#coure four friendship
my-fancy-hat · 7 months
Most romance novels follows an scheme of what love should it goes, how people have to meet and follow a certain path and archetypes to correctly fall in or out of love, that what's makes this kind of stories predictable and boring to some people, but what about love that evolves? love that exists despite the desire for romance/selfishness? what about friendship? family? what if we choose to love ourselves too? to love the path we choose? I think that what Ao no Flag is majoritary about, romance as we know in a love triangle it's just the surface the tip of the iceberg of what this story is about, series of choices where we pray for them to make us happy, to make our loved ones happy, because we want to be brave about the things we love.
The four cour characters are put in one of the most troublesome and chaotic times of every person who had access to the system education can experience: final year of high-school, the deadline between childhood and adulthood, to accept reality on how it approaches us, the fear of rejection and failure of what we are of what we do. Many people incluided me had wished to have been more wise, more patient, more accepting yet strong about our chosen path, and that's what Ichinose, Touma and Futaba had to learn and eventually guided them toward their happy end. Not just that, but the experience many queer people had to endure avoiding the social suicide of showing to the world who we are, this ilustrated with Touma and Masumi's characters, and (subtly yet quite importantly) Ichinose. How can I exists in their world if I live like this? will my parents accept me? they will still think about me as someone successful and worth of their last name? will they disown me? hate me? will my best friend who I am in love with reject me in disgust? It's so easy and understandable to succumb to a hatred that you think you deserve, because at the time it was less painful to play along lying to your loved ones about this secret than "revealing the truth", they deserved to know yet you failed, and this loneliness is what you get. If this is how the enviorment wants you to feel, then isn't it expected that the individual would desire for freedom of it? that's what Touma wished for his future to be, not concrete answer more than to exists without regrets.
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The desire for romance can be rightfully observed by its selfish nature, to own the right, the demand for them to love us back, but it can be the exercise to accept ourselves as well. Touma wanted to show Taichi his heart without fears, despite if he would love him back or not, in doing so, he would be walking toward the ideal happiness he dreamed of. To openly love is the call for the indifferent cruel world to see in us the desire for goodness, that in this place can exists kindness too.: Touma most than anything, wanted for Ichinose and (by extention) Futaba, to be happy, to share their 1000+ points of best friend power and make everyone happy. That is, the core of love, to wish the best for your dears, and see them smile.
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But accepting and not to, can be actually be the same. Masumi had to constantly fight with herself, with the inavility to change what she can't, to live with the fabricated idea of what she is supposed to be and what she is supposed to do, and what other people would react about it. That's why that, even if I have my reservations about her ending, I find it really meta for Masumi end to end up in a het marriage, making us conclude that at some point she gave up on Futaba, but paradoxically, accepted herself and her reality by coming out as bi. Us readers expected and rotted for her to confess to her crush and end up in similar terms like Touma and Taichi did, but this ending make us putting the lesson she learned though her character arc into practice: what people may think or not about our decisions, is their problem, not ours. Life can be so treacky and unfair, but no matter the circunstances, we can still find and make our place. We deserve it.
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A friend or a lover, what is the difference if you just want to share our happiness with them?
That's how you humanize your characters, by expossing through them the good, the bad and the absurd, to tell a story in each how the circunstances molds them, but to oppose what damage us is quite a brave thing to do, even if it's our own mind, and that's what Futaba character speaks to me. The desire for wanting to change, to (once again) accept and not-to-accept. She's a weakling, clumsy girl loaded on self-hatred for her unability to live just as the others do. The fear of have reached your maximum potential and there's nothing else for you to do about it, that you born to live like this for the rest of your life. But she sees in Touma an example of hard work and due to her admiration (mistaked at first for a crush), wants to prove herself that life can be something else. To break our self-stablished limits and see what's beyond, to surpass your limits and try to understand what scares you. To be confident enough to think you have the right to live too. Failure reafims the truth that you are better off muted; what bother trying if it will end up in misery anyways? but the beauty of humankind is the unbeatable hope that things will change, to not give up, and without noticing, we'll feel blessed for have born in this time, in this place.
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This as a result inspires Taichi's way of viewing life without him realizing too, just as how Touma's pure-lover heart expeled his sincere feelings ever since they started talking again, to the point to even sacrifice his leg and career for Ichinose: How can I exists and make it up for such people like you? what can I do? It's easy to fill your heart with resentment for the things you couldn't live, to feel prideful as consolation for a lonely life you didn't choose, as the left overs. But what we think makes what we are, if you keep on your days thinking you exists for the things you believe you deserve, to live in the imaginary unbreakable rules you made for yourself, then nothing will change. Touma, Futaba and Masumi changed Taichi's life forever, in the driving force of his spirit to pursue a better version of himself, to live driven by the desire for freedom, for love, and not care of what other people may see this choices.
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That's why I think the final chapter is such a piece of art that makes the pay off so satisfying. What tortured him when Touma confessed wasn't that his best friend was gay, or that he lied to him about the nature of their friendship (he didn't): it was the though of losing him, so he chose both options at the end (if the analogy can't be more in the face). But as Yorkie said, it part of the course of life to most likely break up with your first gf, more less if they go to different universities, so them going their separate ways wasn't a surprise, but what made me happy about it that they still ended up in good terms and respected each other deeply for what they lived together. The surprise though comes from the actual realize of which POV we're following at the end, that reveals that Taichi had become Touma's husband. This is where I think Ichinose teach to the audience the lesson he learned from his former classmates, where he reaches for Touma above the lines that divides panels, to reach his husband's hand, the hand he shouldn't hold, and walk together toward home: he surpassed his own limits, his barriers and knew where his happiness lied.
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A lot of queer people had *the realization* in their 20s (me included as nb), finally giving an explanation of all our past behaviour. I know before-hand most people got shocked for Ichinose to get reveal as bisexual, but isn't the story already gave us an idea this would happen eventually? when Futaba and Ichinose confess to each other, it's Touma's (and Masumi's) heartbreak that it's on spotlight overlaying their conversation, how Taichi and Touma hand-holding is such a central element for the story telling (literally it ends with them holding hands), and much more? Even Futaba suspected it before himself realized years later.
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(it happened twice that when Taichi thinks about Touma what crosses his mind is his well-build chest/cleavage area like, ok)
But what makes the different between friendship and love? can a boy and a girl be friends? can a gay boy have male friends? can I be friends of someone I love and viseversa? can I forgive and maitain what we have? The only certainty I have right now, in this moment, is that I love you so much. I'm so happy to have meet you.
This got too long so to grap my final thoughs and make myself more loose right at the end, I'm so happy for have read this story FULL BLIND OMG I was so conviced that no one would end up together lol the only thing I knew of it is that it talked about queer drama and, textually: "had the ending it deserves". It genuinely made my perspective on some things change for the better. I actually loved so much how this story handles with such maturity a pretty much easy-target for comedy and bitter angst (bury your gays) the premise of "bff is gay and in love with the main character since they were kids". Not only that, but not picking sides of "who deserves who" taking leads between Touma vs Futaba, is quite refreshing for the genre: it humanize and treats fairly each member of the cast, giving proper space for them to explain themselves (worth mentioning Mami I loved her character so much you have no idea). Most of the drama in romance comes from missunderstandings or the lack of dialogue, when everything can be solved if the characters can actually sit and talk their feelings and thoughts out! and Ao no Flag is a masterclass on this manner. The explanation, exposition and introspection of every character struggle, the script, monologues, are so compelling and to the bone, I can't choose which interaction of the cast is my favorite. The pay-off is spectacular because we can actually follow each person train of thoughts and choices in which these end up in, with the faith that this path will make themselves and his loved ones happy, because even if we aren't certain about anything we do, we'll still find meaning in the absudity of destiny (or the lack of it?).
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takaraphoenix · 1 month
The Tate Sisters
Tags: m/m/m, alternate universe, No Hale Fire, True Mates, Spark Stiles, fluff, hurt/comfort, f/f, m/f
Main Pairing: Chris/Peter/Stiles
Side Pairings: Scott/Allison, Malia/Kira, Jackson/Lydia
Teen Wolf Characters: Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Alan Deaton
@writersmonth Prompts: snow + flower shop
Summary: The Tate sisters, Allison and Malia, moved to town for college. When a monster attacks one afternoon, they come to aid the local pack – and that's when Scott realizes Allison is his mate. And that's when Stiles realizes the 'Tate' sisters are really the Argent-Hale sisters. As Scott's Emissary, Stiles goes to the Hale Pack to discuss the matter and meet with the girls' fathers.
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The Tate Sisters
Stiles Summer Stories 2024
The Tate sisters were new in town, having moved here for college. They were both stunning and cunning. And they were deeply suspicious. From the first time Stiles met Allison Tate in his mythology class, he felt like something was off about her. Lydia, who was in the same class, simply latched onto the other girl though. Best friends right away. Which only made Stiles even more suspicious, because Lydia - like all of them - didn't have any friends outside their pack.
The McCall Pack was technically the local werewolf pack. Technically, because werewolves were by far not the only creatures in the pack. They'd started out small enough, just Stiles and Scott, after Scott got bitten by a rogue Alpha wolf when they were teenagers. Jackson, Lydia and Danny quickly joined their pack, after Jackson got attacked by the same Alpha. Two wolves and two supposed humans. Not long after did they realize that Lydia was a Banshee, and that Stiles had magic. Though not supernatural, Danny's hacking skills sure were out of this world and he was a great asset to their little pack of five.
Through the power of friendship did Scott rise into becoming their Alpha, a so-called True Alpha. Not an Alpha because he stole the powers by killing, but an Alpha because his pack needed an Alpha and he stepped up to the task.
Their little pack of four grew when the Yukimuras moved to town and their daughter Kira learned that she was a kitsune, like her mother. She sought community with the other supernatural creatures and found her place among their pack.
Not long after her did the omega twins Ethan and Aiden stumble into town, having been bullied and abused by their old pack, they had run away, seeking a better pack. Hearing about a True Alpha.
The young, mated pair of Liam and Hayden, together with Liam's human best friend Mason were the next to join and slowly, their pack grew in size and reputation.
When it had just been the five of them, it had felt like just a group of friends, surviving together. After graduation, when the two young wolves came to join their pack, it started feeling different, more meaningful - like it held meaning outside of their friendship.
Stiles? Stiles had always done the research. When Scott had first gotten turned, he'd absorbed all knowledge about wolves, he'd figured out a way to teach Scott control during the full moon, he'd figured out what mates were - because werewolves actually had soulmates, actual real soulmates. He'd helped Lydia figure out her Banshee powers. Research was his thing. That included pack dynamics, both within the pack and dynamics with other packs. It wouldn't do to accidentally insult another pack, so they needed to know how to handle meeting other packs.
When he learned about Emissaries, he knew what his role in the pack was. The magic user adviser to the Alpha. That was him. So he read every book there was on how Emissaries behaved, what their job really was, what he needed to know to be the best damn Emissary Scott could possibly want. At which he'd gotten a punch on the shoulder and a "Dude, you're you so of course you're perfect" from Scott, because that was just who they were.
That was also how they made their pack run. The True Alpha and his Emissary.
Slowly, gradually, they gained more respect and recognition in the supernatural community. Sure, the news of a True Alpha had traveled fast and far, but between there being a True Alpha and there being a respectable pack run by a True Alpha was a difference.
Their pack was steadily growing, both in numbers and in recognition. That didn't keep threats out of town though.
So when these two stunning girls moved to town and gave Stiles a suspicious feeling, he kept watching them. Signed up in a few of Malia Tate's classes too, to get to know the other sister. Something about them was off, he just couldn't tell what.
"You need to relax, Stilinski," Jackson sighed and bumped their shoulders together. "Lydia's friends with Allison, she dragged me along to get coffee with her. Not a shifter. I would have smelt if she were a shifter."
"There's ways to mask scent," Stiles stated dismissively.
"Oh god, can you hear yourself?" Jackson groaned and leaned his head back. "I swear, it's like you want us to be in trouble. Can you not just enjoy that our first semester at college hasn't started with a potentially town-destroying disaster?"
"I don't trust peace, Jacks," Stiles turned to glare at him. "Trusting peace is what most of the times nearly gets us killed."
"You're going to have gray hair before you're thirty, Stilinski," Jackson sighed, but it was fond and he wrapped an arm around Stiles' shoulders. "C'mon. Ice-cream. My treat."
Stiles grinned just a little at that and leaned into Jackson. The two of them used to hate each other's guts, before all of this mess. But becoming a werewolf had weirdly grounded Jackson, and becoming pack had forged an unbreakable bond between them. As weird as it may sound to younger Stiles, Jackson was by now his best friend beside Scott.
"I'm still telling you, something is off about them. I want Scott to meet with them, maybe his superior Alpha instincts can scent something about them."
"You're insufferable."
It happened about a month later, when something – Stiles wasn't fully sure what – attacked the campus. The pack was quick to gather to take care of the threat, but they weren't the only ones. Attracted by the commotion were also the Tate sisters. Allison with a crossbow at the ready and Malia with glowing blue eyes and claws.
And that should have been it, that should have been the big surprise of the day. A shifter and a human in the know, ready to kick ass. But no. No, the big surprise of the day was when Scott looked at them and gasped, his eyes flashing back to human.
"She's..." Scott trailed off, an expression of awe on his face.
Oh no. Oh no. Stiles groaned softly to himself and then shoved Scott hard.
"Time to marvel at the miracle of True Mates later, take out the – what the fuck, are those wings? – the threat right now, Alpha."
Scott shook himself and managed to focus on the fight, running up to Jackson to attack together with his beta while Kira was baiting the thing that now also had a tail with a head. Stiles however, he kept an eye on the Tate sisters, watching the way Malia jumped in to help them, the way Allison held her distance because long-distance weapon. Considering the fact that Malia's scent had been masked meant that they didn't just happen to be here, she wasn't just a shifter who didn't know how their world worked. This was going to be one big headache for him, wasn't it?
The headache culminated two days later, when half the pack was gathered in Stiles room – why was it always Stiles' room – and Scott was a moping, miserable, whining mess. Stiles glowered, reaching a foot out over the edge of his bed and nudging Scott with it.
"She's perfect, did you see the way she shot the thing?"
"He literally hasn't even spoken to Allison yet," Kira giggled. "That's..."
"Pathetic. The word you are looking for is pathetic," Stiles supplied.
"Why can't I just go and talk to her?" Scott whined, turning the puppy-dog eyes on Stiles.
It was Lydia who rolled her eyes and sighed from her place perched on Jackson's lap, both sitting on Stiles' bed because of course did everybody feel at fucking home in Stiles' room.
"You're the Alpha, Scott," Lydia lowered her phone so she could send him a pointed look. "And considering that Allison's sister is a were herself, the likelihood of them being in a pack is very high. There are protocols for finding your mate within another pack and those protocols are already to be taken seriously for betas, but you're an Alpha. You need to go about this right, or you might seriously offend their pack."
"Please don't become Romeo and Juliet," Kira requested with a worried look. "We really absolutely do not need any kind of... pack-war. It'd be different if she were human and nothing else, but we can't say for sure if she's also a shifter and simply prefers weapons over claws, or if she's adopted into the pack, or – You get the gist of it. We know too little about her."
"Actually, and if all of you would stop constantly hanging out in my bedroom and distracting me, I could have supplied this sooner, I do now know who they are," Stiles furrowed his brows and turned around his laptop. "May I introduce to you, Allison and Malia Argent-Hale. Daughters of Alpha Hale's brother and left hand, Peter Hale. Of the Hale Pack. Obviously."
"The Hale Pack," Kira gasped surprised. "Mom mentioned them before. They're a really old and really powerful pack, kind of neighboring to our territory. Very old."
"And old means traditional," Lydia supplied casually. "So, heed the protocols."
"What are the protocols?" Scott sat up at that. "I mean, we never had something like that. Liam and Hayden were already mates when they joined us and Lydia and Jackson are Lydia and Jackson."
"Unsure if that was an insult or a compliment," Jackson looked up and toward Lydia.
"Always a compliment, babe," Lydia smirked and leaned in to kiss her mate.
"Insult," Stiles replied without missing a beat.
"The protocols," Scott repeated, turning the puppy-eyes back on Stiles.
"Right," Stiles grinned a little, having mercy on his best friend. "If a were finds their mate in another pack, it's protocol for the Emissary to reach out to the other pack's Emissary and Alpha and inform them of the situation, so the Alpha can talk to the matched mate and arrange for a meeting. Though, considering that her dad is the Alpha's left hand, it would be more proper for me, as your Emissary, to directly reach out to Allison's fathers."
"So—o?" Scott looked very hopeful. "When?"
Heaving a sigh, Stiles turned his laptop back to face him so he could look up the address. "Tomorrow is Friday, so I'll leave right after class. I'll talk to her fathers, as representatives of their pack, and arrange for a meeting between you and Allison. Traditionally, there will be a chaperon, in most neutral settings, it's both packs' Emissaries, but it could also be family members. Yes, it may sound silly to you, who you just want to kiss your mate, but… these protocols exist for a reason, Scotty. Your mate and you might be fated, but that doesn't mean both packs are. You never know if your mate's pack poses a danger, if there are unsavory individuals. That's why we go through this process, to vet both sides, to ensure the safety of all parties involved."
Scott deflated, but Stiles could see that his best friend got it. And honestly, Stiles could understand why Scott was being so whiny. True Mates. Soulmates. The only times that Stiles found himself envious of werewolves, really. Yes, non-weres could be part of a soul-bond, and it did affect them in a way – there was a very strong draw to their mate – but it was different for weres, who could feel the actual bond and could feel it very strongly. Weres knew it the moment they laid eyes on their mates. Non-weres had to rely on their were-mates to find them. In his silliest, loneliest nights, Stiles liked to imagine a werewolf looking at him that way and telling him you're my mate, you're mine, but those were Stiles' personal fantasies and did not need to be disclosed.
Chris heaved an exhausted sigh and ran a hand over his face, rubbing at his beard. He'd known it would cause problems when their daughters decided to go to college. He knew it. And he'd told his husband so too, but all Peter, the smug insufferable bastard, had done was grin indulgently and kiss him. Like this wasn't going to age Chris a decade in a semester.
He'd known about the McCall Pack. Everybody in their community knew about the McCall Pack. True Alphas were rare, after all. Which meant they attracted attention. Which meant they attracted trouble. The last thing their daughters needed was trouble.
Which was why he had insisted that they not sign up under their real names. The Hale name carried a lot of weight in the shifter community, one look at the name alone would tell any shifter that their daughters were involved in the supernatural world, and, though he had cut ties with his family years ago at this point, the Argent name was well-known too, for... very different reasons.
So Malia and Allison signed up under a fake name, as the Tate sisters, and Malia, upon her fathers' insistence (Chris' insistence, who then forced Peter to agree with him), had taken scent-blockers with her. Because the best way to avoid the McCall Pack's trouble was if their girls didn't even get on the pack's radar. Pretend to just be two normal college students.
Peter had looked utterly bemused by this clear breach of protocol. A shifter who moved to another pack's territory was supposed to seek a meeting with the local Alpha and their Emissary, state their intentions and the length of their stay. Despite being their own Alpha's left hand, Peter had no issue breaking protocol, perhaps partially because the man lived to torment his sister, aka their Alpha.
It was just that if their girls introduced themselves to the pack, there was no way they weren't getting dragged into whatever came looking for the True Alpha. This was safer.
Or, at least Chris had hoped it would be. Naturally, he had underestimated both his daughters' hotheadedness. Because when trouble came knocking, they came running to help. Which was how they realized that they had already been befriending the local pack, since the two friends they'd both already made – Lydia and Stiles, were the names they'd given to their fathers, though Chris wasn't sure what kind of name Stiles was – had been among the people dealing with the threat. The fact that Malia hadn't smelt them meant that they either also used scent-blockers or weren't weres.
Not that that was the important part. The important part was where his daughter had found her mate in the McCall Pack that day. Which was now complicating things a lot.
The girls had called right after, with far too much excitement, talking over each other. Chris had, sternly, reminded them of the proper protocols and that, especially with their previous breach of protocol, they really needed to do things right this time. Them coming to the McCall Pack's territory without announcing themselves could very easily be seen as a threat, now that they'd revealed their own links to the supernatural. And yes, Chris was aware that it was largely his fault, for naively hoping his girls could stay out of things. They hadn't even lasted a month.
"You look stressed, love," Peter whispered, grasping Chris' shoulders to massage.
"I meant to make things easier for them, not harder."
"I know, Christopher," Peter chuckled and leaned in to kiss Chris' temple.
The girls had called two days ago and asked them what to do. Chris hadn't known the answer, beyond the fact that they needed to follow protocol. But following protocol proved to be tricky. Protocol dictated that they sent their pack's Emissary to the McCall Pack to arrange a meeting between the mated pair, but Dr. Deaton was currently on a convention for his actual job and he wouldn't be back before next week. They'd asked the girls to hold tight and wait until Dr. Deaton would be available, the situation would be explained to him and he could go to arrange a meeting.
