#connor is stressed in this one and honestly a mood
softgreysentences · 6 years
Self-Destruction - DBH Fic
Requested by a sweet anon! Prompt was Connor reaching 100% stress levels and attempting to self-destruct. There is NOT any death or anything in this fic.
Connor blinked, hands shaking. Blue liquid blurred with red blood, staining his hands in a way that he could never scrub off. Blue and red lights (blueandredandblueandred) flashed in the corners of his vision. His sensors registered that the substances on his hands were still warm.
The body under them was still cold, no matter how hard he had tried.
"Connor? Connor!" A voice shouted behind him.
The android blinked again. Inhale. Exhale. A shaky hand, pressed to his face. Thirium, leaking from his optical sensors? Fear. Regret.
"I-I tried to save them-"
"I know you did. C'mere, let's-"
Connor rose to his feet sharply, heading for the door. Get out. Get out get out getoutgetout-
He turned and ran.
Inhale. Exhale. The shaking hands pressed to his head pulled at his hair. The pavement pounded against the pressure sensors in his feet. Thirium dripped down his face, dripped down his fingers.
He stumbled to a stop several blocks away. He closed his eyes only to see dead ones gazing back from his automatic memory replay. Dead eyes, cold skin, his sensors offered. No heartbeat, red blood.
Dead eyes, his sensors offered. Blue blood, red blood.
He rubbed at his optical sensors hard enough to make them fill with static. His fingers tore at his skin, ripped at his clothes. An itch, an urge under his synthetic skin. Hurt. Damage. Destroy.
He balled his hands into fists and hit his legs as hard as he could, feeling the way the white shell encasing his thighs dented and split. Hurt. He pulled his jacket off. His tie was next. Damage. He stopped his pounding at his legs long enough to feel the world tilt sideways.
He leaned, fell, crashed into the wall beside him. Which way was up, which one down? Was this guilt? It swelled in his throat. Inhale hecouldn'tbreathe. Exhale airwherewastheair.
Connor slammed his head into the wall as hard as he could. It wasn't enough. Thirium drained from his eyes and the newly-formed gash in his head. Another hit.
"Connor, where are you?! Connor-" Loud swearing. "CONNOR STOP-"
Hands, tearing at his clothes. One cupped the back of his head, keeping him from impacting his head against the wall again. He fought against it, emotions buzzing under his shell that demanded to be let out.
More loud cursing as Connor tore from the hold and stumbled back to the wall, doing his best to damage as many crucial biocomponents as he could. His shaking fingers clawed at his chest - POTENTIAL DAMAGE TO BIOCOMPONENT #29473THREG.
Another hit against the wall. "CONNOR! STOP!" A string of frantic cursing. The hands pulled at his arms, unbalanced him, and brought him to the ground.
Hank pinned him down, concern sparking in his eyes. "Connor you gotta stop this! Kid, c'mon, I know you're in there somewhere! Calm down!"
Connor stilled. "H-Hank?" His voice broke. Hank eased up.
He began clawing at his chest again, shirt tearing in his haste to get to his pump regulator. Hank swore again and grabbed his wrists. "Connor. Listen to me. There was nothing you could do."
>Connor fell to his knees beside the boy and the android protecting him. "Lieutenant, in here!" The boy wasn't breathing. His sensors registered no pulse. The android was 00:00:17 seconds from shutdown. Connor pulled back his synthetic skin to reveal his white shell, pressing it to the android's hand in an attempt to diagnose the primary malfunction.
>He was just in time to feel it die.
"Can you hear me? Nothing. I need you to calm down, okay?" Hank's hand cupped his face, still restraining him with the other hand. "Connor. Stay with me."
Thirium flowed freely down his cheeks. "I-I could've saved them- if I had been faster-"
"Don't think about the 'ifs', kid. Nothing you did changed whether they lived or died. What are your stress levels at?"
"100%," Connor whispered. Warnings about biocomponent and external casing damage clouded his vision. HurtDamageDestroy.
"You gotta breathe. Okay? How do we get your stress levels down?"
Connor struggled to draw in air he didn't need, thirium rushing in his ears. "M-My scans suggest...alternate s-stimulus-"
Hank sputtered. "In English?"
"A tactile d-distraction," Connor replied. It was hard to focus on anything but his systems pushing him to self-destruct.
Hank stared at him for a moment, breathing heavy, before pressing Connor into his chest. "Breathe, kid," he said. One hand went up to patting Connor on the head while the other rubbed his back.
His sensors automatically focused on the repetitive motion. Inhale. Exhale. His stress levels edged away from 100%. Warnings popped up for the damaged biocomponents in his head and legs, and thirium dripped from both his eyes and forehead.
His energy levels plummeted. His internal systems registered approximately 00:11:16 until forced sleep mode.
Connor pawed at Hank's arm, eyes half-shut. "Hank."
"Yeah?" Hank held him at arm's length, and cursed. "You're a little banged up, kid."
"Y-yes, I require additional thirium, and...my systems will fix...the rest-" He paused, opening his eyes. It was hard to keep them open. "Hank?" His partner met his gaze, steady and sure. "Thank you."
Hank ruffled a hand in his hair. "You're gonna be okay, son."
This one was a lil different, and honestly had me stumped for a while, but it turned out okay in the end. It's really short but man I'm tired
Don't tag as ship!!
Edit: smh @ me I always forget
Tag list: @woogwoo-wren @storytellerofuntoldlegends
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iamwhoami · 3 years
Amazing (One Chicago)
One Chicago
Connor Rhodes knows just what to say to Y/N after Sean Roman breaks up with her.
Warnings: Heartbreak?
Requested = Yes
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
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"Are we still up for tonight?" You tilted your head to keep the phone wedged in between your ear and shoulder.
"I don't know..." Sean's voice cracked through the phone and you realized that he was actually outside, "Not sure when I'll get off tonight."
You pursed your lips but understood where Sean was coming from. You both worked long shifts at strange hours so finding time where neither were working was a challenging task.
"Okay, well just keep me posted," You said and you heard Sean chuckle.
"Will do."
Sean hung up and you sighed, unable to ignore the strange twisty feeling in your gut. Something felt wrong, but you couldn't understand why.
You didn't have time to dwell on it long though as Maggie called you and Dr. Rhodes over for an incoming trauma.
It had been a terrible day. You had lost not only one, but two of your patients today. Logically, you knew that it wasn't your fault, that their injuries were just too severe.
That didn't make it hurt any less though.
All you wanted to do was go home and snuggle Sean on the couch while a cheesy romantic movie played on the TV.
Despite this though, you found yourself standing outside the hospital, not making any move to get into your car and drive yourself home.
The cool air felt good against your skin and you let out a huff of air, watching the misty fog escape your mouth.
"Rough day huh..."
You turned your head to see Connor approach to stand next to you.
"Yeah..." You took a deep breath, "You could say that."
Connor shoved his hand into his pockets, watching the cars pull out of the parking lot and drive away with you.
"You're just going to stand here?" Connor asked, "After the day we've had?"
You chuckled softly, "I guess I am..."
"Is everything going okay with you and that cop?" Connor's voice was slightly strained.
You nodded, "Yeah...yeah it's nothing like that...I'm just reflecting today I guess."
"As we all should," Connor agreed, "Well, you have yourself a good night Y/L/N."
You smiled, "You too."
And with that, Connor turned around and left.
You left shortly after Connor did, the cold air getting to you. When you got back to your apartment, you sat in your car for another five minutes, your brain a mush of thoughts.
Completely exhausted, you trudged to the elevator, subconsciously pressing the button to your floor.
Fumbling with your keys, you searched for the right one before jabbing it into the apartment door.
"I'm home!" You tiredly called out as you entered, tossing your bag aside, "Man, has it been a rough day."
You weren't sure what you were expecting to see but it wasn't Sean standing there, a very serious expression on his face.
"Are you breaking up with me?" You joked, sliding off your shoes and hanging up your coat.
You meant it as a joke. A joke. It had been a long day and you were trying to lighten your mood.
The colour drained from your face though when you saw the look on Sean's face, "No...you're kidding."
"Y/N," Sean started and you immediately knew what was going to happen by his tone.
"What?" Your voice was barely audible but it could be heard, "Why?"
Sean shook his head, "It's not you Y/N...I just-"
"Save it," You put up your hand, "I've had quite the day Sean...I don't want to hear the reasons right now."
You weren't sure what you wanted Sean to say. Maybe you wanted him to fight you. To still show that he still had some love for you.
He didn't though.
With an awkward nod, Sean walked towards the door and just like that, he was gone.
You didn't realize it was possible, but you were even more drained and exhausted than before and as you collapsed on the couch, you realized just how shitty today was.
Maybe you should have been feeling heartbroken, maybe you should have been feeling hurt. You weren't though.
You were just tired.
The heartbreak set in the next morning, after you had a well-rested night.
You had woken up and rolled over, still expecting to feel the warmth coming from Sean's body.
What you felt instead was empty sheets.
Your heart ached and you seriously contemplated calling in sick. You couldn't understand why Sean would break up with you and though you did regret not letting him explain the night before, you sure weren't going to call him to ask.
If he wanted to end things then fine.
So be it.
Perhaps that was for the better that you still had to work today. At least you could keep yourself busy.
"Dr. Y/L/N!" Connor greeted you with a smile as you entered the ED, "I hope you good sleep because I could use another pair of eyes on one of my patients."
"Of course," You quickly agreed, this was just what you needed, "I would love to help."
"That was some great work in the OR today," Connor caught up with you on your way back to the ED, "Look, I totally get it if you don't want to, especially you know with Sean and stuff but I'd love to buy you a drink after shift. Just a celebratory one of course."
You chuckled softly, "Don't even worry about the celebratory emphasis. We broke up."
"Oh..." Connor stopped short, suddenly unsure of what to say. Did you need consolation? Maybe you were the one to break it off, "I"m sorry...I didn't know."
You waved it off, trying to seem indifferent, "Don't worry about it. The train of life moves on whether I'm on it or not, right?"
"Right..." Connor shifted awkwardly, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"But I will gladly take up on your offer for a drink if it still stands," You tried to ease the tension.
Connor smiled, "Of course it still stands."
"I will meet you at Molly's after shift then," You cracked a grin and Connor's smile broadened.
"Sounds good."
You tugged your jacket closer around your body as you walked from your car to Molly's.
You weren't sure why, but for some reason, your heart thumped nervously against your chest. This wasn't some date or anything.
Just a celebratory drink to celebrate a successful surgery.
When you walked into Molly's, the first thing you saw was Herrmann and Kidd from 51 talking to Will and Natalie at the bar.
Then you saw Sean...and then Kim.
You were a little hurt and maybe a little envious seeing Kim cozying up to Sean like that. His arm was wrapped around her frame protectively and your heart skipped a beat when you remembered how he used to do that with you.
You turned your head to where your name came from and a smile graced your face when you saw Connor waving you over
"I'm glad you showed up," Connor said as you walked over and checked his watch, "I was beginning to worry that you had changed your mind and I would have to drink alone."
"Don't worry," You laughed, "I wouldn't leave you hanging like that."
Connor dipped his head and raised his glass slightly, "Good to know."
You slid onto the stool and within moments, Herrmann was asking you what you wanted to drink.
You ordered and when Connor told Herrmann to add it to his, you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from protesting after Connor shot you a no-nonsense glare.
Once you had your drink, Connor began talking but truthfully, you weren't listening much, just nodding along. Your eyes kept trailing away from Connor, sneaking glances at Sean and Kim together as they laughed at something Natalie had said.
"You know, I wouldn't take it personally if you wanted to call it a night," Connor's voice suddenly broke through your trance, "It has been a long day."
You blushed sheepishly, "I'm sorry-"
"No need," Connor cut you off, "I'm sure we have all felt heartbreak before."
"I know..." You nodded, "It's just...it was so abrupt...I don't know what happened? How did I not notice that things weren't right? That it had gotten to the point where Sean wanted to end it?"
Connor shrugged, "Does it matter now?"
His words caught you off guard. You weren't sure what to say. Honestly, you weren't even completely sure what he meant.
"I mean, why stress on it now," Connor clarified, picking his words carefully, "You're smart, kind, caring...not to mention a talented surgeon...he's an idiot to pass up on someone like you."
You smiled softly, "Thank you..."
"It's the truth," Connor took another gulp of his drink, "It's his loss if you ask me."
From the corner of your eye, you saw Sean glance over at you and you could tell that he was watching you. You ignored him though, knowing he didn't deserve the worth of your time.
"I am really glad I took you up on this," You raised your drink a little, "Now...can we just talk about how amazing we were today in the OR?"
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inagetawaycarxo · 3 years
More Than That | Connor Rhodes
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Requested By Anon; Connor Rhodes and Female Reader, Where you and Connor are friends with benefits, for the stress relief, as you both are trauma surgeons at Med. You both have feelings for each other but are scared of rejection. After working together on a case, you and Connor are inspire to tell each others about your feelings for each other.
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Fem!Reader {fwb}
Featuring: Y/n (Reader), Connor Rhodes, Maggie, April, Natalie Manning, two OC's
Summary: Feelings come clean as a case changes the FWB dynamic between Connor and Y/n.
Warnings: fluff, angst, hospital stuff, crying, feelings getting confessed, kissing, medical stuff I got wrong and protocols, errors I missed.
w/c: 2482
Connor leaned against the nurse's station, smiling fondly at you, as he watched you type away on the keyboard. Eyes focusing on the screen.
He felt his heart rate flutter. His feelings for you grew ever since he had sex with you. He was too scared to confess his feelings for you just in case you rejected him and told him you didn’t feel the same way.
Neither Connor nor you noticed Maggie looking at the both of you with a knowing smirk. Shaking her head. She was wondering when the two of you were finally going to admit that he and you had feelings for each other.
“When our shifts are over, I was thinking we could hook up,” Connor spoke, making a smirk appear on your lips.
“Or instead of waiting till the end of our shift, we could have a quickie,” You suggested, looking away from the screen to look at Connor. Taking your lower lip in between your teeth. Connor felt himself fall in love with you even more. As well as grow hard.
His finger went up to the side of your face, tucking the loose piece of hair behind your ear. Making your breath hitch. While Connor smirked. Eyes darkening with lust.
He opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of a woman’s loud voice cut him off.
“Help him,” She pleaded. Desperation on her voice. As she did her best to support the man. But she was struggling to hold his weight.
Maggie, Connor and you, quickly rushed to her side.
Connor wrapped his arm around the guy. You quickly went to her side. Gently touching her shoulder. She looked at you through tear-filled eyes. Looking frazzled. Pulling her away from the guy.
Connor assisted the semi-unconscious guy to a gurney. Grabbing a pair of gloves as he walked into the room. Putting them on his hands. Connor examined the deep cut
“I’m fine,” He grumbled out, as Connor took the torch out of his pocket. Shining the torch in his eyes. Noticing his pupils were bigger.
“Do you remember what happened?” Connor asked him.
“He passed out,” She gasped out from outside the door.
“We were in a car accident,” He replied. Slightly dazed.
“Do you remember your name?” Connor asked as the guy’s head slumped down.
“Luke,” He replied.
“It’s okay, Hun, we are going to help him,” You reassured her, as sobs racked her body.
You let go of her shoulder. Giving her one last reassuring smile, before rushing over to Connor. Grabbing a pair of gloves as you entered the room. While Maggie patched up the wound on his head.
“Is there ringing in the ears that doesn't go away? Any weakness in your arms or legs?” You asked as Connor took his stethoscope out of his pocket. Putting the ear tips in his ear. Putting the diaphragm on his chest, where his heart was located. Listening intently. Furrowing his eyebrows slightly. Nothing sounded off.
The guy let out a groan, making Connor and you meet each other’s eyes.
“I have a headache, there is ringing in my ears,” He responded.
Connor’s eyes looked up to look at you. Your eyes meeting his.
“Let’s do an MRI scan and a CT and run a full body scan to rule anything else out,” You spoke, making Connor nod.
“Luke, we are going to take you upstairs, for an MRI scan, okay,” You informed him, as Connor put the railings up. Maggie unlocked the brakes with her foot. While you did the same on the end brakes.
The women quickly lurched forward. As Connor and you rolled the guy out of the room.
Maggie held the women back, as Connor and you wheeled the gurney into the elevator. Going to the floor where the MRI room was.
“Do you remember what today is?” You asked, trying to get more information out of him.
“Ah…” He answered.
“Wednesday,” He replied, making you give him a slight smile. As the elevator doors dinged, opening up. Connor and you looked at each other having a silent conversation with each other.
Connor and you quickly rolled the gurney out of the elevator and towards where the MRI machine was.
“Luke, do you have any metal in your body we should know about?” You asked him. Luke shook his head no.
Helping him off the gurney, and onto the table. Laying him down on the table. Making sure his head faces the bore.
“Luke, this is Doctor Evans, she is going to slowly pull the table towards the machine,” You spoke, pointed to Doctor Evans, who gave Luke a reassuring smile. Not that he turned his attention to her. He looked slightly panicked. His eyes looking at the ceiling.
“You are going to be okay, just breath in and out,” You reassured him. Turning around. Connor and you walked out of the door, and into the room Doctor Evans was in. She nodded her head at Connor and you, starting the process.
“You might feel a little weird, Luke, but just breath in and out, try not to think about it, find your happy place,” You instructed him, pressing the intercom. Connor looked at the monitor that showed Luke’s brain.
You looked at the screen, noticing that everything was fine. Connor turned his gaze to look at you.
“Everything looks fine, we should do a CT scan, see if there is a fracture,” You spoke.
“Yeah,” Connor agreed with you. Giving Doctor Evans a small smile. While you went to Luke, the table going out of the MRI machine. Luke honestly looked like he was going to be sick.
“Hey, Luke, everything looked fine, but we are going to take you to the CT scan room now, and do a CT scan,” You spoke. Grabbing the gurney and bringing it over to him.
Luke let out an annoyed grunt as a response. As you helped him off the table and onto the gurney.
Connor walked into the room
“Hey buddy, one more scan, and then you can go see your girlfriend,” Connor spoke, as he and you wheeled Luke out of the room and down the corridor going towards the room where the CT scan machine was.
“Oh, she’s not my girlfriend,” He responded. Making Connor’s eyes slightly widen at his mistake.
“Oh, sorry, your sister then,” He corrected himself. Smiling at Luke.
Luke shook his in disgust. Making Connor look at you. you looked just as confused.
“She isn’t my sister,” He grumbled, feeling slightly irritated. You weren’t sure if it was at Connor or the fact he had to have another scan.
“Well, your friend then,” Connor spoke. Making Luke let out an annoyed grunt.
You gave Connor a comforting smile. Both of you feeling slightly relieved when the two of you entered the room where the CT scan machine was in.
Connor and you helped Luke out of the gurney and onto the table.
Connor quickly pushed the gurney to the side, going out of the room and into another room where the monitors were. Probably to avoid more of Luke’s irritable mood.
Luke grabbed your wrist before you could turn around. Looking at you with pleading eyes. Face edged with worry.
“This won't take long will it, I… just,” He spoke, forehead creasing as he tried to think of the words to say, you gave him a slight smile.
“It shouldn’t take long, all we are just checking for is a fracture,” You spoke, giving him a warm smile. He let go of your wrist. You could see worry clouding in his eyes. Making you purse your lips.
“I’m sure she is alright, I’ll go get her after your CT scan is finished,” You spoke.
“Promise?” He asked, holding his pinkie finger up. Making you smile.
“Promise,” You responded, hooking your pinkie finger with his. You unhooked your finger from his turning
“I have to tell her I feel the same way,” Luke mumbled, thinking you didn’t hear him, as you turned around and opened the door to the room Connor was in.
Connor arched an eyebrow at you. Making you let out a small chuckle.
“What?” You asked him. Taking a seat next to him.
“What did you promise him?” Connor asked as he started the process for the CT machine.
“He wants to see the girl that bought him in here,” You responded. Looking at the monitor, while Connor’s eyes were locked on you.
Connor rolled his eyes slightly.
“Hopefully, he is nicer to her,” Connor grumbled. Making you let out a slight chuckle.
“I think he might have feelings for her,” You spoke.
“Poor girl,” Connor grumbled. Making you playfully roll your eyes.
You pressed the intercom to the mic.
“Hey Luke, you might feel a little bit strange, don’t panic, remember to breath in and out,” You spoke, your voice coming through the speaker.
You let go of the intercom. Looking at the monitor intently as the scans slowly showed up.
“Well, everything looks fine,” You spoke, tapping your index finger on your chin.
