#cullen x rose
theluckywizard · 1 year
HI LUCKY i am once again asking for a smut emoji prompt fill:
cullen / rose / 🛀🏻 / ❄️
Thank you for this opportunity to torture my blorbos. This is easily one of the most painful pieces I've ever written so weeeeeeeee. Also I did not do a final proof read soooo... yeah. For @dadrunkwriting Somehow this piece clinches all of the following square (kind of incidentally for the Whumptober ones lol) WHUMPTOBER BINGO: Pinned down, Aftermath of Failure, Troubled Past Resurfacing, Goodbye Note and Betrayal KINKTOBER BINGO: Begging, pain play (play might be a stretch, but there's a lot of pain during sex)
Rating: Explicit CW: Sex, sex while recovering from severe injuries, there's a lot of pain emotional and physical WC: 3650
Summary: Cullen is recovering from severe injuries after an encounter with Samson in Emprise du Lion in Rose's quarters. Rose has been nursing her anger and anguish for weeks and it all comes spilling out at last.
We’d found him in a grove above the Tower of Bone camp battered and unconscious, pinned to the ground with his own blade through his left shoulder. I’d grown so accustomed to waking to an empty bed that it didn’t faze me initially. But he’d left a note, a short one, and based on our conversations and the persistence of his ruminations and silent brooding, I knew, I knew what it meant. 
Forgive me.
The flood of nausea was immediate. I was forever competing with his obsession with Samson and on that day it all came to a head. I’d asked him to stay at Skyhold while we dealt with Emprise, keenly aware of how deeply red lyrium affects him. But he insisted that he should be there to help deal with the templars and I couldn’t find the will to fight him on it. I didn’t have the strength to resist the force of his stubbornness. Not on this. 
And I wish to the Maker that I had.
Even with the healing draughts on hand we quickly found their limits. They’d only mended him enough that he became aware of the pain and then all we could do is sedate him for the journey back to Skyhold. He’d need bed rest and the skill of our best healers at Skyhold to repair the broken bones and torn ligaments properly and it was an eleven day ride by carriage, stopping in every reasonably large Orlesian town to seek the aid healers with greater skill than those we had with us.
I had him installed in my quarters upon returning, ignoring Ellendra’s bloody impertinent looks and raised eyebrows. Maker knows everyone in the Inquisition understood we’d gotten together at last. And he wanted to work even though Rylen had it well in hand. 
I’m going to allow him to compromise his own recovery. 
Not after he denied me the chance to talk sense into him with regard to Samson.
“How much longer am I to be kept here? Are you my lady or my boss?” he complains, propped up in bed by the mountain of pillows I’d made for him earlier. All the contusions and lacerations have long since healed, but he hobbles to see me at my desk like a centenarian and I know I’m right in keeping him a little longer.
“When you can climb that bloody ladder to your loft yourself, you can go back to your own quarters,” I tell him, standing and leaning in gently to kiss him.
“You can hold me, you know. You won’t break me.” 
It’s true, I’ve been keeping him at an arms length, clutching his hand from across the mattress so that I don’t accidentally roll onto him at night. I tell myself I’ve been terrified of causing him greater pain. But really it’s the anger. It nests inside me, burrowing deep, severing all the little tethers between us. I’ve been wondering if I’ll ever cauterize the wound inside me. It’s still bleeding.
He returned to a small measure of duty a week ago, taking briefs in my quarters with his closest lieutenants, trying to alleviate the awkwardness by complaining lightly to them about my solicitousness and the stubbornness I’d shamefully reasserted long after I should have.
I slip my arms around him gingerly feeling the anger squash between us. Sighing into the scent of elfroot salve and earth and elderflower that amalgamate to make up him, it evaporates for the moment. I long for a mutual squeeze, so I can squeeze the feeling, the questions that have been ravaging me into him. 
How could you leave me like that? 
Why didn’t you trust me?
But for now, I surrender to the comforts: his nose and lips nuzzling over my face, the warmth of his body radiating through our comparatively thin casual clothing, the glow of aurum in his eyes as the brightness of the whiteout conditions outside reflects within them. He’s recovered enough that the hunger of his body is readily apparent, bearing into me more than any other part of him. And it’s been weeks without his touch, exacerbating the gulf— real or imagined— between us. I can feel the sensation low inside me, my body opening to him, the yearning taut in my belly. 
But the bell tinkles above us to let us know someone is below and I remember what I’d arranged. I hold up a finger and stride over to the stairwell.
“Come up!” I call. 
“Come up?” Cullen says in a mild panic. I ease him into my desk chair and toss a blanket into his lap with a mildly threatening smile. 
The first things that arrive are two copper tubs, carried in by staff I’d paid extra out of my personal stipend. Then comes the water, hauled two buckets at a time by a string of staff lengthy enough that no one has to make more than one agonizing trip up the six floors of tower steps. 
Cullen sits pink cheeked through it all, no doubt worrying over what everyone must think of us, having two bath tubs prepared side by side.
“A little extravagant, Rose,” he remarks, a little tick of consternation marring his brow.
“Since you’ve been resisting more healing sessions, this is the next best thing,” I tell him, perching on my desk in front of him, his legs stretched out on either side of mine from my chair. 
“But two tubs? Maker’s breath.”
“Yes two. And it’s not what you think,” I say and the bell rings again. “And now you’ll see.”
