pandemoniumskey · 2 years
This is Why I Love You - Severus Snape X Reader
Today, I bring you Severus Snape with a sweet side! I got this idea while working and thought that I just had to write it. And so, with receipt paper and a pen, I brought you this!
I hope you enjoy!
Love you all, 
P.S. I got the Masterlist going!!!
You and Severus Snape were together. There was nothing really more to say about it other than that. People often asked you "why"
Why you were with him?
Why you loved him?
It was often coupled with "how".
How was it even possible for you to love him?
And yet, you answered every question the same way, by never saying anything. It wasn't their business to know your heart and how it was stolen. There was a side to Severus that nobody but you saw. A side that was sweet and loving.
What made it funnier to you was that he showed people all the time why you loved him.  He wasn't AS rude to you in public and he wasn't against holding your hand or you snuggling up close to him at the dinner table every once in a while.
To Severus, you were his everything. He told you, he hadn't expected to fall in love again after Lily's death, but you came along and you were everything he needed in that moment and beyond. He was your everything as well.
You helped each other, both coming with your separate baggage in the relationship. His was his deep intense love for Lily (and you told him before that you would never tell him he couldn't love her) and you came with years of intense trauma.
You were at the dining table: tonight was one of those nights you needed Severus's comfort. It was a very traumatic day for you and your head was swimming with thoughts of the events that took place while your head rested on his shoulder. His arm was around your waist and after what happened, he wasn't letting go tonight. Not that you minded.
Moody needed a volunteer to demonstrate the Unforgivable Curses to the fourth-year class. Not wanting any of the students to endure that you said you would do it, obviously omitting the Killing Curse. You knew it was a choice you were going to regret the instant you made it.
Never before have you told any of the students that before their time, you sacrificed yourself to save your companions in the Order of the Phoenix only to endure several years of torture and pain that would be doubled by the loss of your friends.
And yet, here you were standing in front of these 14-year-olds about to destroy all the progress you made building up resistance to the Imperius Curse
"Today we are going to be talking about the Unforgivable Curses," Moody said in his gruff voice. He went on to ask the students if they knew any of the curses.
The Imperius Curse was the first mentioned by Hermione Granger and like always she was correct. He shouted, "Imperio" and you allowed that warm comforting feeling into your body. Your entire body was telling you to fight back, but your mind was telling you that no harm would come to you this time.  
"You will do a cartwheel, then dance a jig. Once that is done you will do Jazz hands and singing opera say 'tada'," and you did as told. Once out of the curse, you surveyed the students. Some looked impressed, others looked horrified.
"Now can anyone tell me any other ones?" This was the one you were dreading. Neville raised his hand timidly. He knew just about as well as you did what was coming next. The faces of the other students were full of shock, "the Crutiatus Curse."
"That is correct. Now for this one, Professor (L/N), choose a safe word, when you've had enough call it out and I will stop," you put on a brave face for Neville's sake and chose the word 'Gryffindor'.
You stood tense waiting for the unbearable pain to begin and soon it did.
In an instant, you were on the floor thrashing and screaming in agony. You had no control over your movements at all as you were subjected to the most intense pain you ever felt. Memories came flooding in from your past and that was when you knew you needed it to stop.
"Gryffindor!" You screamed, but the pain didn't stop. You twisted towards Mad-Eye Moody and saw a brief wicked smile on his face. "Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Stop! Please! MOODY! MOODY PLEASE!"
Your pleading was soon cut off in your throat as another scream ripped its way out of your body. You were helpless as you thrashed on the floor screaming as the pain and memories attacked all your senses. You were being driven into insanity, you could think of nothing but pain and guilt.
Finally, the pain stopped, and it was to your relief because a student had called on the other professor to stop his actions. You curled into a ball on the floor sobbing. The memories and the guilt still eating you. It was your fault Lily and James Potter were dead and it was your fault that Frank and Alice Longbottom were tortured into insanity. Had you found a way to distract the Death Eaters longer with your presence, they could have still been able to love their children.
"I'm sorry! I'M SORRY! It's my fault." Their faces flashed in front of your eyes and you moaned out, "I should have fought harder! I could have saved you..."
Hemione POV
She had never seen Professor (L/N) look so fragile before in her life as she lay there sobbing on the floor. She was talking about something, and it wasn't clear until she had said that she should have fought harder.
"Can someone tell me the last curse?" Hemione was repulsed that he would ask at such a time when the woman obviously needed help. Nobody responded. And he announced that it was Avada Kadavra, and that the only person to ever survive it was in the room with them.
Hermione not waiting to be excused got up and left the room to get the one person she felt could help at that moment.
Her feet carried her quickly to the dungeon where she burst into the room full of sixth-year students, "Professor Snape, it's Professor (Y/N). Somethings wrong!" She watched as his face had turned from cold fury at being interrupted to panic and worry in a flash.
"Bring me to her Miss Granger," he said up from his desk and at the door with Hermione in an instant. "Class dismissed, homework will be discussed in our next class."
As they ran to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, she filled Professor Snape in with the details of the events that had happened. The door was in sight and he used magic to open it before striding in and seeing the love of his life huddle on the floor.
He sat down resting a hand gently on her shoulder. She gasped and thrashed at the contact in fear before she noticed it was Professor Snape.
"Severus," she gasped crawling into his embrace. He had her seated and resting against him, her ear pressed against his chest. "I could have saved them."
"(Y/N), there was no way you could have saved those four," he said gently. "You were tortured for years, there was no way you could have done anything to help them."
"I could have distracted them," she sobbed. He began to stroke her hair.
"No (Y/N), you couldn't have," The students were captivated watching the scene. They had never seen their potions master like this before. "Don't ever blame yourself for what happened to them. They would never have wanted that. You were their good friend, they would want you to remember them in those last moments of happiness before your capture."
Professor (Y/N) remained silent. Hermione could see his words were sinking in and she was coming back to reality. He continued speaking to her, his eyes full of love.
"I love you. If I had any doubt that you were guilty of any of this, I would not be with you. You are the strongest woman I have ever met, and I know James, Lily, Frank, and Alice don't blame you for any of this."
"You think so?" He nodded.
"I know so."
"I love you too. Hold me?"
He nodded and helped her to her feet. They left the classroom in silence.
"Professor (L/N) is the only person alive to have ever endured the Crutiatus Curse for long durations of time without losing her mind," Professor Moody said as if that never happened and Hermione was angry again.
"What happened?" A student asked and as much as she hated it, she was curious to know as well."
"Three years before Voldemort's downfall, a group of 30 wizards in a resistance founded by Dumbledore were trapped by a large number of death eaters. (Y/N) created a distraction that allowed enough time for the group to disapparate and she was left behind.
"They captured her, bringing her to Voldemort in the hopes that she would give him information on the resistance's whereabouts but she refused. He was furious and used the Crutiatus Curse on her. When she did not break even then, he had others continue to torture and abuse her in hopes that one day they would be able to wear her down enough to give them information about something.
"Weeks turned into months turned into years and at this point, the Death Eaters were just keeping her around as a stress reliever. They would now torture her for amusement when they had nothing better to do. Yet, her will was strong and they could not break her, and even more curiously, they could not take her sanity."
Everyone was shocked to hear that story, and it all made sense to Hermione now. The bell rang and in a weary unison, the students all stood and exited the classroom. They were all stunned to silence.
"(Y/N)," Severus said quietly trying to gain your attention. You lifted your head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "You need to eat something."
You forced a few bites into your mouth and rested your head back on his shoulder. You couldn't bring yourself to speak at the moment and you knew he understood.
"Come on, let's go to bed early," the love of your left prompted you to stand up and follow him to your shared room. There he pampered you, bathed you, got you into your favourite pajama set, and pulled you into his chest to cuddle him.
He was being so sweet, you couldn't help but feel better as you rested in his arms quietly. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep.
You knew you were safe in Severus's warm embrace.
"People ask me all the time why I love you," you finally whispered after the long period of time where you said nothing. "This is why I love you."
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thebibutterflyao3 · 3 months
“It’s UnReAliSTiC for Walburga to use the Crutiatus Curse as punishment.”
Oh, really? My melodramatic fanFICTION of dead gay WIZARDS isn’t realistic enough for you? Hmm, funny that.
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zvdvdlvr · 3 months
— Odd
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🧹 — Symopsis. Ominis decides to sit with you as you finish your breakfast. An odd- and flirtatios- conversation ensues.