Naturally had Malia growled at that. She was very impatient by nature and she'd never liked protocols. She preferred instincts over tradition. Chris could understand that, but they weren't just anyone. They were part of the Hale family directly, not simply part of the Hale pack. And, more complicatedly, they were Argents. What if the McCall Pack recognized the Argent name and would look at Allison as just a hunter, as a threat, and the situation escalated into violence?
No, no they needed Dr. Deaton, who was schooled in diplomacy and would know how to smooth things over and properly explain their situation. Explain the way Chris Argent, a hunter, had found his mate in Peter Hale, the left hand of the Hale Pack, when the Argents had come here. More precisely, when Chris had followed his sister to stop her from committing mass murder.
Chris had been raised as a hunter, but he had always taken his duty to mean to defend the innocent and not to attack any supernatural creature, regardless of their intent or age; he would never go after children. That summer, Allison learned the truth about her family. That summer, Chris was wooed by a werewolf who claimed to be his mate and though humans couldn't feel the matebond the same way, he had felt that pull. Stronger than anything he had ever felt for his late wife, who had taken her life years prior after a werewolf attack left her slowly turning.
Chris and Allison cut their ties to the Argents and stayed. Chris started teaching Allison how to defend herself and fight, how to be a hunter, but also how to use those talents differently than their family had. At the same time, Chris also reluctantly started dating Peter. The longer the two of them were together, the surer Chris grew that Peter was telling the truth. That they were mates.
Peter had also been a single dad. Though his daughter was the product of a one-night-stand with a woman who resented the idea of motherhood and had dumped the baby in Peter's lap. With the help of his family and pack, Peter had raised Malia into a strong, independent girl. When their fathers started dating, Allison and Malia became friends. Until, about a year ago, they became sisters.
Malia may not be biologically Chris' and he may have only known the girl for two years, but he loved her no less than he loved Allison. These were his children, this was his family, and he was going to do anything in his power to protect them.
The doorbell ringing tore Chris out of his thoughts. He groaned, with a look at the clock. It was late, the only people who bothered them this late was their pack. Not that Chris hadn't come to love the pack, but there was a limit to how much bickering between his nieces and nephew he could endure, or how much arguing between his mate and his sister-in-law he could stand.
"I'm sending them away," Chris warned, even as he headed for the door. "Even if it's Cora and her puppy-eyes asking for yet another college trip from you."
Cora was only a year younger than Malia and Allison, she was Talia's youngest daughter and she was currently considering colleges. Now, her dad was 'super lame' and the idea of doing this with her mom made her pull a very, very painful looking face. Peter though, Peter was her favorite uncle. They'd toured five colleges all over the states already. When Chris opened his door, fully prepared to send whatever family member decided to bother them this late at night back home with a stern glare, he froze. Not the eyes he had expected, not eyes he had ever seen. Big, beautiful brown eyes blinked up at him, an unfamiliar face looking at him with a grin that was mischief and trouble incarnate. Soft brown hair, a lanky built, pretty.
Which was what had Chris freeze in place. Pretty? Sure, Chris was into younger guys, as proven by his decade younger husband, but this one was too young. He looked around Allison and Malia's age. But he was pretty and Chris couldn't look away from those eyes.
"Hello, Mister Argent-Hale, it's a pleasure to meet you," the pretty boy spoke with that foreboding grin, holding out a hand. I'm Mieczysław Stilinski, Emissary of the McCall Pack."
"You're an Emissary?" Chris asked, before he could think his words through.
He winced at how they must come off, but Emissary Stilinski simply chuckled. "Yes, I am. Don't worry, I'm used to it. Most Emissaries are much… older, so people are surprised by my age."
Which wasn't untrue. Emissaries usually trained for over a decade for this position. In his time with the Hale Pack, he had met many other packs and their Alphas and Emissaries – mostly because he was the mate of the left hand so he was more involved in these kind of meetings than a regular pack member would be – and he'd never met an Emissary who was under forty.
"I'm sure my husband meant no offense," Peter spoke smoothly next to him. "It's less the age that's a surprise though. I don't think we've ever met an Emissary who is this pretty."
Chris turned to throw a sharp look at his mate. That being a thought inside Chris' head was startling and unsettling, but for Peter to actually voice it, to the Emissary? Not only was that unprofessional and inappropriate, Chris also had no idea what to do with that. Ever since they had sealed their mate-bond, they'd only had eyes for each other. Before their wedding, Peter had been prone to flirt around, casual and never with meaning. More meant to rile Chris up, to make Chris realize what he had and didn't want to lose. Peter looked entirely unapologetic, his gaze on Emissary Stilinski. And what a gaze. Pure heat and hunger as though he wanted to devour the doe-eyed beauty.
Chris loved being the object of that gaze, it did things to him. And it was concerning that right now, that gaze was also doing things to him, even as it was aimed at another. He turned to look away from Peter, instead returning his eyes to their guest. To the long span of his pale neck and the way those ridiculous skinny jeans hugged his legs and accentuated his thighs. It easily conjured up images of Peter marking up that neck, of those thighs wrapped around Peter's waist, of-
"I'm here about your daughter," Emissary Stilinski spoke again, after clearing his throat.
His cheeks were flushed though, as though Peter's compliment had gotten to him. Which only made Peter look unbearably smug. Blinking a few times and taking deep breaths to calm himself, Chris attempted to focus. This was very unlike him. He'd never been easily distracted by someone's attractiveness, especially not when more important matters were at hand.
"That is… a pleasant surprise," Chris replied gruffly, finally taking the offered hand. "Chris Argent-Hale. I was just discussing with my husband how unfortunate the timing is, seeing as our own Emissary is currently out of town and won't be back until next week."
Emissary Stilinski perked up at that, a pleased grin on his lips. Like being praised for good timing delighted him. Well, Chris could imagine praising him in other ways too. Peter next to him chuckled, probably because he could smell the steady build of arousal. Damn werewolf nose.
"Peter Hale-Argent," Peter offered, taking the boy's hand next and aiming a disarming smile at him. "It truly is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please, come inside."
Good plan. They were still standing in the doorway. Chris moved out of the way, following Peter into the living room. The young Emissary trailed after them, looking around curiously. Cute.
"Let me get you something to drink, Emissary Stilinski," Peter turned that charming, flirtatious smile back on the boy. "Tea? Water? Wine? Are you old enough to drink yet?"
"Alcohol seems inappropriate for a business meeting," an amused eyebrow was raised at Peter. "And no, I'm not. I'm nineteen. Tea would be nice though. It's… much colder here than in Beacon Hills, the mountains do make quite the difference. Didn't expect snow, it's only autumn."
He rubbed his hands together, while Chris filed the information nineteen away. He shouldn't. Peter left the living room to get them tea and while they waited for his return, Stiles' eyes wandered over everything. The furniture, the trinkets, the family pictures. Taking everything in like it was vital information. It was somewhat amusing to watch, for Stiles. A few minutes later, Peter entered the room with a tray of tea and three cups, serving them all and sitting down next to Chris.
"So, Mister Hale-Argent… Misters… Uhm…"
Big doe-eyes blinked at them as he was trying to figure out how to best address them.
"Peter," Peter's smile turned more bemused. "Peter will do just fine. And though my husband does like being called 'sir', I'm sure he won't mind 'Chris' either."
It was a blurry line, between a respectable honorific for an older man, or a kinky sex thing, and the innuendo was not lost on the Emissary either because his cheeks turned even redder. Chris heaved a sigh, praying for strength. His husband was trying to kill him.
"First names it is, then," a smile was aimed their way. "Uh, well, you don't have to try and pronounce mine. Nobody can, really. I usually go by Stiles, but it just, in the capacity of official Emissary business, sounds unprofessional, you know? But, if we're doing first names. Stiles."
Oh. A constipated expression played out over Chris' face as he realized that this was one of the two new friends their daughters had made. Of course. Smoothing his expression over, Chris smiled too.
"Thank you for taking the time to drive out to us. Beacon Hills is two hours away and I'm sure you had different plans for your Friday night than to arrange a mate meeting."
"Well, my Fridays are usually research binges so, you know," Stiles shrugged. "Besides, this is the first time I get to do one of these. Kinda exciting. We're a young pack, as I'm sure you're aware. Not just us, as individuals, being younger than most packs, but… our pack hasn't been around for very long. There's still a lot I only studied about, so… please excuse if I misstep or misremember. Honestly, I wasn't even fully sure if I should go to you, but, uh… it… felt right? Peter being the left hand puts him in a leading position within the pack, so I thought…"
"You thought right," Peter assured him with a gentle look. "It is custom to go to the Emissary when it's in regards to one of the betas, but there are exceptions made for the direct family of the Alpha, the right hand or left hand. Now, I'm sure you have questions for us."
Thank god Peter had recovered some of his professionalism. Chris relaxed a little. And then Stiles smirked, amused and knowing, in a very similar way that Chris knew from his husband. The tension returned right to Chris' shoulders. That look, he loved that look on Peter's scheming face. He'd never seen a similar look on someone else before.
"You could say that," Stiles raised his eyebrows. "It's… highly unusual, to invade another pack's territory without announcing your presence. But the explicit act of hiding your name and your scent are… Damn, you people are lucky Scotty is like the most trusting, optimistic, seeing-the-good-in-people person on this entire planet because any other Alpha would have declared war for that alone. Uh. Alpha McCall, I mean. So, mostly, I do require an explanation for that."
"We wanted our daughters safe," Peter beat Chris to the explanation and Chris found himself grateful for it, because he was still feeling guilty about getting them into this situation.
Stiles looked nonplussed. "I do require more of an explanation."
"True Alphas are rare," Peter continued, pursing his lips. "They attract… more trouble… than most other packs. As I am sure you must know first-hand. And we didn't want our daughters involved or endangered by that. We wanted them to… get a normal college experience. No supernatural drama or danger, especially in another town where we can't protect them."
And mh. Perhaps Peter had been more on board with Chris' plan than the werewolf had let on, because that sounded very genuine and by far not as rehearsed as Chris would have expected. There was a tenseness to Stiles and he was tapping his thumbs against his fingers, one by one, a far-off look on his face as he physically fought to regain his breathing.
"Yeah," Stiles' voice broke and he cleared his throat before straightening his posture. "Yeah, I do know of the dangers that a True Alpha and his pack faces. So I do understand not wanting your daughters involved. But… maybe you should have discussed that a bit more in-depth with them, because damn, the very first time something attacks our college campus and they're out there playing Katniss Everdeen and the Big, Bad Wolf."
"Coyote," Peter corrected nearly on auto-pilot. "Malia isn't a wolf, she takes after her… mother."
There was something to Peter's gaze though that told Chris he too had noticed the strange, tense behavior before, the way Stiles must have remembered something deeply traumatizing that he had survived as a member of his pack. It was the need to comfort and protect that surprised Chris even more than anything else this evening. Sexual attraction was one thing, though he hadn't looked at another since him and Peter became mates, he was familiar with it. But for him to feel protective over someone he knew all of twenty minutes now? That wasn't normal. Something was wrong here.
"Cool," Stiles whispered, eyebrows raised. "Uh, sorry. I'm just, you know, fascinated by the broad variety of shifters and supernatural beings in general. Never met a coyote before."
There was a beat of silence, mostly because Chris and Peter could both see the cogs working in Stiles' mind. He was planning his next step, taking their words into consideraton. Weighting their explanation against their actions. Chris couldn't help but tense. If their choices would lead to their daughter's relationship with her mate being strained, he would never forgive himself.
"Okay," Stiles nodded. "Just. Uh. One last question that I really can't formulate in any way that doesn't sound rude or offensive, but… a werewolf and a werewolf hunter, huh? How does that work? Not that I'm asking for details about your love life, that is so none of my business, but I would love to know, on a scale of one to ten, how likely is Allison to shoot one of my betas?"
So he did know about the Argents. Chris found himself a little disappointed by that, since his family's reputation has been making his life hard for a while now and he always wished for Allison to not be judged by their deeds. Peter reached out to take his hand, squeezing it gently.
"We're True Mates ourselves," Peter replied, softly. "And even before that, Chris had turned his back on his family's legacy. He still hunts the supernatural, but only those who mean us harm. He protects our lands the same as any were does. And so does Allison."
"Okay," Stiles nodded, seemingly satisfied with that. "Again, sorry. I just… I had to ask, everybody knows about the Argents, I mean I met your father and…"
There was that tenseness again, but different. A stillness to it this time, no finger-counting. Which meant that the finger-counting wasn't just a nervous habit or a soothing tick, it was specifically linked to whatever traumatic event he had remembered earlier.
"I'm sorry if my father has caused you any trouble."
"You don't have to apologize for his actions," Stiles shook his head, though he was also staring at the ground. "But yeah. Having… met… the man had me… weary about you, I'll admit."
"So, what's the verdict, Emissary Stilinski?" Peter asked lightly, trying to change the mood.
A small, near grateful smile spread over Stiles' lips as he looked up at them again. "I mean, literally the only thing that would have stopped a meeting is if I had ended up in another Argent's basement getting tortured, so… This is going much better than anticipated so far."
Chris froze and he could hear his mate next to him growl, deep and dark and protective, the kind of growl that usually led to Peter tearing something or someone to bits for hurting their pack. Chris himself felt first and foremost queasy about the idea that his father had tortured a teenager, and secondly felt that overwhelming sense of protectiveness again.
"I'm sorry," Chris' voice was soft. "And I'm not apologizing for his actions, but for the fact that you had to go through something like that. Nobody should. Especially not someone so young."
Stiles waved a dismissive hand, but his eyes betrayed his casualness. "All in the past. As long as Grandpa Argent doesn't show up for the wedding, we're all good."
"I haven't spoken to, or seen, my father in two years."
For a moment, Stiles paused, before snorting amused, earning curious looks from both Chris and Peter. "Sorry, just… Damn. It must piss him off so much that his son is married to a werewolf. Actually I think I would like to meet him one more time just to rub it in that his granddaughter is also a werewolf's True Mate. Maybe the heart-attack will kill him."
His words gave Peter and Chris pause though. A werewolf's mate? They exchanged a look.
"I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?" Peter asked slowly. "A werewolf's mate?"
Now it was Stiles' turn to look at them in confused. "That's, uh, why I'm here? Your daughter's True Mate? I'm sorry, was I not clear on that?"
"No, no, you were," Chris furrowed his brows. "But from what Malia told us, her mate is a kitsune. Not a werewolf. She didn't get to talk to the girl, but she could smell the fox and lightning on her."
Damn, those big, brown eyes could go even bigger. The delighted, soft growl from Peter told him that his mate was as captivated by those eyes as Chris was.
"Okay let's stop talking about 'your daughter' and start using names," Stiles cleared his throat. "I'm here because my Alpha, Scott McCall, recognized your daughter, Allison, as his True Mate."
Silence stretched on between the three of them as they sat with that information. Stiles had come here about one of their daughters, but not the one they had seen coming. Of course. Kitsune were not shape-shifters, meaning they couldn't tell a soul-bond, just like any non-shifter. So Malia's mate wasn't aware of the bond yet. The same way Allison hadn't been aware that she apparently had a soul-bond with the True Alpha. Chris was fairly sure he just got at least ten new gray hair (which was going to delight Peter, who was really into the 'silver fox' look).
"Both of our daughters found their mates with the McCall Pack," Chris summed up.
"That appears to be the case," Stiles blinked. "Uhm. So… Are we thinking like a double-date? I mean, for arranging the meeting? Do we make these two separate meetings, or one…?"
"That is certainly a thing to be discussed," Peter agreed. "We will talk to our girls, and you will talk to your Alpha and to the kitsune girl, what they are comfortable with. Your phone?"
He held out his hand and with no hesitation did Stiles hand over his phone. Peter quickly programmed both their numbers in and started a group-chat between the three of them, aptly named Mates Chat. That would make things more convenient. He then handed it back to Stiles.
"Good idea," Stiles nodded and pocketed his phone. "Let's discuss with our respective parties, also keep in mind location and… chaperons, if they're wanted and if so, who, and then we'll get back to each other to come to an agreement that all parties involved will be satisfied with."
He finished his tea and then got up, a pleasant smile on his lips as he held out his hand like he wanted to say goodbye and leave. Chris' eyes wandered past Stiles, out the window into the pitch-black of the night and the snow-fall that had picked up again. He hadn't even noticed that Stiles had been with them for over an hour. Night had fallen while they'd talked. A displeased frown contorted his face at the thought of Stiles driving all the way back to Beacon Hills alone and at night. The mountain roads were dangerous for those unfamiliar with them even at the light of day.
"Oh, you are absolutely not leaving," Peter's smile was all teeth.
"What," Stiles' voice squeaked and he looked embarrassed by it.
"It's late, it's dark, it's snowing, you're alone, you must be exhausted considering how late it is, you're unfamiliar with the mountain roads," Peter shook his head. "It would be irresponsible to let you leave like that. We have a guest-room. Stay the night, leave tomorrow during the day when you can actually see where you're driving and when you had a chance to rest too."
It was strange, how Chris wasn't entirely sure how he felt about this. Relieved that Peter offered, relieved at the idea of Stiles being safe and at the idea of Stiles staying. But he also felt mortified by the idea of Stiles staying in their home, because what this boy was doing to him was unsettling.
A blush lit up Stiles' face as he shook his head. "I wouldn't want to impose-"
"You're not imposing. We're offering," Chris interrupted him.
His own discomfort with his own strange desires and feelings was a small price to pay for Stiles' ensured safety though. Which would be one of those strange feelings and desires that unsettled him.
"Well," Stiles looked unsure, his eyes drifting over to the clock on the wall. "I guess it is already ten and I have been up since 6AM so not driving until I get home at like 1AM would be nice… and also probably safer… If you're sure this isn't a problem, then yeah. Thank you."
"Let me show you our guest-room," Peter smiled pleased.
When Stiles got up and walked toward him with the intention of following, Peter rested his hand on Stiles' lower back, walking beside him. Chris frowned at the possessive gesture and the touch. Peter was scent-marking the Emissary of another pack. A part of Chris suspected what was going on here, but didn't dare put it to words yet. He'd need his mate to confirm it first. So Chris sat there and waited until Peter came back downstairs, looking utterly pleased with himself.
"So, our daughters both found their mates in the McCall Pack," Chris chose as an opener.
The pleased look turned into one of amusement and mischief – that look he loved so much, that look he had seen on Stiles' face earlier too – as Peter approached Chris and wrapped his arms around his mate's waist. He buried his nose in Chris' neck, inhaling deeply.
"Not just our daughters," Peter whispered. "He's ours."
Chris tensed in his mate's arms, even though he had suspected this for the last half hour or so. He'd only ever once felt this instantly attracted to someone, drawn to someone, and not just in a physical sense. Peter was openly, loudly purring in his arms. If he were in his wolf-form, his tail would be wagging like crazy right now. Chris' own arms wrapped around Peter, pulling him close.
Triads were incredibly rare and highly cherished in the were community. Fate blessing someone with not just one True Mate but two. They had found their third. And they had completely broken all protocols here. After realizing, they should have stepped away, should have contacted their Emissary. Instead, they'd invited their mate to stay the night.
"Talia is going to give us the most excruciating preaching about all of this," Chris noted.
Peter hummed his agreement and shrugged. "I have never cared less about my sister's opinion than right now, because our pretty, little doe-eyed mate is in our den."
"He does have doe-eyes," Chris agreed.
"Makes him look like Bambi," Peter purred. "Makes me want to devour him."
Chris sighed, deep and exhausted. Mostly because he agreed with Peter. In the end, Chris still was a hunter and there was something very prey-like to those doe-eyes. Tomorrow was going to test him.
Stiles woke up more well-rested than he had in… since the possession. The thought made him freeze, his throat clogging up. He hadn't slept through a night since then. Either he'd lay awake for hours, tossing and turning, or he'd wake up screaming in the middle of the night, Scotty climbing into his bed to hold him until he'd calm down again. But he'd gone to bed last night and was out like a candle in moments and he'd actually slept through the night, beyond two quick pee breaks from which he'd fallen back asleep again too.
Stretching wide, he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. He wasn't home. Not home-home with his dad, nor home at the dorm-room he shared with Scott. He was in a stranger's home. Or, two strangers. The Argent-Hale husbands. The incredibly hot Argent-Hale husbands.
Groaning, Stiles rolled over to bury his face in the pillow. He'd seen that they were good looking on the social media post he'd found, when he figured out who Allison and Malia really were. But standing in front of them had been so much more intense. The silver fox look on Chris, the gruff edge to him and those broad shoulders. Meanwhile his husband Peter looked like he stepped out of some underwear commercial, it was ridiculous how gorgeous the man was.
Stiles was pretty sure he'd hallucinated it but half the time, it felt like Peter was flirting with him. Which absolutely could not be, considering that Peter wasn't just married, he was married to his True Mate. So this was definitely in Stiles' head, he was just too horny. He hadn't really gotten laid since… well, again, before the possession. He sighed, his mood dropped.
