#cuz i hated the snowman so much
avielex · 9 months
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Screw you, Yeti.
(For those struggling to get "Oh No You Don't", I used Ventus, Acro Venom, and Harry's shield to drive the little shits away.)
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fushigur0slut4 · 2 years
Jjk men's wallpaper (of you)
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He has so many pictures of u (and him) so he basically changes his wallpaper everyday
Now if u were expecting him 2 be nice and put a cute picture of you. I hate to say but you were solely mistaken.
When u first started dating his wallpaper was just a pic of u guys holding hands but after that it progressively got worse
His longest term wallpaper was a picture of you with scruffy hair eye bags and brushing ur teeth.
No matter how much u begged him to remove it he still wouldn't
The classic. Its a picture of u sleeping. No matter how many times u change it he will change it back
Unlike gojo geto isn't a bitch
MOST of the time he makes sure you look presentable in the picture.
Like gojo he takes pictures of u 24/7 so his wallpaper was just a pic of u in the mall.
He never uses a pic with both of u in it cuz he thinks you deserve the spotlight 🤌
He likes to use pictures of you doing stuff like putting on your shoes or looking at clothes. ( at those moments ur literally like smile for the camera)
Sometimes he likes 2 change things up.
Once he put his wallpaper as a picture of you sticking out your tounge with cum all over your face and he edited the picture to black and white.
During sex he always records or takes pictures so of course he has a collection.
When u realize he has had that wallpaper for to long you change it yourself bcz u can't afford to be embarrassed anymore.
The salary man never takes bad pictures
The wallpaper he's had for the longest was a picture of u in ur wedding dress.
One was a picture of him holding your hand to help show off your wedding ring
He always makes sure
as y'all know Toji is a boomer who was born in the ancient times.
He literally had the default wallpaper till you begged him to change it. (Not a good idea)
His first wallpaper was a pic of you in a bra and shorts eating Cheetos.
He had that wallpaper for to long and since he knew you were embarrassed about it he wouldn't change it.
So you did it yourself. It was a cute picture of you and Toji next 2 a snowman.
Then Toji got in to recording intimate moments.
He used a pic of you panting with eyes closed and almost sweating to death. Ur tits were in the pic but he put red dots on ur nipples
No matter what Toji will always find a way to agitate you
Song recommendation:
Reblogs are appreciated :)
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Yall remember Captain Morgan and his little crew from the Hogan’s Heroes episode “Everybody Loves a Snowman”? Well I’m about to go on a rant about them because I loathe them. Thoughts are below the cut cuz this ended up being a bit long 😅😂 yall know I love a good analysis though
Morgan starts off so poorly when Newkirk and Carter are trying to find the tunnel entrance and he asks Newkirk what they’re looking for. Naturally Newkirk tells them a tree stump to which Morgan sarcastically answers “What? So we can store nuts for the winter?” Like dude, seriously?? Newkirk and Carter are putting their lives on the line to get your sorry self into camp so they can help you escape. I honestly would’ve just left him in the snow. Like I’m sorry yall bailed out three days ago and that you’ve been stuck in the cold but these guys are stuck in a prison camp and don’t even have the option to escape. Instead they have to stick around and help losers like you.
Then when they finally get in the barracks Morgan wants to play friendly and says, “Hope you’re as good at getting us out as you were getting us in.” That wasn’t the tune you were singing back in the snow pally 🙄 literally throughout this whole episode he just went back and forth from being a jerk to all of a sudden playing nice, drives me nuts
Carter tells Hogan that the gestapo showed up so he tells Kinch to get the coffee pot going and everyone heads into his office and Morgan just has to open his big mouth and say “You’re taking a coffee break at a time like this?” I love how Hogan just immediately snaps back “Do you have a better way of listening in?” This ain’t Morgan’s operation but he still has an opinion on everything and somebody’s gonna hear about it
One of Morgan’s guys makes a comment about getting caught by the gestapo and says something like “You got nothing to lose but if they catch us it’s goodbye Charlie” My brother in Christ what do you think will happen to Hogan and his men if the gestapo find the tunnel you’re supposed to be hiding in and all of the equipment in there?? The stakes are just as high for them for helping you guys out and you can’t even be appreciative of it, all you’re concerned about is your own skin. These guys are risking a firing squad or a hanging Every. Single. Day. so that they can help others escape. Don’t downplay the risks they’re taking like that
When they end up getting stuck in barracks 4 (which happens to be the only barracks out of 20 that doesn’t have a tunnel leading to it) and Morgan of course feels the need to tell Hogan to not try to make his living as a bookie after the war. Have you not seen the operation they’re running?? I mean it’s super impressive that they have that many tunnels. I hate how Morgan’s so flipping snarky about it. He’s a bloody captain, where does he find the nerve to talk to a colonel like that? (I mean I’m gonna be honest, I would’ve found it kinda funny if one of the guys had said it to Hogan, but that’s because that’s the type of relationship they have, Morgan’s practically a stranger to them and he’s just being disrespectful)
Escaping is a risky and complicated business. It requires strategy, planning, caution, and patience, which Morgan doesn’t seem to understand. All of their plans just got turned on their heads when the gestapo showed up and they had to move to barracks 4, so obviously it’s gonna take some time to figure out something new. Once again, Morgan’s shooting off his mouth to Hogan complaining that it’s been an hour and they still have nothing. If you’re so smart Morgan why don’t you come up with a plan, huh? I don’t see you doing much. Seems like you got too much time on your hands since you’re just sitting there complaining. And then when Carter, bless his little heart, mentions something about going out and playing in the snow and he tries to go after him. I think since he’s stuck in this pow camp until the end of the war, Carter has a right to go out and have some fun. Don’t come after the beloved pyro puppy like that
And then as soon as Hogan leaves Morgan freaking tries to take over and start a fight. And his men tag along right behind him. They have no respect for Hogan’s authority and they have no respect for the risks Hogan and his men are taking for them. Assuming they’d even be able to get the guys out of the way (which I seriously doubt, have you seen these violent boys lol), what’s the plan after that?? Are you gonna go back out in the snow and try to make your way back to London? Hogan told you the woods were lousy with gestapo, where are you gonna hide? How are you gonna stay warm? What are you gonna eat? They’re basically signing their own death warrant trying to go out on their own like that (not that I care though, good riddance). All of these what ifs aside, I really love how the heroes just immediately stand up for Hogan. They don’t really know what he’s up to, but he hasn’t let them down before and they have total faith in him and are ready to fight for him. It’s a beautiful representation of their dynamic
In conclusion, Morgan and his men were some of the most disrespectful pigs I’ve seen on this show. Their blatant disregard for Hogan and his crew’s work just made me so mad. Like the fact that they had to work so hard to help these guys escape when they were so unappreciative ugh. I mean it all worked out but that was entirely too much effort for people that were just not worth it. 
Well this turned out way longer then planned but I watched this episode tonight and just had to get this off my chest lol, Morgan and his guys irk me so much 😂
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nimble-stuff · 1 year
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Forcibly Stripped || Donnie & Leo - Pale Room, Part II Leo didn’t think that there was enough room in his heart to hate anyone more than he hated Kendra. The EPF proved him wrong.
<< PREVIOUS || NEXT >> (((Not Tcest)))  - For the record, the context for this one is nonsexual, but that doesn’t make it any less wrong or uncomfortable. I ask that you read responsibly!
“Snow Jupiter Jim.”
“It can only be one word!”
“Snow Jupiter Jim is one word if I say it real fast,” said Mikey. “Snow-Jupiter-Jim-Snow-Jupiter-Jim-Snow-Jupiter-Jim!”
“Wait, we’ve used two words before,” Raph pointed out.
“Oh, I was going easy on you guys cuz you don’t know how Word Association works,” said Leo. “It’s why you have the fewest points, Mikey.”
“We’re keeping points?!” Mikey exclaimed. He folded his arms and slumped against Raph’s side, pouting. “I don’t wanna play anymore.”
“Aw, c’mon!” Leo exclaimed. “It was just getting good, mostly because I was winning.”
“I resign.”
Donnie cut between Leo, Raph, and Mikey. He’d been pacing the length of the cell for the last however long it had been. Leo was scared to keep track of time because Donnie was doing it for them in his head, aware of every agonizing second that ticked by, counting the number of seconds it took to get from one end of the cell to the other, measuring the cell’s height, width, and depth, counting his heart rate per minute. Any more seconds and he’d be crawling up the wall.
Leo was doing his best to keep his cool, but the anxiety in the air was getting sharp, and the dim light, the foul smell, and the indistinct banging from whatever was next door didn’t help. Leo focused on his breathing, trying to remember Splinter’s techniques, and failing miserably.