A staff member comes huffing up the stairs with two large buckets of crushed ice which they lug into my chamber and dump artlessly into one of the tubs. They hand me a palm sized rune on their way out. 
“An ice bath?” he says looking at me like I’m mad. 
“Ellendra says an ice bath will keep your inflammation down and help you recover more quickly. So you can return to your cursed loft,” I tell him with tense, scolding brows, bending to kiss him. I hold up the rune. “And then you can take a warm bath with me after.” I drift over to the warm tub and drop the rune in.
“Oh I don’t think so, Rose. I’m not getting into that tub of ice unless you are,” he says emphatically. He thinks he’s outfoxed me but never one to back away from one of his little challenges, I drop my robe, calling his bluff and swish my fingers into the shocking cold of the first tub. If it means he’ll get some proper care, I’ll do it. 
Cullen shakes his head at me, hobbling over and I catch him halfway, looping my arm under his and around his middle to help him the rest of the way. 
“You’re a terror,” he says with a scolding eye, undressing and wincing and fixing his eyes upon the ice filled water with anticipatory dread. When I pull the nightgown I’ve been lounging around in all day over my head, Cullen’s eyes sweep over me, his breath snagging his his throat and he pulls me back to him again. Breathing warmth into my neck, he rakes his fingernails over my shoulders and then my back like he might just take me right here, powerless against his own saved up lust.
“You’re not getting out of this that easily,” I gasp, when he grazes his fingers between my thighs. “But perhaps we can continue this discussion after the ice bath if you’re cooperative.” And yet I can’t find the determination to stay his hand. He fixes his eyes to mine as he dips a finger into me, gently, like he’s about to taste the cream on a dessert. I shake my head from side to side even as my knees weaken when he nudges my clit with the heel of his palm. 
He’d been such an eager student, asking and practicing and remembering, my pleasure an unwritten tome to fill with his discoveries. And I’d been just as eager to find out what made him grip his bedsheets by the handful or groan open mouthed and unrestrained.
I will myself to stop him.
“After,” I insist, helping with him with his clothes which he insists he can do on his own. I wander bare to my desk for my hour glass. “We’ll climb in together and sit for the prescribed five minutes making miserable faces at each other and then emerge utterly reborn. Well. In theory.” I don’t bother with managing my reflexive gape as my eyes devour his sculpted form, his skin flushed under the soft spread of golden hair across his chest and the hardened length of his cock bobbing gently as he turns to me. It took months to convince him to stop hiding it from me and I reward his comfort by biting my lip gently before reaching up on my toes to sweep my open mouth against his.
“We could skip the ice bath,” he suggests, his breath tight in his chest as his finger traces down my upper arm.
“And render all the hard work our staff did moot? I don’t think so. Together?” I ask and I’m met with a pained, defeated expression. I slip my arm under his around his back and steady him while he lifts a leg into the tub, a sharp gasp snagging in the back of his throat as he steps in. I follow suit, standing in the tub fully, my heart fluttering in response to the breathtaking cold and reach to help him in behind me.
“You’re punishing me, aren’t you?” he says. The corner of my lips twitch slightly because the thought had crossed my mind, but no. I just want him to recover fully.
“We’re going to sit down together on a count of five,” I tell him and he sighs hopelessly, the tawny gaze that I’ve coveted nearly since I first laid eyes upon it connects with mine like it’s a lifeline. “We’re going to survive. It’s just ice water. It’s just five minutes.” I flip the hourglass and count down and then we ease in, puffs of strained breath and agony jumping from our lungs. We submerge to our shoulders and he tugs me to him immediately requiring a scold for cheating.
“Maker’s breath. Five minutes?!” he bleats desperately.
“We can sing all the known verses of Andraste’s Mabari. It’ll be over before you know it.”
“I only know two. How many do you know?! I recall you not knowing any that night at Harritt’s.”
“None! But I can mumble along with you. Or make some up.”
Cullen half rises from the water and I cock my head to challenge him on that move, stubbornly staying inside the bone chilling vat. He sinks back down wiltingly, glancing at the hour glass.
“How can we be sure any of our parts will work after this?” he complains, his teeth chattering.
“We can’t. We’ll just have to find out.” 
We gasp and bicker our way through the remainder of the sands, our eyes trained fiercely upon the last grains that spiral through the glass isthmus with painstaking deliberation. He rises first— too quickly and I need to lunge forward to assist him out of the tub so he doesn’t exacerbate some strain or tear he’s still nursing. Stepping into the next tub we gasp nearly as much as we did in the first— the relative warmth feeling like it’s scalding our skin.
I insist on bathing him, training my eyes on the soapy wash cloth as I run it over each curve of him, failing to ignore the new scar, the evidence of his betrayal. The anger I’ve been managing so carefully jostles against the cage I’ve got it in. Swiping trails of suds over his chest then his clavicles and shoulders and around the his back, I can feel his gaze upon me, watching me, waiting for me to look at him. But even at this distance, I find my emotions brewing into a quiet storm, churning behind my carefully fixed gaze.
“Rose,” he says, knowing the way my face holds tension, knowing what it means when my quiet stretches too long. I can’t look at him yet, afraid of what might spill from my lips.
