#dabb era destiel
destielgaysex · 5 months
dean needed cas ("I just need a win." 13x05 "We got Cas back. That's a pretty damn big win." 13x06")
cas wanted dean ("The one thing I want. It's something I know I can't have." "I love you. Goodbye, Dean." 15x18)
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sammygender · 2 months
i need late seasons fic recs
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orpheustiel · 2 years
it hurts to say dabb era is the worst bc of jack and destiel but GOD is it bad. the writing, the fight choreographies, the effects, the hair, the make up, the wardrobe, the editing, the soundtrack. everything about it is bad. and i still can’t hate it because i love the idea of it.
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moishecampbell · 1 year
one of the extra little virtues of season 14 is that if it is the last season you watch properly start to finish you get to pretend destiel divorce is endgame
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autisticandroids · 25 days
free space: medium-sized destiel
so in my reclists for @spnficrecfest i haven't been including many fics that are very "big destiel."
this is partly because i've been trying to keep the kudos count lower (though obviously this hasn't been absolute), and also because i actively did not include any "post empty destiel fix it" type fics in the dabb era reclist because they're kind of a genre unto themselves. nor have i intentionally made space in other reclists for fics that have a particular destiel romance novel vibe. obviously there's some, but those tend to dominate reclists, and i wanted to highlight smaller fics.
so this is my "big destiel" reclist, except i still did not include anything that had >2k kudos, because those are generally speaking pretty well known already.
some of these fics are small and just have the big destiel vibes, but a lot of them are more in the 1k kudos range than the hundred kudos range, on account of being big, or medium-sized, destiel.
in order of word count:
ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by everytuesday, 1k
a couple of takes on the confession scene. very special to me.
rot and grace by extemporaneous, 3k, violence warning
cas watches dean murder the world. corruption kink.
some dying star looks dull in the light by sp8ce, 4k
heaven angst with a happy ending, post-empty.
one step closer by rhinestoneangels, 4k
an empty rescue. i love the empty geography in this one.
i didn't feel it on the first day, and now i got it in the worst way by wintertree, 6k
meg pov on a post-widower arc destiel.
the doorway to a thousand churches by sonatine, 6k
cas and the deans from goodbye stranger.
if you try sometimes, well you just might find by jenthesweetie, 9k
cas pov on dean's wants.
godot ain't got nothing on me and my baby by ilovehowyouletmefall, 10k
post empty, cas became death. the only way dean could see him is by dying.
before and after breakfast by spocklee, 10k
a silly little case where cas and dean realize how they see each other.
solitudes by ilovehowyouletmefall, 21k
cas sees dean see cas die. a wonderful little melodrama. i actually really liked how it handled dean's alcoholism (not really as something to be solved but just as a... reality to be dealt with) and i'm OBSESSED with the director's commentary. if this had been published in 2021 instead of 2023, every heller would have read it three times over.
powerless in dreams by calicoyak, 24k
a post-empty fic. i really liked some of the cas stuff in this one.
between a rock and a hard place by amidsizefrog, 24k
dean's dick doesn't work. also cas is dead. maybe the two are related.
every single thing by thestoryinsideme, 37k
a charming and goofy season nine fic. dean is a shitty little man in a very canonical way that is also deeply sweet and adorable.
a light above descending by hedderstheowl, 38k
a mark of cain fic with chefkiss angel stuff. a recent favorite of mine. really put this author on the map for me.
with understanding by apokteino, 427k, chose not to warn and noncon warning
yeah it's with understanding. you've heard of it. go read it now chop chop.
and if your wondering which fics (that you've probably read) got the axe for having too many kudos: it was on labor, the bee movie fic, time has come today, and r/supernatural. that's my taste. if you were curious.