When he'd arrived here, he hadn't expected much. He'd hoped that they would be alright, because he wanted Scott to get his happily ever after. But the name Argent, well, it didn't just carry a negative connotation for the were community en large. A couple months after Scott had gotten turned, Gerard Argent had become their headmaster and he had a hard-on for killing werewolves, to the point of capturing Stiles and torturing him in his basement in an attempt to find Scott.
Shaking himself, Stiles sat up abruptly. Damn it. He finally got a good night's sleep and then he had to wake up tormented by memories of every fucked up thing that ever happened to him, huh. He got up near aggressively and headed for the guest room's bathroom to wash up.
Chris was nothing like his father, thankfully enough. The fact that he was married to a werewolf had clued Stiles in some, but still he couldn't have been sure until he met the man in person.
The surprise twist was that they had wanted to reach out to Stiles' pack too, for the same reason but for the other daughter. Kira was a kitsune, much like humans and banshees, she didn't feel the mate-bond as a solid bond that was easy to recognize. Non-weres only felt a strong pull of sorts and fell very easily and deeply in love, but it was different for weres. So Kira, unlike Scott, hadn't realized she had just met her mate that day. The same way Malia had realized it, but Allison hadn't.
Stiles liked how easy it was to make a game plan with Chris and Peter though. Exchange numbers, agree to talk to their people and then arrange a meeting all four of them would be comfortable with. And then he was supposed to leave again, get back home. Just to be stopped by the husbands, who kept making very strong arguments against Stiles leaving. All alone, late at night, on a road he wasn't familiar with. Yeah, looking at it like that, that was the perfect set-up for a horror movie.
So, Stiles accepted. Even though every fiber of his being told him to get out of that house because he absolutely could not sleep in the same house as the ridiculously hot, married pair of True Mates who were the fathers of Scott's mate. And yet that was exactly what he ended up doing.
Peter showed him the guest room, and the guest bathroom, and then handed him clothes with a comment about not having to sleep in his jeans and dress shirt (yes, Stiles had put on a button-down shirt in an attempt to be presentable and professional for this meeting). Stiles turned to look at himself in the bathroom mirror, noting the way the dark-gray sweat-shirt hung off his frame while the black sweat-pants fit surprisingly well. Chris' shirt, Peter's pants, was his conclusion. The shirt kept slipping off his shoulder, because Chris had ridiculous shoulders while Stiles absolutely did not, the sleeves eating Stiles' fingers in a way that Stiles honestly kind of enjoyed. Still, he thought he looked ridiculous in the shirt. But it was comfortable, so there was that.
He decided to screw it and head downstairs in their clothes. Never in his life had he gotten 'presentable' for breakfast and he was not going to start now. They'd invited him to stay and they'd given him their clothes, so this shouldn't be an issue, right?
"Good morning," Stiles greeted, feeling only slightly awkward as he entered the kitchen.
These were strangers, he'd met them last night and now he was in their kitchen for breakfast, wearing their clothes. How was this his life. Peter was at the stove, making scrambled eggs in one pan and sizzling bacon in another, while Chris was sitting at the set table, reading the newspaper. Both turned to look at him when he entered. Chris choked on his coffee, coughing violently. It made Stiles wince. Yeah, he knew he looked ridiculous in the other man's sweat-shirt.
"Did," Peter cleared his throat. "Did you sleep well?"
Stiles nodded, offering a small smile. "That bed's actual heaven and I don't know what those sheets are, but if they're missing when I leave? Don't think about it too hard."
Peter huffed out a laugh at that, amusement sparkling in his piercing, blue eyes. "We do tend to only get the best. Though the master bedroom's mattress is even higher quality."
Oh, it was really hard to remind himself that this was not flirting, couldn't be flirting, but rather that this was some kind of rich people small-talk that Stiles wasn't privy to. Shaking his head, Stiles went to sit down next to Chris, accepting a cup of coffee from the man.
"Do you mind… if I ask about your magic?" Chris asked after a long moment.
"Mh?" Stiles blinked, surprised by the unexpected quest. "Uh, no? I think? Sorry. Just, never been asked that before. I mean, never been asked if someone can ask. Usually, it's just a myriad of questions, if it comes up at all. I don't exactly advertise my magic, outside of my Emissary duties."
"What kind of magic user are you?" Chris wanted to know. "I've met Emissaries who were druids, witches, mages. Not that it matters, it's simply curiosity."
"I'm a Spark. The Spark of Beacon County, to be precise."
He was deliberate in saying county, not Hill. Because these mountains and the Hale territory? They were also his territory, technically, in his function as a Spark. He delighted in the way Peter growled and Chris sucked in a surprised breath. Sparks were incredibly rare nowadays. Natural magic users, who were gifted their powers by their land's Nemeton, chosen to protect the land. Other magic users, they had to use tools to channel their magic – potions, spells, runes – but Sparks were naturally born with magic, they carried that spark of magic in their soul. Which also did make them targets. That was why Stiles usually didn't disclose his status, but there was something about Peter and Chris that made him want to impress them, want to prove himself to them.
"Beacon County," Peter muttered curiously. "That includes our territory. That's… a very wide range. You must be quite powerful."
A small grin spread over Stiles' lips as he tilted his head and flashed his eyes at them – vibrant, turquoise and intense. It earned him a flash of ice-blue beta eyes from Peter, and a growl. A shiver ran down Stiles' spine at that and at the desperate need to be this wolf's prey.
"Breakfast is ready," Peter announced after a moment, serving them. "Eat up, Bambi."
Stiles paused, confused, because Peter was looking at him. "What?"
"The magic eyes are pretty, but I think I prefer those big, brown doe-eyes of yours. Like Bambi."
That was just teasing. Making fun of Stiles. The way people always made fun of Stiles for being such a young Emissary – so yeah, the baby deer checked out. Not flirting. He wasn't supposed to feel a pleasant rush at the nickname. Shaking his head, Stiles turned to focus on the food.
"I have a mate," Kira's voice was an awe-filled whisper. "I have a mate. A pretty, strong, flannel-wearing mate. Sti—iles, let me go talk to her."
Stiles rolled his eyes, praying for strength as he grabbed Kira by the arm. "We literally had this conversation two days ago about Scott. A meeting will be arranged and then you can talk to her. It's old tradition, but not outdated for reasons. Like, the fact that they did sneak into our territory."
Scott turned on the puppy-dog eyes. "I thought you talked to their dads and said they were fine."
They would be having a pack meeting that night, with everyone, where they'd explain the situation and Stiles would report to them all about his conversation with the Argent-Hale husbands (definitely not about how he'd slept in their clothes or shared breakfast with them or how Peter had packed him a lunch before Stiles had left after breakfast this morning. Also definitely not about the fact that he had kind of sort of stolen Chris' shirt). Stiles had wanted to give Scott, and especially Kira, a heads-up though. He also wanted to get a first feeling for what they'd want, so he could text Peter and Chris (no, he wasn't itching for an excuse to text them. He was being very normal about them).
Kira whined and slumped sideways against Scott, who mimicked her expression. Stiles hated them both for making him the adult in this situation. He crossed his arms sternly, glaring at them.
"Look," Stiles sighed softly. "I know you want to talk to them, but I just really… We will do this right, alright? So, how about you two brainstorm this. First off: Do you want two separate meetings, or do you want to make it one meeting? Show our pack as a united front and also as welcoming toward our pack-members' mates? It would be reasonable for Kira to not want a combined meeting, since bringing your Alpha to your first meeting with your mate might be intimidating."
"Oh," Kira blinked. "I hadn't considered that. I guess yeah, meeting other Alphas always does make me kinda nervous, it would probably make her nervous to have Scott there, huh?"
"It might also make her more comfortable to have her sister with her though," Stiles argued. "Which is why I want to know what you two would want, so I can pass that along to Chris and Peter, who'll tell me what Allison and Malia want, and then we find an agreement."
"Chris and Peter?" Scott echoed curiously, before grinning, broad and pleased. "Are you getting onto our fathers-in-law's good side already?"
Oh, that was absolutely a thing Stiles didn't need to consider about the two hot DILFs he couldn't stop thinking about. He shifted some, eyes settling on his bag, with Chris' shirt in it.
"There's also the matter of chaperons to be considered," Stiles continued. "Family members aren't uncommon, so the sisters might opt to pick each other. You could choose your parents, don't make such a face, Scotty, I find the idea of bringing my dad to a first date awkward too, but since it's all about protecting the pack, it makes sense that teen wolves would bring their parents for safety. It's most common to have both packs' Emissaries chaperon though, since they are the most neutral and are also the ones who arranged the meeting in the first place."
"I don't mind you coming along, Stiles," Scott tilted his head. "Actually, I think it would make me feel better to have my best bud with me because the whole thing, as eager as I am, does make me hella nervous. I mean, she's my soulmate. I don't even know her but I already know I want to spend the rest of my life making her smile and that's… that's scarily intense."
"I wouldn't mind you being there too," Kira piped up. "And on the matter of it being a double date or not, I… I don't care either way? Like, if Scott's presence makes her uncomfortable, I'm fine separating our meetings, but if she wants her sister there with her, I'm also fine with doubling."
"Yeah," Scott nodded. "I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable."
Stiles nodded pleased, arms slowly uncrossing as he relaxed. Doing his Emissary work was a great distraction from his turmoil of feelings and desires that he absolutely had no time to deal with.
"Okay, then let's talk possible locations," Stiles sat down in front of them with his legs crossed.
With that, the three really got into the nitty-gritty of it all, mapping out various scenarios on how this could or should go, Stiles taking notes to later discuss with Chris and Peter.
Three hours. Peter and Chris had to listen to a three hour lecture from Talia. The first hour was about how irresponsible they had acted as fathers, how bad their advise to their daughters had been. The second hour was dedicated to how irresponsible they had acted in regards to their own mate, by inviting him to stay the night – how incredibly inappropriate that had been. And the last hour was all for Peter and about how all of this was so much worse because he was her left hand, he was her adviser, her second, her representative. Excruciating to listen to.
And yet, for the first time in his life, Peter found himself not even minding the lecture too much. His thoughts kept drifting off to their beautiful, doe-eyed, snarky little mate. They had a third. Peter had been blessed, not just with his wonderful Christopher, but with a little spitfire Spark too.
The image of their mate walking into their kitchen, wearing Peter's sweat-pants that pooled only a tiny bit around his ankles, because Stiles and Peter were nearly the same height, and Chris' sweat-shirt, the one that was worn out to be so soft that it was Peter's favorite to borrow too, which was why he had picked it – to make Stiles smell like them both, and to make his favorite shirt smell like Stiles. Sadly, Peter hadn't found the shirt yet. Wherever Stiles must have thought the hamper was, it was not their actual hamper. Oh well, once they got home, Peter would get to more thoroughly search for it and then put it on and bask in both his mates' scents.
"Dad, why does pa look smug? You two just got scolded by aunt Talia for like… three and a half hours…" Allison frowned, first at Peter and then at Chris. "What is going on?"
Chris behind Peter heaved a sigh and closed the door as the two of them walked into the living room, where their daughters were waiting for them. Malia was curled against Allison's back, scrolling on her phone, while Allison had been sharpening arrows until their dads entered.
"Hello to you too, princess," Peter huffed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"We… need to talk, girls," Chris' voice was heavy, though he paused when he saw the way their daughters exchanged a worried glance. "It's not something bad, it's just… a lot."
"We guessed, considering you texted us last night to come home," Malia raised an eyebrow. "Is this about my mate? You said you'd talk to Deaton so he will arrange a meeting next week. Did you?"
"No, we haven't had a chance to speak to Dr. Deaton yet," Chris rubbed a hand over his face. "Before we could call him, we got a… surprise visitor. The McCall Pack's Emissary."
Allison froze and Malia turned her head to sniff around, her eyes flashing blue. "Wait. Stiles is the pack's Emissary? I thought there was a weird familiar scent lingering that doesn't belong here."
"Stiles is the Emissary of the McCall Pack," Peter confirmed with a slow nod. "But he wasn't here about you, pumpkin. He was here about Allison."
"Wait, what," Allison's eyes widened. "Why me?"
Peter and Chris sat down on the living room table, right in front of their daughters. Peter slipped one hand into his husband's, linking their fingers. Giving it a light squeeze. All Chris had wanted was for their girls to be safe, and to not get involved with the attention-drawing True Alpha. Now Allison was that True Alpha's True Mate. They hadn't even had a chance to talk about that yet.
"Alpha Scott McCall recognized you as his True Mate, when Malia found hers," Peter spoke gently, a voice he had reserved only for his daughters. "And he sent Emissary Stilinski to make contact with us. You… have both found your True Mates."
There was a pregnant pause, not just because Peter was giving the girls the chance to digest, but also because Peter was struggling with whether or not to tell them about Stiles too. Lies had never been how they did things in their family. Allison had demanded it, after all the lies the Argents had kept, all the danger that had put them in, and Chris and Peter had promised to never lie to them.
"When Emissary Stilinski arrived here, Peter…" Chris gave his mate a look, receiving a short nod of confirmation. "Peter realized that he's our mate. Our third. That… we are a triad."
"Stiles," Malia stared at them stunned. "Stiles is your mate. Stiles?"
"Dad, you really have a type," Allison couldn't help but say, covering her mouth with a hand. "I'm sorry, I just… the snarky sarcasm, manipulative, sly. You have a type."
Chris made a small noise, burying his face in his hands. A pleased grin spread over his lips as Peter considered this. Snarky, sarcastic, sly? That sounded delightful, he couldn't wait to get to know Stiles better, though he had to admit that he'd liked the first impression already.
"So… what's going to happen now?" Malia asked tensely. "For… For all of us?"
"Dr. Deaton will return on Monday and me and Peter are going to talk to him, to… send him to the McCall Pack on our behalf," Chris sighed, looking tired. "Which… is going to complicate things for you two too, and I'm sorry for that. Peter and I could have continued making the arrangements, but since… protocol dictates that… we shouldn't talk to Stiles directly either. So Dr. Deaton is going to take over the arrangements for… all four of us."
"Am I the only one who thinks that this is really freaky," Allison blinked. "I mean, that all four of us found our True Mates in the McCall Pack, right?"
"Yeah, no, I agree," Peter chuckled lightly, reaching out to caress Allison's cheeks, to scent-mark her. "I'm very much looking forward to how this is all going to unfold."
Malia made a small noise, glowering. Peter reached out to caress her too. He could relate, after all. His wolf wanted nothing more than to follow Stiles, to steal their mate and bring him back to their den and then curl around the young Spark. A sigh escaped him. It was Saturday evening and Deaton was only going to return on Monday, to then be briefed and, at the earliest, drive out to Beacon Hills on Tuesday. It was very unlikely that they'd get to see their mate before the end of the week.
Stiles was lounging on his bed, working on his homework. Scott kept giving him looks. He had done so for the past three days now. And maybe it was deserved. But Stiles was absolutely not going to bring this up first. He would literally rather die than explain to his best friend why he was wearing a gray sweat-shirt that didn't fit him and wasn't his and smelt like two strangers. Nope. Unless Scott put words to those significant looks, Stiles wasn't going to explain anything.
Knocking on the door interrupted the awkward stares and Stiles was happy to flee and let the distraction in. With any luck, it would be Danny with a bag of burgers and milkshakes. When he opened the door, he did not come face to face with Danny and dinner.
"Uhm… I'm assuming you're visiting your… children? But you got the wrong door."
The stranger looked surprised for a moment, but then he smiled and shook his head, his eyes regarding first Stiles and then past him, looking at Scott. "No, Emissary Stilinski, I think I'm at the right door. Though… I didn't know you and Alpha McCall lived together. That… makes this a little more awkward, as I assume you are not going to leave if I request it."
Stiles raised both of his eyebrows, spreading his arms to hold onto the door and the frame. Blocking the entrance to their den. Something about this guy put him on alert. He dragged his eyes over the stranger, taking in the little details. The powder under his finger-nails, the bag he was carrying, the small splatters of something purple on his shirt.
"I'm not leaving my Alpha alone with a foreign magic user," Stiles narrowed his eyes. "Druid."
"Doctor Alan Deaton," the stranger looked genuinely surprised. "Yes, I am a druid. I'm the Emissary of the Hale Pack. And I'm here to speak to Alpha McCall."
"Why?" Scott was suddenly right behind Stiles, his chin on Stiles' shoulder. "I mean, don't Emissaries like… talk to each other? Also, weren't you just over at the Hale territory like five days ago? Did something happen? Did… Did Allison's parents change their mind-?"
"This is not about Allison or Malia," Deaton smiled enigmatically. "It's about your Emissary."
Stiles turned to look at Scott, who looked as surprised. "Dude, what did you do?"
"I swear I didn't do anything! I mean, not anything that should reflect badly on you, or us?"
Oh no. Peter's wolf-nose had been able to smell his attraction to the mated pair and he'd made them uncomfortable. They sent their Emissary to deal with Stiles after all so they wouldn't have to. That explained why they hadn't replied to his texts yet, even though he'd sent them on Sunday and now was Tuesday. He'd distracted himself with school work on Monday, but the more hours had passed today, the more jittery did he grow. He'd fucked up, hadn't he?
"Perhaps we could move this conversation out of the dormitory hallway…?"
Stiles didn't like letting the guy in, but he didn't want to have this conversation outside either. Stepping aside, he led the way toward their kitchen table. Though he remained standing.
"From what Peter told me, you have done excellent Emissary work," Deaton assured Stiles. "It were Peter and Christopher who acted inappropriately. Peter realized that you are their mate, their third. They should have ended conversations at that point, not invited you to stay. And judging by the way you are wearing Chris' alma mater sweater, I am assuming you can feel the pull of the bond too."
A blush lit up Stiles' face and it only grew darker when Scott turned wide-eyed on him. So there was the answer to Scott's unasked question about the sweater. Stiles fidgeted with the sleeves.
"Wait," Stiles' heart sped up. "I'm their mate. Both their mate."
He had mates. He had two mates. A triad. Triads were incredibly rare and incredibly powerful. Oh, okay, no actually that checked out. He was a Spark. He was incredibly rare and incredibly powerful. It figured that he'd have two mates sent by the Fates to protect him. A strong, cunning wolf and a seasoned, capable hunter. He swallowed hard. So that had been flirting after all, huh. Wow.
"That's why they haven't answered my texts," Stiles whispered with a relieved sigh.
"Talia – Alpha Hale – has confiscated their phones, after she learned that they had dared exchange numbers with you," Deaton chuckled. "I'm here to take over conversations regarding Malia and Kira, as well as to start a dialogue about you, Emissary Stilinski."
Nodding slowly, Stiles leaned back. Okay. Okay, yeah that made sense. His stomach flipped. He had two really fucking hot mates, holy shit. Biting his lips, he sat down after all. This was a lot.
Chris was feeling giddy like a teenager ready for prom, it was quite frankly embarrassing. At least his husband next to him was no better. If anything, Peter was worse. It took Chris holding his hand to stop Peter from running off to the campus and stealing Stiles early.
Today was the day, after eight torturous days of not seeing their mate, today was finally the day of their first official meeting. They'd agreed on a restaurant of Chris and Peter's choice, but within the McCall territory. Giving Stiles the reassurance of his pack being close by, while allowing Peter's wolf to show their mate they could provide for him. However, their meeting was only in three hours. They had left home a little early and a little over-eager…
Chris' phone buzzed – he had gotten it back from their Alpha today, though with a stern glare. He frowned curiously when he saw the name BAMBI blink up at him. Right. Peter had saved Stiles' number on Chris' phone. Accepting the call, Chris straightened his posture.
"Hello, Stiles," Chris immediately got Peter's attention, the wolf perking up.
"Uhm, sorry. Not Stiles. Scott," a pause. "Scott McCall. Alpha Scott McCall. I swear I will get the hang of this one day. I'm… uh… I'm calling on Stiles' behalf."
"Alpha McCall," Chris' eyebrows furrowed. "Why are you calling me from my mate's phone?"
"I, we, are sorry to call this short-notice, but…" Scott made another pause, awkward. "I'm sorry, we'll have to cancel today's meeting. Not cancel. Just… reschedule."
"I'll ask again. Why do you have his phone? Is he alright? Did he get hurt?"
"No! No, no, he's not hurt," Scott was quick to answer. "I swear. I just… He's not… feeling well. Like, really not well. I hope you didn't leave yet and I hope you're open to… finding a different date. But today isn't… a good day. Again. I'm sorry. Like, really sorry, I know how much this must suck for you, I wouldn't have wanted to reschedule mine and Allison's first meeting, but he… really isn't feeling up to it, and I hope you understand that."
It felt like there was lead settling in Chris' stomach and he gripped Peter's hand very tightly. Of course did they understand, but they had been looking forward to today all week long. And the thought of their mate being sick and alone didn't help with the unsettled feeling.
"Of course," Chris cleared his throat. "We'll… We'll reschedule. Would you contact us, as soon as Stiles is feeling better? And give him our best, please."
"Yeah. Yeah, of course. I, uh, I really am sorry that this is so sudden."
With a sigh did Chris hang up. He deflated some. They'd been looking forward to this date so much. He startled when his husband pulled on his hand, urging him on. Was Peter so disappointed he couldn't wait to get out of Beacon Hills again? Looking up, Chris frowned as he noticed that he was being dragged into a shop. A flower shop, to be precise.
