#customs compliance training
refrigerantcenter · 6 months
#At Refrigerant Center INC#we specialize in providing comprehensive refrigerant solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. With a deep understanding#Ventilation#and Air Conditioning) industry and its evolving regulatory landscape#we are committed to offering environmentally responsible refrigerant products and services.#Our company prides itself on being a trusted partner for businesses operating in various sectors#including commercial#industrial#and residential. Whether you're a facility manager#HVAC contractor#or equipment manufacturer#we have the expertise and resources to fulfill your refrigerant requirements efficiently and affordably.#Key Services and Products:#Refrigerant Sales: We offer a wide range of refrigerant products#including traditional HFCs (Hydrofluorocarbons)#low-GWP (Global Warming Potential) alternatives like HFOs (Hydrofluoroolefins)#and natural refrigerants such as CO2 and ammonia. Our extensive inventory ensures that clients can find the right refrigerant for their spe#Refrigerant Reclamation: Recognizing the importance of sustainability#we provide refrigerant reclamation services aimed at recovering#purifying#and reprocessing used refrigerants. Through our state-of-the-art reclamation facilities#we help clients minimize environmental impact while maximizing cost savings.#Regulatory Compliance Assistance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape surrounding refrigerants can be challenging. Our team stays u#national#and international regulations#including EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) regulations in the United States.#Technical Support: We understand that proper handling and usage of refrigerants are critical for the safety and efficiency of HVAC systems.#training#and educational resources to assist clients in handling refrigerants safely and effectively.#Customized Solutions: Every client has unique requirements
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legalfirmindia · 5 months
Data Protection: Legal Safeguards for Your Business
In today’s digital age, data is the lifeblood of most businesses. Customer information, financial records, and intellectual property – all this valuable data resides within your systems. However, with this digital wealth comes a significant responsibility: protecting it from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss. Data breaches can have devastating consequences, damaging your reputation, incurring…
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#affordable data protection insurance options for small businesses#AI-powered tools for data breach detection and prevention#Are there any data protection exemptions for specific industries#Are there any government grants available to help businesses with data security compliance?#benefits of outsourcing data security compliance for startups#Can I be fined for non-compliance with data protection regulations#Can I outsource data security compliance tasks for my business#Can I use a cloud-based service for storing customer data securely#CCPA compliance for businesses offering loyalty programs with rewards#CCPA compliance for California businesses#cloud storage solutions with strong data residency guarantees#consumer data consent management for businesses#cost comparison of data encryption solutions for businesses#customer data consent management platform for e-commerce businesses#data anonymization techniques for businesses#data anonymization techniques for customer purchase history data#data breach compliance for businesses#data breach notification requirements for businesses#data encryption solutions for businesses#data protection impact assessment (DPIA) for businesses#data protection insurance for businesses#data residency requirements for businesses#data security best practices for businesses#Do I need a data privacy lawyer for my business#Do I need to train employees on data privacy practices#Does my California business need to comply with CCPA regulations#employee data privacy training for businesses#free data breach compliance checklist for small businesses#GDPR compliance for businesses processing employee data from the EU#GDPR compliance for international businesses
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ourjobagency · 1 year
5 Essential Tips for Maintaining Top-Notch Salesforce Org Health
Introduction: Salesforce has become an indispensable tool for businesses to manage customer relationships, streamline operations, and drive growth. However, just like any other complex system, your Salesforce organization requires regular attention and care to ensure it remains efficient, effective, and aligned with your business objectives. 
In this blog, we'll explore five essential suggestions to maintain a top-notch Salesforce Org health, helping you get the most out of your investment.
Best Tips for Managing  Salesforce Org Health 
Regular Data Cleanup and Maintenance: A cluttered and disorganized Salesforce Org can lead to decreased user productivity, slower system performance, and inaccurate reporting. Regularly conduct data cleanup exercises to eliminate duplicate records, outdated information, and irrelevant data. Implement validation rules, workflows, and data governance processes to ensure that data entered into the system is accurate and consistent. Consider archiving or purging old records that are no longer needed, which can significantly improve system responsiveness.
Optimize User Training and Adoption: Even the most powerful tools are only as effective as the users who operate them. Invest in comprehensive user training programs to ensure that your team fully understands the features and functionalities of Salesforce. Regularly assess user adoption rates and address any issues or challenges they might face. Encourage the use of best practices and provide ongoing training as Salesforce releases updates and new features
Govern Customization and Configuration: Salesforce offers an array of customization options to tailor the platform to your specific business needs. While customization is valuable, an excessive amount can lead to complexity, slow performance, and difficulties during upgrades. Establish a clear governance framework for customization and configuration. This includes guidelines for when to use declarative tools (like Process Builder) versus custom code, as well as regular reviews of custom objects, fields, and processes to ensure they remain relevant and effective
Implement Robust Security Practices: Data security and privacy are paramount in today's business landscape. Regularly review and update your Salesforce security settings to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive information. Implement strong password policies, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and role-based access controls to minimize the risk of data breaches. Regularly audit user permissions and deactivate accounts for employees who no longer require access to the system
Stay Informed About Salesforce Updates: Salesforce continuously releases updates, enhancements, and new features to improve the platform's functionality and security. It's crucial to stay informed about these updates and assess their potential impact on your organization. Create a process for reviewing and testing new releases in a sandbox environment before rolling them out to your production Org. This practice helps identify any potential compatibility issues with your existing customizations and allows for adjustments before affecting users.
Maintaining a top-notch Salesforce Org health requires a proactive approach that involves regular cleanup, user engagement, customization governance, security measures, and staying updated on platform developments. By following these five essential tips, your organization can ensure that Salesforce remains a powerful tool that contributes to your business success, helping you drive growth, streamline processes, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
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genderkoolaid · 8 months
Quinn Gambino, a trans man, was a cook at T.C. Wheelers Bar & Pizzeria in Tonawanda, which is near Buffalo. Beginning in January 2021, according to the suit, the owners repeatedly asked questions about his genitalia and transition procedures, such as “Does she have female parts?” They “also intentionally misgendered Gambino by using female pronouns (such as ‘she’ or ‘her’) and stood by as employees and customers did the same,” says an EEOC press release. Managers and coworkers further told Gambino he wasn’t “a real man” or “a real guy” and even likened being trans to pedophilia, according to the EEOC. Gambino reported the harassment to management, but it continued, so he resigned after four months. The EEOC, a federal agency, filed the suit last March in U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York after an initial attempt to reach a settlement failed. Under the settlement reached last week, T.C. Wheelers, which has denied any wrongdoing, will pay Gambino $25,000 in back wages and compensatory damages. The restaurant also agreed to take steps to prevent discrimination and harassment, such as requiring all owners, managers, and employees to undergo training on federal antidiscrimination laws, and it has hired an independent human resources monitor to investigate all employee complaints. The monitor will provide annual reports to the EEOC, which will look at the company’s business records when needed to ensure compliance.
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Any more ideas on what an institution for training pets would be like?
I've got endless thoughts tbh. For this ask I'll focus on how pets would be assessed for training:
Some of these companies just put all of their pets through the same brutal training regimen regardless of their temperament. This is associated with poor outcomes for pets who need a gentler touch... but if you're buying up ill-behaved pets in bulk, oh well!
Other companies have streamlined ways of assessing their pets and customizing training programs for them.
Initial behavioral assessment starts the moment Whumpee is acquired. They're kept in a small, dark cage for transport to assess their tolerance for confinement.
Then during their physical examination, they're assessed for their tolerance in being physically handled. And their ability to obey.
Pets who act out during the physical examination are swiftly disciplined. Notes are made on which punishments cause them the most distress. Is being physically immobilized or being shocked worse? Depends on the pet! 💕
Pets are then given a customized training program best suited to their needs. If pet is claustrophobic, they'll spend non-training time in a dark cage until they stop panicking about it. If pet hates physical handling, they'll spend a lot of time with their trainer's fingers in their mouth and other hands holding them still.
Obedience and compliance is the end goal of most of these training programs. However...
Sadist Whumpers may contract these companies to train their personal pets, in order to achieve, ah, certain desired results.
These can include the inducement of specific phobias, nerve sensitivity, anxiety, or pain. It's very easy to reinforce negative stimuli!
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Sparring - Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
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[suggestive themes, nothing explicit + vulgar language + awful descriptions of fight scenes]
SUMMARY: To train and relieve some of the tension, First Army soldiers organize sparring matches. When Nikolai decides to take part in the tradition, the infantry throws their best at him. Who knew that a king can be such an inappropriate flirt?
A/N: I'm replaying Mass Effect (for the millionth time) and that one conversation with Garrus has so much potential.
>>Grishaverse-inspired playlist<<
Everyone’s been in an awful mood for the past couple of days. Shoving and bad-mouthing always happened but rarely to this extent. A mere misstep could end with a broken nose and fractured ribs. Something is stirring like a maddening poison hanging in the air. There’s only so much time until frustrated scowls turn into a friendly-fire bloodbath.
But the First Army, or rather Dominik Vertov himself, is ready for such instances. For itchy fists the best remedy is to give in to the violent urges, although not without certain rules being put in place first, rendering the name “Lawless Night” more of a pseudonym rather than a visualization of what takes place. No one ever misses the sparring matches. Even those unable to fight, wounded and sick, find some way to be part of the tradition. Their friends would often help them stand up for the entirety of the violent matches.
The one thing that is different about tonight is the presence of the king. If Nikolai just stood somewhere to the side or even spent the night elsewhere, pretending that he’s oblivious to the custom, the soldiers would still feel unsure about indulging in this ‘bonding activity’. The Lantsov boy, to the dread of the infantry, decided to take part in the “Lawless Night”. As he said it himself: he’s their brother in arms. That means, he should be allowed to be involved in the sparring but on the other hand - who in their right mind would try to tell the king he can’t?
For the longest time, Vertov’s been against that. He appreciates Nikolai presenting himself as someone relatable - a man and a soldier before a king - but getting thrown into the mud by some roach is a little too far. As much as befriending soldiers on a personal level increases the army’s morale, seeing their king and leader losing to one of them would cause collective depression and should Kirigan strike them, the Ravkans will simply give their land away to him.
But Vertov also knows Nikolai a little too well and so after he had voiced his doubts, he knew there’s not much else to be done - the Lantsov boy will do whatever he pleases. As always.
“So,” Dominik sighs in defeat, only partially prepared for what he will have to witness, “Who wants to face king Nikolai?”
The crowd falls silent but only for a second. Energetic whispering erupts between soldiers, necks crane in search of someone particular - there is but one person in the infantry that’s reckless enough to actually get into fisticuffs with a nobleman and not spare him.
Your friends begin nudging you, pushing you out of the crowd. There’s no point in lying that you’re surprised by the collective search for the one corporal who’s yet to lose a sparring match.
