#dad!cedric diggory x reader
starstruckwillows · 1 year
a beautiful way — cedric diggory ♡
requested by anon<3
cedric diggory x reader, ready is a bit ditzy/strange like luna, fluff, lupin!reader, dad!remus, this is short i’m sorry
cedric simps for ten paragraphs
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cedric was perfectly content to spend late saturday afternoons with you leaning against his chest in a tree, somewhere on the grounds of hogwarts. he was perfectly content to watch the warm sunset illuminate your features at a slanted angle. he was perfectly content to talk, or be silent, whichever you preferred.
“do you think i’m strange?” there was no insecurity behind your question, he could hear that.
it was a genuine pondering of yours, a whimsical thought that entered your pretty head, and cedric knew it wasn’t an insult to reply, “a little. in the most beautiful way, of course.”
you smiled lightly, “of course.”
there were specks of paint crusted onto your jeans which you flicked at with only a half present mind. your heart beat was synced with the boy behind you; your breath was steady as his.
an amber leaf fluttered onto your open palm. you’d seen it coming.
“i like you.”
you laughed, leaning back, “i thought you loved me.” again, there were no sadder undertones. just teasing.
cedric blinked a little too slowly, a little too comfortable, “i do. i love you, but i like you too.”
murmuring against his lips as you shifted to kiss him, “i’m glad. it’s very much mutual.”
that afternoon stretched into the night, as did many gone by and many to come. there was a certain angelic quality to the relationship you shared with cedric diggory. it wasn’t always soft and smooth, nothing ever was, but the two of you were like nectar. something golden.
a night spent in your poor father’s office, grey streaks further marring his hair with the ever present stress of living, you asked him a question of your own.
“do you think cedric loves me, dad?”
remus put down his quill, “do you doubt it?”
“no. i just want to know what you think.”
“i think you are the sun of that boy’s life. you love the sun?”
you nodded sagely, “of course.”
your dad smiled, “there you are then.”
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🏷️ — @faeriieblush @it-be-me-ella
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swiftieblyth · 21 days
Nightshade Sisters: Herbology
warnings- none
“Alright class,” Professor Sprout called. “Today we will be learning about Puffapods. Could anyone tell me what a Puffapod could do?” Lacy instantly raised her hand with a smile on her face. It was no question that Herbology and Care from Magical Creatures were her favorite two classes. “Miss. Nightshade.”
“Puffapods are known to cause dizziness to people, and are able to be used against a troll due to the fact that they are allergic to them.”
“Excellent as always, Miss. Nightshade. It’s good to have you back.”
“Thank you, Professor.” Lacy smiled.
“Great job, Lace.”
“Thanks, Freddie.” Lacy smiled. 
“All right class I want you to be working on a paper over Puffapods to give me on Monday at the start of class.” Professor Sprout explained. “Miss. Nightshade, may I speak to you for a moment?”
“Yes, Professor?” Lacy asked, when everyone left the greenhouse.
“How would you like to be my helper this year? You could tend to the plants, and come here anytime you'd like, as well as help other students when required.”
“I would love that! Thank you so much, Professor!” 
“Oi, Lace,” Fred asked at lunch that day. 
“Yeah, Freddie?” Lacy asked, turning to look at the red-haired boy sitting behind her at the Gryfindor table.
“Could you help me with my Herbology paper? I know nothing about Puffpods.”
“Puffapods,” Lacy cut in. “Not Puffpods.”
“See, that just proves my point. I know nothing about this.”
“All right, meet me at the library tonight and I’ll help you.”
That night Lacy skipped dinner and went straight to the library finishing up her homework from the day.
“Are you ready to help me?” Fred asked, looking down at her with a smile on his face.
Lacy looked up and smiled at him, seeing the plate of food in his hand. “You just couldn’t get enough food at dinner?”
“No, I ate,” Fred explained, sitting down in the chair next to her. “This is for you. I noticed you weren't there and thought you would be hungry.”
“Thanks, Freddie.” Lacy smiled, closing her textbook. “So where should we start?”
“I don’t know, maybe what it does?”
“Brilliant. Puffapod seeds can be found in mostly plants or teas–”
“Wait, I thought you said they make people dizzy.”
“A raw Puffapod, yes. If it is in something then it’s fine. It’s actually a very safe and livegive plant.”
“Gosh this is so confusing!” Fred whined.
“Oh shut it!” Lacy ordered. “We’ve only just begun!”
“Are you trying to bore me to sleep?”
“Fred, seriously  you need to get the paper done.”
“Why can’t you just write it for me? I know you’re already done with yours.”
“Freddie, I’m not going to write your paper for you, but I can help you.”
“Ugh, fine!”
Taglist- @uglyfish3rman, @melodyoflove99, @Warlike-morning,
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eunoiathewriter · 2 years
hi !!! i absolutely love your writing ! would u mind doing another harry potter imagine? thank u </3
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Synopsis It's hard to stay cool when the girl you have a crush on is right there beside you.
Word Count: 2.2k
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Harry and Ron yawned in unison as they walked through the woods, following Arthur Weasley, who was in the lead, with Charlie and Fred and George close at his heels, Ginny and Hermione in the middle, and lastly, the two boys. Now, both of them were excited for the Quidditch World Cup, don't get them wrong, but this whole waking up before the crack of dawn to Hermione throwing pillows at them was not exactly their favourite part of it all.
The morning, however, had been all but calm, Molly had heard Fred and George trying to smuggle Ton-Tongue Toffees out of the house to sell, even after they got scolded for what happened with Dudley. Harry's cousin having eaten one that Fred and George dropped with the intent of him eating it, causing Dudley's tongue to grow in size. This made Molly yell at the two twins just before they left.
The woods were calm in the early summer morning, with fog still on the ground. Birds had started to wake up, and you could hear them sing as they flew above the tree tops. Harry had to admit that the woods close to the burrow were quite cozy. But he was broken from his own thoughts as Ron poked him and pointed out how far back from the others they were. Jogging to catch up with the others.
"Arthur!" The boys then heard a man call out. "It's about time, son."
"Sorry Amos, some of us got a bit of a sleepy start." Arthur jokingly looked back at Ron, who yawned.
It then dawned on Harry when they came closer that it was Amos Diggory and Cedric Diggory who stood there. Harry had talked to Amos once before when the man was happy over Hufflepuffs' win last year. However, this meant another person should be there, so Harry started to look around for her.
"This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me, at the Ministry. " Arthur said proudly and then turned to the brown-haired boy beside the man. "This strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?"
Cedric smiled at the man and extended his hand to shake hands with Arthur, smiling brightly. "Yes, sir." He answered before looking up at the big tree above them.
"y/n? Are you coming or what?" Cedrict asked his sister, who had gone unnoticed, where she sat up in the tree. When Harry spotted the girl, he smiled.
y/n grinned at her brother before she tossed down her backpack for him to catch and jumped down so she landed beside Amos. Making sure her stance was stable before she straightened out.
"Well, that's quite and entrance y/n." Arthur put a hand in her shoulder and she smiled.
"Thank you."
"Alright, this way." Cedric spoke up as he started motioning towards where they were going to go. So everyone started walking, and just before Cedric got too far, he tossed the backpack back to his sister.
"You carry your own shit," He told her.
"Cedric," Amos warned the boy, and he held up his hands in retreat and showed the others the way.
y/n was just about to join in and walk with Harry when her dad stopped him. He was amazed to have Harry Potter himself with them, and she could see Harry glancing over at her. She shrugged at him and joined Hermione and Ginny.
"I don't remember your brother being so good-looking, y/n." Hermione hooked her arm through y/n's.
"Ew, Mione. That's my brother. Plus he's way too old for you."
"Who says he's too old?" Ginny asked with a raised brow, and it made y/n groan.
"Are you aware that we can hear you?"Fred then turned to the girls.
"And if we can, then Cedric probably can too." Geroge chimed in.
"Yeah, well, ego boost for him then, I guess." y/n rolled her eyes and unhooked her arm from Hermione when she saw her dad walk past to catch up with Arthur. She slowed her steps and, quite quickly, was at Harry's side.
They both started to engage in conversation with one another. They talked about everything from the joke candy and things that Fred and George had been making or trying out during the summer to this mystery thing that was to happen at Hogwarts during the year. Harry joined in with all that he heard from Arthur and y/n told all that she had gathered from her dad. They're both thinking about what it could be.
But the topic soon changed to Quidditch. Of course, Harry was proudly standing with Bulgaria, but y/n were strongly against this. She was rooting for Ireland. They talked back and forth about why their team had to win. "Bulgaria has Viktor Krum. He's the best seeker of all."
"Oh please, he's all looks. Plus, Bulgaria play dirty most of the time; they're like the equivalent of when Flint was still captain of the Slytherin team. "
"No they don't!" Harry argued back, and it made Ron turn.
"You have no idea what you're talking about y/n, Viktor Krum will make sure Bulgaria wins." Ron spoke proudly, the boy being starstruck by the well-known seeker.
"Well, Ireland has Connolly," Fred piped in.
"And Quigley." Geroge also joined in.
"See!" y/n motioned towards the twins. "Fred and George are on my side; Ginny and even Hermione, who's not into Quidditch all that much, are rooting for Ireland. You and Ron are literally the only people who are hoping Bulgaria wins just because you're in love with Viktor Krum. "
A whole argument started between all the Weasley kids, Harry and y/n. All of those who were for Ireland were arguing back and forth with the two boys and counting up reasons as to why Ireland was going to win. It was all just fun, ending with all seven of them starting to laugh.
After a little while, they had been walking for a good hour already. Harry was about to say something to y/n but instead when he turned to her, he instead got fixated on her. Eyes looked over her features, having missed her over the summer. He could feel his cheeks slowly growing warmer and warmer the more he looked at her, and soon enough he had to avert his eyes from her as it felt like his face was on fire. Harry was quite sure his cheeks were red, but he hoped to Merlin they weren't.
Surely enough, they reached the portkey, although it made Harry frown as they walked closer, as he had no idea what a portkey was. "Just over there." Amos told everyone, and Harry's frown deepened at the sight of an old boot.
Harry tugged at y/n's sleeve before asking her. "Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?"
"That isn't just any manky old boot, mate," George cut in before y/n could answer.
"It's a portkey," Fred finished as he, George, and y/n moved into position.
"Time to go!" Arthur called.
"What's a portkey?" Harry was confused.
"Ready? After three. One, two," Amos started counting, but y/n quickly looked up at Harry.
"Harry!" And with that, Harry grabbed onto the boot.
It all started to spin, or more like they all started to spin. Slowly but surely, they lifted up from the ground up into the sky, still spinning around. Everyone except Cedric, Amos, and Arthur screamed at the continued spinning. Though the twins were screaming in cheer.
When Arthur then suddenly told them all to let go of the boot, they all clinged onto it like a life line, making all except the older Diggorys go wide-eyed. Hermione immediately protested, even though she was slowly feeling sick to her stomach from the continued spinning. They all, however, did as the man had instructed them to and all dropped to the ground. Then, hitting the ground, all of them groaned and huffed at the sudden impact of the ground.
y/n looked up from where she lay on her stomach, coming to find that Harry was only about a metre away from her. "Ouch,"
Harry sat up and nodded at her, and when he turned he could see Amos, Cedric, and Arthur, all three coming down much more gracefully than any of the others. They are certain to land on their feet. All of them were grinning from how funny all the others had landed. "I bet that cleared your sinuses, ey?" Arthur asked as the three of them landed.
Cedric was quick to help Harry get on his feet, extending an arm for him to get pulled up. Earing a smile from the younger boy as he went to help his sister. "Oh, how nice of you, Ced."
"Aw, did my baby sister get hurt?" Cedric asked sarcastically. He pulled her up to stand too, and both of them laughed. The bantering between them was just a big joke to them.
"Come on!" Arthur called as he started to walk up the hill to where camp was. It made y/n smile brightly as she immediately grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him along. "You're going to love this!" It made Harry flush a crimson colour as she pulled him along with her to join the others.
Oh god did he like her.
The sun had begun to set over the field where the Quidditch World Cup was being held. The sky turned orange and was slowly becoming a dark blue that would make the stars and constellations of other solar systems visible. It was still pretty warm out, not overly warm but warm enough that not a lot of clothes were needed to keep warm.
People were making their way to their seats. Many had chosen to sit in the boxes in the middle of the stadium. It was a stadium bigger than Harry had ever seen. Now, he was not exactly looking to play Quidditch professionally, but to play at a stadium like this would definitely be something unforgettable.
All of them were looking around in amazement while making their way further up, Arthur in the lead. They were on their way to the top, which was a wise decision.If they were to stay by the boxes, they would have to squeeze together with other people. But if they were to be furthest up in the stadium, they would not have to fight for space with others and would have better sight than others.
"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked as they stopped from having been climbing from the lowest level and were about thirty stories below the top.
Just as Arthur was about to answer, another man's voice cut in. One that they all knew very well and one that made Harry roll his eyes. "Well, put it this way, if it rains, you'll be the first to know." Lucius Malfoy smiled evilly at them.
y/n and Harry stood by the railing, looking down at Lucius and Draco, who were on the lower level. It was unusual to see Draco without his slytherin uniform. Instead, he was wearing a black suit, which did not seem at all practical. Draco laughed at his father's statement.
When they started to continue walking, Draco looked up at the others and smirked. "Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself."
"Don't beast, Draco." Lucius stopped Draco with his cane, making the boy rub the spot where the cane had laned. "There's no need with these people."
Draco then looked up at them again. When he saw y/n however, a sly smile made its way to his lips. It was no news to most people that Draco Malfoy had taken an interest in the Hufflepuff girl. However, y/n had zero clue about that. The look Draco gave y/n made Harry roll his eyes. A feeling of annoyance was bubbling up inside him. No, not annoyance, but jealousy.
Before the two Malfoys could say anymore, Harry grabbed y/n's shoulder and started to turn her around so they could wall off. But Lucius Malfoy was not done as he slammed the snake part of his cane down on Harry's hand before it could leave the railing. It made y/n and the others turn just like Harry.
