#could’ve been better written but not entirely wrong
tragedyfetishist · 2 years
Considering there’s apparently going to be more Danganronpa games eventually Kodaka gonna need to get better at writing characters with trauma because like he did good with the WOH and Nagito buuuut like I’m gonna need him to get some sensitivity players or something before he accidentally makes another Mikan or Korekiyo situation.
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : After you get hurt with a mission gone wrong, Bi-Han is more gentle with you and it weirds you out. (Also this is like before Bi-Han becomes a back stabbing bitch to everyone LMAO)
A/N : I have NOOOO idea what happened to me (if y’all know me y’all know I do not like sub-zero) but I finally realized I think I do like him. I just don’t like the way some of y’all write him 💀 (ngl this is one of the best things I’ve ever written plot wise I think)
WARNINGS: (MDNI)! f receiving oral. I’m pretty sure that’s it. Nothing major happens lmao
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You were the best female Lin Kuei warrior. The very best but you had gotten hurt badly trying to stop Shang Tsung. He was about to kill your fiancé Bi-Han but you had stopped him.
This resulted in you getting severely slashed on your stomach and needing stitches.
It was hard for you to even walk but you knew you had your duties to fill with not only the clan but around the house. So, you did so.
It was early in the morning. About seven in the morning. When you woke up, you realized Bi-Han was not in bed with you. You cursed at yourself. You knew he would be mad that he had woken up and not been served breakfast.
You got out of bed and put on your robe to cover yourself. You immediately went out the room and headed towards the kitchen.
When you did, you realized you smelled something. Food. It smelt of sausage and bacon. Eggs and French toast. The French toast had caught you off guard because Bi-Han hated French toast and always made you make pancakes.
When you walked into the kitchen, you saw that Bi-Han was getting a plate ready. You couldn’t believe it. He actually cooked?
Bi-Han didn’t have to turn around to know you were behind him. “Good. You’re awake.” Bi-Han placed the plate on the counter and motioned for you to take it. “Eat.”
Was this a dream? Did he take a trip down to the Netherrealm and freeze hell over?
You blinked your eyes, severely confused at your fiancé’s actions. He had never done this. Ever.
“You know…I could’ve made breakfast.” You said, believing that he had made it because he was mad at you. “All you had to do was wake me up.”
“I wanted you to rest.”
Rest? He wanted you to rest?
Bi-Han motioned for you to take the plate, a little annoyed you hadn’t taken it. “Stop standing there looking stupid and eat.”
Never mind. He was there.
You hesitantly took the plate and sat at the table. “I didn’t even know you could cook.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes a little but didn’t say anything. You cut a chunk of the French toast and bit into it. When you did, all the flavors of the syrup, the cinnamon and the powder danced on your tongue.
You could not believe it. He was a better cook than you.
“This is amazing. You cook better than me.”
“I know.” He simply said.
“No need to be cocky.” You told him. Then you had realized something. Why didn’t he cook then? “Why do you let me cook for you if you know you can cook better than me?”
Bi-Han started to put dishes in the sink. Without looking at you, he replies. “Because you like to cook for me.”
That warmed your heart a little. Bi-Han was willing to put up with your very medium like cooking over his far better cooking just because he knew you enjoyed cooking for him.
You always liked cooking for your man. It made you feel useful to him. It made you feel like he needed you.
But the truth was he didn’t need you as much as he made it seem.
You watched as Bi-Han started to do the dishes. If there was one thing Bi-Han did not do was dishes. Ever. Not even to wash simple silverware for himself. He hated doing dishes.
“It’s okay, Bi-Han. I can do it.” You said, standing up from your chair.
“Sit down and eat.” He said while still not looking at you.
Okay, this was entirely too weird for you. You knew there would be hell if you did not listen to Bi-Han so you sat down and ate the rest of your breakfast.
As he did the dishes, he spoke. “What do you want for dinner?”
Another thing you found weird. Bi-Han always picked what you guys ate for dinner. You getting to decide was definitely almost impossible. “Whatever you want, Bi-Han.”
“I’m asking you for a reason. What do you want?”
“Um…I don’t know. Maybe spaghetti?”
“I’ll be here later tonight to cook it.”
Okay this was getting too weird.
You finished eating your breakfast. You then took your plate to the sink and were about to wash the plate but the sound of Bi-Han’s voice stopped you. “Put it down.”
You did as you were told. You put the dish down in the sink and he started to wash it. You started to feel his forehead for any sign of him being sick. “Are you feeling alright? It’s really ice of you to do this today.” You knew that bad pun was going to annoy him and you wanted to test him.
“Funny.” He said with a complete straight face and zero emotion. The thing was, that was his way of laughing. So, he technically just laughed at what you said.
You were absolutely shocked. You removed your hand from his forehead. “Don’t tell me your Shang Tsung and are pretending to be my cold hearted fiancé.”
When you had mentioned him being cold hearted, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. It was like what you had said really stung him.
He regained his composure and finished with the dishes. He then turned off the sink and dried his hands with the cloth next to him. “I’ve got to handle a few things. Are you okay with staying by yourself?”
Bi-Han had never cared for you to stay in the house all by yourself. At all. Again, also very weird. “Yeah. It’s just a few stitches. I’ll be fine.”
His eyes darted to your stomach. The robe was covering it. Bi-Han undid your robe and pushed it back slightly. You were in your black bra and underwear.
You thought Bi-Han was in the mood and wanted you. But he didn’t. He stared at the big slash on your stomach. Then he placed his hand gently on the scar.
He stared at it for a few moments like he was thinking of something. Then with his other hand he rested his hand on your lower back. He brought you close to him and gave you a kiss.
The kiss was very slow and passionate. You were surprised at how gentle he was being. Like if he had made one wrong move, he’d hurt you.
His lips kissed your cheeks and then down to your neck. He didn’t kiss you in a sexual way though. He did it in a very loving and comforting way. You sighed at the feeling of his lips on your body. It was nice.
He kissed your shoulder then finally looked back in your eyes. “I’ll be back.”
You were standing there still a little shocked. “Okay.”
He gave you one last peck on the lips before grabbing his mask on the counter and leaving the house.
Well today was getting to a weird start.
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Later that day, you were in the house, sweeping the floor in the living room. Even though you were in a lot of pain, you still liked to clean up a bit so the house didn’t look like a mess.
Probably was a bad mistake.
The door opens and closes and you continue sweeping. Bi-Han made it to the kitchen, setting his mask down on the counter before walking in the living room.
When he sees you, he’s enraged. “What are you doing?”
You looked at him a bit confused. You always took care of the house when he was gone. “Sweeping? What’s wrong?”
Bi-Han snatched the broom from you and threw it to the ground. “Go lay down in our bed before you pop your stitches open.”
You gave him a look. You weren’t some damsel in distress. You weren’t weak. You could handle some stitches. “I’m fine. I can do a little sweeping. It’s not going to hurt me.”
Bi-Han took in a very deep breath. In and out. As if he was trying to control his temper. He then pointed to the room and motioned for you to go in. “(Y/N). Do not make me ask you again.”
“Well technically you didn’t ask me in the first place. You told me.” You grumbled under your breath a little and left the living room to go into the bedroom.
You laid down on the bed. You couldn’t understand it. What the hell happened to your very grouchy fiancé? I mean he was still grouchy but it was different.
After a few minutes, Bi-Han came into the room. He sat on the bed and took off his shoes.
Bi-Han then took off his pants, leaving him in his boxers. You watched as he changed into his pajama bottoms and took his shirt off. Then he placed his pajama shirt over himself.
“I’ll cook in an hour.” He told you before climbing into bed.
You didn’t even want to question him about it anymore. “Okay…”
You then started to think. Maybe Bi-Han was being nice to you because he wanted something. The behavior was just a complete 180 and you couldn’t buy into it.
Bi-Han had grabbed his book from the stand and was starting to read.
You sat up a little and went to his side. You kissed his cheek softly. You kept doing this until he had turned his head to kiss you on the lips.
Again, this was not his usual roughness. It was sweet and gentle. Like you were made of glass.
You kissed him more passionately. Bi-Han let the book fall in his lap and cupped your face as he kissed you.
The kiss started to turn more heated. Bi-Han gently laid you on the bed so you were fully on your back. He kissed your neck and sucked on it only a little.
You moaned at the softness of his touch. Your hands immediately started to go to his pajama pants. That’s when Bi-Han stopped you.
He pulled away from kissing your neck and removed your hand from his pants. “You have to rest.”
You didn’t want to rest though. You wanted him. “It’s okay. I’m fine. I want you.”
Bi-Han didn’t seem sure of this but started to open your robe. Then he took your underwear off.
He then got down between your legs and started to eat you out.
You gasped at the feeling of his tongue licking your heated pussy. It wasn’t exactly rare for Bi-Han to want to eat you out but it’s not something he jumped to do.
His tongue circled your clit. Then his lips started to suck on it at a good speed.
Bi-Han made sure to hold your thighs tightly in place so you didn’t move. He continued to suck on your clit, causing you to let out a whine.
He gave it a break and started to lick in circles before slurping up all your juices as they ran down his chin. He would’ve put his head farther in you if he could.
“Bi-Han.” You moaned out. You played with his hair as he ate you out. You pulled on his hair so rough that his hair tie used for his ponytail had come out.
Bi-Han continued to devour you like you were his favorite thing to have. He did it in soft, subtle motions so he could savor you on his tongue.
He lifted his head up from your pussy. Then he hovered over you slightly. He licked his fingers and immediately went to your clit where he began to rub it in circles.
You moaned loudly at the new speed he was going. He made sure to rub in fast and harsh circles.
Bi-Han felt himself grow in his pajamas at the sight of you. You were a mess. Falling apart on his tongue and now on his fingers.
When you tried to reach your hand to touch him, he removed your hand with his free one and continued to play with your clit.
You wondered why he wouldn’t let you touch him and you were going to ask but as soon as you tried to ask a familiar feeling in your stomach started to come onto you.
Bi-Han licked his lips as you scratched at his bicep for some type of release. He knew you were close. “You look so good like this.”
Bi-Han was never really a talker during intimacy so the fact he said something turned you on even more and made you feel closer.
Your fingers dug even more into his arm but Bi-Han did not give up on his pace. “I’m so close. Please.” You begged knowing that any time you came, it was on his command.
“Give me a kiss and I’ll let you.”
That was shocking. Bi-Han never kissed you during intimacy. He leaned down to your lips and you leaned a little up. You lips touched in a slow and passionate kiss.
You whimpered in his mouth. Bi-Han took that to his advantage. He sucked on your bottom lip slowly until it made the ‘pop’ noise when he released. You moaned.
Bi-Han started to kiss and suck on your neck not even thinking about breaking his fast pace he had on your clit. Your fingernails dug deeper but this time you drew blood at the scratching you did.
He didn’t have a reaction to it. None at all. He continued to suck on to your neck sweetly. You knew hickeys were going to be there in the morning.
“Oh, my god. I’m almost there.”
Bi-Han stopped the pressure on your clit. You were about to swear at him but he immediately went between your legs again and started to eat you out once more.
You moaned at him sucking on your clit. You let out a high pitch squeal. He made sure to hold your thighs in place tightly again.
“Oh yes. Bi-Han.”
His tongue licks your pussy up and down before focusing his attention back on your clit. He continued to suck and lick all over it in a face pace motion.
“Oh, Bi-Han. I’m cumming. Yes. Please. Yes.”
Bi-Han ate you out for the entirety of your orgasm. Too much so that after you were done, you were pushing him away because your clit was too sensitive. “No more. No more.”
He didn’t seem like he wanted to get up. He brought his head up from your pussy and looked at you. “Aw, you can’t give me one more?” His fingers went inside of your pussy and started to pump in and out of you. “Are you giving up on me?”
After you came for the first time, Bi-Han never cared to go another round at it. Again, something that was very unlike him.
When Bi-Han saw you running away from his fingers, he chuckled. He took his fingers out of you and licked all over them.
He got off the bed and went inside the bathroom that was connected to the room.
When he came back, he had a hot damp facecloth. He placed it over your head and grabbed the blanket.
Extremely weird. Bi-Han never cared to give you any type of aftercare after sex. It wasn’t like he didn’t care. He just did not understand what it meant to women.
He was going to place the blanket over you but then he saw it again. Your stitches on your stomach.
He bent down to your level and lightly touched them. Careful not to hurt you. You watched him as he stared at them with an unreadable expression.
Bi-Han took your right hand. He kissed your knuckles before standing back up. He placed the blanket over you. “I’m going to go cook dinner.” Then he walked out the room.
You stared when he did so. Everything about today was weird but you didn’t hate it.
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You believed that after you were healed, Bi-Han would be right back to normal. That wasn’t the case. At all.
It had been three weeks. Yes, Bi-Han still was the same man with an attitude like no other but he showed his affection towards you almost everyday. That was something he never did.
The last straw was him doing laundry. He never did the laundry. Never. Ever.
As he folded the clothes and placed them on the bed, you marched in the room, right behind him. “Okay. Tell me what’s up. What happened to you?”
“What are you going on about?” Bi-Han questioned you as he continued to fold the clothes.
“Ever since I got hurt you’ve been cooking, cleaning, being all sweet and now you’re doing laundry. Laundry.”
“You’re mad that I’m being nice?”
“No. I’m not mad. I’m just confused.” You placed your hands on your hips as you looked at him. “Do you find me weak now? Because of how badly Shang Tsung injured me?”
Bi-Han shook his head as if he couldn’t believe you would insinuate that. He still didn’t look at you. He continued to fold the clothes. “You think I would be with a weak woman? You insult me.”
You walked over to Bi-Han. You placed your hand on his arm and forced him to look at you. “What is going on with you? I want answers.”
Bi-Han sighed. He stopped folding the clothes. He didn’t want to look at you. “Why did you save me from Shang Tsung?”
You gave him a look. That’s what this was all about? You took the clothes from his hands and placed them on the bed. “How could you ask me something like that? Because I needed to. Because if I lost you then I’d lose myself. Because I had to. Because I love you.”
The two of you did not throw around the L word lightly. It was only said during precious moments. Bi-Han bit his lip and for the first time, did not have a snarky remark for you.
He still did not raise his head to look you in the eyes. He crossed his arms and stared at his feet. “Why did you say yes?”
You looked at him a bit confused. “Yes to what?”
“When I asked you to marry me. Why did you say yes?”
“I just told you I loved you. What more of a reason do you need?”
There was silence. He tapped his foot on the ground. If a pin dropped then it would be heard. “Did you say yes because you felt like you needed to or because you wanted to?”
Bi-Han wasn’t one to show emotions. You saw the sad look on his face and you couldn’t help but cup both sides of his face with your hands. “Why are you asking me this, Bi-Han?”
He removed your hands from his face and sat on the bed. He still didn’t dare to look at you. Just kept his eyes at the ground. “I know I don’t treat you like how you’re suppose to be treated and I’m sorry. I don’t know why but…something in me hates any type of idea of love. I want it but for some reason I can’t show it.”
You listened to his words carefully. You didn’t interrupt him. You sat down next to him on the bed and he continued to speak. “But then you saved me. You risked your life for me. I almost lost you. I don’t want to go on with my life knowing that…I could treat you better.”
Bi-Han admitting to all of this was honestly a shock to you. Even though Bi-Han could be a little mean sometimes, you knew he meant well. That’s what you grew to love about him.
You placed your hand on his back and rubbed it gently. “Bi-Han, why did you propose to me?” Bi-Han looked at you as if you were stupid and when you saw the look, you gave him a look of your own. “You asked me stupid questions so I’ll ask you stupid questions.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes slightly at you before looking away. “Because you make me happy even when I try to be unhappy. Because you calm me. Because you’re my peace. Because I love you.”
Every time he told you he loved you, you felt butterflies. You grabbed a hold on Bi-Han’s hand and interlocked your fingers together. “Yes, I will admit Bi-Han…I do appreciate the recent attitude change but I don’t want you to lose yourself in taking care of me.” With your other hand, you grabbed a hold of his face so he could look at you. “I need you to take care of yourself too. I need you to care about yourself.”
Bi-Han looked deeply in your eyes like he was falling in love all over again. He cupped the left side of your face with his left hand. “I will.”
You gave him a kiss on the lips. He kissed you back, deepening the kiss. The two of you kissed each other like your life depended on it.
Bi-Han pushed all the clothes off the bed and gently laid you back on the bed before getting on top of you. You giggled. “What about laundry?”
“What laundry?” He questioned you while kissing your neck.
“Take a chill pill frosty the snowman.” You joked. You knew that would irritate him. He immediately stopped kissing you and got up from you. He then started to walk out the room. “Where are you going?” You asked, sitting up a little.
“Away from you.”
You laughed and threw yourself back on the bed.
Yup. He was back.
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
The SafeWord is RadioApple (part 3)
Alastor x Lucifer
part 2 male reader is coming, this was mostly written though so I wanted to get it out; reader referred to with they/them pronouns
Part 1 ꒰აMaleReader✧FemaleReader໒꒱
Part 2 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱
Part 3 ꒰აAlastorxLucifer໒꒱✨NEW✨
Flint and steel 
You made it very clear the two demons had to get along when it came to whatever you three were doing. Which they did! …A great job at pretending to do! They could’ve probably kept it up, until Lucifer tried to humiliate Alastor at a party. Luci says Alastor doesn’t know how to satisfy you? Well Alastor is happy to show him otherwise. Too bad you’re not there….
「Warnings/Promises: DomAlastor x SubLucifer, Reader is not there when it happens, GN reader, choking, hands free ejaculation, anal, bondage?, praise kink, begging, Luci the cocksleeve, Luci the pretty little bird, Alastor tops in every sense, angelic blood kink?, biting, scratching, tentacles briefly penetrate, In every universe Angel appears when he’s not supposed to, Anal Smut sponsored by Ozzie’s Lube; Keep your lust ring happy©」
Minors DNI 👮 ✋
Alastor explained the best he could, that he had wanted to humiliate Lucifer and got a little carried away. In his defence, he had genuinely forgotten he had spoken to Charlie.
“Would I have stayed otherwise?” He asked.
That wasn’t the point.
“I don’t mind your unfounded rivalry. But if you drag this,” you gestured to all three of you, “into it again, we’re gonna have a different conversation.”
His hair bristled. Lucifer opened his mouth, ready to say something mocking, but you cut him off, “That goes for you too. Enough.”
Lucifer pouted, it seemed wholly unfair he be lumped together with Alastor for anything.
