#creative distruction
mumblelard · 2 years
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boba hates diwali fireworks more than labor day fireworks but she hates them less than fourth of july fireworks
boba doesn't growl but she has a "disappointed with your behavior" look that will make you volunteer to go to your room and think about what you have done
i still haven't found a mask to go with my gorilla suit. i want a white easter bunny mask with tall ears, but i will take whatever the river provides
finn and i are trying to schedule a tasting of the new buffalo chicken mac and cheese pizza that just came out. we like to text each other about cargo spills on the interstate and also try out ridiculous pizzas. maybe on thursday, after she gets of work, but her truck has been acting up so we are still in pencil
my newish bedroom wall neighbor is nice and more importantly loud and quiet in a compatible way. i am almost absolutely certain that supporting herself with the "selling artisanal ice to buckhead bars business that she started earlier this year," is code for trust fund, but i am judging myself for even thinking about it
i found a new die for my jar. the first one in a long time, but that is another post
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candle in the wings
burn out at both ends, the wick wont be left. i hate melting like this, eyes waxy with distress. my wrist flicks your match box arms, i caught on to you. i'm left in the embers and your still okay to use. Re-ignite a flame, catch a light in the rain. pretend you're the sun while thawing away. eternal ice ages, eternal global warming. a candle in the wing, be snuffed out in the morning.
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thecupidwitch · 6 months
Day of the Week Magickal Correspondences:
Planet: Moon
Tarot: High Priestess, Moon
Color: white, light blue, gray
Stones: moonstone, pearl, fluorite, amethyst, quartz, sapphire
Herbs: moonflower, jasmine, gardenia, white rose
Influences : astral realm, clairvoyance, creativity, dream work, emotions, family, fertility, healing the home, illumination, inspiration, intuition, love, prophecy, protection, psychic ability, travel, truth
Planet: Mars
Tarot: Strength, Wands (5, 6)
Color: red, orange
Stones: carnelian, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, red jasper
Herbs: basil, ginger, blak pepper, patchouli, holly, dragon’s blood, nettle, thistle, thorns, wormwood, hawthorn,
Influences : power, war, courage, agression, revenge, hexes and curses, distruction, ambition, sexual identity, sex magick, self confidence
Planet: mercury
Tarot: The Magician, Wheel of Fortune, Pentacles (8)
Color: blue
Stones: Agate, citrine, aventurine, sodalite, lapis, hematite, emerald
Herbs: lavender, rosemary, fern, cherry, licorice, poppy, mugwort, plantain, apple, fennel
Influences : communication, arts, change, mental power, education, divination, psychic power, divination, wisdom, knowledge, traveling, spiritual enlightenment, mischief
Planet: jupiter
Tarot: Pentacles (ace, 9, 10)
Color: royal blue, green and purple
Stones: amethyst, sapphire, turquoise, lepidolite, sugilite
Herbs: cinnamon, sage, nutmeg, melissa, clove, honeysuckle
Influences : money, business, manifestion, justice, healing, abundance, luck, fidelity, honor, justice (legal matters), leadership, loyalty, prosperity, relationships, well-being, success
Planet: Venus
Tarot: Empress, Lovers, Cups (2)
Color: pink
Stones: rose quartz, pink tourmaline, moonstone, jade, peridot, emerald, ruby
Herbs: red hibiscus, rose, lavender, rosemary, jasmine, blue lotus, violet, birch, sage, ivy
Influences : beauty, emotions, fertility, friendship, happiness, love, passion, pleasure, sexuality, wisdom
Planet: Saturn
Tarot: Temperance, Swords (knight, 2)
Color: Black, Gray (dark), Indigo, Purple (dark)
Stones: onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, jet, pumice
Herbs: myrrh, moss, thyme, basil, hemlock, nettle, peppermint, pomegranate, hyacinth, mallow, juniper
Influences : banish, binding magick, death, protection, freedom, justice, karma, banishing, uncrossing magick, hexes and curses
Planet: Sun
Color: yellow, gold
Tarot: Chariot, Sun, Wands (ace)
Stones: citrine, sunstone, pyrite, gold, goldstone, carnelian, orange calcite, tiger’s eye, amber
Herbs: sunflower, chamomile, calendula, marigold, bergamot, oak, rosemary, oregano
Influences : accomplishment, action, ambition, attraction, authority, beauty, confidence, creativity, energy (solar), fame, freedom, friendship, goals, personal growth, healing, hope, illumination, justice, leadership, light, protection, spirituality
tip jar
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theanticool · 5 months
Libraries and Adult Lonliness
As we all know, making friends as adults is hard. And while the internet has made it easier to make friends with people around the world, actually meeting people you can meet with on a regular basis and just hang out with us tough. The common answer to meeting new people is to find people who are interested in the same stuff as you. As such, finding places to meet new people who may have similar interests to you is important. And that’s why I think the library is a great resource!
As a children’s librarian, one of the things I try to point out to parents when they come in to sign their kids up for the library is that we offer adult programs too. Obviously we have book clubs - my library has 4 different book clubs for people who read different types of books. I’ve posted about it before with knitting/crochet circles. But for people who have or want to explore different interests, and meet new people via that new interest, you may want to check your local library to see their programming. For example:
Hiking: Many libraries offer things like hiking kits. These can be things such as maps for local trails, hiking sticks, a water resistant backpack, binoculars, bird guides, and the like. But some libraries having hiking clubs, such as the Poughkeepsie Public Library Distruct in NY.