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spngirlpolls · 7 months
I'm curious what the make-up of your audience is. Like, who's taking your polls? Dean fans? Cas fans? Destiel shippers? The odd Sam fan? Could you run a poll about this? :D
hi! great question!
i actually ran a "blog census" at the end of august, which you can find here. however, the blog following has grown a ton since then (i suspect loads of bots but still) and less than 200 people voted on the original poll, so let's remake it! obviously hard to fit all types of fans with only 12 options, so feel free to explain yourself in the tags.
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spnfanficpond · 3 months
June 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @autisticandroids
The Horror of No Detrimental Redaction by sp8ce (AO3)
Really top tier whump that is also a super attentive cas character study which is also willing to sit with him in a really uncomfortable space
The Trapdoor by hal_incandenza (AO3)
it's an epic rewrite of dabb era with a level of attention to detail that i've rarely seen in any fiction. the metatextual elements are carefully woven in and the character beats feel real. plus, it's an almost episode by episode rewrite and the new monster of the week casefic elements are fresh and fun. also it answers the question what if apocalypse world was good.
finer things by @explainslowly
i think it's maybe the ultimate pinnacle of the deancas triangulation of desire genre. when dean and cas have weird sex via a woman... one of my favorite things. and this is my favorite iteration.
By Your Hand by @restlesshush
this is my favorite relitigation of moriah that i've ever encountered. cas is so crazy in it. you can kind of feel that things will eventually work out without that coming off as cheap. it's perfect
Nominated by @candygrammes
LIMBO by entselene (AO3)
It's the creepiest. angstiest, scariest story I've read this year. Sam wakes up in Sioux Falls Hospital horribly injured, with no idea what happened. Not only that, but Dean is nowhere to be seen. Why? Has Dean abandoned him?
Nominated by @charliethealpaccaso
Strange Encounters by deanandsam (Ao3)
I loved the idea that there are dog versions of dean and sam along side the main sam and dean that I found it cute but also opened up a whole side story I wish there was more of.
Dogs Don't Pay Taxes by Zetal (Rodinia) (AO3)
There oddly is a huge lack of dog!sam fics on A03 that I love to try and spread the word of the ones that are out there. This one was cute both prompt wise and just made my day when I came across it
Faithful Companion by brokenlittleboy (AO3)
What if during season two Sam developed a whole new issue with his psychic powers and turned himself into a dog then this is the fic for you. Dean does mess around with him in this fic but I think it was a fun and interesting read for the concept
Nominated by @glygriffe
Why’s every song is about love (or drinking too much) by @quietwings-fics
They didn't give us enough Sam and Castiel scenes in the show. Here's a bitter-sweet one between the two of them, talking about Dean and the whole 'unrequited love' thing. A ficlet the gives a Destiel fan just the right amount of heavy heart.
It’s the Stars that Lie by @seperis
Ok, this fic doesn't need recommandations, but it's still needs public praises. To fully appreciate it, you need to read the fever dream that is Map of the World first, but I love how the author builds on the glimpses that the episode The End gave of the apocalypse!world. The OCs are interesting (and many of them are POC), and the lovely slow burn between Dean and Castiel is spiced up with the fake boyfriends trope.
Since I've Been Loving You - Remaster by tgel210 (AO3)
I like Castiel's first-person POV, Dean being a musician without being a rock star: it feels close to home like my next-door neighbor is talking to me about the love of his life.
Closer than they appear by sunkenfox (AO3)
Dean and Castiel figuring out what their life could be together by looking at Misha and Jensen is interesting. Even more interesting is the concept that like it or not, the Supernatural characters would not exist in their world without the writers and the actors in an other world. That Dean and Jenses share more than a face; same for Misha and Castiel (even if the difference are more obvious between the last two). A story of discorvery on a meta level, hiding inside a cute Destiel and RPF romance.