Well, not anything. He was finding situations he was quite alright with having Alastor join. 
“Peace. Give me peace. Can you do that? Just dial back this bullshit?”
No. “Of course. I’ll be the perfect gentleman as always.”
Absolutely not. “Not a problem! I literally did nothing wrong, so, haha, super easy.”
“Fair enough, Luci.”
Alastor’s edges sharpened. Nothing? He’d been canoodling you in every public space the hotel had. 
His body relaxed again. Ah, he understood. Alastor was, to his distress, bothered watching Lucifer make public displays of affection with you. It sent out a message to others that Alastor was being undermined in an established relationship since one knew the details, or that perhaps things had ended already and no one had been informed. That was how it could be interpreted. If direct attacks were not acceptable, then he’d just have to make a louder message. 
Alastor’s smile unnerved you. You knew well enough to read his subtle changes in facial expression.
But even with your skill in knowing Alastor better than most, you hadn’t noticed the change in him immediately. It was small at first. A hand on your hip when you were standing side by side. Quite nice.
Pressing into the side of you when sitting on the sofa. Lovely.
A kiss good morning in front of the others. You’d woken up in the same bed, already said good morning. Okay… strange. But appreciated.
Pulling you into his lap in the lobby. “Alastor. An innocent look if he ever could make one. “What’s going on?”
He shrugged, “What ever do you mean?” His smile widened.
How could you complain?
“You’re unusually physical.”
Hands rubbed at your hips, making you nearly jump from his lap, “You don’t like it?”
He knew very well you liked it. He could tell by how much hungrier you were becoming at night. Lucifer now a nearly daily interloper, helping Alastor unravel you under the canopy of his bed.
And it was true. Suddenly having both men showering you in physical affection was creating a new problem entirely.
Alastor’s mouth on your mouth, fingers on your body. Lucifer’s hips snapping against yours, claws gently scratching down your back. You fell asleep satiated and woke up hungry. 
What you didn’t see, brain fogged with the stimulation, was how both men glared at each over of your body.
How when you entered a room they were in, Alastor would use his shadows to reach you before Lucifer could. No, you didn’t notice how suddenly Lucifer was always flagging you down and pulling you away from Alastor to discuss hotel topics. 
You were quite impressed, a week of peaceful days and lustful nights, not a jab or barb to be seen. 
For you, that is. Alastor would spin his mic too quickly, knocking off Lucifer’s hat. At least once his shadow tendrils outright tripped the king of hell as he descended the stairs. Luckily no one of importance was around to witness the brief and only mildly destructive battle that followed. 
Not that Lucifer was an innocent party in any of it. He dropped the lobby chandelier on Alastor. Charlie is convinced there's something wrong with the bolts anchoring it to the ceiling now. 
When he saw Alastor was just behind him to enter a room, he opened his wings, knocking Alastor backward.
Their favorite form of competition though remained you. Who could illicit the deepest moans? Who made your eyes roll back the most? 
Something imperceptible to them, that you were well aware of, was how every night they inched closer and closer. While before you had an expanse of bed to explore between the two, by the end of the week you could barely roll over without brushing against one of them. 
You felt quite accomplished. No brawls (that you witnessed), no overly cruel comments (within your earshot), no power plays (that you could perceive). 
You said as much to them, everyone gathered in the common area around the bar in celebration of the 100th guest to move in. A modest party, most residents weary of being caught in the crosshairs of Alastor’s and Lucifer’s bickering. 
“A toast. To… common ground?” You smirked, happily the thing shared between the two.
“To shared interests.” Alastor offered.
Lucifer, rarely one to drink, eagerly rose his drink, “To my Kitten!”
Alastor’s glass shattered in his fist. “Oops. Husk?” 
It should have been an omen to you. But you laughed it off, a little broken glass wasn’t so bad considering the alternative; them choking each other out on the bedroom floor.
Perhaps the week's events had you too relaxed, quickly finding yourself drunker than you could recall in recent memory. You weren’t alone though. Lucifer’s tongue felt numb in his mouth, the effects of three apple martinis. And while Alastor was a little past tipsy, it was hard to tell with him. He was managing to keep his composure for the sake of one upping Lucifer. 
Angel approached both men, “I don’t know which one of yous is the top in this fucked triangle but y’all okay with me takin’ them to their room? They are wasted.”
Alastor opened his mouth, but Lucifer spoke quicker, “Not at all! Thank you Angie.” 
Alastor’s head whipped around to face Lucifer, “You really love the sound of your own voice, don’t you?”
“Ha! Said the man who broadcasts his across the Pride Ring. Not that anyone listens to that trash.” Lucifer inspected his fingernails, pretending to not care.
“Very funny coming from you. The tacky circus master who can’t even keep hell safe.” A tinge of static broke through. 
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed.
The sound of stations flipping through an AM radio frequency, Alastor’s annoyance clicking through his speech, “Now that I think about it, you can’t keep much of anything at all. Where is your estranged wife, anyway?” 
Horns materialized, breath fiery, “You wanna talk about relationships? You needed to tap me in to satisfy your woman.”
All anyone saw was Alastor grab the lapels of Lucifer’s jacket and yank them half way down his arms before both men descended into a pool of shadow that then disappeared entirely.
Lucifer stumbled back from Alastor, struggling to free his arms in the makeshift restraints Alastor had made. His jacket was folded down to his elbows, too tight to roll off and too far down to slip back up. “Just admit it. She needed me because you can’t meet her needs. Your relationship is incomplete without me!”
Alastor’s hands were on his neck before Lucifer could react. Squeezing, Lucifer gasped, eyes immediately losing focus. 
His tail wound onto Alastor’s thigh, spade tip tapping twice.
Like a dog trained to a dinner bell, Alastor instinctually loosened his grip, his face not hiding his dismay. Lucifer moaned at the lighter pressure.
No, it wasn’t supposed to end up like this. He had other plans for how to dominate over Lucifer.
Shadow tendrils burst from the floor and tossed Lucifer to the bed, arms still trapped on either side of his chest.
“It seems you need some correcting on how well I can satisfy. Quality over quantity, my liege.” He loosened his bowtie. “And a reminder on who pulls the strings. You were allowed into my bed by me.” His hands came to Lucifer’s hips pulling him up onto his lap, back still on the bed as his bottom settled onto Alastor’s crotch. “You were allowed to enjoy my darling’s company by me.” Alastor leaned forward to hover over Lucifer.
The king of hell was flush from a combination of alcohol and shock, eyes glossy and big. His chest heaved slightly with every breath, mouth hanging open. Alastor brought a hand back to his neck, “Everything you cherish with your kitten was granted to you by me.” His hand began to squeeze, Lucifer’s tail returning to twirl around his thigh.
And there it was. Perhaps the most delicious sight Lucifer could offer Alastor; absolute surrender. Eyes closed, Lucifer fought the urge to roll against Alastor with his hips. 
Yes, he hated the radio demon. But, well, hate was so close to passion. And passion could be enthralling. Lucifer had never been choked in a setting that wasn’t literal danger. He imagined for a moment how you felt, how you looked at him when Alastor fucked you while gripping your neck. It looked like it felt good. He wanted to feel it, too. 
But he couldn’t possibly ask. Alastor would laugh and say no. Lucifer wasn’t sure his pride could survive that. 
Alastor had been trying to find ways to soften his approach to Lucifer, knowing very well that if he could endear himself to the devil like he had Charlie he could increase his influence seven fold.
This wasn’t quite what he had in mind. He wasn’t sure what possessed him to toss him to the bed, it was a strange reaction to Lucifer’s insolence and moan. How many had heard the great corruptor moan like a bitch? How many had pinned him down beneath them? His cock was twitching to life in his lap as he stared down at Lucifer.
It was not what he had planned, but it could be just as effective. More so, even. 
Lucifer stared at the back of his eyelids. Alastor stared at Lucifer. Both men made a silent decision.
Alastor’s hand tightened a little more, Lucifer grinding his ass against the other. Replying in kind, the radio demon leaned further over Lucifer, folding the smaller man in half as he ground down into him. 
Lucifer didn’t attempt to stifle his moan, hands flexing where they were stuck, wishing desperately to hold onto Alastor’s arm that was gently increasing pressure still.
Every roll of his hips made Alastor’s breath hitch, the reality of who he was going to fuck into his mattress catching a fire in his veins. 
 Tap tap went his spade tipped tail on the inside of Alastor’s thigh. 
“Open your eyes, your majesty.” Alastor leaned down, nose touching nose.
Lucifer opened one eye first, then the other. His pupils were blown. Alastor pressed his erection down against Luci’s own, making the other man clench his teeth.
“Were you listening?” He asked Luci.
A grin, “No.”
Alastor growled, hands both going to Lucifer’s pants, pulling them and the ducky boxers down to his shoes before peeling everything off and letting them fall to the floor. 
Luci’s cock slapped up against his stomach, leaking already. He glared, hearing the radio demon laugh. 
“You were listening a little, I think.” His hand touched the sticky clear liquid, a strand following his finger as he pulled it back. 
“Are you going to take off my jacket?” Luci wiggled.
“Hmm, no.” 
He threw his head back, blonde hair losing its usual coiffed shape. 
Alastor slotted himself again between Luci’s thighs and began to unbutton the other man’s shirt. “There’s been something on my mind for awhile now.” He said, opening the shirt and revealing his pale chest. “Do you still taste like an angel?” His teeth sank into the shoulder muscle, Luci’s knees coming up and wrapping around his waist. 
Dizzying, the rush of pure angelic blood into his mouth made Alastor weak. Golden liquid, sweet as honey and aromatic like fresh sage, dripped down Luci’s skin. The pain was light, Luci’s body thrusting into the empty space between their bodies. 
“Touch me,” Luci meant to make it a command but it came out more of a plea. 
He briefly considered saying no again, but let his hand wrap around Lucifer’s cock. He didn’t move though, instead letting Luci thrust in and out of his fist.
Alastor was aware how vocal Lucifer was, but he was a little surprised the normally difficult man didn’t even try to hide how good Alastor was making him feel. 
Luci was sighing, body unable to stop itself from pushing up and into the warm hand he had been offered. The tongue lapping at his shoulder, Alastor hungry for him, was making him glow. He always enjoyed feeling wanted, being praised, and no praise was better than seeing Alastor’s demonic deer antlers grow above him.
Another bite, higher up now on his neck. Before, just working his shaft inside Alastor’s hand, he now was dragging the head of his dick inside of the grip. Sticky and wet, Alastor’s fingers providing ridges that bumped over his erection.
His own fingers were gripping the blankets, unable to do much else. 
With a snap and a small puff of smoke, Lucifer took to the task of preparing himself for Alastor with a small bottle of lubricant. Freshly lubed fingers shifting under his body and stretching down to reach his hole. His thrusting slowed, focus now on prodding gently into himself. The other demon hadn’t noticed, attention devoted to lapping up every errand drop of blood.
With his arms restrained he couldn’t reach well, only a knuckle of his middle finger making any headway.
“I can’t reach.” He whined. Alastor perked up, looking at his face and then down between his legs.
“Ah,” he stared, Lucifer’s finger pathetically entering himself an inch or so. “When did you get lube?” Luci didn’t reply. “Hand it here.”
Lucifer looked a little surprised, which insulted Alastor. “I’m not a monster. I fully intended to prepare you.”
When all Luci did was squint, Alastor shrugged, leaning back over and licking at the dripping blood. He felt Luci’s body jump, one of his summoned tentacles now pressing cautiously into him. 
Lucifer helped along the stretching, fingers rubbing the thick lube along the tendril as it pushed in an inch and pulled back a half, in two inches, back one. 
This was progressing much better now. Luci’s hands relaxed back at his sides, eyes closing as he tried to let his muscles go slack. Deep breath in, deeper breath out.
Alastor listened and felt the smaller of the two funnelling all of his energy into easing his hole open. 
“All this effort for little ole me?” He nipped Luci’s skin, no blood, just for fun.
Lucifer hissed, “This has literally nothing to do with you.”
“Funny, feels like it does.” He tightened his hand around Luci’s jumping cock.
“It’s the alcohol.” A blush he could feel radiating off his face spread from ear to ear. His mind kept flashing back to you. Would Alastor make him moan his name like you did? A prayer into the sheets? A twitch. Alastor’s body always seemed to know exactly where to go on yours. With a little practice, could he be brought to pleasured tears too? Luci moaned into Alastor’s shoulder. 
“More,” this time it was a command, and one Aastor was happy to oblige, living shadow pushing deeper into Luci’s body. A groan, long and loud. The burning stretch made his dick weep into Alastor’s hand and onto his stomach. 
Was it enough? Ozzie’s advice echoed in his head, “Better to prepare than tear!” a slogan his branded lubricant proudly declared. 
His hips began moving again, every thrust up into Alastor’s hand met with a down thrust onto the tendril. Alastor’s hot breath over his neck, clawed hand on his member, tendrils deep in his ass. He felt like he was being swallowed whole by the deer demon, and it felt heavenly. Did heaven know such sensations? How could he suggest Alastor has the 8th sin?
Alastor was patient, uncharacteristically some would say, sighing into Luci’s skin as his angelic blood moistened his chin and lips. Why hadn’t he thought of this before? He had been within biting distance for weeks now. If he had done this while they were mingling around and in you, it could have been seen as a part of the sex. He lowered, pulling Luci’s vest and shirt open wider so he could sink his teeth just above his nipple. Luci gasped, another moan following it.
The tail around his leg tightened, slithering up to his still clothed erection.
“Were you going to get naked or just fuck me through your pants?” Luci felt he was ready, hole soft and pliant. 
A hum into his chest, “Was that an option?” 
“Fuck you.”
“That is the topic of discussion, sire.”
Luci whined, eyes rolling side to side, “Hurry up before I change my mind.”
Alastor laughed, “You’re full of jokes tonight. Actually funny ones for once, too.” With the speed of a man with nowhere to be, Alastor leaned up and settled onto his legs. Belt undone and pulled off. Button, zipper, he sat up to drop his pants and underwear. Luci craned his neck up trying to watch, face still pink.
His hand came out and motioned to Luci to hand it to him. The small bottle of lube rolled from Luci’s fingers and down to Alastor’s knee.
Alastor poured a generous amount onto his manhood, hand pumping it along his shaft and reddening head. Luci’s heart was pounding, arms tugging at the jacket that kept him bound. He considered going full demon and ripping the jacket to pieces. 
But then his eyes darted down, feeling pressure and heat as Alastor was lining himself up.
Alastor met Luci’s eyes, an unspoken, ‘ready?’
“Go ahead, Allie.”
With no cup to shatter, Alastor’s hands pulled Luci’s legs up and open by the ankles and snapped his hips with one motion into the devil’s slick ass.
Luci yelped, eyes watering. “Asshole!” He cried.
“Much better.” Alastor pulled out nearly entirely before thrusting back in. His eyes clenched, even with the prep he found Lucifer to be nearly painfully tight and insufferably hot. He stopped moving for a second, trying to let Lucifer adjust.
Luci was pouting, fingers wiggling. “Release my arms.”
He tried to kick Alastor, but the grip on his ankles was too firm. Alastor began to move again, dragging himself out to the head and then thrusting back in. A different sensation than he was used to, but not a new one. 
Lucifer was whining, every thrust back making the king of hell release a pitiful noise. Alastor looked down to the tail on his thigh before picking up his pace. 
He dropped Luci’s legs, hands taking his thighs.
“Slower.” Luci groaned, “Slow down.” Alastor stopped, staring at Lucifer. He brought his foot up and pressed it under Alastor’s chin, “I didn’t say stop.”
Alastor rolled his hips forward, so slow and so slight Lucifer’s own hips began to thrust back onto him. 
“Just do it right for fuck’s sake” Luci was getting annoyed. He wanted to be fucked, not fucked with. Could the two not be separated from each other? 
“You’ve forgotten your manners,” Alastor felt the pull of his body to move, to thrust, to feel that cycle of pleasure let him relax into a simpler mental space. But, well, where was the fun in just chasing physical pleasure? He had the king of hell whimpering in front of him. In that exact moment, he was at the top of the food chain in hell. He wasn’t ready to tumble off that precarious point just yet.
Luci bit his lip, blood dripping down his chin, “Please.”
Alastor bent down to lick the liquid gold from his king’s neck and followed the trail up to Lucifer’s mouth, “Please what?” Taking the opportunity, Lucifer captured Alastor’s mouth with his. At first, Alastor stilled. Sex was one thing, but kissing was an entirely different beast.
But then the blood found it’s way into his mouth, and he pushed his tongue against Luci’s. A fight for dominance like always, both men seeking to feel more than the other. Luci clenched, making himself whine into Alastor. Legs lifting up to wrap around Alastor’s waist, Luci used the other man as an anchor to pull himself on and off Alastor’s too gentle cock. If his arms were free, he’d grip those tall and expressive ears on Alastor’s head.
He found a pace that suited him, refusing to beg. 
How was Lucifer still managing to take control? Even bound and receiving, he was the one in charge. Alastor had to tear his body from the sweet taste of Luci’s kiss and reclaim the lead, cock more deeply entering Luci now.
Luci didn’t need deep, he just needed to feel that pressure and pull at his still tight ring of muscle, g-spot not far past his entrance. He knew exactly what he needed and felt allowing Alastor to do anything else was just a waste of time.
But you never seemed to fight or argue. You just relaxed under Alastor. If you were there, you’d stroke Luci’s hair and tell him how pretty he looked on his back.
He decided to stop trying to get the best of Alastor, and let Alastor show him exactly what he promised; how well he could satisfy.
Legs hooked, Luci let his body be rocked on the bed with Alastor’s direction. It’d been so long since he felt so full. 
Alastor felt Lucifer relax, soften. He heard his breath start to become heavy and loud. Looking between them, he watched the other’s dick grow harder still. 
“Good boy,” he offered. Luci whimpered, twitching around Alastor. Oh, of course. A praise kink. Alastor managed to stop the laugh bubbling in his chest, willing to meet Luci somewhat halfway. 
Could he praise the man he was hoping to choke to death not that long ago?
A test, dipping his toes into the water. “You look divine with your legs open, your majesty.” 
Luci moaned, erection hopping up.
“And you sound delicious,” Alastor let a hand run down Luci’s chest, small beads of yellow blood forming in the wake of his claws. A hiss, Lucifer’s stomach muscles tightened from the combination of sweet words and painful scratch.
 Alastor began to pick up his pace, resting his weight on his hands at either side of Luci’s head to angle himself. He adjusted his hips slightly until Lucifer jumped, eyes rolling back.
