#convictions of a steadfast star
incendiums · 1 year
Convictions of a Steadfast Star { Cigyun || Kurth
[ Prince Kurth of Grannvale — Friend. If Nothing Else ]
What undoes Kurth is the fact that the stars are unmoving, as they are steadfast in their gaze and unfaltering in their path across the sky. The refinements of polished society suit her well—it reflects in her manner of poise and the way her eyes give off a silent, faithful glow in the direction of another. His dear friend has the means to undo Kurth, and she does so every time she plants her heels on cold tile, waiting for warmth to reach her roots. It struck him odd that she would not allow herself to come apart, no matter how roughly her husband tugged at her loose threads.
What warmth could come to a star who could not come apart, but sought the orbit of another?
He descended the stairs, waving off the troves of socialites and advisors biting at his heels for something more than he was. His footsteps clacked with a well-tempered warmth, of which he'd gladly trade his friend in exchange for her gaze to falter— just once. The pianoforte was close enough for him to tease. "Are you willing to play for me, Cigyun?" She had no need to— but the vision of her dancing away at ivory keys was delightful. "I jest. I would never put you on the spot like that."
Kurth could not help but cast the corner of his gaze on the unsightly philandering of one such Victor Velthomer, but he refrained from mentioning his disagreeable countenance. The infamous man had another woman hanging off his arms, as though his footwork could attract every insatiable flower aside from the one that was actually his. Kurth's gaze followed the soft glow of Cigyun's curls instead, as his chest lifted in prim, composed pride. "You know as well as I that your good humor belongs on the ballroom floor."
Extending his ever steady hand in her direction, he wondered if he had any right to deign her an unfaltering star. What exactly would that make him? (Cut from the same velvet, perhaps? What right did he have to intervene then?) Kurth was hardly in tune with his own expressions, as the soft crinkle of his eyes cracked through his more stoic countenance. His reputation of being straighter than an arrow could almost be deemed a mistake in good company.
Kurth's hand extended, falling away from his own trajectory into hers.
"Would you do me the honor of reserving your next dance for me? I cannot mistake a great moment of happiness when I see one."
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bitchiswild · 6 months
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Winter Ball
Kim Minjeong x F! Reader
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 3.5k
A/n: ❄️🎻🪩
The Winter Ball, an event steeped in opulence and prestige, stands as the pinnacle of the year's social calendar. Within its glittering halls, destinies intertwine, where chance encounters spark romances and hearts both unite and fracture. This illustrious affair owes its existence to the esteemed Kim Seok, a titan among elites, who christened the gala in honor of his beloved daughter, Kim Minjeong, affectionately known as Winter.
Beyond its facade of elegance and grandeur, the Winter Ball is a nexus of strategic alliances and lucrative sponsorships, where business dealings are as commonplace as swirling waltzes and whispered confessions. Yet, amid the clinking glasses and shimmering gowns, there exists an unwritten expectation, one fervently held by Kim Seok himself. With each meticulously planned Winter Ball, he harbors a silent hope—a hope that his daughter, Winter, might find love amidst the enchanting splendor.
Winter, however, is a vision of independence and conviction. Echoing her father's unyielding spirit, she rebuffs the allure of romantic entanglements with a steadfast declaration: "I have no need for such entrapments. Love is a fallacy." Yet, despite her protestations, Kim Seok discerns a familiar skepticism in her words, a reflection of his own past reservations before fate introduced him to the love of his life—Winter's mother.
In the depths of his heart, Kim Seok yearns for Winter to experience the transformative power of love, much as he did. With an ardent wish that transcends the gilded confines of the Winter Ball, he quietly prays for the serendipitous arrival of the one who will awaken his daughter's belief in love, just as it was once awakened within him.
As the anticipation mounts and the chandeliers cast their ethereal glow upon the revelers, Kim Seok watches over the festivities, his paternal gaze holding a silent plea to the stars: that Winter, his cherished daughter, may find within this glittering celebration the key to unlock the guarded chambers of her heart.
Winters POV
I let out a resigned sigh, my eyes scanning the elegantly adorned room filled with twirling couples lost in their own romantic reverie. Amidst the enchanting melodies and graceful waltzes, I stood on the periphery, a silent observer of a spectacle that failed to captivate my convictions. Love, in my view, was a frivolous pursuit—an enigmatic dance of emotions I had no desire to partake in. Love at first sight? Ridiculous.
"Minjeong!" Jimin's voice interrupted my musings, drawing my attention to my ever-optimistic best friend. She flashed a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling with a certainty that often accompanied her unwavering faith in matters of the heart.
"You're always so dismissive about love, but mark my words, one day you'll see. It'll all make sense," she remarked, her tone laced with a playful certainty that mirrored her perpetual optimism.
I couldn't help but scoff. "You say that as if it's some inevitable epiphany waiting to happen."
Jimin chuckled, her laughter carrying a hint of affectionate exasperation. "Trust me, Minjeong. Once you experience it, your perspective will shift entirely. Love won't seem like a waste of time anymore."
Her words lingered in the air as she sauntered away, disappearing into the crowd with her partner, leaving me to ponder her unwavering belief in the inexplicable magic of love.
Despite my protestations, I couldn't shake off the echo of her words. Was there a kernel of truth in her confident assertions? Could love truly transform one's outlook, turning what I deemed as frivolous into something profound and meaningful?
As the music swelled and the enchantment of the Winter Ball continued to weave its spell around the room, I found myself caught in a fleeting moment of contemplation. Perhaps, just perhaps, amidst the sea of skeptics, cynics, and believers alike, there existed a truth waiting to reveal itself—a truth about love that I had yet to uncover.
As I made my way towards the refreshments, a subtle shift in the atmosphere caught my attention. A figure, graceful and poised, mirrored my steps toward the drink table. Her presence, almost magnetic, tugged at my senses, and for a fleeting moment, the room seemed to shrink, centering around this enigmatic stranger.
"Sorry, am I in your way?" Her gentle voice broke the spell, drawing me from my reverie. I shook my head, startled by the sudden rush of emotions that stirred within me. "N-No, you're not. It's okay," I managed to stutter out, my heart thundering in my chest.
She giggled, her laughter a melody that resonated through the air, and in that moment, it felt like I was enveloped in pure bliss. Was this the inexplicable sensation Jimin spoke of—the rush of emotions, the rapid heartbeat, all in the presence of a stranger? Could this be the much-dismissed notion of love at first sight?
Summoning an ounce of courage I hadn't known I possessed, I extended my hand towards her. "My name's Minjeong. What's yours?" The words stumbled out, coated in a mix of nerves and excitement.
The girl turned toward me, her eyes sparkling with an unspoken allure. "Y/n," she replied, taking my hand in hers. "Nice to meet you, Minjeong. But I've got to get going; my friends are waiting for me. I'll see you on the dance floor?" Her words lingered in the air, a question tinged with a hint of anticipation.
I could only nod dumbly, lost momentarily in the radiance of her smile. As she giggled and gracefully departed, I felt a rush of relief flood through me. It was as if the weight of the moment lifted as she left my vicinity. Gathering my composure, I hurriedly made my way through the crowd, seeking out Jimin amidst the throng of revelers.
"Jimin!" I called out, scanning the crowd for my ever-supportive best friend. Spotting her animatedly conversing with a group nearby, I navigated through the sea of dancers and socialites, eager to share the whirlwind of emotions coursing through me.
"Minjeong, there you are!" Jimin's eyes lit up as she noticed me approaching, her expression expectant. "Did you find yourself a drink?"
I chuckled, trying to compose myself after the unexpected encounter. "Yeah, but more importantly, Jimin, I just had the most...unexpected moment."
Jimin arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Oh? Do tell!"
I recounted the brief yet intense interaction with Y/n, the rush of emotions, and the lingering sensation of having stumbled upon something inexplicably enchanting.
Jimin's grin widened with each word, a silent acknowledgment dancing in her eyes. "Minjeong, could it be? Love at first sight?"
I hesitated, grappling with the idea I'd dismissed moments before. "I don't know, Jimin. It sounds so cliché, doesn't it? But there was something about her... It was different."
Jimin's laughter bubbled forth. "Welcome to the club, Minjeong! Looks like someone's heart might be softening after all."
I rolled my eyes playfully but couldn't deny the fluttering feeling in my chest, a strange mix of nervousness and excitement at the thought of seeing Y/n again.
"Will you go dance with her?" Jimin nudged, her gaze filled with encouragement.
"I-I think so," I stammered, surprised by my own resolve. "I hope I see her there."
With Jimin's teasing encouragement and the memory of Y/n's smile lingering in my mind, I found myself swaying to the music, unable to shake off the lingering anticipation of a potential reunion.
As the night progressed and the melodies intertwined with laughter and whispers, I couldn't help but steal glances around the room, hoping for another glimpse of Y/n amidst the swirling crowd.
Time had passed, and there was no sight of Y/n. Faint disappointment settled in as I made my way back to the bar, hoping to find solace in another drink. Yet, to my surprise, there she was, standing next to a guy who seemed to be making her visibly uncomfortable.
My steps faltered as I approached the bar, the familiar sight of Y/n amidst an uncomfortable interaction stopping me in my tracks. A knot formed in my stomach, an instinctive urge to intervene surging within me.
Y/n stood there, her expression strained, a polite yet uneasy smile plastered on her face. Beside her loomed a guy, his demeanor exuding an unsettling sense of entitlement. His persistent attempts at conversation were met with Y/n's subtle but visible discomfort.
"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" I questioned, my voice poised but carrying an underlying concern.
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, a hint of relief flickering across her face. "Minjeong! I'm so glad you're here," she responded, her voice tinged with gratitude.
I turned my attention to the guy beside her, offering a friendly yet assertive smile. "Hi there! I'm Minjeong. Sorry to interrupt, but Y/n and I have some catching up to do, right?"
The guy glanced between us, seemingly taken aback but sensing the shift in the atmosphere, he excused himself with a half-hearted smile and sauntered away.
Y/n exhaled a breath she seemed to have been holding, offering me a grateful smile. "Thank you, Minjeong. That was...unexpected."
I shrugged, trying to downplay the gravity of the situation. "No problem. Looked like you needed a rescue."
As the tension dissipated, Y/n's gaze met mine, a silent understanding passing between us. The brief yet charged moment solidified something unspoken, a connection forming in the wake of an unexpected rescue.
"Hey, let's grab that drink together," I suggested, hoping to offer some reprieve from the uncomfortable encounter.
Y/n's smile widened, a genuine spark returning to her eyes. "I'd like that."
As we moved towards the bar, the weight of the encounter fading into the background, a newfound sense of camaraderie and intrigue filled the space between us.
The ambient glow of the Winter Ball seemed to dim in the wake of the burgeoning connection between Y/n and me. We settled at a quieter corner of the bustling venue, cocooned in our own world, amid the gentle hum of conversations and the occasional tinkling of glasses.
"So, Minjeong," Y/n began, her voice a melodic invitation to unravel the layers of our mutual acquaintance. "What brings you to the Winter Ball?"
I shared anecdotes about attending with Karina, my father's insistence on finding love for me at these events, and my own skepticism about the enchantment of love.
"And what about you, Y/n?" I inquired, eager to reciprocate the sharing. "How did you end up here?"
She laughed softly, the sound like a symphony in the midst of the ball's elegance. "Honestly, I was dragged here by a friend. Not much of a fan of these extravagant affairs myself."
As we conversed, the conversation flowed effortlessly, each exchange peeling away the layers of initial awkwardness. We discovered shared interests, from music preferences to our views on the complexities of life. There was a comfortable rhythm to our interaction, a natural chemistry that seemed to bridge any gap between us.
Time ceased to exist as we exchanged stories, laughter, and thoughts. The once-imposing Winter Ball now felt like an intimate setting, our dialogue weaving an invisible thread between us, binding our newfound connection.
The night wore on, the music shifting from lively tunes to mellower melodies, yet our conversation continued, unhurried and unreserved. Amidst the glamour and opulence of the ball, a genuine connection had blossomed—a serendipitous encounter that defied the confines of the grand event.
As the evening drew to a close and the final strains of music echoed through the hall, I realized that amidst the sea of faces and fleeting encounters, I had found an unexpected and cherished connection in Y/n.
Our exchange continued, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and aspirations. As the night unfolded its secrets, we found ourselves drawn to the idea that chance encounters often held the most unforeseen treasures.
Eventually, the allure of the wintry night beckoned, and Y/n suggested we step outside to catch a breath of fresh air. The grand doors opened, leading us to the quiet serenity of the winter landscape outside.
A hushed blanket of snow had begun to descend, painting the night in a soft, ethereal glow. The air was crisp, and the gentle flakes danced around us, adding a touch of enchantment to the already magical evening.
Y/n and I stood side by side, gazing at the mesmerizing sight before us. The snowflakes twirled in the air, creating a tranquil scene that felt straight out of a storybook.
"It's beautiful," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the moment.
Y/n nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the soft glimmer of the falling snow. "It really is. There's something so serene about snowfall, isn't there?"
We stood there, amidst the quiet elegance of the wintry night, sharing a moment that transcended the grandeur of the Winter Ball. The snowflakes continued their graceful descent, enveloping us in a cocoon of tranquility and wonder.
In that peaceful solitude, our conversation took on a more introspective tone. We spoke of dreams, aspirations, and the inexplicable beauty found in the simplest of moments—a shared understanding that seemed to deepen the connection between us.
As the snow continued to cascade from the heavens, we exchanged quiet smiles, a silent acknowledgment of the rare beauty of this shared moment. For in the delicate dance of snowflakes and the whispers of our conversation, something special had bloomed between us.
As the delicate snowflakes continued their graceful descent, an unspoken warmth enveloped us in a cocoon of shared moments and unspoken sentiments. I turned to Y/n, a genuine sincerity coloring my words.
"I really enjoy your company, Y/n," I expressed, my voice carrying the weight of truth and vulnerability.
Her eyes sparkled with a reflective radiance, mirroring the sentiment. "I enjoy your company too, Minjeong," she replied, her smile a testament to the comfort found in our connection.