A sigh leaves your lips but your friends recognize that it’s not irritation - it’s compliance. Your raise a fist over your head. “I will!”
The soldiers surrounding you take a step back, letting you comfortably enter the marked arena. Wolf whistles cut through the night air. “Зайка!” someone yells from the crowd.
With a scoff, you shout back: “Иди на хуй!”
Rumbling laughter erupts from the infantrymen. They’re a ‘tough love’ kind of bunch but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Some say “there’s no love like soldiers’ hate” and you find it hard to disagree with the sentiment.
Dominik chuckles to himself. He pats Nikolai on his shoulder before leaning in and whispering:
“Good luck winning with that one.”
Lantsov looks at his friend with pretend offence. “That’s an astounding lack of faith in me on your part.”
“See that behemoth with a hare lip?” Dominik nods his head towards the soldiers standing in a half-circle. The man in question is hard to miss: he towers over the others by at least a head, a deep scar running across his face. “He sparred her once. The fight ended with a draw when both of them collapsed, too tired to continue. You may have the reach and strength but she has speed and flexibility.”
But Nikolai is not looking at the so-called behemoth. Instead, he’s watching you from afar as you’re tightly wrapping bandages around your knuckles and wrist. “And here I thought the strategy was to distract me with her face,” he slowly says in an inattentive voice. Tactic or not, it seems to be working.
Dominik nudges Nikolai and the king, willingly demoted for this one evening, enters the circle marked by bags of sand meant for floods. He feels the nervous and thrilled stares following him but he enjoys that. Even overlooking the attention aspect of his decision to mingle with the little people, for a moment he can pretend that he’s back in the army or sailing the seas as Sturmhond; for one evening, he can drop the noble weight from his shoulders.
The cold, night air is tugging on your cotton shirt. In warmer months you’d be standing inside the circle without it but perhaps it’s better that summer is still long weeks away - meeting the king for the first time half-naked just doesn’t sound like great idea in any way, shape or form. There is courage, even stupid bravery that brought you into the army, but that would just be distasteful.
Up close you’re even prettier than he previously thought. You’re looking at him with a cocky half-smile, silently challenging Nikolai to do his worst, maybe even expecting him to lose after the first round. The fire from the torches placed around the make-shift arena reflect inside your eyes, painting you more of a temptress or a demon rather than a corporal.
"I won't go easy on you, moy tsar,” you warn him.
Although it’s a word of caution, Nikolai seems to read it as encouragement.
"I'm counting on that.” He scrunches his nose jokingly. “I like it a little rough."
His words make you scoff but you find yourself thoroughly amused with him. Despite his noble titles, regal clothing and head-spinning responsibilities, there’s a refreshing hint of dreariness to him - brass that balances out marble and gold.
Sergei, the seargent making sure that all sparrs are kept civil, raises the flag, although it should be noted that ‘the flag’ is an old shirt tied to a stick. It’s a sign to prepare for the upcoming fight, share pleasantries with the opponent and fix the protective wrapping around your hands.
Despite Nikolai being physically well-built, you don’t expect much from him. You’ve heard that he had served in the army but his noble aura makes you put your guard down - after all, what good in a fight could a spoiled prince be? You can give a baby a knife but that won’t make it a soldier.
“May the best one win,” you say shaking his hand.
Nikolai winks at you. “Oh, I will.”
Both of you turn around and walk a few steps away. You look at your friends, crouched right at the border of the circle and shaking their fists in an encouraging gesture. Whether you win or lose, they’re still going to make fun of you at breakfast, critisizing all the chances you didn’t take. After all those years of facing death by their side, you’ve learned to see unimaganble amount of love in their teasing and jests - each mistake you’re aware of increases your chance of survival in the battlefield. And that, in turn, makes retirement with them a little more probable.
As a good luck charm, you blow softly on your clenched fists. Sergei’s voice resounds in your head: “Tooth and nail, tie a noose around your fate.” He never did disclose that but being a rather simple man, you’ve just assumed he read that quote in a book rather than coming up with it on his own. In any event, it always works, getting you into the ‘die kicking and screaming’ mindset. Not that you’re expecting anyone to actually pass on tonight. No, the “Lawless Night” is about relentless survival.
You turn around to face Nikolai standing just a few meters away from you. Both of you are fixed on Sergei and his provisory flag. The sergeant looks between you, checking whether your ready. Then, he swings the stick downwards and deafening cheers immediately fill your ears. Your eyes study Nikolai’s posture - his guard is high and knees are bent but not in the way one would expect from a soldier. He remembers his training, although visibly lacks practice.
He does the first move, throwing a half-hearted punch that you know is more of a reconnaissance than an honest strike. You only lean to the side. From then on, the offence only gets more bitter.
Left hook. Knee kick. Duck. Low punch on the ribs. Grabbing wrist and hitting the underarm. Right hook. Straight punch. Lean to the side. Slide under his swinging arm. Back kick. Fall. A handful of dirt thrown in the king’s face.
The crowd roars. Sergei rings a cowbell - round break. 
Nikolai spits out soil between coughs and you can’t help the cocky smile creeping back unto your face. He looks at you with a hint of both amusement and disbelief in his eyes. Soon, his own grin is matching yours - he just got a mouthful of dirt from some girl and he’s liking it.
“A dirty trick,” he says in awe.
You only give him a shrug of faux innocence. “What can I say, I’m a dirty girl.”
The king laughs in response. This is something he’s definitely missed about being in the army. Or, perhaps, he’s enjoying this moment of tame humiliation because it’s coming from you.
Sergei lifts his flag once more but this time around he’s not waiting for you to create proper distance between each other. Nikolai is within your arms’ reach. That self-assured expression he wears is simply begging you to push some boundaries. 
“Whenever you’re ready, батюшка,” you coax him.
His eyes widen in surprise. “Батюшка?” he repeats with amusement. It’s obvious he likes your choice of words. “Will you kneel for me?”
You shrug, giving him a lopsided grin. “If you ask nicely.”
The sergeant once again drops the flag and the night air fills with cheers even louder and livelier than before.
“I’m begging,” Nikolai answers you before pulling the first punch.
But you’re swift and quickly push his arm away. Then, he bends slightly, directing his fist at your ribs but you manage to kick his exposed thigh. Lantsov loses his balance for a second. His arm swings at your head. Ducking, you get the perfect angle to punch his abdomen. Grunt. 
Nikolai suddenly recalls Dominik’s words - he should go hard rather than fast. Before you’re able to get out of his way, he lunges at you, pinning you to the ground. The sudden impact renders you breathless for a moment, giving Nikolai a chance to settle on top of your pelvis.
He grabs a fistful of your shirt. “Lovely view, don’t you think?”
A strangely exciting tension appears in your abdomen, something you’ve never felt for a man of his kind. The arousal, however, is quickly dismissed - he’s a king, you’re corporal.
You loop your leg around his arm and straighten your knee, forcing his head away. With all the power you can gather, you punch his ribs. Nikolai grunts again, rolling off of you.
Cowbell resounds once again.
Panting, you get up from the ground. To be honest, you’re quite surprised that he’s not completely useless in combat. You ran your hand up and down your back, still feeling the impact with the cold, hard ground on your spine. He’s got some strength, you have to give him that.
Sergei, busier with putting the audience back in line rather than keeping his eye on the fight, raises the shirt on the stick and drops it immediately after, never checking whether the participants are ready.
Nikolai and you are eyeing each other like famished wolves, strolling in circles in anticipation for the opponent’s first strike. Something primal has awakened inside you and, looking into Nikolai’s clouded eyes, you know he’s feeling the same thing - a wholly devouring, yet uncomfortable itch that pushes people to conquer, to dominate. Head on a spike or a head between legs, all of it is quite the same to this ravenous instinct.
“I must admit, sweat and exhaustion looks marvelous on you,” Nikolai says between pants.
You entertain him with a chuckle. “You should see me in the morning.”
“Now that’s an invitation I simply can’t turn down,” he answers in a low tone. Your breath hitches, no matter how much you don’t want to admit that.
When he’s preparing to strike, you grab his underarm and roll him over your shoulder but Nikolai is smart enough to hold on to you, causing both of you to hit the ground once more. Quickly, you get back up on your feet.
He’s barely standing up when you attempt a high kick, your foot almost hitting the side of his head but Lantsov is fast enough to grab your ankle. His other hand grabs your shirt and soon you’re the one being tossed. Your sore spine hits the hard ground for the third time, the pain great enough to render you unable to stifle a loud groan.
Then come the fisticuffs - measured blows at anything your arms can reach. You may be nimble enough to duck them most of the time but Nikolai’s limbs are significantly longer than yours, forcing you to make bigger dodges that expose you to more of his strikes.
Your hand is about to make contact with his side when the cowbell resounds for the third time. But now Sergei is ringing it in short intervals - end of match.
An impressive draw. Yet the audience is unsatisfied as the excited cheers turn to grumbles and booing. Between winning and losing, ties are the worst - bland results that only prove someone met their equal. No fun in that, is there? It doesn’t affect the inner hierarchy or morale. It’s just… dull.
Breathing heavily, you leave the ring, passing by another participant bravely getting themself into a few minutes of subsisting. Your evening of tossing the king around is done, so it’s better to get over it immediately and definitely not ponder the suggestive remarks he was so eager to share. I’m a corporal, you remind yourself, I have to act like it.
You’re unwrapping the bandages around your wrists when you feel someone’s chest touching your shoulderblades, an unnamed hand hesitantly resting on your hip. The stranger smells like sweat, dirt and soap - Nikolai, without a doubt. You don’t even notice that you’re holding your breath.
"How about a private rematch?" he whispers in your ear. You feel his finger dragging up your arm. "I have reach, you have flexibility…" he ponders aloud.
A shiver runs down your spine, goosebumps sprout on your skin but disappear shortly after. You turn your head to look at him. Nikolai’s face is a lot closer to yours than you had expected, making you gasp quietly at the obscene lack of space. "You like getting manhandled, don't you?"
"I may be a king but I'm definitely not a saint.” His breathy whisper brushes against your flushed face.
Your eyes drop to his lips, as you’re saying those fateful words: "I won't go easy on you this time either."
Nikolai’s mouth curves into a grin. "By the Saints, please don't."
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drstrangedaughter · 10 months
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✦ 𝐀/𝐍: I NEED to talk about Bi-Han and his hypothetical relationship with his father and mother, and how this affected him and his choices according to personal thoughts. Although Bi-Han is not a character I like, I am fascinated by his psychological introspection. I’m sorry for the angst, I love to think that all three Lin Kuei brothers love each other, I swear— these are all theories.