🧹 — Warnings. Flirting. Weird situations. Someone’s finger ends up in someone’s mouth. Weird scenario. Mention of the One and Only Sebastian Sallow. Mention of crutiatus curse. No mention of reader’s gender or pronouns or house.
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“Good morning,” a voice greeted beside you. Turning, you saw Ominis Gaunt’s milky grey eyes. He had a small smile on his face, his head cocked.
“Hello.” You greeted, voice raspy from dissuse. 
Ominis busied himself by preparing his plate. It consisted of figgy pudding (ew), toast with perfectly melted butter, and two medium sized waffles. What an odd combination, you thought.
“Why are you sitting next to me? Sebastian normally follows your every movement,” you asked, finishing up the last bite of your breakfast. You admit, Ominis arrived at an unsavory time, but you liked him enough to stay and converse with him.
Ominis stiffened. “He… has been his usual annoying and persistent self. I needed to speak to someone else for once.”
Your eyebrow raised; Sevastian himself had told you that Ominis didn’t really talk to other people. Unless there was a reason. He was perfectly polite, of course, but Ominis just wasn’t the person to strike up conversation with just anyone. Intriguing, you thought. “I see,” you replied casually. “Is there a reason I’m the person you chose to speak to?”
Ominis nodded. “There is, indeed.” Ominis placed his almost finished toast back on the plate. “I understand that you probably don’t have the best perception or impression of me after I… my rather rude outburst to you about lying about the Undercoft. And for me letting Sebastian crucio you without argument.”
You shrugged, knowing Ominis would understand your movement without the ability to see. “I’d… it’s… Someone crucio-ing me is bound to happen at the rate I’m investigating into Ranrok and Rookwood….” The sound of Rookwood’s ‘avada kedavra’ had rung through your mind. Poor Natty had brushed it off, but you felt bad for her: she hadn’t signed up to have grown men try to kill her. “I’m glad the first time was with people that weren’t doing it for malicious intent,” you finished hastily. You didn’t really know what to say. Ominis had set his boundaries and was upset about being in the scriptorium at all- and he had a good reason to be. Sebastian’s response to you volunteering for the curse was a little odd, but you know that’s just how he is. “I know we’ve already been over this, but I am truly sorry about making you go with us.”
Ominis looked incredulous. “We tortured you and you’re the one apologizing? Y/n, darling, you need to get out and meet new people.”
You huffed a laugh. “You’re one to talk,” you  shot back, taking a sip from your goblet.
“I guess you’re right about that. Matter of fact, you’re right about almost everything.”
You shrugged. “I’ve been placed in a unique set of sitautions that not many others have experienced. I guess knowledge and a fast reaction time is necessary,” you rambler, hating how you sounded so preachy.
“An admirable trait, I must admit,” Ominis murmured. His face was turned to yours, close enough you could see some of the melted butter gathered by his lip.
“There’s butter on your mouth,” you mumbled carefully, treading carefully.
The blond only hummed. “Help a blind man out?” He asked, voice low. 
Had it been anyone else, you would have hit them upside the head and depulso’d them. An odd request, especially considering the fact that you hadn’t spoken to each other that much. But the way he had fretted over you as the pain of the cruciatus curse brought you to the ground was something that lingered in your mind. He had rushed over you after your poorly withheld screams had successfully pierced his eardrums for more than humanly necessary. Despite his blindness, he had slipped his arm under your shoulder and stood up. You shuddered and leaned into his arms, thankful for the feeling of human warmth. 
And then there was Ominis’s habit of looking for you in the Great Hall whenever he felt your aura (odd, but he had taken a liking to you, despite your limited encounters). You always felt his presence searching for yours, bit you assumed it aas to make sure you were still alive and kicking: after all, you were Sebastian’s friend.
You reached up and swiped your thumb on Ominis’s bottom lip, gathering the melted butter. “Open,” you whispered. 
The dull conversations taking place at tables all around the Great Hall were silenced. Ominis opened hs mouth and you slipped your thumb in his mouth. As bizarre and disgusting it was, Ominis enjoyed the feeling of you so close to him, even in this way. After Ominis’s tongue had swiped the butter off you pulled away and wiped the excess saliva on a napkin.
Ominis’s eyes were a touch darker now. He sighed shakily, thinking of how you had commanded him to open his mouth and how willing he was to follow your order. He cleared his throat. “Well.”
You smiled slightly, seeing the blush painting Ominis’s cheeks. “I’ll be out in the Pitch today. Come find me later and we can work on… spell practice.”
Ominis nodded. “Very well. I will.”
As you got up and walked away, Ominis rested his head in his hands. As he had expected, you flirted back with a talent that rivaled Sebastian Sallow himself. And the tent in his pants proved just how fond he had grown to you.
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writeslikeanaria · 5 months
sebastian sallow is a munch. a stupid, braindead, lovesick munch. (18+ smut)
it doesn’t take much to convince him to meet you in the undercroft after dinner, claiming that you’re just “needing a little extra help with the crutiatus curse” and it doesn’t take much to convince ominis that he needs an early night, and to stay away from their usual meeting place.
it starts off as business as usual. it’s cute how much sebastian is enthralled with the dark arts and perfecting spells. it only takes a couple batters of your eyelashes for him to wrap his torso around yours, his front pressed against your back, as he gently coaxes your arm into the right position for the spell. he looks so cute, biting his lip as he watches you cast, eyes widening as sparks blast from the tip of your wand.
“good job!” his tenor voice drawls, unaware of how your pressing back against him, cleft of your arse brushing over his ever growing bulge, sin on your mind.
your eyes match those of a doe’s, smiling sweetly back at sebastian. “thank you for being such a brilliant teacher. you’re so good to me.”
the praise goes to his head, as you knew it would. silly sebastian, head clouded with the sickly sweet tone of your voice, and the gentle words you speaks. it’s as if you really do think he’s a brilliant teacher.
when the words get to his dick, that’s when he’s on his knees for you. sitting atop a box, legs spread, sebastian sits greedily at your cunt, lapping at it like a starved man.
he’s sloppy, but you don’t mind. it’s his enthusiasm that gets you so riled up. hands threaded through his brown curls, you tug harshly at his hair, reminding him just who’s on top at the moment.
not that sebastian cares. he would be happy if he died between your thighs. his tongue lays flatly against your pussy, licking stripe after stripe, wetting your area like a rainstorm. it’s only after you get bored of the teasing do you stick your nails into his scalp, a little painful punishment. not that he gets it much. he’s your good boy.
“none of his.” you hiss, voice still just as seductive. “make me cum.”
and that’s what he does, wrapping his lips against your clit and sucking hard. you feel your orgasm coming to the brink, and you hum delightfully. sebastian knows exactly what’s about to happen and he brings you closer to the brink.
when your orgasm washes over you, he doesn’t take a breath, just dives in and slurps everything you give him. he feels lucky to be honoured with the job of pleasing you. he just hopes you don’t notice the wet patch through his clothed crotch.
you notice, not like you’d say anything. you’d be a hypocrite. you hope sebastian doesn’t notice your perfect spellmanship next time you perform the crutiatus curse, a curse you perfected moons ago.
i haven’t written in so long omg
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maraudersarethebest1 · 2 months
Things from the Harry Potter books that should've been in the movies
1. Peeves
2. Mcgonagall offering harry a biscuit after he yelled at umbridge
3. Lee Jordans quidditch commentary
4. Badass Ginny from the books not shy awkward Ginny from the movies
5. Sirius and Remus telling harry abt his dad
6. Remus asking Harry to be Teddy's godfather
7. Percy apologising to his family before TBOH
8. Harry using the crutiatus curse after carrow spits on mcgonagall
9. Harry sass (mainly "there's no need to call me sir professor")
10. Dobby in goblet of fire and order of the phoenix
11. Weasley twins swamp prank
12. Mcgonagall being a badass bitch absolutely destroying umbridges self esteem
13. Pettigrews death scene
14. House elves fighting in TBOH
15. Kreacher being nice to the golden trio
16. Arthur and lucius' fight in flourish and blotts
17. S.P.E.W
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in-flvx · 2 months
can you elaborate more on your “the black family used imperio on Sirius” HC?
Hi dear ❤️ yes of course I can.
