#covid19 tag
snailstrailz · 8 months
CDC in 2020: wear a mask and beat all that approach to with a sanitized 6-foot pole
CDC now: kiss people with covid with tounge, actually
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snekdood · 10 months
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starshineyellow · 11 months
Hey Americans, it’s fall 2023 and the adult Covid vaccines are STILL FREE at certain pharmacies. Even if you have no health insurance. Even if you have health insurance but the insurance company likes to whine about CVS being “out of network” for vaccinations.
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Find out more FAQ stuff from the CDC here:
And find your local locations with free vaccines below. Once you’ve put in your zip code and hit “go”, on the next page, make sure to click the checkbox that says “BRIDGE Access Participant” so you know these locations have the free shots.
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eptck · 1 year
i am so fucking tired of being the only person around me still wearing a mask . i’m the only one in my family who masks . i’m the only one i’ve seen in my school who masks . most of my friends don’t mask . my doctor and my physical therapists don’t mask
i’m not saying this to feel good about myself . i just feel so fucking alone . if you’re in america and you don’t wear a mask in public , i will never be able to fully trust you with my health
ESPECIALLY if you’re a leftist , and i know most of you who follow me are , i can’t believe that your activism is anything but a way to feel good about yourself if you won’t afford people the common decency of trying not to spread something that could kill them
the pandemic is not over . it was never over . it will not be over any time in the foreseeable future . you are putting people’s lives at risk
if you don’t wear a mask in public , you need to ask yourself why . why are you okay with that
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wormworker · 8 months
I "still wear masks" for the very simple reason that I want the spread of COVID to actually end eventually lol
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ladydeath-vanserra · 10 months
I'll never forget the kid I saw on tiktok who broke down and cried and cried bec he lost his dad to covid. he's a rural kid, in a typical rural republican family who believed Trump and the government about covid not being serious and it took his dad dying from covid for him to see that it WAS real. he cried and cried and cried and kept saying "we believed them. we were lied to". this was probably a 16 or 17 year old poor kid in rural america who just lost his dad and his video, luckily had people, leftists, who were being compassionate and finding empathy but there were also some seriously callous people who were just,, awful and being like "we told u so" and holding their moral superiority over this kid's head
we're trying go make a less hateful world but like. the people trying to do that are some of the most callous and cruel people I've met
just. be kind.
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noster-tempus · 8 months
I have Covid, for seemingly the first time.
I'm trying to compare it in severity to my normal colds and coming up blank. For one, I just haven't had many colds since the pandemic started. But also, all the colds I can specifically remember were when I was in school. Even though I might stay home from class, I still had to make some effort to keep up with homework, then face a stressful period of catch-up. Sheer adrenaline might make it seem like I had a near-normal amount of energy, but keeping up was even harder than usual.
Now, I've spent the last couple days mostly hanging out on the couch, but I'm able to do the very few things I actually *need* to do. This makes it feel like I simultaneously have more and less energy.
(Another complicating factor: for years, I was confused as to why I sometimes found it easier to concentrate on certain things when my nose was stuffy. My initial theory was that the sensation of a stuffy nose was constantly pulling me out of my daydreams, thereby making daydreaming less appealing and allowing me to focus on the task in front of me. Now, I'm pretty sure it's because Sudafed is a stimulant, and since combining Sudafed with ADHD meds is not advised, the effect is no longer present.)
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chaos-thump · 8 months
HEY !! YOU !! Yes, you !! Are you over the age of 20 and like filling out forms about yourself ?
For one of my classes, I have to collect data, and YOU can help with that. This form is ENTIRELY anonymous and is just for the purpose of collecting data.
You just get to answer how closely you followed Covid-19 regulations, and why. Thats all! And if you answer it, could you reblog so i get a bigger sample size? Thank you !!
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calicostorms · 8 months
Hi mask wearing peeps, anyone have advice dealing with sensory related issues from wearing one? I have a nice fitting kn95 I wear, but I get very overstimulated and itchy on my face and tend to end up with a tension headache. Any tips/tricks for dealing with the sensory feedback n such?
