#couldn’t the powers that be have made me even slightly normal or.
venln · 2 years
I am not going to lie to u all I hate being ace spec I feel like I am missing out on such a big part of being a person and I wish I could engage like everyone else but when I do I feel like I’m faking it and I’m so aware that I’m not enjoying it the same amount as everyone else at BEST or I’m insanely uncomfortable at worst
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hazbinhotelxreader · 4 months
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Yandere Alastor x doe! Fem child reader
“Little Doe”
An: not a request but an idea I had while in school! I’m still rusty since it’s been like- 7 weeks since I last posted but I hope you enjoy!
Sorry if it’s bad! I am still rusty on writing and Alastor is difficult to write for
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The great and powerful radio demon was taking his usual stroll around the streets of Pentagram city. As usual, demons were freaking out at his presence, some even taking pictures of him only to have their screens shut off. Alastor kept his usual smile as he walked, nodding at a few ladies he passed by, who giggled when he left. In the way to the hotel, he heard a bleat like noise, causing his ears to perk up.
Usually, he’s not sometime to go after someone who’s hurt, but he couldn’t ignore this one. It felt like an instinct. Even if he didn’t have those mother deer urges, he still had an instinct to protect the creature that made the bleat. He walked over to the area, came/microphone in hand and stopped at the scene, raising his brows, keeping his smile.
He saw four, shark like sinners picking on a young, fawn female. You. You were a young, small, maybe about 8 years old, and helpless in the grasps of the shark sinners. You had tears in your eyes, opened wounds from the attacks, bruises on you limbs. Alastors eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke up. ‘Why what seems to be going on here?” Alastor says in his normal cheery tone.
“None of your fucking business, now beat it” one of the shark sinners snarled, tugging on your deer ears. You let out a whimper, closing you eyes tight, you were scared, in pain, and so confused on why they were doing this.
Alastor let’s put an amused chuckle, and didn’t move from his spot. “Are you sure you want to do this? We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. And trust me…” some green sparks rose around him, his voice more stadicky “you don’t want to choose the hard way”
The shark sinners seemed to get the message, letting go of the fawn, but still trying to act tough.” Yea-well. How do we know you’re tellin the truth? What if ya bluffing?”
Alastor let’s put a small ‘hmm’ sound and shrugged. “I suppose that is what one mag think, but I am not bluffing. I don’t tolerate fools like you harming a young lady.” Alastor informed and walked closer. “So I suggest you make your way out of here before I make you.”
The shark sinners looked at each other for a minute before scoffing and walking away. Alastors smile grew bigger, then he looked at your trembling form. “Now now my dear, don’t be afraid. I’m not here to cause you any harm.” He said with a happy tone “what might your name be Young lady?”
You muster up the courage to look at him, your innocent eyes averting from his “[n-name]” you say in a slightly shaky soft tone.
Alastor chuckled and spoke “[Name]? What a wonderful name little fawn.” He held his hand out for you to take “if you don’t already know me, I am Alastor. The pleasure is mine of meeting you” he said bright and loud. Which gave you slight reassurance. No one in hell is this happy, and that made you feel better when Alastor was happy. Alastor crouched down and checked your body for any wounds, which he found a few.
“It seems that you are injured! Why don’t you allow me to help heal you? The hotel is just a little ways” he offered. You know you shouldn’t say yes to strangers, especially not dangerous ones, but for some reason he seemed genuine, and comforting. The only smiling face in hell you’ve seen so far. So you nod. “Wonderful! Now let us go my dear” he carefully scooped you into his arms. Carrying you small body. You relax a little in his arms, as he takes you to some hotel he was talking about. You’re not sure if you should trust him, but you feel like you should. Even if you didn’t know what could happen when you do arrive.
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frostdayz · 19 days
First meetings
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Loki x reader (f! reader)
genre: Fluff
summary: Loki turns smitten when he first lays his eyes on you.
AN: it took me not kidding like 25 minutes to post this short thing. I had to edit and post a paragraph each minute. Anyway, I got frustrated and deleted the actual summary so enjoy that mess. BTWWWW if anyone has good Logan (Wolverine) fics/ one-shots send them my way, thanks
my stories never really describe the readers gender so unless stated otherwise all my stories are gn!!
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The grand hall of Asgard was a sight to behold—glittering gold, towering columns, and a ceiling so high it felt like the sky itself. I had only heard stories about this place, about the grandeur, the power, the gods who roamed these halls. But none of it compared to standing here, in the heart of it all, among legends.
Thor led me through the grand entrance, his booming laughter echoing in the vast space as he recounted tales of his many adventures. "And then," he chuckled, "I turned to Loki and said, 'You, brother, are as slippery as a snake!'—and he didn’t even deny it!"
I smiled politely, though my attention was elsewhere. There was a figure at the far end of the hall, standing alone by a window, his dark silhouette contrasting against the golden light streaming in. He had an air of mystery about him, his raven hair falling in soft waves to his shoulders, his sharp features etched with an intensity that made my breath catch. It was as if the world had paused momentarily, the air around him thrumming with an energy I couldn’t quite place.
"Ah, and here he is!" Thor called out, nudging me forward with a playful grin. "Loki, brother, come meet our guest!"
The figure turned slowly, and my heart skipped a beat as our eyes met. His gaze was piercing, emerald green, and filled with something unreadable. I could see the flicker of surprise in his expression, though he masked it quickly with a cool, collected demeanor. He stepped closer, his movements graceful and deliberate, and I found myself rooted to the spot, unable to tear my gaze away. "Lady Y/N," Thor continued, clearly enjoying himself, "this is my brother, Loki. Loki, this is Lady Y/N. She has come to Asgard as a guest of our realm."
Loki stopped in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine. There was a subtle shift in his expression—something softened, something curious. "Lady Y/N," he said, his voice smooth as silk. "It is… a pleasure."
I managed to nod, feeling the weight of his attention on me like a physical presence. "The pleasure is mine, Prince Loki." Thor, ever the observant one, let out a hearty laugh. "Well, well, would you look at that! I’ve never seen you so taken aback, brother. Normally, you’d have some witty remark ready, but it seems Lady Y/N has rendered you speechless!"
Loki shot his brother a look—half annoyance, half amusement—but I caught the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Do you always announce my thoughts so loudly, Thor?" he asked his tone light but laced with a subtle challenge. Thor clapped Loki on the shoulder with a grin. "Only when it’s so obvious! You should see the look on your face."
I felt a blush creeping up my neck, and I tried to focus on anything other than the fact that Loki’s gaze hadn’t wavered from me. It was as though he was studying me, trying to unravel some puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out. It was both unnerving and… thrilling. Loki tilted his head slightly as if considering something. "And what is it, Thor, that you think you see?" Thor chuckled, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret. "I see a brother who is completely smitten."
Loki raised an eyebrow, but there was no denial in his expression. Instead, he simply looked back at me, a slow, almost imperceptible smile curving his lips.
"Perhaps," he mused, "there are things even gods cannot anticipate."
My heart fluttered at his words, and for a moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the room. The world faded into the background, and all I could focus on was the way Loki’s eyes seemed to see right through me as if he knew me—understood me—on a level I hadn’t even realized was possible.
Thor’s laughter broke the spell, and I blinked, the world snapping back into focus. "Come now, Lady Y/N," Thor said, still grinning, "let us continue our tour. I’m sure Loki will join us once he’s done… collecting himself."
Loki’s gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he stepped back with a slight nod. "Enjoy your tour, Lady Y/N. I’m sure we’ll meet again soon." As I followed Thor through the hall, I couldn’t help but glance back over my shoulder. Loki was still standing there, watching me with that same intense gaze. And in that moment, I knew—whatever this was, whatever had just passed between us—it wasn't the last time I'd see it.
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“He wonders…” TWST boys dreaming about their crush (Octavinelle)
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul has always dreamed big ever since he was a child: to prove the rest of the children wrong and be the best of the best, and now he has. A dorm leader who runs Monstro Lounge as if it has become a mini metropolis of NRC.The smartest student around who helps the poor, unfortunate souls… but yet he still dreams of more. More. And more.
He dreams more of… you. You flood his mind, once a calm river that flowed silently suddenly became a sea where the waves made thunderous clashes against one another, it became louder and louder, more frequent and powerful than the first. He wakes up while blushing upon realising he was dreaming of you, where the waves stretched themselves onto the sandy white shore, the sea breeze making you look as if you were an angel of sorts. You smiled at him, calling for his name, and you said you love him…
The poor octopus, too caught up in his dream, didn’t realise Jade was right in front of him, gently waking him up from his dream as he fell asleep on his desk. “My, my Azul. Your face is so red. Have you gotten a fever?” Jade teased, smiling mischievously as if he already knew. “He must be thinking of his crush, Jade~” Floyd chips in, grinning just as mischievous as his brother. “You must be right, Floyd~” they both chuckled. “Oh would you two just get back to work?!” Azul bashfully frowned, shouting softly at them in a defensive manner.
What is he to do? Isn’t he the perfect student? Can’t he just walk up to you with class and might, strut a charismatic pose with a charming smile and woo you with no effort? What he dreams of doing is much better said than done… or better dreamt of than done. The moment you smile at him when he calls you, he chickens out last minute, either excusing himself stupidly or telling you something different from what he truly wanted to confess. Azul hates it, why is he scared? “They’re too good for me…” he mumbled into his pillow, frustrated that he couldn’t utter a single part of his feelings for you.
All he can do is dream… or so he thought. As miserable as he has become, there is hope when he found you sad and dejected, he dreamed of this exact scenario of comforting you. Of course he’s genuine, wanting to make you feel better so he whisks you away and soothe you, and you hug him afterwards, just as he dreams. The pink blush that adorned his cheeks, he softly tells you, “You can always come to me, Pearl. I love you, don’t ever forget that.” <3
Jade Leech
Honestly… does he even dream of anything..? It’s hard to tell, you can’t exactly pin him in a “Dream” or “Don’t Dream” type of guy. It’s hard to tell, so let me let you in on a little secret. He does dream. A lot. And a lot more than you think.
He could be doing his duties at Monstro Lounge going around table to table serving the customers and be dreaming about his mushrooms growing to become gigantic. He does have some child-like dreams of his own, and he masks his own dreamy look too well for the normal eye to tell. However, Azul and Floyd are pretty much the only ones who can tell whether he’s dreaming or not. He’s the type who looks like he’s paying attention, but he really isn’t. At least, not all of him is focused. Who drones off to his own world while dreaming of you smiling sweetly at him while complimenting the terrarium he just showed you. “Mr Jade, what is the answer to this equation?” The professor snapped him out of thought. “Ah,” he pretends to flip his notes as if he wrote down his answer. “16.7.” “That’s correct.”
It’s incredible how he can give a valid answer while in his own little world, where his own little world revolves around you. He felt blissful when you kiss his forehead in his dreams, or how he closes his eyes slightly slower to focus on how he recalls your laugh. It’s quite obvious to his best friend and brother: he’s in love with you. Jade dreams of the smaller things, the fine details he rather focus about on you. It’s just his preferred dream.
Let us not forget now, Jade wants those dreams to become real. He’s just waiting for the right time to confess to you. He dreams of the scenario in his head: the two of you would be alone in his room making terrariums and having light and airy conversations, giggling and smiling at one another, keeping it casual and simple.
He’ll tell you all about each species, observing the way your eyes sparkle with curiosity and awe and he smiles to himself before he looks back to the terrarium he’s making. “I had fun, Jade. Thanks for letting me be with you!” You smiled with him with a blush. That’s… not what he dreamt of, but he certainly isn’t complaining. In fact, he’s smiling wider, with confidence and bliss. “I had to. But it can be always if you say that you love me, too.” His cheeks bloom pink. <3
Floyd Leech
Floyd isn’t a heavy dreamer, but he still dreams. His dreams are quite chaotic and bizarre, but dreams are dreams and he likes to dream when he gets bored. He can dream of annoying Riddle and all, but he’s mostly dreaming about you when he dozes off. Why not, right? Floyd dreams of you shamelessly: you in a dress getting splashed by him at the seashore, you laughing and splashing him back as he playfully chases you down the beach and into the water, transforming into his eel form and picking you up, smiling and laughing heartily and-
“Floyd Leech!” “Hm?” He nonchalantly hums as the professor snapped at him. “Pay attention! No dozing off!” Floyd rolls his eyes and carries on dreaming, no one can stop him from thinking about you. He grins widely, eye lids half-lidded as he pays no heed to his professors previous reprimands, dozing regardless just to dream of you.
Sometimes he tells you his dreams, just not the ones about you. It’s not that he’s afraid to tell you about them, but he much rather keep it a surprise and wait for you to be even ready to take them… or… honestly I’m not quite sure he’s unpredictable to say the least. “I dreamt of you hugging me at sea~” “Don’t you always do that Floyd? And to everyone?” You just don’t seem to interpret his dreams at all, do you? Or get the hint? He pouts, wondering if you dreamed of him before, and he asks you all the time.
“S/o, have you dreamed of me before?~” “E-eh? Well…” He feels quite smug if you do. Jade used to say that if you dreamed of someone, that someone you dreamed of will dream of you too. Floyd doesn’t believe in fate but he would now if it’s to just shower you with affection.
He keeps dreaming of you: in basketball practice, Crewel’s class, during lunch, right in front of you in Monstro Lounge. When is he ever going to make it reality. He becomes rather impatient, the thoughts of you pressing your lips against his makes him more determined to be even more shameless, and Floyd being Floyd starts to grow a bit more clingy until he finally feels like it.
He doesn’t follow his dreams, it’s just the thought of you being his lover is what he likes. He goes with the flow, and whatever happy memories you two would make will not be a dream but a memory.
“Koebi-chan, you know I dreamt of us being a couple~ Do you wanna be one right now?” “H-huh?! B-be serious!” “I am.” <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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.⋆。Morning Voice。⋆.
König x plus size reader
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x plus size reader
Just imagine their morning voices
Warnings: Lou is thirsty again, implied smut, secret relationship, mutual pinning, injuries, fluff, little angst, itty bitty bit of smut, might be ooc König, mention of stitches
WC: 970
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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It was the voices that woke you up. They were muffled behind the door to your private room but just loud enough to rouse you from a surprisingly restful sleep. You blinked your eyes open but the warmth that surrounded you and the heavy weight across your soft stomach urged you back to sleep.
Just as your eyelids fluttered shut once more, a thought occurred to you. You shuffled backwards just slightly and your ass came into contact with something hard and teasingly hot. There came a deep groan from above your head and the weight around your stomach tightened, drawing you even further back into them.
“Stop moving, liebling.” (darling) His voice rumbled through you like an earthquake, shaking you down to your core. It was breathy but not weak, no, you could hear its power waiting just below the surface. The German rolled off his tongue in a way that made your eyes roll back into your head.
“König.” You whimpered. “You have to go, they’ll find out.” But you made no effort to pull away from his protective hold, in fact you snuggled back into the colonel, putting your right hand on top of his own much larger one. 
He laughed softly into your hair before planting a kiss to the crown of your head. “I think you would rather me stay spatzi.” (little sparrow) Long fingers danced down your plump stomach, drawing closer and closer to your core. “I think you need me right here.” 
You gasped as he finally cupped your mound, the butt of his hand brushing against your overworked clit. “König.” You bit your lip, trying to keep your voice down.
“That seems to be all you can say this morning.” He teased and rolled his hips into your ass, forcing his hardening length between her cheeks. “How about I make you scream it?”
The words on the report in front of you had stopped making sense about 2 paragraphs ago but you continued your attempt at reading the action report just to distract from the sight only a few feet away from you. The room was silent save for the quiet beeping of the heart monitor and the almost deafening sound of your own breathing.
With a groan, you threw the folder of papers onto your cluttered desk and looked back up to the bed in front of you. 
He was only wearing a tight black shirt and tan cargo pants but you had insisted that the old skull balaclava remain firmly on his head. His wide chest rose and fell consistently, giving you peace of mind even as your hands still burned from stitching up so much of his body and the smell of blood still overpowered that hospital smell you had grown so used to.
He looked so small laying on the infirmary cot, his normally overwhelming presence now dwindling down to an ember and it broke your heart. Not because you were in love with the man! You cared out of professional obligation given you were the only doctor for the 141. 
As the clock struck 3 am, you stood up from your desk and approached the bed. You told yourself that you were just going to check his stitches but you never even touched his bandages. Instead you sat on the rickety folding chair that Gaz had found in one of the broom closets. 
Simon’s hand was devastatingly cold as you took it into your own. You cradled his palm, tracing over the various silvery lines of scars with your fingertips. Exhaustion hit you all at once and you couldn’t help but slump over the huge man, your head coming to rest on his thick thigh. “Only for a second,” You muttered, “Just need to rest my eyes.”
His whole body ached as Simon slowly slipped back into consciousness. His mouth was dry and parts of his skin felt stretched to its limits. But as he opened his eyes, all of that faded away. You were dead asleep on his lap, holding his hand as small snores escaped your lips.
He tutted at the huge dark bags beneath your eyes and he vaguely wondered how long you had been awake for. With his other hand, he cupped your head, marvelling at the way that he almost covered your whole head. You grunted softly and nuzzled into his touch.
Simon would love to let you keep sleeping especially since you were using him as a pillow but your neck was at a weird angle and he didn’t imagine that the metal folding chair you were sitting on was particularly comfortable. 
So with a considerable amount of hesitation, he spoke up. “Doc.” His voice was broken and husky, just barely louder than the machines attached to him. Your brows scrunched and you burrowed further into his thigh, clutching his left hand even tighter.
He smiled beneath his balaclava. 
Pain ripped through his body as Simon bent forward. He slipped his hand from your hold carefully in order to slip them both under your armpits. You were a dead weight in his arms, exacerbating the tight stitches on his sides but he still pulled you up easily, laying your soft body down between his legs. 
Your head fell to his shoulder, nose immediately pushing against his throat. “Si?” You asked sleepily, attempting to sit up but a hand on your shoulder and another one on your wide hip prevented you from moving. 
“Go back to sleep doc, I’ll still be hurt in the morning.” Heat crawled up your neck with the deepness of his voice and you found yourself unable to disagree, even though you were probably causing him even more pain. You nodded against his skin and Simon squeezed your hip gently. “That’s my good girl.” He purred.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 11 months
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Pairing: Bucky x f!reader, White Wolf x f!reader Word Count: 4k Summary: You meet Bucky while you're in Wakanda and you just can't resist his wolfish charms! Warnings: explicit sexual content, unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk, role-play, oral sex, fingering, biting (mild) Author's note: This is a gift for @samodivaa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
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You had seen him long before you ever spoke with him. He worked the Alkama Fields on the borders of Wakanda, long strands of brown hair strewn across his face, a small sash tied across his muscular chest. The children called him White Wolf, at least that is what you had overheard. Initially, the adults didn’t speak much about him, preferring to hush you with dismissive gestures.
Your multiple doctorates in anthropology and linguistics had made you one of the top choices to visit the advanced society that had been kept so carefully hidden for so long. King T’Challa had allowed you to visit his kingdom where you would spend a year learning about their culture, languages and history. As soon as you had settled into the guest living quarters you’d been offered, you had gone shopping, wanting to fully immerse yourself into the Wakandan lifestyle and fashion.
It hadn’t taken too long before you had been fully accepted into their society, your cheery demeanor and your willingness to be of assistance to anyone you saw granted you access to places where others may have been shunned as an outsider.
The Dora Milaje had immediately fascinated you, the all-female special forces for Wakanda. They had kindly allowed you to observe their training and you had befriended a few members of the elite squad, including Ayo, Yama and Nomble. It was through them that you learned more about Bucky Barnes. It was only after you heard his name that the memories of the Winter Soldier swam to the forefront of your mind. 
The only reason you had met him was because Ayo had suggested you learn one of the native languages by attending one of the rural schools. You had entered sheepishly and been introduced to the class, who had responded with smiles and waves. It was only when you were directed to a seat in the back that you noticed the supersoldier hunched over and squeezed into a desk in the corner.
He watched your hips swish slightly as you weaved your way between the little bodies dispersed throughout the room. You were wearing your favorite red dress and soon enough it became Bucky's.
"I don't normally do this, you know," you smiled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Bucky held down the button which opened the door to your humble living space, letting you enter before following.
"Do what?" he teased. "Never take strange men home?"
You rolled your eyes and let out a dramatic sigh, nudging him slightly with your elbow as you spoke. "I never let stray dogs into my home. Maybe I ought to put you back outside."
"Out in the cold?" he pouted.
"It doesn't get cold here," you scoffed.
"Well you never know," Bucky shrugged, then flashed you a mischievous grin. "And even if you did, you'd spend all night listening to me scratch and whine at the door. You wouldn't get much sleep."
In Bucky’s mind, the most beautiful sound burst from your lips as you laughed at his words.