Ph: far2wi1
[mortal kombat 1] [bi-han]  [sub-zero] [lin kuei brothers] [headcanons] [daddy’s issues]
➛ you can ask for headcanons ideas in the ask-box; this is a side blog, I can’t answer in the comments; you can commission me for customize x reader scenarios and letters from you comfort characters
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It all starts from an exchange of phrases between Bi-Han and Tomas at the beginning of a fight:
« If Mother were alive—»
« She would applaud my actions »
My thoughts immediately focused on Bi-Han's response, was it his bravado talking or veiled feelings? This led me to reflect on what relationship he might have had with his mother, about whom we know nothing. Doing some research I was able to learn that apparently the two Lin Kuei brothers were brought to China by their father, who was a secret operative in the United States, to be trained as Lin Kuei assassins, against their mother's wishes.
Not knowing how old they might have been when this happened, I can speculate that this event worsened the relationship between Bi-Han and his father, he probably preferred to spend time with his mother and seeing himself forcibly removed from her must have affected him. There are children who prefer the company of one of the two parents from an early age, and seeing with how much anger Bi-Han speaks of his father during the story I imagine that from an early age the preference was for the mother, probably due to compliance with the exuberant character of the eldest son, perhaps always reprimanded by his father. As the eldest son and therefore hereditary of the Lin Kuei, his father must have forced him to follow teachings and ideals dictated by his experience, totally in contrast with Bi-Han's ideas. Serve the people with modesty opposed to the desire for power over the people themselves.
Kuai Liang he demonstrated growing up that he followed his father's ideals religiously, and this may have been another trigger: your figurehead preferring your younger brother to you, when you should be the firstborn, the best. I would add that I have the headcanon that Kuai Liang was his father's favorite, and this really bothered young Bi-Han, who grew up with hidden resentment. Bi-Han carried within him the dualism of not wanting to follow his father's ideals by thinking differently and the incessant need to still be seen as better than his brother Kuai Liang, who was evidently preferred. He must have found that acceptance that his father did not give him in his mother, who must have celebrated his revolutionary ideas for the future of Lin Kuei.
Then the father decides to take the brothers to China away from their mother, who was the only source of celebration for Bi-Han. Here something must have completely broken and the hatred for the father exploded.
Another trigger was the arrival of Tomas, yet another person who wanted to follow his father's values ​​without questioning, stealing the show from the eldest son who claimed to be the head of the family's favorite. And equally hatred was born towards Tomas, how could someone who didn't have the same blood as his father be preferred to him?
« You will never be one of us » —Bi-Han felt the need to continually tell Tomas, perhaps to convince himself that he was superior, better.
The mother seems deceased, and this loss must have pushed Bi-Han to act against everything and everyone in his family, the loss of his mother was like having lost the only sincere support and gratification towards him. For him, perhaps his father was even responsible for the little time he spent with his mother, because he had pushed him and his brothers away to train without her wanting it.
At that point, letting the father die in his time of need was nothing more than the only solution, I wouldn't be surprised to know that it was Bi-Han who killed him. His ego was now out of control, he was in charge of the Lin Kuei, of his brothers, now he was the one with the power. And Bi-Han would follow his ideals, those celebrated so much by his beloved mother. So much so that it even tramples on the fraternal relationship.
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parasiticstars · 2 months
╰┈➤File Retrieved: Servant_Pets.pdf
Type: Servant Pets (also: housemaids, maid pets, housekeeping Pets)
Overview: These Pets work as housekeepers, maids, servants, cleaners, caretakers, groundskeepers, cooks, and whatever other task may be needed of them. They are trained to do any sort of domestic work possible, and therefore vary wildly in training, capability, mental acuity, physique, and personality. While still servile, they may have varying levels of authority over other servants and lapdogs. Ultimately, their purpose is to keep their master's home in pristine condition and the occupants satisfied, no matter what.
Not to be confused with Labor Pets, though laborers can work as servants and vice versa.
Servant Pets are held to high standards in skill, demeanor, and appearance, and must consist of some of the best the system has to offer. Some can fetch hundreds of thousands in auction, and will end up being a staple in their household for as long as they live.
Second-hand servants are inferior product for a reason, and may be retrained in labor.
Needs: Servants should be taken well care of to ensure the best possible work and cooperativeness, but without instilling any ideas of getting close to their masters or being like a lapdog. Indeed, servants may be under the lapdog's orders as well.
Medical care is to be swiftly given as needed. Prioritize getting the Pet back on its feet as soon as possible. Euthanasia is only required if an injury will permanently affect fine motor skills and/or rational decision making.
Servants are shipped with a simple identification collar, though this can be customized if the Pet is pre-ordered. They also come with two cotton trousers, two cotton button-down shirts, rubber gloves, and one set of EVA clogs with thick soles.
Training: Ideally, a servant Pets' training should be focused on total compliance and servility without sacrificing fine motor skills, rational decision making, and practical skills. It should be eager to please yet not be deluded to believing it is a human or a lapdog.
Emphasis must be placed on work ethic, complacency, submissiveness, attention to detail, proactivity, posture, and personal upkeep, in that order.
Servant Pets can come from a variety of sources, though some of the best have come from long-established breeding lines with specialized training. It is rare to have a good servant come from a Pet retaining its memories (such as a labor Pet), but could be possible with enough discipline. However, this may best be left to experienced owners.
While servants should be able to endure harsh work conditions, heavy-handed punishments (amputation, disfiguring) are entirely unnecessary, and will only be a waste of product. Verbal discipline, withholding food and amenities, and flogging with small objects (such as a ruler or a clothes hanger) are recommended.
Medical notes: Unless the Pet is to be used for breeding, both sexes must be sterilized to prevent any distractions from their duties. Females undergo a mandatory type III circumcision as well.
Servant Pets' lifespans are longer than other pets, averaging to 65 (discounting workplace accidents and violence from master to pet). While aging may take away value and capability in the mid thirties, they may continue to work well to 70. Past this age, however, it is in the best interest to both the master and the Pet to euthanize it, as the resource strain to support a geriatric Pet for the sake of an extra set of hands will be much more of a hindrance than it could help.
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mariacallous · 24 days
Less than three months after Apple quietly debuted a tool for publishers to opt out of its AI training, a number of prominent news outlets and social platforms have taken the company up on it.
WIRED can confirm that Facebook, Instagram, Craigslist, Tumblr, The New York Times, The Financial Times, The Atlantic, Vox Media, the USA Today network, and WIRED’s parent company, Condé Nast, are among the many organizations opting to exclude their data from Apple’s AI training. The cold reception reflects a significant shift in both the perception and use of the robotic crawlers that have trawled the web for decades. Now that these bots play a key role in collecting AI training data, they’ve become a conflict zone over intellectual property and the future of the web.
This new tool, Applebot-Extended, is an extension to Apple’s web-crawling bot that specifically lets website owners tell Apple not to use their data for AI training. (Apple calls this “controlling data usage” in a blog post explaining how it works.) The original Applebot, announced in 2015, initially crawled the internet to power Apple’s search products like Siri and Spotlight. Recently, though, Applebot’s purpose has expanded: The data it collects can also be used to train the foundational models Apple created for its AI efforts.
Applebot-Extended is a way to respect publishers' rights, says Apple spokesperson Nadine Haija. It doesn’t actually stop the original Applebot from crawling the website—which would then impact how that website’s content appeared in Apple search products—but instead prevents that data from being used to train Apple's large language models and other generative AI projects. It is, in essence, a bot to customize how another bot works.
Publishers can block Applebot-Extended by updating a text file on their websites known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol, or robots.txt. This file has governed how bots go about scraping the web for decades—and like the bots themselves, it is now at the center of a larger fight over how AI gets trained. Many publishers have already updated their robots.txt files to block AI bots from OpenAI, Anthropic, and other major AI players.
Robots.txt allows website owners to block or permit bots on a case-by-case basis. While there’s no legal obligation for bots to adhere to what the text file says, compliance is a long-standing norm. (A norm that is sometimes ignored: Earlier this year, a WIRED investigation revealed that the AI startup Perplexity was ignoring robots.txt and surreptitiously scraping websites.)
Applebot-Extended is so new that relatively few websites block it yet. Ontario, Canada–based AI-detection startup Originality AI analyzed a sampling of 1,000 high-traffic websites last week and found that approximately 7 percent—predominantly news and media outlets—were blocking Applebot-Extended. This week, the AI agent watchdog service Dark Visitors ran its own analysis of another sampling of 1,000 high-traffic websites, finding that approximately 6 percent had the bot blocked. Taken together, these efforts suggest that the vast majority of website owners either don’t object to Apple’s AI training practices are simply unaware of the option to block Applebot-Extended.
In a separate analysis conducted this week, data journalist Ben Welsh found that just over a quarter of the news websites he surveyed (294 of 1,167 primarily English-language, US-based publications) are blocking Applebot-Extended. In comparison, Welsh found that 53 percent of the news websites in his sample block OpenAI’s bot. Google introduced its own AI-specific bot, Google-Extended, last September; it’s blocked by nearly 43 percent of those sites, a sign that Applebot-Extended may still be under the radar. As Welsh tells WIRED, though, the number has been “gradually moving” upward since he started looking.
Welsh has an ongoing project monitoring how news outlets approach major AI agents. “A bit of a divide has emerged among news publishers about whether or not they want to block these bots,” he says. “I don't have the answer to why every news organization made its decision. Obviously, we can read about many of them making licensing deals, where they're being paid in exchange for letting the bots in—maybe that's a factor.”
Last year, The New York Times reported that Apple was attempting to strike AI deals with publishers. Since then, competitors like OpenAI and Perplexity have announced partnerships with a variety of news outlets, social platforms, and other popular websites. “A lot of the largest publishers in the world are clearly taking a strategic approach,” says Originality AI founder Jon Gillham. “I think in some cases, there's a business strategy involved—like, withholding the data until a partnership agreement is in place.”
There is some evidence supporting Gillham’s theory. For example, Condé Nast websites used to block OpenAI’s web crawlers. After the company announced a partnership with OpenAI last week, it unblocked the company’s bots. (Condé Nast declined to comment on the record for this story.) Meanwhile, Buzzfeed spokesperson Juliana Clifton told WIRED that the company, which currently blocks Applebot-Extended, puts every AI web-crawling bot it can identify on its block list unless its owner has entered into a partnership—typically paid—with the company, which also owns the Huffington Post.
Because robots.txt needs to be edited manually, and there are so many new AI agents debuting, it can be difficult to keep an up-to-date block list. “People just don’t know what to block,” says Dark Visitors founder Gavin King. Dark Visitors offers a freemium service that automatically updates a client site’s robots.txt, and King says publishers make up a big portion of his clients because of copyright concerns.
Robots.txt might seem like the arcane territory of webmasters—but given its outsize importance to digital publishers in the AI age, it is now the domain of media executives. WIRED has learned that two CEOs from major media companies directly decide which bots to block.