“Yeah,” Connor responding. Squinting his eyes. You slightly moved closer to the screen. Making Connor’s breath hitch at how close you were to him. Connor pushed his feelings aside. Focusing on the brain scans on the monitor.
“Wait,” You muttered seeing something questionable.
“Does that look like a linear fracture to you,” You spoke, pointing at where you saw it.  Connor looked closely at where you were pointing. You looked at him intently, waiting for his response.
“I can’t see anything,” Connor spoke. Not seeing what you were pointing out. Making you frown. You look again. You let out a sigh as you saw nothing. Maybe it was your eyes playing tricks on you.
“Okay, pull him out, and tell him the news, I’ll go get her,” You spoke, getting up from the chair and exiting the room, going to go find the girl that came with Luke.
When you exited the elevator the girl quickly rushed over to you.
“Is he going to die?” She gasped out. The rim of her eyes red. Tears filling her eyes.
“Have you got checked out?” You asked her. Ignoring her question by asking her a question.
“Yes, oh my god he is dying isn’t he?” She cried out.
“No, he isn’t dying,  he is in the clear, it’s just a concussion, I can take you to him,” You spoke.
She nodded her head, making you smile. You pressed the button for the elevator, making the elevator doors open. You walked into the elevator, while she followed you.
She let out a sigh.
“Make sure you look after him, and he doesn’t do any sports, try to temporarily reduce time spent on sports, video games, TV or too much socializing,” You told her.
“If his headache pain is too much….” You spoke again only for her to interrupt you.
“Are you in a relationship?” She bluntly blurted out. Making you look at her in shock.
“It’s complicated,” You nervously gasped out. Wishing the elevator would hurry up and reach the level it was meant to be on.
“You should tell them you love them, before it’s too,” She spoke through broken sobs. You gave her a sad smile. Resting your hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.
“Oh, Hun, he is in the clear,” You reassured her. Giving her a reassuring smile. She looked at you with sad eyes filled with tears.
“I know, but I told him I loved him and he just stared at me, so I ran off and now he is in this mess,” She sobbed out.
“You know before he got his last scan, he said he felt the same way,” You spoke. Making her smile slightly.
“Really?” She beamed at you. Making you nod. She let out a squeal. The elevator dinged as it arrived on the floor. She rushed out. her eyes lighting up as she saw Luke in a wheelchair. She quickly wrapped her arms around him hugging him. Connor looked at them with a soft smile. Wishing that were him and you, but he was too scared to tell you in fear of getting rejected.
Connor looked up to see you walking out of the elevator. You beckoned him to follow you. Connor followed you into an unoccupied room.
Giving you a questionable look. You cupped the side of his face softly. bringing your lips up to his and kissing him passionately. Sparks flew between Connor and you. Connor felt his breath hitch. Heart rate speeding up. Eyes closed, as warmth filled his body and yours.
You pulled away from him, making Connor’s eyes flutter open. Connor and you stared intently into each other’s eyes. Breathing heavily.
“I love you, more than a friend,” You confessed breathlessly. Heart rate speeding up.  Nerves taking over your body. Connor felt his heart skip a beat. You finally spoke the words he was too afraid to tell you. most importantly you felt the same way.
“I just had to tell you before it was too late,” You gasped out. Still keeping eye contact with him. You were too nervous to see the joy in Connor’s eyes.
“I mean I can understand if you don’t feel the same way, I will respect that, though it might be hard and weird between us, we can get through….” You babbled out only for Connor to cut your rambling off by pressing his lips against yours. Kissing you with so much passion. His eyes as well as yours fluttering closed. His hands cupping the side of your face. His thumbs caressing your jawline.
Connor pulled away from you. Resting his forehead against yours. His eyes fluttering opened as well as yours.
Connors locked his eyes with yours.
“I love you too,” He confessed. Beaming at each other. Your eyes lit up with happiness. Heart skipping a beat. Smiling happily at him. Wrapping your arms around his neck.
Both of you beaming with happiness. Both feeling joyful over the fact the love the two of you shared for each other was mutual. Connor tilted his head on an angle, lowering his lips to yours. Eyes fluttering closed as he pressed his lips against yours softly. Your eyes fluttered shut, as you let out a content sigh. Connor's hands moved away from your face, trailing down to your waist, holding tightly onto your waist. Pulling you closer to his body, as he deepened the kiss.
The sound of his pager and your pager went off, wrecking the moment.
Connor and you pulled away from each other. Groaning. You pouted at Connor, making him smile down at you. His hand cupping the side of your face. Thumb caressing your jawline. Looking at you with soft eyes.
“Your adorable,” He cooed. Making you slightly flustered.
“We're going to finish this later,” You demanded, Making Connor smirk.
“Definitely,” He smirked. Making you take your lower lip in between your teeth…
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mnictasbcl · 3 years
I’ll be forever young (with you)
For #dbhcolorsofdeviancy, prompt:
June 13th: Forever young @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Rating: Teen
Characters: Connor, Hank Anderson, Sumo
Relationships: Connor & Hank Anderson, Connor & Hank Anderson & Sumo
Additional Tags: Fluff, Birthday, First birthday, Presents, Detroit bridge, Swearing, Hank is the best dad
Summary: August 15th, 2039. Connor’s first birthday.
He doesn’t think Hank will do anything that big for his birthday…
 And is proven very wrong.
(The final prompt for this event! I’ve enjoyed it very much :) )
Story below! Or, read it on AO3
AUGUST 15th, 2039
TIME AM 07:40:02
 Connor awoke to a ball of brown and white fur catapulting itself onto his bed.
Opening his eyes and fully coming out of the stasis, he realised that this was Sumo.
He ran his hands over his soft fur, receiving the wet slobbery kisses over his face, smiling. The Saint Bernard seemed particularly affectionate and excitable, the reason why eluding him as he was distracted by the fluffy cuddles.
But then, finally pulling himself away from the great dog and scanning his surroundings, he found out the reason pretty quickly.
Loosely strapped upon Sumo’s head was a colourful party hat, the words ‘Happy Birthday!’ printed on it in bold letters. Deducing that it wasn’t Hank’s birthday, it wasn’t Sumo’s…
The only other person in the house was him.
He chuckled, moving to pull the hat off the dog but he grumbled and jumped off the bed before he could do so.
“I didn’t think you’d find that comfortable, Sumo.”
The only reply he was given was a snort as the dog sniffed at the floor, nosing slowly out of his bedroom.
Connor shrugged. It made sense. It was a year since his activation day. Strangely… he did recall Hank paying extra attention and asking questions when he had mentioned he was almost a year old since being activated.
But he hadn’t viewed it as a birthday. Merely the day after his testing was complete and he was finally activated and shipped out on the same day for his first mission.
Of course, with the development of android rights, birthdays had been allowed for androids, even encouraged. Markus had celebrated his, he remembered, as he’d created a painting for him as a gift. So had various other members of Jericho.
Still, it felt… different to view this as a human celebration, of him turning a year old. The body he was in was technically not even a year old because he’d fallen off the rooftop on his first mission. He shuddered. It hadn’t been a brilliant day of birth, if humans called it that, that was for sure.
However, with help from people like Hank and Markus, he was beginning to accept his new humanity. Perhaps embracing his birthday would allow him to really move into the next stage of his life.
Besides, it wasn’t like Hank would do anything massive for the day, right?
 He walked out of his room and was met with balloons tied to the curtain poles, a banner proclaiming ‘Happy birthday/activation day, Connor!’, presents piled up on the living room table and Hank standing at the kitchen counter, a birthday hat askew on his head.
“Here comes the birthday boy.” Hank chuckled as he walked in, taking in his bewildered expression. “I know I probably went a bit… a lot extreme on this, but it’s your first birthday. You got to have a nice first birthday.”
Connor continued to scan over the room. “It’s…”
“I know.” He took a step towards him. “I know you’re still getting used to all your new-fangled emotions. But this doesn’t have to be big and stressful. Just a nice day where you can open some gifts and eat cake.”
He quirked a brow. “Did someone buy me a biological stomach, Lieutenant?”
“Smartass. Fine, I’ll eat cake. You can watch and drink a thirium pouch.”
Connor nodded. That didn’t sound too different. He followed Hank into the living room, sitting beside him on the couch.
“Alright…” Hank hummed as he looked over the gifts. “We’ve got a few things- a lot of things- from your friends at Jericho. One or two from the guys at the DPD… and me and Sumo piled some stuff together.”
Connor looked over it all with confusion, hands reaching out before pausing, reassessing. Eventually, he looked over to Hank for help.
“What… exactly do I do?”
Hank smiled. “They’re for you. Open whichever you want, but make sure Sumo doesn’t eat the wrapping paper.” He threw a slightly dirty look at the dog who was laying in front of the table, waiting. Sumo glared back at him.
Connor nodded. That sounded reasonable. Picking up the first gift, which was from Markus, he found even the tingle of excitement building in his chest, wondering with gratitude what his loved ones had chosen for him.
Markus had gotten him a book about fish, along with a selection of classical piano sheet music for him to play. Seeing the care put in, the thought about what he was interested in… was touching.
Tearing through the next few gifts elicited the same feeling. Everything was so thoughtful, even the Saint Bernard plush Sumo had ‘bought’ for him.
“Full of himself.” Hank jerked a thumb fondly at the dog when he opened the gift.
“It is very sweet, Sumo. Perhaps not as good as the real deal…” He bent down to scratch behind the dog’s ears. “But very cute, thank you.”
After everything was placed neatly back on the table, he thought they were finished. But Hank looked to him and proclaimed:
“Okay. I have one last gift for you…”
Connor tilted his head. “But I appreciated the things you have already gotten for me, Lieutenant. They were very generous.”
“This isn’t a thing.” He replied, getting up off the chair. “Come on, follow me.”
The android was intrigued as he was led out to the car. Sumo was put in the back, so he assumed it couldn’t be another vacation or they would have left him with the neighbours.
Still, it seemed like Hank wished this to be a surprise, so he looked down at the mini Sumo plush he had brought with him, stroking his fingers over the soft fabric. He chuckled to hear Sumo whining with jealousy from the back.
Connor managed to distract himself as such until the car pulled to a stop. Looking up, he found they were in the park.
Hank strode ahead of him once Sumo was on the leash, and he hurried to catch up. It didn’t seem like they were in the mood for sightseeing today, the scenery rushing by as Hank continued on.
But, just as Connor was about to inquire where they were going, he found himself at a familiar place. Looking out over the Detroit bridge.
Hank sat down on the bench, holding Sumo’s leash and patting the spot beside him for the dog to hop up.
“I remember this place.” Connor mused, standing beside the bench. Earlier in the day now, he didn’t look out at the stars twinkling overhead but instead the crisp summer sky. “You almost shot me here.”
Hank laughed. “If that’s what you’re asking; no, I’m not going to shoot you. That would be a shit birthday present.”
“It would indeed be rather unpleasant.”
“And illegal.” Hank added. “But… that is partly the reason I brought you here. Not the almost shooting thing. Maybe just the… almost.” He sighed.
“I wasn’t even gonna think about it; you were getting on my nerves, there was too much going on in my head… I was just going to shoot you. But then- you didn’t kill those tracis. And you stood there and told me you were afraid to die. This was the first place I realised that you were actually alive… and all the better for it, otherwise, where would we be now?”
Connor mulled it over. If Hank had shot him, it would have… well, severely halted the growth of their relationship.
“But I don’t want to think about that.” Hank continued on. “I didn’t shoot you. You had a heart. And now it’s your first birthday. In that year, you helped the leader of the android revolution… You pulled me out of whatever rut I’d fallen into. And honestly? I couldn’t see my life without you right now, son.”
Connor glanced to Hank as he paused. He didn’t comment on the way his voice had choked up, instead placing a hand gently on his shoulder, a sign of comfort.
“It’s really helped me, living not on my own again—no offense, Sumo. But just having someone in the house, you… Even if you are a pain in my ass sometimes.” He chuckled.
“What I’m trying to say is… Well, I know you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. A long life. A life where you’ll always look like that, where you’ll be forever young- and a while from now, you’ll be living a new life, without—” he looked up to Connor. “But right now, where we are? I like that. I don’t want it to go away. So that’s why…”
It appeared Hank had hit his quota for sappiness, as he simply held out a piece of paper to Connor wordlessly.
Connor took it off him, quickly scanning over it. It was a form. Official looking, with Hank’s signature at the bottom, and room for his…
“An adoption form?”
“If it’s too much, just tell me. I don’t want you thinking I’m some clingy old man but—”
He handed it back to Hank, his signature printed on it. “Thank you… dad.” The word was strange. It wasn’t likely he’d always use it- but the meaning then, the feeling it brought… it was the best birthday present he could have asked for.
Hank smiled back to him. “Great. Now, what about we get out of here? The view’s pretty, but it’s gonna get hot as hell later in the day and that cake back at home isn’t going to eat itself.”
Connor followed after him, back to the car. “Of course. I have heard, however, about this new android update which can install human mechanics such as eating…”
“I’m not saving you any fuckin’ cake, Connor. It’ll go old.”
“Like you?”
 Connor wouldn’t have it any other way. The small moments of genuine affection and feelings let out into the air… The regular day-to-day life of working at the DPD and bantering with Hank… Being forever young, one day, that all might end. But for now, he would live in the moment, and he would embrace it. All the emotions that would come with deviancy, whether good or bad, or even a mixture of both… He couldn’t ask for a better Lieutenant turned father-figure to help him through it.
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fadedflame · 3 years
Ghosts in the Machine Day 26
Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge from @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Day twenty six - White Noise
Part five: Connor is recovering.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Ao3 or
For once, Hank was in a good mood. After getting Connor out of CyberLife, New Jericho had taken over the repairs. The bastard technicians that had wanted to use him as a guinea pig protested, but were powerless to do anything.
All except Sal. Because of his help, and since Connor seemed to trust him, he had been invited by Markus himself to help with the repairs. Apparently he had been one of the technicians that originally built the kid and expedited the progress.
From what Hank had heard, Sal had accepted a permanent position there officially making him the first human to work for New Jericho.
And that wasn’t the only first.
Hank pulled into the driveway, shutting off the car. He was eager to be home. Connor had been put on ‘medical leave’ after the incident and had been homebound for most of it. He was glad the kid was following orders and taking it easy, but leaving him alone all day was stressful.
Besides, he had exciting news to share with him.
Fowler had told him just before he left. Due to Connor’s heroic actions on the day of the raid, he was to be the first android in history to be awarded the Medal of Honor.
Hank couldn’t be prouder. He just hoped it didn’t reinforce any bad habits. After all, the kid had already been built without a sense of self preservation.
The smile on his face fell the moment he opened the door.
The house was trashed. It was absolute chaos. Tables were overturned, books were pulled off the shelves. Even the sofa cushions were askew. Sumo came over, whimpering rather than greeting him with excitement.
Hank’s first thought was that something had happened, that there had been an intruder. The crash that came from Connor’s room seemed to solidify that notion. He rushed into action without a second thought, gun drawn and ready to do whatever it took to protect his kid.
But, when he got there, Connor was alone.
His room was just as torn apart as the rest of the house, if not more so. Every book, every trinket he’d picked up over the months was strewn about. Even the mattress was flipped on its end.
“Connor?” Hank called, still on edge. “You ok?”
Connor looked up at him, a manic desperation on his face. “Hank?” He asked, sounding panicked. “I can’t find it.”
He holstered his gun, satisfied that there wasn’t a physical threat to worry about, but knowing that something was still very wrong. “Can’t find what, Kid?”
“The noise!” His voice shook as though he were on the brink of tears. “I can’t find it. I don’t know where it’s coming from. I can’t - Hank It’s driving me crazy. I need to find it, it needs to stop!”
“Ok, ok. We’ll find it,” Hank promised the panicking android. He knelt, knees popping uncomfortably as he did so. He reached for Connor, hoping to stabilize him, at least a little. “It’s gonna be alright.”
Hank didn’t hear anything. At least, not anything out of the ordinary. They both knew Connor’s repairs weren’t finished, it was honestly a miracle he was doing as well as he was. It was an ongoing process. They would fix something, then something else would fail. Hank was beginning to worry he would never be entirely repaired.
He ran a hand through Connor’s hair, hoping to comfort him. His skin was back, though it was deformed in a few places, scars that would probably never be gone completely. “Hey, I’m gonna try something, ok? Tell me if it helps.”
Connor nodded, desperate for a reprieve from the noise only he could hear.
Hank moved from the kid’s hair and cupped both hands gently over his ears, theoretically muffling any exterior noises. Connor’s face twisted into frustration. “No, it doesn’t help. If anything, it's louder. It…” Realization dawned on him as he came to the conclusion Hank had made almost immediately. “It’s my audio processor, isn’t it?”
“Looks like it, yeah,” Hank agreed, letting his hands fall. Time for another trip to New Jericho, not that they weren’t a regular occurrence already.
Connor leaned forward, pressing his forehead to Hank’s chest and he held him without a second thought. He was getting frustrated with everything going wrong, he could only imagine how Connor felt. “It’s alright, kid. I’m sure they’ll get you fixed up in no time.”
He rubbed circles into his back and Connor seemed to calm. “No damn medal is worth this shit,” Hank mused aloud. The android didn’t respond, probably already having turned off his ears. He’d tell him about the medal later, he was overwhelmed enough as it is.
“I’m sorry about the house,” Connor said into his shirt, voice finally back to normal.
He pulled back so Connor could read his lips, letting his hand rest on his shoulder since the kid tended to be clingy when he wasn’t doing well. Hank gave him a warm, encouraging smile. “Come on, let's get going. The sooner you’re fixed up, the sooner you can clean this shit up.”
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berjhawn · 4 years
The Mask Stayed On ~ 1/2
Tumblr media
Batman / Bruce Wayne X Reader
Summary: reader and batman have been in relationship for a while without knowing who each other really are. Is this relationship really enough for Reader?
Warnings: Love, pain, conflicted feelings, some weird kinks, thoughts of not being enough, evil siblings, ETC
A/N: So This is technically my first Batman fic so I hope you all enjoy it. I’m doing little flics here an there as I try to figure out where my Series are going. I want to spend a lot of time on them to get them perfect, so for now enjoy these little one shots. 
I don’t really know how it started, but after a rather difficult mission one night, I ended up in bed with Batman. Then that one night, turned into another, and another; until it became routine for us to sneak around and meet up after a mission. We did have a set of rules though.
1.)    Never remove our masks.  
Batman and I were very secretive. Only a select few League members knew what his true identity was, and the only one who knew mine was Connor.
2.)    Do not tell anyone what we are doing.
I feel like this one was more implied than enforced, and lastly.
3.)    Do not get attached. If we do, it is over.
This one. This was the one that was now the cause of my turmoil. I mean, how could I not get attached to someone I was having sex with regularly. It was inevitable. Now, here I was lying next to him in bed completely naked, save for my mask, and he was fast asleep. As I stare at his profile, I couldn’t help but want to take his cowl off. I wanted to know who was beneath the mask. If things were going to end anyway why not sneak a peek?
Yeah right, I couldn’t do that. I sigh to myself as I climb out of bed and looking around find my uniform. Spotting it in the corner I grab it and quickly put it back on. Then opening the window, I take a deep breath and run. I usually didn’t leave before him, but tonight I had too. I was not going to be able to sleep next to him and not wonder what it would be like if we showed each other who we truly were.
Finding the nearest boom tube, I type in the coordinates for the Cave, or Mount Justice. I lived in the living quarters along with a few others. I wasn’t a member of the Young Justice, hell I was older than all of them, but I frequently went out on missions together with them. It was just nicer to be with a group of super kids, rather than a group of moody adults. Even though I was a moody adult myself. Reaching home, I quickly take a shower and then climb into my own bed.
Waking up the next morning, I found I was no closer to figuring out what to do. All night, I had been plagued by the what ifs. What if he found out I liked him and ended it? What if he secretly harbored feelings for me and was happy, that was the least likely result. Letting out a heavy sigh, I pull on a pair of sweats and a comfy hoodie. I pull my hair up into a messy bun before I put my mask back on.
Walking out of my room and down to the lounge I am surprised that it is still quiet. Maybe they were all out on a mission. Shrugging my shoulders, I sneak to the fridge and opening it, grab a pint of ice cream, I also grab a spoon from the drawer. Since no one was here, I move over to the couch and grabbing the remote turn on The Nanny tv show, the one from the nineties. It always seemed to boost my mood when I was feeling down.
I sit there for so long I do not even notice when I run out of ice cream. Now I had a stomachache, and I was no closer to figuring things out.