"Do enjoy yourself. While you can. " Lucius smiled unkindly at Harry before relinquishing his hand and walking off with Draco at his heels. But Dracos' eyes still stayed tranced to y/n.
"Are you all right, Harry?" Arthur asked.
"Yeah, just fine."
"Well, let's keep moving then. "We don't want anyone taking our place, do we?"Amos called from where he stood, and everyone began working their way up the stairs.
"Are you sure you're fine?" y/n turned to Harry as they waited to start climbing the stairs.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Nothing big. " Harry stuttered as he once more felt his cheeks heat up. But this time, it seemed like y/n noticed and it made him avert his eyes from her.
y/n smiled as she quickly gave him a peck on the cheek, taking the boy by surprise. "Good, now come on."
Harry couldn't fight the grin that broke out on his face when y/n turned and grabbed a hold of his hand to start wall up the stairs.
Oh boy.
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desideriumwriter · 9 months
Anyone But You | Chapter 2 | F.W. x Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary - An introduction to your bestfriend, you're forced to go to a dinner party at the Weasleys over the holiday break, the twins give you a small gift you're absolutely not going to open.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, slowburn
Content Warnings -cursing
Word Count - 3.8k
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navigation | 
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Even though you were seen as rude and snippy in the twins' eyes, you had friends, people you actually enjoyed being around, people who didn’t attempt to get on your nerves every five seconds. Cedric Diggory was one of them. He was your bestfriend.
Despite being put in different houses, you and Cedric became great friends, you’ve gotten along better than anyone else. You met him on the train to Hogwarts your first year, and you two connected like puzzle pieces. He’s definitely someone who isn’t unbearable to be around.
Of course, there was the occasional rumor or gossiping that would spread around annually about you and Cedric secretly being together, or that you two had something going on at least. Those were just rumors though. Cedric feels like a brother to you, he had eyes for other girls and you had no interest in a relationship. You had no interest in each other. You loved him, but only in a sibling way. He was treated like a brother. 
You had other friends rather than Cedric, but you were closest to Ced. He was the only friend you would actually keep in contact with and write letters to outside of school.
You carried your owl's cage and dragged your large leather suitcase down the stairs as Cedric boasted about his most recent win.
“And who did Gryfinndor get their arses whooped by last week?” He brought his hand up behind his ear, waiting for you to admit your house's loss, you simply shook your head in refusal.
“Hufflepuff!” He sang, “Who caught the snitch? Number seven, Cedric Diggory!” He cheered to himself, you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Whatever, Gryffindor only lost because Fred couldn’t keep his eyes off Angelina.” 
“Ah yes, Fred is to blame. Always to blame. Another chance for you to hate him!” Cedric teased, he knew all about your hatred for the twins. Of course he has, he’s your bestfriend for Godric's sake. You’ve complained multiple times about them to him, gone on hour-long rants over whatever prank they pulled.
“Yep!  Anyways, what do you have planned over the break?” You stopped at the landing of the staircases, setting down your owl and suitcase, leaning back on the stone railing, letting crowds of students pass you.
“Absolutely nothing. My dad might make me help him at work.”
“What? Wouldn’t that be cool? You’ll get to see cool creatures, right?” He scoffed at your upbeat reaction.
“I’ll get to see boring paperwork. I’ll get to organize boring folders. I’ll get to do the boring work.” He said flatly as he shrugged. “I got to see a hippogriff once though.”
“Really? How’d it go?” You 
“Nearly bit off my arm.” 
“Oh.” The excitement in your voice lowered. “Well, I won’t be doing anything either besides sleeping.” You teased as you grabbed your things and began to walk down the staircases again.
Winter break had been going nicely. Your friends had sent letters and early Christmas gifts, small and light enough for your owl to carry, you did the same for them. You were able to sleep in, you didn’t have to worry about your things being messed with, you didn’t have to be woken up by loud and annoying voices early in the morning, and you didn’t have to deal with those bloody twins.
You woke up early today, you chose to not sleep in and went into the kitchen for breakfast. While searching the cupboards for your favorite cereal your mother walked in, an empty mug and plate in her hands. 
“Good morning, sweetheart!” She said as she placed the dishes in the sink, watching a scrubber begin to float and clean the dishes by itself.
“Morning, mum. Have any letters come today?” You asked as you took the cereal and poured it into your bowl, followed by some milk.
Before your mum could open her mouth, a strong screech came from outside, followed by a loud hit into the open cupboard door next to you, both of you jumped at the sudden entrance.
You knew that old owl from anywhere. It was Errol, one of the Weasley family’s owls. He laid on the kitchen floor for a second, then stood up straight, shaking himself off and fluttering onto a chair near your mother, handing her a nicely sealed envelope. Your mum sent the owl off without giving him anything to deliver back.
“That poor bird is on its last leg.” She muttered under her breath, shaking her head as she opened the envelope. Her unamused face changed into delight as her eyes moved through the letter.
“Oh, would you look at this! The Weasleys invited us over for a dinner party!” She grinned at you, showing you the paper.
“What?” You dropped your spoon into your bowl when you heard the news, droplets of milk hitting your shirt.
“The Weasleys invited us, Molly and Arthur are hosting a dinner party for their anniversary. How sweet is that?” You grabbed the letter from her a bit too aggressively, staring at the invitation intently.
“Very kind! Do I have to go?” You got straight to the point once you asked hesitantly, looking up, you already knew what your mother's answer would be.
“What?- Yes you have to go! Don’t be ridiculous.” Your mother scoffed, slightly shocked at your response to the invitation, taking the letter back from you.
“Please, mum! You know I will not be able to handle being there for more than five minutes.” You pleaded.
“What are you talking about? The Weasleys are very good people, y/n. You know that. You should be appreciative that they invited us.” She said sternly, a slight scowl forming on her face.
“I’m not talking about the Weasley family, I’m talking about Fred and George! The twins! They’re horrible! Please, just let me stay home, mum. You can tell them I’m sick or already on a trip with friends!” There was pure determination in your words, you were not going to spend any amount of time around Fred and George Weasley during your break.
“No, Y/N. They invited us, which means you too. It’ll only be for a single afternoon, you can deal with it.” Your mother shut down your begging, “Make sure you have a dress or…just find some nice clothes to wear, the dinner is tomorrow.” She began to leave the kitchen, turning around to ask you one last thing. 
“Also, could you send a letter back? Saying that we will be there? Thanks, darling.” She walked out of the room before you could protest anymore. You groaned, placing your head in your hands.
This wasn’t the first time you were invited to the Weasley's house. There was one or two times where they invited you, you would’ve gone if Fred and George didn’t live there, so you faked being sick. 
Of course, your mother wouldn’t fall for it this time. So, you slipped on a nice pair of jeans and a comfortably warm sweater. 
While checking yourself out in the mirror, making sure nothing looked weird on you, an owl flew onto your windowsill, holding a bright purple envelope sealed with orange wax in between its beak. You were hesitant to take the envelope from it. You’ve never seen this bird before.
You nervously took the envelope from the bird and it flew away without any problem. Being more confused than ever, you flipped the envelope to the back, maybe it had been delivered to the wrong person?
However, your address was issued underneath it, it even stated where your bedroom was. Your stomach tensed, this was creepy. A bird you’ve never seen before shows up at your window with a tacky envelope that has direct instructions to your bedroom.
You opened it cautiously, not knowing what would be inside, as soon as it was halfway open, confetti and a few miniature fireworks popped out.
A little birdy (no pun intended) told us you were coming over tonight! Can’t wait to see you, we miss seeing your scowls and hearing your mean voice!    - F & G
Of course, the twins. How the hell did they know the exact location of your room? While trying to figure that out, you nearly missed the small writing at the bottom of the card.
p.s. we have a gift for you, hopefully, you’ll like it :)
You furiously crumbled it up, practically slamming it into your trash bin. Stomping back to your mirror, you picked out all the bits of confetti that had got caught in your hair and the few pieces on your sweater and floor until your mum told you it was time to leave.
Merlin, have mercy on me. You thought to yourself.
The dinner party wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. The first thing you noticed was how Mrs. and Mr. Weasley were the most welcoming and kindest people you met. You wondered how Mrs. Weasley especially dealt with the twins and their mischief for fifteen years of her life. 
When you sat down at the table with everyone else, you were disappointed in Harry and Hermione's absences, you expected at least one of them to be there. However, Hermione was traveling with her parents and Harry wasn’t allowed to leave the Dursleys home.
You kept your distance from the twins, choosing the seat that was farthest from them at the table, sticking by Ginny's side and making conversation with her. Yet, the twins still took any chance they could get to mess with you.
They stole food off your plate when you weren’t looking, taking whatever bowl of food you were reaching for first, even putting whatever potion they made to cause your roasted ham to turn into a green color.
“Hey, it’s like that one muggle book, with the guy who rhymes!” Fred pointed out.
“What was his name? Dr.Sauce?” Fred quipped, Ginny let out a small giggle at the name.
“Dr.Seuss, Fred.” Mr. Weasley corrected, “I’ve actually had to take in a few of his books at work. One bloke was trying to figure out why the drawings weren’t moving.” Their dad chuckled and nudged you playfully with his elbow.
Anyway, you tried to stay as positive and nice as you could at the table, but you had to refrain from rolling your eyes anytime Fred or George opened their mouths. Any slight expression of annoyance would earn you a small kick under the table and a stern stare from your mum, your dad would clear his throat or raise his eyebrows at you, these were their ways of saying “Behave, be nice, I’m warning you.”
You were still upset that you had to deal with the one thing- two things you were glad to stay away from, that you expected to stay away from during your winter break. You only had one unwanted big interaction with them, the others were small.
All the adults were in the front yard drinking and having their “alone time from you kids” as Mr. Weasley jokingly said to you. Ginny and Ron were arguing over the TV remote, constantly stealing it from each other and changing the channel to what one of them wanted.
You made your escape by excusing yourself to the kitchen, going to the sink, and refilling your glass with water.
While taking a drink from your glass, you weren’t paying attention to the sneaky and slow footsteps coming behind you. The next thing you felt was two sets of hands on each of your upper arms and you heard two loud troll-like screams.
You jumped and choked on your water, coughing violently as you put down your glass and turned around, shoving both of the twins away as they chuckled.
“What the hell was that for?” You fumed through hard coughs.
“We missed you! We haven’t been able to tease you in months!” George chuckled.
“It feels like we’ve been going through withdrawals.” Fred dramatically said, putting a hand over his heart.
“It’s not teasing, it’s annoying and rude. Now I'd like for both of you to get away from me.” You shoved yourself through both of them, splitting them apart from each other.
The biggest sigh of relief left your body when you finally got back home. You traveled by floo powder and while getting ready to throw the dust down, you heard those two annoying voices call your name.
“Y/N! Y/N! We haven’t given you your gift yet!” You smiled mockingly as you said your address out loud, throwing the powder down and letting the green flames engulf you and send you back to the fireplace at your home.
“See, that wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?” Your father teased as you brushed the floo powder off your clothes. “I know those boys irritate you but you’re going to have to learn how to deal with it unfortunately. I don’t believe that won’t be the only visit we make to the Weasley's burrow. You know your mum will want to invite them over too now.” He patted your shoulder and left the room.
You slipped off your shoes and headed upstairs, by the time you opened your door, there was an owl sitting at your windowsill once again. The same owl from before you left with the same tacky envelope.
You took it and opened it clumsily. You breathed out and began to read the messy handwriting.
It was very nice to see your face again! We missed you! 
They didn’t miss you, they missed playing pranks on you. 
So sweet for you to come over and see us! Can’t wait until we get back to school, we have a few surprises up our sleeves. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the dinner!
                                                Love, Gred and Forge
p.s. you forgot your gift! :(
You rolled your eyes as you tossed the card into the trash, walking up to the owl, you hadn’t noticed the small box in its claws, the owl dropped it in your hand, and you stared at it intently.
A small purple box, wrapped with an orange ribbon and tie on top. What’s with them and the colors purple and orange?
You noticed the owl was still sitting at your window as if it was waiting for you to give a letter back.
“Go on, shoo! I’m not sending anything back!” You waved the feathery bird off, lying back down on your bed, going back to analyzing the little box. You didn’t open it, you knew there was most likely some trick to it, maybe like a bunch of glitter would shoot out, or a million tiny fireworks. They wouldn’t give you a plain present, there always had to be something mischievous added to it.
You set it down on your nightstand by your bed. Maybe you’d open it. But not now, you’ll deal with whatever happens when you open it later.
Maybe about two hours later that bloody owl had come back. You snatched the letter and tore it open, there was no more care in you to be neat with the envelopes.
It’s a bit rude to receive our letter and not respond, I thought you’d said before that you were the one with manners, Ms. Y/L/N. How’d you like your gift? Don’t leave us waiting and wondering! 
One of them had drawn a stick figure with a sad face, with tiny rows of tears falling from its eyes. You smiled at it, then stopped, going back to a straight face once you remembered who this drawing was from. You did not find the twins funny, you never will.
You stomped over to your desk, grabbing a piece of paper, a bottle of ink, and your quill, writing the only letter you would ever send them willingly.
The dinner was very nice, I’m grateful and appreciative that your mother let us come over. I thank her for that. I’m not trusting that box you gave me. I’m not sending any more letters to you two dimwits. Now, shut up and leave me alone you CREEPS!
You wrote the last word in red ink with multiple underlines, hoping they would get your message and finally leave you alone, you knew they wouldn’t, but you tried anyway. You signed your name off nicely, unbothered to put it in an envelope, you weren’t going to put a single bit of effort into anything that was for Fred and George. You gave your paper to your owl this time instead of theirs, giving her sweet words of appreciation and asking her for one extra favor.
“Bite Fred for me, or whichever twin is closer.” You smiled, sending your owl out your window and off into the air.
Only thirty minutes later your owl had returned with a letter, the same one you had sent to them, the only difference was that it had different writing on the back.
