#crosshair is confident in his brother
havoc-7 · 5 months
“Tech told me all about your…SPARKLING personality” I wanna know what Tech told Phee about Crosshair that made her so confidently sarcastic in that moment, like
Tech: oh yes, our brother Crosshair. Best sniper in the GAR, possibly the galaxy. He always kept an eye on us through his scope while we were on the battlefield.
Phee: that’s ni—
Tech: sure, he is cold and unyielding and incredibly stubborn and a little arrogant, but he always means well. He does like to pick fights with regs, but you can’t blame him, after being bullied all his life.
Phee: I guess we all have our—
Tech: there was that time where he got super upset with Hunter for not murdering that Jedi on Kaller. Then he tried to convince us to murder civilians. But he abandoned us for the Empire after that, so it wasn’t really a repeating problem.
Phee: wait—
Tech: that was when he shot Wrecker. Oh, and he tried to roast us alive in a spaceship engine. That was all under the influence of the inhibitor chip, though. Supposedly he’s had it removed since then. So his murderous tendencies have probably chilled out a little bit.
Tech: he also used to eat glue.
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nadvs · 5 months
watch and learn (part seven)
pairing fratboy! rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
content warning drug and alcohol use
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summary it takes one conversation with your college dorm neighbor to know you won’t get along. rafe is loud, rude, and short-tempered. after he overhears you talking about a disappointing fling, he loses his confidence in his sexual abilities and suggests you start hooking up to both improve your skills in the bedroom. you can’t stand him, but it’s too good of an offer to turn down.
» masterlist
The next morning, you sleep in, recovering from the party. Your head is still foggy as you scroll through your phone in bed, thinking about last night.
You spent a lot of time with Blake. He was nice and charming and all you did was talk and share innocent touches. He’s nothing but green flags.
Yet your mind kept reminding you of Rafe. And it kept replaying the sight of him kissing another girl.
Something between you two shifted the other day, when you dropped by after his dad’s visit. You agreed that you were friends. And then did something that friends definitely don’t do.
Then, of course, he took a few days to be a jerk. But last night, he mustered up a sorry for you, flirting with you again.
It’s almost like he’s leaving breadcrumbs, making you think he has feelings, with the possessiveness and the compliments and the looks he gives you. But time and time and time again, Rafe proves to you that he’s a douchebag who’s not looking for anything more than sex.
And neither are you, you remind yourself. Not with Rafe. He would break your heart if given the chance. And you’re not giving him the chance.
You see a text from Rafe from a couple of hours ago: you up?
You reply: i am now.
You open Instagram to see that Blake posted a story a few minutes ago. It’s a photo of a sign on the side of a building. He’s at a paintball range with his frat brothers. It must be another bonding event.
The text on the photo reads: let’s goooo red team.
You reply to the story: putting all my money on the red team.
He responds: I’ll win for you :)
Rafe has never played paintball before, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. His gun is loaded with blue pellets and he has Blake in his sights before the starting bell even rings.
This will be the best way to release his anger over the fact that he’s losing you. Well, other than getting naked with you and fucking until he can’t think straight. But you weren’t answering your phone this morning. So, this’ll do.
The field is vast under the cloudy sky, cluttered full of obstacles and barriers and embankments. When the game starts, Rafe has one goal and one goal only.
He hates how you were smiling at Blake last night. He hates how you touched his shoulder. How you laughed. How close you were.
Mere minutes into the game, he’s behind a colorfully splattered wall and finally finds Blake in his crosshairs. His finger presses down on the trigger over and over and over again, each pop loud and echoing, coating the front of Blake’s vest with bright blue drops of paint.
“Jesus, Rafe, I think you got him, man!” one of his teammates shouts with a laugh.
Even though one of his buddies on the red team nails Rafe in his arm a couple of times near the end of the round, the game ends in a blue team victory.
As the boys make their way back into the building, Blake shoves Rafe’s shoulder.
“The fuck was that, Cameron?” Blake asks, pointing to his vest, sheathed in blue. His smile is wide, but his tone is sharp. He’s trying to hide it, but he seems actually pissed off. Good.
“My bad, man,” Rafe half-chuckles, lifting his helmet off his head. “Got lost in the game. I love to win.”
The high from winning this stupid game is so intensely gratifying that Rafe wants to keep beating Blake in everything. Including in getting your attention.
When Rafe checks his phone as they leave the range, he sees you finally responded. He’s craving you now, but he’ll see you in a few hours at tonight’s party. And he wants Blake to see you with him.
He was stupid to think he could stay away from you. He’s going to see you as many times as you let him before your touches with Blake have more meaning behind them.
The “anything but clothes” party is slated to start at the Sigma Chi house in a few minutes. You and Liv decide to show up right on time to hang out with the guys and drink before the liquor runs out.
You made a stop at a party store off-campus to buy rolls of caution tape together, deciding to wrap the bright yellow nylon into haphazard tube tops and mini skirts, stuck together with clear packing tape. You’re careful so that the sticky tape is only on the caution tape, not directly touching any skin at all.
When you enter the house, you follow the noise in the kitchen. A group of frat boys are in the dining room, setting up the keg and putting out cups.
Blake and Rafe are standing with four other guys, talking as they set up.
Rafe should’ve put more effort into what he wore. He has a towel around his hips and when you walk in wearing next to nothing, he regrets it immediately. A boner would be way too fucking obvious.
Blake greets you with a side-hug and Rafe cracks his knuckles under the table.
“Hey, how was paintball?” you ask. “Did you win?”
“Lost and I’m wounded.” Blake’s wearing a plastic bag over his chest and another around his hips. He puts his hand over his sternum, the bag crinkling beneath his fingers.
“What the hell happened?” you laugh, placing your hand on his. He pretends to wince in pain when you touch him, making you laugh again. The sight makes Rafe scowl.
“Rafe went all Scarface on him,” Sam says. You look to Rafe, and at the same time, glass shatters in the kitchen behind you.
“Shit!” a guy shouts.
“So glad tomorrow’s thing is outside,” Blake mumbles. “This place is a mess and it’s only gonna get worse.”
“What’s tomorrow?” you ask.
“Family day,” Sam says. “We’re having a barbecue.”
“Do you guys have something going on every weekend?” Liv asks.
“Pretty much,” Blake in a bragging tone.
“And when do you study?” you say.
“During the week, fun police,” Blake mumbles with a playful smile. You hate the label and think back to a conversation you had with him over text about nicknames.
“Don’t call me that, babe,” you respond. Blake told you before that he loathes being called babe.
Rafe doesn’t know you’re saying it ironically. And he’s trying not to lose his mind. He looks down at his beer and takes another sip.
A moment passes and he doesn’t notice that Blake is trying to get his attention until he realizes seven pairs of eyes are on him.
“What?” Rafe asks.
“Who are you bringing tomorrow?” Blake repeats.
“I’m not coming.” Rafe can’t imagine even mentioning the event to anyone in his family.
“What? Why not?” Blake says. “I need to meet who raised you to be so fucking competitive.”
Rafe looks away the same way he did when you confronted his dad for yelling at him. It’s not exactly annoyance in his expression, like you’re used to seeing. It’s discomfort. Embarrassment.
You don’t want anyone to grill him. Not about his family. You can still hear the way his father snapped at him, asked what he was crying for.
“Sounds like you’re just mad that you’re such an easy target,” you say to Blake, primarily to take everyone’s eyes off of Rafe.
You earn a few jeers, heads turning back in your direction. Rafe’s eyes find yours and you glance at him to see a softened expression, the hard lines in his face suddenly gone.
“I’d like to see you try to play paintball,” Blake says.
“Yeah, you’re really selling it,” you respond sarcastically, snapping your gaze back to meet his.
“What other events do you guys have planned?” Liv asks.
As Blake goes into the schedule for the rest of the year - including a community service drive, a Sadie Hawkins formal, and a camping trip - Rafe can’t keep his eyes off of you.
He can’t forget how you stood up to his father, a total stranger, and told him to calm down. He can’t forget how happy your silly little gift made him.
Maybe you were just flirting with Blake, but he wonders if you purposely took the attention off of him, knowing what you know about his family.
You two are friends that have great sex, he knows that, but he’s staring at you like you’re more. You can be irritating and a tight-ass, but you’re kind and thoughtful, too.
Rafe looks away. These thoughts make him uneasy all over. He’s not a feelings kind of guy. And Blake is so obviously your type and Rafe is nothing like him.
He’s not stupid. Anything more than sex between you two would be ridiculous.
The house fills up with partygoers quickly, air thickening, music loud and conversations even louder.
Later on in the night, Rafe’s buzzed and standing by the keg, watching you dance with your friend. The way you roll your hips reminds him of how you move when you’re on top of him and he needs to force himself to look away before he gets hard. Again.
Eventually, he notices you head towards the back of the house alone and he takes the opportunity to talk to you.
When you leave the bathroom and head down the dark hallway back towards the party, you notice Rafe leaning by the wall, a beer bottle in his hand. There’s only a handful of people around, engaging in quiet, private conversation as the music throbs around you.
“Hey,” he says. He wishes he thought of something more clever to say, but he’s pretty close to being drunk.
It’s kind of sweet that he’s waiting here for you. But then you remind yourself he’s just horny.
“Hey,” you say, eyes flitting down his athletic body and to the navy blue towel sitting at his hips. “Pretty lazy of you to use a towel.”
“Nah, it’s smart,” he quips. “That tape is perfect for you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you say.
“You can read, can’t you?” Rafe simply says, his hand ghosting over the bold CAUTION on your chest. You look down at the way his long fingers just barely brush over your breasts, imagining the way they were massaging you earlier this week.
The reminder sends a swirl of warm passion in your core. You want him again. And again. And again.
“Are you trying to say I’m dangerous? I’m not the one attacking people during an innocent game of paintball.”
“I got hit, too, okay?” Rafe complains. He brings his right arm forward, showing you his flexed bicep.
“I don’t see anything,” you laugh.
“These red marks are turning into bruises,” he says, pointing to his skin. “I’ll need you to take care of me.”
“I think you’re just being a fuckboy,” you respond.
Rafe’s smirk is playful and inviting and you realize you’re only inches away from each other, eyes connected and smiles mirrored.
You want to see him naked again. Neither of you had any pointers last time you hooked up, but that doesn’t mean you’re done learning, right?
“I’ve never gotten a ‘you up?’ text at ten in the morning,” you say. Admittedly, you were a little dejected that he didn’t reply to your message earlier today.
“You woke up late,” Rafe says, eyebrows quirking up for a second. “When’d you even get home?”
In reality, he wants to know if you were with Blake. He didn’t see you at last night’s party after he made out with a girl just to unsuccessfully make you jealous. Maybe you messed around with Blake and stayed up late with him.
“I don’t remember,” you admit with a defeated laugh. “I think I need to cool it on the partying. You frat boys never stop. I can’t believe how many things you guys have going on.”
Rafe breathes a sardonic chuckle, looking down, and you’re immediately reminded of tomorrow’s event.
Just like that, the air between you shifts. You’re both thinking of the same thing. You’re painfully aware of it.
Silence settles between you and you nervously scratch your arm.
“I wouldn’t want to bring him, either,” you finally say. Rafe’s eyes meet yours. He instantly knows you’re talking about his father.
Now he’s sure you weren’t just carrying on conversation with Blake earlier. You purposely took the attention off of him. Because you’re friends. Friends help each other.
“Yeah,” is all Rafe can say.
“Did you…” you say softly. “Do you not have anyone else you’d want to come?”
Rafe thinks of his life back home. His father, who never shies away from expressing his disappointment. His step-mother, who he has no relationship with. Sarah, who’s the clear favorite. Wheezie, who Rafe actually likes and sort of misses, but wouldn’t be able to visit on her own.
“No,” he admits. “It’s… I don’t have that kind of family.”
“Must be why you’re into this whole frat thing,” you say. You can’t stop yourself from trying to understand his complexities.
Rafe didn’t think about it that way. But the sense of camaraderie he has with his frat brothers, except for one in particular, does give him a sense of belonging he’s been chasing forever. He didn’t even realize it until you said it.
But that’s what you do. You make him think and feel things he hasn’t before and it’s so uncomfortable and exciting at the same time.
“You’re…” Rafe tugs at his earlobe. “You’re a really nice person.”
“What?” You laugh in disbelief. Is he being sweet to you outside of the bedroom?
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” he says. “When he asked me why I’m not going tomorrow, you changed the subject.”
He can’t say Blake’s name.
“Guilty,” you say. You settle into eye contact that’s unlike anything you two have shared before. Rafe huffs, wanting to force away the tension sitting in his chest.
“I think you’re into this whole frat thing, too, by the way,” he says. He leans even closer to you, blue eyes focused on your lips.
“Not at all,” you joke, shaking your head. “I hate you guys.”
“Really,” Rafe mutters, his tone low. “Even me?”
“Especially you.”
“You don’t remember what you said last time we fucked? When I asked if I could put it in?”
Your skin burns as you think back to the way he asked you if you were ready before burying into you.
“You must be thinking about another girl,” you say. He won’t even entertain the thought.
“You said please,” he rasps.
“Well, at least I have manners,” you reply, looking him in the eye as anticipation curls in your stomach, refusing to shy away.
“You gonna beg me for it again?”
“I did not beg,” you respond.
You want to tease him even more, tell him you thought you were experts now, so what’s the point of hooking up anymore? But you don’t need it to be instructional to have sex with him. He doesn’t seem to need it, either.
“Don’t tell me you’re still shy about liking it.” His smirk is taunting. This cracks you, a smile spreading on your face again, your eyes trailing down his bare chest.
“Maybe,” you tease. It’s a lie. You’re not shy at all anymore. The sense of shame you felt around sex before is gone. At least with Rafe, it has.
“How can you be shy when you’re wearing that?” Rafe asks. “Showing fucking everything.”
“You’re one to talk,” you say, nose crinkling. The way you cock your head as you gaze at his body, your lashes fluttering as you blink, makes his gut warm and his groin tighten. Wow. He really doesn’t even need to touch you to get hard.
“And don’t act like you don’t like my outfit,” you say, meeting his eyes again. You shock yourself with your forwardness. He looks pleasantly surprised, too.
You hear your name being shouted. Liv rushes towards you, hands pressed over her chest.
“My tape broke,” she laughs. “I almost flashed everyone.”
“Really?” you gasp. Rafe is annoyed that you got interrupted, but he finds that he really likes what caring for somebody looks like on you. Your eyes deepen. Your brows lower. Your guard is down. You’re stunning.
“We should’ve brought extra tape,” Liv says.
“We can borrow a shirt,” you suggest. “Let’s find Blake.”
Rafe is seething. Blake. Of fucking course.
You offer Rafe a tight smile before taking your friend’s hand and walking in front of her to shield her.
When you find Blake, he leads you and Liv upstairs to his room, scrambling through his dresser to find a shirt for Liv.
“I’m not gonna get kicked out for wearing clothes, am I? It’s against the rules,” Liv says.
“No, only ‘cause you’re friends with fun police over here,” Blake replies, smiling over his shoulder as he hands a black shirt to Liv. “Special privileges.”
“I told you not to call me that,” you say with a laugh. Liv pulls the shirt over her head.
“Thanks!” she calls as she walks out of the room, a grin on her face. You know she’s purposely leaving you alone with Blake.
You meet Blake’s eyes, standing in the middle of his quiet, private room.
“Study fort’s gone,” you notice, looking down at his bare floor.
“Oh. Yeah,” he says stiffly. It’s awkward between you and you’re not sure why. “You look…”
Blake doesn’t finish his sentence. You knew he was a bit on the shy side, but he’s actually nervous.
You would normally find it endearing. But because of the intoxicating way Rafe was talking to you downstairs, how he’s so unafraid of telling you how attracted he is to you, you feel tense around Blake for the first time.
Still, intrigue coarses through you. You like him. You want him to flirt with you and to touch you and to finally kiss you. But he’s still.
Rafe spots your friend in the crowd with a t-shirt on. And you’re not next to her. He pushes through people to stand beside Liv and ask her where you are.
“Upstairs with Blake,” Liv simply responds. Rafe glances up the staircase, lips twisting as he nods. He stalks away, storming through the house with no real idea of where to go.
He paces around for a few minutes. He wants to rush upstairs and hurt Blake. Badly. Without a paintball gun this time. The thought of you being up there in his room, of his hands on you, of him on top of you… It’s too much. He’s grinding his teeth so hard that it hurts.
Rafe has had enough. He heads back towards the front of the house, not sure what the hell he’ll do if he walks in on Blake on top of you, but before he can go upstairs, he sees you in the crowd, chatting with your friend.
“I left you alone up there for a reason,” Liv says quietly when you approach her.
“Oh, I’m aware,” you laugh. “But the vibe was weird, so I left. I think we were both nervous.”
After Blake couldn’t finish his sentence, you thanked him for helping your friend and split.
“Do you not like him?” Liv asks.
You do. But you think you like someone else, too. And it’s terrifying.
Rafe weaves through the crowds, approaching you, his fingers gently wrapping around your wrist. You watch him duck to speak into your ear.
“Leave with me,” he says so only you can hear him over the music. You look at Liv, who has a sly, knowing expression on her face.
“I can’t abandon my friend just to hook up with you,” you say to him. A painful pang of rejection twists inside him.
“But do you want to?” Rafe asks. He needs to be sure. What if your next words are that you’re with Blake now?
Your pulse is racing. The promise of another night with Rafe is electrifying.
“Yes,” you admit. He smiles to himself, pulling back to look at Liv.
“You gonna be okay if she leaves?” Rafe says, tilting his head towards you.
“Of course, if she wants to,” Liv replies with an amused laugh.
Rafe pulls you towards him, out of the crowd. And for once, he’s actually glad to see Blake, who’s standing by the keg with a few friends.
He wraps his arm around your waist, mumbling to you that he’s going to rip that stupid tape off of you, as he glares at Blake, who’s staring at you two with a disconcerted grimace.
He leads you out of the rowdy house, grip tight on you as if he could lose you again.
The second you’re in Rafe’s dorm room, his hands are on your ass, fingers dipping under the tape. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, kissing him heatedly as you stand by his bed.
You can smell his cologne and his shampoo as his tongue runs over yours.
“You know everyone was looking at you tonight, right?” he says between kisses.
“No,” you scoff. While he’s helped you gain some confidence, you can’t imagine thinking of yourself as the most desired girl in a room.
