#crafty marinette
mochinek0 · 2 years
Daminette December 2022: 1-Ice
(NOTE: This was inspired by the 'Elation' trailer only-IF you are avoiding Miraculous Ladybug trailers, DO NOT READ!!!!)
Marinette smiled as her partner took her around the city. She had a grown to have greater appreciation for him. Chat Noir was always there for her. He was steadily becoming her best friend, in and out of the mask. Even when everything and everyone seemed against her at school, she had Chat Noir and Damian.
Marinette had never been happier then when her Nona introduced them. Damian had needed a bit of help with a project for his rivalry with his brothers. He proudly stated he didn't need her assistance and to go back to playing dress up. She had sneakily set up a booby trap in his room and made his life a living hell for three days until he gave up and asked for her help.
Marinette smiled fondly at the memory.
"Beg me." She spoke.
"What?" He shouted.
"Get on your knees and beg me." She repeated, "You wasted three of my days when I could have been working. It's your own fault; you're too prideful. Your revenge probably would have been finished by now."
Damian had glared at her and sighed. He got on his knees and his cheeks tinted pink.
"Please," he growled out, "help me with my revenge."
Marinette smiled, "Of course. So, which trap was your favorite and who are we getting first? Also, are we doing irreversible damage that is seen as childish and petty or all out war?"
"How many siblings do you have?" Damian questioned.
"I'm an only child." She answered.
"How do you know about traps then?" He asked.
"Bullies. One of them said they forgot something in my room. My parents let them up without my permission and they tried to steal my diary. Their hand was trapped in a box until I unlocked it." She replied.
"Effective." He responded.
Marinette nodded, "I had moved onto trapping my school supplies and locker. Someone broke in and was splattered with a glue and glitter bomb. The school got mad and tried to expel me. So, I took it up with the school board about defending my property and there were no locks. Our principal had said he updated the lockers months ago. They weren't happy with him. He was fired; turned out he had been using the school's money as his personal piggy bank. Lockers were updated and the person who got bombed was suspended. There's an internal investigation going on."
Damian smirked, "All that from a glitter bomb?"
"What can I say?" She asked, "When I get creative, sometimes it's chaotic."
After getting his revenge, Damian Wayne asked her out.
It didn't matter anymore if her classmates apologized. She was sure there was going to be a lot of changes after the internal investigation. She couldn't wait for the can of worms that was going to be unleashed that had Lila's name all over it. Lila Rossi made her see that her feelings for Adrien were too extreme. She deserved better than someone who let her get bullied. He never had her back, like he promised. Adrien Agreste had become a coward in her eyes.
"We're here, Princess!" Chat Noir cried out, gleefully.
'Oh, right; Andre's.'
Andre looked between the two teenagers, upset.
'Why are they together again? It will never work.'
"Look who's here!" he spoke, "Marinette, Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"
"We're here for your ice cream." Chat answered, "Unless you sell hot dogs."
"What a joke, this Chat Noir." Andre commented, as the two laughed, "But I am the glacier of lovers! Not the ice cream parlor of pranksters and good friends. You, Chat Noir, are in love with Ladybug and you, Marinette, are madly in love with Adrien Agreste."
Marinette just blinked. She wasn't sure if she had heard Andre correctly.
'Did he just declare I was in love with Adrien, in front of Chat Noir?'
Adrien felt his cheeks warm up under the mask.
'Marinette is in love with me?'
"You're wrong." Marinette spoke.
"Huh?" Andre commented.
"I'm not in love with Adrien Agreste." Mari spoke again.
"Yes, you are." Andre smiled, before making her sweetheart cone, "Matcha for his eyes and almond for his skin."
Andre smiled, smugly, as he handed Marinette her scoop. Marinette smiled as she took the cone. Chat Noir watched as she took a bite, before smiling from the flavor combination.
"My sweetheart cone for Adrien was pistachio and peach, but this describes my boyfriend perfectly." Marinette declared.
Andre froze in shock. Chat Noir slowly turned and looked at her.
"You......have a boyfriend?" he asked.
"Yep." Marinette smiled, "It took me awhile to see how cowardly Adrien was."
"Cowardly?" Chat asked, hurt by her answer.
"Yeah. There's this liar at our school. She's been bullying me, threatening me, basically gotten me expelled twice. Adrien told me it was fine she was lying to everyone and that he would have my back." She spoke, "He never 'had my back' when the people I thought were my friends tripped me, spilled things on my homework or designs, or spread lies about me."
Adrien felt himself shrink under her words. He had promised her, but....He couldn't risk his father being angry at him with Lila around. He had just convinced his father to let him quit modeling.
"If anything, that liar showed me that he wasn't who I thought he was. After that, my feelings for him faded pretty fast." Mari continued, taking another bite of her sweetheart ice cream, "I liked him because he was honest and kind; just not to me. Honestly, he's not for me. My Nona introduced me to a great guy and he asked me out."
Chat Noir gulped, "You-You sound happy."
Marinette smiled, "I haven't been this happy in a long time. He doesn't mind my rambles about fabric and colors. I can bounce ideas for fashion off of him and if I can't seem to design something right, he helps me. He doesn't even like fashion; but he's there for me. He sends me pictures of all his animals. Whenever I get close to being akumatized, I talk to him and he makes everything better."
"A-Akumatized?" Chat questioned.
Marinette turned to the miraculous hero and nodded.
"What? When? How?" he growled out.
"I've almost been akumatized several times since that liar came to school. So far, I've been managing, but.......my parents have started to notice them. I feel like they're planning on sending me out of Paris soon. I don't know if they will send me to Shanghai or if I'd travel with my Nona. I doubt they would send me to live with my boyfriend and his family, but my Nona might." she concluded, "She thinks of them as a second family, a very chaotic family."
Chat felt like he couldn't breathe. He couldn't imagine going to school as Adrien and Marinette not being there. He thought the high road would make verything better. Now, it seemed like it made everything worse.
"Your ice cream is magical, Andre, but you expect too much." Marinette spoke, "You can't force people to be together. Our hearts know. It just takes awhile for us to see through everything that we hoped to be true."
"What do you mean, Princess?" Chat questioned, ignoring the Ice Cream Man's glare.
"I once saw a future with Adrien. A house full of kids; three of them, but it wasn't real." she stated, "When something makes us happy, we want to hold onto it for as long as we can. It's hard to move on. We're scared of falling for someone again, only to be rejected."
Marinette turned to Chat Noir.
"Like your love for Ladybug." Mari smiled.
Chat sucked in his breath. She hadn't realized he had been trying to take her out on a date.
"I-I'm trying to. I really am. She told me she was in love with someone else. I have to respect her wishes, even if it hurts." Chat admitted, before quickly facing Andre, "Can I have a sweetheart ice cream cone?"
