#criminal astrology
lychee-angelica · 2 years
serial killer analyses 🕷 vedic astrology
richard ramirez (the night stalker) 28/02/60 2:07am el paso, texas
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jyeshta ascendant, uttarabhadprada moon, mars-venus conjunct in shravana 3rd house
ascendant usually denotes basic personality & themes of life is seen by nakshatra. jyeshta nakshatra is a karaka of occult, ascendant in jyeshta gives reason for ramirez to be a self proclaimed satanist and claiming satanism to be a stabilising force in his life. moon in uttara bhadrapada further reinforces this as it is a karaka of occult and magic, and in some cases the mind expands past reality into realms of fantasy. mars-venus conjunct in shravana 3rd house ~ mars conjunct venus most likely explains why he attracted so many ‘fangirls’ following his arrest, writing him letters in prison (3rd house indicates communication & letters). also 3rd house represents communities & immediate environment, shravana is the karaka of walking, footsteps & listening carefully, mars in the case of a serial killer represents acts of violence. i think this is interesting as ramirez’s shoe prints were found at a numerous amount of his crime scenes, this was the most significant key linking factor of evidence for police investigation prior to eventually identifying & arresting ramirez
ted bundy 24/11/46 10:35pm burlington, vermont
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magha ascendant, moon-ketu-mars conjunct in jyeshta 4th house, sun-mercury-venus conjunct in anurdha 4th house, rahu in rohini 10th house
magha ascendant people usually are prideful and receive lots of recognition throughout life. additionally bundy’s 1st house lord (sun), is conjunct venus and mercury representing charisma and intelligence. this is gives reason to how his horrific criminal profile was heavily romanticised by popular media, inspiring many novels and films. alongside his “charming” & “intelligent” aura in trial which attracted a mass of public attention. rahu in rohini in the 10th house ~ the 10th house represents what one wishes & what one does in life, rahu represents immoral acts, deception, imprisonment, insatiable desires & pleasure seeking, rohini is the karaka of blushing women, fertile women & arousal. this gives reason to why ted bundy targeted specifically young & ‘fertile’ women as the object of his insatiable desires to commit such horrific acts. moon-ketu-mars in jyeshta ~ stereotypically this conjunction denotes emotional & internal issues, especially being in scorpio where moon is debilitated, this is a badly inflicted placement for moon. ketu-mars conjunct represents aggression and explosive acts of violence (when negatively inflicted), being conjunct with moon is very telling of someone with a “mindset of a serial killer”, emotionally (moon ~ mindset & emotions) desensitised (ketu ~  lack of attachment or care) to acting out in horrific ways (mars ~ violent acts)
jeffrey dahmer (milwaukee cannibal) 21/05/60 4:34pm milwaukee, wisconsin
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moon in revati 7th house, venus in krittika in 8th house
revati moon ~ like uttara bharapada the mind usually expands past reality and into realms of fantasy, this is due to revati being the last nakshatra & uttara bhadrapada the second last, both in pisces. venus in krittika 8th house ~ 8th house represents sexuality, secrets, death & addictions, venus represents love & beauty, krittika is a karaka of sharp objects like knives, cutting, cooking & eating. the story of dahmer was that he would lure men he found beautiful & sexually attractive to his apartment in order to commit his crimes, he also would eat & keep their skeletons as he said he wanted to feel closer to his “love interests”.
david berkowitz (the son of sam) 01/06/53 4:52pm brooklyn, new york
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mercury-mars conjunct in mrigasira 8th house 
mercury-mars conjunct mrigasira 8th house ~ one notable aspect of berkowitz’s case is that he would leave anonymous hand written letters beside his victims, eluding & taunting investigators as they were unable to catch him & describing himself as a monster. mercury represents letters & communication, mars again represents acts of violence in a serial killer’s chart, 8th house represents death, secrets & addictions, mrigasira is a karaka of searching, sensing & blending in with the crowd. a deer head is the symbol of mrigasira, deers strategically blend in with the herd & are innately cautious to not leave their scent in order to avoid predation. mrigasira is actually a soft & gentle natured nakshatra however malefic planets like mars can cause an inability to be soft or gentle 
ღ this is based off my personal observations and research. the astrological placements do not solely or inherently indicate one will commit criminal acts, i’m just interpreting placements i find in their charts ღ
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ninepentz · 2 years
Analyzing jeffrey dahmer & dennis nilsen natal charts
So I came across a serial killer named Dennis nilsen who reminds me a lot of jeffrey dahmer. I found some interesting information about them,
Dennis is a sagittarius pictured below
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Jeffrey is a gemini pictured below
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If you haven't heard of them, if you're into true crime I highly suggest watching some documentaries on them like I did.
I'll drop some links here of the ones I've seen:
Jeff dahmer
(have to pay to view this 1st one but it was one of the best docs)
Dennis nilsen
Both are gay serial killers who started killing in 1978, even though I believe they are 20 years apart (dennis being older then jeff) it's weird that they commited these acts in the same year, which got me curious about what the heck was going on in that time that could of caused this.
A few details I learned about them:
Jeff is from the US & Dennis from England. What caught my attention is that they look so similar & they also have similar backgrounds. What's different about each one is that dennis seemed more emotionally available then jeff did, I guess bc his motive wasn't just to kill.
Not only are they alike but apparently both of their 1st murder victims were named steven. Idk what that means in numerology or spiritually but the fact that they have so much in common freaks me out, like universally these 2 killers must of had a connection 🤔
Now to the juicy stuff..
(The aspects in their natals are right after this section)
I looked up that years birth chart from the time span of each of their 1st kills & the only thing that obviously stood out to me is that there was Uranus in Scorpio from june during Jeff's 1st murder continuing through December on dennis's 1st murder.
The birth chart on the day of jeffrey dahmers 1st kill below:
June 18th 1978
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The birth chart on the day of dennis's 1st kill:
December 30th 1978
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My thoughts..
It's so interesting that the moon and uranus was transiting into Scorpio for jeffrey dahmer on his day, with the sun conjuncting his natal sun.
& with dennis nilsen uranus was in scorpio still and venus was transiting into scorpio too which is also his natal placement, along with mercury conjuncting his natal sun & natal mercury on his night.
Now let's pull up their natal charts.
Jeffrey Dahmers natal below:
May 21, 1960, 4:34pm.
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Dennis Nilsens natal below:
November 23, 1945, 4am.
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My interpretation of all this..
What's crazy as I'm looking at both of their charts is that they apparently have libra risings almost at the same exact 19 degrees 🤯 + the same thing with their suns at 0°
Also the fact that they have sister venus signs is another thing that stands out to me + sister sign suns, like that should tell you how much sister signs are so alike imo.
For jeffrey dahmer he didn't have much scorpio besides his neptune but if his birth chart on astrotheme is correct then he had a 8H stellium. That's so spooky to me.