"Peter, you heard the phone-call."
They had been on their way to this shop to get flowers for their mate, but Chris wasn't sure what the point was now. Peter growled lightly at him and sniffed around, following his nose to pick the right flowers (well, his nose and the price-tags. Peter always loved buying the most expensive thing, if it was also good). Raising one eyebrow, Chris watched and waited while Peter picked out a large, expensive and beautiful bouquet.
"We're going to meet our mate," Peter declared as they left the store.
"He's not feeling well," Chris frowned. "What are you up to, Peter?"
"Well, just because he's not up for a date doesn't mean we can't just… at least see him, before we head back," Peter pouted. "We're going to the restaurant where we have our reservation and we'll pick up soup for our Bambi. And then we head to the college, give him the flowers, the soup, see for ourselves how his condition is, and maybe check on our daughters while we're on campus."
Mh. Chris didn't hate that plan. He would feel much better if he'd get to see Stiles too. And his wolf was going to be unbearable if he didn't get to lay eyes on Stiles. Chris nodded his agreement and led the way to the restaurant to get some take-away soup for their sick mate.
They walked fast and with purpose, both eager to see Stiles. Though they did take a moment to compose themselves when they reached his dorm-room (that they had gotten from Malia and Allison). Chris raised his fist to knock at the door, since Peter's arms were full with the container of soup and the bouquet. Werewolf courting. Providing for their mate. Chris remembered being on the receiving end of that and how much it had flustered and pleased him.
"What are you doing here," Scott frowned at them, clearly displeased. "This is so not protocol."
"We bring soup for Stiles," Peter smiled lightly, lifting the container.
"Why?" Scott's frown deepened, confusion screwing his face.
"...Because you said he's sick," Chris narrowed his eyes at the young Alpha. "We'd like to see him."
Something felt off. Something about this felt off. The tenseness to Peter told him that his mate felt the same. Scott effectively blocked the entrance way. It didn't help settle the feeling.
"He doesn't want to see you," Scott glared.
Chris froze and Peter next to him gave the most miserable whine. Was that what was wrong? Stiles didn't want to see them? He wasn't sick, he was bailing on them. What had chased their mate away? The age difference, the fact that both Chris and Peter had daughters the same age as Stiles? Or was it Chris' family, what Gerard had done to Stiles?
Stiles squeaked, somewhere inside the dorm-room, and made a frustrated noise. "God damn it, Scotty, that was the crappiest way you could have phrased that!"
Scott winced and then offered an apologetic face. "Yeah, that came out wrong. Sorry."
Peter took a slow, deep breath and Chris could see the self-restraint that went into him not immediately moving. "With all due respect, Alpha McCall, but if you don't get out of my way right now so I can see my mate, I will do something my sister is going to hate."
At the clear threat, Scott flashed his eyes Alpha-red and growled. "I will not be threatened in my territory. And certainly not for acting in my pack's best interests."
A defeated sigh came from Stiles. "It's okay, Scott. Just… Just let them in…"
With a frown did Scott turn around, presumably to face Stiles. "But you said-"
"Yeah, yeah," Stiles sighed again. "I said I didn't want them to see me like this. I didn't calculate for protective werewolf instincts though. You think that they could keep you from Allison, if you thought she was sick or maybe hurt…?"
That made the young Alpha falter. Finally did he step aside, allowing Chris and Peter to enter the room. It was small, a kitchenette in the corner, with a round table that had two hairs, a door opposite the kitchenette, most likely leading to the bathroom, and opposite the entrance, in the two other corners of the room, two beds. Stiles was sitting on one of them, the one that had been out of view due to the angle. The boy was curled into himself, legs drawn up against his chest, arms around his knees. It made him look so small and it made Chris want to protect him. The second thing he noticed was the shirt Stiles was wearing. Because it was Chris' shirt.
"So that's why I can't find it anywhere in our home," Peter noted curiously. "You took it."
Stiles frowned at them for a moment, before he realized what he was wearing and what Peter was talking about. His cheeks flushed a pretty pink and he turned to look away from them, clearly embarrassed. The third thing that stood out was Stiles' overall state. He was pale, paler than he'd been when they'd met him, which made the blush look all the brighter. There were deep, dark bags under his eyes. Red-rimmed eyes, like he had been crying. Stiles' thumbs were pressing against the pads of his fingers again, slow and purposeful. Ah.
"Why did you tell Scott to lie to us?" Chris asked, keeping his voice soft.
He didn't want it to sound like an accusation, but he did have to know. Stiles looked up, frowning at him. Peter, all the while, had taken a seat on Stiles' bed, right next to Stiles. Not touching though, not yet. Not now that they both had realized that Stiles wasn't physically sick, Stiles was most likely dealing with the aftermath of a flashback. They didn't know what kind of trauma he'd gone through, they knew so little about their mate, so it was better to not startle him with unexpected and thus perhaps unwelcome touch. Chris grabbed one of the chairs and dragged it in front of Stiles' bed so he could sit opposite the boy without sitting down on Scott's bed. Scott, who was still lingering at the door, though he'd closed it by now. He was watching them, wary and careful. Protecting his vulnerable pack-mate. Chris could appreciate that.
"And why didn't you want to see us…?" Peter reached out, still not touching but clearly fighting his instincts here. "Did you think we would judge you for having flashbacks…?"
Stiles' head snapped over to stare at Peter in surprise. "How-"
"We've both lived through our own fair share of trauma, we do recognize the aftermath of a flashback from having seen it on each other," Chris offered gently.
Stiles folded himself even smaller, resting his chin on his knees. "I just… I was really looking forward to today. I went shopping with Lydia, Jackson and Danny, so I wouldn't be under-dressed in the stupidly expensive restaurant you picked. But last night… wasn't a good night… I have those, kind of regularly. I look like a fucking mess, I didn't… I wanted to look good when we had our first official meeting, not like something that got chewed through and spit out…"
"You look absolutely beautiful, darling," Peter's voice was so loving.
"Right," Stiles snorted, giving the wolf a look.
"You're alive," Chris offered, resting a hand on the bed, also wanting to touch but keeping himself from it just like Peter. "Whatever you went through that traumatized you, you survived. And that's beautiful. That's what Peter always tells me about my scars. A hunter's life isn't safe, you know."
"It wasn't just that I didn't want you to see me like this," Stiles muttered after a moment. "You booked dinner at this really nice looking restaurant and it would have just… been a waste."
"Why?" Peter asked curiously, trying to contain himself.
Is Chris was struggling with how much he wanted to comfort their mate, then Peter's wolf must be absolutely losing it right now. A noise came from Scott, drawing the triad's attention to him.
"Stiles," Scott's face was twisted in pain. "You know you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, right. I just. I know you get what True Mates mean for a werewolf, but you don't have to make yourself uncomfortable for your mate, okay?"
Stiles offered his Alpha a tired smile. "I know, Scotty. It… It's okay… But… would you mind giving us some… time alone? I don't think I can do this with you in the room."
The young Alpha looked dejected at that, but he nodded and turned around toward the door, pausing for just a moment. "You know that I don't blame you, right? And that I love you."
Stiles blinked away tears and nodded jerkily. "I know. Doesn't stop me from blaming myself."
A sad, tired sigh came from Scott, as though this was a conversation they'd had a lot in the past. Scott left the room, closing the door behind himself. Chris searched Peter's face, wondering if his wolf had any more of a clue about what was going on, based on scents, but Peter just shook his head. After a moment, Stiles scooted a little closer to Peter, and then he patted the spot on his left while looking at Chris. Well, Chris wasn't going to decline that invitation.
"When we were still in high school, when Kira had just joined our pack, we…" Stiles was deliberately staring at the wall opposite them, not at either Chris or Peter. "Kira's mom, she moved here for a reason. She was hunting something, an old nemesis. A Nogitsune. Do you… know of it?"
"Yes," Chris swallowed hard and nodded. "I've read about them."
"I know of a pack that once faced one themselves," Peter spoke carefully. "It had possessed a local in their town and… decimated the place. Not many survived."
"I was possessed," Stiles' voice was barely a whisper and the look on his face was near vacant.
Chris made a strangled noise at that. He'd known there was trauma, but he had assumed from an attack. Stiles had been possessed, by a demon. Looking over Stiles' head, he searched Peter's face. There was anguish in Peter's eyes, despair.
"It… killed many, before my pack could stop it," Stiles continued. "Not… Not fast enough though. I ki… It killed one of our own. Aiden. And it also messed with my… head. I know you noticed the finger-tapping. I'm counting my fingers, because in a dream, you don't have five fingers, you have too many fingers, so as long as I have five fingers on each hand, I know I'm awake and that it's not… not a dream, that the Nogitsune isn't messing with me…"
"Stiles, can we touch you?" Chris asked in a low voice.
A jerky nod was all it took for Chris and Peter to attach themselves to their mate from either side, sandwiching him in a tight, comforting hug. Finally, the vacant expression on Stiles' face broke. Sobs wrecked the boy as he cried in their arms, clinging onto them both. They stayed like that for nearly an hour before Stiles had calmed down somewhat. They'd moved in that time, to lay on the bed. Chris pressed against the wall, on his back, with Stiles half on top of him, curled together on his chest, and Peter pressed against Stiles' back, arms tightly wrapped around his waist.
"I… still have nightmares. It happened two years ago and I have… gotten much better, but I still get them at times. Random times. Sometimes, triggered by something specific. Other times, it just… overcomes me. After, it… it is really hard for me to tell what's real and what isn't… That's part of why I didn't want to see you because I didn't want to… question if it was really happening. Besides, the nightmares usually leave me with… everything tasting like ash, so… waste of food."
"I need you to know, and to understand, that we're your mates, Bambi," Peter whispered, urgent but soft. "We're here to support you and to protect you. Yes, we wanted to take you out on a big date, to show you that we can provide for you, mate. Show you a good time. But we're also more than happy to simply hold you, to provide you with comfort. And either way, we got to know you better."
"I'm a mess," Stiles sounded defeated, burying his nose in Chris' collarbone. "I'm nineteen and I have PTSD trice over. You guys got your life together, you're happy, you have a family. I don't…"
"You deserve to feel safe, doll," Chris gently brushed Stiles' hair back. "You deserve to have mates and maybe, you got two who 'got their life together' so they can help you with yours. Because we've been there. Maybe not a possession, but… I helped kill my sister, I lost my wife to suicide because she couldn't bear the thought of turning into a werewolf, I cut ties with my father, and that's just the family trauma. I've seen my fair share of nasty fights and near-death experiences during my time as a hunter too. We worked very hard to get to this place, and we can help you get there too. Besides, it also comes with a certain amount of patience."
"When I was younger, there was a… fire, an attack on my family. It left me in a coma for years, trapped in my own body, unable to communicate," Peter's voice was sorrowful, his face hidden in Stiles' neck. "I… It took me years and therapy and the help of my family to recover."
"Oh," Stiles made a small noise, but didn't speak.
"Maybe Fate brought us together because we're all broken in our own ways," Chris suggested. "And maybe we can make each other more whole again, together, mh?"
"I… I'd like that," Stiles tilted his head up to smile weakly. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, doll," Chris returned his smile. "You're ours, after all. And we're yours."
Peter's wolf couldn't be happier. He was wearing Chris' alma mater shirt and over it, Stiles' red hooded jacket. The jacket sat very snug if he closed it, but it moderately fit if he left it open. Surrounded in his mates' scents, while said mates were bickering in the kitchen. Stiles had come over for the weekend and he decided to make lunch today, just for Chris – the only member of their triad who couldn't cook for shit – to offer his help. Bickering ensued.
"Get out of my kitchen, Christopher!" Stiles smacked the hunter with a spatula.
Peter couldn't help the purr. My kitchen. Stiles claimed their kitchen as his own. They'd only known each other for a few, short months, yet it felt as though Stiles had always been a part of their lives, a part of them, and it seemed that Stiles felt the same way.
"This is so weird for me," Scott muttered miserably. "I mean. He's my best friend. And now he's, like, my father-in-law. It's bizarre. It hurts my head."
Allison, perched on his lap, laughed softly and kissed his cheek. Shaking his head, Peter turned away from the kitchen to pay attention to the card-game he was currently losing. He narrowed his eyes at Kira, who offered the brightest, most innocent smile. Her pinkie was linked with Malia's, who didn't seem to care at all that she was losing too, five games in a row now. Absolutely smitten with her mate and simply happy to see Kira winning. Well, Peter didn't feel the same, he would prefer to see Peter winning. Or, with a look at Scott, he would be appeased by having his own mate – either of them – perched on his lap too. Realistically, Stiles. Chris wasn't much into sitting in people's laps, much to Peter's dismay. Stiles however absolutely loved it.
"He kicked me out," Chris grunted annoyed as he sat down next to Peter. "I paid for that kitchen. And he just. Kicked me out of it. After smacking me with a spatula."
Scott looked troubled. "...Is that a euphemism? Please tell me it's not a euphemism."
"It is literal, Scotty, get your mind out of the gutter," Stiles huffed and walked into the living room. "You people are all awful, for different reasons. Aside from Kira and Allison, they're my favorites."
The two girls perked up with broad grins, while Peter growled. How dare he wasn't the favorite. He wrapped an arm around Stiles' waist and pulled him down into Peter's lap, where he belonged, so he could nose at Stiles' neck. The Spark huffed and rolled his eyes but he also relaxed into Peter.
"Dinner will be simmering for another twenty minutes and then we can eat," Stiles offered. "But, for the record, I'm with Scotty on how damn weird these family dinners are."
"Imagine if mom and dad could have also made it," Scott offered dryly.
Scott's mom and Stiles' dad were dating, which… Yes, at that point, Peter didn't want to draw their family tree. Whatever. He got to nuzzle Stiles, while Chris was pressed against him. It was perfect.
~*~ The End ~*~
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frostedsketches · 7 months
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I'm not planning on going into full detail over the rest of the Mane Six like I did for Twilight, despite this, I think the Mane Six ships in the Hopes'nDreamsVerse deserve a bit more light and attention. There are some ships that are a bit unconventional and therefore need a little bit of explaning to be believable. I mean c'mon? When do you ever see Soarin and Rarity shipped, or Applejack and Double Diamond, or even Twilight and Star Tracker? ( I already did a thing on them, so go search it out of you're interested! )
So to curb your curiosity and disbelief, I will be explaining these ships, right here, right now.
Alright, well, Pinkie Pie X Cheese Sandwich and Fluttershy X Discord are pretty self-explanatory and don't have much to explain in terms of how they ended up together. The story of Rainbow X Thunderlane and Rarity X Soarin, is a bit more of a complicated discussion, given that it's more widely known for the husband's in these two ships to be swapped, and so you would probably think they would be. Well, I'm going to tell you why they aren't. . .
( Note: I LOVE Soarin X Rainbow and am partial to Rarity X Thunderlane, however they didn't work with the next gen characters I at the time had ideas for and wanted to design. Also Hopes'nDreamsVerse didn't used to be my main and I had never planned for it to be, but things change. My only regret really is that some of the ships I personally prefer didn't get to be a part of the main Next Gen that I strictly think happened after the show, so I can only save those for alternates, but really I'm fine with in the end )
Being Wonderbolts together, it's natural that ponies within the fleet would form close friendships and sometimes even have romantic feelings bloom. Well that's exactly what happened between Rainbow Dash and Soarin, and Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser.
Rainbow and Soarin became fast friends, and even then, though she'd never admit it, Rainbow had quickly developed a bit of a crush that went slightly beyond her general fascination and hero complex towards the Wonderbolts as a whole, in fact she had always found Soarin to be kind of cute out of the stallions in the fleet.
Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser had already been friends before joining the Wonderbolts, and working together in such close proximity only escaladed their bond into something more. By the time Season 9 ended, in fact the evening after Queen Twilight's Coronation, Thunderlane proposed and the two pegasi got engaged. Only four months later were they married.
Rainbow and Soarin found romance and became in item around the time that Fluttercord and CheesePie were taking off, and though they were together for months and genuinely loved each other, in the end things took a turn for the worse. And that simply was their differing ideas for the future. Rainbow was perfectly content being his girlfriend and working on and rising up in her career, while he had always known that if he were to date he'd want it to be a permanent thing and to escalate, to eventually be something more, be something more to her and have something more WITH her. This is where the argument began, which eventually caused them to break up, though it left them both sore for awhile.
Meanwhile, Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Night Glider often liked to visit Ponyville to see their friend, and in PF's case, sister, Sugarbelle. Them being on the farm so often left room for Applejack to get to know them, and get to know Double Diamond in particular. Party Favor, once he met Miss Cheerilie, often took time to hang out with her in Ponyville while Double Diamond became interested in life on the farm and often snuck away to watch Applejack do her work — though he was genuinely interested in the work itself, he also loved to watch her work in particular, let's just say he has a thing for buff ladies XD.
Friendship and eventually feelings blossomed over the course of months and though they eventually became a couple, they being such good friends and keeping their romance out of topic to others, never really mentioned to anyone else their relationship until someone poking around eventually found out and spilled the beans to everyone.
Eventually when Rainbow decided to move on and stop showing how it still affected her, Rarity, single and by now thinking she'd always be so, took it upon herself to be match maker for her friends instead, and started sending her on blind dates, that is until the day Rainbow finally put her hoof down and told her she wasn't ready yet, that she was still bothered by her breakup and needed a bit more time, when she finally came clean about that, Rarity apologized and ceased. Double Diamond and Applejack are engaged at this point, Pinkie and Cheese are newly married and Fluttershy and Discord have just found out really early on that miraculously they're expecting a foal.
The night of the Grand Galloping Gala came. Rainbow Dash ran into Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser and hung out with them when they weren't performing. Rarity however, after the Wonderbolts show was done, stumbled upon Soarin keeping to himself and conversation struck between them, both getting along well, Soarin opened up about the breakup with Rainbow and Rarity offered some insight on Rainbow's side of the story, they ended up talking until the Gala ended and they both said their goodbyes, walking away strangely with warm, fuzzy feelings in their chests and fond wandering thoughts of each other for the next few days.
Fluttershy and Discord attended the Gala, but were forced to teleport back home when Fluttershy started feeling terribly ill and faint. Later that night Fluttershy miscarries the undeveloped embryo, and though it was so early that it wasn't even living yet, Fluttershy mourned greatly for what had almost been.
Thunderlane and Cloud Chaser's daughter Tornado Racer is born and while Cloud Chaser is on maternity leave, Thunderlane finds himself running into Rainbow more and more at work, and though at first it's all innocent and friendly, both ponies know they've walked into a mess when they start feeling things they shouldn't and Thunderlane's feelings for Cloud Chaser begin to dwindle due to less time with her and more and more arguments and disagreements at home, Cloud Chaser has always had a few red flags that never got resolved and they shine through more than ever these days, so you see it's not only his feelings for Rainbow that are contributing to their falling out.
After a particularly bad fight leaving both ponies with severely damaged feelings, Thunderlane comes to realize he doesn't feel right with Cloud Chaser and comes to realize his feelings for Rainbow are intensifying as she's been a good listening ear and comforting figure to him after fights with his wife.
Though he loves his daughter and has a bad feeling about what would happen if he were to leave her, he needs to get these feelings into words, soon confessing to Rainbow who feels the same way, but despite her feelings she gets mad at him, telling him firmly that if he really wants to act on these feelings, he has to choose, either forget about her and be a faithful husband to Cloud Chaser or get a divorce to avoid being a cheater.
Thunderlane didn't come to work for a few days after that, but when he finally did, he informed Rainbow he had made up his mind; he had told Cloud Chaser how he had moved on and wanted a divorce. Rainbow felt extremely guilty, thinking it's her fault for ruining Thunderlane's prior relationship, but ultimately knows that things were never really harmonious between them and it might've happened even without her muddying the circumstances.
They were married only a few months after the divorce was finalized, Thunderlane never talked of kids to her so she trusts he won't pressure her to have them instead of focusing on her career. He knows that's not what she wants and he doesn't trust that he'd be a good dad after leaving Tornado, the thought of it hurts too much and makes him feel even more guilty.
Cloud Chaser of course does not take this kindly, though she was half of the reason it ended this way, she refuses to believe that she was part of the problem and harbors feelings of abandonment and resentment, she blames Rainbow primarily, a belief and hatred she passed down to Tornado Racer, who's childhood is destroyed by this, though after a few years Thunderlane hears of his ex's spiral and tries his best to gain custody of his daughter, Tornado wants nothing to do with him, Cloud Chaser won't let him take her and after years he ultimately loses the battle. Tornado does have solace with her Aunt Flitter who takes care of her when Cloud Chaser is unable, but of course it's not enough to make how her life is going completely 'okay' and doesn't stop her from being messed up in adulthood.
By this time Soarin and Rarity have started seeing each other and eventually become a couple. Applejack and Double Diamond are married though ponies still wonder how their so chill and non-romantic in public ( they're very affectionate when it's just them, don't get me wrong here ). Rainbow and Soarin, now both with new partners that they love more than anyone, rekindle their previous friendship which spreads between both couples, so all four become good friends, all hurt feelings healed.