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Language Learning: Many libraries have access to language learning platforms such as Rosetta Stone or Mango Languages. But many other have dedicated classes where adults can come and learn languages. If you’re in L.A. county, the public library offers classes in beginner Russian, Chinese, Korean, Italian, Armenian, etc!
Music: there are many libraries that have maker spaces where you can go and record music. There’s one in the Newark Library and at a branch of the Brooklyn library. There are also ones that allow you to check out instruments. But there are also ones where you can receive free music lessons, such as the Dallas Public Library (this program was online during the pandemic but is now also offered in person!)
I could keep going.
Singing, dancing, theater, yoga, sketch comedy, creative writing, RC Cars, foraging, cemetery tour groups, jewelry making, baking, woodworking, painting, etc. If you have a niche interest or would like to get into a niche interest, there is a chance your library has had or will have a program about it. And if you’re looking to meet new people, it is a great place to start.
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allamericansbitch · 5 months
I agree with you Taylor's sullying her legacy and engaging in self distructive behaviors allowing her 'fans' to make her music just about the guys they were written about. As a creative type I'm FURIOUS how limited some of my fellow fans perspectives are and intereractions with her music and creativity. I'm not a gossip hater by any means and I love a good arc like anyone else but some fans do it tooooo much.
yeah i think theres a huge difference in the innocent act of just connecting themes and arcs in her music vs filling in the blanks and making blind assumptions that get treated as fact, and in this situation using those assumptions as ammunition against the subjects.... it's just devaluing her art into a stan war that the other party explicitly doesn't want o be a part of.
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justanotheruser · 2 years
hey me again!
(im like rat in your wall)/pos
i wanted to actually ask you a proper question
what is your fav aspects of aus in the wandersong community? like the creativity put into them and such
Have a nice day or night btw!🌈🎉
Almost everything about it is good, including the artwork, narrative, and soundtrack (fanmade or not). What they added, what interpretation was made of this character, situation, plot, etc. Not only that, but it's also the "what if," the individual changes, and what little thing did they alter. The creation, the distruction any of it.
The artist's expression for the medium they love, whether it be through writing, music, or visual arts. Its the detication a person make and how they want to show it to others, who also find it enjoyable. Basically just I love to see the human creativity they add onto this tiny speckle of media that has caught my attention.
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Source: Continuous project altered daily The writing of Robert Morris
KEY: Black= orginal text (in brackets)= my understanding of the text bold= text i found useful or interesting
Introduction I never set out to prove or demonstrate so much as to investigate. And I never set out to affirm so much as to negate. (Not setting out to prove anything or show anything; just wanting to learn more. With the goal being to refute rather than affirm.)
Change and not continuity has been the guide. (Looking at change rather than constancy.)
Rupture and disruption not any organic development, provided the dynamic. If there was a constant perhaps it was that “rotting sack of humanisim” that has alwasy provied a target. within that sack and one of the first things I set out to shatter for myself was the unity of a subject— both with itself and a monolitic coherent stlue prescribed to flow from this ideolofical oppression. (destroying the subject's oneness, Rupture and distruction, rather than organic growth. Not any organic development taking the object out of the enviroment so it wont produce the same outcome) Rupture meaning is to breach or disturb a harmonious feeling or situation.
I always reject the notion that art lasts. What is Alive in any given mode of art making is necessarily brief. The context that presided at its birth does not endure any more than do we remain the same. 
(What is Alive in any specific method of creative creating is always fleeting. The setting that presided over its creation does not persist any more than we do.)
But sufficiently numerous a postiori texts togehter with those repetitive carcasses so willingly provided by the atists and so Necessary to their careers, will always serve to parade the corpse along the halls of culture. if republication of these essays contribites to the necrophilia I can only defend myself by caliming that at least some of them were written as a coup de grace to a particular art practice I was a dead on its feat. (not really understanding what is being said while also understanding at the same time)
If the motives for art making are multiple but limited the nature of its impulses remains obscure. But if it springs as I think it does from an economy of excess in fashioning its masks of metaphor it arises from caises that can never be reasons. Therein lies its value. Insofar as these essays dance with a multiplicity of masks, they affirm that value.
Chapter One: notes on sculpture Part 1
“What come into apperance must segregate in order to appear” - Goethe
A question to be asked of common sensibilities is to what degree they give one a purchase on the experience of the various arts from which they are drawn. Of course this Is an irrelevant question for one who approache the arts in order to find identities of elemnent or meanings.
In the interest of differences, it seems time that some of the distinctions sculpture has managed for itself be articulated.
Today there is a reassertions of the non-imagistic as an essential condition. Although, in passing it should be noted that this condition has been weakened by the variery of works which while maintaining the non-imagistic, focus themselces in terms of the highly decorative the precious or the gigantic there is nothing inherently wrong with these qualities, each offer a concrete experience but they happen not to be relevant experiences for sculpture for they enbalance complex plastice relationship just to that degree that on focues on these qualities in otherwise non-imagiistic works.
however it cannot be accepted today as legitimate. The aitonomous and literal nature of sculpture demands that it have its own equally literal space not a surface shared with a painting 
Furthermore an object hung on the wall does not confront gravity timidly resists it.one of the conditions of knowing an object is supplied by the sensing of the gravitational force acting upon it in actual space that is space with three not two coordinats. The ground plane, not the wall is the necessary support for the maximum awareness of the object One is then both free of the space and bound to it. Free or relased because of the exhaustion or information about it, as shape and bound to it because it remains constant and indivisible.
