#daesu all of us are dead
justice4gyeongsu · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS ➢ a fast-spreading outbreak soaks the school in blood. quite literally & figuratively.
PAIRING ➢ lee suhyeok x male!reader
AU ➢ enemies-to-lovers au!
CONTENT WARNING ➢ this chapter contains; classism, homophobia, bullying, embarrassment, mentions of gore, blood, cannibalism [let me know if i missed any!]
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sitting at your front door, tying your shoes, you can't shake the feeling that something's off. last night's sleep was weirdly quiet - no dreams, no whispers in your ear, no memories bubbling up to the surface. just a big, empty space where your subconscious usually runs wild. it's unnerving, to be honest. you're used to your mind being a bit of a battlefield, even when you're sleeping. but last night, it was like someone hit the mute button. and now you're left wondering if this is what it's like when... well, when it's all over. is it just silence? nothingness?
the thought sends a shiver down your spine. you're not sure what's more unsettling - the idea of an afterlife that's just a blank slate, or the possibility that last night was just a weird fluke. either way, you can't shake the feeling that something's shifted, and you're not sure what's coming next.
your father's footsteps broke the spell, and you refocused on tying your shoes as the TV droned on in the background. the familiar sounds of his morning routine were comforting - washing dishes, drinking tea, and making job calls. occasionally, he'd cook breakfast, a rare treat when finances allowed. you'd learned to supplement your meals with snacks from school, stashing them away for weekends.
as the news anchor spoke, a name caught your attention - "missing student from hyosan high" - and you turned to see the scientist teacher's son on screen. but before you could process the news, your father's gruff voice cut in, "what'd you do to your hair?" his question was a stark reminder of your own daily struggles. you hesitated, a sheepish shrug your only response. the salt spray you'd applied to enhance your natural texture had slipped your mind, but the 35 anxious glances in the mirror hadn't. you'd sought validation in your reflection, ensuring the subtle waves framed your face just so. "just wanted to, uh, try something different," you mumbled, the words trailing off like a hesitant confession.
your father's gaze lingered for a moment, as if searching for a hidden meaning, before he turned away, disappearing into his room. the unspoken dismissal was clear: time to head out. with a quiet sigh, you grabbed your bag and slipped out the door, leaving the uncertainty of your father's reaction behind, like a lingering whisper in the morning air.
as you locked the door, a spark of excitement ignited. you headed down the steps with enthusiasm, careful not to trip. today was a first: ditching the bus for your bike. it was a small change, but one that filled you with unexpected joy. the prospect of feeling the wind and sun on your face was exhilarating. you smiled at how something so simple had awakened a sense of adventure. your feet hit the concrete with a loud thud, and as you looked up, three imposing figures loomed before you. their black coats billowed behind them like dark wings, and their smiles seemed to hold a sinister intent. you knew exactly who they were - and your heart sank. one of them concealed a bat behind his back, and your excitement was replaced with icy fear. paralyzed, you couldn't even think of calling the police. your father's words still lingered in your mind: "if you want me to live, let them beat me." the memory of his scolding made your stomach twist with anxiety. the men simply walked past you and began to head to the door you once came from only seconds ago. with shaking hands, you hastily untied your bike and stuffed the chain into your backpack, desperate to escape the ominous scene unfolding before you.
as you entered the classroom, your gaze instinctively sought out choi namra, your deskmate and sole point of reference. the murmur of conversations momentarily subsided as you took your seat, but you stood firm, refusing to be swayed by the subtle scrutiny of your peers. today, you had made a deliberate choice to style your hair, sweeping it aside to reveal your face in a departure from your usual disheveled appearance. the tangled locks that often obscured your features were now neatly parted, with wavy bangs framing your tired eyes. just as you settled into your chair, a gentle voice pierced the air, speaking from behind namra, who was engrossed in her textbooks. onjo's warm, kind eyes met yours, accompanied by a soft smile and a subtle thumbs-up. "y/n-ah, you look great today," she said, her words catching you off guard with their sincerity. a spark of surprise ignited within you, leaving you momentarily breathless. did she just say.. great?
your eyes only blankly blinked at her words until you cleared your throat, “w-what?” you asked. unfortunately, the sound of a high-pitched voice had cut off onjo’s next words. “yah!” the entire classroom was now facing a pink-cardigan-wearing nayeon who angrily stepped towards her desk. to which, he was surrounded by wujin and his friends. “get off of there. you stink,” she commanded to gyeongsu, who was sitting on top of her desk. your eyebrows raised at the interaction, gyeongsu hopped off the abnormally upset girl's desk. “oh, okay. my bad,” he spoke with a slight confusion in her tone. he proceeds to wipe off any excess ‘stink’ that he might have left, nayeon raises her voice once again at this. “cut it out! you're so dirty,” she shouts in disgust while moving her backpack away from him. to say that nayeon was privileged was an understatement, but you knew that already. “what the hell is your problem?” gyeongsu murmurs before taking a step forward in rising annoyance.
luckily, his friend cheongsan wraps his arms around his shoulder and tells him to just let it go. knowing that arguing with a disdainful girl like nayeon was practically a suicide mission. before the situation could escalate for the worse, the teacher stepped foot into the classroom. signaling everyone to stop chatting and head to their respective seats.
as the chairs scraped against the floor, your gaze wandered to the window. a tiny mosquito buzzed against the pane, trying to get in. this reminded you of what those threatening men called your father - a mosquito. they said he was a nuisance who took risks and left problems behind. you wondered why your father never talked about his life, before or now. he kept his secrets to himself, never sharing anything you wanted to know. his silence was frustrating, and you wished he would open up.
