#cw bullying ment
coulsonlives · 2 years
I think some people have gotten WAY too used to hearing their own hateful circles use phrases like ‘kill yourself’, and even too used to saying it themselves, so much that they've lost sense of how much impact this actually has on people outside those circles, and how much it can mess a person up
‘Kys’ should never be the default phrase you lob at people you don’t like, and if it is, there’s a big problem with what you consider acceptable, you are way off the mark, turn back now
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pyreshe · 2 years
wild how tim bitchton is going "bian.ca isn't supposed to be likeable" but I am out here holding her gently in my hands,
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maelemonium · 2 years
CW: Bullying, Near Drowning
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Wrestling in a Kiddie-Pool, what a stupid idea in hindsight. It was Molly’s idea wasn’t it? She loves games like this. She’s realized she’s won hasn’t she? Why isn’t she letting me get back up?
Fable gets up and is okay I just haven’t finished the pages after this.
Another Khimera scene, featuring Fable (three eyes) and MollyCoddle (cat ears). In the Khimera Time line this happens in elementary school, around 2nd Grade.
This one one of the older ones, I want to re-do the first page, and continue this, this was ment to be the first three pages of an actually longer series. This was part of my senior project for Purchase.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Sube a mi voiture
Cw: bullying mention, food ment. Bullying.
Ok to rb.
Summary: jerico goes to pick her brother, Peter, from school with her all too well known interdimentional boyfriend, quentin beck aka mysterio,and both give peters bully a piece of their mind.
A/n: heres the song used for the fic, figured that it would fit even if the cars are not the same.
A/n 2: Che is slang for hey in Argentina, the song playing in the car is Argentine rock.
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Jerico was laying in bed,watching TV talking with her brother Peter.
Quentin, or mysterio is taking a shower.
-- baaabe!--called jer-- Peter texted me to go pick him up-- as she gets out of bed changing clothes, quentin walks out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist.
-- do I have to go?-- he asked playfully as jerico Walked over to him pressing a kiss to his lips, he kisses back and hugs her waist
--yes you do now go get changed, we leave in ten minutes.
--Yes ma'am--he winks at her.
After changing they go to the garage, quentin hugs jerico by the waist as they walk
--wich one is it going to be today, miss?-- he asked playfully pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
-- the red Ferrari--she added getting in the car with him-- theres a chance peters bullys might roll around so, Ferrari it is!
--Lets go then!-- said mysterio as she revved up the engine.
As they drive the hot summer sun hit every corner of the city
Jer puts on a song
《Jenny es la mujer que amo
Y yo no comprendo por qué
La pasan a buscar
Y ella sin mirar
Sube a cualquier Mercedes Benz
Sube a mi Voiture
Sube a mi Voiture
Sube a mi Voiture
Y olvida los Mercedes Benz》
Quentin chuckles tapping the door at the rythm of the song, as jerico sings.
《Desde mi punto de vista
Jenny lo que hace está mal
Ella no mira a quién
Se cree que está bien
Lo hace sin saber por qué
Sube a mi Voiture
Sube a mi Voiture
Sube a mi Voiture
Y olvida los Mercedes Benz》
Her singing Is interrupted when she gets a message-- can you Belive It?-- jerico asked looking at her phone as she drove-- that annoying Bully is bothering Peter again...
Quenting sighs putting his hand on her thigh-- babe, eyes on the road please?
She sighs--fine, but youre helping me with this
-- of course-- he winks at her, smiling as she speeds up
--hey Peter!--flash screamed at Spiderman-- how are you and your nerdy friend doing?
--flash Leave us alone-- answered peters bff , ned .
--i heard your sister is coming to pick you up! Is she as ugly as you are!-- continued the bully
Peter Is about to punch him when he heard the all too well known Argentine rock song.
--Che Peter!-- shouted jerico.
--dude-- ned said-- your sister is hot!
-- I agree with the nerd -- added flash.
Spiderman looks at his friend and bully to the sigh and say his goodbyes to walk over to his sister
-- Che, Peter-- said jer-- thats the Bully?
Her brother nodds-- yeah but lets go okay?
Mysterio looks at jerico who smiles and turns to the bully, who just so happened to try his chances with her.
-- youre Peters sister?-- flash asked-- WOW youre beautiful
She scoffs-- oh really?didnt you call me ugly a few seconds ago?
-- well I uh--
She pulls him by the shirt-- listen here, you Rat moustache manchild, you leave my brother alone okay? If Word of you annoying my brother ever EVER gets to me is game over for you, got it?
-- y yes ma'am, but I uh i--
Quentin rolls his eyes, Leaning back so flash can see him as he takes his sunglasses off-- can I help you with something buddy?
The Bully instantly recognized him--n no Sir!, sorry for the inconvinience...ill be....leaving....-- flash Runs away.
Theres three seconds of silence and Peter starts to cackle, quentin kissed jerico who held his hand
-- okay! We are getting you some mcdonalds,why dont you bring ned over?