Simplicity of shape does not necessaruly equate with simplicity of experience. Unitary forms do not reduce relationships. They order them. If the predominant hieratic nature of the unitarty form functions as a constant all those particularising relations of scale, proportion, etc… are not thereby canceled rather they are bound more cohesively and indicisibly together.
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princeanxious · 6 years
Okay, hello!! Hia hi hi.
I'm off school for summer now, so I don't have to concern myself with a sleep schedule every single day now, and the transition has been kinda jarring and blah blah blah unimportant jargon, I guess?? So like, I'm just wondering if anyone had questions or something like headcanons to talk about?? Or just random nice stories to tell, anything really.
Basically, I'm just seeking a distraction from my mind at this point, and though I plan to go to bed at my normal time, I just, I don't know?? I'm struggling with lonely thoughts is all, I guess. Nothing dramatic, nothing important or threatening, just sucky, mucky emotions. (Hhh I feel like I'm living up to my given nickname (from a best friend) as an analogical love child or whatever, anxious as heck, over thinking like heck, and really at a loss for what to do with emotions, sooo I try to do what I do best to cope with it all: create/collaborate)
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jointhearumanati · 2 years
⚖️WILLIAM JAMES MORIARTY☠️: God of Wisdom, Balance, Equality, Punishment of the Wicked, Death, Hope, Rebirth, and Red and White Lilies. (Worshipers Pray at his temple for multiple mourning the death of a loved one asking for safe travel to the underworld, death against the wicked, and Hope in trying times, the wicked are beheaded as sacrifices in his temple)
🔪LOUIS JAMES MORIARTY🍽️: God of Familial Love, Health, Sacrifice, Service, Daffodils, and carries out Punishment against the Wicked on Williams behalf.(families hold picnics in his temple to celebrate family love)
🍷ALBERT JAMES MORIARTY🌹: God of Charity, Distruction, Fire, War, Wine, Riches, Red Roses, and carries out Punishment against the Wicked on Williams behalf. (The Rich Drink Wine and Donate money and supplies to the less fortunate at his temple)
💋SEBASTIAN MORAN🧿: God of Sexual Desire, fertility, Whiskey, Skill, Protection, Luck, and carries out Punishment for the Wicked on Williams behalf. (Worshipers hold orgies at his temple and drink whiskey laced with aphrodisiacs)
🥸FRED PORLOCK💐: God of Disguise, Silence, Knowledge Agriculture, Gardening, Nature, Works for William as his eyes and ears, and carries out Punishment for the Wicked on Williams behalf. (Worshipers take a vow of silence, tend to the gardens in front of the temple in his temple and pray for good weather and plentiful crops. Those who are born mute are considered blessed by him and tend to his temple)
💋IRENE ADLER AND JAMES BONDE⚧️: Deity of Gender, Romantic Love, Talent, Theater, Transformation, New Beginnings, Takes the form of both Genders, carries out Punishment against the wicked on Williams behalf. (Worshipers Hold Theaters on a huge stage in front of the temple, and those who tend to the temple must be Trans or Hermaphrodites and are considered blessed by them sometimes when a generation has neither are Men and Woman allowed to tend to the temple)
🦯VON HERDER⚙️: God of the Blind, Creativity, Invention, building, and Structure. (Those who are blind are considered blessed by him and tend to the temple with white cloth tied over their eyes, if a generation has none men and women must tend to the temple with dark cloth tied over their eyes to block their sight though never black for only Von can wear it usually a dark brown or dark blue)
MONEYPENNY: Goddess of Finance, Work, Calenders, Time, and carries out Punishment against the Wicked on Williams behalf (Worshipers Pray at her temple for Raises, or finding good work)
👸MYCROFT HOLMES☮️: God of Royalty, Power, Treaties, and Peace. (Only Nobility or Soldiers are allowed in his temple to pray for a long reign or Peace in time of war)
⚖️SHERLOCK HOLMES🧫: God of Fate, Paths, Music, Mercy, Mysteries, Logic, Truth, Chemistry, Skulls, Tobacco, Opium Poppies, and Irises.(Worshipers Smoke Tobacco or Opium in his temple to receive visions to solve a mystery, problem, or for guidance as to what path in life they should take. The temple is lined with the Skulls and ashes of dead children so Sherlock can send the Deities of Children and the Lost to guide them to his husband William. The Wicked are put to death unless he is merciful the convict is brought to his temple and a shilling is flipped heads the convict is beheaded at Williams temple tails and the convict is spared and remains in prison for life it is called the Trial of Mercy. Apples are used as Offerings in his temple)
⚕️JOHN WATSON✒️: God of Medicine, Reason, Loyalty, Chivalry, Benevolence, Stories, Marriage, and orange Zinnia. (Wedding are held at his temple, the sick are bathed in a hot bath in his temple filled with herbs, and worshipers Pray for good health, and men a happy marriage)
MARY WATSON: Goddess of Marriage, Pearls, ocean, rivers, streams, lakes, mistakes and treasure. (Weddings are held at her and John's temple, Sailors Fisherman and merchants pray for good weather, and safe travel. Women pray for a happy marriage. Any Pearls or treasure found in water is put on her alter)
HUDSON: Goddess of the Home, Hearth, Platonic Love, and Beer. (Women Drink beer in her temple to celebrate getting married, having children, love for their parents siblings, and children, and pray for being a good wife, mother, and for protection for their home men aren't allowed in her temple and only women tend to it)
LESTRADE: God of Justice, and Trust. (Trials for convicts are held at his temple to evaluate evidence and reach a verdict before they are Brought to Sherlocks Temple for the Trial of mercy)
WIGGINS, BATORA, YURI, GLIN, SKY, AND REED: Minor Gods of Children, the Lost, The Four Senses, knowledge and Secrets, Employed By Sherlock as his eyes and ears, and Take the form of children. (3 shillings must be paid before praying for recovering lost items or people, and for
The secrets to tend to their temple you must be deaf or have your ears blocked so you don't hear their secrets whispered sign language is a secret shared only by those who tend to the temple being deaf is considered a blessing by them to gift heightened senses the Blind are Blessed by Von and gifted heightened senses by The Gods of 4 senses)
BILLY: God of Matchmaking (only an outside party can pray to matchmake two people and they must be verified by the God of Fate before the prayer can be answered)
(to be continued maybe)
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boatempollstriper · 3 years
I’d like to think that before they give us the world download everyone just goes into creative and fucking blows the server to smithereens. The Hermits deserve some permanent distruction
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huniebunny · 3 years
Hello!! I am here for a creepypasta match-up!!