“alright everyone, c'mon bring up the phones.” your teacher announced. everyone piled to the front to bring their phones, it wasn't something you cared for. the only person you would text nowadays should be your father. if he didn't get a new one every other week that is.
with what money? you never did ask.
when everyone finishes turning their phones in the teacher, being as intelligent as she is, texts the classroom group chat and you suddenly hear a notification sound coming from right in front of you. your long-ago friend, wujin, and to the right of him, was daesu. who quickly looked behind him and looked at namra and you. pretending it was you two who had their phone still, however the entire class knew it was him. including your teacher. “daesu, seriously?” a voice asked in disbelief as the rest of the class laughed at his failed scheme so early in the morning.
the teacher began to go on about english studies and you tried your best to focus this time. to put in effort and change your lifestyle around. you're gonna be the best version of yourself, you're tired of trying to blend in and be accepted, and you will exceed in everything you do your studies, the way you carry yourself, everything. today was the day when you no longer lived in fear and humiliation. the new you was something you are ready for and you're starting to no longer care if others aren't. “y/n-ah!” your head snapped up to the teacher who smiled at you and pointed at your hair, “you look so handsome, wow.” to say your cheeks heat up in embarrassment was an understatement, the class had quiet giggles and all eyes were on you once again. you nodded your head and awkwardly cleared your throat. “let's see… how about you give me your take on individuality, in this case?” she points to the chalkboard where she wrote her previous inquisitions.
with a surge of determination, you straightened your posture, shedding the timid persona that had held you back for so long. just 24 hours ago, you were a different person, but now, you were ready to evolve. taking a deep breath, you began to speak, your voice steady and clear. "um, in this character's case, …she lacks the idea of being her own person. she feeds off of what her friends decide at every moment.." you carefully avoided eye contact with your classmates, focusing intently on your words. "meaning that she kinda sets herself up for disappointment when her results don't match her peers." as you finished speaking, you felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. your teacher's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and a moment of silence hung in the air before she responded, "perfect answer." the words hung in the air like a badge of honor, a testament to your growth and newfound confidence.
suddenly, her eyes darted to the other side of the classroom and her gleeful demeanor changed instantly to a sternful one. “you, bare-su, stand up.” everyone's eyes shot to the back of the class, except yours. “what's with ‘bare-su’?” she asks as he stands up and everyone laughs once again but a little louder now. as you stare out the window, the uncomfortable conversation fades into the background. you'd rather not dwell on the past or revisit old emotions.
the warm sunbeams streaming through the glass wrap around you, and your mind begins to wander. a familiar figure pedals into your daydream - the boy from the bike shop, with eyes like a fox and dark hair that makes your heart skip a beat. the memory of him is a balm to your soul, a sight that soothes your eyes and stirs your pulse. the thought of seeing him again sends a thrill through you, and you can't help but wonder when your paths will cross once more.
kyungho, kyungho, kyungho…
the name stuck to you while you gaze at nothing in the classroom. “oh yeah? what did y/n just say then?” the teacher's question cut through the air, snapping you back to reality as it echoed off the wooden classroom walls. suhyeok's eyes widened in surprise, his gaze fixed on you as if seeing you in a new light. your hair, styled differently, and your eyes, no longer hidden, seemed to have caught him off guard. as his gaze met yours, you quickly looked away, pretending not to care, trying to conceal the flutter in your chest. you didn't want him to think you still had feelings for him, that his presence still affected you.
“he uh… he said..”
just as suhyeok was about to speak, hyeonju burst into the classroom, her shocking appearance captivating everyone's attention. her face was pale, with blood trickling down her cheeks and lips. gasps filled the room as the teacher called out her name, but hyeonju collapsed to the ground, unresponsive. classmates rushed to her side, forming a circle around her as ms. park rushed to her aid. you remained seated, stunned, as ms. park cradled hyeonju's limp body, her face a picture of brutal injury. it looked like she had been hit by a car, with deep gashes and bruises covering her skin. the room was filled with worried murmurs and shocked expressions, as everyone struggled to process the scene unfolding before them.
you stood slowly from your seat when you heard someone ask their friend beside them “did she just say the science teacher drugged her?” your heart dropped. you had had some odd conversations with the science teacher before. him asking you to stay a bit after class and telling you if you felt like you needed to defend yourself from others, to always fight back, and then they’ll leave you alone.
little did he know that you have already done that and it still didn't exactly solve your crisis. you would just nod and awkwardly look away before saying you had to be home soon or else your father was going to come looking for you, even if you both knew, he probably wouldn't. on certain days, the man's demeanor shifted to one of frantic urgency, as he emphasized the harsh principles of survival of the fittest. his intensity was unsettling, leaving you concerned about his well-being. before you could ask if he was okay, he would dismiss you, leaving your questions unspoken. reflecting on these encounters, you revisited the memories, searching for any subtle signs that might have hinted at his inner turmoil.
“we gotta get her up, can you get up, hyeonju-ah?” the teacher tried speaking calmly, but every student in the room knew she was frightened just as much as you all were. “i'll carry her,” suhyeok offered, and began carrying the drifting girl on his back with isak and onjo following out shortly behind. ms. park closed the sliding door, leaving all the students to gather in small groups and discuss what they had just witnessed.
the lunch bell's gentle chime echoed through the school's corridors, signaling the start of the midday break. students sprang into action, eager to escape their classrooms. but you lingered, lost in thought, as you made your way out. questions swirled in your mind: what was wrong with hyeonju? why were people blaming the science teacher? would she recover? and then, a nagging doubt: was suhyeok really looking at me-
you looked up to see cheolsu, a quiet boy often overlooked by his peers, crumpled on the floor. he winced in pain, his eyes wide with surprise, as if your accidental stare had been a physical blow. "oh, cheolsu, are you okay?" you asked, offering a helping hand and lifting him up with ease. the height difference between you two was striking, with cheolsu's slouched posture making him appear even smaller. "ugh, s-sorry...i was in a rush," he stuttered, his eyes cast downward, a habitual gesture that spoke volumes about his struggles.
you shook your head and apologized, "no, sorry, my fault, I wasn't paying attention." as you took a deep breath, your gaze lingered on the scabs around his neck, a subtle hint of a hidden struggle. sensing your notice, he seemed to shield his secret, and you instinctively covered the area with a gentle touch, pretending to rub his neck. seeking to shift the focus, you asked, "heading to the cafeteria?" but he sidestepped your question, his eyes locking onto your hair as he asked, "what's up with your hair?" the familiar criticism stung, a reminder of the constant scrutiny you'd been facing.
“j-just uh,” you hesitate, “doing something different,” you responded while clearing your throat, trying oh so desperately to avoid the awkward ambiance. cheolsu stared at your new look for a few more seconds until he looked at something behind you, his eyes widened before moving to the wall quickly. bewildered by his action, turning to see someone you despised. myunghwan, walking with changhoon smirked as they looked in both of your directions.
your heart sank as you turned to face myunghwan, his smug expression making your blood boil. changhoon, walked alongside him, a sneer twisting his features. you felt cheolsu's tension beside you, his eyes fixed on the duo with a mixture of wariness and hostility.
