#coventry family
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resurrectionist3 · 4 months
June 6th, 1755 - Happy Birthday Nathan Hale!!!
We are gonna pretend like this isn’t several days late.
And this post is about to be super long…
Disclaimer: for the entirety of the post, I’m recalling information that was told to me by the tour guide from the Nathan Hale Homestead. If anything I wrote here is incorrect or not complete information, feel free to KINDLY correct me in a comment or repost, I would appreciate that☺️
Back in May (05/18/24), I visited the Nathan Hale Homestead in Coventry, Connecticut with my sister!!
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I always drive by it when I go home from school and I finally got to visit for a tour! They also have a farmers market on grounds in the summertime as well as a couple other events throughout the year. I do hope i get to attend their Halloween ghost stories.
One thing i learned that i guess i didn’t ever realise was that Nathan never actually lived in this house. After his mother passed, Nathan’s father, Deacon Richard Hale and all 9(?) of his children lived together in a very, very small house. It wasnt until after Richard was remarried, that this newer and larger house was built. By this point, i believe Nathan had already moved away to be a teacher in New London.
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Here are photos of their medicine cabinet and their fireplace✨
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Photos of their piano forte in the sitting room and a drawn family tree.
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And this was Deacon Richard Hale’s writing desk. If I remember correctly, he was a deacon in the church and a magistrate. He dealt with small court disputes in their house which I found very silly (and the wax stamp had an H on it idk why that made me die😭)
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And here, in one of the upstairs rooms, they displayed artist renditions of what we think Nathan Hale and his brothers looked like. I think Nathan had 9 (?) biological siblings that survived to adulthood, one of which being his sister Johanna. And then i believe he had 3 step siblings after his father remarried (im trying to recall everything the tour guide said).
Johanna isnt depictied in these drawings, its only the brothers, but her room was on display for the tour and it had a lot of windows. The tour guide said it was because she apparently loved to read, so they made sure her room had the most windows for the most light??😭😭🥹🥹
Anyways, all of Nathan’s brothers went to war except for the youngest one. Also, if you look at the years of their deaths, Samuel Hale (the oldest sibling) actually outlived them all?? Which makes me want to scream???? Samuel also didn’t inherit the family farm, it actually went to his brother John.
Joseph Hale- (damn he can get it lowkey..🥵) while in the war was captured by the British and was on a prison ship until he was exchanged and honestly I’ve been thinking about it too much. So glad he didn’t die of dysentery or something. But he did pass of consumption at only 34 which I can’t even handle.
Enoch, went to Yale along with Nathan and they were in the same graduating class which i think is so cutesy. The tour guide also said that one of the pewter steins in one of the sitting rooms (i don’t actually have a photo unfortunately) belonged to Enoch and I wanted to scream, like was it ACTUALLY his???
They had a display of several items they found on the property like coins, buttons, ect. but I didn’t take a photo of that either. It was in the same room as these images of the brothers.
I think we all know Nathan, and quite honestly i didn’t even realise he had so many siblings until this tour. I suppose one could assume given the time period - everyone had like 5+ children. But of all the times i was taught about Nathan Hale (and that was kind of a lot, being a Connecticut resident for my entire life) no one ever mentioned his family or his siblings. There was a portrait of Deacon Richard Hale in the downstairs area- I didn’t realise this in the moment, my sister mentioned it later, but (based on the artist’s rendition) Nathan looked just like his father. I found it really funny when i realised it.
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This was Nathan’s hunting rifle as well, another thing that apparently belonged to one of the members of the Hale family that made me want to scream (more on that in my final thoughts).
And last photo (the Turn: Washington’s Spies baddies are gonna LOVE this one)
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This is a list of the Yale University (back then, it was just Yale College) honours graduating class of 1773. On it, is Nathan and Enoch Hale of course. But also, Nathan’s friend and “roommate” 👀 (and our favourite spymaster) Benjamin Tallmadge!!!!! I had to keep my mouth shut when the tour guide mentioned that he was on this list, but I was screaming internally and my sister and i made goofy ahh eye contact.
Their names are towards the top, Enoch and Nathan are listed in the third small column while Benjamin is in the sixth one all the way to the right.
Things that i saw/were talked about that i didn’t take a photo of was a shadow drawing of Nathan’s side profile. At some point, Nathan stood in front of a door in the house while someone traced the outline of his shadow onto it. I don’t quite know why that was done..? Perhaps it was for a genuine reason or maybe the Hale siblings were just messing around. But it’s a pretty big deal considering there are actually no true portraits of Nathan or his siblings. Just statues and drawings that are artist renditions based on historical accounts. There was a historian who wrote about Nathan Hale and came in contact with a member of the Hale family (Rebecca Hale, I believe). She told him about the shadow drawing and it was a long and interesting story that I unfortunately don’t remember all the parts to. A piece about the portrait is typed on a paper in the photo of Nathan’s rifle, if you can zoom in, you can read a little more on it.
Their gift shop was also small and cutesy and I spent a lot of money there on books. On display there, they had an old piece of wood from the original house. I got a published copy of Reverend John Hale’s, A Modest Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft.
If anyone wasn’t aware, Reverend John Hale (Nathan Hale’s great grandfather) was called to Salem, Massachusetts from Beverly to assist in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. He was partially responsible for the persecution of several innocent people however, nearing the end of the trials, he began to disagree with the accusations. He published this firsthand account to condemn the actions of those involved with the trials and I’ve always thought it was so interesting. I’ve wanted to read this since I read The Crucible back in high school and i was very excited to see it at the gift shop.
You can also visit the Hale Farm in Beverly, MA where Rev. John Hale used to live and I want to someday. I’ve only ever been outside of it, I’ve never properly visited for a tour. (Cutesy fact as well: Rev. John’s Hale’s birthday is June 3rd, which is only 3 days before Nathan’s).
Final Thoughts:
The Hale Family was absolutely MASSIVE. Our tour guide mentioned being a descendant of the Hale Family and im sure a number of “born and raised” New England residents are as well somewhere in their ancestry. Based on the drawn family tree, most of the members had probably 4 kids minimum and then those kids all had a ton of kids. It’s also very funny to me how there are probably several Hale’s who are decently significant figures in history and it’s just wild that it’s all one family. I know it’s the same for royal families and such but it feels different somehow.
According to our tour guide, one theory about how Nathan Hale was captured was by Robert Rogers. That Rogers invited him to dinner and convinced Nathan that he was also part of the Continental Army. Nathan then confided his mission in Rogers and was lured into a false sense of security that lead to him being captured. Which is another one for the Turn baddies that almost made me die when I heard it. Especially since I don’t believe I’ve heard that theory before.
Something I did really enjoy about this tour was how it didn’t completely focus on Nathan. Of course that would have been fine and equally as interesting, but it was mainly a lesson on his family and some of his descendants. After being taught about Nathan Hale so many times, I had no idea about his entire family and his siblings.
