#crystal fell off the cliff by accident
im going to be real here for a sec. i don't think adult misty cares much about the truth getting out. whatever happened, realistically the extenuating circumstances/survival situation/mental trauma/conflicting accounts/no concrete evidence/how long ago it was/geographical locations and jurisdictions mean that they'd never actually be put on trial no matter what they did. so all the kidnapping, murder, breaking and entering and miscellaneous felonies are really just to keep the other girls safe. no matter how much they hate her, she's willing to do anything to keep them safe. and she's crazy about it.
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sasukimimochi · 2 years
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i really wanted to post some of my concept art for my hellscape but i didn't really want to do so without doing some changes? i did this one back in 2020 but of course i added in wwx and made some changes to fit the au a bit more [like the bogland pools]. This is essentially a gate to earth from within hell!
i also wrote something for a scene like this with wwx and lwj going through one of these portals a while ago...i actually forgot i wrote it! so i will be adding it beneath the cut :]!
drawn in clipstudio.
Enjoy the writing snippet! :D Please listen to this song while you read, it's basically my theme for this world and i love it to death. i suggest skipping to 4:50 and then beginning to read for optimum experience, but you should definitely listen to the full song it's so good.
This isn't the same portal as in the art, there are multiple "gates".
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“Let me lead you into the darkness.” Wei Wuxian teased as he stepped through the maw of the portal, light dancing across their form like fireworks caught in a windstorm. It wasn’t what the angel expected the gates of hell to look like- well, this wasn’t really a gate, was it?
Soon, the angel followed, lips pursed and squinting his eyes in an effort to not get blinded by the flying colors of light. What he hadn’t expected was a sudden drop, but he was relieved knowing he hadn’t walked off the edge. He lifted his head, eyes slowly widening at the sight within.
Past the dancing hues of forget-me-nots and amethyst was a far stretch of land, glows and structures hidden behind plumes of misty magic, almost like smoke but more like a fog. What he could see were the spires and magic crystals extending from the cliff side, a heated wind that tossed his hair about behind him, flowers coated in flames and large pillars in the distance.
Wei Wuxian smirked and grabbed Lan Wangji’s hand, causing him to startle. “Well, don’t just stand there.” He then pulled the other off the cliff with him, wings unfurling in a smooth motion and blanketing the sky with their sheer size.
“Wei Ying!” Lan Wangji cried, having to twist his body so that he could properly extend his wings. When he caught the current his eyes properly opened again, taking a deep breath and sparing the other a glance. Wei Wuxian was gonna get him maimed on accident one of these days. Despite this, his heart was thrumming with excitement.
Wei Wuxian laughed, tucking his wings in and plummeting into the wind stream, hair billowing behind him wildly as he guided them into the best clearing for a proper flight. The flames that sat between his horns roared to life, leaving a tail of flames in his wake in a breathtaking sight.
Billowing flames made way for their wings as they flew, the angel careful to glide near or above the demon to avoid possible burns, but soon found out they were actually not scalding at all. He held out his hand, the colors reflecting on his eyes brilliantly as they swam past his fingers. Little fractals and sparks of light fell over his hand and wing, dancing and swirling in the air in such an ethereal way.
This…this place was hell?
His eyes shifted ahead, watching as birds glistening with flames fell into glide beside them, the flames wisping off their forms as if they would fizzle out and disappear. Their cries were long and haunting, but in a way, it was also quite beautiful, as were most creatures- but he hadn’t expected that here. Along the ground creatures would dart on their fours to capture prey, climbing rocks or trees coated in ice or fire- this was when he found out those pillars he’d seen were pillars of ice connected to those trees, frosted towards the top and glistening like crystals the closer to the ground they were.
Wei Wuxian whistled to get Lan Wangji’s attention, smiling and dipping below the lines of flames. The angel was worried, unsure if whether to follow, but eventually he took a deep breath and allowed the flames to engulf him.
What they’d flown into was a humongous tunnel of fire, leaves, and flowers- the flames nearly sentient in their movements, weaving around their bodies like snakes or waves.
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Unfortunately that's it for what i have written of this snip so far, god i love writing about my hellscape its so fun!
See more art/info of COI and my other projects in my MDZS masterpost! ❤
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tildeathiwillwrite · 1 month
How about 9 for the "torturing your OC's" ask game? --geode-crystal
(in reference to this ask game)
9. Has any of them had to be saved from the brink of death? Were there any consequences after?
*slowly looks over at the three times in canon where Killian actually legitimately got to the brink of death*
Honestly I'm surprised Jas lets him go places anymore given the amount of times she's single-handedly brought him back from near-death by a) getting him out of a situation where he would die if she left him there or b) CPR. Poor boy's so accident-prone it's ridiculous and I haven't even addressed his backstory.
The time he fell off a cliff
The time he got poisoned
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shimmer-wing11 · 1 year
Lost Worlds (A Star Trek Prodigy Fanfiction)
Chapter one: Lost and Found
??? POV:
That was the sound of slavery. The sound that woke up every life form on this planet. The sound that would never end. I would know. I’ve lived here for basically my entire life. Everything before I arrived here was a blur that I couldn’t piece together. After a while, I just gave up on trying to figure it out. I’ve accepted this fate of eternal work, not knowing who or what I was beforehand.
Who am I? Well, I’m just a simple girl, who has hardened over years of toil on this retched planet, with not even the slightest glimmer of hope. From what I have heard, I am a human, a quite common species in the galaxy. Although I had never met another one on this planet. I suppose I’m just not as lucky as others are. 
To be honest, I don’t even know my own name. I was taken at such a young age, I doubt I was even given one. But it’s not like I needed a name in the first place. The language barrier prevented me from  talking to anyone anyways.
So in the end, I’m just a nameless girl, in a never ending blur of work, eat, sleep, and repeat, never talking to anyone, never questioning anything, and never once toying with the idea of hope. 
Well, except for today.
The elevator shook as it descended down into the deeper caves of the planet. Everyone inside the crowded transportation vehicle awkwardly shuffled in their spots as the silence that enshrouded them caused a thick tension to arise. Suddenly, a screen in the front flashed on, showing warnings and the dangers of the deep caves. Falling off cliffs, getting squashed by boulders, and many more gruesome deaths. Then, it visualized a few images of a buddy system. A fancy little blue electric wire that connected two people together to prevent some of these accidents from occurring, from holding up your partner from falling off a cliff, to keeping them anchored to the ground if they were blown off the ground by a thermal geyser. A click sounded, and I gazed up at my partner. A scaly creature, with slitted golden eyes, and a wide, toothy mouth. I stared into its eyes, trying to figure out what to do next. 
Suddenly, the elevator slowed to a stop. Dangling handles dropped down from the ceiling. I attempted to reach up to grab one, but I fell just short, fingers barely brushing the solid material. I furrowed my brows, until I felt a heavy weight wrapping around my shoulders. I snapped my head at my partner, who gripped my shoulders tightly in its webbed grip, holding me steady. I nodded, unsure of how to feel about this act of kindness, and then we plunged down. 
“AHHHHH!” I startled at a boy, who screamed, as we zoomed down into the darkness. He had purple spotted skin, grayish hair, and a strange tail looking thing dangling out from behind his head. I noticed immediately that he was hugging something tight to his chest, and not gripping the handlebars. He was around my height, so he probably couldn’t reach it anyways. Poor kid. 
We all but dropped onto the ground with a shudder, and then, the doors slid open. Everyone filed out, and turned down through several breaking off tunnels. I let out a sigh and glanced up at my partner. It seemed to already know what it was doing, as it dragged me along down one of the tunnels that winded away from the main entrance. Not too far ahead, were another pair. I squinted, noticing it was that short boy from earlier in the elevator. What a coincidence.
With a driller in hand, I began to mine away at the rock, hoping to find crystals of use. My partner got to work too, but it seemed distracted by something. Or someone. I followed its gaze to another pair of partners we were mining near. The one with the short purple boy. He seemed to be paired with a large red rocky alien. They began fighting, and the language barrier didn’t seem to help. The rocky alien approached the boy, and somehow, for some reason, the purple one fired the drill up in the air, lasering at the cave ceiling above us. I caught my breath in my throat as I watched the ceiling above crack, but then settle down from the disturbance. The rock creature then stomped away, but then the boy…. Threw a rock at it. I blinked in confusion. Why did he throw a rock at it?
In anger, it whirled around, stomping up to the boy, but then the ceiling cracked again, and we all snapped our heads up. The cracks on the ceiling grew, before speeding down to the ground. I covered my face with my arms, knowing full well that it wouldn’t save me.
And then I was falling. I rolled down and bumped harshly onto a surface.  Meekly, I peered out of my arms to see what was going on around me. 
The first thing I noticed was the incredible amounts of chimirian crystals down here. It could buy an entire ship several times over! The next thing I noticed, was that I was short a partner. I looked down at my leg, and realized that the connection had been severed, most likely by a boulder smashing down and destroying it. The third thing I realized, was that there was an entire ship down here in these caves. I gazed up in awe at it. A warm glimmer of a feeling sparked in my chest, but I couldn’t tell what it was. It felt….. nice. Taking a hesitant step forward, I saw the other two here as well, making their way to the ship. I picked up my pace to catch up to them. As I paced beside them, the boy smiled and waved at me, and I hesitantly did the first, and waved back. We walked up the ramp, and the purple boy-whom I had just noticed was significantly shorter than me- ran his fingers along the door. It jerked up, opening slightly, as we all bent down to peer into it. The rock creature taking it upon itself to hoist the door up the rest of the way, to clear a way for us forward. And that’s what it did. I gazed around myself in awe. We all walked through the halls of the ship in silence, before we reach the cockpit. At least, that’s what I think it is. 
I walk over to what seems to be a panel, although now it isn’t on, so I’m not too sure. I tap it a couple times, but nothing happens. Then, all of a sudden, everything roars to life. I whip my head to the rock creature. It was holding its hands up.
“What did you do? What did you press?” I startled at the sound of the purple boy’s voice. He could speak my language this whole time?
“I didn’t press anything!” Came an awfully young female voice from the rock creature. Huh? It’s a she? And I know she couldn’t have spoken my language before. What’s goin on? I furrowed my brows at all of the questions. “I…. I understand you!” 
The boy shouted, glee evident in his voice, “and you’re not a big fella, you’re… you’re a….”
“What?” The girl asked, clearly irritated at what she knew was going to come out of his mouth.
“Not what I thought.” The purple one laughed
“What’s your name?” 
“Excuse me?” The short one asked.
“My name is Rok-Tahk,” the young girl explained.
“Nice to meet ya, kid.”
They both turned towards me, waiting. Just as I opened my mouth, the door behind us hissed open, revealing an odd robot, with an odd pink-blue swirl inside.
“I see you finally found this ship. Just the way out you were looking for,” it said. By its voice I couldn’t tell if it was a male or female. 
“You’re….. Fugitive Zero,” The short boy- now appointed as Dal- gasped. 
“He’s a…. robot?” Rok-Tahk questioned.
“Not a robot, nor a he or she. I am Medusan, an energy based life form,” Zero explained. A soft ‘Oh’ came from the others as Zero continued,”I built this containment suit because if any corporeal being were to lay eyes on my true self, you would go mad.”
“You built that…. Really?” Dal sniggered.
“Try to build one without any hands,” Zero huffed, “I think I did a fine job.
“Why are you following me?” I was thrown off by Dal’s question. Zero was following him?
“You are a curious one, Dal R’El,” Zero began.
“I used to have such hope. But then I was captured like everyone else.
I was forced to do terrible things. They used me as a weapon.
But I managed to escape.”
I didn’t know how I felt when Zero told me their story, but I didn’t like it. It made my chest hurt unbearably. It was awful. 
“Curiously, out of all the minds I could read, I couldn’t see the Diviner’s. I could only sense a dark purpose. He was searching for something,” Zero finished.
“He was searching for this ship.” Dal realized. Rok-Tahk gasped.
“Do you have telepathic powers too?” Rok gasped.
“Not quite….But, he has unwittingly found the one thing that has eluded us all: a way out.” Zero seemingly nodded, “A reason for hope.”
“We can save everyone!” Rok jumped up and down in joy.
“Don't start packing your stones yet. If we don't keep a lid on this, it won't save anyone,” Dal shook his head, then turned to Zero, “Can the four of us get it out of here?”
“Four? A ship this size requires at least twenty,” Zero said, “Or depending on the species, thirty-seven appendages.”
“That’s way too many appendages to keep this quiet,” Dal mumbled to himself, then asked, “How many just to get it off the ground?”
“From its state of disrepair, we’d at least need an engineer.”
“That’s what I was thinking!” Rok gasped, “Maybe I’m telepathic too!”
“An engineer, huh?” Dal smirked. 
Dal and Rok-Tahk had left several minutes earlier, so I sat alone with Zero, as they tinkered with the controls of the ship.
“What is your name, friend?” They asked me, turning to face away from the controls and look at me. 
“I….. don’t have…. A name….” I whispered, my voice cracky and hesitant from not being used.
“Well, that won’t do, now will it?” Let’s come up with a few ideas, shall we?” Zero asked, and I nodded.
“Perhaps there is a name or a word that you find interesting?” They asked. I shook my head no. 
“I see…. Well, perhaps we could go through the names that I know?” I nodded.
“Well then, where to begin… Ah! How about Ahera?” I shook my head.
This… was going to take a while…..
Several minutes later
“This was the names of a good friend of mine. Their name was Mikey. How does that sound?”
I liked that name. I nodded slowly, letting the name sink in. Mikey. That’s me.
“Well then, Mikey, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” If Zero had a face, i bet they would be smiling right now. One corner of my lips tugged up, ever so slightly. I nodded, a new feeling settling in my chest. I have a name.
“It appears, that our allies have returned with their engineer,” Zero stated, and we made our way out of the ship. 
As I stood on the ramp, I watched as the others interacted with each other. It was quite new to me to see others be so friendly with one another, much less speak the same language. It looked nice. I smiled ever so slightly, as I felt yet another strange feeling. A fuzzy warmth that built up in my stomach and chest. It felt nice. I liked this feeling.
Our new engineer, who I later learned was named Jankom Pog, seemed enraptured by Zero, and its mechanical parts. Soon after, he was drawn to the ship, as he grinned wildly while looking around at the advanced technology. He let out a chuckle of awe at the sight.
“So, can you get it up and flying?” Dal asked, clearly impatient to get off this planet.
“ Of course! In one week,” he said.
“And by week, you mean end of day?” The short boy responded.
“Yeah, sure in your dreams.”
“End of day? Why the hurry?” Rok asked, confused.
“Dal already made a deal with the Diviner's daughter. If he doesn't turn me in, he will suffer greatly,” Zero explained.
“I forgot, you read minds….” Dal sighed.
“Why…. Would….. you lie…. To us?” I rasped out. Dal looked startled, as he forgot I was even there.
“How could I lie when we didn't even speak the same language until I found the ship?” Dal retorted back. 
“You mean WE found the ship,” Rok interjected.
“Tail-Butt is definitely turning us in…” Jankom sighed.
