#zombie apocalypse fanfic
catgrandpa · 21 days
Gotham has always been weird, so when the groundskeeper at the cemetery noticed the Wayne kid’s plot was disturbed, he just chalked it up to more of the same ol’. Alright, so ‘disturbed’ may be a tad too light of a word, but what’s an empty grave in the grand scheme of Gotham? God knows in a city like this one, they could use all the burial room they could get. He figured he’d just jot it down on the website and hope nobody noticed for a while.
Too bad he didn’t account for the 13 year old boy in Bristol who periodically checks the cemetery’s website when he’s feeling particularly lonely.
Plot Removed.
Tim Drake stared at the two words under the heading for Jason Todd’s plot number. Removed? What do they mean ‘removed’? They can’t just remove a plot? That’s a person down there! That’s Robin down there! You can’t Remove Robin!
Calm down. Deep breaths. Assess the situation.
Robin has been dead for 5 months and 14 days. There is no reason for a grave to be removed that early, especially one of a member of such an affluential family. Chances are likely it’s a simple clerical issue. He can call first thing in the morning and make them aware of the mistake. He can have it all fixed in 5 hours.
Just a phone call.
In 5 hours.
Tim hates talking on the phone almost as much as he hates waiting.
Well it won’t be the first time he’s snuck out to head to Gotham proper at 1am. It can’t even really be considered sneaking out if there’s no one home to catch you.
Buses stop running at 2, so he layers a couple sweaters under his coat and grabs his best running sneakers so he can comfortably make the trek back.
Just a quick trip to settle his nerves. Maybe get a few shots in if he spots Batman, but really he just wants to see with his own two eyes that things are okay and Jason can rest.
It’s 1:37 by the time he gets to the headstone reading ‘Here Lies Jason Todd’ and the gaping, muddy pit in front of it.
This- This doesn’t make any sense. This is not removal. This is destruction. Desecration. Somebody did this. Somebody-
Assess the situation.
A hole in the ground, approximately 1.5 feet in diameter.
Mud and grass flung outward but with little force.
Large chunks of earth turned over and shoved away.
No signs of tool marks or clean lines of entry into the dirt.
Dragging claw marks.
Staggering, shuffled pairs of foot prints in the mud.
A trail of dirt.
Something… Something large clawed its way out of the ground here. Something large and bipedal and- and humanoid.
Tim refuses to jump to any conclusions he can see all the facts laid in front of him. He’s going to cautiously follow the trail and simply hope to any god listening that he isn’t the world’s first line of defense against the zombie apocalypse.
He’s been walking for 23 minutes and there’s good news and undecided news. Good news: he’s closing in on the target and the trail isn’t taking him out of the way so his trip home won’t be prolonged. Undecided news: The potential Zombie Robin is heading directly for Wayne Manor.
As zombie apocalypse news, this is very bad. From Tim’s collected observational evidence, his not-so-professional opinion is that Batman, faced with a horror movie level zombie of his dead son, would not respond well, and would likely not fight back.
In Batman and Robin news? Tim’s unsure. If Jason is simply back? What could that mean for them? Batman can have his Robin. He wouldn’t have to continue nearly killing others and himself every night in his grief. Jason could-
No. Stop. Do not jump to conclusions.
Hope only brings heartbreak.
What would Batman do? Get close and see if the target is a threat.
Target is male. Mid-teens. Dark hair. Pale skin. Leaning against surfaces as he walks. Appears injured and disoriented.
Minimal risk assessed. Approaching and attempting contact.
Target identity confirmed: Jason Todd.
“J-Jason?” It comes out as a croaked whisper. Jason shows no sign of acknowledgment.
Tim clears his throat, steps right in front of his path, and tries again.
“Jason. Jason, stop I want to help you.” Still nothing.
“Please, Jason. I can help, I promise I can help!”
Why isn’t this working?! Why can’t he just do something right for once?! He wants this to work, he wants to help Bruce, he wants to fix Batman, he wants to not be alone, he wants-
Robin jerks to a stop.
Tim reached out his hand.
“Robin. Robin please, I’m sorry you’re going through this, it’s really scary, I’m really scared. But I just want to help you. Help you find Batman. Help you get home.”
Jason just stares at him. Of course he does. Of course it’s not going to work. Why did he even bother hoping he could help?
Hope only brings heartbreak.
His sight blurs as his eyes fill with tears and he starts to lower his outstretched hand.
His arm is slowed as a cold hand weakly grasps his own.
“Don’t… scared… Bat… help… Dad… help.”
A relieved sob tears out from Tim’s chest and he gathers himself together. He yanks his extra sweater off and gently pulls it over Jason’s cold shoulders. Jason lets Tim drag his arm over his shoulders to try and carry some of his weight.
“Okay, Robin. Yeah. Your dad will help us.”
Batman will solve everything once Tim gets Robin home.
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This request was sent to us and we made a poll in response to it. Send any Blorbo-related question you want to our inbox and we’ll make a poll on which people can vote with their own Blorbos in minds
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hei-n1cky · 5 months
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A taste of your own medicine?
Grian from There Are Monsters Nearby ! by @uhohbestie
Ok Chapter 16 is killing me I am literally obsessed with this fic rn I need to know what is going on aaaaaa
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hongjoongspoetry · 26 days
Bones, Blood and Teeth Erode - Teaser
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⚠️ Pairing(s): Jeong Yunho x F!Reader
⚠️ Genres/Tropes: non-idol AU, zombie apocalypse AU, horror, romance, hurt/comfort, a lot of action, smut, a lil comedy, golden retriever x black cat
⚠️ Warnings/Tags: female reader, no use of (Y/N), explicit language, use of weapons (guns, knives), blood and gore (quite descriptive), zombies, murder, reader is a badass... more to come
⚠️ Wordcount: Estimated 30-40K
⚠️ A/N: As it's still a WIP, nothing is set in stone and scenes can be changed until the whole work is published. I also don't have a summary ready, but... enjoy! 😀
This is all fiction and not meant to represent the idols involved in any way or form. This work is NSFW and not appropriate for minors as it contains explicit scenes, not just sexual content, but descriptions of both physical and verbal fights, as well as adult language and gore. Minors and ageless blogs, please, refrain from reading or interacting with this work or my blog!!!
AO3 Masterlist Click on me!
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Yunho was there in seconds to haul you off the ground, his hand grabbing the back of your shirt, shouting at you to run.
“Are you deaf?! Go!” 
It was the harsh push to your shoulder that finally got you moving. Slow and uncertain steps, but moving nonetheless thanks to Yunho barking orders behind you. One would think you had never stepped foot outside the prison walls, let alone gone on numerous resource runs. Everything between Yunho’s push to you reaching the make-up store was a blur. The blood covering your knife and hands — along with the trail of corpses left behind you — being the only proof you had been involved in the massacre. 
“I told you to get inside!” 
You jumped as Yunho’s hand landed on your forearm, tugging you toward the store. Throwing a glance over your shoulder, you counted over a hundred rotting heads. The shutters would only hold a dozen until it broke and they tore you apart. 
Yunho watched the gears turn in your head and got a whiff of what you planned to do. “Don’t.”
The foreign depth in his voice did nothing to change your mind and he noticed it too, thus holding onto you until his fingers turned white and the veins of his hands protruded. You snapped out of the haze as another forceful tug bruised your arm. Determined to see your plan till the end, you used the element of surprise to your advantage and bore your teeth into his wrist, just enough for Yunho to loosen his hold on you and give you the chance to step back. You ripped your bag off your shoulders and slung it at Yunho, who caught it with an ‘oomph’, successfully keeping him down on his rear for a few extra seconds. His raspy call of your name clawed at your heart. Something was eating you from the inside, but you ignored the wails of your soul and kicked the cart with all your might, allowing the shutters to fall with a bang. Your stubbornness wasn’t the sole thing to stand between you two anymore.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
You paid little mind to the burning feeling in your chest and the flame dancing across his features. Leaving him there would hurt, but it would be hell to see him get ripped to shreds knowing he had a chance of surviving. Back at the prison, you only had one person to look out for whilst Yunho was a pillar for many. You couldn’t do that to them. To Hongjoong, Mingi, Wooyoung… Heck, you couldn’t do it to yourself. Angry Yunho was a fleeting image. It would pass, but the Yunho with cheesing eyes and heart shaped lips pulled in a joyous smile would forever be engraved in your memory. 
“It’s not going to hold,” you gestured to the stupid shutter. “Get home and make sure the stuff gets to Hongjoong.”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m leaving without you!”
“Tell Nari I love her–”
His fist slammed against the metal cover and for a moment you thought it would crumble beneath his touch. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence. You’re going to tell her yourself because we’re going back together!”
There was so much on your mind. What to say, what message to leave the others; apologies and closure or a last round of advice?
“I’ll find you. Outside, I’ll find you. I’m not dyi… “ Your throat tightened at the empty promise. You didn’t know if you said that to reassure him or yourself. “Ten minutes. If I’m not outside in ten minutes, you’ll leave. Yunho, promise me you’ll leave.”
If only you knew what you were doing to his poor soul. Asking him of the impossible. He could promise you anything you wanted, anything in this cursed world and he’d hand it to you on a silver platter. Anything, but that. Leaving you behind was like signing his own death sentence. He’d be nothing, but the shell of a man. An empty, hollow, useless shell with the bitter taste of resentment for both your selfless and selfish sacrifice. Yunho knew agreeing to keep the promise would give you a peace of mind yet, if anything happened to you, he’d be haunted by the memories of you until his very last breath.
Across from him, you waited as if time wasn’t about the most sacred thing you could have. A mix of concern and determination wedged in your beautiful features and Yunho knew he had to speak, although he didn’t want to because the words rolling off his dry tongue would be some kind of agreement to your request. 
“Yunho, please.”
The burning fire in his eyes dimmed as a wave of tears washed over them. They looked magical, even when obscured by grief and longing for the one still alive. His bottom lip formed into a pout to keep from trembling just as his hands balled into fists for that same reason. The sand continued seeping out of the imaginary hourglass, no matter how much Yunho tried scooping it back inside, the universal clock wouldn’t stop ticking. 
With great effort — his lips parted and the shaky breath released aimed straight at your heart as did the tears brimming his red eyes which were a reflection of your own — he nodded. “I promise… but don’t make me fulfill it.”
In another life, the vow would be exchanged in a happier setting, surrounded by friends and family. Vacant of gloomy clouds and death knocking at your door, and filled with belly laughter and tears of joy instead. A time where the promise of sacrifice was made out of love and not for survival.
“Yunho, I–”
The remaining seven letters died in your throat as cold and wrinkly fingers sunk into your shoulder. Yunho watched you scramble from the touch, his heart pounding for your safety, and felt completely useless. He couldn’t breathe until your blade was driven into the side of the biter’s head and the creature landed with a thud, blood pooling at your feet. The growling worsened and you needed to get a move on if you ever planned on seeing another shift between the sun and moon. 
“Come back to me, do you understand?” 
Your eyes met for what could be the last time and you drank him in like he was a part of the seven wonders of the world. 
His messy charcoal strands falling over his equally dark brows, knitted together with a crease in the middle that you wanted to smooth out. Trailing down to his naturally puffy eyes reflecting a storm of emotions — thundering anger and heavy anguish — threatening to spill over with tears. Your throat tightened. You couldn’t bear seeing the pain you inflicted upon him and hastily followed the slope of his pretty nose, red as a ripe strawberry. A beautiful blush, probably stemming from his anger, kissed his round cheeks and spread to his ears. The need to reach out and touch him, caress him with reassurances that everything would be fine, grew at the sight of his trembling lips.
The angel on your shoulder whispered for you to run. Another whisper — this time from the devil — tingled your ears with the statement to stay a little longer. You wanted to heed the little red fella, but what you wanted wasn’t what you needed, so with a final nod, you tore away from his painful gaze and willed yourself not to turn back around because if you did, you wouldn’t be able to leave. 
With fear and adrenaline pumping through your veins and the promise of returning alive, you slipped on the mask of a soldier — putting a pause to the war in your head — and faced the army of the dead. 
“Come get me, fucking assholes!”
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© HONGJOONGSPOETRY 2024 - All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting or translating my work is not allowed.
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metalkaloids · 1 month
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“Viking funeral,” he says, flat.
There’s nothing. No argument, no fervorous reaction.
based on the fantastic fic "there are monsters nearby" written by lock and key ( @uhohbestie )
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witha-boxofscraps · 21 days
I swear man, being on tumblr when ao3 is down is more preparation for an apocalypse than watching the entirety of the walking dead and the last of us.
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hearts4golbach · 8 months
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if you do not like or approve of what I post BLOCK ME AND KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!
About Me.
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My Nos in FanFiction.
Join the Emo Lesbian Cult!
Sally Face.
Jake Webber, Johnnie Guilbert, & Carrington Bornstein.
Billie Eilish.
Sam Golbach & Colby Brock.
Hansumfella: Tyler.
Tara Yummy.
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hyuuukais · 28 days
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⋆₊‧⁺˖⋆˚.⋆ ͙͘͡★ LOOK UP TO THE STARS
pairing ▪︎ han jisung x fem reader
synopsis ▪︎ sent out on a mission to a neighbouring QZ that's gone radio silent, y/n falls into the hands of a post-rebellion group after things go terribly wrong. giving up on rejoining her squad, she joins the group on a trek to find a missing member, the group leader's sister. what's supposed to be a not-so-simple trip out and back to their base becomes a one-way ticket to the end of everything they know.
warnings ▪︎ general, yn kinda meanish to han, yn feeling like a burden
For being the guy who saved your life, Han Jisung turned out to be a pain in the ass.
It had been about three months since joining this post-rebellion group, if you could call it that. They reside in a small, fenced-in town, only about one intersection big. Before you'd been taken to where a group of them were camping out, waiting for the right time to strike the QZ for resources. Although you couldn't commend their actions, you understood them.
Fewer people lived in the town than there were in your squad, only six of them. You'd met Jeongin long before when he was a cadet with you, disappearing soon after. No one knew what happened to him, assuming he'd been bitten or died, but now you knew the truth, and Seungmin knew too. He'd stayed by you during your recovery, teasing you relentlessly about almost dying; you knew it was because the thought of that scared him.