“I told you not to do that,” he says against your lips. You feel the nylon around your ass lift off your skin as he tugs it away, pulling apart the material, tape unsticking.
“Do what?” you mutter. He grips your ass, feeling the fabric of your underwear on his palms. You lower a hand to undo the knot keeping up the towel on him.
“You pretend like you’re not beautiful and it pisses me off,” he says. Beautiful. He said hot before. But not beautiful. He never used that word with you. “How hard do I have to fuck you for you to get it?”
“Rafe,” you gasp with a giggle.
“How hard?” he asks. “Until you can’t talk?”
His towel drops and he kisses your neck, tugging at the tape bound around your chest. You shift to wrap your hand around his length over his boxers, aching for the feeling of him inside of you.
Rafe loves that you touch him like this now, without any hesitation. He rips the tape off of your chest, his fingers burning.
While you wore panties just in case, you’re glad you went without a bra simply because of the way Rafe breathes when he looks down to see your bare chest.
He fondles your tits with eager, rough movements, squeezing as he clenches his jaw.
“Every guy was staring at you, but only I get to do this.” His lips are against your neck, breath hot.
You tense for a second. He shouldn’t say shit like this. His words are possessive and tender and way too fucking heavy.
But you push yourself out of your head, focusing on how you feel physically, forgetting the emotions that have slowly been tacking themselves onto you like the crumpled tape on the floor.
You dip your hand into his boxers, wrapping your hand around his girth. Rafe inhales sharply, squeezing his eyes shut as you stroke him slowly. You drag your hand to his tip, feeling the warm precum and spreading it with your thumb.
“Fuck,” he groans.
“You like that?” you whisper with a smile. It’s exciting talking like this. You were always quiet when hooking up with a guy, but Rafe has pushed you completely out of your shell.
“Get on my bed,” he says gruffly, pressing your hips back. You lie down, watching his cock spring out of his boxers when he tugs them off.
Rafe almost asks to skip the condom, but it feels too intimate. Too serious. And he’s sure you’d say no.
You pull your panties off as he rolls on the latex and gets on his knees, sinking onto the mattress, hands gripping your ankles. He shifts and rests your ankles on his broad shoulders, his hands skimming down your legs.
He drags a thumb over your wet clit, gazing down at you with yearning as he spreads your slick arousal over you. You moan at the sensation, realizing just how sensitive you are from how long it’s been and how much you missed him.
“You’re fucking soaked,” Rafe rasps. “Who got you like this, baby?”
“You did,” you reply. The words coming out of your mouth are so fucking soothing. He can’t think about anyone else doing this to you. Only him.
Rafe pulls his hand off of you to grip your thigh and holds his cock at its base with his other hand, tapping it over your middle. You look at him, eyes meeting in an exquisite, mutual longing.
“Say please,” he teases.
“You say please,” you reply, smirking. Rafe shakes his head in disbelief and awe and desire, his hair falling over his forehead.
He can’t wait. He guides himself into you, slipping in so easily, feeling just how drenched and tight and warm you are. He groans as you take him in with a deep breath, tilting to feel the curve of his cock.
“That’s so fucking nice,” he whispers, watching himself push into you. “Your pussy is so fucking nice.”
His fingers dig into your thigh as he pulls back and pushes in again. You throw your head back as he shoves himself into you, filling you completely, the pressure hard and incredible.
Rafe’s thumb is on your clit again, rubbing in circles as he thrusts, making you tremble. Your mouth is agape, your hands above your head as he pleasures you.
It’s such a phenomenal view to him. Pleasure written on your face, your tits bouncing, your chest heaving, your body jolting.
You feel your stomach tighten, the rising sensation making you moan. Rafe starts to go harder, rubbing faster, a smile curling on his lips as he watches you.
“I…” you breathe. “Fuck, I…”
“Can’t talk?” he rasps, amused. You bite your bottom lip and moan a giggle, willing yourself to look at him before he has to tell you to.
His gaze is piercing into you as you feel yourself dissolve into ecstasy, your body going numb before it heats with the most amazing feeling you’ve ever had.
Rafe feels you clenching around his cock and he leans over to get as deep into you as possible, your legs bending as his shoulders push you forward.
After you come down from your orgasm, he places his hand on your cheek, dipping his thumb into your mouth.
You stare at him as he drives into you and you wrap your lips around his thumb, tasting yourself. Rafe might just go crazy. You take him so much better than he’s ever had before.
He tightens and you watch the euphoria wash over his face, his brows furrowing and his lips parting. You love that you can do this to him, that a man so commanding and dominant and brash crumbles like this when he’s inside you.
He cums in hard pulses, hips bucking with every jerk, seeing stars. When he slowly pulls out, you close your eyes, sighing in pleasure.
Your palms rest over your eyes, feeling high off the feeling as you feel him shift off the mattress. When you catch your breath, you open your eyes to see Rafe offering you a towel.
“You have fun?” he asks. You can tell he’s trying to do the whole aftercare thing, but because it’s not genuine, you’d rather not play along.
It’s clear he wants you to leave with the way he’s holding out the towel, surely wishing you’d cover up and go. You’re not surprised. You sit up, taking the towel and wrapping it around your body.
“C-minus,” you say.
“Kidding,” you laugh. You stand to leave and decide to let him deal with the mess of caution tape on his floor, desperate to be alone so you can pull yourself together.
You go so suddenly that Rafe watches his door shut with confusion. He thought you’d wipe yourself down with the towel he gave you, maybe sit a while with him.
He oddly wanted you to stay a little bit. He liked joking around with you earlier tonight. It was fun.
But you were so eager to go. Probably because Rafe is the kind of guy you fuck and forget, and Blake is the kind of guy you make love to and stick around for.
He knows that he’s in a competition he’ll eventually lose because he can’t offer you a relationship. You said yourself he’d be the worst boyfriend ever the night he told you not to cuddle him.
But he’ll happily take these nights with you for as long as possible. And he’ll keep fighting for as many as he can.
When you make it to your dorm, you sit on your bed, breathless. Just when you think the sex can’t get any better with Rafe, it does.
He almost disappointed you with his lack of emotion afterwards, but you’re glad you didn’t give him the power to. He’ll always let you down in that department. As long as you keep any feelings for him at bay, you know you’ll be fine.
After you feel a bit calmer, you check your phone to see five texts.
Liv: didn’t get a chance to tell you but rafe is down BAD for you
Liv: when i told him you were upstairs with blake he looked like he was about to kill someone
Liv: hope you have fun lol :)
Liv: i sure am… i made out with sam after you left… oops
Then you see a block of text in the next notification.
Blake: Gotta be honest. I wanted to kiss you when we were in my room but you make me really nervous haha. Can I take you on a date? A real one. Not just a study date lol. All good if you’re not into it. Let me know.
(part eight)
author’s note: thank you anon for this iconic idea!!
if you want notifications on when i post my fics, follow @xorafe-library and turn on notifications 💘
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Two factors I think we sometimes overlook when discussing Hunter+squad's actions regarding Crosshair, especially in season 1:
1) The squad had NO IDEA Tarkin and Nala Se had experimented on Crosshair. They had a suspicion about the chips in general, yes, but they didn't know Crosshair had been subjected to additional torture/experimentation.
2) As far as the squad was aware, Crosshair was safe AND was where he wanted to be. The rest of them weren't safe around the Empire because they were at significant odds with the new government; but Crosshair had apparently been welcomed by the Empire, given command, etc.
These two factors explain several other plot points:
- Why did the squad end up agreeing to helping other people escape the Empire (the Syndullas, Gregor), but didn't try to mount an operation to get Crosshair away from the Empire? Answer: Crosshair gave them absolutely no reason to believe he WANTED to leave the Empire, and he was safe. It wouldn't have been a "rescue mission," it would have been an abduction. And for all Crosshair's abandonment issues, I don't think season 1 Crosshair would have been happy with his brothers if they had kidnapped him either.
- Crosshair's desire to stay with the Empire was confirmed by Crosshair himself in the season 1 finale - and as a result, Hunter would drag Crosshair along with the squad to save Crosshair's life, but Hunter wasn't about to force Crosshair to rejoin the squad when he apparently didn't want to. The Empire destroying Kamino while Crosshair was on it wasn't a good look from a safety standpoint, of course; but Crosshair shrugged it off and was confident in his standing with his employer, so he'd probably be safe enough again when the Empire came back for him.
- Tech says in "The Crossing" that Crosshair "chose a different path," and he felt he had to "respect [that] decision" - and I think a similar sentiment applies to the others' stance on Crosshair's choice. For the same reason the squad didn't tie Echo down and prevent him from going with Rex, the squad also didn't prevent Crosshair from staying with the Empire when he indicated that was his own choice.
- As soon as Tech finds out Crosshair is a prisoner, though, that he ISN'T safe with the Empire anymore, Tech immediately informs the others and pushes for a rescue mission, and the others agree (Hunter's only hold up is the lack of reinforcements).
In other words: Crosshair's brothers let Crosshair make his own decisions about the path he was going to take, even as they tried to understand why he made those decisions, as long as he was safe; but as soon as they knew he WASN'T safe, they tried to rescue him. And again, awful as it is to see Crosshair undergo painful reconditioning on Kamino, his brothers never knew that happened and therefore were under the impression Crosshair was safe with the Empire.
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miss-musings · 1 month
"I Say We Take Her With Us": How TCW's Waxer & Boil Prefigure Hunter & Crosshair in "The Bad Batch" Series
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A running joke in the TCW/TBB fandom is that all the clones have Dad Genes™️. Outside of Jango Fett himself, the first indication we have is Waxer and Boil's dynamic with Numa in "The Clone Wars" Episode 1.20 "Innocents of Ryloth."
In revisiting the episode recently, it struck me how much Waxer and Boil's initial reactions to Numa and their eventual bond with her feels like a template for Hunter and Crosshair's dynamic with Omega in "The Bad Batch" series.
Like Hunter, Waxer bonds with Numa very quickly and takes more initiative when it comes to her safety. He's also more comfortable with physical affection -- patting her head, booping her nose, putting a hand on her shoulder, etc.
Like Crosshair, Boil argues to leave Numa behind when they first encounter her and isn't as concerned about her well-being. He does eventually take a liking to her, promising to keep her safe. Unlike Waxer, Boil isn't physically affectionate. He doesn't initiate any shoulder touches, etc., and he seems caught off-guard when Numa does.
In the end, both clones form a deep bond with their "little sister," even if their dynamics with Numa play out differently. Just so, Hunter and Crosshair both form a deep bond with Omega, although their dynamics with her play out very differently thanks to a variety of factors.
While this is the gist of it, let's take a look at Waxer and Boil as characters, including their interactions with Numa in TCW 1.20 "Innocents of Ryloth".
(NOTE: If you've already seen the episode and have a good understanding of the plot and characters, I recommend you jump down the "Prefiguring Hunter & Crosshair" section.)
Waxer & Boil in "Innocents of Ryloth"
Character Introductions
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Even before they meet Numa, we get a pretty good idea of who Waxer and Boil are as individuals.
As their gunship flies toward Ryloth's surface, Obi-Wan and Cody tell the clone troopers to keep an eye out for the locals and avoid damaging their settlements.
Boil, who was carrying heavy artillery, puts it down after Cody tells them they can't use it. He then remarks to Waxer:
Boil: If we're here to free the tail-heads, the least they could do is get out of our way.
Already, we see that Boil has a shoot-em-up kind of attitude. He wants to go in guns blazin' and get the job done, and he doesn't like that consideration for the locals is putting a damper on his fun.
He's also maybe a bit racist??? (Tail-heads sounds like a racial slur to me, and I've seen other comments agreeing with that assessment.)
Waxer seems to take this in stride and later, when Obi-Wan says their squad needs to disable the enemies' guns, Waxer says:
Waxer: Here we go again.
I know it's an iconic "Star Wars" line, akin to "I've got a bad feeling about this," but it's still worth noting.
The two go with Obi-Wan and their brothers to take down the guns, with Obi-Wan commenting how Waxer and Boil "wanted action," implying he overheard their earlier comments on the gunship.
The two help Obi-Wan take out gun towers and then infiltrate the village, which is deserted. They're then ordered to help scout the village.
Obi-Wan, to Cody: Send your best men to scout ahead. Cody: Will do, sir. Boil, Waxer, come with me. Boil: I guess we're the best.
The way Boil delivers this line, it sounds like he's halfway between proud and uncertain. He probably appreciates Cody's vote of confidence in them, but is also wondering if it's because they happened to be nearby because Cody didn't explicitly call them "the best."
As the two are scouting -- both before and after they leave Cody -- Boil has his gun raised. He's ready to aim and fire at a second's notice. Meanwhile, Waxer has his blaster lowered to his torso. He's not as tightly wound up as Boil is.
As the two walk through the village by themselves, Waxer starts asking Boil questions about what might've happened to the residents, whether they were killed, etc.
Boil notes that there are no bodies, so they were likely driven from their homes.
So, even before meeting Numa, we've got a decent idea of who these two soldiers are.
Waxer is more caring and compassionate. He's definitely not as trigger-happy or aggressive as Boil, but he still does his job well.
Boil is more practical and by-the-book. He's ready to spring into action, and takes his job as a soldier seriously. He also might be older/higher-ranking than Waxer, as Waxer seems to defer to him in some cases, and Cody calls to him first.
Meeting Numa
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While scouting, the two hear a sound and investigate it. They find a little Twi'lek girl, whom we later learn is named Numa.
Boil, as he sees Numa: Ah, it's just a little girl. Waxer: Well, what are we going to do with her? Boil: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do we have to do anything? We've got a mission to finish.
Looking closely, Boil actually lowers his blaster first, realizing who/what Numa is. But, he also sounds a bit disappointed that he doesn't get to shoot something.
Waxer immediately starts worrying about her well-being and what their duty of care is in this situation. However, Boil believes their responsibility is to complete the mission, starving kids be damned.
Waxer doesn't back down, though:
Waxer: We should do something. I say we take her with us. Boil: You can't be serious. She'll only slow us down.
Again, Boil is focused on completing the mission, while Waxer is concerned about Numa's safety.
A probe droid comes into the vicinity, and Numa cowers. Boil thinks it's because she's afraid of them, but Waxer notices the droid and realizes the truth. The three then hide, and the droid leaves.
The droid worries Boil, who says they need to keep moving. However, Waxer presses him for a third time that they need to do something about Numa. Boil reluctantly agrees to Waxer's plan to take her with them, and bends down to grab Numa. She bites him, and he calls her a "tail-head."
Waxer correctly deduces that Numa is afraid of them, as she probably assumes they're droids. He takes off his helmet, showing her he's human:
Waxer: It's alright. See? I'm flesh and blood, just like you.
The two then notice that Numa looks hungry. (The captions say Boil takes note of this, but based on the audio, I think it's actually Waxer. Waxer doesn't have his helmet on, but Boil does, and the line is delivered by someone who isn't wearing a helmet.)
Anyway, Boil takes out a ration and hands it to Waxer, who hands it to Numa. While Boil might be older/outrank Waxer, he's apparently letting Waxer take the lead in this particular situation after Numa initially bit him.
As Boil also removes his helmet, Numa calls them "nerra," which we later find out means "brother." While they're unaware, it's an indication that Numa already trusts and respects them.
Waxer tells Numa their names, but Numa continues to call them "nerra."
Boil, as he puts his helmet back on: Oh, you made a friend. Mission accomplished. [sighs] Can we go now?
I find it interesting that Boil says Waxer made a friend, when Numa was calling both of them "nerra." So, while he didn't know what "nerra" meant, he only acknowledges her bond with Waxer and not himself. Once again, he's only focused on completing the mission. He doesn't give a crap about this kid beyond answering Waxer's complaints that they need to do something with her.
Waxer stands and puts his helmet back on, as he prepares to follow Boil. He calls to Numa, who seems reluctant to leave.
Boil: Look, she doesn't even want to go. Little monster was fine before we came along, so let's MOVE.
Boil has finally convinced Waxer that they don't have any more responsibility toward Numa. She'll be fine as-is. Waxer takes one last look at Numa before following Boil out into the street.
Following Numa
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Later, Numa follows the two through the streets of the deserted village. Waxer immediately notices, looking back at her, but keeps walking.
Waxer: I wonder what happened to her family. Boil: They're probably dead. Hopefully, she'll survive this mess.
Again, we see that Waxer is concerned while Boil is practical to the point of being cavalier. However, that last line makes me think Boil is starting to ... warm up ... to Numa. (Sorry, I had to.) He's definitely not on the same level as Waxer is... yet.
Waxer continues to focus on her well-being, especially with the context that she's likely an orphan. (We find out later that she's not, but they don't know that yet.)
Waxer: So, what happens to her? I mean, after we leave. Boil: I don't know. Ah, don't get any ideas. We're not taking her with us.
I do wonder who the "we" is that Waxer mentions. Does he mean his company specifically, or the clone army in general? I imagine, from context, it's the former.
I also find it funny that Boil preemptively shuts down Waxer's idea of taking her with them. He must recognize that Waxer's Dad Instincts™️ have kicked in -- probably because his have too but he's fighting them, unlike Waxer.
The two realize that Numa is no longer following them, and Waxer says in a very disappointed tone:
Waxer: She's gone. Boil: I'm sure the little biter will turn up.
Out-of-context, "little biter" sounds like it could be a term of endearment. I wonder if Boil meant it that way, but knowing his personality, he probably meant it more literally.
The two then turn around and see that Numa snuck in front of them, as she stands directly in front of Waxer. He kneels down and affectionately boops her on the nose, which makes her giggle.
Boil's a bit thrown off by the fact that she was able to sneak up on them, considering they're trained soldiers.
Numa then starts pulling Waxer, calling him "nerra" again, and pointing down the street. She runs off, clearly wanting them to follow her.
Waxer calls after her, telling her not to go that way because "that's where the recon droid went."
Boil: Waxer, let her go. Waxer, running after Numa: I'm not just gonna let the droids get her. Boil, running after both of them: I'm just trying to keep you alive! I'll be darned if I know why.
Once again, we see that Waxer's priority is Numa's safety, as he runs after her without hesitation.
Boil, like before, is focused on a combination of following orders, completing the mission, and keeping his brother safe. So, he runs after both of them.
As Waxer catches up to her, he pats her on the head affectionately.
Boil, catching up to them: Good, you caught her. You know, I have binders if we need them. [defensively] What? ... What are we doing here anyway?
