#cosmetic labeling requirements
maplebellsmods · 1 year
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Expanded Storytelling Relationship Bits Mod
I'm so excited about this! Revamp your Sims' relationships and unlock a world of storytelling possibilities with Custom Relationship Bits!
Whenever I play the game I always wanted to be able to visually see how each relationship was different so I thought it would be a great idea to add more relationship bits in the game. 
I don't know if I am the only one who loves to open the Sim Info Panel and look at the different relationship descriptions between sims. Gone are the days of generic labels like "Friend" or "Romantic Interest." With Custom Relationship Bits, you can now give your Sims personalized and meaningful relationship titles that reflect their unique connections. From "Childhood Sweetheart" to "Love-Hate Relation" and a lot more, the possibilities are endless. 
This mod is perfect for storytellers who want more depth and nuance in their Sims' relationships. Some of the custom relationship titles add depth to your Sims' interactions and help to shape their narratives. 
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You can access the relationship bit option my pressing on the target sim while you are in control of the sim with whom you want to set the relationship by clicking on actions and then the Enhanced Rel Bit Pie Menu. 
Above you can see all of the possible relationship bits you can choose from. They also each have their own description. (The Secret Admirer Rel Bit is the only one-sided bit)
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Some of the relationship bits have interactions that come with them. I would love to make more and expand on them but I don't know if this is something you would be interested in so let me know. 
More about some of the interactions:
Travel to Visit Long Distance Partner will have your sim leave the house for about two days and return with possible different moodlets.
With the virtual date option your sim will video call their long-distance partner for a few hours and it will make them really happy.
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Star-crossed lovers can share a forbidden kiss. And sims who have a love-hate relationship can share an "I hate you"(kiss).
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That is all for this mod! A lot of it is cosmetic, But I think it can really help relationships between sims feel more distinct. 
Does this mod require any DLC?
No, it does not.
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod, so it is required for the mod to work properly.
You can get her mod here.
If you already have it great! But make sure it's up to date. Otherwise, it will break the UI
Maplebell Pie Menu: Download Below. If you already have it ignore. 
More Kisses Mod here. If you don't intend on using the kissing interactions you don't need to get it.
Questions and concerns you might have?
I want to remove the relationship bit
After you set the relationship bit an option to remove it will appear in the same pie menu.
Some interactions aren't showing
The interactions depend on the relationship bit you may have with a sim. For example, only sims who have had a summer romance can "Share Summer Memories. Only Study Buddies can quiz each other, only long-distance relationship simmers can have virtual dates etc...
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
Public: 18/06/23
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feministfang · 23 days
Beauty culture is extremely normalised to the point women who refuse to conform to beauty standards because they love their natural selves get labelled "pick mes" by none other than self-proclaimed feminists themselves. Patriarchal society has conditioned women to be insecure about each and every feature of their faces or bodies it has deemed as a flaw due to which the idea of a natural looking woman is someone hideous and unattractive for many young women.
These insecure women have build up this one image of a natural female appearance in their minds which they describe as unattractive, and as a consequence, women who naturally do not fit into that unattractive-labelled box get hated on. I am sure we all have encountered at least one gossipmonger in our lives who would assume every woman who does not fit into that box has done something with her face or body because ‘ain’t no way a woman can be naturally beautiful’.
*Woman with rosy cheeks exists* — ‘Oh she must have applied makeup’
*Woman with no dark circles exists* — ‘hey what concealer do you use?’
*Woman with a smooth skin exists* — ‘drop the skincare routine!’
*Woman with big lips exists* — ‘definitely lip filler’
*Woman in her thirties exists* — ‘Botox! Botox! Definitely cosmetic surgery! She doesn’t look like a grandma!’
*Woman loving her natural self exists* — ‘How dare you think you’re not like other girls! Pick me!’
Women get bodyshamed if we do fit into the "ugly-looking" criteria. Women get hated on if we do not. Women are supposed to be hideously flawed if they defy beauty culture. Women with even one less flaw must admit they obey beauty culture. No matter how many times you ditch the beauty standards, you will never escape this nonsense.
I have a message for these insecure clowns:
There is nothing imperfect about you. What’s considered perfect and what’s considered imperfect on a woman is all a patriarchal set up to push us into being weak and desirable for men. Women’s insecurities have risen up along with the rise of feminism to ensure that independent women rejecting traditional gender roles are still submissive and pleasing men. Don’t waste your hard-earned money on expensive cosmetic procedures to look pretty because you are already naturally beautiful. And it doesn’t matter if your natural self is socially desirable or not, women don’t owe beauty to anybody. Please think critically of why you feel insecure about something and why do you even call it a flaw.
But on a strict note, in case you still got time to take out your brain back from the patriarchy’s washing machine, at least refrain from pulling us all down to the level of extreme self-hate where you stand. All women are perfect already. There’s no serious requirement of hiding anything or changing ourselves. But i understand if you cannot relate for now! What you see in others is a direct reflection of yours. But just because you think you are hideous does not mean every woman thinks the same way. Self-love is our only beauty routine so let us love ourselves. 🩷
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Sneak Peek - Spoons In Spades
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At a little distance he saw a fire, and beside it there sat three giants, busy with broth and beef. They were so huge that the spoons they used were as large as spades, and their forks as big as hay-forks: with these they lifted whole bucketfuls of broth and great joints of meat out of an enormous pot which was set on the ground between them.
- Niels and the Giants (The Crimson Fairy Book)
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Intent: To give oneself additional “spoons.”
Ideal Timing: This charm can be made at any time.
Large Jar
Cotton Balls
Herbs: Hyssop, Rosemary, Thyme, Juniper Berries
When I asked my readers what sort of spells they'd like to see in this second volume of fairytale-inspired spells, one of the most strikingly popular responses was, "Is there a spell to give me more spoons?"
If you're not familiar with the term, "spoons" or spoon theory is a metaphor which describes the reduction in mental and physical energy experienced by people who are disabled or chronically ill, with spoons used as a unit of measurement to represent how energy and motivation must be rationed throughout the day to accomplish necessary tasks. Spoons are only replenished through rest or sleep, so once a person runs out of spoons, that's it for their day. 
The term was coined by Christine Miserandino in her 2003 article "The Spoon Theory," in which she uses dinnerware to demonstrate to a friend how living with invisible chronic illness required careful daily planning and prioritization, and how even with the best intentions and efforts, tasks are often left undone due to a lack of energy or an increase in pain. The term has since been adopted by wide sections of the online community in relation to struggles with disability, chronic illness, or mental health, as a descriptor for daily energy and motivation levels, i.e. "I don't have the spoons for this," or "After a full day at work, I have exactly one spoon left, and I need it for laundry, so going out is off the table."
As someone who regularly battles ADHD, anxiety, executive dysfunction, migraines, and depression, I'm a big fan of spoon theory, largely because it makes those invisible daily struggles, which so many of us have, much easier to visualize and explain. So in honor of all my fellow spoonies, here is a spell to help you gain those critical extra spoons.
For this spell, you'll need a fair-sized jar, some healing herbs, and a bunch of spoons. You can use plastic spoons or metal ones, if you happen to have spare silverware lying around. Use as many or as few spoons as you feel you need. If you need more spoons than can readily be acquired, you might draw or print out pictures or spoons and use those instead.
Place the spoons in the jar with a big handful of cotton balls. Apart from their mundane medical and cosmetic uses, cotton has healing magical properties and also represents the comfort that may feel lacking on low energy or high pain days. If desired, add several pinches of Hyssop, Rosemary, Thyme, and Juniper Berries, or a sachet containing the herbs if you'd rather keep things neat.