“Kid! Hand me a wrench, wouldja?” Jankom, who hadn’t moved from his spot under one of the consoles, asked me.
Silently, I reached into his toolbox and found what I assumed to be a wrench, and handed it to the engineer.
“Thanks,” he gruffed out.
“Looking good, Jankom. Seeing progress,” Dal  commented, lounging on the captain’s chair.
“And just how are you helping?” Jankom scoffed, never once looking away from his work.
“Uh motivation, keeping morale high,” the short boy rolled his eyes and said that as if it were obvious.
“Guys, guys! I found someone else to come with us!” Rok-Tahk squealed happily. I inwardly smiled at her sweet nature. 
“Whoa, Rock! I thought we made this clear that it was a secret operation!” Dal exclaimed. Then, out from behind Rok came an odd oozing creature. It squealed happily.
“You’ve invited that thing?” Dal grimaced.
“What is that bag of spit?” Jankom grimaced as he finally look away from his work. 
“He isn’t a ‘that’, I named him Murph!”
“Ugh….” Dal groaned.
“I can’t wait to hear what he has to say!” Rok-Tahk gushed. The creature just continued to squeal, not forming any eligible words that I could understand.
“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about him spilling the beans to anyone,” Dal mentioned, glancing up at me. I just shrugged.
“He’s probably just too smart for the  translator,” Rok stated, as the slimy creature made its way around the room, peering curiously at everything and everyone. Once spotting me, it almost zoomed at me, rubbing its head all over my legs, purring in contentment. Hesitantly, I reached down and pet the little creature. Happily, it nuzzled into my hand and purred sweetly. I guess I had a new friend.
“Quiet!” Zero commanded, and immediately a silence fell over our group, “Watchers are coming this way. They're tracking our monitors.” 
“W... what'll happen if they catch us?” Rok shivered.
“You're a survivor. Help us survive.” Zero addressed Dal.
“Jankom, get this ship ready by end of day’,” Dal commanded, “And Rok, you're with me.” 
“They sent Dal to the outer rim!” The sound Rok-Tahk made me whirl my head around. 
“What?” Pog exclaimed.
“Dal may not survive, so we have to at least consider an alternative. But we can hope for as long as we can,” Zero sighed.
“A little help?” Rok called out, hands full of heavy crates and objects.
“Got my hands full, sweetie,” Jankom grunted, not sparing the girl a glance. 
“Who you calling "Sweetie"?” She growled. I placed my hand on her stomach, then grabbed several things from her arms to lesser the weight. The girl smiled down sweetly at me.
The sounds of someone groaning behind me made me turn around. The tiniest smile lifted onto my face as I saw it was Dal.
“You survived!” Rok would have scooped up the boy into a hug had her hands not been full, but she looked thrilled to see him nonetheless.
“Of course I survived. Why do you all look so surprised?” Dal questioned, before gasping, “Wait, were you gonna leave without me?”
“Uh... no?” The tall girl shuffled nervously.
“Your chance of return was low. Our desire to leave remained high,” Zero stated.
“I can be offended later. More important, can the ship fly?” Dal brushed Zero off and turned towards Jankom.
“Of course she'll fly. But without shields, Zero will need to chart the perfect course out of these mines,” Jankom explained. 
“Has anyone seen my hand?” Zero’s question threw me off guard, but I gazed around the room for the machine.
“Ugh. I'll fix the shields. You find that hand,” Dal commanded, then stomped out of the room.
Not long after, we got a comm from our self appointed leader.
“Ah! Ugh. These shield thingies... what am I looking for, Pog?” He asked.
“You know, a severed line, a loose part. Anything out of the ordinary,” the engineer responded.
Noticing the silence coming from our leader, I stood up, and made my way out of the cockpit.
“Where are you going?” Jankom asked.
“Checking on…. Dal,” I stated simply, before exiting the room. Just as I reached the bottom of the steps, I heard more pounding behind me. I peered up the stairs to see what the commotion was.
“Wait up! We’re coming too!” I smiled as the rest of the crew rushed to catch up to me. As soon as we exited the ship I froze up at the sight in front of me.
Hundreds of watchers lined the walls and ground, pointing their lasers up at Dal. Ready to shoot. Ready to kill. 
“Ah, ah!” Jankom screamed as watchers approached us, holding his hands up.
“Dal, what're we gonna do?” Rok’s voice pulled me out of my daze. What were we going to do?
“Fugitive Zero. Our Diviner has great plans for you,” Drednok chuckled darkly, sending shivers down everyone’s spines. The watchers chattered peskily, as if knowing how frustrated we we all were at the moment.
“Search the vessel. Make sure there aren't any more Unwanted aboard,” Drednok commanded the Diviner’s daughter.
“Uh... What is he doing with his face?” Jankom questioned.
“He's telepathically sending me a message, but since I do not agree with his plan, I am ignoring him. He assumes his facial distortions might sway me.” Zero sighed.
“What is his plan?” 
“Take the Diviner's daughter hostage.”
“That's a terrible idea.” Rok shook her head. I most definitely agreed.
“Or the best! Ha!” Jankom laughed, as he shot out his had to attack a watcher. It jumped up in time, but was hit as the engineer jerked his hand back.
“Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!” I chuckled at the sound of its comical clicking. 
“It appears we are fighting now,” Zero punched a watcher, but it had to effect,”Hmm?Or not.”
In anger, Rok-Tahk grabbed the machine by its tail and flung it at Drednok,”Don't touch my friend!”
Two watchers jumped at me from two different directions, and in an instant, I moved out of the way to let them crash into each other.
“Start the ship!” Dal called out from the tip of the ship. We rushed back towards the ramp.
“Do not let the prisoners escape,” Drednok droned, as the watchers advanced towards us.
“Ah!” Jankom let out another comical scream as red shots continuously fired at us, barely missing by a hair.
We rushed into the ship, and immediately went to enter the cockpit.
“Please remain calm,” Zero instructed Qwyn, the daughter of the Diviner.
“Rahk Te'Tu vanu ve,” Was the girls response as an odd metal plating on her upper arm slithered down to form a sword in her hand. 
“She's not remaining calm!” Jankom exclaimed.
“Ah!” Was Rok’s war cry as she charged at Gwyn. The greenish blue girl easily dodged her attack, and went to strike down Jankom, but Rok deflected her attack with her arm.
“I surrender,” Zero raised up their  hands just before they were kicked into the captain’s chair, Gwynn’s sword to their chassis.
Not a moment later, the ship jerked, and tilted to the side, catching everyone off guard and we slid to one side of the room. Rok-Tahl caught Gwyn, holding her tightly in her grip.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry?” My rocky friend apologized, for a reason I didn’t understand as she gripped the girl tighter.
“No. We're falling, not flying!“ Rok-Tahk as we continued to scraped downhill.
“There's a bit of a learning curve,”Zero, who had somehow remained calm throughout this whole ordeal, stated, as they began pushing random buttons.
“Start the ship. Start the ship!” Dal exclaimed through the comms as he slid up the window of the ship. Then we were falling. I braced for impact, but it never came. I peeked out the window, and grinned in glee. We were flying! I let out a relieved sigh.
“Found the right button. We should probably make a note of it,” Zero exclaimed.
“Go, Zero!” Dal commanded.
“Yes, thank you! Go me!” Zero, who hadn’t fully understood what he meant, thought he was cheering for them. 
“No, go! Get us outta here!” He corrected them, but then complained, “Oh, no, not the water!”
“The little red dots are still coming after us. Can we go any faster?” Rok-Tahk fidgeted in nervousness.
“Faster? I'm flattered you think I know what I'm doing,” Zero shook their helm, before focusing back on the dashboard.
“Do you realize what you're doing?” Gwyn exclaimed as I finished tying her off to the command chair with Dal and Rok’s partner cuffs.
“Making a series of bad decisions,” Pog laughed, “Yes. Jankom Pog is aware.”
“Hull at 82 percent,” Tahk reported.
“Zero?” Jankom shouted.
“Oopsies,” Zero lifted their hands up.
“Ugh, amateurs,” Jankom rolled his eyes.
“I'm sorry I wasn't born with fingers,” Zero witted back. 
“Let me in!” Dal banged on the glass, done with being outside.
“Not until you fix those shields!” Pog  retorted.
“I'm not an engineer. That's your job!” Dal responded.
“What is your job?” Rok turned to look up at him as she asked that.
“I thought I was captain,” Dal pouted.
“Hull at 79!” Rok-Tahk reported yet. again.
“Ah! Left!” Jankom yelled, “No, your other left! Have you ever even flown a ship before?” 
“No! Does it show?” Zero asked.
“Wall, wall! Wall!” Yet again, Pog screamed comically, although it was hard to focus on when we were about to fly into a wall.
“This will either be spectacular or a terrible end to our adventure,” Zero stated. My eyes widened.
“Don’t!” I gasped, as Zero tipped the ship, sending me flying into Tahk’s arms.
“Whoa!” Rok screamed as she gripped me even tighter with one arm and the other grabbing the edge of the captain’s seat. 
“Spectacular!” Zero gasped in awe as the trick was pulled off, and we popped out of the slim crevice.
“Hull at...” Just as I was put down, Rok began.
“We know, we know!” Pog cut her off, “Where's Dal with those shields?”
“Where are we even going?” The young girl beside me questioned.
“There! Any of those drainage corridors will lead us right to the surface,” Zero explained, pointing at a large a thick pipe-like structure.
“Dal needs me to turn the ship!” Zero exclaimed suddenly.
“What? Why?” I questioned.
“Turn? We can barely go straight!” Jankom gruffed in disbelief.
“Everyone, hold on!” Without any more thought, Zero twisted the ship.
“We're so dead,” Gwyn cried from the chair she was tied to.
“Tail-Butt actually did it,” Jankom said in mild amusement. 
“We…. should probably….. let…… him in….. now,” I nodded.
“Oh, yeah! Captain on the bridge!” Dal rushed into the room, and I smirked at his enthusiasm, as he accidentally jumped onto Gwyn. I smiled softly at the sight. He rolled his eyes with a chuckle before addressing everyone, “Don't say it. I see it in your eyes. You're welcome,”
“That's our way out!” Jankom sighed, but then pointed up at a light ahead.
An explosion caught everyone’s attention.
“What... what was that?” Dal exclaimed, rushing forward to see what happened.
“There goes our exit,” Jankom sighed. For it had indeed been blocked by metal parts that were hit by the explosion.
“We're gonna crash! Can we stop?” Rok cried out, terrified of this turn of events.
“Unfortunately, I haven't learned that yet,” Zero continued to press button after button.
“Great, and now we're all gonna die,” Gwyn rolled her eyes sarcastically from her seat.
“Not yet. We just gotta fire the torpedoes,” Dal assured, as he went around and messed with the controls on several different dashboards.
“Do we have torpedoes?” Jankom questioned, turning towards the short boy.
“Then the "pew-pew-pew" button,” Dal exclaimed.
“I don't see a "pew-pew-pew" button,” Tahk replied frantically.
“Just hit 'em all until it goes "pew pew!””
“How good are those shields?” Dal asked.
“Not good enough,” Jankom breathed.
“Prepare for impact,” Zero stated.
“Huh?” Was the noise that Jankom made as Murph splatted down onto his control panel.
“Activating phasers,” The mechanical voice of the ship droned. Just then, a beam of red shot at the nearest chunk of scrap falling towards us. And that continued as we blasted through the rubble.
“Whoo! We got phasers, baby!” Jankom laughed. We zoomed through the tunnel with no problems.
“Hey, you always wanted to see the stars. Am I right?” Dal turned towards Gwyn with a smile. She gasped at the sight in front of her. A smile made its way o to my face as I gazed up at the colors of space on front of me. It was beautiful.
“Hm. Welcome to the crew, Murf,” Dal reached out his hand for Murf to shake. But then realized that the slime didn’t have hands. The creature burped and oozed away.
“Wait!” Everyone turned to Rok.
“Is everything alright?” Zero asked from their seat near the front. 
“We….. never learned your name,” the young girl turned towards me. And soon after everyone else followed. I shared a look with Zero before replying.
“My name… is Mikey,” I nodded at the group. Dal walked up to me, and gave me a pat on the back.
“Welcome to the crew,” he grinned at me before sending a wink, making my face grow oddly hot. Then, the short boy turned towards our medusan, “Okay, let's plot a course, Zero.”
“Where to?” They glanced back at the self proclaimed captain. 
“Um... yeah, whew... um... yeah. Man, there are a lot more stars than I thought,” Dal stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. I giggled. He turned red and pouted.
“Let me guess: you haven't thought that far ahead,” Gwyn sniggered at Dal’s hesitance. 
“I'll…. figure something out,” He laughed nervously.
“Only this time... he has help,” Rok-Tahk patted the short boy’s back. Suddenly, the ship bleeped and the lights flickered all around us.
“Did someone ask for help?” We all froze at the sight of a woman appearing in front of everyone, “I am Hologram Janeway, your training advisor for exploring the greater galaxy. On behalf of Starfleet, welcome aboard. How can I be of assistance?” 
“What is that?” Dal whispered.
“I have no idea,” Rok blinked in shock. 
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For a while now, Fwhip had been planning to hurt Scott.
It started when he’d visited Gem and seen her in that frozen state. Never mind the hair, she was shivering and leaning heavily on her potion shelves. She had said that she was fine, just trying to help Scott with his ice powers and he’s had an accident.
She said she was fine. He could see how pale she was getting.
Well, he didn’t know anything about magic and he hated himself for it. All he could do was suggest she go to Katherine because she knew healing and magic better than he did. He wished more than anything he could fix her himself, but he just can’t.
So he decided to do the next best thing and kill Scott. If he’s going around and exploding his ice magic on people, he’s a bit of a menace. Bit of a danger. If he could go around and explode on anyone who tries to help him.
Fwhip went back to the Grimlands and picked up his crossbow, fireworks, some potions. His mouth twisted into a bitter frown as he put his sword into his sheath. With that, he was ready for Rivendell.
He didn’t have a plan, he just wanted Scott dead, so it was probably for the best that the man wasn’t there. He’d poked around his house, his bee home, the embassy buildings, even in the mines a bit. None of his people had any idea, said they hadn’t seen him in a bit.
That news made him feel….bad. It was an odd one. He hated Scott for trying to run. Either to get away from him or any other retaliation for being a bit of a landmine, or to hide himself away and keep people safe from him which made him hate Scott more for having a moral code about it now. After his sister was collateral.
Either way, he was still prepped to get him. So, he searched briefly around the other empires. No one had seen him in a while. Not many of them even knew what had happened to Gem either. When Sausage found out, he went straight on over to the Crystal Cliffs to make sure she was ok.
Thank god there was another person to care for her. Thank god there was someone he cared for who wasn’t hurt.
And so he looked outside of the empires. At this point, he didn’t know why he was so dead set on finding Scott. Not even killing him, just make him hurt. He thinks it’s because he can’t heal Gem. If he can’t do that, this is the next best thing.
He’d gotten messages from a few of the others asking where he’s gone off to, and he’d just responded that he was looking for some potion materials. They might now believe him but really he doesn’t care.