he feels no control of his body by withthekeyisking (AO3)
A wonderful but sad exploration of Sam Winchester throughout his life; from his lack of bodily autonomy to his dying faith in god(s) and humanity. With just enough brotherly love to leave the reader aching from loss and something like betrayal. (I love Dean, but he his a royal dick to his brother sometimes)
Nominated by @handsliketruth
evergreen endless by @whiskeyjuniper
A glimpse of endverse!Dean and Castiel during the earliest days of The End, via Chuck (prophet? god? something in-between?) as he continues to chart their story...and struggles to keep them from their inevitable collision despite their wildly infuriating pattern of falling into it... (full disclosure, this one was a gift for me, but I would rec this anyway 💛 dark, spicy, funny, clever meta fun)
But I Ain't Dead Yet by @bloodydeanwinchester
I cannot wait to see how this one plays out! Clever and charming with a fun hook: what if s4 Dean and Cas time-traveled back to 1x12 Faith to save Layla? (I would read a million words of Dean watching faith!Dean and Castiel get along 😂)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Bad Day Love by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
it's a cute pick-me-up story with one of my favorite ships. I really like how Arthur is so soft with Dean here.
Bedtime Routine by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
It's another rareship of mine andI love how they care for each other here and take care of Emma.
The Fool's Journey by @ladyknightskye
I know I was the artist for this story but - what Meg wrote for my art is awesome and it features one of my favorite characters - Gadreel. The journey he has in this fic is extremely important
Nominated by @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
Presence by @ani-coolgirl
This story broke my heart in the absolute most beautiful way. It's sad and sweet and doomed and it haunts me still.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Stitches by @kittenofdoomage
Its cute! I like it!
Sweet Little Lies by @impala-dreamer
I like how funny it was despite all the angst!!
Nominated by @masoena
Nothing Ever Really Ends by @nyxocity
Beautiful heaven fic with Sam and Dean, bring tissues, post S15E20
In Silence Sealed by @fiercelynormal
Dean loses his hearing but starts talking his thoughts out loud beautifully written Smitty short
Love, Your Brother by @eninkahootz
Sam and Dean communicating by letters btw heaven and earth post-series. Work in progress and so well written
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Cretaceous by tiamatv (AO3)
This is a cute, fluffy romp through Jurassic Park as a Destiel fic! You don't have to love dinos to love this fic, but I imagine it would make it even better. If you're looking for something sweet and light to read before bed, this is the bedtime story for you!
Nominated by @rainythursdaynight
Clean Air by @anactorya
I read this story when I was maybe 16 and re-read it twice or three times in the year after. That being said, I can remember it almost excruciatingly well. I'm a post-apocalypse gal and I crave anything in that genre, so it was doubtless that I'd love this story. But the world-building done in this story? The characterization? The tension it manages to build? It's so gripping and exciting and I remember reading it worried out of my mind for the characters and exhaling the deepest breath as the story drew to a close. It's a not too dense read and an enveloping one, you'll forget you're above ground by the end of it!
Empty Spaces by @schmerzerling
This story made me fall in love with writing again. It's so heavy with how it distributes emotion in its words, but also so soothing too. This reads like watching a glass vase get tipped over the edge of a table and, maybe distantly, wondering if someone will catch it in time. But it doesn't quite matter because the flowers are beautiful and if you're crying then it's about the flowers and not the vase. I highly recommend this story to everyone, heavy as its contents may be. I felt safe reading this, I ached, I adore this story beyond words can capture.
Phantasma! by @thisisapaige
I very rarely read things that are horror inclined (funny as that is given the nature of Spn), and maybe this story is not considered horror either, but it left me just on that edge of eerie and it was exhilarating. Most of the story is sweet, and cathartic, as Dean rebuilds his life outside of his family and finds that in Castiel. But the mystery of it all, the unknown, it left me waiting for the other shoe to drop and this writer was excellent at making that payoff worth it.
The Art of Falling by @zipegs
This story was gritty and ugly and didn't pull back punches when it came to its emotional weight. Recovery is a nightmarish process of relapse and pain and relief and this story embodied this with its characters beautifully. This story was lonely, in the sense that its only two characters yes but it also felt a lot like reading about two characters pitted against the backdrop of everything. The world, the universe, existence. It made me feel small but so vast at the same time, and it was so utterly human (funny given the context of the story). It's a short and beautiful read that left me aching but in a way that was comforting as opposed to alienating.
