#cries sobs all my friends art is beautiful ... )
airxn · 1 year
went through and iconed gift art last night and im big teary eyes
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lxkeee · 8 months
MY HEART IS BROKEN SO I NEED TO CRY First of all, I LOVE how you write, and I wanted to make a request about Lucifer breaking reader's heart, it doesn't matter how, I just want a broken heart 😔note: Sorry for the English translator, I don't write it but I understand it, TOTALLY CRAZY
—Part One
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim Angel! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: angst (for now)
Warnings: none.
Notes: this one is short, 450 ish words but will serve as a foundation for the entire series lolol. Also, it's okayy:) your english is finee^^
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Life was good in heaven. Having been brought to existence by our creator, we were given a chance at life. The world is still currently in progress, slowly changing to adapt to newer life forms.
We angels were tasked to help this new world grow into such an amazing world. Speaking of worlds, I am very much grateful to be alive as I am given a chance to love. As one of the first few angels created, I was able to befriend Lucifer. God's most beautiful angel and whom I have the honor of calling mine.
Lucifer was such an awkward romantic lover, showing off his affections in his ways. Giving flowers, a pretty stone he managed to pass by while flying around, or perhaps by giving her kisses.
They've been married for some time now, being together for a few decades and recently got married. The wedding was amazing, friends and their creator attended the celebration. It was a very beautiful celebration, the wedding night was awkward yet romantic, two innocent angels experimenting, learning about the art of making love. It was wonderful. Despite being inexperienced, both had a great time being each other's firsts.
Life was truly good, until God announced that he made new creatures, mortals or humans as he calls them.
They looked like angels but without wings. They will be the very foundation of humankind.
Slowly and surely, Lucifer began to act weird. Ever since he visited the garden of Eden, he's been purposely avoiding [y/n]. Making up excuses to not spend time with her.
Rumors started to spread that Lucifer has begun to form ideas that threaten the order of heaven, [y/n] tries to stop him but Lucifer is stubborn. He believes that mankind needed this.
[Y/n] was heartbroken, why is the love of her life acting like this? Why doesn't he look at her with love and passion in his eyes like he usually does.
Why does it look like he doesn't love her anymore?
Deciding to spy on him, she followed him to the garden of Eden. There he saw her husband looking at the mortal woman, named Lilith with so much love and adoration in his eyes.
[Y/n] felt her heart and entire world shatter. Broken hearted, she quickly fled the garden. Returning back home and sobbed into her friend's slap.
She cried the whole night, Lucifer didn't even notice she wasn't home.
Not long after, Lucifer was cast out of heaven along with Lilith. [Y/n] was heartbroken beyond her understanding. She couldn't understand, her emotions all over the place. Her husband doomed humanity and was cast out of heaven with another woman.
[Y/n] didn't even get to tell him she was pregnant with his child.
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Happy Valentine's Day:)
Also, guess whose lap she was crying on? His name starts with A;)
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hello hello my loves, it's been a while since I've done a fic rec list and I'm feeling *inspired*
my qualifications are that i'm a loser and have read over a thousand fics so far in 2023
Was Sorta Hopin' That You'd Stay by jaydreamz (8/8)
Minyard Josten rivalry but they actually hate each other. They have a prank war. It's beautiful.
Eighteen Wheels And Three Beating Hearts by Autumnalpalmetto, IKnowWhoYouAre_Damianos (21/21)
Small town AU, Neil is a trucker with a son and Andrew runs a diner. So many found family feels, was giggling like a child the whole time. Connor owns my heart.
Die Free Or Die A Failure by Mickey_99 (54/54)
This one. This one!!! It's so good. Like, so good. It's a Raven!Neil fic, where Neil escapes the Nest and joins Kevin at PSU. It's super dark at times, but so lovely? The found family in this one is just *chefs kiss*
I Guess This Is Where I Say Goodbye by Artificiosus (2/2)
Listen y'all. I bawled like a baby reading this one. Full on ugly sobbing. It was amazing. It's MCD, so be careful. Neil gets in a car crash and calls Andrew, but Andrew doesn't pick up. The whole fic is Neil's voicemail and Andrew's reaction. It's so beautiful and so so sad.
Here And Where You Are by pentagrammed (1/1)
This one!!! It's almost sort-of MCD? But not actually. Read it, I'm begging. There's not much I can say about it without spoilers, so just... read it.
Dating & Other Disasters by lolainslackss, moonix (12/12)
Okok but this one. It's fake dating, the Foxes all go to a fine arts school. Neil is an actor and Andrew is a writer. It's so good !!! Andrew's poem lives rent-free in my head.
Murder Boyfriends by justadreamfox (3/3)
Heathers AU!!! It's beautiful, I'm in love with it. Go forth and read.
Better Than A Night Light by Ominous (1/1)
Literally 7k of fluff. Neil watches one of those alien horror movies and gets scared by it (but Drew is there to help, ofc)
Small Angry Gardeners by SensationalSunburst (8 part series)
Neil and Andrew's adventures in homeowning, gardening, meeting neighbors, owning animals, and other domestic bullshit. So fluffy, so sweet, so fun. Simply adore.
Heimkehr Means Homecoming by This_Witch_Writes (2 part series)
Cass is good! Andrew gets a mom! Family !!!! Literally so good, I cried a lot.
What Does 'Viral' Mean? by darkbluebox (1/1)
Kevin is a sports commentator after retirement, and Neil joins him for a game. So much bickering. Fucking hilarious
In Reel And Rout by maydaykevin (10/10)
Fantasy pirates AU. Vaguely Pirates of the Caribbean? So good though, oh my god. Andrew has water powers and shit. Neil is a pirate captain. I'm in love.
The Exy Team Is Nuts: A Survival Guide For The Uninitiated by Cute Negativity Cloud (Ofelia) (1/1)
The Foxes from the perspective of the other sports team. They have a whiteboard with rules for how to deal with them without being murdered/beaten up/insulted to death. It's fucking hilarious
Kill My Mind (Raise My Body Back To Life) by r3mus (1/1)
Ghostface!Andriel. They're murder boyfriends who kill bad people. It was such a fun read tbh
Queer Eye For The Demi Guy by neilwrites (13/13)
Neil goes on Queer Eye. The Monsters + Allison are the fab 5. it's wonderful, I love it.
Baby I'll Bleed You Dry by priorwalter (2 part series)
The Twilight AU this fandom desperately needed. In which Andrew is Edward, Neil is Bella, and many jokes are made. I spend a solid half an hour cackling
The Gaslights Burn Brightly by This_Witch_Writes (8/8)
Okok so Andrew and Neil were childhood friends, but Neil disappears one day and everyone convinces Andrew that he never existed at all. Eight years later, they meet again at PSU. It was so. Amazing. I love this author sm
A Dad By Any Other Name by SensationalSunburst (2/2)
Coach Wymack being a dad for 5k. That's it. That's the fic. (5+1 Wymack being a dad)
Called It Home by jingerhead (1/1)
Neil is spiderman. Spoilers for No Way Home. Guys it's so good !!
What We Ask by constellationqueen (40/40)
Neil gets hurt. Andrew helps him. SUUUUPER dark guys, like. Super dark. MCD too, so watch out. Really sad but so so beautiful, I sobbed so violently my sibling thought someone had died
The Suit Universe by marie_pothos (17 part series)
Ohhhhhh my god THIS ONE!!! My all time fave series. It's a popstar AU, but Neil is basically Taylor Swift. It's all based off of Taylor Swift songs. Absolute must read, even if you don't like TS that much. It's so beautiful, and funny, and so so sweet, and just- I could go on forever about this one.
Shake My Tomb by exactly13percent_OLD (hymbeaux) (10/10)
Butcher!Neil (sorta). kevin goes to Neil for protection from Riko, so neil goes to PSU. So beautifully written, I just re-read it today. It's so good guys.
Take To The Wing by iceEckos12 (20/20)
Neil signs the contract during his Christmas at Evermore. Surprisingly fluffy for a Nest fic, and there are some absolutely wonderful OCs. I would die for Joshua.
Something In Return by reaching_my_summit (10/10)
Neil and Andrew go to Disney World. That's the whole fic. Tooth-rotting fluff, it's amazing
Funky Happenings With The Fox Family by dobbypussypopper (27/27)
THE Fox group chat fic. It's fucking hilarious, I laughed so hard I started crying.
The Marks We Make by Fortheloveofexy (11/11)
Soulmate AU. Guys, this fic. It's one of my favorites. I reread it all the time. It's so good, and so sweet, and just UGH. I adore it so much.
Falling. by Idnis (16/16)
Art School AU where Andrew is a photographer and Neil is a painter. It's so poetic and beautiful, I'm begging you to read it.
Too Gay To Function by gluupor (1/1)
Mean Girls fusion. Andrew is Regina George. Enough said.
And there you go! This is a very very small fraction of the fics I've read this year, so obviously I have more if anyone's interested.
Go forth and read !
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kikijackson-blog · 1 month
Wash It All Away
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An evening between friends goes wrong. Dead wrong.
Coco, Reader
Warnings: Violence, language and mention of blood.
Readers 18+ only please.
 You stood there in disbelief staring at your reflection in the mirror as Coco took your blouse off.
“Shhh…” he cooed into your ear. “It’s okay, baby.”
Your body quivered beneath his touch. This can’t be happening.
You’d always imagine what it would be like to feel his hands on your skin. There were numerous times when you could’ve sworn he was about to, but he never did. He would just give you a quick smile or a wink, but never a touch. Well he was touching you now, but it wasn’t the scene you’d imagined in your mind for so long. No, at this moment you would give anything to be anywhere but here.
He undid the button and zipper and pulled down your jeans. You could tell he was doing his best to be gentle with you. Trying not to frighten you more than you already were.
As he unfastened the hook on your bra you stare down at your once ivory button up blouse with the black collar and trim. It had been a birthday gift from your mother two years ago. You’d only worn once, now marred with scarlet blotches, you’d never wear it again. Tears stream down your face and you feel your panties come off. Coco’s fingers tenderly wipe away at your tears. Completely naked, the cold made you shiver harder, or was it fear, anxiety, him? His proximity to you in such a vulnerable moment? Feeling your body shaking Coco took you into his arms and you grabbed at him desperately and begin sobbing. He held you tightly for a moment. Neither of you saying anything. Just the sound of your cries and heart beats, yours and his. Just yours and his.
“Come on,” he whispers, taking your hand in his. He leads you to the bath and helps you in. All the while he’s been looking at you like you’re some fragile porcelain baby doll, searching for any cracks. You can tell he’s been handling you like he’s afraid you’ll break at any moment and he’s bracing for the exact moment to catch every piece of you before they hit the floor and shatter more.
You look up at him as if asking for direction. He smiles at you but it’s a smile lace with sadness or pity you’re not quite sure which one, either way it’s not a smile you’re used to eliciting from him. He grabs a washcloth and begins to clean every inch of you. You follow his movements, watching as his hand scrubs away the blood staining your skin as if the sight of it alone offends him.
* Coco *
I trace the wash cloth across her soft skin. It’s softer than I’d imagined it would be and I’d imagined it a hundred times or more even. I’d met [y/n] a couple of months ago but I’d first seen her over a year ago, I’d had a shitty day and all I wanted was to go home, get away from all the shit heads and assholes, on my way I passed by some artsy building that had a sign out front said they offered art lessons, that’s when I saw here walk out the door. I figured she was either taking lessons there or giving them. She was beautiful. I’ve been around attractive women my whole life but [y/n] was different. Most people would have said she was plain because she don’t dress in the latest fashion trends or whatever and she don’t wear tons of makeup and she wears her hair up most of the time, but she’s beautiful and her smile, well, that’s what got me. She saw me and gave me the sweetest smile and that’s when I knew I would always want her. I returned the smile and sped away. I went home that night with her on my mind. I knew I’d never be able to get her out of my head. It didn’t help that I kept seeing her here and there from time to time.
“Are you following me or something?” she asked.
I just stood there like a pendejo. I couldn’t think of anything to say. I was surprised that she was even talking to me.
“I keep seeing you around, I just thought you might be stalking me or something.”