First of all, before you do this, make sure you are healthy. Not hungry, thirsty, tired or stressed. Do not force yourself to do this request ^^ Right, here we go!
1. Prefered nicknames: - Babe / Baby - Honey - Sweetheart
2. Pronouns and age: - She/ her
- 18 and above mate!
3. Romantic Orientation - Heterosexsual
4. Appereance: - Imma just put a drawing of me heh
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[ My hair is dark brown and eyes are the same color :D ]
5. Anything else:
- Personality- + witty + Independent + smart + Emotionally strong + a bit gullible I have a bit of an anger issue too. My friends describe me as the little sister and the big sister of the group. Kinda like, a dom with a sub personality? Yeah. I can be the mom sometimes tho. A bit complicated to be described? Yes, unless you really know me well. I can be protective if it is triggered. Creative, friendly and dark. I get dark when I feel like it. Saying I wanna die? I will. Feeling like to kick a ball to someones’s fence? Maybe would do it. When stressed, as in, very stressed I have a tendency to just, ignore my needs. I get very self distructive baby~ Can I be calm instead of energetic? i can!! Actually, i am most of the time :P I have body dysmorphia and general anxiety hehe. It triggers me when I am in a crownd of people? Am I agoraphobic as well? Not sure. BUT, I have trypophobia and atychiphobia (irrational and persistent fear of failing) I have a habit of holding back my feelings instead of taking it out. I tend to not care if I am angry or sad if I am busy tbh. It’s just that, I don’t see why i should even care about it? I care more fore others than myself. But, I am glad that my friends are helping me pvercome this problem of mine ^^ -General stuff- I am fond of coffee and tea, very. Also fond of people taller than me hahah. I love to study!! Reading, writing, piano playing, drawing, studying and archery are my fav hobbies. I love vibing to songs and slightly swaying my body to it. Classical, swing, rock, name the genre and I would listen to it. Fact: I watch BTS, K-drama, Minecraft youtubers and anime. I have a favoutite jacket, it’s dark blue in color, Airism, Uniqlo. I just- i get uncomfortable slighty when without it.
What do I look for in someone to love? How do i act with someone I love? Love language? I would look for someone who is both intellegent yet challenging. Someone who is patient, open-minded and witty. Charming, wether naturally or intentionally, I don’t care haha. When I love someone, I literally would listen to them and their problems and such. I would care for them a lot. My love language is quality time and physical touch. I would love to spend time with my s/o. I get lonely- ok, truth to be told, I am always lonely and it feels normal to me, so, if I am without my s/o most of the time, I wouldn’t mind. But, it would make me happy if he makes up for it in anyway. Cuddling is a fav. Kiss me till i fall asleep or something. Just love me in anyway, when you can :] Make me feel great if you don’t mind-
You’re Matched With…
Brian Thomas/Hoodie !!!
What's your relationship to them?
Lover | Friend | Family | Acquaintance | Annoyance | Rival | Enemy
How did you meet?
He managed to get away from the group for a moment at some small, hole-in-the-wall café. He was only going to get something to walk out with, when he heard the strangest argument. He peeked over his shoulder to see you and your friend arguing over whether you deserved some help. He ordered and figured he’d make himself a little friendly while he waited.
First impressions?
He thought the argument was interesting, and almost familiar to a memory he can’t quite grasp. Sure, he was a little weird about just walking up to your table, but he just wanted to find out what exactly was happening. When he heard you were refusing help, he lightly flicked your forehead. “Stop that. Get some help.”
General Dynamic:
It’s not often he gets to see you again, but whenever he’s in your area, he looks for you first.
And you better be glad he thinks you’re cute because your self-deprecation and self-destruction weighs something heavy on his heart.
He’ll literally pick you up out of your comfortable spot without a care if you’re still working. You will take care of yourself when he’s around.
Any chance he gets, he holds you close to his side as if to protect you.
And you can almost swear you can hear his heartbeat through your shoulder.
He’ll sit back and watch as you dive into your interests. He loves the passion that fills your eyes when doing the things you love.
It doesn’t take long for him to love you, and every part of you.
Nor does it take long for him to confess through whispering his eternity against your neck, voice in a low drawl.
And that’s something he does a lot. Whispers to you, like everything he could possibly say is meant for your ears only.