We stood there, side by side, witnessing the tranquil spectacle of the first snowfall. The silence between us was filled with unspoken words, an uncharted territory of emotions and possibilities.
"You know what they say about the first snow," I remarked, breaking the tranquil silence between us.
Y/n turned to me, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "No, what is it?" she asked, her voice soft and attentive.
"It's where you make a wish, and they say it might just come true," I explained, a tinge of wistfulness in my tone.
"Make a wish, Minjeong," she encouraged gently, her eyes filled with a gentle encouragement that urged me to embrace the moment.
I let out a sigh, the weight of my wish settling in my chest. "I wish to take you out on a date," I confessed, the words slipping out, carrying the earnestness of my feelings.
In the tranquil serenity of the wintry night, with snowflakes twirling around us like silent witnesses, I dared to voice a longing that had quietly blossomed within me.
Y/n's gaze held mine, her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. Her soft smile echoed the silent understanding that had grown between us, a shared connection woven in the magical embrace of the first snow.
As the snowfall continued its gentle descent, a subtle chill began to permeate the air. I noticed Y/n subtly shivering, the cold seeping through the elegant attire she wore for the ball.
"You're getting cold, aren't you?" I asked, concern lacing my words as I observed her discomfort.
Y/n nodded, a faint blush gracing her cheeks. "A little, yes."
Without hesitation, I slipped off my own warm sweater, a comforting shield against the wintry chill, and offered it to her. "Here, take this. It's warmer," I insisted, my voice carrying both concern and a hint of bashfulness.
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise at the gesture, her gaze meeting mine in a mix of gratitude and astonishment. "Minjeong, I couldn't—"
"Please," I urged gently, my smile attempting to ease any reservations she might have. "I want you to be warm."
After a brief moment of hesitation, Y/n accepted the sweater, wrapping it around herself with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Minjeong. You're too kind."
The exchange brought an unexpected warmth to the wintry night—not just from the shared gesture but from the growing connection and the unspoken promise that hung between us.
With Y/n now shielded from the biting cold, our shared moment continued, the snowflakes descending around us in a silent ballet. The act of offering my sweater felt like a bridge between us, forging an unspoken closeness that transcended the physical warmth it provided.
As we stood there, enveloped in the beauty of the snowfall and the quiet understanding that bound us, the promise of a forthcoming date lingered in the air, an anticipation that added an extra layer of magic to the Winter Ball's enchanting allure.
The clock struck midnight, signaling the end of the enchanting evening. Reluctantly, I walked Y/n to her car, the weight of impending separation casting a shadow over our otherwise uplifting interaction.
"Here's my number. Text me about the date plan; I'm looking forward to it," Y/n said, her smile radiant with anticipation, as she handed me a slip of paper bearing her contact information.
My bashfulness emerged, rendering me momentarily speechless. "I'm excited too. I'll be sure to text you. Just get home safe, alright?" I replied softly, hoping to mask the fluttering nerves within me.
Y/n's smile widened, and in that moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. Her gentle kiss on my cheek felt like a jolt of electricity, sending my heart into a frenzy. For an instant, I felt as though I might lose my footing, caught in the unexpected rush of emotions.
"Good night, Minjeong," she whispered, her words carrying a softness that reverberated through me.
I stood there, watching her car depart, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within me. Placing a hand over my heart, I attempted to steady the rapid beating within my chest, the lingering sensation of her kiss lingering like an echo.
Before I could collect my thoughts, Karina came bounding towards me, brimming with excitement. "Oh my gosh, I saw everything! Minjeong is head over heels, everyone!" she exclaimed with uncontainable enthusiasm.
I stood there, Karina's excited proclamation ringing in my ears, a mix of bewilderment and anticipation coursing through me. Her words echoed a truth I had vehemently denied for so long—love had never held a place in my beliefs.
But as I stood there, my hand unconsciously lingering on the spot where Y/n's kiss had landed, a revelation dawned upon me. I had once deemed love a frivolous notion, dismissing it as a mere illusion. Yet, in this whirlwind encounter, I found myself yearning for something I never thought I'd desire.
The Winter Ball had unveiled a world of possibilities I had stubbornly ignored, and in the lingering warmth of Y/n's presence, my heart had stirred with unfamiliar emotions. What had begun as skepticism had morphed into an eager anticipation for what lay ahead—a date that held the promise of something genuine and heartfelt.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I found myself eagerly awaiting the prospect of love—a concept I once rejected but now, with each flutter of my heart, embraced with open arms.
Years cascaded by in a beautiful tapestry woven with shared moments, laughter, and a love that surpassed every doubt. Y/n and I stood side by side, a testament to the transformative power of love, as we returned to the Winter Ball each year.
My father's beaming smile was a reflection of his joy as he witnessed the love that had bloomed between Y/n and me. The Winter Ball, once a place of skepticism and uncertainty for me, now held a cherished significance—a testament to our enduring bond and the promise of a love that had weathered the test of time.
With each passing holiday season, Y/n and I found ourselves wrapped in the warmth of each other's presence. The Winter Ball had become more than just an extravagant event; it was a celebration of our love story—a reminder of the serendipity that had brought us together and the countless memories we continued to create.
The twinkling lights, the elegant dances, and the festive atmosphere held a deeper meaning now—a symbol of our shared journey, a testament to the enduring love that had blossomed amidst the enchantment of that first Winter Ball.
As we danced under the glittering lights, surrounded by the echoes of laughter and the whispers of timeless promises, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the unexpected turns that had led me to find the love of my life.
Every holiday season was now a cherished opportunity—a chance to revel in the love that had transformed my beliefs, turning skepticism into an unwavering certainty that love, indeed, was the most powerful magic of all.
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pocketjoong · 7 months
☾₊‧⁺˖⋆noctem⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ 〘act 1, chapter 1〙
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〘Synopsis〙『Your hatred of dragons is a hate born of witnessing their flames consume your village, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake. The worst of all is the beast that haunts your dreams, the very dragon whose memory fuels a burning desire for revenge within you. But life has a way of unsettling even the most steadfast convictions. And when you stumble upon a truth that shatters the boundaries of your understanding, you begin to question the very essence of the world you live in.』
〘Pairing〙『Night Fury!Seonghwa x afab!Reader』
〘Word Count〙『2.1k』
〘Chapter-specific Warnings〙『Based on How To Train Your Dragon. Canon-compliant violence. Mention of injuries. Mentions of dragons attacking the mc's village. MDNI.』
〘Banner Credits〙『@playmetheclassics』
please note: there will be NO taglist for this series
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With your heart pounding in your throat, you duck beneath the low-hanging arch of a weathered stone walkway, pressing yourself against the rough surface. Jagged rocks dig into your spine, but the momentary discomfort is nothing compared to the fire raining down from above. Bright orange flames dance in the sky, casting eerie shadows on the cobbled streets of your town.
Pulling the collar of your cloak closer, you try to shield yourself from the fiery onslaught, but even that is not enough to entirely dodge the few sparks that rain down on you, singeing the tips of your hair. At least it’s better than becoming a human shish-kebab, you think wryly.
In the distance, urgent shouts pierced through the roar of the conflagration, and you feel the tendrils of dread coil around your heart. You dare to peek out from your hiding place, only to see children and the villagers who are not fighting the creatures, scrambling to put out the fire that has engulfed the roof of one of the buildings. They pour buckets upon buckets of water to douse the flames, sending a few droplets raining down on you. You welcome the cold relief brought by the icy liquid amidst the heated air, thanks to the fires raging as far as the eye can see.
It’s not a new sight, definitely not one that scares you anymore; it merely sharpens your senses and steels your determination. But in your heart, you worry for the safety of your fellow villagers. The fortnightly attacks by dragons have been a grim routine, much like the twinkling stars in the night sky that had guided your ancestors to the beautiful land of Amberdale. It was named after the waters that would turn the colour of liquid gold every sunrise and sunset, a place where serenity met grandeur. But dark legends whispered only in secret tell of a day that the waters would turn red and spell your village’s doom. 
Amberdale is a sanctuary of sorts, surrounded by water on three sides and imposing mountains on the other. It is a haven, a space safe from the threat of other clans, a paradise marred only by the fire-breathing pests that have made life a living hell for the occupants of the town for centuries.
From the corner of your eye, you spot a shadow descending from the sky, signalling the arrival of another winged menace. Realising that no one is around to help, you take a deep breath as your fingers tighten around the trigger of the meticulously laid dragon trap. The mechanism springs to life, and the air crackles as a net shoots towards the beast. The colossal creature crashes to the ground under the crushing weight of the entangling mesh.
As some villagers haul the ensnared dragon away, your gaze locks with the eyes of the dragon. The intelligence in its eyes and the silent plea for help send a shiver down your spine. Shakily, you look away, not wanting to think about the creature anymore.
“Move to the upper defences. We’ll counteract their attacks with the catapults!” Your brother’s command cuts through the cacophony of battle as he rallies the warriors to their positions. He appears beside you under the arch, eyes mirroring the tempest swirling within. The storm in his gaze briefly yields to surprise and concern when he meets your eyes. It’s clear that he wasn’t expecting you to be outside during an attack.
He scans you from head to toe, his sweaty and soot-stained face softening in relief when he sees that you’re unhurt. “Why are you outside? Did something happen at the infirmary?”
“We ran out of supplies, so I had to run all the way across the village to restock,” you inform him grimly, pointing at the bag dangling from your shoulder that is filled to the brim with supplies. “We really should move the warehouse closer to the infirmary, Yunho. Or better yet, expand the infirmary itself to accommodate the supplies. Not only will it save the healers from making unnecessary trips when the village is under attack, but it will also keep the medical supplies safer since the sick bay is the only fireproof building in the entire village.”
“I truly am sorry, Y/N,” your brother dips his head in a gesture of genuine regret, but you catch the weight of responsibility etched on his face. “I know you’ve raised this issue multiple times throughout the years, and I promise you it has been on our to-do list for a while, but…” he trails off with a sigh, shrugging helplessly.
You understand the cause of the delay; you truly do. There are more important things to do, like rebuilding structures destroyed in the attacks, preparing for storm week that arrives every three months, ensuring the safety of everyone during the attacks, forging more weapons and installing catapults around the cliffs, training people how to fight dragons and conducting research on the various species of the beasts that haunt your existence. There is so much to do, leaving little room to address the nagging issue of relocating a warehouse or expanding the infirmary.
“I understand we have more pressing matters to attend to,” you offer him an impish grin, taking the opportunity to nudge your brother’s shoulder with your own playfully. But the joke on your tongue dies down when a whistle-like sound you’ve come to associate with danger pierces the night sky. Instinctively, your gaze darts upward as you try to spot the source of the sound. 
Objectively, you know that you should find cover to escape the inevitable attack that is to follow. Still, your fascination with this particular beast outweighs any and all sense of self-preservation. Your eyes scan the skies, hunting for any sign of the approaching peril, but, as usual, there’s nothing. There’s no telltale movement, not even a blur, that would allow you to pinpoint the location of the elusive beast.
“Night Fury,” the whisper leaves your lips at the same time as a pair of strong arms wrap around your shoulders before the person tugs you to bring you into a crouch. The abrupt movement sends a jolt through you, and you come crashing down on your knees.
“Duck!” Wooyoung’s urgent shout tears through the chaos, piercing through the clamour of battle. He shields you with his body just as a ball of fire collides with the catapult installed on the cliffs looming above you. The impact shatters the contraception and sends a cascade of stone and wood raining down upon all of you. 
After what feels like an eternity, the onslaught finally stops, and you cautiously sit up, eyes scanning the debris-strewn landscape. Your first instinct is to fuss over Wooyoung since he had covered you with his body to shield you from the debris. The ringing in your ears and the reverberations of your pounding heart are momentarily drowned out by your concern for his well-being.
“Your stitches,” you frown at the red-haired male, reaching out towards where towards him. However, the male is quick to intercept your hands with his own, covering them protectively as he shakes his head.
“I’m fine. I took care to protect my injured side,” he assures you, a smile playing on his lips. His words ease some of the panic coursing through you. The moment you turn to check on Yunho, you find him already crawling closer.
“Are you two okay?” He asks, concern etched across his features as he gazes at the two of you.
“Dandy,” you mutter darkly, brushing off the debris from your cloak and cursing the blasted dragons under your breath. Now that you’re sure both males are relatively unhurt, you turn to Wooyoung with a grateful smile. “Thanks for that, Woo.”
He shakes his head, rolling his eyes good-naturedly, “Someone has to look out for you when you're not paying attention to your surroundings. We can’t afford to have our best healer getting hurt, now, can we?”
Yunho grins at his friend’s words but shifts his attention to you as you prepare to resume your journey back to the sick bay. “Do you need an escort to the infirmary?”
“Yunho, they’ll probably need you at the ballista. The other dragons we can deal with, but that menace is what we need to hunt down as soon as possible,” Wooyoung tells the taller male, regarding him with pleading eyes. Now that the Night Fury has appeared, every hunter is a crucial asset, and your brother happens to be the best in the entire village.
Yunho, caught in the dilemma of divided priorities, purses his lips. The familiar struggle between his duty to protect the village versus the instinct to ensure your safety is evident on his face. You know your brother well enough to recognise that he would drop everything in a heartbeat to ensure your safety first and foremost.
“I’ll escort her if that makes you feel better,” sensing the conflict on Yunho’s face, Wooyoung steps in to break the silence that hangs heavy between the three of you. 
“No, it’s okay,” you say, sighing when both of them stare at you with concerned expressions that cause a pang in your heart. “The two of you are the most gifted warriors we have, and there’s no point in either of you sticking around to escort me to a building that's practically a stone’s throw away from here.”
You shut Yunho down with a firm look, your voice cutting through any protest. “I’ll be fine, Yun. I’ve done this hundreds of times. Just promise me you won’t come back injured. If there is one thing I can’t bear, it’s you getting hurt.”
Yunho’s tough exterior softens at your words, and he nods in agreement, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be careful.”
Convinced, you turn to narrow your eyes at Wooyoung, catching him off guard. He gulps at your sudden change in expression. “And you. Don’t you dare reopen those stitches, young man. It took me an hour to do these, and I will not be gentle if you mess them up. You’re almost healed, and redoing the stitches will unnecessarily delay your healing.”
