#daisuke kambe fluff
stories4urhart · 5 months
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"My Star"
Summary: The story revolves around Daisuke Kambe, a detective, and his pursuit of a street racer named Y/N. As their paths intertwine, they find an unexpected connection, exploring the complexities of their lives and emotions.
WC: 5k
Daisuke Kambe, a tall and lean detective with jet-black hair, moved through the crowded streets of the city with purpose. His impeccable appearance, right ear pierced, and well-tailored suit made him stand out even in the midst of the urban chaos. He was known for his sharp mind, relentless determination, and a penchant for solving cases that seemed unsolvable.
The latest case on Daisuke's plate involved a notorious street racer known only as Y/N. Rumors of Y/N's skills on the asphalt had reached legendary status, making them an elusive target for law enforcement. The thrill of the chase and the challenge of catching this enigmatic racer motivated Daisuke to pursue the case with unwavering intensity.
The streets were alive with the neon glow of the city as Daisuke received a tip about Y/N's whereabouts. The detective revved up his sleek black sports car, its engine humming with power as he set off in pursuit. The night air was charged with anticipation as Daisuke navigated through the winding streets, determined to bring an end to Y/N's high-speed escapades.
The chase was intense, with Daisuke skillfully maneuvering his car through tight corners and narrow alleys. Y/N, equally skilled, proved to be a formidable adversary, pushing their vehicle to the limits to stay ahead. The pursuit intensified, the city blurring into streaks of light as the two raced through the night.
Finally, in a heart-pounding moment, Daisuke managed to corner Y/N in a deserted industrial area. The detective stepped out of his car, his piercing gaze fixed on the elusive street racer. Y/N, face obscured by a helmet, revved their engine defiantly, the adrenaline of the chase still coursing through their veins.
"Game over," Daisuke declared, his voice cutting through the tension.
Daisuke Kambe stood amidst the wreckage, his eyes locked onto Y/N's helmeted face. "Looks like I'm caught," she said with a hint of a smirk, the adrenaline-induced rush transforming into a subtle flirtation.
Daisuke couldn't help but smirk in response, the air between them thick with tension that was no longer confined to the chase. The neon lights cast a romantic glow on the scene, and in the midst of the wreckage, something unexpected blossomed—a connection that transcended the boundaries of their roles.
"Caught, indeed," Daisuke replied, his usual stoic demeanor softened by the unexpected turn of events. "I have to say, you're a lot more interesting than I anticipated."
Y/N chuckled, the sound muffled by the helmet. "Well, Detective, maybe you're not so bad yourself. What now?"
Daisuke hesitated for a moment, his usual efficiency momentarily clouded by the unspoken attraction between them. "I suppose I should take you in, but..." He trailed off, his gaze lingering on Y/N's eyes.
"But?" Y/N prompted, a teasing smile playing on her lips.
Daisuke shook his head, as if trying to clear his thoughts. "But I think I'll let you go. Just this once."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "You're letting me go? Why?"
Daisuke's piercing gaze softened. "Consider it a moment of weakness. Enjoy your freedom, Y/N. But know that this detective won't be so lenient next time."
With that, Daisuke turned and walked away, leaving Y/N stunned amidst the wreckage. The city lights reflected in her helmet as she watched him go, the thrill of the chase replaced by a newfound intrigue.
A few days later, in a quiet café tucked away from the bustling city, Daisuke and Y/N found themselves across from each other. The atmosphere was surprisingly calm, a stark contrast to the neon-lit chaos of their previous encounter.
In the quiet café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air as Daisuke Kambe and Y/N sat across from each other. The ambiance was serene, a stark contrast to the high-octane world they had inhabited just days before. Soft jazz played in the background, casting a gentle cadence over their conversation.
Daisuke sipped his black coffee, his gaze fixed on Y/N. "So, Y/N, what's the real story behind the street racing? It can't just be about the thrill."
Y/N sighed, her eyes momentarily clouded with a mixture of memories and emotions. "It started as an escape, you know? The rush, the freedom—it's addictive. But over time, it became something more. A way to feel alive in a world that often felt too mundane."
Daisuke's curiosity deepened. "And the risks? Getting caught by the police, the danger—do those add to the thrill?"
A wry smile tugged at Y/N's lips. "Perhaps. But there's something else, Detective. It's about pushing boundaries, testing limits. Living on the edge, even if it means risking everything."
As the conversation unfolded, the layers of their personalities peeled away, revealing vulnerabilities and shared experiences. Daisuke, known for his cool exterior, found himself opening up about the pressures of his job, the weight of expectations, and the isolation that came with it.
Y/N listened intently, her eyes reflecting a genuine understanding. "It sounds like we're not so different, Detective Kambe. Both of us trying to break free from the constraints of our lives in our own ways."
Daisuke nodded, acknowledging the unexpected connection between them. "Maybe. But there's a fine line between breaking free and recklessness. You have to be careful, Y/N."
A hint of gratitude flashed in Y/N's eyes. "You sound like you care, Detective. Is that just part of the job, or is there more to it?"
Daisuke hesitated, his usual confidence momentarily shaken. "Maybe there's more. Maybe I see something in you that I didn't expect. Something worth saving."
The air between them hung heavy with unspoken emotions, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. In that café, amidst the subtle hum of conversation and the clinking of coffee cups, a connection formed—one that transcended the roles of detective and street racer. 
As dawn becomes dusk they part ways with a smile. 
The city's neon-lit streets were a playground for those seeking the thrill of the night, and Daisuke Kambe patrolled them with a keen eye. His pursuit of Y/N, led him through winding alleys and bustling avenues. The night air crackled with the anticipation of the chase.
Daisuke's sleek black car cut through the urban landscape, a shadow in pursuit of another. The rhythmic hum of the engine echoed in the deserted streets as he closed in on the elusive racer. The city lights blurred into streaks of color, mirroring the adrenaline-fueled dance between detective and racer.
And then, in a burst of speed, Daisuke caught up to Y/N. The moment hung suspended in time as their eyes locked through the windshield, the pulse of the city syncing with the rapid beats of their hearts.
The chase came to an abrupt halt as Daisuke maneuvered his car to block Y/N's path. The street racer, her eyes reflecting a mix of defiance and exhilaration, brought her vehicle to a stop.
Daisuke stepped out of his car, his tall figure casting a commanding presence on the empty street. "Y/N," he called out, his voice cutting through the stillness of the night.
She emerged from her car, a mixture of surprise and resignation in her eyes. "Detective Kambe, you really know how to spoil the fun."
Daisuke approached, his gaze unwavering. "This isn't a game, Y/N. Street racing endangers lives, including your own. What are you running from?"
Y/N sighed, a vulnerability breaking through her tough exterior. "Sometimes, the speed is the only thing that makes sense, Detective. The city, with all its complexities, can be overwhelming."
Daisuke studied her for a moment, his stern expression softening. "You don't have to face it alone. There are other ways to find meaning and purpose in this city."
As the night air settled, Daisuke and Y/N found themselves at a crossroad
In the tense aftermath of the street race, Y/N's eyes met Daisuke's, a defiant spark burning within. The city's nocturnal symphony surrounded them, a silent witness to the charged standoff on the deserted street.
Daisuke, his expression unwavering, called out, "Y/N, we need to talk about this. Running won't solve anything."
But Y/N remained resolute, a rebellious glint in her eyes. "Not another word, Detective," she declared, her voice cutting through the night air.
With that, she swiftly retreated, disappearing into the labyrinth of alleys and shadows. Daisuke, left standing alone on the silent street, felt the weight of the unresolved tension lingering in the air.
The city, with its sprawling expanse and hidden corners, seemed to hold its breath. The chase might have paused for now, but the intricate dance between detective and street racer was far from over.
The city's heartbeat echoed through the night as Daisuke Kambe strolled through a dimly lit alley, his thoughts consumed by the complexities of his latest case. The solitude was abruptly shattered when he stumbled upon Y/N in the midst of a heated argument with a significant other. The air was charged with tension, and Daisuke, instinctively drawn to the unfolding drama, couldn't help but intervene.
"Y/N," he called out, his voice calm but firm.
Y/N's eyes, filled with a mix of frustration and vulnerability, met Daisuke's. "Detective Kambe? What are you doing here?"
Ignoring the question, Daisuke turned his attention to the significant other, leveling a gaze that spoke volumes. "I suggest you leave. This is a private matter."
The significant other, recognizing the weight of Daisuke's presence, reluctantly backed away. As they disappeared into the shadows, Daisuke turned back to Y/N, who stood there with a mixture of emotions playing on her face.
"Are you okay?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I don't know, Detective. It's just... life, you know?"
Daisuke nodded in understanding. "Sometimes it's overwhelming. But you don't have to face it alone. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. If you don't mind me asking, why did you run away earlier? What are you trying to escape?"
Y/N, leaning against her sleek racing car, met his gaze with a defiance that hinted at a deeper vulnerability. "Detective Kambe, some things are better left unsaid. I'm not looking for a lecture."
Daisuke, undeterred, closed the distance between them. "Running won't erase the questions, Y/N. We're connected in ways you can't ignore. I want to understand, not just as a detective but as someone who sees more than what's on the surface."
Y/N averted her gaze, a subtle shift in her demeanor betraying the internal struggle. "This city... it suffocates sometimes. The speed, the adrenaline, it's the only way I can feel free."
Daisuke, with a penetrating gaze, pressed further. "And what about the rest of your life? What are you running from?"
A moment of silence hung in the air, the distant sounds of the city accentuating the weight of their unspoken words. Y/N, grappling with the turmoil within, finally spoke, her voice a whisper in the quiet alley. "There are things I'd rather forget, Detective. Racing gives me a momentary escape."
Daisuke's expression softened, a rare touch of empathy breaking through his composed demeanor. "You don't have to face it alone. Whatever you're running from, there are other paths. Let me help."
Surprised by the detective's unexpected compassion, Y/N found herself opening up about the complexities of her personal life. Daisuke, in turn, shared his own struggles, creating a bond that went beyond the roles they played in the city's intricate dance.