With The End Came You by @lotrspnfangirl
I adore zombie apoclaypse AUs but so few of them focus on the characters' growth alongside the events of the series. And so few of them do side characters justice. This story was THE exception. Not only does the progression of the characters not sideline the plot and vice versa, but the story handles people so so well. You have those that stick around for long, and those that don't, and it treats both parties so faithfully that I'm left emotional over side characters I've only had a page worth of content with as much as the main characters I'm with the entire time. This is a zombie apocalypse AU that puts people first and foremost, and its so human and such a rewarding story to those that have even the smallest interest in these types of AUs. And the progression of the plot is so smooth and natural, TWD could never (and I love that show so take with that as you will).
Nominated by @samanddean76
Dark As Midnight (And You Don’t Look The Same) by @kassyscarlett
This is a story that follows a young Dean (17 years-old) out looking for a good time and running into an older man that gives what he wants. Not realizing he knows him, that he is in fact his Sammy. This story is so good! Time-travel, the follies of youth, needing to be protected from yourself, and realizing years later what that random encounter really was. It is part of a series, but works as a stand alone. But the entire series is worth checking out.
Coming Out Of The Dark by firesign10 (AO3)
It's a story about others helping one they know is broken, giving him what he needs so he can move on and live the rest of his life. The Richesters visit Sam in the bunker after Dean's death, and give him one final night together, so that he might carry on. It tragic and beautiful and has all the feels. Highly recommend.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Interspecies Romance and Its Associated Perils by suspiciousflashlight (AO3)
I have read this story many, many times. It’s adorable and hilarious. It’s cute and awkward in a way that someone who isn’t sure how to tell about a weird scar or birthmark is. The ending is the best part of the entire thing.
A Helping Hand and Thrilling Touches by mydestielbabies_67 (AO3)
I don’t normally nominate smut but this was just amazing. It was beautiful, and what and intense.
The Cherry Pie Club by zation (AO3)
This is a work in progress. It’s great! Zariah is such a great writer in so many genres. This one is about Dean exploring bdsm for the first time and ends up also realizing things about himself too. Poor Dean learns the hard way that it is Cas he loves about bdsm but still. Their connection and energy with each other is felt as you read. Highly recommend reading!
Absolute Beginners by @ahurston
Chapter 5 made me scream then go feral and foam at the mouth.
Dancing moves by faithlesshunter (AO3)
I am not normally one to read infidelity fics; however, this is destiel. It’s the holidays and Cas and Dean get left alone to reconnect. They tried to be a couple at the beginning once Cas came back from the Empty but they weren’t ready for it. Now, years later and they are! The confessions and the hot smut is just so exacting for them. It’s gorgeous! Dean has always loved Cas and Cas still loves Dean. Oh, I’d love to see how it works out but this reconnection is just purely intense and the dopamine is addictive. Good luck. MUST READ!
The Case of Dean and Castiel's Extremely Resolvable Tension by CanonFodder (Tartan_Temptation) (AO3)
This is hilarious and hot AF! It starts out explaining the premise and drives right into it where Dean finally gives in. He is so happy he does too. He gets a wonderfully deserving reward. Poor Sam and his need for eye bleach. Lol!
Objects May Appear Smaller by @valandrawrites
The instant connection of Cas and Dean, and the science of this story makes this a one-of-a-kind a/b/o. Despite it being incomplete, it’s such a fluffy and fascinating read. It keeps you wanting more with every one of the six chapters. I hope one day they get inspired to write more.
Sentinel by Followsthebees (AO3)
I love this story. I love that it’s a different take on Castiel—he’s a gargoyle. It’s such a fascinating story and their connect is seen by the readers but not Dean. It’s interesting how Dean starts to notice and how intense and romantic it gets. Sex and flying are fascinating, man. This is written oh so well!
