#comically small spoon but like relatively
girlgothypa · 1 year
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Hpw do i use this app
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chuluoyi · 3 months
✎ mission: baby steps !
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- gojo satoru x reader
the three times gojo tried to make his baby love him (and how he miserably fails)
genre: full crack, dad!gojo being a sore loser, your baby being mean (he only wants peace, really), and obviously, fluff !!
note: a little thing for father's day ehe <3 i know i said i'll work on smut in the polls next but uhhh, this comes first ok?! :') i just love the idea of gojo vs baby don't mind me *sobs* and all the scenario here come from the tiktok/reels you've sent me!
a part of gojo's love entries
general masterlist
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There are many things that come with being a jujutsu sorcerer, and when you are Gojo Satoru, those things seem to be multiplying like bunnies.
This essentially means less time with his wife and baby. Look, he could finish missions fast, but when sent to other cities, even he couldn't abuse his teleportation powers all the time to return to Tokyo.
And so, as much as he hated it, he couldn't fault his baby boy for forgetting him.
"Look, it's papa," you rocked your son with a smile, consoling him as he wailed right after Satoru held him. "Don't cry, don't cry! Papa just got back from a long mission, he's not scary!"
"Is he scared of me?" Ouch. The thought prickled him. It somehow felt sourer than seeing Principal Gakuganji's face.
You hummed, seemingly (or comically?) deep in thought. "Hmm, in baby's point of view: a big, bad man suddenly picks him up, of course he's scared."
"I'm not a bad man!"
Okay, he wasn't having this. Satoru adored his baby to bits and he would want him to at least know it. It's settled then—he would be taking paid leave just to spend some time with his baby.
This would be his mission for the next three days!
The day started off great. Baby Gojo was relatively calm, a bit fussy here and there but Satoru could definitely handle him.
"Look, a plane is coming!" he said playfully, moving the spoon in the air to attract his baby's attention. "Open your mouth wide!"
Baby blinked at him with the straightest face ever. His two blue orbs were the very same as his father, and yet they held disinterest so great that it was a wonder Satoru didn't notice.
He then playfully smooched baby's face, but he scrunched up, cringing in response.
And later, another achievement unlocked: Satoru successfully got his son to sleep for his afternoon nap!
"You're so cute, sigh." Satoru poked his baby's cheek lightly. "You look like me, but when you sleep, you totally look like your mama..."
He might not say it out loud, but one of his favorite sights lately was seeing you sleep next to your son. Both of you looked so precious and vulnerable, so alike, and it made him warm.
And whenever he looked at this little creation between you and him, he also got the urge to poke him so bad.
So he did. Only this time, he poked him a little too hard.
And how wrong that move was.
His son immediately cracked his eyes open, his lips quivered, and then his whole face scrunched up, followed by—
"Oof! Wait— I'm sorry!"
Long story short, he refused to be held in Satoru's arms, so you took over and your husband could only watch you with dissatisfaction.
"Won't you let me hold you?" he asked despondently, pulling up a pitiful face and batting his eyelashes. "I have the warmest hugs! Mama can vouch for that!"
"Satoru, he doesn't want you."
Okay, his baby would love him today. Satoru was sure of it.
He had ordered this baby ride-on toy via home shopping and not only that, he would play with him!
"Here we goo~! Honk! Honk!" Satoru steered the little vehicle with his son at the backseat, hyping him up and even made a weird sound that was supposed to resemble a... train?
You watched them both, giggling. Your husband looked positively ridiculous as he was too big for the small vehicle, but still persisted in entertaining your clueless baby behind him. "Oh my, Satoru, you're trying way too hard."
"I have to!" he retorted, sending pout and a glare at the same time. "You can't hog him all the time, he's my son too!"
"Well, good luck~ as it happens, your spawn isn't easy to impress."
"Just so you wait—!" Satoru begrudgingly shot you a look, eaten up by your taunts, not noticing the wall in front of him. "By the end of today, he'll— whoaaa!"
He was about to crash into the said wall, and you were prepared to jump to save your baby first. But then, Satoru did the next best thing to stop it—jumping out of the ride-on, rolling onto the floor... and crashing into the bookshelf that some of the things fell. "Ow!"
"Are you okay!?" you immediately picked up your baby before checking him over. However, Satoru's eyes were transfixed on your shared munchkin.
"Meh heh~"
And you too when you heard it— your baby was wiggling, all smiles, seemingly amused by the sight of his papa lying there pitifully. Satoru was aghast.
"Y-you have no filial piety!"
Today, Satoru had gotten inside the playpen and brought a bunch of toys, planning to entertain his son with all of them.
"C'mon, don't throw that!" he pursed his lips when his kid flung the lego away. "Don't you want to play together with me?"
No. As if saying that, the baby crawled away from him. He seemed to have a target in mind though.
"Oi, what are you doing?" Satoru was puzzled, but he was in for a surprise when the child rose slowly.
"Oh, you're pushing yourself up..." he stated, observing how the baby, still wobbly, clutched on the edge of his playpen for support.
A huge grin spread across his face then. "Aww, look at you!" he gushed with pride. "You can stand already! Ooh!"
And suddenly, the sight tugged at his heartstrings. This was the first time he had ever witnessed such a milestone. He wasn't here when he first started teething or crawling, and now that he was here when his son was standing... he wanted to see more of this.
"Now, can you take a step?" Satoru moved closer to him, and the kid turned to him with those clear blue eyes and a little frown, seemingly unsure. "Go! Go! Come to me!"
He didn't think he would actually try to walk. But he did as baby let go of the support, alas suddenly he slipped—
And fell flat on his face.
"—! Are you hurt?!" Satoru immediately plucked him off the floor, horrified, and pulled him close when the baby started to sniffle. Soon, he began to wail inconsolably.
"Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—!" he didn't even know why he was apologizing, but seeing his baby so frightened made his chest tighten. "Stop crying, oh wait—let's find mama!"
You were engrossed in your evening TV series when Satoru came barging to the living room with your poor son while being hysterical. "Help him!"
"What happened?!"
"He fell! He fell!"
Of course, your main concern was to comfort your baby, and so you reached out to take him from your husband's arms, only that...
"Huh...?" even Satoru was stunned when his son clutched onto his shirt, continuing to cry but refusing to let go, burying his little face into him.
Suddenly, he felt warm, he felt needed, and most of all, his desire to protect him was so overwhelming that he couldn't help but squeeze him closer.
You looked between the father and son, feeling giddy at the sight.
"He wants you," you finally smiled, patting baby's back. Satoru glanced between you and his precious pumpkin, seemingly taken aback as he blinked several times. When the fact sank in, he felt like a mush and pressed a kiss on his head.
The clown was convinced that his kid hates him and you are the savior. So, the fact that this little innocent being wanted him to comfort him... it made his heart flutter.
"Sorry, kid," he sighed into him, smushing his face to his little one's. "Don't cry, yeah? You're making me sad too."
"Satoru... are you getting glassy-eyed?"
"...am not!"
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"He's asleep..." you placed your baby between you and Satoru on the bed later that night, he was now so peaceful, out like a light.
Satoru turned to face you and the baby, looking at both of you with a yawn, but a soft smile lit his face when he saw how you pecked his son's cheek lightly.
These three days made him almost forget that curses still existed out there. Spending time with his son blurred that fine line between reality and a perfect daydream.
"He is still so little, but he screams so loud," he mused, poking the baby's cheek gently. You swatted his hand away, worried he might poke too hard again.
"You keep teasing him, that's why."
"—? He keeps playing me, is why!"
You two burst into quiet giggles then, and you couldn't help but reminiscing about the journey from when you first found out you were expecting, through the first ultrasound, and all the way to delivering your son.
And it seemed like Satoru had an inkling of what you were thinking when he suddenly blurted:
"Thank you, for everything you do," he whispered then, his eyes crinkled so softly at you.
You playfully huffed to hide your misty eyes, and in that moment, Satoru knew, that you too were glad for this life you two shared.
. . .
And that, in and of itself, was enough for him to thank all the stars for bringing him to meet you in that most beautiful spring of 2006.
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It was morning, and baby was awoken by... sounds.
He looked to the side to find his mama there— your hand on his tummy to prevent him from rolling.
And then he turned to the other side to find his papa... who is perfectly still, but emanating this low sounds with each breath he took.
The longer he heard it, the more irritated your munchkin felt. So he rose, put his fists together, and came down on him—
"—?!" Satoru groaned when something hit his face, and he opened his eyes only to see his son readying his punch again—
"W-why are you hitting me!" he was mortified. "H-help! Sweets, wake up! He’ll murder me!”
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memwazz · 1 year
SEVEN - Aloïs Marshall
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Aloïs is the head of the 7th Division and a superhero himself. He's the secret identity of The Clockworker, as well as Ezra Marshall's twin brother.
As a leader, he plans the missions and gives most of the orders. He's responsible of the team cohesion and leads the group reunions.
Species : surhuman
Age : 37
Height : 180 cm
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Aloïs (right) in The Clockworker's costume with Ezra (left) as Queen Elizabeth.
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Civilian Aloïs VS Superhero Aloïs
- Illustrations :
Finish Line - Pockets - Bell Tower - Marshall Cats - Teenagers - Bodies - Sequin Dress - Clock Child - Friends - Pardon -
- Comics :
Broken - I'm Gay - Fine, Thanks ! -
- Shitpost :
Disney Princess Meme - Trauma Dump - Each Other's... - Bigots - Spoon - Mistake - Spectrum - Attractive -
Aloïs' super power makes him able to create portals to teleport on short distances. He can either move his whole body, specific parts of it, small objects or other people.
The maximal distance one of his portals reached was 1km, but it caused his body some damage.
Aside from his surhuman ability, Aloïs is a good fighter with a complete military training. He's however psychologically unable to use a gun because of a traumatic event.
Aloïs usually appears at first as arrogant, authoritative and disagreeable. Being on the autism spectrum, he struggles with the social norm and emotions : he doesn't always understand how he feels and doesn't know how to express it properly. Most of the time, he will be quite unexpressive and distant.
As he can't understand how people work or think, he is terrible at showing empathy and support, even to his loved ones. The only thing he's worse at than feelings are jokes : Al doesn't have any sense of humor and doesn't even understand how it works, especially if it's second degree.
He's an organized person who always think calmly before acting, making him an efficient leader and fighter. Aloïs always makes sure to stay in control of the situation, else he quickly gets stressed. He hates being contradicted or "disobeyed" and will try to convince people to go his way even if it implies conflict or emotional harm. One of biggest flaw is telling everything going through his mind, hurting people and not understanding why it'd have been better to lie.
Just like during missions, Aloïs loves order in his personal life. He suffers from serious OCDs and is an hygiene freak. His house is always clean and every room is well organized. He likes to align and sort everything; changing his habits upsets him badly.
Because of his control obsession and his responsibilities as a leader, Aloïs is under constant pressure. He has untreated anxiety and always feel guilty when things go out of hand, thinking it's his fault if a mission fails or if anyone gets hurt.
Even if it doesn't show, Al cares about his teammates and relatives a lot. He never hesitates to put his life at risk to help or take care of them, and sometimes shows through acts the benevolence he doesn't manage to express with words.
His major qualities are his honesty, loyalty and integrity. Aloïs is unusually obsessed with law and morals : he tries to play by the rules even when his actions as a superhero are illegal, and would never hurt anyone willingly, even an enemy or a criminal. He thinks everybody deserves a second chance and that this world can be saved.
Aloïs is also known for his strong special interest on clocks. He's obsessed with and has an infinite knowledge on clocks and watchmaking, either in theory or practice. He himself crafts his own clocks (especially when he feels stressed and needs to lock himself in his room) and is quite skilled at it. His creations decorate the Division's headquarters and his bedroom; he's nonetheless very exigent and perfectionist and often thinks what he crafts is trash.
Aloïs is the son of two NASA engineers and grew up with his twin brother Ezra. His father died from a heart attack when they were about 7 : his mother was pregnant and struggled to raise the kids, so she asked for her brother's help.
The uncle accepted to take care of the twins just to live rent free at Lola's house, but he actually hated and mistreated them when his sister was not around. Aloïs was oftenly insulted for being "stupid and weird" and sometimes physically brutalized when he talked back or made mistakes.
The abuse caused Aloïs a lot of stress and fear. The trauma added up to his autism and Aloïs quickly became socially inept. Primary and middle-school were a difficult period because the other kids bullied him and he was struggling to make friends. Fortunately, his relationship with his brother was fusional already and they were always together, supporting each other through the abuse.
Aged 12, Aloïs was locked in the school's restrooms by his bullies who urinated on him, stole his clothes and left him in poor condition in the toilet cabin. When Ezra finally found him out, they came home and their uncle was furious to see Aloïs was filthy; he broke him a rib trying to wash him with a pressure blaster.
Aloïs was left with severe physical and emotional traumas; after this event Lola noticed her brother was an abuser and he was sent to jail. His departured apeased the Marshalls' life a bit but Aloïs started showing signs of school refusal and couldn't study anymore. Because he was mad at his mother for not noticing what his uncle did, he decided to distance himself. He joined a military camp for teenagers so he would make sure to have a professional future despite his academic failure. At first, Aloïs was also bullied at the camp but he finally met his lifelong best friend Arthur who made his life better :
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Aloïs had to leave the camp aged 17 to stay with his brother after their mother killed herself. The twins were emancipated when they turned 18 and started living on their own in the bell tower which became the Division's headquarters later. Aloïs attended school again in order to become a lawyer. Two years later, he joined Ezra and Leanor in the 7th Division and became The Clockworker.
During a mission 10 years before the story, the heroes had to dismantle a branch of the mafia and met a teenager named Roxanne whose power was exploited to kill people. She was forced to fight them and inflicted Aloïs a chemical burn which scarred his face for life. After the team won the fight, Aloïs and Ezra decided to take the girl home and to raise her like a sister. She was very aggressive at first but finally softened thanks to their love and care. Their relationship is now strong and loving.
Aloïs officially became the head of the 7th Division instead of his brother when they were 29. After a mission turned into a tragedy because Ezra lead it while high on Xanax, he left his duties and Aloïs had to replace him. He's still the leader at the beginning of the story.
In his civil life, Aloïs works as a lawyer. He lives in the 7th Division's "headquarters", an old abandoned tower bell which used to be a military hide out.
Aside for watchmaking, his hobby is playing piano and he has a cat named Apo(llo 13).
Nicknames :
The Clockworker
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Ezra is Aloïs' twin and they are rarely seen without each other. They're extremely fusional and still live together even as adults.
Aloïs sometimes is a "big brother" to Ezra, taking care of and protecting him during his depressive episodes. This responsibility fits his control obsession; unfortunately, he can accidentally hurt him acting too stern or controlling.
Ezra himself caused his twin traumas with his depression and multiple suicide attempts. Aloïs can't live a day or night without thinking of how he could find his brother dead in the morning.
If Ez looks more fragile and dependent, Aloïs actually relies on his brother a lot. He's the only person who can calm his autistic meltdowns/shutdowns and reduce his anxiety. They sometimes sleep in each other's bed when they feel stressed, overwhelmed or have nightmares.
Despite their personalities being polar opposites, the Marshall twins share a lot of common interests such as superheroes stuff (including comics as well as real life missions), fighting or chess.
They couldn't stand being separated and need each other a lot. However, they don't show much signs of affection : Aloïs likes hugs but Ezra is contact phobic and both have difficulties telling each other "I love you".
In the Division, Elizabeth is The Clockworker's right hand and she advises him a lot when it comes to important decisions.
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Arthur is Aloïs' best friend he met in a military camp aged 13 (see : BACKSTORY - MILITARY FLASHBACK).
Just like Ezra, he's able to calm his anxiety a bit with his benevolence and tranquility. They see each other almost everyday; if they're not in a mission together, they'll be seen having coffee. Arthur and Aloïs could spend hours together not doing anything, just enjoying each other's company. Arthur's the only person Aloïs can talk with for hours without feeling awkward or socially overwhelmed. They both have a total trust in each other and a stable relationship.
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Aloïs sees Roxanne as his little sister. They met when the twins rescued her from the mafia during a mission. At the beginning, Roxanne was under Jon's orders and fought them, leaving Aloïs with the face burn he still has the scar from.
When they brought her home, Roxanne was at first very aggressive and tried to murder them several times. Love and care finally softened her and her relationship with the Marshalls is now quite fusional.
Despite his distant temper, he never hesitates showing Roxanne affection, often through physical contact such as hugs, headpats or forehead kisses. When Roxanne's having a panick attack or starts hurting herself, Aloïs is the only person who can comfort her. He usually plays piano to calm her then takes her in his arms until she's better.
They sometimes argue because Roxanne is stubborn and keeps putting her life at risk : Aloïs has to prevent her from engaging into suicide missions. Roxanne easily cries when he accidentally hurts her and Aloïs usually feels bad and apologizes shortly after.
Roxanne is one of the rare people who is always able to know how Aloïs feels even when he doesn't show emotions.
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Cat has been Aloïs' love interest for 12 years. She's officially her girlfriend but their relationship is more complex than just "dating". They argue quite often due to Aloïs' lack of empathy and his inability to express feelings, but also because Cat is naturally invasive and doesn't know how to deal with neurodivergent people nor respect Aloïs' limits.
Aloïs doesn't properly understand how Cat works eventhough they've known each other for a long time; he's not used to interact with people outside the Division, especially people without traumas or disorders.
Aloïs often hurts her psychologically by accident and can't help reproducing the toxic reflexes he was taught with Cat. His control obsession and his brutal directness are a major problem in their relationship. They never work and broke up an incalculable number of times but always come back to each other because they're deeply in love. Both Cat and him suffer from the situation and wish they could and make efforts to fix things.
Because he's socially maladapted, Aloïs doesn't understand when Cat is flirting with or complimenting him, so he doesn't really knows if she still loves him or not.
Cat doesn't know about Aloïs' secret identity.
Just like for Cat, Aloïs' relationship with Myko is a disaster. They're in permanent conflict because their respective personalities and neurodivergences don't match. They're not close at all in their private life and a huge part of their conversations revolve around work, are arguments, or both.
