#commander fox lore
runekirikjartan · 4 months
Mandokarla Aran AU: Fox Lore
… if you wanted me dead, you should've just said, nothing makes me feel more alive...
Fox steps off the laati onto Coruscant's duracrete and durasteel jungle covered surface with his hands clasped behind his back. Waiting for him is not the jetii, but Senate guards and the Chancellor of the Republic himself, Sheev Palpatine, Fox's direct superior on Triple Zero. He didn't realize that their posting didn't give them a jetii, but he supposed it didn't really matter.
They were there for Coruscant, to protect the Heart of the Republic.
Fox could do that without a jedi.
He glances briefly over his shoulder at the rest of the troopers streaming off the laati until his men have come to a stop behind him, standing at attention until the Chancellor instructs them otherwise.
"Commander." The Chancellor greets him, a smile with not so many teeth and eyes that make the hairs on the back of Fox's neck prickle and stand like they do when something feels off and wrong.
'Marshal Commander' Fox thinks in correction. His rank is his pride.
He begins to talk and explain that the senate guard will escort them to their barracks and then the Coruscant Guard headquarters. He asks about how many men will be stationed on Coruscant with a glance to the men standing behind Fox.
Fox explains that the rest of his men will join them within the week.
The Chancellor's face is impassive, but there's a tightness in the smile that Fox doesn't like, doesn't trust.
He chalks it down to being on an unknown planet and in an unknown area, where he hasn't sufficiently examined all entry and exit points. Where he hasn't been able to place his men at weak points in the security of the landing platform.
They start walking.
…is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one more joke, then we could all just laugh until I cry...
Fox pushes his hair from his forehead. The strands are getting lighter, greys turning white at the end, even if the crown of his head stays pitch black. Carver went through a few holo-articles that described the condition in which hair began to turn white,. Thorn wanted to chalk it down to Force osik. Fox blames it entirely on the fact that they were woefully underprepared to take on and manage the security of an entire planet with only the measly hundred and twenty thousand of them in the Guard.
If he had his way there would be double the number of men.
But he's not in charge, not really. His acquisition forms need to be signed off by the Chancellor for the most part, but Fox has signed enough of his paperwork that he knows the man's signature almost as well as his own. So instead he forges signatures to get his men extra stims, he and engineering hollow out a wall behind the maintenance tunnels to hoard their supplies.
Then the decommissioning order comes.
It's the first of many (not that Fox knows that). One of Fox's corporals was on a solo patrol within the Senate. He's a good vod, a corporal that was with them since the beginning of the Guard's deployment. When Fox gets to him, he's shaking, helmet off and abandoned as two other Guard are between him and a senator who has flown into a vicious and cruel rage.
And when it escalated up the chain of command, Fox was expecting support, something good that he could tell his men only to be met with the startling and uncomfortable realization that not even his superior officer saw him and his vod as human. That even the Chancellor didn’t think that the Guard, with their beating hearts and blood that stained the duracrete beneath their feet were people.
"An accusation like that is hard to shake."
"Surely this can be dealt with internally, sir." He tries to protest, hoping that he can just sweep System under the rug of other nameless faces and hope that the senator hadn’t gotten his designation. 
"They need to learn Commander.”
'Marshal Commander' Fox corrects if that would actually make a difference.
It doesn't.
..."Who's afraid of little old me?"...
Fox dreams in colour. He dreams in oranges and reds and brass and browns. He dreams of his vode with shining halos and weapons that grow brightly in their hands. Their eyes are nothing but light. When they speak, their voices come out as one.
"The stars will guide you Commander."
"Marshal Commander." Fox corrects out loud this time, finally speaking the words often lodged in his throat.
The vode in front of him chuckles in unison, a voice much deeper than their own, much louder than their own. Their eyes grow brighter, blinding in their nature and Fox is forced to turn away from the intensity, covering his eyes. When he looks back, they’re gone, and in their place stands a warrior.
It has to be a warrior.
Beskar’gam covers their limbs, painted brass and gold. Their helmet almost resembles a mask of sorts, the familiar style of a t-shaped visor accented by three bands across the warrior’s chin. The top of the helmet isn’t exactly humanoid, possibly accounting for a species differential. Fox doesn’t flinch at the sight of them, but it is a near thing when they step closer to him.
“Who are you?” He asks, hand drifting down to his holster, fingers closing around air as they snort.
“The Ka’ra was right about you.” The being says, clearly Mandalorian in origin now that it has spoken Mando’a. Fox doesn’t know why he’s dreaming of Mandalorians. 
“Pardon my language but what the kark does that mean?” 
“You, Marshal Commander Fox.” The being starts, and for some reason he sounds smug in a way that makes Fox wary. “Are worthy. The Ka’ra deems you perfect for carrying on our ways.”
Fox tilts his head to the side. He eyes the figure warily.
“Now tell me what that actually means, in basic.” 
Fox stares into the mirror of the fresher, his armour stacked neatly on the counter by the sink. He grips the edge of the counter and stares at his own reflection, only slightly mourning the loss of his hair. There, on the sides of his skull, shining a layer of second skin are the words to ‘vode an’ etched into his skin, one side of his head devoted to each verse. Carver hadn’t questioned his request to dig out his tattoo machine, nor did he question things when Fox began to mutter in a language almost as old as Coruscant itself.
Carver did, however, almost drop the tattoo needle entirely when the ink laid into Fox’s skin began to glow as bright as the further star in an empty night sky. 
Coruscant’s history speaks to him, almost as loudly as Kad Ha’rangir, all while the deity stands over his shoulder and watches him through the reflection of the mirror.
“Where do I start?” He asks as his eyes settle on Kad Ha’rangir’s visor.
“The children who are willing.” Kad Ha’rangir tilts their head to the side. “The ones who have already made up their minds.” 
“They’re mine, the ka’ra cannot have them.” Fox hisses.
“For your boon, you must, they have already decided.” Kad Ha’rangir steps closer. Their hand on Fox’s shoulder burns, warmth sinks through Fox’s blacks and feels as though it brands through skin, muscle, deep into his bones..
His gaze flicks back from Kad ha’rangir to himself in the mirror. His eyes shine golden, overtaking the brown that he shares with his brothers, whiting out the rest of him that seems human.
...You should be...
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stealthetrees · 5 months
Story time!
Fox was having a shity day, and then he was having a great day.
The usual bullshit, politicians, riots, criminal activity, syndicates after his head. He hadn’t slept in 30 hours. He was out of fucks to give.
Palpatine knocked a pen off his desk and asked Fox to pick it up. Fox went blind with rage and shot him on the spot.
Corrie guards standing outside the room poke their heads in, and see what happened. They congratulate Fox and gently chide him for not giving them more advanced notice as they respectfully arrest him.
Fox is in prison for about 27 minutes while they fake his death via stabbing by inmates he had arrested previously. He gets the CT number and armor of an ARC captain and is sent back to work, as per protocol.
Fox decides that this is an excellent time to take a team and go take out the leader of the Black Sun syndicate because they’ve been a pain in the ass for a while now. So he loads up a slug thrower and goes to kill Maul.
Somehow, news of what happened got around rather quickly and many people came to the marshal commanders office demanding an explanation.
Thorn, newly promoted, was not having a good time.
“Fox has been arrested” he explained patiently “he’s dead now tho so don’t worry about it”
“What does our decommissioned batchmate have to do with this?” Cody and Wolffe demand “we’re here about Fletcher”
Thorn forgot about Fletcher.
Well, he didn’t forget. How could anyone forget Marshal Commander CC-1010 Fletcher- oh wait.
Thorn realizes he has Fucked Up. He does not offer further explanation. He just sits down in the shitty little chair behind the shitty little desk in the shitty little office full of generals and commanders staring at him suspiciously and Thorn banged his head on the desk. Maybe if he knocked himself out he wouldn’t have to deal with this.
The universe decides to mock him further. Fives and Dogma, who are supposed to be dead, stick their heads through the door and somehow miss the huge crowd of people.
“Fox just got back and he gave us Maul’s head before heading up to blackmail a senator after dealing with that riot, what do you want us to do with it?”
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dragonrider9905 · 6 months
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Also find me on Ao3--DragonRider9905
Everything is separated by series
One Shots/Stand Alones
Hunter's Stress Journal
Clonetober 2022
Lessons from the Past Offer Hope for a Golden Future
To Be a Jedi (Hunter Force-Sensitive AU)
The Clone's Incomplete Guide for Navigating the Afterlife (We're Learning as We Go)
Technically, We’re in Love (Tech/OC)—Same AU as Broken, Not Shattered
Broken, Not Shattered (Crosshair/OC)(Hunter/OC)—Same AU as Technically
With You From Dusk till Dawn (Hunter/OC)
The World Where You Live (Hunter/OC) (Tech/OC)
Reader Inserts
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Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!
