#cuz we are living in a material world-
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*queue material girl by madonna*
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babyleostuff · 20 days
based on your feelings, tell me whoch svt member would get married first. like most to least. i hope you understood what i mean 🥲👍🏼
keep in mind this is who would get married first not who's husband material cuz that's two very different things 👆🏼
(i'd like to call the three first ones the grandpa line)
jeonghan -> i'm 99% sure he's already married
seungcheol -> we know how loud seungcheol is with his love for his members, so i can't even start to imagine how he'd be with his significant other. he'd like to marry as soon as possible to show off his partner to the whole world.
joshua -> mans is husband material and he's ready to live up to it
dk -> idk, he's such a romantic soul, i'm sure he loves the idea around weddings and sharing his love for you with his family and friends
minghao -> i just know this man will have the most breathtaking wedding venue, and that 2/3 out of the guests will be bawling their eyes out
mingyu -> you might think "hm, natalia, that's very low for mingyu!" and yes, but here's the thing - he is 100% husband material, but i don't think he's that ready to be husband yet. like, yes yes, i love the husband agenda as much as you, but... sometimes he just gives such boyfriend vibes AND he mentioned some time ago in an interview where he thought he'd be already married by 26 or 27 and now he's like ??? hell naur
wonwoo -> i just know wonwoo is such a romantic at heart, even though he doesn't want to show that, and he'd love the idea of getting married.
(this is where it's starting to get tricky)
jun -> idk, this is based purely on my gut feeling
seungkwan -> i don't think boo would be in that much of a rush to get married
dino -> he wants to live a bit before committing to such a big thing as marriage
vernon -> boyfriend? husband? who cares, as long as you're together
woozi -> i think he likes to take things slowly, so i don't think he'd be in a rush to get married
hoshi -> he's too much of a boyfriend, i'm sorry
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honeytonedhottie · 11 months
self validating with manifesting౨ৎ₊ ⊹🍈
if u can visualize it, if u can conceptualize it then it is 100% by all means possible. if u visualized the pillow on ur bed for a couple minutes, and then u stopped thinking about it, would u be like "oh now i need to see that pillow in real life to know if what i saw in my head is real" NO ofc not.
stop doubting urself, stop questioning urself bcuz the only barrier between ur desire being materialized is YOU. it all starts with you.
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rest easy and know, that ur never gonna have to look for ur desires, the desires will show themselves TO you. thats the whole point of why ur manifesting it. its like reading a chapter in a book, and going back to re-read that chapter over and over again and then wondering why u aren't progressing in the story. its silly.
u fulfill urself in ur imagination all the time anyways, so its so simple. regardless of old stories and old habits, we know that reprogramming the mind is EASY. monitor ur mental conversations, make sure that they align with the fact that u have ur desires and literally LIVE UR LIFE IN THE BLISS AND COMFORT THAT U DESERVE CUZ YK THAT U HAVE EVERYTHING U WANT ALREADY. u dont need to be thinking about it 24/7 for it to manifest.
dont put limitations on urself and ur manifestations, its literally the easiest thing in the world to do bcuz u need nothing but ur mind.
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qqueenofhades · 4 months
*Puts on old man costume*
"Back in my day, we used to cheat and procrastinate like real people! With copious amounts of bullshitting and pulling things out of our asses at the last minute! Secretly sneaking in little things written on our hands or in our phones fer tests and shit! Heck, maybe we didn't even NEED to cheat because it turns out we actually knew stuff, we just didn't know we knew stuff until our last minute papers got a good grade anyways because our shit actually had some analytical relevance borne from deep in our psyche, but we just didn't realize it because we had massive cases of imposter syndrome where we thought everyone else was smarter than us, while overlooking our own abilities!
Now these newfangled ChatGPTs are just taking the easy way out of the easy way out! What's up with that!? These new procrastinators and cheaters make us look even worse than we already do, cuz they ain't even doing the work of not doing the work! And y'all can't even say that you can learn from it in the art of bullshittin', cuz that's not even YOUR bullshitting, it's someone else's bullshitting mangled up with hundreds of other peoples' bullshittin'!
Feh, kids these days!"
*Takes off old man costume*
Addendum: old man anon griping about cheating with ChatGPT does not endorse cheating or procrastinating. I'm just being silly.
I mean... at least with regular old-fashioned cheating, also an academic tradition since time immemorial, at least you're engaging with the material somehow. You are putting your own two god-given eyeballs on that and using your own ickle brainikins to do SOMETHING with it, even if that something is morally questionable. We've all seen the elaborate cheat devices where someone managed to engrave all the exam answers onto a pen or a pair of socks or whatever -- at least that person went in and used their initiative to remember information SOMEHOW, and to do it under their own power. Now, yes, it will get you into trouble, and yes, there are plenty of conversations to be had about accessibility and the fact that not everyone learns by sitting in a room and being lectured at and then having to regurgitate it all from memory with no notes in a final exam, which is why there is a whole thriving field of educational pedagogy and best practices and how to accommodate students with different learning styles and etc. etc. I sometimes see AI framed as "uwu accessibility issue :(" and like... cmon. There are educational professionals who spend their whole lives and careers working out how to shake up the traditional learning format and present material in an engaging way and teach students how to think and write and otherwise be academic and rigorous. And like, if you're voluntarily in this space, then we presume you WANT that instruction! Not to just sit around and whine about how we aren't catering enough to you personally and this means you should get to use the Bullshit Plagiarism Nonsense Machine to never ever think at all!
Now, I will say that the naivete around AI is not only limited to students. I was in a department meeting yesterday where the literal associate dean of the college seemed startled to discover that AI might not be a) totally reliable b) able to totally replace lesson planning and evaluation/grading by an actual human professor (after several faculty members pushed back, shall we say, briskly on the idea that it could). Plenty of people still think it can just magically solve Academia (or /insert field here), and those are not just limited to clueless undergraduates. And yes, undergraduates are clueless in different ways and for different reasons in every era of the world; it is likewise an academic rite of passage. But I still cannot for the life of me understand why you, in ye olde benighted 21st century, would pay tens of thousands of dollars and/or accrue it in debt to go to college, to learn nothing, to whine and blame your professors for "not designing assignments well" (when again, every remotely decent educational professional agonizes for eons about how to do a good job of this for all kinds of students), to insist it is your entitled right to use the Bullshit Plagiarism Nonsense Machine, and then presumably be /shocked pikachu face/ when you don't learn anything and spend your time posting idiot takes on the internet. I mean. The state of critical thinking is /waves hand/ Already So Bad, and the AI craze plays directly into that by fulfilling the insidious fantasy that the hard things in life aren't actually hard and don't have to be learned by patient and careful practice. And that is just. Yeah. C'mon.
(I realize this was a funny/lighthearted ask, but yeah, we can consider this one old man turning to another old man on the park bench and making a joke, and the other old man bellowing YOUTH THESE DAYS!!! and scaring all the pigeons and/or passersby. Ahem.)
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aloesnake · 10 months
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cuz we are living in a material world, and i am a material girl ✨!
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uter-us · 9 months
"magic gender feelings"
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hey yall! gonna clarify stuff abt this post
outside of and including radfems, there are many reasons a woman might not "feel" like a woman. a huuuuge notable one is that we live in a world where women are not valued the way men are and that is reflected in media and politics and interpersonal experiences and like every second ever. of course a woman or girl might not "feel" like the caricature, stereotype, or role that is thrust upon women. she might not feel the same way the rest of the word "feels" a woman should be. that is not "called being nonbinary," its just a normal reaction to misogyny
additionally, when radfems say they do not "feel" like a woman, its often heavy on the word feel, in that we simply are women and our womanhood is not tied to an internal ("magic gender") feeling. (fyi ik the "magic" part is j lighthearted and a joke, but the content of the message applies.) that is why i do not "feel" like a woman because i cannot "feel" something that is merely my reality. (i don't feel like i have curly hair, i just have curly hair.) most actual feelings i have regarding myself and my inner identity are merely aspects of my personality.
some comments:
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(the person in the middle is being mean for no reason so ignore that)
i get the sentiment, and i can recognize that honestly in some ways it probably is much easier, but it's also not based in any material reality. and when denying (or just not completely understanding. im not attributing malice!) the subjugation an entire class of people face due to their sex, that is not a happy sparkly good vibe
i used to go by all pronouns and while never outwardly identified as "genderfluid" i heavily identified with it. and i do know that "vibe," and i cant describe the uniquely liberating experience it is to recognize that being a woman means nothing to my "vibe" or personality or anything like that.
i know the word "woman" takes on a lot, especially roles/stereotypes, but you don't ever have to reflect that in your actions. you can vibe with what makes you happy without attributing it to not being your observed sex. like you can legitimately do and be whatever you are doing while female and that qualifies as a woman!! theres nothing more to it!! its amazing!