Andre looked between the pair. They truly were different people from the last time they had come to his shop.
Andre nodded and smiled, "Blueberry for their hair and bubblegum for their bubbly personality."
Chat Noir took his cone and gulped.
'Please, don't let her figure it out. I already know I waited too long; she's already taken.'
Marinette looked at him and smiled, "I hope you find whoever makes you happy."
"Me too." he answered.
"Thanks for the ice cream, Andre." Marinette smiled as she took another bite and began to walk away.
Chat quickly trailed after her.
TAG LIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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teawinx · 6 days
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Miraculous Ladybug Reboot: Marinette turnaround
Marinette's new, more 2D animation friendly S1 look Ideally, she'd be wearing new outfits each season, to reflect the passing of time and to tell the audience what literal season it is.
S1 takes places during the new school year, so September. It's still summery and warm so she's in comfy shorts. Kinda fell in love with this jumpsuit, really leans into her more crafty and hands-on style. This isn't an outfit she's afraid to get dirty!
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imsparky2002 · 2 months
Miraculous Animal AU
Hey everyone! Just thought I'd introduce an AU that will feature for JuleRose July. It's an AU where everyone is an ordinary animal on a special farm. Today we'll look at the Akuma Class (along with some extras)
Marinette the Ladybug - A lively yet clumsy lil ladybug who doesn't let her small stature prevent her in helping her friends. She's needed for making sure the farm's crops are healthy and loves munching on aphids and nectar. She's always flitting around, looking for inspiration for her designs, even if they are incredibly tiny.
Adrien the Cat - A kind and curious cat with golden fur. A total cinnamon roll, Adrien's always there to lend a paw. He can be a bit naive about the world at times, which can get him into trouble. He absolutely adores Marinette, as well as his fellow mates Kagami and Luka. Give him some catnip, and he shows a more wild side!
Alya the Fox - Alya is a crafty and corageous fox who's always yipping about news she heard from the other farms nearby. Farmer Caline even set up a little blog for her to report her findings. Unfortunately, humans can't understand her yet. She often finds herself debunking her fellow fox Lila's fibs. She also cares deeply for her turntable-loving turtle Nino.
Nino the Turtle - Slow and steady is Nino's motto. He's as chillaxed as they come and doesn't mind taking his time. The turtle thinks of himself as a DJ, which really means he likes climbing onto the record player and spinning on hit. If he needs to unwind, he'll often pop into his shell.
Chloe the Bee - Chloe is always buzzing around flaunting her status as a queen bee, even if she's a a lowly worker. She can be full of herself and snobby at times, but get to know her and you'll see she can be sweet as the honey she produces. Her mates Lila and Sabrina know this firsthand. When she's not flying around with her sister Zoe or racing for pollen and nectar with Marinette, she likes to fly into rich human's parties.
Max the Horse - Only a tad larger than a pony, Max is more of a nerdhorse than a workhorse. You'll often find him trotting around, either trying to make an invention or nudging his special ball while neighing about something dorky. He's not too much of a fan of people riding him, but he won't buck you off unless you harm him. Otherwise you'll just get an annoyed snort.
Alix the Bunny - Easly the fastest in the farm, Alix is a cocky and energetic rabbit who's tasked with the job of keeping track of time. She makes sure everybody's present for a meeting or for bedtime. Despite being pint-sized, she packs a mean kick and will school her friends in parkour.
Kim the Monkey - A mischevious and cheeky simian, Kim often sneaks out of the farm for some monkey business. He loves playing pranks on his friends, usually escaping by swinging on special bars and vines created by Farmer Caline. He's also quite athletic, meaning he and Ivan often build up their strength together. He happens to love and cherish a heron by the name of Ondine, who flies in every now and again.
Mylene the Mouse - A timid and talented little mouse, Mylene often scurries aroud the farm, observing things that her bigger friends may have missed. She loves cheese and the stage, and puts on little shows for the others. It's here where she stops being so shy and stands out from the crowd. Juleka and Adrien care for the mouse, but also love chasing her. She finds it fun, knowing they wouldn't harm her, and even pops in their mouth so that they can carry her when she's tired.
Ivan the Ox - A burly ox with a gentle soul. Ivan's the main bodyguard of the farm and is always practicing his headbutting. He loves to graze and listens to heavy metal music through the record player. Ivan and Mylene are mates, always taking time to snuggle or nudge eachother. He's very protective of his friends as well, especially Nathaniel, as a fellow horned mammal.
Sabrina the Dog - A loyal dog and a faithful assistant, Sabrina's always got a watchful eye on the farm. She and the felines love to chase eachother, and Sabrina often works with Max on keeping track of the farm's resources. She's always there to be Chloe and Lila's right-hand girl, as they are her loving mates. Still, she can't resist when one of her friends throws a stick or tells her to roll over.
Juleka the Tiger - A majestic purple tiger with a love for darkness, goth stuff and meat. She's quite timid, and it takes a lot for her to let out more than a quiet growl. Still she can't help but roar with joy whenever her favorite pig waddles into her arms. Her and Rose are mates and she often protects the little oinker from harm. She also likes to model tiny hats from Marinette, and going for a swim in the water.
Rose the Pig - A perky perfume-loving pig. For Rose, an awesome day is when she gets to roll in mud, smell Farmer Caline's perfume, and dig into a nice bowl of slop. She also loves Juleka and they'll often sing songs together, even if it comes out in the form of squeals and roars. It's very hard to put a frown on her face. She also sneaks out to go to fast food chains, oinking at them to stop eating her species.
Nathaniel the Goat - Nathaniel is a goat with a love for art and those funny books that Farmer Caline leaves out. He's more keen to munch on a tin can and lovingly headbutt Marc than take part in the farm's more wacky adventures. Often the snarker of the group, Nathaniel's always there to clean the land in the farm and bump people to show affection. He's also a huge fan of art, and bleats with joy whenever he sees a painting, inspired to make one himself.
Marc the Rooster - Marc's crows wake everyone up in the morning, but he's not usually a screamer. An anxious and skittish rooster, Marc's always staying close to someone. He's always watching for potential predators or if other birds from Farmer Olga, Farmer Alonzo and Farmer Dahlia's groups come by. He loves to write, and is always clucking and flicking a book. He and Nathaniel have a comic together, which is really just Nathaniel's hoofprints from dipped paint, and Marc pecking little rips into the paper. The others love it and think it's a masterpiece.
Luka the Snake - A relaxed and musical viper, Luka loves to slither around the farm, usually resolving conflicts or sharing his songs with others. He and Juleka see eachother as twins, since they were born in the very same barnstall. He often hisses words of wisdom to his sister and loves to coil around Marinette, Adrien and Kagami, his mates. He, Ivan, Juleka and Rose have a "band", but really it's just the group of them making noise with their mouths and bodies.
