#dannymay day 15: field trip
five-rivers · 28 days
The next part of my pollfic! You guys got me with a tie last time. I tried my best!
(Edited to actually put the poll in, sorry about that.)
For a moment, Danny was paralyzed by indecision.  Who should he go to?  Who should he help?  But then he remembered that this wasn’t a combat situation.  He could help both, one at a time.  
There were, perhaps, some negative side effects from spending his formative years as a ghost as a superhero and satisfying his Obsession through combat.  It was very unfortunate.  Useful in combat!  Less so at other times.  
But he should ask the large man first, or else by the time he finished translating for the attendant he might be done.  He inched closer, hovering so he could actually see what the man had spread out on his table.  
His heart sank when he saw clay tablets and papyrus scrolls covered with the tiny, black squiggles of Coptic.  
Danny knew a fair amount of Akkadian cuneiform.  While Pandora tended to focus on the immediately and practically applicable when it came to language lessons, Clockwork had a more chronological method.  As in, he seemed intent on teaching Danny languages in the order of when they were first written down, except for when a certain language was necessary for one of the time field trips he sometimes sent Danny on.  
(He had not, perhaps, revealed the extent of those trips to his parents.  A story for another time.)
Coptic was, sadly, not among those.  
Still.  He was a bit more concerned about the expressions of abject suffering the man was making.  
“Um, excuse me?  Sir?  Are you alright?” asked Danny.  He bobbed in the air, near the man’s shoulder.  “Do you need help?”
The man looked up in clear surprise, eyes flicking over Danny from head to toe.  Not that there was a whole lot of Danny to look over right now.  “Ah,” he said, “I am afraid I have reached beyond my grasp, but unless you have the Coptic and the language of Blessed Sargon both, it is not to be.”
“I know some Akkadian.  I could translate it into English and then you can put it into Coptic?” suggested Danny. 
“Alas, I am going the other way,” said the man, pulling slightly on his curly beard.  “The Coptic, into mine own language, yes?”
“Oh,” said Danny, deflating further.  “Okay.  Sorry.  You just looked, um…”
“Wait,” said Dad.  “He’s from ancient Sumeria?  Ask him what that was like!  He’s got to know so much stuff!”
Danny was not going to ask him that.  That would be rude, considering how hard he was working, and edged just a little too close to asking a stranger about their death for Danny’s peace of mind.  
“That is very dear of you, to come see,” said the large man.  “Perhaps after this, our paths cross again, hm?”
“Maybe,” said Danny.  “Sorry for interrupting you.”
The man waved him off, already refocusing on his tablets.  Danny gathered up his things and hurried to the attendant’s desk only to discover that she had been watching him.  But for how long?
“Hi!” he said, a little nervous from the pressing need of his Obsession.  “I finished this translation, and I was wondering if I could help you out with the others you mentioned?  Or other Elysian ones?”
The attendant stared at him for a long moment, and Danny got the distinct and vaguely embarrassing sense that his Obsession had been correctly clocked.  
Then her face scrunched up into the expression people made when they had seen something indescribably cute.  Ugh.  
“Oh my goodness,” she said, “that’s so lovely and sweet of you to offer!  Like I said, we have a pretty big backlog, so any help you can give us there is greatly appreciated.  But… if you don’t mind doing something that isn’t strictly translation, there’s something else you can help us with that needs Elysian Greek.  Among other things.”“Er, Danno,” said Dad, “why are we doing this?  I thought you just wanted to give us a look around the library?”
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Gotham field trip
Wes has decided to use their class's Gotham field trip to investigate Batman's identity. Nothing could go wrong.
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day 15: field trip
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dannymayevent · 1 month
Dannymay 2024
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Welcome back to Dannymay! We sincerely apologize for the delay this year, as we're releasing this just a day before the event is due to start. Life's been a bit hectic for all of us, but we're here now and ready to get this event started for you!
If you aren't aware, Dannymay is a yearly event where creators are given a daily prompt and are free to run with it! Any and all art is allowed; fanfiction, fanart, music, poetry, and anything else will be welcomed!
Feel free to complete as many or as few prompts as you'd like, and remember to have fun! When you're done, post your creations to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2024 tag so we can see it!
Like last year, we'll be compiling an ao3 collection under the tag Dannymay 2024, and we'll fire up the Dannymay discord for another year - the link is in our FAQ!