We’ll see about that. You let out an angry sigh, crumpling it up and throwing it into the bin, along with the various other purple envelopes. 
You closed and locked your window, putting your owl in her cage and letting her go to bed, covering her cage with a sheet so she wouldn’t be woken up by any light. Then, you decided to go to bed as well, hoping you would sleep through any other attempts of the boys trying to piss you off by sending you letters. 
Fortunately, after that it was silent. Unfortunately, your own thoughts were too loud, they were keeping you awake.
There was a small interaction you had with Fred, it lasted probably for only a minute. 
You were standing in the corner of the kitchen as everyone was conversing in their own separate groups. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley talking to your parents, Ginny and Hermione both complaining about Ron, Ron and Harry were debating about something Quidditch related with the twins.
All the social interaction had drained you, and you really needed to be alone. You excused yourself once again to the bathroom, which was on the third floor. You stood around for a little while in the bathroom, with how talkative your parents were, you knew you wouldn’t be leaving for the next few hours. 
You wondered how long you could be there, how long it would take for anybody to notice that you've been gone for an abnormally large amount of time. You realized you couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever so you left.
You reached the first floor when you realized you weren't ready to go back down where everyone was, you decided to wander down the hallway. Walking slowly and taking small steps, taking a look at each room with an open door. The rooms were a bit small but still nice, at least Ginny’s was still nice.
Her bed was neatly made, there was a wooden desk that had little trinkets lined up across it, a quill and ink sat carefully on top of some papers. Her wall had various Hogwarts and Gryffindor-related things stuck to it.
The next room was above hers, on the second floor. This one was a bit more spacious than the others. Two beds on opposite sides of the room, and another large wooden desk, the same as Ginny’s placed right in front of a window. Except this desk was messy, the whole room was messy.
Beds unmade, socks sprawled across the floor, clothes shoved poorly into their dresser drawer, some popular rock wizard bands posters terribly taped and quidditch medals pinned to the wall. Their desk had multiple crumpled-up balls of paper on it and around it, envelopes, drops, and splatters of black ink staining the glossy wood, candy wrappers, an open textbook nearly about to fall off the edge, and papers with sketches and such bad handwriting it looked like scribbles. 
You fully walked into the room and went over to the desk, picking up one of the parchments that had the most eligible writing. It was a list of sweets, apparently. You’ve never heard of these before.
“Hasn’t your mother told you not to snoop around?” A voice asked from behind you. You jumped and turned around quickly, only to see a tall, redheaded, smirking boy leaning against the doorway. 
Fred, you could tell it was him. He and George are easy to tell apart, for you at least. The way Fred carries himself, how he stands, how he looks, how he annoys you.
“Hasn’t yours told you not to sneak up on people?” You bit back. He shrugged and pushed himself away from the doorway, slowly walking towards you.
“Ah! You’ve found me and George's great ideas!” He nodded at the paper that was still in your hand. The paper that had their “great” ideas, sure.
“How are these great? Fever fudge? Puking pastille? Who would even want these? It’s sick!” You said disgustedly.
“They are sick. Literally.” He chuckled, only to get a grimace from you. “Anyways, kids who want to get out of class want these. But, we’re still working on them. Some of them haven’t worked out the way we wanted them to.” He trailed off.
“Yeah, like the canary cream.” You let out a small scoff.
“Listen, it was an accident!” Fred cried out, taking the paper from you.
“An accident you thought was hilarious.” You spat. Fred’s eyes wandered until they got stuck on a shiny piece of something in your hair. Confetti.
“Uh, you’ve got some confetti in your hair.” He pointed out. Your eyes grew wide in embarrassment, you’d been here the entire time with confetti still stuck in your hair and no one informed you about it. You took your fingers and immediately started combing through your hair.
“Did I get it?” You asked anxiously, Fred only shook his head from side to side. You repeated your actions and asked again, he repeated his again in response. 
“You know what, let me just…” He mumbled, his hand reaching out to your head, plucking out the piece with caution to not pluck out a strand of your hair as well, you didn’t stop him. “There. It’s out.” He gave you a tight-lipped smile.
There was a pause between you two. Time felt like it slowed down as he removed his hand from your hair. There was a twinkle in his eye, his face glowed in the moonlight which was the only source of light in the room. 
“Well, no thanks to you. You’re the one who caused it to get stuck there in the first place.” You shoved past him once again. Heading back downstairs.
Tossing, turning, constantly changing your position, removing blankets, flipping your pillows. Nothing seemed to help you get comfortable. You even tried the classic counting sheep. Nothing.
The moonlight peeked through your windows, and a large stripe of light shined on that stupid little box. You couldn’t take your eyes off it.
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mgcldydrms · 1 year
After Study Cuddles ( Cedric Diggory )
requested by anon: hello! if you’re taking requests, may you do a fluff drabble with cedric x fem! (or gender neutral if you prefer) reader who are both cuddling after studying for their OWLS? tysm!!
word count: 0.6k
warnings: lots of fluff
pairing: cedric diggory x gn!reader
author's note: thank you so much for this request and I'm sorry that it took me a while to write it. I'm currently so in love with everything harry potter, so if you have any requests, please send them in!
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A frustrated sigh left your lips while you made your way inside the Hufflepuff common room. Your boyfriend, Cedric, had an amused smile on his lips as he followed behind you, quickly noticing the way other Hufflepuff students looked at the two of you, hence he couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I really can’t do this anymore.”, you said, annoyance lacing your voice before you let yourself fall on one of the sofas. Cedric sat down next to you. You let your hair, which had just been in a ponytail, down, feeling the light headache fade away while simultaneously massaging your scalp.
Both of you had been in the library the whole day, only leaving it to get some food in the Great Hall. Your OWL’s were coming up, and you, especially Cedric though, needed to get good results, hence most of your Hogwarts days currently only consisted of classes, eating, studying and a little sleep.  
Your boyfriend wanted to follow in his dad’s footsteps and wanted to get a job at the Ministry of Magic. On the other hand, you still had no idea what you wanted to do after graduating from Hogwarts. You had always dreamed of having a small shop in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. Your parents weren’t that supportive of this idea, however, Cedric tried to encourage you to just go for what you really wanted and not care about what anyone else thought.
“Exams are almost over,” Cedric stated while he put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him before he gently kissed your temple.
“And once they are, we will put all our schoolbooks away. We can finally go on those Hogsmeade dates that you’ve been wanting to go on for so long.”
This made a bright smile appear on your lips. You looked up at your boyfriend, who grinned down at you. Even before you two started dating, Cedric always knew what to say or do to make you feel better.
“Well, that is definitely somewhat of a motivation. Finally, something to look forward to after all this stress.”
You leaned in and pressed a loving kiss on your boyfriend’s lips, both of you smiling into it before you slightly pulled away. You couldn’t help but press another few pecks on his lips, making Cedric laugh. You scrunched up your nose lightly, admiring your boyfriend’s features a bit more before you put your head on his chest, feeling his hand caress your arm.
Even though you knew that your common Hufflepuffs were probably watching you, you didn’t care about it. You loved sitting in the common room, cuddled up to Cedric. It was cosy, and it was your second home. It made you feel calm and collected, and you always looked forward to sitting on the sofa in the evening after you were done with classes.
You felt Cedric press another kiss on top of your head. You looked up at him, a soft smile gracing your lips while you leaned in and pressed yet another sweet kiss on your boyfriend’s lips. You just couldn’t get enough of him.
“Thank you for being there for me and helping me whenever I have no idea what Professor Trelawney is talking about.”
The two of you started laughing, knowing exactly that neither you nor Cedric really knew what she was talking about.
“No need to thank me. You know I love spending as much time with you as possible.”
You knew that you were blushing, but you didn’t mind. Everyone knew that you were utterly in love with Cedric Diggory, and he was with you.
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moonstruck-poet · 8 months
Soft Spot
Pairing - Severus Snape x platonic!reader, Wolfstar x daughter!reader
Summary - Severus Snape, the sworn enemy of Sirius and Remus Lupin-Black maybe does indeed have a soft spot for their only daughter.
Warnings - teasing, bullying
Requested by - @roselilasstuff Hope this is good enough and thank youu<33
It was early morning, the rays of the sun just peeking over the lush green mountains to shower the world with warmth. The golden light clashed with coppery-brown irises, making them look like pools of melted honey.
You smiled from your place on top of one such small hill overlooking the gorgeous, crystal blue lake of Hogwarts.
Half an hour more, you muttered to herself. Thirty minutes more till a new school day will begin, till the Great Hall would be filled with the chattering of students, till you would once again be the object of non-stop staring.
You sighed bitterly. Five years had passed but to no avail. Every year brought new students who proved to be worse than the previous ones.
"There you are!" George Weasley's voice broke through her inner turmoil as he came sauntering towards you, slightly breathless.
"Morning George," a smile replaced that resentful frown. "What brings you here this early in the morning?"
"Nothing just wanted to talk to you," he grinned suspiciously making you narrow your eyes at him. "Come on," he urged and you let yourself be pulled by one of the few friends you had successfully made.
"Got a new one scarface?" Pansy Parkinson, a measly third-year yelled as soon as you set foot in the Hall.
You rolled your eyes, keeping them straight while making your way towards the Gryffindor table. But suddenly it seemed as though millions of eyes were burning holes on your neck, right where you had indeed gotten a thin but long scar.
"Five points from Slytherin, Ms Parkinson," McGonagall said sternly and shot a sharp glare towards the younger girl who merely scoffed before smirking.
Sitting down at the table in your own secluded corner, you piled up your plate with whatever was within reach, not bothering to ask anyone for some syrup or jam.
Your eyes flitted to your timetable to check what all classes were awaiting you and you smiled amidst a huge bite of bacon. There was double potions today and in spite of it being one of the most hated subjects, you were proud to have excelled in it.
So as soon as the clock sounded, signalling the start of classes, you wasted no time in swinging your backpack on your shoulder and darting out of the hall. Your fellow classmates too followed your lead, not wanting to face the wrath of the Potions Master at the beginning of the day.
The dungeons were always particularly cold, so a black leather jacket, obviously a gift from your dad was snug over your frame, providing a great comfort. However your Papa's sweaters would always be the best, not that you'd tell the former about that.
Grinning at the thought of your parents you pushed open the door and sat in your allocated places which was not favoured by the others who wanted to sit with their best friends. Though you didn't seem to mind as you always worked better alone.
But maybe luck was indeed on your side as you had gotten a pretty good benchmate.
"Nice to see you smiling," Cedric Diggory laughed and sat beside you, taking out his textbooks and keeping them neatly on the table, his action mirroring yours.
"Why thank you, Ced," you chuckled back but then winced as your cheeks stretched, leading to a burning sensation from one of your fresh scars.
The Hufflepuff looked concerned but you shook him off, giving him a tight smile. The last thing you wanted to for someone to overhear and start a rant about how delicate and fragile you were.
The doors suddenly slammed shut and in strode Severus Snape, black robes billowing dramatically as he walked towards the board and flicked his wand.
The class watched in silence as instructions began appearing of the potion they were supposed to brew today. He then turned around swiftly, his dark beady eyes scanning every face to spot any shenanigans but thankfully every person was focussed.
"Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: The Draught of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation," he spoke, his voice barely above a mutter but it was carried evenly throughout as the class listemed with rapt attention.
"Be warned, if you are too heavy-handed with the ingredients you will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so you will need to pay close attention to what you are doing," Snape paused and upon receiving several nods he gave them an approval to start.
Everybody immediately hustled around to grab the ingredients, but it was all done in a systematic way thanks to the presence of a teacher who you wouldn't ever want on your bad side.
"Alright then should I get a ingredients and supplies? You're much better at this than I am," Cedric scratched his neck with a shy smile and you nodded in reassurance.
"Yep that'll work, thank you".
After an intense amount of time along with the passing of several strange incidents, it was time to stir the potion seven times both clockwise and anticlockwise and then allow it to simmer.
"Five, six, seven.. done," Cedric muttered and then checked his watch for a timer of exactly seven minutes. "And now we wait".
You sighed and pushed your slightly moist hair away from your face, "Now we wait".
The boy beside you suddenly went rigid and you looked up quizzically to only get the reason for his stiffness.
Snape was now taking rounds through the classroom as the potion was to be ready soon enough and you too looked at him nervously as he scanned your cauldron with narrowed eyes.
But then to your surprise his eyes actually softened and his hardened face relaxed. Cedric was nearly jumping with joy on receiving a nod from the teacher which most certainly was one of the highest forms of praise you could get from him.
"You must add the hellebore now, lower the flames and then allow the potion to simmer for exactly seven minutes," Snape's sharp voice snaked through the soft chatter. "If brewed correctly, the potion would emit a silver vapour".
"Godric have mercy," you whispered and lowered the flames while Cedric put on the timer and you both held your breaths, burning holes in the cauldron.
"Time's up!"
There were many mixed reactions, but a majority were definitely unhappy with whatever the hell they managed to brew. It certainly did not look like the draught of peace or even close to it.
You two simply stared as slowly silvery grey fumes were coming from the cauldron and gour face stretched wide in a triumphant grin while he bounced slightly on his feet, feeling so elated that he pulled you in a victory hug which you were more than happy to join.
Unknown to everybody else, the Potions Master allowed a small smile, or actually a slight twitch of lips to escape his stone cold persona. He was undeniably proud at the not so small achievement on one of his finest students. Yes, one of his finest.
He had trouble admitting it to himself but after all it wasn't fair to judge someone based on their family. He had experienced that first hand and was now making an effort to be a more decent person.
Atleast in the case of you. Speaking of Harry James Potter, that was a much bigger problem seeing as he totally loathed that child.
"Five points to Gryffindor," he muttered under his breath when you submitted the vial filled with the perfectly brewed concoction.