“Darling.” It’s softer. A plea. I let him tug me closer and allow myself to look at it, the healing wound. The backs of his fingers stroke down my cheek and then across my lips. I clasp his hand against my face, my eyes slipping closed, feeling the heft of his palm like it could erase some small scrap of the anguish inside me. Laced gently together in the warm bath, we trace wet fingers over and around each others twin scars, our thoughts circling closer to one another.
“I’ve been wondering if you’ll ever be able to forgive me.” We speak simultaneously across the short span between us. The silence aches while I search for words.
“I nearly lost you.”
“I know.” His voice is a hoarse whisper, penitent, his eyes glossy and guilt-ridden.
“I’m just scared. Of what’s becoming of you. This obsession of yours— it’s so personal. I’m scared there will be nothing left of you when all is said and done.”
“I know.”
“And it kills me that I can’t save you from this.”
“Rose. I know.” 
I run my finger gently over the taut red line just below his collar bone again, made by his own sword. It had been a warning. Samson could have ended him. But he didn’t, like a filament of friendship still connected them even as bitter rivals in a war for the fate of the world.
“You have to stop. Let me handle it.” I beg him as though I couldn’t stay him with an order alone. But I’ve never wielded my superiority over him in such a way. Cullen’s ragged sigh betrays him. I find myself pleading with him. “I’ll go to Dumat with my best people. We’ll find him. We’ll find Maddox.”
“Let’s not speak of this. Not right now,” he whispers, touching my cheek. “I love you. Kiss me.”
I submit to his command, bracing myself gingerly on the edges of the tub to lean in and kiss him. 
We pause to regard each other, the brilliance of his eyes muted to a soft tawny hazel in shadow but there’s intensity there. I know the need that aches behind his eyes, it aches inside me too. I want to drive our agony into one another, through one another. He crushes me against him, our mouths meet with unprecedented wildness. We consume one another, slipping and clinging clumsily in the sloshing bathwater, our arousal proof of life after everything. But ungainly in the tub, I stumble against a particularly sensitive spot and he cries out in pain. Pulling back reflexively, I give him space to stretch and he shakes his head at me, his eyes smoldering into mine like they could ignite me. 
“No, come back,” he breathes.
“I’ll hurt you.”
“I don’t care.”
“Then let’s get to bed where it’s a bit softer,” I propose. At his nod, I rise from the tub and step out carefully, wrapping my shoulders in a towel before returning to help him. He groans and winces as he rises and steps out of the tub. When I turn to fetch him a towel he arrests me by my elbow and pulls me to him, his body slick against mine, wet fingers impressing into my rear as he draws me in and backs slowly toward my bed.
“We have to have be careful,” I fret, as he grazes his lips over my neck.
“No,” he insists. “I need this. All of you. Please.”
“Then let me— I could go down,” I suggest, grasping him firmly, his erection warm and heavy in my hand.
“Please,” he says again, tugging us back onto my bed. Even this short tumble elicits an agonized grunt of discomfort and I roll to his side.
“You’ll get reinjured. Your hip—“”
“The bone is mended.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Maker, Rose. Just wreck me,” he says, his frustration and hunger plain. I can’t help the way my eyes widen into unblinking shock at the expression. At the desperation that’s driven him to such vulgarities. “I need you. I need to feel you.”
Stuffing the unresolved feelings down, I run my hand over his damp chest, raking my fingers through the golden hairs. I try to regard him as I once had when everything between us was less fraught. When the beauty of his eyes left me dumbstruck. The way I’d marveled at the sprinkling of freckles across his nose and the sharp cut of his jaw. How I’d ached for him to be mine.
Leaning down gently I brush my nose against his, remembering that uncomplicated feeling. Willing it into existence.  
“I love you.” I will those words too.
We lose ourselves in a kiss, so utterly detached that his slight groans and whimpers of pain disappear into the haze that holds us. Our cold lips and warm tongues ply for whatever’s left of one another. Cullen lifts my leg over his hips and we bear into each other, the pleasure surging in jolts as he thrusts past my entrance.
“Maker,” he gasps, as I draw my hips back, withholding. “Please.”
“You really want this?” I ask, ferocity escaping my hold, like my anger wishes to play as well. 
“I do,” he mutters against my lips.
When he churns his hips against me, I tilt mine until he can push into me, the friction and our heat mingling, prompting broken gasps from both our lips. I brace myself against the headboard and ride him, the fury I’m desperately trying to hold back slipping out, suffusing through my movements. Cullen grits his teeth against the pain.
“More,” he begs. It seems absurd, watching him strain against the force of it, gripping a handful of pillow and another of bedsheets with blanching knuckles, but I oblige him, driving down upon him until sweat beads at my hairline and between my breasts. His eyes never leave mine, the creases between his brows deep even as he looks penitent beneath me, glossy with tears that won’t spill.
His breathing grows shallow and erratic, taut puffs as his climax builds. I relax and let myself open to my own, pleasure aching in my core, my entire body flushed and charged. He reaches up for my breast and the intensity of it too much and I snatch his hand away, pinning it above him and come, riding it out amidst my curses and exclamations, my thrusts growing more fitful and convulsive. I drop my head over his chest but Cullen grasps my chin with his free hand and asserts his fierce gaze, climaxing himself as I dissolve above him. 