Chan turned out to be exactly what Han had called him when you first met; the captain, although he didn't like to be called that, much more humble than some people. You'd properly met Chaeryeong after being able to leave the tent, learning she was the other sniper. Everyone had roles; Chan the leader, Chaeryeong and Han the snipers, and Jeongin the healer. The others you met were Hyunjin, a skilled fighter with liquid movements, and Felix, a recent recruit training next to Jeongin to learn medicine the best he could out here; a bit of a pacifist, but will do what's needed.
The first couple of weeks were tough; learning to move around with a broken limb was a first for you. Sure, you'd sprained your wrist or your ankle here and there during training, but you'd never had your leg crushed by a piece of wall before. Lucky for you, it was below your knee and a surprisingly clean break, but the healing process would be long regardless. Everyone here treated you hesitantly, unsure of your intentions. Seungmin was different, instantly earning respect from what Jeongin had told the group about him previously.
To say you felt like an alien was an understatement. After the first month it became clear that returning to your QZ was no longer an option. It had been too long, they wouldn't trust you anymore. You only brought up going back once during your first week there.
"How long do you plan on having us?" You'd asked Chan.
It was night and you were sitting on a pull out chair staring into a campfire in the backyard of his house. There were enough houses on this small intersection for the six of them, an extra reserved for people passing through.
"As long as you want or need to stay," He replied, looking over at you.
You couldn't meet his gaze. "I don't know if I can go back."
"Why not?" He asked. "It's not too late. You can say you escaped us and found your way back if they question you."
"I know, it's not that." You considered leaving it there, unsure how to phrase the next part. "The mission we were sent on wasn't supposed to go down like that. We were told it was a search and rescue and that most of the infected had left, but clearly that wasn't the case." You finally looked at him, face blank. "They sent us out to die."
He nodded, taking in the information. When he said nothing, you continued.
"Maybe my place isn't there anymore. I didn't grow up there like most others and never really felt like I belonged there," You sighed. "Then I met Seungmin and that changed, kind of. I always had Minho, but- ugh. It's complicated."
Waving a hand in the air, you shook your head.
"He's your family," Chan said slowly.
"He left me," Your words came out harsher than you expected. "And now I don't know what to think. Not to mention Minho knew what we were walking into and said nothing."
"Ouch," Chan hissed. "How does Seungmin feel about all of this?"
"Pretty sure he's glad to be out of there," You laughed. "He never liked it very much, always challenging authority subtlety... and not so subtlety."
You ended up sleeping on Chan's couch that night, too tired and heavy with emotions to return to your shared house with Seungmin; he knew you too well not to press.
Nobody said anything, just accepted you into the group after the first month passed and it became clear you weren't leaving. After that, people started interacting with you more, making small talk here and there. Your respect grew for each member the more you heard about their struggles to survive. It turned out the only one with experience in a quarantine zone outside of yourself, Seungmin, and Jeongin, was Hyunjin, which made sense to you as he had similar fighting techniques to the ones you've learned, but he's made them his own.
"I left when I was sixteen," He said one night while visiting you to cook dinner; "a proper welcome" as he put it. "Never looked back. Chan found me half dead in the back of a convenience store."
"He has a habit of doing that, huh?"
"Yeah," He laughed. "He really does."
Cut to present day where you're laying in bed early in the morning, Hyunjin lying next to you in the sun, rays reflecting in his dark eyes as he stares at you. He'd stayed over after another late night cooking session.
"Good morning," He smiles, propping himself up with his arm and using the other to trace a finger over your bare shoulder blade.
"Morning," You mumble, face half smushed into the pillow.
Not much later, you were dressed and ready for the day, leaving to meet up with Jeongin to check your leg. By now it was pretty much healed, but still aching. You haven't been allowed to leave town at all, staying back to rest. Hyunjin trailed a short distance behind you, humming a tune.
"Hey lovebirds," Seungmin teases as you step onto the porch, rolling your eyes. "Sleep well? Did you sleep?"
"Shut up," You playfully smack his shoulder, stopping next to him with a hand on your hip. "Jeongin inside?"
"Where else would he be?" Seungmin says. "Chan's there, Han too."
Groaning, you head in, knocking lightly so you don't startle anyone. You didn't have a problem with Han exactly, but he definitely had one with you. Since you arrived, he seems to have made it his life mission to annoy you, questioning your every move. It only got worse once you and Hyunjin became closer.
"What's going on?" You ask, joining the three in Jeongins dining room.
Chan looks up from the map displayed in front of him, eyeing Hyunjin as he sits next to you. A lot went unsaid about relationships within the group, but it wasn't hard to tell something was going on. In all your years in the QZ, you'd never acted upon feelings for someone in fear of rejection, but with him, it felt easy. You didn't need to say anything about your lack of experience in this field, he somehow just understood.
"A transmission came in today," Chan starts, pointing at a red mark on the map. "This is where we estimate it came from. Problem is, that it's in the middle of a huge city. There's no way we can get in there without detection. Chances are they're already dead by the time we get there."
"What was the message?" You ask, eyebrows furrowed. "Search and rescue? Resources? Info?"
"...yes?" Chan says. "First it explained the group was trapped in the lower level of a hospital when out on a medical run. They reached where they needed to be, but there are too many infected roaming the halls for them to get out the way they came, and the other way is blocked."
"Shit, that's not good." Hyunjin's eyebrows raise.
"No, it's not. We caught wind of this, but I'm pretty sure it was meant for a QZ to hear, not us. If we can get there first, we can gather the supplies we need as well since we're starting to run low." Chan straightens, analyzing the map. "We'd all have to go."
Thinking about it, this doesn't seem like the type of plan Chan would usually make, nor the kind of transmission he'd respond to. This was dangerous, risky; you knew him well enough to know he wouldn't put his people in that kind of situation for something so simple. There has to be more.
"This is a bad idea," You say, breaking the silence.
"Correct," Jeongin speaks for the first time since you've entered his home. "A terrible one."
He side-eyes Chan who ignores the look.
"These people might have information," Chan says carefully. "About... about Hannah."
Jeongin and Hyunjin startle at this, but only Hyunjin speaks. "Hannah? You really think so?"
"I think it's possible."
"Then we have to go, don't we?" Han looks around the table at everyone's faces.
"It's not that simple," Chan says, shaking his head. "Someone like her was described to be badly hurt; the whole reason they had to go to this hospital in the first place. It might not even be her. That's why I need you all to convince me this isn't worth it."
"Who's Hannah?"
Everyone looks at you.
"Um, sorry." You look away, picking at your nails. "Should I not ask that?"
"No, no, you can." Chan breathes. "She's my sister."
"Oh," Chan repeats. "'Oh' is right."
"How far is this city?" You ask. "And how sure are you it's her?"
"About three hours away from here, but we only have enough gas for half of that." Chan finally sits, running a hand through his short hair. "There's a gas station not too far we can walk to and we can siphon some from cars we pass. As for Hannah," he sighs and puts his arm out to reveal a tattoo on his wrist. "We have matching ones. Hers a star and mine the moon."
"Y/n and I can go to the gas station," Hyunjin volunteers. "I'm sure she'd love to get out now that she can."
You nod eagerly, watching Chan move his arm back to his lap.
"Are you sure you're up to this Y/n?"
"Yes, completely."
"Okay," Chan looks over to Jeongin. "Check her over and make sure she's okay to go first. And you, " He points to Han. "Go with them."
You suppress a groan.
"I mean, that's why she's here in the first place," Jeongin mumbles. "You just got here earlier than expected."
At the same time, Han says, "Aye-aye, Captain."
"My bad," Chan laughs sheepishly. "I'll see myself out then."
"Y/n, get over here." Jeongin stands, starting toward another room. "Hyunjin, Han, you stay there. Doctor-patient confidentiality and all that. You understand."
Hyunjin grumbles as you leave, a smile forming on your face. You have something good with him.
"Will there be infected, do you think?"
Hyunjin pouts his lips a bit, thinking for a moment. "No, there shouldn't be. I went on a patrol that passed through here two weeks ago with Han and we cleared out a few stragglers. There are tripwires in the surrounding perimeter that we put up that day too, to try and prevent more from showing up."
This is the first real chance you've had to see outside of the small town the group has built for themselves. Not far from town is the gas station, then further down, a bigger town. You'd asked once why they didn't fence in the bigger town in case they grew in numbers and couldn't house everyone, Chan saying it was all they could do at the time. And since then, they've only lost people.
One of the people they've lost must have been Hannah. As much as you want to know what happened to her and how they got separated, you didn't press Chan. He'd tell you if he wanted to and when it was important. Nobody really mentioned anyone else, too painful to relive the memories. You figured you were lucky. The closest you've become to losing someone was when Jeongin went missing, but even then, you barely knew him. Then there were your parents, but you were young and don't remember much of them.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Hmm?" You look up at Hyunjin, sunlight highlighting his soft features. "How do you people always know when I'm deep in thought?"
"You squint and angle your head." Hyunjin comes to a stop, hand finding yours. "And you furrow your eyebrows. It's really cute."
Hyunjin looks back at Han, who seems to be lost in his own thoughts. His other hand traces your brow bone down to your jaw and ends at your chin, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. Smiling, you start to lean in, and he does too. Lips barely touching yours, he pulls away at the sound of a vehicle approaching. You move apart and he pulls you to the side of the road, stepping slightly in front of you.
"Need a ride?" The truck slows next to you, window rolled down to reveal a man just older than you, maybe around Chan's age.
"Nope, we know where we're going," Hyunjin answers.
The man looks between you two and smirks. "Don't get too distracted out here, you never know what might get you."
With that, he drives away, a funny feeling left in your chest.
"What was that about?" You almost forgot Han was with you.
"Nothing," You say. "Let's keep going."
Han rolls his eyes and Hyunjin jogs up back next to you, hand on the small of your back. The feeling of his hand is a small comfort, easing the nerves in your belly. Not many people passed through this part so you didn't know how to take his warning. If he meant the infected, did he not notice your weapons? You're more than prepared for a fight.
There's a break in the trees signalling the gas station; a small building, once partially a coffee chain for people stopping in. The windows are broken and the door is gone, grass overgrown in the front, and years of wear and tear all over. An abandoned car sits by a pump, tires missing and windshield shattered. Inside is a skeleton in the driver's seat, body curved over the steering wheel. The trunk is popped open revealing an empty suitcase. Poor bastard was probably trying to get the hell out of here before things got bad.
"I'm gonna take a look inside!" You shout, already walking through the doorway.
"There won't be much, we cleared it out when we first found this place!" Han shouts back, getting to work on one of the pumps outside.
There are a few aisles of convenience items inside and to the right, most of which are cleaned out or have been damaged. Glass crunches under your feet as you walk around the bare aisles, scanning as you go. There really isn't much; Han was right for once.
"Oh, but there's this," You mutter, picking up a faded purple box near the back. "I'm sure Chaeryeong will be happy I found these."
You tuck the box into your backpack, the zipper stuck.
"You're kidding, right?"
The backpack refuses to open, so you sit down and struggle some more. Your back is facing the front, the counter to pay directly next to you with the aisle on the other side tightly. After a few moments of fighting and coming close to defeat, it unzips.
"Thank you!" You whisper.
Standing and spinning around, you're met with a decaying body facing away from you. Immediately, you cover your mouth, crouching down and moving slowly toward the back to the station. It begins to turn, limping with each step. You've successfully moved around the side, inching closer to the middle until you can see the door, now directly in front of you. If the infected continues down where it assumes you were, you should be able to leave and get to the others before alerting it.
Of course, that's not at all what happens.
Making a beeline to the door, you're stopped by another infected coming from your right. You collide with it, falling on your hands into the broken glass. The cuts sting, the infected tripping over your crouched body with a crash, and the other limping over to you. Thankfully this one is slow, but the one who tripped over you is already getting up as you examine your bleeding hands. You could call out for help, but if there are more, you don't want them to get to Hyunjin.
You pull out a knife, standing up fully to take on the infected beings, focusing on the fast one. It comes at you, wailing and arms swinging. You're able to dodge, a quick jump left into the aisle and a swipe to its arm drawing blood. Grabbing another knife by the tip, you aim at the limping one, throwing it expertly into the skull with a squelch. Gross.
As you're distracted, the one you swiped pulls around the other side to your back, lunging forward. Landing on your stomach, you're not in a position to fight back, pinned to the ground by surprisingly strong arms. Another wail escapes its lips close to your ear.
This is it, you think. I'm dying in the middle of a gas station convenience store. No wonder Hyunjin and I were so drawn to each other.
The full body weight of the infected falls on top of you, stealing your breath away.
"How many times am I gonna have to save your ass?" Han grunts as he pulls the body off of you, grabbing your arm to help you up.
You take it back. "I was doing fine."
"Two seconds away from being breakfast is fine?" Han beams. "Then I'm doing amazing!"
"Next time, let the zombie eat my face so I don't have to listen to you, okay?" You get close to his face, personal space be damned.
"Yeah, maybe I will." His eyes narrow. "Then I don't have to listen to you either. Win-win situation."
"Guys?" Hyunjin appears in the doorway. "Han, back away. Y/n, what the fuck?"
You look at him as Han steps back, arms crossed. "What?"
"Why didn't you call for help?" He looks betrayed. "I was right there-"
"I was handling it!" You whine.
"You weren't handling shit-"
"Han, not so respectfully, shut the fuck up. Step out." Hyunjin enters the store, leaving the doorway open, Han reluctantly leaving you two alone. "Didn't want him to hear this, but he had a point. The minute they both came after you, you should have yelled."
"Everything was fine until I got pinned," You argue, not meeting his eye. "And at that point, it would've been too late... usually."
Hyunjin sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm fast, it's why Chan keeps me around. I would have made it to you in time."
"Nuh-uh," You say, head snapping up to look at him. "Chan thinks of you as family, that's why he 'keeps you around'."
"We're not talking about me right now-"
"I think we are actually," you say, running your fingers gently down his arms. You take his hands in yours. "Do you really think that? You think he only values you for your skills?"
