#daniel does posters
Got a kickass new poster!
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I'm a big fan of AC/DC
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unproduciblesmackdown · 9 months
2023 was alot. Here are none of the bum times and some of the good times, but mostly just cheese plates and cocktails and getting dressed for gigs in public bathrooms and West Coast Summer and Extravagant Everything Else and Diane Kitten.
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danthropologie · 2 years
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 days
This is an anonymous answer, but I accidentally deleted it when I clicked out. It was asking for more Misplaced Baby. Hope you enjoy it!
Danny wabbled around the yard, stopping occasionally to pick up a rock among the gravel. He turns the smooth rock this way and that with a critical eye before dubbing it suitable. He turns to wabble back to the man that was watching him from under the shate of a near by tree.
"For you,Tati" Danny says, holding it out his Father. Dick's smile stretches clear across his face, carefully taking the gift as if it was made of valuable glass.
"Wow, this is perfect. Thank you, Danny." Dick brings the child in for a warm hug, grinning as the little one giggles. He places his rock in a near by pile made of more stones and a few sticks, that his son had gifted him over the last hour.
They were out in front of the Wayne Manor, enjoying the surprisingly lovely weather during its twilight hours. Danny has been with him for about three months now, and the child is slowly adjusting to his new family.
Dick could admit a part of his was worried he wasn't ready for his son. He hadn't known he was a father, and feels horrid he missed out on Danny's birth, first smile, first laugh, first word, first step, and who knows what else.
He is trying to make up for lost time. That's why he has called off a few days from work, using every last hour of PTO citing a family emergancy. He had to disclose the news of Danny with his boss, but thankfully, his Captain isn't the type to gossip.
Dick knew that at one point, he would have to introduce Danny to the world, but he hoped it would be later than sooner. Mostly, he knows the media will attempt to tear his sweet boy apart to get a good story.
Thankfully, Tim and Lucius claimed they had created a community among Wayen Enterprises PR department, who all signed NDAs on what they were preparing for. The legal and media storm that was brewing would take the best among them.
Dick was not looking forward to it.
A loud bark cut through the later afternoon air, and both Graysons swung their heads towards the front door. The barking wasn't agreesive so Dick knew that it was likely Damian taking his dog out for a walk.
As expected, Titus happily raced towards the child, who raised his arms and yelled the dog's name happily. Damian was not far behind, walking with his hands in his pocket at a slow and relaxed pace.
The great dane, ran into Danny's waiting arms slobbering all over the child's face as the toddler giggled. His large form nearly topppled the young one over, but Danny didn't seem to mind, reaching up to embrace the dog with gusto.
Dick's heart melted.
"Richard." Damian greets, standing at his side with a perfect poster. Despite his insistence that he is not soft on Danny, Dick can't help but notice the warmth taken in his younger brother's eye when he gazes at his pet and nephew.
Case in point: in the crook of Damian's arm is a child's jacket.
Dick grins. "Hey, Dami, what brings you out here?"
"It is time for Titus' walk," Damian says smoothly, then as if just now noticing the cloth he was carrying, he humps " I can not enjoy this outing, however, with all this cargo. Surely Daniel can assist me with that."
"Danny help!" His son yells, finally getting the animal to stop licking him. Almost as if though he flew, Danny appears in front of Damian while making grasping motions up towards the pre-teen. "Danny, help!"
"Excellent; I appreciate the assistance." Damian nods, crouching down to quickly wrangle the child into his coat. Danny does his best to help by thrusting his arms through the sleeves as aggressively as he can in his haste, and if Dick could just take a picture of this moment, he would.
If he wasn't ninety-five percent sure, Damian would later fine it, delete it, and attack him in retaliation. It was a nice thoguht.
Eventually, Damian can zip up Danny's jacket—a bear-themed one that looks like Damian has skinned a teddy bear—and even flip up his hood, which has little bear ears. It is fluffy, as his son seems to have an adoration for anything soft, and Danny does not disappoint.
He instantly started rubbing his face against the sleeve of his jacket, laughing silly at the fur texture. Damian soaks in his reaction with a smile on his face, and Dick can't help himself.
"Danny, want to go with Uncle Dami on his walk?"
"Yeah!" Danny cheers, grabbing onto Damian's leg. "Up!"
Damian wrinkles his nose but still carefully lifts the child into his arms. He tucks Danny closely to his chest, ensuring the child is face him as he says "You are a warrior. Never become too soft."
Danny responds by reaching up and tugging hard on Damian's hair. The pre-teen nods, approving. "Good, always search for openings even in the arms of a ally."
Dick wonders if he should step in there- would that be something a normal father would disapprove of?- but Damain turns and starts walking, Titus loyalty at his side keeping pace.
Danny slumps against his uncle, leaning his tiny head on Damian's shoulder, and Dick has no choice but to follow. He can't help but huff a laugh as Damian starts receding proper etiquette to the child in his arms. The pre-teen seems convinced he can make Danny into a proper gentleman.
Surprisingly, despite the advanced vocabulary that Damian uses, Danny is easily able to follow the conversation, making appropriate short answers when prompted.
"There is no elegance in making a racket when dining. Slurping is for fools raised in barns. How do we avoid this?"
"Soup spoon"
"Correct." Damian beams as Dick studies them. He's wondered about that for a while. It's not about etiquette- heavens knows he's spent too many years under Alfred's watchful eye learning it- but Danny seems highly intelligent in some moments and in others seems to have the regular mind of a toddler in others.
Bruce had already tested Danny for a meta gene, having also noticed, but the results returned negative. In the same swoop, they ruled out Danny having magical powers, a non-human parent, and any mutation. He could also be like Tim, who was just born a natural genius with a high IQ, but that seems quite right.
Tim's brilliant mind shone through every moment of his life, even when he was naive and sheltered. Danny seemed to generally have only some areas of advance knowledge.
He was able to name the star constellations after flipping through one book with Jason- Jason read out load , acting like he wasn't cuddling with his nephew before Danny's naptime- but could not understand what the things in the kitchen were even after Alfred explained.
He understood everyone in conversations but seemed only able to follow along when someone put him in front of a TV or radio if it was created for toddlers. He spoke in small sentences- Dick was worried he was behind his peers in this- but could still make it clear what he meant and why.
Danny seemed to understand how to use computers, having found Tim's and gotten on the internet, to watch space videos without anyone teaching him how but seemed lost in how to use a cellphone.
Even his walking seemed off. Danny almost seemed to be used to walking with different feet, only to become as graceful as Cass when running.
Sometimes Dick thought Danny reminded him of a patient suffering from amnesia. As if though his memories where in there somewhere, resting until Danny needed them. But how much could a three year old lose?
If he is like Tim, maybe a lot.
If he wasn't, maybe none was lost, and his son just happened to be like that. He doesn't know, but Dick plans to be there for his boy's development and figure out what was going on.
"If anyone challeges your honor?"
"Going Ghost"
Damian nods. "Yes. Make them into ghosts"
Dick wonders where Danny's fasciation with ghosts came from. He just one night got up from his side of the bed in Dick's room, wabbled over to the large set of windows and stared at the stars.
"Ghosts Tati." Danny has whispered once he realized Dick felt him leave the bed. "They here."
