#coven means family and family means no one gets left behind
thinking about a shadowhunters universe jegulus/marauders au. specifically the TMI era.
Sirius and Regulus being the kids of the leaders of the London (?) institute. Their parents used to be circle members but feigned fear and manipulation. Like the lightwoods they're allowed back into the shadowhunter homeland on important business due to having children. They still very much believe in the ideas of the circle and are incredibly upset that the Black name has been tarnished and have put pressure on Sirius and Regulus to bring them to glory once again.
Remus was the son of a prominent shadowhunter family and during training when he was young he and his father got ambushed by a pack of werewolves. Remus got bitten and, even though it's not a 100% chance a bite means being turned on the next full moon he's locked in his family's basement and writhing in pain as he changes for the first time.
Peter, I imagine, would be a close Hodge equivalent. Not a 1-1 obviously, but close. His parents were Shadowhunters who also followed the circle but died by being ripped apart by demons and he witnessed it. Hatred festering every time he was sent out on the field. Which, sadly, didn't happen often as physically he was behind Sirius and Regulus (which isn't a fair comparison due to the fact that since either of them could properly hold things weapons were shoved in their hands).
Evan and Pandora are warlocks, they're both a bit eccentric in their own ways, and they prefer to keep out of shadowhunter stuff, but Pandora can't help but see Regulus like a sopping wet kitten. Evan is the "official" high warlock of London (again, not sure on location) but they both share the responsibilitys.
Barty is Fae and grew up closed off from most of everything but eventually became close with Evan and Pandora. Barty's family is high up in the court, trusted closely by the Seelie Queen, but he doesn't give a shit. The second that the circle is hinted at returning he jumps at the chance to backstab his father and the court that treats him so poorly.
Dorcas is a vampire and close with Barty since they bonded when she was just a fledgling, one who sticks strongly with the accords. She realizes how bad it would be if the circle were to come back and at first tries to stay out of it before she realizes Barty is a traitor and her coven leader believes that the rules are below them. Which she soon overthrows.
James and Marlene were childhood friends until around age 13 when Marlene kind of disappeared. James' parents wanted to live in a world safe from all the conflict, especially when they found out they were expecting James, so they hid in the mortal world. James doesn't get his memories wiped, it's just more like a Percy Jackson type thing where he tries to bring up the weird stuff he sees, Effie and Monty kind of just gaslight him. They weren't a part of the circle but they were high up in the clave and outwardly against the brutalization of slaughter of innocents. It painted a target on their backs that only worsened overtime and to save their family left.
Lily is a "mundane" and close friends with Marlene and James until Marlene goes missing. Lily is kind of like the Simon equivalent, James and her stay close together, even more so since they never saw Marlene again, and even when James gets dragged into the world Lily sticks by him. Even when she accidentally drinks the wrong thing at a warlock party, ends up as a mouse, and gets turned into a vampire.
at least those were the ideas I had about it
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dylanblakesgal · 3 months
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Cooper Howard qotues
Why, is this an Amish production of The Count of Monte Cristo or... just the weirdest circle jerk I've ever been invited to?" – The Ghoul after being awoken
"Well, what makes you think I'd give a good goddamn about that?" – The Ghoul to Honcho about a bounty
"Well, I tell you what, boys, whenever somebody says... ...they're doing one last job, that usually means their heart's not in it. Probably never was. But for me, well... I do this shit for the love of the game." – The Ghoul to the bounty hunters
"You right, friend, about one thing. This right here was your last job. My paycheck wasn't quite what you expected, but... well, you know what they say. Us cowpokes... ...we take it as it comes." – The Ghoul while murdering Honcho
"Now, last night a bounty came in through all six agencies. A hefty price on the head of a man that fits the description of that fella right there. Now, I may not know much, but I do know a bidding war when I see one." – The Ghoul about the bounty for Dr. Wilzig
"Well, now, that is a very small drop in a very, very large bucket of drugs." – The Ghoul after being shot at by Lucy
"You got to be fucking kidding me." – The Ghoul after seeing Maximus' arrival
"Well, I'd say come up here and get me, but... it's hard to walk upstairs when you're wearing a 12-piece cast-iron skillet set." – The Ghoul to Maximus.
"Well, I guess basic training ain't what it used to be. 'Cause you drive that thing like a fucking shopping cart. Rule number one: read the manual." – The Ghoul taunting Maximus
"Yeah, well, the Wasteland's got its own golden rule. [...] Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time."
"Well, Lucy MacLean, it ain't all canned peaches and marmalade left up here, sweetheart. Sometimes a fella's got to eat a fella." – The Ghoul while harvesting Roger's remains
"I'll bet that outfit makes y'all fell like a big man, don't it? Well, I know 'cause, well I used to wear one back in the day. There was only one problem with it. There was a flaw in the welding just below the chest plate. I wonder if they fixed that in this new model? I guess not." – The Ghoul confronting the Brotherhood.
"Oh, you want another autograph, young Henry? Feo, fuerte y formal." – The Ghoul to Hank MacLean.
"When your daughter said her last name was MacLean, well, I just couldn't believe it was the MacLean. Hell, this kid used to pick up my wife's dry cleaning. Now, I've waited over 200 years to ask somebody one question. Where's my fucking family?" – The Ghoul confronting Hank MacLean.
"War never changes. You look out at this Wasteland, looks like chaos. But there's always somebody behind the wheel. And that's who I want to talk to. That's where your daddy is headed." – The Ghoul to Lucy Maclean.
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John Hancock quotes
Of the people, for the people."
"Plenty of folks wanna make life hard for people just tryin' to survive. I'm not willing to stand for that kinda shit."
"What kind of settlement requires a test for entry?" – Referring to Covenant.
"Whoa, the Downs. Hope we're not going anywhere for a while." – Referring to Easy City Downs.
"That kinda bull is the reason I became mayor in the first place." – Referring to The Big Dig
"Damn. Hey, look, if you wanna get outta here..." – If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111.
"If someone needs help, we help 'em. If someone needs hurting, we hurt 'em. It's not hard."
"Like it? I think it gives me a sexy, king of the zombies kinda look. Big hit with the ladies."
"Hey, does that play "Red Menace?" Love that damn game." – Accessing a terminal
"Looks like you can use a little pick me up." – Said when initiating dialogue with him as a companion (and him giving the player character a random chem)
"Whoa ho ho, I like you already! Walk into a new place, make a show of dominance. Nice." – referring to the Sole Survivor killing Finn
"Listen close. It's the last thing you're ever gonna hear." – When Sinjin tells the player character to stop speaking as The Silver Shroud
"Christ, it's bright in here. Clearly they didn't consider some folks might be nursing hangovers. " – Possible comment when entering Vault 81.
If completing The Big Dig with Bobbi No-Nose:
"How you doin' killer? Arms tired from all that digging? You know, my strongroom is surprisingly empty now..."
"Now if it was just the money, I'd rough you up, break a few bones, and then we'd be square once you paid me back. But you killed Fahrenheit. That means blood for blood."
When traveling naked:
"Hey Emperor, love the outfit."
"Let them stare."
"Don't mind me, just enjoying the view"
When committing Cannibalism:
"Suppose they're...beyond caring at this point"
"You...you do what you gotta"
"That one...all yours"
"At least you have the politeness to wait til they're dead"
When using chems:
"Two a day, keep reality at bay."
"Lean back and enjoy the ride."
"That's a good one, take it all in."
"Never trip alone."
When getting Addiction:
"You feel as bad as you look?"
"Wow, how much did you take?"
"'ay, you should slow down, and that's ME saying that"
When not responding while talking with him:
"Did I say something wrong?"
"You wanna talk? Make me a little nervous over here."
"What gives? I thought we were talking."
"Did your chems just kick in or something?"
"Like talking to a brick wall."
"Hmm, lights are on but no one's home."
"What? Mole rat got your tongue?"
"Uhm... You alright?"
"You check out on me?"
"Anybody in there?"
"That's right. Take it all in
After committing to a close relationship
"Words don't begin to do it justice. You, you're the best thing I got."
"Guess you're the piece I'd always missing...that and that toe I still can't find..."
"It's like I found a part of myself I never realized was missing... which happens sometimes when you're a ghoul."
"Nothing to lose but each other."
"Moments like this, I know all that karma stuff is bull. Because no one like me should be this lucky."
"You sure you wanna be stuck with this ugly mug?"
When Lover's Embrace is activated:
"Morning, sunshine."
"Well look at you. I must still be dreamin'..."
"Don't mind me... just enjoying the view."
Upon picking up junk:
"Careful! You don't know where that's been."
"That actually worth something?"
"If anybody could find a use for that."
Upon looting a corpse:
"Time to collect."
"To the living, go the spoils."
When the Brotherhood of Steel arrives in the Commonwealth:
"Holy shit." – When witnessing the Prydwen's arrival.
"Brotherhood knows how to make an entrance. I'll give 'em that." – When commenting on the Brotherhood
Cooper Howard VS John Hancock quotes these two has some good quotes it's hard to pick one for me I say both anyways you can use these for Headcannons, Edits, Memes, and so on I just put these here so it's easier for some people to use them I also tag people if your interested talk in the messages there open I have so many things I want to make but the next one is going to get Cooper Howard and John Hancock with Serena I was thinking doing a Picture Edit with some quotes and yes I do requests too.
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kimpossibly · 6 months
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𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙃𝙊𝙍'𝙎 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀! new theme, new obsession, new me! i'm really excited about this one. i started and finished ahs coven in a few days and holy LORD i love it. i also go to school in new orleans, so it's definitely rlly special to me :) 𝙋𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂: madison montgomery x fem!reader 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙎: some nsfw headcanons toward the bottom, i'll give a warning before the transition. swearing, use of magic (reader can charmspeak), mentions of death/murder (if you've seen ahs coven you have an idea of what to expect) 𝙍𝙀𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙎𝙏: none, this is totally self indulgent haha!
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𖤓 she would initially take interest in you if you were from a rich family—maybe the mob or something, maybe you guys just had money. but if we're going with the mob route, she'd ask sooo many times about the fucked up things you've seen.
"have you ever seen someone get shot?" "uh...no." "ugh, boo. what kind of mob family are you?"
𖤓 she'd kinda do what she did with zoe in the first episode—she'd find you kind of interesting and be like well. guess this is my friend now.
"i'm dangerously low on entertainment. and a roommate. i guess you'll have to do." "...thank you?"
𖤓 the first time you guys would hang out one-on-one would be when madison gets cabin fever and breaks you guys out to get your nails done.
𖤓 it's here that madison gets your whole backstory out of you, including (but not limited to) how you discovered that you were a witch, why you were sent to robicheaux's, and what powers you have.
𖤓 i imagine she'd be fascinated by charmspeak. once you tell her how it works and what it can do, she's already imagining all the things she could do if she had that ability—all the roles she'd have, all the money she'd make, all the things she could get. at that moment you become more than just new entertainment to her. you become useful.
𖤓 you'd go shopping after and she'd be grabbing things left and right. dresses, fur coats, jewelry. if she likes it even a little, she's grabbing it and adding it to the pile.
"you're seriously going to buy all of this?" "nope. you are."
𖤓 she asks you to charmspeak the cashier into giving it all to you guys for free. when you refuse, she's not angry, really, just...surprised? maybe a little confused by you. you have this insane ability to get literally whatever you want, and yet you adhere to a strict moral code? she just doesn't get it.
𖤓 while she doesn't make you use your charmspeak, she does set a small fire to distract the employees long enough to let you guys sneak out with all the stuff.
𖤓 which then, of course, results in a massive fashion show back at robicheaux's. severely disappointed by your wardrobe, madison forces you into some of the clothes from your shopping escapade, and even some of her old things. she's surprisingly generous with the amount of things she'll just give you.
"i like this one." "keep it. i wore it to the teen choice awards two years ago, so i can't be seen in it again." "says who?" "says fashion, y/n. the media. the press. rewearing an outfit is like writing 'i'm poor and irrelevant' on your head in permanent marker." "oh. of course."
𖤓 from then on, you guys are attached at the hip, so much so that nan and queenie take to calling you madison's assistant behind both of your backs.
𖤓 one weekend madison forces you to come to a frat party with her (and i mean forces—you'd been to a couple frat parties at home and hated them, so she has to do some hardcore convincing to get you to go with her).
𖤓 and going to a frat party with madison is definitely a unique experience. from the moment you step in the door, all eyes are on her—madison montgomery, the movie star. and there you are, trailing after her like a lost puppy. it's slightly humiliating, but madison does her best to be accommodating.
𖤓 and by accommodating, i mean she navigates you two to the drink table and starts pouring shots for the pair of you. you both take one, then two, and that's where you stop. madison does not. she takes a third, then a fourth, and then drags you onto the dance floor with her.
𖤓 the dance floor is where a new side of madison comes out. she dances like absolutely no one but you is there, moving around in an energetic but still graceful way. if you're not a big dancer, she'll put her hands on your hips and gently guide you to sway with the beat.
𖤓 she'll definitely get more touchy when she's drunk on the dance floor, holding your hand and moving your hair for you when it gets in your face. your faces will get so close without either of you even realizing, and then you'll burst into laughter for no reason.
𖤓 but then some frat guy would appear and start flirting with madison and she'd kind of float away to dance with him. your mood definitely takes a bit of a hit at that, but you're buzzed enough that you can dance on your own without feeling lonely.
𖤓 you keep an eye on madison as much as you can, but eventually she and the guy disappear. you stop dancing and move to look around, suddenly worried. eventually you find her, stumbling up the stairs with her hand attached to the guy. absolutely not.
𖤓 you catch up to them, stopping madison before she can get to the top of the stairs.
"hey, madi, time to go." "ha, sure. you go ahead, i'll catch up with you." "no, madi, it's time for both of us to go." "look, i get that it's past your fucking bedtime or whatever, but i'm having a good time. what the hell is your problem?"
𖤓 yeah, she doesn't take kindly to being told what to do. but she's too drunk to be going to some random frat guy's room, and you're too drunk and tired to argue with either of them. so you have no other choice. your eyes turn black as you summon your charmspeak.
"let her go, and stop trying to take advantage of drunk girls. work on trying to be a better person, take up volunteering or something. don't be a creep."
𖤓 the results are instantaneous. the guy lets go of madison's hand, muttering something about being too drunk, and heads upstairs alone. that's the first time madison's ever seen your charmspeak in action, and she's fucking furious.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?" "i just did you a favor. trust me." "bullshit! you can't tell me what to do." "technically i can, i just don't. come on, let's go."
𖤓 eventually you coax her out of the party and start walking back to robicheaux's—which is made considerably harder by the fact that madison is still very drunk, stumbling in her heels so badly that you have to wrap an arm around her waist to support her.