It also never TRULY occurred to me that there aren’t any real portraits of Nathan Hale. They’ve all been artist renditions as paintings or statues based on historical descriptions of him and something about that is extremely wild to me. It makes me somewhat grateful for our easy access to camera and video in our modern world. There are so many faces and stories that have been completely lost to time - even some very significant historical figures have little to no surviving images. Like, we know who they are and that they were here at some point - we have their belongings and things that they used. Thats why seeing Nathan’s rifle in the bedroom or Enoch’s stein in the sitting room cause me to have such visceral reactions. This was theirs once. This was used by someone probably everyday. And now its almost like a ghost or memory of them. The land around the property is heavily wooded as well, lots of trees and stones. My sister and I took a short walk around the property before leaving and it really made me think: how many of these stones did they touch? How many of these large trees did they lean on? It drives me so insane honestly.
One last thing that hadn’t occurred to me before this trip was how the Hale family learned of Nathan’s hanging. According to the tour guide, Enoch and a couple his brothers had heard of a Hale being found guilty of espionage and being hanged. And after looking into it more, Enoch did confirm that it was Nathan and sent word to the rest of the family. It’s said that before being hanged, Nathan only asked for a few things: A priest (which he did not get), parchment, quill and ink for writing. He wrote a letter to his commanding officer and one to his family. According to the guide, i believe neither one was sent. Perhaps the one to the officer was sent, however he never received it because he was killed in battle before he had the chance. And allegedly, the one written to the Hale family was seized by the British and was likely used as a written confession rather than being sent home to Nathan’s family. I honestly can’t imagine how upsetting that must’ve been for all of them. Especially with each of the Hale brothers being in the war and likely all in different places, there wasn’t really any other way for them to find out that their own brother was hanged aside from the way everyone else learned of it - through the newspaper or by word of mouth. No other Hale brother died in the war either, they all survived and had relatively high rankings by the time the war was over.
So that was my trip, it was fun and informative and I would really love to visit again sometime. I highly recommend anyone who is a fan of history, or Turn: Washington’s Spies to visit if you can! They are only open seasonally though, and only on weekends. They do a tour every hour, so plan accordingly if you want to visit!
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙤𝙛 𝙂𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙜𝙤𝙬
"𝘿𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙭."
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Name: Dayana of Glasgow 
Birthday: 16th of May, 990 AD 
Zodiac sign: Taurus 
Weight: 70kg 
Height: 1.72m 
Religion: Atheist 
Eye colour: Hazel 
Hair colour: Blonde 
Faceclaim: Vilda Ataveser ( gif credits to @hurrems​ ) 
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Mother: Brunhilda of Cologne 
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Her role model in some aspects, they’re close and Dayana sort of knew who her mother was and was her best defender and supporter. She had founded the school of Hogwarts and was a powerful witch, and Dayana craved to have that power. When she turned twelve, her parents’ marriage broke and went to live near the Dohertys. She’d later be betrothed to the eldest son. 
Father: Wilhelm of Paris 
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Wilhelm wasn’t the most present father, or the most affectionate, yearning for a son and neglecting Dayana for being a girl and reminding him of Brunhilda, he only cared when showing off and wanting to antagonize her mother, though it never worked out. When he tried to marry her off to a much older man, Dayana, her mother and sister packed everything and left. She never heard of him until his death. 
Other relatives: Matilda of Essex 
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Sweet, a bit naive, but ambitious and cunning, Dayana and Matilda were very different, but loved one another nevertheless. They were closer once they moved in with the Dohertys and though Matilda soon married at sixteen Odalric the Red, they remained close. 
Younger brother: Louis of Montpensier 
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Dayana and Louis never got along, for he was spoiled for being the only male son and heir to the fortune, and Dayana hated that she wasn’t him. He was but a child when they left and never spoke. She wasn’t even invited to his own wedding to Aurelia de León. 
Friends: TBD 
Significant Other: Samhradhan ‘Sam’ Doherty ( @hphmmatthewluther​ & @camillejeaneshphm​ ) 
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Dayana and Sam met at Hogwarts, and during their second year, they were betrothed to one another. Dayana decided to get to know her future husband, and, along the years, fell in love with one another and lived a happy life. 
Overall personality: Cunning, wise, intelligent, hard-working, ambitious and perspicacious, Dayana is a spoiled princess who always gets her way and has a high self-esteem, who is always right and has a mighty presence that can light the whole room. She takes no shit and is a no-bullshit person, but, in the end, like her mother, is soft for those whom she loves, which aren’t many. 
Positive traits: Cunning, wise, intelligent, perspicacious 
Negative traits: Proud, haughty and mighty 
Guilty pleasure: NA 
Dayana, being descended from one of the founders of Hogwarts, lived in the Scottish Highlands and was born on Glasgow (hence her name) and developed a strong Scottish accent alongside her French. She grew up in an Anglo-Saxon estate, though it was destroyed during the conquest of William the Conqueror, given that her father oppossed them. 
Dayana of Glasgow was born on 990 AD of Brunhilda of Cologne and Wilhelm of Paris, who were first cousins. She was their first child, and her birth disappointed her father, who longed for a son. 
She grew up with everything handed on a silver spoon and had a fairly good childhood when she wasn’t reminded of the fact that she was not a son. Two more siblings joined: Matilda and Louis. They all lived fairly well until her twelfth birthday. 
Her father wanted to marry her off to a much older man, and Bruna wanted to betroth her to her old love’s son. They argued, and Dayana heard all of it, and the marriage fell apart. Bruna took her and Matilda with her, though couldn’t take her son with her due to law and never returned. She continued on her education, now betrothed to the eldest Doherty boy. They fell in love during those six years and continued on the legacy. 
Dayana has the gift of oratory and her magnificence helped her to earn the favour of many 
She is strong-minded and dislikes being told what to do or how to behave 
She is her mother’s supporter and helped her hide her relationship with the Doherty marriage with her own. 
At sixteen, she and Sam were married, and after graduating, they lived together a happy life despite the conflict in the Muggle world. 
She also can play the cithara and has a lovely singing voice 
She is strikingly tall for her age 
She could speak Latin, Ancient Greek, Old French and Spanish 
She was the one to introduce Matilda and Odalric 
Her brother continued the family line that would be born as the Dubois family. 
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world-of-wales · 2 years
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16 JANUARY 2018 || The Duchess of Cambridge along with Prince William carried out a series of engagements in Coventry.
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dinoholland · 2 years
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blueiscoool · 5 months
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Stone With 1,600-Year-Old Irish Inscription Found in English Garden
A geography teacher, Graham Senior, stumbled across a rock with mysterious incisions while tidying his overgrown garden in Coventry, England. The discovery of a small stone carved with an early form of Celtic script has caused excitement among archaeologists.
The rectangular sandstone rock was found by Graham Senior in Coventry during lockdown in 2020 while he was weeding, but its true value was only recently understood.