In a split second ned jumped in the car and as she drove he said--dude! Your sister is dating mysterio? As in the guy who tried to kill you?
Peter scoffs-- yeah, dont remind me
-- thats so cool!-- addeded ned.
Spiderman sighs and talks about his day with his sister and brother in law.
Jer dropped them both off at aunt mays and after staying a while to talk with her, she went back home.
Now in bed cuddled up against mysterio she says-- thank you for coming with me
--hey--he answered--i couldnt let a rat moustached Bully flirt with my girlfriend without me around, his face when he saw me was priceless! He knew he fucked up
Jer giggles and kisses him-- well, all this emotion got me tired, lets cuddle yeah?
He nodds cuddling closer to her pressing a kiss to the nape of her neck.
-- sweet dreams jer
--sweet dreams babe
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oh. So this one anime makes it explicit that the protag's brother's feelings for her are romantic, and then the post-credits stinger makes it look like the next episode is going to involve bullying, which I can't deal with.
welp, it's been nice, but I guess I won't be able to watch the rest of this, bye.
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campkeeper-archive · 4 years
Headcanon: David’s History with Violence up to Today
David makes it a point to teach others that violence is wrong and won’t solve anything. For the most part, he follows his own advice and will proudly consider himself a pacifist who can get through problems with kindness and talking things out.
...for the most part.
Occasionally, when something really, really gets under his skin to make him snap, he’s quickest to throw a fist before any words leave his mouth--before he or anyone else realizes what he’s doing. He is not a skilled fighter by any means, but he’s stronger than he looks and quick to get back up. He’s also one to apologize and feel bad for it afterward.
David’s always struggled with being a pacifist and handling his aggression. It’s something he’s definitely improved on over the years, and even through high school he was good about handling it--though he did struggle with defending himself against the occasional bullies, he had his hobbies, his mother and auntie, and a circle of friends who helped him deal with that stress.
It was worse when he was a much younger kid, however. Davey was an angry child and Ms. Birch would often get a call from the principal about her son starting fights with someone who so much as teased him about his voice. He wasn’t a bully, but he didn’t know how to control his anger in a healthy manner and that didn’t garner many brownie points from peers.
It wasn’t until he attended Camp Campbell--or really, it wasn’t until he saw how “amazing” Mr. Campbell, and his dinky little camp was, did David actually feel inspired to do better. He wanted to be “just as great a person as Mr. Cameron Campbell” and one day, ONE DAY he can work at Camp Campbell when he’s older!
Camp Campbell was an important stepping stone for David’s development. He developed a passion for nature and outdoor activities, giving him a far better outlet to decompress. He heavily idolized Mr. Campbell to the point where he even idealized a lot of his personality and would think about how disappointed he’d be if David fought other kids as regularly as he did. 
In time, he learned better, healthier ways to let out that anger, and he’s significantly better today that it surprises people when he goes on about how different he was in childhood. Rarely will he use violence (on purpose) nowadays, in fact, he feels guilty about it later when he does, but sometimes--sometimes he’ll see that familiar shade of red and run with it.
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coulsonlives · 10 months
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I'm tired, man
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pyreshe · 2 years
like the E.T kid for surely called me that to make me feel othered and lonely and ashamed of my autistic traits but like?? jokes on him bc now I love aliens a lot and I am in fact waiting for them to come pick me up bc I'm scared.
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bakuthedeku · 7 years
“katsuki bullies izuku to the point he attempts suicide” fics are OUT
“katsuki works his ass off to become a better person and repair his relationship with izuku” fic are IN
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beautifulchaostrash · 4 years
Restless Beetles
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Martin x Male Reader
Tws/Cws: brief mentions of bugs, implied NSFW, brief homophobia ment
Image credit
You stood nervously at the entrance of Cuda’s butcher shop. You really, really, should not have let your friends talk you into doing this. Bullied, you mentally decreed. They had actually bullied you, and you made a mental note to never again reveal your crushes to anyone.
You frowned to no one in particular and recited in your head the words you were going to say. Worrying at your lip, hesitant to take the final steps across the threshold. You were a stranger to him, you two had never spoken before and quite honestly you had no right to ask him out like this. But just as you had finally convinced yourself to turn back and go home, the universe decided it would be really funny to shove its entire fist up your ass. 
Bells jingled as the door opened suddenly, nearly knocking into you. You jumped back, and the figure that stood before you stiffened for a moment. Doey-brown eyes regarded you with a worried expression, accentuated by a pout on his lower lip. You gawked, stunned by his handsomeness. He quickly averted his gaze from yours, and turned down the steps, walking away from you with little fanfare. Seeing him leave filled you with a kind of panic, as if you were rudely ignoring the presence of a unicorn. 
“Hey, wait!”
He snapped his head in your direction, almost frightened, and lulled to a stop. You jogged towards him. 