He has to do something.
Fwhip finds Scott in the ice spikes. It was a bit of a gambit going there, but he figures if the ice man is going to go anywhere, might as well be the ice area. And Scott always had a flair for the dramatic, didn’t he.
But it all sort of goes to hell when he pounds on the door of the little cottage Scott had propped up, demanding to be let in, hand on the potions on his belt, ready. And Scott opens the door and backs himself into the corner, looking like someone put him in a bucket of cold water. And then everything fell apart.
“Why are you hiding out here? Not very hospitable.” Fwhip glanced around the cottage. It was small, and Scott’s height made him look cramped.
“It’s safer.” Scott said. “I just hurt people, I can’t control my powers. I tried to isolate myself but then it effected Rivendell, and I tried to get help and you know how that went.”
God. Fwhip hated this. All he was was exhausted now. All he wanted was to help Gem.
“I’m just worried for Gem.” Fwhip let himself in, ignoring Scott’s half protests. “It’s warm here, let me sit.”
“I’m worried for her too. I just hope she gets the help she needs because I don’t….I don’t know how to reverse it. Any of it.”
The poor man, he looked like he hasn’t slept in weeks. Fwhip felt the same. He sighed and pulled up his inventory, rummaged around.
“Come on. I’ve got a few mushrooms in here. I’ll pop on some soup.”
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 years
A very necessary expansive list of every animated Disney death
- (resurrected, resuscitated, "Disney Death")
+ (dead before the events of the films; died off-screen)
** (death unconfirmed; died in deleted scene)
-Snow White poisoned
Evil Queen fell off a cliff and crushed by a giant boulder
-Pinocchio drowned???
Living Broom hacked to bits; life taken away by Yen Sid
Stegosaurus neck broken and eaten alive by badly drawn T rex
Bambi’s Mother shot
Pheasant shot
The Wolf shot and killed by Peter
Willie Whale harpooned
Ichabod Crane ** (("spirited away"= decapitated by headless horseman))
+Cinderella’s parents ((IDK honestly)
Oysters eaten alive by the Walrus
Cards decapitated
Nutsy gassed in pound
Diablo turned to stone
Maleficent stabbed in chest and fell to death
+Mowgli’s parents ((implied to have been killed by wild animals))
Tod’s Mother shot
Black Bear fell off of waterfall
-Gurgi suicide by jumping into cauldron
Gwythianth ** crushed to death by falling castle
Unnamed Horned King soldier ** killed by cauldron born in the one deleted scene that's apparently more important than any other deleted scene from this movie
Horned King sucked into the black cauldron entrails first
Bartholomew eaten alive
Felicia ripped apart by royal guard dogs
Fidget** ((fell into the river Thames; never clear how dead he is))
Professor Ratigan fell off Big Ben
Desoto and Roscoe electrocuted to death on subway rail
Sykes ran over in collision with a subway train
Flotsam and Jetsam electrocuted and blow to pieces accidentally by Ursula
Ursula impaled by ship and electrocuted to death
Percival Mcleach fell off a waterfall
Gaston lost footing and fell to death off Beast's castle
-Beast stabbed in vital organs
Gazeem 'eaten'/crushed to death by the jaws of the cave of wonders
Mufasa thrown off a cliff and trampled by a stampede of wildebeast
Scar eaten alive by hyenas
Hyena clan ** ((consumed by flames))
Kocoum shot
Quasimodo’s Mother broke her neck and skull when kicked against cathedral steps
Judge Claude Frollo fell off of Notre Dame into boiling coals and lava
-Megara crushed under pillar
Cyclops titan tripped and head split open
Great Wall guard ** ((possibly murdered after alerting the other guards of the wall))
Chinese Soldier shot in the back after defying Shan Yu
Village slaughtered by huns
General Shang slaughtered by huns
Shan Yu’s army crushed under an avalanche
Shan Yu torpedoed into a fireworks display and blown up
Kerchak and Kala’s baby eaten alive by Sabor
Tarzan’s parents mauled and possibly eaten by Aabor
Sabor stabbed to death by Tarzan
Kerchak shot
Clayton unintentionally hung himself from the vines of the trees
Aladar’s mother ((may have been eaten))
Island of Lemurs killed in meteor shower
Bruton crushed to death
Kron fell to death
Carnatourus 1 crushed to death
Carnatour 2 fell to death
Queen of Atlantis taken by the crystal
+Milo’s grandfather ((I think natural causes))
Crew of Ulysses killed in leviathon attack
King of Atlantis succumbed to wounds inflicted by Roarke
Helga St. Clair succumbed to wounds after being thrown out of ship by Roarke
Roarke infected by the crystal after being cut by it then blown the shit up by helicopter turbines
+Lilo and Nani’s parents died in a car accident
Pudge ** ((murdered by seagulls no thanks to Stitch))
Billy Bones wounded after altercation and crash
Mr. Arrows lost in space
Scroop lost in space
Sitka sacrificed himself by breaking the glacier he was standing on apart and falling with it to his death
Koda’s mother stabbed by Kenai
Doris quantum aborted by Lewis
+Tiana’s father ((implied to have died in WWI))
Dr. Facilier dragged into the other side by "friends"
Ray crushed to death by Dr Facilier
-Flynn Rider stabbed by Mother Gothel
Mother Gothel rapidly aged and disintagrated
+Calhoun’s first husband eaten alive by cybug
King Kandy/Turbo killed outside of his game by volcano
King and Queen of Arendelle died in shipwreck
-Anna iced
Tadashi blown the fack up
-Baymax body left floating out in space
Tala died peacefully wow that's nice
-Olaf melted
-Elsa iced
-Everybody in Kumandra unstoned
Disney Sequels
Forte unhinged himself and died I don't know exactly please don't make me rewatch that film to make sure
Nuka crushed to death in flood
Zira fell ((deleted scenes willingly)) into ravine
Morgana iced
-Stitch glitch AIDS
Athena crushed against rocks and a ship
+Teddy Valiant "dropped a piano on his head..."
Toon Shoe dipped
Toon Patrol dipped
Judge Doom dipped
Oogie Boogie flayed alive, insides boiled, and then crushed under Santa's boot
+James parents eaten by either a real rhino or an elderitch storm rhino who the frack are you trying to explain James and the Giant Peach? eat a dick Doug Walker!
-Sparky hit by car; died in windmill fire
Sea Monkeys exploded after eating salt
Shelly electrocuted back into corpse
Colossas crushed in pokemon battle
Mr. Whiskers impaled and left to burn to death
Hopper fed alive to hungry baby birds
+Coral eaten by barraccuda
+Nemo’s siblings eaten by barraccuda
Legion of Supers genocided by Syndrome through the Omnidroid
Syndrome’s goons blown up and left to die a lot
Syndrome "no capes!"
+Gustau health declined after falling into depression
-Wall.E crushed under the gears of the Axium
Ellie Fredrikson natural causes???
Charles Muntz fell off of Carl's floating house into the jungle and died
Mor’du crushed to death under boulder
Bing Bong forgotten
Henry killed in flashflood
Thunderclap knocked out by Arlo and fell inconcsious into rapids
Ernesto DeLa Cruz crushed to death during live performance
+Imelda natural causes
Hector poisoned by his best friend before wanting to return home for Christmas wow that's evil, Ernesto
Coco natural causes
-Joe Gardener fell into manhole
What better way to write myself asleep than with an arbitrary Disney list?
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shiftperception · 3 years
alternate take on legends protagonist, started as a self insert but I want to make them their own thing:
-Unhinged!! They don’t want to destroy the world per say, but becoming god? Harnessing the power of creation? Jokes on you they’re into that shit! You see the rift incident wasn’t a total accident on their part. Sure, they stumbled into it. But one does not simply spend their time creeping around spear pillar if they’re not looking for rifts to stumble into. Much like Volo they’ve been tailing arceus and the creation trio for years. Heard reports of strange activity, went to investigate. Oops I fell into the rift whatever shall I do~?
-Aside from Kamado’s general suspicions the village folk never truly question their intense fascination with pokemon, especially of the legendary variety. So easily impressed by their skill and quick to fall into praising their dedication to research and the Galaxy Team’s cause. They’re 100% a closet mad scientist, but it’s so cute how the professor and that sweet survey corp kid call them a hero! They don’t have the heart to ruin the fun! And of course free (not really) lodging is also a plus.
-Let’s 👏🏻 Get 👏🏻 Meta 👏🏻 !! I don’t wanna get into territory that implies a real ass person is interacting with what (to them) are literal game characters. Cause there’s a ship here and despite uhh everything I’m not that far gone. plz understand this. but plz also understand my whole point is to go wild with reality bending shenanigans. Case in point: This person is the only one who can read unown. Volo wasted hours of his life staring at inscriptions in ruins taking notes, cross referencing every language in recorded history getting absolutely nowhere. Because unown are english letters. The pokemon world has its own letters, they don’t look like unown.
-Occasionally slip in their vocab. People brush it off as them being from the future. In the thing I just wrote they go “at sp- The temple.” Ah shit it’s not called spear pillar yet. Call the lustrous globe and adamant crystal “orbs.” that’s future stuff. but then there’s other stuff. “Unown the pokemon. You’ve never heard of them? Little floating eyes, alphabet soup. Code of the world? Not ringing any bells?” *details their venture into a space time distortion* “Great haul this time! Grabbed a bunch of RGB shards too.” Think Narnia, Wizard of Oz, classic fantasy/fairy tale stuff y’know? MC is transported to a magical world. Which for the purpose of this AU is a very real alternate reality. Look the fourth wall and I have a history ok... I know what I’m doing. part of my hyperfixation is the excitement of getting to use my Thing™️ in a pokemon fic.
-The way they talk like a modern person in my time loop shitpost/ficlet is gonna be on purpose too. It’d sound pretty weird to talk like that in meiji period japan I think, and this character would know that. They’d edit their voice and dial it back a lot around... basically everyone. Except Volo. They get fellow mad scientist vibes from Volo and drop their guard for him quite noticeably. Especially after the time he accused the rift of spitting them out to get in his way and looked straight up, where their homeworld beyond the sky would be. If I were there now... he might’ve looked right into my eyes. They see him and think: He knows I don’t belong here, and that he doesn’t belong either. We’re the same! Mayhaps we can not belong together??
-Zero self preservation. Rushes into fights with creatures in the wilderness without hesitation, sees portals tear open the sky and bounces excitedly. “I almost wanna let Volo reset the universe just to see what would happen” wait crap don’t show your hand “but giratina would kill me before I got the chance so- anyway.” nailed it. People ask if they have a death wish. The truth is... they should’ve been dead yesterday. Maybe, in a way, they have died. Many times. Mauled by an ursaring in the woods, drowned, fallen off cliffs, fallen from the sky itself. But every time they “die,” they see it. Them. The code of the world. A sea of eyes drifting and swirling, arranging themselves into strange patterns. Singing an odd lilting melody. There are words they recognize, but the sentence structure is all wrong and the context the words are used in doesn’t make sense. It’s like a foreign language. A language within a language. coding class is kicking my ass And then they wake up. Back at base camp like nothing ever happened. It seems you were rescued. By what? Arceus? Maybe. But somehow... it doesn’t feel like arceus. Arceus has plans. Stories with predetermined endings. Plans that have no room for mine, they never did. No love for those who dare mess with the code of its perfect world. But the code itself? It holds no attachments. It cares not for wrong or right, fate, outcomes. It faces us only with openness. Acceptance. Arceus only cares for us when we play by its rules. Why strive for its approval when the eyes see us void of judgment ha gettit . Tell me Volo, if we could speak to them in a way they’d understand would they care whether or not we bear the name “almighty Sinnoh?” The eyes are pure possibility. If we could speak to them... in their view, what’s the difference between arceus and us? Quit your job. Join my unown farm. Fuck I have too many words I’m dying squirtle
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skylights2000 · 4 years
The Things I Never Said (Fuyuhiko x Reader)
This is inspired by a game I’m playing right now. It’s called ‘Far From Noise’, and it’s about a person who’s teetering on the edge of a cliff and goes through their thought process as they face this near death experience. I haven’t finished the game yet, so this is really just a story based on the main idea of that game.
I’ve never written anything like this, but I hope you enjoy this story, so let’s get going. 💜
So this is it.
The end of everything.
So much for clearing your head.
Soon you wouldn’t even HAVE a head.
You stared out at the horizon that stretched out before you, far beyond the cliff your car was teetering on the edge of.
The world seemed endless from this point of view, like the ocean stretched on forever.
It sparkled and shined under the light of the slowly setting sun.
You wondered what it would look like when you finally fell.
Would it send a shower of sparkling water into the sky?
Would crystal raindrops fall in front of your eyes?
You’d always liked the rain.
There were worse things to see when you died.
The reality of that death was hanging in front of you.
It was sad really.
Ending on so many regrets.
So many things you never said.
Your phone vibrated from its place in the cup holder.
It was a message from Sonia.
Who said you couldn’t say those things now?
You picked up your phone and hit call.
“Hey Sonia.”
“Y/n? Where are you?”
“Hah..It’s a long story. Let’s just say I’m stuck somewhere. I’m not sure how long I’ve got, and I have other calls to make, so I’ll make it quick. Sorry I don’t have more time to explain.”
“Hey! Where the fuck are ya?!” Miu yelled in the background, and you smiled.
“Good, Miu is with you too. Can you put it on speaker?”
“Just listen, okay?” When they didn’t say anything, you continued. “Thank you both for everything you’ve done for me. Sonia, you helped me learn to be confident. You always knew when I was feeling bad, and you were there to comfort me every time. Miu, you were always there to drag me out of my house when I needed it. You taught me to stand up for myself and not take anybody’s shit. You two are the reason I got out of my shell and learned to take some risks. Thank you for always being there when I needed a push in the right direction. I love you guys.”
“Why’re ya talkin’ like ya ain’t comin’ back?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
You hung up before they could ask any more questions. Next was Kazuichi.
“What’s up?”
You heard talking in the background. “Who’s with you?”
“Hajime and Gundham. Why?”
“Can you put your phone on speaker?”
“Uh yea-“ You heard a click, and two voices came through at the same time, both greeting you.
“Hey guys, sorry for calling so suddenly. I just wanted to say something.”
“What’s wrong?” Hajime asked, and you couldn’t help but smile. He was always the most observant one.
“Don’t worry about it. Just listen for a minute.” You waited a second, and when you were met with silence, you spoke up again. “You guys have been really good friends to me. Kazuichi, you taught me how to fix a flat tire and always cheered me up when I was down. Hajime, you’re an empath, and it really shows. You always knew what I was thinking, and you never stopped caring for me. Gundham, you taught me about the supernatural and reminded me that the past doesn’t define me. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being there for me and for being my friends. I love you guys.”
Your voice was shaking, so you hung up before they could respond.
One last person.
Of course, he always had to be one step ahead.
Your phone lit up, Fuyuhiko’s picture flashing across the screen. You answered the call, and held the phone up to your ear.
