, that doesn’t look good.” He stated as he saw the action through his scope.
“Get to the Marauder.” Hunter ordered.
The boat didn’t make it very far. The vessel was completely capsized by the creature, and they went flailing into the water.
They treaded water for a moment before Omega felt a tentacle wrap around her leg and pull her under.
Ventress dived after her and dodged the other tentacles as she ignited her lightsaber and cut through the one that was pulling Omega further down. She grabbed her and made a break for the surface.
Omega gasped for oxygen as she reached the open air and the two of them quickly swam to their upturned boat and stood on top of it. They watched as the Marauder came flying into view and fired down on the creature but, judging by the enraged screeches and flailing of tentacles, that seemed to only anger it further.
“Your friends are making things worse. I can do this on my own!” Ventress yelled above the chaos. She let the tentacle that came for her wrap around her body and bring her closer to its mouth. She didn’t focus on the danger of the situation, she only focused on bridging the connection between the animal and her.
Omega brought out her comm, “Hunter, stop firing. Ventress can handle it.”
“Doesn’t look like it from up here.”
“You’d trust (Y/N) in this situation, you should trust her too!”
Hunter glanced beside him to where you were sitting in the co-pilot’s chair expecting to see disagreement but instead- despite the reluctance on your face- you nodded your head.  
Omega looked on in admiration as she saw the creature quiet down and let out an affection rumble as Ventress pressed her hand against its face.
“You actually did it.” She breathed as the animal set Ventress back down and retreated back to the depths. She’d never seen that gift be used to actually calm a threat before, she’d only ever see you do it on non-threatening animals and it gave her a true indication as to what you could be capable of too.
“Don’t sound so surprised.” Ventress quipped.
The Marauder came back around, and Crosshair descended the steps. He reached a handout to Omega to help her up before he offered the same courtesy to Ventress.
The group of you were back at the cavern as you anxiously awaited the results from Ventress.
“Did you figure it out? Do I have a high M-count?” Omega inquired as Ventress exited her ship and came towards you all.
“From what I’ve seen? No.”
You held back the massive sigh of relief that threatened to leave your lungs but despite apparent good news, something about it still didn’t sit right.
Omega hung her head in disappointment. She was still without the answers she so desperately wanted. “Then why’s the Empire after me?”
“Believe it or not, I don’t know everything. But seeing as how a high M-count would make you a target…” Her eyes shot over to you. “…Consider yourself lucky.” She looked back down at Omega.
“But I’m already a target.”
Wrecker walked up and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Uh, don’t worry about it, kid. We’re gonna figure it out. Come on. Let’s go get some chow.”
Omega sighed, “Thanks. For trying.”
Ventress gave her a small nod in acknowledgement before the kid walked away and she turned her attention back to the three of you that stayed behind.
“You’re lying.” Crosshair stated suspiciously.
“About which part?” Ventress replied coyly.
Hunter narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, “You tell us.”
“If Omega did have that potential, she’d have to be trained, which would mean leaving you behind.”
“That’s not happening.” Hunter said immediately.
“And it wouldn’t need to.” You added firmly.
“I don’t think you realise just how unique you really are.” Ventress said to you. “But even with your affinity for handling attachment, you let it get the best of you when it came to the child. You let your urge to protect her cloud your better judgement and that undoubtedly would be a problem in training her. So, what you want is irrelevant. The fact is, the Empire is after her and they’re after you…” She then looked between you all, “And they won’t stop.”
“And are you going to help them?” You challenged.
“Don’t insult me, I have no interest in the Empire’s agenda towards our kind. Plus, I don’t fancy getting into another brawl with you all even if I wanted to turn you in.” Ventress added as she saw the way the two clones tensed up and your hand drifted back to your lightsaber. She addressed you all as a group again, “So, if I were you, I’d leave this place. You’re not as safe as you think you are.” Ventress turned her back on the three of you but before she left, she said over her shoulder, “Our business is done.” She carried on walking away.
“I still can’t figure out what side you’re on.” Crosshair said.
“My own.” She responded calmly without stopping.
“You’re not worried about the Empire coming after you?” Hunter called to her back.
That made Ventress wait. “They can try. But I’ve got a few lives left.” She said cryptically.
You all made your way back to the Marauder as her ship took off.
Crosshair and Hunter paused as they saw you halt by the steps.
You nodded to them to go head in. Omega, can we talk?
Omega gave a small wave of farewell to Wrecker and the others when they entered as she left to join you outside the Marauder. She saw you open your mouth to speak but she jumped in ahead of you, “I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time. I just…” She trailed off as she saw you shaking your head.
You crouched down and rested your hands on her shoulders, “You have nothing to be sorry for, Omega. Absolutely nothing. I’m the one that needs to apologise to you.” You took a breath, “I’m sorry I never told you about the tests.”
Omega tilted her head at you, but she saw genuine remorse in your eyes. “Why didn’t you? Why did I have to hear about them from Ventress?” She asked, a hint of sadness in her voice.
You inhaled deeply and Ventress’ words lingered in your head, “I love you, kid, I just want you to be safe. I think in my urge to do so, I neglected to do the things that could truly ensure that. I got too concerned with what risks of the results of those tests could mean that I felt it was better to not even entertain the possibility.”
“I mean, you were right. I’m not Force-sensitive and we still have no idea what an M-count means for me.” Omega said gloomily.
“I may have been right…” You said gently, “…but I should’ve been more thorough and told you about the tests and carried them out. I shouldn’t have kept you in the dark and for that I am so sorry. I got what protecting you meant all twisted in my head.”
Omega looked down and scuffed the ground with the toe of her boot, “So… it wasn’t because you didn’t want me to be like you?” She whispered.
Your heart went out to her immediately and you hated that you had ever given that impression. “Oh, honey, no.” You brushed through the loose strands of hair that came to rest just past her forehead. “My only concern with it was that it would put you in more danger than you’re already in. It’s not easy being a Jedi in the best of circumstances, let alone how things are now.” You affectionately brought her chin up so she would meet your gaze as you said warmly, “But if you had been, I would’ve loved to share that experience with you.”
Omega’s expression softened as she heard the sincerity in your words. “I’m not that lost kid you found on Kamino; you don’t have to make choices for me. I can handle more now.”
Ventress may have been right about you in this situation, but it wasn’t one you were ever wanting to repeat. You could change. You would change. “I won’t make decisions like that for you anymore and I won’t hide things from you, you have my word.” You promised.
Omega exhaled a breath of relief, “I don’t like falling out with you.” She said quietly, a forgiving smile on her face.
You chuckled lightly. “I don’t like it either.” You brought her in for a hug. Let’s not do it again, okay?
Omega hugged you back tightly in answer.
All was quiet in the Marauder, save for the familiar snores coming from Wrecker’s bunk and the occasional whine from Batcher as she dreamt but nothing felt amiss.
You and Hunter were yet to fall asleep. The night was when the two of you had an opportunity to switch off for a moment and be in each other’s company without having to worry about the others seeing and commenting. It was a time where the two of you didn’t need to be Sergeant and Jedi or think about the Empire but where it could just be you and Hunter.
You were laying on top of his arm as he hugged you into his side. One of your legs was hoisted over his lap as you nuzzled into him and touched the necklace on his chest that sat proudly on display over his sleep clothes. The two of you were sharing in light, delicate kisses between breaths as you lay together.
“Did I mention how impressive you looked going up against Ventress today?” Hunter said quietly against your lips into the silence of the ship.
Do I not look like that anyway? You teased as you left featherlight kisses along the column of his neck.
“Yes, smartass.” Hunter breathed as he focused on the sensation of your lips on his skin.
Well, no you didn’t, but I’d rather you never gave me a reason to have to do that in the first place. You glanced up at him with a playful scolding expression.
“Hmm, well if you look as strong and capable as you did today, I might just have to risk it.” Hunter kidded as he kissed the crown of your head whilst his free hand ran up and down your thigh.
You narrowed your eyes at him but there was an amused smile on your face. You traced your lips along his jaw. Oh really?
He hummed in an affirmative answer before he brought his lips to yours in a soft, tender kiss like the ones before- one that did not have to lead to anything more. But as he felt your twist your hands in his shirt and heard your breath hitch, he cradled the side of your jaw to encourage you to open up to him more.
You sighed happily into the kiss and pressed yourself tighter to him and went to fully straddle his lap, but he beat you to it.
Hunter, without breaking away, rolled you so that you were on your back, and he was on top of you. He kissed you with the passion and love he could only express when the rest of his family were not around before he pulled away from your lips and began pressing doting kisses along your neck.
You felt his teeth graze your pulse point. Don’t get too carried away. You said, weaving your hands in his hair as you held back a groan and resisted the urge to roll your hips against his. The words were also a reminder for you- you both needed to remember where you currently were.
Hunter huffed out a disgruntled moan against your neck, but he stopped. However, he didn’t lie down next you again, he opted to rest his head on your chest instead.
His weight on you always acted as a secure and reassuring presence, so you always welcomed the position. It was also him offering you a degree of vulnerability and trust that he so rarely allowed himself to enjoy so it always made your heart swell when he showed this side of himself to you.   
Hunter listened to the steady beat of your heart, each thump reminding him of what he was fighting for, of what he had to protect. “We need to keep you and Omega safe… and I think- I think Ventress is right. We can’t stay here.” He whispered.
“We’ll talk about it more tomorrow.” You murmured as you tenderly ran your fingers through his hair and across his scalp. You felt him release a relaxed sigh at your actions. “Right now, we need to get some sleep.”
“I love you.” He mumbled sleepily as he got lost in your touch and let the tiredness overwhelm him.
“I love you too.” You replied as you closed your eyes.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @arctrooper69, @dominoeffectsworld, @andreaaxy, @notgonnaedit, @superbookishhufflepuff , @jellybeanstacey0519 , @nightmonkeysstuff
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grapejuicestyless · 11 months
I Just Want To Be Loved.
Harry Styles x Fem!Reader
Summery: It’s been the long haul for you and Harry. You spent everyday together for years. Recently, all you’ve been doing is spending your time apart. Is it so much to ask for him to come home?
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Love on tour was there full definition of love. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and a kindness that seemed unique purely for the shows within it. Friendships blossomed in every section and fans showed their appreciation with projects projecting rainbows and meaningful messages to prove it. It was everything you’d think love could be.
So it made sense as to why Harry kept adding more shows, prolonging the inevitable end of the years he’d spent away from home. He, just as much as anyone else, loved to be loved. I couldn’t blame him. If I was him, I would’ve done the same.
Yet still, even though the tour was pure fluff and happiness, it drew a bubbling sadness from deep within every time he frolicked onto that stage. A sparkly, blinding reminder that once again, he was out making a name and I was at home, holding onto the ounces of love he shared over the phone each night.
The excitement coursing through me when he announced the final shows was extreme. Though I pretended to be bummed for the sad ending, and the tough parting from the band and the fans, I couldn’t be more happy to get my Harry back.
I longed for those peaceful moments in the mornings, my hands tracing his nose and his fingers playing with my hair until our touches became lazy and we dozed back off into a light slumber. I missed those loving times that were stolen from me with every new date added.
It felt selfish, to want to take such a core memory from the fans, people who Harry adored like his friends. People I’d grown to love throughout the years of our friendship and eventually our relationship. I’d had Harry at my fingertips for years, they only had him for a night. Yet it was so hard to share him.
Thinking deeply, I fought with my inner thoughts about the delicate line that was selfish and justified until my phone buzzed in a heartbeat pattern on the kitchen counter.
Turning it over, I watched Harry’s name pop up, hearts decorated around his name, “H,” as I had set it as on my phone.
I leaned forward, forearms resting against the cold countertops and the ripped collar of Harry’s shirt twisted between my fingers while I waited happily for the image of Harry to load up on my screen.
“Hi, Baby!” He called excitedly in all his post show sweaty glory. He had curls stuck to his forehead and his cheeks were shiny and sparkling under the yellow lighting of his hotel room.
“Hi, H. How was your show?” I laughed at his exasperation. He made it obvious that he had rushed into his room to call me, the heavy breathing he tried to muffle and the quickness of his chest giving him away.
“Amazing, baby. It’s just so crazy that it’s real, you know? They all came for me and my band! It’s always so surreal seeing sold out stadiums with people who came for my music.” He rambled, the same speech every single time. How he felt so lucky that something so grand could have happened to someone so average like him, even if he was far from average in my eyes.
Still, my cheeks hurt from smiling. Seeing him happy was the greatest happiness of all, to me.
“You know you deserve it. Worked so hard these past few years and now you get to celebrate it with the people who love you. I’m so proud of you.” Our eyes met, a comfortable silence forming while our smiles turned into shy giggles and eyes averting from each other like school children in love.
“I love playing for these people. I cant believe how lucky I am to be with them almost everyday of the week.” I nodded, not feeling the need to respond.
“So, that’s why my team and I were thinking…” He led me into it with false hope. Hope that he was going to say something about coming home to throw a party where I could remain attached to his hip and love on him as he did to me.
“We’re going to add a few more shows before we finish off the tour.” I nodded, still smiling.
“Like in between? Don’t you think that will be too many shows in a week?” I asked, blinded by my excitement to see him. Silence fell over the phone call, this one heavier and more tense.
“Well, not exactly.” He tried to start explaining. The smile hurting my cheeks slowly faded into a confused gaze, proudness and glee turning into hurt and a heart breaking realization.
“We were thinking of adding a few more shows in Asia and Italy around September time. Maybe even have another Harryween in the states!” He explained, looking at the ceiling. His hands eventuated his explanation dramatically, like always.
All I could do was stay silent, heart pounding into my ears and a lump in my throat expanding into a dull ache that only seemed to rise.
“Y/n, isn’t that great?” My face was frozen, eyes widened and looking straight into the blurry green ones on the glitchy FaceTime call.
“Y/n?” He called again, his voice sounding more concerned.
Maybe it was my lack of response, or the tears welling in my eyes. Maybe it was that he thought I was frozen and couldn’t hear him, or maybe all three. But I was stuck. Stuck between wanting to support all of his decisions, trying to do what was best for him and wanting to just be selfish for just a moment.
I wanted to scream at him not to add anymore shows. I wanted to yell at him for making me wait for him for so long. I wanted to be overly emotional until I turned into putty in my own hands. Yet, even in my own conflict, I couldn’t find it in me to say no to him.
“Yeah, that…that sounds great, Harry. Really, I’m excited for you.” He nodded, not fully convinced.
“O…okay. Y/n, are you okay, you look a little pale. Have I said something?” What haven’t you said? You’ve just told me your leaving me yet again.
Stay? Just stay? Please, I want to be loved. I just want to be loved. I want to be loved by you and only you. I want you to forget about everything and just let it be us again.
“No, no. I’m just getting tired. It’s getting late over here. I’d better get to bed. Goodnight, H.” My tone was monotone, lacking any emotional depth behind it. It was obvious everything I said was a lie, but he let himself accept it halfway.