Some outlets have explicitly noted that they block AI scraping tools because they do not currently have partnerships with their owners. “We’re blocking Applebot-Extended across all of Vox Media’s properties, as we have done with many other AI scraping tools when we don’t have a commercial agreement with the other party,” says Lauren Starke, Vox Media’s senior vice president of communications. “We believe in protecting the value of our published work.”
Others will only describe their reasoning in vague—but blunt!—terms. “The team determined, at this point in time, there was no value in allowing Applebot-Extended access to our content,” says Gannett chief communications officer Lark-Marie Antón.
Meanwhile, The New York Times, which is suing OpenAI over copyright infringement, is critical of the opt-out nature of Applebot-Extended and its ilk. “As the law and The Times' own terms of service make clear, scraping or using our content for commercial purposes is prohibited without our prior written permission,” says NYT director of external communications Charlie Stadtlander, noting that the Times will keep adding unauthorized bots to its block list as it finds them. “Importantly, copyright law still applies whether or not technical blocking measures are in place. Theft of copyrighted material is not something content owners need to opt out of.”
It’s unclear whether Apple is any closer to closing deals with publishers. If or when it does, though, the consequences of any data licensing or sharing arrangements may be visible in robots.txt files even before they are publicly announced.
“I find it fascinating that one of the most consequential technologies of our era is being developed, and the battle for its training data is playing out on this really obscure text file, in public for us all to see,” says Gillham.
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use-your-telescope · 11 months
When Everything's Made to be Broken - Chapter 5: I'm Looking for a Sign
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Summary: Theo begins the onboarding process for becoming an Avenger, and finds some time to sneak away.
Author's Notes: Sorry this is so late in the day! It has been a hectic weekend. This chapter (and the next) really focus on Theo, so there isn't much Loki... but he will be back soon!
If you enjoy, please reblog!! I'm a lil' blog (less than 100 followers, haha) and reblogs really help me out <3 Also, feel free to send me a message or comment if you want to be added to the tag list.
Next chapter should be coming November 12th!
Content Warnings: Canon-typical fighting (there's a training session).
Word Count: 5,525
Read on AO3 | When Everything's Made to be Broken Masterlist
Song: Good to Be Alive - PVRIS
Learning how to swim but the lands are dry Feeling like a shark, If I stop I'll die Things are lit and the blood's on fire Underneath the buzz of the telephone wire All my friends are doing fine While I’m looking for a sign Is this body even mine? Feels good to be alive but I hate my life
Onboarding with the Avengers was akin to drinking from a firehose.
Every waking moment was full - between orientation at the SHIELD Hospital, procedural trainings, mission briefings, and combat simulations, Theo hardly had a moment to breathe, much less think.
Either way, Theo had no interest in showing that the rapid pace was throwing her off her game. Instead, she bit her tongue and kept her wits about her, vigilant for even the slightest indication that something was amiss. Theo wouldn’t speak unless spoken to, and if spoken to she gave the impression of polite compliance - now that she was in the thick of things, stirring the pot would only make it harder to get this over with.
However, there was one element which she protested… Despite her insistence otherwise, part of Theo’s onboarding required being equipped with new armor. 
She hadn’t needed armor before, so it seemed silly. If anything, she needed clothes that let her move freely and without detection. However, Fury insisted that Theo needed additional protection in the event that her magic wasn’t enough. The result was Theo, standing in Tony Stark’s lab, regretting every decision that led her to that moment as the overly smug engineer combed over her appearance with a shit eating grin.
“So, Rapunzel-” Tony leaned back against a table in his lab, crossing his arms. “I hear you need some armor.”
“That depends on who you ask.” Theo’s eyes scanned the room as she crossed her arms, leaning her weight on one foot. “Fury sure thinks so. I’m not convinced.”
It seemed like a standard engineering lab. A mixture of concrete, steel, and glass surrounded them, while harsh lights glared down from above. Scattered around the lab were more computers and machines than anyone knew what to do with, and various employees mulling about as they worked on assorted tasks. One person sautered metal, while another ran tests on what Theo could only assume was the newest rendition of Tony’s infamous suit. Clattering keys, clanking metal, and multiple beeps echoed throughout the sterile space. A metallic smell, tinged with chemicals and burning filled the air.
“Well, that’s where I come in.” Tony winked, picking up some kind of glass tablet and waving it at her. “If you ask nicely, I might even let you customize it.” 
Theo rolled her eyes. “Asking you nicely sounds like too much work.”
“Don’t listen to him.” A woman appeared from around the corner, walking up to the pair with a swagger and a blinding smile that contrasted her umber skin. Her braided hair was twisted up into space buns, which combined with her brightly colored outfit made it painfully obvious just who Theo was speaking to. “I’ll make you better armor, and I’ll let you add whatever features you want without having to ask.” 
Shuri Udaku, the princess of Wakanda. 
For the first time that Theo could remember, she was, officially, starstruck.
“We haven’t officially met…” Theo offered a wry smile and nod to the princess, doing her best to keep her cool.
“I’m Shuri, princess of Wakanda and head of the Wakandan Design Group.” She stuck a hand out to shake, smiling brightly with just a hint of something amusing in her eyes. “Colonizing gave him a big ego, but what he would make is nothing compared to what I can make you.”
Theo couldn’t stifle the laugh that bubbled out of her from the dig at Tony.
“Oh, I like you. I’m Theo.” She took Shuri’s hand, offering a firm shake while praying her hands weren’t too sweaty.
Tony pouted, giving Shuri a dirty look; Shuri smirked at him.
“So what does this armor making process entail?” Theo glanced between the pair, waiting for further instruction.
“First, we’ll have you spar with one of our guys; get a sense for your style. From there, we’ll draw up a base set. You’ll give it a trial run, push the boundaries so we can see what works and what needs adjusting.” Tony explained, watching Theo as she continued observing her surroundings. “Then, we’ll make a final version.”
“Okay…” Given Shuri’s comments on building better armor, Theo suspected Shuri wasn’t her partner. Then again, it didn’t look like anyone there was ready to practice fighting - certainly none of the lab staff, who all but ignored Theo’s presence. Maybe she would be fighting Tony or one of his robots? 
“Okay what?” Tony tapped on the tablet a few times.
“Am I sparring now?” Theo raised her eyebrows at him expectantly as she shrugged, glancing around the room. “I don’t see anyone who looks like they’re ready to fight, much less a space to fight in. Unless you want me to break your equipment, which is probably pretty expensive… Then again, you’re the Avengers’ Sugar Daddy. It’s probably pocket change for you to replace these.”
Shuri snorted at Theo’s comment.
“You’re not fighting here.” Tony rolled his eyes, pressing away from the table and gesturing for Theo to follow. “We have a training lab. Your partner will meet you there.”  
That explained why she was told to come to the lab in clothes she could exercise in. Theo trailed behind, almost having to jog in order to keep up with Tony. “Who am I sparring against?”
Tony stopped in front of a door, pressing some sort of code into a keypad on the wall. The door hissed as it slid open, revealing none other than Captain America himself. 
Oh shit.
Steve smiled, waving to the trio as they entered. Theo, on the other hand, froze in place, her stomach dropping into her feet. Couldn’t they have picked someone with magic, at least? 
“He’ll go easy on you to start.” Tony winked, turning to lead them into another room. 
Theo’s face must have betrayed her reaction - this was not going to go well, but not for the reason Tony Stark thought. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Theo gulped, eyes darting between the others.
“We’ll start simple.” Steve reassured her, following along with the group.
Fury must have held back on explaining Theo’s abilities if he was so calm about their impending duel.
The room that Tony brought them to was empty, save for a collection of cameras around the room and a table filled with sheets of stickers, each no larger than a pea. Mats covered the floor, presumably so that anyone who went down fighting was less likely to be hurt. 
Cute, but a few mats weren’t going to be much help when it came to fighting a mage.
“So, how this works: the cameras will track your motion.” After gesturing to cameras around the room, Tony held up a sheet of stickers. ”These will be stuck to you so we can get a sense of your movements. You fight, then we use the data to design your gear.” 
The thought of sensors stuck all over her body made her cringe. Of the many roles she expected to fill, lab rat was not one of them.
Fury fucking owed her for this. 
“Oh joy...” Theo sighed, resigning herself to her fate. “Fine, let’s do this.”
Shuri brushed past Tony, grabbing the sensors. “I will handle this - I have just the touch.” She smirked at Theo. As she began to place the sensors, she leaned into Theo and whispered, “Kick his ass - I can fix broken white boys.” 
Yes, Shuri was her kind of person.
Theo snickered, but held still so Shuri could continue placing sensors. Shuri made quick work of the task, her touch gentle but firm as she secured each device to Theo’s skin.
Once all the sensors were in place, they were ready to begin. 
“In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve never ‘just sparred’ before.” Theo spoke up, circling around Steve. 
She absolutely had sparred before - hundreds of times. But this way, if she accidentally went too far, she had an excuse. Besides, Steve didn’t have magic, and only fought with a shield.
Really, this was not a fair fight.
“I’m durable, don’t worry.” Steve offered a charming smile. “I can do this all day.”
Theo shook her head, gesturing with one hand to conjure her weapon. Runes slid down her arm, twisting around each other in the air until a blade of shadow appeared in her hand. “I’ve dulled my weapon so it’s not going to slice you open, at least.”
“Awfully kind,” Steve winked, lowering himself into a ready stance. “Ladies first.”
Well, here goes nothing.
Theo took a deep breath, stepping forward and offering the first swing. 
Steve leapt back, darting forward to attempt a blow of his own. 
Theo nimbly jumped to the side, swinging her blade down and landing clean on Steve’s back.
As Steve was knocked to the ground he spun around, attempting to kick out Theo’s feet from beneath her.
Theo leapt over his kick, pressing forward to a somersault in time to pop up and block a punch, taking another swing with her blade.
The two fell into a rhythm of trading blows. Steve certainly had his merits as a fighter - if they were in hand-to-hand combat, he easily could have kicked her ass. But this wasn’t hand to hand combat - Theo had her weapon to give her some distance, and if nothing else she was damn good at dodging anything and everything that attempted to hurt or kill her.
If this was all that was involved, she could do this all day… Well, as long as her lungs held up okay. 
“Are you going to use any of your magic?” Steve grunted, dodging a blow from Theo as he kicked at her.
“I try to only use it against other magic users.” Theo replied, bringing her blade down to block the kick. 
As if he took Theo’s response as a challenge, Steve picked up the pace. Still, Theo had yet to break a sweat. What she lacked in brute strength, she more than made up for in endurance and agility. 
The sensation of being watched by someone new led Theo to do a scan of her surroundings as she blocked a punch from Steve. 
Her instinct was spot on - not just one person, but three new people. Maybe it was a bit of ego, or a flair for the dramatic, but if there was a larger audience… Well, Theo could show off a little bit and it wouldn’t hurt anyone. 
“It seems we have an audience…” Theo commented, tumbling backwards before teleporting behind Steve and hitting him from behind.
