#corporate gore lol
pigeonneaux · 7 months
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trying to branch out and be more accessible to future employers, how'd you like my new art style? ❤️
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atomicx · 3 months
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did a sfx makeup workshop :3
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Croatoan | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader (Eventual ? ;) )
Warnings: implied suicidal ideation, canon violence, canon gore, medical stuff lol
Word Count: 6176
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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Sam had another vision; one involving Dean killing some dude strapped to a chair. Apparently, the dude had been begging, saying, “It’s not in me!” 
‘What’s not in him, though? A demon? THE demon?’ you thought as he relayed his story.
“Well, I’m sure he had good reason,” you told Sam when he was finished.
“Well, I sure hope so—”
“What does that mean?” Dean grunted.
Sam didn’t reply.
“I mean, I'm not gonna waste an innocent man,” he scoffed.
Sam raised his eyebrows at his brother.
“He wouldn’t, Sam,” you stated, your tone warning.
“I never said he would!”
“Sure seemed implied,” you commented.
“Look, we don't know what it is,” sighed Sam. “But whatever it is, that guy in the chair's a part of it. So let's find him, and see what's what.”
“Fine,” Dean said.
“Fine,” said Sam.
The rest of the drive to Crater Lake, Oregon, was done in silence. 
You pulled into the small town of Rivergrove along the main strip of small businesses and homely apartment complexes. Most of the shops almost looked like wooden cabins, and you approached a man sitting under one of the wooden overhangs cleaning a rifle. 
“Morning,” Dean called.
“Good morning. Can I help you?” He turned to you.
“Yeah.” Dean pulled out his badge. “Uh, Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard, Kymberly Herrin. U.S. Marshals.”
The man furrowed his brows. “What’s this about?”
“We're looking for someone,” he answered.
“A young man, early twenties,” added Sam. “He'd have a— a thin scar right below his hairline.”
The man seemed surprised. “What’d he do?”
“Well, nothing. We're actually looking for someone else, but we think this young man could help us,” Sam replied. 
“Yeah, he's not in any kind of trouble or anything; well, not yet,” Dean chuckled. He looked down at the intricate tattoo on the man’s forearm. “I think maybe you know who he is… Master Sergeant.” He smiled. “My dad was in the Corps, he was a Corporal.”
“What company?” the man asked.
“Echo-2-1,” Dean replied, smiling proudly. 
Sam got back to business. “So, can you help us?”
The man hesitated before talking again. “Duane Tanner's got a scar like that. But I know him. Good kid, keeps his nose clean.”
Dean nodded. “Oh, I'm sure he does. Um. You know where he lives?”
“With his family, up Aspen Way.”
“Thank you.”
You bumped into a telephone pole as you and the brothers headed back to the car. You looked down at it, and something caught your eye. There was a single word etched into the pole: “CROATOAN.” You brushed your fingers over the etching. “Guys, look.”
“Croatoan?” Dean read.
Dean looked at you blankly.
Sam gave him a look. “Roanoke? Lost colony? Ring a bell? Dean, did you pay any attention in history class?”
“Yeah! Shots heard 'round the world, How bills become laws…” Dean trailed off.
“That's not school, that's Schoolhouse Rock,” Sam scoffed.
Dean rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
“Anywho,” you cut back in. “Roanoke was one of the first English colonies— late 1500s-ish?”
“Oh yeah, yeah, I do remember that,” Dean said excitedly. “The only thing they left behind was a single word carved in a tree. Croatoan.”
“Yeah. There were theories,” you continued. “Native American raid, disease, famine, but nobody really knows what happened. They were all just… gone. Wiped out overnight.”
Dean cocked his head to the side. “You don't think that's what's going on here, I mean—”
Sam cut him off with a sigh. “Whatever I saw in my head, it sure wasn't good. But what do you think could do that?”
“Well, I mean, like I said, all of your weirdo visions are always tied to the Yellow-Eyed Demon somehow, so…” Dean trailed off.
“We should get help. Bobby, uh, Ellen maybe?” Sam suggested.
“Good idea,” you said. You pulled out your phone to call Bobby, only to discover you had no signal. “Great. No signal.”
The two brothers took their phones out as well. 
“Huh, me neither,” said Sam. 
“Nada,” Dean stated.
“Payphone, maybe?” you tried, leading the boys over to one. Unfortunately for you, all you heard was a beeping to signify no signal. “Line's dead.” You hung up the phone.
“I'll tell you one thing. If I was gonna massacre a town, that'd be my first step,” Dean noted, pointing at the payphone. 
You pulled up in front of a homely, slightly tacky cabin. Sam rapped his knuckles against the door, and almost immediately, a teenage boy opened it.
“Yeah?” he grinned.
Dean flashed his badge. “We're looking for Duane Tanner; he lives here, right?”
“Yeah, he's my brother,” the boy nodded.
“Can we talk to him?”
He sucked in air through his teeth. “Oh, he's not here right now.”
“Do you know where he is?” Dean pressed.
“Yeah, he went on a fishing trip up by Roslyn Lake.”
“Your parents home?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah, they're inside,” the boy nodded.
“Jake?” a voice called. ‘Oh, that’s his name.’ “Who is it?”
Dean spoke as the owner of the voice appeared. “Hi, U.S. Marshals, sir, we're looking for your son Duane.”
Mr. Tanner seemed confused. “Wh— Why? He's not in trouble, is he?”
“No, no, no, no. We just need to ask him a couple of routine questions, that's all.” Dean flashed a winning smile.
“When's he due back from his trip?” questioned Sam.
“I'm not sure.”
“Well, maybe your wife knows.”
The man’s eerie smile was far too cheerful for the current conversation. “No, I don't know, she's not here right now.”
You cocked your head to the side. “Your son said she was.”
Jake seemed caught. “Did I?”
This whole thing was weirding you the hell out.
“She's getting groceries,” Mr. Tanner smiled. “So, when Duane gets back, there's a number where he can get a hold of you?”
“Oh, no,” Dean said. “We'll just check in with you later.”
The three of you turned back down the steps, and you waited to talk until you heard the door close. “That was kind of creepy, right? Little too… Stepford?”
“Big time,” Dean replied.
You headed around the back of the house, ducking down to avoid being seen by the Tanners. You caught sight of a poor woman with mussed up blonde hair tied to a chair sweating and crying. You cocked your gun as Dean kicked in the door, and you quickly shot Mr. Tanner in the chest when he tried to charge you with a knife. You turned to Sam and Dean who were over by the window.
“He got away,” Dean grunted, referencing Jake who had leapt out of the window.
“Great,” you sighed. You turned your attention back to the woman in the chair and noticed a profusely bleeding wound. “Dean, start the car. Sam, get her to the backseat. I’m gonna patch her up as best I can til we can get to a doctor.”
The boys nodded and rushed to do your bidding. You rushed to the trunk of the Impala and pulled out your makeshift first aid kit— a collection of wraps, bandages, antiseptics, antibiotics, sutures, sewing needles, thread, and painkillers you gathered from random pharmacies and kept in a small, vintage tin box with roses etched into the lid and occasionally refilled. You hurriedly got in the backseat with the woman, and you kept her conscious by asking her questions about herself. You learned her name was Beverly, and that her two sons, Duane and Jake, went fishing and hunting together all the time. Her first sign that something was wrong was that Jake didn’t go with his brother on the trip. After her hiccups mourning the death of her husband— for which you profusely apologized to her— and hissing in pain as you kept pressure on her wound, you finally arrived at a small clinic on the main stretch of road. 
You held the pressure on her shoulder as you led her into the clinic, yelling, “Doctor! We need a doctor!”
A young woman in a pleasant floral jacket and cute pink headband came rushing out, concerned. “Mrs. Tanner, what happened?” she asked the woman on your shoulder.
“She’s been attacked,” you explained, hurrying past her.
“Dr. Lee!” the young woman called.