As the conversation unfolded, Daisuke noticed the turmoil in Y/N's eyes gradually give way to a glimmer of appreciation. Sensing an opportunity to offer solace, he spoke, "How about we get away from the noise for a bit? There's a cliffside not far from here, a place where you can clear your mind."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, why not?"
The night air was cool as they drove to the cliffside, the city lights fading into the distance. Once there, Daisuke and Y/N found themselves perched on the edge, the vast expanse of the night sky above them.
"Look at the stars," Daisuke said, his voice gentle. "They have a way of putting things into perspective. No matter how chaotic life gets down here, they remain constant."
Y/N followed his gaze, and for a while, they sat in silence, the city's noise replaced by the soft hum of nature. As the stars painted patterns in the night sky, a sense of peace settled between them.
Daisuke, ever the enigma, broke the silence. "You know, Y/N, life can be like navigating a maze. It's full of twists and turns, and sometimes, it feels like there's no way out. But even in the darkest moments, there's a path forward. It might not be clear at first, but it's there."
Y/N glanced at him, a mixture of gratitude and curiosity in her eyes. "Detective, you're not exactly what I expected. Why are you being so... understanding?"
Daisuke chuckled, a rare moment of vulnerability breaking through his composed demeanor. "Maybe I've come to appreciate the unexpected. People, like puzzles, have layers. You just have to take the time to unravel them."
The conversation flowed effortlessly as they shared stories under the starlit sky, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and understanding. Daisuke spoke of the pressures of being a detective, the weight of expectations, and the sacrifices he had made along the way. Y/N, in turn, opened up about the struggles of balancing personal desires with the demands of a high-speed life on the streets.
As the night deepened, their connection grew stronger. Daisuke found himself drawn to Y/N's resilience, and Y/N, in turn, appreciated the unexpected companionship that had arisen from the chaos of their lives.
"It's strange, isn't it?" Y/N mused, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "How a chance encounter can change the course of a night."
Daisuke nodded, his gaze lingering on Y/N. "And sometimes, a night can change the course of much more."
As they sat there, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the gentle rustle of the night breeze and the distant murmur of the city below. In that moment, Daisuke offered Y/N a rare glimpse into the depths of his soul, a side of himself few had seen.
"Thank you, Detective," Y/N said, breaking the quietude. "For being there when I needed it."
Daisuke simply nodded, a tacit acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that had formed between them. The city, with all its complexities, seemed distant as they continued to share the solitude of the cliffside, their hearts entwined in the quiet magic of the night. Little did they know that the road ahead held challenges that would test their newfound connection, but for now, they found solace in the shared silence of the stars.
Daisuke rose from his seated position, dusting off the back of his trousers. The tranquility of the cliffside remained, but the real world beckoned. Turning to Y/N, he extended his hand, a silent invitation.
"Let me take you home," Daisuke said, his voice a gentle undertone against the night.
Y/N looked at his outstretched hand, a subtle warmth spreading across her features. With a nod, she accepted his offer, allowing him to help her up from the rocky perch. The contact was fleeting but carried a weight of understanding, a bridge built between them in the quiet of the night.
The city sprawled below, its distant lights flickering like a sea of stars caught in the urban expanse. Daisuke led Y/N back to his sleek black car, and they embarked on a journey back to the heartbeat of the city.
As the car glided through the winding streets, the silence between them spoke volumes. Daisuke, usually guarded, found comfort in the shared quiet, and Y/N, grateful for the unexpected company, marveled at the city's transformation from chaos to a quiet sanctuary.
Upon arriving at Y/N's destination, Daisuke parked the car and turned to face her. "Take care of yourself, Y/N," he said, a genuine concern etched in his eyes.
Y/N smiled, a blend of appreciation and something deeper. "You too, Detective. Thanks for tonight."
Daisuke watched as Y/N disappeared into the night, the city reclaiming her with its myriad of complexities. He lingered for a moment, the echoes of their shared connection lingering, before navigating the darkened streets once again.
The night had brought unexpected turns, forging a bond between Daisuke and Y/N that transcended the roles they played. Little did they know that the city, with all its unpredictability, held more surprises in store for them, and their paths would cross again in ways that would test the strength of the connection they had discovered on that cliffside under the stars.
The morning sun spilled through the windows, casting a warm glow across Daisuke Kambe's impeccably decorated apartment. As he rose from his slumber, he prepared for the day ahead, the events of the previous night and the shared moments with Y/N lingering in the recesses of his mind.
Daisuke dressed with his usual precision, the weight of his responsibilities settling on his shoulders. Little did he know that the day held unexpected turns, and as he stepped out into the bustling city, the air crackled with a sense of anticipation.
The streets were alive with the ebb and flow of urban life. Daisuke navigated through the familiar chaos, the city lights reflecting in his piercing gaze. As he passed by a quaint restaurant, something caught his eye—Y/N, sitting across from another person, engaged in what seemed to be an intimate conversation.
A sharp pang resonated through Daisuke's chest, an unexpected twist in the narrative of the morning. He stood there for a moment, hidden in the shadows, watching the scene unfold. Y/N, her laughter echoing in the air, appeared completely engrossed in the company of her date.
The weight of the realization settled on Daisuke's shoulders—a mix of confusion, disappointment, and an emotion he hadn't anticipated. The city, with its indifferent façade, seemed to mock him as he grappled with the unexpected sight.
For a fleeting moment, Daisuke considered turning away, retreating into the familiarity of his own world. But a sense of determination overcame him. He squared his shoulders and approached the restaurant, his expression betraying none of the tumultuous thoughts swirling within.
Y/N looked up, catching sight of Daisuke's approach. Her eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of guilt flashing across her face. The atmosphere shifted as Daisuke greeted them, his tone even and composed, concealing the internal storm.
"Good morning, Y/N. What a coincidence to find you here," he said, a thin smile playing on his lips.
Y/N stammered, clearly caught off guard. "Detective Kambe, I... um, we didn't expect to run into you here."
Daisuke's gaze shifted to her companion, a polite acknowledgment in his eyes. "I hope you both enjoy your meal. I won't keep you any longer."
Daisuke's steps faltered as the realization hit him like a sudden gust of wind. The man Y/N was sharing the table with was none other than Haru Kato, his best friend and partner. A strange mix of relief and confusion washed over him, as the unexpected sight prompted a torrent of thoughts and emotions.
Approaching the table again, Daisuke couldn't help but feel a peculiar sense of betrayal dissipate. He greeted him with a nod, a subtle acknowledgment that he was aware of their connection. "Kato. What a surprise to find you two here."
Haru Kato, with an apologetic smile, stood up. "Daisuke, hey. We didn't expect to run into you either."
Y/N, sensing the tension, offered a hesitant smile. "Detective Kambe, this wasn't planned, I promise."
Daisuke waved off their concerns, his demeanor composed but his eyes revealing a complexity of emotions. "No need to explain. Enjoy your meal. I won't interrupt any further."
As he walked away, a storm of conflicting thoughts brewed within him. The city, once a familiar backdrop, now seemed to shift and twist with an unfamiliar energy. Daisuke couldn't escape the feeling of being on the periphery of something he hadn't anticipated.
Later, as he immersed himself in his detective duties, Daisuke grappled with the realization that Y/N and Haru, two significant figures in his life, were forging a connection outside of their usual orbits. The intricate dance of emotions left him questioning the boundaries of friendship and the unspoken rules that governed those closest to him.
As the day unfolded, Daisuke navigated the streets with a stoic façade, concealing the turbulence within. The city, with its towering buildings and bustling crowds, seemed to hold the echoes of shared moments and a future that remained uncertain. The story continued to unfold, with Daisuke Kambe standing at the intersection of past and present, his path shrouded in the complexities of friendship, loyalty, and the unexpected twists of fate.
As the day grew darker, a shadow seemed to fall over Daisuke Kambe's normally composed demeanor. The hope he had nurtured, the budding connection he thought he had found with Y/N, now seemed to wither in the face of an unexpected revelation. The streets, once a familiar territory, felt foreign as he grappled with a growing sense of betrayal.
In the solitude of his apartment, the city lights casting a melancholic glow, Daisuke found himself wrestling with questions that seemed to echo in the emptiness. Had his best friend, Haru Kato, unintentionally claimed a piece of the connection he had hoped to cultivate with Y/N? The complexities of friendship and the unspoken rules that governed those closest to him became an unyielding maze, and Daisuke couldn't help but feel lost within its intricate corridors.
The night wore on, and as Daisuke stared out of his apartment window, the city below continued its relentless march. Each passing moment carried with it the weight of unanswered questions and the ache of a hope that had been dimmed. The stoic detective, known for his unshakable resolve, found himself facing an unfamiliar vulnerability.
As he contemplated the unfolding narrative of his life, Daisuke questioned the nature of the connection he had sought. The city lights, once vibrant, now seemed to cast long shadows on the walls, mirroring the uncertainty that loomed over his thoughts. The lines between duty, friendship, and the yearning for understanding blurred in a landscape that felt increasingly desolate.
In the silence of the night, Daisuke Kambe grappled with the complexity of emotions that had taken residence within him. The city, with its myriad of stories and secrets, seemed to hold a mirror to his own uncertainties. The narrative, once clear, now felt entangled in a web of intricacies, leaving the detective to navigate the tangled threads of friendship, trust, and the delicate balance between vulnerability and strength.
Daisuke Kambe, seeking respite from the tumultuous thoughts swirling within, decided to head to a quiet bar nestled in a corner of the city. The neon sign flickered with a subtle invitation as he entered, the low hum of conversations creating a backdrop for the labyrinth of his own contemplations.
As he approached the bar, ordering a drink with the precision that marked his every action, he hadn't expected the familiar presence that would soon enter the scene. The door swung open, and there she was—Y/N, the source of the emotional storm that had unsettled his day.