Neptune in scorpio: describes someone who isn't afraid to explore the dark side of things, they like uncovering the secrets that no one should know about. They are comfortable knowing what others don't know and hiding in the shadows, no one really knows who they are bc they keep so much to themselves.
Uranus in scorpio transit: Scorpio a sign that associates with occult, sex, deep topics, breaking the rules, risky things + adding that into planet uranus which is shocking, eccentric, different. Put them together & you get sex or interests that are shocking, insane, unique. Both of these serial killers were necrophiles.
Jeffrey's house placements/natal aspects:
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Venus trine saturn: Jeff knew how to conceal his true motives and interests, tastes, attraction.. he knew how to be perceived as a normal, regular, average looking person.. he strategically did not share much of his love life or any of that with anyone, it seemed like he was a nice, easy going, neutral person. He probably learned this behavior from his dad/past experiences, on how to not look like a crazy, unstable person. He did go the army and there they pretty much teach you how to survive in the world, how to defend yourself, how to take care of yourself, how to follow orders, practicing cleanliness and working hard. He gave off a pleasing and calm venusian/saturn vibe but little did anyone know who he was deep down
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Mars square jupiter: Prone to extreme excess, he may have been the type of person who covers up his awkwardness and uncertainty by overdoing things. They did say he was a class clown and would do weird/crazy things for attention in school and I think this aspects explains that. Instead of expressing his anger, passion, desire, energy in a healthy way, he ends up doing too much. This also describes his impulsive ways and taking reckless risks that could be embarrassing later on. Not a good aspect to have on top of aries moon/mars both in aries. He has strong compulsions that he could not tone down. He was probably very rude too like if someone didn't agree with him he would say the meanest things in the moment. Mars square jupiter to me would describe someone who doesn't care about the consequences of their actions, they're too impulsive to realize them. Can be extremely aggressive, rude, confrontational, somewhat disobeying the law/society's structures.
Having such different POV from everyone around him that he felt kinda isolated with his belief system, religion and passions. To me this also says he didn't respect other people's beliefs only his own, selfish.
Moon square saturn: This definitely explains his abandonment issues, maybe he felt abandoned by his dad or care giver in general. He didn't have care, love, support from his parents. He could be emotionally immature, which only further isolated him. Socially awkward, cold, unemotional, distant, depressed/depressing to be around is how someone would see this person. To me jeffrey dahmer had abandonment issues and trauma from being lonely and left behind, this not only happened with family but with his "friends" too. So mostly likely to avoid feeling abandoned again instead of facing his issues and healing them, he resorted to killing people and keeping them with him forever. That was his form of revenge and getting control over his emotions, instead of them controlling him or making him feel abandoned/unloved ever again. Tbh I understand not feeling cared for... he must of been hurt so much to go to this kindof extreme just to avoid feeling pain. His parents could have also belittled him a lot and either blamed him for things or damaged his sense of security.
One of the victims who escaped him did say that as soon as they mentioned to dahmer that they had to leave, dahmer had started to panick all of a sudden and tried to make them stay by force but they got away anyway.
Mercury square pluto: Extremely obsessive mind/tendencies.
A squared aspect to me shows excessive and unbalanced actions, does provide energy to whatever it's aspecting. So it's an active aspect.
This explains his love for exploring the unknown side of life, for forcing his way past what's considered acceptable. This aspect could also explain someone who stalks others, invades personal space in the most offensive/disgusting way, extremely controlling up to the way people think around them. Wasn't afraid to face the most darkest/occult-like things. He was private with his own personal life but when it came to his victims for example they didn't have any privacy or respect at all, dahmer basically took away all their rights.
To describe this aspect, imagine a private investigator who's supposed to be finding information about a specific event, this person would do more then they are even allowed to do. They will break rules, moral codes, disrespect the law, even do illegal things to get to the bottom of whatever it is they have to do. Like working off the clock and doing your own personal investigation. So socially acceptable behavior/ideas is something a person with this aspect would not have. It pretty much explains the fact that jeffrey dahmer enjoyed killing animals and dissecting their insides, no normal person would go to that length to fill their curiosities. And he continued with this behavior when he started harming humans as well, he was dissecting human hands from his victims and their organs etc. It's like he wanted to see how things worked, what action triggered a reaction. So like injecting acid into a human brain to see if they could be his "zombie sex slave" alive/obedient and unable to defend themselves was his goal. He did lots of experiments I'm sure. Not only that but I noticed that he was not afraid to face death or things a person should not ever see, he was completely comfortable having heads in his refrigerator, the smell of death in his apartment 24/7, even as a kid seeing roadkill didn't even phase him or replulse him like it would anyone else.. so that to me says his comfort level was extreme, he probably wasn't shocked by much tbh.
Moon square Mc: He probably felt unsupported by the people around him, like his comfort style was not relatable to the public. Maybe his emotions, his sense of security was not something everyone could relate to. It was visible to everyone that jeffrey dahmer was a unique, odd, strange person. He could of used people and bodies as a form of security, having them fully to himself, owning them, controlling them made him feel like he had a support system/safe place.
He did try to show off some of the bodies he had, apparently he had a kept a human head in a chest that his grandma gave him and he took that to work, keeping it in his locker. To me that is someone who is proud of what they've done and is showing it off like some trophy/reminder of the power they have. No one knew what was inside the chest but him and that made him feel powerful that he had FULL control of this poor person he mutilated.
His attachments were very different from everyone else's, like to an extreme extent. Most people have attachments to caffeine like me or other things like drug, food, codependency addictions.. but Jeff's was clearly much different..
Venus square uranus: Odd sexual/romantic interests, taste/type, he was probably attracted to odd people or just had unique interests that you would look at him and say "there's no way he's interested in that, he looks like such a normal guy"
This aspect doesn't have to be sadistic like Jeffrey's interests, in general it could explain someone who ends up with partners that are much different from themselves. Like a normal quiet, attractive, man with a crazy, weird, unconventionally attractive woman. So basically is shows an attraction to uniqueness, to a unhealthy extent. In Jeff's case and since this is a squared aspect he had odd even shocking romantic/sexual attraction to death/people. Unusual interests, very specific type and open minded enough to try things sexually that no one's done before, testing the limits of your sexuality. Jeffrey dahmer was so sexually advanced and charged that he probably needed to do crazier and crazier things overtime to keep him satisfied and interested. He probably never had a stable love life if one at all.
Jupiter trine pluto: To me this aspect explains that he enjoyed being in the company of people who were much different from him, with different backgrounds, probably sexual attraction to foreign people. Many of his victims were poc, I think he felt powerful around poc for some reason. Like he knew the power and influence of his "whiteness" that's just my opinion idk how true that is tho, if he used his position to get away with everything. He said in an interview that it wasn't about race and just about how people looked but who knows. Back in the 1970s and 1980s I'm not sure how much racism was a thing back then. If you know anything about that I would love to hear your thoughts.
