#could use that for guppi related things...
awakenthebeing · 4 months
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Duskmist Posting(bc there is SO much of them) BUT i might as well leave all this silly mega man related au critters here for storage/safekeeping,,, i'm very happy with how these have all turned out!!! <:3
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ginger-canary · 1 year
Wrong Place, Right Time
Chapters: 1/1
2649 words
Fandom: Dimension 20 (Web Series), The Unsleeping City, The Adventure Zone (Podcast), Ethersea - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sofia Lee/Amber Gris
Characters: Sofia Lee, Amber Gris
Additional Tags: milf4milf monk4monk, Oneshot, Rarepair, happy valentines day here's a strange combo
AO3 Link
Every monk knows the general instructions when you end up in a place you don't know. Find a monastery and explain yourself. So that's what Amber did- but she got kind of distracted.
Listen this idea started more than a year ago just consider the combo it's fun and interesting. This goes out to @lovevalley45 and our thoughts last year
Fic under the cut
In New York, no one could really stand out. Sure you may look strange but have you seen fish lifter Steve, the one who carries around a giant fake fish with a speaker inside? He rides the subway between the Bronx and Manhattan at all hours, playing a variety of ocean related songs that seem never-ending.
Sofia considered this feature a blessing at most times. However, trying to leave a lasting (positive) impression on someone in this city? Yeah, that only gets harder when fish lifter Steve is around. 
Everything was normal (in her definition of normal) when someone showed up at the monastery claiming to be far from home and in need of help. The monastery had always been a safe place for the lost- after all that’s how she got there.
However, Sof hadn’t expected to lay eyes on a woman like Amber Gris. All 5’2 of her was- well, for the first part she was soaking wet dripping rainwater all over the rug. The woman moved her weight from one squeaky sneaker to another, adjusting her sunglasses as if Sofia was the one looking crazy. 
Sofia scratched the back of her neck and sighed. First things first. “Hi, I’m Sofia. Do you speak English?” She held out her hand.
“Yeah. I’m Amber,” she spoke with a gruff voice, taking Sof’s hand and shaking it. If she noticed the matching calluses, she didn’t let it show. “Ye wanna remind me where I am again, guppy?” 
Registering Amber’s monk calluses in the back of her mind, Sofia moved to the back of the room for a towel. “Guppy? You’re in New York.” Over her shoulder she tossed a towel, followed by a dry shirt that came from the lost and found. It’d be a bit big but it’s better than nothing. Turning back, she watched Amber stare at the towel for a few seconds in confusion.
“New York, huh… Interesting.” With some form of reprehension, Amber started drying herself off. “This may be a strange question, but does New York have sharks?”
Sof raised an eyebrow but quickly coughed and turned around when Amber peeled off her shirt without a warning. Adding the scars covering Amber’s arms and upper body to her list of strange things, Sof wondered if this was what she looked like to other people. Strong yet damaged. Oh, and slightly insane. “Sharks.” 
“You repeat what I say a lot.”
“Well you say a lot of weird shit, Amber.” Sof turned back around, ignoring the fact that Amber hadn’t put on a shirt yet. God, she was going to have that rug dry-cleaned. 
Amber cocked her head and crossed her arms, using the way Sof looked at her. “You trying to tell me this place is normal? I don’t want to say too much but I definitely saw someone vanish and reappear in a different location.” 
“You know what twins are, right?”
“Twins don’t disappear.”
Ah, it was worth a shot. “Fine. It ain’t normal here. But we don’t have sharks. Nothing worth shit can survive in these rivers, they’re polluted as fuck.” Sof took another look at Amber. “And take off your shoes, they’re absolute swamps. It’s not even raining, where’d you come from?” 
Amber kicked off her shoes. “One of your rivers, I think.” 
“You’re absolutely fucking with me now.”
Taking off her sunglasses, Amber briefly exposed her fishlike eyes. “Is that an offer, guppy?”
Sof choked and not just because of the line. “Jesus fucking christ fine. You come from one of the rivers- which are all disgusting so you need a shower with a high pressure hose. Just come with me, we can continue this chat when you’re not infected by diseases we don’t even know about.” She grabbed Amber’s arm and led her through the monastery, ignoring the gazes of her coworkers. 
“So nothing lives in the river, huh?” Amber laughed.
“Nothing you find out about on purpose.” Sof tightened her grip on Amber’s arm and quietly added, “and still no sharks.”
One long, slightly awkward shower and about 20 body washes later, Amber stood in Sof’s private office in a bathrobe and sunglasses. Sofia had closed the blinds and was rifling through her collection of clothes as she fired off questions. “So, what, you’re like a fucking amphibian? You breathe underwater?” She handed Amber some underwear and a sports bra.
“Maybe and no. I don’t have gills but I do live underwater. It’s like an underwater city. I think… I think I’m from a different plane of existence for you. Or like a different world.” 
“From a different world, huh. My mamma was right, English really is the most international language.” Sof turned around so Amber could put the underwear on and inspected her collection of spares. Her 5’7 wasn’t exactly tall but Amber would swim in her regular shirts. “So why were you asking about sharks? Got a big shark problem, where you’re from?” 
“I’m not afraid of much. But, yeah we got a shark problem.”
Sof turned at the tone change. Amber sounded a lot less cocky now. 
“We got blink sharks. Blink sharks are 12 feet, and dark grey but they can-”
“Blink to different planes.” Sof ignored the shiver that ran down her spine. “Yea I know the Blink spell.” Then she realised she was staring at Amber’s biceps again and turned back to her clothes. “We’re just going to have to try some things and see what fits,” she muttered, grabbing a leopard print crop top and some calf length sports leggings. “Try this on.”
“So blinksharks don’t like me because I’ve killed a lot of ‘em. They’ve been targeting me, and I think that’s how I ended up here- though I’m not a big thinker.” She looked down at her outfit, realising it fit. “Huh. Impressive guess, guppy. Hey, can you cast Blink?”
Sof raised her eyebrows. “How do you kill a blinkshark?”
“You punch them in the fucking mouth.” Amber couldn’t resist flexing her arms.
“Of course,” she snorted, moving to lean against her desk. “Well, I can’t cast Blink. I’m assumin’ you want me to do that so you can get home, but I have a better idea for you. I do have to ask, though. Do you already want to leave if you’re spending your life underwater? You don’t want to see what life’s like not constantly swimming around?” 
Amber ran a hand through her tangled hair. “I didn’t start my life underwater, guppy. My world just drowned so we had to move.” She took a moment, weighing her options and eyeing Sofia.  “Sticking around here… I wouldn’t mind it for a short while.”
Grinning, Sofia said, “we got dry food. And literally anything else you could dream of. Welcome to New York, the city that never sleeps.” She spread her arms. “However first things first, why the fuck do you keep callin’ me guppy?” 
“Consider it an endearing word for younger people.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Is it actually endearing?”
“For you, yes.” 
“Uhuh.” Sof grabbed Amber some socks and shoes. “No more saying guppy, we can’t be fightin’ every stranger who realises that might be offensive. Put these on.” 
“Ugh, fine. You got a nickname then, Sofia?” 
“Sof.” She paused. “And before we go, just show me what you got.”
Amber laughed. “Haven’t you seen enough of what I got, Sof?”
“Your powers, you fuckin’ flirt. I gotta know what I’m dealing with.” Sofia flushed and crossed her arms. 
“Ah. Makes more sense. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” 
Sof bit back a few curse words but called for La Gran Gata. “Meet my patron.” She flexed her hands as blue and green energy appeared around them, a semivisible cat curling around her shoulders. “Mija… this one smells like fish. I like it.”
“I see your spectral cat and I raise you-” Amber rolled her shoulders, popping out two extra arms. “-spectral arms.”
“Not bad.” Sof moved forward so Amber could pet La Gran Gata with her spectral hands. “Now, this city has everything. What would you like to do with your limited time on dry land?” 
“Take me to your favourite non-seafood restaurant.”
As they sat on the ferry to Staten Island, Sofia and Amber compared their world’s rules. 
“There’s only a few main rules back home. First one’s “everybody’s got a knife”.”
Sof laughed. “That’s true here too. Maybe not in the entire country, but it’s true in New York.” 
“So where’s yours?” Amber winked. 
Sofia pulled a clean black pocket knife from inside her coat. “Right here.”
“Okay that’s pretty rad. How abou-” Amber trailed off as she realised the sheer amount of people on the ferry holding flowers. “What’s all the flowers about? Is that normal?”
“Oh that. Uh..” She bit the inside of her cheek. “It’s Valentine’s day. Y’all got that?”
Amber looked over the crowd again. “We used to but it disappeared when we went under. I used to like it though.” She turned her gaze back to Sofia. “So, you got a Valentine?”
Looking into the distance, she shook her head. “No.” She didn’t feel like explaining. Could’ve said “not anymore” or that he’d died but she didn’t want pity. 
“Ah.” After a moment of silence, Sof felt Amber move away from her. She turned her head to watch Amber go up to several strangers and have short conversations with them. From each of these strangers she received a flower from their bouquet. After she’d collected about 10, she returned to Sof. 
“So, I don’t know to what extent your world’s traditions align with mine, but I’m basing my actions on those of the people around me.” She pulled a hair tie from her wrist and tied the makeshift bouquet of flowers together, then held them out. “Sofia Bicicleta, will you be my Valentine?”
Sof glanced from the people who’d given up a flower (who were totally watching) to the bouquet to Amber’s small smile. “Where’d you learn my last name?” She asked, taking the bouquet. 
“It’s on your office door. So, what do you say?”
Amber wouldn’t be here for long. There would be no time to really get attached, or make things awkward. It’d probably just be a day. A day of being happy and having fun.
Sof grinned. “Yeah, I’ll be your fuckin’ Valentine.”
“Good.” Amber extended her hand and waited for Sof to take it. “A girl like you deserves to have fun on a day like this.”
Sof led the two of them to a little restaurant named Tony’s, right beside Spaghetti’s bakery. “Hope you like Italian food.”
“Aren’t you Italian American?” 
“So, yes.”
Sofia shoved Amber through the door.
Two plates of pasta and some mocktails with extremely silly straws later, Amber reached across the table for Sof’s hand again. “Hey, so… I don’t want to pry. Earlier when I asked you whether you had a valentine-”
“Yeah, something’s happened.” Sofia placed her hand in Amber’s. “My husband’s dead. Due to, well, the weird fuckin’ shit we deal with. I’m accepting it, I don’t particularly feel like talking about it. It’s been an experience, since I only found out about the weird shit a little while ago.” Her voice didn’t crack, and she didn’t feel like she was walking through fire. Progress.
Amber squeezed Sofia’s hand. “I know condolences aren’t worth shit, but you have mine. And, naturally you have my time for as long as I’m here.” 
“Yeah, so, uh. As much as I think you’re pretty fuckin’ cool and shit, my yes to your Valentine was definitely with just friendship strings attached. Our lives are complicated enough as is, and…” She eyed Amber. “For today I just want to have fun.” 
“I think you’ll find I’m great at having fun.” 
“For the amount of shameless flirting you do, I sure fucking hope so!”
Sofia showed Amber around Staten Island for a bit as they both ate their gelato from Spaghetti’s. Granted, she didn’t actually spend much time there anymore so most of what they saw was the pier and the bridge. With the clear skies, thousands of stars dotted the sky in accompaniment to the New York skyline. 
“So how do you feel now that you’ve been out of the water for a while?”
“How I think Amphibian creatures feel.” Amber sat down on the edge of the water, her feet dangling over the dark waves. “Like, I’m fully capable of living where I do. But I’d also be capable of living on the land.” 
Sof sat down beside her, setting her empty gelato cup down. “So it ain’t super weird that you’re without water pressure right now?”
“No. It’s weirder to spend so much time walking though. Gravity feels a lot stronger.” 
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Sof said, “sorry I should’ve thought of that.”
Putting down her empty gelato cup, Amber grabbed the collar of Sofia’s coat. “Absolutely not,” she said when Sofia’s eyes widened. “There was no way you could’ve known that. Relax, I’m having a great time.” 
Sofia looked at Amber’s lips for a second, then met her gaze. “For a very impromptu date, I think we’re doing pretty good.” She turned her body toward Amber, moving one hand to cup her face, the other to her waist. 
Amber waited for Sofia to lean in, tangling her free hand in Sofia’s hair. “Sofia, you are so beautiful,” she whispered. Just when Sofia smiled, Amber kissed her.
It took all of Sofia’s common sense to not spend hours just sitting there, at the edge of the waterfront making out like teenagers. Everything else became muted as Amber’s lips touched hers, Amber pulling her closer, shifting to press her entire body against her, warmth blooming between them. Given where Amber came from, Sof was absolutely sure she’d be kissed breathless, not willing to end the kiss. So instead, she pulled back a little, gently biting Amber’s bottom lip. 
“As much as I’d sit here forever, this is February in New York,” she said breathlessly. “Let’s go back home before we get hypothermia.” She begrudgingly got up and tossed the empty gelato cups in the nearby trash can, before holding out a hand for Amber.  
Amber briefly touched her bottom lip and grinned. “Fine. Please, take me home, Sof.”
The moment Sof had shut the door and turned on the lights, Amber pushed her against the wall. When she was met with a, granted, nice view of Sofia’s chest instead of her lips, Amber looked down. “Are you wearing heels?” She pulled her borrowed coat off and hung it up, taking Sofia’s with her.
“You didn’t notice this before?” She laughed, tugging her sweater over her head and tossing it on the nearest chair, then started on the button down she was wearing underneath.
“Well when I kissed you, we were sitting.” Amber kicked off her shoes then returned to aid Sofia. “Not that I mind now.” She pressed her lips to her bare sternum, her hands on Sofia’s hips, thumbs hooked into the belt loops of her jeans.
Sof bit her lip, tangling a hand in Amber’s hair and gently pulling. “You know, you make it hard to take clothes off for someone who definitely wants to see me naked.” She leaned down and kissed her. 
“I can appreciate what I have right now.” But she helped Sofia slide out of her button up, speeding the process along by removing her own shirt. 
“Are you always this much of a flirt?” Sof asked, removing her shoes then grabbing Amber by the waist. She gently pushed Amber backwards into her bedroom and onto the bed. 
Amber flipped them, straddling her waist and leaned down. “Only with beautiful women.” 
Sofia smiled. If the steady way Amber’s fingers worked downwards meant anything, it was going to be a fun night.