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when i hear radfems make the claim that "everyone would be nonbinary," it's more in the sentiment that no one 100% adheres entirely to the roles/expectations of man or woman, basically that to imply some people's "gender" or whatever IS binary is strange! not even the most tradwife or "alpha male" commits entirely to the role yk? not even they are 100% in either binary. it would be impossible, and every person inches out of these gendered expressions/performances/etc at LEAST from time to time (some more often than others, but it definitely is everybody)! so its just recognizing that sure there could be some "gender spectrum" but its far more real to acknowledge everyone is somewhere in the middle of these strict binaries than just a minor group of people. (at least that's my understanding of when radfems make that statement.)
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lots of radfems used to be TRAs or trans-identified individuals-- even still have dysphoria-- and that contributed to their becoming radfems!! many radfems understand the pain of dysphoria, and their experience w medicalization and/or interpersonal experiences aid in their current understanding of gender ideology and what it means to be a woman. (also see below cuz i expand more on the other part, especially the last comment.)
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the first comment i find so interesting because i think thats often the point. like often someone will claim they feel like a woman/man/nonbinary-person/etc or not, and are so sure of it. and because so much of this is dependent on the way you feel, one of the things that changed my mind abt gender ideology was j considering like, "how do i know this isnt the feeling of a woman? how do i know other women aren't experiencing this?" like even trans rights activists will state that not everyone "feels" being nonbinary the same way for example. so who's to say this feeling i feel is not also the feeling of a woman? yk? because chances are, theres a lot of other women feeling discomfort with their natal sex and perception/self-perception, and so much more!
so i'd ask anyone who says what the top comment says: if a woman is someone who feels like a woman, but you can't define or break down that feeling, how are you sure all of these women are feeling the same thing?
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i consider myself a relatively patient person 99% of the time, but this is so aggravating! for anyone not in the loop, an egg is a term for someone who is trans but doesn't know it yet. hypocrisy is one of my greatest frustrations, cuz a huge TRA thing is that you can't tell other people if they are a man/woman/nonbinary-person/etc, and you always have to respect their identity, but apparently that doesn't apply now!!
its very invasive to push your own idea of what and who someone is onto them-- and no one can claim this "isn't pushing" when this individual has literally written (unsolicited) about a stranger's identity based off their own projections or preconceived ideas on what a woman should feel. and i get it, its the internet, people are gonna write whatever, but i have a right to be frustrated by it too!!
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okay last one! if anyone knows where that post is or who made it, but basically i saw this post on here a while ago about how sometimes TRAs resemble some Christians. and the example was comparing something similar to the above circled comment, to an interaction between an atheist and a Christian thats something like. "I'm an atheist." "Oh, so you worship Satan?" and its like the idea that someone can't even consider outside of their view that their attempt to align you w it is entirely inaccurate, yk? like atheists don't worship Satan cuz they don't believe in him! and radfems/whoever don't have "a gender" cuz they don't believe in it (in the same sense tras do)!!
im sorry if i've come off super irritable writing this! i think im j frustrated for other reasons besides this, but i hope i don't come off especially unkind because i genuinly don't hold any hatred or discontentment w this person who made that tiktok, my point to this post is to clarify some of these comments because i see this idea all the time and when the radfem pov is misconstrued its much harder for TRAs to converse w us (cuz they arent really debating our ideas, but some other group w some other ideas). (i also dont speak for all radfems so keep that in mind too.) anyway if anyone disagrees/agrees or has corrections or needs clarification or anything feel free to reply!! :)
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fairuzfan · 8 months
Tbh this may just be me but my patience for certain people getting mad at being accused of being zionists, and specifically pointing at how they have said that they want Peace and Freedom and it's important to focus on the Humanity of People has become fucking negative (which is all different from when Bibi says he's securing Peace and Freedom as he focuses on the Humanity of Israelis, I guess. Or any time the US has tried it in Pick Your War).
Either explain your material goals or accept that people will get mad at you when you refuse to elaborate on your puddle-deep statements. Politics is material conditions all the way down and the current material conditions are that Palestinians are being massacred by a genocidal state whose heads have repeatedly affirmed that intent!
Badly paraphrasing Kwame Ture here, but any analysis that excludes the oppressor will blame the oppression. The presumption of a need to make Both Sides Understand And Communicate assumes that Palestinians hold significant structural power here and have the ability to come to some theoretical political table—that they are thus doing this, effectively, to themselves, because they don't prioritize Humanity and Peace and Freedom enough. That's what good vibes politics gets you.
(I am so sorry for this being long, I am just, so furious with it, especially after I learned today that an old classmate was hurt by former IOF soldiers w/skunk spray during the Columbia University SJP protest. Just. Goddamn.)
I think you put it into words really well in that there are no material analysis of actual concrete steps theyre providing or stating that Palestinians haven't already said better and more often and they tend to pass it off as their own ideologies rather than... you know... recognizing Palestinians have been fighting this fight for 3-4 generations. Like a guarantee you any discussion you've had we've already had amongst ourselves. So like actively excluding us from those discussions — which is nothing new btw we've always been excluded from them but this time it's easier to push back — is in fact doing harm and refusing us a way to advocate for ourselves.
Truly I've seen it all — there is no way to "peacefully" live under occupation and subjugation for Palestinians. Like no, man that doesn't exist. Even within Israel, Palestinians aren't referred to as "Palestinians" they are referred to as "Arab Israelis" like we cannot even claim ourselves as Palestinians.
You have to acknowledge that at a certain point you yourself are contributing to the dangerous atmosphere by making everything "too complex" to get anything done. I remember there was a talk with Amjad Iraqi (a contributor to al-shabaka who grew up in israel but is palestinian) and another podcaster who is... peak liberal zionist lol but i listened to it cuz amjad was there — that the Podcaster was saying (paraphrasing) "there's an equilibrium of 'freedom' for Palestinians and 'security' for Israelis, and one side pushes the other side further and further away from the center where they could meet so how to you think we reconcile differences" and amjad responds in a way that I admire (paraphrasing) in that he mentions that from the beginning of this equation, zionism has always had the upper hand in that all their demands have been met and self determination for Palestinians have never been recognized (end paraphrase) so it's not equal to say "well we want peace for both Palestinians and israelis so let's block off Palestinians from discussing definitions for these terms" that fundamentally impact them in ways they will never impact nonpalestinians who would BENEFIT from maintaining the status quo.
Within the article from Alma they say "do something vulnerable and ask the other person what their definition of zionism/antizionism is" as if there aren't very transparent people in this world that want "peace" and don't want a ceasefire. Like that's actually the predominant opinion in the world. They straight up say "the only peace in the middle east is if we get rid of hamas so we can't allow a ceasefire" and people run by that definition and say "sorry Palestinians :( we gotta get rid of hamas :( there's nothing we can do about this.... its for peace :("
So I think you're doing far more harm by pretending there's a cognitive difference between zionist and antizionists that theyre just not communicating, which, zionists are very obvious about communicating (which also, it's necessary to boost Palestinians when defining antizionism in this case because when we point out the very real harm of things affecting us we would like a say in how people define the movement meant for our liberation). But the article never said that throughout the entire thing. It just said "maybe you guys have a cognitive dissonance of words" but like.... at this point, if you still ally yourself under the term "zionist" with literally all we have been screaming these past few months then no, I don't think you're necessarily operating in good faith.
And like I don't think tri*utary is a zionist necessarily but they're certainly a zionist sympathizer and like I don't trust them either.
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murfpersonalblog · 5 months
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Carol Cutshall better get an Emmy this year, I ain't playin!
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"Cutshall and her team had to embrace a new reality, one initially devoid of the first season’s material pleasures..... Free of their maker, an austere Louis and Claudia flee New Orleans for Europe in search of a coven of vampires to call their own. There they find themselves in the ravaged wasteland of World War II, where sorrow pollutes even the blood they drink."
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"It was such a drastic change going into season two. We went from the height of glamour, which we last saw during a Mardi Gras party, to the polar opposite in the premiere. When you look at Louis and Claudia in their shearling coats in Romania and the amount of mud and blood on them, those looks are built for surviving and searching and starting over."