Aloïs thinks they're immature and careless; his control obsession also fears Myko's unpredictability. Since Myko is a free spirit who doesn't care much about rules, they often disobey Aloïs or just forget what the plan was, which leads at best to Aloïs getting angry, at worse to failed missions or injuries.
Therefore Aloïs considers Myko to be a threat for the team and suspends them whenever they break the rule, which makes Myko resentful and provocative towards their leader. These provocations annoy Aloïs and are responsible for a vicious circle.
Myko's hyperactivity, noisiness and extrovert personality also tire Aloïs' and trigger his hypersensitivity.
However, he never considered firing them from the team because Myko can be effective and Aloïs still likes them.
They both suffer from this conflictual relationship because they still see each other as team mates and friends. Aloïs always fixes Myko's mistakes, is upset when he accidentally offends them and would sacrifice his life for them without blinking.
Myko would do the same for him but neither of them manages to express it.
A big part of the conflict comes from an absence of communication.
Aloïs cares about and values Grace a lot. Their relationship is mostly positive : he's the person who saved her from a suicide attempt 5 years before the story, therefore he oftenly checks if she's okay.
Grace's empathy and kindness make them quite the opposite emotionally but they still have agreeable conversations. Grace has perfectly understood Aloïs is not a talkative person and struggles with social interactions : she doesn't force him to communicate and Aloïs is grateful for it. He sometimes even comes to her when he's lost and needs to have his own feelings explained.
He likes her serene and peaceful personality.
Aloïs also is appreciative of the support she gives everyone in the team, his depressed and suicidal brother especially.
Nonetheless he is, like many other people, sometimes afraid of Grace's powers. He considers telepathy as a violation of his intimity and doesn't manage to trust Grace enough to make sure she won't read his mind without his consent.
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Aloïs' relationship to Erwan is quite tense at the beginning. Since Erwan is mistaken for a criminal, Aloïs can't trust him and gets stressed when Erwan is forced to live with him at the headquarters. The presence of a new, unknown person home also triggers him. His hostility is such that he causes Erwan a panick attack after treating him with emotional brutality.
Moreover, what Erwan thinks and says about superheroes upsets Aloïs and triggers his lack of self-confidence, causing him to doubt and stress even more. Their animosity is reciprocate during the first arc but their relationship evolves later.
As Erwan finds faith in humanity and heroism again, Aloïs starts seeing him as a trustworthy, respectful and respectable person. Erwan's bravery and the altruism he will finally develop are something Aloïs appreciates.
On the other hand, Aloïs is the one to restore Erwan's hope with the strength of his convictions and his heroic actions. He will even grant him a place in the team in the end.
They don't consider as friends but both have respect for each other.
Since Louison is not a part of the Division, they don't interact a lot but their rare interactions are positive. Contrary to Erwan, Louison is someone who helps Aloïs with his low self-esteem. Being a huge fan of the 7th Division, Louison shows Aloïs his efforts are not vain and that people still believe in kindness and humanity.
Louison also is close to Roxanne and makes her happy, which is enough for Aloïs to appreciate her.
As a freelance superheroine, she sometimes helps the 7th Division and Aloïs helps her with her homeworks because they both studied law.
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
what are your favorite comics?
as tempted as i am to just say “i’ll give ya three guesses, and the first two don't count,” and leave it at that for the sake of The Funny, lol—
im not gonna let myself keep going on and on and on for too long, or else this post’ll never get made, but this isn't. like. Everything. brain is just scrampled egg rn so these r a little all over the place but. w/e here r the first “favorite” books that’ve come 2 my mind:
(under the cut because i Ramble*) (*let us also proceed knowing that classic spider-man/spider-man in general goes without saying b/c i am Not typing that much.)
- Spider-Man 2099 (1992) big surprise, i know. lay off! it was my first comic! looking back on it, i probably shouldn't have been reading it as, like. a 9-10(??) year old kid. but. y’know. pish-posh. when the chips’re down, sm2099 was what i had during a real rough time that spanned years without letup, and as a result sm2099 has been a Really Important Thing for me ever since. has the relative decade’s worth of Enrichment ultimately also been worth the requisite Nigh-Obsessive Brainrot? 🤷 i’unno. i’m predisposed to say “well, duh, dude, no shit it has been,” so that's that.
- Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man (1995) duh. (in seriousness: fun romp of a one-shot, nd i really like that mig and mj were kinda-friends,., .,,.,)
- Moon Knight (1980) MK v1 was the run that REALLY got me into comic books as something more than just a passive casual interest, back in, uhh-- early-early 2020, i think? it definitely... shows its age in not a great way, at times, but otherwise i can’t help but feel a fond affection for the first volume of MK. (Plus, on the art side of things, it’s really cool to see Bill Sienkiewicz developing his iconic signature style over the course of the run!!!)
- Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place (2020) .......and tbh, every other Immortal Hulk one-shot, as well, but. Threshing Place especially has some just gorgeous art. I can’t stomach visual body horror very well most of the time, but I otherwise really like what I've been able to read of Immortal Hulk.
- Ms. Marvel (2014) genuinely a really good book and also the only Inhumans thing i like (in no small part, im sure, because there is not a lot of Inhumans stuff in it). starting to run out of spoons at this point so i’m just gonna be blunt if u hate kamala khan Fuck You
- Unbelievable Gwenpool (2016) unbelievable gwenpool is Good it’s a Good Comic marvel has just been absolutely massacring the character ever since it ended. in 2019 the Defiler leah williams took poor gwennie out behind the barn and basically just shot her in the back of the fucking head. we will probably never see the character in any significant or serious capacity ever again :(
- Superman’s Girlfriend, Lois Lane (1958-1973) culturally important to the medium of superhero comic books As We Know Them Today. also generally batshit insane to an objectively hilarious degree ❤️
+ honorable mention(s): that one green lantern story where hal jordan slipped on a bar of soap and bumped his head so hard he not only  was immediately rendered unconscious but then also fell promptly into a coma.
ALSO Blue Beetle (2006) it's been so long that i barely remember what happens in it but i Do Remember that it was Good. i really need to reread the run sometime soon...
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1n-bl0om · 2 years
bruce and vance hcs
- vance has cuteness aggression
- vance has an oral fixation/stim where he feels the need to bite things. he’s always chewing on plastic spoons and forks. especially plastic straws
- when vance’s overwhelmed with emotion he needs to bite. when he’s so overwhelmed with bruce and his feelings of love he bites him from
- bruce has bite marks on his arms from vance and his cuteness aggression
- bruce is very sweet but people do annoy him. he has his own personal “burn book” where he lets out the rudest remarks in japanese
- vance has two moms, rose and jane. people often say rude things to him about it, that’s why he gets into so many fights
- bruce is the captain of the debate club. his ability to  persuade others and have them agree with him helps tremendously in his debates
- bruce is taller than vance. vance the epitome of a short, angry person
- bruce’s litte sister, amy, braids vance’s hair whenever she can
- vance is relatively calm but gets annoyed easily. little things set him off. he likes to say he got his firey personality from his mom, rose
- bruce spends his weekends gardening. he has a small flower patch and some fruit trees growing in. he gardens in the free time between school and baseball
- vance loves to bake. whenever he is stressed or bored he bakes. he’s made pies, cookies, cakes, custards, pastries, you name it. it’s also his bonding time with his moms. they all enjoy time in the kitchen
- bruce likes to draw. he spends his time reading comics and copying the art styles, making his own comics for fun
- bruce absolutely loves baseball. he thinks about going pro once he’s older but is doubting it
- bruce is double jointed and it freaks vance out. he can pop his joints out of place and vance screams every time
- vance’s pinball score is one of the things he’s most proud of. it took a wallet of coins to achieve and total concentration. he dragged bruce out early the next morning to show him his score
- bruce fell first but vance fell harder
- bruce plays with vance’s hair to help him relax. he could spend hours like that, totally calm while under bruce’s attention
- vance is like a cat, claws always out for those he hates but comfortable with those he loves.
- vance is a brat and complains when stuff doesn’t go his way. he’s a spoiled only child. he’s always being annoying and bruce constantly tells him to stop being so whiny, that results in vance biting him
- bruce talks shit with amy while she gives him gossip about the lower classmen. it’s their sibling bonding time
- bruce helps patch up vance after his fights, though he prefers to do it alone
- bruce has a baseball collection filled with some of the most impressive signatures. he’s incredibly proud of it
- rose and jane do their best to teach vance to be a respectable boy. vance just happens to get annoyed easily and has a problem with authority
- vance looks eerily similar to both of his moms, it confuses people
- bruce tried to teach vance how to hit a baseball. the day ended with vance breaking the bat and chasing him with it
- bruce loves mint n chip ice cream. he will defend it until his final breath
- they spend their time at the baseball field or with the pinball machine. bruce teaches vance little things about baseball while vance teaches bruce his tricks in pinball
- bruce sleeps over vance’s a lot. he considers rose and jane to be his second parents.
- bruce once compared vance to an entitled house cat. vance pouted and snapped at people the rest of the day
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Racing Heart
Pairing  ::  Clark Kent  x  short/petite fem!Reader
Warnings  ::  Smut, Size Kink
Word Count  ::  4,265
Summary  ::  You never knew why, but whenever you were around Clark, your heart always raced.
A/N  ::  Just an fyi, I used Henry Cavill’s Clark Kent, but I used the comic book height of Clark, which is 6′3′’, versus Henry’s 6′1′’
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You never quite understood why, all you knew was that your heart always started racing when you were close to Clark. It wasn’t whenever you saw him, or when you were just in the same room as him. It was only when you were able to notice how small you were compared to the 6’3’’ man. 
There were many occasions when this happened. Whenever Clark hugged you, helped you grab something on a top shelf, or even when he was standing so close to you, you two almost touched, your heart began racing. It had gotten to the point where you went out of your way to avoid getting close to the man, making sure you were always on the opposite side of the room from him.
There were three specific times though that made your face heat up just thinking about them.
The first one was in the break room.
You had managed to open the cabinet doors right above the refrigerator, but were struggling to grab the box of plastic utensils. You always forgot to bring a fork or spoon from home for your lunch, though you never had to worry about it because The Daily Planet had some. Of course, in an office full of tired reporters, others were bound to forget their utensils as well, and thus the box that was placed on the counter was now empty.
You stood on your tippy-toes, fingers barely grazing the corner of the box. The heels your wore offered no help, only adding a mere inch and a half to your height. You open the cabinet with ease, and a huff of annoyance left you when you saw the box of forks was on the second shelf. You had grown so frustrated, you began hopping just to try and hit the box that you now believed was taunting you. However, your hopping was working, as you managed to hit the corner repeatedly to make the box slowly come out. You didn’t care if you were wearing a skirt. It ended right before your knees and you were wearing black tights so it was fine.
You just needed one more good hop and you knew you’d be able to grab the box. You bent your knees only slightly, and then-
“Do you need some help?” A deep kind voice asked, followed by a large hand reaching past you and grabbing the box.
You whipped your entire body around, now facing a tie and button-down plaid shirt. You tilted your head up, seeing the man from Kansas, Clark Kent. He was giving you one of his classic golden boy smiles, looking down at you.
You gave him a small smile in return, and you could feel your heartbeat begin to grow faster. Perhaps Clark sneaking up behind you startled you, and he seemed to notice.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, I just saw you were struggling for a bit,” He commented, holding the box out for you.
You grabbed it, thanking him quietly before a small idea popped into your head. “Were you watching me?”
You swore you saw a small tint on Clark’s cheeks as he let out a cough to clear his throat. “Um, no, I had walked by earlier and saw you struggling then, and, well, when I came back I saw you were still here so I decided to help.”
You let out a small giggle. “I’m teasing Clark.”
You saw him visibly ease up, letting out a small exhale. Little did you know he had been staring at you for a small while before he helped you. Watching you hop up and down had brought a small smile of amusement to his face. 
The second one was in the supply room.
Some people bought their supplies, and that was their stash. Others, such as yourself, helped themselves to the abundance of the supply room. What you had just ran out of only moments ago were sticky notes. You used them quite often, not only for notes but also for little drawings you did to pass the time. As a matter of fact, your entire desk was nearly covered with either small memos or doodles of random characters.
The sticky notes, unfortunately, were located on the top shelf. To add to your bad luck, there was also no stepping stool or ladder. Now, you could’ve been rational and go get someone taller to help. ‘Nah, I got this,’ you thought as you carefully began to climb up on the shelves. You believed in your climbing abilities, even in your heels. Admittedly, it was a bit awkward trying to grip onto the shelves, and the heels of your feet were hanging off, but you felt secure enough. 
You reached the top shelf with relative ease, only needing to step up two shelves. Then came the matter of the box of sticky notes that had yet to be open. There was no way you could open the box to grab the small number of notepads you needed, not without both hands though. You could throw the box down, but what were the chances of it breaking open and creating a mess? ‘I really should’ve thought this one through a little better,’ you regretted.
Busy thinking of how to get the sticky notes down(along with how often you found yourself in this sort of ‘you’ve made your bed now lay in it’ situations you’ve been in) you didn’t notice the door open and close once again. “(Y/N)?” 
“Wha- Ah!” You let out a squeal, losing your balance from being pulled from your train of thought. Your eyes widened and your heart froze, feeling your feet slip off along with your grip.
You squeezed your eyes shut, ready for the oncoming impact from the floor, along with the pain. Thankfully, the person who had caused your fall was quick enough to save you. Instead of feeling the hard tiled floor, you felt a pair of strong arms catch you. They held you close, almost squeezing you a bit too tight, but you felt safe in the embrace. You opened your eyes, blinking a few times to make sure you were indeed okay. You looked up to see who had caught you, your (e/c) eyes locking with blue ones behind a frame of glasses.
There was a clear worried look on Clark’s face. “You need to be careful (Y/N), you can’t just climb up shelves. If you need help, ask for it,” He continued to scold you, but you couldn’t focus on a thing he was saying.
Your heart was pounding, though you thought it was from the adrenaline of almost falling, and your mind was elsewhere. You couldn’t listen to him with him still holding you, it was all your mind was focused on. His grip on you was frim, and you were so close to him you could smell his cologne, citrus with a hint of musk. You always knew you were petite in build, but being held like this made you feel tiny. ‘His arms are so big. Am I really this small? He doesn’t look like he’s struggling at all. When does he have the time to work out? How-’
“(Y/N) are you even listening to a thing I’m saying?”
You blinked once, looking at him with big eyes. “Um… You’re still holding me…” You pointed out, a small blush coming to your cheeks. Unable to look at him any longer, your eyes darted down, missing his flustered face.
He put you down quickly, apologizing, and you told him not to just as quickly in response. After, you thanked him and rushed out without even taking a single sticky note with you. Later on in the day though, when you had walked away and returned to your desk, there were two sticky note pads on your desk.
The third one was at a charity event.
You and Clark were assigned to the event together as it was a rather large event. The money being raised was for meta-human teens and children, to help them better understand their abilities safely.
After hearing the guest list, you knew you had to wear the one forest green dress you wore to every fancy event. It was the nicest, and expensive, dress you owned. You paired it with three-inch black heels and a simple opal pendant. You never like dressing up too much. Clark wore a simple muted dark brown suit, with a navy blue button-up and blue tie to match it.
Now, it was rather tricky to keep your distance from Clark this time, and you really didn’t want to get flustered during work. Before it was at work, now it would be during work. There was a difference, granted a small difference, but still, a difference. At work, you just minded your business, and on occasion, goofing off when you weren’t writing an article. Here you were supposed to be interviewing and taking notes of everything happening. You couldn’t miss something important because Clark wanted to dance and you couldn’t keep your mind straight after. He didn’t ask you to dance, but, if he did you’d refuse.
“So, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Queen-”
“Please, call me Oliver,” The blond said.
Before you stood Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen. You were intending to speak to Mr. Wayne alone, but just as you approached him, Mr. Queen also got to him. You were about to apologize and walk away, however, Mr. Queen, or rather, Oliver, insisted you interviewed them together. You had to admit, it was rather nice having Oliver around as Mr. Wayne, even though he was known as a playboy, gave you a rather intimidating aura. 
You began interviewing the two, asking them the same questions you had asked all the millionaires, but ended up talking with them and enjoying it. Mr. Wayne wasn’t as intimidating as he had seemed, and Oliver was rather humorous. It was clear to you the two were friends.
You were in the middle of laughing at a joke Oliver had told when you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. You turned your head, seeing Clark, standing right beside you with a smile. 
“Well you most certainly are having a good time,” He commented before turning his attention to the men in front of you. “Mr. Wayne, Mr. Queen, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He reached out with his free hand to shake theirs.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well…” Mr. Wayne’s voice trailed off as he looked down at Clark’s badge from the daily planet, “...Mr. Kent.”
“Call me Oliver,” He said as he shook your coworker’s hand. “I take it you two were sent together?”
“Yes,” You said in sync.
The conversation continued, and the entire time Clark kept his arm around your shoulders. You nodded along, even humming a few times in response to make it appear as if you were listening as your mind wandered. ‘Why is my heart racing? Why is he still holding me? Should I say something? What if I seem rude? I don’t want him to let go though.’ Even though you didn’t want to acknowledge it, you knew there was a small part of you that always liked how petite you were compared to Clark. 
Then, you felt his thumb begin to rub small circles onto your bare shoulder. Without thinking, you slowly leaned into his larger frame. Now, you couldn’t see it because you were still looking ahead at the two millionaires, but Clark glanced down at you, happy you had come closer.
You couldn’t avoid Clark forever though, despite your best efforts.
You walked down the sidewalk, holding four large reusable grocery bags each full to the brim. You lived alone, but you liked to shop in bulk so you wouldn’t have to go out often. You were struggling a fair amount though. Normally, you had a friend who’d come with you to help you out and then the two of you would hang out. Sadly, all your friends were busy for the next few days and you were beginning to run out of your favorite conditioner, not to mention you were low on food.
You didn’t drive to the grocery store either, adding to your struggle. It was only three blocks away, why waste gas? You wouldn’t be struggling much longer though.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” A male voice called out.
You stopped, eyes darting everywhere to find the owner of the voice. It took you a moment until you eventually spotted Clark in front of you, a good distance away.
