Mission Dad
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Character: Dad!Bucky Barnes x Wife!Reader
Summary: Bucky is just your average dad in his daughter's eyes. But deep down, she yearns for a father with more influence and power, like her friend's dad. Little does she know, Bucky is anything but ordinary.
Words Count: 3,712
Warning: Slightly bullying scene.
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on: Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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The midday sun streamed into the principal's office through the windows, casting long shadows across the room. Despite the abundance of light, the atmosphere inside remained heavy and gloomy.
"I’m sorry; it’s my mistake as a parent." You bowed your head to the people in front of you: two couples who wore formal suits, along with their teenage daughter, and the principal, who kept wiping the sweat from his head.
Your daughter, Faith, who stood beside you, clenched her fist. Her expression was ugly as she looked at her mother, apologizing and bowing to someone who didn’t deserve it. “Mom, don't apologize. it’s not even my fault.”
You glanced at her and nodded, assuring her that you didn’t feel hurt or offended.
Sabrina, your daughter's classmate, smirked at you and Faith. With her mouth silent, she told Faith, “You can’t win.”
“Yes. It’s just a small matter.” Roy, Sabrina's father and also a senator, patted his daughter's head. “I think this matter doesn’t have to go public, right?” He turned to the principal.
“That’s right.”
With that, the problem was solved. But the scar still felt fresh on Faith’s heart.
As you drove the car back home, the silence hung heavy between you and Faith. Then, unexpectedly, her voice broke the quiet. “Why did you marry dad?” Faith crossed her arms beside you, her tone tinged with a mix of curiosity and frustration.
Your eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by her question. You hadn't anticipated such a query from your daughter.
“Why did dad let you go alone and allow you to be humiliated?” Faith wiped the tears from her eyes, her voice trembling with emotion. The memory of you apologizing on her behalf still fresh in her mind.
You felt a pang of heartache seeing your daughter in distress. Today's events had revealed a truth you hadn't known before. The reason for your confrontation with Sabrina's parents was rooted in the bullying Faith had endured.
Faith had gathered evidence – recordings and screenshots of text messages – hoping it would be enough to put an end to the torment. But the power and influence wielded by Sabrina's family proved formidable.
With the evidence at hand, Faith had the potential to tarnish Sabrina's family name and derail her father's career as a senator.
Your fists clenched at the thought of Sabrina's cruelty towards your daughter. You wanted to scream, to exact some form of justice for Faith's pain. The urge to confront Sabrina and her allies gnawed at you, a primal instinct to protect your child at any cost.
But you held it in, knowing that today you didn't have the power to fight back. Another reason was because your husband wasn't here. Bucky Barnes had been gone for months for his job, a job so complicated that contacting him was nearly impossible.
You caressed Faith’s hair gently. “I'll try calling your father again.”
Faith sighed, her frustration evident. “He better answer, or else I'll find a better dad.”
You shook your head, a smile tugging at your lips despite the circumstances. “Honey, don’t joke like that. Your father is the only one in my heart.”
She pretended to gag, a playful gesture that reminded you of the teasing banter you shared as a family. Whenever Bucky returned home from his job, you would become lovesick teenagers, unable to keep your hands off each other.
Back at home, you glanced around to ensure no one was near before your hand slid open a secret shelf, revealing an old flip phone hidden within.
You dialed a number and waited anxiously until a voice finally answered, "Hello?"
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Steve, can you find him?"
“Not yet,” came the disappointing reply.
You sighed again, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on you. "Alright, I’ll call you later."
Closing the phone, you rubbed your temples, the stress of the situation weighing heavily on your mind. Your daughter was right – you needed Bucky.
Just then, you heard heavy footsteps descending from the second floor. "Mom, I’m going out for a sec."
You glanced up in surprise, realizing Faith was already on the move. "Faith, we just arrived!" But it was too late – she had already slipped out the door.
Faith heard your voice, but she sprinted faster. She had caught the name "Uncle Steve" in your conversation, indicating that he might know where her dad was. They had been friends since childhood, and she trusted him.
Upon arriving at the coffee shop owned by Uncle Steve, she pushed open the glass door and was greeted with a warm "Welcome."
Steve was taken aback. "Faith?"
Approaching him, Faith cut to the chase. "Uncle, do you know where my dad is?"
Steve hesitated, struggling to find the right words. Eventually, he shook his head. "You know he has to travel all the time."
Faith rolled her eyes in frustration. "Yeah, cleaning up someone else's mess. He keeps saying that, but when there’s trouble at his own home, he's never there."
Sensing the tension, Steve tried to diffuse the situation. "Hold up, the topic is getting heavy. Let’s sit down." He gestured towards a nearby table, inviting Faith to sit and talk more calmly.
Steve offered Faith her favorite chocolate mint drink to cheer her up. Taking a sip, Faith felt a sense of calm wash over her. She grumbled and sighed, “I don’t understand why mother married my dad when she can’t depend on him.”
Steve widened his eyes in surprise. “Your dad would be heartbroken to hear that,” he said softly. Having a daughter could be both sweet and scary, he thought, realizing the impact of her words.
“But it’s true. I also found out that mother came from a well-known family. But she cut ties with them because she married dad,” Faith sighed, her gaze drifting to the café window. “I wish I had a powerful dad.”
Steve sighed sympathetically, picking up on Faith’s frustration, as well as your own from the last phone call. “What happened, Faith?”
As Faith recounted the events of the day, Steve listened intently, his expression growing increasingly enraged. “How dare they do that!” he exclaimed, slamming his fist onto the table, causing the café patrons to jump.
“There’s nothing I can do since her father is a senator,” Faith lamented.
After a moment of silence, Steve spoke firmly. “Faith, don’t worry. Your father will handle this.”
“But—” Faith began.
“It’s not my place to tell you. Believe in your father. He’s stronger and more powerful than you think.”
Faith couldn’t argue with her uncle’s words. “Fine,” she relented, grabbing her jacket. “I’ll go back.”
Steve wanted to offer her a ride home. “Let me drive you,” he suggested.
“No, it’s alright. I need some alone time. And it’s not far,” Faith declined.
Steve nodded understandingly. “Text me when you get home,” he urged.
“Okey dokey,” Faith replied before heading out of the café.
Back at home, you continued to wait anxiously for your daughter to return. Dinner time had long passed, and worry gnawed at your insides. You picked up the phone and dialed Steve. "Is Faith with you?" you asked urgently.
Steve's voice sounded grave on the other end. "She was, but she left around 4:50 p.m.," he replied.
Your heart sank. "Steve, she still hasn't come home," you exclaimed, panic rising in your chest.
Without hesitation, you jumped into your car and raced to Steve's café. He was waiting for you at the park nearby, his expression as pale as yours. You could see the worry etched on his face as you approached him, your breath coming in heavy gasps.
Coming closer, you noticed that Steve was holding Faith's smartwatch in his hand. The gravity of the situation hit you like a ton of bricks.
Faith had been kidnapped.
You panicked, struggling to catch your breath, and Steve steadied you with a reassuring hand on your back.
"I'll call for backup," Steve declared, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.
"I—" you began, but the sudden phone ring interrupted you both.
The familiar ringtone brought a wave of relief flooding over you. With trembling hands, you quickly accepted the call. "Bucky!"
"Honey, I'm sorry, I just got the chance to call you. I—" Bucky's voice sounded cheerful, relieved to hear his wife's voice again.
"Our daughter has been kidnapped!!!" you blurted out, the urgency in your tone cutting through the cheerful facade.
"Who dares lay a hand on our daughter?" Bucky's voice dripped with icy resolve, his tone sending shivers down your spine.
As Faith struggled to focus through her pounding headache, Sabrina's taunting voice cut through the dimly lit room.
"Look who finally decided to join us," Sabrina sneered, her eyes glinting with malice as she leaned in closer to Faith. "Did you have a nice nap, princess?"
Faith clenched her fists, her jaw set with determination despite her fear. "What do you want, Sabrina?" she managed to grit out, her voice trembling slightly.
Sabrina's laughter echoed off the grimy walls, sending shivers down Faith's spine. "Oh, just a little payback for ruining my life," she replied, her tone dripping with venom. "Thanks to you, my parents are furious with me. I'm grounded, all because of your little stunt."
Faith's heart sank as she realized the extent of Sabrina's anger. She knew she had caused trouble for Sabrina, but she never imagined it would lead to something like this.
Sabrina, sensing Faith's vulnerability, circled her like a predator closing in on its prey. "You think you're so smart, don't you?" she taunted, her voice laced with contempt. "Well, let's see how smart you really are when you're at my mercy."
Fear gnawed at Faith's insides as Sabrina's words sank in. She knew she was entirely at Sabrina's mercy, with no one to help her in this dark, desolate place. She braced herself for whatever torment Sabrina had in store, steeling herself for the trials ahead.
As Faith scanned the dimly lit room, her heart sank as she noticed an array of menacing tools laid out on the table. Were they planning to kill her? The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she felt a wave of nausea wash over her.
Sabrina's malicious grin widened as she picked up a baseball bat, swinging it menacingly a few times. The sound of the bat cutting through the air sent a chill down Faith's spine, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
Closing her eyes tightly, Faith began to pray silently, her mind racing with desperate pleas for someone to come to her rescue.
With an evil smile stretching across her face, Sabrina walked menacingly closer to Faith, raising the baseball bat higher with each step. Faith could feel the weight of impending doom settling over her like a heavy blanket. She wished she had stayed home with you, safe and sound. She longed to see her father, to feel his reassuring presence beside her.
"Dad, help me," she whispered desperately, her voice barely audible amidst the tension of the moment.
"I'm here," a deep voice rumbled through the darkness, sending a surge of hope coursing through Faith's veins. Could it be? Was it truly her father?