“N-n-no. I- I’m no-”
She starts laughing, “Relax, I’m just joking. I don’t actually think you’re stalking me.
“I could be, you don’t know.” Fuck why’d I fuckin’ say that?
“Are you?”
She laughs again so sweetly and I laugh with her too. That was the first time I’d ever spoken to her, it was sweet and pure. I know it sounds stupid but it was like refreshing and shit. I don’t get moments like this too often. I don’t think I’ve ever had a moment so clean and innocent. Well maybe not 100 percent innocent, I was thinking about kissing her all over so maybe more like 80 percent.
“I’m [y/n]” she said
“Nice to meet you Johnny.”
From then on I’d say hi to her anytime I’d see her when I was alone without any of the guys. We’d chat for a bit. But when one of my brothers was around, I wouldn’t even look at her. She never questioned it. I think she just knew it wasn’t a good moment to talk.
Before I knew it two months had passed and we’d become close, a little too close that it was starting to make me nervous. I knew she wanted more, so did I but I couldn’t expose her to the shit show that is my life anymore than I already had. I mean I’ve told her some shit that I probably never should have. My childhood, what it was like growing up. Whenever we hung out together she would tell me it was a safe zone, that I could tell her anything. So I did, and you know what? I never felt judged by her. I care about this woman.
“Your secrets are mine.” She’d say.
I tried to stay away from her. Ghost her you know. Didn’t answer her calls or text her back when she’d message me. Yeah, that lasted all of three days. I just can’t stay the fuck away from her and I’m tired of trying to.
And now here we are. I’m trying to be gentle scrubbing all this shit off her but I can’t stand the sight of that fuckers blood on this skin, I want it off her now. I can feel her eyes on me but I can’t bring myself to meet her gaze.
In part because I can’t bear to see the pain in them and the other part because of shame. The shame of knowing what caused all this hurt. Me. I did it. And I wish I could take it away but I can’t. I wish I could wash it all away.
You stared at him for a few minutes searching for something you weren’t even sure of, reassurance, comfort, safety, something, anything, but whatever it was you were looking for, it didn’t come, his eye wouldn’t meet you.
A new wave of fear washes over you. Had you fucked this up? Were things never going to be the same again. Did you just lose your best friend and the man you love? Forever? How could he ever look at you the same way again?
You feel Coco’s fingers in your hair as he lathers it up, his hands have now taken a different approach, his desperate scrub replaced by a gentle massage and that’s when it hit you. The delicate touch of his fingertips on your scalp was more than you could take. It broke what you had been trying so hard to contain. You. Tears you had been trying too hard to hold back came bursting out in loud sobs and uncontrollable shaking. You try to stop it and push it back in but it’s pointless, you have no control over it anymore. That’s when you feel strong arms wrap around you. He pulls you closer to him and holds on to you tight.
“Shhh, baby.” His lips press against your ear. Not exactly a kiss, just his lips firmly placed on you. It felt more like he was trying to hold you with everything he had.
* Coco *
Not sure what else to do, I just held her. It god damn near broke me to hear her wail like that. I’ve never heard that sound come out of her before, it wasn’t supposed to and each cry fuckin’ pierced my heart. Each one deeper than the one before. I couldn’t take it but there was nothing else I could do so I just held on to her tight and fought to keep her here with me. No way Ima let her disappear. She’s mine and I’m not gonna let her sink and drown.
And for a long time that’s how we stayed, her in the tub and me down on my knees at her side. Her head resting back on me and my face nestled in her neck. Holding her together and silently begging for forgiveness. Not wanting to let her go but also feeling like an asshole holding her there as if my touch could bring her back like that fuckin’ prince charming. I’m no prince of anything. I fuck up everything I touch. Still even so I know if I let her go right now, I’ll lose her forever.
The trembling had stopped and her cries were softer now and slowing down. It was quiet for several minutes when out of nowhere the silence broke with what she said to me. It was barely above a whisper but it hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Do you hate me?”
I couldn’t believe that shit.
“What? No.” I kiss her cheek to reassure her. “No, no, no, no, baby, no, why would you even think that?” I place several more kisses along her cheek and bring her face to mine so that our foreheads are touching.
“Because of what I did?”
I stare at her in disbelief. How could she ever think that? Aside from my babies, she was the best thing to ever happen to me.
“Hey, hey, no. Stop…”
“Because I did a bad thing and now you’ll never think of me the same way again. Will you?”
“What you did?! Baby, what you did was save my fuckin’ life How could I ever hate you?”
I replay the whole scene in my mind, how [y/n] and I were in the kitchen. She was making me dinner again like she did most nights. Taquitos with frijoles and arroz on the side. My favorite. I had just grabbed a cold beer from the fridge when she stole it from me, claiming she was only checking it for quality.
“It’s good.” She’d said.
I smiled back at her, “yeah? Does it pass the quality control test?”
“It passes, you can drink it.”
I was about to kiss her, my face was just inches away from hers. I was gonna tell her too, that I was ready to take it there. To give her what I had known she had been wanting, what she had been waiting for so patiently.
“So this is where you been running to every night.”
Fuck. I thought I’d never hear that voice again. Someone from my past. It’d been so many years since I last seen him that I thought I never would again but I should have known better, that asshole holds on to grudges longer than I do. And I had fucked him over.
I pushed her out of the way when he’d pulled his gun out and aimed it at her and I lunged at him. It all happened so quick. We were both on the kitchen floor struggling. I’d managed to knock the gun out of his hand and it when flying across the floor. I tried to get my blade but he beat me to it and had his in his hand before I could even reach mine. That blade was just inches away from my heart when I heard [y/n] scream. He turned toward her, that’s when I grabbed the hand that had been holding the knife and she was on him before I had pried it out of his hand. She’d knocked him off me and straddled him. It took a couple of seconds before I saw the kitchen knife in her hand. The same one I’d seen her cut onions with earlier. Her hand just kept coming down on him repeatedly stabbing away. I’ve seen a lot, lived a lot, witnessed a lot. But I have to admit watching this sweet little angel savagely attacking a man in full rage mode was shocking. I was stunned for a moment. Then my instincts kicked in and I went to her. Holding her shoulders.
“You got him, baby, he’s dead.”
*Coco *
“But you can’t even look at me anymore.”
“I couldn’t earlier, not because of what you did. It was because of shame, guilt. But I’m looking at you now. This is my fault. You did this because of me, to save my life when it’s not even worth saving. I’ve caused you this pain, I did this.”
“Was I suppose to let him kill you then?”
“Yes. Because I’m not worth you getting blood on your hands.”
Her eyes now fixed on her blood stained shirt. “My mom gave me that shirt for my birthday a couple years ago. I hated it. I hate wearing white. My mom knew that so I couldn’t understand why then would she get it for me.”
“Why were you wearing it today?” I asked. “If you hate it so much.”
“Because it was beautiful and I wanted to look beautiful for you tonight. It was my first time wearing it tonight and now I’ll never get to wear it again.” her beautiful eyes look into mine. “You are worth it though. I wasn’t crying because of what I did, I would do it again if I had to. I was just scared that you’d never be able to look at me without seeing what I did to that man. It was the fear of losing you. I can’t-”
“You won’t. You never will. I promise you. So you can stop worrying about that right now. Don’t worry about anything, I’ll take care of everything. Right now let's get you out of this bath and get you all dried up and into bed okay.”
*Coco *
I crawl into bed with her, I had taken care of everything like I’d promised her before I’d tucked her into bed. Slowly I creep up behind her, trying not to wake her up. She’d been through a lot tonight and needs some rest. Gently, I pull her close to me. I watch her as she sleeps and I run my finger across her face, her arms, I brush the strands of hair behind her ears, then softly trace the shape of them. Anything just to touch her, I just need to make sure that she’s real and that I didn’t just make her up. That someone who really cares about me and is not only willing to but actually killed for me truly exists. She stirs and I think I’ve woken her. I try to shhh her back to sleep but it doesn’t work.
“Shhh. I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep.”
“Is um- Is he- gone?”
“Yeah, baby I took care of it. All of it. Don’t you worry, no one’s ever going to find out about tonight. Your secrets are mine.”
Want More Coco? Yes!!!
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estrophore · 1 year
Signalis Post (barely coherent thought vomit)
So I finished signalis on Monday and i think ive just about recovered enough for me to make a gush post about it on tumblr dot com, which i think i have to do cause i dont think any other game has really hit me as hard as this one. Spoilers obvs.
Being pre-transion, with that associated depression and closing off from oneself, ive always found it difficult to get out my feelings, even in private with just myself, and yet signalis has filled me throughout with its beautiful romantic melancholy and left me genuinely sobbing for the gay robot and her space girlfriend (almost worried that if id played this game on estrogen it might actually have just killed me on the spot). the only other times i can think of where i really cried were playing We Know The Devil near the beginning of the year, which really fkin hit the part of me that struggles to accept myself, and that time i rewatched the last episode of she-ra after reading the ‘Word War Etheria’ fanfic, which brings the characters so much more to life i fell for them all over again.
Signalis is a game that calls back to a lot of classic horror like resident evil and silent hill, which i havent got round to playing any of yet, but i think nostalgia works both ways sometimes and i’ll be playing them sooner now. sometimes horror gets stereotyped as all death and violence, some games fill themselves with skulls and corpses, and big ugly monsters and basically shout ‘DEATH!’ in your face repeatedly and it all just comes off as a bit garish and ridiculous and not actually very scary really. Signalis sits at the other end of that scale (with some of my other fav horror games like soma, cry of fear) where its environs are most usually just… quiet. Still. Muffled. Sad. just as often as theres tension or creeping fear because of this i find theres a strange kind of comfort too. Maybe its just that in most other genres of games theres so much of music, UI elements, pickups and interactibles with vibrant design. Here, theres room for your mind to just occupy the space. A soft fog. A dimly lit room. An empty train. Snow out a window. Liminal spaces that dont expect anything from you.
Signalis is a game thats just simply, unapologetically gay, and i dont think i would have been quite so invested in Elster and Ariane’s relationship if they were a straight couple. Its why representation is important, if art’s way for us to explore our emotions then its important to have media that we can relate to. Even Adler’s role isnt typically masculine. Our replika characters are manufactured, designed for certain roles in the base. Notes from the tough Stars and Storchs in the shooting range, the dollish Eules with the fairy lights and music player in the dorm. I couldnt help but think of groups of Eules sat around chatting, together, and im yearning for that feeling of togetherness, of understanding a friend that closely. I somehow missed the couple in the mineshaft (next playthough, ill find you v_v ). Despite the harshness of life in the Eusan nation (especially for the gestalts) the characters in it are defined by their feelings of belonging and hope. With the obvious parallels to east germany, i think of posters of cosmonauts and space travel from the time. Propaganda, sure but also made with the genuine belief in something greater. When the events of the game take this away, well, we find the last Kolibri, whod rather lose herself than lose her [ah. Im not sure theres a word here to properly describe the relationship they embody]. Its a game defined by loneliness.
We dont lie up at night scared by some corrupted android. We arent stuck with horror at the flesh everywhere, not on its own. We lie awake thinking about Elster and Ariane’s love for each other, the horror of their decline, the futility of trying to hold on forever. Its existential horror done perfectly. It shows an ending postponed and stretched far beyond its limits, and so squarely reminds you that you do, in fact, have to die one day. You’ll break down. One day you’ll say your last words to the people you love and you wont even know you have. Ariane’s final few diaries arrive with the full force of the narrative behind it, like a spear through my heart. For the record, I got the promise ending. Im still sad. It's a game about raging desperately against an unfair ending. I might think about this game for the rest of my life. I would sincerely say its an artistic masterpiece, by the sure definition of video games as art.
I like that the story leaves a lot open and abstract. I think it makes the emotional themes takes centre stage more. And i havent had nearly enough time to sift through it and come up with my own takes, we’ll need a few more playthroughs for that. And theres so much more to say that cant go in just these few paragraphs! Signalis is a game about two girls who had to run away from everything to find someone they belonged with. The universe may be cold and bleak, but you have to try, you might just find something beautiful, even if it doesnt last forever. I think if anything, we should all have the chance to find love and happiness like that, and we shouldnt have abandon a world that doesnt work for us to do it.