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This what I meant when I talked about AMC intensifying the horror for show!Claudia vs book!Claudia. They're starting over, runaway slaves free at last from Massa Lestat's domestic terrorism; following the Drinking Gourd north to the promised land of milk & honey--but their exodus isn't some glorious adventure--it's Hell on Earth!
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I adore the juxtaposition Carol makes between the obscene opulence of Mardi Gras NOLA vs the Grimm realities of war-torn Europe. Book!Lou&Claud traveled across Europe in a lavish carriage Claudia picked out, and had the luxury of taking their fancy coffins with them in it.
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NGL I was hoping Carol would talk about these outfits in particular:
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AMC's Lou & Claud look like they've been sleeping underground/in a battlefield, dressed in animal skins/furs--not the fancy furs PETA jumps folks for, but nasty Caveman Couture rags. And I can't help but think about the furs they wore in the film, looking rich AF, even as Lou complained about how sad he was. 🙄😒
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So I am SO IN LOVE with AMC sending Louis & Claudia to WWII Europe. They're in Ploiești/Romania in 1941--in the book they're in 1800s Varna/Germany. Romania was a major ally for the Nazis in WWII, and the LAST place Claud should be--let alone Louis (a gay Black African American man)--let alone because Romania was bombed TF up in the early 1940s.
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They're running slow AF like regular humans--no super vamp speed at their disposal to flee from the bombs--cuz they've been STARVING. They're eating the dead like a bunch of ghoulish necrophages (come through, Witcher 3 folklore!).
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Like, in the film the big idea was that drinking dead blood could kill a vampire. But in TVL & Blood Communion we know that's not the case when Lestat drinks the corpses Armand gave him, and when Lestat gives the Vampire Court Rhoshamandes' corpse--it's not deadly, but it's not great, either. Drinking blood should be PEAK sensory pleasure; but this just shows what they've been reduced to.
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So to see Louis & Claudia tearing into pieces of the dead to suck up what's left is like cannibalism at its rawest, basest & most primitive--straight out of a dystopian zombie apocalypse. There's no transcendent power in the dead like what Maharet & Lestat described. Lou & Claud are scavengers in a battlefield, fighting for scraps just to survive and endure, but not really live.
And I feel so much worse for Claudia, cuz she LITERALLY didn't ask for this mess! Unlike Louis--and unlike book/film!Claudia--she was Born into Darkness w/out her awareness or consent. AMC puts this poor girl through HELL. The things she's seen & experienced made her "built for survival;" but she's also "built like a bird," and just as ignorant about vampires & the Old World as Louis--though they're both bookish intellectuals who THINK they're ready for Europe.
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So they have no effing idea, cuz Lestat never told them WHY Europe was such bad news. They're blind and completely in the dark!
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And then they FINALLY arrive in Paris--a breath of fresh air after the war.
But glamour returns to their lives as the pair forge ahead in Paris.... Seduced by their habit of living loudly and proudly — at least at night — Louis relaxes into his post-Lestat life, taking up photography and exploring his sexuality in subtle ways. “The look I landed on for him was that of artists and café society, and French workwear with a little bit of a blue-collar look,” Cutshall says. “It’s not the finery that we are used to for Louis, but his fastidiousness in how he wears it — tucked and belted — is still there.” There is a visual hierarchy among these old-world vampires. Louis wears the costume of the common man, placing him below the coven’s creative director, Armand, the so-called love of his life"
The "visual hierarchy" of Louis being "placed BELOW" the Old World vampires had me vibrating in my seat, especially wrt Armand, the biggest baddest boogeyman vs fledgling vampires in the books.
"We want to break away from the disguise he had in season one, because he is the mega predator,” Cutshall says. “He's not threatened by anyone. So, in everything he does and wears, he can be like an animal who is not afraid to lie on their back and bare their belly."
Which is precisely what I said about Lestat in his Mardi Gras dress & his Matador pajamas. Cuz Lou & Claud are constantly put on the exact same level--at the BOTTOM of the food chain & the gendered/social hierarchies of vampire covens in both NOLA & Europe.
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But what's interesting's that AMC diversified the Theatre--there's Black & Asian vampires, not the all-white coven from the books.
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The Theatre has truly become a microcosm of the entire world, highlighting just how sheltered Lou & Claud were in the New World. The history of America is very black and white--or rather: white versus black. After the Native Americans were wiped out, American racism molded & shaped centuries of slavery & oppression specifically designed to keep Black people at the bottom of barrel, even when they were "freed/emancipated." But in the Old World, power & conquest was continental--Africa & Asia & Europe were ALL major superpowers at one time or another, kicking each other's arses. Race & racism still plays a huge part in European imperialism, OF COURSE, but WWII showed how white folk are just as prone to killing & oppressing each other, let alone anyone else. 😂 Louis & Claudia's problems w/ Lestat are radically different from their problems w/ Armand (now a brown Asian, as Russia & Ukraine are also globalized; dispelling the myth about Russians only ever being white people).
But Santiago's an altogether different beast--but eerily familiar.
"Her thirst for attention is surpassed only by Santiago, the extravagant emcee of the theater troupe. For Santiago’s big onstage entrance in episode two, Cutshall took inspiration from performers like Peter O’Toole and Laurence Olivier. “I started with Fred Astaire, but with a bit of a bondage twist for Santiago’s curtain look,” she says. “Who were the top dogs of the time that he would want to emulate? You can feel him striving for that."
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What is fundamentally wrong with Santiago (and Lestat) is that he's a HUGE showboat, desperate for attention & validity, specifically from LOUIS, a vampire older than Santiago, attractive & new & interesting, who's approval he actually wanted & expected. But Louis's too mature/smart for Santiago, and immediately clocked him as a clown and a BUFFOON.
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AMC dyed Santiago's hair blonde on purpose, ISTG, cuz the parallels w/ Lestat are hilarious. Armand's the coven master & creative director, but Santiago's the emcee & "show pony," just like Lelio!Lestat was back in the day. Les' pony on meth meme is SO apt!
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And just like Lestat pulled the rug under Armand at Les Innocents, taking on a leadership role for the Children of Satan and ushering in their new era as vampires who'd join society via the Theatre, Santiago usurps Armand's position as the ringleader against Claudia & Louis. Even though Armand wanted all that to happen, he's more passive than Les & Santiago, far more active & dominant despite being significantly weaker & younger in the Blood than Armand. Wolf Killer Lestat and "top dog" Santiago are cut from the same cloth, down to the pinstripes--which Carol already said were supposed to symbolize cage/jail bars--"back in your cage, sweetheart."
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CAROL! I desire you CARNALLY! ❤️
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Hey charm, is it true that once you get everything in your life , you'll stop appreciating things in general, cuz you have easy access to it?
I'm not sure if I'm wording this right.pls bear with me, english is my second language.
I was questioning myself trying to understand why it's taking me so long to tap into void ,and this fear popped up.
What I want from void is to be a master manifestor ,being able to summon things out of nowhere. And once I achieve this,will I stop being grateful for things ? What if I turn into this egotistical maniac? This sounds absolutely irrational now that I'm typing it out.
Here is my thought process : the only reason I appreciate having money is because I know what it's like to be poor. The only reason I appreciate having parents who loves me unconditionally is because I know what it's like to live with abusive parents. Etc etc .so once I have everything that I want, will I stop appreciating life ? Will I lose interest in myself ?
I guess I'm over complicating things now. Idk.
Did it change the way you approach life once you entered void and got what you want ? If so how ? If other annons who entered void could answer this, that would be great too.
I absolutely love this question! It's something that I've thought about a lot, and to be honest, I believe that the law is an extension of your personality. It's all about your mindset and your approach to life. If you're kind and generous when you're struggling, you're going to be even more giving when you have wealth and abundance. On the other hand, if you're selfish and greedy when you're poor, you're likely to continue that behavior even if your financial situation changes.
I think it's important to remember that everyone is different, and we all have our own journeys to follow. Even if you compare yourself to people who have always had money and privilege, that doesn't mean that they are inherently happier or more fulfilled than you are. I now can find an abundance of joy in simple things like feeding the animals in my backyard (I recently domesticated a squirrel and crow I’m an animal whisperer) or enjoying a cheap meal from my favorite restaurant. I didn’t have the privilege to enjoy the beauty of nature and little things when I was stressed and poor and riddened with anxiety tbh, but it’s always been there??? Nothing has changed I just have the ability to see it now. I love me a channel purse, but a lot of the things that make happy are free and always have been. I’m still a material girl regardless tho 💅💅
For me, the law has helped me appreciate the little things in life so much more. Before I discovered it, I was always searching for more and never felt satisfied with what I had. But now, I'm grateful for everything in my life, both big and small. I take things less seriously and just focus on being a kind and genuine person. I truly believe that if you put out positive energy into the world, it’s going to be a reflection of your inner heart regardless of whatever.