Alright so. The way I see it these old families would have some their own corrective measures, and their punishments would probably not target the body as much as muggle punishments would. I don't think they would use crutiatus on their kids, but there are different ways to hurt someone - or to keep them quiet. So this is not as much a "the house of black tortures their children" hc, and more about class expectations and changes in parenting techniques
The imperius curse seems like a very useful tool to keep kids from misbehaving in public without making a fuss.
The way I see it this would have been aged out and become highly controversial even before orion got born, though I think imperio was the last of the curses that got outlawed. But I do hc that orion would have grown up with it. We know little about him, other than that he was drawn into himself, a powerful wizard and extremely paranoid. While that may just be his personality type I also think it can be indicative of trauma, and especially a defence mechanism for dealing with imperio a lot. And I do think he would see no problem with using the same on his own sons.
Walburga would have not grown up the same way, and entirely disagree with this parenting technique, and I hc that they fight about this a lot. Walburga would want her children to learn on their own how to act correctly and imperio is not the way. And while I do think she'd win these fights, i also think orion would sometimes do it anyway.
I hope this makes sense
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maybe im just so delusional and deep into the gaunt lore that i actually cry every time i think about how the reat of gaunts tortured and abused ominis. like... how can you do that to your own son? :( personally i can't imagine having to spank or hurt my own children if i get to have them one day. sure parenting is hard and it's frustrating at times but cmon :( how can they find it in their hearts to use the crutiatus curse on their young, blind son? it really brings tears to my eyes. this is probably why im also so delulu about ominis cause i'd just like to imagine that i get to hug and comfort him if i was a hogwarts student back in those days. like it doesn't have to be romantic. i could just be there and listen to him and hug him and provide him comfort in any way i can. sorry if this is such a downer ask. :(
Omg it's definitely not just you, that also breaks my heart so badly. And yeah, it is also the vast majority of the reason why I wanna give him all the love in the world :( After everything he goes through he needs sooooo much more love than he gets.
Every once in a while I have to break down and do another fic that's just all lovey-dovey with him because I have this deep need to make a fictional character happy lol. I want to give him all the comfort and security I possibly can. At least I can live vicariously through my MC and make her give him all the hugs and kisses and comfort ever haha
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avawardell · 1 year
Sirius Post Prank Headcanons
Sirius was one of those typical aristicratical people who got punished for biting or picking at their nails. So, he was one of those people with extrememly long nails and they always stayed that way. After the prank, he started biting them becuse his nails were so weak ( from not eating- also a punishment his mother came up with that he thought he deserved ) that it hurt to pick or bite them. And boy, did he think he needed to be back under the sharp gaze of his mother again, holding him under the crutiatus. He also begged Regulus to crucio him and Regulus got mad at him for presuming he would, not knowing Sirius had no one else.
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In my fix it fic, I decided that Peter Pettigrew was under the imperius curse when he told Voldemort where the Potters were. He then stayed out of fear of both Voldemort finding out he wasn't loyal, and Remus going absolutely batshit before Peter could explain himself. I want my Marauders back together.
Also in this fic we get a little angsty yet incredibly badass bit where someone uses the crutiatus curse on Remus and he doesn't even flinch.
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miko-nova · 2 years
The boy who had no choice
The first Oneshot to be posted and one of my more recent projects.
AO3 for those who prefer reading over there:
(Kindly ignore the other two Oneshots over there. They're old and need to be reworked)
The soft crackling of the fire was the only sound to be heard in the room. But it seemed to vanish completely, leaving only the frosting aura of men, sitting inside “Mister Malfoy, do you have any idea of the consequences this whole situation may have?” The voice of Severus Snape seemed to be even colder than usual. Draco only gave an absent-minded nod, still trying to proc the whole situation.
Only hours ago, he managed to put Harry, Golden-child, Potter, his rival since the first year under a Crutiatus-curse. He should feel any kind of satisfaction or power, but it just felt…wrong.
‘That’s it!’ Draco was leaning over the bathroom sink, the tears rolling over his cheek and dripping down, hitting the porcelain softly. He hated it, not only this whole situation but himself, for being weak…
for crying…
for just not being able, being willing to complete ‘it’.
He would never be able! To kill Dumbledore and finish the Vanishing Cabinet… Merlin, he didn’t even want to! The problem was: His assassinations, or rather their constant failing came to grow suspicion.
Would be rather a miracle, if not, he didn’t even try. To this point, playing dumb worked, but how long will it…?
Almost maniacally, Draco turned up the tap, splashing Water from the slowly filling basin into his face. He had to calm down, before anybody may find him.
Why? Why did Bell try on the opal necklace?! If she had just brought it to Dumbledore, the obvious attempt would have been revealed and the safety increased, so Draco could talk himself out of at least this part of the plan…
He wouldn’t have been able to, though, it has a comforting taste to grasp for the last straw of hope for a way out.
It was his fault, that she had to be brought to Hospital Wing!
No, it was her own fault, she just shouldn’t have touched the necklace!
Shoulders shaking, Draco leaned a bit more over the sink, an ugly sobbing shrugging through his body, followed by half-swallowed coughing and choking. His throat and eyes were burning, and he felt like he had to vomit. If anyone were to see him like this, the last bits of his reputation he somehow still holds up would shatter like glass.
Thinking of glass, Draco looked up into the mirror before him, into a face that only Farley resembles the young man he has been only months ago. He was pale, not in an elegant, but rather in a sickly way; the bags under his eyes were dark red, almost purple, the crying didn’t make it any better, and his hair was nothing than a fiasco.
Didn’t Pansy offer him some of her Make up? Maybe not that bad of an idea, it would be a disgrace to be caught because somebody got too suspicious of the dark circles.
Maybe Bell would reveal his tell-tale intentions now that she was obliviously back on track. On the other hand, wouldn’t she have already done it the moment she was able to grasp a clear thought again?
Could it be, that she was afraid of him? Unlikely, stubborn Gryffindor. Could it be possible, that she really couldn’t remember? Then, he was at least kind of safe from being caught.
But wasn’t that exactly, what he wanted to? Get caught, confess, and maybe even get some kind of witness protection?
No! What he was doing here was an honor! His parents said it was, Aunt Bellatrix said it was, ‘he’ said it was. He had to finish this, for the reputation of his family!
Another swell of water found its way to his face. At this point, not only tears but also little drops of water dripped back to the basin.
The mere memory of the fear in his mother’s eyes, how broken his father has seemed…has been after Azkaban, made him sob again.
He just had to somehow bring an end to this, for his parents. That was his only chance to protect them from ‘his’ arbitrariness.
Another sob, louder, more desperately. His head sank deeper over the sink.
“Malfoy, I know what you did!” The voice echoed from the bare walls of the bathroom, not that much louder than Draco’s own voice. And still, for the young man, the words were clear as day, made him freeze in shock. Panic.
Draco almost jumped, shock was written all over his face, as he stared at the person behind him through the mirror. Potter, of all people in this damn castle, it had to be Potter?!
Still shaking from his dying sobs, Draco turned around. There he was. Potter, merely a few meters behind him.
“You hexed her, am I right?!” It didn’t even sound like a real question, and, as rapidly as Draco has flowed from the great hall and how puzzled he was now, it was rather obvious. Even Potter would be able to put one and one together.
The thoughts were racing in the young Slytherin’s head. What should he do now? He had his back up against the wall, in the truest sense of the word, Potter blocking the only way out. With the last bit of control, he could raise, Draco performed an unspoken Stupor.
Potter dodged, the glass behind him shattering with a deafening crash, before countering with his own spell. It missed Draco by Inches, it was the shock wave, throwing him off his feet. Another Stupor from Potter followed before Draco could take cover, hiding from Potter's field of view.
What should he do now?! He had to somehow pit the Gryffindor out of action, maybe, or rather most likely, delete his memory. Or else, it would be tricky to get out of this situation.
According to the steps, Potter was on the other side of the cabin row. Draco dropped to his knees and shoot one more Stupor under the partition walls, before jumping back up again. Under a hail of partially only narrowly missing spells, both young men sprinted to the end of the row.
They reached the slim aisle almost simultaneously. But whatever Potter seemingly wanted to do, he hesitated. That was Draco’s one and maybe only chance. In a rush of adrenalin, despair, and blind rage, he shouted the first spell coming to his mind.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Potter screamed and dropped to the floor squirming in pain. Draco was paralyzed, clutching the wand tightly, arm stretched out in front of him before he realized what he was doing. The wand slipped from his fingers, hitting the stone floor with a light, wooden noise.