"Maybe my puppy dog eyes will work better on you? But be warned, they are pretty powerful," he tilted his head down so his gaze was looking up at yours, lips pouted a little.
"Oh I'm done for now," you feigned a swoon. "Reign it in there buddy, the White Wolf should be using his powers for the greater good."
"I couldn't think of a better cause than being here with you."
You turned around to slip off your shoes while Bucky gazed around at your studio apartment, furnished with some classic Wakandan sofas and woven tapestries adorned the walls. It was beautiful how well the traditional and technological aspects of the culture meshed together.  
"That dress looks pretty special on you, Red."
"Red? You think I'm Little Red Riding Hood?" you asked incredulously.
Bucky shrugged.
"And I suppose that makes you the Big Bad Wolf?"
That made Bucky laugh, a deep unrestrained guffaw. It wasn't a sound you'd heard from him and you wanted to hear it again.
"You think I'm bad?" There was a twinkle in his eye when he voiced the question but there was a touch of hesitation in his voice.
You walked right up to him, until your face was inches away from his, your eyes gazed directly at his lips for a moment or two before you looked up at him and batted your eyelids in a coquettish manner. “I think you can be,” you purred seductively. “You can be big,” you pushed your hand lightly over his crotch, “and bad.” You bit your lip waiting for his response. Every fiber of your being told you that the White Wolf had a wild side, but it was one he kept restrained out of fear of his past. You hope he would trust you to explore it with him.
Slowly but surely, a smile spread across his lips. Bucky tilted his head down to look at you through his eyebrows, a mask of menace painted across his face. “And what brings you to my forest, Red?” he growled.
“I’m sorry for intruding. I was on a little field trip and I think I might be a little lost.” You turned a little to glance around the room in a mock survey of your surroundings. “Do you think you can help me, Mister Wolf?”
Bucky took a step to the side, silent and graceful, creeping around you in a circle, like a predator stalking its prey, sizing you up like his next meal - the curve of your ass, the swell of your breast, the way your throat was highlighted by the neckline of that blood red dress you wore. He was vigilant of your vulnerability, your exposure, his own hunger and desire - the urge to reach out, to touch you, to hold you, to fuck you, was overwhelming.
“You’ll have to pay the price for trespassing in my neck of the woods.”
“But I have nothing to give you, Mister Wolf,” you puffed out your lips into an exaggerated pout.
“How about that pretty red dress you’re wearing? I think that will do very nicely.” Bucky licked his lips, the salacious intent audible in his tone.
“But this is my favorite dress,” you whined.
“Give me the dress, Red. Or I’ll eat you up.”
Bucky took a step forward, towering over you. Even with one arm missing he had a presence, a presence which made your heart flutter uncontrollably. Your breath hitched as you caught a whiff of his scent, his own earthy musk mingled with a hit of sweat from having worked on the fields all day. You could feel your body responding to his proximity as beads of sweat erupted from your skin and the space between your legs throbbed with a desire to be filled. It was as though you craved his touch. He took another step closing the remaining distance between you.
You were so distracted by his closeness that you almost missed him repeating his question. “The dress, Red. Or would you prefer I eat you?”
“What’s to stop you from eating me even after I’ve given you my dress?”
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.”
You spun around slowly, allowing Bucky the time to admire your curves. You bit back the moan that tried to escape as his fingers brushed your hips as you turned. He slid them across your waist, trailing them up your back until they landed on the zipper on the back. He pinched the tiny pull between his fingers and tugged it downwards but it barely moved. He tried again with little success. His nose was so pressed so close to your ear that you could hear the quiet growl of frustration in his throat.
“You need help back there, Mister Wolf?”
“No!” he barked, taking the zipper pull between his teeth, while his hand supported the lacy material.
The top of your dress fell from your shoulders in an instant exposing your back and bra. The rest followed with ease, pooling to the floor in a shimmering heap. Bucky smiled, the way your muscles flexed in response to your exposure. He couldn’t help but noticed a dark patch on the front of your panties and how you pushed back into him as he came up behind you.
“You have my dress now, Mister Wolf. Can I go now?” you whimpered.
Bucky wrapped his hand around his waist. “I want more, Red. I want your body.”
It was almost involuntary, how your body responded to his words. You pushed back into him, grinding onto the swell in his pants. Bucky ached, for you to kiss him, for you to let him devour you. He held you closer.
You hummed, “what big arms you have.”
“The better to hold you with.” He covered your breast with his giant palm, kneading your flesh with a longing that had you clenching involuntarily. 
He nibbled your ear and you couldn’t hold your moans in any longer. “Ohh Mister Wolf, what big teeth you have!”
“The better to eat you with.”
You squealed loudly as Bucky’s arm enveloped your waist and lifted you clean off the ground. He practically threw you onto the large round beanbag armchair, your landing softened by the multitude of cushions which cradled your fall.
“No more teasing, Red. You’re going to have to pay with more than that sexy dress.”
He straddled your hips, hovering over you, trapping you. Your body’s instinct was to struggle but it was in vain. His weight had you pinned helplessly to the couch, his throbbing cock pushed against your core. Soaked panties, wet lips, grinding hips. His fist was in your hair as he held you up to his chest. He kissed you, hard - long and deep. It felt like he was sucking the air right out of your lungs. 
“Please, Mister Wolf.” You had no idea what you were begging for at this point, words strewn with lust. “What are you going to do to me?”
The way you looked under him had Bucky seriously testing his control, his cock now painfully hard and straining against the tight material of his pants. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in you, to stretch you out, to hear you scream his name. That animal instinct that he had buried deep inside was clawing its way to the surface, you’d woken the beast and it was hungry after all its years of slumber. You had freed the wolf and now you would feed it.
Bucky grinned at you devilishly. “I’m going to eat you. As stunning as your lips taste, I have my eyes on something sweeter.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he trailed his tongue down your neck, stopping around your breast to suck and nibble at your nipple. Your whole body tingled under his ministrations.
You moaned loudly, no restraint in conveying your pleasure. "More."
"What was that, Red?"
"I want more, Mister Wolf. I've been a bad girl."
He breathed in your perfume, it permeated his nostrils, but he had caught another scent which had attracted his attention, the scent of your arousal. Suddenly he was on his knees on the floor with a grip on your waist, firm but not painful. And the way his fingers curved under your pelvis and pulled you down with ease had you writhing desperately. You lifted your hips expectantly and he ripped off your skimpy panties, exposing you to his salivating mouth. His teeth grazed his lower lip, tongue coating them with the product of his ravenous appetite.
“Please?” you whispered. A hint of uncertainty in your voice as he hovered over you with the stillness of a dangerous predator waiting to pounce.
He smiled, the lecherous glint in his eyes replaced with one of kindness, almost affectionate. He took your left ankle in his hand, lifting your leg, guiding it up and out until he had room to hook his shoulder under your knee. He glanced up at you and nodded his head at your other leg indicating that he wanted you to do the same. You didn’t need to be told twice and matched his actions, linking your feet together on his back.
Immediately his mouth was on your lips with a yearning of a man starved of passion. He licked the full length of them with his broad tongue before pushing his nose between them, nuzzling your pussy with the growing stubble on his chin. He blew against your clit.
“Fuck Bucky, what was that?” you cried, breaking from your character. Impatience and frustration dripped off your words. “Eat me, damn it!”
“What’s the matter, Red? You sound desperate.”
“Please,” you whispered. It was a thinly veiled plea and for once, Bucky was happy to comply.
One last look into your lustblown eyes and he lowered his head, attention focused on you. You tasted of salt and honey with a hint of lemon. He pushed a finger between your folds, tantalizingly rubbing it along the length of your slit before pushing it deep into you. With each thrust he added another digit, testing your stretch.
“Tongue,” you mumbled.
“Mmmm?” Bucky hummed.
“Use your mouth,” you enunciated.
“Your wish is my command,” he grinned.
“Talk less, lick more.”
Bucky pried you apart and planted his lips firmly over your clit, sucking your sweet nectar into his mouth. His tongue lapped you as he slid his fingers in and out.
“Yes, yes, just like that,” you closed your eyes and moaned, tilting your hips to let his fingers push deeper inside you. 
He pressed his face closer, wanting a taste of every part of you. Finally withdrawing his fingers when he couldn’t quite fit both. You barely had time to whine about feeling empty as he grabbed your hips and pulled you right into his face, licking and sucking as though his life depended on drinking every drop of your precious elixir.
You moaned - it was so long and sensual that Bucky felt it inside him. He felt the wolf inside him rising to the surface. He had spent years watching; relentless, trying to find his way inside. You had let him in and now he finally felt alive. He growled, a deep guttural sound which filled you as he devored you. His head undulated as he tried to encompass you with his mouth, upper lip covering your clit as his jaw stretched and tongue pushed inside you. He ravaged you until he had no air left in his lungs.
Bucky’s cock throbbed as he felt the way you clenched against him. He slid his fingers back inside you, his other hand pulling apart your lips and exposing your clit to a fresh assault from his tongue. He could feel your clit pulse, your walls close in around him as he curled his fingers upwards to match the beat you had set with your heart. He was playing you like an instrument and the whimpers and groans that left your lips was music to his ears.
You pushed yourself on him and he ate you like a ravenous creature until-
“Oh Buck, I’m gonna come. I’m gonna - Buck, Buck!” Your voice rose in a crescendo. Legs shaking as you tightened and clenched around his thick fingers. “I’m coming, Bucky, I’m coming! Now!”
Bucky watched you as every single one of your muscles contracted and relaxed as waves of pleasure crashed through you, eyes rolled back and mouth open in a silent cry of ecstasy.
As you finally came down from your high, you opened your eyes, locking your gaze on his. You lay on your back, limp and naked and tingling all over. Sighing, as the aftermath of your climax finally ebbed away. You lifted your legs off Bucky’s shoulders and patted the space beside you. There was no hesitation as he crawled up beside you.
"That was kinda intense," you smiled at him.
"I wouldn't mind seconds," he smirked, eyes wandering over your face.
You sat up and for a brief frightening moment, Bucky thought you had had enough. But you stretched your arms and arched your back slightly before turning to face him. “So, you think I can take the Wolf for a ride?”
You placed your hand over his still covered cock, rubbing your hand over the tent in his pants making him gasp at your touch. Reflexively, his hips bucked into your hand. “Maybe I should get my pants off first?”
“Sounds like a good plan,” you answered, not taking your hands off him.
Bucky sat up so that his face was inches from yours. “Just need a moment, Red.”
He was up in an instant, lamenting the loss of contact of your hand on his crotch. He unbuttoned and dropped his pants with ease, before turning to face you. The sharp breath you took as you came face to face with his fully freed cock did a lot to stroke his ego. He reveled in the brightness of anticipation in your eyes.
“You really like your Wolf, huh?”
For the first time a blush crossed your cheeks and you couldn’t quite meet his eyes. Bucky took a step closer so that there was nowhere for you to avert your gaze. 
"May I?" You looked up at him for permission. 
He nodded, heart pounding from the thought of your touch.
You wrapped your hand around his shaft, feeling him jump with excitement. "That feel good, Mister Wolf?" A sudden surge of confidence had you feeling aroused again.
"Need more, Red."
You didn't need to be told twice. His already leaking tip looked too tantalizing and you were eager to taste your Wolf. With the same enthusiasm, you took him into your mouth, starting with a few soft licks, before sucking hard. Bucky thought he was going to come right at that moment.
“Red, w-wait!” he stuttered as the waves of pleasure encompassed him.
There was a faint popping sound as you released him from your mouth, looking up at him with an all knowing smile. He sat down beside you, spending the next few moments in an intimate silence with light touches. As his breathing became less ragged, you placed your palms on his chest, pushing him down onto his back. You climbed over and straddled his lap so that your entrance brushed over the base of his cock.
You leaned down and whispered in his ear. "So is my White Wolf going to let me ride him?"
Bucky's pupils dilated so fast that the image of you blurred slightly. It was only when you came back into focus that he was able to growl out the words. "I want you."
He held himself up as you lined your entrance up to his leaking member, slowly sinking down and basking in the stretch you felt. So much more than what his fingers had given you, you wondered if he would tear you in half. After a few careful thrusts, you picked up the pace, riding him with vigor.
"Fuck, Red, you feel so good!" Bucky looked up at you.
You were a sight to behold, flushed with strands of sweat coated hair strewn across your face. But it was your eyes that had him mesmerized, the way you looked back at him with voracity laced with a tenderness he hadn't seen in years.
You complied with his request, matching your bounces with a thrust of his hips. Bucky admired the way your breasts followed your movements, unable to resist the urge, he reached up to squeeze your left nipple. 
After several minutes of energetic thrusting, Bucky caught you slowing down. He slipped his hand down to your waist in an attempt to stay your movements. 
"Can we try something different?” you asked, breathing heavily as you leaned forwards to pull air into your burning lungs and ease the pain in your aching thighs.
“Just gimme a few more. ‘M close.”
“Trust me, Mister Wolf? I wanna give something else a try.”
He removed his grip from your waist, watching as you climbed off his lap and crawled over to the arm rest and planted your hands firmly on it. You looked over your shoulder and wiggled your ass at him.
"Mount me, Mister Wolf."
Bucky didn't need to be told twice. He splayed his fingers across one cheek of your beautifully round ass and kneaded the muscle as you pushed back towards him, waiting with anticipation for him to enter you. But Bucky’s inner wolf had been freed and he let its spirit guide him. He leant forwards and sank his teeth into your other cheek, deep enough for you to yelp with pain but not enough to break your skin. He proceeded to cover the area with his lips in an attempt to kiss it better.
"You want to mark me?"
"You're mine, Red. All mine. Got that?" He rubbed his cock against your leaking lips.
Before you had the chance to finish giving him an answer, he was inside you. One swift thrust. The cry that left your lips was much more pained and Bucky worried for a moment that his strength had been too much for you.
"It's fine, keep going. Fuck me, please."
Bucky was a little more careful on the second try, but each trust made him more confident, aided and abetted by your lusty moans and encouraging words.
“You sound so pretty like that,” he pushed into you repeatedly. “Whining and moaning my name.”
“What happened to your Wolf?”
"Please… Bucky… please, I need you,, you know I'm aching for you to take me, to pull me apart, whatever pleases you, just… please just don't deny me!”
It felt so fucking good, having Bucky’s cock inside you. Your brain was nothing but mush, focused solely on just how good he felt inside you. You shuddered, your hips pushing backwards as Bucky presses against your clit. His fingers smooth out around your folds, pressing into them slightly, as if holding them open so he can push into you better. You felt your arms going weak at the stimulation, it was getting harder to support yourself as Bucky pushed deeper and deeper inside you.
“Faster!” you cried, but you could barely hear your own words over the sound of skin slapping together, the wet sounds of Bucky’s cock thrusting in and out of you.
“Fuck, Red, I’m getting close…”
"…Ohhh fuck, please," you gasped out, instinctively. "Buck… I need you. But… I'm yours, all yours…"
Your legs trembled as Bucky’s words had you teetering on the edge of your orgasm, your juices covering his cock, his thrusts were passionate, wild, frenzied.
“That’s right. Mine! I’m going to fill you up. That’s it, Red. Come on my cock. I want to hear you come.”
Raucous moans caught in your throat, your eyes closed as you took in all of Bucky. Your vision clouded and your body felt limp as he pushed you over the edge once again. It felt as though the world had ceased to exist except for the two of you, together, as one being. Bucky held you close as you squeezed his cock triggering his climax. With a howl, ropes of white hot cum shot from him, filling you until it was dripping out of you and down your leg. He fell into you and you both collapsed onto the sofa, heavy breathing was the only sound to be heard in the room for several minutes.
Finally you caught your breath, recovered some semblance of feeling in your limbs. Bucky’s arm was still wrapped around your waist in a powerful embrace and he hadn't made any moves to extract himself from inside you.
"I should probably be getting back," Bucky mumbled regrettably after a long silence.
But neither of you made a move to free yourselves from the other's arms.
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jessejaredstories · 1 year
One Last Adventure
“Did you find anyone yet?”
“Not yet babe, I’m still looking.”
I flipped through the pages of my old high school yearbook while my boyfriend Jack was pacing around our bedroom. He was supposed to be searching through Grindr and Tinder for potential targets, but I knew he was getting frustrated and decided not to push it. My boyfriend has always been the impatient type, but I could understand why he was getting extra antsy tonight. 
About a month ago, my boyfriend and I made a deal with a witch. In exchange for five years off of each of our lifespans, the witch would grant us the supernatural ability to take over other people’s bodies. As you can imagine, Jack and I have been generously using our new powers ever since we got them. We’ve been using them to do whatever we want as whoever we want! Getting easy access to anything we want, getting payback on anyone who’s wronged us, and probably the most fun, fucking as whoever we want. Pretty sweet ability right? 
But of course, an extraordinary power like this doesn’t come without its cost. On top of paying the witch with literal years off of our lives, there were also two conditions we needed to follow. The first condition was the time limit. We got exactly 30 days before our powers expire. Once time’s up, that’s it. No more body hopping fun. The second condition was more of a restriction than anything else. The witch said that we couldn’t just take over anyone’s body. We could only choose people both Jack and I have met in-person before. That condition really limited our options, but even so, that didn’t stop us from having as much fun as possible. 
“Hey, what about these two?” I handed Jack the yearbook with an open page. Unfortunately though, it took him less than a second to shake his head no.
“No good. I knew them but I never actually met them.”
I sighed as I took back the yearbook. Not gonna lie, I was starting to get frustrated too. We just couldn’t find any new bodies to possess! Normally, we wouldn’t get so worked over it, but tonight was different. It was our last day before our powers expired for good. Obviously we couldn’t just let our powers die out without one last body hopping escapade! But after hours of searching, it was not looking good for us…
Or so I thought. I started half-assedly looking through all the faces of our former high school classmates. It was then that two faces stuck out to me. Akshay Khan and Kabir Patel. 
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“How about these two? Remember them? The Indian bros?” I asked Jack.
“Oh yeah, I remember them. Can’t say I remember much though,”
“Neither can I.”
Akshay and Kabir were known for being inseparable best friends, but that was it really. They never got involved in any school activities. That’s why they each only had one photo in the yearbook. Easy to miss, but they were still an option nonetheless. 
“C’mon, let’s check out what they’ve been up to,” I said as I pulled out my phone. 
Jack joined me on the couch. He laid against me as I typed in Akshay’s name. Luckily that was all I needed to get a hit on Instagram. His profile came up and surely enough, it was him. He had recently posted on his story too. I clicked on it and up came a picture of him and Kabir working out at some gym together.
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“Whoa, they’ve really glowed up since high school. The gym’s been kind to them!” Jack let out a fox whistle when he saw the picture. I turned my head slightly to watch him checking out the goods. I could tell by the hungry look in his eyes that we just found our next targets.
“What do you say bro?” I said while lowering my voice. “You down to hit the showers after we hit this last set?” I caught Jack off guard with my bad Akshay impression, but he caught on right away. We exchanged a knowing look, then proceeded to get ready for the takeover. 
We both laid down on the ground and took deep breaths. We had body possession down to a science with how many times we’ve done it. All that was left to do was to go through steps again. I cleared my mind of all thoughts then I focused on imagining my soul leaving my body, all while maintaining my breathing. Soon enough, I could feel myself becoming lighter as my soul left my physical body. Once I was no longer a slave to the laws of physics, I flew straight to the gym where Akshay and Kabir were. They made the big mistake of tagging their location on social media, which made Jack and I’s job a whole lot easier! 
Thanks to my spirit form, I made it to their location within minutes. I phased through the walls and looked around for the bros. The gym was pretty empty that night for some reason. After some searching, I found Akshay in the locker room area checking himself out in the mirror. He was by himself in there. I crept up behind him, ready to strike while he was distracted! 
“Nrghh… What the fuck?” Akshay exclaimed. He hunched over while holding his stomach. I hesitated jumping into him, then abandoned the idea altogether when I realized what was happening. Jack had beaten me to the punch, he had already begun possessing Akshay.
I decided to stay back a moment and watch as my boyfriend possessed the gym rat. Akshay was groaning loudly. He tried keeping his balance but ended up falling to the ground on all fours. Sweat beads were forming on his face as he began breathing heavily. He then swung his head back with his mouth wide open. I could see his eyes roll back to the back of his head until I only saw the veiny whites of his eyeballs. Akshay then let out a loud, eerie groan. His cheeks and chest puffed up as Jack's soul slithered down his throat. I could see Akshay's Adam's apple bob up and down too! This lasted for a few seconds, then Akshay swallowed the last of Jack's essence in one final gulp. Once it was done, Akshay's eyes went back to normal and he stood up with a cocky grin on his face. 
"Ahh yeahhh... That's the good stuff..." Akshay said while caressing his massive pecs and rock hard abs. Except I knew that wasn't Akshay anymore, that was my loving boyfriend checking out his new body in the mirror. 