“You’re Martin right? The new kid?”
He nodded, a few strands of hair falling in his face as he stared down at his shoes. 
“M-my name’s Y/N, and uh, well i was wondering if-” you swallowed, and let out an involuntary bout of nervous laughter. 
He tilted his head, side-eyeing you slightly, eyebrow twitching upwards. Oh boy, he definitely thought you were a weirdo now. You cleared your throat and tried to regain at least some kind of composure.   
“I was wondering if you wanted to like, go out sometime? I mean, I-uh, figured that I could show you around the town, ya know, since you're new and all,” You rubbed the back of your neck and glanced away. “A tour, if you’d like. If you’re too busy though, I totally understand I-”
“Sure,” he mumbled.
You flushed again at the sound of his voice, so soft, quiet, with a small hint of mystery behind it. It sounded like a fine champagne that had been opened only for a special occasion. It was there and then that you knew this man would become your addiction, your desire, something you wanted to gobble down and slowly savor all at the same time. You grinned, rocking back on your heels slightly.
“Alright then, does Saturday evening work for you?”
He nodded, and you were saddened that he did not use his voice to respond, but elated that he had accepted your proposal. 
“I’ll pick you up from your house at seven then, I gotta run f-for now, but i’ll see you later, ok?” 
You waved goodbye and brusquely started down the road in the opposite direction. You hated parting so abruptly, but if you had stayed any longer you would have been executed by the volley of cupid’s arrows that were waiting in the wings to pierce your tender heart. You shook your head at the stupid notion. For pete’s sake, you didn’t even know for sure if he was into guys. For all you knew, he was only saying yes so he would have the opportunity to send you home with a black eye and a broken rib, like so many before had done. 
No! You shook your head again, confident that Martin wouldn’t do anything like that. I mean, he does look kind of gay, or at least bi-curious, but chalking things up to appearance alone was childish and stereotypical. God, why on earth did you have to make it sound like such a date? You could've asked to “hang out”, or “get to know him”, but nooooo you had to jump head first into romantic shenaniganery. You mentally kicked yourself the entire walk home. 
Martin shuffled through the front door, having taken a longer route home so he could have time to think. Despite all the effort he had gone through to reach a conclusion about the earlier events, he had none. He was used to people being uncomfortable around him. Forcing smiles and how do you do’s when his eerily blank expression met theirs. Eyes darting around the room, finding any excuse not to be near this mute idiot. He was used to people being angry at him, terror and rage filling their eyes and minds as they ran after him with torches and weapons. The same anger and disgust that Cuda held in his own, not just for him, but for Christina, Arthur, and essentially anyone that was not himself. He was even used to people being attracted to him. Sexually attracted, mind you. He highly doubted whether Mrs. Santini was wondering about his day or how he was doing as she hungrily undressed him with her eyes. 
He pocketed his sunglasses and trudged up the stairs, the shoddy bell alarm signaling his arrival. He hung his jacket and sat down near the window, drawing his knees to his chest and gazing out at the rapidly dwindling sunset. 
He softly whispered the name like a prayer. You had acted so nervous, but not out of fear or discomfort. You beamed wildly when he replied positively to you. Smiling again as you waved him goodbye. You glanced back at him as you left, seemingly sad to leave. But what did it mean?
Boys never asked out other boys, at least none that he knew of, so it couldn’t possibly be a date. You were just trying to be friendly that’s all. But, then, why did you look at him like that? And why was your face so red despite the cool summer breeze? Maybe that’s why he said yes. He wanted to know why, what motive did you have, what could you possibly gain from befriending him. It scared him slightly, at least he knew Mrs. Santini got sexy stuff in return for being nice to him, but he didn’t know what you would want from him. 
Maybe it was just some elaborate trick intended to make him look like a fool. He hoped it wasn’t. He hated making a fool of himself, it only made it harder for people to take his sickness seriously. 
He always heard people talking about butterflies in their stomachs, they were referenced frequently in the romantic novels he read, but now, they didn’t feel like butterflies. He had beetles in his stomach, not fluttering all around, but crawling and squirming nervously at the bottom, condensing into a writhing mass of uncertainty. 
Auchums Razor came to shed the light, as his stomach growled and he realized that he was only hungry. He stood up and stretched, gangly arms reaching first for the ceiling, then behind his back. Maybe he could chase away the beetles with whatever Christina was cooking for dinner. 
As if on cue, he heard her voice calling from downstairs, asking him to set the table. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and lumbered down the stairs, marching ever closer to what felt like his doom, or possibly, his salvation.
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sternenteile · 4 years
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hey all, just a bit of an apology  that i’ve been slow on the writing lately! my mental state and physical energy are both in pretty Not Good territory, so it’s been a bit of a crawl. thanks for understanding!