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
Weekly Pond Newsletter
If you live in the US, then you've most likely had some severe weather near you in recent days. We hope everyone is safe and hasn't been tying to perform any rituals outside!
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Old Business:
The deadline to submit Angel Fish Award nominations was postponed until tonight! Get your nominations in and earn your entries into this month's raffle drawing! Click here to learn more about the Angel Fish Awards and how to participate!
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We announced a new membership tier for non-writers called Turtles! Writers would be sad, anxiety-ridden creatures without readers to read their stories. We need readers in our lives! And now, our readers can also be members of the Pond and hang out with us in the discord server. Click here to read more about the benefits of joining as a Turtle!
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompt was:
Considering the different ways that canon has used dreams to one effect or another, there are a lot of ways this prompt could go! Djinn? Dreamwalker? Angel coming to visit? Can't wait to see what y'all come up with! (Credit to @writerswritecompany for the prompt!)
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New Business:
Steve Carlson has a Stageit concert scheduled for today! Click here for info and to buy a ticket. He also has a zoom hang for his Patreon subscribers schedule after the show. Click here to subscribe and get your invite to the party!
We have been trying to find and reblog posts from SPN bangs, bingos, and other badass writing events. However, there are MANY, and we are few. If you know of an event happening, please tag one of our Admins or Manta Rays so we can add it to our list. Our hope is that we can add deadlines and such to our calendar and help our Guppies and Jellies get in on the fun! (Or torture, depending on how you view writing to a deadline. lol)
Competitive Writing Sprints in the discord server next weekend! The host and exact day and time have yet to be decided, so stay tuned for the announcement. Or, you can add our Google calendar to your Google calendar and always see what we've got coming up!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, and @thoughtslikeaminefield!
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goldencatuae · 2 months
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0 notes
thewindowsill · 7 months
I should add some new fish to the tank
I really like my flame tetras hyphessobrycon flammeus, they have calmed down and are not breeding as much. I have given away at least 120 of them but now it's pretty relaxed, maybe should find new homes for 10-15 of them but it's fine.
Anyways, kind of want to add something else to the tank. I do love Precious (my lone surviving guppy) and part of me wants to get another one and have some guppy babies so Precious will live on but all the work of finding new homes for guppys... it is a popular fish but it's hard to even give them away (no experience but seems like it unless you have some fancy variety).
So corys, they are so cute! Looking some some of the smaller ones to add to the tank in c. hastatus, c. habrosusor c. pygmaeus. It will depend on what they have in store and if/when I get my ass off the couch. I should do some garden related things outside but it's cold and my back is a little sad, and it's NaNoWriMo and I'm trying to write. Have a feeling there won't be any new fish until spring...
Also, I brought my water lilies inside as that is how I have to store them for winter to have them survive and very tempted to add some fish to the bucket. I was going to store them in two buckets but they didn't really fit. I was forced to get a bigger bucket and I added them to it and... it's large enough to have fish in. I was playing with the idea of having an indoor pond but I wanted to make that a permanent setup. This one only had some floaters and water lilies in them, nothing on the bottom and not trying to be pretty and I will take this out in the summer. If I had fish in it I don't want to mess with it too much.
But, I want to get some tucano tetras tucanoichthys tucano and have a black water tank. They are hard to find and expensive so I thought I get maybe some green neon tetras paracheirodon simulans or some ember tetras hyphessobrycon amandae and try to have a lower pH tank as a test before getting an expensive fish. A part of me wants to use the water lily storage pond that task, just add some fish... everything is already in place so I could add fish. Add some leaf litter and ready to go. Tempting...
0 notes
source-of-support · 11 months
Wu Tang had it right.
You can laugh yourself into enlightenment. the side effects of what you’re doing is gonna determine how long you’re going to enjoy your enlightenment. - RZA on the track Enlightened Statues on Chamber Music CD
I’ve been living this Wu Tang enlightenment for a little while. The length was long. it’s still going, the flame lit.
I started down a different path. I had to. Some might say an argument that its necessary. to carry the flame wherever it may lead. Mine led me to Nihilism. Ignore what you think about the word and listen a sec. I don’t know what it means either. I just know this story to guide you to where I’m standing so you can see for yourself what I can’t explain, I’ve seen it a long time and hopefully you can see it too and if you follow me this far, a little further ahead is light.
When I was a youngin I was a swimmer. A poor swimmer, bereft of skill or speed. I just plopped in the water and waddled my legs and arms. So I was held back in the guppies, the YMCA’s designation for entry level swimmers. I was at an outdoor pool and saw these two fish that I knew well. The two guppies mascots in person. Now I’ll say this. I wasn’t naive. I knew they weren’t real fish. as most children wouldn’t. I however had the sudden vision that if they weren’t fish what were they? They were in a costume. they ?? people. So I said to my mom as she coaxed me to embrace them, There’s people in there. she said what? I said there’s people in those fish/costumes. (I can’t remember the phrasing at this part.)
We give our children a pretend world to interface with. I take it a step further today and have for a while. The world we live in is a pretend one. that money is valuable. those who break off from the game of pretend are homeless. some god damn game eh? Holden aside, and the hotshots aside, every story is an interface. The game being a game? Who am I talking to? Who are you that I talk with you? Do I have hope that by asking for help with my problems I’ll be saved from this nothing that is a life without games?
Another story. I was in elementary school and my mom gave me 2 dollars for lunch. Lunch was 1.25. I paid for lunch and said to myself. I like my friends. Let’s play a game where I can make them like me and give them a boon as well. I said come over here. I have a few quarters and they’ll be whoever’s who retrieves them. I gathered three or four people and threw my quarters in the air and a guy, Christian, said, you could have just given them to us. I was ashamed at my selfishness. I hadn’t considered they might dislike my game. But slapping hands and exchanging quarters for nothing wasn’t fun for me. It made me quite sad in the moment.
My eleventh grade teacher taught my class a word. it was a d- word. I forget it and am on the lookout for it. It’s an old word. before internet culture erupted into a cesspool of inbred references. The word was for someone who arranges the activities of their friend group. Say they go on a trip and it’s coordinated by this person and the word describes this person’s coordination and leadership.
This is all to say that underneath it all, like a blanket or rug that hasn’t been looked under for a while, the games we play the activities we like, the doers who create the rules for these games to preserve their esteem and officiality amongst such a diverse crowd and population, is a nihilism. A meaninglessness that is fought off by experiencing the nothing and relaxing. not convulsing. not evading it. or drowning it.
I’m aware now that there is a power that resides outside me that is a sort of natural physical and philosophical energy that draws from me and breathes into me curiosity. I used to cop out of relying on this energy. I said, If I had a friend who I could travel the world and relate to them the things I care about and they reciprocated, I’d be happy. Instead of venturing forth in brave ignorance to see what the world was, I relied on the energy of my fellow gamesman. Now I’m getting past the convulsing part. For me it’s caused by an unrelenting loneliness. But I know, from many recent experiences I am capable of holding a conversation. I’m unafraid of people. I’m afraid of the games they play but not the threat of their presence.
And with those stories told and my location being signaled. What say you? what do you see? Feel free not needing to respond. It’d be quite odd for this to be my first response I get from a tumblr post. Not a one person has talked to or dm’d me here. And this is my natural mode of being. To think and to express and be anonymous. To experience my solitude is getting easier. I thank you for your time if you took the time to read through this. I hope you feel okay.
Sources : Wu Tang Chamber Music Enlightened Statues RZA
Eternalized - Youtube . com Nihilism Encounter with Nothingness
And a long story I’ve been trying to get rid of and failing at doing so. The story of a man who cried a river and drowned the whole land. he looked so mad in photographs but I absolutely am him in the flesh.
0 notes
theramseyloft · 3 years
8/15/21 Loft Notes
Oh my god, there was an Archie on my knee!
I am up to my eyes in shit to do today.
New rescue came in last night
Got a call about another today.
More vaccines to do tonight, parasitology labs, a harness to make, address labels to write boxes to set up.
Blood samples to get for DNA tests.  
Mats, bricks, and mesh to wash so it's that many less things to do tomorrow, when I have mail to send, the loft to clean, and a barber appointment...
We received $0.42 cash back from PayPal
The dear hubby transferred $107.00 over from Mat Rigdon, for the birds he purchased. from which PayPal's fee was $3.58.
We paid $47.38 at Cho Bi Mien Asian Market.  But the receipt has been lost.
Mung beans and two wild rice blends were involved, plus tax, but I do not have the exacts, so this will count towards nutrition expenses.
Then we paid $76.50 to get Domino shipped.
Brining our PayPal Balance to $407.30
Below the cut chronicles the young wedding bird who died shortly after arriving.
None of the photos ae graphic, but the bird is dead as a result of careless animal cruelty.
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Got this this morning.
It started having seizures before we got home.
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I tried to make them comfortable.
Passed away a few seconds ago.
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Look how blue their little claws were...
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This was a wedding bird
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Look how thin it was
Patron: "Could the malnourishment have been a cause for the seizures? Or something related?"
It started dying before we even got all the way home.
It was so pitifully cold.
There was no saving this bird.  
If I could have gotten saline under its skin last night, it might have pulled through.
Patron: "What is a wedding bird?"
It's a white homing pigeons released for a wedding or other celebratory occasion.
Patron: "it creates a pretty effect as a bunch of white birds burst into flight but, this is what happens after"
This wasn't an adult.
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Look at its neck, 1/3 of the way down from the head. It's just getting it's shiny big bird feathers
This bird was only 12 weeks old or so.
Patron: "Are they supposed to find their way back home like racing pigeon?"
Wedding doves are white homers.
Patron: "Poor creature, died so someone could have an angelic  burst of feathers for their wedding"
This bird was not banded.  
It had not even been trained.
Breeders who specialize in wedding release operate only at wedding and funeral venues less than 50 miles from their loft.  
Training tosses are done from those venues to ensure the best chance of as many members of the team making it home as possible.
Trainers that put that much effort into their team are not cheap.
And it is not uncommon for people to just buy untrained, unproven young birds and DIY release because it's cheaper.
It's also pretty common for people who want "Real Doves" to buy while Ringnecks.
Gonna do a necropsy tonight for emaciation reference.
To get that thin, that bird had to have gone nearly two weeks without food.
Patron: "i just can't imagine starting a marriage off with the likely chance of death like that"
Even the trained ones can still get lost or hawk struck.
Patron: "And if they go the cheap route with ringnecks, the doves don't stand a chance."
"I can't even trust Guppy to not get lost in the kitchen, which is just off the dining room where his cage is and he can see it. And he's smarter than a ringneck (barely)."
Patron: "I almost feel like I need to add images like this to the PSAs about dove releases that I periodically send out"
You have my permission to use these.
Patron: "Thank you... Maybe seeing what they're doing to the poor birds will knock some sense into some people."
Patron: "Unfortunately, you are battling tradition. Not an unwinnable fight, But def a challenge"
Patron: "I can't imagine that it's a long standing tradition.. Smells like a merciless money making idea..."
Patron: "Egypt 5000 years ago"
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salemorbit · 3 years
Hi, sorry if I'm overwhelming you with Requests, but I had an idea for an Imagine that I'd really love to see you write!! Could you please write some Headcanons for how Link, Zelda, Sidon and Revali (Age of Calamity timeline for Sidon btw) would react to a young woman who has a very strong connection to the Spirits being sent to teach Zelda how to unlock her power? Like it's a young woman, around 18 years old, who has a natural ability to communicate with all manner of Spirits, maybe even is part Spirit in some way, so she gets appointed by the King of Hyrule to teach Zelda how to do the same? And maybe she's super nice and excited too? Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!!
oh darling you're totally fine i really appreciate it :D
i hope i did this justice! it's a really neat concept
i also made it an x reader with those attributes if that's okay :)
Hylia's Guide
[BOTW x fem!Reader]
Headcanons (Link, Zelda, Revali, Sidon)
warnings: none
takes place during Age of Calamity!
also for headcanon's sake,,,,,being a descendant of hylia in this case doesnt mean that you're of the same family? if that makes sense? okay so like reader is descended from hylia and technically so is zelda but they aren't blood related in any way HAHA hope that makes sense
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Let's set the scene, yeah?
You were one of the descendants of Hylia from centuries past, now a ghost in the afterlife as part of the universe itself.
Naturally, you would be surprised when you became sentient once more and blinked open your eyes in the middle of Hyrule Field. In your head rang a soothing voice that you both heard in your head and felt in your bones. In an instant, you knew it was Hylia communicating with your physical form again after years of dormant sleep.
The voice instructed that you were to aid Zelda in her studies of connecting to her powers. Hylia could not intervene directly with Zelda, of course, but the most the Goddess could do was send someone in her place. And that was you: a descendant of Hylia's own bloodline resurrected from the dead come to help the princess in her efforts. Easy enough, right?
Convincing the King and his guards of the situation was difficult, let alone trying to get him to allow you to assist his precious daughter with her practice. The only proof that you had of any story that you told were the markings on your hands and chest.
Three distinct triangles etched themselves on your body: one on the back of each hand and the third on your chest. Your powers had long since been passed on to the next descendant of Hylia, but you were still full of the knowledge of how to use Hylia's gift and how to communicate with the spirits.
Link was wary of you at first, being the princess's appointed knight and all, but he soon figured that you weren't as much of a threat as he initially thought
You were kind and excited to meet someone else who also held Hylia's gift (albeit not necessarily awakened, but still) and Link knew that Zelda would be safe in your hands
While going on spiritual treks with Zelda and Link, you almost always made the meals because both Zelda and Link can't really cook lmao
Coming from an entirely different era, you had a big book of recipes in your head that you brought into reality with every meal you made, and Link definitely wasn't complaining
He appreciated your wide breadth of knowledge of different foods, plants, and wildlife that you might encounter on your travels
It made planning protective measures for the princess all the easier
Sometimes the ventures to connect to Hylia didn't bear any fruit (and that's okay because the gift takes plenty of patience!) and the mood could become solemn quickly
But you were always determined to lift the mood and lighten everyone's attitude, and it always worked!