So don't worry about becoming someone like Elon musk or losing sight of who you are. The law is simply a tool to help you become the best version of yourself. And thinking about this already should be a reminder that you have a great head on your shoulder. Keep growing, keep learning, and keep being true to who you are. That's what really matters in life.
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mxyee445 · 9 months
Rant #3
There is no epiphany or aha moment. Acceptance is enlightenment. Indifference is self discovery.
many of us myself included(cuz all of us are one) can "understand" what many of these ND blogs say but i feel where we might have a lot of fault is that not many actually take it for face value. Yes when they say "everything is an illusion". that simply is, there is no how or why it just is.
the pointers aren't there to answer your hows or whys but rather make you think for yourself and let SELF speak.
there is no such thing as anything until you give it awareness/acceptance.
when you keep dreading on your "life" that isn't real you will continue to live that life. same as if you keep believing that you need your desires you're also living a life of wanting. i don't know how to make sense but to put it simple there is no one size fits all in this. and in reality your brain wont "understand" anything until you give up on the idea of understanding.
Stop seeking knowledge. Knowledge is you. i am you. that also means the fact that i have knowledge also means you have it.
I saw a post of someone(which is also you and me, we are one) saying how for them they live a world of peace and prosperity, that no matter what this materialized world shows they don't waver because they know there is no difference between the imagination and the physical. after all we are the ones who gave them meaning. every "second" there is awareness on "something", Good or bad, right or wrong. You give it meaning. so yes chaos is there because all of us have "negative" thoughts because anything is possible even things we assume to be bad. What ND is trying to tech you is to not let yourself devel on thoughts that don't align with you. Since everything is you even when thoughts produce "bad" things you gain to feeling of indifference to them allowing you to be in control of the awareness.
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mayordeas-clone · 1 year
Smash Tier List, Ordered By Which Characters Have Canon Last Names
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i decided one fateful friday evening to make this tier list cuz i was bored. shoutout to the smash prose server for helping me iron out any kinks and retrieve some obscure information to help make this tier list reach its fullest potential (discord link for the server on my blog if youre on desktop or in my pinned post on my art account always b pluggin)
below the cut is some extra details on the tiers and character placements.
THIS IS ROUGH AS HELL!!!!! and the research and sources aren't very cut and dry throughout ;w; a tier list i wanted to make for the sillies that ended up going deeper than expected but not all the way, so it's sorta in a weird gray area of reliability. apologies for not-so-clear info in advanced 😔
Official Surname
what it says on the tin. i'd put detailed explanations of where all of them were "confirmed" but i don't know the nitty gritty of a lot of the characters and just know em from official bios. will provide detail if i see fit cuz its my post.
Byleth: "Eisner"
Joker: Civilian name is "Ren Amamiya", from the anime. Akira Kurusu is another civilian name he goes by, coming from the manga, however Amamiya is more common in official media (and kind of canonized in the PC release of Persona 5 Royal, where changing the language to English from something else will default his name to Ren Amamiya)
Kazuya: "Mishima"
Samus (And Zero Suit Samus): "Aran"
Fox: "McCloud"
Falco: "Lombardi"
Wolf: "O'Donnell"
Terry: "Bogard"
Cloud: "Strife"
SImon and Richter: "Belmont"
Donkey and Diddy Kong: So we all pretty much agreed that "Kong" is a family name :P it could be moved to the yellow canon-ish tier but idk
Peach: "Toadstool", which she signs off as in Mario 64 (So that's pretty canon right)
Generally accepted fanon surname (or exists in obscure non-canon media)
these are kinda? surnames. theyre not official like the ones above or acknowledged in the main source material, but they draw from some sort of source that fans run with. usually, it's common for multiple fanworks to use them as last names when dishing them out :P there could be multiple of these for each character. this is where a lot of handy guidance from the prose server came in, thank you very much once again!!
Mario, Dr. Mario, and Luigi: "Mario", from the live action Super Mario Bros. movie (also, "Mario Mario" is the funniest shit ever to me). Also the joke of "hey if theyre the 'mario bros', then is their last name mario?!"
Yoshi: Alright apparently in the 1993 manual for Super Mario World, Yoshi's full name is "T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas". Alright then?? I was going to put Yoshi in the "species" category, but this bit surprised me :P not sure if it's like, a scientific name or something, but I guess this Yoshi is a special case.
Ganondorf: I think in a manual or something like that (Forgive my vague language, this was just something I recalled that the people I worked with agreed with), he is given the last name "Dragmire".
Marth, Chrom, and Lucina: "Lowell" was a last name given to Marth in the Fire Emblem anime. With Chrom and Lucina being direct descendants of him, they also inherit this last name.
Zelda: "Hyrule" is generally assumed to be her last name. I'm pretty sure Zelda's father in BotW is given the official last name, though I know there's some different reincarnation shenanigans going on. Still, no one stopped me 😎 it's a common theme for a lot of "royalty" characters to be assigned a fanon last name named after their respective kingdom (though I may have overlooked some, we'll get to those later).
Ike: "Greil", named after his father. I thought it was kinda dumb for his last name to be ripped from his dad's first name but idk maybe everyone is on a last-name basis for him (I haven't progressed far in Path of Radiance to know).
Sonic: This one surprised me. Apparently in the Archie comics, his full name "Ogolvie Maurice Hedgehog". So his last name is "Hedgehog"? I suppose this means Sonic's full name could also be Sonic The Hedgehog, with "The" being a middle name :P
Captain Falcon: I was going to include this in "canon", but given that it's technically from a manual and other surnames in this tier come from a similar source, so might as well be consistent. In one of the F-Zero manuals, he's given the name "Douglas J. Falcon" (baller ass name tbh). In the anime, he's also given the civilian name "Bart Lemming".
Sephiroth: According to the Prose pals, it could be "Hojo" or "Crescent" depending on who you ask (idk I'll take their word for it. Yeah sorry this isn't a very thorough list in terms of research and sources).
Ryu: Another Prose pal said that one of the movies gave him the last name "Hoshi".
Bowser and Bowser Jr.: Heard "Koopa" tossed around, given Bowser is the king of Koopas and Jr. is his son.
Mega Man: "Light", after his creator Dr. Light.
Roy: "Pherae", after him being the son of Marquess Pherae.
King K. Rool: I think I assumed "Rool" could be his last name, and the K. is an initialized first name. Heavily based on my own guess tho.
No Canon Surname
Yeah. Though some are Weird and probably misassigned.
Snake I could have sworn had some kind of fanon surname, but I drew up a blank when consulting with the Prose server :P any hardcore Metal Gear fans can swoop in and correct me though.
Corrin and Daisy are kinda... weird to me cuz I assumed they would operate on similar logic to Zelda, being named after their respective kingdoms ("Valla" and "Sarasaland"). But I've never seen those used in practice so it's probably negligible. They bounced between tiers a lot while I made this.
I suppose Dragon Quest 11 Hero could fall in the "kingdom last name" category but idk I'm still internally debating with Corrin and Daisy. Didn't do any research on the other Heroes and no one seemed to stop me. So sorry!! 😭
The only other thing I have to say about this tier is that I'm surprised Bayonetta, Shulk, Olimar, Alph, and Sora didn't have any note-worthy last names to speak of. Unless something slipped through the cracks!
Idk if Sheik would adopt Zelda's assumed last name which is why they are in this tier.
Title, no canon name
Pretty much a title given to the character, be it related to their occupation or status.
This was originally a "no canon first name lmao" tier, but I changed it to be more broad at the request of the Discord buddies to include weird edge cases like Dark Samus (who isn't really a species, but not really a person?) and Duck Hunt (who accounts for three separate entities in one lol so that kind of confused me, but a tier like this worked for him).
Pretty much a character that comes from a species of many, meaning they don't really have an actual name to begin with (Inklings technically count, since it's not like "Inkling" refers to status or occupation). Yes, I included R.O.B. there due to Subspace Emissary's lore :) one could argue that's not canon, but be fr does R.O.B. have any existing lore to work with? Brawl essentially made him its own OC for the story campaign and that's amazing. Anyway, unnecessary rant aside, R.O.B. is a species in my book, and he's the last of his kind (another detail originating from Smash).