"I'm sorry I'm late," the voice continued, each word like a beacon of light cutting through the darkness.
For a moment, Faith couldn't believe her ears. Was she in heaven? But then, a second time, the voice pierced through the silence, more tangible than ever. "Dad!!!" she exclaimed, her eyes snapping open.
Standing tall and imposing in front of her was Bucky, her father. He stood alone but radiated a sense of power and strength that dwarfed everyone else in the room. With a swift motion, he halted Sabrina's advancing bat, leaving her stunned and speechless.
Sabrina had always thought her father, Roy, was intimidating, but the aura of power emanating from Bucky now was on a whole other level. She could sense a palpable bloodlust emanating from him, a primal energy that seemed to course through his veins.
With a voice that trembled with fear, Sabrina managed to stammer out, "Who... who are you?"
Bucky's gaze bore into Sabrina with an intensity that made her shrink back instinctively. "I'm Faith's father," he declared, his voice low and commanding. "And now, I'm going to teach all of you a lesson."
At the grand mansion, Roy lounged in his armchair, swirling his wine glass thoughtfully as he gazed into the crackling fireplace.
The sudden ringing of his phone shattered the tranquility of the moment. "Hello?" he answered, his voice laced with annoyance at the interruption.
"Dad!!!" Sabrina's panicked voice came through the line, causing Roy to furrow his brow in confusion.
"Why are you screaming like a crazy person?" he retorted, holding the phone slightly away from his ear.
"Someone tried to kill me!!!" Sabrina's voice trembled with fear, sending a chill down Roy's spine.
"Stop being dramatic," he scoffed dismissively, though a flicker of concern flashed in his eyes.
"She's right," a new voice interrupted, sending a shiver down Roy's spine.
"And who is this?" Roy demanded, his grip on the phone tightening.
"Your nightmare. And you're next," came the chilling response, causing Roy's blood to run cold.
"Tsk. Empty threat," Roy scoffed, though his voice wavered slightly with uncertainty.
"No, Dad. He's serious. Call all the bodyguards!!!" Sabrina's urgency cut through the air, leaving Roy no choice but to take her warning seriously.
Roy wasted no time in taking action. He swiftly dialed his secretary's number, his expression tense with determination as he issued his orders.
"Get ready for an intruder," he commanded tersely, his voice leaving no room for argument. "Call in all the bodyguards. I want the mansion secured from every angle. Do whatever it takes to protect us."
As he spoke, Roy's gaze remained fixed on the flickering flames of the fireplace, his mind racing with thoughts of the potential threat looming outside.
As the night wore on, tension hung thick in the air of Roy's mansion. The threat from the mysterious voice had put everyone on edge, and they remained vigilant, acutely aware of any unusual sounds or movements.
"Good. Let that kid stay there for a while. She only brings trouble," Roy remarked, his voice tinged with bitterness as he spoke of Sabrina's misfortune.
"Who tried to hurt us?" Roy's question hung heavy in the room, unanswered and unsettling.
His wife, equally on edge, offered her own speculation. "Do you think it's the Barnes?"
Roy pondered for a moment, his brow furrowing with concern. "Impossible. I looked it up. Barnes is just a nobody."
But even as he spoke the words, doubt gnawed at him. Could he be wrong? Was there more to the Barnes family than he had initially assumed?
Suddenly, the atmosphere in the house turned eerily quiet. Too quiet.
Then, piercing through the silence, came the sound of screams echoing through the halls. "AARGH!"
"BANG! BANG! BANG!" The sharp cracks of gunfire reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves of fear through the inhabitants of the mansion.
"What the fuck is going on?" Roy demanded, his voice rising with a mixture of confusion and alarm.
"Are we going to be safe?" His wife's voice trembled with uncertainty, her eyes wide with fear.
"Don't worry, the bodyguards in this room with us are former special ops," Roy reassured, though the tension in his voice betrayed his own anxiety.
One of the bodyguards stepped forward, his posture firm and resolute. "It's alright, ma'am. We can handle this," he assured, his words instilling a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.
The door swung open, revealing just one figure standing in the doorway.
As the bodyguard moved to intercept him, Bucky strode forward confidently, his eyes fixed on Roy. "You have to stop before you get hurt," the bodyguard warned, his voice tinged with concern.
But Bucky paid no heed to the warning. With a swift motion, he grabbed the bodyguard's hand and effortlessly snapped it, causing him to curse in pain.
"Shit!" the bodyguard exclaimed, clutching his injured hand as Bucky swiftly took down the rest of the security detail with brutal efficiency.
The bodyguard, his eyes wide with shock, leaned in to whisper to his friend. "Do you think it's him? The lunatic?"
His friend's expression mirrored his own disbelief as he muttered back, "Shit. You're right."
Their hushed conversation carried a sense of unease as they watched Bucky's brutal efficiency in dispatching their colleagues, leaving them wondering if they were genuinely facing the infamous lunatic they had heard whispers about.
With blood streaked across his face, Bucky closed in on Roy, who tensed, assuming a defensive stance. "So you're strong, huh?" Roy challenged, his fists clenched as he prepared for a fight. "I was in the military too. Which special force are you from?"
"Black ops," Bucky replied curtly, his words sending a chill down Roy's spine.
Before Roy could react, Bucky unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, each blow landing with deadly accuracy. Roy staggered backward under the onslaught, his face contorted with pain as he struggled to defend himself against Bucky's relentless assault.
Roy, already on the floor, bloodied and battered, pleaded desperately, "Wait. Wait!!! Are you Faith's father? The problem between our daughters is done. And this morning your wife also agreed to it. They're just kids."
The words "just kids" rang hollow in Bucky's ears as he thought of Faith, bruised and battered, her innocence shattered by the cruelty of others.
His heart ached at the memory, and he felt a surge of anger and helplessness wash over him.
Bucky laughed darkly, the sound chilling to the bone. "My wife gave you a last chance. But your daughter blew it," he spat out, his voice dripping with disdain.
Roy's eyes blazed with fury as he struggled to rise. "Who do you think you are? You're just a fucking nobody. I'm a senator. Even if you raze my house to the ground, tomorrow you'll be sleeping in jail. Along with your wife and kid," he declared, his voice trembling with rage and defiance.
"Oh, so you're that powerful, huh?" Bucky sneered, his tone dripping with sarcasm as he looked down at Roy.
"I'm that powerful, you son of a bitch," Roy shot back defiantly, his voice strained with anger and frustration.
With a cold smirk, Bucky reached for his old flip phone, his fingers moving with calculated precision as he dialed a number. "Senator Roy? You know him? Yeah, that one. Could you erase him? Thanks," he said casually into the phone before ending the call.
Roy's eyes widened in horror as he realized the gravity of the situation. "You..." he began, his voice trailing off as he struggled to find the words to convey his disbelief and fear.
But Bucky wasn't finished yet. With a swift motion, he snatched Roy's phone from his trembling hands and quickly scrolled through the contacts. Finding the name he was looking for, he dialed the number without hesitation.
"Call him. Tell him there's a lunatic who wants to kill you," Bucky commanded, his voice cold and unyielding as he handed the phone back to Roy.
Roy's hands shook as he brought the phone to his ear, his heart pounding with dread. "Hello?"
"Commissioner!! There's a lunatic trying to kill me, he's hurt my daughter," Roy screamed into the phone, desperation and fear lacing his words.
But to his horror, all he heard in response was a calm voice saying, "I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number."
"What?" Roy's voice cracked with disbelief, his eyes wide with shock as he stared at the phone in trembling hands.
"Who are you? You're just a guy from a cleaning company." Roy looked up at Bucky, dis, belief etched across his bloodied face.
"You messed with the wrong daughter," Bucky replied coolly, his voice dripping with a quiet menace.
Bucky Barnes, known by the nickname "Cleaning Service," earned his moniker through his unparalleled expertise in handling the toughest missions in black ops. With hundreds of missions under his belt, not a single one had ever failed. His reputation as a lunatic preceded him, but he wore the label with indifference on the field.
However, when it came to his family, especially his daughter Faith, Bucky preferred to shed his tough exterior and play the role of a regular dad. He didn't want to frighten her with tales of his dangerous exploits; instead, he chose to shield her from the harsh realities of his profession.
But now, as danger loomed closer to home, Bucky realized that pretending to be someone he wasn't no longer served him or his family. It was time to embrace his true self and unleash the full extent of his capabilities to protect those he loved.
Before Roy could react, Bucky delivered a devastating punch that sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious.
As Bucky stepped out of the mansion, a cry of relief and joy erupted from both you and Faith.
"Bucky!" you exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace him.
"Dad!" Faith called out, her voice choked with emotion as she joined in the hug.
Steve watched the heartwarming family reunion scene unfold before him, a bittersweet smile playing on his lips, especially with the backdrop of the burning house behind them.
Bucky held his daughter close, his arms wrapping protectively around her. "I'm sorry. I let you and your mother get hurt," he murmured softly, his voice filled with remorse.
Faith shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes. "No, Dad. You're not late. You're so cool," she reassured him, her words filled with love and admiration.
Bucky smiled, a rare warmth spreading across his features as he looked down at his daughter. "Thank you," he said softly before gazing at you. Leaning down, he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. "I'm back.I will never let anyone else underestimate us ever again," he whispered, his voice filled with determination and love.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
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Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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irondad3000 · 7 days
Peter: fucking trains.
Bucky: finally! someone understands!
Tony:…you both need therapy.
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sad-not-glad · 9 months
Just some ramblings
I love getting to see Bucky post recovery in fics. Getting the happy slow life he deserves, pretty little housewife (you) and a tiny chubby-cheeked baby. White picket fence, holidays, Barnses family reunions, because we all know Bucky would adore that. Welcoming a cat and another one of his mini-me’s, maybe two.