There was an unspoken something between him in his brothers. They knew what was coming and they knew it was going to be bad and they knew that waiting was the worst part. Leo never imagined that he would ever hope that someone would walk through the door and torture them, but here he was, thinking about how much more torturous the waiting was.
Donnie passed in front of him again, footsteps silent. Mikey’s gigantic eyes watched him and Raph settled his arm around Mikey’s shoulder, maybe drawing him a little closer, though Leo might’ve imagined it.
Leo refolded his legs under his body. It would be a nightmare trying to get any sleep on the hard ground. It had to be close to nighttime by now, so whatever torture awaited them wouldn’t come until tomorrow. His gaze shifted up and caught Raph’s.
Leo and Raph exchanged a silent conversation. Raph tilted his head towards Donnie. Do you want me to handle that?
Leo shook his head. No. His responsibility.
He stood and held an arm in front of Donnie. Donnie pushed past it roughly.
“Stop,” said Leo, trying to get in his path. Donnie pushed him out of the way a second time. “Donnie, you’re gonna wear yourself out.”
Donnie hit the end of the cell. His body bristled, like he’d been expecting it to continue. He swung around on his heel and walked in the other direction.
“Could you at least sit down?” Leo asked.
“I’m fine like this,” said Donnie. He hit the wall again. Another bristle. Another swing.
“You’re stressing us out.”
“Sounds like a skill issue.”
The wall again. Donnie growled, swung around, and paced to the other end. “I do not care for small, enclosed spaces where I am being held prisoner.”
“Yeah, join the club. Sit down already.”
Donnie’s mouth half-opened around an insult when the door opened.
Donnie had ended up far too close to the door, too close for his liking apparently, as he retreated to the back of the cell. It was an intern, a different one than the first, accompanied by two armed guards. Leo memorized their appearances, the black uniforms and body armour, the strange emblems on their clothing that said ‘EPS.’
“Good evening,” said the intern. She wore a toothy smile as insincere as the brightness in her voice. “We have determined that your garments, since they come from outside the facility, may be contaminated. We ask that you surrender your current articles and change into these.”
The intern dumped the contents of the box onto the floor: four pairs of loose, very unattractive grey shorts with elastic waistbands. Prison uniforms. Leo stared at them in shock.
Silence tensed up between them and the humans. The soldiers had their assault rifles poised, while the intern stood with her legs together and hands folded in front of her body. She looked like a Barbie doll, if a Barbie doll’s newest profession was a researcher at a prison camp.
“Incredible,” said Leo. “I thought you guys were just evil shitheads, but now you’re just being gross. You know we’re kids, right?”
The intern didn’t even flinch.
“He’s sixteen years old, and he’s the oldest.” Leo pointed at Raph. “We’re kids. You’re holding kids prisoner in this shithole and asking us to change into your shit clothes.”
“Oh?” the intern said. “Well, if you were humans, I suppose that would matter, but you’re not, so it doesn’t.”
“Where’s the other lady? The one whose name sounds like an off-brand canned pasta? I want to talk to her so I can spit in her face.”
“Dr Paccioretti has many cases she needs to oversee. Are you refusing to comply?”
“What, you want it in writing? Yeah, we’re not complying. You’re the war criminals here, not us.”
“Well, if you don’t comply, it will be done by force. We can’t have outside contaminants.”
The tension prickled up his spine. He heard Donnie inhale sharp and gasp out something inaudible, and Leo turned to see him swivel toward the wall with his hands over his ears.
It clicked.
Shit. Leo wasn’t sure why he hadn’t been thinking of it before, why he hadn’t made the connection, and, God, he really was the worst brother in the world for not thinking of it sooner, for attributing Donnie’s reaction to his usual dramatic flair rather than the intimate connection it really was. It made him sick to his stomach. It made him hate humans.
Mikey stared off into the mid-distance, gulping for air. Leo’s attention wandered from him to Raph, and he searched for guidance despite being determined to carry all the weight on his own.
“I think we should do what they want,” Raph told him.
Yeah. It was the sound decision, just not the one Leo wanted to make. He glared at the intern with all the venom he had.
“You want us to wear your prison uniforms, then get out,” said Leo. “We’re not changing in front of you.”
“If that is your preference,” said the intern. “Please put all of your present attire into this box.” She set the box on the floor. “And put everything you’re wearing into it, including those masks. Thank you for your cooperation. You have fifteen minutes to comply.”
The door locked with a loud click behind them.
Leo’s fist shook at his side. No one could say anything, no one was capable, not Donnie standing with his back to the room, not Mikey whose complexion had developed a grey undertone. Raph looked nauseous.
“Do we really gotta, Leo?” Mikey asked.
“Don’t think they’re giving us the option,” said Leo. “Look at it this way! We want to match with the other prisoners in the prison yard, right? We gotta fit in with the cool kids.”
Well, he had to lead by example. Leo changed first, and he did it quick so he didn’t have time to think about hidden cameras. The shorts were itchy, and he unwound the wrappings from his limbs and dropped them into the box. He almost forgot his mask. The masks were as much part of their identities as their shells were, but Leo measured out only a teaspoon of emotion to show when Mikey and Raph were watching.
“I look good in anything,” said Leo. He flapped the baggy shorts around. “I think if I flap hard enough, I can fly around this cell and really give those guys something to gawk at. Whaddya think, Mikey?”
Mikey snorted out a half-laugh. It got him and Raph going though, and they changed fast, dropping their masks and what remained of their belongings into the box. At least they had shorts that could fit Raph’s bulky frame, but Mikey looked far too small in hia.
Leo knew that there was going to be a fight when he saw Donnie standing still in the corner, facing the wall like a reenactment of The Blair Witch Project.
“Oh, Donnie, we’ve changed the Turtle Club’s uniform,” Leo sang. “Aren’t you turtley enough to join the Turtle Club?”
Nothing. No response. Not even a shiver, a side-eye, a glare. An icy chill tap-danced down Leo’s spine.
“C’mon, Dad can’t even tell us apart without the masks. This is probably the best chance for a prank we’ve had in a while! He’ll come storming in here in rescue mode, take one look inside, and won’t even be able to tell which of us is which!”
“I can’t do this.”
Each syllable skewered through Leo. It hurt to breathe.
“I can’t do this.” Donnie looked at him with open terror, pupils constricted into small, black dots. “Leo, I can’t do this.”
“Dee, the nice humans aren’t giving us a choice,” said Leo, fighting to keep his tone steady while conveying the urgency.
“I can’t!”
“Donnie, c’mon, you’ll pass out if you don’t breathe.”
“No, I can’t! You don’t understand—” Donnie broke eye contact, stared at his feet. “You don’t know what it’s like.”
He didn’t. Leo made no assumptions about that, but he didn’t need to know what it was like to not see the profound effect on Donnie’s whole body language. It made him want to gut every human, and he wondered, for the first time, if Splinter had been right to encourage them to stay in the sewers rather than go on moonlit adventures.
Against his will, Leo glanced down. Ever since the whole thing with Kendra had happened, Donnie had tied the wraps on his legs almost high enough to cover his entire legs, and he never spoke about it. No one did. Leo kicked himself for letting them fall back into old habits, to do what they had done last time.
It was just so easy to not talk about it. They could almost pretend it hadn’t happened, then sometimes things would happen that would crack it all open, bring out a reminder. The way Donnie shied away from hugs, evil grins that disappeared the moment Leo looked away, projects that used to take him just hours to finish now took him days, tossing and turning at night, and all the while don’t talk about it, never talk about it, it never happened, no one bring it up, no one upset Donnie. But Donnie was upset anyway, and it was just buried, just small fissures in the earth, invisible to the naked eye until there was an earthquake.
Leo hated himself for not addressing it sooner, although he’d never known how. Just that it was too late and Donnie was being traumatized all over again.
Raph watched from the side, prepared to step in, a silent yet steady pillar in their lives, the rock that held them altogether. Leo wanted to fall back and let him take control and it was so, so tempting to lash out at Donnie and demonstrate that he couldn’t do this either, but hell, he wouldn’t place the burden on Raph. Leo imagined what would happen if he let Raph do it, of Raph lying awake in bed years from now, haunted by the moment that he hurt Donnie. It would kill him, slow and torturous.
It had to be Leo. Leo would do it. Leo would shoulder the burden, though he wasn’t nearly strong enough to carry it.
Raph opened his mouth, about to intervene, and Leo’s reflexes kicked in. He spoke first.
“Raph, can you stand in front of us?” Leo asked.
For a moment, he thought Raph might fight him on it, before he blocked him and Donnie in with his sheer mass. Not much of a privacy curtain, but it would give the humans something unsatisfying to stare at.
“Mikey?” Leo said. “…Mikey!”
Mikey looked up.
“I need you to hold Donnie’s hand.”
Leo expected Donnie to bite out an insult, to insist to stop treating him like a child, but the shake in his brother’s knees was uncontrollable. Donnie reached for Mikey’s hand first, crushing his fingers.