𖤓 she's silent on the way back, still fuming at you. but as she sobers up, she comes to a realization she wouldn't normally come to: you were right. she was way too drunk to be hooking up with a guy ten minutes after she'd met him.
𖤓 and the next thing she realizes is that you were just looking out for her. nobody ever really had before. madison had been told no very few times in her life—she used to think that was just a testament to her fame, but over time she came to realize that it just came from a lack of people who care about her. and that's when madison comes to the terrifying realization that you care about her.
𖤓 and since she doesn't really know how to say 'thank you," she gives you one of her joints for your trouble when you get back to your room.
𖤓 you share the joint in the backyard, finally having sobered up enough to enjoy a high. you stay quiet, mostly because you're worried she's still mad at you, partially because you're embarrassed that you used your charmspeak on someone, which you swore to yourself you'd never do again unless it was life or death. you were scared that madison was going to cut you off entirely. most people back home did when they realized what you could do. a voice in your head was telling you that madison was never going to speak to you again.
𖤓 so imagine your surprise when she turns and kisses you.
𖤓 you just back out of pure surprise, completely caught off guard. you have a million question but your high only allows you to stutter a huh?
𖤓 madison just laughs a bit, expertly hiding her disappointment at your pulling away. all of her television and film acting serves her well in situations like this.
"what? am i still too drunk for you?" "no, i just...what?"
𖤓 you're just so surprised. did you find madison attractive? undoubtedly yes. did you maybe kind of sort of definitely have feelings for her? also yes. but did you ever think there was a universe in which she'd reciprocate those feelings? absolutely not. so what the fuck was happening?
𖤓 the second time you guys kiss, you're the one who leans in first.
𖤓 that night, you don't do anything more than kiss (despite madison wanting to), but you do end up crashing in madison's bed in your party outfits and makeup. the hangover the next morning sucks ass, but the memories of the night before get you awake pretty quickly.
𖤓 i feel like it wouldn't be too long after that that you guys start dating. madison's never been a huge dater—she's very deeply ingrained in hookup culture, as most of young hollywood is. but when it comes to you, she doesn't think she can settle for the occasional hookup. for one, you guys are literally roommates, so you're together most if not all of the time. for another, her attraction towards you isn't just physical. she likes being around you. she likes talking to you. and because you had a moral compass, hanging around you made her feel like a better person. she hadn't had someone like that in...well, as long as she can remember.
𖤓 there'd never been an official "do you want to be my girlfriend?" type conversation. you would be out somewhere, someone would start messing with you, and madison would get in their face and tell them to leave her girlfriend the fuck alone. they'd leave, and madison would turn to find you with wide eyes and cheeks flushed pink.
"girlfriend?" "duh. is that a problem?" "nope, not at all." "good."
𖤓 i imagine the pda isn't too over the top, but it's definitely there. she'll hold your hand while you're out and about and occasionally lean in to kiss you (she thinks leaving lipstick marks on your cheek is cute). when it's just you guys in your room, she could be all over you depending on her mood. she also loves cuddling, even f she doesn't act like it. whether she wants to be the big or little spoon again depends on her mood. if you're just lying on your bed reading or something, she could just come over and lay her head on your chest if she feels like it, and you do the same to her.
𖤓 when you guys are alone she can literally be such a softie, but she will deny it to the ends of the earth. like if as a joke you threaten to tell everyone how cuddly she is she'll deadass be like "girl. who tf will believe you" and she has a point because like. no one would expect that from her.
𖤓 she's not a big user of pet names, but i can definitely see her calling you "babe/baby."
𖤓 if you have similar styles, your clothes would be her clothes and vice versa. if not, she'll still give you her clothes to wear. she just loves it when you're walking around in her shirt/dress/shorts/etc.
𖤓 also, madison can be an extremely jealous person. if you're out and someone is flirting with you, she will not hesitate to appear out of nowhere and kiss you.
𖤓 or you would make a little game out of it. for example, if a guy was flirting with you at a bar, you'd entertain him for a while, and then when he got around to asking you for your number or asking you out, you'd give an apologetic look and say "sorry, i only date celebrities," and then madison would appear out of nowhere and put an arm around you, giving the guy a smug little smile. you'd laugh about that for a while.
𖤓 you're one of the only people who can see through her "acting" in daily life. she's more confident than the average person for sure, but a good portion of her not giving a shit is acting. you become so attuned to her mannerisms that you start to recognize what's real and what's fake.
𖤓 it would be heavy grumpy x sunshine vibes with you guys. or like...bitch x sweetheart. when everyone else finally finds out you guys are together, they're so surprised. no one can fathom the idea that you, one of the nicest people at robichaux's, are dating the literal bitch supreme.
"y/n, you're...dating her?" "careful nan, you might hurt my feelings."
𖤓 and speaking of everyone "finding out," i imagine you wouldn't do some big reveal where you announce it to everyone one day. you'd both just stop giving a shit about trying to hide your relationship from everyone else.
𖤓 sometimes you really have to tell her to chill tf out...like she'll be threatening someone over next to nothing and you're right behind her apologizing for her.
𖤓 but when it comes to defending you, she will stop at literally nothing to ruin their lives. if they mess with you, they mess with her, and no one messes with her. so by extension, no one messes with you. ever.
𖤓 you'd be the first person she wants to see after the resurrected. you'd see her and run into her arms crying, and she'd say something like "jesus, calm down, i'm fine," but she's tearing up too because she thought she'd never see you again.
𖤓 you're the thing that gets her to feel again after she's brought back. it's around this time that she first tells you she loves you. you wouldn't be doing anything in particular, maybe just lying around your room and watching a movie or something, and she'd realize that she actually feels okay. and then the words would just tumblr out before she can stop them.
"i love you."
𖤓 you'd look at her, and she doesn't see surprise or fear. just a smile.
"i love you too."
𖤓 there wouldn't be a big fuss about it either, you'd both just kinda put it out there and let it be. it's so un-madison to be so chill about it, but she likes it being lowkey. you're hers, she's yours, and that's it. it's one of the only things in her life that's just simple.
𖤓 and if you somehow died? she would do literally anything to resurrect you. there is no universe in which you get to stay dead. not if she has any say in it.
𖤓 before the seven wonders, she’ll pull you aside and tell you, no bullshit, that you have to make it out. you have no choice. neither of you. she won’t even entertain the idea of saying goodbye to you because she won’t fathom the idea of either of you not coming back.
𖤓 at the end of the day, you are the one she wants to be with. whether that's alive or dead, it's you. that's something that's constant in her life.
𖤓 in my head, madison is extremely bisexual—she's attracted to anything that's hot. in a similar vein, she never really had an aha moment when she realized she was attracted to girls, it was always just kinda there and she thought, so what? she knew realistically that she kinda had to keep it quiet when she became famous because the media could be ruthless, but she knew who she was pretty early on.
𖤓 to start, madison loves giving hickeys. it ties in with her being a jealous person—what's better than a literal physical mark telling everyone that you're hers? she'll leave them everywhere too. your neck, collarbones, shoulders, breasts, inner thighs.
𖤓 when it comes to men, i feel like she'd lean more towards being bratty/submissive, but when it comes to women? she likes to be in control, for sure. she'd like to give and receive, but she adores watching you come undone on her fingers or her tongue.
𖤓 the best way i can think to describe her is rough but gentle. like, she can be vicious with you but then lean in and whisper "are you okay, baby?" and if you say no, she'll tone it down.
𖤓 she'd also tease the fuck out of you. like, anywhere. during dinner, when you're out, anywhere. she'll put a hand on your thigh and just eeeeeease it higher and higher until your face goes red and you have to push her hand away. she'll literally laugh at you when you stop her.
𖤓 at parties, she'll be all over you while you dance. you'll be pressed against each other, moving in sync, until you wander over to the corner and you can't keep your lips apart anymore. if it's dark enough, she'll even sneak a hand up your dress. she'd be so smug if she could make you come while you're literally on the dance floor.
𖤓 or she'll just drag you to the bathroom and make you sit on the counter so she can eat you out. and then afterwards she'd just fix her lipstick like nothing happened.
𖤓 i feel like if she had an inexperienced partner, she'd be really excited to be the first to do certain things to you, or to figure out what makes you tick. and if you were anxious or nervous about anything, she'd find it soooo cute. she'd be quick to put your worries to rest, though.
"relax, baby. let me take care of you."
𖤓 but sometimes, of course, she'd be more than happy to have to take control—she'd tell you exactly how she likes it and tells you when you're doing a great job. and she is loud. she's got no shame when it comes to that. she doesn't care if people hear her moaning—in fact, sometimes she'll purposely be so loud that she knows everyone can hear her. she doesn't care if people hear how good you make her feel. she also likes seeing the way your face flushes red whenever she does it.
𖤓 she's not exceptionally kinky, but there are deffffinitely a few things she likes. she'd be into breath play and temperature play—as in, she likes choking and sucking on an ice cube before eating you out. while she can be rough, she would never do anything to actually hurt you.
𖤓 we also saw how she was when zoe walked in on her and kyle—she loves the idea of getting caught. she has no clue why, but the idea of someone walking in when she's between your legs gets her so turned on.
𖤓 she'd also give you permission to use your charmspeak on her sometimes. you're hesitant at first, but eventually you indulge her.
𖤓 she'll use a healthy mix of praise and degradation and she likes getting both back. some days you're a good girl and some days you're a slut, there's no in between lmao.
𖤓 she's conflicted when it comes to adding a third person into the mix. on the one hand, the idea of anyone else getting to touch you the way she does makes her furious. on the other hand, she likes the idea of watching/having someone else watch. you'd probably have lots of discussions about it to see what you're both chill with, and it'd probably end with you both flirting with a guy at a party and having a threesome. it's not spectacular, it's not awful, it's just fun.
𖤓 before you, madison never really understood aftercare. mostly because she never got it, so she never expected it. she was used to hooking up and leaving either right after or in the morning, so she's pretty surprised when you ask her if she wants to shower with you after the first time you guys have sex.
𖤓 taking a shower or bath together becomes the norm after you have sex, but if you're too tired you'll just fall asleep tangled up in sheets together.
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karotka · 21 days
I've been rewatching IWTV and what's clicked for me were Armand's motivations for betraying Louis. On first watch I thought it was such a confusing and irrational thing to do. Now, obviously it was capital B Bad etc., but we all know that, boring question. But was it a logical (≠justified) decision to pick the coven? I'm starting to think it kind of was 🤔
The café scene is so heartbreaking, makes me kick and scream at the screen, Armand on his way to end it all and Madeleine asks why Louis doesn't want him to know how much he loves him, and Louis confidently replies, “he knows.” Reader, did he know? I feel like part of the tragedy is that it didn't really matter at that point.
Press pause on the betrayal of it all and look at the facts from Armand's perspective:
Louis is suicidal. He has an expiry date, the coven vampires don't. Louis is suicidal, the coven is forever 😂😂 To quote Lestat, “There is one thing about being a vampire that I most fear above all else... And that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness, a void stretching out for decades at a time.” Armand asks Madeleine, “What will you do, in a few decades, when she throws herself into the fire?” and then finds Louis in a pool of blood, his wrist slashed. He voices this to Louis much later – when he has no right to demand anything from him, but the sentiment stays true – “You left me for death. Will I be on suicide watch for the next 1,000 years?”
Louis straight up murdered his previous lover. Now, we know it wasn't all that, but Armand didn't. Major red flag, anyone? “I killed him and he fucking had it coming.” And he DID, but that's beside the point, isn't it? Especially since we know Armand is just as capable of domestic abuse :') He knew that Louis wasn't the kind of person who would just take his shit forever. If you want somebody to trust you, don't let them know you took part in the murder of your ex, heartfelt advice from both of them.
Speaking of exes, Louis is SO not over Lestat. I mean, neither is Armand, they're such a train wreck of a relationship :D But yeah, Louis is not fully committed to Armand, denying publicly that they're companions, hallucinating his ex in the bedroom or while Armand is sharing his traumatic past and, most damning of all, refusing to join the coven.
From Armand's perspective, he's risking it all for Louis and Louis a) doesn't appreciate it at all, and b) refuses to do the bare minimum of getting along with his family. (If someone treated my daughter-sister the way Armand treated Claudia, I'd kill them with my bare hands, but Louis acts like he doesn't mind. Can you imagine me without the burden of her? :/) (and yeah, he could just leave his shitty cult, the same way they could have left each other during those 70 years. Shitty stability > loneliness, I guess.)
A minor point maybe, but the moment you know that Lestat is out there and wants revenge, that only adds to the expiry date part. Especially once Lestat is cooperating with the coven, because I imagine that while Armand is OP enough to fight the coven, all of them + Lestat might be a bit too much. Maybe Armand even hoped once Louis is out of the picture they could get back together? We don't really know what exactly was going on behind the scenes but Lestat's sheer existence is bad for loumand... It is what it is.
And Louis just... repeatedly ignores Armand's warnings. I mean, they both knew Armand was going to execute him that one time. They tried to make it work but Louis was living on borrowed time from that point. Add Armand's apparent MO of “everything I love must eventually burn down so I will take control of the situation by orchestrating the downfall myself” et voilà. He was given a choice and he chose.
And THEN he betrayed the coven for Louis at his most unwell. Iconic!
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sepublic · 4 months
No Tree Left Behind!
Titan this was such an amazing storyboard pilot episode!!! I love the worldbuilding and how it’s all a backdrop for these characters understanding one another and getting together as a family!!!
Once again, we see Lilith depicted as much more antagonistic without any of the hesitation or awkwardness of the final product; But I do note that she seems to hurt a little on the inside as the Arborgeist tree falls! Her dangling Luz over danger seems like a moment that was translated to Agony of a Witch!
It’s interesting; I think I kinda prefer the final version, mostly because there’s so much more good will and love for Eda made apparent in Lilith’s actions, so when she does use Luz as a hostage and reveal she cursed Eda, it feels less like an obvious twist and more like. A painful betrayal, y’know? Like yeah she loves Eda so much that it hurts to know she still did that, whereas here the hatred is so much more emphasized so it doesn’t hit the same imo.
We get to see the effects of colonization, we see some more conflict between wild witches and the coven! I loved Luz being pretty scared of the whole thing, it makes sense for her to be as a kid! Meanwhile Eda’s hoping for someone who can appreciate the significance of this tradition, and Luz does! So they both make concessions for one another, they both appreciate, and it’s about life surviving, like cultures and tradition, even in the face of seemingly inevitably destruction! It was bittersweet yet ultimately touching. The Arborgeist trees are also the palisman trees of the final show, so there’s that loss as well! But like in the final show, Eda helps a sapling recover from the devastation!