Three's Company by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Cas x f!Reader that becomes Cas x f!reader x Dean. It shows a very healthy ethical non-monogamy relationship. I love how the Reader initially freaks, I think, and when Cas and them come to talk to Dean, he freaks too. Everyone is patient with each other though. It’s as it should be when introducing polyamory to non-poly experience people. It’s so sweet and wonderful to read. It’s adorable. This is how poly fics should be.
Ketch and Release by NichePastiche (AO3)
Oh, the fluff and growth! I love this series so so so so much! I always get excited when I see they wrote more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nominated by @spnbabe67
Finish What You Started by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
I love the tension that melts into silly goofiness.
Spin Cycle by @winchester-girl67
I usually don't do a lot of fluff but I loved the way the writer did this one.
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Take A Shot by @rizlowwritessortof
It's just so sexy and Dean. Guh.
Rest by @zepskies
It's swoony and cozy and melancholy, and I love that for us.
The Iceman Cometh by @talltalesandbedtimestories
Ice play is one of my favorite things. Pair that with Dean Winchester, written by Sandra, and, well, you've got a winner.
Damned If I Do by @zepskies
I liked Lisa and Ben, and this is a very satisfying way to show that!
Nominated by @whiskeyjuniper
Truth & Despair by @shallowseeker
It's so compelling, every time a new chapter is posted I'm so excited to see what happens next. Also it's Shal's first fic and they're almost done with it so I wanted to celebrate it :)
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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elizabethrobertajones · 6 months
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Dean & Cas Are In Love
A hopefully one day conclusive study of these assholes, hopefully told as briefly as I can.
[it went fuckin canon? Rendered useless in my own job. Posting these gifsets from my drafts for @mittensmorgul​ who can make better use of them than me.]
Unfortunately my lack of rewatching has rendered me unable to say if that “I need you” is the first between them but it FEELS like it. It definitely sent us on the Carver and later Dabb era need vs want train, along with within Season 8 the I Need You of the crypt scene being the whole peak of the season’s Destiel and a defining moment they’d keep hashing out in various forms for the rest of the show with strong references back to that moment rather than as per 7x23 having such a moment between family (I remember writing out the differences in a very long post another time so I’ll not go into it too much here because I’m 4-5 years out of practice in the theory). 
Anyway. Dean’s optimism vs Cas’s grim fatalism. His insistence they have a joint home they both belong to. Together. Dean turning rather desperate and aggressively insistent that he’s going to do this and Cas’s brick wall turning him more and more desperate to underline it. 
The wordless look as Cas realises he has to change his tactic and go along with Dean, probably realising the horror of now having to travel with him for however long, to get the forbidden taste of his company. And then at the end of the trip, Dean will be made to turn around and watch Cas disappear because of course they’re reenacting a myth here, and Cas is seeing in that exact moment that Dean is his Orpheus and grimly says “I understand” not as an agreement to go with Dean’s plan, but in understanding he has to act like he’s going along with it just to get Dean home safe.
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inthiswhisper · 11 months
people saying “we cannot tell if the writers were inserting queer subtext in later seasons for us or to punish us.” yes, we can. do you hear yourself. do you not see the patterns and parallels. they were doing it on purpose. destiel (at the very least during dabb era) was on purpose. those writers were queer-coding and paralleling dean and cas with canonically romantic pairings on purpose. it was not to punish fans, it was to reveal fans were always right, done by way of evading censorship while serving spn’s narrative, of which the love between those two men is such a pivotal aspect. the queer subtext / text was added on purpose.
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dotthings · 1 year
More and more Destiel shippers are figuring it out. You know that thing some of us have been trying to get people to understand for years. This wasn't all of a sudden just now. It's been growing more and more evident for years and we've been pointing it out for years.
Maybe now more people will understand what Jensen fans in the Destiel lane have been trying to say. All this time.