Moon trine uranus: This could be someone who is comfortable with being different and unique, maybe their emotions were erratic and highly changeable, very smart/intuitive tho. This could be another reason he got away with so much bc he was able to think on his feet and come up with lies on the spot but that could also be enhanced by his mercury/sun conjunction in gemini. They are such good smooth talkers. This aspect also explains that he was not your average monogamous driven person, he liked to have a variety of different interests and probably unique relationships. Like dating their friends, being polygamous, just overall having an unusual love style. His emotions were prone to being quickly triggered and then just as quickly disappearing as if nothing happened. People would have a hard time trying to understand or pin point his emotions. If he was nervous or anxious he could display a straight emotionless face, which makes sense bc even after the police was inside his apartment he was able to manipulate them well enough to believe his lies and not be suspicious.
Taurus in the 8th house: This is an interesting placement, it could explain his intense interest for physical features and sex. He would admire people's bodies after they deceased, he would pose them and take multiple pictures of them in different stages/positions. Arching their back to show off their figure, showing off their l private parts, their abs, skin, faces etc. In the tiktok links I posted the woman describes something like this, def check that out. This could also describe why he liked to eat his victims, like arousal from eating them. Both taurus and 8th house/scorpio are extremely sexual. This could be another reason he preferred to have full control of his victims, so they were not allowed to talk back, fight back, ask for anything in return, he just wanted to have full authority and rulership. He also had a very specific type in people, he paid close attention to every small detail of their bodies and features, he had favorites. His favorite people would stay with him and the ones he didn't want he discarded like trash or just let them free all together.
Taurus possession/greed, Scorpio obsession/control. He has his 2nd house in scorpio and 8th in taurus, to me that's so on point for jeff.. it's hard to explain but if you know anything about astrology you would know why those placements stick out.
Pisces in the 6th house: I think jeff was very spiritual and ritualistic, even delusional when it comes to his daily routine. Like he really believed that if he ate a certain victims body part, it would mean that the person would stay with them forever. For him it wasn't enough to just take their life, r*pe, control them.. he needed to consume them as well to feel even closer to them (8h taurus things) he was also into astrology to, or atleast his own zodiac sign. Bc his favorite movie to watch that apparently put him in the mood to find victims was exorcist 3. The main character was called the gemini killer and I looked into the movie to see what it was about and some sick things were said in it that I bet jeffrey dahmer practiced on his actual victims... he was very impressionable and probably worshipped evil entities/figures. 6h Pisces could also be someone with boundaryless, unorganized, health routines?? Like if this person was unhealed they would do lots of drugs, drinking, not brushing their teeth/showering etc stuff like that. If anything they would pay least attention to details and be kinda unaware of their bad habits. Or it could be the other way around like they cover up all their bad habits to seem perfect when they are far from it. He also did try to connect with the dead, I read somewhere he would have seances with an ouija board when he was younger.
Dennis nilsens house placements/natal aspects:
In the process of adding new info and stuff like that so come back soon so you don't miss any updates!😊
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Mars conjunct pluto: My 1st thought on this aspect is annihilator, this person was aggressive, deep, intense, bold, if they're mad at you I would stay far far away. I feel like someone with this aspect would not be afraid of confrontation, if anything they are the ones everyone's afraid of. His expression/passion is straight forward and he wants to explore the dark depths of everything that peaks their interests. My personal opinion is that mars conjunction pluto would automatically make someone a killer/prone to be. If that's not it then they have the potential to be that if you're a threat or give them a reason to become aggressive.
Travis the chimp has this aspect...if you haven't heard of him I suggest looking him up. Travis the chimp I think knew that his owner was giving him medications (xanax) to calm down and go to sleep and he didn't like it so he blew up and lashed out on his owners best friend who came to help her get Travis under control. He should have never been domesticated but the reason I bring him up was bc he severely mutilated his owners best friend.. ripping her face off, biting her fingers off and he would not stop for anything. Even after being stabbed in attempt to stop him.. that should explain to you the intensity of mars conjunct pluto.
Their anger is quick, fast reactions, suspicions, high energy, physically or energetically strong, assertive. He was possibly passive at some point in his life and would do so much for others but eventually things were not reciprocated end up building resentment and resorting to forcing their way, having this obsessive need to get your needs met. He was possesive, jealous, controlling. In the documentaries they mentioned it was less about sex for dennis and more about the company but with this aspect I feel like his sexuality must have been very strong...
Moon conjunct mc: I think this aspect would describe someone who is so sensitive to the feelings of strangers and the public, they might be easily affected by their surroundings esp during childhood. He did have some traumatic experiences as a kid like his mom asking him if he wanted to see his grandpa (who was his fav person), only to realize his grandpa was dead in a box... idk about you guys but I wonder if she did that on purpose to hurt his feelings. But that situation definitely has affected the way he viewed relationships in his adult life.. he started to associate love, peace, trust, safety with death.
Moon conjunct saturn: His emotions were very repressed, not to say that he wasn't an emotional person but it sure seemed like it on the outside. He was probably constantly reminded of his past and all the mean nasty things he's done and what was done to him. His mother must have been very cold and not nurturing, which left him very Insecure and unloved. He has always felt like the responsible one when it comes to nurturing himself and parenting himself since no one was around to do that.
In the documentary of dennis nilsen his mother said she felt uncomfortable around him and was "repulsed" so unlike all the other kids he didn't receive the same affection as the others. She tried to explain this as if it's his fault for her not being a good mom tho..I personally as a mom idc if me and my child have differences I will always be there to make them feel loved and secure. I think his mom was very stern with him and treated him like a worker bee.
Mars conjunct saturn: With this aspect maybe his sexual desires were held back a bit, he could have either had strong discipline or just felt like he wasn't able to preform bc of overthinking, constant self judgement. For some reason he felt it was his duty to be there for others and be the responsible person. Maybe he did too much to help others or become likeable, which pushed everyone away.
Mars conjunct mc: He had the strong desire to make his public life something he put a lot of effort into, he wanted to be recognized, respected, seen for all his good qualities. Strong, passionate, bold, adventurous, independent. Sometimes he may have been seen as selfish and overbearing. They did say on his documentay that he had a good job and on the outside looking in, he just looked normal. It was probably bc he had a lot to hide, so this mars conj mc was a cover up for his real life/interests.
Venus square pluto: A person with this aspect might have an unhealthy obsession with whoever they find attractive, they fall in love easily/deeply, become infatuated with people to the point of stalking. This person has deep control issues that stem from jealousy and insecurities. I feel like dennis nilsen may have been intimidated by alive people, bc humans in general have free will and are able to do whatever they please. But a passive unalived person would not be able to pose a threat to him or hurt his ego, so it's like he wanted to kill all competition and any uncomfortable feelings that may make him feel inferior like he has in the past.. there may have been some trauma related to that, feeling helpless and inferior. So that's why he overpowers others instead of expressing himself in a healthy way.
might be a very complex person in general and no one really wants to take the time to get to know all their layers so they end up feeling isolated and weird.