The 11-centimeter-long and 139-gram rectangular sandstone rock had cryptic inscriptions on it that suggested a history spanning over 1,600 years, all written in the mysterious Ogham alphabet.
Ogham is an early medieval alphabet used to write the Archaic Irish language from the 4th to the 6th century and Old Irish from the 6th to the 9th century. It is usually found carved on stones in Ireland, Wales, and western Britain. It was the first written language in Ireland. The majority of the 400 or so known inscriptions from the Archaic Irish period are family name pillars that were built to announce land ownership.
Ogham is an extremely unique writing system among all writing systems, with lines arranged in groups of one to five only. The stones provide insight into the Irish language before the use of the Latin insular script.
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Finds liaison officer for the Birmingham Museums Trust, Teresa Gilmore, told RTÉ’s Morning Ireland that the discovery on an Ogham stone in the English midlands was a rare find.
“These finds do not turn up in the midlands. The bulk of Ogham inscriptions are found over in Ireland,” she said.
Professor Katherine Forsyth of Celtic Studies at the University of Glasgow conducted additional research that shed more light on the stone’s provenance. Her findings point to a period suggesting a timeframe ranging from the fifth to sixth centuries, with the possibility of an even earlier date in the fourth century.
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The stone is inscribed on three of its four sides. The inscription on the stone, “Maldumcail/S/ Lass,” puzzled researchers, with interpretations pointing towards a version of the personal name Mael Dumcail, but the meaning of the S and LASS is unclear. Given the usual purpose and significance of ogham stones, it may be a location reference.
Theories regarding the origins of the stone abound, with speculations ranging from migration patterns to the presence of early medieval monasteries in the region.
The rock will be displayed at the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum in Coventry, to which Senior has donated it permanently. It will feature in the forthcoming Collecting Coventry exhibition, which opens on 11 May.
By Oguz Kayra.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
hiii! not sure if you’re open to requests, but could you do one maybe about y/n being one of the background singers for matilda and she gets really emotional during singing it! (harry wrote it about her)
just a lil blurb for you<3 thank you for the inspo xox
word count: -1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x backupsinger!eader
���And let’s give it up for our wonderful ladies tonight!” Harry shouts into his microphone, leaving the crowd of Coventry to scream back at him.
“We have, Elin.” Harry announces and Elin waves excitedly.
“As, always and forever, we have Sarah Jones.” The crowd goes crazy for Sarah. “A name so good you have to say both first and last name.”
Harry turns to face the audience and notices a fan trying to get his attention more than the others. He pulls out his ear piece so he can hear better.
“Sorry?” He politely asks her to repeat.
He focuses his attention on the fan at the barricade.
“Oh your name is also two-name worthy. What is it? Annie? No.. Amy? Yes, Amy..? Amy Styles? Ah you’re funny, you.” He smiles as he sees what the fan is trying to do here.
“No it actually is!” The fan shouts back and holds up her driving license for Harry to see.
Harry kneels down and his jacket widens open and fans scream as they see more of his chest, whilst the fans behind get a great view if his bum.
He looks at the driving license before laughing into the microphone. The crowd cheers at the tiny noise.
“Are…” Harry stops to laugh again, “Are you part of my long lost family or summat?” He asks and the fan nods her head desperately. “Wow. Never knew there was more of us out there.”
He hands the driving license back to the fan before standing back up again. It’s clear that Harry is thinking about saying something, because he stares at you, next to him on stage, with wonder.
“She’s got my last name before you do, Y/N.” He says into his microphone and the crowd goes completely wild.
You shake your head at him for being so chaotic onstage. You and Harry like to keep your relationship as private as possible, which is difficult when he’s a global superstar and you’re one of his backup singers.
It’s little things like calling each other by your proper names in public, but behind closed doors you only call pet names to one another. Or, you won’t kiss on stage because that’s too PDA for you both, but behind closed it’s exactly the opposite. Sometimes Harry’s lips will be sore when he sings from how intensely he kisses you.
“Soon though, soon.” He says to you, not into the microphone but close enough so the crowd hears.
You hold up your pinky finger and nod your head in agreement.
“I haven’t introduced her yet, but you all love her so let’s have your cheers for Y/N!” Harry shouts into his microphone and the crowd go the craziest for you.
Harry then introduces that he’s going to sing Matilda and gives reasons why it’s so important to him, before the little guitar riff for the song starts playing from Mitch.
The crowd goes still as they anticipate one of Harry’s slower songs. When the words come in, the crowd start singing in a tone that is just so peaceful and lulling.
A few fans wave to you and you wave back, allowing them to have a little scream at the notion. You laugh and catch Harry smiling at the interaction.
You don’t start singing until the chorus, but when you do the same fans hype you up.
The love from the fans is so overwhelming that you start to form tears in your eyes.
It gets even more overwhelming when a red heart balloon is lifted into the air, from the crowd, during the bridge.
You have to take a step back to clear your throat, before continuing to sing, blinking back the tears in your eyes too.
You don’t expect it, but Harry reaches over and cups his hand with yours, giving you a tight squeeze in the process. You smile as you sing, looking over slightly to catch Harry watching you with awe.
The interaction between you two goes viral and becomes the trending topic for weeks to come.
When the song is over, you immediately pull Harry into you and he hugs you back just as tight. The crowd cheers not only for the beautiful song, but also for the interaction between you and Harry.
“I love you.” You tell Harry.
“I love you more.”
“I love you most.”
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c-rose2081 · 2 months
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Art by @nnobodoodles <3
Ariana Rose (OC/Character Introduction)
Story: We the Anti-Heroes
Fandom: Disney Descendants
Full Name/Title: Princess Ariadne Nevaeh Rose-Corleone of Coventry
Nickname(s): Ariana, Ari
Age: 17
Birthday/Star Sign: August 16th / Leo
Personality Type: ESTP
Home Country: Auroria-Coventry
Style Preference: Bold, Colorful, Showy/Promiscuous, 2000’s/Britney Era
Favorite Color Combo: Marigold & Turquoise
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Art by: @tinta.negrita (Cara/Insta)
immediate family -> Queen Rhea Rose-Corleone (mother), King Jedrick Corleone (father), Prince Adonis Rose-Corleone (little brother)
extended family -> Queen Leah Rose (maternal grandmother), King Stephan (maternal grandfather), Queen Aurora Rose (maternal Aunt), King Phillip (Uncle), Audrey Rose (first cousin)
family via marriage -> Chloe Charming (cousin-through-marriage), Chad Charming (cousin-in-law/psudo uncle/Audrey’s husband), Queen Ella (aunt-in-law), Charming (uncle-in-law)
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Art by @descendantofthesparrow
(Other) Relationships:
Hadie Phobos (boyfriend), Herc Hercules (ex-boyfriend), Zevon (ex-boyfriend/platonic friend), Claudine ‘Dina’ Frollo (friend), anti-heroes club (friends), Dr. Mason Blythe (therapist)
Face Claim: Samantha Logan
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Descriptors (negative): Over-dramatic, Toxic, Bitchy, Difficult, Unstable, Spiteful, Attention Seeking, Anti-social
Descriptors (positive): Loyal, Protective, Theatrical, Fearless, Bright, Intelligent, Streetwise, Affectionate
Descriptors (environmental): Neglected, Skittish, Aggressive, Scarred, Broken, Emotionally Disregulated, Touch Starved, Temper Prone
Ailments/Disabilities: Emotional Disregulation, PTSD, Violent Tendencies
Felonies: Aggravated Assault, Underage Alcohol Consumption, Falsified Identification
Lesser Convictions: Expulsion (Auradon Preparatory Academy)
General Information:
- Ariana is currently in the middle of a guardian dispute due to her parents neglect towards her. She lives away from her home country with Audrey as her main point of contact while attending Auradon Prep.