He’ll press his lips against your skin, anywhere he can reach, and he’ll whisper about everything and nothing at once. (Bonus points that you allow him to do so some place you’re insecure about)
He mutters how beautiful you are like it’s a blessing. A prayer treasonous to his loyalty for his boss.
He both holds you tight and keeps you far out of harm’s way.
And during those cold nights when you're asleep and he has to leave, he makes sure your jacket smells like him. He lays it over your shoulders to wake up to him still.
Other notes:
I’ve always pictured Brian to be the most passionate romantically out of the group. He’s charming and more awake than Tim/Masky, and can keep his head cool in most cases than Toby and Kate. He wants you near, but he has to keep you safe too.
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thebadchoicemachine · 2 years
I've got that "Entities Animal Hospital" AU thing vuagely more organized, by sorting the different characters/avatars into friend groups!
The Food Chain- Hunt, Slaughter, Flesh. In charge of getting fresh food, like I put in the other post. Hunt and Flesh are the chaotic duo while Flesh is the single brain cell making sure they don't accidentally stab each other or themselves.
The Twins- Vast, Buried. Like I put in my previous posts. Layed back Vast brother, gremlin "i will eat dirt for breakfast and own an apocalypse shovel" Buried Sister.
The Creepy Creatures- Web, Curruption, Stranger. Bond over people calling their favorite animals (spiders, insects, snakes) creepy, definitely have tea together and gossip all day long. If you hurt any if them, the other two come after you like angles of death.
Book Club- Lonely, Eye, Dark, End (sometimes Extinction). Extinction is the owner of the Animal Hospital and helps out on reasurch expeditions for endangered animals so is rarely ever actually there. Basically, this where I put the characters who are likely to be loners and give them a reason to be together. Eye is trying to keep note and track of everything, Dark and Lonely are both way too good at hiding in plain sight and content to stay that way, and End doesn't know if they're going to spontaneous development a death touch so stays at a distance from others.
Chaos Crew- Desolation, Spiral, Stranger. Aka Distruction, Distraction, Disguise. If you need something illegal done, these three are willing to do it and take some creative liberties with it. Spiral can catch anyone and everyone's attention, mostly with their chaotic outfits. Stranger has more costumes, cloths, and make up to make you look like anything or anyone. Desolation has access to lighters, illegal fireworks, and homemade plastic explosives, don't ask why, just show them what needs to be blown up.
This also helps me to figure things like gender and personality!
I FUCKING LOVE YOUR NAMES FOR THEM ALL! The book club is the people who pretend to have the brain cell but really everyone is a mess in one way or another
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sapphire-knight · 5 years
- so, for the sake of this, you're gonna have to know some of the bases of Roman angst, aka: damaging art block, deep insecurities, a lot of critics by the others and self critic, and not being listened to. Good, now we can start
- here we are, let's start
- Roman has been quiet for months about all the critic he constantly recieves, with the reaaally hard ones (especially from Virgil and Logan) and with the deeply sugarcoated ones (from Patton) because he KNOWS that they're just trying to help with his ideas, even if they hurt
- but he can't blame the other light sides, they don't probably know that those critics really hurt.
- or maybe they aren't even hurtful, maybe it's just he that acts over-sensitive.
- and well, one day or the other he knows that he's going to break. He just hopes that no one will see him when it happens.
- and it happens in probably the worst moment. During an art block.
- for the first two days the prince managed to cover up the syntomps, but he had zero good ideas and the critics, mixed up with an upcoming fever, broke down his facade and left him in his room, crying.
- thank god, Remus came to check on him for, no one really knows what reason (we're talking about Remus, he could have had a lot of different reasons and none of them would make sense)
- and, of course, the "big brother instinct" kicked in so he just kneeled down near his twin trying to calm him down and making him explain what's happening, but Roman doesn't want to say a word (and doesn't reaaaally have the strenght to do it, the fever was rising pretty quickly)
- luckily, Remus understood a part of the problem by himself, he experienced several creative block too... but the fact is that it doesn't seem to be only that... Roman seems too weak for a normal fever, even for a creative block, and (let's be honest) Remus isn't really the best person at dealing with illness and such...
- so he says to the twin "I'm going to call Patton, ok?" But something strange happens
- Roman visibly flinches when Remus says the father-y side name, but why?
- Remus' first thought was that the prince didn't want any of the other side to see him in a "less than principesque moment"
- to be honest, it wasn't only that... Roman was afraid to be more of a failure to the others eyes... first he didn't have good ideas, now he had creative block? What they would think of him? But he couldn't say it...
- Worried by Ro's reaction, the twin understood that it was better to change metod
- so he brought his brother in the dark sides living room, and asked for Deciet's help instead.
- it can seem unespected, but Deciet is actually pretty good at healing the others (ok, maybe not so weird remembering that he probably had to heal Remus a lot of times, but still-)
- the only thing is... Deciet was not sure that he wanted to help. At least, at first. Sure, he didn't hate the romantic side, but he didn't know if he could trust him, but seeing the prince completely pale and the duke asking for his help in the most serious tone he ever heard in years, made Deciet forget all of his doubts.
- during the afternoon the fever went down a bit, but it was surely low enough to say that the prince was ok.
- Remus tried to ask his brother if he felt bad only because of the fever or if there was something else that he wanted to talk about, but he didn't answer
- Roman didn't answer for a simple reason: he tought that his reasons were stupid, but if he tried to lie about them Deciet would know that something's wrong. So the best thing to do is just to keep his mouth shut.