"look at this," myungwhan stated. they snickered to one another. you rolled your eyes and looked away trying to keep yourself neutral despite the growing unease in your chest. myunghwan chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. his gaze roved over your new appearance, his expression dripping with disdain. "i see, you're trying to.. reinvent yourself," you rolled your eyes, fists clenched. “fuck off.”
but myunghwan just laughed, his eyes glinting with malice. "what, y/n? you gonna defend your new boyfriend? how cute.." you felt a surge of anger at his jab, but cheolsu's warning glance kept you from responding. changhoon, however, seemed eager to stir up more trouble. "yeah, what's going on between you two? you're not...together, are you?"
the air seemed to thicken with tension as myunghwan's smirk grew wider. you knew you had to defuse the situation before it escalated further. but how? you felt a familiar knot in your stomach as myunghwan's smirk seemed to grow roots, digging deeper into your skin. "what's going on here?" a soft voice interrupted, slicing through the thick air.
you turned to see a quiet figure emerging from the crowd, their eyes fixed on changhoon with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.
myunghwan's smirk faltered, and for a moment, you saw a glimmer of uncertainty. "just having a little chat," he said, his tone dripping with false nonchalance. the nurse's gaze lingered on myunghwan before shifting to you and cheolsu. "looks like a pretty one-sided conversation to me." the air seemed to vibrate with unspoken words, and you sensed a hidden dynamic at play. myunghwan's eyes narrowed, but the nurse's calm demeanor didn't waver. you looked down to see a rather odd looking infection on the nurses arm. her arm turning an almost black color, her neck twitching. cheolsu and you shared a look of concern, “um..m-miss…” cheolsu couldn't bring himself to ask so he simply pointed at her revealing forearm.
but before he could say another word, the nurse's eyes rolled back in her head, revealing only whites. her body began to twitch and convulse, her limbs flailing wildly like a puppet on a broken string. her skin turned a sickly shade of green, as moldy bread and dark veins bulge beneath the surface like twisted rivers. a low, guttural moan escaped her lips, growing louder and more menacing with each passing moment. she lunged at changhoon, her fingers grasping for his face like claws, her teeth snapping wildly with almost animalistic hunger. changhoon screamed, his voice high-pitched and terrified, as the nurse's zombie form tackled him to the ground. her hands closed around his head, her fingers digging into his hair like talons. cheolsu stumbled backward, tripping over his own feet as he desperately tried to escape the horror unfolding before him. his eyes were wide with fear, his face pale and sweaty. “what the…?”
suddenly the nurse took a huge chunk of the screaming boys cheek with her teeth. his screams reached new heights as he frantically tried to shake off the nurse's grip, but she held firm. his eyes widened in terror as he realized the nurse's eyes had turned a strange, almost feral gray. just as suddenly as it had begun, the nurse released her grip on the boy's cheek, and he stumbled backward, clutching at the wound. myungwhan saw the opportunity to shove her however, she had other plans. she rushed at him next but myungwhan turned around and shoved you while swiftly running away down the hallway. where many students were gathered around eyeing the intense and gorey happening just seconds ago. they all screamed and began to scatter, seeing that now changhoon was thrashing on the ground uncontrollably.
you hold your shoulder with your right hand, myungwhan had shoved you with full force causing your shoulder to ache and sting. you wince as you quickly gather yourself. you grabbed cheolsu’s arm, pulling him away from the chaos with a strength that was almost desperate. "we need to get out of here, now!" you yelled, dragging him down the hallway as the sound of the nurse's moans echoed behind you, growing fainter but no less terrifying.
cheolsu stumbled after you, your heart racing with fear. the hallway seemed to stretch on forever, the lockers and classrooms blurring together in a mad whirl of color and sound. you could hear the distant moans of people, growing fainter but still echoing through the corridors like a chilling reminder of the horror you'd just witnessed.
"wait, slow down!" he yelled, his voice hoarse from fear.
you didn't listen. your eyes were fixed on the outside quad, you could hear the distant moans and screams, growing louder with every step. you wrenched open the doors and shoved cheolsu first outside before you. "close it! close it!" you shouted, following close behind. as you shut the doors, you see students screaming inside and running into classrooms. panting, you gripped your shoulder once again in pain, while you both noticed people running away outside as well. “shit,” you cursed. “run! everyone run!” you turned to hear a girl screaming while running across the schools soccer field only to get tackled by two other bloodied peers. cheolsu shared a look with you before you both ran toward the outside set of stairs of the school as the infected horde burst through the doors you were once holding behind you.
climbing up the stairs, step by step, you felt weightless until a sudden jolt sent you flying. your body rolled and bounced, landing with a sickening crack on your shoulder. the pain was excruciating, and your scream echoed through the staircase as you finally came to rest at the bottom. gritting your teeth, you opened your eyes to see the cause of your fall: a girl with black braided pigtails, her leg twisted at an unnatural angle, bone protruding from her skin. her eyes, bloodshot and wild, locked onto yours as she gurgled and began to crawl towards you with an unnatural speed. you rolled onto your side, desperate to escape, but she climbed on top of you, her grip on your sweater tightening as she pulled herself up to your face. with a surge of adrenaline, you grabbed a nearby rock with your one good hand and swung it behind you, connecting with a sickening crunch.
in a stroke of luck, the rock sent the girl flying onto the grass, momentarily freeing you. as you gazed up, cheolsu remained paralyzed on the same step, his eyes wide with shock. “cheolsu, help-” you yelled, but the girl latched onto your ankle, attempting to sink her teeth in. you grunted, shaking her off with a series of swift kicks. cheolsu's horror-stricken expression lingered as the girl scaled you once more, her relentless grip unyielding. trying to wriggle free from the girls grasps, you look around quickly to find anything to get away.
just as all hope seemed lost, a fleeing girl accidentally collides with your attacker, diverting her attention. seizing the opportunity, you broke free from the infected girl's grasp. you looked up to see cheolsu's fleeting glance before he turned tail and sprinted up the stairs, abandoning you. “wait, w-where are you going?” you shouted, alarm rising in your voice.
as cheolsu vanished from sight, you sprang to your feet, still reeling from the harrowing encounter. but your relief was short-lived, as another classmate - bloodied and bizarre - began to stir across the school yard. his eyes locked onto yours with a menacing glare, and he charged towards you with a ferocious intensity, plowing through others in his path. his bloody mouth twisted into a snarl as he sprinted closer, and you gasped in terror, bracing yourself for the impending impact. but just as he launched himself into the air, something unexpected happened - a shocking savior appeared out of nowhere, sparing you from the brink of disaster. your eyes widened in astonishment as you turned to behold the last person you ever expected to save your skin.