Feel free to comment and/or reblog. Would be much appreciated!
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skylariumrose · 2 years
Lightsabers, Blasters, and Blades, oh my!
Chapter 1: A Proud Clone Commander of a Command'ika
Even in the midst of war the bonds of friendship and family flourish as they are tested.
But not every trial is woefully drastic.
Snapshots of clones acting silly, padawans being sweet and a tiny bit feral, and Obi-Wan and Cody acting both silly and sweet to much of everyone's.
New Part! 🤩
Enjoy some Clone chat fic silliness and soft Codywan at the end.
Part 7 of my ‘Obi-Wan gets a second padawan’ series entitled Of Blasters and Sabers, and the Words in Between.
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varpusvaras · 2 months
So, according to the background lore, while growing up on Kamino, if the clones had any bouts of anger or frustration, they were put into the "retraining tank" which was essentially isolation. And at some point, this just kinda manifests in the clones in not being able to express their negative feelings properly, and either pushing them down or dealing with them by isolating themselves, because those two things are the only things they know how to do that somewhat work.
The Jedi help with this, of course. They teach their men how to meditate, how to express themselves, how to deal with their negative feelings and also let them go and not let them fester, and how the clones adopt this part of their conduct as well. Meditation becomes almost mandatory. It's not strictly enforced by the Jedi, but it is enforced by the Commanders and the rest of the men, especially when Shinies come from Kamino.
(Bail and Breha have such a good and healthy way of communicating with each other that by now, when they have disagreements, they are able to work through them by talking about it and expressing their feelings to each other.
And then they have a first bigger disagreement with Fox, and Fox just. Up and leaves. And he goes to sit somewhere by himself and then comes back like it's fine let's carry on whatever else we were doing before this. And he just does this. Every time he is angry or frustrated or otherwise upset he just gets up and leaves because he doesn't know what else to do. He doesn't know what to say. He has to leave because otherwise he doesn't know what he is going to do and that scares him)
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seven-oomen · 1 year
Honestly I really love how the clone wars fanfom just has all these intricate headcanons and fanon lore that has very little to none basis in canon. I love that shit. It's difficult to navigate at first but once you get into it it's so much fun.
What can I say? I'm a clown, I fit right into the circus.
Gimme blyla where bly is head over heels with his general but so bad at hiding it.
Gimme codywan who are the total opposite where obi-wan has the obvious crush but only when you catch his glances.
Gimme silver fox Fox who falls for Bail & Breha Organa. (I know Quinlan is most popular but I personally like the Organas better. My man needs stable people. )
Also Fox gets to shoot Palpatine, as a treat.
Gimme the wolf pack and dad Plo. And mom Shaak Ti with her cadets.
(And a few of my own headcanons)
Gimme the 501st and 212th who just adopt Ahsoka (and Cal) as their little siblings. (Cody adopts Cal as his own kid. He saw 9 year old Cal, impossibly small, and just adopted him on the spot.,)
Gimme a running joke among clones that the best place to look for missing padawan commanders is the vents.
Gimme badass Naboo handmaidens who absolutely kick ass and defend the padawans, Jedi, clones, and Senators Amidala and Organa with absolute ferocity.
Gimme Rex who falls for one of the handmaidens (Dormé) after seeing her decapitate multiple droids to protect Cal and Ahsoka.
Gimme a world where the clones gain freedom and get to live with the people they love.
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surrogate-fawn · 11 months
Im a fan of #7.
Nesting (Werewolf AU)
Prompt: "The baby feels so low" [Also inspired by @hush-writes-preg's "Spooky Season Day #3" prompt. He can consider this an early birthday gift as well!]
Characters: Fawn, Newt/Asher - Pre-Polly Relationship ((Newt is owned by @mittysins, and Asher is owned by @killer-orca-cosplay.))
Context: This takes place in a modern world where werewolves are common amidst human society. Fawn is a packless Beta who is about to give birth to her ex-mate's pup. Newt, an Omega, and Asher, an Alpha, are a mated pair who took Fawn into their home -- despite the fact they're expecting a pup of their own in a few months. The three have formed a close friendship, though Fawn still feels like an outsider. After all, she was human only a year ago.
Disclaimer: This fic contains lore for my, Mitty's, and Orca's werewolf AU -- be forewarned there will be worldbuilding mixed in with the kink stuff. If story-heavy kink is your kind of thing -- like it is for us three -- enjoy!
TW: A/B/O dynamics, but within the context of a werewolf society; mentions of past abuse, werewolf-related birth troubles.
Smoky whisps of incense scented the room with lavender. The shades were drawn over the windows to block the fading sun. Golden fairy lights twinkled in the gossamer curtains woven through the support beams of the nesting tent, the only dots of light in the dark room.
The nylon pop-up tent was specially designed for those who were nesting. It clung to the baseboard and covered the entire bed in a snug, arched shelter. It could be zipped or unzipped in sections to create windows and doors as needed, or it could be shut tight for total privacy. The interior of the tent was stuffed full of jumbo-sized Squishmallow plushies, three oversized duvet covers, and one very pregnant werewolf.
"How you doing, Mama?" the mop-haired Alpha sitting bedside asked.
Fawn's pointed ear flicked in the direction of his voice in acknowledgement before she opened her eyes. She lay curled around a giant fox pillow, the soft material supporting her belly as she lay dozing in the tent. She had opened a section of the tent by the headboard so she could leave the nest if she wanted, but at the moment she didn't feel safe anywhere else.
"I've been better," she said, her voice lagging with fatigue.
A dewy layer of sweat clung to her whole body. Her clothing was shed to the bedroom floor, save for a black tank top and pair of boyshorts. The air around her was temperate, but her body burned with a mild fever. Her muscles felt heavy and useless, tired from months of carrying her pregnancy whilst fighting the tremors of rejection sickness. The worst of it had passed over time; but here she was, still feeling the effects of breaking her pair bond almost ten months later.
Oh, and being in labor for the last nine hours was not helping the situation.
The soft click of the door handle caught their attention. The pair of cryptids lifted their heads to look as it opened, the hallway light reflecting green in the mirrors of their eyes.
Newt's familiar scent -- much stronger than his mate's -- overpowered the lavender as he entered the room. Fawn's sinuses tingled with the spicy-sweet aroma of his smell, comparable to sassafras, that indicated his pregnancy as much as the grapefruit-sized swell of his lower belly. Fawn still struggled to describe the scents that were new to her.
The Omega approached her nest and held out the glass of tap water he'd been sent to fetch. Fawn craned her neck and lapped from it, her mouth too parched to obey her command. Her tongue was longer than it had once been, able to bring water to her throat as easily as any straw. She didn't pause to wrap her lips around the edge of the glass until her thirst was mostly quenched.
"Jeez, don't drown," Newt chuckled as Fawn took the drink from his hand.
Asher, the Alpha, got up from his seat and offered it to his mate with a nod of his head.
Fawn gulped down the last of the water and came up panting for air. "Don't tell me what to do," she retorted with a tired, playful grin.
"Don't tell her what to do, babe," Asher said, unable to disguise the smirk on his face as he set the empty glass on the bedside table.
The three shared a brief, quiet laugh.
Fawn's eyelids drifted closed as the room settled back into silence. She shimmied herself deeper into her pile of softness, falling easily into a twilight sleep; at least, for a few more minutes.
A huff of air left Fawn's nose a split second before her brow creased in discomfort. "Ash, start it," she said, curling tighter around her pillow.
"Yes, ma'am." Asher fumbled to unlock his phone and started the timer on his stopwatch app. "Started."
Fawn filled her lungs with air with one long breath and released it as a drawn-out exhale. The contraction coiled itself around her hips and squeezed, growing tighter by the second. The pain grew like a stinging vine around her belly, her ribs, her back, even wrapping around her upper thighs.
With a low groan, Fawn rolled herself onto her back. Her legs fell open at a wider angle than normal -- a sign her hips were loosening in preparation for her large pup to come through. She continued her ritual of slow, deliberate breathing as the contraction continued to climb to its dreaded peak.
Newt leaned into the opening in the tent, enough for him to run a gentle hand over the clammy skin of Fawn's arm. He didn't say anything, but his touch brought her a sense of ease. Even knowing that Asher was in the room, even if she couldn't see him, made her feel better. They'd only known each other a month, but she couldn't imagine surviving labor without them.
Fawn flashed her fangs in a snarl as the contraction reached its apex, the part she dreaded each time. "Ugh!" she growled through her teeth, her head pressed back into the pillow.