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epicthemusical · 2 months
Angel Polites Collection Pt 1
Now some background. Angel Polites is also red star polites from the Crimson Star one shot here
Red Star Polites does not hesitate to kill those who harm/ severely disrespect Ody
now red star polites often dumps the bodies into the ocean which please Poseidon so when he dies Poseidon brings him back as a spirit representing loyalty (closest thing to an angel in greek myth) and becomes Ody guardian angel.
semi nude art of angel polites by Ardenzia777 on both twitter and instagram . anyway hope you enjoy!
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It was Polites but he had changed since they had last seen him and was obviously a divine being. Polites has 4 brilliant white and gray wings behind him. The wings are somehow both elegant and strong, effortlessly keeping him afloat. Power and light pulses around him like a halo. He grips a golden spear in hand, the point gleaming dangerously. The most terrifying part though were his eyes staring down with an anger matched only by a God. They are a molten gold color, glowing with a red tint. 
“Poseidon.” The name echoes through the air with another pulse of light even without raising his voice. 
“I ask for you to not harm Odysseus.” Poseidon looks on annoyed 
“You have no say in this. Don't forget I am the one that gave you your spirit status and your power.” Polites simply glares 
“You made me into a spirit that represents loyalty and my loyalty has and always will belong to Odysseus. Have I not given you many sacrifices? The only thing I ask is that you leave Odysseus alone.” Polites grips his spear tighter determination in his eyes. 
“I am not delusional enough to believe i would win against you but i don't care.If you want to harm Odysseus you will have to kill me as well!” Posiden thinks a bit before the waves finally calm 
“Very well then I will let the mortal go just this once as a gift for all your sacrifices to me but don't expect any more favors in the future.” Polites nods and Poseiden sinks into the ocean.
Odysseus is finally able to breathe freely and he watches in awe as polites gently lands on the deck the light fades until its a light shimmer on his skin.He looks at Odysseus his eyes now a warm bronze color still faintly glowing and smiles brightly 
“Hey there Ody You miss me?” Odysseus finally stumbles closer before running into Polite's arms. 
“Polites…” Polites hugs him tight as Odysseus starts to sob. Polites gently wraps his wings around his friend giving him comfort and a bit more privacy from the others on deck. 
“It's okay, Ody let it all out. I'm here now.” The wings feel soft and the warmth of his friend brings him so much relief he all but collapses, Polites being the only thing keeping him upright. 
“I'm so sorry…Polites you died because of me..” Polites wraps his wings around his friend more firmly 
“No Ody im the one who chose to shove you out of the way of the club. I would never have forgiven myself if you died and I don't regret my decision. I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant you could be safe.” Odysseus cries some more before he manages to calm down. 
“What happened to you, Polites?” Polites continues to gently cradle Odysseus with his wings 
“Poseiden had taken a liking to me and decided to bring me back as a spirit, one that represents loyalty. I'm actually  quite happy with my wings. Maybe sometime I can let you fly with me! It's so freeing to be up in the sky!” Odysseus smiles at the obvious excitement and happiness in Polite’s voice 
“I would love that. I do have to admit you wings are beautiful…. You won't leave again right?” Polites sighs sadly 
“Unfortunately I'm not allowed to stay for very long. I will always be watching you though and whenever you need help I will be  there.” Polites eventually pulls back his wings and smiles at Odysseus 
“I'm sorry but I need to go now but if you need me just ask. I promise I will always be there.” Odysseus nods and returns the smile 
“Okay then bye Polites and thank you.” Polites fades away leaving no sign he was there except a single feather that Odysseus picks up.
Odysseus jolts awake with wide eyes, his breathing frantic. All he can think of is blood so much blood and everyone died because of him- Something starts to glow and he reaches out looking over the feather he had made into a necklace. Polite's feather was glowing a soothing golden color and he holds it close. Thats right Polites is okay he is not laying dead and broken in the cyclops cave. He puts on the necklace and as he settles down to try and sleep again he hears faint humming. Odysseus smiles and watches the faint glow and listens to the peaceful humming.He soon finds himself drifting off to sleep again with a smile, this time without any nightmares. Seemingly nothing but air brushes the hair from Odysseus face “Sleep well my friend.”
Eurylochus walks into his room and starts getting ready for the night, he can't wait to lay down and relax. 
“We need to talk Eurylochus.” He jumps at the sudden voice and turns to see Polites standing there and he finds himself scared for his life. Polites never used his full name preferring to stick to nicknames and his eyes are glowing a faint gold. 
“Why did you think it was a good idea to open the bag that Odysseus specifically ordered nobody to touch?” Eurylochus gulps. 
“I don't know…” Polite's gaze feels like it's seeing everything he is hiding. 
“Do you regret doing it?” Eurylochus nods 
“Yes I really do. I should have just trusted him…. If you had not stepped in so many would have died because of me…” Polites nods 
“You are lucky, had anybody else opened that bag I would have killed them. I will give you another chance.” Polites starts to fade away. 
“Don't make the same mistake again or I can't guarantee your safety.” 
Odysseus starts to climb up to the crows nest to watch for any possible danger but as he starts to pull himself up into the crows nest a particularly big wave has him slipping and he starts to fall. He closes his eyes and waits for him to hit the deck below only to feel someone's arms hold him up and gently place him onto the deck. Odysseus sighs in relief 
“Thanks Polites, that was a close one.” Polites pulls Odysseus into a headlock and ruffles his hair 
“You're always so clumsy! You really need to be more careful.” Odysseus pulls away from the hold with a huff working on fixing his hair. 
“Yeah yeah I know but that's what you are here for right? You always help me when I need it.” Polites hums and he stares up at the clear sky 
“Hey Ody the sky is so beautiful how would you feel about flying with me?” Odysseus brightens at the prospect of flying 
“Of course I would love to! How would it work exactly?” Polites laughs and simply picks him up from his armpits and flies straight upwards. Odysseus yelps at the sudden change, his eyes closed tight. 
“Come on, open your eyes, the view is amazing!” Odysseus slowly opens his eyes and then gasps at the view. The ocean stretches out endlessly glittering like jewels. Polites flies over and to Odysseus’s surprise lays back on a cloud. 
“You can lay on clouds now?!” Polites laughs and they watch the view for a bit.
”Hey, want to try something cool?” Odysseus nods and suddenly Polites grabs him tight as he grins mischievously. 
“Hold on tight then!” Before he can ask what he was going to do, Polites hops off the cloud and they start to plummet. Odysseus shrieks while polites laughs. Right as they were about to hit the water, Polite's wings unfurl and they stop in the air. Polites chuckles some more at Odysseus wide eyes and his messed up hair from the wind. 
“What..what was that for?” Odysseus asks out of breath. 
“I'm sorry i just couldn't resist” Polites smirks 
“Your shriek was pretty hilarious.” Polites lets his friend catch his breath as he flies back to the ship. They finally arrive and Polites once again places Odysseus gently onto the deck. 
“That was fun, I should take you flying more often!” Odysseus looks terrified 
“NO, no more flying!” Polite's laughter fades away along with him. 
“We will see about that”
Odysseus sits down with a groan. It had been a long day and he is glad to finally be able to eat Dinner. He starts eating but eventually notices his food is disappearing. He looks around to see who it could be but when he looks down even more has vanished. He finally notices the feather was glowing and he sighs 
“Polites I know it's you, your feather is glowing. Hmmm do spirits like you even need food?” He hears a thoughtful hum 
“well I don't think so? I wouldn't know. I haven't been a spirit for very long so I still don't know how some things work.” 
“I guess that makes sense. I was just curious, you know how I am.” A chuckle 
“Yes I know you always want to learn more. I have never really understood how you could enjoy those lessons from the tutors.” Odysseus rolls his eyes 
“Yeah yeah. Can I see your wings by any chance? I want to see how they work.” Polites fades into view and offers his wing with a smirk 
“I know you just enjoy how soft the feathers are.” Odysseus clears his throat, obviously embarrassed at being caught 
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Odysseus runs his fingers through the feathers with a smile. Polites sits down next to him and wraps 2 of his wings around him and he all but melts into the soft feathers. Polites reaches towards the food 
“Are you going to eat that?” Odysseus smacks the offending hand away with a huff 
“Yes, I'm going to eat it! Stop trying to steal my food!” Polites simply laughs 
“Okay i promise i will stop.” Odysseus finishes eating before he continues to run his fingers through the feathers enjoying how soft they are and cuddling into the warm cocoon. Eventually Odysseus falls asleep and Polites lifts him up and brings him to bed.He places a couple of his loose feathers that had fallen out on the nightstand for him to find when he wakes up.He starts to fade away again 
“Sleep well my friend.”
This is how the first scene went originally until someone pointed out that Polites wouldn't be stupid enough to immediately pick a fight with the god that gave him his power. I really love how it had turned out so yeah bonus!
It was Polites but he had changed since they had last seen him and was obviously a divine being. Polites has 4 brilliant white and gray wings behind him. The wings are somehow both elegant and strong, effortlessly keeping him afloat. Power and light pulses around him like a halo. He grips a golden spear in hand, the point gleaming dangerously. The most terrifying part though were his eyes staring down with a fury matched only by a God.They are a molten gold color, glowing with a red tint. He points the spear at Poseidon, the very image of divine wrath.
“Poseidon.” The name echoes through the air with another pulse of power even without raising his voice.
“I will not let you harm Odysseus.” Poseidon grits his teeth before bellowing
“You ungrateful mortal! I bring you back as a spirit and this is how you repay me?!” Polites simply glares
“You made me into a spirit that represents loyalty and my loyalty has and always will belong to Odysseus.I will not stand by and watch you hurt him. I don't care if you are a God or that you brought me back as a spirit.” Polites drops into position ready to act at a moment's notice before snarling the last words
“If you want to hurt Odysseus you will have to kill me first!” Power pulses and clashes between the two as the waves grow violent and Polites starts to glow. At last the waves calm and Polites eases up on the light.
“Fine then for all the sacrifices you have given me I will let Odysseus go this one time but don't expect my help or favor anymore.” Poseidon melts into the waves and the ocean at last is completely calm.
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megumishotgf · 1 year
kpop groups class 1-a listen to because i said so
here are some of my headcanons detailing what kpop groups some of the 1-a students would listen too!!
also i’m terribly sorry for the inactiveness. got diagnosed with autism and dropped out of uni (i’m so much happier now) and am going to pursue my art dreams.
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: ̗̀➛ kyoka jirou
jirou loves day6! prefers k-rock over k-pop but still knows all the best hits of each year. her expert knowledge mainly focuses on second generation groups. it’s as if she’s been spending years preparing for a pop quiz on this. other artists she likes include the rose, xdinary heroes and rolling quartz. she loves boy groups and girl groups equally.
: ̗̀➛ tenya iida
this man is a stan of snsd. tenya is a very cultured man and generally gives me second gen stan vibes. he truly believes ‘into the new world’ changed the trajectory of his life and had the biggest cultural impact of any piece of media in this century. tenya will write an essay arguing this. he also appreciates exo and shinee! hates superjunior (as he should) but hearing lucifer gets his hips shaking side to side.
: ̗̀➛ momo yaoyorozu
momo loves classical and instrumental music (her spotify wrapped is just studio ghibli soundtracks) but she can appreciate the occasional k-pop song. she loves female soloists in particular! think iu, taeyeon, chungha, ailee… she knows how to appreciate beautiful female vocals. also has a strong affinity for k-drama soundtracks. the ones with special idol features - you know what i’m talking about. slow, romantic ballads. shows jirou all her favourite ones (jirou thinks they’r kind of boring but listens just for her girlfriend).
: ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya
izuku loves bts because of the messages in their songs. he finds their story so inspiring. izuku relates to the fact that they built up their legacy from the ground up with nothing but hard work, and that they were ignored for so long. definitely listens to spring day and young forever when he is sad and just sobs (just like me fr). if you knock on his dorm and ask if he’s okay, he will squeak out a response insisting he’s fine. but you can still hear him sobbing into the pillow during the pauses before the next queued songs play. oh and izuku’s bias is namjoon because of how well spoken and intellectual he is, but he admires all members for their passion. oh and and ochako introduced him to twice!! he loves how cheerful their music is.