The doctor instructed you to head down the hallway into an examination room. You gently placed her down on the bed, and Beverly moaned as you shifted position around her to continue holding her shoulder. The doctor came into the room moments later followed by Sam and Dean, who stood at the doorway. You filled the doctor in on the medical history you’d gathered from Mrs. Tanner on the way to the clinic, and the doctor immediately set to work stitching the wound. You tossed the tattered and bloodstained jacket Mrs. Tanner had been wearing into the garbage and washed your hands up to your elbows. 
Beverly began to explain what happened to the doctor, who seemed shocked. “Wait, you said Jake helped him? Your son Jake?” the doctor asked.
Beverly nodded. “They beat me. Tied me up.”
“I don't believe it,” the young nurse breathed out. 
“Beverly… do you have any idea why they would act this way? Any history of chemical dependency?” Dr. Lee questioned.
“No, of course not. I don't know why. One minute they were my husband and my son. And the next, they had the devil in them.” Beverly shook as she spoke.
You walked out into the hallway with Sam and Dean.
“Those guys were whacked out of their gourds,” Dean commented.
“Ya think?” you snorted. “And what I don’t understand is, if they already beat and subdued her, why put that giant gash on her shoulder? That wound was fresh; like it happened this morning. Everything else seemed a few days old, at least.”
“Yeah, this whole thing is weird, man,” Sam added. “What do you guys think? Multiple demons, mass possession?”
“If it is a possession there could be more. I mean, God knows how many, it could be like a friggin' Shriner convention,” Dean grumbled. “Of course, that's one way to wipe out a town, you take it from the inside.”
“I don't know, man. We didn't see any of the demon smoke with Mr. Tanner, or any of the other usual signs,” Sam reminded his brother.
“Well, whatever. Something turned him into a monster. And you know if you woulda taken out the other one, there'd be one less to worry about,” the older brother chided.
Sam huffed, “I'm sorry, alright? I hesitated, Dean, it was a kid!”
“Boys, relax!” you scolded, standing between them.
Dean looked over your head at Sam. “No, it was an ‘it’. Not the best time for a bleeding heart, Sam.”
“Dean,” you murmured harshly. 
Dr. Lee stalked out of the lab, heels clicking loudly on the floor to let the brothers know it was time to stop arguing. 
“How is she?” you asked her.
“Terrible! What the hell happened out there?” she questioned.
“We don't know,” Dean shook his head.
“Yeah? Well, you just killed my next door neighbor.” Dr. Lee crossed her arms over her chest.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you told her. “All of us would’ve been dead if I hadn’t.”
“Maybe so, but we need the county Sheriff. I need the coroner —”
Sam cut her off. “Phones are down.”
“I know, I tried. Tell me you have a police radio in the car?” Dr. Lee pleaded.
“Yeah, we do. But it crapped out just like everything else,” Sam said.
The blonde ran a hand through her hair and began to pace. “I don't understand what is happening.”
“How far is it to the next town?” you asked her.
“It's about forty miles down to Sidewinder.”
“Alright, I'm gonna go down there, see if I can find some help. You’re coming with me.” He looked down at you before clapping Sam on the shoulder. “My partner 'll stick around, keep you guys safe.”
“Safe from what?” Dr. Lee questioned pointedly.
“We'll get back to you on that,” Dean responded. He then led you away from Sam and Dr. Lee and out to the Impala.
“What’d you do with Mr. Tanner?” you asked him.
“He’s in the lab somewhere. Man’s heavier than he looks,” he joked as he began to drive off.
“Dean, I killed him,” you mourned. “He was just a guy. Now, his two sons don’t have a father. He was a person.”
“(Y/N), since when are you all morally gray?” Dean questioned gently. His usual bite behind his sarcasm was missing. “I get it, but he wasn’t ‘just a guy’ anymore.”
“I know that,” you said. “That’s what I’m starting to get worried about. Normally, I wouldn’t think twice. Vamps used to be people. Hell, one of my first vamp kills was my parents. I don’t know what’s happening to me, man. I don’t hesitate— hell no— but… I don’t know.”
“Hey, I get it.” He reached across the seat and grabbed your hand. “I’m a straight shooter, too. I’m in the same place you are.”
You scooched across the bench seat and kept your hand entwined with Deans, playing with his fingers. You leaned your head on his shoulder, and he pulled your hand up to his lips and kissed it, eyes never leaving the road. 
“Things keep getting weirder, dude. Since when do we second-guess?” You tried to muster a laugh, but your heart wasn’t in it.
“I know. This whole thing is spinnin’ out of our control. I hate it,” he admitted. 
“Yeah, me, too,” you murmured. “I wish we could’ve met under normal circumstances.”
He chuckled. “Hm. Me, too.”
The rest of the drive was spent hand in hand and silent. You continued to play with Dean’s fingers and kept your head on his shoulder. Only when you saw two cars blocking the road and men standing with their large guns drawn did you pull your head up. Dean’s grip on your hand tightened— whether to reassure you or himself, you weren’t sure— as he rolled to a stop. You noticed one of the men in front of you was the teenager from the Tanner house, Jake. He stopped the car, frowning. Something banged on the roof of the car, making both you and Dean jump. His hand never left yours, and he shifted his body toward the man leaning down into the window almost protectively in front of you. “Oh-ho-ho. Hey,” Dean awkwardly laughed.
“Sorry. Road's closed,” the man at the driver’s side window grinned.
“Yeah, I can see that. What's up?” Dean questioned.
“Quarantine,” was his simple reply.
“Quarantine? Why?” you asked. Dean stiffened and tried to hide you more with his body when you spoke.
“Don't know,” the man tsked. “Something going around out there.”
“Uh-huh. Who told you that?” Dean asked, sass lying just below the surface of his tone.
The man’s face was blank when he responded. “County Sheriff.”
“Is he here?”
“No. He called. Say, why don't you get out of the car and we'll talk a little?”
Dean laughed nervously. “Well, you are a handsome devil, but I don't swing that way, sorry.”
“I'd sure appreciate it if you got out of the car, just for a quick minute.” The man’s stoicism was beginning to drop, and the anger bubbling just below the surface was becoming visible.
“Yeah, I'll bet you would.” Dean released your hand to quickly throw the car in reverse. The man grabbed his collar and held on for dear life as you tried your best to pry his fingers off. Thankfully, Dean swung the car around, finally cutting the man loose, and sped away. The sound of guns firing at the car filled your ears, but none of the bullets seemed to be hitting their desired target.
“You okay?” Dean asked you, throwing you a worried look.
“Yeah,” you heaved. “You?”
“Peachy,” he grunted.
Suddenly, the ex-military man you first met in town stepped in the path of the Impala, brandishing a rifle.
Dean slammed on his brakes, and you put your hands on the dashboard to steady yourself.
“Hands where I can see 'em!” the man yelled.
“Son of a—” Dean grumbled, holding his hands up. You did the same.
“Get out of the car! Out of the car!” he commanded.
You slowly slid across the seat to the passenger’s side door as Dean started climbing out. You took the opportunity of your hands being hidden behind the door to quickly whip out your handgun.
“Drop the gun!” you ordered.
“Put it down, now!” the man yelled back at you. “Are y’all part of 'em?!” 
“No!” Dean answered. “Are you?”
“You could be lying!” Dean protested.
“So could you!”
“Alright! Alright,” you broke in. “We could do this all day, alright? Let's just, uh, let's take it easy before we kill each other.”
The sergeant relaxed slightly. “What's going on with everybody?”
“I don't know,” you admitted.
“My neighbor— Mr. Rogers, he—”
Dean interrupted the man. “You've got a neighbor named Mr. Rogers?”
“Not anymore,” the man responded gruffly. “He came at me with a hatchet. I put him down. He's not the only one, I mean, it's happening to everyone.”
“We’re heading over to the Doc's place, there's still some people left,” Dean explained.
“No, no way. I'm getting the hell out,” the older man stated.