"Obviously," Hyunjin scoffs. "It's literally the apocalypse, there's no point in real relationships when you might die the next day."
You bite back a mean comment, taking a deep breath. "Is that what you think of us?"
"What? No! No, that's not-" He takes a hand back to run it through his hair. "I just mean he doesn't need me like that. I'm useful, but replaceable."
"Not to him," Your words soften. "Not to any of us, even Han."
Hyunjin laughs, head hanging down and your foreheads touch. All you do for a while is stand there with each other, urging your feelings to melt through your skin and seep into his, make him understand he's more than just a tool to be used.
"Hey, you guys done?" Han says, nerves leaking into his voice.
"What's wrong?" You let go of Hyunjin, walking outside.
"Those guys are back."
A couple of trucks pull in, one stopping directly in front of you. For a second you think he'll hit you, parking a few inches away from your feet. The same man from earlier steps out and closes the door, hard, leaning against it. He looks at the three of you standing together, taking extra time to take you in. Beside you, you can feel Hyunjin tense, and you grip your knife tighter.
"You three still here?" The man pulls out a crushed pack of cigarettes, lighting one up. "Any gas left? We're running low."
"Nope, just grabbed the last of it." Han lifts the red gas can. "There's another station about twenty minutes from here."
Another man emerges from the other side of the truck, rifle in hand. The one smoking comes closer and you finally move away from the truck, planning to walk away before he tries anything. There's another truck parked on the far side of the station and three more men with guns step out, blocking your path. You turn around, nearly running into the first man.
"Why go that far when we can take yours?" He blows a puff of smoke in your face and you barely hold back a cough, eyes stinging. "Hand it over."
You grab the can from Han before he can protest, sticking it out to the man. He goes to grab it, but you move away at the last second with a smirk. It dangles by your side.
"For what?" You tilt your head.
"This isn't up for debate, little lady," He scowls. "Now hand it over."
He makes another move to grab it, but you swing it behind you, angling your back toward Hyunjin who takes it from you. Growing irritated, the man grabs your wrist to discover it empty, roughly pulling you forward. A body comes between you and him, landing an attack on his arm and he lets you go.
"Get your hands off her," Han growls, pushing him back.
Beside you, Hyunjin stumbles forward. The gas can is no longer in his hand and you catch a glimpse of it in the hands of one of the other men, gun poking Hyunjin in the back. You feel the tip of another gun in your own and soon enough all are pointed at your group, fingers on the triggers. Han still has his arm up, taking in the threatening circle of people.
"I suggest you back up." The man drops his cigarette to the ground, crushing it with the toe of his boot.
There's nothing you can do except let the group walk away, gas can in hand, and return to the others. Chan won't be happy, but at least you'll be alive. You watch Han's fists clench by his side, no doubt resisting the urge to throw a punch or two. It doesn't take long for them to get back in their vehicles and drive off, leaving you defeated.
"You're kidding."
Chan runs a hand over his face, staying put on his chin with the other on his hip. He breathes slowly, walking to the window of his kitchen, and leans back on the counter. Although his body is facing you, his eyes are focused on something beyond you. The sunset peaks through the curtains behind him and you shift uncomfortably to cover the blinding light with his body.
On your left is Hyunjin, head hanging low, and Han stands on your right with his chin high in the air. If you look down, you can see his hands shaking.
"We had no choice." You speak first, holding Chan's gaze the best you can. Having experience in disappointing higher-ups in your QZ made it easier to be present in this conversation.
"You had a choice," He says. "Instead of going in the store Han specifically said was cleared out, you could have helped with collecting the gas and gotten out of there quicker."
A shiver runs down your back under his gaze. "It's kind of hard to help when we only have one can."
Chan exhales sharply, crossing his arms. You can tell he knows you have a point and doesn't want to admit it, opting to stay silent and let you continue.
"Besides, it wasn't completely cleared out," You say, digging through your bag to present what you found. "Not that it matters for you guys, but I'm sure Chaeryeong will be happy I found these. So if you need me, I'll be at her house."
You know you shouldn't walk out without being dismissed, but you can't handle the suffocating air of Chan's kitchen any longer. There's no protest as you leave, but can hear Han try to argue as the door shuts behind you. As much as you want to head straight to Chaeryeong's house, you take a detour to your own first. Seungmin should still be with Jeongin figuring out the best route to the hospital, so you should be in the clear to cry on your couch alone.
Dust particles shine in the light of the old house you now share with Seungmin, greeting you like an old friend. It makes your nose itch and your eyes dry, sniffling hard as you lean against the door. Saying you were overwhelmed would be an understatement. This was your first proper mission here and you fucked it up. Since coming here, all you've done is be a burden while Seungmin has actually been valuable to the group, mapping out routes to avoid squad patrols and leading them to better resources. And what have you done besides lay in bed with a broken leg? You're useless to them. Soon enough they'll realize and cast you out.
A sigh escapes your lips as you slide down the door, tossing your bag to the side. Will there ever be a day you don't overthink every action, every word you say? Probably not, but maybe with enough time you'll just stop caring, stop listening to that voice in the back of your head. Or maybe it will win. Only one way to find out; keep going.
"Rise and shine!" A jacket is tossed over your face, effectively waking you. "Get out of bed, we're leaving."
"Huh?" You groan, sitting up. Your bones crack and your neck is stiff from where you fell asleep on the couch. "Leaving? And what are you doing here?"
Han walks back in front of you, taking a seat on your coffee table. The wood creaks and for a second you imagine it snapping, sending the man in front of you onto his ass, making you snort.
"Nothing." You wave off his look of annoyance. "Answer my questions first."
His eyes narrow. "Chan sent me over to get you. We're heading to the hospital today, all of us. He said you better not drag us down more than you already have."
"Let's get a move on," He stands, a strange expression on his face after seeing yours drop. "Everyone's already in the truck. You'll have to sit in the back with me."
"Yeah, okay." You don't have it in you to argue.
Taking one last look around the house you've been living in for the past few months, you wonder what you would be doing if you had gone back to your QZ. You pick up the jacket Han threw; it's one of yours, a worn black denim with a patch to signify your rank on the breast pocket. It wasn't mandatory, but you liked people knowing where you stood when you walked around in casual clothes, even if it wasn't a high ranking. There was a sense of belonging when you saw others in uniform with their matching patches, always able to blend in with a crowd.
You rip the patch off.
"Done?" Han stands in the open doorway, having watched you make this silent choice.
All you do is nod, slipping the jacket on as you walk past him. It's early, the sun not quite rising yet; morning dew wets your boots as you jog to the truck. Chan is standing by the driver's side door, no doubt waiting on you and Han. Inside is Seungmin in the passenger's side, and Chaeryeong, Hyunjin, and Jeongin in the back, although you can barely see them through the tinted windows. With a nod to Chan, you throw your bag over and hop in the back. There's a little window behind where you settle yourself, opening it to poke Hyunjin in the back of the head.
"What-" He shifts in his seat, disgust leaving his face when he sees it's you. "I thought you were Han. Did you want to sit in here? We can kick Jeongin out-"
"No, you will not." Jeongin locks his door and you laugh.
"I'm fine here." The truck dips as Han hops over, sitting closer to the end. "Besides, if I get annoyed with him I can just throw him over."
Hyunjin makes eye contact with Han as he looks over at your words and your eyes follow. He's sitting with his gun over his lap, bag on the opposite side. It doesn't take long for Han to look away, shifting to face the road as Chan starts up the vehicle.
"Weird," You say, looking back at Hyunjin who rolls his eyes. "Sitting that way is gonna be uncomfortable now that we're moving."
"It's worth it if I'm talking to you," Hyunjin smiles. "Besides-"
"Y/n!" Felix bounds over the edge of the truck. "Looks like we'll be together this ride."
"Lix, you interrupted me," Hyunjin whines. "I was going to say, at least I won't be bored."
"We aren't boring," Jeongin chips in.
"Y/n is more entertaining." Hyunjin pouts.
You lean in, pressing a kiss onto his pouting face and soon enough he's smiling into you. When you break away, Hyunjin sighs and turns back around, the truck finally moving. Closing the small window, you get as comfortable as you can in the back, shifting your backpack behind you to use as a cushion. Having Felix join you let you relax a bit knowing he can keep Han distracted when he inevitably wants attention you won't give. If he wasn't such a little shit, you could actually be friends.
The roads Chan takes are bumpy and surrounded by trees, no sign of life around you, not that the infected would really fall under 'life'. For a while, things seem peaceful. You watch Felix's hair blow across his face as he leans back, eyes closed. Although you knew some would think your watching to be strange, you liked to be able to take in details of another person. The rise and fall of his chest and the way his lips are parted in a light sleep; the freckles dusting his face and the small scar running through his right eyebrow.
Looking at Han, you can see the way he fiddles with the strap of his bag laid next to him. He's too far to observe in great detail, but you see the way his eyes wander across the landscape, deep in his head. There's a moment you catch his breathing quicken and he sits up more, crossing his legs and placing a hand on each knee. His eyes close and he takes a deep breath through his nose and out of his mouth, repeating several times. You shouldn't be watching this.
"Hey, Han." You crawl over to him, sitting by his side. "What's going on in there?"
You point at his head and he looks at you strangely.
"What?" He moves away.
"You seem tense," You shrug. "How long do you think until we get there?"
Changing the subject appeared to be a better plan as Han returns your shrug. "I'd say we have about thirty more minutes until we run out of gas. Then we walk the rest of the way which'll take at least a few more hours than driving would have taken."
"Do you think they'll still be alive?" You ask quietly. "The people at the hospital?"
It's weird to think of all the experience the people around you have and your lack of it, knowing everything in theory but not in practice. Other than what was supposed to be your first mission outside of the QZ, you've never truly seen what the apocalypse has brought onto the world, not first-hand. The time before, when you were a child, you don't remember. You don't remember the harsh world your parents died to protect you from or the way they loved despite it all.
"Truthfully?" You nod. "...I don't know. I hope so. This means a lot to Chan, finding Hannah. He won't tell anyone, but we all know how much of a toll losing her took on him. We knew she wasn't dead, just.. gone, which is almost worse because who knows what she's been going through without us? And he blames himself, he always does for anything that happens to one of us."
There's nothing you can say to that, only nodding your head again. Everyone in this group cares so much, loves so much. How could you ever fit into that?
"Do you have siblings?" Han asks after a beat. "Back in your zone?"
Part of you thinks of Minho, who looked after who when no one else was there. "Not by blood."
"Who needs blood when you have soul?" Han looks at you, really looks at you. "You miss them."
"So what if I do-" You start, but the feeling of something missing sets in. You haven't even talked to Seungmin about missing Minho. "I... really fucking do. I miss him so much, and I don't know why I'm telling you of all people."
He laughs at that, and you do too. "Because you don't care what I'll say back to you?"
"Hmm, true," You laugh again. "Sometimes I think about the fact I'll never see him again and it's like, that's cruel. The universe gives you someone only to rip them away without a goodbye. A glimpse of their face and boom, gone. Never to be seen again. He probably thinks I'm dead. He probably thinks you guys killed me." You pause, looking away from Han, focusing on the passing trees. "He never even came looking for me."
"Hey," Han places a hand on yours gently. "You don't know that. Maybe he's just looking in the wrong place."
All you can do is nod again, tears brimming at the edges of your eyes. It's not much later the truck slows down and you let go of Han's hand, crawling back to where you were before to grab your bag. This must be the part you start walking.
Chan is the first to step out of the vehicle, taking in your surroundings and examining a map on the hood of the truck. Jeongin and Seungmin join his side, mumbling amongst themselves. Hyunjin helps you out of the back, picking you up so you don't have to jump down. Out of the corner of your eye you spot Han looking at you again, but pay him no attention.
"You and him make up?" Hyunjin forces a smile and gestures toward Han.
"No," You say, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. "We had a civil conversation and that was that."
"Good," Hyunjin smiles more genuinely this time, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and leading you to the front.
"We go straight for a while longer before hitting a main road. There's a highway we need to cross, so keep your weapons handy when we get to that part." Chan clears his throat. "Stay in pairs as we walk, I don't want anyone wandering off and getting lost."
A hand clasps yours; Hyunjin, of course. Chan takes the lead, Seungmin and Jeongin close behind, then Chaeryeong and Felix. Han trails slightly behind you, clearly not wanting to join you and Hyunjin, but not wanting to bother the others either. You make sure to look back every once in a while to ensure he's still there. As much as he and you may not get along, you know how much he means to the group, and that's enough to want to keep him safe.
By the time you make it to the highway, your legs are aching from the distance. Abandoned cars litter the large street, dirty and broken, relics of the past. Here, the wind is stronger and you hold on tightly to Hyunjin. He switches from holding your hand to hooking arms, feeling more secure. The highway groans loudly from the wind and you have to crouch down to stop yourself from falling over the edge.
"Maybe we should stay put until the wind dies down!" Chaeryeong calls out, brushing hair out of her face. "It's not safe to continue!"
"As long as we walk in the middle, we should be fine!" Han passes you and Hyunjin, eyeing you as he does.
"No, Chaer is right," Chan stops the group. "Just for a little while. Then we can continue down the middle."
Biting his lip, and no doubt an argument, Han sits with his back against the van ahead of you with Chaeryeong and Felix. Hyunjin has an arm around you again, holding you close to him. The door to the car you're using as a shield is slightly ajar, and you can see the front seats are empty.
"Hey," You turn to Hyunjin. "Wanna sit inside? I think I can pry this open."
"Sure, it'd be a hell of a lot more comfortable than concrete," He laughs.
Sticking a larger knife into the opening, you pull back with your full body weight. The door comes swinging open, knocking you back against another car.
"Ta-da," You rub your head where it hit the opposing door. "Get in."
As Hyunjin starts to climb over the passenger seat, a blur of bodies comes tumbling out of the car, screaming and limbs flailing. It doesn't take long to register the infected attacking Hyunjin, and you're quick to grab the knife that you used for the door.
"Get the fuck off of him!" You shout, hopping onto it's back, wrapping an arm around it's neck to keep it from biting.