Also; Pilot Gus! So he appears with Willow! I was surprised that Willow didn’t have much of a role here, I thought the title meant this would be the first draft of Luz meeting Willow but it’s already happened by this point! I love King having to trick the others into joining the party and his loneliness over no appreciation for demon culture seems like a precedent for The Intruder. I love the way his B-plot wraps back around to the A-plot’s conclusion!
There was a lot to this episode; It was definitely a simpler one per S1 vibes. But it was touching to have Luz better understand her mentor and engage with the meaning of the world around her. It was about how traditions survive and the core behind them, how we have to adapt to colonization sometimes. Luz and Eda dancing together was so cute! And I love the morbid joke that being ‘naked’ in the isles also entails removing your skin haha! There was so much charm to this episode, and a part of me wants lore like the Arborgeist trees and Allard to be low key canon to the final show!
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noirapocalypto · 3 months
This is the OC fairy 🌼🧚‍♀️ When you get this in your ask box, please tell us three facts or trivia about one of your OCs, then pass it on to someone else 🩷 Let's learn about each other's OCs! 💛💐
gimme sixty nine Salem facts stat
KJDHSFGLKJS you think I won't? :FIGHT: Watch.
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1: His middle name is Layne. Call him this (ONLY allowed for those he's close with) and watch him bluescreen because it always catches him off guard.
2: Spaghetti is his favorite pasta, and probably one of his favorite meals.
3: His natural eye color is green. (originally blue when I first created him)
4: His coven is his family, they're a multi-generational coven. He and his cousins are the current "decision makers" in important coven matters and upholding coven traditions. He didn't care for the responsibility at first and often avoided it, but comes around eventually when he's a bit older with his own family.
5: Out of all his cousins, he's closer to Darcy since they spent the most time together when they were young. They're around the same age and might even live within traveling distance of one another.
6: Around his family, such as his coven and his dads, Salem goes by his first name Isiah. It's uncommon for him to be called by his stage name, unless they're just busting his balls (i.e his cousin Silas, Avis and Noah--all three siblings of one another and coincidentally also the three troublemakers)
7: He has his raven calls recorded into his throat cyberware, which allows him to do his raven croaks when he's not shifted.
8: Salem doesn’t like Judah very much due to completely different lifestyles and clashing personalities—but also because he’s a Leo.
9: He’s not much of a green thumb, nothing really grows when he plants it. Bastien teases him that he inherited his black thumb.
10: He’s very used to hot weather due to having lived in both the Republic of Texas and now, Night City/California, but doesn’t mean he likes it. He prefers colder weather…but can’t tolerate it much. He gets cold very easily!
11: One of his guilty pleasures is trashy reality TV like the Jersey Shore, as well as smutty supernatural romance novels.
12: Firm believer in ghosts, never has seen one before. But he really wants to and has ghost hunted before and would again.
13: Urban exploring is a hobby he’s had since he was a teen. He after spent his summers exploring abandoned locations with friends. Now as an adult, he enjoys exploring with his best friend, boyfriend, and their mutual friends.
14: He normally doesn’t wear much clothes around the house. If you drop in, he will answer in his underwear. And he’s not shy at all.
15: Salem is a fan of animation, and has spent plenty of nights just binge watching animated movies—including anime.
16: His magic is a blend of shadow, chaos and hedge magic. He’s very interested in astral work and often lets himself explore the other side of the veil.
17: His astral form is also a raven, though instead of flesh and blood like his usual shifted form, this one is spectral. At times, it can appear as a white wisp. Other times, his raven manifests as a deep purple form of cosmic matter.
18: Whenever he performs in Las Vegas, he stays a few more days after to partake in typical Vegas hedonism. He usually doesn’t remember much of it when he emerges back to civilization.
19: Sometimes he streams his music making process to his fanbase, other times he'll stream the "behind the scenes" moments of his music videos and other performances.
20: So far, he has the following implants: AudioVox w/ Voice Synthesizer, Cyberaudio Implants, custom Kiroshi Optics, full cyberarm (left) with retractable Scratchers, and Biotechnica Neo Lungs
21: Because of his animal association being a raven and their friendship with wolves out in nature, he tends to get along pretty well with werewolves. He can even understand them when they're shifted and can communicate with them non-verbally.
22: He prefers iced coffee over hot coffee, and iced tea over hot tea. Icy drinks > hot drinks.
23: His big weakness is ice cream. Boy loves his ice cream cones.
24: He has his fathers' names tattooed on either side of his neck.
25: Salem has known Amirah and Alec aka Tyrant since his Houston days. He's still good friends with Amirah, but is estranged from Alec.
26: He's half-demon on Bastien's side, though his witch genes are much more dominant than his demonic ones.
27: Salem’s a big stoner, from his teens up to his current adult years. He almost always carries a joint or two with him in case he wants to invite someone to smoke with him.
28: He was 18 the first time he killed someone. It was almost like a cruel rite of passage into adulthood. Amirah and Alec might have been present.
29: He’s no stranger to rap beef. Salem has released a few tracks dissing his rivals and there are a few about him out there too. One of his current storylines is an ongoing feud between himself and another rapper.
30: Salem doesn’t know much about Bastien’s side of the story. Neither of his fathers like to talk about it much. So he learned to stop asking, but he still can’t help but be a bit curious.
31: He’s comfortable with heights and likes to climb up to high perches to just chill. He also takes flight when shifted and heads up to rooftops when he wants some quiet time.
32: Salem is a deep sleeper. Once he’s knocked out cold, it’s pretty hard to wake him up.
33: His favorite movie is Beetlejuice. It never gets old to him.
34: He’s an “an eye for an eye” type of guy—as the Hales often practice. If you slight him, he’ll return the favor. The severity depends on how bad you pissed him off.
35: As a romantic partner, he’s very intense. He’s possessive and obsessive, and he wants his partner to match his freak. His soulmate is someone that’s as obsessive about him as he is over them.
36: His associated stone is smoky quartz. But he’s also very fond of amethyst and labradorite.
37: Salem values handmade gifts over expensive gifts.
38: 2am burger runs are his favorite nighttime activity. Bonus if he’s hanging out with someone and they go with him.
39: Like the rest of his family and coven, he enjoys collecting oddities and morbid little curios.
40: He gives his friends free merch whenever he drops a new product.
41: He also produces phonk music under the moniker MVGE. This is mostly a side project he does for fun.
42: Salem tends to allow himself to be a bit more chatty and friendly towards those that give off good vibes. He’s standoffish with those that have a ‘presence’.
43: He’s slowly learning to see and read other’s auras, which helps him get a decent grasp of someone before he approaches them. He still new to this skill and is being guided by his aunt Colene, who specializes in energy reading and is one of the coven elders.
44: Salem is a night owl and often wakes up around afternoon and becomes most active around dusk.
45: Salem looks a lot like Casey but acts very similar to Bastien.
46: He’s a man spreader when he sits, often slouched in his seat with his knees apart. Otherwise, he sits with his legs stretched out, ankle over ankle.
47: A ball sport that he enjoys playing is basketball. He often plays with Paolo when they hang out. Both playfully trash talk the other the entire time.
48: He made the mistake of laughing at one of the twin’s antics and they’ve been following him around ever since.
49: He enjoys spending time in his shifted raven form and often hangs out as a bird. This also includes giving into his corvid ways and enjoys being a pest to his friends and other passerby’s.
50: A lot of his spell casting have a black, wispy fog visual effect to it.
51: Because of his mage blood, Salem has a longer lifespan than humans. He will live well into his 100s or older.
52: Salem is very outspoken about his beliefs over politics and social issues. He isn’t afraid to say what others might be hesistant to say and he uses his platform to bring awareness to issues he cares deeply about. He’s not afraid of backlash and always challenges it.
53: He’s understands enough Spanish to know what’s being said to him, but can’t speak it much.
54: Salem is very prideful and finds it difficult to ask for help. He has an arrogance to him, as he takes deep pride in being a self-made artist. Everything he’s built for himself in his career has been down on his own without the shadow of another label looming over him.
55: Salem likes individualism and admires those that go against the gain and do their own thing—no matter how weird.
56: Bratty behavior is a major turn off for him. It irritates and annoys him when someone is being whiny and childish around him.
57: Sudden loud noises startle him, such as a balloon popping. Popping opening a can of biscuits drives his anxiety up the wall for a few seconds which is one of his sillier phobias. For comedic effect, when he gets startled—he involuntarily shifts into his raven form and flies up to the nearest perch, leaving a scatter of feathers behind.
58: It’s a running gag that Salem always has his joint in his hand or between his lips when he’s getting up to shenanigans. No matter how rowdy and chaotic it gets, that smoke isn’t going anywhere (aka Julian with his coke and rum from Trailer Park Boys)
59: Despite having lived in California/Night City for a few years, he still uses a lot of Houston slang.
60: Salem doesn’t really play well with others, especially when his personality clashes with them. His list of artists he’s willing to work with is very exclusive. Plus he also has a reputation of being difficult.
61: His favorite pastime is sitting out on his balcony in the evenings, with a good drink and a good smoke, and some music playing.
62: When he’s in a deeply committed relationship, he loves showing off his partner. He often likes to post risqué and suggested photos of himself and his boyfriend on his social media.
63: Salem is a man of very little patience. Don’t beat around the bush with him or waste his time because he will grow irritated and he will last out. If he wants a direct answer, give him one.
64: He takes every “medium” or “psychic” with a grain of salt. If he wants to be a dick, he’ll test them to see if they’re legit or not. The only ones he believes so far are the ones in his coven.
65: His turn-on’s include but aren’t limited to: masks/ski-masks, being stalked (consensually) by his intimidating boyfriend, and adrenaline fueled hookups in alleyways.
66: Salem keeps the bullets when he’s been shot at and has been hit, as little morbid tokens.
67: He’s attracted to men that share the same aesthetic and style as he does. When he used to date women, he was attracted to girls with styles/aesthetics opposite of his.
68: Salem is a slow-burn in every sense of the word. It takes time to truly get to know him and gain his trust. But when you do, he’s a ride or die friend for life.
69: He seemingly has a strange and long feud with a seagull named Terry. There is little to no explaining on who or what this seagull is—if it’s another shapeshifter or if it’s just some random bird dedicated to ruining Salem’s day. But it’s on sight and it’s almost as if he purposely shows up to antagonize Salem specifically. If you see a raven and a seagull scrapping it out in a parking lot—just keep walking, it doesn’t concern you.
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reveriesofawriter · 8 months
book rambling don't mind me
the book kept saying anharion was his title... so was that also his name? did his name become a title when the Betrayal happened? does "anharion" translate to Betrayer or is that just what he's known as? was it a mistranslation from the old language? edit: I just reread the part where sarcean said he used to be called something else and now I feel like that's going to give away the whole ~is he the sun prince~ thing
I've seen some theories about the Collar and to what extent it actually controls james and like. as much as it would be less big and exciting to see it this way... what if the Collar is mostly symbolic? bc sarcean can talk people into doing what he wants anyway and james was obviously not immune to the charm (it's magnified for him even) well before will knew anything about himself or his powers so what if the collar was just a way to show other people that anharion belonged to him? but GOD if this moral stronghold of not wanting to manipulate james into kissing him and wanting him to do it of his own free will stops these boys from having a lil smooch for the majority of the third book I will Die
I've also seen people try to draw lines between will/sarcean and james/anharion as far as their past/present personalities and the consensus seems to be that will has a more clear line between himself and sarcean but I saw someone say it was more like intrusive thoughts and I think that's fascinating, also that will is seeing james and not anharion the betrayer when he looks at james but james in every sense is this cocky little asshole (affectionate) who flirts and uses his powers to take advantage of people while anharion in the past wasn't like that sooooo I think will isn't Seeing james as who he is I think he's seeing anharion for who he used to be before he turned against sarcean. which is so interesting when you think about will saying people shouldn't be judged by what they've done but what they can do
the tangled web of who hates who is so messy but I trust violet to, if not outright take will's side, then to convince the others to let him go like banish him or whatever instead of killing him right away (even if james's powers would physically protect him from that I just need violet to believe in him)
I'm still thinking about little 6 year old will setting a rich fucker's clothes on fire bc he laid his hands on a woman who was nice to him, how violet saved his life and he's spent every day after that trying to return the favor including using a newfound power he doesn't know how to control yet to set her free from a cage in another country
can't wait to see how the narratives shift when we get other perspectives on what the past was really like bc from what I can tell sarcean and the lady weren't really In Love they just had a fling one time
on that note I thought will was switched out for the girls somehow when they were kids but elizabeth was told her mother had a son before her and she believes that son is will, which would mean will is both blood of the lady and the dark king, which brings to question who his dad is bc they said it wasn't simon but I don't think his birth was a virgin mary situation, also I know sarcean got around but are will and simon's family related any closer than one ancestor thousands of years ago? is sinclair will's father?
I don't think tom and violet will fight to the death, tom may die in another way tho
what's the fourth kingdom and how does that pay into this? bc the first gate was in england the second was underwater somewhere and the third is in italy so the fourth...? on that note there must be more stewards alive who weren't in the hall when it was torn through, people who either left that life behind, or like cyprian at the beginning who didn't drink from the cup but still follow the lifestyle, or maybe like small covens of stewards who never went to the hall bc they found their own communities elsewhere idk it's just very eurocentric to think everyone from everywhere would meet up in this one place when the whole rest of the world exists
will needs some alone time after all this someone give him a safe place to rest and a hot drink
phillip and visander... and the unicorn....... love triangle of the ages... (I wonder if visander will find his way back into a man's body somehow or if he's stuck looking like katherine forever lol) (realistically. I don't think this man fucked his horse. but. metaphorically? metaphysically? whatever they had was probably as erotically charged as that magic scene right?)
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 2 years
Hunter's list of parental figures
Hunter accumulated a remarkable amount of possible parental figures across the series (in both canon and fanon)
-Lilith (at least in fanon): Even throught she acted cold and uncaring during her stay in the emperor's coven she was indeed still a good person behind that mask. So upon realizing the kind of life Hunter was going through (after questioning her belief, past actions, and faith) she would willing to do everything in her power to get him the hell out of Belos's grasp, including getting Eda or Raine involved to assure his safety.
-Raine (Also in fanon): As an active rebel in disguise, they would most likely found out about Hunter's identity behind the mask and the treatment he suffered. They would also do anything in their power to save Hunter, even if it means leaving their current position to do so. (They would definitely appear at Eda's door and say: "Behold! Our son!" he is very sad and is made out of wood and stolen meat!)
Eda: She literally adopted two random kids in the span of 3 to 6 months. Who is going to stop her from adopting the nephew of the Demon Realm equivalent of Jesus? Her human daughter literally assaults government facilities on a weekly basis and his son is a literal offspring of GOD! If you mess with her kids she is going to break your bones and steal your wallet! And In Hollow Mind if Hunter hasn't run away and stayed she would have gotten the adoption papers the next morning.