Sometime between the birth of Fluttershy's foal and Pinkie's twins, and the birth of Applejack's foal a year later, Soarin proposes to Rarity and Twilight and Star Tracker become great friends, soon to be married as I will soon explain, and soon couples are married not long after each other.
So there you have the summerized story of how these couples came to be! Hoping to have more out soon, so stay tuned! Now go out and Idk. . . keep being 20% cooler then the poor souls who haven't found joy in MLP :D
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Today was my last day of school.
I just said goodbye to my friends, and two of them are going back to Germany in three days. I'll probably never see them again, which is pretty sad because they are both wonderful people.
I'm going to see the nine others next Monday and Tuesday again for our exams, but it's not the same thing.
I feel like I just closed a chapter of my life, and it feels really wierd. Like, I'm not exactly sad but I'm definitely not happy either. I'm not sure if I like that feeling.
Next year, I'll be in a new big school, in one of the biggest cities around my current school, and I know that most of my friends will also be in other schools of the same city, so I'll see them again. But it won't be the same.
I kind of feel like crying, but tears don't come to me easily. Plus, I'm in the bus so crying isn't really an option for now.
I'm definitely going to turn into a lack when I'll be home though.
This year was fun. Definitely the best out of the last four. I had a pretty big friend group full of amazing people, and I'm very glad I meet them. We almost never had any fights, and when we did we talked about them more or less calmly, always trying to figure things out and not letting our friendships falling apart. I really hope I'll stay in contact with them. I don't want us to be strangers again.
— jeudi 27 juin 2024; fin des cours.
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years
The royal wedding, a retcon;
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Summary; a explanation why Carlos wasn't at the wedding that doesn't kill him off.
.... it's because he lost a bet to Evie and is hiding from Jane because they now have to name their firstborn baby 'Cane' or 'Janlos'. Which also explains why Jane isn't there because she's tracking him down.
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simplysummers · 3 years
Discussing nicknames for Omega.
Now I’ve been called out more then once for all of the ‘strange’ things I call Omega, so I decided to make this a post of its own where I can discuss the nicknames I’ve seen myself and other people give to our favourite space angel. These will include names I’ve seen in fanart, fanfiction, in passing posts, and finally, those from the actual show show. I won’t be ‘rating’ them as I think it’s all down to personal preference, but I will discuss my thoughts on them and who I believe the nickname would come from out of the batchers!
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1) ‘Mega.
First of all we hit it off with ‘Mega. I think this one is cute, it’s short and it’s sweet, a nice abbreviation. Hunter has already addressed her with this name in episode four of The Bad Batch, so it’s canon that they shorten her name. As to who would use this nickname for her, I think they would all address her in this way in some form or another.
2) Tiny.
Obviously this one is also from the show, but I thought it was still worth mentioning. In all honesty, even if Cid meant this name derogatorily in the beginning of their friendship, I still think it’s quite quaint, it comments on a feature of Omega’s that isn’t necessarily mean, instead just…observational, it’s a comment about her little stance and small height. It’s loving in a certain type of way. Of course, this one would only come from Cid, and perhaps Wrecker if he were feeling bold enough.
3) Kid/Kiddo.
Again, both used in the show already, I think it’s very simple but useful, used by all of the batch members excluding Tech I’d say.
4) ‘Meg/‘Megs.
I like this one, it’s nice and short, sweet, quite cute without babying her. Definitely a Hunter nickname for everyday passing conversations, but I could see them all using it at some point.
5) Miss ‘Mega/‘Meg.
This one is definitely more for playful teasing over a genuine nickname, most likely from Wrecker.
However, I have a specific HC that Omega would be very interested in honorifics, purely because she has never been addressed in such a formal way before. I can see her asking Tech about specific honorifics and what they’re correlated meanings were, and he would explain that her honorific would be “Miss Omega”, and although he wouldn’t take claim to it, he would notice how happy it made her to be addressed as a person, and would make a habit out of it.
6) Megsy.
In a canon-compliant universe I don’t see this one working so well as it demeans her slightly, but I have seen it used in a few modern AUs, and I think it’s at its best there, it’s very cute! It would most likely come from Wrecker!
7) Omie.
(pronounced oh-me)
Unpopular opinion, but I actually think this one is very cute, however- it’s less likely to be used due to the fact Omega’s easiest syllable to shorten is her central one, ‘me(g)’. But, if it were in use, I could see it coming from the boys when she’s particularly afraid, or in need of some sort of comfort. It’s adorable, that’s for sure.
8) O.
(Pronounced Oh) I’ve only seen this one in a few fanfics, and don’t get me wrong- I think it’s very cute, my only problem with it is the lack of English alphabet in Star Wars, of course they use Aurebesh. So I’m not quite sure if this would reflect those basic speech rules correctly. But it’s still very sweet, maybe perhaps as just a shortened sound instead of the direct letter?
In the fanfic I read it was used by Hunter, but I could see it coming from any of them in all honesty.
9) Shiny
She IS a shiny trooper after all! This would be an Echo nickname 100%! He knows how it feels to be a shiny, especially considering he grew up a reg and experienced the usual ritual of a superior decorating your armour, whereas the bad batch never would’ve endured such a thing (as they always decorated their armour themselves as a squad)
I could see him using it in both passing and playfully. “Where’s our shiny?” - that kind of thing!
10) Ad’ika/Ik'aad vod
(Translation: ‘little one’ or ‘baby sister’)
An obvious one- of course. This would be used by all of the batchers. It’s very sweet, and it has a deep routed meaning behind it. It’s a nod to their host’s past, not to mention the Mandalorians hold family very dear to their hearts, much like the batch do. Hunter would most likely be the first to address Omega this way, followed quickly by Tech, and finally Echo and Wrecker. I’m not quite sure where Crosshair would fall on this scale- I think it would take a lot of convincing for him to nickname her anything, especially something so personal.
Anyway- let me know what you guys all think! And if you have anymore nicknames for me to discuss, I’d be happy to make a part 2!
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reneecle · 7 years
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Top 13 favorite shows with female leads: 1. Pretty Little Liars. - "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool my best friend, and you're dead frickin' meat."
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winter-barnes · 5 years
Christmas Surprise
Summary: It's Christmas day, and Y/N doesn't get a gift from the person she wants one from the most.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I'm vacationing in Hawaii right now and I got bored sitting in my hotel room waiting for my dad to get off of work, so I thought why not write an imagine hahaha. Feedback is appreciated, and I apologize for any spelling/grammatical/characterization mistakes! :)
It's the holiday season, a time filled with laughter, cheers, family, friends, and-
"Presents!" Natasha yells, immediately sitting up straight. "We forgot to get presents for everyone!" 
You, Nat, and Wanda were sitting in your room gossiping about the drama in the compound. At least twice a week they come in your room unannounced and spark up conversation. You didn't mind though, it was nice having girl friends to talk with. It made life just a little bit easier.
"Well it looks like our weekly gossip session is going to have to come to a close for now, we need to go find presents. Christmas is, like, four days away and everyone has already done their shopping." You say. Wanda and Nat nod, and next thing you know you're in the car on your way to the mall with Wanda and Nat.
The next few hours are spent trying to find at least one present that would suit each of the Avengers. Almost everyone was gonna be at the compound this year to celebrate: Nat, Wanda, Tony, Peter, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Scott, Rhodey, Vision, and T'Challa. That's a lot of people to find presents for, and you honestly didn't know if you would be able to pull it off so close to Christmas. 
It took a lot of searching, but eventually you were able to find a present for everyone except for Steve. 
"Guys, I can't think of anything to get Steve." You whined.
"I can think of something." She smirks and Wanda laughs. You roll your eyes as a slight blush floods your cheeks. 
"I need real suggestions guys."
"What's not real about that?" Wanda giggles. "I'm sure he would greatly appreciate it, too." This time Nat's the one laughing. Both Nat and Wanda know about your pretty big crush on Steve. You couldn't help yourself, and really who could? It's Steve Rogers. There's no such thing as self control when it comes to that man.
"You guys know I don't want to tell him." You sigh, "We're friends, I don't want to ruin that with a silly little crush." With that you turn around, and you're glad you did. You spot the perfect present to get Steve. 
You walk over to the glass case and get a closer look. It's a gold pocket watch. On the inside of it is a star engraved into the gold. It was perfect. Steve has been talking about wanting a pocket watch for ages now, and you were kind of surprised you didn't think about getting him one as his present sooner. 
After the stressful day of late gift shopping, you head to your room to wrap all of the gifts. As you're wrapping Steve's gift, you think back to the conversation earlier. You really didn't want to tell Steve about your feelings for him. There was always the possibility of him not feeling the same way, and if that was the case then seeing him all the time would be awkward. You didn't want to ruin one of the best friendships you've had, even if that meant suppressing your feelings.
A few days later, you wake up to Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree being blasted throughout the compound. You sigh and roll over to look out the window. The sun has barely even fully come up, but you can't say you're surprised being woken up this early, it's Christmas day. You roll out of bed and try to make yourself somewhat decent, and your decent is some leggings, a t-shirt, and your hair pulled back into a ponytail.
You walk into the living room and see all the presents stacked under the enormous tree that Tony was so insistent on putting up. Tony, Bucky, Nat, and Scott are already sat around the tree waiting for everyone. By now a new song is playing through F.R.I.D.A.Y, Jingle Bell Rock. 
"I love this song!" Scott yells as he jumps up and starts dancing. You laugh and shove him so that he lands on the couch behind him. Feeling thirsty, you walk into the kitchen to pour a glass of orange juice. You find Bucky already in there, his head stuffed in the fridge. 
"Find what you're lookin' for there, Buddy?" You chuckle. Surprised, Bucky's head hits one of the shelves as he tries to pull it out. His face is tinted red as you laugh at his clumsiness. 
"Oh, Buck." You laugh. You squeeze passed him and grab the orange juice you came for. You look over at Bucky and he's just watching you, giving you a weird look. "You okay, Bucky? Did you hit your head too hard?" He shakes his head and gives you one last glimpse before walking away. You found it kind of strange, usually Bucky has some sort of smart remark to come back at you with, but he didn't say anything this time around. 
Glass of orange juice in hand, you walk back into the living room. Now everyone is here, and Tony's face is practically dripping excitement now that you've come back.
"Finally we can open the presents now!" He says as he rubs his hands together.
"You know, Stark, Christmas isn't just about presents, it's about -"
"Yeah yeah yeah family and friends yadda yadda yadda. Who's present am I opening first?" He cuts you off and all you can do is chuckle. You look around and see the only open seat is the one next to Steve. You glance over at Nat to see her smirking and you roll your eyes. Of course it was intentional. You make your way to the open seat and sit next to Steve. He looks at you and offers a small smile, but he looks nervous. 
"Want a drink?" You ask, offering a sip of your orange juice. He shakes his head and turns to watch Tony open his present from Rhodey. 
After about 45 minutes, over half of the presents have been opened. Steve has your present to him in hand, and he's getting ready to open it. 
"I hope you like it." You whisper. He opens his mouth to say something, but he quickly closes it and smiles. Something is off, but you're unsure what. Bucky and Steve are both acting really strange. Actually, it's not just them. This whole morning the others have been giving you quick looks, and when you notice them they immediately look away. Obviously something is up, but you have no clue what. 
You push the thoughts away and watch as Steve tears the reindeer printed wrapping paper. He opens the box that holds the watch, and when he opens it his eyes go wide. He looks at you, then the watch. You, the watch, you, the watch. You smile and he pulls it out. 
"Oh my- I love it, Y/N. I absolutely love it." You feel giddy knowing he really likes your gift. "Thank you so much."
"Anything for you." You smile, then blush. 
Soon all of the gifts are opened and the floor is covered in wrapping paper and boxes. You begin to clean up while everyone else heads to the table to have breakfast. As you're cleaning, you realize you never got a gift from Steve. Your heart sinks a little bit. Gifts aren't everything, and you aren't a very material person, but your gift to him was pretty special. Did he not feel the need to get you anything at all? Not even a keychain?
You throw away the last bit of wrapping paper and head to your room. You didn't feel like eating. It wasn't the fact that you didn't get a present from Steve that made you upset, it was the fact that this was proof he didn't feel anything other than friendship towards you. You closed the door to your room and sat on your bed. Your eyes began to water. For some reason, you had this glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, he might have the same feelings for you as you do him. Sometimes you would catch him looking at you, and when you caught him his face would turn pink. Sometimes when you walked into the room you would notice his eyes go wide and his smile grow wider. Sometimes you would notice him getting flustered when you two were alone. But maybe you didn't actually notice these things. Maybe you just wanted them to be real and made yourself think they were really happening.
Twenty minutes pass and you hear walking outside of your door. You quiet your sniffling so that no one can hear, and then you hear the sound of something sliding underneath the door. You peer over the bed and see an envelope on the floor, and you hear the footsteps walk away. You stand up and grab the envelope. Your name is written on it, but it doesn't say who it's from. When you open it, it's just a piece of paper, but it says to go to the roof at six. Confused, you set the paper on your dresser.
Quicker than you expected, five thirty rolls around. You decide to put on a pair of jeans and a new t-shirt for this rooftop meeting. You're nervous about what this could be about. Nothing like this has ever happened, you don't have any idea what to expect. 
You walk into the living room and there's no one to be seen. 
"What the hell is going on?" You mumble to yourself. You make your way to the elevator and press the rooftop button. Your nerves quickly build up as you approach the roof. The elevator dings and the doors open. At first you don't notice anything, but you look down and see writing in chalk. It's a date, November 14th, 2018, and beside the date says, "The first day we met. I couldn't take my eyes off of you." There's rose petals lying on the ground, and little candles lighting a path that goes straight. The dates continue like a timeline. Your heart begins to pound, your hands start to sweat. This isn't what you think it is, is it?
"December 5th, 2018 - You beat me in a fight, and this made me intrigued by you."
"December 29th, 2018 - Neither of us could sleep, so we made pancakes at 2 a.m. and watched Christmas movies. It was this night that I realized how I really felt about you."
"January 11th, 2019 - You got a little too drunk and I carried you home. You were completely rocked, but you still blew me away with your beauty. Even if you were throwing up all over my car." 
"April 20th, 2019 - You took me to my first concert. Of course Bucky and Sam were there, but all I could focus on was you."
"July 17th, 2019 - I saw you go on a date with a man, my heart was broken."
"July 18th, 2019 - You stayed the night with me after getting your heart broken by that man. Little did you know we both we suffering." 
"September 20th, 2019 - I decided I was going to tell you how I felt, but I didn't know how."
"December 25th, 2019 -                            "
Next thing you know, Steve is in front of you holding a piece of chalk. Next to today's date he writes,
"I finally built up the courage to ask you on a date."
You watch him as he stands back up. He looks perfect in the moonlight, his cheeks lightly tinted pink and his eyes sparkling. 
"So, what do you say? Will you go-" You place your lips on his, cutting him off. His arms instantly wrap around your waist while yours wrap around his neck. You both pull away only when you have to breathe, and Steve breathes a sigh of relief. 
"I'm so happy you did that."
"I'm so happy you did this." You give him one last kiss before you pull away. 
"I would love nothing more than to go on a date with you, Rogers."
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orangenfrottee · 4 years
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This is a sneak peek for my Peaches N Cream and Fangs friendship piece I did as a collab with the most wonderful @strangenightsofdaydreams!
Once I finished my lines, I instantly regretted not having put some Blossom Maple Syrup on the table. It’s Riverdale, so no regrets ever because everything is totally in!universe for this town,so I made “Pop’s & Blossom Maple Ketchup” and “Maple Tabasco” a thing. Riverdale doesn’t know how food tastes without Blossom Maple Syrup. There must be tons of it in Pop’s Burgers and Milkshakes. Maybe that’s what was so weird about the Farmie food: no Maple Syrup.
If you haven’t already, please check out @riverdaleprideandjoyzine. It’s a fanzine highlighting underrepresented characters, mostly poc or LGBTQIA, queer cour four head canons and some of our fan-favourite ships by amazing writers and artists. Really worth your time. You can order on gumroad dot com slash riverdalepridezine.
The menue design is by the lovely @alpacalypseartb
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animebw · 4 years
And That’s a Wrap!
A Place Further than the Universe was among the earliest anime I watched. Back in March of 2018, I was still getting acquainted with the anime community at large. The only show I was watching as it aired was Violet Evergarden. I still wasn’t sure what my tastes were or how to be sure which shows were really worth my time outside of the agreed-upon classics like Death Note, Gurren Lagann, etc. But as time went on, and I kept hearing more and more people talk about how ridiculously good the Cute Girls Go to Antarctica show was (mostly Mother’s Basement, to be honest), I decided anything getting this much hype was at least worth checking out. And I’m so goddamn glad I did. A Place Further Than the Universe is a fucking masterpiece, and it’s only grown on me more and more in the time since I watched it. I fell in love from the first episode, and each episode after only made those feelings stronger, until I finally realized that I was witnessing a new classic being born right before my eyes. This was a show just as enduring, iconic, and essential as any Cowboy Bebop or One Punch Man. This was a show that was going to stand the test of time and be remembered years into the future. And for one brief, shining moment, I was around to see it happen.
And this re-watch only confirmed what a truly special piece of art this show is. There are so few anime I would consider “perfect,” even among my favorites. Pretty much any piece of media has some flaw you could point to, some part that doesn’t quite measure up or could have been retooled into something better. But A Place Further than the Universe is a show I honestly think is perfect. Over the course of thirteen episodes, it spins a transcendent tale that builds on itself at every turn, while making each episode a perfect bite-sized narrative in and of itself that furthers the overarching story while standing perfectly fine on its own. It juggles four flawless central character arcs that feed into each other and build truly meaningful relationships among the main cast while fleshing out a vast array of equally lovable side characters in the background. It’s perfectly paced, suffering neither from a spot of unnecessary flab nor overly rapid developments. Every moment is necessary, every moment is wonderful, and every moment leaves a lasting impression in your mind long after the final episode has rolled. This is one of very few shows where I can honestly say I loved every single moment, where every single aspect is both the best it can be on its own and flawlessly supports every other aspect as well. And it's all in service of a triumphant story of adventure, friendship, overcoming life’s challenges, finding your own motivations, persevering in the face of adversity, finding comfort in people who give you the courage to grow, and pursuing your dreams in all their difficult, messy, beautiful glory. This show is everything you could ever want it to be and then some. I laughed, I cried, I fell in love, and I came away even more convinced than ever that A Place Further Than the Universe is one of the greatest anime of all time. 10/10 with no qualification.
If you haven’t watched this show yet, fix that. Even in a year as incredible for anime as 2018, Place Further was head and shoulders above the pack. For those keeping score, that means this show is better than Devilman Crybaby, Bloom Into You, the best season of My Hero Academia yet, Violet Evergarden, and Revue goddamn Starlight. I’d call it second only to Angel Beats in my personal ranking of amazing one-cours original anime. That’s how fucking good it is. No matter who you are or how much experience with anime you have, you owe it to yourself to watch this show. I promise you, you won’t regret it.
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nano 2020 final update
                now playing: a playlist for yourself sad (slowed down songs)
final wc. 57, 114 words
general thoughts:
let me try to keep this short: i won!!! honestly, it was very exciting, considering this is like my sixth nano and the only one i’ve cracked an actual 50k on - ahead of schedule, too! (and on that - congrats to everyone who wrote this month! you all did awesome, even if you didn’t make your goal <3). 
my writing pace slowed a little, which was fine - we did have thanksgiving break, but honestly that was just for me to further relax (& upon return the stress of school slammed full force hhhh). it’s been a bit tricky because i do have a large ensemble cast of varying importance whose relevance will likely cycle around, but incorporating them into the story is difficult. i’m trying to build relationships for further chapters, but without forgetting or sidelining anyone too much. it’s been a bit crazy, especially since my outline is not super detailed and i didn’t ever get around to writing my character arcs for book 1 like i was planning on. oh well.
we did hit the first little conflict hill though!! 
the future:
honestly, i don’t know where i’m going with this - not my wip, but like with writing it and posting updates. this is technically my final nano update, but like i don’t plan on stopping writing this regularly because might as well ride with it, you know? anyways. i think when i have a title, i’ll make a wip intro about it. hopefully my writing doesn’t peter off - i’ll have to try to police myself, like that ever works out (well it did this year but. you know).
if you want to be on a taglist for future possible updates, let me know! right now it’s just @semblanche <3
also here’s the pinterest which i am still building and organizing (i’ll create a spotify playlist in due time)
some scenes:
(beneath the cut because i went a little overboard)
“You jest,” Eden said, looking amused. Ophelia noticed he wasn’t wrinkling his brow as much anymore, as if the headache had finally gone away, or at least she had distracted him from it, which she took as a win.
“I am only ever perfectly serious,” she said. 
“I don’t doubt it,” Eden replied.