Last two tiers are kind of joke tiers I came up with as the idea for this list cooked up in my brain. One could argue "Mr. Game and Watch" is a title, but I thought his own dedicated tier was funnier so I kept it intact :P
Thus concludes this dumbass tier list. Feel free to roast me in the notes for inaccuracies cuz there's probably a lot (Or don't I'm sensitive as hell)
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smilesrobotlover · 5 months
Still bored? If so I got a question, but if it's already been answered please just ignore.
So I'm not fully up on my Smiles lore, so I've been wondering a little bit about Ammon. In particular how you came about creating him. Given that he exists pre Calamity and therefore, a time in which we know very little of, were there other characters from Zelda lore or your own ocs that you pulled from for characterization? Or was it moreso just crafting him to fit within that world's setting and contrast that iteration of Link?
Idk, it kinda just fascinates me when people create more characters to make the pre Calamity world feel more lived in, especially fleshing out Link's family. Hope everything's going well and your doing good!
Lol smiles lore
So I was nervous to make Ammon cuz I didn’t know if any of the new games would explore Link’s family. We all know that there was concept art of his sister and possibly grandfather, and in canon his father was mentioned as a knight. And I’ve seen people’s interpretations of his father, but I was nervous to make my own interpretation cuz, what if in the new games, they explored Link’s family? Which was something I really wanted cuz we don’t get a lot with Link imo.
But nothing happened so after totk I finally decided to make my own father guy. Idk where I was going with him in the beginning. I didn’t want to blatantly copy Lofty’s Abel so I made his hair shorter with different type of facial hair. But I know I really wanted Ammon to look a LOT like Link, just with darker hair. I tried to make him almost the polar opposite of Lofty’s Abel but that didn’t work cuz while he was cheerful in the beginning, he’s not as cheerful now. He’s not blatantly grumpy or pessimistic but he’s not a happy fellow lol. Idk where I got the idea but I for some reason took his arm away cuz I thought it’d be angst material, same thing with his backstory with the yiga. I just need some angst 🤌 even if it makes me sob like a baby lol.
Also I’m not sure where I got the idea of Ammon being Rhoam’s body guard. It would’ve made more sense if he was a random captain of the guard, but I wanted him to be almost famous amongst the knights, very high ranking. So I made him Rhoam’s body guard. Also regarding his name, I loved Lofty’s name Abel so I went to the scriptures and found a cool name for him, even tho they’re so similar 😭 (but hey we started a trend!)
And of course I see Link as being under or exactly 5 feet so Ammon had to be short himself. He’s 5’2” cuz I make all my characters closer to my level, and since I love me some tall woman and short men I made his wife taller lol.
But yeah Orman, Joy, Sarah, and Ammon are all ocs! Orman’s children are ocs as well. Aryn and her grandfather are based off of the concept art of Link and his family so I wouldn’t say they’re exactly ocs but they’re close enough. I named Aryn that name cuz for some reason I headcanoned that she was like, Marin reincarnated cuz she wanted to be with Link, so she became Link’s sister? And Aryn is a mixture of Aryll and Marin’s names so… yeah lol.
Idk if I actually answered your question, I don’t fully understand what you were asking, but I love making characters to liven up the world. I’ve really gotten to know Ammon more as I write him, and I love him so so much. He’s my guy.
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katkeyboardmastah · 1 year
The Young Xehanort inconsistencies
Originally posted: September 3rd 2022.
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I want to slowly migrate some of my Kingdom Hearts lore musings instead of just sharing links:
Speaking of links, the original Google doc version of this post can be read HERE.
First up! The YMX doc that I had made after playing through the remainder of Dark Road's story.
Disclaimer: I will only reference material such as in-game cutscenes, interviews and Ultimanias, so other supplementary pieces such as the novels and the like will not be considered. Everything written here is my own personal interpretation. Interview translations were done by KHInsider.
Putting everything else under the cut cuz boy this is gonna be a long one-
First of all, let us review the updated timeline provided by KHDR itself:
So, Kingdom Hearts Dark Road did not shed light on a couple of things, Xehanort’s eyes becoming golden being just one example. While I cannot say anything concrete about the hows and whys behind the fact that his eye colour changes at some point in time, I CAN, however, make an educated guess as to why the time-travelling Young Xehanort seems to flip flop between gold and silver eyes.
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(Xehanort throughout time: 9 years ago, KHDR’s story, 7 years later and 54 years later)
Xehanort’s eyes are naturally silver throughout his youth. Chronologically, the first instance we see him with golden eyes, if we rule out time-travel, is when he is already in his late years, as an old man, 54 years AFTER KHDR. The latest point in time shown to us before that era is when Xehanort leaves Scala Ad Caelum, 7 years AFTER KHDR’s main story. Meaning, the point in which Xehanort’s eyes change colour can be ANYWHERE between age 22/23 and 69/70, assuming the Xehanort in the main campaign is 15/16 years old (if we take Nomura’s statement from TGS 2018, that old man Xehanort is around 80 into account).
Here’s the big kicker though: What about the time-travelling Young Xehanort? In both KHDDD and KHIII his eyes are gold. But then you might say: Well, maybe he was pulled from that blank period of time you just mentioned, his early 20s onwards? The problem with that is the fact that the encounter between Xehanort and the Master of Masters takes place only ONE YEAR after the main events of KHDR. Additionally, in the second part of that very same encounter Xehanort implies that he has already time-travelled at least once:
The MoM: Sounds like you already know where you’re headed. YX: It’s funny. Somehow, I can sense where I’m supposed to go, and what I’m supposed to do. Yes, even this coat, there’s something familiar about it, as if I’m meant to wear this.
This corresponds with what he told Sora in KHDDD:
Since in both KHIIIRM’s and KHDR’s version of the scene his eyes are silver, this means that upon time-travelling they become gold but upon returning they go back to silver. My answer for this ‘switch’ can only be the following:
YX: I will return to my time, and grow into the man who becomes all these others. While I know this future now that I have lived it, returning to my own time will erase the memories and experiences I have gained here. Still my appointed path is now etched in my heart, which will first lead me to seek the outside world. (will return to this part later in the post)
The old man Xehanort gave Young Xehanort a piece of his heart.
Which sounds kinda ridiculous (even for KH standards), but I can prove that might be the case. Let’s remember who makes up KHIII’s true Organization XIII:
The recompleted Master Xehanort, the version furthest on the timeline;
The recompleted people turned once more into Nobodies: Xigbar, Saix, Marluxia, Larxene, Luxord, Demyx and Vexen. The last two being reserve members;
The versions of Xehanort pulled from the past but came to be after KHBBS-era Master Xehanort: Terra-Xehanort, Xemnas and Ansem Seeker of Darkness;
The non-Xehanort characters pulled from the past: Vanitas, Xion and Dark Riku (Replitwo);
The first of the Xehanorts, the Xehanort of the most distant past: Young Xehanort.
You can see that none of the other members aside from YX originate from a time before KHBBS. And as it is now established, this iteration did not originally have golden eyes. To add onto that, as stated in group 4, these 3 were the only characters that travelled to the future by having their hearts be placed inside replicas and are not a version of Xehanort. Vanitas is debatable because we don’t  know if he had that eye colour inherently even when his face changed to reflect Sora’s or was it because of old man Xehanort. The statement about Vanitas originally having red eyes while he was still faceless does not apply because its source is solely the KHBBS novel, which is not canon material. Replitwo’s change is more noticeable since you can directly compare him with the original Riku Replica who even appears in the same scene as him at the very end. As for Xion’s change, it’s only visible if you bump up the brightness while her face is not fully covered or mod out the shadow cast by her hood. If there is a need for official confirmation that these 3 characters do come from the past look no further than this chart from the KHIII Ultimania:
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Do note that ‘eliminated’ can also refer to simply returning to their own time period but ceasing to exist in KHIII’s time as it’s said in Young Xehanort’s section of the very same chart.
Ok but, why would there be any need for this. Simple, that version of Xehanort was not ready to handle the darkness the same way old man Xehanort does yet. He needed the Black Coat or the armour or any other form of protection. And as seen in KHDR itself, were it not for the MoM saving him in the Dark Corridor, he would have perished. The following lines from the second encounter cement this further:
The MoM: No… you’ll ditch it soon. YX: What do you mean? The MoM: I mean that one day you’re going to outgrow it. YX: How so? The MoM: If you truly possess great power, the darkness can’t control you. You won’t need a silly old coat to stay safe. In fact, you’ll be the one controlling the darkness instead.