- the two dark sides exchanged a confuse and worried look, it's rare (and sign of something serious) seeing the romantic side being so quite... he was avoiding their eye contact, his breath was quite shaky and his shoulders were tense, almost like if he's waiting for something hurtful and he's preparing for it.
- it doesn't sound good, right? Well. Of course it isn't good. Why was he expecting something bad? Remus took a deep breath, and tried again. "Roman... are you really sire that everything is okay?" The prince nodded softly, even more nervous than before. Deciet frowned. It was an obvious lie. But the liar side tought that it was better to pretend to believe him, just to calm him down.
- after, like, 4 minutes Roman falls asleep ob the couch and the two dark sides talk about what to do. They both are sure that Ro isn't fine, but if the prince doesn't talk about it they can't know how to help.
- but the prince-ly side is too ill to partecipate to the filming of the new video, so Deciet has an idea: he will impersonate Roman until the prince isn't feeling better, so maybe he will even learn why the fancy side feels so bad.
- and this goes on smoothly for at least a week.
- Roman is getting better everyday, the creative block and the fever are almost gone and the light sides didn't discover the switch.
- Remus and Roman bonded more than before, and both of the two creativity were happy just to get to be together for a bit. And Deciet, even if he would not admit it even with a gun pointed at his head, started to really care about the prince and genuinely hoped that he would get better soon.
- but Deciet didn't know for how much he could keep this act go on.
- it wasn't because it was hard or something like that, not at all, it was because of something else.
- because of the critics.
- even for someone like him, used to not be liked and to being constantly pushed away by Patton and Virgil, even for him who heard a lot of harsh words from the anxious side, even for him this critics were too much.
- they arrived at the fourth day, and Deciet had an hard time to not break out of character. Logan's ones were like arrows, hit directly in the center of everything he said; Virgil's ones were like fire, they burned all with fury; Patton's ones were like a strange poison, you didn't feel the effect there on spot, they started to hurt only after you realized what he really meant. It felt like hell.
- when Dee came back he was on the verge of tears. Now he finally understood what scared Roman that much, and he hated it.
- Hated those harsh, inhumanly burning critics.
- And, mostly, hated the three light sides for saying them to the prince, who overworked himself almost everyday to try to make them proud, who spent hours and hours at perfectioning everything just to make sure that they will be happy.
- but they seem to not realize it...
- when he came back to the dark sides' living room he asked Remus if he could leave him alone with the prince for a some minutes and, even if with some doubts, the duke left the two alone
- Deciet thought that it was best to not tell what happened to the prince's twin, he could have a violent reaction, and make everything worse.
- when the liar was sure that the duke lest the room, he sat next to the romantic side, who still didn't want to make eye contact for some reasons.
- Deciet took a deep breath and then
- he hugged the prince.
- Roman freezed
- "I know what they do to you... I'm... so sorry..." at those words the prince cried.
- but this time were liberatory tears.
- finally someone understood.
- (and guys, this is exactly where you can see Deciet swearing on everything that if the others even TRY to make Roman cry again with al those critics, he's going to personally take them to hell.)
- let's make a timeskip to when this act finished, shall we?
- a week passed without problems (if you don't count Deciet's incresing desire to scream at every too harsh critic)
- ok, to be honest... count that problem. Because it's gonna explode. Or, well, Deciet's gonna explode.
- that day was a particulary... stressing one, for everybody. And this one Dee couldn't handle all the critics meant for Roman, and he snaps.
- He reveals himself and, before the three light sides could even start that little shocked scene when he appears, he was already losing all of his temper.
- he proceeded to expose to the trio what their critic did to the prince, lashing out without. Pity.
- the first one to react was Virgil who, of course, didn't believe a single word of what Dee said (even if he had some doubts)
- the second one was Patton, who sided with Virgil, with more doubts than the anxious side
- Logan... didn't react immediatly, he was lost in his thought. But then he said "... Where is Roman".
- Logan knew that Deciet wasn't lying. The story was too detailed and specific to be an inprovised lie. And, the worst past, it 2as plausible.
- the logical side knows how Roman can be insecure behind his facade of pride, he know that, sooner or later, the prince would have broke down for the stress and he tried to make is critics less distructive, he really tried... they all tried, but they understimated the situation, they thought that Roman wasn't all that affected by their criticism.
- everyone shut up for a moment. Deciet, with pure spite in his eyes, told them to follow him.
- Roman was with his twins, they were playing some sort of childish game, laughing happily.
- and then the questions came, like a tornado
- Are you ok? We really hurted you like this? We were too much? Why didn't you told us about it? Why didn't you say anything? Why did you just listened to us if we hurted you? Why did you stay quiet? Why didn't you fight back? Why you didn't act? Why you didn't stop us? Why? Why? Wh-
- "STOP IT!"
- Roman's eyes were full of tears and he was covering his ears with his hands "Please... Stop it..."
- Remus didn't esistate, he istantly summoned his morning star, looking at the three light sides with fire in his eyes. I wouldn't know how this will have ended if Deciet didn't stop him.
- the liar side kneeled down next to the crying prince and conforted him, but not before making a comment that destroyed the trio's hearts. "Even now that you KNOW what your criticism do to him and you want to say you're sorry, all of your concerns sound like critics for how he was scared to tell you to stop. Good job."
- at this point, Patton was this close to cry too, Virgil was covering his mouth with his hands with his eyes open with with horror for himself and Logan didn't know what to do, but he felt bad too.