(vent below, cws: sma/sh br/os. fandom, har/ass/ment, and just me being an emotional turd because certain people take video games way too seriously.)
some days, i honestly just wish i never liked geno.
there was a point where i was very blasé and didn’t care about the character, like, at all. what an easy time that was. the worst i had it when dealing with the glut of sm/ash fans (and trust me, there are many, and they are loud) was with being a banjo-kazooie fan since my childhood, and that’s not been kind to me either... but it was kinda avoidable? probably because they weren’t a hyperfixation at the time before ultimate added them to the roster.
let me tell you a little something about hyperfixation, btw. when you are fixated on a character, a thing, an interest, anything of any kind to such an extreme that they end up as a comfort or security blanket, practically entirely where your thoughts keep veering into territory involving that interest all the time, and you can’t get enough of looking up that interest and sharing it with the world —— it can be very bad for you. it depends on the environment and how your own mind responds to said environment. what’s worse is how hard it is to help, how people subjected to this mental quirk (myself included) can only do so much about it until that fixation finally subsides —— something that can take anywhere from months to years. in some cases, i’ve heard of it lasting an entire lifetime, even.
now, about environment, get this:
the environment around sma/sh b/ros. is so loud and all-encompassing that it bleeds into any other video game fandom imaginable in varying degrees. you can’t explore stuff about the mario rpgs without hearing about sm/ash and its fans. you can’t discuss geno or any mario rpg without sm/ash getting thrown into the mix somehow, whether it be via the conversation itself, sm/ash fans butting in, or even your own volition (as, of course, it is perfectly valid to want one of your favorite characters in sm/ash, not to mention THE one your mind has latched onto).
now, imagine that and having to struggle with naturally, healthily exploring your fixation in an environment where everywhere, no matter where you go, no matter how many people you block, no matter how many accounts you avoid, no matter how careful you are, there are people legitimately going as far as bullying and harassing people for their interest in a character —— the further the degree you like the character, the more harsh and vile people will be. 
now, imagine that with a character as controversial as geno in terms of being a ‘worthy’ sm/ash pick, and imagine that, for every person being respectful about his fans (whether they themselves like the character or not), there are about forty more people angrily speaking against you for liking that character and attacking you as a person for liking that character, basically leading to a feeling of invalidation and being wrong because of liking a video game character that is a popular sm/ash pick. imagine seeing this shit everywhere you go, either poised at you, at fellow fans who share the same interest, or even friends who share in that love. imagine people with bigger followings exposing you and fans of that character in front of the world as if you’re in an open field to have tomatoes thrown at you every chance people get. imagine it being so overwhelming and so many people that you feel the world is against you for liking a character, like enjoying this character is as much a taboo as even paraphilia to some people. imagine that while seeing and being well-aware of the fact that there are people who would literally want you dead and wish you dead for this. people who want you to be ‘covered in motor oil’ and set alight. people who want you suffocate you. for this.
are they right? no. you know they aren’t... but they’re everywhere. they’re unavoidable. they’re the loudest voices poking at you like needles in every direction, making escape nigh impossible, making you feel unsafe, ostracized, and like a terrible human being born with a ‘fucked up mind’... for. liking. a video game. character. who represents nothing abusive or morally corrupt and illegal. a character that is healthy to like. wondering when the next death threat will come in because you like the character. wondering if you’ll be doxxed for it because other people have.
this is why i wish i hated geno. this is why i hate the sm/ash b/ros. fandom.
it’d be so much easier if it would all just go away.
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lpreinhartbr · 4 years
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Lili Reinhart fala sobre saúde mental, bullying e a importância da sua rotina de beleza
Lili Reinhart é um nome familiar, pensei que você nunca saberia da maneira sincera e honesta que ela mantém uma conversa.
Desde que apareceu nas nossas telas como Betty Cooper em 2017 (rabo de cavalo loiro intacto), o elenco de Riverdale da CW, incluindo Lili, tem sido um sucesso incontrolável. E enquanto sua carreira de atriz não começou com Riverdale, os [quase] três anos desde então foram um turbilhão. Trabalhando ao lado de Jennifer Lopez e Constance Wu em Hustlers de 2019, estrelando e produzindo o próximo drama Chemical Hearts e se tornando o rosto da linha de maquiagem Clean Fresh da COVERGIRL, a trajetória de Lili é cada vez maior. Mas com esse nível de sucesso, vem uma série de outros problemas, especialmente para uma jovem que está navegando na fama em 2020.
Um currículo impressionante (para dizer o mínimo), mas a coisa mais interessante sobre Lili, de longe, é sua consideração. Conversamos com a embaixadora da COVERGIRL para discutir tudo sobre saúde mental, bullying on-line e por que sua rotina de beleza é tão importante.
Um dos maiores aprendizados de Lili ao viver sob os holofotes tem sido a importância da privacidade e do estabelecimento de limites, diz ela. “Para mim, aos olhos do público, obviamente, há certos aspectos da minha vida que gosto de manter em sigilo. Quando se trata de qualquer relacionamento em que eu esteja... também minha família, em parte por sua própria segurança", explica ela. "Mas acho que você tem que ter consciência que qualquer coisa que você diz pode ser tomada da maneira errada, então... eu definitivamente aprendi a ter mais consciência das coisas que digo e como elas podem impactar as pessoas... Então, apenas esteja ciente disso e preparado para isso.”