“Will you hurry the fuck up an’ let me in?! I’ve been knockin’ on your damn door for almost five minutes!”
“I’m not at home.”
“Huh? Where are you?”
“On the edge of a cliff.”
“What the- Don’t joke about shit like that!”
“I’m not joking. Some drunk guy ran me off the road.”
There was a moment of silence before you heard him yelling to someone, probably Peko.
“Where are you?” He asked quickly.
“I don’t think there’s a point.”
“Where the fuck are you, (Y/n)?!”
You gave him the name of the street you’d been driving on and heard him shout it to Peko.
“Don’t!” He hissed angrily, but there was a hint of desperation in it. “Don’t say my name like you’re never gonna see me again!”
“I might not.”
“Shut up! What kinda dumbass are you?! I’m gonna find you!”
You chuckled breathily. Maybe you were losing it?
“Why the fuck are you laughin’?!”
“You called me that when we met, remember? I ran into you by accident. ‘Watch where you’re goin’, dumbass!’” You quoted his words with a smile.
“You remember that shit?”
“Course I do. It was a pretty memorable meeting.” You chuckled.
“How the fuck are you so calm?”
“I don’t know. I guess it’s cause I finally got to say everything I wanted. Well, almost everything.”
“Whaddya mean ‘almost’?”
“There’s one thing I haven’t gotten to say to you.”
“Well fuckin’ say it, then.”
You looked out at the pink sky, beautiful and bright.
“...You’re a good guy. Despite what you think sometimes, there are people that care about you and want to be around you just because they like you. Not everyone wants something from you. They’re not all using you for their benefit. Underneath the whole Ultimate Yakuza thing, you’re a big sweetheart. You care for the people close to you, and you’d do anything to protect them.”
“He-Hey! Don’t say such sappy shi-“
“You’re a hypocrite though. You always insist that I shouldn’t be around you, that it’s dangerous, and I could get hurt, but you come to my house, and you cheer me up, and you’re always there when I’m in trouble. You’re the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever met because you constantly tell me not to care about you, but you come around and make me laugh and tell me about your life and your family. You come to me after your missions when you’re injured and tired, and I always take care of you, and you stay at my house, and we watch movies until we fall asleep. You nag me to dress warm when it’s cold and yell at me when I work too much at one time. You’ve met my mother, and she loves you, and you know more about me than anyone else. You come around and tell me not to care, but you make me care so much because you’re just so..so you! You’re you, and I’m me, and I care, and I can’t stop caring because I don’t know how, and I don’t want to! I want to care! I want to love you, and I do!” You rushed all the words out and sucked in a breath when you were finished.
“I..love you. I love you so much that I smile when I think of you, my heart beats too fast when you smile, I worry constantly when you’re on a mission, and I wanna cry from relief when you get back. I love you, Fuyuhiko.”
There was a long moment of complete silence before “Fuck, why say that now?! Why wait until you might die to tell me that?!” His voice cracked, and you winced when you realized he was crying. “You’re an idiot! An absolute fuckin’ idiot, an’ I swear to god if you die, I’ll hunt down your ghost and kick your ass, (Y/n)!” He breathed in shakily. “So live goddammit.” He pleaded, and your heart felt like it was being squeezed to death.
“I’ll do my best..” You murmured in response.
Your phone beeped, and static crackled in your ear.
More static met you in response, and you sighed when the automated voice told you the call had been disconnected.
You tried the ignition one more time, but the engine only sputtered before going dead again.
“Hurry up guys..” You mumbled nervously.
The 20 minutes that followed felt like the longest of your life. You were exhausted but too nervous to fall asleep.
You were clinging to a single thread of hope, but as the sun set and night began to fall, that thread began to wear thin.
Just as it was ready to snap, light flooded through the back windshield, followed by several screams of your name. You leaned your head out the window as best as you could without leaning forward to far.
“I’m in here!” You called.
You were surprised to see not just Fuyuhiko and Peko, but also everyone else too. Directions were being shouted as half of them leaned on the back of the car, and the other half reached for you. Hands caught your arms, your waist, your legs, anything they could reach, and pulled. You squeezed your eyes shut and jumped, trusting them to catch you. They pulled even harder, all of you falling into a pile on solid ground.
It took literally all of you, but you even managed to pull you car off the edge too. As soon as that was done though, they all engulfed you in a huge hug.
You were still buzzing off adrenaline, barely managing to process their tearful happiness that you were safe.
Suddenly, everyone started leaving, all awkwardly claiming they had somewhere to be. Even Peko gave you a quick hug and said goodbye.
In a flash, they were gone, piling into cars that disappeared down the street.
“What the hell were you thinkin’?!”
Despite his angry outburst, Fuyuhiko wrapped you up in the tightest hug you’d ever received. “I can’t..breathe..” You choked out.
“Too bad.” He grumbled angrily, but he still loosened his grip.
You curled your arms around him with a soft sigh. “I’m sorry.”
“For worrying you...and for what I said.”
“Why the hell’re you apologizin’ for that?”
“I mean, I get that you probably don’t feel that way for me. If you want, you can just forget abo-“
“No.” He stated bluntly, the scowl on his face contrasted greatly by the blush slowly creeping across his cheeks. “I’m not gonna forget it, and you aren’t either.”
“I..” He looked away from you, that blush spreading all the way to the tips of his ears. “I-I love you too.”
You couldn’t do anything but just gape at him, shock branded across your face.
The longer you stared silently at him, the more nervous he felt. Hell, he didn’t even get nervous on potentially deadly missions, so how the fuck can one person make him feel like a nervous wreck?!
“Stop standin’ there an’ fuckin’ do somethin’!” He snapped, knocking you out of your disbelieving thoughts.
“I’m not dreaming?”
“No, you’re not fuckin’ dreamin’.” He grumbled. “This is re-“
You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. His stuttered words were muffled against your mouth.
This was real.
You smiled against his lips as you kissed him again. You ran your fingers up the nape of his neck and into his short hair. You held him close, like he would disappear if you let go, and eventually he kissed you back, his arms tightening around you.
You pulled away after several minutes and just grinned, your face just as flushed as his.
“I love you.” You repeated your earlier words breathlessly.
He nudged you away, straightening his tie embarrassedly, but even in the dark, there was no mistaking the smile on his own face.
“I love you too, loser.”
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sunsetxxbear · 3 years
Frozen Tears- Chapter 2
Fwip was tending to his flowers, being careful to step on them when a messenger arrived. They were from the Crystal Cliffs and had an urgent message from Wizard Gem. Fwip quickly took the note, forgetting all about the flowers. Gem was the most important thing in Fwips life, always there for him no matter what. Fwip was prepared to give anything for Gem, so anything urgent from the Crystal Cliffs was by far more important than his Wither Roses. Opening the letter, Fwip read that Gem seemed to be ill but no one was fully sure what had happened. The note read “Wizard Gem had been perfectly fine the morning of, but soon fell ill. It's very hard to tell what is wrong and we are trying to treat this mysterious disease as we speak. Wizard Gem has requested your presence as soon as possible.” Fwip closed the letter at that. He didn’t need to read anymore. After a few minutes of gathering his supplies and alerting one of his advisors where he was going, Fwip took to the skys. His landing at the Crystal Cliffs was one of his roughest landings ever, but Fwip couldn't help it. He was so nervous for Gem he could hardly think straight. An advisor quickly noticed and greeted Fwip. He stumbled through the formalities. They didn’t matter at this point, what mattered was Gem. The advisor seemed to realize this and soon gave up with being formal and just led Fwip straight to Gem. “Here is where Gem is resting at, Count Fwip.” The advisor bowed and then stepped out. Fwip practically threw the door open and gasped when he saw Gem. Gem normally had such a confident aura, a motherly aura. Gem had been like a mom, when the person who should have been his mother wasn’t. But in the chair sat someone completely different. Gem's hair now had a white streak running through it, and Gem was shivering, her lips turning blue even though the building they were in was very warm. She still gave a smile when she saw Fwip though, breaking his heart into pieces. “G-gem? Who did this to you? What happened?!” Gem's eyes glanced around the room, and Fwip realized she couldn’t share anything with other people in the room. “Alright everyone, out of here. I need private time with Gem.” The doctors and nurses in the area left, and Fwip heard them murmuring something about lovers or some random stuff. Once they had all left, Fwip turned to Gem expectantly.Gem gave a small sigh and a chill ran through her body before responding. “First off, I’m fine, Fwip. This is my fault anyways. You don’t need to baby me.” Fwip eyed Gem suspiciously. He knew that Gem had a bad habit of taking the blame for things that weren’t her fault. She could be too kind for her own good sometimes. “Gem, you're avoiding the question. What happened?” Gem avoided Fwips eyes, playing with her hands as if she could fidget her way out of a question. Fwip looked at them and at first thought she had put nail polish on. Upon closer examination though, Fwip saw that there was no nail polish on them, and her fingertips were just naturally blue. “Gem. Answer me. You're clearly not ok. Why would you call for me if you aren’t going to talk to me?” Fwip said. His eyes were wandering, looking at the infirmary when Gem finally spoke. “Well, I was helping- I was practicing magic and a blast of magic did this. It's my fault, emotions were running high and accidents happen.” Fwip looked into Gems eyes, searching for any trace of lies. She didn’t look like she was lying, but she was definitely withholding information. “Ok, so it's magic. Have you tried regeneration potions? They might help. O-or maybe instant health? Do you think milk would help at all?” Fwip was digging through the infirmary but knew he had no idea what he was doing. He was more of an explosion guy, the one who causes the injuries, not the one who treats them. Normally Gem treated injuries, but Gem clearly couldn’t treat herself. “Fwip, I’m fine. I just wanted you to know I wasn’t in the best of health so you didn’t get all shocked the next time you come over. Last time I withheld this sort of information from you, you freaked out and made a mini-cannon full of instant-health potions that you went on to splash on me.” “In my defense, you fell off the elytra edge in your tower. You broke your back and were in a wheelchair for two weeks.” The next half hour was spent with Fwip digging through the infirmary and shoving different medicines down Gems throat, even while she protested. Fwip has insisted that no one was allowed into the room and a guard was positioned outside of the infirmary. Unfortunately, no matter what Fwip seemed to use, Gems' health never changed. She kept insisting that she just needed a bit of rest, like a nap was going to fix whatever damage had been done to her body. Gem also kept saying how she was a little cold, so Fwip had showered her in blankets and now Gem was complaining that she could hardly move. Things seemed to be going ok though, until someone burst into the building. Fwip spun around and saw Clay, one of his messengers. “Clay? What are you doing here? Didn’t someone outside tell you that this room is supposed to be private?” Clay figited, clearly not having thought things through. “Count Fwip, I hate to disturb your time with Wizard Gem, but there has been a small problem at the Grimlands. While mining, a Deepslate Redstone vein was found. Unfortunately, when the machine hit it, it caused an explosion. There are no casualties so far, but we have three people in critical condition and four others are injured. It's really chaotic and part of the mine collapsed.” Fwip swore under his breath. Why now, of all times did it have to happen? Fwip glanced at Clay, then at Gem, then back at Clay. Fwip knew he was going to have to choose between his sister and his kingdom. Much to his disappointment and frustration, Fwip knew he had to pick his kingdom. Turning to Gem, Fwip took off his scarf and wrapped it around Gems neck. He felt helpless. As much as he tried to delude himself into thinking, Fwip knew he hadn’t been helping Gem in the past half hour. He had been raising her spirits more than anything. About to leave, Fwip had a spark of enlightenment. “Gem, go to Katherines. She came up with a cure for corruption on her plants when Xornoth was here, and it is really good at healing people. She can help you.” Gem smiled at Fwip, threading his scarf in between her fingers. The vibrant ruby red of the scarf only made her blue fingertips even more obvious. “She really is the best at healing. Be safe Fwip, ok?” Fwip nodded, and gave Gem a hug before leaving the infirmary with Clay. It wasn’t till Fwip could just barely see the Grimlands in the distance when he realized that Gem never said she would go. Shaking off the feeling that Gem would ignore his advice, Fwip landed, regained his regal posture and went to help his people.
*Apologizes, I know this is shorter but I need to make it realistic before the plot really begins*
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thgreatestblue · 4 years
wherever you stray (i follow)
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➜ pairing: giyuu tomioka x tsuguko!reader ➜ warnings: manga spoilers ➜ words: 2.2k ➜ a/n: english is not my native language, please be kind <3 ➜ ao3
summary: When the final battle started, your feet moved before you could think — hoping fate was on your side. You needed to find Giyuu.
As the night fell, all it took was an explosion coming from Oyakata-sama’s house to break the illusion that everything was fine, that they still had time. In a blink of an eye everything changed. And you found yourself running.
It was torturing, knowing that no matter what, everything led to this moment and there was nothing you, or anyone, could do about it.  A cruel string of fate attached to your life and everyone around you. You had hoped, even prayed — something you’re not used to. Anything to make the outcome of this battle better than everyone expected it. It was the end, for better or for worse. You weren’t ready to let it go just yet, though.
Your feet moved quickly, your thoughts even faster. Musan’s castle was filled with demons and traps, but nothing you couldn’t handle. After all, you’ve been training with the Water Pillar, Giyuu Tomioka, for about a year.
It had been a miracle; Giyuu accepting you in his life so easily. You were sure that he was going to deny your request, considering that he was so closed off from everyone else, even the Pillars. He never had a Tsuguko before. And on top of that, his reputation wasn’t the best either, the rumors could easily paint a terrible picture of him, one that many choose to believe. But not you.
Even though his portrait was poorly drawn, you knew something had changed in him when he came back from a mission a few years ago. You didn’t consider yourself good at reading people, but it was crystal clear  — at least for you  — that he had seen something that had changed the way he carried himself.
Maybe it was because you always had your eyes on him whenever you had the rare opportunity to see him pass by. Your friends would pick on you for being so obvious. You couldn’t help though. It was the way Giyuu graciously carried himself, the elegance and calmness of his movements would always leave you mesmerized. But most important, his deep blue eyes, although always in a blank stare, would always make you think how much prettier they would be, only if it held any kind of emotion.
At some point it, you didn’t know if it was just admiration or if there was something else below the surface.
One day, by accident, you bumped into him. And you noticed the way his gaze was somehow more intense. The way his shoulder seemed to be carrying something even heavier than the last time you saw him.
Your first thought was that you wanted to help him carry that weight, even when you didn’t have a single idea of what it was. There must be something more than the rumors had to say about Giyuu, and you were determined to help change that. That was one of the reasons why you had gathered enough courage to talk to him and ask the feared question no one dared to ask anymore. It was a shoot in the dark you were willing to take.
Sweat ran down your forehead. You had your heart on your throat at each passing minute. You found yourself getting anxious, a cold feeling settling on your stomach as the final battle started to unfold around you. You had to find him right now.
The others didn’t matter, nothing around you mattered. The sounds coming from battle faded, the colors turned into a rush of blur. You could not stop moving even though there were so many things happening around you, ears clogged up by the sounds of your own heartbeat.