Newt's eyes widened when Fawn hooked her hands beneath her knees, drawing her legs up on either side of her belly. "Are you pushing already?"
"She's what?!" Asher gasped in alarm, his face appearing over his mate's shoulder.
"No!" Fawn growled, hardly able to breathe enough to speak. "My legs are about to fuckin' dislocate!"
She could feel the pup pressing its way out, prying open the flesh of her cervix as her womb squeezed it down. The pressure sent stabbing waves of agony between her legs. Her birth canal opened a little more with each millimeter the pup dropped, and now it was putting unbearable pressure on the ball-socket joints of her pelvis.
Fawn grunted in relief as the contraction ebbed. She released her legs, draping them wide apart over her plushies. Thankfully, Newt and Asher's guest bed was queen-sized and allowed her plenty of space to spread out.
"It's done," she announced, so Asher could stop the timer.
"Ooh, getting close," Asher said. "That one was thirty-eight seconds."
Even that short burst of work sent drops of sweat rolling down Fawn's sides. She pulled her tank top over the curve of her belly and tucked the fabric under her swollen breasts. She caressed the sore underside of her bump in long, soothing circles. The skin around her womb was pulled smooth as glass from the weight of the pup inside. She could feel where its surface was gouged by deep, purple stretch marks. Her pup wriggled impatiently beneath her hands, as if able to sense her touch through the thinness of the skin.
"Call me crazy," she said, "but I'm hoping this baby takes its time. It might rip me apart if it tries to break the speed record."
Asher checked the recorded times in his phone. "You'll be fine, it doesn't look like they're in a hurry," he said. "Just stay relaxed and the pup will keep working its way down."
Fawn gave a thumbs-up. "Copy that, Sarge."
"So, guys, are we taking bets?" Newt asked, resting his upper torso inside the tent.
Fawn tilted her head to peer up at him from inside the canyon of her pillow plushie. "On what?"
"Boy or girl," Newt grinned. He propped his chin up on his hand and beamed down at the redheaded wolf woman. "Should we take bets?"
"You boys can if you want," Fawn said.
"Just you versus me, babe," Asher chuckled from somewhere else in the room. "Fawn already knows, that would be cheating."
"No, I don't," Fawn said, quiet and matter-of-fact. She turned her eyes to the little golden lights twinkling over her head. "I didn't know if a doctor would make me contact my mate, so I never went to one."
At the mention of him, the mating scar at the nape of Fawn's neck became hot. She grimaced, able to feel each small wound his teeth had left when he'd inflicted her with the curse of the wolves. It wasn't as strong of a reaction anymore; the pain had at one point been overwhelming.
When she'd taken that first step out of the apartment with the intention to never come back, the mark had burned so intensely she thought she could smell her flesh searing. She was lucky Todd hadn't been home, because he'd no doubt felt the same sensation on the back of his neck -- where he had forced her to mark him as her mate as well. Had he been home, Fawn wouldn't have made it out of the building before he'd realized what she was doing.
"Besides," Fawn added, "I have no idea if I should go to a doctor or a vet now." Her freckled face paled, and she looked back up at Newt. "Shit, is that offensive?"
Newt laughed and leaned in to rub his cheek against her forehead. "Nah."
Fawn smiled as he brushed against her, leaving a bit of his spicy-sweet scent on her skin. She was still adjusting to perceiving the world through scent as much as sight and touch, but she grew more comfortable with it each time the pair scented her. Scent was transforming into language the more she utilized it. Maybe she wasn't sure how to communicate with it, yet; but there was something about it she was starting to understand.
"We'll show you the ropes once you're over the rejection sickness," Asher said, leaning against the nightstand so he could peer into the nest. "So . . . this guy didn't explain any of our lifestyle to you?"
Fawn shook her head. "Not anything us hum-," she paused, pressing her lips into a thin line. "Not anything humans don't already know. Transformation and full moon stuff, basically. He had me sell my silver jewelry before he'd even kiss me. I didn't know werewolves were that sensitive to it."
The boys shared a concerned look.
"Um," Asher cleared his throat, "we aren't. Silver allergies are rare as hell. A few poor bastards had a fatal reaction hundreds of years ago, and humans assumed it was a rule for all of us."
"Good old stereotyping," Newt said.
The lines in Fawn's brow deepened. "That piece of dogshit," she muttered under her breath. "I sold my grandma's pendant for him!"
Goddammit! Why hadn't she thought twice about Todd suddenly needing to "borrow" that money?! Her mating scar throbbed, seeping heat like an open wound where their pair bond had once been. A fresh sweat dampened her brow.
Newt brushed a few stray curls from Fawn's eyes and tucked them behind the point of her ear. "Fuck him. He's a dick."
"Yeah, fuck him," Asher agreed with a frown. His ear twitched as his scowl deepened, knocking his glasses askew. "Alphas are supposed to protect our mates, not take advantage of them."
There was a brief pause. Asher took off his glasses, cleaned them on his shirt, and added: "For what it's worth, Fawn . . . I'm sorry on his behalf."
"Me, too," Newt nodded. "Not as an Alpha, but as a wolf."
Fawn sighed and draped an arm over her eyes. "Thank you for that, boys. It helps . . . at least a little."
She felt like the world's biggest idiot.
When they'd met, she'd been seduced by Todd's hyper-masculine physique and charmed by his overly protective "doting". How special she'd felt, having an Alpha werewolf want her -- an average human woman -- as his mate. In hindsight, being an average human woman was exactly what made him want her. Easy prey.
How quickly she'd regretted her decision to let Todd put her in a mating press. After she'd endured the weeks it took for her anatomy to shift into that of his kind, Todd had convinced her they needed to breed as soon as possible. He wanted a large pack, as many pups as she could give him. It didn't take her long to realize they were the only reason he'd claimed her. Days after leaving him, she'd detected the strange smell of sassafras on her skin -- though she wouldn't know what that meant for two months.
The rejection sickness had masked any symptoms of a pregnancy. The effects were like that of withdrawal: fevers high enough to cause delirium, tremors, nausea, and full-body aches. She'd spent endless days and nights confined to the bed of a sleazy motel room. What carried her through was the knowledge that Todd was feeling just as shitty as she was. Yet, in her darkest moments, Fawn considered going back to him just to make it stop.
Then, her world changed when a fellow wolf woman at the drugstore offered congratulations based on her scent. This prompted her to buy a pregnancy test, and the thought of going back never crossed her mind again.
"Fellas?" Fawn asked, still blindfolding herself with her forearm. "Is a large pack, like . . . a status symbol for y'all or something?"
Asher shrugged. "Not as much as it used to be," he said. "It used to be a big deal in the past, like before we had the treaty with humans. That was because our packs needed the numbers for defense. But now? Not as much."
"Except maybe for those freakishly traditional families," Newt chimed in.
"Mmm," Fawn hummed in acknowledgement. She placed her other hand on the upper swell of her belly and gave it a thoughtful rub. "Well, this baby is mine. I'm not giving birth for the sake of some insecure asshole. This is my baby."
"Damn right it is," Newt grinned, his blue eyes glittering in the low light.
After a few seconds of silence, Fawn's limp-hanging hand curled into a fist. "Mmm, Ash . . . " Her voice trailed off into a chesty groan.
Newt looked over at his mate. "Ash, start it."
Asher pulled out his phone with a nod. "Starting."
Newt massaged Fawn's shoulder as she once again pulled back her legs. The pressure in her hips was immense, and the contraction was heaving the baby down with unholy force. Fawn pulled harder on her knees until she felt her pelvis widen, the bones drifting apart like tectonic plates.
"Breathe, Fawn," Newt gently reminded. "You're holding it."
Fawn hissed out her breath like a deflating tire. "God, it's coming down," she groaned. She shut her eyes and whined as the pup pressed harder against her cervix.
"Change position," Asher offered, bending down to see inside the nest. "Let gravity help you out."
Fawn released a high-pitched whimper. "My hips . . . my hips hurt."
"Here, hold on." Newt reached around Fawn and pulled out another of her oversized Squishmallows from the pile. He left his chair and climbed onto the bed, crawling through the opening of the tent with the plushie in-hand. "Sit up, love."
Fawn reluctantly let her legs fall. Her bones were lead. With Newt's help, she got to her knees and straddled herself atop the large pillow plushie so her hips could remain open.
"There, that's better!" Asher said, sitting on the edge of the mattress. His phone screen reflected in his lenses, revealing the contraction had lasted twenty seconds already.
Fawn bent forward onto all-fours, rhythmically dipping her hips into the pillow as the pain climbed higher than it had before. The Omega at her side dug the heel of his hand into her lower back, allowing Fawn to rock back against the counter-pressure. Her deep breathing wavered, each inhale growing shallower until the wolf woman was full-on panting.