They looked out at the ocean a while longer.
notes: ophelia and eden (& sebastian) as friends with a certain vibe that i really like ... they’re kind of cute okay <3 but insofar platonic
“That’s fine, I always keep elastic ones on me,” Luce replied, continuing to chat as she began to braid after dividing Ophelia’s hair into a neat part. “Your hair is so nice and straight. It does whatever I want it too. I usually practice hairdos on Laurie, but both of her hair never wants to obey the laws of gravity or force, you know? I’m not pulling too tight, am I?”
Ophelia, who had actually sunk into a relaxed state and felt rather as if she had transcended—it had been so long since someone had touched her hair, her mother stopping brushing it long ago—almost missed the question, before quickly saying, “No, it feels really nice.”
notes: trying to build and integrate ophelia, luce & briar friendship so ophelia can have actual good friendships, also because healthy girl friendships are necessary for any good work xD
Asriel glanced at her over his shoulder, the flames casting a sharp outline across his narrow profile. “It’s not my fault if you take offense to every small thing. Maybe you should think about why you consider that to be a personal attack on you. Perhaps you’re doing something wrong?”
Ophelia exhaled sharply and looked away from him, her fist dropping to her side. She could feel tears pricking at her eyes, and it was so infuriating that she almost wanted to cry—cry over the fact that a single sentence made her want to cry to even begin with. 
“Forget this,” she said, forcing herself to speak slowly as to not betray the tightness of her throat she felt all of the sudden. “I don’t need to go with you. I’ll make it out on my own. Have fun in the dark.” She stormed past him, shoulder checking him into the wall, and focused on her feet and surroundings carefully, not willing to embarrass herself any further.
“Ophelia,” Asriel said. Just her name. Nothing else. It was enough to make her stop, even as she insistently told her feet to keep going. She looked just barely over her shoulder at him and saw his body sigh with the sound of it leaving his lips. “Let’s go together,” he said, coming up to stand next to her. 
“No way,” she said. “You  might ‘need’ me, but I definitely don’t need you.”
notes: anyways ophelia & asriel are supposed to be like rivals and the reader isn’t supposed to like asriel that much, but also my personal bias shines through in my writing and i once again make my intentions obvious (enemies to lovers hghjskjs)
She opened her eyes and looked up to see Asriel staring back at her, sitting on the ledge and dangling his feet, a hand still over hers, despite the flames that had started to dance across his skin as well. He didn’t so much as flinch, though Ophelia could make out the slight reddening of his skin beneath the fire. She frowned at that and considered reeling it back in, but who was she if he wanted to risk his life? People got burned. It wasn’t anything that a healer couldn’t solve.   
She was struck by his gaze. Not that it carried much intensity, but by the fact that it didn’t—he looked at her as he looked at everything else, with a gaze that simply swept by one momentarily and deemed it not worth his interest. Nothing was worth his interest. Nothing made him smile or laugh; he only frowned, slightly, at some things, sometimes at Ophelia, but he never looked at her with the burning hatred she felt he must see on her face every time they made eye contact. 
notes: uh oh this rivalry might have been one sided the entire time? hm.
“You could have killed me.” When she looked up, her eyes were rimmed with red and her voice was raw with some unspoken emotion.
Asriel didn’t flinch. “It was a risk I was willing to take.”
“You don’t get to gamble with my life,” Ophelia said, spitting out each word as if they hurt her to say.
“It wasn’t even real,” Asriel replied, unbothered and unfazed.
“Merlin,” Ophelia whispered, looking away and then staggered to her feet, hands clenched into fists at her side. “I hate you so much. I wish I had made all of you burn alive.” She turned and slammed through the door, letting it bang shut with an echo that resonated throughout the room.
notes: oh yeah. this is why she doesn’t like him lol. 
“How classy,” Bell drawled. “Ruel, do you think he should be allowed to rebel with us?”
Ruel shrugged her knobby shoulders, popping her bubble and swallowing the gum back between her teeth. “We shouldn’t invite people.” They exchanged a look with weighted emotions in their eyes that felt much too serious for the current situation. Asriel felt his fingers tighten around his arms, cutting off the circulation, as he waited.
“True enough.” Their heads turned in unison to blink at a still standing Asriel: Ruel’s heavy lidded pale gray blue ones and Bell’s dark brown eyes with the thin double eyelid crease.
“See you around, then,” Bell said. “If it’s fate, we’ll meet again.”
Asriel bit back a scoff, a short huff escaping his lips instead. “If that’s that you believe.”
“Ah, so he’s a skeptic,” Bell remarked, voice cold and eyes narrowing.
Asriel gave them both a long look, feeling slightly amused at the conversation and somewhat curious about what a further one would entail.
“I don’t believe in fate,” he said. “And even if fate does exist, it’s far from impartial.”
“Is that your way of saying you doubt we’ve made fate’s favorites list?” Bell asked, looking like they were half joking and half actually interested in what Asriel had to say.
“I don’t know,” Asriel said. “Do you honestly believe fate has taken any notice of you at all?”
“I’m not one of the Divine,” Bell said. “So I couldn’t say, honestly. Could you?”
Asriel let his hands drop to his sides, where he tucked them into his pockets and ignored the burn and pain that came with the movements. 
“I would hope,” he started softly. “That fate has no plans for me at all. Good day.
notes: asriel pov asriel pov asriel pov! the way he’s one of what i like to call the core four (not me writing cour fore rip omg, but also that’s sebastian, ophelia, vincent, and him - our mcs if i ever had such a thing) but this is his first pov in 50k. bell & ruel are two minor characters that kind of wormed their way into my heart and now i think i’m attached - maybe they’ll all be friends. 
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amethxxt · 5 years
My thoughts on D3
It took me so long to finally write this, I don’t know why. But let’s get started.
First, all I wanna say is that I liked the movie, I thought it was good but as always, there are a lot of things that should/shouldn’t have happened and that we need to talk about.
I wanna start saying that VK Day wasn’t really important in my opinion. Dizzy had received an invitation at the end of D2 so we knew she would be coming, but why, WHY, the whole application thing happened? VK Day happened ONCE, and it doesn’t really have a reason to happen. They could’ve kept sending invitations to the VKs they wanted.
The whole VK Day thing is so, so wrong and it didn’t make sense in the movie.
Getting out of and abusive place with abusive people shouldn’t be turned into a contest;
Do you think all of the kids would be able to fill out an application? That all of the parents would let their kids participate?;
What about people who don’t know how to write/read and what about babies and little kids?;
When the Cour Four announce which kids were chosen, it was so weird to see the VKs cheering and clapping, never looking disappointed, sad or angry. I know I would feel terrible if I hadn’t been chosen. And how was everyone suddenly in love with the Core Four when in the last movie they said they weren’t really welcome on the isle?
Moving on, there’s Ben proposing to Mal. All I can’t think of is that maybe it’s too soon? I mean, D2 was about Mal not feeling like herself, like she didn’t belong to Auradon and not being able to handle being Lady of the Court but in D3 she’s totally okay with being Queen? But alright, let’s do this for the sake of the plot.
We see the new VKs and omg they are adorable, the twins are the custest and Dizzy and Celia’s friendship, I’m here for it.
Uma. My savior, my soulmate, the love of my life. She was gorgeous and Harry was so in love with her, no one can tell me otherwise. They finally showed her true intentions (we knew them already but people needed to finally see SHE ISN’T A VILLAIN). All she wants is for all the kids to be free at once and not having to wait god knows how long for that to happen.
Now talking about Mal and Uma’s friendship...
Yeah okay, sure, the scenes were good, we saw more of Uma and all that, but... Do you really think it would be that easy? The girl bullied you for 7 years and betrays you 3 times. But after one day together all is forgiven? 
That’s what Disney needs to understand: you can be mad at people if they deserve it, you don’t need to forgive them if they don’t deserve it. Your feelings are valid and forgiveness takes time. They showed this with Maya and her dad in Girl Meet World, so why not in Descendants? Some kinds of forgiveness don’t come so easily.
To forgive someone, that person has to say they’re sorry. Mal never says she’s sorry for what she’s done to Uma. Mal and Ben don’t say they’re sorry for what they did to Audrey. The only person who hears Mal say “I’m sorry” is Evie. 
When Mal decides to close the barrier forever they don’t have a meeting about it. What Ben says suddenly doesn’t matter and there is no council and Evie (the king’s counselor) isn’t there to say what she thinks. Mal, Belle, Beast and Fairy Godmother agree with it and that’s it.
I saw a post here that made me realise that if they closed the barrier forever, they would basically kill everyone there since there wouldn’t be food. What. The, Fuck. Mal.
What else does she have to do for people finally realise she is selfish. It doesn’t matter if Mal’s your favorite character, she has flaws and she is so, so selfish. If you think that she was the selfless hero for deciding to bring the barrier down at the end, please, that was that was the bare minimum.
If you wanna talk about a selfless hero, how about Uma? The girl who had been free since D2 and was still trying to find a way to free the VKs, the girl who helped the Cour Four save Auradon because that place was their only hope. And the girl who was willing to go back to an abusive place, knowing she would never get out, so she could protect it, giving up her freedom.
But, yeah, I guess Mal’s the hero.
Now let’s talk about Hades. Ah, Hades. Mal’s daddy.
I knew, you knew, everyone knew. But I had a little hope it wouldn’t be true. I’m gonne be honest, yeah, the scenes were cute, I’m sure the song is gonna get stuck in my head at some point but I don’t think I’ll ever completely like the idea.
Because I can’t get over the fact that this was lazy writing. Now, I’m far from the best writer in the world but the books told us Mal’s dad was a human. Since D1 there was no evidence that Mal was related to Hades. No blue hair, no blue flames, nothing, zero.
Suddenly, she knows he is her father and Evie knows too. What? I thought that the least they could do was Mal finding out that her father is Hades but the fact that she already knew makes no sense. She knew and never tried to see if she had any power like his? If they had given us any kind of hint it would be better. Like, during her fight with Uma at the Cotillion, when she turns into a dragon, what if the fire was blue? There would theories about it.
But there was nothing, which means they had no plans of Hades being Mal’s father and just decided that would be good when she needed the ember. Come on Disney, there wasn’t any other way for them to get the ember? The VKs couldn’t just steal it? After the barrier is down he helps Audrey and yay, party.
He didn’t have to be her father for the story to work. But they want Mal to be powerful, they want her to be the best character, so why not make her the child of a god?
Here are some other things I think about the movie:
Audrey was amazing. If you think she didn’t have the right to be upset, you’ve watched it wrong. Go back to D1 and do it again;
Her grandmother is the worst, she says she’s sorry to Mal but doesn’t say it to her own granddaughter after she hurted her feelings and put so much pressure on her;
Ben’s crown still looks like plastic. Why didn’t they change that? And the CGI of the dragon, omg. It’s never perfect but it was worse than D1 and D2;
We should’ve seen more of Jay, Carlos and Evie. 
Gil is my baby, I love and will protect him. He’s precious.
The huma moments, thank you Disney.
But why imply that Audrey and Harry are something else at the very end? People just need one second to forget about all the hugs and cute moments Harry and Uma had;
Queen Of Mean if the best song and no one can change my mind;
Also, Celia is Uma’s Dizzy and no one can change my mind;
I missed Lonnie and they could’ve done something with her like they did with Audrey calling Chad in D2;
Dr. Facilier and Celia were adorable.
The tribute to Cameron was beautiful and it made me cry. I miss him.  (https://thecameronboycefoundation.networkforgood.com/)
I thinks that’s it for now. Like I said, I liked the movie but we need to talk about these things. If you’ve read this, I hope you liked it.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Stranger Than Fiction
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All –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @c-s-stars
X all Rich. A - @abiwim, @deepestfirefun, @thestorybookmistress
Requested by @deepestfirefun, hope you enjoy it, some confused angsty Rich for you :D
“Sugar, if there’s ever a problem you can’t solve with bear mace and duct tape you’re plum outta luck.” Overhead in the convention the iconic line from you played through the speakers were at a cast table for stunned shouts and dropped jaws came at your stroll onto the stage. As co-writer and producer alongside your brother and uncle for the spy dramedy show now in its fourth season, of which you had played the out of place southern belle in the mainly British cast headed by Graham Mctavish.
Your character, after having grown up in another fantasy show under layers of prosthetics filmed by your uncle, the same one for this show, also disguised your true appearance granting you a great deal of freedom. As the assistant for Duke, Graham’s onscreen persona, a laughably short curvy woman with a mop of coppery curls with oddly honey colored eyes and braces. The thick accent mingled with a nasally gunfire laugh equating you to equally as absurd characters used for mere comedic punch lines was ended with several instances where you were put in danger of an attacker and managed to apprehend them and even manage to outthink the guys leading the head team into traps you guided them through turning around.
Mostly your character’s cringe worthy appearance, though not hideous there seemed to be something off putting about how it all blended together worsened by the laughter driving most characters away. Though in your late growth spurt the over foot jump from four foot two to a more tolerable one of 5ft 5. With a few of the main cast post filming break stealing a moment for on screen gestures about your height jump explained by a line of late bloomers for your family, with it your curves settled into a more appealing proportion for you lessening the effect your costume had.
The entrance of another LotR cast member after a turning season for you pulling more of an attachment of your character’s one sided love for Duke for fans. His emotionally standoffish yet fully trusting bond deepening as he found out your boyfriend had been cheating on you leading to his driving him into a wall demanding he end it and never talk to you again cutting to the sentimental scene where he finds and comforts you assuring you there was someone out there for everyone. Mostly Duke shifted to grow more into your daily life as more of a friend outside of work to ensure it never happened again. Far from the scene in the first episode where Duke is overheard by you speaking to the main team that at your clear flirting joke to him ‘there wasn’t a chance in hell’ of anything to ever happen between you. Ending the pilot in angst at the flicker of tears you hid before entering with a wide grin and armfuls of what they all had requested.
The friendship led to an unlikely match between a visiting friend of Duke’s, Trevor, played by Craig Parker, who within a matter of hours fell head over heels for your precious ‘Honey’ as the team called you in a running gag at never remembering your real name still yet to be revealed. This season cut off with Duke’s narrowed gaze at Trevor while chatting with you over lunch at a café nearby work in your awaiting the team returning from a job.
For this season as well as the others audiences were floored by how much your true black curls differed from Honey’s, though your bright amber eyes and bright smile free of the bulky fake chompers coated in multicolored braces reminded those truly paying attention to where the bubbly personality came from. Crossing your leg you settled into your seat and clapped along with the cheering crowd at Craig and then Graham’s entrances, both settling on your left after greeting hugs.
After your first day on set being in character as your first meeting the tension was real and in person it took some time to remember that your true seemingly honey dipped voice in a barely there British accented voice and hidden appearance made it all the harder for you to bond at first from the sharp contrast. But eventually as they calmed and you opened up more from your internal struggle against forcing into the already close knit group of actors having worked together on other projects before blossoming into a timid friendship growing in the years since.
All the excitement of being friends with these kind hearted teams of actors was dwarfed by the shriek inducing news of your being accepted as the adopted daughter in a daunting film called ‘The Stranger’. Another spine tingling thriller no doubt looked over by many but the great reward of it being your chance to meet the illustrious Richard Armitage. Sure you were no doubt on another one sided love affair playing only on in your mind as no doubt he would only find evidence of the off putting Honey when looking up your name surely distancing you already so far from the first official scene. Still you would bide your time and with a wedding to plan with a nearing date you had something well worth the distraction from the amazing film creeping up on you.
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“Honey…” In a sigh Richard eyed the name listed as his adopted daughter in the email from the production team listing the names of all attending the first table read in the month of run throughs for the film he had been waiting for. He loved your show, he did, your character as well. Terrifying and so sure of herself and steadfast in her loyalty and admiration of Duke. Who greatly needed the unflinching bond to a female not likely to leave him drifting on a bomb rigged boat in the center of the ocean, his waking gift on his faked honeymoon from a terrorist’s henchwoman posing as his long since missing ex online for years who he wed upon their first face to face meet up decades prior to the first season.
Again Richard shook his head then read the email from Graham who just exploded with amazing things to say about you when he heard who was playing his adopted daughter in the film. ‘Don’t be expecting Honey. It’s an act, trust me. Physically and vocally, they are worlds apart.’ Richard raised a brow then clicked on the link to the comic con video clip attached of you Craig and Graham discussing the fan favored triangle supposedly bubbling up. With lips parted he watched you blush and grin madly beside he gushing men breaking into loud laughter widening the grins of all around you muffled by your hands after the first roll of your head backwards followed by a full body rock forward to hide your wide blush about their reactions to Honey’s signature flirting growl at their characters.
Animated and clearly loving truly sharing the in depth glimpses you gave to little ticks and comments you added melting the icy glass wall Richard normally felt pressed up against with those he didn’t know. Sheepishly he tended to creep into the daily patterns of his costars through the table reads, only relaxing fully to a bond at the first wardrobe fitting. Where his timid stance once was he felt anxious anticipation to meet the young woman that had befriended and won over one of his best friends only melting that wall a bit, at least for you to grow closer a bit sooner than the others with your mutual friend.
For all his hopes at meshing with you well that was eternally shattered by your wide eyed literal fall through your pop up chair that left you stunned at being snatched over inches from the ground onto his lap in the chair beside yours where he and everyone else just left you for the rest of the four hour session delving into the script. Subtly you reached over to his shirt pocket to borrow his pen for a note slowly spread his grin even in the reading of the scene before the chase scene. With the unsteady return of the pen clipped onto his pocket having him biting his lip to not laugh at your gasp at the clip pinching your finger you pressed to your lips for a few moments. His fidgeting under you only added to your nerves and his bubbling giggles at your verbal stumbles at his anxious build up to scenes with dialog between your characters. Already in the small cast the mood was lifting from the sinister theme of the script while you both started to adjust to one another.
A stolen picture of you both was settled as your contact pictures when you traded numbers in the elevator on your way to lunch. A drop in from his brother on your parting for their planned stop to shop for a relative’s gift his lips parted seeing the Brazilian bombshell pulling up in a convertible surely straight off a Sports Illustrated cover kissing you squarely on the lips leading into a brief hug before you pulled back and buckled up to drive off to who knows where. Turning back to the task at hand he focused and in the middle of shopping he kept browsing through his phone finding more and more links to your relationship with the bombshell, who according to the latest pictures was heavily pregnant. Settling back at the sting of the discovery he still looked forward to your meeting the next day and struggled focusing on the shopping in the anticipation of the following day.
Three weeks you settled into each other’s daily lives and the mentioned Leta had come into a timid acquaintance with Richard, who now somehow had roped himself into going to a wedding fitting with you. Mentally screaming at himself he climbed out of bed and made his way to the shower to ready for the ordeal. “Brilliant, bloody brilliant. What a downright fucking idiot-,” hanging his head he ruffled his fingers through his hair to wet it sighing deeply, “Of course, of course I would love to go see you try on wedding dresses.” Tilting his head back through a groan rubbing his hands over his face and hair before grabbing his shampoo, “Fucking idiot.”
Dried and dressed his stomach clenched but at the ringing of the bell brought out his grin again. Straight to his door he hurried and exited at your side heading for your car waiting in the drive he climbed into asking about your nights rest after the long first few days of filming you had just completed. Straight to a bridal shop you drove and continued chatting with the actor latched onto your side until he was guided to a rounded bench across from a wall of mirrors showing his irritated scowl spreading across his face hearing you being helped out of your sundress and into the heavily beaded gown. The confused conversation of your trying to help ended with you mumbling, “Ok, I’m just gonna stand here. No, not lowering my arms.”
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Those doors opened and from his hunch he sat up swallowing as you were helped up the step onto the platform brows raised taking in each detail until you turned your head and he flashed you a comforting grin. Breathlessly muttering, “Flawless.”
Awkwardly you giggled and shifted your arms at the seamstress making a few minor adjustments to the straps zigzagging across your shoulder blades, “Does not feel it, but at least it will calm some flames about my mother going on about never seeing me in a wedding dress before she’s old and grey.”
Richard chuckled and wet his lips, “I am certain she will be ecstatic on your big day.”
“My-,” your brows inched up making his inch up in return, “My big day?”
He nodded as the women left to fetch a few more pins in his slow stammer, “You, and, Leta.”
A bubbling set of giggles escaped you and you covered your face then lowered with a final giggle as you nodded, “Me and, Leta.” Wetting your lips you said, “Leta’s marrying my twin brother.”
Blinking at you Richard’s lips pursed for a moment as his hand rose to point at you and say, “Wedding dress.”
You nodded, “Yes, they’re going according to tradition, all the bridal party wearing copies of her dress to ward off bad spirits and all that, same with the groomsmen.”
Richard nodded and leaned forward with brows curiously furrowed propping his elbows on his knees asking rhetorically in his own confusion, “What?!”
A grin spread across your face and in the return of the women with full tray of supplies you shared more on their plans for the venue in a restored castle on her family’s land replied to with their comments that Richard would look best in their listed styles of suits for him to be your escort stirring an odd grin onto his face. Waiting again he settled into place while you were helped out of the gown again and back to his side for a lunch in which he hoped to have learned more about the situation with you and your apparent sister in law still on bed rest for her planned c section tomorrow.