It wouldn’t seem far-fetched either knowing that the explanation behind the Young Xehanort boss fight at the end of KHDDD that the Ultimania provides is this:
Question: Did King Mickey’s time magic not work properly on Young Xehanort because Young Xehanort has the power to control time? Nomura’s answer: Not Young Xehanort’s but rather Master Xehanort’s power. King Mickey was surprised at the time, seeing his Keyblade and noticing he harboured the power of Master Xehanort…
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Additionally, aside from King Mickey, Master Xehanort and Young Xehanort are the only other characters who directly take note of Sora’s reckless usage of the Power of Waking in KHIII and KHIIIRM, meaning that at the very least, YX was imparted with such knowledge as well the power to transcend time, which he receives from potato sack Ansem SoD.
The secret endings to KHRe:Coded in the KH HD II.5 Remix collection are another piece of evidence, because we see YX already in place before KHDDD begins, ready to gather the remaining vessels. Meanwhile, since both Ansem SoD and Xemnas have been vanquished, Master Xehanort should by now exist at this point in time as himself given how the same thing has happened with the other ex-Nobodies of the Organization.
To add onto that video we finally have a confirmation from Nomura himself that yes, the design used in KHDR that depicts Young Xehanort’s time on the Destiny Islands is the correct version while the one used in KHBBS and KHDDD is outdated according the most recent Q&A:
Now here’s the funny part. When did Young Xehanort time-travel? Or a better question, if KHDR has revealed that his initial encounter with potato sack Ansem SoD was not the point from which he began his journey to the future but rather his what led him to Scala Ad Caelum… did he encounter him again at some point which finally did spur him to time-travel?
Sonny Novus made a video about how fleshing out Xehanort’s backstory by deaging him even further caused more problems in hindsight and I believe it still holds up so I recommend watching it if you haven’t done so by now.
Question: In previous titles, we saw the Xehanort who leaves Destiny Islands as a young man. He seems a lot younger in KHDR. Nomura’s answer: KHDR presents the correct version. For previous games, we used the young man model we already had as a catch-all symbolic representation of "his youth," in order to save cost modelling a young boy version. In KHIII, they were specifically split. I'd like you to interpret it as the symbolic representation becoming a rich one.
So the only time Young Xehanort could time-travel to the future while still having a consistent design with the one we see in KHDDD and KHIII can be anywhere between the point he changes his hairstyle and his second encounter with the MoM that takes place 1 year after KHDR’s main campaign. Thus, confirming that he could not have possibly transcended time after his first encounter with potato sack Ansem SoD. While it does go in line with the implication that at the time, Xehanort did not realise he was talking to a version of himself, it still contradicts another line in KHDDD by suggest that his now forgotten time-travelling escapades were not the reason he sought out the outside world by rather his dreams of the Player’s life (or lives).
YX: Still my appointed path is now etched in my heart, which will first lead me to seek the outside world.
Putting this contradiction aside, there should have been a second encounter between these two during that 1 year year interval. Either YX found his way back to Destiny Islands or has met potato sack Ansem SoD somewhere else, realising that he is a future version of himself, which would finally spur him to travel forward in time.
Now let’s address the other elephant in the room, Young Xehanort’s Keyblade. We still do not have an official name for it but what we do know is that it’s supposed to be No Name (the goat themed Keyblade) with the hourglass keychain you can see on No Name (the Keyblade you receive after defeating Mysterious Figure aka. Young Xehanort in the Land of Departure).
Nomura: That Keyblade was designed as the one Master Xehanort used in KHBBS combined with an hourglass, you see. (KHDDD Ultimania)
It’s weird, because you can easily interpret that scene in KHDDD as him technically borrowing MX’s. Not to mention that he does not use a Keyblade at all in his fight as the Mysterious Figure in KHBBS. But come KHIII and KHDR, where in the former, YX still uses his unique Keyblade, while in the latter he uses the nameless default Keyblade of that era (KHML has its own default Keyblade too judging from the footage) even during his encounters with the MoM. Let’s try to wrap our heads around this without just saying it’s a retcon that we should move on from:
Nomura changing his mind about plot beats and having genuine oversights is nothing new, there are more examples in this series one could ever hope for, like the eye colour switch that started this whole document. If you recall, the first time we have ever seen an even younger version of Xehanort was in KHIII’s E3 2015 trailer (man I feel old), where his eyes were gold. And in the finalised version of the same scene, his eyes have been changed to silver.
Ok, so let’s say that from YX’s own youth, without his time-travelling escapades, he wields the default Keyblade all the way until him and Eraqus become Keyblade Masters 6 years after KHDR’s main campaign, then they inherit No Name and Master’s Defender respectively to use them from that point onwards. Now winding back to the interval of about 1 year between the ending of KHDR and YX’s meeting with the MoM, you can say that he somehow gains another unique Keyblade upon travelling to the KHDDD era and decides to stick with it in KHIII as well. The time of KHBBS in which he travels to become the Mysterious Figure in order to grab Vanitas for the true Organization XIII, you can maybe stretch it and say that he possibly has foregone that unique Keyblade (or any at all) during that particular fight, much like how Xemnas does throughout the whole series despite also having the ability.
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From that you can guess that Nomura reconsidered the meaning of the golden eyes. Because from DDD (not counting BBS since that game only implied it) up until KHIII, when someone would have that colour it would mean they were a vessel of Xehanort or, if we are to use the fan-coined term, ‘norted’. I think we all collectively assumed that Anti-Aqua was actually one of the 13 vessels when she was revealed in KHIII’s Frozen trailer in E3 2018, only for that to not have been the case at all. If anyone needs a refresher for her Gummiphone entry:
Anti-Aqua: Aqua, after she fell to darkness. Years and years of wandering through the realm of darkness ended with her being cast into the watery depths beyond its margin.
Sure, for the members of the true Organization you can say that this still applies (again, Vanitas being debatable) but it’s not exclusively golden eyes = Xehanort’s influence anymore. It’s as if they are meant to represent darkness like they have been prior to KHDDD. And this change sort of makes sense, since the story’s focus is shifting heavily to be about the primordial darknesses and shifting back to how one can fall to darkness due to strong negative emotions. One can conclude that maybe Xehanort’s eyes have changed from silver to gold over time due to him actively trying to become a “dark vessel” as seen in KHDR, and that subsequently, since he has gained them, they have become a trait of his other selves. A parallel to this scenario is how the characters on the protagonist's side associate the Black Coat with the Organization even though, in truth, it dates back much further back into the past.
Like I’ve said before, KHDR did not manage to cover and explain every single facet of Xehanort’s life, for better or for worse. However, it did give a lot of context to preexisting scenes and other character moments in the series, and I think it did a good job at that. As for the remaining mysteries such as the now discussed golden eyes, the fate of Scala Ad Caelum and more, depends entirely on whether or not Nomura wants to or has the chance to flesh out, much like how KHDR’s existence itself was once in a lifetime opportunity to dive deeper into the mind of one of the most important antagonists in the series.
I know what you're probably thinking: the Dark Seeker Saga, which depicted the battle against Xehanort, finished with KINGDOM HEARTS III, didn't it? Well, it's a grey area, but I wouldn't call this title part of the Dark Seeker Saga. Why? Because this isn't about battling against Xehanort—it's about the battles of Xehanort.And maybe you're thinking that's a bit of a reach, but… okay, maybe it's a bit of a reach. However, I had the concept in my head for many years. It got shelved because it never really fitted what our team wanted. But around then, I heard from the Union X team that they'd like to do a parallel title with a new protagonist. And, since it seemed there was an unexpected number of Xehanort fans out there, it all came together like it was destined to be. I do tend to believe in destiny. (Tetsuya Nomura on the launch of KHDR in June 2020)
Author’s note: Sorry if this turned out to be more of a ramble than an actual theory post but… I wanted to say that… I feel content with this story, even without the answers I may have wanted. I still thoroughly enjoyed following Xehanort’s journey from start to finish, which made me like him more as a character even. Anyhow… thank you for bearing with me and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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disciple-of-frost · 6 months
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Okie dokie then... (0 A 0)
Also! I'm just going to be answering these as a comprehensive list and not send out more. I'm really really sorry, I just don't want to send more to people I might have already sent this to. Just know I appreciate each and every one of you and my inbox/messages are always open if you want to chit chat more!
Also Also! I'm just going to be answering 12 things that make me happy, a nice happy medium also cuz my brain like to freeze up whenever I try to think about myself and my interests. (T _ T)
1.) My mutuals OCs! Seeing the love poured into each character and the unique takes everyone has done to fit MSQ/character dynamics to them is so cool! I know we aren't all a hivemind and we won't like all of the same characters, but seeing you all uplift and be supportive to one another helped me be more open and post about Ishi.