You would excitedly ramble off stories about where you grew up or what you liked to do on your own travels back in the day, and it would always make Link feel warm that you had such fond memories you were willing to share with him
When Zelda needed time to herself to try to connect to the spirits and Hylia, you and Link would hang around each other and bond
Link would listen attentively as you talked about the cultural and time differences between your world and this one, sharing sympathy when you expressed nostalgia over your time lost
But you would quickly turn it around to the positives, which is what Link thought was a wonderful quality that you had
If you ever got caught off guard while on ventures by the Yiga Clan or rogue animals, Link would fight just as hard as he would in larger battles to keep you safe
Over the time you spent together, Link grew very fond of you and always was at your side if he wasn't immediately attending to the princess
Once your guidance and knowledge finally broke through to Zelda and her power awakened, Link was so proud of you for fulfilling your duty
He was worried that you would disappear from his life once you completed Hylia's task, but you connected to the spirits after the fact and bargained with them
At the end of it all, you were able to live your life through again with Link by your side :)
Goddess was Zelda relieved when she found out that she would be having a guide to help her unlock her powers
Upon meeting you, she was absolutely floored with your kindness and willingness to help her with her problems
You were a wonderful mentor to Zelda, teaching her things about the different spirits and how to harness the power that she never would have dreamed of researching on her own
And wow there was a lot of information HAHA
Zelda was also transfixed with the fact that you came from another lifetime, and you were more than happy to tell her all about your life before this one
She would also take very detailed notes about everything you said, enamored with the way you spoke and how excited you got about things you loved
Quiet study time in Zelda's room would often turn into challenges of you trying to make her laugh with small tidbits of stupid stunts you would pull
Of course Zelda couldn't hold back a smile when you were around, so the challenges would fall short but with you falling into fits of laughter
You always brightened Zelda's mood whenever she was down about a failed connection attempt, urging her to try more and be patient with herself
Zelda was thankful to Hylia for sending you because honestly she wouldn't know what to do without someone that was as kind and generous as you were with spreading knowledge about your gifts
And when they finally awakened, Zelda couldn't be more happy!
Hyrule was now safe with Zelda's power awakened and Ganon on the edge of being sealed away
She pleaded that you find a way to stay in her time and teach her more about the spirits and Hylia herself
Your heart warmed at the thought that someone wanted you to stay, and it warmed even more at the fact that someone loved you enough to want to keep you forever :)
Sidon met you when he was summoned with the other Champion successors
You were the first to greet him and explain what had happened with the time jumping and all that, and you helped to put his nerves at ease
His own excitable and boisterous personality bounced off of your own energy and buzz!
Fighting side by side with you, Sidon admired how you always had a strategy and were looking out for Zelda as if she was your own sister
He was surprised upon learning your story: never had he known that Hylia had the power like that to bring someone back to help those in the present
Sidon tried his best to stay by your side whenever he could, wanting to keep your blind spots covered just in case
In your time, you had known the Zora and actually knew King Dorephan when he was a young little guppy, and your stories of Dorephan never failed to make Sidon laugh
Sidon in turn shared his own tales of the evolved Zora Domain, and you found his storytelling absolutely captivating
Sidon felt a pull to you like he had to no one else before, and he nurtured that pull with his own heart
He made sure you had enough supplies, checked in on you immediately when you came back from a far off mission
Just an all around softie I think! Sidon has always been caring like that :)
When it was time for him to go back, you discovered a way that you could jump with him back to his own time
After all, your mission with Zelda from Hylia was over. Why shouldn't you be able to live your life through again?
You jumped back with Sidon to a world vastly different than the one you had just been in, and even more different than the one you were born into
But with Sidon, it always felt like home!
Revali didn't want to be impressed, but he was Definitely Impressed
Your composure about the whole situation was amazing, and you handled all the questions everyone had with grace
And your kindness was overwhelming (in a good way) with the fact that you opened your mind to such possibilities of even being resurrected like that
Revali admired you through and through
He would be incessantly curious about what the afterlife was like, how the spirits communicated with you, what Hylia was like
You, of course, couldn't accurately answer most questions because, well, you couldn't remember, but you appreciated his desire to learn
You loved the way that he fought: with purpose and intent. There was little to no hesitation with Revali, he always had a plan
When you would go to treks with Zelda and Link to try to summon Zelda's power, Revali would make comments here and there insisting that he tag along just in case
Poor Rito really just wanted to spend more time with you, that's all!
If he did tag along, it would be to Lanayru with his knowledge of the cold weather
He would rattle off safety facts of mountain weather and gear you would need, and you would be happy to listen as long as he was talking to you
Revali would also love to hear about your old life, and since you could go on for hours about it all, he would sit and absorb everything that came out of your mouth
He was smitten in a matter of weeks!
He could see the care and sympathy you had for Zelda as she struggled and triumphed in her process of opening her powers, and he appreciated that you could care so much for someone like that
Revali subconsciously protected you even if there was a leaf that fell in the way of your path, as he was always on alert in case someone caught you off guard
As your time came to a close and Zelda awakened her powers, Revali demanded that you stay (with love, of course)
And stay you did, making a bargain with the spirits and living the rest of your second life in the company of the Rito warrior :)
hope i got this good!! i thought the concept was really neat and i kinda wished they did something like that actually :/ zelda didn't deserve that angst
requests are welcome :)
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Barbatos- True Form
It’s here! Thx for your patience's I hope it’s worth it :<
Last but not least for this series is: Belphegor  
Of all the demons you’ve met, he unnerves you the most. Not because of his demeanor or temperament. No, no you genuinely like him and his company. There is just something about him that unnerves you sometimes. He is just so hard to place.
You see- how can I explain this. The brothers are easy to understand’ easy to neatly categorize and compartmentalize in your mind as friend or foe. For as ancient as they are you do share some common traits. Family lineage for one. Traceable origins. It’s familiar, it’s comforting.
Hells, even Diavolo has an origins, a genealogy one could trace. A family made of stone flesh and blue blood. (He’d be happy to tell you about it too- if you have a few eons to waste).
But Barbatos? Barbatos had just always been- here...there? From the context clues you’ve picked up from Lucifer and Diavolo he was older than even the great kings of the past. He even helped raise the crown price. He grew in experience and expanded his talents, but never aged. Did he have kin? A bloodline? Hell did he even bleed? His very existence raises the hackles of your self preservation skills. 
If he is older than the old kings is he old then the concept of time itself? Does the idea of time really exist to him at all? 
The odd fight or flight feelings he gives you lessen and disappear over time though. He knows he can be quite uncomfortable to the human psychic and evolutionary survival traits instilled in you after hundreds of thousands of years fighting to the top of the food chain. 
It took you a bit, but one day you finally warm up enough to ask him about- well him. How he works, and what is relation with the idea of time even is. It was shot in the dark question. He is a notoriously private demon. But for you he will open up a little. Besides it’s not like you could do anything with the information anyway. Just promise to never tell Solomon. 
The best he can explain time to a mortal is in an analogy. If time was an object it would best be described as a stream or creek to him. And all the little minnows and guppies trapped in it’s currents were the beings of the three realms. While they are bound by the waters he would be the one standing on the riverbank. 
Most of the time he is happy enough to walk alongside the flow. Other times he enjoys simply dipping his feet in and watch it all pass him by seeing what it all does without his intervention. 
Others he’ll slip in himself and gauge out new deviations and channels of his own. He loves to see what flourishes in his hand crafted areas without intervention.
He does confide in you however. Despite his age and maturity he can still slip up from time to time. He is not infallible after all. Barbatos’s corporeal existence depends heavily on his emotional state and mental fortitude. If he is not careful he has a tendency to just-get swept up. 
One moment he is having a delightful time with you over a fresh pot of tea and the next… You had a lovely funeral. Wait- hmmm no. Honestly, humans can be so gaudy sometimes. He was actually offended on your behalf. The flowers weren’t even freshly cut. 
Ah well. Once he is stable he’ll simply dam this stream and kill the flow before this travesty would happen. Now where was he? Ah yes, do you think this blend goes better with Madame Screams or a human bakery? 
Truthfully Barbatos doesn’t use his abilities all that often. It gets boring real quick. But sometimes he is tempted. Anything to do with you is a struggle to be exact. Most streams involving you he is happy to let slip by. All the ones of you falling for the brothers, or his highness, even the angel. There are even a few of you falling for Solomon. Those he doesn’t wise to see. 
But the streams where you fall for him? The itch to look is overwhelming. Just a peek, a small taste of your favor. What had he done to make you his? Did he have a chance in this timeline? He always loved a good mystery. So he’ll bide his time and wait. 
Now naturally there are some other rules to his existence. Being constantly hyper vigilant of himself can get exhausting and he needs to rest. He doesn’t sleep though, not by human standards anyway. You’ve walked in on him “resting” once or twice. He calls it a stasis period. To you he looks like he’s frozen. Stock still and just standing there in his room. His lanky form flickering in and out of focus. After images appear around him, hundreds of different hims there but not. 
It’s an absorption stage, or so he explains. All the input from the trillion parts of hims scattered about all sharing like a hive mind their encounters and experiences. This is the one time every version of him is in sync and very vulnerable. 
While he can convene with all his scattered parts of him in stasis he still cannot be in the same visible area as them. One of the two would have to yield to the other. The weaker one reabsorbed quite violently. It is a most unpleasant feeling. 
After exerting large amounts of energy and not resting it can take him a bit to recover, and it is very noticeable. He lags hard after such instances, literally. The first time you saw him snapping and rubberbanding around the castle gave you a few more grey hairs then was normal for your age. He’s normally smooth movements were now choppy and stiff. It would have been funny if you weren’t so worried for his well being. The only thing to stop him is Diavolo himself having to throw his weight and power around to get him to rest. He hates being reprimanded. 
Don’t get me wrong though. He loves serving the royal family. The years spent in the Devildom have been an utterly delightful vacation. The menial labor and tasks keeps his mind anchored in the present and mutes all the other voices of him to a manageable static. 
Now when it comes to his form quite frankly even he has forgotten what he originally looks like. He has been in this form for so long he might as well call it his original form. You ask to see it once, beyond curious. If you could see it that was. Was he like Dia? A formless form? A mass of contradicting layers stack one on one on top of each other?
He is hesitant to say the least. He consults with himself on this. Have any of the others come across this yet? If not he promises to look into it for you. He practices with Simone, knowing that aside from Solomon he knows the limits of a human. Once certain he comes to you delighted to share himself with you.
He is so smol small. His form fitting neatly in the palm of your hand. He is warm and pulses like with a faint heartbeat. You can’t really make heads or tails of what his defined form really is though. His tiny form is covered in a glowing haze flicks of distorted images and sounds invade your senses whenever you hold him. But one thing you can sense in some kind of bony nodules and slender legs. Thousands of them all skittering and tickling your flesh, like an obscenely long centipede.
Now that you know of this form he likes to pop up from time to time when he misses you. His favorite spot to appear is in the breast pocket of your uniform. It’s dark and quiet and close to your heart. While he can’t talk in this form, the physical closeness is enough for the both of you. 
Mini Fic
“Be honest with me. Which one of me is your favorite?” You flip over onto your pleasantly full stomach. His tea sandwiches and cakes make you feel sleepy. You stretch out with a grunt of happiness enjoying all the little touches that were distinctly Barbatos. The blanket protecting you from the early morning dew smelt of elderflower and juniper. The fleece material was a personal favorite, soft, warm, and perfect. Even the foods had all been your favorites. He had crafted this all with you in mind. Surely you were the favorite. If he would put this much effort into it.
The demon in question hums from his chair. A steaming cup of tea resting lightly on his bottom lip. A perplexing thought. Each one of you was a delight to his many senses, so similar, yet so different at the same time. Like a reflection in a broken mirror. Each one so stunning and vivacious in a way only a human could be. Yet so few even glanced his way. “Does a parent have a treasured child?” He quips back. 
Your peal of laughter warms him better than any tea. “Ha! You must be an only child then.” You snort. He matches your smile, pleased that you were pleased. 
“Perhaps-” He takes a sip cutting off that train of thought there. He didn’t need to sour a pleasant morning with such melancholy questions. Was he an only child? Surely he at least had a sire. If he had such kin would they have not met by now? He was on every plane of existence that he knew of. Had they missed each other? Slipping past each other like ships in the night.
More likely they would be more like two similar ends of a magnet being forcibly kept away by their molecular structure than merely missed chances. Incapable of existing in the same dimension at the same time.
Ignorant to his inner turmoil you flip back over to your back eyeing the snack tray he refilled. “How much longer now?” He checks his pocket watch then looks out at the carnage below them.
The Battle of Omosu was in full swing. The ancient warriors below oblivious to the strangely dressed human and otherworldly man sitting on top of a neighboring cliffside to observe the preordained outcome. “Any moment- now pay attention.” He chastises you but without any heat. Pocketing his watch he comes to sit beside you on the fleece blanket. You scoot closer, happy to have his naturally warmer body beside you. The heat of which fends off the cold sea breeze. “There, look.” He points to a growing patch of bubbles by one of the enemy ships. 
The water turns turbulent, oily green, and black bubbles foaming on top of the surface. “Wow.” It was all you could manage to whisper. 
Leviathan enters the fray now, called forth by his pact barer. The great serpent emerges like a ghost from the depths. Invisible to the other mortals you watch fascinated as his massive tail wraps around a boat crushing it as easily as if it were a stick. Another capsizes, getting pushed away by his massive shoulder. 
The sailors fall into the choppy water mouths open in silent screams. They would not survive after hitting the water. Levi’s legion waits below, ready to drag them deeper down. Their bodies will be added to the Devildom navy. Something dark and humanoid darts around the remaining boats. From what you remember from class Levi had called forth an umibozu from the nearby depth for this fight. Its bloated grey body jostles the boats knocking more sailors overboard whole. The two of them make fast work of the enemy ships. The human sailors pick off the rest.
“Quite impressive.” Barbatos remarks. “I can see why humans want to make deals all the time. But what a terrible cost, don't you think?” 
“What’s going to happen to the pact holder?” You ask. 
“Depends on whatever Levi feels like. Mostly his holders are trapped in the depths of his realms. Left to the devices of their victims. But each brother is different.” The air around you both grows thick with your sudden fear. You rub subconsciously where your pact mark rested, eyes blank. 
He places a firm hand on your thigh bringing your focus back to him. “Don’t worry. Like I said the choice is up to the demon that holds the pact. I doubt you would be advantageous to the royal navy.” You chuckle weakly, still rubbing at the growing chill climbing up your arm. “Will this be enough for your project?” He removes his hand begrudgingly away from your soft leg. “It is getting late.”
You nod glancing back down to the battle. It was already over-with the great sea beasts and demons in the water, Takeda’s forces didn’t stand a chance. You don’t wait to see Levi’s victory lap. “Yes, thank you for your help.” You accept his help in picking up your books and supplies. “I hope Kinz is happy with this.” You had been having a bit of trouble in your history class with Professor Kinz. Nothing major, you had assured him. But if it continued your ranking within the school would be at risk, and with it your scholarships. 