Leo redressed Donnie as fast as he could. Mask first. Arms. Belt and gear. Shorts. He saved the leg wrappings for last. Donnie's deep, legible scars were visible even when dressed.
“Donnie, what games do you wanna play when we get out of here?” Mikey asked.
Donnie’s head jerked up.
“We haven’t played Mario Party in ages, and I know how much you stan Waluigi,” said Mikey. “I’m thinking we need a game ASAP.”
Donnie made a shuddering noise as to answer, but no words came out, just a stiff jerk that could’ve been an affirmation, could’ve been a release of nervous energy. Leo continued unwrapping until finally, finally, they were off and it was quiet and Leo had nothing that could make it better.
Leo didn’t think that there was enough room in his heart to hate anyone more than he hated Kendra. The EPF proved him wrong.
He dropped everything into the box and kicked it to the door, and scowled as the intern poked her head back in to retrieve it.
“I hope something in this goddamn place eats you alive,” said Leo.
“Oh,” said the intern. “Alright.”
When they were gone, when they were alone, Leo didn’t know what to say to Donnie. His entire expression glazed over with the telltale marks of a shutdown, the kind of full-body, full-mind switch that crippled everything that made Donnie into Donnie. When they were kids, Donnie would have moments where he ‘powered off’, as Raph had put it, when things were too loud, or too much, or too little, or too overwhelming. Leo hadn’t seen it in years. The humans had made Leo hit the hard reset button and now the button was stuck and the loud, opinionated, too-smart-for-his-own-good Donnie was gone.
Leo was about to apologize and beg for forgiveness, and Donnie grabbed to him in the heated silence instead. It wasn’t a hug, not the way his arms locked tight around his neck. It was a cling. Donnie held onto him with his eyes wide open, joints rigid. Although it was the most bodily contact Donnie had allowed in weeks, Leo was hesitant to call it a win.
Donnie held on all the way to the ground as Leo settled himself against the wall, resting Donnie’s legs over his lap so that they were in a slightly awkward sideways embrace. He resisted the urge to bury his face into Donnie’s collarbone; he still needed to keep an eye out, and Raph and Mikey were watching so carefully that he felt like a performer at the pinnacle of a difficult routine, and any misstep would earn a pained, sympathetic gasp from the audience, and he needed to play it cool, keep it together, to perform perfectly. To do everything that he needed to do to make sure that they all didn’t break down together. Someone had to keep a cool head. Someone had to keep an eye out for the opening that would help them escape. It had to be him. It had to be him. It had to be him.
“Donnie, I promise nothing is going to happen to you,” said Leo. It felt awful to lie, but he didn’t know what else to do. The worst part was that Donnie was smart enough to catch the lie, but too tangled up in his head at the moment to notice or care.
He didn’t have a plan. Not even a half-cocked one. Donnie clung onto him, and Leo held back, hands running over the subtle ridges running on his brother’s shell.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
im in kakariko and WAH koko and cottla still pray to their mom every day and their dad joins them...but they can't get to the actual cemetery bc of the ruins >:( and "rpincess zelda" said not to go near them. it is driving me crazy that i cant so this quest!!
i googled and apparently this quest involves the business with the Fifth Sage so i have to hold off for now :/ SUUUUCKS gonna collect some korok seeds and then find something else to do
oh wow that interactive map got a BIG upgrade. i can just ask it where certain items are now lol
I FOUND? THEIR MOMS? JOURNAL??? oh my god in the kakariko well.......
she had a garden down here 😭 she lists all their favorite foods......
theres a korok seed at the cemetery, so i went the long way around and left a silent princess for her. i'm gonna come back and get the rest later when the main quest takes me here
i knew there'd have to be a fifth sage, but a whole quest AND dungeon...that's pretty amazing!! i wonder if we get a 5th companion...zelda as a ghost companion would be SICK but i know nintendo would Never
ive decided to attempt to investigate the faron thunderstorm. wish me luck
THUNDERHEAD ISLES.......this is so cool. i can't see shit <3
also all of my bows & weapons rn are metal...oops lol
whoooa the music here.........
when i say i cant see shit i mean i REALLY. cant see shit. even the depths is better than this, at least there you can use brightbloom seeds
i found a flux construct but i CANT SEE LOL and i dont have any nonmetal weapons worth any damage...im doing it blind while only switching to goo weapons when im actually attacking sdlfjghsdfjkg girl HELLLP
i used the shadows and the LAST of my stamina to make it to ??? dragonhead island ??? WHICH I STILL CAN'T SEE
there's gotta be some trick to clearing or navigating the storm but i dont wanna google it in case its like...THE SIXTH SAGE,
ok. fucking hell. im leaving. is there ANYTHING interesting im allowed to do rn. jesus
from now on im just going to assume that if i suddenly hear cool music im not supposed to be here.
landed in the horse god lake and caught that big stallion. named it yeto in honor of the big white abominable snowman in tp salute emoji
this well has a bubbulfrog inside it ??????
where the FUCK am i going theres a whole ass cave system down here
another ancient blade.......
fine ok i can work with this. jesus.
actually no i can't. it's raining and i don't want to climb all this shit nor do i want to tangle with electric lizalfos. i swear to god
ok. back to the stable.
oh flute boy!! i forgot about him. i guess he must be part of the band. luckily this time i have his fireflies...
AWWW the glowing tree was so cute and pretty
ok, feeling more prepared for komo shoreline now. luckily there's not much here anyway...
NO!!!!!! a fucking BLOOD MOON while i was attacking this electric lizalfos camp!!! COME ONNNNN
i survived but god one of the lizalfos got glitched and there WASN'T. even a treasure chest over here. good fucking lord
i found my first above-ground lynel......and it's silver. this is what i get for waiting so long to seek them out...
omg my ancient arrow sent him to eeby deeby. im reloading tho idw waste it on that
okay so. he is hitting, very, hard,
i can't climb a tree either cuz he can Get me
okay. well! i died. clearly outmatched. i need.........better armor. i am so TIIIIRRRED of getting my ass kicked!!!!
for better or worse i'm in the chasm on the island next to hyrule castle. i figure it's probably an isolated place since. yk. island. reeeally wish i could find a lightroot tho
blue-white frox. less sick. im gonna die again :(
omg i GOT HIM!!! n*ce
i cheated and peeked at the map...theres literally nothing else down here lmao not even a lightroot. im gonna go...somewhere else!! but later. i have to take a break now for food chores etc ive been playing for hours
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demonicnarwhale · 2 years
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Fun times
read below for like some ideas, might be / very much, a bit -pulls on collar yeesh- but like, my tumblr i get free range (If you're viewing this on like, your normal dashboard, sorry, cuz of the text, it works with the Keep Reading when looking at my tumblr but dashboard the whole "expand" so yeah, again, sorry!!!)
So, I like to think that at any opportunity to have any sense of control, Die will take it. Especially if it means being able to have a hand or control physical harm. As he's used to being the butt of many jokes, tortures, pain, you get it. It is his chance to cope, to get the upper hand and feel like he has a choice. And in this case with HK, she's too, naive? passive, I guess, to really do anything about anything. And she really just wants to help in any way possible. Die can get away with this stuff and knows that there won't be any terrible consequences through his actions. As HK can always be brought back. And he's not harming any real member of the Felt. (Minus being "scolded" by Crowbar, but like, who really actually listens to him at the end of the day?) He's just fascinated by/with death, and in a way, how bodies work. He's only been in the presence of Snowman, and ya know, can't go off and nearly kill her cuz 1. She fights back/won't be down for this shit 2. universe. So, HK, a carapace and different anatomy, wouldn't you wanna exploit explore that? She lives in the manor, she works for them, how convenient. (I know, MC but those mfs fight back as well and ofc don't live with the Felt) Also, carapaces can tank a good couple of hits, perfect ain't it?
Now, what does HK get out of this? Death lol. Nah, the feeling that hey, maybe she's actually helping! Wow! That makes her feel better, being a people pleaser or something along those lines. She can and does talk back or defend herself with the likes of Itchy for example, just cuz they're friends, she's comfortable enough to express any signs of discomfort or "hey cut that shit out" also because funny slapstick. But with Die??? She doesn't really know him all too much, the guy locks himself in his room for most of the time. This counts as like some sort of bonding exercise (to her) but also because she doesn't want him to react worse or hold a grudge against her. She can't deal with when people hate her it makes her feel very gross and disgusted with herself.
This is a very unhealthy... (coping for Die) mechanism/dynamic???? Taking your feelings out on someone who doesn't know this is not helping at all. And thinking you're helping someone and being helped when it's doing the opposite.
And what about the others? Do they know? Some do...