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I watched as my boyfriend admired his newly obtained muscles in front of the mirror. I couldn't help but smile as Jack flexed his cannons for arms and made his pecs pop. To be honest, I was slightly jealous of him. Akshay was jacked! I wanted to have that body for myself, but no matter, there was still another body up for grabs anyway. 
I turned around and began searching for Kabir. I looked throughout the gym and eventually found him near the dumbbells. Kabir was busy putting some weights back on the rack. He wasn't perfectly alone like Akshay was, but the sight of his plump butt sticking out as he was bent over was too tempting to ignore. I just had to take the risk and dive right in! 
I steadied my aim first and then charged in as fast as I could. Thanks to my spirit form, I was able to phase right through his gym shorts and go straight into his asshole. 
"Ow!! What the fuck!?" Kabir yelped out, presumably from me penetrating him by surprise. The impact of me entering him made Kabir fall onto the ground on his stomach. He grabbed onto his ass cheeks while squirming around on the ground. Unfortunately I wasn't able to possess him in one smooth motion, but it didn't matter. I was already halfway in, and there was nothing Kabir could do to stop a pro like me.
I started wiggling my way up his ass. The deeper I went inside him, the more I could feel through his body as the body takeover process started. 
"Aaargh fuckk!! Ahh!!" 
Kabir was moaning and thrashing around like a madman! I couldn't blame him though, I could feel the stimulation I was giving him by entering through his ass. I bet I was hitting all the right pleasure spots as I slithered up him! 
"Mmmm... yeahh that's the spot..." I purred using Kabir's voice. I was in full control now, and hearing his accent come out of my mouth was making me hard! I stood up and brushed off any dirt on me. I took a moment to admire my newly possessed body. Jack might have gotten the more muscular body, but Kabir was taller and with a well-toned physique too. He was hot— No, I was hot! 
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“Hey bro, you good?” 
I felt a hand pat me on the shoulder. Shit! Someone must’ve spotted Kabir thrashing around on the floor! I slowly turned around, but thankfully my worries were for nothing. It was just Jack.
“Yeah man, I’m chilling, all good here,” I answered. Jack shook his head. 
“You sure, Kabir? Looked like you had a pretty ass cramp just now… You don’t need a massage to help ease the pain?”
Getting called “Kabir” threw me off for a moment. Although I quickly caught on when I saw “Akshay” wink at me.
“Actually, you’re right, I could use a massage right now! Think you can lend me a hand bro?” I replied with a smirk. Akshay returned my gesture with a grin. It was moments like this that made me love taking over other people’s bodies with my boyfriend. Nobody but us knew that these two gym rats just got possessed by two other men, and that secret just made it even more fun.
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Akshay and I wasted no time in getting to the locker rooms. Luckily for us, there was still nobody back there. We took off our clothes and hopped into one of the shower stalls together. Akshay turned on the water, and then proceeded to pin me to the wall behind me. He planted a big fat kiss on my lips. It was aggressive, but I loved it! 
We made out in the stall with our tongues fighting for dominance while the running water helped cover up our loud kisses and moans. Naturally, our dicks got hard while we kissed. I could feel Akshay’s dick rub against me as we pressed and interlocked our wet bodies against one another. It was strange. Normally when we possess straight men, we could feel their dormant souls try to resist against us having fun with their bodies. I expected Kabir and Akshay to do the same, but they never did! It was almost as if their bodies were enthusiastic about us having our fun. Perhaps, they’ve already done what we were doing?
Whatever. It doesn’t matter. All that mattered was that Akshay had a hand around my neck, choking me while keeping me pressed against the shower wall. I opened my mouth and Akshay spit in my mouth. I swallowed it like a good boy, then I jumped onto Akshay. He held me up while we resumed kissing. Then, while our lips were locked together, he began to lower me down onto his cock. I could feel his dick tap against my hole, then it slid right in.
“OHH FUCKK!!!” I couldn’t hold back my moans. The pleasure of having Akshay’s whole length inside me… My hole expanding to accommodate his girth was too much to hold back!
“You like that? You want this big, brown cock inside you?”
“Fuck yeah! Fuck me!!” 
“Beg for it then.” He started teasing me by thrusting himself into me slowly. 
“Please bro! Please fuck me hard!! I want you… I need you… Arghh!!”
Akshay started picking up the pace of his thrusts. I thought I saw stars with every deep stroke he gave me. We were probably making a lot of noise between my moans and his grunts, but we didn’t care. We fucked like animals with our new jock bodies and we weren’t ashamed of it! 
It only took us another few minutes of fucking before we were both close. Akshay pulled out and let me down to the ground. We then started tugging our dicks together until we covered both ourselves and the shower stall with our cum. We were both panting as we shot load after load of our sweet spunk out. We then made out again one last time while we were still covered with each other’s cum before the shower washed it away. It was hot, and it was definitely the last body hopping adventure we needed before our powers expired for good. 
Once we finished having our fun, Jack and I were ready to leave. We never bothered cleaning up, we just depossessed the bodies and let them take care of it. Jack and I shared one last loving look as Akshay and Kabir before leaving. However, when we tried forcing our souls out of their bodies, we couldn’t! No matter how hard or how much we tried, we just couldn’t leave! We ended up having to clean up after ourselves for once. We did that quickly, then got dressed and left the gym as fast as we could. We had no idea what was going on! But then I caught a glimpse of the time. It was already 1:30AM! It was already the next day! It was supposed to be a quickie, but I guess Jack and I got a little carried away…
All this happened two years ago. We’ve been living as Akshay and Kabir ever since then. Even to this day, neither of us know what could’ve happened that we’d end up trapped in these bodies. If I had to take a guess, I’d wager that when the witch said that our powers would expire permanently, she meant it way more seriously than Jack and I expected. Without those powers, we couldn’t even return to our original bodies! I don’t know, but honestly, I don’t care anymore. If anything, we’ve been blessed to have Akshay and Kabir’s lives as our own. Sure, Akshay’s new family is super traditional and they’re already setting him up for a bride, but that doesn’t matter to us. We still meet up in secret when nobody’s around. No matter who we are, we are lovers and nothing will ever take that away from us. 
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We’re not sure how exactly we’re gonna get past an arranged family, but as long as Akshay is by my side, we can overcome anything.
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la2yn0va · 19 days
Yo! Can i request a Yandere feixiao, Jingliu and Kafka (seperately, non self aware au) x male reader, who is a battle mania and enjoy fighting a little bit too much to the point that it consumes a great mayority of their life and doesn't really look for love or care for it. The reader is a gifted and powerful warrior that all he wants is to fight and grow stronger to the point that they want to fight or beat an Aeon. They learn just about anything tactics, medice and trained with every weapon they get their hands on. Unfournately they don't care about love thus making them dense.
Sure. (Just finished MOC.. okay not really, I have moc 12 left to bet. Also PLEASE!! Send me good luck for my feixiao pulls! Hel, make a deal with the devil even—IDC WHAT YOU DO!! JUST SEND ME LUCK!!! I WANT THIS WOMAN!!!!)
She hates it, god she despises it. Out of anyone in the universe, why did YOU have to be so dedicated to getting stronger.
She respects your dedication, but she fucking hates it. It makes it harder for you to fall for her. But it also makes her more CRAZY for you.
Her hints that go over your head? It doesn’t matter, she’ll just try harder and more blunter next time! Her physical touch simply coming off as platonic? She’ll be more bold.
Whenever you two spar, feixiao would purposely try to break some of your bones as to keep you beside her.
She’d often go for your ribs or knees, just to make it more painful for you if you try to walk away or LEAVE her.
Feixiao would tamper with your weapons before your fights, just so you can get saved by her OR to stop you from beating her anytime soon, which is a fear that’s slowly consuming her.
Feixiao isn’t stupid, she knows you’re extremely gifted in battle, she knows that every battle you slowly manage to get closer to beating her… then… you’ll leave her…
She’ll be useless, just another strong person who you fought! Just another step towards your goal… no, she won’t allow that to become reality.
Feixiao’s insanity for you completely overtakes her one night. She couldn’t sleep, the anxiety that you’ll leave her once you fight her tomorrow finally encased her.
She walks over towards your sleeping quarters and steals you away. She doesn’t see any other way to keep you around. You’re too fucking dense to see her lusting for you, so she’ll have to SHOW you.
She takes you somewhere secluded and ties you down and tapes your mouth shut. She smiles, can’t help but admire how peaceful and beautiful you look when you’re sleeping.
Some time later, when you wake up in a panic, a pang of guilt strikes her. She sees the fear in your eyes, the confusion and panic that replaced your normal demeanor.
Maybe… there’s another way…maybe she can manipulate this situation further…? She smiles and runs towards you with a concerned face, calling out your name and sliding towards you.
Seeing the confusion on your face slightly morph into relief and joy at seeing her made her feel euphoric. She kept her act up and ripped off the tape on your mouth.
Feixiao: M/N!! Thank god I found you!!
M/n: Ngh-!! F-feixiao?! What’s happening?! Where—!!
Before you could finish, feixiao lend in and began to kiss you. Your face contorted into shock and bafflement and slowly turning red.
Feixiao opened her eyes enough that you didn’t notice her opening them and she gets to look at your face. She felt herself getting closer to loosing the remaining control she had of herself. You were so fucking cute and adorable right now, but she managed to quell the heat in her, removing herself from your mouth and hugging you tightly.
Feixiao: I thought I lost you…! Don’t leave me…please… stay with me…!
She’s probably the perfect partner for you. She’s strong as shit, AND she wants to kill an aeon.
Jingliu would encourage your goal, and spar with you daily. And after your spar (where you’d lose) she’d always tease you playfully like she once did with the high cloud quintet.
Jingliu and you stay close everyday. And she thrives on it. Of course you’d stay with her! Who else is so closely aligned with you down to your goal? No way you’d leave her.
But then, there’s the darker side of her. The one that’s unhealthily possessive of you, the darker side of her love, her OBSESSION with you.
Jingliu can’t bear the mere THOUGHT of you being around someone else. The part she keeps locked tightly in a coffin deep inside her when your around. But when your not? The coffin is wide open.
Jingliu instantly goes and murders woman who so much as complimented your appearance. The fact that someone has an interest in you is a danger greater then a aeon attacking the cosmos, and she won’t let it stand.
She holds you tightly as you sleep, leaving marks on your body from how hard she held you. Her deepest fears of losing you like she did with baiheng consuming her.
The only person she’d trust you with is her partner luocha. The three of you have the same goal. Jill and aeon—Yaoshi. (Side note, anyone else ship jingliu and luocha?)
Luocha also has his work cut out for him. He has to deal with a battle hungry man and a yandere master swordswoman while working with them to kill Yaoshi. (F in the comments for my goat luocha)
She likes it. Unlike feixiao who hates your obsession, she loves it, as it aligns with the stellaron hunters goal to kill nanook (that’s my theory, idk if it’s canon)
So she pretty much grooms you into becoming an unofficial member of the stellaron hunters. Kafka is the only one here who doesn’t care about hiding her obsession with you.
Kafka always keeps you close, even when she showers she somehow drags you in there with her (there’s your one horny moment)
Im sorry Kafka’s is short, i got a fuck ass, bitch ass, motherless and fatherless ass virus from my brother. Probably won’t post shit for a week till I’m sure this virus is gone.
And just in case you forgot (PLEASE!! Send me good luck for my feixiao pulls! Hel, make a deal with the devil even—IDC WHAT YOU DO!! JUST SEND ME LUCK!!! I WANT THIS WOMAN!!!!)
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
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a/n: this is just pure filth. literally no plot, but it was needed at this point. i've been back on my moon knight shit for awhile now and am working on several fics for them in the new year. so please enjoy the small interlude of smut before i get back to my regularly scheduled angst. (also yes this gif was necessary). everyone thank dia for dropping some of the best lines in this fic. her mind is unmatched.
co-conspirator/writer: @softanon🖤 (this is literally just the conversation we had word for word)
summary: marc needed to relax, but things don't go as you expect them to.
word count: 4.2k+
pairing: marc spector x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, filth, p in v sex, gratuitous oral (m receiving), bondage, slight dom!marc, rough sex, cum eating, cumplay, biting, edging.
“You’re meant to be relaxing,” you said, watching as Marc paced around the living room for what felt like the millionth time that night.
“I am.”
You scoffed, setting your glass of water down. “You’re going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep going.”
He didn’t find your comment amusing, opting to ignore you in favor of doing another lap. After days of donning his suit and title as Moon Knight, you asked him to stay home. To relax with you until the next day where his routine would start all over again. Except you never accounted for the fact that relaxing was not a term Marc understood well. In fact, you were fifty percent sure that he didn’t know what it meant in the first place, constantly exerting himself in favor of actually resting.
Eventually your patience would run out—you knew that much. So, when he decided to turn around one more time, heading straight for the kitchen only to do exactly what he’d been doing for the past twenty minutes, you snapped. Getting up from where you sat, you reached for his arm, gripping it so tight he froze midstep. Normally you held a tight reign over your emotions, never allowing them to slip free. You just couldn’t handle seeing him unable to do the one thing you wanted for him.
“Please sit down before I tie you to the chair.”
If he wasn’t listening to you before, he was now. “Tie me to the chair?”
“Yes…” The incredulous expression he wore faded, a new one taking over. One you’d seen before. His lips curved upwards, eyes lighting up as he took in the sight of you slightly frazzled and on edge.
“You want to try?” His smile widened and you couldn’t decide between kissing him or actually going through with what you planned.
Tying him to a chair shouldn’t have been too difficult. Sure, he possessed immense strength and powers, but you had one thing over him he never saw coming. You smiled, tilting your chin up—the defiance burning in your eyes—and you saw him waver. You watched his eyes dilate, his chest heaving as he inhaled a sharp breath. He was captivated by you, a sight he’d never tire of seeing. Which made tricking him easier for you than even he anticipated.
“I really do Spector,” you breathed, emphasizing his last name in the way you knew he liked. 
He liked knowing that he was what you wanted. That while you loved Steven and Jake as much as him, it was Marc that met you first. Marc that made your head spin in that first kiss, brought your walls down with a single look, and captured your heart with his gentle touch. He belonged to you. He knew that from day one.
Tugging on his shirt, you pulled him towards you, capturing his lips in a kiss that melted him. You’d always say kissing Marc was entirely different from kissing Steven. Where Steven hesitated, Marc took, he devoured you—leaving nothing behind. He yanked you closer, his tongue sliding against yours as you breathed a heady moan into his mouth. Marc would never tire of your taste, always craving the flavor of your favorite tea on your tongue, the slight mint of your toothpaste. 
All that together mixed with the perfume he bought you and suddenly he was at your mercy.
He stumbled, feeling you push against him until eventually somehow you ended up in the bedroom. Kissing you stopped time; everything ceased to exist except you. You and your soft hands and warm skin. He moaned, palms sliding up into your t-shirt, delighted to find out that you had forgone wearing a bra today. That combined with the fact that it was his t-shirt you wore made his head spin even more. He was throbbing in his sweatpants, his heart racing so fast he was certain you could hear it.
One last push sent him tumbling into the overpriced desk chair you bought him (well technically Steven but sharing was a part of the deal), followed by you climbing on top of him. He didn’t care where he sat, couldn’t even coherently tell you with confidence where he was. All his brain let him comprehend was your tongue that slid along his, your hands that tugged off his shirt before they reached behind him for something.
By the time he realized what exactly you were doing it was too late. He pulled back, accidentally nipping too hard on your bottom lip, as you finished adjusting the leather belt that was wrapped around his wrists. Binding them together.
His eyes flew open to see your pleased smile as you adjusted your spot in his lap. Purposely grinding down on his hard cock to hear that soft grunt you loved. Normally it was you at his mercy, willingly complying to everything he wanted. But to finally be helpless to you (or as helpless as he could be with superpowers), made his whole body heat up. His cock throbbed when you licked along the prominent vein in his neck. A gasp leaving his lips at your touch.
“Relax,” you murmured, pulling away from his head that tilted up towards yours in an effort to catch your lips in a kiss.
“Baby c’mon,” he replied, his words tinged with a pleading tone he’d never used before.
He watched your eyes light up, your smile deepening at the sound of him begging and he knew he was done for. He’d give you anything to get you to look at him like that again. The unfocused look in his eyes told you exactly what he was feeling. After all, he’d seen the same look in your eyes each time he gave you an orgasm so intense it caused your brain to short circuit.
Not feeling the need to respond, you slid out of his lap until your knees hit the floor—his leg parting unconsciously to give you room. The sight caused his mouth to part, his chest heaving with every breath he took. Marc wanted to render you incapable of speech. He wanted to watch you fall apart in his arms while you came on his cock. He wanted you, and he tugged on the tight bind the belt had on his wrists.
Your eyes snapping up to meet his gaze with a glare stopped his movements.
“I said you need to relax,” you sniped, hands sliding up his thighs and stopping right below the waistband of his sweats.
“Let me fuck you and I will,” he replied, grinning breathlessly at the sight of your eyes unfocusing for a moment. “This was fun, but I promise I’ll relax much more if you—”
The words died on his tongue as his breath was punched out of his chest, a groan ripping from his throat. Marc’s head fell back against the chair the second you pulled his sweatpants down and took his cock into your mouth. There was no warning, no foreplay where you stroked him until he was a mess in your hands. Somehow that made all of this hotter. You wanted him to relax your way by giving him this.
He gasped when you pulled back only to engulf him in the wet heat of your mouth again. His gaze fell back down to you and he had to refrain from cumming then and there. Your eyes were glassy with tears, spit trailing down your chin as you came up for air every now and then. Marc was leaking, practically dripping down your palm and that somehow made all of this worse. Yet he silently begged you to keep going. The taste of him was salty and intoxicating, causing you to moan with each spurt of precum that landed on your tongue. 
Licking at the head of his cock you watched his mouth fall open, a whiny breathless moan hitting your ears. His hips jolted with each lap of your tongue, a broken please falling from his lips. Pumping the rest of him steadily you watched him grow closer to the edge. Each drag of your lips along his cock—tongue pressed to the thick vein that ran beneath it—dragged him towards a climax that would leave him incoherent. He could practically taste it on the back of his tongue.
“Fuck baby,” he gasped, his head tilting back as his hips attempted to thrust up into your mouth. “I’m—shit—‘m gonna cum.”
He felt the familiar tug in his stomach and right as you sunk down lower on his cock, taking him into your throat with a muffled moan, he knew he was done for. A shout left his lips, but was cut off suddenly, the feeling now fading. He whined, eyes focusing on you sitting back on your heels with a shit eating grin on your face.
“What the fuck?” he whined. “Why…why did you stop?”
Pressing your head down on his thigh you watched his cock jolt from your close proximity. “You wouldn’t listen when I said you needed to relax.”
“So you decide to edge me?” he asked, trying not to snap at you.
You giggled, kissing his clothed thigh. “Had to make sure you were paying attention.”
If he wasn’t so keyed up he would have melted from that sound alone, but his body was thrumming with the loss of an orgasm. His arousal now spread like liquid fire through his veins. He wanted to cum. No fuck that. He needed to cum. Tugging on his restraints again, he felt tempted to summon up a part of the suit—just to break himself free. But you blowing air on his cock, your hand wrapping around him again, silenced that thought immediately.
“Are you going to relax now honey?”
He’d do whatever the fuck you wanted. “Yes,” he breathed, watching wide eyed as you wrapped your already swollen lips around his head. 
A shiver wracked his whole body at the soft kitten licks you were giving him, his eyes threatening to close.
“Are you going to be good for me?”
The words didn’t even register in his mind before he nodded frantically, his hips pushing up into your mouth when you took more of him.
“Yes,” he panted, his hands tightening into fists. “I’ll—oh fuckfuckfuck baby that’s so fucking perfect. You’re perfect.” 
The words were falling out of his mouth faster than he anticipated, his head now empty of only one thought. How it felt when your cheeks hollowed, tongue licking at his slit each time you pulled up. The pressure was building once more. Blinding pleasure spreading through his body at a rapid pace as you built and built his orgasm. For a moment he forgot that you had pulled away before—he allowed himself to relish in what was to come.
Only for it to fade away once again.
He cried out as if in pain, his cock throbbing so painfully that he was sure you saw it. It was red, leaking, and begging to be put back in your mouth. Yet you still shifted back to where you were before. Only this time you didn’t wear a grin; your eyes were dazed, watching the drop of precum slip down to his balls. Your chest was heaving with each breath and you had half a mind to let him finish. To finally indulge yourself in the taste of his spend.
However, you were too fucking stubborn to give in now.
“Fuck please,” he begged, desperate for some reprieve from the onslaught of pleasure.
But then he saw it. The sinful mischief in your eyes that had his toes curling. Marc knew what he was in for whenever you looked at him like that. The last time he had almost cum in his pants from the sight of you in lingerie so see through you might as well have been standing before him completely bare. His breath caught in his throat, your name a moaned prayer falling from his lips.