Back in the car again you caught Richard’s eye in buckling your belt making you giggle again, “Let me guess, you’ve seen the press bout me and Leta?”
“Little bit, ya.”
After another giggle you said, “Um, well she’s always been very affectionate, whole family kisses goodbye and hello so nothing odd there for where she grew up. And my love life has never been a big deal and why make a huge fuss over correcting it when they’ll find out at the wedding anyways. Besides, it’s sort of a running joke with all of us as to who will be at the end of the aisle.” Weakly he chuckled and you said, “Sorry, thought it was a bit obvious, but others have clearly taken a bit to figure it out too.”
“So you don’t date then, or are you just that stealthy?” He tried to subtly hum back yet it came out in a clear purr stirring a grin and blush onto your face.
“I’m trying to, date I mean,” his brow inched up, “I sort of have a reputation, scaring them off. All they have to do is look me up.”
“You’re trying?”
You nodded, “Actually waiting on a first date with a guy I met through a friend,” the skip Richard’s heart went through worsened with the plummet of his hope as you added, “Apparently he’s been wanting to meet me and we’ve been chatting over Twitter. He’s on a tour right now but in six weeks he should be back in town and said we can meet up for a dinner.”
“Six weeks? What sort of tour?”
An awkward scrunch of your face in a glance at him fading into an odd grin made his smile slip out again, “He’s got sort of a rap techno thing going on, so weird, but he seems nice and all in our conversations.”
Inhaling steadily Richard’s lips pursed and against his choice to accept your limit of friendship his heart fluttered again with the hope that six weeks could mean a great deal of chances to steal you away. “I bet, hard to show much else with a 150 letter cap.”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh goody, I’ll add you to the list.”
He glanced at you, “Hmm?”
“You and three of my brothers seem to think Jeromy is sketchy at best. My dad jumped straight for pig with lipstick.”
Richard chuckled and shook his head reaching over to pat your shoulder as you parked at the little place you had chosen where you both got out, strolling around the car to the door. Reaching out his arm settled around your back and he smirked in your near melt against his side as his lips met the top of your forehead in his usual habit keeping others wandering by or harassing you since a catcaller at your first lunch after meeting. Humming low as he opened the door for you releasing you to enter behind you, “I am certainly not rooting against you. I hope he lives up to what you rightly deserve.”
Again you giggled and felt his hand grazing across your back in his path behind you avoiding obstacles to keep him on the right path in his downward glances until you found your usual booth. Even in the hospital sight of the familiar model spread and the clear man pictured snuggled up with her in the bed keeping her calm with hair and eyes matching yours continually kissing her and being referred to as ‘Daddy’ let loose the flood gates and your ‘fiancé’ was properly named as your future sister in law. Though in that the pictures of your lunches and times with Richard began to churn the rumor mill.
A great jump in your twitter page had come with your friendship and near daily tweets brought on a great deal of objection. At first you didn’t seem much of a threat as Honey, but fully visible as you were had clearly brought on some comments from his most ‘loyal’ fans objecting to the match while others were more than pleased and combating those comments by reminding others that he hadn’t been so outwardly happy in a while out in public. Clearly the sides were forming up and in Richard’s tries to calm them in the days since you seemed to just skate past taking it in stride.
From dialog to suspense the film dipped and for a week you would be filming the big chase scene that sent you and Richard to the gym together more than usual and out on daily jogs to build up your endurance for it. Scraped up and coated in mud and dirt from various turns in directed stumbling and ducks behind trees left you on the verge of collapsing between takes.
Where you would usually head back to your shared trailer halfway to lunch on a water break a stop on the way there had a laugh escaping you while Richard tensed seeing the group of women that had snuck on set in hopes of seeing him had graffitid across the side ‘Harlot’. Their shouts for Richard died as they saw him curl his arm around your side in a glare he sent their way in guiding you to the tent being set up for you after the discovered break in.
Pictures flooded the internet and in the tent Richard fired off a scathing tweet saying that he would not tolerate anyone treating anyone in his life like this. Even to the point of his saying that any true fan would realize he has a life and that they are welcome to be happy for him or simply shove off as those he cared about are kept close to him and if he truly was ‘belonging’ to the women pestering you he would have publicly stated it. After his rant things seemed to lighten up, and yet by lunch the ones bothered with you together were fluffed up again at a picture from a crew member in your wait for an incoming food delivery.
“I can’t believe they did that!” again you giggled after glancing at the trailer being scrubbed after police had photographed it for the vandalism report for the women.
“You have to give them credit though,” he glanced down at you with a brow raised, “You don’t get a lot of Harlot’s these days.”
Shaking his head he turned and lowered into the lone chair while the other was being used for your drinks as the tables were being pulled out of a truck. A gentle loop of his hand around your hip opposite him guided you to sit sideways on his lap propping up your knees on his other leg leaning against his chest with a sigh while he pulled out his phone from his bag on the ground by the seat he was in. Settling against him your eyes were lulled shut when your exhaustion rolled around mixing with the heat he was giving off wrapped around you at his arms circling you in his distracted browsing. A shifting nuzzle of your head against his shoulder stirred a smirk onto his face and after a kiss on your forehead he snuggled closer not knowing until later about the picture stirring things up again with the caption, ‘Quality time with Daddy.’
Pulled up to you both a table was coated with food and you stirred and turned on Richard’s lap for the short meal before taking the stroll back into the woods for another round of sprinting and rolling around in the dirt. A grueling week of this spread the collection of stolen pictures of you and Richard in a series of exhausted slumps from that shared chair to the bases of trees or boulders ended with a week off for the pair of you.
Collapsed across your couches both together and apart you either messaged one another or chatted through the films and shows failing to distract you from your physical misery. News of the impending award show season along with your nearing possible first date with Jeromy only adding to Richard’s pain.
A series of emails and calls came in to celebs to fill in presenters and hosting spots before nominations were voiced and Richard at least was content that you shared spots presenting at three of them meaning that even if your date hopefully did flop he could keep you distracted.
Another few days of suspenseful scenes were filmed and out of your sleep your phone lit up racking up notifications for your social pages and messages alike. Wiggling higher on your bed your arm broke free to unplug and grab your phone seeing various cuss filled messages from your siblings telling you to see what Jeromy posted about you. Sitting up against your pillows you flipped over to your Twitter page and saw red at the top mention on your page.
In a link to your nomination for your spy show role alongside Graham Jeromy, in a move to boast against another rapper dating another actress who was only in the cast of a nominated show he wrote out, ‘Couldn’t be prouder! Unlike some not just nominated for cast but the lead role. Y’all will be seeing me and my Bitch up in the winners circle.’
Inhaling sharply you sat up some more forming the words in your head then retweeted his post replying, ‘Let me make this clear, we haven’t even met yet. I am not YOUR anything! For a guy ranting on about respect you show none. My Daddy was right about you, just another pig in a suit.’
Sending that off you inhaled deeply again thankful you still hadn’t given him your cell number yet and wasted much time on him and you replied to calm your family down that you had ended it. Responses to the message racked up along with countless ones from Jeromy after you had blocked his private messages and unfollowed him. Rolling your eyes you laid back turning on your tv after posting, ‘Guess who’s going stag to the Globes!’ Setting your phone aside you settled back into your pillows covering yourself up to your shoulders trying to calm down to get some more sleep before work only to keep glancing at your phone as it lit up.
In a huff you reached out to grab it only to chuckle at a page usually critical of your postings who said, ‘I give it a week and she’ll be at the event with another dick in a suit smiling for pictures.’
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Smirking at your screen you scrolled through your camera roll and posted a picture of Richard in your reply, ‘Only Dick in a suit for me. Other dicks need not apply.’ Instantly the responses racked up and it spread quickly, so quick it was only a matter of moments before Richard reposted it with a reply of his own.
Out of his sleep Richard was torn at the barrage of emails, though a usual check of your page had him fuming after a warning message from Graham to see what had been posted about your nomination. Trembling in his anger he smoothed his fingers trying to word his own message to the idiotic Jeromy along with the other furious actors coming to your defense only to feel a dousing wave wash over him putting out the fire in him seeing your answer to his post.
Smirking at his screen he hummed out, “There you are Darling.” Wetting his lips he watched your next message on going stag and fidgeted his fingers hovering over the screen trying to word his message to you in a struggle of another kind. “I shouldn’t ask on here. Ya, in person would be better.” With a nod he sighed laying his phone on his stomach to stare at his wall grumbling out, “Just a few hours. I can wait.”
In his try to close his eyes his phone began to chime again making him raise it into his view. Brows furrowed he saw the messages from his fans on his page asking him if he’d answered your message yet. Sitting up he followed the spider web of messages leading to nowhere after seeing his message box was empty of notices. Shaking his head he switched to your page and couldn’t help but laugh at the picture of him and caption under it. Humming to himself he read aloud, “Only Dick in a suit for me. Other dicks need not apply.”
Wetting his lips he hummed as he typed, ‘If you’re offering just send me a shade you want me in.’
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Nipping at his lip he grinned seeing the near instant reply of a picture of a hammock on a beach, ‘This one looks good. Though the suit might be a bit out of place. Sure you could hang it somewhere out of the way.’ To himself he hummed, “Two can play this game.”
He fired back, ‘Hammock for two sounds lovely for a post awards trip. Pick out a bikini I’ll book the tickets and might even bring that speedo you like.’
Chuckling to himself he was unaware of your squeak and inch up at his message stirring a massive grin on your face. “Oh you wicked, wicked tease, Richie boy.” A text from Richard raised your brows and made you bite your lip. ‘Bravo on your reply. If you do need a plus one we are both presenting, maybe they can seat us together.’
‘Thank you. If you wouldn’t mind my taking over your evening sounds like fun going with you.’
‘I would love to go with you. What color are you wearing, so we could match?’
‘Black and gold, no need for fancy colors. Brother found the dress for me, it’s so comfy.’
Richard chuckled, ‘I can find a black one, they found me a maroon one I can use later.’
‘Ooh, wear the red, we can alternate colors. For the trip to Sydney they wanted me to wear this blanket of a dress but it’s gonna be a scorcher so I’m wearing a red suit to stay cool.’
Smirking at his screen thinking of the upcoming trip to Australia in a couple days for a fan meet for your show and his continued tour for both Berlin Station and Hannibal and in a promise to chat over the day of filming for your various press stops before the final leg of filming when you returned.
The long day had you both anxious for the trip as for what it meant for your friendship and where you had hoped for a dinner to talk it out more your reminder for the late flight had that plan dashed while Richard settled back at his place for the few hours until he would fly out as well. A smirk settled onto his face as even in the separate days of events there were still the few mixers and meals for the celebs there between cast sessions and signings for fans where you could easily pull off a dinner alone if you ended up in close hotels.
Finally he was off and smirking at pictures of places to eat around his hotel he could take you to and the full flight over he tried to compile possible ways to bring up an offer of dating. Upon landing a grin settled onto his face as he saw you were by chance in the same building, though his reception cut off in the lift, that upon opening again brought a flash of your head into the hallway with a cross eyed tongue extended glimpse of you making him chuckle under his breath. He gripped the handle of his bag tighter on his exit strolling over to your doorway halfway down the hall.
In a giggle you stood leaning in your doorway grinning up at him, “I bet you’re down the hall on the end, heard about every other door open for a stretch.”
He smirked flashing you his room key sleeve with the number proving your guess making you giggle again, “Nice room.” He stated in a glance through your doorway making you smirk up at him, “Have a nice nap today?”
You nodded, “Small one, till the schedule came in. Got distracted in memorizing it. If you’re hungry I ordered lunch, should be here soon, unless you’d like to nap yourself.”
Shaking his head he said, “Let me drop off my bag and change my shirt. You were not kidding about the heat. Going to have to bring a spare no doubt.”
In his stroll away you teased, “Could always go shirtless.” Making him chuckle, “No one will complain.” Earning a teasing glare from him melting at your wink making him turn and chuckle again.
Down to the end of the hall he strolled and unlocked his door hearing yours close. Inside he rolled his bag to the end of the bed he set it on leaving his shoulder bag beside it to open the suitcase finding a clean shirt. Shrugging out of his coat he set aside then he pulled off his sweat stained shirt with a sigh feeling the air conditioning on his skin cooling him down enough to pull on another after adding more deodorant. A quick splash of cologne to replace what had worn off later and he turned to head back to your room pocketing his key after he closed his bag again.
Back again in the hall he paused about halfway realizing he didn’t look at the number on your door, “Um…”
Looking over three doors he thought you were staying in a soft “Pst” turned his head, with raised brows his eyes fell on you freeing the picture you stole of his confused state, “Teddy Bear on the loose, lock your doors.” Chuckling again Richard turned and walked to your door you held open behind you and strolled through to your bed where you both lounged out until the food arrived. For the few hours you had until your first event you relaxed and stole a quick nap before both having to head off to separate interviews.  Traded messages and battles in a racing game in your separate ends of the same building between breaks until you could head to the hotel again for bed.
Morning came and with your hair pulled back into a rolled bun with a dangling tail stubbornly refusing to remain in place you sighed and turned to the mirror on your door. Inspecting the reflection of your ribbed top in thick black strips framing your figure around sheer black strips tucked into your red and black pinstripe bellbottomed slacks matching the tailored jacket with matching tall black heels making you wish you’d remembered your hat. With a sigh you pocketed your phone and room key turning to head out to the hall making sure you remembered your fan you added to your jacket pocket.
In the hall you smirked joining Richard in a casual vest over a rolled up dress shirt and jeans who eyed you with an approving grin, “Lovely as always Darling.”
With a giggle you strolled to the lift saying, “Thank you, halfway missing a hat and cane to finish the look off.”
“All the same, I’m certain they’ll love it.”
Looking him over you asked, “Will you be cool enough?” Leaning back against the metal bar peering up at him with brows raised letting him get a good look at your eyes lit up by the lights above you deepening his grin while you admired his bright eyes scanning over your face.
“I will be just fine. Vest should help a bit. Hide any possible sweat spots, at least around my middle.”  Making you giggle as he chuckled and added, “I’ll just keep my arms down, all day, no waving.” Looking forward at the doors opening you both exited seeing your handlers waiting with grins the closer you got in approval to your outfits on the stroll out to your waiting cars.
A long morning of interviews, panels and photographs freed you finally onto an open balcony in full view of fans below. The wave of hot air slapping you had you reach down to unbutton your jacket that in view of filming fans and curious celebs it dropped in a shift of your shoulders to your waiting hand that caught it to set it on the back of your chosen chair. A step around it and you lowered, crossing your legs hearing whispers on your chosen top until a sudden snap of the fan you flicked open they hadn’t noticed stirred smirks onto their faces.
An approaching waiter smiled and took your drink order stealing a glimpse of the view over the city around you until a huff sounded in the first flick of your wrist. Over your head a shadow fell and slid across you announcing Richard’s arrival around the chair he shifted closer to yours to settle into with a grin sent your way. “Found you.”
Softly thanking the waiter arriving with your water you uncapped it while he gave his own order for a sip, at the waiter leaving he lounged back draping his arm over the back of his chair peering over to your chair seeing if he could rest his arm there.
Across the back of your right shoulder sat a tattoo of a top hat over a pearl bracelet with a yellow flower in the center spreading a curious grin across his lips. Softly in pink ink he read the quote, ‘She had a bracelet on one taper arm, which would fall down over her round wrist. Mr. Thornton watched the replacing of this troublesome ornament with far more attention than he listened to her father. It seemed as if it fascinated him to see her push it up impatiently, until it tightened her soft flesh; and then to mark the loosening—the fall. He could almost have exclaimed—'There it goes, again!’
Without reasoning his arm extended and his thumb stroked across the bracelet above the elegant cursive lettering making you smirk and glance at him giggling out, “My favorite quote.”
He chuckled again as you turned the fan to give him a gentle relief from the heat surrounding you, “His first clue of what was coming.” At his dry swallow you offered him your bottle he gladly accepted for a cool sip of water he capped with the lid he accepted with the bottle. Your head leaned back accepting Graham’s half hug and peck on the cheek to pull a chair to your left with more of their friends after them joining your table with drinks in hand alongside folded booklets to fan themselves after seeing your accessory. Settling closer to your side in a lean your bottle was passed back and your wrist continued rocking continuing the minor breeze until food was served to you all.
Again you had to split up for yet another event, though chimes of your phone you silenced before stepping onto the stage you would have known that the surge of comments came up again about Richard’s finger stroking your skin and clearly loving gaze and lean against your side through lunch. Seeing the flood of comments aimed your way Richard brashly fired off, ‘Come on people. Let us be happy. Just leave my partner in peace.’
Pocketing his phone he strolled onto the stage and took his seat only to realize the wording he had used, to himself he mumbled, “Partner…” Settling back into his seat Richard relented to what he’d done and having to simply wait to see your reaction to his wording. The long day of events bled into an early flight for you seeing that a storm front was coming in and would block your appearance off in the States while Richard stayed behind for a few more days.
By the time you landed a full day had passed and in turning your phone on your jaw dropped in the back of the car you were ushered into for a quick stop to change in your hotel for your interview in two hours. Softly you whispered, “Partner?” Switching to your messages you read Richard’s text reading, ‘Sorry I missed you, let me know when you land.’
A quick message of, ‘Touched down in Texas. Hope your day goes well.’ Biting your lip you switched to the web browser on your phone and clicked on your bookmark for a shirt you had saved in hopes of getting for Richard, a smirk spread across your lips in ordering it and sending it to the hotel for him today. Sighing deeply you eyed the bustling city around you trying to picture his reaction when he saw the shirt you were sending him you had the perfect like of puns to lead up to it.
Sleeplessly Richard laid in bed still helplessly scrolling through the pictures of you two from your lunch clearly pointing to a relationship between you both focusing on the relaxed smile spreading across your face the more he leaned closer to you. Every inch of him hoping that it meant you would be accepting of acting on his blunder. Finally after what seemed to be forever Richard sat in yet another panel for fans he felt a buzz in his pocket making his stomach clench and his hand dip to his pocket in a struggle not to draw out his phone in the middle of it. However right after it his grin doubled pulling it out to see your message that you had landed. A quick conversation on his way to another stop was had and was promised to pick up again when you were both free later on.
At the hotel again Richard sighed strolling through the lobby only to pause at the manager approaching him to say, “Mr Armitage,” Richard nodded, “We got a package for you today.”
“Ah,” Richard’s eyes turned to the young lady behind the counter approaching with his package she passed him that he accepted, “Thank you.” Turning to the lift he caught their nods and paths back to the counter while he looked the package over curiously. Once inside he pulled out his key to stab a hole in the wrapper he tore wider to see the small folded bundle of fabric. The doors opened and he looked up for the walk to the hotel room he unlocked and entered letting the door lock behind him in his stroll to his bed.
Curling his leg under him he sat on the bed and opened the package again he reached into to pull out the deep blue fabric making him grin at the image of a rhino on the front of it over ‘Rhino you want me’ making him almost snort from laughter at the message mixed with the fact that it was clearly a children’s sized shirt.
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Snapping a picture of it he sent it off to you with the question, ‘Did you send me this?’
His grin doubled as you wrote back, ‘Why is so small? I ordered the biggest they had.’
At your open mouthed gawk at the order confirmation email on your phone clearly stating at the very bottom it was a children’s sized shirt you sighed seeing his reply pop up, ‘It says it’s a large.’
Shaking your head you replied, ‘Damn sizing charts. I could have sworn it was the right size.’
Richard chuckled saying, treasuring your adorable blunder, ‘I still love it. Thank you.’
‘How was your day?’
In a smirk he replied, ‘It went well, can’t wait to be home though, you get back tomorrow?’
‘Yes. Flying home in an hour. Still back day after tomorrow?’
‘Yes. Any intriguing questions they ask you?’
‘Just the usual set.’ At that he wet his lips wondering if you’d seen his post yet or if you were ignoring it. ‘I do have to ask, we’re partners?’
Inhaling sharply he replied, ‘My mind blanked and it came out.’
In a smirk you replied, ‘Well far be it from me to make you out as a liar.’
Open mouthed he gawked at his phone at the fluttering on his chest, ‘Really?’
Nipping at your lip you replied, ‘Well just as long as you’re aware how fake dating stories go I’m in.’
A smile spread across his face, ‘Come on, fake date into a real romance with me Darling.’
With a squeaking laugh you read the message and replied, ‘That is so impossibly cheesy’, nipping at your lip again you felt your smile doubling while Richard eyed the message wondering at if that was your approval only to let out a victorious laugh seeing your next message pop up, ‘I’m in.’
Leaning back on his bed he called you raising the phone to his ear to share your time apart fully and plan your first date when he finally got back lasting until you had to board your plane.
A few more days and he had landed from his own flight and strolled through the airport to you in your waiting car. Unable to help it seeing the grinning man approaching you with bags in hand along with a stuffed rhino he had found in a bored shopping trip for you wearing your gifted t shirt matching the larger one he was wearing you sent to replace the other you stole a picture of. Hitting the trunk latch he added his suitcase to it, closing it after then hurried to climb in avoiding a couple camera men taking him picture and asking questions.