Dick.....didn't like that. He texted Raven to check for any hauntings or demons that same night.
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leaderwonim · 3 months
𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐘 — five: stay
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. lee heeseung x fem!reader, park sunghoon x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲. Y/N always knew that her high school was dominated by wealth and privilege. Upon having a one night stand with popular athlete Lee Heeseung, she uncovers that Heeseung's friend group controls not only social dynamics but also school policies and local affairs, revealing a hidden world of power and manipulation behind their so called perfectly polished exteriors
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When you walked into Lee Heeseung’s house for the second time that week, you were immediately greeted by the smell of alcohol and a light whiff of cherries?
You looked over at his kitchen island, which was unsurprisingly filled with cherries. You guessed the people were making some sort of alcoholic cherry beverage.
“You made it,” Heeseung says, grinning as he slung an arm around your shoulder.
You were taken quite aback, not expecting Heeseung to do it so publicly where everybody could talk about it for the next few weeks.
“I did.” You say, and you could see Giselle and Yujin giving you a thumbs up and cheeky grin from behind Heeseung.
Your sudden boldness makes you open up your mouth, allowing Heeseung to place a cherry inside. You bite on it, then spit out the seed into your other hand.
“Seojun’s dad has multiple cherry trees in his garden so he gave it to us.” Heeseung explains.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Heeseung’s friend group make themselves comfortable around his television.
“Do you want to go somewhere more private?” You say, eyes looking up to meet Heeseung’s.
He glances at the couch where his friends sit, too busy and engrossed in whatever drinking game they’re doing to notice you and him.
“I’d love to.”
With that, Lee Heeseung drags you away with him upstairs, opening the door to a room at the end of the hall.
“This is my room,” he smiles. “Last time we were in yours.”
Glancing around, you could tell Heeseung was a big music fan. He had CDs all around his table, and a CD player in the corner of his desk. Posters were filled with pictures of Frank Ocean, SZA, and even Olivia Rodrigo.
Funny, you think. I’d never thought I’d live to see Lee Heeseung listening to Olivia Rodrigo.
You’d always thought girls that he played would listen to her instead, thinking about him.
“You’re pretty tonight,” Heeseung says, giving you a small smile.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
Although you and Lee Heeseung weren’t close by any means, you felt oddly comfortable around him—like his presence brought warmth and healing.
“Can I kiss you?”
It’s only four words; you shouldn’t be so lost for words at it. But you are—with blushing red cheeks and shaky hands.
You don’t answer him, instead, choosing to close the gap between your mouths. They move in sync together, and for the first time, you finally know how it feels like to kiss Heeseung sober.
He tasted like coconuts, mixed with the hint of cherry from your lips earlier.
“I got a new CD player,” he says after pulling away, and you stop yourself from chasing his lips. “Wanna listen to music with me?”
And how could you say no when Heeseung looks at you so prettily with his doe eyes?
“Of course.”
Suddenly, a loud series of knocks jolts the both of you.
“Ayo Heeseung?” It’s Danielle’s voice. “Hanni said she wants to go home because the party is getting lame. You wanna come with us to Sunghoon’s house for a while?”
Heeseung looks at you, then at the door, then back at you again. You could tell he’s conflicted on whether or not he should leave you and go.
“Stay.” You say, holding his hand. You’re not too sure if he’ll actually stay—why would he choose you over his long term friends?
But when you see Heeseung stay still and give you a nod, you knew you had your answer.
You find yourself waking up hours later to the bright sunlight peaking from Heeseung’s window, an arm tightly secured around your waist.
“Morning sleepyhead,” he says, grinning.
You stretch your arms out, trying to shake off the sleepiness.
“You know you speak in Japanese when you dream?”
“Do I?” You say, rubbing your eyes tiredly.
“Yeah. Kinda wish I knew what you were saying.” Heeseung smiles. “It’s like there is a part of you that I haven’t yet discovered.”
“I’ll teach you Japanese one day.” You say. “If you want me to.”
Heeseung nods, and the silence was enough for the both of you.
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venussaidso · 7 months
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧-𝐑𝐚𝐡𝐮-𝐊𝐞𝐭𝐮: 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦
the prominent themes of vampirism such as desire, hunger, mystery and illusions tie so perfectly with the moon and its nodes. it wasn't surprising to find the nodes dominating this genre the most, along with the luminaries (moon & sun nakshatras, but more fittingly the moon). i will not be touching on the few sun nakshatras playing vampires, as the moon makes far more sense symbolizing true vampiric nature.
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So many vampire movie posters have this luminous glow to them, likely done consciously because of these creatures' affinity for nighttime, and generally being nocturnal as they're extremely sensitive to any type of sunlight.
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I've once briefly mentioned, in my "Moon Dominant Themes" post, that lunar natives can operate very secretly, such as 'working in the shadows'. And the whole lore of vampires always emphasizes their ability to hide themselves while still living among humans.
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Vampires undergoing periods of dormancy and resurgence is interesting as that can also be linked back to the moon's cycles of waxing & maning. The influence that the moon has on vampires, in some legends, is during certain lunar phases in which they become more active. A full moon could literally mean that their strength has enhanced, whilst a moonless night could mean their desire for blood is heightened.
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Rohini Sun Colin Farrell
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Claire Nakti explored, in her "TOP 3 Most Magical & Mystical Astrology Signs | Cults, Divination, & Occultism | Part 2 (Nakshatras)" documentary, on the ability of Moon nakshatra natives to brainwash/mind control/hypnotize.
daniel kaluuya is a hasta moon, not rohini.
As these natives are often cult leaders, their ability to influence the mind goes back to their lunar-rulership. The Moon rules over the mind, emotions and subconscious. A vampire's ability to hypnotize humans and other lesser beings is in parallel to the Moon's influence over the psyche and subconscious.
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This illusory nature found in vampires can be connected to the shadow planet, Rahu. As Rahu is illusions, desire, hunger. Rahu is very seductive and tempting; this could tie back to some legends in which vampires lure their prey giving them promises of pleasure.
Ardra Sun Tom Cruise.
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In "Interview with the Vampire", Tom Cruise plays Lestat who is an overindulgent, greedy vampire. Rahu governs desires and the pursuit of worldly pleasures. It's related to insatiable cravings that lead to greed. The lustful nature of Rahu is seen in Lestat's intense bloodlust and the chaos it brings.
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Rahu's associations with eclipses relates to their ability of being hidden in the shadows. Another hint is in Rahu being a Shadow planet itself, just like Ketu is which is also related to vampires.
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The story about Rahu's head getting decapitated by Vishnu for trying to get a drink out of the nectar of immortality can be brilliantly paralleled with vampirism. Due to Rahu's consumption of the drop of the nectar, he became the infamous dismembered immortal. His dismemberment a symbol of the detachment from humanity to vampirism.
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Rahu is considered an entity of darkness and malevolence, preying upon cosmic forces and defying the natural order of things (such as vampirism which does defy nature itself, ie. the dead becoming undead) in pursuit for immortality. Vampires are literal parasites, and Rahu is also parasitical. Vampires feed on humans without providing any benefit in the ecosystem in return, a one-sided relationship which resembles one between a parasite and its host. Rahu is depicted as insatiable and consuming, feeding and draining one's energy. It creates a cycle of thirsting for more without any fulfillment, a predicament vampires find themselves in.