Potter's pained cries and twitching dyed out and from the corners of his eyes, Draco could see him sitting back up. He himself felt paralyzed, unable to look anywhere but at his still raised hand, that held his wand only seconds ago. His fingers were twitching in an unregular pattern, the boy could just stare at them.
An effort to lower his arm or hold the hand still failed, it was like his muscles didn’t want to obey him.
At the same time, Draco’s head was empty and overflowing with thoughts.
“What is the meaning of this noise? Mister Potter, I hope you have a good reason to alert the whole castle with your screaming.” The almost freezing voice of Severus Snape teared both boys out of their trance, or at least Harry. “Oh, I have, Malfoy cursed me with Crucio!”
Nearly unnoticeable, the eyes of the professor narrowed down before he focused on Draco. “Is that the truth, Mister Malfoy?” His voice was tense, simply the tune of the words seemed to tell him to deny it. But the young Slytherin, still in trance, just nodded.
“Mister Potter, lower your wand at this instant!” Now, Draco actually looked up, to be exact at the tip of Harry's wand, pointed at him.
“But…!” A sound, that could have been a growling, shut the Gryffindor down almost instantly.
“No ‘But’. The headmaster will decide, how we will deal with this situation. Consider wisely, what you want to do, Mister Potter. At this point, I’m still willing to leave out the detail that you also participated in a not approved duel on school grounds.”
Draco was almost sure, Potter would protest, however, he only heard a suppressed mumbling. “And, as far as it concerns you, Mister Malfoy.” With a slight swish of his own wand, he directed Draco`s to float up. “I’m confiscating your wand for the time being.” Still, Draco couldn’t do anything then nodding absentminded.
“Mister Potter, if you feel any kind of dizziness, I advise you to visit the hospital wing after this talk. Now, follow me.”
Still in trance, and with a proper safety distance, Draco followed his godfather to the headmaster’s office.
Neither the talk nor the way was present in Draco’s mind, he just stared at one of the walls, trying to comprehend, what happened, what he has done.
Only one thing kept stuck in his brain. The fact, that Dumbledore decided – under heavy protest from Potter – to not report him to the ministry, at least not now. Said Potter stayed with the headmaster, highly likely he had to be persuaded so he doesn’t report Draco himself.
So, instead of a one-way ticket to Azkaban, he got some kind of probation, which included that he was appointed under permanent supervision. Seemed like a temporary full-stop for further work on the cabinet or another assassination attempt.
That was exactly what he wanted, wasn’t it? A reason, to stop. And yet, he was afraid, of what would come at him in the next holidays, when he had to leave the protection of Hogwarts and explain himself, at ‘home’. If suddenly, he wasn’t useful anymore, it could be the end for him and his parents.
Maybe, ‘he’ decided, that there was no point at all in letting Draco stay in Hogwarts anymore. The sole thought of having to stay at the manor constantly made cold sweat of fear run over his back. Then he would have to repeat what happened today.
Maybe there was a possibility to convince Dumbledore that it would be better to keep him at Hogwarts for the holidays. This way, he would be safe, at least for the time being…
No! He couldn’t do this to his parents. In the end, they may have to suffer the consequences of his failure, if Draco was not available. For their safety, it was worth, being a death eater, wasn’t it?
Draco wanted to sob out of pure desperation. He wouldn’t be – not now and never in the future – be able to torture somebody, it just didn't work.
The moment he had pointed his wand at Potter, six years of rival, insults, and kind of hate had shot through him like a lightning. It was a terrible feeling and the sole memory almost made him puke.
Potter's pained cries still echoed in his head, setting up goosebumps on his arms. Childish insulting and arguing was one thing, amusing, maybe even kind of interesting. But, really hurting him.
And it was Potter! To break it down, Draco didn’t hate the boy to the guts but had a certain antipathy. Apart from that, it happened in the heat of the situation, under any other circumstances, it possibly wouldn’t have even worked.
What would happen, if he had to use this spell on an innocent victim, likely to cry and beg for mercy. At the latest then, he would buckle.
There had to be a way to get out of this situation! Maybe, he should seek help from Dumbledore…
No! That would b his death! ‘He’ would find out, and that would be his…their end. Would his godfather reveal this kind of attempt? Was he more loyal to the Dark Lord or to his family…or, in the end, to Dumbledore…?
That wouldn’t make any sense, in this case, the headmaster would already know of his plans and Draco would rot somewhere down in the dungeons or in some lonely tower.
With a sigh, Draco pulled up his legs to the chest, placing his chin on his knees. Still, he was sitting in the office of his godfather and waiting for him to return. Severus had left for an ‘Unscheduled teacher's conference’ quite some time ago.
Most likely, they’re dicing out who had to babysit Draco.
Once again, Draco shuffled on the hard couch, trying to find a comfortable position in front of the fireplace.
“Feet down or take off your shoes, that’s bad for the cushions.” Draco would have been startled by the sudden voice if it hadn’t been this obvious. In the end, with a probability bordering on security, every single chocolate frog card in this castle would alert the teachers, if he tried to flee. Not, that he was particularly motivated to try.
“Oh, come on, old curmudgeon, who cares about the cushions. He’s the first one sitting there in years anyway. Can’t you see how bad and guilty he’s feeling? You’re surely realizing, that you made a terrible mistake. I assure you, many of us stood in your place and know how you’re feeling…”
“You know nothing about me!” The portrayal of the middle-aged witch shut down immediately. Yet, Draco hadn’t sunken this deep to accept life-coaching from some magic ink. Thought, she just wanted to be friendly and cheer him up.
With a slight sigh, Draco’s chin sunk back on his knees. How long would this ominous conference take?
Even if he was allowed to attend classes like before, how would the other students react? Potter wasn’t that much of a tattletale; he would most likely stick to telling it to his friends.
Granger and that was a thing he really appreciated about the mud-… girl: She knew, when at what to keep to herself. Draco wouldn’t say or think this word ever again, he was not like them, like this maniac who called herself his aunt. Who seemed to actually enjoy hurting people… Again, Draco wanted to throw up.
But the weasel…? In the end, he’d let it slip by accident and the sole possibility for it to be true would be enough for it to be bruting like a wildfire. Did his monitoring include personal security? Not, that anyone would dare to attack him… at least, Draco hoped nobody would.
The time passed on and, whenever the fire seemed to die out, a new log floated into the fireplace. Admittedly handy, Draco had to ask the professor about this spell…
What was the point of that?! He had bigger problems at the moment than a spell for hovering logs!
Jittery, Draco run a hand through his hair, they were still unkempt, but at least dry by now. If he looked in the slightest like he felt at the moment, then it was maybe good to be here and not in the common room, being drilled with questions by Pansy and Blaise. He was more than just grateful to have them by his side – the very fact that they came up with so many excuses for him without once asking for an explanation was more than he ever expected – but he desperately needed rest.
Draco’s view impinged on his hands again.
In this one, particular moment, he had felt more powerful than ever before, it almost physically hurt. His dominant hand was still a bit numb and kept shaking flimsily. Was that the feeling of using an unforgivable curse for the first time? Or does it feel like that every time?
It terrified the boy. He always expected to want power, in general, and over others, but not like that. It felt like being swallowed by it.
That…that was not what he wanted to be!
Was that supposed to be his future from now on?
Draco wanted to start crying all over again. Out of frustration, anger… or fear?
He didn’t even know it himself!
It was horrible, this feeling of absolute helplessness he felt towards this curse, the uncertainty. As if he was falling and didn’t know when he’ll hit that floor.
Where was his godfather when he was actually needed?!
Until Severus Snape actually returned to his office, a lot of time passed. Enough for Draco to fall asleep – legs pulled up to his chest, his face hidden in the crooks of his arms, however, without shoes. “Wake up, Mister Malfoy, it is time for you to get to bed.” A little disgruntled, Draco stretched his arms – his cramped sleeping position already claiming its tribute – and grabbed his shoes.
He actually took them off, not because he felt guilty towards the portrayals, that’s still to come. It became uncomfortable. Why did he even try to explain himself? He was Draco Malfoy he had the right to take off his shoes wherever and whenever he wanted to.
“From now on, you won’t be living with the other members of your house anymore. You’ll get a separate room.” At this point, this wasn’t even a punishment for Draco, that way, he would get the repose he needs.
“Whenever you’re not in class or at a meal, you’ll be looked up in the room. A teacher will pick you up at the respective time.”