��Yes, ma’am!” Wooyoung responds with a salute, straightening his posture to stand at his full height. “I promise to be careful as well.”
“Are you sure you’re okay with me leaving?” Your brother tightens his grip on the handle of the sword that’s strapped to his side. “Wooyoung can escort you. He’s not fully healed anyways, and no one would mind him sitting out of the battle for once.”
“I’d feel much better if I knew the two of you are together,” you confess, averting your gaze from both of them to take in the chaotic scene unfolding around you. Despite your efforts to seem nonchalant, you can feel both males regarding your features with probing scrutiny and worry.
Wooyoung opens his mouth to say something, but a familiar, piercing whistle cuts through the air—the unmistakable herald of the Night Fury’s return. The dragon has circled back around the mountain peak to descend upon the village once more. The noise snaps you into action, and you shove both males towards the path that leads to the cliffs. “Go.”
Yunho releases a sigh, his shoulders slumping in a resigned acceptance, and he nods. Before he and Wooyoung dash toward the mounted ballista—the only weapon that would give the village a shot against the looming beast—Yunho's hand finds yours, offering a reassuring squeeze. YOu nod back at him and watch them run towards the ballista.
“Your sister is downright terrifying when she wants to be!” Wooyoung’s voice carries back to you.  His whiny tone is met with an involuntary laugh from you, mingling with Yunho’s echoing laughter, which is followed by more whining from the other male that you can’t make sense of now that they’re much farther away.
Before you step into the infirmary to prepare for the inevitable influx of injured villagers, you’re unable to resist the urge to scan the skies once more. Your gaze lingers on the moonless sky as you search for the elusive Night Fury, the dragon that no one has ever seen. 
You hope that Yunho and Wooyoung can hunt it down, for even though the Night Fury doesn’t pillage like its brethren, it acts as a guardian to the other dragons. It is always there to help them to attack the village and steal livestock and supplies. Removing the dragon from the equation would undoubtedly make the task of defending your village much easier.
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helloescapist · 9 months
The Hashiras in a Relationship | Obanai Iguro
Word Count: 8077
A/N: phew, not my favortism showing at all. Oops.
Setting: Obanai Iguro x gn!reader [we do have mentions of Obanai's gynophobia]
Content Warning(s): none, I sort of behaved. We do have spoilers though! Be ware!
Summary: sweet, fluffy love relationship cannons for Obanai Iguro from attraction to love.
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To be loved by the Serpent Hashira is to know dependability. It’s the touch of night, serene and quiet in the late hours. Soothing as the shy moon that lingers in your heart. A star-crossed lover, never destined to touch upon the face of its lover the sun. Rare moments to embrace rare and few between, meaningful bursts that light up the sky. No, it is the reliability of the luminescent glow cast upon a stone path, a guide in the dead of night as he faithfully chases after his lover’s warmth. Loyal, and always one step behind, but never straying, always within grasp. Fingers lightly brushed, a gentle lover who will always show you compassion nurtured in the shadows. Cultivated in the light of the late hours, gentle as the whispers of support and affections laced on his tongue. The tender gaze upon your silhouette far to entranced in the glow of the night to notice the way his heterochromatic eyes are captivated by you.  Enchanted by your grin, bewitched by your giggles. Dazzled by the twirl of your sway, the jovial sway of your hips as you spin beneath the stars. Quick to ensnare you within his grasp when you stumble on the stone path, secure to his side. The glow of his mixed matched eyes the entrance to other worlds, galaxies concealed by the vast contour of space. Tremble of delicate, beautiful eyes afraid of the emotions that lay dormant beneath his averted gaze. Revealed to you, and you alone, just as his love.
To be loved by Obanai is to accept that you will need to embrace patience. To be tolerant of his needs, and adapt as they come. Like the moon, the Serpent Hashira has many faces he adorns, and only those who dare to gaze upon his shadows are gifted with the beauty of his reveal.
Savor the quite moments, knowing that your love needs no noise to fill the silence. Breathe in the comforting notes of eucalyptus when he dares to draw closer. An eternal dance, rhythms of heart in sync. Never daring to draw attention to the graze of his shoulders against your own.
Obanai has quite the reputation amongst the corps for being a cold, and distant individual. his demands for Uzui not to retire do not help this rumor. Quick to dismiss those beneath him, and isolate himself from his peers. It’s in his nature, and his upbringing, but beneath this mask he bears, is a surprisingly compassionate man.
One who has survived the horrors of the world, and looks to a new future. A dedicated man who will do everything in his power to protect those he cares about. This lends itself to his closer relationships, as despite how it may appear, Obanai is willing to put in the effort to maintain relationships. from guidance by Uzui to tea time with Kyojuro.
To those he deems worthy of his respect, Obanai is willing to expend his social battery to grow stronger bonds. It’s easy to mistake his steadfast loyalty to the Demon Slayer Corps and regulations  as rigid, and unforgiving, because In a lot of aspects. It is.
He cannot trust nor accept anyone who has strayed from the code. He will live and die by the rules, and does not understand those who stand by these convictions. Obanai is abnormally loyal, and expects the same return. He is fairly narrow-minded and one tracked when it comes to his convictions, and the code.
His loyalty extends to all aspects of his life, from his inner network of coworkers, to his respect to the Ubuyashiki clan, to you as his lover. He is no stranger to hard work, nor is he one to falter when obstacles come between you. Rather, you will find that Obanai will meet challenges fairly head on to secure the bond between you.   
That being said, Obanai can be fairly pragmatic in his approach, and because of this, you will rarely see slips of emotion through his porcelain surface. He remains sensible regardless of what troubles may come, and it certainly has it’s advantages.
He is a reliable lover, and will always remain by your side. Even when he needs his own space. he’s never far from you. Like a shadow. Because of how dedicated Obanai is to the success of the relationship, he is actually a fairly good listener, and enjoys listening to you ramble on and on about whatever it is you wish to discuss.
You may often find yourself carrying a majority of the conversation, and may worry that you are boring him. you are not. Other times, you may truly fret on whether you have left the Serpent Hashira enough room to join the conversation. he’s so quite that you may feel like one of those jerks that never allows others time to add to the discussion. You’re not, and he’s genuinely enjoying hearing your voice.
Finds comfort in your enthusiasm, and basks in your warmth. like a snake blossomed across a rock under the sun’s rays. That being said, he is fairly pragmatic, and if you’ve approached him with a problem even if you do not wish for it to be solved, he’s solving it. as quickly as he can, Obanai cannot stand the idea of you having difficulties even if it’s necessary for your development. also, he just genuinely hates emotional conversations.
He is not up for gossip of any kind.
The Serpent Pillar is by nature, fairly traditional in a sense. On the one hand, he keeps fairly traditional ideals--- such as the reminiscent of the samurai code towards their lords reflected in the way that Iguro regards Ubuyashiki which is just a shame as Ubuyashiki would never wish for any of the members to choose death over life.
Yet, despite being fully aware of how the Master mourns those who have been lost, the swordsman will not be swayed from his ideals. On the other hand, he has a tendency to be a bit unconventional.
He is aware that societal expectations require a fair amount of social interactions, and is willing to play along when it comes to the demands of his position. however while he is steadfast in his responsibilities, he will not maintain a bedside manner.
He has shown up for duty, and takes his tasks seriously, but that does not mean for one he will play nice. such as in the case of training Tanjiro and the other mizunoto in swordsmanship.
like Muichiro, his favoritism and respects are not subtle. You will always know where you, and those around you fall with him. He’s to the point, and direct about it.
No really, he will not hesitate to praise you in front of everyone, before offering the most horrific finger jab and insult at your training partner. things with your peers/coworkers will be tense.
But truthfully, I feel like this is in a sense a small part of his kindness. Yes, he savored the moment to express openly his distain for others, but at the same time, I feel like Obanai takes training others very seriously. He takes slaying demons, and the upcoming generation very seriously and gods he has little hopes for any of them.
But it’s because of this that Obanai’s punishments are… creative. The truth is that should they make the very mistake of bearing weakness to a demon as they had to their own instructor, the opponent will not hesitate to claim their life, or worse. Obanai was raised in cage, he knows there are fates far worse than death..
 In orchestrating a punishment that they will never forget; he’s ensuring that they will not make the same mistake twice. they will not die due to shoddy instruction.  It’s the overanalytical aspect that meets his strive for perfectionism head on that can make him unforgiving a teacher, and a leader.
He is an inherently observant individual, and it is because of this that he can see every faulter in your swordplay, any shift of weight that could lead to you being easily knocked off your feet, and disarmed. Which is what leads him to drilling into you and those around him to ensure that such gaps are erased from your movements. he does not wish to see any of you die.
Iguro is a stable individual. He’s consistent in his habits and his mannerisms. You may be surprised to know that he is consistent in his behaviors, and for the most part, not easily knocked off kilter. He’s secure in his personality, and balanced. He is not easily disturbed, nor is he easily upset.
Because of this, you will find that Obanai can be fairly forgiving of his partner. Just as patient with you as you have expressed towards him. You will not find him easily agitated by small miscommunications between the two of you, he is aware that he is not always the easiest person to comprehend.
He would much rather dedicate his energy to straightening up the misunderstanding, and ensuring that this same blunder will not happen again, and is by all means true to those he deems worthy. In fact, he’s almost rigid in the way that he conducts himself. While others such as Muichiro and Mitsuri have the ability to accept bygones, Obanai is unyielding.
Unable to accept infringements in ideals, and inflexible to come to a compromise. ironic given his breathing technique.
As you may expect, Obanai adores a partner who has their own desires in life and is amazed at ones who can express their dreams. Someone who has adorned sunshine in their hearts, and continues to pursue their goals will bring so much sunshine to his otherwise bleak existence. Which is necessary as Iguro really does struggle to release control from his finger tips, and a lover who is able to relinquish control will leave him breathless. desiring to join your side at the cost of his own comfort.
Just as the Serpent Hashira has high expectations of his students, Obanai can be just as unforgiving in his ideals for a partner. He knows exactly what it is that he is looking for in a companion, and will not bend to a partner that does not meet his standards. He is not making exceptions regardless of what beauty nor skills you present.
If you are not up to his caliber, then your capabilities have no merit with him. Iguro eally won’t hesitate to turn anyone down. I dare say he would reject Kichijoten, the goddess of beauty and happiness if he deemed her far to flirtatious.
Obanai needs an open and honest partner. One that does not hesitate to express any thoughts or doubts that cross their mind. Whether it’s fretting over their own capabilities with the sword, or in preparing dinner, or if that they have become concerned about the state of the relationship, Obani does best with someone who will be willing to allow themselves to be vulnerable with him. ironic as he will not be forth coming with his own insecurities.
However, it may be because of the innocence of his partner, that he is able to place more trust in you. He cannot pursue a bond that he does not feel secure in, nor a partner who he does not deem reliable.
He needs a light-hearted partner more than anything, someone who will embrace him and all of his faults. Catch his fingers between their own, and tug them along, eager to show him the bunny burrow they discovered during their morning chores. Someone who would eagerly rush home from the shopping, eager to show a cute little snake motif dango that the vender had sold as a limited edition.
The way your eyes beamed up at him despite your obvious state of undress, leaves caught in your hair snagged on a lower branch in your rush. He feels embarrassed for you but gods above you’re adorable.
As someone who he can put his faith and trust in, Obanai needs a companion who will keep his word. He wants someone who will always keep their word, regardless of the prickle bushes they may go through, or do anything within their power to keep their oath.
The day that you spread through demons to be at his side despite the obvious danger, uniform torn into in various places, and lacerations that littered your body. You swore you would be at his side. and you were.
Even small oaths, things such as keeping your word to complete a household task. To make his favorite meal, or hang his laundering for him when he’s pulled away from duty. They all mean so much to him, and he needs to be able to trust that you will always deliver. Because the gods above know that he will. Heaven nor the seven hells could prevent him from keeping his promise.
Really, dependability is non-negotiable in his book. He will accept an outgoing lover one who will shout his name over the crowds, heedless of the way passerbys look at your crazed state he’s blushing at how wildly you wave your arms eager to be seen, and he will adore a shyer partner, one that stumbles to meet his gaze.
But under no circumstances, will he ever accept a partner who he cannot depend on. He needs to know that you will stick with him through thick and thin because to be honest, Obanai is aware that difficult to deal with.
I strongly believe that the Serpent Hashira wants someone playful. He spent his entire childhood robbed of all opportunities to engage in play, and I believe that a partner who is high-spirited. Someone who from time to time can be mischievous. Toss the laundering over his head, seizing his momentary confusion to wrap him in the blanket, snug over his shoulders. Only released if he pays a kiss toll.
Someone who is perky, inviting, and warm. The day that a ball wandered into your yard, plucked between your fingers. A smile that met your face upon nervous small children peeked over the fencing before challenging them to a game. Quick to draw him into the mischief even though the little kids were rightful uneasy. how gentle you were to teach him the rules embraced his inner child.
It will be necessary that you are patient, because the reality is that a relationship with the Serpent Hashira means navigating hidden waters. A partner who cannot read between the lines will not do well with him, you’ll both become frustrated with the pairing.
Not that he won’t be patient for the beginning of the relationship, but as time goes on, if you have not mastered the underlining context, he will take it very personally. Snippy in his remarks as well, and it’s likely only a matter of time before things head down hill quickly, he just does not have the ability to engage in an emotional warfare repeatedly.
Obanai also approaches things rather head on, so if you are truly not taking his words at face value, well, this just isn’t going to work, and he’s not wasting his time.
Because of how private and elusive Obanai’s tendencies often are, alongside his gynophobia complicating interactions gendered partners, there are two scenarios I can imagine him becoming acquainted with his partner.
Let’s be honest, in general, Obanai requires a good bit of time to grow attached to someone, and due to his dysphoria with the female gender will lend itself to a lot of obstacles for individuals with she/her as their pronouns. Where as he/him, and they/them will have a significantly easier time of becoming acquainted with him.