- but the worst attack to their feelings was yet to come
- because Roman forced himself to stop crying, stood up and went to face the other three.
- and, with a shaky voice and death in his eyes, he said a simple and soft "I'm not mad for the critics."
- "I'm just sorry... for not being enough for you".
- and then, he sunk down and rose up in his room, locking the door.
Part two is now here!
People who wanted to be tagged: @jajathelivingmeme @purp-man @sanders-sketches
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My Take On Powers For the Sides
The parts in parentheses are ideas/examples
Virgil- a power that if misused could cause extreme, irreversible damage to the world or just the people around him (I saw him with the power to stop time and travel through it in one of my fave fics and it was just👌)
Patton- a power that can be used to support the others though, I think it should be something that’s flexible so that he can take care of himself. He just tends to see it as better suited for helping the others because that is his priority. (Control of water-could be used for healing & attack & defense-like a water shield or barrier to protect civilians)
Roman- something relatively flashy, he’s the more straightforward cookie cut hero, power wise, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t find creative and elaborate ways to use or expand his power (electricity, fire, strength, flying, elasticity)
Logan- something best used for strategic purposes and very powerful, quite like Roman. Bonus points if it compliments his vibe of scientific/futuristic-ish (mind control, telekinesis, or having Miraculous Ladybug’s lucky charm and figure out it’s use, kinda thing)
Remus- something that can be distructive but is mostly used as a distraction/to create chaos (cloning, summoning creatures/objects, ability to create explosions of dif substances, something like that)
Janus- something that is decieving cuz..u know... Deciet, he’d rock it(Illusions, shapeshifting, mind control. Also, you know how gamers have charisma? What if Dee’s power was him being a gamer and he could upgrade different stats, I think that’d actually suit him rly well)
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
Ways to start writing every day
I’ve been writing for a few years now, and early on, I would write for a few days at a time, and then I’d abandon my work for months at a time and not write. During the beginnings of Project Toxin, my main WIP, I went three months without writing a word. And while missing a day or two is okay, especially if you’ve got mental health stuff that day (do not ignore your mental health), at least for me, there was this guilt that would grow worse and worse when I wasn’t writing. Somehow, that made it harder to write. There was a sense of “well I’ve screwed up by not writing, and I know I should be writing, but it’s not worth it now.” Which, by the way, is flawed reasoning. Below are some tips that I’ve discovered are useful to write every day, or at least 30 days of the month.
Coming out of writers block
1) Watch videos or listen to podcasts with writing advice.
I’ve found this effective because there’s that sense of “oh, I want to try that.” You’re not actually forcing yourself to write at this exact moment, and even if that seems counterproductive, it does take some of the stress off. Think about it; writing a book is frequently described as running a literary marathon. You can’t just jump up from the couch one day and go do it. You’ve got to get into the right mindset, and you have to be ready to do it. Seeking out inspiration is one of those steps to get you back into it. 
2) Open up your writing document/notebook and read the last chapter
You don’t have to write, but open up your WIP and just read the stuff at the end, or if you’ve got the time/willpower for it, read the whole thing. A lot of times, procrastination - and writer’s block - is the fear or aversion to starting. It’s that first step that’s hard. So make it easier on yourself. Make the first step as approachable as you can. It might feel like you need to be strict with yourself, but going back to writing after writer’s block is all about easing back into it.
3) Do a writing sprint about your story
Set a timer for however long you like: five minutes, seven, ten, fifteen, twenty. Then during that time, write about your story. Things you like, don’t like. Why you haven’t been writing. Don’t stop. Don’t filter yourself. A lot of times, writer’s block is filled with a distructive sense of guilt - a distructive sense of “I need to be writing but I can’t so I won’t.” Getting all of these feelings on paper can help you distance yourself from those thoughts and put things into better perspective. The writing about your story itself can also give you new ideas about where you want to go, and where you feel like you’ve been. If you don’t have a WIP, then you can write about stories that you want to write. Or ideas that you think are cool.
Sticking with writing
1) Set up a reward/negative outcome system for writing
People tend to fall into one of two catagories: people who are motivated by reward, and people who are motivated by punishment. For me personally, I’m easily motivated by reward, but punishment never really makes that big of an impact. I also know people who are the other way around. Think about your past life experience, and think about what’s more motivating to you. 
If you’re a reward motivated person, come up with rewards that you get for doing certain amounts of writing. Maybe you get to watch an extra episode of your favorite show if you get your daily wordcount. Maybe achievement in a day is cumulative; for every x number of words, you get another ten minutes of your favorite video game. If you don’t think that you’re going to be able to follow through (ie you think that yo’re going to be prone to grabbing the reward anyway regardless of your writing), let a friend or partner or sibling know what’s going on; maybe have them take away whatever thing it is until you’ve completed your goal. Make the thing a legitimate reward.
If you’re a punishment motivated person, think about things that you enjoy. Those things are now going to be taken away if you don’t write enough. Maybe you enjoy it when your partner gives you a shoulder massage. If you don’t write, you don’t get a shoulder massage. Make sure that whatever thing is on the line is not going to negatively affect your mental health. Don’t take away things like food in general (though taking away a specific type is fine), water, sleep or physical activity. If you don’t write enough and you don’t let yourself have these things, it’s only going to keep you from writing more.
2) Celebrate your wins and successes
If you’ve passed a writing milestone, celebrate. It can be big, but it doesn’t have to be. Acknowleging that you’ve completed something can be enough. It shows that you’re getting somewhere, and sometimes progress itself can be good inspiration.