Boil almost talks about Numa like she's a prisoner in their custody -- how Waxer "caught" her and how they should put binders on her. Yikes!
He's clearly getting tired of dealing with Numa, partly because she's a child and partly because they can't communicate with her. He's also getting tired of Waxer throwing himself after Numa, when they still have a mission to complete.
Comforting Numa
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Numa leads them inside a destroyed house, which Waxer assumes is her home. He's sympathetic to her plight, calling her a "poor little thing" who "lost it all."
He spots a small tooka doll on the ground and gives it to her. Numa starts crying, and he comforts and reassures her by putting his hand on her shoulder.
Waxer: It's OK now. We're here to help.
Numa embraces him and continues crying. He doesn't really know how to react, but ends up reciprocating the embrace by putting a hand on her head.
Finally, Boil approaches them and kneels down too.
Boil: Don't cry kid. We'll keep you safe. I ... I promise.
Numa then embraces him and seems to stop crying. Like Waxer, Boil doesn’t know how to react to being hugged, but pats her on the back.
For Boil, this is clearly a turning point in how he handles Numa. We see later that he's still not happy about having to take care of her, but he has definitely softened toward her, after seeing what she's gone through.
He took the initiative to comfort her. He didn't need to. Waxer seemed to be handling the situation well enough. But, Boil apparently felt compelled to act too.
I imagine that, for a soldier like Boil, making a promise is no easy thing. He wouldn't have told her that if he didn't mean it, so I think -- like Waxer -- he finally let his Dad Instincts™️ kick in. He's not fighting them anymore.
And what's more is he actually one-ups Waxer in a sense. He makes a promise to take care of Numa, which Waxer never did. Waxer just said they were there to help. The wording was more general. But, Boil promises to keep her safe. It's more specific, and could be seen as more comforting: "We're here to help" vs. "We're going to keep you safe."
Side note: I do wonder if Numa is able to understand some Basic, because she gives Boil a meaningful look when he makes that promise AND she stops crying as he directed.
Protecting Numa
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While they're still in Numa's destroyed home, the clones' communicators start flashing. Boil is upset, saying they'll be punished for failing to complete the mission and/or report back on time.
Waxer wonders how they're going to explain Numa to their company. He starts coming up with white lies they can tell to avoid getting into trouble.
Boil: We can try. But, mark my words: this will end badly.
Both Waxer and Boil, but more so Boil, are concerned with possible demotion/punishment.
However, they at least don't seem to be arguing about what to do about Numa anymore. They both just start leaving the home and apparently assume Numa will follow them, because they don't physically or verbally have her come along.
When they get outside, both clones take a defensive stance when they realize something's coming. Numa hides behind Waxer, telling him of the danger, before running back into the house.
The two start fighting the creatures attacking them.
Boil: You see what happens when we don't follow orders? [grunts] Waxer: Let's get out of here.
Despite having some change of heart, Boil is still preoccupied with following orders and completing the mission. He is still very much a soldier, even if his Dad Instincts™️ have kicked in.
They barricade themselves inside the home, with Waxer holding the door while Boil shoots at the creatures. Numa opens a tunnel in the floor. Waxer helps her with the heavy stone while Boil puts down cover-fire, until all three escape safely.
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When they come out of the tunnels and rejoin their company, they tell Cody they "got sidetracked." Numa, who's holding onto Boil's hand, then peers out from behind him at Obi-Wan and the others.
When Obi-Wan approaches her, she continues to hide behind Boil. Meanwhile, Waxer explains that Numa knows her way around the tunnels.
When Obi-Wan asks in her language, she says she can lead them through the tunnels and even pulls on Boil's hand to come with her.
Numa then leads Obi-Wan, Waxer and Boil through the tunnels to where the other villagers are being held prisoner.
Obi-Wan hands Numa off to Waxer. When he later indicates for the two clones to follow him, Waxer puts Numa down and Boil gestures for her to stay quiet. Numa even mimics his hand gesture as she watches the two clones follow Obi-Wan.
After Obi-Wan frees the villagers, Numa reunites with her parent, and Waxer and Boil help Obi-Wan take out the enemies' main guns.
When the two clones get injured, Numa runs to them. This causes the other villagers to come out and join the fight against the droids.
Just as the tactical droid is about to fire on Obi-Wan and Numa, the villagers swoop in and save the day.
Leaving Numa
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As Obi-Wan's company prepares to leave, Waxer bids Numa farewell first. He kneels down, puts a hand on her shoulder and then pats her head.
Waxer: See you later, little one.
Again, Waxer is more comfortable initiating physical affection than Boil is. He's also intentional about getting down on her level to say goodbye.
As Waxer walks off, Boil calls to her:
Boil: Hey, Numa. Stay out of trouble.
At some point off-screen, the clones found out Numa's name. I'm assuming Obi-Wan translated for them. So, it's significant that Boil calls her by name, now that they know what it is.
Boil also recognizes Numa has a penchant for getting into trouble, and tries to warn her against it.
Numa then runs to Boil, who's standing, and hugs his leg. Boil reaches down and puts a hand on her shoulder/back.
Like before, he's not as comfortable as Waxer with initiating physical affection, and he's still not very good about receiving it either. But, he's adjusted well enough.
Boil: Don't be afraid. We'll be back.
Both Waxer and Boil tell Numa this isn't the last time they'll meet. They really did form a strong bond with her, and while it's not clear when they would have a chance, they plan to return and see her again.
As Boil walks away too, Numa looks sad to see the clones go. Her parent comforts her. She calls out "nerra" to the clones several times as she waves goodbye.
Waxer, to Obi-Wan: Sir, what is that she keeps calling us? Obi-Wan: "Nerra." It means "brother."
The two clones then exchange a brief look with each other before turning back to Numa. Waxer waves goodbye, and the two clones walk off into the proverbial sunset with the rest of their company.
I think, in that moment, they were really struck by how Numa viewed them. They probably assumed "nerra" meant "friend" or something similar. They probably had no idea it meant something as powerful as "brother."
Clearly, Numa bonded with them so intensely and trusted them so much, she viewed them as family -- even as far back as their first conversation, when they took their helmets off and gave her food.
Remembering Numa
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While we don't get many more appearances of Waxer or Boil, we do see them again in Seasons 2 and 4.
In Season 2, Boil has a picture of Numa on his helmet; and Waxer also has one on his helmet when he dies in Season 4.
It just goes to show how fondly they both remembered her. They literally painted her on their helmets, as if to say, "Heck yeah, we're Numa's brothers!" I can imagine them proudly talking about their “little sister” anytime someone asked about the design.
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It's also implied that, at some point during or after the war, one or both clones returned to Ryloth to visit her.
When we see Numa in "Rebels," she's wearing 212th armor and even has Boil's name in Aurebesh on it. I know it's probably more of an Easter egg/headcanon, but I like to think Boil survived the war and returned to Ryloth to see her. It would explain how she got the armor and why his name is on it.
Plus, as I said, Boil is a soldier. He's not going to make promises flippantly. If he said "We'll be back," then I believe he’d follow through if/when he had the chance. I'm sure Waxer would've too, if he hadn't died on Umbara.
The three of them really had a special connection that lasted the rest of their lives.
Prefiguring Hunter & Crosshair
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If it wasn't clear already, Waxer and Boil's dynamics with Numa -- both as a group and as individuals -- are very similar to Hunter and Crosshair's dynamics with Omega later in "The Bad Batch" series.
In both cases, two clone brothers are presented with a relatively helpless girl. One insists they have to help her, while the other is against it, believing their priority is their job as soldiers.
Even some of the dialogue is similar, with Crosshair and Boil both continually emphasizing how they need to "follow orders" and "complete the mission." Even Boil's "let her go" is similar to Crosshair telling Hunter:
Crosshair in 1.15: You want to protect the kid? Then let her go.
Ultimately, both sets of brothers decide their responsibility to their "little sister" is important, without forgetting their duty to each other, their other brothers and everyone else who's counting on them.
Similarities Between Boil & Crosshair
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These two are definitely the more aggressive brothers in their respective duos. They both seem to have an affinity for heavy weaponry, and are always looking for an excuse to shoot something. Trigger-happy, in a word.
They're both also very practical and mission-driven. They're completely focused on their duty as soldiers. They're constantly bringing up their need to “complete the mission” and “follow orders,” even if it means leaving a girl to fend for herself. They also mention, at least once, their duty to keep their brothers safe as well.
Also, Boil and Crosshair criticize their brothers' paternal instincts when they initially meet their respective "little sisters". They protest taking her with them and/or bothering with her at all.
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Later on, both Boil and Crosshair seem to generally care about their sisters' well-being, but not to the same degree as their brothers. They don't want to see her get hurt, but they also don't want to be around her either.
However, perhaps despite their best efforts, they ultimately give into their Dad Instincts™️. For both Boil and Crosshair, this seems to be when their respective "little sisters" are in great distress and/or danger.
For Boil, it's when he sees Numa crying in her ruined home, realizing just how much she's lost and how desperately she needs comfort and protection. For Crosshair, it's when he and Omega are imprisoned on Tantiss, when she has no other physical or emotional support system.
After their respective turning points, Boil and Crosshair seem to be more open to and comfortable around their "little sisters." They don't mind her displays of physical affection (holding hands, hugging, etc.), and do whatever they can to help and protect her.
Ultimately, both Boil and Crosshair have flavors of the "grumpy man who's actually a giant softie" trope, which is why the scenes of Numa hugging Boil and Omega hugging Crosshair hit similarly (at least they do for me).
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There's one more specific thing I find interesting with these four characters: Boil and Crosshair calling their "little sisters" by name.
While Waxer was arguably closer to Numa, we never see him call her by name. He just calls her "little one," even after (apparently) finding out her name off-screen. But, Boil specifically calls her "Numa" in their final scene together.
Throughout TCW 1.20, Boil calls Numa "tail-head" and "monster" and "little biter." While I wonder if the latter was meant with some affection, the former two are definitely mean-spirited.
In the same way, throughout TBB Season 1 and 2, Crosshair calls Omega "a child" or "the kid" or his brothers' "little sidekick" in a demeaning way.
But, in Season 3, Crosshair only calls Omega by name. While his brothers and other characters often refer to Omega as "kid" or "the kid," Crosshair never does after Season 2. She is "Omega" from thereon.
Waxer and Hunter (and the others in CF99) can call Numa and Omega "little one" or "kid," because we know they mean it in an affectionate way.
But, Boil and Crosshair don't have that luxury, because they've only employed nicknames disrespectfully.
It also shows just how much both characters' attitudes have changed when they call their "little sisters" by name.
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Finally, it's worth noting that while Boil and Crosshair were initially "against" Numa and Omega, respectively, their "little sisters" don't hold grudges.
In fact, even though they bonded with Waxer and Hunter more quickly and (arguably) more closely, the girls still consider Boil and Crosshair their "brothers" all the same. The girls hold them in an equal (or near equal) degree as they do Waxer and Hunter, despite Boil and Crosshair initially rejecting them.
Similarities Between Waxer & Hunter
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Unlike their brothers, Waxer and Hunter are characterized as being more compassionate and caring from the get-go, even before meeting their "little sisters."
When he sees the devastation on Ryloth, Waxer wonders about the residents, whether they were killed, etc.
Meanwhile, throughout TBB 1.01 "Aftermath," Hunter lets Caleb Dume escape Order 66 and then lies to protect him. He also refuses to kill the civilians on Onderon, and starts to see the Empire for what it really is.
This is also a small thing, but we get parallel scenes of Waxer and Hunter noticing a probe droid that their brothers didn't.
In general, both Waxer and Hunter push back on their brothers' more cavalier attitudes toward people in danger/need.
Waxer repeatedly tells Boil they should do something about Numa, and then continues to worry about her well-being while she's following them.
In "Aftermath," when Hunter sees Crosshair trying to kill Caleb and then complaining they didn't kill civilians, he calls him out on it. He also generally confronts Crosshair about his obsession with "following orders," when that was something CF99 never worried about in the past.
Then, after they find out Omega is a fellow clone, Hunter insists they need to return to Kamino for Omega despite the dangers.
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When meeting their "little sisters," Waxer and Hunter seem to be naturals with kids -- at least compared to their brothers.
They intentionally get down on their knees and talk to them at eye-level. They address them calmly and respectfully. Waxer takes off his helmet to show Numa he's not a droid. They try to make their "little sisters" feel safe and comfortable, despite the stressful situation.
Once their "little sisters" are with them, Waxer and Hunter very naturally switch into Dad Mode™️. They look out for them, protect them, give them reassuring head-pats, shoulder-touches, and so on. Weirdly, though, neither are very good with hugs initially, but they get there eventually.
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On top of being more immediate, Waxer and Hunter's bonds with their "little sisters" are arguably much stronger than their brothers'.
Numa seems to be more comfortable around Waxer, especially initially, despite calling both clones "nerra" after they took off their helmets. Again, it's possible that she understood some of what they were saying, and realized Waxer was trying to help her while Boil really wasn't.
For Omega, she spends more time with Hunter early on, as Crosshair was separated from his family due to the Empire enhancing his inhibitor chip. Thus, she develops a very strong bond with Hunter very quickly. Even with Tech, Wrecker and Echo around as well, Omega and Hunter's bond is special.
Overall, Waxer and Hunter seem to be the "default" or "go-to" brother when Numa and Omega are in trouble.
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Finally, I also find it interesting that the last gesture of farewell is Waxer and Hunter's.
Even though both Waxer and Boil turn back to look at Numa after finding out what "nerra" means, only Waxer decides to wave back at her.
Similarly, in the TBB series finale, the epilogue shows only Hunter saying goodbye to Omega. Even though both Omega and Hunter acknowledge the other brothers' role in her life, that final moment is theirs.
Just like Numa with Waxer, Omega bonded with Hunter first. So, it feels fitting that her final scene should be with him.
Final Thoughts
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It's been fun rewatching "Innocents of Ryloth" and seeing these proto-versions of Hunter and Crosshair. I have no idea whether the TCW/TBB writers did that on purpose, but even if not, it makes for an powerful parallel.
Obviously, there are some major differences. Numa's parent was still alive, while Omega never had a proper parent to begin with. So, Hunter and his brothers arguably had an even greater responsibility to Omega than Waxer and Boil did to Numa.
Also, while Waxer and Boil definitely stayed in the "brother" category, as Numa's parent was still alive, Hunter (and his brothers) crossed over into the "dad" category in Omega's life.
Unlike Waxer and Boil, Hunter & co. took care Omega for years rather than a day or two. They provided for her; they taught her; and they cared for her physically and emotionally from the TBB series premiere to the epilogue.
If given the opportunity, I'm sure Waxer and Boil would've gone back to Ryloth and checked on Numa. Maybe, after the war, they would've even stayed long-term and kept an eye on her like a big brother or uncle might. Again, they bonded with her so strongly that they drew pictures of her on their helmets. They really thought of themselves as her brothers, and ran around battlefields representing her even months after meeting her.
As fans have joked about: put a Jango Fett clone in the immediate vicinity of a kid for a decent amount of time and they will turn into a Dad™️.
Doesn't matter if they're being mind-controlled. Doesn't matter if their priority is to follow orders. Doesn't matter if they're set to be shipped to another world once this mission's done. Doesn't matter if this is literally the first kid they've ever seen in their lives (except fellow clones).
And, even if they don't get enough "incubation time" around the kid to turn into a dad, they will -- at minimum -- turn into a Nerra™️.
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stellarbit · 5 months
Beg For It
1.6k words. Warnings - NSFW my guys. Heavy heavy petting and voyeurism.
Hunter had a hard time keeping his eyes off of you. Finding you tangled up with Tech was no exception and Tech was not having it.
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I don't know what's wrong with me, but man oh man does a simpy Hunter do it for me. I'll die on the hill that Tech is the most confident of his brothers. Enjoyyyy
Being the oldest brother, Hunter learned early in his life that possessiveness was not a trait he could have. What was his was his brothers and he didn’t mind it that way. It was best for the squad and, if he had to be completely honest, seeing his brothers safe and taken care of was worth more than keeping something for himself. It was part of what made him such a good leader.
Hunter put his squad’s safety and happiness before himself.
Then you came along.
When you joined the Bad Batch, Hunter found himself unable to look away, although his helmet hid his gaze. There was something about you—the way you moved, laughed, and fought alongside him and his brothers—that drew him in more than he expected.
The first time he came in contact with you almost got him shot in combat. Blaster fire was coming your way when he tackled you out of the way. Pinned underneath him and heaving so hard your chest pressed into him with each breath, your scent filled his helmet. He shook his head in an ill attempt to clear his senses.
His hand, moving on its own, was headed for the curve of your waist when an explosion rocked the ground. It snapped him back to reality and he heaved the both of you to better cover.
There was a moment when he had to step in to stop you from going after Crosshair. You were so focused on reaching Crosshair that you ended up wrapping yourself around Hunter, your face pressed against his shoulder, one arm draped over him, and a leg trying to find leverage past him.
Hunter seized the opportunity to press closer to you and place his hands on your waist. He resisted the urge to explore further, even though your neck was just inches from his mouth. It took all his willpower not to turn his head and taste your skin.
For Hunter, this was a new sensation—not just smelling your scent but feeling it envelop him. Watching you fight stirred something deep within him. Being this close to you was enough to make him tense with desire. One night, catching you in a vulnerable moment in your cot nearly undid him. It was late on the Marauder, and you thought you were concealed by the dark. But Hunter could hear you, see you, and even smell you. Had his brothers not been around, he might have given in to his impulses right there.
The scent of your pheromones overwhelmed him, intensifying his reaction as your hips moved rhythmically against your hand. From his own cot, Hunter found himself grinding into his bed in sync with your movements, with a deep ache building within him. He clutched at his sheets, grounding himself, nearly tearing them in his effort to stay silent.
When your breath hitched, a new scent filled the air, pushing him to the brink. A shudder ran through him, and he had to fight back a groan as he went over the edge of release.
He often wondered what it might be like to catch you at just the right moment, but a different reality snapped him back before any scenario could play out.
You and Tech had been assigned to prepare the ship for takeoff, while Hunter and Crosshair were off meeting with a Jedi General. Needing to retrieve a datastick with vital intel, Hunter found himself hurrying back to the Marauder. As he reached the bottom of the ship’s steps, your moans reached his ears.