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chaoticfics · 11 months
masterpost of fics
Harry Styles:
SNL (Harry Styles X Famous!Reader)
Citrine (Witch!harry)
Sweet as Honey (boxer!harry)
parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Heal (wolf!harry)
7 missed calls (car accident)
historical au (farmhand)
witch harry and yn
baseball harry
harry erectile disfunction
secret pregnancy trope
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
stepdad!harry not being legal guarding of r kid
single mom r
single mom r
teen dad
Spencer Reid
period stain
police officers check out pregnant yn
gf answers door to bau when they were having sex
sr and r kids get kidnapped when they were secret
sr and r kids set them up
sr and r exs, they have a kid
r is witness, dating sr
secret pregnancy/child
one bed trope
lure unsub out by kissing
regulus black
r and reg live with serious during war
muggle born r and having to lie to reg parents
evans!r. lily finds you and reg dating
steve harrington
mike grossed out by pda
sh going crazy for boobs
r loves his uniform
omega steve
wallet photo
after birth, steve scared sex
miguel o’hara
secret pregnancy trope
childhood bestfriends (headcanon)
non-spidey, insecure
misses you
misses you (ceo)
male spiders give back rubs
clingy mig
youre cheated on, m comforts
ppl try to guess whats between you
m breaking bed
shy/inexperienced m
secret preg trope
fake relationship
m back scratches
anatomy lesson
Cedric Diggory
cd and r's kid tells their story
smut after practice
Jack Hughs
secret prg trope
single!mom: one, two, three
want baby
walked during sex
daughter comforts after loss
max thunderman
pheobe catches you two
fake marriage
failed flying
wife kidnapped by riddler
s and r are secretly dating
s and r are engaged
secret pregnancy
oikawa x r
loki x daughter!r
georgie cooper x r
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delicrieux · 1 year
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 | endless drabble series (winter edition)  
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pairing—cedric diggory x f!reader summary—a dose of truth with hot chocolate (17) request from @cxarloxe​—Hi can I request a Cedric Diggory x Gryffindor reader where they’re actually the best of friends and she has liked him for years but she lost hope because it’s like he never sees her y’know? so when Cedric starts to pursue Cho, she decided that it’s time for her to move on but when Cedric saw her getting close to someone else he just got really jealous and possessive and confess that he actually like her too, he just doesn't want to ruin their friendship if it doesn’t work out? thanks! word count—814
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open for the winter prompts list 1 & 2 !  
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A plight of changing scenery runs by your mind: mid-afternoon snowy scapes and Cedric’s sharp voice echoing like a whip, the tell-tale signs of fury dying pale cheeks rose, the uncomfortable silence in a fire-lit room. You sit wrapped in woven blankets and feet warm in woolen socks, holding a cup of hot chocolate to your face and breathing in slowly, cautiously, acutely aware that he sits on the other side of the room. Cedric’s quiet after today’s ordeal. Thoughtful, perhaps ashamed. 
Winter vacation is unbearable like this. Your modest home, a flat tucked in the nook of London, is too small to hold all of these feelings you can’t make out. The words you wish to say melt on the tip of your tongue. You listen to the fire crackle. In moments, you think he’s about to break his silence, but then he slumps into himself again.
“D’you like it?” You ask, startling him. Your voice is soft and cold-ridden, a rasp between the lungs. You motion to the drink in his hand, “My dad’s recipe.”
“It’s delicious.” 
Silence again.
You wish to know what is wrong - what had happened to upset him so terribly to the point that he had snapped. Cedric’s always been kind, even shy at times, and never overtly displeased or angry, at least, not in the way he had been today. You had known him your whole life and never felt what you do now. In the line of years of your friendship, the atmosphere has never once been so tense, nor has your wit and vocabulary failed you so greatly.
You file through topics, settle on something painful but easily masked with a smile: “How’s Cho?”
He scoffs, sets his mug down, flexes his fingers and stares into his hands unable to look at you, “I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” He speaks eventually.
The chocolate is tart and sweet in your mouth, “...Well, you said it, not me. But yes, I do think your actions as of recent have been...”
“Suppose I deserve that.” He mumbles, sinking into your father’s plush armchair. His gaze levels somewhere over your head, “Sorry. For today.”
“Don’t, I like a scandal.” You state, “It’s the whole pizzazz - fireworks and exploding crackers, the pop-and-whiz of cotton candy smoke from Junko’s that, I, well, George and I, stole.” You take a sip, “But it wasn’t quite that today.” You lower your gaze, “I don’t really know what that was.”
He had been staying with your family for the winter holidays, a yearly occurrence that no one found strange. And on the daily trek through London’s ancient architecture and narrow roads, there was a muggle boy you ran into only in summer, when the asphalt was warm and there was chewing gum stuck to the sole of your shoe. He had said hello and moved for a hug, and you had returned with the enthusiasm of someone trying to move on. 
Cedric liked Cho, after all, and there was no need for you to stick around and squeeze your heart sore. 
There were harsh words exchanged, then, displeased glances and a coldness you have never felt directed your way from the one that mattered most. The summer boy stumbled back, flustered, and with “’S nothing, man, cheers.” rushed away quickly. A thin layer of snow covered the pavement. Only his tracks were left.
“Sorry,” He mutters, “not sure, either. He a friend of yours?”
You shrug, “I guess.”
“He looked...nice.”
Your eyes narrow, “Merlin’s beard, Cedric, just spit it out already.”
He frowns, “I can’t.”
He’s incredibly torn for someone so young. You dare not linger on his face, afraid to recognize that feeling, afraid to misread it. 
“I can’t tell you.”
“Can you show me, then?”
“You’ll hate me.”
“There’s nothing you could do for me to hate you.”
He seems to be in a fight with himself, one he eventually forfeits and stands. His pretty features are dyed in the ember light. Cedric approaches slowly, and your breath suddenly rings so loud. You set your cup down on the table with quivering hands.
He sits down beside you, taut and awkward, and he’s nothing like he’s in school - charming and talkative. He seems a tad lost, and you watch him anxiously, ready for...what, exactly?
“You...You won’t hate me?” He asks again, finding your gaze, locking it there. Your heart thuds in your chest and you slowly shake your head. He’s beautiful, your mind sounds suddenly struck by the thought, consumed by it. Your mouth goes dry. He nods.
“Then...Then...” He breeches the distance between the two of you, his lips landing on your in a warm, sweet kiss. He tastes like hot chocolate and your head spins.
He pulls back slightly, his warm breath fanning your lips, “Sorry, then, sorry, but I really--I really like you.”
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hope u liked it ! <3 for 2023, tpwk ✧・゚:
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michwritesstuff · 2 years
You’re Not So Bad (Harry Potter: Adrian Pucey)
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THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR SO LONG! never finished this the way i wanted to so i cut a bit out and kept it at this, might have another part but i’m not sure yet! hope you guys like it :)
summary: hufflepuff female reader (she/her) x adrian pucey He was a Slytherin. She was a muggle born Hufflepuff. What more can I say? (get it? like sk8r boi?) anyways…Y/N is a proud and talented member of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. After one too many coincident encounters with Slytherin’s Adrian Pucey, she realizes that maybe she was wrong in her initial judgement of him and his housemates. notes/warnings: mentions of blood word count: 1.9 k
Another year at Hogwarts meant another year of getting to take the Hogwarts Express. As a muggle born you never failed to be excited by the enchanting nature of the Wizarding World. If your parents weren’t too busy with work, they would have been dropping you off themselves. Much like you, your parents loved everything about the Wizarding World and cherished the times when you needed to go to Diagon Alley.
You thanked the cab driver as he pulled up outside of King’s Cross Station and walked to the back of the car, dragging your trunk out. As you continued along through the station, you walked at a steady pace until you had reached platform 9 ¾. As nonchalantly as possible you glanced from side to side before walking directly through the platform wall. The Hogwarts Express came into view, steam whistling from the front as families lined the platform. You pushed your way through, trying your best to avoid bumping into anyone. Finally, Cedric and his dad came into view.
“Hey Y/N!” he called out when he saw you.
“Hi Ced, how have you been?” you asked, pulling him into a hug.
“Good, you know...taking care of this old man,” he laughed as he patted his dad on the back.
You laughed along before turning to pull Cedric’s dad into a hug.
“Y/N my girl, how are you? How are your parents?” he asked.
“They’re doing good, wish they could be here of course,” you smiled.
“Well, I’ll be sure to send them some stuff from our garden and let them know I saw you and Ced off, how about that,” Amos stated.
You smiled at him warmly before thanking him one last time.
Grabbing your trunk you followed Cedric through the train, quickly glancing around the carriages in hope of finding an empty one or finding the rest of your friends. You stumbled along behind him, a carriage door sliding open as the two of you passed.
“Diggory,” a voice called out.
You and Cedric snapped your heads around, trying to place who had spoken. None other than Marcus Flint stepped out of the carriage. You glanced inside and saw two other Slytherin quidditch players who you recognized to be Adrian Pucey and Terrence Higgs whispering among themselves.
“Suppose your ready to lose to us again this year?” Flint taunted.
“Suppose your ready for me to fly circles around you again this year?” you replied, a smirk growing across your face as Flint’s smug look was replaced by a look of disdain.
You could hear Pucey and Higgs’ giggles increase at your statement. They knew it was true. The Slytherin team was strong and known for their unfair play, but Y/N Y/L/N was one of the best flyers at Hogwarts.
“You wish Y/L/N! Gonna wipe the pitch with you mudblood,” he threatened.
Your eyes widened at the ghastly use of such a word, your eyes quickly scanning Flint and the people behind him. Pucey and Higgs’ giggles long gone. Higgs quietly looked down at the floor of the compartment, trying his hardest not to make eye contact. Pucey however, stared right back at you. His eyes held something you couldn’t quite place, sadness? No, why would he be sad, he probably just pitied you.
Cedric’s hand found your shoulder and hurried you along the corridor of the train. Finding the carriage with the rest of your friends, Cedric ushered you in. As he retold the story bout the encounter with Flint they all gasped and looked offended and disgusted by Flint’s behavior.
“He’s an asshole, we knew this already,” you stated.
“I’m fine guys, promise,” you smiled weakly.
Truth was, you were fine. Flint’s aimless name calling didn’t concern you. You were proud of who you were and who your parents were, it didn’t matter. You were going to wipe the pitch with him this season AND continue to fly circles around him. The biggest thing on your mind had nothing to do with Flint, you were too concerned with Pucey. You couldn’t erase the look on his face from your memory.
That night all previous conversation about Flint had subsided as it was replaced by conversations about the summer break and upcoming term. From laughing and joking about the first years waiting to be sorted to complaining about having Herbology with the Slytherins.
Classes were finally in full swing and the first quidditch game of the season was approaching this weekend. Unfortunately, you felt unprepared for both. Practices had been long and gruesome, and they left you with little free time for studying and getting work done. This meant hours spent in the library and sneaking into the kitchens where the house elves offered you coffee and various pastries to help you get through the long nights.
So here you were, sitting at a table with books open and sprawled out. Unused rolls of parchment lined up next to your spare quill and bottle of ink. You worked absentmindedly scrawling as much as you could about the effects of fresh mandrake juice on petrification. Ever since the incident with the Chamber of Secrets being reopened, Professor Sprout thought it useful understand the importance of utilizing the magical properties of specific plants, rather than just how to care for them. Rereading the same line for what felt like the hundredth time, your attention was interrupted by an unexpected voice.
“Room for one more?”
You looked up to find none other than Adrian Pucey to be the source of the voice, book bag hanging off his shoulder. He motioned to the seat across from you.
“Uhm, yeah let me just…” you trailed off as you attempted to gather and organize all your materials to your side of the table. Pucey lightly chuckled at your frazzled state. Sitting down and pulling his own parchment and books out, his eyes glanced over your materials.
“Working on the Herbology essay?” he asked, his eyes focused on his own parchment.
“Yeah, though I don’t know how much more I can possibly write, you?” you replied.
“Nah, I finished that the other day. My muggle studies essay on the other hand…” You glanced up to meet Adrian’s eyes at his statement, giving him a look that meant to explain.
“Mum loves plants, grew up with those bloody curlers’ and books about them,” he stated, referencing the mandrakes. You laughed at his comment, they were truly dreadful to work with.
“What’s your muggle studies essay about?” you asked curiously, eyes scanning to the top of his parchment which read Muggle Transportation.
“Have to write the about the importance of public transportation in muggle communities. Not really sure what to include, I wasn’t really paying attention these last few lessons.” You once again giggled at his explanation.
“Well then…if you help me with this herbology essay than I’ll help you with yours. Not sure if you know this, but I’m quite the muggle expert,” you mused.
“Deal,” Adrian replied, a warm smile growing on his face.
The two of you spent the next hour working on your essays and making small talk, just getting to know each other.
“Ughh I don’t think I can ever write another essay again,” you exclaimed dramatically, throwing your quill across the table in the process.
Adrian laughed as he watched you pack all your things. While you gave him some background information and personal experiences about public transportation in your own community, he didn’t write much.
You continued packing until everything had found it’s place in your book bag. You stood up placing your bag on your back.
“You coming?” you asked.
Adrian looked up, eyes meeting yours. He was clearly confused as to what you meant, and to be honest, you weren’t entirely sure why you were inviting him to your secret place. There was something about Adrian, he was kind, welcoming, exciting, and most of all he felt familiar. He was easy to get along with, and from the small amount of conversation you had with him already, he was funny.
He packed his book bag and followed you out into the corridor.
“Where are you taking me Y/L/N?”
“It’s a secret, now keep up Pucey.”
He continued to follow you down a staircase and through a corridor. When you had finally reached the entrance of the kitchen you urged Adrian forward. He stared at you blankly, confused as ever. You took a step forward, now standing shoulder to shoulder with him. Reaching your hand up you tickled the pear in the middle of the portrait. The portrait swung open and revealed a warmly lit large kitchen with pots and pans draping the ceiling.
“Wow,” Adrian breathed out.
The two of you were immediately with welcoming and friendly house elves singing a chorus of “Welcome back Ms. Y/L/N” and “So good to see you Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Welcome to the Hogwarts kitchen Pucey,” you stated.