Their eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to suspend. The air between them crackled with an unspoken tension, the weight of the unresolved emotions hanging in the atmosphere. Daisuke, usually composed, found himself at a loss for words in the face of unexpected proximity.
Y/N approached, a mixture of surprise and hesitation etched across her features. "Detective Kambe, what are the odds of running into you again?"
Daisuke managed a thin smile, masking the complexity of his emotions. "Seems like the city has a way of bringing people together. Care to join me for a drink?"
Y/N, sensing the unspoken currents, nodded and took a seat beside him at the bar. The air became charged with an energy that transcended the clinking of glasses and the distant murmur of patrons. The city outside, indifferent to their shared complexities, continued its rhythmic pulse.
In the dimly lit bar, Daisuke Kambe and Y/N found themselves seated at a corner, a small oasis of solitude amidst the rhythmic chaos of the city. The clinking of glasses and the low hum of conversations provided a distant melody to their unfolding dialogue.
Daisuke, his usual stoicism momentarily softened, started the conversation. "Y/N, I didn't expect to run into you again so soon. Fate seems to have its own plans."
Daisuke took a sip of his drink, the amber liquid reflecting the subtle glow of the bar lights. "Indeed. Life has a way of surprising us." He paused, his gaze fixed on the swirling liquid in his glass. "I couldn't help but wonder about earlier. Seeing you with Kato."
Y/N's expression shifted, a mix of understanding and caution. "Detective Kambe, it's not what you think. Haru and I are just friends. I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea."
Daisuke's smile, a rare expression that hinted at the genuine warmth beneath his composed exterior, illuminated the dimly lit bar. The invitation hung in the air, a simple yet loaded question that carried the weight of unspoken possibilities.
Daisuke, with a vulnerability seldom seen, broke the silence. "Y/N, there's something about you that's... different. It's as if you see through the layers, beyond the persona I project to the world. I've spent a lifetime building walls, but you manage to breach them effortlessly."
Y/N, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and understanding, met his gaze. "Detective Kambe, you're not as impenetrable as you think. There's a complexity to you that I find intriguing, and beneath that composed exterior, there's a person I want to understand."
Daisuke's usual composure wavered, a subtle acknowledgment of a truth he rarely allowed himself to confront. "And you, Y/N? What do you see when you look at me?"
Y/N's gaze lingered on his, her voice a whisper amidst the ambient sounds of the bar. "I see someone who craves connection, just like the rest of us. Beneath the detective, there's a man who feels deeply, who grapples with the intricacies of life. And I find that incredibly appealing."
The admission hung in the air, a bridge between the roles they played and the uncharted territory of shared emotions. Daisuke, typically reserved, found himself entangled in the vulnerability of the moment. "Y/N, this connection... it's unlike anything I've experienced. But I can't help but wonder, with Haru in the picture, where do we stand?"
Y/N took a moment to gather her thoughts, her eyes searching Daisuke's for understanding. "Haru is a dear friend, and nothing more. You, Detective, have a way of getting under my skin in ways I never expected. There's a magnetic pull between us, and it's hard to ignore."
Daisuke's gaze held a mixture of relief and realization. "I thought I might have lost something when I saw you with him earlier. But hearing you say that... it changes things."
"Y/N," he began, his tone gentle, "how about we leave this place? Would you like to come to my place and watch a movie?"
Y/N met his gaze, a subtle spark of curiosity in her eyes. The tension that had lingered throughout the night seemed to shift, replaced by the prospect of a shared moment in a more intimate setting.
A small smile played on Y/N's lips. "Sure, Detective Kambe. A movie sounds like a good idea."
As they left the bar, the city outside embraced them with its ever-present energy. Daisuke and Y/N navigated the familiar streets, the air charged with the unspoken understanding that this was more than just a casual invitation.
Arriving at Daisuke's apartment, the city's bustling rhythm muffled by the closed door, they found themselves in a cocoon of privacy. The ambiance was different from the crowded bar; the space held an almost anticipatory stillness.
Daisuke, ever the gracious host, gestured towards the comfortable seating arrangement. "Make yourself at home, Y/N. I'll prepare something for us."
As they settled in, the movie playing on the screen became a backdrop to the evolving narrative between them. The air was thick with a blend of anticipation and unspoken feelings that seemed to transcend the confines of the room.
Daisuke, returning with a tray of refreshments, found himself drawn to Y/N's presence. They sat in companionable silence, the movie casting a flickering glow on their faces. As the scenes unfolded on the screen, the shared space between them became charged with an energy that mirrored the intricate dance of their emotions.
As the movie's credits rolled and the night deepened, Daisuke and Y/N found themselves in a cocoon of warmth and comfort. The initial distance that had defined their interactions melted away, replaced by a shared understanding that transcended words.
Unspoken emotions lingered in the air as they scooted closer together on the couch. The ambient glow of the TV illuminated their faces, casting shadows that danced in harmony with the quiet intimacy enveloping them.
Without exchanging a word, they gravitated towards each other, the distance narrowing until they were nestled in each other's arms. Daisuke, known for his stoicism, held Y/N with a tenderness that betrayed the complexities of his emotions. Y/N, in turn, found solace in the strong yet gentle embrace, a sanctuary in the arms of the enigmatic detective.
As the city outside continued its nocturnal symphony, the room became a haven for shared vulnerability. The movie's soundtrack faded into the background, replaced by the rhythmic cadence of their shared breaths.
In the quiet of the night, with the city's pulse as their backdrop, Daisuke and Y/N succumbed to the inevitable pull of sleep. Their intertwined fingers, the rise and fall of their chests in synchrony, painted a picture of a connection that had evolved beyond the constraints of the roles they played in the city's intricate dance.
Daisuke Kambe stirred from his slumber, the ambient light of the early morning casting a gentle glow in his meticulously decorated apartment. As he gradually became aware of his surroundings, a warmth beside him caught his attention.
His eyes opened to find Y/N, still nestled in his arms from the night before. The remnants of their movie night lingered in the room, the TV's soft glow now replaced by the soft hues of dawn filtering through the curtains.
Y/N, seemingly awake, turned to face him with a tender smile. Without a word, she leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss on Daisuke's forehead. The gesture carried a quiet intimacy, a silent acknowledgment of the connection that had deepened between them.
Daisuke, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected tenderness, couldn't help but return a faint smile. "Good morning, my star," he whispered, the words carrying a sentiment that seemed to echo in the tranquil space.
The city outside, slowly awakening to the day, seemed to echo the quiet moment shared between the detective and the street racer.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 1 year
Got into Fugou Keiji last summer and now I have brainworms of them. So I gave them a family. Here's one of those fics.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Pspspspspspsp I saw that you write for balance unlimited 👀
Can I pls have a oneshot of love at first sight with daisuke? There's a lack of Tumblr fics of this anime plsss I beg for more
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: irethepotato
Fandom(s): Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited
Pairing(s): Kambe Daisuke x Gender Neutral!Reader
Genre(s): Fluff, pining(?), love at first sight trope
I’d be happy to write for Balance Unlimited! I’m still getting a hand on Daisuke’s character, so this might be OOC, but I’ll try my best!
Also, you are slightly shorter than Daisuke in this. He does wear shoe inserts that make him roughly 5’7”.
You saw him at a convention. No, not like ComicCon, but a gala, or rather a business function. He rolled up in a Chevy Corvette and stepped out, handing the keys off to the valet and buttoning the front of his pitch-black tuxedo suitcoat.
He was handsome, with slicked-back dark hair and mysterious eyes hidden behind sunglasses. And… did he have a pierced ear? Even more attractive. 
He had a woman next to him who had stepped out of the passenger side of the sports car. She was dressed in a sleek black dress and long black hair styled in an intricate updo. They looked alike, close enough to be related. You adjusted the hem of your own blazer and turned to grab a glass of champagne. 
There was no point in fantasizing over the unattainable. 
He was way out of your league anyway. 
You join in on the dancing, spinning away with dance partners as the hours pass, and you search for an opening. However, a wrench in your plans is apparent when you are twirled into the arms of the handsome young man you had spotted earlier. 
He’s even more handsome up close, and you can smell his expensive cologne. His sunglasses are nowhere to be found, probably folded away inside the inside pocket of his tux. 
But that’s not what throws a wrench in your plans. Instead, it’s the moment you meet his eyes. They’re a steely blueish-gray and all the more alluring. Fireworks erupt in your belly, and you almost trip over your feet. However, you are quick to recover without him noticing. 
You knew this feeling. It was the feeling of falling in love. You had felt it before, with your first love, who has long gone and left with your heart in pieces. It had taken years to heal yourself, and now you were scared of it breaking again. You couldn’t fall in love! You simply couldn’t!
But as you watch the man’s eyes widen almost inconspicuously, you realize he feels it too and quickly decide to break this off. 
“Sorry, I’ve forgotten something.” You quickly excuse yourself and head toward a side door. But, before you shut the door behind you, you look behind and catch his gaze once again. The door hurriedly closes behind you, and you are locked in a dead sprint. 
It doesn’t take long to find the host’s computer. But someone is already there. The woman who was with the man earlier (you really had to learn their names, this was getting exhausting). She was bent over a keyboard, tapping rapidly and lines of code appeared across the screen. The lights were off, save for the computer monitors (obviously), so you were bathed in blue light. 
The door slams shut behind you, and you jump, the woman does as well, turning, and her gaze flashes with surprise as you meet her eyes. Then you whip around to see who had shut the door, and you spot the man. 
He’s as good-looking as ever. That’s the infuriating part. 
“Do you have what you need?” His voice is deep, alluring, and smooth as honey. Damn it. He just keeps getting more attractive. But never mind that you have things to focus on! The woman unplugs and tosses a flash drive stick to him that he catches without looking. His eyes are trained on you as he slips it into his inside tuxedo pocket.  
“Just who are you?” You say, portraying an air of confidence. After all, you might as well put on a show, right? Throw them off your tracks, and don’t let them see how nervous you are, right?