Also, not that bad, this way he wouldn’t have to deal with some insolent noisy Nancy. Maybe, if he behaved well enough, he could buy himself some time at the library. Beyond that, he had to catch up on Arithmantik and Old Runes.
This dammed cabinet ate up more time than Crabbe and Goyle pastries, together!
“Additionally, you have detention under my supervision three evenings per week and on every second and fourth weekend of the month. At this time, you can continue with your ‘Task’.” Draco froze, eyes wide in shock he stared at his godfather. He felt like being thrown back in time some hours. The realization, and with it the fear, hit him, like a lightning bolt. He wanted to scream but felt his voice failing without even parting his lips.
It took some attempts, sounding more like screeching than anything else, to get out a straight word.
“N-no.” His voice was nothing more than a frail whisper.
Severus turned around and looked at his student.
“Professor, please don’t do this to me, I can’t…” If his father could see him at this moment, he would have been unbelievably disappointed in Draco. But the boy was desperate.
He had to…
But he couldn’t.
Severus glanced at his young protégé and for a moment, the cold in his eyas seems to give away to honest pain and guilt. “I’m afraid, you have no choice.”
0 notes
mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Peonies (Neville Longbottom) - Chapter 4.
This is the fifth part to a multipart Neville x OC story.
Summary: Professor Moody teaches his class about the unforgivable curses, and uses his students as examples.
Warning: arcahniphobia, death, torture, discomfort, unease, poor mental health.
"Alastor Moody, ex-Aruor, Ministry Malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." A deformed mountain of a man stood at the head of the classroom, scribbling his last name on a chalkbaord with his back against the class. Slowly, he pivoted himself as if on the turntable of a music box, and faced the fresh fourht years with the a sterness that could rival that of Professor Snape's. "I am here because Dumbldore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" He paused to allow the silent students to inquire about anything he'd said thus far, and was met with a chorus of cleared throats and shifting fabric.
"When it comes to the dark arts, I beleive in a practical approach" he continued, each word becoming more and more seething with every sylible. "Now, first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?" The room bacame even more hushed, if that was possible. Most young wizards weren't even aware of the Unforgivable Curses, and those who were were earily aware of the taboo that surrounded them, a few having even experienced them for themselves.
Marina could feel her entire body tense, her muscles contracting with the negitive energy in the room. She herself had hear rumors of a curse that could kill any being, whether they be magic or muggle, with just one incantation, but she had never beleived it. She glanced to her left at her tablemate, Hermione Granger, as she took in a sharp breath to speak.
"T-Three, sir."
"And they are so name?" Moody shot back, nearly excited.
"Because they are unforgivable." Hermione's shoulders shook with discomfort as she pressed on. "The use of any one of them will-"
"Earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban." the professor finished roughly, scribbling more unlegible writings on the chalkboard. "Correct. Now, the ministry says you're all too young to see what these curses can do." he said, setting down his stick of chalk on the podeum, an uneasy excitement in his tone as he did so. "I say different! You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared!" Marina watched cautously as Moody's fists clenched, stopping in his tracks. "You need to find another place for your gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!"
Seamus's head darted up in shock, chewing gum still stuck to his fingers. "No way," he whispered to the students around him. "Old codger can see out the back of his head." The teacher's eye twitched at the comment as he spun on his heels to toss a chalk eraser at the insubordient boy's head with all his might. "And hear across classrooms!" Sadly, it hadn't had the momentum he was hoping for.
Sighing to calm himself down, Moody then returned to the topic at hand. "So, which curse shall we see first?" He asked, earily calm. A moment passed where Marina had the sinking feeling the she might be called on, an event she surely could not handle. To her relief, Moody already had a victim in mind. "Weasley!"
Ron sunk in his chair as the professor approached his desk, meekly mumbling out a shy, "Yes?"
"Stand." The ginger did as he was commanded, timidly rising to come closer Moody's looming height. "Give us a curse."
"Well, my dad did tell me about one," Ron began, sparking Moody's delight. "The Imperius Curse."
"Oh, you're father would know all about that." the professor responded. "Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago.  Perhaps this will show you why." He briskly sauntered over to a nearby table which held a colorful array of insects anf reptiles in jars of varrying size for display. His eyes lingered a moment, scanning his assortment of prey before falling on a young whip scorpion, freshly matured, having just recently shed it's last juvinile molt. uUncapping the jar that the arachnid called home, Moody carefully scooped the unsuspecting creature into his palm, and hoisted it to freedom, cooing praises to it all the while. Retrieving his wand from his pocket, he pointed it to the scorpion, before releasing a blessing upto to enlarge it's size, if only for the sake a clearer demonstation for the class.
Meanwhile, something nausiating brewed in Marina's stomach as she painfully watched the scene unfold. There were plenty good reason these curses where not taught at Hogwarts, or anything other magic academy for that reason. Plus, everyone knew that Alastor Moody was mad, he was literally called 'Mad-Eye Moody'. Combining two terrible ideas would never result in anything positive. Before she could even catch up the events to take a stand against them, her professor was already casting the first curse, his voice full of more gravel that ever as he did.
"Imperio." The scorpian seized a bit, if only for a moment, before being made to hover in the air by the direction of Moody's wand, before land on the deask were Neville sat with Dean Thomas. As the creature was allowed to sit on Dean's notebook for a moment, it seemed to gain some sort of control of itself, perching up against the tense Gryffindor's torso, begging for mercy. Just as it had felt a sense of secruity, it was wisked away, flying through it air to land right in the face of Vincent Crabbe, who blubbered with fear, as it crawled to sit atop his nearly shaven head. Once again, the scorpian was forced to a new location, this time, taking up a residence on the desk that the Patil twins share, on Padma's hand, more specifically, effectively silencing her genlte laugher as it gingerly crawled up her arm.
Moody couldn't help but take a small pride out of the chorus of hearty laughter that had taken the room, removing and dropping the arachnid on one unsuspecting student to the next. Finally, as his next victim, he chose Ron, letting the terrified creature hover over the boy, who was just as scared, if not more. "Careful," Alastor warned witha snicker, "If she bites, she's lethal." The ginger let out a small whine, trying his best to shrink under the spider's legs, ultimately to no avail. The whip scorpian still planted on his forehead, just as it had with so many of his peirs, which froze the poor boy in fear.
The professor let out a childish giggle as he scanned the room, looking for students whom he'd heard to trouble makes from other teachers. His searched turned up with Malfoy. "What are your laughing at?" He asked, mockingly, willing the arachnid to make iteself into a muzzle, fit for a Slytherin.
"Get it off!" the blonde shouted, willing his friend, Gergory Goyle to swat the thing away, which only resulted in a ripe smack to his cheek. As the classroom erupted again with fits of laughter, the pit in Marina's stomach continued to grow. She had always been a killjoy, and didn't find very many cruel pranks funny, but this, she thought, this was absolutely barbaric. Something inside of her could sense an oncoming change in this scene, she could see it written all over Moody's delighted expression.
"Talanted, isn't she?" he asked the class as he zipped the poor creature through he air, before painfully slamming it against a peign of glass. "What shall I have her do next, jump out the window?" As suddenly as it had began, the fun was over and the negitive energy that Alastor seemed to carry with him at all times was wafting back into the room like a suffocating cloud of dust. As the scorpion slid off the magnifying glass, it plummited toward a pail of water, only for Moody to catch it just before it could break the surface of the liquid. "Drown herself?" he suggested to the disturbed class, continuing to hold it just high enough that it's legs dipped in the water when it struggled, before gently bringing her back to his hand.
The professor looked out on his audiance, almost confused as to why they'd stopped laughing, weren't they amused? "Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the Imperious curse." he finally spoke, bringing gravity into the act that his students had just taken amusment from. "But here's the rub: how do we sort out the liars?"
As he was ready to move forth with the lesson, Moody's eyes fell on Neville, and upon realizing this, the boy's skin paled, and he averted his gaze, in hopes that the professor might just find him to dimwitted to know anything about the unforgivable curses. Little did he know, that the man in front him, was living evidence that the cruses were real, and that Neville knew all about them. "Another, another. Longbottom is it?" Neville stood timidly, his gaze more looking through the teacher rather than at him. From behind, Marina couldn't halp but feel a pang to empathy for the Gryffindor. The Imerious curse, in her own opinon was the least severe of the three, and that only left Neville two terrible choices to pick from.
"Professer Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Hebology." Moody said,  merely to let his student know that he had more knowledge of his personal details that one might think.