Ashwini Sun Luke Evans
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Rahu and Ketu represent the lunar nodes, respectively depicted as the head and tail of the celestial serpent. Their energetic interaction can be likened to the endless chase between a vampire and a vampire hunter, villain and hero, the friction between unlikely lovers. It's obvious in how Rahu embodies the insatiable hunger for experiences and the craving for fulfillment that it can be the vampiric force in such a dynamic. Like a vampire, Rahu relentlessly pursues its desires, often leading to greed and excess. And then you have Ketu, on the other hand, which embodies detachment, spirituality, and liberation from worldly attachments. It quite literally symbolizes the renunciation of desires and the quest for enlightenment, opposing Rahu's restlessness for more. Ketu is a cutting force, and like a determined vampire hunter, is skilled in tracking down illusions and breaking free from temptations.
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Although it sounds like a more fitting interplay between Rahu as the evil force and Ketu as the hunter, it's actually more seen in the other way around.
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It is more so that Rahuvians are the vampire hunters, which I found so intriguing; showcasing how Rahu is both the parasitical (illusory), and also the one to be rid of parasites (disillusionment). And I have explored this particular theme in my Rahu post -- how Rahu natives experience a lot of disillusionment from their reality, wanting to cast away the illusions that drain the life force.
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The reversal of roles showcases the fluidity of the nodes; their roles almost always expected to reverse, illustrating just how Rahu and Ketu are deeply intertwined with the concept of karma, representing the push-&-pull between cosmic forces of destiny.
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More nodal-vampire movies, and other examples in which Rahu & Ketu find themselves on opposite sides of the same spectrum in which they are both vampires, similar to the friction seen between Louis (Ketu) and Lestat (Rahu) in "Interview with the Vampire".
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In the film "Fright Night", the one who has to kill the villainous vampire is an Ashwini native. It is also interesting how in "Queen of the Damned" (above, right), the villain is a Magha native who must be stopped by her Mula lover -- both being vampires.
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As mentioned in the figure image about the film "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter", where a nodal-ruled native is paired up with someone who is lunar-ruled, this is a type of pairing seen a lot in these supernatural stories.
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Similarly to "Twilight", as Edward was the one to turn Bella into a vampire, we see the planetary reversal of this in which the lunar-native is the one who turns the nodal-native.
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Or the film "Vamps" in which Hasta Sun, Shatabhisha Moon native Alicia Silverstone turns Mula Sun, Magha Moon native Krysten Ritter into a vampire.
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It isn't a surprise that the moon and its nodes are related to the extremities of the mind. These energies can cause isolation due to how polarizing they come off in regular society (furthermore validating its relation to vampirism), so they become attracted to one another -- especially the nodal natives to the moon natives, because of how much they feel magnetized by them, and vice versa.
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The presence of some Sun nakshatras in vampire stories is present and that could tie to the Sun's influence over the Moon despite the fact that solar symbolisms regarding vampirism don't exist, and vampires are far too sensitive to the Sun so much so that they get sunburn during the full moon where the sun's light reflects (interesting to think about). The whole point of a vampire is to lurk in the shadows or during nighttime, so the strict avoidance of the Sun could make sense in there being solar-natives in vampiric roles. It makes for an interesting contradiction, certainly.
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Ketu is the body of the severed demon Rahu following the consumption of the elixir. Much like Rahu, Ketu is also associated to darkness and illusions. But it symbolizes the darker, unseen aspects of reality -- all the hidden forces and energies as I've touched on in my Ketu exploration. Ketu and Rahu are two sides of the same coin, it isn't surprising to see them share many vampiric roles/stories.
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Ketu is about spiritual liberation, detachment (in this context, becoming a vampire means a harsh detachment from normality/the old life), transcendence; these existential themes are found in vampirism.
The character Louis in "Interview with the Vampire" played by Mula Sun Brad Pitt describes his existential crisis as a vampire to a Magha Sun human who interviews him.
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The enhanced strength, agility, speed, hearing and all these abilities are gained after the painful transformation process, going from human to vampire. This process is seen in the film "Interview with the Vampire", Mula Sun Brad Pitt's character going through excruciating pain when turning. My mind immediately takes me to Claire Nakti's first Mula nakshatra exploration, in which she touched on the interconnection of pain and evolution for access to more powers.
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robert pattinson is an ardra moon, not sun. and i accidentally used jk rowling's face as l.j smith, ugh! 💔
Vampires are caught between worlds, trapped in a liminal space between life & death. Ketu can cause feelings of entrapment. The yearning for release from their eternal existence is a common theme, as Ketu wants to escape its body. Louis de Pointe du Lac is the best character as example of rejecting one's own nature and wanting to cease to exist.
Mula Sun Brad Pitt
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nodals being so emo jfc
notes: colin farrell's birthtime accuracy is botched, he's definitely a mula ascendant. tom hiddleston stays a possible ashwini moon until he's not (until his birthtime is available and accurate).
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passivenovember · 4 months
Steve's never tried a weed brownie before.
Hasn't really wanted to, if he's honest, because the rag-weed shit he gets from Tommy all throughout high school is fine. Even though it's mostly shake and stems and seeds, and the bag Tommy puts it in always looks like it's been mauled by Scotty, his 15 year old schnauzer.
It has to be the same bag, Steve thinks, but maybe that's the 20 minute high talking.
So he's never tried a brownie.
But. Billy Hargrove comes into his life like a storm cloud. Black and gray with impending doom, snagging the air around him with little fish weights until everything is heavy. At first.
But. Then Steve makes him laugh once during a game of shirts and skins, and. It's like the belly of the thing has ripped open, y'know, and the streets of the thing flood with rainwater, and all that existed before is washed down some swallowing, insatiable gutter along with mulch and twigs and the shaky belief that Steve's straight.
They're friends and Steve watches Billy laugh and smile, feels all ten fingers against his chest when Billy shoves him, some sort of atomical reaction to Steve making him laugh, and.
Steve can't believe he ever thought Heaven was in Nancy Wheeler's pants.
Billy Hargrove is the Earth after the flood, and the ark carrying everyone to safety. He's the animals inside and the God that sits, watching the world swallow itself.
He feeds things, to Steve.
Lines. You got a really pretty mouth, Harrington. You're smart, you know that? Not. Book smart, but street smart. Dirt road intelligent, I guess, in this shitty fuckin' Hickville hellscape--
Feeds Steve art. That's Samuel Baruch. He's my favorite. Look how he paints cloth, how he tracks the divets and the folds and the shadows. It's like a photo. It's like a window--
Steve makes Billy laugh when he says, "That lady kind of looks like you." Feels all ten fingers on his arm, pushing, when he says, "You'd look cute in a bonnet." Steve nearly falls over. Almost goes easy, but he doesn't.
Billy grabs him. Holds him as he smirks, "Where the fuck would I find a bonnet?"
Steve looks around the art hall, eyes wide and owlish, "Indiana?" He says, out there. In here. And.