“Oh, hi Clark!” You placed two of the bags down to give him a large arm wave.
It took him a moment to get to you, and when he did he looked down at your groceries puzzled. “That seems like a lot for one person to carry.”
“Yeah, I tend to bite off more than I can chew.”
“I’ve noticed,” He said with a chuckle. “Do you want some help?”
You shook your head. “No. I couldn’t possibly drag you away from your day off to help me.”
“It wouldn’t be a hassle at all,” He reassured you. “Plus, it’d eat at me all day knowing I left you struggling.”
Knowing he wouldn’t take no for an answer, you let out a sigh, agreeing to his help. He took three of the bags, leaving you with the one bag filled with two bags of chips, three loaves of bread, and two dozen eggs. You tried to hold two bags, make the work even between the two of you, but he insisted. He tried to carry the bag you held as well, but you were adamant you held at least one.
Walking down to your apartment complex, the two of you mainly talked about work. At least you did, and Clark more so listened. This was the first time your heart didn’t start racing as you stood next to him, probably because you wouldn’t shut up about the deadline for your new article. You refused to look up at him, eyes fixed only on what was in front of you. It didn’t take long for the two of you to get to your apartment. You thanked him and told him he could go on with his day, but he insisted he helped you carry the bags up to your apartment.
You were quiet from then on, listening to Clark talk about the building. He lead you all away to your front door, standing patiently for you to unlock your door. Then, it hit you. You noticed his shadow over you as you faced your front door. Your heart quickened a bit, still, you ignored it as you opened your front door.
You speedily guided him to the kitchen to place the groceries down, and just as fast you tried to rush him out. His brows furrowed, confusion written all over his face.
“(Y/N), why are you in such a rush to show me out?”
‘Because I can’t think straight now with you around!’ You thought. Instead, you said to him, “Because I’m tired and I want you to enjoy your day off!”
He didn’t seem to believe you. He stood in front of you, a small frown on his lips. “Do you like me?”
Your eyes widened, mouth left ajar at his question.
“Because sometimes I get the feeling that you don’t like me.”
‘Oh-’ “What- No. I think you’re a great guy Clark.”
“Then why are you always avoiding me?” You didn’t think he had noticed. “Whenever I get close to you, you scurry off, and when you can’t you look uncomfortable.”
Like a child who had just gotten caught, you covered your face, too embarrassed to look at him. You didn’t want to tell him the real reason you were avoiding him, but, you also didn’t want him thinking you disliked him. It was the exact opposite.
“I’m not avoiding you because I don’t like you, Clark,” You said through your hands. You spread apart your fingers so you could look him in the eyes. “I… I avoid you because you’re… you’re so big.”
Now Clark was taken aback, a brow raised. “What?”
With a long exhale, you lowered your hands. “I said, I avoid you because you’re so… so big, and it makes me feel really small, and I can’t think straight.”
“You avoid me because I’m too big, and it makes you feel small, and you can’t think straight?” He repeated.
You nodded.
He was silent for a few seconds, tilting his head to the side. “In a good or bad way?”
“In a good or bad way?”
You could feel your face heat up, and it wasn’t the only spot on you beginning to grow warm. Softly, you answered him. “In a good way, I guess.”
Clark took a step closer to you. “So you like the fact that I’m larger than you?”
“Yes, I just-”
“No.” His normally bright blue eyes seemed to darken, his eyes narrowed on you. “I want you to say it.”
You closed your legs closer together, feeling a heat rise in between your thighs. “I like that you’re so much bigger and stronger compared to me.”
Swiftly, Clark scooped you up, hands just beneath your bottom to raise you to his face. With how fast your heart was racing now you were sure he could hear it pounding in your chest. 
You looked into his eyes as you carefully took off his glasses and tossed them onto your couch. Then, you placed a hand on each side of his face and gave him a long soft kiss. He returned the kiss gently, though after a few minutes you could tell he wanted more, his kiss began to grow rough. 
You had wrapped your legs around him to be more comfortable, giving him a better grip on you. He squeezed your ass and in response you let out a soft moan. He lowered you a bit, only enough for you to feel his growing erection against your fully clothed core. He held your hips close, moving you against him for a bit of friction. You whimpered, lowering your head into his chest and gripping his dark grey shirt.
“Clark, please,” You whined.
“Where’s your bedroom?” He asked, voice deeper than usual.
You pulled your head away from his chest, nodding over in the direction of your bedroom. “Second door to the right,”
Almost hurried, he carried you straight to your bedroom. He stopped right at the edge of your bed, letting go and letting you fall back onto your mattresses. He crawled on top of you, placing a knee between your legs. Gently, he peeled away your clothes, tossing them to the side and leaving you in your underwear. He began peppering kisses around your neck, slowly moving down to your collarbone. As he did, his hand crept its way behind your back and undid the clasp on your bra. He pulled away from his kisses to watch your breasts bounce free, eyes fixed on your bare chest. 
Feeling embarrassed, you moved to cover your chest with your hands, but he pinned your hands above your head with one hand.
A low chuckle escaped him. “Aw, are you feeling shy?”
You were about to turn your head away when Clark dipped his head down, capturing your lips again. You could feel his free hand slowly trail up your side, humming as a shiver went down your spine. He cupped your breast firmly, beginning to knead it in his palm.
Small moans left your lips, arching your back, body begging for more. You already knew your panties were wet, and you needed him, but he was still fully clothed. All the while you could feel his denim-covered erection against your thigh.
“Clark,” You groaned against his lips, “It’s not fair.”
He pulled back, brows raised. You struggled to pull your hands free, to no avail.
“You’re still dressed,” You said with a pout.
He gave you an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, how about you take care of that for me?”
He let go of your hands and you eagerly reached for the end of his shirt, pulling it off of him. You almost started drooling seeing him shirtless for the first time. Your hands began to wander around his chest, tracing the lines of his muscles. Your hands wandered down further, to the hem of his pants. Just as you were about to reach for his belt, his hand stopped you.
“You’re not ready yet sweetheart,” He warned you. 
He pressed his mouth against you, silencing you before you could complain. Even though you weren’t allowed to undo his pants, he slid them off with ease and you felt his long hard member pressed against your thigh. You momentarily pulled away to glance down, gasping loudly when you saw his length.
Worried, you looked back up at him. “It’s not going to fit.”
He dipped his head back down to your neck, peppering kisses across your jaw. “That’s why we need to get you ready.”
His hand moved down to your soaked panties, pushing them down so you were completely bare now. Your breathing hitched, feeling him stick in a finger and begin to move it in and out of you slowly. He picked up the pace with his finger, eventually sticking in another and he could already feel your pussy tightening.
You were growing close and he was only fucking you with his fingers. Granted, his hands were larger than yours, so two of his fingers felt much larger than two of your own.
To add on, he lowered himself so his head would be right at your dripping cunt and began sucking on your clit. 
“Ah!” Your hands went straight to his hair and began to tug. You were a mess in his hands.
It didn’t take long for your body to shudder and your hips begin to spasm as you hit your high. Clark licked up your pouring juice, humming at your sweet taste. He looked up at you, two fingers remaining and now scissoring inside of you.
“You know, you really should ask for help if you can’t reach something,” He began. “It’s hard trying to hold back when you reach for things in those tight skirts of yours.”
“Well, now you don’t need to hold back,” You teased.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, grabbing his face with one hand and guiding him back to you. You could taste your juices in the kiss, humming in delight.
He pulled his fingers out, your core aching to be filled again. Luckily, you soon felt his already dripping tip at your entrance. Slowly, he pushed himself into you and you could feel your walls stretch around him. You nearly cried, your body in a mix of pain and pleasure. Your back arched, breasts pressing against Clark’s chest. Your hands gripped his arms as tight as you could, and you were sure you were digging your nails into him.
It was so much. You could feel your eyes water and tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
Clark kissed your forehead, muttered against it, “Just relax.”
He gave a small moment to adjust, noting how your breathing changed when you had gotten used to him. He pushed himself further in though, and you cursed under your breath, body growing tense again. 
Again, he gave you a moment to adjust, despite how painfully tight your walls clamped around him. He pulled out a small amount before pushing back in, bucking his a few times to get you used to him. Eventually, your quiet whimpers turned into small moans.
“M-more,” You breathed out, breath shaky.
Like a switch had been flipped in him, Clark pulled out almost all the way and speared you, no longer as gentle as he had been before. He did this again and again, going a little harder each time at a constant rhythm. Then, with one thrust you shouted his name loudly and your cunt squeezed around his cock.
“Ah! Clark again! Right there, please!” You begged him.
Knowing he had found your g-spot, he pulled out all the way this time and pounded that same spot, earning another cry of pleasure from you. He did this repeatedly now with a faster rhythm, leaving you gasping and clenching with each thrust. With each of your breaths growing ragged, it was clear you were both close to your release. 
You wrapped a leg around his hips to try and bring him closer, and he gripped your thigh harshly. He squeezed it so tightly, you were sure there’d be a faint bruise. 
With a few more thrusts, you shuddered, juices flowing out of you again and around Clark’s cock this time. You swore you heard Clark curse, feeling you squeeze around him and juices cover him. 
His rhythm was growing sloppy, and he pumped in and out of you until he let out a low groan of relief. You took a sharp breath, feeling his warm seed enter you. He continued to buck his hips, riding it out until he finally stopped, breath heavy.
He looked at you with now clear eyes and a smile on his face. “So… Do you need help putting your groceries away?” He asked cheekily.
You giggled. “Only if you don’t put anything important on the top shelf.”
“Why not? I’ll be around to help you now.”
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Book Club
For the anon who requested : can you do a professor remus one?
Remus Lupin x Reader
After complaints from parents about their kiddies not learning anything, Professor Binns was finally (politely) forced into retirement. That meant for the first time in centuries there was an opening for a History of Magic professor. You jumped on the opportunity immediately, never expecting to actually get the job. You were young, relatively inexperienced, but you were a wiz at history of magic, you had always been, even in your time at Hogwarts not too long ago. 
That’s why Dumbledore gave you the job. That and he was hoping that having someone young and relatable would inspire the students. And you hoped he was right, all you wanted to do was teach, from the time you were a young child. You sat nervously in your seat at the faculty table and looked around at all the young faces in front of you. You remembered being that young. 
“I would like to introduce two new professors this year that we are very lucky to have. Teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts will be Remus Lupin,” There was some scattered applause as a man a few seats down from you stood up, waving slightly. He was a handsome man, definitely older than yourself, but his eyes were even older than that. He had light scars on his face that were illuminated in the candlelight. “And replacing Professor Binns this year will be the lovely Y/N Y/L/N,” You took your turn to stand, there was a wolf whistle from somewhere in the gaggle of students. You flushed slightly and Dumbledore hushed them, “She’s recently been in your shoes, so I hope you will all take her knowledge to heart. Now, enjoy the feast!” 
You took your seat again, watching as the plates in front of you filled with delicious foods and your goblet filled itself to the brim with pumpkin juice. Merlin, you had missed Hogwarts. 
The first week of classes flew by in a whirl. You felt like you were slightly out of your league and you were beginning to panic. The kids were not much younger than yourself, and you felt like they didn’t quite respect you yet, and you had no idea how to gain it. You didn’t want to hand out detentions, that wasn’t your style. You didn’t want them to hate you or fear you via punishment. You wanted them to like you and to understand you were there to help them. 
One day between classes you were wandering the hallway, trying to clear your head when you heard a roar of laughter. You stopped, peaking into the cracked doorway. Professor Lupin was at the head of the class, and the students in front of him were laughing, grinning ear to ear. 
“Okay okay!” He raised his hand and the laughter died down, “Next up, remember,” He flicked his wand and spoke, “Riddikulus!” The next student stepped up and Lupin opened the chest at the front of the room, and a Bogart popped out, taking on the form of a giant snake. You watched from the hallway, smiling to yourself. 
“Remember, remember the spell! He called and the young girl looked at him worriedly before flourishing her wand and yelling out the spell. The snake morphed and changed and suddenly it was a giant clown, the students roared with laughter again. You remained watching, student after student went. They were learning, they were having fun. It was everything you wanted for your own class. Finally, a student stepped up, Harry Potter, you noticed. When his Bogart turned into a Dementor Lupin lept in front of him, and it changed into a full moon. You frowned. “Riddikulus,” He spoke, and suddenly it was gone, a balloon with the air let out from it. Everyone cackled but you continued to frown. Why would his biggest fear be the moon? “Alright, alright,” He announced, laughing, “That’s enough fun for today, I will see you all next class!” There were groans of protest from kids who didn’t go yet, but they all turned to shuffle out past you. 
“Ms. Y/L/N, I didn’t see you there,” Lupin greeted you, gesturing for you to come into the classroom, you stepped forward. 
“Sorry to impose, I heard laughter, I had to check it out,” You smiled politely at him, he smiled back. 
“I hope we weren’t too loud, Ms. Y/L/N.” 
“Absolutely not.” You assured him, “And please, call me Y/N.” He nodded his head, shifting around slightly. 
“Of course, Y/N. You’re welcome to call me Remus, if it pleases you.” He was so polite it was almost comical. You took a deep breath getting ready to ask the question on the tip of your tongue, but Remus spoke first. 
“How are you finding teaching so far?” He asked and you shrugged slightly, smiling sheepishly. 
“Alright, I actually wanted to ask you.. For advice.”
“Me? I’m sure there are much more qualified people to be giving out advice.” 
“Maybe, but none of them are new to being a professor. And your students seem to love you so much already. I want to know how you did it. Maybe over a cup of tea? I don’t feel like my students are connecting to me yet.” You explained and he nodded knowingly. 
“It’s a hard gig, especially so young.” 
“I feel like they think I’m just babysitting them,” You both chuckled. 
“How about Friday after lessons? My office, I can give you all the advice I have, even if it isn’t much.” You nodded and smiled. 
“Sounds lovely,” You checked the watch on your arm and nodded towards the door, “I have to go, it was good to finally meet you properly, Remus.” 
“You as well, Ms.- I mean, Y/N.” You laughed, offering him a small wave before turning to leave the classroom, looking forward to Friday. 
Friday rolled around faster than you thought it would, and you were grateful. You felt like your students were warming up to you, but there was still a disconnect. You walked to Remus’s office and knocked. A moment later the door opened and the man stood in front of you smiling softly. 
“Hello, Y/N.” 
“Hello Remus, how was your week?” You asked, stepping into the office. It was nicely decorated, and the bookshelves were brimming with literature, so much so that there were several boxes around the room with even more books in them still. 
“Sorry for the mess,” you waved him off.
“It’s lovely, have you read all of these?” You asked curiously as you followed the man to his desk, sitting in one of the plush seats on the opposite side while he settled behind it. 
“Most of them yes, there are some I haven’t gotten around to yet,” He admitted. You smiled, watching him conjure a teapot and two mugs over. He poured you each a glass. “How do you take your tea?” He asked, and you smiled sitting back in the comfortable chair.
“Just some sugar please,” He added a few cubes of sugar before setting the mug in front of you. “Did you go to Hogwarts?” 
“A few lifetimes ago, yes,” He chuckled, taking a sip of his own drink, you stirred yours with your spoon waiting for the sugar to dissolve. 
“Oh come on, hardly.” You laughed, “Is it as odd for you as it is for me? To be here and not be a student?” Remus nodded his head. 
“Yes, it’s odd. Being here, being in charge, not being...” He paused, and eyed you slightly, “Not being a troublemaker.” That made you laugh harder. 
“You were a troublemaker?” You pressed and he shrugged before nodding, his eyes glistening slightly. 
“A bit, well my mates were, but they dragged me into everything,” 
“Brilliant,” You snickered. 
“What about you? All I’ve heard from other professors is how brilliant you were.” You flushed slightly, glancing away. 
“I’m not that brilliant, I only ever really excelled in history of magic. And that wasn’t hard considering most kids didn’t even want to be there. But I love it, I love to read. And I would love for my students to find it even half as interesting as I do.”
“So make it more interesting,” He prompted, and you sighed,
“It’s not like defense, I can’t very well let a Bogart loose in the classroom,” You teased and it was his turn to flush slightly. 
“I’m sure you could think of something more appropriate to the subject, you seem rather resourceful.” You sipped on your tea and hid your smile behind the mug. 
“I will try,” You assured, “I think it’s hard for them to respect me, they look at me and they see their siblings, or older kids they attended school with. They don’t think of me as a professor.” Remus put his mug down and looked at your thoughtfully. 
“I’m sure they respect you more than you give them credit for.” You shrugged, “Dumbledore would not have given you this position if he didn’t think you were more than qualified, just remember that.” You smiled and nodded your head. 
“Thank you, I think I needed to hear that,” 
“Of course,” You made small talk as you drank your tea, and you eventually put the empty mug down with a content sigh. 
“You know, we should start a book club.” The man across from you chuckled, raising an eyebrow. 
“A book club?”
“That was my polite way of asking to raid your little library you have yourself here,” You grinned and he chuckled again waving a hand towards the shelves. 
“By all means, anytime you’d like you’re welcome to borrow. Or else they just collect more dust.” That was all the invitation you needed, Remus watched amused as you excitedly got out of your seat, going to the closest bookshelf, running your finger over the spines. You stopped randomly on one and pulled it off the shelf, looking at the title. 
“One of my favorites,” Remus informed you, leaning back in his own chair as he watched you. “I highly recommend it.” You opened the book and read over the inside cover, smiling to yourself. Remus thought you had a wonderful smile, but he shook the thought from his head. You were way too young, too pretty for him. Besides, he had way too much baggage to be dating. 
“I’ll take it then,” You decided, coming back to his desk, “Want to meet next friday for tea and we can talk about it?” You offered, unsure if you were overstepping. 
“That sounds lovely,” You smiled and nodded your head, brushing your hair over your shoulder. 
“Brilliant, I will see you around then, Remus.” 
“Have a good day, Y/N,” With that you left his office, going back to your own to start on a new lesson plan. Something fun. 