“Kambe Daisuke. Who are you?” He says—more like demands—and you oblige. Equivalent exchange is polite, right? There’s no need to be rude. He says your name, and you shiver at the sound of it coming from his mouth. It sounded so sexy you couldn’t help but want to hear more. 
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Daisuke, but I must be going now, so if you’ll excuse me—” His hand catches your wrist and yanks you back as you try to leave. You stumble, looking up into his eyes as your noses brush.
Your lips brush the corner of his own, and you are slipping away before he even registers what’s happening. His eyes are wide and uncharacteristically shocked. The woman behind you chokes on her own saliva as she stands, shocked. 
You’re gone before he realizes the flash drive is gone. You twirl it between your fingers, slip it into your inside pocket, and sprint down the hall. Finally, you make it to your car and peel out of the gala roundabout just as he bursts through the doors. 
His eyes are locked on your disappearing vehicle the entire time. 
Mission accomplished.
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nikonyash · 9 months
Smut & fluff ft. Yuta Okkotsu
A/n: Been MIA and just find the strength to write again. Was thinking to write about Daisuke Kambe but oh well... Anw I find sexual intercourse with your ex is quite exciting. Of course that applies when both parties are not dating anyone, yet.
You and Yuta were over. "I can't do this anymore," your words whispered, like a soft gust of wind, before you ended the call months ago. That was meant to be the closing scene. Or, that's what it is supposed to be.
But right now, you're under him.
You can feel his hot breath on your neck, trailing kisses. Biting your lower lip, you try not let a sound slip when his length touching your spot while he's thrusting vigorously.
You don't remembet how it happened. A moment ago, you're at his door to give back his shirts you borrowed. Then, he invited you for closure. But, before long, you are in his bed.
"Let me hear your voice," he kisses you on the cheek and his fingers playing with your nips. Your body is heating up at his gentle voice and before long, soft moaning in pleasure filled the room. The stimulation makes you unable to control yourself. You put your palm on his cheek and searching for his eyes.
He softly gaze at you.
He devours your lips and slips his tongue into your mouth. You could taste the shared breath and his heartbeat as his body pressed in yours. Yuta feels your fingers going throuhh his hair and gently smiles.
His warmth makes your blood rush. You push yourself towards his length as you feel a knot in your stomach. "Yuta, I-I'm-"
"Cum for me baby," he fastens his pace. Yuta grunts to your wall clenching tight around him. His half-lidded eyes giving you the clue that he's close. With a choked voice and your legs gripping his waist, you reach your peak and feel his warm load inside you.
This is wrong, you think to yourself. But the pleasure just felt right. With his head on your chest, Yuta's catching his breath.
"I miss you," you hear him talk between pantings. "Please give one more chance to us," he leans to kiss your cheek.
The face of a guy you've been talking to pops up. "Forget him. I know we still can work it out." Is he a mind reader now? You giggle while Yuta's eyebrows are drawn together in confusion.
You miss him, too. He might never know how you cried for weeks after you hung up on him or how you deliberately come into places he likes and hope to "accidentally" bump into him. Or even when you're unable to sleep when thinking about his whereabouts, or he's still alive or not.
You never really forget him.
"I promise I will never do anything harmful again," he caresses your hair and suprises when you chuckle. "As if!" His daily job requires him to play with death and you know it very well. "Then, what should I do?" Sadness creeps into his words.
He deeply stares at you, leaving you admiring a pair of gentle eyes you've been longing to see. A touch of warmth sparks in your heart and spread to your whole body.
"Just promise me you will always come home in one complete piece, alive." Surprised, Yuta's expression lights up. "And never lie to me. Don't leave me for days without telling again," Yuta feels your lips pressed against his and see your cheeks turning red.
Smilling, he engulf you in a hug. Softly whisper the words you're eager to hear.
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eydi-andrius · 1 year
Oneshots Masterlist
all characters are aged- up | read the warnings
Till Death Do Us Part (basilio)
❇ Millionaire Detective
Office War (daisuke kambe)
❇ House of the Dragon
Break Your Pretty Things (aegon II targaryen)
Agape (aemond targaryen x reader)
Vexation - (aemond targaryen) fluff
Clear Lilac Eyes (aemond targaryen)
❇ Across the Spiderverse
Cornered (Miguel O'Hara)
Can you keep it up? (Miguel O'Hara)
❇ Jujutsu Kaisen
Cruel Existence (Gojo Satoru) angst
Side Characters End up Alone (Gojo Satoru) angst
His Point of View (sequel of ^^^)
Sunday Morning Coffee (Nanami Kento)
I Know You Don't (Nanami Kento)
❇ Love and Deepspace
Sore Loser (xavier, zayne, rafayel)
Orange Peel Theory (xavier, zayne, rafayel)
© adandrius —do not copy, paste, or translate my works anywhere.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
What I Want To Write [Author's Ideas]
Well, this are basically some ideas I've had for quite a while, but some of them don't really have a plot, still, feel free to tell me which one you'll like for me to write and I'll do it, or if you have an idea for the plot, I'll really appreciate it :]
Kibutsuji Muzan x Top!Male!Reader [Smut] (PUBLISHED)
basically, some smut when he's dressed like a woman.
Fushiguro Megumi x Top!Male!Reader [Smut] (PUBLISHED)
(m/n)'s the actual reason why he complained about itadori's room being next to his
(Arknights) Silver Ash x Male!Reader [Fluff&Lime] (PUBLISHED)
(i just wanna write about this man because i'm obsessed with him, like... deadass obsessed)
Eren Jaeger x Top!Male!Reader [Smut] (PUBLISHED)
Ryoumen Sukuna x Curse!Humanized!Reader [Smut] (PUBLISHED)
(m/n) was a very known curse among the rest, including sorcerers/shamans, the main reason? he was the only that could win against sukuna, making him the strongest curse, but he was against all of the "evil", and he made himself clear when he showed up in front of gojou satoru
Yoigoshi Tasuya x Male!Reader [?] (PUBLISHED)
i just wanted to say that i fell in love with negative filture kageyama, and if you don't know him, there's a pic above :] (he's also voiced by uchida yuuma who voiced ash lynx and uenoyama ritsuka)
Kannonzaka Doppo x Top!Male!Reader [Fluff] (PUBLISHED)
Originally had smut too, but I'll make a part 2 of this one, because Doppo is simply too perfect :3
Kise Ryota x Idol!Male!Reader [Fluff&Lime]
Not a smut like it originally wanted, but there could be a part 2.
Hashibira Inousuke x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Femboy!Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader [Fluff]
Sakusa Kyoomi x Male!Reader
Crazy Possessive song fic
Nozel Silva x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Zora Ideale x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
power bottom!zora x masochist sub!male!reader
Licht x Human!Male!Reader [?]
maybe a smut before he met tetia and the wizard king
Asta x Male!Reader [Fluff]
maybe some fluff in front of the girls that like asta, and they see how flustered he gets around you (he proclaims to like sister lily, but ever since he met you, his mind hadn't even been noticed his lack of thoughts about her, instead he thought of you two together as he imagined reaching to be the wizard king) you've noticed noelle's and mimosa's behavior with Asta, so you knew about her feelings, and what better way to let her (Noelle) know... that Asta was his not her's
Finral Roulacase x Male!Reader [Fluff]
probably something about his training to stop seducing woman, you decided to help him since he asked you and you gave him some scolding or "advice", when he started to realize that he felt really nervous close to you and he suddenly wanted you to notice him or to compliment you
Nakajima Atsushi x Port!Mafia!Seme!Male!Reader [Smut]
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke x Male!Reader [?]
William Vangeance x BlackBulls!MaleReader [Fluff]
some like, your magic allows you to make come true whatever you want, so when you met William he was intrigued by your magic, and after some time you got close, and then he asked you if you could make him look... normal, like, he doesn't hate his birth mark, but he sometimes wonders how he would look without it, and hesitantly you did 
Gojo Satoru x Femboy!Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Yuri Plisetsky x BadBoy!FigureSkater!Top!Male!Reader [Fluff&Lime]
Ayato Yuri x Short!Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Yamada Ichiro x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Dazai Osamu x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Kambe Daisuke x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Beta!Levi Ackerman x Alpha!Male!Reader [Smut]
modern au
Alpha!Kamado Tanjiro x Alpha!Top!Male!Reader [Lime]
modern au
PowerBottom!Akashi Seijuro x Soft!Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
Kagami Taiga x Short!Top!Male!Reader [Fluff]
Midorima Shintaro x Perverted!Male!Reader [Lime]
Kuroko Tetsuya x BadBoy!Male!Reader [Fluff&Lime]
Kato Haru x Male!Reader [Fluff]
just Haru having a day off
Jean Kirstein x Top!Male!Reader [Lime]
just something steamy when (m/n) had enough of jean trying to impress mikasa, so he showed him who he belongs to
Levi Ackerman x Male!Reader x Eren Jeager [Angst&Fluff]
fuyu no hanashi songfic (levi; yuki. eren; uenoyama)
Kim Dokja x Male!Reader x Yoo Joonghuyk [?]
(has anyone read the manhwa 'omniscent reader's viewpoint'? it's so good)
Ainosuke Shindo (Adam) x Top!Male!Reader [Smut]
i wanna make this one as hardcore and explicit as i possibly can, including such things as; bondage, overstimulation, toys usage, degradation, sounding, dumbification, and possibly two rounds with powerbottom adam and then sort of like a revenge or pay-back fuck... how does that sound? (if there's something else that you would like me to add, let me know :p)
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ceciffeinated · 2 years
burn out. sleep in. | ꒰ daisuke kambe ╲ short story ꒱
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⪩ ☁︎.pairing: daisuke × cherloque (oc). ⪩ ☁︎.scenario: in daisuke's mansion. ⪩ ☁︎.warning: fluffity fluffing fluffy fluff; don't ask how many cups of coffee i had today.