2.) Coffee. I am a caffeine fiend and I have done my damnedest to recreate a lot of the drinks Starbucks has released at home. And I will say, I make a mean Lavender Cream Matcha. If you think you can't make something like that I'd say don't be afraid to try. You might surprise yourself.
3.) Monster High. I was in high school in conservative, small town nowhere when they first released and my parents didn't feel the need to buy things that weren't necessities. So now that I'm an adult and enjoying things I never got the chance to when I was younger I have 5 Draculauras hanging up in my bedroom.
4.) My cats. I know I said Animals already in another post, but I don't care. I have four fur babies and they are so special to me, I'm currently living in a really small semi-beaten up apartment because any houses for rent where I am have pet limits and I am not going to abandon two of my cat's just so I can live in a slightly nicer but exceedingly more expensive house. It's not a perfect place to live by societal standards, but it's ours and my boys are everything to me.
5.) Music. I am expanding my music horizons, but for the most part I still listen to a lot of the music I did as a teenager. Linkin Park, Killswitch Engage, Sevendust, Breaking Benjamin, etc. But I do try to find more independent artists that emulate a similar sound to my old favorites; Mallavora, From Ashes to New, Aviators, Magnolia Park.
6.) Gonna move away from physical/material things for a sec. That feeling you get when you get done cleaning a room and you sit down, take a deep breath, and just smell the clean.
7.) The satisfaction of finding a new recipe and nailing it on the first/second try.
8.) Seeing people be kind. I know there are horrible things happening in the world right now, but seeing seemingly small acts of kindness get's me teary eyed. A person rescuing goose eggs from a pond and returning them to their nest. A man picking up trash from a forest creek. Somebody getting gifted a plane ticket to go see their family in another country or having a family member show up to surprise them. I'm honestly getting misty eyed just typing this out. I'm just a really emotional/sentimental person.
9.) The fact that I have been able to keep a single plant alive for more than a week. My partner and I got a potted plant at a baby shower for his boss almost a year ago and that little guy is still kicking.
10.) Giving compliments to people when I'm out in public. I never got a lot of positive affirmation as a kid so whenever I see someone being unabashedly themselves and just wearing their style proudly I like to let them know they look good and that they're killing it.
11.) Finishing a game that had me emotionally invested. Lookin' at you Persona 3: Reload.
12.) Seeing my friends in person after not hanging out in a while. Being an adult can be lonely and people have responsibilities in their own lives that they have to put first before leisure and friends. So actually finding time to be together with the people I love and being able to hug them is super important to me.
Okay then. That's about it for now, if I do get another one of these I'll try my best to list a few more.
Thank you to @paintedscales, @shadesofblades, @myreia, @draconian-empress, and @corsair-kovacs! 💙
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34saveme34 · 6 months
considering you didn't specify, I might just talk about my mainies! That being. way too much 34, more than a sane person should think about them, then some Mario, Meggy and Saiko, though not a lot, I'm really living up to my username oops
first of all, even though I'm not like, a shipper of mar34 (like what I stated before about ages being Weird and the fact that only PV managed to break my aroace Mario hcs and nobody else) I really like thinking of them in the Sun-Earth-Moon way
Sun Mario, Earth 4 and Moon 3
Sun Mario because he's the center of it all in the end, the world we know here wouldn't exist without him, just like if the Sun dies, we lose the world as we know it. Although he isn't exactly a leader in that way I think it still fits him well enough
I went on hard about Earth 4 and Moon 3 before but the way they connect that way- but the way how Moon and Earth are built of similar material, the same way how these 2 idiots are a lot more similar than they realise, even if the looks can be deceiving
also how neither would be the same without the other but especially 3
the way how our Moon even came to existence has angst potentials with the 2 just- ough
also the moon phases feeling like 3's stupid emotions in a way
like the tides, their relationship isn't exactly the most calm thing either
So you uh. see what I mean? Paragraphs for a headcanon
anyways, a short one, I like 4 just Saying Things, like he won't say super insane stuff but he'll say kinda gay things and other stuff without fully thinking about it. It doesn't happen all the time but it does when he panicks or doesn't think about it.
I also really like both 4 and 3 being not only self centered, but also cringe. That's pretty much canon. Even their classic versions were both cringe- the self centered part I don't remember right now. But genuinely, this is why I think it's funny when people hate them for being cringe, which, okay, whatever, but for BECOMING cringe, when they've always been. And I think they do worse things. In that one episode, I think it was the SMG4 are you okay? where they were playing dolls? I think they would do that more regularly than we're shown. It would definitely get chaotic and kinda gay honestly. Not because of the playing part but because they'd many times just make their dolls kiss or some shit like that and then like immediately stop
3 also has the vibe of like- If it sucks hit da bricks, except there's too many exceptions that stops him in that, maybe even too much to consider it fully- like money, when he's in a tight, perhaps trapped situation- or sometimes when it's about 4. He isn't always super lenient with him but in the end he always helps when 4 asks and he's not proud of himself for it. 4 has similar feelings in that regard, although he's a tinge bit more willing to help 3 when he needs to, referring to inspection for example where he only questioned 3 once really
bi 4 and pan 3 (with male pref) a classic but a classic for a good reason. Cuz it fits
I think they can. both wear heels but 4 never really finds the occasion to wear them and 3 just prefers platforms most of the time. Though neither would wear actually high heels, 3 doesn't even like thinking about it, 4 does but he's like, scared of it. 3 catching him watch videos of people people walking in high heels with an upset expression
that reminds me, 4's emotions. He expresses short term stuff really well. Cries easily. An emotional man in general. But if he gets like, Big Trauma moments, man bottles up. He might cry about it for like the first few days but it kinda stops helping him so just. doesn't bother. He hides it well, maybe a bit too well. Forcing himself to rest when he needs to, probably with ASMR in his ears so he has something to focus on instead of, Idk, the time when his biggest flaw almost got him and his guardian partner killed! It helps in the moment so that he can sleep. He will have nightmares sometimes but doesn't like to mention it to the others. On especially bad days though, he stays in bed a lot longer. But he never really lets it go too far, considering a certain person dressed in purple will bust his door down with his usual coffee, questioning if he's doing good in a not so nice tone. While it's comforting that 3 cares, it's not fun to be flipped out of bed by him so on days like that he reminds himself to get out or 3 will make him fly.
On that regard, 3 likes to usually check the secret cam in 4's room at times like these. As in each time something out of the ordinary happens. 4 thinks it's the cosmic link, which is only the weaker part of the equation. Like yes, 3 gets a feeling but like, 4 is sad a lot over the dumbest of things and the link isn't good at showing if it's the Chronic Sad coming out or if it's 4 crying at a random Dharmann video.
3 is, by nature, a really touchy person. However, the way his life went, he doesn't show it a lot. He gets really touchy with 4 because he's the first person he actually go comfortable with. He starts to mind it less from the crew in general though, BUT it takes a long time for him to admit that to them directly. They OBVIOUSLY know at that point.
Honestly, 3 in general has a hard time admitting things, sometimes even to himself ("me and 4 hugged in the igloo" HUGGED???? HUGGGED???? HUGGED???? sure BUDDY) and somehow only manages to confess things at his breaking points. Telling 4 how much he cares while drowning in goop, straight up calling himself 4's friend while dangling to his death, reaching his breaking point about his cafe not doing well ONLY in Trash Friends, you'll note he doesn't mention to anyone that he isn't doing well until then. I think he actually partly started writing in his notebook to try and admit things to himself. Besides obviously the emotional value of putting down your feelings on paper, I think it did help him. But not enough. At least he didn't need to be dangling at a cliff to admit that his cafe is not doing well. I also think he has a very similar relationship with his romantic feelings which I'm pretty sure he's aware of at this point.
my biggest hc is probably the love-hate at first sight, especially on 3's side. Like destined rivals in love or whatever. They don't actually realise it though. 4 gradually realises it over Perfect, and slowly gets comfortable to the idea but then catches himself- like genuinely I think he only calls 3 rizzless or insults him in that regard whenever he has the chance, especially with his thoughts in the Elevator ep, is BECAUSE he thinks 3 is hot and I think if someone asked him if he thinks 3 is hot, he would not give you a straight answer, in both ways. He would start bringing up excuses and sound really stupid. However if it's 3 asking 4 just rolls his eyes, reminds himself that 3 may but hot but he doesn't want to inflate his ego further.