No entanto, os limites pessoais da estrela e a consideração pelos outros não a impediram de falar sobre questões importantes. Enfrentando críticas corporais nas mídias sociais, abrindo a conversa sobre saúde mental e se assumindo como bissexual em apoio a um protesto do movimento Black Lives Matter, ela não é nada menos que um modelo positivo para a nova geração... uma geração que é curiosa, educada e socialmente consciente. E com 24,4 milhões de seguidores no Instagram, a voz de Lili é particularmente grande.
O bullying on-line não é novidade, infelizmente, as mídias sociais tornaram muito fácil espalhar o ódio. “Acho que, se estou tendo um dia ruim, tento ficar de fora das mídias sociais, tento focar em mim mesma, seja lendo um livro para me sentir melhor ou escrevendo… às vezes procuro um amigo para me fazer companhia”, ela diz. “Eu também falo com minha mãe. Gosto de falar com as pessoas que confio quando estou tendo um dia ruim.”
Por trás de suas próprias experiências, o conselho de Lili para seu jovem público é sempre ter empatia pelos outros. "Você é ensinado muito sobre bullying e se defender... mas quando você começa a falar sobre saúde mental e mergulhar um pouco mais fundo nela... você começa a perceber a frase 'machucar pessoas'", explica ela. "O bullying e as pessoas que intimidam outras pessoas geralmente [tem problemas com elas mesmas], têm baixa auto-estima ou estão em más situações domésticas... e você sabe, é como quando as pessoas estão intimidando você, é um reflexo de suas próprias inseguranças. Então, quando você olha para um valentão dessa maneira, no sentido de que suas ações e como eles o tratam, é realmente apenas um reflexo deles e não de você, é muito mais fácil.”
“Saúde mental afeta todos no mundo. Acho que já demoramos o suficiente sem levar isso a sério.”
"Falamos sobre educação física na escola, mas não falamos sobre saúde mental e isso é algo que é tão relevante e importante - deve ser ensinado em todas as escolas, em todas as classes de saúde", insiste a atriz. “Você sabe, falamos sobre comer a comida certa e malhar nosso corpo e simplesmente pulamos nosso cérebro e nossa saúde emocional, o que não faz sentido para mim... Muitas vezes, esse pode ser o aspecto mais importante da sua vida, sua perspectiva e como você processa as coisas. Então, é importante para mim falar sobre isso, espero encorajar as pessoas a normalizar a conversa sobre saúde mental, para que não seja um conceito tão tabu ou uma coisa tão estranha sobre a qual falar. Eu acho que é uma coisa muito humana e deve ser tratada como tal."
Como atriz, produtora e agora embaixadora da COVERGIRL, Lili sabe uma coisa ou duas sobre a relação entre beleza, autocuidado e autoestima.  O conselho dela? "É importante ter tempo para não se sentir apressado quando você faz sua rotina de beleza. Por uma questão de ter certeza de que você está realmente cuidando de si mesmo e não se apressando em tudo... Acho que isso é algo que eu tenho em mente quando sinto que não tenho paciência para fazer maquiagem... sempre sinto muito melhor sobre minha aparência ou maquiagem quando eu paro e tomo um tempo para fazê-la bem e me certificar de que não estou apenas sujando algo no meu rosto e saindo pela porta.”
Em sua nova parceria como a COVERGIRL Clean Fresh, Lili está emocionada por fazer parte da família da marca de beleza. "Significa muito. Realmente, é realmente uma oportunidade incrível de trabalhar com uma marca tão icônica que todo mundo conhece. Uma marca que inclui tanto o tom de pele, a raça e a sexualidade… especialmente com a linha Clean Fresh - é livre de crueldade, é um passo tão importante na direção certa para a beleza acessível, você sabe é acessível.”
Apesar de seus elogios, experiência e sabedoria muito além dos 23 anos, a natureza realista de Lili brilha... especialmente quando perguntada em quais contas sociais ela procura inspiração; “Sinto que sigo muitos cães, eles me fazem feliz. Gosto de ver fotos de cachorros, cachorros fofos, é tudo o que preciso para passar o dia.”, diz ela.
Nós apoiamos uma rainha acessível.
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creepypasta-archive · 2 years
Mors Est In Aeternum
by Anonymous (Dustin?) I'm posting this one now because "Mors" kinda looks like "Morb" and I want those Morbius dollars Not much to say about this. Some "cute?" interactions if you ever had the fantasy of ridesharing with Jeff.