This week went by better, things were getting easier. The students were engaged, and seemed to be enjoying your class more and more by the day, something you were elated about. They were asking questions, participating, and doing their assignments as instructed. In your free time you read the book you had borrowed from Remus, and he was right, it was a wonderful book. Written by a muggle about magic, and it was fun and interesting to see how they believed your world would be. Somethings were almost accurate but most of it was.. What was the word? Fantasy. 
Friday arrived again, and at the end of classes you made your way to Remus’s office, excited to see the man and to talk about the book. When you got there, Professor Snape was leaving and you nodded politely at the man. You never cared for him while you were a student, and now that you were a teacher your feelings hadn’t changed much. 
“Y/L/N.” He greeted in a draw before brushing past you, leaving the door ajar. You knocked on the doorframe, popping your head in. 
“Remus?” You called, and he looked up from where he had been rubbing his face with his hands. 
“Hello, Y/N, come on in,” You entered the office, shutting the door behind you. 
“Cheating on me with Snape?” You teased and he flushed.
“I’m just joking,” You assured, coming to sit in the lovely plush armchair. You would need to get yourself one of these. 
“Oh no, I know, I am sorry. He just stopped in to ask a question.” You nodded your head, tucking you feet up under your legs as you sat. 
“I don’t think he likes me,” You admitted, “Not even when I was a student,” 
“He doesn’t like anyone,” Remus assured you chuckling, “Not even when we were students.” He gestured with his wand and the teapot came over to his desk landing between the two of you were two mugs already sat. 
“You went to school with him?” You asked, surprised. 
“Yes, I unfortunately did.” You snickered at that, watching Remus pour you each a cup of tea, before placing sugar in yours and handing it over. You thanked him and took it, holding it in your hands, letting it warm you up. 
“How was that?” 
“He was mostly the same, we, he and my friends, never got on.” He admitted, “But don’t let my petty squabbles influence you.” You smirked, taking a sip of tea.
“Don’t worry, they don’t. I’ve never been fond of the man.” Remus smirked in return, nodding his head. 
“How did you like A Wizard of Earthsea?” He asked, and you produced the book from your robes, setting it on his desk.
“Oh I loved it,” You gushed, and he smiled. He wouldn’t tell you, but he truly enjoyed having someone around who enjoyed literature the way he did. You talked yourself through three mugs of tea about the book, conversation flowing nicely. When it got dark you finally checked your watch.
“Dinner is soon, we should go to the hall,” He checked his own watch, disappointed that your time together was over. 
“Pick another book before we go, if you’d like.” 
“I’d love to,” You grinned, taking the previous book and returning it to it’s spot on his shelf. You looked around before settling on another one, holding it up to him. “Good?”
“Ah, you’ve got brilliant taste,” He grinned and you returned the sentiment. Months passed like that, fall turned to winter, but the tea and talking about books with Remus every friday remained a constant in your life. You loved having something to look forward to every week, and it was nice to have a friend. 
You were on your way to your weekly meeting when you were intercepted by Severous Snape a few corridors away from his office. 
“Ms. Y/L/N.” He greeted and you smiled meekly at the man.
“Hello, Mr. Snape?” You greeted, unsure what you were supposed to call him. His face darkened slightly, you guessed that was wrong. 
“May I offer you some advice,” It wasn’t a question, you nodded, shifting from foot to foot. “I wouldn’t go around spending all your time with Remus Lupin, not if you like your job.” You blinked a few times. 
“Excuse me, sir?” 
“There are many things you don’t know about that man, dangerous things.” He continued ominously. You scoffed, that cardigan wearing man? Dangerous? “You’re a bright girl, I’m sure you’ve worked out his... furry little problem.” You frowned. You hadn’t. 
“I don’t think it’s your business to be sharing his business, do you sir?” Snape glared down at you, and you did your best to hold his gaze. 
“Just execute... caution.” He finished and with a flourish he was gone down the corridor and you were left alone with your thoughts. You went directly to Remus’s office, not knocking before you entered, face still screwed up in a glare. 
“Y/N,” He greeted, “What’s wrong?” His face fell slightly. You shrugged, coming to sit in your chair across from him. 
“Just ran into Snape in the hall,” You admitted. Remus didn’t say anything, but you could see he was nervous, “He told me to be careful around you, that you were dangerous.”
“Said you had a furry little problem.” You continued, glancing up at the man, who was pale as a ghost. 
“D-did he?” 
“Your Bogart...” The pieces were all there, right in front of you, “You’re always ill, once a month...”
“Y/N...” He stood up, eyes widening, “Please,” 
“You’re a werewolf?” You whispered, meeting his eyes, and he immediately looked away from you. The question hung in the air for an uncomfortable amount of time. You took your wand out, Remus still refusing to look at you, and you conjured the teapot over, pouring yourselves each a mug. “How do you take your tea?”
“What?” He spun around, like he was surprised you were even still there. 
“Tea, Remus, how do you take it?” You placed a few sugar cubes in your own mug then looked at him expectantly. 
“Oh, uhm, milk, no sugar.” You nodded, pouring a bit of milk into his mug before pushing it towards his chair. 
“I can’t believe I’ve never read this before,” You continued, placing the book on his desk and Remus slowly returned to his seat, hesitantly taking the mug. “Lord of the Rings, you said there were more of them?” You prodded, and he took a small sip of his tea. 
“Brilliant,” You smiled, tucking your feet up under your legs in your usual position. 
“Listen, Y/N...”
“Remus,” You spoke firmly, “It’s alright,” He waved his hand.
“No no, it’s not alright, Snape is right... I am dangerous.” You looked him up and down before smirking.
“I think I could take you in a duel,” He frowned at you.
“I’m being serious,” 
“You’re not dangerous Remus,” You argued. 
“I am, and ... and you shouldn’t be around me,”
“Too bad.” You shrugged, stirring your tea and taking a sip, “I rather like being around you.” He flushed, running a hand through his hair. 
“Snape is-”
“A git, I agree,” You took another sip, eyeing the man over your mug, daring him to argue with you, he chuckled.
“Well yes, but he has a point.” 
“He’s an arse, Remus, a fear mongering arse, He had no right to tell me that,” Remus shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t feel like he deserved this- you being so blase about this all. You should be running from him, screaming to everyone who would listen that he was a monster. But here you were, drinking tea with him, and discussing books. 
One the last day of school you went to your dear friend’s office, having heard the rumors by now. You knocked on the door before letting yourself in. The bookshelves were empty, and nothing but one last box sat on his desk. You frowned. 
“So it’s true,” 
“Parents don’t exactly want their kids being taught by a monster, Y/N.” You frowned deeper. 
“You’re not a monster, Remus, you’re a good man with a rotten condition.” He laughed bitterly. “You’re a good man Remus.” You repeated. 
“Whatever you say, arguing with you is pointless,” He teased slightly and you smirked coming to him, putting your hands on the back of the armchair you had grown to love.
“It’s yours.”
“The chair,” You looked down, surprised. “Put it in your office, these are yours too,” He gestured to the box of books on his desk, “I think you’ll like them.” You gazed into the box before coming around the desk to throw your arms around the man in a hug. 
“Promise me you’ll see me over the summer,”
“No excuses, take me out for tea, invite me over, talk to me about these lovely books of yours. We already agreed there is no point in arguing with me.” You chidded him. He hugged you back for a moment, letting himself breath you in before he pulled back. 
“I will,” He assured you, and you nodded. 
“Thank you Remus, for everything.”
“No thank you,” You smiled up at him before leaning up on your tippy toes to place a kiss on the man’s cheek. 
“I expect an owl as soon as you’re home safely,”
“Yes ma’am,” You both chuckled, “and I will see you Friday, alright?” 
“Promise me,” You demanded and he held out a pinky finger, which you took with your own. 
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prismatales · 4 years
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Word Count: 2.8k
Pairings: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Category: Fluff, Comedy.
Warnings: Mentions of dicks in a comical manner.
Beta Readers: @strawberryakaashi @cassroler @dadchis-girl
Summary: There’s always a first time for everything. For you and Ushijima, this was the beginning of your unique holiday traditions.
Here’s my contribution to the Haikyuu Headquarters SFW Secret Santa! This is my gift for the lovely @kandyshoppe. Happy holidays, love! You’re such an amazing friend and a great artist. Every time I see your art on discord my tummy does a flip. Hope you enjoy my little gift for you, baby!
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As far as Ushijima can remember, his family wasn’t used to celebrating holidays such as Christmas while most people tend to enjoy said festivities alongside their whole families or closest friends. Growing up, the closest thing Ushijima experienced was a small dinner with his parents, the dinner usually accompanied by a simple gift every now and then.
Ushijima’s family never got the experience of setting up a christmas tree, or decorating their home with things like those red stockings people used to hang over the fireplace. There was no need to prepare a feast for Christmas night since there is no need for letting  children to make a mess in the living room as they ripped through layers of brightly colored gift paper to look for the presents Santa got them. 
Speaking of the old man in a sleigh, that was a tale nobody could manage to convince a young Ushi to believe in, no matter how many times his teachers and classmates tried so hard to make him believe in. As a result, he made the other children cry more than once when he revealed that Santa didn’t exist…
For him, Christmas was just another day of the year, nothing he had to worry about...That is until you came into his life, and slowly began influencing his perspectives after getting together and eventually moving in together into this small, cozy place of your own.
That summer day when you moved into that small house was one of the happiest moments of your lives. Ushi’s stoic expression hid an excited spark in his eyes at the idea of having a place of his own, accompanied by one of the persons he cherished the most. And despite the many ups and downs that every couple goes through, he’s never come to regret your relationship in the slightest.
Every moment becomes another memory that’s swept away just like the seasons over the passage of time. Before he realized, all the trees had lost their lively appearance and the air became cold and crisp with the arrival of winter.
And when winter finally arrived, so did the same holiday he never bothered paying attention to, that is until you came along.
Ushijima noticed the way your eyes would always fixate their attention on the houses and stores covered in beautiful assortments of lights, spheres and wreaths, admiring their beauty with the same wonder as that of a small child. It was the same way you always paid attention to the surroundings during a trip to the mall, deeply enthralled by the soft tunes of the carols while cradling a warm drink with a smile, enjoying the soothing warmth against your hands with a serene expression.
And yet, despite the utter ADORATION for the holidays, you never suggested decorating the house, no matter how many times you both passed by the rows of lights or the trees they sold at the market.
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“You see...my family never bothered celebrating Chritstmas before.” You shrugged casually, stirring the simmering pot of soup over the heat of the stove. “My parents were never that passionate about the holidays, and frankly we barely bothered celebrating birthdays as well.”
With a smaller spoon you took a spoonful of the savory meal, blowing gently on the food before pushing it towards Ushi, who carefully grabbed the spoon from your hands and gave it a taste.
“Is it good?” 
Satisfied with his reply, you beamed softly at him and turned back towards the pot to turn off the heat so you both could finally enjoy some well-deserved lunch together. Said meals were always accompanied by some light chatter. He always had a new story to share about his teammates, and you always had something to say about work.
“Since this is our first year together...Would you like to celebrate Christmas together?” His question however, made the conversation differ from its typical subject.
“Well….it would be nice, I guess. Where did all this come from?”
“I see the way you look at all the decorations at the mall and how much you enjoy the songs.” He noticed you got awfully quiet, staring at the plate in front of you for a brief moment before turning back to look at him with eyes filled with hope.
“I’d love to do something with you for the holidays, but only if you’re okay with it!”
“Of course.”
Ushi's answer was short, but his tone of voice told you everything you needed to know. Needless to say, lunch was quickly taken care of before you were both out of the house and headed towards the car.
It was quite a sight for many people, watching you two go through the store almost like a pair of children with free reign over a credit card. Some people who recognized Ushi didn’t hesitate to take pictures when you placed an elf’s hat over his head (he had to crouch down so you could reach him.)
A couple hours later, you came out carrying a christmas tree, decorations and even some ingredients for cookies. Ushi had also brought something else but you didn’t get the chance to see it, since he put it along with the groceries.
Almost like a couple of kids, everything was quickly taken inside. And as soon as the groceries had been left back in the kitchen, the next thing on the list was decorating the living room.
Starting with the Christmas tree...
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“ I...think we messed up.” You mutter, looking up at the mess before your eyes. Both you and Ushi are just standing there next to each other, witnessing the monstrosity also known as the “Christmas Tree”. 
The tree itself has such a beautiful shade of green and looks so beautiful that  it can easily be confused for a real one. The decorations however, were on a whole different level…and not in a good way.
“It looks good enough to me.” Ushi’s remark is filled with such confidence that you had the urge to ask if he was faking it. Because the thing in front of you two was anything but “cute”....
It’s covered from head to toe in such differently colored spheres, lights and strings that it hurt to look at it. The lights were also the wrong color, rather than that warm shade of yellow, Ushi  accidently grabbed the ones that had multiple colors, which were also accompanied by an array of different colored strings….Needless to say, it was gaudy.  The tree looked like it came out of a bad parody of the retro era...
That thing couldn’t be considered a christmas tree, but on the other hand, it’s not that bad for your first time decorating by yourselves...right?
“We’ll...worry about that later.” Your attention diverted from the shining atrocity, and instead it went towards the next thing to do on the Christmas list. Strolling once again into the kitchen with Ushi trailing after you like a lost puppy, you picked up the tablet at the countertop and began looking through some tabs, scanning the screen until you found exactly what you were looking for.
“Let’s try this one out!” The tablet is quickly shoved towards Ushi’s face, who blinked twice before grabbing the tablet away from your smaller hand and looked at the reason behind your excitement.
“Christmas Cookies?” There are  different  varieties  of cookies displayed on the long tray. From Santa Clause's face, little snowmen, gingerbread men, candy canes to even little bells, all of them were decorated in beautiful shades of red and green glaze that looked absolutely delicious. The ingredients and instructions are relatively simple, easy enough for someone who’s never baked cookies in their lives. 
The kitchen quickly resembled the white aesthetic landscape outside. There’s layers of flour everywhere you look at, the counter, the sink, your clothes and even your faces. It’s all accompanied with the comforting warmth from the heated oven and the lighthearted atmosphere as you both work in a comfortable silence, kneading the dough and rolling it into a fine layer, just perfect for the cookie cutters to do their one job. As you cut row after row of dough into different shapes, Ushi cut up some squares of parchment paper, laying them over a baking tray and shortly after, the raw pieces of dough were quickly placed down and shoved inside the oven.
With the timer set for thirty minutes, you turned to look at Ushi with excitement. He brushed the flour smeared on your cheek with a thumb, smiling softly before the two of you began cleaning the kitchen together along the rhythm of some christmas classics, waiting patiently for the oven to finish baking the sweet treats…
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“....They don’t look like christmas cookies...at all.” The way you looked at these cookies was almost comical. As if life itself had been drained out every time you looked at them. If your cousins happened to look at these treats, they would think they were halloween cookies and your aunts would probably make fun of you for all eternity if they looked at the so called “bells” and “candy canes”...
“They actually taste pretty good.”  You can hear Ushi munching on some of the baked goods. There’s a slight change in his tone as he enjoys biting into one of the treats without a care. When you turned to give him an unimpressed look, you had to fight back a snort. Was he really that oblivious about their not so innocent shape?
Watching him eat that baked failure had to be one of the funniest things you’ve ever seen since you began dating, you quickly pulled out your phone to take a couple of pictures as well as a video. Ushi swallowed the mouthful of sugary pastry and turned to look at you in utter confusion. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“You really don’t see it, babe?” 
You tried so hard to fight back tears. And the phone kept shaking uncontrollably between your hands as it recorded a confused Ushi that kept looking directly at the camera. “Look at the candy canes.”
His eyes went back to the tray, raising an eyebrow in confusion at the deformed, yet tasty cookies. With the same expression full of confusion he turned to look at your giggling self “They don’t look like candy canes but that’s it.”
“Turn it upside down.” You’re trying so hard to contain your laughter at this point. It becomes downright painful to hold it in when he takes hold of one of the treats, all of his focus is on the treat’s shapes as he tries to find the reason you’re acting so strange. Until he finally turns the cookie the way you told him to. “....oh.”
You don’t know what’s funnier, the fact he’s holding a cookie shaped like a limp dick...or the fact he just kept staring at it before shrugging, taking a huge bite so nonchalantly, but by this point you’ve already forgotten how to breathe and nearly end up dropping your phone into the bowl of frosting. He may not get the joke concerning the treats, but watching you nearly slip off the counter in a fit of hysterics pulled a soft chuckle from Ushi. A barely audible one that you completely miss while you send Tendou a pic of your boyfriend eating those cursed Christmas treats.
“Alright, alright…” You wipe a small tear that slipped out before grabbing the outstretched hand before you. Taking a deep breath you look back at the baking tray on the counter. “I think we baked too many cookies. But we can still decorate and give some to our friends, it would be a waste to throw them away.”
“We can always make another batch if you feel like it.”
“Nah, doesn’t matter. Let’s just decorate these and take a break.”
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After the little baking fiasco and everything was cleaned and put in its proper place, you decided to just lay down on the couch and take a break. You would be lying if you said it wasn’t disappointing that neither the decorations nor the baking turned out well. 
At the same time you have to admit that spending time with Ushi like this was better than you could have ever imagined. So what if some of the cookies looked like penises and the christmas tree looked like someone had thrown everything representing the retro era, threw it into a blender and poured it all over a poor tree? You could still see a faint glint of excitement in Ushi’s eyes when the lights were turned on. The same glint that appeared again when he was biting on those delicious treats covered in powdery sugar.
You could say it was like an adrenaline rush that you were now coming down from, because slowly your eyelids began getting heavier with exhaustion. The soft fabric of the couch felt like a warm hug enveloping your body, welcoming it to the land of dreams with each passing second.
When Ushi walked into the living room, he was greeted with the adorable sight of your hands tucked underneath a cushion, holding it closer to your sleeping face while you laid face down on the sofa. The fluffy blanket that was always in the living room during winter covered your body up to the waist, except for the fuzzy socks you would always wear at home.
But the prettiest sight of them all was that smile adorning your face even in the middle of a deep slumber. A smile that he’s always cherished ever since that time he first realized he had a crush on you.