They both have self worth issues tho. canon
3 has a problem with committing to things. Not just as in not doing them but doing them so actively it feels unhealthy and then never doing it ever again. For this reason, his streaming schedule is also really bad, catching him streaming is hard. Also gets the same way about spying on 4, which we've seen him do 2 times at this point.
I will only say this in short and will not elaborate so I don't have to put a community label on this thing. Power bottom 4
both 3 and 4 are rizzless, but 4 is way worse. Bad at flirting when he does it on purpose. The closest he comes to flirting is flustering 3 by being a bit too sincere about how important 3 is to him
4 really really likes to consider 3 his partner. Not even in the romantic manner but just like, his right hand man. Also the reason I think he made 3 his cohost in the News ep. Also why 3 is somehow the first person he will ask for help when something happens.
4 has sensitive skin in general. These 2 will cuddle and 3 can just. smell the typical sensitive neutral shower gel smell on 4 after he showers. Perhaps grows attached to it because him. He hates that about himself, thinking he's softie little bitch for doing that. Takes a long time tellling 4 and he wouldn't even have done if it wasn't for 4 asking what's up and even than, 3 is really rude about the way he tells him, calls 4 stupid and the smell of him meaningless. Which hurts 4 to hear but he would know better at that point. Would definitely immediately tease him about it and get decked.
4 is very careful when it comes to 3 but still fucks up. He goes from barely thinking about what he's saying to I Have To Google How To Apologise To Not Fuck This Up. But when he gets it right, he's careful, he's gentle, he figures out the right things to say to get to 3. Later on would probably play mindgames with him to get him to say how he feels if he's really refusing.
They're both night owls. Another reason why leading the cafe is hard for 3. Always looking groggy and lowkey pissed, people are usually more polite for this reason in the mornings when he has costumers, nobody wanting to piss 3 off too much, considering they're in a place with a fuck ton of explosives.
3 is the type of the wiki surf, he likes to read about random stuff. Has some seemingly useless knowledge which others get surprised at when they get to know.
neither really likes horror movies, however 4 is more likely to choose one for a movie night with 3 in hopes that they can be close and intimate but then they're just both scared and there's nothing intimate about it, they're both losers. They would also often argue about what movie to watch, wasting a lot of time with it as well.
3 is a theatre kid. canon. Also gets pissy about shittily made movies. Comments on technical things mercilessly. 4 likes to listen to him rant though.
4 is stupid in the kind of oblivious way. not about everything. basically canon. example for the first: him asking where he is when he's at the obstacle course with 3 in Forced Hold Hands, 3 doesn't. 4 is slow to catch onto things. However he will immediately notice when 3 is being soft. And teases him, obviously. Not in the "I want to humilliate him" way but in the "Aww he cares about me and I'm happy about it but I can't be mature about it because I have my own demons to fight"
4 bad posture. should be canon. we should be hearing him whine about back pain. then getting called old for it.
3 getting pain in his legs from moving around too much in the cafe. Like. it's a LOT more active and also something you need to standing up, while caring for memes and being a streamer isn't.
both 3 and 4 are ambiverts where they like to talk to people and being social but once their social battery runs out it becomes Pretty Hard. 4 gets more uninterested and silent while 3 just leaves like a brooding lone wolf.
Anyways, I should probably talk about other characters as well, huh?
Mario, he's.... so........... I love his "many" intellence 0 wisdom. Or at least very little. He's the type to scream and cheer when the DVD logo hits the corner perfectly. He has a bit of a shipper brain.......... he def also played dolls with 4 before. His wavering mental state which can easily change by circumstances + his will and determination basically endless make him great opponent.
hates cardio. canon
therapy Mario..... not even just 3 or 4 but literally the whole gang. If it appeared more, I think he would often be the guy to listen to his friends' concerns and fears.
great sense of smell and hearing but it can easily be overwritten by desires. For example, his desire of tasty tasty spaghetti eating making him not notice he ate trash in Trash Friends. Only doesn't bring up the igloo incident to others because the last time he brought it up off screen it didn't end well. He can also be nice sometimes, as a treat.
uuuuh Meggy! I like the idea of her being sort of the Prepared friend, as I wrote her in Sever the Ties. She just has Things when you need them, especially if it has to do with sports or kitchen accidents. She is very similar to 3 in that if something turns into a competition, they both have their common sense overwritten. 4 is also like this. Meggy is realy the only one who doesn't cause this, the other 2 do it all the time. She definitely has anger issues and isn't the best in general with handling such intense emotions. She's a lot more chill about love because she's mostly good with relationships. She will get nervous about dates and stuff, and becoming way too serious about which might scare away people who don't get her. Her determination in general can be a turn off for a lot of people (then there's.... certain people..... who admire her for it.... man I sure wonder who I'm talking about)
anyways, another random- Saiko. aro, sorry I just. I can't see her any other way. Loves her friends but just can't get down with love at all.
Not really the best with her emotions. Although not as bad as 3, she can still get rather aggressive. She's also the person in the crew who would complain in a restaurant. Probably doesn't have the best hearing considering the fact that not only is she in a band but it also isn't the calmest of music that they're playing. She also sometimes still misses having a chaotic life. I'm sad it hadn't been brought up since her last major appearance
can't really think of anything else right now, my mind became rather empty after all my rambling about 34 oops-
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fellow-nerd · 7 months
Time to go crazy about the characterisation changes in the new atla cuz oh boy do I have thoughts
The main thing I noticed for all of them is that this show is focused about telling a story about a war torn world and how that affected everyone first and a coming of age hero story second, which is a choice considering the source material which balanced them both extremely well.it never had to be so heavy handed for the audience to get it but that also could be because it's a kids show at the end of the day 😅
Aang: where is my adventure loving kid. He just wants to ride the Elephant koi and show his new friends cool things. Yes, his past weighs heavy on him and expectations press down, but he's still just 12. It takes him time to work through his grief and his reluctance to save the world and that is literally his big arc. Learning to grow up and save the world (becoming THE avatar ya know). This Aang gets with the program quick and is only concerned with helping people and stepping up, like little dude ur telling me u don't want to go penguin sledding. I dunno it just feels so off. Love the stuff with gyatso too.
Katara: she's actually the most true to her og character I think. I just wish there was more focus on her like there was in the og. She was my first favorite charcter, put some respect on her name. It was criminal to give the opening to kyoshi, like girl u have ur own novels to be in! ALSO WHY DIDNT SHE BREAK THE ICEBERG!!! UGH SO MAD AT THAT.
Sokka: look I get it It's the year of lord 2024 misogyny has no place. So why don't we tell the story of how a guy learns that those views are wrong and how to change ur views rather than pretending that it never existing, like erasing it. As much as it can be critiqued Sokkas misogyny was the catalyst for Katara to hit the iceberg and free Aang. Narratively this gets them both invested in Aang and just shows Sokkas growth on every rewatch. They could've toned it down but it's a big part of his character growth and what are the gonna fill that with, if anything at all.
Suki: now her in live action I can get behind. She ate and left no crumbs. She put Sokka in his place and stole the episode for me. Also I loved the addition of her mom, honestly goals. Can't wait to see how they utilize her throughout she's the best. No comment.
Jet/freedom fighters: pretty much the same, I didn't love the condensing plot lines all into omashu tho
Teo/Sai: same as above but I loved the Way the two interacted it had so much depth.
Iroh: not sure how to feel. It feels wierd hearing iroh not voiced by Mako ya know. Like his dailougue was fine but it lacked that inflection Mako had which really Gave iroh all his character. It's big shoes to fill and it comes so close. I did die for the line where he says he's the one who owes Zuko. Like. Ugh. The implications of that. How Zuko made him wake up and gave him a reason to keep going. Its enough to make a girl cry.
Zuko: oh zuko, zuko, zuko, zuko. Again tough shoes to fill. I think that the characterisation is all there the challenge comes later on when we get his redemption arc. I do love the seeds they are planting especially in his relationship to Iroh.
Azula: now I called it as soon as I saw that girl, knew it was her who else could I have been. Just as evil, just as lustful for power, definitely in character for her to be doing what's she's doing this early on. Will definitely keep tabs on this one.
Bumi: now he about WRECKED ME ok. It was rough. I loved this recharacterisation. If ur gonna give us a war torn world, give me the war torn ruler, whose been carrying all that trauma and burden on his back for 100 years. Of course he's gonna be mad at Aang of course HES gonna BE MAD himself. So yeah it was rough to watch but because it was so hard hitting to see how war destroyed Bumis mindset, and then so wonderful to see Aang give his oldest friend a piece of himself back
In conclusion I care about Avatar way too much and will be ranting about this even more as I continue watching
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