Musan’s Castle was a disorienting place, at each turn you would find more and more demons sneaking in, trying to take the Corps down. It was a never-ending cycle, seeming almost infinite. However, you had to have faith in the people you worked with, they could handle themselves.
It was such an ironic way of thinking since what you were doing was the complete opposite.
As you turned another corner, feeling hopeless with the way the battle was going, you saw him. And it was the scariest scene you’ve ever seen in your life. Making your heart stop. It froze you in place as you watched the scene unfold in front of you.
Akaza  — you had heard enough about the Upper-Moon to recognize him right away  — was mere inches from Giyuu’s face. Giyuu’s pale cheek had a strange mark adorning his handsome features that you immediately recognized as the mark he told you about a few weeks ago. Pride bloomed in your chest but there wasn’t enough space to feel anything else than fear as his sword moved down onto the demon.
For your horror, who came out bleeding was Giyuu.
Your feet moved before you could think. Before you could analyze the situation any better, to maybe come up with a plan. You would never learn your lesson, and probably that would be the death of you. Because it’s always going to be your heart you’re going to listen first.
"Don't you dare touch him!" You screamed desperately at the Upper-Moon, getting in between him and Giyuu, raising your blade right on time to stop him from landing another punch in his direction.
The impact took the air out of your lungs, your knees almost giving in. It was through sheer adrenaline that they stood firm, feet rooted on the ground. With all the strength left you tried to shove the Demon away.
You had never fought a Lower-Moon before, an Upper-Moon was something totally out of your league. There was still so much you needed to learn, so much you needed to improve. Yet, you threw yourself in a fight that only giants should be in.
Akaza jumped backwards, creating a distance between you two. He looked at his arm that was previously cut by Giyuu, now completely healed. He had a smirk on his face and all you could see was red. Your body burned and you furiously wanted to sink your blade into the Demon's neck and cut, cut and cut.
“Before you say anything,” You whispered to Giyuu, never taking your eyes off the Demon in front of you. “I know you don’t need me.”
As much as you wanted to check on him, it was most likely that both of you would die in a split second. You could only take a quick glance from the corner of your eyes and hope that the cut wasn’t deep. The grip on the hilt of your katana tightened as you heard Giyuu breathing behind you.
Still alive. Good.
Then, there is a pause. A brief moment where everything goes to a disturbing silence. The Upper-Moon watches the interaction between you two. Raising his brows, a slightly curious expression settling on his features. You could swear the Demon was able to hear your heart beating furiously against your ribcage.
Akaza steps forward, a mischievous expression on his face. You immediately take a step back, straining your back, unconsciously moving your body to cover Giyuu’s form. It was stupid, you felt like a little puppy protecting its owner.
The Upper-Demon laughs  — baring his sharp teeth  — a cruel smirk growing on his lips and you knew the Upper-Moon was playing with you. He probably thinks you are a fool.
Well, he wasn’t the only one.
You knew being in this position would only slow Giyuu down. Rengoku had died by the hands of this Demon. It was useless. Tanjirou was out of the battle, paralyzed for some reason. It was hopeless. Giyuu, your precious and talented Giyuu was hurt, bleeding. It was the end.
You didn’t notice when your hands started to shake even though you were determinated to fight. When the grip on the hilt of your katana was so tight it felt like it was burning, vision pulsing like a heartbeat. When the air got stuck in your throat, making it hard to breath.
In a fraction of time, you were on the edge of a cliff, staring down. The darkness of the deep cliff calling out your name, tempting you to jump in. The cruel and playful look on the Demon’s face twists a knife on your stomach  — as if all of your fears came crashing down on you. You were panicking.
Until a gentle hand tenderly touched your shoulder.
Giyuu whispers your name and just like, everything stops.
The shakiness of your hands quickly stops, air finally entering your lungs. You immediately calm down. It was like the soothing sound of water flowing down a river. A sound so beautiful and peaceful that it would always make your heart ache but it never failed to clean your mind.
It had been tough, the beginning of your relationship with Giyuu. Even though he had agreed to train you, it wasn’t like you two became friends right away. On the contrary, actually. It was hard to get him to talk to you. It was hard to even know what he wanted you to do during the sparring sessions because the communication was nonexistent. And you had tried. A lot.
The first month left you frustrated, to say the least. Not only did you feel like there was no improvement in your performance, you also felt that it was a waste of Giyuu’s time. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked, he clearly didn’t want you there. Had you read him wrong all this time?
So, after gathering enough courage, you told him what was on your mind. It was always a difficult task to know what Giyuu was thinking since he always had that stoic expression on his beautiful face.
“I just feel that…. You don’t like me.” You finally said what had been bothering you all this time. The assumption wouldn’t leave your mind no matter what. You were insecure and that train of thought would only contribute to leave you restless and irritated. You didn’t know why, but you really wanted him to like you.
“What made you think that?” He genuinely asked, raising his brows a little.
You were caught off guard by that. It was the first time he said anything after you started talking about your worries. Giyuu’s stare was calm and serene, you didn’t sense any anger or annoyance coming from him. You pondered for a while, biting on your bottom lips.
So, you tried to explain. It was a tough task because almost everything you knew about him was trough whispers and gossips. You felt bad for that, it wasn’t like you believed in everything people had to say, however, it was hard to separate those assumptions when he did nothing to change them. You were still hopeful that Giyuu just had a thick armor. One that you were fighting to bring it down.
“Do you think that… everyone feels the same way about me?”
You stared at him for some time, your guard thrown out of the roof. For some reason, you wanted to hug him. Instead, you decided to put your hand on his shoulder. His deep blue eyes staring at you reminded you of the ocean you used to swim when you were a child. Reminded you of home.
“Ugh, maybe…” You said, flinching a little. Even though it was true, it was still uncomfortable to say on someone’s face that people didn’t really think great of them.
“But I like you.”
The embarrassment of that confession would hit you hours later. However, at that moment, it was worth it. The tiny smile tugged on the corner of his lips did funny things to your chest.
In the end, you decided to stay and give another shot. Giyuu didn’t say anything about being bothered by you, so maybe it was just a matter of time. Gratefully, there were improvements in the following months. Even though it wasn’t easy, Giyuu was really trying to be more communicative, and that was all that mattered.
Stripping down all the dark emotions that were starting to eat you right in the spot, you tried to focus on the hand that was touching your shoulder; taking a deep breath, steading yourself.
“I do need you.” He calmly says and your heart skipped a beat or two.
It was so unfair. How Giyuu had such a big impact on you. How he could say anything and you would gladly do it because it was for him. Perhaps it was because you knew he was a good and kind man, underneath the surface and appearance. You trusted him with your life and knew he would take good care of it.
“Let’s fight together.”
Together. That has a nice ring to it.
From the corner of your eyes you see him moving to stand by your side, the tiniest smile tugged on the corner of his lips  — which would never fail to make your chest warm. You shot a quick glance at Tanjiro, who seemed to have recovered from his paralyzed state.
It was now or never.
As you watched the Upper-Moon take a step forward, the only thing you could think was that you two needed to survive this night  — because you still needed to see his beautiful smile once again.
You still needed to see him truly happy.
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advernia · 4 years
fic: the many tea parties of charon
— deck out the flowers and mourning veils, the guests of honor are in attendance. - pre-game: of a child and his trusty guide.
1: contains heavy references to edgar's backstory, so be warned if you haven't read his route yet! please tread lightly. 2: terribly late, but this was written for @unappreciatedotomelove’s day 19 angst prompt, death.
Baron Paulos Arca was mute.
The morning papers narrate the tale of a man unable to scream for help as he fell to his demise. Scratches on grass and soil, torn pieces of cloth and drops of blood scattered on the twisting path leading to the forest's cliff may suggest that he might have been running away from beasts until he had a misstep that led to his untimely fate. Why the man was in the Forbidden Forest without permission or an escort was still being investigated, but the man was already well-known for losing himself to the company of plants and trees over tea parties and soirees, so perhaps that narrowed down possibilities.
A most unfortunate accident, his uncle reads before pressing the rim of a teacup to his lips.
It almost sounds humorous; the way the word accident rolls off his uncle's tongue. He pokes at his breakfast, watches the tines of his fork sink into the meal on his plate.
Metal through meat.
Sharp tearing soft.
Trident piercing flesh.
Very unfortunate, he says dryly in reply, feeling the twist in his stomach.
Marchioness Marie Marithe Lacelle was weak.
He's been taught manners, and one of the basics say that is it most rude to stare. Young boys like himself shouldn’t dare ogle, especially at girls and ladies and at their bare skin. Propriety is important. And if he must stare, there is an unspoken rule among gentlemen that whispers subtlety is key.
So he and his uncle don't stay too long, don't find a need to linger any longer around a casket that held a woman so dainty, even her gloved fingers gave off the impression of fragility. On these occasions his uncle spent more time exchanging pleasantries anyway, and while waiting he would just stand away and observe his surroundings. Today wouldn't be any different. 
On one side of the refreshment table, he studies the champagne flutes that form beautiful rows. Despite the bright crystal lights, the liquid inside each glass remains a hostile purple; dark from the top and eerie come the bottom. Almost like vials of poison, he figures.
The smile on his lips turns awry.
Merchant Duriel Atlas was sickly.
In the modestly decorated hall he's seated somewhere around the middle aisle next to a relative, a child who may or may not be a member of the main family. His uncle is seated somewhere around the front row, becoming one of the many gentlemen offering an ear to an elderly man with a face that's positively ghastly. The deceased's father, he guesses.
Hey, the child seated beside him suddenly speaks. It's only then that he looks at her properly, at the girl beside him who was clutching a stuffed bear close to her chest.
How do you know my papa? she asks, raising her head to stare at him. The edges of her eyes are bright red but their centers remain gray, the kind of shade that's a tad dull but with an edge to it that's oddly sharp; like the deceiving end of a rusty needle pricking the most sensitive spots of skin.
Her scrutiny pokes uncomfortably at his throat, and for once isn't quite sure what to say.
Professor Sarietta Pierre was careless.
It's amazing, really - in one room where all sorts of individuals gather there are those who truly mourn, but in that same room there are those that hide behind their feathered fans and quiet corners, believing that keeping their voices in hushed whispers could hide remarks such as:
A professor of magic put to rest by her own spell - what an end!
She was bound to make a mistake sooner or later with that ego of hers.
Serves her right, I'd say. That woman was far too arrogant.
And to think that she bragged about how her prudent magic wielding was second to none...
And so on and so forth - he listens to wails in one ear and criticism on the other until his uncle comes to stand beside him, gaze set on the deceased's portrait.
They sure enjoy wagging their tongues before using their heads, don't they? he says, tone casual.
Government official Ivor Xies Grellol was bedridden.
It was bound to happen... but oh, I wish it didn't happen so soon, too soon, the now-widow cries with her puffy eyes and scratchy voice. She angles her head away from them to stare at the body fit perfectly in the coffin, clothed in his very best and surrounded by fresh flowers. I... I... just wish we had more time.
... I'm sure he felt the same way, his uncle is a picture of sincerity with a gentle tone and perfect bow, my deepest condolences for your loss, Lady Grellol.
Tears start streaming down her eyes again, so as an act of courtesy he takes out the handkerchief in his pocket and gingerly offers it for her to use. She blinks for a moment before accepting the cloth, breathing in deeply and dabbing quickly at her damp cheeks. 
Such a kind child you are, the woman says in between sobs.
He'd swallow a lump down his throat and say his thanks, but he finds himself too distracted by the powdery smudges of red now staining his handkerchief.
Arles and Ceres Clemence were bastards.
There's no caskets, formalities, procession. No flowers, people, crying, portraits - just a deep well of soil, two large sacks, torn shrouds of cloth, a shovel.
Two people - a child and an adult - looking down at the well and its contents.
The sound of raindrops hitting an umbrella's canopy, going tap tap tap tap tap every second.
A voice cutting through the rain, soft yet with a fury so cold.
Blame society for deciding that your greatest sin was to be born, Claudius Bright hissed.
Claudius Bright was limping.
A result of an accident or the curse of aging? Either way it didn't change the fact that today, he was assisting his uncle in the act of walking for one of his legs seemed to be struggling. Together they cross the halls and go past the door, down the path and inside the carriage that was waiting for them.
It hardly suited the Jack of Hearts - an image of susceptibility, a flaw. Vulnerable, oh-so vulnerable to the eyes. A target with an obvious weak spot, easy prey that didn't require much effort to take down. A strike to the knees or a well-aimed hit to the thigh, a poke of poison or the bind of magic, the pierce of a bullet and his uncle might as well -
"... Perhaps," he says when he enters the carriage and sits himself across from his uncle, "we should get you a cane. Trying to walk on your own adds to the strain of your sore leg, and we can't have that if you want your leg to heal properly."
"That does sound like a good idea," Claudius hums, but then he checks his wristwatch. "... Ah, but that will have to wait. We can't afford to be late, now can we?"
A funny concern when they've never been late for an appointment in their life.
With the subject temporarily put on hold though, his eyes keep drifting back to his uncle's left leg; to the bandages secured around the kneecap. Weakness, the sight seemed to whisper strongly. Balance disrupted, equilibrium lost, weight of the body favoring one side over the other -
Hands balling into fists and teeth digging into the inside of his cheek, he urges himself to look out the window instead.
The sky above them is nearly dressed in murky grays and heavy blacks.
Perfect weather for another funeral, Edgar Bright whispers to himself.
3: charon from greek mythology is the ferryman of the rivers styx + acheron, the rivers said to separate the world of the living and the dead. he serves under the god of the underworld, hades. intended context puts edgar as charon (he who follows) & claudius as hades (he who commands), but can also work in a reverse manner with claudius passing off as charon - he 'leads' souls to edgar and his nephew unwittingly becomes hades; he who passes 'judgement' on said souls. 4: supposedly this went with a desensitized edgar in claudius' perspective, but somehow turned out to be novice!assassin edgar dealing with his conscience + claudius rubbing salt on the wound by bringing edgar to the funerals of the people he ordered his nephew to kill. it does give a different spin on the theme of death, so i guess it works.
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skepticalcatfrog · 5 years
66/91 Virgil and logan
Send me a prompt and pairing/character, and I'll try to write a short story!
I went a slightly different direction with this one than I did with the last request I received. I didn't know if you meant to choose one or do both, so I just did both since those two go well together anyway.
66: If I die, I'm never speaking to you again.
91: We're all a little stronger than we think we are.
Logan and Virgil stood inside the hollow tree, breathing as quietly as they could. They knew that creature was still there, and they didn't want to move an inch. They both thought 'This has to be the end'. The footsteps of the creature grew closer and closer, louder with every second. But... that's not where this story begins.
Logan had been practicing magic since he was a little kid, but his studies had come to a screeching halt when Virgil arrived. He wasn't supposed to be there, and both of them knew it. He had fallen through a portal in the middle of Logan's ceiling a week ago. Logan had never seen anything like him, with his purple hair and his mismatched eyes, one green and the other brown. At first he thought that Virgil was some type of mythical creature, but that idea had been shot down very quickly as Virgil exhibited his infinitesimal knowledge of the land.