He almost never cries out, but today it erupts from him like a caged beast, his hips arching high into me, nearly bucking me onto his chest. He gathers me against him, grimacing and groaning as the pleasure dissipates enough for the pain to break through. As my own surges of ecstasy settle, my emotions wrestle free of my exhausted grip and I wash him in tears. The questions loom heavily even while his fingers tips brush lightly over my back, even as his lips press softly against my hair. His chest jerks from the same sort of restrained sob as mine, matching shudders inside our ribs.
“Why?” I croak the word out from where I’ve kept it all these weeks. “Why, Cullen?”
“I— I felt,” his voice breaks. “I felt it was my responsibility to deal with him.”
“Responsibility?” I ask, my hackles rising. I lift my head to smear the fluids from my nose and eyes and lay it back down again. “Let’s talk about responsibility. You leave me in bed with naught be a good bye note and offer yourself up to him on a platter. Cullen, you know what his powers are like. Better than anyone.”
“I don’t know what came over me. I— I’m sorry. I— think the red lyrium must have clouded my thinking.”
“The red lyrium isn’t what has you obsessed with him. You were ready to leave me over this. Forever. I’ve never felt more alone in these last few weeks.” I lift my head again to stare him down. “Do you know what it was like to find you like that?”
“I would do anything to undo it.” 
“You’re my love. And Maker, you’re the commander of my army— and I don’t know how I can trust you again. Do you know how that feels?”
“I’ll make it up to you, Rose. I promise,” he says, reaching to clutch my cheek.
“You were pinned to the ground by your own blade. You were so broken you were nearly unrecognizable. How are you going to take that memory from me?”
Cullen’s tears spill over.
“I’m sorry, Rose.” He avoids those other words, the words he’d written on that too-big piece of paper and left on our nightstand. But sorry won’t cut it either.
I roll gently to the mattress and his hand follows, tracing warm strokes up and down my waist. I don’t know what I hoped would come of this conversation, but I’m left feeling unfulfilled, my grief and distress still roiling about within my breast. My next words escape me, petulant and resentful.
“You were meant to be the steady one.” I hear his breath catch and I regret them as soon as they’ve slipped past my lips. His sigh flutters and he swallows. He withdraws his hand, a void gaping wide between us.
“Well. That was your mistake then.”
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volturissideslut · 2 months
I saw that you wanted Rosalie requests so here I am 🙇‍♀️
Could you do general relationship hcs with Rosalie? Either gn or fem please 🌹
𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
Yes I do, absolutely I do!! Roll in requests for the girlies of anything i write please please please. I wrote this as more of a random day in life with her
During her human life Rosalie was definitely wishing for that American dream life with a white picket fence and a husband and kids, maybe even to be able to holiday on boats and abroad. But when all is said and all is done she could not be more happy with her life than she is with you right now.
Your hair is a little messy, coming loose from the plaits she had put it in just that morning, but you look just as gorgeous as ever. With a smile she watches on as you ask her questions from under the car, holding back laughter as she answers.
"Yes yes dear, that's the one to change the oil"
"Are you sure, Rose? You're not even looking" you huff and she can hear the pout in your voice, and knows the way your tongue must be poking at the inside of your cheek the way it always does in mock irritation.
"I'm sure darling. I've been working with cars like this since they came out" she's sure you can tell she's holding back a smile as well, having been together long enough. Still, her teeth find themselves gently biting into the inside of her mouth to stop her widespread smile from appearing. "now pull already, would you?"
And when you do she can no longer hold back her laughter, the back of her hand rushing to cover her mouth. You squirm and shriek from under the the car and immediately pull yourself out from under. A deadpan stare is thrown your girlfriend's (soon to be fiance, not that you know yet) way.
And she breaks, practically folding in half as she stifles her laugh. "We all have to do it once!" is her excuse as she takes in the oil patch stain on your right shoulder, smearing itself up to your cheek. "I'm sorry I'm sorry" she lets out between laughs, completely unapologetic.
With playful vengeance in mind you let your expression sweeten. "That's okay darling. Kiss and make up"
You stand from the floor and watch Rosalie's face drop in realisation. "No! No! I said I'm sorry!" she please as you step towards her menacingly, fully intent on giving her a big cuddle and a sloppy kiss. Gotta spread the love (oil).
"C'mon baby, thought you loved me" you give clearly fake and menacing puppy eyes as you back her into a corner.
"You can love me from afar " she says, still laughing. But you know she doesn't care really. She's a vampire and could easily stop this and step away if she wanted to. She could walk away or stop you in your place. Instead she resigns to the corner, still grinning in mischief as you close in on her with a hug.
"Awhhh share the love!" you say in playful enthusiasm, rubbing your oil-covered arm and shoulder over her to transfer as much as possible. Meanwhile, Rose pushes herself against the wall laughing like a fearful girlfriend who has been tickled and shrivels in laughs.
With a final unladylike laugh from her she gives in, giving you a big fat wet smooch on the lips which smears more oil onto her cheek than there even seemed to be on yours.
"I think we ought to shower" her voice is quiet in its place near your ear.
"I think so too" and just like that you're whisked away. Mess be damned, Rose has a girlfriend to tend to and she can sort that out later. Maybe actually change the car oil too.