“Marc,” you teased, finger trailing down his cock lightly to watch it jump. “You’re so pretty like this.”
“Yeah?” he asked, trying to keep hold of the thin strand of control he had left. “I’m even prettier when I cum.”
He heard the sharp intake of breath and knew he had you in his hold. Or at least that’s what he thought. You tutted, pulling away entirely before once again taking him into your mouth. His whole body jolted as if he was electrified, the blinding pleasure he sought now being shoved his way as you doubled down. The wet sounds of you pumping his cock filled the room, combining with his whimpers and moans. He couldn’t tell up from down, whether he was on the precipice of cumming or being torn away from it even further.
You moaned, your hips rolling forward into nothing, and that nearly sent him over the edge. Tears tracked down your cheeks, spit now spilling down your throat. He had never seen a sight so beautiful before. You tightened your grip, sucking the head of his cock into your mouth, and he cried out—his balls drawing up so tightly it was accompanied by a slight sting of pain.
“Fuck!” he shouted, hips jolting up and causing you to gag as he hit the back of your throat.
He was right there.
Then as it did before…the feeling began to fade.
You practically heard his control break in half, his head snapping up—eyes meeting yours with a hardened expression you’d only seen him wear when he was fighting. The black of his pupil began to glow white, the familiar wrappings now trailing up his arms as you heard the belt snap, clattering to the ground. 
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to.
His gaze held you in place as you tried to scramble back on the floor to somehow escape the consequences of your actions. A guttural growl tore from his chest, his now bare hand latching onto your leg and yanking you back until you were spread out on the floor underneath him. Pulling at your shorts, he managed to get them down to your ankles, allowing you to make the final choice and kick them off all the way.
“Marc,” you started, the remainder of your sentence dying on your tongue as he fixed you with a glare.
“No,” he spit out. “You wanted me to relax. So I’m going to relax.”
There was no room for you to argue. Not that you wanted to either way.
Hoisting your leg over his shoulder, he gave you no warning as he lined up his cock and pushed into you in one thrust. You cried out, fingers searching for purchase on his forearms as he pulled back until just the tip remained inside of you. His hips shoved forward, filling you up until you were barely able to breathe. This wasn’t him tenderly making love to you, this was him chasing his release while breaking you apart beneath him.
“Ah—Fuck! Marc, r-right there.” Your head fell back, eyes squeezing shut when he sped up, his pace brutal and unforgiving.
Fingers wrapped around your chin, gripping tight in order to tilt your head towards him. “I want you to look at me,” he rasped, his voice deeper than before. “Can you do that baby? Can you be good for me?”
Your words being thrown back at you sent a thrill shooting through your body—your pussy clenching down around him. He groaned, hips ramming into yours with a fervor that mimicked your own. While you liked being in control, seeing him like this, fully ripped apart from your actions, was far more appealing. His eyes squeezed shut, mouth parting as he unexpectedly dropped his weight on you, striking against that spot that made you see white.
Choking out a sob, you dug your nails into his bare back to find something to ground yourself. You were drowning in him and he loved it. His lips slotted messily against yours, spit trailing down your chin, and he moaned when he tasted himself on your tongue. Marc no longer had control of his actions, too desperate for a release that had been out off for far too long. Yet you loved it all the same.
“You’re dripping for me,” he murmured, fingers dropping to swipe through your folds and press against your clit. “Did you like sucking my cock that much? Hm?”
His words barely registered in your mind before your whole body tightened. A breathless grunt was punched out of him as your pussy clamped down around his cock, your orgasm nearing with each stunted thrust of his hips. You keened in his arms, your head falling back—mouth dropping open—and he almost gave in entirely. If there’s one thing Marc loved more than anything else, it was seeing you fall apart on his cock. Tonight however he would deprive himself of that experience.
Because his stubbornness outweighed yours every time.
“No!” you gasped, head shooting up as he pulled away entirely. The pleasure began to melt from your body, leaving you feeling empty and hot. “Please. Marc, please. I want to cum. I’ll be good for you. I promise—” You were babbling, saying anything to finally make him give in, but deep down you knew this was his own form of payback.
“I know baby,” he breathed against your lips, thumb running along the top of your cheek. “I’ve got you.”
His hands gripped your hips, turning your body with practiced ease and pulling you to your knees. Your chest was against the floor, head turned and cheek pressed down to see what he was doing. Although you knew what he was doing.
Marc got to his knees, gripping his cock to slide against your dripping folds before finally pressing into you again. This way he sunk into you deeper, hitting spots that made your toes curl before he even began to move. You moaned, pushing back until his hips met your ass, smiling at the sound he let out. Both of you may be stubborn as hell, but when it came to this—being so full of him that you would feel it for days to come—you finally relented.
Pressing a wet kiss to your spine, he started the previous pace from before. He shoved sounds you didn’t even know you could make from your chest with each thrust, as pleasure streaked down your spine. You felt the way he stuttered when your walls began to tighten around him again; knew that he was on the very precipice of cumming. With a shaky hand you began to touch yourself, rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts—causing your pussy to clamp down even tighter.
“Fuck,” he grunted, fingers digging in painfully into the skin of your hips. “I fucking love you.”
You cried out unabashedly, uncaring if the neighbors heard you. “Marc!”
“Yeah?” His hand gripped the back of your neck, using the leverage to push you back onto his cock. “I’m the one making you feel good.”
He felt it before you did, the familiar tightening of his lower abdomen, his cock throbbing as the orgasm began to wash over him and he tried to stave off. Just a bit longer to finally give you what he denied you. Baring his teeth, he fought against the sensations, forcing himself to be edged one more time. Fuck, even now you still held a tight grip around him, still the one in complete control and he loved it. That alone made him nearly fall off the edge of the cliff.
“Oh shit,” he groaned, getting ready to pull out and spill over your ass as he usually did. Your hand digging into his hips stopped him.
“Cum inside me please,” you whimpered, tears tracked down your cheeks from the amount of pleasure wracking your body.
“What?” His eyes went wide.
A slow smile crept up your lips, eyes lighting up with the same mischief as before. “I want you to cum inside me.”
Marc wasn’t sure he heard you correctly, but his body was already working towards exactly that. His right hand slapped against the floor beside your head, forehead dropping to press against your temple as he gasped for any amount of air.
“Gods. Fuck.” he grunted, hand reaching up to grip your chin—meeting your lips in a messy kiss.
“No gods,” you hummed. “Just me.”
He felt your hand dig into his hair, holding him close to you as his hips rutted into you in sloppy strokes. Each drag of his cock along your walls sent you even higher—the echo of your slick and skin slapping against skin became a filthy symphony to your cries of pleasure.
“Cum for me gorgeous,” you breathed, watching his face contort, eyebrows pulling together.
His mind went blank, vision blacking out and body going taut. Euphoric pleasure ran through every inch of his body as he finally let himself go. A cry of your name was muffled into your shoulder, arms giving out while his whole body shook from the waves of mind numbing bliss that filled him. He spurted into you, filling you until some began to spill out and drip down his balls, and you begged for more.
The breath caught in your throat when he broke for you—his cock pulsing inside of your wet heat. You wanted to shout, tell him how much you ached for him, how much you belonged to him, but the words were stuck in your throat. He hadn’t made you cum, but somehow you were flying just as high as he was. Unable to form a coherent thought.
Your walls clenched around him when he finally caught his breath and pulled out slowly. A trail of his cum dripping down your inner thighs.
Whimpering, you tried to fight off the urge to finish yourself off, because if there’s one thing you knew about Marc it was that he refused to let sex end until you finished. That still didn’t stop your eyes from shutting when your body practically shook from the overstimulation of being edged yet again. He heard you though…loud and clear.
“Oh baby,” he breathed, hand running gently up your thigh.
“Please…” You were silenced by his hands sliding up to your ass, spreading you for his eyes to see.
“Look at you.” His fingers swiped through his cum that steadily dripped out of you. Only to drag it towards your clit that pulsed with need. “Beautiful.”
Gasping, you pushed back onto his fingers, desperate for any amount of attention he gave you. But soon it wasn’t enough. Your body was so worked up that his fingers alone couldn’t bring you to that edge and he knew it. You sobbed his name when he pulled away, nearly on the verge of bursting into tears. Only for your back to bow, a moan ripping from your throat, when his mouth sealed over your pussy.
“Fuck!” Your nails scratched along the floor, legs shaking as he sucked your clit into his mouth.
He moaned against you, the vibrations going straight through you and causing your toes to curl. It wouldn’t take long at all for you to violently fall over the edge. Which is why he sped up. Slipping two fingers into your pussy, he sought out the spot that would send you to the quick end. Each swipe of his tongue forced a moan from your chest—the breath leaving your lungs faster than you could keep it.
Marc was licking you clean of the mess he made and that single though alone paired with his fingers striking gold finished you off. Your mouth dropped open in a silent scream, eyes rolling back as your body convulsed with the power of your orgasm.
For a moment you lost all sense. The blood rushing through your ears and white flashing behind your tightly shut eyes. But when you came to you found Marc still going. Drinking down every last drop of you and him combined with a fucked out dazed look in his eyes. You knew if you didn’t stop him now he’d continue until you were unraveling beneath him, but your legs were already shaking from the strain of being on them.
“Wait,” you panted, hand shooting out to grip on his wrist. “I-I can’t.”
His teeth sunk into the skin of your ass in response. “You taste so good.”
That brought a smile to your face. “You don’t taste so bad yourself, Spector.”
Gently, he turned you until you were laying flat on your back, his chest pressed to yours as he laid over you. His lips met yours in a soft kiss, tongue sliding along yours. You moaned at the combined taste of you and him. It made your head spin. 
Exhaustion riddled your body and you could see that it was the same for him. Tomorrow he’d have to go back to being Moon Knight; somehow having to find a way to sleep in between giving Jake and Steven the body. But tonight…right now, he was yours. Yours to love, yours to care for. So, you pulled him closer, your leg slinging over his bare hip as you kissed him languidly—relishing in the closeness.
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grandline-fics · 22 days
Immune To Your Charms
DESCRIPTION: Soulmates are incapable of harming the other in any way. Normally that would be a good thing but not when you're meant to be enemies.
WARNINGS: It's Doflamingo so it features mentions of killing/ injury/ general violence. Soulmate! AU, Enemies to Lovers
CHARACTERS: Doflamingo
WORDS: 1,906
A/N: Part of the Good For Your Soul Series. Things are are a bit slower in this part but things will pick up soon. Hope you all like this next instalment.
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three(here) | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven (coming soon)
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The air was unbearably heavy in the drawing room. For his followers who’d endured and survived witnessing Doflamingo’s most violent and murderous moments felt unable to breathe at this moment. This was different and far more intense than anything they’d previously experienced before. Some of them worried that blinking in his direction would bring his attention on them and at this moment no one wanted that. Everyone was still processing that they’d witnessed for themselves the power and proof of existence of a set of soulmates. Some relished the news for their leader it was just underwhelming that his match was some random Marine. Why couldn’t he have had a soulmate who would naturally worship him and accept his authority. You certainly complicated things. “So who’s going to do it?”
Your voice broke the tense atmosphere and the sound made Doflamingo stare down at you. Not moments ago he’d already stated you weren’t going anywhere so what were you talking about now? Who was going to do what exactly? As if feeling his stare you looked away from the pile of bullets he’d tried to pierce your skull with and returned your even stare to his face. It irked him to see you were looking at him like he was an idiot. Like he should have known already what you were asking. You let out a tired sigh and sat back in your seat, finally getting comfortable against the soft cushions. “Who’s your pick to kill me or will everyone do it?”
“Eh? Eager to die are you?” Doflamingo grinned, leaning down towards you. He may not have the capability to physically harm you but he could still get at you with his words. It left a sour taste in his mouth when you shook your head. 
“I’m just trying to speed things along really.” You explained with a shrug, knowing the most powerful man in the room couldn’t hurt you made you even more bold and unafraid. “You want to get back to your…well whatever it is you do. I’m not making it out of this alive so can one of your underlings just do what you can’t?” Doflamingo’s grin froze in place and the vein twitched against his temple. You spoke so simply and it pissed him off at the implication of the words. To make matters worse you peered around him and gestured to one of the lowest ranking subordinates who was stood by the wall. “Him. He doesn’t look like he’s doing much. If he stands close enough I’m sure a single bullet would do it.” 
The inhumane squeak of panic that burst from the nobody member of Doflamingo’s ranks made your eyebrows raise slightly in surprise and amusement. You didn’t think that octave was possible for someone so burly. Doflamingo glared at the man you’d gestured to, his fury growing. Him? Some nobody that was one of many under his command? The only way it would have been more insulting would have been if you’d picked out one of the servants to take your life where he couldn’t. It still would have stung if you’d pointed to one of his adequate officers or one of the elite and most trusted in his inner circle but not as bad as this. This felt like an attack on him and he wanted to do nothing more than to strangle and slice you over and over. “Everyone. Out.”
Everyone left hurriedly from the closest door to them, avoiding Doflamingo’s line of sight and keeping their heads down, breaths held until they were safely out of the room. Although the elite members of Doflamingo’s family were reluctant to leave they obeyed also. When the door closed behind the final person you glanced up at Doflamino, lips quirking slightly as you pretended to seem concerned. “Did I say something wrong?”
“You know what you said.”
“I was just trying to be helpful.” You protested with feigned innocence. “Don’t you want to be rid of me as soon as possible? I mean we know you can’t kill me yourself and you have all these faithful subordinates only eager to kill on your behalf. So why not let them?”
“None of them will kill you. If I ordered them to never even look at you they’d obey.” He declared leaning closer to your face, his fingers curling around your jaw. “If I don’t get to kill you, no one does.” Your eyes narrowed, even though his grip couldn’t hurt you didn’t mean you had to like it.
“So what’s your plan?”
“I continue as normal, of course.” Doflamingo chuckled, fingers flexing just a little harder against your skin. It still didn’t feel real that you were impervious to any harm he could cause you. “While I also work out a way to undo this.”
“So much wasted effort.” You sighed, lifting your hand to pull his wrist. It surprised you and Doflamingo to see his hand immediately release from your face. So even that could be neutralised thanks to fate it seemed. You let out a small laugh and let go of his hand before smirking at him.  “Bet you wished you’d let me shoot myself at the warehouse, huh?” Doflamingo refused to answer that. Yes with hindsight, this headache wouldn’t be happening had he just let you go out on your own terms but he also wouldn’t deny the intrigue this brought, to see the existence of soulmates for himself was fascinating he just wished it was a different situation. Not something that hindered him. “So, while you’re fighting fate will I be locked away in the dungeon?”
“Do you want to be locked in the dungeon?” He asked, the broad grin returning to his face.
“Please, you don’t care what I want.” You scoffed. “So, will I be locked away? Would probably be better for you if I was, don’t you think?”
“How do you work that out?” Doflamino asked, you really were a mystery to him. Not many openly asked to be locked away. 
“Well it’s just going to annoy you to have to see me constantly, to be reminded that you can’t kill me when even the weakest person here could do it.” You explained casually, your smirk growing when his jaw clenched. “At least if I’m locked away, out of sight and out of mind your ego can remain in tact.” Doflamingo hated how openly you spoke, how unwavering you were and confident you were. The knowledge of your safety here allowed you to speak to him in a way no one ever dared to. He made a note to have another look at your Marine file, because you were certainly more dangerous and smarter than you let on. While he would have been more than happy to have you locked away until he worked out a way to be permanently rid of you by his own hand, he now knew he couldn’t. If he did that, you’d win. It would be like admitting you’d won in some way and he refused to let you take any more power from him.
“Follow me.” You watched Doflamingo turn and walk towards the door. With a sigh you pushed yourself out of the chair, reluctantly because of how comfortable it was and fell into step behind the Warlord all while keeping a small distance away. As you walked down the extravagant corridors you took in the beauty of the palace, everything was clean and orderly; part of you had expected to see everything in disarray and rowdy seeing as it was being run by and filled with pirates. Behind you you faintly heard one of the doors open and the smallest hush of whispered voices drifting. You picked up on the general gist of the conversation, the word soulmate creeping up. “News travels fast here…” You mused, keeping your eyes trained firmly on the canvas of pink feathers draped over Domflamingo’s back.
“Can’t blame them though can you?” Doflamingo chuckled, also deciding it wasn’t worth his time to look back. Finally he came to a stop outside a set of double doors and threw them open to reveal a grand living quarters, far finer and larger than anywhere you’d seen before. “This is where you’ll stay.”
“You have a strange idea of what dungeon means.” You uttered while stepping inside and cast him a wary look as his deep chuckle filled the room. “So where’s off limits? Or will I be locked inside?”
“No where’s off limits. Go where you like, do what you want.” Doflamingo shrugged lazily. “You’re not a threat to what I’m doing.”
“And given that you control the whole island, escape is impossible. Even if I did manage to escape I can’t go anywhere and contacting the Marine’s is out of the question.” You nodded as you wandered around the room you were to stay in, eyeing everything carefully. “I’m either classed as dead or missing and the mission was deemed a failure. No one will be looking for me.”
“You have such a lack of faith for the organisation you served for?”
“It’s called being realistic.” You sighed, fingers reaching out to hesitantly feel the blanket draped on the bottom of your bed. Never in your years of working would you ever have gotten to feel something so rich. “The unit’s dead, all evidence was either taken out of the warehouse or destroyed along with it. None of us were high ranking enough to warrant determined retribution. The higher ups will claim we gave our lives valiantly and in the name of justice. No loose ends.” Doflamingo’s grin spread further at your explanation, for a Marine you weren’t as blindly devoted to the organisation compared to the others he’d met and killed over the years. At least you saw the truth of their ways for yourself and you were smart enough to view things clearly. 
“Sleep well.” He grinned at you, pausing when you turned to throw him an accusing look.
“If you’re planning on breaking in and smothering me in my sleep, do it quietly.”
“No promises.” Doflamingo chuckled, leaving the room and you alone at last. 
You waited a few moments before approaching the door and leant against it, straining to hear if the Warlord was still lurking outside. When you heard nothing you let out a long, shaky breath and slid to the floor. Finally you allowed everything to take over you as you processed the whirlwind of events that had happened. The warehouse, the loss of your unit, being a captive of a Warlord and being his soulmate of all things on top of that. Shaking uncontrollably you hugged yourself tightly, silently cursing Doflamingo over and over. You knew he would stubbornly try to find a way to defy fate itself to severe this thing connecting you both and if he did succeed you would be killed instantly. Until then you were stuck here and you refused to break in front of him or any of those he commanded. You’d already proven you were capable of getting under his skin so now you were determined to do all in your power to continue to do so. If not for just getting some sort of satisfaction out of the horrible situation you were in but also because perhaps if you angered him enough he’d order someone under him to do what he couldn’t and end this nightmare.
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daughter-lilith · 7 days
❅In Every Life❅
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Halsin x Fem!Reader | Modern AU, Parallel Universes Part 2 | Read Part 1 here.
Summary: Another day on modern Earth as you finally wind down for the late night in your quiet home. All is as it should be. All is normal as you prepare for bed. That is, until a tall, hulking man with pointed ears shows up at your doorstep claiming to be your lost love from another time and realm. But he’s a stranger. A stranger who forever changes everything you thought you knew about your life.
Explicit 18+ (In future Parts)
CW (For whole story): Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Tension, Oral, P in V, Shifting, Pain, Love, Halsin is Emotional!
Word Count: 6.66k😈
*Reminder, this is part 2.
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Halsin’s gaze roamed over your face, your hair, and you unconsciously hugged your robe a bit tighter. You weren’t typically a shy person, but something about his visual inspection made your cheeks flush and you had to fight the urge not to swipe a piece of hair behind your ears. Instead, you held his gaze, as best as you could anyway.
“Your hair is styled differently,” he proceeded, “and the top of your ears no longer have their tips. And yet… you are as beautiful now as you were then. Clearly, nature still works its wonders, even in this foreign place.”
You nearly gasped at his words as a wave of flutters tickled your belly. And his smile only further enhanced the prickling goosebumps racing across your skin. Speechless, a torrent of silence stretched between you and the man with the pointed ears. In mere moments, the air felt thick with tension, unspoken words, confusion, questions, and so much more. You were starting to get lost in his intense eyes again, the way he looked at you with such fondness. And you knew at that moment your heart was correct. He wouldn’t hurt you. He was safe. But there was still so much you didn’t know.
As if detecting your thoughts, he cleared his throat and expanded his chest a little, like he was bracing himself. “I get ahead of myself. Now, as I promised you, I will explain all. Shall we sit?”
You glanced at the counter next to you where tall chairs lined up together, and shook your head. Your legs would’ve been a shaking mess if you were forced to remain in a seated position, anxiously awaiting his words. Somehow you felt steadier on two feet, with one hip leaning slightly against the side of the island.
“Standing is fine.”
Halsin nodded. “Very well.”