“Okay, sleep well. Call me when you wake up, okay? I love you. Goodnight, baby.” I hung up the phone, throwing it as soon as it beeped to a silence. The rage I felt was ungodly. It was pent up, having been stuffed down like a gross mass of phlegm bubbling up, waiting to be spat out.
Suddenly, the lump in my throat expanded to a broken cry, a painful rip rippling down my body. An ache that had been dull for the past few months coming full surge at me in one painful swoop.
I just wanted to be loved, was that too much to ask for?
Part 2 will be coming 🫶
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
hiii !! if it’s not too much trouble, could i request a comfort one-shot for hobes ? basically reader is at a pub watch one of hobies friends play, and there’s just too many people around and they start to have a panic attack, hobie pulls them to a quiet spot and helps them calm down. it’s okay if not, i’m just such a sucker for comfort things, especially w my bf, it’s ok if not tho !! hope ur having an amazing day/night :D
— hobie brown x anxious!gn!reader
— comfort, panic attacks, implications of drinking, implications of injury, petnames, hobie being the best bf in the world, anxiety and mentions
— you truly thought you could make it, so you asked hobie to take you to a concert
— happily! this is based off my experience (i have anxiety with crowded public spaces), so apologies if it doesnt match what u had in mind 🫶
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Hobie carefully led and maneuvered the two of you inside the pub, right by the stage. The lights were colourful shades of blue and purple as the band onstage set up. Hobie called out to one of them, prompting the singer to come over to him.
You look around the venue instead of listening to the conversation. Everyone seemed happily relaxed before the show started. More continued flowing in, greeting each other like old friends.
More.. and more people..
No. You told yourself and Hobie you would be fine tonight. You assured him that you wanted to go, wanted to support his friends and hang with them. This was something you wanted to do.
“Yea, ‘s my partner.” Hobie’s voice suddenly brings you back as he slings an arm around your waist. “[Name]. Brought ‘em out tonight t’ see th’ group.”
The friend turned to you, eyes lighting up. “Righ’, heard ya talking about them. Nice t’ meet you.”
You give a small wave before turning back to analyze your surroundings. Hobie glanced at you before dismissing his friend to finish setting up.
“Aye, we can go t’ the back if ya want.” He says once you face him again.
You quickly shake your head. “No. I said I could do this. We’re here to support your friend, don’t worry for me, okay?”
As much as Hobie wanted to protest, the lights started to flicker in the pub. He sighed and gave you a nod, yet never letting his hand off of your waist.
He wouldn’t tell you, but Hobie was very worried about you. He knew what your needs were; you were someone who needed personal space and hated when strangers touched you. It was something that spiked your anxiety, leading to pretty bad panic attacks.
Hence why he was so hesitant to bring you here. But he knows. He knows how guilty you feel about it. He knows that you feel like you owe him something.
So when you asked him to bring you tonight, he reluctantly agreed.
Before he could think further into it, the band finished setting up, announcing they were starting. The music began playing and everyone around followed; singing and dancing with each other.
Hobie smiled down on you, taking your hand and twirling you in a circle gently to the music. His friend wasn’t in a heavy punk band, but rather a more mellow rock type. Hobie thought it was perfect to take you to for your first time.
A laugh escapes your lips as you spin into him, his arms encircling your waist. “Doin’ alright, sweetheart?” He whispers in your ear, loud enough so you can hear.
You nod as the two of you dance to the music together, smiles etched on your faces. You both were enjoying yourself, song after song, listening to the talented band.
At least, you were.
As the night went on, more people continued to shuffle in the pub. There was less room, and honestly you wouldn’t have noticed. But then a guy roughly shoved into you, causing you to trip right into Hobie.
He immediately sent a glare the guy’s way. “Aye, the hell’s wrong with ya?”
The man, clearly to have been drinking, responded with something about you being fine, but you couldn’t hear. You were suddenly becoming very aware of the amount of people, and how many were close to you.
Your eyes widen as you feel that all familiar feeling of the air leaving your lungs. You gasp, turning yourself to be able to reach Hobie’s hand, tugging at his fingers.
Hobie’s mind wants to immediately talk down whoever had the audacity to touch you like that. But his anger dissipated when he felt your hands tugging on his fingers and rings.
He requested that the two of you have some kind of non-verbal signal that your nerves were rising. Something he can use to easily identify the panic. And you both settled for tugging his hand, pulling in a one-two motion so he knows.
He knows you’re about to have a panic attack.
His hand immediately moves to shove the guy out of the way, tightening his hold around your waist. He quickly ushers you through the people to try and get to the door. It’s not practical, but he can’t get out otherwise.
The more people that touch you the more you spiral. It’s disgusting you. The way they all just slam into you makes you wanna scratch your arms till there’s nothing left. Just to get rid of their lingering touch you feel.
Finally Hobie makes it to the door, shoving it open and you out. You’re hyperventilating at this point, breathing erratic as you grasp onto Hobie’s vest with your free hand in tears.
Hobie leads you to the back alley behind the venue. “Shh, I know I know.. give me a second, please darlin’.”
Glancing around, he ensures the coast is clear before shooting up towards the roof of the next building, taking you both up there. He knew it was quieter than the back alley, perfect to try and help you best he can.
“Alright alright..” He whispers, keeping his tone quiet. “‘m ‘ere with ya, okay?”
Hobie’s words were there, but not quite there. You were off in your own world of panic, breathing heavy with jumbled thoughts. You instinctively fall to sit on the rooftop, hands harshly rubbing your arms to try and get the disgusting feeling away.
“No no.. aye..” Hobie speaks, taking a seat next to you and gently placing his hands on yours. “Can’t do that.. gonna hurt ‘urself ‘f ya do..” He pries them away from your arms to hold them.
You shake your head, more tears coming to your eyes. God you hated this. More importantly you hated how weak you were. Couldn’t go a single night without freaking out.
Hobie uses his hold to pull you forward, right into his lap. “Shh, ma’ch m’ breathin’.. ‘u’re safe, yeah? Safe up ‘ere.” He assures continuously.
“Aye, ‘member our game?” He whispers, hugging you close.
You’re too far out of it to form actually words right now, so you nod. Of course you remember. Accordingly he used it on anyone he helps, if they truly need it.
“Alrigh’ good.. I need ya t’ play with me.. name five things ya see, ‘kay?”
Your vision was oh so blurry, you couldn’t see anything. This made you panic more. You shook your head, sobbing into Hobie’s vest as you cried out.
He mentally slaps himself. “righ’, ‘m sorry.. ‘ow ‘bout we try..” He thinks for a minute, trying to figure out a way to ground you. “Give me.. five colours you see, ‘mm? Can ya do that, darlin’?”
Now that was more achievable. Blinking rapidly, you peek out from your closed eyes, forcing words to come out.
“Black..” You start, latching onto the colour of Hobie’s vest-jacket first. “Uhm.. B-blue? Wait no.. I..”
You feel yourself start to slip but Hobie is quick to catch you with his voice. “Stay wit’ me, mmkay..?” He whispers, hands moving to gently rub on your arms. “Three more, please sweethear’. ‘ur doin’ amazin’.”
Soon enough, you manage to get out three more colours, Hobie praising your efforts like there was no tomorrow. He moved on to the other senses; four things to hear, three things to feel, two things to smell, and finally one to taste.
The longer this went on, the better you felt. You managed to match Hobie’s breathing pattern before going back to your own. The blur in your eyes faded and you could start making out the thoughts going through your head.
“I’m so-”
You glance up in confusion, yet sighing after. “Darling, please.. I-”
“Said no.” He responds, looking down at you with a gentle expression. “Never ‘pologize for ‘ur feelin’s. ‘m serious.”
This was the routine after each one; attempted apologies and stops, lots of quiet time, then eventually sleep. And you were both okay with that. After such an overwhelming situation it was exactly what you needed.
“We can go back in.. or you can and I can go home.” You compromise, looking down on the venue. “You shouldn’t miss out because of my stupid-”
Hobie shakes his head, again cutting you off. “‘s not stupid. And no. We’ll head out toge’er.” He assures you, standing and offering a hand to help you up.
You stare up at him for a minute before smiling. You take his hand and wrap yourself in a hug. He smiles and ruffles your hair before shooting a web, swinging back to your shared apartment. His eyes stay trained on where he swings, yet every now and then he takes peeks down to check on you.
Once you managed to make it back home, Hobie was insanely attentive to you. He told you to go shower (because everyone knows pubs and panic attacks don’t exactly leave you the cleanest). While you did that, he fixed up the room to suite your needs. He darkened it, grabbing comfortable blankets, cleaning it up, anything you need.
After you shower and settle down, he’s got you entrapped in his arms in bed, letting you lie to where your head can lie comfortably in his chest. Though the night didn’t go as he planned, he wouldn’t trade spending the end like this for anything else.
A selfish part of Hobie wishes that this part of you was non-existent. That the two of you could enjoy being out together without this ball of anxiety prodding at you. But Hobie knew that he had to help you through this. That this was hurting you more than him.
“Thank you, Hobes..” You whisper, planting a soft kiss to his jaw.
Yeah, thank-yous and kisses like that from you are his motivation to always protect you, even from yourself.
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oasiswithmyg · 4 months
A New Friend
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So'lek x Sarentu!Reader
Summary for this part: You worry for Nor, who is like a brother to you, But the RDA keeps you on your toes as they destroy a Resistance field lab. It's up to you to help them and you might just meet a new face in the fight.
Word count: 4.1k.
Prev - Masterlist - Next
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The back door to the resistance base opened and you were greeted with the scenery of Pandora once more. However, you were on a mission of your own, which was to find Nor. His state after the connection with the Tarsyu, was concerning to say the least.
You used your Na’vi senses to track his scent, rushing through the forest in order to not lose it. You scale up the lands, seeing a beautiful Ikran fly by, you follow it, hoping it would lead you to where you need to be. You feel that you are reaching closer to Nor, but there is something you want to ask of So’lek, so you contact him through the radio that he had given you.
“Hey, So’lek. You there ? I think Nor’s nearby. Maybe, you could talk to him like you did with me? About your clan. How it feels. Just as I felt your pain and understanding, maybe Nor could too ?”. However, no reply comes through the radio, which makes you worry, you stop in your path and hold the radio close to you “So’lek?”. Then finally came alive with his voice.
“Alma and I are checking into one of our other camps. It’s gone quiet, Sarentu” HIs tone seemed urgent and distressed. Like he wasn’t focused. “You sound worried”, you state as you continue on your path up. So’lek replies in anger, but not at you, “The Sky People continue to spread”.
Concerned as well for your fellow Resistance allies, you ask him, “You think they found it?”, but only static somes throught the radio. “So’lek?!” The radio cuts off, you look at it in disbelief. ‘After I speak with Nor I need to find So’lek, I’m worried about him’ you think to yourself.
At last when you reach the top hill, you are greeted with the clear vast sky at first, as you can see the other planet looming in the distance as well as the floating lands. You are awestruck for a moment, unable to help yourself as you walk closer to the edge.
You see Nor from the corner of your eyes as he walks in front of you, closer to a small campfire, his whole body seemed tense and confused. He notices you as he looks back, his words anxious as he questioned you, “What must our ancestors think of us? Do you think they pity us? Sad to see what we have become?” his face turned back around, his gaze looking straight ahead yet there seemed to be no focus on anything in particular.
“We’re still Sarentu..” You try to reassure him, but Nor is quick to interject, “Teylan barely speaks our tongue Y/N!...but then he always preferred human words”, he sighed, as his voice almost came out as a defeated whisper at the end.
You frowned, it is not Teylan’s fault that he is this way. He was barely past the toddler stage before they were all forced into The Ambassador Program. Being taught the human words as well as to behave like a human are all he ever knows. Although, you were a biased as you always saw him as a younger brother that needed to be protected. “You know you cannot blame him for that, Nor. Alma says we all need time to adjust” you gently rebuked his words as he crouched near the fire, his body still looking tense, you went over to him, bending down a bit and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, to let him know that you were there for him, your friend.
Nor placed his right hand over yours squeezing it once, thanking you for the support you provided. You gently removed your hand, slowly getting back up and looking over the lands of Pandora, thinking out loud, “Why did the RDA come back?”
“They wanted more of Pandora” Nor replied, as you looked back at him and him to you, he continued, his voice filled with hatred “They always do”.
“Then we’ll need to fight!” you declared as your stance became more confident, knowing that this was the only way to protect and save Pandora. Nor voiced his agreement, “Yes. Aha’ri would have wanted us to fight'', the conviction in his eyes becoming stronger. Hearing your sister’s name from Nor just made you believe in this plan.  You nodded at him, only you knew how much he cared for your sister, being his confidant whenever the pain was too much. He smiled shakily in return.
A loud booming sound was heard to the west of where you stood, both you and Nor flinching at it. Turning your head towards it, only to see some kind of bombs going off and the forest lit on fire. You were shocked, wondering what happened. Then you could hear your radio, crackling to life, with Priya’s frantic voice coming out.
“Hey, can anyone hear me? Listen, Alma’s got a problem over at our western camp…one of ours is hurt!”
“I’m here!”, you reply hurriedly, not wanting to waste any time as the problem would become only worse.
You could hear the relief in Priya’s voice as she spoke, “Oh, thank god Y/N. I’m picking up more RDA heading that way”, just as she said those words, more of the RDA scorpion gunship flew by to the location. You and Nor looked on in worry. Nor turned to look at you, his voice firm and reassuring as he declared, “Go Y/N. I’ll find Ri’nela and Teylan. We’ll make sure the HQ is safe, come back to us safe”. He then rushed past you to head back to the resistance base, as you looked over at the smoke rising in the distance.
Luckily, you had brought your short bow that So’lek allowed you to keep after he had given it to you. You did not have a gun or rifle because you did not like using them, but if it protected those you cared about from the RDA then you would only use it on them. You jumped down carefully and as quickly as you could, hearing Priya’s voice once again through the radio, her voice sounding as if she was almost close to tears, “Please, please hurry. It sounded really bad Y/N - I don’t know what to do…. I’m scared, Anqa’s out of the field labs, and Dani-”
“Calm down Priya, take deep breaths, I’m on my way. Do not worry!” you tried to calm her down as you rushed past the forest, the site of the smoke steadily coming into frame. “All that smoke-It’s going to draw more RDA to that camp!” She continued anxiously.
“I’ll get to them first, I promise you Priya” You say as you cut off the radio, redoubling your efforts in order to reach there as quickly as you could. You pulled out your bow as you arrived at the area, shocked to find upon reaching there that the land was scorched and the field lab was on fire, with several members of the Resistance injured scattered. Your ears twitched, hearing a deep voice in the distance say somberly, “Alma, It is too late”. You could immediately recognize who it was as it was the voice of someone you could not keep out of your head.
You could also hear Alma, her voice frustrated and distressed as you drew closer. She was doing compressions on one of the fallen members of the Resistance. So’lek was scanning the area carefully for any more signs of the RDA, you could see his ears twitch in your direction, his body which was strung tight in tension, loosened a bit as he registered your presence.