- Ariana doesn’t have a good relationship with her family and generally avoids them at all costs.
- Ariana was expelled from Auradon Prep after her Freshman Year but was readmitted at Audrey’s insistence.
- Was arrested for aggravated assault after sending a man to the hospital (by nearly gouging his eyes out).
- Currently attending regular therapy sessions once a week (on Saturday mornings) to help with her aggression, anger management, and emotional disregulation by order of the court.
- Is a hairs length away from going to jail if she breaches her parole agreement.
- Struggles with her panic disorder stemming from PTSD.
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vidalswife · 3 days
The Raven & The Witch
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Word Count: 2,104
pairing: agatha harkness/rio vidal, salem timeline.
Summary: A young witch is a witch alone, the journey to power is a long one, and many fear what they do not understand. Agatha Harkness is a witch many fear. Only at eighteen did she make her mark, and in-grave her reputation on those of the world. She was outcast, isolated, and ostracized. A young witch with no friends, no family, meets a girl in the woods as she attempts to discover the secret of a raven, which has been tailing her for months.
author's note: as the days have been passing, ive been wondering on agatha and rio's past. when rio said, "how long has it been agatha" followed by, "since you got your hands on the darkhold and hid behind all that dark magic?" it started to make me think about their past. so im writing rio and agatha in salem, depicting a young (not underage) love, and how it lead to their current hatred of one another. im estimating the length of this fanfiction to be up to eight chapters. there will be smut within the fanfiction however there is none in this first chapter. minors, DNI. i hope you guys enjoy it! <3
When a young witch turns eighteen, she is allowed into the Witch’s Ward. The Ward is not a simple place, it is a maze inside of an enchanted library, and it leads to the ancient books of magic that fuel a witch and her knowledge. In a single pre-established coven there must only be one witch permitted per the year, and as the case with most covens are, they usually have more than one witch whom on her eighteenth birthday is ready to ascend. The maze inside of this ancient institution is most known for its merciless challenges and low survival rate. Sometimes three, maybe four witch-kin will enter, and none will return. Other times, many will enter, and only the one will return. Once a witch survives The Ward, she no longer will face challenges within it, and it will be open with all of its knowledge to any that can survive. Witches of all kinds dream of beating The Ward, but few have actually done so.
There is a tale of a young witch, bright for her age, and powerful among her coven. She was the sole victor of the maze.. at least for a moment. You see, soon after she emerged victorious from the race into Coventry, another witch surfaced. The established coven had never heard of this happening before, so they did the best they could to determine a new admission. They deemed the witch with the least injuries the strongest, and decided that she would be their new sister, but what was to be left of the other witch? She had survived as well, but they could not push back her entry for another year, there were more witches who would grow and age. The answer came to the coven just as quickly as they had decided their winner. On one formidable and dark night, the young witch who had suffered most, filled with vengeance and hatred, did not let her adversary achieve victory over her, taking the matters of ascension into her own, corrupt hands.
By the morning, the witch who was deemed the weakest emerged as part of her coven, with the other young girl gone, and never seen again. For many years the sisters searched for her, or a sign that she had been alive, but there was no sign. The weaker witch became one of great renown, a symbol of darkness, of all that a witch should try not to be. Witches around the world thought her a witch killer, a murderer, and a maniac. They ostracized her, abandoned her, and ran in fear from her. The coven’s leadership couldn’t bear to outcast or kill the witch, as she was the daughter of their most honored, and were not entirely sure what had happened that night. So, they instead ignored her. It was a lonely road for a witch all alone, until of course, she wasn’t alone.
Agatha woke with the sun, its immense warmth flowing through the unshaded window of her chamber. Her body squirmed and began to stretch, as her eyes fluttered open. Her hair was a disheveled mess, and she wore only her undergarments. Her room was quite empty, except for some books and a small wardrobe.
She looked around in disappointment at her stockhouse, a subtle sigh escaping her lips. She was no stranger to loneliness, for the last year she had been the outcast of her coven, and witches alike. They all thought her a monster, but they didn’t know. They’d never want to know the truth, and she’d never tell them. If she were to be believed a witch killer, she would be deemed so.
But of course, it was hard on a young girl to face isolation, so inside, she burned, and faded. More and more with each day the young brunette found herself tempted to fall away from witchkind.
She would follow the same routines, waking with the early morning light, looking around her depressing chambers, dressing, dining, being avoided, attending the ward for a lesson, dining, undressing, and then falling to slumber with the rise of the moon. She never dared try anything new, not until she saw the raven atop the chimney of her mother’s station. It was a small, dark creature, but the longer she stared, the longer something seemed different. The laughter of young children skewed her mind away from the animal, as she watched them play with the witches her age. She scoffed, turning in the opposite direction, and retreating to her chambers. She didn’t notice that the raven watched her as she paced away.
The next few days were the same as always, wake, dress, dine, shun, lesson, dine, undress, and slumber, except the raven seemed to follow her. At first she was unsure if it was the same winged animal as before, but its brown, humanlike eyes were impossible to mistake. It followed her into the next week, and it began to arise anger in the witch. What bird dares mock her? What creature dares to follow and disturb her?
The raven became a symbol of frustration for Agatha, a reminder that she was alone and peculiar.
It followed her for months, brown eyes staring into her soul at every chance.
On the eve of her birthday, she decided that she had enough of the raven and it’s foolishness. She would get rid of it for good, and finally be at peace, without those beautiful brown eyes watching her at every turn. She waited inside her chambers, eyes glued to the raven which stood motionless across from her abode. It for once, did not have her in its eyesight, and she reveled in the fact that she would finally outsmart the desperate creature. The bird rose from its spot, flying off into the treeline. Agatha thought it odd the raven did not watch her on this night as it did many nights before, but she was too overcome with pride to think it anything but a coincidence.