Kagami the Komodo Dragon - Though she may be cold-blooded like Luka, they both share a warm heart for their mates and friends. Kagami often crawls around the farm, practicing her fencing skills with a small stick in her mouth. A stoic, she feels as though it is more important to keep calm and carry on. Though she does get a bit competitive and will easily agree to dares put on by Kim and Alix.
Lila the Fox - The other fox in the group, Lila likes to tell tall-tales when she feels insecure about herself. She also has an adorable rivalry with Alya, which to humans, just looks like the two of them hissing and yipping at eachother, while their mates nudge at them to stop. She likes messing with Marinette, since her reactions make the fox giggle. Still, she cares deeply for her friends and especially her two mates.
This took some time to think of, but I'm happy with the result! Stay tuned for Ondine and the other Science Kids, then the Recess Kids and finally the Theatre Kids! Make sure to comment, reblog and like for more! @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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marinettemarch · 7 months
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Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! It's time to start thinking about Marinette March. This year's calendar was once again created by the very generous and lovely @ayydrienagreste. Be sure to send him lots of love!
Just like last year, if you want to participate, be sure to tag your posts #marinettemarch2024 or @ mention this blog, and I will reblog your submissions here. Both prompt-specific and general submissions will be accepted. A few ground rules:
This is a salt free event. This includes harsh criticisms of the show, characters, ships, or fandom involved with it.
Ship content is allowed, so long as Marinette is the center of the work
NSFW is allowed, but please tag it and put it under a read more
For the purposes of this event, Shadybug/alternate Marinette is allowed (obv. seeing as it's the first prompt, but this applies to all prompts)
I'm looking forward to this year's event, and hope you all are too! Please reblog and spread the word. The prompts are listed in order under the cut.
New school 
Girl friends
New suit 
Kwami unification
Late nights 
Polka dots
Crazy schemes 
Growing up 
Lucky charm 
Heart on her sleeve 
Dear diary 
Dream dress
Tea time
Role models 
Sick day 
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a-flaming-idiot · 4 months
So this list (https://www.tumblr.com/a-flaming-idiot/741801196532137984/types-of-lilanette-dynamics-i-find-funny-1-lila) was very entertaining but I am legit super curious how do you think number 5 would work?
Like on a wider heroes of Paris level, I mean. How did Lila get the Fox, is she actually a hero, would Mari put two and two together regarding Volpina & Lila ETC.
Ok, to be honest, when I made that list I just thought it was a funny concept to have Marinette and Lila get a certain dynamic. Like a sorta funny love square where Marinette is doing her best to be nice to Lila and help her but finds Volpina UNBELIEVABLY annoying and outright hates her. If not is a tiny bit scared of her.
But your ask has actually gotten my creative mind going and creating a kinda cool AU idea.
So let's call this, The Lone Fox AU, just for convenience. So basically, in this AU, at least for a while, Lila as Volpina is the only hero in Paris. For some reason, Fu wasn't able to give Marinette and Adrien their Miraculous. Or never even found them in the first place. But Lila found him.
Basically Lila had seen Fu actually fall, likely while trying to rush back to his home, and dropped the Fox Miraculous in his panic. Lila thought it was just some cool jewelry and decided to pocket it instead of giving it back. It was only when she got home and put it on, that she met Trixx and discovered the power she had just stolen. Lila soon decided to basically go on a joyride, using her new power as Volpina to just do whatever she wanted around Paris. She didn't really hurt anyone, she wasn't a villain, but she did take advantage of her power to torment people for fun and take anything she wanted(mostly just random stuff like food and trinkets. She left valuable alone for the most part). Though at her core, she is just after the attention. Lila has always been craving attention.
But then Hawk Moth went and ruined it. Seeing a clear sign the Miraculous were in play around Paris, he started sending out his akumas, trying to further lure out the Cat and Ladybug holders that were surely hiding from him. He may have even tried to recruit Lila, but this whole, take-over Paris thing was not Lila's style, she just wanted to have her fun without anyone to tie her down. Plus she has the sense Hawk Moth will likely abandon her at the first chance he gets, like all adults eventually do to her.
When the akumatized villains start actually attacking Paris, doing real tangible damage to the city, Lila ends up intervening. She doesn't want her freedom and source of attention taken away from her so she starts fighting the akumas. She doesn't have the Ladybug or Black Cat power, but she learns to be crafty, learning to destroy the akumatized items with the help of Trixx, and how to actually destroy the butterflies when she doesn't have the ability to purify them.
The public definitely has mixed feelings on Volpina. She's fighting to protect them against the much more dangerous and destructive akumas, but they also know well the amount of tomfoolery and trouble she caused when left to her own devices. Which is why she's marked a sa vigilante instead of a straight hero or villain. This is definitely where Marinette picked up her distaste for Volpina, the fox taking plenty of baked goods from her family's bakery while on her joyrides.
As time goes on, things get even more complicated. Akumas become stronger and Lila's usual tricks aren't getting her as far. And this whole time since having to fight these akumas she's had a whole ton of time to think about her place in Paris. She went on her joyrides because she felt alone and unseen. Her father left her soon after she was born and her mother is so lost in work she's basically forever left Lila alone to fend for herself. Not to mention Lila has moved so many times she's never had the chance to set down her roots. So all her lying and her Volpina joyrides are just an attempt to take back the attention she was denied her whole life.
And now, as a hero, she's starting to catch on to the other things that are important to her. She likes actually being helpful and the gratitude people show her for doing heroic things. But she also hates the fear and disdain many others show her. Rightfully deserved. Lila doesn't want to be feared or hated. She just wants to be known...
Feeling in over her head with recent akumas and actually remorseful for her actions, Lila goes to the only person she can think to, Master Fu. With Trixx's help, she tracks down Fu at his shop as just simple Lila. Fu is confused till she explains who she is and starts actually begging for forgiveness. No lies. No deceptions. No half-truths. Just Lila asking for help.
Fu takes pity on her, but is also able to sense the spark of a hero's spirit within her. So he cuts her a deal. He'll help her as much as he can, but as soon as Hawk Moth is defeated, Lila will give back the Fox Miraculous and never go near the Miraculous ever again. And if he catches any funny business from her, Fu will take the Fox Miraculous back himself.
Lila's hesitant for a second, but agrees. So now she has Fu to guide her. But Master Fu also gives her one more recommendation on how to beat Hawk Moth, a partner...
So Lila finds the one girl she can trust. A girl she's both cherished as a civilian and needlessly tormented as a vigilante. She sneaks into Marinette's room and leaves her a little box with a note just asking for help. So now Volpina is joined by Multimouse!