: ̗̀➛ ochaco uraraka
now, uraraka has devoted her life to twice. she is a diehard twice fan. but she is poor and her only album was a gift from kirishima and she treasures it. her favourite era was dance the night away and her bias is jihyo (this is so intellectual of her). carries a photocard in her phone case. class 1-a surprise ochako with tickets to see them live on one of her birthdays (they piled up all their money) and she just started floating towards the ceiling in shock. then she cried there
: ̗̀➛ mina ashido
mina is in love with ateez!! she loves to learn their dances and appreciates their high energy. also thinks they are the most beautiful men to grace this earth (this is facts). her bias is yeosang. she knows every choreo and it always looks incredible. for school festivals, mina will gather some of her classmates and force them to learn complicated dance choreo to perform in front of everyone. this year it was o.o by nmixx.
: ̗̀➛ shouto todoroki
shouto undoubtedly listens to loona and is not afraid of admitting it. it’s like the patrick bateman meme - he walks with zero emotion but hi high is blasting in his headphones. however does not know their names, or at least he cannot put name to face. but yes he knows their whole discography. bought an album once and he was shocked at how many inclusions there were (he was expecting just a cd). eventually discovers the loona universe and fan theories and for a week straight it was all shouto spoke to his friends about. they got so annoyed they blocked the word loona from their social medias temporarily so it wouldn’t set him off on a spiral.
: ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
hmm.. katsuki loves dreamcatcher. this man has got superior taste. i feel like katsuki would mainly listen to rock music and hip-hop. so other artists he may appreciate are dean, dpr live and epik high. but sometimes you can hear red velvet coming from his dorm and if you question him about it he will scream at you (if it plays when katsu is drunk you can even catch at a peek at him doing the choreo when he thinks no one is looking).
: ̗̀➛ eijiro kirishima
also a cultured man as kirishima is a fan of twice. he joins the girls when they had ‘girly’ sleepovers and learns the dances from them (this headcanon applies to all their ‘girls night’ sleepovers. kiri makes them so much fun). this is especially fun during award shows, where they all gather around a laptop, eyes wide and glossy as they wait for their favourite groups to hopefully be announced as winners. definitely films the dances on tiktok and also shows them to katsuki later. based on mina’s recommendation, he would probably listen to ateez too!
: ̗̀➛ denki kaminari
i sense a neverland. this man is obsessed with (g)-idle. denki has a crush on soyeon (he is me). denki cried when soojin left (i did too) but will take this to his grave. also loves stayc. he most certainly owns a few albums. he prefers girl groups over boy groups because he is a bit of a perv (sorry denki i love you!!). but also because denki believes girl groups have superior music. his most played song of all time is tell me by the wonder girls.
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its-stayville-forever · 6 months
This is,
This might be me telling how much I love a fic, or how much I appreciate and adore a person's writing, might be a declaration of love to she who makes people feel things, might be me explaining why I was sobbing my heart out as I was reading this form of art that is Echoes of Love. (My keyboard finished the name for me, it's that used on my tab help)
This is for @astraystayyh .
How I found it.
I have actually found this beauty by accident, as in her and Echoes of Love. Being new to Tumblr and by not having used it for such a long time, I simply typed in 'stray kids' and this came up, and I want to thank the lord for doing so, because this has quite literally changed the trajectory of my life. As in, my standards for writing have increased and reached the skies.
Why it is so important for me.
Now important would be literally an understatement.
I have this habit of imagining things that I read, and in so many, so many, instances this fic has had me in a chokehold. Like I had to physically isolate myself from this story because of the effect it had on me.
This is not a normal fic, it is anything but ordinary. This fic was written so intricately, it has so much detail, metaphors, simile, and quotes used in it. This is how books should be written, this is how fics and stories really should be written. Because if you can make a person cry through the feelings you have portrayed in a book, what more do you want from life? What more must an author seek in life than to make one muffle their cries because it was too loud for the walls surrounding them and all this because of a few words? No no no, these aren't just a few words. These are feelings. This is what a person feels after being projected to pain, misery and utter suffering and oh Sahar, oh Sahar you wrote it oh so beautifully!
You could ask the few people that I call my friends about this story, about how I physically couldn't stop thinking and talking and telling people about this piece that should be exhibited in a museum and no, no I'm not exaggerating. This is not exaggeration. This is me speaking facts for what it truly is. I can't not talk about something so beautiful, I physically can't.
How. How. How.
This question ran marathons through my head because as a mere human being (and not a writing god like Sahar is) I just can't grasp how a person writes so deeply. How. She did this before in Invisible Threads (once again my tab finished the name for me 😭). And she's going to do it again and again and again. Because she writes like it's breathing. She writes like her hands, her talented fingers were made for this sole purpose. She writes like she'll die if she stops writing. She writes for people to feel, for people's feelings to be felt by others. I can't understand, I just can't understand, how beautiful, how magnificent, how stunning her soul is. How exquisite must she be that she wrote not a hundred not three, not even a few thousands but 25.8k words and effortlessly mastered through the whole thing.
Talent. Right here, talent. (Please apply for Oxford they'll be happy to have you, rest assured)
She was indeed, created to create.
I wish her the best and only the best. Because she does only the best, and deserves only the best. I am not the best with my words and so they never do justice to her writing. So I compel you, go read Echoes of Love, read Invisible Thread, and live your best life.
-your biggest fan. (Adopt me please)
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maitressonneurs · 7 months
A Fairytale
Lady Lesso x fem!reader
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A:n : Hello guys ! Here it is my first fanfic about Lady Leonora Lesso (the one and only). Hope y'all enjoy this !
English is'nt my first language, sorry for the errors.
Warnings : none, just slow burn like we all like, no smut for this one xox
You were teacher at The School for Good and Evil. It's been yet severe years that Rafal had controled the young Sophie and her friend, Agatha, saved the school and it's members. You came right after the incident, applying for the botanic course. The post was already taken yet so the School Master offered you a new role, the art professor. You were a bit confused at first. You suspected the old man for creating this new post to keep you in the school, knowing your talent to discuss with students about their feelings. It does'nt deplease you, quite the opposite actually, you waited impatiently your return among your fellow heroes.  
Before going back to your little village, you get of your way by passing by the Academy. Obviously, you joined The School for Good and Evil, under the supervision of an other professor that Clarisse Dovey, who were a student back then. You had friends, like anyone else. You fell also in love, like anyone else. But you heart was attracted by the famous Cruella De Vil, who did'nt like anything else except the fashion industry and dalmatians. You tried to catch her attention during three years by changing your style and studying the last trends, to talk with her about it when you met her at the canteen.
You understood your love was one-sided when, during the winter ball, she confimed it. After you greased the palm of a teacher by offering him help to clean his office, you were authorised to come in. At first, you were ill at ease to find yourself surrounded by all these different people. Then after a few glassses of punch, your anxiety was gone at the same time as your sobriety. You had fun swirling through the most known Evils on heavy metal. You were laughing heartily at Captain Hook's jokes when a hand layed on your shoulder. You turned over to see the woman of your desires standing behind you, a fist on her hip. She frowned, hiding her beautiful black and white make-up. It smelled like trouble.
-Hi Ella, you giggled seeing the beauty.
-Y/N, we need to talk.
-Sure !
You catched her hand in yours while dragging her behind the curtains.
-Are you drunk ? she realised.
-Yeah, I was so stressed by finding myself here.
-What on earth are you doing ? You are no supposed to be here...
-I wanted to see what's like here !
-To do what ? You have your own ball.
-But you're not invited to mine ! I wanted to tell you something top secret and super embarassing. So there I am !
-What's your secret ? she suddenly was very interested by the conversations. She finded you funny.
-You will never believe me but I'm in love with you ! That's stupid, right ?
-You're... in love with me ?
-Ridiculous, isn't it ?
-Absolutley Y/N ! I hope that's another of your strange jokes. You're an Ever and I'm a Never, that's just impossible. And I also don't share your... feelings.
You sobered up quickly. Your heart missed a beat. An Ever get a knock back by a Never. Old habits die hard.
-Cool... Right, where the only two words you said before disppeared from the ball.
You ran through the hallways, teardrowps running down your cheeks. Your heart was broken in two. You kept going, passing over the rooms. Your steps led you outside. You needed fresh air. You sat nearby the lake in the vast garden. You cried a lot. You only heard your heart-rending sob into the dark night. Through the last tears, you took a moment to observe your surroudings. It was your first time going out during the night, under the moonlight. The white crescent reflected on the dark waters of the lake, enhancing the pretty lilypads flourishing at the surface, offering a shelter for the singing little tee frogs. For you. They sang for you, expressing your sadness. A soft breeze swept the last salty tears away from your cheeks. You closed your eyes while taking a deep breath, enjoying the peacfull environment.
Ten years later, here you are again, sat in the grass, listening to the frogs croaking their heart out under the moon. The wind blew in your hair, not your tears anymore.
After this bad ending, you had deceided to concentrate only in your studies. You began by isolating yourself more often, losing a lot of your old friends, fearing to be hurt again. You could have been the princess in all the tales, who get married with her prince charming. You were made for it. You used to be the kindest with a pretty smile. But it was gone. You became the shadow of yourself, erring in the library, searching for a new book to read. You offsetted your solitude by learning new stuffs. You were the model student by only taking notes and asking questions. No one saw you again in the cafetaria, where you used to be the most. Your friends noticed this radical change. The rumor you get turned down by Cruella went around the school. You knew exactly where it came from. Cruella wasn't the kind of person to keep her adventures for herself.
You were entitled to these disparaging looks from the other Evers, who didn't understand how you could fall in love with a Never. According to some, it was to receive attention. You defended yourself at the beginning, faced with these accusations. Then, as time passed, you let the Evers' remarks pass over you, no longer bothering to even glance at them. The reaction of the Nevers was not very different in a sense. Your locker and the door to your room had been sprayed with degrading insults about you. You found yourself pushed around, cornered in the corridors by groups of Nevers, who were making fun of you. It was all difficult to deal with but you were doing pretty well until you saw Cruella laughing her head off as she threw you a ball of paper. Until then, you sincerely thought that she still considered you as her friend, but your beliefs quickly fell apart when you unfolded the sheet of paper which contained a drunken caricature of you at the Nevers ball grotesquely declaring your attraction to her.
It was only the only class in common with the Nevers, so you thought you would worry less about it, unfortunately, it was even worse. The Professor snatched the drawing from your hands and looked at it for a long time before showing it to the whole class, asking who had drawn this. No one denounced themselves and screams came from every corner. You didn't have the heart to tell off your friend. Even though you were dead inside, you didn't want her to feel the same way you did. Nobody deserves this.
Obviously, the director was made aware of the situation. The educational team tried to put solutions in place. But none really worked. You endured all the sorrows of the world until the end. When you finished your years, two choices were available to you: return to your rotten little village or live a fairy tale.
When you returned, the Grand Master asked you if it was a good idea to come back to this place that had caused you so much suffering. You smiled at him frankly, explaining that it was the past, that there was no one left from that distant era in the establishment and that you had inquired before applying. You also said that you didn't want any more students to suffer the same abuse and that the best way to deal with it was to deal with this type of thing yourself. It was probably this part that appealed to him the most about your application.
-Professor L/N? What are you doing out so late? A student's voice brought you out of your memories, making you turn your head towards him. You knew him well, he was a regular at school time. Even though he was an Ever, that didn't stop him from making a mess wherever he went. Professor Dovey said it was a repressed Never, you argued that it was his way of expressing himself.
-I contemplate the beauty of nature, Arthur. I could ask you the same thing but I know very well that you are going to tell me about it, so please sit here, you patted the grass next to you, inviting him to sit down.
-I don't really know how to talk about it so I went taking a little walk outside, see, and then I saw you all alone so I said to myself: why not talk about it with Professor L/N. She is there for us. And so here I am.
-Come to the point Arthur. You shouldn't be here, it's already well past curfew, so if you don't want to get caught by other teachers, get to the point, you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. Normally your work hours ended at the sunset but you couldn't say no to these faces.