The next morning, she woke with the sun, a warm smile entrancing her lips. Today she would conquer the raven, and then, maybe things could be different for her. She reached for the woven bag that lay atop her wardrobe, placing her spellbook within it. She wanted to be prepared for her battle with the bird. Knowing that the forest was typically warmer in the spring months, she dressed in a thinner fabriced skirt that surpassed her ankles and a white long-sleeved button down blouse. She did not wear shoes, as it was un-witchlike to walk in a forest unless barefoot. Her dressing may be looked down upon, seeing as she was expected to a lesson later that afternoon and may not have time to redress, but she must be comfortable when she faces her opponent. As the bell sounded to commence dining, she set off towards the treeline, her woven bag thrown over her shoulder, and her hair free to the wind.
As she met the entrance of the forest, she looked up to the height of the trees, wondering if she would find the raven in its nest. Agatha turned her head, making sure her coven could not see her. When she deemed it clear, she stepped into the everlasting ecosystem of trees, bushes, and plants.
Her plan was clear, she would track the raven, kill it, and then return to her lesson. The brunette looked around before slipping her bag from her shoulder. She pulled from it her spellbook, opening it to the page illuminated by a string between parchment. On the page was an incantation that was supposed to help her find the bird. Agatha read it over multiple times, memorizing the pronunciation and chant of the spell.
‘Venator factus est venatus, anhelitus invenias quo capis, et te ad raptorem capias’
With a deep breath, she looked ahead to the ensemble of green and then closed her eyes as she began to recite the incantation, “Venator factus est venatus, anhelitus invenias quo capis, et te ad raptorem capias.” She inhaled, repeating, “Venator factus est venatus, anhelitus invenias quo capis, et te ad raptorem capias.”
A warmth spread in her body, and she opened her eyes, in which a flash of purple was clear. She knew the spell had worked. Almost immediately, a path was found. It had no markers, yet Agatha knew exactly where to go. She wrapped around trees and boulders, stepped over a fallen greenery, and walked up a short incline in the terrain. She focused only on the raven, her mind filled with nothing but the image of its obnoxious brown eyes.
The spell led her to a creek. It was dark, and looked green from the reflection of the treetops, but not only that, there was another person. She was floating in the water with her eyes closed. Agatha noticed her hair floating atop the water’s surface, almost depicting a root-like symbol. Her eyes trailed down to her face, she looked angelic and not only that, she looked asleep.
That wasn’t the only thing she noticed about the other. Her body was uncovered, and she was naked. Lily pads covered her breasts, and the water was far too dark to see much else. This sent a rising heat to the brunette’s cheeks, and she was sure they were red. The witch contemplated leaving and acting as if she didn’t see a thing in the woods, but it was too late. Almost as soon as she began to think such a thing, the woman in the water spoke.
“Enjoying the view?”
Agatha’s cheeks were as hot as the sun, she couldn’t move anything in the moment. Her brow furrowed as she noticed how the woman’s eyes remained closed, begging the question of how she knew of her presence.
The stranger chuckled, and Agatha debated casting a spell on her. Something about the woman felt familiar, she couldn't place what, but she could feel that this was not their first encounter. Agatha began to speak, sighing as the words came out, “I was just looking for a raven— and you happened to be in my way.”
She took note of how the stranger’s lips curled in a smirk, and how her brow furrowed, “Looking for a raven? How come?”
Agatha realized she probably sounded crazy, and she felt a need to explain. “I’ve been tracking this bird– it won't stop following me, and my spell led me to you” in almost an instant, the witch’s hand flew atop her mouth. She realized her mistake and looked at the woman in the water with ferocious, squinted eyes. She didn’t know what to say, but she hoped the stranger would deem her insane and drop the interaction.
To the brunette’s surprise, she didn’t.
Instead, she watched as the woman opened her eyes and stood in the creek. The lily pads fell from her nipples and she stood in front of the witch completely naked, water dripping down her neck, breasts, and stomach. Yet, this wasn’t what Agatha was most concerned with, instead, it was her eyes. They were brown and beautiful, like the raven’s. In fact, Agatha was sure her eyes were the same as the raven’s.
The brunette’s eyes remained locked onto the brown eyed girl. They did not falter not once, not even as the stranger began to rise from the water and inch closer to Agatha.
They were only a breath apart, the woman’s eyes still captured by the other pair. Agatha spoke, aware of their closeness, “You’re—” but she was cut off.
The stranger’s lips were on hers, and she cupped her hand on the witch’s cheek. Those beautiful brown eyes disappeared behind her eyelids, and so Agatha’s eyes shut too. She hesitated at first, but as the time grew, she became filled with hunger and desire.
Their lips clashed together and the woman’s other hand was now wrapped around Agatha’s waist. The witch’s hands wrapped around her neck, one ending up buried in her wet hair.
They only parted when their lungs couldn’t deny the need for air anymore, and when they did, their eye contact resumed as if it never faded. Agatha only stared at the woman in shock, but then, she smirked.
“I knew you’d come, Agatha” she said, which resulted in a head tilt from the witch.
“Who are you?” she asked, biting her lip as her eyes trailed from the stranger’s eyes to her perfect figure.
“I’m Rio Vidal.”
Agatha smirked, crossing her arms.
“You’re a green witch, aren’t you?”
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blouisparadise · 4 months
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of May. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) My Heart's In Overdrive, And You're Behind The Steering Wheel | Explicit | 1,649 words
Being late to class means Harry and Louis have to pose together for figure drawings. That being said, the hate each other, but maybe they don't?
2) It's A Question Of Lust, It's A Question Of Trust | Explicit | 2,258 words
Louis is shaken up after being assaulted at the barricade in Panama City and feels guilty, he can't get it out of his head. Harry knows what he needs to escape the worry. Harry steps over, speaking quietly into his ear. "Good boy, doing as I asked." He looks beautiful, his skin golden, dark nipples puckered, his cock starting to get hard. His breath already ragged. "Not that you always do, eh?" "Sir?" His blue eyes stare at Harry, nervous, uncertain. "Letting those tarts fondle and grope you after each show. When you know you belong to me."
3) If Walls Could Talk | Explicit | 2,394 words
Louis is waiting backstage for Harry after his second show in Coventry. It's their last night together before Louis leaves for his own tour. Harry's mission for the evening is to worship Louis' body and make him see himself through Harry's eyes.
4) In An Octopus's Garden With You | General Audiances | 4,682 words
Autistic alpha Harry, a teacher, spends an overwhelming day on a field trip to the aquarium. Luckily, his omega, Louis, knows just what he needs.