Huh gee you think maybe while spn was running and it was under a completely different corporate structure and corporate entities that Jensen didn't feel as free to show his support as openly, yet even then, Jensen showed his support plenty and people just didn't want to listen. And it wasn't just anti-Destiels it was Destiel shippers too. Who closed their eyes to Jensen's allyship towards fans, but also to his actual support for Destiel as part of the story. While having to maintain the company line oh it's just a fandom thing, no queer coding, no canon here shhhhh.
Nothing about this should be a surprise. It is refreshing though, to see this more open era of spn unfold.
Maybe people will understand now the tightrope wire Jensen had to walk while spn was running.
What's he going to do now, fire himself?
Some people are going to keep clinging to old narratives. Some will do it because of Dabb era and now they're mad at Cas and they disliked the DeanCas emotional dynamics of Dabb era so they grab onto things as a lifeline to tell themselves Destiel can never happen now, which isn't for phobic reasons. They feel the way they feel. Protecting themselves emotionally.
Some will do it on mild heteronormative biases, might be dislodged, Jensen's openness might have a positive impact there, in Jensen's lane particularly.
Some will still do it on more openly hostile phobic motivations and use dog whistles (and that comes from a few Jensen stans and from brosonlies).
Turning up the flame slowly makes a lot of sense when you think of the volatile history of this fanbase over Destiel.
And people don't have to ship Destiel. This has nothing to do with whether people ship Destiel or not. I could care less if people ship Destiel or not. It's about not treating Destiel like a disease, a blight, a show ruining, fandom ruining monster.
It's part of the story, it's part of the fandom, it's part of the spn universe. Antis can scream and yell against it and cling to old outdated narratives as their last outpost all they want.
It's not going to stop what's happening. Things are not going to go backwards.
This is just a warm-up.
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Eric Kripke- The Homoerotic Tension Era of Destiel
Sera Gamble & Jeremy Carver: The Queerbaiting Era of Destiel
Andrew Dabb: The Queercoding Era of Destiel
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tiktaalic · 2 years
Endlessly. Entertaining how s4 destiel was Lana del rey I call him daddy then watch the neon vacancy sign light him up as he slips on his shirt and out the door. To. Dabb era married Facebook couple ala “every little girl dreams about getting married to the man of your dreams….. well they don’t tell you the man of your dreams is too stubborn to buy lactaid himself or stop eating cheese so you have to run to Walgreens in curlers before dinner with your BIL 🤣”. 15 years of television. Highest requested dvd by our troops. 4 presidents and the legalization of gay marriage
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queermania · 1 year
Why does everybody hate Berens? What did he do?
apart from the j1/w*ncest crowd, i don't think people really do at all. he's kind of beloved in fandom. there is a (very small) group of us hellers, however, who have noticed that he is largely responsible for some of our least favorite things in dabb era specifically (but really just in general with how he writes). most of the angry!dean stuff comes from his episodes (he seems to be under the impression that dean is just angry and there's nothing else to it which is in stark contrast with the general dean thesis of 'i'm not mad. i'm worried.'). he also wouldn't know subtlety and nuance if it hit him over the head. and then there's all the racism, most specifically in regards to kaia, but it's in other places too. the racism is obviously the biggest issue, but it kind of gets glossed over for reasons i can only guess at but i'm sure include 'omg he's the destiel warrior! we wouldn't have destiel without him!' (which is simply not true. does robbie 'goodbye stranger' thompson mean nothing to you?)