Mounting pleasure brought sweat to Luci’s brow, his sounds becoming harsher, raspier. “I’m close, I need your hand.”
Alastor tutted, “You don’t need anything.”
Tears streaked Luci’s cheek, “Are you fucking serious? Do you- ungh,” a moan, a swear, “Fuck. I’ll beg.”
The deer demon, tall and imposing over Lucifer, wanted nothing more than to make the King beg. “No begging yet. You don’t need anything else to orgasm than what I’m giving you now”
A slight panic, Luci crying at what he was sure was just another act of cruelty. But as Alastor moved in him, swollen head rutting against his prostate, he felt his orgasm building to an unstoppable place. Alastor was mindful, only entering enough to keep Luci going.
Claws gripped the blankets, Luci’s hips instinctively thrusting into the air, he fought the urge to hold his breath. “Say it,” fast and low.
Alastor cocked his head, not sure what Luci was asking for. A deep blush took over the entirety of his pale face, “Tell me I can— nngh,” 
“Ah,” Alastor giggled, “Cum, Lucifer.”
Alastor slowed his hips, a moan escaping as Luci’s balls and asshole tightened and trembled.
Luci came over his stomach and chest, waves of pleasure racking his body. 
It was a sight Alastor was admiring; sweaty and bloody and shaking. It looked like Lucifer was melting. His smile widened, eyes darkening as he picked up his thrusts.
“W-wait,” Lucifer’s legs tightened around Alastor.
Alastor dropped to his elbows, chasing his own high now. Eyes open and flitting around the image beneath him. Flush cheeks, sweaty skin, Lucifer was panting and moaning. No double tap yet.
“You sound like a bitch in heat, your majesty.”
Lucifer’s face screwed up, body overstimulated and sensitive.
“Now, you can beg.” Alastor sat back up, pulling Lucifer’s ass into his lap and thrusting up, dick buried to the hilt as he let Luci’s soft walls massage at his member.
Luci’s hands tensed, looking up his body to where they both connected, Alastor’s cock bulging his lower stomach, “For what?”
“For me.”
Alastor’s face was covered by shadow, eyes glowing red down at Lucifer. Tears still drying, eyes watery, Lucifer shook, “Please,” he felt embarrassed, somehow even more naked than nude. Alastor was still nearly fully dressed, a fact Luci’s mind was just registering. “Please cum, Alastor.”
His head fell forward, eyes wide and smile shaking. The King of Hell, the greatest of the sins, was begging for Alastor to dirty him. Alastor had done it, euphoria flooded his brain. His nails cut into the soft flesh of Luci’s ass as he pounded into the smaller demon.
Lucifer was gasping and grunting, softening cock rolling around in his own seed. He just wanted Alastor to cum and let his body rest, “Cum already, please cum inside me. Please, Plea—,” Luci was being used as a toy, just a cock sleeve for Alastor and he liked it.
He felt Alastor’s cock grow inside him before his hips slammed into him once, twice, three times then bury himself as deeply as he could. Luci felt the warmth spreading in spurts, Alastor still rocking slightly without withdrawing any. He couldn’t see the other demon’s face, red and black hair shrouding the expression Luci so desperately wanted to watch.
Lucifer’s body went limp, Alastor pulling out already half soft and sitting back on his legs. 
Pitiful. Soft and leaking, if Lucifer was a king Alastor felt like a God.
Finally, Alastor felt like he’d bested Lucifer, truly topping the most powerful demon in his own domain.
Meanwhile, Lucifer didn’t care. He felt closer to you, feeling Alastor’s cum drip out was a shared experience. He wanted to see you, to nuzzle into your neck. The only way to enhance his afterglow was to have it reflected off your smile. 
Alastor was undoing his shirt when the door creaked open. 
“So did you get the venom out of your system or…?” You slurred, “My bed is too empty. Can’t sleep.” 
Alastor’s head near snapped with how quickly he turned, Luci propping up on his elbows and leaning around Alastor to stare wide eyed.
Alastor considered launching himself directly into the sun. Lucifer wondered if he opened his wings fast enough if he could launch Alastor directly into the sun.
“They uh—- tried to cuddle but I didn’t wanna die so I brought them here… maybe— maybe a worse idea.” Angel was slowly closing the door. “You should really lock these doors.”
Unholy fire singed Angels face before shadows slammed the door shut with such forced the walls shook.
You curled up beside Lucifer, nuzzling into his neck, “Pretty baby Luci. You’re like a fancy little bird.” In your foggy state of consciousness, you were immensely proud of how the two had taken your request so seriously. 
Alastor’s hand came to cover his face, watching through his fingers as Lucifer looked lovingly at you, who was already half asleep.
“Under the covers, dear,” he gestured at you, “You, shower.”
Lucifer nodded and began wiggling down the bed so he could stand, you rolled until you hit pillows. You both in unison sighing, “Clean sheets.”
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list):
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @wettiny-in-smutland , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @coffee-colored-hopeless-romantic , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum ,
@ivebeenthearchersstuffn, @rubyninja1 , @simphornies , @alleystore , @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , @ive-no-idea-what-to-call-this , @fizzled-phoenix , @fjorjestertealeaf , @phobophobular , @surusurusuru , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @simplyonehellofanotaku , @xixflower , @i-am-nonbinary-bean-deal-with-it , @roxxie-wolf , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 , @watereddownmilk , @raynerrold , @crazii-saber-wolf , @valkyrie-expeditions , @bontensbabygirl , @sillyb0nez , @oo0lady-mad0oo , @jazzmasternot , @pseudobun , @fraugwinska✨, @alitaar , @straows , @alastorssimp , @angelicwillows
🏹Alastor stalkers: @celestial-vomit , @amurtan ,@valkyrie-expeditions
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mockerycrow · 7 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a one shot with gn!reader who gets hurt in a mission trying to save Ghost and as he feels bad for it, so he gets reader a small plushie (kinda like those for the key chain) and when reader wakes up doesn't know it was ghost how gave it to them
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KEYCHAIN (Ghost x GN!Reader)
ghost masterlist — 1.3k words
authors note; it’s your local author criticizing their writing non stop again!!!!!! i feel like i could’ve written this better idk i’m sorry, anon! i wrote this whilst focusing on other projects </3
[WARNINGS; violence, descriptions of stabbing and choking, gore, hospital settings, fluff at the end.]
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Ghost did not expect you to do what you did. Someone somehow managed to get the jump on Ghost from behind, wrapping their arms around the man’s neck with a knife in their hand. It was right in the middle of Ghost claiming he cleared a building; in his defense, he had cleared the entire building of every hostile for the exception of one. You heard him grunt and choke before going radio silent, you decided that you were on your way to his location the second something sounded wrong.
Ghost gasps for air and reaches for a knife of his own, trying to stomp his foot down on the man’s foot, but the man grunts and laughs when Ghost discovers he’s wearing steel-toed shoes. Ghost struggles against the man, his head beginning to swim—when is the last time he’s been overpowered like this?—and Ghost manages to grab one of his knives, taking it out of the sheath—
Ghost’s vision goes white for a moment when he feels the man’s blade sink into his abdomen, the man shushing him in his ear. “It’ll be over soon, big boy.” The man hisses, carelessly ripping the knife out of Ghost’s gut, making his legs buckle. Ghost must have blacked out for a moment because the next time his vision and hearing work, he’s on the ground in immense pain, witnessing a figure fighting off the strong, armored man. Ghost hears someone cry out—is that you??—but his vision won’t focus just yet.
His ears are ringing as he puts a forearm against the ground, a groan leaving Ghost as his other hand goes to his gut, and he winces as he applies pressure to his stab wound, hot thick blood trickling between his fingers and onto the ground. Ghost’s throat aches terribly, so he clears it as his vision finally focuses and it’s you fighting off a man that’s bigger than him. His eyes widen as he shouts your name, his voice hoarse and broken, laced with panic.
There’s blood staining your uniform as Ghost lets go of his stab wound, and he groans loudly as he leans down and grabs his handgun out of his ankle holster. Ghost inhales through his teeth and he shakily aims his handgun, and holds his breath to steady his aim, and he pulls the trigger.
The bullet ripples through the air and rips through the man’s temple, causing him to stumble for a second before crumpling to the ground like a ragdoll. Unfortunately, you follow suit, a loud pained gasp leaving you as you land on your side. Ghost holsters his handgun and he calls your name again, fighting through the pain to quickly crawl over to you, blood trailing him. “Oi, oi—“ Ghost hisses, grabbing your shoulder and forcing you to roll onto your back.
There’s blood caking your uniform so horribly he doesn’t know where your wounds begin. It’s smeared against your neck and face, your eyelids fluttering from the pain. Your lips part and shut multiple times as your mind tries to comprehend what just happened. Ghost calls your name, a loud noise of pain leaving him, one hand pressing against his own wound whilst the other grabs your jaw to keep your head still.
Ghost hears Price shout your name through comms in an angry and panicked tone. “Ghost?? Fuckin’ hell, someone come in!” Ghost pants before he begins to tear the velcro straps off of your vest as he needs to know where you got hurt. He moves his hand off of his own stab wound—he is a bit lightheaded—and he presses down on his radio. “Ghost to Price, we’re both injured. One SW for me, I’m not sure how many for them.” Ghost croaks into the radio, trying to multitask.
“Bloody—where are you two?” Price demands through the radio, sounding a bit breathless. Ghost inhales sharply as he leans over, his body bending the wrong way as he grabs the front of your vent and he grunts loudly as he drags it off of you with one hand. He’s lost a bit of strength with the blood he’s lost. You gasp and grab for Ghost’s wrist as he begins to press down on one of your multiple stab wounds near your vital organs. “Building two, third floor.” Ghost responds with a strained voice. He notices your head rolling back, and you barely hear Ghost yelling.
Don’t let this be the end.
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You ended up passing out from pain and blood loss, despite Ghost’s best efforts of keeping you awake. You slowly awakened in a plush setting, slight pain humming through your veins, your throat dry and aching. You twitch, your muscles heavy from not being used for a bit. You hear a monitor or two, which gives you an indication you’re in the hospital. Your eyelids fluttered open and luckily, the overhead light in your hospital room was not on. The curtains were drawn open, and the light streamed into the room.
You glanced around, seeing Soap with his journal in his hand, sketching something. It gives you a warm feeling in your gut and you glance over to your other side, seeing Gaz sitting there, holding.. your keys with a little fuzzy thing?
“What’s that?” You croak, causing both Gaz and Soap’s heads to snap to look at you. “Aye, look who’s awake!” Soap exclaims, grinning. He closes his journal and puts it on the ground next to his chair before he grabs a foam cup. Soap brings it to your lips, and you realize it’s water so you greedily gulp it down, the water soothing your throat. Gaz lets out a breath before he scoots closer, the crease in his eyebrows finally relaxing. “It’s nice to see you awake.” Gaz murmurs with a soft smile of his own.
Soap pulls away the cup and sets it back down. “How long was I out?” You question. “What even happened? It’s in sections for me..”
Soap and Gaz share a look before Gaz fiddles with the fuzzy thing in his fingers, your keys clinking around. “You saved Ghost. He was being overpowered and you found him, but uh..” Gaz winces a bit, causing your eyebrows to furrow as bits and pieces begin to flood back to memory. “—But you got injured yourself. Luckily lil’ ol’ LT got off with one stab wound. You? Ya got off with six.”
You blink for a moment. “Oh.” You utter, taking a moment to process that. “You had to have surgery which is why your throat aches so much, the tube.” Gaz explains, putting your keys and the fuzzy thing in your lap. “They said everything should heal normally, but you'll be out of commission for a while.”
You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding and you nod, your hand reaching out and grabbing your keys. “And Ghost?” You ask, your tone tight, expecting the worst. “He’s alright,” Soap assures, causing you to look at him now with a look of relief. “He just left a bit ago to get some rest, since he can’t stay and lay hunched over.” Gaz chuckles and you can’t help the smile that appears on your face. You finally look down at the fuzzy thing attached to your keys; it’s a little keychain plushie of a black and white cat. You let out a soft “aww” before looking at Gaz, and then Soap. “Who gave me this?” You ask.
Soap and Gaz share a knowing look—a glance you can’t quite yet decipher—before they shrug and mutter stuff like “i don’t know..” and “no idea” when in fact they watched Ghost, in a wheelchair, wheel himself into the room and grunt for your keys. Soap had wordlessly handed them to the man, and they watched him put on the kitty keychain and made them promise to not tell them he gave it to you.
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writingwithciara · 5 months
18 (Part 2) ~Matt Sturniolo~
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summary: back in la, things start heading south for y/n & matt while a little bit of jealousy drives y/n into the arms of chris
word count: 10.4k (longest thing i've ever written. holy)
pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader, brief chris sturniolo x fem!reader
notes: i wasn’t sure i wanted to write another part of ‘18’ but i had an idea the other night and had to write it. wasn't aware it was going to fit with ‘18’ but i’m happy it did. insecurity, jealousy & swearing throughout. toxic matt & sweet chris. a few suggestive moments & allusions to sexual content, smut at the end. enjoy!
part 1 !
as soon as y/n and matt walked through the door to the triplets house 3 days later, chris was attacking them with questions. matt ignored every single one of them and went straight to his room. chris looked at y/n hoping she had an answer but all she did was shrug.
“he was like that the entire plane ride. don't know what’s wrong with him.” she sighed and sat down on the couch. chris took the seat next to her and resumed the tv show he had been watching.
“he’s normally moody. wouldn't worry too much about him. he’ll snap out of it eventually.” chris took a moment to look at his friend. “did anything happen in miami that could’ve caused this mood?”
“not that i can remember. everything was great while we were there. and even after we kissed, everything seemed to be perfect between us.” y/n shook her head.
“you guys actually kissed?!?” chris nearly yelled, pausing his show and giving her his full attention. “i knew it. nick owes me 10 bucks.”
“chris, now is not the time to be thinking about that.” y/n sighed. “what if matt only said all those sweet things and kissed me because it was christmas? what if he only did it because my dad had just proposed to crystal and he was caught up in the moment?”
“y/n, i’m sure that’s not why he kissed you.” chris looked up at her with sad eyes. “he’s just being stupid right now. it will definitely blow over.”
“i hope you’re right because valentine’s day is coming up soon and i was hoping that matt and i would be doing something that day. something romantic.”
“if he doesn’t snap out of his mattitude soon, if worst comes to worst, i’ll be your matt replacement for the evening.”
“i appreciate the offer, chris. thank you.” y/n let out a small chuckle and looked at the tv.
“anytime.” he looked at his phone quickly before turning his show off. “it’s getting late and i'm heading to bed. nick is gone for the night so you can sleep in his room if you want. but you are more than welcome to come crash in my room if you don’t feel like being alone tonight.”
“okay.” y/n grabbed her phone and followed chris downstairs to his room. chris sat in his chair and faced the bed.
“if you want, we can play some fortnite or something. shooting things might help take your mind off of matt for a while.” chris picked up his controller. “you up for it?”
“sure. why not?” y/n pulled his extra chair over and looked at the screen. “i wish matt was as easy to read as you or nick.”
“what do you mean?” chris opened the game and looked at y/n. “you think that i’m easy to read?”
“well, easier than matt. i can mostly tell what you’re thinking at any given moment.”
“okay. what am i thinking of right now?”
“you’re thinking that i'm a better fortnite player than you, obviously.” y/n smiled.
“wow. lucky guess.” chris rolled his eyes playfully and started a match. as they took turns playing, y/n’s worries about matt began to fade. she focused on taking out as many opponents as she could while chris watched in amazement. after a few hours of playing, chris pointed out it was nearly 4 am. “we should probably get some sleep. that jet lag should be hitting you soon.”
“you’re right.” y/n stood up and took her spot on the left side of chris’ bed. he quickly joined her on the right side and plugged both of their phones into the chargers.
“see you in a few hours, y/n.” chris yawned and quickly passed out after. y/n stayed awake for another half hour before she dozed off herself.
around 7 am, matt was in the kitchen getting some water when he nearly tripped over y/n’s suitcase. he thought she had gone home but realized how late they got back to la and went to check nick’s room for her. when she wasn’t in his bed, he began to panic. then he remembered that y/n and chris liked to play fortnite together. so he ventured down to chris’ bedroom and opened the door as quietly as he could.
chris' arm was placed delicately across y/n’s waist and she was snuggled up close to him, essentially being the little spoon to chris’ big spoon. matt swore he could feel his heart break at the sight. he slowly closed the door and headed back to his room, his thoughts taking over and keeping him from going back to sleep.
a few hours later, y/n stretched and looked behind her. at some point in the night, she and chris had moved into a cuddling position and although it wasn’t a rare thing, she felt guilty. part of her knew that if matt had seen them, he would be heartbroken and she couldn’t deal with that. she felt chris’ arm move slowly as he began to wake up. y/n turned to face him and smiled.
“good morning.” he returned the smile and removed his arm from her waist completely. “sleep alright?”
“yeah.” she sat up and pulled the sleeves of her shirt down to cover her hands. “i still feel a bit upset about the whole matt thing though. he keeps running through my mind and i hate that.”
“don’t waste all your energy trying to solve the mystery that is matthew sturniolo.” chris sat up and looked at y/n. “he’s my brother and i still haven’t quite figured it out yet.”
“i suppose you’re right.” y/n moved herself off the bed and grabbed her phone. “i should head back to my apartment soon and unpack. i'll stop by later though, okay?”
“yeah. alright.” chris grabbed a shirt and followed her out of his room. “um, do you want a ride home?”
“well seeing how you can’t drive and the only other person in the house who can is matt, i think i’ll pass.”
“i can ask matt & if you think it’s going to be awkward, i can come with you guys.”
“it’s fine, chris. i only live a few blocks away. i've made the walk before.”
“yeah but you never had to do it with a large, heavy suitcase.” chris pleaded with her and when she sighed, he knew she was about to give in.
“i hate when you’re right.” y/n went to lift her suitcase but almost fell over. “i really hate it.”
matt wasn’t as willing to drive her home as chris was hoping but he did it anyway just so he would have time to think without her around.
when y/n walked into her apartment, the first thing she did was facetime nick. his bright smiling face appeared and even though he reminded her of matt, y/n couldn’t help but smile back.
“hey. you back in la?”
“yeah. we got back last night and i crashed at your place. i was really sad you weren’t there.” y/n sighed and looked around her apartment.