Perhaps you would enjoy waking up to a small surprise. With that in mind he went back into the kitchen and began looking for the stuff he bought along with the groceries, ready to prepare something Tendou had shown him during one of their meetings. Something he enjoyed so much and would love to share with you…
A delicious smell flowed into the living room, slowly stirring you awake from the nap. The mouth watering scent of spices coming from the kitchen was impossible to ignore, its alluring presence pulled you in like a moth enamoured by a flame. As you found the source of the smell, the one thing you didn’t expect was seeing Ushi in front of the stove.
“What are you doing, babe?” Even in a drowsy state, that didn’t stop you from embracing his waist from behind, nuzzling into the welcoming heat radiating from him. “And what are you cooking? It smells incredible.”
“It’s called mulled wine. Tendou showed me how to make it.” You took a peek at the simmering pot, which was filled with a bottle’s worth of red wine and spices such as cinnamon sticks, clove, orange slices and anise. He swiftly removed from the heat before it could start boiling and pulled a pair of cups from the cabinets.
And just like that, you found yourselves enjoying a delicious cup of mulled wine as you sat in front of the fireplace, cuddling together under the same blanket from before. The warm and toasty atmosphere, along with the soft music in the background, was one of the most comfortable moments you’d spent together.
“Did you like the wine?”  He kissed the side of your head.
“Mhmm, It’s delicious.” You nuzzled closer to him with a smile, before taking another sip of the mug, sighing in happiness by the comforting flavor of the delicious drink. “I didn’t know you liked this kind of stuff.”
“Tendou taught me how to make it.”
“We should send him something as a thanks….as long as it’s not cookies.”
The room filled with a contagious laughter. You felt Ushi shaking as he chuckled at the reminder of the deformed treats before kissing the side of your face for a second time.
After his laughter died down, Ushi turned to face you. “I’m sorry our first Christmas together wasn’t perfect.” 
The two mugs, now empty of their contents, were carefully placed to the side as you turned around in his lap to face his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“We were supposed to have the perfect Christmas together, but it feels like everything came out wrong.”
“Toshi, listen carefully…” 
Your hands cradled his cheeks tenderly, thumbs skimming over his face and tracing circles across his cheekbones with a delicate sweetness he became addicted to. 
“Things may not have turned out perfect but we still had fun, didn’t we? Besides, look at it this way, it could be our own way to spend the holidays! Decorating the ugliest tree ever, making cursed christmas cookies, having some mulled wine near the fireplace. I’m more than happy celebrating like this.”
It felt like a weight had  lifted off his shoulders with your answer. His arms made their way around your waist, embracing you tightly as he captured your lips in a brief and delicate kiss.
“You’re all I want for Christmas.”
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Taglist: @godtieruwu @hanniejji @savagetrickster @shoobirino @sugacookiies @unbreakableeiji @pixxiesdust @xmyshya @sugassetter @jayeray
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sweetbyte · 3 years
bakumomo - rated m
chapter one | ao3  
Chapter Two 
He is awaken by the aggressive rays of light that shine through the sheer window curtains and he curses at their uselessness. Why have curtains at all if not to block out the damned sun? It seems rather counterproductive but it’s probably telling of her pedigree. Rich people sure did love expensive fancy brand-name bullshit.
He considers lounging in, her furniture is tragically comfortable probably being the only thing worth the price tag, but his instincts kick in when he catches the smell of something burning. Bakugou is on his feet in seconds and quickly arrives to the source of the smell emanating from the kitchen. Bakugou feels a bit dumbstruck as he watches Yaoyorozu comically hop around the stove where whatever she had been trying to cook is being engulfed in flames.
“The fuck, just turn it off!” He snaps as the smell of char starts to escalate and he resists the urge to gag, a throb in his temple reminding him of the alcohol lingering in his system.
Yaoyorozu turns whips around in surprise, wide eyed, red faced, sweat gathering on her elegant brows. “It is off, I was just about to get the extinguisher.” The word rush out of her, almost in a pant, and he focuses on the throb in his head rather than the rush in his gut and glares at her.
“What are you waiting for then, the whole building to catch fire?”  Her face seems to get pinker, maybe it was a trick of the light, and she moves hastily to her pantry and takes out and quickly deploys the extinguisher. After she’s done so and the pan fire has been extinguished, she bustles around the kitchen and living room opening windows while muttering nonsense under her breath. She then rounds the corner with rags and different bottles in her hands. She pauses to look at him with a frown etched on her usually chic face and drops what she’s carrying on the counter and disappears around the opposite side of the counter. She reappears with a glass of water and a bottle of pain meds and slides them over the counter in his direction before taking her supplies.
She moves gracefully and with purpose, unlike how he initially caught her, and continues to stare at her in mild confusion. Amidst his staring, she bends to pick up some cursed thing and he realizes she’s not in the dress she was wearing the night before. Instead she’s in a thin looking top and shorts that give him a view he’s not supposed to have.
Oh, fuck me. He thinks and he rapidly averts his gaze to the glass of water that was conveniently left for him and debates chugging the whole glass as his throat has suddenly gotten dry or chucking it at her.  Actually, knocking back the whole bottle of meds sound good too.
Yaoyorozu has the mess cleaned up in record time and he wonders if this is actually routine for her. She lets out one last huff as she deposits the used rags in a bin and wipes the sheen of sweat off her forehead with her arm.
“Well, tea it is then.” She comments lightly and part of him thinks its an attempt at a joke.
“What the hell just happened?”
“Breakfast was a no go.” She replies with a light shake of her head, her tone contradicting the look of disappointment. “I do have cereal though, the milk should still be good...” she trails off, opening a cabinet to set an electric kettle on the counter. “Sleep well?” She asks conversationally and his irritation spikes as he makes a bold accusation.
“Did you really almost burn down your kitchen because I kicked you out of your room?
She bats her eyelashes innocently and Bakugou knows better by now. This Yaoyorozu is different from the one he went to school with. She has honed her mind to strategize and play the long game it seems.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I’ve always been abysmal at cooking.” She laughs airily as the kettle beeps. She turns to another cabinet to reach for some mugs, he definitely does not peek at the way her shirt rides up exposing a toned stomach. She’s moves fluidly-naturally- there’s nothing that should rouse suspicion in him but he’s used to combat, analyzing and reading the enemy. The fire in her eyes makes it clear this is a battle and she has made it known she’s aware that she thinks she has the upper hand.
“Abysmal is putting it nicely” He bites back nonetheless and she only shrugs in response. “It’s a work in progress. How do you take your tea?”
“No, don’t bother, I’ll make it myself. You’ve inebriated me, almost suffocated me with the smoke of your attempted cooking, I don’t need you fucking poisoning me via tea.”
She steps aside with a small glare. “I’ll have you know unlike my culinary skills, my tea making is phenomenal.”
“Sure, I believe that.”
She huffs. “And really? Poisoning? I’m surprised you didn’t accuse me of trying to drug you to have my wicked way with you.”
“That sounds like wishful thinking, princess.”
He barely dodges her spoon.
They drink tea in a relatively peaceful silence. Yaoyorozu seems to want to attempt conversation but ends up chewing on her bottom lip quite frequently thinking better of it, not that he noticed- absolutely not. That would imply that he spent time staring at her, which he did not. The silence becomes stifling after a while when she begins glancing and side eyeing him while stirring her tea.
“I’m surprised you’re still here.” She answers honestly with a tilt to her head as she continues to observe him. “I assumed you would have stormed out by now. I’m not saying this as an insult or to rush you, I’m just…surprised.”
He doesn’t quite know how to respond to her with why he hasn’t left yet. Truth be told, had he been in the right state of mind, he would have left while she was playing around with her pan fire. If not, definitely after forgoing her tea out of spite. He doesn’t know why he’s still here exactly.
“What happened to your dress?” He asks instead hoping to change the subject. It doesn’t seem like she minds the deflection and instead appears to grow haughty. “Did you really think I was going to sleep in that sequined nightmare? I made myself a change of outfit.”
“Didn’t you say that was against the law? Messing with the economy and shit.”
“It was justified! Desperate times call for desperate measures.” She responds hotly, crossing her arms as if daring him to argue with her. He only smirks in response and finishes his drink.  “Desperate indeed.”
A lovely shade of pink blooms on her cheeks, runs down her neck and disappears beneath the collar of he shirt. He wills his eyes not to follow it and his mind not to wonder how far it goes.
“I need it to be clear that this was really not an attempt to seduce you.”
He rolls his eyes. “I know. If it was, I’d be concerned. That was some shitty seduction.”
There’s a dangerous glint in her eyes and it excites him, there’s no use denying it. “Careful, Bakugou, you sound rather let down.”
He snorts. “Yeah right, if I wanted to fuck you, you’d know.”  Lies. He would totally fuck her right now. Fuck her on the table, the couch, the bed he refused to sleep in last night to avoid being surrounded by her scent, but she definitely didn’t need to know that. Especially not now as her eyes run over him searching for cracks in his front. He resists the urge to unbutton the stupid dress shirt he’s still in from the night before.
“I’m not quite sure I believe you. I think you’re too prideful to admit to that.” Damn her.
“I don’t give a single fuck about what you believe in.” He snarls and she holds her hands up in peace, an attempt to calm down a feral beast.
“No need to get hostile. It was merely an observation.” She smiles with a shake of her head and starts to clean up the table and heads to the sink with her cup in hand. The smile catches him off guard. It was pure and unguarded like the UA days were she would effortlessly throw them at anything and anyone.
By the time he gets up, she’s wiping down the countertop, putting away her kettle, the sugar she had gotten out for her tea, and the milk she had left out ‘just in case’ for him.
We takes his dish to the sink and washes it, and the other dishes in it, earning a small smack on the arm from Yaoyorozu.
“I got it! You’re a guest-“ “Shut up, I’m already doing it.” She lets out an annoyed ‘hmph’ and bumps him with her arms crossed in disapproval.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish.” He warns her, flicking water at her face. She’s shocked still by the playful gesture and he takes advantage of it by wetting her again, this time with the sink spray. Even though it stuns her back to reality, he immediately regrets it. He had forgotten about her thin top, now partially drenched ergo partially transparent. Apparently Yaoyorozu didn’t have a bra on and now he has a hard on he can’t possibly hide. He should have left when he had the chance, what a dumbass.
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1-800-hellraiser · 4 years
EWTBATF Vlahd x Teen!reader Oneshot
Hello! I made this oneshot for people with daddy issues who used to simp for Vlahd but now want him to be your dad. The reader uses they/them pronouns because I want everyone to be able to feel included while reading this.
Vlahd and Eddsworld The Beginning and The Friend doesn't belong to me! It's a fancomic made by Makenzie Matthews, Jaculynn Kristiansen, Alyssa Grissom and Brittany Clark. Eddsworld belongs to Edd Gould. If I use any art in this oneshot I will credit the artist and give their socials.
P.s: If this is well received, I might make a story about this, so stay tuned~
P.p.s: I know this isn't Creepypasta content, but I felt like doing something a bit different.)
!DISCLAIMER! This oneshot deals with a lot of gore, mental, emotional, and physical abuse, fighting, missing body parts, and swearing! If you are sensitive to these topics, I advise you don't read this oneshot! Also, some spoilers for the fancomic EWTBOTF, so if you haven't read it or haven't been reading it for the past few months, I urge you to do so. Not just for this oneshot, but the comic is also pretty good!
Word count: 3,569
Song: Tessellate - Alt J
"Three guns, and one goes off. Ones empty, ones not quick enough. One burn, one red, one grin. Search the graves while the camera spins."
The same thing happened every single day. You would wake up to screaming, try to shower and do your morning routine without being interrupted, spend the rest of the day your home trying not to get involved with your parent's marital issues, go to school, do chores, get screamed at for not doing something right, eat dinner, do homework, cry, then go to bed. This was your life since you were ten years old. Your biological father died when you were nine, then your mother got remarried a few months after your tenth birthday.
Your parents were very emotionally and mentally abusive. Sometimes they hit you, but would feign sorrow to try to make you feel safe around them. They continued this behavior for years, until you were thirteen. Apparently, your stepfather had gotten into some shady business with the infamous Red Leader. You had to move from your home country to England so your stepfather could work with the Red Leader. You were miserable, you had lost all of your friends you had in school. You had to go to a private boarding school, you never got picked on, but you found it hard to make friends. After a few moths, you finally got comfortable with your new surroundings.
One day though, that all changed for the worse. Your mom and stepfather got into a huge argument, apparently your mom was cheating on a man in the same army as your stepfather. He hit your mom, your mom left right after that. He then hit you really hard in the face, so hard that it left a mark. You burst into tears and ran to your room. You emptied out your book bag, and threw some clothes, hygienic products, your phone and charger, etc, into it. You quietly walked out of your room and out the front door while your dad wasn't looking. You walked down the streets of your neighborhood and out into the little town a few blocks away.
Popping your earbuds in, you listen to some music to try and calm yourself down. You walk around town for a about an hour before you passed a creepy alleyway. Unbeknownst to you, a man stepped out of that alleyway. He lightly tapped you on the shoulder. You stop dead in your tracks. You shakily turn around and take out your earbud to confront the man. A man with shaggy brown hair, an eyepatch, big eyebrows, and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth stood before you. Its Paul, your stepfather's mate!
Paul asked why you weren't at your house and offered to take you back. You explained what happened and Paul was shocked and disgusted with your stepfather's behavior. He took you back to the Red Army base and let you stay there. You agree and he takes you to the base. As soon as you get there, Paul took you to talk with Red Leader himself. Scared, you explain to the Red Leader what happened with your mom and stepdad. Red Leader let you stay on base on one condition. You have to serve in the Red Army when you turn sixteen. You agreed because you had nowhere else to go.
It's been five months since your sixteenth birthday. You have been integrated into the Red Army, and you have made a bunch of freinds on the base. It's not so bad working for the Red Army. You even have a father figure now. Even though you'd never tell him you consider him a father figure, in fear of him not being ready to be a dad and pushing you away. Sargent Major Vlahd has been training you since you were fourteen. You started out being very skittish towards him. You didn't know what he would do to you. Eventually, you two have grown closer and closer together.
Vlahd has been teaching you Russian, and you have been working your ass off during training with him. He has taken you under his wing and now you live with him in an apartment Red Leader has for him. All of Red's most important people have their own apartment-type rooms. Vlahd's is built with a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and an entire ass library. Your room is right across from Vlahds. You have to do chores in your and Vlahd's apartment as well, but it's a small price to pay for a roof over your head and a non-toxic father figure.
"Y/n, ужины готовы (Y/n, dinner's ready)." Vlahd calls from the kitchen, you get up from your desk and decide to finish your studies later. You walk into the kitchen and see a big pot on the stove, whenever that big pot comes out, you know he's making borscht. You celebrate in silence and take a bowl from the cupboard. You spoon some borscht into your bowl, then you proceed to the dinning room table to sit with Vlahd. A little tradition you both started to do to make tou more comfortable around him. "So, how was your day?" You ask, to get a conversation going. "Все было хорошо, а как насчет твоего (It was okay, what about yours?)?" "Mine was pretty good." You say, spooning some borscht into your mouth.
"О, между прочим, Красный Лидер хочет, чтобы я нашел солдата, который недавно ушел из МВД. Так что завтра тебе не нужно тренироваться или учиться, у тебя выходной (Oh, by the way, Red Leader wants me to go find a soldier who has gone MIA recently. So you don't have to do any training or studies tomorrow, you have the day off.)." Vlahd finishes. You nod your head in understanding. "Who do you have to find?" It was often that soldiers went MIA to try and get out of the army and Red Leader's deal. Red is a ruthless man. "Мэтт, я думаю, его зовут (Matt, I think his name is)."
A small 'ohhhhh' left your mouth. Vlahd has had problems with this soldier before. He was not following orders, so Vlahd was ordered to contain him with any force necessary. That didn't go so well. Apparently, another person with Matt turned into a fucking horned beast and sent Vlahd to the medical wing for two weeks. He had broken two of Vlahds ribs and broke his leg. Finishing up your borscht, you bid Vlahd a goodnight, put your bowl and spoon in the sink, and return back to your room to finish your studies before you go to bed.
You awake to your alarm beeping at you. Sighing, you begrudgingly get up and put on your uniform and proceed to role call . After that, you take off your uniform and pick out your clothes for the day. If you're off duty, you don't have to wear your uniform. You pull out a f/c sweater and a pair of black jeans. You get dressed and go to the bathroom, Vlahd has already left, so you have the bathroom all to yourself. You take a shower and proceed with your morning routine. After you're done, you decide to make yourself some toast and have a nice cup of coffee. After you finish your breakfast, you clean up the kitchen and bathroom out of boredom. You pull out your phone and check the time. The digital screen reads 10:36 am, you groan out of boredom. Then, a wonderful idea popped into your head, you decided to take a walk off base.
You made sure to write a note for Vlahd and stuck it on the fridge if he returns before you're back. You also ask Red Leader if it's okay. He said that it was, so you go ahead and take a secret trail off base and into a huge, lush forrest. You stick in some earbuds and continue to walk into the forrest. From this trail, there is a small town on the other side. Usually when the base runs low on food, plates, utensils, etc, there is a store where you can buy things in bulk for cheap. You also know of a small café where you like to get drinks, they have really good tea and coffee. You arrive at Le Café de Campagne and enter. You order your favorite drink off the menu. You pay and sit down at the cute tables. The café was heavily inspired by France, with relatively French architecture and design.
Cute glass tables and tall chairs are scattered around the small café, a gorgeous mural is painted on the back wall near the counter and cash register. The mural depicts a beautiful countryside with a small cottage to the left behind a field of yellow and pink flowers. In the background, snowy-topped mountains and another cottage sit beautifully. The baby blue sky and fluffy clouds pull the entire piece together. Cute black vases hold pink and yellow tulips along with napkins, salt, and pepper. A display counter with delectable sweets ranging from Macaroons to Tarte Tatin sit in the window, ready to be eaten. On top of the display counter sits a miniature Eiffel Tower, and a bunch of other mini versions of popular tourist attractions such as the Louvre and the Notre Dame cathedral. The people who work there are pretty cool as well. You know most if the people that work there, such as Andrea. She's been working at the café since it opened three years ago. She's easily one of the sweetest people you've ever met.