He took two, calm strides forward, closer to the other side of the countertop, directly across from you. He closed his eyes, his large chest rising and falling. A gold emblem of a leaf on his chest gleamed beneath the warm light, but when he opened his eyes again, he had your complete attention.
“The place I mentioned earlier, Faerûn, where I hail from, is a realm far from here. It can only be accessed by opening a very particular and powerful portal. It is how I arrived in this world myself, through the Astral Plane, and then here I—"
You lifted a hand, stopping him. “Sorry- portal? Astral Plane? Next thing you’ll say is you’ve once seen dragons breathe down fire from the sky, or you have pointed ears because you’re an—
“An elf,” he interjected, smiling. “Both of which you mention are true. Though I’ve been told I’m rather large for one.” A gentle chuckle sounded from his throat, it would’ve been comforting were your face not contorted in complete bafflement.
“You’re an elf?” You half laughed, incredulous. But at your reaction, the trace of humor that marked his face waned.
“Yes,” he simply responded, calm. “The Oak Father warned me that there would be many changes in this world. Your world. I now presume the mention of portals and dragons will be among the many number of differences for all I have to say.”
You exhaled, absentmindedly shaking your head. The longer you looked at him, the more you could tell he meant what he was saying, or at least he believed it enough. Too wrapped up in your thoughts, you couldn’t even conjure up the question of who the hell the Oak Father was. And you got the sense that Halsin, in whatever tale he was about to unravel, was just scratching the surface.
“You’re being serious.” You weren’t really asking, more so stating.
“I am.”
“You’re an elf? How is that even…” you trailed off, speechless. How was that what? Possible? How was anything he was saying possible? As a writer, you were a believer in ‘anything is possible’ but when that anything was a six-and-a-half foot, maybe more, henched elf…
“Are there no elves in this world?” One of his brows was slightly raised.
“No. No elves, no dragons. Just an overpopulated amount of humans.”
“Ah, I see,” he said. “That would explain the change in your ears, though I suppose you could’ve become any race on any plane.”
You gasped, blinking rapidly. He was starting to lose you, speaking to you like he knew you, like there was some other version of you.
Halsin must’ve sensed the havoc firing in your brain because he stepped forward, and you heard the sound of the chair scraping the floor as he bumped into it. You raised a hand to halt him, even though the entire island still separated you.
Without actually saying it, he was basically calling you an elf. There was a sudden twitch along the rim of your right ear at the mere thought. There was more to this tale, just hear him through. Closing your eyes for a few seconds, you breathed deeply and silently vowed that you wouldn’t interrupt again, or at least you would try not to. You opened your eyes. “Alright then… continue.”
He nodded, releasing a heavy breath of his own. He took a moment to analyze you before proceeding. “Faerûn is where I met you. You and your companions had saved me from the cruel shackles of a brutish goblin camp.” His mouth twisted in disgust, before smoothing out again. “Then you helped to save my grove, a druid’s sanctuary under my govern- from slaughter and being cut off from the world. I knew then… that you would become most important to me.” A warm smile melted into his cheeks and that fondness in his gaze returned. Yes, you were indeed safe with him.
“So I joined you,” he carried on, “on a journey of high adventure where you and your companions welcomed me with open arms. You became my friends, and soon after, my family.”
He went on to explain the depths of your adventures together and how you faced all sorts of formidable foes and challenges. He spoke of the times you cleansed curses, cut down hags, slayed devils, ended a vampire lord, and destroyed would-be gods. It was all so much, and yet the way Halsin delivered this tale, how he articulated each word so careful and precise in his language, was exceptionally poetic. He connected words in ways you wouldn’t think of, as though he came from a time long past.
And even though he was telling you tales of the sort of things you’d usually read about or see in movies, which made it even more unbelievable, you were extremely immersed. He made it easy to follow along to imagine the landscapes, the campsites, and your companions. No, your friends, apparently.
An interesting group from the way he described them. There were some strange words you caught here and there like githyanki or tiefling, but also very familiar ones like vampire and wizard. He described one who had red skin and two horns, one cut halfway- she was among your first closest friends, he said. After forming your group, before you met him, she had been the one you connected with swiftly, more of an open book than the other women. But in time, they too became like your sisters.
And the vampire was another close friend of yours, a sincere bond that blossomed from such a fragile heart. You once shared a brief romantic relationship with this white-haired elf, but came to realize your bond thrived better in the waters of friendship. You wished you could’ve seen all Halsin was describing, what he was imagining from his faraway look while he recounted this intriguing world. You knew that your own mental images weren’t doing it justice.
“…and our bond only grew stronger, rooted in the depths of the earth.” The more Halsin spoke, the more the leaves decorating his shoulders lowered as he relaxed. Sometimes he spoke faster than he seemed to intend, eager to share all he could with you. “And in battle, you were magnificent as always, the way the crackle of lightning simmered over your fingers, or how your longsword was blazed in fire, smiting your foes with no mercy. I knew to never stray on your bad side.” Halsin chuckled at this, a deep rumble from his throat.
You wished you could return the sentiment, but you could only half smile in return, a dull ache in your gut. It all sounded too incredible, fascinating really. But to your disappointment, none of it meant anything to you. You found yourself genuinely wanting to connect with his story, the world he painted for you.
And the way he spoke about you, there was something so incredibly deep there, raw, pure, powerful. You could feel that he cared for you in ways that went far beyond just friends or casual lovers. He cared for you possibly more than anyone you’ve ever known, or at least cared for whoever this version of you was. Someone fierce, powerful, a leader…and could wield magic?
“You’ve talked about magic a lot,” your voice filled the room, taking the chance to speak while Halsin paused his story, “that all of your—our- friends had it, because of access to the Weave?” You narrowed your brows, glancing at Halsin for some silent reassurance. When he nodded, you continued. “And some were closer to magic than others or accessed it in different ways… so are you telling me that you have this magic even now?”
Halsin grinned. “I do. And I presume that is but another change in your world.”
You hummed. “There is magic, in a way… rituals, spells, but definitely not how you’ve described it. It all sounds like the sorts of things I read and write about.”
Halsin stood straighter, his chest expanding as that proud grin still painted his face. “May I demonstrate?”
Your stomach flipped. “Demonstrate? Right- right here?”
“If you wish?” Halsin raised one hand, letting it hover off to the side as he stared at you, silently waiting for your permission.
You looked up at him, shifting between both of his eyes before settling on his waiting hand. There was no way this was about to happen. Magic? Fresh nerves stormed in your belly, but it was mostly fueled by a wave of excitement, just the tiniest hint of fear lingered in its depths. You had no idea what to expect; maybe a magic trick? Some sort of illusion? You swallowed, meeting his eyes again. With a deep breath, you nodded. “Okay, go ahead.”
Halsin, still smiling, turned his attention to his hand. You watched him close his eyes, almost lost in the wave of peace that washed over him, finding it easier to inspect his features without his eyes trained on you. He truly was a beautiful man. You watched his lips that seemed to mumble a bit, and random twitches in his eyes like he was searching behind closed lids. He looked at peace, and damn if peace didn’t look wonderful on him.
The scars across his brows did nothing to diminish his appearance, and you couldn’t help but imagine what caused such a wound. Halsin hadn’t mentioned that in his story, at least not yet. You clenched your teeth a bit, suddenly feeling upset that something would dare harm this man in such a way. He was still a stranger, and it even surprised you to feel this strange sense of…protection over him? Whatever caused the scar, you just knew Halsin didn’t deserve it.
Your expression softened, and you felt like you could stare at him forever, fixing his image in your mind. But forever was short-lived as something else caught your eye. From the palm of Halsin’s hand, a tendril of soft, golden light flowed upward, accompanied by two more. You gasped, frozen, completely entranced at the sight before you. You half noticed Halsin open his eyes, but you couldn’t take yours away from the cloudy mist of golden light that streamed and danced in slow, intertwining patterns. The room suddenly felt warmer, comforting, like it was suddenly the safest place on the planet.
“Magic,” you heard Halsin murmur, and you finally looked at him once more, nearly gasping again.
The light reflected against his eyes, causing a warm glow as he stared at you carefully, gauging your reaction. The golden-yellow light danced across his face, shadowing and lighting certain features as it moved. You weren’t sure what to focus on- Halsin, or the orb of energy he seemed to conjure just from his hand. As though sensing your thoughts again, Halsin made it easier to choose. He extended his hand over the counter, directly to you. The tendrils of light slithered away from his hand, reaching for you, lazily flowing towards your hand.
Surprisingly, you didn’t flinch but remained so still, the only thing racing was your heart as a tickle fluttered over your hand on first contact. You watched the golden glow travel up your hand, passing over your cheek and simultaneously spreading across your chest. It was warm, like a soft blanket of protection. It was a strange energy that seemed to be attracted to you, both exploring and revering you as it encompassed you entirely. You released a sudden gasp, overwhelmed by the tingles that crept up your spine and expanded across your chest. A near-weightlessness feeling washed over you. Another sigh as the magic finally dissipated, leaving you with a deep sense of peace as a gift. A gift of…magic.
“Magic thrives where it belongs.” The sound of Halsin’s deep timbre shook you out of your sudden stupor. “It always knows its way home.”
Breathing a bit harder now, you placed both hands firmly on the counter, losing the stillness from before. Your robe loosened slightly but still managed to cover yourself mostly. “That was…amazing.”
Halsin’s smile was just as warm as the magic he recently conjured. “As are you.”
Your breath caught in your throat, and you were immediately lost in the beautiful warmth of Halsin’s gaze. His hands were also leaning on the counter, with the one he used for his spectacle being placed closer to you.
A million and one thoughts danced in your brain: affection, wonder, intrigue, confusion. The impossible becoming possible before your very eyes. An invisible thread formed between the two of you; a bond that ached to reel you into each other, a magnetic force awakening after finally finding the right field to pull itself into.
Halsin muttered your name, so sweetly from his lips, his head tilting slightly. A chill swarmed up your back at his voice. You decided then that you liked the way he said your name, almost breathy. He sounded so close. You would’ve sworn he whispered it into your ear except you were very much staring at him across the kitchen island.
“Halsin?” you managed to mutter, sensing the faint shakiness in your breath.
“Yes?” He was intensely focused on you, eager for whatever you were about to request. If you could read his mind, you’d assume he was ready to march around the counter to get closer to you the second you allowed it.
“What happened with… us? Why did you come here?” You nearly regretted it the moment you asked as his face fell and his shoulders slumped. But you had to know.
He hadn’t finished all he had to say, and you still had too many questions. From everything he said, it sounded like you had an amazing life together, all things considered, so what went wrong? Why was this man -elf- standing in the middle of your kitchen, in the middle of the night, from a land far, far from home?
Halsin’s hand slipped back, and he glanced away, frowning. Your stomach felt uneasy at his change in tone, in demeanor. But you patiently waited.
Still looking away from you, Halsin breathed deeply. “After we defeated the Absolute, and helped repair the city, we all went our own ways, for the most part.” He spoke so softly, quiet. “You and I returned to what once was Reithwin, where we lifted the curse. We built a wonderful life together. We spent two decades there, in blissful peace, occasionally leaving to visit our friends, sometimes taking us away from home a few months at a time, with your encouragement. Other times they’d come to us, staying for days or weeks at a time. It was a fulfilling life.” He finally met your eyes again, smiling gently but it did not quite reach his eyes.
“We were so happy,” he expressed, a faint lightness in his tone. “There were many moments I feared I would wake, and you would have moved on, ending the dream…. But you were always there, wrapped around me as the rising sun illuminated our room. And you never failed to reassure me how happy you were, with our life, with me.”
There was a sadness laced in Halsin’s calm voice and each moment a flicker of dread occupied his eyes as he stared at you while he spoke. You rubbed your lips together, trying but failing to suppress your fleet of nerves. Tonight had to be a record for how often your heart rate rose and calmed.
“One day,” he exhaled a deep breath, trembling. “We received urgent word from Lae’zel, calling for us all to meet her in the Astral Plane. She and her people were finally so close to defeating Vlaakith once and for all but needed the help of old friends to ensure victory. I was a bit hesitant to take on another such venture after a time of peace… but she was our family. To deny her our aid was out of the question.”
The gravity in his voice expressed to you how serious this choice was. You still had no recognition of who Lae’zel was, only from the brief stories he told. But here on Earth, you did have friends of your own who you would go to hell and back for, and they’d do the same for you. So you admired Halsin’s decision to aid this Lae’zel.
“So we prepared as best we could,” Halsin continued, “calling upon old allies who would be able to lend a hand and once again fight alongside the Saviors of Baldur’s Gate.” He made a gesture with his hands like he was about to introduce someone to a stage. “And before we knew it, we were back in the Astral Plane. It was chaos, magic against magic, dragons against dragons.”
He closed his eyes, his nose scrunched up in disgust as though reliving the memory all over again. It made your heart quicken the more he uncovered about this battle in a space where time did not exist. He told you that Vlaakith may very well have been a god, or was exceptionally close to godhood than ever before.
Halsin exhaled, shaking his head slightly. “We’ve faced formidable foes, as I mentioned, and she earned her place among them.” He looked away again, half turning his body. “We were waning. Vlaakith had great losses, but we were tiring ourselves just the same. Every blade, every cut, every flicker of magic was followed by a strange exhaustion. Perhaps the Astral Plane had unpredictable effects. It seemed to make us stronger but for a limited time and when that effect wore off…”
“She started winning,” you muttered. Not so much to him, but to yourself. You could almost picture it: fighting in a space of endless time, amongst stars, floating rock, and deceased titan-like gods. You emerged from your inner thoughts as Halsin began to speak again.
“But we have been broken before, and we never gave in to defeat. So we fought, and fought, using all the strength our bodies would allow, all the magic our energy could conjure…And we had done it. We defeated the tyrant, together, as we’ve always done, this time Lae’zel delivered the final strike. But—”
A rough breath left Halsin’s mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut, fist clenching. You absentmindedly moved towards the side of the island, not completely coming to Halsin’s side, but noticeably closer than before.
Your heart was hammering, anxious for him to continue. But you had no words at the moment, only allowing Halsin to gather himself until he was ready to proceed. A few seconds, then more, and he opened his eyes, obliviously staring at the now empty space you occupied moments before.
“But Vlaakith still drew breath,” he gritted his teeth, a sudden ire dripping from his tone.
It almost frightened you, to sense the simmering rage that crept up his throat. This man who had been so calm, so gentle towards you, and still was, now seemingly fighting back an old vengeance. It was like the room suddenly felt heavier, brought down by a foreign anger that had nowhere to go.
You already missed the occasional smiles that graced his face a short time ago, the warmth of nature in his eyes as he gazed at you. Another breath left the large man’s lips, his broad chest rising and settling into a gentle rhythm. When he spoke again, there was still a taste of an underlying anger in his voice, more hidden now that he was no longer clenching his teeth.
“Vlaakith would not let death capture her without another,” he said, still not meeting your eyes. “With her last strength, she aimed a fatal blow at Lae’zel only to miss…” He finally turned to look at you, sorrow dragging down his face. “She missed because you leapt in front of her instead.”
Even under the dim lighting, you could’ve sworn the color left his tanned face. Your stomach tightened and a sudden wave of nausea lingered in the depths of your belly. You suddenly felt panicked, shocked, and tired all at once; like you were experiencing someone else’s emotions, someone else’s pain. You rested your elbows on the counter, leaning your weight onto it.
“So Vlaakith,” you swallowed, taking a breath. “Killed her instead? Killed…me?”
“Yes,” Halsin answered quickly, as if desperate to move past that truth. He started shaking his head, overcome by emotions. “It all happened too quickly. I couldn’t get to you fast enough. And by the time you fell in my arms, the Astral Plane was already beginning to claim you. You looked at me and…you said, in the most angelic voice I know…in every life.”
A wave of dread washed over you, sneaking into your pores and threatening to drown out your soul. You weren’t remembering anything, you weren’t visualizing this fatal moment and yet it felt like your lungs had the air violently sucked out of it. You clenched your teeth, trying to calm yourself and also feign that you were okay, not wanting to watch Halsin’s face contort to anymore worry. Grasping the edge of the counter, you were acutely aware of Halsin still speaking.
“So I spent the next 11 years without you, until one night, a dream. You came to me.” Halsin’s words pulled your attention back to him, your ears honing in on this new information. “It was unlike any other I’ve had of you before. It was…urgent. Real. You were repeatedly telling me to find you, your voice blending in and out of earshot. And just before I woke, your voice came beside my ear, I could feel your breath tickle my skin, you said but one word…‘Earth’.”
“I…I said that?” you stammered a bit, throat dry, trying to quell the strange reactions undertaking your body.
Halsin nodded, terse. “You did. I did not understand it at the time, for the only earth I knew was the grass and dirt beneath my feet.” He bowed, placing a fist across his chest. “But with the wisdom of Silvanus, and the aid of the greatest wizard I’ve ever met, I learned that Earth was a place. A world. Your new world.” Halsin turned, taking a step along the counter, then another, towards you. But he stopped when he caught your expression, and you silently thanked him for it.
You sensed he wanted to be comforting, to tell you this news as gently as possible, but it was becoming all too overwhelming again. You almost wanted to ask if he could conjure up some more magic so you could get enveloped in its sweet, soothing embrace again. So it could untwist the knots in your stomach and calm the rate of your heart with its golden light.
Halsin lowered his head, sullen, occasionally shifting his eyes from you to the empty space at your side. “It took another year to figure out how to open the right portal and the right amount of magic it demanded.” His voice was softer, lower, like he was losing confidence the more he continued to speak. “I was warned that it may be difficult to return or that you may not remember me. But I had to try… so Gale, Shadowheart, and myself, with the guidance of Silvanus, Mystra, and Selûne at our backs, entered the astral plane once again. There, a portal for me already awaited…”
He stared at you, softly searching your eyes, daring another tentative step closer. “And then I came here, to you… to the greatest love my heart has ever known.”
“Halsin…” you breathed, but he raised his hands, halting you.
“This may not be Faerûn, and elven blood may no longer flow through your veins. But your face, your eyes, your very soul is just the same. I can feel it.”
Another fleet of nerves sliced through you, your heart pumping fiercely in your ears, the beat of your pulse so intense within your wrists. Halsin was almost standing directly before you now, the heat radiating off his large frame reached for you, as eager as the golden tendrils of magic.
But he stopped before closing the distance entirely, not crossing the small threshold of space still between you. You avoided his gaze, but could still feel him watching you, and could hear the quick pacing of his breath, like he was trying his damnedest to calm himself.
Your name left his lips, a gentle plea to guide your attention back to him. An involuntary flutter decorated your cheeks when he said your name that way, the gentleness of it, fueled with decades of love. But even that was not enough to quell your pounding heart. You were stuck trying to understand everything Halsin was telling you, this man, this elf. This elf who was apparently 350 years old when you embarked on this wild adventure together, with friends who weren’t all human, and who could do great and magical things. You could do great and magical things. It was all so incredible, but also, it was too much…
Halsin’s deep timbre filled your ears, you could almost feel the vibration in his voice. “What are you thinking, my heart?”
“Please,” you muttered, startled by his tender words of affection. “You shouldn’t say that…” You dared a look at him, noting the strict narrowing in his brows and confusion in his expression.
So he said your name again, as a question this time, fear accompanying his voice. You sighed, suddenly feeling more overwhelmed with each passing second. His presence was so much, the closeness, his warmth, his words of affection for a love once lost. A love he believed to be you. So, you took two steps back, needing to reclaim the distance between you two, needing to find room to breathe and to think.
Your throat felt dry and you promptly found yourself reaching for a nearby water bottle, hastily swallowing as much of the water as you could. Breathing rapidly, you put the bottle aside and steadied yourself with both hands on the counter.
“Halsin, I…I don’t know…”
He remained still, careful not to further overwhelm you by standing too close. “You are having trouble believing me?”
You half-laughed, bringing your hands to your head, and dug your fingers into your hair. “Quite the opposite. In fact, this would be so much easier if I didn’t believe you.” You started pulling at your scalp, just a little before releasing your grip.
You started moving around the island but remained mindful not to get too close to Halsin, a million thoughts racing in your head. “If I didn’t believe you then I could just assume you were crazy, and that I was crazy for letting you in my house and I’d just ask you to leave and probably call the cops. It would be one hell of a story to tell my friends but—” You stopped pacing, finding the courage to look at him again. His expression was a mixture of emotions, but the worry in his eyes overtook them all.
“I believe you, Halsin.”
He smiled, warm, the expression so beautiful on his face. And it nearly broke your heart.
“I believe that you come from a place of what people here would deem impossible, and you had these amazing friends, and a life with…” you closed your eyes, breathing deeply. “But I’m not her, Halsin…”
You opened your eyes to find his smile falling, the sight nearly ripping you in two. You ignored the incessant nerves that ravaged your stomach, the loud beat of your heart that just could not rest. “I believe that you cared for that part of me... but that isn’t who I am, Halsin. I have no memory of anything you speak of. I have an entire life here.”