“There's no way out, they got the bridge covered, now come on,” the older Winchester said.
“I don't believe you,” the man replied.
“Fine, stay here, be my guest.” It was then you noticed Dean was pointing a handgun at the man, too, who hesitated before walking over to the backseat of the Impala. He swapped his rifle for a handgun as he stooped down into the backseat, and you kept your gun trained on him over the back of your seat. The older man kept his gun aimed at you, but his eyes would frantically flick to Dean every now and again.
Dean looked between you and the man and put his gun away to be able to drive back to the clinic. “Well, this ought to be a relaxing drive.”
You pinned the sergeant to his spot in the backseat with a hard glare and your gun on him. He returned your glare and pointed gun the whole way to the clinic. Despite your aching arms, you refused to falter. “What’s your name?” you asked him, still on your guard.
“Mark. Nice to meet you, Mark,” you smiled despite your situation.
Dean slowed to a stop in front of the clinic, and you and Mark mutually agreed to relax your guns. 
“Sammy? Open up!” Dean banged on the door to the clinic. 
Sam appeared at the glass a few moments later and allowed you inside. You kept your gun cocked and in your hand but pointed at the floor. 
“Did you guys, uh, get to a phone?” Sam questioned, looking between the three guns you were all brandishing.
“Road block.” Dean turned to Mark. “I'm gonna have a word. Doc's inside.”
Mark looked between the three of you, hesitating, before heading inside.
“What's going on out there, guys?” Sam asked.
“Man, I don't know, I feel like Chuck Heston in the Omega Man. I mean, Sarge is the only sane person I could find. What are we dealing with, do you know?” Dean questioned.
“Yeah. Doc thinks it's a virus.”
Dean snorted. “Okay, great. What do you think?”
“I think she's right.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Really,” Sam answered. “And I think the infected are trying to infect others with blood-to-blood contact. Oh, but it gets better. The, uh, the virus? Leaves traces of sulfur in the blood.”
“Cool. Demonic virus,” you deadpanned.
“Yeah, more like demonic germ warfare,” Sam added.  “At least it explains why I've been having visions.”
“It's like a Biblical plague,” noted Dean.
“Yeah. You don't know how right you are, Dean. I've been poring through Dad's journal, found something about the Roanoke colony,” Sam began. “Dad always had a theory about Croatoan. He thought it was a demon's name. Sometimes known as Deva or sometimes Resheph. A demon of plague and pestilence.”
Dean laughed humorlessly. “Well, that— that's terrific. Why here, why now?”
“I have no idea. But Dean, who knows how far this thing can spread? We gotta get out of here, we gotta warn people—”
Before any of you could speak, Mark called from the back of the clinic, “They've got one! In here!”
Dean entered the room behind Sam. “What do you mean?” he asked Mark.
“The wife. She's infected,” Sam explained.
“We've gotta take care of this. We can't just leave her in there. My neighbors, they were strong. The longer we wait, the stronger she'll get,” Mark urged.
You hesitated, but only for a moment, before brushing past Sam and Dean into the lab with your gun drawn. 
“Whoa!” the sweet nurse from earlier exclaimed. “You're gonna kill Beverly Tanner?”
“Doctor, could there be any treatment? Some kind of cure for this?” Sam pleaded.
“Can you cure it?” You turned toward Dr. Lee.
“For God's sake, I don't even know what ‘it’ is!” she cried.
“I told you, it's just a matter of time before she breaks through,” Mark told you.
“Just leave her in there, you can't shoot her like an animal!” the young nurse said.
You slowly walked over to the door of the utility room Beverly was being held in. You, Dean, and Mark held your guns steady on the door. Sam carefully opened it to reveal Beverly huddled on the floor in a corner, crying into her knees. She jumped as you approached. “Mark, what are you doing? Mark, it's, it's them!” She pointed at you, Dean, and Sam, who stood over your shoulder. “They locked me in here, they— they tried to kill me! They're infected, not me! Please, Mark! You've known me all your life! Please!”
“You sure she's one of 'em?” Dean asked, looking at his brother. 
Sam nodded. Mark pulled back, looking distraught, and you took the opportunity to step forward. 
In an attempt to hear as few of her cries for mercy as possible, you quickly fired one shot square between her eyes. Guilt immediately clawed at your throat, and you thought you could throw up. You stowed your gun and crouched beside her crumpled form. You moved her into a less disturbing configuration, laying her on her back with her arms crossed over her chest. You closed her paralyzed, open eyes and brushed through her hair with your fingers. With the back of your hand, you wiped your own eyes and stood, leaving the room and shutting the door behind you. 
Choked up, you pushed past a concerned Sam and Dean and headed out to the car. You grabbed your duffel bag to have some reason for going outside from the trunk when you heard a sound from down the street: a car approaching. Your breath caught, and you ducked behind the wall of the clinic’s entrance; back pressed to it. You peeked out briefly to see Jake was the one driving the car with the man who had tried to kill you and Dean earlier. Soundlessly, you slipped back inside the building and turned the lights at the entrance off. 
You locked both the door to the entrance and the door to the waiting room behind you, hurriedly pulling down the shades and turning off as many unnecessary lights as possible. You turned the light off in the waiting room and stormed into the lab where everyone was huddled together. You pulled down the shades behind Dr. Lee wordlessly.
“(Y/N/N)?” Sam asked gently. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re here. Everybody, get yourself a weapon from my bag if you know how to use one. Don’t grab one, get injured, and then get infected, got it?” you ordered.
Sam nodded and grabbed your bag from you. He threw you your bowie knife and pulled a hunting knife from the duffel for himself. 
The young nurse, who you learned was named Pam, dropped a vial of blood, and she screamed. “Oh god! Is there any on me? Am I okay?”
Dr. Lee tried to calm her down. “You're clean, you're okay.”
“Why are we staying here? Please, let's just go!” Pam cried.
“No, we can't because those things are everywhere,” Dean stated firmly.
Pam began to sink to the floor. “Oh god!—”
“Hey, shh, shh,” Dr. Lee told her.
Sam turned to you and Dean who stood together by the lab’s entrance. “She's right about one thing,” he said just loud enough for the two of you to hear. “We can't stay here. We've gotta get out of here, get to the Roadhouse? Somewhere. Let people know what's coming.”
“Yeah, good point,” Dean nodded. “Night of the Living Dead didn't exactly end pretty.”
“Well, I'm not sure we've got a choice,” Mark cut in. “Lots of folks up here are good with rifles— even with all your hardware we're- we're easy targets. So unless you've got some explosives…” he trailed off.
You looked up at the shelf of medical supplies and turned to Sam. “You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?”
“Yeah, actually.” He grabbed a bottle of potassium chloride and waved it at you.
“I’m lost, what’s happening here?” Dean questioned. “Speak, nerds.”
You deadpanned at him. “Potassium chlorate bombs. I’ve gotta figure out a way to ionize the chloride and get some oxygen in it; otherwise, this’ll never—”
Your explanation was cut off by a loud banging on the door.
“Hey! Let me in, let me in! Please!” the voice called as you approached the door.
“It's Duane Tanner!” Mark announced. He opened the door to let him in, and you grabbed your gun in your jacket immediately.
“Thank god,” Duane breathed out, walking into the clinic. 
Mark locked the door behind him. “Duane, you okay?”
Dean quietly asked Sam, “That's the guy that I, uh—” he clicked his tongue.
Sam nodded, seeming shaken.
“Who else is in here?” Duane went to step into the lab, but Dean grabbed his arm.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there, chief,” he said. “Hey Doc! Give Duane a good once-over, would you?”
Dr. Lee led your group into the lab. “Pam?”
Pam seemed to understand what that meant and moved to gather medical supplies.
“Who are you?” Duane asked Dean.
“Never mind who I am. Doc.”
Dr. Lee nodded nervously. “Yeah, okay.”
“Duane. Where you been?” Mark asked softly.