“Any time.” Barbatos moves an elegant hand to the center of your back escorting you away from the edge. A door slowly emerges from within the mist. He grabs the semi-translucent knob and opens it for you. “I know it will be more than satisfactory.” 
“Ye?” You adjust your pack’s shoulder strap bracing yourself for the weirdness of time travel. “Think you can give me next week's lotto numbers? I’m asking for a friend.” Your teasing pulls a deep rumble from him. It was all in good fun, but truth be told he came to find that not keeping one of his many eyes on you had the most enjoyable outcomes. You little human ramblings and witty comebacks being one of them. You at least weren’t afraid to joke around him. 
“Now, who said I did anything of the sort?” He chuckles. Keeping a firm grip on your forearm he ushers you through the threshold. You clung to him hating the sticky feeling of the space between time. It clung to your skin, thousands of webs grab and pull at your clothes knowing that you were not supposed to be outside of their control. You were envious of the fact that you couldn’t experience it the way Barabatos did. To him, this was nothing more than the feel of a cool shower. The pulls of time merely buffering off of him. Hardly a threat like it was to you. 
He sees you off at the gate to the house bowing deeply as you hop up the front stairs waving at him. You had to hurry lest you be late for dinner. Once you had disappeared through the door he melds into the timestream once more emerging in front of your classroom. A week had passed and your paper was due. He was excited to see what you had gotten and just didn’t feel like waiting this time. He could indulge from time to time. 
The bell rings and your class files out. They pay him no mind. The prince’s butler was nothing to gawk at. He counts heads. His frown deepens when you do not appear from the lecture hall. Kinz leaves the room last, her heels clacking obnoxiously on the marble. “Oh! Good afternoon Barbatos, are my services needed by the prince?” She smiles showing far too many teeth to be considered polite. Their mutual dislike of each other was a poorly kept secret. But she had a talent that Diavolo needed; for the moment. 
He matches her predatory smile. “I was here looking for our esteemed exchange student.” Her smile falters, her hackles raising for a moment before her face goes blank. 
“They didn’t show up today.” She flicks her tail dismissively. “You know how pathetic humans are.” She challenges him, locking eyes with him like the fool she was. 
“Hmm. I do not share this sentiment, but it is unusual to have them miss class.” All airs of pleasantly evaporate from him. The cold fury of his ire permeates the narrow hallway. Kinz flinches, breaking eye contact with him. Her weak attempt at dominance is gone. “A moment if you will-” His voice brittle and laced with malice. “I shall return for you later.” He bows shallowly and blinks out of existents leaving the woman quaking in the hall. 
An insult, a complete violation of the rules set by Diavolo himself. If the celestial council caught wind of such a flagrant disregard for your mental well being- the program would be in jeopardy. Hiding your death had been hard enough. But a room full of demons acting out unsupervised? 
Barbatos struggles to control himself. He could feel his grasp on himself waver with each passing second. His very self unraveling at the seams. Your tears fuel his rage.
Kinz stands over you mocking your relentlessness in front of your peers since the brothers were not present in the class. You had been so excited to test your merit on your own, believing that after getting to know the student body you could handle it. Diavolo approved, figuring his name and the program's initiative was enough to protect you- at least on campus. In theory, it seemed like a good idea, you were well liked among the student body. But that same feeling didn’t bleed over to this particular teacher it seems. A grave error on the councils’ part. 
Barbatos watches along with the rest of the silent class as Kinz burns your paper at the front of the lecture hall, berating you for “showing off” and “abusing your statues for brownie points”. You leave halfway through the start of class. A trail of salty tears and ashes left behind in your wake. 
Such disgustingly uncouth behavior. To a guest of the prince no less. To you. 
He arrives inside Diavolo’s office in a blur, filling the empty air by his prince’s side. The younger demon used to the sudden comings and goings of his most trusted ally didn't even look up from his paperwork. “Something the matter? You are getting a little wispy around the edges.” Diavolo asks signing off on a form. 
Barbatos inhales deeply focusing on his present self. The unneeded action of breathing, the expanding and contracting of his chest cavity was soothing. Not necessary for him, but nice. Yet another odd quirk he had picked up during his time in the Devildom. “Kinz has been putting the program in jeopardy.” He grinds out once he finally locks himself back in. 
“Oh?” Diavolo dips his pen in its ink well. “That is quite unfortunate for her. Do you suggest a council meeting on the matter?” Barbatos bites his cheek. 
“I believe her offense far outweighs just a slap on the wrist. I believe her tenure should be revoked. This isn’t her first strike.” 
Diavolo chuckles resting back in his chair. He gives his full attention to his butler who was bustling around the room, tiding an already spotless room. “I haven’t seen you this bloodthirsty since those scribes in Alexandria poked at you.” 
“I gave them a fair warning. As I have with Kinz.” He bristles. Diavolo waves a hand, willing to listen. “Kinz has taken up public humiliation and verbal abuses since the brothers are not around to interject. You know how she is. This will only accelerate in time if not nipped now.” 
“Is that what you see?” 
“I don’t need to to know.” 
Diavolo sighs deeply, weighing the pros and cons of losing such an asset. He already knew his verdict, as did Barbatos. Even without his powers, they both knew either one of them would bend for you. “Fine.” He returns to his desk of papers. “I will let you do as you please. Just don’t tangle things up too much.” 
“Thank you, my lord.” 
In a way, it was a pity. Kinz is- well- was one of the Devildom’s more esteemed historians. Her place amongst the upper echelon had been a commendable feat. She certainly lasted longer than the archivist and scribes that had come before her. 
 Barbatos stares in disgust at his once stark white gloves. But better soil a pair of gloves or two then touch her wretched corpse with his bare hands. Ugh. Was that some viscera on his wingtips? The cruor of it turns purple as it oxidizes in the open air. Perhaps he had gone a bit overboard. Though to him, it was merited. She had been a pain in his ass for years. Plus the past thirty or so versions of her had put up a bit of a fight. Once even he had walked in on a reflection of him taking her down for some other transgressions. He rolls his shoulders as a phantom twitch shoots up his spin. Merging consciousness was unbearable. Yet, as he went about his duties “cleaning” he realized he would handle as many as needed to see you safe. Fascinating. 
At first, he had debated with himself on at least keeping a few versions of Kinz around. While he universally hated her, there were a few less volatile Kinz floating around. If only to steal her work for the prince and his goals. But even without her, her discoveries and advancements would be found by others. He had even found a diamond in the rough, a potential successor. Given time to grow and which paths they take they could benefit Diavolo greatly. Even more than her. A gamble he was happy to take. With that discovery, Kinz’s faith was sealed. She was set to be only a figment of a memory left in his mind. The rest of the universe will never remember her.
You stare bewildered at the aged bronze plaque on the door. Something about it didn’t sit well with you. But damned if you could place it. It had something to do with the name. Des Moines...Moines? Who in the hells was that? You glance at your schedule like it was your first day of school instead of your 150th. 
Room 325- Demonic history: Professor Des Moines Riel.
This can’t be right. Where was Kinz? You grab at your head crying out at the sudden violent throbbing that erupted between your eyes. The queasiness it caused was beyond description. It was enough to send you to your knees. Indecipherable images layer themselves in your mind, folding and stacking on top of each other. The mounting pressure scares you and then-
Bliss and clarity. Like sucking in a breath of fresh air after a near death experience. What were you thinking about again? How did you end up on the floor? Shaking yourself from your stupor you stumble back to your feet. The school hallway was too stuffy for some reason. You needed to walk away, especially from this door. Just looking at it made your stomach clench. Yes, you needed some fresh air. That’s all. 
“Is something wrong?” Patent leather shoes appear beside you matching your hurried gate effortlessly. You shake your head, not trusting yourself to open your mouth lest you start feeling ill again. Barbatos stops you with a gentle hand on your waist. He scrutinizes you, teal eyes roving over every inch of you. Shucking a glove he places a warm palm on your forehead. “You are clammy.” 
“I’m fine.” You lie through your locked jaw. “Just got dizzy for a second.” He looks alarmed. “Don’t worry about it- probably just one of those mysteries of the school.” 
“I’m not worried about it, but you on the other hand.” He looks up from your flushed face to the hallway you had vacated in such a hurry. The history wing. Could you? Impossible. “Is there an issue inside the department?” Had he missed something? 
“What? Oh, no really! Everything is great! I think.” You lean into his hand now resting idly on your cheek. It felt so good compared to your cold skin. “I just- I could have sworn. Is Riel new?” You rub at the bridge of your nose. A knot was growing between your eyes now. “Where is Kin-Kinel? You draw a blank. A name was on the tip of your tongue. You glance up at Barbatos. His hand on your cheek becoming stiff. “What?”
“Nothing my dear.” He recovers smoothly. The hand on your cheek slides down to your shoulder. “Perhaps you should sit out of this class for today? You sound like you're overworking yourself. I’ll make a note of it to Diavolo and Lucifer so it won’t be counted against you.” 
“I- don’t think that’s wise,” You argue meekly. “I have a paper to work on for this class-”
Barbatos ignores your weak plea. Drawing you close to his side he steers you down to the lower floor. “Nonsense. Why don’t we spend some time together? I can help you with that paper later as a trade.”
Hmm. That wasn’t a bad idea. If any demon could get you out of class and help you make it up it would be him. Maybe a little break would be good for you. Though you can’t remember why you needed it in the first place. 
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
Egg Stan Origins
In my notes earlier today, I saw that someone had liked one of my Egg Stan ficlets, and I decided to reread said ficlet.  And then before I knew it, I was writing stuff for the Egg Stan AU, because I can’t control myself.  So here, have...whatever this is.
              Ford slowly drifted back to wakefulness.  As he opened his eyes, a fish darted across his field of vision.
              Shit!  I’m underwater!  Panicking, Ford began to swim for the surface, before realizing that he wasn’t drowning.  He let himself sink back to the ocean floor.  Why can I breathe underwater?  He held out his hands to inspect them.  His mouth went dry.  Thin, red webbing stretched between his twelve fingers.  He looked down at his legs.  Or rather, where his legs used to be.  In their place was a large, extravagant tail with golden scales and red fins.
              “Fuck,” he whispered.  He ran a hand through his hair.
              I’m- I’m a merman?  How did that happen?  He racked his brain, desperate for answers.  The creature!  The last thing he remembered was being on the ship, with a massive sea serpent bearing down upon them.  When the serpent opened its mouth to spray venom at him, Stan had jumped in front of him to act as a shield.  Stanley!
              “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Ford muttered, frantically looking around for his twin.  There weren’t any other mermen in the vicinity.
              Maybe he avoided this fate?  Doubtful.  Ford’s eyes landed on what looked like a large fish egg, partially buried in the sand. He swam over, rendered clumsy by his new tail, and gently lifted the egg from the sand.  The egg was red but transparent, allowing him to see the very young mer curled up within.  Is this- is this Stan?
              “No.  That’s not possible.”  Ford spoke aloud in an attempt to convince himself.  The mer in the egg suddenly twisted around, revealing its face.  Ford’s heart plummeted.  The mer had a face he recognized well.  No one outside their family had that large, ruddy nose.  “Stanley…”  Ford held the egg close to his chest, panic rising.
              Stan’s been turned into a mer child still in utero. I’m fully grown, but a merman. What am I supposed to do? Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of voices in the distance.  He swallowed nervously.  I’m not one to typically ask for help, but I don’t really have a choice, do I? Ford swam towards the voices.  As he got closer, he saw the source – a young merman and mermaid, probably related, judging by their similar features.
              “Excuse me,” Ford called.  The merman and mermaid changed course, swimming over to him.  “I- I need some help.”
              “Why aren’t ya speakin’ Mermish?” the merman asked in thickly accented English.  His tail was a burnt orange, contrasting with his dark hair.
              “I wasn’t aware that merfolk had their own language,” Ford said.  The merman and mermaid looked doubtfully at each other.  “I- I’m human, you see, and-”
              “Uh, if you were a former human, you’d have a belly button,” said the merman, sounding suspicious.  Ford looked down.  His jaw dropped.
              “What the-”  He stared at the completely smooth skin where his belly button had previously been located.  “I don’t- I don’t know how that happened.”
              “Who’s this lil feller?” the mermaid cooed, peering at the egg Stan was in.  Her accent was just as thick as the merman’s.  She and the merman had the same large nose, but her hair was caramel-colored, matching her pale yellow tail.
              “My twin brother.  What happened to make me like this, it- somehow it affected him more severely and-”
              “What’s a twin?” the merman asked.
              “A sibling born at the same time as you.”
              “Yer claimin’ this cutie is from the same clutch you hatched from?” the mermaid asked.
              “Yes?  No? Look, I don’t understand your mer terminology, I’m human!” Ford burst out.  The merman and mermaid exchanged a concerned look.
              “It’s okay,” the mermaid said soothingly.  She held out her hands.  “I can take yer brother so’s ya can swim better.”
              “No!”  Ford held Stan’s egg even tighter.  Stan swirled around in the egg.  Alarm flashed in the mermaid’s eyes.
              “Okay, okay,” she said.  “I won’t take ‘im.  But I think that it might be best if ya come with us to our house, at least fer the night. It’ll get dark soon.  The guppy eels come out when the light fades.”
              “G-guppy eels?” Ford stammered.
              “They eat eggs ‘n guppies,” the merman said. Ford’s heart leapt into his throat. “Are ya goin’ to come with us, stranger?”  Ford swallowed.
              “I don’t really have any other choice,” he mumbled.  The merman patted him on the back.
              “That’s the spirit.  Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of room fer the both of ya.”
              By the time Ford and the merfolk arrived at their destination, a large underwater cliff face, he was exhausted.  Not just physically, though the swim had been more taxing than he expected.  He was also mentally weary from the immense amount of information he’d learned from the merfolk.  Apparently, humans did turn into mers on rare occasions, but when they did, they kept their belly buttons.  In addition, mer eggs were laid in massive clutches and kept in something called a “guppy basket”.  His hosts had assured him that they had a guppy basket where Stan could go.
              But he’s not leaving my sight.  The merman, whose name was Lute, looked at Ford with some amusement.
              “Yer a bit out of shape, ain’t ya?” he asked. The mermaid, who was named Angie, punched him.