But what about after that? His oldest’s graduation, his youngest’s? I want Bucky who struggles to watch his babies move out, I want Bucky who is devastated to watch them leave but even happier to see them thrive. What about when he becomes a granddad?
So here is old man Bucky becoming a granddad after getting the domestic bliss he deserves.
It’s his birthday. What number, Bucky didn’t know, he stopped keeping track too long ago. Far more important was the roudy group of his grown children, scattered around the living room with their partners and childhood friends, extended family and the like. It’s been nothing short of perfect, great food and nice weather with all his favorite people shoved into one house.
All except for one, that is.
‘Little’ Eliana, the youngest of the bunch and the only girl. Even though she’s a happy and healthy 25 years old, she was still doted on by all the men, brothers and Bucky alike. She was the princess, the baby, the littlest duck in the row- despite being married for 3 years already. So it really shouldn’t have been as surprising as it was to him, but Bucky still saw a grinning little girl with dirty hands when he looked at her. Eliana arrived with husband in tow fashionably late, her present tucked away to the back to the pile amidst the chaos of being greeted. Bucky, being the birthday Dad, got the first and longest hug naturally. One that he savored, tucking his little girl into his arms and holding her close. He still couldn’t believe where life had taken him, finding his soulmate and settling down. Getting to watch his outstanding children grow and prosper in ways he never imagined, everything he never believed he deserved. But it was his anyways, and he had no idea just how much more amazing his life was about to become.
Every year Bucky insisted he didn’t need any gifts. He was the happiest he could imagine with just his family, all safe and sound in the same house. Yet every year, he got to unwrap a mounting pile of presents that just keep getting better. So far he got a new watch from his son, which was amazing. Something he had been really needing too. A cat tree from the other son, two new mugs, the softest blanket he had even felt. Slowly the pile went from huge, to decent, until there was only one left. Eliana’s, a tiny little black box topped with a cute golden ribbon. She always had adored her father’s arm, hours of her childhood spent marveling at the metal. Now the fascination presented itself in his gift wrapping, or the black wedding band on her finger. A mimic of the engraving he had done when he married you.
She passes it over with a nervous smile, immediately curling back into her husband’s side. Bucky took the gift with a grin and a thank you, settling back and carefully peeling away the paper. You’re watching over his shoulder when he opens the lid, tossing it to the side and revealing the contents within. A little folded square of fabric. He pulled it out, confusion clear on his face as he turned it over. He unfolded it, taking a second to process just what he was looking at.
A tiny baby onesie, and written across the front was ‘I’m not spoiled, my Granddad just loves me”. He blinked, turning it over in his hands and re-reading the words, then reading them again. You had already put together the dots, leaping from your spot next to him with a surprised shriek. For Bucky, it was taking a while to really set in, eyes locked on the little outfit in his hands.
His daughter was…pregnant?
He was going to be a grandfather?
…He’s going to be a grandfather!
The tears are falling before the poor man even realizes he’s crying. Because after everything he had done, all the pain and suffering caused, Bucky was lucky enough to now be a grandfather. He looked up when legs appearing in his blurry vision, and there she was. The girl he had read stories to every night, kissed her boo-boos and held her hand. The girl who he raised into a wonderful young woman, smiling at him with giddy excitement. Excitement over having a child of her own, creating her own family to love and cherish. His chest was practically bursting with emotions, all of them pouring out with his tears and laughter as he stood to sweep her in his arms again.
And needless to say, the onesie spoke the truth. If you think this man spoiled his children, it’s a whole other ball game with his grandkids. His wallet is their atm, stealing them away for weekends with Pop-Pop, giving them memories to cherish forever. He cries holding his first granddaughter after she’s born. He cries when the second and third come, and he’s inconsolable when your eldest son reveals the name of his own firstborn. Andrew Bucky Barnes, the fifth grandchild he gets to welcome.
Pop-pop who picks up his kiddos early from school just because he missed them
Pop-pop who never misses a thing. Holidays, birthdays, graduations.
Pop-pop who always has the best stories, the warmest hugs, and the fluffiest pet cat.
Pop-pop who all his grand-babies adore just as much as he adores them.
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kpopgirlbtssvt · 6 months
If anyone wants to write this, you can!!
Imagine Platonic fic with Bucky with a 2 year old daughter where after the events of Winter Soldier, right after Bucky saves Steve, and also saves a 2 year old little girl who also had fallen into the water because of the destruction. He was going to take her back to her parents until he found out she’s an orphan and has no where to go. Going against all his worries and doubts, he (unofficially) adopts her and brings her with him. A couple months after traveling with Bucky, she calls him “daddy” for he first time. Omg, Bucky would mELt!! When they get to Bucharest (By this time she’s 3 years old), Bucky rents an apartment and they live there for awhile until the beginning events of Civil War happened (when Steve/Sam/SHEILD found Bucky). Omg it’d be cute when Bucky and his daughter go to the market, just imagine him holding her with one arm while giving the money for the plums with the other. Steve would be sooooo shook when he goes into Bucky’s apartment and sees a little girl with him. I don’t know what would happen next but omg it’d be cute if at the end of the events of Civil War, instead of breaking up, the Avengers come back together and Bucky joins the Avengers (then his daughter would live with him and the Avengers🥺)
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lokiswifeduh · 2 years
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Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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Just a Dad, Chapter 28 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Bucky, Lacey, and Tommy settle in to the new home. Preparing for the baby leads to some memorable moments.
Length: 4.6 K
Characters: Bucky, Lacey, Tommy, Sam, Maria, Fury, and more.
Warnings: Pregnancy and labour description.
Author notes: Soft, mushy Bucky is very much in play in this chapter.
<<Chapter 27
🤰 👩‍🍼
When Bucky was made training officer the training facility had just opened, built to his recommendations.  It was everything he asked for to help the Avengers bring their skills up to a higher level.  Now, barely a month after the wedding Fury called him into this meeting, and the pessimist in him was sure they were going to tell him that he wasn't doing a good job, that he had squandered the investment they made in him and the facility.  Instead, he found Bruce Banner there, along with a midwife and a nurse.  The biggest surprise was seeing Lacey sitting with them.
"Sit down, Barnes," said Fury.  "It's all good.  Since we weren't able to help with the birth of young Tom and be there to monitor the pregnancy of a natural born super soldier it was suggested that we set up a birth centre for your next child.  Considering that we would want to keep access to the baby as secure as possible we felt it prudent to keep it in house.  Here is the team; Bruce, you know already.  We have contracted with a local nurse midwife, Tara Lang, and a nurse who will assist with other health issues on the compound as well as the birth, Irene Santana."
"You did this for me, for us?" asked Bucky, still not quite used to having services such as this available to him.  "Bruce, have you ever delivered a baby before?"
The green skinned man chuckled.  "I wasn't always stuck being just the Hulk.  When I was on the run I offered my medical services in some of the poorest areas of the planet.  I've delivered dozens of babies in the harshest of conditions.  Didn't lose a single one.  We're going to get an ultrasound room set up, not just for you, but for the whole team, and we're interviewing technicians as we speak.  Everyone that works here has to pass a security check and any blood we take from you and the baby will be processed on site then destroyed so no one else has access to it.  At the same time, we want you to have as normal a birth experience as possible."
Bucky's mouth opened again but nothing came out for a moment and he grasped Lacey's hand.  "I don't know what to say, except thank you," he finally replied.  "I was worried how we were going to do this."
He coughed and took a couple of shaky breaths before Fury dismissed them.  They all walked over to the health centre where Lacey was weighed, her abdomen measured, and her blood pressure taken.  As Bruce and Irene watched, Tara asked Lacey to lay down on the examination bed and pull her leggings down to expose her abdomen.  Putting some ultrasound gel on the exposed abdomen she pulled out a portable ultrasound unit.
"This is just for the heartbeat," she said.  "At five months we'll do a proper ultrasound, and determine the sex of the baby."
Gently she pressed the wand onto the skin and moved it around before finding the heartbeat.  Bucky's face lit up as he heard the sound of his child's beating heart.  It was fast, strong, and it brought the super soldier to tears.  Bruce grabbed a couple of tissues for the man and handed them to him.
"It sounds good, Buck," he said.  "We'll check the heartbeat every time."  He looked at Lacey.  "Fury accessed your prenatal records with Tom.  He was actually born post-term, you know that right?"
"He was a week early," she said.  "Are you saying he was late?  Is that a problem?"
"Not a problem but I think he developed faster than a normal child.  His Apgar score was excellent, and he had the weight and length for a child about a month old.  Considering what you told me about how soon he walked and talked after I'm guessing a super soldier baby just develops faster.  We'll keep an eye on how big this one gets plus do some extra monitoring of your birth hormones.  Tom being late didn't seem to cause any issues for him but it does affect the umbilical cord if we let it go on too long.  Just something to keep in mind."
Over the next few months everything seemed to go on as usual.  Bucky excelled in his training officer position, receiving compliments from many who took the firearms course from him on his thoroughness and professionalism.  Those who took the fitness courses complained at first about what a taskmaster he was but they couldn't argue with the results as many of the staff, both enlisted and Avenger, noticed their fitness levels soared.  Fury brought in more healthy food options although the burgers and fries were still the most preferred of the cafeteria's most popular dishes.  The dedication that Bucky gave into designing tactical exercises for the Avengers was valuable as he tapped everyone's knowledge for ways to improve team mobility and communication.  Most missions went off like clockwork and even the ones that didn't always offered something to improve on and learn from.  The plan to use Bucky's knowledge of languages had to be modified as he was being spread too thin so other alternatives were used, including online language instruction, weekend retreats conducted entirely in a foreign language and visiting instructors.  More than once it helped them to successfully infiltrate secret bases in other countries.