But again, HK isn't gonna go around and tell the others about this because she doesn't want Die to be harassed even more, she believes this'll get her weird and disgusted looks, and she's generally not bothered by any of this. (Also may or may not be because she only views herself as just the Felt's house keeper/maid, someone they could easily just replace like as if it were nothing. So to her, she believes her importance is just to clean. So why would they care/bother with this?)
Giggles twirling my hair. It's fine, HK can be brought back. Also, I know I like to draw her getting hurt but ya know twirls hair again, that's just how it be when you got ocs. And don't tell me that it isn't funny. No, but augh I'll draw her happy sooner or later. And some actual finished art.
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disxstrouslia · 3 years
hello lia ^^! ive fallen into your "seasons with my lover" rabbit hole so now ive come with requests lol !! i was wondering if you had the time to do seasons with kuroo or suna ? thank you in advance and have a good night :'))
seasons with my lover!
how would seasons be with kuroo tetsuro & suna rintaro?
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pairing; kuroo tetsuro x reader & suna rintaro x reader.
tsukishima’s version! here
atsumu’s and sakusa’s version! here
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hii! thank you so much for requesting! i did both of them, since my limit is five! i hope you enjoy it, and have a nice day! <3
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walking in the middle of the day, to see the flower in bloom, kuroo definitely picks one up and puts it in your hair.
going to dancing classes, just cuz’ he wants to spend quality time with you.
kuroo met you in spring, and in every spring you guys would go to the place you met, just to talk about everything and remember one of his happiest days of his life.
your song of the season would be are you bored yet? — wallows
kuroo just goes to the beach to flex his time on the gym. always without a shirt and most of the time forgets to put on sunscreen.
he would most definitely be super dramatic about the heat wave, but would still make sure you are not melting.
he loves the festivals, and would go to every single one of them with you.
your song of the season would be hot rod — dayglow
most of the time kuroo forgets his scarf, but he will always go back and gets two in case you forgot yours.
the two of you would watch all the tim burton movies while cuddling in the couch.
he would appear out of nowhere with a coffee or hot chocolate for you, and while he gives it to you, he kisses your cheek sweetly.
your song of the season would be slow dancing in the dark (acoustic) — joji
kuroo loves the snow, and he will always be inviting you to do snowmans and snow angels with him.
would take you out to dance at any party that you guy’s are invited, always with a big smile and giving you a kiss on your hand.
you both go to the shrine together, and after you finish, he would take you to a nice coffee place, while smiling at you.
your song of the season would be lo que siento — cuco
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he gets allergies, but he would still go out and pick up a flower for you.
suna likes staying at home, cuddling in the couch and kissing you while watching tv.
he walks late at night, and always comes back with something to eat.
your song of the season would be black out days — phantogram
walking around at three am, while eating ice cream and talking about everything.
suna would take you to a hotel just to post photos of you on his instagram.
he will always have a battery powered fan on him, he hates being hot, and also loves it when you are cool enough so you can hug him.
your song of the season would be midnight city — m83
will take you out on a corn maze, and he would get separated from you 30 seconds into it.
send you a photo of every candle he buys on the season, and after the first photo he sends a second of the candle turned on.
suna doesn’t use jackets so he can get you to hug him and warm him up.
your song of the season would be running up that hill — kate bush
hates the snow, and will refuses to go out when it’s snowing.
makes ten times more coffee and you will see him every second with a mug on his hand.
takes you to a lot of parties, and always takes a lot of photos of you.
your song of the season would be smithereens — twenty one pilots
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requests! | masterlist!
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razzle-berry · 4 years
I have to get this off my chest cuz damn if no one wants to say it, I will! We all know how shitty Quirk society is when it comes to mutation quirks, being quirkless, subtle quirks, or quirks that are just perceived as evil. So I’d like to request hc’s of Shoji, Shinsou, Aizawa, and Fatgum with an s/o that hates people that judge quirks or try to let the bullshit slide.
For example, Shoji’s s/o dislikes Pony from Class 1-B for how she insulted Shoji’s appearance despite not knowing him at all, so she tends to keep a stone face or glare on anyone like that unless they apologize. Would deadass say “He’s not the monster here, you are.”
Shinsou’s s/o would openly call people cowards/idiots for antagonizing Shinsou’s quirk when it could be used for interrogating villains and subtletly get information from enemy sources, so she’s more than happy to defend him and others like him.
And Aizawa’s/Fatgum’s s/o just openly points out the bullshit ethics of the society for how no one should be discriminated or ranked for their quirk since they can’t help being born with whatever quirk they have and even calls out pro-hero’s that holds the whole “flashy quirk >” mindset *cough*Endeavor*cough* since it could demotivate and make others insecure about being a hero or even using their quirks at all.
This was long but quirk discrimination got me heated and I rarely see anyone talk about it or do hc’s about it.
I feel you. I hate this so much too especially because so many people have or may have suffered in the show because of this! I was actually just talking about this with one of my friends earlier lol.
There's going to be a bit if a stylistic change with this hc so bear with me please.
Warnings: Discrimination, swearing, Y/N is about to go off on someone, slight angst ig
Character(s): Shoji, Shinso, Aizawa, Fatgum
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Mezo Shoji
Let’s just start off by saying that anybody who has the audacity to call Shoji a monster can catch not just his your, but my hands as well. This man is so strong, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well to not let the blatant discrimination turn him away from wanting to be a hero. (Absolutely no hate to those who did go down that path because of it though, they still valid)
Shoji can, for the most part, handle himself in these situations. While they hurt, he grew up having to deal with it and is sadly used to it
But the first time you went off on someone for judging him, it made him fall deeper in love 
“How dare you!” The cafeteria chatter and traffic in the mall seemed to freeze in time as your voice carried out. In front of you was a rather tall man who could have been considered attractive if not for his ugly words. Mezo stood behind you, looking at you in shock at how angry you had become. 
“Mezo is an amazing hero, and even better person, and you have the absolute nerve to insult him because of how he looks?” 
The man started to sweat underneath your heavy gaze, as well as the whispers that started to grow around you two. Mezo decided to step in and placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Darling, it’s okay.”
“No it’s not.” You sent him a brief smile before turning you glare onto the stranger. “You’re not the monster here, he is.” 
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Hitoshi Shinso 
He’s used to people referring to him as a villain the second they know what his quirk is and by the time we the audience meet him, he’s accepted it
He’s fallen into such a deep pit of insecurity, it’s a wonder he even managed to accept that you weren’t afraid of him, let alone have romantic interest him 
The first time he saw you jump to his, or any other person that's like him, defense he was in shock.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Hitoshi stopped and stared at you in shock.
A small villain had tried to keep the restaurant hostage for some reason or another and had a woman at gun point as he talked to the police outside. While currently not on duty, Hitoshi still had his licence and controlled the villain to safely return the woman to her family and turn himself in. He tried to go comfort the woman and see if he needed anything, only for her to scream at him for having such a villainous quirk. Naturally, he was upset but he was willing and ready to move on from the unfortunately common situation and just go back to his lunch date with you. Seemed like you had other plans.
"This man just saved you, and you want to call him a villain? How much of a child do you have to be to think that someone's quirk determines what they become. Hitoshi is a wonderful hero, and his so called 'villainous' quirk has helped save hundreds of people!"
Hitoshi took your hand and started pulling you away from the woman, as you were getting closer.
"Calm down, it's fine. I'm used to it."
"Well you shouldn't be! It's people like this that create the villains in this society. Not everyone is as stubborn as you, hearing that you're going to be a villain based on nothing but something you can't control would break someone enough and have then actually turn into a villain!"
You looked at the woman in absolute rage and disgust.
"I hope you're proud of yourself."
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Shota Aizawa
He someone who not only grew up with a non flashy quirk, but also is a hero without a flashy quirk. Barely anyone knows who he is because of that, as well as his underground career. While that's a good thing, all things considered, he was and is still a victim of hero society's discrimination
Shota doesn't like UA's entrance exam because it's impractical, and we know he knows that the bias allows for talented potential heroes to slip through because they're not flashy or physically strong. He would have first hand knowledge of this since it almost happened to him.
You, on the other hand, weren't a hero. At least not one like him. You helped people like him know that they're still able to become heroes, no matter what other may say about their quirks and he loved you for it.
"He might not have a strong physical quirk that allows for flashy moves to appeal to an audience, but that doesn't mean he isn't useful, or powerful."
You two were on a date when a fan, if you could even call him that, had walked up to Shota and started asking questions. All was okay until he asked if he ever felt bad for not being as powerful or useful as someone like All Might or Endeavor.
"Yeah, but he's-"
"His own person with his own accomplishments that you probably never even heard about because the media didn't care enough. He's worth so much more than a fancy quirk and a camera ready smile. Now, go back to whatever you were doing, we are busy."
Shota chuckled and allowed you to pull him along.
"You didn't have to do that, you know."