“On a fishing trip up by Roslyn. I came back this afternoon. I— I saw Roger McGill being dragged out of his house by people we know! They started cutting him with knives! I ran, I've been hiding in the woods ever since. Has anybody seen my mom and dad?”
Your heart squeezed in your chest and bile rose in your throat.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay,” Dean whispered to you. 
You could barely hear him over your heart pounding against your ribcage. You then noticed a deep gash in Duane’s left leg. “He’s bleeding.”
“Where'd you get that?” Dean interrogated.
“I was running, I must have tripped.” Duane’s cool tone was making it difficult to read whether he was infected or genuinely had no idea what was going on.
“Tie him up, there's rope in there,” the older brother ordered. You complied and dug the rope out of the supply closet.
“Wait—” Duane said, attempting to stand.
“Sit down!” Dean commanded, pointing his gun at Duane.
“I'm sorry, Duane, he's right,” Mark agreed. “We've gotta be careful.”
“Careful? About what?”
“Did they bleed on you?” Dean questioned, not answering the young man’s question.
“No, what the hell? No!” Duane frantically answered.
“Doc? Any way to know for sure, any test?” Sam questioned. You could tell he was trying to deescalate the situation before his vision came true. 
Dr. Lee sighed. “I've studied Beverly's bloodwork backwards and forwards.”
“My mom!” Duane cried.
Dr. Lee continued. “It took three hours for the virus to incubate. The sulfur didn't appear in the blood until then, so… no, there'd be no way of knowing. Not until after Duane turns.”
Sam looked over to his brother. “Dean, I gotta talk to you. Now.”
Dean looked over to you, and you nodded, standing up from where you’d tied Duane to the chair he was sitting in. You drew your gun and trained it on him while the brothers stepped out into the hall.
Dean reappeared a minute or so later.
“Where’s Sam?” you asked him.
He didn’t answer you. He simply cocked his gun and looked past you at Duane. Pam and Dr. Lee startled to their feet, chests heaving as they looked between Dean and Duane.
“No, you're not gonna—” Duane heaved. “No, no, I swear it's not in me!”
“Oh God. We're all gonna die,” Pam cried.
“Maybe he's telling the truth,” Mark tried.
“No, he's not him, not anymore.”
“Stop it! Ask her, ask the doctor! It's not in me!” Duane pleaded.
Dr. Lee shook her head and hesitantly looked at Dean. “I… I can’t tell.”
Duane began to sob. “Please, don't. Don't, please. I swear, it's not in me, it's not in me, I swear, I— I swear it's not in me. No, don't.”
Dean seemed to get choked up, too. “I got no choice.” 
You stared at him, eyes almost pleading him not to pull the trigger. However, you would also respect his choice if he did; you knew the risks. Dean trembled, hesitating, and finally lowered the gun. “Dammit,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. 
He left the room, and you followed. Dean let Sam out of the room he’d apparently locked his younger brother in wordlessly and kept stalking down the hall. Sam simply looked after him for a moment before turning back to the lab, but you followed Dean further.
He turned into a dark exam room at the end of the hall. You did so as well, making sure the curtains were drawn as tightly as possible before you flicked on the desk lamp. Dean sat in a chair while you sat in another, facing him. Neither of you said a word for a moment. 
“What made you stop?” you asked him.
He hesitated before answering. “Sam,” he replied simply. “And you.”
Your breath caught at his admission. “Me?” you asked, just loud enough for him to hear. 
He nodded, unable to meet your gaze. 
“Why?” you asked softly.
“Couldn’t let you watch me do that,” he muttered. “And… I want you to see me how I see you.”
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“I mean— You just— You remind me that there’s good out there. In all this crap. You make me wanna be better,” he admitted, gaze still pointed to the floor. 
You reached over and tilted his chin to face you with your index finger, forcing him to look at you. “Dean—”
He cut you off by surging forward to crush his lips to yours. You sighed into the kiss, winding your hands around his neck and threading your fingers through his hair. He cupped your chin with one hand and grabbed your waist with the other. You kissed once, then again, then one final time before simply resting your foreheads against each other’s. You nudged his nose with yours, eyes still closed, and he stroked circles on your hip with his thumb. 
The two of you were broken apart by the sound of a scream and two shots being fired off. You barely shared a look before sprinting toward the sound with your guns drawn.
“It’s Sam,” Mark told you. “He’s infected.”
Your jaw went slack at the sight of Sam on the floor with an open wound on his chest and Pam lying dead on the floor beside him.
“Oh, god,” you breathed out, turning to see Dean completely shocked and terrified.
*** Your group had Sam tied to a chair with a bandage over his wound. Dean was angry, and Sam seemed defeated. Your heart broke for both brothers and for the fact that you were gonna lose an amazing friend soon. 
“Nobody is shooting my brother,” Dean stated firmly.
Duane argued, “He isn't gonna be your brother much longer. You said it yourself.”
“Nobody is shooting anyone!” you shouted. 
“He was gonna shoot me!” Duane gestured toward Dean.
“You don't shut your pie-hole, I still might!” Dean grunted.
Sam’s sad voice caught everyone’s attention. “Dean, they're right. I'm infected; just give me the gun and I'll do it myself.”
“Fuck that,” Dean scoffed.
“Dean, I'm not gonna become one of those things,” Sam pleaded.
“Sam, we've still got some time—”
Mark cut Dean off. “Time for what? Look, I understand he's your brother, and I'm sorry, I am. But we gotta take care of this.” He pulled out his gun.
“I'm gonna say this one time— you make a move on him, you'll be dead before you hit the ground. You understand me? Do I make myself clear?!” Dean growled.
Mark’s face was set in hard lines. “Then what are we supposed to do?!”
Dean tossed Mark his kets. “Get the hell out of here, that's what. Take my car. You've got the explosives, there's an arsenal in there. You two go with him. You've got enough firepower to handle anything now. (Y/N), you go with them.”
“Dean, no!” you said. “I’m not leaving you!”
“Sweetheart, you have to—”
“Guys, no. No. Go with them. This is your only chance!” Sam cried.
Dean turned to his younger brother. “You're not gonna get rid of me that easy.”
Mark chimed back in. “No, he's right. Come with us.”
Dean just stared at him.
“Okay, it's your funeral.” He led Duane and Dr. Lee out the door.
“Thank you, for everything,” Dr. Lee told you as she left.
“Don’t mention it,” you said halfheartedly.
She shut the door behind you, and Sam began to cry.
You were repeatedly surprised by Dean’s sense of play and slight immaturity at the grimmest of moments. “Wish we had a deck of cards, or a foosball table or something.”
“Don’t do this,” Sam pleaded. “Just get the hell out of here.”
“He’s right, (Y/N), you should leave,” Dean tired.
You crossed your arms and spoke with authority despite your soft tone. “Dean, we’ve discussed this already. I’m not going anywhere without you.”
“Give me my gun and leave,” Sam begged.
“For the last time, Sam. No,” Dean stated.
Sam slammed his fists against his chair. “This is the dumbest thing you've ever done.”
“Oh, I don't know about that. Remember that waitress in Tampa?” Dean shuddered.
“Dean, I'm sick. It's over for me. It doesn't have to be for you two,” Sam sobbed. “You can keep going.”
“Who says I want to?” Dean admitted.
“What?” you and Sam breathed out.
Dean pulled his handgun out of his waistband and put it on the file cabinet behind him. “I'm tired, Sam. I'm tired of this job, this life… this weight on my shoulders, man. I'm tired of it.”
Sam scoffed. “So, what, so you're just going to give up? You're just gonna lay down and die? Look, Dean, I know this stuff with Dad has—” 
“You're wrong. It's not about Dad. I mean, part of it is, sure, but…” he trailed off.
“What is it about?” Sam questioned.
A knock at the door broke the tense silence settled over the room. “You'd better come see this,” Dr. Lee called through the door.