Close the jar, give it a big hug, and say:
I bless this jar and spoons And ask for the strength to function; And when I need a helping hand, These extra spoons I'll summon,
Set the jar aside somewhere safe. If desired, you might want to label it. You don't want anyone borrowing your magical spoons for their cereal, after all. When you need an extra boost to help you get through the day, simply open the jar and take out a spoon. You can carry the spoon with you, place it on your altar, or discard it to activate the charm.
Please keep in mind that performing this sort of magic should always be accompanied by appropriate medical and self-care measures. Magic isn't going to cure a chronic illness or permanently alter your brain chemistry. But it can help you cope with the symptoms and give you that all-important push to get yourself through the day. Stay strong, witches!
-from the forthcoming book, The Sisters Grimmoire, Vol. II; © 2021 Bree NicGarran
(If you'd like to check out more fairy-tale spells or any of my other published works, please visit the Willow Wings Witch Shop!)
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swisccfinds · 9 months
Expanded Storytelling Relationship Bits Mod by maple bell
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This is such an awesome mod, this adds more storytelling, and relationships to the game. It's very realistic in my eyes!
Creator's notes-
July 15th: Feature update available to download now for early access: here
I'm so excited about this! Revamp your Sims' relationships and unlock a world of storytelling possibilities with Custom Relationship Bits!
Whenever I play the game I always wanted to be able to visually see how each relationship was different so I thought it would be a great idea to add more relationship bits in the game.
I don't know if I am the only one who loves to open the Sim Info Panel and look at the different relationship descriptions between sims. Gone are the days of generic labels like "Friend" or "Romantic Interest." With Custom Relationship Bits, you can now give your Sims personalized and meaningful relationship titles that reflect their unique connections. From "Childhood Sweetheart" to "Love-Hate Relation" and a lot more, the possibilities are endless.
This mod is perfect for storytellers who want more depth and nuance in their Sims' relationships. Some of the custom relationship titles add depth to your Sims' interactions and help to shape their narratives.
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You can access the relationship bit option my pressing on the target sim while you are in control of the sim with whom you want to set the relationship by clicking on actions and then the Enhanced Rel Bit Pie Menu.
Above you can see all of the possible relationship bits you can choose from. They also each have their own description. (The Secret Admirer Rel Bit is the only one-sided bit)
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Some of the relationship bits have interactions that come with them. I would love to make more and expand on them but I don't know if this is something you would be interested in so let me know.
More about some of the interactions:
Travel to Visit Long Distance Partner will have your sim leave the house for about two days and return with possible different moodlets.
With the virtual date option your sim will video call their long-distance partner for a few hours and it will make them really happy.
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Star-crossed lovers can share a forbidden kiss. And sims who have a love-hate relationship can share an "I hate you"(kiss).
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That is all for this mod! A lot of it is cosmetic, But I think it can really help relationships between sims feel more distinct.
Does this mod require any DLC?
No, it does not.
What else do I need for the mod?
Lumpinou's Mood Pack Mod, so it is required for the mod to work properly.
You can get her mod here.
If you already have it great! But make sure it's up to date. Otherwise, it will break the UI
Maplebell Pie Menu: Download Below. If you already have it ignore.
XML injector
More Kisses Mod here. If you don't intend on using the kissing interactions you don't need to get it.
Questions and concerns you might have?
I want to remove the relationship bit
After you set the relationship bit an option to remove it will appear in the same pie menu.
Some interactions aren't showing
The interactions depend on the relationship bit you may have with a sim. For example, only sims who have had a summer romance can "Share Summer Memories. Only Study Buddies can quiz each other, only long-distance relationship simmers can have virtual dates etc...
I'm experiencing some weird bugs!
Let me know, please.
Report it here: Mod Bug Report
How to install the mod?
Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods <--- Unzip the file and make sure it's placed in this path.
Lets show our support to maplesims for creating a realist love relationship based gameplay mod!
download - patreon
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rahullkohli · 4 months
so listen, if you haven't already you should download the No Thanks App. it was developed by a Palestinian for an easy way to see whether a product is on the BDS List. it's literally impossible to be up to date at all times on what products are on the boycott list, and that's not on you. it's because a lot of these huge evil mega corporations own all the smaller ones, so there's no transparency, and it's like that on purpose. how the fuck is a regular person supposed to know that the big evil Nestlé owns all these baby products, or bottled water. just like L'Oreal owns all these other cosmetic labels, so even if you know L'Oreal is evil you wouldn't necessarily know that if you buy something from fx NYX because you thought that was a nice small swedish company.
so what the No Thanks App does is that it allows you to scan the barcode of a product and it will tell you whether it's on the BDS List. you can also use the apps search feature to look up a specific brand. it takes literally two seconds to scan, and it gets updated on a regularly basis. users can send in products and brands to add to the list of boycotted brands, but from my understanding there is a requirement of proof before a brand gets added; i'm assuming proof in the form of links to reputable sources.
but the No Thanks App is so easy and quick to use, i've started using it every time i'm shopping. i fully agree that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but i also fully believe that we have a responsibility to do what we can. the way these big evil corporations owns literally everything there's no way to avoid them 100% and i am definitely not judging anyone for buying Nestlé baby formula or something like that, but i do think we could all choose our takeout from a small local chain instead of McDonald's, and if i'm at the store i will just simply not buy myself a cola drink because the only cola i like is Coca Cola zero and those genocidal bitches are not getting my money. there is no 100% ethical living, but there are ethical choices.
also there is this
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messinwitheddie · 4 months
We’re there any irkens that are able to switch their genders? Do they have to go to the Red control brain and get his permission to do so? What happens to the ones who are unsure of themselves of what gender they want to have? How can you tell these irkens apart?
Ok, this answer drags on and it's full of fan speculation, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
Many Irkens switch genders quite a few times throughout their lives. It's not common, but it's not perceived as odd or disruptive in any social way when a drone changes gender.
Irkens are not assigned genders at birth. Smeets cannot legally request a gender label on their bio-signatures until they complete basic training and are officially assigned/ encoded to an occupation or reenlist into one of the higher branches of the military/ armada or culinary ops. Many drones never bother to request a gender label on their bio- signature. They just go with whatever or nothing.
It's very simple to request a pronoun change from the red brain. He will usually approve the gender change and update the stats on the drone's bio-signature within 20 hours or so. Name changes are usually denied, but Irkens do not assign gender to names, so that's rarely an issue.
Physically speaking, Irkens are identical. Their body types come in all shapes and sizes, but downstairs, it's one standard issue. Sexual dimorphism is purely cosmetic. An Irken drone is just any Irken not a control brain or tallest. Certain features we humans tend to associate as male or female, Irkens view differently. For a lack of a better example, a human might see a drone with wide hips, long, luscious lashes and makeup and think, oh "a lady."
And that drone will inform you they are a hardened male foot soldier sporting war paint. (They just have a sturdy base.)
A vague, poorly articulated answer is, Irkens usually guess the gender of another Irken by vibe, or a pronoun is used in conversation.
This is where Irken biology gets a little odd.
When Irkens gather in mass crowds and expose one another to their pheromones, it causes a temporary physical metamorphosis where certain drones will become "siring" drones with "male" parts [sqwak] and others will become "birthing drones" with "female" parts [shmoop-shmiz]
In earlier eras, these events were called fertility festivals and every hive threw them.
A drone may react to pheromones differently at every festival. Far fewer percentage of drones have the female reaction to pheromone exposure. BUT, Irkens give birth to tens of hundreds of smeets at once, so it balances out.