“i know. but I’ll make it up to you later when you come back over.” he paused for a second after taking in her expression. it was pensive. “you are coming back over, aren’t you?”
“i don’t know, nick. things have been really weird between me and matt since we got on the plane.” y/n sighed. “i did promise chris that i would come back later.”
“then it’s settled. and if things seem awkward with matt, chris and i will act as buffers.”
“i love you, nick.” y/n smiled at her best friend. he didn’t even have to ask what happened or why it was all of a sudden awkward. he believed her wholeheartedly, without question.
“i love you too.” he offered her a kind smile. “so i’ll see you later?”
“yeah. about an hour or two. still gotta have a shower and unpack.” y/n glanced over at her suitcase and sighed. the memories of the trip filling every vacant part of her brain. “talk to you later, nick.”
“can’t wait.” nick smiled and hung up. y/n set her phone on the coffee table and headed to the bathroom. while the warm water washed over her, she thought back to the last day of the trip
matt and y/n were sitting with brooke and jackson on the lounge chairs around the pool. matt’s hand rested gently on y/n’s thigh as he talked to jackson. brooke was on the other side of y/n and she was observing everything matt did to show affection to y/n. she gently nudged her cousins shoulder and pulled her attention away from matt.
“what’s up, brooke?”
“your boyfriend is perfect. just thought i would let you know.” brooke beamed. “he’s hot, funny, sweet & most importantly, he treats you like an absolute princess. and an added bonus is he gets along with every member of our family. that's almost impossible.”
“he’s pretty perfect, i suppose.” y/n nodded and faced matt, only to find him already staring at her.
“hey.” y/n smiled and it felt like they were the only two there.
“when did you want to head back to the hotel?”
“after dinner. dad and crystal are making my favorite meal.” y/n played with the necklace around her neck.
back at the hotel that night, y/n was stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her body when matt decided to walk right in.
“sorry. thought you were dressed already.” he turned around and left the bathroom, not bothering to shut the door. just as y/n reached for the handle, matt came back. “for what it’s worth, you look amazing.”
“matthew bernard!” y/n pushed him out of the bathroom and got dressed quickly. she got in her bed and faced matt’s direction. “i can never thank you enough for coming with me this week, you know.”
“you don’t have to thank me. it was a lot of fun.” he smiled widely and placed his phone down on the nightstand between the beds. “we’ve been sharing the same bed all week so why are you over in that bed?”
“not quite sure.” y/n glanced over at him. “instinct i guess.”
“well is it okay if i join you over there?” matt looked at her hopefully. she nodded and matt wasted no time climbing into the bed behind her. he cautiously placed his arm over her waist, doing his best not to put too much pressure on the situation.
y/n noticed his behavior and placed her hand over his much larger one, turning her head just enough to see the awkward half-smile on matt’s face.
“you okay with this?” matt whispered into her ear. y/n felt a shiver crawl down her spine at the thought of how close they were. instead of focusing on that, y/n began to play with the rings on matt’s fingers. she nodded in response to his question and felt him loosen up a bit. he got as close as he possibly could and placed a soft kiss just beneath her ear.
“matt.” her voice came out as more of a soft moan than the intended whisper. matt smirked to himself and placed more kisses on her neck, causing her to to pull her bottom lip between her teeth. the hand that was resting over her waist began to wander her body but matt stopped when y/n turned to face him.
“i’m sorry. i should’ve checked with you to make sure that was alright.” He began to stumble over his words so y/n shut him up with a kiss. as their lips molded together perfectly, y/n took matt’s bottom lip between her own, causing him to groan. something stirred inside y/n for the first time and her confidence took over. she climbed onto his lap and deepened the kiss as he held her hips tightly.
the kiss went way beyond the confines of their friendship and even though they had admitted their feelings the day before, it still felt like uncharted territory.
matt's hands moved from their place on y/n’s waist to just beneath the bottom of her shirt. or rather, his shirt that she had managed to steal from him at some point in time. his fingers danced delicately on the bare skin, causing y/n to shudder a little bit. matt pulled away from the kiss and raised an eyebrow.
“you alright?”
“yeah but your fingers are cold.” y/n hid her face in the crook of matt’s neck, gently placing a kiss there. she then rolled off his lap and pulled herself into him. matt didn’t question the sudden change. instead, he opted for holding y/n as close as possible and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “good night, matt.”
the water in the shower was nearly ice cold by the time y/n was finished. and when she got out, she realized that maybe part of matt’s sudden mood change was her fault.
she got dressed and headed out to her car. there were so many things she needed to talk to matt about.
when she got to the house, she knocked hard and waited. matt answered the door and silently let her inside.
“matt, can we talk?”
he ignored her question and headed to the kitchen. “chris is in the shower right now and nick still isn’t home. you're free to hang out here until one of them returns. i'll be in my room.” matt turned away from her and headed down the hall. but y/n wasn’t about to give up. she stepped between him and the door, causing him to sigh in annoyance.
“you can’t just ignore me, matt.” she followed him as he turned to head back to the kitchen. “we need to have a serious conversation and you need to stop acting like a child.”
“how am i acting like the child?” he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, sipping on the root beer he had pulled from the fridge.
“matt, seriously?” y/n mirrored his position and pinched the bridge of her nose. “this is ridiculous. you're ignoring me and acting like nothing happened in miami.”
“well that’s because nothing happened.” matt shrugged casually and looked at her.
“really? you're still going to act like this?” y/n scoffed. “matt, we had a really heated moment and then it was over. how can you say nothing happened?”
“because it didn’t.” he sighed. “look, you can live in your little delusion all you want but i'm sticking with the facts.”
“so what? the kisses meant nothing?” she grabbed his shoulder and forced him to face her. “tell me they meant absolutely nothing to you and i'll leave it alone.” she searched his eyes for an answer and when all she got was silence, she felt tears begin to fall. her hand dropped from its position on his shoulder and she took a step back. “silence is all the confirmation i needed. see you around, matt.” y/n grabbed her keys from the counter and began heading for the door.
chris had finished his shower and was on his way up when he heard the argument taking place. he froze on the stairs until he heard y/n’s voice crack. he could tell she was crying and he wanted to punch matt for the silence. y/n said goodbye and chris could hear her footsteps heading down the front stairs. he emerged from his spot and went after his best friend, not sparing a glance matt’s way as he followed y/n out to her car.
“y/n, stop what you’re doing. you are not about to leave in this state. i refuse to let that happen.”
“i need to leave, chris.” y/n leaned her head on the car door and sobbed. “how can he say that the kisses meant nothing?”
“well, he never actually said they didn’t.” chris pointed out, earning a glare from y/n.
“the silence was all i needed to hear, chris.” y/n turned to lean her back against the door. she slid down until she was sitting on the driveway. chris sat next to her and sighed.
“i told you my brother was an idiot, y/n.”
“chris, in case you haven’t noticed, i'm not in the mood for an i told you so.” y/n almost snapped until she saw his face. she hardly ever raised her voice and it was never towards him. “i'm sorry. i-i didn’t mean to yell.”
“it’s okay. you should let it out. get angry.”
“i am not going to take my anger out on you, chris.” y/n smiled and chris saw it.
“i got you to smile!” he clapped his hands together excitedly. “if you want, we can go to a rage room.”
“i think i just want to go to your room and play some fortnite.” y/n bumped his shoulder and stood up. chris took her outstretched hand and ushered her back inside. he took her keys from him and they both headed down to his bedroom.
from his own room, matt could her them laughing whenever they killed an enemy player. little snip-its of their conversation could also be heard and it caused matt’s blood to boil. he shouldn’t be feeling this way, considering how he had just treated y/n not even 10 minutes ago.
a few more hours went by before nick came home. at this point in time, y/n and chris were in the living room laughing at a stupid movie they picked. when y/n saw nick, she jumped off the couch and hugged him.
“oh how i missed you. really glad you and chris didn’t kill each other while we were gone or else i would be forced to live a life without my 2 favorite people in the world.” she squeezed nick tightly and chris joined the hug.
“it wasn’t easy because chris is very annoying.” nick chuckled. chris punched his arm and almost fell backwards. y/n caught his arm and smiled.
“easy there, chris.”
“guess you could say i'm falling for you.” chris shot a smirk her way at the exact moment matt emerged from his room. the air around the group suddenly became heavy and quiet.
“why are you looking at me like that?” he questioned. y/n was staring at her feet while chris sent a glare his brothers way. nick had a sense of what had happened but didn’t want to ask any questions so he just looked anywhere else. “fine. don't answer me.”
“wasn’t planning on it.” chris spit out. matt grabbed a can of root beer from the fridge and looked around the room quickly before turning his attention to nick.
“remember how we were going to film a vlog on valentines day since none of us had plans?”
“yeah what about it?” nick shook his head and looked at y/n.
“turns out i have a date that night so i will be unavailable to film.” matt smirked and y/n wanted to slap that stupid look off his face. the only person he should’ve made plans with that night was her. she scooted closer to chris without even thinking.
“who with?”
“madi.” he turned and headed back to his room. nick stood in his spot, completely speechless. chris put his arm around y/n’s shoulder and rubbed her arm.
“what the fuck?” she muttered under her breath, her voice beginning to crack. chris removed his arm and stood in front of her while nick took his place. they were trying their best to comfort her but the gestures weren’t working. y/n felt like her heart had been ripped out twice in one day.
“that’s it. you and i are definitely making plans now.” chris pulled her in for a hug, feeling extremely protective of his best friend. “i promise to make that kid regret his choices today.”
“how do you plan on doing that, chris?”
“gonna do everything for you that he should be doing. i'll write you love letters and shower you with gifts all day.”
“you don’t have to.” y/n tugged at the sleeves of the sweater she was wearing.
“i know i don’t have to. but i want to. i promised you earlier that i would be your matt replacement for the night, remember?”
“of course.” y/n looked up at him and smiled. he always knew how to pull her out of the worst moods.
“kinda wish i had been here earlier so i would know the full story.” nick shook his head and went up to his own room. y/n and chris went down to his room and played fortnite for a few hours.
after what felt like the 50th round, y/n stood up and stretched her body. chris averted his gaze out of respect when the sweater she was wearing rose up a little, revealing the small sun tattoo she got with nick last summer.
“i should get going. thanks for making today a little better for me.”
“you don’t have to thank me. you’re my best friend and i was just doing what any good friend would do.”
“well you’re the best friend in the entire world, chris.” y/n smiled and ruffled his hair playfully. “i love you.”
“love you too.” he smiled widely before checking his phone. “wanna stay for dinner? i was going to order a pizza. pepperoni, your favorite. we could even sit in the living room and watch your favorite movie.”
“you had me at dinner.” y/n ran up to the living room and laid on the couch. chris lifted her legs and placed them in his lap. matt walked out of his room, saw the way they were sitting together on the couch and rolled his eyes before looking down at his phone.
“hey matt. i'm ordering pizza for dinner.” chris didn’t look towards the kitchen as he informed his brother of their dinner plans.
“okay cool.” matt glanced up from his phone long enough to see chris place his hand just above y/n’s right knee. they were always affectionate with each other and matt knew there was no attraction between them so why was this bothering him so much? “i'll be in my room facetiming madi. come get me when the pizza gets here.” he nodded in their direction and went to his room. he wasn’t going to be facetiming anyone. he only said that to get a rise out of y/n. and judging by the way he saw her tense up, he knew it had worked.
y/n waited until she heard matt’s door shut completely before speaking again. “chris, do you think matt likes madi?” her fingers played with the strings of her hoodie as she spoke.
“i doubt it. but who knows with him?” chris focused on y/n as she began fidgeting in her spot. she was laser focused on the strings.
“am i only good enough when we’re not in la?” she glanced up at chris and felt like crying. chris noticed her intake of breath and his hand began tracing circles on her thigh. slow at first but speeding up every 5 seconds. it was the most effective way to calm her down.
“stop talking nonsense. you're more than good enough everywhere, y/n. matt is just being ridiculous.”
“i think his sudden shift in mood is because of what happened on our last night in miami.”
“what happened on the last night?” chris raised an eyebrow as y/n dove into the story. she explained how they almost hooked up and why she stopped it. chris didn’t judge her. he understood everything.
over the next week, whenever y/n was over at the house, chris would make sure to hand her little love notes when matt was around. he also called her every pet name he could think of. and did the bare minimum of what a ‘boyfriend’ should do.
every day, matt observed their interactions and with each passing day, he started to regret trying to make y/n jealous of madi. he wanted to be the one to write y/n notes and he wanted to be the one she adored endlessly. but he was too blinded by his own jealousy to realize what he had given up.
it came to the point where whenever y/n was at the house, which was pretty much all the time, he would have to stay in his room until she ended up in chris’ room for the night or went home. 9 times out of 10 she stayed overnight & it almost made matt sick seeing her with chris.
at some point in their little charade, the love letters chris gave y/n to feel real. to him, at least. he knew that the way he was feeling was wrong but he was so mad at his brother that he didn’t care about moving in on his girl.
one night, while y/n was laying on his bed in his fresh love crewneck & scrolling through tiktok, chris couldn’t help himself. he ended his game and laid beside her. he moved a piece of her hair out of her eyes and carefully placed it behind her ear. this little action drew y/n’s attention away from her phone, causing her gaze to go elsewhere, meeting the blue eyes she adored.
“hey.” she smiled, causing chris to blush profusely. “that’s really cute.”
“what is?”
“the way you’re blushing. and all because i smiled at you.” y/n kissed the tip of his nose and smiled again.
“you’re the cutest human being alive.” chris tried hiding the blush that crept up on his cheeks but y/n noticed it and held his face.
“excuse me but do i look like a fucking mirror, christopher? because how can i be the cutest human being alive when you also exist?” she looked into eyes and smiled at him again.
that smile. that damn smile. it’d be the death of him at this point. if there was ever a moment of tension to do something that could potentially make or break a relationship, now would’ve been the perfect time for him to make his move. but he didn’t have any time to react as y/n’s lips quickly found his.
he was shocked at first but after a moment, he kissed her back, pulling her close. he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. y/n was now straddling him and the kiss didn’t break.
y/n deepened the kiss and ran her hands down his chest, causing chris to groan and pull away for a second.
“wait.” he looked at her. “i need to know something before this goes any further.”
“are you only doing this to get matt jealous? or are you actually into me?”
“can we just not complicate things right now, chris? you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“yeah of course.”
“then let’s just go with that. no need to make things more complicated than they already are.” y/n looked at chris and bit her lip. he was a sucker for her, that’s for sure.
for the remainder of time before valentines day, y/n and chris began an arrangement that really stretched the boundaries of their friendship. they never slept together but they were both willing to do whatever they could to please the other. chris was never one to leave a girl unsatisfied so there were times their encounters lasted hours. and chris loved every second of it.
matt tried to drown out the noises he heard coming from downstairs each time but even through his headphones, he could still hear it somehow. whether it was the sounds y/n made or the way she said chris’ name, matt couldn’t get it out of his head no matter how hard he tried.
how can she sleep with chris when she wouldn’t sleep with me? he often thought to himself. it was a constant reminder that falling for his brothers best friend wasn’t a good idea.
when valentines day finally arrived, chris woke up incredibly early and decided to make y/n some breakfast in bed. just as he finished plating everything, matt came out of his room and eyed chris’ neck before scoffing and opening the fridge.
“happy valentines day, matt.” chris smiled and grabbed the tray of food before heading down to his room. when he entered, y/n was sitting up, scrolling through her phone. she looked up when she heard his footsteps come closer.
“what’s all this?” she smiled and inspected the tray.
“well, it’s valentines day. the day of romance. and since i agreed to be your matt replacement today, i thought it’d be nice to wake you up with something delicious.”
y/n took a bite of the french toast and moaned at the taste. “this is the best fucking french toast i have ever had.”
“you think so?”
“yeah. it’s delicious.” she kept eating while chris sat next to her. “so what’s the plan for tonight?” she asked with a mouthful of food.
“i was thinking we could stay in and i could make you your favorite meal.”
“you can make chicken cordon bleu?”
“no.” he chuckled. “what’s your second favorite meal?”
“i like cheeseburgers and i love your cheeseburgers.”
“if that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get tonight.”
“you’re the best.” y/n slipped on one of chris’ hoodies and walked towards the door. “i'm gonna go see nick for a minute but when i get back, i'm going to thank you properly for the breakfast.”
y/n left the room with a devilish smirk and headed up to nick’s room. she knocked lightly and waited before walking into his room. he was still asleep so she jumped up on his bed and tickled his nose. he quickly swatted her hand away and opened his eyes.
“let me sleep. you and chris are two floors below me and i could still hear everything that was going on down there.” he closed his eyes and turned away from her. “you guys are disgusting.”
“okay mr grumpy pants. i was just coming to wish you a happy valentines day.” she giggled, kissed his forehead and left the room. as she made her way through the kitchen, matt came out of the bathroom. he took in her attire and rolled his eyes. “what the fuck is your problem, matthew?”
“i just think it’s pretty funny that you wouldn’t sleep with me, someone you were supposedly ‘in love with’ but you’ll sleep with chris every chance you get.”
“well if you hadn’t been a jerk the entire time we’ve been home, you’d probably be the one who gets to do things to me. you’d be the one getting to leave these marks on me.” she rolled up the bottom of the hoodie and showed off the inside of her thigh. dark marks littered the skin there. matt clenched his jaw and stared at her.
“this is ridiculous.” he shook his head. “can’t believe you’re acting like such a whore.”
“fuck you, matt.” y/n shot him the finger and headed back down to chris’ room, slamming the door and causing herself to jump. “sorry, chris. didn’t mean to slam the door.”
“it’s alright.” he walked over to her and looked at her face. her eyes were welling up with tears and chris felt bad.
“i know i said when i got back from nick’s room that i would thank you properly for the breakfast, but can we just lay in bed, please?”
“of course. don't worry about it.” he ushered over to the bed and laid down with her, holding her tight. “are you alright?”
“matt’s an asshole.” she sighed, wiping away at the few tears that fell down her cheeks.
“what did he say to you?”
“he said i was acting like a whore.” she sniffled. chris shot out of bed and headed for the door. “chris, please don’t.” y/n fiddled with her fingers and looked at chris.
“i'm sorry but he can’t just say something like that and get away with it.” chris turned the knob and it was y/n’s turn to get out of bed. she hurried over to the chris and wedged herself between him and the door, gently placing a hand on his cheek.