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lonleywriters-blog · 2 years
Hi can i please get headcanons for the cullens with a human female s/o that is very afraid of needles and she has to get like a flu shot and they are trying to calm maybe carlisle gives her the shot
Thx i love u and ur work so muck its not even funny
OMG thank you so much for the support
Cullen's with human s/o afraid of needles getting a shot
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Jasper can feel how anxious and fearful you are and he feels so bad. He will use his gift to calm you down the best he can. Edward can hear your thoughts racing. "It's alright bunny we will be here the whole time!" Alice say attempting to calm you down a bit. You were clearly afraid the whole family is there trying to help you calm down. Esame will bring a home made treat to help your nerves and blood pressure. Emmett will tell stupid jokes to distract you while rose strokes your hair. Carlisle will come in and try not to let you see the needle knowing it will make it worse. "Hey baby look at me" rise says as she gently lifts your chin to look you in the eyes. You know you are about to feel the needle prick you and the build up makes it worse. You feel the shot and winter as tears prick your eyes. "Hey it's okay baby all over, you are okay." Carlisle kisses you check and puts a cute bandaid on your arm. They will give you so much affection that day and comfort you constantly. Carlisle reminds you to move your arm every once in awhile so it's not sore later.
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philtatosbuck · 1 year
"edward and bella would've never been together if he wasn't a vampire" is a crazy statement because they're quite frankly the couple that would've most likely gotten together in a modern no vampire retelling. edward and bella started as fucking lab partners or some shit to begin with. what do you mean they're the only couple who wouldn't be together without vampirism they are frankly the most likely couple???
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x09
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softpinkprincipessa · 8 months
Fantasy couples that give Elriel vibes Part 2:
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Alice and Jasper - The Twilight Saga (2008-2012)
A couple that I don’t think I need to embellish too much on, so I will simply state that they are the poster “sunshine-weird-girl” and “tortured-broody-boy” combination. Jasper and Alice also scream “LIGHT and DARK” vibes which we all know is a core of theme for Elriel.
Elain - Alice:
Both possess the primary Seer ability = foresight/precognition
Both are very sweet, kind and gentle but also possess a strangeness due to their unique abilities (can be perceived by others as madness).
Azriel - Jasper:
Both are haunted by their violent pasts and upbringings and both possess permanent scarring because of this.
Both Azriel and Jasper have killed or tortured people as their main occupation; the only difference being Jasper was manipulated into doing this by his former lover; whereas Azriel continues to do this under the orders of his High Lord (important side note: Azriel DOES NOT KILL OR TORTURE INNOCENT PEOPLE especially children!!!!)
Both have “failed” former romantic relations although for very different reasons- Jasper’s being that it was all manipulation and no love and Azriel’s being unrequited love (side note: no hate or blame for Mor here at all! it is what it is, just sad that she can’t feel like she can be honest with him)
Another big reason why I love this couple comparison is because Alice and Jasper do not follow the “enemies to lovers” trope and we know that Elriel do not either (thank God).
I want to say there is a “love-at-first-sight” trope with both but I know that people may get the ick with that. However I will confidently say that both couples have instant connection and attraction and what I love most of all is the soft reverence and devotion that is displayed through their interactions (It is so refreshing to see this in the SJM world and I pray we see more of that in Elriel book).
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stinkymoldman · 19 days
Im begging yall… Please just update your abandoned long burn 😫😫
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Midnight Roses (2)
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This fic contains canon-typical violence and behaviours, manipulation, mentions of death, murder, orphans, pain, blood, blood drinking, torture, memory manipulation, prison, and criminals.
Chapter 2
The relief on Aro’s face as you stepped into the throne room was visible for everyone to see.
“Our family is whole again.”  He purred, “Welcome home (Name).”
You grinned, “I apologise for the delay in my return.  There were a few pests I needed to deal with.”
“And have they been?” Alabaster inquired.
You shook your head and gazed at your friend with a touch of annoyance, “If they weren’t dealt with, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”
“Just checking.  Claymore told me to say hello.”
“Please give my regards to him.”  You replied before greeting Sulpicia, Athenodora, Felix, Jane, and Alec.
Moments later, you climbed the dais and Aro held out his hand.  Without hesitation, you placed your hand in his.  Aro’s eyes glazed over as he viewed your memories.
“You did well,” he praised, releasing your hand.
You greeted Caius with a nod which he returned and after promising to sit down with him for a game of chess, you made your way over to Marcus’ throne.  When you were close enough, the King rested his elbow on the arm of his throne and you linked your fingers with his.
Had you not had visitors, Marcus would have pulled you onto his lap and held you close.  You felt a brief stab of resentment that that wasn’t the case.
“You’re Marcus’ mate!” A golden-eyed, auburn vampire cried.
“And you’re rude.”  Alabaster snapped back. 
“Edward, control yourself.”  Aro chided.
“So, you’re the mind-reader Aro told me about,” you fixed the young-looking vampire with a glare.
“Indeed he is.”  Aro allowed.  “Permit me to introduce you to the Cullens.”
Quickly Aro introduced you to each member of the Cullen family.  Aro introduced Bella last, as she was the youngest of the family, and you focused on her as Caius spoke.
“To further prove that your relationship with Edward is not a good one, can you explain why you were okay with Edward climbing into your room at night to watch you sleep repeatedly?”
“That crosses so many lines,” you spoke before Bella could.  “At the very least, it’s breaking and entering.”
Bella winced, “He said it was soothing.”