“I thought you didn’t use magic against non-magic users.” Steve coughed, then spun around to find her smirking at him. 
Steve threw a punch, only to have it go right through her - it was an illusion. He frantically scanned the room again to find Theo leaning up against the wall, arms crossed as she dangled her sword from her right hand.
“Well, we have an audience.” She repeated with a wry shrug, pointing to the new arrivals with her blade. “Can’t let the new girl disappoint.”
Standing in the entrance, Wanda, Bucky, and Loki watched the two spar. Wanda appeared to be amused by the interaction; Bucky was laughing at Steve, and Loki… 
Well, Theo wasn’t sure if he was amused, unimpressed, or bored.
“Alright, so this should get interesting now, right?” Steve turned to face Theo again, straightening up and squaring his shoulders.
“Perhaps.” Theo kept a straight face as she pushed off the wall, preparing for Steve’s next move.
“Theo, remember what I said – I can fix broken white boys!” Shuri jeered.
A smirk flickered across Theo’s lips. 
Bucky doubled over, howling with laughter as Steve let out a huff.
As long as she stuck to the celestial magic, she’d be fine. 
Steve rushed towards her.
Adrenaline rushed through Theo’s veins. It had been a while since she’d really had a chance to show what she could do; the prospect of flexing her skills felt almost liberating.
No, she needed to keep it under wraps. 
Singing under her breath, a wisp of white shot through her sword. Once Theo stopped, the melody continued to reverberate from the blade, haunting yet almost impossible to hear.
Steve launched forward to throw a blow, but Theo was too quick - she spun and took him down from behind with the hilt of the sword.
“Is your sword singing?” 
“Magicians don’t reveal their secrets,” Theo winked. She jumped back, curling her fingers to gesture for Steve to come get her.
Steve rushed forward, only to find himself shocked with cosmic energy. What the-?” He froze mid-motion, dropping to the ground. “
“I didn’t hurt you too bad, did I?” Theo dryly inquired, cocking her head to the side.
That was too strong.
“Well, it wasn’t pleasant…” Steve shook his head, staggering briefly before he returned to his feet. “It’s fine - I can do this all day.”
Yeah, that was stronger than it should have been. But why?
“Sorry, I’ll try to temper it a bit,” Theo apologized, while praying it wasn’t obvious that she used more than she intended.
“Don’t go easy on me.” Regaining his composure, Steve resumed charging at her and throwing blows. Theo took a more defensive approach, focusing solely on dodging blows instead of doing damage while she tried to figure out what made her spell so potent.
“Not to be weird, but what phase is the moon in right now?” Theo tried to make the question as casual as possible, hoping it would come off as small talk and nothing more.
“Don’t tell me you do that horoscope shit.” Tony groaned from the sideline.
“There’s nothing wrong with horoscopes, grandpa.” Theo feigned offense, but she was grateful for Tony’s ignorance as to why she might ask the question. “Besides, Astrology is more real than the stock market.”
Shuri snorted.
“It’s a new moon tonight,” Wanda answered. Theo glanced over to catch the Scarlet Witch staring at her phone, lips pursed as she studied whatever was on the screen.
Well, that explained the magic surge.
“Good to know.” Theo kept a casual tone to her voice, rhythmically moving as she dodged and parried Steve’s attacks.
They sparred for another few minutes; Theo continued to stay away from offensive spells, but occasionally threw in an illusion or teleported so they wouldn’t suspect anything. Even if she wasn’t giving them the best data to build her gear with, she wasn’t going to pull out all the stops until it was actually necessary.
Besides, she didn’t really need the armor in the first place.
“Alright Rapunzel, I think we’ve got enough data to start.” Tony announced, tapping the screen of his tablet with a flourish..
Steve dropped his offensive stance, straightening up while he caught his breath.
“Good match.” The friendly smile Steve flashed indicated that he didn’t seem too upset about being shocked.
“Likewise.” Theo returned the nod as her shadow blade vanished. 
All in all, it wasn’t the most intense workout she’d ever had, but she did get a bit sweaty and was a little out of breath. Maybe Steve was stronger than she gave him credit for. After all, he was a super soldier. 
Then again, she assumed that fighting a super soldier would require enough exertion to make her asthma flare up; given she was still breathing alright, perhaps he also went easy on her.
Whatever - she wasn’t going to dwell on the subject.
Shuri returned to help remove the sensors.
“You held back on him.” She raised an eyebrow at Theo, sending the sorceress a pointed glance before stepping behind Theo to remove the sensors on her back.
Unsure of how else to respond, Theo simply shrugged. “I don’t need to add to my body count.”
Shuri sighed, skepticism written on her features as she leaned around Theo to set the sensors on the table. Perhaps the princess had a better sense of Theo’s powers than she let on. “I told you, I can fix broken white boys.” 
Yeah, but she couldn’t fix a pile of dust.
“I don’t think killing Captain America would be a good way to start my tenure as an Avenger…” Theo raised a challenging brow.
Shuri laughed; apparently she thought it was a joke. Theo offered a thin smile.
“One of these days I will get you down here and test you without limits so I can design you the ultimate armor.” Shuri chided, though she still smiled at the newcomer.
Theo offered a curt nod. “Maybe.”
Shuri’s expression told Theo that she took the answer as a challenge.
At the sensation of a bead of sweat trickling down her temple, Theo grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and yanked it up to dry her skin. As she dropped the fabric, she caught Loki studying her. A sense of curiosity peeked through his piercing gaze, cool green eyes glinting beneath the lights. 
Theo wondered what ran through his mind. Was he trying to figure out if she was actually a threat? Or was he more focused on where she came from?
Once the sensors were off, Theo started towards the door. She had no interest in socializing, plus she wanted nothing more than to shower and wash the sticky, gritty sweat off her skin. 
“Hey Theo, we’re about to head to dinner - do you want to come?”
Enthusiasm colored Wanda’s voice; when Theo turned to face the witch she found Wanda smiling hesitantly, hands shoved in the pockets of her hoodie.
“I appreciate the offer, but I think I’m going to pass,” Theo feigned an interest in the invite, even as she turned it down. “I’m still getting settled in and all.” 
A pang of guilt shot up in Theo at the sight of Wanda’s falling face. She could empathize with the pain of rejection; there were countless times when Theo was a little girl when she asked Rae to play with her, but Rae would decline because she was busy with lessons and far too old to play games. Back then, Theo was too small to understand why, but she could still feel how her chest would twist from being turned down. 
This, however, was different. Between the appearances at her show, the game, and the invites to hang out, it was obvious that Wanda had ulterior motives. After all, Theo was there when Fury told the Avengers that their mission was to get Theo to stay - and what better way to rope her in than to try and be her friend?
Rather than dwell on the matter, she offered a small wave and hurried out of the lab.
This could not be over fast enough.
Lost big dreams that I really don't need Everything I love is gonna find a way to leave Got good friends that I never can see Always on the run while my plans are free I been staying up all night Shaking needles out my spine But the doctor says I'm fine Feels good to be alive but I hate my life
Living on-site was a non-negotiable of the deal (much to Theo’s dismay), but she had to admit it was convenient - she never had to worry about shit going down on the subway when her workplace was an elevator ride away. 
Regardless of where she actually lived, there was one thing she needed to do before anything else: set up a portal to her Mémère’s house. The ritual of creating one long-term portal was tedious, but once set up the long-term portal’s convenience far outweighed the nuisance. Theo visited the family’s matriarch often enough that having a travel method faster than public transit was a necessity, especially with the distance between them. After all, it wasn’t like she had the time to fly back and forth between northern Michigan and New York every weekend.
Creating the portal wasn’t hard; the big challenge was figuring out where to put it. She didn’t want it in her bedroom, since Mémère and Max occasionally used the portals she set up to come visit and the last thing she needed was for them to walk in on her in any number of compromising positions. However, she didn’t want to set it in a location where people would question why she had a misty oval in her wall. After an unnecessary amount of debate, she opted to place it along one of the walls in her main room and take advantage of some well-placed curtains to hide the addition.
With the portal in place, it was time for a field trip.
The crisp air of northern Michigan was a far cry from New York’s heavy, thick skies. It was easier to breathe - not just because there was a lot less pollution, which was notable for someone like Theo, whose lungs were sensitive to smog - but because the nearly silent, still world around her made it easier for the tension to melt from her shoulders and to relax with each inhale and exhale. Michigan was the opposite of New York City, a constantly bustling metropolis where it was all too easy to get lost in the shuffle. 
Theo stepped through the portal to find herself in her grandmother’s equipment shed. That was intentional - no one would think to look there for a portal. Weaving between the farm equipment, she pushed the worn wooden door open and stepped outside. 
Around her, the evergreens that towered above swayed in the breeze, wind whispering through the branches. In front of her stood the farmhouse, with white weathered siding, wide windows, and a wraparound porch that Theo had spent countless nights sitting on. To her left, a worn path led from the porch down to a small beach with a dock, while the waves of Lake Superior lapped up on the shore. She didn’t have to look behind her to know an old, worn out barn stood in its same place, though it had been years since any animals were kept inside.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted two vehicles parked along the dirt drive - a red pickup truck and a green subaru outback.
Max must have been visiting.
Theo crossed the distance and ascended onto the porch, approached the front door, gripped the worn brass door knob and turned the handle, pushing her way inside.
“Hello?” Poking her head inside, Theo glanced around the living room to find it empty. She stepped inside, closed the door, and toed off her shoes. The sound of clattering dishes echoed from the kitchen, while two voices floated above in animated conversation.
“Ah, my bichette!” A raspy voice called out, followed by the shuffling of feet. Just before Theo reached the hallway, a petite elderly woman appeared. 
Mémère had seen more than her fair share of life in her many years on Earth, and it showed. Her tan, papery skin held deep wrinkles and age spots dotted themselves across her cheeks and forehead. In the almost fifteen years since Theo had left for college, the matriarch of the Durand family had aged considerably - every time Theo saw her, she swore that Mémère shrunk another inch. Mémère moved considerably slower than in the past, undoubtedly her advanced age catching up to her. Still, she had a bright spark in her amber eyes and a sharp wit that could not be deterred. 
“Hi Mémère,” Theo greeted, embracing her grandmother. Though it had only been a week or so since they’d last been together, it seemed like the elderly woman’s bones were even more prominent, jutting into Theo’s flesh as they hugged. “I saw Max’s car outside - is he here too?”
“Of course I am.” Max appeared over Mémère’s shoulder, arching an eyebrow at his older cousin. “One of us has to keep things in order while you’re off playing superhero.”
“Oh come on, it’s not like–”
“Now now, I do not need you two squabbling to take up my Saturday,” Mémère said, pointedly glaring at the cousins before gesturing for everyone to enter the kitchen. “You both are doing wonderful things, and I’m happy to have you both home. I’ll put some coffee on and we can all catch up. Leenie, have you had lunch? I don’t have many options at the moment, but I can make sandwiches.”