"Calm down, you're doing fine," Newt lulled, ghosting his claws over her spine. "Deep breaths, like you were doing."
Sweat appeared in shining beads on Fawn's reddened face, dampening the frizzy curls around her temples. "I can't," she gasped. All four limbs trembled, fatigued muscles giving up the last of their strength. "I can't . . . I need to lie down."
Fawn sank chest-first into the fox plushie, arms unable to support her weight. Her tongue dipped in and out of her mouth as she failed to control of her breathing. Her fingers sank into the duvet, claws tearing holes in the fabric.
The end of the tent unzipped, creating an arch-shaped door that Asher climbed in through. While Newt continued to knead Fawn's back, Asher laid himself beside her.
"Hey, Mama, look at me," he crooned, his face appearing in the corner of her vision. When her hazel eyes met his, he said: "You are owning this! There's no need to get freaked out. You're too tough for labor to beat. Take a deep breath for us, alright?"
Fawn wet her lips and maintained eye contact with the Alpha while she drew in a big breath.
"Good!" Asher smiled, patting her shoulder. "Now let it out and make the next one even deeper. Show that pain who's boss!"
She obeyed, but mid-inhale she choked on air. With a canid yowl, Fawn pressed herself against the Alpha's body. Her hips ground against the pillow, as if it would cushion the force of her pelvis being forced apart.
"Ugh, gravity's helping too much!" Fawn moaned into Asher's shirt. "This pup is about to fall outta me!"
"That's a good thing!" Asher encouraged, draping his arm over her and motioning for his mate to lie down beside them. "You're making progress. The pup will be here before you know it!"
Fawn's hips finally settled as the contraction eased off, but she still felt unable to move. Her pelvis sat wide open, and the hefty weight of the pup was sinking deep inside it -- even without the contraction.
“Augh, fuck,” she moaned, the sound rumbling in her chest. “Fuck . . . the baby feels low. It feels so fucking low!"
"Ash?" Newt asked as he rearranged the pillows to better support the three of them. "Are you still timing?"
Asher caressed Fawn's thigh as she shifted to support her upper body against the mountain of Squishmallows Newt had piled up. Newt reclined on his side beside her, flashing her a bright smile -- his fangs always hung over his lower lip when he smiled.
"No, I think we're just feeling it out now," Asher said. He'd left his phone charging on the nightstand, just in case they needed it. "I think we're 'reaching a checkpoint' as it were."
Newt rolled his eyes. "Gamers."
Fawn snuggled into the pillow mountain, trying in vain to get comfortable. It wasn't as dramatic as what they showed on television, but Fawn knew exactly what the hot rush of fluid was as it soaked the pillow between her legs.
"Umm, hey . . ." She nudged the pillow aside, revealing ribbons of cloudy water running down her inner thighs. "I think it's time to lose the shorts."
Asher pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "And checkpoint reached!"
For five hours, no one left that tent. The room grew darker as the evening gave way to the early morning hours of pre-dawn. The boys stayed at either side of the laboring wolf woman, holding her steady in positions that allowed her pup to ease down with gravity.
Between contractions, the three werewolves lay side-by-side in tranquil silence. The sweat on Fawn's brow would dry, her feverish body would cool, but the warmth of two other bodies prevented the chills from returning. That quiet peace would be broken when Fawn vocalized during a new contraction, signaling the boys to sit her up and widen her stance.
Fawn was growing restless, wanting to switch positions several times during every contraction: squatting against the headboard, kneeling against one guy or the other, or falling into a half-squat in a pile of her plush pillows. The longer the night wore on, the more fidgety the laboring mother became.
At around four in the morning, as the trio rested together beneath the fairy lights, Fawn suddenly spoke:
"Is the cradle ready?"
"Hmm?" Asher sat up and readjusted his glasses.
"Is the cradle ready?" Fawn repeated. There was a glint of urgency in her eyes, although her tone was soft and even.
The fold-out mesh bassinet was visible from inside the nest, placed against the opposite wall. The pup's first outfit was already laid out atop the blanket lining the mattress -- a cotton quilt with embroidered rubber duckies that Newt had donated from the stash he was buying for his own pup.
After a quick glance, Asher responded: "Yep, it's ready and waiting."
"Can you grab some extra blankets or something?" Fawn pleaded. She gradually drew her legs up until her heels touched the underside of her thighs. "Just anything that's soft."
Newt sat himself up and gave his mate a knowing look. "Babe? You think this is that 'final nesting' the baby books talked about?"
Asher's eyes widened. "Oh, crap. It might be."
"What?" Fawn asked. She suddenly realized she couldn't remember what either of the boys had just said -- she wasn't fully aware of what was going on around her. It was so, so hard to focus on anything other than the pounding pressure that had come to rest in the curve of her tailbone.
The mated pair gave each other a nod.
"Ash and I have been reading books about pups like crazy this month," Newt explained in a lighthearted tone. "'Final nesting' is just what your brain does right before the pup is ready to come out."
Asher grabbed the corner of the topmost duvet and rolled it towards them until it became a padded cushion. He carefully slid it beneath Fawn and said: "Yep, it's an instinct. Got to make sure the pup has a safe place to land, you know."
Now it was Fawn's turn to go wide-eyed. "Wait . . . wait, is it happening?" she gasped, her head shooting up off the pillows.
"Maybe," Newt said. "You'll know if it is." He placed a pillow over his torso to protect his belly and scooted behind Fawn to support her into a squat.
"And if it isn't, then we'll just wait some more," Asher concluded. "Don't try to bear down if you don't need to."
Fawn nodded, gulping down the dryness in her throat. She had no idea what to expect with the next contraction. If the monstrous pressure she was feeling hadn't triggered her body to push by then . . . oh, God above, what was about to happen to her?
"I don't . . . don't know if I'm ready for this," she muttered.
Newt leaned in and rubbed his cheek against the side of her neck. "You're as ready as you'll ever be," he said. He intertwined his clawed fingers with her own.
Fawn didn't feel the next contraction as pain, only as a familiar tightness wrapping around her womb. All other sensation was snuffed out . . . massacred . . . left bleeding in the streets! . . . by the wicked downward thrust of her pup moving through her effaced cervix. There was nothing holding that baby in her womb any longer, and it was not waiting another minute to leave.
"Oh, my God!" she screamed -- out of fear more so than pain. Her hips jerked back, trying to escape the demonic pressure burning inside.
Newt squeezed her hands -- his claws never marking her skin. "You feel it?"
"Yes!" Fawn cried, her body shuddering under the hellish urge to push.
"Go with it," Asher encouraged, placing his hand on her knee. "Let's meet your pup."
Fawn held her breath and gave a shallow, hesitant first push. She wasn't sure if she was using the correct muscles, but it felt . . . how could she describe it? . . . it felt like she was doing something. A few seconds of strain later, she let up with a sharp yelp. Yes, she'd been doing it right. That slight nudge had sent the pup rushing forward.
"It's moving . . ." was all she had time to say before her body demanded she continue her efforts -- and double them!
Those few millimeters of progress kicked her urge to push into overdrive. Fawn braced her weight against Newt, put chin to chest, and bore down with every ounce of force she could. The crown of the head pressed deeper against her innermost walls with a fiery, thorny tug. The sensation of her baby moving through her after so many passive hours of labor was startling -- yet beyond rewarding.
Had her eyes been open to see, Fawn would have observed Asher's tender smile as he watched primal focus harden her features.
"Just like that, Mama," Asher praised, again stroking her thigh. "Don't hold back, give it your all!"
Sweat trailed down her flushed skin. Unable to hold the push any longer, Fawn emptied her lungs with a harsh grunt.
"It's already hurting me," she growled through closed fangs. Her voice strained as, for just a few horrible seconds, she resisted the urge to push. "Goddamn, this is gonna suck!"
Newt laid his chin on Fawn's shoulder as she sank into another deep push. "Whatever you feel, don't fight it," he offered evenly. "Your body knows what it's doing, Fawn. Listen to what it's telling you to do."
Fawn's ears pressed back against her head as her hips dipped lower to the duvet. She felt a small trickle of fluid drip from her labia, but the flow stopped as soon as she stopped pushing. A groan escaped the back of her throat as the contraction eased off and she was able to relax.
"That was great," Newt praised, unlacing their fingers and letting Fawn have her hands back. "You got the hang of it right off the bat."
Fawn sighed and balled the duvet beneath them in her claws. Her chest rose and fell quickly, and her pulse hammered in her neck. Any sense of physical comfort was gone now, even between contractions. She knew there would be no peace for her until this pup was out and in her arms . . . but God only knew when that would happen. God only knew if that would happen! The pup was barely inside her birth canal and Fawn was already terrified that it was going to get stuck.