“I’m noticing a pattern here,” Jane remarked.  “Everything seems to come down to Edward’s wants and desires.  I believe that is called manipulation and it has no part in a meaningful relationship.”
“I agree,” Rosalie spoke.  Had you met her when you were at Camp before you met the Volturi and found out that you were Marcus’ mate, you would have asked her for styling tips.  There was a casual elegance to her that you found yourself admiring.
“Rest assured, we will definitely be bringing this to Carlisle and Esme’s attention,” she continued.
“There’s no need for that.”  Edward protested, “I was there to protect Bella from harm.  Yes, I did find it soothing but my main intention was to protect Bella.”
“I find that very hard to believe,” Alabaster leant forwards.  “Despite the liberties that some immortals take in our world,” each member of the Volturi knew that he was referencing the Greek gods and not the vampires around the globe, “there are lines that even they do not cross.  Well, except for one immortal.”
“Yes, but he’s never been very good with self-control.”
Alabaster immediately understood who you were referring to.
“What happens now?” Jasper inquired.  There was an undertone in his voice similar to the one Sulpicia had when she spoke.  Like Sulpicia, the undertone in Jasper’s voice suggested that he was much older than he appeared to be but you doubted that he was as old as Sulpicia who had been the last Roman demigod born before Rome fell.
“That is part of our dilemma,” Aro admitted.  “The last time that you visited us, you were permitted to leave under the condition that you were changed into a vampire in the near future as we believed that you were truly Edward’s mate.  Knowing what we do now,” Aro gazed stonily at Edward.  “I do not believe that it would be in any of our best interests if you were to leave here with Edward and resume your relationship as if nothing had occurred.”
“You’re going to force me to stay here?!” The volume of Bella’s voice and the outrage in her tone had the Volturi guard snarling.
“NO!”  Edward roared before going rigid.
“Perhaps then, you would prefer my second suggestion.”  Aro continued as if there had been no interruption. 
“I’m not listening to anything you have to say until she” Bella shot a venomous look at Jane, “stops hurting him.”
“And the gods thought I was petulant,” Alabaster muttered.  You did your best to stifle a snort of amusement.
Edward remained immobile on the floor.
“Jane, you’ve had your fun.”  Aro chided.  “While some of us have eternity to wait until Edward learns manners, others do not.”
Clearly disappointed, Jane released Edward from her control and the young vampire laid on the floor panting unnecessarily.
“My second suggestion is that members of the Volturi guard and perhaps a King,” Aro looked at Marcus from the corner of his eye, “journey with you to Forks.  There we will monitor your relationship with Edward and should we deem it necessary, permanently dissolve the relationship.”
“You have that much power?” Bella gasped.
Demetri smiled mockingly, “And more.”
Marcus’ thumb rubbed reassuringly across your knuckles as he tried to ease your mind.  You knew that he wasn’t fond of leaving Volterra and would not do so unless he absolutely had to.  You forced down the desire to complain.  You had just returned to your mate and now Aro wanted to send him on a mission despite his clear reluctance?  It wasn’t fair.
“You know why he would suggest Marcus over Caius.”  The more rational side of your brain whispered, “Marcus is known for his skills throughout the vampiric world as a diplomat while Caius is known as the ‘blood-thirsty one.’  If a situation were to break out in Forks, Marcus would diffuse it unless it threatened your safety or the Volturi’s.  Then he could be even blood-thirstier than Caius.”
“May I propose a third option, Aro?”
Startled, you gazed at Alabaster who was regarding the Vampire King with a contemplative expression.  Aro’s lips twitched and you realised that Aro had planned this.  The Cullens had acted exactly the way that he knew they would.
Silently and with an amused lilt to his lips, Aro gave Alabaster permission to voice his option.
“I propose that I cast a time distortion spell which will allow Bella and the Cullens to remain in Italy for a week.  Then based on the observations we have made with our own eyes; we shall pass judgement and decide upon our next course of action.”
Emmett stepped forward, “If we spend a week here, how much time will pass in Forks?”
“One hour.”  Alabaster replied.
Emmett grinned, “His proposal sounds reasonable.”
“EMMETT!” Alice shrieked in betrayal.
Rosalie’s jaw locked as she glared at her ‘sister.’  “Be careful how you address my mate.”  She warned threateningly, “Emmett speaks the truth.”
“I agree,” Jasper drawled. 
“Even if Alice and Edward disagree with Alabaster’s proposal, like I think they’re going to, there’s one more opinion to consider.  It’s Bella’s.  The question is: will she agree with Alabaster’s proposal?  Or will she try and maintain her standing in the Cullen family by siding with Edward and Alice?”
“Will the magic have different effects on the different residents of Forks?”  Bella questioned.
Alabaster arched a critical brow, “No.  My magic does not discriminate between what some might call the mythological beings of the world.  One hour for a human will be one hour for a vampire.”
“In that case,” Bella chewed her bottom lip for a few moments before coming to a decision.  “Your proposal makes sense.”
“Splendid!” Aro crowed triumphantly, “Then we shall proceed with Alabaster’s plan.  Cast the spell if you would, Alabaster.”  The delight on his face was visible for everyone in the throne room to see.  Caius, Athenadora and Sulpicia, as well as the guard, had cottoned on to the fact that Aro had manipulated the visitors and it had turned out exactly as he planned.  There were varying degrees of amusement, admiration, and victory on the faces of the vampires in the room. 