"Y/n, you're order is ready!" Andrea's sweet voice calls to you. "Thank you so much, have a good day Andrea!" "You too Y/n!" She calls as you walk out the door. You continue to stroll through the tiny town, looking into windows of small shops. You stop in front of a small thrift store, you decide to look around. You start in the CD and DVD section. You found a CD of your favorite band, and a Smash Mouth CD, both for lest than a euro. Obviously, you decide to buy them. You go looking around in the long sleeve shirt section. You pulled out a cute blue-grey sweater that says "Big Dick Energy" on it in bold letters, as if it were school apparel. You look at the tag, it's your size and only five euros. You take that with you as well. Moving across to the pants section, you find a cute pair of high waisted black ripped jeans. They're your size and only seven euros, so you take it. You bring your items up to the cashier, you pay, then you leave.
You decide to walk more into the forest. You take a short cut through an alleyway between the thrift store and a small bank. You push past a few stray branches and step over some shrubbery. You walk along a naturally formed pathway, admiring the beauty of the nature around you. You keep walking until you feel a droplet of rain fall on your forehead, then a couple more. You take cover underneath a tree as rain pours from the sky. You slide your small f/c backpack off of your shoulders and pull out a travel sized sketchbook and a pencil case full of pencils and pens. You take out a graphite pencil and begin to sketch out some scenery infront of you. Rows upon rows of tall oak trees sit infront of you, along with a line of small bushes keeping the trees from growing onto that pathway. The dirt pathway is damp with rain water, some weeds and flowers have managed to grow through the pathway.
After you're done, you marvel at your sketch, you're definitely putting this on your wall later. You pack up your sketchbook and utensils. You also manage to fit your new thrifted items into your bag as well. You pick up the cup that houses the few drops left of your drink from the café. You quickly make it back to town and find a garbage can to throw the cup away. The rain is still coming down hard, and it's getting dark out. You pull out your phone and check the time. Your digital screen reads 16:57 (4:57 pm). You slip your phone back into the pocket of your jeans and hurriedly walk back to base. Almost slipping in mud a few times, you make it back to base. Once you enter your and Vlahd's apartment, You speed walk to your room and peel off your soaking wet clothes. You enter the bathroom and toss your clothes into the washer to clean them.
Slipping on the clothes you bought, you put away your CDs, wallet, sketchbook, and pencil case. You flop on your bed, now bored. You decide to re-read your favorite book, you haven't read it in a while. In the middle of you reading your book, you got a text from Vlahd. 'Подойдите к входу в большую базу, это срочно (Come to the big entrance, it's urgent.' The text reads, you respond with an 'okay'. You throw another pair of shows on that aren't soaking wet and speed walk to the big entrance in the base. That entrance is usually used for big shipments of cargo, you wonder what could have happened. Anxiety begins to catch up with you and so many negative thoughts run wild in your head. Your speed walking turns into a jog, which turns into a run, which turns into a sprint. You're dodging soldiers as you sprint down to the big entrance.
"Sargent Major Vlahd!" One of the nurses says in shock. You turn the corner just in time to see Vlahd, kneeled over. Your eyes begin to well up with tears. He's covered in blood, parts of his uniform are gone and replaced with huge gashes, his left arm is completely gone. He looks up at you, he sees you almost in tears, he tries to stand back up, but one of the nurses grabs his arm. "Take him to the infirmary, stat!" She says, trying to hustle him past the crowd that formed behind the nurses. Everyone is talking around you, can't hear anything though because of how shocked and overwhelmed you are. Vlahd tries to say something to you, but he's in so much pain that he cant speak. You have people step aside so the nurses can get through to make it to the infirmary in time.
You follow them to the medical wing, you try to follow them into the infirmary, but they won't let you. That's kind of understandable though, considering he needs emergency surgery to fix his arm, or what he has left of his arm. You see him through the infirmary window. Making eye contact with you, he gives you a weak smile before passing out from blood loss. You decide it's best to go back to your apartment, and wait it out. One of the nurses gave you her number to get updates on how Vlahd is doing. She knows how close you are with him, she could tell by the look in your eyes that you were devastated when he came back. You enter the apartment and go straight to your room.
You can't help but cry. You lost one of your father figures and you sure as hell aren't going to lose another one. In the middle of you sobbing, you get a text from the nurse, saying that Vlahds surgery was successful. He's going to have to stay in the infirmary for two to three weeks, but he's going to recover. You start sobbing harder out of pure joy. You hadn't even realized that you've been sobbing for almost two hours straight. The clock on your phone reads '20:37' (8:37 pm). You quickly go out to the kitchen and heat up some leftover borscht from last night. After you finish dinner, you go to bed. All of that crying made you exhausted.
Waking up was a but hard today, but you knew if you didn't show up for role call, Red Leader would be upset. Nobody want's to upset Red, he's terrifying when he's angry. So, you begrudgingly get up and grab an extra uniform you have. Walking into the bathroom, you remember about your clothes from last night. You take them and shove them in the dryer. You do your morning routine and then throw on your uniform half hazardly in a rush to get to role call. Making it to the role call room a bit early, you check your schedule for today. You have patrol with Paul today and that's it. Patrol is just you and Paul standing outside if the bases main entrance to make sure no one comes that isn't expected. Usually these are six hour shifts, but you only have to do four today. Thankfully its only a four hour shift today, you don't think you're mentally well enough to stay for six.
After role call, you met Paul by the main entrance of the base. You two greeted each other, then stayed silent. Until Paul spoke up, "I'm so sorry kiddo. I know this can be very stressful, especially when someone you're close to gets severely injured. It's really not fair what happened to him. Hopefully, he'll recover soon and things will go back to some sort of normality." You pull Paul into a tight hug. A few tears slip out of your tired eyes.You haven't had the time to really process this information. Now that you are on patrol, you can kinda marinate in your thoughts. You pull away from Paul's embrace, "Thank you Paul, I really needed that." You sigh, wiping away the tears that stuck to your flushed cheeks.
After Patrol, you go back to your apartment and change. You change into the Maroon sweater and jeans that are in the dryer. Before you head to the infirmary, you text the nurse to see if Vlahd is awake. Vlahd is a stong man, so the nurses and doctors had to use a lot of anesthesia to keep him unconscious during surgery. The nurse said he was awake, just a bit groggy. You thank the nurse and haul ass to the infirmary. You arrive at medical wing. The medical wing is confusing as hell to navigate. Its three floors, one is where the receptionist desk is, the waiting room, and all the machines like the x-rays, the cat scans, etc. The second one is used for less severe injuries, the third one is used for intensive care. Vlahd is on floor three, room number 108.
"Hello honey, what brings you to the medical wing today?" The receptionist asks in a heavy Jersey accent. "Hello, I'm here to visit Sargent Major Vlahd." The receptionist nods and types something on her keyboard. "Oh! You're Y/n, correct?" You nod. "Okay, sign this out for me please and write your name on this." She hands you a clipboard with a piece of paper you had to fill out in order to visit someone in intensive care. She also hands you a visitor pass that you stick on your shirt. Kind of like a name tag. You fill out the paperwork and pads, then you put the visitors pass on your sweater. You give the paperwork back to the nurse. "Alright sweetie, you know where Vlahd's room is right?" You nod. "Okay, have a good one!" "You too miss." You respond to the receptionist.
You impatiently ride the elevator up to floor three. As soon as the elevator opens, you speed walk to Vlahds room. Knocking on the door, you wait for permission to enter the room. "You can come in hon." The nurse says from the other side of the door. Proceeding to enter the room, all your attention goes to Vlahd. He looks miserable. "I'll leave you twonalone for a while, just hit the bed alarm if you need me." The nurse says then leaves the room. As soon as the nurse leaves the room. You sit down next to him, and try to hold in your tears. You dont want to overwhelm him more than he probably already is. Vlahd tries to sit up, but you try to make him lay down again, he can't be straining this much. Although, considering Vlahd is a powerhouse of strength, you didn't get very far.
Instead, you gave up on fighting against him. Surprisingly, Vlahd pulls you into a tight hug. "Все в порядке, дорогая, все будет в порядке (It's okay honey, it'll all be okay.)." You broke down once again, sobbing into Vlahd's shoulder. You unknowingly grabbed fistfuls of his gown. "P-please don't ever leave me, I can't handle this, please d-don't ever leave me dad-" you cut yourself off has soon as 'dad' left your mouth. "I'm so sorry Vlahd, I-I didn't mean to- " "Y/n." Vlahd silences you. "Все в порядке. Я горжусь тем, что являюсь твоим отцом. Ты чертовски ребенок (It's okay. I'm proud to be your father figure. You're one hell of a kid.)." Vlahd states, you hug him once again.
"Thanks, dad."
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supportclassstan · 4 years
Supports X Boney/Skinny S/O!
A/N: As a skinny boy myself I feel compelled to write these... I may do hcs with a chubby S/O in the future, if you guys want!
A/N 2: This has been sitting in my drafts for ages and I just now got around to finishing it. Apologies to all those unanswered asks/unfinished posts ✌😔
*Medic finds any and all body types interesting and deserving of appreciation/observation, in both the medical aspect as well as an attraction aspect.
*This man is no twig, he's actually quite himbo shaped in the comics and if you've SEEN the burly beast then you know this man has a figure to him.
*Because of this he's really nice to hug. He gives the nice and gentle kind of hugs where he lays his head on top of yours and strokes your back lovingly.
*He makes sure you have a healthy diet, but he won't push you to eat more than you want to. He isn't one of those "is that all you're gonna eat?" kinda people, not out loud at least.
*He will recommend that you eat more though, for the sake of muscle gain and such... It's kinda hard to resist all the treats he bakes too, even if they are laced with something they sure do taste good!
*He is great to snuggle with, but will have a seizure if you put your cold feet on the back of his calves while he is trying to sleep.
*He's always worried about your temperature since bony people get colder easier, and he constantly bundles you up during the winter.
*He also keeps you relatively healed up during a battle, he knows that you're more prone to getting thrown around due to your stature and makes sure to look around for you often. Regardless of the situation he always tries to makes sure you're never in the red in terms of health.
*Expect a lot of impromptu examinations as well, sometimes he'll just... Suddenly realize how skinny you are compared to him. He'll squeeze your fingers or prod at your ribs, something weird like that.
*He doesn't tend to experiment on you, not just because you're his favorite person on the team but also because he isn't sure you can handle it.
*As someone who is rather boney himself he's happy to have someone that he can be cold with.
*Please, please hug him... Slide your cold hands under each others shirts and press your cold feet against each others legs while you're wrapped up in a blanket with him.
*Lots of spooning from him while his legs are curled up behind yours. He holds his lover like he held his teddy bear, very closely and very affectionately. He even nuzzles into the crook of your neck slightly, like the touch-starved mercenary he is.
*If you're *really* flimsy, a charged bodyshot from the enemy sniper will easily take you out. So when he sees you busting your ass on the field just know that he's busting his ass making sure that the enemy sniper isn't.
*He'll pop your knuckles for you just by tugging on your fingers a bit, and chuckle everytime it startles you.
*He may be lanky but that doesn't mean he won't take advantage of your build, meaning that he can keep you in bed on those lazy Sunday mornings for longer, or easily scoop you up and throw you over his shoulder, etc.
*He doesn't worry too much about your diet unless your ribs are showing, but regardless he still tries and gets you to put some "meat on your bones" with food he makes from his hunting trips.
*You'd be surprised how good it tastes, obviously is gamey as fuck but he likes his seasoning so it makes you forget for a second that you're eating a crocodile.
*If anyone takes the piss because of your body type he is immediately ready to fight about it. He remembers what it was like being the scrawny little New Zealander up against all those buff Australians and it just wasn't fair.
*In the winter you are inseparable, and in the hot New Mexico summers you are also inseparable but only because of the layer of sweat that has glued you two together.
*Spy isn't the most muscular himself, so he understands your struggles.
*When it's cold out he'll subtly try and remain closer to you or keep you warm, and will let you seek refuge from the cold in his smoking room. Expect lots of snuggling by the fireplace, and maybe a little more if that's your cup of tea.
*He's usually only looking out for himself during matches, but if he spots the enemy Spy anywhere near you then it's over for them. You'll hear the backstabbing and pre-emptively flinch thinking it's for you, and turn around to see your sexy Spy bf holding the bloody knife instead.
*He might occasionally tease you, but if somebody else does he gives them this look that says "Um, excuse me, that's my thing."
*If he gets the vibe you're über self-conscious about it he won't tease you, and god help anyone who does. He probably has a whole argument planned out in his head waiting to unfold.
*If you want to learn how to waltz then he probably ends up dragging you around a lot at first before you find your footing.
*Hugging each other is like rib on rib action. You feel his, he feels yours, life is good.
*He has small ass hands so you could easily pop his knuckles and listen to him grumble in dismay everytime.
*Expect to wake up tangled in each other a lot, and see his smile as he has to remove his limbs from yours.
*He isn't like Sniper where he keeps you in bed with him in the mornings, but that just means you can just as easily pull him back into bed if you'd like. Don't expect him to be too happy about it, though.
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blankdblank · 4 years
It’s a Mother Flocking Puffin Pt 14
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Saturday however came and you would have to leave your spoons at home so Thorin couldn’t come snooping, and by his messages you could tell the boys had blabbed they knew what his gift would be. His face outside the shop in a silent plea of sorts had you giggling and shaking your head walking with him to the lift to get upstairs, “Sleep well?”
“Yes, you?”
“Had to finish a comic and a paper for one of my classes and managed to get a few hours sleep.” That had his eyes scanning over you making you tilt your head back to grin up at him, “Boys told you.”
“Told me?” He asked in a head shake worthy feign that he knew nothing of what you were talking about.
“It’s only a couple weeks you can wait.” That earned you an impatient groan making you giggle in your step out into the lounge of your floor to walk to the workstation passing the corner playpen in the bare section of the office near to the bath clearly set up by the Durins in your absence to make your lone employee feel more comfortable.
Anxious himself while you were mid string swap Bilbo exited the lift flashing you a quick grin easing his sleeping adopted son inside. “Nearly done,”
Bilbo shook his head leaving Frodo there and came over saying, “Take your time, no need to stop on my account.”
“Two pick ups this morning, just getting a start on the replacements for the day.”
His eyes followed your fingers with tips still a dark purple shade in working the wire into place making him ask, “Are your fingers alright?”
“Oh ya, hurt, but I’m good for today. Nearly done with the instruments here already,”
Bilbo nodded, “Did you want me to get onto calls for appointments to pick them up?”
“If you like,” nodding your head to the side you set down the strung instrument you would retune in a moment guiding him to the desk and showed him the list of instruments in the completed list with the contact information shown as unscheduled for pickup. Easily he took to the simple system to set the appointment he would copy into the planner on the desk. A grumble from Frodo had him moved to be laid flat in the play pen area on the nest of pillows and blankets there to a more secure spot for a nap, through which he glanced your way still a tad uncertain how inconvenient adding a child would be to this office. Truly hoping you would remain patient until a backup plan on child care could be found in case of reaching said unseen limit to your patience on that topic.
Back at your desk however the first of what would be a day of hand shakes due to lingering pains from the irritated bruises bubbled up his concern on how the past few days work on this job had done that to your fingers. Yet while he spoke to the first couple on the phone in Khuzdul he caught plucks of the chords to the sight of subtle turns of the knobs before the violin was back in its case and given the proper colored sticky note on the door to the cubby you locked. Turning to the work desk to swipe that instrument from your to do list with the other completed ones mirrored on Bilbo’s monitor.
The next one however had your brows furrowed eyeing the instrument that using the bow when Bilbo had hung up you tested the strings through a simple lullaby and huffed, “Why the hell did they send me this?” Bilbo smirked as you turned it over scouring over each detail until you sighed taking notice of the subtle give of the chin rest. That within a few minutes and some glue leaving that to the side to ensure it dried with sticky note on top of it waiting to shift it over until it was done to swipe it over to the completed file.
Two more head shake worthy jobs were swiped over and marked off the list before Bilbo cleared his throat in the doorway of the workshop with a mug of tea for you, “Made some tea,”
“Thank you,” you replied with a smile locking the cubby door and ensuring the job was swiped over on the way to accept it from him for a brief break.
“First pick up should be arriving soon.”
“Yes, any troubles with the appointments?”
“No, three confirmed so far, two more are consulting relatives who were at work to call back later. You said I could handle appointments while you are not here?”
“If you feel up to it yes. Unless you’d prefer having pick up days with me here.”
“I think it could help you out with my days alone, three so far have said my days would suit better.”
With a simple nod in lifting your mug for a warming sip his eyes traveled to your fingers again. Lowering the mug you said, “Surprisingly thanks to those last two I might just empty my cubbies by noon tomorrow at this rate.”
Bilbo wet his lips asking, “You won’t stay here all day?”
Shaking your head you replied, “No, have to get back to the dorm, have to finish a gift for Thorin, just have a couple weeks left.”
“Birthday gift?”
Shaking your head after another sip you said, “Dwarves trade Love Spoons,”
“Oh, those can be quite lovely.”
That had you giggle and lift your fingers used for the wire files on your free hand, “Oh yes, lovely and hard on the hands to work out. Wire files, for the tiny details.”
His brow arched up after his own sip, “Wire files?”
“Metal chords, you slide them through a hole then wiggle it back and forth to cut out small openings in the middle of carvings. Larger ones you can use drills and electric bits but smaller ones need more hands on approach.”
“Gloves wouldn’t help?”
“Gloves block out any bleeding if you wind them too tight, you have to see your fingers or you could wind them too tight and possibly lose a fingertip from blood loss. Bruises are just from the constant tugs on the wire been soaking in vinegar and salts to lessen the colors.”
“Very tricky it seems. I do hope the rest of your courtship is far less painful.”
That had you giggle in his move to answer the phone sounding the arrival of the first client. Receipt book in hand once ushered to the lounge where you had brought out their violin they tested themselves and handed over the 17 coppers you eased into the slot on the safe as they walked into the lift with their receipt to Bilbo carrying Frodo to his first feeding. Now conscious the boy still fussy looked you over and pouted through a wave returning the finger wave from you. “Good Morning Frodo.”