PAKs, if functioning properly, block out pheromones, so unless both smeeteries are destroyed in war or a cosmic disaster, Irkens are chemically neutered so to speak. This is to ensure no Irken is born PAKless/ outside the control-brain system.
A very small percentage of the modern Irken population still manage to give off pheromones. If a series of medical exams indicate a drone could in fact experience a female reaction and therefore give live birth if impregnated, that drone is automatically encoded as birthing drone or "woman" when roughly translated into English. That drone may present themselves/ doccument their bio-signatures as whatever gender they prefer, but they are legally required to become impregnated in the unlikely event both smeeteries are destroyed. Refusal to do so would be considered a treacherous act punishable by execution.
So the Irken species is very progressive with gender and at the same time...not...
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shivshaktimachtech · 2 months
Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. A round PET bottle labeling machine is a specialized equipment designed to apply labels accurately and efficiently onto cylindrical PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles. It ensures consistent placement of labels, enhancing product aesthetics, branding, and compliance with regulatory standards. Why Choose Our Round PET Bottle Labeling Machines? Precision Labeling: Accurate application of labels on round PET bottles, ensuring uniformity and aesthetic appeal. High-Speed Performance: Capable of labeling bottles at high speeds, maximizing production output and efficiency. Versatility: Compatible with various bottle sizes and shapes, accommodating diverse packaging requirements. User-Friendly Design: Intuitive controls and easy adjustments for quick setup and minimal downtime. Durable Construction: Built with robust materials for long-term reliability and minimal maintenance. Applications: Beverage Industry Pharmaceuticals Cosmetics and Personal Care Food Products Chemicals and Household Products Distillery Dairy Agrochemicals Paint Shiv Shakti Machtech is Round Pet Bottle Labeling Machine Manufacturer in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Including Kathwada, Vadodara, Changodar, Gota, Naroda, Nikol, Mehsana, Palanpur, Deesa, Patan, Vapi, Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot, Amreli, Mahuva, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Silvassa, Porbandar, Mumbai, Vasai, Andheri, Dadar, Maharashtra, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Pune, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota, Bharatpur, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Ajmer, Delhi, Noida, Baddi, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, Una, Jammu Kashmir, Haryana, Hisar, Gurgaon, Gurugram, Madhya Pradesh, Indore, Bhopal, Ratlam, Jabalpur, Satna, New Delhi, Kolkata, West Bengal, Assam, Asansol, Siliguri, Durgapur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Brahmapur, Puri, Goa, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatna, Hyderabad, Guntur, Chittoor, Kurnool, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam, Karimnagar, Ramagundam, Suryapet, Telangana, Medak, Bengaluru, Bangalore, Mangaluru, Hubballi, Vijayapura, Davanagere, Kalaburagi, Chitradurga, Ballari, Kolar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirapalli, Tiruppur, Salem, Erode, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Kozhikode, Thrissur, Kollam, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Kannur, Malappuram, Bharatpur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Bhilwara, Nagpur, Amravati, Solapur, Malegaon, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Wardha, Vasai-Virar, Gondia, Hinganghat, Barshi, Ulhasnagar, Nandurbar, Bhusawal, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Kalyan, Satara, Yamuna Nagar, Chhachhrauli. For further details or inquiries, feel free to reach out to us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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sweetpandorabox · 2 years
Lip-gloss - Harry Potter x Female Reader (One Shot)
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Synopsis: You and Harry have been dating for 2 years since your 4th year of Hogwarts, the chosen one and you plan to go on a date today but before that, you had to get ready for it and as Harry waits around he manages to discover something in your makeup bag and wonders more about what it is.
Pairing: Harry Potter x Female Reader
Story Setting: This fanfiction is set in your 5th year of Hogwarts during the Order of the Phoenix.
Warnings⚠️: None this one is pure fluff.
A/N: Hey sexy it's Angel here, this week I've decided to write a super short one-shot for all of you, I'll be sure to make one of these for at least all of the Harry Potter boys and girls because it's super easy, and don't require a lot of time, anyways enjoy love you. xx
Word Count : 704
✯¸.•´¨*•✿ Lip-gloss ✿•*¨`•.¸✯
The Saturday Autumn season sun was shining ever so brightly against your shared dorm room window, leaving a sun ray right through your bed as Harry lay the back of his hand right on top of his forehead covering the upper part of his glasses to create shade, closing his eyes as he lay his body across your single bed.
As your boyfriend lays on your comfy yet messy bed, you apply a bit of mascara in between your lashes giving them volume and slowly fluttering your eyes, not forgetting to put mascara on the other eye by a mirror hanging on the wall above a wooden dresser. You look at yourself in the mirror sighing and smiling before you feel a pair of warm hands around your waist pulling your figure closer to his, Harry nuzzles his nose into the crook of your neck breathing in the scent of your soft floral fragrance.
"You smell gorgeous and you're warm" he softly groans keeping his body close to yours, trailing kisses all over your shoulder while you chuckle lightly at his comment. You continue adding some final touches to your light and natural make-up, Harry stretches his body, flailing his arm up to the air as he yawns lightly noticing a cylinder narrow tube with a silver lid looking carefully into the pink and glittery contains on the inside, without thinking twice he grabs on to the mysterious looking cosmetic placed on the top of your dresser.
"Love what is this?" he asked inspecting the label closer and finding a picture of strawberry stuck out on the label, you turned around to face your curious boyfriend, standing just a few meters apart from you, putting on pair of pearl earrings to your ears you smile and ask "Well what does it say sweetheart?", Harry peer at the tube closer and read out, "Strawberry flavored lip gloss, with a pink tint and glitters?" he looks at you quizzically, you chuckle at his puzzled expression taking the tube form his hand gently and applying some on to your lips.
Harry keeps a wondrous eye watching you apply the cosmetic, "It's lip gloss, it goes on your lips you see and it gives the lips a glossy luster, and sometimes it adds a subtle color, oh and on occasions they come in different flavors, this one taste like strawberries" you smile handing him back the tube, "Wow yeah I can see that, can I try some? he asked turning his gentle green emerald-like eyes into an innocent doe-eyes. "Well of course love go for it" you smile at him and before you know it he moved closer to you with a smirk, tossing the lip gloss aside landing his dominant hand on the crook of your neck and the other settling in your waist pulling you into a gentle yet starving kiss, he pulls you close to him, close enough to feel his now muscular and mature body against his crisp white and thin v neck t-shirt, his lips were soft as he lightly sucks the bottom of your lips tasting the berry flavor now lingering on his own lips.
Harry left you to gasp for air as he let go of the kiss, taking his time to process the lingering flavor, "Hmm... it really does taste like strawberries, got any other flavor I can try before we head out" he smirk playfully, you blushed hard meeting his eyes saying, "Well I have cheery one and a peach flavor one you can try" as you pull 2 different looking lip-glosses out of your drawer, Harry picks you up in his arm and throws you on the bed saying "Well what are you waiting for? let me taste more of those things, your luscious lips are tasty enough as it is but with those things on they're elevated", his smirk stays put on his face pinning you down on the bed, making you blushed harder with lip-gloss smudges all over your face, from the previous session. The two of you eventually grew into a laughing fit as you apply a different lip gloss on quickly as Harry waits patiently, enjoying your Saturday make-outs before heading out on your date.