Darius: We all know this one. The poor man has probably been overwhelmed with guilt and regret after losing his mentor, and looking at Hunter so blindly loyal to Belos must have been quite a heartbreaking sight. But the moment Hunter showed his willingness to defy authority... After Hollow Mind, he probably has a room ready for him at his house, filled with pretty much everything he thinks he will need (from hundreds of books, Flyer Derby equipment, a sewing kit, and who knows what else he has prepared to spoil him rotten)
Camila: We all know she is the Endgame. She is the one who knows him the best out of everyone, she was there when he was left powerless, without a mission, duty, or fate... not even family. She was the reason he learned what is like to be part of a true family. She doesn't care for formalities, she personally teaches him how to use the sewing machine, provided him with the food and clothes he wanted, and even allowed him to use hers and Manny's books and cosplays. Without mentioning how Luz is practically her sister in every shape and form except legally.
Dell (mostly fanon): Hunter mentioned how he wishes to learn how to carve palismans. And who else is a master of the art? one that has probably been looking for someone to pass on the family's legacy. That old but wise man could deliver in a silver plate one of Hunter's dreams.
Steve: No joking, I remember reading a fic about just that, the man appears out of nowhere and gets Hunter the fuck out of here (no idea where it is or if it was a fever dream of mine but...)
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decepti-thots · 2 years
right, i have been thinking and i have some honest to god earthspark Speculation TM. this only really spoils the flashback sequence in the opening two parter and general concepts the show establishes immediately, i think, but cutting just in case. anyway:
the fact the bots and cons are all stranded on earth after the spacebridge was destroyed by OP is a very obvious 'this will give us stuff to do in later series' gambit. the very obvious route to take is that you can, once you've done an arc or two on earth, make Getting Back To Cybertron a big deal. that's like... not even in question i think, haha.
one thing that is REALLY intriguing me though is. the quintus prime stuff has got to be set up for. something. it's a HELL of a deep lore pull- quintus prime is barely used even in the continuity family he was created for. aligned really only references him in the Covenant of Primus. he doesn't even actually come up in the Retribution novel the quintessons are IN, iirc? he is one of the least recognisable characters to be part of any version of the Thirteen in the franchise. fucking micronus has had more than him.
for those who don't know, his whole thing in aligned is indeed what we see in earthspark; he's a member of the Thirteen who goes around being an alien precursor and seeding new life onto other planets. he's responsible for the creation of Aligned's version of the quintessons, who later invade and temporarily rule over Cybertron after being the first species in the galaxy to make contact with them from off-world.
i can absolutely see a situation where they finally make contact with Cybertron again just to find out that shock, the Quintessons invaded while they've been stuck on earth. similar to cyberverse's recent and very successful reinvention of them as an antagonist in series three. for a long time the fact that Primus had superceded the Quintessons as cybertron's origin story in most media really put limits on them being included in new TF stories, but they seem to have settled on an approach that allows them to show up again in the past few years.
so i wonder if, when we see cybertron again, it will be a cybertron that is fighting or has been conquered by the quintessons.
this feels like it would fit in better than my original speculation, which was that they were gonna do a reveal that while they've been gone shockwave took over the planet, tbh. i mean the G1 influence is there and i totally expect it to turn out shockwave was left behind like in the cartoon, and he would make an excellent big bad, but the quintus stuff needs a payoff to be worth all the deep lore cuts, and the quintessons seem a really good choice for a villain that might finally fully unite the autobots and decepticons after the 'megatron and optimus fight the remnants, get inevitably betrayed by GHOST about it' plot wraps up.
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wandafiction · 4 months
Family - Just Us Chapter 44
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2686
Series List | Chapter 43 | Chapter 45
"I love you nugget. I will see you later, yeah?" Morgan nods frantically with a wide smile on her face.
"Yes please sissy! We still need to do film night!" She hugs me tightly and I give her a small squeeze before planting a kiss on her forehead. 
"We do indeed. Right, go with Papa T and I will see you soon."
"I love you 3000 Y/n." I feel the tears sting my eyes at her words.
"I love you to nugget." She climbs off the bed, grabbing Tony and Pepper's hand walking in the middle of the two of them as she drags them out of the hospital room. I then turn to look at Carol.
"Are you going to be okay?" I hate making her worry, but that will never stop because she is my sister.
"Go be with your wife and child, before they think you've ditched them for me." Carol huffs out a laugh. "Oh and say hi to that stupid cat of yours."
"It's not stupid Y/n, it just doesn't like you." I hold a hand to my heart.
"Oof. What's not to like about me?" Carol raises a playful eyebrow towards me, so I grab the pillow from behind me and Wanda and chuck it at her, making the other two women who haven't left my side laugh out. 
"You love me."
"I guess." Before I can grab something to throw at her she rushes out of the door and looks through the pane of glass where she receives a middle finger from me, and she gives one right back in return. When she disappears my phone goes off.
Carol: Love you bitch.
Me: Yeah, Yeah. I love you too.
I lock my phone and place it on the bedside table, the room is engulfed in the most silence it has been in a few hours. After the questioning by Christina, we continued to talk about the legal proceedings and how my case is the cherry on the top in getting rid of ultron. I should probably explain a few things so you are all caught up too.
So I bet you are wondering what does Carl have to do with this? Well Carl is the son of Baron Zemo, yes that Zemo. Zemo and his wife could have been the next leaders of Sokovia and they would have been the best there was, they would have been able to create something good out of their ruling. Anyway, Ultron managed to scare them off by doubling his troops and creating fake propaganda. He was also able to get a hit on his son, Carl, the same boy I saved. He hired someone to kill the kid. Fortunately, I was there when this went down and was able to use my basic skills that Dr Cho had taught me to keep him alive until we could get him safely to hospital. 
When Zemo and his wife came to see him, they were still in hiding and I promised them I would make sure he was okay. I never break a promise. So that's why he stays with the woman at the coven café, hiding him in plain sight. I paid off all his medical bills so nothing could be traced to Zemo. Shield have been after Ultron since he came to power but they never had enough evidence behind them to put him away, he did a good job at hiding the fact he put a hit on a child. Even though everyone knows it was him. It seems that he did something wrong when covering his tracks up with the murder of my wife and child so now Shield has the authority from the UN to put him behind bars for good. This also means that Zemo will finally be able to make something good out of Sokovia. Let's just hope he can lead a country better than he can dance.
So yeah I kind of have a crazy back story, doesn't everyone in these types of stories? Doesn't it give me some humanity and something you guys can hold onto and I don't know, come up with theories?
"Baby?" Wanda's voice pulls me out of my world and I hum in acknowledgement to her voice. "Where did you go? I've been trying to gain your attention the past few minutes."
"Sorry I was away with the fairies, just thinking over everything that's happened today." Damn you fairies. 
"Well I was just going to ask if you were up for two more visitors?" 
"Sure princess." Wanda nods at Nat who comes and gives me a hug whispering in my ear.
"You have my number if you need anything." 
"Thank you." Natasha leaves the room, I'm assuming to go get our other guests. Wanda moves around on the bed, shuffling her body down the bed so her legs intertwine with mine and her head comes to rest in my lap as I am still sitting up against the head of the bed. She wraps one arm around my waist, while the other bends and she moves her head to use it as a pillow on my lap, her hands drawing small circles with her index fingers. 
"I'm sorry you went through all that Y/n. I know sorry doesn't offer much, but I truly am sorry that you have been through much hurt at such a young age." I can hear the sadness in her voice and when I look down at her I see the small pout on her lips.
"We all go through stuff Wanda, some people experience it over their lifetime and some people experience it close together. But we all experience hurt and heartbreak. It's just the way of life. I've come to understand that those sorts of things are out of control, even when I think they aren't. I know I can't control what is not in my hands." 
"Your therapy session seems to be helping already." 
"Why do you think that?"
"Because you said it was out of your control when earlier you couldn't help but pin the blame to yourself." Wanda's head turns in my lap to look up at me and I give her a smile and she beams up at me.
"That's because I know it's true. I don't blame myself anymore, not in my heart but when I have flashbacks that bad my brain takes time to reboot as I like to call it to remember the work I have put in to make it catch up with my heart." 
"That makes sense. Can I have a kiss?" She puckers her lips as I laugh at her goofiness as I lean down our lips touching in a gentle kiss. When I sit back up she rubs her lips together savouring the moment.
"You never have to ask for a kiss Wanda?" 
"Yeah but it's fun to hear you laugh about it. I love your laugh." Her nose scrunches as I laugh out some more and I can feel her whole body snuggle closer to me. 
There is a small knock on the door and when I look up through the pane of glass I can't see anyone which makes me scrunch my eyebrows. Wanda seems to know who is out there though as she giggles and tells them to come in. I light up with a huge smile on my face as the twins enter the room, closing the door gently being them. When I see the both of them make their way to the chairs in the room, I pat the bed instead telling them to join me and Wanda. I bring my legs up to sit criss-cross applesauce, but Wanda remains in her position obviously comfortable and content with where she is. 
"How are you feeling Y/n?" Billy asks as he sits down towards the end of the bed looking between me and Wanda with soft eyes.
"Better thank you Billy. You guys didn't have to come but I'm grateful you did." Tommy climbs up next to me, sitting against the head of the bed with me and I wrap a protective arm around his shoulders as his head rests against my shoulder.
"Of course we did. When we heard you were in hospital we wanted to come straight away, but thought it best that you see your family first. When Sharon let us know that you were awake we finished our game and came straight here." I pull Tommy closer and pat the space in front of me to signal Billy to come closer. He sits criss-cross applesauce right in front of me, our knees almost touching, Wanda's arm that was around my waist moves to drape over Billy's legs. I lean forward grabbing onto one of Billy's hands, and Wanda instantly places her hand on top as they all rest on Billy's knee. 
"You boys are so thoughtful, kind and caring. In the few days that I've known you I can see that, and I feel that. You have an amazing mom and you are two amazing children. There is just so much love that you three share and I'm in awe everytime I see it. I just need you to know that I care about you guys too, and I will do anything for you guys. Okay?" 
Wanda plants a kiss on my leg squeezing the small group of hands together and Tommy snuggles closer to me. It makes me smile wide and I can feel Wanda smiling too and I'm sure her nose is scrunched.
"Y/n?" There is a shyness to Tommy's voice, so I gently turn to look at him and he seems to shy away at the three pairs of eyes on him when he looks at Wanda and Billy.
"What's up Tommy." I keep my voice calm and collected, whatever he wants to ask he is nervous. 
"I know that we have only known you for like 4 days since we met on Friday, but after this weekend I have to ask something."
"You can ask me anything you want Tommy."
"Are we like a family now?" I smile at his question and internally scream with joy.
"If that's what you and Billy want."
"It's what I want." Tommy looks up to his brother for approval and Billy looks between me and him with a huge toothy smile on his face.
"So is this, like how we make this family official? Just say yes, because if so then yeah I love that it's the four of us." Billy says excitedly.
"The four of us against the world!" Tommy waves his arms about in the air to emphasize his point. "Is that okay mama?" 
"I love you two boys and I love Y/n, so I absolutely love the idea of having us as one big family." I lean down to kiss the side of Wanda's head and the boys cover their eyes jokingly.
"My poor eyes. I'm blinded!" Billy falls back, allowing his back to hit the bed as he pretends to be hurt. All it does is give me the perfect opportunity.
I quickly lean forward bringing my hands to his tummy and start to tickle him. His body wiggles underneath me as he arms flail about trying to get me off, but his giggles echo around the room. His brother teams up with me as he starts tickling Billy's side, Wanda sits up laughing at the site. Her smile grows bigger as she moves to hover her face over his and brings it down to leave a kiss on his forehead. 
"Mwuah." Kiss on the cheek. "Mwuah." Kiss on the nose. "Mwauh." Another Kiss on his forehead. 
We keep up the torment until he is telling us to stop, so we all pull back but his body is still squirming and his laughs don't die out for a while. Once he calms down and catches his breath he sits up and looks between the three of us with a small pout on his face.
"That was mean, my lungs hurt." He crosses his arms trying to act angry but I can see the smile on his face growing.
"Aww you love us really." Wanda coos at him like a little baby earning an eye roll from Billy.
"Yes I do." Billy replies without hesitation. "I love you all."
"We love you too Bill." His brother pokes his tongue at him.
"Yeah no I lied, I love 2 out of 3 of you. Sorry Tommy, but calling me Bill gets you left out of the club." My heart skips a beat at his words but I hide my elation at his words but Wanda can't hide hers. 
"So that means you love Y/n?" Billy simply rolls his eyes at his mother's question.
"Of course I do. She loves you, she makes you happy and we get on with her and we want to hang out with her more so yeah. I love all my family." He points at Tommy. "I will let it slide this time because Mama's going all sappy."
"Awww is Mama sappy at the fact we all love each other dearly." Tommy mocks her, earning a light smack to his leg by Wanda.
"It's okay Wanda I love you the most, but the boys are a close second." I see Wanda's hand move but hesitate from hitting my leg as she turns to look up at me with unsure eyes. "You're allowed, it's just when it comes close to my face or leaves my peripheral vision."
"So hitting your legs is okay?" I know Wanda is concerned but I can't help but wiggle my eyebrows at her and the boys scrunch their faces in disgust.
"Sorry! Yes you are allowed to playfully smack my leg when I'm being sarcastic." 
"Okay good." Her hand makes contact with my leg and all four of us laugh together at Wanda's child-like behaviour.
"So now that we are a family. Can we do family Halloween costumes this year and maybe a family holiday or something?" Billy asks, as Wanda settles her head back into my lap.
"I like that idea. What do you two think?" I turn to look at Billy and Wanda who are both smiling.
"Please mama! We can go on a small holiday and then come back for Halloween night!" Tommy leans forward slightly so Wanda can see his puppy dog eyes.
"Where would you guys like to go?" The boys celebrate as Wanda all but agrees to the idea.
"I didn't get that far ahead." Billy shrugs his shoulders.
"So, this is just an idea and your mom has to ok the idea. If she says no, then we can figure something else out." Wanda looks up at me from my lap, raising her eyebrows in question. "I do have that cabin Wanda."
"Oh right. Are you sure it would be okay to go there?" 
"Of course. We bought the place a few years ago, but I haven't really used it in a while. We can fly out and rent a car. Maybe go for the week and come back for the weekend of Halloween." Wanda hums in thought then looks to her boys.
"What do you two think about spending a week in the Canadian wilderness in Y/n's cabin?" Both boys bounce excitedly on the bed.
"Yes please!"
"Yes, that sounds really cool!"
"Well I guess we have a plan for the school half term."
"Just make sure you okay it with their dad, I don't want to take them to another country without him knowing." 
"I will baby." 
"Okay so what do you want to do for the rest of the night boys, as I am being discharged in the next hour." 