              “Be nice,” she chided.  Ford’s initial assessment of the two being related was correct; they were siblings.
              Not just siblings.  Clutch-mates.  From what Lute and Angie had told him, clutch-mate seemed to be the closest mer analog to a twin.  Clutch-mates were siblings that hatched from the same clutch of eggs, though they sometimes hatched days apart.  
              “I’ll go alert the folks we’ve got a guest,” Lute said.  He opened a door into the cliff that Ford hadn’t seen and ducked inside.  Ford looked askance at Angie.
              “It’s an optical illusion thing,” she said with a shrug.  “Unless ya know where the entrance is, ya can’t find it.”  Of the two siblings, she seemed the kinder and gentler, taking what Ford said at face value.  Unlike her brother.
              Though she could just be humoring me.  I’m fairly certain they think I’m having some sort of nervous breakdown.  Angie smiled at Ford, then opened the door.  I’ll take humoring me over mocking me.
              “C’mon on in,” she said.  Ford reluctantly swam inside.  He was in a pleasantly homey living room that, if it weren’t underwater, could be mistaken for belonging to a human family.  Potted plants lazily swayed from small currents.  A middle-aged merman and mermaid sat on a couch, speaking with Lute.
              Presumably, these are Angie and Lute’s parents. One of the many things he’d been told during the swim was that merfolk lived with their parents until they had a mate, after which they would find their own place to live.  As unmated merfolk, Angie and Lute had yet to move out. Lute was a carbon copy of his father, with the exception of his tail color; his father’s tail was blue.  Angie looked exactly like her mother, down to her tail color, but had her father’s large nose.
              “This must be the poor young man you found,” said their mother, catching sight of Ford.  She got up from the couch and swam over to him.  “Hmm…”  She looked him up and down.  “What’s your name, son?”
              “S-Stanford Pines.”
              “That’s not a mer surname,” the mother commented idly, still looking at Ford with a thoughtful gaze.  “But it is a human one.”  She smiled. “Let me introduce myself.  My name is Sally MerGucket, but if ya like, ya can call me Mrs. MerGucket.”
              “Mrs. MerGucket,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket nodded.
              “My mate Mearl is on the couch.”  Mr. MerGucket smiled warmly at Ford.  “It looks like you could use a guppy basket fer that egg.”
              “No, he’s going to stay with me,” Ford said firmly.
              “Of course he will,” Mrs. MerGucket said, sounding surprised.  “The basket will go in the same room ya sleep in.”
              “Come with me, dear.  I’ll show you to yer room fer the night.”  Mrs. MerGucket took Ford’s hand and led him out of the living room, down a hall, and into what was clearly a guest bedroom of sorts.  Under normal circumstances, Ford would ask a million questions about the furniture in the room, particularly the bed, with a frame made of what appeared to be living coral.
              I don’t feel much like asking questions right now, though.  Ford looked down at Stan’s egg.  Through the membrane, he could see Stan sucking his thumb.  Mom always hated when he did that.
              “Stanford.”  Ford looked up.  Mrs. MerGucket sat on the edge of the bed.  She patted the bed.  “Sit with me.”  Reluctantly, Ford swam over and sat next to her.  “May I?”  Mrs. MerGucket held out her hands.  Ford shook his head, keeping Stan close.  “That’s quite all right.”
              “You don’t believe me, do you?” Ford asked quietly. “That I used to be human.  Your children certainly don’t.”
              “Yes, they’re convinced that ya hit yer head,” Mrs. MerGucket said.  “They were worried fer yer health, as well as the health of the egg, since a confused guardian ain’t a safe one.”
              “You’re dodging the question.”
              “I didn’t mean to.”  Mrs. MerGucket sighed.  “Stanford, I believe ya.”  Ford’s head whipped up.  He stared at her.  “I suspect my children would, too, if they weren’t used to human behaviors.”  Ford frowned.
              “What do you mean?” he asked.  Mrs. MerGucket gestured to her torso.  Ford’s eyes widened.  Unlike her mate and children, Mrs. MerGucket had a belly button.  “You’re…”
              “Yes.  I used to be human.  Since I helped to raise my children, they don’t realize yer behaviors ‘n tendencies ‘re human through ‘n through.  But I’ve spent enough time among merfolk to tell ya used to be human, too.”  Mrs. MerGucket looked at Ford thoughtfully.  “Well.  Either that, or ya were raised by humans.  But I suspect you’d be a tad more traumatized, were that the case.”
              “I’m feeling fairly traumatized at the moment,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket put her hand on his shoulder.
              “Son, you can stay here as long as ya like, okay?”
              “I just want things to be the way they were yesterday,” Ford whispered.
              “I understand.  Unfortunately, I ain’t sure whether there’s a way to do that.  But we’ll do our best to help.  Once we hear yer story from ya, rather than from Lute, we’ll have a better idea of what happened to ya.  But that can wait until you’ve had some rest.  You ‘n that lil egg have been through a lot today.”
              “Yes,” Ford said, his voice breaking.  “We have.”
              “I’ll bring ya the guppy basket to put the egg in, okay?  And once that’s done, ya can get some sleep.”  Ford nodded woodenly.  Mrs. MerGucket left the room.
              “Stanley,” Ford whispered helplessly to the egg that had been his brother.  “What- what are we going to do?”  Stan offered no answers, merely curling up tightly within his egg.
              Stan’s egg rocked back and forth within the guppy basket.
              “Be patient,” Ford chided as he combed his hair. He’d learned the hard way that if he didn’t comb regularly, small crustaceans would take up residence in his thick curls.  After spending a few months with the MerGuckets, he felt more or less settled as a merman.
              At the very least, I feel less like a fish out of water.  Ford managed a small smile at the almost pun.  Every day, he learned more about merfolk and mer society from the MerGuckets.  They had yet to determine what sea creature had transformed him and Stan, however, and as a result, were no closer to reversing the process.  I suspect Mrs. MerGucket was right.  What happened to us can’t be remedied.  His good mood evaporated.  Stanley and I are stuck.  Said stuck egg abruptly rolled in the basket.
              “I told you to calm down,” Ford said, swimming over.  He wasn’t sure how much Stan was aware of in the egg, nor how much he would recall when hatched, but couldn’t shake the habit of talking to the egg like nothing had changed.  Like Stan was still his stubborn, adult self.  “I’ll put you in the sling in a moment.”  The egg rolled again.  “Fine!” Ford grabbed the egg sling off his dresser and put it on.  While it was impossible to carry an entire clutch in an egg sling, merfolk used them to keep close eggs they were concerned about.
              Luckily, I only have one egg, so transporting the full clutch isn’t an issue.  Ford froze. No.  Did I just- did I just think of Stan as being my child?
              “Everything all right in here?” a voice asked.  Ford looked over his shoulder.  Fiddleford treaded water in the doorway, smiling at him. A few days after Ford came to the MerGucket home, Fiddleford, Angie and Lute’s older brother, had returned home from an internship.  Very quickly, Fiddleford had become Ford’s favorite of the MerGucket children. Angie was kind and quite brilliant, but rambunctious in a way that reminded Ford of Stan and was thus painful to be around for long.  Lute was abrasive and curt, and still didn’t seem convinced Ford was telling the truth.
              Fiddleford, however, was gentle and warm, with an intellect to rival Ford’s.  The fact that Fiddleford was obsessed with human culture, and thus fascinated by Ford’s stories, only served to deepen their connection.
              “Yes, everything’s quite all right,” Ford said. He carefully placed Stan’s egg in the sling.  “Stan’s just being difficult this morning.”  Fiddleford swam over, frowning.
              “He’s just an egg.  How could he be difficult?”
              “Oh, he’s been moving around a lot.”
              “He…”  Fiddleford’s eyes widened.  “How long has this been goin’ on?”
              “A couple of days.  Why?”
              “Stanford, eggs start movin’ when they’re gettin’ ready to hatch,” Fiddleford said gently.  Ford’s mouth dropped open.  “I reckon ya might want to put the egg back in the basket.”  Numb, Ford did as he was told, removing Stan’s egg from the sling and gently setting it inside the guppy basket.  The egg began to rock and roll in earnest.  Finally, a tiny hand punched through the egg’s membrane.
              “He’s…” Ford whispered.  His voice failed him as he watched a newborn mer crawl through the hole.  “He’s…”
              “Quite the looker,” Fiddleford said quietly. The newborn mer, with fins and scales a drab green color, scrunched up his face and began to cry.
              “What- what do I-” Ford asked desperately. Fiddleford scooped up the newborn mer and gently placed him in the egg sling Ford still wore.
              “Newborn guppies like to be held,” Fiddleford said.
              Right.  Mer children are referred to as guppies.  And they don’t get their mature scale and fin colors until adolescence.  Ford stared down at the guppy curled up in the sling.  He was the spitting image of old family pictures of Stan.  Which makes sense, given that he is Stan.  Ford hesitantly stroked the guppy’s cheek. The guppy leaned into the movement with a soft crooning sound.  …Is he?
              “Is somethin’ wrong?” Fiddleford asked hesitantly.
              “I…”  Ford swam over to his bed and sat down.  Fiddleford followed, sitting next to him.  “I think that some part of me expected the Stan I knew to hatch from the egg. That he would be himself, with all his memories and quirks, but…a child.”  His voice began to quiver.  “That obviously isn’t the case.  He’s my brother, but not- not really.  Despite my best attempts, I’ve lost him.”
              “Don’t think of it that way,” Fiddleford said. He placed his hand on Ford’s shoulder. “Think of it as him gettin’ a fresh start.  Ya told me how yer pa wasn’t kind.”
              “No, he wasn’t.”
              “Well then, this is a chance fer him to get the kind of father he didn’t get the first time,” Fiddleford said gently. Ford swallowed.
              “…Yes.  I- I suppose you’re right.”  He removed the guppy from the sling to nestle in his arms.  The guppy looked up at him with curious brown eyes.  Ford carefully removed stray bits of egg from the guppy’s thick, brown curls.  “Hello.” The guppy cocked his head, interested. Ford held him close.  “It’s good-” he started.  His voice gave out.  He took a deep breath and tried again.  “It’s good to see you again, Stanley.”
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queenmuzz · 3 years
Human Nero regularly getting Pizza for his mer uncle.
Interesting...I did already have a concept for a Human Nero pulling ‘The Little Mermaid,’ and becoming human to be with his one true love...  But finally, I’ve written a bit about it. It was slightly difficult for Nero to traverse the rickety wooden pier, one hand holding the pizza box, the other gripping on the silver metal cane.  Eventually, he wouldn’t need it to help walk, but it was still difficult getting to these two gangly things called ‘legs’. 
But it was worth it.  SHE was worth it, worth leaving his entire life behind, worth learning a whole new way of living… worth enduring his fathers wrath when he found out his only child had fallen for all things, a human.  But Nero had made his choice, and while it hurt to see the look of disappointment on his father’s face when he had found out his son’s deed two cycles ago, he didn’t regret it.  
Kyrie had been supportive, helping him gain the ability to walk, teaching him all about the surface world, while introducing him to her family as a ‘long distance’ friend who had come to Fortuna to recuperate after a horrible car accident.  He was able to fit in, for the most part, pretending that his occasional missteps (both literally and figuratively speaking) were due to injuries to his head.  
But still, deep down, he did miss his family.  He missed his mom’s hugs, his father’s hunting expeditions, and his uncle’s practical jokes. 
But at least, he thought, reaching the end of the pier, and checking to see if he was alone, before sitting down, and opening the box, letting the aroma of cheese and pepperoni float away, I still have my uncle.
And within a few minutes, there was a bubble, a splash, and a shining flash of red as his Uncle Dante surfaced, out of breath, nostrils flared, and his pupils taking up nearly all of his iris, as if he was on the hunt.
“You got it, guppy! You really, really got it?”  He already had ripped the top of the box open, like it was a clam, to get at the ‘flesh’ underneath.
“Nice to see you too, Uncle Dante.  And you’re welcome.”
“What, did you think that I wouldn’t show up when you dangled this in front of me?” Dante said around a mouthful of piping hot pizza.  Nero wasn’t sure how he could eat food that hot so fast, he himself had burnt his mouth countless times because he wasn’t used to food being cooked.
“Well, after the last blowout,” Nero admitted, “With dad being so angry...I thought that maybe… you and mom would be upset as well.” 
His uncle stopped eating his third slice, “Aw kid, you know we both have your back, your mom especially.  Even your dad, give him some time, he’ll come around, as certain as the Dawnfather comes each morning.  After all, trying to stop a heart from wanting what it wants is like trying to stop the tides.  Impossible.  So,” he took another gulp of pizza, like a starved pelican, “how’s your new life going?”
And so Nero told him all about the surface world, the noises, the hustle and bustle, about how Credo, the only person aside from Kyrie, who knew Nero’s true identity, was teaching him to read and write.  He told his uncle about all types of strange customs that humans had, like when they greeted each other, depending on some complicated scale of how well they knew each other, gender, and family relation they would shake hands, hug, or sometimes kiss.  He told him how accepting Kyrie’s family was...but his uncle, despite what his dad would say, was smarter than he seemed, and could sense Nero was a bit anxious.
“What’s wrong guppy?  You’re wound up more than Cordina separated from its shoal.”
Nero sighed, he wasn’t sure how to go about this.  A migration...a year ago, (he sometimes still used terms that made no sense to humans), his mom had told him about her life on the surface...about her family, and how she hadn’t parted with them on the best of terms.  Even though he thought she had every right to never want to speak to them again (His own father, despite his wrath, had never hurt him when he had found out Nero wanted to become Human), Nero could tell that deep down, she worried about them.  And that she wanted them to know she was alright.
“I was thinking…” he said slowly, “maybe I might look for mom’s family.”  He saw the shock on Dante’s face, before his uncle cursed as the pizza he held was snatched by an opportunistic seagull.  
“You sure about that, kid?  You have no idea of how they’ll react.  For all they know, your mom’s dead.  To find out she’s still alive, and they have a grandson, might be a bit too much for them…”
“I mean,” Nero hastily clarified, “I won’t do it if mom thinks it's a bad idea.  I just…” his father’s disappointment in his choice hurt enough, he couldn’t imagine how it felt for his mom, cut off from her family forever, “I just want to make things right…”
Dante sighed as he finished off the last slice, looking despondently at the empty box.  “Well,” he finally said, “I’ll talk to your mom...we’ll see how it goes.  Just…” he rolled his eyes, “don’t expect your dad to go along with the plan.  Even the mightiest wave won’t wear him down on that front.  Not that I blame him.”