To anyone else, they might have been silent, but to Hunter, they were as clear as if you were standing right beside him. He ascended the steps quietly, taking two at a time, and positioned himself close enough to hear without being seen. The sound of your panting and the rustling of fabric were unmistakable, but there was another layer—an additional presence. His eyes widened as he realized you weren’t alone.
Hunter moved up the steps quietly and peered around the corner, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. At first, he saw movement against the wall, obscured behind a chair. Tech’s back was to him, seemingly engrossed in the ship’s systems. But as Hunter watched for a moment longer, he realized the true nature of Tech's engagement. His hands were busy, indeed, but not with the ship.
Unlike his brother, Tech was territorial and a bit possessive about things he invested in and that kept his attention. He took pride in maintaining control over his interests and was selective about who he allowed access, if he allowed it at all.
One of the things he didn’t intend on sharing was you. You were an unshared discovery he took every opportunity to explore.
The reality of sharing the majority of his life with a squadron of brothers meant he rarely had anything truly his own. Some things he had more ownership of, at least in responsibility alone, as was the case with the Marauder. 
You, however, gave him something entirely his own. The sounds you made, the freckles typically hidden under your clothes, the taste of your tongue - these were experiences reserved for him, moments that he treasured as solely his.
He stood behind you, your hands braced on a control panel, one of his own hands working into your pants while the other snaked around your waist and pulled you tight against him.
“Careful,” He said into your ear. “If your voice becomes too loud, we risk being discovered.”
His voice in your ear had you arching into him. It sent heat through you and made it even more difficult to concentrate on controlling the sounds of your pleasure. 
Tech learned very quickly how and where to touch you. The confidence his ability to draw out such noises brought him far overshadowed any brought on by his ability to decode encryptions.
“You’re…” You struggled to speak through a groan, “Not being fair.” You started bending at the hip to push back into him.
Before you gained the upper hand, Tech pulled you back by your arm and straight into his lap as he sat you both back into a chair. His hand remained in your pants, your wetness spreading further as his fingers worked on you, while his free hand slid into your tunic and over your breast.
“If you’d prefer,” The touch between your legs stilled and he swiveled the two of you in a different direction. He gave your nipple a pinch. “We can return to our assigned tasks.”
You pressed his hand back into you. “You’re cruel.” You purred.
His chuckle reverberated into your torso. “I prefer to think of it as strategic teasing,” he whispered. “Ensuring you’re always wanting more keeps things… interesting, wouldn’t you say?” He continued tracing shapes over your most sensitive parts, rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
Your head was tilted in just a way he could easily kiss the spot just beneath your ear. That always elicited the most delicious response from you. He made to do so when he suddenly caught sight of a tattooed face looking right at you two.
Hunter was watching and, Tech assumed, he’d been doing so from the start.
Tech imagined what Hunter could see. You fully draped back against him, legs spread wide as you straddled his thigh. His hands were still entangled in your clothes, one exposing your breast and the other hooked inside of you. With how worked up you were, a string of your fluids may very well have followed his fingers if he removed them.
Tech and Hunter locked eyes while you remained blissfully unaware. Tech glanced down over your body, confirming exactly what he feared Hunter could see. When he saw Hunter drag his gaze down your body, a muscle feathered in Tech’s jaw.
He was sufficiently annoyed. This sight was meant for him and him alone.
Your head started to face forward, but the hand Tech had in your tunic moved to grip your jaw and pull your face back against him. He was not going to allow Hunter to see the face you were about to make. 
You let out a low moan, Tech’s name humming through it, and he pressed his mouth to your cheek.
He spoke with his lips against your skin, "It seems you're quite eager for release.” You whined in response, affirming what he already knew. Tech was still watching his brother devour the sight of you two. “Well then, if you really want it,” he made sure his voice carried more than loud enough for Hunter to hear, “you’ll need to beg for it. Really beg. Let’s hear how much you want it.”
You conceded immediately and with that Tech gave the bundle of nerves at his fingertips a light pinch. He’d never done so before, but it sent a shock through you so intense you couldn’t hold back a loud moan.
You spasmed into his touch, writhing against him as he slid his tongue to that sensitive spot at your ear. “Good girl.” He said, praising you.
All the while Tech trained his eyes on his brother. Hunter’s nose flared and, for a moment, Tech thought he might reveal himself. Instead, Hunter looked over you once more, eyes soaking in all the bits of you he'd been imagining for months.
Hunter’s eyes, unreadable and wild, snapped back to Tech, who wore a small smug smile, before retreating out of sight. 
Tech was proud of what he’d accomplished and satisfied with the show you’d put on for his brother. If he was correct, Hunter would be keeping a satisfactory distance.
Tech released you, letting you collapse into his arm. As he suspected, when he removed his hand a string of you hung between his fingers. Touching his fingers together, he took note of how much you’d produced this time.
“What a delightful body you have.” Tech said. He would definitely be trying that technique again. "We'll need to replicate this again soon."
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indigofyrebird · 5 days
Carefully, he picked up the familiar helmet. Wrapped in dirty rags like a convalescent victim of war, its fabric was coming undone. 
Crosshair smoothed the fraying ends back into place with his thumb, pieces of thread coming off on his glove as he did. 
"Mayday..." he spoke into the cold and lonely room, his breath coming out a white fog.
"Mayday, remember my squad I told you about? Clone Force 99?" His voice was soft, whispered. 
"They're here. They're here, and we're together." He forced the confidence into his tone, wanted Mayday to hear it. He pictured the easy smile on the commander's face in response. He would be pleased. He had cared.
We're together, but we're not. My brother is missing, lost forever. Hunter doesn't trust me. The kid...well, she's something else. I don't know what I did to deserve her. 
Crosshair shivered, tipping the helmet toward him, meeting it with his own forehead. He prayed to whoever was listening that wherever he was, the commander was at peace, happy, but above all, that wherever he was, he was warm.
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Had to write a little thing to go with my drawing!
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cyarikasmoon · 5 months
Rest Now
Bad Batch Hunter x reader
Summary: Hunter returns home after saying goodbye to Omega. *Set just after the Season 3 epilogue scene*
Pairing: Bad Batch Hunter x f!reader
Word Count: 1,539
Warnings: Bad Batch Season 3 spoilers, married Hunter, older hunter, fluff, comfort, cuddles, HUNTER DESERVES LOTS OF CUDDLES AND KISSES
Divider by @freesie-writes & @snotbuggle
A/N: I truly adore this show and just wanted to write a little piece for Hunter. He did so well and is such a good father figure for Omega. That epilogue meant everything to me. I wish we saw older Crosshair and Wrecker, but I'm also quite glad it was a final moment between those two. It was always meant to be them. I will love and cherish them forever.
I hope you all like this. It's a little rough and rushed, and it's just raw emotions being processed onto a page after the finale, but I still wanted to post! Enjoy! x
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It’s almost sunrise when you wake up. You sleepily reach out, cold underneath the sheets, and you realise the familiar warmth of your husband is gone. Your eyes blink open with a frown as you pat the bed, almost to make sure he is actually gone. Sitting up in the bed, you blink blearily, taking in the room. It’s dark, but your eyes adjust quickly, the faint lighting of a new day approaching helping you see the dimly lit room. You roll over the bed gently, and you see his boots are gone, and his overshirt that he had left hanging over the edge of the bed last night.
The entire house is quiet, which almost makes you confident that Batcher is gone as well. You let out a soft whistle, a quick two-tone note. Nothing like the loud army shrill your husband does to call the lurker hound. When there is no distant sound of barking, no heavy pads of paws on the ground, you sigh softly.
Gently getting out of bed, you move to pull on your trousers and the quickest shirt being one of his thick, long sleeved ones. As you slip it on, you breathe in the smell of him and let your shoulders sag. It wasn’t normal for him to be gone this early. His side of the bed had been cold when you had felt it. He had been gone for hours. At least Batcher would be with him. You hope, anyway.
Pulling on a quick small pair of boots, she moves towards the door but pauses by the window as she hears voices outside. As she peers out, she sees Wrecker and Crosshair standing talking. Crosshair is almost silent with his words, speech always raspy and quiet but sharp. Wrecker, thinking he was being quiet, was still quite loud. But the early morning rays indicated it wasn't long till the residents of Pabu would awaken.
Crosshair strokes his chin gently, fingers brushing over the soft wisps of grey turning white hair. His hair finally growing back in revealed it to now finally be more silver white than the original grey it used to be back in the days of the Republic. Wrecker still stands tall, and the body is still accumulating so much muscle, but he looks softer, rounder. Years of enjoying and actually living life and eating good food. His lips are drawn into a tight line from where you can see, his jaw covered in a soft wiry fuzz of scruff - the start of a beard that is accentuated with fine white hairs now amidst the dark ones.
The flurry of quick hand movements between the two have you frowning before you all hear a distant bark. You glance through the window to the right. Coming up over the hill, the rising sun casts light across the path as the old lurker hound ambles up the street. Batcher picks up speed slightly as she spots Crosshair and Wrecker, forever excited to see them. It’s then you see your husband, not too far behind Batcher. He walks slowly, his head down slightly, but he looks up as he spots his brothers.
He seems to stand up straighter then as he notices them, almost instinctively falling back into the roll of Seagerant after so long. Crosshair gets up slowly from where he had knelt down to stroke Batcher, leaving his prosthetic hand to rest on the back of her neck as he faces Hunter. Wrecker’s eyes are full of apprehension as if he knows what Hunter is to tell them, but he desperately doesn't want it to be the case.
When Hunter reaches them, you watch as he simply nods his head and says a few words. The three brothers stand in silence for a moment. Whatever news he had just shared, it brings a sombre moment, but then Wrecker’s smiling. He makes a comment, followed by a booming laugh. Crosshair's face twists up into an amused smirk, and he replies with his own comment. Your husband says something else, and they fall silent for a moment. It’s then Crosshair takes a step forward and rests his hand on Hunter’s shoulder, and they share a look. Before anything can be said, Wrecker envelopes them into his arms, a signature crushing hug from the big man that has them all smiling and reminiscing.
Wrecker puts them down, and they all share a final smile. It’s then the old girl barks, and Crosshair rolls his eyes fondly, the hound sticks to his side, ready for her breakfast. They all seemed to nod and head off in their own separate ways. A new day is beginning after all. As Hunter turns towards your home, you move and gently open the door and lean in the doorway and smile at him.
He glances at you and pauses for a moment, a fond smile on his face before he continues to walk forward to you. Like second instinct, you hold your arms open and let him hold you close and tight against him.
“Hi.” You whisper to him.
“Hey.” He responds softly. His voice reserved slightly, like when he’s lost in thought.
“Hey, come back to me.” You whisper softly, leaning back to cup his tattooed side of his face, fingers brushing over his dark beard.
His eyes tell you everything. They’re tired from being up so early. They’re full of love and adoration for you. They reflect peace. They show sadness. You smile sadly then, as you realise. This is the look of a father who has just had to let go and say goodbye. No matter how much he doesn’t wish for it to be the case.
“Omega?” You ask softly, stepping back, so you both gravitate back into your home.
He nods then. A small smile plays on his lips, his eyes softening.
“She left first thing in the early hours of the morning. Thought she could sneak away.” He chuckles, a gruff noise in his throat.
“She spoke about the Rebellion so often. It was only a matter of time before she would want to go help.” You stroke his cheek as you watch his melancholic expression.
“I know…” He breaks away so he can sit and take his boots off, and you do the same. You both leave them by the door, and he rises to stand in front of you again.
You hold your hand to him, and he instantly takes it.
“You’re a wonderful father, Hunter. I know it. Your brothers know it, and Omega knows it.” You whisper to him, taking both of his hands.
His thumbs stroke along your knuckles in a soothing motion for himself and for you. His left thumb focuses on running across your ring. He raises his eyes to look into yours.
“You’ve raised her wonderfully. She is such a bright, beautiful young woman now, and the Rebellion is lucky to have her.” You say and then grin. “You practically prepared her for this.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes fondly at you, lips quirked up into a small smile.
“I was once told battle droids were easier to handle compared to raising a kid.” He muses. “They weren't wrong.”
“Hunter, love, she’ll be fine. She knows you’ll come if you need her.”
“I’d be there in a heartbeat.” He promises, and his voice is so strong and earnest. You could never not believe him. The sergeant shines through in that moment.
You lean forward and kiss him softly, and his hands move to hold you close. Your foreheads then meet in a keldabe kiss, and you smile at him.
“C’mon old man, let's go back to bed for a bit.” You tease him with a grin.
“Who are you calling old man? The days are just starting.” He rolls his eyes and tries to hide his smile.
“And you’ve hardly slept.” You argue back, nudging your forehead against his. “C’mon, a little nap won’t hurt anyone.”
You lead him to the bedroom and smile as you help him take his overshirt off and drape it back over the edge of the bed. Laying down, he holds you close in his arms and still keeps his eyes open and watching you.
“You’ve done so good, love.” You whisper and lean forward, pressing gentle kisses across his face. “It’s okay to miss her. It’s normal. We all will miss her. But she’ll be okay. She’ll come back one day. Now you can rest.”
HIs eyes close as he embraces your touch. His breathing relaxes.
“Rest love, I’ve got you.” You whisper as you watch him drift off. “We’ve got you. You can rest now.”
You press a final kiss to his brow, right below his bandana, before you lay your head on the pillow next to him. The sun has risen now. You can hear the residents of Pabu begin their day. Birds in the distance. You swear even without enhanced senses like Hunter, you can hear the ocean. You look at him one final time before your eyes drift close. It’s a new day. They're here and alive. How exciting it is to live. To live and to love. To do whatever they want.
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eobe · 7 days
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Echo en detail! ✨ Brooding over a chess game with his annoying brother Crosshair, who loves to hiss distracting comments only to have a chance to remain a few moves more against this ultimate strategist ARC trooper!
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My first bad batch faces drawing! And hey, my very first one, which is not a frame from the series but an inspiration from the gorgeous artwork by @thora-sniper ✨ Thank you 🫶🏼
This time I got some more confidence with my lining, shadows and lighting and think it‘s great for the fact that I didn‘t draw anything for years (blockades aargh!) until I restarted with Captain Keeli 🙈
What do you think about it? Let me know your thoughts about my artstyle and progression 😀
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Crosshair en detail ✨ By the way, he knows that you‘re watching him trying to sidetrick, cheat and else only to bother his brother Echo and he doesn‘t care 🙄 But maybe he tries to hide a little smirk.
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echo-lover · 7 months
Why are you watching this, it's for kids. Focus on life, find yourself a partner, have your own family. You are an adult. Grow up.
You don't understand it. This is not just a series...
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This series gives me a chance to feel like a kid again. I find comfort, safety and care in the arms of characters who mean the world to me. I experience each of their moments of sadness, each of their smallest joys, as if they were my own. This is my home, my safe space. I love them with all my heart. Thank you Star-Wars for my beautiful family.
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I love Wrecker because he always managed to put a smile back on my face, even when I was having the worst day ever. His cheerful personality makes it impossible not to like him. Sometimes he is just a child, trapped in a large man's body. Behind all this muscles and enormous strength that can easily hurt you, there is a soft heart made of gold. He can be gentle, soft, even quiet if he has to. He would do absolutely everything for his family. He is also way more intelligent than he might think. The way he takes care of Omega melts my heart every time. Kids love him and he loves kids.
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I love Tech because he can quickly adapt to situations. His voice is so special... I could listen to him for hours and never get tired of his facts about everything he saw and heard on his missions. He showed me that being smart is not something I should be ashamed of. His voice is calming, gives me comfort... I love his little jokes and moments where he was just a little savage in conversations. Even though he processes moments and thoughts differently, he is still able to share his own feelings with Omega. She helped him open up and show the part of himself that he kept closed from the world, even from himself. He loved his family so much that he sacrificed himself for their safety, paying the biggest price. He is worth every tear I shed for him (and there were so many).
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I love Echo because I see a part of myself in him. He has been with me from the very beginning of my journey with Clones, and is one of the most important characters for me. I relate to him for many personal reasons. Even though he has experienced so much evil in his life, he is still able to be gentle, caring and show love to those who were closest to him. I especially love his bond with Omega, they both understand each other through their traumas, and way more. Omega quickly became the most important to Echo, but he couldn't give up on fighting, even for her. He felt that he has to somehow compensate for all the lost years when he was a prisoner on SkakoMinor. His honor, loyalty and courage inspire me every day. And his tenderness and softness touch my soul deeply. I could talk about him for hours and never get bored. I wish I'd be able to give him the biggest and warmest hug, and tell him how important he is to me.
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I love Crosshair because he's the type of character I could easily hate, but I don't. In fact Cross is very close to my heart, I feel sorry for him and I want to help him get back to his old self. He is so much more than what the Empire has done to him. This sniper who never misses, who doesn't have to use his muscles to hurt - words are enough for him - silent, yet sharp. Precise, accurate, always on point. Confident, knowing his skills. Painfully honest, but needing to prove his worth to others at the same time. I know there is this soft side of him, hidden, but it is there for sure. The side that loves his brothers and little sister more than his own life. He need some time to understand that he is worth all the love in the Galaxy and I hope that Omega will help him to realize, that his brothers never really left him. They would take him back, if he just wanted...
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I love Hunter because he makes me feel safe. I can't put it into words, but he's a character that reminds me of home... a loved one that I lost some time ago. He is so much like my dad at some point and his bond with Omega is so special for me. I know he's not perfect, he makes mistakes just like everyone else, but he always wants to do the right thing. He is a leader, not the one that only gives orders, but he is more like the head of the family who protect them - a father. He always puts his family first and is willing to do anything for them. For any of them, including Crosshair. He often doesn't give direct orders, just suggestions. His squad is not just soldiers, but they are his brothers, his closest family. His priorities changed when Omega appeared in his life - a child in need of a family, who trusted him and gave him love that he had never received before. From a soldier, he became a father, who would give everything for his daughter's safety and joy. His relationship with Omega is the most important to me. I loved him from the first moment and I could talk about him for hours, just like about Echo. I will always defend him. No matter what.
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I love Omega because she took the best parts of each of her brothers. She is fearless, brave, strong and ready to defend her family until the very end. She's just a sweet little girl who can't have a normal childhood. She's different, just like her brothers, and she's so proud of it. She is not afraid to show her individuality. But even though she is strong and brave, she is still just a child. She needs love, protection... family... and Bad Batch gave it to her... a home, a safe place, loving brothers... Words cannot describe how important she is to me. Now she has changed so much, she is no longer this little Omega from first season... I think she becomes so much like Hunter.