"Can we just have a family night on the couch again like yesterday." Tommy asks.
"Yeah what Tommy said, I just want a lazy night with you guys." 
"Sounds good to me. What about you princess?"
"Family night on the couch sounds good to me."
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
Miraculous Paradise - Chapter 20 - Get Out Free
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Zoe moved around her room as she tore it apart. She gathered her personal possessions into a backpack along with the saved allowance that Andre had given her. Silkii materialized and watched Zoe.
            “What are you doing, spiderling?”
            “Opportunity knocks, Silkii. I have a chance to escape.”
            “Yes. I’ve waited for a chance to get away from these wretched people and now I can. With your power and someone out there who understands me.”
            “The fox woman, right?”
            “Correct. You should have seen her eyes. I wouldn’t believe a word out of her mouth, until I saw her eyes. She’s known pain. She’s been an outcast. She understands me.”
            “So? So, it’s huge. I can finally be with people like me. Just like back in the States. I can finally have a new family.”
            “What’s the point? People always betray in the end.”
            “You’re wrong. My people would never betray each other. We had each other’s backs through thick and thin. No one was left behind or stabbed in the back.”
            Silkii laughed. “Yeah right.”
            “Look, these blue bloods may not understand a lick about loyalty and family, but us ‘peasants’ know the true value of it. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”
            “Oh, please. You mortals tell yourself that, but in the end, even that is false. You all betray each other in the end. Loyalty means nothing.”
            “You’re wrong, and I’ll prove it.”
            “Yeah? How?”
            Zoe put the backpack on. “Silkii, sever the thread.”
            Felix threw the front doors open to the Agreste mansion. He charged for the stairs while Adrien trotted in after him.
            “Felix, wait! I want to talk to you,” Adrien called.
            “Not until I do,” Colt remarked.
            Felix froze on the steps. He looked up at Colt at the top of the stairs.
            “Uncle Colt? Is Felix in trouble?”
            Colt attempted to maintain a neutral face but cracked a smile. He stepped down the stairs with his phone in hand. He held it out for Felix to take. Felix eyed it suspiciously but took it. Colt grinned and pressed play on the video. Adrien ran up to see what it was while Felix’s heart dropped. The video was an amateur recording of Void’s illusions beating him up after chasing him around the city.
            Adrien grimaced. “Felix?”
            Felix sneered and pushed the phone into Colt’s chest. “If you’re just going to mock me, do it through texts like you usually do.”
            Uncle Colt, you know Felix is Cat Noir?”
            “Of course, I do. I’d recognize my son anywhere. Granted he didn’t hide it that well to begin with.”
            Felix sneered. He looked up to face Colt when he heard Emilie’s shrill voice.
            “Good afternoon, my baby boy! How’re you doing?” Emilie asked Adrien.
            “I’m great! I went out to have breakfast with Felix, then he took me to his friend’s house where I got to meet other people my age.”
            “You did? Were they-?” Emilie started.
            “Colt, what are you doing with Felix?” Amelie interrupted.
            “Nothing. I was just-,” Colt began.
            “Colt was informing me that Grandmother and Grandfather had found a bride for me,” Felix cut in.
            Amelie paled. “What? What did you say?”
            “A marriage has been arranged for me, and I accepted it,” Felix answered.
            Tears welled in Amelie’s eyes. “No. No, please. You can’t, Felix. Is this really what you want?”
            “What I want has never and will never matter. Not when I am the one responsible for carrying on the family’s legacy. Everything must be done for the good of the family.”
            Amelie’s face contorted between desperation, despair, horror, and rage.
            Emilie moved out of the way with Adrien. “Now, let’s be reasonable. Felix, I’m sure you can still find happiness, right? What you want does matter.”
            Felix laughed. “Thank you, Aunt Emilie, but I will not fool myself. I was reminded that isn’t true and after having a taste of any kind of escape, I’ll take whatever has been chosen for me as I always have.”
            “But-!” Amelie yelled.
            Gabriel cleared his throat and got everyone’s attention. “I apologize for interrupting, but, Emilie, I must speak with you.”
            Emilie gulped and nodded. “Right. Adrien, we’ll be back.”
            “Ok. I’ll be in my room.”
            Emilie hugged Adrien as she went with Gabriel. Gabriel led Emilie to their room. He shut the door, then sat on their bed with Emilie.
            “Emilie, I saw the news broadcast last night,” Gabriel said.
            “O-oh? What news broadcast?”
            “Emilie, I know it was you. That fairy woman. I would recognize you anywhere.”
            Emilie forced a smile. “I… I suppose you would, wouldn’t you? Well, what now? Are you going to stop me?”
            “I know better. I don’t agree with the course you are taking, but I am here for you.”
            “You… what?”
            “I don’t think getting involved with magic and miracles any more than we already have is worth what comes after, but I know why you do it. And, at this point, it’s a little late to back down. Not with the cult following you’ve gathered after a mere night.”
            “I see. Well, what will you do, Gabriel? If you won’t stand against me, will you stand beside me?”
            “Yes. I am here for you through this endeavor.”
            “You are? Would you maybe then accept a kwami and fight with me if the opportunity arises?”
            “Yes. For you, Adrien, and our family. I will do what it takes to keep you all.”
            Emilie smiled as her eyes misted over. She fanned herself before she hugged Gabriel. He smiled and hugged her back.
            “I love you, Emilie.”
            “I love you too, Gabriel. So much. So very much. Hey, Gabe, perhaps we should check on Adrien. I hadn’t seen him all morning,” Emilie remarked.
            “Give him some time to rest. I would rather we check on Amelie and Colt and to make sure our home isn’t running red with his blood.”
            Emilie stiffened. “Oh, shit! You’re right. Let’s go.”
            Andre sat at his desk as he worked on paperwork. There was a knock on the door, but he ignored it. He assumed it was Audrey coming to him about some trivial problem or just to make demands of him. The knock came again, but he ignored it. There was a third knock before the door opened. He sighed and looked up, expecting Audrey’s shrill voice, but there was silence. He froze seeing Widow advancing towards him. He reached for the phone, but she threw a dagger into the machine.
            “Who are you? What do you want?”
            Widow remained silent. She pulled up a seat and made herself comfortable.
            “Please, I have no real power. I’m just the mayor. I’m sure-.”
            “You’re exactly who I’m looking for.”
            Andre’s blood froze. “Zoe? Is that really you?”
            “The name’s Widow.”
            “R-right, Widow. What could you want me for?”
            “Adoption papers and any other paperwork with you and Audrey signing over custody of one Zoe Lee.”
            “B-b-but I don’t have those papers. I’m afraid-.”
            Widow lunged for Andre with a dagger at his throat. She slammed the necessary paperwork on his desk.
            “How did you-?!”
            “Get to filling them out.”
            Andre nodded. Widow moved her dagger away as she watched Andre fill out the papers properly. Her heart leapt seeing him complete them. He moved to put them in a professional folder when Audrey stepped into the office.
            “Andre! Why haven’t you been answering my calls? And who is this?”
            “Audrey, darling! We can discuss this after you sign all these papers.”
            Audrey approached and looked over the papers. Her face lit up. “Oh! We’re finally getting rid of the deadweight? Why didn’t you say so? Give me a pen.”
            Audrey snatched a pen from the desk and filled out every page with her signature. She closed the folder and handed it to Widow.
            Widow’s eyes sparkled as she held the folder close to her. She ran out as Audrey ordered room service to clear out her room. She didn’t care anymore. Everything left in there was garbage. Now a new life awaited as she headed to Bridgette’s apartment.
            Marinette’s eyes fluttered open. She blinked as she adjusted to the darkness. She looked around, surprised to see Alya and Bridgette sleeping around her. She shifted as a dim light glowed. She glanced over to see Trixx in fox form, staring at her. She raised her index finger to her lips, and he nodded.
            Marinette moved to stand. She stumbled but found her footing. She grimaced at the pain that shot through her, but she soldiered on as she made it to the bathroom. She turned on the light and froze. She stared at her reflection and the visible scars. She lifted her hand and ran it along some burn scars. She gulped as the feelings from before surfaced.
            Marinette wished for release from her hell. She wished she never survived the car crash. There was nothing left after that day. She lost her amazing, loving parents that she missed every day and whose absence was too noticeable. She hated her body that was a shell of what it was. All her strength was gone, she couldn’t lift her arms overhead without horrific pain, she walked with a painful limp, and her voice was gone forever. With the cherry on top when all her friends abandoned her save for Alya, Mylene, and Ondine.
            Marinette could live with most of that, save the worst of it. She couldn’t draw the way she used to. The magnificent designs and drawings she used to make are mere scribbles a toddler could do better. Then there was her family that disowned her where her parents and Bridgette had accepted her and her desires. Part of her wished Bridgette never let it out, but it was better this way. The moment Bridgette did, all talk about her value and worth went out the window and she was left alone. Despite it all, the whispers didn’t stop.
            Marinette hugged herself and sank to the floor. The whispers of her family played through her head that always cut her deep. They called her defective, worthless, unlovable. That no one in their right mind would want “damaged goods.” Her father’s side wasn’t much better. Her grandfather refused to acknowledge her just because Sabine was her mother. Aside from him, she had no idea about any of her father’s family. Perhaps it was for the better so she wouldn’t have to endure their slights as well.
            “Marinette?” Alya asked.
            Marinette looked up at Alya and Trixx. She attempted to hide her heart, but tears poured from her eyes. Alya sat beside her and held her tight.
            “It’s alright. I’m here.”
            Trixx watched Alya comfort Marinette before he faded away. He stepped into the Unseen world. He searched the apartment until he found Tikki as a pink lipstick ladybug kwami, hiding in the kitchen.
            “You’re just going to let this continue, aren’t you?”
            “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
            “Tikki, there’s a fine line.”
            “I… she’s… she has me. What more could she need?”
            “You know, you’re right. What more could she need? Thankfully she can’t open a pill bottle or have the physical strength to harm herself. But, no, you’re right. What more could she need?”
            “She hasn’t… has she?”
            “Would you believe me if I told you the truth?”
            “I… I wouldn’t want to.”
            “Then don’t ask questions you don’t want an answer to.”
            Tikki scoffed. “And why should I believe any of this? You are nothing more than deception.”
            Trixx snickered. “Oh, dearie dear. Have you forgotten this talk already? What is truth? What is false? Even if I know it to be true, would you not cast doubt? Would you claim every word from me is false just to suit your whims, even if the words are true? What is true then? What is false? I mean, who better than I to know how the girl is feeling after spending the last three years with her. But, no, you’re right. Every word from me is a lie. Or is it? You may never know.”
            Tikki opened her mouth, but a knock interrupted her.
            Trixx looked towards the door. “Visitor? But who?”
            Trixx materialized as a fox and crashed into Bridgette,
            Bridgette woke with a start. She frantically looked around, then down at the couch. She panicked when she didn’t see Marinette.
            “Where is she, Trixx?”
            “Bathroom. Alya is with her.”
            Bridgette deadpanned. “Is this the day you tell me they’ve hooked up?”
            Trixx’s ears perked up and he grinned. “Yes.”
            Bridgette rolled her eyes. “Nice try. What’s up then? Why the wake-up call?”
            “Someone is a-knocking.”
            Bridgette furrowed her brow. She headed for the front door as another knock came. She opened the door to see Widow.
            “Uh, what brings you here? I thought I wouldn’t be seeing you until tonight. Or is it night? What time is it?”
            “It’s still early. I just wanted to bring this to you.”
            Widow held out the folder. Bridgette took it and gestured for Widow to step inside. Widow took a seat on the couch while Bridgette turned on the lights and examined the documents.
            “Hold up, are these adoption and custody forms? And they’re already signed?”
            “Well, except for your signature.”
            “Excuse me? We met once and you think I want to adopt you?”
            “Well, no, but you understand me. I looked into your eyes and saw my own. That’s why you did it, didn’t you? You wanted me to understand, and I did.”
            “Well, yes, but-.”
            “Exactly. And I saw the perfect opportunity to escape. With Silkii’s power and someone who understands, I had to capitalize on it.”
            “Ok, hold up. Why are you trying to escape your home?”
            “Because it isn’t my home. I’m just a pawn in the games of blue bloods. My real home is back in the States, but after my coward father killed himself, I was shipped off here because my harpy mother lives here. For the past few years, I’ve lived with people that don’t love me. That would easily toss me aside once I served my purpose. So, I’m running away now, legally. That way no one gets in trouble.”
            Bridgette sighed. “You’re putting me in an interesting position here, kid.”
            “I mean, what’s one more?” Trixx butted in.
            “That’s not the issue. I’m all for taking in strays at this point with Mar-Mar’s friends, but I don’t know her.”
            “Oh! That’s right. My name is Zoe Lee. I’m thirteen years old. Born and raised in the States until the incident I mentioned earlier. I’m extremely stubborn and hot-headed but will kill for my family.”
            “Oh, look! A mini you,” Trixx teased.
            “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult?” Bridgette remarked.
            “Why not both?” Trixx said.
            “What’s that supposed to mean?” Bridgette and Zoe said in unison.
            “Didn’t realize you had an echo, Bridgette.”
            Bridgette deadpanned. “Fine. Look, Zoe, I will consider signing these, but only if you get along with Marinette. She is my dependent first and foremost. As long as you two get along, I will sign these. Understood?”
            “Ok. Well, where is she?”
            “Give her some time. She’s having a moment with Alya,” Trixx answered.
            Bridgette stiffened. “What kind of moment?”
            “What kind of answer would you like?”
            Bridgette panicked. She threw the folder onto the table and ran to the bathroom. Widow de-transformed and crept towards the room. She peeked inside at the scene. Bridgette fussed over Marinette, whose face was red and puffy from crying. Alya sat beside Marinette, patting her back. Her eyes widened when she saw the unfathomable pain in Marinette’s eyes. She started towards them, but a gentle hand held her back.
            Zoe looked up at Fang as a tall woman with olive skin and silver hair styled in an undercut ponytail. Fang shook her head and guided Zoe away from the bathroom.
            “That girl is in pain,” Zoe whispered.
            “I know. It hurts to see it. Hurts more to feel it. Just, let them help her. You can meet her later.”
            “Well, what do we do in the meantime?”
            “Why don’t we go grab a bite? Ayla pointed out some of her favorite haunts to me.”
            Zoe smiled. “Sure. Let’s go.”
            Adrien looked at the time. It was nearly dinner time, several hours after he and Felix had returned. He decided to go talk to Felix now, wanting Felix to have had time to collect himself after all that. He headed out of his room and towards Felix’s door. He knocked on it.
            “Felix? May I come in?”
            Felix sighed. “Yes.”
            Adrien entered the room. He eyed Felix on the bed, reading a book.