“Thanks!” Nero said, relieved that he at least had some support.  “Talk to mom, maybe bring her here so we can talk tomorrow?’  He looked at the empty box, “I...I can bring pizza.” And like bait to a fish… Nero knew he had hooked in his uncle, if the grin on his face meant anything.
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page-doctor-bekker · 3 years
What are some Ava headcanons you have ?
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Ohhhh boy you have opened a can of worms. I am seriously writing out every single headcanon I have. If I can't fit them all in one post there will be a second one. Actually I’m going to make a separate post for mental health headcanons but yeah
Her middle name is Grace, making her Ava Grace Bekker
She has BPD, panic disorder, and insomnia. In her school age years she also had an ADD diagnosis, but it's sometimes unclear where the ADD symptoms end and the BPD symptoms begin.
She has a medical marijuana card in the state of Illinois for insomnia, buuuuut she uses it recreationally just as much as she uses it medically. Hey, if she's got access, why not have some fun with it?
She came to the US on a H-1B visa, which is technically valid for three years, but after the first year she was pretty intent on staying in Chicago and applied for an EB2 Physician National Interest Waiver green card, which was approved just before she finished her CT fellowship, just in time for her to be an attending as a US citizen. She is also still a citizen of South Africa, and visits her parents there every so often.
Speaking of her parents, they don’t *love* “the whole gay thing”, so they have an agree-to-disagree policy in their household.
She didn't always want to be a doctor, much less a surgeon, when she was younger she wanted to be an aquatic veterinarian and work at a research + rescue aquarium.
She is terrified of spiders.
She was raised Christian, but is now an atheist.
She had both POTS and iron-deficient anemia as a teenager, and even though she's had great decrease in symptoms, she still has to wear compression stockings and occasionally gives herself an iron infusion or a saline infusion when she has a particularly bad day.
She has five female guppies, as opposed to bettas. She actually really does not like bettas.
She does also have a leucistic axolotl.
She has a Thing for margaritas, and would gladly choose a margarita over anything else.
She kind of has a problem with using alcohol and weed as coping mechanisms when her BPD is bad. She would never admit that it's a problem, but it is. When she's drinking to cope, she tends to go for vodka.
She had a pregnancy scare in high school, and all she could think about was how bad it would hurt.
Her mom is constantly sending her cheesy cardiology/surgery/etc related shirts. She has an entire drawer dedicated to them, and they're strictly used for sleeping.
Speaking of sleeping, she has a full set of bedding on her bed but sleeps on top of the comforter as opposed to under it. Instead, she uses a weighted blanket.
She's not a huge fan of labels, because she can't stand feeling restricted. She's *mostly* into girls, with the occasional exception.
Dr. Rhodes is her best friend, and they're not necessarily dedicated friends with benefits, but they'll have a drink and hook up every once in awhile when they're bored or stressed or whatever.
She said she hates peanuts in season four. This is... Sort of true. She likes peanuts in very specific circumstances. She likes peanut butter, but only the thick, sugary, unnatural kind, and this she will eat by the spoonful. seriously. she has one jar of peanut butter for her that she can double dip her spoon into, and one tiny jar that guests can have. The only candy she likes peanuts in is reese's cups and reese's pieces. This is a newly discovered love, however.
She’s a Dr. Pepper person. No explanation needed.
She loves reality tv. Hoarders? Sign her up. Motherfucking Rupaul’s Drag Race? Hell fucking yeah. She got a big kick out of Sixteen and Pregnant back in the day, and still watches Toddlers & Tiaras from time to time, even though she knows how awful the pageant industry is. She’s also a fan of standup comedy.
The first vacation she took in the US was a Disney World trip with Connor, Will, and Sarah. They pulled out all the stops for it, stayed on property, did the dining plan, the whole shabang (i might write a fic for this lol)
When she flew to America for the first time, she had a 15 hour layover in New York. She got in at seven in the morning, and left around 10pm at night to take the flight to Chicago. She used this free day to take a day trip to The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. One of her fish is named Lady Liberty to remember the day. The fish is a light shimmery green.
Her other fish are: Groot Rooi, Cheeto, Scampi, and Doubloon. Her axolotl is named Annabelle.
She’s a big fan of thinking putty and slime and similar stuff.
She does not like hot dogs. To which Connor says, “How are you going to immigrate to to Chicago and NOT like hot dogs?”
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emiken-070907 · 3 years
Since I realized it's going to take me some time to get to the point of my fic to actually introduce my OC's, I'm just going to do that here now!
I'm also going to name some canon characters (e.g. Che'nya) and will explain their positions in the fic and how I think their personalities are.
Wondorsmore is the dorm founded on the curiosity of the Young Explorer. They are housed in a deformed, very colourful house with a gigantic garden and maze. Gem colour is blue.
Alicynthia Fantasmore (Alice): A light headed 2nd year student and the dorm leader of the dorm. She's a very kindhearted girl who loves tea time, baked sweets and croquet. Mostly everyone calls her Ali-chan, since her actual name is rather hard to pronounce for others. Nobody knows how she got the title 'dorm leader', because she daydreams a lot and gets distracted very easily. She has terrible orientation and will even get lost on an open field. Her mother handles all trading between the Rose Kingdom and the other lands, for which she respects her very deeply and hopes that she'll be able to handle such responsibilities one day.
Che'nya/Alchemi Alchemivichi Pinka (Cheshire Cat): The vice leader and one of Ali-chan's personal 'caretakers' and advisor. She's very aware of her responsibilities but necklaces them most of the time by napping or pranking other students, and loves to speak in riddles and confuse others. She has an immense fear of dogs, since one nearly bit her hand of when she was a child.
Marriposa Fafelyna (Caterpillar): Jokingly gets called the 'Second Vice of Wondorsmore'. Also Ali-chan's caretaker #2, but she's more of an motherly figure than Che'nya, who's more of an aunt. The 3rd year is kind of strict, but means it well, and has a lot of patience for others. She's hungry 24/7 and very tall. She also pupates up when she is faalls asleep. Smokes, but is not allowed to in any closed room or building, that's why she's mostly in the garden. Che'nya's roommate.
Arley Blanca (White Rabbit): A curious 1st year with a terrible sense of time. That's why she has a lot of clocks. Her father even runs a clock shop and got tought on how to build and repair clocks and watches. Her whole site of her shared room is full with clocks. Naturally, when ever it's a full hour, it's get very loud, which doesn't bother her, since she's used to it, even though she has very sensitive ears. She is allowed to do that, because she is alone in the four-person room.
Sunizwe is the dorm founded on the leadership of the Lion King. The members live in a big wood house, which has many plants and veins growing along it's sides, in the Savanna jungle. It has no roof unless it's raining and wild animals can't get near the dorm. Gem colour is topaz yellow.
Rainona Adolpha (Little Red Riding Hood): A 3nd year girl from the Land of Pyroxene as dorm leader in the middle of the Savanna, surrounded by beastmen. She's way mor robust than she looks. Never seen without her red hood/cape.
Zywie Najyba (Rafiki): Vice leader and 'doctor' of the dorm/school. Comes from a family of doctors or medical related stuff, they also work for the Royal Family. So, of course, she knows a lot about medicine and how things are within the family. Also has exsperience as a shaman. The 3rd year is concidered the 'wises' in the dorm
Eventyhav is the dorm founded by the dedication of the Little Mermaid. The dorm members live in an old shipwreck underwater. Gem colour is aqua blue.
Rielle af Atlantica (Arielle): A 2nd year dormleader and the youngest princess of the 7 princesses of the coral sea. Always full of question and likes sticking her noise into things that aren't her business. She's super impressed by human culture. But she often misunderstands the use or meaning of things. For example, for some time she used a fork as a hairbrush. Her voice is incredible lovely and beautiful.
Fabienne Guppy (Flounder): The vice of the dorm and best friend of Rielle. She's very shy, sweet and easily flustered. She's afraid of many things, sharks being the Nr. 1. Rielle always tries (and being successful every time) to convince her to go with her on her 'adventures'. Rielle also mainly calls her 'Fabie'. She is very good with the oboe (and saxophone, to some degree) and often plays for the dorm members.
Amyrlas is the dorm founded on the intelligence of the Prince of Sands. They are housed in a tiger head shaped, gold and marble cave near an oases. The gem colour is turquis.
Jaseema Dha-Hab (Jasmine): Dormleader and the older twin of the Dha-Hab twins. She's one of Kalima's cousins, the stricter and more hot-tempered one. The 2nd year student cares deeply for her sister, but doesn't show it well. Like Kalima, both are very rich, and, surprisingly, the only children in the family. She's very aware of their advantages, and that her parents most likely payed for her and her sister's positions. So she decided to use the money she has to help others. She donates very often and always helps her dorm mates. Which makes her very busy and not being able to spend time with her sister. Back at home, she's stuck with her overprotective parents who forbid her and her sister to go outside without a guard. So she's very happy and grateful for the freedom RSA provides her.
Aliye Dha-Hab (Aladdin): The vice dorm leader and younger twin. She's very carefree, like Kalima, eventhough she knows what could happen to her. Because of that, she leaves her sister in constant worry. And she's very aware of that. The reason she doesn't stop that or doesn't stop causing trouble is that, this, in her eyes, is the only way to get her sisters attention. Even back at home she causes trouble. She often goes outside without permission. When she's outside she disguises herself with poor clothes so she'll blend in easier. She often takes things like food or similar with her to give it to the poor, or sells it so she can give the money to others. Sometimes she even steals things to give them. This is her own way of donating, besides giving money; Being there for them. She has a small hideout in an abandoned building. She even has a small monkey, named Hamai, as a pet/companion.
Ebenholz is the dorm founded on the kindness of the Fairest of Them All. The mebers live in little cottages in the woods near a smal mine. Gem colour is red.
Neige LeBlanche: Dorm leader and the beauty of the school. She's very busy due to her being a model and actress, but always manages to spend time with her dwarf friends. Is like a second mother to them, but can be a bit overbearing sometimes.
The Dwarves: 7 dwarves who are constantly at Neige's side. Often get mistaken as kids and/or siblings. Both claims are false. Come from a dwarf clan that's known for their handywork and multiple mines. All are very good at mining and sorting out gems from real and fake. Surprisingly strong, can lift 5 times the weight they have. Dominic is the 'oldest sister', being the most mature. Hop and Gran often get into friendly arguments. Shelpy mostly sleeps, but loves some drama at school and knows everything about it. Sneek has to deal with a lot of allergies and holds a strong dislike towards spring. She and Hop (aswell as Domi) are often 'mental support' for the ever so shy Timmy. Toby is the air-head and 'youngest sister'. Since a young age, she had trouble remebering things and also had trouble with correct speech.
Theoroas is the dorm founded on the strength of the Godly Hero. They are housed in an ancient Greek themed building with an arena attached to it. Gem colour is copper.
Ziana Thora (Zeus): The 3rd year dormleader of the dorm. She's very stoic and serious, always wearing an angry expression. Very respected and feared, even known as 'The Queen of Royal Sword Academy'. He obtained the title 'dorm leader' as a fist year, right in the first week by challenging the former leader and winning by a land slide. He also has a younger sister (Hercules), but doesn't want to acknowlage her as that. So their relationship is rather complicated. She's also the daughter of the head of the company 'Olympus'.
Pacifica Aquarius (Poseidon): Cousin of Ziana (and Idia) and vice dorm leader. A very bubbly and lightheaded girl. She often drives her cousin insane because she can be very annoying and intrusive. Often just called 'Percy' or 'Paz'. She's very found of the merfolk. Like Idia (and Ziana, technically), Pacifica is a noble aswell; A noble of the Coral Sea. Besides making Ziana often mad, she's also the one who keeps his temper in check.
Verrepantou is the dorm founded on the hope of the Hardworking Princesse. It's only a small dorm, but the members are housed in a simple house, which turns into an impressive palace at night. Gem colour is purple.
Aimée Trein (Cinderella): The sweet and kind dorm leader. She didn't see the need to declare a vice, since it's a small dorm. She also has not the best sence of time, especilly when it's near 12, regardless of am or pm. Overworks herself very often does chores for others out of pure kindness. Also has a big thing for shoes and has multiple wardrobes just for that. Step-daughter to Mozus Trein and has two older step-sisters. Lost her father at a young age.
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rabble-dabble · 4 years
The Cancer King
Well, here’s an Evil Karkat to go with Evil John.
So, let’s set the stage. How does Karkat become the villain? That’s honestly a pretty tricky question. Contrary to John, most of Karkat’s arc comes from him growing to shed or suppress any potential flaws that would make him an outright villain, so it’s a lot harder to make him turn into a villain on his own. So, we’ll have to give him that push.
So, after The Condescension dies, she gets sent to the dreambubbles. She’s both frustrated to be defeated and relieved to no longer be under Lord English’s thumb, so she decides to start planning her rebound.
She traverses the dreambubbles searching for her most competent and loyal minions from her old empire, building an army with promises of a new eternal empire that will span the multiverse. Once she’s confident in the size of her armada, she travels to doomed timelines and begins sucking the life force out of thousands of still living players, using the energy to resurrect herself and return to full strength. Unfortunately for her, she’s a Thief of Life, not a Rogue of Life. So, to resurrect her army, she’s forced to mind control a Rogue of Life and have them steal the life force from enough people to resurrect her entire army. With her preparations complete, The Condescension launches her invasion on Earth C.
Still starts by ambushing Karkat during some diplomatic meeting, detecting that he was the weak link, seeing as he’s the weakest non-immortal out of all the God-Tiers and his death would likely demoralize and horrify his friends. But, as she prepares his execution, the Condescension notices his blood color. Her thoughts immediately flicker back to the Signless and a particularly evil idea settles into her mind. The Signless had been the single biggest pain in her ass before Lord English, as his influence managed to haunt her even after his death. So, now’s the chance to get some payback.
She decided she would try to corrupt Karkat into everything the Signless would’ve despised. Transform him into her ruthless right hand man. 
Initially, the torture doesn’t work, so The Condesce decides to switch gears. After her forces manage to capture Terezi, Condy gives an ultimatum. Serve or she dies. Karkat is forced to work for her. Still, Karkat actively works against her. He uses his position in her ranks to leak information to his friends. The Condescension full expected this and keeps giving him false information to leak. She then leverages the resulting casualties, complimenting him on his “victory” and wonders just how long they’ll continue to trust him. “It’s been a few months since they lost you, guppy. Maybe they think you broke.”