-Yeah, sorry ma'am. In fact, I'm… I fell in love and I don't really know how to say it without making a fool of myself, you see?
-How long do you have it on your heart?
-Oh, it must have been, I don’t know, it must have been two months. At first, you see, I thought that I just considered him as a friend then I realized that well, hm no… it's embarrassing to say but like, I imagined him trying to rolling around while caressing me-
-Thank you Arthur, no need to detail so much. Just saying you realized you liked boys is no big deal, you know, it's nature.
-Yeah but… I don't think I like girls… Like, you're very beautiful and everything, I'm not saying the opposite eh, but it just doesn't match, see? And it's weird deep down because I always believed that I would be a prince charming, like my father was. I think I'm a little afraid of that… I'm afraid of not being loved anymore because I like guys. And I can't talk about that with others, I have the impression that they wouldn't understand. I don't know what to do, because I want to tell everyone but also keep it to myself like… I don't know.
-It's normal to ask questions about who we are, about what we will become, to link reality with our dreams. It’s also normal to be afraid. We don't know the people we meet deeply enough to be sure of their reaction, and fortunately you are afraid to talk about it, you are afraid that their outlook will change and since you consider them your friends, it's hard to think that they can leave at any time because of who you are. But if they're really meant for you, they won't let you down, ever. And that’s what’s wonderful about friendship. It’s taking risks to get closer and closer to others, in the hope that they will one day return it. And we are made like that, Ever or Never, magical or not. We are made to be loved and to love in return. So if you feel it, talk about it, it's the best way to have answers.
-You are an old soul, Professor. I've never heard so well spoken of in my life, I swore.
-You make me laugh, Arthur. Now that I have listened to you, will you do the same and go to bed?
-But I still don’t know if I should confess my crush to him!
-The night door advises, young prince, rest, talk to your friends, listen to them but not too much then make your decision, that's all I will tell you this evening. Come on, damn! you gently shook him off with the back of your hand.
-Thank you Professor L/N, you are the best! he stood up, a big smile on his lips.
-Go away, little brat, and don't let me catch you hanging out of your room again at night! you made him a sign and returned to contemplating the spectacle in front of you. You were a short sleeper, not needing many hours of sleep to be in good shape the next day. However, tomorrow was a big day, you were going to take care of the ball with other teachers which will take place in a month. It was a big first for you, you kept bad memories of the last one in which you participated. But you wanted to move on, to someone else, actually. A certain Never redhead had caught your eye from the first day, and you couldn't stop thinking about her since the beginning of this year. You had a good summer vacation, having gone on a trip with other of your colleagues, including Clarisse Dovey, a great friend since you returned to the Academy. You had invited Leonora Lesso to join you but she had claimed important work that could not be postponed. Clarisse explained to you later that Lesso never took part in these kinds of outings, still having difficulty adapting to the Never Ever mixity.
That didn't stop you from sending her postcards every two days to tell her about your days and show her everything she was missing by wanting to lock herself in her office for such beautiful months. She had, of course, never responded to you. You expected no less from her, but you hoped, during these two months, to receive even a simple piece of news, reassuring you that she was still alive. Dovey had noticed your daily trips from the mailbox to the vacation home but also the letters you sent regularly. At first, she didn't care, but seeing that you weren't letting go, she wanted to talk to you about it. You beat around the bush every time she came to discuss it, at the table, or when you were enjoying the sun.
One evening, towards the end of the holidays, a big party was organized in the lodge. You had danced all evening, drinking multiple martinis. When a quieter song played, you went to sit on a chair to catch your breath. Clarisse finally joined you a few moments later, handing you a glass of water, which you swallowed in one gulp.
-Ask me your question, Cla, I promise to finally answer it.
-Are you sure ? You're a little drunk so I don't want you to regret it.
-Yeah, go ahead, otherwise you'll have a heart attack.
-Who are you sending all these letters to?
-To Leonora.
-No way! she made her eyes wide, smiling fully. “La Leonora, our Lesso?”
-Don’t make fun of me, please, you looked at your empty glass, smiling softly.
-It’s not my thing, you know that. So you are…
-In love, yeah, you finished his sentence, biting your lip, cheeks red.
-But it’s great Y/N! she yelled, shaking your shoulders.
-It depends on who, you laughed, shrugging your shoulders. “She still hasn’t responded to me since the start of the vacation so I really think it’s dead.”
-No. You know Lesso. She has too much ego to do anything nice, especially to an Ever. But I think, no, I'm sure it pleases her, even if she doesn't know how to handle so much attention. The last time, it was with Rafal and she was really disappointed…
-She told me about it, not the part where she was disappointed but I understood it well, it's just that, since my misadventure, I don't really know which way to think anymore.
-You must stop overthinking, Y/N, otherwise you will never get through it darling, I assure you, words of Fairy Godmother.
-I believe you, Clarisse, I believe you…
-Stop moping, come dance, it’s my favorite song, she said, pulling your hand.
-You've been saying that since the beginning of the evening!
-Um, probably, but at the same time, the playlist is incredible!
-You did it, you laughed, letting yourself be carried away.
-All the more reason to dance, come on!
The end of the stay went well. Clarisse kept making allusions to Lesso in the presence of the other teachers without revealing your crush for the redhead, luckily for you. When you returned to the Academy, you were so busy preparing your classes for the start of the school year and reading student files, even those you already knew, that you didn't really have the opportunity to talk at length with Lesso . You saw her from time to time, during breaks at the coffee machine, but that was all. She didn't try to come and talk to you either, even if it meant disturbing you during your work, which tugged at your heart, thinking that she would come and chat at least after all the letters sent. Since no discussion had started on her part, you left her alone. It was a cold shower, you who had been making films all summer after your return, you were clearly disappointed by her non-reaction. The flashbacks of your last attempt came back to your mind regularly and your isolation mechanism came back into place. But Dovey didn't see it that way by forcing you to help organize the ball, which you accepted, not reluctantly because you liked taking care of that kind of thing, but rather because you had to see people and that didn't enchant you.
You were working in your office on the next class. You had planned to do some painting outside but it was pouring rain, at least that was what the weather forecast said. So you were thinking about a replacement activity but nothing came to mind. You felt like you lacked inspiration for everything. Nothing made you want to paint or draw. No play seemed interesting to you to learn. The clay did not meet your expectations. And finally, the last writing assignment you asked your students was beyond mediocre and the results made you want to vomit. You had been digging through books for more than two hours now to get even an ounce of idea but nothing. Infinite nothingness.
-Y/N, excuse me for disturbing you but we need to talk about planning the ball.
-Oh, sure, what time is it? you looked up when you heard Emma Anemone. She pulled out a chair and sat down in front of your messy desk, littered with papers, sketches and books of all kinds.
-Learning about beauty, why do you read this kind of thing? she frowned as she grabbed the first book.
-Because I have no idea for my class tomorrow. I'm starting to no longer know where to go.
-But Y/N, tomorrow is Saturday! laughed the Professor. “We don’t have class!”
-Is it Friday? you stopped writing on a post it and raised your head. “But that means we have a prom meeting happening in a week! My god, what time is it?”
-It's six o'clock in the evening. The meeting started an hour ago, that’s why I came to pick you up.
-Oh my, I was so deep in my research that I lost track of time, you stammered, opening a drawer with a folder containing all your notes for organizing the ball.
-You're not the only one, it seems that Leonora caught the same illness as you, mocked Emma.
You nodded then headed towards the room where the meeting was taking place. You apologized flatly and sat down next to your friend before trying to resume the thread of the discussion.
-We were talking about the buffet, Clarisse whispered in your ear.
-Thank you, you smiled at her, placing your hand on her thigh. You had both gotten used to being quite tactile in each other's company.
-What do you think, Y/N? asked Lesso, who hadn't said anything since she arrived at the same time as you. You turned to her, not really understanding why she was asking you the question. You rummaged through your notes before clearing your throat.
-So… I noted that it would be essential to have vegan and anti-allergic meals. Otherwise, tapas are easier to eat. I don't really see what to add, we had already talked about it and everyone agreed, if I remember correctly, you conclude by putting your hand back where it was, having removed it when you spoke.
-I think Y/N said everything, does anyone have anything to add? No ? Well, we can move on to the next item: drinks, the School Master redirected, checking a box on the board behind him.
You listened attentively to the discussions going well. You had the same debate about whether to add alcoholic drinks or not last week. Mechanically and to kill the boredom that was growing deep within you, your fingers made small circles on your friend's leg.
-Y/N? What do you think ? Since you have easy contact with the students, what did they say? Lesso called out to you, tapping the table with his fingertips. She stared at you, waiting for you to respond.
-Um, I haven't really had the chance to talk about it with them. It’s not really what they come to talk to me about, actually. But if you ask me, I think it won't hurt them to drink a little, at least for those who want it. If we ban it, some people will drink it anyway. We all know that if it is prohibited, students will tend to want to go against our rules. So I prefer it to be controlled and than they don't have an alcoholic coma in their corner, you shrugged your shoulders, feeling like you were repeating the same thing for the tenth time in a month. It was driving you crazy.
-I feel like I've heard this speech before, Dovey whispered in your ear. You chuckled and moved closer to her.
-Don't talk to me about it, I'm going to become a doting old woman if this continues, you huffed. She began to laugh softly, hiding her mouth behind her hand.
-If so, you already are, she added. Your mouth turned into a silent O and a fake look of vexation appeared on your face.
-Hmm, excuse me but you are indeed the oldest between the two of us, so I think that the one who will become an old woman is definitely you, you pointed your index finger in her direction then planted it on her chest.
-Call me an old fossil while you're at it.
-I was hesitant to do it but since you offered it so kindly, I'm not going to hold back in this case…, you were about to continue when the Grand Master spoke again.
-The teams are formed, I'm counting on you to have everything ready for next Friday. I thank you for your attention and release you, he finished, spreading his arms.
You watched as everyone stood up and headed towards their pair, not knowing who you were with. You turned to Clarisse to ask her, but she was in deep discussion with Emma. Your eyes scanned the room, to see who was alone. Two gray peepers met your gaze. Shit.
-Y/N, you look extremely lost, are you okay? a Professor asked you.
-No, I don't know who I'm with.
-With Lesso, she was even the one who suggested it.
-Ah, was the only word you could get out. Leonora asked to work with you?
-You don't seem happy to be with me. Would you have preferred the beautiful dove? whispered a warm voice behind you.
-I'm delighted to work with you, Leonora, you replied, turning to her with a big smile. You could kill to make her talk to you like that any longer.
-Good because we have no choice. See you tomorrow morning to start thinking, in my office?
-Perfect, see you tomorrow, you didn't have time to finish your sentence as she was already gone. You exhaled, feeling like you had been in apnea while she was there. God, your heart was beating fast.
Seven thirty-three. This was the fifth time in four minutes that you looked at the clock, feeling like it was moving way too fast. You were used to sleeping in on Saturday mornings, but today was a different day. You were going to spend a long time, you hoped, in the company of Leonora Lesso, the object of your thoughts and that made you more than nervous.
You had run a lavender-scented bubble bath, lilac in color, with rose petals sprinkled on top. Pink and white candles surrounded your bathtub, being the only source of light in the bathroom with the mirror lamp in front of which you spread a brownish clay mask. While waiting for it to dry, you grabbed the note that Clarisse had written to you, found at the foot of your door this morning, when you woke up.
Don't let yourself get carried away by your stress, you will manage it ! I believe in you, tear it all up! - C.
You smirked a little when you read her note, warming your heart. You read it one last time before getting into your hot bath. The feeling of the water on your skin made you sigh with well-being. If it were up to you, you'd take baths every day, but unfortunately, days only lasted twenty-four hours, even in fairy tales, much to your chagrin. You played with a petal that brushed your shoulders, observing the ripples the water made when you moved slightly, making the foam move back and forth, like sea foam responding to the moon. You closed your eyes, taking advantage of the quiet moment to relax. Your hair tickled your neck as you cracked your neck slowly, to an imaginary rhythm. Your hands massaged your sore ankles and calves from the excursion organized in the forest by the Botany Professor, who had asked you to accompany him, which you had kindly accepted. After relieving your aches and pains, you use your sponge to rub your body and scent it with lavender.