So’lek felt relief as soon as he noticed that the Sarentu had arrived at the research station. He knew could trust her to have his back in this. Although he does not know where this trust comes from, nonetheless, he chooses to ignore it, deciding to deal with it later once they’re safe from danger.
“Damnit. How’d they find this place? It’s not on any of their patrol routes” Alma frustratedly questioned, angry and disturbed to see her fellow members injured. So’lek could only reply, his voice grim.
“They are looking for us now”.
Another member, Hajir, let out a cry of pain as he leaned against the almost destroyed research field lab. Alma rushed over, her voice stressed as she reassured him, “Okay. You’ll be fine, all right? Listen to me. You’ll be fine”.
You looked away from the scene in order to search for So’lek, only to find him holding out some sort of thick vultsyìp (Stick) weapon out to you in one hand, looking at you with trust and confidence in his eyes with the fire in the back casting an intimidating scene  on him.
“Here. Have you seen one of these before?” So’lek questioned as he passed it to you, your hands nervously grasping it, while looking at him, you spluttered, “Uh, n-no”. So’lek could hear the apprehension in the Sarentu’s voice, his gaze became gentle as he tried to reassure her, not wanting her to be in distress.
“Don’t worry, It’s easy”, he stated as he looked back, scanning for any signs of the RDA, the fire now casting a orange glow on his face because of this you were able to see the two scars that you hadn’t noticed before on the left side of his face, one which ran down from the top of his ear to his cheek and another just below his ear. "Even with them, he still looks very handsome," you thought, before coming to a realization of what you just thought “Wait, handsome. What am I even thinking?! Oh Eywa, Y/N focus!” 
You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts, just in time before So’lek’s voice brought you back, “We’ll have more on us soon”, his eyes looking towards the sky in search of any gunship.
“We’ll need to stabilize him” Alma stated as she looked over the injured.
So’lek turned to you and came closer, “Don’t take too long”  he gently declared, as he came even closer to you, you had to look up at him slightly. He resumed stating, “There’s an oil refinery ahead. I’ll make sure the RDA come running to it. Keep them off Alma and Hajir till then” You could see Alma in the background carrying Hajir inside the station.
You must have looked anxious, because So’lek gaze became focused on you with a soft and reassuring look. He came closer and placed a hand on your shoulder, his voice gentle as he said, “You can handle this Sarentu, I trust you. Do not worry, I’ll be quick”, he steps back and just before he rushes off, his face turns to look at you straight in the eyes and his voice, which was already deep and low in tone, became serious and demanding, as he stated “Stay safe for me”.
Your stomach fluttered and your tail started curling around your leg, a giddy and curious feeling arising in you. “What is he doing to me?”, you thought, as heat rose to your cheeks. For some reason though, those words from him were all you needed to be strong to face the RDA head on. You looked over the new weapon that he gave you. It looked like it could throw something, maybe a bomb. 
Your radio started with So’lek stating, “I see more soldiers coming. Be ready”. Well that made you nervous, you exclaimed, “What? Where ?!”.
“Breathe Sarentu. Use your surroundings. Look for any openings. The humans will stumble into your traps”. He reassures before cutting the radio off, presumably to cause the distraction he stated.
You close your eyes for a moment and take in deep breaths just as So’lek said, calming yourself down. His words became an anchor to steady you. Helping you think straight and focus on the incoming fight. You looked around the research station and the area surrounding it, you could tell that standing up on the lab would give you more vantage points to look out for, so you did just that. Just as you jumped up So’lek’s voice could be heard again through the radio, “I left more ammo for the staff sling on the airlock roof. I trust you to make good use of it” and saw a few boxes that contained supplies, bullets and spare parts that So’lek said there would be, making sure to collect them knowing you’ll need them for the fight.
Then you started searching for the openings that could be used by the RDA, especially the Gunships to land. Those vehicles and AMP suits would require steady ground. Finally finding some places, you put in the sensor bomb in the net of the staff sling and draw back as you sling it across the area strategically. They would go off if anyone or anything stepped on them,
Just then, you can hear the blades of the Scorpion Gunships getting closer, as they descend from the sky and just as you predicted, they landed exactly where you expected them to, right on the traps you had set. The gunship exploded, instantly destroying it and killing off the RDA. You tell more would be arriving, and this time not only the gunships, but few Amp suits and stray RDA humans around. However, Alma called you through the radio, asking for the medical supplies that were over at the other lab nearby. You rushed over there, entering the lab and collecting the supplies as well as finding an assault rifle. You were low on arrows, so this should help you in the fight. You notify Alma that you got them, she sounds relieved that you did.
As you head out of the lab, a gunship comes into view and aims the machine gun at you, just before they can, you look in awe when a Na’vi on an Ikran flies into the scene and tries to destroy the ship, causing the RDA ship to retreat. You rush back to where Alma is, radioing So’lek on the way.
“So’lek! There’s another Na’vi here! They’re helping me” you exclaim in surprise and excitement at a new face.
When So’lek heard his radio turn on and your voice filtered through with the shout of his name, he was worried that something happened, that something went wrong and you were hurt. He wanted to rush back to help you, but luckily You continued to relay what had happened. So’lek chuckled in relief, his voice sounded more confident as he said, “Good. Explosives are done. That should be enough to distract the rest. Make sure the camp is clear. I will deal with a few of them on my end. Contact me when you are done”.
As you reached the camp, you could see some AMP suits milling about. You used the same strategy as before, wherever there was a cluster of RDA you used your sling staff. You made sure to examine your surroundings, running back and forth, scanning for more signs of danger. Killing the stranglers with your bow. Once the coast was clear, you headed to the entrance of the airlock doors.
The door opens with Alma coming out with Hajir in her arms, “That was close” she sighed, as she explained, “They have plenty of AMP suits, more than I’ve seen around before. One of Mercer’s favorite toys” She grumbled the last sentence as if remembering something bitter. You frowned as well, just hearing that man’s name made you angry. Alma turned to look at you, her gaze on you was filled with happiness and guilt, “You were always quick. Always so ready to help anyone, even back at TAP. I’m sorry you had to face them alone Y/N”, she said as she took the medical supplies from your hand and started working on Hajir.
“I wasn’t alone. So’lek distracted them..” You were quick to inform her, knowing that if it wasn’t for So’lek you couldn’t have done it. However, you tried to keep the worry out of your mind for him, knowing that he can handle himself, you continued with a question, “and did you see that Na’vi?” your excitement of seeing another Na’vi was through the roof.
“Ikran are fierce, and very protective of their riders. An RDA scorpion is no match for them” Alma explained as wrapped the bandages around Hajir. Then you heard a growl come from behind you. You immediately turned around to see the same Ikran and Na’vi from before land near you. 
The Na’vi warrior hops off the Ikran, her voice rings out amused as she calls out to you, “A Na’vi, dreamwalker and human. Fighting the Sky people alone? You are very brave” she walks toward you looking at Alma and Hajir, her gaze then shifting to you, smiling when you exclaim “That was amazing! The way you took out that thing…Thank you”, you could not stop yourself from gushing. She truly was amazing when she fought.
She comes closer to you, however her smile drops as she sees you face, her eyes fixated on the mark below your left eye. “Wait..” she mumbles, her hand coming closer to inspect your face, “You have the mark”. The Na’vi warrior’s face slowly turns into shock, her eyes widening and her tail curling in surprise. She leans closer to you,questioning you in disbelief, “You are… Sarentu?”. She takes your hand, her voice becoming more animated, “The storytellers. Bringers of peace. My father said your clan disappeared years ago. We thought you were dead!”.
“It is a long story but the Sarentu spirit is not so easy to kill”  You declared, standing proud that you defied their beliefs, that your clan, although so small in numbers, still survives.
The Na’vi warrior smiles at that, she speaks to herself in awe, “I had hoped to find the Resistance here, but a Sarentu…”. She then focuses her gaze on you, standing formally as she introduces herself, “I’m Etuwa, tsahik (matriarch/Interpreter of Eywa) of the Aranahe.” She brings her hand to her forehead and moves it towards you, the motion of saying Oel ngati kameie (I see you). You do it as well.
Alma interrupts, sharing her condolences to Etuwa, “I knew your mother…I’m sorry”. Etuwa looks at her, acknowledging Alma’s compassion, she then states grimly, “Our home suffers too. The sky people grow bolder and the land falters under their feet. And yet, my people…Our Hometree”, her voice shakes, “We are not warriors. But war has come”. Etuwa then turns to you, the hope in her eyes strong. “My father still needs convincing but he knew the Sarentu. He will listen to you. He must” She speaks with hope and determination in her tone, as she heads back to her Ikran.
“I need to get them back. The others…They should know what happened here”. Alma explains to Etuwa, helping the injured.
“Of course, I’ll help with your wounded” Etuwa stated calmly as she lifted Hajir and took him back to her Ikran, hopping on them. She calls out to you, “My Hometree isn’t far from here. Tell them I sent you. But not all see as I do, so please do not mention my part in…this” she whispers the last part. Etuwa looks towards you, “May your spirits soar with the currents of the wind”. Her Ikran takes off into the sky as you look at her in awe.
After a couple of moments gaining your bearings, you contact So’lek immediately in excitement and hope, “So’lek, another Na’vi showed up to help! Etuwa. From the Aranahe clan. She asked me to visit her Hometree. Maybe more Na’vi will join us now?”
So’lek replied, feeling the relief spread through  him that you were safe and hearing that it was Etuwa that helped, he knew that she would understand you and your nature. However he felt slightly sad as well that he had to lower your expectation about the Na’vi joining, “Not likely. I tried before. It did not go so well. Their leader, Ka’nat practically threw me out. He is not easily swayed.”
“He’s not afraid of the RDA?”, you were confused as you questioned. How can a Na’vi not want to stop the Sky people that are destroying Pandora for their own benefit?
“Rather, they have already caused him great sorrow. He will protect his people from further suffering. That, I can understand.” and So’lek did, having lost his own clan to the very same people. However, he could not understand what it was like to lose a mate like the Aranahe leader and he didn’t intend to find out. For a brief moment he wondered what if he had lost you. He quickly shook his head from those thoughts, finding them painful. He continued with his explanation, trying to avoid his thoughts, “The Aranahe are normally united in all things, but the war has sparked some friction. Many will close their eyes to an uneasy truth. But a Sarentu may help them see”
You could hear the strong faith he had in you, that you could accomplish such a task and you felt the ‘butterflies’ in your stomach flutter, as Priya once said when she felt really happy. However, it seemed neither of you wanted  to cut off contact, there was something you wanted to ask him, just as he, to you.
“So’lek, are you hur-” “Sarentu, are you injur-”. Both of you spoke at the same time, concerned filled in your tones. You stopped, feeling that flutter feeling again. Feeling too flustered you quickly mumble to him, using the words he said to you before, “Come back safe to HQ for me, So’lek” and you cut the contact, covering your face as it heated up, you squatted down on the ground, your tail swishing so hard, feeling shy yet happy.
On the other end however, So’lek was standing at the oil refinery with defeated RDA lying around him, he hears the line cut and honestly cannot fathom what had just occurred, his face hot and his heart racing from the adrenaline of the fight as well as something he dares not to acknowledge. He covers his eyes, his head tilted to the sky as he sighs.
So’lek connects with Priya through the radio, before he could say anything however, “So’lek, oh my god! Is everything ok now? Did Y/N reach there in time? Is she and Alma okay ? Are you okay? Is-” he interrupts sighing, knowing that if he didn’t she would go on with her ramblings, “Priya there is something I need you to do” He can hear her immediately stop her previous talk to listen to him. “Yeah sure! What can I do for you?”
“I need you to check on the Sarentu for me when she comes back to the base. See to it that she is not hiding any wounds or pain. She has fought well.” So’lek asked, knowing that the Sarentu trusts Priya out of all the humans in the base and that he could too. The only he asked for this was because he could see that the Sarentu always cared more about others than herself. While running from the RDA in the TAP facility as she is asked about her friends and him even when she was alone, her getting the Dapophet plant for him when he was hurt, her first mission and now. He just wanted her to acknowledge herself as well.
Priya for once was astonished because this is the first time S’lek has asked anything or for anyone ever! It felt like some cogs were turning in her mind as to what could be the reason for him to ask for such a thing and definitely felt excited about it if she was correct!. Priya replied back quickly, “Okay yeah, I can do that! I mean I was gonna do that anyway cause she’s like my friend you know? Y/N’s like really nice, she listens to me and stuff! Also this is the first time you’re asking something, is there something going-”
“Thanks Priya”, So’lek interrupts her train of words, not wanting to hear her theories about him and the Sarentu and cuts the line off. He sighs again for the nth time, feeling drained mentally. He could only stare confusedly at the sky, his thoughts jumbled with the Sarentu and his revenge against the RDA,  but one question in his mind stood out.
‘What in Eywa’s name is going on with him?’
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Thank you for reading through and I hope you like it !
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kdogreads · 7 months
Richie Jerimovich HCs that just have to come out of my brain include:
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Mostly SFW but a pinch of steamy stuff bc of who I am as a person so MDNI 🤪🥵
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He’s afraid to get married again
He thinks something about that paper and ring will make him slip back into his old ways and he’ll let you down just like he did Tiff. So you agreed early on that you wouldn’t get married.
Socially, you start using his last name after a couple of years. No one really questions you, either. Christmas cards are signed The Jerimovich Family; take out orders are usually placed under his last name; all of your socials have Jerimovich tacked on the end; when you inevitably have a baby or two, they take his last name and you use it too when they start school. Anyone who’s been around a while knows you aren’t married, but anyone new just assumed you are.
“Should you—do I call you my partner? Like, girlfriend sounds like we’re 16 or some shit. Maybe just my—my girl? Nah, that’s bad, too,” He stresses over the title, like it really matters all that much.
“Baby, it doesn’t matter to me,” You wrap your arms lovingly around his neck, “Pretty much everyone thinks I’m your wife anyway, so.”
“My pretty little pretend wife, huh? I like that.”
He wants more babies with you
Richie loves being a dad. He’s loved watching Eva thrive and every stage she grows into and out of, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss the squishy baby phase.
He’s a sucker for the cute onesies that say silly things or big teddy bear costumes they can toddle around in. He’s so attentive and preset and it makes you swoon.
“Hey Richie, I, uh, I was thinking about asking you something,” You start hesitantly, not sure where his mind will be on this, “And it’s totally fine if you say no or not yet or—“
“Out with it. You’re scarin’ me, baby,” He gently presses his warm palms to your cheeks, “What’s going’ on?”
“Well, just—what do you think about having a baby?” You speak as clearly as you can.
“A baby?” You can’t read his face and it makes your heart race.
You simply nod, holding in your anxiety. Before you can react, Richie scoops you up and throws you over his shoulder.
“Richie! What are you doing?” You screech, playfully swatting at his toned back.
“I’m putting a baby in you right now, sweetheart,” He smacks your behind sharply.
You do talk it over a little bit before you really start trying, but it is entirely possible that Richie did put a baby in your just then.