You quickly untied Sam and brought him out to where Dr. Lee, Dean, Mark, and Duane were already gathered. 
“There's no one. Not anywhere. They've all just… vanished,” Dr. Lee explained.
“Croatoan,” you realized, looking over at the telephone pole opposite you.
Miraculously, the virus didn’t incubate in Sam’s blood. Strangely, when Dr. Lee looked back at the Tanner samples, the sulfur was gone, too. Confused and slightly uneasy, you and the brothers packed up the Impala. 
“Hey, the Sarge and I are getting the hell out of here, heading south. You should come,” Duane suggested to Dr. Lee.
“I'd better get over to Sidewinder, get the authorities up here. If they'll believe me. Take care,” she told them.
Mark waved to the three of you as well as Dr. Lee. 
“What about him?” Dean pointed to his brother.
“He's going to be fine. No signs of infection,” she grinned.
You turned to Sam.
“Hey, don't look at me. I got no clue,” he said.
“I swear, I'm gonna lose sleep over this one. I mean, why here, why now? And where the hell did everybody go? It's like they just fuckin’ melted,” Dean griped.
“Why was I immune?” Sam wondered aloud.
“Yeah. You know what? That's a good question. You know, I'm already starting to feel like this is the one that got away.” Dean walked around to the driver’s side of the car and pulled away from the town. His words hung ominously over the car for the remainder of your drive.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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cesarescabinet · 5 months
(this is spacekrakens lmao) dude idk anything about like 1950s Japanese cinema, do you have any recommendations? looking for stuff to toss on the watchlist now that I'm a bit burned out on horror (unless you have some horror recs)
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Hey! If you’re curious about Japanese cinema (particularly 1950s), there’s a lot of avenues to explore! Musicals, crime, horror, historical—it all depends on what mood you’re in. (Putting this under a read more because I'm DEFINITELY going to be long posting about this!!!) Hope this is useful to you lol.
(Also noting if anybody wants to add to this list with their own recommendations feel free!!)
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With old school Japanese cinema, I’ll always recommend Akira Kurosawa (obviously). He’s made some of the best Japanese movies (and arguably, the best movies of all time imo) and I feel like his work is a good gateway. It’s readily available on physical media/streaming too.
Specifically ‘50s stuff; Hidden Fortress (1958) is a good adventure flick whose structure was swiped for Star Wars, Throne of Blood (1957) is Japanese Macbeth if you like Shakespeare, and if you don’t mind a longer movie Seven Samurai (1954) includes Toshiro Mifune acting like this;
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Gotta admit, though—my personal favorites from Kurosawa don’t come from the 1950s; Drunken Angel (1948) and Yojimbo (1961). One has a pathetic gangster as the main lead, the other is just a solid, breezy proto-action film (also has my beloved Unosuke but that's besides the point)
Some personal favorites of mine from the 1950s:
Life of a Horse Trader (1951) is a bittersweet story about a man trying to be a good single father to his son in the backdrop of Hokkaido. He tends not to be great at it. Stars Toshiro Mifune, the most famous face of Japanese cinema and for good reason!
Conflagration/Enjo (1958) is a single Buddhist acolyte’s fall into quiet insanity. Raizo Ichikawa is another amazing actor who I love! Also includes Tatsuya Nakadai who is the GOAT (in my heart).
Godzilla (1954) is AMAZING! If you liked Gozilla Minus One, it took a lot of familiar cues from this movie. It also technically counts as horror, depending on your definition.
Japanese horror from the 1950s:
Ugetsu (1951) (Not one I’ve seen personally, but it’s on Criterion)
The Beast Shall Die (1958) (American Psycho, but in Showa Japan. Tatsuya Nakadai is terrifying in this and absolutely despicable—stylish movie tho!)
Ghost of Yotsuya (1959) (Old-school Japanese ghost story. Honestly, there are so many different versions of this story on film that you can pick which version to watch and go from there—I’m partial to the 1965 version myself, because of the rubber rats and Tatsuya Nakadai playing a crazy person).
The Lady Vampire (1959) is the OG western-style vampire movie from Japan. Plays around with the mythos a lot, but hey our Dracula looks like this;
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Misc movies that I think are neat or good gateway movies:
The Samurai Trilogy by Hiroshi Inagaki, which stars Toshiro Mifune as Miyamoto Musashi. Found that people otherwise uninterested in Japanese cinema really enjoyed this!
You Can Succeed, Too (1964) is one of my favorites from the ‘60s, also directed by Eizō Sugawa. A fun satire on the corporate world that's super colorful with catchy songs.
The Sword of Doom (1966) is also another favorite of mine, starring my beloved Tatsuya Nakadai as another bastard man (seriously though Ryunosuke is FASCINATING to me--). Fun gore effects and action scenes!
Kwaidan (1964) is an anthology of Japanese folk tales, labeled a horror film but in that kinda sorta old-school way. Beautifully shot by my favorite Japanese director Masaki Kobayashi (who, if you like this you should seriously check out his other work!)
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twig-tea · 11 months
Shadow the series: hopefully an enabling post
I want as many people as are interested to be able to watch this series so as promised: Here's a non-spoilery summary of potential triggers and squicks in Shadow the Series eps 1-7.
The really brief version: this show is really good, lots of intense things happening with family trauma, family violence, mental health, and abuse, but the actual supernatural stuff is pretty mild and the gore and violence is very minimal. There are also light comedy moments, and pining, and friendship, and the mystery is fun to watch unravel, so I didn't find it too spooky (but I have a high spooky tolerance so you may want to take breaks or otherwise do what you need to).
Some creepy music
Slight jump scares
Depictions of drowning
Homophobic slurs
Bullying (including punches)
Scars (potentially self-harm but it's not clear)
Mention of ghosts, non-graphic ghost, creepy amorphous smoke
References to hypnosis, potential gaslighting or hallucinations, uncertainty of reality
Institutional homophobia
Bullying (non-graphic)
Mention of possible teacher/student relationship (potentially unrequited)
Bullying, homophobia
Mention of dead bodies
Mention of ghosts
Mention of family violence
Depictions of drowning
Flickering lights
Mild corporal punishment
Non-graphic ghost
Mentions of cancer
Creepy grinning (lmao idk how else to list this)
Mentions of cancer and treatment including deteriorating physical state
Depictions of deteriorating mental state
Depiction of end-of-life medical care in hospital
Depictions of family violence (yelling, grabbing, threats, slapping, kicking, beating, threats with a gun) of both a mother and child
Hospitalization for mental illness, psychosis
Mention of antidepressants
Threatening someone's freedom with hospitalization
Accusations of infidelity
Depiction of suicide by hanging (not the actual death, just the body in partial shot)
Description of what sounds like childhood sexual assault from the perspective of a child (non-graphic, vague)
Depictions of alcoholism
Child neglect (feeding a child food they are allergic to)
Allergic reaction in a child
Beating (not too graphic but there is blood on knuckles and blood on face shown)
Funeral, death of a parent (mother and father)
Floating body
Ep 5
Floating body
Systemic inertia (probably not triggering but seriously infuriating)
Mentions of narcotic use
Mentions of bipolar disorder
Creepy mask
Casual mentions of father's death
Implied one-sided teacher/student crush (student hugging teacher from behind)
Non-graphic ghost
Homophobia, bullying
Teacher/student relationship (kissing, implied sexual relationship between older woman and younger male)
Negative self-talk around mental illness and medicating mental illness
Descriptions of hallucinations
Smoking (supposed to be marijuana but looks like manufactured cigarettes)
Wet dream resulting from an erotic-coded moment with amorphous smoke (idk how to properly warn for this lol)
Scratches on body (ambiguous source)
Mentions of pregnancy
Implied infidelity (by a married couple)
Bite, punches
Non-graphic ghost, mild jump scare
Creepy "fun house" with decorations including a lot of bloody handprints/blood-sprayed walls, creepy clown, distorting mirrors, screaming, flashing light, red lighting
Creepy "fun house" with decorations including a lot of bloody handprints/blood-sprayed walls, creepy clown, distorting mirrors, screaming, flashing light, red lighting
Multiple people punched in the head, bruised faces from being punched in the mouth (mostly student-on-student but one parent punching their child)
Mild jump-scare with a loud sound
Vision of multiple bodies on the ground, with pools of blood (brief, no visible wounds, gore is mild)
Clothed heavy makeout between married female teacher and male student
Flash of someone blindfolded and someone with a gun
Implied sexual dream with amorphous smoke
Mention of loss of a limb, dripping of blood (no wound visible)
Mentions of drug use (spoon over a flame shown, implying heroin)
Depictions of someone dying by firing squad as a death sentence (death not shown)
Non-graphic ghost
Someone being choked
The preview for the second half has a bunch more stuff, but nothing that hasn't been warned for in the first half (choking, punching, hanging, creepy mask, amorphous smoke, etc.)