“You’re not going to ask if I’ve had lunch?” Max scoffed, to which Mémère rolled her eyes. 
“My caneton, you’ve been here all morning. I know you haven’t had lunch.”
“Sandwich sounds lovely.” Theo answered, trying not to laugh at Max’s feigned offense.
As they stepped into the kitchen, everything was familiar - the same butcher block countertops, the same painted cabinets. Holiday cards were stuck to the fridge with magnets, and a picture of Theo at her college graduation still hung on the door. Things were so much simpler then.
“So, tell us all about your first days as an Avenger - are you settling in? Have you made any friends?” Mémère gave her a knowing wink, making her way to grab sandwich meat and cheese from the fridge. Theo retrieved plates out of the cabinet, setting them on the counter. 
Theo couldn’t stop herself from laughing at Mémère’s questions. “I’m not really there to make friends, Mémère.”
“No, but you have to live and work with them.” Even if she moved a bit slower than she did ten years ago, Mémère was still sharp enough to pick up on Theo’s unspoken hesitations. “You’d be smart to befriend them, or you may be miserable for the foreseeable future.” 
Sure, Mémère was probably right, but Theo was not about to admit that aloud.
“How are you handling things out here?” Theo changed the subject. “The shed looks like it’s seen better days.”
“Oh, things are fine - Max comes by almost daily to help with things around the farm; he also helps with running errands and such.” Mémère waved a hand dismissively, while Max gave Theo a shit eating grin. “Father Tim - you remember him - he’s also around a lot to help with things.”
Surprisingly, Max did not interject with some snarky comment.
Theo nodded. “And you’ve been okay, health-wise?”
Mémère smiled, though Theo picked up a hint of sadness in her eyes. “I’m fine, bichette. Still kicking. Still here to tease you endlessly.”
Theo laughed softly, shaking her head. “I can’t imagine you doing anything else...”
A silence fell in the room as the final condiments were set out on the countertop.
“This is less fancy than the restaurants you probably go to in New York, but hopefully it still tastes good.” Mémère joked, gesturing to the spread of sandwich toppings. “I’ll let you build your own, so it’s just how you want.”
Theo laughed. “Just because I agreed to join the Avengers doesn’t mean I now scoff at a sandwich.”
While Theo and Max put their sandwiches together, Mémère made sure they each had a cup of coffee poured and at the table. Once the trio assembled their meals, they each took their regular chairs at the kitchen table.
“What have you done so far?”
“Nothing exciting, really.” Theo palmed the ceramic mug in front of her, eyes following the curls of steam as they floated upward. “A lot of onboarding crap. I was supposed to spar with Captain America and that was, uh, interesting. Next week I’m supposed to start doing interviews and shit, but I don’t really get why I’d waste my time with those when I have actual work to do.”
“Told you, playing superhero.” Max interjected, to which Theo scowled.
“I don’t think it’s a waste.” Mémère mused. “Now the world can learn of your gifts. You’ve spent far too long trying to conceal them.”
Mémère always thought the best of Theo, and that went for her magic as well. Despite disagreeing, Theo gave up on trying to convince her otherwise a long time ago.
“Are they gifts?” Theo pondered, studying the barn through the window panes. “There are a lot of people who think they’re curses.”
“They are what you choose to make them.” Mémère reminded her granddaughter. “You’ve chosen to make them gifts, to use them to help people.”
Theo nodded, though she didn’t entirely agree with Mémère’s assessment. She knew Max probably didn’t agree either. The council certainly didn’t.
“How’s work, Max?” Theo tried to change the subject. 
“It’s fine.” Max paused to take a bite of his sandwich. “No complaints.”
“And Ellie, Katie? How are they?”
“Good. Katie’s daycare is now preparing her to start preschool.”
Theo nearly dropped her coffee cup at the news.
“Seriously? She’s a toddler.”
“She’s three, and she’s way ahead of her developmental milestones. The staff think it’s a good idea. Ellie agrees. She’s a pediatrician, so it’s her job to know that kind of stuff.” Max shrugged as if he was completely unaffected by the prospect of his child starting preschool.
“This is what happens when two doctors have a baby, I guess.” Theo muttered to herself. 
Theo may have been the one in the Avengers, but Max was always the responsible and cautious one. It was pretty common for the council members to lament that Theo was the next in line - they claimed it was because she was a loose cannon and unpredictable; that wasn’t the real reason, but none of them would admit the truth to Theo or Mémère’s faces. Still, they weren’t wrong when they pointed out that Max was steadfast and rational. He naturally embodied the characteristics of a wise leader.
Maybe that’s why he was so pissy about her accepting the Avengers gig - until that point, Theo was the one living in Max’s shadow.
Mémère must have sensed the tension between cousins, because she took over the conversation from there. Even if things between Theo and Max were always tense, conversation with Mémère came easily. Beyond trying to catch up on what had happened in Michigan since Theo’s last visit, Mémère had plenty of her own questions about Theo’s transition to being an Avenger. 
Even if they weren’t Theo’s favorite questions, she owed Mémère real answers.
Once they finished their sandwiches, Theo stood and collected the dirty plates, bringing them to the sink so she could wash them.
“How long are you visiting for?” Mémère asked, still sitting at the table.
“Just the afternoon - figured I’d use my first moment of free time since starting to see how things were here, plus grab some stuff to bring back with me.” Theo said, letting out a sigh. “I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving, so I imagine I don’t have long before they start looking for me. They’re kind of obsessive like that.”
“Well, you know where your room is - It’s always ready, whenever you need it. Feel free to head up whenever.”
Given Theo could hardly sneak away for an afternoon, she found it hard to imagine she’d need the bed anytime soon.
Setting the last plate on the drying rack, Theo made her way upstairs. Over all the years she had been here, the whole house had barely changed - same furniture, same photos, same faded wallpaper covering the walls. Her feet carried her down the hall, almost on autopilot as she made her way to her old bedroom. Standing in front of the entrance, Theo took a deep breath, turned the knob and opened the door. 
Inside, the room was still a breath of fresh air - pale yellow walls, big windows with sheer curtains. A queen size bed with a patchwork quilt sat in one corner; one of Theo’s old guitars from when she was here before remained in another corner. Her old Van Gogh poster was still on the wall above her dresser.
Despite remaining exactly as she left it, there was no dust to be found - Mémère must have cleaned the room while she was gone.
She always kept the room ready in case Theo needed to come home.
Theo’s heart twisted at the thought. It was almost enough for her to say “fuck it” and stay – at least for one night. After all, it had been a long time since she actually visited for more than a day or two, and the Avengers needed her, not the other way around; she could make them wait.
However, her cell phone quickly reminded her that wasn’t an option.
“Anyone seen Rapunzel?” The Avengers group chat lit up.
Theo rolled her eyes, but replied anyway.  “Visiting a friend. Be back later.”
Whether she wanted to or not, Theo knew - the show must go on.
So tied up and tired of this self-inflicted fight In spite of, I light up, to leave my demons I tell myself I'm fine while I'm looking for a sign Is this body even mine? Feels good to be alive but I hate my life
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dollsonmain · 6 months
Jobs that talk like this feel gross, ngl.
What You’ll Do:
Welcome Everyone: Be the face of our brand by giving a warm welcome to every customer.
Top-Notch Service: Delight customers with speedy and friendly service while helping our Car Wash, Lube Shop, and Convenience Store patrons complete their transaction
Sales Pro: Drive sales by promoting exciting customer promotions and membership options, and master the art of suggestive upselling.
Law-Abiding Pro: Navigate state and federal laws with finesse, ensuring compliance in alcohol, tobacco, and lottery sales.
Style Icon: Rock the company dress code with flair, and keep the place looking sharp and shiny.
What You’ll Bring:
Positive Vibes: Your energy is infectious, making every interaction a positive one.
Eagle Eyes: Attention to detail is your middle name.
Reliability: Dependability is not just a skill; it’s a lifestyle.
Rookie or Pro: Retail experience is cool, but if you're new to the game, we’ll show you the ropes.
Flexibility: Your schedule is as versatile as your playlist.
Stand Tall: You’re ready to stand tall and proud, delivering excellence throughout your shift.
Communication Champ: You can talk the talk and walk the walk, following directions like a pro.
Learn and Grow: Embrace opportunities for growth through company trainings and meetings.
Food Handlers Card: Don’t worry if you don’t have one; we’ll help you snag it.
What you get:
Cha-Ching: Competitive hourly pay every week to fuel your adventures.
Bonus Alert: Monthly bonuses await based on your store's stellar performance.
Healthy Perks: Health benefits for full/part-time team members. (Based on status)
Climb the Ladder: Opportunities to climb up the career ladder.
Shiny Wheels: Enjoy free weekly car washes and discounts on other vehicle services.
It feels so
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and disgustingly insincere.
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crackiswack13 · 11 months
Kinktober Day 18
Spanking-Good omens Aziraphale and Crowley
Warning: 18+,smut,punishment, Top Aziraphale,Bottom Crowley, spanking (obviously that's what this is about)
Training a Demon
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Crowley was bored he decided to sneak into Aziraphale's bedroom while he was attending to customers in his bookshop. He started digging through Aziraphale's closet he didn't find much of anything interesting until he stumbled upon a box. He smiled mischiefly.
He mumbled as he opened the brown cardboard box. His smile fell as his face turned red. He stared at the explicit letters about him that date as far back as 1941. The year he saved Aziraphale's books from those thieves. He pulled the letters out of the box. He couldn't believe what he was reading.
"Crowley what are you doing"
Crowley flinched and dropped the letters. He turned to Aziraphale who had an annoyed look on his face he had his hands on his hips. He didn't appreciate his privacy being violated. Crowley knew this was not a good sign. He was most definitely in trouble with his angel.
"I was-"
He was about to speak but Aziraphale shushed him by putting a finger to his lips. He leaned in close to his ear. He whispered to him.
"A certain demon needs to be taught not to go through others things without permission "
He whispered sternly. Crowley blushed more. Aziraphale stepped away from him. He put his hands behind his back as he looked at Crowley up and down. Crowley felt nervous under Aziraphale's stare he didn't know what he had in mind.
"Go sit on my bed"
He demanded Crowley's body shiver he never heard Aziraphale speak to him like that before. It excited him. He went to Aziraphale's bed and sat down. He watched Aziraphale dig through his closet he pulled out handcuffs and a blindfold. Crowley was surprised his angel would have stuff like that. The last person he would suspect to have sex toys would be Aziraphale.
"Angel where-"
He was cut off by Aziraphale's finger on his lips again. Crowley blushed at how close he was to him.
"You will only speak when I say you can"
He said sternly Crowley didn't know how to respond he just nodded his head. Aziraphale smiled at his compliance. He lifted his chin.