Of course, Marinette is hesitant to help and makes her dislike for Volpina known. But agrees to be her partner to save Paris and maybe kick Volpina in the butt some more.
And with one more good influence, they probably do expand their team a bit more to fight Hawk Moth. But for the most part, it's just Volpina and Multimouse.
The whole time Volpina has been having her character arc, you can imagine civilian Lila still causing problems at school. Maybe not as bad as in canon, but she still lies and does whatever she wants to get attention. With Marinette hanging around in her shadow, being basically the only person Lila would properly consider a friend. Marinette does like Lila as a person sincerely, but also wants to keep her on the right track. And Lila takes notice. Meanwhile as Volpina, she likes to torment Marinette a bit. It's mostly flirty and she has no ill will or bad intent, she is just trying to have fun but Marinette does not appreciate having this vigilante bothering her and her family. But Lila does let up slowly as she starts to reevaluate her priorities.
But yeah. That's the rough outline for the Lone Fox AU. This was not even close to my intended idea when I first made that list, but now we got it. Thanks for the inspiration and hope you liked it!.
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saintforan · 5 months
I’m genuinely curious what the other critters roles are in the holders au (especially who the Chloe or Lila might be).
alr this ones simple, imma list all of the (rest of the) critters and give them a role based in both in the og MLB series and the Holders AU
just to make it clear, all of the relatioships im talking about here take place before catnap joins the same hs as dogday, eventually they all (Except bubba) become friends between them
Craftycorn: Along with dogday shes an exchange student as well, but attends to a different HS, she's dogdays roomate and both get along very well, eventually from living together they become good friends. Crafty's role on this au would be Alya's on MLB, but without the ladyblog lol, on this universe crafty like alya is interested in the heroes that suddenly popped out of nowhere, and starts investigating about them out of curiosity, eventually she gets very invested in them and starts taking part of a magazine to talk about them both. She's gonna be the first to find out their identities too, she eventually connects the dots and guesses, but doesn't tell anyone
Kickin: He's childhood friends with dogday, but here they met online before dogday decided to move and study on the same country as him, They don't belong to the same HS neither, he goes to the same one as crafty and they become friends there. His role here would be Nino's on MLB, as he would become very close to catnap eventually (catnap got his second best friend yippeee), and also would end up dating crafty lol (kickincorn enthusiast)
Bobby: Bobby is childhood friends with hoppy, and she takes on luka's role on MLB as the good listener and good advice giver to dogday (no romance between them here) Her and Dogday don't exactly have a band, but them both enjoy playing music together (dd plays guitar, bobby plays bass and guitar too + she likes to sing) which made them close. They met bc of Kickin as him, bobby and hoppy were in the same elementary school and kept being good friends ever since.
Hoppy: Childhood friends with Bobby, doesnt take on any particular character's role, she was on a volleyball club with kickin on elementary school and they met there, she also works at the same bakery as dogday mostly to help piggy's family out and get paid for hanging out with friends LOL
(as a psa, theres feelings between the bear and the rabbit, they are GAY, but their relationship develops later on)
Piggy: You could say she in some way takes marinette's role here? but this marinette would not be ladybug here LOL, i stated before that dogday works part-time on a bakery, well piggy is the daughter of said bakery's owner, and she also attends the same hs as dogday and catnap, she became friends with dogday from him working there and going to the same hs as him, shes also best friends with bobby and hoppy and hang out tgt often as a trio
Bubba: This man takes on both lila and kagami's role here, but both would be against caatnap here. As i said before, prototypes an engeneer who owns a company, said company has a partnership with another one, and this company ceo's has a son, Bubba is that ceo's son, so he and catnap had met on multiple ocasions but dont get along that well (they hate each other's guts), as bubba's mindset is like prototype's and catnap is not that fond of his father lmao. When catnap gets sent to socialize, prototype asks his ceo pal to send his son and watch him so he doesn't slip away from his duties. His job is basically to keep catnap from getting away from his father lol, and so he makes his life difficult to achieve that.
the closest thing to a chloe here would be bubba? but they behave very differently so he reminds me more of lila, so i could say theres no chloe here at all, personally chloe's character is very non important to the series, her only role is to be the mean girl and maybe help akumatize some ppl, but overall the only good part about her was her redemption lol, but then they threw that away soo, nothing much to say abt her, i don't find having a Chloe here necessary at all
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baenyth · 18 days
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-20: The Fox Miraculous 2: Lila is Unstoppable
Alright, Lila time. Is this the one where her lies are revealed or is that the next episode or?
How many moms does Lila have? How many identities has she taken?
Girl's loving the attention for sure
Road Work Ahead
Wow, all these people believe her? I guess not everyone can be as smart as me...
Get cucked lmao
That look in her eyes. I don't think she trusts her entirely.
Soon enough he's going to have to wear a ski mask with how far the cataclysm's spreading. Or maybe just a lot of makeup.
How ironic. Alliance is forcing Adrigami just like how this show is forcing Adrienette. Clearly, the answer is Lukadrien.
Sabrina's rebelling for sure. Though I can finally say that the fact that Ms. Bustier never knew and the implication that Chloe doesn't know how to write is just stupid, even for this show. Now that I think about it so are those people believing her.
I'm getting secondhand embarrassment from how crudely Chloe's being written here.
Oh, she's good.
And there it is! I can't even say it's an idiot ball! Lila could probably slip, slide, or weasel her way out of lying that she's good friends of Ladybug since that's the one Marinette can disprove thanks to Alya knowing she's Ladybug. No idea about the others, though.
Adrienette ruining everything as always
Alya: "Marinette, Lila's a nice girl."
Lila: "Don't you want to kill Marinette?"
Cartoony ahh blink sound
Lookit that forced smile
Is this the point where TA uses Marinette as a ventriloquist dummy? Chloe needs a therapist, not to be reached out or whatever.
Oh dear god
Oh hey! I've heard that steel drum sound effect before in Mario games! I love it!
Oh god. The power of Saltfics.
Yes! Ivan and Mylene!
Yes! Just as thought!
This is the least believable lie so far. I'm impressed.
Shouldn't Chat be removing more rings? Or any at all?
Gabriel Agreste lore
Credit where it's due. Lila's crafty as all hell. She's always been. The only weakness I can see her having is the time she said she had a lying disease.