Billy stares at him. He's the canvas and the lady in her bonnet, the divets and the folds and the shadows, the artist himself when he wets his thumb and sticks it in Steve's ear. "Dumbass," He says.
Steve finally gets everyone's thing about art.
He snaps a mental image of the afternoon and tries not to smother it in his hands.
Steve. His eyes open, bit by bit. And what he finds is blinding. Like he fell asleep in the back of his mother's station wagon and awoke to the screaming light of high noon.
Billy's like the sun, longer Steve knows him. Storm clouds be damned.
Like. He talks about art. And he feeds lines and compliments for shits and giggles, never really noticing that Steve falls for it, a dumb catfish stuck on Billy's sharp, unforgiving hook.
He does all that but he smokes. Weed and cigarettes. He drinks.
He takes Steve to parties and says, "Ever try this before, Bambi?" But it's just Jack Daniels. But. Billy leaning with his elbow on the wall next to Steve's neck, close enough that he can smell Billy's sweat and cologne. He's smiling and his lips are cherry red, rio red, and.
He wants to roll in it.
So. He says, "No," Because, "I haven't."
It's the truth.
So Billy feeds it to him right out of the bottle. Makes him get on his knees. Slaps Steve's wrists away when he tries to hold the vessel himself, because.
Something's happening. Here. There.
Steve stares up at Billy through his eyelashes, trying not to go blind.
He blacks out and wakes up in the face of some bitch in a red bikini.
He's still drunk, so it takes him longer than it should to realize she's a poster tacked to somebody's, and he's not at home, and someone's snoring on the rug next to him.
Steve wiggles his toes. Fingers. Tries to remember what happened after Billy's hair caught the dining room lamplight but it's all a blur of sea stone eyes and bright white teeth and all ten fingers, rubbing at him while he threw up under the four way stop on Douglas Street.
Steve groans.
He rolls onto his side and tucks into himself and falls asleep, hoping Billy got home okay.
It's silver when a warm, flat palm shakes him alive. "You gotta go," Someone says, their voice rough like flannel bed sheets.
Steve blinks up, into the silver light, and sees Billy. Considers padding from the mattress to sleep inside of Billy's throat, where he'll be warm. It's a familiar urge. It's entirely new.
Steve aches. "What time--"
"--Just before five. My dad gets up early for work," Billy says, like that's supposed to mean castles are crumbing in their kingdom, but he's staring at something on Steve' face.
Really puts things into perspective, because maybe it's supposed to be an emergency. The first wisps of smoke from a forest fire, but Billy has bed head. And pillow lines on his face. And he's looking at Steve like there's something stuck in his throat.
Steve rubs at himself, trying to clear exhaustion and embarrassment. Really, just rubbing it into himself like lotion. "It's Saturday." He says.
"We're poor," Billy tells him, "My dad--"
"Where am I?"
Billy stares at him for a moment and then chuckles, shaking his head, "With me," He mutters.
Steve wants to curl into it like a cat.
He's rushed out of the room. He has to climb through the window while Billy keeps watch like a guard dog, and Steve lands on his ankle funny so it isn't until later when he's showered and hung over and falling onto his own mattress that he realizes Billy was in a panic.
That was Billy panicking, like Steve gets when his dad tells him to clean his room before he gets home from work, but Steve was full of concrete and wouldn't do it. Just like that, but worse.
Steve tosses and turns and tries to decipher what there was to be panicked about. Billy's room was clean.
Not just clean but spotless, like someone took a billow pad soaked in bleach and scrubbed every wall and baseboard until nothing remained except that bitch in her red bikini.
The only witness to Steve crawling out through an open window.
The more he thinks about it the more it feels like an episode of The Twilight Zone.
He combs through the memory of waking up in Billy's room. He tries to piece together hazy, half-baked image of beige carpet and the bookshelf and the little makeshift vanity that housed all of Billy's hair products.
Steve searches for a spot of the boy he knows. He calls Samuel Baruch's name and hears it shatter against empty, maroon-colored walls and the bikini girl's airbrushed rack.
He tries to envision a wayward sock, left out in the cold. A cup of water on the bedside table. Used tissues on the bedsheets.
Steve blinks around his own room and wonders if clutter is a luxury only afforded to boys in houses paid by Monday through Friday workweeks.
He tries to imagine Billy in that room inside the house on Cherry Lane, happy, sleeping until noon in his own boyhood nest while his father gets ready for work.
It sits heavy in Steve's chest. A fairytale.
Billy asks him during homeroom on Monday if he's ever had a weed brownie. Really, he scribbles it on a note and has Mary Sandoval stick it under Steve's elbow on her way to the bathroom.
Steve presses the note open on his desk until it's delicately wrinkled, mulling the question over in his mind. He spent the weekend driving himself crazy trying to come up with a reason to invite Billy over, a nook to slip into so he can ask the hard questions.
This could be it.
Steve peeks over his shoulder, flushing pink when Billy wags his tongue.
He has a black eye.
Steve snaps like a piece of rotted driftwood. He turns back to the note and scribbles no, but I'll try one if you have it. Has Mary take it back with her.
Figures. Billy should see his room. Steve should open his eyes.
"Why does it smell like that?"
"Like what, pretty boy?"
"Like. Gasoline."
Billy tilts his head back, laughter shooting like fireworks against Steve's ceiling, "It's just the dope. It's how it smells when you bake it into the--"
"--I don't like it."
"Why not?"
"I just think brownies are supposed to smell like chocolate," Steve says, handing the bag over with a wrinkled nose, "It's not a very appetizing smell."
"It's just weed."
"Weed smells gross, too."
"You don't like weed?"
"No, I just--"
"--We don't have to do the edibles if you don't want--"
"--I want to," Steve tells him. "Please." Instead of I'd do anything you asked me to. You're the influence my grandma warned me about. You're the lighter and the cigarette and the smoke in my lungs. Getting me high.
Billy nods, "Since you asked so nicely," and severs the baggy, tearing the first brownie in half.
"Woah," Steve says, embarrassed, "I know I've never had one before but I think I can do more than half."
"They're strong."
"I'm strong too," Steve says. When Billy blinks at him, confused, Steve flexes.
The noise Billy makes is like a duck getting run over by a clown car. It reverberates off the walls and Steve aches to stand and chase it. "You can always start out small and take more if you need to, hot rod."
Steve crosses his arms over his chest. "How strong are they?"
Billy shrugs, fiddling with the chewed plastic lip of the bag. "I kissed a boy on half," He says.
It's the first time since Billy came to town that he won't stretch to meet Steve's gaze.
Steve takes the bag from him and shoves the brownie into his mouth, coughing over the dry exterior.
"Easy, man, easy," Billy smacks him between the shoulder blades, grinning and rubbing his back once Steve swallows.
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shorelinessightlines · 9 months
Jupiter is often referred to as the star that failed. Max thinks about that, sometimes, when they're racing and he's just passed Daniel on track. He can look in his rearview mirrors and see the little three on the AlphaTauri—Daniel, in a shitty car he outperforms every weekend, and Max, already set for the podium.