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there's nothing impresses cher more than strict and functional work ethics.
while hers were next to inhumane possibilities, she certainly appreciate a good line of virtues while doing the tasks in hand.
today was the day she was impressed with daisuke's ethics.
it was evident by the way how daisuke was sprawling across his desk. his arms were across the surface, plastering all the messy documents down. his face was straight pasted down on the surface as well. his hair looked so ruffled and messy and tousled, as if he hadn't brushed his hair at all since his bath. although he was just wearing his casual clothes of white, dress shirt and black vest, when cher peeked down, they were rumpled and crinkled. in his right hand was a ballpoint pen that kept inking a document. in his left hand was a correction tape.
'geez,' cher thought, chuckling to herself. 'when i said he can help me lessen the workload, i didn't mean you should literally obliterate by yourself, daisuke.'
it was oddly comedic. and it brought pride and satisfaction cher. although, she had to be honest, it kinda worried as well because she actually saw what was it like being wiped out from work.
'is he drooling or...?,' cher wondered. she bent down on daisuke's level and slightly tilted his head. the cop suddenly murmured something, which caught cher almost off-guard. luckily, he didn't wake up, and he just kept on slumbering. 'oh,' cher thought. 'he's actually drooling.'
cher took out her handkerchief and dabbed his lips dry. she swore to god, she's finidng him endearing at the moment.
the daisuke she usually saw was insensitive, thick-skinned, and thoughtless. it just irritated her, to be honest, when she's facing someone who seemed to be just like her in some aspects. while she did mirror his traits sometimes, she knew there were boundaries between on how far they could be with their negative traits. plus, nothing infuriates her more when daisuke is manifesting his galling personality.
but, right now?
she seemed to fond of this kind of daisuke. a daisuke that seemed to have his whole guard down; a daisuke that seemed to have actually expressing good work habits for once; a daisuke that seemed to be drooling over documents cutely like a baby.
'you can actually be a dork sometimes,' cher mentally commented as she puts daisuke's head down.
"i see daisuke-sama wiped himself out."
"hello, suzue-san." cher smiled at the kambe relative. "yeah, i think he had." cher softly patted his head.
suzue rolled a cart of tea kettle, teacups, and tea cups towards the desk, glancing over daisuke. she suddenly said, "you influenced him."
"did i?"
"yeah," suzue replied, pouring a cup for cher. "ever since eight months ago, i guess." the petite japanese woman handed the englishwoman the tea.
cher laughed as she accepted the cup. she said, "i didn't know."
"well... now you do. besides, i think he also took up your 'burn out, sleep in' habit."
cher covered her lips as she laughed even more. she said, "oh, god, i'm so sorry, suzue-san. i didn't really mean it, i promise."
perhaps some supernatural jolted him awake because daisuke suddenly sat up straight. it's almost like he woke up from a nightmare, to be honest. after all, his sudden jerky movements startled cher and suzue.
but maybe the effects of it didn't last long because daisuke suddenly felt the sleepy spell come back to him a flash. his body swayed, however, to his side, directly at cher. in shock, cher put down the teacup as soon as she can on the desk as she caught daisuke's dropping head in her hands.
"daisuke!" cher exclaimed, holding the cop's head in her palms while laughing at his accidental antic. "come on... get up now! up, up!"
"can't," daisuke said monotonously. "too lazy..." he took a deep, relaxing inhale. then he continued, "soft hands..."
if someone had punch-drunked daisuke, the last two words he said should be valid and verifiable, but he wasn't, he isn't. the sleepy spell must've been strong for daisuke to handle because it seemed he had a loose mouth now, which only resulted for cher to find him even more amusing and comical.
"i'm serious, though," cher said as she put daisuke's head back down on the surface. "you're going to get a stiff neck after you're done taking your unprecendented nap."
"don't care," daisuke mumbled.
"doesn't that sound familiar?" suzue teasingly asked as she retrieved the teacup cher used.
cher flustered suddenly and said to suzue, embarrassingly, "shut up."
"if you stop influencing daisuke-sama."
"shut up both of you."
in the few moments that went quick, suzue left without the cart and cher went over the couch to grab a quilt-blanket which she draped across daisuke's back. she tucked the blanket in the most comfortable way for daisuke.
little did cher knew, daisuke was already awake and had no plans of sleeping again. but knowing the fact that cher was working with the blanket, he decided to pretend like he was still sleeping.
"you're actually adorable when you drool, daisuke," cher said to no one in particular. "you look like a baby that i would take in and care for. only, you're four years older than me and you're a grown adult. tsk, tsk, tsk... if i treat you like a child, haru would implement that regimen for all time since you're quite the thoughtless kind, to be honest." cher finished tucking himself and looked proud at herself for doing something domestic without being violent first. "but i wonder, you know. about the chances i would get in the future of babying you. but then again... if i do, suzue-san would join and you would like a living joke."
daisuke felt a slight tick on his forehead.
"and yet... i'd bet you'd like it."
something foreign was upon his hair and daisuke felt that it was warm... inviting... homely.
cher pecked his hair.
"sleep tight, love."
when cher left, daisuke lifted his head and shook it, whispering, "i don't mind being babied."
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⪩ ☁︎.note: republished for archiving purposes; heavy wip; under semi-hiatus.
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ao3-feed-shadam · 2 years
arrullo de estrellas.
by harukatsudon
"El embarazo es una experiencia que nadie, absolutamente nadie puede explicar. Sólo quienes lo han vivido pueden entenderlo."
-Colección de one-shots de diversos shipps relacionados al evento de Agosto de Mpreg hecho por Ilitia Forever! -Ningún personaje de las series aquí usadas me pertenecen, créditos a sus respectivos autores en cada capítulo.
Words: 898, Chapters: 1/30, Language: Español
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Naruto, Free!, Promare (2019), 富豪刑事 Balance:UNLIMITED | Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited (Anime), SK8 the Infinity (Anime), Haikyuu!!, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Banana Fish (Anime & Manga), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Katou Haru, Nanase Haruka, Yamazaki Sousuke, Matsuoka Rin, Galo Thymos, Lio Fotia, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Itadori Yuuji, Inumaki Toge, Tomioka Giyuu, Hashibira Inosuke, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bott, Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Uchiha Sasuke, Gaara (Naruto), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Kambe Daisuke/Katou Haru, Hazuki Nagisa/Ryuugazaki Rei, Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makoto, Matsuoka Rin/Yamazaki Sousuke, Lio Fotia/Galo Thymos, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Inumaki Toge/Okkotsu Yuuta, Rengoku Kyoujurou/Tomioka Giyuu, Hashibira Inosuke/Kamado Tanjirou, Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein, Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Deidara/Uchiha Itachi, Gaara/Rock Lee
Additional Tags: ADMpreg2022, Mpreg, ilitiaforever, Cravings, Pregnancy, Family Fluff, Post Mpreg, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Crying, Childbirth
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40762476
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arrullo de estrellas.
by harukatsudon
"El embarazo es una experiencia que nadie, absolutamente nadie puede explicar. Sólo quienes lo han vivido pueden entenderlo."
-Colección de one-shots de diversos shipps relacionados al evento de Agosto de Mpreg hecho por Ilitia Forever! -Ningún personaje de las series aquí usadas me pertenecen, créditos a sus respectivos autores en cada capítulo.
Words: 898, Chapters: 1/30, Language: Español
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Naruto, Free!, Promare (2019), 富豪刑事 Balance:UNLIMITED | Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited (Anime), SK8 the Infinity (Anime), Haikyuu!!, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Banana Fish (Anime & Manga), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Katou Haru, Nanase Haruka, Yamazaki Sousuke, Matsuoka Rin, Galo Thymos, Lio Fotia, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Itadori Yuuji, Inumaki Toge, Tomioka Giyuu, Hashibira Inosuke, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bott, Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Uchiha Sasuke, Gaara (Naruto), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Kambe Daisuke/Katou Haru, Hazuki Nagisa/Ryuugazaki Rei, Nanase Haruka/Tachibana Makoto, Matsuoka Rin/Yamazaki Sousuke, Lio Fotia/Galo Thymos, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Getou Suguru/Gojo Satoru, Inumaki Toge/Okkotsu Yuuta, Rengoku Kyoujurou/Tomioka Giyuu, Hashibira Inosuke/Kamado Tanjirou, Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein, Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Ash Lynx/Okumura Eiji, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Deidara/Uchiha Itachi, Gaara/Rock Lee
Additional Tags: ADMpreg2022, Mpreg, ilitiaforever, Cravings, Pregnancy, Family Fluff, Post Mpreg, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Crying, Childbirth
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40762476
0 notes
russic · 2 years
Daisuke Kambe Husband Headcanons
Warning: 18+ Under Cut 
Request: Hello! Can I please request Daisuke Kambe husband headcannons? Exactly like the boyfriend ones, but husband edition. Thank you so much in advance!  ♡ Requested by @aya-daydreams - I hope you love it!  ♡
        Other requests can be deposited here. Please refer to my character list before requesting! If you wish to be tagged, do not request anonymously. Only two more requests will be accepted before the opportunity closes. 
        Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thank you for supporting my work. I’m flattered that you love my pieces and continue to request new material. ♡
You’re one lucky gal, Daisuke Kambe’s wanted to marry YOU. (Spare some change for the poor (me)?)
Let’s address the obvious: You have a shared bank account.
You get E V E R Y T H I N G you want. 
You want a Louis Vuitton purse? You got it. 
You’re determined to purchase new Christian Louboutin heels? Do it; you have the money. 
Gucci Belt? You already have three. 
Question: Did you ever meet someone who does the sexiest things... but indirectly? Thats Daisuke. 
When Daisuke is concentrating on his intense stack of paperwork, he bites his bottom lip. 
Daisuke undoes his tie with one finger (right pointer finger) when he arrives home from work. 
When he’s hot (all the time), he rolls up the sleeves of his black button down. 
Puts on his Rolex watch without look. He looks directly in your eyes. Its second nature. 
Closes the button of his blazer with two hands. 
If Daisuke performs any of these actions, you find yourself melting where you’re standing. You cannot believe this man is this attractive. He steals your breath away. 