CW// blood, murder
Click below to read the original unedited story
Hello all who are reading this. My name, is Dustin. And im here to tell a story, and it’s up ot you if you think it’s real. I wont plead you to believe me, nor will I beg you to do anything for me. I am here, only to speak. I am only here, to tell a tale. It started one day, in a place that doesn’t exist anymore. A city, that had been erased from the world. It was a long time ago, so no one remembers it. Hell, I cant even remember its name. My father had died, my mother didn’t seem to care about me anymore, and I was always bullied, and no one would stop the bullying I got. One day, I snapped and I brought a knife to school and threatened one of the bullies. I got in trouble, but not a whole lot. It didn’t really change anything. So one day while in a museum, I saw them moving what looked like a chest, into the basement. I couldn’t help but follow them, and make sure I wasn’t seen. In the basement I hid behind 2, maybe 3 large piles of crates, and waited for them to leave. When they did, I went over to the chest. There was a note, saying: “Do not open!” I got curious and examined the chest. It was a large chest, latched shut, and it seemed to be made of wood and iron, like an old kind of chest. But it had drawings and shining bits of what looked like sapphires and rubies. I got more curious and saw an image on the box showing a woman, opening a box, and words of evil seemed to be coming out of the box in the drawing.
Then it hit me: This is Pandoras Box. I was surprised. I looked at the latch that was keeping the chest closed, and I started thinking. I had an idea, an idea of revenge. My plan was to open the box and let chaos run amok. But what I didn’t know, was that it had an idea of it’s own. I went over to the latch, and took it off the part that it was on, and I slowly opened it. Suddenly what looked like a gigantic cloud of darkness came out of it, and then it surrounded me and wrapped onto me, covering my whole body in darkness. And then I managed to see a blue flame go into me, and the darkness followed it. I felt powerful and strong. I liked it. I looked at a mirror, and saw that I looked as if I was made of darkness now, white wings on my back, and my eyes a glowing yellow. I chuckled, and I was surprised that my voice, had turned dark, and demonic. I decided to make a change of plan, and kill the whole city. But I wasn’t myself at the moment. Rage, darkness, and anger had filled me, making me want to do it. I used my new wings, seeming to be able to use them quite well, and I flew out the basement and out the museum and went into the air, and went above the center of the city. I started making darkness, tons and tons of darkness, go around me. I then shouted some words that I seemed to know, but I didn’t know what they ment, and everything went white.
When I woke up, I was on the ground, normal. And I realized what I had done. I started crying and looked around, seeing it rain ashes, and that the ground was covered in ashes as well. I got up, and started to run, run away and as far as I could. I was afraid. I went into the woods and hid in a cave, and thought for a while. I thought about what I was going to do. I then decided I would never do that again. Never. I then went into another city, and saw everyone was in mourning for the city I destroyed. I went into a random ally and some thugs followed me, and I stopped walking and looked behind me. They wanted me to come with them, or i’d get killed. I wanted to run, or listen to them and do as I say. But suddenly a bit of adrenaline kicked in and my eyes were now a glowing red and I grabbed one of them and threw the thug into a wall and picked up a gun. It was a revolver, but I didn’t mind. I liked revolvers actually. I aimed it at one of the other thugs and told him to give me all the money he has, and did it to the other thug, saying: “If you don’t give me your money, i’ll kill you both.” They were smart to do what I say. Guess they were convinced to after what I did to the other thug. I then walked out of the ally, keeping the gun and money. I saw a costume store and saw a black hoodie, that had a white cross on the back of it, and it was with a black t shirt under it. The hoodie had a zipper on it, meaning I could zip it up if I wanted. I then saw it also had black, baggy jeans with it, and black and white Nike shoes as well. I went inside and asked the clerk about it.
He said it was a costume he had made for his kid and his kid didn’t need it anymore, so he took it here. I asked how much it was, and he told me I could have it for three. I nodded him a thank you but gave him some money anyway, about 5 dollars. I took the costume and went into the dressing room and put it on, leaving the hoodie unzipped and leaving the hood off for now. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized it was a perfect fit, and I also saw I had some muscle. I then went back to the store clerk, thanked him, then exited the store. It was starting to become nighttime so I looked around and found an abandoned house and went inside. I checked it all out and saw it still had the water and power on “Weird.” My voice was normal now due to not being in the form I was when I destroyed that one city. I then sat on the couch and relaxed. I slowly fell asleep. I dreamed of all the bad things that had happened to me, causing me to wake up only a bit after that. I looked around and saw someone wearing a white hoodie, bsggy jeans, and white shoes watching me “Who are you?” I asked him, making sure to have my revolver ready “Im Jeff. What the hell are you doing here?” He said, his voice the voice of a grown teenager, and I saw he had a knife in one of his hands “I didn’t know someone hanged around here. I should go…” I said. “Yeah, you should. Now.” I got up quickly and exited the house.