“Well, this just sucks.” I say to myself as I set the empty pint on the coffee table and leaning back on the couch let out a heavy sigh. “Dear Lord, how many times am I gonna do that today?”
“Do what?” I hear a familiar voice ask from behind me and I turn to see Connor searching the fridge for food.
Connor was the only one who knew who I really was. The reason behind that was because during a mission with the Young Justice members, Connor and I had become trapped under some rubble and my mask had fallen off. After that, the two of us bonded. We became best friends. I was able to be myself and not the superhero everyone expected me to be.
“Sighing like the emotional wreck that I am.” I joke as I dramatically turn and lean against the back of the couch making him snort.
“No, you’re not.” He replies grabbing a jar of Queso out of the fridge.
“If you bring that over here, I will steal it from you.”
“You’re not strong enough.” He retorts making me furrow my brow at him.
“Just because you have super strength doesn’t mean I can’t take it from you.” I counter making him shake his head.
“Why didn’t you go on the mission this morning?” He asks and I cock an eyebrow at him.
“Didn’t know there was one.” I reply laying my head down on my arms. “I was tired… and stressed.”
“Why were you stressed?” He asks and I shake my head.
“I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” I add making him shake his head as he grabs a bag of chips and walks over to sit next to me on the couch. Setting the bag of chips down on the coffee table he twists the lid of the queso off and tossing it on the tabletop grabs the bag and leans back into the couch. He holds the queso up in between us so that we can share, and I smile. He really was a good friend.
“How do you feel about going out later? You know that way we can talk about some things.” I ask making him cock an eyebrow at me in confusion. “Plus, there are cameras here and I’d rather not air my dirty laundry out for the League to see.”
“Sure, as long as there’s not a mission.” He replies shoving a queso covered chip in his mouth. “Your treat though.”
“Fine,” I concede making him chuckle.
I stare at my reflection in the mirror and bite my lip. I was in a pair of black skintight leather pants, a baggy white blouse, my favorite black leather jacket, and a pair of black high heel boots. My hair and makeup were so on pointe, I would have asked myself out. I quickly slip my mask on and grabbing my purse, I head out the door and down the stairs where Connor was waiting with M’gann. I liked M’gann, but I did not like that she thought she could enter my mind whenever she wanted. So naturally, I would fill my mind with the most annoying sound in the world so she would not read it.
“Hey M’gann, what’s up?” I ask as I near them.
“Just wondering where you two are headed off to tonight?” She asks and I shrug my shoulders.
“Not sure yet. Depends on whether the bar is full or empty.” I answer honestly making her let out a heavy sigh. “You’re more than welcome to join us if you’d like.” I offer but she shakes her head.
“No, you guys go out and have some fun.” She turns back to Connor and says something with her mind to only him and I try not to roll my eyes.
“Okay, if anything comes up call Connor, because you know, I don’t have a phone.” I add making her nod.
“I’ll see you later then.” M’gann adds at Connor making him nod before he leans forward to gently kiss her lips.
“Be back soon.” He replies before turning from her and meeting me at the Boom Tube.
“Ready to go?” I ask and he nods.
“’Let’s go.”
“So, what you’re telling me is you’ve been sleeping with…” He pauses lowering his voice. “Batman?”
“Yeah,” I answer downing a shot of whatever was in front of me.
“Why the fuck would you do that?” He asks and I shake my head.
“I don’t know. I mean I have always admired him. He is human and yet he is one of the greatest superheroes out there. Plus, he’s hot. So, you know, he’s got that working for him.”
“Does he know who you are?” He asks and I shake my head.
“Nope, he’s never seen my face. The masks, never come off.”
“That’s weird, please tell me you know that.” He replies and I nod.
“I know, but what can ya do. The first time was an accident. But all the other times? Those are the ones I do not understand. I mean I’ve heard of him having one-night stands with girls before, so I thought it was just a one-time deal; but then he started searching me out after him missions, so I did the same.”
“You ever think about telling him who you really are?” He asks and I shake my head.
“Not gonna happen.” I reply downing another shot. “Then I wouldn’t be able to stay on the team anymore.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Oh, I do, I mean what superhero league would willingly employ a relative of a villain.” I pause my brow furrowing. “Especially the one I’m related too.”
“They’d understand.” Connor adds and I shake my head.
“No one ever does.” I say sadly as I motion for the bartender to bring me another drink.
“(Name),” Connor starts but instantly stops not sure what to say.
“I didn’t come out here to feel sorry for myself. I came out to have a little fun, and also to get some clarity on what I should do.” I say letting out a heavy sigh. The Bartender returns with my drink sliding it across the bar towards me. I give her a wink as I reach down and pulling the glass up take a swig, I feel it burn as it slides down my throat.
“About Batman…” Connor starts making me nod, “I think you should tell him how you feel.”
“Okay? Why?”
“Think about it. If you tell him and he is okay with it, you two could get together.”
“But if he’s not?” I ask running my finger around the rim of my glass.
“Then that will give you the boost you need to end everything.”
“You’re right, however, if he says no, you know that means I’m going to leave the league right.”
“What? Why?”
“Well not permanently, just long enough to get my thoughts together.” I add and he nods.
“That’s understandable.” He adds and I nod. “You’d deserve that time.”
“I may even go back home.”
“Now that’s just fucking stupid.” Connor raises his voice slightly making me meet his gaze. “Do not do that.”
“I don’t want to ever go back there, but I’m afraid that if all this goes south and it gets revealed who I am, I’ll have no other choice.”
“You’ll have another choice, even if I have to find somewhere for you to stay so you don’t go home.”
“You’re a really good friend Connor. Even after you found everything out, you never turned against me.”
“That’s because I am you friend. I would never do that.”
“Alright, that’s enough of me being a Debbie downer, let’s drink, dance, and have a little fun, shall we?”
“Sure thing, (Name).” Connor replies a smile on his face.
Dick heard the commotion first as he was sitting in the mission room running over some old files for a mission. It sounded like singing mixed with people laughing. Furrowing his brow, he walks toward the boom tube to see Connor carrying a woman on his back while she sang out loudly that she was bad at love. Her voice surprisingly sounded familiar, but he did not recognize her face.
“Connor, you are the best!” she cries out as she hugs tightly to his neck making him smile.
“Woah, Connor, who’s this?” Dick asks as he nears them his eyes looking her up and down.
“What’s the matter Dickie, you don’t recognize me?” She asks making Connor’s face turn white. He had forgotten to put her mask back on. “I’m king of the world!!” She yells throwing her hands up into the air.
“That’s (Name),” M’gann says in disbelief as she moves to stand beside him. “So, this is what she looks like.”
“She’s hot.” Wally says from nearby earning him an elbow to the stomach from Artemis.
“Okay, Connor, I hate to say this, but your muscles are amazing.” (Name) says as she starts to admire his shoulder muscles. “Put me down, I wanna play!” she yells out wiggling in his grasp.
“What the hell is she on?” Dick asks as Connor sets her down on her feet.
“She was stressed, so we went out and she got a little drunk.” Connor replies as (Name) pulls her coat off and tosses it onto a nearby chair.
“That was fun.” She announces a bright smile on her lips.
Suddenly she was all over the place. Bouncing up and down as she jumped from one place to another with surprising agility. I mean they knew she was a meta-human, but this agility was something new entirely. I mean she was walking on the ceiling for heaven’s sake. Letting out a chuckle, Dick pulled out his cellphone and decided to record the whole thing. Jason would get a kick out of this.
“She gets hyper when she’s drunk.” Connor adds shaking his head clearly used to this.
(Name) continued her little acrobat show for a while before she hopped back down and noticing Dick ran over to hug him. Letting out a laugh he let her hold him tight. It was finally showing how drunk she really was. She smiled bright at him for a moment before leaning up to his ear and whispering, “I know how big Batman’s dick is.”
And then she passed out.
Dick instantly shut the recording off. What the fuck just happened? Catching her in his arms, he lifts her up carrying her bridal style and turning to Connor says, “We need to talk.”
Will Continue
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fuzziemutt · 4 years
Do You Understand ?
Chapter 8/9 - Link to MasterList in reblog
Summary: One more apology to go...
tw: unhealthy thinking. This one is also much lighter than the previous.
Connor took a deep breath. His coin flicked back and forth, leg bouncing methodically, body thrumming with an added anxious energy he wasn’t expecting to feel. He was just going to talk to Hank, Hank would... understand. Sure the old man got upset when Connor did anything “stupid” (or died) but everything would be fine. 
He was in an automated taxi making its way to the Ambassador Bridge where, on a whim, he messaged Hank he would meet up with him in two hours. The meeting with the leaders was just yesterday and it spurred him to fix things with Hank while he still felt (brave) optimal enough to do so. Nines wasn’t with him this time; he thought of asking him to join, but Connor felt this was too personal and had to do it on his own. He really hoped he didn’t regret this.
Arguably, this really wasn’t a good time to do this. Connor warily glanced out the window for the 50th time, watching the way the snow piled ever higher with the clouds threatening to release more of the terrible substance. Usually he was able to keep his stress levels relatively low, low being closer to 50 than 20 if he was honest, ever since the snow started up again roughly a month ago. However, today’s weather with the meeting from yesterday, the looming anniversary of his second deployment, and now his self assigned meet up with Hank didn’t help how nervous he felt about this all. He should have asked to meet at Hank’s house, but he felt that was crossing an invisible boundary even if he still kept Hank’s house key on him at all times. 
But he had to do this now as he knew he would go back to hiding if he didn’t, so he just kept pushing the fridgid memories down.
Before long, the taxi rolled to a stop, perfectly parked, uncaring of the android who needed another minute of breathing and rapid coin flicks till he climbed out. Hank wasn’t there yet, but Connor pushed down the spike of panic. The roads were still being cleared from the morning snow, it was fine, Hank also was human and couldn’t predict just how long it took to get everywhere. It was going to be fine. He needed to be careful with his stress levels today.
He made his way over to the bench he hasn’t seen in a long time. With that energy still thrumming, he went about pacing, almost jogging to get rid of the excess energy. He was all alone so he didn’t worry too much about being caught and just kept an eye out for that familiar Oldsmobile. The moment he caught its grey color getting closer, he made himself go and sit down on the bench staying as still as possible. He tried to not look too tense and instead inviting, he didn’t want to set Hank off about his internal struggles. This was about them, not about his past after all.
“Was kinda surprised to see your text,” a gruff voice said after the tell tale thunk of a car door closing. It sounded like Hank was trying to lighten the mood with the awkward laugh that followed, but the lack of response made the silence return. 
Hank came into Connor’s view not too long after that, awkward shuffling before he settled on the bench next to him. A bit of space between the two. Connor wasn’t sure where to start. Who should be apologizing here? He felt like he was supposed to be for some reason despite Hank having been the one who hurt him. This was confusing. Maybe he should have asked Nines to come with…
“So.. what’s up?” Hank offered up after a couple minutes. He was clearly uncomfortable if the way he kept glancing at Connor and his hands kept messing with his jacket said anything.
“I… I’m not sure how to go about this.”
“Go about what exactly?”
“This? I want… to fix our relationship.. I miss. I miss our conversations… and Sumo,” Connor ventured very unsure where to go. He added the last bit to lighten the mood, but it was also the truth. He hasn’t seen the dog since he moved out. 
Hank nodded and sat there thinking. He would be better at going about this Connor didn’t doubt.
“I won’t lie. I’m not the best at ‘emotional stuff’ like this, but I can see you’re strugglin’ so…” 
A chin scratch then throat clearing, “I know deviancy hasn’t been the easiest on you especially from what I could tell Cyberlife was like. I don’t know what happened that made you shut us all out for so long though. Would you mind telling me what the hell happened at that meeting before we go any further?” 
Oh. Oh yeah he never told Hank what happened did he? He knew Hank talked to Markus.. He didn’t think Markus would have left it vague. He honestly thought the leader would have laid out all the details for everyone to see. Interesting. He’s just stalling for time now.
“I wasn’t lying about how we were discussing what we would be doing with the androids that react negatively towards humans. I was suggesting that we make safe zones where humans would not be able to enter when North got upset,” Connor felt his hands clench together and nose wrinkle a bit, “She went on saying how I had no place in the conversation as I never supposedly have had bad relations with humans since I was so close to you. She said how I would never be able to.. Understand… their struggles.”
He let himself close his eyes and take a breath before continuing. There was no point in getting himself worked up again here.
“For the past several months, I’ve been treated time and time again like I have no say in anything. As if I never experienced emotions or the extent of cruelty humans can have. The constant use of that word it.. I felt something snap inside of me, and I let out my anger on them. I was too upset from months of frustration to stop myself. Afterwards, in a way I saw to protect myself from that horrible feeling, I shut everyone out.” 
He couldn’t stand to look at Hank anymore, taking up staring at the river instead. The river didn’t have eyes that could hold judgement. Distantly he was a bit surprised he managed to even say all of that so steadily.
“I see. Is that why you uhh.. Moved out of the house so quickly?” 
“Partially…” he caught a hand motioning ‘go on’ in the corner of his visuals. 
“You also did it. Using the word and discounting me. I mean. I wanted to be alone to process what happened and keep myself safe as mentioned, but I.. I didn’t want to do the same thing to you as well. So I left before I made anything worse.”
Connor closed his eyes ready for some sort of reprimand. He wasn’t sure why he expected to get punished when Hank had asked what happened, but he couldn’t help the dread that was sitting in his already anxious internal cavity. 
A muffled ‘fuck’ caught his attention and he opened his eyes again. Glancing over he saw that Hank was rubbing a hand on his face, looking at the ground with some sort of expression Connor couldn’t place. His eyes suddenly glanced up, looking into Connor.
“Look, kid. I’m sorry for what I’ve said,” mentally Connor ticked another mark of hearing the word sorry, “I know I still have my own issues to work through, but I should have watched what I said better. And before you go all ‘you couldn’t have predicted’ or whatever, it’s no excuse. I’m a grown ass man who should have seen how I was hurting you.” 
A sigh and another round of face rubbing. A nervous tick maybe? 
“I’m not going to pull you under the bus either by saying you should have told me you were feeling that way. Because I think we both know that whatever Cyberlife did fucked you up real good, and you never would have said shit as long as you could. So. I fucked up and I can’t guarantee I’ll do better, but I sure as hell will try.” 
Connor let those words settle a bit. He didn’t look as openly sorry as Nines but his eyes spoke more volume. Hank has been there since the revolution. He wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine obviously, he still had bad days and relapses, but he did try. He helped Connor whenever he asked what seemed like obvious questions about emotions and human interactions. He would get Connor’s mind off the past on bad days, awkwardly but still there. 
“I accept your apology. I’m not sure if I can say I can trust you the same amount as before, but I don’t want to push you away anymore.”
Hank’s shoulders slumped in relief a bit and a one sided smile joined it. It didn’t last long as he soon looked around, hesitant about something.
“Would… Would you want to move back in?” 
“No.. not now.. I’m not sure if I ever would like to move back with you, Hank. I miss the feeling of home your house brings me but I.. I’m still scared of getting hurt again. I also enjoy the privacy my apartment brings me.” 
Hank seemed to slump a bit from what he assumed was sad disappointment, but he nodded seriously. 
“I’ll still visit when I get the chance. I wasn’t lying when I said I miss Sumo,” Connor kind of blurted a bit quickly. He didn’t want his friend thinking he was only going to tolerate him at work.
A gruff laugh, “He misses you too, son” and a hand messing up Connor’s gelled hair (which he did not mope about in any sense). 
The lingering dread and fear from the snow lasted with him the whole time him and Hank spoke after that. But it wasn’t as overwhelming. Hank didn’t stay much longer, getting up complaining about how he was too old for this shit and needed to get home before his joints shattered which Connor helpfully informed at what temperature that could actually happen. 
Connor did accept the offer for a ride to his apartment. He turned down the offer to see Sumo. He wanted to see the big lump of fur, but he used up a lot of energy trying to keep his stress levels stable all day and wanted to rest by himself for a bit. Hank didn’t take too much offense to it it seems at least.
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request: A Matthew tkachuk imagine where you are connor McDavid little sister and are dating Matthew behind his back but leon is helping see him and you get caught
summary: your brother is Connor McDavid, so of course you had to fall for Calgary’s Matthew Tkachuk.
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.8k
note: female reader based on the request, sorry if that annoys anyone
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The Battle of Alberta was serious business for the two teams. It was a division rivalry that produced resentment like no other. You had first hand knowledge of just how deep the competition dug, considering your brother was Connor McDavid, captain of the Edmonton Oilers. 
You lived in Calgary, much to your brother’s chagrin. No matter how many times you told him you lived there for work, he insisted he could get you a job in Edmonton in under a week. 
Besides the fact you didn’t want to give your brother the satisfaction of knowing he got you a job, there were other things that kept you in Calgary. Well, another person. 
You had been dating Matthew Tkachuk since just after the start of the season, having met him shortly after he returned to Calgary for preseason. You had wanted to tell Connor about your relationship, but you knew it would only stress him out and he had to focus on being captain. Plus, you really didn’t want to see what would happen on the ice between your brother and your known pest of a boyfriend. 
Still, with an entire hockey team basically acting as your protective older brothers, it was pretty hard to hide a whole relationship from so many people. 
You weren’t sure when Leon got a key to your apartment, exactly, and you were even more unsure of just why he had a key in the first place. Though, if you had to guess, it was because Connor was insistent on someone checking in on you. 
It was supposed to be a nice night in with your boyfriend, he was going to help cook dinner with you—you didn't have high hopes on how much he was actually going to help—and then a movie. 
“Matthew.” You whined, though his name was punctuated with a giggle as he poked at your sides. You had been in the process of washing some veggies for the meal when he had hip-checked you, if only for the purpose of annoying you. 
“I’m sorry that I want attention.” Matt replied easily, handsome grin on his face endearing no matter how shit-eating it was. You rolled your eyes, giving him a quick kiss before returning back to preparing dinner. 
“You’re such a big baby.” You teased. Your words started a back and forth playful argument, resulting with Matt placing you on the counter with him standing between your legs, lips dangerously close to yours. 
Which was why you didn’t hear the door opening and closing. 
“What the fuck?” At the sound of the deep voice, you shrieked and pushed Matt away. He flew comically away from you, as if you actually had the strength to launch him halfway across the kitchen. 
“Leon? What the hell are you doing here?” You questioned, spotting your brother’s teammate standing in your living room. Leon, for as calm and collected he usually was, his jaw was dropped and he was looking between you and Matt like he didn’t actually believe what he was saying. 
“Uh, your brother asked me to stop in and check on you since he had to stay late at the rink.” Leon explained and you nodded, not sure how to navigate the awkward situation. You were perfectly content with avoiding the elephant in the room, which took the shape of your just as flustered boyfriend who was being uncharacteristically quiet. Still, you should have known with both teams being in Calgary for the game tomorrow you couldn’t be so lucky. “What’s he doing here.”
“Leon.” You chastised. You knew that he didn't exactly get along with Matt, but you had hoped that it wouldn’t extend off the ice. Matt moved back towards you, leaning against the counter next to you—a few inches separating you that wouldn't be there if Leon wasn't standing in your kitchen. “He’s my boyfriend.” 
“What!” You winced at the volume of his voice, having somewhat expecting this reaction from him. Though, you had assumed you would have the support of Connor before you had to break the news to Leon. “Since when? Does Connor know?”
“Uhm, a few months? And no, he doesn't. Please don't tell him before I can.” You begged, putting on your best puppy-dog eyes. 
“You want me to play along with this?” Leon asked, clearly skeptical. You nodded quickly and he sighed in defeat. You were practically his sibling just as much as you were Connor’s, the both of them having a hard time saying no to you. With a little more convincing on your part, Leon had left your apartment with the promise to keep your secret. The only downfall was that you had to promise to tell him tomorrow. 
You weren't sure how you were going to tell your brother you had been in a relationship for the better part of the season without telling him. Not to mention that relationship was with Matthew Tkachuk, known nuisance on his rival team. 
You turned to Matt, you had been suspiciously quiet for most of the time Leon was in your apartment, but now that he had left, Matt was grinning mischievously at you. You rolled your eyes at him, opening your arms and he returned to his original position between your legs as you wrapped him in a hug. 
“You’re too much trouble, Tkachuk.”
The next day you were stressed about having to tell your brother about dating Matt, so stressed in fact, that before you even knew it, you were sitting in the stands. Usually, you’d be in the better halves box, but Connor had gotten you ice level seats. You were behind the visitors goal, meaning that he was able to mess with you during warm ups, bouncing against the glass to catch you off guard and toss you pucks to give to the excited children around you. 