Mars semisquare uranus: his actions/energy may have been unpredictable and messy, one sec he was fine next minute he was not. This may have been what turned people away from him, he may have acted strangely at the worst moments. Making inappropriate comments or doing inappropriate things. He could of been highly intuitive with his actions/assumptions, but other people were sometimes not as ahead of time as he was so everyone seen him as a crazy unstable person. He was probably impatient and not always reliable
2nd house in scorpio/8th house in taurus: He basically craved loyalty, security, love, intimacy. So he got that by finding the perfect person and making that his main goal. What was valuable to him (same thing for dahmer) was having a loyal, subservient, solid, predictable person in their lives. All they wanted was the assurance that whoever they loved wouldn't leave them, not question them, completely trust them.. trust is something that was hard to find for these two people. I bet they were so intense and strange that people felt unsafe around them. But overall with the 2h Scorpio + 8h in taurus, to them possessing a person was the end goal. They were obsessed with having a physical, tangible, person/thing there with them, it gave them so much security to know they had full control over someone.. even if it was by force.
Here's some videos from tiktok I came across👇
This woman apparently was in a criminal justice class taught by the detective who interrogated jeffrey dahmer. Soo freaking interesting. I've never heard of any of these details she's describing bc there's so much law enforcement didn't share with the public about jeffrey dahmer.
I did some digging and found some of the polaroids😲, please only click the link below if you're ready for what you're about to see..
*NOT for sensitive viewers*
Knowing this now just brings it all into perspective about how evil and insane jeffrey really was..
For now this is what I've got so far while looking into these people, i'll be doing more research and adding new info when I find out more. So I hope you enjoyed it😊 If you did lmk I might do more. Serial killers are something I find interesting to dissect bc it's crazy that someone could end up being so evil/immoral + adding my love for astrology to that is another plus bc it validates how accurate astrology really is.
End note:
I checked astrotheme for jeff and dennis's birthdays and I guess they are all verified and the most accurate. Wow, thankful to whoever found that information
✨️Nine of pentacles✨️
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sreehari28 · 1 year
Unveiling the West Memphis Three Case: Astrological Insights! Join us on a captivating exploration of the West Memphis Three case, one of the most captivating and controversial criminal cases in history. In this forensic astrology video, we delve into the mysterious and complex circumstances surrounding the case, aiming to shed light on the astrological aspects that might provide additional insights into this enigmatic tragedy. The West Memphis Three refers to the group of three teenagers convicted in 1994 for the brutal murders of three young boys in West Memphis, Arkansas. Their arrest and subsequent trial ignited debates on justice, eyewitness testimony, and media sensationalism. Amidst a backdrop of satanic panic, the case took on a dark and sinister complexion, with alleged occult symbols and the suspects' connection to heavy metal music. We explore whether the celestial alignments at the time of the crime offer new perspectives. By analyzing the birth charts of the accused, victims, and other relevant individuals, we aim to uncover hidden connections and patterns that might illuminate the West Memphis Three case. Join us on this astrological journey as we contribute to the ongoing search for truth and justice. Subscribe and hit the bell to join us on this gripping exploration. Let astrology charts become windows to hidden revelations as we unveil the West Memphis Three case through the eyes of Joshua MacGuire, also known as Joshua the Psychic.
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flaminghotjareau · 2 months
criminal minds astrology headcanons:
emily: we know she’s a libra and though at first i would’ve seen her more as an aries, i can see the libra too (but yeah she’s definitely the aries/libra axis to me)
jj: taurus 100000%
garcia: aquarius (with maybe a pisces moon or mercury and some fire rising idk)
elle: capricorn
tara: sagittarius (she’s giving me major mutual sign vibe)
kate: gemini
alex: virgo (maybe scorpio rising?)
seaver: scorpio (or any water sign tbh)
reid: pisces
morgan: leo
hotch: cancer
rossi: virgo (or gemini, something mercurial)
gideon: scorpio (i’m not very inspired ngl but it could fit)
my asks are open if anyone wants to discuss this!
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belpheg0r-luna · 2 months
As a Capricorn rising woman the vibe I'm giving off is Aaron Hotchner and you will deal with it accordingly
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nightguide · 15 days
Look at the chart from the rising sign beginning with aries and go from rising to eighth house to complete the restorative cycle of the heart so heres what you get:
1. Aries rising = Scorpio 8H
2. Scorpio rising = Gemini 8H
3. Gemini rising = Capricorn 8H
4. Capricorn rising = Leo 8H
5. Leo rising = Pisces 8H
6. Pisces rising = Libra 8H
7. Libra rising = Taurus 8H
8. Taurus rising = Sagittarius 8H
9. Sagittarius rising = Cancer 8H
10. Cancer rising = Aquarius 8H
11. Aquarius rising = Virgo 8H
12. Virgo rising = Aries 8H
Okay, so now look at your degree of the sun sign. That’s your actual sign, only the sun’s degree because the attitude of the degree changes you, so this is the alternate way of looking at your birth chart based on your life, so all planets except the sun follow the traditional astrology route except the sun’s degree.
So it naturally flows between the angle of the sun to society following abridged to personal development based on the new theory (name yet to be thought)
Because the traditional standards tell a story of the new prolific standards of the heart, it shows you what exactly happened in their lives without overly progressing worldly matters so if i can say my degree theory overputs this standard model from the traditional astrology physics from aries to pisces, then it's as it goes if i challenge my new model with it to apply to all planets except the signs of the planets does not change except the sun because sun in being changes as we progress now speaking we're in Gemini season (27/05/24)
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now apply my theory, you'll get an accurate description of what you are than what you do because traditional astrology doesn't ask you what you should not be doing except what you should actually be doing (only embracing what you do but why do it = fulfilment of the heart which is why it changes with the sun because the sun is what follows the energetic foregrounds of human living, it was only discovered when i was in actual heartbreak that i made a living in doing what i can to protect others from falling into a ground where doing actually matters instead of knowing your self worth because all areas of astrology never implies matters in thinking for yourself because:
it only follows signs other than where leo should be at:
traditional astrology = neptune
medieval astrology = nothing. they don't even want to guide you but make you into a being of pure hate, which is why the tradition then died out with me calling them out of their bullshit because medieval astrology is confused astrologers right now who are making no sense into what they're talking about by not actually acting on their own suggestions.