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beannary · 1 year
In tlp au, is Donnie any good at fighting? I know in the show he’s shown as being REALLY good, like almost takes out draxum in the first episode all by himself before the mystic stuff happens, so what about in your au?
so at this point TLP donnie has not had any fighting training or experience so he is not very good
that being said! he is very crafty which i think given the opportunity, he would be able to land a few good hits on his opponent just by using his environment and random objects around him in ways that aren't obvious. sort of like in miraculous ladybug how marinette uses her lucky charm, she has an object and she finds a creative way to use it to her advantage. though even though Donnie can do this, because he doesn't have any training, it is still fairly easy to beat him.
eventually when Donnie leaves Big Mama and starts living with the Hamatos he will get some proper martial arts training. I have like a lot of things planned out for Donnie's first few months living with the Hamatos where he's going to go through a lot of wack emotional states as he grieves leaving his mom and realizing that she wasn't good to him and one of them will be anger and during that time he's pretty much going to go all out in training and use that as an emotional outlet and during that time he's going to get fairly good at fighting.
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What the writers say: "Lila is this super smart and crafty master manipulator."
What they write in practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prw2B_03IzY
Like. Didn't we get two whole episodes in Season 5 of just suddenly Kagami forgets that she knows Lila is a trick ass bitch, Lila goes 'I think Marinette is a bad friend to you' and Kagami falls for it?
Not to mention that they never bring up how Mari can just point out to Alya 'Lila lied about being Ladybug's bff because you know i'm LB and I hate her!'. Which like yeah Alya should've connected the dots herself but when she just kinda probably forgot that was one of Lila's many lies and assumed Mari was still just jealous Mari could've connected them for her.
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onlymarinette · 7 months
i got so stuck on this one so thank u very much miraculous fanworks server for unanimously voting for me to make this prompt into a new last-minute chapter which is very impressive because you guys never decide on anything ever
anyway have more audhd!mari suffering! yay! @marinettemarch
prompt is crafty and i dont even know what i’m doing anymore i should’ve planned better (i am Struggling but marinette march ALWAYS takes priority)
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mochinek0 · 10 months
Daminette December 2023: 7-In a League of their Own (SUB)
Damian sat in his apartment trying to empty his mind. His girlfriend, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, was the most amazing person he ever met. He was still shocked she agreed to date him. Today was one of those days when he thought he was just holding her back from greatness.
'Marinette deserves better than me. She's smart, tactical, and crafty. You would think Mother or Father trained her.'
'Not only is she smart, but she can cook and bake. I'm still learning. I'm sure there's day she wishes she could have a home cooked meal. I can only take her out to resturants or make her breakfast. She makes the most amazing dinners! Everything she makes tastes delicious. Anyone would be lucky to eat her food everyday.'
'She's an amazing business woman. Marinette is practically running her own company and I don't even have full control of Wayne Enterprise! She isn't afraid to tell people off. Mother would have loved her commanding presence. Everyone, including Father, is scared of me.'
'Maybe I should break up with her.'
Damian's thoughts were broken when he doorbell went of continuously.
'Who could that be? Must be Grayson.'
Damian opened the door to see his girlfriend standing there in tears.
'What the fuck?'
Marinette lunged into his arms.
"Who-" he began to demand.
"It's been a really bad day." Marinette cried into his arms, "Can I just stay with you? I always feel better when I'm with you."
Damian took a deep breath and pushed his anger down, for another time.
"Of course." he spoke.
Damian picked her up and set her down on the couch. As she wiped her tears away, he began to take off her shoes and her coat. He went into the kitchen and grabbed her a glass of water to rehydrate and ordered some of her favorite take out, along with her favorite ice cream.
"So, what happened?" he questioned, handing her the water.
Marinette had went on to explain how there had been mix up with a few orders. A person she had fired had put in the orders and when they hadn't come in on time, she called the company only to find out that person had cancelled the orders. Once she told them that person had been fired months ago, they quickly put in motion to send the fabric and other items needed. Unfortunately for her, one of the clients pulled out of her services because of that claiming she was incompetent at her job. That had only been the morning. She had worked through her lunch to tackle anything her ex-employee had touched and caleld companies to ensure that the previous person didn't dictate her orders and informed them of any changes or wrong-doings the person had done. After that, she had to get her lawyers involved as the person was order fabrics under her name and Marinette had never received them. With all the invoices from the companies, her lawyer was sure it would be a clean sweep.
A knock at the door drew their attention away from each other.
"I'll get it." Damian offered.
When he checked the peep hole, he saw the delivery driver holding up the bag of food. He unlocked the door and took the bag. When he turned around, he could see she was surprised to see him holding up food. Marinette just looked at him with tears in her eyes and smiled. Damian quickly set the food down and rushed to her side.
"Is everything okay?" he asked.
Marinette kissed him, leaving him stunned.
"You are the most amazing boyfriend ever." Mari declared, "I'm sure anyone else would be jealous to know my boyfriend is in a league all of his own."
Damian kissed her back, "You may think so, but you Angel are in a league above me."
Marinette cuddled into his arms.
'We can eat the food he got in a few moments.'