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He’s so much more romantic than you thought he’d be
He’ll get you flowers on a random Tuesday because “They made me think of you, baby.”
And surprise with a delicious homemade dinner when he is somehow able to get home before you.
Or taking you to a cool new spot on his rare night off, having been invited by a local friend to try their new menu. He’s the classic, sticky sweet date that opens your car door for you and helps you with your coat and pulls out your chair for you to sit. Swoon.
If you have a little one, he’ll happily wear them strapped to his chest while you wonder through Target or a farmer’s market or museum. Dad Richie is the gooiest sweet partner, comfortably calming a crying baby or keeping them entertained so you can eat your meal or talk to friends.
He compliments you on everything
Like when you do the laundry he’ll say, “Damn, baby! How do you always fold my shirts so perfect?”
Or when you clean the house while he’s at work, “You keep a beautiful home, sweetheart. Can’t believe you let a dog like me in here.”
He kinda likes traditional gender roles (like you cleaning and cooking while he’s at work), but only so that he can brag about how good you are to him. Someone will compliment his suit and he’ll say, “My girl keeps me well-dressed.”
Or posting a cozy picture of the two of you to his 36 Instagram followers with the caption, “Before she got here this place was just an apartment but now it’s our home. Love you baby! #bigfanofher”
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He loves how comfortable you are with Eva
Dating when you’re a parent can be nerve-wracking, but Richie knew right away you’d be an amazing person to be around his baby. You’ve never treated her like a step-child, but loved her like your own from the moment you met.
He gets so emotional when he sees you interacting with her so sweetly, like when Eva needs help with homework or asks you to help her with her hair. He’s just obsessed with his girls 🥹
This man gives and gives
He’s such a giver in all aspects of his life: carrying in all the groceries, starting the coffee in the morning, brushing the snow off your car so you don’t have to.
As far as the sex goes, this man loves making you squirm and whine below him, buries his face in you whenever he can, and pulls orgasms out of you like there’s no tomorrow, leaving you a whining, whimpering mess by the time he’s done 🥵
Sweet Richie just loves loving you and giving you everything he can 🫶❤️
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Heyy I was wondering if you could do a friends to lovers with Gabriel if you do write for him (if not just ignore this haha) I don’t really have any specific requests other than the friends to lovers haha :)
Aware Of Your Stare
AN: I do, I do! Hope this is the kinda thing you had in mind 💛
Pairing: Gabriel/GN!Reader
Words: 2K
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Content: Friends to lovers, grumpy/sunshine, kissing, petnames, (mild) arguing, but mainly fluff.
Please remember: Your feelings are valid.
Ko-Fi || Masterlist || Request Info
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You’re woken by the feel of something soft tickling the tip of your nose. You lean away and glare up through half-lidded eyes at the perpetrator. Gabriel, who is lounging beside you in nothing but his vest and boxers. Angels typically don't sleep, so they often find themselves trying to kill time. When there isn't an imminent threat or apocalypse on the horizon anyway.
Castiel patrols the bunker like a guard dog, watching its residents (mainly Dean) sleep. Michael lets Adam sleep to give him that sense of human normality. You weren’t really sure how that worked, but you assumed he found some kind of respite in it.
Gabe, however, despite being able to go anywhere and conjure anything with anyone, liked to set up shop for the night in your room, where he would binge-watch TV and get pastry crumbs all over your comforter.
“Quit it.” You mutter before shutting your eyes again and nuzzling back into your pillow.
“You quit is.” He responds, following your nose with his finger. “You’re too loud. Nick is trying to cheer up Jess after she broke up with her boyfriend at the holiday party, and you’re snoring right over it.”
“Ugh.” You reach up to bat his hand away, and he briefly retreats. With your eyes closed, you don’t realise he’s simply relocating his attack before it’s too late.
You kick and flail at him desperately, crying out for him to stop, but it’s no use, damn his archangel strength. You’re at his mercy until he lets you go. When he eventually subsides, you shove him away, and he plays along, rolling back to his side of the bed. “You’re the worst.”
“Nah, you love me really, sugar.” He replies, opening his arms wide and grinning at you.
You feign a glare before following his lead and crawling into his arms. With the snap of his fingers, he rewinds the TV, and you slowly fall back asleep under the gentle feel of him stroking your back.
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“Hey, I don’t care what or who you do in the privacy of your own room, but could you keep it down? A man needs his sleep.”
You blink at Dean over your morning coffee. The caffeine must not have kicked in yet because there is no way he just said what he said. “What?”
“Don’t make me say it.” He shrugs at you, exasperated, as he pours his own coffee.
“Say what?” You push, irritated by the implication.
“You and Gabriel. You know….”
“No! I don’t know!” You stand from the breakfast table, too charged to sit still but too engaged to leave. “Nothing is going on between me and Gabriel. We’re just friends.”
The expression on Dean's face shows that he doesn’t believe a word out of your mouth. “The way you two look at each other. Nah, there’s nothing “friendly” about it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You rack your brain, trying to recall how you look at him and how he looks at you, but fail to find anything not ‘friendly’ about it. Sure, he was handsome, fun, and easy to be around, but that doesn’t mean anything. “How do we—I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The sound of wings fluttering makes you jump. Gabriel now sits opposite your spot at the table, and you can’t help but look at him now to examine his honey-tinted hazel eyes; they were beautiful. But they weren’t looking at you differently than you’d expect. Shit, were you looking at him funny? Like you wanted him?
Your skin tingled with embarrassment, and you forced yourself to sit back down and look away from him.
“Friends?” Dean wiggles his brows at you as he swiftly exits. Dropping a spanner in your brain's inner workings and exiting stage left. Asshole.
“What was that about?” Gabriel asks as he leans over to take your coffee. He sips, scrunches his lips, and proceeds to add an unholy amount of sugar. Old habits die hard. When you spend too long contemplating he nudges at you. “Hey, what’s up, hon?”
Hon. You’d never batted an eyelid at that or any other pet name he’d given you since becoming friends. So why was it making you feel funny now?
“Nothing.” You assure him as you stand once again and begin heading to the door. “I gotta go, I’ve got… stuff to do.”
“You want some company?” He swings around on the bench, ready to follow.
“No! No, thank you.” You shake your head as you leave without another word.
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You didn’t see him again for a while, having taken off to hunt a pack of werewolves a few states over. You couldn’t deny that Dean had shaken something inside you. The fact that your instinctive response was to protest so adamantly was your first clue. The distance had given you time to clear your head. Enjoying someone’s presence and appearance didn’t mean you had to pursue anything more. He is your friend, and that’s all you need. You weren’t going to mess with the balance.
That’s what you told yourself as you entered your room to find Gabe inside. He’d clearly been making use of the space while you were gone. The trashcan was overflowing with empty candy wrappers, the bed was unmade, and a puddle of something fruity smelling seeped out from under your bedside table. One would think he didn’t have the power to clean all that up in a second. You might have complained, had you not also noticed that your laundry basket was empty, and your desk had been organised precisely the way you liked it. Priorities.
“You’re back!” He smiled as he crossed the room and engulfed you in a hug. He smelled warm and inviting, like mocha and malted sugar. Had he always smelled so good? You wondered as you melted into him. So engulfed, you almost missed the subtle way he sniffed in your own scent. You couldn’t help but hope he liked it. You’re not sure how long you stayed like that before Gabriel broke the silence. “Come on, get ready. The circus is in town.”
“The circus? Really?” You groaned as he released you. “I’m tired, I just want to chill.”
“You can chill later. We'll have a good time, I promise.”
“Why do you even want to go?” You ask as you dump your travel bag on the floor and dramatically collapse onto your bed. Trying to emphasise your tiredness.
“Why don’t you?” Gabriel approaches, standing over you and looking down at you sternly.
“Ummm, the crowds,” you lift your arm into the air, lining your hand up with his face as you count the reasons with your fingers: “the loud noises, the clowns…”
“I’ve seen your dating history.” Gabe bats your hand down before pointing an accusatory finger at you. “You love clowns.”
Usually, you would have laughed. That was a classic comeback, but he would almost certainly take your laughter as a victory, so you force a straight face and push back any creeping notions that maybe he was jealous of your exes.
“How long have you been on earth?” You ask him, readying your next argument. He shrugs, and you can sense his amused interest in where you’re going with this. “You could go to any circus, anytime, anywhere. Who gives a shit about some two-bit, washed-up roadside circus?”
You wonder briefly if you might subconsciously be comparing yourself to the circus. He’s an angel, after all, an archangel. Of all the beings on earth, why does he choose to spend so much time with you? Again, you shut down the thought process before it gets away from you.
Gabriel is looking down at you, brows furrowed. Instead of answering your question, he crosses his arms and asks, “Jeez honey, what bit you in the ass?”
“A werewolf.” You reply deadpan.
“Seriously?” He tilts his head, and you notice how his eyes wander down your body. He can’t see your ass from his position, but you’re pretty sure he’s trying. The thought makes you feel flushed.
“No.” Playfully, you kick your leg at him until he gives way, allowing you space to stand and face him. “Okay, fine, but you’re paying.”
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As you watch the trapeze artists flying across the tent, you admit to yourself that you were, in fact, having a good time. The acts were good, the clowns weren’t that scary, and the atmosphere was lively. Everything smelt like popcorn, and the stands weren’t as sticky as you’d feared.
You glance over at Gabriel, who is on his third cotton candy cone (you are totally not jealous of his metabolism). You could never confess to having a good time; he’d never let it go. Besides, if the smug side-eye he's giving you is any indication, he already knew.
“Want some?” He offers you the cotton candy, and you can’t stop from grinning as you lean over. Your fingers brush against his as you steady the cone to take a piece, and your cheeks start to warm up. 
The candy is sweet on your tongue, and you let your smile grow to show your approval. Gabe laughs in response. You begin to shift back to your seat, but you’re stopped by the feel of his warm hand on your lower back, tenderly holding you close to him as he quietly speaks. “You have got to stop looking at me like that.”
Your eyes widen, and you must look like a deer in the headlights because he’s laughing again. Laughing at you, is he teasing you.
“Looking at you like what?” Your voice is quiet, nothing like it had been when Dean accused you of the same thing. 
“Like…” He tilts his head back briefly, searching for the correct words. “Like you want me, in the biblical sense.”
If your eyes weren’t about to pop out before, they were now.
“Tell me I’m wrong.” He continues, now tilting his head forward until his face is almost pressed to yours. He’s been this close before, closer, in fact, so why was your breath hitching now? “Tell me to stop, and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
Maybe you should have slowed to think about it, although your answer likely would have been the same. You answer quickly, instinctively. “Don’t stop.”
Clowns and acrobats forgotten, you initiate the kiss before you talk yourself out of it. His lips are soft and sickeningly sweet, his stubble itches at your skin, but you immediately want more.
Sensing your neediness, Gabriel pulls your body closer and deepens the kiss. You’re about to open your mouth, to try for more access, but the sound of someone deliberately coughing distracts you both.
Your heads turn simultaneously to see a rather unimpressed mother glaring at you, and you both laugh in response.
“Wanna get out of here?” He quirks his head to the exit, and you nod. He holds your hand and follows close behind as you lead the way, down the stalls, outside the tent. As soon as you’re free from prying eyes he flies you back home. The perks of having an angel best friend, a boyfriend, a lover, a something who still has their wings. It only takes a second, but it still gives you a brief stint of motion sickness. When you’re steady on your feet again, you look over to Gabriel, suddenly feeling shy and unsure how to proceed.
He’s smiling at you, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. It’s a smile entirely for your benefit. “If you’ve changed your mind, we don’t have to do anything.”
“No. No, I haven’t.” You assure him, reaching out and gently holding onto his upper arm as you step closer until you’re chest to chest. “I want this. I guess I just didn’t realise until... very recently.”
“Yeah.” The cheery glint in his eye returns. “I want you too.”
You initiate the kiss again, enjoying the now familiar sugariness of his mouth. This time he deepens the kiss without disruption, then your tongue brushes against his for the first time he lets out an involuntary moan that makes your brain go fuzzy. 
When you pull away to breathe, you watch his expression. Clearly aware of your stare, he darts his eyes over to the bed, then back at you, and gives his brows a suggestive wiggle. “Shall we?”
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
25 just playing the part — suffer in silence !
scaramouche x g!n reader
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Scaramouche finally comes out of the pantry, empty-handed as he goes back to throwing the vegetables to fry in the pan, expression empty as he quickly sprinkles spices into them.
“You didn’t find the sugar?” you ask, putting your phone to the side.
“What?” he asks, looking up from watching the pan, “Oh, no I didn’t,” he mutters, pulling out two plates from the cupboards and piling rice onto them.
You ignore his emotional distance from you, eyeing the plate he pushes toward you as he sits on the stool next to you.
“Thanks for cooking for me again,” you slowly say in an attempt to start a conversation.
“I can’t let my second lead die on me,” he hums.
“Are you still hungover?” you question, which gets him to look at you with his cheeks full of rice, “You're less annoying than usual.”
“No,” he mumbles, “I don’t think so.”
“Well, if you say so,” you counter, savoring the taste of the fried rice.
He shrugs, “Why are you so concerned all of a sudden?”
“Since we’re friends,” you answer, raising an amused brow at him, “Or did you forget everything from our time in the trunk?”
He stops stirring the food on his plate, poking at a piece of vegetable you couldn’t quite recognize from your lack of encounters with healthy meals, “I didn’t.”
You nod, not knowing how to continue the conversation. Especially since he seemed so reluctant to continue with it. Perhaps he regretted it.
You both continue to eat your meals in silence, but it’s not like the typical comfortable kind.
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You cup the latte in your palms as you make your way through the back of the stage, dodging the running students all holding heaps of fabric, trying to get everyone into the first costume fitting. You peer into the dressing room addressed to you and Scaramouche, watching him as he slides his top on, his bare back facing you. You nearly drop your latte out of shock.
“Is that you?” he asks, turning to you, “Shut the door and stop staring.”
“I wasn’t,” you huff, putting your latte down on the counter and coming up behind him, “Your costume looks complicated.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, buckling his harness in front of you, “Easy for you.”
You look down at your white formal wear, shrugging, “The perks of being second lead.”
You look on as Scaramouche attempts to find the next zipper he’s supposed to do, ultimately failing as he feels around for it.
“Turn around,” you instruct, placing his hands on his shoulder and turning him around so he’s facing the mirror as you come behind him, breath hitched in your throat as your faced with his bare back.
You make eye contact with him in the mirror, his hair disheveled like Edward’s but his make-up is only half done since Yoimiya was busy running around trying to finish everyone’s faces and instead only getting halfway.
You let your fingers find the zipper he was looking for, slowly dragging it until you couldn’t catch a glimpse of his skin, pulling the belt around his back and fastening that as well before patting his shoulder.
“There ya go,” you muse, watching as he looks down at himself clad in leather and metal, quite the intricate costume. It made you slightly glad you didn’t get the role.