Halsin said nothing, silence seizing him. You rushed on, question after question, whatever thought you could pull out of your head from the sea of endless thoughts. “What am I supposed to do with this, Halsin? What was your plan after finding me?”
You waved your arms aimlessly, unable to control the issues spilling out of your mouth. “Am I supposed to go to your world, now? Do you stay in mine? Do you just sleep on my couch and we talk about it in the morning?”
“Perhaps, if you wish to wait for the morning sun, I—"
“No, Halsin. I don’t wish for that.  I—I don’t know what to do. But I do know this…”
You regarded him, taking a moment to gather yourself. He stood patiently, so quiet, and yet his eyes said so much. A budding fear was digging its claws into this large elf, right before your eyes. “I’m afraid, Halsin.”
He frowned, taking a step back and you quickly moved forward, throwing your hands up. “No, no!” you exclaimed, halting him. “Not afraid of you, I know I’m safe with you. I just…I think I’m afraid of all of this. I don’t know how to handle it. Maybe I need time or maybe I need…ugh.” You groaned in frustration, unable to find the words, unable to process.
Halsin lowered his head, a deep breath, then another. A twang of guilt poked against your chest, though you knew you had nothing to feel guilty for. He seemed like he was an incredible man. He was gorgeous, calm, a fantastic talker, and above all he managed to make you feel entirely safe despite his foreboding stature.
“I’m so, so sorry you lost her, Halsin,” you were half-whispering, careful with your words. “I have no doubt you were so loved. I can tell you are an amazing man and maybe if you and I met in other circumstances, and we were from the same world… who knows…” You tried to sound as comforting as possible but even you felt a twinge of sadness at your words.
And in that moment, you realized you wanted to be that person that Halsin crossed realms for. To be that person who was so deeply loved, and to feel the same in return. But you found it nearly impossible to mentally handle this. It was all so wonderful, phenomenal, unbelievable, and yet you believed it all, down to the very last word. And it terrified you that it was possible.
“I’m just a normal gal, who loves to write and watch movies, play games, and take walks. I’m not that remarkable, powerful sorceress who wielded a sword as skillful as a fighter. I’m not who you loved. I’m just me.” A long breath left your lips, and your shoulders slumped in exhaustion, defeated.
“I understand,” Halsin said, finally gracing you with his voice again. You needed to hear it right now, more than ever. You needed to know he would be okay. “Forgive me…in my haste to find you, to see you again, I failed to consider what that may mean for you.”
You smiled, meekly. “No, you longed to find your love again. If I was in your place, I would’ve rushed at the chance myself. I wish I could’ve given you the reaction you imagined.” Your head slumped, suddenly feeling heavy, and a sea of guilt swam harshly within you.
Halsin sighed, calm. “No, don’t say that. This was a lot to process, a lot to bear.” He walked towards you slowly, watching your expression closely so as to make sure not to overstep. When you didn’t protest or step backward, he proceeded. “And if it means anything, even if you’re just a normal gal, I know in my heart you are extraordinary.”
A burning sensation simmered in your eyes, and you swallowed, trying not to let your emotions completely consume you. Already too overwhelmed by what to even feel. Tilting your head upward, the closer Halsin came, tears almost threatened to spill when you got a deeper look into his eyes. Maybe you just needed time, time to figure out what this meant for you, what it meant for both of you. But how much time that was, you couldn’t predict. But Halsin’s warmth was hovering near you again as his eyes looked all over your face, smiling sadly.
“Thank you,” he murmured., deep “Thank you for opening the door, for allowing me into your home, for letting me gaze upon your beautiful eyes after a decade of only seeing them in my dreams.”
Your lips parted, but no words sounded from them. Only a gasp of uncertainty. An exhale of emotions you couldn’t define. He was leaving, and the thought made your stomach lurch. But what else were he to do? You had no idea yourself, torn between telling him to give you time and just accepting that you weren’t who he sought.
“I will return to Faerûn.” He shut his eyes, breathing deeply, then reopened them. “But it will bring me great peace to leave knowing that you are safe, that I was blessed with such a chance to be in your presence again, whether you recall the memories or not.”
You almost muttered another ‘I’m sorry’ but decided against it. You sensed Halsin wouldn’t want that, he wouldn’t want you to feel guilty for having done nothing wrong.
You took in his face, the small scar on his bottom lip, the red tattoo, the tiny strands of hair above his head that didn’t seem long enough to reach his bun. Halsin stepped closer, almost completely blocking the view behind him. You watched his eyes bore into yours; scanning your face, your cheeks, your lips, like he was reaffirming his image of you.
“I would only request one thing before I leave you,” he spoke deeply, a heaviness in his tone. Then he met your eyes again. “I would very much like to hug you, if you allow it.”
You smiled softly, nodding your head ‘yes’ despite the blood rushing through your veins. “Sure.”
You inhaled quickly and quietly, turning to face him as he moved towards you, never breaking eye contact. In one full stride, you were consumed by his warm, inviting, woodsy aroma with a touch of sweet sandalwood. And as his large arms curled around your frame, you could’ve guessed there was the faintest hint of…vanilla?
Your heart skipped as you turned your face to the side, tentatively resting your cheek against his firm chest. You heard him release a heavy sigh, feeling the strength of his chest as air filled and left his lungs. Halsin’s heart thumped rapidly against your ears, outpacing your own. You frowned slightly, spreading your arms further around his waist, as best as you could reach, and squeezed gently. Halsin responded to this, his thick muscles tightening around you, pulling you closer until you were almost cocooned in his protective and endearing embrace.
Halsin’s warmth was so consuming, steadily relaxing the rushing blood in your veins. His heart also seemed to calm, though still at a higher rate than what you presumed to be normal. Without thinking, you let your eyes close, feeling the bottom of his chin rest gently near your head.
You began imagining sitting around a warm campfire, under a star-lit sky. You were enjoying the company of faces you couldn’t make out, positive that you wouldn’t get their image right anyway. But you could almost feel the bond, the stories to tell for decades shared between you all. And beside you, a comforting presence. You saw yourself smiling, resting your head on a familiar shoulder as Halsin hummed a soft tune, his vibrations sending enticing chills down your spine. You smiled, both in this imagination, and while you stood wrapped up in Halsin’s arms.
You felt Halsin’s lower half move away from you a little, already missing the warmth he provided, but his arms remained securely around you. The sound of a distant rumble in his throat, almost something of a groan hit your ears, but you couldn’t be too sure if he was just taking another breath. Whatever it was, it made a spark tickle in your abdomen, and you had to clench your teeth to try and quell the sudden pleasurable feeling.
You weren’t sure how much longer you spent in each other’s embrace, or who made the first move to end this moment of peace. But you were both pulling away from one another, still connected by your hands holding each other’s forearms. You paused, staring up at the pools of genuine care in his mesmerizing eyes.
“Will you be okay?” you inquired, when what you really wanted to ask was ‘maybe you can stay?’ But a lingering fear wouldn’t allow you to, despite it gradually waning by the second.
“As long as you are, then yes.” He rubbed his thumb along your forearm, still hanging onto you. “Finding you at all is more than I could’ve ever dreamed of. And I will spend the rest of time being thankful, until my flesh finally yields to nature.”
Your lips parted, eyes darting between his. He left you speechless again, the sincerity in his words, the strength in his tone despite the sadness that made its home there. He stared deeply at you, perhaps waiting for you to completely sever the connection for he lacked the strength to do so himself. You glanced at his lips, how soft they looked, pressed together uneasily as Halsin watched you.
A flutter dashed inside your stomach, your speeding heart anticipating your next move as your gaze lingered on his lips. You exhaled softly, glancing at the scar on his chin, your finger itching to trace it but not wanting to let go of Halsin’s arms. Your gaze rested on his tattoo, where it passed down his cheek. So you leaned upward, pressing some of your weight on your toes. Halsin lowered a bit, assisting you, and slightly tilted his head, exposing more of his tattoo.
And when your soft lips pressed against his warm skin, a fierce electric spark jolted you backward. Your knees buckled and you nearly fell were it not for strong hands already catching you.
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Part three!
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sykoangels · 1 month
Pslspslpslsls write a Logan howlett x ftm or male reader 🙏🏾🙏🏾 breeding kink….??
hi anon!! I have been playing to write this since I'm trans myself! (genderfluid afab) I'm pulling this out of my drafts so I hope you enjoy 🩷
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Logan Howlett, there are many words to describe this man most people will call him egotistical a narcissist, and have a bit of a stuck-up bitch with anger issues. Some people might say he’s the most violent creature they have ever met, is some of that slightly true yes but do you care not because you’ve seen sides of him you thought he would never show anybody. It’s probably different because you guys have been friends for so long and that friendship turned into more later down in life. You and Logan have been knowing each other for years it almost felt like when you met him for the first time he was some attractive hothead with a smoking and drinking problem with some form of family issues.
And you were right when you first met him he was all of those things, but as you continue to talk, he was a vulnerable man dealing with his emotions in the worst possible way. You saw how much she was hurting and would comfort him every day even though he would hate it, but slowly he warmed up to you. Quite nice seeing him smile and giggle from time to time you guys kind of just kept each other company. He would also worry about you a lot. He swore to you that he would always protect you no matter what even if you and him weren’t talking anymore, he would go out of his way to protect you. Later on and your friendship you came out to him as transgender.
This was one of the most nerve-racking things you have done in a while, but it went surprisingly well. Logan didn’t care he still thought you were you. He was happy that you felt like you could tell him and ever since you told him he’s been doing everything in his power to make you feel comfortable. After that, your relationship continued to grow, but while it group platonically, it grew romantically. You and Logan would hook up occasionally kind of in the realm of no-strings-attached sex because you guys thought dating would ruin the friendship. As you guys continued to hook up you guys discovered that you had feelings for each other and wanted it more than just casual sex on the weekends you guys started dating and everything changed after that.
Logan was very protective over you and always had been and you always help Logan with several things around the house and also dressing his wounds, even though he doesn’t need to do that due to his regenerative healing, but he always found it cute that he would put little Band-Aids on his wounds. Overall, your relationship is flourishing, but there was something that was still ticking at you and it would always happen anytime you saw Logan even if he wasn’t talking about anything sexual racking thoughts in your head that He could breed me and I wouldn’t say anything about it or He could hold me down and breed me, and I wouldn’t even bat an eye. In some ways, you thought you were going crazy because no way in hell that was a normal thought especially when your said boyfriend is talking to you about a failed mission and all you can think about is him ripping off your clothes and breeding you till sundown.
In reality, you thought you were good at keeping this kind of secret to yourself. you wanted to tell Logan, of course, because he was your boyfriend and there was nothing wrong with experimenting sexually, but it was just the pure thought of it all and how it made you feel that freaked you out more than anything, especially for Logan’s reaction. having such a perverse thought, like this one that constantly racks her brain for days weeks, and months on end wasn’t healthy to keep in. After a while of trying to suppress this kind of fantasy, you just couldn’t anymore you would especially think about this type of topic if Logan was away for a little while. You would slip a finger inside your cunt and circle your sensitive cock dreaming about Logan’s cock filling you up like some make-shift Twinkie.
Logan wasn’t stupid. He knew something was up with you. At first, he thought you were just going through some things because he would be talking to you and it would just look like you weren’t paying attention. When he would try to get your attention, it was almost like you had seen a ghost. He had also noticed you were being weird around him kind of like lingering and looking at him when he would be doing normal tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and even smoking. He noticed that you would stare harder than usual when he would come out of the shower the type of stare where it felt like someone was burning into your skin. You noticed the lust and desire in your eyes constantly, but he wasn’t ready to give in to whatever fantasy you were playing out in your head. He wanted you to work for it or at least come clean him about it. He knew just the perfect time on when you might confess he just wanted to give you a little push.
The air was thick with the scent of stale cigarettes and whiskey as Logan stumbled through the door, his combat boots heavy on the old wooden floor. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across his rugged features. He tossed his keys onto the table, not bothering to look at me as he made his way towards the kitchen. "Hey," you called out, my voice hesitant yet tingling with anticipation. "Rough day?" Logan grunted in response, pulling a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. He didn't offer you any, which was typical. This night could either go two ways and you hoped it was the first option. "You want to talk about it?" I asked, leaning against the doorway, watching him pour himself a generous amount. "Nah," he muttered, taking a long swig. His eyes met mine briefly, dark and intense, before he looked away. "Just need to relax "You nodded, understanding more than he realized. "Well, let me help you with that." Without waiting for a response, I stepped closer, reaching up to unbutton his shirt. He didn’t stop me, his gaze now fixed on my hands as they worked slowly, revealing the hard lines of his chest. Each button undone felt like a small victory, a step closer to the edge you were both teetering on.
You always know how to make things better," Logan murmured, his voice rough with desire. You smirked feeling the heat rise in my face staring into his eyes. "That’s what friends are for, right?" He shot you a dirty look slightly annoyed, setting his glass down. "Isn’t that what we are? Friends?" Before you could answer, his hands were on you, pulling you close. Your bodies pressed together, the heat between the two of you palpable. His lips found yours, hungry and demanding, erasing any doubt about what we meant to each other. "Logan..." you gasped as he broke the kiss, trailing his mouth down my neck. “We’re just friends my fucking ass” he whispered, his fingers deftly undoing his belt. "no friend is gonna pleasure you like I do bub.” Your chest heaved with each rapid breath, your eyes locked onto his. "I want you. Right now." He grinned, a wicked glint in his eye. "What exactly do you want, my prince" Your voice caught in your throat, the words you wanted to say tingling at the tip of your tongue. "I... I want you to bend me over and breed me. P-please, fill my cunt until you can’t fill it anymore.” Logan's grin widened, his eyes darkening with lust. "Is that so?" he murmured, his fingers trailing down your neck, across your chest, and lower still, until they reached the waistband of your jeans. "Show me then. Show me how much you want it."
With trembling hands, you undid your belt, unzipped your jeans, and pushed them down along with your boxers, exposing your eager, throbbing cock. Logan's eyes flicked down, taking in the sight, and he gave a low whistle. "Fuck, you look good like that," he praised, his fingers circling your erection, stroking gently. You gasped, leaning your head back against the wall, your body arching into his touch. "ah fuck Logan," you whined, your voice hoarse with need. "Please, baby.” He chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. "Oh, but I thought we were just friends bub. Now you are begging your friend for his cock? How much of a dirty whore are you huh? Why don’t you learn some patience mhm? But his actions belied his words. With one swift motion, he lifted you, wrapping your legs around his waist. You cried out as he slammed into you, the sensation overwhelming, primal. Logan pinned you against the wall, his thrusts deep and relentless, each one pushing you closer to the edge. "That's it," he growled, his face buried in the crook of your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin. "Take it. Take every inch of my fat cock.”
You clung to him, your fingers digging into his shoulders, your body rocking with each powerful thrust. The world around you dissolved into a haze of pleasure, the only reality being Logan and the fierce, unyielding rhythm of his hips. "Logan, I'm... I'm close," you panted, your vision blurring with the force of your impending climax. He pulled back, his eyes fierce and commanding. "Then come for me, bub. Let me see you fall apart." That was all it took. With a strangled cry, you came, your release washing over you in waves, your body convulsing around Logan's pulsing cock. He followed soon after, his own climax hitting him hard, his seed filling you completely, sealing your mutual satisfaction. For a moment, there was only the sound of your ragged breathing and the pounding of your hearts, both of you lost in the aftermath of your passionate encounter. You could feel Logan’s warm seed slowly spilling out of your cunt. It felt so good and oddly comforting having your greatest slutty fantasy come true. Logan looks down at you with a smirk before speaking
“Oh bub I’m not finished with you I think there is enough space in that cunt of yours for more of cum. Why don’t you let me fix that for you my cock drunk baby boy.”
Logan says brushing hair out your face making sure he can see you. You look up at him with a faint smile nodding your head as well. Who would say no too Logan breeding you like a slut?
Absolutely nobody.
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wishlikes · 2 months
Spirits, Psychics, and Sensing Each Other
This is a compilation and analysis of evidence in the mp100 anime of how, when, and whether spirits and espers can sense each other. As in: spirits sensing spirits and espers, and espers sensing espers and spirits. This is an anime only analysis, because it was easier for me to skim through. I’ve been working on this during the hours when the internet is out. My notes got fairly long so i put them under the cut.
The main points/conclusions:
It seems that in order to sense if someone’s psychic, you have to be purposefully and actively looking. (this applies to both spirits and other psychics)
The ability to determine an esper’s strength lies somewhere between unreliable and nonexistent. There are only 3 cases of accurate judgement of strength before seeing the esper’s abilities, and these are: Ritsu and Mob’s judgements of Shimazaki, and Shimazaki’s judgement of Mob. And the first two honestly could just be vibes based.
Some spirits have the ability to be seen by normal people and some don't. There doesn't seem to be a rule to this, but it's not dependent on strength.
Before going to the 7th division, Teru is under the false belief that Claw is made up solely of artificial espers.
Not much evidence on this, but Matsuo seems to be the only esper that can tell when a spirit is possessing someone.
Mob’s perception of how strong or weak spirits are is skewed.
Unhinged Theory 1: Shimazaki’s assumption about Reigen (esper powerful enough to make his presence disappear) could actually be true about Mob.
Unhinged Theory 2: Ritsu has the potential to be a telepath, and may have some Mob-specific telepathic senses already
Mob about Ceiling Crasher: “But the spirit back there really was a lower-level spirit.”
Mob outside Honeido Tunnel: “I can sense the presence of a very powerful spirit further down.”
Mob inside Honeido Tunnel: “Master, don’t you feel something? … No, I’m talking about auras. … Feel would be an understatement. There are twelve… eighteen… No… even more right nearby. Ah! Looks like we’ve been completely surrounded. They’re going to attack us now.”
The Boss Spirit about Reigen: “There’s a powerful forcefield? How could this power be coming from someone like him? Crap! I mistook him for a wimp! … (after salt punch) So you are a fake…”
Mob about bigger spirit: “I thought it was a little weird that the aura I felt before coming in here hadn’t disappeared yet. … That evil spirit wasn’t very powerful.”
Notes: Ceiling Crasher didn’t sense any danger from Mob. Reigen could see Ceiling Crasher and Boss, but not the other spirits in Honeido Tunnel. Mob calls the multi-eyed spirit powerful before he exorcises it, and not very powerful after. There are many things this could suggest, including but not limited to: Mob lied either before or after (to freak out Reigen or to calm him down), Mob is using different measures for each statement (powerful by your standards, weak by mine [or the other way around depending on how much denial he’s in at the moment]), Mob doesn’t trust his own judgement and just thinks something is weak if he’s able to exorcise it (Reigen, what did you do to this kid)
When asked if he senses anything: “Just slightly…” A second later after !!! face: “It’s here. Nearby.”
After tracking the spirit for awhile: “The spirit’s angry.”
Scent-Ghoul: “Psychic brat… how dare you trap me.” … “Crap. I underestimated the psychic!”
Notes: Scent-Ghoul could make himself visible to ordinary people. Mob can sense the emotions (or at least anger) of spirits without them being in direct view/exorcisable range. Scent-Ghoul clearly couldn’t sense enough of Mob’s power to think him dangerous; could he sense him at all, or was it only being trapped in the building that tipped him off?
It takes fucking forever for Mob and Dimple to figure each other out. Mob doesn’t realize Dimple has powers of any kind until after Dimple starts yelling about them not working. As if he didn’t even notice the powers while they were being used. Even at this point, he assumes Dimple is a psychic, and not a spirit possessing someone.
Mob, pissed: “Make me laugh with your psychic powers.” Dimple, realizing: “So you have similar powers… I thought I picked a peaceful religious order that’d cause the least bloodshed, but you’re in my way, brat. I’ll have to get rid of the outsider that brings chaos to this environment.” Mob: Thank goodness. You’re not a person. Thank goodness the one who said something as horrible as ‘get a clue’ was an evil spirit.”
Dimple: “My followers! Do not let him leave alive!” <- Mob identifies this as “A strong commanding signal”
As soon as Mob goes 100% Rage, Dimple: “To think that you were such a powerful esper… No wonder the smile mask didn’t work.” Dimple proceeds to get increasingly surprised with every attack of his that doesn’t work and every attack of Mob’s that does.
Notes: I am Thoroughly unsure what tipped off Mob that Dimple was a spirit and not a psychic. Did he take a closer look in that moment and sense something? Did he just assume that a living person wouldn’t say something that evil? Was it something in the way Dimple said it that didn’t come through in translation? Furthermore: evidence that Mob can’t sense when a spirit is possessing someone. Evidence that when spirits are possessing someone, they can’t sense psychics, OR that spirits in general have trouble sensing either psychics or Mob specifically.
It’s funny that Mob straight up didn’t recognize Dimple
Dimple about Reigen: “I don’t feel any spiritual power from him at all.”