But before I fully left, he asked me “Whats your name?” I looked at him. I didn’t want to tell my real name, so I made one up quickly in my head “….Death Angel.” I then looked at a car and looked at him. He nodded, as if knowing what I was going to ask. I broke into the car, seeing it was a black GTO. I found the keys and started it up, and drived away. I drived for a while, enjoying the feeling I was getting from, just, cruising around. I parked at a parking lot and leaned back, going back to sleep. I was then waked up about 3, 4 hours later by the sound of knocking. I looked out my new car window. It was Jeff “Hey. You wouldn’t mind if I joined you, would you?” Jeff had a feeling about this kid. A good feeling. And he didn’t get good feelings often “Sure. I said. He then got in the passenger seat next to me. “So, why did you follow me?” I asked. “….No reason…” He said back. He then turned on the radio, and Adrenaline by Gavin Rossdale was playing. I smiled. “What?” He asked. “Nothing.
Just glad to hear an old, good song.” I replied back. I started up the car and started driving around. “Hey, can you stop here?” He asked me. We were at a hotel. “Sure. You stay here or you seeing someone?” “Yeah, im Seeing someone.” He replied “Wait for me?” He asked. I nodded. He then got out of the car and went into the hotel. When he came back out he had his knife out, and blood was all over him “What the hell?” I heard police sirens. He got in “Drive!” He yelled. And I did. I drived away and hid the car in an ally, both of us still in it. “What did you do?” “I saw someone.” I shake my head “Who did you kill?” “A random guy.” “Why?” I asked. He looked at me. “Because I like killing.” I realized I wanted to get away from this guy. But…I started not wanting to. I had an idea “…Was he guilty or something?” “Hell if I know.” I chuckled “Well I have an idea.” I would start driving the car again “What the hell is your idea?” “lets find someone that deserves to be killed.”
He grinned as I said that “Oh hell yes.” I drive to the bar and get out of the car “Stay in the car. I’ll be back.” I pulled my hood up, hiding my face. I went into the bar and sat at a table and looked around for any people that I thought needed to be killed. I saw some guys start hitting on a girl and she looked very un happy “Oh c’mon baby, give us all some sugar.” “Hell no!” I hear her say back to the main person leading the little group. He was about to pull out a knife until I spoke “Leave her alone, will you?” My voice was still normal, and he looked at me, realizing I was a kid “Fine…” Him and his friends then went outside and I followed them and got into my car, Jeff still in shotgun “I found our targets.” I told him as I got in and started up the car. I watched the small group enter a truck and drive away, and I followed them. After a while they stopped and parked and went into what looked like a biker gang place “You ready?” I asked Jeff “Always am.” He got out his knife and I got out my revolver and we both went inside.
He snuck behind someone and whispered in the man’s ear “Got to sleep.” He then cut the mans throat open and blood went out of his neck like a spraying water fountain. The other bikers in the place noticed and they pulled out their guns and I started shooting them all, shooting each one in the head, while jack charged at one and stabbed the guy he charged at in the forehead and he took his gun and shot people with me. We continued killing them all until we reached the main person, the one that was hitting on the girl at the bar. We shoot him in the knee caps and he falls onto the ground, cussing and screaming in pain. I found a box that had two white revolvers in it and they were already loaded and I took them and took boxes and boxes of ammo as Jeff made sure the guy didn’t get up. I aimed one of the revolvers at the guys head “Mors est in aeternum.” I then shot the man in the head, and he died instantly. I looked around and saw a case that held a pure white sword and I broke the casing open and took it out, seeing it was in it’s hilt and on it’s belt. I put the belt on and looked at Jeff “We’re done here.” We exited the place after he got his knife back from a dead body, and we went back into the car. We looked at eachother, knowing we were going to be really, really good friends.
“A tragedy happened last night as a famous biker gang called The Lost were killed in there own safe house, every single one of them murdered. The main leader, however, seemed to be executed with a bullet to the head after being shot in the kneecaps. In other news, a man named Johnny Mcfarlin was murdered at a hotel by someone wearing a white hoody, baggy jeans, and white shoes. Also known as, the infamous Jeff the killer. And also, a woman was found in the woods, and the police have not identified her yet. She also seemed to have held 6 pages containing scribbles of something that has been called the Slender Man.” The reporter finishes and before the news goes onto the weather, the TV is turned off. “I wonder who the Slender Man is…” “That tall fucker?” “Huh?” I look at him “He’s a tall bastard. And powerful. I fought him before, though. I didn’t beat him, but I lived.” “Oh.” “Well, you gonna go out on your own?” “I’ll come back.” I get up off the couch and shake his hand and he gives me a cellphone “Here. I’ll call you from time to time.” “Thanks man. I’ll see you around.” I go outside and get in my car and start it up, and I start driving. I drive into the woods, and get comfy as I cruise. Meanwhile, Jeff goes outside and walks around and suddenly something happens, and when he wakes up, he was in a Hospital bed, in a hospital room with another guy. I drive for a while, and suddenly I see a tree fall in front of me “Oh shit!” I stop my car in time and get out “What the holy fuck?” I look around, lost “Dammit I should’ve gotten a map.” I see a mansion nearby and go to it, passing by a poster saying: Missing Charlie Matheson Jr. To be continued in the next story.