"What if . . . what if I can't get it out?" she panted. Her lower back was screaming, so she shifted her hips forward. It didn't help. "What do we do if I can't get it out?!"
"Hey, hey, don't think like that," Newt helped Fawn recline a bit further against him. He steadied her in his arms, his hands gently massaging the curves where her belly met her ribcage. "There's no doubt in our minds that you can do this!"
"And I'm down here if you need a little extra help," Asher said. He carefully took Fawn's leg and draped it over his lap, helping to open her hips now that she was in a more reclined position. "We won't let anything happen to you or your pup, Fawn. That's a promise."
"You're safe here," Newt said in a low, soothing tone. He continued to apply soft pressure to her sides and back, kneading over her sore body as if smoothing out a delicate fabric.
Fawn never doubted for a second that she was in loving hands. She dreaded to think where she would be right now if the pair hadn't opened their home to her. Without their kindness, chances were that she'd be delivering her baby in a motel bathroom or on top of a cot in a homeless shelter. These two had given her the ultimate gift: a warm, safe place to give birth. She owed her pup's life to them.
"I know," Fawn said, snuggling down further into the nest. "I don't want to be anywhere else right now."
Newt bent down and pressed a kiss to Fawn's hairline. "Keep listening to your body. Don't rush what it's trying to do."
Fawn nodded, puffing out a breath as she felt the next contraction roll up from her back to her belly. "Okay . . . let's go."
She took in a slow lungful of air, waited for the contraction to build in strength, and pushed.
Her loosened joints spread easily for the pup's skull as it squeezed its way down her passage. It became an endless pattern: Fawn would push, the head would squeeze down, and her pelvic bones would spread over its shape as it passed beneath them. She could feel the rhythm of the changes.
Push. Squeeze. Spread.
Push. Squeeze. Spread. Spread.
Push. Squeeze. Spread. Spread. Spre-OW!
OW! OW! Oh, fuck! Now it was so too big! Her hips were filled to the maximum, her canal stretched wide around a huge pair of shoulders as they slipped from her womb. She could feel her labia bulging from between her legs -- and oh, God, they ached! There was nothing but a layer of her skin holding the pup in, and it felt like a bubble of gum about to burst!
But she couldn't stop pushing. Not now, not when everything was raw and stretched and open and hurting so goddamn bad! Fawn curled her toes into the mattress and wailed as she threw herself harder into pushing. Her voice grew louder as she felt the inflamed skin between her legs starting to open.
"Good job, Mama! Here it comes!" Asher cried, his voice raised to be heard over Fawn's roar of effort.
Asher had his eyes glued to the pale, wet sac pressing out of Fawn each time her body strained. He'd read in their books that it was common for werewolf pups to be born with their membranes wrapped around them. That was fine, he just had to be prepared to remove it.
A tiny spurt of fluid leaked out from around the sac as the head began to stretch the skin of the perineum. The pup's size seemed to be keeping most of its sac unruptured, the fluid too pressurized to leave the birth canal. Asher furrowed his brow but said nothing.
Of course, Newt took notice of his mate's unease. He swallowed the unease in his chest, and scented Fawn's hair with his cheek again in the hopes it would distract her.
"Ash sees the head," he crooned. "Keep going, you're pushing like a pro!"
With renewed vigor, Fawn gave into her body's needs. Asher waited until a few centimeters of the solid white membrane stretched open Fawn's lips, then he placed his index finger against the bulging sac to gauge how much fluid was inside. He felt the semi-solid squish of the pup's head just beneath the film, but his finger pad felt the swish of water when he pressed down. That wasn't a very good sign, but Asher still felt confident that he could handle it.
"I'm going to help you out a little, okay?" Asher told Fawn, cupping his hand over the crowning pup. "Focus on pushing, and I'll help you open up. I'll go slow."
Newt once again sensed Asher's unease and made it his mission to protect Fawn from sensing it, too. "Pup's almost out, Fawn," he said as he gave her shoulders a brief hug. "It'll be out quicker with Ash helping you. Just take a deep breath and let yourself stretch."
"I'm trying," Fawn whimpered. "I'm trying."
As Fawn bore down against the pup, Asher ran his fingers against the sides of her lips. He nudged her skin open bit by bit around the sac, watching as it stretched from a small oval to a wide circle over the course of several minutes. Asher cringed as he saw the skin of her labia discolor from a raw red to an almost beet purple with the width of the head.
Fawn, meanwhile, had fallen completely taciturn. Aside from wolfish growls and whimpers, she made no efforts to express her pain verbally. Her focus had shifted solely to bearing through the ordeal, working with her body to bring it to a swift end.
"Keep going, we're almost there!" Asher cheered. He had his hands positioned at the apex of her inner thighs, supporting the tight skin as Fawn pushed the head to its widest point.
Fawn shuddered and let her head fall back on Newt's chest. Her mind was a mess of black static as the pup's shoulders ground against her pubic bone. She arched her spine as the pup ceased to move for one heart-stopping moment. Then, in a sudden lurch, the sac-covered head popped free into Asher's waiting hands.
"Awesome! Awesome, Fawn!" Newt cheered, peering over her shoulder as much as he could. He could see the white membrane resting in his mate's palm. "Babe, you got it?"
Asher nodded. "I've got it, don't worry."
Without drawing attention to it, Asher took the claw of his thumb and carefully -- oh-so-carefully -- punctured the membrane at the base of where he felt the pup's neck should be. A quiet sploosh filled the nesting tent as amniotic fluid rushed over Asher's hands. He hooked his claw inside the tear and slowly peeled the sac over the pup's head.
There wasn't much hair on the pup's head -- unusual, though not uncommon -- but that wasn't what Asher was looking for. He craned his neck at a painful angle until he could catch a glimpse of the pup's face. When he saw it, he paled. The features were predictably swollen, but the puffy lips were hanging open and dripping a thick yellowish mucus. Asher thanked the stars above that he and his partner had read up about whelping -- for he was able to recognize the tell-tale symptom of waterlogged lungs.
The mates locked eyes with each other and nothing else needed to be said or done. They both understood.
"This is it, love," Newt said, leaning in to help Fawn hold her legs apart. "This next contraction is going to be the one."
Fawn's jaw gaped like a suffocating fish, but finally her voice obeyed her command: "Is my baby okay?"
Oh, hell. She must've smelled the pheromones of their stress. Newt had been hoping she wouldn't understood what the scent of fear was, yet.
Newt smiled at her and brushed her sweat-plastered hair away from her eyes. "They're fine, they just need some extra help."
"When you push, I'll give them a little tug," Asher said. "It's going to hurt, but it'll be over before you know it."
Fawn squeezed her eyes shut. "Can't hurt any worse than this," she mumbled. "Just do it."
The boys were expecting the horrific scream Fawn released when Asher began guiding out the first shoulder, but it still made their sensitive ears ring.
"You're so strong, Fawn!" Newt said into her ear. He felt her legs trying to close against the pain, and he had to pause to pull them back apart. "I know it hurts, but you're handling it so well! We're so proud of you!"
Asher kept his focus locked on delivering the pup as fast and as safe as possible. One hand supported the pup's body while the other pulled down on the emerging shoulder.
"Come on, little guy," Asher muttered under his breath. "Come on, you can do it."
With an audible pop of Fawn's hip joints -- and another yowl from the wolf woman herself -- the pup's first shoulder slipped free. Asher wasted zero time in hooking his thumb under the tiny arm and continuing his steady, gentle tug.
A rather disgusting squelch accompanied the pup as it slid onto the duvet. The remains of the membrane bunched around its feet as Asher scooped it into his hands. The body was grey and limp, and all three heartbeats stalled.
"What's wrong?!" Fawn cried. "What's wrong with it?!" She reached for her baby on instinct, but Newt held her back.
"It's okay!" he said, adjusting himself to block her veiw of Asher and the baby. "It's okay, I swear! Asher's taking care of it."
Newt stroked her sweaty face with the back of his hand, doing anything he could think of to soothe her. It didn't stop the tears from flooding the exhausted mother's eyes.
Behind his mate's back, Asher brought the pup's face to his lips. His mouth easily covered the nose and mouth of the newborn, and he gently sucked the sour-tasting fluid out of its airway. Asher spit the gunk into his sleeve and repeated the action, rubbing his thumb against the baby's chest as he did.
It was a process that lasted less than twenty seconds, but to all three werewolves it felt like eternity. But eternity ended when the pup sucked in a deep, squeaking breath. The sound of its first cry was shrill, but to the trio it sounded like singing.