Vedic astrology = mars
electional astrology = mars
horary astrology = venus
Chinese astrology = mercury
financial astrology = sun + venus
mundane astrology = jupiter
western astrology = saturn
evolution astrology = jupiter + uranus
Tibetan astrology = uranus
Hellenistic astrology = jupiter
Genethliac (natal) astrology = they don't follow it
Locational astrology = venus + mercury (heartbreaker's mother)
Medical astrology = pluto
derivative astrology = mars + pluto (where i have discovered my degree theory from) ⭐
draconic astrology = sun + uranus (what i actually got it from) ⭐
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okay, this is the birth chart of actor Matt Smith (hello Haffy, this ain't a sin if you're doing it for the love of Allah because like everybody else, i was struggling to commit to my heart to Allah because of how hard life made me believe in Allah, Muslim women are predominantly the worst ones effected due to how much resentment they get from being themselves, so it's a virtue for me to look at this and feel at peace knowing i can read and do whatever i want as long as i know Allah (heart)
so, Matt is actually a Taurus. with a 4.44 (capricorn degree) sun. that makes him more diligent in emotional expression than he is in person, he makes his heart happen by being in a heartbreak which he is not actually used to, his methods of going about life is like (don't break your own heart, Haffy) 'look at what i have' and it will just be his person of honour (wife) and he will not give two fcks unless a man tells him off, he's much more sincere if someone were to... break him down from Hollywood if he was going to go home because naturally, he does not listen to his own heart because he thinks the heart will not go 'to heaven' because by moralistic belief, he believes in the old Jehovah's witness style of living than he is of dying, so Haffy. he's not into American's when America is into you, if i say you're big then you are big, by amounts of heart you can give or take, he actually goes by heartbreak if it was sincere to the heartbreakers life if actually questioned into moralistic belief of 'who made you do it' to 'how did it happen', Matt's code of honour is placed within the virtue of his wife is she lets it be because she knows and establishes the moral of conduct on behaving like an angel on his behalf to accept nothing in the expense of her own death (Jehovah's style), therefore he will never see reason until she breaks him right now, Matt. your Dad is well aware of what you're doing, he reads my Tumblr like a newspaper every morning, he likes my insights because he is the kind of man who will bring new concepts into this world by taking out the old. he is an inventor by pure chance all because he scorns the old beliefs by natural suppression, he does not believe in the commodity of age and likely disparity of the conversation being held here because like your dead father in law, he does not care except the conversation between life and death took place after you're 'trying to find a family' that already exists by melting down my own concerns, you don't believe in a common Islamic notion but your own narrative that you will not care to find unless i am deceased because in every single way, you don't want to stand alone and think naturally doing what is best for you except you will never do what you think is best for me, you don't want to try unless the common woman dies and only men and men alone are there to build a new inquisition to... please the father... that you.. wanted... to befriend. with... after... the methods of... the practical.. physical... becomes.. metaphy...sical? are.. you.. trying to... create a... new Islam.. by founding.. another mans project.. and say it's just...two men and one dead.. woman.. because the natural concept... of a God is woman and... she should be... dead for... it, like Matt openly admitted that this is the true concept of life when your narrative should only be based on dreams carried on when you know, you know, so it's technically a devout chinese to biblical methodology carried by a Christian sect that openly shames for this kind of thing because your ideas does not generate upon mindless reason but your ideas generate all because your Dad is willing for you to get back with me but you're too insecure on living it except you need a traumatic moment with one of your families (personally the father) to physically rape you into reason because your mind isn't complete without separation that will cost you your life (hence the 4.44 degree) meaning, you do know what to do and you're more worthy in actually doing it, but you're too ignorantly led on 'another idea' which always leads you back into your intrusive thought right now is that 'he could come anytime cuz Riaz (father in law) never lies'
you do realise that my Dad is a Muslim, he ain't one of your sociopathic-evangelical traditionalists, like my Dad died of a heart failure and you're subsiding that because another case that is leading you to solid corruption isn't going to make me do everything for you while you prance around New York or LA like that because your sick and twisted film drama Bunny Munro is actually going to be the death of you when you're inhibiting a character's traits like mine if i cannot physically plan to get out because you're too insecure to find a way to beat Cillian's accolades for it than just one NTA (national television award) for it.
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like this is what your Dad wants to actively tell you everyday if you were with him because when he is physically around because HE WILL limit you, he will restrict you for not speaking against his best interests, he has a heart to guide you but you're not too diligent enough to learn because since my father passed away, i had to learn to cope with my heart because he of anyone had a heart greater than mine because at 17 years old, nobody had the strengths or feats to learn more than he did because he was the one to see me but knowing what it's like to lose a parent is you losing your sense of disparity in learning what it's like to grieve because a man like you have everything you can to give but you grieve over 'nothing', you'd expect to let your father pass away because your job offers no condolences but to rub into Cillian's face if you win for 'existing' because old Hollywood defines on recognition from 'the father' when it's really critically acclaimed by heart and heart only, the world does not revolve around you and neither does your thoughts will do anything to shift me off angle as you do because your Dad will settle you straight by you not acting as you should because you DO have a filter around you 'in being' because you don't really know what it's like to see your father decay with every appointment he goes to or when he oversleeps everyday only to eat so much to eat so little, he adds little to too much salt in everything he eats and his weight gain does not go over 8 stone. his weight never improved. his weight never actually helped except the fact that he was cannula fed with nutrients every single appointment going or how many insulin injections he kept taking (your Dad is reading as i speak). My Dad had too many medications and nothing prevailed him except habit and he was cutting down on cigarettes, was actually improving til he collapsed on late June til his death on early July, his last words to me you sick bastard, was one when he wasn't on breathing apparatus to the day before he died. one was 'i love you' and the day before he died, Friday 8th July, 'how are you?'. Those were his last words. Your Dad is my highest priority to honour because i am devout on my trust and reason to live, my Dad was more than a champion to me and i speak of him very fondly, even before committing to the ideal of a husband i always wanted, i'd always dream i would find a champion like he is to me and tell him 'the story never ends' like he always taken me to car boot sales with me and my brothers and he always loved finding things that he may find of use to him and brag about the expense of his heart when looking at what he found compared to what he never found before, like money is absolute to him if he lived a different life, he's into DIY and likes to get his hands on things so often, knows his engineering physics and always looking for a reason to improve his home, he was finding a reason to talk when he went from plumbing to decorating, like the man has his sense of honour when a man does it, he knows how to treat his heart like he had a gift to bring and that's every father's joy when seeing his heart look too influenced in writing this of heart that someday he (my father in law) may take inspiration because i am of what he (my Dad) made me.