When you walk into Daisuke’s company, everyone is at your service because you’re “Y/N Kambe, the boss’s wife.” If you ask for something, you receive it within seconds.
Sure, Daisuke’s is a great husband - but please drive. For the love of God, please DRIVE. 
Owns the most BEAUTIFUL apartment in New York City. 
Daisuke has a HEART of GOLD:
Has a “soft spot” for children: He’s constantly donating towards foundations like Make a Wish, The Sunshine Kids, St. Jude’s, Ronald McDonald House, and Childcare Aware at least five times a year. 
Donates under “Anonymous.”
When you’re riding on public transportation or standing in an elevator, and it starts becoming too crowded; Daisuke will give up his spot for older men, women, and children. 
Despite assuming the role of the richest and kindest man in the world, Daisuke has social anxiety. He grows nervous and begins shaking when he is meeting any of your new friends. Overtime, your important loved ones will grow close to him, but expect to see Daisuke shaking in his boots if he’s meeting someone important to you. Since you’re married, he’s close to your family now; but he was a nervous wreck. 
LOVES making you breakfast in the morning with his $1,000.000 waffle maker. 
He always makes a HUGE mess because he makes his own homemade batter (Yes, Daisuke cooks. He doesn’t hire people to cook).   
Nearly E V E R Y D A Y Daisuke wakes up early in the morning to assure your penthouse is spotless. He doesn’t like you acting as a “maid.” (He hires people three times a month to deep clean).
“You’re my wife, not my maid. No woman should be forced to clean because of poor societal standards.” 
When Daisuke gets frustrated, his eyebrow furrow. 
He cannot stand grocery shopping by himself. He gets confused by the littlest things. 
When Daisuke can’t figure something out... 
When people disrespect you, you’ll see him get angry.
Daisuke’s weakness is when you’ll tie his black tie in the morning before he leaves for work. 
After making sure it the expensive fabric lays perfectly on his chest, you’ll stand on your tip toes to kiss him on the lips. 
“Have a good day at work, baby.” 
Make Daisuke’s lunch, write him “love notes,” and slip them inside of his lunchbox. 
Every time Daisuke comes home, you’ll notice your notes aren’t in his lunchbox. 
One night you were rummaging through his bedside drawer when you noticed a large black velvet box. When you opened it, your eyes began growing soaked with tears; within the box was EVERY NOTE you ever wrote to him. 
NEVER NOT WEARING his black WEDDING RING engraved with your name. 
If a woman approaches him, he politely showcases his wedding ring saying, “My apologies, I have a wife.” 
Here’s a shocker: Daisuke H A T E S receiving expensive gifts. 
Daisuke can buy anything. He’s tired of receiving expensive gifts, but you’re the ONLY person who knows. Instead, you’ll purchase him ten-to-thirty-dollar gifts that remind you of him. 
Daisuke’s cheeks will begin to blush looks at the tiny gift you purchased him. As you begin explaining its significance, you’ll notice tears begin pooling into his eyes. 
HUGE pictures from your wedding day are scattered throughout the penthouse. 
Your wedding song was Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Without the lyrics. 
There was a reason behind his madness: On wedding day, during your first dance, you placed your head on Daisuke’s shoulder and sang the lyrics to him. 
U.N.I.T.E.D.  F.R.O.N.T - You’ll never stand alone.
ADORES your intelligence. Daisuke fell in love with you, your personality, appearance, and especially your intelligence. 
Throughout Daisuke’s entire life, women act brainless and submissive, but not you. He loves your smart mind and independent nature. 
Still CHECKS YOU OUT all the time. 
Especially when you’re wearing business attire paired with a lingerie top or simple silk dresses. 
Match him. He will start drooling. 
MESMERIZED when you take your hair out of a ponytail or claw clip. He LOVES watching your hair cascade down your back. 
Daisuke NEEDS to be connected to you in public. He latches onto your hand lacing your fingers together, gently touches your waist, or places a hand on your thigh. However, his public displays of affection WILL NOT go further. He’s a classy man. 
O B S E S S E D  with  K I S S I N G  YOUR LIPS. 
When you’re speaking to Daisuke, you’ll notice he’s staring at your lips imaging how soft they are. 
You do not fight often, but it does occur. Especially when he puts himself in dangerous situations. 
Due to a near-death experience, you grew frustrated and (unannounced) left your home to find a hotel room. Immediately, Daisuke tracked your location. 
Within two hours, he knocked on the door. You saw your husband clutching a bundle of flowers and chocolates. With tears streaming down his face. 
“Please, don’t ever leave. I’m so sorry - I’ll never do it again. Just don’t leave me. I NEED you.” 
Plans the most P E R F E C T dates. 
During winter, Daisuke plans to stroll around New York City to see the Christmas lights. 
In the spring, he takes you to your favorite Whinery. 
In summer, Daisuke privately rents fancy manors hoping spend a few private nights in with you. 
During fall, you two curl up into a cozy blanket and light scented candles to watch your favorite horror films. 
To surprise Daisuke, you often order tickets to see various orchestras across the country. He becomes enchanted by the sound of violin and piano music. However, his jaw drops during orchestra concerts.
They are S.P.O.I.L.E.D.  R.O.T.T.E.N.
The most popular kid at school because you two are the parents. 
When they are little, they LOVE holding onto Daisuke’s pinky finger as you’re walking. 
If your child must attend any sports games or music recitals, you two are always present. Daisuke is the dad constantly taking photos of your child. 
Daisuke LOVES watching you rock your baby as you’re singing to them. 
LOVES traveling around the world with you. 
If you’re working on your laptop, Daisuke slowly comes up behind you. He kisses your cheek and slowly moves down your neck to your sweet spot. (Yes, he memorized where it is). 
You’ll have sweet make-out sessions in the kitchen when you’re cooking together. 
Gotta keep that spice in your life. 
You’ll always claim, “I’m the happiest person in the world.” However, Daisuke denies your statement. No one can be happier than him. After years of being married, Daisuke still cannot grasp how lucky he is to have you. 
“I love you with all my heart and soul, beautiful.” 
Despite being a sweet and loving husband, Daisuke will become a M.E.N.A.C.E in the bedroom. 
Before you both start undressing, Daisuke pulls his black gloves off with his teeth. 
Daisuke LOVES ruining your red lipstick. Watching it smear across your (and his) lips as you engage in a heated make-out session, turns him on. 
Often drags his thumb across your bottom lip to smear a line of red lipstick to your breasts. When you look down, you’ll notice a stained line where his thumb traveled down your body. 
ADORES when you wear black lingerie. 
Once, you matched some lingerie with Daisuke’s oversized blazer by draping his attire across your shoulders... You were nearly unable to walk that morning. 
Seeing you wearing black lingerie accompanied with HIS professional blazer corrupted his mind and stained his pants. 
Many individuals believe Daisuke would degrade his significant other within the bedroom, but I’m not buying it. You will feel loved and be praised as Daisuke’s wife. 
“So goddamn stunning, baby.” 
“You like that don’t you, Angel?” 
“Baby, you’re so wet. You’re such a good girl.” 
KISS HIS NECK - (Take Nike’s advice and) Just do it. 
Takes his time worshipping your breasts. (He’s definitely a boob guy.)
If you’re arriving home from an important event/meeting in a gorgeous silk dress, don’t expect to be ignored. 
Within seconds of closing the door, Daisuke pushes you to the wall and starts running his fingers over your nipples as he thrusts his tongue in your mouth. 
If you enjoy walking around your home half-naked, (at any time) Daisuke can bend you over a hard surface, slowly push your underwear aside, and bury three fingers inside of your cunt. 
“You can’t walk around half-naked if you don’t expect to be fucked, baby.” 
LOVES seductively staring into your eyes and biting your bottom lip as he’s fingering your pussy. He enjoys the feeling of your walls clutching his fingers. 
O.I.L.  M.E.S.S.A.G.E.S. - Daisuke LOVES messaging your naked body with oil. 
Enjoys fondling your breasts and running his fingers over your sensitive nipples. 
When you’re lying on your stomach, Daisuke spends MINUTES rubbing and squeezing your ass. 
Soon enough, Daisuke spreads your ass cheeks and buries his tongue inside of your lubed pussy. The sound of his oily hands traveling along your body as he’s eating your pussy is his own paradise. 
Doesn’t mind paying for your nails because he imagines the sight of your pretty nails jerking off his cock. 
Drapes his arms across the back of the couch as you slowly drop to your knees. 
Daisuke intensely watches your every move as you’ve settled between his legs. Looking into his eyes, you’ll pull down his zipper with your teeth to remove his cock from his pants. 
Licking up the length his cock, Daisuke throws his head back in utter disbelief. 
“Fuck, baby. Please do that again.” 
Melts in his seat if you start sucking his balls. You’ll notice Daisuke’s legs start twitching within seconds of running your tongue along his genitals. 
Daisuke isn’t a lover willing to share your body, but he CANNOT ERASE the image of you having another women’s head buried between your legs as he watches. (He hasn’t told you this, yet). 
However, no men. He’s the only man that can pleasure your body. 
Wake Daisuke up by placing your soaked pussy on his stomach. When he’s awakened by you rubbing your pussy across his abs, he cannot help but grab onto your hips and increase the friction. 
“Baby, you could have woken me up with a good morning. Now I see you’re only using me to cum. Here I thought you were a little angel, princess.” 
“Yes, DADDY.”
Opposite of “Yes, daddy...  but PASSIONATE LOVER 
You feel complete once Daisuke finally buries himself inside of your pussy. He refuses to move as you’re locking lips muttering how much you’re in love with each other. 
“Daisuke, please move.” 
“Not yet, baby. Let me stay inside of you.” 
Expect MORNING SEX. The morning is the perfect time to slowly fuck your tight pussy because he’s hard and warm. 
Daisuke’s favorite sex position is a classic: MISSIONARY. 