When Max is particularly bored, he rewatches old races from 2014, ‘16, ‘18 and thinks about it, unbidden—how if Lewis and Max simply didn't exist, it might’ve been Daniel on the top step at the very end of the season. Daniel fighting for titles and wins, not letting anyone keep the 1st place cap on their head long enough to mess up their hair. If he'd just been a little quicker, a little more ruthless; if he'd stuck around long enough for the Honda engine, the RB19. If Daniel had just been a fraction of a second better.
Then Max feels bad for ever thinking such a thing. Not because it isn’t true, but because it sounds like something his dad would say.
Jos used to buy Max magazines full of interviews by Senna, Prost, Mansell. He said they were full of stars. He laughed at Max when they got home after Zandvoort in 2011, back when Max was still in karting and Daniel was just starting out in F1, and Max had said: "I want to be just like him."
That Christmas Jos bought Max a poster of Nigel Piquet and said, "This is the type of man you should be looking up to." Max hung it up on his ceiling that night and stared at it. He had thought, privately, that if Piquet was a star then he must have been one of those small stars, the ones that you can’t really see from Earth without a telescope. Daniel was closer, brighter. Sun-like.
He tore down the poster the next morning.
Jos was right, of course, to steer Max towards more successful heroes. Jos would never point to Daniel's article in GQ Sports and tell Max he's looking at a star. Daniel smiles at him, though, on the paddock and off, and it feels like sunshine.
He tells Daniel as much during the summer break, in Daniel's Monaco apartment, tipsy off some expensive wine Max can't even pronounce the name of.
"Jupiter is a very stupid planet," Max is ranting, unreasonably pissed about it. "You know, it has ninety-five moons? The fuck does it need ninety-five moons for? Stupid." He chugs another sip of wine, straight from the bottle. Daniel does the same.
"Jupiter?" Daniel muses after he swallows, less inebriated than Max but still drunk enough to have begun sitting on the couch upside down. The top of his skull almost touches the floor. "Mate, don't diss Jupiter like that. Space gets lonely, maybe."
Max snorts. "It is a planet, Daniel, it does not get lonely. It should just have one moon, or no moons. It is not very loyal."
"It is a planet, Maximus, it cannot be loyal," Daniel says back to him, snarky, in a high-pitched voice and a bad Dutch accent.
"Is that supposed to be me?" He shoves at him, accidentally causing Daniel's head to bang against the floor. Whatever. He deserves it. "Name one good thing about Jupiter."
Daniel shrugs as best as he can. "Biggest planet in our solar system or whatever the fuck. Why are we talking about Jupiter again?"
"Because it is awful, and my dad is not correct." Daniel laughs, at that.
"What? Does your dad, like, love Jupiter or something?"
Max points, accusatory. "See, that is exactly the point! He does not love Jupiter! In fact, he is awful about Jupiter!"
Max can almost see the gears in Daniel's head grind together slowly. "Then why are you dissing Jupiter?"
Max groans. His thoughts make less and less sense the more he goes on. "I am not, of course, dissing Jupiter. I am simply pointing out the fact that Jupiter is not a star and you, obviously, are a star." He's getting lost in his own, brilliant analogy.
Daniel says, "Oh yeah, Maxy?" He has his stupid smile on, the one that Max knows means he thinks Max is crazy but will indulge him anyway. "Well it's very nice that you think so."
"Of course I think so," Max scoffs, perfectly serious. He hates that he can't really look Daniel in the eye, sitting right-side-up. He opts to sit like Daniel, head towards the floor and legs slung over the back of the couch, so he can stare directly at him. "I am being serious."
"Well, I'm serious about that Jupiter shit. Best planet ever. Number one Jupiter defender, right here," Daniel slurs, pointing at himself and flashing his brilliant, sun-warm smile.
Max can't help but smile too.
"You are very stupid," he says, and it sounds like something else. "I am trying to tell you that I think you—you." He flushes, cutting himself off and looking away from Daniel, up towards the ceiling.
"Ah, whatever Maxy. You just can't accept Jupiter's superiority."
Max tries one last time, to make him understand. "Jupiter is called the star that failed," he says, trying to prove something.
Daniel is looking at him, he can feel it. His stare burns a hole in the side of Max's head. "I'm okay with that," he says, suddenly very very soft. "Jupiter's the biggest planet in the solar system. He's got a whole ninety-five moons."
"But he is not a star," Max scowls.
Daniel smiles again, smaller. Kinder. "He gets to orbit a star. He gets to be the biggest planet, and orbit a fucking star, the best star in the universe. That's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me."
Max shakes his head and says, "You are unbelievable." He reaches over to grab Daniel's stupid face and kiss him, and promptly falls off the couch.
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icarusredwings · 22 days
I rewatched Deadpool 2 and took notes.
Disclaimer: He's mentally ill and does mentally ill things (GASP, who would have thought?). Also, violence. A lot of violence. It's really long. Like.. really really long.
The very first words he says is "fuck wolverine"
Then blows his own head off with a shit ton of gasoline. Wonder if he had insurance on that appartment.
He started taking worldwide cases
He also admits to knowing "8th grade spanish"
"Passion of the christ. Then me." Says the man whos marvel jesus now.
I wonder how much wade owes cab guy.
Cab guy killed bandu Lmao
"What is it?"
"My IUD"
"A bomb??" Tell me why he was lowkey excited for it to be a bomb?
I love how serious he gets talking about how scared he is to be a dad.
This empire joke traveled from the first movie too.
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way but we can try" yes.
When making toaster strudles its almost as if he could sense them coming despite it being so silent. This kind of makes me think that Logans not the only one who just jumps up sometimes.
This man really just said "Fuck it" jumped out of a 2 story window, BOLTED after this guy as fast as he could, got hit by a car, rammed another car, and whole ass hugged this guy before jumping in front of a truck with him. I don't want to see anyone try to tell me he's one sandwitch drop away from jumping off a cliff.
Cinatography by Blind Al.
Directed by one of those guys that killed john wicks dog.
God I love Ryan Reynolds because you know it was him.
Wade stop peeing your pants in public.
Weasel "We still have bowie..." Yeah id lie to him too at this point.
"Yeah im fine"
Fucked up
Needy and
Emotional. Kübler ross apprently.
"Buck no more speaking lines for you" and he meant that shit.
Al is so humble and sweet. Making tea and giggling. Tries to shoot him and then just hears him collapse on the floor. How many times do you think he collapses on the floor a week? Just to be drimatic?
"Sweetheart can you speak up? Its a little hard to hear you with yhat pity dick in your mouth" Oh so shes his mom. Al is his fucking mom. Hands down. And the best one.
I love how he decided to do an entire bag of cocaine before dying. There was no reason for it and honestly was a waste of cocaine until you realize that these cocaine is wades whiskey. Shots dont work for him really, probably because hes already done it so much, but its the same way how Logan chugs that bottle before wade kidnaps him. Its easier to blame it on a substance then accept those were your actions.
Ness is so cute. The poster behind her has "I love you wade wilson" scratched into it. Its nice to know that his version of heaven is literally just a cozy Saturday morning with his wife.
Colossus just walking in to find wades body parts everywhere and put him in a bag like old dirty clothes lol
"Why cant I fucking die" tone was SO serious.
The fact that theres an x men rule book and its lowkey thicker then a bible. I bet you scott and Logan made 80% of those.