You thanked Winky as she handed you a warm mug of pumpkin juice and a chocolate chip muffin. Setting your stuff on the counter, you did your best to split the muffin into two equal halves. You handed a half to Adrian who greeted you with a warm smile of thanks.
“This is incredible Y/N,” Adrian mumbled out, his mouth still full with his half of the muffin.
With a wide-eyed gaze Adrian moved through the kitchen like a kid in the candy store, or similar to you at Honeydukes on a weekend trip to Hogsmeade.
“It’s pretty great. I come here during late night study sessions, if I’ve had a shitty day and I’m and feeling stressed, or if I’m just absolutely craving something when I’m in my dorm. The Hufflepuff common room is just around the corner,” you explained.
“And tonight?” Adrian asked.
“Late night study session…and stressed,” you answered chuckling before trailing off at the end.
“About what?” he asked.
“Well school for starters, and this upcoming quidditch match against Gryffindor. I mean we have a strong team and have worked hard at all are practices, but their seeker…I mean Harry is amazing. And I…I need to play phenomenally.”
“Y/N, you’re one of the most amazing flyers I know. The entire school knows this. You truly do fly circles around everyone, not just Flint,” he laughed, his tone reassuring and positive.
You recounted on the day you had first really noticed Adrian Pucey. Unfortunately, it wasn’t one of your fondest memories of Hogwarts. Your parents were too busy with work to see you off and Flint had called you a mudblood. You were distracted from your thoughts when you heard Adrian’s voice.
“I’m sorry about that Y/N,” he stated rather shamefully
“You know, about that day on the train…” he continued.
“Oh uhm yeah, don’t worry about it. It’s not like you said anything. Besides, I know Flint’s just insecure about being outflown by a girl.” Adrian laughed at your statement.
“True…but still, you didn’t deserve that. That term is outdated and inappropriate, and it shouldn’t matter how you got here. You deserve to be here,” he finished.
You smiled widely at him, surprised and touched by his genuineness. Looking at the clock you realized that it was getting late, and with a mandatory team practice before breakfast, you could use all the sleep you could get.
“Uhm I should—I should get going. It’s getting late,” you stated.
“Uh yeah, thanks Y/N, you know…for showing me your secret spot.”
“Anytime Pucey.”
You followed Adrian back out of the portrait, giggling to yourself as he tripped over his own feet trying to do a cool spin. He stumbled a bit before shaking his head in embarrassment, his own laugh roaring from his chest.
“Bloody hell…I’ll catch you later Y/L/N”
“Yeah, later…” you smiled to yourself. You don’t know what it was about him, but Adrian Pucey continued to have an unexplainable effect on you.
a/n: If you like my work please support by liking/reblogging. Also, feel free to message me about ideas. I haven’t written in a while because I don’t have a lot of time, but when inspiration hits i’ll sit down for hours
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jimblejamblewritings · 5 months
Please Comment or inbox on this post
Since the updating the links are taking forever, can y'all tell me which stories you want to read first so I have an order of importance for updating the links?
Also for the fics that are getting new parts, which one do y'all want first so I also understand that order of importance. Some have more "concrete" endings than others or are oneshots people wanted continuation of so I want to know what y'all want to see more. There's:
in Harry Potter
the fake date plot (james potter x reader)
the american weasley (harry potter x reader x draco malfoy)
sweet & sour (george weasley x reader)
riddle means misery (bill weasley x reader)
sweet like a honey badger (cedric diggory x reader)
not the brat pt 2 (poly!marauders x reader)
it just sort of happened (remus lupin x reader)
i'll always come back (sirius x reader)
in Twilight...
our violent delights will not have violent ends (edward cullen x reader x jacob black)
just like me pt 2 (jasper hale x reader)
rogue thoughts pt 2 (jasper hale x reader)
in Marvel/Game of Thrones/High School Musical
little situation (dad!steve rogers x daughter!reader, reader x peter parker)
your moniker should be cruel (dark!aegon x reader x cregan stark)
luck be a leading lady (ricky bowen x reader)
the dragon heir won't continue until season 2 comes out because I like to change the plot within the storylines/guidelines set by the original work.
Thanks guys!
EDIT: I forgot the Sirius fic cause the other two are done
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swiftieblyth · 4 months
Harry Potter
Okay, so where are my Fred and Draco people???
I have a fic I’ve been working on, and it’s about two sisters. The oldest is the same year as the Weasley twins and ends up with Fred. The youngest is the same he as the Golden Trio and ends up with Draco. It’s filled with lots of fluff, angst, family drama, family plot twists, major ending plot twists if I decide to do what I’m thinking. It will be a long series starting from book one, going to epilogue of book 7. However both of the sisters are named to keep from being confused on who’s who. Would you guys still be interested in it?
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darknights04 · 1 year
From the Shadows
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Summary: You and Draco have been best friends with each other for most of your time at Hogwarts. As far as the rest of the school knew, however, neither of you could stand the other. It's not until you're in an accident that nearly results in your death that Draco sees a flaw in this plan.
Not proofread (as usual)
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If you had asked anyone else at Hogwarts, they’d tell you that Draco Malfoy couldn’t stand Y/n L/n. They’d say that no two people hated each other more. That they’re more opposite than day and night. But if you had ever seen them when no one was watching, you’d know that opposites attract.
Draco and Y/n had never had a romantic relationship before. They had been friends since they were toddlers. Being from two of the most prominent pure-blodded families in England would do that to you. While their fathers talked ministry business and their mothers gushed over their children together, the two children in question would play together all day long. In the summers they would run around in the gardens, and in the winter they would find games to play indoors. 
That was until they turned eleven. 
Y/n never expected that going to Hogwarts would affect their friendship. Neither did Draco. That was until the sorting ceremony. Draco knew Y/n wouldn’t get sorted into Slytherin with him. It wasn’t the house for her. She wasn’t as ambitious and cunning as he was. Not to mention that almost everyone in her family was either a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff. Personally he knew she would be the latter. His parents, well his dad really, was not okay with this sorting. When Draco sent his first letter home announcing what houses the two were in, his father demanded he cut all ties with the girl. As 11-year-old Draco was still under the impression he could win the love and respect from his father, he tried to appeal to his request. That original plan immediately went out the window when he tried to break it off with her. He barely got half the sentence out before tears began to well up on the end of her eyelid. If you asked her about it now, she would deny the fact that she’d ever cry at the thought of losing Draco. 
Instead of heeding his father’s warning, Y/n and Draco devised a plan. In school while other people were watching they would be just like any other students at Hogwarts. But in private, they were just like any other pair of childhood friends. Yes, they took the fake disdain a little far sometimes, Draco especially. And yes, after a few years it started to take a toll on Y/n. 
It was their fourth year at Hogwarts when Y/n made friends with the golden boy of the Hufflepuff house, Cedric Diggory. She had always seen him around before, being in the same house, but they’d never really talked until the end of her third year. After that, she couldn’t seem to get rid of him. Not that she was complaining, he was good company to keep. Draco on the other hand, hated Cedric. From the moment he became friends with Y/n Draco had a slightly higher amount of disdain reserved for the Hufflepuff prefect. It didn’t help that Cedric would stand up to him when the two pretended to bicker with each other. To be fair, however, Draco’s “pretending” did seem very real. If it hadn’t been for their nightly meetups in the astronomy tower, Y/n would think he really did hate her. But she understood. He had a lot to live up to. 
Currently, Y/n was spending her afternoon in the courtyard with Cedric and his friends. He had just been named Hogwart’s champion for the Triwizard tournament along with the Potter boy. Y/n knew him, being in the same year and all, but she’d never spoken to him before really. 
Cedric and her were laughing with his friends, all of whom were sporting a “Potter sticks, Cedric rules” badge on their robes.  Y/n didn’t know for sure who had passed them around, but she had a small suspicion that it was Malfoy. While she was sitting on a bench with all of Cedric’s friends, he began to laugh at something one of them said and layed down, resting his head on Y/n’s lap. This small interaction did not go unnoticed by Draco, perched from a tree across the way. 
This interaction, however, was short lived as Harry Potter himself began to approach the group. While the rest of his friends continued to jeer at and insult him, Cedric sat up quickly, attentive for what he might say. 
“Can we talk?” he said simply. 
“Uh, yeah… sure…” 
Harry lef Cedric just a few feet away, still in ear shot of the group and explained to Cedric what the first task was. Dragons. That was all he said. As Cedric approached the group again, Y/n was sitting there with wide eyes. 
“Dragons?!” she had exclaimed. “Dragons is your first task?” 
“They did say this tournament was dangerous.” 
“Yeah but not death dangerous on the first task! What’s the third task going to be? Facing off with You-Know-Who himself?” 
“Relax, Y/n,” Cedric said with a small smile. “I’ll do fine. Just so long as you’re in the stands cheering me on.” 
“Of course, Ced, I wouldn’t miss out on it for anything. Even if you will worry me sick the whole time.” 
The night before the first task, Y/n was on her way to meet Draco in the astronomy tower as usual. When she got there, he wasn’t. It wasn’t uncommon for him not to be the first there. It was always a toss up to figure out who would be the first to arrive. But he was always just a couple minutes behind her, if that. Today, she was waiting for almost an entire hour. The later it got the more she was considering just leaving. Right as she was gathering her things, however, she could see him reaching the top of the stairs. 
“Oh,” he said, completely nonchalant; as if she hadn’t been waiting here for almost an hour for him to show. “Didn’t think you would show up.”
“You didn’t think I would show up?” she repeated with a small scoff. “You didn’t think I was going show up? Draco I have been sitting here for almost an hour, where were you?” 
Draco shrugged. “You’ve been spending so much time with Diggory lately that I didn’t think you’d be able to make the time for me.”
“Draco,” Y/n sighed simply. “I am allowed to have friends outside of our secret rendezvous every day. I mean, other that an hour or two out of the night I don’t get to speak to you all day. Excuse me for making friends unconditionally.” 
Draco’s gaze fell  to the ground. She was right. Of course she was right. And yes, he did feel bad. But reputation was everything to Draco’s father. And his father’s approval was everything to Draco. 
When he didn’t say anything, Y/n let out another sigh, grabbing the rest of her things and beginning to walk towards the staircase. 
“Wait,” Draco said, grabbing her arm before she could get too far. “Listen, I’m sorry, I am. It’s just hard. Getting to see everyone else be your friend during school. I would give anything to tell them to piss off, she already has a best friend.”
“But you don’t want it to get back to your father,” she finished for him. “Draco, I know. I grew up around your father, I see how he treats you. We’ve been through this time and time again.”
“That doesn’t make it right.” 
Draco pulled Y/n over to one of the walls in the room and sat down, Y/n following soon after, resting her head on her shoulder. Draco followed in suit, pulling his arms around her, hugging her to him, burying his face in her hair. 
“I hate this,” he said after a few moments of silence. “I hate having to hide you.” 
“I hate pretending that I hate you.” 
Draco chuckled at that comment. “You’re not very good at it.” 
“You’re too good at it.”
It was quiet again. Neither really minded. Y/n was simply enjoying Draco’s company while his mind was clouded with thoughts. He felt bad. He knew they couldn’t be friends with one another but did that mean he had to go out of his way to put her down in front of everyone? But at thins point it’s what everyone expects. He couldn’t stop now without raising suspicion. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt Y/n shiver beneath his hold. 
“Are you cold? Do you want my pullover?” he asked quickly, already moving before she could answer.
“No, no I’m okay.” 
“No really, it’s freezing up here tonight, take it.” 
“But won’t you be cold then?”
“I’ll be fine,” he said, before she even agreed he already had her arms up, pulling his sweater over her head. “Better?” 
“Yeah, thank you. Remind me to give it back before we leave.”
“Because, people will recognize it as yours, it could raise some questions that I don’t want you to have to deal with.” 
Draco chuckled again. “You’re overthinking this, Y/n/n.”
“Brat,” she responded simply. 
The two reminded in silence once again. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, they just enjoyed being around one another. Draco began to let his mind wander again. He felt guilty. For a multitude of reasons. The latest one being letting Y/n stay alone up here before finally dragging himself up the stairs. In his previous mindset, he thought she deserved it. Now he couldn’t even remember what he was upset over. Now all he could do was regret every second she spent here alone. 
Neither knew how much time had passed, but eventually Draco felt Y/n’s small breaths become slower, knowing she had nodded off. 
“Y/n,” he said simply, gently trying to wake her. “Hey, let’s go to bed.”
She grunted in response, tightening her arms around him to signal she didn’t want to go anywhere. Draco chuckled. 
“Hey, if I could carry you back to your dorm I would but since I can’t we should go before you really don’t want to wake up.”
“Fine,” she sighed, lifting her head from his shoulder, a large yawn escaping her lips. “But only because I want to wake up in time to see the first task.”
Draco stood from the floor first, offering his hands out for her to follow suit so they could both head to sleep. 
The next morning, Y/n did not wake up as intended. It was approaching eleven in the morning, the rest of the school had already started heading down the the Quidditch pitch by ten. She was still asleep. 
Cedirc was continuously poking his head out the champions’ tent, searching the crowd for Y/n while Draco was doing the same from the stands. Neither could spot the girl anywhere. Cedric sighed with slight disappointment as the cannon went off, signaling the start of the first task. 
Y/n woke up shortly after. At first she had no reason to rush as in her still half-asleep mind she dind’t immediately think about the task going on just on the other side of the school. And then, a dragon roar was heard in the distance and it hit her. 
Y/n threw her blankets off the bed and rushed to the door, not even caring to change out of her pajamas before charging through the corridor. Not caring to take off the cardigan given to her by Draco previously. She meant to give it back last night, honestly she did, but it had slipped her mind in her tired state. 
If she had been more alert and had more common sense, Y/n would have known that there was no physically possible way that she could make it all the way down to the pitch before the task was over, especially considering it was well on it’s way. A sane person would have waited until it was over and just met everyone back here and save herself the walking. But she was in a panicked state so none of that crossed her mind. 