According to Daisuke, missionary is a perfect position to look into your eyes, kiss your lips, suck on your neck, and watch his cock disappear into your pussy. (It’s the best). 
SEX in the WATER
In the hot tub, Daisuke gently pulls your breasts out from your small bathing suit to suck on your nipples as you ride his cock. Chasing your orgasm, the sound of water splashing sounding like waves of the ocean.
Remember how obsessed Daisuke is with your hair? Well, he loves pounding into your pussy from behind to watch your hair drape down your back moving with every thrust. 
I almost forgot, if Daisuke is fucking you from behind and you have back dimples, he buries his thumbs into them and forces your ass back on his cock. 
Buys a new one each week. 
Surprise... Daisuke presses a vibrator to your sensitive clit as he’s pounding inside of you. 
Eases a diamond butt plug into your ass. 
Daisuke will cum anywhere. Inside of your body - on your body - who knows? 
Mostly spills him load onto your stomach or ass. 
If Daisuke cums inside your pussy, he gathers the load with his fingers and brings them up to your lips. 
“Open wide, baby.” 
“I know you love the taste of our cum together.” 
The aftercare is S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. 
Following an intense love-making session, Daisuke draws a bath for the two of you. You’ll lay between his legs as he messages and cleans your body. 
“You can still walk, right, love?” 
Honestly, I don’t think you can. 
I wish to apologize for my lack of posts. I try to create a requested headcanon two times a week, but it seemed impossible this week. As many of you know, I am a senior in college. This week has been hectic in regard to my major. 
Thank you for your patience.  ♡ 
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lordkambe · 4 years
Can I request how Daisuke would act when in love? Maybe his courting process or how he let s/o know he's interested in her romantically? I haven't really watched the show but I love how you write him so I apologize if I'm not giving you enough to work with. 👉🏽👈🏽 If it helps, she could be more on the reserved side, only showing her goofy or laidback side when she's with those she's comfortable with. Thank you!
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💸  character, fandom, type of reader: daisuke kambe, the millionaire detective: balance unlimited, gender neutral / woman reader.  
💸   genre, rating: fluff.
💸   themes, triggers: none.
💸   author’s note:  aw thank you ! i love daisuke very much. you should consider watching the show as well, it’s great 💖 i apologize for how long this took but i hope i was able to come up with what you were looking for. daisuke is honestly such a sweetie when it comes down to love uwu
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+  daisuke really strikes me as someone who gets very shy around people he genuinely likes. around random people he just wants to hook up with, he’s probably a lot more forward and confident but if he has a crush on you? oof. he’s fumbling for his words and tries to speak very little so you don’t notice it.
+  he’s dumb™. so chances are he’ll try to make you jealous by hanging around other people and flirting with them in front of you. when he notices that it’s not working he becomes really apologetic and explains he isn’t that “playboy” type that everyone perceives him to be. he just wants you to like him back and he doesn’t know how ?
+  mainly because he’s used to buying everything. he’s used to everyone being nice to him because he’s a kambe. when he realizes that you could give less of a fuck about all that, he wants to impress you especially because you present yourself to be a very professional, reserved person.
+  because of your reserved personality, he most likely met you through work. he makes excuses to visit your workplace. everyone’s happy that daisuke is there, but he’s there to see you and no other reason but that. he wants to talk to you, he wants to get to know you.
+  he never makes it noticeable, with you at least. he’s probably really dismissive with you because he doesn’t want you to notice him blushing.
+  if you’re friends with haru he probably pesters him a lot to tell him more about you so he knows what you like and what you don’t. he’s all about impressing you. one day haru is like, “dude let’s just all go to the bar and hang out.”
+  cue daisuke freaking out about being in a casual setting with you. but when he arrives and sees you ? he’s back to that dismissive vibe. it’s only until he notices that you’re not in your work clothes, your hair is down, and you’re talking casually and happily with haru that he cuts the act.
+  he sees you smiling and laughing at a joke haru told and he’s jealous so he buts in with a cheesy, stupid joke of his own. it’s embarrassing but you laugh anyway and tell him that he’s pretty funny. daisuke begins to loosen up himself and that’s when you start seeing him more than just a snotty little rich boy.
+  after that the two of you most likely started hanging out together. it was casual first before he formally asks you out on a date. the way he asked you was actually very cute. he gave you a call and told you he’ll pick you up on a certain day at a certain time.
+  it’s date night. and you’re nervous because you’ve never been in a place so fancy before. daisuke thinks it’s cute and walks you through the process. telling you which fork is for what. he playfully teases you so you tell him that you’ll plan the next date.
+  it’s not formal at all. it’s a silly little amusement park date and before you go you demand that daisuke change out of his suit and wear something casual for once in his damn life. the two of you are walking, holding hands, and wearing matching headbands. he feels so... free ? so happy.
+  the two of you are sitting on a bench enjoying a snack. he just turns to you and goes. “i think i’m falling in love with you.” you pretend not to hear him because you’re still processing your emotions too. then it’s nightfall and the fireworks are going. the two of you share a kiss he says it again and you agree. you’re falling in love with him.
+  when daisuke is with someone he genuinely likes. he sheds that brooding persona and becomes this kind, gentle young man who wants to love and be loved in return. his courting process is honestly nothing extravagant but just a genuine display of his emotions. him showing his vulnerability is the most precious, rare thing you can get.
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send-allmyloving · 4 years
maybe daisuke with s / o who is his fiancée?
I'm gonna do a headcanon for this one, I hope you don't mind!
Daisuke Kanbe with a fem!s/o as his fiancée
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Oh boy oh boy
idk what the fuck you did in your past life to become his fiancée but you hit the fucking JACKPOT
he spoils you rotten
fancy river cruises, private flights to Vienna, relaxing nights at an expensive spa; those are only some of all the extravagant dates he would take you on
he'd buy you all the famous designer brands you wanted even if you didn't ask for them
Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Armani, Versace, you name it, this guy's balance is unlimited so you can expect only the best shit you can get your hands on!
But of course he doesn't pay sole attention to your material desires, Daisuke truly loves you
He just wants to make you feel comfortable and happy is all
That being said, you guys do a lot together
Giving each other massages is a thing
If either of you is stressed, or even if it's the both of you, you'll both have a little spa day where you pamper each other 🥰
Ok but when Daisuke massages you he goes ALL OUT
hot rocks, essential oils, sugar scrubs, whatever the fuck else they use in massages idk ive never had one
You'll feel so relaxed you'll fall asleep lmao
Nights in are usually spent watching movies in his private theater and immaculate bubble baths complete with rose petals, wine, and a charcuterie platter yum
You also like walks around the town, wandering the streets of Tokyo hand-in-hand while admiring the pretty city lights
No shopping, nothing of the sort; just you two and the city view 🥰
Dates at small cafes are a thing, he loves seeing your eyes light up when he feeds you cake :((
And his heart skips a couple beats when he sees u get whipped cream on your mouth after drinking hot chocolate !!
Ofc he kisses it off like a cliché romcom movie star
When you guys are laying in bed he likes to hold your hand and play with your fingers + admire the ring on your finger and smile bc it just makes him so happy that he can spend the rest of his life with you 🥺💞💞
He really loves u ok
Loves kissing you all over your face
Especially loves kissing your cheek and neck
But if he kisses your shoulder.... good luck bc this man is In The Mood
dw tho he'll be very gentle
He likes having you in his lap when you kiss, it gives him easier access to you
Often slips his hand under your clothing whenever you're kissing just so he can feel your skin against his
Not really in a sexual manner but more like so he can reassure himself that you're with him
Loves feeling you up, not only does he know it makes you feel good, it's also that touching you gives him a sense of security and also makes him feel good knowing you're in his arms and that he can love and protect you 🥺
Kissing is very soft and sensual, he wants to give you every ounce of his love :(((
You'll be on his lap and he'll be slowly moving his lips against yours
Loves to play with your hair and rub your back while you're kissing him
Like I said before, he loves touching you so he's one to run his hands all over you while kissing you
Likes rubbing your arms + you love it too bc it makes u feel warm
Sorta likes to bite your lips and slip his tongue into your mouth at times while you guys kiss hehehe
When you guys pass each other around the house you'll give each other a surprise kiss out of nowhere
Walking past him? BOOM smooch on the cheek
You find him in his office? BOOM you sneak in and smooch him on the head
Smoochies everywhere
He likes to hold your hand a lot
Whatever you guys are doing, if you're next to him he'll just randomly take your hand and intertwine your fingers and he doesn't even look up from his work its rlly cute
Likes to give you kisses on the hand sometimes while he holds them
PDA isn't much of a thing but he'll always have your arm in his or you'll be walking around holding hands + sometimes he likes to pull you close and give you a kiss on the head ❤
He's also a huge romantic
Most probably proposed to you at the top of the Eiffel Tower
Loves slow dancing with you to old love songs
He just loves the pure smile on your face when you dance together, and the setting is so intimate
It's just you and him slowly swaying to the soft music while gazing at each other and it just goes to show how in love you both are with each other :(((
Hold me pls im crying as i write this
Gives you a rose on every date you go on together
The night after your engagement he got you a beautiful necklace that matched your ring
Put it around your neck romcom style before he took you out for a dinner cruise along the Seine river in Paris uwu
Also he thinks you look absolutely stunning in the color red
He just adores you and he's so happy to have you as his fiancée
Long story short you're the luckiest girl in the world and there is no doubting his love for you, he will do anything for you to see you smiling and happy ❤❤
// I hope you like this anon! Sorry this is kinda short lmao also I'm sorry I couldn't write a whole scenario, I thought a headcanon would work better bc it would better elaborate everything abt being his fiancée rather than just focusing on a section of it,, anyways enjoy!!
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babiedeku · 4 years
daisuke kambe | whispered
so here i am posting about everyone’s sugardaddy, daisuke. i hope i got his character right and all i can dish out rn is fluff - so today i humbly offer you daisuke fluff (also did i spell his name right? some say its “kanbe” but his wiki pages shows “kambe”??)
daisuke + the way you said ‘i love you’ prompt “a whisper in the ear.”