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fractualized · 1 year
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Knight Terrors: The Joker #2 is out and I have never had so much to chew on in my life. I'm trying to moderate my enthusiasm so I stop exceeding the image limit making these posts, but there is so much going on!!
(spoilers ahead as usual, along with violence, gore, and death as usual)
At the end of last issue, we were left with the mystery of what exactly is up with supposedly dead Batman's reappearance, but this issue answers that pretty quickly:
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This is at first presented as Joker's dream-within-a-dream, but later we get confirmation that Joker is sleepwalking as Batman. Sleep-vigilante-ing. Sleepigilanting. He's a Batman Who Jokes!
With Joker awake, we find that some time has passed, and now Joker is married to Lena, the wife of Johann to whom Joker showed some kindness back at the real-world hospital before she died. They also have a child, Albert, who was also a dying patient at the hospital.
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The poster is for an actual movie I haven't seen, but it's about a scientist who is betrayed by a wealthy patron who takes credit for his work, and then becomes a beleaguered clown who has a heroic and tragic end. Oh, Joker likes a movie about a clown who was betrayed by a rich guy? You don't say!
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At first I was amused by the onesie, but then the story returns to Joker at work and we see that he's no longer wearing a plain gray suit. He's in his usual Joker colors, perhaps indicating that he's found comfort in this humdrum life? This corporate dullness is his identity now? Oh dear.
Also he's interviewing Mr. Freeze.
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Joker asks why Freeze wants to work at WE, and Freeze says he wants to lay low now that Batman is killing people. Like the last issue, Joker insists that Batman is dead, and he also acts like his memory of his old life is fading.
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Fair point, Victor, but I don't think you're getting the job.
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Is Poison Ivy Joker's secretary?? Well, no one would look for her there, I'm sure. So long as she resists the temptation to poison her boss.
Cut to night: Joker starts sleepwalking.
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Oh my god, Joker has his own dour bat-monologue. Batman's truest fanboy.
This brings me back to Joker War, when Joker told Bruce that Gotham City didn't want to be saved. But here Joker is, protecting her dead body for/as Batman anyway.
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Gremlin Batman, being up front about his MO.
These clowns are with Gaggy, who sadly cannot get Joker to remember him but does receive some TMI.
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Poor Gaggy. ANYWAY, we cut to a corporate baseball game between Wayne Enterprises and freaking LexCorp. In dreamworld, Jimmy Olsen works for Lex, at least until he jokes about how with Joker's sports ability, he should be called Batman.
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Damn right Joker is your man, Bruce!
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Talk. Dinner. At Bruce's place. IT'S A DATE. So much packed into an instant classic batjokes panel.
When Joker arrives at the manor, Insomnia is there, and… like… there is so much going on.
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- Joker seems to recognize Insomnia as his boss, but then instantly accepts that he's now Winchester, Bruce's butler. (Not sure if Joker noticed Insomnia was also the umpire at the game.)
- Insomnia tries to say that Bruce was called away, in a classic Batman bit, and when Bruce shows his face, Insomnia seems perturbed. He doesn't want Joker to talk to Bruce.
- YEAH BRUCE IS WEARING THE KILLING JOKE OUTFIT. The tourist costume that Joker wore when he shot Barbara. Alright. Okay. Alright. Okay.
There is so much going on!!
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You may have noticed that Bruce called Insomnia Windham, not Winchester, and he misnames him again here, as Winthrop. Joker regularly does this to people, particularly henchmen.
Also, Joker earlier told Bruce that he can't eat seafood, but that's all that's being served. lol
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Here's an extended version of a gag from Batman 1989, and also Joker noting that his sense of humor has resulted in lawsuits (but not in him being fired, of course). There's an implication that Joker's been muting his personality at work, adding a layer to all the jokes he unleashes when he sleepfights as Batman.
The next bit just calls for the full page.
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- Bruce saying the world needs a little craziness, that the city needs Batman, so that life makes sense, so that it isn't boring.
- Insomnia trying to stop the conversation twice, and shut down by Bruce twice (again with the wrong names).
- Bruce saying he wouldn't be the same man if Batman died and indicating he knows Joker feels the same way. Batman is integral to both of their identities. Just laying it out there that Joker is acting as Batman so the city doesn't lose something irreplaceable.
- Bruce saying, jk, Batman is fine and whatever is wrong with Johann, Bruce must have dreamt it up. He's telling Joker what's going on in reality, that Batman is fine and this is a dream!
- Insomnia blames Bruce's rambling on a seafood allergy, but he's applying a trait of Joker's to Bruce. He's just strengthening the connection.
And maybe the allergy is supposed to be real for Bruce too, and not a throwaway, and he's eating like a ravenous animal, because he doesn't care, because like Joker he dives into danger even when it's idiocy. And because Bruce basically is Joker. Joker sees them reflected in each other, but also Joker's subconscious is telling him all this to bring himself back to reality. The TKJ outfit on Bruce of all people is glaring signal meant to shake Joker out of it. It's just wrong. But it's also that Joker is hearing the truth from someone he really knows. Yes, it's not the Bat who laughed with him in the rain, at the futility of trusting each other, but the face behind the mask is the man who wanted to help him anyway. Maybe Joker does want to trust him deep down I KNOW I'M RAMBLING THIS IS A LOT
And it all gets into Joker's conscious thoughts too. He's, uh, distracted at work the next day.
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Hey, Freeze got hired after all!
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HR can't have you being silly, Joker. You start killing people at work again like a good Batman nemesis, and then you might take the dream in a different direction! Insomnia doesn't want that, and he tries telling Joker that Bruce is just messing with him.
And Joker intends to clear his head, but when he goes home he discovers his secret corpse is no longer well-kept.
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Batman's corpse, face down and ass up. What an image!
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Joker's old life will not be suppressed!
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As Joker loses it, he's contradicting himself. All this time he's been saying Batman is dead, but now it's "he tried to make me think that Batman might have died." Either his thoughts are scrambled up, or "he" actually refers to Insomnia, or maybe both. But regardless, now Joker needs to prove that Batman is alive. If Batman is alive, then the boring little life Joker has made for himself makes total sense. Batman has always made Joker's life make sense.
Joker resurrects his old skills and creates a plan to catch the Batman, but the logic behind it is that Batman is uncatchable. So if Joker's plan fails, then the Batman running around is real, and everything is okay. Then of course Joker takes a "nap" so we can see this plan come to fruition.
It starts with a gaggle of violent clowns attacking a couple on the street. "Batman," with no memory of this plan, appears to stop them, and is overwhelmed.
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And one of the clowns releases toxin.
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The Batman was caught, and he's exposed. He's not real. He's Joker, and he's dying. Batman is dead, and everyone needs him. Joker needs him.
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And it's with this revelation that Joker wakes– and we get confirmation that it's shot-in-the-head, sewer rat Joker who is having the dream! This has to be confirmation that he's the real one, doesn't it? Right?? It's possible the other Joker had his own dream… But I have a soft spot for the underdog. I hope he's our guy and Mr. Waffles defects to his side. Then everything will be right as rain!