“we gotta move! come on,” suhyeok grabbed your good arm and pulled you alongside him. you grunted while running feeling a sharp pain every time you moved your body to keep up. you noticed he wasn't alone, choi namra was beside him as well. you never seen her face in any other emotion besides serious. right now, it was horrified.
"what's.. what the fuck is going on?" you panted, wincing in pain as suhyeok's grip tightened around your arm. "what's happening to everyone?"
suhyeok didn't answer, his eyes fixed on some point ahead as he dragged you through the chaotic school yard. choi namra kept pace beside him, her horrified expression never wavering. her eyes darted towards you, and for a fleeting moment, you saw a flicker of concern before her mask of seriousness slipped back into place.
"let me fucking go!" you demanded, trying to keep up with suhyeok's frantic pace. you ripped your arm away from him as you kept running.
"hurry up,," he gritted out, his jaw clenched in determination. "we need to get out of here, now." as you ran, the sounds of mayhem grew louder - screams, crashes, and an eerie, unsettling laughter that sent shivers down your spine. you risked a glance over your shoulder, and what you saw made your blood run cold. the school yard was descending into chaos. students were attacking each other, their eyes vacant, their movements jerky and unnatural. some teachers tried to intervene, but they were vastly outnumbered. the once-familiar surroundings were now a war zone, with desks overturned, windows shattered, and debris scattered everywhere.
suhyeok yanked you back into a sprint, his grip on your arm like a vice. "don't look back!" he yelled. "keep moving!" choi namra kept pace beside him, her eyes scanning their surroundings with a mix of fear and determination. "we need to find a safe place to hide," she shouted above the din. suhyeok nodded, his eyes fixed on a point ahead. "there!"
he led you towards the ladder that was leading up to a window in the school building. you all rushed towards it, once close enough you pushed namra to go first, “go, try to open-”
“no, its not safe. i'll go,” suhyeok states before moving her aside and beginning to climb the ladder, you attempted to hold back an eye-roll. if namra and you were down by where the crazy students were, how were you guys safer..?
you didn't ask the question aloud, as there was no time to bicker over insignificant things. suddenly, you seen two figures barreling towards you and namra. “namra, go up, now!” you grabbed her hand and hoisted her onto the ladder, “go! climb!” you seen suhyeok was being pulled into the window, quickly going back to reach for namra. as namra's feet disappeared into the window, you felt a surge of relief wash over you. but it was short-lived, as you saw suhyeok's eyes widen in terror. "hurry! hurry!" he shouted, his voice strained. you turned to him and tried as quickly as possible to climb with two legs and one working arm. you could hear then snarling as you went upward, when you start to feel the ladder tipping back and forth. the weight of the two men making the ladder almost fold under the pressure, “come on! you got it!”
suhyeoks voice rung through your ears, the burning in your shoulder making you wanna just give up, as you reach your arm for the next step, you suddenly feel yourself being grabbed and hoisted upwards. your body feeling light when you came through the window. suhyeok pulled you with all his might and the pull carried you both to the nearby wall. you stumbled into your dimly lit english classroom, gasping for breath. suhyeok slammed the windows shut behind you, leaning against them to catch his breath. choi namra stood guard, her eyes fixed on the doors as if waiting for the inevitable. you leaned against a nearby wall, your mind reeling with questions.
“so? whats going on out there?” nayeon asked impatiently. out of breath, you held onto to your shoulder gently. everyone out of breath or staring was quiet. no one dared to speak. “are you deaf?” she shouted with a voice crack.
“shut up,” you muttered. everyone's eyes were glued to you now. “what?” she asked with disbelief, folding her arms over her chest. you closed your eyes while holding in tears because of the pain in your shoulder. “i said…shut up.” you repeated with vigor this time. standing upwards nonchalantly while looking at the doors who were being held by your classmates. “oh you little piece of-”
“stop it! both of you! now's not the time for this!” jimin shouted. you winced again with a heavy breath this time. once again all the attention turned towards you. “what happened to you?” onjo asked while walking towards you, only to be stopped by her best friend, cheongsan. onjo glared at him before removing his arm, however choosing to still stand beside him.
“i fell,” they stared at you for more information, “down the stairs outside. one of those..things tackled me.” upon being further informed the students all seemed to be getting more nervous.
“oh..my god. what the hell are they?”
the two girls huddled in the corner with freak-struck facial expressions. meanwhile gyeongsu looked like his arms were gonna break from holding the door from opening. “don't you know? theyre.. zombies.”
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
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Lee Cheong-San (이청산)
~coming soon~
Lee Su-Hyeok (이수혁)
And So You Thought… {Angst -> Fluff}
Because The Rain Makes Rainbows {Fluff}
Han Gyeong-Su (한경수)
~coming soon~
Yang Dae-Su (양대수)
~coming soon~
Oh Joon-Yeong (오준영)
~coming soon~
Jang Wu-Jin (장우진)
~coming soon~
Yoon Gwi-Nam (윤귀남)
~coming soon~
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All of Us Are Dead spoilers//
I'm barely through half of All of Us Are Dead and I decided a few episodes ago that it is now my absolute favorite show. Specifically zombie shows, but also better than most other shows I've been obsessed with. And I know I'm very late but this is my absolute favorite thing ever and when I finish it I'm immediately going to start rewatching it. I love basically everyone, besides obviously na-yeon and gwi-nam but I appreciate the storylines for those characters at least. But I love everyone and I needed to know spoilers because istg if dae-su didn't make it out I would never finish the show. I could not handle it if something happened to him.
The last few episodes have had me crying my eyes out too. Like I already know who's gonna die by the end bc I needed to know and looked it up. But still, gyeong-su? God damn that one fucking hurt and it seemed like I barely knew him in the show, he didn't get as much of a story as he deserved. Mostly I think I felt bad knowing how cheong-san was hurt by it, especially after what happens to him mom? Good lord.
But freaking i-sak? That ending scene for her had me freaking bawling. And again, I think this was moreso me being sad for On-Jo, but also mourning what these characters could have been if they had survived. And my god I'm still hurting from all of this.
It's still my favorite show now, but if I lost Nam-Ra or Dae-Su that would be end. I could not handle that, especially when season 2 comes out and if they weren't there? I don't care about most of the other characters so it would be awful, imo.
But that's all. This is the first time in a while I've lived a show with my whole heart while repeatedly getting my heart ripped out by said show, and I kinda love them for it.
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glowstar826 · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Let’s get this baby started! Thanks for the inspo @gracelesslady23!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60 (blame my HP and AoUAD obsession lmao).