            “May I take a seat?” Adrien asked as he pointed to the bed.
            Felix nodded.
            “I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to talk.”
            “About what?”
            “The deal you made for me. For me to live.”
            “What about it?”
            “I just… I don’t know if it’s possible.”
            “How so?”
            “Because I made a deal with the kwami that was responsible for allowing Mom to have me, but also the source of my illness.”
            Felix put a bookmark in his book and set it down. “Go on.”
            “Well, I spoke to him yesterday while in the hospital. He told me I would die in three days unless I accepted his deal. He would give me a year to live with near perfect health, but I wasn’t to allow Paradise to happen. If I did, I would die on the spot.”
            “Only a year? Sass, you can better than that,” Plagg remarked.
            Adrien looked around as Plagg materialized as a kwami by Felix. Sass hissed and materialized beside Adrien as a kwami.
            “Zip it, cat. What’s been done to him was set at his birth. Even allowing this is more than I’d normally allow anyway,” Sass spat.
            Plagg rolled his eyes. “Fine. You won’t help him, me and Tikki will.”
            Sass laughed. “Yeah? How? The most you and the little red bug can do is destroy and recreate him, but he’d still retain the venom in his veins. The only pair that can help him is Terra and Psyche. However, you still need a willing donor of flesh to ensure the boy is still human and not a living golem.”
            “Really? Is that all? You seem to be forgetting another pair.”
            “I don’t think-.”
            “Gimmi and Vana.”
            Sass stiffened. “You wouldn’t. They wouldn’t. They made it clear they wouldn’t get involved unless necessary. Have you even talked to them yet?”
            “No, but we will be soon. After all, Paradise cannot happen yet. In time, yes, but not yet. I know they’d agree with this, and seeing as Adrien is the root cause, I’m sure they’d make an exception. They have before.”
            “Those were dire circumstances. This is not.”
            “I suppose we’ll see, then won’t we? I mean, we have a year, right, Sass? And I may not be Orsus, Moirai, or Oron, but I know a lot can happen in a year.”
            “If I may, Felix, why did you make such a deal for me?” Adrien interjected.
            “What do you mean?” Felix asked.
            “Well, I don’t mean to seem ungrateful for the gesture, but I don’t understand it. If it was Mom or Dad, that’d be one thing, but we don’t know each other that well. I’ve rarely spoken to you in the past and only ever saw you on my birthday. So, I’m just curious. Why?”
            “Well, I’ve been thinking on that here and there. My first answer would be because you are family. It doesn’t matter our relationship, but that you are family. Always remember, blood runs thicker than water. But, and this stays between us, I want someone to be happy. I want… to experience that.”
            Adrien’s face fell. “Felix?”
            “It’s… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be forcing my petty problems on you, Adrien.”
            “Felix, are you unhappy?”
            Felix gave a harsh laugh. “Happiness is not a luxury I can afford. I must be what is expected. Want and happiness are not part of it. But you can have all that. Emilie got it, Gabriel got it, so can you.”
            “And you.”
            “No. It’s not for me, but I can get it for you. I can play my part, put on a show, all so you can be free to have a life I couldn’t even dream of.”
            “Felix, I wish you could have that too,” Adrien whispered.
            “Yeah, well, it’s a nice, albeit empty, sentiment. Now, run along. I’m sure Aunt Emilie is looking for you.”
            Adrien bowed his head and left. Sass flicked his tongue at Plagg, then vanished.
            Plagg sighed. He looked back at Felix, who went back to his book. His tail twitched and his fur bristled. He hated seeing this destruction. It wasn’t the fun, chaotic type of self-destruction. Rather Felix went down an isolating and desolate path of self-destruction. Any fight he might have had, extinguished already.
            Plagg looked back to the door as he reflected on Adrien’s wish. He could feel the desire, though it was small, but enticing all the same. He gave Felix one last look, then vanished.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
7 - Abominations
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Part 8
Gemini Runaway
“Klaus…ah!” The woman released me into his grasp where I gasped, sniffing through some tears when he pressed a blade into my back harshly drawing some blood. 
His blue eyes welled in some tears but he didn’t dare move forward. I knew that only one of us expected this to possibly happen. “Raelyn..” 
“I’m sorry Klaus. I…I wasn’t quick enough to think that he - argh!” I winced when Mikael pressed a knife tip into my back. His other arm was clutching my forearm keeping me in place. 
His father growled in my ear. “Shut up girl! Honestly Niklaus have you learned nothing. You have now stooped to caring for this weak little girl." 
“She has nothing to do with this. Just let go so I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb.” Klaus told his father, staring down at me. He could hear the siphon witches' heartbeat picking up rapidly. 
His father scoffs. “You think that you are stronger than me. Thinking that you can beat me but you are a coward. No, you still just cling to that weaker side of yourself. You are an abomination and apparently so is this girl if she spends any time with you.” Blinking through tears of my own I remembered someone calling me that when I was younger but it was directed at our mother. 
Coming down the staircase of our house I paused hearing my mother arguing with someone that I recognized as my uncle Joshua. "Eliza, they are part of our Coven. They must Merge." 
"They are siphons like me. Like your son Kai that we helped banish. I left the Coven since I was already an outcast when I wasn't born with a twin and I didn't have my own magic like you." She spat in his face throwing her arms up in the air. 
Joshua grabbed her by her shoulders a little tightly. "You will always be a part of our family. You are my sister and they are my niece and nephew. It is their destiny. They must do the Merge. I can't wait till Lucas and Olivia are old enough." 
"And why not. Our parents did with you and your twin?' She questioned him, shoving him backwards away from her. 
He growled at her face. "Because if I die before we have a younger leader we all die. So I NEED your children to save all our lives! I don't care if you're whole family is an abomination. The Coven comes before the family!' 
"Phasmatos Motus!" She raised her hand throwing him across the room suddenly meaning she must have siphoned him without his knowledge. He grunted staring up at her. "My children are not abominations, Joshua and I will never help you!' 
He rose to his feet slamming the door behind him on the way out. "I'll get them to help their family one day. Mark my words little sis if you don't tell them to Merge I will force them to myself!" 
"You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me." Mikeal's voice pulled me from my memories where he harshly shoved me onto the ground with his foot on my back before the random hybrid woman handed him a girl with slightly curled brown hair. "Come out and face me, Niklaus, or she dies." 
Klaus spoke unfazed. "Go ahead. kill her." 
The girl that I must assume is the Gilbert girl he used to make his hybrids acted cared. "No, Klaus. He'll do it." 
"If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations." His father growled moving the knife he had in my back against the new girl. 
Klaus glanced down at me briefly. "I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you." 
"Oh but you do care about this one don't you boy." Mikael drew out another dagger pressing it deep into my back making me whimper in pain. 
Klaus croaked in his british accent seeing me cry. It was foreign to the thousand year old original hybrid to feel anything for someone who wasn't his family. "Raelyn - let her go father. Your fight is with me." 
"Oh yes. But this one you address specifically making her special to you." He shoved me up into the hybrid girls arm where she pressed the tiny blade against my throat drawing some blood where I was beginning to feel light headed. "Come outside or I'll kill them one right after the other. I don't intend to make it quickly either." 
Klaus took a step towards the doorway but I cried out knowing if he stepped outside he would kill him without a second thought. "Klaus don't  - he'll kill you. I - I can't expect you to risk your life for someone like me. Someone who her family outcasts just for being born without magic!" 
"Rae…" He mumbled under his breath barely being able to say anything. 
Mikael gains his son's attention once more. "To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced? No one. No one." 
Klaus bares his teeth. "I'm calling your bluff, father. kill her." 
Mikael teased him while I felt the knife on my neck moving down to my stomach but she hadn't stabbed me yet. "Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to…" 
"My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her, you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. kill her. Come on, old man. kill her. kill her!" He shouted at his father, making me jump a little started by his tone where the knife tip pricked me, drawing some blood to go on the dress I was wearing. 
Mikael laughs as Klaus sheds a tear. "Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." He suddenly stabbed the brunette where she gasped and he dropped her body onto the ground then he grabbed me pressing his blood stained knife to my throat. "And last but not least the little blonde abomination!" 
"Raelyn  - argh!" Klaus screamed getting stabbed in the chest by Damon who had a different colored stake that looked to be white. 
Quickly the brunette rose to her feet causing Mikael to gasp when she threw some grenades at the hybrids standing on the lawn. "Katherine?" 
While Mikael was distracted I moved my hands around until I was gripping his forearms as tightly as I could siphoning his energy. "I am not an abomination, Mikael…and neither is Niklaus….Motus!" Raising my hands I threw him onto his back on the front lawn. 
"What are you, witch?' Mikael asked, attempting to get to his feet. 
Raising my hands up I began to feel more dizzy when I swayed on my feet sending pain through his body until he was on his knees. "Pondas!" 
"Argh…you bitch!" He screamed trying to move but my magic was keeping him there. 
Drops of blood were staining my shoes when I stared down at the vampire hunter. I raised my other hand so when I pulled it back I saw blood on my fingers but I shook the problem away. "Ah sha lana…ah sha lana!" Turning my head over my shoulder I heard someone tackle the raven haired vampire. 
Stefan is above Damon when he fights his brother. "What are you doing?!" 
"Klaus the stake…" I raised my hand with the blood on it pointing to it since it was next to him. "I…I can’t hold him forever." He takes it and rushes over Mikael. He drives the stake through his heart. Mikael burns. 
Klaus rose to his feet standing over the burning body whipping his nose glancing over at me. "Raelyn, love. You're bleeding." 
"Go, Nik." I pressured him on trying to stop the noise with my arm. But there was a wound in my stomach where I was getting very light headed. "Deal with the Salvatore Brothers…I'll be fine." 
Damon grunted up at his brother above him. "What the hell did you do?" 
Klaus entered the room while I limped up to the mansion struggling to keep my eyes open. "He's earned his freedom. Thank you, my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free." He placed his hand on his shoulder when he rose to his feet and Damon quickly disappeared. 
"Raelyn?" Stefan called my name softly making Klaus turn around to see me too. 
Gripping the windseal in my fingers I leaned my body against the wall. The once bright and expensive dress was stained with blood. My hair was messy and I was barely remaining conscious. My eyes fell close a few times and I was swaying more away from the wall when I made an attempt to step towards the vampire and hybrid. "Nik, I…need…" 
"Rae!" He vamped towards me instantly, catching my body when it went limp. He holds underneath my ankles and my shoulders where I was bridal style in his arms. "Let’s get you out of here." 
Dropping my head against his chest I muttered under my breath passing out. "Nik…I'll go on a date with you…" The hybrid couldn't hold back a smile hearing the words but it didn't last long seeing the siphon witch in her current state because of his actions. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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skrrts · 2 months
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♡ amaranth #1 (series) | dropped project
✧reader x demon!hongjoong & reader x witch!mingi ✧genre: supernatural, rebirth, soulmates, poly romance (reader) ✧warnings: insecurities, mention of death, signs of mental health, mention of witchcraft, eating, food, minors dni ✧ word count: 5,6k ✧summary: Hongjoong never cared for love until he met you. The demon courted you until your family gave their blessing for a wedding, unaware of what he was. However, before the bond could be sealed, you were killed. Scared to lose you for good, knowing you already lived most of the lives given to a human soul, he begins to search for your reincarnation. 2024, and your current life is quite boring. You study while working at a local bookstore. It’s where you meet Mingi, a witch who charms you for his own reasons. You gain a soft spot for him when the demon appears, announcing you are his. You have no idea what’s going on when the two supernatural beings seem about to start a fight over who gets to claim your soul for good. Just that they forget to ask you about your thoughts on that.
a/n: a dropped project inspired by "goblin" & "love & deepspace". i felt this one was too specific. This chapter was written and edited so I figured instead of just deleting it, I'll post it to the dashboard & in my dropped project tag.
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                  #01 The Witch ; MINGI ; A Soul To Grow
Yunho looked with concern at Mingi. The runes on his body indicated that the younger man had overdone it again. “You shouldn’t push yourself so hard,” his voice was gentle as he leaned forward and healed his best friend, but he knew there was only so much he could do. Without completing the ritual every member of their coven went through, it proved to be harsher on the body with every passing year to use magic in their way. It was of no help that Mingi was more persistent to go ahead than any other witch.
The small huff indicated that he did not appreciate the lecture coming from his best friend. “Well, you heard my reading earlier. They say I am about to find the soul that will allow for my growth to happen.” Yunho knew that no matter how confident the other tried to be, the feeling of falling behind was hard on him, even terrifying.
For the coven, it was proof of weakness that Mingi had not found a soul yet, and for Mingi, a fear of falling behind, falling out, and being left alone. It was foolish because, for Yunho, the decision always would be an easy one. He’d rather leave with his best friend than stay, even if that meant giving up on his parents, as hard as that was.
“Well, there are many ways one can grow; it doesn’t mean that you have to do the ritual…” Yunho tried again, but he already knew it was rather pointless. Once Mingi set his mind on something, there was only success or hard failure with no room for recovery.
“It will be fine, just wait,” Mingi stood up, rolling his shoulders. “I am already feeling better, thanks,” he lied, and Yunho sighed but stood up, a soft smile on his lips. “Be careful and call me if you need anything.”
“This was the last shelf, and nothing is missing. I’m relieved! The last inventory check showed just how many books were stolen,” Seonghwa sighed as he handed you the list to sign with your name, confirming that the two of you had completed the task together. “I can’t blame them. As a student myself, I know the financial struggles too well.” You wouldn’t be able to study if it weren’t for this job and the financial help from your family, who saved up for your academic future since the day you were born.
Your life was rather uneventful: average family, normal childhood, and after graduation, you decided to study in a city about three hours away from your hometown. You moved into an apartment that barely deserved the name, just large enough to fit a bed and a desk, but it did the job. When you were looking for work, you found an ad for this bookstore that only sold books to students. Despite the niche market, there wasn’t a topic or major for which the store didn’t have literature.
It was a smart location, situated right next to the campus. Seonghwa’s parents opened the shop when he was little, and he took over when they wanted to go on a world trip. Although he was about the same age as you, he seemed content with his fate. The two of you got along well, and you also liked Jongho, who worked the other shift once a week. Sometimes, you both ran the shop together. He was a quiet guy but always seemed to know a little bit about everything whenever a student came in looking for a specific-themed book.
“Thanks again for helping. This just made it so much faster!” Seonghwa smiled and shrugged off the apron he wore with the store’s name and logo. Each of you had one, although Seonghwa took great care to ensure everyone had a color he thought suited them best. “I will make sure to repay you. How about a boba tea? That new store across the street seems promising.”