Virgil was a human, from an entirely different world. He had just been going to work, when suddenly he fell through what he thought had been a manhole or something. He was knocked out from the impact, and when he woke up, he was in a strange cave with a strange person.
As he and Logan got to know each other, they began formulating a plan to get Virgil back home. Logan had spent days on end reading from his magic books. He found out that there was only one other way to travel through dimensions, besides of course what Logan had done by accident and was sure he wouldn't be able to do again.
So they set off on a journey. Their goal was to find a cave on the far side of the land that contained many enchanted crystals. These crystals, upon being broken, would open a portal. Where the portal lead to was up to you, all you had to do was loudly and clearly say the name of a specific place. If you weren't specific enough… well, let's just say bad things could happen.
"So where are we even going anyway?" Virgil asked, walking alongside his companion. The height difference between them wasn't very much, but the fact that Logan was just a little bit taller than Virgil frustrated him a little bit.
"Evaceht." Logan answered simply.
"Gesundheit." Virgil glanced at him, raising one eyebrow.
"No, it's not a sneeze." Logan shook his head, fighting back a smile. "Evaceht is a place. The place we need to go to get you home."
"Yeah, okay." Virgil nodded. "I'm never going to be able to pronounce that."
"I know, it took me ages to learn how as well." Logan agreed.
"Anyway, what are we going to do once we're there?" Virgil put his hands in his pockets. "Just smash the crystals then get to I go home? Is it really that simple?"
"Not exactly, no." Logan shook his head. "First we need to get there, and that's hard enough as it is. We'll likely come across monsters, and they won't be looking to invite us over for tea and a friendly conversation."
"Can't you just…" Virgil waved his hands around. "Do some magic and poof us on over there?"
"I can't. Teleportation magic is dangerous." Logan explained. "Last time I tried to do it, you ended up here. Magic isn't even an exact science as it is, let alone involving more than one person. But on top of that, teleportation is the outlier in the set of data points. It either goes catastrophically wrong, or nothing happens at all."
Virgil nodded silently as they approached a forest. It wasn't dark inside, in fact it was quite picturesque. The sun was shining through the leaves, making patterns of green light on the ground.
"This place is nice, at least." He said.
"Nice but dangerous." Logan put his hand on Virgil's shoulder, silently telling him to not go any further. "There are many types of mythical beings in this forest, none of which are polite."
They entered the forest together. It was perfectly peaceful for a little while, until Virgil began hearing voices.
"Do you… do you hear that?" Virgil asked, looking towards Logan.
"I do. Try to tune them out and we'll be okay." Logan answered, walking a little bit faster.
The voices were high pitched and rough, like someone trying to talk with a sore throat. What they were saying didn't sound like words to Virgil, but Logan seemed to know what they were saying. It would be correct to assume that he looked thoroughly unsettled.
Suddenly they heard rustling beneath the leaves on the ground. Something big passed under their feet quickly, and Virgil almost tripped over it, but Logan caught him by his hand and helped him balance before pulling him inside a hollow tree.
"What was that thing?" Virgil whispered urgently, his eyes widening with fear.
"Its name was lost to time, but I know it's dangerous. It crawls beneath the ground looking for prey, and when it feels something above it, it rises up to search." Logan told him. Almost as if on cue, they heard a sound like crinkling paper. The creature had come out of the ground, looking for them.
They would have huddled together, if they weren't already there. The tree was big enough for both of them to fit, but the had barely any space left over. They could hear the creature breathing. It sounded like a large dog of sorts. It was already walking around in search of its prey.
"If I die, I'm never speaking to you again." Virgil whispered, proceeding to swear multiple times under his breath.
"We'll be fine Virgil, I promise." Logan replied, looking around through the opening in the tree. They couldn't see the creature yet, which was both comforting and terrifying. Its footsteps kept getting louder, so it had probably tracked their scent. Unfortunately, neither of them realized it could do this. "We just have to be quiet, and eventually it will-"
There was loud, violent scratching on the other side of the tree. Virgil's fight or flight instinct told him to make a run for it, so he did. He bolted out of the tree, and the creature began chasing after him. Logan ran after him as well, but the creature stood between the two.
It was the size of a large dog, as its breathing had told them. It was scaly like a lizard with ears and eyes like a cat. Its legs had hooves on the ends, and its tail had a stinger on the end like a scorpion. Eventually Virgil came across a high cliff, and he couldn't go any further. The creature began closing in on him, opening its mouth to reveal sharp teeth covered in venom.
Just as Virgil had accepted death, he caught sight of Logan. The sorcerer used the creature as a springboard, giving him extra height as he jumped. He grabbed Virgil's hand and they both went over the edge. Virgil closed his eyes tightly as they fell, then they started slowing down. He opened his eyes. Logan was holding on to him tightly, and they were surrounded by a bright blue glow. Their momentum slowed to a stop when they neared the ground. The glow faded, and they dropped to their feet. Logan let go of Virgil when they were both standing.
"But I thought you said it was dangerous to do magic on more than one person?" Virgil raised his eyebrow.
"We're all a little stronger than we think we are." Logan said. "In a moment of life or death, I didn't have a choice. Sometimes you have to take risks."
"Oh." Virgil said, meeting his eyes. A light blush grew on his cheeks. "Well… thanks."
"Of course." Logan dusted himself off. "So, shall we be on our way?"
"Um… yeah." Virgil nodded.
Logan began walking and Virgil, still slightly dazed, followed him. His whole experience had been crazy, but that was the most unexpected thing yet. He knew there was probably more to expect, but he didn't have to worry about that now. All he had to worry about was finishing the journey and getting home, and that was all he planned to do.
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laurazepamwrites · 4 years
The Chemicals between us ~Ch.8
 The Orca landed with a bump on the outskirts of a dense forest not far from Bryansk. The landing jerked Junkrat awake and his nose wrinkled from the strong smell of coffee brewing.
 ‘Fuck is that?’ He asked groggily, using Roadhogs frame as leverage to sit up straighter, his long limbs cracked as he stretched.
 ‘That's the smell of four o’clock in the morning princess.’ McCree replied. ‘Want some? Might not get another chance for a while.’
 ‘Ta.’ Junkrat stood up and gave Roadhog a slight kick awake and got a curse for doing so. McCree handed him a mug as Morrison came down from the cockpit. ‘I want everyone prepared to move out soon, make sure you all have your communicators on and make sure they work. If they don't and you get caught out you’ll be on your own. Everyone move your own weapons from the cargo hold, once done we head to the compound. Genji and Zarya will meet us outside the perimeter.’
 Ana placed her empty teacup down. ‘I will scout ahead and keep watch for signs of danger. Plans can go wrong and I want to see trouble before it happens.’
 Morrison nodded in agreement. ‘Go ahead, be careful and contact when you reach the meeting point.’ Ana gave him a quick salute and headed down to the cargo hold.
 ‘Is Athena good to go?’ Morrison asked Winston.
 The large Gorilla looked up from his computer and adjusted his glasses. ‘As well as can be but we won't know for certain until we hit Talons cyber defences.’ Morrison grunted and looked towards the Junkers. ‘Are you ready for this?’
 Junkrat giggled ‘Fucking born ready mate.’ as Roadhog gave a slight nod of his head. Morrison frowned ‘Final warning Fawkes..if you do anything to jeopardize-’
 ‘Yeah I know, I’m dead and there's plenty here to do the deed. Just fucking chill alrite mate? Me n Hog will play our part no worries.’ Morrison narrowed his eyes and studied the junkers before placing the mask of Soldier 76 upon his face, the red visor shone a sinister red. From one of the windows he glanced Ana heading into the forest. ‘Everyone get ready’ He said ‘We move out in 10 minutes.’
  The walk through the forest was slow going and none too easy with the dim light and dense trees making it difficult for Hana to maneuver her Mech, often resorting to taking a longer path to find a clearing big enough. The suggestion of demolishing a path or shooting through the trees was quickly shut down. Junkrat tread carefully over thick roots protruding from the ground and lightly jumped in the tracks made by the large Mech as Hana was once again forced to find an alternate route, he took a deep breath in and revelled in the new smells and freshness of the air. Fuck it felt good to be in the open. Hana grinned at him from her Mech.
 ‘Hey having fun?’
 ‘Too right! Forgot what trees look like.’
 Hana rolled her eyes and laughed ‘You can see trees from the cliff at base.’
 ‘Yeah but not these..’ Junkrat gestured vaguely ‘Spiky ones? Got a funny smell.’
 They continued walking and trudging through the forest, Junkrat glancing so often towards the group and particularly Roadhog just to make sure he was still there. He got a pang of anxiety when a dense group of trees blocked his view and he lost sight of him. What in that time Morrison shot him? Or Talon where secretly following them? The sudden thought made him glance behind him and scan his surroundings..really should of left some traps. He breathed a sigh of relief when the trees cleared slightly and he found Roadhog, he had barely heard Hana speaking to him.
 ‘I asked if you are okay?’
 ‘Err..yeah. Yeah im great! Why wouldn't I be! Not long till I get to blow shit up!’ He gave her grin to reassure her and himself. Hana gave him a sceptical look, yet to her credit and his relief she let it slide and returned the smile. ‘Thanks for keeping me company.’
 ‘No worries, gives me more time to be out here before we go back to the lock up!’
 ‘Theres gotta be something you like there.’
 ‘Oh sure, regular grub, running water annnd now I get me own workshop!’
 ‘ Ahem!’  
 ‘ Yeah sure you and Lu are alright I guess.’
 Hana giggled and stuck her tongue out at him. ‘You're a jerk but youre alright, hey look! There's a clearing, lets catch up!’
 Roadhog watched as Junkrat and Dva approached them, not speaking until Junkrat was once at his side. ‘All good?’
 ‘Yep, all good.’
 ‘Not gonna do anything stupid I hope.’
 ‘If I do its by accident.’
 Roadhog grunted ‘Don't be impulsive.’
 Junkrat laughed ‘When have you known me to have any control over that.’
 ‘Mean it Rat..be smart about this.’
 Junkrat scoffed at him and rolled his eyes as Morrison signalled that they were close to the first point. Sure enough in the distance stood Ana, Zayra and Genji waiting on them.
 ‘Are we clear?’ Morrison asked on approach.
 ‘As Well as can be, time is now against us though. The first patrol is in less than thirty minutes.’ Said Genji, glancing towards the large Mech.
 ‘Hey its not my fault the stupid trees were so close together!’ snapped Hana, rather defensively.
 ‘Still think its bad idea to have those two here.’ Grunted Zarya nodding towards the Junkers.
 Junkrat scoffed ‘Really? Pick your fucking time to have a moan ya fucking pink Juggernaut!’
 Zarya laughed ‘Oh ho! Those brave words from someone I can snap in two with my little finger.’
 Roadhog stepped forward ‘Try it.’
   Morrison jumped in as Zarya stepped forward to the challenge. ‘Back down!’ Morrison barked at Roadhog and turned to face Zarya, ‘This is neither the time or place. That goes for everyone. I will not have childish bickering when we need to depend on each other in the field. Am I clear?’
 Zarya's lip curled in contempt but she nodded in agreement then Morrison looked to the Junkers. ‘Oi I didnt fucking start it!’ Junkrat protested looking offended. Roadhog gave him a shove and muttered something, ‘Fine fucking crystal alright!?’
 Convinced the matter was at rest for now Morrison continued. ‘Team A get ready, once our target hits our marker we strike. Winston, Torbjorn, prepare your equipment, once that patrol is eliminated we advance on the gate then it's down to you to get us in. Everyone else know their positions and objectives?’ There was a collective murmur of confirmation ‘Good, then let's begin.’
 Dimitri Ivanov took the last drag of his cigarette and tossed it, the smoke drifting lazily into the early morning air. He heard the command to move and he snorted and spat on the ground. He fucking hated mornings. He was a military man during the Omnic crisis and fought in many battles, a well seasoned soldier with a large count of dead omnics to his name just like his comrades. Dead and alive. He had new comrades now, him and four other surviving men and women from his old unit. After the war their government had hardly given them anything to live off, their homes had been destroyed and like thousands upon thousands of others they had nowhere to go, no living to make. Until one day he was approached by a man, a man with an opportunity which promised work and security. An opportunity that promised a better world for everyone. A world built for the strong by the strong and he was proud to serve, proud to serve Talon.
 The patrols around the compound was easy work if but boring. He had been stationed here for a month now and the most exciting thing to happen was a stray dog getting too close to the fence. At Least it confirmed the turrets worked. The only people they saw where the trucks entering and leaving and the drop ship that came last week. He trudged along with his patrol and slung his gun back over his shoulder, reached into his pocket pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, his nearest comrade nudging him as he did so. Dimitri shrugged his arm away and took a large inhale of smoke.
 ‘What problem?’ He said, smoke exhaling through his nose. ‘Nothing out here but us and birds. Relax Anatoly my friend..nothing to shoot at us out here-’
 He turned in confusion as his comrade suddenly disappeared from his side and slumped to the ground. The rest of the patrol stopped and came to his aid. ‘He sick?’ One asked. They took his dark balaclava off his face, only then realising that his throat had been sliced open.
 The patrol leader shouted orders as Dimitri struggled to reach for the gun across his back and frantically scanned the dense forest, he felt a rush of wind behind him and heard the thud of another body falling, someone fired wildly at nothing. He barely lifted his gun as he felt a hard slap to his chest, followed by another, the cigarete dropped from his mouth, smoke and blood trailing past his lips. He fell hard to the ground and the last thing he heard was the sound of bullets hitting their targets. The patrol was dead before they even realised what was happening.
 Morrison surveyed the surrounding area waiting for a sign of the compound being alerted to the attack, a moment passed with only the sound of birds in the trees, convinced the first wave was successful he signalled for Team B to advance to their position. Winston and Torbjorn led the way and found a vantage point just below the crest of a hill overlooking the compound giving them high ground and cover. They both quickly got to work setting up a field computer as Ana scoped out the area with her Rifle. ‘Four turret droids on the gate’ She relayed back to Winston. He nodded and quickly typed on a small keyboard, lines of code flashed across the monitor in front of him as Torbjorn adjusted a signal booster. ‘If Athena can’t get in I modded this enough to send a pulse through every droid in this place..will only last a minute or so but may give us a much needed window.’ He said as he worked.
 ‘We might not need to use it..      hmm    that's odd.’ Said Winston, his brow frowning at the screen.
 ‘Is there a problem?’ Asked Jack, coming to inspect the monitor.
 ‘I'm not sure Commander, I’m in their system but..’
 ‘What is it?’
 ‘It was too easy, almost like I was let in. I’m familiar with Talons cyber security but this is..well a child could have accessed it.’ Winston gave a slight cough ‘A..er..very smart one atleast.’
 Torbjorn laughed ‘Well surely that's half our job done?’
 ‘Maybe what they have inside is not worth the protection?’ Offered McCree.
 ‘It’s enough to have guards, turrets and officials. It's important.’ Stated Ana ‘But Winston is right Jack, this could be a trap.’
 ‘If it was a trap the perimeter guard would have been prepared for us. Talon are arrogant, they don't expect an assault. Winston, shut down those turrets.’