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dreamlink3d · 1 year
i wish the stuff i'm working on rn was like. in any way, shape,or form presentable yet cuz like it is all just a lot of spreadsheet work and planning documents, but things are moving! i'm finishing a lot of work to get wisps set up properly this time. you know what actually i'll talk a little bit about it in the read more bc it's all infodump and really technically overbearing but for the nerds who keep up with this blog a lot it might be interesting so 👀
update: oh this is LONG long. whatever i'm keeping it read if you want like peak infodump abt the recruitable characters' role in the game atm.
ok ok ok so like as of the last time i worked on this (like last year i mean) the battling and wisp uniqueness were both really understated and this was on purpose! i wanted battling to be something the player is introduced to later than usual and it's not required at all, bc it's not even your intended goal -- this much is still true, but i wanted it to have more prominence and depth, so i'm elaborating on team building now.
the main thing i'm working out now is that i want each individual wisp (the animal recruitable characters) to function almost like a miniature pokemon and be used to do little roguelike deck-building activities to clear the main progression story thing of the game. before, each wisp technically had a species and catalog wing + 2 abilities, but none of those did anything for battling. my long term idea was that the abilities would have in-battle functionality, but at most that's still like 20ish moves across an at-the-time 400 character roster-- not good enough imo.
so! now what i've been mainly doing is finally embracing the battle system and leaning in on it more. each wisp now is gonna get a couple of things that'll modify each of their stats a little and give them each a couple of "moves." that way every character IN THEORY should play differently in some way.
first up is species, which i actually did the full stat spread for already. it's just simple single-digit buff/nerfs to individual rpg maker stats (hp, mp, atk, def, so on and so forth) but it gives each one a base layer of uniqueness. i want to give each species a dedicated move that is thus attached to each wisp.
second up is catalog wing, this follows the same rule but i haven't done stat changes yet. i also have a little list of like parameters / etc. that i can assign, and i definitely want to give some of those to each of these groups, so that wisps can be even more specific. catalog wing is just colors, and as such i think it makes sense for each to get an associated move as well.
third up are the big new thing. i've been kinda inspired by a video i saw recently of a "pokemon but i added 50 types" mod and i kinda wondered about adding small modifier labels to wisps. almost like pokemon types, but not as type-intensive, and originally i wanted them to be cosmetic. however, i'm realizing i can give them small tweaks as well (literally like +1 something and -1 something else, and that's it) and it'll still have a pretty notable impact on wisp variety. each wisp gets 3 types and i'm currently sorting out the list but it's a little silly, i want to keep it lighthearted and not do it completely seriously in the way pokemon does. you'll see when it comes out but i think it's rather fun. these i would also like to make moves for, but we'll see.
last up are the abilities. i don't think these are gonna have any stat changes, but will have the passive parameters in some cases (double currency/item drops comes to mind.) these already have existed in the game for a long time, and each wisp gets 2. they're how you interact with the dreamscape overworld itself, and solve puzzles in the main progression story thing (which i am referring to this way bc i don't wanna reveal it completely yet!) they're obviously gonna have moves associated with them.
i'm kinda worried abt doing stat stuff bc like obviously an unbalanced game can be a complete mess, but i also think having a wide variety of options that range in power levels (and combine to get even crazier) is like half of the appeal of these teambuilders? like taking the worst possible team and sweeping, or doing the opposite and watching the carnage. i honestly just wanna have fun with it bc i think this is the thing this project really needs to be entertaining in long stretches. the game currently is about gathering wisps and using them to progress but like, without battling it's kinda very thin gameplay wise? dream exploration is still like the big essential part-- i want battling to stay optional and available to be underexplored as each player decides-- but i do think that at least giving players the tools to explore further in that way will go a long way.
i don't know how to end this other than to say i'll probably make more of these kinds of posts in the future? i'm making a lot of scattered smaller progress on this in various areas, mostly working on dreamscape overhauls and wisp categorization but like. i've been retooling the game to have a bit more characters and story than originally intended. finally leaving my burnout phase has led me to really retool this project from the inside out, and i can't wait to share more honestly. i won't be speaking on a release date or even a window, because i don't think it'll be ready before like 2025 at this rate. sucks bc it means 5 year dev cycle (on top of aspects of this going back as far as 2016, or 2012 depending on what you count) but like hey! it's still churning and i'm still chipping away at it. thank you for reading <3
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By: Joseph Figliolia
Published: Sep 5, 2023
In recent months, several red-state legislatures have sought to restrict gender-transition procedures for minors. Critics of these efforts often describe them as “anti-trans” or “anti-LGBTQIA+.” In a ruling striking down Florida’s prohibition against Medicaid coverage for “gender-affirming care,” U.S. district judge Robert Hinkle referred to Florida’s legislation as “purposeful discrimination against transgenders.” If language sets the terms for how the public thinks about politics, then these critics’ framings are sure to confuse.
Referring to legislation as “anti-trans” channels the language of civil rights. But while conceptualizing the gender-identity debate this way may be a powerful rhetorical strategy, it obscures the best practices for treating gender-distressed youth. Such a strategy implies that any critics of affirmative care must be motivated by prejudice against trans-identifying people, rather than by an evidence-based vision for how gender dysphoria should be conceptualized and treated.
Start with the contradictions of the pro-affirming side, where two competing visions of gender affirmation sit uneasily alongside one another. First is a medical understanding—according to which doctors are treating a diagnosable condition, gender dysphoria, which appears in multiple forms that people experience for various psychological and developmental reasons. Dysphoria can afflict people who do not identify as transgender, though gender dysphoria and transgenderism are often conflated. In this framework, affirmative care is a medical solution to a medical problem.
Second is the gender-diversity understanding, which decouples dysphoria and gender identity and maintains that all variations in gender identities are entirely natural and healthy. It also holds, crucially, that requiring a diagnosis of gender dysphoria to access affirmative medical care is a harmful form of gatekeeping, an argument advanced in the American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics.
The gender-diversity paradigm values patient autonomy above all else. It holds that doctors are not treating a pathology as much as they are offering cosmetic procedures to help their patients become their “truest selves.” The goal is not necessarily to resolve dysphoria but to help patients achieve “gender euphoria.” On the AMA website, one physician-advocate, Aron Janssen, describes affirmative care as “patient led,” with “no single, objective outcome for somebody seeking a sense of identity.” The underlying logic of this treatment resonates with many people, intuitively aligning with America’s expressive-individualist culture.
Yet everything we know about the nature and persistence of gender dysphoria suggests that the civil rights framework is a category error. The “transgender child” exists only in relation to gender schemas that are themselves sociocultural phenomena. Gender dysphoria is real, but it is not a perfect proxy for a cross-gender identity. Moreover, gender-related distress is not one clinical entity; it can have varied presentations, etiologies, and subtypes.
To speak of “trans kids,” in other words, is to presuppose that these kids are all part of one natural category that demands one kind of treatment approach. That’s not the case. When the pro-affirming side of the debate labels kids experiencing gender dysphoria as “trans,” it conflates two categories (gender dysphoria and transgender identification) and does these young people a grave disservice.
A minor undergoing gender dysphoria will probably not identify as transgender permanently. Research shows that such symptoms follow an unpredictable developmental course. Notably, even the clinical practice guidelines for treating gender dysphoria, authored by the pro-affirming Endocrine Society, concede that most children (roughly 80 percent) who present with gender dysphoria outgrow it by adolescence, and that a considerable number of these children turn out to be gay or bisexual. Most striking of all, however, is the clear acknowledgment that no clinical assessment exists to “predict the psychosexual outcome for any specific child.” In other words, there is no reliable mechanism to determine which young people will outgrow their dysphoria and which young people will persist.
This concession exists in irreconcilable tension with, say, the activist slogan that “trans kids know who they are.” If gender dysphoria is not permanent, then what is a “trans kid?” Rather than referring to a natural category, the American Psychological Association’s page on “Understanding transgender people, gender identity and gender expression” is a classic case of concept creep. According to the APA, “transgender” is an umbrella term for “persons whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.” Under this definition, transgender persons include those who simply express themselves, or behave, in unconventional ways for their sex. Such a definition serves to reinforce stereotypical tropes about men and women, quietly policing the boundaries of acceptable gender expression for boys and girls.