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alamogirl80 · 2 months
Sneak Peek - Chapter 21
I actually don't know how many followers on here still follow me for my Codywan fic "And I'll Follow the Light in You" but hey look!
I'm actually writing!
Here's a snippet of Chapter 21 which is finished and hopefully will be up in the next day or so (we got a tropical storm/hurricane Beryl slapping our asses south of me so, dunno what the internet situation will be tomorrow)
Bail sighs, apparently satisfied. “I’ll make the arrangements. I know this is hard, Obi, but it’s what's best.”  “Not for everyone,” comes a voice from the shadows.   Obi-Wan has his saber out and in his hand, but does not light it yet as the razor edged Force signature hits him. Cool silvers mixed with deep blues and blood reds.
Commander Fox steps out of the shadows, confident as he strides forward despite Organa’s hand on a blaster and the spooked Jedi with his saber out. He pulls his helmet off and raises an eyebrow at both of them. Bail puts his gun away and wipes a hand over his face.  “I knew you had a detail on me at all times, Fox, but I didn’t know you’d deign to tail me yourself,” Bail says. “You’re the chancellor,” Fox says brusquely, as if that answers everything. Then he turns his gaze on Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan feels like a sniper’s crosshairs are trained on him. He folds the saber back into his robes, and tries not to take a step backwards. “You rabbiting off into the galaxy isn’t what’s best for everyone, Kenobi,” Fox states, tone rough as the dented duracrete around them. Obi-Wan blinks. “What do you mean Commander? It will protect your brothers—”
“It will kill Cody,” Fox cuts across him --
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baddest-batchers · 2 months
Echos Of Another Life
Ah here it is! I finally finished this Echo x fem!reader fic. Ngl I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to end this one and where it was going to go at times, so please forgive me this definitely isn’t my best work. Echo fans, I hope this one makes you smile though! Our cybernetic clone needs more love. This isn’t 100% proof read. Anyway, enjoy! 💕
Summary: You’re the Bad Batch’s resident medic, having been assigned to a few other clone battalions before, you knew your way around a clone or two. But upon assignment to CF99, you find yourself falling for their newest addition Echo. Getting him to relax and have a little fun is the perfect challenge for you, and you never shy away from a good one.
Word count: 4.9k
Warnings: MDNI, 18+, mild smut (?)/implied intimacy, hella making out, mild mentions of a little praise kink, insecure Echo to very confident Echo, mentions his injuries from Skako Minor.
Dividers: @stars-n-spice
Taglist: @stellarbit @alegendoftomorrow @jetii @techwrecker @bruh-myguy-what
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Sitting across from Echo in the cabin of the Marauder, you twirl a strand of your hair mindlessly around your finger, trying to figure out a way to convince the latest member of Clone Force 99 to go out with you. You were determined to get Echo to cut loose a little tonight. He seemed so uptight and stressed out after the last several missions with his new squad and while he may already be used to the chaos of being apart of a close knit group, Clone Force 99 was something entirely different.
He had been diligent in filling out mission reports since Hunter never had the desire to complete one in his entire life. If Echo wasn’t submitting reports, he was helping Tech with the numerous projects the bespectacled clone had going on simultaneously throughout the Marauder. He’d exchange a few words about their different weapons of choice with Crosshair and would occasionally modify his own blaster to make it more effective and efficient. Stories of different missions and jokes were shared between Wrecker and himself and for the most part, Echo was quite content with his new squad. He felt as though he had found his place in the galaxy again and he was doing what he knew how to do best: being a soldier, and a damn good one at that.
And then there was you. It was well known among the rest of the squad that Echo hated anything to do with medical treatment, given his excruciating ordeal on Skako Minor. Obviously you didn’t blame him for keeping his distance from you for a while upon your initial introductions, but you were determined to gain Echo’s trust.
Well, you ended up gaining a whole lot more than just trust from the cybernetially enhanced clone. Echo, despite his initial wariness of you, found that he had grown the most fond of your company. You were confident, kind, and sweet on all of his brothers. But what Echo wouldn’t admit to himself was that you were especially sweet on him. You went out of your way to spend a little extra time here and there where you could with him between or after missions. Most recently, you had been bringing him caf in the mornings since you were usually awake before the others, save for Tech who more often than not was awake around the same early hour as you.
Echo had noticed, and the others had, too, but he tried his best not to read too much into your kindness towards him. Most of his self confidence when it came to girls in general was one of the many things that had been stripped from him on Skako Minor. He knew Fives would tell him that, if anything, chicks dig a guy with battle scars, and Echo had more than plenty of them.
Regardless, Echo tried his hardest not to get his hopes up for something more from you than you might be willing or wanting to give. He would never blame you if you didn’t feel the same way, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore the feelings he was beginning to catch for you.
“C’mon, Echo.” Your voice took on an exaggerated pleading tone. You playfully nudge his prosthetic leg with your foot, “You really should take some time to relax. You’ve been working nonstop for the past several rotations, you’re going to burn yourself out.”
“I’m a clone, we don’t really burn out, or we’re not designed to, anyway.” Echo says without looking up from the ship’s computer console.
“Hm, I beg to differ on that one.” You stand from your chair and take the few steps that would bring you to lean against the console Echo was engrossed in. “Clone or not, you’re still human. And humans need rest and relaxation.”
Echo paused and considered you for a moment. “I have to finish this mission report. Force knows Hunter isn’t going to do it.”
One thing Echo had never been great at, at least without a little coaxing, was relaxing. In their early days with the 501st, Fives would tease him about it relentlessly whenever the Domino squad had a few days to rest and recoup between missions. Downtime and quiet for Echo meant catching up on the latest reg manuals, but for Fives and the others, it was time to party and let loose a little.
“Echo.” You call out his name, this time with more softness. “Why don’t you come to 79s with me? It’ll be fun.”
This, the way you said his name, pulls him from the fleeting memory of his days with the 501st. His heart was thumping faster inside his chest and he tried to maintain his composure so as not to give away his nerves. He rotated his chair to look up at you leaning against the console. Even dressed in your medic gear Echo couldn’t help but admire how pretty you were. He had to remind himself not to stare so he averted us gaze back to the report on his screen.
After a moment Echo sighed, flicking his eyes back to yours, “Doctor’s orders?” He raised a brow and let a playful smile cross his lips.
“Yep, now go put on some civies.” You wink at him before pushing yourself off the console to head to the refresher to clean yourself up a bit and change.
You could hardly suppress the grin that spread across your face as you turned to walked away, feeling triumphant that you just might be able to draw Echo a bit more out of his shell and show him just how much you enjoy his company without the eyes of the rest of his brothers on you both.
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You were more than happy to change out of your gear and put on something cute for the first time in a while. You slipped on a top with flowy sleeves and plunging neckline, thanking the Maker you’d decided to buy it the last time the squad had been on Coruscant. Once you pulled on a pair of pants and slipped on your casual boots, you pulled your hair out of its usual neat bun at the nape of your neck, brushing it through and letting it fall down around your shoulders. After a few more coats of lipgloss and another swipe through your lashes with the mascara wand, you were ready to go. You took one last look in the small refresher mirror and smiled at your reflection, feeling confident and a little jittery for what the night possibly had in store for you and Echo.
Truth be told, you had fallen for Echo quite a while ago. There was something magnetic about his dedication to his brothers and to being a good soldier. His determination and confidence in the field was mesmerizing; you just couldn’t help but fall for him. There was no denying the part of you that hoped he felt the same way.
Exiting the refresher, you found Echo leaning against the hatchway of the Marauder, dressed in his civies, with a barely noticeable etch of nerves settled in his expression. Crosshair was standing next to him, arms folded over his chest and toothpick slotted between his teeth.
“Don’t be so dense, she’s never invited any of us out on our own with her. It’s a date.” Crosshair smirked while sliding his toothpick to the other side of his upturned lips.
“Eh, I’m not going to get my hopes up. She said it was to get me to relax so, I doubt it.” Echo said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.
“Even if that’s the case, try not to kark it up.” Crosshair snickered, having caught sight of you before Echo did and turned on his heel, heading back towards the bunks.
You caught Crosshair’s jab and Echo’s reply as you turned the corner to the hatchway.
“Get your hopes up about what? And what on earth could you possibly kark up?” You ask sweetly while adjusting your top. Despite having seen Echo in his civies before, you couldn’t help but think how good he looked out of his armor. While his frame was lean, his muscles, where they still existed, were defined and his shoulders were broad.
“N-nothing, Crosshair is just being, well, Crosshair. Are you ready to go?” Echo’s eyes snapped up to yours as you came into view, hoping you hadn’t heard any other part of the short conversation he had been having with Crosshair.
“Yep!” You flashed him a bright smile while flipping your hair over your shoulder.
You looked him up and down and smiled, “You look good, Echo. Do you think my outfit is alright?” A flirty smile pulled at your lips as you observed his eyes beginning to wander over your body.
His cheeks flushed when he realized you had definitely caught him checking you out before you had even asked about your outfit. Echo shifted his weight from one leg to the other and cleared his throat before bringing his gaze back up to yours.
Come on, Echo. You used to be good at this. Relax, like she’s been telling you to!
“You look great. Amazing, actually.” Echo smiled. He meant it, you did look amazing, and the small glow of hope in his chest that this might actually be a date was growing brighter every second he was in your presence.
Echo’s compliment caught you a little off guard, making you blush. You were not expecting him to answer your question so smoothly or sincerely. He smiled at the mildly surprised expression on your face, then offered his scomp arm to you so you could descend the ramp of the ship together.
“Shall we?” Echo smiled at you, waiting for you to take his arm.
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79s was crowded, as per usual, with clones from several different battalions and posts filling up booths and seats at the bar. You expertly maneuvered your way through the bustling scene with Echo in tow right behind you, his flesh hand in yours.
A couple of the boys from the 212th were sitting around a table close to the back of the bar, all of them enjoying drinks when you and Echo walked past them. Upon recognizing you, a few of them hollered your name and motioned for you to join them.
“Hey, boys!” You waved, flashing them all a bright smile.
“Come join us, sweetheart! Drinks on us!” One of them shouted while tipsily patting his lap.
Echo followed your line of sight to the table where his brothers were all sat with several empty glasses cluttering their table.
The slight twinge of jealousy stung a little more than Echo tried to let on. “You know them pretty well..” He had to raise his voice to be heard over the thumping music.
“Yeah, I was their medic before I was briefly assigned to the 501st to work with Kix, then after that I was reassigned to your squad.” You called back to him.
You turned back to face him, realizing he had slowed down a little from the tugging you were having to do on his hand to move through the crowd. You took note of the uneasy expression settling on Echo’s sharp features, then turned back to the boys who had called for your attention.
“No can do, guys, I’m on a date!” You holler back to them, drunken disappointment apparent on all of their faces. Ever so slightly, you tightened your grip on Echo’s hand.
“Come on, let’s get some drinks.” You smile sweetly at his surprised expression. Echo’s footsteps came to a sudden halt in the middle of the bar, wide amber eyes staring back at you for a moment.
You grew uncharacteristically shy for a moment under Echo’s gaze, a blush beginning to blossom on your face. You decided to be a bit bolder and took the few steps into his personal space which made you have to tip your chin up to look at him. Regaining your usual confidence and flirty demeanor, you playfully rolled your eyes at him and tugged again at his hand.
“Well, are you just going to stand there or are you gonna get me a drink?” You whispered in the space between you before stepping away and flashing Echo a flirty smile.
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After a few drinks and more flirtatious words and touches were exchanged between you and Echo, you noticed a few more clones with their respective dates beginning to crowd up the dance floor. Leaning over just enough to brush against Echo’s shoulder, you fluttered your lashes at him as you slowly looped your arm through his.
“Come dance with me?” You posed the question with a playfully pleading pout.
“Eh, dancing isn’t really my thing..” Echo rubbed the back of his neck shyly. He wasn’t lying, dancing really wasn’t his thing, at least not since Skako Minor, and definitely not since he found out what had happened to Fives. Echo hadn’t even been back to 79s until now, despite the Batch occasionally hitting up the place whenever they were docked on Coruscant.
Tuggging him over to the dance floor, you turned back and shot Echo a playful grin, “That’s not what the boys in the 501st told me.”
“And what exactly did they tell you?” Echo smirked while raising a brow at the endless list of possible things his brothers could have told you about his time in the 501st.
Pulling Echo a little further onto the dance floor, you began moving to the beat of the music thumping over the speakers, swaying your hips in small circles.
“They told me you were difficult to drag away from your reg manuals, and that getting you to have fun always took a little coaxing, but that once you were worn down enough, you were the life of the party, along with Fives.” You leaned into Echo’s space a little more so he could hear you over the music.
Echo raised an eyebrow, a smirk pulling at his lips, “Ah, well, they weren’t wrong. Fives was usually the one to drag me here and get us both absolutely wasted and singing at the top of our lungs.”
“Now that’s something I’d give a ton of credits to see.” You giggled while wrapping your arms around Echo’s neck. You began swaying to the beat of the music, letting yourself feel the rhythm as your hips brushed up against his.
Echo couldn’t help but smile down at you and he had to admit, feeling you move against him under the lights and music of 79s was driving him crazier than he’d like to admit.
Deciding right then in there, Echo let himself cut loose for the first time since his 501st days. The way you were looking up at him through your lashes and how your body moved with his made it that much easier for him to let go of his troubles for a while. You were a comforting presence in the midst of his troubled whirlwind of thoughts and feelings.
You smiled at the sight of Echo before you, looking like he was finally enjoying himself. Seizing the opportunity, you spun around pressed your back and butt against Echo’s front, moving in perfect rhythm with him.
“Whoa, you’re quite the dancer.” Echo chuckled in surprise over the sound of the thudding music.
“I’ve always loved to dance!” You smile back at him while pushing even closer into him. You brought your arms up and behind you to graze the back of Echo’s head with your fingertips, while gently pressing further into him while you both moved in time with the beat.
Echo hesitated for a moment before bringing his flesh hand and scomp to rest on either side of your waist. He felt as though his heart was going to thump right out of his chest, but he kept a steady hold on you as you both continued dancing.
Spinning back around to face him, you giggled contently, “See? Isn’t it nice letting loose a little?”
Echo smiled while tugging you a little bit closer, “Yeah, it is. Reminds me of the old days with Fives and the rest of my brothers.”
“I’m glad I was able to help, then.” You smile sweetly up at him. “And from all I’ve heard about Fives he sounds like he was quite the life of the party.”
Echo chuckled softly in response.
“You would have liked him. You’d probably be here with him instead of me, knowing Fives, he would have swept you off your feet before the rest of us even had a chance to.” Echo remarked, a hint of sadness at missing his brother lacing his tone.
“Hm, something tells me I’d still be here with you.” You admitted, a blush blossoming across your face. You brought your hands to rest on his chest as you both began swaying slowly near the edge of the dance floor.
Echo’s bright eyes widened in genuine surprise. “I, uh, didn’t think anyone would take a romantic interest in me after becoming, well, this.” He lifted his scomp, waving it between the two of you before returning it to rest on your waist.
“Why not? Battle scars are hot, you know.” You teased him with a flirty smile.
“Well, I’ve definitely got plenty of those.” Echo let out a slight laugh.
A beat of content silence passed over the two of you as you swayed back and forth slowly in Echo’s grasp. Your eyes wandered from his face down to his chest where your hands were still resting against him. It made you a bit sad that Echo didn’t feel as desirable as he once did before Skako Minor, and while that was understandable, it made you almost desperate to show him how attractive he still was.
Bringing your eyes back up to his, you noticed that Echo was gazing intently at your lips. Seizing the moment, you slowly lifted yourself up to your tiptoes to meet his height, giving him time to pull away if he felt uncomfortable. But Echo didn’t retreat, instead he leaned down to meet your lips. The kiss was sweet and fleeting, only lasting a moment before Echo pulled away, a shy smile tugging at his mouth.
You hummed happily as Echo’s forehead came to rest against yours. Your fingers were tracing small circles in the fabric of his shirt, while his hand had pressed more firmly into the small of your back. It felt as though the atmosphere of 79s had completely faded away until a couple of clones seated in a booth behind you started cheering and making whooping sounds directed at the two of you . You spun around in Echo’s grasp and shot them look, feigning annoyance.
Echo let out an embarrassed laugh then spun you back around to face him, his face was tinged the slightest shade of pink. “Maybe we should get outta here? Go somewhere less crowded?” He suggested coyly.
“I know just the place.” You replied then places a quick peck on his lips before taking his hand in yours and leading him out of 79s into the warm Coruscant air. You walked at a brisk pace, eager to continue what you and Echo had started in the bar.
“Where are we going?” Echo prompted, matching your quick pace, his fingers still laced with yours.
“My apartment.” You offered suggestively, fluttering your lashes ever so slightly as you looked up at him.
Echo’s steps faltered as he slowed to a stop, tugging on your hand to get you to slow down, too. Before turning around to face him, you heard him call your name.
“What is it?” You asked as you turned around, your steps slowing to a halt.
“It’s just that I haven’t..uh” Echo paused while rubbing the back of his neck shyly with his scomp, “Been with anyone since Skako Minor.” He admitted, avoiding your gaze.
His admission made something in your heart break a little. Guilt welled up in your chest at the potential insensitivity you may have shown him by only kissing him once then taking his suggestion that you drag him to your apartment.
“Oh, Echo…” You uttered quietly. All of a sudden you felt very small and completely unlike yourself. The confidence and allure you had just moments ago was all but zapped from you. Your eyes dropped to the ground as you mindlessly shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
Echo noticed the sudden change in your demeanor from alluring excitement to worry and concern.
“I’m so sorry—”
“Don’t worry—”
You both started to speak at the same time. Your eyes shot back up to his then down to your hand still intertwined with his.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was moving so quickly. I just got caught up in the moment and—“ You stopped yourself short while bringing your gaze back up to his. Echo’s expression had softened from the previous look of hesitation he had only moments ago.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.” You insist earnestly.
“Oh, I definitely do, ah, want to, it’s just that I’m a bit…out of practice.” Echo’s face flushed a bit as he spoke, tightening his grip on your hand.