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events@animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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amandacastroworld · 9 months
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Child (After)
Tumblr media
Child (Before)
Monica Adult/Woman Godmother/Jorel's Sister
Feature films
Monica Adult x Miraculous
Monica Adult 2: Monica's Gang x My Little Pony
Monica Adult 3: meets Special Agent Oso
Monica Adult 4: Special Friend Pen Pal
Monica Adult 5: meets Pokémon
Monica Adult 6: Big Nate meet Pixie Girl
Monica Adult 7: Monica Adult x WALL-E
Monica Adult 8: Little Flower Save the Day
Monica Adult 9: meets Ant Man
Monica Adult x Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother and Big Nate stay the House at Party
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes vs Queen Bully
Monica Adult 10: meet Papa Louie and Friends
Monica Adult vs Evil Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: meets Sonic and his Friends
Monica Adult: The Sonic and Amy Games
Monica Adult: meets Totally Spies
Monica Adult: Disneyland Paris
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes saves Mothers and Fathers
Monica Adult: Spies meets Pinocchio
Short films:
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother saves the day
Monica Adult: Little Flower and the Best Friends
Monica Adult: Wedding of Nina and Carlos
Monica Adult the Series (Seasons 1, 2 and 3)
Monica Adult and Jorel's Brother (1, and 2)
Monica Adult: Team Godmother and Godfather
Emma Stone (Adult/speaking)
Jill Scott (singing)
America Young (Teen)
Cassidy Naber (Child)
Monica's Gang
Manolo Sánchez
Marc Anciel
María Posada
Pixie Girl
Fairy Godmother
Character information
Full Name
Mônica de Sousa
Other names
Bucktoothed Shorty (all insults by the bad boys)
Goat (by Nathaniel)
Aunt (by Toodler Marc)
Mommy (by Monique, Walter and Jimmy Six)
Miss Sousa (by Mailman)
Queen Monica (by Sabrine Chang)
Woman Godmother (by Jorel's Brother, Jorel, Lara and Nico)
Woman Rich (by Raindow Dash)
Jorel's Sister (by Betterfly)
Miss Monica (by Jorel's Brother, Lara, Betterfly and Pinocchio)
9 Years 13 Years 19 Years 24 Years 25 Years Years 26
Godmother Work
Worker of Cafeland
Fashion designer
Maggy/Captian Godmother's boss
Owner of Jimmy Five
Cocoplay School Adult and Teens
Monica's Giga Mansion
Fighting crime, red dresses, Maggy, Jimmy Five the hero, Smudge, her friends, her powers, Nina, Marc Anciel, Miraculous Heroes, Nathaniel, Raindow Dash, Dotty, Pikachu, Pokemon, help friends healing Nina, Good Gabriel, Marinette and Adrien (Cat Noir and Ladybug), her kids, Magic Rings, Video Games, her pupil Jorel's Brother, Cafeland, Playing a Little Flower, Her Adoptive Sister, Jorel's Brother, Dreams, going to balls, dancing, singing, animals, romance, flowers, money, youtubers, games, French Miraculous superhero team, Flower Miraculous, Dance, Singing, Totally Spies, Pinocchio
Jimmy Five the villain, being teased, Jimmy Five stealing Samson from her Nina is died, Snakes, Monicuda, Lila Rossi, Jorel's Brother a trouble, Bullying, Wall-Monicuda, Mother and Father's Death, Haters, Her hater, Bullies, Dr. Eggman, Tails' Bullies
Powers and abilities
Super-human strength
Immense strength
Immense surability Leaping Craftiness Agility
Size Manipulation
Control Size Addition Superhuman Strength Superhuman Durability
Cryokinesis Life creation Extract water memories
Communication with animals
Communication with Jorel's Brother
Superhuman Strength
Elasticity Shape-shifting Metamorphosis Hand-to hand combat Density alteration
Invisibility Force field generation
See below
Depending on the character she interprets it has various powers
Samson (Bunny)
Magic Wand
Magic Pen
First Aid
Magic Rings
Gold Boots
Flower Miraculous
Gold, Money, Diamond and Crystal Headband
Glow-Up Tiara
Magic Headband
Card Gifts
Nina's Music Box
Family information
Mr. Sousa †  (father)
Luísa Sousa † (mother)
Jimmy Five (husband)
Nina (Crush/girlfriend)
Other relatives:
Mary Angela (Sister-in-law)
Mr. Five (father-in-law)
Ms. Five (mother-in-law)
Eve-Maggy (Sister-in-law)
Alan (Co Brother-in-law)
Alice and Elena (Nieces)
Alan Jr. (Nephew)
Angel Boy (Adoptive Brother-in-law)
Emma (Niece)
Wall-Monica (Twin Sister)
Bibi (Adoptive Sister)
Monique (daughter)
Walter (adoptive son)
Jimmy Six (son)
Jimmy Five Jr. (son)
Jônica and Cenourinha (twins son and daughter)
Jorel's Brother and Lara (Guardians)
Ditto (pet dog)
Sky (Pegasus)
Friends / Allies
Cebolinha (rival and love interest; later husband)
Cascão Magali (best friend) Doreen Jeremiah Franklin Sunny Denise Marina Milena Angel/Angelo The River Mermaid
Mrs. Johnson
Doctor Isabel
Her Teacher
Mrs. Anciel
Mr. Anciel
Nathaniel's Mother
Nathaniel's Father
Lily Anciel
Evil Monicuda
Evil Magaluda
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
Ivan Bruel/Minotaurox
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Zoé Lee/Vesperia
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Mylène Haprèle/Polymouse
Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid
Luka Couffaine/Viperion Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Félix Fathom/Argos
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Re Verse)/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Paw Noir
Socqueline Wang/Caterpillar
Gabriel Agreste/Re-Verse
Aurore Beauréal
Mireille Caquet
The Forgotten
Sabine Cheng
My Little Pony
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Sunset Shimmer
Twilight Sparkle
Starlight Glimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Fuchsia Blush
Lavender Lace
Spike the Dragon
Special Agent Oso
Marie Mouse
Nicole Sims
Nina Castro (Fan/Best Friend/Girlfriend)
Carlos de Castro Oliveira
Ash Ketchum
Isabelle Stone
Pixie Girl
Teacher Games
Suzy Willows
Nate Wright
Ellen Wright 
Francis Pope
Teddy Ortiz Jenny Jenkins Mr. Rosa Artur Pashkov (sometimes) Dee Dee Holloway Chad Applewhite Daphne Ruby Dinsmore
EVE M-O Captain B. McCrea Hal VN-GO VAQ-M PR-T L-T BR-LA D-FIB HAN-S WALL-A John Mary
Bibble (Helper/Maid)
Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Jorel's Brother
Ana Catarina
Danuza Edson 
Rovena Fabinho Marcelinho
Marc Anciel's Aunt
Marc Anciel's Uncle
Marc Anciel's Cousins
Doctor Isadora
Sofia (Girlfriend)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Rouge the Bat
Sonic the Hedgehog
Miles "Tails" Prower
Knuckles the Echidna
Amy Rose
Cream the Rabbit
Big the Cat
Totally Spies
Alexandra Huang
Sam Sullivan
Clover Andersson Jerry Lewis Britney Tang
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Donald Duck
Daisy Duck
Chip and Dale
Disney Heroes and Princesses
Amanda de Brown
Forgotten de Brown
Sofi/Guardian the Robot (Timm's Girlfriend/Fan/Best Friend)
Rosie's Mother (Angel)
Rosie Flower
Blue Fairy
Jiminy Cricket
Honest John (formerly)
Gideon (formerly)
Lucky the Cat
Momo the Cat
Kenny the Cat
Angelo and Julia
Vivica's Twin Sons
Queen Monique
Sophia (Nathaniel's Sister)
Hazel's Teacher
Penha (archenemy)
Captain Fray Agnes Agnes's Parents Sofia Viviane, the Witch Dr. Spam Yuka Cebolinha (everytime he tries to steal her bunny) Cascão (everytime he helps Jimmy' plans)
Lila Rossi
Lila's Clones
Evil Monica† 
Angel (Tekken)
Bibble (formerly)
Evil Fuleco
Lucky the Cat (formerly)
Momo the Cat (formerly)
Kenny the Cat (formerly)
The three Rich Angel Girls
Angel's Three Sisters
Team Rocket (sometimes)
Jessie (archenemy)
James (second archenemy)
Meowth (third archenemy)
Gina Hemphill-Toms
Mrs. Godfrey (adult archenemy)
GO-4 † SECUR-T units
WALL-E's Rival
Queen Lady †
Monicuda's Mother†
The Witch†
Evil Jorel's Brother†
Scooter's Bullies
Evil Hair Salon†
Queen Bully†
Dr. Eggman
Shelly (Shadow's Rival)
Mandy Dominique Caitlin Mindy
3 Pinocchio's Rivals
Honest John Gideon Stromboli Coachman Coachman's Minions
Monica is a genius, billionaire, rich, playboy, and philanthropist.