"Theres...the Crutiatus Curse." he mumbled, not daring to  make eye contact with anyone in the room. A spark of excitement flickered in Moody's eye  as he ushered the Gryffindor over to the desk that held his array of insects.
"Correct, correct! Come, come, take a little nasty." he said, setting the whip scorpion dwon onto a magnifying glass, now back to it's original size. "The torture cusre." he whispered, readying his wand. "Crucio."
The spider let out a pained squeal that never seemed to relent as its body and limbs twisted in torment. Neville's eyes seemed to widen, if only for a moment before squinting again, contorting into a disturbed expression, accompanied by labored breathes. The creature's suffering intensified, and Neville seemed to share it's pain, now nearly hyperventilating and turning his head away from the scene with eyes tightly shut.
Marina felt so shaken by what was unfolding as the head of the room, and her tablemate, Hermione seemed to share the same senitment as she shot up from her seat to bring the scene to a close. "Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!" Her outburst seemed to force Moody out of his train of thought, as she shook his head and released his string of torment on the exhausted bug.  Releived, it bagan to crawl away, meek and tire. Neville, on the other hand, was unable to calm himself, trying with all hid might not to let tears that pricked his eyes fall.
As Alastor scooped the scorpion into his palm again and approached the class with, Neville stay on the stage, frozen in the first position Moody had put him in, anxiety consuming him to much to dare move. Much to Marina's horror, he approched her desk, settling infront of Hermione, before letting the spider crawl onto her textbook, much like it had done with Dean. "Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse, Ms. Granger?" The girl shook her head in refusal, her spirit broken, and unwilling to lead the death of an innocent, tormented creature. With that, his gaze wandered over to her deask mate, Marina.
"Then, maybe, Ms. Rafferty would like a chance to excell in Ms. Granger's place?" The Hufflepuff's lip quivered as she weighed her options, she didn't want to do this. "Don't let me down."
With a distubed tear running down her cheek, she finally spoke, and her words gave everyone in the room a sour taste of her. "Th-The killing curse." Moody smiled at her answer, almost proud to have such a controllable student. "Avada Kadavra..."
"Thats correct, Ms. Rafferty, very well." he gave her a swift confirmation in her unsure answer and pointed his wand to the tired creature crawling about all over the table, on it's last legs. "Avada Kadavra."
Just like that, the lesson was over. The poor, abused whip scorpion was dead, having keeled over against the cover of Hermione's textbook at Moody's command. Marina flintched at the squeal it let out in it's dying breathes. She was honestly glad it was dead. It was free now, and Alastor couldn't torture it ever again.
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lonelyyinchicago · 3 years
desi james and his mother-tongue
“phone adikkudhu!!”
james leapt off his bed at him mum’s shout. he answered breathlessly.
the voice on the other end was hushed, barely a whisper.
“i’m here, i’m right here. what’s the matter reg?”
“i-it’s” regulus’ voice caught in his throat and he shook his head in a weak attempt to prevent the tears from spilling. “sirius is gone.”
james exhaled shakily, sliding down the wall.
“i’m coming over.”
“you can’t.”
“reg, i’m coming to get you.”
regulus smiled half-heartedly, his tears salty as they reached his lips. a knock at the front door distracted james from the conversation with his boyfriend.
“it’s him - he’s . . .”
there was a short silence before regulus spoke again.
“at least he’s safe.”
james rolled his eyes at euphemia’s second shout of the evening.
a slight laugh broke free of regulus’ lips: “make sure sirius is okay for me.”
“you’ll be too, okay? i promise. i’ll see you soon, reg. really soon. i love you.”
“i love you too but don’t do anything stupid.”
the small beep signifying the end of their conversation made james’ heart ache just a little bit more. he made his way slowly downstairs to where his best friend was stood shaking on the front mat.
“your mum’s already offered me idli and dahl” sirius joked through chattering teeth. “and tea of course.”
“well what else would you expect?” james replied with a smile. “what happened this time?” james asked, leading sirius into the lounge.
“oh yeah umm the crutiatus curse mainly. i’m sorry i didn’t bring reg, james.”
“hmm? oh.” james looked up at sirius’ face properly before replying. “he’s probably okay.”
“he’s not” sirius said suddenly. “he’s not and i’ve just left him.”
sirius’ announcement took james by surprise as tears began to fall quickly from the grey eyes.
“hey, why don’t you go have a shower, and you can lie down and we’ll figure out what to do after that yeah?”
sirius sniffed, his fingernails digging so deeply into his palms small indentations had appeared.
“amma!” james called into the kitchen as soon as the water for sirius’ shower was running. “amma i’m going out.”
he ran up to his room and collected the few things he thought he’d need: broom, his quidditch jumper, wand.
euphemia and fleamont potter were waiting at the bottom of the stairs, their expressions unreadable. james stood in silence, waiting for his parents to speak. when they didn’t, he moved towards the front door. only when james’ hand was hovering just above the door handle did euphemia speak.
“oru nimisham irunga.”
james turned to face his parents slowly.
euphemia stepped forward with such determination that james retracted his hand from the door handle.
“when will you be back?”
“soon - really soon. like, less than an hour.”
euphemia nodded, satisfied with her son’s answer. both her and fleamont stood with their heads poking out the front door as james flew off into the dark, cloudless sky.
landing on the damp street that was grimmauld place, james inhaled sharply as a nearby streetlight went out.
he quickly mounted his broom again, completing a quick lap of the house to figure out which room was his boyfriend’s. he paused breathless on the balcony, looking into a dark room.
a pale nose was visible, just sticking out from under a thick duvet. for a brief moment james forgot why he’d made the journey, content watching his boyfriend just lie so peacefully. he knocked softly on the glass, startling regulus awake.
james knocked for a second time and grinned as regulus made his way to the window, his middle finger already up. regulus undid the chain, but only opened the window a centimetre, denying james access.
“i told you not to do anything stupid” he hissed through the gap. “go home, james.”
“i’m not doing anything stupid” james retorted. “and i will if you come with me.”
“they’ll kill you.”
“not if we leave. come on, reg.”
james slipped two fingers through the gap, prising the door open just a little bit more. regulus looked down, shaking his head slightly.
“you’re an idiot and i hate you” regulus informed his boyfriend as he arranged himself on the broom behind james.
“mhmm. so you keep telling me. anyway, i brought you this in case you were cold” james said, holding out his gryffindor quidditch jumper.
regulus accepted the gift gratefully, pulling it over his dark curls and immediately drowning in the heavy, scarlet material. with his back pressed into regulus’ chest, james took off, heading for home.
regulus’ fingers slipped across james’ strong chest, gently holding his heartbeat. his head fell softly against james’ back, looking down at the small houses and empty streets.
“you okay?” james asked as regulus remained silent.
“err yeah. i think so.”
james landed on the potter’s front lawn and regulus stepped off the broom uncertainly.
“come on” james said, extending his hand. “what’s the matter?”
“i’m nervous. what if they don’t like me? what if sirius is mad when he sees me? james, i don’t want to go back but i don’t think i can stay here.”
“hey.” james approached the younger boy, who moved quickly into his outstretched arms. “no one is going to be mad, okay?”
regulus nodded and followed james in through the front door. euphemia potter instantly arrived in the hallway.
“regulus dear, can i get you anything to eat?”
james’ firm hand on his waist guided regulus forward into the kitchen. he sat at the table quietly, his pale hands cupping the mug of tea tightly. regulus looked around as james disappeared upstairs momentarily.
james opened his bedroom door to return his broom, but closed it quickly when he saw sirius’ rising and falling chest on his mattress.
james returned downstairs to find his mother and regulus in deep conversation about himself. he cleared his throat slightly as he entered the room.
“speak of the devil” euphemia muttered to regulus, who merely grinned.
“i can hear you, you know” james told her as he refilled the kettle.
“ungalukku pasikudhaa?”
euphemia smiled at her son as he shook his head, before moving across the room to the doorway.
“i’m going to bed, but if you do want anything, there’s rice in the fridge.”
“okay - thank you.”
“see you both in the morning, then.”
“i told you no one would be mad” james said as he pulled the chair opposite regulus out to sit on.
as their ankles brushed regulus looked up, a soft smile at his lips. he let out a small yawn, his nose crinkling as he did so.
