#cult survivor art
findmeinthefallair · 24 days
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*eats recycled cardboard* Won't be the last time they both experience suicidal ideation too T_T
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katlynthecat · 3 months
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a lot of my favorite fandoms have small similarities
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
who is cleric!gorgug the cleric of??
he starts out as a cleric of a (right now unnamed) nascent god of tranquility! or at least that's what the anger management support group guys told him. sadly that then turns out to be a cult recruitment ground and they're actually building the god by feeding it their emotions. I'm not super sure how that'll play out in full yet by the end of freshman year but gorgug does leave the cult when they drop an ultimatum on him.
most of sophomore year has him like. can I? try out deities? and finding out that even when people say yes what they mean by action is they try to compel him to stay and they get miffed that he doesn't stay because he doesn't feel like he fits. when the bad kids uncorrupt cassandra though he's the one who hears how they're also not sure of who they are outside of the deep grief and fear of the nightmare king, and tells them it's okay to take your time for a little bit while figuring it out, and cassandra through that becomes the god of the inbetween. gorgug offers her domain as a stop outside of a faith if you want to leave but need the structure or the support, and he makes a point to never proselytize. this of course is kind of the crux of junior year's arc for him because that doesn't do wonders number-wise lol
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bifronse · 4 months
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Actually criminal that I don’t know how to draw my fave of 12 years. I need to go through boot camp and draw him one million times
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beskad · 4 months
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are you suffering from cal kestis brainrot? you don't have to suffer alone!
share your jedi fallen order/jedi survivor art, fics, vids & screencaps
brainstorm fic ideas, share headcanons & more
separate channels for ships (all ships welcome!)
server watch parties for new (and old) star wars content
please note this server is 18+ only, thank you!
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thecorvidforest · 1 year
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system-inspired pixel art! i love drawing things with more eyes than they should have because idk, it resonates with us as a DID system. one body, many beings.
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unknownanomoly · 3 months
May I have some candycane (survivor x hunter)
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Here you go! Not on the bingo board but I think they turned out really cute! ^w^ they both look sorta like they would be edge lords that would make a cute only for the cult to be about pastel rainbows.... does that make sense even?
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winterdragon101 · 1 year
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I made this because I needed one lmao
Shop launch June 12th on Etsy! Our name is DenHaven Queerities!
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gummybearrxo · 3 months
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Summer vibe 💙
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spicy-yuri-roll · 4 months
A Requiem to the Home I Never Had
I remember your every detail:
Your chipping, grey frame--
Dressed in green, shabby shutters and shingles;
The smells of mowed grass and barbeque;
What the Family let the world see
... and what we didn't...
I still taste blood and dirt.
I still scream at night, dreaming...
Dreaming of you:
The house meant to be a home,
But never could be.
The cold arms of a father,
The dead eyes of a mother,
The lost tears of a brother.
The Family.
Lies we told ourselves and others,
As directed by a board of blind men:
"Dad loves me. Mom looks out for me. God will save me."
To cover a new bruise,
To disguise red eyes and missing teeth.
To hide the shame, the guilt and hurt.
The sham we believed held with faith?
A prison, to control the bloody sheep.
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liminalspacewizard · 6 months
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roadbumps · 10 months
mini au comic with susie and roy (talking int ags HEHE) (please ask questions)
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akrasianwords · 10 months
Should probably make an intro post
(the updated version!)
hi this is my blog uhh. call me akrasia 👍 I like bsd, fanfiction, art, and music. I don't like stupid people or abrahamic religion. I write sometimes. I also have DID, that's not going to be the main point of my blog but I might post about it sometimes. or some other parts might post on their behalf. if you see a signoff, that's a good indicator it's someone else posting. anyways;
dni: nothing specific outside of basic shit, if i don't like you I'll just block you.
do interact if: if you like bsd, I am very obsessed and want to talk with people about it so so bad. cult survivors but only if you're normal, get the freaks away from me I am a healed (ish) individual I do not need toxicity in my life. art enjoyer (i like painting sketching & writing short stories/poems), um interact in general i want friends. feel free to dm me
extra: im not gonna cater to ppl so if you don't like me just block me. dunno how often I'll post cult survivor/ramcoa/DID related things but general tw for that if i do. also I make kys kms jokes and I like to say faggot because I can reclaim it so idk. if you dont like that run away ig. my original posts will just be tagged akrasianwords, my art is akrasias art
i think that concludes everything uhh yeah bye have a fun time
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wisteria-grows-here · 2 months
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balloons-in-bold · 2 months
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A Struggle In Secret: The Wedding Riddle
Part one of three in my series on growing up in a cult.