Full text prompt list and AU explanations are below the cut
2. Wish
3. Invisible
4. Wander
5. Nails
6. Immortal AU: What if Danny/Halfas couldn't die?
7. Mind Control
8. Style Challenge: A unique prompt to kick off the second week! Take the characters and draw them in the style of a different piece of media, or experiment with your own style and see what you can make!
9. Hunger
10. Mausoleum
11. Mutation
12. Time Travel
13. D&D AU: Drop the characters into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, or imagine them playing the game!
14. Light
15. Field Trip
16. Glowing Veins
17. Equilibrium
18. Revenge
19. Iron
20. Pitch AU: What if the show had aired as presented in the Pitch Bible, where Danny is a human with an owl named Spooky, rides a motorcycle, and has a psychic connection with Sam? For more information, the Bible has been uploaded to the Internet Archive
21. Funeral
22. Song Lyric: Just one week left! Take a line from a song you like and use that as inspiration!
23. Reflection
24. Electricity
25. Games
26. Shoes
27. Zombie AU: What if the ghosts were zombies, or what if canon Amity Park were to face a zombie apocalypse?
28. Healing
29. Fireworks
30. Goodbye
31. Free Day: You made it, thanks for participating in the event! For the last day, create anything you'd like!
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eggieeggman · 28 days
DannyMay part 3! I am nothing if not inconsistent. <3
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Day 11 was Mutation! (Forgot to write the prompt on it) I am literally obsessed with this one and I'm definitely writing a companion fic for it.
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Time travel is actually something I Do Not Like, but 80s/90s Danno was very fun to draw.
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D&D!!! Let's shine some light on someone other than Danny, huh? Sam is for sure a Druid. Tucker I'd say... Artificer? What do you think?
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Like holding a handful of grapes.
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Field Trip! Baby Ellie visits a dino museum! Better hope that baby leash has some sort of ghost-containment tech in it!
15! We're halfway there!
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norclop · 1 year
I'm sorry, but why have we stopped the field trips to the ghost zone tropes? I mean Peter Parker gets to go to Stark tower at least twice a week and we can't chug Danny into the infinite realms at least one a month?
And if it's because there are too many copies of the same story with slight variations, then spice it up. The realms hold an infinite amount of possibilities, hence the name.
Throw in some Amity Park is weird. Do the whole thing from the perspective of a visiting friend or relative that is just so scared and confused because this place is creepy and traumatizing and Danny's class is greeting ghosts like old friends and going around like they've been there before and surrounded by this big toxic green ocean, they look less human.
Do it like a normal field trip, but with some ghostliness. Take the class to clockworks tower or the different dead cultures for a history lesson, invite them to the beach and make it ghostly, take them to the zoo and show us every mythical creature the zone has collected over the years.
Do it with a crossover, make Danny's ghost parents stand there the whole trip and let it change the trope, what about a teachers perspective? And if it's retold to a parent after the fact how would that parent react?
There's a million things to explored that we haven't even touched upon. What are we doing wrong? Why are we wasting all this potential?
Edit: We made it! Field trip ia now day 15 of the dannymay event. Thanks ladies and gentlemen for giving this important part of the fandom a new chance.
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kimerawrt · 28 days
Dannymay 2024, now with kitty paws!
Prompts from my AU, also in AO3
Day 15: Field trip
The bus full of teenagers reached its destination and released the young people plus a teacher from its insides. The crowd of teens, guided by the teacher, walked with little motivation towards the huge building in which they would learn more about the wonders of space with some physics mixed in it.
Well, one teen was not bored at all.
“Oh man! I can't wait to see the planet's exhibition. I heard they will tell us about the winds on Jupiter” Danny was so excited that he was practically vibrating.
“Danny dude, if you hadn't rambled about this exact topic three times already, I would be impressed by the super destructive winds” Tucker said before yawning. 
They had stayed up until very late last night because the Box Ghost decided to be his annoying self and slip away every time he saw Danny incoming. Of course, anyone would run away if they saw a lion skeleton on fire running at them. The halfa was disappointed that there were no fun boxes to play with.
“Heh. Sorry, I just want to know if they will mention that sharks, as a species, are older than Saturn’s rings” Danny tried to be less excited but was unsuccessful.
“That makes sharks sound even cooler” Sam mumbled before taking a sip from her black thermos filled with coffee.
“Sharks are cool and smooth” Tucker nodded.
“Sharks are not smooth Tuck” Sam groaned but let it go. She didn't have the energy to start their usual debates over useless things.