Stabbing now is too risky, too much of a chance of hitting Hyunjin with the way the infected is grabbing him. You kick it's arms, releasing the man under you and allowing him to roll to the side. The infected stands with you still on it's back, turning in harsh circles, and it takes everything in you to hold on. Your knife goes flying. As it attempts to scratch and grab at you, it begins getting closer to the edge.
"Someone shoot this thing!" You're starting to panic, unable to let go long enough to grab another knife.
Your bodies hit the edge, and you finally let go only to be caged in by the infecteds arms. It goes in for a bite, and you wrap your hands around its neck, holding it away the best you can. This thing is strong, teeth getting closer by the second. You're leaning half over the edge and your back cracks, which actually feels quite nice, but you're sure you'd enjoy it more if you weren't about to be breakfast.
Quick thinking, c'mon, where are you?
Bringing your leg up in the tight space between your bodies, you plant your foot on its chest and push, successfully getting its teeth away from you and-
And you're rolling over the edge. One hand barely latches onto the concrete wall, the rest of your body dangling over and you watch the infected looking down at you. Weird, the way it snarls and yells, but doesn't leap over or scratch at you or anything. You can hear shouting on the other side and the body falls limp, slipping over. As it falls, you twist your body so your shoulders hit the wall and the body moves right past you. Your arm is twisted painfully in the process, but you figure that's better than falling to your death, so. Two hands grab your slipping fingers and you reach up blindly, another set of hands helping you over.
"Thanks for the help guys," You say, voice dripping in sarcasm as Chan and Hyunjin move past you.
No one answers, staring over where you were just hanging onto dear life. Chan's shoulders are tense, hand holding the edge until his knuckles turn white. He's shaking his head and when Hyunjin looks at him, you see his mouth is wide open.
"I've never seen this many of them in one place," Chan speaks, and you join them.
"Oh," You gasp. "Oh my god."
Hundreds, if not thousands, of infected cover the highway running underneath the one you stand on, all heading in the same direction. The groaning you heard earlier comes not from the giant bridge, but from the bodies below, wailing and crying.
"Good thing we don't have to go down there, yeah?" Felix chimes in as the rest gather with you.
"Yeah," Chan says, eyebrows furrowed. "We need to keep moving."
notes ▪︎ so... continuing on foot, that'll go well, right? ...right?????
─── taglist (18+) : @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom @manuosorioh @hanjisunglover @xxstrayland @puppyminnnie @hanjsquokka @kpopsstuffs @quokkabite @linosalwayslinos @reapers-lover @hyunjinslittlestar
113 notes · View notes
daryldixonfanfiction · 3 months
What you fight for! pt.10 - Good girl(*18+)
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summary: Daryl desperately tries to amend after they're heated argument…
Warnings: *18+, SMUT!, intimate sex - this man is in love, unprotected p in v, fingering, use of ‘good girl’, praise!cink, age gap, overprotective!Daryl, anger issues, heated argument, manhandling if y squint, angst, mutual pining, fluff, walkers, brief mention of signs of grief, trauma/dissociation.
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According to the diary they had been traveling on foot for two weeks now. Two weeks since leaving pittsburgh. And two weeks since Sam and Henry were buried. It was all she could think about - and her failed promise sat heavy on her heart.
Julia had not told Daryl what she had done that night, when Sam told her he was bit. A part of her new she should have, but she didn't. Instead she comforted him, showing him her scar and the bitmarke there, rubbing some of her blood into his wound in hope her blood could act as a sort of medicine. She knew Daryl would be upset with her actions and it felt it would make no difference if she did tell, so she had kept it to herself.
She didn't feel like talking much, nor did she have much of an appetite sins a week ago when fatigue had begun to creep in. And when she began having heavy cramps she knew she was coming on soon. She had dreaded it, the pain, that jabbing pain that made her want to vomit, but she was prepared with the tampons she had found so she knew she would be fine. Though Advill would be nice.
They were somewhere in northern Ohio.
Each day was colder than the one before and even though the autumn colors painted the levels in spectacular shades of red, orange and yellow she couldn't shake the way she was feeling. She didn't think she was depressed or anything like that, though she had been mourning the loss of Sam, feeling terribly devastated by what had happened that morning, or maybe she was just traumatized about it all? She didn't know. She just hoped she would eventually move past it.
But how did someone move past something so horrid? Something that bleeds into one's dreams, with their blooded faces and Sam's dead body begging her to save him?
She felt guilt, just pure guilt about it all and it felt more important than ever to bring a cure into this unforgiving world.
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It had begun getting darker much earlier and it being the beginning of October, mid autumn had begun. Daryl was all about finding a safe place to rest for the night, walking slightly ahead of her though she could always feel his watchful eye, not letting her out of his sight, not even letting her walk too many steps behind or he would snap at her, ordering for her to stay close.
After that morning Julia had noticed Daryl becoming even more protective of her. A clear change in his demeanor. He's always been the one to call the shots, it was his call, he was the leader, the one who had the most experience in this world, easely outweighing hers. Julia didn't mind, in fact she thought it was better that way. Because she trusted him in his decisions and like she had said that night, she did truly trust him ‘with her life’.
But the way she was feeling now only made her feel annoyed by his protectiveness. A Lot of the times she thought it was out right obsessive. It made her feel like a child that could not think for oneself, and she was perfectly capable of making her own decisions on her own accord. But Daryl had decided everything for her and if she didn't follow along she knew she would get scolded, so she did as she was told and kept it to herself, silently brewing underneath.
Entering a small abandoned town Julia longed for her aching feet to get some rest as they had been traveling since dawn. Julia looked down to the ground as they walked and Daryl let out a sigh, before shaking his head. It got Julias attention,
“What?” she questiond.
“You gotta stop doing that,” Daryl said.
And there it was again.
Julia looked a head, acting as if she didn't know what he was talking about, because she didn't have the energy for it, feeling drained, then she looked at him, and she questions,
“Doing what?”
Daryl gives her a look, “Disepering.”
And Julia knew what he meant by that. He was right, she wasn't paying attention. But she couldn't control it, it just happened, like it did when they had been ambushed and her body disappeared to somewhere she didn't know. She had thought of bringing it up, but chused against it. Bause how could she make him understand something she couldn't herself? And if she did say something it would sound like a lame excuse and she never wanted to burden him with her problems.
Making their way through the desolated town, they eventually spot a good place to hunker down. Daryl leads the way around the small food store and just when they turn the corner they run into a group of walkers, Daryl grabbed onto her, ushering them into the opposite direction, but they were cornered by more, leaving no other choice then fighting their way true. The dead were closing in fast, and Daryl's grip on her grew stronger. She could sense his inner panic and it was unlike her to feel so unafraid, not stiffening up but instead feeling confident she could handle herself.
They doge and stab walkers that get too close and it was working, they were making their way true. Moving to the back door that would be their escape Daryl rushes up to it, successfully forcing it open, Julia reaches the dore where Daryl stood holding it open for her, but then she looked behind herself and she knew the walkers would eventually make their way inside. Spotting the fence she steps back, and Daryl loses his grasp on her,
“I’m gonna draw them away!” Julia announced.
Daryl tries to stop her, but she is already on her way and begins to draw the walkers towards the other side of the fence away from the building.
Julia runs up to the opening and the walkers follow her true the gate. Waiting for the last one to pass true she realized it wasn't such a good plan as she had thought. She had moved the walkers and the next step to get herself out of there after trapping them she hadn't properly thought all the way true, unintentionally traping herself. Running back to the gate a walker gets a hold of a shug of hair, pulling her back towards its hungry teeth and its friends. That’s when the panic finely cashed up. Julia screams from the harsh pain, terrified doing anything to get out of its hold.
It happened so fast, the pain was gone by a swish of a bolt and she was pulled out of there within a second. Daryl came to her rescue and did what she couldn't, successfully closing the gate, walkers now trapped behind it, pushing and growling against the fens.
Julia rubbed the back of her haid where the walker had pulled, feeling a bruise forming there.
Daryl having secured the gate with a chain he made his way towards her, moving with purposeful strides towards where she stood making Julia's heart rate pick up, knowing sins meeting him he could have a very fiery temper. Her hand paused as he continued towards her and Julia was quick to amend,
“That was close, huh?”
It was an attempt to soften him. To soften the rage that threatened behind his eyes. It didn't seem to work though, as he reached out and took her upper arm, pulling her towards himself and snapped,
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?! Huh!”
And Julia couldn't find the words, she just stares up at him wide eyed.
“Girl, answer me God dammit!” he demanded.
Julia jumped, the anger in his voice surprised her. His expression screamed so many different things she felt she could hardly breathe. Julia blinked, several times more. He stared her down with narrowed eyes, waiting for her to say something and she felt so small under his gaze.
“No, I was ju-, ju-” she stutters, finding it hard to look him in the eye. “I just didn't see that one coming from behind, it’s not a big deal, nothing happened…”
The moment she said it Julia knew it sounded stupid, that she had been naive. It made something within Daryl snap, the subtle twitch his eyebrow told her so. Julia wasn't sure if it was anger towards her, or worry, or what. Then his face turned unreadable,
"What?” It came out low...daring. As if he couldn't believe it had come out of her mouth.
Julia blinked, feeling startled at the reaction. She began to step backwards, and tried to retract,
Daryl didn't seem like he didn't want to play any games, following with every step she took.
"No, what the hell did you just say?" he demanded coldly.
Julia swallowed hard, feeling winded all of a sudden, "It wasn't a big deal. Nothing happened.”
Julia continued to step backwards until her back was against the chops facade.
"Yeah, because I made it to ya in time,” Daryl said, caging her in. His voice was empty of emotion, but it held something sharp behind it, something warning, "If I wasn't, you’d be ripped to shreds right now.”
“But I wasn't,” Julia insisted.
Daryl starred. He just stared. And she wished he would just calm down. He was angry but It wasn't rage - it was something else. Maybe he was scared? But it didn't make the way he was treating her any more okay.
Daryl stepped even closer, “The fuck is wrong with you? Being immune doesn't make you immortal, or did you forget that?”
She shook her head, then croaked weakly, "Stop talking down to me."
"Then stop doing stupid shit that can get you killed," Daryl countered easily.
Julia looked up at him, feeling her eyes begin to burn, "You always make it sound like you're the only one capable of doing anything. I can handle myself.”
"Will you just stop it.” Daryl demanded.
Julia frowned, “No, you stop it! Just because you feel like you have to do everything yourself for it to be done correctly, doesn't mean you can treat me however you want!”
Then Julia stepped forward and this time It was Daryl that took a step back, and she said with tears falling from her eyes,
“Don’t you get it?! You can’t get bit, but I can!”
Daryl stood there completely baffled, just staring at her and she could not read the look he was giving her. Did he even understand what she meant by that? Meaby not. But the anger had dissipated from both sides, melting away with the rain. And as they went inside it felt like she had no words left to say after that.
She had always found arguing terebully draining and all she wanted was to get to bed.
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Julia was giving him the silent treatment, and he simply could not stand it.
He desperately wanted to amend. And he didn't like the idea of going to bed without resolving it. What if she never talks to him again, if she couldn't forgive him?
Daryl watched Julia get ready for bed.
The dim lantern being the only source of light inside the small store. The sound of raindrops hitting the glass smothers him, and he didn't think he would be able to sleep without hearing her voice. He watched her roll out her sleeping bag, beginning to adjust herself in it - getting ready to sleep…
Daryl sat on top of his sleeping bag, too restless to lay down in it and instead opted to lean back into the wall, staring where she laid with her back facing him. Her soft form moved with every breath, and he knew she was still awake,
“Julia,” he spoke softly and he could see the small movement made in response, “Can’t we talk about this…please?”
He didn't care if he sounded pathetic. If he wanted to make it right he had to put his ego aside, so that's what he did even though he didn't know how to go about something like this.
There was no response, and when he thought she had gone to sleep, or simply opted to ignore him further Julia turned around. And even though her eyes still had that sad look, puffy from crying, he felt a sense of hope. Because at least she was looking at him, offering her attention he didn't deserve. Daryl swallowed nervously…then..
“I’m sorry,” he apologized.
Daryl hoped it came across as sincere as he men’t it, because he truly was sorry, feeling ashamed of how poorly he had been treating her. Julia blinked from where she laid, listening from her sleeping bag. He swallowed again, then continued, with that soft tone that only existed for her,
“I was a real asshole for treating you like that…Can you…'' He had to evert his eyes, feeling guilty for asking for something he didn't think he deserved. But he didn't anyway. His gaze lifted and he asked,
“Can you forgive me?”
Julia's eyes welled up, brows pulled downwards and her lip began to quiver before she broke down crying. He stiffened, not expecting this as her response. He didn't know what else to do so he moved where she laid and pulled her into his chest, sushing apologies until she calmed and her breathing evend out.
“Fuck, I’m sory, I’m so sory,” Daryl reppets, wiping her tears away until they stoped falling. All he could do was holding her there on the floor in his arms, and he didn't know how long he did.
Then - softly, her voice came to life against his shoulder were her head rested and tears had stain his jacket,
“I forgive you, Daryl.”
Julia was staring directly into his eyes. She looked so small in his arms, her brown eyes looked almost like stars, glimmering up at him with all her kindness - and never before had he felt relief wash over him so intensely.
Daryl bowed his head, he felt like crying himself, but then he felt her hand on his cheek gently brushing a tear away, soothing him even though he had been the one that had made her shed tears due to his cruelty.
He searched her face. He searched for something to hold onto. And then it was like the wind had shifted to something else entirely and he could see it in her eyes that she felt it too. A part of him knew what she must be thinking, because he felt his heart begin to beat against hers, or he assumed it was a shared thought.
It was much like that night…Her hand on his face and all he wanted to do was kiss her.
That night had been...a night in which Daryl had given into every small desire he had ever felt towards her since the prison. Desires he had barely known existed up until that moment when he couldn't stop himself and he was sinking between her legs.
He glanced down to her lips, inviting and full. He swallowed hard, entranced and nervous. His hand that had cradled her head in the embrace moved by its on, his thumb beginning to trace her bottom lip. He washed how she closed her pretty eyes, how she leaned into his touch. Julia let out the most beautiful sigh he had ever heard, and he hoped his mind wasn't making him hear things that wasen’t there.