“we’re sleeping down here tonight” james said, indicating the sofa. “sirius has taken over my bed.”
regulus watched as james pulled out blankets and additional pillows for the two of them. he arranged himself comfortably between his boyfriend’s limbs, his curls tickling under james’ chin.
he felt a small kiss being planted on the top of his head and breathed out shakily. james’ hand fell through his hair, gently twisting the curls around his fingers.
“you’re okay” james told him. “just like i said you’d be.”
“thank you for being an idiot today” regulus mumbled sleepily.
“you’re welcome.”
phone adikkudhu - the phone’s ringing
amma - mum
oru nimisham irunga - wait a moment
ungalukku pasikudhaa - are you hungry
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wedontrhyme · 3 years
Okay, I'm unapologetically a Draco fan, not book Draco (he's a twat), the Draco that, in my mind, is canon and here is how I think his storyline should have gone =>
Philosopher's Stone & Chamber of Secrets:
The same as in the books, except he definitely doesn't say mudblood
Prisoner of Azkaban: is an asshole to Hagrid at first because he's a half-breed, but, after what happened with Buckbeak he doesn't play the victim or try to get Hagrid sacked, in fact he's very embarrassed about what happened because he knows it was his fault. After that, starts to actually enjoy Care of Magical Creatures a lot and begins to question why he should hate Hagrid and his parent's morals, he doesn't tell anyone this of course. Later, he doesn't want to see Buckbeak put down but goes along with Crabbe and Goyle to maintain his reputation. He is secretly incredibly worried about Sirius Black and that he might kill Harry throughout the whole book (he tells himself it's because he enjoys making fun of him) he askes Harry about the situation a lot, and is burning with curiosity to find out what happened with him in the end.
Goblet of Fire: when it's Harry's turn to battle the dragon, Draco feels sick and has to walk out, deep down he's terrified that something might happen to him and he can't watch (Harry sees him walk out and gets unreasonably annoyed). For the second round, he wants to help a lot and he's the one that gives him the gillyweed that he easily stole from Snape (sorry Dobby). Also, when he sees Harry in his robes at the Yule Ball, he gets butterflies in his stomach and can't keep his eyes off of him (Harrys is the same) Lastly, when Harry comes out of the maze with Cedric, Draco can only think about making sure that Harry's okay and when he gets back home he has a huge fight with his parents about the fact that Voldemort is back and what that means. Later that night he realises with a certain dread that if he'd know what was going to happen, he would have warned Harry.
Order of the phoenix: hates Umbridge, hates her sooooo much, but he still joins her inquisitorial squad, and, somehow, becomes a double agent for Dumbledore's Army (he signs Hermione's scroll, gaining her trust because of the spell she put on it, Ron still hates him and Harry's very curious as to what he's doing) Draco tries to warn them when Umbridge storms the room of requirement, doesn't get there in time, but helps them escape her to go to the ministry. While they're there, he gets in trouble with Umbridge (she does the crutiatus curse on him) but all he can think about is how if something happens to Harry, it'll be his fault for letting him get away. Years later, he still sort of blames himself for what happened to Sirius, even though Harry obviously doesn't blame him.
Half-blood Prince: fights with his parents all the time and gets punished severely, has made up his mind about Voldemort and wants nothing to do with being a death eater, parents weren't going to allow him to go back to school, but he sneaked out. In that incredibly homoerotic scene with Harry in the bathroom, they fight, but don't cast spells on eachother, Draco, tells Harry everything, and Harry just holds him while he sobs, he promises to help him and they kiss. Back in the common room, Draco goes to his new friends, the Slytherin outcasts that don't believe in blood purity. But then, Draco gets put under the imperious curse and unknowingly helps the death eaters get into the castle, he also forgets about how he's literary in love with Harry. Harry's heartbroken at the fact that Draco was "lying" in the bathroom, he feels betrayed and angry because he actually thought that they could be together, that Draco had changed. When the death eaters finally get into the castle, Harry's watching from under the cloak as Draco is about to kill Dumbledore, and dives in front of him, revealing himself. He's a second too late. Harry falls to the floor and Draco snaps out of his stupor, is Harry okay? Did Draco kill him? The death eaters present close in on them, and Draco disarms and stupefies them all without a second thought, he has to get to Harry. He's alive, Harry is alive, Dumbledore's dead and Draco was the one to kill him. He tries to explain himself, how he was under the imperious curse and that he didn't know what he was doing but Harry just runs. When the death eaters flea Hogwarts, Draco doesn't go with them.
Deathly Hallows: Draco has finally been able to explain himself, under veritaserum Hermione concocted, he'd told Harry what had happened . When Harry, Ron and Hermione go in search for horcruxes, Draco stays behind at Hogwarts, he gets some of the worst punishments by the Carrows and ends up having to hide out with the rest of Dumbledore's Army in the room of Requirement, his Slytherin friends are also there. When the golden trio is held up at Malfoy manor, it is Narcissa who says it's not Harry with the bloated face, having guessed how much her son cares for him. This also leads her to lie to Voldemort about Harry being dead in the Forbidden Forest.
At the battle of Hogwarts, Draco is one of the fiercest warriors, he doesn't think twice about hexing death eaters.
When him and Harry are reunited, they confess their feelings for eachother.
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What's worse? The crutiatus curse or orange juice after you've brushed your teeth?
Oh, disgusting. I cannot compare such a level of pain to such a level of disgust. 
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Blackout - Part 10
A/N WHEW PART 10 we are 20k deep in this fic friends what a wild ride. This one is a bit intense sorry - but the next one will be fluff city promise ;) Enjoy!!
 (Last section of part 9)
“Again?” Y/N watched her sip some coffee and smile awkwardly at her. “Lily… was I at this job before I went to hospital?”
Part 10
“No, you weren’t.” Lily grimaced as she replied, staring up at her awkwardly. Y/N felt something click into place in her head, the emotion that had been swirling around her, the feeling that something wasn’t right.
“For how long.”
“Six months.”
“SIX MONTHS?” Y/N yelped, “I haven’t been at this job for over half a year? Why did they even take me back?”
“The healers told us it would be best to keep you doing what you remember doing before the attack, so we reached out and they said it would be fine.”
“Did you know why I quit last time?”
“Yes… but I wanted you-“
“To get there myself yeah, yeah,” Y/N huffed, “So you’ve been watching me have a shit time at work every day, knowing that I had already realised this and left months ago.”
“Well that makes it seem harsher than our thought process.”
“You keep saying our.” Y/N narrowed her eyes at Lily who was now looking a bit sheepish. Good.
“Well, James, myself, the boys, Marlene-“
“What you’ve been having fun secret chats about me?”
“Y/N this isn’t some secret club where we talk about you, we were- are trying to let you heal properly, and if that meant reliving some things then that was what we were going to do.”
Y/N pressed a finger to her temple, trying to relax the headache that had been building over the last few hours. Or probably days. She took in a deep breath and looked around the room, thanking Merlin that it was late in the day and the area surrounding the little café was almost empty.
“I know, this is just very overwhelming.”
“Are you ok?” Lily leaned forward and placed a hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Yeah, it’s just a headache, the healers said this is common in the weeks after an injury.” Y/N winced as a throbbing pain reached her temples again.
“Maybe I should take you home?”
Y/N nodded, grimacing as the pain became worse, moving down into her neck.
“Come on, I’ll send a note up to your office as we leave.”
Lily helped Y/N up and led her towards the elevator.
Sirius had only felt helpless a few times in his life. The first was when his mother taught Regulus and himself how to use the crutiatus curse and then practice on each other. The second was when he saw his mother’s eyes, black as the night, staring daggers at him when he came home for the Christmas in his fifth year and stuck posters of Muggle girls and Gryffindor merchandise across the walls of his bedroom, cursing them to stay up forever. This was the third.
“So, we’ve found our favourite member of the Black household, or perhaps we can’t call you that anymore?”
The voice of Lucius Malfoy hissed in his ear, making him growl. He hated that it still stung, the burn that he was sure sat in his parents drawing room where Sirius’s face was meant to be.
“I didn’t know I was your favourite, Malfoy, I would have dressed up more to see you,” Sirius crooned in return, trying not to wince as he pulled back a chunk of his hair and dragged him backwards into the room Sirius and Marlene had just been leaning against.
“Now, do you want to tell us what you two are doing here, or would you rather we get it out of you ourselves. Both ways work for us.”
“You keep saying us,” Sirius tried to keep his voice light, but found he was struggling to stand upright and edge away from Lucius as he kept a tight grip on his hair. “Who is the other lovely death eater addressing us tonight.”