“Thanks, did you finish your makeup?” he asks, turning back to you, “I haven’t put my hands on yet so,” he pushes you back until your sitting atop the counter, your hands under your thighs as he rummages around for eyeliner.
Once he finds it he pushes your legs open, coming in between them and uncapping the pen, his face directly across from yours as he leans in.
“Shut your eyes, idiot,” he grumbles, dragging the pen across your eyelids. His other hand held your chin, keeping it steady as he attempted to not stab your eye.
After a few minutes of him attempting to do mascara and inevitably giving up, he removes himself from being between your legs, tossing the makeup aside as you hop down from the counter.
“It looks nice,” he muses.
“Do I look better with it?” you ask, looking into the mirror at his work, it looked rather nice.
“You look just as fine without it, don’t fucking stress about it,” he replies, moving past you and propping the door to the dressing room open, “Hurry up.”
You follow behind him, cheeks burning at the compliment. Seems you didn’t need to worry about blush.
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just playing the part !
masterlist — prev | next
when i say between your legs like you’re up on the counter and he comes in between them so he can do your makeup i hope you get the visual ☠️
synopsis: you and scaramouche are both drama majors and have been at each other’s throats vying for the same lead roles since high school. but when you’re both cast as each other’s love interest in your second year you’re forced to be civil with your academic rival and see him in a new light. are his feelings for you true or is he just playing the part?
comment or send an ask to be removed ⤵️ CLOSED!
taglist—CLOSED: @monochromaticelliot @kaedear @stxrgxzxr @shirmxie @elakari @lacy-lady @linn-a-a @one-offmind @kithewanderingme @quepasoash @leathernourishingshoepolish @mangobee @lxry-chxn @dameofthorns @scarasaver @kythe1a @elysiasbae @hikaru-exe @tokkishouse @raiihoshii @cherrybeomgyu @kunikuzushiit @thenightsflower @lilneps @goodthingimsam @lovelyiez @euhla @beriiov @abvolat @kittycasie @b0bafl0wer @bubblyclouds @atlatcaheart @artssleepy @baelloraa @tartagli-yuh @satowaluverr @hangesextra @scaranaris-lil-niko @caffinatedcoma @wheneverthesunrise @hajimeseyo @itsyourgirlria @hyunrei @redactedhimbo @caliginous-skies @vinskyspuff @miissfortune @criminalinthemaking @scaramouches-girlfriend [1/3]
author’s notes: yeah y’all are a little oblivious mb! 🤭 dw it’ll be over with quick 💪 also the picture is from the timotheé chalamet ad where he was dressed as edward scissorhands
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mochie85 · 1 year
Thank you for opening up requests! 💖
I feel this prompt in my soul: “You don’t have to pretend with me.” And I could see it coming from Loki or the reader, or both.
Thanks! 💖
A Brave Face
1k Celebration Masterlist One-Shots Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki comforts you after one of Stark's exhausting parties. A/N: Part of my 1k Celebration Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Word Count: 903 Warnings: ALL Fluff, slight angst if you squint your eyes, the fic alludes to the reader being sick prior and had just recovered.
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Your cheeks were the ones that hurt the most. The constant smile you had to put on was draining. But you knew their incessant questions would be more work if you didn’t have it on.
The “Are you ok?” or, “How are you feeling?” or the ever-wonderful, “You’re such a champ. How do you do it?” always demanded more thought energy from you than necessary. You knew their hearts were in the right place, but it was exhausting trying to prove to them that you were fine. You were ok.
So faux-smile it was. You walked around the party like Lazarus, back from the dead. Like someone who had their life together, waiting for the opportune moment to hide out from the party and leave.
Your saving grace was your husband, Loki. He could tell when your smile was genuine. He knew because he made sure he was the recipient of most of them. He held your hand throughout the night and gave you someone to lean on when you got tired.
“Would, you like to leave now, darling?” he whispered in your ear.
“No. I’m ok,” you smiled up at him.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, love,” he said kissing the top of your head. “Let’s hurry before the Captain makes a speech about sacrifice and glory. You know he will likely go on forever,” he laughed in your hair, tickling your nerves, and making you giggle genuinely.
“Too late,” Natasha said coming up next to you. Her gaze made you both look up on stage as Roger’s stepped up to the podium, holding a glass of champagne.
Low groans could be heard sprinkled throughout the crowd. Most likely from team members who’ve been victimized by his straining speeches.
Steve was about to speak when Tony came up and patted him on the back. “I think what the good Captain was trying to say…”
“I haven’t said anything yet,” Steve said surprised.
“…is that’ we’re glad to have our friend back.” He raised his glass towards you as the spotlight moved in your direction and blinded your eyes. “Cheers, my friend to your health and speedy recovery.” He raised a glass and everyone else did the same.
You forced your smile just a little bit wider. Just a little bit happier, and waved to everyone. “Any reason for a party, eh Stark?!” you yelled out, making everyone laugh at your quip.
When the lights finally left you, you whispered a silent ‘thank you’ to Tony, and he nodded in return. “I think that’s our queue to leave,” Loki rubbed your back and led you out toward the private hallway to your quarters.
He intercepted greetings and well-wishers along the way for you as he guided you further and further into the private quarters of the team.
Once in your room, you let out the biggest sigh and launched yourself on the bed, almost falling onto the floor. “That was exhausting,” you muffled in the pillow. Loki came up behind you kneeling on the bed. Instinctively, you spread your legs apart at the thought of your godly husband behind you.
He reached for your foot and tried to untie the straps of your shoes. You tried to wiggle your foot away, but he held them with a firm grasp. Chuckling, he lightly twisted your leg to signal you to turn.
“Loki, you don’t have to do that. I can take them off myself,” you smiled. You turned your body over, as he placed your foot on his chest. He fingered the delicate straps of your heels, deftly taking them off.
“I know, but please, allow me.” He gave you a chaste kiss on your ankle as he set your foot down and reached for the other. “You did say you were exhausted.”
You smiled up at him. The one heart that kept you going even when yours wanted to fail. He finished untying your shoes and set them gently on the floor.
“Did you see the look on Roger’s face when Stark commandeered his speech?” He said crawling up next to you, leaning his head on his hand while the other wrapped around your hips.
You laughed, turning into his chest. You snuggled up against the heat of his neck, feeling the strong pulse of his heartbeat. You could smell his cologne and the clean scent of his shirt. “Poor Steve. You know we’re not gonna get away without him saying that speech one way or another.” you chuckled.
“Do you have enough energy to change, darling, or would you like me to use my seidr?”
“I’m comfortable here in your arms. Please don’t make me get up,” your voice muffled against his skin.
“Seidr it is.” He snickered. With a snap of his fingers, a warm heat shimmered over your body. Rough organza gave way to soft jersey fabric, and you sighed with contentment. His linen shirt was replaced with soft ribbed cotton and you could feel his heartbeat quicken.
“How are you feeling?” he asked. You looked up into his worried eyes. The passion and devotion in them were enough to render you speechless.
With Loki, you didn’t have to pretend. You gave him your genuine smile. The one smile you save only for him and said, “I’m happy Loki.”
“Good. So am I,” he sighed as he captured your lips in a heated kiss.
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@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @athalialaufeyson @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @ladyofthestayingpower @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokixryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbs @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @starktowerrooftop @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane  
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I Have Nothing (If I Don't Have You) Part 3 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I am still so in love with this moodboard. Thank you @sidthedollface2 ! You are amazing <3
Warnings: Soft Dom Steddie X Singer Reader, SMUT, angst, and fluff. Some dark themes regarding addiction (reader does get high and is tempted by all her vices; Steddie confront her), um...I think those are the biggest warnings. Brief mentions of her ex and an encounter with a bad friend.
Word Count: 5851
“Have you never been on a tour bus before?”, you giggle as both boys try to find places to put their things. 
“Uh, no, sweetheart. My band wasn’t cool enough to get a bus.”, Eddie grins as he gives up and throws his overnight bag on to one of the bunk beds. 
“Honestly, I prefer it to planes. I’m afraid of heights but thankfully we’re just touring the US this time around so…just a bus.”
Your phone begins to ring and after glancing at it you toss it to the side. 
“Is he still bothering you?”, Steve asks taking a seat across from you. 
“Kind of. He, um, he knows I’m going to fold soon and answer.”
“Why is that something he knows?” Eddie takes a seat beside you, his jeaned knee grazing yours. 
Since that afternoon in Steve’s car, neither of them had tried to make another move but to be fair you had been extremely busy preparing for the tour. Occasionally, you would steal a glance or they would find little ways to touch you like placing a hand on your lower back to guide you towards the car or, like right now as they sat next to you, a part of their skin would find yours. 
You reveled in that minimal contact; tasting what you so desperately wanted but couldn’t have just yet. 
“Because I do it every time…”
“Yeah…but not this time. I mean, you already did something different by not bailing him out of jail.”
“Yeah, his mom did that.” They both smile as you laugh. “He, um, he’ll probably show up at some point…just so you know.”
“And we’ll be ready.”, Steve grinned, giving you comforting wink. 
“This place is fucking nice, Harrington.” Eddie looks around with amazement as he and Steve walk around the venue you would be performing at in a couple of days. 
“It really is. For Vegas I guess this is normal?”
“Speaking of…”, he stops walking, facing his friend. “I hate that her idiot manager made this place one of her stops let alone the first one. We may need to keep a closer eye on her here when it comes to her vices.”
“I agree. She’s been doing pretty good though.”
“Steven, it’s been a week.”, he chuckles. “You don’t undo that much trauma and damage in a week. She IS doing good but if she wants to remain sober, she’s got a rough road ahead.”
“Y/N! What’s going on, babe?” The director of the show startles you out of your fog as he shouts your name. You had dissociated into a memory while singing a song you had wrote many years ago about your parents. Usually you, just sang the song, plastered in a haze that numbed your pain as the words flowed through but this time…
“I…I, um, I don’t think we should have this song on the list.”
The boys, who had been sitting in chairs off to the side, heard the change in your tone as they leaned forward to listen to the exchange.
“What? This is one of your number one singles. It resonates with people. You have to sing it.”
“I don’t have to do anything, Mark. Can’t we just replace it with something else?” You roll your eyes as he looks at you with apprehension. “I need a break.”
They see it in your face as you stomp off the stage, splitting up to go in different directions. 
“Where are you going, Y/N?”, Steve asks as he runs to catch up with you. 
“I just need a break, ok? Can I have one goddamn moment to myself?!”
“Of course you can but then why are you heading towards the back exit?”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” 
As soon as you open the backdoor, your blocked by Eddie’s towering, broad frame. “Going somewhere, your highness?” 
“Move.”, you growl.
“Make me.”
Huffing, you turn around and push Steve out of your way as you head for your dressing room. 
“What’s running through your mind, honey?”
You angrily pull a cigarette from your purse, allowing it to dangle from your lips as you search for a lighter. 
“I’m not your honey, Steven. You think just because you had your fingers inside of me that I owe you something?!”
“Some respect at least.”
“Hm. Sure. ‘Respect’. All you fucking men are the same.” They watch as your hands shake as you try to work the lighter. “Fuck!”
Eddie reaches into his pocket as he moves towards you, lighting his own lighter, allowing you to bend and ignite your cigarette.
“Tell them again. Reiterate that you refuse to sing the song.”
Your eyes glance up towards them, filled with a lot less hate than before. “I need a drink.”
The metalhead shifts behind you, delicately petting your head as he brushes your hair away from your face.
“No you don’t, princess. Everything’s ok. You’re in control right now. Can you say it for me?”
“I’m…I’m in control.”, you whisper.
“Good girl.” His eyes find yours in the mirror as he smiles. “Say it again.”
“I’m in control.” 
Eddie’s grin grows when you say it with a bit more confidence before reaching over you to steal your cigarette. “Thaaaaank you. Now, get back out there and show those fuckers whose boss.”
“Oh come on, boys! Let me have some fun.”
“No.”, Steve’s tone was firm as he watched you slide on your high-heeled shoes. “You can go out and have fun but we need to at least be close by to protect you.”
You roll your eyes as you rise to your feet, smiling to yourself when you notice their eyes drink you in. Tonight, you had some friends that wanted to go out on the strip with you so you asked (politely) if the guys could stay behind. They adamantly refuse. 
Before you retort your hotel door flew open as all of your friends ran in to give you a hug. 
Throughout the evening, Eddie and Steve were pretty good at being invisible. There were a few times you forgot their presence until you reached for a glass of wine or cup of something bitter and an arm reached over to snap it from your grasp. 
“Were they told to keep you from having a good time?”, a girl whined loudly in their direction to make sure they heard. 
“I’m sure Jack and Sarah gave them a whole to-do.”
Another girl whispered something in your ear and you nodded your head as she got up from her seat with a friend to glide sexily towards them.
“Hello there. I’m Allie and this Caroline. Y/N has told us a lot about you two.”
“Hm. Not enough it seems because this right here won’t work.”, Eddie politely grins in their direction as he tries to move Allie to the side so he can keep his eyes on you.
“What won’t work?”, she asked coyly. 
“Ladies, you’re gorgeous but you need to let us do our job, okay?”
“Oh please. What are you going to protect her from here at a club? The big bad bottle of vodka.”
“No but maybe we can protect her from selfish people who use her for her money and a fun night out.”, Steve responded sarcastically and they recoiled at his comment. “Jesus Christ.”, he sighs when he notices you’re not at the booth anymore. 
“Here we go, Harrington.”
It took them 2hours to find you and they were livid. You knew they put some type of “Find my phone” tracker on your device so you left it in a taxi that had them running all over Vegas. 
They gave up, deciding to wait for you at the hotel when a loud bass behind the door grabbed their attention. As they opened it, they found your friends strewn across the floor in a drunk haze with some other people they didn’t recognize. 
You were sitting on your bathroom floor with heavy eyes staring into the void of the wall in front of you. “He-hey, honey!”, you slurred as you looked up at them. “Aha…looks like you found me.”
Eddie’s jaw clenched as he turned to head for the living room. Steve stepped over you, turning on the faucet to allow water to fill the tub. 
“Oh, a bath sounds nice. Are you going to join me?” The boy remains silent as you giggle. 
“HEY!” The people in the living room jump at the metalhead’s deep, booming voice. “If you’re name isn’t Y/N Y/L/N I want you to leave right now!” They groan as people slowly begin gathering their things causing Eddie to clap his hands loud enough that even you cringed. “Let’s go, people! You have until the count of ten before I call a cop. Eight!”
Within seconds everyone is gone, leaving them to deal with you. Steve lifts your sluggish body, placing you to sit on the edge of the tub as he kneels in front of you. 
“Did you think what you did was funny? Disappearing like that.”
“Yeah, a little.” He nods, roughly grabbing your cheeks as Eddie shines a small light in your face. “What the fuck?! Stop that!”
“She’s definitely on something. What did you take, Y/N?”
“Fuck you. You’re my security. I’m allowed to have some fun without you looming over me!” Steve curtly nods again before lifting you once more and placing your fully clothed body into the bath. “Fuck me! That’s freezing!”