He thought to remove it, to move back where he had been sitting and go back to bed. But his thumb remained right where it was, and he watched Julia’s eyes flicker open, looking true her eyelashes, notesting her eyes having darkened significantly. His thumb slid to her neck, feeling the softness of her skin. She felt…so comforting. He wasn't sure if he was correct - but he thought she sounded more breathy than usual. And he wondered how things had shifted so quickly - how it had gone from making her cry to having her in his arms looking up at him like she was begging.
Pressure formed under his stomach. That thing that had caused him to have her in the sopha. Moments ticked by like that, staring into each other's eyes. He wondered if she wanted him to get away...If she wanted to push him. But when her mouth opened, he was met with the soft voice that always made it feel like he could never go a day without properly hearing it speaking towards him...A question on the tip of her tongue...
"Please stay?”
And he found it impossible to deny her anything at the moment. He was so engrossed with the feel of her smooth skin and what she was implying he had completely forgotten to reply.
Fuck. Her voice always spoke it so delicately, like butterflies.
Daryl's hands slid to her hips, gouging her reaction to his touch. Her small fingers laced into the fabric near his neck as he laid her back, and it sounded like she could hardly inhale. Julia zipped open her sleeping bag, opening it completely, inviting him closer.
She had sounded beautiful that night, and had felt...even more so. He swallowed once more. She wasn't stopping him as he moved on top of her, boxing her in - but he felt she wouldn't. It was himself that he wanted to stop...but he couldn't. He stared down at her soft features. Her legs slightly spread apart, welcoming him. The room was silent besides their breaths and rain dripping against the windows. And he felt something he had known before - that he wasn't going to stop himself if he wasn't asked to…
"Julia," he breathed, and she was looking up at him with that soft expresion, "I...Need you to say it's okay."
His emotions had been all over the place before. So desperate for her touch there had been little time to think it true. Julia only nodded until he ordered,
"Say it."
"It's okay,” She breathed easely, smoothing his hair away from his eyes.
And everything - the regret from that morning after that night, all of it. It seemed to pause. Melt. Disappear for a moment. He worked quickly, removing the upper layers down to his sleeveless shirt, adamant to keep the scars on his back hidden.
Julia was beginning to take off her jacket as well and he assisted, helping her peel it of easley. discarding it to the floor, then her shirt followed, exposing her upper body to him and his eyes darkened seeing she hadn't been using a bra. His thirsty gaze followed down to her jeans and she must have sensed what he was asking,
“It’s okay, Daryl.” Julia assured.
And there it was again, the way she said his name.
He obliged, unbuckling her belt, then grabbed the edges of her jeans, hiking them downwards. Her plump bottom slid out from underneath her, and he pulled them down enough to expose her. He moved to her side, and found her mouth...And for the first time since that night - he kissed her.
He made a sound into her mouth deep and rumbling as he pressed into it. Julia's skin was warm and welcoming against him, and he couldn't describe what relief it was...She had forgiven him and was willing. Her hands were caressing his cheek and a part of him wondered how she could let him touch her again when he had been so terrible to her after that morning. But the thought only remained a moment before he pulled from the kiss, breathing heavily and he pushed his clothed front against the curve of her bottom, seeking that warm contact he needed.
Julia arched herself closer against him, inhaling sharply as his hand traveled along her breast and squished. She was squirming under his touche, and he liked how sensitive she was. He had barely touched her and she was already shaking. His right hand stayed there squeezing as his left agonizingly slow moved down, down to the heat between her legs. She was dripping wet already, the feel of it made his head spin. He began to move two fingers in and out of her and he was terribly hard against her, but he was focused on making her fall apart on his fingers. But then he could feel her reaching down to where he was moving inside of her and he was taken by surprise. She moved his two fingers with hers and began to guide him, making rhythmic circles there, with a certain amount of pressure. In an instant he could feel how she began to twitch against him, and he watched with awe.
She was showing him how she liked it and then let go when he continued on. And just like that he washed her fall apart under his touche. He soaked up every expression, every little sound she made, letting her breathe it true, then kissed her gently. Leaning into her ear he breathed,
“You're amazing.”
He could feel how his pants had grown even tighter as he wrapped his mouth around hers and he gave her other breast a squeeze. She whimpered. Softly - and he wished it was louder. It still sounded as if she was biting the sounds back and when he pulled away from the kiss onely to unbuckle his belt and release himself from the tight confinement of his pants, he slid his hand along himself, stroking back and forth a few times as he moved so he was properly spooning her.
He gently took the edges of Julia’s underwear, sliding them downwards to where the jeans were bunched up under her bottom. She allowed it easily, and his hand moved to feel the wetness, making sure she was ready. He kissed her shoulder, whispering into her skin,
"You're safe...You don't have to be quiet.”
She nodded against him and he grabbed himself, slowly dragging along her folds. She was slick, and he felt her twitch at his movement. With an arm around her from underneath he pulled her flush against his chest. Her nimble fingers found their way around his forearm, gripping onto him as he started to elinine himself. Entering, he gasped,
He had to go painfully slow as he made his way inside of her. The feel of her arching against him and her holding onto him like a lifeline made warmth spread through his lower body, she was so…just soft, everywhere it seemed. Welcoming him. Daryl could hardly stand the tightness - with his free hand he dug fingers into her hips tightly as he let her adjust herself around him. Onely when he could feel her relax he began to move, but slowly, he wanted it to last as long as it could.
With every rock of his hips Daryl when’t as deep as her body would let him, earning a soft whine of pleasure from Julias lips - Daryl gasped as well. He continued to grunt, keeping the pace slow but firm. There was a muffled cry, hearing it he realized she was keeping sounds from him, prompting Daryl to yank her hand from her mouth and out came those pretty sounds, one after the other slipping past her lips. He felt a sense of pride in that, knowing he had brought them to the surface.
Passing her hand to his other, ensuring she would not attempt it a second time. He reached down and began making circles around her swollen bud as he continued his steady pace. Her body moved deeply in response to his fingers joining. Julia was squirming and her legs trembled. He kept it how she had showed him, soft...slow...with just the right amount of pressure and at the same time tried to have her there as long as he coulde. The sounds from her were slowly growing, and he felt his stomach flutter a bit, when he heard her say in a quiet plea,
"Daryl,” It was breathless, it sounded perfect coming from her.
He pushed himself deeper, his fingers moving more urgently, finding that perfect pace that made her soft whimpers grow louder..louder still. He quickened it even more when he heard her breath beginning to speed up, her head fell back into his shoulder and her thighs began to squish his hand in response. He went faster and faster, trying to get her to that point. Leaning near her ear, he encouraged,
“Good girl, almost there.”
It didn't take long after that before he felt her twitches, her cries turning into soft whimpers. Daryl let her ride it out against his fingers. And he relished in it, her body warm and sweaty like his own. And never before had he wished that he wasn't the way he was about his scars, badly craving to be skin to skin, but his shame would not let him.
Leaning down he found her panting mouth and offered a hard kiss. She returned the kiss- but it was far gentler despite the trembling state she was in. Pulling from the kiss her eyes were still closed in bliss, and Daryl asked softly,
“You okay?"
Julia’s dark eyes fluttered open,
It was breathy the way she said it. He kissed her again - he just wanted to keep on kissing her. A part of him wanted to whisper words that would leave them both feeling dirty for days- but there was another part that just wanted her to know how beautiful she was - how wonderful she felt and how much he enjoyed to be inside of her - to just…fuck her out of her mind. He wouldn't of course, as he had promised himself to be nothing but gentle, taking his time that he didn't in their last encounter.
As they kissed he guided her so she was laying on her back, his free arm held her under her knees, holding them up. Her arms reached to where he was still on his side, wrapping them around his neck and it felt like they fitted like a puzzle piece. It was like she was sitting on his lap, but lying down. He liked how he had her face at full display, and he could kiss her much easier this way. With his other arm, still underneath her head, he took the side of her face into his grasp, forcing her to look at him. And when she began to close her eyes, he ordered,
“Hey, you keep those pretty eyes on me.”
Her eyes fluttered open, and her gaze was back on him.
“Good girl,” he praised. And a dark part of him liked how submissive she was.
Daryl couldn't hold out the slow pace for so much longer, it was too agonizing. He went just a bit faster, then a bit harder. Just a bit more he told himself. His hips were no longer rocking that steady pace into her making the sound of their bodies colliding come to life. The feel of her hot breath felt like feathers brushing along his face, as her fingers gripped onto the nap of his neck. Her touch was enough to make him want to go over the edge, watching her taking him so well as she held onto him as if her life depended on it - making it feel unfair for someone like him to be intimate with someone as perfect as her.
There was a particular whimper she made, that made his heart flutter every time, urging him faster and faster until eventually he simply couldn't stand it anymore. He removed his arm under her knees, adjusting Julia back into the spooning position as he continued, putting both his arms around her, tightly pushing her into his every trust. Julias head fell back as he continued to have her. Daryl planted a kiss on her face as he released his arm to spread her apart and quickened the pace even more, maybe being too rough as he slammed himself into her. Julia made a beautiful sound, arching even more for him to get better axes and Daryl held her tighter, spreading her cheeks to get to that perfect angle she seemed to like. Julia began to almost squirm her way out of his hold, as if she didn't know what else to do as the pleasure wracked her body. He heard her beg past her panting,
Daryl planted reshoring kisses down her neck then buried his forehead in her hair. She was tensing around him, and he felt his blood rushing in his ears in response to the feeling, pulling him closer to finish. Her hair felt so smooth and her scent enveloped his senses completely, his body started to become sloppy as he thrusted faster and more desperately the closer he came to climax. Julia was breathing so heavily, her sounds the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. Then something like electricity shot through his body. He groaned into her skin, tensing as he hugged her from behind, having her flush against him as he continued to rock true the climax. They were both sweating, his shirt and hair drenched in it - the smell of sex filing his nostrils. Her body was boneless against him as he continued to rock his hips just slightly.
Their chest was heaving rhythmically with one another and he could feel the wetness between her legs as he slipped out of her - and he wished he could stay in her warmth forever, holding her like this. His mind was fogged a bit, as he unburied his face from her hair and looked at her trembling mess.
Julia slid out his hold and turned to him with half lidded eyes, she truly was angelike, the afterglow having him infatuated with her boundless beauty. Daryl caressed her cheek affectionately and he didn't think she could ever fathom how much she meant...How her existence was one of the only things that mattered to him - how if he could have her every night, he would cease to need anything else. Her eyes began to draw heavy, as if exhaustion was finally cashing up. He pressed his mouth to her hairline and her eyes opened, she looked like she could fall asleep any second.
It had been far different from the first time - they had been through so much and he had thought he had almost lost her forever. He still wished he could do more to her - make her feel everything even though he had made her come three times this time. He smoothed back her dark curls, and she soaked in his touch with her eyes closed.
He was silent - almost frozen as he took in the beauty of her soft features. Until he quickly leaned forward, pressing a forceful kiss to her mouth, not gentle...He didn't know if his kisses ever were. She always seemed to be the one to force him to slow the insatiable desire to have more and more. She was too much, too kind, a safe haven between her legs and when it was over, he wished for more.
His thumb slid along her lips. And the thoughts of what had almost happened to her rushed in without warning. Truly, the thought of someone touching her the way he did made his mind flare in that same way that made him kill those asholes. The need to protect her, to keep her from harm's way in any form had grown into something that had begun to consume him - even bleed into his dreams if he failed. And he had never meant to treat her that way, it had been his attempt to protect her.
Selfishly he wanted every inch of her skin to be his. For him to be the only one that could ever pull any of those sounds from her. He must have disappeared into his thoughts when Julias hand slowly covered where he was smothering her hair, pausing his movement there. The glimmer in her eyes caught his attention sharply, it looked like she was about to cry and he feared he had hurt her somehow. Searching her face attentively, tilting her chin up Daryl questions,
“What’s wrong?”
A tear fell and he brushed it away just as quickly. She smiled sadly up at him and he questioned,
“Did I hurt yah?”
“No,” Julia denied, shaking her haid.
But something was, he could tell.
Her hand brushed away the hair covering his eyes, then moved along his face, then along his stubble, her thumb slid along his mouth, but she was much more delicate in her way of touching. No hurry behind it, just the attentive softness of her way of doing things. It almost felt even more intimate than being inside of her. Just the feeling of her made him feel a sense of safety he had never felt before and he desperately craved it, having been deprived of it his whole life. She continued on, some kind of emotion behind the words,
“I’m happy…But I’m…”
Daryl felt bothe confusion and worry to her words, and he just needed her to spit it out so he could fix it,
“But what?” Daryl questioned, desperate to get to the route of the problem.
Her brows came together and it came out so small from her lips…
“..Scared. Please don't wake up tomorrow and regret me.”
He felt guilt down to his core. Shaking his head he shushed her as gently as he could. He was beginning to learn how to comfort her, how to be gentle like she had with him.
"No, No, I won't. And I never did.” He confessed.
Julia blinked up at him in disbelief,
“But you said-
Daryl cout her of before she could finish,
“Fuck what I said,” he took a hold of her face, “I never regretted you and that’s the truth. You hear’n me.”
Julia searched his eyes carefully, maybe she was still in disbelief?
“You sure you're not saying that just because you feel sorry?”
“Yes,” Daryl insisted.
Then for the first time in a long time she gave him a true smile. God her mood swings were giving him whiplash. He gathered her into his chest. His arms enveloping her form as he snuggled his chin into the crook of her neck unintentionally making her giggle in response. He liked how happy it made her sound so he repeated the motion, making her bubble with laughter.
“Stop it Daryl! That tickles!” Julia laughs and Daryl chuckles, holding her in place so she couldn't escape.
Her laughter created butterflies in his stomach and only when she was out of breath he gave her a chance to breathe. He looked at her with affection he had never felt before, he looked at her exposed body and he could see goosebumps forming there.
“You cold?” He asked.
“A bit.”