Speaking of, Joker does seem to shake the dream off pretty well. For now, anyway.
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I wasn't sure how to interpret this at first, but I figure it's just that Joker doesn't care too much for these friends, and having weird dreams about Batsy is more appealing even if they're nightmares about losing him and becoming a defanged normie.
Still, I expect this nightmare will bolster this Joker, who started out lost and despondent, in his efforts to get rid of his doppelganger and re-establish himself as Batman's one-and-only nemesis. Maybe bring some flowers to smooth over the divorce thing, apologize for trying to cut his face off…
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youloveamonsterlikeme · 2 months
"it's a prosthetic."
✧˖° Sal Fisher from Sally Face RP blog c.2024
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╰┈➤ Occasionally an ask blog! You can send an ask and I might draw a response.
╰┈➤ Personal headcanons: 24 years old, Trans man, Pansexual & Ace, plus-sized and unapologetically punk and anti-corporate. Also a freak
╰┈➤ Some romantic interactions are fine, I go with the flow, and I can split timelines if needed. No sexual interactions please. No ship discourse. No godmodding please...
╰┈➤ Canon character interactions preferably, I'm open to OCs and FCs.
╰┈➤ Willing to roleplay either in-highschool or post-highschool Sal, he's canonically 24 on this blog but can be highschool age for appropriate scenarios.
✧˖° About Mun:
╰┈➤ 26 year old gay trans man with 10+ years exp. in RP community, I've been on hiatus since about 2020 but I'd like to have a little fun again. Yes I'm projecting on Sal lol.
╰┈➤ I'll be a bit slow on replies for now, including art replies, I just got a great job and need to be flexible with their schedule ❤
╰┈➤ I ask we completely avoid roleplay content with child death/abuse, descriptive eye/finger gore, and "character therapy" (one-sided trauma dumping and my character counseling yours like a therapist. I'm not a therapist lol. Most I can do is offer young adult advice and encouragement if I have the energy)
╰┈➤ No rules for reply length – Don’t worry about matching the length! I take all replies, short and long. Unless it's a one-worded reply... I can't promise I'll be able to work with that. I'll assume you want to end the RP.
╰┈➤ I make my own graphics and headers sometimes. We'll see what motivation I have for this blog lmao.
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
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Chatting with a friend about our most "deranged" works (affectionate), and was inspired to create this 4D scale based on what I think are the most common attributes of "deranged" works:
Distance from canon: This can mean the amount of difference in setting, tone, and/or characterization from the original work. The lowest possible score would be canon-compliant work during the timeline, like a missing scene or a scene from another perspective.
Hypothetical examples of high-scoring creations:
Lord of the Rings AU where Sauron is a corporation buying out a small community of locally owned shops to place a cookie cutter mall there
Crack/parody My Little Pony roleplay where hatred is magic
Violence / Horror: The amount of violence, gore, horror, severe angst, etc. that exceeds what is shown in canon.
Hypothetical examples of high-scoring creations:
Comic of a more "realistic" Pokemon battle where Pokemon are sliced apart, lose limbs, and otherwise face graphic injury and death
Yu-Gi-Oh! fic focused on the people who have been "mind-crushed", from both the perspective of the victim experiencing unending torture and their family/friends struggling to cure them
Sex: This refers to not just the amount of sex, but also the level of explicitness, addition of kinks, number of people involved, monsterfucking, etc.
Hypothetical examples of high-scoring creations:
Supernatural fan drawing of Dean and Cas performing a BDSM scene while Cas is in a "biblically accurate" angelic true-form
Naruto AU where the demons can go into heat and often fuck indiscriminately in groups
Time spent creating it: Some works may rank very low in all the other categories and yet reach the status of "deranged" purely based on how long the creator has been working on it / rotating it in their mind! The development of incredible detail/lore tends to fall naturally into this category.
(All examples made up off the top of my head and not meant to call anybody out lol)
Just thought it might be fun for everyone to think about where their most "deranged" creations might fall on this (tongue-in-cheek) scale!
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i-rate-creatures · 8 months
most things from Lobotomy Corporation and Project Moon as a whole could be put here, but my personal favorite is the wonderful shapeshifting Nothing There.
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he can't say a whole lot but he does say "I love you" in Library of Ruina
also maybe put a gore warning on this post if you answer it at all lol
woah that sure is a thing. yknow what.... i like it.. its fun..... its interesting........ i'll give it a 7.5/10. nice little creature..... he can even say 'i love you'... i love you too buddy
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synthfagz · 2 months
guide to my tagging system aka tour of my creepy and wet archive (i plan to change it soon anyways LOL)
#demo of my latest sentence = original posts + posts i add to in a significant way. comes from the song "i want you to know that im awake/i hope that yr asleep" by car seat headrest
#f = fag shit
#x = freaky shit. different from fag shit.
#hi taz = fagging it up with my doomed yaoi situationship
#synth polls = self explanatory
#🫀= gore and viscera. more for organization, but feel free to block.
on that topic, i dont rlly tag triggers, but talk of eating disorders is under #tw ed and self harm under #tw sh.
fandom things are tagged as what theyre from, eg. #nin #videodrome #homestuck. certain music posts are under #music but not others im not sure what my criteria is its just miscellaneous band stuff yk
#my art = the worst atrocities ever
#my work = horrible ms paint graphic design. even worse atrocities.
#obligatory 9/11 rb - 9/11 jokes are funny and morally correct. only implemented recently so theres not much there.
#rpf tag = rpf is fine and morally correct. only implemented recently so theres not much there.
#biology = animals and various other life forms i find cool + informative stuff
#.png = things i think are pretty
#my corporeal form = pictures of yrs truly
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sewers-headmates · 3 months
Name: HABIT / HA81T
Age: ageless
Gender: unkown
Pronouns: he/they/it + up to you
Sexuality: Pan
Ethnicity: none
Source: Everyman hybrid (Habit)
Roles: up 2 u
cisIDs: up 2 u
transIDs: up 2 u (we would prefer him 2 have very "gross" transharmful ids)
Paraphiles: up 2 u
Other Labels: up 2 u
Appearance: canon
Aesthetic: purple , bunnies , gore
Inspirations: ?
we’re just getting into Everyman Hybrid so i’m so sorry if this is off! Feel free to change whatever doesn’t work!
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Name: HABIT, HA81T
Age: Ageless
Gender: Unknown
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, It/Its, Ash/Ashes, Horror/Horrors, Unknown/Unknowns, Knife/Knives
Sexuality: Pansexual
Source: Everyman Hybrid
Roles: Persecutor, Avenger
cisIDs: nonhuman, entity, non corporeal, demon, sharp teeth, bulimic, panic disorder, OCD, cane user
transIDs: transharmful, transGroomer, transRapist, transAbuser, transCultLeader, transStalker, transProgrammer, transMindControl, transAccent, transScars, transAddict
Paraphiles: Necrophilia, Biastophilia, Dacryphilia, Amokoscisia, Emetophilia, Sadism
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hope you enjoy him! hoping we also got it right lol
-mod richie
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blankfairy · 5 months
thank you sm for the tag @thenn!! this was really fun!
1. How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? twelve total published!! but a hell of a lot more rotting in my google drive and three-ring binders haha
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 23,456 including my fics from my nsfw account. (i can't believe it's all sequential??)
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently, resident evil and house of the dragon. in the past i've written for overwatch, fortnite, and warrior cats. i'd love to do some silent hill stuff, too!
4. Top five fics by kudos in his nature (nsfw) — 265 kudos afterglow (nsfw) — 212 kudos thunderclan's smallest warrior — 74 kudos a taste of home — 47 kudos i'd be lying if i said i wasn't wishing for an untimely death or demise — 45 kudos two of these are warrior cats fics from YEARS ago too :sob:
5. Do you respond to comments? ofc!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? all my fics are one-shots,, but.... published... this is how a girl becomes holy? and then my two wip longfics, folie a deux and all things devour are bound to have unhappy endings.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? afterglow probably?? just because it's just two dudes having fun. being silly. i generally quite enjoy angst, so...