My upbringing in The Family International, formerly known as The Children of God, was a mixed bag. I had such a loving and supporting family, and many incredible experiences traveling and performing. Most of the latent effects of the isolation of homeschooling and living in a country with an especially difficult language barrier surfaced during my later integration into "normal" American life.
David Berg, my great-grandfather and the founder of The Children of God, died several years before I was born. Nonetheless, he remained an all important religious figure in our lives, behind only Jesus himself. My education and spiritual development was buttressed by decades of propaganda material, yet my cult experience wasn't as intense as previous generations. My parents did the best they could to shield us kids from the abuses they went through. The 2000’s marked the waning years of a cult that once boasted ten thousand members. The bustling commune homes that dotted the globe became fewer and less populated. Because of the cult’s lessened omnipresence, I wasn’t provided sufficient opportunities to develop my social and romantic skills properly, which, compounded with introverted tendencies, left me with few substantial relationships, a problem that persisted long after we had left the cult.
It took several years to stop blaming myself for my stunted development, and even longer to move forward on a path of self improvement. I had crippling social anxiety that I still feel clinging to me occasionally. Pulling up to a party or other social function, I’d feel jolts of electricity shoot through my body, and the adrenaline would drain my brain of coherent thoughts, leaving only an urgent sense of dread. My journey of self discovery and search for community and connection was made so much more difficult by the lack of shared experiences I had with those around me. Every time I mentioned my past, and how, no I can’t relate to your funny high school anecdote, I mostly got blank stares and a rush to change the topic. A surface level explanation didn’t come close to adequately bridging the gaps separating myself from those around me.
2022 Was when I determined that, in order to properly move forward, I needed to confront the remnants of isolation and alienation in as direct a way as possible. As an artist, that meant telling my story through symbolic imagery. Like a divine revelation, the story of Samson fighting the lion (Judges 14:5) entered my mind. A struggle in secret that no one at his wedding had knowledge of, and when presented with the riddle, had no chance of coming up with an answer (Judges 14:12-14).
The painting was at first only meant to be a quick solution as background imagery but grew into so much more. I layered to the collage portions of the canvas to tell the journey that stretched back thousands of years, starting with papyrus fragments, followed by King James bible pages, old MO letters, Life With Grandpa pages, and topped off with the A-beka christian fundamentalist homeschooling material. Expanding outwards and constricting inwards, leaving me trapped and isolated. The border has its cracks, fracturing under the cumulative dissonance of the inevitable internal struggle. The painted portion leads towards the center, down into a pit so deep, climbing out feels almost impossible.
I wanted to push the physicality of the balloon sculpture in a way I’d never done before. I drew inspiration from ukiyo-e images of samurai clashing with tigers, intertwining the two subjects in violence, hands grasping and claws slashing so deep that the two become one. I portrayed in Samson’s face, the rage and frustration I felt pent up over so many years, being released with the urgency and determination of a warrior assured that the fight is already his.
This first part in the series was finished and photographed a while ago in private, now being used as marketing material to promote my upcoming exhibition where I’ll be displaying the second painting and sculpture in the series. The next part, “Out Of The Strong, Something Sweet”, is an attempt to harmonize the darkest parts of my family legacy with the wonder and excitement, the joy and support I experienced throughout my upbringing in The Family International.
Please join me at The Jung Center of Houston, Texas for the exhibition, funded in part by Houston Mayor's Office of Cultural Affairs through Houston Arts Alliance, for the opening reception August 19th, 3pm to 6pm; and don’t miss my talk on the closing day, August 24th at 2pm to hear more about my art and journey.
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indeedgoodman · 10 months
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