You try to jump out but the man’s grip on you tightens as he holds you still. “After you snuck out last time, we warned you not to disrespect us or what we do, right?”
You have no idea why but his calm demeanor despite the circumstances is pissing you off more as you aggressively tug at his hands. “Let me go!”
“We’re going to play a game, Y/N. If you cooperate with us, I’ll let you go. What did you take?”
When you don’t answer, his hand pushes you back, quickly dunking your head under the cold water before pulling you back up. 
“What. Did. You. Take?” Steve’s voice is still calm but much firmer than before. You shakily point towards the bedroom and Eddie turns to look through your stuff, finding the drugs you took hidden in your suitcase. By your bed was a plate with a rolled-up dollar causing him to sigh. 
“Did you bring this with you or did you buy it here?”, he asked. 
“Allie brought it.” Your eyes widen as you watch him dump the contents down the toilet. “HEY! You can’t do that!”
“I just did. Call it penance for running around Las Vegas looking for you for two hours. Here’s your phone by the way.” He displays it in front of you before tossing it across the room onto your bed. 
You continue to fight against Steve hold, splashing water everywhere to no success. Something inside you snaps as you stop moving and look around the bathroom. The drugs had begun to wear off but you still felt heavy under their haze. You were submerged in water in this revealing dress pouting like a five-year-old because they threw out what you believed to be your lifeline. 
What hurts the most is when you risk a look at them both and are met with not just anger but disappointment. They’re job was to protect you and keep you safe yet you sent them on a wild goose chase so you could get high with people who didn’t give a fuck about you. 
Steve lifts his hands and you hang your head as you begin to cry. 
“I’m sorry.”
The man rises from his knees, leaning over to drain the tub before sitting on the edge. “Is it alright if I remove this dress? If not, we can step out so you can change.”
“I can’t move.”, you sigh as you respond with a tiny voice.
“Yes, you can. Come on, now.” His palms grip your arms as he fully stands with you. “See?”
Eddie comes up to the side and places some of your clothes on the sink. You gently hang on to his shoulders as he searches for a way to get you out of your gown, finally settling on lifting it over your head. His eyes remain on your face as he hands you a towel.
“Here. Go ahead and dry off, get dressed. Come out when you’re ready.”
“Can you dry me?”
“Like I said…come out when you’re ready.”
“Eddie! Please!”
“Why? Why should I do something nice like that for you after the way you treated us? You think after all that we’d really take care of you in that way?” You flinch as he tosses the towel in your direction. “Dry off. Get dressed. Come out when you’re ready.”
That morning when you woke up, you found both boys asleep on the couch and your heart broke. You had this huge fancy suite that allowed the three of you to have your own room yet last night they slept on opposite ends of the couch to make sure you didn’t try and sneak out again. 
One of their phones began to vibrate and you tiptoed to the counter it was plugged into to see who it was before bringing it to Steve’s sleeping frame.
“Steve…Steve…”, you whispered as you gently pushed on his shoulder. “Steve.”
“Your dad is calling you.”
“My wha?” His eyes crack open as you display the screen for him. He groans as he answers, rolling off the couch, and heading for the bedroom. 
Eddie, completely unphased, continued to snore as he slept. You sat on the floor beside him as your eyes scanned his shirtless torso. You had already known about the tattoos on his arms but the ones on his chest were new to you. Reaching over him, your fingers softly traced the inked skin before sliding down his tummy. He seemed to have a couple of scars here and there which you imagined where from previous security guard jobs. 
You desperately wanted to kiss them. You wanted to kiss every part of him but after what you did last night you knew you didn’t deserve it. Sighing, you rose to your feet, heading for the shower to get ready for the day. 
“I didn’t know you could play guitar.”
Your eyes flicked towards Eddie from your spot on the stage floor as you wait for crew to set up things behind you. 
“It’s been a while. With, um, with my vices I couldn’t really keep my hands still to do what they needed.”
Hearing footsteps, you swivel your head to see Steve walk towards you two and sit on the floor beside you. He digs through the bag in his hand and produces a sandwich from the shop down the street, handing it to you. 
“Lunch. Eat.”, he commands. 
“Thank you.” You feel both sets of eyes quickly scan your face as the metalhead takes a seat as well, taking the food his friend offered.
“You ok? A little hung over?”
“No… I just feel a little guilty about last night.”
“Hm. You should.” Steve takes a sip of his drink before offering some to you which you eagerly sip. 
“I’m really sorry.”
“We know. Actions speak louder than words, princess.”
“I understand.”
After rehearsal, they walked you back to your hotel, becoming instantly annoyed when they find your friend waiting outside. 
“Attached at the hip still I see.” You cringe at Allie’s sarcasm. “Usually Y/N gives me a copy of her key to wait IN the room but I was told she can’t do that anymore.”
“Yup especially with apparent drug dealers coming and going.”, Eddie replies casually as he opens the door and holds it for everyone to enter. 
“Pfft, what drug dealers?”
“Oh. So you didn’t bring drugs into this hotel room last night?”
“That doesn’t make me a fucking drug dealer asshole.”
“It does when you give them to her.”
They both glare at each other before she finally turns to you. “Are you going to let him talk to me like that?”
“Is there anyway we can pick this battle and talk about it later? I’m fucking exhausted.”
Allie sarcastically laughs as she reaches into her pocket and throws a baggie at your chest. “Fuck this shit. That’s all you care about, right? That’s all I’m good for? Tell them about how you beg for me to bring you my stash. How some nights you call me crying saying you NEED it.”
“Don’t play this game with me, Allison.”, you growl in her direction. 
“You think I’m afraid of you?! Simon is right. You’re fucking pathetic.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure to tell your husband you said that. Oh wait. Where is he? That’s right. He left you after you gambled away all your savings and I had to bail you out by giving you money so you could keep your house!”
She angrily stepped towards you but Steve blocked her path. “Out. Now.”
“You’ll regret this, Y/N!”
The man pushes her towards the door, shutting her out as she continues to yell. You reach down and big up the bag she threw at you, sighing as you hand it to Eddie. 
“I’m going to go change. Will you throw this out for me? I don’t think I have the strength to yet.” You flash him a smile as you head to your room. 
“What is it?”, Steve asks as his friend heads towards the bathroom.
“The last of her stash I imagine.”
Later that night, both men came out of their rooms when they heard you shuffling around. 
“Are you lost, your highness?”, Eddie asks slightly amused. 
“No. Not physically anyway.”
“Whatcha doin’ then?”
“What’s it look like? I’m making a bed on the couch so I can get some fucking sleep.”
“Y/N, you can sleep in your bed.”, Steve chuckles as he leans into the doorframe. 
“I could but…it’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
You exhale as you roll your eyes and face them. “I fucked up and snuck away from you two. I should be sleeping on the couch while you sleep in the beds. It’s fine. I mean I’ve slept in worse places and you deserve to sleep on a comfy mattress like those especially if you’re supposed to be protecting me. I want you 100%.”
Their eyes continue to look you over making you groan. “What?! You can still hear and see me from there. If I tried to leave you can still run over here and catch me!”
Eddie glanced at Steve, nodding before placing his body in front of yours. “What? Fine, God damn! If you insist on sleeping out here, don’t say I didn’t—”
The metalhead’s hand shot out, gripping the back of your neck as he pulled your lips to his. His tongue danced with yours eliciting a soft moan before pulling back to rake your eyes over his face. 
“Do you want to sleep on the couch?”
“Do you want us to sleep on the couch?”
“Where should we sleep then?”
“Wi-with me…”
“Oh, come on, princess. You’ve been yelling at us pretty much since we met you. I know you can say it more confidently than that.”
Your palms grip his face as you bring his lips back to yours. Eddie doesn’t miss a beat as you jump up and he grips your thighs in his strong hands as you circle your legs around his waist. 
“Sleep with me…” You graze the tip of your nose across his. “…after you fuck me.”
The metalhead carried you to your bedroom, falling with you onto your bed. His lips hungrily ran down your neck as he bit and sucked on your skin. 
“Wait…you can’t leave…marks on me before…before a show.”, you pant. He nods as he lifts his head to meet your eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Sweetheart, that isn’t something you need to be sorry for, ok?”
“Ok. Where is—“, you turn your head looking for Steve, finding him sitting in a chair beside your bed. “Why are you so far away?”
His head tilted as he listened to your voice dip back to that little girl tone you used with them before. Eddie focused on you again, lifting off your shirt as he kissed your skin. 
“I’m not far, honey.” To emphasis his point, he crossed his legs on to the mattress in front of him. “I just got to taste more of you last time than Eddie did so I’m letting him explore a bit.”
“Pfft, letting me.”, the boy chuckles as he takes off his shirt and yanks down your shorts with your panties. “Do you hear him?”
His lips trace your chest to your stomach as you reach down and run your fingers through his hair. He places soft tender kisses on the inside of your thigh, driving you wild. 
“Eddie, please.”, you beg.
“Please what?”
You whine in frustration and he quickly turns to look at Steve, laughing to himself as the boy’s jaw clenches. He rises from the chair and saunters around the bed, laying down beside you.
“Look at me.” You do as he asks, taken aback by the slight hint of annoyance gleaming within his eyes. “When we ask you something, we expect an answer. No whining or pouting. Understand?”
Eddie’s fingers slide through your folds, opening them wide so you’re perfectly on display. 
Steve’s own fingers grab your cheeks forcing you to meet his eyeline. “I said…do you understand?”
The boy between your legs smirks as he watches your pussy flutter at his friend’s words. 
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good girl.”
Your eyes rollback when he releases you and Eddie runs his tongue through your sex. “Fuck me. You were right, Harrington. She does taste good.”
While he continues to lick you, you feel him shuffle, briefly looking down to see him kick off his pants and boxers. Much gentler this time, Steve turns your head again to face him. 
“When we ask you to do something, we expect you to do it.”
“Mmm—I understand.”
“Now, honey, Eddie and I like to play a bit rough sometimes but we would never make you uncomfortable. Is there a word you feel like you’d remember under any situation? For example, what’s the first word that comes to mind right now?”
It was so hard for you to think as the metalhead wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking and flicking your nub with his tongue. 
“I…I can’t…I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do, baby. Come on. First word, any word.”
“P-Paris! Fuck, Eddie. That feels so good.”
“Huh. Well, I definitely have some questions but I can work with that. Ed?”
“Stop if I hear Paris. Got it.”, he responded curtly before shoving his face back into your now dripping core. He moaned against your bundle of nerves, gradually stroking his cock as he devoured you. 
Steve pressed his mouth to yours, swallowing your whimpers as you neared that edge. You reached down to rub your palm against the growing bulge in his pants. 
“You…you can be rough with me. Just don’t…don’t… I’m gonna…”
“Hey, no. Don’t cum until you finish that sentence.”, he warns.
“Just don’t—mmm—don’t hit me. Fuck! Yes…” Eddie pins your thighs down with his hands as you came hard against his tongue. Your arms wrapped around the other man as you kissed him passionately, your body trembling as you came down from your high. “You can spank me…just don’t like smack me or anything.”, you pant against his lips. 
“Ok. Ok, pretty girl.”
Eddie climbed up your frame, placing open mouth kisses on your skin along the way. 
“I’m, um, I’m on the pill. I struggle with most things but I always remember to take that. I don’t trust Simon to…ya know.” Your eyes shift between theirs as your voice gets smaller. “I mean, I still understand if you want to use a condom. I don’t have any but—”
The metalhead cuts you off with his lips. “Have you been with anyone else since our wonderful introduction to your now ex?”
“No.”, you grin up at him. “I got tested before the tour to so I’m clean. Have you been with anyone…recently…?”
“We’re attached to you 24/7. Have you seen us with anyone?”, Steve smiles making your grin grow as he stands up to start removing his clothes.
“I don’t know what you do with your free time!”
“Aw, that’s cute. She thinks we have free time.”
You playfully smack his shoulder and he in turn captures your lips. “Do you want me to…?” Your eyes gesture towards his cock and he tilts his head to follow your gaze, tickling your face with his hair. 
“Not tonight, sweetheart.” Eddie reaches down to grip your thigh, opening you wider as he drags his length through your pussy lips. “Do you feel that? Do you feel how hard you made me just from tasting you?”, he whispers, his forehead pressed against your own. You moan as he grinds his hips, teasing himself as much as he’s teasing you. 
“You want my dick inside you, baby?” You aggressively nod your head as your nails tread down his back. “F-fuck, ask me for it.”
“Please, Eddie, I need to feel you inside of me. I need you to make me cum again.”
Both your mouths fell open as he gradually thrust his cock into your entrance. 
“Goddamn, you’re so fucking tight.” His head fell to the side as your fingers reached up to tangle in his hair trying to hold him as closer to you as you could. 
“Does he feel good, Y/N?” Your eyes flick up to meet Steve’s who’s watching your face intently as you nod. You could hear Eddie panting in your ear as he pumped into you inch by inch causing your cunt to clench tighter to him. “How do you usually like it, honey? Tell him.”
“I…I…don’t…”, you stuttered over your words as he bottomed out. 
“Tell me, Y/N.”, Eddie whispered. “Tell me what you—mmm—what you need, pretty girl.”
“I don’t know.” You felt yourself start to tear up and immediately burrowed into his shoulder. 
“Hey. Hey, come on. Let me see that gorgeous face.”, Steve grinned when you looked up at him. “Nothing to be ashamed of in here, baby girl. What do you like?”
“It’s been a long time since anyone has asked me that.” Eddie pushed up on his elbows so he could look at you as well. “You were right. Simon has never made me cum. It’s been a while. Well except in your car.” They both chuckled. “Why don’t you show me what you like?”
“I don’t think you’re ready for that just yet.” The metalhead leans up on to his knees, pushing both your legs back till your own knees were close to your shoulders. He began pumping into you again, your eyes rolling and closing as you feel him touch deep inside you.
You felt Steve’s breath warm your cheek as one of his palms comes up to caress your face. “Eddie and I like to be in charge in a relationship; more so in the bedroom.”
His fingers slide down to trace your lips before softly lingering on your throat. “We like…taking care of you…” Your jaw falls slack as he tightens his grip around your neck as Eddie slams his hips harder into your own. After a few moments, he releases you and the other boy returns to his steady pace. “And in return, you submit to us.”
“Fuck, fuck, please.”, you beg; to which one even you aren’t sure. Steve continues his path down your body till his fingers find your clit. Your hand reaches for his wrist but Eddie is faster, gripping your own as he leans forward over you, pinning it to the pillow. 
“Goddamn.”, the metalhead groans as he feels your pussy tighten even further around him. He falls on top of you, rolling his hips so hard the bed moves underneath you. Your body shakes as you cum, moaning his name repeatedly as your free hand clings to his neck. 
Eddie couldn’t hold back any longer especially with your cunt spasming around him as you came undone. With a few more hard, deep thrusts he came inside of you causing you mewled at the feeling. 
His hair blocked most of his face but you could just make out the hint of a smirk painted across his features. 