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
471,017. That’s…insane.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, mostly for All of Us Are Dead. But of course, I can’t forget the whopping majority of HP fics I have! They really defined the beginning of my fanfic-writing journey.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
The Filthy Half-Blood Spy (777)
A Meaningful Sacrifice (490)
Albus Potter and the Journey Through Time (481)
The Bravest Man I Ever Knew (277)
My Old Friend, Minerva (267)
As you can see, I really love HP. The second one is AoUAD.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course I do! I appreciate everyone who takes the time to leave them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, I’ll take a quiet life for sure. It’s a canon divergence of A Meaningful Sacrifice, and hoooo boy, that’s probably the single most saddest thing I have ever written in my life. (Never again, Glow. Never again.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Pretty much all of them have happy endings, so if I were to pick a few, then they would probably be The Bravest Man I Ever Knew, A Miracle in the Midst of September, and Come Back to Me.
The second fic is Downton Abbey while the third is AoUAD.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, but when I was writing A Meaningful Sacrifice, I got a lot of spam.
9. Do you write smut?
Not explicitly, no. There was one fic I posted (that I since deleted) which features non-graphic smut between Snape and Lupin. (I deleted it because it was too embarrassing to keep on my profile.)
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have one, Finding My Way Back to You (Again)! It’s a crossover where Oh Joonyeong of AoUAD is a doctor in the 20th Century Girl universe who helps Poong Woonho overcome amnesia sustained in a plane crash.
Other than that, I prefer writing AUs where I put characters from one show into another show’s universe. My Duty After School AU with AoUAD characters, Reluctant Duty, is a great example of this.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully, I have not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! Albus Potter and the Journey Through Time in Portuguese on Wattpad (which is unfinished, unfortunately).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have! Of Apologies and Food Fights: A Glimpse Into the Afterlife was an awesome collab with the amazing @glitterfairy-21225!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh Joonyeong/Jang Woojin, for sure. Since February 2022, these boys have been living in my head rent-free. Honorable mentions include Lee Cheongsan/Nam Onjo, Yang Daesu/Seo Hyoryung, and Lee Junho/Woo Youngwoo. The first four ships are from AoUAD, and the fifth is from Extraordinary Attorney Woo.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Probably Albus Potter and the Journey Through Time, even though it won’t take much longer to finish it. Every time I go back to it, I immediately feel discouraged from writing it because it suddenly seems like too big of an undertaking. However, I will never stop trying!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, descriptions, and AU ideas (God knows how many are floating around in my head right now 😭).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Having too many ideas. I swear, if I could just commit to finishing one project, then I would have way more completed fics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
It would be all fine and dandy if it uses the Roman alphabet (think French, Spanish, German), but if it was a language like Korean or Chinese, then I’d rather write the transliteration since my writing would be targeted towards English readers/speakers. But obviously, I’d try my best to write other cultures authentically.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Though they’re all deleted, I first wrote for Detroit: Become Human. That was what got me into fanfic in the first place because I reasoned that, since the game had 99+ endings, fanfiction was fair game (I really hated fanfic at the time).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
A Meaningful Sacrifice, hands down. That was probably my single best piece of writing in terms of characterization, setting, worldbuilding, and cohesiveness with the original show. Additionally, I ended up creating two very important OCs which had significant influence in the main character’s life.
Writing that fic inspired a whole lore which is present in my other AoUAD fics like Washed Down the Drain, Us, Withering Under the Sun, and Reluctant Duty. I also gained an awesome friend from it in @glitterfairy-21225, so yeah. One of my best fanfic-writing experiences to date.
On that final note, here’s your tag to do this, @glitterfairy-21225! <3
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asleeplessren · 3 years
Keep Going
(AoUAD fanfic)
Jang Wujin x OC
"I'll save you from the monsters."
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← 002. →
Daesu had Wujin in a headlock.
“Let me go! You smell!”
The taller boy clicked his tongue and tightened his hold as they continued walking, “Not until you apologize.”
Wujin struggled harder, “I’m telling Hari about your BTS poster if you don’t let me go!”
“It’s not a poster!” Daesu surrendered, “it’s an album and I just respect them as fellow artists!”
Wujin shoved at his friend and tried to fix his hair, “Yeah, sure you do.”
Daesu cried out, “Why can’t you just believe me?”
“I refuse to believe the guy that dragged me all the way back to school in a headlock,” he fixed his vest with a glare, “just to see if he left his jacket somewhere.”
“Please,” Daesu pouted, “my mom will kill me if I return home without it. She just bought it for me!” He pressed two hands together in front of him, bowing in desperation. 
His friend sighed heavily, “Fine,” Daesu tried to hug him, “just hurry up! And I don’t owe you food anymore!” He shoved Daesu’s arms off of him.
“I’ll feed you! You’re saving me!” Daesu shouted before running to the very corner that Wujin’s group of friends always spent their breaks.
“I want real food this time Daesu! Candy doesn’t count!” Wujin shouted after him, “Aish! You hear me?!” His friend didn’t hear him. 
Wujin sighed again, how did he put up with this guy? 
It finally hit him that he was back at school and the sun was setting, emptiness his only companion. He stared at the grounds, abandoned as far as the eye could see. But there was one sound, and it was trickling out of the gymnasium doors. Sneakers squeaking on the woodboards, pounding footsteps, girls’ voices yelling every now and then. The volleyball team was still practicing. They had a game tomorrow, so that made sense. Still, Wujin wondered why they’d be pushing themselves this hard, knowing they’d need their energy for the next day.
He shouted for Daesu, but heard nothing in return. He could stand here, kicking the ground, or he could sate his curiosity.
The choice was easy.
His feet carried him to the double door, light pouring out, the random voices becoming more distinct.
The entire team was practicing, divided into four teams on two courts, with any remaining players doing laps. He wished he could be like normal guys; a building of attractive girls running around in shorts, this should be heaven. The Wujin that didn’t know Park Minha yet would love this. But he did know her, and he could only focus on her. 
She was resting briefly, standing by the net (appearing even shorter than usual), her hands gripping her knees as she took the time to catch her breath. Her eyes never left the ball as her side got ready to serve. The moment the ball was in the air, she was tensed to move. 
It all went so quickly; hit, hit, swish, hit, smash. Shouts of “got it”, “and “let’ s go!” filled the air, each member of the team seamlessly working together. He watched Minha cheer for the girls around her, looking like she belonged there. She really flew. He’d seen her jump higher than the girls around her, blocking a ball like it was nothing, and he’d witnessed how devastating her serves could be. But there was something about watching her look so focused as she practiced, coupled with the happiness that came with no stakes. It was just practice, but she looked like this was the most fun thing in the world when she didn’t have the seriousness of a real game weighing her down. She jumped on her neighbor’s shoulders, giggling loudly, and Wujin felt himself smile with her.