A grumble from him was your answer and tentatively Bilbo sat down across from you with the boy on his lap, “He normally doesn’t fuss.”
That had you giggle softly, “You don’t have to make excuses, little guy just woke up. No complaints here for having a little one around, never got much time around them growing up.”
“Truly?” He asked and you nodded.
“Elven babies are usually kept at home until they can walk on their own and even then rarely are out and about through town. Very unlike Hobbitons I imagine.”
Bilbo chuckled through a nodding grin, “Oh yes, can’t escape the seas of fauntlings.”
“You must miss it.”
Softly he sighed, “We have a lovely apartment here, with a little garden for us to relax in. I miss the memories my home held, growing up with my parents, all our years together.”
His head turned to the phone ringing you shook your head to say for him to keep feeding Frodo as you answered the phone to allow the next client up you turned to fetch their instrument. Curiously their eyes shifted to Frodo happily eating curious of the duo here with you until their cello was brought over they gave a once over while you wrote up the receipt they gladly traded for the coppers to carry their instrument out muttering to each other in Khuzdul along the way.
With a smirk Bilbo said watching you ease the coppers into the safe slot, “They assumed I was a client you know.”
“I did catch some of that. How would that be a bad thing?”
Shaking his head he answered, “Not bad, just curious for the clients.”
Smirking at him you carried your now emptied tea cup to the sink to rinse out, “If you prefer I could add your picture to the site.”
“No, thank you. One woman job is fine with me, I answer the phone and handle packages.” He answered with a chuckle on your stroll back to the workbench asking, “When were you taking lunch?”
“I heard Thorin was planning to surprise me with lunch at one when their next interview is through. Plenty of time to finish my list.”
“You won’t need me that extra hour?”
Smirking his way you said, “Most likely one of the guys will be here for company if you’re worried about me being alone.” Opening the next locker to add the one you had fixed the chin mount you marked off the list once locked up again. Removing the names for the cubbies of instrument already picked up you added those slips to the used bin to wipe down later and reuse on the way to get the standing bass up next on your list requiring just a simple repair to the string support. That one flaw had it out of tune for another easy job you let dry out before locking up again while moving onto the next piece to Bilbo settling back at his desk to answer the call from the client he called earlier.
Half past eleven however like you had predicted Dwalin eased through the lift doors with a grin on his face creeping closer to the toddler now dozing off to the lullaby you were playing on the standing bass triple checking the tuning before locking it back up again. Smacking lips on the boy came in his lower down to settle into the nest of pillows. Dwalin eased a blanket from beside him over his back doubling his body’s urge to sleep all the more in his warm comfy nest then eased back to Bilbo who was finishing off the fifth on the list from the website waiting for appointments who eagerly took up the option to ship their instruments to the office over a home visit. Though skimming through the messages on the site he went ahead and gave the approval to have more simply ship theirs in as well as word of the easier way for their schedules had gotten around by word of mouth and the reviews on the site.
The more he had gone through the list it seemed to triple the future jobs on you for a moment making him regret having done so until Dwalin was heard chuckling out, “Three left, truly?”
“Seems like it, but one of those have a neck wobble I have to mend. Going to have to take the strings off and glue it back down most likely.”
Out his hand moved to claim yours eyeing your bruised fingers making you smirk, “This is not good, you need time off.”
“I am fine, still have my fingers. Plus I’m nearly done.”
“Then you’ll take a break, right? Let your hands soak for the evening until supper?”
“I know you know why my fingers are like this, and I repeat, I’m nearly done.”
“You have time,”
At the doorway Bilbo cleared his throat turning your head, “Um, I received a question about your, insect policy, upon repairs? A couple collect butterflies and were wondering if that bars their request for repairs.”
“No, the policy is for people that use insect egg sacks in their own repairs or knowingly send in instruments infested with insects.”
“Oh, that makes so much more sense,” he said turning to calm the confused couple who had read the reviews from the couple you had helped Thorin with ending with their piano bench being rebuilt, gladly agreed to ship out their small harps, guitar and standing bass. It seemed people were thrilled to have the holiday break over and some news on their status of an appointment surely adding a positive boost of steam to your mini operation seeming more official with a helper he realized you sorely required. Frerin however joined in on the coaxing to work you towards taking some time off the spare project at least until your bruises healed allowing Dwalin to sneak over and check on your employee nearing his point to ready to head home for the day. Together they walked out off to a shared lunch after gathering up the sleeping toddler into his stroller leaving the smirking brother simply keeping you company while you cleaned up for the day readying the workstation for the following day.
Thorin however came down and all but lifted you into his arms to get you down to the car. Guiding you back to the apartment where it took all your effort not to laugh seeing Fili and Kili there with studio set up for a hand pampering day your husband smiled off to the side in watching with your rings in hand until it was over and he could ease them back onto your slightly less bruised and sore fingers through a stolen kiss. From there down he carried you to the waiting dinner he finished prepping and settled in front of you to the brothers finishing the editing before joining you at the table grinning themselves at the kitten climbed up onto your lap ready to play.
25 hours, that was your estimate on how long it would take to tune through the orchestra coming, and thanks to his diligence Bilbo managed to send off a great deal of the instruments on the two days you were gone from the office. Where he could have been bored the time between calls in mini breaks he claimed for himself to diffuse were centered around notes for his novel or Frodo, changing or keeping him occupied between naps and meals. By noon he was wrapped up and heading out ensuring everything was powered down to start up again the next time he would be here with you. A tad odd for him but progress of at home visits as well shifted from column to column marked down in the ledger no doubt once you returned to the office. Saturday would be your first designated fund delivery to the bank combined with the Durins’ from upstairs and having arrived early you wrapped the coins and filled out a deposit slip to be put into the business account.
The call had come in and the first visit was set up to have you focus on the piano and harp to reach three hours roughly. The twelve cellos and violas would be sent to you next for a collective eight hours. Double bases, the eight of them nearly reached three hours leaving the 34 violins for last reaching just over eleven hours to be scattered over the next week. You had a cushion time of a few weeks for the job before they would need to prep for their next set of shows, yet just to be safe you would try to mingle as many of these in as possible between your other jobs.
Sweet and timid plans were settled if not every day then every other day to have time with one another between the busy schedules of your schooling and work and the fall wedding rush. The second moon was upon you and the night before was the designated hand off date, though not found without difficulty. Main problem being slung across the newspapers and news broadcasts, ‘Her Royal Majesty Jaqiearae Pear, Grand Duchess - Crown Princess Under the Mountain’ it was broadcast by one of the clients getting a close look at the Crown Prince’s hand upon working with the Durins had stolen a picture of his wedding band.
The clan had to answer and publicly now a term in the courtship contract had required elopement answering why the union was called for on hushed grounds. Press had gone wild though up to the point where King Nain shared a brief respectful description of the ceremony used warming hearts of those reading that it was the most sacred of elopement ceremonies involving audience of the Valar. Confirmation of your ring and recent kitten related purchases mingled with praise that guiding owl for Durin the Deathless had been sent to you post union in a sort of blessing from beyond hinting something great was yet to come for the pair of you. All the same they now had a new Princess and until the public could dote and fawn over official photographs on the triplets you were now the main focus of their attention as the newest couple the public ached to know about.
Pictures had been stolen of shared drives and meals with notes on when he clearly went to visit you or the one trip you made with the boys to his shared apartment. A dinner was called for and with a wave to the distant trio of cameramen at the other end of the field where you had been for another highly ventilated experiment for your science class. Again the title for you had changed and in the roll of thunder the final product of the experiments had been taken to the lab before your free break to study. Normally you would share space with the rugby team but while they were away for a game the next day finding a spot to study alone was difficult to say the least without having someone gawking. At least the press honored the peace bubble on campus leaving poor Thorin to the brunt of the media between his various jobs taking him out of the office.
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Avoiding the open rain splattered surfaces to an assumed empty classroom you went huffing on the other side of the door you closed behind you. The sound from which had the fiery haired Dwobbit also taking up the empty space who shot up to her feet startled from the sudden company. “Sorry, wet outside.”
Anxiously her eyes darted over you fully and she said in a shift of her eyes to the books in your arms, “How’s your kitten?”
“He’s good, growing bolder by the day,” you answered recognizing her as the same woman from the vet’s office you had gone to. “I can-,”
Shaking her head she replied, “Tons of room, tons.”
With a nod in return for her head bob you moved to one of the empty rectangular desks on a higher level of the staircase flooring settling out to get started. Feeling her eyes shift to you every so often between pages on her book. Brushing your hair back behind your ear you caught her gaze flashing her a quick grin she mirrored then said, “Thanks for hiring my uncle.”
“You’re Bilbo’s cousin’s kid?” She nodded, “No wonder he’s so talented at Khuzdul. You’re training to be a vet? You prefer big animals or small ones?”
“Both, are you studying medicine I heard you’re in a couple science courses?”
“No, my mother was a Midwife but I doubt I could handle things going bad. Hoping to blast out my basics this year. Apparently here I need a few more science credits than I would have back in Numenor or Elven lands.”
Again her eyes darted to your hands and she asked, “Take long for Prince Thorin to be talked into using those stones for your betrothal rings?”
“Oh, they were my mother’s. They got damaged and his uncle repaired this one and completely recreated this one from a sketch I made. Something wrong with the stones?”
She shook her head, “No, not at all, just expected more emeralds or sapphires, most of the Longbeards favor them for wedding rings.”
With a shrug you said, “Maybe when we get to that discussion I might end up with a more Longbeard ring.”
To the drop of your gaze to your mother’s rings she asked, “How’d you lose your Amad?”
Shaking your head you said, “My parents died when I was little. Not very pleasant to share,” her jaw dropped even against her try to not show a reaction like that, “Partly why the courtship plan is so complicated on my part.”
“Congratulations, on your wedding, Your Majesty.”
Softly you sighed out another quick smile relenting you simply had to get used to the title now being used for the rest of eternity, “Thank you. Are you courting anyone?” you asked then promptly added at her open mouthed pause, “If, you don’t mind saying, that is. Still sort of miserable at small talk.”
“No, no I’m not, courting anyone. And you aren’t miserable. Uncle Bilbo says you’ve warmed up to him nicely. Don’t underestimate yourself. Never leads to good ends.” Her warning alarm had her saying, “I’m Mal, gotta head out, trig calls.”
“Have fun.” At that Mal chortled filling her bag with a respectful head bob your way on her way out of the room leaving you in silence.
At least until the huffing Professor came in fussing over their humidity attacked beard and braids. A few feet past your desk however he paused catching your flinch of a wave. Shuffling on his feet he bowed his head, “Afternoon, Your Majesty,”
Pointing your pen to the door you said, “I can-,”
He shook his head, “No, raining goats out there. Stay safe where it’s warm. Another hour to my next class.” That was his self cue to turn bobbing his head on his way to his desk to start grading some papers leaving silence until you had to head off with another wave for your own next class, to which you hurried avoiding the clear deluge going on outside the various covered walkways.
Again through the end of the class your gaze drifted to the planned evening with Thorin, the boys were out and you would have the run of the place, which for the pounding of your heart could go masterfully or do irreparable harm to your relationship. All the same underneath your umbrella back to the dorm you went at the power cutting off having the Professor calling the class early close enough to the end anyways granting you all time to plan your ways home accordingly. With the power out the train, out by the storm had the ferry packed and the bus after you skipped to climb into the waiting car sent by the Durins due to the storm knowing the other ways would be packed and not as safe as usual. Warm and safe the driver left you waiting for your parting wave to slip inside the door you had unlocked then locked behind you.
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Coat and bag left on the bench by the door you got to work. Prepped and ready the roast and all the trimmings were diced and added to the oven using the recipe Vili had sent your way helping to tick off the hearty meal you were to have with the spoons to hand them over to your husband. Shaking off your nerves candles were next for arranging in the holders polished sure to reflect off their silver frames to match the stems on the glasses and cutlery arranged around the china set out to perfection. A fine wine was set out approved as it was the weekend settling the toast required later, while that cooked a hasty shower with hair tied up to keep dry. After changed to a comfy indigo lace dress keeping barefoot as you sat anxiously eyeing the velvet cloth covering the spoons on the coffee table in the living room as you watched a film to keep distracted.
Pt 15
All –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore, @mariannetora, @shes-a-killer-kween, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim, @jotink78, @pastelhexmaniac
x Thorin – @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor
X all Rich. A - @abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
@c-s-stars​ used your lovely OC Mal again. :D
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chosenkeepersworld · 3 years
The Curses We Inherit- Chapter 4
Original Work
Date Posted: May 26, 2021 (Tumblr)
Word count: 1, 472 words
A/N: Unbeta-ed work but I hope whoever reads this will like it and let me know what you think. Critique is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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The heiress' little trip to the bookstore was going pretty well. She took a wrong turn once or twice but eventually arrived at The Quill.
Danika looked around while she waited for the lady at the counter to check for her aunt's package. There weren't many people in the store at this hour, but one person did draw the blonde's attention.
It was a young woman, her hair was dark brown underneath her dark slouchy beanie but Danika could see white dye close to the ends of her hair. She wore a blue hoodie, tan pants and sneakers. The brunette was by the window, flipping through a comic.
The blonde heard the sound of a door opening behind her, she turned to get back to task at hand.
The way back to her aunt's friends' house was the difficult part. Danika wanted to deny it as she walked into another part of town, but it was clear she was lost.
However there was another issue that concerned her.
Someone was clearly following her. Danika's mind drifted to all the stories she heard on the news, of women getting kidnapped while they were on their travels. The heiress picked up the pace, heading towards the mouth of the alleyway. And then there was that unbearable itching in her neck again.
Danika gulped as she heard more footsteps join the ones following her. She started running but it was as if she was just running in place, no matter how hard she pushed herself she just could not get out.
The blonde then felt a hand grab onto her shoulder. Danika screamed and twisted herself away, falling out of the mouth of the alleyway.
Her first instinct was to tense up, to prepare her for the pain that would inevitably come when her body hit pavement. But it wasn't the pavement that she landed on, instead she landed on something else or rather someone else.
The person under her groaned "Son of a...watch where you're going dude"
Danika scrambled off her but the woman's accent grabbed the blonde's interest. It was American. The woman sat up, the blue hood falling backwards. Danika could only blink in surprise.
"S-sorry" Danika stammered "Someone was following me and I just wanted to get away"
The brunette tilted her head, looking into the alley "No there isn't"
Danika looked back, to her astonishment there really was no one there.
The young woman from the bookstore stood, brushing dirt from her pants "Are you alright though? Do you want to go to the police or...?" she trailed off leaning down to pick up a bag.
'No, no um" Danika took a deep breath "I just want to get back to my aunt" she rattled off the description of the house she and her aunt went to.
The brunette stared at her for a moment before a grin spread across the face "Is-is your aunt uh" she snapped her fingers "Aileen O'Brien"
The heiress' eyes widened "How do you know that?"
"The house you described is my uncles'" she held out a pale hand, ice blue eyes alive with "I'm Jac it's nice to meet you"
Danika toyed with the watch on her wrist before unclasping it to reach for her second Pork Slider. Both girls sat at the table of Arman Sanderson's dining room, the housekeeper had set out lunch for the two when they returned to the house. Jac reached for her second slider while Danika spooned more vegetables on her plate when
their relatives came in. Aileen was laughing softly at what her friend was signing.
Jac, who watched the pair come in,started laughing which quickly evolved into snorting. Danika shot the taller girl a questioning look but only received a head shake in response "Trust me, you do not want to know"
It was clear that they had already finished their meeting but there was something Danika still hoped to do while they were still in town.
"Yes, Darling?"
"I was wondering if I could stay a bit longer?" she asked "There was a lot about town that I wasn't able to truly take in"
Aileen stared intently at her niece, her green eyes searching the younger woman's face. The look on her Aunt's face was reminiscent of her father's own expression when Danika or her brother would talk to him. It made the younger O'Brien shift uncomfortably.
"Are you sure you'll be alright? You did get lost this morning" she reminded
Danika flushed with embarrassment but Sandy who had been watching the exchange started signing. The blue-eyed brunette turned alert and swallowed "Whoa, whoa, uncle please slow down"
Sandy sighed and repeated himself. Aileen hummed in approval "I think that's a good idea"
All poor Danika could do was look as confused as she felt.
Jac turned to Danika "Well, I hope you don't mind spending more time with me" she grinned "After all I will be your tour guide this afternoon"
Danika grimaced as she and Jac left the store, she felt more and more frustrated each time she came out empty handed. Jachad played tour guide when they left her uncle's home, they had taken a closer look at the places that the brunette knew well, even meeting some of the people the taller girl knew. However Danika took a special interest in some of the local stores that sold accessories and jewelry, but the store never had what she was looking for.
The two eventually took a small break, stopping at a drink stand. Danika sat on a nearby bench waiting for Jac to come back with a local favorite. The blonde felt a twinge of guilt watching the other girl wait in line, she has not been as kind to the girl who had taken her task in stride. Danika's attitude didn't help either.
he could at least do something for her. Danika stood up, intent on going over there and treating the other girl but then there was a shift in the air. It made the hair at the back of her neck stand on end, she could feel someone watching her but at first glance there was no one there, only the large mass of trees and bushes a good distance away from where she was sitting,
But there was something there, Danika squinted and was astonished to find a mushroom by the line of bushes. She walked towards it and she swore she could hear music and as she came closer she could see that it wasn't just a mushroom but a ring of them. At the sight of the ring a distant memory from her childhood sparked but it faded just as quickly as it came.
The music grew louder and voices began whispering in her ear.
"Step into the ring" it whispered, enticingly "We'll have so much fun"
There was no resistance on Danika's part, a light and careless feeling taking over her, muddling her thoughts.
"Just let yourself go and take a step inside"
Danika lifted her foot, going over the mushrooms that lined the ring when something yanked her backward, her thoughts clearing and her body felt normal again.
Jacqueline stood next to her, her hand on Danika's wrist. The brunette raised an eyebrow "Are you okay? I was calling you but you didn't respond" there was genuine concern in her gaze.