With her shoes on, Y/n sprinted out the dorms and through the basement. Once she got outside, Y/n heard another dragon roar. It sounded so close, she thought maybe that meant the arena wasn’t as far as she thought. This idea, however, quickly left her mind as she turned around to find a giant dragon not a hundred feet away from her. 
Y/n’s eyes went wide as it seemed to look right through her. Since it was standing on the roof of the castle, she ran in the opposite direction over the bridge she was on the end of. Before she even made it across, the dragon changed course. She looked towards the direction of the dragon and instead saw a boy on a broom. Flying straight towards her. 
Before she had the chance to think of a curse to send his way for putting her in danger, he flew through the arches of the bridge, dragon right on his tail. Y/n watched in horror as the dragon (attempted to) fly through the bridge as well, breaking off many large pieces in the process. As the dragon fell, its tail whipped out and pulled Y/n’s feet out from under her, sweeping her to the ground as the rubble fell closer and closer. 
“Wingardium levio-” 
She didn’t have time to finish the spell before the heavy rocks landed on top of her. Making the whole world go black. 
"I say they should've let it toast him," Draco complained to Crabbe and Goyle as they were walking back to the school. "At least then we could get some entertainment from it."
"Well Krum's fight was exciting at least," Crabbe shrugged. 
"And that Fleur girl got a little singed," Goyle added.
As they all got closer to the schoo, they stopped. There were little pieces of damage in a couple corners of the castle. Most the shingles had been pulled off the roof and the main bridge leading back to the castle was practically in shambles. 
"Well it looks like Potter's dragon did a number on the school," Goyle chuckled. 
None saw the big deal about any of this until they were actually on the bridge. There was a pile of rubble from the cement blocking most of the path. And sticking out the side of it was a cardigan. Draco’s cardigan. With an arm inside of it. 
Draco didn’t hesitate before pulling out his wand and pointing it straight towards the rubble. "Wingardium Leviosa," He casted, focusing as to not drop it again as he moved it to the outside of the bridge over the water. He was fighting the urge to look towards the body that was undoubtedly under the pile. If he broke eye contact with the boulders, it would simply fall back atop its victim. All that was going through his head, however, was that he didn’t see Y/n at the task. Even after she had been so excited to attend the day before. He almost had the pile far away enough not to cause any more damage to anything when-
"Is that the Y/l/n girl?" Crabbe exclaimed.
Draco’s head snapped away from the pile just as it wasn't above the bridge anymore and saw Y/n lying unconscious on the ground. His eyes widened and it took everything in his power not to sprint to her side and make sure she was okay.
"Uhm," He stuttered, trying to keep his composure. "Why don't you both go get one of the professors?" 
The three had left while everyone was still celebrating, so they were still a few minutes behind at least.
"What?" they complained. "Why do we have to go? I don't see what the big deal is."
"Do you want her blood to be on our hands?" he had almost hissed at them. "Just go!"
"Okay, fine."
Crabbe and Goyle both left and Draco waited until they were out of view before rushing to her side. 
"Y/n?" he whispered to her. "Come on, please wake up."
He put his hand in front of her nose and mouth to make sure she was breathing while watching her stomach. She was. She wasn't dead. At least not yet. Draco then looked at the arm that was crushed under the cement and carefully picked it up. It was definitely broken. Other than her arm, however, the rest of her looked fine. With the exception of some scrapes and bumps that would be easily cured in the infirmary. 
Draco glanced at her face, moving her hair out of it. No matter how much he knew it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t help but think of reasons why it could be. Maybe if he had let her sleep last night instead of returning her to her dorm. Maybe if he was honest about their friendship he could have picked her up and walked the whole way with her, ensuring she was on time. Maybe if-
"Oh my word!" Professor Mcgonagall exclaimed when she walked in. Draco quickly stood up, away from Y/n when he saw half the school trailing behind her. "What happened here Mr. Malfoy?"
"Potter," he sneered, looking at his shocked face in the front of the group. "He led his dragon straight towards the bridge with Y/n walking across it. Obviously the dragon ran into it and destroyed the top of the bridge. I levitated an entire pile of cement off of her."
"Is this true, Mr. Potter?" Mcgonagall asked him. 
"I- I mean I-" he stuttered. "I did fly through the bridge to try and lose the dragon but I didn't know she was here. I might've seen something move from the corner of my eye but I had no idea it was a student." 
Draco quietly scoffed and rolled my eyes. Potter never cared about anyone but himself.
“Points will be take from Gryffindor,” was all she replied, shaking her head like a disappointed mother. 
“Points?” Draco sneered in response. “That’s all? He nearly killed a girl and your response is to take away some of his house points?”
“What would you have me do, Mr. Malfoy?” McGonagall continued, clearly unimpressed with his demands. 
“Punish him!” Draco said. By now he was practically steaming from the ears. “Make him write a written apology? Expel him? Give him detention for all I care. I should like to think a person’s life is worth more than a few measly house points.”
“Y/n?” the group heard Cedric exclaim as he approached the girl on the ground. “What happened?” 
“Ask him,” another student from Y/n’s house scowled, pointing at Harry. 
“Mr. Potter I will discuss with the Headmaster what further punishments you will face for this act of carelessness. For the time being, however, take the girl to the infirmary please.”
“I think he’s done quite enough,” Draco sneered, taking a protective step in front of her as Harry made a move towards Y/n.
“I’ll take her,” Cedric offered, scooping his hands under her unconscious form. 
“Watch out for her arm!” Draco near shouted when he saw how he whad been handling her. When Cedric looked at him as if he had three heads, he rescinded his statement with a nonchalant shrug. “It was sticking out of the rubble I moved… it’s most likely broken.” 
Cedric gave a small nod, either one of understanding or one of thanks, Draco didn’t know. But it sufficed nonetheless. 
As Cedric walked away with Y/n in his arms, Draco watched with a heavy heart. He couldn’t go on much longer like this. He needed to tell someone. He needed to tell everyone about your friendship with one another. No longer could he watch your life unfold with him in the shadows. 
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rotten1angel · 1 year
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requests → open!
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dad!sugu blurb, fem!reader
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after you have a bad day headcanons & drabble, gn!reader
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— kenma kozume
glad i found you. blurb, gn!reader
— morisuke yaku
nothing yet
— lev haiba
nothing yet
— kotaro bokuto
nothing yet
— akinori konoha
nothing yet
— keiji akaashi
bringing his daughter to work 0.4k words, fem!reader
— satori tendo
nothing yet
— eita semi
nothing yet
— atsumu miya
black jackals meeting his gf! 0.4k words, fem!reader
atsumu & freckled s/o! imagine, gn!reader
— osamu miya
nothing yet
— rintaro suna
nothing yet
— shinsuke kita
nothing yet
— kiyoomi sakusa
nothing yet
— motoya komori
nothing yet
— sachiro hirugami
nothing yet
avatar (twow)
— neteyam sully
nothing yet
— lo’ak sully
your hands 0.3k words, fem!reader
— ao’nung
nothing yet
— edward cullen
nothing yet
— carlisle cullen
nothing yet
— emmett cullen
nothing yet
— jasper hale
nothing yet
— jacob black
nothing yet
— seth clearwater
nothing yet
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v1olentdelights · 2 years
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Old writings
Timeless - narnia, marvel, lockwood & co, marauders
Harry Potter
Holding you - George Weasley x reader
Sweet Dreams - Male Weasley x reader
Loving George Weasley HC
Dating Neville Longbottom HC
Everything Has Changed - Neville x reader HC
I Just Wanted to Live a Little - George Weasley x reader
She Doesn’t Like Wearing Socks to Bed - previous George Weasley x reader & current Cedric Diggory x reader
Strawberries and Kisses - George Weasley x reader
The Moon and Me - Golden Trio x reader (platonic)
The Great Hall Incident- Regulus Black x reader
Ethereal - Regulus Black x reader
Brighter Than The Stars - Regulus Black x reader
What to do when a Buck Arrives to your Picnic - James Potter x reader
You’re not very pretty - James Potter x reader
The Comeback - Marauders x reader (Sirius Black x reader)
Going Softly... - James Potter x reader
My Son. - Fleamont Potter x James Potter
Sweet blurb - Remus Lupin x reader
The Way the Rain Falls - Sirius Black x Potter!reader
Trust - Sirius Black x reader
Golden Slumbers Masterlist - Sirius Black x reader series
You Will Never Be A God Masterlist - marauders x Pettigrew!reader
Cinderella - Tony Stark x Morgan Stark
Why Do You Sneeze So Loud - Peter Parker x reader
I Was Never Interested in Space- Steve Rogers x reader
The Power of Hand Holding- Loki Laufeyson x reader
Taking Care of You - Peter Parker x reader
Only a Second - Frank Castle x reader
Moments Like These - dad T'Challa x young reader
That Red Love - evil Bucky x evil reader
Our Last Goodbye - Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x non bio daughter reader
Pietro Maximoff HC
Don’t Forget About Me - Edmund Pevensie x reader
Enemies to Lovers? - Caspian x reader
I Know, I Know - Caspian x reader
The Hobbit
Across Realms - Kili Durin x reader
The Bedroom Theory - Kili Durin x reader
Too Late For Tea? - company x reader (fili x reader, but that's not the main plot really)
Ethereal Deity - Fili Durin x reader
We aren't married... yet - Kili Durin x reader
Criminal Minds
You're Gonna Go Far - BAU x reader (aaron hotchner x reader --- but its not really a big point of the fic)
We'll Be Waiting For You - BAU x reader (You're gonna go far pt 2)
Across a Crowded Room - Spencer Reid x reader
What a Mess - Emily Prentiss x reader (younger reader -platonic)
The Barbie Movie - Spencer Reid x reader (a sprinkle of Derek and Penelope)
Lockwood & Co
The Barbie Movie - company x reader (George Karim x reader)
One of us - company x reader (George Karim x reader)
The Summer I Turned Pretty
Summertime Sadness - JJ Maybank x Fisher!fem!reader (conrad x sister!reader)
Dandelion Wishes - Conrad Fisher x sister!reader (though jeremiah, susanah, belly, and steven are all mentioned and make an apperance)
On The Nights You Can't Sleep - Conrad Fisher x sister!reader
Driving Lessons - Jeremiah Fisher x sister!reader
129 notes · View notes
desideriumwriter · 7 months
Anyone But You | Chapter 5 | F.W. x Fem!Reader
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Chapter Summary - Reader makes her way to the Quidditch World Cup using a map of confusing directions and a portkey, she finds out who will be at the games with her. After the games, she gets stuck in the midst of an attack, left injured and on her own.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, slowburn
Content Warnings - cursing, arguing, the quidditch world cup attack, depictions of torture? mentions of blood, mentions of fire, crying, injuries, trampling, mass chaos + fear, (tell me if i missed anything)
Word Count - 4.4k
A/N: not really sure what to say for this one! it's truly chaotic is the most i can say lmaoo, hopefully you enjoy it! feedback is greatly appreciated!
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navigation
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You folded your pajamas in a neat stack and shoved them in your bag. 
You’d spent the past hour packing for tomorrow's events. The Quidditch World Cup games had already started, but you didn’t care all that much. 
You tend to claim you're not a huge fan of quidditch, but there has been one or two times you’ve lost your voice from screaming and cheering during a school match.
Anyways, you stood up, taking a billionth look around your bedroom, making sure there was nothing you needed laying around. 
Preparing for a single night away from home should not be this stressful.
As your eyes traveled around the room, they stopped once they saw the necklace sitting on your dresser.
The moonstone necklace the twins gave you. It sat there, untouched. It’s stayed in that exact same spot since you tossed it out of your suitcase from when you got home for summer break. It’s been like that all summer. 
Until, your mum saw it and fixed it with some simple spell. 
Even though it was fixed and in perfect condition, you still hadn’t worn it, nor touched it.
You walked up to it slowly, moving at a pace that made it seem like you were expecting the damn thing to jump and attack you somehow.
Picking it up, you wondered if you should set it along with the outfit you already had laid out for tomorrow. Or if you should shove it in your bag. Or just keep it in its previous spot.
You set it back down, turning away from it and walking to your bed. Only for you to change your mind. Turning back towards it quickly, snatching it up and shoving it into your bag.
You laid in bed, eyes unable to stay closed, and a grin on your face.
Though you knew that in the next week you’ll most likely be stuck with crowds of people in Diagon Alley, gathering school supplies. You had the same excitement as a kid on Christmas Eve, too eager to sleep.
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There wasn’t much information given on what today’s plans were.  
You didn’t know how you’d get there, or if there would be anyone else going with, or how long the game would last. All you knew was that you were going to the Quidditch World Cup and staying at the campsite for one night.
And a strange list of directions. It had you take a few stops on different trolley cars to get to your spot. The last place you were dropped off was at another stop, so you decided to walk the rest of the way.
The handwriting on the paper with the directions looked familiar, it wasn't Cedric’s however, it was too messy. Maybe it was his fathers. Maybe he’d got it from a friend.
Thinking of it, the paper was never directly given to you by Cedric. Your father gave it to you when a stack of mail came in.
You let your thoughts wander around, imagining how today would go as you began to get closer to the designated spot the directions gave you. It was at “a hill with an old boot on it” according to the paper.
A tall, older man, with wired glasses, a scrubby beard and brown hair stood on top of the hill. Amos Diggory. Cedric’s dad.
As you got farther up, you could spot Cedric, laying down on the grass next to his father, using his bag as a pillow.
Both of their heads shot up and faces changed into a smile once they looked up, seeing you heading towards him.
“Y/N! Good to see you!” Mr.Diggory reached out to shake your hand.
“It’s good to see you too, Mr.Diggory.” You accepted his greeting, shaking his hand and giving him a warm smile back.
“It’s been quite awhile! How’s mum and dad? Doing well?” He asked while the boy behind him sat up. You gave a small “mhm” and nod in response. 
Cedric hopped up from his spot on the grass, giving you a tight hug, purposely ruffling up your hair once he pulled away.
“So how’s your summer been? I didn’t get many letters from you.” He jokingly gave you a dramatic pout.