Lacey was well into researching her non-fiction book on trafficking, using her own experience and interviewing other survivors, who she sought out to bolster her contention that the world wasn't doing enough to stop the whole sale trafficking of people as a commodity.  She even took a few trips to other countries who had established anti-trafficking units, including Wakanda, to learn what horrors they had uncovered.  It was an eye-opening experience to know that what happened to her could so easily happen anywhere in the world.
Tommy bloomed in public school, becoming active in sports, although he had to dial his efforts back in order to keep his abilities secret.  He developed some good friendships and often brought his friends to the farm where they built a tree fort in the woodlands, and went fishing in the pond, after Bucky made sure to stock it with lake trout.  Then there was that glorious day when Tommy, completely geared up, was finally permitted to ride his motorbike without supervision over the property.  Lacey was still concerned about his safety but Bucky assured her that if he broke anything it would heal within days.
At five months into Lacey's pregnancy the ultrasound unit at the compound was in place, a technician was on duty as they had already provided service for some of the staff.  This would be the first pregnancy scan and Bucky waited nervously in the waiting room with Lacey, holding her hand tightly enough that she had to whisper that he was hurting her. 
"Sorry," he grinned.  "I'm just nervous.  There wasn't anything like this when I was young.  When Ma got pregnant with Rebecca I thought she was just getting fat.  Then one day she wasn't there and Dad said I had a baby sister.  I wasn't thrilled about being a brother at 13 but it wasn't like I had a choice.  The crying and the diapers weren't easy to get used to."  He looked at Lacey's bemused expression.  "Sorry, I'm saying too much, aren't I?"
"No, I like hearing this," she said.  "You haven't said much about your childhood.  So that was what, 1930 when she was born?  That was during the Depression."
He nodded.  "Not the best time to bring a baby into the world but we managed," he said.  "I did odd jobs for extra money.  Dad did overtime at the ship yard whenever it was offered.  Then one day, Rebecca laughed at me.  It was the best sound in the world.  She must have been two or three months old and I made a funny face.  She giggled so I did it again and she laughed."  He stopped and swallowed, becoming emotional.  "That's when I knew that I wanted to be a dad some day.  Didn't know then how long it would take me to be one."
He put his arm around Lacey and squeezed her shoulder, kissing the side of her head to keep from crying.  Just then the technician came out and beckoned them in.  She gave them a minute alone for Lacey to prepare then placed a paper cloth over her legs and hips, tucking it into her panties.  Bruce came in and greeted them.
"Tara is home sick today so I'll be doing this visit," he said.  "Let's see what we have."
As he and the technician did all the preliminary scans, checking the size of the skull and making sure everything else was as it should be they finally got a good full body scan and the technician froze the image, turning the screen towards them.
"There's your daughter," she said, pressing a button to print it out.
"A girl?" said Bucky.  "A baby girl?  Wow, you can tell that?"
"Well, a boy has something obvious between the legs and all the views we've seen this morning don't have that, so yeah, it's a girl," she replied, smiling up at Bruce.
He pulled the picture off of the printer and handed it to Bucky.  "You're going to be a girl dad," he announced.  "Congratulations."
As much as he tried not to cry before there was no stopping the tears this time and Bucky began to weep as he looked at the picture.  He just shook his head and kept looking at the picture, then touching Lacey.  She smiled indulgently at him, taken by this look at her husband's softer side.  Both the technician and Bruce left, leaving them to cleaned up and get through the emotional process.  Ten minutes later in his office Bruce counselled Lacey to keep eating well, get regular exercise, to continue having sex for as long as it felt good, then he could give them some resources about alternate positions, etc. and to enjoy the whole pregnancy experience.  On their way out to the car Bucky looked at Lacey.
"We can still have sex?" he asked.  "Won't that hurt the baby?"
Touching his face she kissed him.  "It won't hurt the baby.  Once I get bigger we can't do it missionary style but there's other ways and we can try every single one of them."
"I never knew," said Bucky, then he put his arms around her.  "I've noticed your breasts are changing.  It's quite nice.  Not that I don't like them already."
Lacey patted him on the chest.  "I know what you mean," she said.  "They'll get bigger, trust me."  She stopped beside the car.  "I love you, Bucky.  I'll see you at the normal time for supper?"
He nodded.  "I love you, Lacey Barnes."
They kissed for some time, drawing a whistle from a passing Torres.  Pulling away, Bucky caught up with the younger man while Lacey got into the vehicle, started it up and headed home.
At the six months mark they went out shopping for baby furniture, picking up a crib, bassinet, change table, and dresser.  Bucky painted one of the bedrooms a soft cream and rose colour, finding inspiration on Pinterest for a girl's bedroom.  After he and Tom assembled the furniture together and arranged it he realized they needed a rocking chair, crib mobile, baby monitor and other assorted accessories that he looked up on an expectant parent's website.  He was all ready to jump in the car to pick them up until Lacey told him about baby showers. 
"Sam, how do I set up a baby shower for Lacey and the baby?" he texted to his best friend, not quite believing his wife that such things existed.
"You don't, but I know who can," replied his friend.
Two weeks later, Bucky received another text while he and Sam were in New York City for a publicity appearance on TV that there was a problem at the compound.  Getting in the car they drove straight there where an MP directed them to park away from the main building "just in case."  Outside the building they saw Fury, standing next to another MP, both of them listening in on a headset, from what looked like a command post.  Bucky could hear the words "captive" and "ransom."
"What's going on?" he asked.
"Not sure," replied Fury.  "There's some kind of occupation going on in the cafeteria.  They just began showing up a couple of hours ago, bearing packages.  Said that if we did as we were told no one would get hurt.  They have Lacey."
Bucky looked alarmed.  "Is she okay?  They haven't hurt her have they? How did they get past security?"
Fury shook his head.  "I've tried talking to them but they want you.  No weapons, no sudden moves, no tricks.  They have someone on the inside.  Sorry, Buck, but as the only super soldier you're the only one I can count on to get in there and turn this around.  Good luck."
If Bucky had taken a moment to think about it he would have realized he was being set up but he was so concerned about Lacey being held hostage that he just went along with it, opening the door and stepping into the eerily quiet building.  Keeping his senses alert he slowly approached the opened doorway of the darkened cafeteria. 
"It's about time you got here Barnes," said an ominous female voice. 
He knew he had heard that voice before but he couldn't quite place it.  Then he heard a giggle from within the space and for the first time realized that the situation wasn't exactly what it appeared to be.  He stood in the doorway for some time considering the situation then finally someone turned on the lights and a large crowd of people, both male and female, yelled "Surprise!"
He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Sam with a shit-eating grin on his face.  "Now this is a baby shower," he announced. 
Lacey came forward with a big smile and hugged him, then pulled him over to a raised area where two armchairs were set up.  He tried to pull away but she persisted.
"We're both the guests of honour," she declared.  "If I have to sit up here so do you.  Come on, Dad.  Your fans await."
Reluctantly, he sat in one of the armchairs and looked out over the faces.  Then he saw one of them and realized who the voice from the darkness was.  Pepper Stark smiled at him and he stepped down to offer his hand.
"I wasn't expecting you to be here," he said, then he was at a loss for words.
"It's my pleasure," she replied.  "I couldn't make it to the wedding but I didn't want to miss this.  You're going to be a girl dad and Tony loved every moment of it.  I'm sure you will, too."
Affectionately she hugged him then pushed him gently back towards his seat.  Sam and Maria got up to the podium, smiling at each other.  He stepped back to give Maria the first words as she looked out at everyone then at Lacey.
"In the fall of 2014, Lacey Williams showed up at the Avengers Tower," began Maria.  "Escorted by an FBI agent she told Steve Rogers and Tony Stark an incredible story of helping one James Bucky Barnes out of a tough spot.  Then she broke the news that she was expecting his baby.  We were all ready to keep her in the Tower, look after her and make sure that neither the CIA or HYDRA got anywhere near her.  But we're talking about the Avengers here and things got in the way.  After an encounter with Ultron, Lacey decided she was safer going into hiding.  She had her baby, Tom, who's now almost ten years old.  It's 2024, she's pregnant with Bucky's baby again, not accidentally, and we finally got around to having that baby shower for her.  This time, the CIA are not looking for her, HYDRA is so far underground that I don't think we'll ever see them resurface but never say never, and the Power Broker is still the First Lady of The Raft.  So Lacey and Bucky, here's a party for you and your baby girl.  Sam, why don't you introduce our first contestants, ahem, gift givers."
"Well, you know him as Hawkeye, her as the patient and understanding Laura Barton," he said.  "But to Lacey, they'll always be the people who were there the most for her when she needed to hide, giving her sanctuary on their farm, hosting their wedding, and becoming surrogate parents for the pair of them.  Clint and Laura, come on up!"
A large gift that was placed right beside the stage was uncovered by the couple, revealing a rocking chair.  After hugs and kisses they sat down and a steady stream of people were introduced with their gifts, which would end up filling a truck with baby wear and accessories, including a jogging stroller, car seat, crib mobile and everything on that expectant parent website that Bucky had contemplated buying.  Sam and Maria had a funny or touching story to tell about everyone there.  After a couple of hours the shower wound down and an army truck was brought to the front to transport everything over to the house.  Everyone helped to put everything in the truck and several Avengers went with Bucky to unload it at home while Lacey drove the car.  Tom, who was home from school by then took great pleasure in checking everything to see what his baby sister was getting.
"Did you get the same stuff when I was a baby?" he asked.
"No, mostly hand me downs from Clint and Laura," she said, "although Steve Rogers brought things every time he visited.  Shuri sent things as well on behalf of your dad.  Tony Stark gave you the climbing gym, understanding that you needed something to satisfy your need to climb and jump.  He even came out when you were little and climbed all over it with you."