degree theory:
aries: (1, 13, 25)
Scorpio: (2, 14, 26)
Gemini: (3, 15, 27)
Capricorn: (4, 16, 28)
Leo: (5, 17, 29)
Pisces: (6, 18)
Libra: (7, 19)
Taurus: (8, 20)
Sagittarius: (9, 21)
Cancer: (10, 22)
Aquarius: (11, 23)
Virgo: (12, 24)
okay, there is another conversation about this and this is likely because the world of conspiracy theories will lead you to Celebrity/Fan image of the world if you're a thinker and a feeler, like there is a completely different subject when knowing you are a celebrity or person of influence that would get you thinking why Muslim's are not easily persuaded because they don't believe in fame the way non-Muslims do, they believe in honour that they know they're going to die physically one day and theres nothing they can do about it because it is physically evident in seeing a graveyard as a reminder of where they're headed to what they regret not doing, so they make everyday their last day which is why their life is consisted in following the female voice (respecting their parents honour) because their code of honour lasts for generations because Muslims are so precarious on what they say or speak that they limit on living by expanding on what they say or do because it is a generational habit they they pray on time or that they fast or that they greet the sick or that they attend a funeral so much to when you discover that they don't actually do so much when you believe in what you say or believe because they don't want people who make a mockery of their religion to be part of the family.
so the Islamic ideology is rooted with 'be and it is'
36:82 إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُۥٓ إِذَآ أَرَادَ شَيْـًٔا أَن يَقُولَ لَهُۥ كُن فَيَكُونُ ٨٢
All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is! — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
so it's a strong method to concern what does not have to change is what you should leave to Allah (swt), so it is separated in the the version of which i put my degree theory into that helps you grow.
i based the degree theory off following the rising sign from aries to every 8th house to 12, not 13. (Ophiuchus is not included because the heart of that sign goes back to the Ya'sin (heart in heaven but it is YASEEN because it actually helps with the modality of heartbreak)
so the signs that separate the quote is living and Hollywood calls them Muslims but they follow it with HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD
broken down this is acutely the strongest way to follow Islamic academia without making knowledge 'haram' as it became nowadays because Hollywood actually made the world more convenient to heart for Muslim's to reject it.
'BE' (Hollywood)
Aries (self worth)
Scorpio (in love)
Gemini (heart in heaven)
Capricorn (don't forget)
Leo (tomorrow life)
'AND IT IS' (Undead)
6. Pisces (sleep)
7. Libra (virtue)
8. Taurus (self worth)
9. Sagittarius (aakhirah (meaning 'afterlife')
10. Cancer (sibling in hell (hope)
11. Aquarius (life)
12. Virgo (fiction)
you can now see that the degree theory and heartbreak does not exist and i call it 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR'
I subsequently name it after a cartoon from Disney XD called 'Star vs the forces of Evil'
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it actually follows the same journey of a Princess from Mewni looking for a home on Earth when she literally enjoys fighting monsters and falls in love with Marco because in 2017, i was a heavy Starco shipper, i loved them too hard that i stopped watching cartoons all together to remake my own life, which is why i don't care to have a symptom named after me either cuz all i cared about is getting my wand back together to rule Mewni cuz this exists!
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you can go ahead and believe in a dream when all of your dreams are made of cartoons, like heck, do what you want so it's called the the 'Mewni code of honour' or just to make it defined more loudly and proudly 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR' because i am British. and Brits challenges the feats of the world because their accents are 'be and it is', like have you ever seen the inbetweeners and wonder why American's are scared of British people coming at them, like glad you know that American's forfeit the British legion as much as Taylor's British inquisition ended at Alwyn dumping her and she wrote the The Tortured Poets Department after the psychology made after when two people have sex and it all ends there because seeking values at times got Kelce (Kansas native) thinking why his mother loves him so much after he granted his first deposit, not only after the team (Kansas City Chiefs) was gaining position after position, no. Taylor sponsored the entire team because they will not take the hit after Kelce (Kansas native) made it an allegiance to the public eye that they will win after emotional string felt lines touched by gameplay made his Mom tell him off for existing before Swift came in, no. His mom was telling him off his entire life that he will never make it until debt free heartbreak came in and she acknowledge A RELIGION with a duty free slap from God that made him win every league all because his debts were due to the one writing it right now for putting him on site that made no fandoms more allegory than it is articulate for making sounds look like little children she wanted in the form of cash. cuz any Mom will want cash, any Mom will want to have their debts cleared for life, which is why she dreamed of moving to the UK for reasons listed:
UK is known to be in the middle of the equator, so when i discovered this degree theory. It will help 'her' (generalising everybody) in finding ways to accumulate knowledge by travel, so if she goes to anywhere in the UK, she will find sense that she's talking with more honour by giving into herself more like i am, she will want to start a blog by making stuff up by listening to what her heart desired most because desires are now more neutral here than anywhere else and
it is more safer travelling to Arab countries without being questioned for identity because Smith's identity is now exposed as the idiot that made him on there look famous only for him to redact and remonstrance an orderly effect on the way we're (Muslims) are supposed to be like because everybody wants to issue a recreance towards heartbreak.
so where and how does the names derive itself:
EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR - time zones lie in the middle for the BST (British Summer Time) after it went forward an hour 2 months ago, it makes travel much easier after Wintertime (begins from the shortest day of the year til the clocks go forward) to spring and from summer (longest day of the year til clocks go backward), time zones do not matter in the web of mind to heart when allocating marriage because separation anxiety breaks rules within itself, so Matt, listen. you got a mind and heart, that does not make you lose it when you're with me because i have more facts and knowledge i have discovered that no one will take away from me or neither kill me for it, because i am destined to break the world with my innova- no, it's just purely reason and i was born in Belfast (Northern Ireland) so if you look at the grounds i was born on cuz Belfast natives don't want to make things up but they rely on the greatest roots of being that they challenge the world for it (physics) and the nature of my Eros sign is on Pisces 5.39 meaning i actually care deeper than i should compared to any other sign and this my natural state of being when i am separated from you (body to honour physics of a metaphysical structure of the heart during heartbreak) so that makes me a Pisces than i am an Aquarius sun native due to my Taurus's inability to have because my Mars is where i am at because i am more fair there than i am here because that is another whole set of knowledge i am willing to put (Inshaa Allah) on there because you're not going to curse me for putting you on there because your Dad values me more than he values you because it's a shame that i made myself more necessary because all i have to do to condone my Islamic physics is reveal myself makes you makes me but not me this time, you more attracted to your Dad now than i am to... what do you think of me, i did not do this for you, you don't collect my virtues of status like a subconscious pig you made me type before i typed in... 'because'? because you wanted to be more famous from me which is where the 'STAR' part drives in the fact that Star from the show is beating up Ludo, a birdlike character that does not want anything to do with the show but curse the... what? so apparently, Ludo's logic drives the same direction as Matt's when i was annotating his Sun in Taurus 4.44 (Capricorn degree) and his ideology on human matters driving into the world of Tom Cruise's Church of Scientology because evidence is all around you that thank God, my entire Ummah (brotherhood of heart) knows how to figure out what is good and what is evil and wait til i crack down on what Scientology's roots come from up until the point where i tell your him that you don't even matter because science will break you down like an atom because good energy exists ('PHYSICS') and bad energy exists, people want what they're looking for unless you want to be acknowledging a new level of basis that does not exist which does not even attribute to society than just making the states of laws so mediocre that they would just accept what you would call 'Islamic ideology' and it would just be the same as this quote here:
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like.... you.. don't even make... sense.