Eight seven. You were out of the bath, letting the water run down the drain. With a towel around you, you put on your makeup as usual: a line of liner, lipstick and glitters, it was your guilty pleasure. You stood back and looked at yourself for a moment in front of the mirror. You liked the image you saw of yourself, making you smile with excitement. You looked like a fifteen year old going on her first date, and that idea made you happy.
On your bed, several outfits were lying. You looked over them, wondering which one was the most suitable. Remembering the day's weather, being confirmed by the gray clouds outside that were crying, you put away the two light dresses you had taken out. You now had the choice between a two-piece suit with a turtleneck or loose pants with a floral blouse. You opted for the second option. You didn't really have a reason to wear that outfit, your intuition taking precedence over reason. With your glasses on your nose, you checked yourself in the mirror, adjusting the ribbon in your hair before taking your bag, which you dragged with you everywhere, no matter the time of day.
It was nine o'clock when you knocked at Lesso's office, two coffees in hand. You waited patiently, hearing the heels move closer to where you were. A red head appeared as the door opened. You sent her your best smile as you entered, not waiting for her agreement.
-Hello Nora, how are you? I got you a macchiato, you placed her goblet on her table, which you had decorated with the nickname you gave her followed by a sun. It was a habit you picked up on your days off.
-Hello Y/N, you look in good shape, you who are not used to waking up so early on a Saturday morning… she grabbed the coffee and took a sip, emitting a slight hum of contentment at the taste of her favorite coffee on her tongue. You didn't answer her, knowing full well that it was more of an observation than anything else, taking the opportunity to examine the room. You were starting to know it by heart, from spending time here. But small spots of color drew your gaze towards the back of the office. It was new. You approached it, sipping your latte. You almost choked when you recognized the postcards hanging on the cork board, once decorated with tables and formulas, which was now covered with your postcards. They were arranged by date, all present, alone on this large table. You marked this vision in your memory. A light blush blooms on your cheeks, accompanied by a soft smile. A feeling of relief spread throughout your body.
-I didn't have time to answer you but… thank you, Lesso's voice was heard behind you.
-I hope you didn't feel too oppressed by my cards, you laughed, turning away from the letters. “I was really sad that you couldn’t come with us, you know… I missed you a lot during these two months.”
-They made me feel a little less alone in this huge school, she shrugged, looking out the window. You nodded, enjoying this vision of her, contemplating the beauty of nature, her mind wandering over a whole bunch of thoughts that you wouldn't dare say you knew. This woman was a mystery to you. You could easily guess his emotions but that was all. Unlike Emma or Clarisse, who were open books, she was more difficult to pin down. It was one of the many things you liked about her.
-Do you know what we need to work on?
-You really didn't listen to anything the Grand Master spoke about?
-You know the answer, you smiled, making kitten eyes. “Would you please explain to me, Professor Lesso?”
-Good, she rolled her eyes, holding back a smile. “We must prepare the decoration of the reception room in relation to the chosen theme. Do you remember the theme, at least?”
-It's under the sea, if I remember it correctly.
-Well done Y/N, it seems like you were paying attention to at least something.
-Thank you, it took a lot of effort knowing that another person kept distracting me. Am I forgiven?
She sighed as she sat down behind her desk. You took a seat across from her, on the other side of the table, taking out your things and your notes. You quickly moved all your things to the floor, the desk was really too small to hold everything. Plus, you didn't know how to sit still and think, which made you constantly get up and sit down, driving Leonora crazy with your constant pacing. A picnic on the wooden slats, consisting of prepared sandwiches and coffee, served as lunch when twelve o'clock struck. You've been working on the project for a long time, new ideas blooming in your and your colleague's minds every fifteen minutes. You had difficulty at first setting limits and then, once they were established, things came together naturally.
-So, in your opinion, it would be more interesting to only put the lights in blue, and the rest of the decorative elements in white? It’s true that it’s interesting but-
-Wait, Nora, you have foam, you interrupted her by leaning towards her, both of you sitting on the floor. You wiped away the remaining milk foam that left a little white mustache above her lips. Your thumb gently stroked the top one as you focused on your task. You were close, very close. When you were finished, you looked back up at her eyes, who were staring at your own lips, mouth slightly parted. She was divine like that. If it were up to you, you would stop time forever in this position so you could contemplate it for the rest of your life. A furious desire to kiss her suddenly took hold of you. You cleared your throat then quickly stepped back, putting some distance between you. Your cheeks burned, like his.
-What were you saying, Leonora? you managed to articulate, trying to read what was written on the paper in front of you.
-That your idea of only putting the lights in blue to give the impression of being in the water was a very good idea. We can reuse decorations from previous years.
-That's what I was thinking when I suggested that, you avoided her gaze, your cheeks still red. “And so, do you think we should make one long table or several scattered around the room?”
-I had imagined lots of little circulars around the dance floor, she took out a plan that she had drawn, giving an image of what she had thought of. You leaned forward, to get a better overview of what she was offering.
-It’s a very good idea, but on the other hand, this one is too close to the toilets and this one to the buffet… you thought out loud. Lesso handed you a pencil. Your hands overlapped for a moment, making you shiver. Your gaze plunged into that of the redhead, engulfing you in her gray eyes, making you think of the clouds thundering outside, containing streaks of light that had attracted you since your childhood. Her fingers tenderly caressed your palm.
-Who are you planning to go to the ball with? she whispered, not wanting to disturb what was happening between you.
-I don't have anyone yet… Would you like to come with me? you offered, hearing your pounding in your ears.
-I thought you were never going to ask me, she smiled. You bit your lower lip as you slid towards her lips. Damn, how you would like to make her yours, right now. You placed a hand on her cheek. She leaned into your touch, closing her eyes. You moved even closer to her. Several dull knocks were heard. Someone was knocking on the door. You didn't have time to understand what was happening when Lesso was already opening it, greeting the intruder.
-Hi Lesso, hello Y/N, I came to see where you were in preparing the decorations for the ball, are you progressing well? Anemone entered the room, looking at your sketches and annotations.
-Hello Emma, everything is going well, we just finished the final plan, Leonora grunted. She didn't seem happy with the Professor's unexpected arrival.
-Excellent ! I go around each group to get an idea of the remaining work. I won't bother you anymore, see you Monday! she greeted you after you handed her a folder with the finished work.
-Okay, since we're done, it's time for me to leave, I think, you announced, picking up your bag and your empty coffee cup.
-It's getting late, I understand, replied the redhead, helping you pick up everything, checking that you hadn't forgotten anything.
-It’s been a trying day, hasn’t it? you looked at her, cheeks still pink from the interaction you had just had with her before Professor Anemone interrupted you. Your brain was going a hundred miles an hour. Would you have kissed if she hadn't come? Was Lesso expecting the same thing as you?
-Of course, but I really liked it, she looked away while playing with one of her rings.
-Me too. I too enjoyed working with you, you smiled at her as you walked towards the exit.
-We should do this more often, she added, following you. You didn’t want to leave and the way she was acting made you think the same thing. You leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. You watched her walk towards you.
-Do you already have an outfit planned?
-I was planning to wear a sky blue suit, why? she stopped a few centimeters from you. You could smell her vanilla scent.
-To be able to match it with my outfit, if we come together, I have to look perfect next to you, you pushed one of her red locks out of her face.
-Very good idea, she eyed you up and down. “I never told you this but, I really like this floral blouse you are wearing, it’s my favorite.”
You felt your cheeks redden and for a moment, time stopped. She moved her face closer to yours and placed a kiss on the corner of your lips.
-See you soon, Y/N, she closed the door in front of you.
You lay on your bed, feeling more nervous than ever. You replayed the day spent with Leonora over and over in your head. Your heart was beating wildly as you saw your lady approaching you again to kiss the corner of your mouth. This woman was going to have your death, and you were more than happy about it.
The week before the ball passed extremely quickly. The students weren't concentrating at all during class hours and neither were you. You were all chatting together about their clothes, who they invited, the general excitement throughout the school. Some went there as best friends, others hoped to be able to declare their love to their crush. You were part of this second part.
-And you, Professor L/N, who are you going with? Arthur asked, with a smirk.
-Oh yes ! the rest of the class responded in heart.
-With Professor Lesso, sorry Arthur, but the place is already taken, you sent him a wink while the whole class returned to lively discussions, each in their own corner. You moved closer to the boy, close enough that only he could hear you. “So, have you managed to talk about it with your friends?”
-Yes, thank you very much Professor, he gave you a brilliant smile. “Plus, he asked me to be his date to the ball, so I think it’s a good start!”
-Well done champion, you're going to tear it up, you ruffled his hair before trying to regain some calm before the end of the class. “Please, let’s try to do something with the small time we have left. Tomorrow is the big day, I know that only too well, but that doesn’t change the fact that we still have to work a little.”
Grunts of discontent were heard throughout the class, which diminished as soon as you announced a dance class for everyone, which pleased the students. In the corner of the room, a record player waited patiently for you to place a vinyl on it and start playing music.
-Miss Agnès, come and demonstrate with me, please.
-With pleasure Professor, a young lady walked up to you and took up position. You led the dance, making the girl's petticoats flutter around you. His comrades looked at you, amazed.
The end of the course went excellently. After the bell rang, some students remained in class to continue practicing. You had passed from hand to hand to perfect certain positions, but overall, everyone had done well. The sun was setting as the last student left, leaving you alone in the huge classroom, the music still playing. You began to hum the tune while letting yourself be carried away by the haunting music. You raised your hands above your head. You closed your eyes, letting your hand slide down your cheek, lowering it to your neck, tracing your skin. You rocked gently, almost tenderly. At the sound of your classroom door, you opened your eyes, searching for the cause.
-Hello my sweet, are you training one last time for tomorrow? Lesso began, having been unmasked. She stood in the doorway, leaning against it, a smile on her lips.
-Hello my crow, I don't want to disappoint you, above all, you gave her a wink as you approached her. You placed your hands on her hips.
-From what I've seen, I'll be the one who stands out, she admitted, looking into your eyes.
-How about we warm up together before the big day? Maybe you'll get to my ankle, if you're focused enough, you pull her by the waist, biting your bottom lip.
-That’s what we’re going to see, darling.
You stuck your tongue out at her as you went to put another vinyl on the turntable. A much sweeter song than the previous ones was heard in the classroom. You turned towards her, moving your hips in a way too provocative not to understand your little game. You were going to make her waltz, and in every sense of the word. You started dancing wildly, making each other waltz in all directions. You both had red cheeks but enough energy to continue this competition as a duo. It's been a while since the song was finished. It didn't seem to bother you that much, dancing to an imaginary rhythm silently agreed between you and Lesso. She had regained control of the dance. One of her hands was on your lower back, pulling you closer to her. You almost snuggled up to her, still giving her a challenging look with a sly smile. You circled your arms around her neck, making her lean towards you. Everything was calm around you. You didn't realize that your waltz had turned into a very slow slow dance, but incredibly intimate at the same time. She ran her fingers over your cheek, removing the few strands of hair that were obstructing your eyes.
-You are really beautiful… she breathed, pulling you closer to her, if that was possible.
-You're not bad either…
-What does it mean ? If anyone else had said that to her, she probably would have taken it badly. But then, a gentle, teasing smile appeared.
-I don't really know, but I know very well who my type is, you pretended to think before continuing. “Quite tall, a Victorian style that suits them perfectly, eyes gray like the ocean on a stormy evening, a fox face with a bad temper… Yes, that’s what I mean.”
-A bad character ? Leonora looked at you for a moment, a semi-offended look on her face.
-Is that all you learned from what I just said? You are beyond redemption.
-No, but I find it surprising that you end with that… She turned her head away.
-Stop complaining, you're going to prove me right, you laughed softly then placed a light kiss on the corner of her lips, as she had done the previous Saturday. “See you tomorrow, Leonora.”
It’s the big day. Your alarm hadn’t gone off. So you were running around cursing the machine so that your schedule for the day was respected as little as possible. Clarisse had come to your rescue when you knocked on her door around 10 a.m., looking absolutely panicked.