"That asshole was me" oh the tears. Baby boyy.
Wait isnt cable literally scotts son.
Im never going to understand this fucking time line jesus christ
Mutant rehabilitation?? What is he a drug addict? That kid is clearly in pain dipshits.
"X men trainee" is so funny
"Please stop cheating on me"
Daniel the pedophile looking ass
Bro casually signs ryan reynolds on the wolverine cereal box and then destroys his knee caps.
"Those guys hurt you??" It was at that moment, wade went ape shit.
Wade having fun in prison is so him. But come on imagine going to prison just for standing up to an abused child. Not to mention, His face when he immediately realizes how fucked he is and that "oh shit I actually DO have cancer now and it SUCKS"
Is it just me or does Cable reminds you of forge with all his cool fix it abilities. Or is he just futurey.
He didn't say were not friends to make him upset but to draw attention to himself. Him just eye rolling when stabbed in the hand was so funny too because he was like "Ouch. God damn it. Ducking OUCH."
Hes literally pleading with russel to find someone else to peotect him or hes gonna get molested because he cant do anything. His entire power is replacing dead cells WITH new cancer cells. His entire body is dying 24/7 but never fast enough to actually kill him, always regrowing way too quickly. Cancerous is better then dead.
"Get away from me kid" yeah cause he knows hes trouble and he REALLY doesn't wanna watch this kid die.
"Who the hell tries to kill a 14 year old boy"
"Kids give us a chance to be better then we used to be"
Dopinder is so wholesome. I love him so much. No i dont care that he killed a guy. Hes the type of friend you call to take to the movies or the zoo once every year and hes stoked just to be invited.
Peter: I just thought it looked fun :D
Dopinder: FUCK
Peter is that one dad whos kids left the nest and now he needs friends and a hobby so searches for the biggest weirdos he can find.
"Grab the boy- NOT INAPPROPRIATELY >:("
i love his crayon maps/plans
Oh my god weasel im not telling you anything ever again you snitch (same dude, cable is terrifying)
After crying over the love he has for his new team (x force) Wade confirms that he spent 10 years in special forces.
I love how supportive wade is with Peter despite him just being a normal dude only for him to immediately die LMAO
He just cassually lets his impulse win in which he steals a moped.
Oh i just noticed Dominos vitiligo. I always loved vitiligo charaters. Theyre so unique and barley ever given movie roles. Like why not?? Why wouldnt you want someone so beautiful? Im pretty sure she just has make up but it would be cool if not.
Something else is that cable just starts yeeting criminals out onto the street lol
"Theres nothing I cant kill" Let me intorduce you to the man whos on a constant road to dying but can never actually get there.
Im assuming cable wants to kill russel because he unleashes a big bad guy or something.
*cassually snaps neck back into place* Oh god that hurt!
Oh I was right! It was Juggernaut :)
Wade: *gets excited about being PHYSICALLY ripped in half*
"Rub my legs mama 🥺 I got growing pains"
"Oh noo! No no no Dp not again!" We love you Dopinder. Do not ever stop caring. "This shits happened before!?" Yes weasel. Sometimes your friends get ripped in half. Get used to it.
Wade just moves her gun to the right position.
Wade talking about saving russel is so serious that it makes you forget that he has a tiny baby ass rn. I couldn't make a deal with someone woth tiny baby legs... just... no. Not to mention that those baby legs are made of cancer.
"50 years from now you're super fucking dead"
Wade standing outside of the xmen mansion with his phone and a picture of a boom box playing music for Colossus to come outside and help him save russel is something i can see happening to Logan. They have a fight and he storms off to the mansion only for wade to stand outside like that.
"Hi Wade🎀✨️" "Hi Yukio!🥹 you guys make a super cute couple 😊 where was I? 🤨"
"So you wear a helmet so your brother cant read your mind?" "Yeaaahh" average kid conversations.
"Lets fuck some shit up is my legal middle name"
Okay sir edgelord.
Apprently wade has a gluten sensitivity
What is it with wade and metal men??? My man has a type.
"Im just gonna use this brick and maximum effort" Same wade. Same.
Yaayy!! Go yukio! Eveyone loves yukio.
"Thats how we do it in mother russia" What? Shoving an electrical cable up their ass and then put them in a pool? Damn. Ok.
That "I never should have never left you in that prison" with the hug? Man hed be a decent dad I think.
"Dont be ive been trying to make this happen for awhile" okay someone supervise him 24/7. Hes on the active watch list.
Wade: *is dying* Hi Yukio :D
Yukio: Hi wade :)
"R-dog" Oh my god hes too cute.
Them carrying the racist joke all the way til the end made me cringe but that was the point.
His last words being "do you wanna build a snow man?" Is such a deadpool thing.
I was NOT expecting to cry at the end of this stupid ass movie, AGAIN
"Dont fuck colossus" VANESSA KNEW
"Is there a knife in my dick?" "There's a knife in your dick."
Oh I just didn't even notice she has heterochromancia! <3 Aahh!!
"Dont scratch!" *shoots himself 8 times* "Love you! Bye."
Wolverine: ???
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jcdlem · 1 year
hi !! could you please write hcs about dating daniel larusso from karate kid ?? thank you 🫶
ೃ༄ Lola
daniel larusso dating hcs
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warnings: not beta or proof read
lets you ride on the back of his bike. hes not opposed to taking you to and from places in the slightest—he’ll even encourage you to loop your arms around his waist (so you dont get hurt, of course. totally not because it makes him giddy.)
passes you notes during class. they usually consist of trivial observations and invitations to go out; he might ask for answers, if youre covering a topic hes particularly bad at.
his love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. he reassures and compliments you daily, keeps his hands on you whenever he physically can.
hes especially fond of kissing your cheek, for some unknown reason. he does it as both a greeting and farewell—its a bit of a ritual between you.
shows off his karate once he starts making notable progress. he enjoys the validation, finds that it motivates him further.
asks you to accompany him to prom. he places a lot of effort into his proposal—finds a pretty spot by the shore, buys your favourite flowers, puts together a small poster, etc.
wins you the prizes at local fairs/golf n’ stuff. you have more than a few stuffed animals from him compiled in your closet—he likes to call them your ‘children’.
hesitant to open up about the situation with johnny. he doesnt want to worry you; if you mention it, he’ll brush it off and insist its not a big deal. even when it shows, through blood and bruises and whatnot, he denies it.
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scramratz · 20 days
Rant abt your Cds I'm curious
(Disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions and if yours differ from mine, fine. It’s not a sin to be wrong)
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Goo-Sonic Youth: Straight bangers all the way through. Girls love it when you show them your Sonic Youth cd. Extra points cuz the pamphlet unfolds into a sick poster
Midnight Vultures-Beck: Good album to clean the house to. Every song a banger. Beck as a person sets off alarms, though 🤔
Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot-Sparklehorse: Genuinely my favorite artist and album of all time. Fall asleep to Homecoming Queen often.
Siamese Dream-Smashing Pumpkins: Fire straight though. Good when you’re in a depressed 20-something mood. Better than Mellon Collie in my humble opinion.
Gorillaz-Gorillaz: The start of one of my favorite bands and objectively one of the best bands in the world don’t fight me on it I’ll kill you.