 Winston looked toward Ana who gave a slight nod despite the frown on her face, sighing he continued typing on the keyboard as Ana looked through her scope. ‘And..that should do it’ He said looking up.
 Everyone waited and looked to Ana as she surveyed the gate, she smirked slightly as sure enough one turret slowly stopped moving, followed by another and another until each one had stopped.
 ‘Have they noticed?’ Asked Genji.
 Ana looked back and smiled, ‘None the wiser.’
 ‘Accessing perimeter turrets now.’ Said Winston, tapping further instructions to Athena ‘And..we are in! Perimeter and gate security disabled Commander, Captain.’
 Jack cocked his weapon and turnt to his team ‘Everyone in position and remember your roles! Advance!’
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acerosu · 5 years
Day 1: Era 3 - Mingling
Yellow is TRYING.
The bridges of Homeworld’s roads and routes sprawled between buildings and towers to the horizon. Each path had its own purpose from material transport to foot traffic. What was organized perfection was now chaos: gems of different castes mingled on incorrect bridges with a large group of soldiers gathered on a courtyard meant for scholars. It would have been a disgrace here on the central planet; the heart of the Empire. And yet, Yellow couldn’t help but crack a smile.
 She stood in an alley way between two factories watching veterans and newly created fighters alike talking and bonding. Instead of ridged training there was laughter. Instead of war and death there was the promise of a future. Amethysts, Jaspers, Topazes, and Rubies all speaking their own words, unafraid, where before they’d never risk such behavior even in the shadows of Homeworld.  
 The Diamond had shape shifted herself to a more reasonable height: a social skill she picked up from her time on Earth. Steven explained how most beings did not like when someone fifty times their size loomed over them while trying to have a conversation. Even more so when said giant held them in their hand and glared down. Now a bit taller than a Japser, Yellow had to agree.
 It was a bit awkward not towering above every building, but Yellow found the size change interesting. The idea would have never crossed her mind otherwise. What purpose did a Diamond have to be smaller and weaker? Yet now she saw everything from a new perspective. Rubies were small but determined. Topazes had much more passion than their bulk forms displayed. She remained hidden, watching them all.
 “You should see my colony. Volcanoes, as big as these towers! Lava everywhere!”
 “Sounds dangerous.”
 “Nah, the organics were worse. Big worms in the ground. Just one misstep and BAM you’re gone!”
 A Jasper and a Topaz were chatting it up, moving away from the main group. Behind them three Amethysts were listening to a Ruby brag about a mission.
 “Yeah, there were ten of them. Our unit was trapped, no help for miles.”
 “Woah. What did you do?”
 The Ruby crossed her arms, nodding. “Well, it was a bit unorthodox but we dug! We kept digging into the cliff and under into a cave. A huge chamber filled with crystals and”
 The Amethysts all gasped.
 “And that’s when I knew: I was gonna go into construction! Silly right? We all thought so. Then we get back and look at us now!”
 It was true. Yellow ducked behind the side of the alley as the group passed. The first decree of the Authority for Era 3 was reassignment for any Gem unhappy with their current purpose. Scholars became explorers, workers became farmers and architects, and soldiers became construction workers and even entertainers. Tasks new and old were taken up by a population willing to try new things.
 Stuck in the sidelines, Yellow felt a twinge of fear. Not of being small or alone among stranger gems or even the prospect of so much change. It was a clouded mist that grew in her: these soldiers could so easily adapt, and yet here she stood in the shadows, unsure how to even begin a new life. All she had known was commanding and control, but after helping the corrupted gems on Earth, she knew she had to do more. But there were no orders. No task to complete. Not even a direction. She was so good at following commands, but to make them up on her own?
 “Ooops, didn’t see yah there buddy.”
 The Jasper had been telling another off world story and walked straight into Yellow. At first the gems passed it off as a little accident until they saw who they are ran into.
 “M-My Diamond!”
 Yellow crossed her arms, giving her best smile. This did not help the situation. “Yes. Hello.”
 The Jasper and Topaz fell to their knees. Noticing the presence of Yellow, the other group with the Ruby quickly followed their example.
 “It is an honor to be in your radiance!”
 More soldiers in the gathering began to wander over to see what the fuss was about. Soon the entire clearing outside of the alley was filled with kneeling gems.
 “Great.” Yellow sighed, still trying to smile. “Um, there’s no need for that.” She let her arms down, walking between the gems. “Not any more, I mean.” Everyone was looking up now, confused but still kneeling. “I promise, it’s fine.”
 Some near the front began to stand back up, hesitating. Yellow stood there unable to figure out what to say next. All the planets she had conquered, all the wars she had won, all the bases she had planned: nothing helped her when it came this.
 “So. Yeah. Glad everyone is here.” Yellow knew her voice was awkwardly loud, yet she kept going. “Are you all enjoying your time back on Homeworld?”
 If there were crickets on this planet, they’d be singing in between the painful gap caused by Yellow’s question. She took a few steps back, her forced smile twitching.
 “What is going on here?”
 A commanding voice echoed over the clearing. Any gem standing or about to quickly fell back to their knees, heads bowed. Yellow let her tense shoulders relax. Saved.
 “Only a gathering, Blue.” She shouted up.
 “Yellow?” Blue’s gaze fell over the crowd to the small Diamond in the corner. “Is that you?” She leaned down, gently taking the smaller Yellow in her hand.
 “Yes.” Yellow averted her eyes, now knowing what it felt like when she picked up a lone Peridot for making a simple mistake. “I was trying something Steven taught us.”
 “Ah, yes.” Blue nodded. “The part about the size and intimidation.” She cracked a smile. It grew wider as she brought her other hand up to cover her mouth. “You look adorable.”
 “Blue, please.” Yellow exhaled hard, glancing down at the still bowing crowd. “I am trying.”
 “May like to try with you, then? I’ve had no luck with my court.” Blue frowned.
 The small Yellow reached out and rested a hand on Blue’s massive thumb. “Of course. But, maybe we should pick another spot.”
 “Oh, why?” Blue tilted her head.
 Yellow gestured down to the gathered soldiers still kneeling in silent reverence.
 “Ah. So I see.” Blue waved her free hand. “All of you, return to your duties at once.”
 Yellow flinched.
 “Erm, I mean, go about your business? Hang out?” Blue gave an awkward grin, trying to make her voice sound kinder. “Go for a walk?”
 Rising at the command, the gems exchanged confused glances.
 “I should just leave, shouldn’t I?” Blue whispered.
 Yellow nodded. “Don’t worry. I’m even worse at it.”
 Blue walked to another group of buildings: ship construction docks and various warehouses. After setting Yellow down, her form filled with light before shrinking to match her fellow Diamond’s size. Both now stood in another alleyway, away from most of the bustle.
 “Alright.” Blue looked determined. “Now what?”
 Yellow gave a shrug. “We try again.”
 A frown from Blue. “And if that fails?”
 “We try again.” Yellow sighed. “Until we get it.”
 Blue took Yellow’s hand. Their eyes met in solidarity.
 “We can do this. For the Empire.”
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authorannpaquette · 5 years
Chancen’s Sword
Not all fairies discover their ability early on, some have to wait a little. Chancen was one of them. Here’s a short story (well, short for me anyhow) about how Chancen discovers his personal ability. 
“This is your last training session before you move onto your new positions. Let’s have a few farewell three against one battle.” General Octavian’s stern gaze sweeps over the four young officers who know better than to groan or sigh or say anything other than “Yes, Sir.” The ability to read a situation and react as warranted is what drew the General’s attention to them. That and their skills in strategy, swordplay, and leadership. General Octavian studies each in turn, stopping before the tall, blue haired fairy whose iron gaze camouflages any trepidation at this announcement.
Chancen wishes he could let his shoulders sink under the General’s scrutiny and somehow magically shift his attention onto one of the others. Unable to do either, he settles for a slight shift of his wings. He won’t glance over at Fox, doesn’t want to see those piercing blue eyes bright with anticipation. Despite this, Chancen catches the slightest twitch of Fox’s hand as he fights his impatience to reach for the twin swords strapped to his back. Of course he’s excited. Fox likely wants to go first, second, and third, extending their sparring session until the four of them are nothing but layers of slick, foul smelling sweat covered in fairy forged steel. Fox excels against multiple opponents on the battlefield, thrives on it, actually.
Chancen however…
“Chancen, you’re up first. Fox, Sion, and Perth are, of course, your opponents. One sword Fox.”  General Octavian points at Fox, one sword already in hand with the second halfway out of its sheath. The blade flashes briefly before disappearing into the spider leather it calls home. Fox flashes the General a half apologetic grin.
Chancen licks his lips and nods. He knows full well one can’t improve a shortcoming if one ignores that said shortcoming exists. He doesn’t, however, have to like it. Palms sweating, he delicately clutches the hilt of his sword and pulls it free of its sheath. Wings twitch against his back, once, twice, a third time. Chancen forces his shoulders down and his chin up as he joins his opponents within the scuffed lines of the practice circle.
Sion tightens the strap of material holding his long brown hair in a tail at the nape of his neck, smoothes the imaginary loose strands around his ears, and slides his helm on. Once his looks are adjusted to perfection, Sion flashes a greasy smile at his boyhood friend, Perth. Perth adjusts his grip on his two handed sword and nudges Sion with his elbow.
Chancen fights the urge to sneer at their obvious delight in taking him on first. A practice run for them, no more, no less. Not that Chancen doesn’t make for a formidable opponent. Oh no, not one of that pair is a match for him alone. Together, however, they fight with the same rotten, mulch for brains mind. And they’re good at it too.
Fox casually saunters over to Sion’s right, deliberately standing farther than necessary. Sion and Perth likely won’t turn on him under General Octavian’s watchful eye, but it seems Fox isn’t willing to take any chances. Especially with the news they received this morning.
We’ll see whose sneering after Fox pounds the two of them under his boot.
The thought of Fox standing proudly with one boot on their wings coaxes a tight grin through the tension on Chancen’s face. He rolls his shoulders down and back before adjusting his stance, his sword ready to face whichever opponent strikes first.
“Keep the rules in mind. No flying during the training and stay on the training grounds once you begin. Oh, and try not to maim or kill each other.” General Octavian stands back with his sword held casually in one hand, ready to step in should anyone take the game too far.
Perth grins coldly at the warning.
That General Octavian felt it necessary to throw in that last bit makes it damn near impossible for Chancen to ease any of the tension building at the base of his neck. He shifts from one foot to the other checking his balance all the while fervently hoping the headache he’s about to give himself will be worth it. Though, no matter the outcome of this match, Tryssa will likely scold him and force one of her nastier flavoured concoctions down his throat, the ones she reserves for the particularly dense idiots who have nothing better to do than run around hurting themselves all day.  
Time enough to think about his soon-to-be mate’s anger late. Chancen’s three opponents share a quick look and circle in three different directions. This effectively divides his attention in four ways, one for each opponent and a fourth to keep a keen watch on his surroundings. A sudden dip in the ground or protruding root has ended these matches early in the past. His best chance was to keep the nearby tree to his back, preventing them from approaching in that direction.
They simply stare at him for the longest moment, waiting to see if he was foolish enough to attack first.
Yeah right, and lose the only defensible position on this training ground.
Sion lunges forward aiming his sword low, obviously impatient for what is likely his last opportunity to injure Chancen and claim it as an accident. Chancen brushes it aside with ease, dancing left as another blade strikes for his arm. Perth steps out of range before Chancen can retaliate, a cruel smile painted on his features.
They continue to taunt him with their blades, a sideswipe here, a lunge there, each strike hoping to dislodge Chancen from his somewhat secure position. Sweat beads on his forehead, soaking the thin pad protecting his skin from the fairy-forged steel of his helm. The wind from his movements cools the pad even as his skin heats it, creating a strange focus point for his frustration. For the moment, his opponents continue to work individually, each prodding at his fraying temper, each waiting for Chancen to make a mistake.
His temper has also lost him matches in the past.
There’s a break in the fighting, nothing more than half a breath as Scion, Perth, and Fox share a quick glance.
Hell, they’re about to rush him.
Fox leaps forward as if in response to his thoughts. Their swords meet with a sharp clang, not the sweet sound of two lovingly honed weapons meeting in song, but the scraping sound of steel grinding against steel. Chancen grunts as he deflects Fox’s weapon again and again, each strike increasing in intensity.
They are best friends, brothers even, but Fox hates to lose.
With a snarl, Sion and Perth rush in to join Fox. In a desperate move to stop three swords in one swoop, Chancen holds his blade horizontally and braces his palm against the flat surface of his sword. His feet slide against the earth with the force of the impact. A trickle of sweat escapes his forehead to travel down the length of his nose and cling to the skin between his nostrils. A quick huff of breath dislodges the droplet from its chosen perch. What a thing to worry about at a time like this! With a strength born of desperation, Chancen pushes his opponents back enough to throw a kick to Fox’s midsection, temporarily removing him from the fray.
Sion and Perth immediately fill the space Fox vacates with a flurry of swords. More than a few of the strikes hit their marks with dull thunks against his armor, thrusts and swings Chancen figures he is better off absorbing than expending the energy required to block.  Perth swings wide. Chancen easily dodges, realizing too late that he fell right into their trap. Sion strikes, locking their swords together in a test of strength, each pushing against the other to gain the extra step, the mental advantage.
“Not today.” Chancen hisses as he releases one hand from the hilt to punch Sion square in the face. Sion falls back in surprise, barely blocking Chancen’s next strike.
Perth senses an opening and lunges. The blow glances across his blade. Too late, Chancen realizes that Fox was back in play
Not only back, but already in motion.
Chancen curses his luck. Curses the General for this three on one training. Curses the sun for rising this day. Skies above! He was so close this time!
A flush rises up his ears, warming them uncomfortably. He loses again.
No. No! Chancen screams incoherently as the slim sword catches the light of the sun on its journey to his ribs. He has never wanted a second sword in his life, has watched Fox struggle early in their training to master the wielding of two blades in battle.
Now, however, he finds himself wishing for a second weapon, for a slim chance to win this matchup instead of simply doing well.
His free hand glows silver as Chancen braces for the impact. The light, unnoticeable by all except the ever vigilant General, elongates to take the form of a sword. Without a second thought, in fact, completely unaware of his actions, Chancen thrusts the blade of the light-forged weapon at Fox.
The blade inserts itself into the space between the finely crafted links protecting Fox’s left side with less effort than cutting into a fresh baked apple. Fox’s momentum comes to a screeching halt. Wide crystal blue eyes stare down at the unexpected weapon. A pale hand reaches up and twitches as if to grasp the sword. He doesn’t of course. They’ve all seen what happens to skin when it comes in contact with this the blade of a silver sword. Fox takes a shuddering breath, a sound louder than the rolling of thunder during a storm, louder than the crashing of waves against a cliff. The beating of Chancen’s heart pounds against his ears. Faster, stronger.  Someone places a hand on his shoulder. Chancen shrugs it off.