“please?” she whispered lowly, on the verge of tears. chris crumbled and let her lead him back over to the bed. she played with his hair as they cuddled on the bed. it was clear they needed each other on a deeper level than just intimacy.
an hour later, chris noticed y/n had fallen asleep. he slipped out of her embrace and made his way up to matt’s bedroom. he knocked twice before matt yanked the door open.
“what do you want?”
“i want you to apologize.”
“i'm not apologizing to you.”
“no. you need to apologize to y/n for saying she was acting like a whore. last month, you were so madly in love with her and now you’re acting colder than you ever have. this is not the way you’re supposed to treat the person you love.”
“i'm over her, chris. she’s yours now. you can have your turn.” matt tried shutting his door but chris stopped it.
“look, matt. that girl is still hurting and she’s blaming herself for what’s happening between you guys.”
“then she should’ve thought about that before she started sleeping with you after basically rejecting me in miami.”
“she didn’t reject you, matt. and we’re not sleeping together.”
“oh please. save it, okay? i can not only hear you guys going at it in your room but i’ve also seen the marks you left on her. if those aren’t clear signs you’re having sex, then i don’t know what is.”
“it’s literally everything but sex.” chris ran his hands through his hair. “did you ever stop to think about why she didn’t sleep with you in miami? it’s because she was scared, okay? she was terrified that if she gave you everything that you would just turn around and hurt her. and you guys didn’t even have to have sex to do that. you’re killing her slowly, matthew. and honestly, i hate you so much for it right now.”
“don’t hate me for your girlfriends choices.” matt checked his phone. “now, if you don’t mind, i have a date to get ready for.”
chris stood in shock as matt closed the door roughly. why was his brother not understanding the situation clearly? it was driving him crazy.
instead of going back down to his own room, chris headed up to nick’s.
“nick, i need you to ask madi to be your date tonight.”
“what are you talking about? doesn't she have a date with matt?”
“yes but matt and y/n need to go on a valentines date. they're supposed to be together. not him and madi.”
“wait, i'm confused.” nick held up his hand and shook his head. “why are you trying to set your girlfriend up with matt?”
“she’s not my girlfriend.” chris ran his hands down his face. “her heart belongs to matt.”
“so? if he doesn’t want to be with her, then you gotta take a chance.”
“but he does want to be with her. you should’ve seen the way he got jealous when he thought i was having sex with y/n.”
“you guys aren’t having sex? then what the hell are you doing that makes so much noise?” he questioned, the realization hitting him a few seconds later. “oh. ew.”
“so, can you text madi or not?”
“i can try. but if she’s into this date, there’s not going to be a way to get her out of it.” nick began typing on his phone. within seconds, madi was requesting to facetime. nick answered it quickly and it didn’t take long for madi to start speaking.
“what are you even talking about, nick? i don’t have anything planned with matt tonight.” she raised her eyebrow and got closer to the camera. “why would he say that? oh my god. do you think he likes me?”
“no.” chris shook his head and turned to nick. “he’s an idiot.”
“i agree. why would he say he’s going on a date with madi if it’s not true?”
“because he was trying to make y/n jealous, obviously.” chris sprinted out of the room and almost fell as he took 2 steps at a time to get back to his room. y/n jumped back as he threw the door open, as she was just about to go looking for him.
“you look like you’ve been running laps around the house. what's going on?”
“change of plans tonight. instead of me cooking dinner for you, i'm taking you out to eat.” he smiled and looked around his room.
“okay. i'm not complaining, but why the sudden change?”
“just want an excuse to dress up.” he held her face gently and smiled widely.
“oh, how about you still cook for me and i'll still get all dressed up.”
“that sounds like a better plan.” he leaned in to kiss her and smiled when she kissed him back. “do you have something at the house you can change into?”
“yeah. it’s up in nick’s room.” she looked at him. “be right back.” y/n dashed out of chris’ room and went upstairs to nick’s room. she paused outside in the hallway when she heard nick and madi talking.
“so if he likes y/n, why doesn’t he just tell her? i mean, didn’t they just spend a whole week together in miami?”
“they did and from what i learned, something happened and it screwed up their relationship. i’m not sure what it was exactly, but matt’s been ignoring her since they got back and y/n’s been spending all her time with chris.”
“so, are y/n and chris together now?”
“no. well, i'm not quite sure. they might as well be.”
“but she needs to be with matt. maybe you should tell her that matt’s ‘date’ with me was never actually a thing.”
“no. it’s gotta be matt who tells her.”
y/n knocked on his door and looked at nick. “hey.”
“hey. how much of that did you hear?” nick turned towards her, still on the call with madi.
“almost everything.” she shrugged her shoulders.
“hey y/n.” madi waved with a smile.
“hey.” y/n returned the smile and looked back at nick. “i came up to get that dress i left up here. need it for my date.”
“it’s in my closet.” nick nodded towards the door and y/n walked in. nick was right behind her. “who’s your date tonight?”
“chris.” she reached for the baby blue piece of clothing. “instead of going out to a fancy restaurant, we came to a compromise. he's going to cook for me and we’re going to dress up as if we actually were going out tonight.”
“why are you still going on this date with chris if you know matt’s date with madi was never happening? i thought you would be happy.”
“why would i be happy about something matt lied about, especially after he basically called me a whore?”
“he did what?!?” both nick and madi exclaimed.
“not going to get into details. but he called me a whore earlier. well, he said i was acting like one because i was sleeping with chris.”
“but you’re not. does he know that?”
“no and let’s not tell him. he doesn’t deserve to know.”
“you two are incredibly stubborn and i hate it.”
“what are you talking about?” y/n turned to nick and eyed him.
“you and matt. one minute, you’re in love & the next it’s like you’ve never met before. why can’t you guys see that you’re supposed to be together?”
“we’re not meant to be together, nicolas. if there was any indication of that, something serious would’ve happened in miami.”
“what the fuck even happened while you guys were gone?”
“do you really want to know?”
“duh. that's why i asked.”
“okay, smartass.” y/n carefully set the dress on nick’s bed and looked at him. “it was our last night in miami. we were alone in the hotel room and we were cuddling on my bed and things started to get…intimate.”
“so you slept with him?”
“no. after a really steamy make-out session, it was over. that’s as far as we got.”
“who broke the moment first?” madi questioned.
“technically, he pulled away first. but he was only checking on me to see if i was okay with what was happening. his fingers were really cold and it made me shiver. but after that, the moment was over.”
“so let me get this straight. he touched your skin and it caused you to shiver. he then pulled away to check on you and the moment was over?” nick raised an eyebrow. “sounds like it might have been your fault, sorry.”
“nick, are you crazy? matt's the one who pulled away first. it’s totally his fault.” madi shook her head on the other end of the phone.
“it’s both our faults, i will admit.” y/n sighed. “and it sucks because i really, really liked him too.”
“then fucking tell him, dumbass.”
“nick, be nice.” madi scolded him. “it’s hard to tell a guy how you feel.”
“i am well aware.” nick chuckled then looked back at y/n. she was focused on the dress. the dress she bought for a party, hoping to get matt’s attention with the color since it was his favorite. she didn’t notice if it caught his eye. he had spent most of the party talking to some random girl she didn’t know but whenever she wasn’t looking, matt would look over at her.
“what am i supposed to do?” at this point, y/n was sitting on the edge of the bed. “i obviously still love matt. but now there’s the thing with chris. so no matter which brother i choose, i know i am going to break someone’s heart.”
“right now, you’re breaking my heart, y/n. i don’t like seeing you upset.” nick sat beside her and sighed. “i wish there was a better to go about life.”
“me too.” y/n looked at him.
“i've lived with them both my whole life and i know enough to tell you that no matter who you end up choosing, the other one will for sure get over it. neither of them hold grudges.”
“you’re right. now the only issue is trying to talk to matt without an argument breaking out.” y/n looked back at the dress. “and i also have to talk to chris. damn it.”
“you can do this, y/n. i believe in you.” madi grinned, happy to know she was helping a little. “i'll come by tomorrow to see you if you want.”
“that would be nice. maybe we could have a girls day.”
“yes that would be nice. in the meantime, good luck with the boys.” madi waved goodbye as y/n grabbed the dress and headed down to chris’ room to shower.
after an hour of getting ready, y/n took a look in the mirror. nick stood behind her and smiled.
“you are so gorgeous.” he rubbed her shoulders in a calming manner. he then quickly checked his phone. “well, it’s time to head up to your dinner. good luck.”
y/n took one last look in the mirror before heading up the stairs. chris turned away from the stove and whistled.
“wow. you look so good right now. well, you always look good. but tonight, you’re just…glowing.” he smirked and walked over to her. “ready to eat?”
“you bet.” y/n smiled and sat down when chris pulled the chair out for her. he hurried over to his chair and handed her the plate he prepared for her.
the two of them began to eat in near silence. the only sound they could hear for the first few minutes was the background music chris had picked out. after y/n finished half her burger, she looked up at chris.
“i really appreciate you, chris. you know that right?”
“yeah of course.” he set his food down and gave her his full attention. “this last week or so has been insane, right?”
“yeah.” y/n kicked her feet slowly. “can we talk about that, actually?”
“sure thing.” chris rested his head on his hands and let her do most of the talking.
“what we’ve been doing has definitely been fun. the most fun i think i have ever had.” she blushed. “and although i thoroughly enjoyed it, i think we should stop.”
“you’re not gonna believe this but i've been thinking the same thing.” chris let out a breath. “obviously, i will always care about you and i will cherish the time we spent together. but you and i both know that you’re supposed to be with matt.”
“this is why you’re the best, chris. you’re so understanding and you’re the sweetest person i know.” y/n reached across the table and took ahold of his hand. chris absentmindedly ran his thumb over her knuckles. "thank you for the most amazing 2 weeks of my life.”
“i should be the one thanking you.” he placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles and they both went back to eating. after their meal was done, y/n stood up slowly.
“guess it’s time to talk to matt.” she sighed and looked towards his bedroom. chris walked up behind her.
“good luck, y/n.” he kissed her forehead and headed down to his own room. y/n approached matt’s bedroom door and knocked lightly. while she waited, she thought of what she was going to say.
when he pulled the door open, he wasn’t expecting to see y/n standing before him. his eyes widened as he took in the way she looked. and when he saw she was staring at him, he quickly placed his gaze elsewhere and replaced the confusion with anger.
“what are you doing here?”
“matt, stop. you and i are going to talk and there’s nothing you can do about it.” she pushed him backwards and closed his bedroom door behind her. matt tried to protest but instead, she sat him down on the edge of his bed before taking a seat on his computer chair. the air grew thicker the longer they both stayed silent.
“well, you wanted to talk. so talk.” matt couldn’t help but let his attitude out in the moment. this caused y/n to roll her eyes but she started talking.
“look, i'm sorry about what happened in miami. i shouldn’t have just given up when the moment got a little too intimate.” she looked down at her lap and sighed. “truthfully, i was so scared. i know how experienced you are and i didn’t want to let you down with my lack of experience. i've never had sex with anyone and i thought that if i wasn’t good at it, you would stop talking to me. and as soon as i got off you that night, i regretted it. i was so stupid and i thought i was ready. even now, i don’t think i am. i'm still so terrified that i'll make a fool of myself and it’ll get spread around like a sickness.” y/n’s leg began to shake and matt watched as a tear landed on her lap. he wanted so badly to reach over and wipe it away but he wanted to be respectful. so he waited for her to go on. with a shaky breath, she continued her speech. “i hate that i drove you away. i hate that i loved you enough to introduce you to my family and then i threw it all away.” she shot her arm out to emphasize her point and it was then that matt noticed the necklace he gave her. it laid perfectly around her neck, only moving when she took a deep breath. “i’m so sorry i put you through what i did. i never wanted to hurt you and i only wish i could’ve explained why it happened the way it did.”
“you don’t owe me any explanation.” matt spoke. it shocked her to hear his calm voice again. he saw her head jerk up at it but he continued to speak. “i never should’ve gotten so pissed off that you wouldn’t have sex with me. that’s not who i am. if anything, i should be the one apologizing to you. you didn’t deserve the way i treated you and you most definitely did not deserve hearing what i said to you this morning. that was the lowest blow i could’ve dealt out and i'm so very sorry for it. i don’t think you’re a whore. you’re the farthest thing from it. i was just insanely jealous because chris was the one doing what i one day hoped to do. and i know jealousy is not an excuse but it was wrong. y/n,” he got on his knees and held her hands. “i am so fucking in love with you and i need you to know that. i may have dated other girls in the past but i have never loved any of them. you are by far the most kindhearted person in the world and definitely the most breathtakingly gorgeous. you could wear a fucking garbage bag and i would still love you. hell, i would love you even if you were a fucking worm.” matt met y/n’s gaze and smiled. “you look really good in this dress and i swear i meant to tell you at that party the first time you wore it but i was scared that you would just laugh in my face and call me stupid or something.”
“i do think you’re stupid. always have.” y/n nodded and smiled even with the tears cascading down her cheeks. matt chuckled and reached up to wipe them away, causing y/n to sigh contently.
“god, you are so perfect. i want everything with you. not just the sex. i want the stupid future with you. the one where we have 2 or 3 kids and a nice house in the suburbs where our kids can play safely. i want the late night conversations with you. fuck, i even want the stupid fucking rom-com shit with you. it’s always been you. there is absolutely nobody else and there never has been. god, you are it for me. you’ve ruined everybody else for me.” he looked up at her. “i just…i want you in every possible way. good and bad.”
“fuck, matt. i want you too.” y/n caved and pulled him in for a kiss. one he was more than happy to return. her hands went to his hair while his moved from her knees to her face. he craved every part of her. he detached his lips from her to place rough kisses trailing from her jawline down her neck. with every tug on her skin came a gentle kiss to soothe the pain.
matt stood up but y/n was not willing to break the kiss. thankfully, matt picked up with ease and she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her over to the bed. the strap of her dress hung loosely on her shoulder as matt kissed every part of her he could. her hands remained in his hair as his lips explored every part of her body.
y/n felt matt getting frustrated with the strap of her dress so she slid it off her arm entirely. he was more than eager to show how thankful he was for the simple action. and as he kissed her now bare shoulder, she took the opportunity to slip the other strap off as well. her dress staying in place only because of the position she was in. if she had been standing or even sitting upright, the top of her dress would’ve already slipped down to reveal the black lace bra she wore.
“fuck, matt.” y/n bit her lip as he kissed just above the top of the dress. she could tell that her being fully clothed was causing matt to grow impatient. “want me to take this off?”
“fuck. yes please.” matt groaned and watched with hungry eyes as y/n maneuvered  herself in a way that was so sensual to matt. the dress came off and matt wasted no time exploring the new territory. there was a faint mark just above the top of her panties, next to her sun tattoo, that matt knew chris had left. he took it upon himself to bite the skin with a little bit of pressure. not too much to hurt her, but enough to make a new mark.
y/n moaned as he left a trail of sloppy kisses up the inside of her thighs, stopping every few seconds to make new marks over the ones chris left behind. the idea of his brother getting there first only made him slightly more aggressive. his kisses on her thighs halted as he made his way back to her lips. his hands held her hips as he kissed her. instead of fisting his hair, she dug her nails into his back, causing him to let out a quiet groan.
“fuck. keep doing that and i'm gonna be finished before my pants come off.” matt whispered in her ear. he placed a kiss just beneath her earlobe, exactly like he had that night in miami.
he retraced his steps and traveled back down her body, stopping when he was just above where she needed him the most. he looked up at her and she didn’t hesitate to silently answer with a nod. matt slid his finger in the waistband and pulled them down her legs. once they were off, matt placed a kiss on both of her thighs before diving right in.
as his tongue moved in all the right places, y/n’s left hand clung to his bedsheets while the right one grabbed a fistful of his hair. he groaned into her and picked up his pace.
“jesus christ, matt. not gonna last long if you keep that up.” she spoke with a strained voice as she tried not to be too loud. matt just smirked and pulled her as close as he possibly could. she threw her legs over his shoulders and he was suddenly able to hit a new angle.
y/n could feel her orgasm approaching as matt continued to devour her. when the knot began to take its shape in her stomach, matt slowed down, but only a notch or two. he was trying to make it last as long as he possibly could, wanting to savor every moment.
it wasn’t long before her orgasm reached its peak and she was releasing all over his tongue. matt was more than happy to clean up all her juices, making sure he didn’t miss a single drop.
“fuck that was hot.” y/n breathed out, releasing her right grip of the bedsheet.
“and we’re not even close to being done, baby. i'm just getting started.” matt smirked.
“what do you mean?” y/n was about to ask him again but ended up biting her lip as matt shoved two fingers inside. the moans came spilling out of her mouth faster than she could even process them. as he worked on pumping his fingers in and out of her, he kissed up her body and stayed on her lips. she could taste herself in the kiss.
matt inserted a third finger, causing y/n to bit his lip. he groaned and she almost came right then and there. but she held out. nearly 2 minutes passed before she felt the knot build back up.
“matt, fuck. i'm gonna-“
“i know. come on. you can do it, baby.” he placed a gentle kiss on her nose as she came all over his fingers. he licked them clean very quickly.
“this isn’t fair.”
“what do you mean, princess?” matt raised an eyebrow.
“i’m completely naked and you still have clothes on.” she managed to get out with strangled breaths.
“you’re not entirely naked, since your bra is still on, but i'm willing to level the playing field.” he kissed the top of each of her breasts before making quick work to rid himself of his own clothing. y/n eagerly took her bra off and bit her lip as her eyes travelled down his body. she had heard many stories about his size but none of them seemed accurate. he was definitely larger than the legends said and easily the biggest she had ever seen in her life.
“jesus, matt.” she continued to chew on her bottom lip as she took him in her hands. she began to pump him slowly, almost like she was teasing him. the precum leaked from the tip slowly and matt watched as y/n expertly moved her hand up and down. he was not able to last very long.
“y/n, i'm about to-“
“i know. come on, baby. let it go.” y/n looked up at him and bit her lip as he came in her hand.
“fuck, that was hot.”
“i’m not even finished.” she repeated his words from earlier and before he could even ask what she meant she was taking him in her mouth.
“oh god!” matt threw his head back and propped himself on his elbows so he could see exactly what she was doing. “wow. you’re doing such a good job at taking all of me. holy fuck.” he closed his eyes and without warning, he was unloading into her mouth. the sight of her swallowing it all was enough to make him come again but he knew better. he wanted to last as long as possible for her. he wanted the experience to be just as pleasurable for her as it was for him.
y/n placed a kiss on his tip and stood up. matt grabbed her waist and positioned her on his lap. before anything went further, he looked at her.