The first and foremost would likely be a slightly older recruit who’s position is similar to that of Aoi’s (capable of swordsplay, but primarily cares for tasks) that has been entrusted with teaching the basics of the world to Obanai upon his rescue by the former Flame Hashira, Shinjuro. The decision being a combination of Shinjuro’s inability to properly engage with a child we’ve all seen him and the Ubuyashiki both observing Obanai’s desperate need for companion and proper socialization with a peer. The wedded duo knowing exactly who to assign to his well-being. Let’s be clear, the initial meeting did not go well. The mixture of trauma and anxiety and is that a snake?, contact was similar to that of approaching a soaked stray cat who wanted nothing to do with you. Quick to hiss and furrow, snip at you, and obscured profanities, but as time and dedication went on, your loyalty to the task that the Master had set on your shoulders spurring you forward. One day scooted to your side upon hearing a fairytale between gentle lips. Reading from a text you had borrowed from the Lady Amane, whispered tales to the garden, well aware that the young boy had once again taken to the trees. Slowly, but surely scooted closer and closer before peeking over your shoulder at the water paintings across the pages. In time, you would teach him so many things, an older sibling figure intended to guide him. until you weren’t to him.
The other scenario would be a recruit the same age, or just a little younger that through a turn of events has found themselves under the care of the Demon Slayer Corps, just as he had. Muddled by your own circumstances, and yet, despite all you had been through. Your smile had not faded, nor did you hesitate to reach out your hand to him. Eager to drag him to the gardens. Try to convince him to play even when he refused. Dedicated in your training regardless of how the both of you had been put through the ringer a number of times. Your optimism never betraying you, nor leaving his side. Joyful and caring, determined to stick through your hardships through thick and thin.
Although of course as we have seen with Mitsuri, Obanai could also be a completely ordinary girl. Sunny, and sweet, and blissfully aware of the way of the world, who is far too excited and preoccupied at the opportunity to become a tutor in etiquette to the young Ubuyashiki siblings. Completely innocent as they are naïve. It was the smile that claimed his heart.
The truth is that Obanai needs a little excitement in his life, and someone who would seize every opportunity to enjoy moments together. Someone who is playful, but just as content to snuggle in to his hold on a gentle spring morning. He needs a partner who takes their duties quite seriously, and stoically faces obstacles, but just as goofy and silly as they sew a small, matching haori for Kaburamaru. Kaburamaru needs a haori to match Obanai. Change my mind.
Really, he just favors a lover who is in tune with their own needs and desires. You want to eat a pound of dango, run through the rain, dance beneath fireworks, or sing silly song with the neighborhood children, he’s adoring you from a far. that tree. He’s in that tree. It is perhaps your jovial approach to life that puts his heart at ease.
Dishonesty has no place in his relationship. The Serpent Hashira would rather be met with blunt honesty than a sugared lie. Iguro would much rather face a difficult obstacle, harsh realities about pasts, and mistakes, rather than be diluted in a fantasy. He loves you, not a lie. It is also to consider how his familial background impacts his rigid approach to integrity and honest if you ever become frustrated at how unforgiving he can be when met with a fib. he is not a tool.
You will also find that surprisingly Obanai does not have room for aggression in his heart. While he can be biting with others, the reality is that he does not have a firm bone in his body. and you will discover how terrifying he can be towards anyone who dares show you belligerence. The reality is the same gentle nature he gives you; he expects in return.
He will not accept a partner who is aggressive or hostile to him. There are just so many ways to communicate and address stressors in your relationship, that there is just no excuse for belligerent behavior towards your partner. You are each other’s safe space—no one feels safe with a biting partner. He doesn’t want that. he’s had more than enough of that in his lifetime.
Regardless of how life has gone, Obanai is a believer that you should do everything within your power to make moves for the better. Just as he is determined to purify his blood from the curses of familial lineage, and Uzui is to make a difference in the world, the Serpent Pillar has zero tolerance for someone remains a victim to circumstance.
Let’s be clear, it’s not that he does not sympathize with someone who has been drowned to the depths of despair. he will be more than comforting to your pain. However, you cannot remain there. Life cannot stop moving. You have to keep moving. even if he’s dragging you.
The Serpent Pillar has a few tendencies in the pre-relationship to Shinobu than others may expect. Just like the Insect Hashira, Iguro will spend quite a long time in this stage of the developing relationship than most people. I suspect, out of all the Hashira, he remains here the longest. It is the period in which he is interested it, but doubtful.
Actively trying to find fault in your existence to prove that the way his heart flutters when he sees you is absolutely meaningless—he’ll stay here even longer than Kocho. He is observing. Everything. I mean everything.
Iguro is analytical, and spends more time than he will ever admit disecting every single interaction. Skewering the evidence to prove that you are not what you seem to be. He really is noting every single interaction—not limited to himself. How low did you bow to Ubuyashiki? Were you considerate of Lady Amane, and did you show proper appreciation to Aoi for nurturing your wounds? How you regard the kakushi. Obanai would dump you if you were rude to a waitress. I just know it.
The serpent breather takes respect very serious, as well as boundaries. He is quick to respect any boundaries you set between the two of you, and is not the type to push for more than what you wish to offer.
That being said, he very much expects the same in return. Do not touch him. Do not dare force physical interactions, or desires on him. It’s not that Iguro does not have them—he just isn’t the type to act on them early in a relationship.  
He prefers to get to know someone very well before jumping into a relationship, let alone physical affections. this man may like snakes, but he’s a turtle. For obvious reasons, it will take some time for Obanai to show vulnerability, even if he really is fond of you.
He’s not quick to allow intimate gestures, or allow his bandages to slip from his lips, but it shows the depth of his passions for you when they come unwound. but that’s a slight nsfw thought
In courting, it’s important to note that Obanai values sincerity, and as such, you can expect any manipulation or mind game tactics will not be met with the reaction you want.
Ploys to lure another person into your bed with the intent of making him jealous? Yeah, that’s super ineffective. In fact, I would say any prior attraction is canceled, and he will take extra care to either avoid you in public, or openly express his disgust with you. lethal.
Any situation that Iguro has been put in to intentionally foster distrust with you is indicative that you are not the person he thought you were.
As rigid as he is, and how limited his communication skills can be at times. You’d be surprised that Iguro does enjoy discussions. However, it’s nothing mundane. He’s not interested in idle gossip, nor is he intrigued by the happenings of town or even the inner ranks. He finds these discussions absolutely boring.
However, if you gravitate towards intellectual topics, you’ll find him quick to engage. To ask you questions, to delve deeper into your interest. Have an odd interest in ancient cultures, he is all ears. Fascinated by the early mechanics of the era such as the steam engine, Iguro will listen to you recount ever detail that you can. he’ll bring home books if he comes across them.
The Serpent Hashira has his own unique interests, and can be draw to the most obscured of arts such as his interest in candy crafting. he doesn’t even have a sweet tooth; the technique just leaves him awestruck.
Because of this, Iguro enjoys listening to any interest or study you have found yourself immersed in. Actually, if you have a book or series, you have been invested in lately, try to lure him into the plot. He enjoys reading in his free time. he’ll leave little pieces of poetry for you to find.
Honestly, by the point flirting comes into play, Obanai has already concluded that the relationship is not worth pursuing, and because of this, you can expect that his ability to be coy is not practiced.
Despite how much of a natural perfectionist the swordsman is, he is more than aware that his ability to court is not his strong suit. Never expect a big grand gesture, such as declaration in the middle of the village, or for him to intercept a wedding to spirit you away. It’s just not in his nature. The more well practiced flirting techniques such as bouquets, and proclamations of desire, yeah, they all seem forced. Uncomfortable and unnatural, as though he is wearing someone else’s skin. He has no desire to come off as insincere, especially in winning your heart.
If anything, it is his desire to always be straightforward with you that leads him to relying on more subtle attempts. Such as the way he naturally gravitates towards you, or the gentle way he regards your name. It’s his indirect approach that may take you a while to realize that he’s interested. but you should catch on fairly quick given how he treats others.  
So pay close attention, the proof is in his behaviors.
Because truthfully, while Obanai is observant to a fault, his ability to read other’ people’s reactions and emotions. Suck. He finds the entire process confusing, overhwelming, and downright uncomfortable.  
Obanai will rely on the fact that he even tolerates your present as an indicator which is… stiff at best. But when you consider how little Iguro is willing to engage in social interactions, there is certainly a reason why he’s inquiring about your duties. he’ll take a few of them off your hands.
More so, he really wants to get to know you, all of you. He has an incredible memory, and will retain any information you delve. Whether it’s a distant memory of assisting your parent in the kitchen, chasing after lanterns with siblings, or even the way you found yourself peeking over the fence at neighbors in childhood mischief, Obanai will remember all of it.
He will also seize upon any opportunity to prove that he has been listening, and assist you in any way he can. You might’ve mentioned a loose roof tile in your home, he wouldn’t hesitate to spend his free time securing it properly. Shared a memory of how you remember that your grandmother would always secure her sleeves before setting to work with a yellow ribbon, he’ll pick you up one when he’s in town.
Whether he realizes it or not, Obanai savors any opportunity to prove what a reliable partner he would make. Unsure how to express himself, or his intentions, less confidant in how to approach matters of the heart. but now you know why Kaburamura has been snipping at him lately.
Confessions will be slow, and take so much time and stamina. you’re amazing for hanging in there. As time draws on, and you’re becoming more and more clear that he’s attached to you, I feel like Obanai can either respond rather well to you confessing your feelings or poorly.
Really, it’s the days to come that will determine whether or not he will accept and return your feelings. IF you have made the decision to confess first no one blames you, as long as your heart is true and patient, willing to accept that he may not return these feelings, and wishing to remain as you are.
Understanding that he may need time to process, to approach how his stomach has flipped and Kaburamura nipped him. Give him time or months, Obanai will return your affections in his own time. However, if you cannot respect his autonomy, you will discover that he will recoil from your touch.
Further prodding will give him the impression that he has been lured into a corner, and left with no escape, he will outright reject you, and flee. he’s not looking back.
However, if Obanai has worked up the nerve to confess first, it would be in the sweetest of regards. Gentle, and self-assured. Tender as he expresses exactly why he is drawn to you, but kind in the way he allows you space.
The Serpent Hashira has no desires to entrap you. you are not a mouse.
Rather, he wants you to feel safe, to know that if you should turn him down, there will be no repercussions. Nor will his feelings falter. Rather, he will simply love you as he always has. from afar.
He is content to allow you all of the time you need to determine whether you wish to pursue a relationship with him, or not.
To have made it into dating is an accomplish no others have accomplished, and can expect that dates are viewed as a practical sense of time. Well intended with the opportunity to get to know you.
Obanai really views this as the perfect chance to get to know you on an intimate level rather than from a distance, or through the lens of a friend. Dates for the most part will default to fairly traditional routes. Walks through the garden, perhaps dinner, or a small picnic.
Iguro is not one to enjoy extravagance, whether in his personal belongings, or appearances certainly not his food, and because of this, dates that are simple are preferred.
Although he does appreciate when his partner takes the time to plan out thoughtful dates for bonding, so long as it’s not formal, he’s happy to go along with whatever it is you would like to do. Humble dates, such as flower viewing, or even hiking will always be a win in his book.
Even more so, games whether board games, or even childhood back and forth of hide and seek or onii will be well received. Obanai is even the type to enjoy curling up together, reading poetry. as time goes on, and he’s tired from his duties, you may even coddle his head in your lap. Is definitely the type to enjoy cooking together as a couple.
It should come as absolutely no surprise that Obanai has no appetite for a casual relationship. He avoids them like the plague. Short-term flings are just unappealing. The idea of something fleeting that would pray upon his security and vulnerabilities, just makes his skin crawl.
Nope, this isn’t happening, and if it does, it was an extremely rare encounter. buy a lottery ticket.
Once Iguro allows himself to admit that he has fallen in love, he will be quick to give himself to you. All of you. It’s true, he will still have a deep seeded need for alone time rather frequently, and it’s important to respect this need.
It’s not a desire, it is the difference between a mentally well man, or depraved individual. Rest assured, the distance only deepens your bond, and secures his attachment to you, alone. absent makes the heart grow fonder in this case. he’s not straying, really when he says he needs time in solitude, it’s a genuine trek up the mountains to camp alone for a couple of nights.
To connect back with the severed pieces of himself. Not to sneak off for a booty call. he’s really not the type.
Actually, if Iguro ever feels himself detached from you to the point that he considers an affair, he’s just leaving you all together. It’s harsh but, well…
Although expressing his affections does not come naturally to him, do not believe for one moment that he does not value you. He worships you. It’s rather that the Serpent Hashira is better suited to logical ends, and practical applications. The aspects of the relationship that lends itself to it, such as paying bills, picking up groceries, making dinner, ensuring you are well cared for when you’re sick, this is when you will find that your partner is a quite compassionate.
Quick to tend to your needs, and eager to care for you. However, when it comes to outwardly expressing how his eyes will always find you in the room—he’s a mess. There’s no way to quite explain it, it’s just that the words cannot be strung together.
As Iguro desperately grasps for them, they slip through his fingertips, evading his touch, and leaving him frustrated and muddled. Desperate to express his devotion, but unable to verbalize the depths of his love.
No, Iguro is the type to focus on the aspects of the relationship he can thrive under. The ability to improve your life with his presence, to make your life easier. Sharpening your blade for you, scooting all of your belongings to the lower shelf within reach, he is always looking for the opportunity to express his affections. just not verbally.
Really, it doesn’t take much to make him happy—he really just loves the opportunity to incline into your touch, rest upon your lap, occasionally reaching up to thread his fingers through your hair. Small tender moments mean everything to him.
Know that after his time away, Obanai will come back happier and more devoted to you. Far more engaged, and in tuned with your needs than when he left. he needs to learn self care. Period.
But understand that this goes deeper than you may expect. His upbringing was not an easy one, and because of the way he was raised, it’s naturally that he often prefers his own company than that of others.
This doesn’t mean that he does not need or want intimacy, it just means that he needs you to appreciate your time together as much as your time apart.
He really is quick to prove his affections in ways that he feels comfortable. Hanging laundry, sweeping the home, really and truly, what you see is what you get with Iguro, and then some. he’s sneaking poems into your luggage for when he parts for the mountains.