That of course was the moment Jiwoo noticed him. She was standing right by the court and was supposed to be taking notes on her clipboard, but her gaze wandered outside when she realized there was someone standing there. He caught her eye and felt himself cringe, seeing her smirking face and raised eyebrows. She caught him.
He felt how red his ears were and how wide his eyes grew. He had to get out before she made fun of him too. 
Jiwoo crossed her arms and shook her head as she watched Wujin stumble backwards to hide from everybody. Why were boys like this? No, she’d seen some guys be normal. Lee Suhyeok was never like this, and she was ninety percent sure he was down bad for a girl in his class. Then again, she’d never actually seen him trying to win her over, so maybe she hadn’t quite figured the junior boys out. Regardless, Jang Wujin looked mortified to have been caught by her and she couldn’t wait to tell Minha. 
Her mouth opened to get Minha’s attention, and that was Wujin’s cue.
He retreated as far from the building as he could, stopping in the same courtyard he’d been waiting in before. His lungs felt like they were twisting.
“Let’s eat!” Daesu’s hand landed heavily on his shoulder.
Wujin jumped, his heart trying to pound out of his chest, “Aish!”
Daesu laughed loudly, “Bet you didn’t think I could be sneaky! I may be bigger than you, but it’s all muscle!”
“I wasn’t paying attention, ok?” He yanked the recovered jacket out of Daesu’s hands before stomping off, “can we go now?”
“Don’t leave me, brother-in-law!”
It was dark by the time Minha finally entered her home. Her shoes were the last pair to rest in the front entryway tonight. She could hear the family gathered in the dining area, probably enjoying dinner together. Despite knowing her host parents wouldn't have a problem with it, Minha felt guilt churning in her stomach for being out so late. She and Jiwoo's stops for street food were more frequent than she expected, but at least she already ate. Following the sounds of conversation, she made her way to the dining area. Her host family was fully present, already starting to clean up. She bowed apologetically, "I'm sorry. I meant to be home sooner."
Jang Yeji, her host mother, was already waving her hands, "Minha! We're just happy you made it home safe" She smiled warmly at the teenager.
Jang Seyoon, the patriarch, tagged on, "did you eat?"
Minha nodded her head, "Jiwoo made sure I ate."
He made a sound of approval, "that's good to hear! How was practice?"
Minha sat down next to Hari, who was still finishing her food, before answering, "I think tomorrow's game is going to be a piece of cake."
Yeji returns to the table to grab the dishes in front of her silent son, "There's going to be scouts tomorrow, right?" Seyoon's face showed his interest too. Both of her host parents had high hopes for Minha to be a national athlete. It was the entire reason they took her in in the first place. 
Hari cut in before Minha could answer, "No, but tomorrow is supposed to be the game that decides who plays when they do show up."
Minha nodded her agreement. She often forgot that Jiwoo was Hari's friend too. Jiwoo managed for multiple teams at the school; this was how she got around her parents nagging her to be in sports or be more social. If she was the manager, she'd have all the social benefits and none of the physical exertion. And her parents would leave her alone.
"Is the whole team going to Seoul tomorrow?" It was her host father's question.
Minha shook her head, "Coach Kim is taking the first line and a few subs. Everyone else will be staying behind to play Yangdong's second line for practice."
"Wasn't Yandong already here today?" So Wujin was going to join the conversation.
Minha barely looked at him before turning to her host parents, "We had a friendly scrimmage today, but it was their first line team. Tomorrow's practice unit will be joining us."
Hari oohed next to Minha, "You're so cool Minha. You really sound like a professional when you talk about volleyball."
Minha smiled into her lap before nudging Hari, "Stop! You're the cool one. You'll be on the national team by this time tomorrow!"
Mr. Jung nodded in agreement, "I know you'll make us proud tomorrow. Both of you!" 
Minha could feel warmth in her chest. She wanted exactly that, to make her host family proud. But even moreso, she wanted to hold onto this specific feeling: being a part of the family. If she can prove herself as an athlete, then everything they've done for her won't be in vain. It was this that drove her to do well in everything. This final year of school had been grueling, especially as she'd been studying for exams. She knew that if she did well in volleyball, she wouldn't need to test well, but there was a voice in her head constantly insisting that she had to prepare for the worst. 
Wujin spoke once more, "I'm sure you'll both be great." And then he smiled across at them. His ears were pinking, but Minha felt the sincerity in his words. His sister smacked him in the shoulder, calling him cheesy. Minha laughed at their antics before curling into a ball to avoid the next hit Hari aimed at her for not taking her side.
Mrs. Jung shared a smile with her husband before clapping her hands at her children, "Alright! Finish cleaning up and then straight to bed. Tomorrow's a big day!"
The three teenagers groaned in unison.
"Ah ah, you all are old enough to use words." Seyoon chuckled at them, "we're trusting you as near adults to take care of the house and each other while we're in Incheon." Tomorrow was their anniversary, and they wanted to spend it away from their three teens for once.
Hari, being the oldest, was the one to push the other two into motion, "Of course appa, you can count on me. I'll watch them," she pulled Wujin into a headlock.
Wujin struggled halfheartedly before just giving in, dead weight, "Eomma!"
His mother laughed, "Hari, you're gonna stress your arms out. Let your little brother go!"
Aaaand another one up! Thanks for reading, I think I'm always going to be a little scared when posting lol But I want Wujin to have something, so I'll push through! I really genuinely appreciate everyone that takes the time to even skim through my little fix-it of sorts; I'll see ya again soon!
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unmra · 3 years
someone confess to you in front of them — all of us are dead ( as a private relationship )
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even though you guys talked about the private relationship, and agreed to make the relationship completely private, they would feel really jealous in that moment and would say you’re taken without thinking, forgetting the fact that is suppose to be a private relationship, if you felt uncomfortable, they would say sorry and make it up for you.
“do we really have to make our relationship public for you to notice that we like each other?“
gwi-nam, na-yeon, mi-jin, eun-ji.
they obviously don’t like when people flirt with you, but they completely trust you and know you love them, they will just wait for you to reject them while smirking, eventually if the person keep insisting, they surely not afraid to get in the way.