Once inside your giggle made him chuckle in your silent shared smile. Starting the car you eyed the people ensuring you had a clear path and pulled away to drive off to his place. For a few minutes you sat silently then said, “The stuffed rhino is a nice touch.”
Hugging it he grinned at you, “I’ll take it everywhere so I can keep your gift with me.”
Giggling again you glanced at him then back to the road, “You hungry?”
“I am starving.”
You nodded, “Good. Got us reservations.”
“Can’t wait. Will I need to change?”
You shook your head, “Nope. What you’re in is perfect.” Deepening his grin wondering what you were up to.
At his house you parked and strolled around the car as he grabbed his bags from the trunk you opened for him to start the stroll to his front door he opened and strolled through to leave his bags in his room carefully setting his rhino on his dresser only to come back asking, “So, where are we going?”
When you were in his sights again you shrugged and he looked you over in your cross legged stance with hands in your back pockets in a teasing rock worsening his belief you were up to something. “Nowhere.”
His brow inched up feeling a pull back to you he followed repeating, “Nowhere?” In the doorway of his dining room he spotted the set table then glanced at you, “Who set the table?”
“You know your family is all too eager to assist someone into breaking into your home.”
Deeply he chuckled closing in even more wetting his lips, “I will have a very, long discussion, with them later.” His hands extended to smooth around your hips as his eyes locked on your lips at yours landing on his middle, lowering his forehead to yours his hands pulled your hips closer to his at his purr, “I missed you.”
Tilting his head his lips pressed to yours in a brief tender pressing of lips followed by a firmer second at your fingers inching around his sides in a mild grip on his shirt to tug him back if he had foolishly pulled away. That second kiss led to another and melted into a third and the count was lost at your arms circling his neck at his lifting you to carry you to the couch. Settled on his lap you remained until the doorbell rang drawing a grumbled protest from him at your pulling back, “That’s dinner.”
He pulled back slowly sliding his hands off your legs easing out of his reach to find your feet, “Ugh, screw dinner.”
Smirking at him you turned away and strolled around the couch and leaned in to steal another kiss at the backwards lean he did hoping for one, “Dinner’s not exactly my type.” Breathily he chuckled turning to watch you fetch the meal you took in to the dining room where he shadowed you and made you giggle as he folded around your back kissing your cheek guiding you to a chair to pull you back into his lap.
“Let it cool, Darling.”
Nipping at his lip your legs settled around his sides and your hands smoothed over his chest stirring a growling exhale from him muffling at your lips planting on his urging his hands to your thighs tugging you closer to him deepening the kiss with his arms snaking around your back. In a break for air he panted ghosting his lips across your cheek trying to find the spot to kiss you next eying the bumps rising along the side of your neck, “I kind of prefer it reheated anyways.”
Warmly his breath fell against your neck as his raised hand melted alongside it tilting it back with a press of his thumb at the planting of his lips to the base of your law beginning a trail down the side of your neck closing your eyes. “Good. We can have it for breakfast.” Kissing your neck firmer in another tug of his arm pinning you to his chest answered with a giggle from you.
In a means not to push things too far at your eventual pause your dinner was still tolerably warm to giggle through in the chair beside Richard’s he kept scooting closer to yours in a means to kiss you again when your plates were cleared. A sudden sweep of you in his arms earned a squeaking laugh from you in a trip to his bedroom to dig out your presents he had picked out for you including a velvet box he passed to you, “You did not buy me jewelry!”
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In a sheepish chuckle he settled you in his lap and eased the box open in front of you taking in your reaction to the strand of pearls around a silver diamond covered silhouette of a rose parting your lips. “I know it’s simple, but I saw it, and I thought of you.” In your continued stunned silence he rambled on, “I tend to buy more lavish gifts, however, I did hold off, for now.” Wetting his lips as you looked up at him he abruptly added, “If you don’t like-,” closing the distance he melted into the kiss you offered humming in his move to deepen it and pull you closer to him wrapping his arms around you again.
Silently for a moment in a break for air your forehead left his and his eyes focused on yours with an adoring gaze in your hand stroking along his cheek to cup it, “It’s perfect. Thank you. I will treasure it always.”
Instantly his smile rippled across his face and he brought the box back into your view to pull it out when he showed you the small clasp forming a solid bar so it wouldn’t get snagged on anything he turned for you to say, “Added something too.”
The small ‘T.I.G’ on the inside of it made you read them aloud, “Tig?”
Glancing up at him sheepishly in his unclasping it to drape it adoringly around your wrist he hummed back at the securing snap, “There it goes.” Making you giggle in his deep chuckle and turn of his head to kiss you again in a cup of your cheek. “I tried to find a top hat one, or even a pineapple, but they are shockingly scarce.” Earning another giggle from you as he chuckled.
“It’s perfect, I love it.” Smoothing your hand across his chest he sighed contently then locked his eyes with a curious raise of his brow at your saying, “I am glad you didn’t go on a wild spending spree over me.” At his awkward grin spreading you asked with a narrowed gaze, “What else did you get?”
He shook his head, “Just this for now. You’ll have to wait and be surprised at the others.”
“What others?” Again you giggled being laid back in his arms in a snuggling hold ending with your staying over for the night to share breakfast as well.
One event after another you held firm and tried to keep as much of your lives together private while prying eyes did their best to dig for information. But as a christening bled into the long awaited wedding feeding the world pictures of Richard dressed to the nines at your side in your lavish gown peering down on your sleeping nephew even the worst of the haters felt that itch to see their favorite man remaining this blissfully entranced through all his long awaited milestones now quite possible with you. It was awkward, often a juggle but in all the whirlwind of chaos this fragile little love was yours and no one elses. A fact and belief of yours giving Richard hope that you could make it together.
Date to date you hopped and settling in together between roles had finally left you apart for your longest term to date. Three months without a single touch outside of your dreams and hand in hand you strolled on fire aching for more through this animal reserve in the middle of Australia, where it all began. A bashfully presented blindfold had you giggling yet accepting under the promise no pies would be thrown and under the aid of Richard’s hold on your shoulders you found a stone bench with a bowl shaped object in your palms instructed to rest on your lap. Your awkward giggle sounded as the blindfold was being untied to Richard’s low hum of, “Just a moment now.”
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Wetting his lips he pulled it back and you giggled at the group of curious baby rhinos approaching you at the scent of the fruit balls in the bowl you held out for them. Easing off to the side Richard filmed you until the littlest of them in his head wiggles at something tied to his horn made him move closer for help. Curiously you eyed the ribbon tied to it you loosened then held up as he ran off to join the others in their playing, shifting the ribbon a curious grin eased onto your lips at the pink lotus ring dangling from the end of it.
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“Rich, where do you-,” Turning your head you found him on his knee holding open a box. If he’d said anything you surely didn’t catch it as your gaze remained fixed on his frozen hopeful expression spreading into a massive smile at your odd nod when your mental scream to do so at a lack of words reducing you to physical gestures.
A tight hug later and his lips found yours in easing his ring on your finger to nuzzle his head against yours. Apparently an adorable gesture to the rhinos as when you looked down again the babies were all grouped up together peering up at you wide eyed making you both giggle. And stand at their nudges to guide you over to the pond they all proceeded to jump into splashing you both stirring more laughter in your turns to shield your faces until you were led out of the area for their being led into the larger clearing for the full crowds at the opening of the full exhibit.
Idiotic grins spread across your faces in your stroll through the other exhibits fueling the curious stares, two new rings and a picture of the adoring stares of the grouped up babied over the caption of ‘How could you say no?’ Rumors swirled and for as long as you could manage another secret was clung to cherished all the more in your shared wonder as to how the rest of your lives and the actual nuptials would unfold. For so many years you had been left to your own daydreams and from day one with Richard left you believing that anything was possible and sometimes your new reality wound up being stranger than any bit of fiction you’d ever seen.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Skyward: How Alicization Upends All Previous SAO Arcs
Lately I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV to prep myself for Shadowbringers. It’s a fantastic game, filled with intricate storylines, character development, and dramatic cliffhangers. It’s been a kind reminder of how fun and cool MMOs can be, and how it brings people together to enjoy each other’s companionship and efforts. It’s also been a great callback to the emotional journey of the recently ended Sword Art Online: Alicization, which is to be continued in just a few months time.
    Sure, you say, Sword Art Online is an “MMO” story, but to what extent? And I would argue, you’d be right, up until Alicization. But what separates Alicization from any of Sword Art Online’s previous arcs is how grand in scope and storytelling it is. Whereas each arc was distilled into about twelve episodes or less, Alicization is a whopping two full cours—that’s nearly 50 episodes of content! It’s this kind of length that can seem daunting at first, but upon closer look, adds lofty support to the MMO narrative I think the series always tried to be. After all, a MMO does stand for massive multiplayer online, and Alicization’s depth and length matches the kind of audacious storytelling an MMO can have.
    Part of this can be seen in Alicization’s concept. Unlike Phantom Bullet or Fairy Dance, where Kirito was entering the game to save a specific individual or investigate a terrorist, Alicization has the hallmarks of the first arc: Aincrad. He’s trapped in a game against his own will, and dying in the game definitely means suffering death in real life. Time also passes quite differently in the game as opposed to the outside world. While this sounds like a duplicate setup, Alicization however, adds a twist: Kirito has none of the support he’s developed in the past four to five arcs. He is completely and utterly alone, without any solid contact or connection to anyone in the world outside.
  This kind of danger presents two fantastic opportunities. The first is that no one knows Kirito and his history. To other characters in the game, he’s just another poor farmers boy. This rips Kirito of the ridiculous and often overbearing list of achievements that made him so desirable (and hated), which led to weaker parts of the story, like his harem building. There is almost none of that in Alicization, and it is incredibly refreshing. It’s this erasure of already established heroics that reduces Kirito to a relatable human, making his emotions feel earned and natural rather than structured and inauthentic triggers for a more dramatic reveal or battle.
    The second opportunity, and perhaps the most distinctive part about Alicization, is the development of two secondary characters, Eugeo and Alice. One of my biggest issues with Sword Art Online was how little depth the supporting cast often had. They were often created as checkpoints for Kirito to progress through a game, only to be sidelined as a harem-like addition. This improved in certain arcs (Rosario’s Yuuki for instance, is a compelling character that stands outside of Kirito’s heroic narrative, and I think Sinon’s recovery from trauma in Phantom Bullet is definitely more compelling than most), but it’s really Alicization where secondary character development shines. Alice originally starts out as a captive of the corrupt system, and is even brainwashed to fight her own childhood friends. But through her own determination and strength, she breaks out of it and comes to make decisions for herself. She’s also on par with Kirito, and expresses no romantic inclinations towards him so far, just simple friendship.
    And Eugeo. Eugeo is easily one of Sword Art Online’s best decisions: he’s a fantastic foil to Kirito’s bravery and determination. Eugeo is kind, and with that kindness comes weakness, vulnerability, and honesty: things Sword Art Online have lacked in spades for a long time. What starts off as a journey with Kirito transforms into a story where we also travel with Eugeo, and nothing shows this better in the arc where they’re split off from each other and we see where that contrast in character leads to two very different developments.
  We see Eugeo fall (and it is so important that we do, in a franchise where heroes only rise). We see him pick up his weapon against his most beloved friend, and we see him cast it away again so easily, to defend that same friend. It’s dramatic, but it works so well: we’ve walked with a character completely different to Kirito for twenty four episodes, and we watch him end in tragic and heartfelt manner as he dissipates into pixels in Kirito’s arms. It’s a brutal reminder that despite how human he was (and he was probably the most human character in the franchise), Eugeo is ultimately a product of a game, and his life is only given so much meaning—as much as we can ascribe to it.
    From there, stakes rise further. Sure, Administrator is finished, but there’s still a whole another war to survive, and we have lost a dear friend. Kirito’s life hangs in the balance, with this, Alicization reminds me so very well of the end of an expansion in any MMO: emotional catharsis, but at a great cost. I couldn’t be more excited for War of Underworld.
  That’s not to say the first half has had its faults. Sword Art Online still relies on domestic and sexual violence as a case for heroism, and its long winded dialogue for world building could do with a lot more trimming and diversity. Despite these issues, Alicization has consistently proved itself to be a compelling story about MMO-style adventure, encompassing many of the traits that I feel make an MMO worth getting into. And no one better encapsulates this than Eugeo, a boy that started off as just another NPC, only to gradually develop into one of the franchise’s best characters.
    We may not know what’s in store for us without him to aid Kirito and Alice in War of Underworld, but it’s safe to say that his death has paved a far more interesting story with higher stakes as Kirito must not only navigate out of the game, but also save it: a more exciting, complete story than any of the ones from before. If you feel like Sword Art Online has lost its emotionally affecting touch that it might have once had, I can confidently say that Alicization is a perfect place to jump right back into.
  Are you looking forward to War of Underworld? Do you have any theories for what will happen next? Let us know in the comments!
When not finding ways to doom all her ships, Natasha can often be found on her twitter as @illegenes, or writing more about anime on the blog Isn’t It Electrifying! Feel free to swing by and say hi.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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juniperhillpatient · 8 years
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“In that moment, we were just kids.” 
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stylinbreeze60 · 6 years
My “WIPs”
Thanks @sugaandyams. I don't get tagged too often, so thank you!
“The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.”
Oh my goodness. I had stuffed saved in all different places. I’ll start with the folders that contained fics that are incomplete. Welp, here I go!
Great Galactic War - this folder is the dump for my Haikyuu space/war AU, one of three or four fics I may focus on writing in the near future (first chapter is already published); the folder has very little atm, but I have about two dozen different scenes on my phone that aren't saved on PC
Kenma Project - the dump for my actively ongoing Haikyuu next gen captain war AU. I have a file in here further titled Ennoshita chapter. I wonder what that’s about? ;)
Three Kings - the dump for my Haikyuu samurai AU starring Hinata and Noya, the second possible fic I may commit to writing (first 2 chapters already published); there’s a chapter outline (which is dated because I’ve updated it in my head so much), and there are notes and many chapter tidbits on my phone too
Vice - the dump for a canonverse Haikyuu fic that was borne from a desire to write more Nekoma, so I subjected them to debilitating angst. There’s a rough chapter outline in here, and there are a couple of chapter drafts saved as emails on my phone. It’s the third fic that I might commit my time to (first 2 chapters, starring poor Inuoka, already published)
March of Justice - this folder was the dump for my aborted One Piece/My Hero Academia crossover, in which a couple of One Piece villains travel to the BnHA universe to conquer it
And here’s the rest I found. Some of these are just notes on fanciful ideas I had for a day and then never revisited. Others were never intended to see the light of day whatsoever
Abe dake ga Inai Machi - Oofuri-Erased - oh goodness. I had to stare at that title for a while to figure out what was wrong with it. An Oofuri/Big Windup fanfic that I didn’t play with for very long, but I was surprised to find I actually wrote the first chapter. Like Boku Dake ga Inai Machi (Erased), there’s a murder and then Abe finds himself transported back to the start of the Oofuri series, 10 months earlier. I reread some of this first chapter, and by my standards, it’s awful
Ace of Diamond - scandal fanfic - one of the ones never intended to see the light of day. It’s just notes. Basically Seidou pulls off its own Black Sox scandal and gets nailed, with some drama over whether Eijun is actually guilty
Ace of Iron / Ace of Swords - a Diamond no Ace samurai AU, mostly notes but also including drafts of a first chapter. It grew so huge there was no chance I could ever write it as a fanfic, so I actually converted it into an original story idea that I may do something with some day
Big Windup - cheating ploy disaster - this one is just notes and also never intended to see the light of day. An Oofuri idea in which Nishiura’s defeated rivals suspect them of cheating and kidnap the club boys to force them to confess. It goes even more downhill. (I’m very glad that, since discovering Haikyuu, I now conceive fanfics I actually want to write.)
Day of the Countercoup - I had to dig to find this one cos I knew it existed, but it wasn't a file. It was a tab in an Excel doc I used for my Haikyuu political AU, Coup d’Etat. It’s notes for an aborted sequel (Coup d’Etat’s original title was “Night of the Coup,” hence this contrasting title) that I scrapped soon after starting work on it. So glad too! Coup d’Etat got its due, and that AUverse shall be left to itself now
Haikyu - Gospel of Shouyou - oh goodness. I’m not gonna explain this one. Me experimenting, not intended to see the light of day
Haikyu - Nightmare from Heaven - this one may be the fourth candidate for continuation as a long-term fic but is currently unpublished. A war/occupation fic in which Miyagi Prefecture is conquered during a contemporary World War III, and the Karasuno boys must now live under foreign military occupation. The first chapter and part of the second were written, and I've got several notes on my phone and PC about subsequent chapters. Thank goodness tensions in that part of the world have simmered down since I devised it
Life Hereafter - Chapter 6.5 alternate ending - oh no. Life Hereafter is my darkest and most sensitive fic, published only on FFN, written to process a RL tragedy I was distantly affected by. I struggled with the ending of Chapter 6, which covered Tsukki and Yamaguchi’s coping with the canonverse tragedy. One draft (called “6.5″ in case I ever wanted to publish it, but I likely never will) featured Tsukki, seeking solace and desperately wanting to console Yamaguchi, giving in to poor judgment and kissing him. Only to then learn Yamaguchi doesn't have the same feelings back. Topping off their hurt with this was far too cruel and painful, and even before I started typing it, I knew I wouldn’t actually publish it. Rereading the draft even now made me feel uncomfortable which is why I kept it because it’s perhaps the best friendship-ruining moment I’ve ever written
Oofuri fanfic - Sakura Conspiracy - I thought I wrote a chapter 1 draft too, but this is an outline for a WWII Oofuri AU in which Nishiura, after winning Koshien in the late 20s or early 30s, moves on to military and political careers, one of their former teammates dies under suspicious circumstances, and Mihashi fears one of his old teammates may be responsible. The story stretches from 1937 to 1945
I'm actually surprised I found no notes on my Haikyuu mafia AU idea. I guess I never actually transcribed any, even though the plot is substantially complete in my head!
These four are all notes for gigantic crossovers:
Periods of World fanfic - This was an experiment, in which each century from 2000 BC to 2000 AD was listed out, a different part of the world selected for each century, and then a different anime or manga assigned to each part of the world. The idea was to write a chapter set in that century in that area starring those characters. The last chapter, for the new millennium, would have covered all parts of the world. The file is dated 2013. It never became more than this list
Periods of World fanfic 2 - and so it seems I tried again! This file is dated 2014 and shows just a teeny bit more dedication, with the 20th century further subdivided into decades, then every year from 2000-2009, and then every six months for 2010-2014. There are some different anime choices than the 2013 version. Never went anywhere with it, never gonna
Reborn epic crossover anime tribute layout - yes, that’s the literal filename. This is from my days as a Katekyo Hitman Reborn fan, and I don't even recognize most of the character names anymore. Apparently the villains of Reborn travel to seven other anime universes to kidnap major characters to sacrifice them as part of some weird magic scheme that I can’t properly decipher now
Random multi-anime WWII fanfic plan - yes, that’s also the literal filename. This is an outline for a 50-chapter crossover set before and during World War II, where the main characters of Naruto are Russian, One Piece are British, Bleach are French, Katekyo Hitman Reborn are German, Blue Exorcist are Italian, Fairy Tail are Japanese, and Ed and Al from FMA are American. The plot is emotionally devastating, doesn’t pull the punches on all sorts of WWII-related triggers, and frequently and cruelly denies catharsis.
To be perfectly honest though, rereading it, I swear this is the best story I have ever invented! It has a heartrending blend of tragedy, poignant poetic justice, subplot causality, and social commentary and contains few of the traps I sometimes fall into like cheap shock and subplots going nowhere. I really wish I could do something with this narrative now
And I’ll count the hefty handful of TV scripts I’ve written in an effort to practice and hone my scriptwriting skills. All but the last one of these are hypothetical new seasons of real anime:
Blue Exorcist s2 - 1 episode. My attempt to write the Impure King arc, years before they actually produced the Impure King arc. This was not my best work
Noragami: God’s Secret - 2 episodes for a manga-based Season 3. These were pretty decent imo
Oofuri/Big Windup: The Coming of Fall - 17 episodes. I got really into this one. A speculative season 3 assuming three cours (imo we probably won’t be blessed with that many episodes if season 3 comes), covering everything up until the end of the fall tournament. The first 13 episodes covered the story up to chapter 84 minus the Kasukabe match, followed by an OVA (ep 13.5), and then I was working on the Kasukabe match told in hindsight before planning to continue with the big game of the fall prelims. The third cour would have covered the fall tournament itself
Mekakucity Actors XX - 4 episodes. My own idea for a season 2/alternate ending. Because I was very conflicted with how the anime ended
School Babysitters - this was an original episode idea for Gakuen Babysitters that I enjoyed writing very much but turned out too long (40 pages) and features the babies turning into insects. I wouldn't mind publishing it somewhere actually!
I am going to tag @wire-pudding and @kemoiunder! Anyone else who reads this and wants to explore the abyss that is non-started WIPs, be my guest too!
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