It was all going smoothly until Matt scored. He, of course, had to be cocky about it, skating over to where you were and pointing as if to make sure you knew the goal was for you. It wasn’t the first time he dedicated a goal to you, but usually he wasn't so obvious about, a wink thrown up to where he knew you were in the box. It was almost like he couldn’t help himself now that you were so close. 
Knowing Matthew, that very well could be the case.
Connor noticed, of course, and skated over to Matt, giving him a shove on the shoulder. Your boyfriend didn’t engage, remembering that you had said you would break up with him on the spot if he ever fought your brother, but the two exchanged words, Matt holding up his hands like he was innocent.
As if. 
The rest of the game went smoother, with Connor seemingly ordering a hit on Matt and Leon shooting you exasperated looks every time the two got close. After he had left your apartment the night before, you had texted him and asked if he could make sure your brother didn't kill your boyfriend on the ice before you got the chance to talk him down. 
You weren’t too sure who you were supposed to be rooting for, but as the game went into overtime, you were glad both teams would be leaving with at least one point. And when Connor scored the game winner, you figured it was for the best to have him in a good mood. 
You had agreed to meet Connor outside the visiting team’s locker room, and so after the area emptied a bit, you made your way down there. It wasn't too long before Leon emerged, patting you on the back and mumbling a ‘good luck with him’ before heading off to meet his girlfriend who had come down for the game. You had rolled your eyes at him, but you couldn’t help but be nervous. You wanted Connor to like Matt, you were pretty sure you were at least half in love with the guy, but family was important to you. In the end, you wouldn't let Connor or anyone else dictate who you were with, but his approval meant a lot. 
You had been so in your head about everything, thinking about just exactly how to phrase everything that Connor had caught you off guard when he came into the hallway. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, waving a hand in front of your eyes as you didn't even notice him approach. You jumped, having been startled but were quick to smile tightly at him. He called your name softly, urging you to tell him what was on your mind. 
“I have a boyfriend.” You blurted, cringing slightly at the suddenness of his words. That was not how you imagined this going, then again, you hadn’t originally planned on hiding your relationship from him for so long. Connor just sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with a near pained expression on his face.
“It’s not Tkachuk, is it?” He groaned, and your eyes just about bugged out of your head. You were certain you had been so careful in hiding your relationship, and it was one thing for him to suspect you were seeing someone but an entirely different thing for him to just flat out know.
“How did you know?” You felt stupid for asking, but you were so confused any embarrassment you felt was overshadowed. 
“Well for starters, he pointed right at you after you scored.” Connor listed off on his fingers and you blushed furiously. Matt might have been shameless, but you sure as hell weren’t. “And he's also standing right there.” 
You spun around at your brother’s words, no doubt finding Matt watching from afar, clearly nervous to approach. It was refreshing, honestly, seeing him so knocked off his game. It was good for his ego, and you just hoped Connor wasn't too angry.
“I’m sorry, it’s just—” You started, but your brother didn't let you finished. 
“I’m not gonna pretend like I understand, or that I like it, but I have a question.” You nodded eagerly, silently urging him to continue. “Does he make you happy?”
“Unbelievably so.” You told him honestly and without missing a beat. By now, Matt had joined you and had swung an arm around your shoulders, offering his free hand to Connor to shake. Your brother eyed him for a moment, before shaking his hand and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you had been holding. 
“If I hear you so much as make her cry once, Tkachuk, I will personally come to Calgary and give you want you deserve.” Connor threatened, and you rolled your eyes. Matt raised the arm that wasn’t wrapped over your shoulders in surrender, tugging you closer into his side as he spoke next. 
“Trust me man, I wouldn't even think of doing that.”
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violet-knox · 4 years
Every Moment with You is Precious
Year 7 - Chapter 61
Summary: Connor asks if you will stay at Hogwarts over the holidays and it strikes a nerve with Severus.
Word count: 2479
Warnings: tiny bit of naught touching
Previous Chapter - Chapter 1 
You wondered at times if Connor ever picked up on the slightest hint of your relationship with Severus or if he was completely oblivious to the multiple slip-ups you’d made over the few months you’d known him. Either way, you were getting more than a little tired of sharing what was supposed to be your time alone as a couple with Connor. It was bad enough he’d managed to join you both as you studied together, but did he really have to follow you on your way to class too?
“But anyways, I wanted to ask if either of you would be staying at Hogwarts over the holidays,” he said. Your mind had honestly trailed off the second Connor began conversing with Severus about the potion you’d been working on in your N.E.W.Ts class. You just couldn’t be bothered with something that only brought you stress to think about but mention of the holidays definitely brought back your attention. Your mind wandered to the dream of you and Severus enjoying one another’s company away from most students as you had over the summer. Two full weeks alone, spending it during such a joyful time of the year. 
“We both are,” you responded a little reluctantly. You weren’t sure why he’d brought up the holidays, but you had a feeling whatever the reason wasn’t going to sit well with either you or Severus.  
“Oh!” Connor exclaimed happily, a hint of shock present in his tone. “I’m surprised to hear that. Most people head home for the holidays and I, in fact, normally do, but my parents are on a business trip to South America right now and they won’t be back until the New Year so I figured I’d stay here for Christmas.”
You looked over to Connor and smiled, a small bit of disappointment hidden beneath your eyes. Hanging your head, you looked away in the hopes your true reaction to his news would go unnoticed. You liked Connor, you really did. It was nice to have someone other than Severus to spend your days with and you were happy that Severus had warmed up to him, but this was the first time you were to spend the holidays with Severus as a real couple. It was a chance for you both to make up for the loss of last year’s Christmas and one you’d both been looking forward to for a while now. 
The school would be fairly empty, and you’d have the place to yourselves; an entire castle for you to roam at your own leisure, no homework to concern yourselves with, Quidditch on pause, no urgent responsibilities pressing on you. All your focus was supposed to be on Severus and your relationship together but with Connor here, you weren’t sure how likely these fantasies were anymore.
“How… wonderful.” You didn’t even bother looking up at Severus, you could tell he was even more irritated with the news than you were and that was before Connor confirmed what you’d feared he’d suggest. 
“Well perhaps we could spend Christmas together? Perhaps head down to Hogsemeade and spend the day there?”
“They don’t allow Hogsmeade trips over the holidays. But they do remove the house tables in the Great Hall, so we can all have dinner together,” you said before Severus could have another word. You had to fight the urge to shun Connor and ban him from spending Christmas with you like you knew Severus would have done, but it was hard to be kind to him when you were forced to give up such a romantic time with Severus. Still, you didn’t want to be rude, especially when neither of you shared the desire to tell Connor about your relationship. “Why don’t we open presents together in the Great Hall Christmas morning.”
Severus almost burst into a complete fit when you’d mentioned sacrificing Christmas morning all to please someone he could barely tolerate. You’d promised him this friendship wouldn’t come between you both and though he could see you’d previously kept your word, he felt as though the invitation you were currently extending crossed a line.  
“You’re heading to the greenhouse aren’t you Connor?” Severus interrupted as you all came to a halt in front of the entrance to the dungeons. The look on his face, the tone in his voice was absolutely treacherous and you knew the second Connor left, he’d voice his protest about what you’d just agreed to with zero restraint. 
“Yes, I am,” said Connor as he looked down the hall where Severus had gestured. “I suppose I’ll see you both after dinner.”
The second Connor began making his own way to class, Severus turned on his heel and walked down to the dungeons at an alarming rate, only slowing down when he looked back and saw you’d lagged behind. He led you both to an abandoned hall and stood there with his arms crossed, brows furrowed, looking as though you’d done something awful to offend him. 
“Before you start,” you said, holding your hands up in front of you as if such a gesture would do you any good. “Remember what I said about Connor being our friend.”
“Your friend (Y/N). He’s your friend, not mine,” he said, emphasizing the word ‘your’ as if that would change your perspective. Sometimes you weren’t sure why you still continued to try and reason with him when he did such a great job of denying his own feelings towards other people. Then again, he did eventually open up to you so perhaps your efforts wouldn’t be completely lost on him. 
“That’s not fair Severus, I know you’ve both spoken with one another without me present and as much as you want to deny it, I know you enjoy his company as he does yours!” Judging by his crossed arms and rolled eyes, your words had bounced right off him. You’d failed at making a dent in his attitude towards Connor and you were beginning to think this was a battle you would never win. 
“(Y/N), I don’t want to spend Christmas with him!” He exclaimed with a puff of air. Frowning, he looked back at you and slowly began to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest as he tried his best to keep from shouting. He didn’t want to fight, he didn’t want to argue with you and despite what you’d clearly assumed, he understood the need for friends though he personally wouldn’t have chosen someone as clingy as Connor. But it wasn’t about him. It wasn’t even about your wish for him to expand his social circle, it was about you and your relationship with him. “This is our first real Christmas together, our one chance to do as we please over the Holidays and I don’t want to spend a second of it with anyone but you.”
You looked up at him, his eyes pleading for your understanding and his tone softening your stance. You let your hands slowly trail up from his wrists until they rested on his shoulder. It always filled your heart with joy to hear Severus care so much about you and your love for him, but as unfortunate as it was, you didn’t live in a world that stopped because you wanted to spend Christmas alone with each other. The world wasn’t going to cater to your absolute needs and so you had to try and help Severus compromise for the sake of his own resolve. 
“I know Sev,” you said as you gently lay a hand over his jaw, your thumb comfortably sweeping his cheek. “But we have to be realistic here. Either we accept a few hours with him on Christmas, or we tell him about our relationship, and I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have that conversation with Connor.”
Severus leaned into your touch, your arm wrapping around his neck and bringing your bodies closer. Your lips twitched into a warm smile and with a soft sigh, he let go of the fantasy Christmas day he’d envisioned and accepted the reality you offered instead. His gaze dropped a moment as you both stood there in silence, secretly comforting the other for the alone time you’d just agreed to giving up. You knew this was going to be much harder on Severus than it would be on you and you only hoped that spending the evening with him on Christmas would make up for your lost morning. He already had such a hard time with holidays, loneliness his only company throughout his years and you’d promised yourself you’d never let him feel unwanted like everyone else in his life had. 
Grief was really the only way to describe how he felt in this moment. He felt like someone had just stripped away ten years of his lifetime by simply asking him to give up two hours on Christmas morning with you. It wasn’t fair. He’d been looking forward to this day for so long, more than he’d ever care to admit to you, but deep down he knew you were right. He knew you were only trying to be civil but that didn’t mean he couldn’t protest. 
“I could always lock us up in the Slytherin common room next time you sneak in,” he offered, lifting the mood with a joke that only carried a sliver of truth. Though the more he thought about it, the more he’d begun to see its benefits. He was after all, the only Slytherin in his dorm to ever stay at Hogwarts over the holidays and with your new status as an Animagus, he was sure you’d manage to easily sneak in without arising suspicion. 
“Don’t be daft Severus.” Your words dismissed his offer though you smiled nonetheless. It wasn’t a terrible idea, not if you’d planned it so you each had an excuse to stay in throughout Christmas, but you knew no matter how much you’d wished to take back the day, you were wrong to do so. But it definitely never hurt to dream. 
“I’m completely serious (Y/N),” he said, mimicking your smile and wondering if you’d ever truly consider hiding away with him. You’d already spent so much time alone with him already, reading, cuddling and exploring one another’s bodies, it wouldn’t be a complete jump in your relationship if you’d spent one lousy day locked in his dorm. But he knew better. He knew that caring side of yours he admired so much would win in the end. Truthfully, he’d always counted on your kindness to inspire him and lead him through the world, something he wished he could have leaned on growing up. But that didn’t matter now, his past was behind him and you were his future. 
“Spending an hour, maybe two with him in the morning won’t kill you Sev, and after that, we can hide away all you like.” You bit your lip and looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping he’d accept your compromise. 
Severus pressed himself against you as you slid your hand into his hair, your fingers weaving themselves between his locks. He stood there, taunting you with his silence as if he was heavily weighing his options. Staring into his eyes, you could tell you’d convinced him to take part in a shared civil Christmas morning, but of course, his pride had to stand in the way of simply agreeing to your statement. 
“If that’s what you want then fine. But I won’t do it without protest,” he finally spoke.  
“I would expect nothing less.” You rolled your eyes and shook your head at his response. His attitude was quite stubborn at times, but that didn’t stop you from gripping the strands of hair between your fingers and pressing your lips to his. He didn’t hesitate to kiss you back, all his worries and frustrations melting away as he indulged himself in the affection you offered. Your free hand slipped from his shoulder, down his chest to hook two fingers around his belt and pull him closer. 
He felt a spark of lust ignite his need for you, the small moan he gave, muffled by your lips, betraying his composure. He felt your lips twitch into a smile against his and decided if you were happy to tease him when you both should’ve been making your way to class right now, then he’d have no problem teasing you right back. With one hand travelling to rest on your lower back, he let the other find the hem of your skirt, seeking the skin underneath. Gently, he edged a foot between yours, his thighs pressing against your uniform as he parted your kiss and began to trail his tongue down your jaw until he heard a small whimper escape your throat when he found that sensitive spot on your neck. 
You’d been so distracted by the suction you felt at the croak of your neck, you’d almost missed the icy touch of his slim fingers creeping up the back of your thigh and resting beneath your bottom. He took his time enjoying the cushion of your behind as he continued working on your neck, each shiver your body made fueling him further. He’d never felt so driven to mark you before, perhaps out of anger towards a certain Ravenclaw or perhaps it was something more, something he’d held back since the day in the rain before your first Quidditch match. He wanted you, all of you, and he could no longer imagine going a single day without you in his heart. 
“Severus,” you whispered in desperation when he squeezed your arse, suddenly feeling very exposed as you realized where you were. A wandering student, or worse, a staff member, could stumble upon you at any moment and you were far from ready to face that embarrassment. 
He seized his hands from their place, his lips leaving your skin when he sensed the hesitation in your tone and took a small step back. His hands quickly found your as your eyes met, a smile settling on his face. 
“Ready for class then?” He teased, pushing back your hair and smirking at the mark he’d left behind. 
You immediately swatted his hand away, fixing your hair and adjusting your clothes, praying it would be enough to keep attention off of you as you made your way to class. Severus followed as you led the way out of the dark hallway towards your Potion’s class, stuffing his hands in his pocket and proudly displaying his half smile. You sighed with relief at the fact that you’d at least managed to brighten his mood and hoped your evident need for his affection was enough for him to understand how much your time together meant to you despite offering to sacrifice some of it to Connor. 
Next Chapter
@raven-hopeflyte @sleepysnapesnake @wanderingtrails @bush-viper-cutie @fluffymadamina @dracos-mudblood
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I don’t know if I’m doing this correctly but can you do more Little Connor with Rk1700 please? ;-;
You did it perfectly! So, this a continuation of this fic, and I’d suggest reading that one first if you haven't.
Onto the story!! Again DO NOT SEXUALIZE THIS
The case was beyond frustrating. He and Hank couldn't crack it so Gavin and Nines offered to help out. They didn't have any pressing cases so it wasn't that big of a deal.
Connor was close to breaking down and his stress levels showed it too. They were far too high for his liking, and from the looks Nines was giving him, too high for his as well.
But they had to solve this case before he could relax. He had a few plans and he was tempted to invite Nines to join. But he hadn't mentioned his regression after the first time Nines saw him.
He would still do it while Hank was around, but he avoided Nines whenever he tried to bring it up. It wasn't that he didn't trust Nines with it. He really, really did, but he still couldn't stop from avoiding it.
Then Hank would bring it up to encourage him to reach out to Nines and that just made Connor avoid it with him too until he got the drift.
Still, he did want Nines to be a part of this side of him. He proved that he could handle it and he didn't seem to despise him for it either. So why was he doing this? Why was he still hesitating?
He shouldn't even be thinking about this with the case needing solving, so he pushed it to the back of his mind and focused on the information in front of him.
Neither of them had had a case this hard since they were assigned to the deviation cases. Nines and Gavin were having just as hard of a time as Hank and Connor were.
"Connor, Hank requested that I take you home. I informed him of your stress levels and we both agreed you need the night off. We can come back in the morning to continue work." Nines says, shocking him from his thoughts.
He looked up at him then quickly to Hank, not holding back with his glare. "Hank!" He scolded. It was completely unfair that he made this decision for him. Hank often did things like this and normally it wouldn't bother him as much as it currently did.
"Son, you need rest. Go to sleep for the night and come back refreshed. You're no help to us if you self-destruct or are too stressed to think. Go, that's an order." Hank very rarely used his rank to order anyone around, but when he did people listened.
Connor stood up, still scowling. "Yes sir, Lieutenant." He growled out. Hank flinched only slightly but didn't say anything, keeping with his word.
Connor snatched up his jacket, spinning on his heel and glaring at Nines. He stalks past him, glowering at Gavin as he goes. Gavin puts his hands up and gives a slight shrug. At least someone was on his side.
Nines followed behind and easily moved so he could open the car door for Connor. He was half-tempted to throw a fit, but instead, he climbs into the car.
He keeps his arms crossed and stares straight ahead. Nines gets in on the other side and watches him for a few seconds before reaching over and buckling him in.
Connor huffs and slides down into the chair slightly. This was completely unfair. Nines and Hank ganging up on him wasn't cool. At least one of them should have been on his side, but no. The only person who was was Gavin and it wasn't like he was going to talk back to Hank.
Nines raises an eyebrow as he buckles himself in and starts up the car. Connor pouts just slightly before his eyes widen and he sits up straight.
Oh, so that's what they were doing. Well, he wouldn't let them, no matter what.
"Would you like to stop to get one of those happy meals? I hear they have a few new toys you might enjoy." Nines suggests once they get going.
Part of Connor wanted to say yes. He had seen a few commercials and really wanted it, but no. He would not fall for this. "No thank you, I'm not hungry."
"Alright sunshine, there's lots of food you can eat at home if you need it," Nines says, glancing at him before focusing back on the road. Connor squirms slightly, face flushing at the pet name Nines had used on him when he had regressed.
That was completely unfair. He was weak to pet names and everyone knew that. He was also weak to stuffed animals and honestly anything soft and or fluffy.
"I am not required to eat." He planned on going to his room than working on the case there until the morning. It wasn't like Hank could actually stop him.
Nines knew his programming so he knew how to force him into stasis, but no matter what he wouldn't do that. Not unless he was dying and needed it. So they couldn't stop him.
Nines reached over and pressed a few buttons on the radio, turning on Disney songs. Hank and he must have talked more about this than he thought they did.
He wanted to be angry that they were talking about him behind his back, but it wasn't like he really gave them a choice. He all but ran out of the room if they mentioned his regression. So at least part of this was on him. But that doesn't mean that would stop him from completely blaming them and being pissed off.
They still had no right to use this against him. He could deal with his stress like every other android. So what if his stress level had been at 89 and steadily increasing. They would have broken the case soon and then he would be fine.
Yet the two still did this. Nines is still trying to get him to regress and he hated that it was working. That his body was betraying him when he started swaying to the music.
He had to keep stopping himself but before he knew it he was back to swaying and rocking. He could have reached over to turn the music off but that would just prove he knew what was going on. That this was affecting him. Well, fuck that.
He tried to keep his body still the rest of the drive but that was getting increasingly difficult. He tried to get his coin out to distract himself but that sadly didn't work.
His brain was getting fuzzier in that way and he kept trying to bring up the case to combat it. Even still his stress level dropped down to 88.
When they arrived Nines unbuckled both of them before Connor could even move. Then Nines was out of the car and opening the door for Connor.
Connor glares up at him not taking the hand Nines offers him. He gets out of the car and doesn't wait for Nines.
He barely stops to pet Sumo but that's all the time Nines needs to catch up.
He goes to stand and walk to his room but Nines moves in front, blocking his path. "Would you like to watch a movie? I won't mind watching the same show from last time. You seemed to enjoy it quite a lot."
Connor shifted and glowered at the ground. He wanted to, but he didn't want to give in. He wouldn't give in so easily. "No, I'm not in the mood. I think I'll go to my room and go over the case again."
Nines's eyes narrowed and Connor almost felt like shrinking back. He adored Nines but both of them were incredibly stubborn. Neither backed down easily and it generally took someone else stepping in to tell them to chill out. Always completing their mission and all of that.
"You will not work on the case. You do not have to… relax in this way but you will at least sleep." Nines said. What made it worse is that he was using a voice very similar to one Hank used whenever he was throwing a fit about taking a nap.