“It’s been lovely. No work, no uniforms, no getting up at the crack of dawn, and no annoying twins.” You sighed happily, you didn’t catch how Cedric’s expression faltered when you mentioned the twins.
“So, shouldn’t we get going? What are we waiting on?” You tried your best to sound as patient as possible, ignoring the excitement running through your veins.
“My dad invited a work friend. We’re just waiting on him I suppose.”
“Should be any moment now!” Amos added in, smilingly nervously and rocking back and forth on his heels.
“He said that about an hour ago.” Cedric whispered to you, “Anyways, what's that?” He gestured at the paper in your hands. You gave him a blank stare, expecting him to know what it was, he was the one who sent you it, right?
“The directions?” You said hesitantly, holding the paper up. “That you sent me?” Cedric's brows knit together, tilting his head to get a straight look at what was written.
“I never sent any directions?” He copied your tone. “Plus, that is not my handwriting.” He scoffed, amused at the scribbles on the page.
“Then who-” Your thoughts were interrupted once chattering and footsteps were heard in the distance.
"Amos!" A voice shouted from a distance. The shout came from Mr. Weasley, who was grinning as he strode closer. A group followed behind him. 
All the excitement and joy in your veins was drained out once you saw who was part of that group. Those two dreadful boys. Your jaw tensed at the sight of them.
“Are you kidding me? You didn’t tell me those gits were coming along!” You hissed as you turned back towards Cedric.
“Don’t say that, y/n. The Weasleys are nice people.” Cedric scorned, you rolled your eyes. You were sick of people telling you that, of course they were nice people, they were the sweetest people you ever met, except for two of them.
“I know that! I’m not talking about the Weasley family Cedric, I'm talking about the Weasley twins!” You groaned, the bickering stopped between you two as Mr.Weasley began to speak.
"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," said Mr. Weasley. "He works for the
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures! And I believe you
know his son, Cedric?"
“Hi.” Cedric let out, his eyes darting around them all. Everyone greeted back, except the twins, who gave barely a nod, they looked as if they were already miserable.
“Oh, I’m sure everyone remembers Y/N!” Mr.Weasley gestured, you gave an uncomfortable smile and a small wave.
Mr.Weasley and Amos went back into their own separate conversation, as you and Cedric did into your bickering.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You kept your voice low and stern.
“I didn’t tell you because you wouldn’t go! They didn’t have any idea you’d be here either, they don’t even know where we're going!” He scoffed. “Mr.Weasley and my father set this whole thing up! Can’t you push aside your hatred for one night? You won’t even be in the same tent as them, you’ll have your own bed…or you can share one with me.” He joked, giving you an exaggerated smolder.
“You wish.” You shoved him in the chest and let out a slight laugh, slowly forgetting about your bad mood.
The both of you turned your attention back to the older gentlemen. At this point, Amos was gawking at Harry’s presence, he began to unknowingly boast about Cedric and how he beat Harry at Quidditch last year.
The twins were scowling, you caught on quickly to that. It seemed as if they were still upset about losing to Hufflepuff and getting beaten by Cedric in the first Quidditch match of last year.
Cedric, obviously embarrassed, tried to explain it was due to Harry falling off his broom. His father only shrugged that off and continued to speak.
It looked like with every word Amos spoke about his son's win, the scowls on the twins' faces grew. You wanted to laugh, you wished you could laugh. You could only attempt to bite back your smirk.
You turned your attention back to Cedric. 
“They don't seem very joyous.” You mocked as you jerked your head in the twins direction.
“Oh come on, I’m sure it’s not personal.” The hufflepuff shrugged it off, you raised your brows at him in disbelief. “But, I would really like to get going now.” He said through gritted teeth, eyes pointed at the boot in his fathers hand.
“So, what is it?” You asked, relating to the shoe.
“It’s a boot.” Fred's voice appeared from beside you. He was standing right there, it scared you for a second. Causing you to whip your head around quickly, you were unsure how he got next to you so quickly and silently.
“Yeah I know that, dimwit.” You sneered at him, “How are we going to use a ruddy old boot to get there?”
“It’s a portkey, dimwit.” He shot back, using your insult. “I’m sure you remember learning about those.” The redhead raised his brows at you, unamused. 
“Well, I assume it’s time to get on our way!” Mr.Weasley spoke out, fortunately cutting off all the tension in the air. “Now, all you need to do is touch the portkey.” He said happily as he laid a hand onto the shoe, which was being held out by Amos.
“Glad to know you got here safely with the directions George and I wrote down for you.” He shot you a sarcastic smile as he walked up to the boot, nodding his head at the paper in your hand while passing you.
Your face went from confusion then dropped into irritation.
Everything made sense now. Of course those assholes sent you those puzzling directions.
The paper crumpled around your grasp once you tightened your hands into fists, you wadded up the parchment and shoved it in your pocket.
Once everyone was crowded around in a tight circle, a hand or finger touching the boot. Mr.Weasley stared at his watch and began to count down from three.
Suddenly, you felt your feet detach from the ground, you were flying through the air, it looked like you and everyone else was stuck in the middle of a tornado. You accidentally banged into others while being stuck in the swirl of wind.
Then, you were falling from the sky and heading towards the ground. You used your forearms as a shield for your head as you hit the rough grass.
However, Mr. Weasley, Cedric, and his father were literally walking on air. Their legs moving as if they were walking down an invisible staircase. They landed neatly onto the ground, standing, while everyone else was scattered around them.
You were just about to push yourself up before a body came flying towards you. Letting out a small yelp as you covered your head once again, feeling a weight hit your legs.
Once you removed your arms from your face, Fred was laid uncomfortably across the bottom half of your body.
His back pinning down your left leg while his head and arms were laid across your right.
“Ow! You landed on my legs!” You cried out.
“Whoops, sorry.” Fred smoothed back his hair. “They're not broken are they?” He smiled. You moved around your legs, they were sore, not broken.
“No.” You muttered as you waited for him to fully get off your limb and stand up. “Get off!”
“Right.” pushed himself up and dusted his clothes off from any grass.
 “M’lady,” He jokingly bowed and reached out a hand to you, waiting for you to grab it so he could help you up. You ignored his gesture, picking up your bag while getting up without his help, rolling your eyes and shoving past him.
“Everyone up! We still have some walking to do before we get to the campsite!” Mr Diggory called out, everyone else began to pick themselves and their belongings up as they muttered and sighed under their breaths.
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Thank Merlin you had your own room in this tent. You would’ve gone mad if you weren’t able to get some amount of isolation to cool down. It was shocking how easily the smallest interaction with Fred could ruin your mood.
You had about an hour before you had to get going. That’d be more than enough time for your irritation to go away.
“I’ve got great news!” Cedric jokingly sang as he pushed open the flaps of the tent leading into your space, making his dramatic entrance.
“What now?” You sat up amused. You assumed from his sarcastic tone that maybe the match had been postponed to a later time or you’d somehow got moved to shitter seats.
“Mr.Weasley invited us to go over to his tent tonight, after the game ends.” He let out quickly, knowing that you are not going to be pleased.
“What?” Your expression dropped. “That means- no! I’m not gonna be stuck in a tent with Fred and George!” You exclaimed, you’d already had your interaction with one of them today, now you would not be dealing with both.
“Well, my dad already agreed. So…” He trailed off. You groaned and fell back on the bed, you were too tired to argue.
“Fine, whatever. Just let me have a moment to myself, please.” You ran your hands down your face.
“Yeah, yeah. Oh, take this also!” He threw a red and black scarf at you, “We’ve got to sport some pride, right?” He shrugged before disappearing behind the flaps of the tent.
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Merlin knows how many stairs you had to climb to get up there, your legs began to hurt once you made it to your seats.
Cedric and you were the first to make it to your spot. The seats that were set at the highest point of the stadium. The Weasley party was not far behind you.
As Fred walked up, you let out a small laugh of disbelief due to his appearance. He had a large three-leafed clover painted on his face, a white and green scarf hung around his neck, and wore a cartoonishly large white and green top hat. 
While George only had stripes of white and green painted on his cheeks and Ginny wore a large Leprechaun hat.
Fred had truly outdone the others and himself.
Cedric noticed the laugh you let out and was not going to let you get away with that.
“Are you smiling at him?” Cedric looked at you with disbelief, but he sounded excited that you were smiling, almost like he was waiting for this to happen.
“I’m laughing at him.” You corrected him. “And it’s only because he looks like an idiot.” The small smile was still on your face. Cedric's eyes analyzed your expression.
“Sure.” He narrowed his eyes at you. You ignored him, looking around the large stadium.
A tall figure slid up next to you, and it sure as hell wasn’t Cedric.
"Aw, did you miss me?" Fred cooed, tilting his head.  
"Absolutely not." You spat out the last word, your smile dissolving and a grimace taking over your face instead.
Just before you could get another snarky response out, a string of players flew past your head. The strong wind from their brooms nearly made Fred’s hat fly off.
The stadium roared and boomed with cheers from excited fans as more players from the teams flew out. You felt like your eardrums would burst with how loud the twins were.
They only got louder once Viktor Krum flew out.
“Who’s that?” Ginny shouted to her brothers.
“That, sis, is the best seeker in the world!” George exclaimed as he pointed at the Bulgarian wizard excitedly.
“Aren’t you supposed to be cheering for Ireland?” You narrowed your eyes at him and scoffed.
“Yeah, but who doesn’t love Krum!” Fred and George said in unison, George went back to screaming and cheering as players flew past on their brooms. Fred’s eyes averted to your neck, you noticed.
Do not let them ruin your night. Do not let them ruin your night. Do not let them ruin your-
“You know what I haven’t seen in a while, George?” Fred nudged his twin, getting him to look back over. “That necklace we made for her.” A smirk took over both of their faces as George decided to join in.
“Yeah, what happened to that? I reckon you wore it for a bit, then one day it just vanished.” George added in, peeking over Fred’s shoulder.
“I got rid of it. Could you two just watch the bloody game?” You turned your attention to the stadium, not wanting to be reminded of that embarrassing day in the library, the day you stopped wearing the stupid piece of jewelry they’d given you.
Not long after, Cedric returned, and this time, he stood between you and those red-headed boys. Freeing you from being pestered any more.
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Despite the final game lasting over two hours, it went by fast. 
And despite being near the twins, you had a good time overall. 
The twins nearly fell out of their seats when Ireland won. They were screaming joyfully at each other. It was something about money and winning a bet. You could barely hear them over the rest of the stadium.
You secretly giggled as they jumped up and down like little girls.
Your time at the Weasleys tent wasn’t as bad as you expected. You talked with Hermione and Ginny some, while Ron preached about Krum to the entire tent. 
“There's no one like Krum!” Ron shouted as he stood up on the small ottoman next to a chair. 
“Krum? Dumb Krum?” Both Fred and George began to repeat this nickname to Ron, acting as if they weren’t cheering for him in the stands.
“He's like a bird the way he rides the wind!” He went on, sounding as if he was performing slam poetry.
“Dumb Krum!” The twins chanted as they ran around him, flapping their arms, mimicking the look that baby birds have when learning how to fly. Fred took the flag he had draped around him and threw it over Ron’s head.
“He's more than an athlete! He's an artist!” Ron cried out as he took the flag off.
“I think you're in love, Ron.” Ginny giggled, Ron only let out a muttered “Shut up.” in response.
“Viktor, I love you!” George began to sing loudly as he grabbed onto Ron’s hand, Fred grabbed onto his other.
“Oh Viktor, I do!” Fred sang mockingly while getting down on one knee. This led to Harry choosing to sing along.
“When we're apart my heart beats only for you!” The three sang to a frowning Ron, who was still standing on the ottoman, shoulders slouched.
Screams and blasts coming from outside interrupted their singing. 
“Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on.” Fred said amusedly as he stood up, not bothering to get a full look outside at what was happening.
He grabbed a cushion and was preparing to join in on a fight between Ron and George when his father came rushing in.
“Stop!” Mr.Weasley shouted at them, getting the attention of everyone in the tent.
“It’s not the Irish.” His voice was stern and there was panic filling up in his face. “We’ve got to get out of here. Now.” His tone of voice didn’t make it sound like a suggestion, everyone began to run out the tent.
Outside was pure chaos. 
Tents were crushed and lit on fire. People were running into the woods, screaming, apparating, trying to get away from something.
You stood frozen in fear at the sight not far from you. 
A group of hooded, masked wizards had their wands pointed upright, above them was a group of four floating in the air. Their figures being contorted and twisted into disturbing shapes. Something you’d see out of a horror movie.
“We’re going to help the Ministry.” Mr.Weasley's voice got your attention, he was standing next to Cedric’s father. “You lot, get back to the portkey and stick together!” He ordered as he took out his wand. Automatically you began to move towards Cedric.
“Fred and George, Ginny is your responsibility!” Mr.Weasley shouted before running off. Fred grabbed onto Ginny's hand and started heading towards the forest with George. 
Harry, Ron, and Hermione grouped together and ran off with them.
“Here, I think I know a separate path!” Cedric shouted as grabbed onto your arm.
“You think? Or you know?” You questioned him, your feet stuck in place.
“Can you not do- Would you just trust me?” He bellowed out before he began to run, his hand still gripped around your arm, pulling you with him.
You ran for what felt like ages, constantly bumping into people and dodging fallen over remains of tents and trees.
You could see the forest in the distance when you heard a blast right next to you.
Suddenly, you were being knocked over by strong, hot, wind. It was strong enough to where Cedric lost his grip on your forearm. You hit the ground and your head hit something too.
Cedric tried to turn and run back to you, it seemed impossible due to the crowds pushing him, he could move with the crowd and not against, leaving you there. 
You brought your hand to the side of your head, feeling a warm liquid smudge onto your fingers and you put your hand in front of your eyes, blood.
You weren’t able to process the fact that your head had just been busted open for long once more crowds of people began to run through, many accidentally kicking or stepping on you while rushing to get out.