Jimmy Five then decides to send her away to study with the all boys in Paris (Miraculous) in order to curb her rebellious New Face and become a proper adult. When she is sent off, Jimmy Five cries and excuses himself.
Monica, and Maggy returns to Lemon Tree Street ten years later having grown into two beautiful young womans adults (24 years), Marc Anciel, Nathaniel, Mylene and Marinette's Friends becomes Teenages and Lily Anciel (Marc Anciel's Sister) becomes Hair adult
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xhanisai · 1 year
Cold Hands
Pairing - Adrinette
Prompt - ‘Cold hands’
Summary -
Aw hell nah!
Alya Césaire absolutely REFUSED to be tortured all day just because Marinette was feeling extra cheeky this morning! She absolutely adored her best friend to the moon and back but right now, she needed to be put down a peg or two.
And what better way to humble her best friend than the idea she immediately just concocted~? Especially with it having a win-win situation for all the parties involved~?
~(x)~ . . . "What the heck!? Your hands are absolutely freezing! I thought those fuzzy mittens were keeping them warm!" Alya shrieked, the baby hairs on the back of her neck still sticking up after her best friend spooked her by tapping her neck with her ice-cold fingers. Marinette simply shrugged, more than pleased to have Alya feel the brunt of her impulsive, mischievous nature and her cheeky grin only widened when she received a mock glare. "They were keeping them warm. I told you before, my hands always get this cold around this time of the year no matter what I do." As if to emphasise her point, Marinette wiggled her cold digits at Alya and her best friend comically moved away from the offending hands and sent an endeared flick against the designer's forehead. The way Marinette's nose scrunched up, as a result, had Alya cooing internally, loving how adorable her best friend always was. She had to quickly shake that feeling away otherwise the crafty girl would start pestering her with her ice-cold hands again! "And is there really no way in warming them up? Like maybe under a hand dryer in the bathrooms? Or placing them on top of one of the heaters? For the sake of my safety from your pranks???" Alya pooched her lips as Marinette continued to smirk smugly like a very satisfied gremlin who was up to no good (it even gave Chat Noir's iconic shit-eating grin a run for its money). "The hand dryers in the nearest bathroom here are currently occupied by one pesky Bourgeois and Raincomprix and right now, all the boys are hoarding the heaters around us." Marinette pointed and sure enough, the heaters in the courtyard were like honey and all the boys in their class were the bees. Alya even noted that Nino and Adrien were curled on top of them like lazy cats despite being bundled up in thick winter coats and scarves. "So, looks like you'll have to deal with my wonderful, amazing, ice-cold hands poking you when you least expect it~!" . Aw hell nah! Alya Césaire absolutely REFUSED to be tortured all day just because Marinette was feeling extra cheeky this morning! She absolutely adored her best friend to the moon and back but right now, she needed to be put down a peg or two. And what better way to humble her best friend than the idea she immediately just concocted~? Especially with it having a win-win situation for all the parties involved~? This time, Alya wore the shit-eating grin that sent cold sweat down Marinette's spine and before the shorter of the duo could even think of running away faster than the speed of sound, Alya commenced with her foolproof plan and opened her mouth. "Oh, Adrien~? Do you mind helping me out and warm up Marinette~???? She is so, soooooo cold, that poor thing!" It was as if Adrien Agreste was a hungry little cat and Alya was shaking a bag of delicious treats and immediately, he leapt off the heaters and zoomed towards the duo at high speeds and before anyone else could even blink- Marinette Dupain-Cheng was engulfed in the arms of her very enthusiastic and very lovable boyfriend and the force of his embrace knocked them both to the ground in a muffled thump. "Ugh...Chaton...again???" "I'm not letting my Lady go until she's nice and warm~!" And Alya was free of Marinette's cold hands for the rest of the day whilst her best friend was wrapped in Adrien's arms throughout the whole time. At least the embarrassed and shy Marinette got plenty of cuddles and kisses from her partner! . . . ~(x)~
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mymiraclebox · 1 month
Back again with in What If scenario, but with last Alpha Duo, what would happen If Marinette and Adrien were paired with Stellar and Koree ? The Infinity Duo is the less explored Alpha Duo
To be honest, the Infinity Duo is probably the least compatible Alphas for Adrien and Marinette. I don't think their personalities would match too well, nor would they provide the support I'd say the children need compare to other Alpha kwamis. Not to say that they wouldn't bond with Adrien and Mari, I think they would all love their kwamis/holders, but it would be a shadow compared to other pairings.
Adrien is in a situation where he needs emotional support. Where he feels the need to hide everything he's going through; and Chat Noir has always been his escape and chance to express himself. Meanwhile Koree is a very removed kwami, without Stellar around she's not really going to be showing any affection, not even the more aloof kind that Plagg often gives. When she expresses the most is with her cunning and craftiness for her own entertainment, which she probably wouldn't be doing much of because she's aware it could hurt Adrien. What I would find most risky of all would be her attempts to help Adrien, which would probably be encouraging him to hide and ignore everything even more on both sides of the mask. She wouldn't be doing it maliciously, it is in her nature to solve a problem by simply making it not exist, but I think this would make Adrien's mental state much more worse than what he's dealing with in canon. I think Raccoon!Adrien would be a lot more susceptible to akumatization overall because of this.
As for Marinette and Stellar, I think we'd get a very similar incompatibility, though not to the same extreme as it would be for Adrien. In fact I think there's would be some instances Mari and Stellar would work well together, as I think he'd be good at snapping Marinette out of her spiraling panics... but I also think he could trigger her anxiety a lot as well. He is very blunt, and very honest, to the point where he's not going to offer reassurances when one needs them. If anything he just might end up feeding her anxiety when he talks about a reality of a situation. He's not pessimistic, but seeing the life a superhero leads it just might seem he's that way with how much danger is in their lives. And like with Koree, Stellar won't express himself as much without his other half, which can't happen with secret identities in place.
Flipping kwamis would probably be the best match up with this duo. I think Adrien very much values honestly, and would appreciate Stellar's blunt truth. I also think this would help Adrien do a lot of reflecting about his treatment in his home life and reality of his abuse. But on the other side of that coin Stellar still wouldn't be able to provide the emotional support Adrien needs or inspire action to create change. As with Mari and Koree I think we'd see very similar things as we would with Adrien holding the Raccoon Miraculous, with Koree methods of encouraging hiding thoughts and feelings away instead of addressing them, which can do more harm than good.