Of course, some boys have what we would consider more feminine temperaments, and some girls have what we would consider more masculine temperaments. But allegedly progressive adherents of gender ideology insist that some personalities or forms of expression are the special province of men and women, exclusively. More significantly, they claim that these gendered attributes—not our sex—define us as men and women.
In reality, assuming that “gender identity” exists at all, surely it refers to a belief about how well one’s personality, preferences, and habits conform with cultural heuristics of masculinity and femininity. If a person has internalized the rigid schemas of gender ideology, then her interpretation of where she falls along an artificial masculine–feminine gender continuum will dictate her understanding of gender. If her view of gender changes, so will her self-appraisal and resulting gender identity. Indeed, in physician-scientist Lisa Littman’s study of detransitioners, nearly two in three female detransitioners cited a “change in their personal definition of male and female” as one of their reasons for detransitioning. These young women may have felt alienated by the sex-stereotypical definitions of women that gender ideology peddles and believed that they could reconcile themselves with their bodies only by expanding their definitions of womanhood to reflect their personalities.
Not every declaration of a cross-gender identity is the result of a gender schema influencing one’s self-appraisal. But in certain sub-populations, like the identity-confused population with comorbidities described by Kaltialia-Heino or Littman’s ROGD (rapid-onset gender dysphoria) sample, it would be irresponsible not to entertain the premise. It’s also irresponsible not to mention that the rise of dysphoria diagnoses in teen girls coincides with a teen mental-health crisis that is particularly dire among girls. During these challenging developmental years, is it any surprise that gender non-conforming, psychologically vulnerable girls might feel disconnected from their sex by the onslaught of gender messaging and become dysphoric as a result? Or, alternatively, should we be shocked if they see in public messaging an explanatory framework that explains their preexisting general distress as gender dysphoria?
If psychological evaluation involves exploring the underlying dynamics behind a patient’s problem, then “gender-affirming care” is the enemy of competent evaluation. When your only interpretive tool is a gender hammer, everything looks like a gender nail.
The framing of this debate matters. Rhetorically powerful language evoking civil rights and referring to “trans kids” demagogically obscures reality. Transgenderism is a constructed category containing a heterogeneous population of dysphoric and trans-identifying people, following a unique trajectory and possessing idiosyncratic needs. Ordinary Americans must understand what is at stake in this debate. They cannot do so if journalists, judges, and politicians obscure the truth.
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vezlayfood1 · 3 months
Health and Environmental Benefits of Buy Vegan Food
Switching to a vegan diet can feel like a big leap, but the rewards are worth it. Vegan food is not just about excluding animal products; it's about embracing a lifestyle that promotes health, environmental sustainability, and ethical eating. But why should you Buy Vegan Food? Let's dive into the many reasons and benefits that make vegan food a compelling choice.
Health Benefits of Vegan Food
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Nutrient-Rich Options
Vegan Food are packed with essential nutrients. Think of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds – they are all powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Incorporating a variety of these foods ensures you get a broad spectrum of nutrients essential for maintaining good health.
Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases
Studies have shown that a vegan diet can lower the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. This is largely due to the lower intake of saturated fats and higher intake of fiber and antioxidants, which help protect your body from harmful diseases.
Weight Management
If you're looking to manage your weight, vegan food might be your answer. Plant-based diets tend to be lower in calories yet high in nutrients, helping you feel full longer and reducing the urge to snack on unhealthy foods.
Environmental Impact
Reducing Carbon Footprint
Buying vegan food significantly reduces your carbon footprint. Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By choosing plant-based foods, you contribute to lowering these emissions and combat climate change.
Conservation of Water Resources
Did you know that producing animal products consumes a massive amount of water? For instance, producing a single pound of beef requires thousands of gallons of water. In contrast, plant-based foods generally require much less water, making them a more sustainable choice.
Less Land Use
Vegan food production requires less land compared to animal farming. This helps preserve natural habitats and reduces deforestation, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity.
Ethical Considerations
Animal Welfare
One of the strongest arguments for buying vegan food is the ethical stance against animal cruelty. By opting for vegan products, you support a system that does not exploit animals for food, promoting a cruelty-free lifestyle.
Cruelty-Free Products
Beyond food, the vegan lifestyle often extends to other products like clothing and cosmetics. Many vegans choose cruelty-free options that do not involve animal testing, aligning with their values of compassion and ethical treatment of animals.
Economic Benefits
Growing Market for Vegan Products
The demand for vegan products is on the rise, which means more innovation and better options for consumers. This growth in the market also drives prices down, making vegan products more accessible.
Supporting Local Farmers and Producers
Buying vegan food can also support local farmers and small businesses. Many vegan products come from local sources, and purchasing them helps stimulate the local economy and encourages sustainable farming practices.
How to Start Buying Vegan Food
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Research and Education
The first step in transitioning to vegan food is education. Learn about the different plant-based foods and their nutritional benefits. There are plenty of resources available online, including blogs, documentaries, and books.
Reading Labels
When shopping, make it a habit to read labels. Look for products that are clearly marked as vegan or plant-based. Familiarize yourself with ingredients to avoid any hidden animal products.
Exploring Vegan Recipes
Try experimenting with vegan recipes. There are countless delicious and easy-to-make vegan dishes available online. Start with simple meals and gradually incorporate more variety into your diet.
Where to Buy Vegan Food
Grocery Stores
Most grocery stores now have dedicated sections for vegan and plant-based foods. Look for these sections to find a variety of vegan options.
Farmers’ Markets
Farmers’ markets are great places to buy fresh, local, and often organic produce. Many vendors offer vegan-friendly products like fresh fruits, vegetables, and homemade plant-based foods.
Online Retailers
Online shopping has made it easier than ever to find vegan products. Websites like Amazon, Thrive Market, and specialty vegan stores offer a wide range of vegan foods that can be delivered right to your door.
Popular Vegan Food Brands
Beyond Meat
Beyond Meat is known for its plant-based meat substitutes that mimic the taste and texture of real meat. Their products are widely available and a great option for those transitioning to a vegan diet.
Daiya Foods
Daiya Foods offers a variety of dairy-free products, including cheese, yogurt, and desserts. Their products are perfect for those looking for vegan alternatives to traditional dairy products.
Follow Your Heart
Follow Your Heart is a well-known brand offering vegan mayonnaise, salad dressings, and cheese alternatives. Their products are popular among vegans and non-vegans alike.
Vegan Alternatives to Common Foods
Dairy Alternatives
Switching from dairy to plant-based alternatives is easy with options like almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk. Vegan cheeses made from nuts and seeds are also widely available.
Meat Substitutes
Meat substitutes like tofu, tempeh, and seitan are excellent sources of protein and can be used in a variety of dishes. Products like veggie burgers and plant-based sausages are also great meat alternatives.
Egg Replacements
For baking and cooking, egg replacements like flaxseed meal, chia seeds, and commercial egg replacers work wonderfully. These alternatives provide the same binding properties as eggs without the animal product.
Budget-Friendly Vegan Shopping Tips
Buy in Bulk
Buying in bulk can save you money and reduce packaging waste. Staples like grains, beans, and nuts are often cheaper when purchased in large quantities.
Seasonal Shopping
Buying fruits and vegetables that are in season is usually cheaper and ensures you get the freshest produce. Seasonal shopping also supports local farmers and reduces the environmental impact.