“are you sure about this?”
“yes absolutely. wouldn't have it any other way, matty.” she kissed him deeply and without breaking the kiss, he flipped them over so she was laying on his bed. he hovered over her and gave her another look, silently asking if it was okay, to which she nodded. matt lined himself up with her entrance and started moving slowly. he took note of the way y/n winced so he stopped for a second. “okay. you can move now.”
matt kissed her gently as he began to move at a faster pace than he ever had before. the way their bodies moved together so perfectly sent chills down their spines, but in a good way.
his thrusts were powerful and addictive and y/n dug her nails into his back, moving them up and down his back with every movement he made.
the sounds coming from their mouths were crazy.
matt began to slow his pace and his thrusts became sloppy, signaling that he was close. y/n was close as well, digging her nails in further and locking her legs behind his back.
“do you want me to pull out?” he asked timidly.
“no. need you to fill me up, matt.” y/n kissed his neck, making sure to prolong the orgasm. he released inside her at the same time she finished too. as matt pulled out of her slowly, he placed a kiss to her neck and grabbed a towel from his bedside table to clean up their mess. he also noticed that he left both of her boobs untouched the entire time.
“oh my. how could i forget to give you any attention?” he chuckled and placed a gentle kiss to each nipple. y/n looked down at him with most loved up look she had ever given anyone. “you doing alright, y/n?”
“i am doing absolutely perfect. thank you for asking.” y/n grabbed her clothes and placed them neatly in a pile on the floor before grabbing some of matt’s clothes and putting them on. she crawled into bed and matt joined her seconds later, throwing his arm around her and holding her close.
“fuck, that was the hottest thing i've ever seen in my life. easily the best sex of my life.” matt chuckled, his breath still a little shaky. “how about you? how are you feeling?” y/n looked up at him and grinned.
“well, lucky for you, i have nothing to compare the sex to so clearly it was the best of my life too. as for the other things, you’ll be happy to know you beat chris.”
“oh, really?” matt grinned smugly.
“yup. a landslide victory. one for the record books. gold medal performance.” y/n giggled as matt began attacking her with kisses.
“i'm so in love with you.” he stared at her face and couldn’t help himself as he placed a soft kiss on her neck. “so so in love with you.”
“i know. and i'm so so in love with you too, matty.” y/n whispered, causing matt to sit up straight with her still in his arms. he looked like he was suddenly deep in thought. “what’s going on in that pretty little mind, huh?”
“just thinking of how we can now have sex whenever we want now.”
“so, you have sex with me once and think you’re going to be the only one now?”
“oh i better be.” matt sounded offended but when he looked down at y/n’s face and saw her smiling, he started to laugh. “don’t say shit like that. are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“of course not.” y/n smirked. “i love you, dummy. why would i want to have sex with anyone else?”
“i'm glad i'm the only one.” he kissed her head. “i am the only one, right? like, you’re completely done your thing with chris?”
“yes. it's over between me and chris. now it’s just you and me.”
“thank god.” he smirked and leaned in to kiss her. y/n slowly climbed onto his lap and wrapped her around his neck, deepening the kiss. “you up for a round 2?”
“with you or chris?” y/n smirked playfully and kissed him passionately when he rolled his eyes. how could he think for even a second that she would want to sleep with anyone else? she was glad he could take a joke and she would forever be grateful for the way he loved her.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @carolinalikesthings
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lyssasdrafts · 11 days
★ 𓈒 ݁ STAR—CROSSED (rhysand x reader) ⊹
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chapter three: (written) ✧
𓈒 ݁ ✫ masterlist previous next
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over the weekend, you had thanked mor countless times for the opportunity she’d given you. she had insisted it wasn’t a big deal, but perhaps she wouldn’t understand how much this meant to you, how badly you had wished for a path in photography to be there for you. it had been a dream that you’d given up on for a long time until you started again for fun in your first year, but you would’ve never thought to consider it until you had the safety net of your degree.
“are we getting distracted now, y/n?” rhysand’s words interrupted your thoughts. you can hear the arrogance that coated his voice like honey. he peers above you, leaning over your desk to stare you down.
you had your chin in your palms and had been staring into the distance, but that didn’t mean you weren’t listening. however, a part of you was embrassed to admit that it was rhysand who caught your attention again and not the lesson. shifting your gaze to look up at him, you fake a smile as you respond, “i can promise you that pretty face isn’t distracting anyone, rhysand.”
rhysand quirks an eyebrow at you, almost like he was trying to guess what you were thinking about. “i never implied you were distracted by me in particular,” rhysand says blankly before a smirk makes his way onto his lips. you blink at him, realizing the insinuation about what you’d said. you curse yourself for referring to rhysand as pretty, but he definitely knew what you were talking about. it wasn’t unlike him to wink at people on campus and make small flirty comments when he knew he could talk someone into something. perhaps he’d even tried it on you at some point. it was a skill that you sometimes envied, the only ever way you convinced people was through your clever reasoning. at some point, you’d heard from elain that apparently you also happen to be quite intimidating unintentionally, something she said you had in common with nesta.
you take a moment before you respond, using it to scan rhysand’s figure. he wore his usual dress pants and a white button down shirt, his jacket further showing off his expensive preferences. despite the shiny silver watch and necklace he used to accessorize, he made himself look more casual by undoing the top two buttons of his shirt. you admired his style only because you could tell rhysand takes good care of himself and as a photographer. you recognized his jacket to be from a designer you admired and studied, revealing how his taste could be similar to yours. although he was a bother for you, the bastard didn’t have a bad fashion sense at all.
rhysand continues to stare down at you, while you wanted nothing more than to slap the expression off his face. his gaze made you uncomfortable, it burned into your skin and left your heart beating faster. he was insufferable, always taking pleasure in annoying and distressing you when he could’ve been a friend. in a perfect world, the two of you should be helping each other instead, if only rhysand wasn’t so petty and you weren’t so competitive.
you stand up for your desk, the chair making a squeak that catches the attention of some people sitting around you. those glances in your direction are ignored as you stare back at rhysand, your faces slightly inched closer than when you were sitting down. you give him one last comment before you stride out of class.
“you clearly think so highly of yourself that i’m not wrong. but since i’m not as vain as you, i have better things to do than entertain you.”
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you’d actually been in a good mood for your entire ride to the studio, despite your earlier conversation with rhysand. you had brushed it off for once instead of obsessing over every comment and heading to the library, insisting on working harder to beat him.
this was your first professional shoot as a photographer, and you had a likely chance of being asked to keep working with the studio since the previous one had quit. never once would you imagine that posting your account online and building your portfolio that it would be shown to someone at a studio like this one. you didn’t believe in fate, but a part of you thanked every star in the sky that you ended up with mor as your roommate. maybe there was some greater power that brought you and your best friend together.
perhaps this could become a real job for you, unlike what your parents had always insinuated. you could work in engineering after your degree while free lancing as a photographer. perhaps if you were really good and built a name for yourself, you could even do photography full time. you would prove your family wrong, you could find a job that provides for them plenty enough.
the studio lobby is quite modern and newly renovated, you can tell from the moment you walked through the revolving doors of the building. from the running water fountain to the hanging lights over the main desk. checking in was easy as well, once you gave the name of morrigan’s manager you were immediately given an entry pass and escorted to the correct room.
the studio room is smaller than you expected, though it definitely wasn’t underwhelming. the small room was full of lights, with different backdrops in multiple colors. the equipment caught your eye the most, with large heavy professional cameras that you almost didn’t want to touch in fear of how expensive they probably were. these were cameras that you probably wouldn’t ever get a chance to buy on your own without getting a job in photography first.
you’re left alone in the studio room after being told that the model would be out shortly. even though it was a smaller space that the studio offered, you were told that this model was apparently quite promising, but he just preferred to work with few people. you hadn’t realized until now that there wasn’t anyone else working on the shoot with you, though you didn’t really feel like it was your place to request for any staff.
you realized that he would arrive any moment now and notice the door in the back leading to a dressing room. you remind yourself that everything will be alright, that you can handle being alone with a stranger for an hour or two. you didn’t necessarily need to be too nice since you didn’t want to come across as desperate, just polite enough to be professional. your model would likely be a beginner as well, someone who might understand your current position.
in the corner of your eye, you notice a navy blue jacket hanging off a chair, proving your assumption that the model was probably in the dressing room. you can’t help but recognize the design, the style of the fabric that almost looked black from a nontechnical eye and you realize that you’ve seen it earlier.
your eyes widen once the door creaks open and rhysand steps out, fixing his hair before his gaze shifts to look for his photographer. your jaw drops at the sight of him.
“y/n,” rhysand pauses, angling his body towards you before lifting an eyebrow again. “are you stalking me now too?”
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the bat boys are bit mischaracterized at the beginning to show y/n’s misconception of them
y/n is so clearly attracted to rhysand physically… despite hating his personality <3
y/n always wanted to be a professional photographer but their family disapproved and so they decided to go into astrophysics instead :(
@thelov3lybookworm @starsand @lilah-asteria @therealmoonstone @just-a-social-casualty-1 @ashjade19 @girlontheblock @cherry-cin @daughterofthemoons-stuff @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @sweet-chai-amore @kierramofficial @noelli-smv @c-dizzle99 @littlestw01f @marina468
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Okay so it's not fair if you get to perfectly capture Bale's Batman as well as every other character you write for 😅 you're too damn talented!
So, without further ado I'm going to become that person:
Dannnnyyyyyyyy gimme more Bruce Wayne
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Sequel to The Other Half | Masterlist
Warnings: I'm in love with him. There, that's the warning.
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When you go to bed that night, you drop off fairly quickly. You’re $500 richer, and replying the easy smiles and laughs and conversation that you’d shared with him. He’d been far nicer, and far more down to earth than you could’ve ever imagined.
The next day, your manager is a little…Grumbley. She’s sort of irritated that you spent so much time with Wayne, though she doesn’t say as much. You can tell by the way she mumbles to herself, straightens a display, glances at you, and then goes back to mumbling and straightening displays again. The day passes without incident (though a few of your coworkers come up to ask what he was like. You tell them the truth: Incredibly dreamy up close, and nicer than you expected.) As you clock out for the day and wave goodnight to the security guard, you hear someone say your name. 
You turn, and catch sight of a well-dressed older gentleman that looks familiar. You think it may be the man that Bruce showed you a picture of at the diner yesterday, but you’re not entirely sure. 
“...Yes?” You ask, taking a couple of steps closer to him, “Can I help you?” 
“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alfred Pennyworth. I'm Mr. Wayne's butler.” 
Your brows raise a touch. “Oh! Was there something wrong with what he purchased yesterday?” 
“Not that I’m aware of. He asked me to give you this.” Alfred holds an envelope out to you. You take it carefully, unable to help the way your confusion slows you. You eye your name written on the front, then turn the envelope over in your hands. You open it, drawing out an invitation for that evening. Your eyes skim the details—the time, the place. You recognize the name of the place—Chef du Roi. It’s an upscale restaurant in one of the highest skyscrapers in Gotham. You scoff out a stunned little laugh. 
“If you do plan on accepting Mr. Wayne’s invitation,” Alfred tacked on, “I will be happy to drive you to your apartment, and then to the venue.” 
“Uh…” You hesitate, glancing between the invitation and Alfred a couple of times. “That is…Really kind of you, Mr. Pennyworth, but I don’t wanna waste your time.”
“No time would be wasted,” He reassures with a smile. “And Mr. Wayne has told me that I will owe you quite the thank you, come Christmas morning.” 
You chuckle, shaking your head in slight surprise. You'd be a fool to say no. Besides, you enjoyed your time in Mr. Wayne's company yesterday. Why not see if you enjoy it today.
“Uh…Okay. Yeah.” 
“The car is waiting outside,” Alfred gestures. You nod a little, muttering your thanks as he holds the door open for you. 
You’re panicking all the way back to your apartment. You insist that Alfred come up and have a cup of something warm while you’re getting dressed. Your roommate, Michelle, makes a pot of tea while you frantically search your closet for something suitable for dinner at a rooftop restaurant with a billionaire. 
You shower as quickly as you can, do your hair and makeup faster than you ever have in your life. You call Michelle in to zip your dress up, fanning under your arms to stop from sweating with panic. 
“You better use extra perfume,” Michelle warns, “You’re gonna sweat right through this thing—Hang on, I have a shawl that’s gonna cover your upper arms. Maybe by the time you get the entrees, you’ll have stopped up a little bit.” 
“Ugh, thank you,” You mutter, fanning at your heating face, “Oh my god, I’m gonna sweat off my makeup.” 
“Calm down!”
“You calm down!” 
“I see you got my invitation.” 
“I did,” You nod. Bruce gives Alfred a nod over your shoulder, and you turn to look at him as well. Alfred smiles warmly, offering you a quick wink before turning away. You smile, turning to face Bruce again. 
“C’mon,” He nods you closer, resting his hand on your lower back as you fall into step with him. You expect the restaurant to be bustling, but you find it…Completely silent and completely empty. 
“Oh, wow,” You mumble. “Maybe this place isn’t as hard to get into as I thought.” 
Bruce laughs, pulling your chair out for you. 
“Thank you,” You mutter, glancing up at him. 
“Of course.” He rounds to his side of the table, sitting down. “Do you prefer red, white, or rosé?” 
“I can work with that.” 
You smile, looking down at the menu. You skim the names of the dishes, fighting the urge to look at the prices. 
“Um…I hope this isn’t rude, but, uh…” You look at Bruce from beneath your lashes. “What am I doing here?”
“Well it looks like you’re looking at a menu, but looks can be deceiving.” 
You tip your head to the side, arching your brows. Bruce’s smile widens before he tacks on, “We ate at a diner yesterday, instead of some five-star something something. So, now you can see how the other half eats.” 
You huff a laugh, shaking your head.
“Incredibly generous of you, Mr. Wayne. But you could’ve sent me take out from somewhere upscale.” 
“Maybe I wanted to see you again.” 
“Just maybe? Renting out an entire restaurant seems like a lot for a maybe.”
“Alright,” Bruce’s smile softens as he leans in a little. “I really wanted to see you again.” 
“Because I don’t treat you like you’re Bruce Wayne?” 
“Because I want to get to know you better…And because you don’t treat me like I’m Bruce Wayne.” 
You laugh softly, leaning back in your seat a little. You can’t take the way he’s leaning in; his look is too warm, too sweet. Even though he spent most of the day yesterday showing you that he’s not some simple-minded billionaire, not the man that you've seen in the papers or on tv, it still feels so foreign and surprising. It shouldn’t—you don’t really know the man sitting across from you. You’ve spent a total of two and a half hours with him. 
“So,” You look over the menu, “Have you got any recommendations for this five-star something something?” 
“Not a one. I’ve never been here before.” 
Your brows shoot up. 
“You rented out a restaurant that you’ve never been to before?” 
“What if we hate it?” 
“Then Alfred will drive us to the nearest fast food place and we’ll get a cheeseburger.” 
“You wouldn’t do that.” 
Bruce reaches out, resting a hand on your menu and tipping it down to get your attention.
“Watch me.”
You bite your lip to tamp your smile down, but you can’t help your grin. 
“I can’t believe you.” 
“Sure you can—Are there fries in there? I thought I got fries,” Bruce frowns, tipping the greasy paper bag toward himself. You giggle, watching him rifle through it before he lets out out a triumphant grunt. You watch as he draws out a handful, cramming them into his mouth. 
“Slow down! If you keep this up,  you’re gonna choke.” 
Bruce waves you off, taking up his milkshake to wash the fries down. You lean back against the park bench, glancing back over Gotham Harbor. The sun is just beginning to set, casting a golden glow across the water. 
“Still can’t believe you rented that place out and then took me to BK’s.” “Now you know not to challenge me.” 
“I learned the tasty way.”
“‘Sides, the staff at du Roi got paid, and got the night off this way. It’s a win-win,” He offers. Your gaze flickers to his lips as he raises his thumb, sucking away a few grains of salt. Your face goes warm at the sight, and you hurriedly avert your gaze again. 
“Bless Alfred for braving the drive-thru,” You add. 
“He’s gone through far worse for me.” 
“Oh?” “Mm.”
You wait for Bruce to go on. Instead, he fishes into the paperbag for another handful of fries. 
“Can I ask you something?” He asks once he’s swallowed. 
“You said your family moved because Metropolis was more affordable?” “Mhm.” 
“Do you think they would’ve stayed if they could’ve afforded to?” 
You consider for a moment. The question turns your stomach. It’s one that you’ve been grappling with yourself. 
“Mm…” You look down at the burger in your hands, picking at a stray piece of lettuce.
“I don’t know,” You finally admit, shaking your head a little. “Maybe? It kinda reached a point where they were between moving to Metropolis and moving to the Narrows. I mean, the crime’s been off the charts—and even with the Batman doing everything he does, you know, my mom’s been…Panic-y. She didn’t feel safe here. Not that Metropolis has been a bed of roses, you know, I mean, they’ve got—that Mannheim situation over there, same way we had Falcone. It was kind of just a…Lesser of two evils.” 
Glancing over at Bruce again, you find him staring speculatively at his burger. You bite your lip, fighting the urge to ask about his family—about what he remembers of his parents, but—
“Has Alfred gotten any hints about what he’s getting for Christmas this year?” You ask. 
“Not a one,” Bruce answers without missing a beat. His gaze flickers to you again, a small smile curling his lips. 
“Good,” You chuckle. “I’m glad I didn’t ruin any surprises when he turned up at the store.” 
“Oh no? Didn’t ask how the gloves fit?” 
“I’m not gonna lie, I was this close.” 
“You showed me his picture yesterday, I recognized him! And as soon as he said it name was Alfred, it just clicked. But—I just asked if there was anything wrong with what you’d bought yesterday. Didn’t even say that it was for him.” 
“Very subtle.” 
“Thank you.” 
You reach into the bag, drawing out a few fries, and grinning and giggling as Bruce reaches out. He bats at your wrist, grumbling, “You’ve had yours already!” 
“C’mon, you’re a billionaire. You can spare a couple fries.” 
“Mm, I suppose.” 
“You big baby.” 
The ride back to your apartment feels sort of embarrassing. You don’t exactly live in the nicest neighborhood—you can’t imagine someone like Bruce Wayne has been anywhere near it. 
Alfred opens the car door for you, smiling and nodding as you get out. 
“Thank you, Mr. Pennyworth.” 
“Please, call me Alfred.” 
“Well, Alfred. Thank you.” 
“It’s been an honor, miss. And thank you again for the tea.” 