Said demigod climbed to his feet and stood at his impressive height of six feet and two inches and focused on his jeans brushing some imaginary dirt off of them.  When his head snapped back up, the varied gasps from the Cullens told you that his green eyes were glowing with the power that he had inherited from his mother.
“Incantare: tardus tempus!” He boomed.
The air around Alabaster flashed green for the tiniest second before the air around the demigod flattened itself out like a wave and pushed forwards rising and accelerating at a rapid, increasing speed.  It passed over the Cullens and Bella.  You had the oddest feeling that the magical wave knew exactly who its intended target was.  Knowing Alabaster as well as you did, you wouldn’t be surprised if the demigod had focused on the destination and beings prior to releasing his magic.
“Now that that has been resolved,” Aro stated smoothly when he was certain that Alabaster’s spell had left Volterra, “perhaps we should show our guests to the rooms that they will be using for the duration of their stay?”
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trinketcrow · 1 year
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Edythe & Beau ~ Life & Death
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hufflepuffimagines · 1 year
⋆。°✩ Navegation ✩°。⋆
⋆ About Me  ⋆
I’m Bells, I’m 20 yo and I’m brazilian, I write since I was 11, I can’t say that I do it perfectly but I try. I’m obssessed with 80s rockstar, specially Nikki Sixx and Tommy Lee. I’m a swifitie and I’m going to the Eras Tour in november. I love writing fluffy stories, mostly because it makes me imagine what I’d like my life to be, with that in mind, I can say that I’m trying to shift to my Selection DR, but never made it. I love Barbie, Monster High and these things, I love pink and I can honestly say that I’m a Barbie that is obssessed with rockstars. I don’t have much friends and I’d love to get to know you if you want to talk :)
⋆ You can find my prompt list here (I’ll be adding more to it during the week);
⋆ If you want to be part of my taglist, answer this form;
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(that’s me everyday, not my gif)
⋆ Character List ⋆
Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty);
Sky of Eraklyon (Fate: The Winx Saga);
Marcus Baker (Ginny and Georgia);
Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue/The Dirt);
Tommy Lee (Motley Crue/The Dirt);
Edward Cullen (Twilight);
Maxon Schreave (The Selection);
Troy Bolton (High School Musical);
Paul Stanley (KISS);
Nate Archibald (Gossip Girl);
Slash (Guns N Roses);
Ricky Bowen (HSMTMTS);
Cedric Diggory (Harry Potter);
80s Rockstars (You can specify which one in your request);
Jeremiah Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty) (ONLY BY REQUEST).
⋆ How to Request ⋆
In order to request from a prompt list, you need to specify the sentence number;
You can choose up to three sentences from this list;
Remember to include the character’s full name/fandom for clarification!
You can also request another sentence that is not in this list and headcanons!
• Optional: You can add ‘angst’, ‘fluff’, etc… since some can work different ways.
Exemple: Conrad Fisher, prompt 7, fluff
⋆ Rules for Request ⋆
Send requests any time, i just dont guarantee that i’ll be writing it as soon as it arrives
Send the request on the ask box;
Don’t send vague requests, be specific. I like to work with a lot of details, it makes the story more realistic;
I have the ability to deny and delete any requests I don't want to write;
When I post your request, I will tag you.
✔  I write   ✔
Reader insert (character x reader); Fluff, angst, crossovers, songfics, AUs; Some sensitive subjects (depression, anxiety…); Male x male, female x female or any sort of pairing. love is love, you know; Any disabilities, body types, etc. when specified.
❌  I don’t write ❌  
Smut, cheating, polyship; Anything that goes against representation; Romantic stuff with adult/teen characters;   Character x character* and other people’s OCs; NSFW themes; RPF (real people fiction); Any form of incest.
If you have any questions, DM me, I would be happy to talk to you!
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elavoria · 1 year
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Amaryllia and some of her favorite people and things. :3
I finally designed a chatelaine for her, with some essentials for emergencies—quill, small rolls of paper, inkwell, herbalism knife, pouch of powdered elfroot, lyrium vial, and mini shears.
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theluckywizard · 1 year
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Illustration I just finished up for my rogue!Trevelyan x Cullen long fic In the Shattering of Things! He is going through it for reasons.
Click here for the relevant chapter: Ch. 49 The Sweetest Song
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volturissideslut · 4 months
Can I request super fluffy Esme taking care of a sick reader? Including some soft cuddling?
reader has long-ish hair (enough to tuck behind ear). Love Esme sm.
𝕰𝖘𝖒𝖊 𝕮𝖚𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓
"You don't have to look after me, you know" you say, sniffling as you accept her soup with a small smile.
"I know I don't have to, but I will because I want to" she assures, stroking a lock of hair out of your face and behind your ear so it's out of the way. She ignores it's greasy state for now, noting in her head to help you wash after a much needed nap.
Leaning into her touch, you mumble a small "thank you." And if she wasn't a vampire she probably wouldn't have understood from the hoarseness of you voice. But before she can press a gentle kiss to the side of your head her attention is pulled away by the fluttering of a curtain in the light wind.