3) Make sure you’ve got a setup that works for you
Some people need to write at the same time every day. Other people just need a certain location and a cup of tea. Others need certain sounds or levels of organization. Figure out what works for you, and set that up. This might also include what processer you prefer writing with. Make sure you’ve got the setup that helps you write the most successfully, and that puts you into a positive mindset.
4) Seek out inspiration
Inspiration is great for writers, but it’s not always reliable when it will hit you. So seek it out. Are there specific types of videos or images that get you into your story? Are there places where you like to stop and hang out? Books or shows that get your gears turning? Many people also say they have their best ideas on their commutes or in their shower, and this is because you’re most creative when you’re relaxed. When you’re commuting or taking a shower, you’re more relaxed in general, allowing this sort of inspiration to appear seemingly out of nowhere.
So what might this look like?
For me, I’m a person who’s not in the middle of writer’s block, so I would skip to the second section. I’ve discovered that I’m more reward oriented, so I focus on setting up things to work toward, rather than things to work away from. I use a site called 4thewords.com, which is a site that gamifies writing, where the goal is to defeat monsters by writing words. The reward I get is the satisfaction that comes from defeating monsters and finishing quests. I celebrate a lot of my successes by talking to my family about them (they’re supportive), posting about it here on tumblr, and letting myself play extra rounds of video games. The setup that works for me is whenever I get a chance, I grab my laptop, turn on some music, and write on 4thewords. For inspiration I look for how-to videos and I do things that let my mind wander. Overall, I haven’t missed more than two days in the last four or five months.
note: if you want to join 4thewords, you can use this referral (my username is quinn-erto): S2XSR15522
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joylessnightsky · 4 years
FamILY games
It was family game night in the shared house at the end of the road. Six of the seven cousins were there tonight, because Remy Sanders has been lost once again. Patton, the oldest and self proclaimed “father of the house”, insisted to wait for him, but Logan said he had a project due in university next week, so he couldn’t stay up too late. Virgil just didn’t want to wait for him. “I’ll just stag up until he gets back. You know I’m gonna be awake anyway.”, he reassured Patton via text earlier. All of this was a weekly reoccurrence, some sort of ritual even. So no one was surprised.
Tonight’s game was chosen by Roman, the older twin. It was actually Remus’s turn, but he has had another food poisoning a few days before, so his turn got delayed. Again. And as always when Roman got to chose the game, it was something creative. One time they had spent the night doing sharades, another time they had played werewolf, a few times it had been games from his drama classes, the kind you did in the warm-up sessions. All of these were obnoxiously loud and over the top of you asked Virgil Storm, the youngest cousin and other than Janus the only one whose last name wasn’t Sanders. Janus’s last name was Snake, but he usually got referred to as “Deciet” as he had a tendency to lie. Logan had once suspected he might be a compulsive liar, but it turned out that Janus just wasn’t a very honest person. But that wasn’t a bad thing, because Janus was in politics and no polician is very honest. His words.
The point is, Virgil has dreaded tonight. So many opportunities to embarrass himself, as well as being stuck with both Janus and Remus for several hours? And one of Roman’s games on top of that? He had been very sure from the start that this was going to be a disaster. So sure, in fact, that he had actually played “Some kind of Disaster” on his way home from the craft store in which he worked part time. Althemore reason for him to be surprised when he figured out what they would spent the next few hours doing: Roman had chosen a game Logan loved to play and Virgil was pretty familiar with, but neither had ever seen the popular drama student do. Because Roman was going to be the Dungeon master for a session of of DND tonight.
The session went something like this: Logan tried to get all the information he could get. Janus helped him and formed strategies all throughout the night. Remus left a path of distruction and disturbed all his cousins with the crazy shit he pulled. Especially his twin. Patton made sure they stayed together and got along, while being particularly interacted in the plants and animals Roman would be glad to discribe in a lot of detail. And Virgil? Well, Virgil stayed safe, re-asking questions to the point Roman got deeply frustrated, taking notes all the time and keeping the party out of trouble a lot. His notes also helped Janus find loop holes in Roman’s story which they could use to their advantage.
For hours they argued, joked, laughed and just generally had a blast. It was far past midnight and not even Logan had noticed. But when the session was over and they were just about to go to bed, Remy returned. As always, with a cup of coffee in his hand and shades covering his eyes. “Hey, babes, sorry I’m late but you won’t believe what...”, he started, but stoped when he noticed his cousins were still up. All of them, not just Virgil. Even Logan. He was surprised to say the least. They talked a bit before heading to bed, besides Virgil, of cause. Virgil joined in on the midnight coffee break, as he did every week.
“So?”, he asked drinking a sip from the definitely not decaffeenated baverage Remy gave him, “Besides lying to Patton about this, what did you do today?” “Oh, no, babes. This time you got the tea. I wanna hear all about how you got the nerd to stag up till tree am!”, the older insomniac pressed. And for once, Virgil didn’t have to be asked again. He was happy to tell, and he didn’t spare any details. Remy’s favorite part has been when Janus had started bickering with Virgil again and he rolled the dice to flip him off. The score was 23. “Roman decided to make him pass out from the shock of such a perfectly sassy gesture.”, Virgil giggled remembering.
And the week after that, they finally played with all seven members of the household. Much to Patton’s delight. And they played DnD at least once a month ever since.
Okay, honestly? I dreamt about this and just needed it to exist. Feel free to add to it or re-write though. I hope you liked it 💜
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