5) I Didn't Have To Search Cuz I Still Know Your Number| Explicit | 5,161 words
As Louis approaches the front of the old flat he sees a light on upstairs in what used to be their master bedroom. A memory flicks through Louis’ mind of Louis spread open on the duvet with Harry between his legs nipping and sucking on his hole while Louis whimpered and writhed, clutching the sheets and moaning out Harry’s name. Louis looks down to see his dick at half mass and sighs. Louis flicks the butt of the cigarette to the ground and pulls his phone back out of his pocket. He exits the Uber app and pulls up his contacts, scrolling down to the H’s until he lands upon Harry’s name in his phone. He pulls up their messages and sees the last time they talked was right after the break up all those years ago. Louis begins to type out a message to Harry, hoping he hasn't changed his number. Louis: U up? (sent at 1:14am)
6) You Have Me | Not Rated | 5,529 words
Louis is escaping his mundane reality, avoiding his fiancée, and going to an anonymous hook up party in the woods. When the mysterious stranger who has been eyeing him all night asks him to come back to his tent, Louis is game for anything. He doesn’t know that he’s going to get an offer he can’t refuse.
7) All My Life | Not Rated | 5,553 words
The four times Harry tries to propose and the one time he gets it right (or does he?)
8) Limping In The Limelight | Explicit | 5,832 words
Harry breaks his accessory navicular during a concert in Birmingham in 2015.
9) I Like to Watch | Explicit | 9,287 words
If there’s one thing Harry loves, it’s watching his husband Louis get fucked by other men. After picking up a lad called Zayn who is baffled by this concept, the three men are in for a wild night.
10) House Husband | Mature | 11,853 words
Louis and Harry are happily married with two beautiful kids. Harry is a lawyer who provides for his family and Louis is his sassy house husband. This is a week in their life.
11) For A Sushi Restaurant | Explicit | 13,345 words
And yet, in the depth of the sea, where water started to go from that sky blue to the dark petrol blue, almost black, of the unknown, creatures moved, ready to attack at a moment’s notice, sleek tails and pale, blueish skin helping them with mimesis. Or, cecaelia Harry and human Louis.
12) Peaches And Soft Myth | Explicit | 36,192 words
“Greta kissed me,” he said at last. It wasn’t the main issue, but it was a start. Louis’ smile was radiant. Eyes sparkling with genuine happiness. Harry’s stomach felt a little funny, wishing he could feel as happy as the cheerleader. "Oh, my god? We did it! I’m a genius ! Was it long? Slow and sensual, full of lust and passion, tongues intertwined—" he gasped. “Did she tremble in your arms?” He hugged himself. “That’s not—” “No one believes me when I say I am a good matchmaker. They are always like, ‘Oh Louis, you have the worst eye for couples and men. You always miss the real connections.’ Who missed now? Not me. Nuh-hu, I saw the potential. Your grumpy attitude did not deter me. I'm probably the greatest matchmaker on campus. Don’t you think?” Louis’ smile faltered. “Wait… why do you look as if you were about to throw up?” “She told me her roommate leaves for a few days after spring break. She invited me to her dorm room.” “Okay?” Louis said slowly. “Am I missing something? Is it about clothes? Because I can totally find something—” Harry scrubbed a hand over his face. “It’s not about that.” “Then what?” “I…” Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m a virgin.”
13) The Maddest Obsession | Explicit | 100,974 words
One fears the dark. One rules it. Harry Styles, the dangerous mob enforcer, finds himself entangled with Louis, the strong-willed mafia-princess. As they navigate the treacherous underworld of New York, their forbidden love sparks a deadly game of loyalty, betrayal, and passion. Will their devotion to each other overcome the chaos surrounding them, or will their love be their downfall?
14) At Our Seams | Explicit | 185,290 words
Newly mated and happily engaged Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, are moving into a new phase of their lives. Together, their world felt complete. However, the world beyond their bubble has been strung into chaos. Political strife is raiding the streets and oppressive policies are being enacted everyday. Louis is desperate for something to change, to finally set the record straight for omegas and non-soulmate children everywhere. Harry is determined to keep his mate safe, even if it goes against Louis’ wishes. Unfortunately, he can’t control everything, and things quickly fall out of his hands. Who’s this new alpha who’s entered the beloved couple’s life, giving Louis another purpose Harry hadn’t been expecting? What happens when the soulmates don’t exactly see eye to eye? Will the protective alpha get his wishes, or will he concede to his cherished but oh, so stubborn omega? How strong are the seams that bind? Only time will tell.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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jovenshires · 8 months
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endless au edits: the battle of the bands au nobody asked for pt 6
what's next for smosh? that's the question on everyone's mind, isn't it? where do we go from here? after dropping a new album with little to no warning, fans are left wondering what the future looks like for the band. not to worry - the duo released a full statement on smosh's official twitter and instagram laying out their plans for the future. we've done our best to summarize it for you here, but if you're curious, be sure to watch the official video¹! 1. battle of the bands: hecox and padilla are returning to their roots - the annual la battle of the bands. though they've never won, smosh competed in the battle of the bands many times in their heyday. they're back, and this time, they're in it to win it. "i think we've got a leg up on... the kids, you know?" hecox said. "we've been around the block before. and we're ready to make a comeback and kick it off with that trophy." 2. new music: the boys also outlined their new music. they teased a new album in the upcoming year, as well as a new single to be released after the battle of the bands is over. they acknowledged both the criticism and praise of their new album, and agreed that they don't sound like they used to - and that they probably never will. "we're gonna sound different," padilla said. "we're exploring new genres, and that's okay. it's still us. nothing you hear is gonna be like, 'oh, that sounds like an ian hecox song' or 'oh, that sounds like an anthony padilla song.' no, this is - this is is entirely us. we're in this together." much like their grassroots days (pre-management from now-defunct record label defy media², during which their songs were written for them), both hecox and padilla will be writing lyrics and music on their new songs. they explained that their new album was entirely their own and that they both worked together on each song, except for 'the sun,' penned entirely by padilla, and 'burn it to the ground,' written by hecox. 3. a tour: that's right! smosh is going on a long-awaited, much-anticipated reunion tour. "it'll be just like the old days," hecox said. padilla continued, adding, "the whole band is back, too. mari [takahashi, former guitarist], lasercorn [david moss, former drummer], [matthew] sohinki [former keyboardist], and joven [joshua ovenshire, former secondary guitarist] will all be back with us for the tour. it's been really exciting to work with them - like a family reunion." mari takahashi also provided the guitar accompaniment for their latest album. she and the rest of the band have been touring on their own, calling themselves oh gee so gee³, but, according to hecox, were "more than happy" to accompany smosh in their bright new future. after a six-year break, things are finally looking up for smosh fans. from releasing their first single out of the blue to now being announced as the sixth and final contestant in the biggest musical competition in the country, the band is coming back with a bang. if you're looking to see them in action, be sure to tune into the televised battle of the bands - featuring smosh, the chosen, ftc, kolivition, coventry, and let's do this. and don't worry too much on the boys' behalf - because, if their reunion proves anything, it's that friendship always wins.
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bridenore · 7 months
HD Kidfic fest 2024 recs
Here are some of my favorite fics from @hd-kidfic-fest 2024. Listed in alphabetical order.