“That would be me,” a slimy voice crawled out from the edge of the room and Sirius felt his blood coil. Snivellus.
“Ahh Snivellus, pity that’s the case isn’t it, Marls,” Sirius tried to shake his head in mock sadness but let out a cry of pain as Lucius kicked out his legs and kept his hands wrapped around his hair so it felt like they were coming out of his roots.
“Couldn’t agree more, Sirius,” Marlene called from the other side of the room and Sirius felt his heart lighten slightly at her voice. At least we weren’t killed on sight.
“And why’s that?” Severus growled at them, walking closer to Sirius so he could see his face in the soft moonlight, holding Marlene with a wand at her throat.
“Cause we were really hoping to catch someone important tonight.” Sirius sighed loudly and winked at Marlene who grinned. She mouthed Now.
Quickly, Marlene had elbowed Snape in the ribs and ducked out of his wands range rolling out of sight to presumably get her wand. Simultaneously, Sirius twisted under himself, letting his hair twist into a ponytail in Lucius’s hand and kicked towards him, hard. He landed right between the legs and grinned to himself as he snatched Lucius wand and pointed it towards Snape.
“Step the fuck away from her.” Sirius snarled towards Snape who was circling Marlene like a hawk, one hand pressed hard on her hand that was outstretched towards her wand.
“Or you’ll do what? Don’t have James to save you now do you.” Snape turned to look at him and smile as he pressed down and dug his foot into her hand. Marlene let out a blood curdling scream that echoed around the room. Before he could even think, Sirius had yelled out a curse he thought he’d never use on another living soul.
Lily and Y/N reached the Potter’s in record time, though Y/N wasn’t sure if she might have begun to drop in and out of consciousness as Lily apparated her in sections across different towns.
“James open up, it’s me!”
“What do I call you when we’re alone.”
“Christ almighty, Lilypad, now let us in!”
“Us?” James echoed as he unlocked the door and Lily powered through past him and into the living room with Y/N chuckling beside her.
“Good to know you have your sense of humour.” Lily rolled her eyes and got Y/N comfortable on the couch, “James, can you call St Mungos?”
“St Mungos? What’s going on?” James followed them into the living room and sat next to the fire, grabbing some floo and yelling “St Mungos!”
“This is St Mungos for magical ailments and injuries, what can we help with today.” A false sounding voice came from the fire.
“Y/N Y/L/N, previous patient, going through – Lily you haven’t told me what’s happening yet?”
“She’s getting headaches and keeps fainting, has been coming on over a few days.”
“Please wait a few moments,” the voice called again, “Your concerns are of utmost importance to us.”
“Lovely,” Lily grumbled, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine, just need to get some rest, they said this would happen sometimes.” Y/N murmured, closing her eyes as she lay back on the couch. It felt like there were flashing lights pulsating into her brain, thrumming on her veins. She just wanted to fall asleep for a week.
A new voice came from the fireplace, a male one, familiar sounding.
“Whilst this is definitely commonplace for anyone who has gone through bodily trauma, we want to keep a close eye on it all the same.”
“Is there anything we can do?” James was quieter this time, as if she couldn’t hear him as he sat a metre away.
“She should rest, not do anything strenuous, drink lots of water – honestly there’s not much more to do than that, unless you have some numbing potions for the pain. If it lasts longer than a few days, and if any fever or more intense symptoms come up then send word again.”
“Ok, thanks.”
The light dimmed in the room and Y/N presumed that the face had disappeared from the fireplace. There was a few moments of silence before Lily and James spoke. They were likely having a conversation with expressions only to avoid scaring her. The pain had eased with her eyes shut, but she was still getting painful throbs across her neck and temple, and there was light bursting behind her eyes in pulses.
“I don’t know whats going on there, but it sounds like I won’t die, and I would really love one of those pain destroying potion whatevers,” Y/N mumbled, her voice soft from the effort.
“Yeah of course, I’ll bring you upstairs, Lil can you get the –“
“Yep, on it.”
Y/N felt arms wrap around her and then suddenly pull her upwards, carrying her presumably up towards the guest bedroom. She felt like sinking downwards into his arms until she was asleep, but the pain kept bringing her back up to the surface.
Eventually James lay her on her bed, pulled off her shoes and pulled up the blankets so they were covering her properly. Soft padding heading towards her bed indicated that Lily had followed them up.
“Here, sit up for a second,” Lily helped Y/N pull herself up and began pouring things into her throat. Y/N coughed at the coldness of the potion trickling down, but it quickly began to numb most of her body and she felt heavy and tired… so tired…
 Sirius hissed, pain coursing through every vein, every muscle, every tiny particle that could have made up his body. He’d long since trained himself not to react, but he was sure his eyes were betraying him, bulging out and searching for Marlene who he heard scream moments before, but it was fading away as if they were dragging her somewhere else. Get the fuck up, now, do it, NOW.
He felt the pain ease slightly as whoever was casting took a moment before casting again and he took it, using every inch of strength he had left in his body. It felt like he was made of water, each limb reforming into flesh and bone as he pulled out his wand and cast across the room. Flames burst from each corner of the room, the pain easing almost completely as it did, the caster yelling loudly across from him. Sirius swung around to where he heard the noise, spotting Snape and flicking his wand towards him.
Snape was momentarily caught off guard but dodged out of the way and threw a spell back at him.
“Protego!” Sirius gasped, his feet slipping against the carpet as he edged towards the door and away from the fire.
“Don’t think you can get away from me so easily,” Snape growled at him, his eyes dark and menacing.
“If there’s anything in this life I’m counting on it’s being able to easily dodge you.” Sirius winked at him and threw a large stone like object into the room. Snape stepped back quickly, his arm outstretched – and then there was darkness, the room covered almost entirely in black dust. Sirius moved quickly, sprinting towards the door and sliding through it before Snape had a chance to fire off a spell in his direction.
He kept running down the hallway, listening closely for voices before he heard the snarl of Marlene’s voice behind him and he skidded to a stop and smashed into the door he could hear her from.
Lucius turned around quickly, glaring dangerously at Sirius but he shot a spell towards him instantly. Lucius blocked it with ease, but it gave Marlene the second’s distraction she needed to slide forwards off her chair and slam her feet into the backs of Lucius’s knees. He fell forwards and Sirius bounded over to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the nearest window.
“Ever done a moving apparition before?” Sirius said, unlatching the window and opening it.
“I’m always ready to try new things.” Marlene grimaced.
“Let’s go.”
They jumped from the window, Sirius closing his eyes and spinning as fast as he could as he thought of home. Of being with Y/N.
@averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @sirius-lysad​ @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​ @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom @hermionie-is-my-queen @demiwitch527   siobhanhope    delightfuldela     nadinissavage     fleurmoon    treestarrrrrrrr    @with1love1anu     @findzelda    @brighteyedmichelle    a-dorky-book-keeper   placeforcoolusername    damalseer   @approved-by-dentists @placeforcoolusername  @eury-dice3  @bookscoffeeandracoons   obsessedwithrandomthings  askyandquiteaview  leftstarfishavenue
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theazkabandreamer · 4 years
During the Carrows Reign of Terror, I see Peeves the Poltergeist playing more of a protective role to Hogwarts students instead of an antagonistic one.
I can imagine him aiding Ginny, Neville and Luna in their fight against Snape and the Carrows.
He’d distract the Carrows by smashing vases on their heads, springing students out of detention and help Ginny, Neville and Luna by graffitiing the walls with Dumbledore’s Army recruitment messages along with many rude messages insulting the Carrows and Snape.
To make matters worse for the Carrows, Snape turns a blind eye to it all by telling them to ignore Peeves.
By the time Ginny is forced to go into hiding, Luna is kidnapped and Neville is forced into the Room of Requirement, Peeves continues his one Poltergeist army against the Carrows and many students are willing to blame Peeves in order to  avoid being subjugated to the Crutiatus Curse.
After the Battle of Hogwarts which Peeves’ long term Mischief making partner Fred Weasley was killed, Peeves was given the honour of guarding the coffin and he played an important role in the funeral when he swept his bell covered hat off and stood to attention as it was lowered into the ground.
George Weasley also presented Peeves with one of Fred’s jumpers which Peeves wore with pride. He continued to be his usual mayhem making self, but many students were aware of his role in protecting them during the reigns of Umbridge and the Carrows.
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