“Do you think there could be alien sharks in Europa?” Danny speculated.
“Like, the continent?” Tucker was not really awake enough to follow Danny’s usual space rambles.
“The ice moon Tuck” Sam remained him after sipping on her coffee.
“Hmm? Oh yea! Totally, alien smooth sharks” Tucker nodded.
“That would be so cool” Danny's excitement only grew at that statement.
The halfa was thinking if he could take a little trip using the Infi-map to see if there are smooth alien sharks in Europa. He was getting so excited about it that he was really starting to vibrate now.
“Danny you are purring again” Sam mumbled.
“Can't help it” Danny did not even try to stop it.
“Good thing I brought this thing with me” Tucker then put out from his backpack a strange gadget that looked like a pair of homemade speakers. The gadget did nothing at all, but they pretended to prank Danny to explain the sound of purring coming from him from time to time.
A few minutes later, the class started their field trip to the observatory, purring halfa included.
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laxyaklovesloz · 14 days
DannyMay 2024 #15 Field Trip
Danny was eight when his class took a field trip to the observatory in town. His parents were chaperones, but they didn’t bother changing out of their normal jumpsuits. They looked like eccentric freaks and just had to single him out as their son. He hung his head in shame and buried his face in his hands. All the kids laughed at him. His parents didn’t notice.
At least he had his best friends Tucker and Sam by his side. Tucker stood with his fists clenched and glared at the other kids. Sam wrapped an arm around Danny in a comforting way. Even though Danny was the school's weirdo, he would never be alone. The thought lifted him throughout the whole trip.
Everything in the observatory fascinated Danny. It was also a space museum and housed rocks that came from space! He pressed his face up against the glass that protected the space rocks, wishing he could touch them. He wanted to feel what space was like.
Later, they experienced the night sky but inside. Everyone oohed and ahhed when the lights dimmed and stars appeared above them. Their chairs reclined so that they could see everything on the doomed ceiling. Danny’s heart swelled at the sight of the Milky Way. It was so awesome and… magical.
Danny knew from that day on that he wanted to visit the stars.
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Dannymay days 15 & 22:
Field trip / song lyric
“Glaring at me
Through the glassy surface there”
- Ghost of Chicago
For these prompts, my friend @rice-n-honey and I decided to collaborate to bring you this fic!
It’s set in an AU that we’ve been working on a longfic for for a while, we hope you enjoy 💚💙
Rice’s Masterpost
Auto’s Masterpost
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jus-a-lil-mouse · 29 days
DannyMay Day 14: Light
AMITYSTAR: Pale blue-gray tabby with long whiskers and large ears.
DannyMay Day 15: Field Trip
QUILLSTEP: Brown tom with spiky fur and dark brown flecks. (Mr. Lancer)
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salmonight · 3 days
Dannymay 2024 content masterpost
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2. Wish
3. Invisible
4. Wander
5. Nails
6. Immortal AU
7. Mind Control
8. Style Challenge
9. Hunger
10. Mausoleum
11. Mutation
12. Time Travel
13. D&D AU
14. Light
15. Field Trip
16. Glowing Veins
17. Equilibrium
18. Revenge
19. Iron
20. Pitch AU
21. Funeral
22. Song Lyric
23. Reflection
24. Electricity
25. Games
26. Shoes
27. Zombie AU
28. Healing
29. Fireworks
30. Goodbye
31. Free Day
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coffeecakecafe · 3 years
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I posted 1,525 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#hey y’all i’m probably gonna rb this like twice a day thru the weekend lol sorry for spam u can blacklist ‘coffee commissions’ from here
My Top Posts in 2021
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dannymay 2021: day 29 - CONSPIRACY
5861 notes • Posted 2021-05-30 05:59:41 GMT
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dannymay 2021: day 26 - LUCK
shh they’re bonding
6904 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 04:38:49 GMT
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I thought I’d saved the post but I didn’t anyway whoever said dp could carry riverdale vibes was right. I’ve never watched riverdale.
surely this joke has been made before lol
7711 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 20:54:45 GMT
i'm gonna make a midnight treat does anyone want my recipe for warm milk & honey while I'm at it lol
it usually zonks me out but I'm not very sugar sensitive so ymmv
12430 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 07:50:06 GMT
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dannymay 2021: day 16 - GLOW
y’all ever go on a cave field trip? I loved those. Danny did not.
15634 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 07:32:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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