Nine Days in Coventry by @sitaz [16k]
When a de-aged Draco Malfoy is discovered in Knockturn Alley, the Ministry appoints Family Liaison Officer Potter as his emergency guardian. Whisked away to a Muggle safehouse, Draco does not cope well, and Harry learns just how hard life can be when a five-year-old declares war on you.
A Wizard’s Guide to Co-Parenting with Your Ex-Arch Nemesis by @thecouchsofa [38k]
Harry had expected a few things when returning for his Eighth Year. Rooming with Ron, a cheeky Firewhisky down at the pub, leaving his assignments to the last minute – those were all but certain to occur. His list of certainties definitely hadn’t included McGonagall’s shake-up of the curriculum, which tasked the Eighth Years with the responsibility of parenthood for three weeks. Caring for a baby Transfigured from a sack of flour would have been alright if: 1) Malfoy wasn’t Harry’s assigned partner, 2) Their baby’s one goal in life wasn’t to spite Harry, and 3) Malfoy wasn’t infuriatingly good at fake parenthood.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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This 2000 Romanesque Mansion in Boca Raton, Florida is off the chain. 5bs, 7ba, $6.950M + $743mo. HOA & $125K Country Club membership fee.
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The castle-like foyer.
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The architecture is most definitely worth the price. Look at the magnificent fireplace, windows and ceiling.
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Check out this dining room.
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The family room & open concept kitchen.
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The kitchen dining area matches the family room.
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Crisp white kitchen. Love the blue backsplash.
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Can you imagine walking down this hall to go to the bedroom?
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The details in this house. This is the primary bedroom.
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Two identical sides in the en-suite bath. Closeup in the shower.
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The library is stunning. Look at the floor.
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Corner sitting area between rooms.
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One of the other bedrooms. Beautiful.
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And, look at this bedroom.
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Have you ever seen a bathroom sink like this?
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Every bath has twin showers.
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Home gym.
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Small sitting room.
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Piano in a corner.
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Another bath.
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But, the star of the show is the magnificent cinema. There's a box office and a marquee.
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Refreshments in the lobby.
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It's art deco.
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Tropical pool.
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This house is on a .68 acre double lot surrounded by waterways in case you want a boat.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Nathanael Greene
Nathanael Greene (1742-1786) was a general of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). One of George Washington's most trusted subordinates, Greene served capably as Quartermaster General before leading the southern American army during the final years of the war. He is often considered the second-best American Revolutionary general, behind only Washington himself.
Early Life
Greene was born on 7 August 1742 on Forge Farm, near Potowomut Creek in the township of Warwick, Rhode Island. He was the third of eight sons born to Nathanael Greene Sr., a prosperous farmer and ardent Quaker; indeed, the father's piety must have been generational, as Greene's ancestors had initially fled England in 1635 to escape religious persecution. Nathanael Greene Sr., lived with his children and second wife, Mary Mott Greene (mother to the younger Nathanael), on the family farm, which had turned into a lucrative enterprise; by the time the younger Nathanael was born, the farm included a farmhouse, a general store, a gristmill, a sawmill, and a forge. The forge, which produced anchors and chains, was by far the most profitable aspect of the family business, employing many workers and eventually becoming one of the foremost businesses in Rhode Island.
As a child, the younger Nathanael had a thirst for education that could not be quenched by his father's strict Quakerism. As Greene would later recall:
My father was a man had an excellent understanding and was governed in his conduct by humanity and kind benevolence. But his mind was overshadowed with prejudices against literary accomplishments.
(quoted in McCullough, 21)
As a result of his father's 'prejudices', Nathanael and his brothers were not sent to school but were instead put to work in the fields. This did not stop Greene from seeking out knowledge on his own; under the guidance of Ezra Stiles, future president of Yale College, Greene became a voracious reader. Anytime he was not required to work in the fields or at the forge, Greene had his nose buried in a book, reading classical literature as well as the more recent philosophical works that defined the Age of Enlightenment. He was also fond of studying mathematics, history, and law.
The autodidactic Greene grew into a handsome, robust man nearly six feet (183 cm) tall, with strong arms, a broad forehead, and "fine blue eyes" (McCullough, 22). A childhood accident left him with a slight limp in his right leg, his right eye was cloudy as an effect of smallpox inoculation, and he often suffered from asthma attacks and poor health. Yet he was nevertheless a charismatic and jolly young man who was often found in the company of women. By 1770, Greene had proved industrious enough for his father to put him in charge of a second family-owned foundry in the town of Coventry, Rhode Island. When Nathanael Greene Sr., died later that same year, Greene and his brothers inherited the entire family business. In 1774, Greene courted and married the pretty 19-year-old Catherine 'Caty' Littlefield, with whom he would have seven children between 1776 and 1786.
Continue reading...
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danielarlngton · 8 months
A Huguenot, on St. Bartholomew's Day, Refusing to Shield Himself from Danger by Wearing the Roman Catholic Badge (1851–52) is the full, exhibited title of a painting by John Everett Millais, and was produced at the height of his Pre-Raphaelite period. It was accompanied, at the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 1852, with a long quote reading: "When the clock of the Palais de Justice shall sound upon the great bell, at daybreak, then each good Catholic must bind a strip of white linen round his arm, and place a fair white cross in his cap. —The order of the Duke of Guise."
It depicts a pair of young lovers and is given a dramatic twist because the woman, who is Catholic, is attempting to get her beloved, who is Protestant, to wear the white armband declaring allegiance to Catholicism. The young man firmly pulls off the armband at the same time that he gently embraces his lover, and stares into her pleading eyes. The incident refers to the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre on August 24, 1572, when around 3,000 French Protestants (Huguenots) were murdered in Paris, with around 20,000 massacred across the rest of France. A small number of Protestants escaped from the city through subterfuge by wearing white armbands. Millais had initially planned simply to depict lovers in a less dire predicament, but supposedly had been persuaded by his Pre-Raphaelite colleague William Holman Hunt that the subject was too trite. After seeing Giacomo Meyerbeer's opera Les Huguenots of 1836 at Covent Garden, which tells the story of the massacre, Millais adapted the painting to refer to the event. In the opera, Valentine attempts unsuccessfully to get her lover Raoul to wear the armband. The choice of a pro-Protestant subject was also significant because the Pre-Raphaelites had previously been attacked for their alleged sympathies to the Oxford Movement and to Catholicism. Millais painted the majority of the background near Ewell in Surrey in the late summer and autumn of 1851, while he and Hunt were living at Worcester Park Farm. It was from a brick wall adjoining an orchard. Some of the flowers depicted in the scene may have been chosen because of the contemporary interest in the so-called language of flowers. The blue Canterbury Bells at the left, for example, can stand for faith and constancy. Returning to London after the weather turned too cold to work out-of-doors in November, he painted in the figures: the face of the man was from that of Millais's family friend Arthur Lemprière, and the woman was posed for by Anne Ryan. The painting was exhibited with Ophelia and his portrait of Mrs. Coventry Patmore (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) at the Royal Academy of Arts in 1852, and helped to change attitudes towards the Pre-Raphaelites. Tom Taylor wrote an extremely positive review in Punch. It was produced as a reproductive print by the dealer D. White and engraved in mezzotint by Thomas Oldham Barlow in 1856. This became Millais's first major popular success in this medium, and the artist went on to produce a number of other paintings on similar subjects to serve a growing middle class market for engravings. These include The Order of Release, 1746 (Tate, London), The Proscribed Royalist, 1651 (Lord Lloyd-Webber Collection), and The Black Brunswicker (Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight). All were successfully engraved. There are smaller watercolor versions of the picture in The Higgins Art Gallery, Bedford, the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, and a reduced oil replica in the Lord Lloyd-Webber Collection, all by Millais.