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bogunicorn · 5 months
if my personal suspicion of ~the destiel stages~ is correct (with most of kripke's era not meaning to play into it at all beyond the requisitie kripke-brand homoeroticism, the possibly-late-kripke-definitely-all-gamble-era wink and nod and joke stage, carver writing it in on purpose but knowing it would never get the network go-ahead to be explicit, and dabb making it more obvious in preparation for the final season confirmation and confession), then the destiel musical in season 10 looks a lot funnier and way more affirming in hindsight, doesn't it? "of course we address the subtextual nature of destiel" lmao those shits. that's fucking hilarious, i aspire to be that petty
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donnasweett · 1 year
i voted for klaine in the ao3 poll but as a dabb-era destiel enthusiast i have to tip my hat to the once upon a time ladies for their contribution to the co-parenting in a not explicitly gay way community
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autisticandroids · 2 months
belated fic rec list, part two: seasons four and five
so! this is for day 1 of @spnficrecfest (you will notice that that was yesterday two days ago. uh huh). and i am compensating by creating FIVE SEPARATE ERA-SPECIFIC LISTS. this one is for season four and five fics. i'm putting four and five together because i feel like the vibes are often similar for four and five fics. it constitutes its own distinct era, discrete from season six. mainly destiel, with some other pairings or gen as well.
other lists: endverse // season six // season nine // dabb era
my fave s4/5 fics, in increasing order of length
the mirror (orphaned fic), .5k
cas and jimmy at the end of things. casjimmy.
the fruit of knowledge by omegavers, 1k, noncon warning
cas rescues dean from hell. :3. destiel.
rebirth by anandroidinatutu, 1k, chose not to warn
dean comes back from hell. destiel with transfem dean.
super silence in the quiet by thequietwings, 1k
sastiel with unrequited destiel and samifer. immaculate season five vibes.
a watcher, a holy one, by vaguesurprise, 1k, chose not to warn
the song remains the same. annamary voyeurism, and then more. if this one tickles your fancy i would also recommend the ghost in the back of your head (orphaned fic).
goshen's remains by redeyedwrath, 2k
castiel creature of light and burning, and it wants. destiel.
the reality of the thing seen by smilla, 3k, violence warning
dean has strange dreams after my bloody valentine. gen.
bad education by haganenomorals, 3k, mcd and violence warning
cas and dean cope in the aftermath of a version of swan song where cas couldn't swwop in and fix things afterwards. wip but worth it; feels more like a oneshot that stands on its own.
close enough for rock n roll by amor remanet, 4k
a post-swan song destiel romp, featuring angels, reluctant domesticity, and mpreg.
all souls and angels by misslucyjane, 5k
destiel fic so old that the author didn't know about jimmy novak yet. cas learns about taking care of his body.
red motel reprised by vaguesurprise, 5k
samruby and dreams.
we who were living by anactoria, 5k, mcd warning
the aftermath of a season five apocalypse that did, actually, happen. destiel.
a hole in the world by bauble, 6k, chose not to warn
dean says yes. it's up to cas now. destiel.
brother mine by diaryofageekgirl, 8k
character exploration for uriel, feat. angel worldbuilding. gen.
the (mostly accidental) courtship of dean winchester by tuesday, 11k
broadly i tried to stick to less well known works for this list, but some things are classics for a reason. destiel. cas informs dean that they are 90% of the way to married. he has not previously mentioned this.
right of conquest by luchia, 14k
a very different vision for lucifer and the apocalypse, written before season five aired. destiel.
heart of glass by omphalos, 17k
destiel. an odd one. lots of dean-cas sniping. crowley is there. has a very of-its-time feel.
no birds or beasts does he eat (he only wants the tenderest meat) by mthrfkrgdhrwego, 18k, violence warning
a my bloody valentine remix. with crazy destiel gore sex.
an unclean man who went down to immerse himself: by 52ndstreet, 22k
cas and jimmy before the possession. what if it went way further than the pasta water. gen.
hesitation by apokteino, 24k, noncon warning
yeah yeah yeah it's apokteino everybody's read apokteino NO THEY HAVE NOT. everybody has read with understanding. hesitation is a WILDLY underappreciated element of the apokteino canon. season four destiel romance with some key misunderstandings.
oneiroi by rc_mclachlan, 54k
cas adventures in the realm of dreams. another fandom classic, but still deserving of a rec.
four rings and a one man apocalypse by funnywings, 57k, chose not to warn
dean uses the horsemen's rings to mess with cas' emotions. cas lets him. destiel.
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