"Doesn't matter, you are an amazing hero and I don't appreciate anyone saying otherwise because of something so stupid as a flashy quirk. Especially when they compare you to fucking Endeavor of all people!"
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Fatgum/Toyomitsu Taishiro 
Toyomitsu has a quirk that, on the surface, doesn’t seem very useful for hero work. I imagine that he was made very aware of that growing up, and even as he debuted as a hero.
Not to mention that his quirk, when activated, makes body shape turn into an almost oval, vague snowman shape so that might have set some people off. For such a friendly guy, that would have been a cause for insecurity at one point seeing as he genuinely wants people to be happy.
You were someone who never saw him like that and held him through tougher nights when the media got too harsh on him. You were even someone not afraid to get in front of a reporter’s camera and tear them a new one.
“What kind of a ridiculous question is that?” 
It was a few weeks after his debut and some people were still mocking him for his quirk. On the surface, fat absorption didn’t seem like much and for someone who doesn’t know Toyo- excuse me- Fatgum (he’s a hero now, you thought proudly), it might even seem useless. But you knew better, and you thought that it was about time others did too. 
“Just because Fatgum’s quirk isn’t flashy and destructive, it doesn’t mean he should feel inadequate next to someone who does have one like that, and I don’t appreciate you insinuating that he should.” 
The reporter recoiled slightly, and tried to stutter out a response. 
“I'm- I'm not-!"
"Fatgum is already an amazing hero, and he's only going to get better. So you can take your prejudice and find a new job because clearly being a reporter is not a good field for you!"
"Sugar, it's okay!" Fatgum placed his hand on your shoulder and smiled. "I'm just going to have to prove them wrong!"
His cheery demeanor was enough to calm you down a bit, but still you couldn't resist shooting the chastised reporter a sharp glare, causing them to shrink back. You smirked at the sight.
"You already have."
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razzmatazs · 3 years
A/N: - Wrote this cuz I can’t sleep but I am tired so if it sucks or makes no sense I apologize ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
- this takes place when Dahlia is younger. Pre-brother. It’s just a short thing
“I’m not defending her…”, Drakken raised his hands in surrender, Shego’s glare only deepened. “ I just think it was a bit excessive to-”
“She was throwing herself at you when Dahlia and I were right there. The audacity alone-”
“I really don’t think she was, darling! She was our server. It’s her job to be friendly.”
Shego rolled her eyes. “ Of course you can’t see it. You never do. You’re incapable of it. Sure they’re flirting with a brick wall but it’s still annoying. Especially when you don’t notice- which is always- because you don’t shut it down.” She was pouting slightly now, leaning towards him.
Her husband, to his credit, seemed to be replaying the events of this afternoon in his head, searching for what she saw. “I don’t know. I was thinking about what flavour of ice cream I wanted.” He turned and gave her an almost accusing look, “ And if you want me to pay proper attention to strangers you really shouldn’t be so distracting.”
Shego smirked. They’d had similar conversations before, in which Drakken confessed how little control he has over his Shego-tunnel-vision. He had made a habit of committing her every detail to memory, over and over, at every outing, in every lighting.
He pulled her down to lie next to him on their bed. He wrapped one arm under her and she instantly buried her face into his neck, causing some of her hair to smack onto his face. He choked out a lock of hair that flew into his mouth. She laughed and locked their legs together. “Okay, okay. I promise not to get us banned from any more restaurants.”
“ Or amusement parks?” He felt her nod. “Or tailor shops?”
“His hands were wandering!” She sighed, then in a more playful tone, “ but fine. As long as you swear to never remarry if I die first.”
He knew she was flirting, but the mere thought made him hold her closer. This made her chuckle against him. “Hah ha, you love me~” she teased.
Drakken scoffed as if offended, “Puh lease. I’d just hate to do the work of finding your replacement. Not many can fill those gigantic boots of yours.”
“Ugh! As if you could find someone who could interpret your whining.”
“Oooo. Very high and mighty from someone whose snores could be used as emergency alerts.”
“ As if you sleep anyways. Good luck finding someone to hold your hand throughout every ‘emotional’ scene in the Snowman Hank specials.”
They continued this back and forth for a while. They had stopped feeling any offence to this sort of teasing ages ago. They knew how much one adored the other. Every snarky retort was proof of how deeply they knew each other. In their own way, without having to say the words, they told each other the same thing: ‘there’s no replacement for you’.
The only one who did not understand this however, was standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and eyes like daggers. “ Mami that’s a lie!” Dahlia furrowed her brows. “You ALWAYS say how much you loooovvvvve daddy’s singing. Even when it hurts our ears!” She stomped towards them now, turning her glare onto her father. “And daddy! If you think mami has too many things then why do you buy so many presents for me AND her. It’s your own fault!” With a bit too much authority for someone who still needed assistance climbing onto their bed she said, “Apologize. One and two.”
Her parents pulled her into a soft hug. “ Okay okay honey. We’re sorry. But mama and I were just playing. We promise.”
“Well it’s a un-nice game.” She insisted, relaxing into their embrace.
Shego pressed a kiss to Dahlia’s forehead. “How is it we made such a sweetie pie. Eh, Drew?”
They stayed like that for a moment longer. Then Shego and Drakken jolted upright at the sound of the smoke alarm coming from downstairs.
Dahlia’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered why she had gone to her parents' room. “I hurt my knee on the steps!” She yelled after them as they sprinted to put out the fire. “But I only made one tiny flame! But it jumped so I lost it.”
“Whelp, looks like our curtains found it.” Drakken whispered to Shego as they got out the fire extinguishers.
“I told you to put your anti-fire potion thing on everything in the house!”
“I did! But the curtains were supposed to come already fire proofed.”
When the fire was put out, Shego took a step back and admired the ruined curtains. “Dahl’s flames aren’t regular fires.” She lit her own hand and smirked, “ they’re much cooler.”
“ Indeed they are.”
“Ya know, they’re not even entirely like mine. They’re.. her own.”
“One of a kind.” He agreed.
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the first major snowfall in ages finally hit nyc recently and all im imaging is the Polycule attaching snowboards and the such to the back of simons van and them just being happy with snow day activities
oof, this ask is from so many months ago, i'm so sorry. i was very busy. i'm also not sure how great my answer will be because i'm a whole ass brazilian so i have no idea what snow day activies are, but i will try anyway
so, major advantages: meliorn has magic and maia is a werewolf and if i'm not mistaken it's said or implied that werewolves have a higher core body temperature than humans. or maybe i made that up, but it's canon for me
major disadvantages: raphael and simon are vampires, which means that technically they are kind of "cold-blooded" creatures? i mean they would still have other important temperature regulating mechanisms such as mitochrondrial heat production and muscle contraction, but they basically don't have a heartbeat/blood flow/arguably blood at all, which is a major way of regulating core temperature, and canonically their skin feels pretty cold, so like. they probably are more suscetible to temperature changes is what i'm saying (i'm mostly going off this source [link] for this. i'm already overthinking this answer good job me)
plus i am once again saying that raphael is from guadalajara which means that like me he is used to Worm Temperchoores, like, WAY warmer than NYC's, and he grew up without pretty much any kind of snow at all. and sure he's lived in NYC for years so he's SOMEWHAT used to the cold but he still spent his formative years in guadalajara, so like. he fucking hates the cold, is my point
but back to major advantages: meliorn and magic! which means they can do something about it. don't ask me what, but i'm sure they can do Something. i mean i'm sure to some extent the downworld has already figured out a solution to this problem cuz while it might not kill them (since they're immortal) it is very uncomfortable and probably makes them slower, which is a disadvantage to say the least. plus raphael has magnus who knows that raphael is a grumpy ass in the cold. also i think java is similarly hot so magnus Gets It, but idk what the temperatures usually are in jakarta
anyway my point is that magnus probably got some coats/vests/blankets spelled for his boy so they can keep him toasty (since they are otherwise kinda useless for vampires since they rely on trapping body heat and vampires don't have any) and vampires in general probably have access to that kinda stuff, but still, rapha gets grumpy and his face is still cold and everything is just awful and he doesn't understand how gringos do it. his complaints fly for about 2 days before the New Yorker Squad™ (particularly simon and maia, who drag clary and inevitably everyone else is there) decides that they've had enough of this and that raphael will learn how to enjoy the snow
he is like "i am not willingly going into the snow! you don't understand, i'm a vampire, i won't get back my body heat the way you do". simon: "i literally am also a vampire". raphael: "you're just a fledgeling, you wouldn't understand" "i've been a vampire for like, ten years!" "seven" "same thing" "it's so not the-" "i have gone through enough winters to be able to understand, and you, sir, are going to learn to enjoy the snow. have you EVER even made a snow angel?" "no" "well this changes today"