Teru about Mob: ‘What’s with this guy? His presence barely registers, so I didn’t even notice him.’
Notes: The implications of that last bit! Is Teru talking about figurative presences, like ‘X lights up a room and Y is so unnoticeable we accidentally left him behind’ type shit, or can he literally sense all people with his powers? If it’s the second one, then why does Mob register even below normal people? Is it because of how thoroughly he suppresses his powers, or is what Shimazaki assumes about Reigen (powerful enough to erase his presence) actually somewhat true about Mob? [I’ve connected the dots. I’ve connected them.]
Dimple: “Man, what a surprise. I guess there are espers other than you, Shigeo.” <- bitch, you’ve met other espers. Mogami rocked your shit. Don’t patronize this kid
Teru: “Impossible… Are you a natural? There’s another like me?” <- Sir! How Do You Know This! Can you sense the difference between natural and artificial espers? Are you just assuming because he’s a kid/not attacking you/not Claw?
Teru: “What is the creepy-looking ball of energy next to you?” <- SIR. Have You Never Seen A Ghost Before.
Teru: “I erased that thing with my Psycho Wave. From the core, so there wouldn’t be a single shred left.” <- You have either met a ghost before, or you made this up just now. I realize this isn’t relevant to the current discussion, but like. Bro. What is going on inside your head.
Mob: “Come to think of it, I don’t sense anything from my master. But that’s because his powers are spiritual, not psychic.” <- Did Reigen tell him this? Did he assume this? Did he come up with this just now, either to maintain his denial after meeting another esper, or to cover for what he just told Tome? Many questions.
Mob about Koyama: “There… That’s an adult esper. What is this feeling? It’s kind of sickening.”
Notes: None of the Awakening Lab kids pick up that Ritsu isn’t an esper yet. Skill issue? Or evidence that being able to sense other espers isn’t a universal esper trait. Mob’s comment about Koyama is fascinating considering he never brings it up again or makes comments like this about other espers. Maybe all Claw espers feel off. Maybe Koyama just has rancid vibes. I’m 95% sure it has to do with emotions.
Thinking about how Dimple instantly clocked Ritsu as newly psychic and said “The fact that you can see me is proof.”
Ritsu did not clock Teru as psychic until Teru outright referenced psychic powers. He does not clock Teru’s strength, either.
Reigen does not see the spirit he brings to the con artists.
Mob Did Not Notice that Ritsu’s had powers for like. a week. He didn’t notice Dimple in Ritsu’s room while he was eating dinner, either. Maybe it’s because they’re both weak sauce right now.
Also: nobody is noticing Koyama on the roof. Not Ritsu, not Mob, not Teru, not Dimple.
Notes: All around, this episode is evidence for: you need to be actively looking for an esper to recognize an esper.
Mob does not notice Dimple possessing Ritsu. Mob does not notice Ritsu’s powers until Ritsu uses them to push him back. Koyama does not notice Mob is psychic until Mob’s superspeed lunge attempt at Ritsu reaquirement.
Those last two are interesting because both come AFTER a visual-to-the-audience flare of power. Mob’s even accompanied a rapidly increasing percentage.
After slamming his powers into Koyama’s barrier, Mob recognizes him as “the adult esper I saw before”. <- Was this a ‘hey i recognize that hoodie’ moment, or a ‘i recognize the feel of those powers’ moment
Teru about Claw: “They aren’t as powerful as us Naturals, but if you underestimate them, their sheer numbers will easily crush you.” <- Teru is under the false belief that every esper in Claw is an artificial esper. They have literally only sent groups of weak sauce after him.
Ritsu seems to think verbally denying they have psychic powers is something that could actually work. <- buddy. BUDDY. Even assuming nobody there can sense you’re an esper, do you think these guys don’t communicate? That they don’t do research? Do you think they’re just gonna go “oh whoopsies! i can’t believe the kids we very specifically targeted are not actually espers! let’s just return you home to where you can call the police and tell them all about us, including what we look like because we didn’t hide our faces!” okay sorry, not the point, moving on.
Matsuo about Dimple: “It’s not every day a ghost wanders in here.” Dimple’s reaction: “Someone dangerous just showed up.”
Ritsu does not seem to have any clue to Shou’s strength before fighting him. Or he’s just stupid.
Nobody seems to know Shou is there when he’s invisible.
Notes: Okay. So. Matsuo showing up is a good point of contrast to 1.03 when Mob and Dimple took forever to suss each other out. Matsuo IMMEDIATELY identifies Dimple as a possessing spirit. Is this an ability specific to his power set? Signs (1.03, 2.04) point to yes! In light of this, Dimple’s reaction of thinking him dangerous could be a sensing powers situation OR a ‘he must be dangerous if he figured me out that quick’ situation.
Reigen would not be pulling any of this off if even a single person could sense whether he’s an esper or not. Everybody (claw lackeys, teru) just assumes he is.
Literally nobody recognized Mob’s powers going to Reigen.
Reigen: “Is this an evil spirit?” <- why are you saying this like you’re amazed. you have seen many before. you have in fact seen several in the last 20 minutes.
Dimple: “Whoa! Why are you able to see me when I’m not in my visible mode?” <- Dimple. According to the broccoli arc, you don’t HAVE a visible-to-non-espers mode. That was a significant point in it all. And the weakest esper here (Ritsu) is following your movements. You are currently as visible as you can get.
Dimple at Reigen: “You awakened to psychic powers, didn’t you?” <- let’s take a second and contrast this to Dimple’s 1.04 remark: “I don’t feel any spiritual power from him at all”. Either Dimple is now sensing spiritual power from Reigen (incredibly unlikely) or it does in fact take some amount of purposeful looking to sense somebody’s power. In which case, Dimple didn’t bother this time because he falsely assumed if Reigen could see him, he was psychic.
Mob about Wriggle Wriggle: “It’s rather weak, but I do sense an aura.” … “It was just possessing the scarecrow, so it probably couldn’t do much harm.” … “Oh, that would be the spirit’s true form.”
Wriggle Wriggle about Reigen: “But it appears your friend is as ordinary as they come.”
Mob: “Since destroying the vines doesn’t hurt the spirit itself, it must not be possessing them. It’s controlling living things like a remote control car.” <- possessing = being in the thing; controlling = using powers on the thing. Mob couldn’t tell the difference.
Client: “I’ve always been susceptible to spirits. I often attract ghosts and other strange phenomena near me. Even as we speak, there’s something next to me…”
Shinra: “There definitely is. I see it.” <- unsure how true this is
Mob: “It’s the spirit of a middle-aged man.”
Client: “And lately, I’ve been feeling a really bad aura.” … “But then I realized that the reason this eerie feeling has gotten worse lately is because of the sudden spread of urban legends around this city.” <- how did you realize that?
Reigen: “Mob, is Dimple around?” Mob: “Dimple, you’re being summoned.” <- i really do love that there are multiple levels to sensing spirits, and we pretty much only know this because Mob’s got the premium package. Reigen recently purchased a Dimple specific upgrade to his basic package, but that upgrade is only advanced, not premium. also. hold on. why is it dimple specific
Mob: “Well, it’s like the client said. Something’s weird about this town. There might actually be something here.”
Dimple: “Talk about pressure… Her aura’s stabbing me left and right.”
Dimple: “That’s a monster born from rumors. You can’t classify her as real or fake. The imagination of the masses, and their fear and curiosity is what gave birth to her. Her looks and her strength was all decided by humans!” <- how do you know this
Shinra: And since we know about the Dragger, we won’t be able to exorcise her. … Powers used in fear only empower its source. My spiritual powers did nothing. She grows by absorbing the powers of those who fear her.”
Why did Mob not notice that Dash Granny was a living person? Is it perhaps because someone has spent years telling him things like ‘oh yeah, there’s definitely a spirit here, it’s just too powerful for you’? *squints at reigen*
Reigen: “Mob, do you sense anything?” Mob: “Yes, though it’s faint.”
Mob, upon seeing it: “That’s… a living person.” He then accurately tracks it.
Reigen: “You sense any spirits?” Mob: “Faintly…”
Notes: There’s a distinction made between spirits and evil spirits, and both Mob and Dimple can tell the difference.
Ghost: “Here comes another psychic. What should we do with them, Dimple-san?” Dimple: “Probably just another fake.” <- very wrong. ass out of u and me kind of assumption. could you not check, or did you just not bother to?
Mob, when Minori is introduced: “Right now, I’m not sensing anything.”
Shinra: I do sense a faint sinister presence though… And extremely nearby.” <- it’s dimple
Mogami knew someone had strong powers when they stopped him, but he couldn’t tell who until Mob drew attention to himself.
Notes: Not a single psychic in the place, including Mob and Dimple, could tell that Minori was possessed until Mogami showed himself. Further evidence that most psychics can’t sense when a spirit is possessing someone. But as soon as Mogami revealed his presence, Dimple recognized and identified him. This is fascinating! This doesn’t only suggest that spirits have their own signature recognizable to other spirits, but since Dimple presumably last saw Mogami when he was alive, it suggests that Mogami had a signature of some kind when he was alive, and that it didn’t change to a significant degree when he died. Do psychics then have signatures? Are the signatures recognizable to other psychics, or only to spirits?
Mob can do some kind of radar thing with his powers that gives him the closest espers. <- Inquiring minds would like to know: what’s the range on that? Can he sense espers of any power level? Can he tell their power level? If someone he knew was in range, would he be able to tell who it was? Many questions.
Everybody constantly and thoroughly underestimating each other.
Shimazaki: “The thing is, even though I can’t see, I can predict people’s movements. But even if I’m hit, I really have nothing to worry about.”
Teru: “I saw the broadcast and rushed here, and then I sensed you two in this park.” <- again, the implication that Teru can sense regular people as well as psychics.
Shou: “Ritsu, your latent abilities far surpass your brother’s. … Life won’t be any fun if you don’t tell yourself that. The same goes for me. I’m more powerful than my dad…” <- fun response to trauma. pretty clearly reveals that he has no means of accurately sensing power levels
Ritsu about Minegishi: “His aura is really peculiar.” <- The first occurrence of Ritsu saying or showing that he can sense other espers in any way at all, and he blesses us with some qualitative data! He doesn’t just sense this guy, he notices something different about him! Now I wonder what’s causing that difference… is it just the type of powers Minegishi has, or something else?
The guys who could track down a sleeping Mob. <- Is this an ability specific to them, or could all espers track each other if they wanted to? I’m pretty sure this is an Antenna Team thing in the manga, but my question remains the same.
Kurosaki: “Something doesn’t feel right up ahead… There’s something there. … Here it comes!” <- nobody else sensed shit. either she’s the only one that’s trying, or her clairvoyance is about more than just choices. also i love her.
Toichirou: “Shou is here.” <- did he sense him or see him?
Ritsu about Shimazaki: “I can tell at a glance… He’s really strong!” <- more qualitative data! Literal First Time in the Entire show that an esper Accurately senses the strength of another esper!
Claw lackey: “I-Is this kid a natural esper?” <- safe assumption when he’s clearly not Claw, but i’m putting it here anyway.
Shimazaki: “Everyone here is an esper. Cut everything else out.” <- Accompanied with imagery showing that he’s normally able to sense/predict even animals and bugs.
Shimazaki about Mob: “Something with tremendous energy is heading this way. … How amusing. Let’s see whose abilities are greater!”
Shimazaki about Reigen: ‘Impossible! I couldn’t sense him at all.’ <- it’s because you tuned out all non-espers, you clown.
Shimazaki: “There’s an esper who can actually make his presence disappear?” <- Maybe. Not that guy, though. Clown.
Mob: “Shishou, he’s rather strong. He’s dangerous, so please step back.” <- The Second Accurate Assessment of Strength, reaffirming the first.
Shimazaki: “More importantly, this kid… is on a whole other level.” <- Third Accurate Assessment of an esper’s strength! We are on a roll! Really interested to know if Shimazaki would be getting the same reading if Mob were not actively pissed right now.
Mob: “That umbrella…” Dimple: “Yeah, it’s shrouded in some insane power.”
Mob, sucking up Serizawa’s energy: “I can sense what you’re feeling. Such a sad energy…”
Toichirou accurately identified Sakurai’s gun. I wonder if, since it’s cursed, it carries his power’s signature.
Toichirou at Reigen: “I don’t sense any power from you.”
Serizawa: “The president’s aura is gone.”
Shou: “My dad’s aura didn’t disappear. It changed. My dad mentioned before that he picked up the habit of only awakening when put under a lot of stress.”
Notes: Serizawa was tracking a specific aura and couldn’t recognize a change. Shou knew to expect a change, so was able to notice it. The fact that such a drastic change in Toichirou’s aura occurs at all is fascinating, but that it occurs under specific conditions? Is this applicable to other espers? You would think it would be applicable to Mob and his ???% state, but as we’ll see when we get to the confession arc, that is not the case.
How the hell did they find Mob in all that broccoli
Mob: “I wonder if it’s called a deep-seated grudge… There’s a lot of really bad things swirling in it. It’ll probably get pretty dangerous if we leave it alone.”
Serizawa: “I mean… I can’t imagine it being anything but a cursed doll.”
Mob: “Serizawa-san is very powerful.”
Mob: “I didn’t realize he was being possessed by one so large.”
Serizawa: “No, I’m pretty sure… That’s his own living wraith.” <- not taking this bit seriously since it’s technically anime only if i remember right
Amakusa: “I sense a very faint presence of a demonic aura from there!”
Serizawa: “I do actually sense some weird energy from there.”
Amakusa: “The atmosphere in here has transformed.”
Serizawa: “Ah… So it’s basically like a normal exorcism.”
Mob at Dimple: “So the reason you’re stronger now is you stole some of the energy from the broccoli.”
Minegishi was able to sense that the root came from the broccoli without touching it. “It’s stealing the energy from all the plants in the city.” might be more a deduction than a sensing thing.
Dimple about creating a broccoli body: “Because the believers wouldn’t be able to see me if I remained a spirit.” <- this is what i was talking about in the 1.12 note about dimple’s ‘visible mode’.
Mob: “These roots are dangerous…” <- visually, it appears that he got the sense that it wanted to eat him. Which it does!
Mob: “My powers… are being sucked away.” <- Dimple says he should have noticed earlier, but tbh mob’s got such a wealth of power, it’s not surprising it took a while to notice
Dimple: “Wow… I thought we already took most of your powers… But I guess you’ve still got some left.”
Dimple: ‘But you should be at your limit soon… The tremendous power that we sucked from him is flowing into me through the Divine Tree.’
Dimple: ‘I- I can feel his rage. W- Wait, wait… That bastard still… He still has this much power left?’
Notes: pretty sure that until the end bit, Dimple wasn’t basing his estimations on how much power Mob had left on his ability to sense Mob in any way, but more in a ‘holy shit, i’ve already absorbed this much power, he’s got to be close to empty’ way
The crowd can see Mob’s powers. Can normal people always see psychic powers (including the colors/patterns) when they’re being used? Or is it only when the powers are strong? Or maybe they can see them right now because of the brainwashing?
Dimple: ‘I don’t feel any power from Shigeo. He’s totally empty and defenseless. Did the Divine Tree suck his energy dry? No. A moment ago, Shigeo was releasing energy like a popped balloon.’ <- this is only after he got frightened, hit Mob, and Mob got thrown away easily. It’s pretty clear he actively checked, and while strength levels are pretty clearly hard to gauge accurately, there’s no mistaking ‘zero’.
Ritsu about the sound that only telepaths should be able to hear: “Even I can faintly hear it.” <- Sir. I am Looking at you. Intently.
Ritsu: “Even my head starts to hurt.” <- the cutscenes that show other espers clutching their heads make me think this is a normal reaction of a non-telepath. doesn’t cancel out ritsu’s first statement. Maybe the Shiratori brothers were mistaken about only telepaths being able to hear the sound, as opposed to all espers. Maybe I need to become an eventual-telepath-ritsu truther. Who knows.
Teru recognizes when Shigeo is about to explode.
Toichirou: “I’ll go by myself. The target can’t be taken lightly.” Joseph: “Is the target someone you know?” Toichirou: “I can feel his power… growing even stronger.”
Okay. I know it’s anime only. But Ritsu instantly Knowing when Mob goes ???% is just. So Good. The implications! Is this something he could do even before his powers awakening? Did it only come after? If before, did he Know when ???% came out in 1.05? If after, did he Know in 1.08 or 2.05? Or were those instances obscured by their circumstances? Is this his first time Knowing? Also, How can he do this? It can’t be a unique signature within Mob’s powers, or Toichirou wouldn’t have recognized him, right? Maybe this is a sign of Ritsu’s latent telepathy [I’ve connected the dots. I’ve connected them]
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kingshigarakitomura · 7 months
its kinda sad but you'r my reason to live 🫤
Shigaraki Being Comforting Headcannon
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Shigaraki//non gender specific reader. Detailed description of depression, implied suicidal ideations, mentions of alcohol, PLF arc.
You sat next to Shigaraki at the PLF’s upscale bar. He was alone, playing on his switch, just trying to pass the time while waiting for his injuries to heal and enjoy some peace and quiet.
You felt lonely too, and have looked up to your boss since you joined the league in the very beginning. Proud of how far he’s made it.. how far we’ve all made it.. but you can’t ignore the quiet depression lingering in the background of your mind. Even in moments of celebration, it’s there. It’s always there, following you like an unwanted entity, feeling as though it is forever attached to you.
Today was one of those days where the depression got louder. You could no longer bury it or push it away, it was demanding for you to feel its presence, to acknowledge it and face it. You felt heavy, empty, and alone, even though you were surrounded by people all the time, the feeling of worthlessness embodied your soul.
You were more quiet than usual, normally you talk a lot or at least smile at him and ask about his games, but not today. You just sat there staring at your drink as if you were looking through it. He couldn’t help but notice. “Either drink it or don’t, it’s creepy that you’re just sitting here like this”
Without looking away or moving, a tear falls down your face, changing his tone as one of his comrades is feeling pain. “Hey. Don’t just sit there and cry, tell me what’s wrong?”
You respond in a quiet and shaky voice, continuing to not move an inch, frozen in your tragic state, “it’s kinda sad but.. you’re my reason to live”
He doesn’t say anything.
Shigaraki just stares at you for a moment, his mouth slightly ajar as he is trying to choose his words carefully.
“Why does it have to be sad? I’d say that’s a great reason to exist” he grins.
You don’t react to his shitty joke. He then takes a sip of his drink and his voice becomes more serious.
“Look. That’s the reason I’m trying to change this rotten world. To destroy it. Will there by anything left after? Who knows really… but it’s better than living in a world full of pseudo-hero’s and all the dumbass people who worship the ground they walk on. The rejection felt from those around us will only grow stronger and more powerful each day until we do something about it. That’s why you’re here with the league right? Because you want to make a change too? So don’t do anything stupid to jeopardize that. You’re an important player in this game, you’ve survived this long with the issues you’ve had to face and deal with, what’s a little longer? Get angry, and fight back. I need you.”
Note from author:
It’s my first ever headcannon/short fic so I’m sorry if it’s bad or boring >.< I just wanted to spice up the ask responses a little bit if I can.
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eeunoia · 5 months
ENHYPEN Imagines
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insolitus | yjw.
part two
pairings: yang jungwon x reader
synopsis: you’ve always thought jungwon is out of this world, out of ordinary. he’s someone who seems familiar but at the same time mysterious for almost everybody. you didn’t expect that he himself will unfold more of him with you and it was an insolitus experience.
word count: 3k
warnings: yandere themes, mention of murder, violence, obsessive love, grammatical errors, kissing. (let me know if i missed some)
note: this is the part two of our insolitus. i suggest you read the first one before this. you can find it here › part one. thank you for waiting. leave some replies and reblog this post. i would really appreciate it. send me some asks! ily & stay safe. look out for part three.
fic moodboard › here
eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“Are you stupid?! We had a plan, Jungwon! Why did you impulsively made a decision by yourself?!” his hyung quickly took a hold of his collar, jaw clenched and eyes enraged.
One of their friends came closer and placed a hand over Heeseung’s shoulder to stop him from doing something towards Jungwon. The younger one doesn’t seem fazed about it. His eyes remained blank and he’s very much relaxed despite the situation.
It wasn’t new to his friends. This is how he normally react on things. Jungwon’s usually calm and precise. He’s very reserved and doesn’t react aggressively.
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t caught.” he stated calmly that pisses his hyung even more.
Heeseng’s jaw clenched hardly. “And that’s suppose to make things better? Jungwon you were interrogated at the police station. If it weren’t for your Father’s influence, you’d be in juvie right now!” he couldn’t help for his voice to raise due to so much anger for the younger one's bold move.
He was really upset and seeing Jungwon reacting so calmly triggers something in him even more. Jungwon tilts his head slightly and smirks.
“Are you worried that I was almost caught or you’re scared that this may affect negatively on your plan from getting your girl, hyung?”