“You do? Are you sure? It’s perfectly okay if you want to call it a night and just head back to the Maraud—”
Before you could finish your sentence, Echo’s lips were on yours, pressed much more firmly than they had been in 79s. Letting go of your hand, he wrapped his arm around your waist so that his hand was pressed to the small of your back while his scomp rested gently against your cheek.
Your eyes widened at the sudden feeling of Echo’s lips on yours but you quickly melted into his touch, your eyelids falling shut as you deepening the kiss. You brought your arms up to wrap around his neck, pulling him in closer so that your chest was pressed against his. Echo thought he should pull away so that you both could continue the walk to your apartment but the way you were kissing him back erased all thoughts from his mind and replaced them with a mounting desire that was starting to bubble up and spill over within him. Instead, Echo let his eyes open as he continued to kiss you and quickly located a small alleyway between the shops you both had stopped in front of.
With one smooth motion, Echo slid his arms down your body slowly, stopping just under your ass and pulled your legs up to wrap around his hips. You let out a small gasp into his mouth as he moved you into the small gap and pressed you up against the wall. His kisses were growing hungrier by the second and yours followed suit. Your tongues danced in a hungry quest to taste as much of each other as possible and without realizing it, you started rolling your hips against Echo’s to gain some much needed friction.
Echo placed open mouthed kisses down your neck and chest, the soft moans you had been letting out were growing louder the further down your body he kissed. You silently thanked the Maker that you chose this particular top to wear, as it allowed Echo unfettered access to the sensitive skin of your chest.
“How much further is it to your apartment, mesh’la?” Echo muttered against your skin, his lips never leaving the spot he had decided to bite gently.
“Ah! Echo..it’s um—it’s—I can hardly think while you’re doing that!” You let out a playful whine.
Echo chuckled darkly against the very top of your breast, then slowly began kissing back up your neck.
“Well, unless you want to do this here..” He trailed off before capturing your mouth in another deep kiss.
You pulled away from him just enough to speak into the tiny space between you, “It’s just another block down.” You manage out breathily before pulling Echo back into another heated kiss.
“That’s my girl.” Echo whispered against your lips. “Let’s go.”
His simple praise at your answering him whilst he distracted you with his kisses only heightened the desire that was growing with every kiss, nip and touch he pressed to your body. Your breath hitched for just a moment before Echo gently set you back down on your feet. An audible whine escaped your lips at the loss of feeling him slotted between your legs. Echo stretched out his scomp, motioning you to exit the alleyway first, and with his other hand placed firmly on the small of your back.
Both you and Echo could hardly contain yourselves on the short walk to your apartment building, often times stopping to steal heated kisses along the way. You couldn’t help but imagine what he’d look like tangled up in your bedsheets or how he’d feel underneath your straddled legs. By the time you made it to your door Echo was already messing with the tie that kept your shirt in place, tugging at it with his one hand while the sleeves began sliding off your shoulders.
“You’re so hot when you’re confident.” You said in between trailing kisses along his sharp jaw.
Echo paused his messing with your top for a moment.
“Well, I was a lot better at this sort of thing before..maybe it’s just force of habit?” He queried more to himself than to you.
“Force of habit, huh? I shouldn’t be surprised that you had tons of girls knocking on your barracks door then if this is how you are anytime a girl takes an interest in you.” You teased him with a smirk on your face.
Echo snapped out of his thoughts, chuckling at your words. He gazed down at you still entangled in his grasp, with your shirt ties wrapped fully around his hand.
“Uh, no, I haven’t been with a ton of other girls…” He trailed off shyly while dropping his eyes to the floor, the tips of his ears growing pink.
You stared up at him through half lidded eyes while gently reaching up and turning his face back to yours.
“We can take this slow if that’s what you need, Echo. I don’t mind at all, really. It’s actually better that we take this slowly. I have a tendency to rush a little, anyway.” You insisted with a more serious but still gentle tone to your voice. With your palm pressed gently into his cheek, you began tracing delicate circles with your thumb just over his cheek bone.
Echo’s amber eyes searched yours for a moment while he tried to regain his wavering confidence. So many thoughts and feelings were running through his mind when he finally let out quiet sigh.
“Maybe slow would be better.” He considered out loud.
“Okay.” You smile sweetly up at him.
“Would you still like to come inside?” You asked after another beat of silence while reaching for the door panel.
Echo’s eyes flickered back and forth between yours, then something darker overtook them as they wandered back down to your lips, then even further down to your loose top. His previous confidence began to surface again and he had a feeling it was not going to be fading again soon.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He nodded.
You leaned to the side to press the button on the door panel, waiting a moment for the lock to disengage before it slid open with a quiet whoosh. Turning to step inside, you looked down between you and Echo to find that his flesh hand was still holding onto the ties of your top.
“I’ll need those back.” You giggled softly, placing a hand over his so as to take the ties from him.
But Echo didn’t release them. Instead he slowly walked you backwards into your apartment, hitting the door panel as he crossed the threshold.
“You know, I really like this top you’ve got on. But I think it’d look a lot nicer on the floor.” Echo said, feigning his best impression of his brother that he could muster.
Your eyes grew wide at his incredibly cheesy pick-up line and you couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up past your lips.
“What was that, Echo?” You managed out between giggles. You placed a hand over your mouth as you watched Echo’s expression change from a somewhat forced smolder to a grin.
“Something Fives used to say to try and pick up girls.” He said between laughs of his own.
“Oh, and I supposed that worked out well for him?” You dabbed at the tears that had formed at the corners of your eyes from your fit of laughter.
“But I meant it. It would look nicer on the floor.” He said while gently tugging at the ties of your top again.
In an instant, the energy in the room changed. Your heart beat had quickened at the lustful look that took up residence in Echo’s sharp features. Wordlessly and almost without a second thought, you let the top slide off of your shoulders onto the floor. Echo’s eyes widened at the sight of you topless before him as he let go of the ties of your discarded shirt.
Echo placed his hand along the side of your neck, guiding you just a hairsbreadth away from his lips.
“Maybe we could move just a little faster than slow.” He whispered into the tiny space between you.
“That sounds good to me.” You whispered back before pressing your lips to his.
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miss-musings · 3 months
"Omega Needs You Both": A Deeper Look at Crosshair's Plan 99 Monologue
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So, I had an interesting exchange with someone on Twitter about the 3.15 "change of plans" scene and what exactly Crosshair meant -- specifically by the line "Omega needs you both."
I figured I'd share my thoughts here, and do a breakdown of the dialogue in this scene.
We start with Crosshair seeing Tantiss' defenses and his hand starts shaking uncontrollably. But, he clenches his fist and gives his brothers an update:
Crosshair: They've got heavy patrols guarding the perimeter, with lurca hounds. Wrecker: Told you we should've brought Batcher.
Wrecker, who was mauled by a jungle creature in the previous episode, has basically been running on a combination of adrenaline, determination and med patches for at least an hour. As Wrecker says this line, he chuckles and then groans with pain from his wounds.
Crosshair notices and gives him a look that Wrecker can intuit even under his helmet.
Wrecker: Stop looking at me like that. I'm fine. Crosshair: No, you're not.
Crosshair sees the situation they're in: Their five-man squad is down two people already.
Tech is dead. (RIP, bestest boy! 😭)
Echo is inside the base, but they can't coordinate with him. For all they know, he might've been captured or killed after deactivating the science vessel's sensors at the end of 3.13.
And now, on top of Crosshair's own hand tremors, Wrecker is severely injured.
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Clone Force 99 is down two people already, two of the remaining three aren't at full strength, AND they’re going into Tantiss without any (known) back-up. 😬
Even if they manage to get past the patrolling stormtroopers and lurca hounds, they still don't have an easy way in. (Of course, the Zillo beast solves both of these problems about two minutes later.)
So, knowing full well what they're going up against and seeing the bad shape his squad is in, Crosshair offers a solution:
Crosshair: Change of plans. You two head to the communications array and try to contact Rex. I'll infiltrate the base myself. Hunter: Not happening. Wrecker: Yeah, we've handled worse situations than this countless--
Wrecker of all people knows that their squad isn't invincible. But, I think he's trying to infuse some optimism into the conversation and convince Crosshair not to do something rash.
Meanwhile, Crosshair basically tries to do the exact same thing to Wrecker, but in a much harsher way:
Crosshair: Wake up, Wrecker! Clone Force 99 died with Tech. We're not that squad anymore.
Crosshair says what they're all probably thinking:
Clone Force 99 charged into every battle in the Clone Wars with full confidence and zero hesitation. Maybe they weren't exactly stupid about it, but they were definitely reckless.
Crosshair is trying to tell Wrecker that they're not that invincible squad anymore. They lost their MVP in Tech. They cannot afford to go recklessly charging into battle like they used to, which he believes Wrecker is suggesting.
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Crosshair: I've been inside that mountain. I know what we're up against. If we all go in, we're not all making it out.
Again, even if they manage to get inside, Crosshair knows exactly how well-defended Tantiss is. He's trying to convince his brothers to get to safety, because he knows the odds are stacked against them and he doesn't want to lose them.
He wants to keep them safe. He wants to protect them. So, he uses the best logic he has to try to convince them: 🥺
Crosshair: Omega needs you both.
I know a lot of people look at this line and interpret it as: "Crosshair thinks Omega doesn't need him (like she needs Hunter and Wrecker)."
There's definitely an argument to be made for that.
Crosshair has major self-esteem issues throughout Season 3, and he definitely feels like he failed Omega after missing the shot to track her ship in 3.11.
I do think he believes that Hunter and Wrecker matter to her more.
I also think he doesn't know or fully accept exactly how much he means to her.
But, he must have some sense that his well-being is important to her — that she cares about him.
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She refused point-blank to leave Tantiss without him. She spent five months telling him, convincing him, that they were going to escape together. For all his efforts to push her away, she never gave up on him. And when the opportunity finally came, she kept her word and freed him.
Between 3.05-3.11, Omega spends a lot of time with Crosshair.
She helps him reintegrate back into their family and reconcile with Hunter. She doesn't like when he suggests taking on CX-2 by himself. She tries to help him heal his hand and his mind. When she tries to convince them people can change, she reminds Crosshair that she never gave up on him.
She also told him multiple times in Seasons 1 and 3 that he was her brother. Omega always saw him as part of her family, and she wanted him in her life.
(EDIT: It’s also totally possible that Crosshair realizes Omega cares about him while ALSO believing she doesn’t need him. “She cares about me” =\= “she needs me,” especially compared to how much she needs Hunter and Wrecker. He is still weighed down by guilt and insecurity, after all, and feels like he failed her in 3.11.)
Again, I do think Crosshair underestimates and/or doesn't fully accept how much he means to her (or how much she needs him).
But, I think he’s ultimately trying to tell his brothers: "You two can't die, because Omega needs you."
Crosshair knows how much they care about her. He probably thinks they'll agree to anything -- no matter how stupid -- if helps guarantee her safety.
Omega is the best reason he has to convince them they need to live.
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In general, Tech went through a similar process in 2.16.
He first told his family to "sever the connection hinge now," and Wrecker refused. He called for Plan 99 and Wrecker still tried to talk him out of it. So, he shot the connection hinge himself, because he knew they'd never let him go even if it meant they’d all die too.
(RIP. He really was the bestest boy and the squad's MVP.)
Crosshair is doing the same thing: he's trying to convince his brothers to let him sacrifice himself to ensure their safety. 😭
Now, Tech's situation was different. It really was "either he dies or they all die." There was no way around it.
But that's not a guarantee here in 3.15, although Crosshair thinks it is. (And as we see later, he's basically right. The CX operatives could've and would've killed them, but Hemlock apparently wanted them alive.)
Anyway, let's close out Crosshair's monologue:
Crosshair: So, I'm doing this alone. It's-- It's what I deserve.
Pairing this with his previous statement that Omega needs Hunter and Wrecker, it can definitely sound like "I don't matter to Omega (like you do), so I need to sacrifice myself." Again, there's an argument to be made for that.
(EDIT: I really think DBB’s delivery of “Omega needs you both. So, I’m doing this alone. It’s what I deserve” is a BIG part of why people interpret it the way they do. And they’re arguably not wrong to do so. It does feel in-character for Crosshair.)
But, I'm guessing he means that sacrificing himself will finally atone for everything he's done -- hunting down and nearly killing his family, killing all sorts of people for the Empire, failing his loved ones, etc.
He's telling them: "I've made so many mistakes. Let me make up for it now by keeping you safe."
Thankfully, Hunter and Wrecker talk him out of it.
Hunter: Don't even think about Plan 99, Crosshair. Omega needs all of us, and so do those clones. Wrecker: We've always known the risks, and so did Tech. We do this together.
Hunter affirms that Omega needs all three of them. He's using the same logic that Crosshair tried: "Don't throw your life away, because Omega needs you too."
And Wrecker tells Crosshair more clearly that he knows their squad isn't invincible anymore. But, if they're going to do anything, they're going to do it together.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Crosshair planned to keep arguing with them, but then they got distracted by the Zillo beast. 😅
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In summary
If I had to rewrite Crosshair's monologue so it would more clearly convey what I think he's trying to say, it would go something like this:
Crosshair: Wrecker, we're not wild Clone Wars frat boys anymore. If we go rushing into Tantiss like we used to, we're all gonna die. You two need to live for Omega's sake. So, stay here and stay safe, and let me sacrifice myself. I nearly killed you all, and did a whole bunch of other bullshit, so I need to make up it.
As I said, I think a lot of these points are open to debate and discussion. But, I wanted to offer alternative interpretations for some of these iconic lines, because I feel like everyone keeps landing on the same (wrong) ones.
Feel free to comment/reblog with your thoughts!
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sokkadora · 6 months
we can’t be friends — crosshair x fem!reader
inspired by: we can’t be friends (wait for your love) by ariana grande
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summary: a clinic on pabu offers to erase the pain that came along with crosshair leaving the batch, but how will he react once he gets back and sees you with his brother?
a/n: crosshair and the reader never had an established relationship for this fic, but reader had a deep love for crosshair! also NO hunter hate on this page that is my man :P also i might make a part 2 but idk
wc: 2,078
warning(s): angst, no happy ending for this couple bb, flashbacks, memory wiping, reader has poor self/body image, kinda smutty but it's crosshair so, friends with benefits, unrequited requited love for hunter
︿︿︿︿︿︿ ✎ᝰ . . . .
‘You have given extensive thought behind your decision and give “Brighter Days Inc.” the exclusive permission to remove this person from your memory:’
Stopping your pen under the last word, you hesitate.
‘Maybe this was a bad idea,’ you think with a soft sigh, glancing at the woman in the room across from you; one seat for her, and another for her box of memories. Yours sits beside you, the weight of what you’re about to do hits you quickly, and suddenly any notion of even looking at the box makes it feel like a ticking time bomb.
The woman across from you strokes a thumb across what must be her late pets collar, and you quickly revert your gaze down to the sheet of paper again. The tip of your pen hovers over the “No” option, but drifts over to the “Yes” box, checking it off, and finally, signing your name at the bottom of your page.
The necklace dangling over your neck feels like iron against fae skin as a nurse comes out of the back room, door quietly creaking open as she calls your name. You stand quickly, handing her the paperwork and the pen with trembling hands before grabbing the box labeled “Crosshair” and walking inside.
“Please, Crosshair?” You beg sweetly, dragging him across the arcade to a claw machine, finally having a bit of free time on your shore leave. 
You’d been trying to convince him to have a break together with the both of you for a while now, away from the boys and the riff raff of the military, but per usual, he was stubborn about it. He’d offhandedly said how childish it was of you to want to play games with him at an arcade instead of your usual… activities, on shore leave. But you got him to agree, seeing as he can barely ever resist how cute you look when you beg.
“Hellcat, this is ridiculous,” Crosshair crosses his arms and glares down into the machine at the plethora of stuffed animals inside. Your eyes had been on the small lothcat in the middle since the both of you had arrived, and you’ve bugged him about it enough that he considered it. “Even Wrecker knows these are rigged.”
“Where’s that overcompensating confidence?” You tease, pulling out a few tokens and placing them in his hand softly. You glance up at him with a soft and pleading look, one that you don’t yet know (and will never know) gets him weak in the knees. “Please, Crosshair? For me?” 
At the sight of your big doe eyes, he scoffs, loading the coins in and barely holding back a smile at your excited squeals and the hand shaking his shoulder gently. It takes him a minute to get a hold on the controls, but after some peeking around the corner of the machine and some naturally perfect aim, he lowers the claw and catches the lothcat.
You gasp, watching excitedly as it stays in the claws grip as it moves over to the prize dump, and as Crosshair retrieves it for you and holds it out.
“Happy now?”
You grin down at the stuffed animal and then at Crosshair before lunging forward, arms wrapping around his shoulders with an breathless laugh, “Thank you.” You grin, nuzzling into the side of his head, and pulling away before he had to chance to hug back.
Overwhelmed with the happiness of the moment, you barely notice the room going dark before the feeling of Crosshair’s surprisingly warm gaze leaves you. You look up, eyebrows furrowing at the sudden void of the arcade.
“Am I ugly?” 
Crosshair’s gazes narrows, glancing at you as you lay under the covers of your bed. He lifts his arm to hold up the blanket better, glaring at you, but not angrily as tears begin to well in your eyes. He shakes his head firmly, grunting.
“When I was a kid I thought I was,” You started, having his full attention from the second you walked in the room. You scoff softly at yourself, “I can’t believe I’m crying already, sorry.”
Crosshair doesn’t reply, but instead simply reaches over and wipes your tears; a gesture he never would’ve done in the first months of the arrangement the two of you had, but things had changed. You’d changed him.
“I was so lonely as a kid,” You say softly, the words just pouring out of you. “I don’t think anybody realizes how lonely kids are, even after growing up. We just sort of stop paying attention. Like they don’t matter.”
You sniff, and Crosshair doesn’t seem to want you to stop, so you keep going; relishing in the feeling of his warm hand covering your cheek.
“So, I’m like… eight or so. And I have this really pretty girl doll, that I named after myself that I’d just get so frustrated with,” You wipe your nose with the back of your hand, expecting the embarrassment of sharing the personal memory to rise, but it never comes. “It was some standard I’d hold myself to and whenever I’d find myself not liking myself, I’d look at her and it’d get me so mad. I made it to encourage myself, but it was just a constant reminder of my shortcomings as a person. It’s weird. Like… if I can make myself that pretty, maybe people would finally like me,” You finally glance up to meet Crosshair’s gaze, finding that it’d softened into something unreadable to you. 