Fox’s sword drops from his hand and the world lurches once more into motion. It bounces once, twice, before settling into the dirt. A dirt it should never touch. A dirt unworthy of such a fine weapon. Fox follows the sword down, landing on his knees, his position almost casual, deliberate, as if doing nothing more than scooping his weapon from the earth. Both hands hover over the silver weapon which continues to protrude from its flesh and blood sheath.
Somehow, though he isn’t aware of having moved, Chancen is on his knees, one hand on Fox’s shoulder, the other still clutching the cursed weapon.
“Fox! Fox hold on! Gods above, I’m so sorry!”
Fox grunts, cutting off any further guilty mumblings. His gaze glazes over, eyes rolling towards the back of his head.
“Stay with me now!”
“S’ok.” Fox inhales sharply. “S’ok.”
“Don’t speak, save your energy.” General Octavian commands, one arm supporting Fox.
“Ok, breathing. Got it.” Fox huffs.
It might be an attempt at humor, to lighten Chancen’s despair. Even at a time like this, Fox is unable to think solely of himself. Chancen shakes his head. Fox’s attempts at breathing resemble nothing more than short pants which grow shallower with every passing second. His skin visibly pales, not an easy feat for someone seemingly made of moonlight, yet Fox manages to make even his peppering of freckles practically disappear.
“Healer Lyrissa’s on her way” Someone shouts from above.
A healer is coming. The best healer is coming.
Fox’s eyes roll into the back of his head as if the promise of help gives him permission to let go, and he pitches forward. Both General Octavian and Chancen catch the unconscious man before he fully skewers himself on Chancen’s sword and lay him gently on his back.
Chancen grinds his fist into the ground, mumbling sorry over and over to himself.
Tears well up, blurring his vision.
A hand firmly grasps his shoulder.
“Oh Gods, what have I done?”
“Chancen, whatever you do, don’t dispel your weapon until Healer Lyrissa tells you to.”
Dispel the weapon? That’s good advice.
“Not a moment until I say so!” A tiny blonde fairy lands beside them. Her sharp order snaps Chancen back to himself, at least for a moment. No one disobeys a direct order from Healer Lyrissa, not unless they wish for every salve and tonic to smell and taste like stinkhorn for the rest of their lives.  
“I’m sorry, Lyrissa.”
“I know, Chancen. He’ll be fine. Fox will sleep this off like nothing happened. Give me a moment to get him into a proper healer’s sleep before you dispel the sword.”
Chancen nods and tightens his grip on the hilt of the sword.
“I said dispel,” Creases gather between Lyrissa’s eyes. “Pull it out and you’ll be healing the natural way for the rest of your life!”
Chancen blinks at her harsh tone. “Lyrissa… I don’t know how.” He admits, his voice caught between the horror of stabbing his best friend and the fascination of this new ability.
Lyrissa silently pleads with the General before closing her eyes and placing a hand on Fox’s chest. The blue of a healing aura spreads from the contact and Fox’s shallow breathing relaxes into that of a deep sleep.
“Chancen,” General Octavian speaks softly as to not disturb Lyrissa, “Simply think about it disappearing. Will the sword away.”
Think about it disappearing. What wonderfully simple instructions. Chancen wishes for the sword to vanish, concentrates on holding air instead of a hilt. For the longest moment nothing happens. The hint of a headache forms between his eyes with the force of his concentration. Perhaps the instructions were a bit too simple?
“Go away.” Chancen pleads softly.
The silver weapon shimmers once before fading in a cascade of sparkles which wink out as soon as they touch Fox’s armor. Blood wastes no time in pooling out from the wound, slowly subsiding as Lyrissa seals the gash from the inside out. Color slowly returns to Fox’s cheeks and soon nothing is left of his injury but the impossibly clean cut through the tightly knit chinks of his armor.
Lyrissa lets out a relieved sigh and opens her eyes. “I trust you can get him back to the healer’s wing so we can keep an eye on him until he wakes?”
Chancen swallows hard and nods, not trusting his voice.
“Good, I’ll expect you there shortly.”
He grunts, unable to tear his gaze from his now peacefully resting friend. A nudge from General Octavian is all Chancen needs, a reminder that he still has a job to do. Between himself and the General, they manage to carry Fox to the waiting Lyrissa.
Two full days pass before Fox opens his eyes, ending Chancen’s constant vigil. The healers tried several times to send Chancen off to bed, all except Tryssa. She knows the bond between him and Fox and understands his need to be there when Fox finally wakes.
Chancen’s heart picks up speed. Heat fills his cheeks and crawls up his ears. Fox’s form blurs behind a veil of tears. There are so many things Chancen wants to say, that he’s sorry, that he’ll make it up to Fox somehow. He says nothing, quite aware of the headache which accompanies a healing. Fox groans and covers his eyes a moment before massaging his temples in an effort to dispel the pounding in his skull.
“Nice sword.” Croaks Fox.
The heat on his face crawls down his neck as the shock of Fox’s praise kicks in. Of course Chancen wasn’t expecting Fox to be angry, they’ve seen similar incidents at least twice before, but to praise the weapon that skewered him mid-fight? Chancen simply sits there, his mouth working open and close as if to say something, anything, but the words refuse to come out.
His wings twitch at the ridiculousness of the statement. A chuckle follows shortly after and Chancen is finally able to release his tension in one long, drawn out breath.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Chancen mock punches Fox’s shoulder.
“Though I’d prefer if you just showed me next time.” Fox rubs his ribs as if suffering from phantom pain.
“But how will you know how sharp it is?” Tears return with a vengeance, sliding down his cheeks.
“We’ll ask Sion to test it, how’s that?” Fox pats Chancen’s leg.
Chancen huffs a laugh through the tears. “Sounds like a plan. How do you feel?”
“Tired, hungry. But mostly tired. I think I’ll nap a little longer, ok?” Fox doesn’t wait for an answer. Simply closes his eyes and falls asleep as promptly as only Fox can. A gentle snore fills the silence of the healer’s wing, coaxing a smile onto Chancen’s lips.
Chancen wipes the moisture from his cheeks and stands. It’s high time he gets a little rest himself. He doesn’t quite remember how he manages to get all the way to his bed, only remembers the soft, inviting warmth of his pillow as he closes his eyes and falls into a deep, restful sleep.
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tealquacks · 6 years
The Song Of The Cliffs- chapter twelve
Wilford suppressed a laugh. “Why? Is this about the doctor? It is, isn't it?”
“No,” Eddy yanked him along as they walked, “It's about you. About that siren. It doesn't exist, so the body will be down there.”
“It's real,” Wilford blabbed. Shit.
Edgar only rolled his tired looking eyes, but he let go of his arm at least. Wilford still followed as he walked, and they reached the cliffs. The bar, at least, wasn't that far of a walk from the cliffs. They peered over the edge, purposely ignoring the ship in the cliffs and choosing instead to gawk at the ruddy red rocks resting below. If Wilford hadn't seen Host fall and fall the night before, bones snapping like twigs, he would've thought it was rust of some sort. But knowing that was dried, sun baked blood, made it so much worse.
Edgar stared down emptily at it before quickly beginning to climb down the cliffs. Wilford almost brought up the ship, but really, Edgar would probably rather slice his hands open on the jagged cliffs than go through the open husk of the ship. Cowardly, that man. When they first met, it was at the bar, of course, before Wilford joined the army. They drank and talked all that night, seemingly the only two people left awake in the ocean town. He talked about how the prohibition was hurting his business, but how it would get better. “Besides,” he had said, “the cops- they don’t seem to give a good goddamn about little ol’ me.”
Nobody seemed to give a good goddamn about him, the scraggly bartender that couldn’t keep himself well kept, let alone keep himself together after his wife and child died. He was just the bartender, wasn’t he? The gun felt like it was digging into Wilford’s pocket as he climbed down. How easy would it be to shoot him, say it was an accident? Or knock him down onto the same rocks Host died on?
Since when, since when was it Wilford’s decision whether or not people died? Since when was he the great decision maker, bludgeoning Bim to death with the rock, letting Host fall, even all the way back to killing Mark. But those were all accidents! (Ignoring Bim, of course, but he had to do that for Dark. For Dark.)
He made up his mind then and there, looking down at Edgar and the beach, light, frothy waves smoothing everything. Once on the beach, he would kill him. Feed him to Dark. Leave him on the beach to rot. Whatever he did, he couldn’t let him live. For Dark.
The beach was beautiful as ever, the sand smooth and warm in the morning sun. The sea lapped at the beach in an endless rhythm, and Wilford was tempted to take off his shirt since the day was so hot. He would’ve, but remembering the little bites and scratches Dark had covered him with, decided against it. It wouldn’t matter in a minute, especially after the first shot is fired… What would become of the old bar after he died, Wilford wondered? Would it go up for auction just like Mark’s mansion, or would it be left to rot, old, old wood collapsing in on itself now that it wasn’t being cared for. Wilford chuckled- the bar was so much like the man who ran it.
“Wilford. Wilford!” Edgar snapped his fingers at him, Wilford jolting out of his thoughts. “He landed around here, didn’t he?”
Wilford nodded, setting his hand on the pocket with the gun in it. He turned away from Edgar, pretending to scavenge the rocks for Host’s body. Wilford took a look out at the beach, from the rocks clustered close to the cliffs that gradually shifted into the sand of the beach, then the ocean itself. Maybe Dark was watching him now, watching his fingers twitch as they craved for the jolt of a gun going off in them. Don’t worry, he wanted to tell Dark, it’ll all be over soon. Then I’ll go to you.
He turned around, feeling his heart race and his hands start shaking. Edgar was up to his knees in the ocean water, probably trying to see if Host’s body had gone out to sea. The wrecked ship loomed in the distance, down the cliff side but still standing proud despite its dilapidation. Wilford walked closer to Edgar, trying to keep his steps light in the roar of the sea. He could feel the blood pounding through his veins, every little nerve in his body alight with nervous energy and excitement, the same feelings that sent him down the cliffs to Dark, that let him kill Bim, that helped him drag Host to the maw of the ocean.
Eddy turned to face him, not doing much, just looking at him. Then, he spoke.
“You should warm people, if there’s actually a siren. I could get some people together, we could hunt it down.” He was laughing, knee deep in the ocean. “Instead of a drawing of a siren, we could have the whole damn thing. We could- hahah, we could stuff it!”
The image of Dark, still and lifeless, flashed behind his eyes. He drew his gun, holding it in one shaking hand, aiming for Eddy’s head. Messy hair. The man turned around, but Wilford couldn’t bring himself to fire. Eddy stood. Still. Shaking hands. His heart was racing in his chest as Eddy put up his hands in surrender, not saying a word. Wilford looked into the distance of the ocean, a small smile gracing his face as he loaded the gun, still squarely pointed at Eddy’s head.
“Wilford,” Eddy quietly begged, “put down the gun.”
The smile returned to Wilford’s face.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do that.”
Edgar took a step forward. Wilford let him. The waves were pushing and pulling at them, roars sounding like the ambient sound of the war, back in the trench, back in the sea.
Eddy spoke quietly. “We won’t be finding Host’s body any time soon, will we?”
Another step forward. Hands still high in the air. He looked even more pathetic like this, soaked and dirty and fearful. Another step. What was the point? Shoot the bastard. Shoot him. Shoot.
“You killed him!”
“No, I didn’t. It was an accident.”
“Then where the fuck is his body?!?”
Wilford went silent, afraid to say any more. Realization hit Edgar like a train.
“The siren…”
“Is real? I’ve told you time and time again and only now do you believe me? God, Eddy! How dense are you? Look out there! At the ocean! Nobody has ever seen the whole of it so of course there could be a siren in those waters! And there is one!”
“Host was your friend! And you let that siren get him?”
Eddy took another step forward. So close that Wilford could smell alcohol on his uneven breaths. Was he drunk? Did he know what was going on? Wilford silently hoped he was drunk, that he thought all of this was a bad dream. Eddy’s hands looked like they were shaking. Wilford’s finger twitched at the trigger. Gazed out to the sea again, almost expecting to see Dark perched elegantly on a rock, smiling with his beautiful fangs, and it almost looked like he had the mouth of the tiger. It almost looked like his fangs were like white crystals in a geode. It was Bim, Host, and Mark, all in one smile, all of them trapped behind pretty teeth-
The gun wasn’t in his hands anymore. Wilford reeled back as he stared in front of him, gun now in Edgar’s hands. Held steady. His hair was a mess. Had he ever shot anyone before? No, he wouldn’t shoot him.
“Edgar, we can be… friendly about this. We’re friends, right?”
“You were going to shoot me! You tried to kill me!”
Wilford grinned wildly, hysteric.
“I never actively tried to, it’s all a misunderstanding- if you could give me the gun-“
He lunged at Edgar, who yelped and fell back, both of them now in the warm water. Wilford struggled to find the gun, which was still firmly in Edgar’s hand even as he thrashed and screamed, using up the precious oxygen in his lungs. Metal. Something metal. He grabbed something metal. The gun! He had it! Knees digging into Edgar’s chest, he glared down at him, knowing he looked soaked and psychotic. Trigger, where’s the trigger, where’s the gun even pointed to? Still struggling underneath him, Edgar moved his hand to the trigger. Wilford didn’t have time to stop him-
The gun went off with a bang. The water was running red. Whose blood was it? Edgar was shifting, standing quickly- oh. Oh. Oh no.
Wilford had been shot before, he took a bullet to the leg in the war. This was worse, this was different, the bullet firmly lodged in his chest. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t get his head above the water again. Edgar stared down at him, face obscured through the water. Wilford clutched at his chest, the pain so intense from the blood and the shot and the salt. Lungs burning. Everything burning. He heard a splash as Edgar dropped the gun, still looking horrified. The man pulled Wilford back bit by bit, until Wilford was heaving air and screaming, clawing at the wound. The bartender tried to put pressure on it, accidentally squeezing the wound and making it bleed worse. Idiot. Idiot! What’re you doing!
“I’m going to go get Edward,” Edgar sounded panicked, “I’ll be right back, I promise.”
I thought you cared about me, you bastard! Wilford wanted to yell, I thought you said you loved me! Stay! Save me, goddamnit!
But it was too late for that, wasn’t it..? Blood was pouring from the wound. Thick, hot blood that smelled like iron and ocean water, and he was absolutely soaked, his bag and the drawings inside it ruined. At least there was one in the bar. Hah. Edgar ran through the sand, and Wilford tried to crawl to him, being immediately blinded by pain. Blood wouldn’t stop soaking his shirt- he was losing a lot of it and it wouldn’t stop coming from the wound. Everything was dark and fuzzy as he saw a shadow streak through the water… his head rested on the sand. Light. The sun. Then, someone was on top of him. Face soft. Beautiful. Scared. No more sun. The person was casting a shadow. Dark. Dark. Dark.
“You need to go,” Wilford choked out, the pain nearly blinding to him, “He’ll come back, he’ll see you…”
Dark shook his head as the world spun once more, and Wilford felt himself being pulled into the ocean, watching as Edgar climbing up the cliffs became just a messy, blurred dot in the distance. The gun in the water was the last thing he saw before it all went dark.
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