The idea was nice. Money was tight, and there were only so many times a month when you could treat yourself to snacks. “Sounds good! It’s been forever since I had one. Feel free to pick a flavor you approve of; anything will be fine!” Seonghwa chuckled. “Alright, love. I’ll be going then to get us something sweet. Do you think you’ll be okay alone?” You nodded. It wasn’t the first time you ran the store on your own by now. “Sure thing. It’s almost closing time, and I doubt anything will happen.”
Seonghwa smiled. “Okay, I’ll be back in no time.” You gave him a small wave and watched as he walked down the street. “I wonder more if he will be back in time, considering he seems quite smitten with somebody working there,” you chuckled to yourself as you started to prepare for closing the store. Since the two of you had just done the inventory for June, there wasn’t much left to do. With the new semester approaching and new students arriving, you slowly made room for new books, making the store feel a little emptier than usual until the deliveries arrived.
You flipped through a medical book that had fallen off a shelf. There was a quiet admiration for those who pursued such a difficult study, and you felt a little guilty that you were working towards a language degree with hopes of becoming a teacher abroad one day. You placed it back on the shelf when the doorbell announced a visitor. At first, you wondered if Seonghwa had returned quickly for a change, but instead, a tall stranger had entered, looking around.
There were a few things about him that stood out, from his height to his fashion, which somehow screamed emo with a modern touch. Maybe it was the tattoos, and you judged yourself for being so biased, especially since the only reason you still didn’t have a single one was because you chickened out every time you stood in front of a studio. While his hair wasn’t dyed, he had an undercut and wore quite a bit of jewelry.
You finally cleared your throat and tilted your head. “Can I help you?” His head turned around, and his eyes remained hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, which seemed a little off considering the sun hadn’t shown all day. You knew the expression of curiosity; it didn’t require visible eyes. It wasn’t the first time a new student came in too eager or just a tourist interested in the old building the bookstore was tucked into.
“You guys aren’t closed yet, are you?” he hummed, the question way too casual to be sincere. “No, we’re still open for about,” you checked your watch, “thirty more minutes. We only sell books related to the university, though. I know the name doesn’t always make it too obvious.” Ah, why did you just say that? It was rude to assume he wasn’t a hip art student or studying something like IT.
It didn’t seem like he took offense, though; the smile remained on his lips. “I’m aware. I was looking for a few particular historical books. I have a list if that helps?” A history student? Now that was a surprise. “Sure, let me have a look.” When he lifted his hand, you noticed just how many rings he wore on each finger. He really had a particular style.
After working here for almost two years, you knew a little bit about every section and could tell by two titles that this was an actual list. You read through it, picked up a basket, and placed each book inside. It couldn’t have taken more than five minutes when you returned, looking up at him. The stranger had taken off his sunglasses by now, and you blinked, admitting he had quite unique and handsome features, from the curious dark eyes to the little moles and plump lips.
You shook yourself awake by typing something on the keyboard. “We have everything but the one about the shamans. If I place an order today, it should be here by Monday. Would you like me to order it?” It would mean he’d have to give you his name, and you happened to be here on Monday too. Wait, why were you keen on that?!
“That would be cool! Would it be alright if I just reserve the other books and pick them up and pay for them all at once on Monday?” he asked, fingers brushing through his hair. “Sure, that’s no problem. I only need your name, and then I can make a note. I will be here on Monday, but my colleagues will also find it. Do you have a student ID? If you have one, we apply a 2% discount for the entire order. I can just prepare everything, and you will be quick on Monday.”
He looked at the basket and then back to you, smiling. “Sure, I have one. One second, it’s somewhere here.” It took him a moment before he pulled out a worn-out leather wallet and offered it to you. Your fingers took it as casually as possible, and you typed in the number before you had a quick glance at his name: Song Mingi. A unique one, at least you only ever encountered one Mingi before, and that was telling, working in a store with hundreds of new students every term.
“I see this is your first time shopping here. I can make you an account if you want to. It’s literally just your name and student number. At the end of the year, you can get a list from us to make use of the tax reduction for what you spent on your student materials…” He was staring at you, and you found yourself blushing. “Is something wrong?”
The smile turned into a grin. “I just thought you were pretty good-looking. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe?” Staring at him, you blinked. “I…uhm, thank you? I mean no, I am single.” Why did you give him this information? Maybe because this was the first time anyone flirted with you. It wasn’t rare for customers to bring gifts for Seonghwa in hopes of winning the young bookshop owner’s heart, so did Jongho. Considering you were here on most days and did not…
You didn’t think of yourself as unattractive, but you were just like your life: very down-to-earth and uneventful.
“Good to know,” he seemed pleased with your reaction, and the sunglasses returned to his nose. “And that would be great; those books get pretty expensive. I will come back on Monday then, same time?” The question seemed intended to find out if you would be here, and while everyone would likely tell you to be less reckless with a stranger, you nodded.
The moment Mingi walked out of the store, a heavy sigh left his lips as he got a last glimpse of you through the large window of the bookstore. How strange that after looking for so long, he finally found someone like you — a soul living its final life.
There was a special magic that remained in such a soul, and upon release, a witch could consume it. Well, that was the simple way to describe it because the offering had to be made willingly, or else it would simply disappear like all the others when there was nothing left for it, passing over for good.
Mingi’s phone rang, and he sighed, noting the name of his best friend. He hesitated but eventually answered. “I’ll be back soon. Did you miss me so much?” he joked, but Yunho’s silence was telling. The witch rolled his eyes as he watched his shadow grow as the sun began to set. “What’s with calling me just to be quiet?” It made him nervous, although he would never admit it.
“How did it go?” Yunho sounded too concerned, which was odd for a witch as talented as him. “I found one,” Mingi finally shared, shrugging to himself. “Works at a bookstore close to our new university. Probably our age. Somewhat cute but no signs of, you know, being different from other humans or knowing that it’s the last one…”
Mingi lied to himself every time he said he was fine with the traditions of his coven and the way they worked their magic. He was desperate to fit in, no matter what he needed to do. He couldn’t bear the thought of being alone.
You felt a little silly by the time you made it to the bookstore. It was quite obvious just how much effort you put into your outfit today; you even applied a little bit of makeup and fixed your hair. Seonghwa was curious right away, but because it was a rather busy day, you managed to dodge his attempts at questioning you. When the evening came around and the end of your shift, you started to wonder if maybe you had let yourself be tricked into thinking Mingi really would come.
You were tidying up your apron when the door opened and Seonghwa made a knowing noise. You were just hanging your bag over your shoulder when you noticed the tall figure standing there. Mingi looked quite a bit different from last time: while still modern and very handsome, he wore glasses and a hat that made him look much more mature, together with a more tuned down oufit. When your gazes met, he grinned, "Sorry, I got a little distracted, am I too late?”
He didn’t look like he was here to pick up a bunch of books, but more to ask you out for a date. For some reason, it seemed you had the same thought, because there was a gentle hope that just maybe, luck would be on your side. Why not? If anyone else always got those random dates, why not you?
“You must be Mister Song? The book you ordered arrived,” Seonghwa chuckled and pulled the paper bag up. “Everything is already packed, so you only have to pay.” Mingi seemed to force himself a little to look at the store owner, but he wasn’t unkind. “Thank you. I appreciate it was as quick.” He paid and took the bag, looking at you again.
“Looks like you finished work?” Before you could say something, Seonghwa was already about it, giving you a gentle shove. “Oh yes, we are done here for the day. It’s a lovely evening for a change, no rain or anything. Enjoy!” He winked at you, and before you could say anything, the two of you were out on the street. You cleared your throat, “Sorry about that, he’s always quite keen on… things.”
Mingi laughed, leaning down a little to look at you. “Well, it’s quite late and you shouldn’t be out alone. Maybe I can walk you home, unless… you have a bit of time?” So it was a date! You tried to hide your excitement about going out with a stranger you knew nothing about other than his name, age, and major. “Ah, sure! I don’t work tomorrow and my lectures are in the late afternoon.”
He seemed happy about your answer and turned around. “Mind to come to my car with me? It’s nearby, just want to drop the books there.” You gave him a quick nod and walked beside him. Mingi adjusted his steps to match yours, looking at you. “So, you know my major, what about you?” His question seemed genuine, so you decided to give him the proper answer.
“It’s boring, but I want to work as a teacher overseas, for languages. I thought it would be amazing to live abroad, teaching older students. I know almost everyone seems to do it these days, but I want to do it properly, which is why I decided to study.” Your parents hadn’t been all thrilled about it, as you could have done anything, but they supported you.
Mingi did not seem to be disappointed about your answer but more invested. “Interesting! I take it that means you like to travel? Any places you would like to go to? It could be to work or just to visit and enjoy a vacation. I always tell myself I would, but you could say studies keep me here…” You felt there was more to it, but it would be rude to ask.
Instead, you tapped a finger against your chin, trying to figure out an answer. “Hmm, I feel like there are just so many places one could go, you know? I mean, our country is beautiful, but I really would like to see more of the world. Maybe places where cultures really clash, like Canada or Australia, which is a little silly. I’m not sure if they would hire a Korean teacher there.” You laughed and looked at him.
Mingi seemed to have taken quite an interest in your face; his smile had changed from the overly confident version from earlier to something gentle. “I do not think it sounds silly. If anything, it’s smart. I feel there is quite a demand for just that.” He nodded and pointed towards a black van. “This is my car.”
It wasn’t what you expected, but at the same time, fitting. “I will wait here, take your time,” you nodded, and he winked. “It only will take a second.” He stepped over and opened the trunk, placing the books inside before returning to your side. Oh, this man was bold. You couldn’t stop thinking that when he offered his arm to you. “Shall we?” There was a hint of hesitation; you questioned if you were so desperate at this point to accept it so easily.
Your dating experiences weren’t even worth a mention. There was a cute guy in high school, a few dates in the first year of college, but that was about it. You always figured that you simply were too ordinary and your drive to be in a relationship too low to try and change that. It didn’t mean you did not enjoy the idea; the chance to explore it was too tempting to miss out on. “Where are we going?”
Mingi did not seem to be too suspicious about your hesitations; he just was too confident to worry about it. “Well, I am a history major, so the most logical thing to me is to take you to a place that suits this while being cute,” he chuckled. “There is this active exhibition going on right now; I thought that could be fun. If you do not feel like that, though, we can just grab some food and then get you home.”
Now you really felt bad for purely judging him for the tattoos on his neck you were sure to have seen on the first day, which seemed to be covered by his outfit today. He really was more than his appearance or the confidence he portrayed. “Oh no, that sounds fun! I just should warn you, it has been quite some time since I went to a place like that.”
Mingi was surprised just how trusting you were. Back at the store, upon first meeting, he had thought of you as a confident person because you were in your own territory. It was why he decided to approach you there first instead of going for a random flirt, but now, you almost seemed too generous to a stranger.
No, he did not start and get attached, especially not that quickly, or he wouldn’t be any better. Then again, it wasn’t so easy because he could sense the radiant energy that your soul held. A soul that reached the end of its human circle was the strongest. It was why so many supernatural beings were usually drawn to it, but it seemed your life had been rather quiet so far. Good for him; he could do this with fewer worries…
The exhibition was designed for tourists, with giant items, some of them interactive, arranged to resemble a playground. Mingi watched you with curiosity as you looked surprisingly excited by the time he bought the tickets.
“If I’d have known they did something like this, maybe I’d have come sooner,” you joked, and Mingi smiled. He watched as you stepped ahead, looking around, passing by other visitors, some of whom were couples. Mingi had no experience when it came to dating. While his confidence wasn’t necessarily a lie, it just didn’t work so easily for him. Love meant letting people in, and with that either, lying or sharing the truth. But how did you explain to anyone that he was part of a witch coven?
He stopped as you picked the swing of all things, looking a little shy at him. He could tell you hoped he’d push you. “Really? If you wanted to do this, we could have just gone to an actual playground,” he teased, but Mingi stepped behind it. The swing was covered in leaves, making it look like it was part of a jungle.
“We could, but there we would be judged as strange adults. Here we can do it while pretending it’s all for gaining knowledge.” At least, you were witty. Mingi liked it and hoped to see a little more to it. After all, he needed to win you over so you would volunteer to leave your soul to him by the time of your end… He pushed the thought aside and started to aid you with the swinging.
“You seem too confident to care about the opinions of others,” he started, a means to try and get to know you better. It was easier to ask questions when you did not have to look the other in the eye. Considering that silence followed as you moved, Mingi assumed you were more careful with your answer.
“I guess I am, but then I am not. It’s hard to explain, but I feel as I start confident, but then when I think about it, I get nervous. Then, it’s like I never was confident to begin with, you know?”
Your voice was thoughtful as you swung through the air, and Mingi was a little speechless because he knew that feeling exactly. He too often tried to act confident, but then, when feelings and thoughts came crashing in, he crumbled. Just he tried to hide it, and for all other times, he had Yunho, who stepped in to shelter him.
He hated feeling so weak.
You had to cling to the swing not to fall forward when it was suddenly forcefully stopped, but before you could complain about it, Mingi’s face was close. This time, you could see his eyes clearly and the two moles that felt so unique. His breath tickled your skin, and you had no idea just what was going on anymore. You swallowed as he slowly leaned in, his long lashes seemed ready to shut when you found yourself leaning back.
“Ah…. I’m sorry, I think this is too early,” you whispered, and whatever had gotten over him seemed to be gone. The man blinked and shook his head: “Yeah! Sorry! I just, you know! Sad topics, never mind, I mean we do not have to talk about it, I get it.” It was obvious that he was a little lost , so you tried to fix it, getting up with a smile.
“No, don’t worry about it, I do not mind! It’s nice knowing somebody understands it, you know?” You dropped the topic. “Well, shall we look at the rest and then get some food? There is a burger place Hwa recommended to me the other day nearby.”
Mingi managed to smile; you were certain it was more forced this time. Whatever was on his mind must be quite serious, and you felt bad for likely having been the reason for it. “Sure, sounds good.”
You tried your best to make the rest of your time at the museum more comfortable, asking questions about if he came here often and what his favorite exhibition had been. Slowly, Mingi relaxed again, and the conversation was casual and fun. He knew quite a bit about it although not being an art major but shared how he had considered studying that, but his family insisted on something more traditional. He spoke about his enjoyment of music and interest in fashion.
Every time you complimented it, his smile seemed to grow and it made you oddly happy. You enjoyed listening to him, and Mingi made sure to give you time to share your thoughts on it. By the time you made it to the burger shop, nobody would be able to guess that the two of you only had known each other for more or less one day.
“Mh, I didn’t remember they were so expensive,” you mumbled to yourself. Mingi chuckled: “You know, I could just invite you?” You hurried to shake your head: “No! You paid for the museum, shame on them for taking money from students… I got this!” He waved his hands: “How about we share the fries? I never will eat an entire package on my own anyway.”