Asher couldn't help but start crying as the little body he'd resurrected wiggled to life in his hands. "Here he is!" he said, voice wavering with joyful tears.
Newt sat back immediately, allowing Fawn to see the baby alive and well in Asher's arms.
"Here's our boy!" Asher announced, laying the crying baby over his mother's heart.
Through the haze of her tears, Fawn looked over every detail of her little boy. She saw the layer of damp fuzz covering his skin, the points on his pink, folded-over ears, and the coating of protective skin over his miniscule claws. She thanked whatever power was out there for that last detail, because such tiny needles would've been horrible to feel coming out.
"Sweetheart," she told the baby, wrapping her arms around him, "don't make a habit outta scaring me like that."
"Is he already nursing again?" Newt asked as he placed the glass of water on the nightstand.
"He eats like a horse," Fawn chuckled, adjusting the nursing pillow under her baby. Jacob was the name she had settled on.
The sun was coming up now, filling her bedroom with a soft white light. Asher was on the floor, disassembling the nesting tent. It would be taken out again in a few months for Newt to use, but the Alpha was determined to Tetris the pieces correctly into their box.
Jacob was an aggressive nurser. Three hours old and this was his third time demanding his mother's milk. Newt and Asher insisted such an appetite was normal for a larger werewolf pup, but Fawn wasn't too thrilled to learn she was going to get even less sleep than she anticipated with a new baby.
Fawn quickly drained the glass of water. She wasn't sure if she would ever feel not-thirsty again. "So, Newt," she said, "I didn't scare you into wanting a C-section, did I?"
"Nah, not at all." Newt laid down on the bed beside Fawn, propping himself against the Squishmallow pile. "If you could get him out, I'm pretty sure I'll be okay."
Newt pet the thin strands of hair on Jacob's head. The newborn swiped a clumsy, mitten-covered fist over his head with a teeny-tiny growl. All three adults stopped and stared.
"Was that him?!" Asher asked from the floor.
"Yeah . . ." Newt said, withdrawing his hand. "He's very protective of his food."
Asher almost fell over laughing. "That's Alpha behavior if I've ever seen it!"
"How do you guys even determine that stuff?" Fawn asked. "Is it a sex thing?"
"Eh, a bit," Newt shrugged, "but it's also a personality thing." He tickled the folded tip of Jacob's soft ear, and got the same response as before.
"Ow!" Fawn jerked as her son bit down on her breast. "Stop annoying him, or I'm biting you, too!"
"Sorry," Newt chuckled.
"I can't thank you boys enough for this," Fawn said. "This werewolf shit is all sorts of weird for me, and . . . now I know for certain that Jacob wouldn't have been alright if you weren't with me."
"That's what packs do," Asher said, re-folding a segment of nylon tarp. "We look out for each other."
"Do we even . . . " Fawn stopped herself mid-sentence and looked away.
Newt grinned and touched his forehead to Fawn's temple. "I don't know. What do you think?"
Fawn grinned in return and rubbed her cheek against his hair, leaving her scent on his skin.
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dontbelasagnax · 4 months
Hiii! I hope you're having a great day 😃 I love your blog, you were one of the first I followed when I joined the Star Wars fandom last year. I've recently started reading more fanfic as well, but the vast amount is a bit overwhelming. Would you happen to have any recommendations for me? I'm open to reading anything and any/all ships. I guess I'm very interested on reading more about the clones and/or about Mandalorian culture, maybe about the clones & Jedi, or about Jedi/Mandalorian relationships (as a culture not necessarily as ships I mean). Also if you have any time travel or social media fics recommendations I always especially enjoy those. Feel free to ignore this ask entirely, or to ignore what I say and just point me towards your favourites or your recent reads or whatever you would like to share. Thank you! 💙
Hello!! Thank you!!! I hope you're having a great day too!!! I am flattered you've thought to ask me but I am perhaps not the best fit to give you fic recs haha!! I'm extremely picky and pretty much the only Star Wars fics I read are codywan- ones that are sweet (optionally also smutty), usually short, and have a very particular vibe.
I really only have one fic rec for you: come down from your mountain by @stormwarnings
Author's summary:
Fox finally settles on something close enough to all of those, but just a step to the right. “Are they usually like that? Unnerving?"
“Always,” Gree says, those eyes that never miss a single detail. “Every single one of them.”
(Seven clone commanders gathering for a drink, and their reflections on war, love, and Jedi.)
That's obviously not an adequate amount of recs so I need to outsource. Anyone reading this, please reblog or comment with a link to your favorite fic(s) that fit anon's needs!!
I know I could just send you my faves, unrelated to what you asked for, as you said I could... but it disgruntles me when I ask for recs for a specific thing I'm craving and none of the recs hit the spot so I don't want to knowingly do that to you haha
(Anon, if would like to research Mandalorian and clone lore, @fox-trot does great lore posts)
(also @ficfinder-general your help in reblogging this would be much appreciated!)
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everglow-synth · 2 months
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I've got this burning like my veins are filled with nothing but gasoline
An urban sci-fi/fantasy world based on the Synthwave aesthetic, D&D, and many different movies, TV shows and video games. Main characters include: Matthew Blake - Bartender turned vigilante superhero Polybius - An amnesiac android trying to keep himself alive Pockets - Friendly arcade owner and robot skeleton Jonathan Whitman - Cult detective with an elder god deep within Verox - A dragon that gifted the world of Polycus with magic
18+ Only!
Crossover, OC and AU friendly!
NSFW friendly!
Will RP with fandoms I'm not familiar with!
Multiple sideblogs, listed below the cut!
And with a spark it's gonna be the biggest fire they've ever seen
Carrd + Rules and About | Spotify Playlist
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Doom Slayer / @slayers-testament A strange, time/space scattered warrior fighting against (most of) demonkind. Compatible with Hellzbin or Helltaker muses! (I keep a leash on him, I swear.)
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Multifandom Multimuse / @the-devils-toybox A place for me to drop my silly little obsessions without having to make them all new blogs. Crossover and AU friendly!
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Miles "Tails" Prower / @powered-by-prower An older, more mature take on the fox, mixing headcanon, game lore, comic lore and Sonic X lore to make something new. Features Gemerl as a secondary muse, and E-102γ/Gamma as a tertiary muse!
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Andros, The Last Golden Lynel / @golden-lynel The last Golden Lynel left in Hyrule after the Great Upheaval, Andras commands Ganondorf's minions with an iron fist. He is a beast on the battlefield with a deep, unending hatred of the Master Sword and its handler.
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runekirikjartan · 4 months
I'm about to feed y'all Mandokarla Aran AU fox lore in a minute and you can thank t-swift for that
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littlewildcat10 · 1 month
I'm so fuckin lost here, so I'm still getting into the btd fandom.. And I'm seeing a lot of drama going around, like fuck I came here to try and deal with my trauma in a better way, yes a horror porn is not the way to go for it and fuck no I ain't paying for therapy.. But can someone just.. Please give some idea, like I've met some really lovely people and have some cool mutual friends here. But all I'm seeing is dox, drama, shit going to hell, people who are blaming, people having doudle standards for the game and what else I can't think of..
Like what u happened to fandoms being fun and people just enjoying themselves, I miss those day's where you could actually have fun and no one really had any issues. I'd love if that would come back.. Like fuck if someone makes a discord group for us fans or a discord it'd be nice, it's just making me feel like I screwed around or something, maybe even have regret for joining it to late or too soon. Just idk maybe make it fun again??
I made my blog because I wanted to add a little lore into the btd/tpof fandoms, I've loved the blogs with @streamstar @snuffk1t who dose a lovely fox one and a whole lot more. I've had a lot of fun being on the tumblr side too, though it's really disappointing saying drama being started.. Idk what else to do but maybe just have command sense and think about it??
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sixtysixproblems · 4 months
disaster ramble about my headcanons for how the batch got their names & etc*
*this is related to a fic of mine (fluorescent mistakes/mistakesverse), tho having read it is 100% unnecessary to understand the post, and I'll likely use some of these for other fics as well.
the only HCs you (sort of) "need" to know is cody, fox, and wolffe are "triplets", and i say fuck canon and Rex is 3 years (1.5 years) younger than CC batch. bits in italics/blue are less applicable outside of the fic itself, but still make sense without the context or i give the context.
Cody (Kote) - got the name Kote pretty young, changed it to Cody tho around 16-17ish?