8. Do you get hate on fics? luckily not! but i don't post a lot, either. i did get banned from a discord roleplay server once because of a fic i wrote tho lol
9. Do you write smut? yup!! i have an ao3 account specifically for it.
10. Craziest crossover? house of the dragon and resident evil, maybe? it's not 'legally' a crossover but i'm just asoiaf-ifying the umbrella corporation and the weskers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? no, but i did have someone steal some ocs back on quotev, years ago.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? naur ...
14. All time favorite ship? canon/canon or oc/canon? let's see,, c/c, serrenedy (leon s. kennedy x luis serra). i mean, with a ship name like that, who can resist? i'd say willsker (william birkin x albert wesker) but. um. i've got other uses for william birkin. i also love weskennedy (albert wesker x leon s. kennedy) for. other reasons. oc/canon, i'm definitely biased but finn x will LMAOO not that they're good together or all that compatible but they're both awful and should never date anyone ever except for each other. exception being that time finn married larys strong in asoiaf and they were also perfectly awful for each other.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? not saying, crossing my fingers, doubting its completion will only bring that to fruition!!
16. What are your writing strengths? my partner tells me he likes my dialogue and that it feels realistic, and i like to think that i'm good with descriptions, setting scenes, etc. there's a particular action scene in my resident evil longfic that i'm very proud of, and lots of visceral descriptions of gore that i think are done really well!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i'm not sure,, i definitely procrastinate a lot, and i'm really bad at taking criticism. trying to do better but i'm just so sensitive akjbsdkjbfksdj
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i mean, sure!! i'm a little iffy sometimes because translators can be whacky, but i'll either around, check reddit, etc. little phrases i don't mind. usually i just put the phrase in italics and mention them saying it in said language.
19. First fandom you wrote in? it was either warrior cats or supernatural! i think it was maybe even a supernatural/elder scrolls crossover? i remember toiling away in my digital art class, writing in the tiniest text i could because i was embarrassed haha
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? of the ones published? woof. um. i honestly have no idea. that's like picking a favorite child lol.
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!! i get embarrassed tagging people :sob: i don't want to be annoying
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Hello! We flipped from redrabbit-engineering on April 14th 2023. :)
This is a semi-selective rp/ask blog for my TFC (Team Fortress Classic) Medic OC. As of July 10, 2023, I've decided to have his Emesis Blue verse be his main verse now since it's the main one I use lol
Anyway, both my muse and I are over 21.
Viewer/Interaction discretion is advised due to the source content.
Content may occur such as, but isn't limited to:
Gore, needles, medical horror, torture, unethical experiments, human experimentation, blood, body horror, drugs, drug use, drinking, smoking, body modification, surgery, and kidnapping
Smut is something I don't regularly engage in at all since I'm not really into it. It's allowed with people 18+, but if you lie about your age to get smut out of me, you're getting swiftly blocked.
Anyway, here are links to my about and rules for people who have a hard time accessing it: File/Bio
I also run these blogs: @cleaner-in-grey which follows back for @the-nurse-in-red and @blu-dogtor, @bleu-corporal-and-scout, @bloodylittlebirbfriend, @sharp-shot-texan, @thylacinus-sniper
Side blogs to this blog (blogs this one follows back for) are: @artificial-espionage (His team is usually RED, but I can play BLU. He's an android Spy. :)) @b0st0nmama (Scout's mom. Low Activity) @engineering-gaytors (A RED Engineer who is very feral) mentally-unwell-soldier-clone (linked because Tumblr doesn't want me to @ the blog rn >:/)
Tags of note: What could have been. (Vanilla TF2) - Normal TF2 verse that most TF2 blogs partake
Empty chairs sat at empty tables (Emesis Blue) - His usual verse/the Emesis Blue universe
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sunieepo · 1 year
I wanna get into lc bc of you but gosh darn genshin is 20gb and I have no room
aaaaaaaaa omg haha i'm sorry/glad my LCposting has tempted someone ..
Limbus Company is actually 3rd game in the Project Moon series, the first two games (Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina) are available on PC only and they're not gacha games. also i think Limbus Company is also on Steam if your phone is out of room lol.
Lobotomy Corporation is my favorite in the series (one of my fave games in general) and it's a management simulator with some roguelite elements.
Library of Ruina is much more similar to Limbus Company's gameplay, it's a deckbuilding game sort of, can be very rng heavy at times tbh.
both games are rather large time investments (prob around 100 hours each tbh) but they do have mods available that will greatly speed up grinding times or bypass them entirely. in general PM Games tend to be long and grindy, tho Limbus less so as it's intended to be more accessible to a greater audience (which speaks to its popularity probably).
tho obviously you don't need to play either game to understand Limbus i'd highly recommend at least checking them out and plenty of ppl have uploaded the full cutscenes of LobCorp to youtube (actually is quite short of story campaign).
and also if you need trigger list i can provide, it is a "horror" series so there is a lot of gore and violence and such.
i hope you enjoy it if you decide to check it out! :3
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reoltherabbit · 2 years
Hello, Mf'er
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Hello(x3) and Welcome to my blog~ How ya doin'? • My name is Reol, But you can call me Luca, Ravi or wathever the hell you like. • I Am a Transmasc Demiboy, And my pronouns are He/him and They/them. • I've been here for just some weeks/months (i don't know time anymore help), So if i do something wrong or shii you can tell me as it would help. • My main lenguage is portuguese (Brazillian), So english is quite difficult for me sometimes, So if you see me writing something like a idiot, it's because of that. (I Also know a bit of Tagalog and Spanish btw, But still working on those.) • And if you are questioning it; Yes, Im a furry. • ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ • "What do you do in your Blog?" • I Mostly just do random stuff from time to time, So you be up to see alot of bullshittery here. (And if you enjoy it- Well, Thanks, Ig?) "What are your hobbies?"
• I Write, Draw, Program (still learning), Cook and play guitar (still learning more too). "You draw? Cool! Where i can find your art?" • At my second blog, @reolartblogwow. But caution, Because i rarely post there and when i do it's horrible art lol. "Do you have any other social medias?" • Yes. I Have a Twitter account, But i don't use it really much, So there's nothing on there. (Maybe one day i'll share it when i have the courage and energy to do, Who knows?) • ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ • Fandoms i'm at: ✤ Undertale/Deltarune ✤ The Stanley Parable ✤ Portal ✤ Don't Hug Me I'm Scared ✤ Lobotomy Corporation/Library Of Ruina ✤ SCP/Secret Laboratory (SCP:SL) ✤ Cookie Run ✤ Kirby ✤ Everhood ✤ OFF ✤ Pokémon ✤ Cuphead ✤ FNAF • ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ • DNIs: DONT INTERACT WITH MY BLOG IF YOU ARE A MAP, ZOOPHILE, TERF OR PROSHIPPER. • ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ • Tags of the blog (WIP): ✤ #reol speaks: Mostly for when i want to talk random bs in my blog without context. ✤#TW: sugestive: For sugestive content i reblog, Be it with +18 stuff or gore. (just that, for now) ╬═════▩═════╬Warning╬═════▩═════╬ I Do follow some blogs with sugestive content and i maybe post some sugestive content from here and there, So if you dont want to see those, Filter the "TW: sugestive" tag from my blog (still working on it) • ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ • So, That's it- Welcome to my blog, Ig - "I Miss my wife, Tails. I'll be back" - Eggman
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Wait Gerard tweeted gore at Frerard shippers? I thought he only did that at corporations lol
i don’t have screenshots on me and i don’t feel like crawling twitter/doing google roulette to get the right keywords that would get me some but i know on at least one occasion he put an image of like. gory stigmata under a frerard tweet
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