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Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots-The Flaming Lips: Solid album. Iconic cover art. “Do You Realize??” always got me feeling feelings
Violent Femmes-Violent Femmes: Top 3 favorite band. Every song went platinum in my household. Would have been higher but reminds me of my mom too much.
Dig Me Out- Sleater-Kinney: Got it because the name sounded familiar. Ended up loving them! Doesn’t sound right if it’s not played loud, though, and considering I live in an apartment, I don’t play it often.
Fear Yourself-Daniel Johnston: Got it because I love “Hi, How Are You” but haven’t been able to find it anywhere. Was pleasantly surprised! Hits the same melancholy spot but slightly more upbeat.
Figure 8-Elliot Smith: My favorite sad boy that definitely DIDN’T kill himself. Not my favorite Elliot album but every one of his albums is A tier personally.
The Diary of Alicia Keys-Alicia Keys: WENT QUADRUPLE PLATINUM IN OUR HOUSEHOLD. Prime cleaning the house on Sunday music. Dragon Days is seriously underrated.
Garbage-Garbage: Don’t know how to say this without sounding insane but this album sounds like the color #DC007F and I like that color a lot
2-Mac Demarco: The CHOKEHOLD Mac Demarco had on us artschool bitches in 2016 OMG. Was gonna change my name to Viceroy
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Money for Nothing- Dire Straits: Top tier dad music.
Lumine fever- The Adrenals: Got it cuz the cover looked cool. Was pleasantly surprised! They rock the adequate amount
Rocket to Russia- Ramones: They’re good but I don’t get the hype honestly. They’re the Flavor-Aid of Punk
Starfish- The Church: Only love one song on it, the only song anyone likes tbh. The rest are your standard 80s deal
Crooked Rain-Pavement: I really love Pavement but there is a thing as too much Pavement and I think I’ve reached it
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot-Wilco: Honestly should have been in A tier but all the pretentious music dudes I’ve met has soured this album for me so it goes in B outta spite. Jesus Etc my fave song tho
An Evening with Silk Sonic- Silk Sonic: Nice, short, gets me in a happy mood. Does what it needs to do!
Prolonging the Magic- Cake: John McCrea don’t really be singing, do he? He just fancy talkin
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Gigantic, Fuel, and The Nixons: I got all 3 on sale and they all sound the same and that sound is…ok? Like it’s alright background music
Blind Melon-Blind Melon: What was with 90’s bands putting random kids as their album covers? Decent listen, though.
Summerteeth-Wilco: Good background music. I can’t remember any songs off it.
Los Angeles/Wild Gift-X: I like X but I hate that fucking album art omg it’s so hard to look at. I like their songs individually but as a cohesive album, eh.
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Throwing Copper-Live: bought it on sale with the above 3 but liked this one substantially less. Only redeeming quality to me is the album art.
Ben Folds Five-Ben Folds Five: Misleading considering there’s only 3 of them. He sounds like my ex boyfriend from highschool before I realized I liked girls
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F Tier-
The Ragetones/Fall Apart-The Ragetones: Saw them play at a shitting basement show. Everything sounds better when you can barely hear yourself think.
F Punk-Big Audio Dynamite: Found it at the thrift and rehomed it outta pity. Sounds like the 80s in a bad way.
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earthtokhal · 2 months
Look at the end of the day, I do not think Daniel was blindsided, after all he does have a good team and he is a businessman. Maybe it's copium or hopium or confirmation bias, but it wasn't just Daniel's behavior this weekend. It was also Sergios and Marko's and Horners.
It was also that comment (now deleted) from the people who make his helmets and that CAA guy coming out of the woodworks.
It was the difference in how Sergio responded to that interview F1 poster compared to what Daniel said about definitely being here post break, but he isn't sure what car he will be in.
Do I think Daniel was compensating for losing out on something he wanted? No. He is genuine, and if Mclaren thought us something is that he won't hide behind a smile.
While I do agree that money/sponsors are playing a role here, I don't think they would have left it this long and letting the narrative go on for so long if the solution was just some extra cash from the sponsor.
So considering that, it's possible that this is to keep everything quiet until they're ready to make the announcement or make a proper decision because if the decision was SO easy and could be made in a single meeting, despite everything they said before, why was it left so long?
If this is true, I have a few theories.
1. Max genuinely thinks about jumping the ship, which makes letting Sergio go a bit risky. They could do well with those sponsors next year. In that case, Daniel would be brought up in 25, which would explain his behavior.
2. Sergio and his people managed to negotiate a retirement option. He races in Mexico, and he sees this year through, and perhaps the team gains some money from it. In that case, Daniel would still move up.
3. They genuinely do not rate Liam right now and will be putting Sergio in the vcarb. In that case, Daniel would still move up, Liam gets some extra runs during filming day, and he would return to the grid next year.
4. A decision has been made, but like Mclaren and even Red Bull before, assuring everyone that the boat will not rocked will ensure a good break and media staying away from them only to come out with the decision closer to the end of break
5. Nothing changes, and I will pray every day for mclaren and Ferrari, possibly merc too, to beat them because truly not even sponsors can justify this because even though he bring money, the cost cap doesn't change and he's wasting away money that could be spent on upgrades. In this case, I want both titles gone.
All in all, the idea that it's now Daniel who could lose his seat when he's been top 2 Red Bull driver for multiple weeks in a row is insane.
He's a genuine guy, a good guy, and he has never wished bad on Sergio or Liam despite the narrative around them from day 1. I truly believe that he will be rewarded.
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laura1633 · 25 days
I know I don't post much about Daniel or George but wow this really annoyed me today when I read it! I’ve linked to the original post rather than totally hijacking the thread but excellent points by the original poster and also in the tags - Original post for context
F1 has tried to make a show of stopping online hate and toxicity in the sport but then you have journalists who have lots of inside access to the sport making comments directly about a driver's personality that is no way related to their driving abilities. It’s happened before with other journalists and it will unfortunately continue to happen. 
It is really uncalled for. He could have just complimented Oscar without dragging George and Daniel into it. There is a line between criticising a driver's performance and attacking something personal about them. 
Also, I need to know at what age Daniel is meant to stop enjoying himself? What age does he need to fade into the background like a wallflower? Is it at 26 or 30 or some other random age chosen by Will Buxton (and I believe he is factually incorrect about Daniel flipping the bird) 
And saying George is trying to be some weird talented Mr Ripley character, excuse me?!! Does Will know who that character actually is because that is quite the statement!!
Basically Will Buxton doesn't gel with Daniel and George's personalities and therefore they must be fake. 
Even if there are certain aspects of putting on a show in front of the media (not that I am suggesting these particular drivers are) then that is fine, they are allowed to do that. They are entitled to keep a part of their genuine self outside the public realm as much as possible, it doesn't mean they are trying to trick us, its not an evil conspiracy!!
What is it with journalists attacking drivers personally?! I don’t know how they have the audacity to then sit down next to them and interview them and act like they are best buddies. 