“Any time.” 
You round the car, smiling and taking hold of Bruce’s proffered hand. 
“I’ll be a moment,” Bruce tells Alfred. Then he turns, letting you lead the way to your front door. 
“I had a nice time,” You offer softly. 
“Mhm. I still can’t believe you rented out Chef du Roi and then took me to fucking Burger King.” 
“I’m just glad you could have it your way.” 
You splutter a laugh, turning away from Bruce and shaking your head. “Unbelievable.”
“...Could I see you again?” 
The question is a surprising one, and it makes you turn to look at Bruce again. He’s watching you patiently; the way he sweeps his thumb tenderly across the back of your hand tells you that he doesn’t know what you’re going to say. You’re not entirely sure yourself. You think for a moment before offering:
“I’ve never been to Taco Bell.” 
Bruce’s lips split into a wide, beautiful smile. 
“I think we can work with that,” He chuckles.
“Oh yeah?” 
“I’ll reserve a table and everything.” 
“I don’t think you can reserve a table there.” 
“How would you know? You’ve never been.” 
“And you have?” 
“You’d be surprised by where I’ve eaten.” 
“You’ve already surprised me twice in a row. I think to really shock me, you’d have to take me dumpster diving—”
“We could do that, you know.” 
“Oh, the Gazette would have a field day—Prince of Gotham Dumpster Diving—and Hanging Out at Local Landfill.” 
“Ouch,” Bruce laughs, lowering his arms to curl around your waist. The move catapults your heart into your throat. “C’mon, you’re better than that.” 
“You just say that ‘cause you’ve seen me all dressed up.” 
“I’ve seen you at work, too.” 
“I’m much more presentable at work than I am in my downtime.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“I’d like to see that,” Bruce insists, raising his hand to cup your cheek.
“Well, I’m sure we could arrange—” 
Before you can finish teasing him, Bruce is leaning in, pressing his lips warmly to yours. It’s far more gentle than you expect—but then again, nothing that Bruce has done has been what you expect. You let your eyes slip closed, leaning into him. Your lips pull with a small smile as Bruce pulls you just a little bit closer, his hand curling around to rest on your nape. You raise your hands, gently curling in the fabric of his coat lapels. You think he’ll draw away, but Bruce catches you off-guard again, instead gently nipping your lip, then sucking it between his lips. You tenderly nudge your nose against as the kiss cools. Bruce rests his forehead gently against yours. 
You swipe your tongue across your lips, smiling as you feel Bruce’s fingers flex in your coat. 
“So,” He murmurs, “Taco Bell? Tomorrow?” 
You giggle, nodding. 
“It’s a date, Mr Wayne.” 
Part Three
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valentiinexo · 1 month
ive been doubting elriel lately, like what if im wrong and they aren't endgame? 😭
hey there! 💖
first of all, and most importantly, it’s totally okay if you have doubts, absolutely no judgement here love!
there are a lot of factors about elriel that make me confident in their endgame status, but namely the following:
we know that each book will follow only one couple. there are multiple instances between acosf and the feysand bonus chapter that absolutely scream to me that elain will be the next leading lady. like seriously, elain saying “find me when you wish to begin” and feyre saying “let’s focus on one sister at a time” could not be more in your face obvious about the direction the series is going. additionally, we learned a lot about elains goings on! very importantly, we learn that she’s friends with nuala and cerridwen and appears to have been learning stealth/spy things from them. why is this so important? there is literally no reason to have elain be friends with (and to hint at training with) the twins, if not to connect her to azriel. it would have been just as easy for sarah to write that elain made friends with other fae down at the local gardening center or make up whole new unrelated characters, but she didn’t! she’s specifically made her closest to azriels spies, so to then not have her paired with azriel doesn’t really make sense textually. it’s no different than feyre befriending mor and amren during acomaf. there are other things that i could say, but i’ll end this bit by saying, per her own words, acosf showcased that elain is ready and willing to be a working member of the night court in their efforts against koeschi.
so, we know elain is ready to be our next fmc, which only leads us to figuring out the second pov. in all honestly, there’s not much to say here. azriel has now gotten his own bonus chapter as well as a majorly prominent role in hofas, which had important setup for the next acotar novel. prior to acosf, cassian also had his own bonus chapter, as well as chapters in acofas. we’re following the exact same pattern. additionally, azriel is now way too tied into the entire asteri/daglan/cauldron corruption/etc plot to not have a pov in the next novel. there is literally nobody else that could do it.
i won’t get into the reasons that i’m confident lucien won’t be the second pov, all i’ll say on it is that he has no setup for it in acosf (or even hofas), when that setup could’ve easily been written in if that was the direction sarah was going, and i’m not only talking romantically.
thank you for sticking it through to the end of my ramble! there are many many many other elriel blogs that do a much better job at articulating these things than i do, but i still hope it made you feel a little better anyway 💖 (p.s. if anyone else would like to add any additional information that you find important/ think i missed, please feel free to hijack this post!)
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 4 months
I just want them to be happy
I started watching stranger things because of the hype of S4, I watched the first season with my parents in 2018 but didn’t rlly remember anything abt the plot and I didn’t get past episode where Jonathan’s camera was broken because I physically couldn’t watch anything with embarrassment at that point in my life
Anyways all I remember is that I didn’t care abt milkvan, like at all, I had no emotional attachment to them, I thought they were vaguely cute? But I felt like I had seen this formula a million times before and it was boring at that point, so I just didn’t really care abt them, I loved the characters don’t get me wrong but their relationship just never really felt that important to me, I always preferred them as friends anyways, their platonic interactions were always my favorites
I knew that I just wanted these little fuckers to be happy and if Mike and Eleven being together made them happy so be it, even then tho I was starting to realize the differences between Mike/Will and Mike/El but I could’ve passed off S2 Byler was platonic if they wrote Mileven super cute, but at that point I hadn’t seen them together on screen enough to rlly have any attachment to them
And then I watched S3, and S4
And I realized if I want these characters to be happy they cannot be together- they’re relationship does not work, it is not healthy, it’s not good for either of them- and it’s not good for Will
We’re shown El giggling and having a good time after breaking up with Mike, we’re told that El see’s him as “her first boy friend” which means she thinks she’s gonna get another eventually- we’re SHOWN El being happy without Mike
We’re shown that Mike keeps El in a holding place she doesn’t want to be in anymore
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I just want El and Mike and Will to be happy and looking objectively at it Mike and El breaking up seems to be when El is the happiest, and Mike and Will being together is when they’re at their happiest
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kitcatttt · 2 months
Serious post.
Hi guys. I know you guys are probably surprised to hear from me considering my last post, and no, I’m not back permanently, but there is something I feel I need to make a post about.
Disclaimer: Do not harass the user mentioned in this post, I do not wish any harm onto them.
If you have been in the TPC community since January of this year, you know about the drama involving the user Cintagonisupset. If you’ve been keeping up with his blog (only reason I have is because I do 100% expect him to make another post about me and/or my friends) you would have seen one, or both of these posts.
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Now, you might be wondering, why am I bringing these up? Both of these situations are extremely unfortunate, and they would be, if he wasn’t lying.
I know that it’s a bold claim to make, but it isn’t inaccurate. I may not have concrete confirmation of him lying, but I have more than enough evidence.
For the first image, he legit just- didn’t leave tumblr. He just pinned that post and kept on tumblr like normal. For the ENTIRE time he was supposedly gone, he was still reblogging posts, just putting in tags that he was “still gone”. After about,, maybe a week or so his pinned post was back to the usual one and he was posting like normal. Not to mention, a little ways through that whole leaving tumblr bs he had changed the pinned post to this. “I hope y’all bitches burn in hell” (actual picture to be added once I fucking find it AUGH)
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(UPDATE I GOT IT) And the second image? He claimed. To have to be sent to a mental hospital because of a mental breakdown. That is EXTREMELY serious. Do you know how in need of help you need to be to be admitted to a mental hospital? Do you know how horrid that would be to fake? Now, I haven’t been to a mental hospital myself, but I have several friends who have. Hell, I even have a IRL friend who has been to one AND has written a 10 page research paper on them. They have all stated to me that they wouldn’t let a patient keep their phone, and my IRL has stated that the wait times there would most likely keep them in the hospital for longer than they supposedly were in there.
All of this alone isn’t enough for me to claim that he faked it, seeing as he is in Canada and I’m in the US, and they most likely operate different than here. But you know what is? The fact that he has deleted EVERY SINGLE POST HE HAS MADE ABOUT HIM BEING IN THE HOSPITAL. Sure, he could’ve gotten out early, but why delete all of the posts about it, and not at the very least make an update post on his condition? I know for a fact that there are still people that care about him, and not making a post about his condition when he CLEARLY has the ability to be on tumblr seeing as he deleted all his posts mentioning the hospital is extremely suspicious, and basically proves that he has ulterior motives for making these posts.
What do I think these motives are? Well, I believe that he is trying to make anyone who checks his blog that was involved in the drama against him think that he’s gone, so that they stop checking his blog for good. Then he gets rid of or hides/buries the posts and goes on with life like nothing happened. I honestly don’t blame him for trying this, as trying to get out of drama with desperate tactics isn’t that surprising and is not that odd of a response. BUT LYING ABOUT GETTING SENT TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL??? YOU REALLY COULDN’T THINK OF ANYTHING BETTER??? Honestly, it makes me sick. Seeing someone fake something as SERIOUS as that. Makes me sick.
I do not wish harm on him. I wish for him to heal. I wish for him to get the help that he needs. From his repeated behavior, there appears to be something wrong with him mentally. While I do not enjoy claiming this, it’s the most logical explanation seeing as he’s been doing shit like this FOR OVER 4 YEARS. He genuinely needs professional help, and I pray that he gets it. But for now, all we can do is defend ourselves if he decides he wants to attack us yet again.
And a personal message to Cintagonisupset, if he just so happens to be reading this. Your actions severely upset me. This post has not been made to wish ill will onto you, but to bring to light something that you have done wrong, that is genuinely disgusting in my opinion. You have made callout posts for way less. Again, I do not wish any harm onto you, so do not wish any harm onto me. Or do. It’s just more evidence against you.
If anyone has read this far, thank you. Once again, do not harass Cintagonisupset, that is not the purpose of this post. Thank you, and have a wonderful rest of your day.
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keira-kaz2y5 · 4 months
Finally got around to watching The Marvels on Disney +!!!!! It’s the best mcu film this phase istg omg it’s SO GOOD and immediately you can tell it was written by a woman NOT TO MWNTION THE INSANE END CREDIT SCENES WTFFFFF KATE BISHOP PIZZA THE DOG AND XMEN?!?!??!!!!!!! Omg I’m ecstatic this is the best marvel film in years it’s finally giving avengers early phase vibes! And I’m actually happy with every single plot moment! Unlike no way home where there were many questionable plot moments and bad scenes and bad cgi and multiverse of madness was something different entirely like I loved the horror and stuff and it made sense but as a whole that works with the rest of the marvel universe I didn’t like how it went and wandas “death” or “fake death” and the whole x men stuff. Loved America in that tho! Her whole moment made sense and ugh I can’t explain it properly plus the shitshow that was the She Hulk series and overall it just made me lose faith in marvel and that’s why I didn’t see The marvels in cinema like I usually do bc guardians of the galaxy 3 was so shite and I thought this would too maybe that’s why it flopped cuz the hype on past films wasn’t lived up to. But this FINALLY brings back early marvel vibes and I’m so into it. (Plus the reign of the cats 🐈‍⬛ 🐈😆)
Cuz as much as I liked NWH there were questionable parts yk, Dr Strange characterised Wanda badly from start to finish and didn’t do her justice, Wakanda Forever was amazing don’t get me wrong I really loved it and cried A LOT, but I wasn’t too keen on the whole Namor thing or unnecessary deaths, and some characters really just deserved better than what they got, like Okoye.. and Black Widow was great but it could’ve been a bit better with cgi and plot-wise like the deleted scenes should’ve been kept and so on.
For the first time I just really enjoyed every part of this film, since marvel has gone downhill lately, this is new for me. also I loved the queer undertones for Kamala and Carol, although they should’ve been braver and put it in explicitly if they wanted to show Carol and Valkyrie together instead of the kiss on the cheek and no talk of them being together. But headed in the right direction for sure and not to mention the Kate and Kamala scene? Female avengers team? Finally not outnumbered by men? Also I really ship Kate and Yelena so I hope she comes onto the team too, though she might just stick with the Thunderbolts antihero theme. I love that it’s so clearly written by women and directed by them plus the brilliant casting and having the villain also be a woman and with a realistic villainisation like I get why she turned out the way she did, she just wanted her home back for her people, also it’s Zawe Ashton, Tom Hiddlestons wife so it would be cool to see them act together perhaps, but either way brilliant casting and script and everything, I love Kamala really speaking for the fans in a lot of it, and the musical scene was fun in a mystical way, like when we first got introduced to Asgard way back when, I just wish we saw what happened there at least a small look in at the end with Carol checking in on them because they left in the middle of a battle and then we don’t find out what happened to that planet. But other than that small detail the film was fantastic and I loved how even Goose got a good storyline.
(My dreamteam avengers would be Bucky🦾, Yelena🕷️, Kate🏹, Carol💫, Kamala👊, Monica🌠, Shuri🐾, Riri 🛠️(ironheart), America⭐️ and Cassie 🐜 and Morgan Stark. Plus some xmen if that’s now an option?? And AOS team but marvel would never do that
Maybe Peter🕸️ Sean⭕️, Wanda and Moon Knight🌙🤺 boys too but idk )
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yellowbluemoonshine · 11 months
Dabi & Toga’s Arc;
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This is most likely an unpopular opinion buti think Dabi and Toga’s character arc/hero-villain interaction could’ve been written better.
Like, i love the whole speech between Toga and Ochaco, despite its flaws and the fact that it happenned in a few chapters (lol), it was till good with great art but at the same time, its weird for Toga to act like Ochaco is the only one who made her experience love. Romantic, plationic, doesnt matter, love is love. She experienced that love with league and i hoped Ochaco to make Toga realize that she already found love in league. Not in Ochaco. Dont get me wrong. I still think Ochaco’s acceptance matter in a different way than league but still, it would be nice to see both Toga and Dabi to give up on their obsessions for the sake of league/Shigaraki (since he is their hero). But instead, story gave them what they ‘wanted’. Like;
Do you want your dad to see you, Dabi? Let me give it to you. Let’s give your abuser a redemption arc, without properly adressing the flaws of society and every great point you made.
Do you want to be loved by Ochaco/Izuku, Toga? You bet, girl! Ochaco thinks you have the cutest smile and you found love with her and she even said she is gonna give her blood to you! Even though, Twice, Shiggy, league already did/do that for you and you found love with them but lets focus on yuri, togaochaco scenes.
My problem with this is that its like Dabi cant be saved without being seen by abuser and its like Toga didnt find love/bigger love with legaue than she has with Ochaco. Its like cheap writing to me because focusing on their inner world, adressing all that great speech about society and their familly bond would be harder. I wish story made those two force to choose between league and revenge/obsessions first, then make Shouto and Ochaco realize that they are family, then they can reach out to them. Not after their obsession accept their love, not because of that. Endeavour didnt need to be that important for Dabi’s story, it could be small part of it, without focusing on entirely on his acceptance and the love of league could be the main focus, instead of yuri interaction (i dont blame people for it, because author writes them in a weird way, whether make izuochaco canon or togaochaco after they become friends, not like this). (Not even mentioning Spinner/Shoji, Hawks/Twice and others).
Anyway, i think in both hero-villain interactions, story omitted a few important steps to make them get their current position. It could’ve/should’ve written better. I hope we get better writing with Shiggy-Deku.
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this may just be the 14 year old me who watched the show with rose filtered glasses on
but I am very bummed the show turned out this way
I mean I haven’t watched it since then but there were so many elements I loved
I really loved the world, even if it had plot holes lol (I did not see them at the time tho)
there are still a lot of characters I really like (catra is not one of them tho 💀 like even while I was watching the show and was sort of in the c//a community I didn’t like her…….. she was so unlikable the entire time, but I assumed it was just me bc everyone else seemed to love her…..)
horde prime couldve been the coolest final boss villain
scifi and fantasy is my favourite combination ever
it’s just such a bummer
it could’ve been so cool :(
they should’ve let ME reboot it isntead!!!!!!!!!!!!!/j
dude i totally get what you mean. i watched it when i was like 18? and i'm still bummed about how they screwed up the series. i think it had a lot of potential, especially around s3-4 when the plot really started to pick up the pace. there were still things wrong with the show at that point too, but i feel like it was salvagable.
i even liked catra as a character. she was a terrible person but she was interesting and i was curious to see how they handle her arc. if i didnt know that c//a was going to be canon going into the show, i would have 100% thought they were setting catra up for a corruption arc. and yeah, a lot of the other characters were really likeable. it just sucks that the show writers thought that c//a was the most important part of the series and it didn't matter if the other character arcs were butchered, so long as this ship becomes canon.
like you said, fantasy + sci-fi is a really good combo! if you want a GOOD show that combines these two genres, i highly recommend infinity train! i know i've mentioned it here before but i'll keep recommending it until it gets the appreciation it deserves (and hopefully gets renewed!) infinity train has amazing characters as well as worldbuilding, although the creators never got to finish the worldbuilding due to the show being cancelled. it also touched on very real and serious topics, and does a much better job of handling these issues. one of the antagonists in the series is much like catra but while he is specifically written to be sympathetic, he does not get redeemed and forgiven the way catra does. overall, just watch the show if you haven't already! it has 4 seasons with different characters in each season, and there are some heavily implied queer characters as well (though they couldn't confirm it because, again, restrictions).
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graaaaaayy · 3 months
Book reviewwwww
Scythe by Neal Shusterman. probably spelled that wrong, but I can’t be bothered to verify. Anyway, 6.5/10
Let’s start with the list of things I liked, because that one’s shorter.
you guys better give this notes cause it takes an embarrassingly long time for my dyslexic ass to write a 1k word review with everything almost everything spelt right.