“you didn’t hear them? they said no.”
su-hyeok, ha-ri, dae-su, woojin.
literally the most insecure person in the world. they didn’t like the idea of a private relationship at first, they just wanted you to feel safe and comfortable, but when someone approaches you asking to go on a date, they would try to act confident, but in reality they feel really insecure and scared to lose you, you’ll have to console them. ( just kiss them!!! )
“you will obviously always prefer me, right? i mean… right?”
gyeong-su, nam-ra, joon-yeong, on-jo, cheong-san.
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elovval · 3 years
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- Hugging them unexpectedly
Jumps from the sudden hug but wouldn't hesitate to hug you back once they realize its you and squeeze you even harder, even[try] to pick you up and swing you around like a rag doll, they leave hundreds of kisses on your face and lips whenever they got the chance too
"You were trying to ambush me but I always win these wars!"
Gyeong-su, Cheong-san, Onjo, Hyo-Ryung, Daesu, Mi-jin
Would definitely lose their balance and take a few seconds to stand correctly before hugging you back with small pats on your back, would ask if you're okay or if you already ate, just starting casual conversation
"That was a deadly hug...did you drink coffee again?"
Joon-yeong, Jimin, Cheong-san, Su-Hyeok, Cheol-soo, Hyo-Ryung, Jun-Seong
Unintentionally would push you off them or dodge you and let you fall, not because they hate you but because it's just an instinct, would apologize and help you up but would ask you why you did that and to give them a heads up next time
"Don't do that, you scared me you psycho"
Namra, Gwi-nam, Eun-ji, Wujin, Hari, Nayeon
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ghost-comets · 3 years
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all of us are dead + the onion headlines
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airbendertendou · 2 years
all of us are dead masterlist ♥︎
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now playing : “i think we’re safe. zombies don’t curse.”
spirited thoughts '22 ,
lee cheongsan
♥︎ nothing yet
nam onjo
♥︎ nothing yet
lee suhyeok
♥︎ scary boyfie but he paints your nails <3
choi namra
♥︎ nothing yet
jang wujin
you are in love! ♥︎ your best friend realizes he likes you more than he planned to.
jang hari
♥︎ nothing yet
han gyeongsu
you are in love! ♥︎ synopsis : your best friend realizes he likes you more than he planned to.
afternoon ticket! synopsis : you aren’t dating. why does everyone keep asking that? | pre-apocalypse
park mijin
♥︎ nothing yet
yoon gwinam
♥︎ scary boyfie but he paints your nails <3
min eunji
♥︎ nothing yet
oh joonyeong
♥︎ nothing yet
yang daesu
♥︎ nothing yet
if i write this n none of them are in character please forgive me ):
airbendertendou © all rights reserved — these are all works of fiction written by me. do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform.
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kailoweenie · 3 years
Sick day
Yang Dae-su X GN!Reader
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A/N: him singing and smiling is literally the cutest thing 😭 also there's not enough GIFs for this man i swear
Warning: mentions of throwing up and passing out(the usual getting sick stuff) cursing(?)
Genre: fluff
Summary: going to school sick wasn't a good idea, but atleast your lover Dae-su is always there to help
I woke up sweating in my own bed as i look at the time ‘06:32 AM’ it read, getting up was harder then usual, my body feeling extremely sore but i knew i had to go to school somehow.
Today we had an important test which will contribute to 50% of our final exam score. "I can't be that sick right?" I said to myself before getting ready for school. Surprise surprise, i was that sick.
The walk to school was fine until I felt my stomach turning, stumbling my way into the School bathroom i immediately began to throw up "shit, I should have just taken the test another time...this is the worst" I mumbled before fixing my uniform and going to class.
Sitting down next to Dae-su, I immediately started to clutch my head in pain "Sheesh Y/N you're not looking so good there" he glanced worriedly at me "yeah no shit, ugh i feel like my entire body is about to break" "well then why did you come to class? You should go to the infirmary and rest for a bit" he pats me on the shoulder as I looked at him "maybe later, after this test"I smiled as he shrugged "well then,suit yourself"
Once class started I was already ready to just go back home and pass out from exhaustion. Good thing the test was on the first period, I could always just do the test and go home. As time pass by I slowly but surely start to finish the test. Granted, it was a lot harder with me being sick but I fought through it. Once time was up, I went to submit my paper until my head started to spin "shit" clutching my head I cursed under my breath "here, I'll give it to her for you" Dae-su kindly offered "yeah thanks a lot" struggling to stand up, I sat back down as my vision started to go hazy.
As the students all submit their paper, Dae-su went to her table and told Ms. Park about Y/N's sickness. Worried about their health, Ms.park approached the sick student "Y/N, Dae-su told me about your health, how about you go the nurse office while I go and call your parents?" She kindly asked me "yeah...yeah, I think that'll be the best option for me" I said groaning in pain again "Don't worry Ms. park, I'll take them to the infirmary. You can trust me!" Dae-su said coming to help you.
He puts my hand over his shoulder as he carefully take me outside. "Do you think you can stand? Or should I just carry you there?" He asked, getting worried seeing me limping by his side. Earning no answer from me, too sick and tired to speak, "carry you it is then" he carefully picks me up, wrapping my arms around him I mutter a small thank you. As he walks towards the infirmary, I slowly start to nod off, feeling comfy in his arms as he start whistling a tune.
Reaching the infirmary, the nurse immediately help him set Y/N down on a bed. After telling the nurse about their symptoms, she told Dae-su to keep a watch on them until their parents arrives, which he of course, agrees to.
After a few minutes I sat up, looking towards the man next to me "... aren't you gonna go back?" "I'll take this situation anyday if it means I get to skip class" "yah don't be lazy now" i chuckled, playfully smacking his shoulder before taking his hand in mine. "All jokes aside, I'm not gonna leave you here alone Y/N, not until your parents pick you up"
He gently caresses my hand as we both fell into a comfortable silence. "Thanks by the way...for ya know, carrying me here and taking care of me" I said, although still feeling like crap, atleast I had Dae-su by my side to comfort me. He gives my hand a little kiss "of course, as long as you're okay, that's enough for me"
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seohyvng · 3 years
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(and mijin blackmailed hari)
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kau7sa · 3 years
Dae-su x reader 🥺😭
It can be anything fluff, angst, just anything.
would you rather
dae-su x gn!reader
warnings : like one swear word
a/n : omg this took saur long to make bc school is beating me up rn and she’s winning 😒…
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tired is what you could say you felt, but was that even the right word? ‘tired’ didn’t do enough justice to elucidate the mental and physical exhaustion you’ve been suffering from — simply just trying to survive. how long would it be before you got out of this school? would you even make it out aliv-
“hey?” dae-su waved his hand in-front of you face, snapping you out of whatever reverie state you were in. turning your head to him — realizing the expression that was plastered on his face. it was one you knew well. he was about to ask a question that was probably not the most intelligent…but you had to give it to him. he was just trying to find a way to entertain himself while your lives went to shit.