In a sweet way, as time goes on, you will find that Obanai becomes more and more genuine with you. Straightforward and honest. Really and truly, if you prove yourself a loyal partner, you can expect more and then some in return. He wants a relationship that is built upon trust, and a foundation of mutual respect.
One in which you are dedicated to each other regardless of the hardships or distances you will face. because he will always part for duty. Obanai is one of the most loyal romantic partners amongst the Hashiras.
If you are able to open up, and actually express your emotions fairly openly the way he adores, you should know that he envies it. he thinks your amazing
Although he may struggle to cope with an relationship that vocalizes emotions so much. The attention to what has not been said, overlooking what he has done for you, it will do great damage to the relationship and his confidence.
In fact, I believe that if push comes to shove, Iguro will struggle to survive a relationship with an overly emotional partner. He needs you to appreciate him for him, just as he appreciates you for you. The truth is, Obanai can often feel overwhelmed by intense feelings. Someone who always leaves him guessing will only erode his mental capacity.
He is by nature prone to reading into things more than he should, and if he has found that this is the only way to survive his relationship, he will take apart everything. it’s never good.
He has a way of being weighed down by the little details in general, and is quick to lose sight of the big picture amongst the evidence. He will drown in the depths of his anxiety and pessimism. It’s best to avoid this entirely.
Because of this, Obanai really needs a partner who will answer him point blank. Don’t worry about hurting his feelings, or that you are being blunt. He really prefers it. It gives him comfort and security that he is meeting your needs as you need them.
It’s really the key to a happy Iguro relationship. It will provide him with all of the confidence and security he needs in the relationship, and you will come to find that under this trust, iguro is a rather passionate and attentive partner. Quick to rub your shoulders in public if you have expressed that they are sore, shifting the load of groceries from your fingers onto his own burdens, the press of his lips quick to seek yours out when the opporunity presents itself. he’s touch starved, I just know it.
A stickler for traditions, will always approach them in the way they have always been done. Whether it’s noodles upon the new year, or mochi towered during the mid-autumn festival, Iguro is vigilant in securing the traditions and carrying them with him.
In fact, he may be quite stiff to follow any additions you may have to offer. imagine him standing on ends if you decide to bring him home for the holidays. Poor boy would be panicked to be offered a plate at the table.
He does not know how to handle being the center of the attention. It’s not necessarily that he’s outright shy, but he is very reserved. Obanai prefers to stick to himself, and his own means, only allowing those close to him to linger on his skin.
As such, opportunities of flaunting him will make him uneasy. He doesn’t enjoy the open praise in public, and will shift from sight at the first opportunity. like asnake drawing away from humans.
As Obanai is fond of more simple abodes and pass times, you’ll enjoy how low maintenance he actually is. He is content to give you your space, and time alone just as you give him. He will not fuss about you spending time with your friends, or departing to care for your sick mother in another providence. he’ll just miss you, but he’ll be waiting for your return.
Commitment is at the forefront of Obanai’s thoughts when he dives into a relationship. He wants an old timey romance, one in which there is only you and him. No others, and in which there is no drama, nor is there jealousy, or strays from each other’s embrace.
Iguro desperately wants someone to be vulnerable with, and he does not take commitment lightly. Rather, it’s of such significant importance to him. such as the way he dared to reveal his facial scars to you near shattered his heart.
If you have not figured it out already, communication with Iguro sucks. I mean, it just, sucks. You will have a better time communicating with Kaguramura if you rely on emotional discussions to cultivate a relationship. I just imagine that the little noodle helps the best he can.
However, for Iguro, he doesn’t have a fondness for words, placing a strict importance on actions. There will be no fluff, nor bedside manners when it comes to more serious matters. although his compliments are genuine. really, he just prefers to allow you to carry the majority of the conversation.
That being said, he is not one to leave room for misunderstandings to foster between you. He’d rather press into the topic firm and straightforward than allow you to believe for one moment he would ever betray you. As such, Obanai is not compromising. In fact, you will find that to a majority of disputes, he is not willing to yield. Nor admit fault.
Confrontation in a relationship has a way of capitalizing on his weaknesses in communication, and as such, he fumbles and often feels strangled by his own thoughts as he struggles to piece them into a cohesive sentence. Will be ridiculously tight. Rigid as though he is presenting a case to a jury.
Truthfully, most fights and discussions can be navigated fairly easily as long as you are willing to speak literally no metaphors please!, and keep the discussion short. It really will go quite a long way in ensuring you are on the same page. Even better is that it allows Iguro to apply his need to fix it skills in a way that benefits the both of you.
The Serpent Hashira has a tendency to take slights or criticisms fairly hard. an attribution as to why he does not like Giyuu, and as such, it’s important to note that Iguro is rather sensitive to outside forces impending into your relationship. He naturally views any spectators with immediate suspicion, and for the most part, he is able to logically sort it out.
Remind himself that you have never given him cause to doubt, but should his thoughts lead him astray, it’s likely something that he will internalize rather than discussion. He is protective though.
Fiercely so. While he may not be as possessive as  one would expect. I mean, you expected it right? In reality, Obanai greatly respects your autonomy, and values your opinions and decision making skills. That is not to say that he will accept everyone you invite into your circle. you can get along with them; doesn’t mean he has to.
But his protective instinct is inherently high. He knows what lurks beneath the hearts of humans, and how fickle they can often be. If he suspects that your new friend may conceal hidden intentions, he will not hesitate to act.  To shield you from the horrors of the world, of demons, and human flesh. He will without a moment’s notice, place himself between you and death.
It’s natural to consider if a family is in the future, and truthfully, I just see Obanai avoiding biological children to the greatest of his capabilities.
On one hand, it’s the fact that he was never given a parental figure, or treated in the way befitting of a child, and as such, Iguro is confident that he would not know what to do with a little bundle.
On the other hand, the Serpent Hashira is so disgusted by his on bloodline, desperate to scratch off his own flesh as a means of escape, that an intentional blood child is out of the cards. and trust me, he will work hard to prevent it.
Though should the fates intervene birth control of this era is fault, or if he has just picked up a child that clings to him during one of his missions. I believe that Iguro would not shirk his responsibilities.
Rather, I believe he’d make for a rather supportive and encouraging parent. Not the type to place high expectations and demands upon those in his care, but rather, just provide love and support and protection. I can even see the Serpent Hashira enjoying the little bundle in his arms with great trepidation.
Anxious at how little one can be, new to the world. Pure. Obanai would naturally gravitate towards diapering, potty training, and soothing the child at all hours of the night. Delicate to teach them games, and self-defense, cook them meals, and tend to boo-boos, but he will shy away from the emotional demands.
he’s giving you late nights, you can handle the tears.
As you have already been clued into, Obanai is a master at expressing love through more practical applications. Acts of services is his go to in order to prove his dedication to you, and he is not one to shy away from any opportunity to express his love physically.
You can expect that he is more than willing to take over the dinner duties upon noticing the exhaustion on your features. To rub your temples, when you have mentioned a headache. To draw a bath when you are fatigued, or dirty. In a surprising way, Obanai is a natural care taker. go figure.
Initially, if you have a preference for acts of physical intimacy to express affections, you will find yourself disappointed, and abandoned. He just isn’t comfortable with having his space invaded upon your initial match, or in public.
However, as time goes on, you will find that he is very willing to grasp your hand in a crowd he doesn’t want to lose you he claims, or allow his shoulder to brush against yours in a restaurant, to catch the strands of your hair, and fan you in the heat of summer. In a well-developed relationship between the two of you behind closed doors, you will find that he will more than make up for the absence of his touch.
Quick to wrap himself around you in an embrace, to claim you. You will have to beg him to release you. but do you really want to?
For fairly obvious reasons, if you have a preference for quality time, his affections may be hit or miss for you. On the one hand, he genuinely enjoys the chance to be around you.
Doing absolutely nothing if you so desire. Curled into one another, or reading books within fingers reach. Watch the leaves dance across the veranda, snuggled into a blanket with tea, but on the opposite end, Obanai needs his space.
He’s a frequent flyer of solitude, and as such, there will be times where you will struggle to balance your needs with his own. It can be a delicate balancing act that leaves you both frustrated.
Take it one day at a time, and savor the moments that he provides you. They’re genuine, and uninterrupted.
Words of Affirmation will also be a stumble, but not right ignored. While Iguro is not the type to express his love in a verbal paragraph, you will find that he is fairly forth coming with his compliments. his face is red as yours.
Yet he will drop compliments on you out of the moment, often leaving you blindsided and reeling from the heat of his gaze. They are far and few between, but they are honey laced truths that he dares to share with his resolve.  the hint of all he leaves unsaid burning your insides.
Iguro is not a bad gift giver, however it’s best to limit your expectations. He is not the sort to bring home lavish perfumes. he hates the scent that dares to taint your odor. nor is the type to bring home outlandish accessories.
Too many embellishments obscuring your natural beauty, nor is the type to bring home a ridiculously large bouquet, but this doesn’t mean that Obanai will skip over the sentiment all together.
Rather, Iguro is a master of sweet gifts. Simple pleasures. A small sweet wrapped in a delicate cloth. A simple hair pin that captivated your beauty. Flowers he handpicked upon his journey home. A Small dragonfly pin that matched your eyes perfectly. His gifts will never obscure your natural beauty, each item selected with care.
The reality is to be loved by Iguro is to know a love that will transcend time. It will endure loss, and distance. Heartache, and torture, it will endure the tests that the world will throw at it, and the punishments of the night. It will lend itself to tender touches, and gentle gazes. It is patient as it is kind, never asking for more than you wish to give. Only going where it is you lead, through meadows, through forest, and mountains, to depths of the sea, it will follow you whereever it is you shall go. It is compassion through strife. It is delicate and as plush as the press of his lips. Fragile as his features revealed beneath the moonlight. Eyes that avert shyly before being lured back to your side. Docile as the way it leans upon your shoulders. It is simple as the touch of the waves upon the sand. Affectionate as the sky that shatters beneath day break. The reveal of a small smile that falters to age. The curl of his fingers through your hair, soothing ends as his mixed matched gemstones eyes, one of citrine, and the other of alexandrite gaze up with you revealing the depths of his devotion. The vulnerability of his cheek curled into your lap, a shoulder to bear your burdens such is that of his love.
If you will have him.
In this life.
And the next.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 6 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Hi, there! Star Child ♡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚Star child I need your help to send my letter to my dearest person. My dear star, receive my beautiful offering for your heavenly service. (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ 🎂🍨🍧🍦🎂🍥🧁🍭🍬🍫🍩🍪🍰.ೃ࿐
Hey how are you Sil?
How's the training going? <3 I can't believe it's been a year since I met you. Before I met you, my days lacked direction and motivation. Although I have always been grateful for the blessings in my life, I felt like I could long for something more. When I first discovered Twisted Wonderland, I experienced a sense of awe and fascination at the magic of your world. At first, I was drawn to the presence of your King, and decided to move closer to your bedroom and friends, not realizing that, without warning, I would begin to fall in love with you. From chasing the king I fell in love with the knight.
The arrival of love in my life was something so unexpected, something I thought I would experience only through others, but never personally. However, it was your gentle smile, the tranquility of your presence, the firmness of your convictions and above all, the strength and devotion you show to your father and family, that was enough to make my heart beat intensely for you.
Although you may not know of my existence and the possibility that you may not reciprocate my feelings, even as someone who may never be within my reach, the innocent infatuation I feel has brought additional warmth to my days; remembering your steadfastness and convictions has been a constant source of motivation to strive to achieve my goals. This love has infused me with strength, you have granted me courage, and you have no idea how grateful I am to have met you.
Although our worlds seem destined to remain separate and I may never have the chance to meet you, I will always love you from afar and hold you close in my heart. For to love is never a waste. Who knows? Maybe we may meet once upon a dream. I love you, Sil, I will always love you.
Always yours,
-Your starlight 𓆩♡𓆪
*happily accepts the sweets* okay!! ^-^
Dear Starlight,
I am happy to receive your letter. Training has been going well so far, thank you for asking. And you? How have you been?
It's truly has been a year, isn't it? I thought I already knew how fast time flies by, but with you, it just seems to keep slipping off my hands. It was unexpected, seeing my Liege's friend every day, until I started noticing more and more about you. It's the little details that make you the person you are.
I never know how you had come to be so important to me, and perhaps I never will. But I did not regret it one bit. I cherish every moment with you, Starlight. Every dream you appear in will always be the dreams I look forward to every night.
If there ever was a time where we may meet, I wish that time may never end. Perhaps then, I would love to ask you for a dance.
Yours forever,
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tags: @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @xen-blank @siren-serenity @dove-da-birb @krenenbaker @twistwonderlanddevotee @thehollowwriter @jaylleoo14
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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rainintheevening · 2 months
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Part I – Part II ... Part XI – Part XII
The stars are bright when he finds Edmund at last, high up on the seaward battlements.
They sit for some time in silence, swinging bare feet in the soft summer breeze, high above it all, sniffing at the salt sea and pines under the great vault of the heavens.
Peter shifts closer at last, presses his shoulder into his brother's, and a sigh gusts out of the other man's lungs.
“You are sure, dear brother?” Peter doesn't need an explanation, he has heard enough in fragments of conversation over the last several days, but he needs to hear Edmund say it, to listen for conviction. “It is not too late to speak; they do not leave till the morrow.”
“No.” Edmund's voice is soft and sad. “I am sure.” He spares Peter a quick glance. “There is no spirit of meanness in her, and… you know I have come to love her dearly. She will always be precious to me.”
In the ensuing hush, Peter closes his eyes, tilts his head to catch the distant strain of a merfolk’s song.
“But,” Ed says at last, “I cannot accept so close a union as marriage with one who does not, or can not, or perhaps will not, understand about Aslan.”
There be the heart of it, Peter thinks, and the heart of my brother most of all.
Edmund's devotion to the Lion is deep, stronger even than his loyalty to Peter, and Peter has always admired his brother's steadfast trust, knowing it is rooted in the knowledge of the Lion's sacrifice for him.
“And the hope of thy heart, in bringing her here, was that her own heart might be changed,” Peter murmurs. “But it was not so.”