And without a word he sat up and began helping her with getting her jeans back on. He had been the one to remove them, so he thought it was only reasonable for him to do so. Finishing with her shirt over her head he laid down and siped the sleeping bag back together, cocooning them as he held her close and spooned her. He felt her relax against him, her head becoming heavy on top of his arm. Her curls were everywhere. There was so much of it, he carefully gathered it and smoothed it away from his face. He could hear her breathing even out - then as if half asleep, almost innocently she said…
“You're so warm. You’re like your own sun.”
Daryl hummed with his eyes closed, feeling sleep taking a hold of him too. Snuggling his nose into her hair he said,
“Julia, it's time to sleep.”
But Julia never responded, having drifted away into the world of dreams, and he wondered if she had been asleep all along.
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Pt.11 Masterlist
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cielie-voss · 7 months
Drunk late night talks with Eddie
(probably part one of many more to follow)
The music, which is only muffled through the closed door, seems far away. Occasionally, someone slams against the door or pulls it open to shout something unintelligible into the dark kitchen.
"You know," you say, holding a pickle, gesturing towards Eddie as he nibbles on raw spaghetti, "if a zombie apocalypse happens, we need a plan. We should hole up somewhere."
"No, no," Eddie intervenes, shaking his head. "We should be on the move. Always be on the move. In a caravan, for example."
"And what do you do when the tank is empty? Or if the zombies try to break into the car at night? Besides, they can easily smash the windows." Your interjection makes him think. With a furrowed brow, he stares at the noodle in his hand.
"And what about other survivors? They might turn on us. And I don't think they would hesitate to kill you in a heartbeat to stay alive themselves."
"Okay," he clears his throat and looks at you firmly, "then on the water. A houseboat. Zombies can't swim, right? And I don't think others would bother swimming to our ship just to hijack us!"
You look at him skeptically and gnaw on the pickle. The small flashlight, which only illuminates the small space between you, flickers dramatically to add atmosphere to your vital discussion, casting eerie shadows.
"But even the ship needs fuel at some point." you argue, debunking Eddie's plan. "And at ports, we risk being attacked.”
"God damn it," Eddie hisses, pressing his lips into a thin line in resignation.
"I'm sticking to my guns, we should hole up." You insist and lean back, your back pressed against the cold, glazed wood of the kitchen cupboard and a shiver creeps through your body. The alcohol level in your blood is certainly not conducive to making such an important decision. A decision for an absurd hypothetical scenario of a zombie apocalypse. But even in this state of inebriation, Eddie seems to have reasonable doubts about your plan.
"And where?" Eddie asks, prompting you to improvise. Damn, that's a very good question that you haven't thought about yet. But of course you can't admit that. So you shrug your shoulders.
"I don't know. In a supermarket?"
"No, lots of people will be planning to do that too, that's not safe.”
"In an Ikea!" After a moment's thought, you come up with this glorious idea, your eyes light up and, thrilled with your idea, you lean forward and steal the noodle from Eddie's hand.
"In an Ikea?" Eddie repeats skeptically.
"Yes, that's perfect! You've got enough furniture and comfort to live in, enough material to keep you safe, food, sanitary facilities! It doesn't get any better than that!"
Eddie watches you skeptically for a moment, but has to admit to himself that this proposal is indeed great.
"You've got a point," he finally admits reluctantly and grabs the noodle you snatched from his hand earlier. "That's pretty clever of you, I didn't think you were like that."
"A zombie acopalypse like that must be well thought out!" you beam, your cheeks glowing red from the alcohol and weed.
"Acopalypse," giggling, Eddie repeats your slip of the tongue and after a moment of realization you both burst into laughter.
Taglist: @violettsoul @kores-mun-son-n-more
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storywriter12 · 5 months
What nicknames do they call you🥰
Rick:he will call you:baby, sweetheart, snuggle bug, and bunny
Daryl:he will call you:mine, hunny, sweetheart
Negan:he will call you:baby, his girl,doll, sexy, kitten,bun and gorgeous
Simon:he will call you:beautiful, boo, peanut, kitten,baby, lovely, cutie and wifey
Glenn:he will call you:babe, beautiful, angel, marshmallow,love,his,boo, cute and honey bee
Abraham:he will call you:tough lady, little one (because you are a lot smaller than him) baby, hot stuff and dear
Paul rovia “jesus “ he will call you : sunshine, pookie, baby boo, sassy (only when you are being sassy to gregory), pudding, cutie bear and snuggles
Dwight:what he calls you: baby,my love, twinky, pretty one, baby girl, beautiful, the one and sweetness
King ezekiel:he will call you:Queen, treasure, his rose, love, baby, beautiful, my lady and sweetie
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edenesth · 1 year
Undying Bonds (Masterlist)
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Pairing: Hongjoong x fem!reader, Seonghwa x fem!reader
AU: zombie apocalypse au
Summary: What could be worse than being separated from the love of your life in a zombie apocalypse? Hongjoong was forced to leave you behind with his friend, Seonghwa, as he ventures out alone to search for the rest of his missing group members. Will Hongjoong be successful in his solo mission to find his members? Will he be able to return to you unscathed? And what happens when you're stuck with his caring best friend, who is hopelessly in love with you, for too long?
Total Word Count: 72.4k
Status: Completed
ATEEZ Masterlist
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Read on: 『Wattpad』 『Tumblr - links below』
☢ Part 1 ➟ Part 2 ➟ Part 3 ➟ Part 4 ➟ Part 5
☢ Part 6 ➟ Part 7 ➟ Part 8 ➟ Part 9 ➟ Part 10
☢ Part 11 ➟ Part 12 ➟ Part 13 ➟ Part 14 ➟ Part 15
✿ Ending 1 (Hongjoong ver.)
✿ Ending 2 (Seonghwa ver.)
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All Rights Reserved © edenesth
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diavoloinajar · 1 year
cw blood
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ch zombie au doodles based on this fic by @kitty-cat-boi ^^
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cute-sucker · 4 months
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note: so yes i'm having sarah cameron brainrot :))) ESP her being dominant + in an apocalypse au !! please send me requests about her i'm begging :(
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would lead you on you gently, with your hand wrapped around her pinkie as you guides you to a safer place. you would have her bandana in your mouth to keep quiet, and she'd make sure you didn't trip because you were too clumsy for your own good.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would sit you on her lap when you got too silent, and try to coax the words out of you with gentle words, "yeah, what do you need? i've got some beans we can share, yeah?" and you would pucker your lips, tears welling up in your eyes.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would know how stressful the situation is, and so when you got too sad, she'd try to pop in a dvd, a silly episode of winnie the poo as she held in you in her arms. you would fall a sleep immediately, warm in her strong arms, slobbering all over her sweater.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would try to make you smile at the weirdest times, while the two of you were running away, she'd try to give you her smile, winking at you while telling you that you were her smart sweet girl.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would fold you in her arms so tightly, you'd succumb to sleep in minutes, and if you felt her arms unwrap from you, you would wake up, fear striking your soul that she was gone.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would know exactly when you were going to fall, ready to protect you at all costs, and sometimes she knew when you felt too tired, as you toppled down, she'd catch you without a breeze sometimes causing raised eyebrows from pogues.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would tell you to pucker your lips before kissing you, telling you that you looked prettiest right next to her, relishing the way that you blushed during sunset, the dewy colors matching right next to her girl.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would have sharp knifes tapped to her sides, and sometimes when she didn't pay you attention, you'd wrap your fingers around the weapons, pretending to drop them. she's immediately scold you for your reckless behaviour, and you'd settle a shy smile on your face. you always got what you wanted.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would make you a solid meal, cracking some eggs, and sometimes when it was good some bread and beans, because it was a necessity to have you eat. you'd be sitting in her lap, as bouncing to something on the radio, smiling with a full stomach.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would be the worst when you put yourself in danger, sneaking out to the woods to be a fairy, because you felt whimsical, and you would sob telling her nothing was fun anymore. she'd coo telling you it wasn't safe anymore and if you wanted to be a good girl you had to listen to her.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would tell you about star signs when the two of you were on the run, and you forgot all the dangers of the world staring at her explain things to you, her finger pointed at the sky, and a determined look on her face.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would get overwhelmed sometimes, and she hated when you were near her when it happened, because she needed to take care of you, but instead you would take things into hand, braiding her long hair, and soothing her by holding her hand. she would fall asleep from your soft hands, and wake up with a sleepy look on her face.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would hate it when you kissed her in front of people, hating the PDA of it all, the way that jj would tease her about how soft she was with you, and then she'd give you a secret smile while you gave her a knowing look.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would ramble to you in her sleep, fingers grasping for you, seeking you even she was asleep, and you'd rest your hand on her warm cheek, as you tried to nestle closer to her soft body.
sarah cameron in an apocalypse would take care of you no matter what <3
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sachirobabe · 2 months
Chapter 16
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Wc: 3215
Curseless au
Summary: Amidst the zombie apocalypse, your courage shines as you not only saves lives but capture the heart of Gojo Satoru. Together with his first-year students, you all embark on a perilous journey, not only for survival but in a quest for a cure that adds a poignant layer to the unfolding romance.
<— Previous | Masterlist | Next —>
Taglist: @spindyl
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Sure enough, Satoru woke you up exactly one hour later. He grins as he pokes your cheek and then moves to your side. You pout in your slumber, not wanting to be awaken yet.
"C'mon." Satoru whispers near your ear, he presses a soft kiss there, and then tickles your face with his nose.
"S'toru." You mumble and turn away from him.
"Nuh uh. It's been an hour, sweetheart. I need some attention now." His smile widens by the second as he continues to annoy you with his antics.
He admires your determination to continue to try and rest, but he has another idea. During some of your more..intimate moments, he's grown to learn you love his lips on your neck.
And he does just that, he leaves closed-mouthed kisses at first, but he then switches and uses his tongue to tease you first and then kiss you.
You can't help but let a soft, quiet moan leave your mouth. He was too good at this. He's pleased seeing your reaction and began to nibble here and there, wanting to hear more of your pretty noises. "Satoru." You say breathless and tug on his hair.
He grunts softly, feeling himself get embarrassingly aroused by your noises. "You awake now?" His eyes were dark and filled with desire.
You nod softly and he captures your lips with his own, he rests his arms on both sides of your head, keeping himself steady as his tongue laps desperately with yours.
You can feel his arousal rubbing against your heat, his hips bucked into yours, it was dizzying. Everything about this felt way too good.
One of his hands caress your cheek, angling you so he could kiss you deeper. He lets out a loud moan that sends shivers down your entire body and straight down where you wanted him the most.
He then lets his hand travel down your neck, stopping momentarily and giving a soft squeeze, he's pleased when he gets you to moan and kiss him greedier. He slowly goes lower and passes your collarbones and rests on your chest.
He's annoyed the fabric of your shirt is in the way of him feeling you, but he'll do with this for now. He massages your breast and gives a few cheeky squeezes.
You let your own hands slip underneath his shirt, feelings his familiar toned body. He thinks he can just finish right then and there at just your touch. He stops moving his hips against yours to calm himself down, he'd be so embarrassed if he came with only some groping and dry humping.
His eyes stared deeply into your own, he panted heavily, resting his forehead against yours. "I need you." He rasps out, his voice laced with arousal and want.
You feel a smile form on your face at his three words, it's everything you wanted to hear. "Have me, Satoru." You whisper to him and he wastes no time in removing his shirt, he tosses it in the middle of the room.
"Need this off. Now." He demanded and tugged at your shirt, you chuckle at his eagerness and sit up enough for him to discard your clothing, throwing it somewhere else. "You're so beautiful." He stares in awe.
He brings his hands to your chest, feeling you through your bra, he momentarily closes his eyes and plays with your boobs. He thinks he's in heaven right now.
Deposit his aching hard-on and his body aching to be inside you, he takes it slow, he wants to savor every second of this moment. His lips attack your neck, pressing eager, hot, wet kisses.
He trails down your neck and sucks hard on the exposed skin of your right breast, he's determined to mark you up as his own, it makes his cock twitch in his pants.
"Gojo?" Nanami's voice came through the walkie talkie. "Come in, Gojo."
Satoru huffs annoyed and thinks if he doesn't answer, Nanami will think you're both still napping. "Ignore it, baby, focus on me, yeah?" His voice low and husky.
You nod and he continues to worship your body, kissing every square inch he can, as he gets lower and nears your stomach, you tangle your fingers in his hair, giving him all the permission he needs.
As his fingers hook underneath your sweats, the walkie goes off again. "Gojo? Over." Nanami says again.
Satoru grunts annoyed and sits up, he knows Nanami won't leave him alone and he doesn't want to risk him catching the two of you. He grabs the walkie, "What?" He says a little more harshly than he intended. You whine softly at the loss of contact, you can still feel yourself pulsating.
"Did I awake you?" Nanami asks, unphazed by Satoru's tone. "I apologize if I did, but can you wake up Y/n? Shoko needs to see her. Over."
Satoru sighs, knowing the two of you were interrupted yet again. "She's awake. Over." He curtly says. "I'm sorry." He apologizes to you.
You shake your head, "It's not your fault. Or mine." He gives a soft smile at you, his lips were red from how much he had kissed you.
"I know, Nanami really knows how to be a cock block." Satoru scoffs and lays back down, he closed his eyes and waits for his arousal to go down. "Shoko needs you, by the way." He murmurs quietly.
You softly chuckle and nod, "I'll see you in a bit?" You say, he opens one eye momentarily and he nods, you take a quick second to press your lips onto his quickly and stand up. He pouts at the loss of contact, but then he focuses on getting rid of his erection.
You softly shut the door behind you and made your way over to Shoko, this better have been good. She's in the medical room, as always. Maki was also in there, she was sitting on one of the beds.
"Hey." You smile and enter, Maki and Shoko look up and return a smile of their own.
"Sorry for waking you." Shoko apologizes, "But, I wanted to get started on taking regular blood samples so we could compare them to the infected ones."
You wave her off, "It's okay, Satoru woke me up before you did." She smiles and nods, relieved. "I'm assuming Maki is first?" I chuckle and washed my hands.
Shoko nods again, "Figured you could wrangle up another second-year and we could get the process going quicker." She says and prepares to take three vials of blood from Maki.
"Sounds good." You nod and carefully open the door without your hands.