1 done. A lot more to go. Credit To – I give some of the credit to Mr. Creepy Pasta, for giving me the idea to make this. Credit Link – http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCreepyPasta
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coulsonlives · 24 days
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bayoudusion · 4 years
The term "female-coded" absolutely baffles me. But there is no set definition (that I could find).
So, here's my bargain bin version of a deepdive on fem-coded charecters and the fandom that surrounds them. That I did for my friend.
The dissections are in the order of most debated in their respective fandom to personal headcannons that individuals made and are not representative to the whole fandom.
Let us start of by an actively debated topic even on the outer layer of the tags; Steven Universe. All you need to now is that the gems are aliens some of whom live on earth.
In the context of this show the subjects of this discourse are mainly the gems themselves. This is because they often refer to other gems as she/her call eachother "girl" and "woman" occasionally. But, the gems do not have a social push for gender or a biological sign of sex that is observed in humans, in a more objective note they do not have reproductive organs without human influence as discussed by this theory"Using their shape-shifting they can perfectly replicate reproductive organs of organic beings for their "human constructs" in order to reproduce.". Which has led to people speculating whether they are agender or not.
On a more depressing note let's talk about the lack of female characters or even counter parts in male oriented media; action, syfy, superpowers, etc. In the first Avenger movie Black Widow (Natalia Alianovna/Natasha Romanoff) was out numbered 1/5 against her male teammates, but since then we have seen a push for more female superheroes outside fandom i.e. Captain Marvel, Scarlett Witch even Pepper Potts had her small moments. But I have also seen people bring up T0ny S+@rk in decisions of fem-coded charecters. But I have also seen them from the Tumblr monopoly that is the CW Sup3rn@tur@l fandom i.e. baby the car(mostly satire).
Yet, most of these fem-coded analysises I come across from fandoms with mostly male(he/him) characters are just out right hurtful sometimes. Using harmful and untrue stereotypes to somehow prove that their favs are "more attractive for stans" (it was the least aggressive and generally fitting statement). For example,
Lower height
Male love interest
Sarcastic personality
Being "moody"/ having a less than cheery attitude
Lack of participation in violence/ relies on friends or allies to fight some of their shared physical battles.
Being held accountable for the wrongs they have committed
All of which have heavy misogynistic undertones.
But let us not forget the transphobic/bigoted undertones of the theory that suggests that charecters and human beings at large have to be absolutely male/female/non-binary and apply strict rules in their fashion or behavior lest they be coded or subtexted.
In conclusion fandom p0licing is annoying and it's really not a big deal if some kiddie on the internet thinks X charecter has a secret gender or femspionage if you will. This isn't a big deal when women and lgbt+ people get treated way worse than compete with fem-coding and gender subtext (and we should divert our attention to that instead ) so don't bully anyone and cause unnecessary hurt.
But also, best not to treat casual TV shows and other media as some form of high IQ ARG because more often than not you will be greatly dissapointed i.e. "app1e tr33 y@rd g@te". And absolutely don't play into the misogynistic narrative of "moody, weak, damsel in distress = female". We have progressed far away from that.
All charecters brought up in what could be interpreted as negative light are
Not ment to be taken that way and I apologise if it seemed so, I just used examples of what people did
Are lettered out not to be that way
And I do not wish to hurt anyone by this post as this is not directed at anyone in general, but rather a general analysis because I was bored and found the topic interesting so that others may find a cohesive explanation.
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coulsonlives · 1 year
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Unpopular opinion but these kinds of posts are insufferable.
Reblogging a post doesn't make you anti-nazi or anti-fascist, just like not reblogging it doesn't make you a nazi and a fascist. These peeps seriously gotta understand that not everyone wants this kinda thing on their blog. Maybe they're just blogging about art, or positivity, or they simply like looking back at all their posts when they're in a bad mood and don't want to see nazi ments. These peeps gotta realize that a lot of their followers are gonna unfollow because these posts are guilt trippy af and don't have any nuance.. not because they're nazis. A lot of people, including me, don't mind seeing 'we don't allow nazis and nazi rhetoric here', but draw the line at coercion. You can be against nazis at the same time you're against manipulative crap like this post, they're not mutually exclusive.
Reblogging a post that says you're against nazis? Cool beans! We should all be against nazis! I'm probably gonna reblog that too! But going with the virtue-signally dick move of 'reblog this or else you're a nazi degenerate uwu', and forcing people to reblog, is top-tier shitty coercion, it's manipulative, and it'll drive people with moral forms of OCD absolutely nuts.
Not to mention it'll drive a lot of people, ie. the considerate kind who don't put up with this shit, away from your blog, so yeah..
Don't reblog things like this if you want the right kinds of people to like you.
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