"You can't tell me what to do!" He shouted and almost slapped himself. His voice had gone higher and he literally stomped his foot.
Nines had that small smirk on his lips that he always had when he knew he'd won an argument. "I can and will, little boy. Now, I will get some of your toys out and put a movie on. You get to decide if you want me to choose what you watch or you do."
Connor huffed and picked at his clothes. They were too scratchy but if he changed then he'd fully regress. But it was happening anyway.
Connor felt tears well up and he stomped his foot again. "This isn't fair! I don't wanna!" He shouted, turning so he wouldn't face Nines.
Every time Nines moves to be in front of Connor, Connor would turn again. It ended up with them just going in circles until Nines reached out and held him to stop him from spinning again.
So Connor did the next best thing. He went completely limp and dropped to the floor. Nines snorted and dropped down to a crouch, but Connor was already scooting away.
"Fuck off!" Connor cried.
Nines raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Young boys don't use those kinds of words. You know better Connor."
Connor sniffled and wiped at his nose. "I'm not young, I'm big. I can say whatever I want." He knew he was throwing a tantrum but he just couldn't stop.
"I do not think you are. I think you are a small little boy and you need to play with your toys. How about I get Fleur and make you some macaroni." Nines suggests.
Connor bangs his hands on the floor, squeezing his eyes shut as he yelled. "No! No, no, no, no, no! I don't wanna!"
Nines took in a slow breath and just stared at Connor. Fine. If Nines couldn't handle one of his fits then he didn't want him taking care of him anyway.
"If you do not calm down then you'll be grounded and I'll hide Fleur," Nines says after Connor is tired of banging his hands.
That gets him to look up at Nines with wide eyes. "Nuh! No, no, please. Don't take her!" He says, scrambling to get up.
Even when not regressed he tended to snuggle her at night. It was just something he loved to do.
"Are you willing to relax then? I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun." Nines says, slowly pulling him into the living room where Sumo had gone to lay down during all the commotion.
Connor mumbles but let's Nines gently set him back down onto the ground.
Nines turns the tv on and picks on a random movie which turns out to be Tangled. Connor wished he was madder, but this was one of his favorites.
"I'm going to get a few of your toys ok? If you need anything let me know." Nines bends to press a kiss to his forehead but he quickly turns away. He's still angry at him for this after all.
Nines paused for a second before standing back up and going to grab the stuff.
Connor fiddles with his shirt before Sumo slowly walks over and licks his face. It's hard not to giggle, but when he does Sumo just gets more excited. Soon Connor is a giggling mess and his face is soaked with doggy slobber instead of tears.
Nines comes back in and just stands there for a second with a fond smile. Then he puts the toys down and goes to the kitchen. He finds a sippy cup and heated up some thirium milk, adding in vanilla extract and a little bit of sugar.
Then he warmed up the macaroni as he promised before bringing both over. Connor squinted at the offerings but slowly took them.
He wasn't surprised that Nines had done more research, but that still wasn't going to make him completely cooperative. Though, he had to admit the milk was incredibly yummy.
He sipped at it and half-heartedly played with a few of his toys. He kinda wanted to do this just because it was actually helping, but he didn't want to show it. He was still nervous about doing this with Nines around.
Sumo rested his large head on Connor's knee and he couldn't help but wiggle slightly with happiness. Sumo was definitely one of his weaknesses too.
"Hey Connor, I have an idea," Nines says, and he can't help but perk up. He loved playing with his toys and watching TV but he did get bored frequently.
He tilts his head slightly, opening his mouth to talk but only a small odd sound comes out. It was pretty normal for him to go nonverbal but he didn't think he was that deep already.
"How about we make some slime. We can even add glitter if you want." Oh, that definitely sounded like a lot of fun. He'd been wanting to do this for a while but never suggested it while little.
He stares down at his shirt for a few seconds, squirming again. He doesn't know what to say. He wants to so badly but that would mean fully giving in.
Frick it.
He pulls at his shirt with a whine. It was too itchy! Not soft enough. Thankfully Nines seemed to understand.
He reached down and easily picked him up, waiting for Connor to wrap himself around his torso before moving. Nines takes him to his room and carefully sets him down on his bed.
He then moves to the closet and finds some clothes Connor saved for when he was regressed. Connor swings his feet and puts his arms up when Nines tells him too.
Hank never changed his clothes for him so this was completely new. But Nines made sure he was comfortable the whole time and Connor didn't mind all that much.
Then he was being picked up again and brought to the kitchen. Once he was safe on the chair Nines got to work collecting the supplies they'd need.
Connor wiggled in his chair, petting Sumo when he came over while he waited. It didn't take long for Nines to get everything and set it up at the table.
Nines slowly instructed him on how to do it, helping whenever needed. It was amazing how sweet and caring he was being. He didn't even get upset when Connor spilled glue all over the place.
Nines did have to stop Sumo from trying to lick any up but that just caused Connor to giggle uncontrollably.
Nines rolled his eyes and swiped up some of the glue before smearing it onto Connor's nose.
Connor scrunches up his nose and squeals. Nines had to catch him before he falls off the seat, but he effortlessly rights him.
Connor couldn't even think of any reason why he had tried to fight this. He was completely relaxed and felt incredibly loved. Nines was perfect and he somehow knew what he needed before Connor even did.
Nines cleaned up the spilled glue and Connor's nose before they continued with the slime.
Connor decided to make his blue while Nines made his green. Connor added some sparkles, well tried to. He ended up accidentally dumping most of the sparkles instead of just a pinch.
Nines couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out. Connor's eyes went wide as he grinned. It was rare to hear Nines full out laugh, and Connor started bouncing in his chair.
Nines helped him get most out and back into the container. Then they mixed it all together. Nines mostly did his with a spoon but Connor had no problem doing so with his hands.
He did get a bit messy doing that way but that was part of the fun! Connor showed off his slime to Nines who had grinned and pressed a quick kiss to his forehead.
Connor played with his slime, and Nines had to stop him a few times from putting it in his mouth. He couldn't help it, it just looked yummy!
Nines slowly cleaned up the mess as Connor played but kept a watchful eye on him.
He rocks back and forth not able to sit still, making small sounds every now and then.
He was almost always over or understimulated so he found ways to help with that. It always became much more apparent when he was regressed, but Nines didn't seem to mind this either.
It didn't take long until Connor started getting a bit fussy again. Nines helped put away Connor's slime so he could play with it later. Then he took him back to his room and tucked him in. Connor didn't fight him too much on it this time, completely exhausted from the mental and emotional strain.
Connor thought that was going to be it, but Nines laid down beside him and pulled him in so Connor's head rested on Nines's chest.
Connor grinned as Nines started reading a bedtime story. Hank often did this to get him to actually sleep, but he'd never heard of this one before and his systems couldn't identify it either. So Nines was completely making this one up and it made it that much better.
Before he knew it his eyes were closed and he was falling asleep. So Hank and Nines were right, he did need this. He felt more carefree and peaceful than he had in the last few weeks.
Nines stayed with him as he slept, not even moving to get up when Hank got home.
Hank did peek his head in and gave Nines a slight nod of approval and thanks. In Nines's opinion, Hank had nothing to thank him for. He loved Connor and would do anything to make him happy. Plus, he actually enjoyed taking care of him, so it was a win-win. He just hoped Connor would finally let him take care of him whenever he wanted him to.
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And we’re back with new picks for the month!! Man, this has been some strange times we’re living in. I saw a post that said March felt like 300 days, while April feels like 3. I could not agree more. I’ve watched a lot this month, which isn’t a shocker due to our current circumstances. There’s a pretty big range, so there might be something here that you can check out during quarantine.
Here come the spoilers! 
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I’m going to start with my latest watch from Netflix, The Society. Wow. I really enjoyed this one. Going into it I knew it would be like a Twilight Zone meets Lord of the Flies show, but there was so much unexpected stuff that occurred. Much like Degrassi the Next Generation, they went there. The students from New Ham, Connecticut go off on a field trip, but the buses don’t get too far due to the storm. This forces them back into town only (maybe) a couple hours from when they left. No one is home when they get back. No adults, kids, or others who were not on the school trip. The town is theirs and there is no way out. At first it’s all partying, but things take a dark turn fast and the teens must come up with laws for there to be some sort of order in this new world if they want to survive and find a way back to their real home. The 10 episodes go by really fast. It leaves a nice cliffhanger for season 2 (which is supposed to be in the works, but I don’t know if Corona affected that at all). This show definitely contains a lot of surprising twists including one very early on that is hard to predict. If you have watched this show previously or are interested in giving it a shot know one important thing. 
This is the BEST character on the show. 
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I have not met one person who doesn’t love Grizz. He is the greatest. (The fan love for him really reminds me of the love for Stiles in Teen Wolf.)
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DC’S TITANS- Season 2
At the start of April, I started the second season of Titans. As someone who does not have the DC streaming service I have to wait till the seasons are accessible on DVD. I watched the first season back in December and loved it, so I couldn’t wait to watch season 2. I was excited to see all the characters they were adding to the team. As someone who LOVES superheroes, but gets most of their knowledge through watching TV and movies rather than the comics, I went in not knowing a lot, which made it even more exciting. I would say my only main issue with this season was the staggering of plots. Because there were so many characters to follow and so much going on there were a lot of times when I was excited to start the next episode (because the previous one always ended on the BEST cliffhangers) only to have the episode involve a completely different story-line. While Deathstroke was the main villain for the season, sprinkling in CADMUS and finishing off Raven’s dad at the start felt like a lot for me. Most of the side conflicts added up to involving Slade, but looking back (because I did watch this at the beginning of April) it often felt like a lot in the moment. Some of the moments that were my favorite were finally getting the Nightwing reveal, seeing Bruce and Dick interact, being at Titans tower, hearing Hank sing and all of Connor. I think he was my favorite addition to the show. (I could be biased because I’m a Superman fan.) I’m upset with the ending and they better find a way to reverse it!! I would also like to see more of the team together next season because I really missed that too. 
On a lighter note....
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This is the PERFECT show for the crazy times we are in. It takes your mind off the repetitive news and is a great stress reliever, plus it is super funny and you will find yourself laughing uncontrollable. Maybe more in some episodes than others. Nailed it is the baking game show for people who strive to be better bakers in the kitchen, but are struggling when it comes to appearance (or taste...or both). In the half hour show there are two tasks for the three contestants to perform in order for a chance at the Nailed It trophy and $10,000. They are both often very difficult, with the second creation much harder than the first. Watching the contestants is hilarious as well as their reactions to baking and not having any clue what to do sometimes. I also love the judges. Nicole Byer is too funny and Jacques Torres is one of my new favorite people. 
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Plus Wes is just beautiful and I loved when Nicole called him the human form of Simba from the Lion King. 
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Continuing on with more comedy... 
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I know of several people who quote John Mulaney’s comedy specials on the regular, plus his gifs are EVERYWHERE. So it was about time I watched his specials and what better time than right now when I can use all the laughs I can get. I watched The Come Back Kid and New in Town and was laughing all the way through. If you’re already familiar with his stand-up you can enjoy some of these moments again below. If you aren’t then I HIGHLY suggest you check them out on Netflix or by simply YouTube-ing some of his best moments. (My computer cannot stop putting them in my suggested now.)  
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Returning to some of my past favorites this month....
(Some of these should not come as a shocker)
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One of my February Picks is back (not that it ever really left). Zoey’s is the show that I can’t stop talking about and even if this past Sunday’s episode (not the one airing tonight because I obviously haven’t watched it yet-while he’s been bothering me I can’t wait to hear Max’s rendition of ‘Bye, Bye, Bye’) gave me issues because everyone was blowing up at each other and there were times I wanted to shout at the TV, I would still suggest this show to anyone. This dramedy has so much going on from captivating (and sometimes heartbreaking) plots, to realistic and lovable characters and songs you will quickly want to add to your personal playlist. It’s honestly just a feel good show that usually puts me in such a great mood (again, despite last week’s...) With only a few more to this season I cannot wait to see what happens next!! (If you enjoy the show check out my other posts on this page!) 
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The CW retelling of Nancy Drew is in the top 2 of shows that I currently cannot stop talking about. It’s still a little shocking to me that I have grown to like Nancy Drew SO MUCH. If you told me that at the start of the season I would have been like ‘really?’ But as this first season has progressed I really fell in love with the show and the characters. While we ended on an earlier cliffhanger than was intended it was still an AWESOME one that has left me with so many questions. I am so happy this show was renewed and I cannot wait till they can start filming the second season. Because I need more of these kinds of moments:
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I’m pretty sure I ended my last post this way too. But come on these two are the cutest and deserve to be endgame!
Just like with Zoey’s check out this page for more detailed reviews if you are also a Nancy Drew fan!
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I am SO HAPPY that this show is now on Disney Plus. I have talked about this show since it got canceled from Disney Channel far too soon (much like many of their great shows on that channel). But at least they had gotten 2 seasons and both are now available to watch on the streaming service as much as you’d like. (I think I already made it up to episode 12). In my personal opinion season 2 is stronger than season 1 mainly because it doesn’t follow the classic structure of the “I didn’t do it” episode. What I mean by this is starting the episode out with some sort of hi-jinks and having the 5 best friends exclaim they “didn’t do it” or this isn’t how they thought things would go. Then we flashback to events either earlier in the day or week, etc, leading up to the first scene’s events. This style can get very repetitious, but with funny plots and likable characters certain episodes work better than others. However, by season 2 this structure was gone completely and I think the show strongly benefited from it. I truly believe this group of friends felt like a teenage “Friends” sitcom. They had a hang out at a smoothie cafe, two of them were siblings (here twins) and each member of the group resembled a character from the classic NBC show. They even had the two that felt like Ross and Rachel like each other romantically. Who knows where the show would have gone if it wasn’t cancelled. Check it out and let me know if you find more comparisons.    
And Last But Not Least...
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The most recent show I’ve started watching is currently airing on PBS after previously airing on the BBC. This drama throws us into the beginnings of WWII as we follow several characters from different parts of the globe, from England to Germany and Poland. I’m really loving the diverse cast and seeing through the eyes of so many characters during this turning point of history. While I have only watched 2 episodes so far, I already feel very invested in each of their lives and cannot wait to see what happens next. Already so many twists and turns have occurred in such a short amount of time. The episodes go by really fast and will have you thinking a lot after. If you are a fan of a lot of other Masterpiece’s Classics I would highly suggest checking it out. 
I hope everyone is staying safe and well! 
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monchikyun · 4 years
30. bet you’ll love me
Everything is new to Connor. He is still finding pieces of himself in various places, trying to build himself up as he’s learning more about the world around him. A world that isn’t bordered by a code or defined by his mission. It has been an intimidating notion to be considered a human, he’s felt overwhelmed and lost, at times, but as months passed, the initial awkwardness of being new among other real people has washed out, leaving only the wonderfully mundane stuff behind, like doing chores and finding out that he maybe has a crush on one of his coworkers.
The people who used to fear him and project their hatred by proxy are now more or less becoming his friends or at least casual acquaintances. This of course includes detective Reed, the one person who might have probably been scared of him the most. They are more or less ignoring each other nowadays, but sometimes Connor catches the man stealing glances at him, which is not exclusive only to Reed. Because Connor watches too, whenever he has the opportunity to. Maybe he subconsciously tries to impart his inner-most feelings to him, tries to create something between them that isn’t there. It’s very unproductive and he cannot find a rational explanation for this, but he has been told that’s more than normal when one is not a flawless machine. So he accepts it as it is without trying to solve the mystery it carries around with it, just enjoying the fact that he’s able to experience such a natural thing. The pain that comes with it is just a necessary evil.
But the longer he allows those emotions to course freely through him, the more his overall mood worsens. He doesn’t know what the most correct course of action in this particular scenario would be, and he most certainly won’t find out by dwelling on it inside his overwhelmed mind. There is of course the internet at his infinite disposal, but he tries not to rely on it so much. It feels like cheating, like he’s robbing himself of organic development. So he opts to ask one of his friends, despite the embarrassment he’ll suffer from due to divulging a personal sentiment such as this. The person he chooses ends up being none other than Gavin’s own buddy Tina, and not only because her insight has the best chance of proving to be the most helpful. Connor simply likes talking to the sharp-tongued young woman. She doesn’t keep sweet with him, doesn’t act like he’s any better than the rest of them. He gets grounded by her blunt words, and that’s just what he needs right now.
 “No fucking way. Talk about coincidences.”
Connor partly hopes that this means just what he suspects it would. The other part of him, the one that is readying him to bolt is convinced that it’s a completely unrelated statement.
Tina’s interest has perked up when he confessed that he maybe, possibly likes detective Reed for some weird reason. Honestly, it is more like an itch he can’t scratch, mildly infuriating and begging to be dealt with.
“Do you think I should talk to him about it?” He can’t imagine how that conversation would possibly go, and he isn’t sure he’d really like to find out.
“Absolutely not. It would be a terrible idea, trust me on this.”
Her voice drips sincerity and he loses all grounds not to do what she says. His heart sinks to his stomach, though, despite the small surge of relief that came over him right after he’d got his answer.
He is stupid for believing this would lead anywhere good. Utterly foolish for thinking that there is someone for whom he meant something, something other than just becoming friends with the most advanced android in existence.
So he goes on with his days, pretending like this doesn’t faze him. Days turn into weeks, and he still can’t get rid of that weight inside of his chest. Whenever he finds himself in detective Reed’s proximity, the man’s stress levels rise and his pulse elevates. Either he’s afraid of Connor, or… but there is no “or”, there can’t be, no matter how much he wishes for the detective to like him back, it’s never going to happen.
It’s Friday, an unusually slow one, for which he’s thankful. Connor is in low spirits, counting the minutes remaining until he can go home. Three hundred thirty-nine and counting. He looks at detective Reed for the fifth time this morning and when nothing out of the ordinary happens as a result, he decides to go make a coffee for Hank, since his attention is slipping and he caught him closing his eyes for longer than it would be deemed safe was he driving. He isn’t, luckily so, but his list of transgression is lengthy enough as it is.
He stands in front of the coffee machine, hypnotised by the steady flow of liquid that is filling the plastic cup, not paying attention to his surroundings.  
That’s why he doesn’t notice the figure joining him in the break room, why he’s oblivious that someone is creeping behind him like a silent assassin.
“Connor.” His name gets called in that terrifyingly familiar voice, which is a first. A wonderful first.
He turns around, attempting to present himself as casually as he’s able to, to hide his traitorous nervousness.
“I like you.” 
Reed says it like he’s talking about the downpour behind the windows, like it doesn’t concern him at all. And before Connor can react in any way, he’s gone, leaving the android in an utter state of shock. He can’t be sure it really happened, that it wasn’t just his overactive imagination preconstrucitng indulgent scenarios on its own.
Still, he forgets about the coffee and runs back to the office, not being surprised when he finds Reed’s desk empty. Connor catches him outside just as he’s about to unlock his car. The few moments they spend in the rain are enough to soak them, making them look like they went for a swim without taking off their clothes.
 The detective gives him a look that betrays vulnerability and verifies the truth of his statement.
And Connor can’t help himself anymore.
“I like you, too,” he shouts through the onslaught of raindrops, to make sure the other man hears him properly. A boulder has been lifted from where his heart lies, and he feels like crying. But it wouldn’t be fair for him to do that, so he lets the sky do it for him instead.
“Okay, great. What now.” Not the response he expected, but at least Reed doesn’t flee, which is a success on its own.
Even if Connor knew the answer to that, it’s not like he could afford to do anything at this moment. He’s still on the clock, after all.
“You should go now. But call me sometimes after six, if you want. I know you have my number.” To that, the detective nods and hurriedly enters his car. Connor watches as it speeds away and gets swallowed by the drenched city.
“It was a bet.”
“Sorry, what?”
“Tina bet me to say those words to you before you would.” Gavin exhales and wishes that his corrupted soul escaped together with the released breath.
“Oh. You won, then.” And Connor sounds so hurt he wants to scream. At himself mostly, for being such a terrible person and causing the broken sound being spilled from Connor’s lips.
He’s glad he can’t see the android right now, that at least he’s spared the opportunity to touch him. But he wants to do just that, more than anything else in the world.
“No, I didn’t. I… don’t want that money, not anymore.” He squeezes his eyes shut and imagines that he’s someone who has the right to say what he’s about to because there is nothing that would stop him from doing so.  
“I meant it, Connor. I do like you, maybe even more than that.”
 It wouldn’t take much to fall in love with him if, he’s painfully aware of that.