Homemade Meals
Preparing meals at home is not only healthier but also more cost-effective. Homemade vegan meals allow you to control the ingredients and portion sizes, reducing food waste and saving money.
Cooking and Preparing Vegan Food
Essential Vegan Pantry Items
Stock your pantry with vegan essentials like grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and spices. These staples form the basis of many vegan meals and ensure you always have ingredients on hand.
Quick and Easy Vegan Recipes
Start with simple recipes like stir-fries, salads, and smoothies. These meals are quick to prepare and can be customized with your favorite ingredients.
Meal Prep Tips
Meal prepping can save you time and ensure you have healthy meals ready to go. Cook large batches of grains and beans, and prep vegetables in advance to make meal preparation easier during the week.
Eating Out as a Vegan
Finding Vegan-Friendly Restaurants
Look for restaurants that specifically cater to vegans or have a variety of vegan options. Apps like HappyCow can help you find vegan-friendly dining options in your area.
Vegan Options in Non-Vegan Restaurants
Many non-vegan restaurants offer vegan options or are willing to customize dishes to make them vegan. Don't hesitate to ask your server about vegan choices or modifications.
Using Apps and Online Resources
There are many apps and websites dedicated to helping vegans find suitable dining options. Use these resources to discover new places and read reviews from other vegans.
Addressing Common Myths about Vegan Food
Protein Deficiency Concerns
A common myth is that vegans don't get enough protein. However, plant-based sources like beans, lentils, tofu, and quinoa provide ample protein to meet your daily needs.
Vegan Food Being Expensive
While some specialty vegan products can be pricey, a basic vegan diet centered around whole foods like grains, beans, and vegetables is often cheaper than a diet that includes meat and dairy.
Limited Variety
Some believe that a vegan diet is limited in variety, but this couldn't be further from the truth. There is an abundance of delicious and diverse plant-based foods and recipes to explore.
Vegan Food for Special Diets
Gluten-Free Vegan Options
Many vegan foods are naturally gluten-free. Look for gluten-free grains like quinoa, rice, and buckwheat, and always check labels for gluten-free certification.
Nut-Free Vegan Foods
If you have a nut allergy, there are plenty of nut-free vegan options available. Seeds, grains, and legumes can provide similar nutritional benefits without the risk of allergens.
Soy-Free Vegan Choices
For those avoiding soy, there are numerous soy-free vegan products. Look for alternatives made from peas, lentils, and other legumes.
Buying vegan food is more than just a dietary choice; it's a lifestyle that benefits your health, the environment, and animal welfare. With the growing availability of vegan products and resources, making the switch has never been easier. So, why not give it a try? Embrace the vegan lifestyle and enjoy the numerous benefits it has to offer.
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blackestnight · 2 years
pro re nata
latin phrase: for the present matter; under present circumstances; as needed. abbreviation prn. used in medical prescriptions.
for fluffuary day 4, “making them laugh/being silly.” yes i know it’s the 5th, deadlines aren’t real anyway.
set post-6.0 but no spoilers, just generic schmoop.
Hanami’s morning routine had taken on a slowly evolving shape since coming home from Sharlayan. It started out familiar: waking before the sun, crawling gently out of bed (this morning required extra care, because Aymeric had draped an arm over her waist in sleep and he made a discontented noise when she moved, but he settled when she pressed a kiss to the mess of his hair). Then, her new deviation: hunching over the washroom sink with her army of bottles and packets, squinting at the labels.
One of the sages had informed her, while she was still in a haze of exhaustion and magic, that the combined effort exerted by the city-states to drag her back from the brink of death had resulted in half a dozen groundbreaking innovations in medicine, which she supposed was meant to cheer her up (it hadn’t, because she had still felt like death warmed over at the time). Some of those bottled miracles were probably spread out before her now: first a salve to rub over the fresh scarring on her right arm (from Ul’dah; it didn’t actually do anything except glow blue in spots where it came into contact with high concentrations of aether, which might be a sign that she had relapsed back into what Y’shtola had coined aetherbleed, but today it continued to do nothing except feel uncomfortably oily and smell like a hot sewer). Then three potions and a chalky tablet to ingest: the labels said the tablet was to be taken with water, and not within a half-bell of any sort of acidic drink; the potion that was shimmery blue was to be taken first thing in the morning and before bed, and the smoky gray and creamy orange ones three times daily and not on an empty stomach. Hanami compromised by pouring all three liquid doses into a cup, pressing the tablet onto her tongue, and swallowing the entire foul mess in one go.
She actually convulsed at the heinous combination of tastes and textures, but the little act of rebellion made her feel better. She busied herself with washing her face and cleaning the goop off her arm, so that by the time she brushed her teeth the taste of mint was only bearably awful on top of the lingering flavors from the medicines. Then she snarled at her own reflection, making sure that her ill-advised regimen had not discolored her teeth or caused them to smoke or melt or gods-knew-what. Satisfied, she made her way back to the bedroom to deal with cosmetics and clothes.
Aymeric was in the same spot she had left him—curled on his side, bundled under the covers—but he was awake, and glaring absently at the window. Hanami would almost go so far as to call it a pout.
“What is that face for?” she asked, nudging the vanity chair with her foot so she could kneel in the seat. Her left hand still felt clumsy with her hairbrush, but at least keeping her hair short meant she didn’t have to spend much time on it.
“Hm?” Aymeric blinked. It was hard to tell in the dark, but she thought he might still be half-asleep; his obviously half-hearted attempt to sit upright was not as graceful as it would have been otherwise. “Nothing. I simply had the strangest dream.”
She had lotion to rub onto her face every morning in an effort to combat the highland wind, which meant she could only manage a close-mouthed “Mm?” in response without risking even more tragedies on her tongue. She knew Aymeric had vivid dreams—there were nights when they set him tossing and turning and gasping in his sleep, nights when he woke up wincing from remembered dragonfire or magefire or worse—but this morning his voice was rough with tired annoyance, not with fear or sorrow.
Upright was too generous, she decided. He was still listing against the headboard, mostly kept from being completely horizontal by a pile of pillows, but to be fair it was earlier than he usually got up. He scrubbed one hand over his face, and his own palm muffled his voice: “There were two men from some sort of—maintenance crew, I suppose, the sort who do upkeep in the Temple Knight barracks, and at some point they had broken in and taken the bed and exchanged it for another.”
She managed not to laugh at him, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “In the house?”
“It was a dream,” he said, not even trying to excuse his subconscious. His voice came clearer, at least, when he lowered his hand, and he met her with a grin of his own that she could see clearly even without the light. “And not only that, but the replacement was facing a different way than the old bed. So now here I am, irrationally upset at a figmentary work crew from my own dream for committing a crime that never actually happened.”
Not that he sounded upset anymore. He mostly seemed rumpled and relaxed, eyes half-lidded while he watched her. She wiped her hands clean and grabbed her pants from the day before to begin the process of re-layering herself against the cold.
“Kill them,” she advised.
He did laugh, warm and low in the dark, and sat up straighter: when he spoke his voice was closer to the clipped tone he used when he was working, which sort of lost its effect considering the blankets falling down around his waist and his impressive bedhead. “I doubt one could kill a dream, and I would not condemn a man to death for what ultimately amounted to a minor inconvenience.”
“I could probably kill a dream if I tried,” she mused, pulling her sweater over her head. She’d done stranger things. “And you wouldn’t. I would kill a man for a hot breakfast.”
She wasn’t fully dressed, wasn’t fully ready, but the draw of a handsome, sleepy man was more tempting than warm socks: she padded across to his side of the bed and gave herself a half-step running start so she could hop up on the tall mattress without needing to put weight on her hands. Even tired, his reflexes were sharp, and he cupped one broad hand around her waist to help her balance on the edge of the bed.