Edmund bows his head, shoulders rounded, and though Peter has never yet found his own heart won by any fair lady—has wedded himself to his country first, and loved his siblings dearest—he knows pain, knows the sting of broken dreams and hope cut off. He circles one arm round Edmund's back, pulls his brother close.
“Ah, brother, there is no shame in mourning this loss.”
A sigh of release, before Edmund's head settles on Peter's shoulder, soft hair catching in Peter's beard, and he smiles, anoints his brother with a gentle kiss.
Edmund is one to keep his own griefs quietly, with few tears and long silences, but he has always accepted Peter's comfort, and Peter is always glad to give it. Peter has also learned over the years when to fill silences with a ramble of quiet conversation, and when to let the silence be and be with it. Tonight, he settles into the quiet, only snatches of a song tugging at his throat so he hums a line or two, before the melody deserts him, while far below the waves beat a soothing rhythm, steady and unrelenting as a heart.
The wee sliver of a moon has risen above the eastern horizon, when Peter drops another kiss into his brother's hair, sits straighter to shift his stiffened muscles and chilled bones, hugs Edmund's warmth closer into his side.
“Do you wish to sleep out here on the wall?” he inquires gravely, though he knows Edmund enjoys the comforts of a soft bed too well to rest elsewhere, save by necessity.
Edmund gives a rusty chuckle, but does not lift his head from Peter's shoulder just yet. “Nay, brother, I will not worry our sisters any further. Do not think I have missed their passing forms in the tower doorway.”
“Indeed.” Peter smiles fondly at the thought of what drinks Susan will no doubt be keeping warm, or how Lucy will be waiting, likely sitting on the end of Edmund's bed with a book.
“But you,” Edmund says lower, as if in thought. “No one could love me as you have, as you do. I will never find a heart as true as thine, my brother.”
Peter sits perfectly still, his view of the starlit waters blurred, feeling Ed’s back rise and fall under his arm, his brother's hand suddenly pressed warm to his chest, and he can barely breathe.
“Must I warn thee not to let that go to thy head?” Edmund asks lightly, pulling away to look his brother in the face, but he is smiling, and now he reaches out to draw Peter's head low enough to kiss his brow.
Such displays of affection are rare for Edmund, and Peter tries in vain to hold back tears; he had come up here to comfort Edmund, after all, not the reverse.
I have tried, Peter thinks. I have tried to be the brother you need. And it means more than he can say to know he has been seen, recognized, that Edmund knows.
“No, brother,” he answers hoarsely, drawing a quick sleeve over his cheeks. “No warning is necessary.”
Another smile from Ed, before the dark-haired man leaps nimbly to his feet, stands above Peter, bare feet steady on the stone, and offers a hand, pale in the starlight.
Peter takes it, lets himself be pulled up, joints creaking faintly, all the echoes of wars and battles and the time he’d tried leaping from one tree to another only to fail spectacularly.
He clears his throat a few times, slings an arm around Ed’s shoulders as they turn away from endless rolling ocean. “Hungry, brother?”
They leap from the battlements to the lower walkway in tandem, and move to collect their boots.
“I noted you ate rather less than usual at supper, though that is understandable,” Peter adds.
“Rather,” Edmund says, with some spirit.
There is still sorrow in his brother's eyes, a depth the little moonlight catches on, like water at the bottom of a well, but Peter lets himself smile.
“Then let us venture forth to see what Ariane may have left in the kitchens.”
They make their way down from the walls of Cair Paravel, arm in arm, sea breeze at their backs, Peter singing softly:
So the hounds, they came down
And they cornered him there
The White Stag all flashing
And shining so fair
In the leaves’ dancing shadows
His eyes were like stars
Said the lead hound ‘Now stand,
And let the wishes be ours’
Edmund joins in on the chorus, unable to resist the catchy tune.
‘Let the sunshine be soft
In the spring of the year
Let our noses be strong
And our vision be clear
Let the land that we course through
Be ever a place
Where our singing may echo
And our children are safe’
It is not really a serious song, but it is best sung with vigour, and Peter loves the sound of his and Ed's voices drifting over their castle, their home, lifting to the stars, and he cannot but think his own wishes would be not so very different, should he ever catch the White Stag. Light, health, and safety for the ones he holds dear—what more could a king ask for?
There have been rumors lately, Peter remembers, mostly from the little creatures, the flighty ones, rumors of a flash of white among the oaks. Perhaps something will come of it, perhaps nothing.
He follows Edmund down into their castle, still humming.
The stars are bright, and the crescent moon rides high into the Narnian sky before they sleep.
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As a scribe I see fit to write down all my troubles
In the annals of culinary history, there exists a substance of such repugnance, so loathsome in its very essence, that it hath become the bane of my gastronomic existence. Verily, I speak of none other than the abominable creation known as mayonnaise!
Oh, how I recoil at the mere sight of its gelatinous form, as it slithers and oozes upon the plate like some vile serpent of gastronomical torment! Its color, a sickly pallor reminiscent of curdled milk, doth turn my stomach with its very appearance.
But 'tis not merely its visage that doth offend, for the foul odor that emanates from its depths is enough to drive a lesser soul to madness. The acrid tang of vinegar, mingled with the faint stench of rancid oil, assaults the senses like a noxious fog, leaving naught but revulsion in its wake.
And woe unto those who would dare to besmirch the sanctity of a perfectly good dish with the addition of this abhorrent condiment! For no matter how delectable the fare may be, its flavor is forever tainted by the insidious presence of mayonnaise, leaving a bitter aftertaste upon the tongue and a sense of betrayal in the heart.
Therefore, let it be known far and wide that I, in my infinite wisdom and discernment, shall partake of no dish sullied by the touch of mayonnaise. Nay, I shall stand firm in my convictions, steadfast in my refusal to yield to the tyranny of this most odious of substances, for my disdain for mayonnaise is as enduring as the mountains and as steadfast as the stars in the heavens above.
I fell to the ground and moaned for the next few hours, lying in the moonlight wishing to die.
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dc-and-arfrona · 1 year
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Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Based of this prompt: I love you today, I loved you yesterday. But don’t ask about the future because I don’t know if I will. But, I’ll tell you this: I do want to love you tomorrow.
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 700
Masterlist ----
The world could be chaotic, a maelstrom of uncertainty, but in the arms of Jason Todd, the Red Hood, the reader found refuge. Their love was a constant, a flame that burned bright amidst the darkness that surrounded them.
One evening, as they sat together on the rooftop, the stars twinkling above, the reader felt a surge of emotion welling up within them. They turned to Jason, their voice filled with both vulnerability and determination.
"Jason, I love you today, and I loved you yesterday," they confessed, their words echoing with sincerity. "But the future... I can't make promises because I don't know what it holds. I can't predict if I will love you tomorrow."
Jason's gaze softened, his eyes filled with understanding. He took their hand in his, intertwining their fingers, and spoke with a voice filled with a mix of tenderness and hope. "I may not know what tomorrow brings either, but I can tell you this: I want to love you tomorrow," he said, his voice steady.
The reader's heart fluttered at his words, feeling a surge of warmth in their chest. They leaned closer to Jason, their voice barely above a whisper. "I want to believe in our tomorrow, Jason," they said, their voice filled with a gentle longing.
Jason's grip tightened, his touch providing a sense of grounding. "We'll navigate the uncertainties together, one day at a time," he assured them, his voice filled with unwavering conviction.
In that moment, the reader realized that love wasn't about guarantees or crystal-clear visions of the future. It was about embracing the present, cherishing the love they shared today, and holding onto the hope that tomorrow would be equally as beautiful.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as the reader and Jason continued their journey together. They faced trials and triumphs, laughter and tears, but through it all, their love remained steadfast.
In the quiet moments, as they lay together beneath the starlit sky, the reader would trace the contours of Jason's face with their fingertips. Their gaze would meet, and they would share a smile, understanding that the strength of their love was rooted in the here and now.
"I love you," the reader would whisper, their voice filled with a depth of emotion that words could never fully capture.
Jason would press a tender kiss to their forehead, his touch a testament to his own devotion. "And I love you," he would reply, his voice carrying a world of meaning.
One evening, as they sat on the rooftop once more, the reader turned to Jason, a question burning in their eyes. "Do you ever wonder what lies ahead for us?" they asked, their voice tinged with curiosity.
Jason's expression softened as he considered their question. "Sometimes," he admitted, his voice quiet. "But I've come to realize that dwelling on the uncertainty of the future only steals away the joy of the present. And right now, being with you is all that matters."
A smile tugged at the corners of the reader's lips, their heart swelling with affection. "You're right," they said, their voice filled with gratitude. "Today, in this moment, I am grateful for our love. And even if we can't see into the future, I want to keep loving you tomorrow, and every day that follows."
Jason's eyes shimmered with unspoken emotions as he pulled them into a loving embrace. "And I want to keep loving you, too," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering certainty.
Together, they lived in the present, nurturing the flame of their love and relishing in the joy it brought. Tomorrow remained a mystery, but with each passing day, they held onto the promise that their love would continue to blossom and grow.
In a world filled with uncertainty, they found solace in their shared affection, and in the knowledge that as long as they had today, they had everything they needed.
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bechloesupercorp · 1 year
Ava had never seen the stars so bright. Twinkling against the dark sky. She stared, senses dulled, thinking about how she would've killed to see this as a child. Did Bea ever do this? Lose herself in the stars -- the insignificance of each life in the endless expanses of the world?
Ava would have to ask. A soft breeze brushed over her skin, hairs raising in turn. She'd never been this cold before. Not since she'd gotten the halo. Bea was always the cold one. Wool sweaters and layers over t-shirts. But now she felt boneless, sinking into the warmth pooling beneath her and away from the brisk wind.
Her side had stopped aching some time ago. It was hard to tell, with each second passing like sludge. At least they'd won this time, before Bea crawled to her side in the dewy grass as she set off a tracker. The fields smelled like flowers and Bea's shampoo with a tinge of iron. Ava floated, like she was up amidst the stars. They danced in front of her eyes, blurring in and out of focus. She tried to reach for one, imagining the warmth it would radiate against her rapidly cooling hands. Incandescent. Bea would like that word.
Bea was like the stars. Ever-present and steadfast. Waiting to guide her home. Bea shone like a star too. Always the brightest of the batch, silent but warm. Bea was Ava's star, and she wanted to touch.
A single life might be insignificant, but Ava cherished it. The early mornings, late nights. The gleam in Bea's eyes after a sneaky attack, and the toothy smile when she was most relaxed. Ava would live this life a thousand times over, and love it every single time.
She wondered how long it would take for them to get here. The signal must've gone off a while ago. Bea would just give her a smile and rub the soft pad of her thumb against her hand with a murmured, "Patience." Time was hard. So she brushed her hand against the soft grass and smiled.
A thunderclap tore the silence, accompanied by the scent of burnt metal. "Ava?!" a fuzzy voice called.
"'m over here-" she forced out, voice sounding farther away than she'd expected. She turned, tossing a hand on her lover. "Bea," she breathed with a dopey smile. "They're here."
Beatrice didn't as much a flinch, face pressed against the grass.
"Bea, wake up," she repeated, willing her hand to move as the darkness ebbed at the edge of her vision. "Bea."
Her heart picked up, unopened eyes taunting her. "Bea," she said again, with more conviction. "They're here." Limp arm flopping against Bea's stagnant sternum. "Bea!" Her heart ripped out her chest. If Bea was staying, she'd leave it here with her.
"Ava!" Hands flipped her back over, snatching Bea from her grasp. "Bea," she groaned, voices growing further and further away with each second.
"We have to get them back to Cat's Cradle-"
"She's still alive!"
The stars shone so bright. The ground shifted, carrying her to the portal. One in particular shone the brightest, pulsing in time with her heart. It was proof. This life was significant. This was the life she was meant to live. As everything faded away, that star sparkled. With a mumble, she prayed, "Take me home, Bea."
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Highly Illusory, Captain: A Short Analysis of Descartes' Dualism and Star Trek
Star Trek is one of the most recognizable and expansive science fiction franchises alive today. From its initial iteration in the 1960’s through the various television reboots and numerous movies, Star Trek is an iconic brand holding a special place in the hearts and imaginations of generations of audiences. It seems that its enduring allure can be attributed in part to the writer's penchant for positing interesting philosophical quandaries in an entertaining and captivating manner. Philosophy is often integral in forming the plot because of the tension these debates create. 
In this paper, I will discuss how two connected episodes from the first two Star Trek television series engage with the concepts of reality, existence, and more specifically that of Renee Descartes. From The Original Series (TOS), I will discuss the pilot, “The Cage” and the two part episode, “The Menagerie”. From The Next Generation (TNG), I will discuss the episodes, “Elementary, My Dear Data” and “Ship in a Bottle.” Both series interact with the Cartesian concepts of reality, existence and being. While TOS does not address Descartes views as directly as TNG does, these episodes can be well analyzed in a Cartesian light.
In the pilot, Captain Pike is fooled into going to the planet Talos IV, drawn in by a fake distress call put out by a race called the Talosians. These beings have the ability to create elaborate illusions in the minds of other creatures, so vivid they are indistinguishable from reality. The Talosians capture Pike, confining him in a cage with Vina, who appears to be a beautiful, young, human woman. She is tasked with convincing him to stop resisting the illusion and instead live there peacefully with her so they can begin a new human population on the planet. The Talosians can no longer do the physical work required to sustain their lives on the planet so they desire the labor a race of humans could provide it. Despite numerous attempts to entice Pike, he remains steadfast in his conviction to escape. Thinking he is just unhappy with his choice of “mate” the Talosians kidnap two female crewmembers from the Enterprise to give him more options. Rather than remain in captivity, the crew threatens to commit suicide, which baffles the Talosians, who cannot understand why one would chose death and refuse to live in a perfect world. It is only when other Talosians, who have been researching humanity, arrive and at the last moment explain their discovery; humanity possesses a “unique hatred for captivity”, do they understand their preference for death over confinement. Armed with this new information the Talosians’ claim that humans are too violent a species to be kept as a labor force. They decide it is best to free the crew, allowing them to leave Talos IV. When the crew are about to return to the ship, Vina refuses to come with them. The Talosians reveal that her youth and health were an illusion. In reality, she was an old woman who was disfigured in the crash that trapped her on the planet many years ago. Because of this, she chooses to remain on the planet rather than return to reality with Pike, a decision he states he agrees with.