>Jango gave it to him, when he was 10ish..? Possibly even a little younger. Jango intended as more of a nickname for just him to use, but obv it didn’t stay that way. Was very proud of "earning it" for a long time. >Changed it to Cody later in a not-so-subtle rebellion against Jango/the Kaminoans, and partially in an attempt to choose something for himself/have a part of his identity outside of his skill as a commander. >Still uses Kote on very rare occasions with the batch and other old friends from kamino ONLY (only exceptions to use it more being Fox who gets to call him Kot'ika, Rex who get a free pass for anything/everything) >his name backstory is probably most plot relevant cause his arc deals a LOT with identity issues & such. Might even have a flashback to him snapping at Jango that "it's cody now" > The final nail in the hammer for changing it was probably Ponds getting reconditioned**, and him partially blaming Jango for it :(
Fox - before rex was around (so pre 13)
>Got called a “fox” due to him being a sneaky clever bastard, but it wasn’t a nickname until he made it one >chose it not long after cody,  probably? >this was a pretty big deal since it wasn't a) widely used by trainers, mostly other vode, and b) he made it clear it was his name. not a nickname, not a title, his name, as opposed to his designation number >I'm considering backstory that him & colt worked together to come up with the idea to bulshit the kaminoans with "it's actually more tactically useful in battle to have recognizable nicknames for the clones", which is true, but also to limit consequences for getting caught using names. >in addition to joint guilt in the creation of Ponds's name, he's also responsible for Thorn's name by repeatedly calling him a "prick" and "thorn in my ass" on kamino (tho that's it's own post lmao).
Wolffe - before rex was around (so pre 13)
>inspired by fox, but also spells it that way to spite fox (cody gave him the idea for it lol) >cody was annoyed that wolffe clearly chose it to match fox (bitey twins, lol) since they're supposed to be triplets. wolffe enjoys pissing him off but didn't want him to feel actually left out...so cody got to help with the god awful spelling. >confused some people into thinking it was pronounced "wolf-y". this is brought to you by my friend reading fluorescent before any other piece of star wars media and assuming that. >i love the potential meaning u can take from it of him being family/"pack" oriented and how that translates over to him being very loyal, protective, etc. Aka on the surface level he's this scary grumpy guy, but deep down is just a bit of a softie/just wants to keep his family safe. >but on a less serious note, i also love all the jokes i can make cough cough omegaverse
Rex - age 10-11ish
>encouraged to pick a name out by cody to help cope with being newly reconditioned/placed with the CCs as i imagine there’d be some identity issues after that :(  >perhaps nicknamed king or little prince or smth and that's where he got the rex idea. tho tbh i have no idea >abridged fluorescent lore is that he was a particularly talented/borderline defective CT, tho albiet from a "troublesome" batch. consequently he was reconditioned pretty heavily around 9-10ish, and Jango came up with the great (sarcasm) idea to use him sort of as a "test" of what CTs were actually capable of, and had him mixed into CC training. >this is how he met the batch, after not remembering his own/many details of his life pre-recon. they were supposed to train him once or twice, but predictably adopted him.
Bly - after rex arrived (and rex got his name) but not long after, so 13?
>litterally just chose a name they liked the sound of and thought fit them like a sane person. literally the only one to pick a normal name a normal way out of the whole batch. we stan >i like the hc being short for smth (like butterfly, etc) but i dont think it works for fluorescent :/ maybe in another fic. >possible them & rex worked together to find names that fit them bc i think that'd be sweet. i dont focus on their relationship much at all so maybe a little bonding, albiet in backstory only, is in order. >she's very likely gonna be trans (mtf) in fluorescent (tho it wasn't always the plan + she is not out yet (to herself or others) in the fic itself) so I'm considering implying Bly is traditionally a female/gender-neutral name in whatever star wars culture it's "from" (aka i make shit up) >considering a joke where someone asks her if she's picking a new one after she comes out and she's like "absolutely not, it was so hard the first time i refuse to do it again".
Ponds - last to get one, 14-15ish?
>went by “four” or 54 before he got his name. >Bly sometimes jokingly called him “squared”/ ”square”/ ”cubed”/etc when they were tweens cause of the two fours in his designation number + 64 is a perfect square in math. the vode assumed he'd pick one or one would eventually catch on permanently. >...and then he shoved three separate trainers in a pond, on three separate trips no less, during off-planet training (and since I'm guessing off-planet training was very rare, wtf buddy) >and the triplets went “you know what would be funny” and just. Picked it for him, and wouldn't stop calling him that, and eventually it caught on. And there was nothing he could do about it <3 >**yes, he was reconditioned at 16-17ish. Yay....Not much of a spoiler hopefully? this may somehow be related to why he was the last to "choose" (read: accept defeat) a name, despite being a outspoknen/protective ori'vod nightmare for the Kaminoans. >dw it's not too angsty. they didn't fuck with his memories much, and were trying to change his behavior to be "less inclined to rebelliousness/contempt for authority". And if you've read his arc in fluorescent, you know they failed spectacularly at making him less likely to break the rules. >tbh I think its fitting for (how I write) his character that his name was chosen by his siblings. i think he was and is "salty" about it, but not-so-secretely touched and/or proud about it.
this whole thing was very ramble-y and i'll be surprised if more than 2 people read it, lmao, but i couldn't stop myself. a lot of this is sort of "background" and may not be actually referenced in the fic itself...but who knows.
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enlighten3d · 3 months
okay ! i downloaded the world download, and here are the results from the precursory viewing of the world download of the kenadian april fools lore stuff: I DONT KNOW.
what ive found inside the world: - the main escape room (featuring the cheaty command blocks and the wifies kill chamber) - the old escape rooms wifies has done on his channel (ken and wifies passed them on the way to the evil lair in the videos. this is not the absurdly large one as seen in but there was more) - evil wifies evil lair (all of the wifies running around were actually foxes! this is interesting to me!) - the trivia stage (was off in a weird corner??) - a random 10-block long strip of white concrete above the escape room. its at y319. why is it there.
what i HAVENT found inside the world: - the meeting room where the interrogation was held (in the true creator) - the weird bedrock platform with a hole in it that normal wato fell through - subsequently as there is no weird bedrock platform there is no weird White Blob - the absurdly giant escape room as seen kens 2nd video (but there was more)
the whole thing is just a vast expanse of void. i couldve easily missed something, apologies if i did. i didnt fully explore the mansion, but i will be going back to do that!
it makes sense why some these things arent here. the interrogation room and the bedrock platform (+ white blob)? those things existed only in videos on watos channel. i got this world download from the kenadian discord. it makes sense why the things not featured in kens video arent on here. and the infinite escape room? yeah why the hell would he leave that in a world download. it would spoil any upcoming videos related to this.
sooo yeah nothing Particularly Interesting, but it all makes sense!
ill as mentioned, ill explore the mansion more thoroughly soon.
lmk if you want good screenshots of any locations! or want me to explore someplace. o7
( @brain-empty @fncreature )
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escapistsatellite · 3 months
Development History of the Command Wolf
And the zoids that came from it, which the internet at large seem to have forgot.
I'll note here that the following took place on the continent of Delpoi according to the Zoids Bible lore book, making this zoids a separate species than the later Konig Wolf, which originate on the continent of Europa.
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(Source & further reading: https://theironbible.com/IndexZoids/CommandWolf.php)
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This role will later be filled by the Shadow Fox after the Liger Zero becomes the primary infantry zoids of the Helic Republic. (Source: https://theironbible.com/ZoidBooks/OfficialFanBook/1-9.php)
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I adore the HMM boxes because that have the most complete breakdown of technical details I have ever seen. Source & further lore: https://theironbible.com/ZoidsModelKits/HMM/CommandWolf.php
From the base models we get several variants, from the very well-known Irvine custom and the Command Wolf AC:
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Source & Advanced Lore: https://theironbible.com/ZoidsModelKits/HMM/CommandWolfAC.php
And Of course Town Wolf:
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Blitzer and Climber Wolf:
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The Blitzer Wolf was actually the creation of one Yusuke Chiba has an entry in the 2nd CoroCoro Zoids Remodeling Grand Prix which was held in 11/2000 and won the wind-up category. The Blitzer Wolf, like the motorized winner, Death Stinger KFD, were featured in the Zoids Official Fan Book 3 and the wolf was also added to the card game. (Source: https://theironbible.com/IndexZoids/BlitzerWolf.php)
Now moving onto the unused concepts, firstly comes:
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This fuselage was apparently intended to compete with the Imperial Lightning Saix, but the power demands on the core were too high and it was scrapped after several unsuccessful prototypes were tested. (Source: https://theironbible.com/IndexZoids/CommandWolfMKIIConcept.php)
Now for my absolute favorite, that I really wish had been a kit or action figure at some point:
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The bigger, more complex looking armored legs, the claws, the overall more advanced armor and segments that make up the neck and torso, the close combat focus
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unfortunately this wolf never featured in a story or merchandise, and it's only official appearance was in the pages of Dengeki Hobby Magazine, January 2002's Smack Zoids! B-Part. In universe it was apparently declared impractical due to its close combat focus and never saw mass production. Boo!mo
And now for my absolute least enjoyed entry in the Command Wolf development chronicles:
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I have no damnable clue how two additional heads were meant to either fold-up and deploy from inside this thing, or be attached via the hangar/transport/whatever. don't like the heads gimmick, don't like the weapons pack, glad it got canned.