“what’s up?” you lazily smiled at him waiting to see what bizarre question he was going to pull out of his magic hat just for you.
“would you rather have toes for fingers, or fingers for toes?”
“what?!” out of all questions this definitely was not the one you were expecting, but you can’t say you’re complete surprised.
“which one would you rather have?” he was being 110% serious. 
“um..neither?” you spoke out, arching one of your brows in the process to show him that you truly did not understand the method to his madness
“c'mon! you have to pick one.”
“why would i want to have toes as my hands? i wouldn’t be able to do anything, THEN if i had fingers as toes, i wouldn’t get to wear shoes. it’s a lose-lose situation.” you shrugged. dae-su knew that you would think too hard about the question instead of just giving him a straight answer, but that’s what he liked about you. you always found a way to question the simple things. even stupid questions that didn’t need to be.
“okay but imagine this, if you have fingers as toes you’d be like a monkey and pick things up with your feet.”
“why would i want monkey toes?” you questioned, laughing at the mere thought of seeing yourself with toes of a monkey while you spoke.
“like say you’re sitting down and you’re in a comfortable spot while watching tv, but then ‘oh no!’ you realize the remote somehow ended up on the floor, you just use your finger toes to grab it therefore preventing you from having to get up.” you would hate to admit but that reasoning made perfect sense in your mind, and his too.”
”okay so then what about toes for fingers?”
“honestly, i don’t really see a benefit to them. i guess maybe you could smash down bread to make a penne.” 
thinking long and hard about the reply you were going to give him — realizing that maybe it would be a tiny bit cool to have fingers for toes, you gave him your final answer. 
“i guess i would have fingers for toes. so then if i were to hold your hand i’d make you hold my foot.” you both at laughed at the stupid response, quickly covering your mouths to prevent making too much noise.  
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unmra · 3 years
ignoring their messages when you’re mad — all of us are dead
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text you nonstop. spam you with short text, compliment you saying how pretty you looked today, sends you random sticker, text you with a long apologize message ( even if they probably don’t remember what they did ) and will not stop until you talk to them.
gyeong-su, dae-su, cheong-san, eun-ji.
literally get mad. they doesn’t care if they did something bad, if you stop responding to their text, then they will stop to text you, you’ll have to make the first move and probably force you to apologize.
mi-jin, gwi-nam, na-yeon.
wait for you to calm down. then text you a short message saying sorry and asking if you want to meet for talk. if you say yes, you guys will just talk about it and they’ll get clingy after everything, but if you say no, they will normally just wait for you.
joon-yeong, nam-ra, on-jo, su-hyeok, ha-ri, woo-jin.
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aftgtrash · 3 years
All of us are dead rant
warning: its a rant so it will have spoilers and second it very long
Shut up I just finished all of us are dead and let me just say WHAT THE FUCKK
I honestly don't know how I feel about this show atm. I still don't like on-jo, and cheoung-san deserved better. SHE IS SO FUCKING OBLIVIOUS, literally everyone in the group knew that cheoung San had feeling for her, and the reason why su-hyeok never accepted her confession(aside from the fact that he liked namra). I hate her obsession with su -hyeok. Always him this and him that.
And She had the option to reject him but she had to be all "i lost all my FRIENDS"(cause cheoung-san confessed to her????) bullshit like no stop what, and for the fact he also told her that she doesn't need to give him an answer for his confession. I know that she didn't know about cheoung-san's feeling but always talking about Su-hyeok is kinda annoying and especially that one scene from when they were in the musical room. And if the ribbon on that tree which say, ‘Cheoung-san I love you’ is hers I’m so done like bitch no first you hurt him and now that he is gone you finally realize your feelings for him?? That is considering that she meant that ‘I love you’ in a romantic way, if its platonic then i fine with it.
Anyways moving on,
The found family trope was so good in this show???? Especially the last scene where they go back to the school to look for namra. That had me sobbing. I lowkey hoped that it was cheoung-san instead. I also liked how they didnt give Cheoung-san equal power as Nwa-gim and had them fight when clearly he was overpowered.Let me just appreciate how well this show was executed, the direction, the dialogues, the camera angles, the acting, the make up of every zombie and every wound. I also loved the Train to Busan reference in the show.  
Character rant,
I love dae-su he's my favourite character, like no problem dude so what if your crush doesn't like you back I'm here have me instead. the song he sang while they were leaving msgs for someone to see made me cry.  And I'm actually glad he survived till the end.
I also loved how namra opened up to everyone and started showing more emotions cause before all she had was a straight face. And the last scene with her was so badass.
And let me just say that no matter how shitty nwa-gim was he made an amazing villain. Villains are supposed to make you furious and frustrated and he managed that so well, I abused my pillow alot while watching him on the screen.
Mi-jin is another amazing character of the show. She the type who everyone thinks in shallow but is the most emotional one. Like how broken she was when Jun yeoung and jun seong died. 
mijin and ha-ri are my otp, they are so fucking adorable, especially that scene where her brother asks ha-ri about mijin,
Ha-ri: *looks at mijin*: she is my friend
Mijin: *smiles* *blushes* we’re freaking besties
The detective and the guy from Seoul University were the best duo in the show period. I love how the detective took care of the new born baby and the 4 year old girl even tho he could have left them there since that would have been easy. I stan him so much. 
my brother didnt like su-hyeok he said the su-hyeok tried to be the “savior” or “hero” character in the movie but all i saw was how caring that guy was and not just to namra or cheoung-san but to literally everyone. He took care of them, he fought for them, honestly if i were in that situation Id be pretty selfish. 
CHEOUNG SAN I LOVE YOU MAN! most of the times its some side character who carries the show but not this time. Cheoung-san carried the entire show! I was rooting for him and now I’m devastated. Main character has the strongest plot armor and they broke his just like that by the end of the show and since AOUAD is based on a webtoon I really hoped that they’d pull a sweet home (another webtoon) with him but NO and I’m lowkey glad?? that could have ruined the impact of the event before. The scene where cheoung san lured all the zombies to him broke me. This quote is probably my favorite: ‘Today I am the happiest guy in this school.’
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skullsnsunbeams · 3 years
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