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The 1987 series reboot, Star Trek: The Next Generation, introduced a technology that often brought reality into question, called the “holodeck”; A room with the capability to create a simulation so exact to reality it is impossible to distinguish. Barring any glitches, the crew would experience a perfect physical virtual reality. The crew often used this technology to interact with fictional worlds and characters. One such case is in the episode “Elementary, My Dear Data,” where Data and Geordi decide to solve a mystery in the Sherlock Holmes universe. Because Data is an avid fan of the Doyle mystery series, he was able to solve every mystery before it even began. Frustrated with Data’s encyclopedic knowledge of Holmsian literature, Geordi tasks the computer to create an opponent smart enough to defeat Data. Because Data is an android with incredible intelligence, the computer must grant Moriarty consciousness, as Data later explains it is required to outmaneuver him. Along with it, he gains the ability to interact with the arch, the pathway between reality and the virtual world, and full access to the ship’s computers. He slowly pieces together that he is trapped on a ship, and overrides the holodeck controls to keep a crewmember hostage until he is given the information that he wants. Captain Picard eventually enters virtual London and explains to Moriarty that he is a being without substance, created for the entertainment of the crew and cannot leave the holodeck, asserting that he is not alive. Moriarty employs Decartes’ “cogito ergo sum” argument for his existence, which does eventually convince Picard to admit he exists. Regardless, because he is without physical substance, he cannot leave the holodeck as he wishes. For the time being, Picard is able to pacify him with the promise to work out how to convert holodeck characters into reality, putting him into stasis until then. 
One philosophical parallel I find with these episodes is to Descartes’ evil demon skepticism. Descartes posits a notion which challenges the reliability of our sensory experiences and the validity of our perceptions. As with the evil demon, the Talosians have the ability to manipulate what people perceive with perfect accuracy. In the episode, it is shown that they can cause one to see and feel anything, it is remarked that they can even cause those working on the ship to press the incorrect controls while thinking they are performing their jobs completely normally. It is proven that this is only an illusion, they are not able to manipulate the actual matter around them. This is demonstrated when Pike uses a phaser gun and shoots through the glass cage. Despite not being able to see the hole he created, he then points the phaser gun at the Talosian, remarking that he will test that assumption again on the being’s head. The Talosian ceases the illusion and the damage becomes visible. This ability to deceive calls into question whether or not it is preferable to live a life of illusion with all desires fulfilled, or to live in reality. The episodes seem to come to the conclusion that it is contingent on one's material conditions. Vina chooses to remain on the planet rather than suffer with her condition. When Pike becomes similarly disabled, he chooses the same fate despite his previous assertion in the pilot that he would rather die than live in their illusion. Just as he agreed it was better for Vina to remain, he now believes that the illusion has become a better choice than reality. 
In the case of the TNG episodes, it seems that the holodeck gives anyone with the technological know-how the ability to create an illusory world that cannot be easily escaped– if at all. Both Moriarty and the crew are able to simulate an environment for the other to interact with and be fooled by. In this instance, it comes into question who would parallel the evil demon: those who program the simulation, or the holodeck itself? The concept of the plasticity of reality and man's inability to properly engage with that power was poignantly and succinctly addressed by the Talosians in the pilot, where they state that they will not teach humanity their powers of illusion because they would use it for destruction. It seems that as time progressed, humans did create their own way to form illusions, and as predicted by the Talosians, it is often destructive. We see how much turmoil access to a similar illusory power demonstrates in the case of “Ship in a Bottle.” It seems even in their proof that Moriarty can never have physical substance, at the same time they prove his existence by deceiving him, as Descarte may point out,  he must exist in order to be deceived. Moreover, evidence Moriarty's existence is further bolstered in that via the computer he is able to interact with the physical world to the point that his meddling and malevolent ways bring the crew's very lives into jeopardy. 
When we assess the unfortunate events that provide the background to Vina’s life we see that she was a victim of circumstance. The space ship she was on crashed on the planet, leaving her the sole survivor. The Talosians did what they could to save her, but as they had never seen a human, she was reconfigured to be functional, but left grotesque. On one hand, like Moriarty she was forced into a life of illusion but interestingly she differs in significant ways relative to Moriarty. Clearly the fact that Vina is a real human is paramount. Also she actively engages in subterfuge as she schemes with the Talosians to entrap Pike. She spends a large portion of the episode trying to convince Pike that she is just a figment of his imagination in order to please the Talosians, but in reality she is just as existent as Pike. Though she is a being with physical substance, that physicality is not what she experiences in her illusory world. Moriarty on the other hand is never real in any physical sense, but as soon as he gains consciousness he spends a great deal of time arguing that he does exist, again asserting the argument that he is just as valid a life form as Data. He spends the second episode demanding that he be granted physical substance. It is not necessary for his existence, as he claims several times throughout both episodes that he exists because he is sentient, and works tirelessly to escape from the illusory world of the holodeck, yet he desires physical reality above all. To the end of the second episode, the Enterprise crew maintain that he is only a computer simulation, that being the entire reason they are able to contain him in a virtual holodeck. 
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If Moriarty was convinced that he existed while being without physical substance, why was he unsatisfied to live within the holodeck? Along with his consistent use of “I think, therefore I am,” to argue his sentience, he seems to also follow Descartes’ dualist perspective, believing reality requires physical substance, while existence does not. To anyone in the holodeck, the items inside are tangible, having the illusion of physicality within the confines of the space. The items on the holodeck are just as physically “real” as he is, and from the introduction of the Countess we see he has the ability to grant sentience to other holodeck characters. If Moriarty remained in the holodeck, he could give every other holodeck character sentience, so they could live a life that perfectly mirrored physical reality, since they would match Moriarty’s own physical substance one would think Moriarty would be satisfied. Despite practically infinite power within the holodeck, he demands to be given physical substance outside of the room, equating it to freedom. Compare this with the situation of Pike and Vina, where their physical substance is what confined them, and the illusion became their freedom. Though they are fully aware they are living in an illusion, it becomes their reality, in a state that seems to be somewhere between physical substance and illusion. Their predicament seems to either refute Moriarty’s dualist perspective, placing the importance on the mental experience rather than physical, or at the very least reduce the significance physical substance has over existence. 
As opposed to Pike and Vina, Moriarty does not choose to live in the illusion. He has no physical substance and cannot be brought into the physical world, but continues to demand it regardless. In order to survive, the crew tricks him into believing that he was in reality. Ultimately, he does not achieve his goal, but he has no idea of that, perhaps, at least here, ignorance is bliss. In the case of Pike, he chooses to live in an illusion because otherwise he must live his life, paralyzed entirely. Moriarty is deceived infinitely, calling into question whether or not he is free at all. He will have exactly the life he desires, as he is in a holodeck simulation. But, as we saw in the pilot, humanity is characterized as destesting captivity, even the most pleasurable and benevolent kind. Though it can be debated whether or not he is actually a human or merely something programmed to mimic one, it is very likely that if he was aware he was still in a simulation, he would attempt to escape it at all costs– just as humans in this universe are characterized to do. Moriarty is trapped in an illusory world, specifically designed to hide that fact above all else. Neither of these men live in reality, however the awareness of that fact is what distinguishes their situations. In the same vein, what Pike and Moriarty really want is to live a free life, unrestrained by the confines of what holds them. Neither is able to achieve this in reality, but only through an illusion can they achieve any happiness. Both men were technically forced into their situation, though in the end Pike chose to go with the Talosians, initially he refused because of the risk it posed to Spock to get him there. Though it worked out for all in the end, if both of these men had their way from the beginning, neither of them would end up living in their illusory world that the conclusion seems to suggest is the best outcome. 
In these episodes, the debate of existence, reality, and physical substance are specifically addressed, while never committing to a single answer. The TOS perspective is one of pragmatic acceptance, suggesting that it might be preferable to inhabit a comforting illusion when confronted with a harsh reality. TNG episodes seem to embrace a more nonchalant and are somewhat blase about whether or not it really matters if we are experiencing reality, as we can never know. Though the crew fights tooth-and-nail to return to what they believe is reality. The end of the episode leaves viewers with the unsettling reminder that there is no true way to entirely distinguish reality from simulation or illusion. 
Star Trek, from its very inception has endeavored to be more than just a science fiction series. The writers labored to weave entertaining tales with questions of pungent social comment. They used television to press the philosophical questions of the day. They used this medium to reframe the issues and present the public with an easily digestible form of entertainment that encourages a deeper discussion of inquiry and discourse. By delivering these concepts in this accessible manner, the series empowers viewers to engage with these questions in a way that both amuses and fascinates. Star Trek’s philosophy tends to ask more questions than it answers, leaving the viewer to come to their own conclusions– if any can be found at all.
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squirrelwrangler · 10 months
Retellings of the Silmaril Quest of Lúthien and Beren, the Lay of Leithian in the form of poetry and countless works of material art in the form of paintings, tapestries, and sculpture, are more unavoidable in the start of the Second Age here in Tol Erresëa and Valinor than Faelindis would have imagined. The songs were composed and sung extensively before the Fall of Nargothrond and even whispered, softly and fitfully, in the bowels of Angband, and it is a tale of hope and joy and triumph. Faelindis flinches. She cannot help it. She met Lúthien, knew her during her unhappy time in Nargothrond and had been overwhelmed by not only beauty but the kindness and diamond-hard conviction of self. Faelindis knows the shame of how neither her nor Lady Finduilas had aided Princess Lúthien, unable to free her from her captors or convince the city to change their hearts. That had been bitter, while Lúthien yet lived her second life with Beren far to the south, despite the apology letters sent and received by Lady Finduilas. The desperate undercurrent to Túrin's treatment, that this time he would be heeded and given aid and love, to be worthy of Lúthien's grace. Others are tactful enough not to bring up Túrin's tale and stories of his deeds and doom in Faelindis's presence. But she cannot escape the images of Lúthien. And there is no fairness to Faelindis's fear and the seed of hate that it is germinating.
Faelindis was never dragged before the Iron Throne, but she knows the walls of Angband and the echoes of Morgoth's voice, and she cannot bear it, not a single time more, to see a depiction of that throne room and Lúthien standing so brave and tall and clever before the Dark King surrounded by his orcs and wolves. She cannot hear of Lúthien's imprisonment in three-trunked Hírilorn and the daring escape via an enchantment of hair. The comparison to the coffin-sized stone cell that Faelindis was forced into during her decades of imprisonment are nothing at all alike. Years of Angband, years without the hint of the sun or stars, of orcs and balrogs, of the only face not unkind being her Faron, and he but a despairing ghost like her. Decades of slavery and the orcs' leering eyes. Faron in warg pit - she cannot look at images of noble Huan beside the brave and steadfast lovers without flinching. Facing off against Carcharoth when the snarling of young wargs frightened her, when still Faelindis sees how Faron flinches from the barking of dogs and feels the scars of their fangs on his arms. The Gardens of Lórien dampened the memories and removed most marks on their bodies, but when Faelindis dreams, she remembers weeping. She remembers listless terror and hopeless acceptance.
'But you escaped from Angband' others remind Faelindis, as if she had not followed mutely and bewildered, without faith in hope of true escape. She had only followed Faron because she had not wanted to die alone in the dark, surrounded by orcs and balrogs and wargs. There had been no goal, no confidence.
Still the well-meaning show her images of the escape from Angband, as if Faelindis would offer commentary on the accuracy of Thangorodrim's chimneys in the background.
Almost a year with the sensation of Tol Eressëa's fresh air upon her cheeks, the feel of sun and stars softening what memories linger beneath the darkness of her dreams, of Faron's returned smiles, only then does Faelindis look closely at a painting of Beren and Lúthien's escape from Angband. The image that she reexamines made her flinch, as all did, even the joyous ones. But this one is from the moment after Carcharoth has bitten off Beren's hand, and it reminds Faelindis of Gwindor's missing hand and Faron's missing fingers. The lovers are stumbling through the broken craters and ash-covered wasteland that surrounds Angband, a terrain that Faelindis knows exactly how it feels beneath uncovered feet.
Lúthien's facial expression is bewildered and scared, which Faelindis blames the artist for an overreach of imagination - Faelindis met Lúthien in Nargothrond when she had been imprisoned and desperate to rescue Beren from the Isle of Werewolves, when she had been scared that her beloved was dying and had not been deterred. Lúthien was defiance incarnate. Not lost. Not clinging to Beren. Not tottering aimlessly through that slag field of ash with their quest in ruins.
Faelindis pulls the seed of resentment out of her chest and lets it wither in the open air, drowning it with another spat of weak tears.
She buys the painting. Faron says nothing when she hangs it in their house.
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scully-loves-ruthie · 2 years
Fictober Day 14
Prompt: Yes. No. I don't know.
Fandom: The X-Files
          “Look, someone has to tell her.”  Monica says with her best stern voice.  She’s elbow deep in the fanciest homemade pasta dish Mulder has ever seen.  He eyes Scully across the Kitchen table, silently pleading for help.
          “Mulder,” Scully interrupts calmly “I will gladly tell her, but not three hours ago you gave this grand speech about how you have to be the one to tell my mother we got married.  You went on and on about how she was a second mother to you and in all actual fact a better one…”
          “I know Scully” He interrupts her an anguished look on his face.  “You know how much I love Maggie, I just I’m a little scared of her too.”  He shifts uncomfortably casting a glance at Monica.  “I’m afraid she might actually kill me when she finds out we got married without telling anyone.
          “Mulder look at me.”  Scully steps directly into his line of vison eclipsing the sight of Monica expertly chopping zucchini.  Do you want me to tell her?”
          He straightens his spine searching for that steadfast resolve and conviction that has served him so well his whole life.  “Yes.  No.  I don’t know.”  He crumbles onto the countertop his hands rubbing over his wrought face.