"Everything okay?" Satoru asks, his composure regained.
You smile at him, thoughts of what the two of you were just doing still fresh in your mind. "Yeah, just getting some blood samples to compare with the zombies."
"I'll be first." Satoru offers and doesn't give you a choice as he walks in the lab. "It'll be you, right? Cause if it's Shoko, then I'm not doing it." He stubbornly says and Shoko glares at him as he walks in. He grins at her, knowing what he said would get a reaction.
"I wouldn't want to take your blood anyway." Shoko huffs and resumes with Maki.
He laughs at her annoyed expression, then his attention is back onto you, watching you wash your hands again and pull on some gloves. He thinks it's hot when you prepare to take his blood, he'd give you everything in him if it meant he could be close to you.
"Have you ever gotten your blood taken?" You ask and grab a rubber band, you motion for him to roll up his sleeve.
"Yeah. Sorry you don't get to be my first." He winks and you rolled your eyes.
"Oh please, this just makes my job easier." You say and wrap the band tightly around his arm.
"Have you ever had someone faint on you?" He asks, enjoying you feeling around for a good vein.
"Way too many." You chuckle and wipe down the area, "It'll just be a pinch." You say and insert the needle carefully, quickly one tube was filled and you masterfully got a second and a third. You slide out the needle, making sure not to hurt him.
"Was I a good patient?" He grins annoyingly.
Maki is grateful she was good to leave, not wanting to see the affectionate things that were about to go down, but deep down she thinks it's cute.
"Yeah, you were good." You chuckle and label the tubes and handed them to Shoko so she could store them properly.
"I think I deserve a reward, yeah?" He licks his lips.
"Please don't." Shoko interrupts him and he frowns at her.
"And why not?" He clicks his tongue, "You act like you've never seen a happy couple kiss." His words brought a smile to your face, while it hadn't been official official, you think he just did right now.
"No fooling around in the lab." She glares at Satoru and leaves to go find two more students.
"You heard the women." You chuckle, "Now get out."
"You want me to leave?" He pouts, "Oh, suddenly I'm feeling very faint." He dramatically says and hops off the bed, his body swaying back and forth. "I need a hot doctor to help me."
You rolled your eyes at his antics, he sees you're not buying it and walks over and lays his weight on you, he was by no means light. Muscle weighs and it's evident in the way you're struggling to stand with him hovered over you.
"Satoru." You giggle, "You're heavy."
"And now you're calling me fat? Oh, this is the worst day ever. I will be leaving a nasty review." He gasps and hugs you to his chest, laughing.
"You're very dramatic, you know that?" You look up at him and he shrugs.
"Just wanted my girl to pamper me a little more before she replaces me." He huffs, his hands rested on your hips.
You rolled your eyes, "And I need my boy to move so I can get more samples."
He frowns at you, "Why can't I be your man? My boy sounds like I'm your kid." He huffs.
You shook your head at his dramatics, "Fine. My man, please get out."
He grins, "Can I just sit there? You won't even know I'm here." He promises trying to convince you so he could be somewhat close.
"Okay, but if you're distracting then you're getting kicked out." You warn.
"Yes ma'am. Now c'mere." He smiles widely and tugs you to him, he grabs your face softly and kisses you. "See? I'm a good boy." He winks and sits down.
You smiled at him and went back to your place, Shoko walked in with Inumaki and Panda. Satoru scooted his chair to be closer to you, but still out of the way of your work. The process of extracting blood was done to everyone, even yourself and Shoko.
"This feels like a lot." You sigh and remove your gloves, "I don't even know where to start."
Shoko nods, "I know," She agrees, "But I think a good start is using culture methods."
"Okay." You nod and Shoko handed you a hazmat suit. "Are you staying?" You ask Satoru.
"Can't we do this later?" Satoru pouts.
"You go ahead," You smile, "I'll catch up." You pulled on your suit and protective gear, the process making you a little sweaty, but it's better than getting infected.
He shakes his head and whines, "No."
"No?" You chuckle at his refusal.
"That means you're going to stay here forever." He dramatically sighs, he frowns at Shoko when she throws a hazmat suit and it hits his face.
"We really need to get started." The zipper was caught and Satoru stood behind you to fix it.
"But—" He begins to protest.
"No buts." You giggle, "What'd we talk about earlier?"
He hums and thinks, "That...I deserve a reward?" He guesses and is very wrong.
"No," You laugh, "if you're distracting—" You start for him.
"I get kicked out." He mumbles. "I'll be good." He promises again.
"Okay, good. Now put your protective gear on." You order and he complies. Once you ensured everyone was safe, you began to prepare various culture media.
Under the fluorescent lights, you inoculated nutrient agar plates and broth cultures. The possibilities of what would be revealed was somewhat exciting for you.
Satoru watches in awe as you move confidently, he loves seeing you in your element like this. He makes sure he's not in the way as he sits near you, he has so many questions about what's going on and all the tools you're using, but he saves it for a more appropriate time.
You were so in the zone that you completely forgot everything around you for a second. That split second felt like life was normal. That none of this had happened.
When you shut the incubator the noise of it pulled you out of your trance. It was confusing at first, but then the harsh reality hit you. You were suddenly sad, the feeling leaving your fingertips tingling.
"Everything good?" Shoko asks as she also finished her samples and placed them in the incubator, her voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Yeah—no, yeah I'm okay." You chuckle, not wanting her to grow worried over your emotions.
"We'll do our first check in..." She trails off and marks the time on her watch, "24 hours."
"Great." You nod and begin the process of cleaning and removal of safety gear. Satoru notices your quietness, but knows better than to just go up and comfort you in his arms with infected blood everywhere.
You took your second shower of the day and took that time to get out of your slump. You really didn't want to pour this on Satoru, it felt too silly.
"Foods ready." Satoru smiles at you and you look at your now shared bed with him.
"Thank you." You felt your sadness wash away with just his presence.
"I noticed you were looking a little down, so I figured dinner with just us should cheer you up." He cutely says, his thoughtfulness was something that you had craved in past relationships, the others never giving another thought to anything. You feel silly for being with such stupid boys when a man like Satoru Gojo was there to put all their actions to shame.
You think everything that Satoru has done for you in the short time you've known him has trumped all the other boys combined.
"I was," You admit, "but I feel so much better now." With that he feels proud of himself to be able to get you to smile again.
"There's my beautiful girl." He caresses your cheek. "Eat up." He says.
You nod and slowly dig into your food, you hadn't realized how hungry you were, just the smell of it got your stomach to grumble almost immediately.
A soft silence fell onto the two of you, he made sure you were eating before digging in himself.
"Hey, you know what we haven't done in a while?" Satoru spoke up and he set his empty plate to the side. You shake your head at him, mouth too full to answer. "We haven't asked each other a personal question, remember when we first met?"
You hum and swallow your remaining food, putting your plate on top of his. "We haven't really needed to." You chuckle, "Shouldn't that be a good thing?"
He nods, "I suppose." He agrees, "It was kinda our thing."
"It still is, Satoru." You softly smile at him and place your hand reassuringly on top of his, giving it a small squeeze.
His pupils dilated at your action, "This is my question," He swallows hard and your eyes widen a little in surprise, "Do you think we would've found each other even in a world without the apocalypse?"
You're taken back by the weight of his question, he just seemed to be in a good mood. He can tell you're a little stunned and he chuckled, "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to get this deep. I just...sometimes I feel like if none of this horrible stuff happened, then I wouldn't have met you, and I feel awful to be even somewhat happy that this happened because I met you." He avoids your gaze.
"Satoru..." You start, not even sure how to navigate his question. You stay quiet for a few minutes, but you moved your position so you were sitting in his lap and you held his hands with yours. "I'd like to think so." You speak up, "Maybe we could've run into each other for a morning coffee or at the grocery store."
He looks at you intently as you speak, his expression was unreadable which you found annoying. "But, there's something about us meeting under these circumstances that feels...I don't know, like fate." You continue, "Like we were meant to help each other survive. I did already save you once."
A small smile forms on his face, he feels reassured about his wild thoughts. "I like that." He agrees then sighs, "It's hard to imagine my life without you now, even in this sick world, you make me feel safe."
"And you give me hope, Satoru. Hope that there's still something worth fighting for in this world." You softly smile at him, your throat feels tight, but somehow, this makes you feel even closer to him.
"Maybe we would've found each other, in some way, but I'm glad I'm living it right here and now." He held you closer to him, his face burrowed in the crook of your neck.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him impossibly closer to you. His hair tickled your face as you nuzzled into him. This felt heavenly, you and him like this.
He pulls away after a few minutes, "Didn't mean to get so deep." He chuckles.
"It's okay." Your fingers pushed away a few pieces of hair away from his beautiful eyes. "Your eyes are really pretty." You quietly mumble.
"Yeah?" He grins, "I've never had them called pretty."
"You're just so pretty." You squish his cheeks.
"Hey," He frowns, "I'm supposed to say that to you. You're so so pretty, and beautiful, and hot, and sexy." He says and with each word he kisses your lips quickly, even while you're laughing.
"No seriously, Satoru." You manage to hold his face from attacking you, "You're pretty."
He pouts, "I'm supposed to be handsome and sexy." He sighs, "Not pretty."
"You're those things too." You laugh and he smiles at the sound. He thinks that alone could cure him if he ever got bit by those zombies.
He flips you two over so he's on top of you, his head rests on your chest and he hugs you tightly. He doesn't say anything else, just basking in the comforting silence.
You know you have to get up soon to take the first watch, but having him like this just makes it so much more harder for you.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 month
Wildcats (Part XIX)
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XIX. Keep an eye on the horizon
Summary: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis, that’s how it worked. 
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injures, angst, fluff, cuddling, inaccuracy in describing places iI have never been in, MIGHT MISS SOME IMPORTANT WARNINGS, but you know what this is about. 
Notes: Alrighttttt I noticed you weren’t thrilled about our decision to go to DC, but it’s gonna be fine… and Daryl won’t be in the dark for long… ANYWAYS I read a nice comment form the early chapters that said “I love reader she is so funny and badass” AND YES WE ARE, WE JUST NEED TO REMEMBER THAT, ALRIGHT? We are badasses, and she needs to “assert dominance”, and we will!. 
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You grabbed your bag, with your essentials for a couple of days. 
It had been hectic, a couple of days of planning, a big map of DC, thorough planning of entrances and exits, of a plan A, B, C, you believed you managed to get to a plan M. Rick, Abraham and Rosita had given total control of the mission, letting you choose even which car to take out there, and the provisions, and of course, you consulted in them too, in all of the decisions.
Soon the night before the trip came, and you were nervous, but in a good way, in an excited way, you checked the map one more time while you were in bed, preparing mentally for everything to be disastrous, to be empty, to be destroyed, ravaged and pillaged, to not finding anything but walkers… but at the same time, you were hopeful.
Deanna had told you that she had sent a couple of people into DC, but they never got too close to the city center. 
You got startled when you felt a knock on the door, you hid the map as if you were a little kid with something you shouldn’t be, as you indicated quickly that the person who knocked could come in.
You were surprised to see Daryl there, after a week of stalking him at night time, tonight you decided to let him be, especially since tomorrow you were going to leave, and also, you didn’t want to pressure him.
“Hey”, he greeted
“Hey”, you whispered back, with a soft smile, “you went out there again?”, you asked, honestly since yesterday, when you encountered him outside the pantry, you haven't seen him much.
“Nah, I was fixing my bike”. he said, “Rick told us to stop looking fo people for a while”
“Oh”, that was news to you, ever since the dispute on the morning before his trial you had been distant with the leader of your group. Even though he seemed like his good old self the moment you asked him about going to Washington. You needed to get close with Rick again.
“What were you up to?”, he asked, seeming uncomfortable, you’d ask him to come in, but you didn’t want to scare him
“Readin”, you answered simply.
“Didn’t see you today”, he leaned against the doorframe, looking at you
“Sorry, my head was elsewhere”, you mumbled. “Did you manage to fix your bike?”, it was a  strained conversation, you could feel it. Weird too.
“Yeah”, he whispered. “Is everythin’ alright?”, he asked, and it killed you to see that glint of hope in his eyes
“Yeah”, you assured him, “it is”
“Don’t seem like it”, he mumbled
“Well, my boyfriend, or at least, who I consider my boyfriend won’t sleep with me… so I wanted to give him some space”, you explained calmly. Then you thought better of it, maybe it was too early to call him that, you felt like an idiot doing so… but something got lost in translation. What were you two anyways? is not like you were friends with benefits or crap like that…
“I am your boyfriend now?”, he mocked, lightheartedly 
“Yes you are right, it sounds childish, from now on, I’ll refer to you as my man-friend”, you said with a cheeky smile. He chuckled darkly, scratching his neck. He looked around your room, finally stepping inside. 
“Can I… stay here?”, he asked, you smiled and nodded enthusiastically
“Of course”, you said, opening his bed more for him to join you. You had become excited. He got into the bed, clothes and all. Did he even have pajamas? you had found some in the clothes the Alexandrians had given you, soft cotton, with long sleeves and legs, nothing too fancy. You made a mental note to get him some comfortable ones, he could use when he stayed in your room, or wherever.
A thing you found odd, but quite endearing when you started joining Daryl at nights… was that you seemed to fit well together all the time. Back then you barely knew each other and yet, you seemed to be made to cuddle each other. You felt your cheeks heated at the thought, and your hands a bit sweaty. 
“What were you readin?”, he asked
“Deanna gave some of Reg’s books, I found a book of poems by an artist I loved”, you said with a soft smile. He cuddled into you, and you left the poems of William Morris aside.
“Keep readin”, he begged
“It’s in my mother tongue”, you warned
“Mmmm read woman, so I can learn”, he said simply, “can’t have my girlfriend cussing me out without me knowin”, you chuckled
“You called me your girlfriend”, you giggled. He chuckled, passing an arm over your torso, hugging you, and squeezed at your teasing. You laughed harder.
“Wanna talk about it?”, you asked softly, you didn’t know how to approach him, you wanted him to tell you things, what was on his mind, you found yourself wishing you could go inside his head sometimes.. 
“Read”’, he requested softly, his head on the crook of your neck. 