“Was that a hint?” he asked, rubbing his thumb over her ribs.
She huffed, because it wasn’t, but with her foot planted on the bed rail and his arm holding her in place she felt secure enough to lean forward and press a kiss to his sleep-flushed cheek.
“Maybe it was a threat,” she said, letting her teeth scrape his skin when she spoke, just to feel him shudder and then laugh again. When she sat back he urged her gently to curl closer to his knee.
“In the interest of self-preservation,” Aymeric said, “what would you like?”
Hanami felt her mouth quirk up at the corner. Hot breakfast for her usually consisted of reheated soup tossed in a thermos, but—well. It was early. She had nowhere to be, and Aymeric probably had time before he needed to meet with the House of Lords.
“Sandwich,” she decided. There were some Ishgardian muffins leftover, she was sure, and cuts of bacon in the icebox. Even one-handed she could fumble through cooking eggs on her own, if she had to, so if he ran out of time they could eat while they walked, him to his session with the Lords and her down to the Proving Grounds, or wherever she wound up to stave off the restlessness of recovery.
Rather than answer, he picked up her hand from where she had rested it on his duvet-covered leg—gentle, so cautious of hurting her, so even though the skin contact made her nerves erupt in needle-pricks she didn’t make a face—and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. The little bit of pre-dawn glow that had started to creep into the room lit him up like a statue.
He really was handsome, which wasn’t something she forgot so much as didn’t think about, not with familiarity to turn the wonder into something more comfortable, but in moments like that with the light catching his jaw and his eyelashes and the whole general perfectly-proportioned line of him she felt a little bit ridiculous all over again. Maybe infatuated was a good word. She hadn’t been that, at first, she’d just been a bitter asshole, but at least he’d been a perfect balance of patient and determined to prove her wrong.
Better late than never, anyway. She leaned forward again to pull him into a kiss.
He made a noise of contentment against her mouth, followed by a grunt, and pulled back enough to whisper a reproach: “You are going to give yourself an ulcer,” punctuated with another soft kiss.
Must have tasted the residue of the medicine on her mouth. She bit his lower lip, gently, and said, “I will give you an ulcer,” another tiny rebellion with no purpose other than happiness.
It worked: he laughed and released her hand. “Undoubtedly,” he murmured, too fond for her to take him seriously, and she huffed again and slid off the bed to finish getting ready for the day.
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thevitaminz · 5 months
From aspiration to deception
In today's digital age, it has become all too common for brands — both companies and celebrities — to visually alter their advertising campaigns and marketing content. A striking example is Kim Kardashian, the media and business mogul, who has admitted to hiring a private paparazzo since 2019 to take and edit photos of her at public events. This trend extends beyond marketing campaigns and magazine covers; it's now common for pictures of celebrities out and about to be altered as well. The widespread accessibility of editing tools, combined with their saturation across social media channels, is perpetuating an unrealistic beauty standard that profoundly affects the minds of young audiences. According to a 2021 survey of 200 teens ages 13 to 21 conducted by ParentsTogether, an organization focused on supporting families, young people who use beauty filters weekly are more likely to want to have cosmetic surgery and to alter their skin color. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the survey found that the more time teens spent on social media, the more likely they were to report being dissatisfied with how they look. This is particularly dangerous as we come to terms with the emergence of AI-generated images and deepfakes.
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It's crucial to recognize the difference between selling aspiration and promoting an unobtainable fantasy that borders on false advertising and fraud. In 2017, France passed a national law that required labels for digitally altered photos of models, mandating that any commercial image that has been digitally altered to make a model's silhouette "narrower or wider" must bear a declaration stating it had been "retouched." Similar measures should be applied in the U.S., particularly when it comes to social media posts. Just as social media channels now include grayed-out disclaimers with trigger warnings and additional context, posts featuring edited images should come with clear disclaimers indicating the potential doctoring of facial and body features. Implementing such disclaimers would help raise awareness about the prevalence of edited images and encourage more critical thinking among social media users.
Amidst this toxic culture of editing, Aerie has emerged as a trailblazer in promoting authentic and inclusive beauty standards. Since the mid-2010s, the brand has fearlessly embraced an unfiltered approach to its campaigns, showcasing its products on a diverse range of models with realistic body types. The AerieREAL campaign, which spans social media, advertising, influencer marketing, and beyond, is a testament to the brand's unwavering commitment to promoting body positivity and empowering women. The campaign's success is evident not only in its widespread acclaim but also in its tangible impact on Aerie's bottom line: since its launch in 2014, the brand has surpassed a billion dollars in sales, proving that authenticity resonates deeply with consumers. Over the years, the REAL campaign has evolved to encompass user-generated content, brand voices, and powerful initiatives. The brand has extended its messaging to the introduction of the "Real Good" line, offering comfortable and casual clothing and underwear that prioritize real comfort for real bodies. By seamlessly integrating the AerieREAL ethos into every facet of its brand identity, Aerie has set a powerful example for the industry, demonstrating that authenticity, inclusivity, and empowerment are not just buzzwords, but the key to building a loyal and inspired customer base.
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As brands continue to shape beauty standards and influence young minds, it is imperative that they prioritize authenticity and promote realistic representations of diverse bodies. By implementing transparent disclaimers and embracing unfiltered campaigns, brands can play a vital role in fostering a more inclusive and empowering media landscape.
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msommers · 7 months
4, 18, 28 for riya, jorina and meredith!
kees kees thank you!! // lovey dovey prompts
♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?
RIYA — i can't think of any that she'd hate, but i think she'd get turned off from someone who declares their love too quickly into dating. she gets it because look at her, but chill out. also leave, immediately, it's not fun anymore lmao 
JORINA — big displays of affection/love in front of lots of people. absolutely get them the fuck away. public serenading, declarations of love, grand gestures, god forbid a proposal. mortifying. hate is strong for this next one but she isn't a huge fan of frequent spontaneous activities/dates, she's too attached to her schedules and routines.  MEREDITH — surprise dates for her as well. she'd prefer having input on the time/place/activity, then there's also the fact she's constantly busy and doesn't like to reschedule things (worries she'll come off noncommittal or having a negative opinion on the task/event blah blah).
♥ (18) Does your OC have a “type”?
RIYA — she's all over the place. i like to think if you looked at a list of everybody she's dated/hooked up with that you'd be convinced it belonged to at least two different people's romantic histories. but also!! to give an answer: did make the goof that we discovered in-game that riya's got a thing for guys who are losers and women who are girlbosses. 
JORINA — she was bullied like a week into character creation with the decision that it'd be hysterical if her type was wild cards. the kind of reckless and spontaneous that is so opposite of her whole way of life that she'd be fucking baffled to discover she actually Likes it in someone. 
MEREDITH — simplest way to describe hers would be through those tropes like the golden retriever, the archetypal hero, the cinnamon roll, things along those lines that you immediately know what they're about. also somewhere along the way discovered that she has a thing for guys with soft tummies, bonus points if they've got muscles but that's not a requirement she'll still be 👀 
♥ (28) What is something unconventional that your OC thinks is romantic?
RIYA — giving assistance with her beauty/self-care efforts!! brushing her hair for her, applying cosmetics, engaging with her debates on what outfit/accessory is best, giving her a massage, etc etc. it shows that her interest in these things aren't being dismissed, or labelled as frivolous or superficial.
JORINA — i think she'd enjoy learning things together?? like perfecting a recipe or becoming skilled at a certain dance or anything in between, it's the time spent together with collaboration and education that she finds some warmth in. MEREDITH — being brought food or drink while she's working. it's a gesture that shows how they're thinking of and care for her no matter the time of day, fills her with the warm and fuzzies.