"Ironman?  For real?"
"For real," she said.  "He cared about you, about us."
"He gave you that after Steve and I fought him," added Bucky.  "I know he tried to understand what was done to me to turn me into the Winter Soldier.  Pepper said he forgave me for the death of his parents, accepting that I had no choice."  He noticed a look on Tom's face.  "No one will ever control you, Tom.  I would search to the ends of the Earth for you if anyone took you again.  Even though the Winter Soldier did terrible things my own personality always broke through, trying to stop them from using me.  You are a good person inside and that will never change."
Bending his head down to Tom's Bucky pulled his son in close and kissed his head.  The couple hugged him, reiterating their belief in him, with unconditional love.  He saw that love in them on a daily basis, how Bucky would massage Lacey's shoulders when she was tense, rub her feet and ankles when they swelled from the pregnancy, and when his dad would drive out during the night to find food to satisfy his mother's cravings.  Every time the baby moved Bucky was there talking to it and he would invite Tom over, saying she needed to know her big brother's voice.  As Tom watched all the little things that Bucky did to make things better for Lacey, he realized what real love looked like between a man and a woman. 
When the day came where a government vehicle was waiting at the school for him after he was pulled from class, and Nick Fury opened the back door Tom knew something was up.  Fury told him his mother was in labour and his father was by her side.  They rode back together to the compound.  On the way, the Avengers director told him about trying to find Bucky Barnes when he was on the run, before the CIA or HYDRA did because he believed that the real man needed help to finally break free.
"You did that even though he almost killed you?" asked Tom, who had always been intimidated by the director.
"I did," replied Fury.  "I had heard about the Winter Soldier but until he and Steve Rogers first fought I didn't know he was James Barnes.  It all made sense then, what HYDRA did to him to make him comply, and I began looking over what files I could find.  When Natasha Romanoff leaked all of SHIELD's and HYDRA's files onto the internet I began decrypting the ones related to him, and realized the enormity of the crime that was perpetrated against your dad.  I always wanted to make sure that your dad came out of all of this intact and with a purpose in life.  After his family, that sense of purpose was going to be with the Avengers, I hoped."
"I want to be an Avenger," said Tom, hesitantly at first.  "Uncle Steve said I could."
"We would be honoured to have you," said Fury, kindly.  "You have the same qualities as your father, showing that when you fought back after the Power Broker kidnapped you."  The driver of the vehicle pulled into the compound and checked in at the security gate.  "Now, you can wait in the waiting room outside the birthing centre, or you can hang out with me for a while, and I can give you the real grand tour of the facility so that when you join us, after college because you deserve that, you'll know where everything is."
"What about my parents?" asked Tom.
"They'll know you're with me," said Fury.  "When your sister is almost born we'll go back and you'll get the chance to meet her, and give your parents some love.  Your choice.  It's always your choice, Tom."
He spent the next two hours with the man, then Fury suddenly tilted his head and touched his ear, acknowledging a message he must have received in a comms piece.  They walked to the waiting room of the birthing centre and Fury left him there, saying it wouldn't be long. 
Inside the birth room Lacey was in the final stages of labour.  The baby's head crowned and Tara, the midwife, was massaging the perineum to soften it further, allowing the baby's head to be born.  Through the mirror mounted behind her Bucky watched, amazed as his daughter's nose and mouth were suctioned out briefly then her head turned to allow a shoulder to exit the birth canal.  Once that happened the rest of her came out quickly and their baby girl was laid on Lacey's belly.  With tears in their eyes they both touched her then laughed when she cried out.  Bruce, who was there mostly in case something went wrong smiled at the couple, genuinely glad they finally had this moment together.  After Tara offered Bucky the scissors to cut the cord, the nurse, Irene, brought her over to the warming table and Bruce performed the check on the baby's reflexes, ecstatic at the results.  Two weeks early by the calendar, this baby showed all the signs of being almost a month old, if she was a normal baby.  Nodding his approval at Irene, Bruce watched as she bundled the baby up, put a stocking cap on her and carried her over to her parents. 
"Look at her, she's so beautiful," said Bucky.  "She's perfect."
When Lacey began to nurse their daughter Bruce saw a man who had once been the most feared assassin in the world lose it completely.  Placing his hand on Bucky's shoulder Bruce wasn't expecting to be enclosed in a bear hug.  Then Bucky sat and wept, gingerly touching his daughter as Lacey smiled affectionately at her husband.
"Tom is in the waiting room," said Bruce.  "Once the afterbirth is born he can come in here.  I'm taking a sample of the umbilical cord but the rest will be transported to Wakanda for Shuri to study."
"Anything for science," said Lacey calmly.  "What did she weigh?"
"8 lbs 13 ounces, and she was 23 inches long," he replied.  "At two weeks early she has all the hallmarks of a baby already a month old."
Shortly after Lacey finished feeding their daughter she delivered the afterbirth.  Bucky held his daughter as Irene cleaned up Lacey.  Then she went out to the waiting room and brought Tom in, helping him get washed up and gowned.  Leading him into the room he went over to his father sitting in an armchair with his sister on his bare chest.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Letting her feel my skin and hear my heartbeat," replied Bucky, gently.  "Apparently, it's something recommended for the baby to help her get used to being out of the womb.  Would you like to try it?"
"Can I?" asked Tom, excitedly.
Bucky nodded and watched as Tom pulled his gown down, took his shirt off and took his father's place in the armchair.  Gently he laid the baby on his son's chest and showed him where to put his hands. 
"Tom, meet Laura Natasha Barnes," he said.  "Both of them were important to your mother when she was pregnant with you and after you were born so we decided to honour them by naming her after them."
The new big brother bent his head over his baby sister and kissed her hair, then placed a finger in her hand, grinning when she grasped it firmly.  Bucky encouraged him to talk to her, and Tom whispered about all the things they would do on the farm, and all the animals they were planning to get.  When a little smile creased her face her brother kissed her again and stroked her delicate skin, looking forward to the day when he did this with his own child.
It wasn't all roses in the months that came after Laura's birth, as both Bucky and Tom got used to a baby that didn't always follow the rules of the house.  But nothing was solved with frustration and both of them always took a deep breath to help dissipate any negative emotions whenever her crying pushed their limits.  As Laura got older and began to walk and talk early, the challenging moments gave way to wondrous ones as they all helped the baby girl adapt to her abilities.  When Lacey discovered she was pregnant again, after a birth control failure when Laura was 8 months old the family took it in stride, welcoming Steven Samuel Barnes to the family 37 weeks into term. 
A rambunctious child who always had a smile on his face he kept Lacey on her toes.  The love that was shared between the family of four was extended to include the blonde toddler who was sweet enough to charm just about anyone, including a certain director of the Avengers who made sure to always have candy in his pocket that he slipped both small children when they made an appearance at the compound.  Bucky and Lacey found such great compatibility that they faced all challenges together, with love and humour, and the certainty that they would always have each other's back.
It isn't over yet.  Two more chapters, looking ahead to the future.
Chapter 29>>
Series Masterlist
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ladysif8 · 1 year
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Whiskey 🔴🟠
New Age Red 🔴🟠
Gummy Worms {One-Shot}🔴🟠
Never Be the Same🔴⚫️
A Single Saturday Night🔴⚫️
Bless the Broken Road 🔴🟠
Sweet Heat 🔴🟢
A Slow Burn 🔴🟠
Playful Distractions 🔴🟠
Magic Man 🔴⚫️
Bad Girlfriend 🔴⚫️
Closer 🔵⚫️
Under a Montana Sky 🔵🟠
A Hicky Situation 🔵🟠
A Sunday Kind Of Love 🔵🟠
Trouble Man 🔵🟠
The Lucky One 🔵⚫️
Edge of Seventeen 🔵⚫️
Middle of a Memory 🔵🟢
Between Books and Shields: A Librarian's Encounter with Captain America 🔵🟠
In Between the Sheets 🟤⚫️
Captured in Color 🟣🟠
Sex & Candy🔴⚫️
Something Sweet 🟣🟢
Primal Attraction🟤⚫️
Pumpkin Kisses and Fall Wishes 🟣🟢
Magic Man 🔴⚫️
Lucky To Have Daddy🟣⚫️
5 notes · View notes
Steve: Where’s our flying car?
Tony: Seriously? This again?
Bucky: You dad promised us a flying car.
Tony: Fine. Just give me a few hours.
Coulson: No, Stark. You can’t borrow Lola.
Stark: But-
@theironcan @trading-cards-owner @the-capsicle @official-buckybarnes
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the-loss-of-my-life · 2 months
Bucky Barnes, also known as the Winter Soldier, is totally rad. He's like the definition of cool. He has a metal arm that works with like any crazy weapon ever, and he's a super soldier with superhuman strength and stamina. He has like, such a crazy past, and the fact that he's still kicking it even though he is 107 is just... totally awesome.
He's been on the front lines since literally World War II, and he's saved countless lives over the decades. He's also helped take down some of the most dangerous and notorious threats to the world, including the Red Skull, the Skrulls, and even Hydra itself. And through it all, he's managed to maintain his own moral compass and his own sense of honor, even in the face of incredible adversity.
Plus, I don't know many people who can say they've been brainwashed and used as a deadly assassin by a world power. But Bucky, he's like, one of the best at what he does. He's fought for his country, he's fought for his friends, and he's even fought for the freedom of the world. And he's still fighting! He's never given up on anything or anybody.
And he has like, such a cool redemption arc, too. He's been through so much, and he still manages to be one of the most loyal and heroic characters there is. He's totally just a great guy. And his interactions with Steve Rogers are just so cool especially early on, like, the broship was totally real.
As the adopted kid of Bucky Barnes, I can totally vouch for him being a totally rad dad. He's always there for us, and he never judges us no matter what we get ourselves into. He always has our backs, and he's always there to give us advice or listen to us when we need or want to talk.