He leans over and plants a firm kiss on your mouth, his hand sliding down to grasp the sides of your neck before he pulls back. His hands start wandering down with his mouth that keeps peppering you with kisses, softly murmuring the word ‘pretty’ between each kiss. You writhe under his touch, a hand rising to cover your mouth as a warmth shoots down to your lower stomach. You relish in how safe you feel under him before he… he…
“Why won’t you come home?”
Your voice echos through his head as he stares out into the vast horizon where Tipoca City used to stand; where the home he grew up in with his brothers and met you in used to stand. He scoffs, glancing back at you from over his shoulder.
“That is not my home anymore,” He says in a low tone; a warning to anyone else, but you knew you had a bit more leeway with him. Fists clenching at your sides, your gaze narrowed into a glare. “Now leave. Hunter’s staring after you like a kicked dog,”
You don’t bother to glance back at the man you already knew was waiting for you, but at the mention of his name he seemed to back further into the ship to give you some privacy, trusting that Crosshair wouldn’t hurt you, of all people.
“This isn’t about him, Crosshair,” You snapped, “Come home. Please. I need you, and so do your-”
“I don’t need you,” Crosshair says sternly, pivoting on a foot to turn to face you with a cold glare. You reeled slightly at the look; you’d seen it before, but never aimed at you. “I never had and I never will. And if you were as smart as you made yourself seem, you’d join me on the right side of the battle. Just like how I thought you and Hunter didn’t have anything going on,” You open your mouth to correct him; he knew there was nothing happening between Hunter and you. He was your best friend, but Crosshair beat you to the punch, “But I guess looks can be deceiving, huh?”
It felt like a clear blow to a vulnerable moment you’d shared with him— only him — and it nearly sent you to tears. You reached up, taking the necklace and snapping it off your neck with a harsh glare in the sniper’s direction; another look that had never been sent directly at him from you, but one that he found made his heart break.
“Fuck you, Crosshair.”
The sense of overwhelming dread that filled your chest and sank down into your belly had you jolting awake, eyes darting around the mundane white room as the panic of what’s happening begins to set in.
The heart monitor picks up its speed, and the two nurses rush to your side as your hand shoots up to grab and fidget with your necklace. You’d fixed it from when… when… 
Why did it need to be fixed? Who broke it?
Who gave it to me? What was his name? Cross…
The nurse grabs your shoulder as your throat tightens with your hands grip on the jewelry, “Can I keep this one? Please?” You sob, managing to smile through tears at the nurse to your right, “Please let me keep this one.” 
‘Crosshair!’ You think, another sob scratching it’s way out of your throat. ‘What am I doing?’
The nurse glances to her coworker and nods gently. She comes to rest her hand over yours, and you let the necklace fall against your chest, but you rest a hand over it protectively. If you couldn’t save your memories of him, maybe this could be the one thing that you do save.
You can feel yourself being jolted around before finally landing in another memory, your head resting on a warm, firm shoulder and your hand gripped in a strong one in your lap. The person you’re resting your head on… they sit up, and hand you a box which reveals a necklace that relates to your namesake. 
You grin, but the figure in front you shifts which causes you to look up.
He’s smiling at you softly, they way he almost always had; save for the first time he met you. You grin back to him, leaning forward on the couch from your kneeling postition to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
He returns your embrace without hesitation, and you allow yourself to feel how perfectly the both of your bodies meld together. The warmth of his body under the civvy clothes you held for him in your personal dormitories on Kamino sank under your own, causing you to pull away. 
You barely notice how the room around you starts to shift, any objects affiliated with C4!@#??? begin to disappear, whatever holds your mind in it’s grasp seems determined to keep your attention on the sergeant sitting before you on the couch when you pull back from the hug.
‘Hunter gave it to me…’ You look up at him and smile lovingly, ‘of course he did,’ before leaning over and slotting your mouth over his.
The nurses gently help you up out of the chair, removing the device from your temples as the doctor comes to greet you. Another nurse holding a box hauls it out of the room as you shake the doctors hand and thank him profusely, grinning at the light and happy feeling on your chest as you turn to embrace the nurses in thanks. The woman at the front desk hands you an envelope of slips to give to your family and friends, and you thank her on the way out.
After leaving the office, you enter the outside of Pabu to find Omega waiting for you. Grinning you sneak up behind her, lifting her up and spinning her around. She shouts your name, but you can hear the smile in her voice as you set her down.
“How are you feeling?” She checks you over, and you smile dotingly down at her. 
“I’m alright,” You ruffle through your bag, the feeling of the necklace against your chest making you feel giddy. ‘Why did I feel so bad about it before?’ You think, but quickly shake it off and pull out the envelope. “The secretary said to give this to family and friends, but I don’t think I’m supposed to see.”
Omega curiously takes the large orange envelope from your hands, opening it and reaching in to find a ticket that said that you had:
‘Y/N L/N has erased Crosshair (CT-9904) from her memory. Please never mention their relationship to her again.’
Omega glances up to where you’re walking off with an arm looped through Hunter’s and feels a sense of dread fall to the pit of her stomach.
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chilled-to-the-bone · 4 months
Tech is alive but...
They bring him to Pabu. When he wakes up he's like a wounded animal. He's feral. They can't believe how different he is. They are terrified. They start to wonder if Tech's even still there. The torture he's been through left permanent marks and alterations in his body as well as in his mind. But they can still bring their brother back, right? Truth be told, they don't know. But they will try. They won't give up.
When he's recovered and his body is somewhat back to normal, he starts to behave a little more like his old self. But only partially. He's nowhere near like he used to be. He's quiet. He's quiet almost all the time. He only answers questions he's been asked. He can't look people in the eye. He keeps his head down. And he mostly sits still. At times it's like he's not there. He's not tinkering with anything. He's not doing the one thing he used to do all the time. He's so unlike himself. Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo, Omega and Phee are taken-aback by it. They know what torture can do to people. Not to mention specifically designed conditioning. But it's still hard to believe this happened to Tech.
After a few years and the tremendous amount of work and help from others he's almost back to his old self. Tech is really back. But not quite. He still has nightmares. Sometimes he forgets where he is. He wakes up in the middle of the night and still thinks he's in Hemlock's lab. He gets episodes when he thinks he's still CX-2 and thinks he's still hunting them. Then only Wrecker can stop him from hurting others or himself.
His mind is still in shambles. He remembers only pieces of his time as the operative. Some of his memories from before the fall are still hazy. He remembers Omega, he remembers his brothers, he remembers Phee. But he's not certain about the rest. At times he's unsure of what's real and what's not. He doesn't know what he likes or dislikes. Hell, he doesn't really know who he is.
It's like he's doing some things for the first time. Gradually he takes up fixing and tinkering with machines. At first only when Omega's with him. At the beginning he's only watching as she works. He has to relearn how to work with machines. The thing he felt so confident with, it should feel at least familiar. But it doesn't. It feels strange, foreign even. His hands are not helping. They start to shake almost immediately when he starts doing somethig requiring even very little precision. He has to stop and wait for the shaking to pass. With time it gets better, it happens less and less. But it never goes away entirely. He was once a master of technology of all kinds and he was able to fix or build almost everything, now he's just this. He feels worthless. He can learn and work as much as he wants but some things are never going to be the same. Some things are simply irreversible.
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lucky-ducky006 · 4 months
TBB headcanons that nobody asked for ❤️
Pt. 4 Hunter
TW: oldest child syndrome 😁😁
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While he’s much more mature than his younger brothers, those on the outside see him as just as crazy.
Tries to act like the cool dark and mysterious guy but his brothers just bully him and it ruins the vibe.
The last one (except Tech) to go to sleep and is occasionally checks on his brothers during the night.
With Tech he always reminds him he needs to go to sleep, but knows he can’t force him.
Always the one his brothers (except Tech 😀) go to when they have trouble sleeping.
When they were kids he was the tallest aside from Wrecker and when Tech and Crosshair finally got taller than him he got so mad at them.
Once asked the Kaminoans if he’ll grow any more.
Has sensory issues due to his enhancements.
He got used to them over the years but occasionally still has trouble.
Light sleeper.
He CAN drive, but is he good at it…? No.
When his brothers are sleeping he’ll walk to each of their bunks to fix their blankets and give them each a smooch on the forehead.
Can’t cook but he tries.
When Wrecker got his head injury Hunter was somewhat distant bc he felt like he failed as a leader and it took a long time for him to feel confident in himself again. After the incident he became 10x more protective over his little brothers.
After Wrecker’s incident be became a bit more serious and would lecture his brothers over the tiniest scrapes from battle.
He eased up a bit over time but he never stops worrying about them.
He’s a hypocrite and he hides his injuries from his brothers.
Tech always notices and if it’s serious enough he’ll get Wrecker to jump Hunter and hold him still while Tech patches him up correctly and makes sure he’s ok.
It hurts Hunter’s pride a little when they do that. He doesn’t want his brothers to worry about him and have to take care of him so he doesn’t allow himself to be thankful or relieved when they try to help him.
When Echo joined the group he was relieved he had someone else level headed enough to help him take care of his brothers though he won’t admit it.
Echo is the only one who has ever convinced him to get medical help.
Some of Echos mannerisms remind Hunter of 99 and this gives him a bittersweet feeling of missing his older brother, but having another with him that brings him comfort.
Is often frustrated with Crosshair bc of his attitude and personality and has a hard time getting along with him sometimes but Tech has private chats with Hunter to help him understand how Crosshair is feeling.
On VERY rare occasions after a fight with Crosshair (when they go to sleep angry at each other) Hunter will wake up with Crosshair next to him in his bunk fast asleep. (Not from Wrecker bringing him.) Hunter wouldn’t dare mention it in front of his other brothers, but sometimes when they’re alone together he might tease him about it to push his buttons and Crosshair freaks out.
He has never washed his bandana and it smells like death. Other than that he has good hygiene.
He has really hairy toes.
That’s all for now 😘
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moonstrider9904 · 4 months
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Pretty Thoughts
Part 3 of the Urban Flora mini series
Part 1 | Part 2 | Cross-posted to AO3 | Series Masterlist
Summary: You awaken to two truths - you are unmistakably in love with Crosshair, and you are both the main story on a popular gossip blog. Although this screams destruction for your reputation, what if it's a blessing in disguise?
Tags: Smut (18+ only), alcohol consumption, gossip, confrontation, female masturbation, vaginal sex, oral sex, creampie
Word count: 5.7k
Playlist: Pretty Thoughts by Alina Baraz
A/N: I've had the most fun writing and posting this series! Thank you to everyone who's read, commented, and shared! You are all the best. I hope you like the ending to this mini-series!
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The nearly incessant beeping from your holopad woke you up after a night of heavy sleep. You were in that stage between your dreams and consciousness where you were just starting to make sense of things, and you reached to your nightstand for your holopad as you let out a groggy groan. When you unlocked it, your eyes widened at the screen, disregarding its glow on your pupils.
You had over 200 notifications among your messages and socials, and you quickly decided that couldn't be good.
You sat up on your bed and turned on your lamp - the sun was just beginning to rise outside, and the blinds in your bedroom blocked most of whatever light could come in anyways. You crossed your legs and held your holopad in front, and you opted to check your direct messages from any friends. First, you checked the messages from your closest friend, Pen, whom you rarely saw, but you could always confide in, and your heart nearly leapt from your chest when you saw the picture of Crosshair wearing the outfit he had on the day before, looking at the camera with a hint of confusion, but still composed and handsome as he normally was, and you recognized the area he was standing in as the street just outside the motel you had visited the day before.
Below the image, Pen's text read: Daaayum! Are all clones this fine? Why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?
You closed out of her conversation and went onto your ongoing conversation with a different friend, Eloise, the daughter of the Senator from Corellia: Heads up, you and your mystery man made it to Scandal Gal.
Below, she had attached the full screenshot of the blog post, and below Crosshair’s picture, you read the caption:
Wakey wakey, high society: Sweetie's mystery man appears to be a silver fox dream. My sources say he was spotted entering a hotel with Sweetie and then leaving it, with our damsel of the moment seen leaving earlier than him, apparently glowing. While we may be left to fantasize about the happenings within the motel's walls, what I'm more interested to know is if this handsome young soldier is willing to introduce any of his brothers to us poor, starving gals. Consider me first in line.
With your heart pounding in your chest, you did what you knew you shouldn't have done and went over to Scandal Gal's blog and read the comments, though to your surprise, none of the comments were dragging you. You'd half expected to be called a slut by every commenter, but most of the thirsty girls in the blog were fawning at how handsome Crosshair was. You didn't particularly like a horde of girls digitally cat-calling your man, but you preferred that over a ruined reputation.
Overnight, you had become a phenomenon. What started as a picture with a few comments speculating about your encounter at the opera was now a full-fledged story that easily hundreds of people around the east side of Coruscant were following. You read multiple comments talking wonders about Crosshair, others talking wonders about you, very many admiring your relationship and how attractive you both looked together—and a few comments here and there dragging you and/or Crosshair, as expected, but overall, you and Crosshair had taken over the holonet for all the right reasons.
You wanted to laugh, but a part of it freaked you out as well. You’d never made a high profile of yourself. You’d always enjoyed your spoils in life in as private a way as possible, and the few times you’d actually made it to Scandal Gal had been because a dress you wore somewhere was beautiful, not because of your love life.
And only then, it hit you—did Crosshair know about this? And if he did, how would he take it?
Catastrophizing wouldn’t get you anywhere. You got up from your bed and put on your bathrobe, which rested on the armrest of the cozy chair next to your bed. You opened the blinds of your bedroom and took a moment to admire the Coruscant skyline with the sun making its way up the sky, dancing with a few clouds against the light blue hue. You exited your bedroom and headed past your living room with your holopad in hand, towards the kitchen to brew your coffee. As the coffee brewed, you opened the blinds to the rest of your apartment and basked in the morning peace far away from any whispers of scandal that lived in your holopad. You figured that was the bright side of it all—whether it was good talk or bad talk, it only lived in your holopad, and it wasn’t going to make its way into your calm morning.
The calm was interrupted when the door to your apartment flew open, and your mother seemed to glide inside, letting the door close behind her. Her eyes scanned the apartment until they found you, and you couldn’t decide if she was angry at you or not. At the sight of you, your mother sighed—even in her apparent disappointment, which you wouldn’t pretend not to know the cause of, your mother had a regal stance worthy of the senator of Coruscant, with her dark beige suit and her expertly done hair; even her floral scent that commanded respect.
You tried to be as nonchalant as possible, gesturing at the coffee brewer with your hand and raising your eyebrows. Your mother sighed again and shook her head, and instead, she gestured with her chin at the holopad that rested on your counter.
“Have you opened that thing this morning?” She asked you.
“Yes,” you uttered.
“Darling, what were you thinking?” Your mother now seemed more worried than angry at you. “Do you at least know this man well enough?”
“Well enough to know I’m head over heels for him,” you admitted.
“And then there’s that ridiculous gossip site,” your mom continued. “I tell myself it’s no big deal, just a little source of entertainment for spoiled rich teens with nothing better to do, but I can’t fathom the fact that now they’re picking on you. I’m too nervous to read any of the posts or the comments thinking about all the horribly unkind things everyone’s sharing about you… people can be so cruel.”
You sighed. “I know, but, Mom… as far as I’ve checked, the things Scandal Gal and the readers are saying aren’t that bad…”
“Meaning?” She inquired.
You couldn’t help but chuckle. “They love him. They’re saying he’s devastatingly handsome and fawning over him, some of them even want to go stand outside the clone bar to see if they can get boyfriends.”
“But what are they saying about you?” She asked.
“I’m a hero. They like my dress, the scarf I wore, and the man I’m with. I think there’s an ongoing wager as to whether or not I’ll marry him,” you delivered blankly.
Your mother’s eyes widened, and you held in your laughter at her reaction.
“Mom, relax,” you said. “I’m not saying I will. But I do really like him. And all things considered, I expected mayhem, and even if there are a few mean things here and there, they don’t compare to how good most of the responses are.”
“That’s rare,” your mother admitted. “And I suppose you’re right, you can’t control what everyone says.”
“And I won’t try to,” you agreed. “I’m just saying it could be a lot worse and if it’s not as bad as I thought it could be, I’m gonna embrace it.”
For a split second, your mother looked at you in plain disbelief. Regardless, she sighed, straightened her back, and gathered herself, and she met your gaze again with understanding.
“Alright, now tell me, who is this man?” She asked.
“He’s the sniper who took out the assassin who tried to kill the Chancellor,” you said as you poured your cup of coffee.
Your mom raised her eyebrows. “Oh.”
“Oh?” You raised your eyebrows too, pouring another cup for your mother.
“I met him at the start of the opera,” she explained. “I even invited him to our box, but he said he already had one, he didn’t want to refuse it and seem rude.”
“Yeah, he was invited because of his efforts,” you said. “In fact, I… I met him during the final intermission at the opera. We got to talking and he’s just… fascinating.”
Those were all the details you’d give to your mother about that night.
Your mother’s demeanor seemed to soften as she drank from the coffee you’d given her. With a soft exhale, she set the cup down on the counter and pressed her hands together in front of her chest, avoiding your gaze for a few moments.
“Sweetie, I don’t want you to think I’m exploiting your relationship with this man,” she began.
You tilted your head. That was one of the last things you’d expected her to say.
She then met your gaze. “But this is actually a very good look.”
“What, for you?” You asked.
Your mother chuckled. “I have spent months collaborating with Senator Chuchi to pass a clone rights bill. When your… boyfriend…”
You chuckled. “Crosshair.”
She nodded slowly. “Right. When Crosshair saved the Chancellor’s life, we got a lot more support, but we’re not quite there yet. Too many people view the clones as vessels bred for combat, not as actual human beings with human emotions and human needs. And, as triumphant as Crosshair was in saving the Chancellor, his effort was still that of a soldier, hence why we’re, as I said…”
“Not quite there yet,” you continued. “And… you think that if I’m public with him, so public that people are talking about relationships and gossiping like they do with anyone else in our society, he’ll look more human.”
“And by extension, the rest of the clones,” your mother added. “It just might shift the tide in favor of finally giving them some more rights.”
You smiled softly and took another ship of your coffee. “I love the sound of that. I just don’t know how I feel about scheming regarding Crosshair.”