'EQUATORIAL' - equator in the middle of the Earth of the commoner's kingdom (Israel)
'PHYSICS' - logic by law
'OF' - making sense to be
'THE' - God knows you're valuing a heart to break
'STAR' - woman coded logic, you always go back to your wife (married) or mother (separated or just not even looking at your heart) and it also means 'mother' because you know when it's best to break your own heart (male) when you have to give back. The code for women following it is that they 'be and it is' (father's honour to his heart and daughter's honour to follow for her mates heart to become her)
i made this look like a fckin fashion project because i know fashion more than anything as i have been en-route to the course in education from 2014 - 2022.
the bias of the project is always attain the reason of 'why?' and explain it to them like as if you were explaining it to the examiner who is a literal dumbass. the examiner does not know anything and you have to have the balls to teach them everything from roots to become, cuz what the hell are you even here for? what is your philosophy and why does even oxygen make you for being, cuz you're not leaving this Earth without making a scene too big for Earth to value you but you make a route to other learners to follow on as if you're 'the shit'. Make your bloodline look strong by making them look shit cuz it is a race for hearts in the end.
go ahead, make a blog and tag me. i'll challenge you to challenge me because your minds is as good as mine😊
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mindfloating · 1 month
may be an unpopular opinion but i do see emily prentiss as a libra, i definitely think she has something in scorpio, probably mars, but her sun does makes sense
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bijoumikhawal · 10 months
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goinggoats · 3 months
I know I can't talk shit as someone who reads fanfiction but any time I see a tiktok about fanfiction I am forcefully reminded that other people's idea of fanfic is not "what if character you liked went through the painful realization that their parents were trying their best and still hurt them, and also there was an extended metaphor about trains or stars or ghosts"
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remornia · 10 months
I was intending to go to college for forensics (specifically pathology but then my dumb ass realized I'd have to go to medical school to become a pathologist and I barely got thru normal school as it is) and the amount of "forensic psychology" bitches there that specifically cited their interest in true crime as the reason they were going into it like Let's cut to the chase shall we. What's your opinion on schizophrenics?
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
it’s like UR IN MY BRAINNNN!! and know my brain worms. and want to make me lose my marbles. jara. tebecca. i am screaming and crying and dying? my god. and that’s just one chap. pls tell me smut is coming 🙏🏻 amazing fic as always from u ugh so good
There is DEFINITELY more coming (and if all goes well... All three of them will be coming 🥵)
I actually started this after the first two episodes dropped, but I also had covid and all that so I sort of forgot!! But found it today and suddenly was like I gotta finish this one-shot then Rebecca got involved and suddenly it's the old thing of: 'THIS IS MORE THAN A ONE-SHOT NOW!!'
Bc it's so very hard for me (a polyam queer) to write jealousy/ultimatums in fic. Too much of that already in the world. Let's just have some threesomes instead!
Also please imagine JJ and Rebecca getting on famously and then ganging up on Tara in terms of like making sure Tara is taking care of herself and stuff and she's like 'I fuckin made a mistake letting the two of you get close' 😤 Not that you asked but, I have done Tara's entire birth chart based on my own headcanons and she's a Taurus Sun/Capricorn Moon/Capricorn rising. A triple earth queen (like Lizzo and subsequently like me too, but that wasn't actually on purpose!) Very stubborn, logical, methodical to fault sometimes. She values working hard and is very detail oriented (perfect for the BAU). Taurus' are very much into comfort and taking care of people they care about, very much a sign that is usually a Care Top (they will always make sure people are fed, hydrated, looked after). JJ is a Cancer Sun/ Capricorn Moon/ Cancer Rising (again, this just came from inputting my HC about her birthday and honestly it makes sense even though it's fairly uncommon to have 2 of your big 3 in the same zodiac sign. So it's very fitting she and Tara both have some overlap). She's the caring, loyal, emotionally mature (sometimes to a fault, in terms of not actually talking about her emotions until suddenly they're overwhelming her). Homely, family focused (not necessarily just bio fam, but anyone she feels is family-- the BAU for instance). Cancer is basically the water sign version of a Taurus so the two of them are FUCKING perfect together. JJ's watery emotions help soften Tara's stoic logic and Tara helps ground JJ when JJ feels overwhelmed. Very lovely signs to be in a relationship together. Now here comes Rebecca. I fucking know we have had approximately two minutes (if that) of Rebecca and we know absolutely NOTHING about her. But I've done a lot of thinking. I'm going off Nicole's age and saying Rebecca is late 30s (way younger than Tara and I adore this), she's obviously a successful lawyer bc she's working for the DOJ and has enough pull to get inside information for the team. So that makes me think she's very career driven, very smart, probably was one of those kids who graduated top of her high school class and already knew she wanted to go to law school. Lawyers need a certain amount of charisma and people skills and all of this leads me to strongly HC her as a Sagittarius. (We won't hold it against her lol) I'd for SURE lean more towards a Sag/Capricorn cusp birthday. So I see her as a Sagittarius Sun/Cancer Moon/Gemini Rising. She gets shit done no matter who might get hurt in the process (I mean we kinda saw that play out already with her being like 'welp! I got found out for getting you private info!' Cancer Moon is 100% the type of person who's like 'We've been dating 2 months, let's live together!' as well. So I feel this is really fitting for her. That cancer moon really connects back to JJ's big water energy and really helps soften Tara's serious Capricorn moon energy. And I just think that's neat. Did you come here asking for my deep astrology lore of my Blorbos? No. But you know what, now you know!!! Don't even get me started on Emily's disaster birth chart. That woman is....A Mess. Even though their random choice of birth details in canon make literally zero sense for Emily's actual personality imo. But that's what happen when writers are forced to assign a character a birthdate because they realise it has to be displayed on her fucking tombstone.
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knario47 · 1 year
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Los colonizadores españoles después de saber que Rico Caído era un centro astrológico aborigen único en el mundo y después de haber sido reconocido por las Naciones Unidas y por la UNESCO como patrimonio de la humanidad por ser un monumento unico, haber salido en las fotos internacionales como salvadores del pasado aborigen, ahora sabemos que todas las promesas a la UNESCO y NACIONES UNIDAS eran falsas, el arqueólogo aborigen canario Julio Cuenca Sanabria denuncia el abandono colonial de las tropas de ocupación o lo que es lo mismo, las fuerzas políticas coloniales españolas no quieren saber nada del patrimonio indígena canario, leemos lo que nos dice el Arqueólogo Julio.