he literally has no excuse because meliorn has this super sweet spell that keeps him from losing heat so like. he doesn't even need a coat (he's still wearing it and preferably also a scarf and gloves because he is, first and foremost, dramatic) so he is forced to have a day off and go play in the snow, woe is him
(he tells the clan that should they need anything they should ring him, but they're like "nah simon has promised us pictures of you in the snow, we can handle ourselves" and it's not like raphael is too busy these days, really)
anyway! they have fun. simon strikes me as the winter lover kind of person altho really i think he enjoys all seasons in their own way, but like... hot chocolate and scarves and snow fights, yes? and while i think maia might prefer warmer temperatures she can double enjoy herself in the snow now that she's a werewolf because she gets less cold and like, damn, tell me that being a wolf and jumping headfirst into a pile of snow wouldn't be fun. you can't, unless you're a bad taste bitch
i also think maia is the building snow forts kind of gal because, idk, she just looks that way. and sure she's excited about kicking everyone's asses during snowball fight but FIRST she needs to have a full fort complete with towers and windows for her to throw snowballs from and shit
rapha is the one that helps her build it the most cuz he likes the motions and besides it is a little less energetic than whatever it is that the rest of these wackos are doing. again izzy didn't get any chances to play in the snow either so naturally clary is dragging her around from snow activity to snow activity and running around everywhere and holy shit they have so much energy. simon is there as well naturally and eventually they make it their goal in life to ruin maia's and rapha's fort, which ends up kickstarting the mandatory snowball fight. even tho maia only has a half complete fort
(eventually when everyone has left maia and rapha will come back and finish the fort. it's the principle of the thing. raphael also wants to build an igloo or some shit and maia rolls her eyes but actually i can see him being into building snow things? it's just soothing and nice and quiet and he can pretend there's Elegance and Finesse to it)
and meliorn is just watching them curiously the whole time because of course they know snow but they dont really know about Snow Activities these funky little non-seelies dedicate themselves too. i feel like the seelies have their own snow activities, maybe like, festivals? dances with the snowfall and games to welcome the change in the environment, that sort of thing. but they are nothing like snow angels ("it doesn't look like an angel in the slightest, just like you kept moving your legs and arms in the snow" "thats what it is" "right, so...?") or snowmen ("also doesn't look like a man" "meliorn we aren't exactly artists") or snow fights (altho that one they can appreciate) and they're really interested in like participating even though they dont understand and everyone has to keep telling them that it's Not That Deep and izzy is so amused she just kisses them one billion times
eventually they start doing it just to get more of those laugh-filled kisses of hers
also at least one of them, probably izzy of rapha or meliorn since they are the snow ignorant ones of the group, is absolutely horrible at making snowmen. probably izzy tbh because shadowhunters dont exactly have a knack for these things. like clary's snowman is all artistic and simon's is fun and creative, maia's is pretty, raphael's and meliorn's look like the Platonic Ideal Of A Snowman, and izzy's looks like A Pile Of Dirt. clary giggles at it for an embarrassing amount of time, which inevitably leads to izzy taking the snow from her snowman to throw snowballs at clary and triggering a new snowfight
and then they have some soup inside and cuddle under a blanket as they fight over what they should watch and all is well with the world
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classicrockjunkie16 · 3 years
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I posted 185 times in 2021
94 posts created (51%)
91 posts reblogged (49%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.0 posts.
I added 253 tags in 2021
#the outsiders - 38 posts
#purly - 34 posts
#ponyboy x curly - 32 posts
#that was then this is now - 29 posts
#curlyshepard - 23 posts
#ponyboycurtis - 22 posts
#staygold - 20 posts
#theoutsiders - 20 posts
#ponyboy curtis - 19 posts
#curly shepard - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 32 characters
#i couldnt think of anything else
My Top Posts in 2021
Curly: I’m here for you
Pony: Awww thanks <3
Curly: No I mean I’m in ur driveway
47 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 18:24:17 GMT
Johnnyboy HC
-they go to library together
-well actually pony drags him there
-johnny doesn’t mind tho
-he likes to see ponyboy get all excited talking about books
-johnny sometimes spends the night at the curtis residents and when he does pony reads to him until he falls asleep
-they like to take walks early in the morning just before dawn
-especially in the summer
-and sometimes they will go explore in the woods and stuff
-and they find cools things sometimes like rocks, pine cones, and flowers
-pony has a box of all the cool stuff they have found in his closet
48 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 09:09:25 GMT
Purly in drag...
-ok so Curly and Pony were at the Shepards and bored as hell
-then Angela comes in and asks to do their make up 
-and they’re why not cuz like I said they are BORED
-so angela does Pony’s make up first and he is looking HAWT
-and Curly is all flustered and stuff
-and then Angela does Curly make up but he wouldn’t stop moving so he got lipstick smeared across his face
-but after a lot of patience and wanting to slap the shit out of Curly Angela got it done
-and then Angela left and Curly and Pony thought it would be a good idea to try on her clothes
-so they got all cute and stuff then went around town and flirted with people
-and then they would pull of their wigs and say SIKE BITCH U THOUGHT
-then the Curtis gang ran into them...
-at first Steve didn’t recognize Pony so he went up and said something like hey sexy
-Curly came over and said
-and then everyone turned and looked at them like :0
-so yeah
50 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 03:04:35 GMT
Johnnyboy hc cuz I can
-Johnny spends the night at the Curtis residents a lot
-and Soda moved back into his old room so most of the time Johnny sleep with Pony
-and Darry trusts them so it’s fine
-lots of cuddles tho
-and Johnny cooks breakfast sometimes too and he is an amazing cook
-Pony and Johnny like to go to small coffee shops and stuff
-their favorite is called Wired and it has a book store attached to it
-Soda and Darry treat Johnny like he is apart of the family
-and Dally is very protective of Johnny so when Pony and Johnny get together Dally threatened to kill him
-and then Darry and Soda threatened to kill Dally
63 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 05:02:31 GMT
-the Curtis bro definitely make snowmans together
-and they name them to
-Curly is a fucking bastard and throws snowballs at Pony's pace
-and Curly and Pony team up and get Tim
-then Tim totally kicked their asses
-so let's pretend Pony can knit and he made Curly this long ass scarf for Christmas
-it was rainbow bc G A Y
-the gang all wear Santa hats for all of December
-even Dally but he hates it
-and Curly definitely teases Pony about it
-if one of them is caught without their hat they get in big trouble
-the Curtis household is completely decked out in decorations by October
-usually Two-Bit decorates the most bc Christmas is his faovrite time of the year
-he doesn't drink as much during Christmas either
-also behind Dally's back everyone calls him elf boy but not to his face cause he'll kick their asses
-they always go cut down their own Christmas tree
-pine needles get EVERYWHERE
-also I think Darry would be big on traditions and he would keep his parents traditions alive
dedicated to @ciggaroach1983
63 notes • Posted 2021-11-04 04:02:28 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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brooklel · 3 years
my thoughts on worlds end club, under the cut because it’ll probably be long and also spoilers
so i bought the game today at around 9am and played it until i beat it at around 11:30pm ish? so ha uh yeah it took a little while but i was very enthralled in the story
the story and characters are hands down the best part of the game. compared to literally any of the danganronpa games, i like the cast of characters so much more. like there’s always one or two in a danganronpa games group that i just don’t like but in wec i loved all of them. i’d usually dislike chuko’s tsundere character type but i actually ended up liking her. my least favorite is probably dragon power ranger kid whatshisname but i don’t hate him or anything i just found him to be the weakest character tbh. but i do really like his character design
speaking of the character designs OOF they’re all so good. i didn’t realize until looking up stuff on the characters but they’re all based on the animals of the Chinese zodiac which is cool and the design elements are subtle and it’s not narratively important but i mean they didn’t need to be. there’s a few offhand remarks here and there like comparing kansai to a tiger and chuko to a rat but they’re not really shoved in your face which is nice
oh also i wanna compliment pai in particular. she’s the boar character which first of all i feel like people would usually make male, and if they made her female, then she would be angry and stubborn and probably not conventionally attractive but she’s not any of those! also she’s a little heavier than the rest of the girls which 1. makes her even more adorable, and 2. no one in the game brings up or makes fun of her for which is nice. mowchan sadly didn’t get exactly the same treatment he was still the fat comic relief character. he deserved so much better.
the art is all so pretty as well like i already loved the art style from pokemon and in wec it’s even more exaggerated and i live for it. i also like the movie they’re watching at the beginning has more realistic humans that’s just kinda funny.