Goddard died, thank goodness he was starting to get on my nerves
Faradays alive, fucking called it
the thunderhead is very intriguing I want to know more about it. Every dystopian setting has to have ‘its thing’ to set it apart, which ironically makes them similar. The thunderhead should be a plot hole ridden cliche but it stands out, because it’s very carefully written. We don’t know much about it but whatever we do know just piques one’s curiosty even further. 10/10 writing in that respect
Faraday and Curie’s romance ??? Come onnn
The goddamned High Blade himself has an illegitimate daughter. I have a love hate relationship with the dystopian genre because the mcs are usually the only ‘woke’ ones who start the revolution but here the entire frickin sycthedom is corrupted and they all know it. But nobody wants to do anything because then all hell will break loose which is exactly what we saw at the end of the book
what I didn’t like ( don’t come at me ) :
Okay, why were both citra and rowan bland as hell ? They both have exactly one personality trait. Rowan never shuts up about being the lettuce like that makes him special - have you ever heard of this concept called being the middle child buddy ? - and citra’s whole thing is that she’ll always say whatever she’s thinking. You and me both but at least that’s not my whole personality girl.
I WANT MORE BACKSTORY ABOUT THE AGE OF MORTALITY AND THE THUNDERHEADS WAY OF GOVERNING AND NANITES AND REVIVAL CENTERS AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITY AND CELEBRITIES AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AND I DIDNT GET IT. It wasn’t even to build suspense or anything it was just sloppy world building. And before you tell me an author can’t write a 700page novel, first off yes they can and second the first half of the book dragged on so much that I nearly gave up on reading it. Some of that could’ve been sacrificed for actual world building and plot.
Rowan and Citra kissed once, one time and basically the next time they have a conversation they’re proclaiming their love for each other ? And Citra had absolutely no proof that rowan hadn’t been corrupted, the guy snapped her neck, seemingly participated in goddards massacres ‘willingly’ and then she’d just heard that he shot a family member in the head during his test before the instructions were fully given. Why the hell would she just let him go ?
the way people react to scythes changed drastically from start to finish. People just went from terrified grovelling to just showing up to their parties ? What happened to ‘you never know if a scythe is just gathering people to glean them ? Especially Goddard who’s known for mass gleaning.
if the thunderhead had indeed done away with everything that was harming humanity then why didn’t it get rid of the concept of celebrities ? Consumerism still seems to exist. It’s got more cons than pros. Why isn’t there AI law enforcement that can’t succumb to bias ?
The klunky world building deserves another mention because it really pissed me off
If Goddard ( bad guy ) was smart enough to have cronies that hung on to his every word, then why couldn’t Faraday, Curie etc ( supposed good guys ) also rally together and secure allies so that they’d be ready when the inevitable uprising arrived ?
okay I know some of this is because of ‘undisclosed plot purposes ^TM’ but it could’ve been done better. That is all. Goodbye
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notepadsandtealeaves · 11 months
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Dick Grayson x GN!Reader in: The Curious Case of the Lovers in the Library
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|| Ao3 Version ((link pending)) | F!Reader version ||
|| Dick’s Tag | Batboys M.list | Batboys Tag | Personal Blog ||
|| The sequel: The Penalty Round ((V. spicy, 18+ only)) || || F!Reader (Ao3) | GN!Reader (Ao3) | M!Reader (Ao3) ||
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↠ Requested By: No one, twas a gift to a friend ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW ((but my blog’s 18+ so minors need to shoo)) ↠ CWs/TWs: None ↠ Prompt: “They’re hiding behind the sofa.” ↠ Total WC: 1.9k~
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“Hm, well I suppose you could hide here. Behind the sofa,” he clarifies, patting the ornate cushioning that currently cradles him for further emphasis when you give him a confused look. Your confusion, however, soon gives way to an arch sort of glee that he frankly finds unacceptable as you coo out some nonsense about him being ‘sweet’. His eyes narrow dangerously at your tone. “Do not make that face at me, ____, I am not ‘sweet’. Know that I do this for myself, not you. The most expedient way to regain even a fraction of my peace is to humor you, and even knowing that this offer is still being made against my better judgement.” “Aww, and here I was thinking you had a heart,” you say on a sigh. This, as well as your accompanying pout, is met with a distinct lack of amusement. “Do you intend on standing there making quips until you are discovered, or will you take me up on my extremely generous offer. An offer whose expiration is steadily creeping closer, mind you.”
↠ When you and your lover decide to play an extreme version of hide and seek shenanigans ensue. Damian, unsurprisingly, is not impressed.
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Here’s the long overdue gender neutral version of the og fill! Said fill can be found on my personal blog, and while I contemplated putting the GN versions on there too, I figured this was a good way to direct eyes to my writing blog since I’ve basically been MIA for the whole of the year.
It should also be said that there won’t be any M!Reader options this time around as the entry for this collection could’ve been GN from the start. In truth I would make the whole collection purely GN, but since these were initially written for a lady-type friend I feel it would be wrong to scrap the F!Reader version entirely. That said, there’re literally no major changes to the story aside from pronouns, so I do not see the point in further differentiation. However, if enough people request it I can make an M!Reader version, but again, all it’ll do is turn she/they to he/him.
Also, also—it’s gonna be a bit before this goes up on Ao3 as I’m still trying to figure out how I want to format things over there.
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|| The Curious Case of the Lovers in the Library
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Damian looks up from the book he’s been reading with an arched brow. Under normal circumstances seeing a civilian panting and frantic would give rise to his protective instincts, but the flush to your cheeks is a warm one and the glint in your eyes amused, if a bit pleading. It takes you far longer than it should to notice him and the Great Dane at his feet, but to your credit you do not allow your shock to register over much.
“I can only assume that you and Grayson are playing at yet another inane game?” he asks as he marks his page with a finger.
Your responding nod is a bit absent as your eyes dart about the breadth of the library. “Yeah. Hide and seek, extreme edition.”
“And what, pray tell, makes it ‘extreme’?”
“The uhhh… penalty round…”
You fluster visibly as you utter the words. He does not inquire further.
Though large, the room offers little in the way of concealment. The heavy velvet curtains are too obvious a spot while the statues are too narrow to hide anything from even the most cursory of glances; likewise the bookcases are hardly a viable option given their positioning and spacing, and the overly high legs of the oversized furniture render the pieces just as ineffective for your purposes. He points all of this out to you with a bland aplomb that leaves you huffing out your frustrations.
“Well that’s just great,” you mutter as you continue to search for harbor in vain. “I didn’t see him, or hear him, for that matter–”
“As well you shouldn’t,” the boy sniffs. While he may not possess the former assassin’s level of skill, Richard still spent the better part of his childhood and adult years under Father’s tutelage—if you actually had been able to detect him he’d be greatly remiss.
“Yeah, yeah—you’re all living shadows, I get it,” you continue on with a roll of your eyes. “What I’m trying to say is, even though I couldn’t sense him I know he was right on my ass, Dames. There’s no getting out of this room without getting caught, and I’m really not trying to lose this thing.”
Though he is thoroughly convinced that your competitive streak is going to get you in trouble someday he cannot help but to find it a bit winsome. Not that he’d ever tell you that. No, instead he chooses to offer you the help that you desperately need—an unexpected concession, but apparently he’s feeling generous this afternoon.
“Hm, well I suppose you could hide here. Behind the sofa,” he clarifies, patting the ornate cushioning that currently cradles him for further emphasis when you give him a confused look. Your confusion, however, soon gives way to an arch sort of glee that he frankly finds unacceptable as you coo out some nonsense about him being ‘sweet’.
His eyes narrow dangerously at your tone. “Do not make that face at me, ____, I am not ‘sweet’. Know that I do this for myself, not you. The most expedient way to regain even a fraction of my peace is to humor you, and even knowing that this offer is still being made against my better judgement.”
“Aww, and here I was thinking you had a heart,” you say on a sigh. This, as well as your accompanying pout, is met with a distinct lack of amusement.
“Do you intend on standing there making quips until you are discovered, or will you take me up on my extremely generous offer. An offer whose expiration is steadily creeping closer, mind you.”
He has barely finished the final sentence before you’re diving behind the sofa with a flurry of no’s followed by hasty word of thanks. The sudden movement is enough to pull his companion from his slumber. Startled, Titus’ woofs loudly as his head whips from you to his master and back again, and it’s only his familiarity with you that keeps him from doing more. A few good scratches behind his pointed ears from the boy is enough to see him calmed, though your continued maneuvering does have him sniffing at you with a weary sort of curiosity. When you finally settle down behind him he too relaxes in full, allowing sleep to once again claim him with a swiftness that only the most trusting of creatures can manage.
It takes well over twenty seconds after that for your breaths to even out into something less obvious than the laughter-laced huffs they start out as—hardly an acceptable showing, but to be expected given the circumstances, the vigilante supposes. In yet another uncharacteristic display of unspoken solidarity he in turn syncs his own breathing with yours, thusly lowering your chances of detection by at least another twenty percent or so.
The space returns to the peaceful lull it had been in prior to your entry, though this isn’t to last—can never last when the humanoid Labrador that is his brother is around. The eldest Wayne child bounds though the door with a shout of your name followed by a breathless laugh. Damian can only assume that said breathlessness is due to the joy that he always seems to exude when he so much as thinks of you and not because of any legitimate strain on his part.
“That was pretty sneaky, babe,” he continues on as he steps more fully into the space, “using the hidden passages like that. But now you’ve cornered yourse– Oh! Heya, Dami.”
“It took you approximately twelve seconds to notice my presence, Grayson. Had I been an assassin out for your head you would already be dead.”
“Then I guess it’s good for me that you’re outta the game, huh?”
Richard chuckles a bit at that, his fingers flexing as if they long to ruffle the loose wave of his little brother’s hair, though both distance and a rather pointed glare keeps him from doing so. Still, the energy that ever courses through his veins demands movement and so he rises onto the balls of his feet and bounces in place a few times—eyes casually scanning the whole of the room all the while—before he rounds on Damian with a beaming smile.
“Catching up on your reading, huh? What’re you– Ah, a le Carré, eh? Wouldn’t be my first choice to unwind with, but ya like what ya like,” he concedes with a shrug. “I’m just glad to see you actually relaxing for once.”
The younger male finds himself bristling at the statement, just a bit, but a voice that sounds a lot like Pennyworth’s reminds him that not every comment is bait to be risen to. Still, “I take exception to your inference, Grayson—I relax when I deem it to be necessary.”
“Yeah, I know you do, littlest of bros. I just wish that you ‘deemed it to be necessary’ more often. You’re only young once, yanno? You gotta use that free pass for stupidity while ya still got it.”
“If you lot are anything to go by it shall not be expiring for a long while yet.”
Richard’s grin is impish from where he’s currently scrambling up the side of one of the bookcases. “Well, you ain’t wrong…”
Though he can assume his brother’s ultimate goal, the way he’s going about finding you leaves Damian utterly confused. Does he really think you to be atop the thing? Or is he simply trying to gain the advantage via a more advantageous vantage point? In any event he decides to use his genuine confusion to his personal benefit when he inquires as to just what it is that Richard is doing.
“Huh? Oh, I’m just looking for my darling lil partner,” he replies as he descends to the floor once more in a controlled fall. “They uhh, they wouldn’t happen to be in here, would they?”
“Please refrain from involving me in your childish games, Grayson.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna take that as a ‘yes’.”
Hating the idea of anyone being able to read him so easily the boy is quick to bury his face in the pages of his book once again with a dismissive click of his tongue. Though his eyes remain glued to the lines of print before him, his focus is zeroed in on Grayson’s every movement, but even with his sensory intake being reduced to what he can glean from auditory stimuli and his peripheral vision this is hardly a feat. The man bounces around from window to window whipping back curtains with equal amounts of flair and abandon; an overly dramatic “Are theyyyy… here!” accompanies every flap of fabric, much to his brother’s annoyance and his partner’s growing amusement.
Keep it together, Damian silently pleads when a particularly loud giggle escapes from the confines of your hiding spot. Grayson is in the middle of yet another exclamation so it more than likely goes unheard, but his younger coughs and clears his throat anyhow. His eyes immediately pinch in contemplation as he wonders why he feels the need to cover for you, it’s not as if he stands to gain anything from aiding you—in fact he would be better off if you were found sooner. A swifter detection means a swifter return to the quiet he so craves.
He isn’t quite sure how he has managed to become so heavily invested in your victory, but a brief bit of introspection has him writing it off to the quite charm that you wield seemingly without thought or effort. Sure, you have the capacity to annoy him to no end, but there is no denying that there is something magnetizing about you. What’s more, you’re one of the kindest people he has ever had the privilege of knowing despite life giving you ample reasons not to be. It’s so easy to see exactly what it is that draws Richard’s bleeding heart to the tenderness of your own. Though he may have made some questionable decisions with his previous romantic partners, Damian is sure that what the two of you have is made to endure.
Of course he gives voice to none of this, choosing instead to level his brother with a disgruntled look. “If you’re quite finished kicking up several weeks’ worth of dust…?”
“Alright, alright,” said with hands raised in concession. “Enjoy your book, baby feathers, I’m out.”
Though the use of the infuriatingly infantile nickname leaves Damian seriously contemplating testing his brother’s reflexes via a launched international spy thriller, he abstains if only to keep eyes off of him. With your impending (and shared) victory so close at hand, a vicious little smile plays along the corners of his mouth. Your pursuer is nearly out the door, just a few more feet and he’ll have retreated into the hall once more–
Why?? he silently laments. There’s no reason for the sudden burst of mirth that he can see. Grayson was leaving, you had won.
Even muffled there is no denying the distinct cadence of your laugh and your lover’s eyes narrow as he looks towards the sound’s source. “They’re hiding behind the sofa.”
His statement brokers no response, but that does not mean that he will not receive one.
“Ha! I knew it!”
Well, Damian muses as he watches his brother toss the giggling mess of a human over his shoulder, it cannot be said that I did not try…
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A/n: Not me losing every round of hide and seek I’ve ever played because I am a giggly bitch lmao. Anyways! Looking back over this now I realize that this touches on the relationship between Reader and Damian more than it does ReaderxDick, but whatever, it’s fine lmao…
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© notepadsandtealeaves/TheViperQueen, 2018-2023 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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tzyuki · 2 years
[ 정원 ] OBLS ꒰ Y.JW x F!READER
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002. celebrity moment | written + smau (826 wrds)
IN WHICH ?! — Years after filming a viral documentary in 8th grade, two former enemies get pulled back in front of cameras but for an idol reality show.
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“Yeah, they were talking about you and your rank.” Eunjin told Y/n. “Oh.” Y/n nodded her head, she was a little out of it since she had just woken up. “OH?” Sami shouted through the screen. They were video calling on their laptops.
“If someone was talking about me I’d be furious!”
“Well— I mean, I’m not that upset. They’re not wrong, I am ranked low.” Y/n yawned. “Yeah— but you’re not a little mad?” Sami asked.
“I mean they didn't seem to say anything bad so I’m not.” 
“Will you get dressed, Y/n.” Minji suddenly said, “You’re gonna be late, again.” 
“Okay okay! I will.” Y/n waved before leaving the call. 
Like most kids at Decelis Academy, they usually lose sleep over studying, unlike Seok Y/n she lost sleep over watching a Vlive. It’s a little embarrassing she’ll admit.
She quickly got dressed and made her way out of the house, her mom being a little confused as to why she ran out so fast.
“Honey! it’s— only 7:30.” Her mother sighed.
Y/n only found out her friends had lied about the time when she made it to school extra early.
“Everyone’s already in class?” Y/n asked as she looked at the empty campus, a lot of kids would hangout around the campus after eating breakfast. “It’s 7:40, not 7:50.” Sami laughed.
“You guys lied to me? I could’ve eaten breakfast.” Y/n pouted, Ash handed Y/n an extra choco milk. “Here.” 
“Oh! Thank you!” Y/n grabbed the milk and drank it happily. She's truly a child stuck in the body of a 14 year old.
Minji looked at all the students walking into the campus to hangout a little before class. “You should really move in with one of us, Y/n.” Y/n’s friends had been trying to convince her to move into the dorms.
“I love my parents, I could never live without them.” 
“Yeah but think about it— it’s impossible to be late— ”
“Y/n being Y/n would still be late.” Ash cut Minji off, Y/n scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes. “Having a curfew sucks, but maybe it’ll help you sleep better.” Minji shrugged her shoulders.
“There’s like three simple rules: lights out at 9, no boys in the girls dorms after eight— same for the girls, and no one in the lounge after eight.” 
“I think you’d live fine here, it’s not like you can’t go visit your family. You live not too far from school so you can see them anytime.” 
“Unlike me, my parents live in Toronto.” Sami sighed. “I video call them everyday though!”
“One day you gotta bring us to Toronto!” Y/n suggested, the bell rang. Students started to walk to their classes.
“When we’re older, okay.” Sami nodded her head.
“Ms. Seok.” Mr. Choi said as he approached the girls. “Please meet me in the teachers office during lunch. Let’s get to class now girls.”
“Hi, you wanted to meet with me?” Y/n said as she approached Mr. Choi at his desk. 
“Ah yes, are you interested in filming a documentary about the highest and lowest ranking students at this school? As you might know, Yang Jungwon is ranked number one, and you’re ranked number 231, he hasn’t agreed yet but we just wanna know what you think about it.”
“You’ll get paid, of course.” He added. That got Y/n’s attention, money equals getting albums. She didn’t have to think twice about it.
“Sure! I’ll do it!” She nodded her head excitedly. “Really? That was quick.” Mr. Choi asked and Y/n nodded her head again.
“Can you tell me more about the documentary though?” She asked, “They’re gonna film you guys for a month, you’ll have to sit next to each other, eat lunch together, etcetera.” 
“So— I’ll be practically attached to Yang Jungwon for an entire month?” 
“That’s if he agrees, if he doesn’t then we’ll ask the second ranked student and so on.” 
“Oh, okay then.” Y/n understood, “Am I good to go now?” She asked.
“Yes, I’ll tell you when there’s any updates.”
“What did Mr. Choi want?” Ash asked, “He was asking if I was interested in filming this documentary. I said yeah, I’m getting paid so who wouldn’t say yes.” She shrugged her shoulders.
“Documentaries are boring.” Sami groaned. “Are you sure you should’ve said yes?”
“It’s about the highest and lowest ranking students at Decelis. It sounds kinda interesting.”
“So you and Yang Jungwon are gonna be in a Documentary together?” Minji asked. “That’s if he agrees to, and if he doesn’t then whoever’s ranked second will go on.”
“And you’re doing this for money?” Eunji asked, “Yes.” Y/n sighed. “Also like what if I become famous.” Y/n tried to hide her smile.
“We get it, you want your celebrity moment.” Ash patted Y/n’s back.
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EJ NOTE ; idk i was watching zoey 101 and they have a sushi place on campus so now i have made decelis to have shops
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