Heeseung was caught off-guard, but he didn’t let it show on his face. He kept his stern look and his hold over his collar. Jungwon scoffs before shoving his hold off from him then he raised his chin up, unbothered.
“You’re making a mess on my uniform.” he stated before putting his hands inside his pockets.
Heeseung’s jaw clenched harder and was about to take advance, but he was stopped by Jay and Sunghoon. Their other friends remained silent while watching them argue.
People will probably go ferral if they heard what kind of thoughts they have. They will probably be put straight to a mental facility if someone else knew about their dark plans. It all started by harmless attraction towards their special someone. They didn’t even realized how it escalated into something like this.
They have the power and money so things can be a lot easier for them. It isn’t a big town, so influence and money have big impacts over the flow of life the people living here. They used it to their advantage into fulfilling their plans. Into getting what they want.
“My plan worked. I just messed the order, but we can just resume to how it used to be. Right after y/n, you can finally take your girl.” Jungwon said referring towards Heeseung.
“And you think they won’t be suspicious of people missing one after another? It’s a small town! Almost everyone here knows everybody.”
“Heeseung hyung’s right, Won. Not to mention that you murdered someone. That’s not on the plan.” Jake.
“The world will rotate just fine even if he’s gone.” his friends couldn’t believe they’re hearing these words from Jungwon. The very same guy who people see as a model student, someone very responsible and very kind.
His Father’s a public servant so it’s just natural for him to be helpful to everyone around him. People in their right minds won’t ever think of him to be having this kind of thoughts.
“Jungwon, we have to delay our plans because y/n’s parents will probably look for her. We cannot just continue or else it will raise concern to people of the town. It will be more difficult moving onto our next plan.” Jake tries to make him understand as much as possible.
Finally, Jungwon seems to take in his hyung’s words well. He sighs and nods his head.
“I will check and see what I can do so the public won’t get suspicious about it.” he glances at his friends one by one and they’re looking at him seriously. Some reflects worry.
“Don’t worry about the police interrogation as well, my Father made sure that it will not come out on public.”
They all nod their heads except from Heeseung and was left with no choice but to start replanning once again. After-all, there’s no point on getting mad at him since it was already done. What they can do is to keep an eye on Jungwon after they witnessed what he’s capable of. It is a bit alarming, but they cannot do anything about it as of the moment.
They all decided to go on with their day as usual, like as if they didn’t just almost beat each other out.
“May I excuse Mr. Yang, Miss Lim.” everyone in the class whipped their heads at the door when their principal entered.
Their teacher nodded her head and asked Jungwon to excuse himself. He stood up confidently and bows politely once to their teacher before following their principal outside their classroom.
Jake eyes Heeseung worriedly. They’re wondering why he was called outside. Did the school perhaps discovered his involvement about the incident? Hopefully not.
Jungwon eyed your Mother as the principal tries to comfort her. Your Father is beside his beloved wife, caressing her arm and whispering things such as ‘It's okay' or 'We’re going to find her'
He wanted to scoff and tell to their faces that there is no way that they will find you. He wants to laugh at how devastated they look right now. But instead of doing that, he showed a look of empathy.
“This is Yang Jungwon, the president of our Student Council. He will help with the volunteers for the search of your daughter. We will also put up signs and her pictures all over the town so more people will be aware.” the principal informed them.
He saw how hope ignites over their eyes at the sight of Jungwon. He bows and as his face is not visible to their eyes, a smirk plastered over his handsome face.
“I’m Yang Jungwon, Mr and Mrs (Surname). I will do my best to help searching for your daughter.” to his surprise, your Mother took a hold of his hand. Her crying eyes seems so familiar for me and just later on he will realize that it reminds him of you.
The very same look she has reminds him of your crying eyes while you beg him to let you go. Jungwon almost scoffs at the memory. Something about you begging to him just makes him so excited. Boost his pride and stroke his ego.
“My Father is also the governor and I will surely ask for his assistance for this case.” he added and the joy over your parents eyes just got even more intense.
They couldn’t believe how kind this young man is, not knowing that he’s actually the mastermind to your disappearance. Jungwon gently caress your Mother’s back to calm her down. He felt so evil trying to comfort her when he knows very well he was the reason for their pain. It gives him so much power. He felt like they were under him, powerless.
“What did the principal said?” Jake was eager to know what happened when Jungwon was excused.
Jungwon smiles and put his hand inside his pocket. “Nothing to worry. They just want us to hold a meeting to let everyone know about her disappearance.”
He can almost see the relief through his eyes. The other boys just watch silently. Heeseung pursed his lips and didn’t say anything else. He’s still a little mad for how impulsive his friend acted. They’re just lucky he didn’t ruin so much of their plans.
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Sounds of multiple things breaking echoes through the hallway of the Yang’s mansion. It was almost 9 pm and the whole house are like usual. Quiet. Except from the sound of another thing, getting broken.
“Go away! Leave me the fuck alone!” your screams are loud and there’s no doubt that it will hurt your throat.
Tears streams down your face while the people from that house kept their distance, trying not to trigger any more of your emotions. They’re just trying to feed you when you suddenly starting acting this way.
A week being abducted by Jungwon felt like a year already. Time is so slow, the fear of what’s he’s about to do occupies your mind all the time, the punishment he sets whenever you disobey him and you missed your family already.
“What’s going on here?”
Everyone, including you, stops and heads turned to look over the newly arrived Yang Jungwon. His placid expression as he roams his eyes around the whole room made your knees weak. It was obvious that he’s unhappy about it. Probably not because you broke vases and things that cost so much, but because you are once again disobeying his orders.
He’s been somewhere, volunteering to help your poor parents to look for you. They’re just so pitiful and Jungwon’s the very nice boy and responsible president of the student council. His father even sent people to assist every volunteer, provided free food and water. Your family, friends and even schoolmates went around the town to search for you.
Without even knowing that the one who took her was with them, a ghost of smile spreads his face while thinking how stupid every one of them. The true wolf under the sheep skin.
Your eyes shakes in fear at the sight of Jungwon. He’s wearing a plain white shirt that emphasize his broad shoulders and a sweatpants. His hair’s not properly brushed like how he do it whenever he goes to school. Right now, he really do look a normal boy. Except, he isn’t normal at all.
“S-She started to get out of hand and breaking everything, Sir.” despite being years older than Jungwon, he fears him. Just indicates how much power he holds.
He glanced at him and the man lowers his head, hands hardly pressed together.
“Leave us alone.” he demanded that made your soul left your body.
He is scary while having all these people around. What more if you two are left alone? Panic went into your system at the sight of them leaving the room, trying to gather some pieces of the things you broke.
You scurry and tried to stop one of them from leaving or maybe leave this room together. But Jungwon uses one of his arm to halt your steps, wrapping it around your waist and without so much effort he hold you still.
“N-No, d-don’t leave me!” you screamed, your eyes brim with tears. Even how much you try to escape from his hold, it was no use. He’s so much stronger.
“Don’t piss me off, y/n.” his low tone sent shivers to your spine.
For the past days you are with him, there are things you noticed about Jungwon. He’s not that patient, he do tries to be but then suddenly snap once you push his buttons continuously. His eyes softens while staring at you, but if you say things he doesn’t like they turn dark. And its terrifying.
“Let me go! Let me fucking go!” you screamed through your lungs.
“What did I say about shouting?” he asks in a strict tone that slightly made you anxious.
You gulped and kept your glares shooting at him. “Fuck you.”
He clenches his jaw hardly and hold both of your wrist before lightly pushing you towards the bed. His action made you sat over the soft mattress of your bed. With tear stained eyes, you glared at him. He stared down at you before going to get your food that was settled by the corner table.
Your eyes follows him silently, glares almost digging holes at the back of his head.
“You need to eat.” he doesn’t sound mad, but he definitely not pleased as well.
With one hand carrying the tray of food and the other slipping inside his pocket, he struts his way towards you. You lift your chin, hiding your fear behind the teary eyes and trying your best to look brave in front of him.
Even if you know that one touch from him, and you’ll crumble in fear. One look with those eyes and you will feel weak.
When he was near enough, you pushed the tray and it wasn’t long until all of its contents scattered all over the floor. His eyes follows it down the floor before he jaw clenched harder and hand clenches into fists.
“I said I don’t want to! I want to go home! Leave me alone! I hate you! I fucking hate you!” you scream towards him then stood up to hit him by his chest.
Jungwon stood still and unbothered by your action. He stared down with dangerous eyes as he let you do it to him. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he swiftly grabbed your wrist and pressed you over the near wall.
You yelped and groaned, feeling hurt when your back came in contact to the hard surface. He doesn’t seem bothered even after you winced in pain.
One of his hand rests over your hip while the other raised to hold your neck. His pretty slim fingers wrapped over it, putting pressure on it enough to limit your oxygen. Your eyes waters even more in fear and slight depravation to breath properly.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
The memory of him stabbing (ex boyfriend) multiple times with no remorse in his eyes flashes back your mind. It was terrifying and you can feel all your nerves shaking. His eyes bore into you, and stared right straight to your eyes.
You whimpered and tried to escape from him, but he didn’t even budged.
“It will be a lot easier if you just obey me,” he murmured under his breath. He was too close that it fan your skin, making you shiver.
You tried catching your breath and calming your mind. Slowly, you stopped resisting and you held on his arm that was slightly choking you. Jungwon’s pretty eyes follows your action then trailed back to your eyes. When he saw how it softens and the look of surrender flickers through them, his heart thumped faster.
He couldn’t explain what exactly he was feeling. Something tugs inside his chest and warmth flamed, invading his whole system. He slowly loosen his hold over your neck and hand slid down, rested just right above your chest. He can feel your heart beating so fast and he was thrilled.
You kept staring at his eyes. To see how much you affect him is very fascinating even for you. Even if you’re scared, tired and hungry from all the stunt you pulled a while ago, you tried to keep standing on your feet.
Both of his hands are now at your sides, resting on your hips to keep you in place. He caged you between him and the wall behind you. The whole room fell silent to the point that you can almost hear your loud heart beating.
You sighed heavily and slowly leans your forehead over his chest. Jungwon was caught off-guard. Are you finally opening up at him? Did he really did it?
One of his hand slid over your waist, the other to the small of your back to pull you closer to him. To feel you between his arms are making him lose his mind. He placed a kiss on top of your head and smirks, feeling giddy inside.
“See? That’s not so bad.” he mumbled near your ear.
You licked your lips and shut your eyes for a while to rethink your life decisions. After making up your mind, you lift your head up to once again look at his eyes.
Compared from a while ago, they look more remorseful. He looks so concerned and when his eyes dropped to your slightly red neck, a hint of worry appeared on his eyes.
“Does it hurt...” he was once again caught off guard when he just felt your hot lips smashed on his.
Wait. Your hot lips. Your. Lips.
Jungwon blinks a couple of times, trying to wake himself up from the dream if ever he’s inside one. But no. You are kissing him.
His grip over your waist tightens and he closed his eyes to start kissing you back. He slightly pushed you towards the wall, this time very gently. His other hand even placed behind your head just so you wouldn’t hit it hardly.
He tilt his head and kissed you hungrily, making you gasp for air. His soft hot lips makes your stomach churns. Even if you try to kill whatever that feeling forming your chest, it was no use. Yang Jungwon is really making you feel these things. You’re indenial, but he’s the only one that gave you butterflies and make you feel terrified at the same time. Oddly, it felt... good.
Jungwon groans on your lips and pressed his body towards you even more. You whimpered and tried moving away to catch some air. He lets you, but kept his face so close. Your noses touching.
Both of you are gasping for air while staring dirftly at each other’s eyes. He smirks and gently pressed his forehead at yours while he stare down at your now swollen lips.
“You taste so sweet.” he whispered.
You gulped and tip toed before wrapping your arms over his nape to give him another kiss. Jungwon’s more delighted to wrap his arm over your waste, responding to your hot kisses.
He used to imagine having you like this and it already drives him crazy. Now that he’s experiencing it, he’s done for it. He’s ruined. He’s down bad for you.
“Agh,” he grunts when you bit his lips so hard.
He slightly pulled away and you used that chance to push him hard. He was caught off-guard and still high from your kiss so it made him step back a few times.
You hurried your way towards the door and burst it open. Surprisingly, there are no one by the hallway. You bolted and just run without having any idea where to go to. All you know is that you need to get away from Yang Jungwon.
Suddenly the memory of your hot kiss flashes through your mind and it made you halt from your steps. You let out a frustrated sigh then smack your head once.
“Snap out of it, y/n!” and you went back on finding your way out.
Even before you can turn to the next corner, the whole mansion turned dark. Your feet stopped and stood frozen on the spot. The lights are all turned off.
Tears started forming your eyes as your heart thumped loudly out of fear. You know for sure that he’s very much pissed off for what you did and now he will hunt you. This is his home, you are in complete disadvantage. The night felt colder as you try to hide yourself inside the corner of the first room you found. Trying to hug yourself and not make any sound.
You shut your eyes and silently prayed that he won’t manage to find you here, although you’re sure he will. Tears stream down your eyes as your clenched your fists, body shaking.
Jungwon smirks as he orders them not to meddle. He stared blankly at the dark hallway of their mansion. The only thing that serves a light was the bright moon outside, its light shining through some gap from the big curtains of the windows.
He strides the hallway while whistling, each steps are slow and obviously taking his own time. He seemed relax as he kicked the first door to his right open. He tries to roam his eyes as it adjusts to the dark.
He’s suppose to feel enraged for what you just pulled a while ago. His lips have a stain of blood from your hard bite, but a smirk spreads across his face. But after tasting you, he just couldn’t seem to be in a bad mood. He couldn’t get enough of you.
And there’s no way he will ever let you go. You belong to him. So that’s why you end up in that situation, a predator hunting its pitiful and helpless prey.
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cybunii · 10 months
a/n: I wanted to add smut so bad but writers block is literally killing me...
Pairing: Steve Raglan/William afton x gn!reader
cw: power difference, age gaps, uhh inappropriate doctor? no smut, just suggestive talk, maybe stalker-ish behavior
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You took a deep breath and walked into the surprisingly cold building, avoiding eye contact with the people waiting in the lobby.
You check in at the front for your appointment, a quick checkup with Dr. Raglan at 2:30. He wasn’t your normal doctor, but since he was the only one available, you had to make due.
You had been feeling well but decided to come in anyway. Besides, what harm could a checkup do? 
You sit in one of the chairs, anxiously bouncing your leg up and down. Places like this always made you nervous, you had no reason for it, but you couldn’t calm the extreme nervousness you felt in hospitals and doctor's offices. 
You hear a woman call your name and you quickly stand up, making small talk with her as she leads you down the hallway to the room.
She takes your blood pressure and asks you questions about allergies and any new medications, the average standard questions. 
“Okay, you’re all set! Dr.Raglan will be in to see you shortly.” The woman cheerfully exclaimed, nodding, before shutting the door behind her.
You look around at all the framed diplomas, degrees, and bunny-themed decorations around the room. 
Your eyes are drawn to the one on the desk. You pick it up and observe it in your hands. A small yellow ceramic bunny sitting down, and the back is decorated with tiny orange spots. Some of the paint is smudged off, and its eye is partially missing, but it’s cute nonetheless.
You hear footsteps getting closer to the door and you quickly place it back, hoping it’s in the same position it was in. 
A few knocks on the door and he steps in. 
You give a small grin to him as he sits down, your eyes roaming his body as he turns the computer on. 
He was wearing the typical white coat, paired with sleek black pants, a tight-fitting button-up shirt, and a grape-colored tie complimenting his rather muted outfit. 
His intense gaze was focused on the digital screen in front of him, his lean shoulders slightly hunched over. The contours of his arms and toned back were accentuated by the tight-fitting shirt he wore. Even when concentrating, his natural charm was impossible to hide behind those piercing eyes and sharp focus. You can't help but look at him, even if he is completely aware of your gaze.
William was fully aware of your staring. 
A slight grin appears on his face as he continues to stalk through your information on the computer, keeping a mental note of each small detail for later. 
He deliberately set up this appointment, making sure he was the only one to see you today. A check-up was a good enough excuse, knowing he didn't have enough credentials to perform any other exams. 
Dr.Raglan clears his throat and your eyes dart up to meet his, embarrassment creeping up to settle on your face. 
“Well, today is a simple procedure.” He says, abruptly standing up, walking over to the counter, and grabbing gloves. He casually slides the gloves over his hands, your eyes almost trained on them. 
He walks back over and gestures to the table. You nod and carefully lay down on the hard table, the supposed cushion under you failing to provide any comfort. You try to focus on the uncomfortable feeling, not wanting to bring any attention to the clearly attractive doctor about to feel you up. 
“Just gonna lift this up, okay?” He says, a more gentle tone added to his deep voice. His hands gradually lift the hem of your shirt up and bunch it near your chest. His fingertips barely graze your skin and you take a sharp breath in, your heartbeat quickening. 
His hands press into your abdomen, not enough to hurt but enough so that it's uncomfortable. Your face scrunches a bit before he lets up, testing to see if anywhere is sensitive. 
“Did that hurt?” He whispers, quickly pressing down on another spot. 
You shake your head, your eyes avoiding his intense gaze. “No…” 
His hands trail even lower, pressing a little above your belt. “What about this?” He murmurs, his hungry gaze watching your every reaction. 
You bite your lip and shake your head again, your eyes meeting his when he keeps his hands in place. 
“You sure?” He asks, pressing his hands into you even harder. 
You wince and wiggle a bit, trying to relieve the pain by moving. “Uh- yeah, that hurts a bit..” You say, looking up at him with an uncomfortable expression. 
He hums and takes his hands off, throwing the gloves away in the nearby trash can. You take a deep breath in and rub the sore spot, knowing it'll be a bruise by tomorrow. 
“Let me do that…” He mumbles, his now bare hands rubbing the sore spot, the heat radiating from them feeling very good. 
“..feels g-good..” You stutter, instantly regretting saying anything due to the tone your voice decides to use. He raises his eyebrow and smirks, his look basically mocking you. 
He hums again, his hands grazing across your waist now, almost testing you. 
Time almost stands still for a minute, the only sounds of soft breathing filling the room. His hands pull away and he sits down at the computer, leaving you lying there. 
You frown and pull your shirt back down, finally sitting up and stretching from lying down for that long. 
You stare at the back of his head for what feels like ages. The sound of the quick typing almost drives you crazy. He turns around in the chair and stares at you, almost scanning you with his eyes. 
“You're a little sensitive, but overall everything seems to be okay. You’re as healthy as you can be!” He says, clasping his hands together.
You grin, nodding your head. “That's great to hear-”
“Though, I might have a suggestion” He says, cutting you off. 
You raise your eyebrows, giving him a confused look. 
“There was a study released recently, a huge list about many things someone should do everyday to make sure they stay healthy. The study was conducted by many educated scientists and doctors, so don’t have any worries about whether it's fake or not. We've all seen those websites…” He explains, pretty much rambling at this point. 
“Anyways, there was one on there that I think would suit your…” He pauses, his gaze sizing you up. “Needs.”
Your face scrunches up, the confusion still all over your features. “I’m sorry- My needs?” You ask, slight embarrassment creeping up on your face at the hidden meaning of those words. 
His once innocent grin widens into a wicked smile, quickly standing up and towering over you.
“Don't act so shy…You know what im talking about sweetheart” He murmurs, his rough hand going to rest on your thigh.
His hand gently strokes your thigh, inching its way up. You try to move your leg, but it is difficult, his strong grip keeping you in place. 
His face moves closer to yours, slowly, ever so slowly. 
Your heart hammers away in your chest, your body heating up at his touch and his breath getting closer and closer to you. 
“I'll give you the first dose…” He whispers, his hungry eyes practically glued to your lips. He smirks and leans in, his lips are soft and warm. They meet yours, and he starts to slowly kiss you. 
His other hand moves up off your thigh, and it brushes lightly against your skin. You can feel the touch, but it isn't aggressive or forced. It is a hungry yet gentle kiss, filled with passion. 
He groans and breaks the kiss, looking at you with an amused expression. You shudder at his warm breath hitting your face as he speaks, your face continuing to flush at the closeness. 
“Do you think you would be interested in learning more?” He asks, an expecting look on his face, begging, maybe demanding for you to give in. 
You think for a moment, your mind still reeling from the sudden kiss.
You nod your head a few times and he grins, turning around and finding an appointment card. “For when you need a higher dose” He says, handing you a card with an address quickly scribbled on it. 
“I'll be expecting a visit very soon…” He leans closer to you, whispering in your ear in a lust filled tone. He smirks again and stands up, opening the door for you to leave. 
You lift yourself off the table and quickly leave, glancing behind you to see him still staring at you. 
You stare at the card once you get in the car, your hand going up to softly touch your lips. It's like you can still feel his touch.
Maybe you should make another appointment…
word count: 1.5k
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