The Condescension continues to get inside his head. She reads his mind to see all of his little insecurities and she leans into each and every one of them. All of his past mistakes and failings. For example, she offers to mind control Terezi into loving him as a “reward”. When he gets disgusted, she brings up the time he tried to schedule how much time she could spend with him and Dave without her permission. “Doesn’t matter how you get her so long as you get her. Sounds like past you had his priorities in order." 
She gives him ideas in his sleep, plaguing his mind with nightmares where his friends horrifically die from following his advice or while trying to save him. It inspires him to make a public speech denouncing his friends so they’ll stop trying to save him. After that, she fills his sleep with dreams of him dutifully serving by her side, forcing him to question why exactly he denounced his friends. 
His friends, naturally, don’t buy it. They know Karkat and they’re going to bust their asses off to save him. It’s only a matter of time before John kicks down the door to his room and scoops him off his feet in a hug.
As the captured Condescension is being dragged away, she smugly thanks Karkat for being so helpful with her regime. Karkat hunches up, but John grabs his hand behind his back. It helps keep his glare from wavering. 
Karkat is still noticably distant, even after the Condescension is executed. Naturally, his friends try to comfort him. Terezi is there to reassure him, assuming he went through the same kind of torture she did, while Jane and Jade are able to relate to being forced to serve the Condesce. However, they’re not quite able to get through. Karkat is convinced that he was actually beginning to genuinely abandon his friends and he’s too stuborn to "pawn his problems off on someone else”, in his words. Still, they’re not stupid. Everyone is able to tell the Condesce did something to him and that it’s still bothering him.
Karkat is haunted, day in and out, by nightmares of him abandoning his friends. He keeps berating himself, chastising himself for trying to abandon them after everything they went through together. His self-hatred is creeping into his skull like a poison and because he refuses to talk about it, it keeps getting worse.
No matter how much Karkat tells himself that it’s not true, that he’d never abandon his friends or hurt them, the nightmares linger.
So, Karkat decides to prove to himself that he’s loyal to his friends and would never actually abandon them. Since she was able to come back from the dead before, she could logically do it again. After stewing the problem over a bit, he goes to John with an idea. John is going to use his Retcon powers to help Karkat become God-Tier. That way, he can destroy The Condescension’s ghost in the dream bubbles so she can’t come back. John figures that this is Karkat’s way of facing his trauma directly and agrees. Mostly because he’s been spitballing with his friends about what Karkat’s problem might be and Rose brought the idea up.
John and Karkat travel back in time so that Karkat can use his old quest bed. It’s not like Past Karkat was going to use it anyway, so nothing really changes. The same Knight of Blood rules as in the Lord Egbert timeline apply, meaning that Karkat has all the powers of everyone that he’s friends with. 
John and Karkat hunt down HIC and manage to destroy her, but not before she manages one last sickening taunt. With her final breath before she fades away, The Condesce claims that Karkat denounced his friends of his own free will. John tells her off, but Karkat confirms it. Before John can press on the issue, Karkat teleports away. John tries to chase after him, but he isn’t able to find him. Karkat has a close enough relation to Void (via his old friendship with Equius) that John can’t just will himself to Karkat’s location. Karkat could feasibly be anywhere in Paradox Space.
While John is out looking for him, Karkat is mulling over his past mistakes. The Condescension’s words ringing in his head. He believes that, somehow, he choose to betray his friends. And as he keeps teleporting throughout Paradox Space, witnessing every mistake he ever made, that rabbit hole goes deeper. He wonders if maybe he tried a little harder, Eridan wouldn’t have gone crazy. Maybe if he cared a little more, Nepeta and Equius wouldn’t have died. If he was less selfish, none of this would have happened. 
It’s an ugly thought. He knows that. He knows he did the best he could. His friends won’t let him forget that. But a dark part of his mind won’t let it rest.
Then, Karkat realizes that he can fix this. 
He has the power to do simply travel back and prevent their deaths. He can save them. He can save everyone.
It backfires spectacularly.
The resulting future ends up becoming a horrific destopia. Sense Eridan never died, he ended up joining up with The Condescension in this timeline, acting as her double agent and letting her win. From there, HIC is able to discover a means of absorbing Lord English’s power, allowing herself to become the supreme ruler of Paradox Space. 
John manages to avoid this timeline, as his Retcon Powers protect him from changes in the timeline, so he doesn’t notice as he’s still looking for Karkat. 
Karkat is naturally horrified by the future he’s created. All of his friends are eitger dead or enslaved and everyone, everywhere, lives under the boot of a bloodparched despot. With John nowhere to be found, he can only imagine tge worst. He teleports away to the Furthest Ring.
He just floats there in the empty void for awhile, mentally digesting everything. Everything that has led up to this point, all the mistakes that he made and all the things he could’ve done, play on a loop on his mind. No matter what he does, he somehow fucks it up. And when he tries to fix those mistakes, he ends up making everything worse. In his mind, he’s the problem. And, as such, it’s his job to fix everything. 
Wracked with guilt, Karkat has to not only fix this timeline, but he has to make sure he can never mess anything up again.
Then Karkat realizes something. If The Condescension was somehow able to absorb the powers of Lord English, then he logically should be able to as well. Hell, he could go one step beyond. He could become powerful enough to gain control over the story itself. He’d just have to figure out the method.
After doing some poking around Paradox Space, Karkat discovers how the Condescension became so powerful. The HIC consumed the lifeforce of trillions of people, draining entire timelines of life until she was in the same league as Lord English. Once she became powerful enough to affect him, she sucked the lifeforce out of him, absorbing his powers and becoming just as powerful as the Lord of Time. Since then, she’s been hunting down and sucking the life force out of Lords and Muses across Paradox Space. 
Even with how desperate he is, Karkat isn’t quite willing to go that far. So, he hatches a new plan.
He seeks out some Doomed God-Tier versions of Terezi, Aradia, and Rose, seeing as they’re really good at digging up lore. Through them, he’s able to discover a secret. Absorbing the lifeforce of God-Tiers grants more power then just absorbing the countless mortals the Condesce did. So, if Karkat stays focused on God-Tiers, he can avoid having to commit the same level of Genocide as the HIC. Of course, this means that he’d have to find a way to absorb powers to begin with. His first bet is too just befriend a version of Meenah but no dice. The Condescension went out of her way to completely annihilate any alternate versions of her to avoid this exact problem. So, Karkat has to resort to finding Life artifacts and weapons that grant the same effect.
Karkat quickly gathers up a team of Doomed God-Tier versions of his friends, promosing them something on exchange for their help. (IE. a version of Gamzee who killed all his friends on Lord English’s orders, but was then abandoned for it. Apparently, English was bored and wanted to test how loyal Gamzee was. Karkat offers him the chance to resurrect and apologize to all of his dead friends) The only person he can’t get to join him is John. He just can’t find a version of John willing to join him and most try to talk him down after seeing how far he’s starting to fall.
He then sends his friends to various ends of Paradox Space. They’re all tasked with finding Life artifacts, gathering up God-Tiers for Karkat to absorb, and distracting the HIC’s forces to keep them from finding him.
…They’re also there for him. On the rare times he can bring all of his friends together, he sees them interact. He sees them bond and forgive in eays they never could in his timeline. It reminds him of what he could have had. What he’ll never have. Because he failed.
It keeps him going. Everytime he sees everyone together, he becomes more convinced that this is the right thing to do.
Karkat gets his moniker from Gamzee. At one point, Gamzee comes across a group of former Lord English worshippers, who are forlorn at the loss of their master. To rally them together, Gamzee tells them of a new messiah.
“A WICKED, RAGING MESSIAH WHO DREAMS OF A UTOPIA OF MIRTH AND BEAUTY. a brother who captivates all who listen and guides gods from afar. THE CAPRICIOUS CANCER KING! leader of the lost lambs the Lord betrayed. AND DESTROYER OF THE WICKED FISH BITCH HERETIC WHO DESTROYED OUR WHIMSY!”
Gamzee leads them as a surrogate army against tge Condescension’s forces, all whilst they shout the praises of the Cancer King.
At one point, Karkat hears rumors about a version of John who has started a revolution against the Condescension on her home turf. Karkat goes to investigate and finds out that it’s John from the main timeline. At some point, he went back to the main timeline to get help, only to find the dystopia that replaced it. John managed to free some of his living friends from mind control. Sense Jane was among them, she could start reviving the rest. With them, he’s been leading a revolt against the Condescension.
Karkat explains his plan… much to John’s horror. Karkat’s plan is effectively mass murder, but Karkat brushes this off as necessary. Besides, he can undo them once he gets control of the narrative.
Karkat teleports away before John can talk sense into him, using his powers to keep John distracted long enough to escape.
Eventually, Karkat absorbs enough power to match The Condescension and he soundly defeats her, absorbing her lifeforce. But it’s nit enough to give him full control of the narrative. Hellbent on undoing his mistakes, Karkat doubles down on absorbing the life force of God-Tiers. He will become strong enough to undo all the damage he’s done, he has no choice now. And the only thing that can stop Karkat before he steps over the edge is John Egbert, with his ragtag group of friends.
There will be an epic showdown. But who wins? I’ll leave that up to you.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
April 2020 Angel Fish Awards
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
**Also, due to the number of afas and multiple nominations, each person on this list will only be tagged once. Please be sure to read the entire post so you don’t miss multiple nominations/comments!**
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Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Slow (oneshot) by @sunlightdances
Intimacy is sooooo sexy xox
Nominated by @manawhaat
Ritual (oneshot) by @winchester-fantasies
This fic is grounded, subtle, realistic, and has an incredible energy between Dean and the reader! There’s so many little things that play into the bigger picture to make this really flow and work seamlessly as a whole!
Temporary Scars (series) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Fucking hell. Dean x Donna x Benny is such a rare pair that it’s NOT something I knew I needed, but everything about this dynamic is fucking perfect. It’s a bit of an AU, but I still love the way each character was represented. What they all brought to the table and how they balanced each other out in exactly the ways they needed. There’s a dynamic here that I haven’t seen before, especially not with THESE characters, and they complement each other fucking GORGEOUSLY! 
Boyking fic (oneshot) by @whispersandwhiskerburn
This shit is fucking CRAFTY! There’s a lot of little things that carry through this and the way that ‘control’ is presented in each scene of this fic is very cool. 
Calm (series) by @winchesterswoonathon
Oof! This John series just totally fucks me up. It’s perfect in the way you swoon over him and yearn to see a side of him he so rarely shows others. Maggie definitely knows how to nail the pining for John angle! 
Dream Drabble (oneshot) by @theychosefamily
Sam’s comfort and sincerity in this kill me! It may have been inspired by a dream, but this tracks so well for each of them and could definitely be a scene plucked from the show! 
The Unexpected (oneshot) by @impalaimagining
Goddamn this is sexy as all hell! It’s intense and passionate and scary and dazzlingly wonderful! 
Nominated by @flamencodiva
Three’s A Crowd (series) by @1000roughdrafts
So I was browsing Kay’s Masterlist and came upon this very lovely Gem! I would love to see what happens next and I know Kay is extremely busy, but she is a talented writer and I wanted to put this lovely work out there. It is a wonderful concept and I can’t wait to see what happens!
Just Me & My Baby (oneshot) by @deanwinchesterswitch
A good way to rot your teeth with Dean fluff. This story pulls on your heartstrings and can be just what you need when you feel down.  
The Pact (series) by @coffee-obsessed-writer
This is an amazing AU Sam Fic! It is well written and traps you into the fantasy world from the very beginning. I can’t wait to see the roller coaster that is this story as it is beginning to unfold! 
Nominated by @deanwanddamons
The Sullivan Series (series) by @katehuntington​
I binge read this series and adore it. Zoe is such a badass and an awesome OFC.
It is so good it could easily be written as a series of SPN and I am really hoping it is continued as I can’t wait for the next series. Kate is such an awesome person, hugely supportive and a big influence on me as a writer. This series deserves so much more recognition.
Ride With Me (seires) by @katehuntington
This series is divine. I am so invested in this right now. The way Kate writes is a true inspiration to me and this AU is stunning. Her story telling and descriptions are totally immersive and I am so excited to see where she takes us on this journey.
He’s Not You (series) by @mummybear​
This series is awesome! It’s really building momentum and I’m loving where it’s going. Such a great idea for a story and can’t wait to see where Chelsea takes us!
The Man on the Side of the Road (series) by @supernatural-jackles​
This series was beautiful. I was so invested in this and so sad when it came it an end. It was very cathartic for me to read as I related to the reader so much.
Shatter Me (series) by  @winchest09​
This series is incredible. Such a superb concept and I love the way it has been written. The feeling of isolation and Dean’s desperation to save her had me engrossed all the way through. A must read.
D.W. (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage​
I have recently ventured into dark fic and was recommended this.
Demon!Dean is just 🔥 and this fic is dark, sexy and very explicit. And holy shit I LOVED IT!
Nominated by @moosekateer13​
House of the Rising Sun (series) by @kittenofdoomage
What I really loved about it shows the love can change your whole perspective of the world when love is thrown into the mix.  
The Ones You Love (series) by @kittenofdoomage
It shows how far the Winchester's are willing go when it comes to their family.  
Cosa Nostra (series) by @kittenofdoomage
Loved how in the end love and their bond was stronger than an obstacles that were thrown in their way.
Paid In Full (series) by @kittenofdoomage
Loved it! It taught you look past what you see at first.   
Poor Little Rich Girl (series) by @winchesterprincessbride​
Love how it showed the money is isn't everything love is more important.  
Political Animals  (series) by @winchesterprincessbride
Loved the sometimes it showed the its better to break away from people who are trying to control your life.  
Bed of Roses (series) by @crispychrissy​
Loved how it to taught you to look past first impressions and that there is always more than meets the eye.
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters​
Control and Release - 30 (series) by @thecleverdame​
I think I might’ve nominated this series before, when I wasn’t caught up yet, but I am now and I just have to recommend this chapter. The entire story is gold but this chapter in particular had me sucked right into the scene at the end. The intensity of the fight and the way they deal with everything that is going on; the emotions, the worlds outside of their little bubble of safety. I don’t want to say too much and spoil it for whoever hasn’t read this series yet. But, if you are one of those people, I highly recommend you change that ASAP.