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stylessatellite · 1 year
Style’s Stylist
a stylist!y/n blurb
Warnings: fem reader, implied harry x reader (mentions it like twice)
Face claim: Jihoon Kim
A/N: k, so I lied and I’m posting my stylist!y/n blurb early. I got bored with dealing with my extended family so I finished up the piece instead. also for the authors name, I used a name generator, so if it’s your name i’m sorry.
- Feel free to like and reblog <3 | masterlist
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Liked by river_johnson and 70,424 others
harryflorals: FIRST LOOK AT HARRY FOR COVENTRY NIGHT 2! via: user 1
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user2: omg, praying he unzips the jacket
↳ tpwksunflower: me to 🕯️
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Liked by river_johnson and 98,765 others
voguemagazine: @/river_johnson sat down with @/yourusername to discuss styling for @/harrystyles for his final leg of Love On Tour. Check it out with the link in our bio. 
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ynfan1: so glad to know it technically wasn’t y/n responsible for some of the horrendous looks lately
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Liked by river_johnson, harrystyles and 798,764 others
yourusername: sat down with @/river_johnson from @/voguemagazine to talk about styling our fav @/harrystyles. check it out here.
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harry_lambert: lovely dear ❤️ see you soon
maneskinoffical: that’s our stylist! ti vogliamo bene 🩷
↳ conangray: you mean our stylist?
↳ harry&ynfan: not maneskin and conan arguing abt y/n and harry’s here enjoying his trophy boyfriend status.
harrystyles: love being each others muses ❤️❤️
article below | word count: about 1k
Styles’s Stylist
River Johnson | VOGUE
Many of you know the singer/songwriter Harry Styles. Whether it be his music, looks or daring fashion sense. Not many know the person who makes him look that good. With the last leg of Love On Tour having kicked off a couple days ago, I sat down with Y/N L/N to discuss styling for the past couple years. As one of Style’s stylists, L/N shares this position with Harry Lambert. Her other clients include Conan Gray and Måneskin.
L/N herself is dressed in custom Bode with a mint plaid set with a pair of baby pink converse to match. It’s clear that she’s planning on looking up to par with the hoards of fans outside of the stadium waiting to be let in for the second show in Coventry. She’s making me feel underdressed in my beat up air forces and dungarees. She assures me that a boa and a matching cowboy hat would have me fitting right in.
“So how has styling him been different post COVID? Have any of your creative processes changed?”
“It hasn’t been all too different from before I suppose. His looks have definitely changed, but a part of that just came with the album. Really the only difference is there’s less interviewing looks to put together because it’s only waist up now. I just have to make sure his shirt doesn't have wrinkles or a stain on it. Which is pretty easy considering we share the same wardrobe.”
“How do you come up with the different looks for each album and show? And does this differ from awards or appearances? Are there different processes? Acceptable designs?”
“I mean the process definitely depends on the event. His looks for the album are based on what he feels the mood of the album is and wardrobe is based on that. For the album he said he wanted to be more colorful and fun, so that's how we got the varying patterns. So don’t blame us for the mis matching looks, blame him (Harry).
“So I'm assuming his tour outfits are the same?”
“Yes. At the start of each leg, we’ll go through possible designs and what we feel will work best from both our (stylist & artist) sides and his opinions. Gucci and I will sketch some ideas and it’ll get sent to the group chats on which pieces we like, then we'll play mix and match and the night of the show it’s pretty much chosen by the band and him.”
“Elaborate on the band. Because I've noticed that they always seem to coordinate.”
“Yes, certain looks from the band go with certain outfits of his or at his request. If he’s wearing all black then he likes the band to wear pink for some reason. Or if some of the band's looks aren’t ready, then we’ll move that look to a different day and pull a different one.”
“Speaking of different days. I imagine it was quite the switch between show looks and award looks.”
“Oh, it actually wasn’t too bad, it was more of the execution. We had had the outfits planned for months, it was just a matter of making sure the tassels didn't tangle and the (red) carpet look came in on time. Show looks require less coordination because normally it’s just the people here”
“He also had a few outfit changes between the two events, he had what six outfits? What was that like?”
“Yeah no, he had six official outfits plus if he chose to change for an after party, which is all on him to decide, and I don't remember if he did.”
“Do you have a favorite look of his?”
“Are we talking shows? Or award wise.”
“I mean any of the ones with the decals. It was really fun coming up with all of the different designs. Tonight’s also might win for this leg so far.”
I then proceeded to ask for a sneak peak but she just laughed me off saying how it’ll ruin one of the best parts of the show, the reveal. Upon more pestering, she revealed that color wise they were matching, which if you follow L/N tour looks, you already know. “Back to the decals. You came up with these designs? I thought you were taking a break from that?”
“I was meant to but then the idea was brought up from all of my doodles during the meetings. Plus I was working on Conan’s and the band’s (Måneskin) looks for their tours, so I was ‘cutting back�� on some work.”
Just then the fans started getting let in and I noticed just how seriously some fans took their outfits with a perfect recreation of a previous outfit or on the other side of the spectrum, various fruits. “How do you feel about the fans' outfits?”
“Oh my gosh. We all love them. They make the whole thing better and sometimes we steal inspiration from them. I swear some of the fans could steal my job and I’d be happy to let them.” She then proceeds to show me the album that she has of the fans outfits ranging from recreations of the Coachella outfits or the custom shirts with funny pictures of the band on it.
Upon wrapping up, she asks if I’m doing anything between now and the show starting. I wasn't, so she took me backstage to get a sneak peak at some upcoming outfits and let me tell you something, L/N really went all out for this last leg. The sequins, tassels everything.
Upon seeing tonight's show, I definitely agree with L/N on tonight's look being a favourite and the decal on the back making the outfit. I can definitely say that his outfits make him shine brighter and you should go see if you can snag a ticket to one of his shows to just watch how L/N’s designs enhance his performance at the very least.
A/N: lemme know if you wish to be added to my tag list
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