-I swear, Y/N, if you don't calm down, I'm going to have to use strong manners, your friend warned you, sitted at your office table. “You’ll be running around like a headless chicken for three hours soon, you’re making me dizzy! Breathe, you have time, the ball is only tonight.”
-But I still have so many steps to check off my list… I want everything to be really perfect, and for everyone!
-Hey there, very gentle with you, she got up and took you in her arms, which automatically calmed you down. “You’re not the only one who has to deal with everything, trust us. Trust yourself. All right ?"
-Hmm, she raised your face and looked for a sign of disagreement in your eyes, which she did not find.
-Now that you have finally returned to normal, we can continue. Can you help me do my hair?
You turned around in front of the mirror for the fifth time in front of your friend's tired gaze.
-Y/N, I love you from the bottom of my heart and you know it, but for the love of Merlin, I will never accompany you to a ball again.
-Are you sure the dress suits me? I'm afraid of looking like a potato in a canvas bag.
-You are perfect, I'll tell you again, this dress is splendid on you and if you don't manage to catch Lesso tonight, I don't know what to do…
-Do you think she will like my dress? And my hair? Are they well placed behind?
-Okay, I'll let you finish, Emma shouldn't be long. We arranged to meet downstairs.
-Okay, thank you Cla, I love you, by-bye! you greeted her, having half listened to what she had just told you, too busy checking the folds of your petticoat.
A knock on the door made you jump. You looked at the clock which showed six o'clock. It was time. You took a deep breath, powdered your nose then opened the door with a huge smile, hiding your nervousness. In front of you, Leonora dressed in a magnificent three-piece sky blue suit, highlighted by silver jewelry, a bouquet of lavender in her hand was patiently waiting for you. You couldn't help but smile like an idiot when faced with her first date at fourteen.
-It's for me ? you pointed at the bouquet.
-No, it’s for the Grand Master. Of course it's for you, stupid, she handed it to you, a blush on her cheeks.
-They are magnificent, thank you Leonora, you ran to put them in a vase before coming back to her. “You look breathtaking in this ensemble, I really like it.”
-I can say the same thing about you, she leaned forward, a smile on her lips.
You grabbed her arm after placing a kiss on her cheek. You both entered the reception room, arms intertwined.
-We really did a good job with the decorations, you began.
-Absolutely, I think we deserve to relax from now on, she turned to you then invited you to sit down while she went to get a drink.
-Thank you Nora, do you think it’s alcoholic punch?
-You really didn't listen to anything during the meeting?
-Not really… you broke down in front of his mocking look. She toasted with you.
-Unfortunately, your arguments were not unanimous, so it will be fruit juice for everyone this evening!
-Too bad… What can we toast to?
-To the beautiful evening we are going to spend together?
-At this party, you conclude by taking a sip, dragging your gaze across the room. All the students were enjoying it, some on the track, others laughing among themselves. Nevers and Evers were mixed, without exception. You noticed Arthur in the company of another Ever, Snow White's son. He saw you and you waved at him. He responded with a thumbs up, looking absolutely delighted. This vision saw you smile. Agnes, a young princess, came towards you.
-Good evening Professor L/N, I came to thank you for yesterday’s dance class.
-You’re welcome, Miss Agnès, it was an immense pleasure to dance with you.
-Can I go overboard by asking you for this dance? she proposed. You glanced at Lesso who seemed absorbed in the curtains.
-With pleasure, you took her hand in yours, bringing her to the dance floor. After the traditional waltz, a jig began. You participated in it with joy, being your favorite type of dance. You looked around and saw Leonora still in the same place where you had left her. You ran to grab her hand and, without her being able to say anything, she found herself stuck between you and a teacher, hand in hand. You were laughing out loud, like most of the students. At first, she seemed to endure the situation but when the duet game came, a small smile appeared when you stood in front of her. You looked absolutely beautiful, hair flying, cheeks flushed, and a huge smile adorning your face. Everything was beautiful.
-Nora, I need to go outside, will you come with me?
-I'm following you, she let you move forward, before following in your footsteps through the school. All you could hear was the sound of your heels against the tiles and the distant sound of the music. You walked to the lake. You let yourself fall to the ground and Lesso hugged you, more delicately.
-The moon is beautiful, isn’t it? you turned to the redhead, who was looking at you. She looked ethereal in the moonlight. Her hair had been controlled for tonight and tonight only, in a tight bun. She was leaning towards you, her warm breath caressing your nose.
-She is… you leaned over her, sitting on her knees. You placed your hands on her cheeks. You searched her eyes for any sign of discomfort. But you only saw desire and… envy?
"Can I ?"
As her only response, she crushed her lips against yours. You felt yourself leaving, luckily she held you firmly by the hips, keeping you close to her. As you broke away to get some air, you looked into her eyes and read what you wanted to see there. Your lips attacked hers, biting them enough to make her groan. You slid along her jaw, wanting to taste every bit of her. You placed purple kisses on his neck, soothing the pain with licks. When you raised your head, you noticed that you were no longer in the garden, but in Leonora's room. She had teleported you here, so as not to be disturbed by anyone. That was the trigger. You took off her blazer and vest while she returned the favor, at the level of your neck and your décolleté. A moan escaped you, leaving no more doubt about the rest of the night.
You were woken up by the sun tickling your skin. You opened your eyes to see your beautiful redhead sleeping in front of you, one arm resting on your hip.
-Hello darling, you whispered, caressing her cheek.
-Hello, she groaned, opening her eyes with difficulty. In contact with the sun's rays, she went to hide in your chest.
-Slept well ?
-Mh yeah… she placed a kiss above your bare breasts. You chuckled, stroking her back.
-Nora, I…
-Yes ? she raised her head to meet your gaze.
-Do you want to be my girlfriend ?
-We literally just had sex all night, of course I want to be your girlfriend, she pulled you into a kiss, which made you smile.
You finally got it, this fairy tale.
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emsuemsu · 9 months
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@hprecfest day 29: post-canon
I had such a hard time to come up with recs for this! I feel like I say that about each and every one of these prompts 🥵 Like I could've had a field day with some good drarry content, but I wanted to talk about some of my favorite next gen/cross gen fics! These are not Cursed Child complaint I guess, since I don't really regard that as canon. Does anyone??? I don't read next gen as much as I'd want to, but these stories have a piece of my heart with them:
oh, i'm gonna let the future in by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion 🩵 41,480 words, scorpius/albus
Al doesn’t know what he’s doing. Not just with the new apartment, but with his life in general, and it doesn't help that his family quietly looks down on him. It feels as if they’re always waiting for him to do something spectacular, but without actually expecting it of him. They’ve given up on expecting anything of him. Al only speaks English, and he sings in the shower, badly. He likes tea, and he cleans when he’s stressed. He sees a therapist. He has a total of two friends, and one of them is his cousin. He isn’t smart; he’s simple. He wishes that could be enough.
🥹 it's been a while since I've related this much to a character in any form of media as I relate to Albus in this fic. And reading the comments to this story it seems like I'm definitely not the only one. That makes me personally feel pretty warm, like okay I'm not the only one who feels like a walking human dumpster fire at times. This is one of my all time favorite fics, I always come back to it for some comfort. It's so real and touching, the first time I read this I had to throw my phone away and sob just finishing the first part of the first chapter. It’s serving some certified middle child vibes. Lovelovelove this.
Brighter Than the Sun by @goldentruth813 🩵 12,842 words, draco/james sirius
James Sirius Potter is gorgeous. He's also half Draco's age. Getting emotionally involved with him would be a complete and utter disaster. Fortunately for Draco, he's had a lifetime of practice compartmentalizing his feelings. Draco can definitely handle fucking James—young, beautiful, rash James Sirius Potter—with no strings attached.
Now when I said I've read smut so good I've cried this is one example of that. This fic is so fucking hot in all the ways and more, I adore both Draco and James in this so much. And it’s not only the smut that gets you good in this fic – it’s the feels also. I’m absolutely wrecked by this fic. Now unfortunately the goorrggeeoouuusss art by @mzuul is no longer available for some reason, I have some hazy memories of the pieces and I’d give my hypothetical first born child to see them again 🥺
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louderfade · 8 months
if you decorated your apartment/house/homespace to be beige/grey/off-white/basically a noncolor i automatically do not trust you. why are you afraid of colors. why do you want to live in a realty photograph or a hampton inn. i asked my sister why people do this (she's my go-to for explanations of normies bc she would've been one except she does drugs and was raised by me so got early immunity from full frontal lobe shut down) and she said "people find it calming" like wow really how strange. expressing zero personality/taste calms them down? that shit makes me feel like there could be a threat lurking near. it puts me on edge. it sets off alarms in my instinct center. i feel like a dog who senses an approaching animal has rabies. warning: some shit is deeply wrong with this organism and they pose a threat to your well being. flee without engaging. my grandparents are 90 and conservative and even they had a house with colors and patterns and art they enjoyed. millennial apartments terrify me. our boomer parents were hit or miss with their ticky-tacky suburban houses. some of those houses had a soul but many didn't. "hanging stuff on the walls decreases the property value" and other such statements that prove you're already dead. millennials seem worse though bc they do it to rentals bc they LIKE it. maybe those old women haircuts all the girls had in hs in the 2000s (this is my fav gen z criticism of us millennials bc so fucking true in hs i was like wtf are these middle aged hairstyles how did this become cool everyone looks 35) are responsible for this particular variety of brain damage. from now on i believe in this link. 32 year olds live in light grey horror boxes bc sporting 40 year old hairstyles at age 16 makes you permanently boring and unable to display any taste or personality. these are people who get uncomfortable looking at art or when a friend cries. these are the people who say "i'm sorry for your loss" to a grieving person instead of "life is cruel af my brother no answers come still we must try to survive do you need a fierce hug at this moment or not also i brought you a xanax" like a real human being would. the craziest thing i ever saw my mom do was pay to paint our foyer "eggshell" when the damn walls were already white. this is actual mental illness. not me screaming in the road about how the modern world makes no sense and all the food is microplastic poison. not a single child on earth says their favorite color is light grey or dark white. your soul is sick if beige calms you down. i diagnose you with a severe deficiency of humanity. you need to be hospitalized and forced to discuss philosophy and engage with music until you remember what is valuable about consciousness, which is beautiful as well as cruel, both a gift and curse but it's worth it. i'd rather be awake and have to go to the hospital sometimes when it becomes too much and i end up sobbing drunk in the yard than lobotomized to the point of trading my precious time on earth for money i then spend on beige curtains and a sign that says "caution: caffeinating" to hang in the kitchen proving i am a corpse whose bland heart forgot to stop beating. i mean they shoot horses don't they.
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15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @andromedaexists! It's cool your names have connections to family and saints, and that you've tried so many things/sports. Your cats sound adorable (though this goes without saying for cats perhaps).
As for myself:
1. Are you named after anyone? Yes! My mom wanted to give me a "hippie" name like Freedom or Windsong or something, but my dad would have none of it. In one of their rare instances of compromise, they settled on naming me after a folk/pop singer who was big in the 70s. If I decide to change it at some point, I'll probably choose something very similar in spelling/sound.
2. When was the last time you cried? Like two days ago while thinking about a scene where a character experiences Gender Thoughts (positive). And the day before that while listening to talks on medieval history about humans being humans. Then last weekend, while watching Puss In Boots with my partner. Look, it's not outright sobbing and tears, but I do mist up a lot, okay? For someone who had to numb their emotions to survive much of their childhood and teen years, I appreciate this actually. That despite whatever pain I've experienced it couldn't stop me from recognizing and overflowing at the pleasure and beauty all around me.
3. Do you have kids? No, and no plans to. I'm content with my affection for the children of others in my life.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I think so? I definitely used to, though I think I've cut back on it significantly.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? The way they speak and how they communicate in general. Accents, idioms, whether they're confident (and if that confidence is bravado or well-founded), is their choice of words vibe-based or definition-based, etc. I'll recognize someone's voice before their face tbh. 😅
6. What’s your eye color? Brown. I get compliments on them.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Both? Depends on my mood. I always love a "hard-earned happy ending", though. Those Situations really did a number on my blorbos, but they kept on keeping on. That sort of thing.