the humor is pretty good i guess but what i’m really here for is the fun childish but realistic portrayal of friendship and emotions like it does kinda take me back to my own little group of friends in elementary school, where sometimes there would be disagreements, but we were still always friends
i loved reicho as a canonically mute protag and how none of his friends ever minded or even brought it up like that’s so cute. but the reveal that reicho was basically just a big puppet kinda just made it feel a little different... like idk how to explain it but yeah
ANYWAY here’s my obligatory paragraph about pochi because he’s my son now. the writers knew what they were doing by making him a kinda shy gamer kid bc they knew people were gonna relate to him even when he had a somewhat smaller role in the story before turning into the full fledged protagonist. anyway this robot puppy boy is my son i will protect him
the scene where pochi basically gets dunked on by the rest of the team is weird to me like idk it just feels out of character for most of them to be like lol yeah pochis useless RIGHT after he drove an entire train to one of the specific places that those special mushrooms grow and now they can all see vanilla
also kinda unrelated but this is my second game in the past few months where i correctly guessed one of the characters was voiced by megumi ogata because dang i just love her voice. this time it was pochi and the other one was the protag in the famicom detective club games. i legit heard one line and was like HOL UP and googled it lmao
i’m still confused on why the story takes place in the 90s. it doesn’t have a particularly 90s aesthetic and most of the technology just doesn’t match up with 90s tech. like i feel like it works better if it takes place more near present day. if there’s more cultural reasons then i’m not sure what they are but i’m really curious about this. the game is very reliant on japanese culture and locations, which isn’t a bad thing but i’m an ignorant american who was also born after the 90s so im wondering if there’s some specific reason why it’s SPECIFICALLY 90s japan
oh yeah i haven’t even talked about the gameplay yet. it’s.... shitty. maybe i’m a little biased because i’m not a big platformer girl but even so it’s just not.... good...... i kinda got myself soft locked one time because a big snowman guy was blocking my way and i had no way to kill him or get around him, luckily you can just restart from your last checkpoint but still. some of the special abilities/attacks just didn’t feel that good to use, like dragon boi’s and chuko’s felt too short range at times and jennu’s and aniki’s felt a little too slow. the rest were fine i guess. the only one i felt like was done well was kansai’s.
i played on easy mode cuz it was the default one that was highlighted and idk if it effects the platforming sections or the “puzzles” but the puzzles were way too easy. most of them just felt like they were checking that you paid basic attention to the story. the ones at the end are somewhat harder but i still didn’t have any problems with them. the stuff the outright tell you would have mad better puzzles like the xxy thing but at the same time were you even supposed to realize that? the otherworlder aka you i guess says it like no big deal but like i guess the middle x looked slightly different? but not enough to be like OH OBVIOUSLY ITS X TIMES Y. on the flipside i solved the heaven map puzzle before i even had all of the pieces. i guess i have to give it some slack though because it would probably be a bit harder if you didn’t really know english kinda like the danganronpa 11037 thing
also am i just stupid or how were you supposed to know the year the phone displayed was the y number in that puzzle? i forgot to get it before trying to solve the puzzle so i knew it corresponded to the y because it was the only clue i didn’t have so i didn’t have to think about it that hard but like did the phone have something to do with the letter y or was it just like a what clue haven’t i used kinda thing
anyway apologies for the super long post if you read the whole thing then wow thanks i guess? anyway in conclusion pochi is my son
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blueprint-han · 3 years
oo what's entomophobic? I've never heard of that
KSKKSKSKSKS it's basically a phobia of insects, which I've had since I was young ;-;
Ikr?? I legit hate cleaning fans cuz they never clean properly and they always get dirty so soon
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clowniconography · 4 years
hey do u have any favorite video essays? like ones you come back to often?? im looking to find new like really long ones to watch
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ooooh my god...okay. this might get kinda long cuz this is literally one of my special interests. They’re not all about film but i encourage everyone to check out some of these videos because they’re really great, my absolute favorites are in bold.
obligatory mention of Hbomberguy’s great Sherlock video essay: Sherlock Is Garbage and Here’s Why, which is a total classic.
Some other lesser known videos by Harris that I also love:
Pathologic is Genius and Here’s Why, 
My Transformers Midlife Crisis, 
Outsiders: How to Adapt HP Lovecraft In the 21st Century <<<(I love this video so much, its a great take on death of the author and it basically helped formed all of my opinions on Lovecraft and Lovecraft related media)
A lot of people have probably also heard of Jack Saint thru his video Sky HIgh: Disney’s Fascist Eugenics Movie, here are some of his other vids i’d also heavily recommend:
Time Burton’s Alice In Wonderland Was A Mistake
His series deconstructing cop archetypes in movies, which only has two vids rn but there are more to come
Lindsay Ellis is also a kind of well-known name on youtube but here are some of her vids I like
Why is Cats?
The Case for Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hercules, Disney’s Beautiful Hot Mess: a Video Essay
Shannon Strucci is a lesser known video essayist but I love these videos by her as well:
Horror Theory: The Uncanny Valley
Her series “fake friends” about parasocial relationships which I feel are a must-watch for anyone who participates in fandom
Big Joel is a lesser known video essayist and his videos are a little more low budget but i still like them
Click: The Worst Movie<<’Ive watched this one so many times, it’s an hour long and it gets kinda rough towards the end but I just love it so much, i’ve never even seen the movie
his series about the “trash era” of dreamworks which features videos about Shark Tale, Over The Hedge, and The Bee Movie
Folding Ideas is also a more well known youtuber who makes in depth videos about movies and film:
The Art Of Editing and The Snowman
A Lukewarm Defence of Fifty Shades of Grey (a series in multiple parts)
The Art of Storytelling and The Book of Henry
Lastly, Shaun is someone whose tweets I actually see circulating a lot on this website, but i feel like no one actually watches his videos which is sad.  I would recommend that fellow ADHD-ers like me watch his videos at 1.5 speed for reasons that become apparent when you hear how he talks. However, since he makes videos that are more politically charged, the only ones I’m gonna recommend here are in his series Everything Wrong With Cinemasins which is so funny and insightful and made me hate cinemasins so much
If anyone else wants to recommend any videos on this post they are free too, bye for now!
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notquiteaghost · 5 years
i just wrote up a very barebones transcript of all the geralt & jaskier scenes in ‘four marks’, because i can’t find any online, and it took me like an hour so i might as well share it
it only takes note of action that interrupted dialogue, cuz i just wanted a reference for the dialogue, and it also only covers their actual conversation in the first scene. but other than that it should be accurate. i used netflix subtitle spelling for names
JASKIER: I love the way you just sit in the corner and brood.
GERALT: I’m here to drink alone.
JASKIER: Good, yeah, good. No one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance, except… for you. Come on. You don’t want to keep a man with bread in his pants waiting. You must have some review for me. Three words or less.
GERALT: They don’t exist.
JASKIER: Whaaat don’t exist?
GERALT: The creatures in your song.
JASKIER: And how would you know? … Oh, fun. White hair… big old loner, two very, very scary-looking swords, I know who you are. You’re the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia. Called it!
JASKIER: Ah. Need a hand? I’ve got two. One for each of the, uh, devil’s horns.
GERALT: Go away.
JASKIER: I won’t be but silent back-up. (pause) Look, I heard your note, and yes, you’re right, maybe real adventures would make better stories. And you, sir, smell chock-full of them. Amongst other things. I mean, what is that? Is that onion? It doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, you smell of death and destiny. Heroics and heartbreak.
GERALT: It’s onion.
JASKIER: Right, yeah, yeah. Ooh, I could be your barker, spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the– the Butcher of Blaviken!
GERALT: Come here.
(GERALT punches JASKIER in the stomach. JASKIER groans and wheezes.)
GERALT: Come on, Roach.
JASKIER: Reading between the lines, and the gut punches, chum, I’d say you have got a bit of a… an image problem. Were I to join on this… feat to defeat the devil of Posada, I could relieve you of that title. All the North would be too busy singing the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the– the White Wolf, or– or something.
GERALT: Butcher is right.
JASKIER: Do you mind if I hop up there with you? It’s just, I’m not really wearing the right kind of footwear–
GERALT: Don’t touch Roach.
JASKIER: –Yeah, right.
JASKIER: You know, the elves called this Dol Blathanna, before bequeathing it to the humans and retreating to their golden palaces in the mountains. There I go again, just… delivering exposition. … Geralt? Geralt? Geralt, wh-where are you going? Geralt, don’t leave me. Hello? What are we looking for again?
GERALT: Blessed silence.
JASKIER: Yeah, I don’t really go in for that. Have you, uh, have you ever hunted a devil before, Geralt?
GERALT: Devils don’t exist.
JASKIER: Right. Obviously. Then, uh, then what are we doing?
GERALT: Sometimes there’s monsters, sometimes there’s money. Rarely both. That’s the life. 
(GERALT gets hit by something.) 
JASKIER: Act Two begins! What was that? Looks like a tiny cannonball from a… Oh my gosh. ... Geralt, it is a devil. Ohhh, I have to see this magical, this mythi– 
(JASKIER gets hit in the forehead, and passes out.)