"You opened the window?" she scolds softly, getting up to shut it and draw the curtains closed. "I told you that you need to keep warm, dearest, this is the kind of thing where you need to sweat it out." Her lips purse as her eyes glaze over you, a deep and icy brown doing wonders to warm you up.
A whine leaves you, muttering a string of complaints. The most prominent one being that it's too warm and you're sweating.
With a teasing huff she walks to the doorway. "That's the point, dearest, now eat and get some more sleep. I'll be back to check up on you in twenty." She blows you another kiss and leaves, a small smile to herself when she hears you whine again about how it's 'unfair' and you 'hate being sick'.
"Sleep!" she shouts from the top of the stairway, smile still staying as she hears the ruffle of the bed sheets and - what she assumes to be - you laying back down.
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hllywdwhre · 2 years
I get so confused when people say Rose only helped Bella bc she wanted Bella’s baby for her own bc??? Did we read or even WATCH the same story???
We have Rosalie admit to being JEALOUS of Bella because she’s still human. She votes no on her being a vampire because she KNOWS how much it hurts to want a family and it be impossible to have one and she “wished there was someone to vote no” for her because SHE KNOWS. She never wanted Bella to live with the regret, pain, and grudge SHE had against being a vampire because she was robbed of the life she yearned for. She never wanted Bella to have regrets. It’s the exact same reason Edward didn’t want her to be a vampire. Because he was scared she would regret it. Rosalie was always looking out for Bella. Speaking of Edward, the dude can R E A D M I N D S. Y’all really think he would’ve just let a piece of information like “Rosalie just wants you to die having the baby bc she knows I’ll hate it and she can have it” just go unknown while he was trying to convince Bella to abort?
We could definitely talk about how having/wanting a kid doesn’t fit Bella’s character and the ideals SMeyer has and why Bella suddenly was baby crazy but that doesn’t change what the books gave us which was:
Bella WANTED the baby. Rosalie knew what Bella would go through if that CHOICE was taken from her so Rosalie stood by her side.
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sixxteenbullets · 1 year
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IT (2017) || Henry Bowers, Beverly Marsh
THE OUTSIDERS || Dallas Winston, Ponyboy Curtis, Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Johnny Cade, Cherry Valance, Tim Shepherd, Curly Shepherd
THE WALKING DEAD || Daryl Dixon, Carl Grimes, Michonne, Maggie Rhee, Glen Rhee
TWILIGHT || Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Leah Clearwater, Paul Lahote, Embry Call, Sam Uley, Edward Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, Alice Cullen
TOP GUN(MAVERICK) || Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw, Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, Robert 'Bob' Floyd
SHAMELESS|| Lip Gallagher, Carl Gallagher, Veronica Fisher, Kevin Ball, Mandy Milkovich
PERCY JACKSON|| Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
CALL OF DUTY|| John Price, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish, Keegan Russ, Konig
JUJUTSU KAISEN|| Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Ryomen Sukuna, Takuma Ino, Shoko Leiri, Kento Nanami, Choso Kamo, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Toji Zen'in, Maki Zen'in
OTHER || Johnny Castle, Rusty James, Brigitte Fitzgerald, Ginger Fitzgerald, Randall 'Pink' Floyd, Tyler Durden(Brad Pitt), Brad Pitt
Request for other characters
Request other fandoms
Request as much as you want
Mental Disorders (to the best of my ability)
Eating Disorders
Abusive pasts
Self harm/Sewer Slide
hurt&comfort/Angst (love me some sadness)
Song fics
Heavy smut
Anything regarding mommy/daddy pet names
Expect me to answer your request right away, or do anything I'm not comfortable with.
Most things can be mentioned as past traumas, but I will NOT write anything in on the 'dont's' list in detail. Just ask!
ABOUT ME (to give you an idea of what I can write)
I'm a feminist
I have a history of SA/emotional abuse/an ED
I'm Bi
I love animals sm
My favorite artists are Jeff Buckley, Lana Del Rey, Hole, Megadeth, Ethel Cain, Cigarettes After Sex, Bon Iver, and Evanescence
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lifeontoast · 2 years
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this list is subject to change by either addition or removal.
Feel free to send in an ask to see if I write for a certain character or fandom - if I do, request away! If not, I may be able to in the future.
Edward Nashton/The Riddler (The Batman)
Dwayne Hoover (Little Miss Sunshine) AGED UP
Timothy Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Eli Sunday (There Will Be Blood)
Brian Weathersby (Gigantic)
Simon Feck (Knight & Day)
Burt Fabelman (The Fabelmans)
[more Paul Dano characters coming soon as I watch
the movies!]
(NB: whether or not the reader is a vampire will not be stated or a part of the story unless you tell me otherwise in your request)
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Bella Swan (either as a vampire or a human)
General Cullens headcanons/preferences
Batman (Pattinson/Bale)
The Riddler (Dano)
Wonder Woman
Poison Ivy
Steve Rogers (both 40s and modern)
Bucky Barnes (both 40s and modern)
Natasha Romanoff
General Avengers headcanons/preferences
Rose Tyler
(N.B DW preferences will include 9, 10 and 11)
Niki Lauda (Rush)
Alex Kerner (Goodbye Lenin!)
Baron Zemo (Marvel)
Andrea Marowski (Ladies in Lavender)
General Danny Bunch headcanons/preferences
Cedric Diggory
Professor Lupin (PLATONIC ONLY)
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