The Secrets We Keep (series) by @princessmisery666​
Better late than never, right? At least that’s what I’m telling myself to ease the guilt I’m feeling for how long it took me to finally read this series like I said I would. I didn’t enjoy it any less, that’s for sure. And that was even before I got to the twist that made it even better. I loved the vulnerability between Sam and Erin, and the different kind of friendship she had with Dean.
Cabin Fever (long oneshot) by @slytherkins​
I’ve already attempted (and failed) to express my thoughts on this story to the author privately, so I won’t try again here, in risk of my heart shattering all over again. But what I definitely will say (and I will break into my upstairs neighbor’s apartment to scream it from their balcony if I have to) is this: STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING and go read this fic if you haven’t already. It’s a heavy read, yes. But it is more than worth it, I promise you.
Equanimous (oneshot) by @imagineteamfreewill​
I love the tension in this scene. The boys are so in character and I could picture the demons perfectly. And, of course, Cas storming in, being badass, and saving the day, that’s always a plus.
Non-existent (oneshot) by @waywardjoy​
I’m definitely a sucker for a good crack-fic. To be honest, when I read the summary I was already sold. That signature bickering between the boys never gets old, does it?
Nominated by @impalaimagining
Handy Man (oneshot) by @deanwanddamons
Physically speaking, on the list of things I love about Dean Winchester, this checks almost every single box. I love the little things you’re noticing about Dean as the reader - his freckles, the contrast between his skin and the black shirt he’s wearing, exactly which Zeppelin song he’s singing while he works. The teasing is a nice touch too, especially the line about the night before. Proud Dean is so cute, and it’s exactly how I would expect him to react to being the hero around the house.
Nominated by @impala-dreamer
Almost Paradise (oneshot) by @amanda-teaches​ 
Amanda always always writes the fluff so well, but this little bit of bittersweet longing is delicious. Also, she nails Dean EVERY TIME. One of those writers who just gets Dean’s voice down so perfectly. Very Very well done!
Enough Time (oneshot)  by @dissect-me​ 
I was just scrolling the pond list and found this wonderful Destiel fic. I mean… the emotions were intense and I was a mess by the end. Just lovely and so well done. I will be diving back through their masterlist for more Destiel!!
  Nominated by @kittenofdoomage
Life For Rent (series) by @winchest09
@katehuntington told me to go read this so I did and I do not regret it. An amazingly sexy (and at times, heartbreaking) series, not for the faint of heart. Totally waiting on edge for the next chapter.
Call Of The Ocean (series) by @flamencodiva and @anatheweirdo​
I’m fairly certain I’ve nominated this before but it’s so good, I’m gonna nominate it again. You will absolutely become invested in Thasman’s well-being.
Nominated by @fangirlxwritesx67​
Communion (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield
But Dean’s natural state is this – nesting, nuzzling, curled up and warm. He speaks softly and quietly. His voice isn’t always rough and hard. He sings. MY FEELS. This is beautiful and heart-wrenching all at once.
Sex with Dean is always really good. A lot of times it’s a rushed, life-affirming kind of thing. So when we have time, every touch is at once charged and grounded. And when we have time and are also able to imbibe? It’s metamorphic. All of this, just one perfect line after another. WOW
Just to be his in our own little bubble. And this, this is exactly how this story feels- so close and heavy and perfect Amazing work,.Like, really astounding.
Synesthesia (oneshot) by @there-must-be-a-lock​
Lou took this prompt and did something wildly creative! It’s so well done that the reader can see and feel and taste it.
Wild Thing (series) by @there-must-be-a-lock
I am in love with the Everything series so, so much. Lou has done a beautiful job of building a world with J2 x reader, so loving and creative and hot. This one is, for sure, a favorite! Incorporates one of my favorite quotes into a smoking hot fic. Good work!!
Dear Mr. Fantasy (oneshot) by @itmighthavebeenintentional​
But there’s one particular Other Dean, a favorite one his mind drifts to during rare peaceful moments. Daydreaming when he should be researching, drifting off when a particular song plays on the radio while he’s working on Baby, even washing his hands sometimes will pull him back to those dreams.
6 paragraphs in, and I knew Val was going to break my heart. This is a gorgeous gorgeous story! Creative premise, great characterization, and written so that you can see and taste and feel every moment.
I found myself wanting to both read faster, and slow down and savor it. And yes, it broke my heart, but so beautifully that I would let it happen over and over again.
Weight (oneshot) by @67midnightwriter​
This one is short and both painful and beautiful. So very heavy with experience and meaning. An excellent example of the ways that our favorite characters can help inspire us, lift us and encourage us to keep going
The Second Hand Unwinds (oneshot) by @mskathywriteswords​
Kathy is new-ish to the SPN family but not to either writing or fandom, and it is immediately apparent in her first piece of SPN fanfic. Her creative storyline, her grasp of the characters, and her way with words make it immediately apparent that you are reading the work of a master!
Salvation (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence​
This story feels like an episode of the show from earlier seasons, just the right balance of angst and monster fighting with tantalizing peeks of smut and feels. Excellent job!
There are no words that come close to explaining what she means to him. How she saves what soul he has left. These flashback scenes are both hot and tender. The voice the author  gives to Sam is spot on, achingly familiar. The contrast between the flashbacks and the action is painfully good.
What’s more frightening, a man like Dean, practiced in his violence out of necessity? Or a man like him, on the verge of losing everything and nothing left to lose? This is a well drawn distinction between the Winchester brothers, and such a good characterization of Sam! It’s easy to forget sometimes what a fearsome hunter he is, but this author reminds us with razor sharp clarity.
“You’re safe with me, Sam. You never have to hide from me.“ Such a beautiful relationship between Sam and this woman! It’s no wonder he’s fighting so hard to save her.
This story has an imaginative plot, fast paced action and some sweet hotness! Plus the author does such a good job with Sam, I’m in love with him all over again. I haven’t read this author much before but you’d better believe I won’t miss a story now!
Casual Affair (oneshot) by @fookinghelljensensthighs​
This Dean x Benny fic is short, smoking hot and painfully good. A must read!
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661​
The Force of Habit (series) by @littlegreenplasticsoldier​ 
I read that series at least 3 times now. I love this story, its witty and funny. This fic just makes me smile without trying! Even after reading 3 times, I still thoroughly enjoyed it like it was the first time.  
Satisfied (series) by @crashdevlin​
This is so good, the emotion that this series makes me feel is just out of this world!
Dangerous Signs (series) by @kittenofdoomage
Rhi always has brilliant idea!!! This is one of those and I just can’t get enough of her writing.
Control and Release (series) by @thecleverdame
What start as mostly just porn turned into such a great series with twist and turns!
Hunger (oneshot0 by @impala-dreamer
Oof… what to say about this? it’s Beka! It’s hot and sweaty and makes me want more! Like everything she writes!
Nominated by @myinconnelly1​
Couldn’t Resist (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
This is fun, funny, and sexy. Short sweet and to the point, while still getting you hot under the collar!!!
Dark Obsession (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Where do I even start in this drabble! It's so fucking cute and funny! I was laughing out loud and could totally see TFW trying to play their parts here
Promise Me We’ll Be Alright (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
What a pain in the heart this fic was. It hurt so good!! I was ready to cry
Say My Name (oneshot) by @idabbleincrazy​
Smoking hot! While in general Baby-girl is a turn off for me, this fic is so far from it! funny at the start with some cracky dean who is caught in the middle, then getting some possessive Sam which is like my fav! 
I’ll See You on Your Birthday (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87​
SOOO MUCH FLUFF!!! Like seriously i needed a dentist after. Some cute ABO pregnancy right here!
Just A Number (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
Again Sexy and Funny (I have a type ok) This was a great use of Age Gap and it wasn't creepy and didn't need a little blue pill at all!
Happily Ever After (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
HAPPILY EVER AFTER! It's all i need to say!!!! Read It!
Missing Person (oneshot) by @emilyshurley​
This fic is by my favoritest human in the world!!! It’s hilarious and silly but also almost canon. Plus I make a cameo as Garth’s friend!!! What’s not to love!!! 
Nominated by @lovetusk​
The Only Exception (series) by @ne-gans​ & @negans-lucille-tblr​  
While only the prequel so far, I’m too hyped for this beauty to NOT nominate it.
Survive (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage 
I’m always here for some Alpha!Sam, but this one punched me right in the feels. How dare anyone keep him from his Omega.
He Wasn’t In Love With You (oneshot) by @sorenmarie87  
Dawn doesn't angst often, but sometimes she does and I love it.
Nominated by @there-must-be-a-lock
Noises (oneshot) by @67midnightwriter 
Just. HOT. Hot hot hot like burning. Dom!Cas playing Dean like a goddamn fiddle... what more can you ask for!?
Come For Me (oneshot) by @fangirlxwritesx67 
My favorite thing this author has published so far! There are a whole lot of emotions in this one, adrenaline and fear and relief and lust and tenderness, and you can feel the depth of everything going on between them and the chaos of the moment. Also, nailed the “oh shit where did this predatory hotass come from” feeling that I totally imagine would happen during a first time with Sammy.
Plus One (oneshot) by @thoughtslikeaminefield 
This is smutty and raunchy and HOT but it also manages to nail the sweet, loving side of Dean. Smut can so easily be one-dimensional, but this fic managed to be both filthy and tender in a way that feels 150% true to character.
Dear Mr. Fantasy (oneshot) by @itmighthavebeenintentional 
An absolutely stunning exploration of some parallel universe Deans. Gorgeously vivid language, such incredible character accuracy, borderline heartbreaking but in a way that isn’t hopeless; it makes you feel FULL. My favorite SPN fic I’ve read in a long time.
The Second Hand Unwinds (oneshot) by @mskathywriteswords 
Incredibly evocative, gorgeous wistful tone, and a couple little plot twists that hit you with all the right feels.
Nominated by @winchest09
All I Want (series) by @katehuntington
I love this, so much. I love the take on this particular episode and how in fact it brings back the reader instead of *spoiler*. It’s still ongoing and it’s already tugging on heartstrings and has made me cry so if you read this, grab your tissues!
Ride With Me (series) by @katehuntington
This series has my heart. Like this could be a published book that i would read cover to cover, over and over. The spine would be broken, pages glued in because i would have read it that much. How everything is described, how the world is painted, the characters, the setting…just everything. It’s a must read..A MUST READ.
I Just Called to Say I Love You (series) by @talesmaniac89​
This broke my heart. This was so beautifully written to the point i was sobbing behind my screen mumbling incoherent words to my husband before talking to a few other tumblr blogs about it. If you read this, have tissues handy. Dean was so in character and my heart will never be the same. Must read.
The Man In Apartment 43 (series) by @talesmaniac89
This series has me so intrigued! It’s written amazingly, has me gasping, has me seriously flinching at some of the creepy goings on and I cannot wait to see where this goes! It’s an ongoing series and I’m loving it!
Handy Man (oneshot) by @deanwanddamons
This lovely little drabble satisfies all my domestic dean needs. Covering his fine ass, arms and back. I mean…Come on! It’s just everything that you need in a bite size package. I absolutely loved it!
Nominated by @katehuntington
One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today (oneshot)  by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Sex with Dean is always amazing, but there’s nothing hotter than him singing a classic while he’s doing it. After reading this, that famous song by The Doors will never sound the same. Sit back, relax and listen to the music.
Handy Man (oneshot) by @deanwanddamons
Dean fixing a blocked drain under the kitchen sink in a black shirt and Levi’s jeans; what a sight that must be. The writer of this fic is able to describe the scene in great detail. Besides the obvious appreciation of the gorgeous man, it’s great to see him doing something normal and domesticated. It’s the life we all wish for him. A great little drabble for a Sunday morning with a cup of tea on the side.
You’re Home (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
A drabble that’s absolutely worth mentioning, is this short story. Beka does Dean’s PTSD more justice in 682 words than the writers have ever done on the entire show. A beautiful piece of art. 
Imagine Dean debating asking you out (oneshot) by @luci-in-trenchcoats​
Dean has a crush on a girl, Sam is calling him out. When his little brother threatens to expose his secret, Dean tries to silence him, and it’s honestly the funniest read I’ve had this month. Writing comedy isn’t easy, but this was flawless.
I Just Called To Say I Love You (oneshot) @talesmaniac89
This one hurts bad, but in the most wonderful way. It’s exactly how Dean would go down, the characterisation beyond perfect. The descriptions, the dialogue, the details, the choices. It’s a Rembrandt painted with letters.
Side By Side (series) by @talesmaniac89
Another brilliant creation, based on the song Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol. A song which surfaces a lot of emotions, much like this poetic and amazing piece of fanfiction. Words that come to mind are heart wrenching, tear jerking, and in a way comforting as well. A must read.
The Voices (oneshot) by @fictionalabyss​
Based on ‘I hear the voices when I’m dreaming. I can hear them sing’ from the Supernatural anthem Carry On My Wayward Son, comes this breathtakingly beautiful piece of fanfiction. Perfect lines, spot on dialogue and it couldn’t have been more true to the character. It’s painfully raw, sad, and tears will fall. It makes you feel for Dean in ways that are difficult to describe. The writer of this story is known for her talent with words, but she outdid herself here.
Nicotine (oneshot) by @talesmaniac89
This story is inspired by the song Nicotine by Chef’Special and was written for my 1K celebration. The lyrics to this song are surprisingly depressing, despite it being an upbeat song, and the writer has captured it better than I could have ever hoped for. If her writing was music, it would be a symphony played by an orchestra. Her way with words is melodic and moving. Goosebumps all over. 
 My Hero (oneshot) by @plaidstiel-wormstache​  
What I love most about this fanfic is the medical accuracy. I am no expert in any way, but after seeing countless medical dramas and having done plenty of research for characters and stories, I really appreciate it when knowledge about medicine practically drips from my screen. A lovely read. 
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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matchamorphosis · 3 years
Hi cheer bear! I was wondering, what do you think merman!Ryan could call his little surfer babe? As pet names? I was thinking Pearl or Starfish 🥺 but I'd love to hear your ideas too!
I hope your day is going well! 😚
hi hi funshine bear! 🌞🌷💞
I think merman!ryan would call his surfer girl would call his girl every sweet thing in the book and pearl and starfish are the cutest pet names ever!
for some more I think if he were to tease her I think he would call her a guppy and for some contrast against the ocean related pet mae she would call her his blue sky, or bright sun! he’s so used to the ocean that she embodies everything that isn’t apart of his world but wants to make her his world! 💗💗💗
I hope you’re having a lovely day funshine! muah! 💕💕💕
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