But enough with the negatives of these match ups, because I definitely don't these guys would hate each other or anything. Much like Adrien with Plagg, I think Adrien would recognized pretty easily that Stellar/Koree do care, even if they don't put on a show about it, which I think either kwamis would appreciate in a holder. I think Koree would very much find ways to entertain herself at the Agreste household without involving Adrien and much to annoyance of the adults. I think Koree would much enjoy making Adrien's schedule vanish or Gabriel's most recent designs disappear just to see their panic, all while giving Adrien a bit more free time as well. Adrien would just have to make sure that she doesn't offer to do the same to the negative people in his life.
And like I mentioned, Stellar would be fantastic at snapping Marinette out of her anxiety spirals, but I also think he'd do well at helping her keep on top of things. He'd do well at reminding her of plans she made and what was coming up, and do well at keep her from over scheduling or pushing herself beyond what she's able to handle at a moment. I also think Stellar would really just enjoy being apart of Marinette's life, with all the substance and emotion and sometimes just pure chaos and creation. While he wouldn't necessary be directly involved with it all, I think he would just really appreciate all the depth and aspects that come from being around it.
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Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Season 5
I've been binging it all over the past couple days and I just finished it.
Wow. I am in awe.
That was the most action packed, story driven season I thought would never happen with this show. I was on the edge of my seat. I squealed from joy and cried from bitter-sweet sorrow. I yelled out in anger and clenched my first in victory.
That was SO worth the wait. I loved every second of it. And to find out that we'll probably get at least another two seasons!? I am SO EXCITED!!!
spoilers beyond this point
Everything was really well addressed. The fact that Luca knew, the fact that Alya knew half, Felix's entire character!!! Here's some of my favorite moments of the season:
Adoration. Zoey's crush reveal. Perfect. It was magnificent. It all fits so well- it made me so happy!!!! AAAAaaaAAa!!!!!! So good.
Felix and Kagami?? They are so cute. It SO makes sense! I can't believe I never thought of it before.
(My favorite ship to day dream about is still the polycule of Luka, Adrien, Marinette, and Kagami... but that is way far from cannon lmao)
Mark and Nathaniel holding hands???? Whaaaaat!?! You mean, ON SCREEN!? YESSSSSS! Best believe I had no time for the actual sadness occuring in that moment as I was too busy screaming with joy~
Ms. Bustier !!! With her partner!!! A kiss!!!! Aaaahhhh!!! Dying of joy. give me a moment.
Marinette dropping a whole ass piano on Monarch knowing so well who's under the mask. She would have done more if she'd had the time~
Chat having a full on stick fight with his akumatized father- he was smacking so hard! Loved it.
Adrien about to straight up murder Kim for hurting Marinette. (He was a lot less hinged this season and I am beyond here for it)
We all hate Lila, but she is such a badass villain. She's the one that almost never loses, not really. She's too crafty. Her pulling off the wig was crazy. She's very unhinged. Hoping for an Azula breakdown from her.
Luka in any scene with Marinette, Adrien, or both of them. He's so good.
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saintforan · 5 months
So i saw that u made that Holders au and was open to questions so here goes:
Would the rest of the smiling critters have Miraculous/miraculum (idk how's it exactly called) too? Which ones would they have if yes? Would it be kinda based on the animals or character more, or maybe even smth else?
Cuz ironically the pig miraculum is like for a cheery person so it fits with the piggy smiling critter in both cases
OOP be prepared for another long ahh ramble post
Alright so, on the og series the miraculous are given to whoever the miraculous guardian aka master fu decides they are worthy of having them, so he gives the cat and ladybug miraculous to adrien and marinette bc they proved they were good people. The thing is that besides them two, and ofc the villain, the rest of the people that get miraculous they only get them temporarily when chat noir and ladybug need help.
THE THING IS that who chooses who gets the miraculous in the og series is marinette?, like ok shes a very good ladybug but i find it kinda nonsense that she being a 14yo teenager gets trusted by the miraculous guardian (whos like, old af) to choose who gets supernatural power????? idk but personally doesnt make sense to me, i would understand it if she had like atleast A DECADE of experience with them but she barely has any ;-;
SO MY POINT WITH THIS is that i wanted to avoid that same thing bc again, doesn't make any sense to me, so in thia AU theres no guardian! yippeee!
So how the fuck do they even get them in the first place? Easy! They found them! This universe follows the same prompt as the og one where nineteen of the miraculous were sheltered by the order of the guardians (Ppl designated to take care of them), BUT on this AU said order would eventually fall apart/perish for a reason i havent figured out yet LOL on my behalf i just made this au like, yesterday LMAO
After this happened, the miraculous they sheltered got lost, and since the Order was erradicated, there was no one that would actively search for them. SO some time later, mr prototype found an old book that told the tale about the miraculous and blablabla and the infinite power that the black cat and ladybug miraculous give to whoever lands their hands on them, and so he decided to hire investigators and archeologists to find these precious jewels he learned about. Although he didn't find the black cat and ladybug miraculous, he did find the butterfly and peacock. Then after a while, catnap and dogday found the ladybug and black cat miraculous. So going back to your question (too many words just to get here LOL), i still need to develop this au some more, but im planning to make dogday very interested in the miraculous thing, therefore while investigaating them them out of pure curiosity, and adding that the ladybug miraculous makes him luckier he would actually get to find some of them. This said, the rest of the critters could get one on two situations, 1) like dogday and catnap, they get lucky enough to find one, 2) a little like on the og story, in a very very VERY VERY VERY (emphazise on V E R Y) fucked up situation they might encounter, as the critters are good friends to dogday and catnap, they could give them one of the ones they found, but again this would be on a VERY fucked up situation
if i had to choose which one of them to give a miraculous it would prob be either crafty or kickin mainly bc they are the ones that dogday trust the most besides catnap, or in a very specific situation bubba could get one too, a Felix like situation where he steals one from the prototype but on this case it would be out of greedyness lol, very much like layla
and about which one would they get.. i was thinking on giving crafty either the fox (gives the power of Illusion) or the rabbit (Gives the power to time travel), as for kickin he would prob get the turtle (gives the power of Protection aka s h i e l d) or i would go for the safe option and give thim the rooster. As for why they would get those animals miraculouses, my main reason for choosing them would be how responsible they would be (or how i think they would be) with the power each of them gives, for example, crafty would get the rabbit one bc whoever carries it must be really careful with it as it involves time travel, and on my personal vision of crafty she would def be able to handle it
i think thats all? if u got any more questions feel free to ask yippee
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