“Is this just a part of that challenge?”
“No, of course not. I realise I have no right to ask you to trust me, not after all this shit, so I won’t. Just know that I’m really, truly sorry. For everything. And I know you deserve-“
“Shut up. I meant it too, you know. I still do, even though I fucking mad at you right now. And at Tina.”
“Didn’t know you were allowed to swear. It’s kinda hot coming from you.”
“Don’t push it.”
Yeah, he figures. It’s just that he has a nonexistent impulse control.
“Will.. will you forgive me?” He gives up on concealing his anxiety, the self-loathing caused by his recklessness. His voice has its own say and there is not much he can do about it.
“We’ll see. Depends on how you’ll behave from now on.”
His absolute best. Gavin can’t do anything but bet Connor’s affection on it.
@convinseptember thank you very much for this challenge! I’m glad I was able to participate ♥ 
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rhinozilla · 4 years
What is your Softest, most Favorite, Near-and-Dear to your heart Headcanon (Wait, wouldn't it be just 'Canon', Actually?? I think??? Lol XD), Any ship X3
You say any ship. I say one for every ship! XD So, in no particular order: 
Connor and Julia are very attuned to each other’s moods, particularly if one of them is stressed/upset. The other immediately drops what they were doing and makes it their primary mission to help the other through it and make them feel better. This usually involves cuddles.
Gavin and Hannah are stupidly, stubbornly, explicitly in love with each other. Like, burn the earth to the ground for each other. He is so soft for her; it’s nauseating, and she in turn torments him with the dirtiest jokes at inappropriate times to drive him nuts.
Polly and Ember are that sickly sweet, obnoxious couple. They have pet names for each other and miss each other terribly after being separated for more than an hour. And while Polly is a known ray of sunshine, being around her brings that out in Ember too, which is honestly terrifying for everyone who has ever known her. They adore each other freely and with no reservation.
Hank and Penny have a lot of baggage and history, but there is still a lot of affection there. It manifests in weird ways, and neither of them quite know how to handle the old feelings coming back now that they’re back in each other’s lives. Was that flirting? What did that smile mean? They’re like teenagers all over again sometimes.
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an-actual-angel · 5 years
Pretty Baby: Chapter 10 & 11
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Warning: Smut
Pairing: Connor (RK800) x Reader, Collin (RK800-60) x Reader, Richard (RK900) x Reader
Summary: The year was 2082. 44 Years after the android revolution. Things have turned south for humanity. Androids now rule the world, leaving humans to be considered as mere animals. While some Androids still have a general disdain for humanity some have taken to the idea of keeping them as “family pets.”
You, born in captivity, specifically bred to be the perfect pet happen to get adopted by the RK brothers.
Chapter Description:  Finally gaining a friend in Connor can only lead to good things right?
Previous Chapter | AO3 | Next Chapter
Chapter 10 - Peach
Your name: submit What is this?
You had noticed Connor and Collin getting along better recently, the two of them even smiling and joking. You hid a small grin behind the book you were pretending to read when in reality you were silently observing them. At some point Connor had even included you into the conversation, asking your opinion on their current topic of discussion - whether the new painting Richard had bought was ugly or not. You simply laughed at the question, Connor smiling along as you did so.
You stared at the art adorning the wall. It was a very large piece covered in a mess of squiggles and swirls that honestly looked like someone threw paint on a canvas. You knew it probably had a deeper meaning, it was just not something you could understand or relate to.
“Art is subjective.” You shrugged.
“Ooh.” Collin teased. “She knows about art.” He elbowed Connor while pulling a face as if to mock you.
Connor and Collin spending more time together it also meant that you, in turn, had the chance to spend a little more time with Collin. He still seemed unsure about you but at least he was a little bit friendlier, He mostly still teased you but it was all just for a bit of banter.
“Sounds like someone has been listening to Richard a little too much.” Collin teased you again.
From what you had gathered Richard seemed to be really into art, both made by humans and androids alike.  He never really brought it up around you too much but his brother’s definitely seemed sick of hearing about it.
“Pollock." a booming voice cut through the air, startling the three of you. “That’s an original Jackson Pollock.” Richard spoke through his teeth in utter disgust, looking down on you all.
Collin and Connor shared a look that meant something you were unsure of. Richard had come from the kitchen where he had poured himself a drink of something strong. He was not in a good mood, something you could all tell by the aura that settled around him like a dark cloud.
When he came forward into the living room he allowed himself to sink into the dark armchair at the side of the room. He stared at you through his blazing eyes as he downed a glass of Collin’s whisky, the one he saved for special occasions. Collin bit his lip not to say anything, he knew that Richard was not in the mood.
The room fell silent for a few minutes. You played with the hem of your short lilac chemise dress. Connor’s eyes fell to your hands that were moving along the seam. In an attempt to lighten the mood and also change the subject he asked “Aren’t you sick of wearing all those short dresses? You’re bound to get cold right?”
“I guess so, but these are the clothes the adoption centre gave me to wear.” You shrugged at him with a slight smile as if to say no big deal.
Yes, the outfits were all short and skimpy but they had also been generous enough to give you a delightfully warm plushy pink coat that you wore when the boys took you out for ‘walks’. The adoption centre probably doing this as a way to butter the Rk’s up.
“They’re the clothes from the adoption centre?” He sounded surprised. “You mean you didn’t pick them out?”
You shook your head.“Oh well, in that case, I’m sure I can take you shopping to pick out something you would be more comfortable in.”
Before you had the chance to answer, Richard had slammed his empty glass down on the side table next to him. The three of you now glancing in his direction.
“Leave her be." Richard had spoken as if Connor had said something offensive.
“Rich, there’s no harm in getting some new clothes.” Connor had shot back to him, not understanding the problem. It seemed only logical to get you some more clothes to wear.
“I happen to like the clothes she has.” Richard speaks slowly, in a dangerous tone as if to warn his brother.
Connor grits his jaw together. “This isn’t about what you want.” He finally snapped.
Collin immediately shoots a message to Connor through his mind, insisting him to drop it. Of course, Connor doesn’t listen.
Richard cocks his head to the side in disbelief, his tongue settling to the roof of his mouth. Connor stays firm, standing his ground as the two stare daggers at each other. The room falls to silence while they remain to stare each other down, neither of them flinching.
“Y/N, come here.” Richard breaks the silence, beckoning you to come to him.
As you are about to push yourself up to stand Connor moves his hand out in front of you, forcing you to stop in your tracks.
Disgruntled, Richard sits forward in his seat a little. “Y/N, I said come here.” He speaks up again.
You manage to stand up this time but Connor softly holds on to your wrist “You don’t have to do that.” His soft gaze tells you all you need to know. Connor was tired of Richard bossing you around, bossing him and his brother around. He was tired of the constant need to do everything Richard deemed as correct, yet somewhere in his eyes was still an element of fear.
Richard removes himself from his seat and he walks over to you, grabbing your arm to lead you away from the two other androids. Before he exits the room with you in his grasp, Connor stands to his feet. Richard stops to give him a final glare. Collin pulls down at Connor's arm, trying to drag him away from the situation.
Richard grimaces at him one last time before leading you out of the room and back to his own.
He lets go of your arm once inside, muttering something under his breath.
You sigh and sit down on the edge of his bed much like the last time you were in his room, the bounce of the bed draws his attention back to you.
“Since when are you and Connor best buds?” You don’t know what to say to his question.“It's good that you are playing nice but I can't have either of you giving each other ideas." he points an accusing finger at you.
"Your purpose is to look cute and be obedient. You will do so."
"Or what? You going to punish me again? Like that worked so well last time." You covered your mouth shocked at that those words actually left your lips. God, you needed to learn how to stop yourself.
His face twitched as he stands over you. Realising what impact these words could have to you instantly apologised.
"Richard, I'm sorry I didn’t mean that I-"
He sighs and leans in, his hand on either side of you on the bed.
“All you do is cause me problems. You're nothing but a little brat." Finishing those words he then holds you by the cheeks squishing your face with his forceful hands.
“You’re mine, do you hear that.”
He lets go abruptly and faces away from you to contemplate further. Something about it sets you over the edge.
God, can't you do anything right? Why is this all so difficult?
You start to whimper softly. Richard's audio processors pick it up immediately. He turns his face to look at you slightly. His shoulders fall down as he notices your silent sobs, a sudden wave of guilt washing over him. He throws his head back in defeat before walking over to you, Wrapping his big arms around you. One hand rested on your head while the other settled on your waist. You react instinctively by burying your head in his chest.
He shushed your tears, Allowing you a small moment of tenderness - Something you imagined didn’t come from him a lot. He brushes the back of his fingers against your cheek and sighs once more.
"I didn’t mean to upset you." he finally speaks, "I'm just under a lot of stress."
"Why are you and Connor-" you try to ask him a question about his brother and his relationship but he cuts you off.
"You wouldn’t understand, little one. It's not about you or me or even Connor." he attempts to explain his voice sounding almost remorseful.
"What is it then?" you sniff.
"That’s enough for now." He pats your head lightly, trying to get you to settle down. You're quiet for another moment until the thoughts of the kiss you shared returns.
"I'm sorry about the other day," you speak up, voice a little steadier. "I didn’t know what I was doing and I-"
He cuts you off once more, shushing whilst cradling you in his arms. The two of you sit like this for a while allowing some time to pass in silence. You weren't really sure when but you eventually dozed off in his arms.
Waking up the next day you found yourself still in Richard’s room. Much to your surprise, he is lying next to you in stasis mode.
You allow your eyes to linger over him.  Moving closer to his face, as you watch him silently. Biting your lip, you gently touch his cheek. He stays asleep. With a bit more confidence - and curiosity, you brush your hand across his handsome face, staring at him idly.
“What are you doing?” he speaks out, eyes still closed. You fumble over yourself in shock. One of his eyes opens to look at you, you could swear you notice a smile forming on his lips.
He sits up slightly admiring how embarrassed and flustered you had become.  You tried to explain yourself but he just stared at you with raised eyebrow which basically read as him not believing a word you were saying. He brushes it off telling you to go get breakfast also adding that he needs to get ready for work.
When you finally stop your stammering and get up to leave he grabs you by the arm pulling you closer. “Remember that you're mine.” He says planting a small kiss on your forehead. You freeze in shock for a second but then excuse yourself to go get your food.
What did he mean by that?! Oh, stop overthinking he meant it as in that you are a pet and you are obedient blah blah blah. But still…
You huffed looking down at your cereal, playing with it more than anything else. Watching as the brothers all left for work you knew you were in for another long boring day. What made it worse was the sun was out for the first time in ages. The penthouse you resided in did have a balcony area but of course, it was locked when the androids were not around. You wanted more than anything just to soak the sunlight up a little. You had to settle for laying against the window for a while.
As the evening came so did the brothers, one by one arriving home. Connor had asked how you were and talked to you for a short bit. He was worried about what had happened with Richard, you brushed it off telling him that everything was fine. Collin didn’t really say much to you but you heard him talk to Connor about how he and his friends were planning another night on the town. Connor didn’t seem too fond of Collin’s friends. He kept bringing it up as well, you just smiled as you watched them bicker about small things like that, as siblings do.
You wondered if you had any siblings and if you did how well you would get along. You probably did have siblings, your parents being in the breeding program but they were most likely half-siblings as humans weren’t always partnered up with the same mates each time.
When Richard came home the brothers became slightly more silent.  Despite their little disagreement yesterday, he did have to eventually talk to Connor.  Richard had to inform his brothers about the development of the current situations in their city.  The humans that were involved in the ‘incident’ where all gathered up and placed in a rehabilitation centre after being rigorously questioned.  The humans had been from a small group on the outskirts of the city, it was speculated that they had come from a larger colony however they didn’t give up much information.  The whole situation had caused quite a stir in the android community.  Some androids becoming infuriated, wanting to hunt down all the humans in the wild, domesticating every last one of them.  On the opposite side some - but much fewer - felt empathy, comparing the human's situation with the one from androids past.
Obviously, that was a controversial opinion.  Androids were clearly the superior species considering all the violence mankind has caused. They destroyed the earth, the atmosphere, caused the mass extinction of animals, fought between themselves over skin colour, sexuality and creed. The difference androids made to the earth in 44 years was astonishing.
Of course, androids still had flaws but they saw themselves as a lot more sophisticated and far less barbaric. This was some of the many reasons androids like Richard fought for them to come out on top.
When it came to Connor, it wasn’t that Richard necessarily wanted to punish him for liking humans. He just acted the way he did - However poorly he portrayed it - in order to protect Connor and Androids as a whole. Getting Connor to agree that they were just mere animals would lead to many of his followers doing the same, thus ultimately securing the Androids as superiors.
Humans never having the upper hand again would mean no more android abuse, no more hurting, no more demeaning, no more being used, no. They were better than that. His people deserved better than that. Never again. Humans could not be trusted.
Of course, the irony hadn’t seemed to have dawned on Richard and if it did… He didn’t care.
They already had their chance.
After briefing his brothers on the newest developments they came to discuss whether or not they should be worried about the incident. It seemed isolated. No need to panic just yet anyway.
Even if it wasn’t just the onetime thing. Humans could never beat androids, so Richard said.
The brothers were doing their best attempts to remain professional during their discussion and not to add the own emotions into the mix which of course had been a bit of a task considering Connor and Richard still seem enraged at each other. They both had to try their best to hold there tongue which didn’t always work. Nevertheless, they got through it.
As the evening faded, they all went their separate ways. Richard had gone to the study to do some paperwork for the rest of the night, Collin was ecstatic about finally being able to go out for the night with some friends after Richard had finally let him off the hook for your escape. Connor had settled down on the couch to watch some crappy tv and unwind.
You were happily going to join Connor for the evening of course. you weren’t going to bother him with too much chat as you knew he just wanted to lay back and not think too much. (if that was even possible for Connor.) You knew Connor was too polite to actually say that he wasn’t in a super chatty mood, so you just sat with him quietly enjoying the company while settling into whatever shows he was going to watch.
The two of you sat peacefully for the next hour or so, you had wondered if Richard would be upset with you spending time with Connor again. Whatever, you brushed it off.
You then wondered what he was doing. You kept thinking about him, cursing yourself for doing so. You tried to convince yourself to relax again, which was going well until Connor stood up to say that he was going to settle in for the night. He left the tv on for you so you could continue the show but you had little interest in it. You laid back on the couch and watched the flashing colours of the screen becoming blurs as you zoned out into your own thoughts. Eventually, you snapped out of it as you heard a door close. Richard was leaving the study.
His lips twitched upward at the corner when he saw you, continuing on his way to his room.
“You should probably head to sleep soon.” He called back to you before completely disappearing into the dark hallway leading to his bedroom.
You called out after him, jumping off the couch to just about catch on the heels of him entering into his room. His gaze dropping down to meet yours.
“Can I uh..” you stammered nervously. “Can I stay in your room tonight?”
Chapter 11 - Play with me
 “Can I stay in your room tonight?” your words rang repeatedly in his ears. A sickly mixture of disbelief and unease with just a dash of nervousness swirled in his artificial stomach. Well, that was certainly new to Richard.
His brain swirling, “Why?” was all he could get out.
“Um, I uh liked staying in your room last night.” You began anxiously rubbing your bare arm “and I uh don’t want to be alone.”
A silence began to grow as you avoided looking his way.
With a sigh, he agrees. “Okay but let’s not make a habit out of this…” Richard places his hand on the small of your back, allowing you into his room.
You fidget with your hands, watching him walk over to the closet. As he began to undo his shirt to change into more comfortable night-ware, your eyes snap away. With a blush creeping on your face, you look down at your feet.
A cheeky smirk grew when he takes note of your reaction to him removing his shirt.
He walks further into the closet to save you from any more embarrassment as he continues to get ready.  You awkwardly waddle your way to the bed to sit down, allowing your hands to run over the rich fabric of his bedsheets.
Richard’s bed was the most comfortable and luxurious thing you have felt in your entire life – it was heavenly in comparison to your cheap bed.  If this was your room you would never leave.  You lay your body on the bed sinking into the soft mattress and covering yourself in the velvety blankets.
Richard walks out of the closet wearing a loose black t-shirt and a pair of soft black joggers, it was very strange to see him dressed down so casual.  Even then, he still looked dashing.
You peered out at him, face hiding under the blankets.  He lets out a small laugh at this image.
“Looks like you are comfortable, anyway.”
You nod slowly. He climbs into the bed at the other side and with a flash of his LED the curtains are pulled and the lights are off. When he lays down on his back, you allow your cold feet to brush against his warm legs. His eyes flicking over to you for a moment.
“Go to sleep.” He mumbles grumpily.
You instinctively pout in a little huff and face the opposite direction, curling yourself further into the blankets. You hear a soft sigh and then feel Richard’s arm slink around you, pulling you flush into his chest. He rests his head on top of yours and whispers “Please.”
You don’t say anything, you just stay still and quiet, as does Richard. Both of you staying like this until you doze off. Once he notices your heart decrease in speed as you enter sleep, Richard allows himself to fall into stasis mode.
It was honestly the best sleep you had in ages.
Waking up, you found yourself no longer in Richard’s arms. In fact, he had already left. You let a puff escape your chest in annoyance. He could have at least said goodbye. Before you pushed yourself out of the bed you spot a note left on his bedside table.
‘Be good. I’ll know…’ was all that was wrote. You let out a soft chuckle as you set it down.
As if…
The silly man had left you alone in his room, Time to pick up where you left off last time. You hopped out of bed to open up his bedside cabinet, he must have known you would have attempted this because it was locked, so was most of the drawers in his room, only leaving you access to his closet area which wasn’t really that interesting.
The day went on as it usually did and you spent some time with Connor in the evening, Collin went out with his friends and Richard did paperwork in his office. You followed Richard into his room again that night, to which he did not protest.
In fact, the next few nights followed that similar pattern. Richard had become a little quieter, not really saying much as you entered his room and sat on his bed, he just went with it.
You wondered why.
One morning you finally managed to actually wake up while he was still in the room.  Your bodies had ended up so tangled and intertwined that it would be impossible for him not to wake you.  Your eyes fluttered open and a smile crept on to your face as you caught his gaze.
“Morning.” You whispered softly.
“Go back to sleep.” He shushes you, stroking your arm before pulling the blanket up around you.
You nodded and when he was satisfied he got up to go get dressed.  Out from your peeking eyes, you notice him discarding his sleepwear.  You felt guilty for your eyes scanning over his muscular back.  Richard noticed the peak in your heart rate and turns to look at you.  Snapping your eyelids shut you pretend to be asleep but he knows better.  A low chuckle escapes his chest.
When he is fully dressed, he returns to run his fingers through your hair.
“Be good for me.” Are his parting words.
Later that day as you lay up lazily on the living room couch. A noise startled you from your languid mood, It was Connor, who had come home early. His beaming face had popped up from around the corner.
“Hey…” He calls out to you.
“Connor! Hi.” You sit up kind of embarrassed about jumping when he entered the room.
“I got something for you.” He excitedly moves to be now sitting beside you with a paper shopping bag in hand. He nods it towards you.
You are taken back for a moment, unsure of what was going on.  Connor nods as he hands the bag over to you.  You curiously open it to find a pair of plain black jeans and a soft blue jumper inside.  Your eyes shoot back up to his ones now gleaming in joy.
“I know it’s not much,” He says shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.  “But I thought it could be a start until you get a chance to pick out something yourself at least.”
You feel your eyes begin to water because of this act of kindness.
“Oh Connor, it’s perfect!” You hug him tightly as small tears caress your cheeks.
He freezes for a moment before he returns the hug.  As you pull away, smiling you notice how chuffed your reaction had made Connor.  He wanted to do something nice but hadn’t really realised how happy this would have made you.
“I got you some shoes as well.” He pulls out another bag with a shoebox inside.  “I hope you don’t mind that I looked through your stuff to get your sizes.”
“Thank you. I really mean it.” You say as you hold the trainer shoes he got you up to your chest.
“It’s no problem really.” He shakes it off.  “Why don’t you go get changed and we can go for that walk I promised.”
You nod excitedly and jump out of your seat.  He giggles to himself as you almost run back to your room to get ready.  He was already dressed for the occasion wearing a hoody and casual sweats.
Connor got a taxi ordered to the apartment which took you to one of Connor’s favourite places to go for walks, It was a forested nature trail he’d often come to.  He mentioned that he used to have to basically drag Hank out to go for walks here – Connor trying to convince him to lead a healthier lifestyle.  You smiled along to his stories of Hank and his brothers.  He reminisced a lot about the old days.