You could tell he was trying to help, so you sighed and gave in, just mentally reminding yourself this would mean living off instant food for the next week to come. Once the order was set and the tray carried to a small table, the two of you ate and Mingi relaxed back, eyes wandering outside the window. “I admit, this was a lot more fun than I expected. Yunho comes with me sometimes but he’s really busy with his work; I feel bad to ask him to tag along to things like that.”
This was the second time the name slipped, first earlier when you looked at a painting of a dog. “A friend?” you asked, picking up a fry and watching him nod. The way he smiled made it obvious that this Yunho must be important to the student. “He’s been my best friend since early childhood, pretty much like a brother.”
This must be nice, having a friend like that. You couldn’t complain, really. You had quite a few good friends but none of them was to the level of being considered equal to a sibling. “Is he also some edgy and tall guy like you?” you asked playfully with a wink. Mingi rolled his eyes, smirking: “Please, edgy is such an old-style word! Nah, he is taller than myself but other than that, very caring.”
You laughed: “Likely very popular with the girls.” Mingi shrugged, finishing his chicken burger. “Who knows, I tell him to take his chances but like I said… he’s somewhat busy.” You nodded, deciding not to pry today; if anything, you might learn more about it naturally. “So, I had a lot of fun today. Thanks for inviting me. That leaves it, well, I still do not have your number.”
Mingi blinked, realizing you were right, and he chuckled, taking out his phone and offering it to you. “Let’s change that then!” You smiled and gave him yours before you both saved each other. When you checked under what he registered himself, you playfully rolled your eyes: “Tall Handsome, really?” He rose from the chair: “Just making sure! It’s getting late, let’s get you home.”
When he said it was time to go, you were a little disappointed but he was right. While your semester was as good as over, you had a few extra classes taken for the credits. You walked back to his van and he drove you to your apartment complex.
“Next time, the plan’s on me,” you offered with a smile and Mingi nodded. “Sounds good… sleep well.” You hesitated for a moment before leaning in, pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before getting out of the car. You were confident there was a hint of a blush on his cheek as he smiled and drove off.
“Ah, this was such a long and expensive day,” you sighed to yourself before stopping in front of the mailboxes. A few envelopes were shoved inside yours. You sighed as you opened them and looked at the signature of the university. “Always so in time with the payment note for the next term…”
You flipped through the others, sorted out ads, and moved over to the trashcans to leave what you didn’t need right away when a pale hand appeared, opening the can for you. You looked up in surprise, facing a man that was about your own height. You did not pay too much attention to that, though; his features were much more captivating. It was hard to describe but there was something oddly beautiful about him. Sharp yet elegant, knowing, and curious eyes, a casual smile on his lips as his free hand brushed through dark brown curls.
“Thank you,” you mumbled. A quick glance over the rest of his appearance made you wonder what he was doing here. While his style was certainly unique, it wasn’t difficult to spot pricy brands, nothing people in this neighborhood wore. Yet, for some reason, he seemed familiar. Maybe you did encounter him before?
“You are welcome. It’s a little late to get out the trash; being out after dark is a little dangerous or so I heard,” his voice was melodic, and you had a hard time looking at him as for some reason, he made you nervous. What was it with handsome men suddenly paying attention to you this month?
“It’s not as bad as the press wants you to think,” you joked but fixed your bag. “I am about to get up so…” His smile did not fade, eyes fixed on you before he nodded. “Well, I actually acquired this building today. Guess, I’ll see you then. Sleep well.” It was hard to tell what felt more off, the bow he gave you or the news that he bought this building… he couldn’t be much older than yourself, and why would anyone want this?
All you could do was stare as he walked into the night. Yes, this really was a strange day. “Mh, gosh, I spend too much time with books!” You patted your cheeks like it would wake you up before disappearing into your small apartment.
Hongjoong sighed as he settled into the armchair close to the fireplace. On the day he arrived in this city, he knew right away he had finally found you after searching for two centuries.
Your soul was burning so brightly, so beautifully, that he would have enjoyed it if not for knowing that by the time he finally managed to track you down, you truly had reached your final life.
You looked different this time, but it did not matter. If anything, he quite enjoyed seeing you so lively, so stubborn, and confident. In the life you met him, society had been very different, and you had to give in to the status of your family and what they wanted from you.
Hongjoong had really practiced his patience for you, back then and now. If he could, he would just walk in and shake your soul up a little, reminding it that in a previous life, you loved him too and that the connection between the two of you was surely still there.
He would likely have done it if not for the little witch clinging so closely to you all day. Hongjoong knew exactly what that one wanted from you, and there was no way he would lose you ever again, as unlike that guy, he wanted all of you, and all you had to do for that was to devote your soul to him.
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adlerthetattler · 3 months
//As I was afraid of, editing my blog on the back end is weird because I, at the time, used custom HTML, and tumblr has changed its formatting, so now saving things is acting up. In order to make sure my changes are saved while I figure this out, I'm going to post them here lol. It's also a great way to make sure my followers/ any newbies see what's up while I fuck around and find out.
So below are my verses! I'll post the new main verse as well once I've got that all polished.
TITLE: Consulting Detective (BBC Sherlock Verse)
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Children were never part of the picture for Irene Adler, yet after fleeing England she discovers herself to be pregnant with no easy means of removing the fetus. To keep them both safe, the majority of Lacey's life was built around frequent moves and unstable bonds. At the age of 17, Lacey left the confines of her mother's protections to move to England on her own and explore just what sordid past Irene left behind. Drawn to the family business of "SECRETS," Lacey is part thief, part "consulting detective," and can't quite decide where her allegiances lie. VERSE TAG: og.
TITLE: Genderbent! Verse
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Now Lance Adler. Background is essentially the same as the main verse. Face claim belongs to Luke Brandon Field. VERSE TAG: genderbent
TITLE: Looking Glass
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Not all cases lead to finite conclusions. One particular job drew Lacey to a serial killer's home, where strange sounds and warped visions prove to be more then the ricket bones of an old building. The supernatural is more than just a superstition, prompting Lacey to put aside her life of sleuthing to pursue a career in supernatural investigations. VERSE TAG: looking glass
TITLE: Start the Tape (AMC Interview with the Vampire Verse)
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Daniel Molloy's recent publication is widely accepted as an odd, fictionalized memoir designed to rocket him back into the public eye-- but Lacey sees through their scrutiny. With too much history too back it up and too many questions of her own, Lacey has made it her mission to find the dark corners of the night where man's greatest predators lurk. VERSE TAG: start the tape
TITLE: The Ripper (Hannibal Verse)
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A curious mind with a dual degree in Criminology and Journalism from Harvard can't keep her nose out of the Chesapeake Ripper case. That curiousity takes her to Maryland, where she pursues her own private detective work, begins to build her own murderer profile while, and pushes the bounds of how involved a woman on the outside can be. VERSE TAG: the ripper
TITLE: Bitchcraft
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There are easier ways to get one's way than stealing and trading secrets. In Lacey's experience, a short ritual and a little potion never hurt anyone. Can be paired with AHS: Coven, IWTV, or any fandom featuring witchcraft. VERSE TAG: bitchcraft
TITLE: Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Having Without Taking Her Clothes Off
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It was initially for a case, taking up being a stripper. However, as she worked the pole, she actually found that she kind of liked it-- and not to mention, the pay is nothing to laugh about. The club she works in is normally crawling with scum anyway, so in a way, she's killing two birds with one stone.
TITLE: Does that make me crazy?
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Lacey has danced around a killer's case since she first stepped into her line of work. But in her dissection of motives and her long nights, fantasies of the killer grow larger than life. As she loses touch with what is the truth and what isn't, Lacey finds herself losing touch with reality and wondering if she is perhaps closer to the killer than she ever realized. VERSE TAG: does that make me crazy?
TITLE: Vendetta (V verse)
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Lacey works as an intern for the Scotland Yard, but not because of her attachment to the High Chancellor's ideals. Her position allows her to steal from the Yard in order and get the information she needs to further the anonymous terrorist's revolution. VERSE TAG: vendetta
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shroomtime00 · 2 years
Hoodwinked - prologue
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You’d think being part of one of the most renowned, richest witch families on the Boiling Isles would be great, right?
Yeah, no.
Being a Blight sounds fun on paper. No worrying about money, being in the Emperor’s good books, plus your parents would be gifted, so that means you’ll be naturally gifted too! 
Well, not you. Your siblings, perhaps. But you’re lacking in the talented gene, unfortunately. 
You’re painfully average. You get mostly Bs and Cs in your oracle class, you never really had something unique about you, so your parents never quite spent any money on extracurricular classes. 
But you’ve seen how they treat Amity. She’s always dozing off on the dinner table, with her nose buried in a book. And she hasn’t been attending sibling sleepovers, which you take personal offense to. 
It’s not like it’s her fault, though. It’s your parents, those two menaces, who force her to enter coven tryout from coven tryout, extra class after extra class…honestly, you felt bad for your little sister, but what could you do? You’re powerless against your parents. They would burn down Blight Industries before lending you an ear–
“(Reader)!” snapped your mother, causing you to leave your mind rant. “You’re slowing down again.”
“Sorry, Mom.” you said through your teeth, beginning to sweep once again. 
It was dark in the factory, and silent. You much prefer this than the loud cheering of those crude investors that filled the space moments before. 
But still, silence with your parents was hell. 
Your mother turns to your father, who is tidying up the Abomaton prototype. Her scowl turns sweet. 
“Despite the..er, spectacle Amity and that human caused, this was quite a successful sale!” she beams, patting his shoulder, “Excellent job on the 2.0, dear.”
“Yes.” a new voice says abruptly, causing you to drop your broom. 
A crimson glow enfolds the broom, and it floats into your palm. Your gaze never leaves the dark where the source of the voice came from, however. 
A new figure steps into the light. Your eyes widened, and you knew exactly who this was. 
His crisp white cloak trailed behind as he put back his mechanical staff behind him, the gem still glowing dimly. The gold mask, like a barn owl, flashes. You and your parents stare in awe as where he stood, with two coven scouts standing behind him. 
Mother falls to her knees, and pulls down Dad. You follow their steps.
“Your Abomatons are quite extraordinary.” The Golden Guard continues, stopping a few feet in front of you. “ Too bad no one will be receiving them.”
You stare up at him in shock, mouth opening to object. 
Then, his head snaps to you. “Care to add anything, Blight?”
“They mean no harm!” Mother says hastily, giving him a quick glance before glaring at you. You close your mouth. 
“Hm.” his gaze lingers on your face another moment before he clears his throat, “As I was saying, your Abomatons are rather…astounding. Head Witch Deammone gives his regards.”
You feel a grin tug at your lips as you see your father scowls, reminding you of how Amity makes that red angry face when she’s annoyed at the twins. 
“The Emperor has heard of your products, and will personally fund research into making them stronger.”
“That’s great news! We are honored to have—” your mother flushed, smiling, but the Golden Guard cuts her off. 
“You should be. The Emperor doesn’t take kindly to citizens making….private armies.” 
Another glance to you, before he turns around. The scouts mimic him. “We will send a ship with coven officials to see what you can offer tomorrow. Good evening.”
And as hasty as he arrived, he left into the shadows. 
Your parents exchanged a worried glance before standing once more. 
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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Where we last left off, Luz & Hunter found themselves within another memory of Belos in his early days, traveling from village to village, preaching the will of the Titan. We see a small town burning, a fire most certainly set by Belos himself. It looks like it might be up on The Knee. Wasn’t there some ruins up there? I’d go check, but uh… I don’t feel like doing it right now, soooo… I’ll do it later. And by that I mean ”I will forget to do it later.”
(The Child also grabbed a sack from the previous memory and a rope in this one. What’s he up to?)
Belos led the survivors to (relative) safety and introduced them to his coven system, with the coven sigils which were supposed to protect them from their own magic running wild. Only for him to then immediately activate the sigils, leaving everyone there paralyzed and unable to do anything as the Golden Guard begins collecting their palismen. As we continue, Luz and Hunter witness Belos leaving these innocent people to die in the cold.
And I kinda played it off in the last post, but this is disturbing. Like genuinely disturbing. I knew Belos was a manipulative and cold-hearted man that treated people like pawns but seeing it carried out at this scale and so methodically… it’s very unsettling. And dying in the cold too… let’s just say, the last week or so has made me remember just how scary cold can be. I can only hope those poor witches were unconscious and didn’t lay there awake but unable to move as the elements claimed them.
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”Well maybe I’m an idiot!”
Eh, maybe, but not that kind of idiot.
Jeez Louise, this kid could go to the olympics with these mental gymnastics.
This is what King was talking about before, about how ”No one wants to think they’ve wasted their life following the wrong person.” This is especially true for Hunter, who was raised by Belos and views him as family. 
I spotted two other paintings. The first one is blocked by Hunter except for a few short moments, but I managed to get a good look on it. It looks like it might be Philip, looking out over the isles, with the head of the Titan in the far distance.
The second painting we get a little better look at in a second as Hunter starts running after The Child. It depicts Philip, as we saw him in Elsewhere and Elsewhen. He’s holding his diary and talking to two witches. At first, I thought it might be Lilith and Luz, but… they look a  bit off. For one thing, they’re both holding magic staffs, which neither of them used during their time travel excursion. It also looks like ”Dirtrude” has horns, and ”Luzura” is missing her helmet. So unless this really is an example of Belos memory being wrong like Hunter suggested was what was going on in the memory where he murdered a bunch of innocent people in cold (no pun intended) blood, those are different people.
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Before Hunter can catch up to The Child, the monstrous form of Inner Belos appears and strikes a pose very similar to the one that can be spotted on the painting in the background. Possibly the first time Philip/Belos turned into his mutated monster form?
I spotted another painting that was on screen for a fraction of a second before Hunter blocked it. It’s two people in sillhouette… sillouette… sillouhette… shadows. I think one of them might be Brother Wittebane and the other… I’m not so sure, but it kinda looks like they’re wearing a dress? So most likely not Philip. They’re holding hands. The witch Brother Wittebane had Hunter with perhaps?*
(*unless that theory I have turns out to be true)
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I spotted these paintings here. I saw the first one and at first thought it was Hunter, but no. He has round ears, so that’s clearly Brother Wittebane, Hunter’s father. And he’s hugging (what’s probably) Philip after he turned into a monster.
In the second painting, we can see Philip, looking similar but slightly different from how he appeared in Elsewhere and Elsewhen (I don’t think his beard is as long as it was in that episode). He is holding a knife behind his back… We also see Brother Wittebane smiling at his brother.
The third painting looks like Philip (in his monster form maybe?) holding the knife while Brother Wittebane pleads with him.
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The Child is leading them towards this painting, deep within the dead woods. This tree is slightly different. It’s ice blue for one thing. It’s surrounded by stars and a moon and has the symbol of The Collector on it. The painting itself shows the portal door.
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