And even though I can be a handful sometimes, and I'm definitely a little trouble maker, he never gets mad at me. He just takes the time to sit down and talk to me and my siblings about how our generation is on something. That's what makes him a totally awesome dad.
And the fact that he adopted three kids from just makes him even more rad. Like, he totally didn't have to do that, but he did anyway, and he treats us like we're his own flesh and blood. That's just... so amazing. He's seriously the best dad ever.
In modern times, after the Winter Soldier programme was shut down, Bucky has dedicated himself to atoning for his past actions and helping others. He has helped the Avengers, fighting to protect the world against a variety of threats, and has even helped start and lead the Thunderbolts, a team of reformed supervillains who are dedicated to making up for their past mistakes.
Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, is an amazing superhero, an incredible dad, and an upstanding individual. He's been through so much, but he never lets it get him down. He's a total badass, and he's totally fearless in the face of danger. And the fact that he's always there for his kids, no matter what, just shows that he's a good dude at heart. He's seriously an inspiration to us all, and we're lucky to have such an awesome hero on our side.
@official-buckybarnes @moon-x0 @foxherder @iwasmadetobeasoldier
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fox-barnes · 2 months
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FC: Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
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Fox Romanoff-Barnes
pronouns page
Desi American
November 22
sleep apnea
conjuring items
magic blasts
casting spells/enchantments
more magical abilities
in Agatha’s Coven of Chaos
running for vice president
runs the Fox x Mischief Club
cheerful (most of the time)
hopeless romantic
deeply caring of their loved ones
reckless- jumps headfirst into danger
throwing parties
playing pranks
going on missions
royal blue
chocolate (especially dark chocolate)
their family
kicking bad guys’ asses
crop tops
pretty dresses
Brooklyn 99 (show)
Ever After High (show)
desserts, especially cake
people who hurt the ones they love
bad guys
drinking water
loosing their loved ones
being alone
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medium/chocolate brown
royal blue streaks
shoulder length
dark brown
nose ring
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Fox’s biological mother died in the battle of NY. Fox recently discovered that they are descended from Heimdall and are a demigod. They’ve never met their dad. Fox is still traumatized from the battle of NY. Fox wants to be like their hero, their (adopted) dad, and save the world someday.
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MOD: @foxherder
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chrisevansdaughter · 1 year
I would love prompts
“have you been crying?” “no.” “please don’t lie to me, i care about you.”
“i feel so stupid.” “don’t ever feel stupid for having a normal reaction to a situation that you couldn’t control.”
with Chris and Luna! Would be amazing thanks love 🤍
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It’s him and his girl against the world.
Your favourite dynamic duo is back, I hope you guys enjoy 🫶🏻
Warnings: just Luna being sad anxious, and overthinking her exam results and softy! Dad Chris is back 🥹 we love him, semi destructive behaviour *just an outburst that Chris has to deep pressure hug Luna to help her calm*
It doesn't take him too long to figure out what's wrong with Luna, even if she's shut herself down.
He comes up to her door, listening for any signs of crying or distress, "Luns, Bubba can I come in" he asks as he knocks on the door.
"Mhmhm sure Dad let me just put this away" her voice cracked as she tried not to give away anything to her dad because he didn't need to know.
Little did she know he hurt that little crack loud and clear, it hurt him that she was hurting, he opened the door it creaked as it opened bringing more of Luna's room into view, he made a mental note to oil the hinges later. "Hey love.. he asked inquisitively pausing when he saw her puffy red face "Have you been crying?" He asked.
"No!" she snaps out of frustration not releasing what she did until she snapped at him
Chris was taken aback by the way she reacted but he knew it wasn't on purpose. He padded over to her bed, her face covered in blankets. Hugging her lightly, taking a deep breath, taking a moment to calm down he looked at Luna with all the love in his and said "Don't lie to me, I care about you".
That just breaks the floodgates down, tears running rapidly down her face clouding her vision, the outline of her dad, and the blurry outline of a certain ginger and white patchy dog. She feels stupid, so stupid it's not even a reason to be this worked up over it, it's just classic Luna.
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It was just a simple exam, just a simple f**king exam and she couldn't even wait for the result.
Turns out when she thought the next thing, she was thinking out loud, *I feel so stupid." She stuttered at the end, and then she thought *Nope I didn't just say that out loud stupid*. Her heart sank at the look on her dad's face. Here comes the spiel of boosting her confidence, it always works though.
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"Luna, why would you say that, hmm?" He looked at her in disbelief.
It was getting destructive she was eating herself from the inside out with the thought she needed, out of her head.
"Because I am stupid! It's a stupid test result and I can't seem to not just do it normally, I have to pull a
'Classic Luna' she says mockingly, and overthink everything single. The thing I do!" She shouts, at what or who she didn't know.
He grabs her gently as she has her outburst into the general world, once again the gates break and the tears stream rapidly again.
"Shhh, hey hey... It's okay. It's okay sunshine. He whispers into her ear trying not to move her from where she's nestled in his neck. "It's okay, Luna you should never feel stupid for a situation that is out of your control, love you regardless of the result Bubba. Regardless of anything you are still my best girl, you are the best daughter. The smartest and most confident person in the world, and I know Scott would say you the best goddam niece ever too." He laughed as he tickled her lightly to get a smile out of her.
All in all, she's the smartest and sweetest girl he'll ever have the privilege of being a parent to, and that's all that matters to him.
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It’s him and his girl against the world.
Hey there loves, I’m glad to be back posting proper content again kinda, i just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all for all of the support and love as always, I hope you enjoy 💕
@f0rehead-0f-security @mcuamerica @positivelyholland @angelbaby-fics @angelbabydoll28 @ace-of-gay @bubblessunshinehoney @velvetcloxds @reginaphalange2403 @buckybarnesandmarvel @writersblog20 @youre-amazing-say-it @dumb-fawkin-bitch @imyourbratzdoll @anotherfuckingmarvelfanaccount @stuckysgirl27 @nana1000night @marvelstarker-mha98 @f10werfae @full-timephoebefanatic @hulkstacos @jessybarnes @bergarasunsolved @haleyhunwritess @haleybr @yelenasdiary @babyhatesreality @lu-morningstar @lyrarodriguez z @remuslupinsdaughter @mxssingmemories @astrorogers
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tony-starkinator · 1 month
Roast me dad
Why do this to me kiddo? Fine. I still love you though.
Peter Parker? More like Peter Parkour cause he won’t shut up about his damn spider skills. “Oh no my spider sense is tingling” my ass, it’s like the spider sense only works when he’s annoying you. I bet his only friend is his spider sense cause I’ve never heard him have a damn ounce of human emotion in his voice. And let’s not forget about his hero name, Spider Man? More like Spider Child because he looks like he’s about to hit puberty. His costume looks like a red and blue onesie, I bet it’s even got a little hole for his ass so he can use the bathroom. Oh and his web slinging, it’s like he’s playing Tarzan with the city. He’s swinging from building to building like some dumb monkey. I’ve honestly never seen someone look so goofy in my life, it’s like he’s trying to impress everyone with his “superhero skills” but he just looks like a damn idiot. And let’s talk about his villains, they’re about as scary as a teddy bear. The Green Goblin? More like the Green Goofball, with his dumb little goblin outfit and his weak ass magic spells. And don’t even get me started on Doctor Octopus, with his four weak ass robotic arms, it’s like he’s trying to overcompensate for something. In conclusion, Peter Parker is a child in a onesie who swings around the city like a dumb monkey, and his villains are about as scary as a wet noodle. His spider sense is annoying, his superpower is overrated, and his friend circle seems to consist of spiders and other insects.
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samwilson-official · 2 months
hi, I’m Fox. I’m @/official-buckybarnes’s kid. I have to know, what’s the most embarrassing thing my dad’s done?
Hi, nice to meet you.
I love this question. I don't know much about before he met me, but from what I do know I'd have to say....
When he tried Asgardian liquor the first time. It was amazing and kinda adorable. He kept hugging everybody and would freak out over every piece of technology (he would insist he had to know how it worked in excruciating detail right that second). Then he went outside and picked up a car. For no reason (don't worry, no one was hurt). And finally he insisted we all watch all of the Hobbit movies while he criticized all the inaccuracies, before falling asleep 20 minutes in.
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middleearthpixie · 4 months
Better Days ~ Chapter Twenty
A/N: If you or a loved one is in crisis, or experiencing suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation, help is available 24/7/365. Call or text the Suicide Crisis Lifeline at 988 or visit their website at www.988lifeline.org. 
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin x ofc Elena Madison
Warnings: Attempted suicide
Rating: T
Word Count: 2.7k
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard
@legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being
@rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-mer-6195 @sherala007 @enchantzz
@knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @ggfamert @medusas-hairband
@guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow
@quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits
@heilith @asgardianhobbit98  @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms 
@sazzlep @court-jobi @masterofhounds @genius2050 
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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It was a miracle he didn't crash into anyone or anything as Frerin ignored pretty much every traffic law in existence in his haste to get to Sidleburg Memorial. All Toni would tell him was that Jake had tried hurt himself. No details. No assurance that he was all right. Just that they were in the ER and he needed to be there. 
He whipped into the parking deck and swung into the first empty space, then leaped out of the care and practically sprinted toward the revolving door leading into the Emergency Department.
Bonnie, the ER receptionist smiled from behind her plexiglas window. “Dr. Durin? I thought you went home.”
“I did. My ex-wife called, she’s here with our son.”
“What?” Bonnie hit the button to make the ER doors swing open. “Come on in.”
He rushed past the triage area, to the desk. “Ashley, where is Jacob Durin?”
Ashley looked up. “I thought you were off, Dr. D?”