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you were in your shared bedroom with daisuke, watching him get ready for his flight to hong kong with his partner haru.
“how long will you be away again?” you asked him quietly.
daisuke turned to you, the corner of his lip turned up into the faintest hint of a smile. “i’m not sure, love, but i will tell you and keep in touch as much as i can.” he shut his suitcase. “or you can come along, i’ll have us stay in a room together.”
shaking your head, you couldn’t help but smile. he’s always been so nonchalant with how he spends his money, but you know that it comes from a good place in his heart, even if to some it may seem a little too extravagant and that it’s not exactly looked up to in his line of work.
“no, it’s okay, i’ll just keep the bed warm and wait for you.”
he only hummed in response, gathering his belongings before he approached your still pajama clad figure in your shared bed. “i’ll be back,” was all he said, blue eyes drinking you in.
“stay safe, please.” you smiled, already knowing that your husband is going to cause quite a mess abroad. “i love you.”
daisuke leaned in, his soft lips softly ghosting over the shell of your ear making you shudder and gasp quietly. “i love you, too, darling.” and he pressed a kiss to your forehead before stepping out of the room.
cheeks burning red and your heart beating rapidly against your chest, you giggled.
daisuke may be seem like he doesn’t care or have an ounce of emotion within him, but for you he’ll gladly break down his cool demeanor just a little bit and show you that his heart beats for you and only you.
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mudana · 4 years
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The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited ,daisuke kambe
Like or reblog if you save it.
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animalanie · 2 years
*casually slides in your asks 🤸‍♀️🕳*
Lol hey :D. I'm new to your blog and i really like your Daisuke fics. Idk if ur requests are still open but Can I request for a Daisuke Kambe x f!Reader like she's a rich detective too. Just all fluff? My 1st request lol I'm sorry if something is wrong in the request. Okay that's all, have a good day 💙
Hey, anon! Thanks a lot for the request! I'm glad you liked my oneshot! ^_^ So, here you go with another one! And sorry for taking so long to respond!
Oneshot - The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited [The Rich and The Richer]
Fandom: The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited
Title: The Rich and The Richer
Pairing: Daisuke Kambe X Female! Reader
Word Count: +1.6K
Warning(s): Mention of site-bombing
If you enjoyed my work and want to look for more, here is my masterlist. Or you could request here from any of these shows!
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"Why do you think we came here?" A voice entered through the intercom as you looked up from your paperwork and to your security footage.
"I doubt they would be able to help, that is all I'm saying." A smirk formed on your face at those words, feeling ready to surprise them with your expertise on the case.
"Should I let your clients in, ma'am?" Your assistant spoke up, and you pressed your finger against the answer button.
"Yes, please." With a delicate tone, you responded and focused on the double door that led to your office. Soon after, a knock echoed through your room and you got up from your chair to saunter over to the entrance. With a smile, you opened the door to see two gentlemen standing next to each other.
"Hello, there," You greeted the taupe-haired detective before turning your gaze to the other as his blue-ish eyes widened. "Long time no see. Please, come in."
"Hello, my name is Haru Kato, and this is Daisuke Kambe. I suppose you already know that, though, right?" Haru asked as he walked in with Daisuke following closely behind.
"Yes, that I do. On the same note, I suppose you know my name already due to the files we were given, but proper introductions are still in order. My name is [Y/N] [L/N]. It is a pleasure to meet you both." With your hand out for a handshake, you made eye contact with both men as Haru took your hand in his before Daisuke followed suit.
"Take a seat, please. Let's get right into the details." You waved your hand over your desk to motion them to sit down as you did the same on the opposite side. Your eyes shifted towards Daisuke, who was currently looking around your office decor, taking in all the files and books on the wooden shelves, the neatly stacked papers and your shut-off laptop resting on the polished Dalbergia table. Finally, his curious gaze settled on you, trailing up your form to meet your eyes.
"Am I... interrupting something by being here?" Haru spoke up, hesitation clear in his voice. A smirk formed on your face before you turned back to the fidgeting detective, who had already taken his seat.
"No, my apologies. Your partner seems quite interested in this office, so I was merely fascinated. Let's get started, shall we?"
"Yes, please." He sighed and signalled the black-haired male to pay attention.
"Through a few sources of mine, I have been able to find a few witnesses of the site-bombing. Though, as expected, they are keeping shut about it."
"Wait, you've already found witnesses?" Haru looked up from the file you handed him, his eyes wide from surprise.
"Why, of course! Why do you think they hired a freelance detective such as me? I do hope I continue to surprise you; it's quite amusing to see your reactions." With a smile, you leaned back in your chair and began to explain how you made such progress. Needless to say, their reactions were your sole source of entertainment at the moment.
"Then, how do you plan to make them talk? Surely, they have someone they fear. There is no other reason for all witnesses to act similarly."
"Anyone will talk with enough money slapped in their faces. All I have to do is prepare a couple cheques." With a dismissive wave of your hand and a shrug of shoulders, you looked up at the two. Both men glanced at each other before turning back to you.
"Did this guy teach you that too?" Haru asked as he jabbed his thumb in Daisuke's direction.
"You always seem to assume I am the bad influence." A small frown formed on Daisuke's face as he turned to his partner, his disappointment clear as day.
"Actually, I might be the one who taught him that instead." You looked over at him once more and smiled genuinely. "Anyway, I think we should meet up at the crime scene tomorrow at noon. This file contains some more details that would be best looked over again." You tapped on the folder that lay on the desk in front of Haru.
"Sure thing. Let's meet up later, then. I'll let you know if I find some more information."
"That would be great! Thanks," You said and began to stand up so you could see both men outside when Haru spoke up once more.
"Um, since we are done with business, there's a question I've been meaning to ask you." His hesitation did not go unnoticed by you but you nodded, nonetheless. "How do you two know each other, if you don't mind answering."
"You were nervous about asking that?" Daisuke stepped in after getting up from his chair.
"Well, I didn't know if it would be rude of me!"
"Oh, you don't need to be worried about any formalities. Please, feel at ease. We may be working together for quite a while so it's better we get comfortable with each other." You smiled to reassure the nervous detective before continuing, "To answer your question- our meeting wasn't really all that interesting. The first time we met was simply due to our parents at a very young age. But, I suppose they didn't intend for us to be friends, considering their reactions when they found out." You chuckled as you thought back to the memory while a small smile formed on Daisuke's face.
"You would always cling onto me and call me out of nowhere. It was only a matter of time till they found out."
"I did not!"
"You did," As expressionless as ever, he stared at you to indicate he had won the argument. He wasn't wrong, but you didn't want to admit being that way in your younger days. Before you could continue, a ring tone echoed within the room and Haru reached into his pant pocket to pull out his phone.
"I need to take this, I'll wait outside for you two to finish. It was nice meeting you, [Y/N]." He bowed before walking out.
"Nice meeting you too," You replied before turning your attention to the remaining detective. "Well, don't I get a reunion hug, Daisuke Kambe?" You spread your arms in anticipation, and he shook his head before walking over. The smile on your face widened as his arms wrapped around your waist, and yours secure around his neck. With a relieved sigh, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and closed your eyes, relishing the moment for as long as you were allowed to.
"I missed this," You mumbled before feeling one of his hands trail up your back, the feather-like touch of his fingers travelling up your spine before reaching the back of your head. His fingers spread between your hair, caressing each strand they touched, as he cradled your head and pushed it closer to him.
"I did too, and I missed you as well." He spoke into your hair and closed his eyes. You bit your lower lip at his forwardness and tightened your grip on him. "I see your style still hasn't changed. What happened to your equipment?"
"I'm not going to reveal all my secrets just yet." You pulled your head back enough to look at him with a smug look. "Plus, it's not like you show me your computer at your house. Why should I show mine?"
"Correction: you've actually seen my computer."
"That's because Suzue showed it to me, not you," You countered and stuck your tongue out at him. A smirk formed on Daisuke's face as he pretended to lean closer and bit the air, making you pull your tongue back in before he could actually catch it.
"Daisuke!" Flustered, you hit his chest and attempted to pull away from your hug but he only tightened his grip. Taking this opportunity to hide your flushed face, you pressed it against his chest when you felt it vibrate due to his chuckles. "I will get you back for this, just you wait."
"You can do that now; what are you holding off for?" Your breath hitched at the question and you reluctantly looked up to see him looking down at you. His hand found its way to your nape and gently stroked the skin, causing goosebumps to form in response to his touches. Before you could reply, you felt a buzz in Daisuke's jacket pocket. You both pulled back as he took his phone out and looked at the screen.
"What a timing, huh." He sighed and declined the call before stuffing his device back in and looking at you. "Haru's calling, he's probably done with his phone call. I should get going before he nags at me."
"Right," You agreed and cleared your throat before crossing your arms. "I'll see you out." Noticing your lack of expressions, he smirked before following you out.
"I'll be waiting," He said as you exited the building, making you look at him in confusion. However, once you caught the look in his eyes, all your questions disappeared and you attempted to hide your embarrassment through laughter.
"Waiting for what?" Haru spoke up as he looked from his screen and back and forth between you and Daisuke.
"Just- tomorrow! You know, for the investigation." You answered a little too quickly and slapped yourself mentally, before regaining your composure. "Alright, then, I'll see you both tomorrow."
"That we will." With a confident look, Daisuke turned around and followed Haru down the street, leaving you to deal with your mind in a mess.
How can you be so unfair?
With that, you walked back into your building, hoping tomorrow would not test your limits.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Onigashima Hikaru x Male!Reader
Silco x Male!Reader
Legoshi x Human!Male!Reader
Camilo Madrigal x Male!Reader / pt.ii (s&f)
Bang Chan x Gender-Neutral!Reader
Hanahaki Disease Fic
Jealous!Sung Jinwoo x Top!Male!Reader
Saiki Kusuo x Top!Male!Reader
Kambe Daisuke x Top!Male!Reader
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