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rhaenyrastormborn · 5 months
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I made this and it’s still a little too close to home
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
after three years, the 'vid finally got me
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wormeats · 6 months
I fell for propaganda and was turned against those I have always wanted to root for
I wanted to send this to the CDC somehow, but the email contact form on their website has a character limit and I'm incapable of being concise. I thought this might be helpful for some people to see because it took me a while to reflect on.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, living in Florida, being young and trans and traumatized by the current political climate and dangers posed by the pandemic, I was swayed by likely a mix of propaganda and a fear and anger response to the amount of stress that time came with. I found myself trusting in the CDC less because of several things that I never fully examined until now recently. It was all just a mix of fear and hopeless rage about public health and my fears about our political climate, and much of that was directed at the CDC. Upon examining this recently, I think this was because I assumed the CDC had more power than it may actually have in enforcing public health. I thought isolation periods could be more solidly mandated, that mask wearing could be solidly mandated, and so on. I assumed the CDC had more control over when schools reopened for children (I now realize a lot of this is controlled by states individually or even more locally), and in my fear of the pandemic and distrust in the CDC sowed by being worried about the country as a whole, I even failed to fully weigh the consideration that virtual learning has a significant impact on Anyone’s mental health and that for children especially, social and emotional development should be fostered and that is an issue that gravely concerns mental health extending to the rest of their lives. I thought the CDC could require employers to keep allowing employees to have sick days when testing positive, so they wouldn't have to make a choice between risking their job and livelihood versus strangers’ physical health and possibly risking permanent damage or death for some with no way to tell (I'm grateful that the risk has been reduced so much by vaccines/boosters and being cautious with masking and washing hands, but I feel it is so important to allow isolation away from work when it concerns transmission and health and recovery). I particularly was swayed more into distrust when I heard that Delta airlines wrote a letter asking the CDC to update isolation periods for vaccinated individuals who would still be required to mask, believing there was no new data to give confidence to such a change in recommendations (10 day isolation period to 5 day isolation and next 5 days with a mask), but found there explicitly was reasoning given on the CDC update from that time available to view on the website’s archives (these have been very helpful because the time of all of this was an emotional traumatizing blur, so specifics are hard to remember). Before I examined this all more after the fact, this led me to believe that the CDC was influenced by economic concerns and the workforce instead of public health and keeping those workers alive and healthy, and furthered my distrust.
I am glad that now I have further examined where this distrust has come from and found that it was irrational on my part, and I regret that I carried on with this tainted view of the CDC for so long. I have struggled with this because I did have a strong trust in the CDC and felt more unsure of where I should find reliable information, knowing the CDC certainly has more expertise than I and has likely devoted a lot of time and research to any particular consideration I might come up with. I hope if others were similarly swayed by political propaganda that sought to utilize fear and stress from the pandemic, that they too come to reexamine how they came to think that way and find trust in this institution of scientists who are clearly passionate about public health and finding ways to keep all of us safe with many unpredictable variables to consider. I feel very ashamed that I allowed my trust in the CDC to be shaken to this extent. I hope scientific research, public health concerns, environmental concerns, and any crisis that requires humanity to understand facts and cooperate is taken more seriously and listened to from experts in each respective field and not turned into political opinions one way or the other. I am so devastated by all the damage COVID has done that feels like it could've been so preventable if this didn't become a political issue and remained a public health crisis to work through cooperatively. I have now come to see that I think the CDC did as much as it could through all of this with all of the consideration at the time and with its limited influence amidst political stress.
Thank you everyone at the CDC, I am sorry that I fell for this propaganda, and I would like to talk to as many people in my life about addressing propaganda and fully considering that no one is fully safe from falling prey to propaganda and biases we don't realize are tainting our full view. Thank you again so much for everything incredible that you have done for humanity. Be kind to yourselves everyone, shit has been so hard honestly.
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thekastofus · 8 months
for me the funniest thing about having long covid is now that they've done some more scientific research and found it actually has a negative impact on your muscles and how you produce actual energy for your body, sometimes people come to me to talk about it and I really have to try not to laugh when they unironically say to me, a biologist "yeah I've heard it impacts the mitochondria, you know, the powerhouse of the cell"
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tinismarties · 8 months
all of us in 2020 woke up one morning and were like: do you know what’s timeless??? definitely cow print and we painted it everywhere
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wormworker · 9 months
A mother and her teenage son were ridiculing me in a coffee shop this morning for wearing an N95.
The fact that people will ignore a crisis or assume that it's over based on heresay of an authority figure is terrifying - even more so when those with open eyes are ostracized.
I will not stop. I will never stop protecting my Disability community and others vulnerable to this horrific, genocidal negligence. I will keep my head held high when I wear a mask no matter what.
COVID is a Disability rights issue.
Pretending the pandemic is over and not making any steps you can to protect your community from death or further disability is being complicit in GENOCIDE of an oft-ignored and ABANDONED marginalized group.
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trick-of-the-troubles · 9 months
i just got fucking wombo combo-d by sickness symptoms what the hell lmao
i've been coughing so my throat hurts + losing my voice so my throat hurts also from that + ALSO getting acid reflux thats making my throat hurt more (burn-y and also raw at the same time is not a fun and funky fresh combination)
can we like. not do that lmao /lh
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