“Told you…we knew what…a woman cumming sounded like.”, Eddie panted and you snicked underneath him. 
“You’re so dumb.”
“And you’re beautiful.”
He gently kissed your forehead before you turned to look at Steve. Your sweaty palm reached for his cheek and he turned into it, tenderly placing his lips against your skin. 
“Do you think you can take me, honey? It’s ok if you can’t.”
You almost too eagerly nod your head. “I can.”
Eddie carefully climbed off you and Steve couldn’t help but notice you were still a bit shaky. “Come here, pretty girl.” He moved you with little to no effort, tugging you till your back was to his chest. Lifting your leg, he bent it at the knee in front of you, placing it near the other boy’s hip. 
His lips kissed yours until you felt him hold your waist and guide his cock inside of you. You whined at the feeling as he allowed you time to adjust before pushing further in. 
“Steve…oh my…fuck. You’re so big.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt his arms encase you and hold you closer to him. His breath warmed the nape of your neck till you felt him bottom out. 
“Fuck, baby girl. You’re so warm and wet. You’re making a mess on my cock.”
You’d heard dirty talk before. Hell almost every man in the entertainment business especially musicians thought they would lull any woman into erotic heaven just by saying dirty things in their ear. Simon and every one of your one-night stands had tried it.  Every time it made your eyes roll and not in a good way. 
Hearing Steve whisper his filthy words as he began really thrusting into you had you seeing stars while you whimpered out answers to his questions. 
“Can you feel me stretching you open? Fuck, honey. I’ve never had a pussy this tight before.”
Your eyes fluttered open when you felt another set of hands touching your body. 
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart. You look so gorgeous like this.”, Eddie cooed as he leaned in to kiss you. Your head lulled as both their lips trailed along your neck. “Can you cum again for us?”
You moaned as you shook your head. “Too much…”
“I know, princess. I know Harrington can be a bit overwhelming…”
You shook your head again. “Feels too…good. Can’t…”
“Yes, you can.”, he whispers, his finger drifting to your bundle of nerves. “Just give us one more.”
Steve slowed his pace and you whimpered as you turned to grip his neck with your arm. “Fast. Faster.”
“Is that what you need, sweet girl?” He does as you ask, pounding his hips into yours. 
You lurch forward bringing Eddie closer to you while your other arm threaded through Steve’s hair behind you as you felt yourself tumble over the edge. 
“Jesus fucking Christ.”, the boy behind you groaned as he chased his high. 
“Good girl, princess. Such a good girl.”, the metalhead praised as he petted your head, moving your hair out of your face. “You did so well. Are you ready for Steve to fill you up?”
You weakly nodded as your turned to face him, his nose pressing to yours as he panted against your lips. “Please cum. I want you to cum like he did. Please…I need it, baby.”
Your eyes remained on his face as his own closed, eyebrows scrunched together as he came, pumping his seed inside of you.
As carefully as he could, he pulled his cock out of you but you still whimpered at the feeling. 
“I know, honey. I’m sorry. Do you think you can handle a shower?”
Drunk on the high of them, you could barely move let alone speak but you somehow managed to shake your head at his question. 
“She can shower tomorrow morning before rehearsal. Let me get something to clean her with now though.”
“No…”, you lazily reach for Eddie’s arm before it slides from your grasp. “Too far.”
“He’s coming right back, baby girl. You’re okay.” Steve places soft kisses along your face. “We’re not leaving you. I promise.”
You wince as the metalhead gently opens your legs and cleans between them. “Maybe we should bring her to one of our beds till they change the sheets.”
“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea. Since she doesn’t want to shower, grab another damp rag so we can clean some of this sweat off her.”
“I’m sorry.”, you mumble.
“For what, sweetheart?”
 Opening your eyes halfway as Eddie sits you up, you glance towards where you had been laying as he starts running a new rag over your skin. 
“Yeah…nothing you need to be sorry for. Fucking Steve made a mess to. Look at him!” You giggle when he smiles down at you from his place behind his friend as he cleans below his waist. As he reaches your shoulders and neck, your forehead falls to lean against his. “You don’t have to apologize for everything, princess. Not everything is your fault.”
“Hey, beautiful. Can you do me a favor and drink some of this?”
“What is it?”, you cringe as you take it from him. 
After the first sip, you couldn’t stop, chugging it back till the glass was empty. “May I have more please?”
Both boys turn to each other, flashing a knowing smile. “Yes, honey. You can have more.”
Eddie suddenly lifts you into his arms and carries you to his bedroom, placing you down on his cool mattress. “Well, at least your using sentences. Do you want a shirt or anything?”
“No, thank you.”
Steve came in handing you the glass again which you eagerly chug after thanking him. They watch as you crawl under the sheets, waiting for you to get comfortable before getting in beside you. As soon as Eddie pulls the covers up, you wiggle to him, placing your head on his chest as you pull him closer.
Steve wraps his arms around your torso and your lower half immediately curves into him making both men smile. 
“Can I ask you something?”, he whispers and you respond with a tiny hm. 
“Why Paris?”
“My family went on vacation there when…when I was a kid. It was…the happiest I remember us…ever being. I go there sometimes when…I want to be left…left alone.”, you answered as you flitted in and out of sleep. “I…I feel safe…there.”
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hugmekenobi · 11 months
S2: The Bad Batch (4)
Chapter Four: Faster
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GIF by @azertyrobaz
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Some time has passed since everything that happened at Kamino and you and the Batch are trying to figure out your place in the rapidly changing Imperial galaxy. And you're having to do all this whilst figuring out where your relationship with Hunter fits into it.
Chapter Summary: Two different missions with two different approaches but that end with the same realisation.
Masterlist for S1
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, my own interpretation of the nerf nugget mission, chaos in the form of discovering human decency still exists, mild angst in the form of unhealthy eating habits (only for this chapter)/mentions of food, Cid being Cid, fluff, mild hurt/comfort, canon-typical risks and mentioned droid death, mentions of gambling
Word Count: 4.9K
Author's notes: Back on following the episode plots again :), only added a little bit of my own spin on things this time! Excited to get to work on Ch5 now. Hope y'all enjoy!!
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Wrecker studied the Dejarik board carefully before he made his move. He chuckled smugly as his pieces knocked out some of Omega’s. “I got ya this time.”
Omega just gave him a somewhat pitying look before she programmed in her move and her player swiftly wiped out all of Wrecker’s.
Wrecker let out an aggrieved shout. “What-” He broke off with a groan.
Omega laughed gleefully. “Now you owe me two cartons of Mantell Mix.”
Well, he couldn’t have that. “Not so fast. One more game. Double or nothing.” Wrecker offered.
“Hey! Quit running up the power bill.” Cid snapped as she emerged from her office. “It’s time to get to work. I got another job for you.” She turned off the game.
“But the other three aren’t back from their mission yet.” Omega reminded her.
“I would not call transporting 50 cases of nerf nuggets a “mission”.” Tech interjected from the bar. “Nor is it a proper use of our skill set.” He added pointedly.
“Yeah, well, your skill set will come in real useful on this one.” Cid replied. “Especially you, Muscles. You’re gonna be my security crew.” She walked towards the exit.
“We will require a more detailed briefing than that.” Tech called after her.
“No time. The shuttle’s waiting.” Cid said dismissively.
“Maybe it’ll be fun.” Omega said optimistically as Wrecker chucked her bow and hat.
“Works for me.” Wrecker grunted.
Tech sighed. It looked like without the presence of you three, it was his turn to be the assigned sensible crew member.
“Hey, Hunter. Do you know there’s a whole row of nuggets missing from this crate?” Echo called over to the cockpit.
Shit, shit, shit. You thought anxiously. You had forgotten all about that. You kept your gaze focused on the blue hyperspace swirls in the space outside the window.
“No.” Hunter replied quizzically. He got out his chair and manoeuvred his way around the many boxes to where Echo was standing and sure enough, there was indeed a section that was nuggetless. “Huh. That’s weird.”
Echo let out a frustrated groan. “I bet Wrecker just helped himself before we left. He will eat anything.”
“Yeah, I’ll talk to him when we’re back.”
Well, you couldn’t allow that to happen. “It wasn’t Wrecker.” You called over to them as you shimmied past a crate.
“And how do you know?” Echo queried.
You hesitated a moment before you mumbled, “It was me.” Your eyes focused on the floor in shame.
“You thought you’d just help yourself when you knew they were for a mission?” Echo said with a frown.
“I spotted the crates in her office yesterday. There was no sign, no indication that they were for anything other than her personal use, so I took some.” You said defensively, crossing your arms.
“But why? I’d expect that sorta behaviour from Wrecker but not you.”
“It just happened, okay. Leave it.” You snapped. You regretted your tone immediately. You didn’t want them to bear the brunt of the frustration and anger that you were actually feeling towards yourself.
“No. That’s not an answer.” Echo retorted.
Hunter could tell by the way your feet shifted and the way you kept adjusting your gloves that there was more to this than a simple lack of willpower for something other than rations. “What is it you’re not telling us?”
“It’s nothing.” You said dismissively.
“(Y/N).” Hunter pressed.
“Yeah, you kinda owe us an explanation. You’ve put our credits at risk.” Echo added crossly.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” You said sincerely. “I didn’t mean to. I-” You stopped and ran a hand across your face. “Before I tell you both, I want you to know that it wasn’t a big deal, I know what I can handle, and I am fine.” You looked at Hunter when you said that last part.
“Okay…” Echo said, his eyes narrowing slightly, unsure as to what you were going to say.
Hunter found himself getting nervous. Why wouldn’t you be fine?
You took a deep breath. “So, you know how the recent jobs from Cid have had a bit more of a divide and conquer approach? And for the past few I’ve been on the delivering and credit receiving end of things?”
“Uh huh.” They both said. The start of this elongated explanation you were providing wasn’t doing much in the way of diffusing the tense atmosphere. Clearly, you felt it necessary to soften the blow of whatever it was.
“And we usually get a cut from Cid after each mission and it’s always in her favour, but we still have enough to, you know, eat?” You watched them both nod. “Well, in the recent days, that cut has been growing more and more in her favour and when I argued with her about it, she claimed with the Empire growing by the day, she needed the bigger cut to keep her operation covert and it was either this or nothing and uh, that kinda hit our finances hard, particularly in the food department.”
Hunter’s jaw clenched; he didn’t like where this was going.  
Knowing that this next bit wasn’t going to be met well, you found yourself pulling your vibroblade in and out of your vambrace. “And um I figured you all would need the regular amounts of stuff and I didn’t want to raise unnecessary concern, so I made the decision to cut back on mine. For the most part, it was fine, I only caved yesterday when I saw them sitting there. It kinda all hit at once and I couldn’t help it and I took some.”
They were both silent for a moment before Hunter broke the quiet. “How many missions?”
“Uhhh only like the um past… five.” You winced out. He sounded too calm about this, and it unnerved you.
Echo didn’t quite know what to say. He hadn’t expected that.
Hunter had to take a moment to compose himself before he spoke. The fact that Cid had forced you into a situation like that in the first place almost had him turning the ship around. And the fact you had gone through it alone wasn’t helping. “You haven’t been eating for five days?” His voice wavering slightly as he struggled to keep his emotions at bay.
Sensing his growing feelings of upset and stress, you spoke quickly, “Not quite. Remember we had that day where we had two missions for the price of one.”
Hunter shook his head and his hands fell to his waist. Your attempts to downplay things weren’t helping to alleviate his concerns. “(Y/N)-”
“And I had scraps but sure I guess technically I haven’t had a proper meal or set of rations for four days.” You continued nonchalantly.
“And you didn’t tell us? Tell me?” Hunter asked. He couldn’t hide the hurt or mild frustration in his voice at the thought of you putting yourself through that and not telling any of them.
“Are you asking me as my Sergeant or as my partner?” You deflected.
“Should I leave and pretend not to hear this from the cockpit?” Echo interrupted quickly. You two, for the most part, were completely professional when on missions but he could feel some tension rising and he did not want to be in the middle of a couple’s argument with the two of you.
“No, it’s fine, Echo.” You responded. “Right, Hunter?”
Hunter took a deep breath and reminded himself that the main person who deserved his anger was back on Ord Mantell. He wasn’t mad at you. Irritated at your suffer in silence, laid back attitude maybe but there wasn’t anything to fight over here. “Yeah, it’s fine.”
You began your explanation. “I didn’t want to add any extra stress and I knew if it were up to the rest of you to do something with the amount we had, you wouldn’t get enough. Omega needs a proper meal and Wrecker too. Tech is too busy looking at his datapad or whatever new project takes his fancy that he’d forget to feed himself if someone wasn’t putting the food in front of his face and he was recovering from a severe injury so I knew he couldn’t go without.” You sheathed your vibroblade and faced them both again. “Echo, I care about you, but you are a very picky eater, and I didn’t want to deviate from anything and run the risk of you not being able to find something you liked. And Hunter, I knew if I said anything to you, you’d immediately make sure we’d all be provided for, and you would be the one to suffer for it. You have enough going on, you deserved to eat properly and not worry about something for a change. So, I decided to pull rank. Afterall, I was a general back in the day and decided the food situation was simply a need-to-know basis.” You glanced back down at the floor.
Hunter released an exasperate sigh, but he found himself giving you a small smile to lighten the mood slightly. The only person who deserved his anger was Cid and you were being unnecessarily hard enough on yourself already. “Well, first of all, I think you lost your rank when you chose to leave.”
You couldn’t really disagree with him on that one. It had been a rather weak defence. “Fair enough.” You conceded with the corner of your mouth twitching into a slight grin.
“Second of all, and I can speak for everyone here when I say that that is both incredibly kind and generous but idiotic of you to do. We need you at full strength too and I’m sure we can find ways around this. We can all sacrifice a bit; it doesn’t need to all be on you.”
“I’ll talk to Cid. See if we can sort something out. In the meantime, we can still make do but we will all take less and continue to make sure Omega has full meals.” Hunter said. “She keeps pulling stuff like that now, it’s getting to be more of a problem.” He said, a hint of anger rising in his voice. Things had always been unequal with Cid, but they hadn’t really been any worse off, now that was changing, and it wouldn’t be sustainable or fair to keep going like that. It had already started to affect you and he didn’t want that for you or his squad. “Think the boys’ll agree to that?” He asked his brother.
“Definitely.” Echo agreed. “Although Wrecker might take some convincing.” He joked.
“Thank you.” You said quietly.
“We’re a squad. We look out for each other. The self-sacrifice isn’t a requirement.” Hunter reassured you as he laid a hand on your shoulder.
“I hate to bring it up though but what about the client?” Echo asked.
“Hope he doesn’t look too closely at every box.” Hunter said simply. “It’s all we can do.”
“I’m sorry, guys.” You mumbled guiltily. Of course, you found a way to complicate the simplest mission.
“It’s okay. You didn’t know and if anything, I should be thanking you for looking out for us like that.” Echo appeased. “We’ll find a way out. We always do.”