          “Look, I know I’m just the chef of this little shindig” Monica offers with a wry smile and a little flourish of her knife, “but someone has got to tell her, mainly because I don’t know how long Walter,” She casts a snarky look toward Mulder.  “Yes, Walter my husband that she knows I’m married to, can entertain her on the porch.”
          “Fuck.”  He mumbles under his breath as Maggie and Skinner make their way inside toward the kitchen.
          “Oh Monica,” Maggie gushes “It smells incredible in here.  Your husband better watch himself or he’ll be needing extra days at the gym.”  She chuckles as she tosses Skinner a wink and a gentle arm pat.  “My daughter and son in law however won’t be having that problem as neither of them can cook.”  She drops down on a stool next to Mulder who is holding it together by the thinnest of threads.  She places her hands on his shoulders, looking him squarely in the eyes. “I know Fox.  I know you and Dana are married and I’m so happy for you. Now stop starring at me and help Monica.  I’m hungry.”
          Scully chokes a bit on her wine as she kisses her mother on the cheek offering a wordless thank you.  It’s Maggie, of course she knew.
@fictober-event @xffictober2022 @today-in-fic
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orszemgyorgy · 10 months
Embracing the Cusp of Beauty: A Journey of Faith and Miracles
I find solace in the belief that I stand forever on the verge of something profoundly beautiful. There's a serene assurance that life's intricate threads are weaving together a masterpiece, orchestrated by a higher force. The symphony of existence plays out in its own rhythm, and I take comfort in knowing that every note will harmonize perfectly in due time.
Throughout my journey, I've worn the mantle of a dreamer, with my thoughts often ascending into the clouds, where possibilities bloom without restraint. Skeptics may beckon me to descend into the realm of their reality, yet I remain steadfast in my conviction that the miraculous is attainable, even for souls like mine. The universe, a benevolent ally, whispers secrets of cosmic alignment, assuring me that every circumstance has purpose, and every challenge holds a lesson.
They speak of a yearning for solid ground, for a place to belong—a sentiment I share. But deep within, I sense that this season of being betwixt and between has significance. It is a chrysalis stage, where transformation occurs silently, hidden from the eye but felt in the heart. This sense of incompleteness, of not yet being whole, is merely a prelude to the grand unveiling of the self I am destined to become.
With every sunrise, the promise of adventure flutters like a butterfly's wing, a whisper that my purpose is drawing near, waiting for me to embrace it with open arms. Guided by an unwavering faith, I am assured that all the years of yearning, all the moments of hope, and all the whispered prayers will not dissolve into nothingness. They are the luminous stars guiding my ship through the night, leading me towards the shores of my destiny.
The symphony continues, and I am a humble note within it. I rest in the knowledge that as I dance on the precipice of the unknown, life orchestrates its grand opus around me. In each crescendo and decrescendo, every rise and fall, there is a profound purpose. So, dear reader, let us journey together with open hearts and resolute spirits, for in the embrace of the divine melody, we find ourselves, our purpose, and the magnificent beauty that awaits just around the bend.
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helloescapist · 9 months
To Wish Upon a Lantern | Shota Aizawa
Word Count: 1357
Setting: Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead x gn!reader [pining]
Content Warnings: none really, minor suggestive because I can't behave myself.
Summary: a sweet moment releasing a lantern for Mid-Autumn festival with Shota Aizawa.
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The night settled into intense shades of lapis lazuli plunged into passionate hues of indigo, touched upon fervid plums. Luminous stars that glistened upon the night sky, beckoned the hushed reminder of distant worlds and celestial bodies untouchable by man. The distant jostle of festival music a mere hum carried across the breeze. Whispered the reminder of the festivities only short voyage away, the rare request of an interlude together having drawn you from booths. The touch of his elbow against yours as he ushered you away from the crowds, from venders peddling their wares, and children in cheer.
The jostle of cheer and drums replaced by the hammering of your heart now inter tangled over the crash of waves against the beach. Shadows that grazed one another, nudging the hammer of your heart. The soothing touch of his hand grazed upon your shoulder. Dark eyes that embodied the vast entity of space, hinted upon black sapphires that traced the sky above, imparting no wards into the silence of the night. The scintillating glow of the moon illuminating his stoic features. The mid-autumn moon offering the rare opportunity to his features in the confidante of the hour. The discoloration of his scars varied amongst several shades; the mark carved into his cheek bone having earned company in the past two years. Thick luscious waves of cocoa locks twirled at the highs of his cheek. The mass of his hair combed back to the best of his abilities. Secured by a ponytail that captivated your heart, concealed his unruly mane. The glimpse of his neck offered by the reveal of his collar. Far more than enough to thrill your features, and whisper prayers to the gods that the night would not reveal the quiver of your heart. Stubble that traced the definition of his jawline, the sharp lines of his eyelashes that could slash your resolve if only he pressed. How you wished he would venture. Bedroom eyes posed and lethal, crumble your façade, and vacated your sense. Trembling beneath the seductive imagery of his dark yukata against delicate ivory skin. The hushed yawn stifled against the back of his hand before resting in the folds of his collar. The touch of taunt muscles wary from fatigue. The movement, the reminder of your circumstances shooing away unsavory thoughts that through the depths of the night, and weaved together lust and yearning. Concerns quick to seize the opportunity to evade your heart, all too aware of the deepening of the bruises beneath his lower lashes. Bid farewell to moonlight trysts, and stilled the hammering of your heart. Aizawa was exhausted. Worn from the duties of Eraserhead, carved from his path, and torn asunder whether to answer the calls of educator, pro-hero, or vigilante. Disaster after devastation, the in balance in this world had long since bared its fangs upon his flesh, and yet, her persevered. Remained steadfast in his ideals, defended his convictions, and remained loyal to his classmates, an unknown name amongst the general population willing to throw his life away without hesitation.  The quiet of the scenery beckoning him, urged Shota to utilize your shoulder if only as a means to rest upon in the ambience of the waves. His husky voice, warm and sultry as it vibrated against your ear. Hummed appreciation for your willingness to accept his burdens if only for the moment. Oblivious to the way it afflicted your heart. Cooed the shiver down your spine, persuaded you to lean into his touch. The flutter of his eyelashes, the touch of his breath against your neck as he breathed in the chill of the night, and savored the scent of your body against his. Comforted, and soothed, as though a child who relied upon another to hush the horrors of the past, to provide distraction for those to come. If only for the one night.
                If only for tonight.
                “There,” Shota’s voice spoke before offering a low growl that vibrated against his Adam’s apple. Revealed his discontent of the contort of your body, daring to pull from his at the draw of his voice. Shuddered at the sudden way the words had practically petted the back of your neck, unable to admit the indignant coo that near threatened to escape your lips. The whisper of his voice in your ear, making you suddenly aware of the intimate prospects that fumbled through your brain all too aware of the press of his chest against your back. Joy that sparked through your yukata, a moth to the flame drawn in by the prospect of intrigue. Shota’s arms threaded around your middle, drawing you into him. Beckoned you to remain still. The close press of fabric, slipped from shoulders and tucked. Thin. Very little separating the graze of his flesh against your skin. Your response curious, allowing you only to avert your eyes under his intense press. Warmed your cheeks, taunted your senses. Betrayed dormant desires as absent minded as the way he held your form to his own. The mix of vanilla that danced with a citric note whispered sweet notes into your heart, Aizawa’s scent touched upon your fingertips drawing your attention.
                The callous of his fingers, wrappings that coiled around the digits of his hands drawn to the direction. Reprimanded yourself for deluding a tender moment with an old friend with perverted daydreams as your eyes followed his guidance, ignoring the pounding of your heart.
                The vivid hush of night that had spread across the sky, shy hues now elicited to life. Celestial bodies painted across the night hours. Their brilliance reflected upon the ripples of the sea below. Hummed distant memories of the year that had passed, touched upon fond recollections of the time you had been gifted alongside Eraserhead’s side. As though a spirit guided to the heavens, caught amongst the breeze; a delicate paper lantern ascended to the sky. Its solidarity quick to draw company. The prayers and wishes of festival goers weaved into every lantern. Desires and hopes etched into their siding, the flame elicited intended to carry their wishes to the heavens above. Warm, and tender. Gentle. Thousands that grew by the moment, a small lantern no longer along amongst the dark night. The warm sigh that tickled against your neck, and the press of arms that remained at your side. His hold tender against your frame, careful of your size difference.
                The melancholy that threatened to rob the joy of the moment from your pores. Your fingers betraying your conscious, revealed the depths of your anxieties. The uncertainty that clung to the back of your mind regardless of how you wished it away. The fear--- an adult of your age all too aware that prayers…. Often go unanswered. Clung to the touch of wood between your fingers, a lantern—your hopes clutched between your small fingers. The tremble of your knuckles threatening to grow white, and splintered wood against the pads of your fingers. Your response defiant to the flicker of the flame. Unable to relinquish your prayers to the night. To the risk of rejection. Horrified that the rejection of your hopes… would mean to witness the fall of Eraserhead, to become acquainted with his absence, ignorant of the press of his form against yours, and to endure cold nights as a permanent reminder he would never return home. To never know more. The doubts that shook your heart, whispered anxieties to the pit of your stomach was only soothed by the warmth of his breath, warm and reassuring against your neck. Delicate in the touch of his calloused fingers, careful to gently unfold your fingers from the lantern’s frame.
                Shota’s fingers intertwined between your owns. If only to remind you that life still resided within his bones. The flicker of the flame ascended from your reach. The cutesy motif of a cat the pro-hero had etched into one side, oblivious to the scribble of your hand writing. Urged prayers, hummed into your heart, into your soul.
                Your wishes carried to the heavens.
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (13-19 Nov 2022)
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😍 👂‍Ocean's Echo (Everina Maxwell, author; Raphael Corkhill, narrator) - same universe as Winter's Orbit but completely unrelated so you absolutely can read this standalone. where WO was a sci-fi romance, this is more a romantic sci-fi. Lots of space military and politicking and being used as pawns in everyone else's games. I absolutely adore Tennal, who shows up to everything with an "I think I will cause problems on purpose!" mindset and Surit, whose steadfast moral compass makes him a great soldier right up until orders conflict with that bone-deep conviction. I also really dug the expanded world building; genuinely hope there'll be more books where we get more of it.
😍 Itsy Bitsy Yoga (wearing_tearing) - reread, 59K - Stucky no powers AU with single dad Steve and toddler yoga teacher Bucky - soft & fluffy as a fleece blanket straight out the dryer
😍 Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots (The Cabots #3) (Cat Sebastian) - every book in this series is solid gold and this is no exception - great execution of the 'didn't realize we were already dating' trope. also Cat had this to say about it in her last newsletter and I think it's so dead on accurate: Earlier this year I read a slew of Kirk-McCoy fanfic in which those two fools didn't realize they were dating. I was enthralled. Delighted. Mesmerized. I took to social media to complain about the lack of this trope in commercial fiction and, predictably, within 48 hours was drafting this book. And thus was born Daniel Cabot Puts Down Roots, in which two people love one another very much and then later on realize they've been in a relationship all along. I think (and I'm spitballing here) that there may be something inherently queer about this trope, maybe because in order for it to work, the characters pretty much have to be in some kind of queerplatonic relationship to begin with. Also, there may be something queer or queer-friendly about how even discussing this kind of relationship involves getting into the weeds about what constitutes a relationship in the first place, which kind of goes against the grain of a heteronormative prix fixe one size fits all relationships? 
💖💖 +107K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
love you like rlb (orphan_account) - MCU: Stucky, 3.4K - reread of this fave - forever grateful the original creator chose to orphan it and leave it available rather than remove it entirely
Ninety-Nine Problems (lordeofstucky) - MCU: no powers omegaverse, 27K - reread; semi-traditional omegaverse with some absolutely premier dirty talk from steve
Stevie Doesn't Know (aaliona) - Stranger Things: Steddie, 34K - a fun little rock star/barista AU
The Big Brunch - s1, e1-3 - this has the same peaceful vibes as the original flavor GBBO and I love it
Death In Paradise - Christmas Special 2021; s11, e1
Leverage: Redemption - s2, e1-3 - delighted to have my beloved thief family back again
Abbott Elementary - s2, e8
Ologies with Alie Ward - Bryology (MOSS) Encore with Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer
Switched on Pop - Willow Smith rocks harder
Decoder Ring Plus - The Truth About #TheDress
Vibe Check - All Skinfolk Ain’t Kinfolk - this podcast is THE BEST WAY to start your Wednesday!
It's Been a Minute - 'Abbott Elementary' gets teachers
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Trailing of the Sheep
Shedunnit Book Club - Clerical Crimes
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - African Heritage House
99% Invisible #405 - Freedom House Ambulance Service: American Sirens
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Larry Spring Museum of Common Sense Physics
One Year Plus - 1942: When Internment Came to Alaska
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Tanks of Flamenco Beach
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - Synth War II: Digital Doom
Song Exploder - Omah Lay "Never Forget"
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 151: Rob Brydon
Into It - 'Wakanda' Over It or: How I Learned to Come to Terms with 'Black Panther' Ambivalence
Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster - Ep 21: Dara O Briain
my "Invisible Miracle Sledgehammer" playlist - basically just all of Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins & Mike and the Mechanics discography 😆
CREDITS: Joe Strummer
Meet Me @ the Altar
The Donnas
Swinging Sixties Hits
Bruno Mars Radio • Upbeat
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Happy  Birthday
It has been around two years since you arrived on my team and carved a spot in my heart with that big greatsword of yours. You were my first 5 star and I would like to think that it was in a way, meant to be. I've read and pieced together your story, your struggles, your way of being and can't help but love you as a character, Diluc Ragnvindr. I hope wherever you are, you never lose your drive to move forward and stay steadfast to your convictions. Someone has to walk the path of darkness so that others can see the light, right? Remember that even so, that fight is not a solitary one. There are so many people who care about your wellbeing Diluc! Way more than the enemies you've made protecting others and finding out the truth. You don't have to walk this dark path alone. Stay strong Diluc. And let yourself bathe in the light of another day's sunrise, it is your birthday after all Mr. Darknight hero~ To your father watching over you, the best gift would be to celebrate today with the people close to your heart and live a life of happiness. Happy birthday Diluc!
From someone who watches over you
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