Now you certainly felt guilty… For not telling him anything about the trip, but now you didn’t want to spoil the mood, so… you always had till the last minute tomorrow…
. . .
You woke up alone, which saddened you, but perhaps it was for the best… So you got up, took a long shower and got dressed. 
So now the day had finally come and you were… extremely excited. more so than being nervous, you took it as a great sign. The plans were laid down, everything was looking good, the sun was shining. You took a deep breath into the day and started walking towards the truck you had picked.  You heard behind you some hurried steps, so you turned around to meet Daryl, who looked absolutely annoyed. 
“Why did ya’ tell me?”, he asked angrily when he saw you, you sighed, “Rick told me, ya’ going to DC, he thought I knew”
“It’s nothing personal”, you said, you resume your walk, as he started walking by your side
“Feel like it is”, he said
“It’s not”, you assured him, he grabbed you by the arm softly
“Why didn’t ya tell me?”, he insisted
“I thought you were busy… with Aaron, you are the new recruiter and all”
“Don't gimme that shit”, he said, you stopped to look at him
“I want to get out there again, I’m growing roots already”, you said, “and DC is right there, we might find something good”, but you weren’t answering his question, “for some reason, every time I want to go out there, you find reasons to keep me here”, you accused, “you are out there with Aaron, he needs you, and I’m… here”, you finished 
“I wanna keep ya safe!”, he said
“Don’t you think I want to keep YOU safe?”, you asked, “but I know… I can’t just chain you to the inside of the walls here, you go out there, every damn day, and I just have to sit and pray…”
“You pray?”, he asked, you shook your head
“Now you will have to do the same, have faith…”, you finished softly. 
“You don’t want me to come”, he said, “that’s what you are saying”, he said childishly. 
“No…”, you said softly. 
“Then I’ll go”
“There is no need”, you insisted
“Aaron can keep ‘mself from goin’ out ‘ere for a couple of days”
You didn’t even know why you were being this childish. You wanted to get out there, and DC was right there, the part that confused you, is why you didn’t want Daryl to come with you, you purposefully didn’t tell him, and now you were keeping him from going
You liked him, you liked having him around, you liked kissing him, but… you felt like you needed to do this, and if he was there… you were going to be nervous, you were going to be more worried about him, -not that he needed to be cared for though-, more than doing what you wanted to do, more than finding what you were looking for
And more than that… you wanted to test it, to spend a few days away, what will happen to him, to you, to what this was between you. You needed a few days to think, to gain perspective
But he was not going to let you go without him, looks like it.
“Why do you want to go?”, you asked, “it's a huge city, we might be going into a huge trap”
“Why do you wanna go?”, he asked then
“I want to make a big supply run, and not only supplies, but… maybe… intel run, maybe we find someone out there”
“Wha’ like the president?”, he mocked
“Or like a fucking army”, you said then, “scientists…”
“I’ll go with you”, you shook your head
“You need to be here, with our people”
“They might need you”, you said, “Rick… I’m taking Abraham and Rosita… a lot of firepower…”
“M’sure Glenn will stay”, he said
“I need you to stay”, you said more firmly, “I think if we both go and don’t make it, the group will fall apart”
“I dun’ want ya’ to get killed out ‘ere!”, he said, exasperated
“I won’t!”, you assured him
“I dun give a damn what happens here if you ain’t here!”, he said, exasperated, he actually surprised you with that, “M’goin”
“(y/n)”, he called back. You shared looks, “I’m goin”, he said, and you barely nodded
“Fine”, you snapped
“Fine”, he echoed 
“But don’t you ever try to stop me from doing something, alright?”, you warned, “And I’m leading this mission!”,
“Fine”, he repeated
“Fine!”, you said, and you walked away from here. “Get your things!”, you said, you turned to see Rick and Tyresse watching the scene, with smiles on their faces, “traitor!”, you accused Rick, pointing at him with your finger
“If he goes, I’ll be calmer”, he said, his hands on his belt. 
You then met Abraham and Rosita
“Daryl is joining us”, you said with a forced smile. It was supposed to be Glenn, but now you realized they all had been plotting against you.
He joined you soon after, only carrying his crossbow and a crossed bag. 
“I’m the leader of this mission”, you said to the group, but specially to Daryl, “as such you’ll have to do as I say”
“Yes Ma’am”, he drawled, with an amused look on his face. 
“As Rosita and Abraham will know by now, I will hear opinions and ask for advice”, you said, you didn’t want to come out bossy, BUT… you needed to lead, that is what this was all about, sort of. A weak leader was one of the most dangerous things, especially in missions like this.
You stood in front of the truck and you opened the map you had procured.
“We go in one car, hoping to bring in more”, you said, “as we discussed, we take the 95 that will merge into the 1, in the first step in our mission… the pentagon”
“WHAT?”, asked Daryl, you looked at him with a warning in your eyes, and he raised his hands in surrender. It did sounded like a movie, but… that was the center of intelligence, there must be something there. 
“Then we cross the Potomac right to the center, if the war against the dead developed similarly as the other cities we have seen… we will find rest of the military there we can scavenge”, you said, “then into the CDC”, you said drawing into the map, “for the second item of this mission, intel…”, you said, “and for the third and fourth items… supplies and medicine, amongst the ten block radio around the monuments we will find three shopping malls and others, of course, I expect them to be completely scavenged by this point, so for that… in comes the plan B, we cross Anacosita river, into the Joint Base Andrews, see what we can find there, around, are some good neighborhoods we can scavenge in case we don’t have anything by then… ”
“Fine”, mumbled Daryl, seemingly impressed.
“Then from there we take the 495 back home”, you said triumphantly. “Let’s go”, you announced, Rick had sneaked in, hearing the entire conversation.
He hugged you, surprising you
“Come back”, he whispered in your ear, you nodded
“I will”, you assured him.
“You have 96 hours”, said Rick, “if you’re not back by then, we will go looking for you”
“Fine”, you said, smiling softly.
You said your goodbyes, all of your group was there, and even Deanna. Oh you really hoped you were right with this hunch. That you were not leading them into your untimely deaths. 
That’s why it needed to go well.
You checked your gun for the tenth time, and the magazine was full, you sharpened your ax, you had a first aid kit on you, in your backpack, all the things you could need…
“Hey, it’s gonna be fine”, said Rosita, “we trust you”, she said and you smiled nervously at her
You were dying to drive, but you let Abraham do it instead, you were delegating, that’s what leaders do, Rosita rode shotgun, and you and Daryl in the back.
You felt his gaze on you, so you preferred to watch the map obsessively, and then the outside. It was a nice day, sunny, but not hot, comfortable. You took a long breath.
Were you leading your family to their deaths?
“I was actually in Washington in the 90’s”, said Abraham, “I remember it as it was yesterday”
“Did you?”, you asked.
“Yes, I have a good layout of the city right up here in my coconut”, you all laughed 
“Good to know”, you laughed. And you knew he was trying to relax you.
Yes, uncharted territory. Washington was a big city, furthest from the top ten of most populated cities in the US, but still. And it was evacuated… this could be a “gold mine”, as it where….the answer to many of your problems. 
You felt Daryl’s gaze on you, so you returned the stare. You knew you had hurt him, by keeping this from him, you had to make it right.
“I’m sorry for not telling you”, you whispered, he only hummed, “I knew you were going to try and keep me there”
“S’fine”, he mumbled
“No it’s not, I lied to you”, you said, “and I’m sorry”. you meant it, he looked at you right in the eyes and nodded
“S’ok”, he said with a nod, you grabbed his hand, he interlocked his finger with yours and he squeezed gently. 
You were glad you had him with you right now, you didn't know what you were thinking, not telling him about this, not wanting him to come. 
. . .
It was like in the movies.
As you got out of the truck and looked over the government building. The center of intelligence of the US. The pentagon. It was huge, but empty, even though, it looked in perfect condition. not a single window was broken. 
Everything was like they just left the day before, as you entered slowly. It had been evacuated… promptly. A lot of offices… you didn't know what you expected of the building. 
“Its the second largest office building in the world”, said Abraham proudly, as you sneaked inside.
Again, you didn't know what you expected, if moats and secret passages, but it looked like a normal building, an office building, like five buildings one inside of another. this kind of intel, what was the government doing in certain years, was not going to help you know… 
This thing was like a maze, and it was dangerously quiet, not a walker on sight, and -if that made any sense-, made it even scarier. As you went into offices, you noticed all the file cabinets were empty, nor a paper on sight…
You made the call of not splitting, yes you were going to take four times as longer, but that was the call you had made, you weren’t splitting, so you went trough the offices more thoroughly and faster too.
You remembered every action movie you had seen, so, only looking under desks you had gathered a good number of loaded handguns. 
So far, so good. You went into the same side of the building, through six different buildings towards the center, and you managed to gaze upon the main courtyard, you saw it.
“So that’s what they did with all the intel”, muttered Abraham. it was all burnt to the very ground, was used to be a nice yard, you’d imagine, it was all burnt. as were the millions of documents that used to be in the offices.
“I guess even after all that, after the dead rose from their graves, they had priorities”, you mumbled. 
“Let’s find the defense secretary offices”, mumbled Abraham. 
You found a shit ton of handguns, but nothing more of interest, except for a bending machine with pretty much untouched candy, your favorite. You bagged those pretty quickly. 
You felt Daryl’s presence always behind you or on your side, but he didn't question any decision you made and you were grateful, you were becoming more excited as you advanced through the building. 
“So… what's the move, boss?”, asked Abraham, as you started to wander through the huntingly similar hallways.
“We have more handguns than people in Alexandria”, you said with your heavy bag on your back. “Let’s move on to the city center”, you said softly, “before it gets dark, I don’t want to be trapped inside here with no power and no light”. You said quickly. Then you looked at their determined faces, “is that alright?”, you asked then, doubting your own decision. 
“Yes”, said Rosita, and you got into a defensive position, walking back towards the entrance of the building, having scouted two sides of it, although you had come across places you couldn’t access due to lack of power and access cards. 
You couldn’t deny you were excited to be in the capital, you had sneaked into one of the coolest buildings in the US, but you were so on survival mode that you forgot to be hyped about it. 
“Don’t be afraid to boss us around”, said Abraham, placing one of his hands on your shoulder as you were walking out, he was as entertained as you, “we signed up for this”, you nodded, convinced. 
“Than you”
“You are making good calls”, he said with a nod
“Don’t say that yet”, you mumbled. 
You took a couple of walkers that were coming for you from the parking lot, and you got into the truck again.
Abraham tossed you the keys
“Your turn boss”, he said, chuckling, and Rosita got up in the back seats, and you and Daryl on the front. You took a long breath. It's been a while since you hadn't driven. But it was like riding a bike, you never forget it. 
You were invigorated by the success so far, so you started the truck.
“It’s a stick”, mumbled Daryl by your side, doubting your skills
“So it is”, it ran without trouble. as you put the truck in motion in 1st, and then 2nd. Daryl seemed impressed. “What?”, you teased, “I know how to drive stick”, he just smiled at you. “Lead me please”
“Yes Ma’am”, he said, opening the map. 
The roads were mostly intact, so far, as were the big bridges that went over the Potomac river. This city hasn't been bombed like Atlanta had, and it was mostly intact from what you could see, just inhabited.
The Washington monument stood tall, you were embarrassed to admit you got distracted watching it and almost ran over a walker and you got out of the way.
“Ups”, you mumbled. As Daryl chuckled. You had not trouble running over a dead one, BUT, it could jeopardize the truck, it could break it, so you did not intend on doing that if you had the road space to fo around it, “Sorry about that”.
“Can’t believe we’re here after all this time”, said Rosita with a big smile.
“It’s surreal”, you whispered. You felt something strange, in the truck you meant. “Does this thing have 4-wheel drive?”, you asked Abraha,, who just chuckled
“Don’t think so”, it was an old truck. But you felt it heavy… You looked through the rearview mirror to the back of the truck where your bags where, but you knew for a fact, that even with the guns, you didn’t bring anything heavy-er… and when you saw something move back there, you hit the brakes so hard you learned like three new curse words in spanish
“WHAT THE HELL?”, asked Daryl, who might as well have crashed into the console.
“You got ourselves a stowaway”, you grunted. 
You took your gun and your ax and jumped out of the truck after opening the door and that is what got them all in alert, jumping out too. You were still over the bridge. the coast was clear,
You grabbed the thick tarp made of cloth you had to cover your things, and there he was, trembling in fear
“Eugene!?”, asked Rosita.
“Hey”, he muttered
“Damn”, muttered Abraham, then he looked at you, “how did you know?”, he asked, you just smiled
“Eugene why didn’t you tell us?”, asked Daryl, helping him out of the back of the truck
“It was a last minute call and I didn’t want you to change plans, and I thought if I did this… and you wouldn’t notice… it would be safer”
“That makes no sense”, you said, “you should have told us”
“He has a point”, muttered Rosita, and she did, this was planned for four, not five, you should have taken another car.
“I want it to see it”, he said, pointing at the monument, “but I also wanted Daryl to come and protect us”, he said, you frowned, “so he could protect you while Rosita and Abraham protect me”, he said straight to you
“I am really in the “I need protection” team?”, you asked, that insulted you a bit. You thought you were holding your ground, and not in the ”weaker” part of the team.
“No you are not!”, said Rosita, who had been giving you lessons in hand to hand combat.
“Fine, I’m sorry”, as a leader you needed to learn to make decisions when situations like this presented themselves.
“Abraham?”, you called, “Ride in the back, with our biggest gun, that view will alert us if something is strange, watch out for snipers”, you told him, in a very professional manner
“Yes Ma’am”, he said, climbing into the back
“Remember our code in the RV?”, you asked him, “two taps for slowing down, three taps for stopping, one long one to watch out”
“Indeed”, he said. You then turned to Eugene
“Well, like I said, too many times already, you are under my command”, you said Eugene and he nodded quickly, “and under my protection”, he opened his eyes widely, “let’s go, before it gets dark we need to find a safe place to spend the night”, you said surely. 
And, with a slight change of plans, you entered the very center of Washington DC.
With no idea what waited for you there. 
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