“Exactly.” Hunter agreed, pulling you into his chest. “Although, next time, please just tell me. Share the load, remember?” He muttered into your hair.
You hummed out a short laugh. “Guess I gotta work on that too.”
“Well, everything appears to be in order.” The client said with a clap of his hands. “You all were very efficient, I’m impressed.”
“It’s what we do, sir.” You said cheerily as you laid the last crate down. The rather unsophisticated strategy had been to be as accommodating and as friendly as possible in the hopes that whoever you were going to be dealing with would let you all away with the money without feeling the need to double check the delivery. What had greeted had caught you off guard. Your client was waiting with a tray of beverages and immediately, very politely, asked for your names and enquired about your wellbeing. So, in the end, he’d made it quite an easy feat. You weren’t used to dealing with many pleasant people on Cid’s missions, but this man was a breath of fresh air. A simple diner owner who seemed to be perfectly content with his place in the galaxy.
“Now, I just need to check that each one has the correct amount. I’ve been scammed before, so I’ve learned to be cautious.” He said lightly.
The three of you shared a panicked look.
“We can just get paid and get out of your hair.” Hunter said, barely concealing the uneasiness in his tone as he saw him begin to go through each crate.
“You must understand that I can’t be too careful these days. Business is tough enough as it is with how the Empire is running things. I need certain assurances.”
Hunter. Let me try something.
Hunter half turned to face you and nodded.
You called on the Force and subtly waved your hand in his direction. It was a longshot since he seemed pretty sharp, but it was your last card to play. “You don’t need to check every box.”
The client gave you a puzzled look. “Yes, I do, I just explained why I had to.”
You bit back your frustrated groan and the three of you could only watch as he continued investigating each box before he finally arrived at the sight of your mistake.
“Now, I believe I wanted 50 full crates of nuggets or there wouldn’t be a payment. Care to explain what happened here?” He asked the three of you coolly.
You felt Hunter and Echo beside you both go to speak, and you knew they would try to cover for you, but you needed to own your error and you took this man for someone appreciated honesty.
“I ate some.” You admitted shamefacedly. There was no sense in lying to him.
“Oh dear oh dear, that won’t do.” He said, giving the three of you a disappointed look. “You were attempting to get away with it.”
“We needed the money.” You attempted to explain.
“We all need money, that doesn’t make deceit okay.” He scolded. “Why should I pay you for this?”
“I understand why you’re upset sir, but when my team is struggling to eat, I have to do what I can to change it. A mistake was made but we need that money.” Hunter answered.
“What can I do?” You asked. “Please don’t punish them for something I did.”
“What can we do?” Hunter corrected, giving you a pointed look.
Right, no self-sacrifice. You said giving him a slight smile.
“You ever get tired of being a third wheel?” The client asked Echo, gesturing at you and Hunter. He wasn’t a fool. The automatic defence Hunter had provided you and the way the two of you had looked at each other both now and when the crates were being unloaded, it was like there was an understanding, an unspoken language between you that only you two were in on. He’d had that. Once. A long time ago.
Echo merely grunted, neither in agreement nor disagreement.
Your attention turned back to the client. “We’re a capable bunch, there has to be some way we can all get what we want.”
The client pondered for a few moments before he looked to Echo. “You know your way around machinery?”
Echo’s back straightened. “Yes, sir.”
He released a low hum before he faced you and Hunter. “And do you two think you could handle waiting some tables? Two of my staff called in sick and I haven’t found covers.”
“Definitely.” You said swiftly whilst Hunter nodded.
He hummed in thought again. “Echo, my dishwasher has been acting up and I haven’t had enough finances to cover the cost of a new one. If you can fix it, and if you two are servers for the length of time it takes you to fix it, I’ll still pay you in full.”
“You’d- you’d what?” You questioned, utterly taken aback. There was no way this was real.
“I’d still pay you in full if you’d do a bit of additional work.” He maintained.
“That’s it?” Hunter double checked.
“That’s it. You seem like nice people stuck in an unfortunate position. I’ve had dealings with Cid before and I believe that she hasn’t made things easy for you. Do these things for me, and we can go our separate ways without any unpleasantries.” He replied merrily before he waved you all inside.
“With all due respect, sir, how have you survived this long?” You couldn’t help but ask as you followed him in. “Decent people tend not to succeed in this galaxy.”
He sighed. “A question I ask myself every day.”
“So, we got a mild reprimand and then had to do an hour’s worth of extra labour to leave with the amount of money we were promised? Plus, he gave us some food and let us keep our servers’ tips?” You felt the need to say out loud as you held the small container of food in front of you. It was the first mission in Force knows how long that hadn’t ended with your blasters drawn and barely getting away alive and you weren’t really sure that it had actually happened. It just didn’t feel natural.
“I’m just as confused as you are.” Hunter responded, staring at the extra credits in his hand as you all walked back to the ship.
“I’ve been thinking it over in my head and I still don’t know how this was a success.” Echo agreed. “He must’ve really needed that dishwasher fixed.”
“Or he’s just really that good a guy and it hasn’t gotten him killed yet.” You added as an alternative.
The three of you walked in comfortable silence until you spoke again as the ship came into view. “The others aren’t going to believe it. A mission like that just doesn’t happen for us.” You said with a laugh.
“I wonder how they’re getting on without us there to supervise.” Echo mused.
“I dread to think.” Hunter said as he opened the ship’s ramp.
“We’ve left them alone. Without a job. In Cid’s parlour. Omega will just be playing Dejarik with them the whole time. How much trouble could they possibly get into?” You said as you boarded the ship.
“I will be the racer.” Tech volunteered confidently. Being the sensible one had promptly disappeared from his head. In his defence, he had tried in the beginning but the chaos of the environment they had found themselves in had called upon a more relaxed approach. Being responsible wouldn’t get them very far here, although Cid had probably swayed too far in the irresponsible direction. A rather problematic problem that had been increasing by the day.
Safa Toma was indeed a ‘little rough around the edges’ as Cid described it, if not more so. And now they were having to bail Cid out of trouble with an old partner. His name was Millegi and he was calling in the bet money Cid owed him. With her way out of the situation- her riot racer droid Tay-O- being destroyed, not once but twice- both times by Millegi’s racers- Tech found himself listening to Omega’s pleas and offered to take TAY-O’s place. He reckoned it would be simple enough. He’d studied the track and the other racers, and he had no doubts about his abilities. TAY-O’s strategy had been flawed anyway; he’d have lost regardless. Tech knew he wouldn’t.
Wrecker started to laugh, thinking this was one of his brother’s attempts at humour but one look at Tech’s face told him this was anything but. “He’s not joking.” He said, his laugh rapidly disappearing to be replaced with concern.
“You heard him. The bet’s still on.” Cid told Millegi firmly.
Tech held the gangster’s stare.
“I never stop a fool from giving his life to make me rich.” Millegi said in response.
Tech entered the pod and examined the controls. Things looked relatively straightforward. He listened to the announcer list the names of his fellow competitors, including Jet Venim, Millegi’s champ and the one who had caused TAY-O to wipe out in the first place. The only brief moment of awkwardness he felt was when the commentator and the crowd seemed confused as to the simplicity of his name. He couldn’t dwell on it though; the race was about to begin. He watched the lights change and the race began.
Tech found himself at the back of the line but that was okay for now. He’d rather get a gauge of the driving strategies and abilities of his competitors and understand the layout of the track more before diving in search of getting that first place.
“What place is he in?” Wrecker asked Omega as they waited in the pitstop.
“Last, but he’s catching up.” Omega said positively as she looked up from her viewing pad.
Wrecker took out his comm, that wouldn’t do at all. “Tech, you gotta be in front to win!” He felt the need to remind him of that crucial detail.
“I know what I am doing. It’s called strategy.” Tech replied breezily.
“No, it’s called losing.” Wrecker retorted.
Tech paid his brother’s words little attention. Contrary to Wrecker’s beliefs, what he was doing was going to ensure his victory. He came out onto the part of the course where there was a choice of three tunnels. It was then he heard Omega’s voice through the comms.
“Tech, don’t take the left tunnel. Cid said it’s a death trap!”
That very idea intrigued him, but he went through the centre tunnel first. “Transfer the schematics of the left tunnel to my display.”
“On it.” Omega replied.
This worried Wrecker though. “Right now? Shouldn’t you just focus on not getting blown up?”
“I can do both.” Tech replied self-assuredly.
He was finally making some headway in the race but the racer behind him was hitting him with some rapid fire.
“Your shields are overheating!” Omega commed in.
This wasn’t an issue though. “Yes. I am allowing for adequate energy to be distributed from weapons to shields.” He explained.
“Tech, they’re all over you.” Omega replied back anxiously.
“I need more speed.” Tech muttered to himself as he studied his monitor. He emerged from the tunnel and pulled off into the pit stop.
“Tech’s coming in.” Omega said.
“Well, what’s he doing?” Wrecker asked as he turned away from the box of tools he was looking at.
Tech didn’t really need to stop though. He released his weapons and kept going.
“Your weapons.” Omega said into her comm.
“They were slowing me down.” Tech responded quickly before he started playing catch up once more. He weaved around the obstacles in the first tunnel and found it a much smoother feat. “That worked. I now have increased speed and manoeuvrability.” He told Omega and Wrecker as a means of reassurance.
“Yeah, that’s great, but you’re still in last place.” Wrecker griped.
“The tunnel’s coming up again.” Omega said before she studied her pad. “Wait. A large part of the track is missing. That’s why the racers avoid it.”
Upon hearing her, Tech glanced down at his dashboard. “It is also the shortest tunnel. I can use it to my advantage.”
“It’s too dangerous. The speeder can’t make that jump!” Omega warned him.
“It will if I’m going fast enough.” Tech hypothesized and when the choice came, he went into the left tunnel.
Wrecker and Omega could only watch on, their nerves increasing each second Tech was in that tunnel.
As the gap in the track approached, Tech veered up one way to gather enough speed and momentum to swing across to the other side and make his driving across the roof of the tunnels an easier task. An easy task for him, but not for the opponent behind him who fell victim to the gaping hole in the track.
He came out of the tunnel to find that he was narrowing in on the lead.
“It worked. You’re closing in!” Omega informed in in relief.
Tech managed to weave his way into runner up and he was closing in on Jet by the second. His shields were being put to the test however as Jet Venim fired on him and he was starting to be boxed in by the racer behind him.
“You’re losing shields.” Omega commed in worriedly.
“Don’t let ‘em box you in!” Wrecker added uneasily as both he and Omega watched the big screen in front of them.
Tech saw on his scope that his two rivals were attempting the same move that had seen them beat TAY-O in the first race, but he wouldn’t be caught out by it. He waited until the last moment before he swerved out of the way of the grappling hook that was aiming to grab the back of his pod. He pulled back and watched as the hook snagged onto Jet’s pod instead and the jagged, circular saw that had been intended for the front of Tech’s vehicle, found a new target instead.
The two pods crashed into each other as all three emerged into the final straight.
“Here they come. It’s going to be close!” The announcer shouted excitedly as clouds of dust erupted from the crash. “And the winner is…”
Wrecker and Omega watched restlessly as they waited for Tech to come through unscathed and as the winner. They let out a collective cheer when they heard Tech’s name come from the announcer and saw his pod come whizzing through the finish line.
Tech left his pod and took his helmet off to greet a rather ecstatic Omega and Wrecker.
“You did it!” Omega yelled happily.
“You sound surprised.” Tech replied plainly. He’d never doubted the outcome of this for a second.
“Yeah!” Wrecker said with a hearty laugh. “I thought you were a goner.”
 “Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech! Tech!”
Tech turned back to face the crowd of people that were chanting and cheering his name. Not quite sure how to handle such adoration, he simply gave a small smile and a casual salute of his fingers in acknowledgment.
The three of them walked into Millegi’s bar.
“We’re here for Cid!” Wrecker said firmly as he cracked his neck and knuckles to intimidate the goons around them.
“A deal’s a deal. We’re square.” Millegi pacified.
“That was some racing, Goggles.” Cid said appreciatively. “I, uh, I-I- Well, I guess I owe ya one.” She stumbled over the words clumsily.
“Yes. I would agree.” Tech replied coolly.
“I’ll make it up to ya.” Cid snipped before she pushed Tech’s shoulder. “Come on. We’re outta here.”
As they made their way to follow her out, movement caught Millegi’s attention, and he stopped the Nosaurian from reaching for his blaster.  “Hey, you three.”
Tech, Wrecker and Omega turned back to face Millegi.
“You could have walked away. That loyalty is admirable, but with Cid, it doesn’t always go both ways. Watch your backs.”
They said nothing in reply, instead they just walked out with Tech laying a reassuring hand on Omega’s shoulder and Wrecker doing the same to Tech’s. All of them quite happy to leave Safa Toma behind them and in silent agreement that you, Hunter and Echo wouldn’t need to hear about this once you were back from your rather easy mission.
“Cid. I need to talk to you about-”
“Not now, Bandana.” Cid replied grumpily as she walked through to her office.
Hunter sighed but quickly concealed his grimace when he saw Omega and his brothers coming through the door.
“You’re back!” Omega exclaimed happily as she bounded up to where you were sitting.
“Yeah, we’ve been back for a while. Was wondering where you all had gotten too.” You said as you embraced the young girl.
“Where were you?” Hunter asked as Wrecker and Tech came in.
“Oh… uh… we were just helping Cid out with something.” Wrecker stammered awkwardly and ill-prepared to see the three of you back waiting for them.
“What something?” Echo questioned suspiciously.
“Nothing too dangero-”
“Tech became a riot race to pay of Cid’s debt and it was awesome!! He beat everyone and the crowd went crazy!!” Omega revealed excitedly and immediately forgetting that that fact was supposed to be left unsaid. It just seemed too cool a thing to not share.
“You did what?!” The three of you shouted in Tech’s direction.
“It was a relatively simple challenge.” Tech said with a shrug.
“Tech…” You said with a sigh.
“We really cannot leave you three alone.” Echo grumbled with a shake of his head as his hand came across his eyes.
“Low profile. We’re supposed to be keeping a low profile.” Hunter muttered tiredly as he pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
You took Hunter’s free hand and rubbed your thumb across the back of it in comfort. At least you won, I guess but don’t go making a habit of it please. I’m worried about his blood pressure.
Tech gave you a quick smile before he addressed the group. “We have bigger things to be concerned about.” He wasn’t feeling the need to debate the course of action he’d taken. The end result was a success, that was all that mattered to him at the moment and there were more important things to discuss. “We need to talk about Cid.”
“Hmph funny you mention that.” You mumbled.
Wrecker, Tech, and Omega looked at the three of you in curiosity.
“We need to talk about Cid too.” Hunter said. “And uh there’s going to be some changes to our rations.”
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @tpwkcalli, @fuckoffthanos, @arctrooper69, @graciexmarvel, @flyingkangaroo, @nightmonkeysstuff, @brujaporfavor, @sunkissedclones, @ladytano420, @dragonrider9905, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @xxeiraxx
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