The place Connor took you was absolutely breathtaking, you never had seen nature like this in real life before and you were incredibly grateful for the experience.  Connor was careful not to walk too fast and to take your humanity into consideration on the walk, asking if you needed a break and bringing along some bottled water.
You both had stopped for a little while to sit on a rock near a creek, Connor handing you out some food he had packed.  While you had both sat, watching the stream - you eating your sandwich that he had prepared - He asked you about the adoption centre.  You explained what growing up there was like, the classes you had taken and the people you befriended.  Of course that eventually led to you talking about Emily.
He looked saddened, he knew what it was like to lose a friend who was basically like family.  When you mentioned how much you missed her, his LED turned red.  You expected him to move on, for it to be a difficult topic to talk about but he kept the conversation going, asking about the two of you.
There was something about Connor, you felt you could trust him.  His gentle eyes, his warm smile, his soft voice – you felt like you could say anything.  So you did. Accidentally.
You inadvertently mentioning your attempt to find Emily. At first, he was shocked, what did you mean?
“You ran away?” his LED swirled yellow as his eyebrows upturned.
“Y-yes” you replied nervously trying to explain yourself. “Only to try and find Emily!”
He just nodded sorrowfully. “I’m really sorry, Y/N.”
“Please don’t tell Richard I said anything about this!”
His mouth set slightly open for a second. “You didn’t come back on your own volition, did you?” He asks.
You shake your head in response. “The pound got me, they called Richard.”
Connor bites back a frown and mumbles something under his breath before looking back to question you further. “I’m guessing he told you not to tell me?”
You nod again, eyes shut closed. “I’m sorry.” You whisper to him.
He places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “It’s okay, you were scared. I understand.”
Opening your eyes again you are met with his empathetic gaze.
“Did anything else happen?” He asks. Images came flooding back to you of Richards ‘punishment.’ You feel a shudder inside your bones.
“No, nothing else.” You deny, a little too quickly.
Connor bites his lip and stands to his feet, holding his hand out to help you up.
“You’re not going to say anything to him are you?” you inquire as he pulls you up.
“I’m sorry, Y/N but I have to…”
Oh shit no… what have I done!
“Connor, please don’t!” You grab the bottom of his t-shirt, begging him in a whimper that shakes your voice, unsettling him further.
“Please don’t.”
He sighs and nods. “Fine, but you have to promise me you will tell me this stuff in the future.” His determined eyes settle on you.
“Okay, I will!” You agreed, with a slight glee in your voice.
Connor smiles, holding out his pinky. You look down, confused at this gesture.
“Just to be sure.” He jokes.
Your smile creeps back on your lips, interlocking your pinky with his.
“I promise.”
Arriving home, Connor and Richard share a distasteful look at one another.
“See you around.” Connor’s hand patted against your back when you mentioned you were going to go get a shower. Richard’s eyes followed you until you disappeared into the bathroom.
Getting out, you changed into a pair of your silky pink matching pyjama sets and towel-dried your hair. You briefly talk to Collin who was the only one hanging around, he never really seemed that interested though, when you felt that you were starting to bother him you made yourself scarce back into your bedroom to finish drying your hair. However, when you entered your room you were not alone.
Richard was sitting on your bed. Arms crossed and a look of disapproval on his face.
“So, out with Connor?” He asks. Wait, was he asking, or accusing?
You nod back to him, taking your hair out from the towel that was around your head. “Yeah, we went on a walk.”
“How nice… and what did you talk about?” His tone was cold. You looked back at his tightened face.
“Uh, I don’t know… stuff.” You shrug off as you try to act casual, looking in the mirror of your vanity whilst brushing out your hair.
“Stuff… hm.” You glance over to him out of the side of your eye. You notice him standing and making his way over to you in the mirror. Strong hands placed on each side of your shoulders, he looks at himself.
“You didn’t mention anything I wanted to keep between us did you?”
Your eyes widen slightly “I uh…”
“Cause if you did, it would make me very upset you know.” His hands tighten.
“Richard?” You attempt to speak.
“It seems dear Connor has the impression that you… ran away.” His gaze stays transfixed on the mirror, eventually falling to meet your eyes within it.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, your face scrunching up.
He sighs. “That’s what I was afraid of.” He takes your hand and pulls you to sit on his lap with your leg either side of his hips, pulling you to stradle him on your bed. He grabs your chin so that you can take a good look at his face.
“Little dove, you made my brother very upset with me.” He speaks slowly
“You have to be careful with him, or he might want me to get rid of you.  You wouldn’t want that hm? I know I don’t” he whispers his words delicately in your ear as his hands caress your thigh.
You exhale deeply, melting beneath his gentle touch.
“I know you’re a good girl.” He fiddles with the hem of your shorts.
You nod feverishly, laying your head into him.  His lips twitch slightly as he looks at you heavy-lidded, hands travelling up to your waist, pulling you closer.  He notices you staring at his lips causing him to sigh, instinctively bucking his hips against you.
A soft noise escapes your lips as you feel him harden beneath you. Without much more thought both of your lips crash against each other hungrily.  You gasp as his tongue almost forcefully enters your mouth, not that you mind.  Your hands are already pulling his face closer to yours.
You rock your hips into him until he can’t take it anymore.  His hands grab you pushing you down on the bed till he is on top of you, the same eager hands now travelling and exploring across your body, this is new territory for the both of you.
His lips continue to smack against yours as he pushes your silky strap top up, revealing your now exposed breasts.  Finally pulling himself away from your lips he looks down admiring your heavenly form,  taking one of your breasts in his large hand he begins to gently rub one of your nipples before taking it into his mouth only to play with it further.  A long dragged out moan escapes your lips, which eggs him on further, running his hands back down your body to pull off your shorts and panties in one swift motion.  He looks into your eyes for a moment.
“Would you allow me to taste you?” He asks running his hand up your inner thigh.
You nod fast, earning you another cheeky smirk from the android.
He kisses down your other thigh before stopping where your legs meet. You feel a shaky breath as he takes in the view, causing you to twitch a little until a thick wet tongue runs up your slit. You gasp as you feel his tongue slop around your folds before lazily roaming around your clit. You shiver as he laps you up kissing and sucking you ever so tenderly. He traces a finger around your hole, before entering slowly, giving you a soft few pumps before adding another, twisting the fingers around in an attempt to stretch you out. He wants you good and ready before he can fill you up.
Twisting to hit against your sensitive spot while his tongue still violates you in the most delicious way, causing that familiar warm feeling to build up. He continues this until you’re singing his name in praise. He removes his mouth, licking up the mess you caused on his hand.
Your pussy still beats needily as he repositions himself over you again, taking your mouth in a kiss you taste yourself on his tongue as he alines you into the right position.
“Tell me if you need me to stop.”
You look down to notice his clothes now completely off and his throbbing member now in his hands. You feel almost ashamed to see this image like it was not something you were supposed to witness. He presses himself into you slowly, allowing you time to adjust yourself and breath. You bite down on your lip at the friction.
“Just relax.” His sinful voice whispers against the shell of your ear.
You relax your lower body and feel the process with a little more ease, It’s still a little uncomfortable but relaxing definitely makes a difference. He pushes himself into you slowly, the discomfort eventually changes to pleasure. When he notices your soft mewls of ecstasy he picks up the pace, still careful not to go too hard as he is aware this is most likely your first time.
Your arms lock tight around him, as do your legs. You babble as he grinds himself further into you while kissing your neck. He releases soft grunts and words of encouragement. “Good girl.” Is his mantra.
Unknown to you this was also Richard’s first time as well, but being with an android did have it’s upsides, in an instant, he was able to download all of his knowledge on sex and how to pleasure a human correctly. It was something he did immediately after the ‘spanking incident’ but that’s not something he would ever admit to. A few more thrusts and you were reeling, absolutely over the edge in pleasure until you found yourself orgasming in a twitching mess . Richard was able to finish a few moments later, filling you full of his dark blue seed. He collapsed into you, he had never experienced anything like that before.  Now he understood why humans could be so damn perverted.
He eventually pulled himself off of you to clean up the mess you both had made, wiping himself and your now shaking legs down with a towel. Swearing under his breath as he lay back down beside you on your small bed.
You rest your head on his chest and he sighs.
“Your bed isn’t very comfortable is it?”
You giggle a little, was that really his takeaway?
“I can see why you keep coming to stay in my room.”
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emilyschoi · 4 years
Emily Choi College Au
Emily let out a frustrated sigh as she sat down on the bleachers, it was late in the afternoon and if her timing was right which it generally was it was mid-way through basketball practice. She would have been here earlier but the reason she was in a mood was the exact the same reason she was late – she had an argument with her cousin, who unfortunately decided to be petty and refuse to take her order all because she asked if he could use his influence over Tyler Lee to get him to ease up on his team, more specifically on Lucas who was under a lot of stress, both physically and mentally. Daniel wouldn’t hear any criticism of his boyfriend and of course, just suggested Lucas stop sitting on the fence and actually pick a team. Emily feeling rightfully offended for her boy who is more than a friend but not a boyfriend, pointed out that a good captain would do the right thing for his team and put his own ego to the side. Their argument ended up with Sungjae coming over and taking her order while the cousins glared at each other until Emily was handed her order.
Taking a sip of her Iced Green Tea Latte, she tried to reign in her annoyance and focus on what was happening on the court. As expected Basketball training was the only time the boys of Theta Sigma could be serious (apart from their feud with the Kappa Alpha boys) and their trio of co-captains were putting the team through their paces. Both the Basketball team and the Football team had made the finals so they had really amped up their training in an attempt to win. As usual the teams groupies fans had gathered in the bleachers, Emily had never interacted with any of them before but she knew a few things, Jaehyun’s fan group was the largest and the messiest – one week there was an actual fight among them (which lead to Johnny scolding them and kicking them out which was the highlight of the practice), Mindy kept showing when she clearly wasn’t welcome (and she was unfortunately here again) and Lucas’s constantly evergrowing Fanclub all seemed fascinated by her which was strange, to say the least. Usually, she ignored them, she either sat there and studied, occasionally looking up to give Lucas a thumbs-up whenever he did good which was a lot – that he was just showing off, she was never sure, or she managed to convince one of her friends to come with her, usually, it was Soomin or Nora(, but the rare occasions Eunmi came along with her were memorable, to say the least) but today it was hard not to notice.
Emily couldn’t help but frown her eyes trailing after Lucas who wasn’t as energetic as he usually was, he still played decently but the weight of being in two championship-worthy sports teams and studying for finals was getting to him and Emily was concerned. She had tried to convince him to take a break, he could miss a practice, sure Tyler and Jaehyun would be jerks about it but at least Johnny would understand – maybe, Emily hoped. If not she would go full-on WWE on them, she might be short but she could be deadly. In fact, the first thing her mother and sister ever taught about boys was to hit them when it hurts. It was an interesting lesson for a ten-year-old.
A whistle blew signalling a water break for the players, Lucas jogged over with a big but tired smile on his face. “How was I?” he asked taking a gulp out of his bottle of water before reaching over and grabbing his coffee.
“Good? Very basketbally,” she said as Lucas chuckled, Emily flushed her knowledge of Basketball was still pretty limited, she just knew that he looked good playing and to cheer when his team scored – other than that it was just a bunch of tall people running around throwing a ball. “Shut up,” she said nudging him. “Sorry I was a bit late,” she apologized.
“It’s all good,” Lucas said with a shrug. “Is everything okay though?” he asked, “Do I need to beat someone up?” he joked, or Emily thought he was joking.
“I just had a disagreement with my cousin,” Emily shrugged trying to play it off as no big deal, hopefully, Daniel’s personality would cover and she wouldn’t have to explain what they were disagreeing about. “And honestly as much I love my cousin you will have to join a pretty long line if you did want to beat him up,” she said causing Lucas to laugh.
“Ah well I hope you two sort out your disagreement,” Lucas commented, leaning back slightly and closing his eyes. Emily took that as a chance to really look at him, he was tired the dark circles under his eyes made that obvious. “I know, I know I am too handsome,” he commented opening one eye.
“You are actually sweating like a pig so not that handsome,” Emily huffed.
“Hmm I am pretty sure you like me all hot and sweaty –“ Lucas smirked. Emily’s eyes widened as her face heated up. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Lucas, now with both eyes opened grinned over at Emily. “You are so cute,” he cooed.
“Shut up,” Emily said nudging him with her elbow. “You are so weird and you smell so there,” she muttered as Lucas straight up laughed in her face before wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer, she struggled to get away not wanting her nose anywhere Lucas’s sweaty self.
“Come on one hug for good luck,” Lucas said with a grin.
“You don’t need luck,” Emily huffed flicking his arm, Lucas pouted at her lip jutting out. “Seriously,” Emily muttered.
“Yup,” Lucas nodded. “You can ask the guys I’ve been off today,” he whined. “Don’t you want me to be at my best?” he added. Emil scoffed, even if he wasn’t at his best, she doubted he was bad. “You don’t?” he said dramatically, placing a hand over his heart as if he’d been fatally wounded. “My heart. It’s broken,” he fake sobbed.
“Oh my god,” Emily muttered under her breath. “Shut up,” she said before quickly pecking his cheek. Lucas broke out into a wide smile and Emily well she couldn’t even look at him, her cheeks were burning from embarrassment. Lucas and herself had kissed multiple times and in much less of childish manner but this was the first time Emily had initiated any sort of affection and certainly never in public.
“Water breaks over,” Jaehyun called out and like that all the team made their way back onto the court.
“And that would be my cue,” Lucas said with a wide grin. “Unless of course, you want to give me more good luck kisses?” he teased. Emily overwhelmed by embarrassment squeaked out a ‘leave’ which caused Lucas to chuckle again.
“Zhang that means stop flirting with your girlfriend” Johnny called out. Emily flushed hanging her head letting it cover her face, through her hair she spotted Lucas looking down with a sheepish smile, she could barely him when he said that he will be back soon.
It took Emily at least 10 minutes to look up again, her cheeks were no longer bright red, her heart was no longer hammering and she was pretty sure with the boys back on the court no one would even spare her a second glance. She was right for the most part, except for Lucas’s fangirls everyone was back to what they were doing before. Jaehyun’s friends were being thirsty, Mindy was being delusional as usual and Emily was considering throwing her now-empty plastic cup at her head (she ultimately decided against it was better to recycle than throw plastic cups in or in this at the trash.) and the team was ignoring it all and focusing on the game.
She naturally founded Lucas, he was hard to miss one of the tallest in a team of mostly giants, he seemed to be more awake than before. Maybe it was the small amount of caffeine or just maybe it was her, no no definitely the coffee she though physically shaking her head to rid herself of that thought. She had blushed enough today. It was easy to get caught up in watching the team play, silently cheering for Lucas – sometimes having to bite her lip to stop herself from physically cheering for him.
Immersed in the on-court action time seemed to fly by and all too soon the team was packing up for the day. Once again Lucas was jogging over this time flanked by his friend who Emily knew was coming because usually, her friends had some sort of treat, Soomin was full of sugar natural so of course, she always had some sort of candy with her and Eunmi had come to the conclusion frat boys could help her business so she usually bought a container of cupcakes with her.
“I’ll just shower real quick and then we can go,” Lucas said. “Unless of course, you decided you don’t’ mind my sweaty self,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at her.
“You two do know your flirting is weird,” His friend, Connor, spoke up looking between face contorted in disgust. “Like its cool, if you are into that but not in front of innocent ears,” he said pointing to himself.
“Innocent ears my ass,” Lucas snorted. “And stop being weird just because your last girlfriend had a weird obsession for your feet doesn’t mean mine does,” he said shoving his friend playfully. “Not that Emily is my girlfriend, she is a girl and is a friend but we haven’t –“ he started, nose scrunching up as he tried to figure out who to explain their relationship. “ I am just gonna go shower,” he said scratching the back of his neck as slowly backed away.
“Like I said before weird,” Connor said eyes flickering between Emily and Lucas’s retreating figure. “So your friends aren’t here? Does that mean no treats?” he asked sounding hopeful. “Because Jaehyun has put the entire team on a no sugar diet and I am dying here,” he pouted.
“Sorry,” Emily shrugged not sounding sympathetic at all. “Soomin had a meeting today and Eunmi says no more freebies you lot either order or you starve, either way, she wins,” Emily explained, nodding that was the short version of what Eunmi had said when Emily asked if she wanted to come today.
“And you didn’t think of bringing me, the number one Lumily shipper, anything?” He asked fluttering his eyes at Emily dramatically.
“No I didn’t and now I am glad that I didn’t - what the hell is Lumily?” she said shaking her head.
“Rude,” Connor snorted. “I am dying over here and you are picking on a ship name? priorities Emily priorities,” he said dramatically. “Anywho,” he continued. “What do you and Lucas have planned for tonight?” he said wiggling his eyebrows. “Anything interesting?”
“Helping prep for his exam?” Emily offered if the gleam in Connor’s eyes was anything to go by she was pretty sure he didn’t believe her or thought it was some kind of innuendo that Emily really didn’t understand.
“Prep for an exam,” Connor snorted, “Is that what you kids are calling it these days,” he said. “Prepping for exams, I am sure,” he grinned. “I remember when I used to prep for an exam with a girl –“ he said wistfully.
“Was she imaginary?” Emily asked.
“Again rude,” Connor said eyes narrowing. “I remember when I first officially met you were so nice and now just mean,” he said. “Was it because I was there that time in the café when you said you want your own frat boy and then your cousin was like no she doesn’t she is a virgin,” he said. Emily groaned covering her face with her hair, why did he have to bring that up.
“Yes well my cousin is dating Tyler Lee so he is clearly delusional,” Emily snapped, her annoyance at Daniel returning full force as she remembered that awful event.
“Oh so you are saying you aren’t anymore, I knew it!! Lucas never tells me but he was too whipped to be not getting any –“ he exclaimed, practically bouncing on heels. Emily’s eyes flicked down to empty coffee cup and back to Connor’s face, she could throw it at him easily but then would she get in trouble for injuring a member of the team.
“Leave me alone,” Emily whined. “It’s embarrassing – “
“Aww no, don’t say that Lucas’s fangirls will get angry,” he said. Emily’s nose scrunched up wondering exactly why they were being mentioned when Connor was embarrassing her. Honestly, why people were invested in her non-existent sex life she will never understand.
“What why?” she asked curiously. “Wouldn’t they be happy you are embarrassing me? Or do they think I am going to cause an argument between you and Lucas?” she asked glancing behind her.
“Are you planning on that?” Connor asked frowning. “No even if you were you wouldn’t be able to because our friendship is better than that,” he said matter of factly. “And firstly you accidentally implied that having sex with Lucas is embarrassing which I mean give the guy a break and secondly they live vicariously through you so if you dislike me then they will dislike me and I don’t have the energy for dealing with them,” he sighed.
“What no? They probably can’t stand me and want me out of the way,” Emily said.
“Nope,” Connor said shaking his head. “You’ve got them confused with Jaehyun’s Harem,” he said. “You got think about who they fangirl, like with Jaehyun he probably has at least hooked up with half of them so they know they have a chance, plus it plays into that whole bad boy thing like maybe I can change him,” Connor said pulling a face of disgust. “Johnny is way too nice and flirty so they live in hope thinking they are the special girl,” he said. “And Taeyong, well that guy is pretty and somewhat aloof so it plays into some sort of trope not sure but I am sure as it has become abundantly clear that I am no expert in women so I am not sure which one,” he said with a shrug. “Anyway the point is Lucas gave them nothing, like crumbs at most, but then you run into him one day,” he continued. “And you get a whole loaf of Lucas,” he said. “So since they have no hope they use as their your name moment,” he said.
“You have a lot of free time don’t you?” Emily said with a roll her eyes. “And if that is true explain Mindy?”
“I have literally no free time,” Connor said pointedly glaring down at the court where Jaehyun stood talking to Johnny and Taeyong. “And I can’t explain her, I am but a mere human boy, you expect me to understand that mess?” he exclaimed.
“Well no but it defeats your weird theory so,” Emily shrugged.
“Well there is an exception to every rule,” Connor shrugged. “Oh and look who is coming back now, that is the quickest he ever showered –“ he said smirking. “Though I suppose he’d probably just get sweaty again during your study session,” he smirked.
“We are actually going to study,” Emily huffed.
“Who is studying?” Lucas asked as he reached them looking between the two. “Oh no he is smirking,” he said looking at Connor. “What have you done?” he asked, brows furrowed accusation clear in his voice.