"Good boy~"
He cooed Crowley started to get turned on. It was obvious with the bulge in his pants. Aziraphale looked down he giggled as he rubbed his knee between Crowley's legs teasing him.
"My someone is getting turned on~"
He smiled cheekily Crowley grunted and closed his eyes. Aziraphale got up and moved away from him. Crowley felt sad Aziraphale moved away from him. He opened his eyes to see where Aziraphale had gone. He noticed Aziraphale held out a paddle. It had the word hussy on it. Aziraphale walked over to Crowley again.
"Bend over the bed and pull your pants down "
Aziraphale demanded. Crowley couldn't believe what he was hearing. His eyes widened as he noticed Aziraphale had a serious look on his face his cheeks turned red.
Aziraphale said more sternly. Crowley didn't know how much he liked being told what to do until now. He made a mental note he would have to add it to his kink list later. He obeyed Aziraphale. He bent over the bed as he pulled his pants down. Aziraphale put the blindfold over his eyes then he felt handcuffs around his wrist.
"No boxers naughty boy~"
Aziraphale teased playfully as he lightly smacked Crowley's ass with the paddle. Crowley moaned lightly. Aziraphale rubbed his back gently.
"Count the licks I give you~"
Aziraphale demanded Crowley nodded. Aziraphale gently patted his butt playfully. He smiled as he pulled his other hand back and Crowley flinched as he felt the paddle make contact with his bottom.
Crowley stuttered Aziraphale chuckled as he petted his back. He pulled his hand back again. Crowley braced himself for the impact. He let out a squeak as Aziraphale spanked him again this time a little harder.
He groaned lightly from the pain. Aziraphale pulled his hand back. He swung again this time Crowley let out a moan. Aziraphale stopped he was surprised at the noise Crowley made.
"T three"
Crowley tried to cover it up but Aziraphale was for sure not going to let it slide. He leaned into his demon's ear. He cooed to him softly.
"Awee does someone have a pain kink?~"
He teased as he licked his ear playfully. He felt Crowley shiver under him. He got the enjoyment of making him squirm. Crowley started to pant as his body felt more hot than usual. Steam was coming off his body. Aziraphale chuckled lightly. Aziraphale struck his bottom again without warning.
Crowley struggled to say as he was caught off guard by the sudden slap. Aziraphale noticed his butt was a little red. Aziraphale rubbed it soothingly. He hummed admiring his work but he wasn't satisfied. He struck him again.
Aziraphile continued until Crowley counted to 20. Crowley didn't know how much he could take but he would bear it for his angel. Aziraphale noticed Crowley's butt looked like he got a sunburn he felt satisfied. Crowley felt relief he thought it was over until Aziraphale moved from him. He braced himself for the smack he was confused when it never came. He wanted to see where Aziraphale went as he felt a finger prod at his entrance. His face was back to cosplaying a tomato. Aziraphale chuckled as he inserted a finger he noticed Crowley didn't have a problem. He added another Crowley showed no discomfort.
"You finger yourself huh~"
Aziraphale whispered in his ear. Crowley didn't say anything as Aziraphale started scissorsing him spreading his hole. Crowley moaned lightly as Aziraphale found his prostate.
"Does this spot feel good?~"
Aziraphale asked teasingly as he continued to press against his prostate. Crowley bit his lip to muffle his moans. Aziraphale didn't like that he grabbed the paddle and smacked him again. Crowley let out a moan in response.
"I asked you a question "
Aziraphale said sternly. Crowley shivered his body was feeling too good he couldn't think properly. His senses were being overflowed as his vision was blocked.
"Yes it feels good please angel just fuck me already "
He begged Aziraphale was surprised by Crowley's manners. He never thought he would hear the word please from Crowley's foul mouth. He smiled happily as he petted his back as a reward.
"Good boy~"
He cooed softly. He got up and went over to his dresser to grab lube. Crowley whined from the loss of Aziraphale's touch.
"Hold on sweetheart I'll be there in a minute "
He cooed as he walked back over to Crowley. He pulled his trousers and boxers down. He lathered a genres amount of lube over his cock. Crowley wiggled his butt in anticipation for Aziraphale. He was rewarded with the feeling of Aziraphale's rod prodding his hole. Aziraphale gently rubbed his butt giving a good squeeze. Crowley pushed against him. Aziraphale chuckled.
"My eager boy like a dog in heat~"
He purred softly. He slowly started to enter Crowley taking his time feeling his cock invade Crowley's soft muscles. Crowley moaned as he felt Aziraphale enter him he was loving the feeling. Crowley laid his head on the bed as Aziraphale bottomed out inside him. He looked down at him. He leaned down and pecked his cheek.
"Aziraphale I love you"
Crowley moaned Aziraphale smiled at the sweet words.
"I love you to Crowley "
He said softly as he pulled out his dick but left the tip in. He quickly thrust into him without warning. Crowley let out a surprised loud moan as he wasn't expecting it. He gripped the sheets as Aziraphale continued thrusting into him. Aziraphale felt pleased being able to provide his favorite person with so much pleasure and love. He would do this every day if he could.
Crowley lets out a louder moan as Aziraphale increases his speed. His body moved along with Aziraphale's thrusts. He couldn't believe he and Aziraphale were making love. He couldn't get enough of Aziraphale's gentle touches towards him they felt nice just like he pictured in all of his countless dreams. Aziraphale started to get a little more aggressive as he gripped Crowley's hips.
Aziraphale started to feel his climax building up. He started to thrust as deep as he could go. Crowley squeezed around him he wanted to milk Aziraphale for all he had. Crowley arched his back as Aziraphale hit his prostate with no mercy to get him to his climax faster. He let out a slutty moan as he came on Aziraphale's sheets. He squeezed around Aziraphale as hard as he could. He felt Aziraphale fill him with his seed he couldn't enough of the feeling.
Aziraphale pulled out of Crowley when he was done. Crowley fell limp on the bed his legs quivering as he could barely stand. Aziraphale Hummed as he was proud of himself. He looked at the cum leaking out of Crowley. He grabbed tissues and whipped him clean. He pulled up his boxers and trousers. He pecked Crowley's cheek lovingly
"I'll run you a bath"
He cooed as he went to his bathroom. Crowley managed to pull his whole body on the bed. He snuggled into the sheets smelling them. He loved the lavender scent of his angel. He had a grin on his face that he couldn't get to go away for the rest of the afternoon.
Author's note: ok I got tired of writing bottom Aziraphale and wanted to change things
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afi-writes · 4 months
Winning the Battle
Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Reno x Tifa
Rating: Mature
Summary: The Turks spend the evening at 7th Heaven, and once again, Reno can't take his eyes off Tifa's perfect body. This time he decides to fulfill a long-time dream and finally get what he wants.
CW: Reno's shameless male gaze
Translated from the original Finnish version.
Written for @marikamalia.
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"Have Lockhart's bazookas got even bigger?" Reno's question was never answered, but instead, he received a glare from Elena and a remark about his attitude.
"Huh?” Reno drained his whisky. “I love women in every possible way."
Lockhart worked behind the bar as usual. Sometimes it seemed as if she knew the next customer's order before they had even voiced it out. The pints were filled, the bottoms of the whisky glasses rattled with ice before the heavenly drink was poured, and the perfect knockers bounced Lockhart's every move. It would have been great to cum between them.
Reno leaned back in his chair and raised the pint to his lips. Nowhere was the beer as good as in the 7th Heaven. Where did Lockhart order it? Had she secretly started her own brewery? The thought brought a grin to Reno’s lips and the beer guttered toward his lungs, making him wince.
"Damn it, Reno," Elena snorted. "Can you be any more disgusting?"
Tseng was as expressionless as ever but set his pint on the table and glanced at the coughing Reno.
One of Rude's eyebrows rose slightly. The gesture was likely to be noticed by no one but Reno, who over the years had trained himself to notice his partner's every micro-expression.
Reno had just finished coughing when Lockhart sailed over to the table to collect the empty glasses. burgundy eyes gave Reno a look that made his stomach churn. Jest aside, the woman made his heart race with her mere presence, but she was as unattainable as the moon. Although there was a persistent rumor in Edge - okay, Rude had said it once - that Strife and Lockhart were no longer together, Lockhart had reportedly not warmed to anyone's attempts toward her. Reno had seen how deftly she'd shooed the candidates out of her sight and, if necessary, thrown them out of the bar with her bare hands.
On the other hand, that wouldn't have been a bad option either, at least it would have given him a chance to get up close and personal for a while. A stiff fist would probably leave a sore jaw, but that was a price Reno was willing to pay.
"Are you okay?" A soft, friendly voice. Customer service clearly.  Reno knew the Avalanche still didn't look kindly on the Turks, yet Lockhart leaned in. "It looked like you were choking on that ale."
“…m fine…” Reno wasn't usually at a loss for words in any situation, but now such a moment had come close.
"Good. It would have been unfortunate if anything had happened.” Lockhart smiled in a way that made Reno’s heart rate take a rapid turn. Fuck.
“Bring me one more.” He raised his pint.
Lockhart nodded and continued to collect glasses from the other tables. A short black miniskirt barely covered her backside. There was an area between its skirt and the over-the-knee socks that made you want to grab her thighs. With her hips still swaying with each step, Reno was finally forced to look away for a moment. Gotta-Get-Laid-beer and Lockhart were a hazardous combination.
The evening went as usual. When the last call came Reno wasn't sure how many beers he'd downed. Tseng and Elena had sneaked away earlier, and even Rude hadn't stayed in the bar through all night, announcing that he was going home. He had even offered a ride, but Reno had refused. This would be his night. Tonight, he would find himself either plowing Lockhart or on the street in front of the bar, depending on her compliance.
The last customers roamed out just before the bar closed. Reno emptied his pint and slammed it on the table in a way that made Lockhart flinch. Had she even noticed that Reno was still sitting in the corner?
"We're closing for the night." Lockhart grabbed the handle of the pint.
Reno placed her hand on Lockhart's wrist and made the woman stop. Burgundy eyes met his gaze, and her lips parted in a silent question. Damn, it would be great to stick a tongue between them and maybe something else too.
Lockhart pulled her hand from Reno's grip and hurried to take the pint to wash. Reno hauled himself out of his chair and staggered towards the table. Damn, the level of drunkenness was higher than he'd thought. He should have taken that offer of the ride.
Reno wobbled towards the door. Shit, he hadn't spent the whole evening in this taproom for nothing. As he turned around, he was greeted with arms crossed under the bouncy twins and a stare that could pierce his brain.
"That's a waste." The words slipped out before Reno could stop himself.
“What’s a waste?” Genuine confusion rounded Lockhart’s lips. Or was it genuine? Perhaps it was a deliberate attempt to tempt Reno because surely Lockhart could read any man like an open online forum.