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singerorpheus · 4 months
Hadestown - West End - 26/05/2024 Dónal Finn (Orpheus), Madeline Charlemagne (u/s Eurydice), Allie Daniel (Fate), Bella Brown (Fate), Beth Hinton-Lever (u/s Fate), Lauren Azania (Worker), Tiago Dhondt Bamberger (Worker), Lucinda Buckley (Worker Swing), Waylon Jacobs (Worker), Christopher Short (Worker) Do not share outside of Tumblr.
The instrumental at the start is cut off (tumblr limit, sorry!), but Orpheus was literally right in front of my face having a break down so I have to tell you for posterity. When this starts, he kisses his necklace (I'm once again asking what his damn necklace is), staggering and desperately hitting his chest to the sound of the keys, so grievously hurt. You can hear him shushing the Fates before they sing their first 'Where is she now?' here! The stage is so so dark, it really looks like Orpheus is alone here, until Eurydice starts singing with that big bright light, but he keeps on panicking. Madeline does a magical, heartbreaking thing here singing 'Orpheus' before she goes.
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jaidens · 1 year
Hopelessly Devoted (To You) - D.L.
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pairing[s] : daniel larusso x reader
warning[s] : none
a/n[s] : hi! if i made any mistakes tell me please! <3 also writing for unpopular fandoms is fun lol.
wc : 1,107
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Daniel was your best friend. He had protected you whenever your ex-boyfriend got angry, finding out that you were not into him anymore. This ended up in Daniel, leaving a black eye and a bloody nose. After the fight, you helped him and brought him to your convertible. You opened the door and sat him in the passenger seat with a napkin held to his cut, temporarily stopping the blood.
You drove to your house as he held a napkin to the cut on his face. You put the radio on to take over the silence wrapping around each other. You sang quietly and tapped your wheel on your driveway.
You opened the door and helped Daniel out of the car and held his waist, and his arm was wrapped around your shoulder. His cologne took over these senses as you pulled him into your house. You let him go grab stuff from your medicine cabinet as he walked to your bedroom and sat on your bed. He admired your room, running his hand down your comforter.
You anxiously ran into your room and shut the door softly, your hands filled with medicine, and things to help with the cuts on his face. You sat on your bed in a cris-cross position and wet the cotton pad with an antiseptic to begin running over the open wounds. You padded it to the cut above his eyebrow, and he stared at you with a look of appreciation. It was comfortable tranquility, as the only thing heard was the crickets outside, the passing cars, and your soft breathing as you concentrated on the Jersey boy in front of you.
That is when you realized that you were in love with Daniel. His brown eyes were half-lidded, and his cut lip was pouted. He smiled at you and said, “What I got somethin’ on my face?” You smiled and shook your head, “No I jjustcan't believe you did that for me. Thank you. Really.”
He quickly closed his eyes when the antiseptic touched his cut lips, and hissed in a breath. You let out a soft apology and take it off your lip. “It’s alright. I swear. It just stung.” You put the pad to the side to bandage his cut with a butterfly stitch and pull it away from his face. “Your lip is a gonna take, maybe a week to heal. Just be careful okay?” You tell him before getting up to throw away all your pads and put the antiseptic away. He nods yat ou and smiles.
Once you put everything away, you returned to the room. He stares at you before asking, “How did you know how to do all of that?” You sit down next to him and fall into your bed and huff. “One of my family members is a nurse. They taught me after one of my cousins got hurt real bad. They wanted us to be all safe so we were taught how to stitch things up.” You explained that he had watched your face. “Oh wow, Ma’ usually cleans me up. She would get mad if she saw what I looked like right now. Speaking of her, I should call her.” He speaks.
You point him to your telephone that sits on your side table, and he punches in his house phone number, and it begins to ring. He sits on the call with his mom, explaining how he is staying the night at a friend's house, he will go to school with such a friend tomorrow morning. He mumbles her about how he loves her. You hear a thick accent telling him to speak up, and he does, finally saying “I love you Ma. Goodnight.” You smiled at him, domestically, making your body tingle.
You're in love. With your best friend. The beautiful, handsome, strong, and hilarious Daniel Larusso. You cannot blame yourself, and many girls begin their affection for him. You were definitely not the only one.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He states Before you realize that you have been zoned out on him. Thinking about him. You catch yourself and look away, going to stare at the many romance movie posters you have staples on your wall. Olivia Newton-John staring back at you. “Nothing. I just blanked out and didn't realize where I was looking.” He turned around on your bed, kicked his conversation off the floor, and began lying on your bed.
You begin and turn your head to look at him and he turns as well; staring into your eyes, “Why did you do that for me? Truly. Like, why did you get your ass kicked for me?” You question him before he blows out air.
“Well, I mean, I felt like I had to. You are my best friend, and I think it is my duty to make sure you are safe. And, gosh, watching that dick try and grab you made me angry. I'll always protect you.” He turned to look up at the ceiling and his hands on his chest as you continued staring at him.
He looks at you and you gain eye contact. You put your hand on his face gently and pull your lips together. You can feel that your hand touches your waist softly. You pull away and let out your breath. “I think.. I think I love you anniously. And I do not know what to do. You're my best friend.” You admitted. All of your feelings began to pool in your chest, threatening to come out if they were not let out. “You’re so kind to me. How could I not love you? You are the best guy ever. So many people would agree.” It comes pouring out your hold onto him and feels so close to you.
“If it helps, I've loved you too. I remember seeing you and thinking you were the prettiest girl I've ever seen.” The patient mumbled into your shoulder. You laid him further into him. “Does this mean we're dating now?” Daniel always tries to make light of things, which is what he is doing now. You take your head out of his chest and place your lips once again. “Yes. Definitely yes.” You told him to lie down after going back.
You woke up the next morning, sunlight pouring through your window and laying on Daniel's warm skin. You admired him for some time as he slept. You were so lucky. Maybe you can now officially understand Mrs. Olivia Newton-John when she sings about being hopelessly devoted. Now, you have your boy to be devoted to. Hopelessly, devoted.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
how accurate to books is loumand relationship? I was under the impression armand was actually loved by Louis and others and just not perceiving it?
a bit heartbroken to see armand so deprived of love in s2
Oh they do love each other. It's the "crowning evil" that they can love each other (that is what Louis calls it).
Loumand... starts out infatuated, and they do fall in love, but Armand engages Louis because he is Lestat's (who is in the dungeons by then), and he manipulates him as well as canonically(!!) uses his mind and spell gift to make Louis do things, or subdue him, et cetera. He also lies to him (and to Lestat, but who's counting^^)
Louis knows Armand had Claudia killed/did not prevent it. Louis knows Armand used him to kill the coven. Louis goes with Armand after because there's nothing else left.
Paris is not the big wholesome romance. It never was (and the show never intended it to be, as the posters and marketing clearly indicate). They later forgive each other and share a loving, easy relationship in Trinity Gate in the books, but Dubai ... is not that.
Dubai is the result of what happened in San Francisco, and I think the next episode will make that abundantly clear^^.
The writers and producers have likened Dubai to a "golden cage" and the set design and costuming also speaks a very clear language there.
As per "heartbroken to see Armand deprived"... it is tragic. Because Armand unfortunately goes about getting and keeping that love the way he does - not only with Louis, but also with Lestat - and Daniel.
Luckily Daniel is the match for him though, at least eventually^^
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