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Food does not contain aborted fetuses, but the total lack of existence of such a product hasn’t stopped one Texas Republican from trying to regulate it.
Ahead of the opening of the Texas state legislature last week, Republican state Sen. Bob Hall introduced a bill to mandate that food containing “human fetal tissue” be “clearly and conspicuously labeled.” If passed, this bill would also apply to food that is “manufactured using human fetal tissue,” or “derived from research using human fetal tissue.” Medical and cosmetic products that have links to fetal tissue would also be subject to these requirements. 
Fetal tissue, according to the bill, is “tissue, cells, or organs obtained from an aborted unborn child.”
To be clear, food with fetal tissue in it? Not a thing. It doesn’t exist.
“There are no conditions under which the FDA would consider human fetal tissue to be safe or legal for human or animal consumption,” an FDA spokesperson told VICE News in a statement. Eating food with fetal tissue would also likely constitute cannibalism, which is typically frowned upon.
Cannibalism has found its way into the news quite a bit lately. Prominent conspiracy theory movements like QAnon hold (falsely) that elite Democrats are running a cannibalistic, Satan-worshiping, child sex-trafficking ring. QAnon’s beliefs are linked to antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ tropes that hold that Jewish and LGBTQ people are trying to hurt children, and even drink their blood. These conspiracies, which have flourished partly through lockdown isolationism and election denialism, have radicalized a stunning number of Americans and torn families apart.
Although food would not be impacted if Hall’s bill became law, medicine and science could be, since fetal cell lines can be used to develop and test drugs. These lines can be collected from a single miscarriage or abortion, then replicated in labs, over and over again, for decades. (Cell lines derived from aborted fetal tissue can be preferable, both because it’s easier to collect and because fetal tissue derived from a miscarriage may carry whatever genetic or chromosomal problem may have caused the miscarriage in the first place.) Fetal cell lines have led to development of many major vaccines, such as the vaccines against chickenpox and Hepatitis A.
After the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, a split erupted in the anti-abortion community over the morality of taking COVID vaccines that may have been developed or tested using fetal cell lines. The Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines do not include any fetal cells, although fetal cell lines were sometimes used in the development stages.
Hall’s office did not immediately return a VICE News list of questions about the bill. However, his office told HuffPost in a statement, “Unfortunately, many Texans are unknowingly consuming products that either contain human fetal parts or were developed using human fetal parts.”
“While some may not be bothered by this, there are many Texans with religious or moral beliefs that would oppose consumption or use of these products,” the statement continued.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has previously said that, although vaccines with links to fetal cell lines can cause “a problem of conscience for some Catholic parents,” they can take them in service of the greater good of public health. In 2020, the conference urged people to get vaccinated against COVID.
“A well-informed consumer can make whatever choice they decide on purchasing a product so long as they have all of the information in hand to make the choice,” Hall told HuffPost.
So far, Hall’s bill has not been assigned to a committee.
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earaercircular · 10 months
Unsold clothing may no longer be destroyed in Europe
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More than 100,000 tons of discarded clothing ends up in a desert in Chile
Europe is putting a stop to the throw-away culture through a ban on destruction[1] and a digital product passport with information about shelf life and repairability. No more mass destruction of clothing and other unsold merchandise.[2]
Every second in Europe, a full garbage truck of clothing is burned or dumped[3]. And every year, an estimated 11 to 32 million unsold and returned garments are destroyed. Europe has been wanting to reduce this gigantic waste for some time. The European Member States and the European Parliament reached an agreement to this end on Monday evening 4-12: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation[4]. The aim of the 'eco design law' is to make many products more repairable, reusable and recyclable. A product passport and a ban on destruction of unused goods are the key measures.
1. What is a digital product passport?
Consumers are already somewhat familiar with this: the energy label on refrigerators and washing machines gives an indication of their sustainability. That label (or product passport) has had an enormous impact on making those appliances more energy efficient.
The European Parliament and the EU member states now have an agreement to roll out the digital passport more widely and to deepen its content. First of all, almost all products on the European market will have to have such a passport: from car tires and steel to washing tablets and cosmetics to clothing or smartphones. The only exceptions are food, medicine, cars and weapon systems, for which there are separate regulations.
In addition to any energy consumption, the passport also contains information about the origin, composition, repair and disassembly options of the product. This should also make it easier to repair and recycle them. “People can know at a glance which product is the most durable or easiest to repair,” said MEP Sara Matthieu (Green), who was rapporteur in the negotiations.
2. What does the ban on destruction mean?
Initially, the ban applies to textiles. Globally, 92 million tons of textile waste are produced annually. A large portion of these are returned or unsold goods. In two years' time, they may no longer be destroyed, but must be reused or recycled. This ban will eventually be extended to electronics and electrical appliances. Massive quantities of these are also destroyed every year, especially cheaper items that are not sold or have been returned to the manufacturer.
The new rule goes hand in hand with stricter requirements for composition, repairability and disassembly of goods. The details will be worked out product by product by the European administration, but some guiding principles are a ban on adhesives, the absence of toxic substances, the obligation to have spare parts available and, above all, to offer them at an affordable price. The passport should eventually lead to a 'repair score', comparable to the energy label.
Matthieu (Green) expects a huge impact on the consumer market. 'Instead of offering disposable products for mass consumption, companies will offer many more services through robust devices. So to speak, you will no longer buy a washing machine, but an number of wash cycles.'
3. How comprehensive are the measures?
That depends on the control. The product passport is also an important instrument for this. Europe is counting on the famous 'Brussels effect': foreign producers will have to adapt their products if they want to maintain access to the gigantic European consumer market. Although the European consumer organisation BEUC[5] warns against loopholes. The organisation mainly sees a risk that international online platforms such as Amazon or Alibaba will circumvent the new law.
4. Is this agreement now final?
It has already rounded the most important cape. The agreement was finalised in the so-called trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament, the European Council and the Commission. Now it must be approved by Parliament and the Member States, but that counts as a formality.
Lieven Sioen, Onverkochte kledij mag niet meer vernietigd worden in Europa, in: De Standaard, 6-12-2023, https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20231205_96579697#:~:text=In%20eerste%20instantie%20is%20het,ze%20hergebruikt%20of%20gerecycleerd%20worden.
[1]  Deal on new EU rules to make sustainable products the norm; https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20231204IPR15634/deal-on-new-eu-rules-to-make-sustainable-products-the-norm
[2] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/722179599996534784/towards-a-circular-and-more-sustainable-fashion?source=share
[3] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/723895455727157248/new-report-clothes-are-mercilessly-downcycled-or?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/720260226679488512/hms-answer-about-the-dumped-clothes-article?source=share
[4] The proposal for a new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), published on 30 March 2022, is the cornerstone of the Commission’s approach to more environmentally sustainable and circular products. The proposal builds on the existing Ecodesign Directive, which currently only covers energy-related products. https://commission.europa.eu/energy-climate-change-environment/standards-tools-and-labels/products-labelling-rules-and-requirements/sustainable-products/ecodesign-sustainable-products-regulation_en
[5] The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC, from the French name Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs, "European Bureau of Consumers' Unions") is an umbrella consumers' group, founded in 1962. Based in Brussels, Belgium, it brings together 45 European consumer organisations from 32 countries (EU, EEA and applicant countries). BEUC represents its members and defends the interests of consumers in the decision process of the Institutions of the European Union, acting as the "consumer voice in Europe". BEUC does not deal with consumers’ complaints as it is the role of its national member organisations.
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