Reno’s mind felt sticky. There must be a way to save the situation. Yes, even Reno knew you couldn’t just say whatever to a woman’s face. A certain amount of subtleness combined with a slight lewdness was needed. The trick was not to cross an indefinite line.
Lockhart lifted a brow. “Hiding your bazookas behind your arms perhaps?”
Shit. How good was her hearing?
"Should I call you a taxi?" Lockhart continued before Reno could respond.
"I do it on my own.”
"Good. You know your way out, don't you?" Lockhart turned her back, walked behind the counter, and dampened a tablecloth, which she began to use to wipe the surfaces. The said chichis jiggled with the force of the motion, causing an unbearable ache in Reno's crotch.
"The door is behind your back." Lockhart didn’t bother to look at Reno.
"How about offering me a place to stay?"
Now Lockhart straightened up. Reno looked her straight in the eye and let his signature smirk curl on his face – at least he thought he was doing that. The one that made the nightclub chicks go wild. The I-know-I-look-fuckable-smirk.
Lockhart strolled across the room. Her journey seemed to take forever, and Reno didn't know whether he'd rather be looking at the tight top covering her hooters or her deliciously well-formed hips.
Reno made sure his grin widened as Lockhart stopped in front of him. Burgundy was unwavering. It dug in and left a lasting imprint on something people usually called the soul. Not that Reno was sure if he had such a thing. But he had, Lockhart was free to carve anything on it.
Lockhart raised both hands, and Reno's gaze instinctively dropped a couple of notches as huge hooters were finally within touching distance. However, he didn't have time even to hook his fingers as cool water trickled into his hair and down his face.
Lockhart dropped the tablecloth on the floor, grabbed Reno's coat collar with a grip quicker than his gaze, and dragged him toward the door. She managed to push it open, and Reno plunged into Edge's night. The street stuffed his cheek, leaving a mark he could wear with pride.
Footsteps pounded down the stairs until the crimson combat boots stopped at Reno's face. Another tug on the collar of his jacket forced Reno back to his feet. Unable to focus his gaze, Reno could only stare at two pairs of burgundy orbs that drilled through him, until the view became clearer, and eyes melted into just one pair.
"There are often taxis leaving from that street corner." Lockhart released her grasp on Reno's jacket. She took hold of his chin, pushed closer, and suddenly soft lips brushed Reno's cheek. The kiss felt all the way to his groin, though it was too quick.
"Damn it, Lockhart..."
"Ask me again when you're sober and have offered me at least three coffees somewhere other than my own bar." Lockhart turned, marched up the stairs, and slammed the door behind her.
The smirk returned to Reno's lips.
If you like my work, consider reblogging it. That helps more people to find it. Don't feel obliged though. Only do it if you want to, but I do appreciate the gesture.
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codex-week · 2 years
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Masterpost | FAQ & Rules | Ask | 2023 AO3 Collection
2023 Masterlist
Codex Week 2023 has come to an end; thank you to all who participated, liked, reblogged, and commented. 🧡💙
This year, we've had 16 creators, 23 works of art and 31 fanfics 🎉 A huge thank you to all of you from the codexweek mod team!
We'll still reblog new works and the AO3 collection will remain open through the month of March. If you haven't had time to complete your creation on time—don't worry! There's still an entire month left, and we'll add your creation to the masterlists. 💙🧡
You can find the full masterlist with all works under the break!
Day 1: New Paint
[/] New Paint (Tumblr) by @ct-51-4305
[/] New Paint (Tumblr) by @rexsterss
[/] New Paint (Tumblr) by @vanisketches
[G] Painted Heart (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[G] it's so easy in this blue (AO3) by @panther-os
[T] hidden picture (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[T] i don't know what else to do (AO3) by @haltiamieli
[M] Depth Over Distance (AO3) by @dreamingangelwolf
[E] Kill the Machine(AO3) by @dead-cowboy
[E] custom fit (AO3) by @wrennette
[E] sine die (AO3) by @the-bees-patella
Day 2: First Impressions | First Meetings | First Kisses
[/] First Impressions | First Meetings | First Kisses (Tumblr) by @vanisketches
[/] First Impressions | First Meetings (Tumblr) by @rexsterss
[G] Back in the Day (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[G] the fire's found a home in me (AO3) by @panther-os
[T] firsts (AO3) by @wrennette
[M] A Gentleman and An Officer (AO3) by @trudemaethien
[M] kiss and tell (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[M] Kiss It Off Me (AO3) by @elthadriel
[E] Kill the Machine (AO3) by @dead-cowboy
Day 3: Love Languages
[/] Love Languages (Tumblr) by @rexsterss
[/] Love Languages (Tumblr) by @vanisketches
[G] Will you stay another day? (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[G] begin your sun salutations (AO3) by @panther-os
[T] Happiness Is An Extremely Uneventful Subject (AO3) by @elthadriel
[T] small touches (AO3) by @wrennette
[E] bona vacantia (AO3) by @the-bees-patella
[E] Kill the Machine (AO3) by @dead-cowboy
[E] my heart in your hands & your hands on my chest (AO3) by @inconocible
[E] up to a point (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
Day 4: Kneeling Voluntarily
[/] Kneeling Voluntarily (Tumblr) by @vanisketches
[/] Kneeling Voluntarily (Tumblr) by @rexsterss
[M] Kneeling Voluntarily (AO3) by Neon_Black
[T] we let our battles choose us (AO3) by @panther-os
[T] the mess post Kadavo (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[T] Everybody's Got A Price (AO3) by @elthadriel
[M] Depth Over Distance (AO3) by @dreamingangelwolf
[E] Kill the Machine (AO3) by @dead-cowboy
[E] my heart in your hands & your hands on my chest (AO3) by @inconocible
[E] reassurances (AO3) by @wrennette
Day 5: Cadet Days, Kamino and Training
[/] Cadet Days, Kamino and Training (Tumblr) by @rexsterss
[/] Cadet Days, Kamino and Training (Tumblr) by @vanisketches
[G] Back in the Day (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[G] doin' this for the thrill of it, killin' it (AO3) by @panther-os
[M] A Gentleman and An Officer (AO3) by @trudemaethien
[M] I'll walk over the sea for you (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[E] Kill the Machine (AO3) by @dead-cowboy
[E] my heart in your hands & your hands on my chest (AO3) by @inconocible
Day 6: Following Orders | Malicious Compliance
[/] Following Orders | Malicious Compliance (Tumblr) by @vanisketches
[G] Will you stay another day? (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[T] this is how we get notorious (AO3) by @panther-os
[T] by fortune or fate (AO3) by @wrennette
[T] damaged goods (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[E] Kill the Machine (AO3) by @dead-cowboy
Day 7: Messages and Recordings
[/] Messages and Recordings (Tumblr) by @vanisketches
[G] Will you stay another day? (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[G] ours are the moments i play in the dark (AO3) by @panther-os
[G] Lover come back to me? (Part two of Will you stay another day?) (AO3) by @gun-roswell
[T] someone else's words (AO3) by @spiritofthenortheners
[E] Kill the Machine (AO3) by @dead-cowboy
[E] I Don't Have A Script For This (AO3) by @elthadriel
[E] my heart in your hands & your hands on my chest (AO3) by @inconocible
Alt 1: From Mass Effect Andromeda
[/] Mass Effect Andromeda (Instagram) by @wolviecat
[T] to be a knife without a handle (AO3) by @haltiamieli
Alt 2: Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency by Chen Chen
[/] Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced An Emergency (Instagram) by @wolviecat
[T] As I Am To You (AO3) by @elthadriel
Alt 3: 'Bed Tangle' from Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Stray flashlight sucked by F-35 engine caused $4 million in damage
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/19/2024 - 20:18in Incidents, Military
The F-35's ALIS system should soon be replaced by a new cloud-based platform.
A portable flashlight left inside the engine inlet of a USAF F-35 fighter was sucked into the engine during a maintenance operation at Luke Air Base, Arizona, in March 2023, causing almost $4 million in damage, according to a new accident investigation report.
The investigation, released on January 18, blamed the maintainer for not following the joint and U.S. Air Force guidelines as the main cause of the accident, which damaged the $14 million engine enough so that it could not be repaired locally.
However, the researchers also cited problems with the Autonomous Logistics Information System (ALIS) of the F-35 as a factor that contributed substantially. ALIS is intended to integrate operations, maintenance, forecasts, supply chain, customer support services, training and technical data, but the system has struggled with the lack of real-time connectivity, clumsy interfaces and much more.
As a result, the report states, “the substantial number of checklists and the difficulty in accessing the corrections cause complacency when users consult the necessary maintenance procedures”.
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The accident in question occurred on March 15, when a three-person maintenance team was completing a Time Compliance Technical Directive on the F-35 to “install a measurement buffer on the engine fuel line and perform a leak check on the new measurement buffer while the engine was running,” according to the report.
After the plug was installed, a maintainer conducted a tool inventory check, before another maintainer performed a "Before maintenance operations" inspection of the engine. For this, the maintainer used a flashlight to inspect the engine inlet and left it on the edge of the entrance.
The maintainer who performed the engine inspection then operated the engine for five minutes to check for fuel leaks. During this time, the cabin showed no indication of damage from foreign objects to the engine, but when the engine was turned off, the team reported hearing abnormal noises. The maintainer who conducted the engine operation performed another inspection and identified the damage, while the maintainer who completed the first check of the tool inventory performed another and noticed the lack of a flashlight.
Finally, the engine suffered damage to the second stage rotor, the third stage rotor, the fifth stage rotor, the sixth stage rotor, the fuel nozzle, the bypass duct, the high pressure compressor (HPC), the high pressure turbine (HPT) and the variable fan input vane, valued at US$ 3,933,106.
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Investigators found that the maintainer who conducted the inspection before the engine ran did not follow the Joint Technical Data warnings to remove all loose items before entering the aircraft entrance and to ensure that all engine inlets and exhausts were free of foreign and loose objects. The aviator also did not follow the instructions of the Air Force Department to "perform a visual inventory" of the toolkit after completing each task.
Finally, the report also concluded that the local practice of the 62ª Aircraft Maintenance Unit did not fully follow the instructions of the DAF, which require the individual who signed the toolkit to perform visual checks of the inventory. Instead, the practice of the unit was to make the individual who performed the operation of the engine conduct the inventory check. As a result, the two aviators involved in the accident thought that the flashlight had been found.
The ALIS factor in the accident marks another problem for the problematic F-35 support venture. The program has been affected by high costs and technical problems, and lawmakers have expressed frustration with ALIS before. The Joint Office of the Program is in the process of moving to a new "Integrated Operational Data Network", but the authorities have described it as a gradual effort - it has already been under construction for four years.
Source: Air & Space Forces Magazine
Tags: ALISMilitary AviationF-35 Lightning IIIncidentsUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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