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ghostselkie · 6 months
White Raven Dracula AU vampire lore
Alright, so first off, all the misfits are vampires. These are their ages (excluding the time they spent as a human):
Lenore ≈300 years old
Duke ≈250 years old
Pluto ≈230 years old
Eulalie ≈170 years old
Berenice ≈140 years old
Morella ≈60 years old
Now my vampires are going to be really close to the vampires in Bram Stoker's Dracula but it's not going to be exact. Also, all vampires have the same base powers, but as they get older, certain powers start to develop, with them being fully unlocked at the ages mentioned.
Powers and abilities:
Super human strength (average is roughly equivalent to 20 men)
Supper human speed and agility (average is roughly equal to 20 men)
Normal attacks will pass through their body as if it was air
Flight, to an extent. They mostly use it to hover in place and can move about as fast as they can walk normally.
They can crawl up walls and along ceilings in much the same way a lizard can.
Supernaturally alluring charisma (though not all vampires have this to the same extent). They can very easily persuade people to do things on their behalf, even against some ones better judgment.
Teleportation. As long as they've been some where and know how to get there.
Can slip through spaces too narrow for any human to be able to slip through. As long as the gap is the width of a hair, they can slip through it.
They can ride moon beams. Basically, moon rays will speed up how fast they can fly, but they can only do this in straight lines.
Ability to command creatures of the night such as wolves, rats, bats, owls, foxes and moths. This power is typically fully unlocked when vampires who are roughly 50 years old.
Illusory abilities. Typically, they fully unlock at around 100 years old, though the extent to which each vampire can use them varies wildly.
Shapeshifting, typically fully unlocked when vampires reach 200 years old. Younger vampires can shapeshift in to one thing before the age of 200, and this typically becomes their signature form. They can change their size and proportions to an unknown extent (the older the vampire the grater the extent). All vampires can shift in to all manner of forms, but most vampires have a tendency towards certain forms, with others feeling slightly uncomfortable. Regardless of what animals they have a tendency wards all vampires are comfortable as bats, wolves, large dogs, or fog/mist. Note: the attacks passing through them as if they where mist and the slipping through narrow entrances are thought to be instinctive versions of this power.
Weather manipulation, as well as directing elements such as storms, fog, wind, rain, and even lightning. The range at which they can do this varies among vampires. Also it's typically only a power seen used by vampires who are 300 years old.
They can slowly heal injuries as long as they are well-fed. It's quite a bit faster than the rate humans heal at, but not nearly as fast as most pop culture healing factors.
Weaknesses and limitations on powers:
Holly water burns them like acid
Any holy weapons will harm them like normal weapons would a human
Really any object with any religious significance can harm them
A stake through the hart will paralyze them
Beheading will kill them
They are repulsed by garlic (and garlic flowers), and repelled by any religious imagery
A wild roes stalk laid on their coffin will prevent them from rising at night.
All vampires lose most of their powers during the day. They are still quite strong and agile, though not to nearly the same extent. They can also still transform, though only at noon, dawn or dusk (at night they can shift when ever).
They have to sleep in their home land for their powers to recharge at their full rate. They can travel, but their powers will recharge at a slower rate and they are generally hungrier. They will eventually acclimate though. The rate at which their powers recharge will return to normal with in a few weeks.
They can't cross running water unless it's at low or high tide. If it's not during those times then they have to be caried across. And to bord a boat they have to do so during high or low tide, or be caried on board.
They can't enter a place unless invited. Once invited though, they can enter and leave at will.
Death sleep: Vampires go in to a death like sleep most days. It's nigh impossible for them to wake up until the sun sets. They can also go into this willingly and wake any time, even decades or centuries later.
They can't eat human food, if force fed they will immediately spit it out. If food is swallowed they will immediately vomit it up. Also it tastes absolutely foul to them. They can drink stuff, it just dosn't taste as good and they have to throw it up later unless its been mixed with blood.
Inhuman Traits:
They can see in the dark and in complete darkness, and their vision is better than that of a professional baseball player. 20/5 too 20/1. They do have some photosensitivity, so they cant se as well in the day time.
really good hearing
also a decently good sense of smell
They don't cast shadows
They don't have a reflection
Long, verry razor canines
Their teeth are unnaturally white. They are also perfectly straight, like a decade of orthodontia straight.
Some have pointed ears (length varies)
Their eyes glow.
Some can have slit pupils, or pupils of other weird shapes, but those are less common.
Some have claws (don't worry shape shifting can get rid of them temporarily, they can also be clipped, but they'll grow back like normal nails)
Some have harry palms
They can spend years and years alone with out it effecting them mentally, though they will often form groups called coteries, usually for mutual protection, or just companionship, as immortality can be boring if you don't have people to share it with. These groups typically do not exceed ten members.
They are typically more sedentary than humans on account of not being able to travel easily; though it's not unheard of for a bored vampire to be struck by some wander lust, during which they can literally travel all over the globe if they have the means.
Vampires need blood to survive. Human blood is best for them. Animal blood works in a pinch, so does bottled blood, but it doesn't taste nearly as good, and you need a lot to sate your hunger. Vampires can also drink the blood of other vampires, but this is more of an intimate action as it is a huge show of trust.
The sight of human blood will trigger their blood lust. Upon seeing it, they will feel an uncontrollable urge to feed of that person. Some vampires are able to snap themselves out of it once they've drank enough, some are not. Some vampires are able to direct their blood lust, but regardless, some one is getting severally injured by the end of it.
A complete lack of blood in their system will also trigger blood lust. This type of blood lust is harder to snap out of though; usually one human will be fully exsanguinated before they snap out of it.
For some one to be turned into a vampire they need to be bit by a vampire tree separate times at least 24 hours apart, then drink some of the vampires blood, then die. If they don't die, then they will start gradually showing the traits of vampirism, eventually dying of starvation due to not being able to eat food.
being bit by a vampire feels good (not like vtm good though)
also a human who was bit by a vampire and didn't know it was going to happen is unlikely to remember the event, at least not fully. They might remember the vibe of something happening but not actually what happened. Or they'll remember it like it was a dream with the details being all fuzzy. Or they'll remember the event but their brain will re write it to make it make sense, like they'll think a bug bit them, or something.
I will make a separate post about character lore cause this got long.
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unchataparis · 10 months
Alya is a great Fox and all, but the issue with her wielding the Fox Pendant is that she doesn't capture the characteristics of a Fox-themed heroine enough.
Foxes, in pretty much every single legend about them, are sneaky, devious, and mischievous. Sometimes they seek power, sometimes they cause havoc just for the fun of it, sometimes they're man-eaters. They're almost always solitary creatures and aligned with the demonic and the darker side, especially in Asian legends which is where most Miraculous lore comes from.
Alya is sweet and friendly. And she's also undeniably a side-character made to boost another person. She can't last on her own, and she's not incredibly good at sneaking around or coming up with plans of her own. Season 4 demonstrated that Alya cannot keep secrets, Season 4 also demonstrated that Alya needs Marinette to defeat a villain. Alya is Ladybug's second-in-command, and nothing wrong with that, but the Fox isn't a Holder who can be delegated.
Lila, on the other hand, is perfectly sneaky and devious. She works for herself, she is solitary, and she has goals that no one – no one in the show and no one in the watching audience – can understand. She's perfect for the Fox because of all her mysterious, enigmatic, and artful qualities. No one knows what her true identity is, no one knows why she does what she does. I'm pretty sure that no one, in the Miraculous universe, is even aware yet that Volpina had secretly helped Papillon during the Season 2 Finale Heroes' Day event.
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Lila is perfect for the Fox, because she can be very glamorous and attractive and centre-of-the-crowd when she wants to be, but she's also capable of remaining under the radar so well, no one knows she was there at all. In Season 5, Lila managed to uncover the Agreste family's basement-squandered secrets and she found out that Monarque was Gabriel while keeping her mouth shut about it. Lila managed to steal the Butterfly Miraculous from Marinette without no Guardian, Kwami, or temporarily elevated superhero finding out about it.
Alya is, once again, great, but she can't live up to what Lila can do. Maybe in a physical one-on-one match, Alya would dominate because Lila doesn't strike me as someone who does well with confrontations, but in all other aspects of being a vixen superheroine: Lila wins.
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