Julio Cuenca Sanabria
En el último pleno del Cabildo de Gran Canaria, celebrado el pasado 30 de Septiembre, una consejera de Unidos por GC preguntaba al consejero de presidencia, Teodoro Sosa, por el estado de conservación del sitio arqueológico, Patrimonio de la Humanidad ,de Risco Caído, ni el consejero ni el presidente del Cabildo, supieron dar una respuesta convincente, por el contrario adoptaron una actitud a la defensiva, y algo agresiva, lanzando acusaciones contra quienes precisamente vienen advirtiendo del peligroso estado de ruina en que se encuentra la joya de la corona del Patrimonio de la Humanidad, esto es, el Templo Astronómico de Artevigua, y todo su entorno en Risco Caído.
Y es que el complejo arqueológico-etnográfico de Risco Caído, lleva años en un estado de total abandono, y el templo observatorio astronómico cerrando desde hace un lustro a las visitas guiadas. Hace unas semanas, antes de las fuertes lluvias que trajo el ciclón tropical Hermine, como consecuencia, básicamente, de esta falta de mantenimiento y conservación, se produjeron desprendimientos, de algunas piedras, procedentes del escarpe que está sobre las cuevas, entre otras razones, porque no se llevan a cabo los necesarios trabajos de limpieza del escarpe, para retirar las piedras sueltas y la vegetación que pueda ocasionar fisuras en los estratos menos compactos de la formación geológica que está sobre el Templo Astronómico de Artevigua.
El sitio arqueológico, que continúa en estado ruinoso, ya tuvo que ser mostrado a la inspección que envió ICOMOS, para valorar la candidatura de Risco Caído como Patrimonio Mundial. Esto sucedió en 2017 y hubo que hacer filigranas para que la referida inspectora no viera lo que no tenia que ver, esto es la ruina y desolación que rodeaba al Almogarén y templo astronómico de Risco Caído. También hubo que hacer encaje de bolillos para que la inspectora del ICOMOS no no viera tampoco el estado de ruina de otros sitios y complejos arqueológicos que formaban parte de la candidatura, me refiero entre otros a la Mesa de Acusa y El Roque de Cuevas del Rey.
Una vez obtenido, en 2019, el reconocimiento de la UNESCO, de Risco Caído y Los Espacios Sagrados de Montaña de Gran Canaria, como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tiempo parece haberse detenido allí, en el complejo arqueológico de Risco Caído, donde todas las intervenciones llevan paralizadas desde hace años. Las pruebas de tal abandono saltan a la vista, solo hay sino que visitar el lugar, siguiendo cualquiera de los senderos que conducen al antiguo poblado. Ya por el camino se percibe lo desolado de todo aquel paisaje agrario, de bancales ancestrales que se levantaron con mucho sacrificio, para colonizar las escarpadas vertientes de aquellos profundos barrancos, la ruina de los antiguos muros de piedra seca, que sujetan los bocados o bancales, están provocando que la tierra se vaya perdiendo ladera abajo, es por eso que el paisaje antropizado, cuyo origen se remonta al al tiempo de los antiguos canarios, esta despareciendo a la vez que sucumben las cuevas del antiguo poblado de Risco Caído.
La indeleble huella del fuego esta presente aún, por todo el estrecho sendero, hasta donde alcanza la vista, lo que nos recuerda el pavoroso incendio de 2019, que quemo 30.000 Ha de las cumbres de Gran Canaria.El incendio se produjo unas semanas después de haber declarado la UNESCO, en Bakú, 18000 Ha de las tierras altas del centro montañoso de Gran Canaria, como Patrimonio Mundial, pero como si de un mal augurio se tratase, todo este Paisaje Cultural, quedaría calcinado en apenas unos días.
Han pasado más de tres años de aquel acontecimiento histórico, por el cual se reconocía la cultura de los antiguos canarios como Patrimonio Mundial. Atrás parecía que iban a quedar los años de plomo, de expolios y destrucciones impunes de los bienes culturales pertenecientes a la cultura de los canarios ancestrales. Pero, no ha sido así, los saqueos y atentados al patrimonio continuan a día de hoy, y el sitio arqueológico de Risco Caído, la joya de la corona de las 18000 Ha que conforman el Paisaje cultural de Risco Caído y las Montañas Sagradas de Gran Canaria, se encuentra en un estado de ruina y abandono incomprensible y desde luego incompatible con la figura de máxima protección y conservación que exige la UNESCO para con los monumentos arqueológicos, declarados patrimonio mundial.
Julio Cuenca Sanabria
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hello incoming pals!!
it’s been a minute since i’ve been on this glorious app so i wanted to take a sec to reintroduce myself.
my name is alyssa(: but y’all can call me liss. i am a lil ginger from the mitten state who loves paramore!! i’ll warn you i’m an aquarius sun, but my cancer moon and rising balance me out ♒️♋️♋️
i’m studying psychology with a minor in GSW, so you best believe this is a safe space, for my queer disabled and nd folks especially. hate is never tolerated!!! yuck guys it’s 2022!!!!!
i spent the first year and a half of the pandemic working within the medical field, and saw the horrors of covid. i don’t deal with people who are anti-science. i love science, she’s my bestie.
i love music, i love dogs, im very neurospicy, and i love rewatching the same tv shows. let’s be pals pls🥰♥️
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𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢 𝐠𝐨 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐞𝐯𝐞! 𝐢’𝐦 𝟐𝟎, 𝐚 𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲. 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲, 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐬, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟 & 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞
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Happy Birthday, Vincent D’Onofrio!
I can’t believe this Kingpin Bitch (respectfully) is a Cancer!
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venus111 · 1 month
Astrology observations
🌞 Pluto in the 3rd house have a high risk of getting hit by a car & road accidents
🌞 Sagittarius rising & Virgo rising attract people that gossip about them good or bad
🌞 Pluto square ascendant feel like they are being watched all the time
🌞 venus in Scorpio degrees have been betrayed so many times they end up becoming players and don’t believe in love
🌞 if you have water in the 7th house people want to know who you’re dating they don’t have privacy
🌞 don’t think about cheating if you’re in a relationship with a Taurus rising they become very hostile and end up being criminals.
🌞 Taurus placements are smart people they are math whiz
🌞 Scorpio and Gemini placements experience hormonal imbalance
🌞 cancer placements hold onto emotions and words of the people who hurt them they don’t forget things easily
🌞 Air signs men are prone to being homosexual
🌞 I bet 90% of astrologers in tumblr are Virgo rising lol. Virgo rising tries hard to be anyone and everyone to too many people, if they like someone they’ll google &find out everything that they can about that person
🌞 Scorpio placements have the most beautiful eyes
🌞 Leo sun like being in control they can be bossy
🌞 8th house synastry is difficult to forget you’ll always hear their names being mentioned or reminisce the past
🌞 Mars-Pluto aspects can sense danger very easily
🌞 you can recognise a Gemini rising by their chin it’s pointy
🌞 Scorpio placements honestly have the kindest hearts
🌞 mutable signs attract each other they get along well with one another
Pls don’t copy my work🦋
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