TORQUE: Leave me be!
GERALT: You talk.
TORQUE: Of course I talk!
GERALT: What happened with you? Your mother fuck a goat?
TORQUE: I am Torque the Sylvan, a rare and intelligent creature!
GERALT: You’re a dick. With balls.
TORQUE: Balls I got from humans, who left out filled with iron, meant to poison me!
TORQUE: Did your mother fuck a snowman?
GERALT: You are intelligent, I’ll give you that. So I won’t kill you. But you can’t stay here.
TORQUE: Neither can you.
(Something hits GERALT in the head.)
JASKIER: This is the part where we escape.
GERALT: This is the part where they kill us.
JASKIER: Who’s they?
ELF WOMAN: (in Elder) Beast!
GERALT: Elves.
JASKIER: Oi, that’s my lute! Give that back! Quick, Geralt. Do your– your witchering–
GERALT: Shut up!
ELF WOMAN: (in Elder) You shut up!
JASKIER: Oh, my Elder speech is rough, I only got part of that.
ELF WOMAN: (in English) Humans, shut up.
JASKIER: (in Elder) Ah, got it, thanks so much.
ELF WOMAN: Do you wanna die right now?
GERALT: As opposed to later?
JASKIER: No, please, not the lu–!
GERALT: Leave off! He’s just a bard.
ELF WOMAN: You don’t deserve the air you breathe. Everything you touch you destroy.
JASKIER: You hide in your golden palaces. You beat a bound man, too scared to even look him in the eye!
ELF WOMAN: Do you like my palace? Hmm? Does it live up to the tales you humans tell?
(GERALT headbutts her. She falls back, coughing.)
JASKIER: (laughs) Yeah, take that, pointy. … Wait, what’s–what’s wrong with her?
FILAVANDREL: She’s sick.
JASKIER: Oh, and who’s this?
TORQUE: He’s Filavandrel, king of the elves.
FILAVANDREL: Not a king. Not by choice.
GERALT: You were stealing for them.
TORQUE: I felt for them. They were forced out of Dol Blathanna.
JASKIER: Forced out? No, they chose–
FILAVANDREL: Do you know anyone that would choose to leave their home? To starve? To have a Sylvan steal for them? 
TORQUE: Toruviel, no one was supposed to get hurt.
TORUVIEL: What’s two humans in the ground when countless elves have died?
GERALT: One human. And you can let him go.
FILAVANDREL: And Posada will learn that we’ve been stealing. The humans will attack. Many will die, on both sides.
GERALT: The lesser evil. No matter what you choose, you’ll come out bloody, and hating yourself. Trust me.
FILAVANDREL: That’s the problem. I can’t. This is necessary.
GERALT: I understand. As long as you understand that it won’t be long before you follow me in death.
FILAVANDREL: Yes, because they’ve pushed us from viable soil. Even chaos is polluted. Synthetically enhanced so humans can make magic.
GERALT: Chaos is the same as it’s always been. Humans just adapted better.
FILAVANDREL: You say adapt, and I say destroy.
GERALT: You are choosing to starve. You’re cutting off your ear to spite your face.
FILAVANDREL: You think this is about pride? My elders worked with humans, and got robbed of all they had. And when they fought back, they were slaughtered. “The Great Cleansing”, humans call it. I call it digging a mass grave for everyone I loved. And now the humans proudly watch these very fields grow, our babies fertiliser for their grain. I don’t wish to bury anyone else. I was once Filavandrel of the Silver Towers. Now I’m Filavandrel of the Edge of the World. If I bring my people down from these mountains, it would mean bowing to human sovereignty. They’ll make slaves of us. Pariahs of half-blood children.
GERALT: Then go somewhere else. Rebuild. Get strong again. Show the humans that you are more than what they fear you to be.
FILAVANDREL: Like you, Witcher?
GERALT: I have learned to live with them. So that I may live.
TORUVIEL: Please, my King. There are others. A new generation. Evellien who wish to fight. Let us take back what’s ours. Starting now.
FILAVANDREL: Torque, stand aside.
TORQUE: The Witcher could’ve killed me. But he didn’t. He’s different. Like us.
GERALT: If you must kill me, I am ready. But the Sylvan’s right. Don’t call me human.
JASKIER: Credit where credit is due, that whole reverse psychology thing you did on them was brilliant, by the way. (imitates Geralt) “Kill me, I’m ready”. … That’s the conclusion. They just let us go, and you give all of Nettly’s coin to the elves.
GERALT: Filavandrel’s lute not gift enough for you?
JASKIER: Yeah, she is a bit sexy, isn’t she? I do have respect for Filavandrel. He survived the Great Cleansing once. Who knows? Maybe he can do it again. Be reborn. (singing) Will the elf king heed what the witcher entreats? Is history a wheel doomed to repeat? No, that’s– that’s shit.
GERALT: This is where we part ways, bard, for good.
JASKIER: Look, I promised to change the public’s tune about you. At least allow me to try.
(JASKIER sings the opening verses of Toss A Coin.)
JASKIER: (singing) And so cried the Witcher, “He can’t be bleat–”
GERALT: That’s not how it happened. Where’s your newfound respect?
JASKIER: Respect doesn’t make history.
(JASKIER continues to sing Toss A Coin.)
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
You? Disappoint me? As if!! omg— you could do LITERALLY anything, and I'd still be so proud of of you😭😭
the coordination tho ksndksnsn very very impressive on their part, HAHA. I'm involved in a ton of groupchats on whatsapp, so I low-key just mute everything and get stressed whenever I check it 😃🔫 so I've found a better way with dealing with all of that— by ignoring the app entirely and pretending it doesn't exist 🎉🎉🎉🎊
😔she's having a great time with her cousins, im so jealous I wish I had a functional extended family :D oops sorry XD but noooo wdym you always keep me company anyways, whether she's here or not, and I look forward to your messages, whether I'm busy or lonely. My love for you is one of those things that'll never change.
😔sorry luv, can't help you there, he seems to talk like a Jedi, so the force must be with him— and who am I to go against minors on the internet who hold cute adorable guys hostage anyways? 🤷😝💖 Oh he sounds psycho :O I'll probably watch it after money heist!! YEAH angel recommended sweet home to me too. She said it was my "quarantine homework" and that I had to "watch it before school starts, or she'd disown me and burn our friendship" or something like that😾 our friends are very "passionate" about their movie recommendations, huh?
snow 😭😭 if I ever experience it in another country, I'll do the same.
YES!! there's four seasons rn tho, so best of luck to the both of you xx
That's one of the sweetest things, I'm glad you think of me :) I think of you before going on walks too, since you love going on them. Oops okie dokes 😭 not dumb then— I'm just shy in general LEAVE ME ALONE I GET FLUSTERED SOMETIMES. no don't leave me alone ilu
awww it's okay!! I understand, tho I did miss you :D 💖💖💖 I'm gonna sleep now too, and probably start studying in the morning >.< I hope you sleep well, my love. And have the sweetest dreams. You deserve it, and I hope tomorrow goes wonderfully for you. I love you so so so very much!!
—miss. i'll-build-a-tiny-snowman-someday-for-you :D
Ahah, well, the same goes for you!! You can trip and I'll say "how graceful😍" unironically and I'll help you stand up too dw💕💕
Ehh same, my classmates are stupid edgelords and even though I love them, I hate them😐 but yeah some stuff they joke around about kind of brings me down, so I ignore them mostly and never write in the chat, unless I wanna help them cheat XD cuz I'm generous like that and wanna watch them crumble down on an actual exam- I mean uh
Me too, I really never even try making contact with any of my extended family members, they're too, uh... yeah:// so I understand. It makes me happy hearing that though, I'm glad<33
*happiness* boo hoo I am trapped what shall I do ... *does nothing except hug you back* TRUST ME I AM SMILING THIS IS ALL I WANT😭😩😩💞💞
How could you, you have betrayed me😭😭 but I guess youre right, the young boy is too powerful~ Yeah he kinda is a psycho, but hes a nice guy kinda I guess, and hes the manager of a book store, too, which is 😍. Woah there, Angel is a bit extreme, ey? xDD That's actually so funny I'm--
AHAHAH FOUR SEASONS NOOO THATS GONNA BE A COMPETITION THEN😭😭 I'll do my best to win this time I guess😩😭 (oh this is weird out of context, me and Kuro have binging competitions sometimes if the show has more than 20 episodes XD)
Awhh that's so sweet😭💘 Heheh understandable, dont worry, I find shy people cute^^ I'm not leaving you any time soon sunshine 😡💘💘
I missed you too😭😭 I really hope you sleep well tonight, tomorrow is Monday again🙄 I hope it goes well for you!! I love you a lot, thank you for your messages, and I'll say it again, I love you so, so much!!!
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