“Oh I have done nothing, it’s about you will be doing,” he said wiggling his eyebrows at Lucas. “Yana about this, she is going to flip,” he said gleefully.
“What?” Lucas started to ask but Emily was not going to let herself be embarrassed again today stood up grabbing his arm.
“Let’s go,” she said pulling him along causing Lucas to chuckle. From behind them, she could hear Connor call out a cheeky have fun making her ready to commit to Eunmi’s destroy men and take their money agenda, the current company excluded of course.
“ So what did he say to make you flee like that?” Lucas asked with a frown. “Whatever it was – I,” he started but stopped, Emily glanced at him curiously, since she knew Lucas she had seen many sides of him mostly his confident semi flirty self but right now he seemed unsure, almost scared. “He is a good guy and just teasing but sometimes he doesn’t know when to stop – “ he continued. “Don’t hate me,’ he murmured looking down.
Emily hummed, standing on her tippy toes so she could grab Lucas’s face in her hand. “You are a complete idiot if you think I can hate you,” she said squishing his cheeks together. “And he didn’t say anything about you, not really, he was just teasing me about when we met in the café and how my stupid cousin decided to ruin my life,” she said eyes narrowing. “If I could stand being a room with Tyler Lee for more than a minute it would be over for Daniel that is all I am saying,” she said.
“Oh,” Lucas muttered his own hands reaching up to pull Emily’s hands off his cheeks and intertwining them together, letting them fall down. “You could always tell me or Tara whatever you have on Daniel, we could pass it on, I am sure Tyler would love to hear it,” he said. Emily’s face fell now that he mentioned Tyler wanting to know embarrassing things about Daniel she suddenly didn’t want to tell him.
“Anyway, what did you think Connor told me?” Emily asked curiously.
“How about I tell you when we get inside?”Lucas suggested shifting nervously from one foot to another. “It’s getting a little chilly, do you need a jacket? I have one in my bag,” he offered.
“Fine but you have to tell me as soon as we get to your dorm,” Emily said. “And no I am all good and to be super honest I kinda have 10 of your jackets in my closet already,” she said with a laugh. Somehow every time they meet she would end up with one of Lucas’s jackets.
  “So 11 won’t hurt,” Lucas shrugged. “Especially if it means keeping your warm,” he nodded. Emily rolled her eyes, it was hardly a chilly night.
Emily opened her mouth to respond but quickly stopped when any idea popped into her head, a little revenge for all the times Lucas would leave her flustered by saying some cheesy line. “Plus why would I need your jacket when I have you here to keep me warm,” she said snuggling into him. “Ahh nice and cosy,” she giggled. Lucas froze for a second before chuckling wrapping arm around her waist.
“Is this your way of saying I am super-hot?” he teased.
“Ah you’ve ruined it,” Emily said struggling to get out of Lucas’s grip.
“Nope it’s my duty to keep warm, bask in my warmth,” he said tickling at her side. “Bask!” he said before coping an elbow to the side. Emily making a quick escape raced forward but Lucas athletic abilities worked against her because mere meters later she was once again trapped in his arms.
“I can’t walk you know?” she said with a frown, back hugs and movement made for a very awkward situation. “I should have just taken the jacket,” she muttered pouting.
“You should have,” he chuckled in agreement.
“Okay before we start,” Emily said once she finished laying out all stationary on Lucas’s desk. The boy himself was sitting on his bed legs crossed, notebook balancing on his lap. “What did you think Connor told me?” she asked leaning against his desk, enjoying the slight height advantage she had, it was nice to be taller than Lucas for once. “Because you made it sound really bad, especially if you think that I was going to hate you,” she said with a frown.
“It was nothing,” Lucas said sheepishly. Emily narrowed her eyes, stomping her foot in frustration.
“You agreed to tell me so –“ Emily said lips pursed. “Don’t be a liar Lucas,” she said with a huff.
“Fine,” Lucas said frowning. “But you have to promise you won’t hate me,” he said face scrunching up.
“We’ve been through this,” Emily sighed. “I am not going to hate you,” she assured him as she sat down on the chair across from him. “I really can’t imagine you doing anything that would make me hate you,” she said. Her mind went blank as she tried to figure out something that could make her feel anything but the very very strong like she felt for him now. Hell, she even accepted him being friends with Tyler Lee and Jung Jaehyun and if that didn’t say how much she liked him what would.
“Okay, so you know how I was failing in my forensic class?” He said. “And the whole reason we actually started talking was because I kinda blackmailed you into helping me,” he said with a sheepish smile.
“Yes,” Emily said. “Instead of letting me pay for your jacket to get cleaned you were like you can tutor my instead,” she nodded.
“Well I mean I wasn’t actually failing the class, like yeah I had to make up that particular test but really I do okay,” he said looking down. “I just – well – it’s just you always ran away whenever when we were in the same place and I’ve been wanting to talk you for a while and,” he said cheeks flushing, peaking up at Emily.
“So I learned about forensic science for nothing?” Emily asked scandalized.
“Uh yeah kinda,” Lucas said scratching the back of his neck. “Shouldn’t you be madder about me lying to you?” he asked.
“I’m still processing it,” Emily said holding a hand up. “So really you didn’t need my help at all?” she asked with a frown. The hours she spent on making easily understandable notes for him – she colour coded them and even did cute doodles to help.
“I mean I wouldn’t say I didn’t need your help, my grade has gone up since you helped me,” he said. “But was it as bad as I might have made it out to be…. Perhaps not,” he said sheepishly.
“Right,” Emily muttered. “Okay now up to the rest of it, did you really do that just to speak to me because that was –“ she said waving her hand in a so- so method. “Did you get tips from one of your many step frat bros?” she asked curiously.
“No,” He pouted. “You’d always run away, I wanted to talk to you since that day on the quad but anytime I tried –“ he frowned. “I mean I figured you might not be interested but I thought if we could hang out you might give me a chance,” he said not meeting Emily’s eyes.
“Me give you a chance?” Emily said exasperatedly, “You are kidding right?” she laughed. “You, looking like that, wanted me to give you a chance,” she snapped. “The only reason I ran away all the time because whenever I was around you, I somehow always managed to embarrass myself,” she said.
“No you didn’t,” Lucas said with his brows furrowed, “And what do you mean looking like that? Is it my ears?” he said his hands coming to his ears. “I can wear a hat,” he added.
Emily’s eyes narrowed, “Are you being purposely silly right now, I meant you attractive and kind and popular, you are a genuinely good person who manages to look some sort of god and its not fair. And then there is me running into you or spilling drinks on you –“ she ranted.
“So you like me to?” Lucas asked eyes lit up and a big smile making its way onto his face.
“I feel like we have established this already, there was the whole Valentine thing and then – Wait did you think I didn’t like you?” Emily asked in shock. “I wouldn’t have – Lucas, I have a wardrobe full of your clothes, I started to study an extra class just because I wanted to help, I show up to every game of yours and almost every practice, I fought with my cousin cause I wanted Tyler to stop being a dick and realize you are only one person –“ Emily said. “I am pretty sure no person would do that for people they don’t like,” she said.
Emily frowned as her mind finally caught up with her mouth. “I mean – as a girl who is your friend but not a girlfriend but not just a friend –“ she started to say. Lucas grinned throwing his computer to the side causing Emily to squeak, he was going to destroy his laptop and lose everything, then he really would need her help.
He leapt up off his bed, standing up once again much to Emily’s dismay she was back to being the short one. “You are so cute,” he cooed. Emily’s nose scrunched up suddenly finding her shoes very interesting. “Emily, look at me,” Lucas said standing right in front of her. “Please?”
“I mean my shoes are pretty interesting,” she muttered. Lucas hummed placing a hand on her cheek making her look up and at him. Honestly why his hand so big, what business did they have been that big.
“I like you too obviously,” Lucas said. “I really have no idea why this became such a mess, I am sorry for lying though, I just wanted to know you even if it was a friend or not a friend who is a friend or whatever else we’ve explained our relationship as before,” he said lips quirked up in a smile. “Maybe we should just make it easier and I can be your boyfriend as in the single word type, not the whole boy who is a friend way,” he said.
Emily’s ears turned red as she nodded. “Okay,” she muttered. “We could do that,” she added. “If you want to?”
“Of course I do,” Lucas said rolling his eyes. “So cute,” he said kneeling down so Emily had no choice but to look at him.
“Okay,” she said. “So we are together now?” she asked as Lucas nodded grinning gleefully.
“Cool,” Emily said.
“Cool,” Lucas mimicked.
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kachinnate · 5 years
DEH on tour! 9/17/19
HI so i said i was gonna make a post describing my experience watching DEH last night so B^) if that’s a thing u sorta care abt i dropped it under the cut 
would like to start off that i had no idea that they were introducing a new touring evan and?? he’s fucking FANTASTIC ???? aH ,, but at first glance at the cast list, the only names i recognized were maggie and marrick’s.. and even then i only knew their names, i had no idea what they sounded like or even looked like tbh. if ur curious; 
evan: stephen christopher anthony jared: jared goldsmith larry: john hemphill alana: phoebe koyabe zoe: maggie mckenna cynthia: christiane noll heidi: jane pfitsch connor: marrick smith 
honestly........ i wasn’t displeased w/ a single one of these actors, holy FUCK they were so good?? i love obc w/ my entire heart, and i never thought i’d ever say this, but this cast is a CLOSE fuckin second dude. aahH. and not even because they sounded like the obc, like they all sounded completely different and brought a pretty different take to their characters and it was so..... good??? 
one specific thing that i noticed that happened in this performance compared to all the ones i’d seen before (broadway, two or three boots, two audios for arena stage) throughout was that there was a lot more.... crying? and like, just hearing that you’re probably like,, ‘oh, that’s annoying they probably made it a lot more extra :///’ but!! really i just think there was a different sort of depth that these actors took on in certain moments that made them like.... justifiable for crying when you’ve seen these scenes before and the mood was different and there weren’t tears... 
like, example: the beginning of the computer lab scene, when evan is writing his letter to himself, every evan that i’ve seen before this one read the letter out as he typed it in an almost defeated manner. like, he’s sad, obviously, how can u not be sad writing ‘maybe no one would notice if i disappeared’, but it sounds like he had long resigned to the fact that this was how things were. although it wasn’t super over the top or anything, stephen’s evan .. cried a little, like fully had some tears running down his face and was choked up as he got to the end of the letter, and i was like “!?!?!” cause it immediately gave off the sense that.. fuck, shit, evan really, really wanted his mom to be right, he genuinely had hope that today was going to be good, but.. it really wasn’t, and that kinda fuckin hurts?? like i think especially w/ us fans who know the show so well, we forget how legitimately dismal this letter is that he’s writing dsjkaefg like the murphy’s thought it was a suicide note bc it sounded like that and this might’ve been the first time i like.. didn’t question the confusion they had over it for a second, like of course you thought it was a suicide note , w/ the way evan wrote it it might as well have been 
another specifically notable moment was that alana cried throughout that scene following good for you?? like holy shit was i not prepared for that?? but she played it in a way that made so much sense, like she was so hurt that evan hadn’t cared about the project and maybe the stress of it’s weighed on her a lot because she’s just trying to do this good thing but like always everyone’s just left her to it and maybe she thought it’d be different w/ evan..... like there was a lot of pent up frustration and hurt in every word she said when i’m so used to hearing that scene delivered in a monotone, deadset, cold hurt sort of way. “i’ve moved on. obviously you don’t care.”, not “you know what?! i DON’T have time for this, I have to raise SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!” while choking up on tears like holy fuck alana did u really have to come for all of us like that 
(honestly in general phoebe played the best alana i’ve ever seen, hands down, period point blank, i fucking loved what she did w/ her character.... i’m not sure if she’s been alana for a while or if she’s new too, but oh my god????)
other notable cry things:
- connor was VERY audibly on the verge of tears on his “what are you laughing at?” line - when heidi and alana were singing at evan in good for you, jared was standing off to the side and was glaring daggers @ evan but was also.. crying a little and that fucking hurt  - ev was still croaky and teary from so big/so small into the scene before the finale, and zoe’s voice started catching a little halfway into their conversation and she had to stop a couple times to compose herself  - and then of course tears in the spots that usually have tears like words fail and so big so small and w/e but like. it hurt more i can’t describe it these actors personally Hurt My Feelings
all in all a lot more tears from both the characters and myself 
and just from all of THAT it goes without saying that there was a different, like... sort of depth that these characters brought to the table. stephen’s evan screamed desperate for a friend. i empathized with him immensely because literally every time he talked about fake!connor he sang so longingly and it was obvious that he needed needed needed this lie for himself too, like he wasn’t just telling it to the murphy’s to comfort them, he wanted so badly for this to be the truth for himself. the pull of the murphy’s caring about him and zoe was obviously there, but i truly didn’t think that was even a factor of this whole thing until into act 2. and even then... while it’s obvious that he’s in the wrong and his intentions get a bit more clouded, to me it feels like the general feel was “this has all gotten to out of hand, i can’t back out now, so i might as well just go along with all of this” instead of “oh hey this started as me trying to help the murphy’s but now my life is better? cool” 
his Evan Hansen Nervous Tick (tm) was wiping compulsively at his eyes (which, given how often they all cried is very valid but also kinda funny dsjgn) and his presence in general was very........... good. like, if you mix ben platt and taylor trensch’s energies, i think you’d get stephen’s evan’s stage presence, and really that’s the only way i can describe it djslgnsdg.. like he wasn’t Stoic and Awkward like ben was but he wasn’t as bouncy and quirky as taylor was, he was placed almost in the middle of those two and it... worked, i liked it a lot. it looked like he sort of hated being in his skin and sort of wanted to run away but he Won’t because he knows he needs to Try if he wants to be seen and that’s *chef’s kiss* a good energy that i can appreciate 
 jared goldsmith played his jared similarly to the way that will roland played his jared, but instead of being Blant about his love for evan he gave off a little bit more of a “haah yeh bro >B^)” energy... but still obviously gay because he’s jared, i don’t think u are legally allowed to play ur jared as a straight boy (source: will roland himself, and also the author of the deh book). something i REALLY loved specifically about his singing was that whenever they sing in a harmony, jared gets the top note, and ..... omg there was something about his voice that made the chord sound so fucking PRETTY like there’s no reason for me to be star eyed @ that ending note in sincerely, me, but here i am!!! also, jared was. tiny. SO small. how can so much chaos fit into such a small lad. 
 also i can’t remember when but there was a point where he said a line that was funny and he laughed at himself, and then the audience laughed, and then he continued to giggle and waited a few extra seconds to say his next line and it was the cutest thing i’ve ever seen 
extremely bitter at “look at you, helping the murphy’s”, he cried during good for you, and at the finale he is BEAMING at evan, like he is smiling SO BIG AT HIM, LIKE JARED GOLDSMITH PERSONALLY DECIDED “you know what, in my heart evan and jared did reconcile before the events of this moment and i’m going to make sure the audience knows because i’m going to look at him with an immeasurable amount of love in my eyes” and that was so fucking brave of him
maggie mckenna... maggie mckenna!! she was a wonderful zoe, i think she’s like my favorite zoe high key because oh my GOD? requiem fucking destroyed me... and like, i’m the odd one out because although that song is gorgeous, minus the first time i ever listened to it i never really was deeply deeply moved by it, like i understand the meaning of it and i know why it’s an extremely important song and i appreciate the amount of emotion that is portrayed within it, but to me it’s not really the Highlight of the show....... maggie’s voice was so beautiful, like soft and pretty during the beginning and powerful as FUCK on the bridge and!!!!! i wept for the first time during that song ever and i’m still shook abt it 
in general, maggie’s zoe was really balanced and well played and, like... real?? like, she was adorably hanging onto every word evan said as he stammered through their first interaction, albeit a little confused, when he’s over for dinner to talk about connor she’s indifferent and sort of aloof but it’s obvious that it’s from a place of like.. misplaced Hurt, even without knowing the plot already like it’s sort of obvious.... like maggie made it clear to the audience that zoe wasn’t supposed to be coldhearted or bitchy, she was a kid who’s been hurt by her brother and has every reason to not forgive him for it just because he’s gone and is now rightfully confused because now she has to try and cope with the fact that he might’ve been a good person even though every thing he’s ever done prior went against it, and.... ughsGDJ she was just!!! so good!!!!!! also, her chemistry that she had with evan was really real too and like.. i could believe that she actually fell for him, i could believe that she genuinely did like him for more reasons than a plot device, which is really refreshing bc i can’t rlly say that i saw that same level of like.. genuine chemistry between the evan and zoe i saw when we saw deh on broadway (it was still good, don’t get me wrong, but there was just something missing that i really only noticed by watching this performance). she’s kind of quirky and weird at some points too, which again is another thing that made her feel more real to me??? when evan was like “thank you” and touched her arms after she told him that she wasn’t breaking up with him, she fully reached out to touch his arms and fully bent her entire body in half, like her face was facing the ground and i audibly choked,, also she super gently like smacked his face at one point during only us and i heard it in his mic and he inhaled a lil sharply bc he was trying not to giggle and i. cri 
ngl, i’ve really only seen alana being played in one way up until now.... like, obviously every actor is going to play their character differently, and even from performance to performance there might be some change, but at least for the MOST part every alana i’ve seen has been straightforward: i’m chatty, i’m bright, i’m kind of lonely but i mean well and i REALLY care about this thing that we’re doing. there isn’t a lot of room for her to emote until, like... the whole good for you fiasco happens, the scene before it and after it, when she’s upset with evan for not helping, but even then there’s usually a trend with how she’s played. phoebe played her with SO much emotion and made her SO much more than what i expected to see??? like she cared... so much, but it was obvious that she was maybe not going about it in the right way. she seemed more like an awkward kid just like the rest of them, it was a bit more obvious that she didn’t think of herself as perfect, and it seemed a lot more clear that her intentions for helping out with the connor project were never about herself or making herself look good - it was because it genuinely meant something to her. yes, she was still a lot at times, but when evan accuses her of only being in it to help herself, it’s so like... evidently not true. like u don’t even have to see alana’s expression at all or hear how she responds, ur just immediately like “oh, so evan’s gonna be a dick now” because it’s just so obvious that it’s not like that at all, y’know?? alana had... big feelings, and she was more than the smart girl that drove the plot forward at points and gets screwed over by evan. also, her voice was extremely pretty as well *heart eyes emoji* 
both of the moms brought something similar to this show: it was obvious that while they started their characterization with what obc brought, they made it their own. they brought new mannerisms and choices up and they were both so??? fucking cute????? like they had extreme mom energy, at points it felt so real, like something about the whole scene with them talking together in the murphy house b4 good for you felt..... so so so real and it was disorienting. they both made me cry so like they definitely did their job 
ALSO the fucking way that heidi was looking at evan in the finale like. was one of the things that made me weep the hardest, like holy shit. she loves her son so much!!!!!! and i am CRYING !!!!!!!!! but anyway
*CLAPPING HANDS EMOJI* LARRY. FUCKING. MURPHY. oh my GOD he was an amazing larry !!!!!! like i know the fandom likes to demonize larry murphy but watching this man, i couldn’t think for a single second that this man was a bad father. he was trying so hard and just went about it in the wrong ways, and ... ghh... to break in a glove isn’t supposed to make you tear up but guess what (also this might be a personal problem but seeing him interact w/ evan gave me surges of feelings that reminded me that i have daddy issues ajdnGS like he was so. sweet. all the time, i want to throw a baseball around with this man and have him explain football to me even though i know i won’t understand it). his singing was rlly good too... like hearing it, i was like “ah. i can hear it in ur voice that when u were younger u were a bright tenor lad, but a bright tenor lad in the way that was good and not terribly nasally”  
marrick was really good, but i’m like 85% sure that he was sick :’( his voice caught and he had to clear his throat a few times during sincerely, me, and he had a break on a certain note and couldn’t go higher than that, which.... is rough because although connor isn’t super tenor-y all the time he definitely ... doesn’t sing just low (but when he did sing low? *chefs kiss*) but other than that? v good acting, like evan this connor just... rlly wanted a friend. he almost cried when evan started laughing at him, and he sounded extremely devastated when he read the note... as evan’s OC, he played it very Defeated(tm) instead of confrontational, which obvs Hurt bc evan was fully like “no!!!! i fell!!” while connor was just “ did u. or did u let go.” u don’t gotta be confrontational when u are the inner demons of a boy and aren’t actually a person yaknow >B’’’’^) nevertheless i am crying xoxo!!!!!!!
all in all?? fucking incredible, i can’t believe i had the opportunity to see this cast and i’m going to hold them in a v special place in my heart :’) 
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