Danika had no idea what to tell her, weakly responding "I thought I heard something but I'm fine"
The other girl narrowed her eyes "Okay " she said, clearly not believing her "Whatever you say, dude" she shrugged "Anyway our drinks are over there"
Danika silently followed.
Behind the line of trees and bushes, as both girls walked away, dark figures snarled silently, glaring with hateful eyes.
"You wanna tell me what you're looking for so we can call it a day?"
"I'm sorry?" Danika asked taken aback by the sudden question
They were just about finished with their break when Jac finally broke the silence. The taller girl sucked hard at the straw in her drink, draining the reminder of it " You don't hide your expressions that well, you're clearly looking for something."
Danika hesitated but, at Jac's prodding, told the pale brunette what she needed. Blue eyes blinked after the blonde finished her tale "What does this thing look like?"
It took a moment for her to find it but once Danika she handed her phone over to the other girl.
Jac stared at the image, unblinking. The silence went on and Danika only became more and more concerned the longer Jac said nothing. Then without warning Jacqueline stood up and grabbed the other girl's hand and began leading her further into town.
"Where are we going?" Danika cried
But Jac was only silent as they walked on.
Photo Sources:
Sebastian Conman Photography(Pork Slider)- Unsplash
Tag list: @original-writing @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @dustylovelyrun @woodhousejay
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crqstalite · 3 years
💗I'm curious about nia 👀
NIA!! My beloved! My boy!!
(I say like I’ve had him for more than three months, tops. His schtick is supposed to be posted Friday but I’m cheating and yelling about him now.)
I absolutely love this guy, I don’t have a lot of reserved characters on the roster but he is one.  And he’s the kind of character that’s such a direct opposite to me that he’s definitely becoming close to one of my favorites. (but shh, don’t let the others hear you)
this also got really long so buckle up
He’s known to come off as really intimidating at first glance, but I don’t think he knows that. It’s a little comical at times, because this guy is six feet, biotic, and could probably crack a skull with his little finger without even breaking a sweat -- and while he doesn’t show it, he is genuinely confused why everyone tends to avoid him. He’s not that hard on them. He’s not very loud either. Which leads to the fact he’s pretty rarely in a bad mood, lots of things he kind of just...accepts?? are happening and gets to work on a solution rather than worrying about it. His resting face just says otherwise. A lot. Not that he has much to say either, he’s one of the quieter COs most have had and those assumptions go uncontested for quite a while. Small talk? You’re getting nowhere with this guy. He will literally give you one word answers and he’ll think that’s totally sufficient. He’s more confused why everyone else leaves without another word or makes an excuse about why they have to go. He doesn’t think all the extra words are necessary, and he isn’t great with watching his tone either. Not something that was really made a priority when he was years upon years younger.
The only reason Kaidan and Ashley were able to break through to him was because they? Didn’t really know him very well, and so they didn’t have the same preconceptions that others did. Nia didn’t have a family of his own since he was orphaned on Earth pretty early on, so hearing about Ashley’s and her relationships was a bit comforting instead of alienating like he’d assumed. He hadn’t known you could have real relationships (after all, most of his never progressed past co-workers and acquaintances) like that, and Ashley’s stories made him think about reaching out to old crewmembers. Or maybe read a little poetry to understand what she was quoting at him. Nia hadn’t had many biotics on his crew before either, and learning from Kaidan and hearing his story opened his eyes to a lot of things he’d never thought of before. He couldn’t relate on not feeling human, but he could relate on being feared. I think they learned quite a bit from each other in those early days. Both of them were a bit startled on how well he could read them though, even when they may not have actually said anything.
Friends were not typically in his wheelhouse, ever. Being avoided? Relatively normal. Having people actually seem happy to see him? Weird. Someone’s inviting him to play poker with the rest of the team? Terrible. What in the world provoked you to do that. He can’t really fathom that people just...do things out of the good of their heart. Yet there the pair of them were, talking about something other than Saren whenever he came by to visit. Sure they seemed a little offput by the fact he didn’t have a lot of filler conversation to offer back at them, but they got past that. Somehow. There were a lot of awkward attempts at jokes.
(He’s still bewildered by their good will. Originally he thought the pair of them and the rest of the crew wanted something from him. He was quite wrong.)
[I haven’t decided how he ends up with two VSs on his hands. But y’know what? Fuck Virmire. I am not afraid to hand wave.]
After his death though? Holy shit, everything’s put into a bit of perspective. It doesn’t change him completely, no he would’ve been a fool to think it would’ve made him a happier person or hell, even a normal person. But he ends up...missing the old crew? He doesn’t have Liara with him to follow up on his primer abilities, or Tali if someone gets too close, the list went on and its unsettled him. They had some lasting effect on him, and he finds himself more likely to reach out a bit to others. He can’t really bother on saying more than a few clipped sentences at a time, but he’s...more present when he puts real effort into it. Tires him out a lot though. But he already died once, if he does again, does he want his place in the world to be noted by fear and avoidance?
By Mass Effect 3, he’s just tired. This guy has skirted death two separate times now, the Reapers are still dogging him, his own military won’t listen to him, he feels more alone than he has in years...you get the picture. He actually is far more prone to snapping now, and that intimidating aura he has is very real these days. Not that he’d yell on purpose, but sometimes people push him just too far when he’s already on the edge. Same guy who snapped a metal spoon.
Now, I can’t quite figure where he gets the idea in his head that out of everyone else, he genuinely just prefers Ashley and Kaidan’s company. It’s not like he picked at random either, something about them just made the world a bit more...bearable? Easier to deal with? While he’s out of touch with himself, they’re starting to pick up on his tells. And that’s...really weird. He’s not sure he likes that. They’re prying too much about how he’s doing dealing with the war, but for some reason he doesn’t have the heart to tell them to stop. Or really give proper answers either.
Where’s that oh moment though? Couldn’t tell you. Not yet at least, again Nia’s really new and so is his entire thing. I know, I know ‘not every ship has to have Shepard involved’ but it’s my quarantine and I get to choose the coping mechanism. I just think the three of them would be cute together, facing the end of the world head on knowing someone has their back the whole way through.
And y’know, cuddle piles. I think they’d be happy together after the war.
(Deciding between Ashley and Kaidan when making a character is a bisexual’s nightmare, I hope you know)
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cornerstonc · 4 years
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can they use chopsticks
he can! ...and we’re just not gonna question how! tho i do think a lot of cats in the kingdom appear to use forks and spoons more often thinking emoji natori doesn’t actually have a seat in the banquet hall, if you notice, so i’m not sure like. Where and When he actually eats laughs
i do think he’s very accustomed to cooking with them, tho
what do they do when they cant sleep
ok he like. probably Never has this problem fjjfk;da the perks of being a cat living in a kingdom that caters exclusively to cats means that, despite his comically overworked image, he probably still technically sleeps fairly well. i have the headcanon that he catnaps frequently in random places in a death grip so that one’s never leaving :v
still, if he does find it difficult to drift off like normal, perhaps he’s markedly nervous about something or has a lot on his mind, he’s still probably That Dumbass (aka me) who still lies in bed and just thinks about how they can’t sleep and how annoying it is lmao
THAT SAID THO, he also has a much bigger area to roam, and i could definitely see him as the type to just wander about the castle or something, particularly if it was during a span of time when many cats were asleep, and the place was much more quiet and less chaotic than usual thinking emoji gotta get all up in that liminal space energy
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store
very very small things, like his favorite snack or something. that one part in hetalia when japan impulse buys a meat bun, and then later calls himself a glutton as he’s walking home. it’s Just Like That
i think he also tends to impulse buy small things for the children (or the grown up children) he knows-- lune would have gotten the probably less-than-occasional Gift from him. tho this has probably tapered off a bit as he’s grown up, it’s not something he Doesn’t Do anymore. and the habit would be passed on to any kids lune and yuki have, as well. and of course, his younger sisters fall into this category, too, to the present-day
he probably doesn’t do this much with either natoru or the king, tho, unless it’s something that really jumped out at him laughs
what’s their coffee order
i think he’d like cold-brewed coffee. also i noticed dunkins has this. midnight brew or something now, and i think he’d like that, too. those dark roasts are Nice. also espresso. with the usual crema
.....yeah he just wants a fancy espresso. give him that, so he can feel sophisticated and ignore the fact that when making coffee for himself he just mixes strong bitter coffee with tea and then mixes in whatever sweet syrups and flavors sound good in the moment (usually just one or two, to be fair lmao)
what sort of apps would they have on their smartphone
so. i got a phone last year after not having a cell phone for. idk, like three? four years?? and i remember buying it thinking ‘yeah i just need something to keep up with family, and even then nobody calls me’ and now here i am a year later relying on it to keep track of everything from my housekeeping to my groceries to my weight!!! and i feel like that’s a very natori thing that would happen
so lots of small helpful apps to keep track of things around the castle and the king
if the cat kingdom was really advanced, he’d have that one app that lets you manage your company’s payments and such, but they also don’t have an economy so it’d just be For Show lmao
how do they act around children
pretty comfortably. he’s fond of children and has a long history of looking after them, between his younger sisters and lune and maybe more in the future :eyes: 
he’s a tolerant, permissive creature, and it takes a lot of abuse to get him to lose his temper; with children, this nature is magnified even greater. that said, i do imagine he’s relatively strict, especially in comparison with natoru, who i always imagine taking on more of a big sister role instead. between the two of them, natoru would have the reputation as The Fun One, not least of all bc she also had the same kind of interests that lune might have as a child-- playing in the rain and mud, bugs, sports, etc. etc.
natori is a stickler for manners and cultured, pretty language and education. he’s warm and ultimately has a gentle disposition, but he’s not totally bereft of austerity
what would they watch on tv when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on
i always default to infomercials lmao but that’s just bc that’s what i default to irl lies down
i feel if he came across something that was distinctly nostalgic or reminded him of the people he loves in their younger days (e.g. a show for preschoolers or something that reminded him of sachiko or lune), then he’d linger on it for a while. outside of that, he’d probably have little issue with simply turning the tv off and finding company elsewhere
tagged by: kinda sorta by @madamhatter​
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dibs4ever · 5 years
Mixed Feelings
A multi TimSteph fanfic by request from @dc-comics-gal
Stephanie stared at the test in front of her. This is what they wanted right? She felt tears welling in her eyes she quickly whipped them. They weren’t tears of joy, they weren’t tears of disappointment either. Honestly, she didn’t know what they were. Then she got a flashback to when she was a teenager
15-year-old Stephanie Brown sat on the toilet staring at the test. Two pink lines. This couldn’t be happening, she was in high school, her dad was in jail, her mom worked constantly, she had just broken up with her jerk older boyfriend who moved to another town. Worst of all she was just starting to gain Batman’s trust. Now what? Sure she had many options but which one was right for her. She jumped when her phone made a loud noise as it vibrated on the marble countertop, she picked it up looking at the text
Tim: Hey where are you? I’ve been waiting on this rooftop for 15 minutes.
She smiled to herself. Tim- He was so sweet and caring and cute. Not to mention he was smart. He was the complete opposite of any guy she had ever dated. Which is why she was surprised when she realized she had a crush on him. But who wouldn’t with that rocking body. Sometimes she felt like he might like her too, but he was dating Cassie so that kinda put a stop to any romancing, which she respected. Besides Tim wouldn’t want her now anyways. She texted him back
I’m not feeling great, think I’ll skip patrol tonight.
A second later her phone vibrated again
Tim: Okay, feel better. Maybe if I get a chance I’ll stop by and check in
Fast forward 13 years and here she was again with a pregnancy test in hand. Except this one was different. This time it was Tim’s, this time they were married and had been for a year. This time the baby was planned.
Looking at the time she realized Tim would be home from his day job at Wayne Enterprise in 15 minutes. How would she tell him? Should she just come out and say it, or think of a cute Pinterest way?”
Stephanie shook her head “If I did the Pinterest way he’d try to break everything down to a science, I’ll just tell him” she said to herself before standing.
Tim arrived home not much later “Hey Steph I’m home.” He shrugged off his winter coat hanging it in the coat closet.
She stayed in the kitchen where she continued to prepare dinner. If she rushed to the door he’d know something was up
“Hey, it smells great in here.” Tim smiles stepping into the kitchen he wrapped his arms around her waist “What’s cooking good looking?” He kissed her cheek
“Chicken noodle soup” she turned giving him a hot spoonful
“Mmmm Alfred’s recipe” he grinned
Stephanie nodded “Is there any other way?”
Tim chuckled “If there is it's wrong”
Stephanie nodded in agreement “How was your day?” She asked moving the soup off the stove then turning to look at him again
Tim shrugged “It was work, doing accounting work for Wayne enterprises is a lot more fun with you there as my secretary” he pointed
Stephanie nodded “I was bored today”
He smiled “Well you were throwing up quite a bit this morning, I think staying home was a good call.”
Stephanie tapped her nails against the countertop “Yeah about that. I ummm I took a test today.” She said slowly
Tim rose an eyebrow “A test? What kinda test? Like Batwork test. Did you hack a database without me”
Stephanie laughed “Of course not, I took a pregnancy test,” she said softly
Tim’s eyes widened “And?”
Stephanie pulled the test out of her back pocket handing it to him
She watched as he examined it, his eyebrows furrowed
“This is positive” he pointed
Stephenie nodded
“You’re our having a baby? We’re having a baby the smile on his face grew “I’m going to be a dad. This is-“
He stopped when he noticed Stephanie’s emotionless expression “Are you okay- with this? I mean this what you want right? If you don’t I mean you can do what you have to do, I just figured since we’ve been trying the last 3 months and all that-“
Stephanie pressed a finger to his lips “Of course I want this Stud” she grinned
Tim smiled “Good cause I do too.”
They gave each other a quick kiss on the lips “Next thing is telling our family.”
Stephanie nodded “I say we see Lee or Dinah first then from there we will make plans.”
Tim nodded “Well thanksgiving just passed. What if we tell them on Christmas. When we are all together “
A small smile formed on her face “I like that idea”
A week later Dinah informed her that she was approximately 5 weeks along. She recommended that she stop patrolling at the 8-week mark which was almost perfect timing for telling the family. She said that so far everything looked great. Tim was so happy, she had never seen him so happy. She was happy too, it’s just there was—-something bothering her.
Before they knew it Christmas was only one day away. She and Tim say in the living room as the finished wrapping presents.
“You think Nathan is going to like his new bo staff?” Tim asked as he wrapped the gift
Stephanie smiled “He’s Dick’s son and Robin. I’m sure he’ll love it”
Tim nodded “Yeah well he’s also going to be 13 soon. He’s getting to an age where he’s going to start wanting to be his own person”
Stephanie nodded “Not going to argue with you there. Then again Leah is 9 and we’ve never known what to get her”
Tim smiled “I can’t believe our family is going to know tomorrow “
Stephanie smiled “There hasn’t been a new kid in your family for 9 years.”
Tim nodded “I think everyone will be happy. At least I hope so”
On Christmas, everyone sat around the 10-foot tree the last present seemingly had been unwrapped
“Well if everyone is finished I shall go grab the extra large trash bags and we can begin clearing the way,” Alfred said pushing himself up. Until Stephanie cut him off
“Actually Alfred Tim and I have a present we forgot to give you.”
Alfred smiled sitting back in his seat “Oh really? But you already gave me the new oven mitt set, which I live by the way”
Tim smiled “I think you’ll love this one even more” he handed the elderly man an envelope
The rest of the family looked on confused. Everyone was there, Cass, Jason, Damian, Bruce, Dick and Barbara along with their kids 12-year-old Nathan and 9-year-old Leah. Word was Selina would probably be by later as well. Alfred opened the card, you could tell he was slightly nervous since all eyes were on him
“Congrats you’re going to be a babysitter.” Alfred red the front of the card confused
Cass’ jaw dropped being the first to figure it out
Alfred smiled knowing what it meant as well but opened the card to read the rest “I mean a Great Grandpa -AGAIN!” Baby Drake due in July!”
“You guys are having a baby!” Barbara smiled reaching up from her chair and embracing Stephanie in a tight hug “Finally someone who will understand what it’s like to raise offspring of the Batboys” she joked
Stephanie laughed “Yeah I think I’m going to need all the advice I can get”
“Timmy! You’re going to be a dad.” Dick hugged his brother “You are going to love it, being a dad is a best especially when they are little and think you are the coolest person on earth” he nudged him
“I’m finally going to have cousins,” Nathan said happily
Leah smiled “You mean WE? I can’t wait”
Nathan looked at Stephanie “Even if this kid is a boy I’ll still be your favorite, right Aunt Steph?”
Stephanie smiled placing a hand on the boy's cheek “Of course, you’ll always be my precious angel” she laughed lightly
Then it was Jason who smacked Tim on the shoulder “Well Timbers I didn't know you had it in ya”
Tim smiled then looked at Bruce who had been observing everyone’s excitement “Well Bruce, what do you think?”
Bruce nodded “This is good news, I look forward to your child’s arrival. Congratulations Tim” he clasped Tim’s shoulder
Damian observed Stephanie
“What is it Dami?” She asked releasing
Leah from a hug
The 21-year-old tilted his head “How far along are you precisely”
Stephanie smiled “I’ll be 9 weeks in 2 days” she ran her hand along her still flat belly
Damian nodded “When will you begin to show?”
Stephanie shrugged “I’m still pretty early so this is relatively normal, considering how physically active I used to be. But everyone is different so who knows”
Damian nodded “But weren’t you pregnant before as a teen”
The room became quiet
“Damian, “ Dick said narrowly
Damian rolled his eyes “I am not a child anymore Grayson, I’m just asking a simple question “
Tim stepped forward putting an arm around Stephanie “Yeah but kinda a subject we’ve been trying to ignore”
Stephanie shook her head “Guys it’s fine he’s right” he was right but it wasn’t fine. Truthfully the whole pregnancy so far was bringing up flashbacks from things that she had hurried long ago. Perhaps that’s what had been wrong with her these past couple weeks. She wanted to be mad at Damian for saying what he said but she couldn’t. She really was excited for this baby, and he didn’t necessarily ask anything wrong. She thought she was over her first child’s adoption, why was she suddenly not?
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