“I am,” he fought to keep the impatience from his voice, “so tell me were my son is.”
“Wait, he’s your Jake?”
“Sorry, Dr. D. They’re in Exam Two, but I think Morris might have come down already.”
“Thank you.” He rushed down the hallway and around the corner and paused just outside the door to Exam Two. The narrow bed was empty, but Toni stood beside it as if Jake was still in it. Frerin’s gut roiled like mad and he wasn't entirely certain he wasn’t going to be sick. A sour taste flooded his mouth. His heart hammered his ribs so hard, he thought he might actually pass out. 
Then he swallowed hard as he tugged open the door and stepped into the room. “What happened?”
Toni spun about, her eyes red and swollen. “I—I don't know. I called the kids down to breakfast and Maura and Flynn came down, but Jake didn't and—and I thought he was still sleeping so I went to roust him out of bed and he—”
“He what?” Frerin closed the space between them and caught her by the shoulders. “What had he done, Toni?”
“He wasn’t in his room, but was in the bathroom and he’d gotten Tim’s razor or maybe it was Flynn or even Maura’s, I don't know. But he had it and—and there was just blood everywhere… all over him… the floor… the toilet… And I—I just scooped him up and ran to my car and…”
Frerin’s blood ran like ice in his veins. “What?”
“I know. The doctor said he was… he was lucky.” Toni’s bottom lip trembled and her eyes grew shiny. “She stitched him up, but now he’s talking to another doctor and Tim said he’d keep an eye on Maura and Flynn, but you know them and they don’t like him and they just wanted to be here and I—”
She clamped her lips together to stop the flow of words and without thinking, he drew her into his embrace as she dissolved into tears, pressing her face against his chest. “Which doc did he see?”
“A young one. Dr. Andrews?”
“Yeah, she’s an intern. Just started in July. Who is he with now?”
“A Dr. Mazzetti, I think he’d said.”
“Dave Mazzetti?”
“I don't know, Frerin. They’re all the same to me.”
“Okay. Yeah, Dave’s good… Jake’s in good hands. Where’s Tim?”
“He’s home. With the kids. I just told you.”
“Right? Sorry. I was on until seven this morning, pulled a double. My thoughts are a little muddy right now.”
“Where were you?”
“I called the house first and you didn't answer.” She pulled away to stare up at him. “So, where were you?”
“I was out.”
“After pulling a double?”
“Toni, I’m not doing this. Not now.”
“What’s her name?”
“Don’t you worry about it. We’re not married any more, remember?” He stepped back. “Jake’s probably up on Five. They’re going to admit him, Toni. At least a seventy-two hour hold if they have a bed. If not, they’ll have us take him somewhere else for an evaluation, but he’s going to be hospitalized. For a while. I’m going to go find out.”
“And am I supposed to just wait here?”
“Yes, actually.”
“Frerin, you are not just—”
“I’m not what, Toni? I’m not going to find out what happened to our son? Just stay here and I’ll be back—”
“No. I will not just stay here.”
“Toni,” he rubbed his forehead with one hand, “I’ll be back in just a few minutes. Just, please, let me—” 
“Stop being a damn doctor and just be his father!”
“I am being his father!” Frerin winced as his voice echoed around them and bounced out into the hallway, where several people actually stopped to look into the room. He drew in a deep breath to calm his rising fury. “I just want to talk to his doc, is all.”
“He will be done when he’s done and he said he’d come down and talk to us.” Toni shook her head. “Don’t run away and hide behind that damn lab coat.”
“Hide? Who’s hiding? I just—I just want to know what happened, is all.”
“I told you what happened.”
He sighed softly. “Toni, something else had to have happened. He was fine when you picked him up and now he’s in the ER, looking at a psych hold for a suicide attempt. So, what happened?”
“Are you blaming me?”
His first instinct was to shake her, to shake her and remind her that it wasn't about her, but since that would just lead to a shouting match, he took the high road. “No, I’m not. But I want to know what triggered him to hurt himself. That’s all.”
Toni’s shoulders slumped and a low, heavy sigh leaked through her teeth. “I don’t know, Frerin. I was getting breakfast out, like I said. Flynn came down. Maura came down and I went to get Jake, just like I said.”
“Did anything happen last night?”
Toni swiped at her eyes and slowly replied, “He and Tim were butting heads over a video game. He told Tim that Tim couldn't tell him what to do, and Tim sent him to his room after confiscating his Switch.”
“What game?”
“Breath of the Wild.”Toni rubbed her eyes. “It was such a stupid argument, Frerin, but Jake was giving him attitude the entire time he’s been with us and Tim just had enough.”
“Tim had enough. Over a video game that you and I have no problem with him playing?”
“I tried to tell Tim, but he was angry and Jake was angry and then it just got out of hand.”
“Out of hand.” Frerin snorted as he shook his head. “Tim overstepped, Toni. He overstepped and now here we are. And what the fuck was he thinking? He’s not that boy’s father. I am.” 
“I know, and Tim knows and—”
Frerin and Toni looked up at the same time as Tim, AKA the Skeeze, poked his head into the room. Frerin’s gut twisted sharply as he said, “What are you doing here?”
“How is Jake doing?” Tim directed this at Toni.
“I asked you what the hell you are doing here,” Frerin replied, stepping between Tim and Toni. “You’ve got not business being here.”
Toni’s hand came to rest on his shoulder. “Frerin, don’t do this.” 
“Don't do this?” Frerin turned to her. “He is the reason Jake is with Mazzetti right now and I don’t want him near my son again.”
“He is my son, too, Frerin, and you need to remember that.”
“I need to—are you fucking kidding me? He needs to stay the fuck away from—”
“Mrs. Durin? Oh, Frerin, I’m glad you’re here as well.”
Frerin whipped about at the sound of Dave Mazzetti’s voice and a sour taste flooded his mouth as he said, “How is Jake?”
Toni’s hand tightened on his upper arm. “Can I see him?”
“In a bit, yes. I called in a colleague, Dr. Dao to consult and—” Mazzetti looked over at Tim. “I’m sorry, but who are you?” 
“He’s leaving,” Frerin replied.
“The hell I am.”
“Toni, I mean it, get him the hell out of here,” Frerin growled without taking his eyes off Tim. 
“Tim, please… just… just go…”
“Toni, wait—”
“Tim, just… please go.”
Mazzetti waited for him to slam his way out of the exam room, then turned back to them. “Jake’s laceration required about six stitches and aside from a small scar, he should have no long term trouble with his hand. He and I had a long talk, and he had a long talk with Dr. Dao and we’re in agreement that Jake be transferred to Wakeman for inpatient services, since we have no open beds.”
“For how long?” Toni asked.
“I can’t answer that, Mrs. Durin. They will evaluate him and assess his status and recommend a course of treatment for him that will give an idea of how long he will be hospitalized for. I’d say at least a week, possibly longer.” He looked from Toni to Frerin. “I’ll take you up to him. He was asking for you, Frerin.”
Frerin swallowed hard against the sudden lump in his throat. “Then let’s go.”
Toni slid her hand into his. “I’m coming with you.”
“Of course you are,” Frerin told her softly. “You’re his mother. But I don't want Tim anywhere near him.”
“Not within fifty yards, Toni. I mean it.”
For a moment, he thought she was going to argue with him over it, but then she surprised him by nodding. “Okay.”
“Let’s go up and you can see him,” Mazzetti said, pulling the door open. 
They stepped out just as Flynn and Maura hurried toward them. “How’s Jake? Where is he? Is he okay?” Maura’s questions stopped as she ran out of breath and she just flung herself at Frerin, who caught her easily. 
“He’s going to be fine in time,” he said as Maura wrapped her arms about his neck and clung to him the way she did when she was a little girl and had had a nightmare. “We’re going up to see him, so why don't you and Flynn go find the cafeteria and get something to eat and I’ll come find you when we’re ready to go.”
“Can’t we see him?” Flynn asked.
“Not right now,” Toni said softly, shaking her head. “We have to get him settled somewhere else first and then you’ll be able to.”
“Where is he going?”
Flynn scowled at Tim’s question. “Like you care. You did this, you tool. You know that, right? This is all your fault.”
“Now, wait just a minute—” Tim began.
But Flynn was having none of it, and since he was almost as tall as Frerin, he towered over Tim. “No, you did this, trying to prove you’re some tough guy or I don't even know. You just couldn’t let it go, could you? He was allowed to play that damn game and you know it but that wasn’t good enough for you. And now we’re here and… and… fuck you.”
“Flynn!” Toni grabbed him by his arm to pull him away from Tim. “This is not the time or the place.”
Although he inwardly cheered Flynn on, Frerin knew outwardly he had to at least make it look as if Flynn’s words troubled him. “Your mother’s right. Tim, do us all a favor and just go home. Toni will let you know what’s going when we know.”
For a moment, he thought Tim was going to argue with him, but then Tim just shook his head. “You do that,” he said, then turned and strode down the hallway.
Maura lifted her head from Frerin’s chest. “Good riddance, Skeeze.”
“Maura, please,” Toni sighed, rubbing her forehead once more. “Not now.”
“Mom,” she pulled out of his arms, “he’s a jerk. You have to know that by now.”
“Enough, love,” Frerin told her as Mazzetti started down toward the elevators. “Go and get something to eat and we’ll come find you, like I said.”
“Come on, Maur.” Flynn gestured for her to follow him. “Dad, let us know as soon as possible, okay?”
Flynn and Maura started down the hallway and as soon as they were out of earshot, Toni said, “They don't like Tim much.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
That earned him a look. “Really, Frer.”
“What?” He let his hand come to rest at the small of her back to steer her toward the elevators, where Mazzetti was waiting for them. “I know they don't like him, Toni.”