8. Any special talents? Defying expectations, I guess? I often apply for jobs/sign up for experiences where the people in charge just go, Um, are you sure you're supposed to be here? And I'm like, Sure, why not, let's go. Then I do pretty well at whatever it is and they're impressed, mostly because they thought I couldn't/wouldn't stick around. People also seem to generally like my baking.
9. Where were you born? Northern California, USA.
10. What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, little art projects, video games, gardening, baking, thinking too much, harassing various invertebrates, sea creatures, and neighborhood animals with my affection/fascination
11. Have you any pets? A cat named Mimi! She was a stray I agreed to adopt from a friend on Discord while drunk. This remains my best decision made while under the influence.
12. What sports do you play/have played? I did martial arts for the last seven years, including fighting in like 4 tournaments. I put it aside since college takes a lot of my energy now. Also, training is expensive, and the culture around it sucks pretty often. I'd like to get back into it one day, just with people who value it for reasons similar to mine.
13. How tall are you? 5' 8". I'm too American to be measured in cm (joke joke this is a joke the metric system and I are buds).
14. Favorite subject in school? Before college, lit/reading. As an adult, I really enjoy history and anthropology related stuff too.
15. Dream job? Making a living off my silly little gay vampire stories. But I'd settle for translating fiction between Spanish and English.
Copy/Paste for mobile users: 1. Are you named after anyone? 2. When was the last time you cried? 3. Do you have kids? 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 6. What’s your eye color? 7. Scary movies or happy endings? 8. Any special talents? 9. Where were you born? 10. What are your hobbies? 11. Have you any pets? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 12. What sports do you play/have played? 13. How tall are you? 14. Favorite subject in school? 15. Dream job?
No pressure tags (and no pressure to answer any questions you don't want to ofc) @vacantgodling @korblez @space-cadead @afoolandathief @cljordan-imperium @late-to-the-fandom @thecyrulik @blind-the-winds @muddshadow @theskeletonprior @rosieartsie @letsmakeitwrite @k--havok @likegemstone @thatndginger
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gryffindorkxdraws · 2 years
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J A C K U N Z E L // Songs AU
Jack Frost x Rapunzel Corona
listen to the song here while reading hehe
Darling, don't move too much 'Cause you might break the things that you have touched But let me tell you, don't go too far And just enjoy this artistic room of ours
Jack insisted Rapunzel should cover her eyes before they go into their apartment floor. While she got curious and very much excited, she did as she was told with a groan and wrapped a handkerchief around her head. With this, she had to rely on Jack to led her the way. 
He had fun making her bump into walls and doors, but when she threatened she’ll finish his favorite lasagna he’s been saving in their fridge since yesterday, he stopped with a laugh. This time, he led her properly to their floor as they held hands.
This empty canvas, that they misunderstood I wanna paint you in it, but I'm not good 'Cause I wanna look at you when we are apart 'Cause you're not just a human being, you are art
When Jack opened the door, Rapunzel immediately asked if she could take the blindfold off. He teasingly scolded her for that and made her stand in the middle of the living room. From there, he went on a speech he prepared about how amazing of a person she is.
Rapunzel felt her eyes tear up at the suddenness of it all, but she only squeezed his hand tighter as he went on. He talked about how he loved everything about her. From the way her eyes light up every time an idea strikes in that beautiful brain of hers, to the way she dances like no one is watching in the kitchen and never fails to pull him in to join her.
So darling, darling don't be scared 'Cause even if I look everywhere Your colors caught my eye And you're my favorite sight to see
“You’re beautiful.” Jack finished. “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.”
“Jack? What’s going on?” Rapunzel asked as he felt his lips kiss her forehead.
“I love you.”
With that, he took her blindfold off and revealed how he turned their living room into a mini art gallery with all of her paintings. From old to new. But not only that, he even invited everyone they knew from friends to the baker they liked across the street. They all cheered and congratulated her for her very first art gallery show that she very much deserved.
It's from the way that you move And everything that you do And after that it's when I realize That I love you
This time, Rapunzel couldn’t hold back anymore and cried so loud that Jack pulled her in for a hug. She sobbed and snorted in her snot, and not once did he ever let go. He gestured for everyone to come in for a group hug to let Rapunzel know how loved she is. Of course, everyone happily agreed and went for it.
They all showered her with love, adoration, and compliments for both her and her paintings. And that those stupid art galleries that rejected her were missing out so much. While this made Rapunzel fill up with so much positivity and love, this only made her bawl louder.
You told me to look everywhere else But I said no, 'cause when I look at you My heart always melts So I stayed even though you're a mess 'Cause you're like drugs and with you Yeah, I'm obsessed
“Aw, don’t cry! You really do deserve this!” Merida head locked her and gave her a noogie.
“It was all Jack’s idea!” Anna chirped in and squeezed her cheeks. “So turn those tears into the radiant smile that very well suits your face!”
“Jack wouldn’t stop talking and planning about this that I wondered how in the hell did he keep all this from you.” Hiccup laughed and patted the blondie’s head.
“Alright, alright, as much as I love you guys giving her love, I’d very much like my girlfriend back.” Jack tried to pull her back in his arms, but the rest of them laughed and caused a mini tug of war.
So, darling, darling, don't be scared 'Cause even if I look everywhere Your colors caught my eye And you're my favorite sight to see
“But I must say, this painting suits my bakery.” The baker commented as the others looked around the art gallery. “I’ll ask Rapunzel if I can buy this.”
“Not if I buy it first for the library.” The librarian challenged, causing a light argument.
And Rapunzel was overwhelmed with everything going on. With her friends teasing and playfully fighting who gets to give her love, to the rest of the people admiring her works to the point of wanting to buy it. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this way when she was still under mother Gothel’s clutches in her childhood.
It's from the way that you move And everything that you do And after that it's when I realize That I love you
Not knowing what to do, she yelled for another group hug, making her friends stop the tug of war and get close for a hug. Jack was able to squeeze in and hug her directly at the front, and Rapunzel buried her face on the crook of his neck. She loved everything in this moment that she wanted to pause it, wrap it up for protection, and keep it in her pocket so she could carry it with her forever.
When Anna suggested a group selfie, everyone in the living room immediately gathered. They all tried to squeeze in to fit in to get in the picture, and while there were some pushing and pulling, everyone was laughing and having a good time. At that moment, Rapunzel knew she wouldn’t trade this or everyone for anything else.
Darling, darling, don't be scared 'Cause even if I look everywhere Your colors caught my eye And you're my favorite sight to see
for @jackunzel-time‘s event, week 2
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yeyinde · 2 years
The way you write reminds me exactly of the way Hozier writes lyrics, like pure poetry and art and it captures such raw and intimate humanness I’m so obsessed. I think you’re genuinely one of the best authors I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading from, I am being so fuckin fr when I say I’ve thought about bringing several different lines from several of your different pieces into a tattoo parlor and getting them inscribed on me. I feel like reading your work is watching Apollo pull his chariot across the sky, I know the ancient poets in your blood are so so proud of you; they thrive on your work just as they did their own when they lived. Thank you for writing, like genuinely holy shit. Do you have a Patreon or a kofi or something I can subscribe to to help support you? You don’t even have to post anything on the Patreon I just want to help support you as one artist to another— you deserve luxury for the color you bring into the world and if I could help provide that I would be honoured. And before you say you don’t deserve it— you do. Art in any form is what keeps us human, creating it and consuming it and everything else involved in the process. Expressing the human experience in written format is one of the oldest forms of love, it’s existed for millennia and you are continuing it. You are helping keep the essence of humanity alive by creating what you do, and you’re doing it so beautifully and eloquently. You deserve to be spoiled for such a gorgeous and fulfilling passion.
Are you trying to win my hand in marriage? Because comparing me to Hozier (which is illegal! You can't compare me, a foolish mortal, to my Lord and Saviour, Hozier; that's proper blasphemy!) and Apollo (my beloved), is exactly how you do it 😭
In all seriousness, this is so beautiful. I absolutely had to respond to this, or I would have kept it like a little treasure in my inbox for me to come back to over and over again (like the Griffin I'm wont to be), and I'm so sorry if this makes absolutely zero sense. I ugly cried while I read it, and now I'm tucked in with a tissue box trying to gather my thoughts.
I'm honoured, awed, and incredibly stunned by it all. I wish I knew the right things to say to capture this overwhelming rush of emotions that ran through me as I read it, but I don't have a strong enough grasp of the English language to do it justice.
I write egregious smut on a good day, and often consider my writing to be along the lines of "it's so bad it's good" like those trashy horror comedies of the late 2000s. But everything you said made me so weepy, and ridiculously happy. It's just so mind boggling to me that anyone at all could feel so highly about the things I write, you know?
I've spent so long trying to decide on which lines poetry I wanted on my skin permanently, and the fact that you have done the exact same thing over these silly little thing I type out on my phone is such a dizzying, and almost surreal, honour.
I do this as a hobby, and because I think if I didn't have some creative outlet, I'd go mad. It's just very cathartic for me, in many ways, and so I don't have a Patreon or Ko-fi. I don't think what I do is very meaningful outside of just being very fun and fulfilling to me, and so the idea of collecting anything from it (aside from making wonderful friends through it, and getting messages like this that make me ugly sob over a bowl of cold Soba on Thursday night) doesn't feel right to me at all. But I really do appreciate the thought; it's honestly such a high honour to have someone say they like what I do that much. And to me, the mere thought alone is more than enough!!!!
Just!!! Wow!!!!! I'm saving this to my phone to come to over and over again. It's so beautiful, and I'm overwhelmed, and so so so undeserving of such lovely words!!!
Thank you so much for this. It's genuinely one of the most mesmerising things anyone has ever said about my writing. 🖤
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who’s your favorite character in genshin impact and why?
Oh that's such a hard question! Genuinely can't pick just one.
I definitely have a Jean bias since she has such tired-mom vibes, but I'm also particularly fond of Zhongli.
He's just a tired old man who likes to tell stories and talk about rocks. You could feel his exhaustion bordering on listlessness near the end of the Liyue arc, and after that it's been really neat to see him taking time for himself. To explore, to experience, and to learn more about the world without the lens or appearance of divinity. He's lost so much, but he still chooses to do good with what time he has left.
Kazuha is another favorite. I found his arc particularly captivating and just love every time he's in a scene since the English VA Mark Whitten has one of the most calming voices I've ever heard. I could listen to him talk for hours. I already loved him through the Inazuma arc and his character story quest, but it was this last summer's Golden Apple Archipelago quest that solidified him as a favorite. The backstory with his family and his relationship with his dad was heartwrenching and beautiful. I cried. He's also my favorite in terms of gameplay. His crowd control is next level.
Recently I've really been on a Wanderer kick. He's swiftly found his place among my favorites. The gradual arc he's had since Unreconciled Stars to Inversion of Genesis wove him throughout the entire main story in a way that made the emotional payoff hit all the harder. I'm weak for redemption arcs (Zuko is my favorite in A:tla for similar reasons tbh) and I absolutely love his dynamic with the Traveler. Been doing lots of WanderLumi art recently haha. His relationship with Nahida is also so soft. I love her taking him under her wing like "Hi your mom left you? I'm your mom now. Therapy time."
Shenhe too. I was absolutely wrecked by her arc in the interlude before Inazuma. I was sobbing. That process of learning that she can create her own destiny and use her power for good. That she can experience bonds of friendship. That she is a full person deserving of love. I just think she's neat and deserves all the love and affection and friends and freedom in the world. Still waiting for that banner rerun.
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otrtbs · 2 years
a few weeks back i was at like a family dinner and my cousin (who is a writer herself) was like "what are u up to?" and i was in the middle of rereading art heist and i was like fuck it and told her the whole plot of art heist from beginning to the end with all the dramatics and made her read the brazil chapter
safe to say i cried while telling her and she bawled with me (she never cries) and we were sobbing messes in the middle of the fucking restaurant trying not to ruin our makeup
safe to say it was a beautiful, bonding moment
she also said you inspired her about something in her own nove
omg you made her read the brazil chapter?? ahhh
i'm glad y'all could have a nice bonding moment! i made some of my best friends through one direction fanfic in the day and i think that bonding over a fic is very sweet!!
ahh and tell her good luck on her novel !! <333 byeee
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