All you could do was just lay there, groaning and trying to stay conscious as you were repeatedly hit. Your weakened limbs weren’t much help when trying to pick yourself up.
Even if you could get up, you wouldn’t know where to go. Cedric was out of sight and people were running in different directions.
You don’t remember how long you were stuck on the ground for. Maybe it was only a minute, maybe five, maybe ten. Who knows. It felt like forever. 
Only remembering the horrible feeling of hundreds of scared and panicked feet running over you, on you, or accidentally kicking you, few people tripping over you, only to get back up and continue running. The wet tears sliding down the side of your face and the taste of metallic in your mouth, the smell of sweat and smoke filling your lungs.
You could see the dirt footprints from peoples shoes all over your legs, stomach, everywhere, some blood too. 
You couldn’t tell if it was others or your own.
You started to lose all hope of someone helping, you chose to close your eyes and depressedly wish your body would go numb or that you would fall unconscious so you wouldn’t have to feel the pain anymore.
“Hey! Help me get her up!” A voice shouted as you felt someone lift you up by the underneath of your armpits. You were being dragged away from your spot on the ground and through the fiery campsite, you couldn’t even hold up the weight of your own head.
Eventually you heard the same voice mutter the words  “Fuck it.” and you were no longer being dragged, you were being picked up and held bridal style. You were able to use enough of the little strength you had left to get a good look at who was holding you. 
You lifted up your head and saw the last person you’d expect to see.
“Fred?” You mumbled, your eyes squinted and your head dizzy.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, we’re gonna get you help.” Fred said as he ran, his breathing heavy and panicked. 
The orange flames all around lit up his face, you scanned it with your eyes, taking in the details.
Has he always had so many freckles?
Has his hair always looked so soft?
Have his eyelashes always been so long?
It must've been the fumes of the smoke getting to you, causing these thoughts.
Fred would occasionally look down at you while running, making sure you were still conscious. You saw the look on his face, the look of shock, of worry, of panic, of fear.
Your eyesight began to get blurry, it was getting more and more difficult to keep your eyes open and your head up. Your body gave in, your head fell back, you went limp. Fred was cursing to himself.
“Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit.” He uttered, breathing heavily as he caught up to his family.
You had small moments of consciousness, constantly fading in and out. It was a struggle to keep your eyes from going blurry, you were only able to get a clear look of the night sky, trees above you, and occasionally Fred's face. 
You remembered bits and pieces of conversation between the group once he had reached the rest of them.
“Where were- oh Merlin, what happened?” A similar voice to Fred’s called out, most likely George.
“She must’ve tripped or got knocked over, people were trampling her.”
“Fred, is that your blood?” Ginny pointed out, she noticed the fresh stains of blood covering the sleeve of his cardigan.
“No. It’s hers. Possibly. I think she hit her head somehow, she’s injured somewhere.”
Large running footsteps were heard coming towards you. 
“Dad!” You heard Ginny call out.
“Are you all- oh dear, is she-“ It was an older man's voice, most likely Mr.Weasley. You cut off his question with a groan of agony.
“Well, that shows she’s alive.” George quipped in with some poorly timed humor.
“Wait, where have Ron and Harry and Hermione gone?” Mr.Weasley stressed.
One of the loudest explosions shook the ground, you felt the vibration as your arms and legs dangled around when Fred ducked down.
“We’ll search for them, get the girls to the portkey, go!” Arthur commanded, Fred shook his head frantically, you felt him begin to run, stress filling his face.
“Don’t get her hurt anymore than she already is!” Arthur called out from a distance.
You couldn’t remember anything after that. You’d lost consciousness for the last time.
Fred kept his eyes on you the entire time you were both flying and falling through the portkey, focused only on you, he used his body as a shield when you both hit the ground, hoping neither of your bones broke.
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tell me what you thought! :) or ask tba to the taglist!
TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat @nal-leo-17 @rhunew @albertdabuttler @weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior
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andreafmn · 1 year
12 Days of Ficmas - Day 9
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Prompt (by @12-days-of-ficmas): christmas baby is sensitive about never being celebrated on their birthday/always feels skipped over
Word Count: 1.9K
Story Description: There's something about birthdays close to Christmas – they always seem to be overlooked. And that had been (Y/N)'s whole life, especially after she entered Hogwarts. But a certain golden boy would never let the day be passed over anymore.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Female!Slytherin!Reader
Warnings: underage drinking, slight angsty ending
A/N: this one was literally just for me because my birthday was yesterday and it always ends up being sort of an afterthought of Christmas and I love Cedric. I also had to add a tiny bit of angst at the end.
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My Christmas Wish
Spending Christmas without family was hard. Spending Christmas and your birthday without your family is harder even. But spending them whilst your own family overlooked the dates was gut-wrenching.
But (Y/N) had experienced it for many years.
Since she had gotten to Hogwarts at eleven-years-old, her family had simply set her aside. It had been years since she had gone home for the winter holidays. Instead, she spend that time roaming through the halls of the school, lounging around her empty common room, and avoiding the fact that she was a year older and her family has avoided her for another year.
She was in her fourth year now, and nothing had yet to change. Her parents had called to tell her they had booked a holiday for the Caribbean and would not be home during winter break, and there simply was no way she could come home. She wasn’t surprised, simply disappointed. They had said they would be sending her a gift – stating that it was a joint birthday and Christmas gift, as usual.
To her family the Christmas holiday and her birthday were interchangeable. Unlike her sisters, whose birthdays didn’t fall anywhere near the special day, (Y/N) had not gotten a celebration that didn’t overlap with a Christmas party. It had been that way her whole life, and she saw no change in the future.
It was difficult and frustrating feeling like the day she was born was simply an afterthought for the people that supposedly loved her the most. She didn’t want to grow used to it. The pit in her stomach that formed every time she got that letter or every time the date would be skipped over by her family. That’s why when she started at Hogwarts she never told her friends when her birthday was. She couldn’t take any more heartache.
“What’s going through your head?” Cedric Diggory startled her out of her thoughts as he joined her in a corridor near the dungeons. “You seem very deep in thought.” 
“Nothing,” she smiled, quickly dismissing any worry he could have. What she couldn’t say was that she had sneaked a bottle of fire whiskey into her room and had already downed half the bottle. “What’re you doing here?  You’re never at school during Christmas.”
“Well, dad had a research trip in Romania, and mum decided to join him. I wasn’t too in the mood for a magical creature trip so I decided to stay here,” he gave her his signature smile. If he knew she was drunk, he hadn’t said anything. “What about you? Why are you always here during the holidays.”
“Oh, Ced, some of us aren’t lucky enough to have loving and caring families,” she sighed. “Some of us have to always find shelter in the towering walls of Hogwarts during wintertime. Others have their birthdays forgotten because there are pretty lights, presents, and snow that overshadow you every year.”
“Is it your birthday, (Y/N)?” She nodded, feeling a string of tears escaping her eyes. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It wouldn’t have changed anything, Cedric. It never has. It’s too close to Christmas. It doesn’t matter.”
“Darling, are you drunk?” he asked, and she nodded again, looking up at him with sad eyes. “Your parents haven’t celebrated your birthday in a while I can assume?” 
“Again, it doesn’t matter, Ced. I’m used to it,” she slumped.
Cedric wrapped her in his arms, hugging her tightly as she sobbed silently. “You shouldn’t have to, (Y/N),” he whispered into her hair. “Everyone deserves to feel special on their birthday.”
“Tomorrow will be just another day closer to Christmas,” she cried. “Nothing more, nothing less. Like always.”
She didn’t know when she had fallen asleep but when she woke, she was warm. Too warm. Her eyes struggled to get used to the bright lighting, her pounding head only making it worse. But she knew she wasn’t in her own common room.
Warm-colored brick made up the walls and plants riddled the space. The couch she was on was cozy and fluffed. Light shone in from every window and the fireplace was lit. Nothing like the cold and gloomy area of the Slytherins. She could smell the kitchens from where she lay – bread, muffins, eggs, bacon, sausages, everything you could think of. It made her stomach grumble.
“Well, look who’s finally up,” a voice startled her. She turned around to find Cedric smiling at her. (Y/N) got up from the couch and into his outstretched arms. He was always her comfort space – her own safe haven. “Happy birthday, (Y/N).”
“Wait, how’d you…?”
“You sort of confessed that it was last night… when you were drunk,” he chuckled. Cedric pulled a box from behind his back, a present perfectly wrapped in yellow paper. “I got you a little something. It’s not much but I only had a couple of hours to get it. And don’t worry, it’s not your Christmas present.”
“Cedric, you didn’t have to,” she said. But on the inside, she was screaming for joy. It was her first-ever birthday present. “Seriously. You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to, (Y/N). You deserve it,” he smiled. “Now, quit stalling and open it!” 
(Y/N) carefully unwrapped the shiny wrapping paper, a childish glee falling upon her. Under the paper, a black box was revealed.  It was heavy and she had no idea what it could possibly be. Until she opened it.
“Ced,” she gasped. “It’s beautiful.” 
She pulled out an enchanted snow globe. Inside, the image was one she would never forget. It was back in their second year, before Cedric and she had ever crossed paths. It was a winter, much like this one, a week before winter break. It was the weekend, and no classes were in session so the whole school was out in the courtyard.
(Y/N) was with her friends, eyeing a certain Hufflepuff bunch from the other side of the yard. Of course, Cedric happened to be in that bunch. She had heard of him in passing, the golden boy of that house was known to everyone. He was a kind person, attractive, and smart. The whole package. And she could admit, she was interested.
But she’d never get the courage to talk to him. It wasn’t in her nature to be bold – a rather quiet Slytherin. So, as she walked away, she thought that was all they were destined for. Maybe she could live with stolen glances and daydreams.
The universe had other plans. (Y/N) was almost out of the courtyard when a snowball hit her straight on the side of her head.
“Diego! I told you to be careful,” Cedric yelled before turning toward her. “Are you okay? I swear he wasn’t aiming for you.” 
“It’s quite alright,” she chuckled. “Serves me right for walking right through the battlefield.” 
“Pretty girl like you should never be a casualty of war,” he grinned. “I’m Cedric. Diggory.” 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” she grinned in response, taking his outstretched hand. “Pleased to meet you.” 
And the rest was history.
They had become quick friends after that. The snow globe perfectly displayed that moment. (Y/N) with clumps of snow on her hair, Cedric’s lopsided grin, and a friendship that would last through the years.
One thing she did get right was they would only express their feelings through stolen glances, seemingly accidental touches, inside jokes, and everything that could entail harboring secret feelings for someone. Because neither of them was ready to confess how they felt, even as strong as those emotions were.
“So, you like it?”
“I love it, Cedric,” she smiled brightly. “But this couldn’t have been done last night.”
“Okay, I’ll admit it,” he chuckled. “I may have forced your sister to tell me your birthday with a little veritaserum. Don’t hate me, but I couldn’t coax it out of her normally.” 
“I could never hate you, Ced. It’s beautiful.” She wrapped her arms around her neck, tightly hugging him to hide the stray tears that had started to fall. “Thank you. Truly, you have no idea how much this means to me.” 
Flutters started to happen in their stomachs. And as they pulled back, they couldn’t help but stare into each other’s eyes. Everything quieted around them, and maybe – just maybe – this was the Christmas wish she was hoping for.
But he pulled away.
“Uh, we should head to the great hall,” he chuckled. “Get some breakfast into that hungover stomach of yours.”
“Sure, sounds like a plan.”
“Here,” he handed her a piece of clothing. “I got you a jacket. It’s quite chilly today.”
They walked side by side to the dining hall, chit-chatting over mindless things. It was like every time they were together. Comfortable, peaceful, just right.
And it would be like any other day if it hadn’t been for what happened when she opened the doors.
Inside, her friends and other students were waiting for her, all with bright smiles on their faces. People from every house had gathered to celebrate her birthday. And instantly she knew Cedric was behind the heartwarming surprise.
The hall had been enchanted with balloons and falling confetti that never reached the ground. Lights shone in her favorite colors and the Slytherin table was decorated with a big cake and all sorts of sweets down the table.
“You did all this, Ced?” (Y/N) turned to him, tears welling in her eyes. “For me?”
“Of course,” he smiled brightly. “You deserve this and so much more, (Y/N).”
At that moment, she couldn’t help the overwhelming joy that took over her. As she stared up into his eyes, there was only one thing she felt she could do. And he felt it too. She stood on her tiptoes to match his height, and he leaned down to meet her.
Finally, they met in a kiss – their first and most memorable. For a second, they forgot where they were and how many people surrounded them. Until they heard the whistles and cheers of approval from everyone, even a couple of teachers joined in.
Their faces grew red quickly in embarrassment, realization dawning upon them as soon as they pulled away. (Y/N) hid her face in his chest and it moved as Cedric chuckled at the responses. He wrapped his arms protectively around her and hugged her tight.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he spoke into her hair. “I’ve just never had the courage to do it.”
“Me too,” she giggled. “Since the first time we met, actually.”
“Precisely since then as well,” Cedric laughed. “I can’t believe we’ve been skating around our feelings for two years.”
“Regardless, I’ve got my Christmas wish,” (Y/N) smiled at him, her eyes staring into his grey ones. Everything simply felt right.
“Funny, I also got mine,” he said before giving her another quick peck on the lips. “Now, let’s celebrate your birthday. I’m in the mood for some cake.”
Hand in hand, they walked to an empty spot in the Hufflepuff table where (Y/N)’s and Cedric’s friends were waiting. At that moment, they believed this was the start of a whole future together. No one present knew it was only the start of the end.
Taglist: @winter-soldier-101 @sunflowerleii @DyslexicCatterpillar @andreiaafaria @bluetreecloud20 @sapnapsbandana @mushroomelephant @user0ur0mom @lilozg-123 @esposadomd @nocturnalherb16 @then-worship-at-my-altar @Yuki254 @nyenye @captainrogers-19 @beckiej0073-blog @cecehensonn @krazyk99 @klf1999 @magimtz23 @adaydreamaway08 @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel @thatgirljayy @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck
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