“I wonder why.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He couldn't hold back his laugh. “Toni, if you think I’m the reason they don't like him, guess again.”
“So you expect me to believe you’ve never badmouthed him?”
“Why would I? He’s not the reason we broke up. I think he’s a dweeb, but that’s about the extent of it.”
“A dweeb?”
“Yeah. He’s a dweeb.” He shrugged as the elevator doors slid open and Mezzetti grinned at them over his shoulder. “He is.”
Toni sighed. “Frerin, really? Here?”
“I heard nothing,” Mazzetti said, shaking his head head.
They all stepped into the car and Frerin tried to ignore the fluttering in his gut as the car began moving. He didn't know how many times he’d dealt with this same situation, but it was far different being on this end than it was being the physician treating the kid. This was… surreal… and he did not like it one bit. 
Elena tried not to worry, tried not to fixate on how much time had passed since Frerin bolted from her apartment, but that was impossible. She couldn't imagine being in Frerin’s shoes, getting that same phone call in regards to Alyssa. Frerin had to be terrified and worried and she wished she had gone with him. 
It was nearly four when her phone rang and her heart stopped briefly when she saw Frerin’s number on the screen. It resumed hammering at her ribs as she hit accept. “How is your son?”
“He’s… we’re at Wakeman now. They’ve admitted Jake for at least the next seven days.”
“But how is he? How are you and your ex-wife?”
“He tried to cut his wrist with a razor blade and it took six stitches to close it. Physically, he’ll be fine but…”
His voice trailed off and she didn’t push him, but waited for him to continue. When the silence stretched between them, she cleared her throat. “Would you like me to come sit with you?”
“No. You don't have to.” Exhaustion wove into his voice. “I’m just going to go home and get some sleep.”
“Frerin, it’s no—”
“Elena, really, it’s better if you don’t. I don't know how much longer I’m going to be here and I’ll have Flynn and Maura to take home, so it’s not a good idea.”
“Oh, yeah… no, of course not,” she replied, the heat of idiocy swirling through her. Of course he wouldn’t want her there. She wasn't family and Toni needed him more than she did at the moment. The last thing either of them wanted or needed was her pushing her way into their trauma. 
“I’ll give you a call tomorrow, okay?”
“Sure. I’ll be around until four, then I have to go and retrieve Alyssa from the airport.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He hesitated, then said, “Bye, Lena.”
She pressed her lips together as he clicked off and she sat there for a long time, the phone in her lap. She didn't know quite what to think or to do, and while her instinct was to drive out to Wakeman Hospital, she tamped it down. Frerin neither wanted nor needed her there. She was the outsider and needed to remember that. While she felt as if she knew his children, just from the way he’d spoken of them, they had no idea she even existed and the worst thing she could do right now was push herself into their situation as if she belonged there.
So, with that, she set the phone on the charging mat, rose from the sofa, turned off the light, and padded into her bedroom. 
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oph3liatlou · 4 months
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CHAPTER THREE; Welcome to Wakanda
paring(s); recovering!buckybarnes x oc!victoriastark
warnings; none
word count; 1,180
proofread?; yes
summary; In the depths of Africa, the mysterious nation of Wakanda has reached out to the outside world for help. A mission has been set in place for Victoria Stark, to save Bucky Barnes - the former brainwashed assassin - from his past self. Can she rescue him from HYDRA's grips as the world watches and waits or, will he forever be lost to the shadows?
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The Quinjet smoothly glides through the sky, taking you closer to your final destination.
"ETA to Wakanda is 3 hours and 57 minutes." Friday informs Victoria, "Would you like a beverage or snack?"
She slid her seat back, perching her feet on the dashboard - avoiding the buttons as she had already put the jet in autopilot. "Aw Friday, you spoil me."
The air in the Quinjet remains crisp and cool as you relax, your feet casually resting on the dashboard. Friday's voice, as ever, remains calm and measured. "I don't 'spoil' you Victoria," she responds, her tone tinged with a hint of gentle teasing. "I merely anticipate your needs as per my programming."
Victoria shakes her head with a laugh. "Always so humble too." She was always this sarcastic, even to AI.
"Ah, sarcasm..." Her voice carries a hint of dry wit. "A language more complex than any programming." There's a pause as if Friday's  pondering the nuances of human humor. "Tell me, should I add sarcasm to my repertoire? I could begin by making a dry comment about your shirt choice."
The hum of the Quinjet, your comfortable perch, and the banter with Friday make the journey seem less arduous.
Victoria scoffed. "What-" She was never surprised with banter, but when it was with an artificial intelligence it was a bit shocking. Realization hit her. "Did my dad update you this morning, just to sass me during the mission?"
There's a brief hesitation before Friday responds, a humorous inflection in her voice. "Ah, you have discovered my new subroutine. Indeed, Mr Stark added a bit of humor to my programming, with the specific purpose of 'sassing you' during the mission. He thought it might add 'a touch of entertainment' to potentially stressful situations."
She shook her head with a chuckle, leaning out towards the windshield to look at the clouds. "No stressful situations this mission, Friday." Victoria reassured. "I'll take a drink now, though."
The Quinjet continues its smooth journey, and the clouds outside the windshield float lazily by. Friday's voice fills the cabin as he responds to your request. "Certainly, Victoria," she says, a touch of humor still in her tone. "What beverage would you like? Coffee, tea, or perhaps something more... daring, like a 'Stark-tini'?"
"A what?" She questioned, playing with the air vents. "You totally just made that up."
"Ah, a 'Stark-tini.' It was Mr Stark's idea, of course." Friday responds with a touch of amusement. "It's a mix of vodka, rosemary-infused syrup, and a hint of lemon. Quite the concoction. However, I assure you, it is a real drink."
The hum of the vents matches the hum of the Quinjet, creating a constant white noise that fills the cabin. Victoria shook her head. "Sounds gross, buddy." With her tone, she sounded just like her father. "I'll take a coffee."
"A prudent choice, especially for someone operating under sleep deprivation." She states bluntly. "A cup of black coffee, coming right up."
The Quinjet's automatic dispenser whirs dutifully, filling a cup with steaming, black coffee. The smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the cabin. "I'm not sleep deprived!" She grunted. A robot hand comes to Victoria's side to hand her the coffee, before it's entire arm falls off. She stares at the ground with a sigh. "What are you doing?" She glanced back at the robot helper, definitely not as smart as Friday.
"Ah, pardon me," Friday interjects, noticing the robot's mishap. "It seems J.A.N.E. is struggling with stability."
Jane, a robotic companion known for her endearing clumsiness, struggles to pick up the fallen robotic arm. Her mechanical limbs move in an uncoordinated manner, attempting and failing to reattach the arm. The situation is both amusing and slightly chaotic.
Victoria sighs and gets up. She grabs the metal arm and holds it in place on the robot. Her hand glows a fiery orange colour - welding the arm back on with her fingers.
Victoria's fiery touch seamlessly reattaches the robotic arm back onto Jane's body. The heat of the welding creates a momentary hiss of steam before cooling, leaving behind a perfect joint. As the procedure completes, Jane's head swivels towards Victoria, tilting with a mix of gratitude and confusion.
Meanwhile, Friday, with her ever-present calm demeanor, adds, "Well, it appears Jane's balance has certainly improved. Perhaps fire welding is the secret to her stability, huh?" Though, Victoria shook her head. "The ball joint was loose." She explained, sitting back down in her chair. "How much longer now?"
"Jane's maintenance will be noted for future adjustments," Friday responds, her voice as steady as ever. "Currently, we have approximately 45 minutes until we reach Wakanda."
Victoria nods. "Cool, wake me up then." And with that, she put her legs back on the dashboard and closed her eyes.
As the 45 minutes elapse, Friday's voice gently breaks into the tranquility of the cabin.
"Ms Stark," she says softly, "we have reached our destination. We're in the airspace over Wakanda."
Victoria stirs and sits back up with a yawn. I could see the ground out the window now. "Are we in the clear to land?"
Friday responds firmly, "Yes, we're clear to land." 
The Quinjet gracefully descends, its engines whining softly as it prepares to touch down in the heart of Wakanda. Outside the window, the landscape unfolds, revealing lush greenery, towering mountains, and a high-tech city that blends seamlessly with its natural surroundings. The Quinjet comes to a soft landing on a designated platform, signifying the beginning of your mission.
The doors of the Quinjet opened, and Victoria stepped out - though she froze when the Dora Milaje pointed spears at her. "Uhm, you guys didn't get the memo?" She sassed.
The Dora Milaje, ever-vigilant and disciplined, held their spears tautly as they regarded Victoria's arrival. Their faces remained stoic, betraying no emotion. "Identify yourself," one of the Dora Milaje demanded, her tone unwavering. "And state your purpose here in Wakanda."
Victoria opened her arms as if it was supposed to be obvious. as to who she was. "Victoria Stark," She started. "I'm here on a sensitive mission, with Princess Shuri."
The words 'Stark' and 'Princess Shuri' seemed to have a profound effect on the Dora Milaje. Their expressions relaxed slightly, their spears lowering slightly. The mention of these names carried a different weight in Wakanda. "Follow us," the lead Dora Milaje commanded, her voice slightly softer than before. "We will escort you to Princess Shuri immediately."
Victoria followed hesitantly and shook her head, mumbling to Friday. "Nearly got killed before I got on the grass."
Victoria moves forward, following the Dora Milaje as they guide her through the beautiful landscape of Wakanda. Soon, she finds herself standing before a towering, high-tech building where Princess Shuri awaits her arrival.
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asta-barnes-rogers · 3 months
Who is your favorite Bucky?
Well... I only know two Bucky's. Apparently one knew me when HYDRA originally had me and the other knows me from me living with Dad. I guess @official-buckybarnes but only because I know him better.
I hope that answers the question.
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