“Be honest with him, then,” your mother suggested. “If you’re not on board, be as private as you possibly can, I won’t hold it against you. It was just an idea. And now that I think about it…”
You looked up at her again, waiting for what else she had to say.
“We do have that art gala coming up tonight,” she suggested. “Why don’t you invite him?”
You nodded slowly. “I’ll ask him. I wouldn’t mind getting all fancy and seeing him, but for starters, he needs to want to go.”
“He went to the opera, didn’t he?”
“Well, yes, but that was an invitation of honor,” you answered. “And he didn’t seem like a fish out of water, but I can’t help thinking this just isn’t what he’s used to.”
Your mother gazed at you sincerely. “Don’t you cage him into the label of a soldier, too. If you like this man and you want to be with him, you’re going to have to realize he’s more than that.”
You raised both of your brows. You knew she was right, and to have heard that coming from your mother, it meant volumes. You barely ever approached what she did inside the senate, but you pondered on how much her words made sense based on what little she’d shared with you about her efforts with the Pantoran senator. And even if she wasn’t trying to pass a clone rights bill, she was still right—Crosshair was a living, breathing man, and even though you knew he was a soldier, you hadn’t met him as such. You’d seen him at a high society gathering over drinks. You’d shared coffee and bantered with him, kissed him under the rain, made love to him time and time again until you couldn’t get him out of your thoughts.
As soon as your mother left, you reached for your holopad and ignored the multiple notifications you had, heading straight for Crosshair’s frequency number and typing out your message at least three times before sending it, trying to find the most chill way to invite him to the art gala. You sent the message and waited for the reply, frantically scurrying to your holopad anytime it vibrated. For a while, he didn’t answer, and before you lost hope, you finally saw the notifications coming in from Crosshair.
Can’t resist another little encounter with me, can’t you, Sweetie?
You chuckled, but you felt nervous at the same time. That obviously meant he’d been, in some way, exposed to Scandal Gal too.
How fancy do I have to dress? His next message came in shortly after.
You chuckled at your phone and typed back: Fancy enough to knock everyone dead.
Instantly, Crosshair replied: ’Kay. I’ll be there.
After you texted him all the details of the event, you went about your day with a twinge of excitement sprinkled over your every move. The sun made its way around the sky until it was time for you to get ready for the event, and for this occasion, you chose a dark purple dress paired with long black gloves and no necklace, since you’d be wearing your hair down your shoulders. The dress’s top had a black ribbon outlined in the shape of a triangle, with the base at your waist, and it was filled with discreet black sequins. On the right shoulder, where the dress’s top met your sleeve, you placed a dark gray brooch that your mother had given you on your eighteenth birthday, and looking at yourself in the mirror, you were almost ready to go. You did your makeup and grabbed your purse, and then you went out the door to the nightlife of Coruscant, where your mother was already waiting at the bottom of the building with a vehicle.
Your pulse was racing for the whole ride, knowing you would meet Crosshair there. You clutched your purse with both hands over your pressed thighs, and you could feel beads of sweat forming in your palms, having to take deep breaths from time to time to keep yourself steady. The vehicle finally arrived at the gala and parked just in front of the red carpet you were meant to walk on, and only then it dawned on you that multiple pairs of eyes thirsting for scandal would be on you. But you wouldn’t back out, not now, not when you were the very image of elegance in society about to meet with your Silver Fox Dream, as Scandal Gal had put it.
You resolved to knock them all dead too.
The door on your side of the vehicle was opened by an usher, and you stepped out, straightening your posture and taking in the scenery of flashing cameras and excited partygoers, and confident as you looked, your heartbeat hadn’t calmed down in the slightest. You looked around, scanning for the only person you were interested in seeing.
And soon enough, your eyes landed on him. His attire was possibly better than the one he wore the night of the opera, with a slim fit pitch-black suit and shirt, adorned with a burgundy vest under the coat, and rich red rose in his breast pocket. Crosshair’s watchful eyes gazed back at you, and as you remained still in front of your vehicle while your mother got out, Crosshair made his way to you, letting you behold every detail on him as he got closer to you, and when he was finally right in front of you, you took in all of him.
Crosshair was strikingly debonair, undeniably gorgeous, charming in his pride and confidence. He even smelled incredible. His tall figure seemed to loom protectively over you, complimenting your lack of height when you stood next to him, and you both made such a perfect pair you almost hoped that gossiping teenage girls were in proximity to behold your beauty, perhaps even eat their hearts out as a treat for you.
“Miss,” Crosshair greeted as he took your hand and brought it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
His gentle kiss ignited every inch of your skin as you briefly remembered the moments of passion you’d already shared with that man. You gave him a demure smile, taking one step closer to him, wishing with every fiber of your body to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss not unlike the one you’d had under the rain the day before, but perhaps it wasn’t the time or place for such a public display. Moreover, as Crosshair was lowering your hand down from his gesture, your mother exited the vehicle and appeared at your side, smiling at Crosshair.
He acknowledged her and gave her the hint of a smile, taking a slight bow. “Ma’am.”
He held out his hand, offering her the chance to be greeted in a similar way as you, and to your surprise, your mother obliged.
“It’s wonderful to see you again,” your mother said to him. “I didn’t know you’d met my daughter until this morning.”
“She’s a wonderful lady, ma’am,” Crosshair responded without a hint of hesitation or insecurity.
You were in awe at how easily he was getting along with your mother as the two continued to make small conversation, and soon enough, your mom went ahead and entered the building, with you and Crosshair following behind, your arm linked in his. Camera flashes on you weren’t scarce, and in the distance, you could hear high-pitched cries of “There they are!” and “They’re so hot together!”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly at yourself.
“Basking in your triumph?” Crosshair broke the silence between you.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“That was a bold move, inviting me here, introducing me to your mother,” he continued, his features holding the sternness they usually did, but you picked up on no disgust on his behalf.
“Yeah, well…” You said. “Overnight, we kind of became public figures, you and me. There’s this gossip site that’s been following me around for a while, nothing major, but when you and I started talking at the opera, we got popular.”
“Ah, Scandal Gal,” Crosshair mused. “Yes, I was approached and stalked by a teen.”
You nearly snorted trying to hold in your laughter. “What?”
“The picture of me that’s on that site was taken by a sixteen-year-old girl,” Crosshair said, smirking. “Somehow, I’m more afraid of gossip-hungry teens than I am of tactical droids.”
You chuckled. “They’re formidable, alright.”
“So… you’re feeding them what they want by bringing me here?” He continued the conversation.
“No, not exactly,” you replied. “That’s a side effect. Because of Scandal Gal, my mom rushed over to my place this morning panicking a little, but I explained to her that… well…”
You and Crosshair had just reached the bar of the opulent salon where the gala was being held, and you both took a seat on your respective stools. Crosshair eyed you with intrigue as you trailed off, prompting you to speak up, and you realized why you’d stopped yourself from saying what you wanted to say.
But this was Crosshair. He was a dream incarnate, and you were already there with him, a striking and attractive couple that commanded everyone’s attention, and you found yourself smiling at him as your pulse rose once more.
“That I… I feel a lot for you,” you said. “That I really like you, Crosshair, and this isn’t a meaningless fling for the sake of shock value to me.”
Crosshair maintained eye contact with you, and his features softened ever so slightly, so discreetly that an untrained eye wouldn’t have been able to notice. He broke eye contact with you to gesture at the bartender and order drinks for both of you, and then he turned back to you, with his lips curving to a smirk.
“Well, well,” he hummed. “How touching.”
It was good that he didn’t appear repulsive at your sentiments, but your poor, racing heart would need a more precise answer. Then, Crosshair’s smirk widened, and he looked down at his knees, letting his inner softness glow through if only for a moment.
“It’s not meaningless for me either,” he replied.
You smiled brightly and exhaled the tension from your chest. “Really?”
“Really,” he answered.
“Then… there’s something else you should know,” you said.
And you then explained how your mother wouldn’t use you both, but that you were supporting her cause in the senate, how him being exposed to something other than the front lines would put clones in a more human light, at least to the members of the senate who were still on the fence. You even gave Crosshair the opportunity to back out immediately if he felt like his strings were being pulled, but all the while, Crosshair remained with that serene smile at you, and when you were done talking, Crosshair reached for your hands and held them in his.
“Does this bill mean I’ll get paid more?” He asked.
You laughed openly, and he chuckled in return just as the drinks he’d ordered were placed beside you by the bartender.
“Sweetie,” he said to you. “I don’t care much about the other things. Not Scandal Gal, not the Senate, although that bill sounds decent. I came here to be with you because I can’t get you out of my brain. You’re not what I pictured a high-society woman to be, and… well…”
You smiled softly at him, and now it was your turn to prompt him to speak.
“Now that you’ve introduced me to your mother,” he said, “I hope I get the chance to introduce you to my brothers too.”
Your smile widened. “You’d do that?”
He nodded, smiling softly at you. “You’re a smart girl, you can handle it.”
You laughed and reached for your drink, an Urban Flora cocktail that could have been an exact replica of the one you drank when you first met Crosshair at the opera. You took a sip of it without breaking eye contact with Crosshair, and when you lowered your drink, you raised a brow at him.
“But can you handle the Coruscant high societal scene?” You asked.
Crosshair took a sip of his own drink, the smoky, rich Corellian whisky he loved so much, and he leaned in closer to you, close enough for you to smell the smooth, luscious drink on his breath.
“Try me, Sweetie,” he purred.
You giggled, and you both gently bumped your glasses together, and you went on to continue talking about whatever sparked your interest as you finished your drinks. Crosshair told you about his missions, his brothers, even a couple of anecdotes of when he was a young cadet. In turn, you told him about your days as a schoolgirl, your plans for the future, what you liked to do in your spare time, the planets you longed to visit all over the galaxy. And then, when the glasses were empty and the conversation was fulfilled, you and Crosshair stood up from the bar and went around the room, and you greeted most of your friends and acquaintances as well as introduced Crosshair to all of them. Crosshair was a flying success with everyone, and you couldn’t help but gawk at him just a little. The night wore on as smoothly as velvet, until it was getting late, and you were bound to return home.
You directed a look at Crosshair, a look that was filled with allure, and he reciprocated. Quick goodbyes were said, and soon, you were sitting with Crosshair at the back of your vehicle as the chauffeur flew you home. As you sat together, you were in silence, and though Crosshair was great with words, you’d learned he was far better with his actions, and he reached for the rose on his breast pocket and handed it to you. You smiled at him, slightly flustered, and for the remainder of the ride, you scooched closer to him and leaned your weight on him, eager to arrive at the privacy of your apartment.
You had no intention of waiting. After you and Crosshair had left the vehicle, the moment the elevator doors closed behind you, you were both on each other. Your hands ran all over his back as you both locked lips, hungrily devouring each other in that small space, and you then let your palms rest on his chest. Crosshair took each of your hands and tugged gently at your middle fingertips, enough to hold onto the gloves you wore as you slid your hands down and the delicate fabric came off, exposing your skin. You heard Crosshair shudder softly before he took you into his arms again, kissing you as passionately as before, and you both felt the elevator pulling to a stop.
You gathered yourselves—there was no need to surprise someone waiting for the elevator with a steamy scene—but when you found there was no one there to see you, you and Crosshair held hands as you made your way over to your penthouse, and the moment the door closed behind you both, you were on each other’s lips once more. Your wandering hands removed his coat and his vest, and he found the zipper at the back of your dress. He lowered the zipper, causing the dress’s blouse to fall limply around your silhouette, and you took a step back, wanting him to watch as you wiggled out of the dress and let the fabric fall gracefully on the floor, leaving you to step out of it.
Crosshair eyed you hungrily as you approached him. Your breasts hung freely at your front, and he didn’t miss the hickey he’d left on your ribs the day before. On your hips, there was a pair of lace black panties, but the top prize was easily taken by the stockings that covered you from the middle of your thighs to your toes, which he couldn’t make himself tear his gaze from. You chuckled and took his hands, leading him slowly into your bedroom, and he followed you blissfully until you were at the foot of your bed.
You let go of him and sat back all the way to your headboard. You pressed your legs together and slowly slid your panties away from you, tossing them aside, and you spread your legs to show him, never once breaking eye contact with him. Your gaze was alluring, slightly teasing, and Crosshair watched. He watched as you spread your legs and took your hand to your inner thigh, teasing your skin, until your fingers finally brushed fully over your folds and your clit. You let out a playful gasp, smirking at him and taunting him, and as he watched, Crosshair began to undress. Your smirk widened, and you continued to touch yourself in the way you most liked, delighted by the sight of him losing the clothes that covered him. Your cunt was wet and swollen, pulsating and sensitive, all you needed to do was increase your pace ever so slightly and you’d tip yourself over the edge—as Crosshair crawled onto the mattress, you decided to give him the full show. Making sure his eyes were still on you, you applied more pressure onto your clit and used your three middle fingers to rub, and looking into his eyes, you finally got to enjoy the waves of your orgasm.
You reveled in how hungry Crosshair looked, pleased and aroused by the little show you put on for him. Crosshair couldn’t help but take his hand over to his cock, pumping slowly as he watched you pleasing yourself, until your orgasm faded, and your moans quieted when you removed your hand. You found Crosshair’s gaze and pouted at him, holding your hand in front of you and curling your finger, beckoning him to come to you. With a smirk, Crosshair obliged, and he positioned himself between your legs, planting soft kisses around your inner thighs before brushing his tongue lusciously over your folds. He moaned into your skin, and you whimpered in return, dazed and sensitive after your antics.
As Crosshair continued to please you with his skilled tongue and lips, you suddenly felt his fingers finding yours. You spread your hand before interlacing your fingers with his, holding him as he brought you closer to another release. Your body squirmed harder than it had the first time around, the white-hot ecstasy seeming to explode within every fiber of your body. You didn’t hold back with your moaning, letting his name escape you many a time, enticed by the velvety texture of his tongue contrasting with the raspiness surrounding his jawline.
When Crosshair emerged from between your legs, you tugged on him, prompting him to rest at your eye level. You wanted to feel him close to you, and Crosshair knew what it was you desired. With your legs still spread, you rested back and let him take the lead, feeling as he slowly inserted himself within your tight, warm walls. You both moaned in unison and stared deeply into each other’s eyes as he began his thrusts slowly, luxuriously letting you feel everything. Your lips begged for his, and you perked your face up to kiss him as you felt your body gently bouncing on the mattress in his rhythm. Crosshair’s kisses made you float higher and higher, and drenched in pleasure and ecstasy, you felt like you were in paradise. Crosshair was truly capable of taking you there.
Crosshair paused his kisses on your lips and lifted himself to look at you, his gaze stern and seductive as he increased the snapping of his hips. He grunted as he hammered into you, shuddering and twitching inside you in anticipation, soon unable to contain soft groans and whimpers. Crosshair looked straight into your eyes, flooded by adoration of you, until the pleasure was too much for him to keep his eyes open even as much as he wanted to gaze into you. His eyes shut and the rhythm of his hips became unfathomably fast, and so too, you descended into bliss for the third time that night. You smiled amidst your orgasm, chiming his name in a delicious moan, your hand still securely holding his as he released inside you and fell limp on the mattress beside you afterwards.
You both panted, each your own dazed and flustered mess as you made futile attempts to recover, but as much as you were both unable to do much else, you remained holding each other’s hands. As time passed, you soon felt Crosshair’s thumb brushing delicately up and down your finger, and you watched him with a tender gaze. You felt you’d fall asleep right there, and if you did, you knew you would want for nothing. You knew you’d have nothing to worry about for as long as you were together, and the pain of temporary separations would be worth it if it was Crosshair you would wait for.
And there on your mattress, filled with love, resolve, and exhaustion, you drifted off into sleep.
A gentle sunlight and the song of birds woke you up. You noticed the space beside your bed was empty, and you didn’t waste time getting up and placing your robe over you as you sought out your lover. You walked over to the living room and your attention was drawn to the balcony, where he stood with his back turned on you, shirtless and wearing his pants from the night before, gazing out at the scenery.
You took a moment to admire him and the way his skin appeared golden under the morning sun, contrasting almost artistically with the green plants on your balcony, the blue sky, and the skyline ahead. With soft steps, you approached him and stepped out onto the balcony, and you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind, pressing a soft kiss on his shoulder blade. Crosshair delicately shuffled and brought your figure next to him, draping his arm around you, and you both stood in silence for a few peaceful moments, watching the scenery.
“What are you watching?” You asked him, knowing it was in his nature to observe.
His amber eyes scanned the scenery, and he almost looked humbled. He had the face of an innocent life being beholding the universe ahead of them, realizing how small they truly were in comparison to the greatness of creation itself.
“Out there, as soldiers,” Crosshair began, “it often feels like we fight because it’s all we know. We were made for it. Myself, my brothers, more obviously bred for different purposes, all to serve one war. But aside from why we were created, we never really stop to think what we’re fighting for.”
You looked up at him, watching his features soften in realization as he spoke. Crosshair then angled his body more towards you, and he held you tighter, pressing you to the warmth of his skin, watching you with the most tender gaze you had ever felt on you.
“I won’t forget this next time I’m on the battlefield,” he continued.
“You mean, Coruscant?” You asked. “The Republic, these people, this skyline… peace?”
He smiled. “I mean you.”
You smiled at him, devoted.
Crosshair chuckled. “All of that, too, but, mostly you.”
“Oh, Crosshair,” you wrapped your arms around him and perked on your toes, requesting a kiss.
Crosshair obliged and kissed you gently, almost carefully, feeling as the sunshine draped over his skin. He wished he could remain there longer, but he had a duty, a duty that had brought him to you, and a duty that he had to fulfill in order to one day be with you more properly. He knew that, with you on Coruscant waiting for him, he’d always have a reason to return, and a reason to keep fighting. He’d never thought of a life besides being a soldier, but if you were in it, it couldn’t be so bad.
And out there, on that balcony, Crosshair held you close to him until the very last moment he could spare with you, until he had to leave again to be a soldier, always with the promise of returning to you.
This just in: Sweetie and Sniper Man are still together and far more public now that I and my loyal sources have done our job ;) I do think we have a power couple in our midst, and the next time these two show up at a fancy event dressed to impress, you’ll hear about it from none other than yours truly. I certainly wish the happy couple all the best, and my challenge towards Sniper Man to bring forth more eligible men from the fine and respectable GAR still stands. Help us gals out, Sniper Man, we all love you so much, and we can’t let Sweetie keep all the spoils!
Yours truly!
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